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A token of our appreciation to O'BIE O'BRIEN for the innumerable honors that he has brought to La Salle, and who this year completes twenty years of service on our campus.

You've never heard a joke until you' ve heard it told b y O 'Bie.

The O'Briens at home. 5



BROTHER F. JOSEPH Vice Principal • • • Athletic Director ••• Religion for Band Members

BROTHER DAVID ALBERT Guidance Counselor • • • Benilde Club • • . Student Council

BROTHER FELIX JOHN 4A Religion ••• Trigonometry • Solid Geometry ••• Gene ral Mathematics

BROTHER D. JEREMY 4B Religion . • Spanish I French I • • Basketball

BROTHER E. ANTHONY 4C Religion ..• English IV ..• Men of La Salle

BROTHER G. THOMAS 4D Religion • • • Accounting English Ill ••• Golf ••• Senior and Junior Proms

BROTHER F. JEROME 3A Religion ••• German I, II, Ill ••. Debating Club .•• Dramatics

BROTHER D. EDWARD 3B Religion • Algebra II Football

BROTHER GRATtAN OF JESUS 3C Religion ••• English II, Ill ••• Wisterian

BROTHER GREGORY ClAUDE 3D Religion • • . Chemistry • • Geometry . •. Archconfraternity •• • Tennis

BROTHER ELZEAR JOSEPH 3E Religion ••• Mechanitol Drow· ing

BROTHER E. THOMAS 3F Religion • • • History Ill Student Council ••• lntramurals

BROTHER D. ALPHONSUS 2A Religion . • Biology • Mother's Club

BROTHER E. ADRIAN 2B Religion • • • History I, II Intramural•

BROTHER E. STEPHEN 2C Religion •.. Physiu metry Science Club

BROTHER G. AUGUSTIN 2D Religion ... Biology •.• Health • • • Drtver Training • • . Color O.Ord • • • Cheerleaders

BROTHER GODWIN JOHN 2E Religion ••. Latin II ..• Spanlah I

BROTHER D. CASSIAN 2F Rel igion . . . English II Crew

BROTHER F. AZARIAS 1A Religion • • History I Shorthand • • • Bowling

BROTHER EMILIAN OF MARY 1C Religion • • • Latln I

BROTHER ELISEUS JOSEPH 1 D Religion • • • Algebra I

BROTHER FREDERICK WILLIAM 1 E a.ligion • • • History I ••• Art • . • Art Club • • • Cross Country ••• Track



BROTHER D. MICHAE L Typing • . • Annu a l Retreat Daily Bulletin

BROTHER FORTU NATUS JOHN Religion for Band Members • • latin Ill • • • Pla ne Geometry Choral • . . Moderator of Department



BROTHER GEORGE CORNELI US Algebra I ••• Plane Geometry

American History seems to hold the attention of all, well at least nearly all.

BROTHER G. FABER Mathematics

MR. JAMES GALLAGHER Economin • • . Business Law IRC . . . Football Coach


MR. JOHN MOORE English I, II • . • History II Dra matics



Spanish II , Ill ••. Blue and Gold

Physical Education . • • Basketball

MR. WILliAM SIMPSON History I . . . Shorthand


MISS MARGARET FIELDERS Library Science . . . Librarian


MISS GLADYS MOORE Secretary to the Principal



Top Row: Barry Donahue, Robe rt Rieth millor, J oseph Vou , Richa rd Grifll th, Edward Spanier, Richard

Deasy, Francis Sorrentino. J rd Row: Michael Tanney, Robert Wagner, Joh n D' Alfonso, Thomas Frayne, John Welsh, Martin Willia ms. 2nd Row: Ed wa rd Connolly, Fred Manzo, Ange lo Ventresca, James D'Arcy, Jame s Durkin, Richard Aherne, Michael Maxwell. 1st Row: John Noonan, Bernhardt Bl11menthal, James Hayburn, leon Kubis, John Feeley, Gregory Dean.


Top Row: J oseph Wittwer, Ma tthew Fasa no, Gerald Hagerty, Werner Poelclc, Fred erick lamb, Ste phen


Cymerma n, Tho ma s Radom ski. 3rd Row : John Ke rns, John Hussey, Thomas Cook, James Ha nlon, Ka rl Jones , Ja mes McAneney, Edward Hogan. 2nd Row: William Barbour, Robe rt Matthews, Joseph McGonagle, Fra ncis Gleeson, Raymond Nolen, Patrick Gorman, Denis Keenan. hi Row : Pasquale Tancred i, Gera ld O' Neill, Ja mes Burns, Willia m Whelan, Joseph Vore, Anthony Faraco, William Gl enn, Willia m la fferty.

Top Row: Edword lenort, George Wo!d, Edword leory, Joseph Coiro, Fronz Koutr, Poul Fronk , Robert

Bothwell, Robert Suter. 3rd Row: Robert Cox, John Reilly, Joseph Vogel , Peter Wutzer, Williom Holler, Ronold Zehnle, Thomos Flood. 2nd Row: Robert Rowlond Horry Omenseller, Chorles Courtenoy, Fronds lomprecht, John Flood, Robert Lunny, Chorles Suermonn. Jst Row : Arthur Etch ells, Fronds Miller, Thomos Hogerty, Joseph Jockson, George Molone, Fronds Wunderlich, Joseph Suloclc, Motthew Mono.

You mean it's really that 6ard .. . I!


Sixth p eriod re ndezvous.


Top /low : Thomas Galien, Joseph Binns, David Duryea, George Schmidt, Thomas O'Malley, Gerard Hepburn, lawrence Wentz, Samuel Knox. Jrd Row: Joseph Fowler, Patrick Delaney, John Henry, Robert Murph y, John Muir, John Kerns, Albert Murphy. 2nd Row: Joseph Dowling, Joseph Flanagan, Edward Thompson, James Canalichio, Raymond Rennard, Davi d Forde, Edwa rd Shea. lsi Row: Allan Reed, Nicholas Pinto, Bernard Muldoon, Thomas Lavin, Francis Woodring, Clayton Thomas.

Top Row: James Foley, John McDonough, John Dougherty, Charles Roelllg, David Diehl, Berna rd Dillon, James Carland, Harold Clark. 3rd Row: Anthony McAleer, John McBride, Joseph Rumer, J. Anthony Pressens, Anthony Diorio, Robert Peculski, louis Desiderio. 2nd Row: John He llma n, James Montague, Joseph Schwengler, Cornelius Byrne, Francis Ulmer, John Langan, John Whelan . ht Jtow: William Taylor, Gerald 0 ' Brien, Peter Byrne, Bruce Koegler, Richard Bissel, Thomas Diamond .



Top Row: Charles Carrol, John Reardon, Jerry Bohli nge r, Alfred Haeb er, James Ardron, Joseph Ball, Jo seph Hennessy. 3rd Row: Edward Woolslage r, Robert Wisler, J ames Ward, Patrick Ca mpbell, William &arranger, John Donohue, leo Martin, Harry Devlin. 2n d Row: Joseph Graha m, Anthony Mull, Joseph Bloom, Raymond Cannon, George Crowe, John Lee, Pa ul Paris. 1st Row: John La gana, Joseph Kendra, James Quinn, Norman Connelly, Leo Maynes, John Costello, Richard Boyle, Edward Nessler.

Top Row: John Mitchell , Edwa rd Schmid, James Sull ivan, Joseph Cassidy, John McCioslcey, Ronald Chn~anowski,

David Pacewicz, Robert lyons, John Mllbum. 3rd Row : Francis Dealy, Edmund Butler, Robert llogle, John lavelle, Michael Boland, Thomas Horan, John Wilson, Harry Woodcock. 2nd Row: William Vincent, Richard labowskie, James Catalina, James Reynolds, Richard De luca, Joseph Spetur, Raymond Mullen, James Richard. Jst Row: William Walsh, Francis Scott, Thomas Tarpy, Anthony Hunt, edward O"Mara, John Tuohy, James Foley, Robert Wn:esnlewski, Charles Sullivan.


And I guarantee that this will do more for you than any vitamin pills on the market!

The sewing circle exchanges their favorite recipes.


Top Row: John B11rke, Wolter Abbott, Charles M11lr, Richard H11ghes, Normon Rickert, Thomas Haggerty, John Keegan, Edward Kre11ser. 3rd Row: John Garry, George Rice, leo McKeever, Thomas Corrigan, Edward Forte, David Campbell, Francis Kilpatrick, Joseph Madden. 2nd Row: fro Malo, John Ledwith, Richard Colton, Michael Meoll, Charles Welsh, Fronk Monahan, Thoma s Hennessey, Richard Pomfret. 7st Row: John Schmidt, Stephen Dl Gi111lo, Francis Sclllfll, Charles Stokes, John Costello, James Rice• man, J1.1llon Miraglia, Richard Prendergast.

Top Row: Andrew Vargo, Carl Hellwig, Henry Phelan, Raymond Frankson, Norman Pomplos. 3rd Row : Ralph Tolomeo, Joseph Sxymonski, Francis Buecker, John Bradley, Paul Groyce, Thomas Loughlin, Francis Ponti, Kevin Corey, William Dick. 2nd Row: John Digan, John Whitecar, Lawrence Bonduro , Robert Coiro, Samuel Herb, Robert Rosemery, Joseph Conners, Robert Senn, Donald Troppler, Peter Wolhelm. 1st Row: John Seibel, James Walker, James Canava n, John Whalen, Michael Lawler, Roy路 mond Fitzpatrick, William Diamond, Robert Brophy, James Sheridan.


Doesn't Mike look dainty?

Top llow: Eugene lee, Russell Cullen, John Mcilvaine, James Hibler, Hugh Brolly, Harry Todd, John Cape, James Kenney. Jrd llow: Albert Hurlbrink, William Ward, John Simpson, Carmen Rodla, Bernard Flannery, Daniel Gaynor, Brian Ross, Leo Niessen. 2nd llow: Robert Batchellor, Philip Patelmo, John Mauoll, Fred Week, John Monaghan, Charles Gillespie, Gerard Quinn, John McComeskey. ht ltow: Nicholas Dunphy, John Donnelly, Vincent Greely, Peter Frey, Thomas Dean, John McDevitt, Charles Halfpenny, Francis Reed.



Top Row: Thomas Ward, George Becker, John Wiest, Dennis Mcfadden, Clifford Gillespie, Charles Murray, Thomas Hopkins. Jrd Row: Charles O' Brien, John Cu rley, Peter Perry, William Rafferty, James Morrissey, Bernard Kane, John Guckavan, John Durlcheck. 2nd Row: William Brooks, John James, Donald McCoy, Thomas McCiernon, Gerard Gei sel, Lawrence Carmody, John Hagosky. ht Row: Edward Gallagher, Philip Di Guilio, Joseph Sgro, Edward Mcintyre, Donald Meckling, Joh n Singiser, Edmund Ricche:rza, Paul Dowd.

Top •ow: William McDevl«, Joseph Heyer, Francis Doyle, Joseph Brady, Joseph Kelly, Thomas McGinn, John Reckner. 3rd ltow: Edward Rice, Thomas Ganoppo, James Osborne, Donald DIPietro, John Mortimer, John McNichol, Edward Shield. 2nd ltow: James Walen, Gerard lahr, Joseph Wlnterburg, Thomas Danks, Alan Hagerty, John Campbell, James Stanton, Donald Mignogna. J sf It ow: Francis Poltorak, David Espenshade, Joseph Malizia, Adolph Nicoletti, louis VanParys, John Forrest, Pau l Gola, William Gibbons. Top Row: William Boland, John Siemletkowskl, George Purcell, Irian Monaghan, George lavder, J a mes land, John Egan, Clark Hodgson, Joseph Pino. 3rd ltow: Peter Yolk, Peter Devlin, James Nicolo, Joseph Mark, Sidney Kowalczyk, Charles Palmer, Robert Campbell, Manhall McCloskey, Edward Kllfeather. 2nd Row: Joseph Haney, Bernard O'Dorlslo, Edward McKeon, Francis McCormick, Thomas Cassidy, Gerard larunas, Gerard Drach, Joseph Ciccimaro, Robert Fritzsche. ht Row: Joseph Scipione, Eugene Draganosky, Dale Steward, John Schonberger, Frank Frumento, Joseph J a nkowski, la urence Grassl, Joseph Daly.



iCuidado! Sgro , you might get splinters in yo ur hand.


Top Row: Michael Verrecch ia , John Nea ry, John While, VIncent Oriflln, Richard Dierkes, Thomas McDevitt, Vincent Pannepacker, James lone, J ohn Donne r, Hugh Bowen. 3rd Row: lawrence llere路 znycky, John Schouder, Fred Schmitt, Robe rt Ho ne, J ohn O 'Dea, Harold Heil, John Kleber, Gerold Hipp. 2nd Row: William Quoin, John Altrogg i, James Campion, John Monahan, lawrence Coffey, Joseph Momorello, Anthony Pescatore, James Kolbride, Thomas D'Annunzio. I sl Row: Henry Shields, Michael Stephens, Thomas Connor, Robert Cwi k, Franci s Wei de, l ouis Incognito, James Mcloughlin, Robert Durney.

Top Row: Mark Sweeney, John Sharp, John Quinn, Edward Scholler, Robert Fullen, Joseph Hellenbrand,

Richard Emenecker, Martin McDonnell, Richard Koebert. Jrd Row: Joseph DeVenuto, Joseph Hoitz, William Connon, louis Greco, Robert Keane, Thomas Gillespie, Joseph Meiluto, William Bergin, Gerard O' Rourke. 2nd Row: VIncent Higgens, Joseph Ambrogi, Richard Mullin, Joseph Spriuler, John Weber, Thomas Peme, Robert Mergliano, Edward Corcoran, Rian McMullin. ht Row: James Digan, James Morrissey, James McNulty, Robert Ellis, Michael Don nelly, Donald Donaghy, Stephen Brody, John Becker, Fredrick long.


Top Rrow: Richard Hepp, John Famulard, Peter Stoll, Richard Amelka, John Murray, Charles Hamburger,


Carl Wolf, Francis Kudzin, Gary Dascenzo. Jrd Row: Edward Donohue, Hugh Ward, William Rothenbock, James Driscoll, David Devlin, James. McGill, Robert Walsh, Francis Hetherington, John Netuhal. 2nd Row: John McClellan, John Smith, Andrew Kou, Chris Costello, James Sedlock, Joseph Flynn, Richard Ginieaki, Anthony Dent. l st Row: louis Marabella, leonard Milaknis, Michael Driscoll, Joseph Simon, Donald Birth, Fred Pickard, William O'Toole, John Malley, James Melinson.

Top Row: Vincent Anderson, Francis Bartl, Edward Dever, Charles Seiner, Meredith Jones, ltobtrt Gabage,

John Gara, Lawrence McEvoy, Michael Kavanaugh. 3rd Row: Anthony Kramer, Alexander Macalone, Cornelius Ward, James O'Rourke, William Cunningham, Robert Federspeil, Kenneth Leese, John Mesunas, Vincent Tague. 2nd llow: Gerard Gordon, George Ruth, Charles Hesser, Thomas Murphy, James Binns, I st llow: Joseph Caponoll, Charles Paul Callaghan, James Rieck, Steven Petner, Alan lendvay. Doherty, John Spellman, Donald Spence, David Serchak, Joseph McAuliffe, Anthony Dondrea, John Woiciechowlcz, Francis Helverson.

A final moment of relaxation before the backstairs' stampede.


Can you guess who owns the third head from the right in the first row?

CLASS HISTORY Brother, why did Brutus rub out Caesar?

In those days Griffin and Dunphy were the same size ... and that is Todd.

Here were our freshman contributions lo Brother William's Art Club.

Oh -

those Latin declensions.

Our ties were of the most conservative nature ...

Bill Scott, this year's most activity minded senior, is no stranger at La Salle. Bill, who belonged to nine extracurricular activities, engaged in every type of endeavor. In sports, he was a member of La Salle's fine crew for three years, and also the manager of the football team. Bill aided the school publications as he was a tireless worker for the Wisterian,and assisted in the production of the yearbook. In his fourth year in the Benilde Club, he was elected president. As far as scholastic clubs are concerned, he frequented both the science club and the IRC. He aided the student council by joining the prom committee, which was helped considerably by his suggestions and efforts. And even though it seems impossible that he could find time, Bill was the manager of the stage crew of the dramatics group. And with all these activities, Bill kept his studies at an honor roll level. La Salle has profited greatly from the efforts of Bill Scott.


The outstanding athlete award for the class of 1954 was appropriately voted to Bill Magee for his consistently outstanding performances on the La Salle football and baseball teams. The passing wizard of the gridiron squad, who hails from St. Clement' s parish, has been called by Coach James Gallagher the finest all-around back in La Salle's history. A co-captain of the 1954 team, Bill led the Explorers to their best season in recent years and paved the way in the win over North Catholic although hampered by an ankle injury. His aerials aided La Salle immeasurably in every game, often resulting in touchdowns, and Bill himself reached paydirt on several occasions on fine running plays. In addition to four years of football, Bill found time to establish himself as an exceptional baseball player, leading the La Salle nine in hitting in his junior and senior yeats, and was also active in basketball. To La Salle's finest on the sports scene, our finest wishes for continued success on every scene.


The logical figure to And a t the top of the scholastic ladder is Walter Stare t. Walt has maintained the highest general a verage in the class of 1954 over the past four years. Coming to La Salle f rom St. Peter's parish, Walt gave a glimpse of things to come w hen he won a fou r year scholarship to La Salle. He lived up to these impressions by becoming a n institution on the monthly honor roll. As a result of his efforts, he has collected four scholastic lette rs and me dals. But this by no means is the history of his stay at La Salle. Walt, be sides be ing a brilliant student, has found time for e xtracurricular activities. He has b e en a member of the varsity bowling squad for the past two years. Along w ith that, he has bee n most active in intramural sports . A stude nt of whom any school would be proud to boast, Walt's diligence in studies and fri e ndly pe rsonality are sure to carry him far on the road to success.

This year's unquestionable choice as the most representative senior is John Duffy of St. Benedict's parish . His te rm a s president of Student Council has been colored by friendliness and pleasing personality. Under his d irection, needed changes in the school regulations were e ffe cte d and student life on the campus made even more p leasant. John, who is naturally quiet, pref e rs to remain unnoticed; but his scholastic proficiency Furthermore, ha s b rought him added recognition. whethe r o n the football field, where he was an All Catholic e nd, on the basketball court, where his methodical floo r play ea sed many an anxious moment, or on the baseball d iamond, where he played well at first ba se, John has been the ideal sportsman. In addition, his lite rary contributions to the Wisterian and to the Blu e and Gold ha ve been characterized by clarity of thought and expression. A fine athlete, a good student, an exceptional leader . . . nothing more could be asked.


JOHN J. AMON St. William 6003 Rising Sun Avenue, II , 5-34 88 1 B, 2E, 3C, 4D .•. JV Bowling 2 ..• Intra mural track 1, 2 , 3 •.• Blue & Go ld ••• Gltt Club 2, 3, 4 •.. IRC 4 •• . Fond of sailboat races ••• Pla ns Include engineering a t VIllanova .

CHARLES J. IIAIIIOWSKI St. Laurent/us 2727 E. Lehigh Avenue, 25 liE 9· 1961 1 B, 2E, 3C, 4B . • . Intramural Track 1, 2; Bowling 4 . • • Glee Club 2, 3, 4 • • • Jun ior Achievement 3 .•• Fond of dancing, music and swimming . . . Plans to go to Drexel •.• Quiet Boy.


Ivy Slrttl, Warminster

Sr. J oseph, Hallowell

Hatboro 1302 111, 2E, 3C, 411 ••• Baseball Manage r 2 ••• Scholastic " L" 1 •• • Intramural Track 1; Bowling 2 . . . Dra ma tics 2 . . • Art 1 , 2 .•• IRC 4 . • . Drlvea a Hot Rod Clea ner t ruck . . . likes dancing • • • Will major In science.


4425 Sleigh Avenue, 36

MA 4-8458 1 B, 2A, 38, 48 • . . Scholastic "L" 2, 3 Scholastic Medal 3 ••• Art Club 1 •.• Science Club 3 ••. Trea surer of Class 1 • • • Runs custard stand • • • Plans to attend Villanova . • • Wicked cra vats.

RAYMOND G. BECKER 6360 Marsden Strttt, 35 St. Leo MA 4-1734 1 A, 2C, 30, 4C .•• Works for the Bell Telephone Co. . . • Likes dancing •• • Makea like a Latin with those sideburns ••. Needs xlppers to get the peg s on.


JOHN P. BARRY 7125 Buill Avenue, 42

TERRANCE T. BAIRD 5418 N . Fifth Street, 20 Incarnation of Our Lord Ml 4-7159 111, 2C, 3B, 4A . •• JV Football "L" 2 • Scholastic "L" 2 • •• Int ramural Bowling; basketball 1 . . • " So help me, you guysPOW!" ••• Joined the Amboy Dukes in Kensington ••• Wears a pegg ed shroud.

St. Clement

SA 9·6290 1 II, 2C, 3E, 411 • • • Football 2 . • . Scholastic " L" 1, 2 • • • Intramural track; basketball 1, 2, 3 .•• Be nilde Club 1, 2, 3 , Vice· President 3 • . . Girls and Food . • • Gato fresco • • • Destined to be a crash driver.

A 6838 Gorsten Street, 19

Little Flower

TE 9-0445 1 E, 2D, 3A, 4A . • . Intramural track 1, 2; basketball 3 •• • Blue and Gold .•• Band 1, 2, 3, 4 .•• Wants to study medicine at La Salle or Pe nn • •. Likes cars and popular records •• • Chelten· ham's hockey team fan.


ROBERT L. BOHRER Immaculate Conception

139 E. Price Street, 38

TE 9-2029 1B, 2E, 3C, 4A , , , Intramural bowling 1, 2; track 1, 2, 3, 4 , • , Science Club 3, 4 .•• Debating Club 4 . , • IRC 4 ••• Junior Achievement 3 • , • Glee Club 3 . • , Prom Committee 4 • • • Popularly known as "Sam the Brain."


WA 4-2799

20, 3E, 4D •• , Intramural basketball 2, 3 • • . llenilde Club 2 •• , Band 3 , , . Wants to become a C.P.A•• , • Die-hard A's fan • •• Smokes " OP's".


6624 Boyer Street, 19

Lillie flower

GE 8-1474 1 C, 2A, 3B, 40 , •• Bcuketball 1, 2, 3, 4 " L" • • , IRC 4 , •• Likes to obtain dough, especially at Slmm's Restaurant In Ocear. City . • . Loves that culture • . , Ambition-win an argument with Brother Thomas.

ROBERT M. IIOnORFF 1341 E. Haines Street, 38 Immaculate Conception Ll 8-3746 1D, 2C, 38, 4A .•. Scholastic " L" 2 , Religion Award 3 ••• Wlsterian 2, 3, 4 ••• " What did you do In Trig today?" •• , Likes ,.putar and classical m11slc • • • Wonts to attend La Salle • • • Walking encyclopedia.

FRANCIS II. BOLAND St. Helena 517 W. Chelten Avenue, 26 HA 4-7898 18, 2D, 3A, 4A , . , Football 1 ••• Crew 2, 4 .•• Intramural basketball, tra ck, bowling 1 . • , King of the corner at Fifth and Godfrey • • • Keeps gum companies In business • • . Would like to take pre-med at St. Joe's.


5833 N. Front Street, 20

St. Helena HA 4·3110

1 E, 2D, 3A, 4A • . , Football 2, 3 ••• Intramural basketball 1, 2, 4 • . • Wants to be a mechanic . • . Favorite hobby-orklng on carl ••• Proud owner of La Salle's own Gangster cor.


4928 N. 5th Street, 20

St. Jo..ph

6609 N. 7th Street, 26

Incarnation of Our Lord

Ml 4-1484 1E, 2C, 30, 4C ••• Swimming 1 "L", 2" L", 3 "L" •• . Intramural track 1, 2, 3 , • , lifeguard at Sea Isle City , , . Likes hillbilly music ••• Interested in weight-lifting • • , Copt. Midnight now taking off.

THOMAS M. BOYLE 805 W. Erie Avenue, 40 St. Veronica ItA S-2860 1C, 28, 3D, 4C ••• Intramural basketball 3; track 1, 2, 3 • , • Trac.k Champs 1, 2, 3 •• , Always found at Saint Joe's ••• Plans to attend La Salle or Villanova .•• Born with a comb In his hand.


FRANCIS E. BRADLEY St. Athanosius I 832 E. Mohican Street, 38 Ll 9-2549 1 C, 2B, 3D, 4C ••. lnlromurol track 2, 3; basketball 1, 2 • • • Track Champs 1, 2, 3 . . • Basketball Chomps 1, 2 • . • Known to his friends as "Perro Rojo" • . . Plans to attend La Salle after graduation • . . Plays football for the Mohican Indians. HARRY J. BRADLEY 4658 Morris Street, 44

St. Francis of Aulsl GL 5-4455 1B, 2C, 3B, 4B • , • Intramural basketball; track 1, 2, 3 , •• Benilde Club 4 . • • IRC 4 , , Wants to study Law , • , Interested in cars and sports . • • "Hey, Moose!" . . . Plays a bonecrushing centerfield.

FRANCIS D. BRENNAN St. Patrick 213 E. Wood Street, Norristown NO 5-8318 1C, 2B, 3D, 4C . , . Intramural baskeball 1, 2, 3, 4; track 2, 3 , •• Basketball champs 1, 2 , •• Track champs 1, 2, 3 . • . ,. Band 1, 2, 3, 4 . • . Known as Jesse , •• Likes his basketball ••• La Salle's Gene Krupa •.• The "Black Irishman."

JOHN T. BRENNAN 9405 Evans Street, I 5 Maternity of B. V.M. 1 A, 2E, 3C, 4B . • . Baseball 2, 3, 4 . • . Intramural basketball; bowling; track 1, 2, 3, 4 ••• Champs of Basketball 3 •.• Glect Club 1, 2, 3, 4 , . , Junior Achievement 3 . . . Future salesman • . • Likes to "soup up" cars • • • Favorite hangout is Johnny's.

JOSEPH M. BRICKLEY 3136 N. 33rd Street, 32

Corpus Christi

RA 5-4235 Scholastic 1 E, 2A, 30, 4C . • . Football . . • Scholastic "L" 1 •• • • Class Medal 3 , , • Intramural basketball; track 1, 2, 3, 4 .• InterOfficer 1, 4 . , . Wants to attend Penn for accounting ested in music, dancing, and sports , , , "Lend me some money" . • • Spends summers in Wildwood.

DAVID W. BRUHNS St. Timothy 3114 Knorr Street, 24 MA 4-8049 1B, 2A, 3B, 4B . , • Track 1, 4 ••• Intramural basketball, bowl· ing; track 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Benilde 2, 3, 4 ••• IRC 4 ••• Prom Committee 4 . . . Wants to attend Villanova for engineering • , • Likes cars, girls, camping, and hillbilly music ••• Has the hottest "88" in Mayfair.

WILLIAM J. BRYSON St. Helena 221 W. Spencer Street, 20 HA 4-5876 1 E, 2C, 3E, 40 ••. Intramural basketball 1, 3; track 1; bowling 3 • • • Benilde Club 2 • • • Prom Committee 4 , • • Likes to work on cars . • • Spends weekends doing accounting projects.

FRANK W. BUTTERWORTH 961 Woodcrest Rood, Abington lmmoculote Conception, Jenkintown 1 E, 20, 3A, 4A . • • Baseball Manager 2, 3 "L" ••• Scholastic L 2 • , . Benilde Club 1, 2 • . . Blue and Gold • . • Plans to go to Annapolis •.. Likes records and sports ••. The little profenor.

A study in depth featuring Forde , and Gerry Hepburn.

CORNELIUS R. BYRNE J 90 J She/mire Street, JJ

Resurrection PI 5·8091

1 B, 2B, 3D, 4C . • . Football 1 ••• Intramural basketball; t rack 1, 2, 3 ; bowling 3 ••• Track Champs 3 , •• likes dancing, pinochle, and vacations at longport, N. J• • • • Neils-Piels ••• looks ready to take off with his "Mr. Z" collars.

DAVID J. CABALLERO 2 J 2 W. Apdey Street, 44 St. Francis of Auisl GL 5-l 759 1 B, 28, 3B, 4A . • . Track 2 ••. Cross Country 2 ••• Intramural bowling; track 1 • . • Plans Include engineering at Villanova or Prince ton . . . Likes dancing and awimming . . . .. Somebody goofect"

EDWARD M. CARNEY Cur Mother a# Co'nsolation

9 Bysher Avenue, Flourtown

WH 8·7809

1 C, 2B, 3B, 4D .•• Basketball 2 "l", 3 "l", 4 "l" • . • Int ramural bowling; track 1, 2 . . • Champs of Bowling and Track 1, 2 • • • IRC 4 ••• likes sports and girh ••• Always tired on Monday morning- has trouble with the cows over the weekend.


591 I Reach Street, 20 PI 5· 597 J

1 C, 2B, 3D, 4C ••• Intramura l basketball; bowling; track 1, 2, 3, 4 • . . Basketball champs 1, 2 ••• Track champs 1, 2, 3 ••• Bowling champs 1 ••• Class Officer 2 ••• Would go great in a southpaw league.

LOUIS J. CASALE 680 Pembroke Rd., Jenkintown

Immaculate Conception Ogonf:r 5200-J 1B, 2D, 3A, 4A ••• Crew 1, 2, 3, 4 • • IRC 4 . . • Blue and Gold ••• Clan Officer 1 ••• Plans to attend St. Joe's •• , Boland's buddy ••• Always does homework during religion class.

JOSEPH R. CAUV IN Toolcany Creek Pkwy., Cheltenham Presentation ol B.V.M. Melrose 5· J 307 1 B, 2C, 3E, 4A ••• Bowling 2 , 3 " l ", 4 "l" ••• Baseball 2, 3 , 4 . • • Intramural bowling champs 2, 3 • • • Always grubbing smokes ••• Buys his pants at Ryan 's Army Surplus Store ••• Does his wash in Tookany Creak.

ORESTES I. CHORTYK Immaculate Conception 6328 Newtown Avenue, J J PI 5-7263 U , 2C, 3E, 4B .• • Scholastic l 1, 2 • Intramural Bowling 2, 4 . . . Art 1 . . . Plans inclu de Drexel ·• • • Will majot in electrical engineering • • • Earned our respect when he tried to blow up the Chemistry lab in '53. Remember?


7356 N. 2 Jst Street, 31

St. Athanasius WA 4-7457

1 B, 2A, 30, 4C . . . Football 1, 3 • • Likes to build engines for cars . • • The "Cat Man" likes music ' and also drives a "Kool Rod" • • • Caused a depression among barbers.


RI CHAR D J. COLL 5225 Wiuahiclcon Avenue VI 4-3135 1 E, 28, 3B, 4D . • • Intramural track Has a habit of lea ving things In his car i> the place where they make hair tonic off, Mr. Gallagher, I've got a cold.

St. Fumcis of Asslsl . Glee Club 4 • • • . Thinks the Kremlin I can't take my coat


St. AthanasiuJ

6644 Cornelius St. HA 4·2435

1 8, 2B, 38, 4D • • Intramural basketball; track 1, 2, 3, 4 ••• Basketball champs 2 •.• Plans to study law ••• Frequently seen in Wi ldwood • • . Whiz at Genera l Math.

WILLIAM J. CONNOLLY 4344 Teasdale Street, 36 St. Bernard DE 3-4598 1 B, 2C, 30, 4C • • . Football 2, 3, 4 "L" Intramural basketball 1, 2; tra ck 2, 3 . •• Track champs 3 ••• "You playing Sunday, Will?" ••• Likes to ha ng on the corner.

JO HN T. CONNOR 308 Ashbourne Roa d, Cheltenham Presenlolion B.V.M. Chell 3220W 1 E, 20, 3A, 4A ••• Intramural track 1, 2, 4; basketball 2, 4 • . • Benilde Club 1, 2, 3, 4 . • . Grew overnight ••• Rides trolley with Gerr Griffin • . • Plans to study Chemistry at La Salle • . • "Go, Huey, Got"

PAUL E. CUNDEY St. James 541 Shoemaker Avenue, Elkins Park Melrose 5-2336 18, 20, 3A, 4A . • • Swimming 1 . . • Scholastic L 1 , 2 Intramural bowling 1, 2; basketball 1, 2, 3 • . . Benilde Club 1, 2, 3, 4 • • • Wisterian 2, 3 • • • IRC 4 , • • Blue and Gold 4 Dramatics 1, 2 . • • Plans to attend Villanova or Penn • •• Works In the Penn Fruit. FRANK J. CUNNINGHAM 7014 Andenon Street, J 9

Holy Cross

WI 7·6941 18, 2B, 3D, 4C • . . Intramural basketball 2, 3 • • • Basketball champs 2, 3 ••• IRC 4 ••• Sports enthusiast • •• Plans to at• tend Villanova • . • Spends summers at Connie Mack Stad ium.

JOHN S. DANILAK 4727 N. 0 Street, 20 Holy Trinity 1 E, 2D, 3A, 4D • • • Intramural track; bowling 1, 2 . • • Art Club 1, 2, 3, 4 .•• Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4 ••• Benilde Club 1, 2 llC 4 . • • Prom Committee 4 • • • Plans to attend Pitt U. • . • Ukes roller skating, working on cars, money.


4208 N. Reese Street, 40

St. Veronica

GL 5·7238 1E, 2E, 3C, 4B ••• Football 2 ••• Track 2 Intramural bowlIng; basketball; track 3, 4 ••• Basketball champs 3 • •• IRC 4 • • • Secretary of Class 1 . . • Plans to major in engineering at either Villanova or Drexel • • . Likes music, dancing • • . Works In the A & P • • • Pure animal.


874 N. 25th Street, 30

St. Francis Xavier PO 5-4390 1 B, 2C, 3D, 4C.•• Crew 2 ••• Intramural track 1, 3 ••• Little Tom • • • The Quiet Man • • . Smiles when he doesn't know the answer. RONALD A. DORVAL 2920 Unruh Avenue, 49 St. Timothy DE 2-0374 Plans commercial art 1 E, 2A, 3E, 40 ••• Art Club 1, 2, 3, 4 • • • Great weather predictor • • . He'll bet his life on the National League.

RAYMOND A. DOYLE 570 Van Kirk Street, 20 St. William PI 5·0925 1 B, 20, 3E, 4C .•• Intramural basketball 1, 2; bowling 2; track 1, 2, 3, 4 . Enjoys working In the A & P Markets ••• Is cra%y for ia:u .•• One of Roeuler's Boys.



6430 Limekiln Pike, 38

St. Benedict

WA 4-·7364 1D, 2A, 3B, 4B •.• Football 1, 2, 3 "L", 4 "L" •.• Basketball

1, 2, 3, 4 "L" ••• Baseball 2, 4 "L" ••• Co-captain of Football 4 • •. Scholastic L 1, 2 • . . Wisterian 3, 4 ••• Student Council 3, 4 • . . President of Student Council 4 •.• Class Vice President 2 ; President 3, 4 Plans engineering slud:es ••• Enjoys wine, women and song . • • Never speaks above a whisper.

JAMES F. DUNPHY St. Mary of the Assumption IVyridge 3·3239J 1C, 2B, 3E, 40 . . . Golf 2 "L", 3 "L", 4 ''L" . . . Crew 1 . • . Intramural track; basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 ••. Champs of Basketball and Track 1, 2 IRC 4 ••• Benilde Club 3, 4 ••• Likes golf and dances • • • Brother Thomas' protege • • . Hides behind his big L. 618 Rector Street, 28

TIMOTHY J. DURKIN 23 Simpson Road, Ardmore St. Coleman, Ardmore Ml 2·4516 3A, 4A ••• Member pf the Suburban Pacers, a Main Line Hot Rod Club • • • Bothers the teachers when he snores . . . Brother Felix John will give good odds that he doesn't make class by 8:45.

JAMES E. FACCIOTII 4149 Dungan Street, 24 Holy Innocents JE 5-3405 18, 2A, 3B, 4B ••• Football 2, 3 "L", 4 "L" • Baseball 1, 2 ••. Intramural Basketball; track 1, 2, 3, 4 ••• Likes music Works in the world's smartest men's shop, "The Stag Shop" ••• Got a new pair of wooden logs. CHARLES R. FARROW 48 I 5 Windsor Avenue, 43 St. Francis de Sales BE 6-3134 10, 2C, 3E, 4B ••• Crew 2, 3, 4 "L" Intramural Bowling 1; basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 • . . Likes cars, girls and rowing • •. Spar· row • • • Chuck goes up t.he Schuylkill upside down just to be dlfferent ••• La Salle's gum chewing champ for '54.

ANTHONY J. FROELICH 7907 Loretto Avenue, I I llesurrecllon Fl 2-1779 1 E, 2E, 3C, 48 ••• Intramural bowli ng 1, 2, 3, 4 ; track 1, 2 ••• IRC 4 ••• l ikes music and dancing • Plans to study ent~lneering at Villanova.

JOSEPH V. GALLAGHER 28 I 7 S. Smedley Street, 45 Sl. lllchord HO 5·8348 1 0, 2C, 3C, 48 . • • Intramural bowling 1, 2, 3, 4; track 1 , , • Gltt Club 1, 2, 3, 4 . • . IRC 4 Spends time at Saturday n ight dances • . . Employee of the Penn Frvit • • • Plans to study eng ineering at Villanova.

ROBERT F. GALANTE 803 Rhown Street, I I

Sl. Cecelia

Fl 2·4823 1B, 2A, 30, 4C .• • Football 1, 2 . • . Intra mural basketball 2 ; track 3; bowling 1 ••. Class Ofllcer 4 .• • Proud of hi s new Ford • . • Good dresser • • • Plans to study commercial adveWising at La Salle • • • Oh, Bob, that crew cut is sharp.

H. KENT GARSON 45 I Old Form Rood, Wyncote St. Raymond Ogontz 6107 1 E, 2C, 30, 4C • • • Intramural Basketball 1, 2; Track 1, 2 . • . Dramatics 1, 2, 3, 4 , • , 8enilde Club 2, 3, 4 Works on the Farm . • • Rides on the mortorcycles • • . This stage hand always goes up with the curtain.

I wish he'd tell us when he's going to give us these little

JOHN J. GAWORSKI St. Timothy 3036 fanshawe Street, 24 MA 4·9196 18, 2A, 3E, 4D . . • Swimming 1 . • • Intramural bowling 1, 2 • • . Band 1, 2, 3, 4 ••• IRC 4 • Senior Prom committee • . . Likes classical music • • • Known as "Harry" to his friends . • • Wants to attend Navy School of Music • . . The Polish coroner. ANTHONY M. GIAMPETRO 38 St. 8enedlct HA 4·9183 1 E, 2A, 3B, 4A ••• Band 1, 2, 3, 4 ••• Wants to change the laws of Physics . . • His trombone is his best friend ••• " I don't get it" . . . Always answers the tough questions in Economics.


Ogon~ Avenu~

HENRY M. GRASMEDER 5848 N. 7th Street, 20 St. Helena WA 4·9619 2D, 3A, 40 • • • Intramural bowling 2 Cheerleading 2 • • • The butcher's boy . • . Frequently S!!en at the Satu rday night dances • • . Lyric tenor.

GERALD J. GRIFFIN Presentation S.V.M. ,., 5-1324 1 C, 2E, 3C, 4B . . • Basketball 3, 4 . ; Track 3 • . • Intramural track 1 1 2; bowling 1; baskelball 2 . • • "Spider" ••• A much Improved basketball player . • • Mutt and Jeff with John Connor.

419 Knorr Street, II


EDWARD H. GRUBER St. Jomes 8225 Cadwa/oder Avenue, I 7, Elkins Pork Me/rose 5-1655 18, 2C, 3E, 4D . . . Tennis 1, 2 "L", 3 "L,., 4 "L" . . Bowling 3 • • . lntromural bowling champs 2, 3 . . . Spends his time at the Rifle Club . . . Sleeps with his tennis racquet • • . Makes frequent trips to Norristown.

ANTHONY J. GUERRELLI 50 I 0 N. 3rd Street, 20 /ncornotlon of Our Lord Ml 4-9783 1 A, 2D, 3A, 4A • . . Junior Achievement 3 • . . Plans to become a building contractor ••. Works in a restaurant that's famous for its Pi:ua pies • • • Great trig student.

JOHN R. GULLIFORD Ovr Lady of Perpetvol Help 1 E, 2C, 3E, 4A • , • Football 1, 2 . . • Baseball 2, 3, 4 " L" ••• Track 1 . . . Cross Country 4 ••• Scholastic L 1, 2 . . . Intra• mural basketball; track 1, 2, 3, 4; bowling chomps 2, 3 ••• Art Club 1, 2, 3, 4 . . • Blue and Gold . • • Class Vice-President 3 • . • Played in Shibe Park in 'SO, 'S1, and 'S2 ••• The Mople Shade kid drives a 'S3 Ford , •• Can't drive In a snowstorm. 20 Pavl Road, Maple Shade, N. J.

RICHARD J. HAMBURGER St. Luke 517 Twickenhom Rood, Glenside Ogontz 4873W 1 E, 2D, 3A, 4A • . . Track 1, 2 "L", 3, 4 "L" . Cross Country 2, 3, 4 . • . Scholastic L 1, 2 . • • Intramural basketball; track 1, 2, 3, 4 ••• Band 1, 2, 3, 4 ••• IRC 4 . • • Class VicePresident 1 • • • Likes sports and music . . . Plans to attend Jefferson ••• Often called Hot Dog, Meatloaf, and Liverwurst.

ELMER F. HANSEN 731 Meetinghouse Road

RUDY E. HARRER /mmacu/ato Conception

Turner 2226 111, 2A, 3E, 4D ••. Bowling 3, 4 • Intramural basketball; bowling 1, 2, 3, 4 • . . Bowling champs 3 ••• IRC 4 ••• Prom Comm ittee 4 ••• Doesn 't believe in bell$ •.• " Oh, those Mr. 'II' collars!" ••. That country air made him grow.

2247 Somerset Street, 32

St. Co/umbo SA 3-6410 1 E, 2E, 3C, 4B ••• Intramural bowling; track 1, 2, 3, 4 ••• IRC 4 . . . Junior Achievement ••• Class Oll'lcer 1 . • • Plans to s:udy Engineering at Drexel •.• Finds enjoyment in fixing cars and lbtening to muaic • • • How to make doughnuts in one easy lesson.

DAVID L. HAPP 426 E. Court Strttl, Doylestown Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Doylestown 44 I 5 1 B, 2C, 3E, 4D . . • Intramural bowling 1, 2, 3 ••• En joys music ••• Great advocate of progreulve body building ••. Has a nybody seen his old pal, C. J. Fox?

JOSEPH J. HOGAN 6310 Revere Street, 49

St. Timothy

DE 6-3 193 1 D, 2E, 3C, 4A ••• Track 1, 2, 3, 4 . Cross Country 1, 2, 3, 4 • • • Intramural bowling; track 1, 2 • • • Clan Oll'lcer 1 • • • Plans to attend La Salle . • • La Salle'a Gil Dodds.

LEONARD R. HITCHCOCK Resurrection of Our lord , 5-3175 1E, 2E, 3C, 4B ••• Football 1 ••• Cross Country 2 . • • Crew 3, 4 "l" . . . Intramural track 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Bowling 2, 3, 4 • • • Likes dancing • • • Rebuilding cars a specialty • . . May lose Faith, but not Hope • • • Fast man with beach umbrella at Ocean City. I 8 I 8 Griffith Strttt, I I

JOSEPH M. JOHNSON I 24 W. Phil Ellena Street, I 9 St. Madeleine Sophie VI 4-8717 lD, 2D, 3A, 4D . • . lnlram:Jrala basketball 1, 2, 4;. track 2, 4 •.• Bowling 2 , 3, 4 ••. IRC 4 . • • Benilde Club 4 • . Prom committee 4 •.• An ardent A's fan ••• likes dancing.

ADOLPH A. HOllER 556 E. Gilham Street, I I St. William 1 II, 2E, 3C, 4A ••• IRC 4 ••• Debating Team 4 • . Plana to atudy journalism at La Salle . • • Often seen with his motorbike ••• Atlenda Junior Achievement.

JOSEPH J. JUNOD I 247 Mildred Avenue, Roslyn St. John of the Cross Ogontz 5288 1 D, 2A, 3B, 4A ••. Intramural track 1, 2 ••. Scholastic l 1, 2 • • • Blue and Gold 4 • • • likes sports and music • • . The calman of Roslyn ••• Always seen with two girls on each arm.


WILLIAM M. KADER I 356 South Stanley Street, 46 St. Grabrlel Dewey 4 -8049 1 0 , 2C, 3D, 4C • • • Intramural basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 . • • Bo ing 1, 2 • • • Bowling Champs 2 . • • Band • . . Dance Band •• , Band officer 1, 2, 3, 4 , .• Going to be a draftsman ••• A pool enthusiast , • , Good man with rod and hook • , , Moose II,


1819 Ashley Street, 26

St. Athonas/us HA 4-4208 1C, 2B, 3D, 4C , •• lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 • • , Track champs 1, 2, 3 Plans College to study drafting • . • Likes any kind of sport • , • Pres ident of the Balloon Blowers Club.

JOSEPH J . KOLB I I I W . Wyoming Avenue, 40

St. Ambrose DA 4-9176 1 E, 2A, 3B, 40 •. Intramural track 1 "Wa-say Joe" Goes wild over crazy comic books , . , Keeps his pants up with chewing gum.

ROBERT J. KOSINSKI I 78 Manh eim Street, 44

St. Francis of Auisl Football 2, 3, 4 " L" • •. Intramu ral track 2, 3, 4 . . . One of tribe of quiet men . . . loyal subscriber to the Breakfast Club . • . Likes to play football in gym even though his teammates are playing basketball.

WILLIAM J. KRUCKENBERGER 71 I 5 Jackson Str..t, 35 St. Bernard MA 4 -041 I 1 A, 2E, 3C, 4B • . • Basketball 2 • . . Intra mural basketball 1 , 2, 3 , 4 ; trade 3 ••• Basketball chomps 3 . . • Deadly set shot • • • Intramural scoring king.


625 Locust Avenue, 44 1 E, 2C, 3A, 4C mural track 1, 2, 2 , 3 , 4 ••• IRC mon on the Cross

GE 8-8226 . •• Cross Country 4 3 . • • Wisterian 1, 2, 4 . . • Ambition wa s to Country tecrm . . . Skin

Immaculate Conception . • Tra ck 4 ••. Intra3, 4 . . . Benilde Club pass latin ••• Anchor Head .

CARL KUSNELL 4 I 0 W. Glenside Avenue, Glenside St. Luke Ogontx 1610 1 E, 2E, 3C, 48 . . • Intramural basketball; bowling; track 1, 2 , 3, 4 ••• Basketball chomps 3 .• : Glee Club 2, 3, 4 . . . IRC 4 • . . Plans to anend Stenotype Institute • . . Wonts to be a court reporte r . . . likes music and roaming th rough Atlantic City In summer. JOHN LAMPRECHT 30 I Bickley Rood, Glenside St. Luke's, Glenside Ogontx 206SR 1 E, 2E, 3C, 48 . • • Football I , 2 " l " , 3 " l ", 4 " l " •.• Crew 2, 3 " l ", 4 " l " • . • Scholastic l 1, 2 . . . Religion Medal 1 •. . Intra mural basketball; t rack 1, 2, 3, 4 • . . Basketball champs 3 • • • Wisterian 1, 2 • • . Class Secretary 1, 2, 3 • . . Plans to attend Villanova • • . Herman . . • Jo-Jo • • • lamp post.

PASQUALE J. LA RUFFA 910 Highland Avenue, Ambler, Pa. St. Anthony, Ambler Ambler 0265M 1a, 20, 3A, 4A • • • Scholastic l 1 I 2, 3 • . . Scholastic Medal 1, 2, 3 ••. Wisterlan 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Art Club 1, 2, 3, 4 ••• Library Aides 1, 2, 3, 4 ••. Pres. of library Aides 2, 3, 4 •.• Likes to do art work ••• Eats a huge lunch because the doctor says he's undernourished ••. Habitual honor roll student.

STANLEY J. LEPO I 530 S. Cor//es Street, 46 St. Gabriel 1 a, 2A, 3a, 48 ••• Football 1 I 2 , 3, 4 "l" Favorite hobby Is making money • • • The usher sells tickets to the Physics class every day ••• "Yelnats Opel."

MARTIN J. LUFF 804 E. Phil-Ellen a Street, 19 Llltle flower TE 9-801 I 1 C, 2B, 30, 4C • . . Football 2 . • • Intramural track, basketball 1, 2, 3 . . • Champs of Track 1, 2, 3; Basketball 1, 2 ••. Plans to study e ngineering • • • Like• to work on cars • • • Cat Man of Mount Airy In hla '51 Plymouth.


561 E. Comly Street, 20

St. William PI 5·2907 10, 28, 30, 4C ••• Intramural track 1, 3 • • Champs 3 Band 1, 2 , 3, 4 •.• Clancy likes to chase fire engines Skeezlx the Mouse plays the drums.

WILliAM A. MAGEE 7002 Wheeler Street; 42 SA 9-4231 1E, 2A, 30, 4C . . . Football 1, 2


St. Clement

L.., 3 "L", 4 "L" . . . Co-

Capt. Football 4 •.• Baseball 2, 3 "L", 4 "L" ••• Intramural baaketball 1 ••• Student Council 3, 4 ••. Class Pres:dent 2, 3, 4 • Never attn without a smile ••. 3-0 Magee ••• La Salle's "' All American. MILES A. MAHONEY St. Veronica 30 I 6 N. Or/anna Street, 33 VI 8·2478 20, 3A, 40 • . . Baseball 2 ••. Intramural basketball 2, 3, 4 ••• Art Club 2, 3, 4 •.• Blue and Gold ••. IRC 4 • •• Plant to attend La Salle ••• Works In a Glass Factory ••. "You Thick Idiot" • . . Head of the Chemistry lab. KENNETH W. MAKOWSKI St. Timothy 2932 Knorr Street 24 MA 4·6031 10, 2C, 3E, 4A . • Football 1 ••• Crew 2 ••• Intramural bowling 1; track 1, 2, 3 . • • IRC 4 . . . Student Council 3, 4 ••• Class Pres!dent 2, 3; Vice-president 1, 4 . . • Plans to study law at Penn • • • Likes camping, hunting, gunning, and weight· lifting • • • Always good for a laugh In cuhure class . • • The other Pagan From Spanish Ill. LAWRENCE E. MAYEA Immaculate Conception I 03 I E. Price Street, 38 GE 8·8165 11 1 C, 2A, 3B, 48 . . . Football 1, 2 . . . Golf 1 64 L", 2 "L", 3 l'', 4 " L" ••• Scholaatlc l 1 ••• Intramural basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; bowling 1, 2; track 1, 2 • • • Basketball Champs 1 ••• Junior Achievement 3, 4 ••• Plans to study engineering ••. Llke1 hot roda and mu alc • • • Claims to have the best car on the road.


PATRICK D. McAVOY 6848 Stenion Avenue, I 9 Lillie Flower VI 4-6338 1 D, 2A, 38, 4D , , • Football 1, 2 . • . Intramu ra l basketball 1, 2 • . • Would give all his wealth for the retu rn of his motorcycle . Pions to attend University of Colorado • • Known a s " Ace" .

DANIEL P. McCANN 213 W. Spencer Street, 20 St. Helena HA 4-3778 10, 28, 3E', 4C . , • Intramural basketball; track 1, 2, 3, 4 . . Basketball and Trac't Chomps 1, 2 ••. Known for his sm iles . . Often seen with Frank Murray . . . Neve r a wake till 9th period.

MICHAEL J. McCARRIE 2625 Memphis Street, 25

St. Anne

GA 3-7029

1 C, 2E', 3C, 4C . . • Intramural track 1, 2, 3, 4 . . • Plans to attend La Salle . , . likos sports • Picketed barber shops all summer.

BERNARD J. McCORM ICK Immaculate Conception GE 8-2218 1 E, 20, 3A, 40 . . . Crew 1, 2 "l", 4 "l" . • . Intramural t rack 1; basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 • . . Wisterion 1, 2, 3, 4 . •• Art Club 1, 2, 3, 4 •.• IRC 4 ••. Closs officer 4 . • . Ho ngs out in the Wis office • . . lost his voice as a coxswa in, now has too much of it bock. 507 E. Chelten Avenue, 44

Th e Knight's Tale which Brother Anthony is reading has cau ght the interest of all

CHARLES S. McDONOUGH Holy Innocenti I 633 E. Lycoming Street, 24 DE 6·5297 1C, 2B, 3D, 4C • • . Intramural track 1, 2, 3, 4 ••• Track champs 1, 2, 3 ••• IRC 4 . . • likes baseball, dancing , and swimming • • • Works as a soda jerk In a drugstore . • • Known for his haircut.

FRANCIS P. McHUGH 5119 H. Marvine Street, 41 Holy Child Ml 4-6532 1 C, 2B, 3B, 4D ••• Swimming 1, 2 ••. Crew 2, 3, 4 • . • Intramural bowling 2, 3; track 1, 2 . . . Likes to row on the Schuylkill . • • A collegiate white buck cat.

Jd'HN F. McNICHOL FRANCIS J. McFADDEN 408 W. Delphine Street, 20 Incarnation of Our Lord Ml 4-4031 1 D, 2C, 3E, 4A • . . Bowli ng 2, 3 "l", 4 " l " • . • Scholastic l 1, 2, 3 . • • Scholastic Medal 2, 3 ••• Intramural bowling; bas· kotball I , 2, 3 . • • Bowling champs 2, 3 . , • Blue and Gold • • • Wisterian 4 • • • Would like to become either a math teacher or a statistician ••. l ikes sports and cars.

ROBERT E. MEISSNER 611 I Collar Avenue, 49 Resurrection P/ 5-2707 1 C, 2B, 3D, 4C . . . Tennis 2 , 3, 4 . • Intramura l bowling 1, 2, 3 , • , Works In A & P . • • Played Private Detective for four years.

4711 Hazel Avenue, 43

St. Francis de Salt1 SA 7-3744 1 A, 2D, 3A, 4A • • • Scholastic L 1, 2 Scholastic Medal In Spanish I ••• lnlram:~ral basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; track 2 ••• Wlsterian 2, 3, 4 ••• Blue and Gold • . • Class VIce-president 1, 2; Secretary 3 ••• Likes sports and girls ••• loyal die-hard A's fan • . . Talks with a southern a((ent because he's from Southwest Phlla. • . • President of the Pedro Vargas Fan Club.

EDWIN G. MICHIE 603 Wod1worth Street, 19 CH 7-5336

Holy Crou

1 D, 211 , 3B, 4A , • , Bowling 1 "l", 2 "l", 3 ••• Intramural bowling 1, 2; track 1 • . • Wlsterian 3 . . • Class officer 1 . • • Plan s to attend Dartmouth • • . Needs a silencer for those duals • •• The pagan.

RONALD T. MELCHIORE 5645 Miriam Road, 24 St. Martin of Tours JE 5-7905 1 A, 2C, 3E, 4D ••• Band 1, 2, 3, 4 lntramurals 1, 2 . • • likes all music • • • Remember thcne discussions with Brother Celes· tine? • . • Plays a hot sax.

ROBERT H. MORRO 748 Foss Avenue, Drexel HI/I St. Andrew CL 9-1340 1B, 2E, 3E, 4D . . • Football 1, 2 . • • Track 1, 2, 3, 4 • • . Intramural basketball 1 ••• Basketball champs 1 ••• Class officer 1, 2 • • • Plans to 1tudy business at La Salle • . . Likes to date twins • . . One of the Ave-year twins.



JAMES J. MULLIN 5543 Hill Creelc Circle, 20


PI 5·2676 IC, 2A, 3B, 4A • . . Bowling 2 ••• Tenn is " L", 2 " L", 3 " L", 4 " L" . . • Scholastic L 1, 2, 3 • • • Scholastic Medal 1, 2 • • • Intramural basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 ; bowling 1, 2 . . . Basketball and bowling champs 1 • • • Blue and Gold • • • Plans to major In science at Villanova . • • Likes to referee basketball g ames • • • Was born with a sliver shuHiecock In his mouth.

5955 N . A Street, 20

St. Helena Ll 8-531 I 1 A, 2C, 3 E, 4 C . • • Tennis 1, 2 ••• Intramural Basketball 1, 2; t rack 1 • • • Pierre likes sports, dancing, and swimming Paints cars with flit g un • • • Half owner of the Blue Beetle.

THOMAS f . MURPHY I 524 W. lluscomb Street, 41 Hol y Child DA 4 -5920 1 C, 2B, 3B, 4D • • • Intramural bowling 1, 2, 3 • . . Art Club 1 • . • Science Club 3, 4 • . • Prom Commillee 4 • • • Plans to a ttend La Salle • • • Likes music • • • Caramba, que pa sa ? • . . I' ll see yo11 In my dreams.

GERALD J. NOLAN 307 St. Vincent Street, II Presentation 8.V.M. Fl 2·30 12 1 D, 2D, 3A, 4A • . . Intramu ral tra ck 1; bowling 2 , 3 .• . Band 1 ••• Plans ca ll for Engine ering a t U.C.L.A. . . • Is a grea t da nce enthusia st • • • Wicked ma n with a meat cleaver • • . Homework's clone at home, not on th e 26.

JAMES V. NEITHAMMER 7 J 0 Glen view Street, Tl

Presentation 8. V .M. Fl 2-4409 lA, 2D, 3A, 4A ••. Benilde Club 2, 3, 4 ••• Plans to attend La Salle . • • Rattles off Trig functions In his sleep ••• Nolan 's shadow.

JOHN C. OLESH Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception FR 7·0145 2E, 3C, 4 C . • • Football 2 . • . Intramural track 3 •.• Plans to wo rk fo r t he Government . , • Is a car enthusiaat ••• Likes good litera ture • . • The type of guy you would like to have for a pal. 521 W. Moller Stra.l, 2

RICHARD f . O'DONNELL 4369 Ptchln Street, 28 St. Mary's Assumption IV 3·131 5J 1f , 2E, 3C, 48 . . . Crew 1, 2 . . . Basketball 3 , 4 ..L" . . • Golf 4 •.• Intramural basketball 1, 2 , 3 ••• Track 1, 4 . . • Intramural Champs Basketball 3 • . • IRC 4 ••• Pla ns to a ttend Philadelphia Textile Institute to study Chemistry • . • Shadow of the swish • •• The Roxboro11gh cotwolker ••• Big " 0 ".

WILLIAM J. O'NEILL St. Joseph 11 3 Che/tonham Avenue, Melrose Park Melrose 5·3969 1C, 28, 3D, 4C . . • Swimming 1, 2 • . . Intramural basketball 1, 2 , 3 ; track 1, 2, 3, 4 . • • Intramural basketball champs 1, 2; track cha mps 1, 2, 3 . • . Known as the "Fish" . • • Fast man with the co rd s • , • The only "square life saver" in the pack.



WIUIAM F. PAnON St. Bartholomew

I 734 Brill Slr..l, 24

1 D, 2C, Football Bowling Plans to

St. Martin of Tourt 8-0139 1 D, 2A, 3E, 40 • •• lland Basketball 2 , 3, 4 •• Intramural bas· ketboll 1, 2 • • • Bond and Dance land 1, 2, 3, 4 ••• Plans to attend college and to study music . • • "The good brother SGid so." • • • Swings a loaded key chain.


DE 6·9047 3D, 4C . • Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4 . , . Bowling 2 1 • •• Intramural basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 ; bowling 2 chomps 2 • . . Big Wheel at Soars a nd Roebuck attend Drexel at night • • • Slick Willie.


I 763 Juniolo Street, 40

DA 4· 2125 1 D, 2D, 3A, 4A . . , Scholastic L 2 • . Scholastic Medal 1 .. • lntromutol bowling 1, 2 •• • Wlstorlon 1, 2, 3, 4 IEdltorl •.• Bond 2, 3, 4 • . • Plant to attend Villa nova • • • Good man on the clarinet • • • Did a groat fob on the Wis.

JAMES M. PURCELL 2040 Tu/pehoclcon Street, 38 Sl. Alh onos ius WA 4·9282 10, 2D, 3A, 4A ••. Intra mural bowling 1 •.• Track 3 . • • IRC 4 . • . Science Club 3, 4 . . . En(oys good music . . . Mem· bor of quiet tribe • . . Con be found rea ding the stock quotations or tho comic strips every mom about 8:10 In 302.

BELA S. PRINCZ 331 W. Girard Avenue, 23 Sl. Peler ST 2-1510 1 A, 2E, 3C, 41 . • • Crow 3 . . . Intramural bowling 1, 2, 3; track 2, 3 . . • Plans to otlend Villanova or Drexel for Engineering Likes to go fishing and swimming • • • Cora, Cora, lela,

LEE E. REGAN St. Alhonos/us Ll 9-4117 1 A, 2C, 3D, 4C . . • Cross Country 1, 2, 3 "L" • Track 1, 2, 3, 4 "L" . . . Intramural basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 • • • Another Gene Krupa ••• Has eyebrows like a squirrel.


JOHN F. QU IGLEY 82 I 9 Michener Avenue, I 9 Sf. lloymoncl CH 7-6642 1C, 2E, 3C, 411 . • • Cross Country 2, 3 "L" Track 2 , 3, 4 " L" . . . Bowling 1, 4 ' 'L" ••• Intramural basketball 1, 2 , 3, 4 ; bowling 2, 3, 4 ; track 1, 2 . . • Intramural basketball chomps 1, 3 ; bowling 1, 4; track 1 • • . Wisterion 3 . • . Clan officer 4 Is one of the ga mblers of La Solie • • • " Going to flunk four" • • • Answers to the nome of "lover".

WILLIAM J . REYNOLDS 1216 N. 29th Street, 21

St. Ludwig PO 5-1661 10, 2D, 3E, 4D • . . Football 1, 2, 3 "L" , 4 "L" • • , Crew 1, 2, 3 "L", 4 " l " •• . Intramural basketball 1, 2, 3 , 4 •• • Chomps In basketball 3 • . • Wlsterlon 4 . . • Closs Pres ident 4 • • • " The Chief" • • • Great dancer when he Is able • • • Favorite pastime is lying on the 0. C. Beach , •• The other half of the liveyear twins.

RICHARD J. RICCIO Holy Angels 1206 Stratford .Avenue, 26 MA 5-3342 1C, 2B, 3C, 4B • • . Scholastic Letter 1 • Intramural bowling 1, 2, 3, 4 •. • • Science Club 3 • . • Senior Prom Commillee 4 • • • "What did you do In Trig today?" ••• Good dresser.


634 Anchor Street, 20 PI 5-3020

1 D, 2A, 30, 4C ••• Football 2 • • . Intramural bowling 1, 2; basketball 1; track 3 • • • Track chomps 3 . • . Plans call for night school and mechanical drawing ••• Collects odd hats ••• Good dancer ••• "I really will."

JAMES H. ROBB 3150 Magee Avenue, 24

St. Timothy MA 4-0143 1D, 2C, 3E, 40 .•• Cross Country 1 . . • Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 ••• Baseball 2 "l", 3 "L", 4 "L" ••• Intramural track 1, 2, 3, 4 •.• Blue and Gold 4 ••• IRC 4 •• .• Prom Committee 4 ••• Robb's control is great ••• He con toke a drag, blow a smoko ring, and p:.1t a strike through It before it disappears • • • He fools fnlish.

JOHN P. ROSSI 232 W . Ruscomb Street, 20

Incarnation of Our Lord Ml 4-5401 1 0, 2C, 3E, 40 . • . Track 1, 2 ••• Intramural track 1, 3; bowling

1 • • • Enjoys good mualc . . Followa the Westerna closely • Those discussions with Bowen • • • looks n<lked without that Ike jacket.

HENRY J. SCHLIPF GERARD J. ST. JOHN Sf. Matthew 3406 Chippendale Avenue, 36 MA 4-3045 1A, 2A, 3B, 40 • . . IRC 4 ••• "The Saint" ••• The Blusher • • • Short cropped hair.

4844 H. Sydenham Street, 4 I

Holy Cltlld GL 5-1862 10, 2A, 38, 4B •.• Intramural basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; bowling 1 ••• Science Club 3, 4 ••• Plans to attend college ••• Holy Child's answer to Abe lincoln ••• Makes like a mew.

MICHAEL M. SCHLACTER 524 E• .Asltdale Strnt, 20

St. Ladidaus Ml 4-3678

1 0, 20, 3A, 4A • . . Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 "L" ••• Baseball 1, 2 " L", 3 "L", 4 "L" .•• Wiaterlon 3, 4 .•• Student Council 3, 4 •.• Blue and Gold 4 ••. Closs President 2, 3, 4 ••• Proud owner of 1949 Studebaker .•• Mlmlca Sampson •.• Check the gas a nd fill the anti-freeze.

HERMAN J. SCHMIDT 91 S fansltowe Str..t, II

Rerurrectlon PI 5-8495

1 A, 2E, 3C, 48 .•• Tennis 1, 2 • • . Intramural basketball 1; bowling 1, 2, 3, 4 ••. Plant to ollend Penn .•• Hitchcock's disciple • • • Scratches hit bock with a slide rule.


EDWARD C. SCHWETZ 30 I 9 Bonsall Terrace, 45

St. Richard

FU 9-5034

1 E, 2E, 3C, 4B . . . Baseball 3, 4 • . . Intramural ba sketball 1, 2, 3, 4; track 1, 2, 3; bowling 3 • . • Basketball chomps 3 . • • Plans to attend La Salle . . . likes dQncing, baseball, football, and the St. louis Cardinals.

JOHN J. SEDLOCK 6504 Torresdole Avenue, 35 St. Leo MA 4-7688 1 A, 2D, 3A, 4A . . • Baseball 1 . . • Scholastic l 2 Scholastic Medal 2 . . • Intramural Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Class Viceprosident 3 . . . The great fishermon comes late and leaves early ••. Hustles on the court . • • Can't be seen when standing sideways • . . La Salle's answer to Ghandhi.



7702 Brous Avenue, I 5

St. Matthew MA 4-5012 1 A, 2D, 3A, 4A •.• Football 1, 4 "l" (manager) Crew 2, 3, 4 Scholastic l 1 . Intramural ba•ketball; bowl ing 2, 3, 4 Prom Committee 3, 4 . . - Science Club 3, 4 , , . IRC 4 Benllde Club 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Wisterian 4 . . • Blue and Gold • • . Stage Crew 2, 4 •• ·. Debating 3 . , , Plans to major In electrical engineering at Villanova • • • likes dancing. THOMAS I. SHIELDS

4 I 4 E. Montano Street, 19

Little Flower

VI 4-2531 1 C, 2D, 3A, 4A . • • Baseball 1, 2, 3 • • . Crew 4 . . , Intramural basketball 1; bowling 2, 3 • • . Basketboll chomps 1 .• , Wisterian 3, 4 . Blue and Gold ••• IRC 4 . . . Plans to ottend Villonova or lo Salle ••• Wally ••• "That's a snap

7245 Walker Street, 35

St. Bernard MA 4-7325 1 D, 2A, 3B, 40 • • . Swimming 1, 2 "l", 3 "l" • Track 1, 4 •• . In tramural track 1, 2; b::ukelball 1, 2, 3, 4 • Prom Committee 4 • . . likes swimming and dancing ••• Works as a lifeguard during the summer . . . The only guy with a khaki suit coat thai matches his khaki pants.

LEONARD J. SPEAKMAN 7068 Forrest Avenue, 38

St. Athonos/us 9-3347 1 A, 2C, 3E, 49 • . • Football 1 , 2 • lntramu rol basketball; track 1, 2 . . . library Aide 1, 2 . . . Wan I$ to be a history or economiu teocher • . . This ex-usher cuts o mean beam with his flashlight • • • lunch with Orestes.


course.'' WALTER F. STARET STANLEY SOBIESKI 2665 Orthodox Street, 37 St. John Contius JE 5-3228 1 A, 2E, 3C, 4B . . . Football 2, 3 "l" Scholostic l 1, 2, 3 ••. lntromural trock 1, 2 • Band 2, 3, 4 • • . Donee Bond 4 ••• Closs President 1, 2, 3 •• Plans to major in engineering at Villanova . • . likes music.

I 3 I 3 N. 5th Street, 22

St. Peter ST 2-1657 1 A, 2E, 3C, 48 . • . Bowling 3 "l", 4 "l" . . . Scholastic l 1, 2, 3 . . . Scholastic Medol 1, 2, 3 . . • Intramural basketball; bowling 1, 2, 3; track 1, 2, 3, 4 . • . Basketball champs 3 • , , Future plans include Villanova . • • likes dancing and popular music.

JOHN J. TODD 1128 Rittenhouse Street, 38

lmmoculate Conception

GE 8-8723

1 C, 2B, 30, 4C . . . Crew 2, 3, 4 ''L" . Intramural basketball, bowling, track 1, 2, 3, 4 . • . Basketball, track champs 1, 2 . • • IRC 4 • • • Attends La Salle dances • • . His car has a built-in motor.


2711 E. Ann Street, 34 GA 5-0466

10, 2C, 3D, 4C . • . Intramural track, bowling, basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 ••• Closs Treasurer 2 • . • Plans to altend La Salle Likes music and football . • . Digs ditches during the su mmer.

WILLIAM A. TOMPKINS Resurrection 1401 St. Vincent Street, 11 PI 5-3163 1 A, 2C, 3E, 4D . . • Art 1, 2, 3, 4 . • • Library Aide 1, 2, 3, 4 • . . Plans to attend art school . . . likes painting and dancing • • . The Jitterbug Chomp is often seen on Bandstand . • • Buffalo Bill • . . Counterspy.

JAMES R. TRAINER Holy Cross 20 E. Gowen Avenue, 19 CH 7-2200 1 0, 2A, 3B, 40 . . . Intramural basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; bowling 1 • . • IRC 4 . • • Class Vice-president 3 . . . Works a s a part·tlme construction man • . . Rolls • . • Likes Penn . • . Basketball flend.

WILLIAM M. ULIRCUIS St. Will/om PI 5-5270 1 C, 28, 4C . . . Intramural bowling 1, 2 • • . Bowling champs 1 • •• Plans call for La Salle College and Accounting ••• Blooming politician.

560 E. Che/tenhom Avenue, 20


St. Francis of Auld VI 8-1747 1 C, 20, 3E, 40 ••• Intramural bowling 1; basketball 1 •• • Basketball champs 1 • • • Plans to join Armed Forces . • • Ardent baseball fan • . . Semper Fidelis ••• Gung Ho . . • Yes Sir! .•• Great exponent of Italian culture ••. Comes to school in a gondola.

5225 Morris Street, 44


120 Penorth Rood, Cynwyd WE 4-9674

1 A, 2E, 3C, 4D . • • Track 3, 4 "L" . • • Cross Country 3, 4 "L" . . . Intramural basketball 2; track 1, 2 •• . Plans to attend Viii· anova to study accounting . . • Another member of the Silent Club . . • Upsets Umlauts. FRASER M. WALL Immaculate Conception 1229 Cumberland Rood, Abington Ogontr 5886R 1 E, 2E, 3C, 48 . . • Cross Country 3 "L", 4 "L" . . • Track 3, 4 "L" • . . Scholastic L 1, 2 . . • Intramural basektball 1, 2, 3, 4; trac!< 1, 2 . • • Intramural bas!<etball champs 3 . • • Wister/an 1, 2, 3, 4 . • • Blue and Gold 4 ••• Pres ident of Clan 1 • . . Vice• President 2, 3, 4 • . . Student Council 4 ••• Card Shark ••• Frenchy . • • Those summer vacations at Ellis Island.

JAMES J. WALSH 738 Turner Avenue, Drexel Hill St. Andrew Clearbrook 9-4944 1A, 20, 3A, 4A . • • Cross Country 3 . . . Track 3, 4 "l" ••• Scholastic L 1, 2 ••• Intramural basketbai 2, 3, 4; track 2; bowling 1 • . • Glee Club 1, 2 . . . Blue and Gold • . . Secretary of Class 2 • • . Seen frequently in Mayfair • • • Dig that Black Jacket ••. Casi.

JOSEPH J. WALYLKO St. Ladislaus I 519 W. Courtland Street, 40 GL 5-8792 1 A, 2E, 3C, 4B •.• Bowling 3 ••• Scholastic L 1, 2, 3 . . • Intramural bowling 1, 2, 3, 4; track 1, 2, 3 . • • Glee Club 2, 3, 4 • . • Science Club 4 . . . Plans call for La Salle or Villanova . • . Ardent stamp collector.

THOMAS H. WELHAM 107 Copley Road, Upper Darby St. Alice FL 2-3935 1 D, 2D, 3A, 4A . . . Football 1, 2, 3, 4 "l" . • • Baseball 2 •.• Intramural basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; track 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Shadow of Walsh . . . Great lover . . . One of the Drexel Hill mob.

DENNIS S. WELSH St. Helena 447 W. Godfrey Avenue, 20 WA 4-1127 2C, 3E, 40 • . . Football Manager 3 . . . Baseball Manager 3, 4 "l" . . • Intramural basketball 2, 3, 4; track 2, 3, 4 •• . Wisterion 3, 4 . . . library Aide 3, 4 . . . IRC 4 •• La Salle or Penn and journalism . . . likes fresh blood . • • Crew cut kid •


6621 N. I lilt Street, 26

Holy Angels Ll 8-4773

1 C, 2B, 3D, 4C . . • Intramu ral basketball 1, 2; t rack 1, 2, 3 • • • Intramural basketball champs 1, 2 ; track champs 1, 2, 3 ••. Plans call for La Salle ••• Keeps the shoem aker in bu siness ••• Drags along.


2050 Sansom Street, 3

St. Patrick

LO 7-2206 1A, 2A, 3D, 4C . • . Basketball 1 . • • Football 1, 2 . • . Intra-

mural basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 . . • Same shape as Brickley Good pool player . • • Does everything with his left hand. PAUL J. WUEST

404 Gerritt Street, 47

St. Afpltonsut DE 4-3819 1A, 2E, 3C, 48 . . . Swimming 1, 2, 3, 4 " L.. . . . Crew 4 "L" ••. Intramural track 2, 3, 4; bowling 1 ••• Wisterian 3, 4 •.• IRC 4 . . . Band 1, 2, 3, 4 "L" . . • Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4 " L" • • . Prom Comm ittee 4 • . • Blue and Gold • • • Plans call for Penn State or Cornell for Horticulture . • . Chuckles . , • Noted for his black book •.• You should see him in a bathing suit-pear shaped. JOSEPH P. YAMBOR I 504 Maryland Street, 38

St. Atltonasfus

WA 4-9558

1A, 2E, 3C, 4B . • • Golf 2 " L", 3 " l", 4 "l" . • • Football 2 ••• Scholastic l 1, 2 . . . Intramural basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; track 2, 3, 4 • . . Basketball champs 3 • • . IRC 4 • • • Secretary of class 4 • • • Plans call for Villanova and engineering • • • Swish • • . Contributor to the O' Donnell cause.



I'll bet that's Bro. Michael under that mask!

MOTHER'S CLUB Mrs. Austin Hatch serves at the Mother's September Tea.

You don't say!

Brolher Francis congratulates the Mother's Club lor its ever-increasing atte ndance at its annual Communion Breakfast.

These active mothers provided the Mother's Club with a most enjoyable evening at their Christmas party.

Fremont Levy, Joseph Mulroy, and Henry DeLuca review their talk on juvenile delinquency and communism in the government at a Father's Club meeting. "0 Dem Golden Slippers" as presented by the Ferko String Band at a November get-together.

You do the Hokey Pokey •



"All right boys, ante up!"

Time out lor a breather.

Former Attorney-General James McGranery delivered a stirring address at the Father and Son banquet.

Ro bert Fritzsche

Donald Murphy

Nicholas Pinto



Thomas Corrigan

James Osborne

Kenneth Leese

Michael Verrecchia

Matthew Mazza

This year's Student Council, aided by the expert advice of Brother E. Thomas and Brother D. Albert, proved itself capable of undertaking the problems of an administrative body. The Council inserted needed amendments into the school regulations, in addition to helping improve student life on the campus. Their seasonal dances were greeted with great enthusiasm. The officers fo r 1953-1954 were John Duffy, President; Jim Ward, Vice President; and Tom Corrigan, Secretary.

Francis Ponti

Louis Greco

James Ward

Richard DeLuca

Frederick Lamb

At this Christmas meeting, President John Duffy informs the Student Council of its success in acquiring a juice box lor our cafeteria.

Louis Desiderio

" How to booby-trap a stairway" by Bill Scott and friends.


They're coming for Hayburn, and without their white coats.


"Behold the Lamb of God Who takest away the sins of the world."


"Come almighty and eternal God and bless this sacrifice prepared for the glory of Thy holy name."

Bruhns is really starting the week wrong; he got up late, nicked his lace while shoving, and his library book is two weeks overdue.


Bro. Jerom e reaches lor one of Miss Fielders' iuiciest apples, os il his students never gave him any.


Members of the Benilde Club look on attentively as Father Hill of the Society of African Missions dramatizes some of h!s recent adventures in the dark continent.

BENILDE CLUB Brother David Albert introduces Father Hill to the Benilde Club officers. the left: Bill ScotJ, Tony Hunt and Jim D'Arcy.


Brother Jerome registers satisfaction with the debating team's record.



IRC members are amused by Ed Carney's views on world occurrences.


Mr. George Sokolsky , renowned columnist, chats with Joe Ponczka and Bob Bottorff, af a luncheon spollsored by the LaSalle Collegian.

THE WISTERIAN With the proposed layout in the background, Pat LaRuffa, Bill Scott, and Joe Ponczka prepare the "dummy" sheet for a future issue of your Wisterian. ~

"Miss Georgia" acquired a fan at the Villanova-Georgia game by graciously consenting to autograph the drum of LaSalle's Gregory Dean.

Mr. Colantonio strikes up the band during the Penn-California game while Chief Justice Earl Warren, pictured between the tubas, looks on enthusiastically.

A popular favorite this year was the band's rendition of "Dragnet".

BLUE AND GOLD Frank McFadden, Mr. Ermine Olmi, Jim Mullin, and Jack McNichol inspect the activities divider photograph while visiting Zamsky's Studio.

Dave Caballero, John Gulliford, and Frank Butterworth record the day's receipts of the Blue and Gold Patron drive.


Editor Frank Mcfadden

Assistant Editors Frank Butterworth Dave Caballero John Gulliford John McNichol James Mullin

Staff John Duffy Joe Junod Mike Schlacter James Walsh Paul Wuest

Photography Zamsky Studios Mike Maicher

Mr. Dan Solari, Cooke Publishing representative, offers a suggestion for the im provement of your Blue and Gold.

"Look, Butterworth, he said no pinups and he means no pinups."








Pete Byrne enjoys his newly acquired comic book as he graciously consents to pose for the other members of the Art Club.


Art students examine the contest offers mode available through the efforts of Bro. F. William.


Could it be that Bro. W illiam has to tea ch our freshman how to draw a straight line?


To o btain the d esired esthetic effect, our art students employ a numbe r of mediums, among which are poster paints, oils, pastels, water colors and charcoal. This year, several newer techniques were introduced and stressed, the most important being paper and clay sculpture and s cratchboard. Under the direction of Brother William, this group contin ues to expand the cultural horizon of La Salle students.


'1 Prendergast over/



Watch it, Ward, this isn't a football game/

TOP tOW: Jerry 8oltllnger, Ston Lepo, M ike Sclt locter, Fraser Wall, Jim ltobb, Ed Gruber, John Duffy, AI Hael)er. THIItO ltO W: Bill Bodo, Tom We/hom, J im Facciottl, Bernie McCormick, Joe Wo/heim, Joe Boll, Chuck ltoel/lg, Joe McAneny, Gene Sharp. SECOND ltOW: Oleic Hamburger, 81// Conno//!f, Joe Cauvin, Fronk McFadden, Latty Mayea, Jim Word, ltay Frankson, 81/1 0 /c/c. FltONT ltOW: Joe ltumer, Joe Bowen, Jade Quigley, Lotty Wentz, Charlie Cotto//, George Crowe, Joe Kendra, Fronk Butterwortlt, Jim Ounplty, Bill Scott.




TOP ROW: Holler, Gulliford, Kuhn , Wall, Maxwell, Walheim, Deasy, Dooner, Blumenthal, Murray. MIDDLE ROW: Anderson, Flood, Ward, Corrigan, Simpson, Rennard, DiGiulio, DiPietro, Hogan. BOTTOM ROW: Flynn, Ambrogi, Sulock, Murphy, Bergin, Reed, Vincent, Whelan (Mgrs.J.

CROSS COUNTRY With another successful season to his credit, our Cross Country moderator, Brother William, is already looking toward the 1954 competition with confidence. The task of keeping our performance in t he Catholic League of the highest caliber will fall on the shoulders .of our top runners, Mike Maxwell, Bernie Blumenthal and Tom Flood, Dick Deasy and AI Reed.

Wall turns it on so that he

Malthews up, Mcfadden's on d eck, and Cauvin's shook!

BOWLING led by an enthusiastic quartet of seniors, the 1954 bowling team concluded a successful season with a 17-15 record . The keglers, while winning three matches, dropping three, and tying champion North and runnerup West, set two :路eam records and two individual school records. Moderated by Brother F. Azarias, the varsity was composed of seniors Frank Mcfadden, Walt Staret, Joe Cauvin, and Jack Quigley, and junior Bob Matthews.

Why don't the ten pins just lie down and ploy dead? They're all going to get knocked down anyhow.



Top Row: Joe Malizia, Tom Goroppo, Fronk Lamprecht, Charlie Murray, Lavelle, Tom Heron, Jim Goodyear, Jim Osborne, Roy Frankson, Bill Dick, Eddie Nessler, Richard Deluco. Middle Row: Bro. D. Edward, Vince McAneney, out. coach, James Gallagher, head coach, Moll Fasano, Joe Boll, Dave Diehl, Oz Kerns,


--. -

Diehl out-pirates the Pira tes.

SEASON RECORD J953 St. Matthew .......... . . l3 LaSalle .. . .......... . .. l2 St. Joseph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 La Salle ....... . ....... . 0 St. James ......... . ... . 27 La Salle ..... . .......... 0 South Catholic . . . . . . . . . . 6 La Salle ............... . 0 Roman Catholic ....... . 25 La Salle ......... .... . 25 North Catholic . . . . . . . . . . 0 La Salle . ..... . ........ 18 St. Thomas More ........ l2 La Salle ............... . 27 West Catholic .......... 26 La Salle .............. . 31 Germantown . . . . . . . . . . . 6 La Salle .... .• ....... . 20

Magee to Duffy-first and ten.

The 1953 football squad ranks as one of the most determined and successful in La Salle's h.;story. From the opening whistle of the heartbreaking loss to St. Matthew until the exciting win over Germantown 路On Thanksgiving day, the members of the team displayed an unbeatable desire to win . This will to win formed the foundation for the unexpected third place finish in the Catholic League with an overall record of four wins, three losses and two ties. Mr. Gallagher, in his second year as head coach, and Mr. Flannery, his able assistant serving his flrst season, produced a winning squad which "came into its own" midway through the season and couldn't be stopped in their final four games. Included in this four game streak was the sensational win over North Catholic, the first time in 12 years that our archrival had been defeated. Two weeks later, another first, that of conquering West 路catholic and North in the same season, was e ffe cted with the win over West Catholic. The fact that this success was attained with only eight seniors on the squad gives added belief that La Salle's championship dream may soon become a reality.

Frankson off to paydirt.

Bob Kosinski

John Duffy OL

John Lamprecht

Tom Welham



A scrappy JV five provided many a thrill. Joe McAneney hits for two against St. James. Dick Amejka displays the form that resulted in his being high scorer for the freshmen.


Charlie Carroll heaves the shot put in a crucial meet against West Catholic.

TRACK Joe Walheim, Joe Rumer, and Joe McAneney get off to a fast start in time trials.


Fraser Wall, Mike Maxwell, John Flood, Joe Walheim, and Don DiPietro head into the stretch in the half mile run.

Jerry Bohlinger displays the form that won him the Pennsylvania state high jump championship.


The Junior Eight prepares for a skirmish with the Schuylkill.

You don't often see this along Boathouse Row.


Talented netmen Ed Gruber and Jim Mullin combine efforts in a doubles match.

TENNIS Ray Fitzpatrick, George Crowe, Ed Gruber, Jim Mullin , Frank Doyle, and Clif Gillespie relax before a practice session.



The beginning of the end of a Pirate runner.

Hopeful for a starting position on the La Salle nine are !left to right) Nick Pinto, Bill Magee, Marty Williams, Mike Schlacter, George Schmidt, Jim Robb, Jack Gulliford, and Joe Cauvin.

Jack Gulliford pleads George Schmidt' s case in a close decision at home.

What's the matter, George?

Signals too tough?

Third sacker George Schmidt gets set to tag out a Pirate baserunner.

Jim Robb, mainstay of the pitching staff, bears down in an early season game.

Jay Dunphy holes out during practice session while his _mates await their turn.

GOLF Larry Mayea prepares to tee off while Bob Rowland and Pat Gorman check their scores.

I 17

HONORED PATRONS La Salle College Msgr. Charles B. McGinley Msgr. Thomas F. McNally, V.G., P.A., LL.D. Rev. Joseph J. Carroll Rev. Malcolm Daniel, O.F.M. Rev. Fr. Thomas Fitzgerald Rev. R. H. Gallagher Rev. Martin J. Hoar Rev. H. D. McPeak Rev. Bohdan Olesh Rev. Andrew D. Parvenslcy St. Martin's Parish Mr. and Mrs. John J . Banchi Mr. and Mrs. R. Becker Mr. and Mrs. William C. Bieler Dr. and Mrs. F. B. Boland Dr. and Mrs. James Brophy Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Bryson Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Butterworth II Mr. Dominic Ciccimaro I. J. Cohen Compliments of a Friend Mr. and Mrs. William J. Connolly Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cunningham Gary Dascenzo Dr. Frank A. Dealy Tony, Mae, and Butch Dondrea Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Dorval Mr. and Mrs. Emil Facciotti J . J . Finley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Raymond Fitzpatrick Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Frumento Anthony A. Galante

John P. Gara Mr. H. Herman Garson Jules Gendaszek Mr. and Mrs. Cliff M. Gillespie Lawrence Grassi and Family Mr. and Mrs. John F. Gruber Mr. and Mrs. W. Charles Hamburger Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hansen Mr. and Mrs. Charles J . Happ Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Heron Leonard R. Hitchcock Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hughes Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hurlbrink Samuel G. Johnson Mr. Joseph Junod Mr. Joseph Kader Andrew S. Kass John Kerns Mr. and Mrs. P. J . Kilbride and Family Sonia S. Kleber John H. Koegler Mr. and Mrs. William Kruckenberger Mr. and Mrs. Chester Kudzin Mr. and Mrs. J . Lamprecht Mr. and Mrs. John Liney and Henry Peter M. Lynch Mr. and Mrs. William J . Lyons Mr. Patrick Malley Mrs. Elizabeth Mark Mr. and Mrs. L. J . Martin Mr. and Mrs. Robert Matthews Mr. and Mrs. James E. McClellan Mr. L. J . McEvoy Mr. and Mrs. Frank McFadden

Mr. and Mrs. Leo A. McKeever Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. McMullen Joseph I. McNichol Austin Meehan John M. Milaknis Mr. Leonard Milaknis Mrs. L. Milaknis Mr. and Mrs. James D. Morrissey Mrs. Helen Mull Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mullin Mr. and Mrs. James Neithammer Lawrence A. O'Dea Mr. J. O'Dorisio Dr. John P. O'Neill Joseph A. Pescatore, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. 0. J. Pickard Mr. and Mrs. Frank V. Radomski. William S. Rafferty Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Rice Dr. and Mrs. Earl F. Riceman Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Schlipf Mr. and Mrs. William M. Scott Dr. and Mrs. John J. Sedlock Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sobieski Mr. and Mrs. Leonard K. Speakman Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Tague Mr. Morris Tokarski Mr. Michael Verrecchia Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Voss George A. Warburton Mr. and Mrs. Hugh J. Ward Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Weide

HONORED BUSINESS PATRONS Frank P. Boyle, Painting 3031 N. Franklin St. John F. Byrne, Real Estate 7034 Castor Ave. Contin(:ntal Post 263, A. L. 5151 Wissahickon Ave. Deacon Gas Fire Products Corp. American & Huntingdon Sts.

Frommeyer & Company 3901 Ridge Ave. John J . Kerns, Realtor Seventh & Luzerne Sts. O ' Reilly & White, Inc. 1506 Walnut St. Retail Food Clerks & Managers Union Local 1357, A. F. of L.

Smith's Bar 5613 N. Broad St. Val Beauty Salon 429 W. Tabor Rd. Zamsky Studios 1007 Market St.


SOCIAL PATRONS Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Abbott, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Aherne Mr. Michael Ardron Mrs. Michael Ardron Mr. and Mrs. II. Augone John J. llanchl, Sr. Joseph W. Barber Rosemary Barr Mr. William llarunas Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bidwell Mr. and Mrs. Bernhardt Blumenthal Mr. and Mrs. William J. Bodo Mr. Robert J. llog le Joseph Boyle Mrs. Catherine Bowen Mr. ond Mrs. Harry N. Bradley Joseph C. Brady, '56 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Brady Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Brennan Mr. and Mrs. Jos. M. Brickley John llrolly Mrs. Joseph Bruckner Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Bryson Joseph J. Burns Mr. and Mrs. William H. Burns Mrs. George A. Butler George A. Butler, Esq. John llyme Mr. and Mrs. Peter llyme The Callaghan Family Mr. and Mrs. James F. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. James Campion Mr. and Mrs. Canalichio The Capouoll's Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Carey Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Carroll Vincent J. Carroll Mr. Louis Casale Miss Phyllis Casale Mr. Samuel Casale Mr. and Mrs. F. Cassidy Mr. a nd Mrs. J. P. Catalino John Chortyk R. J. Clark Mrs. R. J. Clark Compliments of Class 2A Class 2E A. A. Coates Compliments of a Friend Compliments of a Friend Compliments of a Friend Compliments of o Friend Compliments of a Friend Mr. and Mrs. James J. Collins Mr. and Mrs. llemard Connor Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Connolly and Family Mr. and Mrs. John F. Connor Mr. and Mrs. William M. Cook Robert Cox Mrs. Rose Croskey Mr. George F. Crowe Mr. George F. Crowe Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Cundey Robert Cwik The D'Arcy Family Mr. and Mrs. Jos. A. Deitrick 50th Word Democratic Club Mrs. Emilia Denl Susan A. Devlin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Devlin Mr. and Mrs. James J. Diamond Ray Dldinger Mr. A. C. Dierkes John 9igon Mr. and Mrs. John II. Digon Mr. and Mrs. Charles Doherty Mr. Edward Donahue Mrs. Edward Donahue Compliments of Magistrate J. T. Donnelly John J. Donohue Thomas and John Doner


Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Dooner Mr. and Mrs. John H. Durney David H. Duryea, D.D.S. Drs. Mary and Joe Eichman The Etchells James and Joseph Facciotti Mr. and Mrs. James J. Feeley Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Fischer John C. Flanagan, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. II. Flannery Mrs. Anna Flood Mrs. James J. Flood Paul L. Flynn Margaret and James (. Fowler Mr. Raymond Frankson Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Frey Robert Golante James J . Gallagher Mary R. Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gibbons Mr. and Mrs. C. Gillespie Mrs. Ginieczki Herman Goldner Mr. and Mrs. William J . Gordon Gertrude R. Gorman Rev. J ohn P. Graham Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Grasmeder Gross Family Dr. and Mrs. Martin F. Guckavan A. Gulliford Mr. and Mrs. John Gulliford Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Haeber T. M. Harpe r Mr. and Mrs. W. Charles Hamburger Richard J . Hamburger Mr. and Mrs. J. Harrer Rudy Harrer Monsignor Heir Mr. and Mrs. Augud Helwig Charles R. Hesser, Sr. Mr. a nd Mrs. C. Clark Hodg son Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hogan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Horan Mr. George Hunsicker Mr. John F. lgoe Mr. Joseph Incognito Mr. and Mrs. Morris Joseph Mr. Joseph Kader Dr. Raymond Katzen Anton Kautz Miss Anno V. Keenan James Kelly Dr. and Mrs. Patrick J. K11nedy Dr. E. C. Kenney Miss Bertha A. Kneath Miu A. Genevieve Knox Mrs. V. Kosinski Joe E. Kueny, ' 26 Miss Adelaide l . Kuhn Mr. and Mrs. James J . Kuhn William C. Kulzer Co. Mrs. Peter l . labowskie Mr. and Mrs. Gerard C. Lahr Mrs. Lamprecht Mr. and Mrs. Joseph LaRuffa The lavelle Family Mr. Edward V. leary Mr. Frank J . leonard 5. H. lindsay Sylveller A. lowery Mr. Martin J. luff John F. Maguire Mr. and Mrs. George H. Malone Mrs. Charles A. Maloney Mr. and Mrs. Fred Manzo William Maxwell Mr. lawrence E. Mayea Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McAleer Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McCiernon Mr. and Mrs. James A. McCloskey Mr. and Mrs. l . Marshall McCloskey Mr. and Mrs. D. B. McCoy

Donald McCoy Mr. and Mrs. Dennis McFadden Frank McFadden J. II. McGinn Mr. and Mrs. John McHugh Mrs. Charles J . Mcilvaine Keon McNally John F. McNichol Mrs. Helen K. McNulty Thos. F. MeTeor Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Meckling Auatin Meehan William Austin Mee han, Eaq. R. E. Meluner Mr. E. R. Meissner Salvatore Mergliano Mr. and Mrs. R. Mileti Mr. Frank J. Miller Or. and Mrs. Paul R. Miraglia Mr. and Mrs. George Monaghan Mr. and Mrs. Michea l Morgan Mr. and Mrs. M. Muir Mr. R. E. Mullen Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Mullin Albert J . Murphy Miu Julia C. Murphy Mrs. louise Murray Charles A. Murray Mrs. Charles A. Murray Frank Nelson Edward J . Nessle r John Netuhol leo Nlessen, Jr. Samuel Nigro Mr. James P. Nolan Mr. and Mrs. John C. Noonan Mr. a~d Mrs. Chas. O' Brien Dennis W. O'Dea Frank O' Donnell Julius O'Oorisio Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Olesh Or. and Mrs. John P. O'Neill Mr. and Mrs. John J. O'Rourke Mrs. James Partrick Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Pomplas Joseph l . Pressens, '26 Bela Prlna Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Purcell Mrs. Margaret Quain Mr. and Mrs. John F. Quigley Mr. Walter E. Quinn Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Quinn Mr. John E. Rafferty, Jr. Joseph and Dolores Rauscher Mr. Donald A. Reed Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Reed Mr. and Mrs. James J . Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Herbert S. Riband Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Riccio Richard Family Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rothenbach Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Rowan Mr. and Mrs. William Ruth John Schauder Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Schmid Mr. and Mrs. George H. Schmidt Herman Schmidt John F. Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sciulli Dr. John J. Sedlock Mr. and Mrs. Frank Senn Miss Julia T. Sexton Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Shields Jacob Span ier Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Spellman Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Spetzer Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J . Sprissler Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Stokes, Sr. Charles L. Suermann Mrs. 8. E. Tarskis St. Timothy's School

Mr. and Mrs. Cornel ius Ward Mr. Philip D. Wetk Mr. Wel rth Mrs. Therese Welham Mr. and Mrs. Charles Welsh Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Welsh, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Welsh Mr. and Mrs. John White

Tinker Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Trainer Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Todd, Sr. Dr. Frank N. Volk Mr. and Mrs. James l. Walker Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Wall Mr. and Mrs. William Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Walylko

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

and Mrs. and Mrs. and Mrs. and Mrs. and Mrs. and Mrs. and Mrs.

Garwood Whitecar Joseph Winterburg Albert J. Wittwer Frank C. Wuest Frank J. Wunderlich Joseph Yambor J. Zmiljewski

DISTINGUISHED BUSINESS PATRONS ADAM'S MEATS 1534 Mt. Ephraim Ave., Camden, N. J. THE ANTLER'S BAR & GRillE 106 E. Main St., Maple Shade, N. J. ATLANTIC ACETYLENE CORP. Morrisville, Po. BlUE BELL INN Blue Bell, Po. CROSKEY TRUCK PARTS 1526 S. Water St. DOWLING'S TAVERN 6th and Glenwood Ave. ESQUIRE TAVERN 20th and Nedro Ave. ESSIG'S PRETZEL BAKERY 441 W. Girard Ave. FIVE MUSKETEERS Commercial Dept. Railway Expreu Co. FLANNERY'S TAVERN 19th St. and 72nd Ave. FRANKLIN CAFE N.W. Cor. Franklin and Wood Sts. FRANK' S MARKET 3410 N. 18th St. H & B RESTAURANT 2084 E. Allegheny Ave. HAPP & SONS, REALTORS Doylestown, Po. T. M. HARPER, REAl ESTATE 5909 N. Fifth St. HARRER'S BAKERY 2247 W. Somerset St. HEINE'S FURNITURE STORE 932 Broadway, Camden, N. J. HELWIG BROTHERS, BUILDERS 70 limekiln Pike, Glenside, Po. HENDRI MOTORS, INC. 4718 N. Broad St. lEONARD R. HITCHCOCK 1 81 8 Griffith St.

FRANK HOWARD'S STATE FOOD MARKET 3905 State Road, Drexel Hill, Po. THOMAS B. KANE , Beer Di stributor 1901 E. Pike St. WilliAM P. Kelley, Florist 2807 W. Allegheny Ave. EMIL WILLIAM KRAUSE 199 W. Sparks St. LA SALLE HIGH SCHOOL CAFETERIA RANK J. LEDWITH 7318 Germantown Ave. DAN LE POPE & SONS Masonry Contractor 114 W. Harvey St. HOWARD lONG, Esso Dealer Kensington and Sedgely Aves. M & C PRODUCE CO. , INC. 3rd and Walnut Sts. M . C. MAXWELL, C.I.O . 398 4 S. 15th St. M . J. MAZZA, CONTRACTOR & BUILDER 7561 Williams Ave. MORGAL PRINTING CO. 231 N. 11th St. OIL WORKERS INTERNATIONAL UNION C.I.O. Local 398 JOHN PARTYKA'S CAFIE 4S61 N. 18th St. PETER lUMBER COMPANY 137 Greenwood Ave., Wyncote, Po. A. F. PETERS' 66TH AVENUE GARAGE S3S W. 6th Ave. PHILADELPHIA PITTSBURGH CARRIERS 1342 Carpenter St. JAMES QUINN, Funeral Director 1438 N. 2nd St. REALE MARKET 7910 Germantown Ave.

RELIABLE DRAFTING CO. 8046 Frankford Ave. REX OIL RHAWNHURST VARIETY STORE 8011 Castor Ave. RIALTO RADIO & FURNITURE CO. 3739 N. 6th St. HYMEN RUBIN, Attorney-at-Law 6958 Torresdale Ave. MR S. OLGA SCHLIPF, Practical Nurse 4844 N. Sydenham St. PETER SCHNATZ, Fresh Meats & Groceries 1444 N. 2nd St. SCHONBERGER-KASSEL, Realtors & Brokers 5824 Rising Sun Ave. SEAFARE CAfE 5618 N. Broad St. SILVERMAN'S DELICATESSEN 140 1 Englewood St. SOUTH GERMANTOWN PAINT & GlASS


4942 Germantown Ave. SPRINGFIELD Oil CO. Chestnut Hill STANDARD CONTAINER COMPANY 6326-28 Paschall Ave. STANTON ClEANERS Rox. and Mky. Ave. SVOBODA UKRANIAN CATHOLIC DAILY Jersey City, N. J. VOLPE'S MARKET 350 Queen lane WALSH FORD COMPANY Sylvan and Yale Ave., Morton, Po. WARMINSTER ClEANERS York Road and Buck St., Warminster LEO WIEDMANN, Plumbing & Heating 2811 W. Diamond St. ~

BUSINESS PATRONS ABE 'S CYNWYD DELICATESSEN 285-87 Montgomery Ave. ACCARDI CORRUGATED BOX CO. 261 9 W. Hager! St. ACHENBACH & BUTLER, INC . 1 S08 Brandywine St. RAYMOND E. ADAMS 3536 Cottman St. ADAM'S, Realtor 3S36 Cottman St. AHERENE & SPR.ATT Attorneys-at-law ALPINE BOTTLING CO. 3510 Cottman St. Al & JEAN'S BAR 4731-33 Levick St. Al'S TAILOR SHOP SSS9 Crowson St. ALTROGGE BROS. 240 E. G irard Ave. AlVA CHEVROLET Torresdale & Cottman Aves.

ATLAS CASKET CO. 3207 Cedar St. DR. AND MRS. HARRY BAMBRICK 6227 Rising Sun Ave. BARWIS MUSIC CENTER 7213 Rising Sun Ave. BAUER'S PAINT STORE 8008 Castor Ave. BEACH GIFT & STATIONERY SHOP 6804 Torresdale Ave. J . BECHER ANDERSON, Realtor O ld York Road, Abington BECKER 'S DEPT. STORE S819 Germantown Ave. STANLEY M. BEDNAREK 2607 E. Allegheny Ave. BELZER 'S BAKERY 5 734 N. 5th St. BELZER'S BAKERY S734 N. 5th St BENEFICIAL SAVING FUND 1 200 Chestnut St.


BENNIE'S PRIME MEATS 2300 S. 16th St. BEN 'S ARMY & NAVY STORE 1521 Point Bree%e Ave. BEN 'S DELICATESSEN 2121 Chelten Ave. BENZ & CAGNO, Jewelers 7102 Germantown Ave. ALBERT J. BERARDOCIO 2445 S. Watts St. BETTY'S BEAUTY SALON Westwood Park , Havertown BOB'S SUNOCO STATION Rising Sun and Adams Aves. FREDERI CK J . BOHRER, Realtor 311 4-6 N. Front St. LEON B. BONIKOWSKI 2217 Orthodox St. BOOTH FLOWER SHOP 4200 Cottman Ave. JACK BRADLEY 7000 Fra nkford Ave.

AL BROTHERS SEA FOOD RESTAURANT 5025 Germantown Ave. MARY BROWN DRESSES 5110-12 Old Yorlc Road JAMES E. BRUCKSHAW Old Lancaster Road & Montgomery Ave BURKHARD'S DELICATESSEN 7521 Verree Road BYRNE'S BAR 1448 Beach St WILLIAM J. CAIRO PAPER PRODUCTS 1021-25 W. Dauphin St. COMPLIMENTS OF HUGH CAN NON THE CAPITAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. OF PHILA. 3114-16 N. Front St. CAPITAL FILM EXCHANGE 309 N. 13th St. CAREY'S 71 84 Ogontz Ave. CARMEN SHOE REPAIR 8113 Germantown Ave. CARMEN TUXEDO RENTAL 4203 Frankford Ave. ANTHONY CARSELLO 1700 Champlo$1 Ave. CASIMIERA THEATRICAL AGENCY 2020 E. Allegheny Ave. CASTEllA 'S RESTAURANT 6161 N. Second St. "' ANTHONY CERANKOWSKI, Funl!ral Director 2635 E. Allegheny Ave. JOHN J. CERANKOWSKI, Undertaking Corp. 2635 Orthodox St. CHESTNUT Hill DISTRIBUTOR 8121 Germantown Ave. PHILIP NASUTI, Barbor 7069 Castor Ave . CHARLES P. COLGAN, Insurance S439 Marvlne St. FRANK J. CLARKE 6909 Torresdale Ave. COMPLIMENTS OF CLASS 2A CIRCLE DRUG 71 80 Ogontx Ave. A. A. COATES, Oil and Heat Equipm ent 5817 N. 2nd St. THOMAS COLACE & CO. 238 S. 2nd St. LANE COLLINS, Drugs 5054 Wayne Ave. COLLIN'S MARKET 7501 Germantown Ave. COLONIAL FLOOR COVERING CO. 4336 Frankford Ave. JOHN J. CONLON, Furniture 7245 Frankford Ave. COONEY BROTHERS, INC. Plumbing Supplies PhiiCldelphia COTTMAN BEVERAGE CO. 7206 Frankford Ave. COTTMAN CUT RATE 4616 Cottman Ave. COTTON DRESS SHOP 6520 Rising Sun Ave. COVON 'S QUALITY MARKET S.W. Cor. Deveraux and Walker Sis. JOHN COYLE & SONS landscape Contractors CRAIG WINDOW COMPANY 2900 Castor Ave. CROMWElL' S MARKET 4th St. Clbove Chew St. CROWN DRUGS 6519 Frankford Ave. MR. F. J. CUNNINGHAM Hydraulic Service Co. JACK DALGLIESH, Business Broker 236 N. 7th St., Camden, N. J.

DALY'S PHARMACY 2236 N. Howard St. J. C. DANAHER 1219 N. 2nd St. DONATO BROTHERS, PionHr Food Store 1811 Hora ce Ave. SUSAN DEE FLOWER SHOP Full line Flowor Making Supplies 4940 N. 5th St. DELANEY'S FOOD MARKET Plea sant and Musgrave Sts. DEVERY'S CANDY STORE 3rd and Spencer Sts. DEVON BEER DISTRIBUTOR 6602 Frankford Ave. Dl BELLA MEATS Poi nt Breeze Ave. and Cross St. DOMINIC Dl GIACOBBE 916 McKean St. Dl GUILIO'S BOY'S & MEN'S WEAR 5904 Torresdale Ave. PHILIP Dl GUIULIO SHOES 998 E. Anchor St. DOLL-DON GIFT HOUSE 7961 Castor Ave. JOHN F. DOOLEY, Apothecary 4732 Oxford Ave. JOHN P. DONNELLY, Roofing and Heating 938 Huntington St. MR. AND MRS. A. DUDICK Wildwood, N. J. DUERR 'S UNITY STORE 134 Spencer 51 GEO. EDELMANN, Men's Apparel 5605 N. Broad St. EDWARD'S BEAUTY SALON 4729 Oxford Ave. ENTERPRISE MILL SOAP WORKS 2229 N. 12th St. ERNEST'S QUALITY MEATS 7342 Frankford Ave. ESPOSITO'S PIZZERIA Germantown and Haines STEPHEN A. EVANS, Optician 30 Hampden Road, Upper Darby EVE'S APPARE L SHOP 1360 E. lycoming St. EVERGREEN CLEANERS & DYERS 6047 N . 5th St. FASANO'S MARKET 4907 Wayne Ave. FERNHILL PHARMACY Morris and Apsl oy St. J. A. FINNEY 8301 Thouron St. THOMAS FLANNERY 6650 Blakemore St. PATRICK FLOOD CANDY STORE 1226 W. Venango St. JOHN F. FLUEHR & SONS 3301 Cottman Ave. JOSEPH C. FLUEHR, Real Estate 351 2 Cottman Ave. EDWIN FORREST 5503 Moscher St. FRANK'S CLEANERS 5747 Wister St. FRANK'S CLEANERS 5747 Wister St. FRANK'S TEXACO Magee and Blvd. FRANK 'S VARIETY STORE 1639 E. Cheltenham Ave. FRED'S ATLANTIC STATION 3511 M idvale Ave. KEN GALLAGHER'S Photographic Headquarters 3511 Cottman Ave. WILLIAM GARBER 1449 E. Vernon Rood GEORGE'S MARKET 944 Anchor St.


GERCZAK-REILLY-SUDER Auxiliary Post No. 6838 FRED J . GERNGROSS 131 3 Sellers St. HERBERT W. GERSHWIND 761 N. 21st St. GILLESPIE BEER DISTRIBUTOR 4948 Keyser St. E. A. Gniewek 2711 E. Allegheny Ave. JERE F. GOFFREDO 1405 Locust St. GOWEN CIRCLE DELICATESSEN 7400 Germantown Ave. DR. JOHN A. GRADY, D.D.S. 1211 O ld York Rood JOHN E. & FRANK W. GREEN, Insurance 6329 Frankford Ave. GREENWOOD TAVERN 803 Greenwood Ave. THOMAS L. HAGERTY 119 E. Mermaid Lane FRANK J. HAIG 408 E. Cheltenham Ave. JOHN F. HANLON, Plumbing and Roofing 8236 Ardleigh St. HARRY'S FOOD MARKET 4927 N. Brood St. ERNIE R. HARTMAN 3201 Magee Ave. JOE HARTNETT'S ATLANTIC STATION 5th and Somerville Ave. HASSETT'S CYCLE SHOP 7053 Frankford Ave. HAVERSTICK-BORTHWICK CO., Builders 3416 N. Sydenhom St. HECKLER'S BARBER SHOP HELLER'S PHARMACY 2828 Cottman Ave. JOSEPH HERZOG, Contractors 1228 69th Ave. HILDA'S CARD & GIFT SHOP Robbins and Walker Sts. HILL CYCLE SHOP B1 35 Germantown Ave. HOWARD HERBERT' S MUSIC CENTER 7135 Frankford Ave. HOGAN'S CEDAR PARK INN 7400 Limekiln Pike JUSTUS HAMMEL BAKERY 5642 N. 5th St. J. J. HONE, INC. 4363 Frankford Ave. MAHLOW E. HORNUNG, JR. 5307 Torresdole Ave. HOULDIN'S MARKET Central and Myers Ave. CHARLES H. HOWELL & CO. 21 2-220 Race St. HUNSBERGER'S BAR Colombia and Edgemont ROCCO IACONE & SON 2810 Cottman Ave. JAGIELSKI FUNERAL HOME 2633 E. Allegheny Ave. HENRY N. JARMAN 5603 N. Broad St. JEAN'S & JOHN'S TOYS 126 Grange St. JENKINTOWN PET SH OP 803 Greenwood Ave. JERSEY CREAM CO., Imported Ham s 113 Haines Drive, Moorestown, N . J. JESS & FRED'S MARKET 400 W, Queen lane JIM'S DELICATESSEN 4901 Wayne Ave. JIM'S MARKET Wllow Grove JIMMIE'S TOMATO PIES 5200 Mascher St.

JOE 'S BARBER SHOP 557 Vawklrk St. JOHN'S BARBER SHOP 5648 Boyer St. SAMUEL G. JOHNSON 430 Chestnut St. K A B CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Jenkintown, Pa. KAGAN 'S DELICATESSEN 309 Cedar St., Jenkintown KAFRISSEN APOTHECARY S.E. Corner Ogontz and Olney Aves. JOSEPH KALLIN~ER, Plumber 1929 Germantown Ave. H. & H. LUNCHEONEnE 1 730 Frankford Ave. P. F. KANE 1414 W. Susquehanna Ave. KANE'S MARKET 3300 Chippendale St. JOHN P. KARLCSKIND, Florist 2532 W. Girard Ave. KENT RUG CO. 2542 Kensington Ave. KEYSTONE AQUATIC CLUB Coach Joe Kirk KEYSTONE READ::R'S SERVICE 411 Finance Bldg. KILKENNY'S MEATS 7172 Ogontz Ave. KILLIAN' S TAXI SERVICE York Road and Greenwood Ave. KINDT, KAYE & WENTZ, Insurance Brokers Public ledger Building KING PRINT SHOP 6912 State Road KOCH BEER DISTRIBUTORS 508 Cumberland St. KORNSE'S MARKET Bingham and Godfrey Ave. GEORGE KOZLOWSKI & JOSEPH SLOWIK Pulaski Citixens Ass,n

KRACOFF'S TAILOR SHOP 5700 Woodstock St. PETER KRUCKMANN TRAVEL SERVICE 1518 Walnut St., Room 1606 S. S. KRESGE CO. 7161 Ogontz Ave. BILL KUHN, Watch Service & Jewelers 6325 Frankford Ave. LA MODE BARBERS 6831 Torresdale Ave. l & A OVERALL LAUNDRY 2342 Hunting Park Ave. LA SALLE COLLEGE CAFETERIA LAWLER'S POLLY ANN SHOP 6823 Torresdale Ave. JOHN M. AWLER, M.D. LEE'S MEN 'S SHOP 7230 Ogonl1: Ave. LEHIGH COUNTY ASSOCIATION FOR THE BLIND 13th and Allen St. LEHIGH-CUT-RATE 468 W. lehigh Ave. DR. ROBERT E. LEONARD LEON 'S BARBER SHOP Corner of Granite and Lorello liBERTY ,BOnliNG COMPANY 3110 Martha St. LIFE TIME, INC. 3931 N. Broad St. LILLY 'S CORNER STORE 4S33 Hairell St. liONES DINER 4301 N. 5th St KENNETH-LONG, D.D.S. 5511 loretta Ave. LORENC'S CAFE 1766 Juniata St. LO REnE SHOP 1206 E. Hunting Park Ave.

LOUIS & HEGGIE HAIRDRESSING SALON 1211 Chestnut St. LOUIS CIGAR STORE 4700 Baltimore Ave. LOUIS FOOD MARKET State and Burmont Roads LUDLOW'S ESSO 29 County line Road LYCOMING PHARMACY 1350 E. lycoming l YNNEWOOD LAUNDRY 1 832 E. Mohican Ave. MALOY BROTHERS 3865 N. 7th St. MARIE'S DRESS SHOPPE 6809 Torresdale Ave. MARTY 'S BAR 621 Spring Garden St. MARY ANN CARD &. GIFT SHOP 813 E. Chelten Ave. MASCARO MUSIC MART 2830 No. 22nd St. SAM MASSlNA 1942 S. 9th St. MR. JOHN MARY 627 N. 19th St. MAYFAIR DINER 7353 Frankford Ave. MAY FLOWER SHOP 5001 W•yne Ave. MC BRINE PHARMACY J. J. MC CANN & CO. 5549 N. 5th St. THE MC CLOSKEY CHILDREN JOHN M. MC CORMICK . life Insurance MCDONALD'S 7161 Fran!<focd Ave MCDONNEll'S aAR & RESTAURANT 7170-68 Ogontz Ave. MR. AND MRS. HUGH MC.ENTRE 132 Chester Pike JOSEPH J. MC GOLDRICK FUNERAL HOME Summil Ave. and Cedar St., Jenkintown MCGRATH'S TEXACO STATION Penn and Belfield Aves. MCKELVEY BROS. Aramlngo and Lehigh Aves. Me KEOWN BEVERAGES 6756 Martins Mill Road SALVATORE MERGLIANO, Pharmacist 2301 N. 2nd St. CHAS. G. MERSCHEN'S TEXACO STATION 5th St. and Godfrey Ave. METZGARS CANDY STORE Ardlelgh and Woodlawn Ave. MEYER'S HOBBY AND TOY SHOP 5422 N. 5th St. MICHAEL'S CUT RATE 4302 Germantown Ave. MIKE'S MEAT MARKET 7950 Oxford Ave. DR. I. E. MIKOWSKI 4517 Thompson St. MILLCRAFT SHADE SHOP 350 Montgomery Ave., Merion MR . AND MRS. CHAS. A. MILLER 563 E. Sanger St. MONTGOMERY, INC. Jenkintown, Pa. MORANO BROS, Garage 611 Bethlehem Pike JAMES B. MORRIS, Beer Distributor 5765 Wister St. MORROW'S NUT HOUSE 1240 Market St. MUNDER & MILLER, Auto Service 5931 N. Fifth St. CHARLES E. MURRAY A and Champlosl Aves. STEPHAN MUSEY, JR. 5233 N. 5th St.


NASON & CULLEN, INC., Builders 6522 Vine St. NESTER'S BAKERY 2749 Germantown Ave. JOSEPH W. NICKELS, funeral Director 9J 4 E. Chelten Ave. NICK NIGRO 1440 Shunk St. JAMES NOLAN, JR. 307 St. Vincent St. MR. AND MRS. RAYMOND J. NOLEN 5763 N. Marshall St. JOHN P. NORRIS, Carpenter 914 Township line, Elkins Park OAK LANE TAILORING 72~ Oak lane Ave. OAKWOOD PHARMACY 1204 E. Hunting Park Ave. OGONTZ HOME & AUTO SUPPLY CO. 7306 Ogontz Ave. OLNEY TIMES 5703 N. 5th St. EDWARD J. O 'MARA INDUSTRIES Rahns, Pa. HARRY R. OMENSEnER TV Service OESTERLINE FLORIST 5601 Frankford Ave. ORTHODOX FLOWERS Tacony and Orthodox Sts. PALERMO BROS. MARKET Ambler, Pa. PALLADINO'S SELF SERVICE MARKET 5021 N. 17th St. ROBERT T. PARKER 4315 Bennington St. P & R SANDWICH SHOP 1210 E. Hunting Park Ave. PENN NEON SIGNS 5722 Race St. PeNN SERVICE STATION 5800 Penn St. PENN WIRE SPECIALTY CO. 1304 -N. 3od St. PENNY 'S FLOWERS Wharton and Keswick Ave., Glenside PETER PAN !lAKE SHOP 1 8th and Cheltenham Ave. PETE'S TONSORIAL PARLOR leonard Hall PHILA. TRAMRAIL CO. 3420 N. Wickel St. PHIL'S MARKET 4084 Higbee St. PIENING BEER DISTRIBUTORS 1252 E. Price St. ~ PIENING BEER DISTRIBUTORS 1252 E. Price St. PIFAN'S MARKET 424 E. Haines St. POINT GRILL 5970 Kemble Ave. BART PRENDERGAST 6306 Battersby Ave. QUALITY MARKET 401 W. Queen La11e STANLEY SHOE STORE Stanley Raczka 5701 N. Lambert St. RALPH'S AUTO REPAIR 109 Green lane RALPH'S SMART FLOORS 1229 Cottman St. M. W. REICH GLASS WORKS 253-55 W. Erie Ave. WILLIAM J . REILLY, Guild Optician 28 S. 20th St. W. 0. REIMET, Sporting Gods 6416 Rising Sun Ave. RE-NU-IT CLEANERS & DYERS 6111 Ridge Ave.

MICHAEL IIEPIN 7827 Stenion Ave. RHA WN!"IURST CLEANERS & DYEitS 8020 Caalor Ave. COMPLIMENTS OF RICHAitDS RICHARDS WATCH & JEWELRY REPAIR 1616 Foulkrod St. RITZ CLEANERS & TAILOitS 7228 Ogontz Ave. ROCKLEDGE BEVERAGE CO. 222 Huntingdon Pike NELLIE RONEY, INC. 4523 Baltimore Ave. J. B. ROTZELL, Caterer 4803 Wayne Ave. MR. JOHN M. RUFE, Plumbing & Heating Doylestown, Po., R. D. No. 3 JOHN M. RYAN, Beverages 865 E. Chelten Ave. EDDIE SACHS' FOOD MARKET 1100 E. Price St. SAL'S LUNCH SERVICE 316 E. Albanus St. SALVITTI'S FOOD MARKET 1 215 fisher Ave. SAM'S BARBER SHOP 6245 Frankford Avo. DAVID SANDMAN, Pharmacist 7350 Frankford Ave\. SANTIJIIO'S BARBEll SHOP 19 Lafatte St., Riverside, N. J. SAVITZ PHARMACY 7121 Boyer St. SCARLETT STORES 1507 Chestnut St. J. W. SCATCHARD CO. 71 35 Germantown Ave. SCHILLACI'S MARKET 1 62 1 frankford Ave. FRED SCHMITT, Painting Contractor 8347 Cadwalder Avo., Elkins Park, Pa. SCHNE IDER'S BAKERY 2133 E. Chelton Ave. JOHN J. SCHOENBERGER, Jeweler 126 S. Eighth St. JAMES 0. SCULLY, Realtor 504 W. lehigh Avo. DR. JOHN T. SHARP 309 Old York Road SHIPPERS FOOD CENTER Second and Godfrey Ave. SHIRLEY'S FOOD MARKET 7236 Rising Sun Ave. SILVER'S JEWELRY STORE 72nd and Ogontz Aves. JOSEPH F. SLABINSKI & SON 2614 Orthodox St. SMITTY'S DELICATESSEN 5739 Torresdale Ave. ADOLPH SOEFFING & CO. 828 Arch St. SPURGEON HOSIERY 1 00 Berkley St.

MR. JOSEPH STACK 7261 Rupert St. STANDARD STEAM LAUNDRY Cedar and York Sts. STANLEY'S HOBIY SHOP 1720 Frankford Ave. STARK'S MARKET Castor and Hartel St. DR. MARVIN A. STEFANOWICZ 6328 Battersby St. STEIN, Your Flori st 7059 frankford Ave. STENTON BEAUTY SALON 6362 Stanton Ave. STENTON CLEANERS 6358 Stenion Ave. STRAUSS' BAKERY 12111 Cheltenham Ave. FRANCIS J . STRITTMATTER & SON, Funeral Director 1 86 Green Lane SUNKEN GARDENS limekiln and Cheltenham Aves . SWAN BEVERAGES CO. 3034 Boudinot St. ALVIN A. SWINSON, INC. 3910 Kensington Ave. ANDREW SWIEIIZY GROCERY 1765 Juniata St. TABOR TROPICAL FISH & PARAKEET STORE 900 Tabor Road TANCREDI APOTHECARY 1600 Spruce St. TARPY ELECTRICAL MACHINERY 2439 N. 9th St. JOHN E. TEAS Stenion and MI. Airy Ana. MR. CLAYTON H. THOMAS, ltoal Estate 3301 Ryan Ave. JOHN J. TIERNEY, D.D.S. 5100 N. Broad St. TOMPKINS CORNER Keswick Ave. and Glenside Ave. TONY'S lAIIlER SHOP 31 00 Magee and Hawthorne TRANSAMEitiCAN FREIGHT LINES 1510 Ridge Ave. TRESCO 3124 Terrace St. TRIO GARAGE & CO. 5217 Germantown Ave. Till·TONES, Entertaining Musical Tria TRINITY CLEANERS . 3300 W. Allegehony Avo. VAHLE'S PET SHOPS 523 W. Olney Ave. VENANGO FOOD CENTER 1614 W. Venango St. A. R. VENDETTI 260 E. Queen Lane M. P. VENTUSCA, Sower Contractor 6112 Ross St.

VILE BROS., Ashes and Rubbis h Removed 7802 Burholme Ave. VILLAGE MARKET 301 Ryers Ave., Cheltenham, Pa. CHARLES VOLPE 2 N. Chester Pike, Glenolden, Pa . CHARLES V. WACKERMAN 1211 N. 5th St. DR. EDWARD M. WALSH 6530 Rising Sun Ave . MAURICE W. WAITE , Apothecary 7134 Germantown Ave. HAitltY WALDMAN 4403 Frankford Ave. JOHN A. WAMBACH 3546 N. 13th St. MRS. WILLIAM WARD, SR. 6125 N. Laurence St. DAN WAXLER, Cleaner & Dyers 6523 Frankford Ave. WAYNE AVENUE PLAYHOUSE Germantown JOHN WEBER , lrickpointing 440 E. louden St. HAROLD WEBSTER 18th and Ridge Ave. WEICH 'S BAKERY N.W. Cor. 3rd and Nodro Aves. WEISS GULF SERVICE STATION Stenion and Haines Sts. GEORGE W. WEST 4703 Diuton St. WEST OAK LANE HARDWARE 7202 Ogontz Ave. WEST OAK LANE PHARMACY Rodney at Mohican WHITE EAGLE BOTTLING WORKS 4498 Livingston St. WHITELEY'S CANDY STORE 957 Pratt St. WHITE ORCHID FLOWER SHOP 591 5 Torresdale Ave. HERBERT L. WILLIAMS, Real Estate Oxford Ave. and Penn St. JAMES L. WILLIAMS 2400 Margaret St. WILLIAM 'S BARBER SHOP 1918 E. Washington Lan e WIMMER' S BAKERY lawrence and Spence r St. WISTER HEBERTON CO. Rittenhouse and Pulaski Ave. WISTER TAVERN 5101 Germantown Ave. YETTERS' RECORD SHOP 7967 Castor Ave. ZARROLI, Custom Tailor & Furrier S.W. Cor. Limekiln Pike and Wash. Lane BENJAMIN lEFT Castor and Rhawn HARRY F. ZIERLE 5451 Akron St.

BOOSTERS Mr. and Mrs. Jack Aron Louis A. Agro Charles Wm. Adami Akron Pharmacy Al's Grocery Mae Altomane Emma Altroggo Mr. John F. Ambrogi Anthony Amejka Sidney Ammerman Andrew A. Amon Mr. and Mrs. Martin A. And erson , Sr . Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. Anderson

Mr. and Mrs. VIncent Andruczyk Michael Aquila Anthony Arganetto Henry Arrup Mrs. M. Avallone Mr. C. Babiowski Mrs. C. Babiowski Helen Back Frank J. Bainger Anthony M. Baird Terry laird Theodore J. Baj Mr. Patrick llall


Mrs. Patrick Ball John A. Barone Mrs. Marie G. llarranger Mr. William S. larranger Miss Joan Barton Mr. and Mrs. F. Bartosiewicz Leonard J . Bandura Mrs. Barg William G. llalchellor Mr. D. Battagline Mr. Harry Beadling Rose Beaver Mr. and Mrs. Tho•. llecker

Nicholes Becker Belfield Bowling Alleys Mr. Richard Belzer Mrs. Elizabeth Belzer Albert Belzer Henry J. Bender Mr. and Mrs. Berman Mr. and Mrs. S. Bernardo Mr. and Mrs. W. l . lesselm on Mr. and Mrs. lawrence lligor Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Binns Charles Birmelin Marie Bisignano M. G. Bittel Bioncone Sons E. Bluesline Albert Bodoff Mary B. Boehmer Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Bohrer Dr. and Mrs. F. B. Boland Or. Fran cis B. Boland Mrs. John R. Boland Jim Boland Dominic D. Bruno Mr. Fronk Bottorff Mrs. Fronk Bottorff Robert T. Bothwell, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Boyce Bob Boyle Mr. and Mrs . Joseph Boyle Fronk J. Boyle Mrs. K. Boyle Miss Kath leen Boyle Mr. and Mrs. H. 0 . Boy er Mr. J. Henry Bove Miss Carolyn Bove Miss Muriel llove Mr. Robert J. Bothwell Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Bowen Mr. John Bradley Mrs . John Bradley lillian Brad ley Pol Bradley Mr. and Mrs . W. J . Bradley Don Brad ley G. V. Brody Mr. a nd Mrs. John C. Brennan George J. Brennan Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brinkmann Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Brooks Richard Brooks William Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Mr. and Mrs. N. Browne Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Browne Mr. J. Browne Mr. and Mrs. W. Bruhns M. Bryngle The John Bucci Family Mrs. Sidney C. Burgoyne Mr. Joseph Burke Mrs. Joseph Bu rke Fronk Burke James P. Bu rns Mrs. Vera Butkus Mr. and Mrs . Matthew Bullerly Mrs. C. Byrne Nicholas J. Cocchio Billy Cairns Mr. and Mrs. William A. Cairns Joseph P. Cairo Mr. and Mrs . Robert Calhoun, Jr. Miss Agnes Mary Callaghan Catherine Agnes Callaghan Antonio Comishion A. Grant Campbell Dove Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Connon Vic Copcino Mr. Fronk Cappo Mrs. A. Caputo and Daughters Mr. Micheal J. Cardamone

Corey's George Carlson John II. Carr, Jr. Mr. Charles Carroll John T. Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Carroll Joseph F. Carterucci Patrick Cashman Frank Cassidy Joseph Cassidy Alex Cossini Mr. and Mrs. Fred Castello Dewey Castor Mrs. H. Cattle Mr. Jo seph L Collie Mrs. Charles Cauvin Chuck Couvin Elvira A. Ceira John Chamerko Charlie and Peggy Mrs. Catherine E. Charlton Mr. and Mr~. J. Christian Chas. Goodwyne Christie Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cielinski Fred Cimboli Mrs . John Clishman J . J. J. Werp Club Mr. and Mrs. Colantonio Tom Welham and Kay Coleman Mrs. James J . Coli Dr. and Mrs . J . T. Cologne Marie Colton Miss Marie Colton Mary Colton Arthur A. Comeau Compliments of Clau 111 Compliments of Class 211 Compliments of Class 3F Compliments of A. I. Compliments of C. W. S. Compliments of a Friend Compliments of a Friend Compliments of a Friend Compliments of Jim and Tony Rose Comroe Mr. and Mrs. Norman A. Connelly and Fam ily Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Conners Joseph Conners, Sr. Nancy Conners Connies Mr. John Connolly Thomas P. Connor Herman Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Edw. H. Corner Green Corner Mr. Joseph R. Corrigan Mrs. Joseph R. Corrigan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J . Corrigan Tom Corrigan Miss E. N. Costello Mary Costello Thomas Costello Cottman Hardware Crone' s Men's Shop Mr. Edward Crawshaw Rose and Peg Crilly Mrs. T. Crotty Cynwyd Electric Co. Ben Oob loff Mickey Ooley Miss Isabella Oalgliesh Or. Henry O'Aionzo leo M. Da ly Mrs. Mary Daly Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Oanilak Mr. and Mrs. Oa Quito Joseph H. Daub Mr. and Mrs. William J . Davis Mac and Vic OiFerdinond William A. Degnan The Deloney Company


Mr. Henry W. Deluco, Sr. Mrs. Helen Deluco Henry W. De luco, Jr., '52 Richard Deluco Mrs. U. Delucca Mr. and Mrs. F. DeRosa Mr. and Mrs. R. DeRosa Mr. and Mrs. louis Desiderio Mrs. M. DeVenuto Mr. Cha rle s Devlin Mrs . Charl es Devlin Harry F. Devlin Alma M. Dever Helen M. Dever Mrs. Joseph F. Devine Sean Devitt John A. Diamo nd Marie E. Diamond Myrtle Dia mond Thomas Dia mon d Mr. and Mrs, William Diamond Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Dick 0 . Edward Diehl Francis Dlohl James Oigan Mr. Philip Digiu lio Mrs . Philip Dig iulio Cormello Dilorio Doehne's Shop Donald 0 . Dona ghy Mrs. Fronk J. Donahue Mr. and Mrs. John P. Donnelly Mr. and Mrs. Francis Donaghy Mrs. Ralph C. Dorval Mr. John Dougherty Mark Doughert y Mrs. Sarah Do ughert y Anno Dowe r Andrew J. Doyle Jerry Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Drach Mr. and Mrs. How ard S. Orinkhouse Mr. and Mrs. J ohn A. Duffy Mr. and Mrs. Phillip S. Duffy Mr. and Mrs. Cha rles J. Duffy Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Duffy l'olly Anne Du ffy Mr. and Mrs. l eo Duga n Mr. Nicholas Dunphy Mrs. Elirab eth Dunton Mr. John Ou richek Mrs. John Ourlchok John Ourichek Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Durkin Margaret A. Ou~oy Eastburn Tailors Mr. Joseph Egan Einhorn 's Ha rdware Elbridge Elbridge Ta ilors Mr. and Mrs. Elison Theador Ellerka mp Mr. and Mrs. Howard Emenecker and Family Mr, and Mrs. English Victor Errlch elll Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Espenshade Mr. M. Esposito J . II. Evans, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. J . Evans Eve lyn' s Bea uty Salon Eve rgreen Cleaners Mr. and Mrs. John Ewan Hugh Fagan Famous Market Mr. P. Faroco Or. and Mrs. Henry Forogolli Or. and Mrs. J . Vincent Farrell Mr. and Mrs. Matt hew Fasa no John Federspll, Jr. Herb Fellers Cafe James J . Feeley

John Edward Feeley Miss Patricia M. Feeley Helen A. Ferguson Mrs. Edward Finegan George Finley Mr. and Mrs. John J. Finley Peter J. Finley Mr. and Mrs. John E. Finnerty Antonio A. Fiorello Mrs. John Fischer Gene Fitzsimmons Miss Mary Flume J. E. Flannery Mn . Manual Flick Felix Flir John Flood Mr. and Mrs. James Florey Mr. and Mn. Joseph Flounders Mr. and Mrs. George Flynn Mrs. George Forde Miss Sunanne Forde Micheal Frank William G. Franz Harry L. Friedberg, Phd. Mrs. C. Gabage Mrs. Henry Gaiser Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Galbally Ann and Cornelius Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. James ~llagher Mr. Rob ert F. Gallagher Thomas R. Ga lla gher Mrs . Mary Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J . Galagher Margaret L. Gallen Thomas J. Galien J . Galxerano Garden Pharmacy Mr. Garrick Mrs . M. Garry Thomas Garoppo J. P. Gavaghan Joan M. Gavin Mr. and Mrs. John Ga warski M. Gaynor Mary Gaynor Mr. and Mrs . Thoma s Gay nor Mr. and Mrs. Willia m Gaynor Mrs. F. Gerngross Mrs. Florence Gibaplo Mrs. William Gibbons, Il l Mr. William H. Gibson Louis Gill Lt. Cdr. J . W. Gilpin, !U.S. N.) Norman J . Ginsburg Joseph Gitto Mrs. S. Diguillo Otto J . Glaser Mrs. C. Gleason Mr. and Mrs. l. Gola John Gola Tom Gola Stanley Goldberg Irving and Ruth Goldstein a nd Fam ily Goodfriend & Kent, Inc. Mary R. Gordon Mr. William F. J. Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester J. Gorman, J r. Francis A. Gould Peter Gross The Grayce Family Carmen Greco Mrs. Lena Greco Catharine Griffin Mr. Frederic J. Griffin Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Griffin Rosemary and Elizabeth Griffin Mrs. Lena Gromolia Mrs . Robert G. Grover Anthony J. Guerreili Mrs. Elizabeth Guerrelli Mary Guerrelll Michael Guerrelli

Mrs. Elizabeth H. Guiniven John Gulliford Mr. and Mrs. M. Gurenski Ralph Gutekunst, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. T. Albert Hagen Thomas Hage rty Mr. and Mrs. John J. Haggerty Mrs. Margaret Haggerty Mr. and Mrs. John Hagosky Mrs. Catherine Hally John Halas Mrs. Margaret Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Haney Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hannon Mary F. Hanrahan Elmer Hansen George J. Harkins Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Harkins Mr. ' and Mrs. William Hartman Miss Nancy Harvey Regina Hassett Mrs. Helen M. Hayburn Mr. James I. Hayburn Mr. and Mrs. P. l . Healy Held's Radio & Televi sion Service R. E. Hellmer Francis Halverson Mr. J. P. Hennessy Mr. and Mn. Thomas A. Hennessey Henry's Calso Station James J. Henry Mrs. James J. Henry Mr. Joseph Henry Mrs . Elizabeth Hepp Herdon Men's Shop The Herons Herr's Pharmacy Charlie Hess Restaurant Mrs. Hetherington Min Winifred A. Heuser Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Hibler Edward Hilinski Jerry Hipp Mr. Joseph Hogan Mrs. Joseph Hogan Robert 0. Holman Agnes M. Horan Mrs. Anna Horning John H. Horton Dr. and Mrs. William C. Howard, Jr. William E. Huf Mr. John Hughes Mrs. Emmel Hunt Mr. Emmel Hunt Mr. Robert E'. Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Anthony lui Minnie C. James Mr. and Mrs. Walter James Mr. and Mrs. Aloysius Jankowski Johnny and Jerry's Barber Shop Samuel G. Johnson Mr. Meredith R. Jones, Sr. Mrs. Meredith R. Jones, Sr. Mr. and Mrs . A. Ju lanio Junior Achi evement of Philo. Mr. and Mrs. Kaleda Kalkbrenner's Meats Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kam inski Sam Kanz Felix J. Karabasz Walter A. Ka vanaugh Mrs. Sofia Kautz Colman J. Keane Robert Keane Regina, Rose and Loretta Ke enan Denis E. Keenan Mrs. John F. Keegan Jim and Loretta Keith E. P. Kemptner Ted Kendra Cathe rine Kendra Raymond Kendra


Walter Kendra Mr. and Mrs. Kendra Mrs. John J. Kerne, Sr. Catherine E. Kennedy Mrs . E. C. Kenney Kents Flower Shop Hal Kern Kerns Mrs. Thomas Kerrane Betty Kibelstis Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kido C. Kida Mr. and Mrs. Edw. J . Kilfeother, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Kinney Margaret Kipar Jules Kirschbaum Anthony Kline Alma Morie Koch Mr. and Mrs. Frank X. Koebert Sgt. Raymond F. Koebert Koelle-Breenwood Co. Mr. and Mrs. T. Kohl Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kolb Joseph Kolb Fel icia Kolback Mr. and Mrs. John Kolla Cecilia Kopcinska Mrs. Ellwood Kopp M. Koppelman Carl Kosmahl, Jr. Mr. S. Joseph Knox Mrs. Theresa Kramer Anthony Kromer Anton Kramer Marie Kramer Kramer Family Kramer and Son John E. Krause Theresa Kronberger Mr. and Mrs. F. Ku lakowski, Jr. Anthony Labenz Carl Sacchetti Dr. and Mrs. Paul Ladden Mr. and Mrs. Wm. lafferty Mr. and Mrs. John Lagana Miss Irena Lalley Ann and Bill Lagowski Rose Lagowski The Lagowskl's Mrs. Agnes Lamb Wm. lakes Tydol Service Fred lamb Mrs. Lucy l omberti Mr. Alexander Lampi Herman E. Landau Dr. and Mrs. James Lane Carmen La Spina Miss Theresa Lavin Tom Lavin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lavin Francis J. lawler Mr. William Lawlor Mrs . Lee Mr. Frank W. Lee Mrs. Frank W. l ee Ken Leese Mr. Milton Leese Ed and Irene Lenart Mrs. Frances Lenart Mr. Louis l endray Mrs. Louis Lendray Len's Barber Shop The John l ewis Family Muriel Elise Linay Mrs . Syl. Litko Mrs. Nellie Low Helena Loughlin Mrs. Elizabeth S. Lynch Mr. J. Jerome Lynch Patrick J. Lynch Mr. Gordon MacBride M... Howard MacBride

Mrs. Marie MacBride Marie A. MacCorkle Mrs. Mary McAdams Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. McAllister Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McAneney Michael McCarrie Arthur E. McCarthy Miss Florence McClellan Mr. and Mrs. John W. McClellan Buu:y McCloskey Mr. and Mrs. John McCloskey Mr. and Mrs. William McCloskey Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H. McCoog Mr. and Mrs. John M. McCormick Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McCoy Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Mcfarland The Miues McGarity The Misses McGaughran Ann McGeoy James McGill Mr. and Mrs. John F. McGrath Eileen McGlynn Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. McGlynn Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McHale frank L. Mcintyre Mrs. Leo A. McKeever Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Mclaughlin Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McMa hon Arthur McMaster Miss S. M. McNeill Mary Ann McNelis Mr. and Mrs. John J. McNichol Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. McNichol, Sr. Joseph McOscar Mr. Eugene McPeak J. S. McWilliams Mr. and Mrs. Connie Mach Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Mackrie Mrs. Catherine Madden Alice W. Maginie Frank J. Mahoney Cha•. A. Maier

Maine Line Hardware Co. Theresa MaJa Esther Malizia Miss Marguerite Malane Miss Vickie Malane Mr. and Mrs. James B. Mailman Mary Manyak Billy Marabella Mr. G. Marabella Mrs. G. Marabella Mr. John Marabella Louis Marabella Marie and Rose Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Martin Pete Martin Marty's luncheonette Master Chef Faads Evelyn Mauger Mayfair Battling Co., Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Maynes Mary Lau Mazza Mike Meali Mary Meany Sally Meary Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Meyers Mr. and Mrs. John Melchiare Mr. and Mrs. C. Mellward Mrs. Naro Melograna Mrs. Mary Messersmith William Jahn Metcul Mr. and Mrs. l ouis Miller Edwin J. Michie Mrs. Edwin G. Michie Wayne Michie Mr. M. Mlgnagna Mrs. M. Mignagna Mr. Charles J . Milburn Mr. and Mrs. J. Millar Dr. Herbert A. Miller I. Marvin Miller

Mr. John Milligan Mrs. N. Miller Cloytan Minters Mr. and Mrs. John A. Mitchell, Jr. Mrs. George Mittelberger Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Mitzel Mr. and Mrs. J. Mamorella Edith Monahan Miss Anne Maoney Frank Mooney Miss Rita and Mrs. Russel Maare Mrs. May A. Moran Mr. John Morgan Mr. D. Morris Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Marrisan Ferdinand P. Marro James P. Morro Mrs. James Morro Mr. and Mrs. A. Moynihan Misses Julia and Helen Moylan Mrs. John Muir Mrs. Madeline Mulhalland Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mulherin Mr. and Mrs. Muller Miss Anna Mulligan Miss Mary Mulligan Mr. and Mrs. Francis Mullin Mrs. Munchen Miss Adele E. Murphy Bob Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Thamas Murphy Mr. and Mrs. William Murphy Mr. and Mrs. William E. Murphy Mr. William E. Murphy, Jr. Fronk Murray Joseph Nally Otto Nath Mr. Dan Naughton Mrs. John Naylor Mrs. John Neary Charles Nemeth Mr. Walter F. Newby, Sr. John Neary Mr. and Mrs. Nicolo Mrs. Livia Nicolo Josephine Niewodowski Catherine Noel George W. Noel, Sr. Elmer Nolan June Noll Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Norrell Narthwood Bakeries Mr. and Mrs. John Nugent Mr. and Mrs. James W. O'Brien Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. O'Brien O'Brien Mrs. W. O'Connor Wallace "Okie" O'Connor Ogontz Manor Pharmacy Mrs. L. O'Malley Mrs. Harry R. Omensetter John J. O'Niel Mr. Mkhacl O'Neill William J. O 'Reilly Mrs. James C. O'Rourke Jerry O 'Rourke Mr. and Mrs. James J. Osborne Oscar's Market Mr. and Mrs. W. J. O' Toole John O'Toole Mr. Joseph J. Ott Mrs. John J. Owens Polo Market Mr. and Mrs. H. Pannepocker Mr. F. J. Palmer Joseph M. Popiernik Park Pharmacy Pat's Barber Shop Mr. and Mrs. James A. Patterson William Patton Mr. and Mrs. William J. Paul Mary Paynes


Terry Pcacemon Mr. Ray Penn Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Perry Stephen Patner Patricia Philbin Thomas and Elizabeth Phillips Mr. Thomas Pierce D. Plstorla Anthony Di Plaido Mr. Werner Poelck, Sr. Mrs. Werner Poelck Pomerantz Mr. and Mrs. G. Ponczka Mr. and Mrs. John Ponczka Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ponti Herbert Powell Florence Prendergast Miss Eileen Pries Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pries Mr. and Mrs. J . Pries Min Joan Pries Mrs. W. Prlncz Matthew Puntel Francis J. Purcell George V. Purcell James M. Purcell Michael J. 'Purcell W. Stratton Purcell Lillian Pursh Mrs. Puslg Mrs. E. Quap Mr. and Mrs. John Quinn, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John Quinn, Jr. John Quinn, Jr. Bertha M. Rabenstein Mr. James Rondouo Mr. Francis Reed Catherine Reilly Marie Reilly Mary Reilly Mr. T. Reilly Raymond Rennard, Sr.

Mrs. Raymond Rennard Raymond Rennard, Jr. Joan M. Rice Mr. and Mrs. George Rice Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Richards Mr. and Mrs. Norman W. Rickert Mr. Fred W. Rider Mrs. Fred W. Rider James Rieck Mrs. Joseph Rieck Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Riethmiller Robert Riethmiller Mr. James Rigney "' Mr. Rizza Roach Brothers Francis N. Robb Joseph Robb Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Robb Mr. and Mrs. John Rodemiclc Mr. Joseph Roessler Mrs. Joseph Roessler Mr. Joseph Roncxka James Rose Elizabeth Roskey Dr. A. J. Rossi, Dentist Mrs. Albert Rostien Mr. and Mrs. B. Rotay Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Rote Elizabeth Rothenbach Mrs. Rowland Josef Rubino Mr. and Mrs. Jo•eph Rumer Joan and Rose Marie Rumer John M. Ryan Dorothy Rycerx Peter Sadlik Carm en J. Salemno, Jr. Christian Salvatore Sam's Cleaners Jos. Sanders

David Sandman Dorothy Sonkus W. V. Scanlon, D.D.S. Woller W. Schoof Howard Schaffer Mr. Quinton SchcJffer Schords Dress Shop Joseph L. Scheller Mr. and Mrs. H. Scherrer Mr. and Mrs. Hony J. Schimpf Anton Schmidt Edward Schmid, Jr. George H. Schmidt, Jr. Mary S. Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Schmidt Peter Schmid Marie Schmidt Schmidt's Shoe Service Fred Schluckebler Mr. and Mrs. Francis G. Schreyer Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Schulze Mrs. A. Schwabenlond Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schwengler Mr. and Mrs. Peter Seibel Elizabeth C. Seiberlich laura Seiberlic... Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Seiberlich Miss Jane Sha effer Arthur Shannon Mr. and Mn. Donald F. Sharp, ' 49 Ge ne Sharp Mr. and Mrs. Hugh A. Sharp Hugh T. Sharp, '47 Mrs. M. Louise Sharp J. Paul Shea, Drugs Mrs. Estelle Sheesley Carl Sheldon Mrs. Frank Sheller Shelly's Mrs. Madeleine C. Shelton The Sheik Family Rose Sheridan Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Shields Edward J . Shields, Jr. linda Shields Miss Mary Louise Shields Patricia Shields Thomas S. Shields, Jr. Chorlt5 Shonemcm Clement Shumoski Mary F. Shumoski Anne Siemletkowski John Siemietkowski Joseph Siemletkowskl Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Simon Miss Mary Simone Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sippel Catherine Slavek Edna Smith Joan M. Smith John J. Smith Miss Peggy Smith Mr. Robert C. Smith Helen J . Smyth

Julia Somers Edward U. Sontheimer Pasquale Sorrentino Pete Sorrentino Southwark Upholstery and Furniture Co. The Spielberger Family Mary H. Speltel Misses N. and K. Spellman Mlu M. Spllllan Mr. J. Splnelly Mr. Dominic Spoltore Howard Sprott Mr. and Mrs. W. Stare! Victoria Stare! Claire Stavely Agnes St. John Gerard St. John John St. John Gustav J. Stoebenau Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Stout Barbara Stoll Neumann K. Stoll Mrs. Neumann K. Stoll Emily Steller Ben Stem Mrs. Stevens The Stewarts Mr. and Mrs. J . B. Steward Charles Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. David Sullivan David Sullivan, Jr. James T. Sullivan Mrs. Timothy J. Sullivan Mr. Joseph Sulock Mr. Carl M. Suppa Mr. Walter L. Suter John J. Sweeney Mr. and Mrs. Sziede Mr. and Mrs. A. Szazurowski Mr. and Mrs. J. Szymanski Tabar Tailors Mrs. Elodla Tancredi Mr. and Mrs. M. J . Tanrey Mrs. Elwood Taussig The Mitzle Shoppe Miss Marlon J. Tierney Mr. and Mrs. John T. Tobin, Jr. Marjorie A. Todd Marjorie Ann Todd Mrs. M. Tokorska Mrs. Mary Tompk ins William Tomp~ins Thompson's Confectionery Tops Formen end Boys Mr. and Mrs. loth B. Trachtenberg Claire Trappler Donald Troppler Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Troppler Mrs. John Tucker Mr. and Mrs . P. Venditti Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Vilolli Mr. and Mrs. William H. Vincent Mrs. Mary G. Vincent

A small token of deep appreciation for the splendid work done by the Brothers of La Salle and at the same time of heartfelt gratirude for the wonderful hospitality they gave me In the name of the Brothers of 0~. Mother of Mercy, working in the Netherlands Antilles Frater M. OduJfinus Director, St. Alberrus College WILLEMSTAD CURACAO路 N.A.

Bernard C. Vogel Peter Waerig Joseph H. Wagner Mary Walker Peter E. Walhelm, Jr. Mrs. F. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. John J. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Milton E. Walsh Ellen Walter Mrs. Arthur Walton Mr. and Mrs. Clifford P. Ward James Ward Thomas Ward Mrs. C. A. Wardle Wolter and Jean Wasni ewski Mrs. Thomas A. Waters Mr. and Mrs. H. Watkins Joseph T. Waugh Waxmons Shoes Victor F. Weaver Anna We ber John Weber Miss Anne Weiland Cecelra Welsh C. Elizabeth Welsh Mrs. Lawrence J. Wentz lawrence H. Wentz Mr. lawrence J . Wentz Edward M. Whalen Mrs. J. T. Whelan Bill Whelan Mr. John T. Whelan Mrs. Della T. Whelen Mr. John White Miss M. R. White Mary A. While Mr. and Mrs. Edward White Mr. and Mrs. Frank While Dr. and Mrs. John P. Whitecar Miss Pauline Wiedmann Miss Belly Ann Wiest Mrs. E. Wiest Jack C. Wilkinson Mr. and Mrs. Marlin H. Williams Gene Williards Apparel Shoppe Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wink Mr. and Mrs. W. Wisler Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wojtowicz Mr. and Mrs, John Wolen Mr . Carl Wolf Mrs. Harry 0 . Woodcock Mr. and Mrs. Francis C. Woodring, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Woolsloger Edward A. Woolsloger, Jr. Miss Elizabeth Woolslager Mr. and Mrs. C. Wrzesniewski Miss Eloanor Yambor Mr. Joseph Yambor Mr. and Mrs. John Zeaser Sigmund S. Zimba Ec Bernard Zimmerman Emma Zimmerman Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Zwlowski Raymond Zywalewski


van GROTE HOOGACHTING voor HET ZEGBNRIJK WERK door DE BROEDBRS VAN LA SALLE COLLEGE VERRICHT - en tevens van OPRECHTE DANKBAARHEID voor DE GULLE GASTVRIJHEID mij verleend: Namens de Fraters van 0. L. Vrouw Moeder van Bannhartigheid werkzaarn in de Nederlandse Antillen: Frater M. Odulfinus Director, St. Albertus College WILLEMSTAD CURACAO 路 N.A.


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