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BLUE AND BOLD OF 1947 Presented By
LA SALLE NIUE SCHOOL Philadelphia Peansylraaia\ .'2 'sV*lL, n â&#x2013;
These buildings have been our homes away from home fo r fhe
past fo u r years.
Their co lle g ia te
G o th ic style o f architecture, w ith high towers and gables, set against the picturesque W is te r W oods area, creates an inspiring atm osphere o f re fin e m ent and quietness conducive to study and proper mental develop m e n t. The college b u ilding and th e fa c u lty house join at
th e
Tw entieth
S treet
A venue sym bolically fo rm in g an " L ." The high school building, w ith adjoining M c C a rth y Stadium, and McShain Hall, backed by th e intram ural fie ld , com plete th e quadrangle th a t is known as La Salle. But these are m ore than o rd in a ry buildings. They are a living p a rt o f La Salle. They have been given life by th e hundreds o f students who have spent th e ir school days in them , and who have carried away w ith them countless cherished memories. H e re in quiet, scholarly surroundings under th e w atchful gaze o f th e Sacred H e a rt and the Blessed M other, La Salle boys grow in to La Salle men.
Top center: In summer or winter, McShain Hall s beauty seems never to lessen. Here the snow that fell so abundantly this year blankets the activities going on in classes. Music Rooms, Mechanical Drawing Room and the Blue and Gold Room.
Right: The High School building proper houses most classrooms, laboratories, library, cafeteria, and gym make up La Salle. Four years we've walked up steps into this building which saw us delevop from frosh to mature graduates.
of the which these green
. "■'rf'Ti®-
Above: The war y.ars .aw us taka over soma of tha empty oollasta oJassrooms to satisfy tha demand fof admissions. ,S*nt«s The consecration o f tfca entwa school to the
Saejmd Heart take, place here aaeh year at the annual retreat.
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center: The Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes le Christian
i - 'i
attests to our devotion to the ; Blessed <Mother of God Schools, live, pray, work and
play here.
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SETTING TEE STAGE The quadrangle is th e h eart o f all a ctivitie s on the campus.
, ;-i--^
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In th e center o f it is located th e in
spiring statue o f th e Sacred H e a rt, b e fo re which a lamp constantly burns. The o th e r landmark on our campus is the G ro tto o f Lourdes, which real istically depicts the m iracle o f Lourdes. It is a spot which always demands a tte n tio n , no m a tte r how o fte n it is viewed.
^ 3
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La Salle as a p riv a te school had its o rigin a t St. M ichael's in 1858, then known as th e Select School. In 1863 it became p a rt o f La Salle C olle g e and in 1883 it moved to the M ichael Bouvier Man sion, 1240 Broad S treet, now La Salle C e n tra l C ity H igh School, a branch o f th e new La Salle. To all o f us th e old b u ilding is known fa m ilia rly as "1 2 4 0 ."
{ —
Let th e record speak. W ith 260 years o f experi ence fta
Satte C o«ege
Ptesi d e n t o t <-
tra d itio n
C hristian
Brothers need not boast o f th e ir achievements. Ecclesiastical authorities express satisfaction; while non-sectarian groups examine th e ir schools m inutely
and rate them as superior. Such g re a t achievem ent d id not come abo u t in a day. W hen St. John Baptist de la Salle helped
g roup o f in d ig e n t teachers a t Rheims in 1680, he d id not know th a t to d a y his religious in stitute
BROTHER EDWARD J O H N , F.S.C. Bursar and Treasurer These men devote their whole lives to our train ing. Top: Brother E. Stephen, Physics, Geometry, Rifle Club; Brother G. Thomas, Business, English, Baseball Team; Brother F. Aloysius, Chemistry; Brother G. Robert, English, "Wisterian" Modera tor, Riding Club. Middle: Brother F. Francis, Economics, Problems of Democracy, "Blue and Gold," International Relations Club; Brother D. Michael, Typing, Altar Society; Brother Felician John, History, Intramurals; Brother E. Joseph, Algebra, Economics. Bottom: Brother Emilian, Latin, Stamp Club; Brother G. Patrick, Mechan ical Drawing, Dramatics; Brother David Albert, Councellor; Brother David, Principal. Not in Picture: Brother Felix Francis, English; Brother D. John, Geometry, Track Moderator; Brother F. Joseph, Algebra, Basketball Moderator.
^ —
B Y :
would have a mem bership o f over 15,000 teachers in over 1,244 schools with an enrollm ent surpassing 300,000. H e re a t La Salle the 1947 g ra d u a tin g class en joyed th e rare p rivile g e o f receiving its secondary school train in g from 35 o f the Brothers.
'’" " c - P a U ,
F.S.C. ^<9^ School
A m erican
As we leave th e ir hands we can now
understand the p rid e engendered by th e invalu able title "Brothers' Boys."
‘■0 Sollo
Director of Guidance Program W e know them as extraordinary teachers. Top: Brother Felix John, Solid Geometry, Trigonometry; Brother G. Leo, Spanish, Pan-American Society, Ceramics, Tennis; Brother Portunatus John, Music; Brother Daniel, History, Photography Club, Cheer leaders. Middle: Brother Cassian, English, Debat ing; Brother G . Anthony, Biology; Brother M. Gabriel, Spanish, Football Moderator; Brother D. Stephen, German, Intramurals. Bottom: Brother E. James, Vice-Principal; Brother E. Francis, Mathematics, Athletic Director; Brother F. Ray mond, Spanish, French, Crew Moderator; Brother Fabian Joseph, History, Music. Not in Picture: Charles O'Brien, Physical Education, Basketball Coach; Rocco di Laurentis, Physical Education, Art, Basketball; Andrea d'Angelo, English, Drama tics; Miss Rita Chimney, Secretary.
This staff wasn't caught w ith its co p y down. W o rk on our "m o tio n p ic tu re " them e was rolling a t th e end o f last school year, and by th e be g in ning o f our Senior year, we w ere almost through th e "firs t re e l."
Mr. William T. Cooke of Campus Publishing congratulates Brother F. Francis on the "AllAmerican" 1946 "Blue and Gold."
This most unique them e has con
trib u te d much to our p ublication. The aim o f th e 1947 "B lue and G o ld " sta ff is to make our annual a reservoir o f flashbacks to be drawn upon in th e fu tu re w henever we wish to quench our rem iniscent th irst. Hours o f work have gone in to th e fillin g o f this reservoir; however there is a feeling o f satisfaction in seeing the finished product, which m ore than compensates fo r the tim e and energy spent on it. But to our ch ie f d ire c to r. Brother F. Francis, goes th e most c re d it and the deepest feeling o f g ra ti tu d e fo r his patience w ith our shortcomings and fo r his invaluable guidance.
In October, Mr. William T. Cooke explained the various stages in the work of producing an "All-American" yearbook. After his explanation, the 1947 "Blue and Gold" staff went into full production.
John Kane helps to get individual post cards off to underclassmen advertising yearbook week.
The business staff, Piaiiolla, Fleming, and Brophy, place advertising placards around school to c o n v in c e underclass men to order their yearbooks as early as possible.
Lawrence Cornell, photography editor, points out the qualities of good pictures to James St. Clair and Joseph Earley, members of his very important staff.
"Blue plans
and Gold" staff heads consider fina before knuckling down to work undei
Joseph Lombardi, Editor-in-Chief.
1947 BLUE A N D GOLD STAFF Edifor-in-Chief________________ Joseph Lombardi Associate Editor___________________ Alfred Flora Literary Editor________________Martin Bukowski Staff: James Morro, John Kennedy, Ferdinand Morro Photography Editor____________ Lawrence Cornell Staff: James St. Clair, Joseph Fine Sports Editor____________________ John McElrone Staff: Humbert Sweeney, Leo Costella, Frank Grant A rt Editors____________ Joseph Earley, John Kane Business Manager________________ Mario Piazzolla Staff: Edward Fleming, James Brophy, Francis Hoban, Charles Mansfield Moderator___________________ Brother F. Francis
John Kane and James Morro get the go-ahead signal from Martin Bukowski, literary editor, before pounding the keys into the late hours of the evening. It was a terrific job to get the copy in on time.
Designing layouts for their section, the sports staff of Costello and Sweeney, under McElrone's leadership, chalked and erased for complete coverage.
There wouldn't be a "Blue and Gold" without Mr. Ermin Olmi, Mr. Edward DeAngelis, Miss Anne McCarthy, and Mr. Carl Wolfe of Zamsky Photographic Studios.
The senior cast has reached the pinnacle o f its high school career . . . g raduation. Two hundred and tw e n ty -fiv e sfrong, th e y polished o ff th e ir studies with the ever present Religion and English and a side dose o f French, Spanish or G erm an. The intricacies
Stephen's Physics le ft many a puz zled frow n
our faces.
nomics and Problems o f DemocBrother M, Gabriel, 4A-306 Brother Felix John, 4B-307 Brother G . Thomas, 4C-308
Class 4B discusses world problems as presented through the pages of "Newsweek Magazine" in Brother F. Francis' Current Events period held once a week.
An object lesson on how to use the slide rule is given by Brother Stephen to Class 4D. This is part of the Physics course.
racy with prepared
us fo r life as citizens.
Brothers Felix John and E. Francis ta u g h t us our Solid Geom e tryi Trig, and to some classes, G eneral
M a th .
Francis was instructor o f English IV
were Brothers F. Raymond, G a  briel and D. Stephen. Brother Thomas ta u g h t Business.
Brother F. Francis, 4D-309 Brother Felix Francis, 4E-3I0 Brother F. Raynnond, 4F-312
CAST: 1947
Having small classes in language enables Brother Gabriel to pound Spanish into Gleason, Fine, and Kelly by getting them up to the blackboard for drills. Bresnan struggles with the intricacies and seeming endlessness of Solid Geometry formulae as Brother F. John patiently waits for an occasional correct answer.
As th e
junior cast reached the th ree-quarter
mark, th e script fo r L. S. H. productions became tou g h e r. The students taking the "B " course studied C hem istry while th e " C " coursers had Mechanical Drawing. The rem ainder o f the subjects w ere the same In all courses:. Religion, English, A lg e b ra, Pennsylvania H isto ry and Language. Brother A loyslus was the C hem istry Instructor; Brother Patrick,
Brother E. Joseph, A lg e b ra ;
Brother F. Joseph,
Pennsylvania H istory, and Brother F. John, Latin. The other language teachers were Brother D. Stephen, G erm an; Brother G a briel, Spanish-; and Brother F. Raymond, Spanish and French. Four o f the six junior homerooms w ere in the main b u ild  ing while the other tw o were in McShain H all.
CAST: 1948
Checking Algebra problems keeps both Brother Joseph and the juniors very busy. Nearly everyone elects to study mathematics. Bottom: With Obie O'Brien and Rocco as Physical Education instructors, develop strong physiques.
we Brother Fabian, 3D-McS II Brother E. Joseph, 3E-304 Brother Aloysius, 3F-305
Brother G . Leo. 2A-207
Brother Emillan, 2B-208
Brother Daniel, 2E-211
Brother D. John, 2F-212
Six o f the classrooms on th e second flo o r served as studios fo r the sophomore production section ot La Salle H ig h School. The second class to begin a three-year language course, th e sophs g o t their firs t taste o t a modern language this year. N um er ous students ca rrie d tw o languages, Latin and a modern language. These boys d id not take A m e ri-
V «
'f .
■3?"‘ iL.^
\ Brother G . Anthony, 2C-209
Brother E. Stephen, 2D-2I0
Brother Fortunetus John, Music
Mr. Andrea d'Angelo, English
can H istory. The m a jo rity o f the '49'ers took Reli gion, English under M r. D 'A ngelo, Plane G e o m e try with eith e r Brothers D. John o r E. Stephen, and H istory with Brother Daniel.
Brother A n th o n y ex
plained the mysteries o f the amoeba and the paramecium in his d a ily Biology classes. Brother
Emilian was instructor o f second year Latin.
, ■ leti^
w •( wr
Brother©. Robert, IA -C I0 4
Brother F. Joseph, 2B-CI03
Brother Felician John, IC -C I0 6
Brother D. Michael, ID-C204
Miss Elizabeth Currier, Librarian
The freshmen, m ere yearlings in the colossal pro duction th a t is La Salle, began th e long trek tow ard the diplom a under th e guidance o f Brothers Rob ert, Felician John, Dominus M ichael and F. Joseph. The fo u r homerooms w ith 160 students were located on th e firs t flo o r o f th e college building. The frosh received a good foundation fo r th e ir high school careers,
w ith
W o rld
H istory,
A lg e b ra , Typing and a choice o f e ith e r Latin or G eneral Science.
A t "1240" excess frosh learn the same English from Brother Jerome as do the 20th-Streeter$,
Brother D. Lewis, 1240
Miss Bertha Rabenstein, R.N
The Annex, commonly known as "1 2 4 0 ," also d id its share o f preparing freshmen fo r the rem ainder o f their high school careers. W ith Brother G o d fre y John as principal, the courses at the old Bouvier Mansion were the same as a t the main building. The Brothers who ta u g h t th e I 10 freshmen were Brother Aloysius,
Brother Philip,
Brother Jerom.e
and Brother Lewis. M ost o f th e boys a tte n d in g live in the near vicin ity o f "1 2 4 0 " or in New Jersey.
Brother Declan taught English at "1240" until mid-term when he was transferred to Cumberland, Md.
Brother D. Aloysius, 1240
" # < '" ■ '” r
, .^ < 8 ^ - ’ i* *'^“
M ARIO ALBANESE 5137 Harlan Street
ALFRED ABBEY 5711 Dunlap Street Our Lady of Lourdes TR 7-8560 Intram urals
Getting ready for our yearbook pictures impressed us with the rapid approach of graduation. Pianolla carefully adjusts Schoettle's coat, while Bukowski tries to make Mansfield look scholarly. Carl Wolfe, photographer,
C ham ps
I . . . S o ftb a ll
Rifle C lu b 1-2-3
1-2-3-4 . . . Football 1 . . . Scholastic " L ”
. Cross-
Football . . Swing
2 . . . O rchestra 3-4
Band 4 . . . C ross-C ountry 3 . . . Track 3 . . . F le et-fo oted on the
M e dal
jaunts . . . a rd e n t aerodynam ics
dance flo o r and the tra ck
ad vocate
lig h t
. . . keenly interested
In studies . . . brown wavy hair . always well
Intram urals
C o u n try Cham ps 3 . .
jovial Jersey
. . . Scholastic
. Enjoys jo yfu l
did a splendid job with poor material.
I . . .
Our Lady of Angels
. . .
hair and
. . .
smile . . . has som ething to say to everyone . . . d a ring
d a rling
demon o f the social w orld
our fu tu re engineering genius.
chem istry odors aren t
. .
The time: 2:45 any day after school . . . the place:
through 1943-47 issues of the Wisterian . . .
the W IS office . . . the occupation: browsing
discoveries: the principal events covering our h
JOSEPH AUC H IN LEC K 1943 Tulpehocken St. St. Athanasius
H A 4-5740
A rc h c o n fra te rn ity
. .
. Class
EDWARD BADER 5249 N. 2nd St. Incarnation DA 4-3342
DANIEL BAER 7032 Cedar Park Avenue St. Althanasius LI 9-1434
FRANCIS BALL 30 N. York Rd., Willow Grove St. David Willow Grove 3006
Band 3-4 . . . Swing Band 4 . . .
Intram urals 2 . . . Track Cham ps
Boxing C lu b 3-4 . .
w ith
2 . . . R iding C lu b 2 . . . Crew
I -2-3-4 . . . C ross-C ountry 2 . . .
vim , and v ig o r . . . lig h t
4 . . . Swim ming 3-4 . . . Rosy
Track 2-3-4 . . . J.V. F o otba ll 2
A b b re v ia te d
O ffic e r I . . . Intram urals I -2-3-4
. Basketball C ham ps 2 . . .
fille d
cheeks and tie s to
tru m p e t
go od swimmer . . . ta ll and q u ie t
. . . boxing his main ho bby . . .
. . . Effortless
. . . likes dancing and sports . . .
cow boy shirts are' his weakness . . .
w orker . . . has a w ord fo r eve ry
spends spare tim e
fa v o rite h o b b y is ea tin g . . . fa
is it W .? )
mous fo r
a p p re n tic e jester . . . glasses give
R ifle C lu b
I . . . C hee rful
con servative
never serious
g a y;
. . . and
. . slave
. . . sheiky dresser . . .
studious appearance.
answers . . . quizzical eyes never a t rest . . . off-han ded
playin g
san d-lot fo o tb a ll
c o lle c to r . . .
in man
C .A .
. . .
. . Tall, dark, and curly-haired
blon d ha ir . . . tru m p card is his
C ross-C oun try 3 . . . S o ftb a ll 2
m atch
. Intram urals
a t Y .M .
. . . chem ical
engineering beckons.
b ro th e r s
Ford . . . likes things done rig h t . , . arrives a t 8:45.01 trig u e d by h o rticu ltu re .
. . .
RONALD BAMBACH 723 E. Haines Street Immaculate Conception GE 8-5314 Class O ffic e r murals
. . . .
LEONARD BEGLEY 2647 Amber Street St. Anne's RE 9-8670 Intram urals
. .
C ham ps 1-2 . . . Serviceman . . .
Champs 2 . . . Scholastic ” L” 2
Dresses in a conservative way . . .
. . . Tall and reserved . . . good
go od
speaker . . . am ateur m agician
teachers, classmates, and the fa ir
. . . w ell liked
o f m agical m a g n ifice n t m agnan
im ity
a t nigh t
events . . . fre que nts the dances
. , . spends summers in W ild w o o d ,
a t H o ly C h ild . . . always open
. . most active
. . . attends
all the
ance. The academic caps rest well on Muir and Lombardi. Seiberlich and St, Clair appear ready for a spring format. Freshies, you II be like that some day.
fo r suggestions . . . steadV b o a rd
winters In Florida.
It seemed very natural that these seniors should be dignified in appear
er a t W helans'.
T BE C L A S S OF 19 4 7
school days at La Salle . . . W e entered La Salle
class In its history up to that time . . . at first the
345 strong, in the fall of '43 . . . the largest frosh
surroundings seemed a bit strange, but it didn t
J O H N BERNHARDT 3006 Unruh Avenue St. Timothy M A 4-5584
FRANCIS BERRY 1632 Allengrove Street St. Joachim
Class O ffic e r 1-2-3 . . . In tra m u
Intram urals
rals I-2-3-4 . . . F o otba ll Cham ps
C ham ps 2 . . . Q u ie t and
2-3 . , . Basketball
Varsity " L "
I-2-3-4 . . .
Basketball 2-3-4 . . .
. . .
. . . well
F o o tb a ll
groom ed
re hair
. , . known as "B u lld o ze r" . . .
TH O M AS BRADY 4515 N. 18th Street Holy Child DA 4-8582
6550 Githens Avenue Merchantville, N. J. St. Peter ME 8-1324
In te rn a tio n a l Relations C lu b 4 . . .
Class O ffic e r 3 . . . Intram urals
F o otba ll C ham ps 3 . . . S o ftb a ll
C ham ps
2 . . . Latin C lu b
I . . . Tall,
1-3 . . . J u n io r Prom 3 . . . S chol
dark, and q u ie t . . . always has
astic " L " 1-2 . . . First go od p ro d
a joke (? )
a l
likes p h o to g ra p h y . . . attends all
uct to
seriously . . . likes “gym the best,
ways well dressed . . . easy to
a th le tic contests . . . sociable and
spe cia lty is ro llin g his eyes . . .
get along w ith . . . d ilig e n t fo l
am bitious
m aintains a cheerful
easy go in g
Sincere . . . qu ie t,
b u t frie n d ly
. . . reputed lady slayer . . .
works hard
places . . .
. . wants to
lower o f sports . . . average bu ild
d e n tis t . . . lets Ted
but not average in looks.
Dave Butler know who's boss.
Dick and
com e
fro m
. . .
atm osphere
. . .
takes eve rything
runs a close second . . . ho bby
. . .
is p re
. . . a m b itio n is to go to a co-ed
d ic tin g va rsity scores . . . p u b lic
school . . . d illig e n t student.
acco unta nt, he hopes.
MARTIN BUKOWSKl 2338 E. Susquehanna Avenue St. Laurentius RE 9-9266 EDWARD BRESNAN 6702 Cornelius Street
Blue and G o ld
St. Athanasius
Interna tiona l Relations C lu b 4 . . .
A rc h c o n fra te rn ity ball
L ite ra ry E ditor 4
. . . Chess and Checkers 2 . . .
1-2 . .
. Foot
C ham ps 2 . . . S o ftb a ll
intram urals 2 . . . O rchestra 2-3-4 . . . Scholastic " L "
I-2-3-4 . . .
. . . Scholastic " L " 2 . . . Freck
M e dal
led— re d-ha ired— ro tund . . . jo v
W iste ria n
ial p la y b o y . . . takes loving care
C h ie f 4 . . . Leader In all studies
. . . E ditor-in-
o f his shoes and clothes . . . likes
. . . clean c u t . . . natural ha b i
to do w hat he pleases . . . hates
ta t: " W IS " office . . . neat as a
W e st
g e t up ea rly
in the m orning
Point C a d e t.
. . . proud o f his Scholastic " L " .
FRANCIS BRILL 235 High Street St. Vincent de Paul GE 8-5835 Intram urals
take us long to become accustomed to the beauty of our campus . . . even the "l2 40"-ers fell in
C oal-black
c u rly ha ir a to p dark fe a tu re s . . . small b u t fu ll o f v ita lity . . . vofuble in Economics p e riod . . . pos sesses a w inning
smile . . .
c e lle n t con versationalist . . . hard w orking
stud ent
borrow in g
. . .
you r
is always
m orning
paper. c a n 't he a fford 3c? . . very
in sports o f all
JAMES BROPHY 7040 Limekiln Pike St. Athanasius H A 4-7595 Blue and S o ld 4 . . . Dram atics C lu b 2 . . . Intram urals
. . . Basketball C ham ps 2-4 . . . S o ftb a ll
2-4 . . . W is te ria n
. . . D im inutive, b u t ta lka tive . . . sparkplug o f the . ...
"Bow l G am es"
gives teachers
a "ro u g h "
tim e try in g to prove thin gs . . . well m annered . . . unusual tone and voice In fle ctio n .
Seniors always find it laughable to gaze at themselves as they really are and not as they think they are, when their yearbook proofs are returned. Whose are the funnier pictures, McKenney's or Knecht's?
THO M AS BUCKLEY 726 E. Price Street Immaculate Conception GE 8-7068 A rc h c o n fra te rn ity O ffic e r 1-3 . .
. . .
. Intram urals
Class 1-2-
3-4 . . . Basketball Cha'mps 2-4
ANDREW BURDZIAK 103 S. 3rd Street St. Philip Neri
. . . S o ftb a ll 2-4 . . . Scholastic
Intram urals
M e dal I . . . G o o d looking blond
C ham ps 2 . . . Band 3-4 . .
. . . likes p la id shirts and pla id
O rchestra 3 . . . D im inu tive . .
skirts . . . p o lite
and w ell-m an
. . . Basketbal
go od
nered . . . always n a ttily dressed
spo rt w ith th e op posite sex . .
. . . successful in every endeavor
plays tru m p e t in school band . .
. . . blushes re a d ily . . . good
always w illin g to sta rt a conver
stud ent . . . knows when " to d o "
sation . . . hopes to be a lawyer
and " n o t to d o ."
. . . doodles
ink . . . q u ie tly
his desk w ith unobtrusive.
m m
W ILLIA M BURGER 4515 York Road Holy Child
DA 4-6155
Intram urals
C ham ps
. . . Football
1-2-3 . . . S o ftb a ll
NORBERT BUSCH 1253 Lansdowne Avenue Camden, N. J. St. Joseph, Camden
. . . Basketball 3 . . . Le thargic
Intram urals 2-3-4 . . . Basketball
stud ent .
. . never w ith o u t his
Cham ps 3 . . . L ib ra ry S taff 2
green sweater . . . takes every
. . . Band 3 . . . Stage C rew 3-4
th in g in his strid e . . . speaks In
. . . Pleasantly plum p, engaging
a smooth, mellow ton e . . . lean, lanky, likeable . . . gets a kick
personality . . . "Lu cius Beebe o f 4F . . . an avid sports fan
o u t o f Spanish class . . . M o n
. . . g if t
va c a tio n e r
. . . eventually
catches up on homework.
(? ) fro m C am den . . .
soft spoken
. . . one o f
Tex Beneke's follow ers . . . never stum ped fo r an answer . . . ear to
love with their old but tradition-bound school . . • Algebra was the first problem of our high school
ear grin .
DAVID BUTLER 6809 Clearview Street Holy Cross GE 8-6201 Class O ffic e r 2-4 . . . Intram urals I-2-3-4 . . . F o otba ll
C ham ps 2
. . . Bowling 2-3-4 . . . C a p ta in 4. . . . Tennis 2 . . . V a rsity " L " . . . Bowling 3-4 . . . The Romeo o f M t. A iry . . . O cean C ity d e votee
. . . q u ie t except in the
Physics Lab . . . flash ily a ttire d . .
. wanders w o n d e rin g ly
. . .
JOSEPH CALABRESE 1932 S. Rosewood Street St. Thomas Aquinas H O 8-2419 Dram atics C lu b
I . . . Intram u-
rals I -2-3-4 . . . F o otba ll C ham ps 2-4 . . . L ib ra ry S taff G lee C lu b
2-3 . .
1-2 . .
. Black wavy
hair and a contagious smile . . . handy man on the w ooden ways . . .
pu tters
. . . quick
Every senior attends his senior prom. Usually no advertising is needed for this affair. However, constant reminders have to be made. Grailani. Hepp, Seiberlich and W olf are probably discussing how
around w ith w orking
m ind
ra d io In
sturdy bo dy . . . som etimes speaks in a high fa ls e tto voice . . . te le vision
and ra d io specialist.
to raise the price of admission.
J O H N BURNS 500 Glenside Avenue, Wyncote Immaculate Conception Jenkintown O G 1385 Class O ffic e r
I -4 . . . In tra m u
J O H N CALLAN 408 W , Rittenhouse Street St. Vincent de Paul GE 8-6395 Bowling C lu b 2-3 . . . Intram urals I -2-3-4 . . . O rchestra 3-4 . . . W iste rla n 4 . . . G o o d student—
rals 1-2-3 . . . Basketball Cham ps
tries hard and gets results . . .
1 . . . Track 2 . . . J. V. Football
at tim es q u ie t b u t fun loving . . .
q u ick-w itte d . . . noted fo r jack
looks . . . de e p ly
fo r
all sports . . . haunts C a rte r s in
. . . has lead ing p a rt in a movie
Jenkintow n
— usher . . . versatile
. . . dark curly hair
tops a broad grin . . . "b ra c e d
m usician:
pian ist and 'cellist.
d u ring most o f senior year . . . wants to
go to
M e d ic a l School.
JOSEPH CLYMER 5639 N. 20th Street
5605 McMahon Avenue Immaculate Conception TE 9-0805
RAYMOND CLOTHIER 2043 N. Park Avenue Our Lady of Mercy
1425 W . Fishers Avenue Holy Child Ml 4-2166
Holy Child
Intram urals I-2-3-4 . . . Basketball
Class O ffic e r
Bowling C lu b
Chess and Checkers 2-3 . . .
C ham ps 3 . . . F o otba ll 2 . . .
. . . Intram urals
. . . S cholastic
"L "
I . . . Chess and
Checkers 2 . . . Intram urals
Thanksgiving Dance 4 . . . Blessed
. . . Sociable chap w ith a Pepso-
. . . Incessant questioner In class
d e n t smile . . ’ . atom -like, small,
. . . treks across p ra ctice
ready smile . . . la d y k iller . . .
b u t aw fu lly
strong . . . Stever's
d a ily
. . . comes to
very m odest . . . takes his class
shadow: or vice versa . . . well
. . . likes to
work seriously . . .
often has weak defense . . . whiz
w ith
a genial p e rsona lity and
by the way,
fie ld
school to
. . .
. .
. Basketball
C ham ps 2 . . , S oftb all 2 . . . Band 3 . . . G o o d looking, well groom ed
when he's not studying
stamps L a tin ...
C h a rte r m em ber o f fr u it bowl , . . Busch's busom b u d d y . , . yo u n g
who is A nne? . . . seems always
. . . aviatio n enthusiast . . . a r
a t M a th
, . . a rd e n t
d e n t . . . reindeer sweaters . . .
est m em ber o f the
a d vocate o f aerial a c tiv itie s . . .
yo u th fu l senior . . . wants to study
. . , trem endous Interest in sports.
eyes on chem ical engineering.
chem ical
W e st
. .
V irg in ia
study fo re stry.
U niversity
to and
fo llo w e r
careers...Brother Eugene and wrong hand were
. . . conscientious stu
tram urals
JAMES CONNELLY 6220 Germantown Avenue
soon well-known...there's a difference In us already
St. Vincent de Paul Class O ffic e r
I -2-3-4 . . . In tra
murals 2 . . . S o ftb a ll C ham ps 2 . . . Poster C lu b
known as "B ig J im " . . . expects to
Some seniors feel that the most impressive event of the senior year was the Malvern Retreat. Certainly the many times we remained in the chapel either tor a conference or private mediatation were most
1 . . . Bowling
2-3-4 . . . Q u ie t . . . universally fo r
C o lleg e
m edicine
. . . pals around
w ith Joe S ran ahan . . . o u g h t to join
a union: Ije's always "s trik
in g " In the Bowling A lleys.
LAWRENCE CORNELL 5801 Chew Avenue Immaculate Conception VI 4-5190 Blue and
G o ld
4 . . . S o ftb a ll
C ham ps 2 . . . Intram urals 1-2-34 . . . Band 3 . . . O rch estra 3 . . . Swing Band 3 . . . P hotog raphy C lu b I-2-3-4 . . . W iste ria n 1-2-3 . . . N ick-nam e ca lle r . . . a rd e n t
shu tter-clicke r
. . .
w ith o u t his cam era . . . to o many irons In fire
. . . plx e d ito r o f
Blue and G o ld
. . . da bbles
ra d io and a rt . . . hot drum m er.
senior class
LEO COSTELLA 6404 Morris Park Road Our Lady of Lourdes OR 3-8518
W ILLIAM CO X 223 W . Godfrey Avenue St. Helena W A 4-3875
J O H N CRAVEN 1823 Porter Street St. Monica FU 9-2059
A rc h c o n fra te rn ity
C heerleaders
Intram urals
. . . Class
I -2-3-4
. C o-
Intram urals
. .
. . . .
A rc h c o n fra Patience
C a p ta in 4 . . . Class O ffic e r I -2 . . . Intram urals 2-3-4 . . . Cross-
Prom 4 . . . His marks are
C o u n try C ham ps 3 . . . Football
outstanding as his p e r s o n a lity ...
3A . . . Track 2 . . . G le e C lu b
student w ith
3-4 . . . S anctuary S ociety
tia litie s . . . ta ll, dark and ha nd
arrives e ve ntua lly . . . personality
some . . . fo rc e fu l c h a ra cte r . . .
cap ture s you . . . hails fro m the
lead er
w itty,
te rn ity
. Intram urals 1-2-3
St. Agatha
. . . Ju n io r Prom 3 . . . Senior
. . Ju n io r
O ffic e r 1-4 . .
3 . .
JEREMIAH CROSSAN 3214 M t. Vernon Street
. . . the
. . .
Brummel o f 4B . . . good well
fo rtitu d e , and a sense o f humor
p o te n
his laugh
is his tra dem ark
. . . never rushes anywhere, bu t
. . . active in school sponsored
. . . C ross-C ountry 3-4 . . . V a r
affairs . . . handy w ith the drums
. . . fast th in k e r . . . easy to g e t
. . . Q u ie t everywhere
along w ith . . . very p o lite and
sports events . . . Latin lover . . .
and easy go in g . . . seat sloucher
ist . . . wants to o p e ra te a super
perennial fru it-b o w le r.
. . . unconcerned.
fo o d m arket.
"L "
. . . C ross-C ountry
. .
Broad St. . . . a ctive Intram ural-
...we acquire the LaSalle "spirit ...remember the
W ILLIA M CROSSON 1913 Colonial Street St. Benedict W A 4-3609 C ross-C oun try
playe r o f
one o f our social giants . . . calm
special performance of " A M urder Has Been Ar-
. . . V arsity
" L " — C ross-C ountry 3 . . . Likes to
fam ous
his p ic tu re suit, tie ,
. . .
every dance . . . wants to be a ga ngste r when over} w it
he grows
( if
. . . evil genius . . . class
(? )
. . . parodies the G e r
man language . . . dream y-eyed “ D ream er."
Regardless of surroundings, whenever the Blessed Sacrament is exposed we kneel. At the close of the annual retreat every student kneels on the lawns surrounding the Lourdes Shrine for the Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.
EDWARD C U N N IN G H A M 713 N. 40th Street St. Agatha Intram urals 3 . . . Red hair in dicates his readiness fo r fun . . . extrem ely p o p u la r w ith his class mates
. .
. conscientious
d e n t . . . S aturday nig h t dance fre q u e n te r but
OF 1 9 4 7
. . . likes to
sleeps in class . . .
sports fan
. . . good natured prankster . . . aims to fession.
enter the
m edical
p ro
JAMES C U N N IO N 2950 N. 26th Street Corpus Christ! RA 5-5255 Class
O ffic e r
C lu b
3-4 . . . D ram atics
3 . . . D ebating
I -2-3-4 . . . Intram urals
C lub I -2-3-4
. . . J u n io r Prom 3 . . . Senior Play 2-3-4 . . . Thanksgiving Dance 3 . . . W ls te ria n 2-3-4 . . . W h e lan's d a ily custom er . . . Shibe Park
"E x e c u tiv e "
d iffic u lt
(? )
d e te c t
. . . seen in all
. .
. not
La Salle stage
J O H N DEESAN 2866 Aramingo Avenue St. Anne's Intram urals
I-2-3-4 . . . Football
C ham ps 4 . . .
St. A nne's b ig
gest booster . . . dances over
a t all La Salle
fa v o rite
sport— basket
ball . . . blushes to o re a d ily . . . b e tte r than
stud ent —
excels in M ath . . . keeps asking until he's sure . . . never wastes a m om ent
g e ttin g
homework done . . . m edical p ro fession.
p ro d u ctio n s . . . week-end dancer.
M A R IO CUPO 5541 Jane Street Immaculate Conception TE 9*5937
THEODORE DICK Norristown R.D., Horsham. Pa. St. Joseph, Horsham HAT 0190-W Intram urals I-2-3-4 . . . coins his
Baseball 3-4 . . . Basketball 3-4
own words and expressions . . .
. . . F o otba ll 3-4 . . . V arsity " L "
fre q u e n tly reverts to his standby
Baseball 3-4 . . . Basketball 3-4
expression "a il
. . . F o otba ll 4 . . . R ather be on
exce ptiona lly
th e
intram ural
g rid iro n
In class . . .
b rig h t' side
s itua tion . . .
his ho bby is keep
backwoods fa c ile
kinds o f— "
. . .
p h y s iq u e ...
ace . . . one o f the co u n try
ton gue ,
o fte n
boys used
. . .
ing a scrapbook . . . made sports
always has a joke . . . plans on
headlines fre q u e n tly . . . q u ie tly
being a m echanical engineer.
unobtrusive de spite sports a b ility . . . professional a th le te .
W ILLIA M CURLEY I I I E. Durham Street Holy Cross W l 7-5329 m
Intram urals 1-2-3 . . . J. V. Foot ball
1-3 . .
. N ever in a hurry
ranged" for the freshmen?. . . famed actress Eva LeSalllenne interviewed in "W Is"...weekly report
believes In takin g life easy . . . M cA ne ney's rig h t hand man . . . m oody
m oaning
M o nday
m orn
ing q u a rte rb a c k . . . sta rtle d out of
c e lle n t
occasionally— h a l f . . . ex questionnaire
. .
. had
brothe rs b e fore and a fte r him a t La Salle . . . being on tim e is a v irtu e . . . a ttra c te d to engineer ing.
RICHARD DAISLEY 3420 N. 6th Street St. Veronica In te rn a tio n a l Relations C lu b 4 . . . Intram urals
I-2-3-4 . . . Football
C ham ps 1-3-4 . . . S o ftb a ll I . . . G le e C lu b 2 . . . Scholastic " L " 2-3 . . . S cholastic M e dal 3 . . . W is te rla n
been b itte n W hy
. . . M u st
by a tsetse fly . . .
d id n 't he open th e do or?
o f his answ ers. . . smiles
incessantly . . . A c c o u n ta n t to be.
Sometimes our school work really becomes play. Maybe Timlin, Hensel, and Lockard are making up for lost time. They think that the Physics experiment takes the place of blocks. Do you really know what you're doing?
CHARLES D IS N A M 4908 Knorr Street St. Leo DE 8-3587
EDWARD DOLAN 3431 E. Thompson Street Nativity NE 4-1128
Intram urals I-2-3-4 . . . Basketball Cham ps 2 . . . Football 3-4 . . . S o ftb a ll 2 . . . Track I . . . The late st w ord
on the dance . . .
I-2-3-4 . . . Football 1-2 . .
N ever w ith o u t his le tte r . . . joy to
him as w ell as his name . . . he school to
1-3-4 . . . In te r
Dance 4 . . . W iste rla n
c o n trib u te
to his p o p u la rity . . . d ig n ity fits really comes to
Relations C lu b 4 . . .
C ham ps 2-3-4 . . . Thanksgiving
. . . enthusiasm fo r sports and personality
C lu b
Intram urals
boy w ith brains as well as looks pleasant
Bowling national
B rother G a b rie l
. . . known
fo r his ready w it . . . one o f the
10 A.M .
late arrivals . . . noted
. . . exce p tio n a lly p o lite .
scholar . . . Public Beast N o.
. . . actin g is a sideline— not on stage either.
J O H N DiGRAZIA 1313 Federal Street St. Rita H O 8-8515 In terna tiona l .
Intram urals
C lu b
4 . .
FRANCIS D O N O H O E 1427 W . 68th Avenue W A 4-8257 Holy Angels 1-2 . . . Baseball 2-
Football C ham ps 4 . . . S oftb all
Intram urals
1-2 . .
3-4 . . .p Basketball
. Im m ig ra n t fro m
. . . a c tiv e
"1 2 4 0 "
. . . loves an argument^-' hard to
I -2-3-4 . . .
2-3-4 . . . V arsity "L"
Baseball 2-3-4 . . . Basketball 3-4 . . . School
convince him he’s wrong, i f w rong
. , . F o otba ll
. . . husky little
starts a t 9:55 fo r Fran . . . liked
guy— takes life
by all (in clu d in g the women) . . .
seriously . . . not superstitious— just
. .
gives self to interests com p le te ly.
. .
men's id o l . . . a sharper to keep "noblesse o b lig e " . . . not overly am bitious
cards keep us on our to es. . . we all got gold ones then...that first gym period under 0'B ie...the re-
PETER DOONER 310 Bala Avenue, Bala, Pa. St. Matthias, Bala Cynwyd 1532 Class O ffic e r 2 . . . Intram urals I -2-3-4
1-3 . .
. S o ftb a ll
2 . . .
F o otball
J. V.
I . . . Track
F o otball
2 . . .
Tranksgiving Dance 4 . . . Senior Prom
. .
. D ependably
. . . known fo r his Plymouth C o n v e rtib le
it will be an unusual day when we miss having a German recitation from Brother Stephen. This one must have been easy. How else explain the joyous grins of Sharp, Reed and Flora? Sehr gut, nicht wahr?
. . . de spite
attends LSH fun ctions . . . Jack Doyle's
. . . wants t o
com panion
a tte n d
W harton
School a t Penn.
A N T H O N Y D'ORAZIO 2239 Dickinson Street King of Peace H O 2-2625 Bowling C lu b 3-4 , . . Class O f fic e r 3 . . . Intram urals
, . . Basketball C ham ps 2 . . . Bowling
. .
. Student
C oun cil 3 . . . Red h o t basket ball player, plays as if the
a tte n tiv e
. . .
q u ie t
a t all tim e s . . . has
b e e -o o tjfu l wavy black ha ir . . . moves a b o u t quickly.
JOHN DOYLE Brookfield Farm Upper Darby, Pa. Sf. Alice Boulevard 0667 Intram urals
I-2-3-4 . . . Basket
ball C ham ps 3 . . . Football 1-2 Jun io r Prom , , . S o ftb a ll I . . . . . Thanks-
3 . . . R ifle C lu b
g iv in g
C rew M an-
Dance 4 .
ag er 3 . . . Liked even more by his classmates than by the girls . . . A valon
d u ring the summer
. . . never misses La Salle affairs . . . Dooner's b e tte r half.
JOSEPH DOYLE 6331 Sherman Street SL Madeline GE 8-9209 In terna tiona l Relations C lu b 4 . . . . Intram urals
1-2-3-4 . . . Basket
ball C ham ps I . . .
I . . . Latin C lub
ha ppy little
guy— al-
v/ays has quick com eback .
. .
fou nd
w ith ' G ra n t,
There's a groove along the corridor to Brother David Albert's guidance office. Brother is looking up in his complete files, Fiorentino's quintile rating. Dooner thinks he might need practice in taking college entrance exams.
ever-present b u d d y . . . gets by his subjects . . . worries ab out Spanish
. . . w illin g
hand at a n ything once . . . plans to
treat in O c to b e r. . . "A b e" Reilly leads football team to a 5-4 season,..our first P-T meeting...our
JOSEPH EARLEY 867 N. Beechwood Street St. Francis Xavier PO 5-3863
JAMES FALLON 6618 Malvern Avenue St. Callistus GR 3-9162
PHILIP DRACH 542 Woodland Avenue Cheltenham, Pa. Presentation B.V.M.
LEO DRAHAM 811 E. Haines Street Immaculate Conception GE 8-4207
Blue and
A rc h c o n fra te rn ity
I . . . Bowling
Intram urals 2-3-4 . . . Basketball
tion al Relations C lu b President 4
C lu b 3-4 . . . Intram urals 1-2-3-4
C ham ps 2 . . . C ross-C ountry 3
. . . Intram urals 1-2-4 . . . Scho
Band 3 . . . Rifle C lu b
. . . W iste rla n 3-4 . . . Tall, dark,
. . . S o ftb a ll 2 . . . C alled "L e -
M edal
Is an
. . . very
. . .
"L "
G o ld
1-2 . .
4 . . . In te rn a
. .
. J. V.
Intram urals
. .
w ide awake . . . a le rt— "w e ig h ty "
3 . . . R eligion M edal 2-3 . . .
in the
V aluable im p o rt from
"1 2 4 0 "...
. . . suc
w ith o u t the rig h t
cam per
not dreams
basketball fan
con versationalist . . . has a pleas
p a rt
fo r
pe rsona lity
. . well
. . . works
and then In a nursery
(flo w e r—
th a t Is) . . . heading fo r a c c o u n t ancy.
. . .
. . . b e tte r
"F re d d ie "
L ittle
always on th e go . . .
kegler . . . always has a hearty
. . .
C ham ps 2 . . , F o otball 2 . . .
has questions
fellow a thorn
. . .
a l
. . never
(? )
a n s w e r...
cessful in undertakings
. very
a loud
W o o d trio . . . neat dresser . . .
handy w ith a pencil .
wake up . . . wants to be a com
anxious to
d o well a t all times.
I . . .
. . . e ve ntua lly w ill
m ercial a rtist.
6334 O g o n tz A venue St. B enedict's Intram urals Cham ps
W A 4-4120
. . .
3 . . . R ifle C lu b
. . . Everyone's his frie n d . . . socialite
conservative in every
lady's Beau
. .
Brummel . . .
La Salle cheering
tio n . . . m ind never wanders in class . . . lib eral w ith
his smile
. . . expects to be c o lle g ia te fo r business reasons.
JOSEPH FINE 6134 W a yn e A venue St. M a delein e Sophie
TE 8-2076-
Blue and G o ld 4 . . . Intram urals 1-2 . . H ere's the man who answers our parents' tu itio n questions.
W ith o u t
. Track C ham ps 2 . . .
Rifle C lu b
I . . . Refined
. . .
his e fficie n t system, w e'd fin d it very d iffic u lt to heep ou r payments
jovial . . . strong man . . . con
up to d a te.
Brother Edward John p a tie n tly and som etimes re peatedly
has to answer fina ncial questions.
tions . . . likes swing as fa st as possible . . . S aturday n ig h t "A s ta ir e "
. . . trie s
usually succeeds . . . ' C e clllan
parents were proud of u s ...th e senior play "She Stoops to Conquer" . . . heartbreaker In the play-
K l 5-2226 "L "
1-2 . .
q u ie t In class . . . always
p o lite . . . s up portin g all
. N eat,
. . . studious
activitie s
p illa r
. . c o lleg e
at ma
St. H elena
629 W . V enango
Rosemar S tre e t H A 4-8223
St. V eronica
S treet RA 5-7256
Blue and G o ld 4 . . . Class O f
A rc h c o n fra te rn ity I . . . Blue and
"L "
fic e r 2 . . . Intram urals
G o ld ,
I . . . C a rro t to p . . . you
d o n 't
. . . F o otba ll
C ham ps
I-2-3-4 I
. .
A ssociate
E ditor 4
. . .
Bowling C lu b 3 . . . Clas^ O ffic e r
w ell-m annered . . . loves sports,
Track 2 . . . O rch estra 2-3-4 . . .
2-4 . . . Intram urals
L ib ra ry S ta ff 1-2-3 . . . G le e C lu b
frie n d
nessman . .
"1 2 4 0 "
St. Francis X axier PO 5-9456 Intram urals I -2-3-4 . . . Scholastic
te ria l . . . w ill make a go od busi . a c tiv itie s
E D W A R D F L E M IN G 232
832 N . Sam brey S tree t
1170 5. Broad S treet
d a p p e r gentlem an
playb oy.
St. Rita
his fa v o rite . . . W a yn e A venue s
. . . keeps
. . . loyal .
started Earley
Dance 4 . . . V arsity " L " Track
3-4 . . . W Iste ria n 2-3 . . . Drug
S tam p C lu b 3-
. . .
4 . . . A ssociate E ditor 4 . . .
plied w ith afternoon snacks . . .
store cow bo y
a g re a t teaser . , . good under
fo r
In te rn a tio n a l Relations C lu b 4 . . .
study fo r m ovie a c to r Barry.
ways to make money . . . L ib ra ry
M r. Personality plus . . . "W ls ti-
. .
. serious
helpful . . . would like to funeral d ire c to r.
. .
be a
C ham p-
3-4 . . . W iste rla n
in ex
his being
3-4 . . . Poster C lu b
tra -cu rricu la r a c tiv itie s . . . very
school present
1-2-4 . . .
. . . always searching
loun ger . . . Popularized "Z o o "
cism s" . , . a d vertising . . . very
and "F ru it Bowl" . . . ready w it.
active .
Every other week this jamming and straining of necks takes place in 4D. The bi-weekly grade sheet is posted showing grades and report cards. Kennedy smiles; he has a pink card. Why the frown, Mullih? is it white?
WILLIAM FRANTZ 461 E. Edgehill Road Willow Grove, Pa. St. David, Willow Grove Willow Grove 0994-J
JOHN FRENCH 5325 N. 16th Street Holy Child Ml 4-9602
Class O ffic e r
. . . "L o n g
I-2-3-4 . , . F o otball
C ham ps 4
. . .
J o h n "— ta lle s t
3-4 man
murals I-2-3-4 . . . Track Cham ps
in th e class o f '47 . . . firs t co u
2 . . . F o otba ll 2-3-4 . . . C a p
sin to
ta in
a hu fry
4 . . . Track
V arsity
"L "
I-2-3-4 . . .
F o otball
basketball . . . always in . . . gets
. . . likes to
go od
walk throug h
Track 3-4 . . . S trong, b u t not
woods . . . fin g e r in every a c tiv
silent ty p e . . . drives a museum
ity pie . . . extrem ely p o lite . . .
jalop y w ith
I-2-3-4 . . . In tra
Intram urals
likes to
orange wheels . . •
day dream .
trie s
d e fin ite ly
offs, 35-33...La Salle Nigh+...Gosh! June already!
not to be in school... O hum ... Septem ber... back
. . . we needed the vacation but we were sorry
to the campus...eager(?) to start our second year
EDWARD FULLEN 1921 Chelsea Road Holy Angels NE 4-2090
FRANCIS FUCILE 1631 S. 9th Street St. Nicholas Tolentine
EDWARD GABLE 6361 Drexel Road Our Lady of Lourdes GR 3-1780
Bowling C lu b 4 . . . Intarm urals
Intram urals lr2-3-4 . . . Basketball
Intram urals
1-2-3-4 . . - Basketball C ham ps
C ham ps 1-3 . .
. Sometimes mis
ball Cham ps 2 . . . F o o tb a ll 1-3
I-2-3-4 . . . Basket
EDWARD GALLAGHER 251 W. Berkley Street St. Francis of Assisi Intram urals
I-2-3-4 . . . Band 2-
3-4 . . . O rchestra 3-4 . . . Swing
taken fo r John Farnan . . . loves
. . . Track 2 . . . Rifle Team 1-2
Band 3-4 . . . F o otba ll
C om m erce fo r South P hilly . . .
sports— especially basketball . . .
. . . V arsity " L "
Tall. dark, e t cetera
. . . q u ie t
always missing in Solid G e o m e try
. . .
easily . . .
. . . thrives on fun . . .
. .
O ne-m an
C ham ber
his life
op posite
ne g le c t
sex . . . —
to o
ag er
. . .
F o otba ll
M a n
makes frie nds
2 . . .
senger in Pete D ooner’s c o n v e rti
saxophone is his firs t love . . .
revolves around a dance flo o r . . .
much . . . noted fo r dry humor
ble . . . usually a t Doyle's "F a rm "
always p ro m p t w ith
has an answer to every question
. . . one
. . . has to rrid terpsichorean te n
W hose? . . . anxious to g e t most
. . . basketball
enthusiast . . .
scrapers . .
. . . seriously
enginee ring
fa c ile studious.
"F u c ile "
o f ou r tow e ring
. aims a t chem ical .
roam er over Erlin H ills.
com m only
"G a b b y G a b le " . . . thinks he's
w ith
C lark's younger b ro th e r . . .
neering calls.
pects to legalize a t G eo rge tow n.
. . . oftentim e s looks
. . . e n g i
CHARLES GARVEY 62 Harvey Street St. Vincent de Paul GE 6-0883 Class O ffic e r
I . . . Intram urals
I-2-3-4 . . . Basketball
1-2 . .
to p p e d
I-2-3-4 . . . Track 3-4 . .
Varsity " L " Sha'-p
I-2 -3 - 4 ..
dresser— sleek
ha ir
. Short and
th in
. . ,
by a mop o f ha ir . .
boy . . . never falls to itch the
no t
fo o tb a ll
star . . . to o much concern to o
. sandlot
. . . Football
All the history classes have a chance to keep up with the latest events of the week by perusing the Newsmaps that are posted weekly on the corridor bulletin boards. Brother Daniel shows Morganthaler where Admiral Byrd's expedition was.
w ith a go od story . . . d e fin ite ly
" G o tta sm oke?" . . . enjoys sports
Casanova and buffoon . . . p a rty .
I-2-3-4 , . . Basket
C ham ps
Cham ps 1-4 . . . S o ftb a ll C ham ps
1-2-3 . . . S o ftb a ll C ham ps 2 . . ming
Intram urals ball
Junior Prom O ffic e r 3 . .
WILLIAM GATZMER 5943 N. 4th Street St. Helena LO 9-0687
a w a llflo w e r engineer
. . .
. another .
OF 1 9 4 7
...A m m endale drive huge success... Glee Club organized: marks beginning of LSH's music pro-
gram . . . grldders run wild in league, down Prep, I 3-6...Sundstrom all-Scholasticasteamwindsup in
JOHN GAUKER 7100 Rising Sun Avenue Presentation B.V.M. PI 5-2346
FRANCIS GEISER 2867 Amber Street Nativity RE 9-1426
A rc h c o n fra te rn ity
C era m ic C lu b 2 . . . Intram urals
Intram urals 4 . . . Lim itless w it
Intram urals
1-2-4 . . . Track C ham ps I . . .
. . . exp ert m im ic
b u ild b u t big o f he art . . . q u ie t
G le e
school . . . never on tim e
. . . In tra
1-2-3 . . . Rifle C lu b
. . . Football
3-4 . .
. V arsity
C lu b
2 . . . Poster C lu b
RICHARD GIBBONS 7330 N. 20th Street St. Athanasius HA 4-6040 . . . enjoys . . .
JOSEPH GLEASON 7530 Fayette Street St. Athanasius HA 4 -1926 3-4
. .
. S lig h t
and scholarly . . . B ro th e r John's
" L " . . . Football 4 . . . Begins
I -2 . . . Stage C rew I -2-3-4 . . .
one o f ou r b e tte r bowlers . . .
rig h t-h a n d man In M a th class . . .
lunch at 8:45 . . . iikes to hunt,
Thanksgiving Dance 4 . . . H a n d y
m a them atician . . . ungainly pos
walks w ith sw inging g a it— squeaks . . . cracks jokes on occasion . . .
. . .
man on stage crew . . . skilled
coasts along in studies . . . speaks
a rtis t . . . punctual . . . p e rp e t
unconcerned a t catastrophies . . .
enjoys go od tim e
In g u tte ra l bass . . . knows much
ually d o o d lin g . . . care fre e . . .
sm iling seems to
anxious to succeed . . . d u b b e d
wants to ager.
an industrial
seem ingly
be his fa v o rite
"Sm oky
stud ent when p ro d d e d . . . easily
w ith hands in pockets . . . really
fam e
. . Jo u rn a listic
confused and flushed . . . D ra fts
wants to go to college.
fo n d
manship draws him.
. . good
pastim e
. . . holds trousers
. . . seriously com ic
te n d e n
GEORGE GULD 2536 N. Sartain Street St. Bonaventure
ROBERT GORMAN 192 W . Plumstead Avenue Oakview, Pa. St. Charles Borromeo, Oakview, Pa. Madison 1263-W
Intram urals 3-4 . ,
V ery q u ie t
— keeps to him self
. conserva-
Intram urals
. .
slim, fu ll o f vim . . . wears "S in
go od stutlv e in- all thin gs . d e n t . . ..v e r y prom ising . . . hard
wants to
eve rything
. . .
engage in some phase
a tra " ties . . . a rd e n t fan o f the
o f business . . . one o f the firs t
to leave school a t 2:40 . . . works
d rivin g
O lds occasionally . . . assortm ent
a t Broad and
o f frie n d s . . .
an "o d d
ro ste r"
Erie fo r th e
stud ent . . . w ill do, i f prodde d . .
. hopes to
w oolen
m ill— in to
his fa th e r's
second ...W IS gets bigger and better under Bro. JOSEPH SRANAHAN 1166 E. Durham Street Holy Cross CH 7-6362 Bowling C lu b 3-4 . .
M a tth e w . . . capacity audiences attend "A Slight
. In tra m u
rals 2 . . . Basketball C ham ps 2 . . . S o ftb a ll 2 . . . G lee C lu b 3 . . . Bowling 3-4 . . . O ne o f our more q u ie t studes . . . favors baseball more than oth er sports . . . sticks up vehem ently fo r his righ ts . . .
a t tim es a b it a b ru p t
. . . ra d io announcer?
FRANCIS GRANT 260 Zeralda Street St. Francis of Assisi DA 4 -1703 Blue and G o ld 4 . . . Class O f fic e r
1 . . . Interna tiona l
C lu b
. .
Intram urals
2-3-4 . . . "G e n e ra l G ra n t" . . . swing ha ircut, his spe cia lty . . . sharp dresser . . . always good fo r a laugh . . . good sport . . . p o p u la r w ith all . . . p a rtia l to da ncing . . . do esn't have enough fingers fo r his pies . . . a ctive ly interested in com m ercial art.
The nurse's office is the only place where an excuse from gym classes may be obtained. The services of Miss Rabenstein, R.N are available every day. Here she cleanses a student's eye that has become irritated.
LEONARD GRAZIANI 1722 W. Godfrey Avenue St. Benedict HA 4-3698 A v ia tio n C lu b
C lu b
. .
. . . Intram urals
. . . G le e C lu b 2-3-4 . . . Pho to g ra p h y C lu b
\.*»‘^ ‘ j '
1-2 . . . Scholas
JOHN HENRY 1642 S. 26th Street St. Aloysius HO 8-3621 Intram urals I -2-3-4 . . . Proud o f
tic " L " 2-3 . . . Scholastic M e dal
2 . . .
. . .
R ifle Team
. . .
South— P hiladelphia,
th a t
a whiz in all sports . . .
V ir s ity " L " R ifle 2-3-4 . . . M arks
blond —
man de-luxe
. . . likes to slide down in his seat
. . . reserved
p e r
p re tty rough character
sonality . . . d ilig e n t student . . .
. . .
e v e rything
. . . has his eye on the M e rchan t
. - . attends
the re,
where . . . G ra cious G raziani.
re g u la r classroom
M a rine . . . eraser mark cleaner in 4F.
2042 O ria nna
S tree t
St. Boniface A r t C lu b
1 . . . Intram urals 1-2-
3-4 . . . F o otball C ham ps 2 - 4 . . . Poster C lu b
1714 Foulkrod S tree t
. . . H a p p y -g o -
St. Joa chim
C U 8-2303
Bowling C lu b
I . . . Intram urals
I -2-3-4
Intram urals
. . .
lucky c h a ra c te r . . . sweater boy
C o u n try C ham ps 3 . . . Track
. . . indulges in S aturday
. . . C ross-C oun try 3-4 . . . V a r
nig h t
dances . . . go od spo rt . . . "S o
. .
I w ent in under the basket" . . .
Full o f p o te n tia l en ergy . . .
a l
knows when to fo o l and when to
ways well dressed . . . high po m
"L "
C ross-C oun try
be sane . . . co u n tin g on being
padours . . . swell fe llo w in and
p u b lic accountant.
o u t o f school . . . gets around . . . fu tu re M .D . . . . why is he called
Case of Murder"...basketball team jumps to early lead ...Variety Show goes over big with everyone...
M eadows?
2527 W . H u n tin g d o n S treet St. C olum ba C eram ics
R A 5-2389
C lu b
. . . C h e e r
leaders I . . . Intram urals I-2-3-4 .
. . C ross-C oun try
C ham ps
. . . Track I . . . G le e C lu b 2-3 . . . Poster C lu b
1-2 . .
. C rew
2-3-4 . . . V arsity " L " C rew 2-3-4 . , . Swim m ing 1-2 . . . arch rival o f M cE lrone . . . where there's a crow d, he's p a rt o f it . . . tru e Yankee
. . . always
jo via l
joking . . . very likeable.
F R A N C IS H 0 6 A N 4811 N . 8th S tree t Inca rna tion
M I 4-0418
Intram urals
I-2-3-4 . . . Basket
ball C ham ps I . . . Track 2 . . . R iding C lu b 2 . . . R ifle C lu b . . . Sanctuary C ross-C ountry
S ociety 3 . . . 2-3-4 . . . Track
2-3-4 . . . V arsity " L " C ross-C oun try 4 . . . G o o d student, always che erfu l Hoskinson, Farnan, Knecht, Rudolph, and W ells a ll'p a s s e d the nurse's inspection and are pronounced f i t to take p a rt in gym classes. A fte r a bruising game o f basketball, we w onder w h a t her v e rd ic t w ould be.
C e ra m ic C lu b 2 . . . (Boxing C lu b murals I-2-3-4 . . . G lee C lu b 4 . . . R ifle C lu b 3-4 . . . Scho I-2-3-4 . , . Scholastic
M edal I -2-3-4 . . . C ross-C ountry I -2-3-4 . . . V arsity " L " I -2-3-4
. Track
. . . V arsity
"L "
lim it on friends.
St. Bonaventure
3 , . . Class O ffic e r 3 . . . In tra
C o u n try
no lim it
to school a c tiv itie s . . . n e ith e r a
3018 N . H utchinson S tre e t
St. A ndrew , Drexel H ill, Pa.
lastic " L "
his fe e t,
755 Edmonds A venue C le a rb ro o k
. . . fa s t on
also in his answers . . .
Crossteam Track
R A 5-2614
Boxing C lu b 3 . . . R iding C lu b 2-3-4 . . . Intram urals
1-2-3 . . .
F o otba ll C ham ps 2 . . . C rew 2 . . . Track I . . . Fanatical Eques tria n — eats, sleeps, and lives w ith horses on his m ind . . . short b u t cute
. . . q u ite
a d a ncer . . .
p o p u la r . . . always wears a smile . . . rushes a b o u t incessantly . . . easily sta rtle d a t unusual things.
3-4 . . . R ifle 4 . . . C a p ta in C ross-C oun try 4 . .
. a c tiv itie s
speak fo r Pete.
1 h e n r y HOUSTON 604 W. Cheltenham Avenue
JOSEPH HOOVER 5833 Rising Sun Avenue St, Wiliiam
THOMAS HORNER 3721 L Street St. Joan of Arc CU 8-1664
EDV/IN HOSKINSON 227 E. Logan Street St. Francis Ml 4-0495
St. Helena
Intram urals
Class O ffic e r 1-2-3 . . . Intram u-
Class O ffic e r 1-2-3*. . . I'ntramu-
Chess and Checkers I -2-3-4 . . . Intram urals 4 . . . Stam p C lu b 2
rals I-2-3-4 . . . Football C ham ps
C ham ps 3 . . . F o otball 4 . . .
V arsity " L "
Cham ps
M a th
morous . . . well b u ilt . . .
1-2 . .
. S o ftb a ll
. . . Track
. . Persevered
2 . . . Baseball 2-3-4 . . . V arsity
. . . stra nge ly
"L ”
. . . likes da ncing and cards . . .
has a very valuable genius . . very sociable . . . fo o tb a ll checkers and chess cham pion o f
s tric tly a ladle s’ ge nt . . . sharp
tio n
. . . C low n s
pe rsona lity . . . sleek black hair
. . "Pass
M c-
likes has
3-4 . . .
F o otball 4 . . . H u
g ift to lots
the women parties,
La . . .
. . .
. . . im m a culate ly
in dress and m anner . . . plays
Loone" . . . this is one H o rn e r
regardless o f the occasion
who d id n 't sit in th e corner.
he could finish co lleg e i f his am
in d iffe re n tly
. . .
un am bitio usly am bitious fo r easy
. . .
early start for '45 B & G . . . authoress Hertha Pauli visits La Salle for Catholic library week . . . senior
WILLIAM HUFNELL 1135 Sanger Street St. Martin of Tours DE 6-4555 Class O ffic e r 2 . . . Intram urals 1-2-3
. . .
. J u n io r Prom .
. G ood
C ham ps
C o m m itte e
. . . neat
dresser . . . works d ilig e n tly at
eve rything he tackles . . ..p o p u lar w ith ladies
( ? ) . . .
attenda nce ’ a t dances . . . wants to
Drilling, drilling, and more drilling is Brother Aloysius' method of getting the frosh at "1240" to learn the intricacies of Latin declen sions and conjugations. The frosh courses at "1240" are exactly like
a b a llp la y e r
spo rt . . . it's
. . . good to
he’ s present in class he s so a t te n tiv e
and q u ie t.
those at the main institution.
JOSEPH HUMMEL 6106 Wyndam Rd., Merchantville St. Peter Merchantville 1257-W Intram urals C o u n try
C ham ps 3
. . . Cross. . . Q u ie t
in a Jersey sort o f a way . . . D odg er fan . . . m em ber o f local fo o tb a ll pool , . . dangerous on the ba-sketball c o u rt . . . would like to
becom e a Pharmacist . ..
m odern W ash in g to n , crosses the Delaware to school . . . "H u m o r ous H u m m e l" thev say.
. . F o otba ll 4
. . S o ttb a ll 2 . . . G le e C lu b Prom O ffic e r 3 . . Sense o f hum or . . . curly
hair, dim ples . . . why does a re c ip ro c a tin g engagin g ity
3_4 . , . Ju n io r
vo ice !
b itio n manages to survive.
I -2-3-4
engine and
• q u ite .
am ia ble
ta lk a tiv e — some
• in te rro g a tiv e ly
. .
GEORGE JACOB 5437 Lawnton Street Holy Family MA 8-4467-J Class
O ffic e r
. .
THOMAS JAMES 5388 Magnolia Street Immaculate Conception Ml 4-5788
C heerleaders
Intram urals 2-3-4 . . . R ifle C lu b
ta in 4)
RAYMOND R. KAELIN 1725 Champlost Avenue St. Benedict WA 4-2128 I -2-3-4
(C o -C a p
. . . Intram urals
unassuming . . . M ansfield's rig h t-
2-3-4 . . . R ifle Team 3-4 . . .
C a m p a ig n e r
N o te d fo r che erlea ding a n t ic s . . .
hand man . . .
ball 3-4 . . . "S m okey" is an im
Heaven on
b u t when does he
p o rt from
. . V arsity
"L "
P ittsburgh . . . bu ddy
fo r
G erm antow n,
. . . non-con
class clown
. . . fa v o rite
fascin ated
. . .
a g o o d stud ent— study?
q u ite a ladies' man . . . called
. . . firs t h a lf o f
"R o m e o " by intim a tes . . . e n g i
. . .
. .
K aelin-Sheridan Industries . . . fu
c h a rte r m em ber o f 204 C lu b . . .
tu re tycoon, present tyco o n . . .
neering . . . easy to
boys . . . smiles p e r
which is his firs t or last name?
w ith.
. . . " d o n 't b o th e r me. I'm con
Penn . . . whose gain or loss?
G ab riel's
pe tu a lly . . . bashfully com ica l.
re g u la r
W helan
. . .
Bunsen b u rn e rs . . .
W helan
p a p e r? "
d is tin c tio n
in all sports . . . shirt ta il worn
has the
o f the real M c C o y . . . "N a tu ra l" . . . one
"W h o
C ham ps 2 . . .
Intram urals I-2-3-4 . . . Small o f stature . . . blon d . . . q u ie t and
Football 3-4, Basketball 3-4, Base
. . F o otball
JAMES KANE 1978 Plymouth Street St. Athanasius HA 4-0816
tra n sfe r
hum or
tow ards
e n g i
g e t along
te n t d o in g nothing b u t e xisting ."
JOHN KANE 2522 W. Columbia Avenue St. Elizabeth ST 4-5375 Blue
and G o ld
p lace. . . annual pageant presented at vocational
4 . . . Inte rn a
tio n a l Relations C lu b 4 . . . tram urals
classes go to Malvern . . . cagers slip to sixth
I-2-3-4 . . . Basketball
' C ham ps I . . . F o otba ll 4 . . . L ib ra ry S taff 3-4 . . . P hotography C lu b 4 . . . Scholastic " L " I . . . Stam p C lu b 3-4 . . . W is te ria n refugee
4 . . .
. . . loves to
. . . versatile interests.
HENRY KEARNEY 2303 Lombard Street St. Patrick .LO 7-4295 In te rn a tio n a l Relations C lu b 4 . . . 2-3-4
. .
w ith all who know him . . . loves to ask questions . . . trip le th re a t in intram urals . . . wants to be com e
OF 1 9 4 7
"1 2 4 0 "
class . . . fa n a tic a l school s p irit
Intram urals
(P resident 3-4)
p rin te r:
p la n t . . . furro w e d
brow when
deep in th o u g h t . . . irrepressible when sincerely interested.
Class discussion Is one way that Brother Lewis uses to make his religion classes interesting. Student questions and opinions indicate sound knowledge. This is principally due to the fine foundation received in grammar school.
FRANK KIRK 106 Nippon Street Holy Cross CH 7-0254
JOSEPH KELLY 2852 N. I9ih Street St. Coiumba Class O ffic e r 2-3-4
. . .
A r t jC lub 4 . . . Intram urals . . . S o ftb a ll In tra
M e dium
C ham ps
. . ,
h e ig h t . . . fig h t com
murals 1-2 . . . J u n io r Prom, G e n
plexion . . . c re a to r
eral C hairm an . . . Senior Prom.
G eneral C hairm an
. . . Romeo o f M t. A iry
. . . S tudent
area . . . makes and keeps frie nds
C o u n c il 2-3 . . . Famous fo r his
easily . . . studious and serious
zoot suits . . . good organizer . . .
in class . . . . aspires to com m er
p o p u la r "K e lly
w ith w ith
both the
laug hing
cial a rtistry . . . frowns when tr y
fa c e "
ing to fig u re ou t problem s . . .
. . . Palladium de votee . . . fu
'5 *
easily impressed.
tu re business g ia n t . . . needling others is his pastime.
JOHN KENNEDY 3029 Fanshawe Street St. Timothy MA 4 -16 7 1 Blue
G o ld
lead er 2-3
. . . C h e e r
. . . D eba ting
C lu b
THEODORE KLAUS 1996 Dallas Road St. Athanasius HA 4-2916 Intram urals
I-2-3-4 . . . Football
C ham ps 2 . . . Scholastic "L"' 3 . . . C rew 2-3-4 . . . V arsity " L " C rew 3-4 . . . Tall . . . broad-
shouldered . . . go od stud ent . . .
C lu b 4 (S ecretary, Treasurer) . . .
especially p ro fic ie n t in math . . .
3-4 . . . Interna tiona l
G le e C lu b 2-3-4 . . . Scholastic
m odel a irp lane
"L "
I, Senior Play 3 . . . W is-
te rm in e d to
do well . . . earnestly
te rla n 3-4 . . . G o o d stud ent . . .
d e pend able
. . . socialite
occasionally abashed . . . fu tu re
. . . w ell-m annered
arg u m e n ta tive
. .
. . p o m pad our
ae rona utical
expert . . . d e . . .
maker . . . excellent da ncer . . . outspoken . . . volub le.
ROBERT KERR 6520 N. 21st Street St. Benedict HA 4-4317 Class O ffic e r
I . . . Intram urals
1-2-3-4 . . . Football Cham ps
exhibit . . . second places In baseball, crew, and swimming . . . Johnny Long plays at prom . . . who
. . . S o ftb a ll I . . . G le e C lu b 3 . . .
La Salle's N o.
I zoot . . .
studies d o n 't bo th e r him— nor he them . . . fu tu re a cco unta nt . . . ttia t adds up . . . attends
and all dances . . . wears " L ittle Flow er" class rings (2 o r 3) . . . fo rc e fu lly
, . . "L o o k a t my h a ir."
JOSEPH KIRBY 3234 Chatham Street Nativity B.V.M. Bowling C lu b 3-4 . .
. Intram u-
rals 2 . . . " M o d e rn " youth from Port R ichm ond . . . bespectacled . . . pious looking . . likes sharp clothes and girls . frie n d s
. known to .
. o fficia l
clow n o f " 4 A " . .
B rother G a-
b rie l's p e t pest . .
has his own
English d ia le c t .
d e p e n d a b ly
ca p a b le . . . w ell-m annered.
What's the usual question for a picture like this? That's Brother Declan holding Zeke still for his first pose. The boys of "1240" became fond of Zeke and were sorry when he went to Cumberland with Brother Declan.
WILLIAM KNECHT 4620 Walnut Avenue Merchantviile. N. J. St. Peter Merchantviile 3-1251 Intram urals
I-2-3-4 . . . Basket
ball Cham ps 1-3 . .
ANTHONY KNOX 360 E. Sheldon Street St, Ambrose DA 4-6373 Bowling
. R ifle C lu b
C lu b
3 . . . Ceram ics
2 . , . C rew 3-4 . . . V arsity " L "
C lu b 2 . . , Intram urals
3-4 . . . J. V. Football 2 . . .
. . . C ross-C oun try ChampS 3 . . .
M e rch a n tville 's
g if t
(? )
C lu b
co u n try Team 3 . . . Track 3-4
Salle and women . . . "w hy call an
. . . V arsity " L , " Track 3-4 . . .
oarsman . . . desks a re n 't to o nice
Ju n io r Prom 3 . . . Thanksgiving
fo r sleeping . . . sportsman . . .
Dance 4 . . . P erpetually sm iling
" 'C o n g o '? "
. . . q u ite
good marks . . . plans to fo llo w
. . . o f W helan 's ca fe society . . .
fam ous
his fa th e r's
fo r
m icro scopic
. . . never c o n te n t to be in the background.
JAMES KNIGHT Box 7187, Elkins Park Immaculate Conception, Jenkintown Melrose 1338
PAUL KOLODCHAK 2216 Amber Street St. Boniface N E 4-0940
Intram urals I -2-3-4 . . . Scholastic
Intram urals 2 . . . S o ftb a ll C ham ps
M e dal
raw boned
. . . Tall,
. . . loyal team
fo r
q u ie t w ith
. . .
p o rte r . . . gym class and in tra
un ruffle d
bothers him . . . likes skiing . . .
. .
penm anship . . . always . . .
tim es
fo r
smiling .
special Shoes"
a ffe c tio n .
fo r
"F la g g
in te llig e n ce
studies hard . . . wants to m ajor
beneath small stature . . . good
. .
pa l, gentlem an, scholar . . . un
when he blushes the sky lights up.
o b tru sive ly p o p u la r . , . teacher's
a d vertising
colleg e
ideal stud ent . . . any d o p e can g e t help fro m him.
will we have at our Senior Ball come Jan. '47? . . . successfully passing the halfway mark we began
JOSEPH KUSNELL 410 W. Glenside Avenue St. Luke OG 1619 Intram urals
I -2-3-4
. Track
C ham ps I . . . G le e C lu b 1-2-3-4 . . . F o otba ll
. Doesn’t
believe in razors . . . a rd e n t c o l le c to r o f g irls' photos . , . found a t Steel Pier on any h o lid a y . . .
At Christmas time many classrooms are gaily bedecked with the joyous colors and trimmings of the season. Brother Daniel's class really overdid itself to have red and green surroundings for their hilarious Christmas party.
uses words lo n g e r than he is ta ll . . . wants to g e t in to newspaper re p o rtin g
. . . gives advice
affairs o f th e he art.
RICHARD LINAUGH 416 S. 23rd Street Rl 6-5398 St. Patrick Intram urals h a irc u t
. .
p e rio d
th e
gam es;
I -2-3-4
never knows w hat next last to
firs t leave
plays p iv o t as i f he was a riv e t . . , ta lka tive , except when near g irls . . . where does he g e t ques tion s? . . .
if you lend him any
th in g g e t a prom issory note.
JAMES LOCKARD ^03 Sheibourne Rood, Monoa Sacred Heart, Manoa Hilltop 0946-R Class O fR cer 1-2-3
I . . . Intram urals
. . . M anoa
proud o f it . . , sharp dresser; smooth ro lle r skater . . . amus in gly
d ra g s ' his
fe e t
con stantly
. . . "s p o rt" th a t likes sports . . . "e a g e r b e a v e r" . . . shy be ginne r w ith .
femmes, b u t la te r
(a -a -H )
. . short fing erna ils,
fa ce
Spanish class.
JOSEPH LOMBARDI 1912 Moore Street St. Thomas Aquinas FU 9-3338 Blue and S o ld
E d ito r-in -C h ie f 4
. . . Class O ffic e r 2-4 . . .
te rn a tio n a l Relations C lu b 4 . . . Intram urals
. .
. O rchestra
2-3-4 . . . R ifle C lu b I -2-3-4 . . .
Did you ever get up at 5:00 o'clock in the morning? Brother Michael organized a day's trip to Washington, D. C., requiring about 45 boys to rise at that time to leave for a bus trip to the nation's capital.
Scholastic " L " 2-3 . . . Scholastic M edal
2 . . . R ifle Team 2-3-4
. . . Thanksgiving Dance 4 , . V arsity
"L "
R ifle
W is te ria n 3-4 .
. Senior Prom 4
our third year at L S H ...it was to be a year filled
. . . O ne o f LaSalle's finest . deserves a volum e, b u t space .
HENRY LUBACZESKI 2366 Buckius Street St. John Cantius
with excitement from day to day...Men of La Salle
JOHN LUSAS 2631 Snyder Avenue St. Casfmir
VINCENT McANENEY 229 E. Springer Street Little Flower
JAMES McCABE 553 Anchor Street St. William PI 5-5535
Intram urals 1-2 . . .T rack C ham ps
Class O ffic e r 3-4 . . . Intram urals
Intram urals
murals I-2-3-4 . . . S tu d e n t C o u n
I -2-3-4 . . . F o otball
3-4 . .
Cham ps 1-3 . .
cil 3 . .
Scholastic M e del
V arsity
Track I . . . Ju n io r Prom 3 . . .
O ffic e r
. . .
In tra
. Pride o f B ridge sburg; to
. . . Scholastic
"L "
. .
I . . . C ollects
F o otball
. S oftb all
I . . .
"P rid e
old coins
Thinks him self understudy fo r Van
Eats d u ring 3 m inute periods . . .
. studies
. . . fascinated, by subway and
Johnson . . . helps C u p o do his
W helan
Scholastic " L "
every Friday n ig h t . . . Casanova,
tro lle y . . . likes to show th a t he knows Polish . . . fro m (b u t d id n 't g o to
M issouri
D. C .)
. . .
(some new ones, to o )
"L "
I -2-3-4 . . . Football
. . . reads Emily
. . . o rig in a l
H o ly
C h ild
Post . . . knows rules fo r every
d e n t smile
head, ty p ic a l Irishman . . . reads
p a rty a t you r house . . ; c a n 't stand
A 's— all
d e aler w ith o u t cards . . . always
nothing a t all . . . ro lle r skating
ready to argue.
. . . long
rid e
fro m
. , . pug-nose, M ille r
. .
fascin ating,
re d
he tells us . . . always wants a
. features fashionable
hairdos . . . w hat an a p p e tite .
lig h t;
d a y lig h t
on school days . . . fa ir sportsman.
WILLIAM McCLOSKEY 405 Acker Street St. Helen WA 4-7877 C e ra m ic C lu b 2 . . . Chess and Checkers I -2-3-4 . . . intram urals 1-2-4 .
. . Scholastic
M edal
. . . W is te rla n 2 . .
. Favorite
q u o ta tio n , "W h y , B ro th e r? " . . . never has a pen . . . argues on spur o f m om ent . . . Caesar
fo r
V irg il of
a fan
. . . fam ed
books com e first.
JOHN McCOY 947 E. Dorset Street Little Flower GE 8-3844 Class
We can't wait until the bus gets started on its way to Ammendale and Washington. What a pleasant trip that was! Who was it that got lost? Ask Brother Cassian. How did you get home, Keough, Morrison, and Monahan?
O ffic e r
. .
. In tra
C ham ps 3 . . . F o otba ll 2-3-4 . . . Track 2-3-4 . . . V arsity " L " F o ot ball
. . . A lways
shave . . . likes
versa . . . always jum p ing fellow s
. . . very
m orning high
picnic was the first event of the year . . . plans for marching band...elaborate musical program plan-
JOHN McDa n ie l 115 W. Butler Avenue, Ambler St. Joseph, Ambler Ambler 0263
DONALD McDo n n e l l 5909 N. 3rd Street St. Helena NA 4-8187
Chess and
Class O ffic e r
p o lite
d o in g
p itc h e d and
busy .
homework vo ice
and vice the
. . .
JOHN McELRONE 1136 Marlyn Road Our Lady of Lourdes GR 3-2920
THOMAS McGANN 301 Rodman Avenue, Jenkintown Immaculate Conception, Jenkin town OG 2285
I . . . Intram urals
Blue and G o ld Sports E d ito r . . .
A little man
i-2-3-4 . . . F o otball Champs- 4
Class O ffic e r 1-3 . . . Intram urals
Intram urals I -2-3-4 . . . Basketball
fro m A m b le r . . . ard e n t "F ru it
. . . S o ftb a ll 2 . . . Track 1 . . .
I -2-3-4
C ham ps 2 . . . F o otball Cham ps
Checkers 2-3-4
Intram urals 3-4 . . .
. . .
O ffic e r
Bowler" . . . keeps a t his studies
C o u ld n 't fin d his way home w ith
. . . C rew 2-3-4 . . . V arsity " L "
. . . tries to succeed . . . d iffic u lt
o u t G atzm er . . . b it o f th e old
C rew 2-3-4 . . . The Tyrone Power
Jenkintow n . . . escapes to O cean
to fin d a t tim es . . . never hears
o f O ve rb ro o k . . . Vesper B oat
C ity
. . . how does he keep
house man . . . brush c u t . . .
his ha ir wavy? . . . w ith his name,
never w ith o u t
lo ya lly supports " N o smoking on
. . . quick w ith com ebacks . . .
fu lly accepts re sponsib ilitie s . . .
com e
lunch— same
. . .
tim e — same
. . . plans to be a priest.
w rite
fo r
a book
. . .
personable personnel manager.
natural leader.
D isplaced
d u rin g
cam pus" an
person summer
fro m .
. . . plans to
. ..
verd a d ?
becam e interested in school work a t m id -te rm .
DANIEL McGEEHAN 721 E. Chelten Avenue Immaculate Conception TE 9-2555 Class
Many occasions arise during the course of the school year when the services of the Altar Society under Brother MichaePv sponsorship are required to assist the priests In the administration of their sacred functions.
O ffic e r
murals C ham ps
I . . . F o otba ll 2 . . .
S o ftb a ll V arsity
1-3-4 . . .
I -2-3-4
i . . . F o otball 3-4 "L "
F o otba ll
. . .
Intram urals
I-2-3-4 . . . Football
C ham ps 3 . . . . Swing 3-4
. O rchestra
Band 4 . . . Tennis C o -c a p ta in
Thanksgiving Dance 4 . . . One
S tudent C ouncil 3 . . . A iw a a
o f th e few
w ith crew cut and a few fem ales
notes . . . spends most o f the
musicians w ho reads
. . . perpetual smile is contagious
m orning
. . . shows g re a t inte rest in school
always blocking someone's locker
. , . m em ber o f local jive o u tfit
fo rm u la te
. . . likes to
questions . . . "D o n 't
rush me, I'm co m in g ."
ned with uniforms in offing...debaters organize for Catholic Forensic League...student council organ-
WILLIAM McHALE 357 Gale Street St. Ambrose
d o in g
. . . "W h y d o
. .
I have to blush
so?" . . . industrious.
ized under Brother David, Principal... Bradleymen defeat South, St. John, St. Thomas, and Prep for
THOMAS McKENNEY 300 Cumberland Street Gloucester, N. J. St. Mary GL 6-0339
Chess and Checkers I -2-3-4 . . .
Boxing C lu b 3-4 . . . Intram urals
looking fo r some extra lunch . . .
Intram urals
Intram urals
the Frankford co m e t . . . "S ta rts
C ham ps 3 . . . C rew 2-3-4 . . .
JA M E S M c H e n r y 6927 K in d re d R esurrection Intram urals
S tre e t PI 5*1152
. . . A lw ays
. . . F o otba ll
EUGENE McLOONE 243 Sydney Street Holy Cross Wl 7-4193 1-2-3 . . . Basketball
Cha mps 2 . . . C ross-country 3
EDWIN MacNAMARA 4313 Cottman Street St. Bernard MA 4-4823 .
G lee
C lu b
Swim m ing 4 , . . "L iv e s " a t Tur
o u t like a Flash" . . . Bob Kerr's
F o otba ll 4 . . . Swim m ing I -2-3-4
. . . S o ftb a ll 2 . . . Latin C lu b I
n e rs . . . small and unassuming
b u d d y in pe g-pa nts crim es . . .
. . . V arsity " L " C rew 2-3-4 . . .
. . . fre q u e n tly seen w ith puzzled
takes eTaborate care o f ha ir . . .
Scholastic M edal 2 . . . C an be
expressions . . . always cheerful
super sportsm an— w e're to ld . . .
Ike . . . fa v o rite o f the Brothers
fo u n d
and co o p e ra tive , . . fle d
sharp dresser, sharp on th e c o u rt
and' girls . . . has room fo r his
Chess and C hecker "w h iz " . . .
Frankford H ig h in ju n io r ye a r . . .
. . . expects to be exp ert e le c
very good
g o in g in to th e Drug S upp ly Busi
tric a l engineer.
mischief, it gets in to nte."
resem blance
. . .
d o n 't
in to
Scholastic by
"L "
"h e a rin g "
2 him
. .
scholar . . . enthusi
astic ove r in te lle ctu a l pursuits . . .
persistent and^ tenacious . . .
sleeping sickness?"
shall be a law yer."
"G o t
fro m
ROBERT McNAMARA 1768 S. Avondale Street Good Shepherd
HARRY McPEAK 2518 S. 22nd Street St. Edmond FU 9-0883
Intram urals , I -2-3-4
. A rc h -
Class O ffic e r 2 . . . In terna tiona l
If freckles
Relations C lu b 4 . . . Intram urals
were dollars, he cou ld re tire to
2-3-4 . . . F o otball C ham ps 2-3
morrow . . . c u rly headed
. . . The
c o n fra te rn ity
1-2 . . .
man fro m W e s t Philly . . . p o p u
o rig in a l
sw eater
. . . always try in g to im prove in
lar w ith fem mes and fellow s . . .
every way . . . cheerful lender o f
p a p e r . . . q u ie t, un affected . . .
intram ural
su p p o rte r
. . .
re a d ily — when
fa m ily
tra d itio n
. . . "A re
Salle . . . c a n 't be fluste red fo r
you happy, M a c ? " . . . q u ie t—
long . . . expects to reach legal
good student— w ill be fine lawyer.
( M e) Peak.
Miss Rita Chimney, the school secretary, helpfully assists us in caring for all sorts of odds and ends. Marcolina and Sweeney have decided to place their orders for class rings with Miss Chimney before the deadline.
OF 1 9 4 7
second year... Elliot Lawrence plays for seniors...
Roman, South, Southern tor C ity T itle. .. seniors
basketeers finish regular season with 9-5... defeat
again at Malvern ... last midyear class graduates
JOSEPH MAHER 261 E. Evergreen Avenue Our Mother of Consolation CH 7-5460
THOMAS MALLOY 217 Ryers Avenue Presentation B.V.M., Cheltenham
FERGUS MALONE 2312 74th Avenue St. Athanasius WA 4-8138
A rc h c o n fra te rn ity
1 . . . Class
C h e e rle a d e r 3-4 . . . Intram urals
C ham ps 2 . . . Q u ie tly reserved
In te rn a tio n a l
O ffic e r 2 . . . Intram u rals 2 . . .
2-3-4 . . . J u n io r Prom O ffic e r 3
student . . . ha ir causes b lin d
. . . Intram urals 3-4 . . . Basket
F o otball
ness in one eye . . . supports all
F o otba ll 4 . . . S m iling
intram urals . . . g u ita r and har
. . . Sw im m ing 3 . . . Thanksgiv
and go od "m ix e r" . . . " A t least
ing Dance— G eneral C hairm an 4
haunts W a te r Tower's d a n c e s ...
girls and G erm an . . . one o f the
. . . S tellar oarsman . . . noted
never serious . . . p e rpetual grln -
a ffe c tio n a te ly ca lle d
firs t
ladies' man . . . spends summers
ner . . . C heltenham
enthusiastic . . . dotes on M a rie
EDWARD McQUlLLEN 985 Sanger Street St. Martin of Tours CU 8-1743 Intram urals
I-2-3-4 . . . Football
virtu oso
. .
likes every
C ham ps
C lu b
3 . . . C rew
4 3-4
w ent
fo r
"L "
. . . W is te ria n 3-4 . . . C o n firm e d
"T o m "
ra bble-rou ser . . . yen fo r p o e try
. V arsity
fo o tb a ll"
g irls
. . are
in O cean C ity ; the Brothers c a n 't
always on th e ir gu ard . . . travels
. . .
tim es . . . " W h a t kind o f Engi
escape . . . supports all a c tiv i
fro m
neer, E d?"
ties . . .
tio n to LSHS .
. . . q u ie tly
a go od organizer.
ou ter
c iv iliz a
th a t's
p rice
"F e rg ie " . . .
a loyal s u p p o rte r o f G o ld
handed on
a c tiv itie s ra dio.
. .
Blue o ff
CHARLES MANSFIELD 7021 Georgian Road St. Athanasius WA 4-5678 Blue and national
G o ld
4 . . . Interna-
C lub
. . .
Intram urals
I-2-3-4 . . . Football
C ham ps
. . G lee
C lu b
. . . R ifle C lu b 1 . . . C rew 3-4 . . . Thanksgiving
Dance 4 . . .
W is te ria n 4 , . . Senior Play 4 . . . V ery m ature
. . . sla ve d
since he was tw elve . . . "B e tte r la te than never" . . . a d vo ca to r
FRANK MAUER 4141 Levick Street St. Timothy MA 4-5769 Intram urals
c o n fra te rn ity
w avy-haired be
. A rch -
. . . Tall,
. . . considered
d e cid ed
to by
many . . . wants to be a profes sional
g o lfe r
. . . possesses an
w orry
B rother leros"
G a b rie l's
. do esn't
le t
. . . one o f "G a y
C a b a l
. ^ . sharp dresser . . .
"G iv e me a m irro r."
o f Ford T ransp orta tion . . . never a t a loss fo r a com m ent.
NICHOLAS MARINO 1938 Mifflin Street St. Thomas Aquinas HO 8-4479 Intram urals
. . . seniors give "H ere Comes M r. Jordan" . . . basketeers win Eastern States Title . . . Phelan
C ham ps 3 . . . A rc h c o n fra te rn ity
1 . . . A lw ays ta kin g a b e ating . . . pe rp e tu a l smile . . . M arino, Dolan,
K irb y :
. . . always an
three "A "
fro m
G a b rie l . . . tries to g e t ahead . . . c a n 't be discouraged . . . courageous efforts . . . never a t a loss fo r words when am ong pals.
WALTER MASLOWSKl 1565 Mt. Ephraim Avenue St. Joseph, Camden, N. J . CA 4-2622-M Class O ffic e r 2-3 . . . Intram urals 2-3-4 . . . Basketball C ham ps 2 . . . S o ftb a ll 2 . . . Band 3 . . . Scholastic " L " 2-3 . . . Baseball 2-3 . . . Im m ig ra n t fro m Cam den . . .
a stud ent w ho always gets
" A " . . . sticks to his con victio ns de spite
. . . d a rin g ly
d e bona ire . . . everybody's buddy.
JOHN MAHIS 5134 Sydenham Street Holy Child GL 5-3285 Intram urals
I-2-3-4 . . . Football
2-3-4 . . . V arsity " L " F o otba ll 4
Theoeginning of’ every school term is fiectic. Trying to acquire text books proves to be part of the mess. Brother Emilian was swamped prior to this picture's being taken with sophs anxious to get their books.
STANLEY MOCARSKI 2758 Croyden Street St. John Cantius CU 8-1991
. . . V ery studious . . . comes
Intram urals
fro m
C ham ps 1-4 . .
"Z o o "
. . . enjoys his
I-2-3-4 . . . Football . S o ftb a ll I . . .
d u r
Serious, hard working in te lle ctu a l
ing Physics . . . always seen w ith
. . . aspires to be a d o c to r . . .
Flem ing and N olan . , . trie s to
h a b it
sit on his neck . . . huge
eyes . . . "R ussian" fro m
Imm ensely
gro w in g
pro d ig io u sly
. . . can be fluste red .
th ro w in g
burg . . .
an ace on the so ftb a ll
diam ond
. ;
w restling w ith M o ln ar . . . husky in b o d y as well as in voice.
JOHN MOLNAR 507 Levick Street St. William PI 5-5510 Class O ffic e r 2 . . . Intram urals 1-2-3-4
. .
F o otba ll
S o ftb a ll
RICHARD MORRISON 5658 Miriam Road St. Martin of Tours DE.6-6088 B o x in g ‘ C lu b
3 . . . Chess and
Scholastic " L ” 1-2-3 . . . Scholas
Checkers 1 . . . Class O ffic e r 3
tic M e dal 2-3 . . . Baseball 2-3-4
. . . V arsity " L " Baseball 3-4 . . .
Basketball C ham ps
Intram urals
. .
I . . . Foot-
H o b b y — ho ardin g g o ld cards . . .
b-»ll 2 . . . G le e C lu b 4 . . .
C a n 't seem
w ith
to o
rhythm . . . M ocarski and M o ln ar
. . . never satisfied w ith
thro u g h
" to
much sim ple
frie nds
g e th e r" . . . b ig fa c to r in in tra
mural successes.
must like La Salle, the re are so
b e tte r . . . M orrisons
many . . . loves all sports.
basketball captain-elect for '4 7 ... successful Vo cation W e e k . . . Norman McVey wins Pepsi-Cola
FERDINAND MORRO 74^ Foss Avenue, Drexel Hill, Pa. St. Andrew, Drexel Hill Clearbrook 6735 C era m ic C lu b 2 . . . Class O ffic e r 4 . . . L ib ra ry S ta ff J u n io r
1-2-3 . . .
O ffic e r
Sanctuary S ociety 1-2 . . . CrossC o u n try M a n a g e r 3-4 . . . Track
M a nage r 2-3-4 . . . V arsity " L " 4 . . . G ifte d speaker w ith sonorous voice
fo rm a l
ve ry frie n d ly . . . serious stud ent who
sees value
. . .
d e pend able .
JAMES MORRO 748 Foss Avenue, Drexel Hill, Pa. St. Andrew, Drexel Hill Clearbrook 6735 A rc h c o n fra te rn ity
I -2-3-4
President 4 . . . Blue and G o ld 4 . . . D ram atics C lu b In te rn a tio n a l
1-2-4 . . .
. . . L ib ra ry S ta ff
C lu b
I -2-3-4 . . .
Poster C lu b I . . . Stam p C lu b 2.
Because La Salle students failed to make use of texts, their parents sometimes had to come to school on P-T nights to talk over with the Brothers ways and means of improving their sons' work.
culsineur . . . conscien
tious stud ent . . . m atured o p in ions . . , very levelheaded . . . everyone's frie n d . . . c a n 't p u t a lim it on generosity . . . a te a ch er's dream com e tru e.
ROBERT MUIR 3021 Fanshawe Street St. Timothy EUGENE MOONEY 1114 N. 64th Street Our Lady of Lourdes GR 3-6629
In te rn a tio n a l Relations C lu b 4 . . .
Intram urals
c o n fra te rn ity
A rch -
1 . . . Eternally in
S tam p 1-2-3 .
C lu b
2 . . . Intram urals
. . . A rc h c o n fra te rn ity . The
o rig in a l
Time Boy" . . . saves his energy
need o f a h a irc u t . . . "roughs
fo r
satisfie d; leave
O verbro ok
fhe way from
rum ble
"S leep y
S aturday
. . .
me a lon e"
"I'm . . .
needs a shove to g e t started . . .
seat . . . sharpest thorn o f sev
g o in g
eral Brothers . . . needs a zippe r
Featherbed mattresses? . . . has
to g e t in to his pegs . . . m em ber
fu n d o f knowledge, b u t hoards it.
in to
research — on w hat?
o f the "b a c k ro w " club.
JAMES O ’CONNOR R. D. No. 4, Norristown. Pa. St. Anthony, Ambler Ambler 240-R-4
JOHN OWENS 1140 E. Haines Street Immaculate Conception VI 4-4591 A v ia tio n C lu b I . . . Intram urals I-2-3-4 . . . Ju n io r Prom 3 . . .
Intram urals I-2-3-4 . . . Football
H a p p y-g o -lu cky . . . has a smile
C ham ps 1-2 . .
fo r e ve rybod y . . . dancer extra
O rchestra
. S o ftb a ll
I . . .
I -2-3-4 . . . C rew
o rd in a ry . . . h a lf p in t o u t o f a
. . . A m bassador o f A m b le r . . .
barrel o f fun . . . seen fre q u e n tly
G e n e ra lly in a hurry . . . going
a t W h e la n ’s . . .
fu tu re
. ty p ic a l
d e n tist
a tru e
. . , although
. . . to p n o tc h musician . . . shows
native o f G erm antow n, his com
panions are W est Philadelphians.
g irl's
p ic tu re
pe cting . . . surprising knowledge o f unusual subjects . . . hopes to be a ra d io cro o n e r or groatier.
JAMES PARSONS 163 Burmont Avenue St. Charles Borromeo
JOSEPH ONDREJKA 2720 N. Reese Street St. Bonaventure Intram urals c o n fra te rn ity conscious
A rch -
G en era lly
his studies
specializes in o f the
the language south
b o rd e r . . . always the
gentlem an reveals
. . . over
desire to
. . . chuckles over any situa tion . . . gets to circum stances
under any
Intram urals I-2-3-4 . . . C rew 3-4 A rc h c o n fra te rn ity as Reverend to
I . . . Known his frie nds . . .
th e o rig in a l thin man o f La Salle . . . basketball enthusiast . . . no rm ally is a q u ie t fe llo w
. . .
w hat a voice fo r a coxswain . . . intends w orking
. . . co lle g e man
to be— i f there's room.
JOHN O ’NEILL 2129 66th Avenue St. Benedict Boxing C lu b
pionships . . . win two North American titles . . .
3 . . .. Intram urals
SENIORS . . . our four years' dream finally true as
1-2-3-4 . . . S hort . . . well b u ilt . . . lig h t hearted . , . sure frie n d . . . the "F a rm e r" is well known . . . a rd e n t desire to please . . . fine
con versatio nalist . . . takes
p a rt in all class discussions . . . "W h a t
w a tt
an yw a y?"—
some questions . . . "Such a nice boy, to o "
. . . who? in 4C ?
JOSEPH ORLANDO 2405 Wharton Street King of Peace LI 9-7625 Chess and C heckers 2 , , . In te r national
Intram urals ball
C lu b 4 . , .
I -2-3-4 . . . Basket
C ham ps
2 . . . S o ftb a ll
. . . Latin C lu b I . . . S anctuary S ociety
I . . . Pepsodent sm iler
. . . w illin g ly he lp fu l . . . p ra ctice fie ld
a fte r
. .
bundle o f hobbles . . . N .R .O .T.C . appears p ro b a b le . . . keenly in terested
in studies . . . fo re ig n
affairs c a p tiv a te him.
International Relations Club members crowded into Thatcher Hall at Temple University on Thursday evenings in preparation for the Civic Forum League's "Model Day in Congress." At this meeting Father Cox acted as chairman of a panel discussion on "Labor Curbs."
JAMES PENTONY 2338 Moore Street St. Edmond FU 9-1298 Intram urals
Cham ps 2-3
. . .F ootball
. . . Rifle
C lu b
, . . C o u n te rp a rt o f Lou C oste llo . . . ready to
help a t all tim es
. . . noted fo r ta ll stories . . . baseball
. .
P hiladelphian by choice . . . walk ing
e n cyclo ped ia
o f spo rt facts
. . . g o in g in to re frig e ra tio n and a ir c o n d itio n in g
. . . d o n 't g o t
hot o r co ld , J im .
JOHN PESCATORE 1819 Tulip Street Holy Name Intram urals te rn ity
1-3 . .
I . . .
. A rc h c o n fra
a "1 2 4 0 " evacuee
. . . ta ll, go od looking . . . smart dresser
. . . o u tstand ing
playe r (som eday President) . . . always
w illin g
p a rtic ip a te
a c tiv itie s . . . likes to play fo o t ball
eve rything
"J a c k ,"
. . . signs even
ru b b e r
checks . . . c la d d in g p e ople w ill be his business.
JOSEPH PERRET 2230 Seigel Street St. Edmond DE4-f869
. . . Track 2 . . . J u n io r Prom 3
JAMES PHELAN 3850 Brunswick Avenue Drexel Hill, Pa St. Charles MAD 3874-R
. . . S cholastic
Class O ffic e r 2-3
Class O ffic e r 3 . . . Intram urals I-2-3-4 . . . F o otball C ham ps 4 M e dal
3 . . .
plexioned . . . vast knowledge o f
I -2-3-4
, . . S o ftb a ll
sports facts . . . R udolph Valen-
(B aseball
tin o
i i-2 -3 -4
. . easy to
go od speaker . . . to
never seems fluste red
work . . . "Irre g a rd -
. Intram urals
I -2-3-4
along w ith . .
J.V. F o otba ll 2-3 . . . Dark com-
2-3-4 .
\V arsIty " L " ball 2-3-4
C ham ps 1-2
C a p ta in
Baseball 3-4; Basket . . . A lw ays
b ro a d ly
sm iling . . . natural lead er . . . go od
stud ent
. . exceptional
push— n o t roughhouse . . . q u ie tly unassuming despite a b ilitie s.
we return to our campus for the last year . . . cards appear bi-weekly instead of weekly . . . our
MARIO PIAZZOLLA 1708 S. 16th Street St. Thomas Aquinas HO 8-5898 Blue and G o ld Business M a nage r 4
In te rn a tio n a l
C lu b 4 . . . Intram urals
. . . F o otball C ham ps 2 . . . R ifle C lu b
\-2-V-A- . . . Thanksgiving
Dance 4 . . . Interested in d a n c
Sometimes the annex at "1240" was overlooked unintentionally in the parent Institution's activities. On this occasion Mr. R. Childs brought the marching band to "1240" to play at an assembly program which was enthusiastically received.
ing . . . very studious . . . social lead er
. . eve rybod y's
frie n d
. . . always jo cu la r . . . solidly b u ilt . . . w ould just as soon le t others do it.
RICHARD PREISS 4259 Marshall Street St. Henry DA 4-6983 Intram urals 1-2 . . . L ib ra ry S taff 2-3 . . . R iding C lu b 2 . . . Stage C rew 3-4 . . . Q u ie t and serious a b o u t all his work . . . soft-spoken b u t continuously does it . . . a l ways neat . . . can be fou nd at any social fu n ctio n . . . fo re ve r reading questions
. . . knows how to . .
ask is
easily confused.
DONALD PRICE 1810 Beech Avenue Holy Angels MA 5-3695 Class O ffic e r 2 . . . Intram urals I -2-3-4
V arsity " L "
F o otba ll
F o otba ll 4
. . For
ever needing a shave . . . known by b u rr h a irc u t . . . g re a t senSe o f hum or . . . applies him self to his studies (a t tim es) in a hurry— "W h y wants to
. . . never
h u rry? "
study c iv il
. . .
a t colle g e .
JAMES QUIGLEY 316 Robbins Avenue St. William PI 5-1943 Intram urals
. .
C ham ps 2 . . . A rc h c o n fra te rn ity I . . . P ra c tic a l joker . . . w e ig h t lifte r a t Y .M .C .A . . . . zoot-suiter . . . never depressed . . . wears
The hunger and thirst for knowledge never quiets the clamoring pangs of physical hunger and thirst. Note the gleams of anticipated pleasure that brighten the eyes of this ravenous horde as it passes along the counter.
flashy ties . . . crazy a b o u t pea nu t b u tte r sanwiches
. . . w hat
does he like best?— girls or fo o d ? , . . w ith his physique— wants to be
IGNATIUS QUINN 423 Hortter Street St. Madeline Sophie GE 8-2858
last retreat on the campus . . . game of the year: L.S. 19, W .C . I 3 ... Lombardi named Editor of the
FRANK RACINE 400 Mt. Airy Avenue St. Madeline Wl 7-5314
JOSEPH RADKE 2810 N. 12th Street St. Bonaventure Intram urals
Intram urals
Team 3-4 . . .-Likes to d a b b le in
C lu b 4 . . . C era m ic C lu b 3 . . .
Intram urals
Comes fro m
a rt . . .
sociable fellow
R iding C lu b 3-4 . . . G le e C lu b
C ham ps 2 . . . J.V. Basketball 1-2
ta lk a tiv e
2 . . . Enthusiastic equestrian . . .
. . . Baseball 2-3-4 , . . A ll-a ro u n d
. small
. . . w ill tr y an ything . . . always
q u ie t and
can never w a it fo r lunch pe riod
. . . "L a tin
reserved . . . chased
a very
I-2-3-4 . . . Bowling
Intram urals I-2-3-4 . . . Basketball C ham ps I . . . F o otball 3-4 . . . U p p e r G erm antow n
JOHN REAGAN Swanson and Ritner Streets Our Lady of Mt. Carmel FU 9-1699
. .
a th le te . . . S aturday n ig h t dance
Boy" , . . possesses
fiend. . . . a rd e n t sports fan . . .
b y th e girls? ? . . . sup port chew
. . .
R ifle Team . . . fa v o rite song—
be a u tifu l "re la tiv e s " . . . ard e n t
frie n d ly
Racine W ith th e M oon . . . ra bid
fa ir)
. . . more o r less a "d e a l"
num ism atist
tow ards the prie sthoo d . . . very
. . . "In k y "
ou tstand ing lo y a lty to LSHS . . .
. .
above young
fo r
senior . . . re a lly young in heart.
. .
m em ber o f the
stud ent
ing gum m anufacturers . . . likes pe riods
a stalw art
I-2-3-4 . . . Football
. unusual
a rd e n tly expressed.
p la ye r . .
has aspirations
is no Stinky
the . . .
a business man re ally
trig u e s him.
DONALD REED 3442 W. Queen Lane St, Bridget VI 4-6530 Class O ffic e r 2 . . . Intram urals 1-
2 ..
. S cholastic M e d a l I . . .
C ross-C ountry 2-
C o u n try S tubb y
2-3-4 . . . Track
, V arsity
"L "
2-3-4; Track red
ha ir
3-4 .
. .
c ritic iz in g . . . likes to show his "L 's ”
. . . wears
moccasins to r
every occasion . . . m odel b u ild e r . . . g o o d nature d . . . Pride o f East Falls.
ROBERT REGAN 1115 Dyre Street St. Martin JE 5-6465 Intram urals
I-2-3-4 . . . Football
C ham ps 2 . . . J u n io r
The close proximify of genial companions busily engaged in satisfying hunger makes for friendliness and joviality. Many a plot was hatched here, as well as an examination prepared for or a home assignment finished in the nick of time.
Prom 3
. . . C rew 2 . . . Swim m ing 2-3-4 Track 3-4 . . . V arsity " L " Crew 2;
Swim m ing
. W e ll
b u ilt A d o n is . . . ta ll, dark and handsome, he believes . . . gets w hat he wants usually . . . sportsm ind ed . . . sun tan via O cean
Blue and Gold ...Prep trounced third consecutive
C ity beach patrol- , . . c a n 't be ru ffled.
year In football, I 3-6... La Salle and Mercy Acad-
LEO ROBB 166 Upland Road, Manoa, Pa. Sacred Heart, Manoa, Pa. Hilltop 6210
RAYMOND RUDOLPH 1329 E. Price Street Immaculate Conception GE8-I769
PAUL RYAN 1055 Greenhill Road GR 3-0157 St. Callistus
ANTHONY RYZINSKI 2701 Snyder Avenue St. Casimir HO 8-5360
D ram atics
Servicem an
L ib ra ry
Class O ffic e r
murals 1-2-3 . . . Football Cham ps
I-2-3-4 . . . In tra
C lu b
. .
In tra
. . . sets the
S ta ff 3 . .
. Scholastic
in styles . . . fea ture s a lo t o f
" L " . . . W iste ria n 4 . . . A rc h
1-2-3 . . . S o ftb a ll I . . . A lways
n ig h t life . . . com m ands frie n d -
c o n fra te rn ity
Cham ps 3-4 . . . Track 2 . . .
plays the jester . . . attends every
ship o f all . . . handsome
to him self . , . brain fro m South
I -2-3-4
. . . Keeps mostly
well reserved . . . very neat a p
P hiladelphia— how
2-3 . . . Likes to fo o l around . . .
class in a tte n tio n . . . p ro d u c t o f
pearance . . . ta ll, dark . . . rolls
" O liv e r W e n d e ll H o lm e s"
Salle . . . takes eve ryth in g seri
” L"
. . . Basketball
. .
. . . o f La
G erm antow n . . . his p rin c ip a l in
to school in his own "lim o u sin e "
. . . Class President fo r to u r years
terest— girls
. . . hurrys away a t 2:40 every
ously . . . gives Einstein com pe
. . . la te ly became a ladies' man
tops in pe rsona lity . . . wants to
d a y . . . be in g away fro m school
titio n
. . . smart student . . . universally
engineer self throug h engineering
was a handicap . . . makes g re a t
p o p u la r. , . knows his o b lig ation s.
e ffo rt to learn.
assured . . . L ite ra ry bent.
lead er
. . . never a t a loss fo r .
t il.f t m
4 , . . Inte rn a
RICHARD SCANLON Lindsay Lane, Rydal Immaculate Conception, Jenkintown OG 4734
tio n a l Relations C lu b 4 .. . . In
A v ia tio n C lu b 2 . . . Intram urals
tram urals
JAMES ST. CLAIR 2966 Aramingo Avenue Nativity B.V.M. Blue and G o ld
Alas and alack! We did not measure up to expectations. The Romans came, saw and conquered us, despite the rousing enthusiasm sparked by Jim Gallagher's optimistic words at a terrific night rally held prior to the game.
I -2-3-4
. . .
ity . . . "B u ffa lo B ill" o f the Rifle
Team . . . pleasing smile w ill g e t
. . . to p s
C o u n try 1-2 . .
. ,
. .
P hoto gra phy C lu b 3-4 . . . Crosso u t fo r clubs
R ifle
. Track 1-2 . .
C lu b
C ham ps 2 . . . G lee C lu b 4 . . .
A ll
p h o to g ra p h y, which is his chosen
o ccu pation •, . . Richmond's g ift
100 pe r cent . . . has corridors
. . . he’s La
to women . . . often re ferred to
to look a fte r . . . very open and
as the "B ro w ."
fo rth rig h t.
emy present "Robin H ood," an operetta ... great
with God ... weather was id e a l... retreat masters
...W e seniors travel to Malvern for a week-end
were inspirational. . . cagers finish season in first
CHARLES SCHAFFER 530* Johnson Street Our Lady of Mt. Carmel DE 4-8204
CHARLES SCHEHL 305 Manoa Road. Manoa. Pa. Sacred Heart, Manoa, Pa. Hilltop 0732-M
WILLIAM SCHELLHARDT 3000 W. Girard Avenue St. Ludwig PO 5-0697
HARRY SCHOETTLE 198 W, Annsbury Street St. Henry DA 4 -1126
A rc h c o n fra te rn ity
1-2 . .
C era m ic C lu b 2 . . . Class O f
Intram urals I-2-3-4 . . . Basketball
Intram urals
C ham ps
C ham ps 4 . . . J u n io r Prom
1-3 . .
. F o otba ll 2-3-4
1-2-3-4 . . . Football 3
I -2-3-4 by
. . .
. In tra
fic e r 2 . . . Intram urals
. . . Poster C lu b 1-2 . . . Scholas
school's best dresser? . ., . a fte r
Basketball 2-3-4 . . . A m ixture o f
hunting, prefers M a th
2-3-4 . . . Thanksgiving Dance 4
. . . vast knowledge o f local gun-
brains and
g re a t devotee o f cho colate milk
• . . F o otba ll
fig h ts
w ell-liked fe llo w
. . . exp ert on G erm an language
Typ ical La Salle gentlem an . . . excels in Physics . . . dark brown
. . . V arsity " L " South
F o otball 4 . . .
P hilly’s c u rly . . . takes
haired rib b in g
boy good
. . . S cholastic
M e dal
. . .
brawn results in ta ll, . . . p rid e and
joy o f M anoa . . . the Sleeping
once or tw ic e . . . studies have
G enius . . . smiles even in face
well in his brothe r's footsteps.
him w orried, sometimes.
o f tro u b le tu rb e d .
. . . follow s
is a
na tu re d ly . . . w ill try a n ything
. . . not re a d ily dis
. . .
"L "
1-2-3 . . . Stage C rew M anager 2 . , .
ha ir tops good appearance . . . one o f the unheralded stage crew . . . smiles b rig h te n his fa ce and others.
LEO SCHWEITZER 1822 W. Ashdale Street Holy Child DA 4-3791
WILLIAM SEIBERLICH 120 W. Chemplost Street St. Helena HA 4-7348.
W Isterian 2 . . . A rchconfra+er-
D ram atics
ni+y 1-2
I -2-3-4
. W ell-like d ' and d e
1-3-4 . . . Intram urals C lu b 4 . . .
G le
. . J.V . Foot
serves his p o p u la rity . . . scholar
Senior Play 3-4
ship m a terial . . .
ball 2 . . . O u ts ta n d in g
a very stylish
dresser . . .
his smile is his in tro
ea ter; fo o d
to must
. . . lig h t
th a t
in the
G le e C lu b . . . the G a ry C o o p e r . . . ta ll, dark and
o f La Salle
c afe teria
very studious . . . w ould
po st-grad
. . . small— but,
. . . nervous d u rin g exams . , .
A cadem y)
anxious to learn eve rything .
Seemingly, Bernle Bradley had the magic formula. At this rally, our football coach expressed the conviction that we could win. LS.M.F.T. (La Salle's Mighty Fine Team) conquered the Catholic League cham pions, West Catholic, .by the score of 19-13.
c ourse
(a t
like a M e rcy
. . . can fin d
alm ost e ve rything .
OF 1 9 4 7
with 12-2 . . , lose to Prep in finals of playoffs . . .
senior prom, the peak of our senior activities . . .
Cl arence Fuhrman and Alex Barlha play for O U R
W arwick Hotel was gaily decked for i t . . ."Death
HUGH SHARP 7245 Walker Street St. Bernard MA 4-1325
ROBERT SHAFFER 7123 Glenloch Street St. Bernard Intram urals
. . . Boxing
C lub 3-4 . . . R ifle C lu b
I , . .
JOHN SHEA 593 Alcott Street St. William PI 5-4262
VINCENT SHERIDAN 518 E. Geneva Avenue St. Ambrose Ml 4-4408 Intram urals
. .
. F o otball
Bowling C lu b ! . . . Boxing C lu b
Intram urals
3-4 . . . Class O ffic e r
Cham ps 2 . . . A rc h c o n fra te rn ity
C ham ps 4 . . . Track
I . . . lim ita tio n s to p his bag o f
Swim ming
. . . M erm an o f the S enior Class
O u r most "unusual fe llo w "
. . .
In terna tiona l
rather b rig h t and tries to
Intram urals
it known . . . Latin scholar . . .
C ross-C ountry
the Brother's nemesis— (look th a t
Rifle C lu b
C lu b
C ham ps
. . .
. fe a tu re s
d a ily
1-2 . .
. . . Track
. .
o ’clock shadow . . . loved by all
. . . always
who know
. . . Likes to dance , . . Knox's
I . . . C ross-C ountry
T ro tt-
has a
w ord
Siamese tw in . . . c o rrid o r c o n fe r
pher . . . conscientious and d e
V arsity " L " C ross-C ountry 3-4 . . .
teams . . . g o in g a fte r a colleg e
ence ho ld er . . . always looking
term ined
degree, i f he can g e t in.
fo r someone to ta lk to . . . very
up) . . .
La Salle's g re a t philoso . . . argum e ntative
provocatio n
. . Track M a y fa ir
I -2-3-4
. . .
heaven . . . questioner . . .
. .
pressive personality.
sure— b u t -------
lii* '
than ex
offhand ed in manner.
WILLIAM SPIELBERGER 5117 N. Sydenham Street DA 4-7963 Holy Child
JAMES SHIELDS 1237 W. Cumberland Street Our Lady of Mercy Intram urals
I -2-3-4
c o n fra te rn ity
1-2 . .
. . A rc h
. Heads the
list o f La Salle rooters . . .
asset to the good
(? )
studies . . .
. . . go od
name o f
always w illin g to help others . . . Believes only w hat the
"In q u ire r”
Intram urals c o n fra te rn ity
de voted
prayer m o n ito r . . . d roning voice
. .
. A rch -
C ham ps 3 . . . Industrious and ta ll and lanky . . . d ilig e n t likes sports . , . g re a t reader . . . sm art dresser . . . likes dancing . . . frie n d ly to all and a good mixer . . . g la d ly
others . . . gom g to colleg e and eve ntua lly
in to
th e
. . . easily abashed.
THOMAS SMITH ! 5619 N. Uber Street Holy Child HA 4-4804
Takes a Holiday" is our senior play, with a full house every night of the performance . . . Annual
Intram urals I-2-3-4 . . . Scholastic " L " 3 . . . Tennis 3-4 . . . C oC a p ta ln 4 . . . V arsity " L ” Ten nis 3 . . . Excels in studies anx. tennis . . . has a pleasant smile, even in bad w eather . . . never late
(he lives across the street)
. . . "T ig e r" mates
is tops w ith
. . q u ie t
frie n d ly
. . . frowns when puzzled.
EDWARD SOUTHERN 2316 N. Parle Avenue Our Lady of Mercy RA 5-8696 Intram urals
L ibrary
S taff 3 . . . Senior Play 3 . . . Stage
C rew
marks and
3 . . . G ets deserves
good . . .
likes rough sports (such as d a n c ing)
. . .
a t his fun niest when
he's mad . . . always neat and well-dressed . . . f^ ll, shy, likable . . . shining
lig h t o f 4B— there
are some.
CHARLES SPEITEL 3621 N. 5th Street St. Veronica RE 9-4004 A rc h c o n fra te rn ity
1-2 . .
. Swim
m ing 2-3-4 . . . Has g irl friends by
owner v ita l
b o atload s of a
m o to rb o a t
. . .
CHARLES SPUHLER 101 Hamilton Avenue Merchantville, N. J. St. Peter Merch 8-1018 Intram urals I -2-3-4 . . . Basketball C ham ps 2 . . . A rc h c o n fra te rn ity
1-2 . . . Escapee from the Jersey
. . . fre que nts alm ost
swamps— loves Jersey tho ugh . . .
p a rt o f ou r swimming
g re g a tio n
Boarding buses to get to opponent's fields seemed to bring our football team tuck. Maybe the loosening up that resulted from a shakey bus trip out to 54th and City Line explains La Salle's victory over West Catholic.
La Salle
smiles sociably . . . w hat a sense
backer o f every a c tiv ity . . . tries
o f hum or . . . studied casualness
his hardest a t all tim es . . . c a n 't
in dress . . . can be very sharp
be abashed.
. . . very p o lite . . . glasses hater,
all dances . . .
a tru e
not lassies hater . . . plans to be an Dad.
a u tom o bile
d e aler
FRANCIS STANTON 3221 W. Allegheny Avenue Corpu$ Chrisfi In+ramurals
I-2-3-4 . . . Football
C ham ps 1-2 . .
. S o ftb a ll I . . .
JAMES S T O K E S ^ / ^ y U jV 2031 E. Birch Street Visitation B.V.M. Class O fR c e r '4 . . . Intram urals
Scholastic " L " 2 . . . Fine speci
2-3 . .
3 . . . C ross-C oun try 3-4 . . .
. . . very a ttra c tiv e to alt, espe
Track 2-3-4 . . . V arsity 'L '“ Cross-
c ia lly bobby-soxers . . . conscien
C o u n try
tious stud ent . . . never o u t o f
hai** grow — keeps it
o rd e r . . , knows exactly where
eq ually
he stands . . .
and da ncing . . . seriously studies
u p rig h t
a fresh sense o f
. C ross-C ountry
Cham ps
. . W o n ’t
adept at
le t
bu rry
. . .
hum or . . . w ill eventually “ A c
. . . p e rp e tu a lly
c o u n t" his money.
never alone . . . his smile a ttra cts
p o p u la r
. . .
them .
Spring Music Festival inaugurated . . . again full houses at Town H a ll. . . spring sports in full swing,
EDWARD STUHLTRAEGER 437 E. Cambria Street I Visitation B.V.M. Intram urals
I-2-3-4 . . . Band 3
. . . G le e C lu b 2-3 . . . A rc h c o n fra te rn ity
I . . . Excellent re
sults a t e ve rything he does . . . w o n 't be discon certe d . . . bash fu l u n til he gets acq u a in te d . . . a w ond erfu l sense o f rh ythm . . . few
p la y
b e tte r than
. . . can Jie fig u re well enough to
be an acco unta nt?
EDWARD SUCHY 552 E. Clarkson Avenue St. Ambrose Serviceman . . . Swim m ing Team 2-3 . . . Track 2-3 . . . V arsity “ L“ Swim m ing 3; Track 3 . . . N o one applies him self as th o ro u g h ly as Ed . . . has a q u ie t sense o f hum or . . . extrem ely p o lite and polished
in manner . . . eve ry
one finds
One of the first things that Brother E. Francis did on becoming Athletic Director was to acquire this huge scrap-book to record L.S.H.'s athletic achievements. Here Charles Brown pastes up some clippings from the daily newpapers.
him up
fo r
. . .
tim e
HUMBERT SWEENEY 7501 Mayland Street St. Athanasius JOHN STEVER 2228 Park Avenue Our Lady of Mercy PO 5-8719
Blue and G o ld 4 . . . D ebating
Intram urals
C ham ps 2 . . . G le e C lu b 2-3-4
. . . A rc h c o n fra te rn ity
. . . Scholastic “ L“ 2 . . . Schol
1-2 . .
. A rg u in g
is a fa v o rite
pastim e . . . trie s to
3-4 . . . D ram atics 3-4 . . . Intramurals
M e dal 2 . . . Senior Play
3-4 . . . Thanksgivin g
Da nee 4
ba ckground and usually succeeds
. . . J u n io r Prom 3 . . . W iste r-
. . .
misses a Saturday
n ig h t dance . . . never is w ith o u t
. . . Sports
E d ito r 4
. . . C o lle c to r o f unusual names
a com panion— boy or g irl . . .
. . . trie s to d o to o much . . .
go od
versatile . . . d ig n ifie d .
studies— w ill
com e
handy In college.
THOMAS TIMLIN 5522 Pemberton Street Transfiguration SH 7-3306
FRANCIS TRACEY 707 N. 36th Street St. Agatha EV 6-3228
C e ra m ic C lu b 3 . . . Intram urals
WILLIAM TONER 5408 Chester Avenue Most Blessed Sacrament SA 9-3826
Intram urals I-2-3-4 . . . Basketball
Intram urals I-2-3-4 . . , Basketball
2-3r4 . . . Basketball C ham ps 3
Intram urals
I-2 -3-4 . . . F o otba ll
C ham ps I . . . A rc h c o n fra te rn ity
C ham ps
. . . Poster C lu b 1-2-3 . . . Schol-
C ham ps 4 . . . C rew 2-3-4 . . .
I . . . W ill d o an ything If asked
V arsity
H andles a "T " square and a cue
,a s tic " L ” 2 . . . Scholastic M edal
"L "
C rew
frie nds
. . .
THOMAS TRASSER 2023 N. Harvard Street St. Peter RE 9-0624 I
, . . L ibrary
. . A rc h c o n fra te rn ity
S taff 3 I
. . .
3 . . . Unassumingly studious . , .
M o st cherished possession — b u rr
his uncle "D ic k " . , . likes every
stick w ith equi deftness . . . sup
knows how to change fa c ia l
h a irc u t . . . ra b id LSHS enthusi
body, e ve rybod y d itto . . . doesn't
p o rts
w ant to be bothered' in class . . .
rousing gusto . . . w o n 't be seen w ith o u t a scarf . . . who doesn't
W est
m om ent . . . lead er o f Einstein's
beauties , . . d im p le d smile . . .
m erry tw inkle
op p o sitio n
fu ll o f fun— likes clow ning in class
un o b je ctio n a b le
. . . ro llin g g a it . . . has de ve l
c o u n ta n t."
frie n d s . . . slight, energy.
b u t fu ll
ph ysica lly th ro u g h
C rew .
prospects b rig h t.. .track blossoms under Brother D. John . . . La Salle Night again huge success
in his eyes p ra c tic a l
"C e r tifie d
. . . joker
A c
WILLIAM TROST 700 Knorr Street Presentation B.V.M. PI 5-7765 Chess and Checkers te rn a tio n a l
. . .
Relations C lu b
In Vice-
President 4 . . . Intram urals 1-2-34 . . . F o otball Ch amps 4 . . .
Track 2 . . . Scholastic "L" I . . . Scholastic M e dal
1-2 . .
. Track
2-3 . . . W iste ria n 2 . . . A tra ffic cop 's
The premiere appearance of this year's edition of the symphony orchestra before the student body early in October gave notice of its future achievements. Mr. Fred Balasz rendered several violin solos which he played on his national concert tours.
nigh tm are
d rivin g
. . . glasses add to studious a p pearance
uphold a p o in t o f a rgum e nt . . . reddens re adily.
ALBERT TROTTNOW 3206 Cottman Avenue St. Matthew MA 4-5125 A v ia tio n
C lu b
I . . . Class O f
fic e r 4 . . . Intram urals 1-2-3 . . . Track C ham ps 2 . . . R ifle C lub 1-2 . ,
. Esquire stylist in ’ clothes
. . . c a n 't be bo th e re d w ith trifle s like school . . . learned to pre cia te the . , . to o ,
necessity to o
fo r study
offhand ed
. . .
smooth in every way . . . d o n 't be surprised
a t his comments.
a c tiv itie s
he know . . . can dress well tim e s ).
w ith
(a t
RAYMOND TWISDOM 3192 Tilton Street Nativity B.V.M. Intram urals C ham ps
Rifle C lu b te rn ity
St. H enry
I-2-3-4 . . . Football . .
. Track
1-2 . .
1-2 . .
. . .
. A rc h c o n fra
. Has odd-nam ed
cronies . . . chem ical genius on the . . .
. . . dream er
his smile meets every o cca
sion . . . has he ctic week-ends; so
says ’ .
s tic k e r. . . Twisdom
fe rv e n t really
M l 4-1415
In te rn a tio n a l
. . . Intram urals
MATTHEW WALTER Wyoming Avenue St. Henry DA 4-3108
HENRY WALTRICH 241 W. Thompson Street St. Peter PO 5-3802
Intram urais
1-2-3-4 . . . Football
C ham ps
5 4 9 W . Luray S treet
C lu b
. . . Track
C lu b
. . .
. . . Class
Intram urais
P hotography C lu b 2 .
C ham ps 2 . . . A rc h c o n fra te rn ity
. . .
. A rch -
R ifle
C lu b
. . . F o otba ll 2 . . . Track I-2-3-4 . . . C a p ta in 4 . . . A rc h c o n fra
co r\fra te rn ity
w ith a heart to m atch . . . tries
te rn ity 2 . .
his best all the tim e
explain his outloolc . . . why be
chem ical
lig h t
. . . B ig-bo died
1-2 . . . C hem ical fien d may lead hearted,
O ffic e r
. . . pos
R ose-colored glasses
sesses a very d o m in a tin g person
p e rtu rb e d
really is given to de ep th in kin g
a lity
. . . very am enable and w illin g
. . .
helps to
. ing
jo k e s te r. . . despite
no question to o d iffic u lt to
. . .
p e rp e tu a l
explain this fa c t
. . .
takes his fisticuffs seriously.
a b o u t the
in e vita b le ?
to learn . . . does well in school w ork . . . o u tstand ing tra ck and fie ld
accom plishm ents.
confuse his wisdom.
. . . Commencement ends our high school careers . . . the Class of '47
bids LSH farewell . . .
1448 Rose Street, C am den, N . J. St. Joseph
C A 4-9696
Intram urais S taff
2-3-4 .
Senior Play 3 . . . Stage C rew 3-4
. . W h itm a n
T H E C L A S S OF 1 9 4 7
fa ir-
haired boy . . . interests: Emily. Sue and Floss . . . best ba rito n e horn p la ye r In school . . . must be w ith Busch and C lym er.
The Glee Club wes so good that Brother Fabian decided to let the general public in on a great treat. Over radio station WIP, the ensemble beguiled our parents and well-wishers with perfect renditions.
EDWARD WELLS 7042 Cedar Park Avenue St. Athanasius Ll 9-4343 Intram urais 2 . . . C ross-C ountry C ham ps 2 . . . F o otball 2 . . . Track 2 . . . C ross-C ountry Team 4 . . . A rc h c o n fra te rn ity
1-2 . . .
W h y am I called "O rs o n "? . . . likes to dance away his tim e . . . attends
g o o d -n a tu re d
social and
events cheerful
. . .
d a p p e r dresser deluxe . . . q u o te : "g re a t insistent.
6411 O ld Y ork Road H o ly A nge ls Intram urals S ociety
W A 4-0080 1-2
. .
. S anctuary
I -2-3-4 . . . A rc h c o n fra
te r n ity
1-2 . .
. M e dium
he ig ht
S treet
H o ly C h ild Intram urals I - . . F o otba ll Cham ps I . . . S o ftb a ll I . . . G le e C lu b 2-3-4
"L "
. . . lig h t brown ha ir . . . always
. . . Q u ie t . . . M a th brain , . .
che erfu l . . . c arefre e outside o f
o u tstand ing stud ent . . , never in
serious-m inded
usually ta lk in g . . . always expect
C hem ical E ngineering . , . w hat
unexpected always
fro m
te ll
be in g wasted.
. . .
tim e
fo rm e d
vo ice ! a
studies when he wants to be . . .
m a jo r
. . . well
g re a t
v a rie ty
7517 Boyer S tree t
816 E. S taffo rd S tree t
H o ly C h ild
C H 7-2290
Intram urals
. .
C ham ps
. .
g o in g — nothing
in of
A rc h c o n fra te rn ity
. Basketball Band
3 .
1-2 . . affects
. .
. Easy him
to o
Im m aculate C o n ce p tio n
TE 9-0939
Class O ffic e r 4 . . , Basketball 3-4 . . . F o otba ll 3-4
. . V arsity
"L "
. .
junio r
. . . Football
M ig ra te d
fro m
much . . . p e rsona lity shines . . .
yea r . . . gentlem an a th le te . . .
p le n ty o f school s p irit . . .'alw ays
com pletes w h a t
. . .
w ooden w ay w ond er "W o o d s " . . .
bo d yg u a rd ,
\vo n 't le t his h a ir grow — w hat a
he w ith
Dave B utler . . . c on firm ed Eng lish class sleeper . . . checkered jackets are usual.
p o p u la r
w ould
tric k to p la y on th e fa ir sex.
FRANCIS WUEST 404 GerriH Street St. Aphonsus DE 4-3819
RONALD ZDANOWSKI 2765 Orthodox Street St. John Cantius JE 5-3209
Intram urals I -2-3-4 . . . iBasketball
Band 3-4 . . . O rch estra 3-4 . , .
C ham ps 3 . . . S cholastic " L " . . . A rc h c o n fra te rn ity Swim ming
I -2-3-4
Swing Band 4 . . . R ifle C lu b 4
1-2 . .
. . A lways
. . . A rc h c o n fra te rn ity
. .
Does homework in L ib ra ry every
sm iling . . . e v e ry b o d y ’s pal . . .
d a y . . . no t solid in S olid . . .
natural row er . . . always la te fo r
classes . . . lives a t Turner's in
w in te r
th e tim e . . . w hat a class sched
riv e r du ring
spring, and in th e w a te r in
summer . . . wants to becom e an
o f the
. . . plays tro m b o n e all
som etimes
always sad,
M .D .
LEO YOCKIM 1114 Kenwyn Street St. Martin DE 6-9670 Bowling C lu b 1-2 . . a lity
I . . . Intram urals
. John
L. Lewis person
. . . natural
h a b ita t:
. . . te rro r
" J " bus route . . . [a w fu lly . p re tty )
o f the
an A&P boy
. .
Endings are ha ppy in
A fte r this
review o f our classmates, we
fe e l
th a t th e ir
and u n fo rg e tta b le .
S tudying, w orking, pra yin g , p la y ing, and
even flun kin g
to g e th e r
has fo rg e d a bond o f close a ffe c
in s tig a to r o f Innum erable innova
tio n
view ing
th e ir fa m ilia r faces w ill
th o u g h tfu lly
. . . "W h y
in class?
c a n 't
I sleep
I d o n 't a t hom e."
am ong
la te r
sm iling
Brother E. Stephen gives Peter Hepp special opportunities to prepare tor his "Science Talent Search" examinations.
The "W is" office houses Martirn Bukowski slaving away nightly over the school paper with Joseph Lombardi.
Athletes like Franny Donohoe are born into this world not made by practice.
Normally, engaging in many activities would be scholastically disastrous. Not so for Humbert Sweeney.
The fa cu lty and coaches have selected
H u m b e rt Sweeney deserves by fa r the
Franny Donohoe as the outstanding a th le te
"O s c a r" fo r th e most a c tiv ity -m in d e d sen ior. H e has rem ained a c tiv e in a dozen or so extra-curricular a ctivitie s and has still [m a in ta in e d goo d scholastic grades. Be-
o f the class o f '47. A n "O s c a r," then, to Franny fo r his A ll-C a th o lic cen te rin g in fo o tb a ll, his excellent shooting and back board work in basketball, and his to rrid slugging and flawless fie ld in g in baseball.
jsides being Associate E ditor o f th e "W is -
Tall and built like a rock, he has loved
[te ria n ," a "Blue and G o ld " sta ff member, [and one o f our leading thespians, he sings [second bass in the G le e C lub. H u m b e rt
athletics so keenly as to bring honor to
[also had one o f th e leads in th e musicale,
himself and La Salle.
l"R o b in H o o d ."
Seven varsity le tte rs display his ve rsa tility.
Obie was worried when Donohoe was ill before the basketball playoffs. He's an all 'round mainstay.
A quick glance at the daily bulletin enables J . Kennedy and H. Sweeney to keep activities straight.
5SREENINE THE NEWS The W isterian P ublished m onthly during th e scholastic y e ar b y the students o f L a S a lle College High School, T w en tieth S tre e t and O lney A venue, P hiladelp hia 41, P a. E d ito r-in -c h ie f ............................ A ssociate E d itors .......................................
Joseph Cassiano, Ja m es Cunnion, Jo h n D i G razia, G erald G radel, Jo h n K an e, Jo h n K enned y, Jo sep h Lom bardi. Fergu s M alone, Charles M ansfield, W il liam M cN eill, Ign atiu s M urray, W illiam Sharpe, G erald S p eitel, T heodore D ick. PH O TO G R A PH Y: W illiam Q u ilty, G eorge M oylan. A R T : Ja m es Sp an feller, R o b ert K n igh t. T Y P IS T S : Jo h n C allan, Jo sep h G ranahan, Thom as K elly , A nthony R yzinskl.
Left; The "big three," Brother Robert, M. Bukowski, and H. Sweeney, meet to mull over plans for the next issue of the rag. Problems are solved here in its productio
This is the day that is rarely like this. Assignment deadline. J , Ken nedy and A. Flora check in the work of F. Malone, J . Kane, and C. Mansfield.
What's wrong with the negative? asks G. Moylan, of Lang. All photos in the "W is" were produced by the Photography Club.
__ _
T T Jw t
^ nw W ^
f f
Superstition was fo rg o tte n as Brother G . R obert and " th e Big T hree" rolled up th e ir co lle ctive sleeves to publish Volume 13 o f th e "W is te ria n ." W o rkin g with a sta ff o f abo u t tw e n ty-five , th e y spent many hours with the "m id n ig h t o il" to bring th e ir readers an issue e ve ry month. M a rtin Bukpwski, the Editor-inC hief, acquired a ta ste fo r aspirin as he planned each issue, e d ite d th e copy, com posed headlines, and assembled th e dum m y. H e was assisted by H u m b e rt Swee ney, who to o k care o f sports, and A lfre d Flora, who had charge o f features. Brother R obert was al ways on hand to o ffe r his sage suggestions and constructive c r iti cism.
Features Add Sparkle The W is had its S enator Soaper in A l Flora, who b rig h te n e d the e d ito ria l page w ith his WISticisms. These w itty e d ito ria l paragraphs were th e most fre q u e n tly quoted item in exchange columns.
Printers cant read— we mean our writing. That's why they Insist on getting copy material typed. Kelly, Ryzinski, and Callan try the hunt and peck system to get their work done on time.
From the Vine, a news feature, firs t appeared in N ovem ber. It presented a summary o f im p o r ta n t news bits which had p re vi ously been slighted.
The second
e d itio n o f th e Exposing Explorer found much fa v o r because it con ce n tra te d on humor and subordi nated gossip. Fran Sweeney voiced his comments on sports every month
Woods. The January issue had the firs t winning photograph In th e Pho to g ra p h y
C lub's
m onthly
contest. G e o rg e M oylan, who with Brother Daniel, p ro vid e d th e Wis w ith a host o f fin e pictures, was the winner.
La Salle's Marco Polo The Wisterian approached the achievem ents o f th e Venetian tra v e le r in its exchange d e p a rt m ent. Every month copies were sent
schools all over th e U nited States, in C anada, C olom bia and Italy.
Part of the preparation for next year's "W is" Is the instruction which Brother S . Robert gives to aspiring underclass journalists in the fundamentals of journalism offered after school hours. "W is" distribution day always brings this mad rush of class presidents to the "W is" office. BukowskI struggles with the job of satisfying the demand.
Crowding around to see exactly how it should be done, these shutter-bugs get expert explanations from Brother Daniel or advanced club members on the perfect technique. Their monthly contest photos graced the pages of the "Wisterian."
O n e o f th e most useful and practical clubs in the school, the Photography Club, was organized when we were freshmen. S tarting with a fiv e d o lla r developing o u tfit, it has expanded to its present size with hundreds o f dollars w orth o f equipm ent. This amazing grow th has been due mainly to the efforts o f Brother Paul In th e opening As moderator of the Photography Club, Brother Daniel has enlarged the scope ^of its activities.
year, and B rother Daniel in the follow ing years. The Wisterian and the Blue and Gold wish to extend th e ir thanks and special a p p re cia tio n fo r th e fine photographs made by this w illing organization fo r p ublication.
MODEL SETS F itte d o u t with a la rger kiln than last year) the C eram ic C lub worked m ainly on p o tte ry .
pour moulds, th e youthful potterers made vases, cups and plates. These were embellished with underglaze designs and finished in clear glazes. Press moulds were used to make ash trays and such novelties as S cottie dogs plus articles o f jewelry. The boys have proven themselves artisans in this p ro fita b le hobby. Their work was aqain supervised by Brn+hfir G . Leo. Brother G. Leo never seems to weary of explaining how it should be done. Gradually, Bernier is catching on to the procedure.
Mr. Rocco di Laurentis very capably instructs T. Regan in how to daub paints on canvas.
Art classes cater to those who would like to develop their latent talents in this field. Time fo instructions and practice are interspersed throughout the school day and on Saturdays.
A recent a d d itio n to the curriculum here at La Salle was a course in A r t. In its first year, under the supervision o f M r. Rocco d i Laurentis, who studied a t the University o f Pennsylvania, the School o f Industrial A rts and Tem ple U niversity, it accomplished a g re a t deal in fo ste rin g and encouraging the ta le n t o f its members. M r. di Laurentis conducted his classes on a college basis; students w ere on th e ir own, and w ere not required to p a in t in any specific style. eith e r in w ater-colors, pastels, charcoal o r oils.
Ceramic Club members show the various stages in the process of producing a fine clay article. The rolling pin really is a tool here.
Their work was done
This is the larger of the two club kilns that T. Carr is using to bake his handiwork.
BESEABCH DEPABTMENT The nucleus o f a school is its lib ra ry.
This year saw several
changes, among which w ere the com ing o f a new librarian, Miss Elizabeth C u rrie r, and th e com pletion o f th e long aw aited larger e xh ib it case.
The im proved lib ra ry o f this year p ro vid e d b e tte r
reservations fo r journeys through bookland. The L ib ra ry Staff, a group o f students interested in library science, continued th e ir excellent work.
R epairing, shelving and
checking books in and out kept this corps busy. They made it an e ffic ie n t and co m fo rta b le place to work or relax.
Our new librarian, Miss Elizabeth Currier, busily attends to the chores incidental to her job in this newly-constructed workroom. The task of keeping books tabbed is accomplished through the checking in and out desk. John Kane supervises this most important procedure.
Concentration marks this practice match between E. McLoone and T. Kelly. T. Waters kibitzes. It used to be customary to visualize long flowing beards poring over chess and checker boards. Here's an example of old heads being on young shouldersâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; club members engaging in a round-robin.
CHESS CLUB A fte r a rather la+e start, th e reorganized Chess and C hecker C lub is making a strong e ffo rt to retain its title . It won th e U niver sity o f Pennsylvania C up and the best player award last year. T. H orner is president, while E. M cLoone is team captain.
FAR MAH COLLECTORS STAMP CLUB This year's philatelists engaged in many a ctivitie s which may become fu tu re tra d itio n s. The collectors visited several exhibitions, held one themselves, and issued a weekly bulletin. Brother Emilian, who replaced Brother Anselm as m oderator, deserves much o f the c re d it fo r its success. Lower right: informally gathering in the library, La Salle philatelists swap valuable collectors' items. Below: The library is the scene of study, research and club activities.
Brother Emilian, moderator of the Stamp Club, peruses some of the collection of John Kane, while Al Flora is content simply to be in the picture.
This tete-a-tete with Brother David is for the purpose of informing the seniors what route to use to get to Malvern for the retreat.
Class officers are elected by each class. The most coveted position is the presidency. These are the 1947 senior class presidents.
STUDENTSâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; AGENTS This year, in place o f a student council, it was de cid ed to le t student affairs be handled by a c o m m itte e composed o f class presidents o f each division. In a d d itio n to this, th e senior d e p a rtm e n t officers
fre q u e n tly m et with Brother David, principal, to iron o u t problems perta in in g to the senior class. It was this co m m itte e which firs t m et to organize th e Senior Prom until a regular g roup was elected. The M alvern R etreat was also planned by these representatives. Left: Bringing the daily attendance slip to the prefect of discipline's office each morning is a task entrusted to class presidents. Brother E. James is taking them from the [unior class presidents. Below: All class presidents meet with Brother David to hear announcements to be carried back to their classes.
0^ '
W i# S
DIA“LOeiCIJlMS” HOLD FORTH These debaters take their work very seriously. Brother Cassian explains the interpretation of the high school debate topic for this year.
W ith a team com posed entirely o f underclass men, th e La Salle D ebating Team was again a main conte n d e r in the C a th o lic Forensic League. Under the guidance o f B rother Cassian, the society dis cussed th e to p ic : "Should the U nited States a d o p t a system 'o f socialized m edicine which would be available to all th e p e o p le ? " N o t only does d e b a tin g teach clear thinking and fo rce fu l presenfation o f arguments, it also exposes th e senselessness o f extra va g a n t claims, nam e-call ing, and o th e r m ethods o f b e litflin g opponents. The club, this year, had planned several p ra ctice debates b e fo re th e league season began late in February. As an add e d a ttra c tio n , debates were conducted a t assemblies to show th e student body the manner in which fo rc e fu l and o rd e rly argu ments are presented— pro and con. J udging from the applause a t th e close o f these assemblies, th e ir efforts w ere a p p re c ia te d .
Though the topic is socialized medicine, T. Leonard does not cause the audience to become ill during his club s practicing of delivery.
MUSICAL SCORES: Through the untiring and enthusiastic efforts of M Balasz, ably assisted by Mr. R. Karol, our orchestra achieved great stature this year.
The nucleus o f the instrum ental branch o f our M usic D e p a rtm e nt is the symphony orchestra. This group, which evolved fro m a string o c te t and a tw elve-piece violin ensemble, this year reached the proportions o f a small sym phony. Consisting o f strings, w o o d winds, brass, and percussion, it was
d ire cte d
M r.
m id-term , when
M r.
Balazs em barked on an extensive concert tour, th e services o f M r. R obert Karol were secured. The orchestra played a t assem blies, a t parents' club meetings, the First Annual Spring Festival, and "R obin H o o d ."
Perhaps our tiea rJ
fondest m em ory will be th e ir p la y ing a t com m encem ent.
fL -
. 1.
O ota ColomWO' • esent „ ot Bogo’ »' OrcV'e^f* P
r U e C\ub
, Svmpt'onV
this com bin
the 9V"'^
most experi
enced branch o f th e Music De p a rtm e n t is Ih e G le e C lub, which gave its firs t recital in our sopho m ore year. This year, under the d ire ctio n o f Brother Fabien Jos eph, it added th re e u nprecedent ed
accom plishm ents:
tw o
broadcasts and an o p e re tta . In December, the G le e
C lu b
sang a number o f Christm as fa v orites over W IP . The follow ing month, it sang over W IB G . But th e g re a te st achievem ent was its p a rticip a tio n in M e rcy A cadem y's "R obin G le e
H o o d ," C lu b
fo r
male leads
and choristers. On the
side, it gave
b efore th e students, th e parents' clubs, and freshmen o f "1 2 4 0 ." A t th e student assemblies, the G lee C lub was su pported by the students themselves in "com m unity sings.". L ittle w onder th a t the statio n
club has found fo r its e lf a very warm spot in our hearts.
Chr-istm as.
V/\BG. ' ''*
^ ,,e cfio ns.
t.'" . C hristin a* rendered ponies.
^il* J'lne cap®^''*
The band instrumentalists were Mr. R. Child's students. Getting the orchestra in shape was Mr. F. Balasz's responsi bility. Mr. R. Karol substituted when Mr. F. Balasz toured. Baton - twirling belonged Mr. J . Lange's province.
Mr. Nelson Word handled the percussionists.
" “1 .k ..
G \ee CW b
V'on accow*'^®
, tor its 5'“='
■■’ ^
Mr. J . Lange shows drum major aspir ants Quilty, Bernier, and Pettineo how it is to be done.
' ^
" t '" • r f r . * ' " ’ ’ “ ’ ’
This year, we saw a dream come Iru e — La Salle had a band! A ft e r a year o f re cru itin g and another o f developm ent, it finally de b u te d . M r. R obert C hilds was th e bandmaster, and he instructed th e brass and wind players. M r. N el son W a rd ta u g h t percussion. C losely associated w ith th e band was
M r.
Lange’s young
baton tw irlin g group. A shortage o f m aterial to r uni« form s at th e beginning o f the year d id
not prevent th e band's a p
pearing on many occasions.
th e
m onthly
band played a t basketball games, joined the G lee C lu b on W IB G in January, and p a rtic ip a te d in the First A nnual Spring Festival a t Tow n. Flail. They w ore th e ir uni form s fo r the firs t tim e a t this festival. The band members, just as th e o ther Instrumentalists, receive one c re d it per year.
P ractice periods
were sandwiched in betw een th e ir regular classes d u rin g study p e ri ods or the Thursday morning a c tiv ities period.
• Just as the G le e C lub is our veteran group, the dance orches tra is th e in fa n t. This gro u p was organized by Brother Fabian Jos eph who
used members o f the
established instrum ental groups to mould his organization. The players p ra ctice d on th e ir own tim e , since th e dance orches tra was not listed on the music schedule.
woodwinds were supplem ented by violins. The dance orchestra made its first appearance at a student as sembly. Then they played during the intermissions a t th e Senior Play. In March, it supplied the music fo r the firs t M instrel Show. Perhaps, as a result o f its work, the dance orchestra may be a perm anent a d d itio n to La Salle's musical set-up. Many an entertaining assembly program resulted from the dance band's activities. Brother Fabian Joseph makes an excellent maestro. Ask Graham, Gallagher, Keck, O'Neill, Kuligowski,, McHale, or Pettinato about this.
Left: Brother David speaks with Father V. Ryan, October retreat master. Right: J . Morro discusses with the Archconfraternity.
A R C H C O N F R A T E R N IT Y O F THE DIVINE C H IL D . Following th e advice o f St. La Salle, th e Brothers have kept th e devotion to The M o st H o ly C h ild Jesus very
fa ith fu lly . A nyone in the C a th o lic w orld may join th e A rc h 足
Each year th e students are p ro vid e d w ith the o p p o r足 tu n ity o f making a re tre a t a t school. Three days are spent
c o n fra te rn ity o f th e D ivine C h ild whose headquarters are
in m editation and p rayerful recollection.
located a t Bethlehem, Palestine.
each day and all are urged to receive H o ly Com m union.
In each o f th e Brothers' schools there is an active unit which is called th e Knights o f th e Divine C h ild . A c tio n o f any d escrip tio n summarizes its work.
C a th o lic
Mass is offered
S piritual reading and talks by the re tre a t master are in足 cluded in the schedule.
On th e last day Benediction is
given in the open air a t th e Shrine o f O u r Ladv o f Lourdes.
Above: On arrival at Malvern, Kane, J. Morro, Bukowski and Kelly look for their sleeps ing quarters.
Left: The meals were delicious and plentiful during the retreat at Mal足 vern The gastronomic sustinence was surpassed only by the spiritual food.
In the front row are Dr. Gibbons and Father Keough, retreat masters, along with some of the senior Brothers. Posing for this was a pleasure, because it Is a permanent record of our Malvern stay.
Leff: Archconfraternity members dress in the habits of male re ligious orders. Right: Guidance Bulletin Board news.
THE M ALVER N RETREAT In keeping with its aim to develop th e soul as well as the mind and body o f each student, La Salle has p rovided
schedule, th e retreatants assisted a t Mass, received the sacraments, visited th e numerous shrines, and listened to
fo r a spiritual com m encem ent.
inspiring m editations.
For such is the Malvern
R etreat. A fte r spending fift y golden hours in spiritual re
But the spiritual high points were th e p riv a te adoration
pose, the re tre a ta n t realizes th a t St. J'oseph's-in-the-Hills
and interview .
is tru ly a place to refresh himself in fa ith .
b e fo re the Blessed Sacrament.
This year, th e seniors spent January 31, and February I and 2 in th e hills o f M alvern.
Following a slightly flexible
Each re tre a ta n t spent fifte e n minutes alone H e also had the o p p o r
tu n ity to discuss any problem s during a p riv a te interview w ith a priest.
Above: Quiet meditation Is made in the chapel at Malvern after one of Dr. Gibbons' inspiring talks
The vast majority of seniors chose to make a closed retreat at Malvern during the last week end of January. The others held a three-day retreat during the first few days of Holy Week at school.
Right: All the Malvern retreatants crowd into the main lobby at Mal vern and symbolically look heaven ward—their goal.
This is an unusual pose of the Dramatics Society. Normally they are in action before the lights instead of patiently lining up for a formal picture. Boys from this group participated in all dramatic presentations.
Mr. Andrea d'Angeio capably handled the directing of the dramatic organi zation's presentations.
The year 1946-47 proved to be another banner year fo r th e d ra m atic society.
W ith
Brother G .
Patrick as the new m o d e ra to r and’ M r. A n d re a d 'A n g e io , sophomore English teacher, assuming the coaching position, a v e ry success fu l year resulted. The
fo rm a lly
w ith a one-act play, "The M u r ders in th e Rue M o rg u e ," being presented a t th e in itia l parentteachers' m eeting and la te r a t a student
A lle n Poe's famous short story as a basis, a very clever skit resulted. A s in fo rm e r years, th e main p ro d u ctio n Was th e annual Senior Play.
W ith
turned over to the "Blue and G o ld ," "D eath Takes a H o lid a y " was presented. Plans are now being made fo r p a rtic ip a tio n in th e annual one-act
The operetta "Robin Hood" proved to be an ambitious project. However, since Mercy Academy asked La Salle to supply male roles, the Dramatics Society and Glee Club ably filled the request.
contest usually held in m id -A p ril. This is th e fe a tu re a ttra c tio n o f th e C a th o lic Forensic League.
Mr. Michele and his assistant help ready the cast for Mercy Academy's ■'Robin Hood."
TO BOLLYWOOD Right: "The Murders in the Rue Morgue" was a one-act play presented to our parents at the first P-T meeting.
Bro+Vier G. Patrick bore the brunt of planning and supervising club presen tations.
Why wouldn't "Robin Hood" be successful? Here is an imposing array of dramatic and musical coaching. Mr. Simon Asen conducted the orchestra. Sister M. Eugenia supervised the singing, while Miss Kathleen Reinhart directed the acting.
ROBIN H O O D As som ething out o f th e o rd i nary this year, La Salle, in co o p e ration w ith the A cadem y o f M ercy, presented Reginald de Koven's com.ic o p e re tta "R obin H o o d ."
Presented a t Town Hall
late in January, with the com bined orchestras and glee clubs, a mam moth pro d u ctio n resulted.
In ad
d itio n , fo u r seniors and a junior were selected from the G lee C lub to sing the male leads. They were; W illia m
"R obin
H o o d ": H u m b e rt Sweeney, " L ittle J o h n ";
"F ria r
Tuck": G e o rg e W o lf, " W ill Scar le t" ; and Donald Sweeney as the villainous "S h e riff o f N o tingham ." In The major achievement of the Dramatics Society this year again was the senior play. The cast of "Death Takes a Holiday" poses for a formal picture. Little Flower High School girls acted the feminine roles.
VIA BROADWAY Below: H. Schoettle and F. Gelser were the principal behind-the-scenes men of the Dramatic Society. Operation and control of the lighting effects was done at this huge stage switchboard.
w ere; Sister M . Eugenia, S.M., the vocal coach; M iste r Simon Asen, who conducted th e orchestra; and Miss Kathleen Reinhardt, who handled th e dram atics and stag ing. For all who took part, it was a novel experience; one which will not be easily fo rg o tte n . The prop room was forever In a mess. Rudl and Gelser get It in shape.
Martin Bukowski leads < cusslon among I.R.C. mem bers on "Russian Objectives" prior to attending a Foreign Policy A s s o c ia tio n student •forum at the Bellevue-Stratford.
INTERNATIONAL EXCHANEE The International Relations C lub, b e tte r known as the
The I. R. C . offers a g re a t deal in the way o f pa rticip a -
"I. R. C .i" is an organization com p a ra tively new to th e
flon in various forums and discussions, which are not only
extra-curricular a ctivitie s here a t La Salle. It was estab lished by Brother F. Francis, who served as its m o d e ra to r
inform ative, b u t also an excellent means o f gaining experi ence in public speaking and self-confidence. Its members
and d id a splendid job in this ca p a city. Joseph Earley, pre sid e n t; W illia m Trost, vice-president;
to d a te have p a rtic ip a te d in many discussions given by
and John Kennedy, treasurer, were th e officers elected by
C ongress" sponsored by th e C iv ic Forum League a t Temple
th e members.
U niversity.
It was their d u ty to take charge o f the
Over 300 students from the Philadelphia area high schools attended a Foreign Policy As sociation forum at the Belle vue. Joseph Earley (center), president of La Salle's I.R.C., addressed the group as a panel member on the plight of Germany.
Right: H. Kearney and J . Doyle, I.R.C.'ers listen as Mr. Robert Kempner, advisor to Justice Jackson at the Nurem berg trial, explains the Ger man situation.
Far right: Brother F. Francis, I.R.C. moderator, helps J . Earley prove a point. J . Ken nedy and W. Trost, ofRcers, look tor additional facts.
the Foreign Policy Association, and the "M o d e l
Day in
Map study under Brother G. Leo's supervision, helps the Pan-American Society to get a better picture of our South American neighbors.
SPANISH LANS VASE FILMS The Pan-American Society was founded to g ive students Spanish a fu lle r knowledge o f our Spanish-speaking
neighbors to the south o f us. This was done prin cip a lly by,
in Spanish. Because o f this, m em bership in th e club was open only to students earning a t least a "B " in Spanish fo r the q u a rte r previous to th e ir a p p lica tio n fo r m em ber
means o f motion pictures and slides on countries o f C e n tra l and South A m erica. Several guest speakers from South
A fte r Brother A n d re s' return to C o lo m bia a t m id
A m erica were heard. O ne was Brother Andres, a C hristian Brother from C olom bia, South A m e rica . C lub m eetings also p rovided o p p o rtu n itie s fo r conversing
C o le g io San Jose, M edellin, C o lo m b ia .
w ith
boys a t
This enabled the
La Salle boys to acquire a personal knowledge o f w hat is going on in South A m e rica .
An interes+ing part of the club's program was the fre quent occasions when a mo tion picture pertaining to South America was obtained and shown. Slides were also used to clarify visually the South American environment.
Far left: The driving force behind the Pan-American So ciety's activities was the group of officers: S. Shelton, J. Kelso and A. Bertucci.
Left: Brother Andres and W. Sierra show Brother Leo what part of Colombia they are from. Brother Andres’ Colom bian pupils correspond with Pan-American Society mem bers.
Brother E. Francis,
Mr. Bernard Bradley,
Mr. James Henry
Athletic Director
Head Football Coach
Advisory Coach
Dr. Thomas McTear, Athletic Assoc. Physician
Mr. George Simons, Baseball Coach
EXPLORERS' C O A C H E S Boastfully we p o in t to our a th le tic coaches. In fo o tb a ll, Bernie Bradley and Jim H e n ry m ade the " T " famous. In basketball circles, O b ie O 'B rien has been tops fo r eleven years. Rocco Di Laurentis ably assists him. The O ly m p ic champions John B. Kelly and Charles M clivaine act as crew coaches. This year M ichael De A ngelis in structed our swimmers. Last year, it was Bill M a g a rity fo r the baseball champions.
This year it's G e o rg e Simons.
N eed we look
fu rth e r fo r th e reasons fo r La Salle’s sports achievem ents?
La Salle's 1945*46 trophies. They were put on display to allow students to marvel at the past sports achievements of La Salle athletes. Moderators of Athletics (left to right): Brother Thomas, Baseball; Brother E. Stephen, Rifle Club; Brother D. John, Track and Cross-Country; Brother F. Joseph, Basketball.
Brother Felix Patrick congratulates Obie on winning the city basketball cham pionship in 1945-46. Brother Patrick, former Athletic Director, is now stationed in Pittsburgh, but he Is still keenly interested in the progress of La Salle sports.
Mr. Charles O'Brien, Basketball Coach
Mr. Rocco DiLaurentis,
Mr. Michael De Angelis,
Assistant Basketball Coach Mr. John B. Kelly, Crew Coach
Swimming Coach Mr. Charles Mcllvaine, Crew Coach
SPORTS M O DER ATO R S The m oderators are the men behind th e a th le tic team s, ^ ^ ith out th e ir willingness to g ive extra tim e and th e ir e fficiency in plan ning events, the sports program would bog down. The team s' successes depend in large measure on th e ir m oderators. M any o f the Brothers are coaches as well as m oderators o f th e ir pa rticu la r sports a c tiv ity . The hope of retaining these trophies won for championships in basketball, baseball, crew and bowling in 1945-46, spurred 1946-47 teams to unusual efforts.
The newspaper accounts never mention the exploits and labors o f the Brothers in the success o f La Salle teams. A ll Explorer athletes join in a rousing cheer fo r th e ir moderators.
Athletic Moderators (right to le ft): Brother Gabriel, Football; Brother Raymond, Crew; Brother Leo, Tennis; Brother James, Swimming.
At the start of the school year. Brother E. Francis, newly-appointed Athletic Director, conferred with Mr. C. O'Brien and Mr. B. Bradley on plans for the forthcoming seasons of our major sports, basketball and football.
As th e final whistle o f th e
1947 fo o t
ball season sounded, the records showed fiv e
The L ittle race
in fo u rth
against th re e
Explorers finished the
place over
defeats. league
G erm antow n
Salesianum. A fte r dow ning the Tommies, the Blue and G o ld ran in to rough w eather against N orth C a th o lic.
N orth, capitalizing on the
breaks, handed us an
18-13 d e fe a t.
easy win over St. James was follow ed by th e high p o in t o f our season— th e v ic to ry over W e st C a th o lic, 19-13. W ith an unusually sw ift set o f backs and heavy line, the Explorers were thum ped by Roman fo r the second loss. The th ird was suffered a t th e hands o f th e underdogs from St. John's.
Bouncing back from these defeats. La Salle ended the season with three wins. The L ittle Explorers b eat South C atholic, 14-6: the tra d itio n a l enemies, St. Joseph's Prep,
and G erm antow n, 32-14, to
end the cam paign.
Front row: Hoslcinson, Hoy, Price, Cole, Schaffer. Second row: O'Brien, Dix, Drelling, McCormick, Malloy, O'Callaghan. Top row; Donohoe, Mattis, Dooner, Mulvaney.
^>»V3^' ' >/'
W ith a varsity composed mainly o f sen iors, the Blue and G o ld g rid squad com ple te d
in which
expected to win only three games, with a to ta l o f seven wins and three losses. A lth o u g h the e n tire team played excellent fo o tb a ll, a few sterling perform ers deserve special m ention. The outstanding back on th e team , and one o f th e best in the league, was Jack M cC oy, pow erful halfback, who led the team -scoring with 60 points. M a rio Cupo, d id the Blue and G o ld passing. G eorge Jacob, rugged fullback, showed his speed
I ^ '^ X l
and d rivin g power in th e W e st game. O n the line, Franny Donohoe sparkled fo r La Salle. Besides a cting as bulwark o f the line, he le ft the p iv o t post to do the punting. Danny M cG eehan, le ft end, was responsible fo r many tackles a fte r punts. The fo rg o tte n man o f the line was C aptain Bill Frantz.
Front row: Frantz, Cupo, Saponaro, Brown, Bedesem, McAneney, McCoy. McGeehan. Second row: Marvel. Taylor, Anderson, Menna, Palo. Sauker. Top row: O'Leary. Mosser, McKenney, Wood, Jacob.
N othing outstanding, b u t no
gains through him.
These w ere th e
fo o tb a ll stars.
John McCoy Outstanding Halfback
^ * r c V a"<J
«= Ja co b
Q ua rterb»= ’^
p\ung>''^ ^
, ‘^ r
X. '
» a ......
i' '
* \
t h -^ ' ,
b a d im p ro v e d
La S a lle __________ 12 St. Jam es_________ 0
The L ittle Explorers traveled to
North C a th o lic ___ 18 La S a lle __________ 13 La S a lle __________ St, Thomas M ore__
19 6
N o rth
C atholic's
C hester to beat St. James, 12-0.
downed a b a ttlin g La Salle eleven
O p e n in g the 1946 season a t M c C a rth y Stadium on a swelter
Lorenz skirted end fo r a t.d .
3 f
ing S eptem ber Sunday, La Salle
blocked Explorer punt on the 28 resulted in a second N orth touch
3 f
d e fe a te d St. Thomas M ore, 19-6. O n th e firs t play fro m scrimmage,
M cC oy
guard and tackle.
w ent
yards to pay d irt. Jacob's place m ent w ent w ide. L ater in the firs t
18-13 b e fo re
18,000 fans.
w ent
Ray A
Then C u p o scored from the one
period, Jacob crashed over cen
a t the end o f a 54-yard march. Jacob's kick made th e score 12-7.
te r fo r a 52-yard six pointer.
The ensuing kick-off vvas taken by
The Bears scored in th e th ird q u a rte r when Tom Fannon fe ll on a fum ble by Schaffer th a t rolled over th e goal. M cC o y
score a jid th e point.
to be playng-
him all season .
Somas More,
u .rV
lucky WcV against P varsity
Two 65
plays later yards
Schaffer plunged
fo r
Jo e M c S in ty who dashed 93 spectacular yards to score. M id way in the last quarter, Bedesem in te rce p te d , and aided by M cG eehan's superb blocking, swivel hipped
th e
touchdow n. Francis DonoKoe All-Catholic Center
M a rio
C upo's
loss early
In the
second ch a p te r was fe lt momen ta rily as the attack bogged down. A fum ble recovered by C 'L e a ry sparked a new attack. From there M c C o y w ent the six yards fo r six points. The second half was a see-saw b a ttle
kicking keeping the Bulldogs quiet. Late in the last q u a rte r Bedesem in te rce p te d
th e
were on th e move again. A smooth ground attack was cli maxed
M cC oy,
over from th e e ight.
John Gauker Right Guard
La Salle _________27 Salesianum________ 6
Roman Catholic___ 20 La S a lle __________ 0 La Salle _________ 19 West C a th o lic ___ 13
gan in the end zone. Then C upo, Jacob, and M cC o y b ro u g h t the to
tw o
C upo
passed to Jacob fo r a score. A fte r th e half Jacob found a hole and traveled 58 yards to score. M cC oy's kick made the score 13-7. The Burrs evened m atters as A lbertu s passed to Sucher. The winning points came
by W eiss made the Repeated La Salle
M c C o y to M cA n e n e y marked up the firs t Explorer touchdow n. M c C o y stole across from the e ig h t
carried the ball to th e 10, b u t C arbona nailed C u p o behind
several plays la te r fo r-th e second. Salesianum's DeShans plunged
scrimmage. Early in the last pe rio d a fte r a fum ble on the La Salle 16, Brill
fro m th e one to score. M cC o y rip p e d through th e line fo r 65 yards in the th ird and Hoskinson
scored. G alaghan later in te rc e p t ed and in th re e plays skirted end
added a nother score in the fourth to c o m p le te th e night's work.
fo r the climax. The kick w ent wide. The score: 20-0.
\ong Danny
La Part ot the reason V /e st Ihe \eague champions
halt the seemingly un
stoppable W e st C atholic. |v/(cGeehan
stole th e stardust, as he scored tw ice, passed fo r a nother to u ch down, and kicked th re e o f fo u r points. A 28-yard aerial from
drives were stopped by Roman's line. C upo's pass to M cG eehan
when Jacob w ent over from the three to
Runs by Tucker, Brill, and D oherty and a kick score 7-0.
kick and A lb e rtu s' passing to Bo
w hipped a stubborn La Salle eleven, 20-0, b e fo re a full house.
La Salle dum ped th e highlyto u te d league champs, 19-13, at Finnessey Field. W e s t C a th o lic ta llie d by recovering an off-side
pow erful
La Salle rolled to an easy 27-6 v ic to ry over Salesianum in a night gam e a t W ilm in g to n . M cC o y
in the
to catch Cupo ‘ St. James tussie.
W e st CathoV.c (me.
Dan is I'
William Frantz Captain and Tackle
Right: In the only night game of the season, Ed. Hoskinson crosses the Salesianum goal line.
St. Johns_________ La S a lle __________
13 6
Led by Shields, an inspired St. John's team upset the L ittle Ex plorers, 13-6. Trailing, 6-0, the H illto p p e rs
th ird
q u a rte r from the tw o. W ith sec onds le ft in th e last q u a rte r, Renshaw recovered a fum b le in the end zone, and Shields kicked the 13th point.
La S a lle __________ South C ath o lic____
14 6
R ebounding from the previous week's
d e fe a t
th e
dow ned South C a th o lic, 14-6. DeLuca recovered Jacob's fu m b le in m id-air and raced 74 yards to the Pirates' only score. Both teams lost much yardage through fu m bles and penalties, though the running o f Ja co b and M c C o y paid o ff in tw o scores. Circles: J . Mattis, lackle; V. McAneney, Halfback; E. Hoskinson, Halfback. Right: Dick Bedesem has a very diffi cult time of it bucking the bruising line against South Catholic.
UNDERSTUDIES M em bership on th e J. V. fo o tb a ll team was lim ited to freshmen and sophomores.
John MIodzianowskI, J.V. Football Coach Below: With Referee J. Keenan closely following the play, "Smokey" Jacob manages to elude a West tackier.
O rganized near th e sta rt o f
the season, th e junior Explorers had only fiv e days' p rac tic e b e fo re th e ir firs t game.
SOUNDMEN Brother Daniel, Cheerleader Moderator
Left: Sometimes it was an effort for the cheerleaders to get a response from the stands. Cheerleaders Kaelin, Cox, Bolsover, Ganley, and Gerard never gave up trying.
Left; How Donohoe got the ball In the St. James game Is a mystery. Franny was brought down hard.
La S a lle __________ St. Joseph_________
13 6
In the last gam e o f the league season, La Salle's gridm en sloshed out a 13-6 v ic to ry over the Prep. M c C o y plunged from the one in ih c second. M cA neney added th e p o in t. C u p o chalked up the final score w ith a quarterback sneak in the th ird .
Doyle scored
fo r the Prep.
La S a lle __________ 32 Germantown _____ 14 W ith th e . highest score o f the year, th e Explorers vanquished G erm antow n,
on Thanks
g ivin g Day. La Salle scored tw ice in the firs t half to gain a 12-7 advantage. The Bear's Flood scored from th e 22 in the th ird , while M cC o y, Jacob, and Bedesem ta llie d fo r th e Blue and G o ld . Circles: R. Be de s e m, H a l f b a c k ; J. O'Leary, Guard; J . Mulvaney, Tackle. Left: George Jacob accounted for three touchdowns in the West Catholic game. His superb ball-carrying explains the victory.
Mr. James Gallagher, J.V. Football Coach Below: Fancy stepping McCoy and Mulvaney look like ballet dancers Instead of football bruisers.
STAND-INS Thereafter, the J. V. team played every M onday, im proving
and G allagher.
w ith
gam e
The record showed 3 wins, I tie and 5
losses against C a th o lic League c o m p e titio n .
PROPMEN Brother Gabriel, Football Moderator
Right: Football managers normally engage In the drudgery phase of football. Gable polishes, while Henry stores football shoes. Good equip ment in perfect condition is essential to fine play.
Top: Before the Philadelphia Record became defunct, Mr. William Shawl under its sponsorship gave us a masterful lesson in bowling. Lower: Brother E. Francis and last year's team smile over the bowling championship trophy.
ALMOST A REPEAT PRE-LEAGUE GAMES In Ifs in itia l game, the Explorer q u in te t d rib b le d past an outclassed Simon G ra tz five, 46-24. The stand-out play o f C a p ta in
Phelan with
points, h ig h lig h te d the fracas. second interleague victo ry, the
Rolling to th e ir Explorer cagers
dum ped OIney, 62-24, on the la tte r's court, h it tin g the cords fo r 20 fie ld goals o u t o f a possible 47.
Phelan led the La Salle p o in t parade again.
Returning to th e ir home c o u rt the Blue and G old five dow ned Northeast, 44-28.
Jones o f N o rth
east, with 17 points, came closest to Phelan, who was high fo r the gam e with 22 points. Playing our neighbors, the M irrors o f C entral, La Salle was on the long end o f a 36-28 score. In the final interleague
o u tp o in te d
plorer five, 31-28. A t this stage o f developm ent fhe team was looking ahead to the C a th o lic League race.
Opp. LSH Simon G ratz-- 24 46 OIney _______ 24 62 Northeast ___ 28 44 Central _____ 28 34 Bertram ______ 31 28 Reading Cath. 28 34 West Catholic 34 36 South Catholic 28 46 North Catholic 29 41 St. Thom as__ 28 32 St. J o s e p h __ 40 30 Roman Cath. _ 35 40 St. James __ 28 43 West Catholic 32 36
Charles Wood 'si:.
Francis McConnell Daniel Kane John Grauer James Covello
im m
Thomas Checchia
' j~m
Bud Donnelly seems determined to get possession. He does despite strenuous TOP: opposition from Riley of St. Thomas More. Phelan lets fly with the one-hand shot that has made him famous and was so efFective against ail opposition. Jim's driving power on this play won't be stopped by Albertus of West Catholic.
PERFORMANCE IN â&#x20AC;&#x2122;47
THE C A TH O LIC LEAGUE RACE The Blue and G o ld basketeers opened th e ir C ath o lic League season by to p p in g W est, 36-34. Phelan was tops with 21, while McShane led the Burrs with 10. It was Donohoe's turn as La Salle drubbed South, 46-28, a t the Palestra. Donohoe was high with 14 markers. The L ittle
Explorers m et the
Prep at Kenney
G ym with fo u r stra ig h t wins, the last tw o over N orth and St. Thomas. Sorely ham pered by the absence o f Phelan and the presence o f G illespie, the Blue and G old bowed. 40-30. Resuming th e ir winning ways. La Salle won fo u r in a row, but dro p p e d the fifth to N orth on the winner's court. By lacing the Prep, 55-38, in th e ir second tilt, the Explorers evened the record with the Hawklets. Final victories over C a th o lic H igh and St. James enabled La Salle +o end the league race in first place. Under his own basket, Mario Cupo flys TOP; high to toss the ball beyond Oillespie of St. Joseph. A one-hand hookshot has become the trade mark of George Jacob. In every game his extraordinary jumping has en abled La Salle to control pretty much the back-boards.
C A TH O L IC LEAGUE PLAYOFFS La Salle opened its defense o f the C a th o lic League title by d e fe a tin g W e s t C atholic, 46-32, in th e initial session o f the Shaughnessy Playoffs. A firs t-h a lf poin t-p a ra d e led by Jim Phelan put the Explorers ahead, 28-14, a t th e interm ission.
Burrs then returned strong in th e th ird period, while La Salle was unable to ta lly from the flo o r until fie ld goals by Phelan and Bernhardt p u t the game on ice. In a gam e in which fie ld goals were a t an alltim e low, a scrappy St. Joseph's Prep fiv e wrested the league title from
La Salle, 33-29.
John G ilÂ
lespie was the deciding fa c to r as the Prep gained its firs t championship in 24 years. C liffo rd 's fourth q u a rte r set shot broke a 24-24 tie and gave St. Joseph a lead which was held to the end. Basketball candidates listen attentively to Obie's plans for eliminations before fixing on his varsity and junior varsity.
For the second year, the varsity bus-tripped to Atlantic City tor the final regular season game. It was another La Salle victory, 66-45.
EASTERN STATES C A TH O LIC INVITATION TOURNAMENT The Explorers concluded a b rillia n t co u rt season by retaining th e ir championship in the Eastern States C atholic Invitation Tournament at N ew port, R. I., fo r the second consecutive year. Led by Jim Phelan, again selected as the most valuable player in the tourney, the O â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Biemen drib b e le d to an easy 44-18 win over St. Peter's, New Brunswick, N. J., in the Initial round. La Salle A cadem y, N. Y. C., proved a more d iffic u lt o p p o n  ent in the semifinals, but the Blue and G o ld whirlw inded to a 39-30 trium ph. Pitted against Regis High, N. Y. C., last year's tournam ent runner-up, the L ittle Explorers poured th e ir smoothest plays into another see-saw b a ttle and em erged victors, 40-34, in the finals.
Before the Atlantic City Country Club dinner: Coach Sweeney, Co-CaptaIn Parker, Host Glenn Robertson, CoCaptain Collins, Coach O'Brien, and Captain Phelan.
U nder fhe com bined coaching
addeo to the excellent system o f
o f Rocco, MIodzianowski, and G a l
offense and defense (which was the same as used by the varsity),
made an unbeatable com bina tion. The outstanding play o f C a ptain Danny Kane, Eddie Flynn,
squad rolled over all opponents to win 18 games fo r a p e rfe c t season record. Unml ndful o f the
Jim C ovello, Tom Checchia, and John G ra u e r was Insuperable. If the past play o f the team is any
difficulties encountered in p ra c tic e as a result o f th e college teams using the gym , the J. V.'s bested each opponent by wide
Indication o f fu tu re achievements, La Salle should have a cham pion
margins. The high caliber o f th e players.
ship in 1948. .
This junior varsity squad was undefeated. Front: Covello, Kane, Haberdanski, Foust. Middle: Sul livan, Checchia, Flynn. Back: O'Donnell, Grauer.
Opp. Simon Gratz — 11 15 OIney N o rtheast___ 31 15 Central 42 Bertram 26 Reading West Catholic 23 North Catholic 12 St. Thomas __ 24
Opp. LSH St. J o s e p h _ 27 37 St. J a m e s __18 25 West Catholic 14 30 South Catholic 18 30 North Catholic 20 32 St. Thom as_19 32 St. Joseph __ 16 22 Roman _____ 21 24
LSH 50 25 41 28 44 37 33 28 48
St. J a m e s __ 13
FUTURE It's a coach's privilege to praise or bawl out his players. Rocco diLaurentis, Jay Vee coach, very seriously explains his plans for walloping the opposition. They worked because of the team's perfect record. Jim Covello barely missed snaring the ball in the Roman Catholic junior varsity game. J. Grauer manages to get it
There’s plenty of action at the scorer's table. Referee Farrell becomes time-keeper, while Quilty records the Ex
with his long reach.
plorers' points.
A' '5
M *^ ^
» * ’' L*^ t
•u, TV M s
While Catholic Freshman isket and helps to win at ihe Palestra.
Quilty and McGrath listen to Brother Joseph's remarks con cerning the care ot basketball equipment. Thanks to them, La Salle had a well-dressed s'quad.
The freshman squad gathers around Coach Ray Nolen for an Inspirational talk prior to winning the freshman tournament. With the excellent foundation ac quired from Ray, La Salle's future varsity championship hopes are bright.
Opp. LSH West Catholic 6 30 Roman 19 52 North Annex _ 20 39 South Catholic 37 76 St. Joseph __ 22 33 St. Thomas __ 16 26 St. J a m e s __ 15 29 North Catholic 14 50 South Catholic 19 48
Opp. LSH
La St. St. La
TOURNAMENT 2 St. T h o m a s _0 St. J o s e p h _ 39 59 St. J a m e s __ 30 40 North
A formal trosh squad pose: Front: Carey, O'Hara, Pinto, Griffith. Middle: Carroll, Duke, Stapleton, Burns, McCausland. Back: McGowan, Mohr, Ontrup, Hess.
This aggregation o f freshmen, under the capable coaching o f Ray Nolen, La Salle C o lle g e basketeer, has piled up an im pres sive string o f thirteen victories and no defeats in league com pe titio n . C arrol, O 'H a ra , Mohr, Stapleton and Hess, along with M cG ow an and McCausland, are the boys responsible fo r m aintain ing the outstanding reputation o f La Salle's teams.
Salle Annex 24 51 J o s e p h _ 26 36 T h o m as_17 34 Salle Annex 25 35
Annex ^ 22
FRESHMAN TOURNAMENT W ith th re e stra ig h t tournam ent wins behind them , th e Blue and G o ld
man title fo r th e th ird stra ig h t year by d ru b b in g N o rth C atholic, 35-22. A fte r a slow firs t q u a rte r th a t ended, 3-2, La Salle g o t under way and began h ittin g the cords from all angles. F. O 'H a ra was high man w ith e ig h t points. In d ivid u a l trophies were awarded a fte r the gam e along w ith the W illia m H. W h ite Trophy, which La Salle re tire d this year.
NOT SLOW MOTION Something new has been added to La Salle s sports calendar.
Below: Captain Waltrich Jumps well over 20 feet. Right: W. Franti clears th I0’6” with ease.
Brother D. John's Indoor tra ck team placed th ird in the Inquirer Indoor M e e t late in January.
Then it placed th ird in the mile relay
event o f the Public League In vita tio n M e e t.
G o in g to New York s
Madison Square G a rd e n it d id not place in the N ational In te r scholastic Indoor M e e t. This experience plus spring p ractice augers well fo r th e regular o u td o o r season.
With P. Hepp in front, track men limber up in practice.
Left: In the high hurdles, Ray Nolan manages to beat his opponent in a fast race. 1947 TRACK SCHEDULE 2— Penn Charter __________________________________ Away 8— Central _____________________________________ Home 10— Germantown Academy _________________________ Away 16— Bartram ______________________________________ Home 19— Bridgeton Relays _______________________________ Away 22— Episcopal Academy _________________________ Away 25— Penn Relays _________________________ Franklin Field 26— Penn Relays _________________________ Franklin Field 29— Cheltenham _________________________________ Home I— South Catholic and St. Thomas_________________ Home 7— Lower Merion and Haverford _______________ Ardmore 9— West Catholic _____________________________ Home 12— North Catholic _______________________________ Home 16— St. James and Roman Catholic__________Finnessey Field 18— State Catholic CKampionships _______________ Reading 21— Lansdale ______________________________________ Home 23— Catholic LeagueTrials ______________ Finnessey Field 24— Catholic LeagueFinals ______________ Finnessey Field
The indoor mile relay team of Stokes, Reed, Fricker, and Hepp, practice on Penn's boards before going to New York.
FIRST RUM SHOWING Since Brother D. John has been coaching the cross-country and track teams, th e re has been a decid ed Im provem ent as shown by the results. W it ness the perform ances o f this year's cross-country and indoor track teams. Also, the prospects fo r the o u td o o r season are th e b rig h te s t ever. The cross-country team lost in tw o early season tria n g u la r meets, b u t hit its stride by winning the next fo u r dual meets. In th e C a th o lic League Championships, La Salle placed th ird , while in the Public League Invitation M eet, In which eighteen schools p a rtic ip a te d , the Blue and G o ld harriers placed fou rth . The le tte r men, H e p p , Beier, Sharp, Cox, H oban, Reed, Q u ilty, Himes, and Stokes, deserved the praise th e y received. Coach O'Brien measures the distance Waltrich has broad-jumped in indoor practice.
1946 CROSS-COUNTRY RESULTS OPPONENTS AND SCORES LSH RESULTS West Cath., 19; St. Thomas, 42; La Salle, 58 Lost North Cath., 16; St. James, 49; La Salle, 55___ Lost l,a Salle, 22; Roman Catholic, 33______________Won La Salle, 18; Cheltenham, 37_________________ Won La Salle, 19; South Catholic, 36_______________Won La Salle, 18; Cheltenham, 3 7 ________________ Won Catholic League Championships ____________ Third Public League Invitation M e e t ______________ Fourth Properly outfitted for fall and winter weather, the members of the cross-country team are vastly Im proved over last year.
Brother D. John congratulates Hepp on his splendid cross country 'race.
1946 CHAMPS-
N a tio n a l
E ight
C ham pions
1946: W . Toner, R. M o tley, J . H ochstuhl. J . C a n non, T. M cK enney, A . Estier, J. B urte, J, Bergin,
Unloading a shell from a box car for the North American Championships held in Can ada in the summer of 1946.
and Coxswain T. C a n ig lia .
Plaque won in Can ada. Right: W in ning the Nationals on the Schuylkill,
Pre-season practice sessions were held in rowing machines installed on the "fo u rth
I94^x on me new
flo o r."
M oving to the
Vesper Boat C lu b early in A p ril intensive training began on the Schuylkill with in te r-b o a t matches under John B. Kelly and Charles M clivaine, coaches. Scholastic co m p e titio n R egatta.
under way
Explorer crews won fo u r o f fiv e events.
The follow ing
week in the A m erican N ational Scholastic Championships, La Salle added to its laurels. Blue and G o ld crews won the senior eight, the junior eight, the double and quad national titles.
M ore victories
The La Salle quadruple scullers won the Nationals the first time ever held. The 1946 champions are: C. Wynn, G . Schultz, W . Scanlan, and W . Toland.
W . Toner shows McKenney and Klaus where he is in -fhe picture on the certificate given for winning the nation als.
Each member of a w i n n i n g national crew received this emblem.
and trophies were added to our collection by the same crews in the C atholic League and C ity C ham pionship Regattas, held on succeeding weeks. Late in July, La Salle's four, double, and varsity e ig h t com peted in the
fam ed
H enley
C atherine's,
O ntario, Canada. The fo u r and double came from behind to win, but the eight finished th ird behind the best crews in N o rth A m erica. Sixteen trophies, e ig h ty -fo u r medals, tw e n ty -fo u r emblems a t test to the amazing accomplishments o f the 1946 crews. Due to uncontrollable circumstances the four-oared shell with coxswain did not win the nationals— Members: T. O'Neill, J. McAneney, W . Daly, T. McCausland, and Coxswain H. Sears.
Climbing fo the attic river are: J. Maher and F. Ai-
Coach C. Mcllvaine explains the proper technique to be used in practicing on the indoor machines. Practice began early in February.
La Salle's crews renewed p ra ctice a fte r th e w inter la yo ff on th e hydraulic machines on February 10. A tu rn o u t o f 65 oarsmen and 7 coxswains was lowered to 35 when the sweep-swingers started on th e river on March I 7. Coaches John B. Kelly and Charles M c llvaine, assisted by Brother Raymond as m oderator,
planned to
have tw o
oared shells, a four, quad, and doubles team ready fo r the regular season. Pre season match races w ere scheduled with Princeton and Penn Frosh crews, with a race against th e N avy Plebes a possibility. Returnees this spring
which ca p tu re d fo u r N ational Schoolboy Titles last season included Ted Klaus, doubles champ, Tom M cKenney, Bill Toner, Brother Raymond, crew moderator, lines up practice crews with candidates for coxswain.
Bob M arley, Jack McElrone, Joe Maher, and Bill Knecht from th e varsity and jun ior varsity eights.
Tom Sorensen and Bill
Parsons acte d as coxswains.
Rme INC THE BELL For th e second year. La Salle students have shown interest in a club teaching th e manly a rt o f self-defense. C lu b members, under Rocco Di Laurentis, fo llo w a s tric t professional pugilist's schedule.
Jim G allag he r assists Rocco as tra in e r-
manager. The boys are classified according to age, w e ig h t and a b ility . Exhibition matches b e fo re the students and the Fathers' C lu b were well received.
Jim Gallagher, boxing instructor, shows (who?) how to mix it up prior to an exhibition before a student assembly.
The first day on the water is a thrilling experience for the beginner. W . Knecht goes along for security rea the
huge berg
SERVICE FOB All This season, using the d irt courts o f Fairm ount Park fo r the firs t tim e, th e Tennis Team has scheduled fo u r teen matches. Led by co-captains Tom Smith and Bill M cH ale, the squad's only seniors,
a strong
will be m ade fo r the league cham pionship. Brother G . Leo will con tinue
this year as m o d e ra to r and
coach. Brother Leo’s tennis squad composed of J. Murray, H. O'Neill, W . McHale, W . O'Neill, Tom Smith, J. Reed, T. McHale, and P. Marcolina prepare for competition.
The fine showing of the swimming team was due this year to the excellent coaching of Mr. M. De Angelis. Here he is shown at Turner's Pool briefing the entire team before a meet in the Catholic League. lames, Moderator, admires the medals won by C. nd R. Regan In various scholastic meets. 1946-47 S W IM M IN G
Opp. St. Joseph _ _ ___ 36 Roman Catholic _ _ _ 42 North Catholic _ __33 West Catholic _ _36 St. Thomas More _ _ 22 South Catholic ________ 24 St. Joseph _ _30 Roman Catholic . _ 42 North Catholic - _ _ 36 West Catholic _ . 31 St. Thomas More _ _ 24 South Catholic -22 Catholic League Championships National Catholic Interschol. _
LSH 30 24 32 30 44 42 36 24 30 35 42 44
Result Lost Lost Lost Lost Won Won Won Lost Lost Won Won Won Third -Third
Much of the success of the swimming team for the past two seasons was due to this group, all of whom graduate in June.
Front row: T. McKenney, F. Wuest, C. Garvey, R. Regan, E. MacNamara. Back row: C. Speitel, D. Baer, R. Sheridan.
W ifh a new coach, M ike de Angelis, fo rm e r Temple
but also retained his title s in tw o events fo r the sec ond consecutive year. Chuck G arvey, breaststroker,
U niversity star, and with Brother E. James as m odera tor, La Salle's swimming team splashed through a choppy season to capture th ird league standings.
place in the final
The title was won by undefeated
Roman C atholic, while the Blue and G o ld 's record was six wins and six losses. Scene o f the tankmen's workouts was Turner's Pool, whose fa cilitie s the y used tw ice weekly. Backbone o f the team was pow erful Bob Regan,
was likewise unbeaten in th a t event and also m erited a title in th e championskilp meet. O th e r fre q u e n t winners w ere:
won on the perform ance o f the m edley relay team o f Regan, G arvey, and McKenney, and the freestyle com bination
lishing a new record o f 54.8 seconds in the century.
co m p e titio n .
board to collapse at the pool.
M cKenney
and divers Bolsover and Jack C a rr. M eets w ere often
who swam the 40 and 100-yard freestyle races. He not only was undefeated throughout the season, estab
Divers Bolsover, Carr and Brooks almost cause the
in the backstroke, Bart Brooks in the breaststroke and and freestyle, G e o rg e B otto in the distance event,
and Botto. Several o f our mermen also shone in open
Below top: Breaststrokers Clancy and Garvey limber up in a practice session. Bottom: The backstrokers Brooks, Wuest and Sharp will swim right out of the picture it they're not careful.
A sure hit seems to mark John Molnar's stepping up to the plate on nearly every occasion,
Germ. Acad. OIney Southern Gratz Germantown Roxborough Northeast North Cath. South Cath.
Opp. 1LSH 2 *2 4 8 4 5 2 9 7 0 4 10 6 8 7 11 9 9
Bill Ptaff, 1946 captain, gets set to put a South Catholic runner out at home.
La Salle's baseball +eem entered its th ird season o f league co m p e titio n in high hopes o f holding the C a th o lic
League and c ity championships it won
the previous year. Led by Coach G e o rg e Simons and M o d e ra to r Brother G . Thomas, the Explorer nine began starters.
the season with
lasf year's
The infield is virtu a lly intact, with Jacob
at second, C upo a t shortstop, and Donohoe in the
J. Molnar explains to Brother Thomas, 1947 baseball mod erator, that the trophy he is inspecting was donated to La Salle by station W IBG for being city champions. Rea gan inspects the Catholic League Trophy.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;PITCHERS" IN FORM
La Salle's stellar pitcher is Jim Covello. His pitching won the city title game over Northeast, 3-2, in 1946,
These were the moderator, coach, and players of the city champion ship team of 1946.
Mar. Mar. Mar. April April April April
21 Southern 24 Southern 27 S. Sratz 7 B. Franklin 10 B. Franklin 18 Temple H. 22 St. James
April 25 North Cath. April 29 St. John
TEAM PL 2 South Cath. 6 St. Thomas 9 St. James 13 16 19 May 21 May 23 May 26
North Cath. St. John South Cath. Penn Fr. St. Thomas Temple H.
Philadelphia City Championship Playoffs_______ June 2
The baseball backstop was obtained through the untiring efforts of Brother E. Anthony, 1946 mod erator.
hot corner.
Jim C oveiio, ace moundsman o f last
year with a record o f ten victories and no defeats, is the most dependable hurler in the c ity . Veteran o u tfie ld e r Jack M olnar is also proving to be handy with the bat, as is Jim Phelan. Frank Owsiany and Inky Reagan stand ready fo r re lie f assignments and as occasional starting hurlers. As we go to press, catcher and firs t base posts have not been fille d .
Unwrapping uniforms for the first time for the 1947 season was the first real note of spring. Phelan finds his last year's uniform. All present were members of the 1946 championship team.
The fresh air, team work, class spirit, and rough contact all help to popularize the interclass games and engender strong rivalry.
In the tall, intramural football lures nearly every student on to the spacious playing fields. Green frosh and mature seniors participate.
Perhaps the best liked extra-curricular a c tiv ity here a t La Salle is intram ural athletics. The 1946-47 pro 足 gram was under the capable d irection o f Brothers Felician John and D. Stephen. These Brothers deserve praise fo r the way in which th e y handled a tough assignment. S tudent appreciation was shown by pa r足 tic ip a tio n and the keen co m petition in each division. Football started early in the Fall. w ell-drilled
teams on the
fie ld .
sp irite d games, 4D em erged
A ll classes put
A fte r a series o f
as senior title-holder,
3B as junior champs, while classes 2E and IB won the soph and frosh crowns respectively. N ext on the program was basketball. Each team in the fo u r departm ents played every o ther Saturday Tradition is carried on with these symbols o f, intramural su足 premacy. The Athletic Association supplies them. The intra足 mural banners are the coveted prizes eyed by all classes participating in intramurals. Rarely does a single Class win more than one of these banners in a year. B r o t h e r Felician John directed the program.
Right: The newest and seemingly most popular intramural sport was bowling. Brother Felician John organized it.
Cld 2E seems to be going all out in an effort to win the soph department championship. It really was a battle.
The basketball intramurals seem to be very popular iudging from the number of teams and the enthusiasm displayed.
THE MAIN SETS and an holidays. The fo u r championship teams were: 4D, 3E, 2F, and IB. These classes received individual emblems and ih e championship banners. A n ad dition to the program this year was bowling. It was started through the efforts o f Brother F. John, varsity bowling m oderator.
Unlike the o ther sports,
the teams were not from individual classes. A fte r a general m eeting o f candidates. Brother John selected teams.
Then the boys elected th e ir own captains.
Each team
bowled every M onday a t the
W allace 20th C entury Alleys, Broad and Vine.
Butler's team won. Softball intramurals were cu rtailed due to campus construction and revam ping. Each department has a banner and fifteen emblems to aim tor in each of the intramural sports.
Brother D. Stephen capably managed the intramural bas ketball league.
The football awards for the champions in each department are made by Broth er David at an assembly.
x x V x V x V x V : '•'
v y y ^ fw ^ .:
Catherine Monaghan said "yes" to J. Lombardi's phone query.
'V y 'v ^ ^ '5 < » X r . x’ x V x V a V A V k’V V x V x W .V i
d i
THE TIME, TBE PLACE, H e was really bubbling over with joy, even though his hand was a b it unsteady as he adjusted his bow tie . Soon this La Salle gentlem an would be calling fo r his date . For to n ig h t was January 2d— and his class v/as presenting its Senior Ball at the W arw ick H o te l. Oh, how lovely she looked! A n d how smoothly she danced.
The dance floor of fhe Warwick served ideally the needs of our prom's 250 couples in attendance. Miss Anne Donnelly and Jack Kennedy welcome the doorman's assistance. Wells, Crosson and dates help themselves.
J . Lombardi had very liftie trouble de ciding to call his prom date.
fhe stage came the sweet strains o f Alex Bartha's and C larence
Fuhrman's bands.
A fte r a few dances, th e y posed fo r the photographer. C lick! and th e evening was
recorded to r posterity. A t I I o'clock there was th e "C o n c e rto fo r Drums." Then "cokes" and more danc ing. But all to o soon it was one o'clock. Elegance and splendor helped to impress us with the suc cess of our Senior Ball.
Proudly do Hufnell and Mansfield as cend the steps to the Warwick’s glow ing interior.
J. Maher chats with Brother John, while J. Beagan greets Brother Gabriel.
Prom Committee with dates: Top: L. Costello and Joan Schubert, F. Grant and Betty McIntyre, W . Hippie and Carolyn Weiler, J. Kelly and Nancy Maginn.
Clarence Fuhrman's ;KYW orchestra sounded veey? familiar and delightful to our exacting ears.
The production's success ultimately hinged on the export direction and supervision of Mr. A. d'Angelo and Brother G. Patrick.
DEATHTAKESA HOLIDAr This year the Dramatics S ociety chose A lb e rto Casella's three-a ct com edy as re w ritten fo r th e A m erican stage by W a lte r Ferris as its Senior Play o ffe rin g . on the p o e tic conception
o f Death sus
pending its activitie s fo r three days, it is dram a th a t arouses thought, stimulates dis cussion, and presents an o p tim is tic philos ophy on love and death.
During his b rie f
vacation. Death falls in love w ith a beau tifu l girl and through her realizes why mortals fear him. A n excellent cast, coached by M r. A n drea
d 'A n g e lo
presented th e simple, app e a lin g love story in grand style.
The realistic character portrayals so evident in the senior play were very much due to the ex cellent make-up jobs that Mr. R. McConnell per formed. R. Kelly submits to a face-lifting.
Curtain Call: Miss N. Breslin, Miss P. Logan, C. Mansfield, Miss V. McGrath, H. Sweeney, and Miss L. Keogh.
Curtain Call: J. Palladine, W . Seiberlich, K. Agos tini, R. Kelly, E. Crapp. J. Cunnion. C. Day.
The principal reasons »for the play's success. The leads were capably handled by J. Palladine and L. Keogh.
’4 7
THE C AS T IN ORDER O F A P P E A R A N C E C o ra ________________ A nne M a rie Breslin F e d e le _____________________ Charles Day Duke L a m b e rt________ H u m b e rt Sweeney A ld a ___________________________ Ethelreda C ra p p Duchess S tephanie______ V irginia M c G ra th Princess o f San L u ca ^-C a th e rin e A g o s tin i Baron Cesarea________ W illia m Seiberlich Rhoda Fenton_____________Patricia Logan Eric Fenton___________ Charles M ansfield
C o rra d o __________________________ James C unnion S ra z ia ________________ Lillian Ann Keogh Prince Sirki
M a jo r W h itre a d ___________ R obert Kelly D ire c to r____________M r. A n d re a d 'A n g e lo M o d e ra to r____________Brother G . Patrick With eight performances of "Death Takes a Holi day," Mr. d'Angelo was kept busy not only di recting but helping Mr. McConnell with the make up. Seiberlich is transformed while Day is startled.
The class of '47 held its first formal dance in May, 1946. Joseph Kelly, general chairman, had a perfect right to smile.
LOWER TOP: Winter nights required winter wraps. On Saturday nights, the weather wasn't always balmy. Efficient wardrobe service helped keep things running smoothly. T. Smith takes M. Piazzoila's coat. LOWER BOTTOM: The familiar faces that graced every Saturday night dance. Find Kennedy, Mansfield, Schoettle, Cunnion, Sweeney, Muir, and Knox.
The annual Thanksgiving dance was another successful ven ture. Bob Shebely’s band played very well. That's why Cunnion, Crosson, and Baer danced so well.
ASTAIRE” WAY TO LOWER TOP: The bi-weekly dances began under the aus pices of the Mothers' Club, have justly deserved their repu tation. Supplying the music was the special task of W. Kilty, here surrounded by Crosson, Malone, and Cunning ham, LOWER BOTTOM: Another packed house. Wells' smile Indicates pleasure.
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The M others' C lub, with its many functions and social activities, is one o f th e leading organizations around La Salle.
W ith Brother E. James as m od
erator, th e officers and various com m ittees worked to produce a successful year — financially and
TOP: The club officers pose after electing a new governing group. LOWER: Brother G. Paul, college president, speaks at the annual
socially. A b ig surprise was the elim ination o f th e annual v a rie ty show. This, however, let the group con ce n tra te m ore fu lly on its param ount a c tiv ity —
Communion Breakfast.
La Salle N ig h t. La Salle N ig h t, held annually in M ay, is the most gala event o f th e year. A com bination card party and dance, it makes use o f the auditorium , gym, and c a fe te ria . The auditorium serves as the dance hall, while th e card games are played in th e gym . Bingo and oth e r board games take place in the The Mothers' Club holds its annual Communion Breakfast in the auditorium. Holy Mass is offered for the success of their sons' studies.
The gym is always jammed for the mammoth La Salle Night card party and dance. This is the social highlight of the year.
For those who prefer to take a chance, the bingo games in the cafe teria give them a chance to display their luck.
CRASHES THE MOVIES TOP: Mrs. McCarron, President of the club, holds a meeting to plan for La Salle Night. LOWER: Santa Claus spreads cheer at Christmas Party.
ca fe te ria . A nd, o f course, there are refreshments. In N ovem ber, th e club holds its annual Mass and C om m union Breakfast. The Mass, a t which e very one receives H o ly Communion, is offe re d in the a uditorium .
ca te re d
breakfast is then served
in the gymnasium. G uest speakers and e n te rta in m e n t enliven th e affair.
The club opens the new year w ith a card party, while in March, it sponsors a fashion show a t Strawb rid g e and C lo th ie r's D epartm ent Store. The m onthly meetings are events in themselves. A fte r dispatching the current affairs, the mothers enjoy an inform al tea.
In th e relaxed atm osphere,
th e mothers renew and strengthen old a cquaint ances and make new ones.
Brother E. James, club moderator, watches several officers enjoying themselves at one of the monthly informal gettogethers held at school.
All sorts of prizes were offered card winners at La Salle Night. The mothers generously contribute them every year.
Normally an annual feature of the club's activities, the Variety Show and Party was curtailed this year for unavoidable reasons.
ABOVE; Outgoing officers turn over reins of the Fathers' Club to newly elected president, Craven. BELOW; Rocco and Bradley help judge a
A general meeting of the club discusses perti nent problems involving members' activities.
nnatch at one of the monthly meetings of the club.
fo rm e d a t La Salle. Since then the group has grown
The Men o f La Salle do a g re a t deal fo r the school, especially in a financial way. They maintain a fund to help w orthy stu dents who would not be
able to finish
school because o f financial difficu lties,
has been successful in all its undertakings. The club sponsors various program s o f entertainm ent. O ne was an annual school picnic
back in
S eptem ber on
campus; it proved lots o f fu'n. They also produced a program fo r the La Salle H igh School Thanksgiving Day Football G am e
What an imposing array of strong-armed men to distribute liauid re freshments at the Fathers' Club Picnic.
Leo Schweitzer helped to spin the wheel that meant money for lucky winners.
Discussion of new band uniforms was lively at this night's meeting.
ABOVE: The newly organized marching band displays its talents at the first club meeting. BELOW: That's the type uniform which the band members will be wearing if the Fathers' Club plans succeed.
THE ADMISSION PRICE with G erm antow n H igh. O ne o f th e regular a ctivitie s o f the club is th e publication o f a paper e n title d , Men o f La Salle News." A v e ry e ffic ie n t staff composed o f the members compiles this fo ur-pag e publication with skill and care. It contains news about the members and tells ab o u t th e ir plans. They also have a monthly m eeting which is h eartily en joyed by all who a tte n d . deal is accom plished.
Usually a g re a t
There are a Board
o f Governors, and officers including a president, vice-president, treasurer, re cord ing secretary, and corresponding secretary. The m oderator is Brother G o d fre y John.
Bill Whiteside, former president, broadcasts com ing events and distributes prizes at the picnic.
A picnic is a picinc because of the refreshments. was a huge success.
On that basis, this
â&#x2013; Bugs Icnows how +o be late for school. Muir gives the right impression of his speed on hastening to school.
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