• •
We devote this little work of our hands to the greater glory of God the Father, whose sons we are; of God the Son, in the shadow whose cross we struggle towards the crown of life; and of the Holy Ghost whom we bear within us. May we, as men of La Salle, carry on for God
and country according to the religious instruction l
we have received.
The twenty-acre campus of La Salle Ia altuated on the aummlt of a hill overlookinq beautiful Wiater Woods. The heart of the campus is the quadranqle including the Grotto of Lourdes and ihe Sacred Heart Statue. Trees
and ahruba abound on the campua between the main bulldlnq. McShaln Hall. and the coUeqo bulldlnq. The architecture is Gothic In style which allowa for beauti and convenience. These a1trlbutea add up to make It the moat beautiful campus in the city.
This is our school. To us it is much more than a group of beautiful buildings on a spacious campus. It is many thmgs thmgs that cannot be ex~essed in words. La Salle is the good points of every one of its students. Constant association with it for four years makes it a part of us a big part which can never be forgotten. This feeling gives us a certain pride in being a part of La Salle. It makes us want to do•big things for the honor of La Salle. It brings back pleasant associations of a grand group of fellows who have been molded into fine Catholic gentlemen by the Christian Brothers. They are a big part of La Salle. They introduced us lo the field of knowledge; they helped those who needed help and madE' men out of boys by their constant assistance and guidance. In addition to this La Salle is the prom . . . the football field . . . the Chapel . . . Brophy . . . a basketball game ... the practice field at lunch Lime ... all these and more. This book is our attempt to portray La Salle by portraying its students.
Tho " 26" is late as usual and hero we are hustlinq to school after our two-week Christmas vacation. Hopinq lor yellow slips but expectinq white, we plan our excuses.
Here we are puttinq our top coats in our lockers, askinq the usual questions: "Where's my triq?" "Who switched the locks?" "Who borrowed my pen?"
We pay special tribute to God every First Friday. Here father O'Connell distributes Holy Communion to the as路 sembled student body.
Future clzaftsmen in the maldnq are qlven their foun路 dation under the capable quldance of Bro. Godwin Patrick.
"Murph" Mlodzlanowakl, former qrld and court star. highlights the North Catholic football rally. which was the first of its kind In the h!atory of La Salle.
• •
• • •
For the paat four yeara Brother Emlllan bas put forth bla qreatest ef· fort In the welfare of La Salle. We appreciate very much bls lntorest and work ln our behalf.
When we bscame Freshmen Brother David took over his new office as prln· c:ipal. Tbrouqh these four yeara be has qained our utmost reapect and ap preclation for his endeavors.
Brother David Albert gives his helpful advice to "Moe" Sweeney, as he has done for every earnest student troubled with vocational and scholastic difficulties. He has worked tirelessly to obtain new and helpful information for the benefit of the students. Proof of our appreciation lies in the steady ilow of students to his office. We sincerely thank Brother for his kind assistance. His help will contribute towards our future success.
On the arrival of Brother Clementian two years ago, the office of Prefect of Studies was created to give advice to students desirous of improving scholastically. Brother has fulfilled his duty with outstanding success because of his personal interest in every student. He has well earned the respect and cooperation of the entire student body. We will well remember his untiring efforts on our behalf.
In his two years at La Salle Brother Patrick has held several offices with great success. During his first year he taught Algebra II. In his second, he dropped teaching to take office as Vice-Principal, Director of Athletics, and Prefect of Discipline. His friendly manner has made him a favorite of the students. He will hold a high place in our memories of La Salle.
The typical scene at 20th and Olney on any weekday morning is hundreds of eager students hustling to the campus of their Alma Mater. They come from near and afaras far as Merchantville, N. J., in some cases: they come on foot, by automobile, bus and any other possible means of trans· portation that presents itse lf. These students are filled with the joyful anticipation of another day of happy periods, tests, etc. as they dash up the steps just in time to beat the 8:45 bell and avoid Brother David's a dmit-to-class slips. Then these fellows are confronted by the ingenious combination locks on the lockers. Repeated banging and heavy breathing can be heard as they wrestle with these little demons of distraction. After getting their books, the fellow s congregate in small groups to discuss•various things of varying importance; studies, sports, social activities and in gene ral anything that comes into their minds. f h ese "bull sessions" are one of the highlights of any fellow's school career. The n, after their perilous journey to school. their struggle at the lockers, their exchange of ideas on home assignments . .. on to class.
THE moRninG BEGinS
The usual variations of student life are typified here as preparation. comparison, pugnacious caperlngs, and Juvenile fillbusterlnga are at their height.
Who's going to get the short end of this deal? We think it wlll be Brother Eadbert when two "shylocks" like Spillan and O'Brien are concerned.
Students seek late and absentee slips. The Inventors of the best stories aT& awarded yellow slips in place of the customary white ones.
Devotion, respect, and homaqe are evident aa we earneslly beseech God throuqh the moat eHectlve chan路 nel, the rosary of His Holy Mother. lor the qraces and favors which we desire.
Brother Emlllan, President; BroQler David. Principal of La Salle High School: Brother Clementlan. Prefect of Studies: Brother Felix Patrick. Director of Athletics: Brother David Albert, Guidance Direc路 tor; Brother Clement, Principal of La Salle Central
Senior B displays ita cuatomary attention and adm ir路 atlon at the discourse of Ita moderator, Brother Donia WUfred. durlnq the morninq Reliqion period.
Mr. O'Brien, Physical Education; Mr. Bernard Bradley. Football Coach: Brother D. Aloysius, Enq路 llah; Brother F. John. Typewritlnq; Brother Godwin Patrick, Alqebra. Drawinq: Brother Daniel. Latin. History.
Brother E. James. French. Music; Brother Denis Willred. Enqlish; Brother Felix John. Mathematics; Brother F. Raymond. Spanish; Brother G. Lewis. Librarian; Brother D. Luke. Enqllsh.
It's obviously a touc;rh problem. Indicated by the attitude of Brother Stephen's class. as he sets a wayward student on the path ol tho elusive 路路x路路.
Brothe r F. Francis Enqlls h
Brother D. Mlchael Spanlah
Brother G. Raymond Chemi.try. Alqebra
Brother Joseph Biology
Brother E. Francia Mathematlcs
Brother Stephen. German, Alqebra; Brother Euqene, Mathematics; Brother D. Michaet His tory: Brother Austin. Mathematics; Brother Anselm. History. English; Brother Christopher. Bloloc;ry.
OUR SUCCESS ORS, THE CLASS Of , 46 .. . The class of 1946, which will take over in our stead next September, is the largest in history of La Salle. consisting of two hundred and thirty hve students, divided into eight groups. Although no soc1al functions were sponsored by the class this year, plans are already laid for an extensive p rogram of 路 entertainment next year. ,Best wishes to our successors!
Brother Michae l W. Pfa ff Brother Eliqius }. Rich Bro ther Francis R. Crumlish Bro the r Robert A. Exner Brother D. Luke }. Fanuka Brother G. RaymondP. Sunderman Brother Aloysius T. Crane Brother D. John }. Mackin
JUniORS 3A- Top row (left to rlqht): D. Minull. G. Schultz. J, Toland. W. Platt, W. Me路 Cool C. Gatley, W. Creqan, W. Grauer. J, Ward, J. Brown. Middle Row: H. Reclmer, H. Hettel. D. Burke, L. Xlock. J, Burke, C. Devlln. J. MePeak. J. Smythe, H. Richards, J. Gibbo~a.
Front row: P. Josberqer. J. Foster. P. l:aufmao. H. l:auhnan, W. Ba:Ue7, C.
P:JI..ner, R. Smith, R. Teller, W. Me路 Nichol. W. O'Connell. R. Baney. L. Dillon
3B- Top row: (left to rlqht): J. Grace, R.
J, O'Shauqnessy. M. Maaclantonlo. Grovea, C. O'Neut. J, EUis, J, Rich, Murphy, J, Cannon. Middle row: J. Moser. R. Bunker. Mundy. J. EU.perman, J, Scanlln.
J. L. Xlnq, W. Chase, W. Burna, C. Be<rlty. D. Cannon. Front row: J. Salmon. C. Clark. R. O'Brien. J, Kelly, E. McDermott, G. Hines. C. McElroy. W. Connor. H. l:eamy, J. Comerford. J. Douqhe,rty.
JUniORS 3C- Top row (left to rlqhl): C. Dlnqer. R. Miller, J. Hamilton. J. Campbell, E. McGinley, J. Vena, D. Zinc. P. Plrhalla, T. McGovern. Middle row: R. Polk. J. Kane, J. Hochatuhl. E. McGee. H. Qui=. H. Bracken. C. Schoepe. F. Cech. F. Gor路 man. Front row: E. O'Draln. H. Sears, J. Callan, R. Crumllah. F. Loperqolo, J. Gil路 leapie. W. Borbldqe. A. Pezzlllo, J. Crane, R. Valenti.
3D-Top row (left to rlqbl: F. O'Neill. J. Gillin, A. Exner. E. Xleaer. J. Weqlicld, D. Palmer, T. Martin. J. Donohue. B. Schreiber. Middle row: C. Hell. E. McLouqblin, W. Lockott. R. Klcknor, R. Woqan, H. Kiely, F. Griffin. D. O'Connor. C. Wynn. Front row: A. Poplawski, E. Trois. J. Land. E. Stemmler, J, MoHell, J. Mal路 loy. J. Ford, C. Schellhardt. J. Sabia.
3E--Top row (left to rlqbt): M. Vesey.
J. Kane. D. Lappe, R. Buck. J. Fanuka. J. Torrence. Middle row: J. Forbes. F. Farnan. J. O'Callahan. W. SchaHer, W. Boehm. T. Summers, R. Stober. Front row: J. Devlin, D. Galea. J. Ber路 qin, J. Milnamow, R. Halpin, M. Anq&lotll, G. Bennett, B. Miller, A. Monlaqno.
Our capable Guidance Director. Brother David Albert, substitutes for Brother G. John. and the outcome Ia an lntereatlnq tallc on scholarship opportunities and requirements.
Frank Lux. member of 4C. contributes to an intereatlnq discussion by readlnq about one of the topics of that Intricate aublect. Apoloqetlcs.
The new members of the student body learn to watch their " p'a" and "q'a" on adence latest triumph, the typewriter.
JUniORS 3F- Top row (left to riqht): W. Me· Causland. J. Welch. J. Graef. C. D'Ama· rio. G. Relaa. M. Nicholas, P. Arizln. W. Charlton, J. Heffron. W. Daily. Middle row: D. Larkin. P. Sunder· men. W. Whiteside, R. Welton, H. Pletcher, W. Fairbrother. W. Oschell. R. Melley. E. Mahoney. N. Maqulre. J. Gibbons. Front row: J. Gannon, N. McVey. J. Freeman. C. Luclmer. J. Steelman. J. Mazzotta. F. Stelmach. J. Klock. T. Ca. nlqlla. J. Boland. J. Gibbons.
3G-Top row: (left to riqht): R. Duffy. M. Welsh. C. McKee, J. Beqley. J. Col· Una. F. Mornell. T. Cormack. J. Curtin, J. O'Donnell, T. Crane. Middle row: A. Wolf. J, O'Connor, J. Morrissey. R. Noonan. S. Zalecky. S. La Rocca, W. Murphy, R. Greenfield. T. Haney, W. Delaney. Front row: R. McCarron. J. Douqherty, V. Wolflnqer. R. Donnelly, J. Helwlq, J. Kelleher. J. Cannon, J. Doyle, J. Douqh· erly, B. McManus. J. Riedy. K. Ehmann.
3H- Top row (left to riqht): J. O'Neill. J. Smith. J. Mackin, A. Mezzcnotte. J. Gaw, T. McAneney, J. MacEachern. Middle row: J. Wanner. G. Cozza, T. Caaoy, B. McNulty, J. Burna, J. McCall, T. Volqtaberqer. W. Geisel, J. McNichols . M. Fox. Front row: J. McCloskey, J. Cella. R. Walsh, F. Taylor. J. McHuqh. C. Grech, J. Connell. T. Drake, W. Baltz, J. Dnlno, C. Sullivan.
SOPHOmORES 2A- Top row (loft to right): T. Buck· ley. J, Orlando. R. Sheridan. L. Drahm.• J, Mullahy. J, Connelly. E. Stuhltraeger, C. Dignam. J. Radke. J. Morro. Middle row: J. Granahan. F. Kelly. W. Maalowakl. D. McDonnelL C. Gar· '<'ey , F. Fuclle. A. O'Ora:do. W. Gal%· mer, T. Horner. E. McLoone. Front row: G. Langdon. L. Ederer. R. SchaHer. J. Clymer, P. Kolodchak, J. Brophy. W. McCloskey. W. Cox. J. Me· Daniel, F. Murray. J, Aucbinleck.
28-Top row (left to right): P. Daemer. M. Albaneae. R. McGlone, D. Butler. E. Dolan. J, Kirby. F. Caulfield. G. Trlbu· lano, J, Qulqley. Middle row: J, Calabrese. R. Bam· bach. F. Stanton, H. Sweeney. W. Var· roll. J. Carty. J. Brady. J. Carroll Frontrow: F. Berry, R. Gibbons, F. Doyle, J, McPhlllps. J, Bernhardt, E. Breanan, H. Clemena. E. Bader. G. Bowen.
2C-Top row (left to right): J, O'Neill. C. Speltel. A. Ryzlnakl. A. Scanlon. L. Yochim. R. Muit. J. McCoy. A. Abbey. T. McGann. Middle row: E. Noce. J. Knight, H. Lubacae wakl. W. Hlpple, F. Malone. W. Knecht, J. Ondrelka. J, Wardock. E. Moore, J, Hee. Front row: W. HuHnell. F. Himes. J, McHenry. J, Fallon. N. Marino, F. Morro, N. Buach. V. McAneney. L. Schweitzer, G. Wolle. T. Malloy. E. Mooney.
2D-Top row (left to riqht) J. Gouker, F. Kirk. G. Labonty. P. Gordon. T. Me· Kenney, J. Clark, L. Grazianl E. O'Brien. J, Clade. Middle row : L. Nuqent. J. McCabe, J. Henry, W. McHale, C. Rieqel. J. Gleaaon, J. Lombardi. B. Meyers. E. GaJ. laqher, W. O'Callaghcm. Front row: T. Cooney. J, McCarthy. R. McNamara. I. Quinn, F. Geiser. A. Knox. R. Kirk, J. Kennedy. D. Reed, A. Flora.
SOPHOmORES 2&--Top row (left to right): J. Lock· hard. J, Markey, J. O'Connor. B. Haugh, M. Plauolla. B. Doyle. J, Pelham. P. Hepp, J, Luaaa. B. Morrlaaon. Middle row: R. Rudolph, J. Hoover. E. McQuillen, R. Preiaa, R. Hensel. J, Curran, T. James. J, Reagen, E. Hogan. J, Pentony. Front row: J. Haughton. A. Hober. C. McPeak, H. McPeak. J. McElrone, R. KaeUn. J. McMahon. T. Klaus. J, Egan, J, Wllson.
2F- Top row (left to riqht): F. Grant. J. Downey. T. Dick. W. Curley, V. Bren· nan, W. Hauck, W. Spielberger. J. Deegan, J. Farnan. P. McCorry. Middle row: W. Crosson, M. Bukow· akl. C. Britt, J, Digney, E. Fleming, J, Cra•en. J, Kelly. M. Walsh, E. Wella, J, Magarlty. Front row: J, Owens, J. Colbrldge, L. Costella. J, Kane. J, Cunnlon. C. Clunk, E. Whelan. R. Doran, J, Netzel. P. Drach, W. Burger.
2G-Top row Oeft to right): D. Baer, F. Hoban. D. Mullen. C. ManaJleld. W. Frantz, E. O'Brien. J. Shea. T. Comley. Middle row: P. Dooner, T. Gorman. F. Mauer. J, St. Clair, J. Fine, G. Guld. E. Gable, T. Timlin. Front row: M. Walter. F. News, J. Yochim. L. Robb. J. Burna. R. Trafllcan, J, Perret. J. Parsons. R. Haqan. B. Vogel.
2H- Top row (loft row): H. Frick, F. Ball. T. Cornell, F. Donohoe, H. Sharp. F. Mullen, R. Nolen. W. ' O'Brien. W. Toner. Middle row: R. Waltrlcb, J, Molnar. F. Stever. J. Seiberlich, E. Fullen, J, French, F. Schehl. S. Mocarski, B. Twla· dom. J, Mattia. Front row: J. Stokes. J. Schaffer. S. Mahoney. J, Callan. T. Pletcher. T. Brady, J. Schoettle, T. Smith. J, Walker, F. Doyle, D. Price.
Since the institution of La Salle began, the favorite period on the roster of every student has been the lunch period. When the bell announces the conclusion of the preceding period, the famed "battle of the cafeteria line" begins. Then Mrs. McCauley's "favorite sons" partake of the choice delicacies found within the walls of the hallowed "Rainbow Room". After their repast, the studes journey to such adequate hideouts as behind the stands, the equipment room, and similar rendezvous. It is during this leisure time that the widely circulated "Blat" is published. On rare occasions, "O'Bie" gives us exhibitions of his court ability. Almost all the students conclude this period with their daily visit to the Chapel.
'. .
Left to riqht: Brother Aloysius. ChemJstry: Brother D. John. Mathematics: Brother Eadbert. Bookstore: Brother Emlllan. Latin : Bre ther G. Leo. Spanlab: Mr. Thomas Grace. Gym Instructor.
The elementa, oddities, and wondera of chemJstry are exc:itinqly described by Brother Glles Raymond in his famous home-room class of 3E.
Brother E. James Ia master of aU he surveys. as he conducts an early mornlnq atudy period in his home room class of 4A.
Left to rlqht: Brother E. Patrick. Enqlish; Brother G. John, Physics; Brother Gordian VIctor, History; Brother Declan. History. Enqlish; Brother Joseph, Lalin; Brother F. Robert. Alqebra.
La Salle offers three courses to its students, namely, the Classical. General and Scientific Courses. The Classical Course provides a classical training and offers exceptional facilities for work along scientific lines. It is designed for students who plan to enter a Liberal Arts College after graduation and places emphasis on Languages.
hig h school educahon, as a preparation for the business world or for advanced courses in college leading to Degrees in Business Administration. The Science Course offers a funda mental training nece ssary for the students who intend to en ter the Medical. Engineering or kindred professions. The course meets the
The General Course is o rganized for those
req uirements of Medical and Engineering
students who d o not intend to enter professional fields, but who are merely seeking a
schools. The emphasis is placed on Sc1ence, Mathematics and Language.
Top row (left to rlqht): J. McGrath, J. Reaqan, L. Woyce, T. Howley. R. Rainey. J. Williams, P. Sunderman.
Front row: W. Gayn~. J. Leamlnq, C. Thompson, J. Smith. J. Rich, J. Sw oenoy. D. McGill.
FRESHmEn lA- Top row (left to riqht): M. Schaf· fer. D. Speiser, E. Bodenschau. J. Eqan. R. Bedeaen. H. Anderson. R. Saponaro, B. FuUorth. J, Flynn. P. Schank. H. Sui· !ivan. J. RelUy. G. Moria. Middle row: S. Fleck. S. Dieckbaus. F. Owalany. A. Grequll. W. Rebmus. F. Wllsman. S. Tarpy. H. Gery, F. Rocca.• T. Gannon, R. McMahon. Front Row: A. Buben. J. Walters. S. Bradley. H. McFadden. D. Padova. C. McMonaqle. S. Convey. E. Fitz;patrick, L. St. Clair, D. Hell, F. Sullivan, R. McFadden.
lB- Top row (left to riqht): J. Gilmore. W. LaPlante. R. Raab, E. Gerdelmann. E. Callahan. H. Dieckhaus. J, Quinlan. E. Taylor, W. Gutherman. T. O'Brien. J. Doody, E. Brooney. Middle row: E. Moore. F. Senn. J, Gardener. J, Brown, W. Gibbons. J. Shemeley, M. Gauqhan. W. Hartnett, W. Sharpe, R. Robb. W. Altomare. Front row: J, Ramirez, F. Lonqo, W. Snyder. H. Schweizer. R. Reynolds. J. Duffy. J. Kearny, D. Owens. J. Adair. M. Kreuter. J, Heise, H. Larqay.
lC-Top row (left to riqht): J. Malloy. J. Canclla. P. Marcollna, J. McMahon. J. Betlinqer, R. Hewson. H. Short, R. Byron.
J. Huqhea, J. Bevenour. J. Carey, J, Martin. Middle row: J. Conlin, R. Wriqht. D. Sweeney. D. Bertucci, J, Foley. J. O'Byrne. T. Kurek. J. McGee. J, Delaney. F. Vassalluuo. J. Craqin. Front row: ,J. Holmes, G. Beatty. E. Ferruzzi, J. Crosley. J, Walsh, W. Clin· ton. J. McNutt. R. Schaffer. G. Peterson. F. McCormick. W. Ganqloff. J. Morqan. G. Foley.
ID-Top row (left to riqht) B. Graham. H. Gordon, R. Noonan. B. Reinhardt, A. Roop. M. Drellinq, J. Mulvaney. T. Roqen. J. O'Leary, W. Col· brldqe. D. Allen. Middle row: E. Laqan. B. Briqidi. I. Murray. E. Friel. J. Delaney. S. Reali. F. Menna. G. Mc:Lean, W. Hoy. A. Gale, R. Donato. Front row: W. Baney. T. Sorenson. S. Duffy, D. Rule, P. Moser. J, Boland. W. Ruehl, W. Quilty. W. Kieser, W. Merkle. J, Mc:Peak. J. Mc:Carry.
FRESHmEn lE-Top row (left to rlqht): F. Led· with. E. Welah, F. Connell. W. Grace,
J. Stief, T. Waltera. J. Palladlne. F. An· deraon, M. Moaer. R. Burqoyne. J. Florio. G. Speitel. Middle row: J. Lyons. S. Shelton. J. Koqan. J. Croke. J. Haqen. A. Carty. C. Donnelly, J. Henderson. R. Stanton. J. Kullman, R. Kent. W. Drelllnq. Front row: R. Kozleja, A. Meehan, R. Scherer. A. Napoli. J. Ledwith, F. Cap. puico. J. Bythrow, J. Brauckmann. J. Baxter. H. Atklna, T. Campbell. W. Gan· ley. J. Covello.
IF- Top row (left to rlqht): C. Von Hake. H. Connor, C. Sloan. G. Barth, A. Sowden. J. Grauer, W. Couqhlan, F. Esteban, G. Hoffman, J. McGinley. A. Maloney. Middle row: A. Sannlno. R. Duck· worth. S. Weber, J. Staub, R. Trma. J. Malfara, F. Mahony, ). Kerwin, G. Weaver. W. O'Neill. W. Albaneae. Front row: B. Louqhrey. J. O'Shauqh· neaay. J. Sharp. R. Grande, W. Lacy, P. DeCuzzl. J. Sullivan, R. Santella. P. Campise. J. Konkel, L. Maqqettl, J. Borneman.
lG-Top row (left to rlqht): D. Kane. E. McGowan. B. Beier, R. Devlln, A. Baj, J. Kershaw, A. Morrlaaey. E. Mar· vel, E. Callahan, J. McNulty, J. Shields, W. O'Donnell. Middle row: W. Tustin, F. Daniele, R. Knlqht. W. McCormick. J. Spanleller. T. Sheehan, T. Kelly. F. Ruthardt. G. Fox. C. Dooner. C. Pettinato. G. Green· haqen. Front row: J. KQ.oqh. T. Kilcullen. L. Rebstock. A. Gallaqher, J. Grady, W. Annan, E. Boyle. D. Bernard, J. Ehllnq, J. Bell. J, Rlqqln. E.O'Connor.
"1240" To those of us who began high school at the La Salle Annex, this book would be incomplete without the mention of the o ld brownstone building at 1240 North Broad St. Our two years there were crowded with laughs and humorous incidents characteristic of high school days. In our time there, Brother Francis Regis was principal. Since he has been transfe rred, Brother Clement now holds that office. The enrollment has more than doubled in the two years since we left.
''1240'' Top row (left to riqht): D. Sarqent. G. Ganamone. }. Prior. J. Gibbons. S. Broqan, J, Fillmore. Middle row: K. O'Toole. J. Haqcm. J. Carr. J. Brown. J. Dever. J, Holmes. J. Cummlnqa. Front row: R. Lauriello. J, Richardson, J, Koch. T. Lyons, A. Twaddell. W. Smith. H. Karqulewlcz.
Top row. (left to riqht): J. Couce. J. Brandon. P. Hlqqlns, G. Ghllardi. J. Co· lallllo. C. Doria. E. Hafner. W. William· son. Middle row: L. Amilcare. R. Curtin. J, Keenan, E. O'Klnaky, J, McGaff. R. Schellhardt. V. Vldaa. J, McCoy. Front row: J. Roberta, L. Merachen. C. Cunnlnqham. D. Wiseman. D. Burkehlmer. J, Fltzqerald. J, Rapa.
Top row (left to riqht): J. Schuck. E. Southern. C. Spuhler, J. Earley. F. Tracey. J. Kane. L. Barich, N. Balco. Middle row: J. Pescatore. J. Fitzqer· ald. R. Llnauqh. W. Schellhardt, U. Vidaa. C. Florentino. J, DiGrazia, F. Kaelin. E. Cunnlnqham. Front row: J. Crosson. A. Ober. J. Hummel. L. Bowden, T. Trasser. A. Burdzlak. F. Wuest, W. Wheeler. J. Shields.
Front row (left to riqht): Robert McCloskey. Joseph Hatch. Gerald Sprou. James Muldowney. Robert Jar· del, Peter Daly. Richard Poland. Nicholaa D' Auria. Second row: Robert Maro. William Maloney, John Conroy. Leonard Di· Stasio, VIctor Dicks. Joseph Smith. Edward McAnulla. Ernest Atella. Ed· ward Peterson. Top row: Auquatlne Albino. Robert Marley, Edward Wuensche. Thomas Leonard, Thomas Casey, Richard Dur· kin, Ray Dassler. Hilary Williams. John Donaqan.
' Have any chocolate bars. Pop?" " Ha•e any chew· inq qum, Pop?" "No sodas this afternoon. Pop?" These and many other interroqations are heard many times each day by everybody's friend.
At a conclusion of another day the students slowly wend their way home loaded down with books and filled with the joyful anticipation of the scheduled homework. p
The hlqhllqht of the day Ia the intramural qames which attract a great number of fellowa to the practice field to participate In these conteata.
The hands on the biq w all clocks about the school creep slowly toward the 2:30 mark, the time when all periods cease, except those conducted by a few of the more ambitious Brothers. At this time, some students pack up their books and beqin their homeward trek, while for the others the day has only bequn. Durinq the fall months football practice is held every afternoon on the practice field. On the lonq winter afternoons, La Salle's quintet has daily practice sessions in the qym while sprinq finds the cindermen hard at work. Throuqhout the year 2:30 means to all the students intramural qames. These are held in all the major sports. Many other extra-curricular activities present themselves every afternoon. Some students are what you would term "campus hanqers", i.e. they spend a\most every afternoon around the hallowed qrounds of their Alma Mater. Then the process of cominq is reversed as the 2:30 to 6:00 students beqin to work their ways homeward. The last straqqlers usually leave the campus as the sprinq sunset reddens the sky or as the cold winter dusk darkens the landscape.
SPORT'S EDITOR Robert Breen BUSINESS MGR. Joseph Goelz Robert McMackin Nicholas Sipa BUSINESS STAFF Robert Lodes Glendon Robertson SPORTS STAFF Daniel Santomero Robert Rainey Paul Daley Jerome Bradley Joseph Moran Charles Horan PHOTOGRAPHY Charles Dunne Brother Daniel Joseph White Charles Mahoney CONTRIBUTORS John Bresnan Thomas Llnahan Robert Deevey Joseph McCreery Thomas Howley Thomas McDermott James Jones ':'homos Welsh William Taylor Peter Muesslg
The pride of every graduating class is its Year book. Each class has gone to great pains to make it better than any of the preceding ones. It is therefore with similar pride that we present this 1945 edition of the Blue and Gold. Work on the book was begun at the commencement of the school year. Various positions and tasks were assigned while al the same time our cameramen were busily clicking shutters. We feel that the hours of extra work put in by the staff are sufficiently rewarded in this finished product.
MODERATOR Brother Stephen
Bualneaa Manaqer, Robert McMackin; Editor. William Louqhery. and Sporta Editor. Robert Breen, review t.b e dummy copy of the Blue and Gold lnaertinq the necessary chanqea.
With only two daya remainlnq before the deadline, Brother Stephen and hla ataH work laboriously to complete the book.
A qroup of the Blue and Gold staH study yearbooks from prevloua clauea hoplnq to be rewarded for their eHorts by new Ideas.
The Wisterian
thly during the school term of La Salle College High Olney Avenue, in the C~ty of Phi'ladelphia, Penna. Editor in Chief, John Bresnan Sports Edltor, Robert Breen Literary Editor
Associate Editor, Robert McMackin . ... ............... .............. . Frank Donahue
Assistant Sports Editor
Charles Wynn
' Business 1\lanager
Nicholas Sipa
News Editor
................................................. Joseph White
Staff '\'ritca·s , John Boland, Raymond Teller. M bukowski. James .C unnion, William McCloc;key, Hm Sweeney, · Thomas Sullivan Charles Brown, John John Mackin Edward Dolan, Gerald Speitel, Edw l ing, John Hei~e, Jack Ramirez.
C. Mahoney: John
... . . ........ . Bro. D. Matthew,
ever sin '101''" hc:tt h1 stu de 1, body he: did ..... , I
Two fundatnental doctrinP..
and self-sacrificP OVP~
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THE WISTERIAn, A FULL TlffiE JOB John Brosnan C. Mahoney
R. Breen
The Wisterian staf: was headed in its eleventh year by Jack Bresnan, also the author of "Who's Who". Bob Breen, La Salle's sports authority, ran the sports department and gave his opinions in "Twenty Acres of Sports". Bob McMackin was Associate Editor and worked in both news and sports fields. Joe White, News Editor, look La Salle's students "Around the League ' with his news about opposing sports teams, and Frank Donahue handled most of the feature articles in his work as Literary Editor. Business Manager Nick Sipa spent his time on exchanges and distribution, while Jack Kieffer and Charlie Mahoney did the art work. Tom Sullivan, of the news staff. wrote exchange columns, and Jack Mackin assisted in the news work. Of course, the stall also contained a number of underclassmen, whose talented members will carry the "Wis" on m future years.
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Editor John Breanan work• with some membera of hla staff to make thct deadllne lor next montb'a luue of tho " Wia", 7
lll-27 li-37
this .:<<.'<1'>011. H£.> rolled a 22-1. Our kcgiE>rs so fat· ha,·e> won g<~m<·:> and have lost fnuflecn. mcmbt•t-s of the first tc<un arc Hcuter] Frank Donahue•, Jm·k
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rightiully :;o. Let's not and right now it's ch:mccs of gaining a p:tp(.>r b in your h but I think we will up. I'm reminded of the ::.l'niors will rl.'memb. >peaking of the La S<tlle fttn rear c<llnbim.• of ~IURPHY. fought to tmdbputt-d on tht> campus. Under th£.> ~<'ct ion nf La Snll<' wa, o ·hoob t•l\lci'C'd in the playclfT
"utcht·ercd t•,·cry other Bhw and Gold folluwinli ga· l!lz part in La Snllt''s ·w<•rk ~l"l'~ '? Ju-.t this 1f Wl• ~~·t Mfiiii'£;J
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The Blue and Gold Cheaa team finlahed Its beat season In Ita hlatory lhla yeaz. They wound up with only two reverses while qalnlnq In the nelqhborhood of anen or el9ht wins. For thla, they came cloae to the City Chess Champion· ahlp.
With Brother Anselm as moderator and Senior Tom Sullivan as President, the La Salle Stamp Club worked quite dlllqently this year and obtained many new kinds of stamps. This club haa become rather interested 1n odd stamps since the beqinnlnq of the war.
ORCHESTRA AnD GLEE CLUB Preparations for a La Salle Orchestra and Glee Club were inaugurated this year, and met the enthusiastic support of the student body. Supervising both projects is Doctor Jeno Donath conductor of several well known .symphony orchestras in Philadelphia. Assisting him are Mr. Erwin Groer, Mr. Joseph Vetere, and Mr. Henri Kompasky, teaching the viola and brass, cello and violin, and solfeggio respectively. Dr. Donath directs the Glee Club, which at present consists oÂŁ fifty voices. Students under the direction of these men are receiving the best musical education available in this area. The organization and equipment of the orchestra will require at least another year, while the Glee Club will probably present its first concert in the Spring of '45. Great heights with no lim:ts are expected for this new Blue and Gold activity.
Front row Oeft to right): B. Shull, F. Geiser. J. Keoqh. E. Delaney. P. Marcollna. R. Donato. E. Moore. J, Boland. L . Rebstock. Second row: P. Kau1man. H. Kau1man. E. Callahan. R. Sabol. J. Weqllckl. J, Rich. C. Sullivan. M. Fox. J. Dougherty. Third row: W. Ganley, A. Flora. C. Pettinato, W. Zink, H. Sweeney. R. Dalsley, J, Gallen. E. Bruni, J, Do)ody. G. Wolf.
Mr. E. Groer, Mr. H . Campowaky, and Mr. J. Vetere.
"Behind every La Salle activity . ... Back路 ing it to the lim1t. . . . Responsible in a large measure for its success." That is the description of the Poster Club. Wheneve r an event is announced, this group of artists meets and starts producing the attractive placards which promote the s tudents' support. The Poster Club has been a long established group at La Salle and under the capable guidance Brother Leo has been on hand to g ive the let:!ders of all the activities a helping hand with the support resulting from these poste rs. The club is made up mostly of underclassmen who ha ve become quite adept in the use of the p~t brush. All the posters show a great deal of effort and through the year have been quite in evi路 dence in the corridors and on the bulletin boards around the campus. Surely every affair which is a success at La Salle owes many thanks to the Poster Club.
La Salle'a publicity men at work In their hangout. Brother Leo and his helpera pauae In their work to ac路 commodate the photographer.
CERAMICS Another newcomer to La Salle. This group has gone a long way in a short time. Soon after Ceramics was introduced here, attrac路 tive pins began to be very much in evidence. Portraying many different themes, these pins are pottery pieces which have been formed, baked at very high temperatures, colored, baked again and then fitted with clasps. These products were on exhibition in the library during the year and gave the students an idea of the work done by this organization under the leadership of Brother G. Leo. John Kieffer, President of the club, has many assistants mostly underclassmen, all of whom have turned in some very notable achievements. In its short existence this busy group has made real progress and will go further in the future. An interesting hobby, Ceramics caught on immediately at La Salle and can look forward to a bright future.
Pina, clasps and the like In the making. Brother Leo and his asslatant. John Kieffer, auper'riae the Intricate construction of these novel products.
ITS SHELVES ARE FILLED WI TH Hn0 WLEDGE John Kieffer marka down the vital date aa Bob McMackin prepareâ&#x20AC;˘ to withdraw one qem ol the library's wealth of lmowled9e.
Head librarian John typea new cataloque scripta, and In qeneral Uona neceaaary for the
Kieffer, toqetber with hla ataff. carda, repalra ancient manuattenda to all tbe minute funcefficient runnlnq of the library.
Front row Oelt to rlqht): M. Kreuter. A. Poplawaki. J, Forbea, Brotber Godfrey Lewla. J, Kieffer. W. Borbldqe, R. Prelu. T. Cooney. Standlnq: C. Brown. F. Morro. E. Brady, J, Morro. E. Moore. A. Flora.
After the lapse of a year the Catholic Forensic League again began to function. Under the guidance of Brother Denis Willred, two teams composed of semors were formed. Two teams were selected to defend each 'side of the question. The affirmative team consists of John Bresnan, Peter Muessig and Thomas Linahan, the team captain. John McGrath, Thomas Sullivan, and Captain Roberl McMackin cons tituted the l negatlve tea m. Only one loss was suffered as against several wins.
Seated left to right: J. Ward. J. Bresnan. P. Muessiq, T. Llnahan, R. McMacldn, T. Sullivan. J, McGra th. and E. Kieser. . Co-captaw R. McMackin a nd T: Llnahan pose with their aaaociatu on the rostrum.
The " shutter cUckers", led by Brother Danie l. go through their daUy routine In their third floor s anctum. This shows many of the numberless ta sks that come under the Jurisdiction of thu club, which provides many of the shots for the school paper.
THE PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB Despite war time shortages the Photography Club is functioning, offering recreation by enabling students to practice on their own pictures. Its chief function is keeping school publications up to date with pictures. An additional dark room was constructed to accommodate all the needs of developing, printing, and enlarging, and a small studio was furnished for taking posed pictures. Pierre Marcolina, President, Paul Moser, Vice-President, Ed Lagan, Larry Cornell, and Leonard Graziani comprise the active club members.
The Archconfratemity of The Divine Child is a Catholic Action group whose main purpose is to spread devotion to the Boy Christ. Weekly meetings are held at which time interesting discussions of timely topics are carried on. The organization publishes a weekly news sheet. "Catholic Action Notes" . 1n order to spread Catholic news und also to familiarize the student body with the activities of the club. The Knights as they are called, take part in a yearly Vocation Week and Pageant in order to spread knowledge of the various orders of Catholic men in the Church.
The members of this group are responsible for the fin e religious services held at La Salle . Because of the beauty of these services many of the students at La Salle are infused with a great religious spirit. These boys assist at the various spiritual exercises and retreat activities throughout the year. Indeed it is due to their work that La Salle men a re so devote d to God.
Front row (left to right): £. Kleaer. R. Teller. C. Devlin, P. Kaufman. J. Cunnlon. R. Doran. Back row: J. Glllln. J. Ward, H. Kaufman. G. Foley, F. O'Nelll, N. Helfrick.
Frc.nt row, left to right: P. Camplae, R. Santella. R. Scherer. W. Snyder. J. Konlcel. J. Sullivan. Back row: J. Covello. L. Maggettl. J. McGinley. Brother D. Michael. S. Weber, B. Loughery. G. Hoffmann.
" C0mE 0 n EXPL0RER5-- FEED 'E m DU5T"
SEASONAL RECORD La Salle 34 La Salle
La Salle
St. James West Catholic
Roman Catholic 0
La Salle 27
St. John's
La Salle 25
South Catholic
St. Joe's
La Salle
La Salle 34 La Salle
St. Thos. More 19 North Catholic
Above: Head-coach Mr. Bernard Bradley and Ad· vlsory-coach Mr. James Henry.
Se ated in first row: R. Rainey. J. Garvin. W. Whiteside. J. Drach. Co-captaina W. Gaynor and J. Smith, J, Sundstrom. J. Fanuka, G. McDermott, W. Pfaff. Second row: R. Noonan. B. Ventresca. C. Sullivan. M. Nicholas. J. Steelman, J, Bracken. W. Frant~. W. Zinc, J, Sabia, R. McLauqhlln. A. O'Brien. T. Donnelly. Third row: R. Malley, D. Larkin. W, Oschell B. Myers. M. Mosser, R. Buck, C. Dinqer, J, Wanner, E. Mahoney. F. Donohue. Fourth row: J. Moran~qr.), M. Vesey, J. Maqarity, J. Kane, W. O'Callaqhan, H. Pletcher, W. Dailey. F. Cech, J. Gray, J, Freeman, J, Perret, R. Breen (Mqr.).
BILL GAYNOR Rlqht Tackle
JIM SMITH Left Tackle
BOB RAiNEY Biqht End
The Explorer eleven bowed into the 1944 Catholic League picture very gracefully as they made use of the "T" formation to the tune of five touchdowns, blanking St. James High School of Chester, 34-0. Scores by junior Bill Pfaff, Bill Whiteside, John Garvin, Jim Sundstrom and Mu:t Nicholas smothered the visiting squad, and extra point tries by Bill Gaynor accounted for the rest of the Blue and Gold pointage. Amassing a total of 13 first downs as against 3 for the Bulldogs, La Salle made an impressive debut. Bill Pfaff was the sparkplug of the La Salle model "T", driving for 140 yards. ' LA SALLE 7
Leading at halftime, the Explorer gridmen were unable to halt a rallying West Catholic eleven who .tucked the ball game under their belt, 19-7. The 18,000 fans gathered at Finnessey Field saw Bill Whiteside complete an aerial to Jim Sundstrom, who tore 60 yards to tally for the Explorers. Gaynor's kick was good. An aerial from Connor to Bogan did the first damage. In the final frame, Connor tossed one to Dougherty who stepped across the line. A few plays later, McGarvey plunged from the 6 to put the Burrs in front by a 19-7 margin. LA SAlLE 14
Scoring twice in the second half, the La Salle gridders gained their second League triumph by downing Roman, 14-0. Early in the third stanza, Bernie Bradley's football aggregation tallied when Jim Sundstrom snared a long pass from Bill Pfaff. Later Bill Pfaff completed to John Garvin who raced to the Broad and Vine 24. On the first play of the final session, Billy Whiteside carried the pigskin into the Cahillite end-zone from the one-yard line. Whiteside kicked both placements to bring the total points to 14. LA SAlLE 27
La Salle's gridders journeyed to Manayunk to topple St. John's High, 27.0, thus continuing their winning ways and garnering the third win of the season. In the opening session, Jim Bracken tallied in the Eagle end zone on a TUTI. Jim Sundstrom scored in the second period and when the placement was good, La Salle led, 13-0. John Garvin and Jim Bracken registered 6-pointers in the third quarter.
The Explorer model "T" machine ran very smoothly over a South Catholic eleven, 25-6, driving to its fourth league victory in five starts. Led by Billy Pfaff, John Garvin and Jim Bracken, each of whom tallied for a score, Bradley's eleven soared to a safe 18-0 halftime advantage. Senior Jimmy Sundstrom scored on a brilliant pass interception play in the third chukker, boosting the score to 25-0. Joe Gorman cashed in on a freak fumble and a long 80-yard dash to give Johnny McGarry's squad its only tally. LA SALLE 13
The 1944 gridders accomplished a "never before" stunt when they bowled over a powerful Prep eleven 13-7. The opening half resulted in a 0-0 stalemate with neither eleven penetrating the opponents 30-yard stripe. Jim Sundstrom broke the ice early in the third period, climaxing a 70-yard La Salle march to put the Explorers in front, 6-0. Only a dozen plays later, Bernie Bradley's squad gave a repeat performance with Sundstrom again tallying. Rallying too late, the Preppers managed to slip a six-pointer across in the final session. LA SALLE 34
Fresh from their sparkling win over St. Joe Prep, our Explorer eleven stopped St. Thomas More, 34-19, making them the sixth victim in their 1944 campaign. With Jim Sundstrom and Mart Vesey accounting for two six-pointers each, Bernie Bradley's gridmen pushed the score to 34 in the final period when Billy Pfaff carried the pigskin into the end-zone. Bill Gaynor booted 4 of 5 conversion tries through the enemy uprights. LA SALLE 1
Jumping to a first quarter lead of 7-(), our gridmen held the reins in the first half of our final clash of the season with the North Catholic Falcons. La Salle took advantage of but one of three scoring opportunities with Jim Sundstrom tallying in the opening frame. A North Catholic pass and Willis' conversion in the third session were enough to tie the ball game at 7-7. The meeting ended in a deadlock as neither eleven tallied in the final quarter.
JOHN GARVVJN Rlqht Halfback
' Although the 1944 eleven failed to win the League Champion ~1p, they accomplished much. The team compiled the best record in La Salle's pigskin history, with 6 wins, I defeat and l tie. Bernie Bradley's group also became the first eleven in nearly 25 years to defeat St. Joe Prep. A proud farewell to Co-Captains Bill Gaynor and Jim Smith, who led our gang to new heights in football standing! Not many will forget the outstanding open-field running of Jim Sundstrom, nor the determined drives of veteran John Garvin. La Salle will miss such a spirited p1vot man as Bob Rainey and also the "John Does" of the line and backfield
ARTHUR O'BRIEN Quarterback
who deserve as much credit as any other Explorer. It was players like George McDermott, Tommy Donnelly, John Drach, Art O'Brien, Benny Ventresca and Bill Zink who helped to put us on top of the pile. They leave the campus and gridiron but their spirit and wishes remain behind to encourage our future teams. They were the bulk of La Salle's greatest eleven. Teamwork, balance and fight were the three assets which carried the team to the top of the League. The 1944 team will long serve as an in路 spiration and model for future Explorer grid路 men.
.. Standlnq, loft to riqht: L. Robb, J. Reaqan, C. Schehl, W. Whiteside. D. McGeehan. J. Walker. In front: J. Donohoe and J, Colbrldqe.
Line, left to riqht: E. Mahoney, R. Doyle. W. Colloq路 han, J. Freeman, T. Malloy'!'tM. Moaaer, C. Dlnqer. Back路 field, left to rlqht: T. Cornley, F. Gorman, J. McCoy, P Saparona.
InJuries, m1shaps, slumps and unfortunate incidents were plentiful and "Lady Luck" was nowhere in sight, as La Salle's Explorers battled through a not too successful court season. W1th everythmg on hand for a Championship five, "O'Bie" O'Brien and the Blue and Gold quintet were buried under "one of those years", when everything seems to go wrong. The 1944-45 basketeers made an impres/ sive debut by topping Germantown Academy, 47-12, with Weglicki and Sunderman garnering 9 each to pace the Explorers. Simon Gratz fell. 57-15, as did Olney, 36-26, at the hands of the Little Explorers. La Salle's neighbor, Central High, became the fourth victim of our courtmen, 30-21, as Weglicki led the attack with 11 counters. Bowing into the Catholic League picture, La Salle laced the Prep, 50-29. on the latter's floor, dropping everything through the hoop but
Left to Riqnt: W. Gaynor. }. Delaney, }. Kane. J. Phelan. }. Williams, C. ThA:>mpso11, Captain. }. Bemho~dt. }. Colbridqe, P. Sunderman. J. Weqllc;kl.
Tense action under the basket aa Reaqan and WeqUc:ld prepare to follow William's corner s tab aqalnst Weal Catholic:. John WeqUc:kl tanqlea with a Germantown Academy player lor poaaeaalon of the ball.
John Bernhardt
James Phelan
General Manaqer Joe Moran reviews conditions with the basketball manaqers, John Carroll, Joseph Mullin. Henry Larqay, and Charlea McElroy.
the bench. High scoring Weglicki's 20 markers helped to echo the gridders' triumph of last fall. A fast-stepping South five downed a Blue and Gold rally and copped the contest, 32-20. "O'Bie's club edge<:l out a spunky Northeast quintet, 30-28, in the next court meeting. An outclassed. non-League St. John's team was trounced by an ever-substituting La Salle five, 62-16, with Weglicki again leading with I 1 points. The Burrs visited 20th. and Olney only to suffer defeat, 29-20. Jim Delaney's 20 points went a long way towarqs upsetting the North Catholic Falcons, 41-39. A nip and tuck battle was waged with the St. James Bulldogs, with La Salle emerging the victor, 44-36. W eglicki bagging 16. St. Thomas More became the Blue and Gold's fifth Le~ue victim, 38-33 after a closely fought contest. The Explorer five next journeyed to far-off Allentown, only to be nosed out !n a heartbreaker, 34-33, by a big Allentown Catholic crew. A weak Sallies quintet was toppled 53-30, with Jim Delaney chalking up 19. An up-and-coming Cahillite five topped us in Kenney Gym, 2925 in a closely fought tilt. The Prep turned the tables and avenged an earlier defeat, 40-39, in a thriller before a packed house in which La Salle rallied valiantly but in vain. James Reaqan Charles Thompson
John Weqllcki John Kane
La Salle's qlant, Weqllcld. dwarfed by South's Larry Faust. leaps hiqh In the air attemptinq to retrieve " Chuck" Thompson's set from the corner.
Unable to hit the hoop, La Salle next lost to McGarry's Championship bound five, 26-19. West also snapped back at the O'Brienmen, 37-27, as the Blue and Gold tried to halt their slipping ways. The fifth defeat in a row was received from the Falcons, 41-33, and though Delaney tallied ·16, the Shaughnessy's seemed far away. Deep in a slump, La Salle dropped another tilt, this time to St. James, 37-33. St. Thomas More followed suit and won by a 3-point margin, 30-27. The Cahillites won a sloppy contest at Convention Hall, 35-25 and La Salle prepared to visit Wilmington for their final clash of the season. O'Bie' s courtmen managed to overcome a nine point deficit at halftime to outpoint the victory-less Salesianum team, 46-43.
A TOUGH LEAGUE Joseph Williams James Delaney
Wllllam Gaynor Paul Sunderman
An astonishing record? No, but behind the scenes, a valiant coach and five courageously trying to overcome temfic handicaps with real Blue-and-Gold courage, and a fight-and-'never-say-die' outlook which ranks the 1944-45 basketeers as a true Explorer ball club.
Northeast Public's boll, but not for long. John Weqllcki and Jim Reaqon prepare to bottle for possession In tbe Blue and Gold's sixth victory of the season.
SEASONAL RECORD- 1944路45 SCORE HOME OR LA SALLE vs. OPPONENTS WE AWAY La Salle Gtn. Acad. H 47 La Salle Simon Gratz H 47 La Salle A 36 Olney ' La Salle Central A 30 La Salle St. Joe A 50 La Salle So. Catholic H 30 La Salle Nor. E. Pub. H 30 La Salle St. John's H ~ La Salle Weal Cath. H 29 La Salle North Cath. A 41' La Salle St. James H 44 La Salle St. Thoa. M. H 38 La Salle Allentown A 33 La Salle Salealanum H 53 La Salle Roman Cath. A 25 La Salle St. Joe H 33 La Salle So. Cath. A 19 La Salle Weat Cath. A 27 La Salle No. Catb. H 33 La Salle St. James A 33 La Salle St. Thoa. M. A 27 La Salle Roman Calh. A 25 La Salle Saloslamum A 46 854
THEY 12 15
26 21
29 32 28 16
20 39 36 33
34 30 29 40
26 37 41 37
30 35
43 689
Joe Williams and Jim Delaney in the midst of one of the many scrbnmaqea of the Northeast Public qame. which resulted In a tbrllllnq 30-28 victory.
Sunderman drives to the hoop a nd q e ts ready to shoot as Chuck Thompson comes in ready for action. in a mldseason tilt on our own wooden ways. Larry Faust and Jos Gorman of the Pirate qujnt foil
John Weqllckl's attempt at a two pointer as Jim Reaqan and Jim Delaney follow up. Another field qoal by biqb-scorinq John Weqllcld as Jim Delaney stands by to lend a helpinq hand amid enemy players.
OUR mERmEn HAD QUITE The Explorer Swimming team notched another rung in the ladder of successful teams here at La Salle. Under the capable guidance of Brother E. James and the excellent coaching of Frank Hoelle, the mermen annexed double victories over St. Joseph's, West Catholic, St. Thomas More and South Catholic and one over Roman. The only teams that could defeat us were North Catholic twice and Roman Catholic once. Captain Joe Sweeney showed the way by breaking the 50-yard freestyle record in 25 seconds fl'at. Lou Woyce, another senior, was a valttable point-getter in the 50- and 100-yard freestyles and a member of the record-breaking relay team. Jim Sundstrom, another senior, came out late in the season
and added greatly to the success of the freestyle relay team. Joe Learning, the remain,ing senior, unable to swim in Catholic League contests because of eligibility rules, was a powerful asset in open meets. Bob Regan and Lou Ederer along with the aforementioned senior, gave La Salle the finest group of freestylers in the league. Regan was another dependable point-getter. The 200-yard freestyle was taken care of by Burke, Josberger, and McKenney. The 100yard backstroke was handled by Frank Griffin and Paul Pirhalla. Our outstanding breaststrokers, "Chuck" Garvey and Joe Regan, acquired valuable points. Garvey was also our chief diver while Regan was very proficient in the 150-yard medley team .
Seated left to right: J. Sweeney, R. Valenti, S. Weber. F. Wuest, J. Foster, T. Johnson. Standing : C. Garvey. J. Stever. P. Josberger. L. Woyce. F. Griffin , T. Pirhalla. J. Flaherty, (Mgr). Amonq those missinq we re J. Leam路 Jng. J. Sundstrom. J. Reqan. R. Reqan, J. Burke. T. Me路
Kenney. M. Teller. (Mgr), and Coach Frank Hoelle. Ready to take off for a trial sprint and anxious to go are: L. Woyce, P. Josberqer. J. Sweeney. and T. John路 son.
AU ae t for a fast relay race are from the left: T. Pirhalla. J. Foster, L. Woyce, F. Grlffl.o. C. Garn y . and J. Sweeney. The breaat路atroke is quite a Job. but not for " Chuck" Garvey who Ia shown churnlnq throuqb the HoO at a qreat speed and with a determined look In his face.
Beaten only twice In leaque competition. Francia Grlffln has been a Yaluable polnt路'ifetler throuqhout the s eason in the backstroke department. T. Plrhalla, a nother back路stroker is a constant point路 qetter. He also s wam in several relays.
Seated: Firat row. left to rlqht. James St. Clair. Hepp. Mahoney. Mueulq. Cannlnq. Bailey. Second Row. left to rlqht: Quinn. Sharp. Spillan. John
St. Clair, Jonea, Louqhery. Shelton. Third Row, left to rlqht: Reed. Poplawski, Hoban. Beier, Fox, Goelz, Mqr.
Brother Dactan John's Harriers lost but two
Jim Canning, Beier, Poplawski, Hoban, Bailey, Quinn, Fox, Shelton, and Reed. The record for the season is as follows: St. Thomas More 29, La Salle 26; West Catholic 25, La Salle 30; St. James 32, La Salle 23; Roman Catholic 28, La Salle 27; St. Joseph's Prep 40, La Salle 15; North Catholic 21, La Salle 34; South Catholic 30, La Salle 25.
of seven meets and these were to No rth and
West Catholic. The team, though handicapped by the loss of John St. Clair, captured fourth place in the Catholic League Championships. The Senior Lettermen are: Bill Spillan, Pete Muessig, Tom Linahan, Bill Loughery, Jim Jones, and Charles Mahoney. The returning underclassmen are: Hugh Sha rp, Pete Hepp,
Five harrlera qetUnq In shape for a qruelinq aeason. Bill Spillan. Bill Loughrey. Pete Muessiq. Jim Jones and " Ace" Burna IO<J around the track.
Top: Nlqro. Heitzman. Lux. Wanner. Doyle. O'Brien. Donahue. W llllams. Smith. Homoll. Schaeffer. Reuter. Rlqht: Frank Donahue and Jack Wanner chalk up two more strikes for the Explorers. . Other team members stand by to offer encouragement at La Salle's home alleys. Bottom: Donahue steps to the line a s Hemelt prepares for hla turn. Judqlnq from the smllea the acores must be hlqh.
Of all the minor sports here at La Salle, perhaps Bowling is the most popular. Trus is due mostly to the fact thut tlu;;u~ is u Cutholic Bowling League. Although the Blue and Gold team has not been too successful in taking the championship, they have produced many high score rs. Among the leaders this year are: Paul Reuter, Frank Donahue, and Jack Wanner. Toward the end of the season, Reuter had a very high average and passed the "200" mark several times. Jack Wanner is another bowler who attained a high average. Although the team has not produced any Championship medals recently, the outlook for next year's team is rather bright.
The schoolday has passed. the students have completed their evening repast and now in the quiet of their homes they turn to their books. The typical student spends his evenings studying. reading, and listening to the radio. An occasional basketball game. movies or some similar activity may bring him out in mid-week but as a rule he refuses to part with his books and his beloved home assignments. The number of happy hours spent on these extra-curricular studies is immeasurable. Comes Friday. however. and we find books cast aside in favor of movies. parties, dances. basketball games and the other social activities that are the highlights of any fellow's life. 'The belief that a student spends his weekdays in a fog of studies and lives for the weekend has received s ome support, but actually it is not an established fact. As the night progresses and h ead s begin to nod. the fellows pack up their books. switck.. off the radio. and prepare for bed. On the way. most stop in the kitch en for the ever-popular "mid¡ night snack" and then "hit the road to dreamland".
"Come on Slnqer, qiYe ua 'Melancholy Baby' ," soya ex-jockey KJ.rk. "I'll see U I can re membe r II.'' replies Slnqer. "Come on, Let's all alnq- .ye rybody.'' adda Pete Ryan. "Are you sure thla Is the quy?" a sked Patrolman Cal路 lahan. "I did It, ao what.'' a ns wers Innocence. " In路 nocence waa here with his qanq, before w e moYed ln.'' repllea Madeline, the maid.
" Keep quiet, you brat.'' says Lefty to Douqlas. " I am qolnq to lind out the results on today'a races.'' "I want
aome more b an and aardlnes.'' aaya Douqlaa. "This is Douqlas Fairbanks Rosenbloom, prize orphan this year.'' aaya Remy. "Be qood to this boy, Mr. Whitelaw and Commissioner Mahoney: be mlqhl brinq me luck. "
THE CURTAin FALLS AmiDST mUCH APPLAUSE Reaching a new high this season, the La Salle High School Players literally rode through one of its most successful seasons in years. Brother Denis and Brother Christo-
pher worked hand-in-hand to bring about this great success. The former, as director, selected the plays and parts for the boys, while the latter supplied the scenery and
'1'11 bet you knew how handsome you would look In that uniform even b efore you joined.'' eaya Mary. " I'm qolnq to stick till I b ecome a aerqeant at least," replies Chance.
Mombera of Brothe r Ch ristopher's ataqe crew spend another afternoon In preparation lor La Salle's aonlor play. " A Sliqbt Case oJ Murder.''
"She qela h er own wa' with eYe rybody. eâ&#x20AC;˘en wllb Marko. So you see It's pre tty touqb to be crooked." saya Remy. " Now Remy, you know It feels qreat to be loqltlmate.'' replies Nora.
, stage settings. Mr. Nicholas added the professional touch by offering his sennces in painting the scenery. The dramatic season started with the prod uction of "The Sign of The Four". This was a play in which the super sleuth, Sherlock Holmes, uncovered a very complicated murder. Next in line came the annual Christmas play, "Why the Chimes Rang", given by the underclassman. Then came our senior play. Brother Denis chose "A Slight Case of Murder", a comedy of a large cast, nineteen boys of La Salle and nine girls of Mercy Academy. This comedy of Saratoga racing and mislaid corpses took the faney of every one who came.
A SLIGHT CA.SE OF ffiURDER" ""Gulseppe, don't gi•e them Marko's beer:· Remy says. 'Tm trying to borrow some money off tbs m and I would lib th : m to be in goo:! h :lallh."'
Brother Denis. boys from La Salle and girls !Tom Mercy. all spend ano1her evening hard a1 wo: k In puparatlon lor the corning Senior pro:! uc:aon.
A qroup ol undorc:lassmen assist In makinq a suc:c:e11 ol our annual Christmas play. ""Why the Chimes Bang".
Everyone enJoyed the way Nora Marko, Eileen lee, put on certain antics when her influential friends were around, but when they were nowhere in sight, she became hersell and got along vnth everyone. Remy Marko, Joe Trimly, liked to show off a bit, but he merely wanted to make everybody happy, even though he was rather stupid. Remy and Nom, together with their servants, amused the audience with their Brooklyn accent and then unusual system of taking care of the dead.
The cast were, in the order of their appearance, John St. Clair as Lefty, Jack Smythe as Giuseppe, James Jones as Innocence, Harry Reckner as Mike, William McAuliffe as Chancellor Whitelaw, Ignatius Murray as Douglas, John McGrath as the Singer, James Dougherty as Sad Sam. Joseph Trinity as Remy Marko. Charles Horan as Commissioner Mahoney, Ruth McClain as Miss Smith, Catherine Goldschmidt as Mary Marko, Eileen Lee as Nora Marko, Eileen Ferrick as Madeline, John Hamilton as Theo dore Whitelaw, William Higgins as Kirk, Ruth Carrol as Sally. Lillian McBride as Mrs. Ryerson, Margaret Schaefer as Miss Franklin, Jane Devitt as Loretta Paige, Robert Deevey as Pete Ryan, Robert Sabol as Battling Wolf, Joseph Rich as Cal Ritter, Elizabeth Coleman as Mrs. Ritter, James Cunnion as Clyde Post. Robert McMackin as Colonel Jake Schultz, Frank Callahan and Louis Woyce as the Motorcycle Policeman. J. Hamilton. J, Trinity, J, Douqherty, R. Deevey, J, Smythe depict a tense moment from Arthur Conan Doyle's mystery. "The Siqn of the Four." Brother F. Raymond and Brother Denis Wmred discuss some of the scenic layout and make minor chanqes in the final preparation of the senior production. Th o Christ child rewards a bumble h eart by accept路 inq th e qift of tho youth and ollowinq him to behold tho Socred Vision.
Zlnk. Tully. Hainer. W elsh. Keller. Howley and 0&vlne vlait the Sacred Heart Shrine In the then snow covered wOO<U. The shrine w aa th e recipient ol many vlaltors both day and niqht.
A winter settlnq at Malvern. SL Joseph's Hall Ia but one of the three spacious bulldlnqs which comprise thla suburban settlement It houaea th e main chapeL Free tlmel A score of Explorers clown near St. Joseph's Hall between medltationa. The many ciqara In evidence are ample proof of the freedom In effect at the Ume.
"THINKING BACK" Didio ever see a fish awlm? ••. Put lour on Shmohawk! . . . Prosit! . . . Hmmmm-Hmmmm; Trivial •.. Watch your· sell, Baqears! . . . Which way did he qo. Georqe? . . . I know. but qee! .•• All set? Surely . . . Stralqht-lorward thlnklnq • . . Thereby hanqs a tale . . . Earl-1·1-1 . . . AU rlqht boys-outside! ... U I were a principal ... My Gosh boys- can't understand . . . Pass out quietly .•• ''Blat" . . . Ob yeah. very line boys . . . Take a walk to the office ..• You know you do ••• Wbaddaya think? ... Biem-e-e-e •.. What is this, Shamrock A. C.? ... All rlqbt, move that first row over ••. Don't be a buffoon all your life . . . All rlqht now. stand and say the prayer . . . Take a positive attitude • . . The period ol Sacred Silence now beqins . • . Ain't he sump'n. fellows? . . . Take two! ••. Next problem for a mark • . • When a boy qoes WTOnq a qood man dies •.. Got an extra smoke? . . . Biq time Charlie . . . Lend me a pencil. a sheet of paper and your homework . . . . . . I'm qonna curse . . . Shucks boys. drive to that basket . . . The bell has runq . . . Two skew lines • . . I should slap you . . . U you qet one. I'll pray for you • . • How about that. James? . . . When's the Wls comlnq out? . . . Anythinq for a lauqh • . . It's immaterial . . . Biq circle, boys . • . · Bird brain Watch yoursell. you'll be talkinq to the administration . . . Rudy . . . Indian . . . St. Walter .•• Dom-Dom ••• M-A·L·V-E-R-N . . . Take a walk around the track •.. Very line, very line . . .Don't qet me started on that . . . Wronq hand. thank you. Brother . . . How do you like your oysters? Raw Raw Raw •.• Can 1 loin your clique? . . . Let's qet serious . . . I've qot a million more •.. Touqh apples . . . Let's hit the Kid . . . Get me a coke . . . Now we'll have an exchanqe of ideas ... Jeep ... L.S.M.F.T.... Got your white card? ... Three essentials ol lile-lood. clothinq and shelter . . . Waldo ... Hubba Hubbo Hubba ... Dumbo ... When's the Prom? ..• Town crier . . . !just read a letter three years aqo ..• Yes. Commissioner •.. Let us remember thai we are In the Holy presence of God . . SENIOR POLL MOST LIXEL Y TO SUCCEED-R. Breen. R. Dorval. J. Moran. W. Louqhery. G. Robertson. BEST LOOKING-L. Woyce. W. McAuliffe. J, Williams. J. Sweeney. MOST INTELLIGENT- !. Linahan. J. Moran. J. Bresnan. M. Smith, J. McCreery. MOST POPULAB- R. Breen. R. Rainey. J, Sweeney. J. Sundstrom. G. Robertson. FUNNIEST-W. Hlqqlns. J. Trinity, J. Sundatrom. E. Sannini, W. Gallaqher. QUIETEST- B. Dorval, F. Cassidy. F. Cooch, J. Sinclair, Jos. Smith. DID MOST FOR LA SALLE- R. Breen. W. Gaynor. I. Bresnan, J. Moran. T. Sullivan. BEST ATHL.ETE-W. Goynor. J. Sundstrom. J. Sweeney. C. Thompson. MOST DIGNIFIED-J. Moran, R. Dorval. John McGrath. F. Cassidy. BEST ALL-ROUND-R. Breen. R. Rainey, W. Gaynor. J. Williams. P. Muesslq.
Danc:lng to the mellow t tralns of Joe Fraaello's wellknown orc:hettra, LaSalle men enloyed a memorable Thankaqlvlnq Danc:e ln College Hall.
Thanksgivi ng Danc:e Commillee Bac:k row: J. Trlnlty, J. Gibbons, G. Robertson. C. Dunne, T. SuUivan. T. Mc:Dermott. J. Smith, W. Loughery, R. Rainey. Front Row: R. Mc:Mac:lcln. T. Howley. J. White, J. Learning, C. Thompson, R. Breen, J. Sweeney. L. W oyc:e, F. Donahue. D. Mc:Glll.
1502 CHEW AVENUE HOLY CHILD Blond ... Active ... Seems to be everywhere at the some time . . . con be found behind the stands at lunchtime . . . manages the tennis team . . . Enjoys roller skating . . . Plans to attend college after the war . . . Tennis Team. manager; Intramurals 1-2-3-4
JEROME FRANCIS BRADLEY "Duke" ST ATHANASIUS 7249 N. 21ST STREET Black curly hair .. . Good looking . . Pin ball enthusiast . . . President of the Honorable Society ol Buffoons . . · . Loves to swim and sleep ... Ardent follower of the Explorers ... Everybody's friend . . . lntramurals 1·2-3-4; Blue and Gold 4
00.3 ..
5111 N. 13TH STREET HOLY CHILD Scholastic ... Athletic ... Always hustling . . . Togged "Owen" by some . . . Popular with everyone . . . Sports Editor of the "Wis" and Blue and Gold . . . Smooth dresser . . . Directed the Thcmksgiving Dance to success . . . So long to a true son of the Blue and Gold . . . Class President 1-3-4; Vice President 2; Basketball 1-2; Wi.s terian 1-2· 3-4; Scholastic "L" 1-2-3; Scholastic Medal 1-2; Junior Prom Committe e 3; lntramurals 1-2·3-4; Blue and Gold 4; Football Program Committee 4; Senior A ctivities Committee 4; Thanksgiving Dance Committee 4
()O'# JOHN JOSEPH BRESNAN "Jock" 6702 CORNELIUS STREET ST. ATHANASIUS Well groomed . . . Closs brain . . . Well read on all subjects . . . Writes o gossip column for the "Wis" . . . Favorite hangout is the "Wis" office ... A good organizer ... A familiar sight at all the weekend donees . . . Hopes to become an M.D. in the future ..• La Salle says good-bye and good luck to one of its favorite sons . . . Wisterian 1-2-3-4. Editor 4; Arcbconfraternity of the Divine Child 1-2· 3-4; Dramatic Club 3; Altar Society 2-3-4; Junior Prom Committee Chairman 3; Blue and Gold 3-4; Glee Club 3; Debating Society 3-4; Intramurals 1-2·3-4; Scholastic " L" 1·2·3: President 1-3
FRANCIS PAUL BURNS C)O "Ace" 5625 McMAHON A VENUE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Team supporter . . . Easy Light curly hair . . . Likes all sports smile and quiet personality have made many friends . . . Supports all activities . . . Long a member of La Salle's track and cross country teams . . . Good luck to a swell follow . . . lntramurals 1-2-3-4; Track Team 1-2-3; Cross Country 1-2-3
OC (,
SWEDESBORO. N. ). ST. JOSEPH Tall . . . Lanky . . . A gilt from Swedesboro High . . . Quiet Well liked . . . Shadows Joe Riley . . . Good natured . . . Swell per· sonolity . . . A future college student . . . Everybody's pol . . . Intramurals ·3.4
HOLY CHILD 4534 N. 16th STREET Small . . . Dark and Quiet .. Trying to grow o swing ..• A member of the four Feathers . . . Loves sports . . . Ardent supporter of all athletic contests . . . Brain at Physics . . . A square pal . . . Future College man . . . Intramurals 1-2-3-4
C) 0
ST. ATHANASIUS 7356 N. ~1st STREET One of the rah-roh boys . . . Basketball manager for four years . . . Tries his hand at anything . . . A whiz in Math . . . Always ready to bet or aTgue . . . A swell guy . . . Plans to enter Merchant Marine Academy . . . Cheerleaders 1·2·4: Liturqlcal Club 1-2; lntramurals 1·2·3·4: Basket· ball Manaqer 1-2·3·4
, •
PETER JAMES CARROLL 0 (') ' 'Pete" 1415 CLEARVIEW STREET HOLY CHILD Pete comes to us from tho Peddie School In New Jersey . . . Lig h t haired . . . Tall . . . Haunts the library . . . A walking e nc yclopedia . . . Enlisted in the Army Air Corps Res(}rve and also tho Civil Air Patrol . . . Plans to become a lighter pilot . . . Transfer !rom Peddie School.
6039 N. 3rd STREET ST. HELENA'S Reliable member of the stage crew ... A real pal when he is needed . . . Haunts Seo Isle City every chance he gels . . . Loves to sing . . . Hopes to be a Public Accountant . . . Middle name is "Energy" . . . So long to a real fellow . . . Intramural& 1-2·3: Dramatic Club 3·4
1509 CHURCH LANE ST. BENEDICT Very qutet and reserved . . . Serious Favorite hangout Is AI Rothman's . . . Soli-spoken . . . Sphin x of 4E . . . Good natured and amiable . . . Stud ious looking, but claims to be bored by school . . . Smooth sailing, Frank . . . Intramura l• 1:2: Knlqhta of the Divine Child 1
7 125 BRYAN STREET HOLY CROSS Mount Alryite . . . Popular . . . Nice dresser . . . Likes lootboll Hongs out in the Sweet Shoppe . .. Wants to be a college grad . . . Leaves school promptly at two-thirty . . . Intramural• 1·2
0 /3
'Cos" 1119 N. 66th STREET ST. CALLISTUS Short and Stocky . . . a man of many humors . . . has mode many friends since his arrival at La Salle . . . claims '1240" as his homo field . . . his favorite pastime is photography . . . good friend of tho hypo and developer . . . we wish you the best of luck in the future.
HARRY JOHN CONNOR "Whltey" 3122 N. SPANGLER STREET CORPUS CHRISTI Short . . . Light complexion . . . Halls from 1240, where he was President of his Freshman Closs ... Spends after school hours with the gong in Whelans . . . Well liked for his pleasant manner . . . Best of luck, Harry ...
Clou Prealaent 1: lntromurola 1-2·3·4
MICHAEL FRANCIS CONNORS "Mike" 948 LA WER STREET ST. MARTIN OF TOURS A true Irishman with all the good points . . . A fine sense of humor . . . Agreeable smile . • . Loves to argue for the sport of It • . • likes sports . . . a cord shark . . . Hopes to study law . . . Maybe we'll hear of a Judge Connors . . .
"Dutchy" ST. CECILIA'S 205 ROBBINS A VENUE A quack In class . . . Loves to ploy cords . . . A basketball whiz of the "Squire's" . . . Tokes pride In his dress . . . An all-round Intra· mural enthusiast . . . Hopes to be a civil engineer . . . very popular with everyone . . . So long to "Dutch", a great fellow . . .
Intramurola 1·2·3·4: Spanish Club 3
0 /1
FRANCIS JOSEPH COOCH "Coochy" OUR LADY Of THE HOLY SOULS 1816 W. VENANGO STREET Big hunk of mun . . . Curly black hair . . . Member of 4B . . . A swell sport who knows how 10 tai<> a jok<> • Alwoy" lnn<JhinCJ More often he"s making others laugh . . . Good luck lor your future, frank . . .
CHARLES WlLUAM CUSTER 0 "'Rags" ST. MADELEINE SOPHIE 76 W. SHARPNACK STREET Halls from Mount Airy . . . Always singing between classes . . . A n accomplished harmonica player . . . Good bowler . . . Interested in cameras . . . A standby at the Mount Airy "Sweet Shoppe" . . . Quiet in manner ... Good luck to you, Charlie ... Bowling Club 1-2; Camera Club 3
PAUL ALBERT DALEY "Hick" ST. PETER-MERCHANTVILLE 116 WOODBINE A VENUE Toll ... Blond!> complexioned ... Wants to be an architect ... Lilces ice skotinq and drawinq ... One of the Annex Boys ... Can be found anywhere In Merchantville i£ you con find Merchantville . . . Lots of luck to you, Paul. Scholastic "L" I ; Yearbook 4
THOMAS JOSEPH DALY <:);?.0 "Tom" ST. AMBROSE 5250 PENW A Y STREET Come to La Sollo on a full scholarship . Always In all uclivilles ... One cl the keglers ... Active in the Spanish Club ... Left Lo Solie to enter tho armed forces in the A.S.T.R.P. . . . A good pol . . . lntramurals 1·2·3·4: Bowling Club 2: Spanish Club 3
JOHN JOSEPH DEASY O;}./ "Deas·· 4932 N. FAIRHILI. STREET INCARNATION Dark hoh . . Sharp dresser . . . Local donee follower . . . Spends leisure time at the "Hustle Inn" . . . net shot artist ... Ploys basketball for Incarnation .. . Hopes to follow In his lather's footsteps . . . Good bye and good luck to a real La Salle man . . . Intromurals 1·2·3· 4: Track 1·2
ROBERT JAMES DEEVEY "Bob" 450 OCEAN A VENUE SACRED HEART. TERSEY CITY Bob is )orsey City's contribution to La Sallo . .. Charier member of tho Dramatic Club ... Loft tho campus in his junior year for a time, but returned ... Follows all La Salle donees . , . Hopes to become a lawyer ... Good luck in all your fu.ture undertakings, Bob ... Intramurals 2-4; Dramatics 1-2-4: Football Manager l-2: Track 2: Bluo and Gold 4
5010 N. f6t'l STREET HOLY CHILD Quiet . . . Toll and good looking . . . Pleasant disposition and easy smile ... For lour years one of the stalwarts of the lnlromurcl League . . . Hopes to attend colleqe ... Success, Dick, in whatever you -:lo .•. lntramurals 1-2-3-4
0 ~ 1/
"Ed" HOLY CHILD 5236 N. 15th STREET Sharp dresser . . . Smooth dancer Member of Donas Wilfred's 48 . . . Quiet at all times . . . Always has a smile lor everyone . . . Likes to be a participant in the court game . . . A good friend to hove ... Good luck to a great fellow. lntramurals 1-2-3-4
EUGENE FRANClS DIRE " Gene" 21 E. PENN STREET ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Quiet ... Quick wtt . .. Wears loud bow ties ... Likes to croon . . . A good bowler ... An ardent movie-goer ... Plans to go to Penn If the service doesn't intervene ... Good luck In all your efforts, "Gene" . . .
lntramurat. 4: Bowling Club 1-2: Dramatic Club 3.
FRANK JOSEPH DONAHUE "Irish" 594 E. GENEVA A VENUE ST. AMBROSE Always smiling ... loves to argue ... quite the bowler ... attained best average In "44" season ... good matoriol for future bowling expert ... interested in mechanical engineering ... o genuine companion.
Intramural• 1-2·3-4: Soltboll AU-Star team 3: Class Officer 4: Rldlnq Club 1: rune Team 1: Wlsterian 3-4: Bowling Team 1-2-3·4: Spanish Club.
JAMES VINCENT DONNELLY "Smiley" 6316 LAMBERT STREET ST. BENEDICT'S Tall . . . Blond . . . Good looldng . . . A Smooth dresser . . . ready wit . . . a good student . . . hne fellow . . . wants to be a civil engineer ... we wish him luck .. .
Poster Club 2: Library Staff 3
o P~ r
"Tom" 115 BRYN MAWR AVENUE. BALA , PA. ST. MATTHIAS Gift from main hne . . . quiet . . . but handsome . . . versatile guard on grid loom •.. good dresser ... hopes to go to Ponn State . . . Very popular with everybody ... o gentleman and o scholar.
rune Club 1-2: Varsity Club 4: Scholastic "L" 1: Football 3-4: Track 4: lntramurat. 1-2-3-4
"Ralph" HOLY NAME 2334 E. YORK STREET Tall ... red curly hair ... Hit Olney Heights from 1240 ... quiet ... but very friendly . . . excells in French ... musically inclined ... listens attentively to Mozart and Beethoven .. . ardent baseball fan . . . good luck, Ralph.
0 3 0
"Doc" ST. BARTHOLOMEW 1749 E. SCATIERGOOD STREET One of the rah·rah boys ... Dramatist since his junior year ... member of Brother Raymond's 4E ... has his sights set on college ... spends most of his time on the campus ...a sure success in anything .. . Intramurals 1-2·3·4: Dramatics 3-4: Cheerleader 2-3-4: Track 3·4.
0 3/
"jack" INCARNATION 257 W. FISHERS AVENUE Medium height . . . blond wavy halr . pleasant personality . . . hails [rom the annex ... earned two scholastic "L's" there . .. an honor student ... enjoys dancing and sports ... Best of luck Jack .. Intramu.r als 1·2·3-4: Scholastic "L" 1-2
"Punchy" PRESENTATION OF THE B.V.M. 542 WOODLAND AVENUE Tall. dark. and rugged . . . always campaigning for St. Cecilia's donees. skating parties. etc. . . . One of Bradley's fighting eleven for the past two years . . . plays quite a bit of outside basketball . . . his
main ambition is to toke up agriculture . . . his hobbies are stamp and coin collecting. Football 2·3·4: Track 3·4: Rifle Club 1: Varsity Club 3·4
'T1ger" HOLY CHILD 5017 N. 12th STREET Curly haired . . . famous for his bass voice .•. athletic . . . Whelan's man ... a La Salle College man at the prosent ... a team follower and ochve in La Salle undertakings . . . plans Chemical Engineering as a !u•ure. Swimming l; Bowling 4; Junior Prom Committee 3; Year Book 4; Intra· murals 1·2·3·4
0 3 ~
"Fran" ST. BENEDICTS 6512 N. UBER STREET Ahos "Duke" . a product of St. Benedict's • .. blond, curly·ha•red and qu1et . . . features scarf and glove combinations . . . a fine fellow ... So long Fran ... Here's to your success . .. lntrcrmurcrls 1·2
"Johnny" 8246 Brookside Boad, ELKINS PARK. PA. ST. JAMES Ahen from Cheltonham Hiqh . . . Lives out with the formers in Elkms Pork ... Good Dresser ... Quite- a volume of humor ... always wears a smile ... favorite hobby Is soiling ... hopes to be an Enginoer somed:ly . . . Future Lehigh man . . . a pol who is tops ... Inlramurals 2-3-4
0 ~ (,
'TE x ST. fRANCIS OF ASSISSI 4818 GREEN STREE:' Me:r.ber oi Brother John's .;c ... con bo found at St. Francis's . . . partlcipmor m all school act1vitll'S • •. Manager of the successful swim· wlnq team . . . Serious student .. Bowling l; Basketball Manoger I; Swimming Mcmoger 3-4: Varsity Club .•. lntramurals 1-2·3·4
"Jeff" 5541 MATTHEW STREET IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, GTN. Germantown's gilt to La Salle after a year and a boll at Princeton, N. J. . .. likeable fellow ... good dresser ... real team supporter . . . his favorite hangouts ore Holy Child and Immaculate . . . would like to be a Mechanical Engineer . . . Track 2·3· 4: Intramural• 2-3-4: Wlsteria:n 3: Bowlinq Club 3
"P. J." ST. EDWARD'S 411 W. DAUPHIN STREET Has a reputa tion for being a ''Johnny come Lately" in the mornings . .. A detention regular ... curly haired fellow who speaks a lo:~quaqe all his own ... a basket-ball fan ... a new member of the jive society who frequents all the week-end donees ... So long to o great fellow ... Jntramurala 1·2·3·4: Spanish Club 3
"Gal" ST. TIMOTHY'S 6218 MONTAGUE STREET A tall blond handsome follow . . . a sharp dancer . . . noted for the wove in his hair . . . Is always ready with a story of his week-end doings ... We'll miss "Gal" and his stories ... quite a hurdler . . . --yrack 1·2·3-4: Rifle Club 2
C/ 0
"Jack" ST. BENEDICT'S 1821 MEDARY AVENUE Black-haired . . . speed demon . . . track letterman for 3 years . . . high jumper . . . speeds around !n the local delivery truck like the "440" ... a likeable fellow . . . Track 1·2·3·4: Glee Club 1-3; Bowllnq 2; lntramurals 1·2·3· 4
o "'I
JOHN AMBROSE GARVIN "Jock" ST. MARTIN OF' TOURS 1440 E. CHELTENHAM AVENUE Rugged. dark complected . Veteran of the gridiron . . . Whelan's Regular . . friendly smile and pleasant disposition . . . ardent team follower . . . always found at the local rug-cuthng sessions . . . aclive in all 20f1 and Olney olloirs . . . Colleqe is the aim of this senior . . . smooth sailing to a real Explorer . . . Football 1-2-3:•: lntramurals 1·2-3-4
DONALD EDWARD GATES "Don' ' HOLY ANGELS LYNWOOD F'ARM. ELKINS PARK. PA. Smooth dresser . . . Sports bow lies . . . Sprinter of nolo . . . sodojerker deluxe . . . Frequents all local dances . . . Lives in the hills of Cheltenham . . . So long to a swell guy. Track 2·3-4: lntramurals 1-2-3-4
"Bob" OLD ST. MARY'S 521 SPRUCE STREET Sharp dresser . . . Alien from South Catholic . . . quiet, but full of humor . .. his ambition is to be a sports writer ... farewell to a gentleman as well as a scholar . Intramurals 2-3-4
JOHN THOMAS GAVIN "Shorty" IMMACt:LATE CONCEPTION. GTN. 5807 WISTER STREET Another C~ rmontown boy mokmg good at La Salle . . . little package of fun . . . Block curly hair . . . always has a smile for everyone . . . con generally be found at the Belheld Playground . . . "Shorty" hopes to be a member of the police force .. , a lot of luck in your future life ... Intramurals 1
LIITLE FLOWER 5220 KNOX STREET "All-Catholic" Bill . . . quite a chunk o f man . . . co-captain of the football team ... Catholic League chomp in shot and discus ... hopes to become o midshipman at Annapolis ... the top letterman of Lo Salle with twelve to his credit ... a scholastic whiz . . . Co-Captain. Football 1-2-3-4: Scbolaatic "L" 1-2·3: Basketball 3-4: Track 1·2·3-4
i.J b
WILLIA.M FRANCIS GEISEL 0 "Bill" HOLY ANGELS 1320 CHELTEN AVENUE An allen to La Salle from St. Helena's decided to get the jump on his fellow students by going to summer school . . . the intramurals felt this speed demon 1n the mile . . . betler known as one of M. A. Felin's boys . . . : Good Luck to o future College graduate ... Track 1: Intramural& 1-2
ST. ATHANASIUS 7330 N. 20th STREET Alias "Cactus" ... Tall. Red-headed casanova ... slow ... but sure ... never hurries except lor track ... speedy 220-man ... broad-Jumper deluxe ... hits the 20-loot mOTk with ease ... timber topper . . . bowling is his favorite pastime . . . wonts to be a chemical engineer . . . A real friend : .• Intramurala 1-2-3-4: Class Officer 1: Basketball 1: Bowlinq Club 1-2: Cross Country 3: Track 1·2·3·4
JOSEPH STEPHEN GLIW A "Polack" ST. JOSEPH'S 1016 Morton Street, Camden, N. ]. Hit La Salle from 1240 .. . Short . . . Stocky . . . Good-natured . . . Everybody's pal . . . good humor and swell personality . . . always eating . . . likes popular music . . . plans to become an F. B. I. agent ... a great fellow Intramurals 2-3'
RESSURRECTION 1521 CO'ITMAN STREET Popular Senior . Brown hair ... Dominant member of all La Salle Activities . . . Track and Cross Country manager . . . claims East Germantown as his second home . . . con be found at Holy Child and St. joseph's on any weekend . . . has for an ambition "to be a success" ... Good Luck in all your future undertakings ... lntramurals 1-2-3-4: Mgr. Track 1-2-3-4: Mgr. Cross Country 1-2-3-4: Yea r book 4: Bowling 2: Varsity Club 3-4
ST. HELENA'S 5854 MARSHALL STREET Black haired . Popular member of Brother F. John's 4C ... Ardent s tomp collector . . . Reads and writes short stories . . . Interested in criminology ... Wonts to be a Journalist ... Good luck. Duff . . . Intramurals I
VINCENT JOSEPH HAFNER "Vince" ST. BENEDICT'S 1981 SPENCER STREET Small in stature ... Big in heart ... Came to La Salle !rom Princeton to complete sophomore year ... Likes swing music ... possessor of a sharp wit ... Best of luck to a great pal .. Intramurala 4
JAMES JOSEPH HAGAN "Skip" SAINT PATRICK'S 2426 LOMBARD STREET Wavy blonde hair ... From "1240" ... Migrates to Whelan's at 2.30 every day . . . Jim combines excellent grooming with a place o n the honor roll . . . Aspires to be an accountant, in which all wish him the best of luck .. . Scholastic ' 'L" 1: Intramurals 1-2-3-4: Vice President 3
WILLIAM JOSEPH HEITZMAN '"Wild Bill" 182 W. ALLEGHENY AVENUE ST. HUGH'S Medium . . . Dark . . . Sha~r deluxe . . . Member of Brother G. John's 4D class . . . Won a scholastic "L'' In his freshman year . . Whiz behind a bowling ball ... Main ambition is to join the Navy .. Good luck Bill . . . Intramurals 1-2-3-4; Bowling Team 4
GERALD AUGUST HEMELT "Jerry" 1400 E. CARDEZA STRET LI'ITLE FLOWER Arrived at La Salle as a Junior . .. Very tall and equally quiet . . . Wears latest sports clothes . . . Frequents the Hot Shoppe . . . Spends free time skat.lng and bowling . . . Haste Ia vista . Intramural& 3-4; Bowling Team 4
JAMES JOHN HENDRI "Jim" 1704 W. WAGNER AVENUE HOLY CHILD Sharp dresser . . . Sports a well trained Small . . . Versatile pompadour . . . Knows his "autos" inside and out . . . A demon at physics . . . Pions to follow his lather's footsteps In the cor business . . Adios, 路to a real gentleman Transfer 'from Simon Grotz
0 ~f"
WILLIAM CHARLES H1GGINS "Hig" 430 E. WADSWORTH STREET ST. FRANCIS OF ASSIS! Blonde hair ... Always looking for a joke ... Haunts all the dances . . . A dramatic man of endless humor . . . Pet peeve of the Brothers .. Closs officer in Junior year . . . Hopes to become a journalist . . . So long to the best there is ... lntramurals 3-4; Bowling Team 4; Dramatics 1-3路4
THOMAS EMMET HOBAN "Tom" ST. MADELEINE'S 138 W. GORGAS LANE Tall ... Well built ... Good looking ... full of humor ... Personality plus ..• A math whiz . . . Usually found around Mount Airy's Sweet Shop ... Takes either side of an argum~nt ... Thinks La Sall" is tops ... lntramurals 1·2·3·4: Bowling Team 2
HOLY CHILD 5354 N. 15th STREET Tall . . . )ark complected . . . Lively One of Brother Dents s dramahsts . . . Haunts Holy Child on Friday night . . . Intramural per former . . . Has engine nng as his ambthon . . . B<>st of luck m your held, Commissioner ... lntramurals 1·2·3·4: Dramatics Club 4: Blue and Gold 4
0 ~J
ST. BENEDICT'S 1965 CHURCH LANE Popular . . Figures in all La Salle activltie~ . . . Toll . . Dark Spends afternoons working at "The Bulletin" . . . Collects oddthes Edits pepulcr peroicticol . . . Hopes to go to college ... Good luck to a H gular fellcw . . . lntramurals 1·2·3·4: Bowling Team 1·2: Clan Representative 4
ST AMBROSE 5210 C STREET Medium build . . . great admirer of Track and Cross Country . . . always can be found at Holy Child on Friday nights and St. joseph's on Saturday nights . . . never without interest in school activities . . . plans to enter the Air Force . .. So long to a great guy .. . Cross Country 3-4: Track 3-4: Yearbook 4: Dramatics 4: lntramurals 1·2·3·4
"Jerry" ST. MATHEW 106 HARRY STREET, CONSHOHOCKEN, PA. Short . . . conservative type . . . one ol Whelan's boys dark wavy hoir . . plays class basketboll . . . great quy so long to a great pol . Rifle Club I; Jntramurala l o2o3o4 0
"Bruno" ST. CECILIA OLD HUNTINGDON PIKE Always wears a smile . loves baseball ... demon lelt fielder ... another ol the "Squire" Hve . . . active lntramuralist aspires to be a Doctor .. Here's hoping you succeed, Jack . Jntramurals 1o2·3 ·4 0
"Rich" ST. MADELEINE SOPHIE 302 CARPENTER LANE A gentleman and a scholar . . wavy hair . . . specializes in typed homework liked by all ... on authority on politics . . . intends to become a criminal lawyer ... Everybody's poi ... Track 2; Tei.nia 3: lntramurals 2°3°4 0
"Jock" HOLY CROSS 426 E. WADS WORTH STREET Wears a perpetual smile at oil tunes ..• loves to draw and hopes to become on art teacher ... haunts the library . . . conservative dresser ... a pol when you need one ... Adios. lntramurals 1·2: Poster Club 3-4; Ceramic Club 4; Wiaterian; Library Staff
o r,? JOSEPH JOHN KLOHOKER "Joe" 5514 WESTFORD ROAD ST. AMBROSE Quiet ... unassuming ... of the Intellectual type ... medium height . light hair . . . o scholastic "L" as a soph .. good student . . . on friendly terms with all ... Future college man . . . lntramurala 1-2·3· 4
HARRY CHARLES KNECHT "Harry" 46 W. WALNUT A VENUE ST. PETER. MERCHANTVILLE Lillie box of dynamite • .. likes sports . . . always ready to give his opinion on anything ... came to L. S. from Camden Catholic .•. wonts to be on enqmeer ... Lots of luck to a swell fellow ... lntramurala 3-4: Spanlab Club
LEO HENRY LABEDZIEWICZ "Lee" ST. PHILIP NERI 945 SOUTH SECOND STREET Tall . . . blond . . . good looking . . scholar and athlete . . . one of our accelerated students . . . now a member of the U. S. Army . . . former player on the Explorer eleven . . . sophomore and junior class svretary ... good luck in future undertakings Lee lntramurala 1·2·3·4: J, V. Baakebtall 1-2; Football 2-3; C1aaa Secre· tory 1-3
"Joe" 28 GRANGE ROAD, DEVON. PA. ST. CATHERINE One of the "1240" boys . tall . . . Chemistry fan . . . likes motor· cycling and hunting . . . hobby is guns . . . haunts the "Old Meeting House" . . . likes to take life easy . . . biggest ambition Is success . . . Lots of Luck, joe . lntramurala 1-2
"Joe" HOLY CROSS IS E. MERMAID LANE Prkde of Chestnut Hill ... good looktnq and conservative dresser •.. tankman. trackman and intramwal enthusiast . . . political . . . Lila Guard at Ventnor during tho summor . . . won Rowing cup at Ventnor City In 1944 . . . a n all-round swell fellow ... Swlmmlnq Team 2·3·4: Track Team 2-3-4: Intramurals 2-3-4: Claas OHicer 2-4: Senior Activities Committee 4: Thanksqivinq Dance Comlttee 4: Student Council 4
07~ THOMAS CORNELIUS LINAHAN "Tom" ST. ATHANASIUS 1510 E. WYNSAM STREET Always sporting a smile . . scholastic whiz ... very well liked and makos friends easily . . . up on all tho latest records . . . speedster on O'Bie's track team . .. an extraordinary harrier ... Features "Dogwood sandwtches" ... So long to a foilhful follower of the Blue and Gold ... Cross Country 2-3-4: Track 3-4: Wisterian 2: Altar Society 1-2-3-4: Varsity Club 3-4: Debatinq 4: Intramu.r ala 1-2-3-4: Year Book 4: Scholastic " L" 1-2-3: Junior Prom Committee.
ROBERT EUGENE LODES "Cookie" IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, GTN. 1116 E. RITTENHOUSE STREET Light complected . . . popular . . . Features all weekend donees . . . True comedian . . . Knows sports llnQo . . . especially baseball . • . Saves all of "Bing's" records ... Never misses o La Salle activity ... A truly great fellow . . . Good luck to Good old "Cook" . . . Intramurals 1-2-3-4; Wlsterian 2-3: Blue and Gold 3-4; Track 2·3: Rille Team 2; Bowllnq 2: Senior Actlviliea Committee 4 "....)·
WILLIAM JOSEPH LOUGHERY "Buck" ST. ATHANASIUS 7017 WOOLSTON ROAD Medium height and build ... Member of La Salle's Cross Country and Track squads . . . Social light . . . "Buck's" personality and spirit hove gamed him a multitude of friends .. . Excellent student . . . Intramural standby . . . Ambition of this "Explorer" is to be o Metallurgist . . . So long, "Buck", o true wearer of the Blue and Gold . . . Intramurals 1-2·3-4; Wiaterian 1-2: Scholastic Medal 1: Croaa Country 3-4: Glee Club l; Blue and Gold (Edilor-ln-Cblef); Junior Prom Committee 3: Senior Activities Committee 4: Cia.. OHicer 1-4: Scholastic " L" 1-3: Track 3-4
PETER JOSEPH LUKSETIC "Pete" ST. ANNE'S 2671 E. THOMPSON STREET Pete ts tall, dark .. is at home on a basketball court and a donee floor . . . smooth dresser . . . makes friends easily , .. So long to o swell pal. lntra murals 1·2·3·4; Scholas tic " L" 1-3
FRANCIS ADAM LUX 'Fronk " ST. HUGHS 3440 N. WATER STREET A modest young IE11low ... o good mlxor ... came to us from "1240" , , , frequents the Cucus Gardens ... fond of sports ... especially hunt· inq . . . doesn't like morning jug . quiet, but lull of humor when OC· -oston calls lor II . Bowllnc;r 4: lntra:murals 3-4
WILLIAM BERNARD McAULIFFE 0 "Moe" SAINT BENEDICT 6318 OGONTZ AVENUE La Salle s super dramatist . A lull scholarship holder . . . Spends summers lifequarding at Sea Isle .. . Won public s~ktnq medal as Junior . . . Likes nothing better than acting in L. S. ploys . . . Hopes to b Engtneer . . . Best of lucie Bill . . . lntramurals 1-2; Class Officer l; Dramatics 2·3-4; Rldlnq Club 1; Public Spe aking Medal 3
7 r
JOSEPH WILLIAM McCREERY O "Josh" SAINT ANNE'S 2864 A RAMlNGO AVENUE Blond .. Hails from Kensmgton . . . Likes to skate and play basket· boll ... Senior brain . . . Ardent plaid shirt wearer . . . Hopes to enter U. S. Army Atr Corps . . . "Au revoir" to a great guy .. . lntramurals 1·2·3-4; Class Secretary 4; Scholastic " t " 1·2·3; Yearbook Staff 4
GEORGE JOHN McDERMOTT "Jeff" 5622 CROWSON STREET IMMACULATE CONCEPTION. GTN. George is a member ol the exclusive "Burr" qonq . . . Gndmon who is the center coq of our T formation . . . Throws shot put around in tho MAY months . . . Quiet manner . . . Good dresser . . . Popular with everyone ... Ouite a sense ol humor . . . A swoll guy. Football 1·3·4: Track 3·4: Varsity Club 3-4: lntramurals 1·2·3·4
THOMAS JOSEPH McDERMOTT "Tom" OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL BRIDGE VALLEY. BUCKS COUNTY. PA Strong, silent type ... Handsome ... Whelan's regular . . . Athletir . . . Demon driver . . . Man about town . . . Act!ve In La Salle's publi cations . . . Pions college and engineering for a future . . . Good luck Tom ... Your friendliness and generosity should carry you to the top . Wlaterian 4: lntromurola 1·2·3·4: Blue and Gold 4; Junior Prom Com· mlttee 3: Senior Activities Committee 4
Of') JAMES JOSEPH McFARLAND "Pete' HOLY CHILD 5100 ROOSEVELT BLVD. An all around swell guy . . . Con usually be lound around dane£ halls . . . A dresser deluxe . . . Anti Smatra . . . Haunts "Little Mtlces" . . . High hopos ol joining U. S. Novy ... Everybody wishes you good luck Pete. · lntramurals 1·2·3-4
ST. MARYS 251 S. FIFTH STREET Tall . . . wavy brown hair . . . possesses a frequent and pleasing smile ... Com& from 1240 in Junior year . . . Whiles away ume done· ing and playing pool ... Success in whatever you undertake 'Moe". lntramurals 1-2·3·4
DONALD HART McGILL ST. MADELINE SOPHIE 6700 LINCOLN DRIVE Athletically inclined . . Member of the track team . . . Class p resident two years . . . Spends his time playing pinball machines at Max's . . . Wants to be a Real Estate Broker . . . We know you'll be a success Don . .. So long and lots of luck. Senior Activities; Dance Committee; Track 3
ST. MADELEINE 31 CARPENTER LANE Short .. . curly haired ... good looking ... proud owner of scholas tic "L" as a sophomore . . . loves to swim a n d go sailing . . . friendly to all ... track star ... member of all·star intramural basketball team . hopes to become a Mechanical Engineer . . . Scholastic "L's";; Track 3·4: Swimming l; lntramurals 1·2·3·4
JOHN FRANCIS McGRATH 412 WOODBROOK LANE HOLY CROSS "Jack" Toll ... Dark ... Vice-President of Class 4C . . . A whiz at th e piano . . . Merited Scholastic "L's" in his Frosh and Junior years ... Excels at tennis . . . Expects to become a RESTAURANTEER . . . An all-round swell guy . . . Riding Club 3; Jntramura1s 1-2-3-4; Basketball 1-2-3; Tennis 3-4; De· bating Team 4; Scholastic " L" 1·3
JOSEPH GIRARD McKENNA "Mock" IMMACULATE CONCEPTION 1230 E. CHELTEN AVENUE Intramural participator in all sports . . Spends his time after 2.30 at Whelan's . . . Has a tonging to join Uncle Sam's Navy .. . Best of luck "Mack" in everything you do ... Bowling Club 3: lntramurals 1·2·3·4
ROBERT FRANCIS McMACKIN "Mac" INCARNATION 5010 Fourth Street Hails from Olney . . . Burr h01rcut .•. Good student supports all school activities . . . Pride of Incarnation . . . Debater and orator deluxe . . . Midyear graduate .. . Attending Lo Salle Colleqe . . . likes to swim . . . A future teacher an the makmq • . . All the luck in the world. Bob ...
Glee Club 2; Wlaterian 3-4; Junior Prom Committee 3; Debatinq 3-4; Senior Dance Committee 4; Library StaJf 3; Scholastic "L" 1; Blue and Gold 4; Senior Play 4; Class Officer 2-3-4; Football PrO<Jrctm Committee 4
ST. CECILIA 31 I HARTEL AVENUE Dark hair . Stage hand . . . Can be seen at all the local dances . . . February graduate altandlnq La Salle Colleqe . . . Supports all L. S. activities . . . Aspires to the medical profession . . . farewell to n really great pal .. . Archconlraternlty 1; Glee Club 2; Staqe Crew 3·4: Library StaH 3·4: Wlsteri<m 4; lntramurala 1-2-3·4
WILLIAM JOSEPH MAHER 'Willie 261 E. EVERGREEN AVENUE OUR MOTHER OF CONSOLATION Small ... Stocky . . . Black curly hair . . . Favorite activity is swim· mmq . . . Summer member of O.C.B.P. . . . Likes to row . . . Has high ambitions 10 the pole vaulting field ... A little man with big ideas .. The best of luck and all successes. "Willie' . . . Swimmlnq 1·2·3-4; Track 1-2·3·4: lntramurals 1-2-3-4; Tennis 1
CHARLES FRANCIS MARONEY "Charita" ST. ATHANASIUS 2460 76th A VENUE Curly haired ... Always weorlng a smile ... Captains local "Comet" live ... Has a dead left . • . Veteran harrier ... Always seen clicking a camera . . . Interested in aviation . . . Originates Dick Tracy chor· ccters . . . A real pol . Wlsterian 1·3-4; Clan Officer 1·2·3; Poster Club 1-2-3; Archconfra· ternity 1: Photoqraphy Club 3; Bluo and Gold 4; Cross Country 1·2-3·4
JAMES EDWARD MALONEY Moe" s~. fRANCIS XAVIER 2445 OLIVE STREET Quite a reader . . . Small . . . Quiet . . . A modest fellow Leaves campus at 2 :30 e xactly everyday . . . Spends spare ttm<J at ''Blue Joy· . . Expects to enter Uncle Sam's Navy . . . So lana. )lm . . .
l:f A
ST. HELENA 5944 4TH STREET Hails from Fern Rock . .. dark curly hair . . . A very sharp drO'sser . . . Cheerleader captain . . . Supports all La Salle acHvtti(•S . . . . Interested in photography . . . His hobby is stomp collecting Asp1res to rad1o engineering . . . La Salle says good-bye to n line fe-llow . . . Jntramurcla 1·2·3·4: Track 2; Cheerleaders 2-3-4: Captain 4; Photoqyaphy Club 3: Library Staff 3
JOSEPH ROY MEEHAN "Roy" ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI 59 CLAP!ER STREET Short . . . Stocky . . . Well known figure around La Salle . . . Likes sports . . . Was an intramuralist for lour years . . Does u lot of swtmming and ice skating . . . Wonts to be a radioman in Uncle> Sam's Navy . . . A sure success in anything you try. we wish you lots of luck. Roy .. . Jntramurola 1·2·3·4
ST. PETER'S 1431 N. 7th STREET Quiet . . . cheerful . . . A good student ond a swell pol . . . Always expenmcnling .. • Scholoshc "L's" in Frosh, Soph, md Junior Y• ars . .. Arnved here from 1240 . . • Plans to ~orne a s~ientost . . . Jntramurala 2-3·4
GEORGE JOSEPH MOOCH "Fello IMMACULATE CONCEPTION 12280 E. HAINES STREET Short, block haired . . . quiet . . • good sport . . . a likeohle chop . . . hopes to become a member of the Coast Guard soon . . . here·s hoping you reach your aim and hove lots of luck on the wcy . • •
lntromurals 1·2·3·4
403 HoHnoqlo Stree: ST. CECILIA. Dark and handsome favorite hobby is roller skotmg . . . hongs out at St. Cecilia's and O xford Movie . wouldn t be without his basketball . . . hopes to become a first class enqineer . • . nlways at Convention Hall on Saturday nights • . . So long to o swell !el· low . . •
1ntromurals 1-2-3-4: Mechanical Drawing Club 3
"Joe'' IMMACULATE CONCEPTrON. GTN. ' 558 LOCUST A VENUE Carrot-topped . . . Conservative dresser . Good student . . . Scholastic "L" In the first three years .•. Popular among students and Brothers . . . Manages football and basketball teams . . . Speaks more Spanish than English . • A square pal . . . Vara.lty Club 3. 4: Glee Club 1: Football Manager 3. 4: Boalcetball
Manoqer 3. 4: Closs Representative 3: Scholastic "L" 1. 2. 3; Scholastic Medal 3
FRANCIS XAVIER MORRISON "Fronk· ST. MARTIN 5658 MIRIAM ROAD Tall . . . dark . . . summer school student . Now a member a! La Salle College . • . Likes to participate m thl" court game . . • intramural standby while m high school . . . • pre-med" student •• . Good luck In your future undertakings. Fronk.
lntramurals 1-2·3: Wlsterian 1·2 .
PETER PAUL MUESSIG "Pete" INCARNATION 7526 NEW SECOND STREET, ELKINS PARK. PA . A gentleman athlete . . . scholar . . collects records . . . excellent half-miler and cross country man . . . one of Brother Dems Wtl!red's debaters . . . Qood German student _ . _ Interested m enginng . _ . a groat pol . Cross Country 2-3-4; Track 2·3·4: Debatinq 4; lntramurala 2·3: Schol· aatic " L" 1-2-3; Orcheatra 1-2; Blue and Gold 4; Scholastic Medal 2; Varsity Club 3-4
ASCENSION 3049 RORER STREET Hails from Kensmgton . . . really on when discussing sports . . . takes pleasure in havmg a good time . . _ wants to be a Chemtcal Engineer .. - haunts Whelan's . . . 1240's gilt to La Salle . . . Good Luck to a great guy . . . lntramurals 1-2 3·4; Scholaatlc "L" 1-2
I ol
JAMES BERNARD MYNAUGH Junior' HOLY SPIRIT, SHARON HILL 93 RIDLEY A VENUE Toll __ • well liked . . scholastic whiz likes basketball and football . - . wants to be an aeronautical engineer . . . "1240" alumnus ... con I do enough studying to suit h imself ... Good luck /tm .. lntramurala 1-2; Automobile Club "1240"; JV Football 3; Scholastic "L" 1·2-3
EDWARD FINK NAGLE 'Ed ST. MADELINE SOPHIE 152 W. HORTTER STREET A St. Francis of Assist alumnus . . . loves porties and cokes .•. pet peve of the Brother's . . . Constant late comer . . . quite <J Wtz at Physics . . So long to a q reat guy . Intra:murals 1-2; Dramatic Club 2 3
Short . . . moss ol muscles .. cheerful disposition . . . came here in sophomore year . . . one of the boys from Harvey's , •. a slandoul in Intramural& . . . well liked . . . hopes to join the Marines . . .
lntramurala 2·3·4
An allen from Stroudsburg High ... sharp dresser ... handsome . . . grldman . . . popular with students and faculty . . . an all-around man . . . swell guy . . . cream of MI. Airy . . . hopes to be officer in Merchant Marine.
Football 4: Varsity Club 4
I 0~
He's the man wilh all the blond foliage . . . strong advocate of the nationally known bow·tie . . favorite pastime IS playing the trumpet . . . a popular intramuralist . . . Good Luck lo this loyal follower of all La Salle's octivitie.s .
lntromurols 1·2·3
862 N. 23rd STREET
Jack, with his black hair, ho1ls lo us irom " 1240" . . . ooother ono of the boys that haunts Whelans alter school . . . Plans 10 spend h1s future as an accountant . . . we know that you wiJI succeod 10 this branch. Jack . . .
lotromurals 1·2·3·4
GERALD JOSEPH PENDERGAST "Gerry' IMMACULATE CONCEPTION 1372 HAINES STREET Medium height with dark wavy foliage on top Likes hosebock riding . . . Good at swimming and acrobatics . . . Usually hits school us the bell tolls . . . His favorite hangout is our practice heir! . . . His ambllion is to become a veterananon . . . Intramurala 1-2·3·4
HARRY FRANCIS PERKINS "Perle" 4408 N. 19th STREET ST. FRANCIS ASSISI "Perk" is St. Francis' contribution to La Salle ... Smooth dresser ... Top notch jitterbug ... One of the Whalen boys ... Loyal La Salle man • .• Loves to sleep ... Hopes to become an engineer •.. Lots of luck, Harry . . . Intramurals 1·2·3·4
WALTER HARRY PETRJ "Walt" 2140 STENTON AVENUE ST. BENEDICT'S Altended summer school . . . Left at hall-year Toll . . . Blonde mark for D.I.T. . . Sports rifle L" . . . Interested in machinery Plans to make a career of this ... Good luck, Walt . Intramural& 1·2·3: Rifle Club 2·3
ST. ATHANASIUS 7425 RUGBY STREET Handsome . . . Well butlt . . . Noted for his burr haircuts . . . Everybody's pal . . . Sparkling personality and wit hove gained him o hcst of friends . . . Scholar. gentleman. and athlete . . . Endmon on Lo Salle's eleven and· trackman of note . . . Cooperative and active in Blue and Gold affairs ... Hopes to be on engineer ... You can't miss. Chief ... So long to a swell pal ... lntramurala 1·2·3·4: Scholastic "L" 3; Class President 4; Football 1·2·3·4: Track 1·2·3·4: Year Book 4: Dance Committee 4
JAMES JOSEPH REAGAN 'Inkey" OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL SWANSON AND RITNER STREETS A three and a hall year man, now attending St. Joseph's Colleqe . .. Another of O'Bie's boys ~alnlng three letters ln basketball . . . Follow· Ulg his father·s footsteps ... One of the brams of the Class of '45 . • . H1s favorite hobby is playing the piano . . . Smooth saUlng, Jim Intramural& 1-2·3·4: Scholastic "L" 1-2: Class President 4: Class Re p· resentative 4: Basketball 2·3·4
FRED JOSEPH RHEMUS "Fred" OUR MOTHER OF CONSOLATION 219 E. HIGHLAND STREET Fred is another member of that famous 4A gong . . . known for his sly subtle wit . . . a very good pupil . . . wears clothes right in sty!., ... a good athlete ... hopes to be a Chemical Engineer ... Headed for Drexel Tech . . . o square pol . . . Intramurals 1-2·3
I I .3
"Joe" GESU 2028.N. BROAD STREET Great sports enthusiast . . . Loves basketball especially . . . Quie t . . . Good sense of humor . . . A February graduate . . . Camero bug . . . Collects guns of all kinds . . . So long and good luck to " swell guy ... Rifle Club 1-2-3: Camera Club 2
INCARNATION 5041 N. 5th STREET Hor is one of the ··who Dol Up Dere" men . . . toll hombre . . . one of 4 D's best known and best liked members . . . a terror of the mteromurol basketball leogue . . . likes the net game and pool . . . plans to be a chemist . . . success to a grand fellow . . . Intramurala 1·2·3·4: JV Baske tball 1
4 I 7 CO'ITMAN STREET Tall .•. lcnky .. • dark haired . . . conservative dresser . . . sports two "L s' lor Bowling . . . takes pride In getling good marks . . . a whiz at asking questions . . . likes to ploy goll . . . plans to enter -ollege . . . usually con be found around any Bawling Alley lntramurala 1·3: Bowllnq 2-3·4
22 AMBLER ROAD, MERCHANTVILLE. N. ]. One o( the most outstanding members oi the senior class . . . active 1n all L.S. affous ... active intramuralist ... s~nds summers lileguardmg at Atlantic City . . . So long to a foilhful wearer of the Blue and Gold . . . lntramurals 1-2-3-4; Class Officer 1-2·3·4: Scholastic " L" 1-2; Scholastic Medal 1-2: Junior Prom Committee 3; Freshman " G" Year Book; Public Speaklnq Medal 2; Senior Dance Committee 4; Blue and Gold 4
WILLIAM PETER ROSS "Bill" ST. PETER 932 N. ORIANNA STREET Toll . . . Musculcr . . . Likes to swing on pipes . . . Athletically in· dined • . . Model builder and Photography fan . . Wonts to be an Electrical Engmeer . . • Hcunts movi::s . . . Likes to argue just lor Iun . . . Adios, Bill . - . Class Officer 1-2; lntraumrals 1·2: Scholastic " L" 1-2
1' r
HOLY NAME 2565 E. NORRIS STREET Well l1ked . Always cheerful . . . Corrservalive, but oh those lies! .. Seen at all La Salle's oclivittes ... Con toke a joke ..• Portrayed Battling Woll" in "A Slight Case of Murder" .. Swell guy to know ... Glee Club 1-4: Library Staff 2: Orchestra 2: Dramatics 4; lntramurals 1·2·3·4
ST. THOMAS ACQUINAS 1506 S. BROAD STREET Short . . . Dark hair . . Great school splril . . . Comes !rom "1240" ... Well liked lor his wit and good humor ... Famous fer his heckling In Garma n Class . . Our best wlshos go wilh this great guy who IS bound lor the field of chemistry. Automobile Club 1: Intramural& 1-2-3-4: German Club 4
HOLY ROSARY 6234 BELF:ELD AVENUE Small . . . Quiet . Unassuming . . An all around qreot quy . . . Leading member of Brother Christopher's stage crew . .. Features billiards and bowling reqularly . . . Asplres tc become o medical doctor . . Good luck to you. Don . . . Jntramwals 1-2-3·4: Dramatics 2·3·4: Blu' an:! Gold 4
"Sk!llbert" OUR MOTHER OF SORROWS 2078 MAF.GRET STREET Came to La Salle as a Junior ... Good natured ... Dresses in latest styles . . . Likes to go swimming • . . An expert at oil paintings .. . Usually found around "Little Mike's" and Whelans . . . Sports tho J, test jokes . . . Hopes to become a lawyer . . . lnlramurals 3-4
"Tom" ST. LEOS 7037 ALGARD STREET •. Blond . . . Heavy set . . . Medium height . . Athletically Inclined . . . Enjoys small qame hunting. skatmg, and dancing . . . Leeks for ward to a journalistic career . . . Good luck. Tom . . . lnlramwals 1-2-3-4; Rille Club 2-3·4
LAWRENCE FRANCIS SHAEFFER "Larry" ST. AMBROSE 100 W. TABOR ROAD Tall . • Lanky . . . Brown hair . . . Good student • . . Recetveci scholastic "'L" as soph and Junior .. . Aviation enthusiast . . . A hend for bowlinq . . . Quiet . . . A rooster worth crowing about . . . Bowlinq 2·3-4; Intramurala 1-2
BRAINARD PHILIP SHULL "Brains" ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI WAKEFIELD AND COLLUM STREET A pleas~nt freckle faced smile . . . A future crooner . . . Fond o~ c hemistry and all sciences . . . Spends idle hours in his lather's pharmacy . . . Likes basketball . . . Hopes to follow in his father's I vtstt>ps . . . Lot's of luck to you, Brains . . . Intramurals 1-2·3·4: Glee Club 1·2·3·4: Archconlraternlty 1·2·3·4
3449 TAMPA STREET ASCENSION The Ascenston Ktd . . . Short of stature Likes all sports . . . Thinks Wildwood can't be boat . . . Earned scholastic "L" as Frosh and Soph . . Best of luck in anything you do, Jake . . . Intramurals 1·2·3·4: Class OHieer 1-2; Seholaatle " L" 1·2
NICHOLAS JOSEPH SIPA ' " "Nick" 2839 N. FAIRHILL STREET ST. BONAVENTURE Short. blond and stocky Likes all sports especially baseball . . . Enjoys listerung to all the latest tunes . . . Can be seen strutting the La Salle colors at the school activities . . . Plans to be an engmeer .. Good luck, "Nick" . . . Wisterlan 3·4: Blue and Gold 4; lntramurals 1·2·3·4: Dobatinq 4
I" 7
JAMES ANTHONY SMITH "Smitty'' ST. MARTIN OF TOURS 929 SCATTERGOOD STREET Member of Brother Raymond's 4E . . One of the BrodiEymen . . . Football Co-Captain during past season ... Spends weekends at dances .. President of student representatives . . . Frequents "Herman's" qym . . . Plans to lake enqineering In college . . . Good luck, "Smitty" . . . Football 1·2·3·4: lntramurals 1·2: Student Representative 4: Junior Prom Committee 3: Senior Activities Committee 4
"Joe" HOLY CHILD 5619 N. UBER STREET Medium ... Brown hair ... Neal dresser ... Stalwart of :ennis team .. Always has a smile lor everyone . . . Excellent scholastic ob!hty . . Deserves all the success that we con wish him. Tennl1 1·2·3·4: lntramu.r als 2·3·4
MARTIN JOSEPH SMITH "Senator" ST. STEPHEN'S 1424 BLAVJS STREET Dork complected Sharp dresser . . Popular member of Brother Denis Wilfred's 4B Class ... Charter member of "Nicetown Boys Club" . . . demon of the wooden ways . . . Trick shot artist . . . Good luck to the ·s,.nator" . . . lntramurals 1·2·3·4
WILLIAM DAVID SPlLLAN "Bill" ST. BENEDICTS 6554 N. 17th STREET Short . . Sharp . . . A moss of muscle . Loves to wear loud sweaters . . Features a "BURR" constantly . . . A top harrier and trackman . . . Spends summers at Ocean City as a life guard . . . Everybody's pal . . . CrOII·country 2·3-4: Track 1·2·3·4: lntramurals 1·2·3·4; Varsity Club 3·4
ST. CLAIR "Soinf' 2966 AR AMINGO A VENUE NATIVITY Curly-haired and always smiling . . . Top Harrier lor 3 years . . . Travels over cinders lor a lost mile ... Active Th espian ... Follows all Explorer teams . . . So long. "Soinf' . . . Track 1·2·3·4: Dramatics 3-4: Glee Club 1: Cross-country 1·2-3-4: V=sity lub 2-3·4: lntramurals 1·2·3·4: Basketball 1
THOMAS FRANCIS SULLIVAN ''Tom" 1403 Kenilworth APTS. ST. VINCENT ds PAUL Tall . . . Lanky . . . Frequents the Dairy Maid . . . Has on army of friends . . . Socially active throughout the four years . . . Intends to become a Christian Brother ... A truo La Salle man .. . ArchconJraternlty 1-2-3-4: Dramatic Club 1·2: Wisterlan 4: Stamp Club 2-4: Poster Club 2·4: Stage Manager 2-3-4: Hikinq Club 4: Debet· inq 4: Dance Committee 3-4
!:810 N. LAMBERT STREET IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Come to La Salle as a junior . . An immediate success in the athletic world . . . Won All-Catholic and P.ll-Scholastlc honors as a senior . . . Likes swimming and rowing . . . Member of the famed O.CB.P... . Hopes to go to college . . . Lots of luck to o great guy . Track 3·-4: Football 4: Swimming 4: Class Officer 4
JOSEPH VINCENT SWEENEY "Moe" 2133 CHEW STREET TMMACULA TE CONCEPTION The submariner of La Salle ... captained s·Nimming team as a senior ... Closs offacer for three years . •. swell drasser ... does well m all athletics . . . smooth dancer . . . Wonts nothing more than to beat Alan Ford of Yale . . . an O.C.B.P. man . . . Dynamic personohty . . . Best of luck, "Moe' .. . Class Officer 1·2-3: Swimming 1·2·3·4: Captain 4: Tracie 1·3: Intra. murals 1-2-3-4: Senior Activities Committee 4: Student RepreaontaUve 4
ST. COLUMB A 2822 N. 19th STREET Blonde . . . Well liked . . . Another man from "1240" . . . Likes sports . . . Aspires to be a chemica !engineer . . . Lots of luck, Charlie lntramural.a 1-2·3·4: Automobile Club " 1240": ArchconJraternity 1·2: Frosh Yearbook lG
WILLIAM FRANCIS TAYLOR "Tex'' ST. fRANCIS OF ASSISI 225 W. CLAPIER STREET Toll . . . Light . . . Personality plus . Well liked by students and faculty . . . Active in all Blue and Gold affairs . . .Has on ambition to join the Mar!nes . . . Smooth sailing, "Tex". Cron-country 1-2: lntromurol.a 1-2·3·4: Class Officer 4: Student Representative 4: Blue and old 4: Senior Ac1ivitles Committee 4
"Marty'' SACRED HEART, MANOA, PA. 1114 CHJLDS AVENUE Husky hunk of man . . . Always neatly dressed . . . Well liked lor his quiet and friendly manner . . . Enjoys small game hunting and fish· ing as well as swimming . . . Desire to study engineering is included in hts postwar plans. Swimming Team, Manager 2·3· 4: Rille Team 1: lntramurals 1·2·3·4
CHARLES SAMUEL THOMPSON "Chuck" ST. ANTHONY I 008 S. 25th STREET Hoppy.qo-lucky . Has a smile for all . . One of the ''Obrienmen" . . . Co-captain ofthe'44-'4S quint . . . Class officer past two years . . . Tokes great pleasure in sleeping late . . . Chief ambition is to graduate . . . Best o~ luck, "Chuck". Basketball 1-2·3·4: lntramurals 1·2·3·4: Class Officer 3-4: Junior Prom Committee 3: Senior Activities Committee 4
~ '1
RESURREcriON 7314 LORE'ITA AVENUE Great comedian in the classroom and on lhe stage . . . Rolled them m the aisles at the "Rivals" and "A slight Case of Murder'' . . . Whelan's regular . . . Popular with students and faculty . . . Supports J I Blue and Gold affairs . . . So long, Joe. Dramatics 2·3·4: Thanksgiving Dance Committee 4
THOMAS FRANCIS PATRICK TUCKER O "Tuck" IMMACULATE CONCEPTION 724 E. HAINES STREET Popular . . . Good sense of humor . . . Smart basketball player . . . Cafeteria cowboy . . . Can be found at aU athletic and social actlvl· h• •S • • • Hopes to attend college . . . Success to a real La Salle man. Tennis 3·4: lntromurols 1·2·3·4
Bob" 911 W. SOMERSET STREET ST. EDWARD Popular member of Brother Godfrey John's 4D class . .. Holds office of Class Secretory . . . One of the Explorer chess and checker demons . . . Photography claims o lot of h1s spare lime . . . aspires to be an engmeer . . . We w1sh you all the luck In the world, Bob. Class Secretary 4; Chess and Checker Club 3·4: Photograph Club 3·4
BENJAMIN JOSEPH VENTRESCA "Ben" IMMACULATE CONCEPTION 820 HAINES STREET Pleasingly plump . . . Always wears a big smile . . . Popular with Brothers as well as with classmates ... Dramatic main in his !TOsh and soph years ... Sharp as a Gillette Blade . .. Floats around in a Buick Hopes to be a contractor ... So long to a real pal ... Dramatics 1-2; lntramurals 1-2·3·4: Football 3-4
HUGH PAUL WALSH "Hugh" ST. COLUMBIA 2759 N. JUDSON STREET Dark . . . Popular Sports lover Likes a good tim& . . . Personality plus ... Active in L.S. aHmrs ... Haunts dance spats and drug stores ... All he wants out of life is success-and h•>ll get II . . . lntramurals 1·2·3·4; Automobile Club "1240"; Freshman " G " Yearbook
I tf
FREDERICK JOSEPH wALTERS 'Bucky" OUR LADY OF THE HOLY SOUL 3506 N. 23rd STREET Quiet and a good sport . . . proud of scholastic "L" earned as frosh . . . favorite hobby is model railroadinq . . . ardent follower of basketball team ... haunts Whelan's alter school ... swell all around fellow . . lots of luck in the future . • . Class Newspaper 1; Cross-country I ; Wia 1-2: lntramurals 1-2-3-4
J cf ~
HOLY CHILD 5750 N 12th STREET Well buill . . . dark . . . active in all sports . . . varsity letter man . . . summer school student . . . cinder and grid man de-luxe . . . lots of luck to a fine fellow ... lntramurala 1-2-3-4; Track 1-2-3; Football 3; JV Football 2: JV Basketball 2-3
I t/ {,
HOLY CROSS 4034 MOWER STREET Jolly fellow . • . good natured . . . another potential Engineer . . . favorite hobby is class president of 3A . . . 2 scholastic "L's" bowhng . . . active m lntramurals . . hangs out at the "Sweet Shop" best wishes for success . .. Class President 3A; Scholastic "L" 2-3: Bowllnq Club 4: Year Book 4: lntramurals 1-2·3-4; Scholastic Medal 3
6521 N. 3rd STREET Short and stocky cheerful fellow . . . won scholastic honors for lour years . . . very talkative fellow . . . plans to be a future doctor . . . as a fellow mormon he specialized in the brest stroke . . . So lonq to a swell fellow. Scholastic " L" 1·2-3! Swimming Team 1-2-3: RiDe Club 1-2
JOSEPH MURRAY WffiTE Boots HOLY CHILD 5333 N. 13th STREET Dignified looking semor . . . one of the most popular fellows in the "45" Closs . . . Well know n for his interest in sports from a literary viewpoint . . . many awaited his column ''Our Worthy Opponents" . . . his ambition is to go to colleqe if Uncle Sam doesn't interfere . . . n euher field we wish him luck and know he'll be successful .. Spanish Club 3: Wis 1-2-3-4: Sanctuary Society 1-2: Junior Prom Com· mlttee 3: Football Program Committee 4; Senior Activities; Glee Club 1: lntramurals 1-2·3·4
JOSEPH DANIEL WILLIAMS "Jeep" ST. PETERS. MERCHANTVILLE 7515 PARK AVENUE Another Merchantvillite . .. personality plus . . . likes all sports but uxcells on basketball court . . . one of O'Bie·s boys for post two years • .. well liked by all ... product of the Annex ... sure success in what· ovor he does . . best o f l uck, Jeep. Basketball 3-4: Intramurals 1-2-3-4; Scholastic "L" 1-2-3; Class Officer 1-2-3-4
LOUIS CHARLES WOYCE ''Lou' ST. MA9ELEINE SOPHIE 88 E. MONTANA STREET Tall, light, and rugged one of the boys from Ocean City . . . Track and swimming performer . . . very popular , .. o bird enthusiaSt . . . hopes to ploy college football . . . personality plus . . . Swimming Team 1-2-3-4; Cross Country 2-3: Tracie 2-3-4: lntramurals 1-2-3-4: Senior Activities Committee 4
Halls from New Jersey . . . belongs to the riding and bowling club . . . good sense of humor . . . always tinkering with radios . . . plans to be a radio technician . . . you're sure to succeed in this field. Fred.
Jntramurals 1·2·3; Riding Club; Bowling Club
JOHN JOSEPH WYNN "Jack" ST. LEO'S 6708 GLENLOCH STREET An alien from Northeast Catholic. . dark . . . well liked . . . fre quents cord parties . . . good humor and swell p< •rsonality hopPs to make a name In the world . . . an all·round pal . . .
W ILUAM HUGHES ZINK "Bill HOLY CROSS 314 E. MT. AIRY AVENUE Good looking . on" of the famous "Brodley·men' . . extraordin· ory humor . . . plenty of personality . . . proud of his L" lor football . . . member of the stage crew . . . extra lime spent in Chemistry Lab. . . . hopes to enter College or Join the Marines . . out best r '<;lOrds. "Bill" . . . Football 3·4; Stage Crew 2·3-4; Pre sident 2C; Glee Club 4; Intra· murals 1·2·3·4
Many difficulties confronted the staff this year, not the least of which was the failure to get some very desirable pictures. The war has taken many photographers from the ranks of our professional friends and broken appointments were not easily remade, especially when t{le weather would not cooperate. Other circumstances beyond our control also contributed to our discomfort at the ~ense
of those who should have been pictured in this book.
The Rifle Club and the Tennis Team were not sufficiently organized to make picture-taking practical.
The crew was just beginning and, although we
should have liked to put them in, we just could not.
Rain twice foiled our
attempts to take the Junior Varsity Football team in a group and in action. As a result we have only the eleven men pictured elsewhere in this keepsake of our days at La Salle. We were unable to get the Freshman basketeers together and, as the picture of what we have came late, we placed it among the informal groups. Their names (left to right) when you find them are: }. Kearney, W. Colbridge, F. Wissman, Coach J. Greenberg, }. Grauer, C. Donnelly, and F. Connell. Briefly, but inadequately too, we express our heartfelt gratitude to all our friends for their encouragement and cooperation. Amongst these we must single out Miss Anne McCarthy and her Zamsky crew for their usual cordial assistance; Mr. Cooke for his time and ideas; and Brother Daniel and his photographers for numerous and timely pictures that often saved us embar路 rasslng explanations. fmally we thank our Moderator Brother ::>tephen for his undivided attention in helping produce this book.