1949 Blue and Gold Yearbook

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a saint-founder of the Christian Brothers ... a school at 20th and Olney Avenue ... a basketball and football team . . . a group of teachers and students. La Salle is a number of things and persons "and places. La Salle could be the education, the growttl and development of the physical, mental and moral qualities of the yo'ung boys and men who come to it for training. La Salle could be 'lohe Brothers, wh o influence for four years the lives of their students. La Salle could be the Brothers who work, pray, study and play on the football and b~seball fields, occupy the classroon·s or "isit the chapel. Actually, La Salle is all of these directed toward the making of a religious and studious boy, a cultured younj;! man, an accomplished athlete, and a mature personall summed up in the purpose for which La Salle was founded, "to furnish the Catholic Church and America with Catholic Gentlemen."

Religious and Studious

• • •

Cultured ... Athletic ... Mature



a Catholic school. Ir provides its students . with a

thorough course


their religion and a diversified program of


La Salle is a maker of men. It intermingles

spiritual devotion!> and application to studies to actualize the best


in each boy. La Salle is a part o f its stud ents lives, working and rejoicing to see them develop morally and in tellectually.

ldt: This beautiful view of the faculty houl!" fac~ east on the quadr.mgle. The door is the entrance to the chapel. an integral part of every srudent's religious at La Salle.

Above: The college building situated .1long Olney Avenue bouses numerous classrooms. This in turn j,_ connected to che faculty bouse on Twenti('th Street, forming " perfect L. ,ymbolic of our ~chool.


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• • •

Above: The S.1cred Heart ,hrine i~ loc;ned in thl' ct>nlt>r of the quadrangle. At the do~ of each retreat. the <tudents gather hl're to rl'nc" their de<lic;ation to the 5.1crt>d Heart. Below: McShain Hall ;, both home and school. In nddition to the Br(>then' rooms on the top Roor, there are clas.'<room' u'ed by chi' fr~hrnan divi<jon, also bo~nd. mechanical drawing and art room~.


J'hc fac ult) of L.a Salle arc the persons ch ic ll y fot the autdemic 1 eptwHion at tachccl to it. Tho~c in charge make eve•) possible effon to maintain, or rai~e ,,·henc,er possible, the high scholastic rating. The lhrec Brothers to whom thi'> ta~k falb ate Btother~ Paul, Geo•ge. and David Alben. Bro ther Paul is the p1e:.idem o[ La Salle College and the head of the entire organinnion. Btother Ge01gc i~ in hi!> first )Car a~ principal of the high school. l le i!) well liked b) the hO)'> hccau~e ol hi\ nnd ct~tanding ancl fai1 method~ of admi niMering di~ciplinc. Brother David .-\ I bet t has been guidance coumclor at La Salle for !.t'vcral years. La Salle has p10spered undct thcit rule and we hope it will continue to do so. rc~ponsihlc

Brother Paul, President of La Salle College since 1945. has little direct contact with the High School but he creates the broad program for the College to follow. Under his able direction , La Salle College has made great strides in the past and will make even greater strides in the furure.

In his first year as principal of La Salle College High School Brother George assumed the many responsibilities and arduous tasks concurrent with the office of principal and carries them out excellently in a forceful and diligent (,~hion.


In his capacity as Guidance Counselor, Brother D. Albert dispenses valuable information in the form of interviews and gives o ut the printed material on colleges or various occupations. H e renders invaluable assistance to La Salle students in solving the many problems which arise in connection with their school life.

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1·. \1111 ,\:-. 0 1· :\1.\R\ l·c<Hiollllt' no" ling- I.R.C. IJt·nc.ll I . II , 111 - ~panish 11 -CI CW. ( •. ROIII·. R I llig. ·Soli<I.- Gcncral ~l:u h . 1·.. JO'il•. l'll \t'COIIIII ing llascball - Dridng COlli 'l' ..... l'l()lll . ll0\11 :-.1 'i :\IICH .\1- l la·nc.h II 'ipani'h II . 111 - l·omh:cll ll \ \' 11) \1 l\1-.R' l - I cnni'>. \ '\DRF.. \ n· \:'\ G U 0 \lgcln a II I wtl... JOII '\ (,l 1'\ 11-Jio R \\ 111 icl I Ji,ton . <.c.·1man I. II . 111 -.\lumni . I \\11 ... H \RRI(. \'\ lngJi,ll 1\' \'t·a1 nook - JI . l'rom. I Joe> \l c<.l:-.1 F\ < h!'n1i'111 . \l ed1. lh:tll I U<l..cr~-S11illlllli11g. l'hl,i<, l'l anc (.eumctn· - nr:una \1.\IU.,\ RF ' l H£1.1H.R :O. I it'\ , RO CCO 01 1.. \URE-...;TI'i lliulug} l>liling-Rasl..c thall. ROIII· R I C HILDS "pani'h I Fil'l \ id-!nu·anun;lk Cll \RI l·'i O ' BRII·..'\ Plan e (. em nclll \ .. \ . Oircr1o1. \lu,ic. - \<,cmhll I a1in II . 1\' l' •or.:1 a Ill'.

1..11111 J. IJI .,1;1111)>' lngll\h I \lui Itt•"' <luh. Plane <•l'OIIH' ll 1 \lgelu a \I en ol 1.1 .,allc1 1ping Kl)( 'I,IIIUII:tl\ ..,nc.ic.·11 <.uidantc· lkniltlc Club. I ngl i'h Ill- U1.1111a1 it'· I ngli'h Ill l'cnna. tfi,l m 1 \\ i'll'l ian \111 I Ji,ll>ll \\ mlcl H i'tnll \"1 l·uuth;lll ( .o;u h lliulug1 l'cnn.1. I-I i'IOI\ \ "' I (lUI h.tll ( (I:CC h l .tl11,111 'lc U'IHt' Riding Clnh. \n "II \II



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Left: Brother Stephen (Physics), Mr. A. D 'Angelo (English). Mr. J. Guinther (English), and Brother Daniel Bernian (Language), inspect the Knig hts of Columbus Trophy for track. In the background is la Salle's tropby case, containing many outstanding awards won by La Salle'~ student champions. Right: Mr. James Harrigan and Mr. Leo McGinley pt>rfom1ed doubl e duties this year. Mr. Harrigan taught sophomore history and Mr. McGinley bioiUKY· They were also the coache~ of the successful J.V. foo tball tenm.


• • • \ket tht· Iandt' of l.a l.iallc High .,<hool. ;\leet th:.: men who teach m, train rhc 1\rotht:h haH· the LOU!?,hC,t t<t!)k in the wmld. tcac hing. It i, a job which requ ire~ patjen<.e. ttJHk'"tanding. ~' mpath\ and courage. Few other~ ha\ c ,o tediou., a job whi<.h trquitcs 'itt< h c'auing labor, and whose material r<'watd i~ ~o nil. These men haH ancpted the challenge ol thi!) work and h:nc mote than ~urpa'>~cd it~ u~ and encourage m 1o b(; cduuttcd men and good Catholi<~.

\('\Ctt\t d<'tn<ttHb. lite' ate the C:hti,tiau Btothct.,, Do not thin!.. ol the Btothct' a' men who ha\c ..ao ilt<cd thctr ltH'' to pt·tlotttt a tl('(C\\<tt \, Inn unwanted job. rhinl.. of thc111 rathct ,.., men who haH' cnli,u:d in a ptofc,,ion in ''hit It th<'' ma\ tal..<: pride and plca,utc "' th<·' .,lt.qJL' tht dt''>linic\ of men.

Opposite page; bottom: Brother Aloysiub , (Chemistry), Brother Francis (Math). and Brother William (Gcr· man). look over plans for the grammar school basketball tournament in the athletic~ office after school. Next: These four Brothers who grace the doorway of McShain Hall are Brother E. Joseph (Geometry), Brother Adrian (Drawing), Brother Michael (TyJ>· ing), and Brother Roberr (Engli<h). This page. above: Brother Thomas (Accounting). Brother Bernard (Language), and Brother Raymond (Lan· guage). enjoying a few moments of relaxation. discuss dass happenings and other related events. Left: Visitors to the office don't always come for discipline a• you can see by the happy expressions on the faces of these Brothers; I. to r.: Brother F. Joseph, Brother Patrick, Brother Emilian. and Brother Felix John.


I heH· aH nl:tll\ ,,·a" of leal ning and man) w eath wa\. the he~t wa} to lea111 i.., to \tu<h 1he c" pe1 it'IH elt and d isr:ovcrics ol ot hc1 s. Simph ~tmh in~ the at< ompli,hmcnLS of our pn::clcH·-.~ol ), howe\ cr. w iII do U\ I i ttle good unless Wt' ra11 bt'nef1t b) them. This then leads to the <OIH eption of eduunion embraced at La <.,aile II\ whi< h we ilt<Jllll<.' learning and l..cep in 111 ind 1 h e '0111 <e of all wi ,dom, it to better om,eh<.·~ and t•lljO\ lile with othcn. Our ),Chooling ton-.i-.t of fou1 imp01 tant ingu:dient~. J'he 111\L p<ut i, ''uth. a ncu:~..,aq pall of ou1 cdu('a tion. Our ~wdic~ arc the dutic~ of out Mate in life. I he:' gtH' m ~~a< it,· and a '>atisfat.tion that <Ollie\ fmlll teaming. fhc '>Ctond is pra)CL Pra\ Cl l..ecplt u,., from lo),ing sight of our ultimate ohjetti\c:. It gi\c'> ll'> '> llcngth to pick oursclve~ ~tq>~


up alte1 we ha\c fallen and colllage to tontinuc when all looks hopeless!) lost. Third! ), edu tation <on:.ist'> of wort.., in which we get a chance to u-.c the knowledge a«tuired 1)\ stud). \Vork maJ..c.., m awatc that we all ha\C responsibilities and teaches ~~~ self-reliance and confiden<c with which lO tulflll our trusts. The: mo't imercsting of 0111 education, but not the lea~t important, il> play. J'h rough relaxation we get a chance LO rest, regroup out facul ties and forget our worricl> for awhile. .\fter a hit ol recreation we nta} resume our tal>k' with renewed ''igor and d etermination. vVc arc l>ure that these lout thingl> 111ake our education complete. wonhwhilc and cnjo}able. 'o at La Salle we Swcly. Pnt}. Work am! Play.

Ldt: 3C seemf to be having some difficulty with second year German but Brother William will clear up all doubt in their minds about it. Right: The juniors study chemistry under the supervision of l3•other Aloy~ius, shown performing :tn experimPn t hPfnre an interested and fascinated 36.

Left: You won't lind •lny clock watchers here. Und~r au~pices of the Mother\ Club, the Saturday Night Dance< h<tve a new feature this year. the Wisterian~ and their mellow rnu~ic. Middle: De•pite the rou~ing enthusia'>nt kindled by Del Ennis' optinti\tic words .\1 the r.ally prior to the Nonh football game. "e failed to measure up to expectation.. Top: T"'o \<t-o!kl) gym period'> give each ~tudem the chanc ... to develop through panicip.uian in sport<. I Iere, rhc frc•hmt>n engagt' in .J f:N game of b .•,kecball. providing the pr<>'& of tomorro".

Senior class 48 is hard at work taking down one of Brother Hilary's all-inclusive. economic outlines while Brother check~ to be \ure that Robert Richards causes no great change in the Federal Reserve Sy>tem.

These essays may not be masterpieces but Stephenson, O'Connor, Crist, and Yocum appear to enjoy them. Flynn and Haney seem a bit anxious a~ Mr. D'Angelo inspect~ their homework.

• • I ht ( lu i'llall Btotht'l' ill<' lamou' lluoughout th<' \\'01 hi lot 1hci1 ahilil) to tead1 )Ollng lm''· l 'ing the 111ethod., inuodtued b\ St. l.a 'Ialit· and adapttd In othe1 p•ogre~~i'c cdu< <llot, the B1oth<·1' tcadt tht•it pupil<, a vat icty of 'uhjl'<h l<tnginp, llolll 1cligion and all to ,c it·ncc and mathematic\. EH•ry bm is rcqui1cd to rakt Iolli \l' ah of tcligion and lour )Car~ of I· ngli,h Bc\ond that he m<l\ choose the <Olll'>C, '>< ttnl ilu 01 c las'>Kal. he wi~hes to study (tom

IJj, '('(Ond



l.a "»aile tl'a< he, a gn·atel number of 'ubjccts than JH 1hap' am othc.·1 Catholic ~chool in the


c it'. Jk,idc·., tht' standard <. ou hcs 111 rei igion, l·.ngJi,h, hi)toq and :.<iencc.·, lltCit.' arc ,i:-. nnn::.c:. in mathematic' and course~ in Spanish. F1cnch and Gen11an. an) of \\'h ic h ma\ be \lUdicd for three )Car~. Latin is a,·ailablc up to the fourth \Cal and (,leek lor two. L;1 Sail(' illlends primm ily to ptcparc its ,tudclll~ lm college. . \., a rc~ult, the (unda· nlentab of each \llbjcn arc stressed rcpeatcdl)' to giH· the ho)'> a finn ba'i' fo1 adntn<ed work . . \11 cour~e' will cqnip a boy with enough ncdils to <:Iller the college o( 11 j, choo in g.


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Abo ve: In the biology lab the sophomores \tudy through the m.Jgu. of the microscope while Brother F. Joseph supcrv1ses the curious. Below: "lie makes it look ~o easy." muses 4E as Brother Jo hn explain1 the ~olutton to a problem in general math.

The Seniors learned physic~ can be a noi1y subject. However. Famigleu i, Florio, Ca rr, Bernier, Boudreau, Clark and DiPaolo don' t seem to m ind the tuning forks' hum.


• • •

I he lknihlc Club, unde1 the direuion of Bwt hct J);l\ id \l hctl. gu idamc rounselot. en<otn age'> Lm' to cntc1 1 c ligious ,·orations. The IHII po'c ol the <lub j , lO help a boy detemine ,., hethct 01 not he 1call~ has a Yocation and, il he doC'>, to a, .. i,t him in preparing for it. I he main a< ti' itic, or the dub are the examination ol nil iom tc ligiou!) o rders, their vows, purpo~c' and idcah, and visiting seminaries and ,rJwob to ~::c actual!) what happem lO a I>O) who e nter~ an order. The club meets freque nt! ) w di'lrtt!)S \ati om religious topics and 10 plan their anivitic.,. Besides their more lo: mal undc ttakings. the Benilde Club a lso h <l\ C lt e<ptcm sp01 h arti,·itic~.

Below: The frc>hmcn arc inaugurated in the Archconfratcrnity of the Divine Child organized by Brother Michael. This group donated a beautiful statue of the Infant of P.-aguc which stands in the stairway of the high school.

Albert conducts a discussion of religious library with the senior members of the

Father Callahan of the Vincentian o rder enrolls freshmen members of the Knights of the Divine Child in the scapular. The Knights receive Holy Communion in n body in the Chapel on the twenty-fifth of each month.

Each homeroom cia~ recite~ the rosary in ho:-~or of the Blessed Virgin before the start of the school da y. The practice of reciting the rosary soon becomes a dail y ltabit for all La Salle stu路 dents.

During lunch period m.m y of the students visit the chapel. Here we have the privilege of conversing with God in an atmosphere con路 ducive to prayer thus obtaining the blessings of God on oursclve) and our school路 work.


left: The entire school 1:.kes pari in Benediction given at the close of the retreat services. Top: SrudeniS engage in s piritual reading, one of the most profitable of the religious exercises of the relre:.t. Right: Seniors line-up


\Vednesdav and Thut\day 8:t5 . ...... . ......................... ~I a~~ 9: 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . Relig ion lesson !l:·l!"l .... ..... . .... • ....... Spiritual reading I 0: I :; .. . ... . ...........•... ">etmon by pri e~ l

10: 15

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . Quc:.tion pet iocl

in the school chapel for their Retreat confession;, th<' highlight of the pla nned spiru ual activit ies. Bottom: Reception of the Ble;sed Sarrament by the student body during the October Retreat. l

I I :·1!'> . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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....... Lunl h and Hencdin ion

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II :~0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beach and \'isit


• •

a Ill'< e~'a'' t'\ il. '-lomctim<.'' it is hat d. It i, <:a", 'Oilll.'lllliC~ pJea~ant and ona,iona l h till plt:a~ant. 1 hct e aH· matl\ H'll'>llll'> \dl\ we wot J.... God ot ig11talh imcndcd \\ork a' a puni.,hment to man, btu 'inc t• it h:h hecontt• a pat I o l our l i'e~ we ad.d ~<::hoth of out O\\ 11. Some det iH· an almo't inlinilt '>ill"f <t< Lion and -,en~c ol achiC\C· menl lt4om wot k. "it iii otht·r' work 10 gi'e the ir lellcl\\liiCn mote pka,ute in lilc. ~lo'>l. how<.'H~l. wo1 k 'o that the\ IIlli} bt ing about '>Otnething the\ dt•'>iH: to happen. J'hj., last i~ the t C:t'>Oil lot 1110\t of 0111 d loth ,._tt i le we are '>I iII in '>< hool. \II ol II'> \\:till to ht• 011 lop. want our tl'<llll'> to h<" the c h.11npiom. out pre.,cn l ation~. pub\\'01




lications and nw.,ical aflait' w he the finest. ·1 hc.,c thing' do not ju'>t happe n. Like C\ er y end, the) must be acquired b) '>Otne means. ll ;ud wot k i~ the ptominent factot in reaching thc'e goak \\'hen the team lines up on the field waiting lot the kick-off and the band play~ the Star-)panglt·d Bannet. le w t cali1e the eHOlt put fotth to make thc-,c achic\emenh pO'>'>ihle. ll owevct hard this work may be, it give~ us plea.,ure 1)\ iu, tc,ultl>- In it we meCL others with imctt:'>l'> a kin to out own and we look fm wanl to that titnc when our work will bear ftuit and wt• will know thill our cflmts ha\ e IIOL bee 11 w:-t s H·d.

A busy place all yea r long was the ac:ivity office. The Yearbook, Senior Play and Junior Prom were some of the enterprise produced here. J. Mallon, business advisor of the Blue aud Gold, d1rects J. Famiglerti and M. Zarcnkicwicz in the system employed by the business staff in the cr~iting of seniors during the senior play campaign while Don Sharp dictates 10 J. Devlin as W. Gordon looks o n.


Sal Palo, class pre~ident of 3D, speaks to his class in an effort to bolster underclass atte:>dance at the Senior Play. The class president serves as :m important link between the faculty and the students.

This is the way that classy ba\ketball team learn~ tho .•e precision plays executed O!l the court. Long hour~ of patient practice paid big dividend~ wht'n the game' Wl.'rl.' played.

SCHOOL CALENDAR Sept. 9-10 ..................... Freshmen Registratio n 10 .................... Upperclass Registration Sept. 29-30 mul Oct. I ................. Annual retreat Oct. 17 .... .. . .... .... ..... Feast of Brother Solomon Nov. 3-4 ................ First Qunrterly Examinations Nov. 10 ....................... First Quarterl y Report Pnrent-Teachers' Meeting Nov. 11 ..................... Armistice Day, H o liday Nov. 25 ............... . .......... Thanksgiving Dny Dec. 8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fensr of Immaculate Conception Dec. 21 .... .•..... . . ......... Christmas Recess begin• Jan. 3 .... ...... ..... . . Clnsses reopen after Christmas Jan.-19-20 ........ , ........... Mid -year Examinations Jan. 26 ........... . ................ Mid-year Report Jon. 27 .. ................... Pnrent-Tenchers' Meeting Feb. 18 ....................... Senior Formal Dance Mar. 2 ............................ Ash Wedne~day

Mar. 17 ................. Fe:m of St. Patrick, Holiday Mar. 17, 18, 19. ............ . •....... Senior Play· Mar. 23-24 .......... • .. Third Quarterly 'Examination., Mar. 30. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Third Quarterly Report Mar. 3 1 ...... . .... • . . . . . . . . Paret-Teach~rs' Meeting April 8 ................... Senior' begin Easter reces' April 20, 2 1, 22. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Senior Retreat April 23 ..... P:u ochial school Scholarship Examin:niom April 25. . . • . . . . . . . . . . CJa,,es reopen after Ea...ter May 4 ..... •....... ...... Chri.\ti.m Doctrine Conte1t May 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . La Salle Night May 15 .......... Feast of St. John Baptist de La Sail~ May 24-25 ...................... Senior Examinations May 26... ........................... Ascension Da y May 30 ................... •.. Memorial Day, Holiday June I-2. . ...................... final Examination \ June 5 .........•.............•. Commencemelll Oay June 6 . . . ....... , ........ Undl'rcla~., Commcnc('mcnr


Sports are the favorite form of recreation of most La Salle boys. AlmoJt everyone takes part in inter-class games and spidt runs high as the team.~ vie for division Ch:~mpionsJ.ips. lntramurals run throughout the school year and include leagues in several sports with banners and emblemJ for the winners.

"\I I wot k and no pia\": that\ not the •ule lw1t:. \n' fall d<l\ alu·t ~dwol. foot · hall lutc~ neat I) C\(.'t' ~utdcnt to the ~patiou-. pia\ lllg ftl'ld~. rhe ltc~h a it. team work, da-;~ ~p11 it <llld \dwlt·wmt• cxc• <he all he Ip to pop· uhtt ilf: the intt•tt lew.. game' and ptoclucc strong ti\all\. C. n:<·n ln:,hmcn and mature :.eniot ~ al l '"o" the ~ante enthu~ia~m. In winter, the g\tll ton~tanth H·,outuh to the ,hotns ol ~tudcnt!> engaged in a laH gam e ol basketball. .JudAing hom till' number of teanh patti< ipating and th<' enthu~ia-.m di,pbt)ed, basketball i-. one o[ the la\OIIIl' lmms ol pia\. Come '>J>ling, it \ hat k w the pt<t< ll<< ftdd for tlw C'\Ct populnt -..oltlmll lt·agm lh an unanimmh dtt hion, lunch ~~ the mo~t

.11 ound


po pul:11 of all pe t imh. ,\mid laughter. good food. and rontpanion-;hip, we receive the lift IICcclecl to cat 1') u~ through the remammg pet iods. It a Iso provicl('~ a fe w min u tcs to btu~h up on qui11c:. and test' or w lini h a hm11e assignlltCill. Alter lunch. nothing i~ n1ore tc la,ing than LO \ltoll along the hcautilulh apponioncd t ampm. The Sauuda) l'\igln Dances, ~uppmtcd bv a majorit) of the !>tudelll\, ha'c <omc to be the mosL populat activit\ of Lhe school. These dan<C~ \ttppl) pt o per ~ocial aoiviL) and are unde t cxlcllcnl s upct vision. The crowded lloor gives tl' '>timml) w the cnthmi ~l\ lll with which th e) at c g t cctcd.

We don' t always use o ur s pare time in stre nuous pastimes such as sports. Somettmes we JU\t take it easy and loll :1round in the corridors after a tough day in class. O ther time~ we step o ut with the girls and attend the popula r Saturday night d.mces here at school. Our own dance band, the Wi5terians. pla yed at several of these a nd Bro the r Roben chanced off the prtzes. The most popular wa y of relaxing known to La Salle boys is eating. The boy~ might t.tke thcir time getting 10 cla_~q but wh en it conws to lunch. it's every m an for himM•If.


• • • cnii;Jc:d 1 .1 sallt '' tlh ~~ tla ~ ol 2/:i the large~£ in 1he < hool ' lu~l()l\. \\ t' lou nd out 'un oumling' pk.t-anl ,md tomhl< iH' to ~ltld~. a~ tlid om ltllo\\ H'jtdl1lg' ,11 I ~ lO. \\ (' had •Htl liht itllroduc ttoll to .d~~tt•ht.t. I .Hill .tnd l\ping. Lhe \H:dd\ I t•rut I (.II d, kt: pt II' on Olll toe,. RcmcmIJ<'I tlw gold otl\ ,;. llo\\ ai)C}lll <Hit litsl g)ln da" tllldt·J O'hit·? I Ill' :\len ol l.a ~nile Picnic "·a, tilt' ftt,l t'\l'llt ol tit<' ~t..·.•t. \\'c allt'tHicd om ft"l tt'tlt'.tl ill Oc tolx•t ~ I hl. grichtt'h fllli'>hctl tht•





.t I 0\\

l hlt.:C fcllO\\'\

wt'tc pl.ttt•d "'' tiJC' cnac Jtc,· \II C..Hholit. Elliot la\\1111<<' pl.l\ctl lot tlw 'tntm ptom. Cagct-; t'lltt•tul pl.l\ ""' and clclc:tt<·d Roman, ~outh .md !'\outhctll fot C..llholic .111d Cit\ Lca~uc I itlt,, lht• Stniot1. ptC,Clltnl" lkH. Comt·:. .\h. Jntdat t''. 0 luc', lllt'll \\ott tht• f.a,tetn ':>tate~ I ide. Bt •It ch.uwllld ncn \\Oil Cit' J itlc... CtC\\' \\Ill ' lotla! oliH ...,tolc~but ~ Regalia,. \l l.to,l uu1


aw:u1<:d .IJtlllltCI \::lcauon.

l l'l> t:O<><I to IK' h.t< k. Rt•pntt nu d ... now appeat hi·\H'CI...h. (.tlll\!Ch lliN.!l \\\•,l 1~1-f:S .tnd down tht: I'll p lnl tltt• thi1cl ton,et uthc )ear. La I op: Gare .. o~y to 1240 through which some of us passed in our fre,hrnan )c.'dr. Cl.t<sl'~ were discontinued there two year~ ago. Belo"': BrC~dwr D.wid Ca~~i.~n, principal of La Salle for seven ye.lr,, guid.>d our dt>,tinie, our first lhree years here. We will alw;,~ys rcnwmh<>r hi~ lcindnL'S~ ond gencrosiry.


During our f1r,l 1hrt>c yt··••~ 1\ru. D:wid won a permanent place in the heart• nf all wlw ~new him.

Right to left: We learned to rype under Brothl'r Mich.lef', watchful eye iu our fre~hm.ln yur; as sophomores we lined up in the yard .1fter lunch to .1wo~it Bruthe~ Jame-'s signal to return to class; in our junior year, we wen~ proud to po'e for the JotrOup picturl', It is hard to believe we could change so much in three ~hort ye<~r,.

La Sall e won more than its 3hare of championshi ps during our four years. Our champions hipwinner was the crew which won three national and city schoolboy titles during our first three yean.. T h is is ho w the crew appeared before flying to Detroit in 1947 to compete for the national championship which they won. Opposite page, left: The Frank Markward trophy for the Catho lic leagu e title begins to look like a permanent fixture in our trophy case. Our court·

"'alk and McH ~ \< adcmy p rescm ed " R o bin l lood" B;hketeeJS finil.hed the ~caso n in fi rst J1lacc but bowed to the P re p in the pla)Offs. Clarence humau and \ lex Bartha played fo r the senior,. "Dcat.h f a kes a H o liday" presented ll\ the ,t:Jllot ~ lastet n )tales T itles again won hv tht Cage•'· \ n uual Spring Music Festi val inaugutatt·d 1... ~aile Nigh t-a h uge l.uccesl>.


Crew again wins C hampio nships. T ime f01 vaca Lio n: \O soon? \\'e're half-way thct c now. Expamio n was the keynote duting ow \'acation. The Blue and Go ld Banet makes its initial appearance ;n sea'on \ grid o pe ner. Baton twirling and precision ste pping were the highli ght~ of a <OIOtful de but. H a td luck and bad bt ea k~ ha mpeted o u r foot-

men won two cit y and two league championships in the last three years. Righ4, at top: Our cheerleaders did their bit in preparation for the 40路39 victory whi ch gave to La SaUe the city basketball title in 1948. The game was a real thriller and was decided o nly in the clo~ing seconds. Bottom: The La S alle 1948 trophy collectio n attracts almost as m any admirers a~ the championship Rames. W e won often but we didn' t fo rget to be good losers when we had to .

ball ~tluad . ~u bscri pti o m began to defra) )Cat hook costs. Eva luatio n board in s pec t~ La Sa lle. Our .Jay-\'ec's won foo tba ll Champion!>hipo,. T he dt amatic., d ub p resent!> a double-head er. Bl ue and Gold chive-a huge success. The Band wi m Knights of Columbus troph y. Cagcrs enter playoil\ defeating North , \\'e't a nd Overbrook 拢01 Catholic a nd Ci t~路 1 it lc~. M e n of L a Salle

.,pomm the fit.,l tnll.rnnual, ,port-. night. C:lanC) t a ke~ t he national ~" imming title. "The Man \ \'ho Came to Dinner" wa~ the 'cn ior phr). f he B10the1-. mat 1.. their ccntt:nat). ' I he .JuniOl Prom ''a' one of tlw leading 'oual events. And, then out ~enim )Cat. The I~H9 Blue a nd Cold i-. the fttting tcwHl 拢01 'uch a

d imax.


CULTURED Yer~atility il> La Salle' keynote. It offers a network oÂŁ clubs and l>Ocial affairs which form an tntegral part of the student's education. Th~ough the&t- many activities La Sallites learn to express themselve~ and to reap the benefits that come from associating

with others. The result are graduates possessing confidence, a mature bearing and sociel stability.

Left to right. top row: H aga n, Smith, Bolsover, Yezzi, Fleming, Bertolini. Kuligowski, Tro utman, Belancio, Smith, Grasmeder, Stewart. Bottom row: Mo rris, Springer, Van T hyne. N apolie, Hericinak, De Renzi. Niemczura, H app. Salvatore, Guckin , G ordo n, Rae, Stro-.. The band is shown here giving one of its fine perfo rm路


ances under the able direction of Mr. Robert Childs, the Band Leader. The band performing at the annual Knjghts of Columb u Band Contest with the coveted trophy in the foreground. The band. after winni ng the 1947 contest, came in second this year to Roman.

Left to right, top row: Harris, McGovern, Coyle, Bucko, Watts, Rae, Yocum, Fischer, Fox, Smith, Bernier, Nuss. Bottom row: More, Freitag, Shadowski, Kennan, Avallone. Woods, Callahan, Spratt, Fassnacht, Pettinio, Biddle, Huey. The girls from Little Flower going through their now

famous dance ritual to the strain$ of the band's "Sailor's Horn Pipe" at one of the home games. At the right the band performing at De La Salle College on the occasion of a trip to Amrnendale last year. They are serenading the student Urothers and faculty of the house of ~tudies in Washington, D. C.


The band'perfonni ng fo r the annual Kni ghts of Columbus band contest at which they presented their intricate formations and selections which they had prepared for several months. After winning the contest the year before, La Salle's band came in second to Roman Catholic. The awards are based on such things as uniform inspections, marching drills and quality of the music played.

Itt the thnd )Cat of it~ e:o-isten re. the La <ial le Coll ege High ~chool 13and is perhaps the most celebrated section or the 11ll"ic: dcpart tnenl. It ha' hccn :11\';trded lllllllcrou' pritcs and meda ls fot its ge neral exccl le tu e. l lnd cr the persona l , u p eni•ion of Mr. RoiJert C hild;. 1he director. 1 IH' band ha' sea ned a cusw m now imitated In tu;t tt )' other hi~h schoo l b;111ds in the cit) a mi s uburbs. I his c:ti'tom. a' we a ll kno\\, started during the 1!) 17 footh<t ll seasou. '' heu 1 he hand marched aholll p la)'iug " Reube n! Rt·tthen! ", and doing a "d;111ce" on the grid iron. I hi~ was we ll en jo)Cd h) the public. w a u e)( tent 1 ha t memhen. of the haud pc tfonued at the l'hil adcl pht a Inqui rer's I!JIX annual .\lt"il· Fe,thal at Municipa l 'itadium. ·r he hand h;ts performed :.11 "'""' ol the faglc\ gcun c, all(l at th e high ~chool a nnual leMiva l of music iu the spriug. I his ~car. duri ng the footha ll seaso11, the band added e igh t high school ).\i rls as lolk dancers. The 13aLon r"·irlers ~holl'cd exccptiomd ~kill. '' ltid1 ll'a~ cl ue g•·catll' to tlw i n•tt·ucw•·. M r. Sa111ucl l.ange, head tl\irlcr at the llni \ ct·si ty of l'euns) lvania. Brother l·ot ttlltatas J oh n, dire< wr of 11111sir at L<~ Salle. is the <:oonlin:tto• and inspi ratio n for all out tllttsic;•l ac1ivitc~.

Brother Fortunatus John, moderator of the music department, did an excellent job in coordinating tl1e various sections of this department tl1roughout the year. The Spring Festival climaxed the musical activities of 1949.


At the top: The Symphony Orchestra persormel included: R. D eppert, R. Wuest. P. McMenamin, A. Cione, M. Y ezzi, C. D e Renzi, G. Sohodowski, W. De Pasquale, W. Alter, C. Stewart, G. Bittner, A. Salvatore, F. Callahan, R. Niemczura, F . Fox, T. Kuligowski, E. Morrissey, D. Fischer. J. Kennan, M. Bucko, R. Klinges, J. Grady, T.

Coyle. J. Toutman. ]. Hqpinger, F. Langone, C. Del Marco. M r. Childs here giving Springer and Fox a lesson in the band room in the MsShain Hall basement. This is used botJ1 for private lessons and general band rehearsals. To the right is Mr. Richter, symphony director.


• • • ' I o ~at i~l\ our tine t a~tcs, 11 c t 11 rn L<> l he ~) mphum Onhcs(ra. Ccmsistiug or 1\\'Cill) •Ci).lht lllCIIlher~ including Mriug'~ . lll>O<hdntl:.. brass, :tnd penmsi<lll. thi~ g•ou p pt•rfonu;, al a,;;,cmblics, the ~eniv• Pht). and tl llt mu't memorable C' c nt, graduation. ti nder Lhe personal dirc<.liOII or ;\Cr. Wolfgang l~itlller, n(Jtcd 'ioliui~L . the Sympbon) On:hcstr<t has met ired the commending remarks of both ~wdcnL~ and visitors LO the

school. \ $CCL ion lltat has recched particular· P ' aise is lhe ,ning department. Out~tanding mcmbcn, a~ Klingcs. Kuligo11\l..i. ;m<l OePasqwl lC render ;1 high le,·el of cujoy· tneut tor all.

l'ER~<):\ '\![·I Rudolph Dcppcll - 1 \ , Rkh arcl \\ uc'l I B. l'att i1l.. ~lc ,\ lcuamiu- 1C. .\ nthlllt) Ciom·- ln. \lie had Yt·lli IH, Charles lk RcnJi-11\, ' I cdch Kuligcm;,ki-:H. l~cl"in \lor

risse)-3E. llanicl Fi~rhcr-3 l\, Jo>cph Keenan -!! \ , john Has,on-3.\ , Doua ld Rac-3F, 'fanhcw llucl..o-3E, \\ il liam DcPasqualc-2.\ . \\'illiam ,\ llct-213, Charles Stew an - 21). George Rittncr-2(., \nthonv Salvatore -20, Francis C;lll~han-2,\ . R(>Uctt 'icmctura-:!11, frcdctitk Fox- 2[1. Richatd 1-.linge~-IB. J;1111C\ (,ra<ly-lE. Robel! Rolso,er-tC, Thoma' Co) le-I( . .Jnhn lnHHman-IL john Houingcr-·10, !·rank langouc--ID.


All the bands which participated in the 1948 Knights of Columbu_, Band Contest playing tOE:ether in the grand finale performed just before the decision of the best band wa~ rendered at La Salle field.

Many sLUdents during the school yeJr take a trip to 1\mmendalc, the Brothers' Novitiate, nnd the bond is no different. H ere they rose beside their bus before proceeding to Washington, their second stop of the day.

' • • •

Members of the 1949 Glee Club included: frcsluncn Nu_~. I Iassman, Keiser. Dooner. Wuest, Springer, Clunk. McOscar, Czajkowski, Flannery, De Luca, Del Vecchio, Gordon, Zekanis, Freitag. Sophomores Farrell, Criscola and Manns; juniors Morris. Pilla, McHenry, Nappi. McCann, Malloy, Burdziak, Heisler. Poserina and Nuss. Seniors Logue, Bernier, O'Donnell, Zarcn· kiewicz. Clancy, Day, Bolsover. The Glee Club was not organized until mid·ycar, but as this picture show;, rehearsals began then in earnest in preparation for the big musical event of rhc year. the Spring Music Festival.

lit \aile\ t hot;tl ntganllattoll ton'i'ted thi' \Cat not ottl~ of the (,Icc Club of lotlllCt \('<l" hut aho rh<: Frc'>hman Choral Gtoup 1 he lattct organitation "'" fmmed near the hcg111ning of the \ l ctt and prc,cllled a Chri.,tma, pt o~ra111 hoth lot the \tud<:ttb and the M o th er\ Club. Ilw (,ltx· Cluh wa., mganitcd atound tht• middle of the \Cat and pat tit ipatt·d in the mimttel \how and the \nnu.tl ~pt ing ~Iu-.ic Fe-.ttval. Both of th<•,c groups. rapahh cmtthcd b\ :\1t . Rtdtl<'l. lolltWd an i111p01tan t ~C<tion ol Lt 'lalk\ llHI\ic tlepattmcnt and con· ttthuttcl to the c·tllt'tlainmcnl of La ',a lie \tttdctll' .tlld tht·rt parent:..


Our g:c:! c:ub under the direction of Mr. Childs perform~ i~1 -L-ot. n Hall for the Annual Musical Festival. long J.ractice•. :1:1d expert direction made this group a welcome ac!dirio:-~ tO our far·Oung musiC'al organizati on.

The band lining up for it~ "windmill" formation at the halftime of the St. Joseph's game. This was only one of the new form :nions which were added at the beginning of the ycar.

• • •

These mu~icians arc, from left to right: C. Del Marco, G. Fox, M. Yeni, C. McGovern, T. Coyle, E. Stroh, T. S:~lvatore, R. Bolsover, J. Trautman, and R. Niemaura. These boys comprise La Salle's ro;>ul:~r dance band, Th" Wisterians. In iu second year of operation the g:oup has rounded into a smooth and much sought :~ftcr organization, playing frequently at the Saturday Nigbt Dances and other outside affairs.

rhe ."taturcbl\ nig1H danrc' hCH' at L.a Sail<· were oua~ionalh cnliH'lll'd h) the appe;u an«· ol the rnu .. ic al ~•ggrt·ga tion known a., the \\'i~wliam. J'hi., ol · ganintlion. undc1 the tapahlc diH·uion of ~ r 1 Robeu Child\, ha., h10ught to La Salle a dance band ol \dlldl Wl tan he p1 oud. lhe \ Vi,teri<tll'> arc n>lllparati\'eh nc" to l a Salk and .ue not directh atliliatt·d with tht '>< hool .t~ ill e the ~) mplwm OH hesu a and the ~I a11 h· ing Band



well mixed up picture of the nrt club s hows the grouped around the instructor, Mr. Rocco di l.:wromti$, and performing many of the projects prepara· tory t(l :lCtual painting. The fine equipment available memho•r~

to them J>lus the able direction and teaching of "Rocco" wa~ responsible for the exceptionally fine work produced by the student s, some of which i9 evident on thr walls in the h:~ck~rmmd.

l he n1t duh i' gi,cn n compktc gcnc1al ntt on an infotmal ba\is, with mall\ of Llw innO\'alion\ o( a nHH<: achatHcd col lege toursc,



the in:.uuclOt. ,\11. Rocco di I.autcmi .... The •II< h l\ pc~ of a11 wot k a~ oil paint ing~. block prin1~. watct color:.. pen and ink and ch;u coal ,ketch<•,, figure and anatom) cit aw ingJ.. and \ctdpturing. l .::c tutt~~ on the his101) of an and <tll appreciation, and nip~ to 1he Zoo and 1\1 meum of Na111ral Science lot the purpmc of \lllcl) ing animal and bird life a~ atl :.ubjcn mattet, ate pall of 1hc \Car\ tut rindum. l'hc cmtr~c is cu lminated with a genctal c:-..hihition of 1hc ..,llld<'nt\ wo1k in the ~pring.

da" takes up


' lOR

~11·.:\ IIH.R~


\ 'aH:. Cat ne\, Lod:at d. Bcrkowi u. Sulli,·an, lldfct nan. \Vcbc•r, l lottinge 1, Langone. H ;l\:ndamk). \ 'on Nt'll, ~I a hone). ,\Jc ~fahon. l)antare. O'Donnell. Cc:\i~kic.

Mr. Rocco Delaurentis capable art instructor s hows a painting by one of his talented pupils in an art exhibition 10 Rill Orm1an and James l leffernan.


Members of the l.R.C. from I. to r.: J. Potts, C. Day, R. Pyle, J. Troutman, G. Kennedy, R. Richards, J. Grady, R. McCuen, J. Stillwell, J. Murray and R. Segin grourwd

:~round a Newsw<'ek m:l(} at a meetin~t to discu~~ ani' of the activiricos in which the> group pnrticipate,.

Ti l E INTERN.\"! ION .\ 1. RE L AT I ONS CI.U H The putpme of La Sa lle\ lmetmHional Reln tiom Club i) to encourage inu:re'>t in political yroblenh fa< ing the world toda) and their efle< t upon our national welfate. I he )410llp. an all 'eni01 aflait unde r the guidance of Brotht.•t Daniel H ilary, auended the :.cmndary school forums of the Fot cign Poliq ,\w1riatiom at the Belle\ ue-Stratford which cothi'>ted o f panel talk\ and roundwblc discussion'> with Mmlenh of other ~dwoh. It abo too~ pa11 in the model inauguration cetemoniel> at I <:mple Uni\Chil\ which were wnductcd as fa<~itnilie~> ot a(lual governmental proceedings in \Vashington. In addition, tht.' l.R.C. partidpated in the Philadelphia .J unior rown i\lecting of the Ait and 01her ~mh aOait, designed to aid under~tanding in dome,tic and world affai1 '>. Patticipation in \ariom tadio p•ogram~ added the flni-;hing touches lO this internationall ) minded oq~ani 1ation.

J. Potts, Brother Hilary and R. Richards discussing plan~ for a coming radio program, the Junior Town Meeting af the Air to be held on K.Y.W. 39

l.a \aile\ <Ia" p• c~ a dems au in man) capacitie,. !"he p• c~ a dt•n t ' nll'l ) llle~~agc ~ Ia om the <O nft· a encc~ with th e principal ('Oncerning \al io us pha~t·-. of 'dwol ac ttvttt C ~ to the ir indl\ idual da,.,e.,. Otht.·a dutic., t <>lll>i'> t in blingang anendanu -.lip-. to the o lh< e, -.upe n ising -.w h ·aHair-, a-, tht· maga1ine dtiH· and wllectiOn!> loa c11aallabh: iahti tution-. "hi( h aa c conducted

in the :.chool and in ge ne• al, taking charge of the vat ious duti c~ and re:.pomibi li ties which arise for each < la~s during the ~chool year. The entire system of 1eprcsentativc' of each cla~s con-.i:.ts o{ a pa<·.,idc m. a vi< c-pa c.,idcnt, seu etal ) and ll<'tl'>llll'l which mal..c fm a smoothe a a nd mot e efh<ic nt 1elationship be tween the s tudents and the lac. ult) .

Class presidems pose. T op row, I. to r.: T. Gola, ]. H enry, M. Golden, E. Fl ynn, R. Bedesem. Second row: ]. Mullahy, C. Curr an, T. Forsythe, J. Whinney, J. O'Neill,

W. Sommers. ]. Murray. Third row: McAfferty, Sandolfo, ]. Dienst, Brother George. Murphy, McNichol, R. Berg.


From left to right: G. E nd, D. Levin and C. Von Nell arrange fi ling cards and books at the charging desk, a very b usy place during most of the library da y. Miss Fielders conducting one of her classes in library sci~nce in which th e students learn the classification system and many other important facts connected with the library.

Above: Miss Fielders inaugurated the custom at La Salle for the library aides to have a Christma~ Party. This year was no exception and from the contented expres· sions, everyone had a good time. J. Leaming, G. Lansberg and ]. Springer rearrange books a nd periodicals in the new and ever popular brow<ting section of the library. Thi~ section os frequented by many students during swdy and after ~chool hours.

' Jmr open the doot of room 207, walk in and arc in a new world, creaLCd lor the most patt b} ;\I i~'> Fielder-.. oua librat ian. The woman\ lOll< h i, here: platH~. picture~ and colm [ul boo!... displa}'' abound. Behind the <,rene~ arc the endles~ job'> of ot dcring, 'electing and the hundred othct tal>k~ inc idem 10 <irculating books. \\'hen combined with teaching librar; ~<icncc and \Ct \'ing ~tudem~· book need,, it is e' ident that on I)' tominued and pen;e, <.•t ing wm \... man) lwur' '>pent in the e\cnings and holidayl>. plus wholeheaa ted de\'otion Lo La ')aile, <ould h~I\C ac:h icvNI th i~ tremendous \II< ress. f he dmy of the l.ibraq . \id e~ i' to be ol geneaal a~i,wnc.e in the libtaq in ,uch mat)'Oll

tcrs a~ rctut ning boob to the -.hd'~'>. taking charge of tht· inl01m.nion dnl.... tegt'>lt't i.ltg hoot..., to he ta\..en ltom the lilnal\. l...cq>ing lihtat\ material in otdet, and a11anging the ltcqucm dil>pla\'>. The aide, opetatt' a ... a dub ''llh Catl \on Nel l, prc~icknt , Joint L.eaming, 'icc-prc-.uknt and Faedcti<l... O.,ptingt•t. 't'<tllan lluough the eflott' o[ the libtallan, ~r.,, Fieldct,, and the aide~. much nc\\' matnial Ita, bt'Cll added to the libt at\ in the lotnt of 1.000 lll'\1 hoot..., ,intt la~t }t'at, 250 \im<· .'-!cptemht·t, and ne\1' paint ing, and de<mation' to inqlltl\(' tht appcatance of the libtaq 41

Anyone dropping an at th<' .tclivttiei dav would u'uall)· '"~' rhe <' two. Edrtor-in· Chief Bart Brook.. ;md A\wciate Editor Gerry Kennedy who\e ~ealous dnd unurmg effon~ wert> in large mea,ure rt>\J>On,ible for the suc11.._-:e_s_> of the >·earboo~.

194') Bl tJE Al"O GOLD STAFF ll:m Brt>oks . . • • . • Editor-in-Chief GeraiJ KennN)' •• , • • . . • • . . • . Assistant Editor John Murr.l)'•, . , .Senior Editor John Pt>lls . , . . • , • • , .• • •• •. Activitie:. J¥itor )t>,<'Jlh O'N4."ill, l.oui• l>il'~olo .•..• • , . .. SportS Editors James l\hllon .,,.. • ••.• . . Busines, Manager Gco~g,• Moylan , • , • • .• , ••••••. Photogro~phy Editor Stall Willi.tm lock:trd, William Gurdon, John Famigleni. Don· nld Sh:trp, Jo,t•ph De,·lin, John Flan.tg<~n. francis Brana· j!.tn. Jnx·ph Frid<C'r. Juseph L.tppin, Marion Zare.nkie,.;..,, 'X' illiam l an~, 'fhom.h Timmins, Alan Rowe. Rud"rr'~ Rnb"ns, fid,.,ttd Bentier, Thomas Carr, Francis M,N.tlly.

Leh: the succe<s o( the ~die of any yearbook is essential. The Blue aud Gold wa~ abl y broadc<!sted throughout the school by James Mallon's 6ne ~taff of Bill Gordon, Don Sharp, Jo~eph Devlin, William Lockhard and John

Ri~ht: a yearbook is kno,. n by its seniors and here ;, the group that made them known. The 6ne writings of Jo hn Murray, Joseph Fricker, Frank Branagan, Joseph Lappin, Alan Rowe, and Joh n f lanagan help make the '49 Senior Class the top attr.tction of the 81•••• at1t/ Gold.

Lt 'ialh: ha ... he<omc ~\llOil\IIIO I I\ tllt etcn t ~ca1 ~ 'dth f111c \Carlmol..\. In ;u1 ellott to duplicate the knt-. ol pre' iotl\ H'at!> the ~tall thi, H~ ar w <h '><: 1 up cath wi 1h B<lll B rook~ a' cditot and Ge1ald KcruK·<h "' a ...... o< iate <:dit01. In addrtion to gen · \'t,d.,upcl\i,,on ol all \\()11.; th('h.tJC panirulath H:,ponl>ibll' lot tlw tk,elopnH.' Ill ol tltt lht:mc ()l the ~earhool.. tluoughout tht O\( t<tll plano[ till' lmol.. wiLit sl..ctt he~ and o1 iginal idl'a.... L'ndct tht·llt arc org;utitccl the variou ... dq>artnH.'Hls: 1he 'cnio• -;tall, '' ilh editOJ John \ltll t.l ) ha .. the ...enior wlit<:up'> a-. it.. duugc; the 'P<Hll> \tall . \\ilh Di Paolo and .Jo,eph 0"\eill a' tn-cditOl\, dc,oihc l.:t '!.tilt', •nan\ tt•am ....md "POl"

(' \ t:nh: dw <11 111 lilt' ' \l:tll , with ,lohn l'oth ,..., cd iLOI. cm<·t the.. opct.llion' ol 'du>ol dub, a nd o th <·t <·,ua<ulticulat •Hti\llt'l''; the hH'l· m·~~ ' t.tll , ltc••tk<l '" .J<tiiH'' \lallon n~<lrdinat<· ln •,i nt'" H·lation' :md all hn.IIH ial m p11•nw tion a! u ndclllll.. ll t);'· I he photo~t.tpht· t,, ht•.ulul In (,c01gc :\ l od<tll, :11 <: ol i1n .tluahlc •"'i'l<ll l<l' to tht· \OIIIIIH I" laking llw hundrctb ol pi<lliH'~ lo uncl 11 1 the \t'atbooJ.... l ite tntl,tit'ntinlh ami dfi<icnl \l ot i.. o f all 1lww depalt lll<'llb, clw< l ct l I>\ lht' ,u b·t·dilfll,, edilnt' :utd til<.' ntmkt.llot j, 'ita I w ;u hit•\ ing an ollbt.1 n cl111g a nd rcpt nt•n ta ti H: 1!11!1 1\hu· and (.old.

Mr. Guinther, Wisterian moderator, discu~sing plans with Charles Da y and James S:tn7are, senior members of the live-man editorial board which provided the guiding force for all the paper's covf'rage.

R. Beren~. W. Burns, C. Day, W. Quaintance and J. San73re, associate cdito:"l>, checking page layouts and assignments, rushing to beat the deadline for a coming i~sue of thl' Wisrerian. To thi~ group must be given much of the praiw which is sound"d after each succcs.~ful edition of the "Wis".

At the top: E. McGlynn. D. Keiser, C. Day, g•vmg oul copies of the Wis in front of the pa~r's office on the third floor. Below. from the left: J. M ahoney. E. Me· ·Glynn, D. Keiser, J. Branigan, and P. M orris preparin~t mate rial for the coming issue of the Wi~terian. Below: Members of the WistC'rian Staff check over the l:ucst edilio'"\ of the "Wis." The staff maintains an ex· change of school papers in order to corupare the "Wis''

with other publications. Below: Leopold Schmidt .md George Forde. W i, photo· graphers, developing n<'g.uive~ a nd preparing to u~c 'ome of the fine outlay of equi pment e\·idcnt in this shot of the photography room. A bove: W isterian member' J!>!>embling copies of the pap<'r preparatory to sendin~t them to the many schoo ls and~ndividuals who treasure a copy of our school pa pe r.

The a II -i 111ponant \Vi ~tcrian i1> undet the moderato• ,hip ol ~ I r . .John Gunther. 'ophomorc 1.-.ngJi.,h imllll ( tor, and in pla<c of a ,ing lc ediwt . all in fotmet )ear:., i~ headed h ) a n cdiwtial board contpo1>cd of William Hum.,, R a ) mond Berens. \Villi am Quaintance . .Jame, Santarc and Chatles Da ~. The pt c paration and pub I i'>h inK of the papc t i, accompli,hed h ) the loordinated <'lfort of these ri ve editors in the following fa-,hion. The pap('t i' muall ~ a fout · page alfait and the fitst page . de ,oted to the news and gcnetal <m e rag<' of sdwol e vcnb. is edited h) William Butn~. rite outla) of the ~ccond or editori:~l page h 'upe l\·i~ed joint!~ h\ Da) and Quainta n< c a nd cotHaim editorial!> <tnd 'iuch <oltnnn' a' the " Limelight" and " Farult) Footnotes." The thitd

page, dt.• \ot cd tn 'pot h. " ht•;t~kt l b~ lktem, \\'hilc th<' lout th o t lt·ilttne pagt· j, the< h.uge ol .Ja mc.'> Sa nta I(:. I ht.· lauct (Mgt• i" <Judt.·, 'll< h attide' a' the " l·. , p<Nng E'pl11tct" aiHI the "Cia~s Spotlig lu." · T he gene t a I p t<><t'dtnc lor eat h i'>~U<' i' fn,t to h a ' e Llw cdiwt iii I hmud ntct•t to d<·<uk the cl aw o f th t• n e' l i"u<. u,u,tlh mat th<' t'IHI of the month . •\:,~ igntn t· n h an: thl'll gi,cn b, page editors, to be hiiC' I p10ol1cad and 'cnt to the p1 inlet. Calle' pmoh 'etH hom the printe1 a re pa1>ted into the d u mnt~ wp) and '>Cnt hat 1.: f01 lin<d printing. In addition 1o th<' wot l.. of the editOI' and Lh<:it '> ta ll\. out,ta nding \Ct' ict• is H·ndet ed h' Leopold ')< hmid. t he plwtogt .tphcl. a nd .Ja mt'' ,\ lahom '· tcspon,ihlt• lot the fmc cartoom a(( om pam ing r·ach '''lit. 45

.\lle t ottc.:· wee!.. absenc.:e from school. due to the now fan1ou~ uanspOltation ~tr ike, the Clalis o( '·19 a~~embled at the ba llr oom of the H o te l \Varwi<.k for their Senior Prom. The orche~tra, Budd) \\'illiams' plaH:d lor ns and llladc the e \'Cn ing most cnjo~ able. I I igh lighted by "Tiny" S tanley. the ~how w;h pc·tlcn. Bclorc we ku<.·w it. it was one o\lock and "Good Nigln. SweeLhcat t '' wa1> played and the dantc.wa~ at an cud. Oll to the panics. and the n home with the thouglll~ that remained ol a most C ttj O)H I~lc e\Cll ing. Under the otpable direction ot Broth c t G. fhomas and out ~tude ut com111ittcc me mbe r:-.,


the pro111 was pcrfcn with wondet ful favors f01 our girl frie uds. con tinuous musi<. the way we like to dance LO, pleasant and stimu lating com· pan y and friend s all around us. were glad to see our senior homeroom tead1ers and the Brotltet s present to he I p make our even in!{ me morable. Flashbulbs popped eve t') where, the mu11ic grew be tte r a:. the e"ening ad\'anced, and we were prowl that we were La Salle seniors iu l> llC'h a scuing, showing off' "our one anCf on I)·· before al l our classmates and friend . "She" liked il as muc h as we did, and Lhal jusl about Lells )Ott what a pe rfect all'air it was. Too bad it won't. come again.

Through the organized coopcr;ation of the committee; J. O 'Donnel, W. Haverdansky, J. Murray, F. Aiken, J. Sullivan, J. O ' Neill. C. Del M arco, J. Adams, B. Brooks, J. Fricker, J. Morrison , J. Mallon, J. Murphy, and F. Cannon and under the expert moderatorship of Brother Cassian, the Junior P1·om of the clas.; of '49 was one of the big social 6ucccsses of the season.



A larger view or the prom floor with many or the 'tudcnt• d.tn<"in~ in rlw £oreJ:round .>nd Huddy Williams's orcht>stra in the background. Mnny 'uch 'Cl'Ot'' prew111ed thl'nhelv"s during the evenin~t and te\tified to the decor and "noothn<'s~ of the• e•nire JtfJir.

H. O'Neill and G. Moylan with their dates, Mary Lou Belt and Peggy O'Neill, dancing to the sweet strains o( Buddy Williams' orchestra. Lee Palo and Dick Bedesem with their girl friends relaxing in the lobby during the intermission at the Senior


Prom discussing the events of the evening. Bottom: Buddy Williams and his orchestra give out with the sweet strain that made our senior prom such a huge success. Hottinger and Murray may be seen in the fore路 ground.

This glimpse of the North Catholic football rally shows the band in the foreground and th(' cheering and applauding student body in the background.

With the ch('Crs and cnthusia\m tlf the ~tudent body and th(' musical support of the band. the football received a rousing sendoff before the North game to show that the school was solidly behind them.

llw a"emhh JHogtam' at 1 .•1 "'aile at<' ma11T anti 'at ied and a1 e cl<·"gm·d to ptm ide t'tllt'l taiiiiii CIII and ccltl<ation lo1 tht 'llui<-m hod\ I he a"cmblic~ oltcn lt'atiiH' tht· hand. "mpholl\ c>l< h <.'~tra. dwral gnll iJ h 01 the 'wing hand. I he g i\ ing ol ,·a rsit~ a11d jtllliOI \ill!>i l' lettCI.' in '!JO it 1> and in tran1111 a ~ "" ;11 <b. pH·,entat io11' ol tl:c dramatio d11l> 01 otht•t 'clwol orga11i1ation,, the annual mag;vine dtl\l', lllo\ it·'· 01 an out ,ide 'l'l'a\..ct or perlo1111t 1 P' m idt othn a~'emhl~ mall'! ial. \\ "hatCH'! tht' ·'"l'llthh 111<1\ he. the Jllogram ihelf i., an intq!,l,tl pall ol ' mn 'thool lite and o11c that i\ t'lljmnl .111d .tpptt·oatcd ll\ tftt• :o.tlldCIIL\ on thl :tH'I<Ig<' ol Ollie a wee\...

Th e Glee Club sinr.s "Th(' Ni11h1 Before Christmas" at a bpccial assembly held before the Christmas holiday~. These boy~. under thl' l'~f)('rt dirC"ction of Brother Fabaan Jo~cph, capti,•ated the audien~e.

Jo hn Troutman. chairman of the music 1''-ecutive com· mince, accepted a Knights of Columbu\ trophy. won in the annual band contest, from Mr. Cairns of the Knights of Columbus which spon ~orl'd the affair.


Opl't attng l01 tlw 'l'totHI '<'at undct the name ol tin· "(ape and O.,wotd", the Dtantati<~ Club t'nlowd a l11ghh 'll«l'''lul ~ea,ott. U ndc t Bmth<:t O.,tt·phrn' ntoclt•tatot,hip and 1\It. D'.\ngclo':, dill'< ting. tiH' mg<utilatton produtcd a one-au pia' " I ht Cetllll' ol C.ht·" .. : a tlu cc-act come<h. Room O.,tl\i<l···: and the O.,cniot Pia\. Chatlc' 1><1\. c lu h ptt·,idt•n t. .tnd b I wan I Kern ier, ,·iccJlll''tdt•nt. 1 apahh dill·< ll'd the aui' itic~ of the ;HLOt' and H:dtnitian., H:.,pc~ti\cl~. Club mcmh<·t, chmt· tit<' pia'' to ht: ptc,cnt~·d and de~igncd and l'\.l'<lltnl lh<· '>('tting' lot all the 'how... In · c ltttkd 111 th<· <luh HJ'>Il't ate Pete Fin lc). John l'oll ~. Joint l.t'.tttl in g. ()a\l' R eed. I Oil) Bidd lc, lolnt J..na11 , Bob Boi'>O\Ct .. \dolph \ 'an Thtt) llt'. Rod ~ obt•tl\, lk1nha td Ft c itag. John i\lurph ). ht•d ~~In<·~. Danil'l Kt•t 1 i'"-· Bill i\lcCa!ircy and llil and \\'a th. I heM· mcmhcr... i11 addition w p1micling nt.nl\ ltout' of Clttcna inmc nt lot a ll , h:tH' Jell a I('Wtd it ~d tamatit'> of which La Sal le < i tll bt• jmth ptoucl.

Ftom l~rt to rt~otht: C. D.1y. P. Finley, R. Roberts and R. McCalfr~y in one or th~ hil:~rious scenes from " Room S~rvic~" in which Finley fe igns illness to deceive the un~uspectin~ hotel inve>U~ator. While R.


looks on in di>belier. C. Day enconver.,ation with J. Saylors and they di~cus~ plans for puttin~ on their play despite serious ob.,tacles. g.Jg~~ 111 \~riou\

A tr.l ..ll turn or ~V('llt> hroujO!ht te.lrs to players' eyes .111d lauj.~ht('r to tlu- .lltdicnce in " Room Service". Le ft

to ri~eht: Wntt~, P yle, Day, Miss Curtis, McCaffrey, Roberts.

I 111: I \ \ LR'\ On thl· nighb ol ~ l atdt li. IX .•end 1111 .a ..,;elk llegh ')dwol' "(.ape and \\\'otd ' l''l:''cntl'd tlw 1!11!1 ~eni01 l'la\ , ... , he I a'<'tn" '" (. t:mw: \I. Coh.111. I hc: dtligt·nt and lllllttntg clint'' ol the''>< tt'l\ \ tlll'lltht" .111<1 lito'( ol tht.· g11 [, II um Littlt- Howl'! lllgh \chool who aho pilltHipatt·d in tlw pia\ \\Til' tl'Watdnl II\ thtt•t· -.plclldid and ''l'l I ll't t·iH·d pctlotntatH c,. I' he pt C[l.lt.t tion ol tlw ' l l and thl' (;\.<t·llt•tll ,ound l'lk< t\. t•ntplmc:d in dH ,,t•nc. that of .111 t·ighutnth « ntun t,l\l'i 11 on a "ild .11ul ~tot Ill\ night Wl'lt.' tht tl'\lllc cJI tlw \\Otl.. ol tht ,utgt < tt''' and tht dramatit-. •uodt•tatot, Btothc.·t ..,lt.plwn. llw highh ,u<cc.·"ful natutc ol the ptt•,t·nunion '"" " feui11g < litlla\. to the: .;ca,on' \\1111.. of tht dtH'dot, \11. \ndH a d' \ngdu and llw t'lltll·c mt·m hchhtp ol the dtantatH' duh

, Before the quaint bill impres«I\'C 'cenery o( ''The Tavern'', the maJOrity or the ('Q~I take a final bo-... Left to ri)1ht in front: John Leaminjo1, Nancy O'Neill, I rene Maguire, Peter Finley. Roben Boho' t>r, Charle~ Oay. John Carney. Edward Bernier. Bern 1 rertajt. and Jo h n Pott<. O n the stair\: James Adams. Ed M cGlynn, and Bernard Brown. member~

This was the m g h t o f the big storm a nd people arrived .11 the Tavern under e very kind o f conditio n. One of the ht>roines m:~kes her appeara nce in the a nns o f the .lg<'d owner o f the Tavern, C. Day. Others include R . lloho ver, P. rinl cy and the girl. Ire ne M a~:uire.

The Vagabond. in the pe rson of R. Bolsover, holds the center o f attention o f everyone on the stage as he addresses the ca~t in one of his poetical utterances. l. 10 r.: ]. Potts, N . O ' Neill, J. l earning, P. Finley, I. Maguire, J. Carney, R. Bolsovcr, C. Day, E. Grudu, E. lkrnic r .md J. Adam~.

I IH. I \\ ' I:.R;\, II\ <.I OR(. I \ I. C.O II \:'\ I" o dlH e d II\ " I he Cape an d S\\'ol d " o llh<' l .a "tal k <.ollcg<' ll igh "t1hool

I a\ ern Kcq>ct ... . . . ............. C hat I<.:~ Da ) II itcd ,\ I a n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... J ohn Ca t ne) \ ag aho nd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R obert Bo l, o\ e t l he \\'o nw n ............... h..a th lecn Blewett Eve lyn Crudpa I he (.m t·tn w . ...•. .. ... .. jo hn Lt·a ming <.m ctnot \ \\'i{c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i'\ an <.) ()' 1\: c i II ~ l a q Gallag her C m c ttl<ll \ l)a ug htc t ......... . . ... . Maq Ford C c t a ldinc Curti I he F iatt<t' . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . .. J o hn Potts "'hc• ill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Be rn . Ft c itag Shcrifl's i\ l cn . .... . ... .... Ed. ~l c Gl y nn , .James , \dam,, Ber. Bt o wn

""''It'd II\ I he l. i ll lt• F lcm t· t <.athol it I l ig lt :-,< hool lot {; it l, \I t \ mit ca I>' \ ngl'lo. l>itc< lot ll toiiH:t L. "til pht: n . ~ l odt• t.ttiJr I Ill· ( . \ ) I I a\t·tn h. <'<')l('t \ ."'on ..... . ...... . Pe te r Finle) lltt <'d Gill . . . . . . . . . . Il ene ~ l agu i rc


A highlight of " The Tavern" for which many p eople traveled miles to see is depicted here . J. Adams, five feet, four inches, carries out J. Pons. six feet, two inch es al1d at least 40 pounds heavier. Adams ~ays : "After tbe Catholic league football season, I'm read y to tackle anything."

Here i~ the group which under the ,up erv•s•on of Brother Stephen manufactured th£ wonderfu l set u~ed in the Senior Pla y. Late hour~ and h ard effort' are a commonplace with this group o f in geni ous jacks-of-allt rad eJ, including m:~king rometh i ng good out o f almost nothing.


\ttc ndarll .................. Edward Bt'rnier CRED ITS 'itage ~ t an age r . . . . . . . . bl ward Ber nier PH>pertiC!> ......... John 1-..narr, j\lalat h ) ~ l ag ill Lighting ..................... :\ . \'on Tlttl\ll t 'lound . . . . . .. ... .......... \ . Biddle. J. 'l;n e r <.una in ........... . .. . . . . . . . . . . J. j\(111 ph ' Wardrobe ......... . ...... . ....... \\'. Pcuaitis Xlake-up ............. .. ...... 1\ll .. \ . o· \ngd o l cdmital a<hi< c .......... Mr. R . DiLaur crHi, ,\tt W()l k ... . ........ T . R egan <~nd .J. i\ lahonC) Bu,inc" -.tall ......... . ...... James ~ l allon

'l\) \ 1\1 \R\

On a wild a nd ,tor Ill) night llrt·tc aiiiH'' at a lo n e !\ HI\ e rn a mnu1111 i< 'agahond, a homeless woma n. an d tht Gmernm ol till' 'tat<. and hr, fa mil ). who haH· been ht·ld up ll\ lootpath at a ne ighboring crm,toad ~. "ir r ~pirion dc \ CIOJ" a~ tn the id t· n t it\ of t·arh ol tlw thantttl'h in tlllll. To t he ' agabon d i 1 '' dclruou'h I ike a dr atua. a nd h e d e lig lw, in dir ecting the la!lliliar that.ttlct:. in thl'ir pat b. Fi nal!\ lht kct:pu ol a twighhm ing ~arr i tor i rr rn t.tl..e:, <ella in ol I he <har ant•t' hack home, an d the cau,t• ol the hummou~ mi'ups j, m:tde c le:n .


\gain thi\ \t:al the

~ l othe1\

Club p1o,ed it-

'clf om• ol tiH.• lllml \aluablc ol the organ intion~

whith '"'i't l.a O.,allt·. B1othe1 Rohe11, the modcratol, guidt•d tlti, dt·\ otcd and tea lou:. group th10ugh a '>Un<:"lul H:al while the able offileh and lllt'lllhcn. ol the dub planned and carried the long li'>L ol ani' itic ... I he ~ f othct \ Club '>pono.,orcd a mammoth und pan). ;1 la,hioll ~how. a delightfu l Cht istnla~ Pall), and o tganited the highl) succcsslul L a Sa ll e night. O ne.; ol the set' i cc~ the Mother·~ C:lub pctlottned. wh ich "''" great!> apprct iatcd 1)\ l.a Salk ~lildt·tll,. wa .. LIH· puH ha~e of a '>Olllld

Top picture: Part of the huge crowd which attended the giant Mothers' Club Card Party and La Salle Night playing bingo in the Cafeteria. Left: A few of the committeewomen for lhe Mothers' Club Card Party examining some of the beautiful prizes which were dbtributed to the lucky winners. T he This men tion,

M others' Club Christmas party was a gala affair. was partly due to the talented singing of the Freshchoral g roup and the beautiful Christmas decoraall adding to a cheerful alfair .

Some of the mothers :~dmire the beautiful prizes displayed at the chance boot h on the occasion of the Mot h er'~ ,1nnual affair, La S~ lle Night.

ptojeuor 101 li\C in 'i~ual cclucat ion. ~lomhly genera l meetings and bi-wcckl) planning group~ kept the memhct~ bw.) in theit 'at icd undcttaking'>. l .a Salle i, ble~<,cd to have smh a spirited group working lor the w<'llare of tht.· ~tudelll' and the .,< hool.

CU' B OFFICI·. RS FOR 1918-l!ll!l P• c,idenl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. l\lh. .Jame. . Hen•) \' i«:· P• c~ident . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ I h. \\'. Deiter J I {'U\UrCr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~( t '· C. ~lOIJt.'t R crord i ng ~l'< rcta q . . ... . . . l\ lr~. I' . Branagan Cott c'poll(l in~~ Sco CUll' . . . . ;\It'· I I. l'ow,cn .\lb. J. O'B• ie11 Con·c,ponding "{'< 1 ctat'


One of the features of the La Salle Night wns the variety of activities for all. Above the younger set usc the auditorium for one of their favorite pastimes. The snowm:m in the foreground and the talented choral singers in the background help give the Mothers' Club Christmas party the gay spirit of the holiday season. This is a view of La Salle Night of last year sponsored by the Mothers' Club which included a d ance. card party and bingo games.

One of the members of the Mother's Club present a lucky ticket holder with one of the door prize corsages.

'I I I I



<H L. \ 'i. \LI.F.

0111 latllt·h· < lub. llw ~ll-11 ol La ~aile. ·~ an a< llH' and \It'll 1-.nown n~ganitation olthe ~chool. I ht <hid JHII po,t.· ol tht· <lub i:. LO lend a he lpinghand to wo1th\ '>llldcnb who. lin ougll finam ial dill1tllltic,, al(' unab le to wmin uc their ~ludic~ at l .a Sa lk·. I hl' o1ganitatio11 llol<h 111o11thl) meet ings at whit h lnhillt''' lll:tll<' l ~ an: dil>cussed and plan <, alt' ma<k lcH <1<11\"il it·., to be h eld in the lulli\ C. ' I o lll:tkt• tht'\(' llll't'lillg'> llHIIC illlCIC\lillg. CIILCI· tallllllt' lll i, flH''<'Illl'd. \n10ng cn tena inch a 1c· 111agi< Iilii\ tlw I 1i'll \matelll'>. and others. RcIH·,hml'llh <II <' ll'>llalh 'l'l \t'd to tompletc the t ' \C' II j II ~.

At one of their enjoyable gct-togethers, the men who form the Path<'r~· Club pause for the photographer. Expression\ prove the contention that everyone enjoys him<elf at rhe monthly meeti ngs and the results and plans made at thC\e gatherings give the students at La Salle a f ull er q•·hool life. £ntramural prizes and o utings are \pomored by tlw Farh<'r> for the boys.

The Pathers' ('Jub, or with their more o fficial title, M en of La Salle, thl're is always the word "activity". Whil e at the left ,, few of 1he men listen to a talker at one of their monthly meetings, the g roup at the right were

handling the details o f the huge drawing run off ar the midyear. Thursday evening, once a month, is Fathe rs' Night and the men take over to complete their plans, introduce new members and have an enjoyable time.

I n tat~t· lutHb lot llu dub. dta\\ in~-, on a Dodge ;wtomobilt• and ltlt'\ i-,ion '>t:l \\'Cr<: held. l'hl· 1\ lcn of l .a .,all(• al"1 ptc.,cntcd an hi-,h ~I imlld .,how in ,\latdl, ,111d laLt·t in the \Cat, thq lwld the " ,\tlllltal FaliH:h' c.tub Pitnic ... F.\ 1111-.R .'i Cll i B OH·ICI·. R!) l't rsid t· nt ................ ,\lt . Jamc~ Dri.,roll Vitc·Pt t•.,id<'tll ..... . .. :'\lt. Jamc~ ;>.lotto l't <:ihll t tt . . . . .



Cottt''>(>Cmding St•t tctat' Rt·cmding "'<'<l<'l:tl\


,\ lt. hlward (,aneh \it. \\'illiam .,hat pc ,\lt . hlwanl i':t•\ill.,

Below: Every year the Fathers' Club holds its gala cele. bration and drawing. There are prizes and refreshments for all and everyone joins in the fun. Here chanceboolu and ti ckets returns arc checked by Father Club officials. Above: Brother E. Joseph. popular moderator of the Men of L:t Salle for several years.

The Bonrd of Directors for the Men of La Salle sit for their :tnnual photograph. Top row, left to right: F. Trainer, L. Schweitzer, J. Keck, J. Cannon, J. Convey, C. Ehman, R. Kaelin. Second row: F. Speiser, P. J.

M cPa rland , S. Gorman. J. Branagan, E. Nevins, I. Murray. Third row, M~atcd: J. Finley, G. Forde, N. Watts, J. Morro, H . De Luca. T. Truman. l


at La Sallt' are necessary and important for the develop-

ment of the bod) and the forming of true sportsman-like character and leadership. La Salle':. motto. "A sound mind in a sound body," m


clt>atly ext-mplified by the outstanding achievements

co~petition .

The varsity teams are known for their ability to

overc01h e obstacle~ and win championships; th e intramurals provide a place nnd opportunity for everyone to play.

Tom Chcc:chia led the hoop''e" to a <u.::cessful season.

Dick Bedesem unanimous choice Cor All-Catholic back, co-captained the football team.

Joe Whinoey. second team All-Catholic selection was a rough and ready lineman and captain.

Bart Brooks and Dick Clanq co-captained the Catholic Championship swimming squad.

Joe Fricker, defending Cath· olic League quarter mile champion, headed a promis· ing track team. ___.


Top: Brother Daniel Bernian, moder.Hor, .1nd Mr. Bernard Bradley, head coach, have coo~r· ated to produce our football teams for several yea~. Below: Coaches Gallagher, Harrigan .md McGinley, the ones responsible Cor the out!ot;~nd· ing record compiled by the j.V. football tNm. re:.t in the Faculty Room between da<S(',. ___.


Lt '-,alk men can he jthtl) proud of thcit hnc .tthletit otganinllion Btolhct E. Ftanci,, the \thlt·w DitetLUt. h:h ptm ided lot an e:-.:u:n~ino ptogtant uf intn~dtola~tk ami intennlllal pat II( tpatioll i11 a 'attCl~ ol 'J>Oll\. Out ho~' de· \C:Iop it ,kill h\ klCI1 (lllll)>C:lilion I(.'O.,IIIting rmm

Brother Dacian John, thl' man rl?l>ponsiblc for rhc ~uc­ cess enjoyed by the indoor and outdoor track and cro~s country team,.

crew saw hi~ city and nntional

' Top: h ·~ through the uncN,ing efforts of Broth('r E. Francis, our Athletic Director, that La Salle athletes receive the finest co.tching and the best equ1pment possihlt>. Below: Brother f. Jo,eph and Mr. Charll's "Obic" O'Brien are rc,pon,ible for the top-notch ba~kctball teams produced nt La Salk

<:udulh planrwd and balarHccl '>du:duJc.:,. l'he 'U((l'" ol the team, ;, dut lo the in,llunion t<.: lt'iH•d lmm the IIIIC'>I pm'>lhlc lO;I(ht''> ami tlu:. h;u J..:iug ol th,• entill l ;u ult~ and 'tudclll hiJd\ at all riml',,

Brother Bernard's intramural program provides athletic• for those who didn't make th(' school teams.

Brother Adrian and Mr. DeAngelis. moderator .md coach. It was through their effon<~ the \Wio,nH'r~ 'achieved •ucccs•.


1948 FOOTBALL SCHEDULE South Catholic 6 La S.JIIe St. Joseph .... 0 La Salle St. Thomas Mort> 6 La Salle Non h Catholic 27 La Salle St. James . . . . . . La Salle 13 West Catholic . . . 20 La Salle Roman Catholic ..• La Salle .......... 13 Lot Salle Sr. John 0 lost: 4 ••






.. .






......... .. 38 19 ........... 0







........... •••


•• •••



6 6

19 24

Ad.un.\ (21) .1nd '\XIhinney (26) c:onnrjtt> "''"" Day of Rorn.1n after an c:>ight y.1rd J:.lin.

PdiO ( 18) eludl'' St. 'l'lwmns Mon· he:1d) for the t•nu tom 1md <ix points.

Bottom row. l!!ft to right: S. Palo, R. Snyder. H. Duke, L. Pijanowskt, E. Logue, J. Rosney, J. Whinney, R . Bedesem, M. Zarenkiewicz, V. Wojtak, E. Flynn, J. Stephenson, and l. Palo. Middle row: C. Currnn, M. Stapleton, J. Freeman, J. Rankin, W. H averdansky, T .

McGowan. H. Ortman, R. Berg. P. Maloney, C. Murphy, and J. Adams. Top row: C. Mohr, J. Sullivan. D. Pileggi. A. Augustcdcr, J. Henry. L. French, W. Sheehan, M. Golden and Coach B. Br:~dlcy.

I \ s \I I I U \01 Til C\ I HOIIC i In tlu: opt•umg !(.llllt' of the )Cal. I .1 ')aile·, loo1b:tll lt'allt >ttflc•tc•d a i' -H ddc:>t at the hand, nf l>outh <:acholic. I he g;nnt. pl;l\cd at 12th ;md Riglc• '>tteet,, lutncd om 111 he a good liue hall It I he' -wod -<>lid agai11'1 the ""'"'hill~ h.1d,, amlunl\ 011 lew ntta'wll' \\ele tht• h:HI..s thlc '" g.ttll \illd:t:;t lu 1he fi,,, pt•timl llitl.. 1\cdncrn lilll'd !t.i '""'' lor a lllllthdo\\11 h111 11 wa< llttl liltcd by ,, clippiug pt·ll.litl flu o11h '<ott• i11 the g:111W H''ttlled ltom .t llt.tllll.llt In \ltllllllll I'·''' I Itt' pl.l\ <mt'H'II hit\· I hH·t• \a tel'

\\'i,mall 'uu cd again ,ul(l iL wa, II () at the haiL 'iotlh go1 2 tmt< hdo11 m in I he la•t half "' their lwav~ line ott!< ha•·gc·cl L:c Sa lle.

1 \ \\I I I· :IX I'RI I' 0 I ,, '-alit \ '"IIi ng pmH't bt ol..t· lotN' a' t hc1 ''·""pled met !Itt l'tq• 1n 1he ltlllt' of :1xn lht· hig .Ill' 10 thi' 111111 "·'' llitl.. Jlnlt"l'llt. lit '<OH'tl 1111 .t 11111 ol ii \;ntl, lll 1111 ftt,l J'<"lill(l .11111 011 IIIII' ol :!H ;11ul 3:1 \al<l'. H e al"' '''"t•d 011 a nut· 1<11<1 d:"lt. '-:tl l'alu autl llill 11 :11<'1'· cla11'k' lnu,lll'd lhc 'lotio~-; lu1 tht• tl.l\ catl1 1drlt a ww tulm• 11. Iogue: \\ 11111111'1 .nul l'ikg"t hdpcd the had,, IIIII \liltf

\I. I 110\1 \\ :>IO IU li I .t \alft-', H'am .(Ill tt't'll i111<1 t'al II 111111hlt· 1111 th e upt·tttttg l..ul..nll I huma< \lmt· H'tO\CICd ,t lt1111hlc . tllcl 'll"t·cl 111 Ioiii pl."'· On tht Ill''' l..i<kutl I .t '>.tile 111'111 do11tt till' helcl In 'tun· iu 111111. IIC'tlc'-<'111 1,111 'i'


''•"'' 10 c 11111.1' thi' il-l 1.11cl matt h. IIH' l.iulc J~ 'plc11c" ''"tc·cl 11111 lllcttc• tllltthclnlltl' ltl 1d11 mct :c h:ud lighting ,111d ncH·t 11 hippccl '>1 I hwn;l' tc;ttll


I \ '\I I I U '\OR I H (.\II lOll( '2i \\ ilh hupt'' nl g-<ll11tttg a tic lo1 W('(llld place• .111£1 a dt,IIIH' In IIIII the lith- I ,I 'i:tJic \t'lllltlt'cl fnllh Ill 'ihibe 1',111.. 10 l.tt< 'Cllth ('.uholic. \111'1 tc'<t'i1ing- lite l..icl..ntl 1 he I 'plucc·t' 'l.utnl 11111 Iil..c· a huu'c .cl11 c :mel 111111 c·d 11 p lht held rolltc· "-.onh :!U. It er<· '111th ht<HCcl .111cl h<'hl nn clo11 n,. \\ 1th ccpt;tl clc'tCn11ina 1im1 'orth nw~e·cl up Iell ,1 lll111llll<m n .nttl 11,1, ill cmnplc•tc' <Vnllol aftc•t I hi,.

"o I . J \ \IES 6 I \ :,.\I I l () In ;c g;cnw at ( ht''l<'t, \1. ):um·, pulled an IIJ''<'I b1 dcfco:ctittg 1.1 '>:clle liO. lh c gan~t· 11:1' ma1 1cd hv con 1in111111' ltt1nhli 11).; l11 both sick~. 1\1 the end of the ltrH half 11 i1h 1\cdc,cm a11cl 'Ia I Pal11 cluing 1110'1 ol 1he runnin~ I ,1 '-.tllc mmccl til 1lw '>t. J.ull t"> '26 \;ttd liut•. I he ,~, J;unt•, h11c hcltl .mel 1he l)('tind cmkd .cftet lhtce imompktt•tl l"'''e' into the end JUIIC. \ftet lhl' inter mi"iou '>t . Jautt'' gol .1 hrcal.. 011 a poor punt to the La \:cllc II ""cl line anti 'cored in H pia". La 'iallt• tottldn't get 111mtng .tml \t. J.tntc' cmet).\<'cl "' the 11cll tk'\e11ing \ i<IUI.

I \ '>\I I I· I!I 111 11 itllllll).; thci1 lltitd g:tctll' ol I he \C:t,\111 .c~-:ain't Rmnau. I a \aile l1atl 10 AO 11 1he Ia<! thitll ~etonth ltom IJU<IIIctl~o~tl.. Otttuau 10 t•ml \[c(,o\\;tll pulkd the l·,plott'h ll'OIII the htinl.. or tlck:tl IO Mtddcn litton.

\ I"'''

I he gattH' " ''" hatcl toui;IH htll l.a ~a ile goL "hot" in 1hc lllt:tl quartet 111 ':tl<' the gamt•. Ruman \lOICd in the fcr,l pcti<KI hut I ~· '>,tilt• tied it up ;II i-i jm1 hetorc the '<'tuwl llll.tllc:t '1;111<'<1 l.t 'lallc \It'll! ahead at 1:1-i hut Rn11ta11 1.1lllc hat!.. 111 rht· la't pctiud 10 ga111 the lead 1 1- t:t lhct' 'c:lli11g " I' 1hc clran1atit t•mli n~o:. I \ "'I I I :! I " . I()I " . ., II I he I '('lotct·< htll,flt'tl 1hc '""'"n "ilh •• tmni11ti11g \lin met \1 J ohn',, I he ll illtoppl't' tould 1101 <ope \\ilh 1he largt•t l .a 'ial lc '<JII:td. (;(,lf('t'lillg a toudulo1111 a period Ia \aile had no IIIHthlc :11 all in "inntng ca,ih. llcde't'lll, l'.tln. Cuttall ;111d \dant' pitl..cd up lar:,:c c huul..' ot ,,u<lagc 111 g<:lltllg thr wut hd1m 11, \\ uh 1hi' \lin I,, '>.tile mall;tgt•d to <oplil t'ICII in an ci~-:lu g-ame 'C:t,un. lkat<:n In i\.011h, 'Iouth. \\'c,r and 'll. J amc~. the l.'pi1Her' dclcalt•d t . .Jilt'·,, '11. Thoma' \lotc, 'll. J ohn' .md Rom.m

Front row, left to right: Carey, Spenser, Matonis, Paco· roni, McHenry, Beck, Kelley, Harvey, M cDonald, Alter, Fullen, Sommers, Cain. Middle row: M r. H arrigan, conch, Kelley, Del Vecchio, S humacher, Gn lenk, Grani1o, M alloy, Graham, Regan, Kell y, DiAmico, Soomis, llack·

slie. Casey, Webb. manager, Mr. McGinley. as.~istnnt coach. Top row: Tagg. Bracken. Bauer. Wonhmgton. Lernbach, M cHugh, Curley, Rankin, Shield~. Cavanaugh, McAneny.

I a '>aile'• junim \ill<iil~ l uothall te<~nl l'lllkcl the -.c.•a,un I\It h .1 ll't 11111 n l I \1 eh c ''Ill' .11111 I mil ln"t''· I h(' H'.llll, toadlt'cl h) \! 1. JalliC~ ll a 111~;111 :uul 1111. I co ~ I< C:iult'\, ' hO\It'd a hue 'Pil it and ,, good deal ul t«>olwratiou iu mdt•l to achic·H· 1 hi' ' " (ll'"lul ' ca,ou. I ht• '<JIIad 1ullnl up 3~1 JtOint' tdulc• limi11ug the oppout·ut' to 1:13. I he I \ .\, "ho pl.11t·d nne ul tht· loll).:<''' "hcduk' iu 1ht ut}. 1\Crc 'Jl;lll..c•d h1 C:11 q. \l alonis , 1\.:ul..cn, .md ( ,t,t haut in th e hat·l..fH!hl ;mel b) \ld-lcu l\ , 'ipc•ucct, KC'I f1, Del \cccin, aud ll ai\CI 111 thl' liue. I he inill;d tun wa' .111 unptC'-'1\c :111 II 1 i<-tol\ 11\t'l '>n11u11 (, ratl. I he '>outh < .uholit l'il.tlt'' t•l..e<l out a 1:1 (j \lin o1 C1 t he f.ittk• I 'JllOicl' iu tht• \\'tuntl Willi'''

ol the '''"'"" '"' hl..1111-: ddt·.•• tht f .lllt't" tlwu 1\1111 lilt' ,tl:tll-(111 g.11111'' h1 hc·.ttlllf.; Olun :11111 llohhin' II i, C.t'llltal ~(I II. \ootth C.1thol11 ;!till .11111 Johtl fl.tlll,lll! :1:! U I n thl' \tlt·aJ... tht· IIIIJliHI;,nt f.tttOI \l:t' tht i-:1<';,1 pLtl of tht• lu111.11d """ l1.11duts; 111 ( ht·,tcl. tht· tt-.un lu't .t hc.ut htt.ll..t•t lf> tho '>t Jauw' ·'1-:~tcgatinu 111 the· "01 c of 7 li lu a 11'111111 g.nut.· l>ohhit" hamkd "' .c 'lll,l,ltiug ~1:1 7 dt•lcat . llw J;t\IC<'' thc·u heat '>muht•tu :!1 1:1. and '>l. lhoma' \lent• l!l-0, hc·lolt' IIIC<'IIIIf.; tlll'it lnutth a111l ltu;tl tlclcat ol ch' '<';'"'11 I hi' ""' to Olm·1 Ill th<· '((II(' II:! I ht'\ lllllll<ic:cl 11111 ,1 'l't' !tnt· 'l'·'"'li "' thumpill).; 'ntlht';t'l :,!:; li .lllcl Rn,ltCIIUIIgh :.!1 n. h\'101 C 111"111).; IIIII Rolll,lll (.,It I witt "; h

M atonis of the Jayvees ~op' for a second then heads into the open before rwo St. Thomas M o re defenders can head him off.

The Jayvee~ air offense wa' JU.'I a; f>('lll'nl "~ t~tr \'ICIOU• land assault. Evidence of tht~ IS a cro'' field pa.,., pia) which went for a long gain.

Pietured here are the member~ of the cross country team. From ldt to right: W. Drake, D. O'Connor, and W. Gordon. Standing: J. Fricker, E. Groody and J. Krimm.



rhc La Salle hanich pta<Li<cd long and hate! but lark of material tC'Iultcd in a poor ,ca~on. In the ~<: h edul ed tnC<.' h dtll ing the ~ea.,on La Sa lle won n o vioori c~. (n the Catholic Lcagtw Championships h eld on Nov. 12, La Salle tcanl. handi<apped b) the ab~cn<.c of .John Trainot. fini.,Itcd lasL in a field of .,e,cn. Fin ishing 31st in 1hc l('ague, O "Connot placed fit·~t ror the La Salle LCant. T he Catholic League te,ults ate a, lollm,.,: \\'c~l. North. ~l. .Jantc'l. St. Thoma~ ~ I OH'. Roman Catholit, Somh ancl l.a Salle.

10/ 8 10/ 15

IO/ l2 10/ 26 10/ 29 11/ 2 11 / 5 11/ 9 11 / 12

1948 CROSS COUNTRY RESULTS St. Thomas More L 34 South Catholic L 30 Roman Catholic w 22 Germantown High w 15 40 North Catholic . . . . L West Catholic L 40 31 St. James . . . . L Germantown . .... . . . . . w 15 7 th Place League Champion .. hip~ .. •

.... ... ... . . . . .. . •



.. ..

......... ..........



l5 33

40 15 IS

24 40


\I lt'l a good \t·a,on in I !I I H, I ht· 1:H q llt'lCt'i' look lwwarcl to an even bcucr re<ord in the rom1ng \Car. La\t \Car\ \quad. whi<h won ~i' matt he' ,,hilt <hopping ~C\(!ll. ha~ li\C \Cteran!) Jetu•n•n~. l heir H'<otcl in the lnt<'J~<holastic I.eagut· wa, good enough to merit thiHI platl' and tht'\ retairwd thei1 111\ thintl Catholit l .eague <tm\ 11 l .t'tll'r "lltttt:l'> DaH' Reed, .Joe.· ()':'\c::ill. led Rt:gan . .J. ~luna) a11d bl Bernier ;11c the tctutning lwldmcb lm11t last year's squad. l'ndct Rrothcr Daniel Bt·rnian\ ahle direction the't ho" hop<' to giH· La \aile a rhampionship

,quad . 1948 SCHEDULE Yi.itors St. Mtry\ (homt·) . . • . . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . 6 Central (home) ................. 5 Germantown (home) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I La Salle College (home) . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . 4 Germantown (home) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l Northeast Public (awat? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 St. Jo;eph'• Prep (away) . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . 2 Central (home) . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . 3 Northea~t Public (ilway) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 We;t Philadelphia (home) . . . . . . • . . • . . . 2 Penn Charter (away) ................ 5 Simon Gratz (home) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Weot Catholic (home) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0

l.S. 0 0 5 2 5 1

3 2 1

3 0 4 5

Thi.o ;, il pictur" ur ,.,., tennis S<JU:Od which has high hopes of bringing the fir~t championship in the Raquet Sport to La Salle. Doubles Team Reagen and Be rnier look over Rt>ed's shoulder ;a~ O'Neill and Murray look pleased


Brot her Daniel Berni:an s hows the schedule to O ' N eill a nd Reed. the first two s ingles players. Brother is :also moderator of the Football team and has his hands full in the Spring, when the two sports overlap.

with the schedule ror the coming year . These men are :~II returning veterans and around them, Brother 0. Bernian hopes to mold a winning team.

The 1949 Varsit y Bo wling Squad: right: N. Dempsey, R. O'Neill, J. P. Do rsey. and W. M aton is. Top Mullahy, C. Di S anto, F. Garber,

bottom row. left to Mull ahy (manager). row: J. Poserina, J. and J. Devlin. A I-

though their wm t'Oiumn was not overly impressive, the return o£ the ent irt> •quad promi~C> a highly succes,ful ~l'aso n next ye.or.

.\l'ter pnt< ti< ing lor l\\O ntorHh' at the 1'\ewcllaile\\. the \'ahit\ and JuniOI \ 'ahtl ) 'c1uad~ :.L<utcd tht:it league'< lwdult•, 1 he\ ahtl\ had liule ltu 1... '"the~ lmt lout ntt:t't'> helot<.: tht'\ pulled ottl a 'it lot~ m·e• St. ' I hotll<h ;\l01·e. lk leats b) Roman and N 0'1'th lollow('d until the La Salle bowie!\ Lool... the mca,tnt· ol Central. l'ht: elfon~ ol thi-. im·,pet ien<ed '' uad tnet it an o\'ation from tht• \tudt·nh ~in< e tht n1ti1t: t<.:am "ill 't:Ltttn nc'' \Cat. \\'ith tlw 'IIJ>I.:)' i~ion ol 13rothcr Daniel llil<u), bm,Jc' Ri11o. Pmetina. ~ l atoni~. Mullah). and Di ~anto hope· to ht ing tlte bowling title w La Salk 1\t''\t H"at. The .J un iot \'at .-.it) Bo" lt·t.., had ht:ll<:t fOJlllllt a\ the\ tompikd a tt:<onl ol ·, wim and :1 1<,.,,(', I he out~tanding men on dth tcam \\t:H' n emp'e'. ()':\~.·ill. and (.atht·t \\'inche~tt:t

Brother Daniel Hilary smiles in the background as he envisions 300 game~ from Po;erina and Matonis, who are rerur-ning lenermen from la,t )·ur\ V .lr>ity.


B \SKI· 1 B.\Ll 'll :\nl \R) I he l11't lltl'l'ting ol tht. <<lnd idate' Jm bu lib on rhe ha,ketba I tl'alll lound an eaget lnn in t''-J'<'l it'IH c:d gtoup ol if> l>O\\ pl C'>t.'llt. ·1 hi'> initial call <arttt· lttt<· in Otwbet w h e n othc t 'thool' g:tH' litrlt• 01 no thought to the <om ing ha ... k't'l ba II ,t.·a~on Co a< h 0' Bi c ()' Bt icn could not J\1otni ...c <1 good ,t.t,on rn rhe Catholi< Leag ue ,jn«' onl) ott<.' \t'lctan ,,a'i teturning ltnnt last \l'!tl \ < hatllpion,hip ~quad. \lt,t.•r a '>l't i c~ ol


Wacky O 'Hara, La Salle'~ elusive guard, drives hard for the basket with Wer.r's All-Catholic center, Ernie Beck, trying to thwart the scoring attempt.

This basker was one of the milny points which were poured rhrou~h the hoop by La Salle'~ high scoring All· Catholic forwa rd, Tom Checchia.

Buddy Donnelly, who captained and led the Little Explorers to the City Title last year talks to an a!>-\embly which was called for the West game.

This picture is a pres~ agent':. dream .md a photographer's delight. What it proves about our basketball team we're not sure, but it':; a different shot of our team, so here it is. Back: F. Hess, C. Mohr H. O ' Neill, ). Hughe:;, F. O'Hara, T. Checchia ;u the pi:mo: E. Fl>路nn, J. Kane. J. O'Donnell. and T. Gola.

I lughes. E. Flynn, and F. O'H ara.

,< 1 itllma~t, ami c Ill'> the team ,wod read~ to l>t"gin iu. length' ~chcdulc. I· 01 ci~htn:n .~ tra ight games l.a Salle motet\ watdtcd in alll:l/CilH'Ilt a, opponent\ w·erc ~\\'l'JH ohllk I>\ O\C1 whelming ~<OIC~. • \ lo" lO 'iout It (.athol it nwt ked the end of thi' g• eat winning 't1e:al... I Ill' c llc<h ol a long ~tuclling ~ca.,on ~ho\H'd up when the team to.,t its Cat hot it l l·ot~ut ( 1ow11 to \\'c,t Catholic \ jom ne' w Rhode bland .111<1 thc capun e o l third plate honor., itt th<" l·.a~lC IIt 'itatcs Catholic Toutna· 1111 111 matl..t·d tht· ending o! a H'lllat l..able W~hon.

I he inc, pet ientcd hoopHct~ ftom La Salle 'La tt cd a highl) :,U(tc~:.ful sca~on by whipping· Fran kf<ll d 1·1-26. ~oil hca~l. 01 n c~, and Central lollowed and \\'Cre ea" marh lot the rampaging L ittle E:-.plmer fiH! . During thc Christma., hofi. d:t):., O'Bi c·~ bo)~ traveled to "!Iamie City where the\ met and defeated Southern, 5(i-:~5. and o,ct hmok. 16-2 1. \\'acl..\ O'Hat a. La ~aile·~ -.tcllat g uard, wa~ retogni1cd as the mo~t \aluablc pla ye r in thi~ tOurnament lor his o uL\tanding dri\ C. The lew Yea t wa ~ sta1ted on the right loot wlwn a lmc .\lkntown Catholic


C. Mohr, T. Checchia, captain, T. Gola, ]. Kane,


Our 1949 basketball team poses at tbe beginning of the .. ea .. on: left to right; f. He~Jt. H. O 'Neill, J. O 'Donnell,

Kane drives across at the foul line for a jumping one bander as Rubio o拢 the Burrs fails in his attempt to block the shot. Ducky O 'Donnell prepares to follow up the shot.

La Salle's Tom Gola and lleck of W est Catholic lighting for J>Ossession of the elusive ball, while Rubio and Garrity of West and Lhe Explorers' Kane and O 'Hara attempt tO break into the action.

Tn a battle of two All-Catholic per路 formers, Tom Checchia succeed ed in bucketing this twisting jump shot despite the defensive efforts of Ernie Beck.

La Salle met and defemed a strong West Cuholic squad 51-36 in an early season game ar the Pnlestra. Hogan ( 12) <md Holt of the Burrs SWMO\ all over Tom Chccchia in an effort to steal the ball in the wanting momentS of the ganw.

A large crowd came to the Palestra to watch the dash of two undefeated teams, La Salle and St. Joe's. In this action shot O'Donnell drives through Regan and Swanik (4) on the way to the basket. Rucledge of the Prep stays to guard Checchi:t, while Ka~e moves towards the hoard~.

[ ert: One of the reasons for La Salle's great success during the se:t~on was their outstanding defl'nse work. It is being shown here as Ed Flynn checks Golin's move towards the b:tsket in the 61-31 rout of North Catholic. Roght: John Kane leaps high into the air to block a s hot by the Falcon's Rauchet. North's Mclaughlin and La Salle's O'Donnell wait for the rebound while Chccchia poses anxiously to see ;r K:me is buccessful.

'>qllad wa ~ h lltllbled . 52-3G. Thi, g ame wnl plctcd the pt e It-ague ">dt ~d ule and rootc t ~ ho pe d lor the same :.ucces~ in the le ague. Ro111an lound the 20th and Olnc \ brand of ball pt CLL) rough a1> the ) ab"><>t bed a fil -2 3 pa.,ling. St. .Jamc~. pia) i ng on the it home I loot lare d linle be tte r and e nde d up on the \\' tong e nd ol a 38-27 More. In a gnme with the powet ful Burr~ from " ' c:-.L. the O ' Bt ienme n up~et nil pt e-.,c a.,on pt editti on ~ 1)\ thomug hh uoun cing them 52-3fi. Ea~) \'ictorie ., mer South Cath olic orlh and St. Thoma~ ~ l ore came in qui<k ~ uc<c,.,ion . \ g ame at the Palc.,tra , a,,· the fa ll of St. Jose ph\ 11om the rank"> ol the undcle atc d . T he pia~ of ~ophonwre sc mation . ' I 0111 Gola, was the highlig lu of thi' 5-J- 11 ro ut. I he tea m\ log at the midwa) nttlll.. ol the le ague showed nothing but "i< tot i<''· .\ g ame at Btoad and \ 'inc 'ltret'h ga' e lollowet., a few anxiou~ mnnte nt'>, fot it too l.. a great fmi sh to e ke out a :Hi-:\ I u iuntph. ' I wo <ont e '>t~ on tht' h o m e t o un, one with <,t. .JantC'> and the othct with \\'est, boo~ted the win wl· nmn to eightten. South Catholic the n :-.howcd that e ' e n the best can lo'>C h ~ u psetting thc it

L:t lkt oppu n c m~ ~X-~Il. "I hc bo'' <ante hack .,u o ng agai m t 1'\ollh Catholit a 1au .,uppollcd h ) the 71 - 11 ~co t e. I h l· tqo~ulat '>ea~on ended a., <,t. Tho nta ., a nd "it. jmcph\ w<:tc tlllnnpcd b) d<•<i:.i' c marg ith. ,\ flll e \\'c~t Catltolt< tcalll, led ll\ l·.rn ic Be<!... tu• ne d bacl.. La "ia llc\ bid lm the ftnak l"he LiLLie Explmc h led at the h a lltinH hut tht· C i t\ Champ:-. fini:-.h ed '>llong a nd t lllll<'d in an imJliT'>'>il e J I ~ I con q uc~t. <,1. jo.,t·ph\ \\a~ defe at e d lo1 th:! t hird tinw 111 th< tomolation game. .\n im·itatio n w the loutnamcnt in ~cwp<Hl. Rhod e bland. "'"" .tn cptul and thl tca111 left with high hope!> ol t c lit ing the t tophic ... won b\ pt e,io u , La ~ai l e teanh I he lir..t gam<· wa., a hait ·t a i!>t'l a nd it tool-. a lnng .,hot IH ... uh~ti· Lilt<' joe llu g h c~ with on<· wtond lett lo beat T tc tllo n C a t ho i i<. ·,~. ;)I. Rq.~''· l;ht \Cat·.., <ham pion. pt m e el to bt· too IIlli< h lot t h1.. L tttlt I·' plm c r., a ., th e ' 0\t'H a ntc .t ''''C:n poi nt lead in the llt ~ l few tninu t<•., a nd edged Lh out b' " "'').-,I '> ( Oi l'. I' he \ Cal.Oil t• ndcd \\ ll h a h:I -?JJ \ 1< tO\\ m e t Cah c tl Hall , Bal timot<. in tht· <ousolation g ame.

Left: Gola drives under for a basket despite Magees's foul. Captain John Wojdula to •assist. This w:ts the j:tnme which started Gola on the road to All-Catholic honors.



Right: Wacky O ' Hara grabs the ball from the backboards and ~tarts up court while the Prep's RudcdAe pursues in vain. Mohr, O ' Donnell. and Gola. stands by in case of trouble "hile St. Joe's defenders move back on the defense. ,



Left: Theveny (8) goes high to block the shot of Roman's Valley (24) as Dunn (27) looks on at his teammate's plight. Right: Roman') Lyons has little chance to get off his shot with Theveny on defense. Wills (15) and Shields (9) wait under the boards as Dever moves downcourt .


JUNIOR VARSITY BASKETBALL SCHEDULE L.S. Opp. l'rankford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 23 Northea)t . . , . .... . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 12 Olney . , , .. . , . • • . • . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 21 Central . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 24 La Salle Frf.'shmen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 24 Roman C.Hholic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 30 St. Jame• , .• , . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 42 South Catholi.- • . . • . . • . • • . . . . • • . . . . . . . 44 35

North Catholi c ......... .. ....•. ..... St. Thomas More ... ..... .. ......... . Roman Catholic ... ...... ..... ...... . St. James ...•.. . .................... West Catholic ..................... • . North Catholic St. Thomas More .... .. ............. . St. joseph ......................... . Won: 14; l ost: 2

Rr~otht. Roman'• E. Maloney (26) h .o~ the b01ll :.~olen b)' J. Guerin ( 5 ) while La Salle's Theveny .1nd Roman';, Murphy move into the mixup. left: Lyon.~ (28) of Roman has little chan ce of retrieving the ball with L.1 Salle's J. H enry (16). J. Guerin (5), Theveny (8) , and Greenberg (15).

41 55 43 37

29 39 21 42

30 37 26 34 41 32 30 30

Left: Hughes taps in a rebound after Garvey's shot missed its mark. Backboard work ~uch as this was one of the factors which contributed to the compiling of the team 's g reat record. Right: Jackson wh eels off the pivot for an underhand layup in spite of the outstretch ed arm of Romnn's defensive center.


L.S. Rorn:m Cath olic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Thomas More . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

42 <W




South Catholic . St. Jnmes . . . . . West Cntholic Central . . . . . . . North Catholic

. . . . .

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. . . . .

.. .. .. .. ..

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.. .. .. .. ..

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.. .. .. .. ..

. . . . .

..... ..... .. ... ..• .. .....

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.. .. .. .. ..

. . . . •




17 30 38 28








St. Thomas Mo re .......• . ... • •.. .• Roman C atholic ............. .. . .. .• . St. Joseph .... .... • .... . ... •.. • ..•.. St. James ... .. . .......... •••. •• .•.. Roman Catho lic . . .... . ..... .•..•.. • . . South Catholic .. .. . ...... . ... • . . .. • (Championship) W o n : 11 ; Lost: 3

43 39 44 41

46 25

47 Jl 24

28 34 27

' left: Garvey of the fros h squad drive~ in fo r a layup a~ W o nhinJtton p repares to foli o " up the shot for a possible tap·in. Right: A one·handed stab b y Jackson tall ies a noth er two po ult,. Our freshman basketball team amassed an impressive record before bowing to Sout h C atholic in the Championship game.



Track Team-bottom row, I. tor.: Burns, Pilla, M cGrat h, Trainer. Gruber. and Drake. Second row: Lappin , M oylan. McMahon. Groody. leaming, Kleckner, Weber , and

rn:m ager Bennet. T op row: French, Driscoll, O mh rup, H agen, G esiskie, Sullivan, Mo rrison, Fricker, and Gola.

I !I IH outdoot u ad, H·arn started 1he o il on the wrong foot b) dropping 1h ree meets in rapid sune\sion to J.amdalc, Batuam and Q,e, btool... l.a ~aile !mall} hrol..c into the win cohtntn b) · d('f<'ati ng Cen tral, the cit) < hamp~ of two year~ ago. f)5-·13. (hn mik tela) team plat-ed :~ul in the Ht id~e­ ton Rcla)'· .\pril li. l'wo da)'> Inter the) won out o ,·er a St. .J atne' <ltt b b) a 75Y$-322f:'l !><ore. O ur rela) team made a fir\trate -.howing in the Penn Rela)' b) taking both tlw Catholic League and Cia" B Rcla)"· Jot• Fricl..ct .,t·t a new .,dlOol tccord b) cm·eri11g hi~ leg ol the rcla) in a I he


'Jleedy-52.7 . . \ , lti~tot) t~pcah ihdf :,o did l .a "ialle·, tr;l( 1.. tt·am h) agai11 lmi11~ three in a to\\· Llti., tintc to l·.pi,copal, Nonh and \ \'e~t. I he team <a11tC t h rough, dtfc<tting South 70-jH hut lo~t the la,t 111eet ol the !!.Ca~oll w l .ower i\fct ion. ·r he uacl.. tcamwntplcted il'> 'ICtt'l(>ll b) placing lounh in the league Champio n ~ltip. wmpiling a wta I of 25 poin h on I) three b<'h i nd lhe leader, Roman Catholic Lappin·:. ,;utft ol 10 reel 6 i11che~ gained ror him hi'l "'Cond comeutti\C league dwntpiomhip. l n thl' State Catholic Championsh ip. the lt'ttm won the C la'l!> B title. Weber heads for tbe finish line wbile Bern ard clo~es fast in a low hurdles race against Archmere Academy. Obie picks o m French's fi ne points as he instructs shot putters Hagan, S ull ivan, O hntrup and Kl eckner.

Weber hotfoots it across the lin e ahe;td o£ two South Ca tholic contcnder1 in the hundred yard dash.

1948 OUTDOOR TRACK April 2 Lansdale April 9 Bartr;'llll April 13 Overbrook April 15 Central Bridj::e ton Rela ys April 17 April 19 St. J:unes April 23-24 Penn Rela ys

RESULTS L 83-24 L 60-30 L 72-36 w 65-43 Mil(' tc:trn placed 3rd w 75 l / 3-32 2 3 Won Catholic Le:tgue Mile Relay Won Class Mile Relay

McMahon 's powerful leap C;'lrries him to a soft landing.

April April April May May May May May

26 28 30 2 10 12 23 30

St. Thomas More• Episcopal North Cathoht· Wc\t Catholic South Cmholll Lower Merion Lcagu(' Champion~rup State Catholic Champiomh1p


Fricker capture• C.llholic l despite Licbner'• foul.



60-48 '>2-47 67-41 67-41 w 70-38 I 75-42 Placed 4th Won Cia~' B Champion,hip I I.

Mil., Rela} 'It Penn


Ea~il ) outd istanting ever) teanl in the loop except a -;casoned \ Ve~l C<llholic squad. La Salle·~ swimme rs dimaxed a g rue ling se<L'Ion by winning the Catholic league crown. Fighting against great handicaps in the ., chedule o ur mermen won out in a down-to-the-wire hau lc with the Burrs. .\ s the season opene:l our boys recei\(!d the ir o n I) league setback when the) " ·ere beate n by W c~ t a t Big Brothers . .\quick rew veq from this sole lo~~ mea nt cntshing defeat [or St. Joseph. Roman . onh. South. and a~ final half o pened, St. J meph"s again. In a s~ rapp ) display ol skill and spirit. the Lillie Explorers oubwam the Chestnut Streeters. T he mermen met Nonh, South and R oman a ll in o ne week w earn a sw im-oil with the Burr:,. Fina ll ). th e merm en downed West for the crown. The follow ing da) the teant journeyed to Balti· more where the) won t he Knights if Columbus Challlp· ionsh ip, thei r second title and fifth consecutive victory i11 '! ix da) S. H owever. the pare was exhausting and o ur -;winnners fell an easr prey IO a well rested Genna.n towll tcant in the cit) title meet. B e;,ide~ the regular sched ul e the tankmen abo panicipatcd in the Eastern lnl cr· scholastic C hampionships, Swarthmore Invitation meet and the National Catholi c Championships.

Bill Schwind executes a front jack knife. "Ears" was one of the most .Uepend· able performers on the team, being defeated only once m League competition.

Here i.~ rhe Catholic League championship row. left to right: Mullin, Zarenkiewicz, nolly, and McFadden. Second row: Jones, lin, Greene, Boudreau, and Schwind.


team: Bottom Brooks. ConClancy, D evThird row:

Schmidt, Donahue, McMahon, Clark, Trainor, Lynch and T arsa. Top row: Wuest (manager), Mcinerny, Bolsover, Scheulie, a nd Sruart (manager).

Co-captai~ Dick Clancy and Ban Brook< Me ~.een her<' with Coach M. D e Angelis, the man mo'it rc~porhtble for their development. Clancy ha s turned out to be the finest breastsuoker in the Cat h olic U.a~u<' while diminu· tive Ba rt Brooks leads the lon~t Jiq of back\lrokers. Upper right: Brother Adrian. Mod erator and 'trOnJ:c't fa n.

The La s.• lle fre" ">It rda~· team compo-,ed of F. De~· lin, M. Zarenkrewro, F Mullin. and J. Connolly, line up for p ractrce l.tp~ .11 Tumcr\ pool. Th~c S" immH> Wf'rf' rcsJH>n,ible for thl' C.uholic L('.lgue Title when the) out· s"am We,,·, rel.n tNm. Abovt>. fr·o m left to right: Clark, Trainer, .rnt.l Boudrl'.tu .rrt" helped out of the pool .tfu•r a l<'tnj:t workout b)· Grt>t"ne. Jones. .md Flanagan. It wa' the,e long drill, th.u were rcspon.~ible for tht> fine condition of thO' 'qu.nl.


These nre the 'e~ior member~> of our champion$hip squo~d: bouom row, Houdre!ilu. Clancy and Flanagan. Back r<tw: Mull in, Z.mmkae!wrn nnd Clark. Schwind. Brook- .111d Bobover an• mis,inj:t.


.. .. .. ..... St. Jowph .. . .. ... ....... Rom.1n C:uholic .... ..... ....

West Catholic

L.S. 34 43

45 53

Opp. 41

32 30 17 28

Sourh Catholic.. . .. ... . .. . North Catholic .... . .. ..... 4i St. Jo,eph .. ... ... .... 43 32 Wt>st C.uhot.c .. ...... . ... 45 30 4{) N~mh Catholic 35 South Catholic .... . .. . ..... 43 32 R<>ma n Catlt<>llc ..... . . . . . . 44 31 Catholic Lcrlj.!lll! Ch ampi onship Meet l:! S.1lle 4 5; West Catholic 30 City Ch;~mpi onship Meet !..1 S.rllt> 22: GC1rmantown 44 Baltimore K. of C. M eet: 8 teams competed. L.1 Salle won ce.arn tr<>J' hy and 10 medals. C.llholic Individual Ch<~mpiotll>hip Lt S.tll.- woll tc:anr ,core ;and I 3 out of 42

... .... .......


Our Varsity nationa l champs line up for this picture on the Vesper Boat Club dock. From I. to r.: Brothet Raymond, M oderator, Bill C ampbell, coach, T. Soren50n, coxswain. R. M orley, J. Kershaw. E. Milewski, R. Waters, T . Gueri n, J. Florio. D . Peake, H. Meyers, and coaches Mcilvaine and Kell y. The Schuylkill River,


which was patrolled daily by our Senior and Junior Eighrs, lies in the background. left: Sorenson receives the traditional dunking which is given to the coxswain of the winning eight. Right: The judges had little trouble in deciding the victor when La Salle was in the race.


I he colkttion of <liJ'~ 111 Lt "·tile\ ltopll\ "'TIL <h tht· rc~ult ul till ~teat ~ea~on of tlw u at k I !I IH La "aile< tl'''. l'lw tough pra<Liu: grind paid of! harul~olllth 111 tht !au.-, whid1 wctt• to <ottH'. Our ,t·nwr trght ll't.uned their lational. Cit\ and Catholit title~. I he' \\('H' the IC< ipienh of thc ">tote,hut' (up lot tht t h i rd «HIM'<llti,·e H 'al . B1 \lillie of winning lht'tl thittl 'uut·,~iH' C.lllwli< <towu. out \t'lt..-au~ tapttncd tht· Finmllt n and I lair·\ Cup. \, tl rlu~ Wl'lt' 11 01 l'IICillgh, tiH'~C .'lchu)lkd J ~Jit't'd llll'l rhanh te<eiH:d till' Ftank Palu111ho (up lot ,cuing a ucw untr· H'co1d 111 tl11 '\ational Chanrpion,hip Race,. ;-\ C\1.'1 10 he ouL< lone. tl I(' j un iu1 mll lwtHich addt·d to tht·ir ptc,igr· h' "utning thr· :\auonal titk which the' had baH·h mi\'(·d the (lit'\ 1011' 1ear. lh nwam of arquitnrg tht R t·d lion (up f01 the thi1d Str:llght \l':tl, tht·,: ilHIIH I It'\\ grt'al'> added anothr•t <up to the t'lt't-inr tr·,r~ing I i~t of ho1101 ~ wh id1 l~aH· hl'<:ll ht·~towed 11 pon thl' <IC\1'' which h:t\C ICJ'IlWlllCd I .a 'Ialit•. R ('gard le.,, of th(• calibtl' ol < H'll material. it takt•, e"pcrt toaching to tutti ntH < hampron,hip new~. In re<.ognlltoll ol tltr, la<t. ''<' \,j,h to acknowlcd~t the uru ca~ing <'llor h ol our c o:H he~ . .John B. h.t·ll\ ancl ( hatll, \I< lhaim: _ \\l .rl-.o wi,h to "'-PIC'>~ 0111 gralltlldt lot the 1111111 ing work ol nut lantll\ modr•t a tot. BrothC't I· Ra\ en~(· rontinunl to


After a hard fought race tbe Senio r Big ht receives its a wards. Thjs m ade the trurd consecutive year thar the first cre w wo n th e N a tio nal Schoolboy R egan a.


La Salle Junior Eight turns easily in the SchuylkiU. The crew is, from I. ro r.: E. Feuerstein, coxswain. R. M cMullin, F. Boudrtoau, F. Branag an. ]. Kisicle ... ski. R. Tillman, P. M cM anus, D. Marley, H. Anderson. After losing their National tirle at Detroit the previous year, the La Salle junior eight regained it by nosing our the Prep. W est is on the outside, La Salle is in the middle position and the Prep is on the inside. CHAMPIO NSHIPS WON Senior 8, Narion"ls 1946-47-48, Catholic C it y same years. Junior 8, Nationals Cit y 1946-47.







Double sculls, Nationals 1945-46-47, Catholic League and City 1946. Qundruple sculls, Nationals 1946. C:ttholic League nnd City 1946. TROPHIES WON Stotesbury Cup, varsity 8, 1946-47-48 can 't be retired. Red Lion Cup, jr. varsity 8. 1946-47-48 retired by La Salle. Finnaren and Haley (Catholic League). va rsity 8, 1946-

47-48 retired by La Salle.

Palumbo, Frank, Cup awarded co La Salle varsiry 8 which won National Championship at Detroit, seuing a new record.

Coaches Kelly aod Mcilvaine show the liner poinrs of rowing co their proreges of 1948. lr was easy to see that the instructions paid off as the Senior aod Junio r eijitht~ both wenr on to win Natio nal Till~.

These workouts on the fourth Aoor rowing machines are beneficial in bringing back the form which is lost in the off season. Since the arrival of these machines, Ln Salle crews have captured three consecutive National Championships. Right: Tillman and Ryan work hard in :tn effort to fill some of the positions left vacam by graduates from last year's fine senior eight. National Championship;. ( >ill.' to he ch<hen 1949 SCHEDULE

Rutgers ... . ... . .... . ............ . ... . .. . . . . Away Yale Freshmen . ... .. . . • .....•. . .. . . Here (p('nding)


r ..h ru.try)

Catholic League Championship City Championship

Stou•;,bury Regalia

la Salle pulls out from Ecorse of Michigan as they both approach rhe three-quarters mark in the race for the National tide.

Start of 3/ 4 mile race for the Nationa ls. 1he crew" .tre: Ecorse of Michigan. W est Catholic. l ,, S all e . .md l o wet Merion.

Thi• eager group oE bawb.1ll candida te\ listens attentively to the instruction~ of Coach Woltemate as they prepare ror Oni' of tlwir indoor workout~ which preceded the

actual outdoor practice. These aspirants pictured here a re hopeful of filling Varsity berths in the pitching and catching departments.


l.S. 2 5 5 I 2 0 5 3 6 3 7 8

Opp. I

2 6 2 3 2 7 7 J

..................... Ben Franklin Vets H all ...................... St. Thomas More ...................... Camden Catholic ............................. St. James ........................ North Catholic ............................. St. John's ..................... Southeast Catholic ... . .... • ............. St. Thomas More ........ • ...................• St. James ............................. St. John's ..................... Southeast Catholic

........ . ................. Calvert

Wo11 6





Brother Thomas smiles as he holds the trophy wh ich symbolizes Catholics League supremacy. The other cup is one which was presented by St:nion WIBG to our City Champs.

Dc-.pite tht· lack ol c'pcri<'tHC. the l.a Salle -.quad tutned in a lttte H·<ord at the e nd of tlw I!J.IK ~t'a~on. \\'hen a ll ~' OIC'- had been totaled, it wa' lound that the. l·.,ploH·t-. had I) win~. I clt· feat~. and 2 ti c!>. Thc tc wet c few holdo\'Ct'> hut with the C)l.< ellelll ~uiclame of B10thcr J"hom<h the '>quad irttprm cd gteatl~ :t'> th ~· ~cason progrc~.,ed. T he tt·anl '>tatted ofl on a good mad h} "inning three con,clttti\':: <ontt'>t'>. ' l'hc ltr~t was a narrow 2- 1 \ittot~ 0\et the Be n F ranklin \ 'eb. Cahett ll all and St. r ltontas l\lore W('te tlwn licl.. ed h) the -.<me-. of :l- 1 and :'1-2 re-.pectiH·h. J cHatnc,ing 10 C:tllld!'tt JHO\ Cd to he the end or Ollt winning -.ueak and the £,plor<·h droppt•d a (i I dt•< i'>ion to Ca111dcn Catholi<. r\ 2-2 tic with ~ 1. .Janw., and a 3-0 Jo.,~ w 'orth Catholil' loiJm,•ed bdorc the '<Juad ttp~et ~L. .John·~ 5-2 .. \pp <at e llll) not lil..ing the win column . l.a "iallc wa., tunwd away b)' \outh Catholi< 7-:!. '-lt. '1 ho111a., ~ l Oll' cl..ed out a biuerl\ <~>rttt'~Led game 7 () aatd St. Jamc~ came ha< 1.. '' ith a ~-:$ .,ta lematc. I he nine ftom La '-lalle t hen .,b owed that th e ir hat~ <ottld e:-.plode ;h th<·\ -.ntothetcd 'il. John\ 7 I. Rounding o ut

Schreiber, Nevins, 01.' Frain, and Hand are shown here limbering up in the gym before moving outdoors to the diamond.

Coach Woltemate watches Covello t:tke a lu~ty cut at the ball. Abromaiti~ is the receiver while Brown t·ome, in from third for a few prartice swmg~.

the '>t'rt~on, l .a Salle ;,ought ;111tl gallll'd rncnge lot an e<ulicr ddcat II\ thuutptng tht' l'natt·, ltotll South Catholic HI. ' I h(' teaut Ita., man\ l<'ltatnin~ \l't<:l:tlh and Brotltt'l ll wma~ (ool..-. lotw:ud to anoth<•t c hampion-.hip ~<tttad.

Coach Wohemate checks off the membe" of thl' Ba,ebJII team as they leave 20th and Olney for Chester whl'rf' they met and deadlocked a scrappy St. James nine.


The Cavaliers a.,~emble in fro nt of the M anheim s tables fro m ,.·here they proceed to picturesque Va lle y Green. I rom lefr to right, they are: E. Bickeley, Mis~ Fielders. J. l eaming. R. Nuss, C. von Nell, a nd D. O ' Connor.

lll c t<.•oJganitation o! tilt.• c ' i ~ting R iding ( .luh n·,ulted in a t OJhidt•ra hh e ulaq 1,c d tlt <: nr IH'I'hip. a ddllliH· p•ogralll o l in.,tructio n. anti a IH''' na111e I :11 h in O oolw 1 '' ed .l) tidt.•, wt.•Jc .,taltt'tl, and t ac II l>o) w;" g iH' Il ind i\'id ua l atIt'll lion 11<1111 tilt moderator and the 1idi ng nl:t,l<.'l at \ l.tniH·iuJ 'lt,t l>lt·'· (,<.'IIHanwwn I h<.· heginne1\ t ' ' " ' wa' gl\t'll '>l'J I<IIillC insuu<tion in till ha,i< luntl<.lllt'lllal, o l hohcmansh ip. \\'hik til t· n1or<.· ;uh a ut eel r ide r... wo 1i..<·tl on 1 hc i1 pa• 1ittd;n 111 ol> lt'lll'> Ihn ing 1ht· Cl11 i... tma'> lwl itla1., lllt'lt' wa' a t Ia" 111 ...addli ng a nd bt idling and gt'llt'l:tl hantlliug ol the ho i ' L \\'ht·n \\'t•athc l did litH pe1111i1 outdoo1 pa•ti t qmtion . the 111C111· 1Jv1' llll't in a tla.,.,toom and a genera l di M u .,~ion "a' llt'ltl . \\'hen t h<.' l c i~ e noug h ,now. llw t I u h :111 angt·, lllnonl ght , leigh 1id t'' · In tilt 'Piing th<. in ... u u<llon betomc'> n1o1 <.' athamcd .•nul longc1 ride' a~t• pla nned . J"hc fl o!\(' ')IHm '> . the Dc1on 'lhow in partiu al a1. arc Jlilll ol the p mg1:1 111. 'lotue 1imc in tht.• ncar lutule it j, ho(H'tl that tht.' C.a ~:dicr'> will lx· able to put on a ,Jto•' ol thci1 own. In the meantime. tht•\ \\til (ontinnc: 10 c n jm the line 'Poll and co cnpa nion-.hil' ol the ir g to up.

M• ~~ Fielders. F.1culty moderato r. po~es wi th John leam · in~o: .rnd Carl von Nell, P resident a nd V ice P resident

ti'Spt>ctively o f tlw Cavaliers. rts they prepa re for on<> of thPir cross courtry jaunts.

CAVA LI ER CLU B O F FICERS P r<'oident . . ......... .. . . ..•.... John l'iltrick l eaming

Vice-P resident . .... . .... .. . . ....... ... Carl von Nell Secretary ... . ... . . ... . . .. . . .. ....... . ... . . Jo hn Lee M embe rs: A ntho n y Baird, John Trainor. Michael Lo ngo, Thomas Keiser, William Bickl ey, Theodo re Kuligowski, Fra nci; O 'Connor, Joseph N evins. Francis Wasikows ki, Ed win Bonner. Joseph Bluhm, John G•anozio.

Bill Lang of 4C fails to get clear of Querubin's hands in a Senior intramural game. Ford :~nd Kl eckner watch Curran's form with interest as he lays o:.e in the neb.


The inttt~ntural prog ram at La Sal le is d c,igned to 1 mtnd out the romplrte education and trainin~ ol t• ve r~ ~ludcnt and w fulldlth c aim ol a ··sound 111ind in a \ O Und hOd)··· rhc '> p Ort\ incl ttdcd ar<• football , ba~ke tball. trark and trOS'> tmtnll' \\'hith aH' t O\ t' ted with <<>mpre hcnsi' c a nd thorough s<h cdule~ 10 imut e ma:-..inHtlll p<tt 1icipation and e n jo~ m<·nt of the c n1 ire ~tud c n1 hnch . I he loo1l>all g<1111cs t<t~ c plat e o n th<·

Two intramural te:1ms clash even with d.1rk nes' comin~: on. This sh o ws the active cia.,. ~p•rit promoted by ""' league.

.. pcc ian ~ marked gt id tton on tlw pranic c fidd. J'IW ba-,~ et ball ganlt'' .ttl- pla~ecl Ill tht g\lll u~ua l h o n ~aturda". l'ht• ttat \.; and uo~' ­ t oun LI\ lllCCh. \\hih: llol ;h 1''\.ll'tbi\C, \till pto vidccl reo catio n ancl t'lltCl 1illlllll<'lll. The grt·a 1 '>lll «''' o l the p t ogn1111 thi., \l'<ll ha' been due to the e'\.pell ' u pt•t "'ton and •"'i'talH l' of tlw mod c talelt . Bt o ther Bt•tnatd.


Top: Brother Daniel Bernian outlines the rules for the Freshmen Track meet. A large turnout indicates the interest and fun th at intramural sports en joy at La Salle. 2nd picture: Two junior classes light it out in a closely contested game. These struggles are watched closely by boys and :111 the brothers who take an active interest in the physical we lfare o f their boys. Third pi<1ure: Murphy and McNall y scrap for the first honors while Toner moves up into third place. 4th picture: Keen competition is a lwa ys present in the Ir.tramural B:~sketball League. Reg:m of 4C has his shot blocked by Haverdansky of 4E in a gam e which showed 4E to be the first half winner.

The intran1ural ga1HC~ ~tartccl late in S<:ptcn•-

l.c• with tht wugh football ,ea ..on. The 'cnio1 di\ i~ion \\''" won b~ an undclcatecl ID team . In a <lol>d~ <mHcstcd sc1 ie,. .Junior 0 outda'>'>Cd a lighting :SC ~>quad. The ~ophomore champion~>hip wal> otplllred b) 2E. while lR came out 'i< to I iom in the [rcshmcn ('i 1 cuit. All thc,c

Two juniors go up in the a1r 10 an attempt to p ull t:1e ball down while their "espe<1ive teammates watch for an opportunity to get into the sc-rap.


Dougherty of 3C makes a nice run before Fitzgerald of 3D overtakes him. Champiottship game was won by 3 D. 12·2.


were pht)ed on the ~p:u iou~ hclcb behind Bc nilde I lal l and the stadiunt. \\'ith the ba~kecball '>ea~on came the 'tan ol the imc rclass hoop conte~c ~. Pla yed on Sawrday~ ;wd [J cc aftetnoom, the' a ttl acted large 'quad~ from cath cJa,~. The sea~on ha~ not been full} wntpletc•d at the w1 iting ol thi<. artie le and ~ome of the rhantpionl>hip galliC~ have 1101 been J>lli)Cd. rhe\e aiC \OillC ol the IC\UJt~. J£ \\'l" undefeated and won the first haiL In the junior league. :L\ and 3F remain tied '" tbc ,econd haJJ is about to begin. The fle~hntan champion ship wa, won b) IB wl>ich wa\ \ictotiou~ in both halls. These ga111es were cven more popula1 than chc football c.lal>he'> and renee t the 1 il>e of ba~ketba ll as "the ~chool spo•c."

To p: Della Valle comes down to the finish line with a good lead over Green while Kelly and Sullivan fight it out for third position in an Intramural Track meet. Second picture: Two freshman Intramural teams meet in a basketball game. This league is well supervised under the direction of Brother Bernard. Third picture: Young frosh face long tough grind as they start on their first Intramural Cross Country Meet. Fourth picture: John Murray, sparkplug of 48, leads bis team to victory in the Intramu ral League as he chucks for a T.D.


At lnst-Scnior:.. Our greatest dream, a diploma, is now a reality. rhi~ ~oal

"c achieved by a subtle combination of three important

factor': the de\ clopment of our bodies and character by sports; tht> gro\\ th of leade•·sh•p qualities and habits by our participation in .1qtivitics;


full development of our minds by knowledge

and the molding of ou r souls by religion.

If the Treasury Oeparrmenr j, under the im· pression that all the gold i, at Fort Kno>. the)' ~~re highl y mistaken for John Mdchiore, 4A, the highest senior student, po~sesses a sock or gold cards worthy of King Tut's tl)mb. John's A-laden reports ca rds are as common to La Salle as Twenrieth Street nnd it i~ a rare occ:a· 'ion when a B appears on his bi-weekly grades. As evidence of his scholasti c prow~ John has won £our schola~tic letters and three scholas· tic medal~ Hi~ scholastic average over his high school years place him as no. I student in the ,enior deparunem.

In 1917 the editn1., ol the Bhtt' atHl Gold <OIH.Ci\Cd the ulca of ha' ing tht• Iolli top 'tCnior., ,clcc ted h) .the lacult) honotccl in the Yc:11 hool... I he\ derided that thc.,c ~election ... ~houlrJ go to the -.c:nim with tlw h i~lll'.,l ... rhola.,tit 1a ling, the mo~t oul'twnd tng ... cniot in .uhlcti<,, a high tanking '>t·niot panicipatin~ 1n mall\ <llli\ itic' and the llHI'>l rcpH·,entatiH' La 'ialle 'enim. ln l!l ~H thew honm ... ''<'H' again <unlet ted. In l..ceping with thi' ~oung uadition the: It} 1!1 <·dition ol the Blue and Cold pte,t:tll' the I olll top tilt."Ill hr·t' ol 1ht. gt ad u.tt ion d:h't.

The proverb ''Good things com~ 111 'mall packages'' dpplies to La Salle'~ mo't activity· minded senior, Ban Brooks. AhhouRh <mall tn stature. Ban possesses more eneqzy than pro· fessor Einstein's Atorruc bomb. A> Co·captain of La Salle's tankmen Ban led hi5 teanunate' to the Catholic league and K. of C. tide~. Between >wimming championshit>S he wrved a• editor-in-chid of the Blue a~~tl Gold. Both the Junior and Senior prom commitr<'e'i r<'· ceiv~ Ban's service .1nd in hi~ spare rime hi' manag~ to compete in quite a fe.,. dcl>au•, and to remain within the firM five 'tudenh. During the last four year<; tlart ha> al~o held vnrious class offices, proving hi> boundlesenergy and leadershit> ability.

Shining brightest among La Salle'~ Athleti' ~tars is "AJI Catholic" Dick Bedt'sem. A, co·caprain of La Salle's '49 footballt>rs, Dick sparked the ream at all times and kept plugging through the season in rhl' face of odd~ and defeats. His hard driving and Ra,h) brokt'n fidd dashes were the highltghts of all La Salle', games and won for him a berth on the co.1ch's All-Catholic eleven. He received mort' 'ote' for this honor than any other c.mdidate thus J>lacing him at the top of le.1gul' pl.lyt'rs. As further proof of his athletic exC'l'lll'nce. Dick was honort'd during the ~ol'ason as the ourstand. ing schoolboy in the district for thl' week by the Maxwell Club.

The AII-La Salle student IS the best "'a) to dt''icribe John Murray. High scholastic abilit) plus an active participation in intramurals makl'< this choice a natural. Be1ide~ winning thrt'e scholastic letters, John is Senior Editor of the yearbook. class president. member of Junior ,md Senior Prom comminee$, and l..ey mJn on tlw tennis team. An t'ngaging pt'roonality. a quick 'mile. coupled with COOJ>('ration in everything. makes him La Salle'~ mo~ rt'pre~<'ntative \Ill• dent.


7018 Ceda r Park A1·e.!8 L1. 9-2844 Enjo)~ 1inl.ering with c;n~ . . . e..:cellent athlete . . . gets a long 1\ith e1·eqone . . . neat . . . member of "ozarks" . . . hahitual th111ce-goer ... practical joker . . . Baseball :1- 1 . . . lnllamurals 2-3- 1 (Basketball champ> 1). 'H. • \111\' \\1\'

j.\~1 1-.<, J O.'>~.I'H ,\1),\ \1'• 3 173 St. Vincem St.21 'ir. ~~ ~till~" MA.4·9025 1-lahitual "nile . . . c1cryhody\ huddy . . . frequents \\'helan\ ... ~I a) or of :'-fa) fair ... tra\'els wi th Kane ... "ill hui'h am one'> lunch ... good luck ... l-oot ball ~-'1 ... Rcnildt• Clu b 3-1 ... J unior and Senior Prom Chairman ... (.lee Club 3-1 ... Class Offic<'r 3 ... lnt ramurah :l- 1.

~KEIHRICJ.; \\'. \If..~:'\ Ill 6033CliiTordSt.31 01'R I '"' 01 I.O I 'Rm' TR. 7· 1681 One or J o hn II. Kell y·~ llO}' . radiam pc rsonalit)' . . . £n:<ll1Cnl> the office ... inn ume rable friends ... hopes to he SU(I<'"ful (!) . . . alwa}> good for a laugh . . . Crew 1-!! . . . Inti amural~ 1·2·3·1. . . . Prom committee_3.

JOSI-'.1'11 ,\l.llRI G H I

2328 N. Reese St.35

"'- J-:11\\ \Ril

(.rem h cm.h a<hocatc . . . ace \\ith a camera . . . quiet . . . t'"cllem >tudent . . . frequents La Salle on a turday night' . . . horn '' ith a ~mile . . . lntramu rals I . . . Basl-.cthall Champ• I . . . PholOJ.,'l'aphy Club . . . Scho· lastic " I " 1·!!. LIO:'\~

2603 \\'. '!iher .,t.32 B A. 9-0259 "'port• a high pompadour . . . 01\ n, hi> father's Packa rd . . .h;u\1 worl.er . . . enatic athlet<' . . . everybody's boy _ .. fa,t t;oll.cr ... ln tramurals 1·2·3· 1 ... Cla ~s :~ctivities :1-1. COR I'll\


\ , H.\RKI-. R

Clll\1\ II

JAil I ES .f. 1\,\RR Y 71:!5 Ouist Ave.42 Ct 1 \ l t " 'iA. 9-6290 H aib; r10111 \\'est !'lull) enjO)' g)m (?) • . • good 'tudem . . . tn11·els "ith 1>apanaro ami l'ettineo . . . tries hard in ncn thing . . . ah,·a}s helpful . _ . ln tramurals 1-!!-3- 1 ... llasketh:lll ch~UIJ>S I .

., I.

1:-. 0\\' \KI) \II C HAt. L 1\ARTHOLI-. 1 rt

526 Fit711 a ter St.47 m I' \Ill l .o. 3-3 131 ',moolh South l'hilh Olt'SScr . . . a " rc;~ l joy" to an y tcache1 . . . I. no\\< C\l'll ho<h . . . lunch. his fa,·oritc period (' ) . . . ;u e in '<lrthall . . . no, in,:: cluh 2 _ . . !land !!·:! . . . O rchc<II':J 3 . . . Cia" officer 2. ~r. lltARY M ,,<;U,\ U1\


58 E. H ort terSt.l9 1 F. 9-5598 Can be found in 1-. l'lcu .Ill} time . h;h rna nl friends . . . neat dll!''«!r __ . t·njo}s Rocco\ art eta's . . . La Sa. dc1en never the sa me without Dick .. . Little Flower fa ,·oritc school . . . Art Cl u b 'I Football 1-2-3--4 l mramtn :II champ~ (Basketball I -3; Football t ).








4311 frankford Ave. GERALD VI NCENT UEGC I N ST. .J OACH IM Tra vels with Murphy ;111d C01upan) . . . ~faiu topics: girls and sports . . . ~harp dresser upon oCCi!Sion . . . always e nds up in the front ~ca t o£ dass . . . wauts lO be rich . . . Bowling dub 2-3-1 . . . Orche:Hra I . .. Rifl e Cluh 1-2 . . . Biolog~ prilC 2.




2K02 Cantrell St.45


Quiet personality . . . ~uppons all La Salle teams . . . 1240 JJrodutt . . . usually can flud an excuse for auything . travels wit h Kl ecknet·, O schcll :111<1 the rest . . . wants to atteud college . . . lnt ntmttrals 3-4. 2265 N. l'ark Ave.32 ANT H ONY J. BE RKOWI rz Sr. 1-5553 Of .\ ft:RCY H as a smile for everyoue . . . ~mooth dressc.:r . . . tr:l\'e ls with \ 'arc ami Geiser . . . all sport~ his likin!{ . . . La Salle Colle~e dcstiuatiun . . . An Club .f ... Band 2 lu tramurals champs ( flabkethall 3; Football 2) . OtJR LAllY

£ 0\Vi\RD JOSEI'H BER NI ER 1123 Cottmau J\,e.36 S·t. B~.RNAI\11 I) ~.. 8-222 1 Ouc of the Ma yfair mob . . . ,·eteran stage lwnd .. . pool ~hark . . . Frida y uights is St. Malt ·s houucl . . . hlond h;tir his trademark . . . Baton twirler 2-3··1 . . . Blue ant! Gold f . . . Ceramic Cl ub 2 . . . 'leuior l'l ay 3-1 . . . Tennis tea m 3-·1 . . . Stage Crew 3-·1 . . . Pau -Amcrican Sucict r 2 . . . G lee Club 4. 1931 Girard i\vt:.3 1 ANTH ONY GEO RGE BID DLE OUR MOTI IER O f' SoRROWS Good sense or humor . . . hobby is photogntphy . . . conservative rlre~ser . . . likes Eugli sh besl . . . stage maua~er . . . gives much :~lleutiou to f;lir sex . . . Dra· mati<-s 3-·1 . . . Rifle Cluh I . . . Senior Play 3-1 . . . Clas~ paper 2 . . . Raton Twirler 2-3 -1 . . . l'<nH \meri ca u Societ y 2 .

J. HOC(;S 5255 WingohockingTcr.H ht MACUt.ATt: CoNct:t'no~-o Vt. ·1·5111 Chief pastime is cars . . . spe nds ~umm cr> itt Stoue Har· hor . . . famous for hi s blond hair . . . What's this about an Es.~o Statiou. Jim? . . . excelleul swi mmer . . . Intra murals 1·2·3 . . . ,F ootball t.:h:t mps 2 . . . Swimming 2.


4518 Vista St.36 ROB ERT L. UOLSOVER MA.4-0169 ST. llERNARU Smooth dancer and dresser extremely active in La Sa lle affairs . . . plays a mean sax . . . does well in any· thing he tries . . . headed for La Sall t: College . . . Cheerleaders 1-2-3··1 . . . l>ramat it~' 3-1 . . . lland 1·2·3·4 . . . Glrc C luh 1-2·3·1 . . . Orchestn1 3-1 . . . Dance band 3- 1 . . . Senior !'la y 3· 1 . . . Swimmin g team 1-2-3-1.

FRED JOSE I'H BO UDREA U 2625 ~-Westmoreland St.29 CORl'US C tlRISTl

\ Vants to own a swimming pool . . . good studen t . . • make~ everyone envio us wiLh his dancing and dressing . . . college-bound . . . good luck . . . Boxing club 2-3 . . . J .V. Football 2 .. . Swimming Lcam 3-4 . . . Pan -Am. 2.


/Jo/111111 /low:

1:117 CoLttuan "it.!l:i I() II'\ c. (' \ R ' I· ' ..... ll tll,\1<11 \I '· 1-:1 1:11 l't'llll ht~tNCt . . . tn;ul\ It it·ntl' . . . attatht.>tl to that f.ltl.t·t in tla" . . . 1\Cight ltltct c'II;HIIthnan . . . Oc.cau <it' fl,,,h ... -;till.' up fot hi' opinim" . . . ,\ ,t Cluh I . . . 111m· ami (.old I . . C:tp<' .md ' "o•d I . . . I ntra· 111111:th roothall thamp' 1·!!- t . . . \ dation Club I.

I;o I \. :lth h ..,t.l6 H o. !\-31HI \au ltw~ue fla,h . • • 111itlt· ol \mllh l'lulh . . . ~t ern \t.rtlt'lll' ptdt·tcntc ••• lil.t:' Itt'\\ '\;"h . . . \atunla' ni~hb ;II I a \alit . . . "4IKIII ;ot hlelt· .. Rid in~; Cluh I \\ j,lct i;ttt I .. • lknildt (.halt :1-1 . . . lntramua;th I 23 I . Cia" ollut·t 1·2. \tt duh 1-:!-~. 1110\1 \\





1110 ~ 1." 1'.\

HR.\ ' \ \ ( , " , IR.

1:! \\t•M \f oun t .\ in ,\ \(:.1!! C111 \11"1'.1 1-ln.t i - 111!) \tt' CM1,111;tlt the .. ,mJiin~ lli,htn.t tt'' ot l.a 'iallc . . . Oct•an ('it' lm '111111lll' " . • H:ttt.tWIII ami \l mr;n foltn 'tht'' IIIII .• \CI\ hdplttl ;t ).:CIIKI )\lt\ (that·, t•mmgln . . . lhanl..,. I taut.. . <.tt"l\ :! 3-1 . . . Ota · 111.11it' :1 •.. lllut and (,ulcl I 'lt'IIHII pl;n :l ... ltllt.ll11lll al' 1-2·3-1. BROOh.'l

\ ;\ I 110' \

( I I \II ' I

I R \ '\( 1.., < \ '\ '\0' I lcll \ \\1.1 I'

N l7l'i n c'lt .3

" o ut h l'h il h <;oli;J iitc . . . g iant ol 1 \ . . . a~-:grc~~ivc in a cpt it•t wa1 . . . Cia" ha,l.t•th;all l t'll ot . . • C\ CI'\ lm<l y\ h ucl cll .. 1\luc ami (. old I . . . < t'l :ttu ic t l uh 2 •.. l>t.llll:tllt ( luh I . . . 1'<111·. \ tnc t it,ttl 'wtiCtl !!.

@IIi l'a't ha II \\ c.l2 \\. !l-iiOI \ :tttcl' ol itHCtC"h authmill un t·,c aHmc and C\ Cn · thing . c\ct'llcnt 'tutlt•tll . . . 'mnmcao, at Ocean G;ttc . H':uhool. b hi' "h:dl\.. . . Jwo, ,, q u it!.. .tiiM\'CL. 1110'1 ol tht• tinll' . . . \Ill.., clan<ct . . . 111 m· ami ( :old cdiH11 in thid . . lkltaling duh 2:1 . . Ct;..,, o fhrcr 3 . . . ..,thol.t,tit "I .. 1-2 .. \\\i111ming tt\1111 2-:1-1 (w-taptain) . l't 0111 <on1111 itlcc· 3 1. II \R I 1101 0\IE\\' H

... t


'-, 1, I'\11\IC:K

'>. C.\ ... 1 I (, J I\

... . . ,1<1101 \\Ill

1 01 1 '11'11

\1 igt.llcd ftont 121tl . . . IIC\Ct '' 11 hout homcwort..

'ct•n "ith Florio . . . ""'" h l'hi l h fl;t ,h hul h arti<;t R illl' (.l ull I . . . l'huwg1aph1 2.

C 0 ' 1 \ '\ 11'\ 0

(iliU!I '\. J110ad \t.21i

1'. Cl Rl'\ 1

2112 '\ . Clcarhcltl 'lt.:!2

U \. 9 06H:I ll\c'. hrc<Hhc' all(! wit..' ahtJut l<x· lli \l :tj.\giO and Yanl.ce<o llt'at tln~'~ct . . . tollcgc·hollnd . . . Cheerleader i11 all(( om of J.:•tntc' . . . out h111 " ( ,u,..... c ., ccllem ''"" dent . < hectlcadc~<; 2 :S· I . . . l·oothall intralllllt.tl dmt up :1.

\\' \. 1-2611 lil.t·' 1.•1 '>;tilt• hc'l ou -.atutd:l\ mt;ht' . . pia" 0\\11 ''' k ha,l.et hall . authmtl\ on tim he, . . . frccptcllh lt'lll..illtCl\\11 . . " '-tl'\t Camu11" mt•tubct of hant ((lllllnittn· < l.t" uffatct :1 . ltHta111tn:th 1·2-3 I • • • !'10111 co111mittc•c :l. . luoth:tll thatnp~ intrantur;tl' 3.



\ 1\11\ 01


~ 1111'\1

nn11o m

T oj> Row: TIIO~Ii\S


!>T. , \ \11\RO;,I


·t0i8 Rooseve lt Ul vd.21 01·.. 6·1976

11·10~1 :\:'•

1005 S. 2tith St . If! RICI-1 .\RD \I. CI..\:-\C\' , .JR . St. A." 110:-.1 I'I· . 5 -0!JI)~ AIIOth er J ~)C \'e rtl cur . . . m ayor or Sea l <le C it) . . . large appetite . . . always joking or singing . . . easy to get alon g \\'it h . . . S1d111111ing t eam 2·3··1 (co·ca pta in) . . . Glee C lub 3··1 ... :'l li mtre l 3· 1 . . . l nt nlmur~ l~.


\ . CL.\RK


1 107 Fotrc~L ..h c.38

\ SI tr~

JO '; I•. I'Il

e<n l.F 100 F. I enth \\c.Con<hohotl..ell

F~1·ori1 c 1hc na c "Gui tar Bon~i e" . . . good 1\0rcl for CI'C:r~ o ne . . . b lushes casih . . drumme1 and guil<tl

. . Scholastic "(." I . . . Baud 1·2·3· 1 . . ' J>cl'iali' t Ord1es1ra 2·3- 1 . . . n a ucc Band :1 I . . . l m r amurab l .

Il l 1-.. nurham '>t. l!l IC\\'\10.:--.: l) J. CI' RI Jo: ) \\' t. I -ii:l2!1 H o a' Ct<n" li I.e< to p\:1\ l'un ct nal . .. :ah,·a,, l h<' gcauktuan . hasch a ll . . . p a l, 1\it h Cn) lC . . tltllllliiH't and ton<et , .a ti l'c (fi ne romhin :uima) . . . Cia" olhtl'l I .. Band I 2:1 . .. I111 r anllu·al foot ha II champ' I.

10 Ili H :m cl St.~fl 1\'1 \ . l··II R6

Ca lm a11d qui l'L. cxt·c pt i11 Ma ) fa ir . . . 11h:n a l<a llt-t! • . . pride of llolmcsh11rg 1\o)~· Cl11h . . . Frid:J ) n igh t' at Sl. ~ t an 's . . . 11 eat dre,,cr . . . J .V. Fnoth~tll 2 .. . S11 imm i11g team I . . . l11t nunural~ I.

. 2R th St.32 HR. 9·7629 :'ll:t).,'11CI i.<· pc aso11a lit y . . . likes acco unt i 11g hc<t . . . . 12 10 produtt·: . . favmi1 c H'<·ae:llio n is 'l ccpi n~-: nmil R::lO . • . good drc'"'r .. . In I r :l llHIIa ls 1·2 :l I .. . S1ag;e ucw ~ .

TI-10\IA 'i JOS EPH COLE Co~tl'"' C llt<i'>ll

UO ~ II :--= l C CO~n

W\. t -06t>S \\'o nics a bo u t t est> . . . fr iendlv and talkative . . . hang. \\ ebcr i, fa1·ori1c ou t a1 n o n \ a mi in ,"\ haomailis\ c;H foi l . . . wc: ll ·lil..cd . 'i I, . \ I l l ,"

.\uitudc is I'UIIII) aud se rious . Wildwood boy . .. lots of frie 11ds. 'cspcc iall ) O 'Donnell . . . t rouble with E conomic< ou ~e in all'hil c . . . 111~i11stay of top -llig ht h~ skct · hall team . .. C las' offircr 1·2 . . . Baskcth;ill 1-2-3· 1 (<:ap· tain ) . . . 1\aschall 3· 1 • .. 111tra mu1ab 1·2-3- 1.

'iT. l\1 1< 1\',\IUl


2R l 7

CII.\Rl. ES I'A I RI C K Cl ' R R \:-.

1\liiWil\\OOd . \1 1'.

(OK, . ()1!13· 1 ., r. Cti \RI.~< I I ails I'ront ,\atd:aln , ia . .. faa ming . t hicl hohll\ . . . gac:u I'nll hack (>1 1 root hal l lt':tlll . . . lht lllil>'> hi' 1\':t\ I() ,,·huol l i ~c' :a ll ' pot h . . . C' l:"' nflt<t'l I - I . \':u,il\ [0111 ha ll ll- 1 .. . J.V. foot ba ll 2.



COLL E GE HIGH S CHOOL CH t\Rt.F<: f. 1).\ \' '-. 1".

6li27 Oitt man St.!l5

DE. 8-0!HO


l.i1 e1Wlll \ 1 a11d 011ion" fiend . . . 11p-and-comi11g j0111 · na Ji, t or act o • .. . \\Oman haler . . . ~mi -das:.ical music, ope reua' a nd pla )S are favorite liJ-e, .. . Ceramic club 2 . . . Dramatic duh 2·3··1 (pre,iclem ) . . . Senior Pia)' 2-3· 1 .. . \\'i,l C l iau !I· I .. . Banet I . . . I.R .C:. 4.

li9(11 Clcarvie11• S1.19 ROGER De FR \1~ \'1 1-0792 HOI I CKCh'> I erriht damc1 (La '>aile and Hol1 C1o,,) ... trie<~to J-eep f1 o m 'talliug Clu ,,Jer . . . thin!-, he looks like Gable . 'tudic' ha rd .. . Bo1ding Cluh I . . . Riding club 2 ..• 1\a,chall I . . . Rifle T eam I.

(i929 Cectar l'a1k Ave.!ll\ H .1. 1-0!1!19 '>lUdic'> (011lC fll,l .. . mcmher of " Jiig !1.. .. . \\Car, f.i~enllOIH'I j:ul-et . . . likC' all 'port' . . . ti11keri with motor' . . . me~hanit-al enginccling hi' ambition \••chwllfr:ttclnil\ .. . Ceramic Clnh 1-2. \\'II.I.IA~I


(;f.QR(;f. DEITER

\111\,\\11 ,


1 I· lkl c: .\ rTO

1301\ Reed S1.'1? DL ·1-9139 :\ligralcd II 0111 .. 1210.. . . . I a 'iallc\ 0St:ar Levam me mhc1 ol ...(.oc•. I nc .. . . . . good 'en-< of humo1 ''x ial '1ndic' i11 <ollege .. .lnuanH11al, 1-2-!1. .\:..:..1

'\{:1 \


Wll.l.l.\:\1 .\. l)f.I.MAR 3153 Tulip St.31 ;..;,\IIVIIY 1\.\'.M. Rt-.9-<1087 l'ort Ridunn11cl 'tamping g•ou11cb . . . never can be rushed . .. lo•ms Laurel a11d Hard) comhine wi1h Hand . . . Head of llelmar·s Dilapicl:ued Ding Dong' . . l.a <:aile College hi' objective . . . Rand 1-2·3 .. . Orche\· ua 2 . . . (,l<·c Cluh 1-2 . . . l'ho10graph1 1-2.

lii08 Large St.24 CI--.1,\RI.ES Del ~ I \RC:O Rl·'>llRKI ( 1101\ 1'1. !i-2975 Latlie,· mau . . . la1orit<: t><·liO<I. lu11th . .. ca11 mal-e a piano I:til- . . . cl:l1 1- and ha11d'-Oil1c .. perfect ~e111p loc an :\f.D. ..onwcla1 .. . l ntramtllal<, 2 -3 . . Cia~~ officer 2 Jr. I' rom <ummi11 ec . . .Sr. I' rom .

3929 .. L" St.2.J JOSEPH I. IH .Vl.l :>. 1-JOI.Y (l\1\0CI N'l\ j~:. 5·2513 Brain in accounting .. . na1necl .. AII·G)m ..... keen ctann:r . .. gOO<I boxer . .. good-looking. st udious chap . . . 11111 :unnrah 1·2·3· 1 .. . Haske1 hall I . . . Cla_o;.~ officer 2·!1 . . . lle nildc duh 3 .. . nine and (,old 4.

I.Oll(C, A:>. 1 110:-:Y Di Jlr\01.0 OuR l..\111 m

;\I I. C~KMFI.

322 Spruce St. Camcteu !I CA.


An alleged Phillie~ fa11 ..... 1\rain~ .. himself . . . knows all 1hc :u1"'·er' .. . sharp drc"e1 . . . member ol J erSe) clique . . . frienlll) and agrccablc . . . Blue and Gold 4 (spon' e<liiOJ ) . . . Scholastic "L.. 1-3·4 . . . Scholastic medal 3


CLASS OF Hf. NR\' L. OR i\GliN

2536 f.. Edgemont St.2!1 Nt. 1-9762 Likes science and accounting . tan tal..e a joke and hand one out . . . que:nion hoJo. in ph)'>ic, or any periO<I . . . talks ahout cloth6 and "ear, a hun . . . Che<-s 2 .•. I ntramural- 1-2·3. ST. LAull~NIIll\


5727 N. 21st St.:lK Tt.9-761 R Victim of pitched hall often . . . tH'Itt late . . . 'ecn on golf linl..i . . . pal\ \lith Gordon. ROIH' . . . good 'tudcnt . . . Boxing Cluh 2 . . . Tr:u:l.. 3- 1 . . . 1\enilde duh :1 . . . Croo;,, CO UiliTI I. WILLIAM


bt~IACUt.A1f' C'AI'If":H'IIOI>, Gt· K~I\:-.I0\1' "

!I 13 E. Durham Rd.l !l JAi\ff.S ORISCOI.I.. JR. H oL\' CKO'>\ Wt. 7-IRiii Life begin' at 2: 40 .. . ci1 il engineer hi' ambition . . . hasketball la101 ire game . . . slo1" dOI\11 to let gu)~ nil ... goes along with a joke . . . '\tudcnt council 1-2 Cla..s officer 1-2 .•. Basket hall 1-2·3 . . . !'ennis 2-3 Track !1--1 .•. l mramtu·al cro" tOunttl champ' I •.. j .\ '. f ootball !1.

RICHARO M . IHJI .EHA 'il. :\~tiiRO\~

5239 Montour St.2 I Cll.ll -5!121i

Hobbies include tolle<.ting thing' lot nothing . . . pal ' hith Clanc) . . . like. paniei . . . good-lool..in~ . . . lil.t·, all spor" . . . AI iation club I . . . Photograph\ cltth I '.! ... Stamp dtth 1-2 .•. Intramural-.

tiiiR , \r·~nlc 'it.ll Sr. WI LLIAM Ft. 2-1657 Backs up ~tatmcnt~ with strOn){ argumctll~ . . . cnjO)'> .111 occasional 'mol..c . . . like' to tra1el - all o1cr . . . ardent follower of ll cnq David Thoreau . . . joined the '·' tional Guard a t age or 15 ... Bhtt' ami (.old I ... 1\<m I ing cltth I . . . l 111r:unural" 1-2-!1.


JOH:-i D. FA~II C;u: l' fl G!IIO l'ao;cha ll A1'<'.·12 S1. !1-3197 St . CLFMF'i'l Composition "rite a first-cl ass II . ~ in football ~a me' (butterfingc.-,) . . . wants to he \1 .0 . . . . can take a jol..c . . . l.orf") ·~ and M .B.S. his hangout\ . . . 'harp dre,sca Ill T.~l .'s made b) the ramil) . . . flluc and Cold I . . . Scholastic " I " I . . . Track I . . . l autaanuml, ch amp' I.

12(} W. Logan St.ll .\ lt. -1-1515 " ~t r. ~fusclt·, .. of seniors . . . hraiu in ph)~i<.s . . . lil..c, ~Iarine ou tfi" . . . lo1·es to tta1el . . . competition lo a Cat·ne) . . . l nuamurals ~-I.



FR.o\NCI~ Ot


PETE R JOSE I'H FINLEY 22 19 Mynle St.30 fRANCIS XJ\VII'K l'o. 5-!1610 Good student . .. tall , handsome and like:thl e . . . lil-t·, lunch and Ita, a rew periods or it CICI) da) . . . Student Council I . . . Croo;s countq 3 ..1 . . . ~nior l'la1 3- 1 Baseball !1--1 . . . Dramatic. 2-3-1 . . . 1\:t~l..cthall I.




llo/lnlll Rnw:

J0\1· 1'11

>lli 1 . Roumrott Rd.l!l JOII' < I I \ \ , \ ( , " \\I. 7·1355 IIIII \ ( "'"' \1,1\ot nl \II. \tl\ . • \kml~t•t nl lhl' ( 0 .'' . . . Gt'l' IIICIIt' ll'h-!-:1,1111' tfo.111 ,Ill\ nlht'l 'CIIIOI . . . OJiginatot or Kountlcnl Kn;ul ,., It· ll,t,l-c·IIJ.ttl .. fn,l date i~ ah':''' uc"\1 '" c·l.. • • < Ia" Olhl(·t I . 1\htt' :.nd Gold I ... fllttiCH P1 CUU t UIUI111f It'(' 'minuninv; team :!·I.

I' I I I R



117 Rohin'


i2i ). 5~Lh 'it. I:\ Su. i-!¥.J.i7

I R I· l\1\\,

' " ' ' " 1(.111 \I Ill'

l.. twlln ·" " luju11 Jut•" . . '"" (1- )ut' \1 idea' . . . ( ah · lwuia 111 lnt'l . . g<'h ' h<";lll t.dlmc•" e;hil~ (a'l- him) . mte ol to11gh<"'l tom h.tll pl:tlt'l' l.a '>alk C?\Ct hac! . . . oil lhc· ltc·lcl, a '"<'II g111 . . . Foothall I 2-3-1 . . . ltllt:trnllt.tl' I:! . . . hxorhall lcllc·t :1 I

\ \l .F,

\ 1('.

11 ~ 1·

\ . I•RI· II \ (,

JR .

I <li \\ . 0 1llC) \ ll'.20

1111 11 ' 11 \\1:1 111 ""'"" .tll t l11 · 'Poth ;ttgnn wi llt :\l cC;t.,l h 'IIIIC'I, '"tc liou' oil to co llc·ge altc:t thi' . . . ln ua 111111,1' I ' 1 'I \1e ltcnult.tll'llllll

"'' · 1 :tx7!l " ' · lltt " \ " \\ al ii ·· . . . lta,c·lt,oll ('trth thia't . . R audal', hi' hang fil ii • . • pl a n' to h11i ld li'' ' a to 111ic •·uginc: . . . l'" l'll l:n . . . Cc·oao u ic cl11h I . . . ;.,t ho l."tic· " I ":.!.

I l l i '> . !lt h St.l7

1 1 :-.1 . 3ul 'ir.Da t hl lhRtl\ l !i.')G. \ \ R q~ul:u c ll'lcJtnt·t .11 " 1\.C ." ( 1\at hct' 't t~Hegc) . . . hail' ilmu D:u lll, l .-.. \ . . . . IJ.tt).::tllt hu tllt·r•.. ·, .. H.ic!!.l.opl.i.'!'!-1 . . . l.liJ.;l' \a t it'l\ or ric' . . . h:tlllll). '~.f't .~llillj ~ cl;u!~l'' . . . j uttiw aml '>t•nioo l'tcHt1 c<tlliiJIIl.·t't·c . . . ~/'6"''.. 'cmrritl\ 2:1 I . . . l t.ul.. I~ :ll''(c.optalll) , (ll\~;,:UllK~l .. ·J"Oj·.f llluo· ami (.ulcl I • C.dwla,lll " I ·• · I l nll :t rutual' I :? I



I R \\,( I" I I OIUO

'I."''"'' ...


\t. (11\1 1"

' ' " "IIIII"

l'ltillic·' ian . h,,, hi' t'\1' 1111 c·tt~iut'('ting :11 \ illauma I:!Hlluo1 pal- 1111lo (.t,lt~lt,t good 'luclelll '>t hol.t,IIC ' I ' I •


I II\\ \101 J I 01{11 ..,, IIIII., \

~')j I <; Ch:Hhlit 1.. 'it. I"• JO lt ' I R ll I ITo . :;.~():!6 '>1 . \I CI'IC I \,cJic•cl lm t.tll ,totih .tllcl louckt <lmhc'. . tile' clc:cp ~n the ltt·all ol \outlt l'lulh . . . •tcltnitl'' '>hakc·,lw;nl' ~?. I ICC . I . l ull;lltllu.r" 1\,1\l.t·thall ch;nnp~ l.

.'ii:!2 ' · ltotll <;r.20 \\1.ll6~ll

\l.tl..t·' lllt'll"' 1',1'\ \\,lith Ill lll.tl.l' ·'' lillie h lllOIIl'l '" lw h11chh nl \\c•c·tl. \\.nd . lnll:tlllllt:th I:! \\ t,cl iwt ( loch Rifle· IC'atll 1 '>11i111111ing 11.1111 I I 1.11 I; I

.,,.,.,t- ...


/Jol/nm Uo11 :

I Ol'l~ J. C•. \C.LI .\RDI 'i1. \1 IKY or 1111 l·,t t k/\ \1

:lOil i ' · RingJ.;Oicl'-tt.:l!! R 1. 5-6 15 1 Lilli e 111:111 1\ it lt a hi14 lutttrc ... l:111 i' tht• ruturc (iaii'I CI'. traat is)" . . . I. ill' till' girl~ '' i th hi~ uooning . .. sharp dtc,,er . . . drc:tm' o l h1c 'llld ) pctiO<l' and three lunchc' . . . l nn:unuaah (lla,l..cthall chatnp' 2 fCI(llhall <ham t" 1·2·:1) . . . f\;a,chall I . . . l·(l(tl hall 2.

COkl'l '' C IIK"tl ., I. 2 !J2ii One ol Hrothl'l D. John 's hu1' . . lclp n11let 111 trad.• . . . hangout , "it h the ~;;~ ng at Lo~;an\ 'll'l" c·ollege-bouml . . . .\ rthwnf t alclltitl \11 duh I Rifle duh I . . . Crc"' wunt11 2· i ... l tatl.. I:! :1·1 lmtamtn;tl ha,l..etlull dt.uup :1.

C ll \RI.E~ J. (,I· IIIU :-..c ; F.R lli'i \\'. C.odfte) .\1 e.20 St. 1-lt· t~;-,, l.t . !)-220~ l'c t pe tual ''n ih- . . . L·ngi neer amhitio11 . . . l'hillics latt . . a quiet 1aluahk ntemhet of <Ia'' ol ' 19 . . . ltlll:t· nturals 1-2 l'hoto~rapl11 Cluh I 2 \ rchtoll faatetniL\.

~IIC:I I.\1-.1. (.01 IH' 21:12 Tot onto ..... n,.!Hll211 C:nKt't '' Cukt'll r a il. cl;n 1... ~;ood lool..ing . . . tall.' \\Cit ott an~ snhjeu . . . ' e'' a la't pare ao; cl:"' l"c'idclll . . hard time l..ceping the git h :m:n .. Cia" olfi<t't :! :~-I . . . Foot hall 3-1 . . I tad. 2 . . . lntramut .tl'

ROHER I 1·. (.FI'>I·. I 1:102 Cltcltt·tt .\l e.2fi 1101.1 .\-"C.IL> 11 .1. 1-7117 1 l'opula r "'he• at C.oloni<tl ••alii\ w he C. l' .. \ . . . . one ol Kcll ) ·, gan~; . . . lil..t·, ''"die' and clanting (j tht "hat he 'aid) . . . Col01 guard :1 . . . ll.tud 1-2 . . . (.Ice tluh 1 . . . l'h<HO);taph1 duh 1-2. . '-tdwla\tit· medal 2 . . . Reuildc t luh :1 l'an- \met i1 au '-tcH i<'l\ 2.

\\'11 .1.1.\~1

:i:JI'; ' . C:una< '>t () \, l ·ll!">Ki I aggccl ao; the "fla,h" . . . pah a t ntnul \\'llh Dtal..c . . • \\t'll·lil..cd h\ l'H'I\ h01l\ (:tltd \\C clo tlll',ltt l'\CI\ b()(l\ I . . , ' ' iation tl11h I . . (.ciami< dull I <.Icc dtth .1 I . R ifk- tluh 2 .. ( <llttlttn I . . . I lOtti. :l-1 •• • R iding duh I . J.\. loot hall :!.

RIC I-I i\R J)

(.ERAI.D FR.\:'\ C I'> C.R.\D EI

.J . C.URDO'


\ . (.EI'> I·.R

2ilfii ,\tnhet St. RF . 9- 1126 \lout ", talllil 'lOit' i' h:11tgOllt :11nhitiun 10 mal..1• a tllillion hcfmc tiH'II tl . . . lktl..llllll/ attd lluhllt' all' pal, . '-tt:tgl' Ut'\\ I 2 . . Dt:unatil dul• I 2. '\IIIII\


llot.Y C111 1 11

1\,\', \1,

h C: IK' \II()'

llti W Duncannon \1c

Mt. I K71W

l'cr,onalil\ pitt ' . . . lttlttrt· ha' a llllil'~l' lci(>IIUIIg l;ugt . . . pa11'h duh " h" dlid hottt).\lltll • lnuamua.th I :!-3-1 ll.mcl I ·:! • \\ j,t<•ti.m 1-:.! , •• l'hOIO!-:l.tphl dtth 2.


CLASS OF 1949 I \\H.~ J. (,R,\0\ 5706 Boyer St. I \1\1 \(. t I \rl CO,CII'IIO' TF. 9 ·6951 Imitator \dthout I)Ce r. . Frit1 Kreisler's rival . . . music a hohll\ .md a hu,inh' . . . I.R.C. 4 . . . Orchestra 1·2·3·4 . . . 't 1.ing qua1tct 2·1 . . . Ra-e hall I . . . Dance hand 3. ~. D\\'ARD \IICHAEI (.ROOD\' 5828 Stockton Rd . 1\t\1 '< t t \It ( :C·"n t•llo' GE. 8·4986 Quiet : ~:ood ~en'e of hunl(lr . . . ne\ er too hll>) 10 help . . . lill(' of ntothel n. John 's bo)' . . . l ntramurals 1·2 :1 I . . . Rille dull I . . . Cro~' countl'\ 2·;1·4 . • . lla<l.. 2 ·!1 I. .


2·120 S. 2 1st St. Fu. 9·3447 l.i"C' in the deep 'io uth - l'hill)' . . . champ rower . . . 'IIIIIIIIC" in Ocean Cit) . . . futurt' engineer . . . da ncin~. 'croud lwhhy (fir>t ?) , Bowling duh 3 . . . Boxing duh I .. . Ctcw 1·2 ·3·1 . . . Cro~~ couutry 3·4 . . . Pan·

'>1. !\IONIC\

. \ IUCII(':t 11 ~Cl('iCI'


U ' GE:-;1·. 11.\(,A:"\

5923 fieldeR t.

DE. 6·3380 \kl" l'opul:u 1-ith tht' fell01,~ and o;h) with the ladies .. . halOn t\.illct . . . ftllute hcd.ons as a scientist . . . thto"' tht• di~l.. fo• llrother D. John . . . Baton T~>itler :!·:l- 1 . . . I nil :Htlltr:tl' . . . Photograph' club 1·2 . . . ltMI.. 2·:1· 1 . . . RiOt• duh I.

' ' · \1

I· R.\:"\CI" 1'. H\ ~1)

1113VirginiaAie. HILLT0t" I669·J Quiet . . . I)IIC of the ho)~ from D:.til") ~raid . . . his hai1 take' a heating ftom the boys . . . companion of Dchn:11·, . . . J.\ '. l'oo1hall 2 . . . Foothall manag-er 2·3 . . . lnllall\ul al foot hall champ' 3. '>\(kill 11 1\kl

.')3-ll N. Sydenham St. JO<,EI'II JOH~ 11 :\~:"-J ,\ Ml. ·l·31!14 I lot" C1111n .\lc•mbcr of 1hc l' iucapplc Coke Club . . . his jokes and l'connm ic' J.\ll to);cthcr . . . cerrihlc habit he complains ahoul: J.:Ciliu~; np iu the cnorning . . . lntramurals 1·2·3··1 . . . C:to" ICJtnHI) I.

j .\\IF'I

J. II.

t-I A I C II

2 1 ~in1h Ave .. H addon Heights, N.J. )t.

Ro'~ ot ll\t'

H Ao. H1:.1. 2·!10-11

Haug\ around with e\enhod) . . . always working-at 'omething . . . one of che good·lool..ing boy~ from Jerse) . . . i' l..no"n :h the "JeNC)' ~losquito" . . . Clas.~ offiCer I ·~ . . . l ntramur:l" 1·2·3· 1 . . . j .\ '. Ra~ketball 3 . . . h e-hm an ba,l..c·thall.

213!! neiiC\'IIC ~l. Cll \RI I· '> J. II\ I I ~1.\:"\ SA. 2·3747 Oc k I \Cl\ o~ 1111 Hoc\ <,<wu l.ifq;uatd in 'ummcc . . . thin!.., hi~ ties 'harp . . . ai\\:C)' joining the ~a') when things get tough . . . never .tttcndcd ,, g)m cl:l'>' in hi' life (after June will sell his 'l'u e1 w highest hi elder) . . . Cia~, oniccr I . . . Scholastic "1." I . . . 'icnior l'l a) I . .. Football 2·3 . . . Swimming team 2· 1.




~1. II A\'A RO,\ NSK\ 21!01 Snyder Ave. Ho. ii-67~K CMtMtK Fu ture All-American coach . . . likes to tide in Red\ jalop~ . . . imramural star . . . wants 10 go 10 college in 'iout h where it's ,,·arm . . . Class officer 1-2·:1 .•• Jn niot Prom Commiuee ... Schol astic " L" I . . . Football 3-1 ... .J.V. Basketball :1 ... T rack J -4.


J A M~.~ JOSEPH HE FFF.RN1\:>: ~ l !i l ~fonuo'c "' · 'it. AN•tllONY Kt. !1·79!1!) I :all. hlondish-red. and likeable . . . a "i11 in imramural ha,l..etball . . . "there's only one pa rish itt 'lout h l'hilh .. . . . \ rt dub 3-1 . . . eros~ toll Ill q managct 3 . . . I I ad.. manager 2-3 . . . I 111 ramurah.


H ELl ~. R 29i8 Caul 'it. B.\'.:\1. RF .!l-13 1 ~ .\lwa)' geuing hi' home\\'Otl.. <lone in mo111ing . . . one of l'ut.so's roughcM members . . . travels with O•chcll. Kl eckner. Belansen . ~ . l ntr:\mur:tls 2-3 (fu()lhall cha mp'i JO H :>:



j :\.\I ES


H F.NR\'

..... A IIHNA>Il '

2027 Walnut l.ane II .\ .

l ·iii!l~l

Run ' Wildwood .•. " Big Jim" . . al\\a\, good f111 ;1 jol..c . .. one of now·, bo)S ••• college in hi~ lutnre ... All duh 3 . . . Ceramic cluh 1-2 . . . Football :\la na~;e• 1·2-3--1.

.\ . JOSEPH H F.RINC 'ir.

22 1 \\'alnm t.


'iharp dresser . . . Colwyn wheel . . . neve• worries . . . pal, with Bedesen and Adanh . . . amhition just now , to ~ouad uate \\ithout too much cllort . . . lnuamural., 1·2 . . 'K·hola~tic " 1." I.

20K I :-l. 62nd St. .J:U I ES RYA N J. HI LFER I \' Ot R L ADY OF I.Ol!RDf.S TR. 7-16lti I.O):ll "nine-lift) cluhber" . . . migrate, ftom the hacl.. "ood~ of Overb•ook . . . lo' l'' the simple life . . . neat clrc~~cr . . . rollcgc-hound.

2507 s. 20th l . Fu. 8-365!! Hot \' ankee rooter . . . a~ good as they can come . . . don't get imo an argument wi th him . . . •port~ fiend . . . ')outh Philly pccial .•. llllcrnational Relation Clulo I . . . Intramural~ 1-:1 ( ha~l..cthall champ' I). RO BERT HOGA:>:



1!36 N. 25th.,, _ FR. 7-3ii51 <;nllllest wheel in ~ n ior d:t)\ . . . budd) of Finle) and Querubin . . . neat . . . I>Oiite . . . good-looking . . . fre<tuenu La Salle dances . . . I ntramural~ 1-2-3·11 (foot ball champs I : ha~eball cham 1>~ 1).



')t. fRA ... C lS X .- \\ltR


fit 'I \t h01 Rtl ., Chcltcuh~tll (Alii r. ~i:l:-1 1'111 \I 'I \I"" C>l II.\ \1 Hoh I dkt of Lt '>alit• . . , <Itt·"''' ltl..e ;t millionaitc . . • ·""·"' ptc--.cd lot time . • .111 " hi' .unhi1ion . . '>< hol:l,tit " !." I I'H'Il't <luh I .. , Otdtt''"·' ~I \11 duh ~ - ~·I . . . 1\aud ~ :1 I • . 1\;ht·ha II :l I

101" Ill\\ \RJ) Ill Lilt \'1



fi~ i

R \1 I) P. KE'-:" D\ l'l31 I·. '\t:tffoul '\t I \1" ' ' 1 1 111 Co'< tl'llo' I 1. !l-:lll2i \l cml>et nf " Hig l'i~t•" t R\ ,111. Otnlln, \lallo11 ami '>til \\ell) . . . "hat a hm,t·m;m' • lil..t"> 'thool hc't 011 holul:11' . . e'lellt•ttt '11uk111 .. l..ccp< a "\\'ho·, \\'hn " I.R.L I . . . Dramatit ol l.iule ll011et po"ihilitit'' . < luh :1 I . . 1\lue ;mel <.old (a"i'Lant cdito• · ill ·thief ) Cia" Olfict·t :1 .. , \\ ;,ll•ti.nt :1 . Ct•tamit Cluh!! . 'lt·n iw 1'1:1\ :1 I . . '11.1~:c· c 1<'\\ :1. (,J

101" I· Kl R\\' 1' I "\1 1c 1 1 1 11 Co" 11' 111"

I . \llcglll'm \H·

Rt . !).()~IIi

II.III J.:' 11111 :11 \\ hel.u" , o~lt'll tn;tl..t•, 1 l:t" In 1hc 'etCH Ill ht•IJ lltlll'd )Ill loott..tiJ JIH'dieltclll' , , , 1111iCI 11pc l''l<JII 1\ll<'ll he 1\,lllh ,t llf.\OIH'IIt' hl..t•, It> cl:lllll'

\tcktll .uhnitt:l ul 'h"""'' ••. lltl'lllht·t ol l' ineapplo> ( ul..t• ( luh 'I'm" t:lll hu'i·"' , , . lullmH·t ol 'O~;ul.. ll.. t:' lt.t<h-111.111.. j, hi' t ':h\):11111}\ 'lillie· ltlll :illllll:t" I :?.:1 I • '>< hula,tic "I ' ~.

1011' ..... I



I lo.l • ( ,, I " I I II

lli'nllhHill \~t• ()(, , ()

lOll' I .. KI'>IF.I E\\''>"1 l ~lr. l l.<lgr moul 'il. '>t. loti' ( "111 ' Ct .. 1\-902!1 '>oun~ lult ' of l.a S:t llt- . . . ta ll . Ia iii.. ) :tthktr .. , ptidt• o l l\1 idt•,ltur~ .. . 'l'o ' '' hi' l'H'II lcl tl'l . . uitl..ualn<·d " J,j,h'' . . . ~a'\~oin.~. IU'\f.'t :1 \\01'1\' . . . kuu''' 1lu.· ai1"\C'I"- 111 <Ia'' \\ithoul 'C.'t'lltiu~~ 10 tt\ .

:i5() I \\

I t•;ult•t (I) "uuitt:d 1\t' pa". cli1 ltlt-d ll't' l.til" d uh . . . pat·tnt·t ;, <.ci~d . . . nitl..n,lllll' " t•: ~t•," . . . Clcu,icle (" \\ilh ;111 , ... , ;, Lht• ,1,111in"' ,c ncl hui,hiug point ol l1 i' d:t" .urilirit•, . . (:1,._, OIIIU 'I '' lllll.lltlltta" ~.:1 I

I \\fl"

.,, \ '"


PH"'' '10

Hfi I Ch111 <It L ant' \ 1. I 6:1HI

2:i:l l I 111 ip ..,,

1011' \. K I I· C"- ' I R


1!!'1 \\ . \,lunead '>t

I It\" '"II \ "'" I I . !Ill\ I 'I I a'ih t'" itl'd . . . •tuitt• a ,,·kttion of ttL"- ••• •uhlt.•titalh 11111tclecl . . llequt'nh tltt• " \ · . . . Llll, luigltt :ual ltallll ,Will' . . . I • ac 1.. :1-1 .. . illll.lllllll.tl, (<!tamp' locn hall :1 Jta,l..eth:tll th:tlliJ>' 2 :11 ... I

Jb, .1 t.ll uamt:d "1\t·<'<lkb:lltm" imi>OII<'tl hom Ke11 ''"!!.IIlii . . h:bl..t:lhall hl'lul main haugullh ' '>1 \tlllt'·'· I a 'lall e. Hig \\ \lc•tl\ (.lllcl .dl poinh \\ t•'t 'dtc>LI'IIt '' l " I l'.tll \tnt•ti<.llt '>ot . ~. 10!1

IU('I-1.\Rll '>. h.LI'\(.1 '> lii!li \11tlC1'1111 'ti. I. II II I 1'1 0111 t< I I·. !I n:l~ll lllt'''C<I 10 !..ill . . . gut'' to .t pl.ut· natut•d \l.lillt' l'\1:11 ' lllltmcr . . . 111.ul 1 wlini't . . . <<til t;ol..c .1 lot nf l..ulding . . . I.II0\111 lot '0JII ,JIIO IOill' , , ,111101" h,t, ,t lllllt OtdtCSIJa I~ :1 - 1 . . . ll.n1 cc 1\;nHI I~ . . . ( .IC\\ ~-

fO'tl·. l'll \ . I \1'1'1'\ JR . :.!11!1( oopt'l '>1 .. \\t•,tmunl '\ J IIIII I lilt I( CUll'· !i I i27 llhti ~-:atu l ul " I ill lt• ptontl u l home 't:ltt' . . . '>t,JlC f'Oh- \,lith th.11111111111 'lUdic' \IIIII\ him hut .til IIlilt a11d (.old I . . . Cl;''' •t·t·m, to 1ontc 0111 JtgiH . Olltn·l I :.! . 1\md iiiJ.: l'c;1111 I . . . '>ll llllnt illg 2 · 1 • . . I rati. ~:11 . . ltlllilllllttah I ~:11.

(,1 OR<. I· '> . 1-.:\EDI 1'>1 '\

fOil :\ 1'. I I \ \11'\( •. JR ·,:.!n Oltl \uti. Road I II II It II I II (.ol\<.11' 1111,, 01.0" II ll:!l)ll :\I hJIIC,lt 10111 t'' lt awd111,11 1 • • • h." dl'lmitt• opi11itlll' lllt'ti'c 'Jll'<tl-et . t'"H·mt·h llt·ll•e;ul c.1n I>~.• lou11d ill the lihtilll . . . ,tho quilt• lht• .ttllll ,IJld CIJIIOilh at ho111t· 1111 the ltilll. .. llt;trn,H•c Cluh I , . I iht all (' luh ~-:l I . . l't:t t ~ ~ :1 - 1 . '>c1um l'l:n I ... IUtlin:.; <luh I.

J(ltl \\ .


< lt.1111plo,t \ H

l .t. !I ·~~~~~ One or tht· :111 uri!.;in;ol' h.ttntt' I a '>.tilt· d.11ur' ",t hrain ' . . 'till IIOII<kting 11h.tt a 11httc c:nd luul.., ltl.c . . . 'l't'll 11ith :\lddtim :1 ntl l h:l'tai11 \\'i,tcri ;lll I·:! . . . .,thola,ti< " I " I~ . . . l'an -. \lll t't lt.lll 'tot ict1 ~ ., I . II H I " \




\\' II 1.1\~1 f 1.\ '\(, 92H I•,. \II . \ ill , \ll'. .... . R \I \11"11 C.tl. i .. ~ill (,()( in!Ctiottll <UIItJIIt·, ltom Ill' ( II"ICI IIICIIthet ol c.. o.... <JIII<'t >en'c ol httlltol. IICII -Iil.t•tl fa11uitt <JIIt''l ion. " ( ·<·orgc. go I lOIII' 'olld dmw?" . . . mc<ht ;o I p1ok,<io11 tiiiiCIIl intct c't .. . \1 iation Clnh I . . . Llluc .1nd C.uld ~ I . . . \\'i,l CII<III 2 . . '>thol:t,ll< "L" I.

111:1 '>lu•lhou11H RtM<I I\ 111 tot' 11:1:11 \f lltllCI l.no1111 a' lluh . . tlunl.' Itt· " .111 .uti,l, R ut<o dtl(''ll.l tlc1oitl ol temp•• . . ltl.<·, the IICt·l.cnd' .111d dot'\111 do h;ul in tla'' hail' !tum \lanua \ll ('iuh I . . . lll11 t' .111tl (.old . . . <:1.1" Ofhtrt I . • .

I· R.\:'\C:I'> I. \ :-.CO:\ I·

ll(.l·,:\1· 1'. 10(.11·


I" 1111 11 '11 1\ fill:> llc;ulctl lu• .1 co;uh111J.: t.ta·n •.• m.ul alllltll lu(llh,tll .mel d.lllcillg . . 11 ould It I-t tu 't.ttl "'' 11 t ollqw . . J.a,t (. cnn:tlllo\\u 'al c·<ontlutl l''"'l'' Jti, 'Jic<i.tll\ . •. (.L"' OlltCC1 I . . . '> chol;l'tu· "I ' I · ~ • . . Jlot,kt•thall 1-:1 • . . I uot ha II :! :1· I.

\\' II 1.1 \\1 II. I OC.h. \IUl

'i\1 1<111 Il l \Ill


n l 'i Cahi 11 Road \II< I 1\1 Ill. !),i;i l R I il.c' tn tl'll t.tll t.tk' . . . h.1unt- (A'IIII.IIIlOIIIl .1ml 111init1 . . . one ol 1.1 '>.tile·, ht·ttt'l dtt"-'t''' . . . ltanl.. \inall'il or ~Otlt anti O IIIC\ . . . I ittlc Hnllt;l \ICill..llc" . . . ,\n Cluh :l· l . . . ( Ia,; Olh«•t I . . . Rilk Clull I . 01 dtc<tra I.

I ·~


• r:






5817 Morris St. VI. 4·2573 lleu er known as ''Ja,·a Dau·· . . . little fellow with a big heart .. . alwa)~ agrees with Margre . . . one of the "3B ori~inals·· . . . sports enthusiast . . . Stamp Club 1-2·!1 . . . Kille Club ~ . . . Pan -Am. Soc. ll-3. <;T. \'1;\"CE:-.T


1828 N. 15th St. Gt-. 5-1023 l'resictent of l'ineapple-Cokc Cluh wa' >-hair con ~t· ious . . . fiend on howtic~ . . . buddy of Sanzare . . . hand~on1c hoy . . . 1111m111urals 2 . . . Bowling Team I. 1-!0I . Y Cllllll

ROHERT E. ~ft:CllE:'\ 5224 Kershaw St. Sr. GRn;oRv TR. 7-1636 l.ockard's be!ler half . . . ~harper in all ways . . . work~ part time a~ bouncer on ··E·· bus . . . famous for his sile and shape ... engaging pcr~onality . . . Blue and Gold 4 . .. .J.V. Foothal l '.! •. • Bowling Club 2 . .. l. R .C. 1.

.J.UH:S .J. M<.:DEVITT 57 11 N. 3rd St. Sr. HEI.H'(A WA.4·1579 Quiet and well-liked . . . known as "Nit;k" lO his boys . . . attends La Salle dances . . . " 'eed's Siamese twin ... ambition-college.

DANIEL T. McGLY:'IIN 25·10 N. 24th St. St.COt-liMI! \ 8A.9-6334 '" Heels Beals" of La Salle member of Sophomore Inkwell Basketball Champs . . . question hox in account· ing . . . sl'hool spirit: sma ll in height- tall in light . . . tmrauHn·als 1·3 . . . Arc:hconfr:ttemit y.

EU\\'IN FKA:-.'CI~ .\lc (;I.YN:'\ 1/18 Roose,·elt Ulnl. MM fll): OF I'OURS 0 ..:. 6-626/ Noted for "Daniel Boone" coat and hat . . . spends spare lime at the shore . . . ta lks on a n ything, ah,·ays ready to tlefeml his opinion . . . has a hal> it. of sleeping nights ami staying awake in school . . . Track 3 . • . Cross Counlr) 3 . . . .\\'iation Cluh 1. ~T.




19 Maple St., Clayton, N. J .

ST. CA ntERI~F Accomplished musician . . . can always be (ound with the band boys ... h:trd worker and willing to help . . . .Band 1-2·3·4 . . . Orch<'Stl'<l 3-4 . .. Dance Band 2·3·4.

31 Carpenter Lane GE. 8-9779 ~·I ighty mite of the Cross Coumry Team ..• sailing add ict at Wildwood . . . leads the cheering in the shower room pep-r:tllics . . . ,,·eighs even less than Sharp . . . good gu) to know and good frientl to ha'c ... Class Officer 1-2 .. . Basketball M:lnager 1-2·3· I . . . Cros_~ Countq• 3-1 .. . Track 3--l. JO.SLP H EU \\'1\RI> .\fc<.: RA I H

ST. '" I ADU.II\1'


CLASS OF 1949 J.

5256 Horrocks l. jF.5·5256 Can't see taking g\m . . . one of the ' I>Ccial roster I>O\' . .. 1allo.a1ive . .. eal~ ''ell. a1nplac.e. <111\lime . . . 'I>Cncl' the beucr pan of the )ear at Ocean Cin .. . Fo01b:~ll !! . .. <,wimming 2 ... l lllr;unurak LOU IS


~T. M .\RI Il' orTol'R'

JO H :'\ 1'. Mt.to-:NN,\

li ll 7 N. lawrence S1. W.\. 1-5761 \rdent Red ~' fan . .. tan he luullll at l'alher Bro,,n·, . .. perennial chcd.ercd l>hin . .. ..chool begins at R:!iO . . . alwa1s ha~ the la;t word . . . lnlramurals 1·:!·3· 1 (baske1hall champ' 1·3) .. ..\rchtonfratcmil).

'\T. H t::LU~ \

KU67 Fa) cue .!lt. ROl\ ERT E. M<.I..\RI·.:-. 'ir. R .W\I(ll'O j A. ·1· 1798 '>!>OriS a •nappl haircut . . . c;n·nc'l ;u<<Hinling <tutlenl • .. shaq> dresser from -hoe. 10 hail ..• a ~inge•· of no mean abili11 .. . <,enior Pia' I . .. I. R.C. I . . . l nll':l· 11111rab (fool ball <hamp' I ).

WII.Ui\M .J. 1\lc MJ\H ON I Hl!:l .hhle)' Ro:•d H A. J.l!l){lH Sr. ATIIAl'.\;111\ \f ade good in 1hc 1110\' it.,.-u,he• . .. ne\cl misses a spoil· ing e1·enc <II l.a C,alle . . . wanb 10 dodge the draf1 . . . handwme hloud aucl ;1 perW11alit' 10 matc.h . . . Cia.-., Officer I . . . J.V. Foo1ball . . . Trac.lo. 1·2·3·1 . . . j.\'. naskctball 2 . . . lnl r<llllUI'ak

i IO!J Forrc;t 1\ vc. FRANK C. M cNi\ 1.1.\ 'ir. ATIIANA\11!' \\'A. -t-3111 ~ fechanie,•l dr;11dng 1;1\·orite I>CIIOd . . . lrC(IUenls Hoh Cro-s . . . full of jolo.c, . . . head 1"hc1 .. . Mahone\\ 'hadm' ... \\'isrerian I . . . ~holaslic " I " I .. . Ba,kct· •hall Ch;unps- lnuamurals 3 . . . lllue and (,old I.


25 1~ !).

22 nd St. Fu. 9-0!\H!l r akes sltldic.-,. in 'lt ide . . . ""Ill' ru he .1 real! or . . . I a 'ialle ~por1 ;~nd dance el'enL< a muq .. . full of fun . . . Intramural~ 1·2 ·3 . . . (champs in ha,lo.cthall 1·2·3; foot · hall champ' 1). JOHN

Mc i'EMl

'iT. EnMONil



s·•. Rost.


35 E. Graisbuq J\\ t:.,f\udubon, N. .J. AUI).

5-6 178 \\'

Loves the fresh :lio ami freedom of .Jc• sey .. . honoo· ;,tu · denl and 1210 p•oduct . . . conduCI\ 'prin~Limc outin~' regular!~ . . . IIC\Cr mi"se- a game ;II 'chool ... 'khola'· •k ''I " 1-2; \lcdal 3.

DANIEL M AGlJ IIU~ 20~) ~.. H ighland .\\ c. OttR Moult It or CoNSW ..\110~ Cn. 7-·IO!i!J l' ride of ~1r. Chilli> j, an acco•nplishctl ,a:..ophonist . .. likes basketball . . . also Irish danc.c~ . . . '"·ell addition 10 any college . . . n and 1-2-S· I . . . l111ramurals 1-2 ·3 .. . Wisterian I . .. Orchestra 3-1.


llollwn /(o!t':

1 \~IF'> \. \1 \110" \ 711!1 Lotmc Rd.:lli ''· \ttl" I ' l l ' H \ , l -78 11 I .tkt·' hi' '>p.llli'h 'l'ttou'h . h id.tl niJ.~hL hangout .n lluh CH"' t•njol' ttiU,i< .uul midj.lt:l t·;u mcinj.\ . . . tht· <lnt,wndntJ.\ .uti'' ol -cnim dl'J>alliiiCIII . . . ,\ It Cluh ~-1 lllut: .uul (,old I • • llo,inl{ (luh ~ . . . Cia" OlhtCI I ... \\' i,tl'l i;lll I • .. l'hOIOJ.\1 apl11 Club ~.

I H O~J.\ <,


J JJ ,j Cic:;lt I iCII '.t. JI I 1. H-J\:1:1:; ll tolhcr I hollt. t' ' ha tho1 a11d Gtdth . . . liJ..t·s 10 dch<tl<' . .. dlct·J.., toal' at '>aund;" n itc d.1mc' ... nCHT 11ithou1 Flood . . . <ht•tni''' 1 one of hi' holthic' . . . l'hotog~;tpln Uuh ~ . . "'"t•hall \l <tnaget I:! 3 I . . Rille (.luh 1-:1 !I . .. l nuamu~;th l l omhall (hamJ" I). \1 \/./.. \

IJ O I.I C:liii .U

\LB t. R 1· \ . \ll·.ll O RO

~:IX 1·.. 'ihcldon ~t.:W f\\H'> .J \1\110' ,[, \\lltKO'I ~! 1. 1- HiHO h.tlll\\11 Ill lu' h.ti1 and 'ha1p dancer . . . a non·,nwkt•t' •• dauct'' at Ia '>.tilt- ,, lot . . . g;nc the lttHlerda"llll:ll ,, tOtt).:h tnnc a' mom·1 1tta11 fo1 the ~Cal hooJ.. . . Jllu<· .uul (.old I 1Hu"ltl'" I cl11o1) ... Ot·,unat il' :1 - 1 . . . '>l'lltlll l'la1 :11 • . lta<J.. :1. \\i,lctian 3 . . . l'tom Comrnilll'l' :1

O liK L \ 0 \ Ill


19()5 .,, i lc~

~t.5 1

\ 'f,I J.,

.\ 111 pla1c i' luu11c lo t \1 ... '<lltdlol lootha ll and l~;t ,t·hall '"'"tlo111 . <ollegc ;oncl ( .. 1'. \ , ;unhition . . 11C'at <~J>f>Ca~;nttt' 'Jitict .. ltllt<lllllllal' 1-2-:l IJI.t,J..l·thilll Champ' I :;,.

lli~!J S. I 61h 'it. 15 '> 1. I 110\1" \ (ll " " H o. :1-!l!.!i!) \l ain dcfcn'c 111 the· l ,t,kct lk.ll' ltHun· dralhm.llt . . main hnhl11 <tlltillg g1111 . pl.ll' a mean pi11h.•ll tllathinc ... lllll'H''ll'<l in 'ipani,Jt . . 1\awn 111irlct !! .. l\o1din~ Cluh!! . . l mranHIIah ( JI.t,J..cthiill Champ' I 3).

JO<, J·. I' II \ . \1 \:'\( I '>0 1510 R itucr St. l!i Fu.!Hl!JX~ '>t. \fo"c 1 "'"'"teach \lith a h.tttdom . . . !-;\111 '1.11 ... 'Petialllt:' 111 It Clll h Cuti 'hit h • . OUt CHIC a tiC I Ullh "(.u,.... Iundt. lte'l ;tllcl tttc~'l taiJ..t·d-.thoul )tetiud . . . Cia'' Oflt<Ct 1-:1 • .. f.\', I outhall :1 ••. lnll;umnal' I~ :1 llla,J..cth,tll ( h;nnp' 1-:11.

JO t! :". I· ~ II• I .C III O RI~ !iii 16 1\1 iria no Rd.:! I <, 1, \1 \ KI" 01 ' I ()11R~ .Jt . 5·i!IO:i Ouhtandillj.( ,<Jw lao ol 'cniu1 tlcp.11 1111Cill . . . liJ..e, all 'J>Oll' ... ltcqucnt 1i'il<>r w I..'.. II . '> attllda\ night dame' . .. mll,ic ., lwhh1 ... 'till tl\illJ.\ to lind out \\hat <olm 1ani, are gi1 en out he-. ide- gold ... '>d10L"ti1 " L " 1-2·3 I \ ktlal 1-2-3 I. l'an \111. '>otiet~ ~

JO'>I·: l'H -" 1110" \1.\R\.RF :!ll:l5 :\'. !lth 'lt.:I:J -.'. Fn11 \Rn n '· 9-377!) Om• of till' :In 111 iJ.~it~;~h .. I""'L'IIJ.\<'t iu Kcho·, cu ... pka,ant. ftit·nclh J>t't"m;ditl . <ullq:c hound Cia" Ofhcc·t I • . Rifle ( lult I ~ l'all· \ 111. 'l<>tiCl\ .! :1 .. lnll.llllllt tJ, I :.!

11 2


I 11-. RIH.R l \\ 11 .1.1 .\ o\1 ,\ 11-.\'ER 't

I l!!.'i



\ 'i nccnl St. II 1'1 .5· 1962 C;Hchc~ la't " Y" hu' iu 1he nu11 111111; ••• vue of the main 'la)S Of the 1'1~'1\ ( kiWI\ , C\CI\ drop Of the '>chU)lkilt h) its lil't na11 w) . . • ,harp d rc,~cr . . . aucnd~ L.S. II . dances ... '>pani~h duh !! ... J. \'. Football 2 ... l'au-.\m . 't<Kict' 2 . . . Cit'" 1-2-:l-1 . . . lnllatnural\.

I-.D\\'1\RD .\1 \ll I I I' !!Till \lkght·m \H•.:I:.! ;-.: \11\'tt " R1 . 9 ll!!7i l·ound .ll lutlll'l\. t'\CIIhcxh ', ltit-ml . \\'hat dul I do, ll10thcri'" . . . 1110•<:~ <HI<"' tht liiiiiJlll' "<'" H'•" . . t cnult'k' alwa)' good 101 :t laugh .. (.lt·t• Club :1 . .. 't1dnuning- l cam ~I ... '<hoJa,tu " I " I

!!101!.'>.2udSt.l8 Dl . 1-8·131 Ra~C' 1\ it h I he bell C\ l'l \ IO(IIIIing . great );I Ill Cit 1h "'ia't . . 'JI<IIl' a hig li momi nc . . . colic<" locket thmrs a' hobh) . . . lil..c t'I'Cr) hod) else ;, a «Huk hook lau . . . 1\uwling Clu h 2 . . . S\\imming Tca1u 1·2 . . • l uuamm.ll' ( lla,l..ctball (:haiiiJ" 1-3).

I R,\ '(,., j0!)1 I' ll \ll I I " .!SIX \\ . ( klllt'lllinc SC 3:.! 'CillO\ II ..,,, !!-HOIIX I ic111. iu the 'ubh1 lltli\CIIIl'tll • . • ltuld' p.ni'h IV.\ lOl{Clht•l in Ill' 'J><tre IIIIIC . hotll k.ulct . lllll' O( ~~~~ origi11al' . . . 'JI<IIl~ ,t 'hmt h.1i1 nH • Bo"ng Cluh ~ ... Cl;"~ Olhtl' l 1 -~-:1 I ... 'ichol;l\ti<. " I " 1-3 ..• Bast..rt hall I . . l'an -,\111 , .,odell ~

'\li.J!S o\l iti;nn Rd.21 JO'tEI' II I' \l ' l \I O RRI .,O:'\ 'tt. .\1 \Ril l\ Of' I Ol K' Dl. 6-6088 II<''' sprinter iu th e dt) . . . ".1" hu' hoy ... I..S. College g1ad . . . hatuth 20th :llld Olut'\ on 'iaturda\ nite . . . 1\cg:g-iu aud .\lutplll fmm the "mob" . . . Cia" OIIKCI 1 -2 - ~- 1 . . . Juuior l'm111 Committee . . . Tmtk 1-2·3· 1 C'11•~~ Couutn 1 . . . Ce1amic Cluh I.

1'\l' l \ . \ll Ill'\. IK . ;;:; 1:1 IIIII < 1 <'<'k Circle 20 ,\\1111<0'1 1'1. 5·.!6ili ')pct·ialitt'' in IHoi--cn :11111' lice 11ith hi, humc1101k . . lil..t·• 1>:1\l..c•thall . . " H ill (leek" l.ttl gi1·c, the r.;it b a hteak II\ olllCIIthiiJ.; l ., dalltt" Ulllding (.luh I . . . lntlanun.tl\ (11:1\I..Nb;tll ( hamp' '.!).

(,I·.OR(,I· 1'. J. \IOYI \ '\ 351 1·.. Crog:" I anc I!I \'t. 1·2911 II w ' Cl((l" l' hotog:ra ph) C'Pt' l l . .. t•mincnl IIICIIIht'l ol "C.()." Club (<okCJ> onh) . . . ne1e1· 'ccn "'a lking . . . cau au(} will 1alk ou all topi<' ... llluc .1ml (.old 3-1 .. Cia" Oflicer I .. Schol a,ti~ " I " 1·2 ... JX. I oothall :1 .. lla tk 2·3·1 . . . \\'istc1ian 2:1-1 ... lturan1111al' .

I ii/ .,IOitll'IJ.:OOd .. t.21 1)1 .6·7i;1 'leal a ppcara "' t· . . 'I""" t'lll hu'i·"' . • • .unhtuon j, drafhlll:tll . . . " I" IHI\ ho) frit•ncll) . . llau(} 1·2 . . Jun ior l'10111 ( onuniucc 'I • . • \~thcnnltatetnil\ . . . (.Ia" Jttilitic'

R I· ~UI\IU (. 110'

\:\ r110" C. ,\ IOR(,I·.:\ I H .\II·. R



'11'. , \I I'IIOMl' '


, ,\ ,\ II· ., ' 1110\1 ,., \fl Rl'll\

'>t.II\KIIIOI0\11 \\

• 113

CLASS OF JOl-I N !';\TR ICK MlJRR AY 509 £ . Durham St.l9 HOl-Y CROS~ Cn . 7- 1122 Perfect combine of a "brain." a·nathlete. and swell !':") . . . tennis outstanding sport . . . ~een with Flanagan, Jlranagan .. . Blue ami Gold (senior editor) . . . Photog· •·aphy Club l-2 . .. .J unior :111d Senior l'rom CommiLtee . . . Scholasti c "L" 1·2·3·1 . . . Medal 1·2 . . . renni~ 1·2·3-·1 . . . I.R.C. I .. . Clas~ Officer I . . . lntramur;tls ( Football Champ$ 2}.

7028 .1 ackson St.35 MA.<I -214 7 ~Ludic~ on 26 tro llc) ... fresh air fiend . . . also 31l orig· inal . . . joke$ ahout evc r)thin;; . . . oR to college and mal be a 11•riting- cu·ecr. J A~IF:S



'iT. LEO


195 1 Plymouth St. HA. '1-0709 Quie t al.>o ut e,·eq·thing except :,1. .-\thanasiu, . . . wmes lO ~chool in AI.Jby's car (hair i> slow ly turning white) .. . <:Ollcge·bound in accounting course I ntramural~> 1-2-11- 1 . . . .\rchconfraternity. "iT. AntANASIUS

JO l-I N

1' 1-I O~IA!l


2116 Stenton Ave.41 Tf:. 9-5871 l.ike~ his weeke nds . . . one of Rocco's bors . . . look for rlw duck pin on his lape l . . . a terror LO opposition untlcr the backboards . . . hangout at Whclans (and an room) . .. Class Ollicet· 1-2 . . . J unior Prom C.ommiuec . . . Basketball 2-3 ..1 . . . Senior J>la y 3 .. . lntramurals. 'iT. HF.1\LOIC I'

111-::'\:RY I. O'NE ILL 101 \Voodbrook Lanel9 lltu' CRO$'> Cn. 7-1010 !'all drink o l water . . . Penn rooter .. . known [or his maroon Funl . . . wed.emls spent at l.a Salle and Ho ly Cro;" ll:tn<·es . . S llll11l1Cr~· lla11gout is Ventnor ll askcthall 1·3 . .. l nt r:unur;tls (champs 1-2).

101 Woodbrook Lane 19 JOSEPH DONALD O'NE IL L 1-lo r.v CRO>> Cn. 7-1010 l':o lks ahoul anything and cvcr)thing . . . man y-~ided 'o<"ia l light . . . flash y dresser and ahle athl ete . . . Blue and ( ;old (spurts editor) . .. Cl;ts~ Officer 3 -~ .. . Junior a mi Senior l'rutn Cummillec . .. llasJ..ctl>all I . .. Tennis l'cam 2-3· 1 .. . l'an-1\m. Socict)' ~-


5t! 10Swckton Rd.38 GF. 8-7632 Rocco's pri£c poser .. . sports that reliable Ford ... comb· in~ his hair ever y fi"e mi n ute~ .. . La Salle all'air~ a lllll'i .••. \1'1 Club 3 .. . lloxing Club 2 ··1 ... &·holastic "1." I . .. Football 2·3· 1 ... lntranlllrals. IMM \ CIJI .t\ ·~ CONOI'IION . (. •• RM .\I"'IOWN

ROBER I <... O:,C H EI.L

·1331 Vankirk St.21 j £. 5·7947 , urr-cit > man ... third in the famil y of Four at La Salle . . . good student and popula t .. . Class Officer l . . . Tracl. 'I . . . Scholastic " L" 1·2. '11. 13,\RTHOI.OMfW


LA SALLE COLL E GE II 1 G II SCHOOL 3631 :-1. ~f arvine St.40 B.~. 3-3628 ( .uido 1-ill ne1er forgt·t l•aittnoum l'atl.. .111d the r~n·oir .. "alii~ I .r l,all~: <o-cd . .. imi't' that he·~ not (rom '>outh l'hilll . . . <t0'3·<:ountn II~'" headed for .-ollcgc for mcdilinc ... Cro-' Countn I ... l mramural s 1-2-3- 1. (,l ' II>O (.. I' \C II II

Ot cR I \0\ 01


. ..

I. tO.-: JOII ...: I' \1 0

117 \\'t."ai'Cr St.l9 Gt. 8-5760 .\mbition i' a ~o:olll cud ... look~ to the dar he can drii'C· the l-''o11l .. . f:noritc '")ing. "Oh, nn twin i~ taking the hook' home wni~;ht" . . . Football team mainstay 1\asketball I . .. Foothall 2-3 · 1 • .. l ntr:unur:tls. 'IT. ~f \0111"1 "11)1'1111

EDGAR D C. I'A~n AI.ON I 707 ~- S1h !)t... Camden. N . .J. l..un• <w I\I<IUN 1 CMtM ~ 1 Gi1e~ prediu ion• on wc:HI1C'1 - I!O'* wroug . . . 'tar of thc Po'l 1 <·oun tC<IIH .. . lo):tl Je"e) product .. . outstanding mi11\lrcl <·nd ma11 ... La l,alle\ top followct· .. . Art Club 2-3 ... 1>1a1u:ttit~ 3 I .. . 1 rae!.. I.


DO:-Ir\LD 1'1·.. \KI·.

~(at.r A\e. CY-... 1052-W ... ~lain tine 'ocialitc . . . tca~111g l'auttr maut O<'CU!J:Itrou .. . one of our national champ oar,mcu . . . Intramural ( Ba~l..etball Champs 2: 1-ooth:tll I ) . . . Cte" 3· 1.

211 8r)11

\ f H1111 ' ' \\'li~~ in ~H~IOgi~!Jhil•


110\11 'I(' \1 . I'~ I' I· 1;)3:1 S. :"a1>a t. Kt'l.m l't \11 Ho. 5·l i51 Kno"' .111 1hc l'nll,m<c. to haul..lin Field . . . hangout 11ith the " I oppe1,.. ... quite a comedian. even if he dOC\ ':t} ,o him,cll . . . ta ll..' ahout Jerq (?) • . • lntr:unur:tl ( Foot hall Champ<, 1-2-3).

J O~ I·. I'II

,\. I'E' I 1'1 1'\1-:0

..... E 11\1{J'\II

1HU3 ~- 23rd St. U1•c, •1•1231

\ ' ill:wova hi' fu1u1 c allegiant c . . . c1 ctt though South l'hill) fan c·an 'ec• at.hantagc~ of l.ilt l<' Flo\\'er . . . Frida) ni:,:ht~ at ~1. 1-:chnutHI'' . .. llaltm twirler 2·3· 1 . .. l nlla rnu1al> (Champ> ll<~sl..ctball 1-2).

"11 . \1111111 Rl


<til( lent ami quiet. Inn Gtn an no\ people iu a 1en uiH· "a' . . . Poll Ridunoud pa't :u1d a chemical futu1c .11 <ollc~c . . . \ 'a"lt' l oothall 2·3· 1 ... lntramurah l-2.

66;)0 :". 20th 'II . ll0 \1 1'\1(. \ . I'll H·<·l L1. 9-7/50 'HltC1 Cau\C of the potato ~ho1tagc . "~I icl..e~ ... . . haunted Wildwod l:l\t >t1mmcr . . . P) le's l>et l'eeve . . . likes to pia\ football (ipring. winter. :llltumn and summer) . .. Kagel'~ :1nd 'it. n e ucdict ·~ sec him a lot . . . Football 2·3·1 .. . l ntranHn·ah 1·2·3- 1.

"11. 1\1


B o l/om R Ot•• : JOH~

~iO \\.:In I St., ~loorc~tu\1 11 , N. J . (,<XJI> (.(II'''' MOOIU ' 1 0\\N 9·09(i(i lla' a "hello" len t'lt'l'\hO<h . . . a 1\'a ll..ing brain . . . ta((:' ihe train to the Broad1-a1 'lOP . .. has Cl'el')t hing. . Blue ,tnd C:nl<l ra<tilit it•• editor) . . C l as~ ollkcr I Debating Cltth :1 . 'ithola,l ic " 1," 1·2·3· 1 . . . I.R.C. I . . . Oramati<' I.

fOil'\; 1'0 I 1 '>





\'\ R 1'\11

.\NTHO:-IY R.\ ~ KI N

I!) 1·:.



Tt.. 9'4391 Hots GRo~~ If he is at school hdore \ott-you 're late ... Gene Logue 's bodyguard . . . built like Tony Zale . . . nice guy to have for a room mate . . . Boxing Club 2 . . . Foothall 2-3-4 . .. I ntramurals 1·2·11.


5H I.i :\. 12th

:>R29 'itm kto1 1 Rd .



Hot.\' Cuu.n

"-tto\\tt lot hi, l·.n):\l"h ac <ent and hi).: h marks . . . I OJ> luuduoom dchalcr c'ptcM•C' 111 11<'11 11i1h his h ands future hu,m<·,.,utall . . . l hamatics I . . . l.R.C. I (.1(1,, COUilll\ I. . . . Ridiu~ Cluh ~ .

llro tl1cr Thoma~· ri~,;ht · haml man (from 'cal ) . . . ought 1o open rc,;taurant business (has had so mu<:h experien ce cleaning cafeteria) . . . green <Htd black jad:c1 a trade mar k . . . O rchestra 1·2 ·3· 1 . . . Cer;nn i<; Clnh 2 . . . I lllr:unura Is 1·2·3·1.


2320 l';~ irmount A,·e.


\\'A. 1-IH\II.i

3412 W. <~u een Lane Vt. 1. -6530

...... I·R " ' " ~ \\ ll'R

Sr.llR tnGt:r

I ill' :,:ood time' al 12 10 ... "Ci><'O" ... IICVCI' ha' na111c ptonounced right . . . \f cw lltn·g} chief interest . . . It iends galore . . dcad,hot in ba>kCI b:lil . . . lntra· tnmah 1·2·:1·1 . . \tth<onlraLCttlit\.

l.a Sallc '5 edition of J ack Kramer . . . hard man lo heal in an ar~umeut . . . one o( the hardwoddng ba ckstage hO\ S . . . a futm·e sa lesman for ~ure . . . Seni or l'la\ I .. ·. tage Crew l . . . Tennis I-2-3J1.

I all.,,



423 Honter St. CIL\Rl.ES A. Ql'J;\1'\ ~I \UI Ur>-1 SOPJIIL Gt·. 8-2858 Haunts 'icnim 'itnol..ing Room . . • dependable a• the ,,c;uhct . . ''"gc t'I'C\1 11 itard (that mean~ bu ilding ,<cnt·t' "ith 2 naif, ami ;t piece of ''ire) . . . don't intro· clucc to '0lll bc>t gitl . Ci a>~ Ollin:r 3 . . . 'lc nior Play :1 I ... '>ta~c Cte\\' 3-1.



7001 1\ndrcws Al'e.


Fo und at. '\7hcl~m·s . . . ace o£ the intramural league . . . a~quires annual tan lll Wildwood -by-the -Sea . . . Ortman's right · ha nd shadow . . . Art Club 3 -4 . . . Boxing 1-2-4 .. Class Officer 2 . . . Scholastic "L" I . . . Tennis 3· 1 .•. T rack 2 •.. Intramurals.


T<>P Roll': ROBER I \\' . RICI-1.\ROC. 6322 Ogomz Ave. S'l. U ~Nt'Oir.l WA. 4-5323 'lp<nts a wide ){I in . . . \'iolcm Republican and a debater ~~~ heredit~ . . . Fxn:llcnt swclent . . . IO\<'~ to cut g)m . . . l:t\\'ICI ambition . . . Aviation C:luh I . . . Debating Club 2·3 .. I.R.C:. I ... '>tamp Cluh :l .. lmramural,,

EO\\'ARD I· R0\\'1.1 \ . 111. ~II \\'. Haim·, '-t \ ' 11-1.1 '" Jt. ~ :1:\'.11 I. a !,a lie da n1 <'~ a mn~I . . . hoa'" t h1 I uggf''' ill i,u,.' on 1he cre1' . . . qui(•! and intell''Iirq llowling Cluh :! Rifle ( lnh 2 • C1e" 'I I •. lull.tnHH:tl, I :.! 'I I . . . 1\a"·haJI \l ,lii;I)\CI I.

911 f .. Riuenhou'c St. Cf-IARI.E'> 1'. 10 H : I\I MM: tll ..'\11· Co:-.1:11'110:0. Vt. ·l·6!i0!i '>ports a '37 Clic"v' . . senior )'C:II fir-~ at l..S. . . . a •cal lOntrihlllion w the school . . . good, but euatil' .nhlete ( i~ that O .K.?l . claim' ll10the• - (he'll p:t") i' he't tt·acht-1 iu ,. houl . . . J nt ramu1 ah I.

Cll:\RLI-'- ,\ I~ IIIII \Rill li~(;t ' · lth '-! 'ii.HHII-1 J.t \) 6:11\ I "'eH!I 1\'0l'l'it'' . . . Pil eggi'-: Pt•ll,tiiH inllallllll":ll hi~-:h 'IOtCr ami hattie''' pl:t)et . ''lu·a· llrctc·, a 11111\ll. Ihe•e·, R11th :udt :nt:11i11g . . . Rtflt• I t'.tlll I . . . ln11 c murah ( ~onth.tll Ch:tlllJh I :! 1\.t,~l·th.lll :11.

) I.

:l:.!:li ( Ill llll.lll \ H'. I· R . \~CI'> jO'>I I'll R \ " \1' I !l:ll!l \1 1111· 11 A ,\lal'rair pl:11h01 . . . l..no\\lt "' " 1\iu ~.. . . '-t. \l.ut\ dance' nrn'I ~;o on \\ithoui 111111 , • ll<':tl tilt'"''' .rll "hool\artl h;hl.t'thall 'tar , I R .( • I 1'.111 \nr 'iodel\ ~ . '-t hnla,Iit "I .!. lnll .tllltnak

RODERICK jO'>I·.I'l l R0B f..R1!-. Iliaci' ll or'c I' ike, Glendora, :-.1 • .1 · ..... rill Rl ,, ()I' 1111 1:-:1'\NI Jt'~ll~ llc:l\'erbrook R·21!i3 \V ~ot re D:tnll' I an . . . 'uccesso• to Ro1 Rogers . . . get~ along lle,l 1\'ith l'nth ami DiPaolo •.• ntue ami Cold 4 .. Cia" Olh1e1 I . Debating Cluh :1 • • Oramatic<l 2 . . . 4\thola,tic " I " I.

<; 1'. :\I

:! I ~!i 1\cllt·l lit' '-t '>Oil ' '> \ .:! :'•HO I \l emhe• ul tht· "1\ig Fi\t·.... gl'llllt•nt.lll w h 1~ I"IJ.\Cilil" . . . daudug ;uul \l crt\' \ ta<lull\ .111· hi, h1'l lrl.c, inlt'l thangeahl l . , ( cramit. Cluh I • .• ( l.t" Ollrtt'l I . H1 :11nalit' :1 I Riflt· ( luh I :!<I • '>thul:i,li< " I ' I ... '>cnim l'la1 :1 I '>lagt• ( 11'\\,

. \I.A~ R0\\'1·. Sl. 1\IONIC \


Lloyd Ave. ( l'a oli) I'IOLI 17!lfi·R , \1\\·a~~ tnin~ w 1a11h that train ... ton~ide" 69th <;ueet modern l<'l,iou of l'aradbe . . . claim' 10 he an autho1il) on all '(>OJ" . . . p<>pular . . . Jll ide of Pao li ... Blue and <.old I . . . l\and I . . . lntJ :umual,.


OIIKI.\U\ 01 1111 llCll\



549 W. Butler St. 1\A. 9·8529 Au engineerin~ fuwre sure to he successful . . . suuliou~ ... sport~ follower withoUL reserva tiou ... Scholastic "L" I . . . Tutr:uuurab . . . Archconfr~ueruil\ . . . Clas~ an i,•ities. ER!'\EST JOSEPH

Oul\ LAtn• Of' l'o~u·..:u



Sl. fiF.X~.OtCt

<i5·1i :'11. Bouvier St. W .\ . '1-80-12

,\l wa)'S <:an he round iu 01 ahom the Wis office ... never wit hom friend~ a~ 1\'t iter of Ex·b( (the~ wall! their names in the pape•·) ... carefree al!i tu<le . .. loyal rooter ... :\n Cluh 3- 1 .. . \\'isterian 3··1 (co-editor) ... I.R.C. ·I.

P IIILII' ~t\I'A:-.J , \RO I I ·IOS. Hicks 1. St. RnA One of the "Little Six" . quiet exc<•pt at any l.a Sal le game. then don't sit next to him . . . l're-med in college his next endeavor . . . lla ton T'drlc•· 2 . . . lmr:unnr:.t h ( Basket hall Ch;unp' I : Foot hall 1).

W ILUAM .<,CHWI ND 'i I. 13t·.NHltCt

2010 l\ leci:H)' Ave. Lt. 9-0 133

Experienced lifeguard. :111d doesn't he love it . . . Smiling. handsome Hill . . . diving demon on the best S\\'imming team in La Salle'~ hiSIOI') ... Art Cl nh 3 ... Box in({ Cluh 2 ... Class Oflicer 3 ... Football 3··1 ... Swimmint: 3··1 . . . Aviation Club I .. . Intramurals.

ROlrER1' S. EC I:'\ 5020 N. 16th St. Mt. 1-37·19 HOLY CtllLO "There goes Freitag and Oeiter- ancl Se((in" . . . gTicl sports enthusiast . . . nicknamed "Ozark-Ike" . . . ambitious in the med icine lield . . . Football 2 ... l.R.C. I . . . l nu-amurals 1·2·3··1.

DONALD FR ANCIS SH 1\RP 7215 Walker St. ST. BERNARD MA. 4-1325 ll;lllroom Romeo ... rccei,ed a pos thumow. cro•s-countq leuer . . .pride of l\ layfair . . . speciality: "tailor-made pants" . . . (requen ts Mer<:) dances . . . Blue and Cold -l . . . Pan-A m. SodNy 2 ... G lee Club 3 ... Cross-country I . .. S\\'imming team 1-2·3 ... Track 3·'1 ... Ju tramur:tls.

305 W. Sp:~rks t. W ILLIAM HEEH:\N, .JR. S·r. H l'l ENA Lt. 9-3251 fhe golf links beckon to Hill frequently ... ready to help others . . . quiN, but ambitious . . . fulllre accouruant Football 2·3 .. J ••• i\rdlconfr::ucrn it ) . . . V:Hsity "L'' !\ .. J.

!.OlliS JOHN SM IT H 321l H illside Ave .. J enkintol,'ll I.MX\,ACUI,ATt: Co:<OPI ION OcoNn.2316 Member of the barn commiuee . . . pride of J enkimown ... sports a flash) Ford ... likes La Sall e best on Saturda) nights . . . good athlete . . . UalOn Twirler 2-3-•J . . . llcnilde Club 3-·1 . . . l ntramurat~.


CLASS OF 1919 1325 :-.1.57th t. GR.S-1618 E'Cccllem 'tudem: alh:H• honored hith a hac!.. <cat in da" . .. fuuue engiuee;· at \ 'illanO\a • . . hig 'lllilc . . . IIC\CI IICCCI'> t'l11lllll:ljlCiliCIIt in :Ill :II)IIIIIICIII • . • ( 1:1" OH•ce1· I . . . I. R .C. -1 ••• <;cJIOia,tit "I " 1·2-:1·4 . . . lntramurak


F. STIJ. \\'F.I.I.


6 I If• G 1 eene <:;1. J l'L E US J AME\ 'i l li. LI VA:-.1, J R. TL 9 -R2lll <;1, .\( WI I '\01'1111 l'lima donna ol the football team good athlete . . . ne' c1 di~turhell . .. b er ~e him 1-it h hi, hai1 mu<secl? .. . An Cluh :1. 1 . . . Cia~' OffitCI I 3 . . . Junior l'rom C'ommittt' C . .. 1\a,l..et hall 1-2-3 . . . I oothall 1-3- I . . . l 1ad: 1-3· 1 . . . l n11amurah.


53!1 F. Durham 'it. Ho1 \ Cll(l" Cu. 7-521 I .-\11 the 'lu:tlilu:uion' or pe1fcct ,wdent : quiet. ambitiou,, hrain' ... <,cen a1 II.C.. on Frida) nighh . . . interc>tcd in lm,ine•" <Ou1'e a1 1ollt-ge . .. Jmramtual, . . . Blue and (.old I.

RI C H ARn I R I·. X I.ER 230 E. Durham St. Wt. 7-37KI I lot,. C~to'' .\mateur l>OOt-:ic-"oogic "expcn" . . . jo,ous dispo<ition . .. German '1udem par e.'Ccellence .. . lo\al sporl~ fan . . . •port\ '' 1 iting a hnure po<isibilit' . . . lnu·amurat... ( ~oothall Ch:unp' l -2; 1\askethall :1) .

.JO I-1:'\ n. I'RO LIT MA/\ 530 E. Mayland ~1. I \1 \1 ,\CIJI..~ II COM' I•1'110:0., G~:R MAN 1011':0. Vt. 4-2237 Hand's top ~11ppo1tcr and e'l:ecutile . . . good swdenl: ...elious . . . hand i, lun and bthine" 101 him . . . hang' om wi th Grad\ .. . Cheerleader' 1-2 . . . Dramatic~ 3 -·1 . . . O rche,;u a 1-2·3 ..1 . .. Band 1-2 -3· 1 . . . I.R.C. I . . . • thm:e l\:10d 2-3 ..1.

W II.I .IAI\1 D . VA R E 10 11 ..,e1pemine l.am· h i\IACUI.Al" CoNCH' liON, J l NKIN 1ow' Oc.oNTt 9811 'lmooth ope1:uor •. . Brother Thoma~· plite pupil . . . pe1,onalit~ ph" . . . college-bound: ma\he Penn ')talt: . . . An Cluh I .. . Howling Cluh 1-2 !I ... Glee Cluh :l . . . Foothall !l .. . lmr.tmunl ....

J OS EP H E. VIU .O 547 l!i ll Ctest i\ve., Glemidc ST. L uK~ OGONTZ ·1619·.1 One of Kell) ·~ mob . . iu any argument there is alwa)' the right side, the wrong side, and \'illo\ . . . lO\e~ to dance . . . good .wdcm . . . l nuamural~ (BasJ..etball Champ~ 2: t'oothall Champs 3).

CA R L \'ON NF.LI 339 Unruh Sl. 1'. H t.NR\' Pt. 5-9576 erio us dispo~ition. until you know him . . . many extracurricular acti\i t ie~ . . . libr.try mainstay .. . helpful and able ... An Club 1-2·!1·-1 ... Ce1amic Club I ... Libran Club 2-3- 1 . . . Riding Club I . . . I.R.C. I . . . Cia" Officer I.


1 110\1 \" JO'>IJ'Jl \\ \Ril '>I

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moa e 1ime a t I a .,:tile than at home . . . acti1 itic, all the time . . . minded . . . tal..e' a l..idding wilh nir l..nan•e' .. . Clas' OllitCI I 2 . . . Jla,chall 1-2 ·:1· I l·omhall 'I· I . . . ""imming I c·au1 I 2 -:1 I . . . Rluc and (,olrl •1.



Underclass actavaues take many and varied forms. At top: many students are found during Lent in the chapel; next: Brother Michael checks ryping papers while his students work. Brother Adrian answers a question while the rest of 3F pour over their drawing boards. Below: future first-aiders look on as Brother Bernard applies a splint.

CLASS 3A Bottom ro»': E. Ruddy, G. Woods. J. Keena n, J. Martin, N. Dempsey, T. Forsythe, J. Gallagher, J. Pinto, A. Avallon. W. Quaintance. A. Con· nolly. Middle row: J. Donnelly. T. Kuligowski, J. Moss, B. Brown, M. Connor, E. Bonner, P. Haney. T. Whelan. J. Hasson, A. Ferruzi, E. Murphy, R. Robinson. Top row: H. Strehle, F. Garber, J. McHugh, J. Gruber, P. Tt>mba.ch, C. Mohr. J. Kolp:okow•ki, F. Gavin. J. Durante, C. Dranginis, J. Kearney, L. Farrell.

CLASS Jll. Dotto111 row: J. Donato, J. Galvin, f. O'Hara, A. Drag:mi, F. Hess, F. Traiuer, E. Byrne, J. Prochasks, C. Happ. T. Dunn, B. McAneney. Middle row: M. Grims, W. Neusitle, W. Burns. P. Fluger. E. Coyne, P. McManus, R. Bonner, P. Maloney, R. Mal'{jn, W. Spenser. Top row: P. Morris. G. McTear, M. Staplecon, J. Stanton, J. Simms, E. Wood, J. Brannigan, J. Farris, R. Romani.


CLASS JC. Bollom ro,.,: J. Hricinak, M. Burdziak, J. Rizzo, L. Snnnino. F. Pantaleo, D. Quaglirello, D. Inverso, R. Berens. D. Nappi. D. Kerrisk, R. Mihn, J. Riesle. Middle row: C. Miller, W. Smith, J. Labrum, W. Quigley, E. Hopkinson, D. Gallagher. J. Cannon. J. Delaney, F. Pilla. F. McLauchlan, T. Dougherty, J. Cou11ney. Top row: J. Sassa, R. Berg, R. Adair. R. Tillman, E. Skore, M. McCann, R. McHenry, J. Stewart. A. Baird. J. Augusterfer, J. Towson.

CLASS 3E. Bottom ro ,.,: T . Jones, T . McN ichol, E. Olsen. G. Sernyak, J. V~ssalluno, M. M annion, T . Birch, J. Diesnt. R. Kr<tu!>e, J. Tratnor. M iddlt' ro ..: J. Reckner, H. Baumann. G. Smi th, T . Kelley, J. G asho, C. DiSanti, A. Pfister, E. Morrissey, J. Flood . To p ro": M. Bucko, F. Lock, J. Devlin, V. McDermotr. W . Crossman. D. Morton. J . Kane, J. Ca roselli. 1

CLASS 3D. Boll om ro": R. Heisler, F. Curran, E. f.cuerstein. J. Driscoll, T. H averson, S. Palo, F. Dl'vlin, G. Corkery, W. Thomas, F. Fitzgerald, J. Fynes. Micldll' row: G. Nuss, J. Richardson, J. Smith, J. Lenehan. W. Matonis, R. Rini, P. Belancio, J. Guckin, G. Yocum, A. Schrey, E. Kelley, J. Laufer. Top row: P. Morrison, G. Srollesteimer, G. McCausland. T. Monihan, R. McGa rrity, R. Bennis, T. Coyle, E. Hauser, J. Graham, J . Poserina, F. Hodgson, T. Higgins, T. Tobin.

CLASS 3F. Bottom rolt': C. H oward , R. Alpaugh, R . McAndrews, D. Rae, R. Law, J. Mcll vl'nny, D . Fi~cher. E. Nolan, R. Snyder. H . Connor. M itldle ro ,.,: S. G reene, H. Crist, J. Mullaney, T . Rogers, J. Fleming, J. Steven~on, G. Ohntrup, J. Hughes, J. Rosney, T . Mahoney, M. Gable. Top row: H . Duke, J. Fayer, E. Flynn, G . Carey, L. French, A. McMullin, J. T heveny, T . M cGowan, J. Kelley, J. Murphy. W . Curran, E. Schmid. J. Gall3gher.


C I.ASS 2A. Rollom roo.-: F. Calahan, D. Smith. W. Sidwt'll. J. Eckelmire. J. Rodenbaugh, D. Graham. T . Gola. f. Hartmann. E. Tarsa, E. McDonnell. Middle m11: J. Murr:ey. R. Donovan. G. End, A. Coyle, I. Smith, ]. Tierney, J. Clinton. F. Donohoe, J. Grasmeder, A. farrell. lop ro11: J. Nevins. H. Dagle. R. Barry. R. McGarrity, r. Trainor, D. Greenawalt, E. Bailey. W. 13er~mann. W. Gret'nberg.

CLASS 2B. Bottom ro w: R. Lynch. J. Dever, C. Niemc· zura, J. Hogan, J. Hart, C. Murphy, M. Ryan, J. Cobb. I. Boyle, D. Kinsley. R. McGarrigle, W. Alter. Middle row: ]. O'Donnell, W. McCaffrey, C. Madden, J. Bacon. R. Curtin, J. Guerin. R. Bnselice, J. Gillespie, J. Duffy. J. To:ter, J. Potterto:l, J. Penrose. Top row: E. Camey. F. Fox, R. frank, C. Schreiber, R. McNally. E. Kelly. D. Levin, R. Smith. E. Guldin, J. Cadden.

CLASS 2C. Rottom ro11: D. Werb. E. Hoffman. R. Ry.m, G. Bittner. E. Strow, E. Dorsey, J. Henry, L. Steii, R. Parml!giani, C. McMahon, G. Robb, E. Novotny. Midcllt• roll: G. Foschi, M. Curlonis, J. Drach, J. Malloy. C. llarri,, R. Romaine. J. Haggerty, W. Mulligan, R. Fox, R. Wunt, P. Konkel. Top row: J. Davine, J. S11rvino, J. Lynch, J. Milewski, T. Wallace, C. Beck, J. Krimm, J. Muldoon. J. Gnlen, J. Connolly. J. McDade.

CLASS 2D. Bottom row: J. Murphy, A. VanThuyne, W. Patratus, R. Shelton, J. Hogan, W. Logue, D. McNichol, D. Trost, M. McGill, H. Criscolo, E. Murphy. J. McAneney. Middle row: M. Avallo:te, J. Sayer, A. Salvato~e. J. Knarr, R. O ' Niell, J. Daly, R. Ranonis. J. Bertolini, T. Fl ynn, R. Guildin, J. McHale. Top row: J. McCann, J. Kan e, C. Stewan, E. Casey, J. McGinn. P. Bromley, J. Harvey, P. Kelley, J. Dever, R. Ball, J. M oylan.


CLASS 2E. Bottom ro11•: F. O'Connor, J. Bluhm. T . Kenedy, S. Elser, T. Donahue, J. Curley, R. McCafferty, V. Della Valle, R. Barry, T. Far ragher, B. Mdl venny, J. O 'Connor. Mitldle row: J. McNuu, J. SundermaJl, A. Lupo, L. Green. E. Ney, T. Rogers, R. Paciarone, T . Regan, T. Truman, J. Cannon, T. Mcinerney, J. Kane. Top ro11•: R. Forde, R. Galante, H . Hackstie, P. Halley, L. Manns, C. CavaMugh, R. Shields, E. Pfister, J. l and, L. Brownsey. J. Garberins.



CLASS lA. Bot/om row: T. Sprau, T. Kieser, P. Nolan, J. Hahn. J. ~orak, J. Nuss, F. Russo, T. Lynch, L. Tomkins, R. Bray, J. Roessler, D. Keiser. Middle row: E. Wink, S. Ponti, C. DeRenzi, R. Deppcst, W. Keenan, C. Downey, J. More, A. DiSanti, D. Clark, T. Millern, W. Cragin. Top ro,.: J. Rock. W. Gallagher, J. Donohoe. W. Sommer$. J. Gai'Vey. C. M cEivaine. H. Flood, H. Flanigan. J. Hasman. J. Welsh. E. Oschell, L. Hackstie.

CLASS I B. Bottom row: A. Cionc, J. Flannery, P. Graul. F. Wasikowski, D. Wuest, Pres.; T. Donner, Sec.; C. Karchhoff, T. Quinn, J. Kruger, P. Bressman, F. Ganley. Middle row: E. Worthington, W. Smith, W. Gozdan, M. Yeni, J. McOscar, J. McCormick, E. Cal· laghan, G. McHugh. E. Bracken, A. Bauer, C. DeRenzi. Top TOR': R. Holly, F. Springer, P. Czajkowski, J. Simp· son, G. Schoduwski. P. Clunk, J. Heumann, J. Rankin, D. D'Amico.

CLASS lC. Bouom roN: J. Napoli, W. Anderson. R. Fleming. R. Mill~. J. McNichol, P. Gondolfo, J. Del Vecchio, W. Smith, R. Rae, W. Schuelle. W. Sellers. Middle ro .. : J. Flanagan, W. Bukley, D. Heffernan, J. Cousano, W. Torpey, F. Tagg, J. Lee. P. Waters, J. Granozio. J. lornhard, R. Hunt, E. Allinson. Top row: J. C1.1y, J. Pettit, R. Holmes. P. Hughes, A. Dilenno, R. Evans. H. DeLuca. T. McComeskey, G. Watson, J. Kerwin, P. McMenamin.

CLASS ID. Bollom roR: B. Keegan, C. Fassnacht. M. Longo. R. Deck, R. Walsh, E. Wilson, C. Curran, W. Schumacher. A. Pfluger, H. Zekanis, J. Liebach, R. Walker. Middle row: W. Gordon, B. Reirag, F. Monta· gue, S. lf•vy, W. Mitchell, C. Harkins, D. Grubb, R. Kelly. E. Morrison, J. Kane , F. Donahue, W. Bieler. Top roA•: ]. Wauters, J. Gagliardi. R. Cavanaugh, P. Boyle, W, Jackson. B. loorni~. M. Watts, J. Schmidt. R. Taylor, H. Bense.


It is important th at the Brother<; who instruCt the (rosh are capable and understanding. This year the boy\ had excellent teachers in Bros. Emilian, Robens, Mtchncl. Brother E. Joseph is not shown.


cÂŁa 5.alh iA lJilll . . . 'Ylo.w mul in lhll

J .ul:u.llJz. 128

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