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ro tlte gloriOUS litany in wlticlt we extol tlte incomparable virtues of our most beloved Motlter, Mary, tltere ltns been added by Jlis Jloliness, Pius X!! gloriousl!f reigning, tlte newest of tlte sublime praises in Jler ltoJtor . .. QU88/V 01 rJ/8 WO~C:D


' . -..,

THE 1955 BLUE .


live, Jesus, In Our Hearts, Forever!

The senior class of 1955 is honored to join with La Salle students past and present in paying homage to

Brother F. Aloysius, F.S. C. in this, his fortieth year of service to the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools.

It's bound to be in there somewhere, Graycet

Ad Multos An nos!

Bob Rcsemery adjusts a test tube wltile

Brother offers a helpful suggestion.



The sophomores gel some cullure.

l'rlnc lpol

BROTHER D. JEREMY 4B Religion . • . Sponlsh I , French I, II •• . Bosketball.

BROTHER F. JOSEPH VIce Principa l • • • Band Religion Athletic Director • • • Men of La Salle.

BROTHER E. STEPHEN 4C Religion ••• Physics ••• Science 1Club.

BROTHER DAVID ALBERT Guidance Counselor . • • lltnilde Club.

BROTHER G. THOMAS 4D Religion • • Accounting I, 11 . Golf ••• Senior and Jun io r Proms.

BROTHER FELIX JOHN 4A lteligion ••• Trigonometry • Solid Geometry ••• General Mathematics.

BROTHER EDWIN JOHN 4E Religion • . . English IV Bowling.

BROTHER D. EDWARD 3B Religion . • • Algebra II Trigonometry • • • Solid Geometry •• • Football.

2A Religion • . . Geometry •• . Algebra I ••• Tennis.

BROTHER GRATtAN 3C Religion •.• English II, Ill ••• Wisterian.

BROTHER GODWIN JOHN 2B Religion ••• Spanish I . . . Geometry . • . Alumni.

BROTHER F. JEROME 3D Religion ••• German I, II, Ill •.• Debating ••• Dramatics.

BROTHER CASSIAN 2C Religion • • • English II Crew.

let's try to be serious1 Heyer.

BROTHER E. ADRIAN 2D Religion ••• History II ••• lntnlnu~rals.

BROTHER ALPHONSUS 2E Religion • , • Biology •.• Mothera' Club.


1C ..liglon ••. l atin ••• Greek

t 0 Religion • • , Mechanical Crow-

, •• Typing ••• Band.

Ing I, II . • • Stage Crew.

Religion • • • Biology Choral • . . Driver Training ••• Band • • • Cheerleader~.

BROTHER 0. MICHAEl Typing I, II • • • Archconfraternily ••• Annual Retreat ••• Daily Bullelin.

BROTHER EMILIAN OF MARY t A Relig io n ••• la tin I, Ill, IV.

BROTHER E. JOSEPH t E Religion ••• Algebra I



BROTHER GERVALO JOHN 1 B Religion • • . latin II • • English I ••• Baseball.

BROTHER F. WILLIAM t F ltellgion • • • History I • • • Art ••• Art Club ••• Track .•• Cross Country •



Mit. JAMES GAllAGHEit Econom ics • . • Busineu low lltC ••• Football Coach.


Mit. JOSEPH MOitAN Spanish II, Ill . . . Blue and Gold.

MR. JOHN MOORE English Ill, IV .•• Dramatics.

MR. RICHARD IEDESEM History I . . . lntramurals Fre1hman Football Coach.

Physical Education ond Track Coach.

MR. FRANK GRIFFIN En;ll•h I • . • History II • • • First Aid • . • Alumni.

MR. CARL VON NELL library Science . •• Librarian.

MR. JOSE PH COLANTON IO Director of Music.

MISS GLADYS MOORE Secretary to the Principa l.




Top row: James Morrissey, Clifford Gillespie, Raymond Frankson, Richard Colton, William Vincent, Edward Schmid, Joseph Madden, Hugh llrolly, Francis Doyle, Joseph Szymanski, Michael Meoll, Peter Walheim, Robert llatchellor, William Word. Third row: Eugene l ee, John James, Dennis Mcfadden , Thomas McCiernon, John Ledwith, Joseph Conners, Edward Shields, William Henry. Second row : louis Von Parys, Philip DiGiulio, Bernard Flannery, John Hogosky, James Stanton, John Campbell, Donald DIPietro. Front row .- Francis Sciulli, John Simpson, Richard Prendergast, Vincent Greely, Stephen DiGiulio, William Gibbons.



1 Top row: Ronald Chrzanowski, John Milburn, Joseph Burke, Joseph Cassidy, David Pacewlu, John McCloskey, James Sullivan, John Mitchell, Francis Dealy. Fourth row: Francis Kilpatrick, Norman Rickert, Michael Boland, Thomas Horan, Charles Muir, John Garry, James Catalina. Tltlrd row: George Rice, Wolter Abbott, James Foley, John Wilson, John lavelle, Edward Forte, Raymond Mullen. Second row: Richard labowskie, John Castella, Jam es Reynolds, Charles Welsh, Ira Malo, John Tuohy, James Richard. Front row: John Schmidt, Robert Wrzesniewski, Julian Miraglia , Thomas Tarpy, Charles

Top row: Kevin Carey, Norman Pomplas, Thomas laughlin, Paul Grayce, Thomas Phelan, Carl Helwig , Raymond Fitzpatrick, Fronds Ponti. Fourth row: Robert S.nn, Donald Troppler, Francis Buecker, Robert Bogle, Edmund Butle r, Robert Rosemary, Third row: James Walker, John Dlgon, Thomas Corrigan, John Whelan, Samuel Herb, Robert lyons. Second row: lawrence Bonduro, William Dick , John Bradley, Richard O'Moro, Joseph Spetzer, Harry Woodcod<, Anthony Hunt. Fronl row: James Whltecor, John Seibel, William Walsh, Francia Scott, William Diamond.


Haggerty, Harry Ralph Tolomeo, Andrew Varga. Micha el Lawlor, Deluco, Edward James Sheridan,


Top tow: Joseph Heyet, Willia m ltaf'ferty, Thomas Heron, Joseph Kelly, Edward Kreuser, ltichard Hughes, Gerald Lahr. Fourth tow: James Waters, Lee McKeever, Donald Meckling , John Curley, Thoma• Hopkins, Charles O'Brien, Thomas Ward, Philip Patelmo. Tltlrd tow: Robert Ca iro, Peter Perry, Harry Todd, John Reckner, Donald McCoy, Joseph Winterburg, Thomas Garoppo, James Canavan. Second row: John Singiser, Peter Frey, Charles Stokes, Cha rles Murray, John Monaghan, John Guckavan, ihomas Dean, Gerard Geisel. First t ow : Paul Gola, Nicholas Dunphy, Joseph Malizia, Charles Halfpenny, John Forrest, Edward Gallagher.


Food for the mind after food for the stomach.


Top row: William Bergin, John Egan, James Land, George Bauder, Vincent Pannepacker, James lane, James McDevitt, John Neary, Hugh Bowen. Tll lrd row: Francis Bartl, Joseph Daly, Francis Kudzin, James Nicolo, Robert Fritzsche, Robert Hone, Vincent Griffin, John Dooner. Second row: lawrence Coffey, Hugh Sheridan, Cornelius Ward, John Altrogge, Gerard Drach, Vincent Tague, Harold Hiel, David Devlin, Francis Weide. front row: James Mclaughlin, Robert Cwik, Joseph Steward, John Becker, Joseph Scipione, Eugene Oraganowski, Edward McKeon , Joseph Zeccardi.

Remembe r that the apple core goes in th e basura, Perry.


Some sophomores in their favorite oasis. Top row : James Meil11ta, Martin McDonnell, John Q11inn, l ithard Emenecker, Meredith Jones, John M11rroy, Joseph Hellenbrand, John Goro . Tltird row: Peter Devlin, lichard Koebert, Edward Donah11e, William Cu nningham, W llllom Rothonlooch, Mork Sw. .noy, Jome• O ' Ro urke, Gery Do ocon1o, Jamu Forroll. Second row: W illiam Connon, Thoma s Murphy, Alan l ondva y, James Morrissey, Michael Donnelly, John O 'Dea, Charles Doherty, John Spellman. Front row : James l inna, Henry Shields, Steven Potner, Joseph Copouolll, John Molloy, Gerard Gordon, ITancis Helv.,son.


Top row : Robert Fullen, Freel Fedele, Clarlc Hodg son, Joseph Hamburger, Edward Kilfeothor, Robert Fedonpiel, lawronco McEvoy. Tltlrd row: John Sharp, Michael Venecchla, J ames Campion, !cfwa rd , Rush, Gerard O'Rourlce, Robert Walsh, Kenneth L00$ 0 , Robert Durney. Second row: VIncent Andoraon, James Sedlock, Joseph DoVt nu :o, David S.rchak, Robert Ellis, leonard Milaknis, J oseph McAulifo, Robert Mergliono, Thomas hopnickl. front row: louis Groce, Anthony Doni, Ra ymond Birch, John Wojclechowic:r, Anthony Dondreo, John Monahan, Thomas Connor, Ja mes Melinson.


Top row: Thomas Gillespie, Robert Gobage, louis Marabella, Gerold Hipp, Richard Amojka, John Shavcfor, Joseph Flynn, William loland, Fred Schmitt. Tltird row: Hugh Word, Carl Wolf, John lurlce, Joseph Sprissler, James McGill , Peter Volk, Robert Keane, John Weber, Jomos McNulty. Second row : Rlan McMullin, John Famularo, John McClellan, lawrence 8ereznycky, George Purcell, VIncent Higgins, loma rd O'Dorhlo, Michael Kavanaugh, John Klobor. front row: Donald Donaghy, Anthony l'oacatoro, Louis Incognito, Joseph Honey, Michael Stephens, James Digan, Chris Costello, Gerard lorvnas, Anckow Kau.


Top row: l. Marshall McCloskey, John Siemietkowski, Edwa rd Sholler, Brion Monaghan, Thomas [I" Annunz io, Robert Froniotc, Sidney Kowoluyl<, John Mesunos, Richard Hepp. Third row: Charles Palmer, Edward Corcoran, Joseph Pizzo, Alexand er Mocoione, George Ruth, John White, Jose?h Mark, Paul Callaghan. Second row : Anthony Kromer, Joseph Ambrog i, Francis McCormick, James Kilbride, Edward Oaver, Stephen Brody, Francis Hethering ton , James Rieck , William O"Toole. front row Richard Mullin,. Richard Gini.c.ki, Donald Spence, John Schonbe rger, lawrence Grassi, Thoma1 Cassidy,

Thomas Perno, Joseph Jankowski. row: Daniel Madden, Thomas Dziodosz, Joseph Ford, Richard Davis, Charles Dolowoy, Robert Fenn , Woodring , Francis Vesci, Paul Mahoney. Third row: Edward Miller, Joseph Mignoltl, Joseph John Kennedy, Thomas Henry, Peter Noe l, James Reckner, Guy Ostertag. Second tow: ltyon, Joseph Vargo, louis Wakefield, Ronald Gilletti, Zenen Antonlotc, Joseph lodge, Thomas Front row : Joseph leone, Wolter Horn, William Jackson, Stephen. Quinn, Charles Espenshade, Simone, Gary Schamonek, Robert Primus.


Top row: Michael Fonte, John Ma d den, Michael Lepin e, Edwin Bramble, John Brogan, John Flood, John Mahon, Stephen Kennedy. Third row: Edward Devinney, James Ward, Theodore Baltra, Gregory Collins, George O 'Donnell, John Glaser, Alexa nd er Buono, Robert Waddington. Second row : Henry Doehne, Paul Alta, James Si ravo, Leo Volz, Albert Soleeki, John Herrera, John Zanine, John Miller. Fronl row: Peter Kerney, Ma• Eirich, Taras Wochok, Joseph Hickey, Thomas Pyle, Ronald Carpinella, William DeMarco, Vincent Miraglia .



Top row: J erome Heavey, Cornelius Cunningham, Reg inald Wray, John Osborne, Jerry Hamilton, George West, Jon Prolco, Edward Greyes, Charles Conway. Third row : Jerry Godshall, Michael Breslin, Thomas Giannini, Michael Zubylc, John Fitzpatrick , Martin Whalen, Raymond Christie, Kurt Kibele. Second row: Timothy McManus, Theodore Ellerlcamp, George Dupzek, Alfred Lesieur, loyd Mcilvaine, Walter Soclcville, Edward Solvib ile, Gerald Ricco. Front row : Frederick Bohrer, Nicholas Masington, Robert Forrest, Joseph Murray, Raymond Pentzell, Francis Moore, Francis Sexton, Francis Morris.


row: Stephen Wallace, Joseph Paul, Joseph Pinchick, MaHhew Ledwith, Joseph Hannabach, Bruce Tllllerington, llemard Mannilc, James Kolb. Third row : Thomas Kelly, Joseph loscoe, Thomas DonoM, John Gallitig , John Scocca, Edward Luty. Second row : Richard Moroney, Joseph Grou, Lawrence herling, John Clayton, leo Weidman, John Shaman, William Morgan, Will iam Feeney, Joseph Cymbor. finl row: William Rooney, Michael Sullivan, Edward Stehel, William Strobel, Thomas Cusack , Edward Dewney, Robert Johnson, Thomas Risi.


Top row: Alfred Meier, James Marko, Thomas Boyle, Joseph Sweitlik, William Clemenh, James Young, Wayne Kullman, Wolter McDonald, Wolter Weis. Third row: Gerold Parrotta, John Schmitt, Robert Barnett, John Kellett, George Doran, James McGinnis, John Gallagher, l eo Rodgers. Second row: William loman, Stanley Terlecky, Gerard Dowd, Francis Wh ite, William Fohy, Francis Sher, Ovid D路Ambrosio. front tow : David Mu ir, Peter Keenan, Joseph Pfeiffer, Bernard Gallagher, Norman Hora, Peter Faroco, Joseph Sharpe, Thomas Martin.


These sophomores smile as they reminisce about their days in McShain .



Top row : John Convey, Jerome Cosgrove, David Jenkins, Gerard Brannigan, Richard Niemczyk, Harry Eustace, Albert Backou<kas, Joseph Donohue. George Word. Third row: Robert Wilkin, Thomas Yonnesso, William Reg li, Robert Schmidt, Richard Fellenz, Jerome lombard, William Mitchell, James McMonagle. Second row: William Solviblle, Stanley Forsylhe, Joseph Killoran, Edward Pomfret, John Kelly, James Simonelli, John Richardson, Ronald Mahoney. Front row: Emil Horrosym, David lothwell, Nathaniel O"Amico, Martin Torpey, Raymond Walsh, Robert Heenan, Norman leinheiser, Joseph

It is a particular honor to be selected as the outstanding athlete of a class noted for athletic prowess. By a landslide voto, amiable George Schmidt has been accorded this distinction, and ;ustifiably so. In basketball, his unending variety of shots, his brilliant backboard work and smooth floor play resulted, to a ma;or degree, in the gaining of a playoff berth by the O 'Brienmen, and also brought about his selection as the recipient of the William H. Markward citation for sportsmanship and unusually fine play. George was also voted to the second team All-Catholic squads. Then, his performances on the baseball diamond, alternating a s coach Woltemate's third baseman or shortstop, have been worthy of additional praise. His play at these positions has been characterized by the same aggressiveness, skill and determination to win that were evident on the basketball court. And George's successes have not changed his easy going personality. To have achieved all this and still maintained a good scholastic record is a further accomplishment of George Schmidt, a ball player's ball player, and athlete of the year.

OUTSTANDING This year's choice for the most activity-minded senior of the graduating class is William Lafferty. Since coming to LaSalle from Incarnation parish, Bill has been the personification of activity in furthering all that is LaSalle in co-curricular and extra-curricular affairs. Sportswise, he has proved himself on the football team and in intramurals. Then , his argumentative powers have always been a threat to challengers in debating, and his dramatic obility hos won him loading roles in the Cape and Sword productions. Bill's literary talent is evidenced in his Wisterian articles, and his sonorous bass has been used to good extent in glee club offerings. In addition to participating in so many LaSalle activities, Bill has found time to represent the school in various competitions sponsored by Philadelphia colleges and universities. Worthy of particular mention was his selection as Governor of the model State Assembly presented by Temple University, a function at which he officiated as a member of our IRC. Finally, besides all these commitments, Bill has been the president of 4E, and has taken part in the deliberations of the Student Council.

Perhaps the most enviable of all the distinctions which con be conferred upon o senior is thot of being chosen the most representative member of his class. In the graduating class of 1955, this honor is mode to Gerard Hepburn, secretary of the Student Council. Gerry, o member of St. William's parish, has shown his capacity for leadership by the competent administration of such offices as freshman class president, junior class secretary, and sophomore and senior doss vice-president. Furthermore , his ability in Athletes is attested to by his active participation in crew, on which he has maintained o varsity position lor two years. Intramural basketball, bowling and track hove figured in his list of activity. A member of the Wisterion and of the Blue and Gold staffs, Gerry has also been o consistent repeater on the honor roll and has the scholastic letters to prove it. These impressive factors plus on ingratiating personality and on unfailing affability are indicative of the reasons for his selection.

SENIORS ' ersonoble Bob Wagner has consistently been the schola stic leader of the class of 1955 since first coming to LaSalle from St. Morfin of Tours parish. Consequently, It comes os no surprise thot he is the senior with the ltighest general overage. A long list of scholastic awards and medals attests to his exceptional ability. Bob has won the scholastic doss medal in all four years, has earned on equal number of scholastic letters and has twice won the Religion medal in open competition. His talents ore not concentrated in scholastic endeavor, llowever, for Bob finds time to toke port in intramural sports, and is an ardent baseball fan. That he is popular with his classmates is evinced in his selection to several clan offices beginning witli his choice as treasurer in the freshman year, continuing as junior vice-president, and culminating with his selection as doss presdent of 4A. 1o his alread y abundant collection of honors, Bob can now odd the most desired, rewording and satisfying of them oil.

RICHARD W. AHERNE 324 S. York Rood, Hatboro Osborne 5·4581 St. John Bosco Intramural track 3, 4; 1B, 2A, 3A, 4C ..• Scholastic letter 1, 2 • bowling 4 . • . Prom committee 3, 4 • . . Science club 2, 3 . •. Wisterian 2, 3 •.. Class secretary 1 . . • likes Dixieland and jazz . • . Raven Hill man ••• Good taste In regimentals .



3102 Unruh Avenue, 49

DE 3-2433

St. Timothy 1 F, 2E, 3F, 40 ••. Intramural basketball 1, 2, 3, 4, (champs 1, 2); bowling 2; track 2 !chomps) . . . Prom committee 4 .•• Clan secre· tory 2 • • . Muscles . • . Buster Brown . . . He went conservative! • . . Gato fresco . . . A bone lighter than Deasy.

WILLIAM R. &ARRANGER 4500 Smedley Street, 40 DA 4-4509 Holy Child 1 F, 20, 3F, 4D •.• Swimming 1 ••. Prom Committee 4 ••. Aspires to Drexel . . . Rods and customs .• , Fords are the end ••• Has the lowest car in the school.

JOSEPH P. BAll 249 W. Lindley Avenue, 20 Gl 5-9474 Incarnation 1B, 20, 3F, 4D • . . Football Jill, 41U . . . J.V. basketball 2 . . . Intramural basketball 3, 4; track 3, 4 . • . Prom committee 4 ••• Habitue of the lncarnaiion club • . Likes brokers • . . Come on, will yol . • • Big lime stockholder . . • One of the five whales .

WILLIAM M. BARBOUR 3332 Friondship Street, 49 DE 8·0636 St. Matthew 1 E, 2B, 3B, 4C . . . Intramural track 2, 3 . . . Hopes to attend Drexel ••. Sunday nights find him at St. Joe dances ••. Works at Penn Fruit •


6612 Emlen Street, 19

GE 8-5132 St. Madeleine Sophie 1 A, 2F, 3E, 4D . . . Intramural track; basketball 1, 2, 3 .•. Plans to attend Drexel or Georgetown . • . likes wild sax and records • .• Summers at Ocean City . . . Buddy-buddy with Jocko.


7006 Ardleigh Street, I 9


Holy Cross 1 D, 20, 3D, 4A • . . Intramural basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 (champs 3) . . . You don't know, do you? .•• Silent Joe . . • Fugitive from Mayfair.


MA 4 ..9716 St. Dominic 1 C, 2D, 3F, 4D . . . Football 2, 3 Intramural bowling 1 .• Digs progrouive jazz .•• The coal dust twins-Devlin and Duke.

4200 Rhawn Street, 36

BERNHARDT G. BlUMENTHAl Independence Street, 38 HA 4 - 1205 St. Benedict 2A, 3A, 4C . . . Cross country 1, 2, 3, 41ll .•• Trock 2, 3(l) Scholastic lette r 1 ••• Intramural t rack 1 , 3 • • • Works at teterepairs ••. Buddy of Ma rlon D'Arcy .•. Silas Marner.

ROBERT J. BOTHWEll 2108 Horace Avenue, Abington Turner 3843 Our l a dy Help of Christians 1 0 , 2F, 3C, 48 . . . Scho la stic letter 1 •.• Blue and Gold . . . In• tramural bowling 1, 3, 4 (champs 31; basketball 4 Hopes to attend Air Force Academy . . . Ice hockey fan . . . Fond of swimming . . . Non-pla ying captain.

JERRY J . BO~LINGER 2453 S. 6 h t Street, 42

SA 7-7153 St. Barnabas 1 A, 20, 3F, 40 .•• Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4(l) . . • Track 1 , 21ll, 3, 41ll •.• Football 3 . • . Co-captain of basketball team • . . IntramYra! cross country 2 . .• Prom committee 4 • • • Vice president 1 •.• • likes going t" Haverford High ••• Most likely to follow men like Pythagoras • . . likes ice skating on weekdays .

JAMES P. BURNS Havertown HI 6 ·4516 Sacred Heart 2C, 3B, 4C .•. Intramural track 2 . . . Wister ian 1, 2, 3 . . • 3 . • • Benilde Club 1, 2 . . . Will attend La Salle • •• likes those Oldsmob iles • •. Nature boy . • • Jamie Wamic.

CORNELIUS J. BYRNE 3256 Willington Street, 49 MA 4-1451 St. Matthew 1A, 20, 3E, 4D ••. Intramural basketball 1, 2, 3 , 4 Rhode Island lted • . . He sells hair for mattresses . . • Porky • Sixe 10 hat.

RICHARD E. BOYLE 3202 Collman Avenue, 49 DE 3-7165 St. Matthew 1 F, 2C, 3F, 4D . . . Intramural basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 (champs 11; bowling 1, 2 ; track 1, 2 . . . Prom committee 4 . . . likes old my sic and dancing . • . O lds m-obile appreciator . . . Spends summers at Stone Harbor • . • Bo bo Boyle.

PETER G. BYRNE GL S-3514 Incarnation 1C, 2C, 3E, 4A . .. Intramura l track 2, 3 Progressive jazz !lend •. Yet likes classical music . . • Shoes pointier than his head • •• Isn't he cute? 430 Delphine Street, 2 0

JOSEPH P. CAI RO 6716 Cornelius Street 38 WA 4-1535 St. Athanasius 1 0 , 2F, 3C, 4B ••. Scholastic letter 1, 3 Wislerian 1 . . • Art club 1 . • • Science club 4 • . • University of Pennsylvania bound . . • Mental giant .•• Mighty Joe . . . Soy, fellas, hi!




1312 7lst Ave., 26

8 -6246

St. Athonosius 1 A, 2E, 3F, 4D • . . Football 2 . • . Intramural track 3, 4 . . . Prom committee 4 .•. Fuer amos ••. Think w e'll win? ••. Ward 's chauffeur.

WA 4 - 8699

St. Athanosius Scholastic medal 2 1 D, 2C, 3D, 4C ••• Scholastic letter 3 ••• Intramural track l, 3 • . . Bowling 1, 2 . . • Blue and Gold • • • Heading for La Salle . • • Crary about boats • • • Quietest . • . Nothing but right answers.

CHARlES D. CARROll Of 3-4448

4604 Princeton Avenue, 35

WA 4· 2614 Holy Angels l F, 2E, 3F, 4D ••• Intramural track 1, 2, 3, 4; bowling 1 , 2, 3, 4 (chomps 21 • . . Drexel night school ••. Coffee time ••• Topper ••• Hot Shoppe terror.



7230 Forrest Avenue, 38

6089 Brood Street, 26

St. Leo l A, 2C, 3D, 40 •. . Football 1, 21LI, 3(LI, 41LI . . . Track 1, 2, 31LI, 41LI . . . Basketball 1 • . . lnlramurol basketball 2, 3; track 1 (champs) • . . Prom commlttu 3, 4 • • . Seen at Avalon, N. J. • . . lady of Consolation donee on Sunday night • . . I ca n g et it for you wholesale • . • Hooked by a fisherman named Ronnie.

GL 5-5474 Holy Child l F, 2C, 3E, 4E •.• Pop tune singer . . . Jocko . Records, Rhyth111, and Blues .•• Governor of Logan . . . Sings songs during English.

4527 Bouvier Street, 41

EDWARD 8. CONNOLLY Fl 2-8382 324 Robbins Avenue, II St. William 1 0 , 2A, 3A, 48 . . . Scholastic letter and medal 1 . . . Intramural bowling 2, 3 ••. Bond 1 , 2, 3, 4 ••• Oromaliu 1, 3, 4 ••• Debating 3, 4 ••. Glee club 2, 4 ••• Wi sterian 1 , 2, 3 , 4 ••• Prom com mittee 4 ••• Clan vice-president 1 ••• likes music, boseboll lex·A' s fan), dancing ..• Works for Sun Ray .. • Edward, g ive me the answer.

HAROLD A. CLARK 4016 Hartel Street, 36


St. Bernard 1 D, 2E, 3D, 4B . . • Cross-country 3 .•• Crew 2 , 3 4 1ll .•• Intra· mural track l , 2, 3, 4 ; cross-country 2 . . . Science club 2 . . . Fond of dancing, rowing, weight-lifting, scientific experiments • • • Biceps • . • Clark and Hepburn.


5622 N. Uber Street, 41

HA 4-8509 Holy Child 1 D, 2D, 3B, 4A .•. J.V. Football 3 . . . Intramural bowling 1, 2, 4 ; basketball 1 , 3, 4; track 1, 2, 3, 4 . l ikes Glenn Miller and Benny Goodman music • • • Hot rods and sports cars • • • lucky • •• Adores his own white bucks.

JOHN l. COSTELLO 1466 Bowman Street, 29 TE 9-2506 St. Bridget 1D, 2C, 3F, 40 . • . Football 3, 4(l) . • Intramural t ra ck 3 ; cross•ntry 3 . • . Prom committee 3, 4 • Closs treasurer 3 . . . c.n ... Cycles • . • Jol!n Tru-Tone . Jo•h . . Hot man be.,._ the wheel . . • Has o new red bicycle . • • Got stopped on . . turnpike for going too slow. CHARLES J. COURTENAY 707 Glenview Street, I I PI S-5818 Presentation B.V.M. 1A, 2F, 3C, 4B . . . Swimming 1, 2 . . . Dramatics 3, 4 Junior Will achievement 3, 4 . . . Science club 3, 4 . . . lascienlio . study pre-med at LaSall e . • • Most likely to keep D.A. • • A question going somewhere to be asked ••• Dead End Kid.

STEPHEN A. CYMERMAN J921 N. Water Street, 20 HA 4-4475 St. Helena 1A, 20, 38, 4A •.. Crew 1 . . . Intramural basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 ; llewling 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Zeke will go to Drexel . . . Dinner with (JIIlerman . . . Did they name tho bun after you, boy?

JOHN F. D'ALFONSO 5648 Boyer Street, 38

ROBERT H. COX 765 I Gilbert Street, I 9

ll 9-4754

St. Raymond 1 D, 2F, 3C, 4B ••. Baseball 2, 4 •. . Intramural basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; bowling 1, 2, 3, 4 (chomps 31; track 1, 2, 3 . . . Art 1, 2 • •. limey •.• Cor grea•e in hair ••• Creature •.. likes baseball, bowling, dancing, football, basketball •

GEORGE W. CROWE 5030 Boudinol Street, 20 1 F, 2D, JE, 4D • . . . . . Captain of tennis club 1 •.• Will enter dancing . . . Ace . . .

GL S-0516 St. Ambrose Tennis 21ll, Jill, 41ll • . • J.V. Tennis 1 Ill 4 •.. Intramural bowling 1, 2 ••• Bonilde the printing trade •.• Fan of all sports and Member of the racquet squad.

JAMES A. D'ARCY MA 4-91 SO 3307 Oolcmonl Avenue, 36 St. Matthew 1 D, 28, 3A, 4C . . . IRC . . • Dramatics 3, 4 Science club 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Wisterian 1, 2 1 3, 4 •.. Color guard 3, 41ll •.• Viurpresident 3 . • . Music, cars, science interest J im most . • • Zippers •.• The sleeper • . • Inspector D' Arcy. GREGORY J. DEAN

GE 8-4238

Immaculate Conception 1D, 2A, 3A, 4A . •. Scholastic letter 1 , 2, 3, 4 . . . Wisterian 1, 3, 4 . . . Band 1, 2 1 3, 4 . • . Science club 3 . • . Blue and Gold • • • IIC . • . Prom committee 4 • . . Closs president 1 . . . VicePresident 2 . . . Intramural bowling 1 1 2, 3, 4 ; track 1 , 2 ••• lovnd for La Salle College ••• First lieutenant in band .•. Director of dating bureau.

WA 4-4230 St. Benedict 10, 2A, 3A1 4E ••• Intramural bowling 1 1 2, 3, 4 ; track 1 Band 1 1 2, 3 1 4 . • • "Gene Krupa" . • Headed for Penn Noted playwright • . . Percussion man •

6706 Woodstock Street, 38


Twelve heads ore better than one.

RICHARD D. DEASY VI 4-7713 3307 Wed l'enn Stroot, 29 St. Bridget 1 F, 2A, 3A, 4C ••• Intramural bowling 1, 4; track 1 ; cross-country 2, 3 ••• Man behind tho wheel . . • What o Iough .•• Greatest fight of tho century • • • Semaphore.

HARRY F. DEVLIN 4408 Teeulole Street, 36

MA 4-5197 St. Bernard 1 D, 2E, 3F, 4D .•• Junior Vanity football 2 ••• Bowling 3 .•• Intramural track 1, 2; bowling 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Wisterion 4 • , , Prom committee 4 ••• Likes business administration ••. Hillbilly mu~ic fan .•• One of the cool du1t twin1 ••. Sits up night1 figuring out que1tions to ask the teachers •.• You got ticket, boy?

THOMAS F. DIAMOND LOUIS J. DESIDERIO HI 6-0745 I 7 I 4 Mount l'loosonf llood, Hovortown Sacred Heart 1f, 2D, 3E, 41 . . . Student Council 1, 2 , 3 •. . Crew 2, 3, 4 O.si loves ~cy • • • Cool.st speu In the tclto.l • • • Outside man with lowtfWKM.

OS 5-3800 St. David 1 A, 2A, 3E, 40 .•. Intramural bowling 1, 2, 3, 4 (champs 21 ••• Science club 4 ••• Will attend William's College, Mass . . • • Avio· tion, boats ••• Mother does everything • • . Chuter • • • Chester, take your coat off. Dresher Rood, Horsham

DAVID T. DIEHL Pulaski Avenue, 44 VI 4-7940 St. Vincent de Paul lC, 2E, 3E, 4D . •. Football 1, 2, 31ll, 4(Ll Captain of football ham 4 . . . Vice-president 4 • • • Intramural track 1, 2, 3, 4 lchomps 2); basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 (chomps 2l . . . Gobble gobble , , , Dirty Dove •• . Always played cords with the Sophs at Football Clmp .. . Got a port-time lob pl aying Alfalfa. BERNARD J. DILLON 2100 Rush Rood, Abington Turner 2733 Our Lady Help of Christians 1 A, 2C, 3E, 4D . . . Basketball 1, 2 • . . Int ramural basketball 3; cross-country 1; track 1 . . . Prom committee 4 . . Coaches eighth grade team . • . Stock boy at Jacob Reed' s .. • How many of you hove gas money?

JOHN J. DONOHUE $903 Weymouth Street, 20 PI 5-2322 St. William 1A, 2E, 3F, 4D .. . Cross-country 41ll •.. Intramural bowling 1, 2 (champs ll; basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 (champs 2); track 1, 2, 3 (champs 11 , , , Prom committee 4 ••. Works for Penn Fruit • . . Post office II Christmas . . • lobios .• . Variegated haberdashery.

JOHN P. DOUGHERTY 38 Wyneva Street, 44

GL 5- l 954 St. Francis of Assisi 1 D, 2B, 3E, 4D •.. Scholastic Medal 3 .•. Prom Committee 4 .. . Cheerleader 2, 3, 4 (Co-Captain) . . . Closs Secretary 1 .•• Works at drafting • . • Salesman in Gimbels . . . Jock Doc . • • Own philosophy in economics.

ANTH ONY P. DIORIO 78 I 0 Ardmore Avenue, I 8 WH 8-0827 Seven Dolors 1 A, 2D, 3E, 4A .•• Intra mural bowling . • Sci ence dub ••. Likes to collect records • . • Best excuse for getting out of gym • . • Diorioriorio • • • Cou ld hit a nyone with his curve boll.

BARRY D. DONAHUE 7357 7lst Avenue, 26 Ll 9-3645 Holy Angels 1 C, 28, 3A, 4E .•• Footba ll 1 • . . Intramural basketball 2, 3, 4 . • . Jazz .• . Benny Goodman . . . CYO basketba ll . • • Dig that tenor • • • Sports a yellow ba sketball uniform.

JOSEPH P. DOWLING 4942 N. !6th Street, 4 1 M/ 4-0666 Holy Child 1 E, 2E, 3D, 4E • • • Cross-country 4 . . . Track 4 ••. Intramural basketbail 1, 2, 3, 4 (champs 2, 3); tra ck 1, 2, 3 (chomps 2, 31; cross-country 2 ; bowling 1 , 2, 4 . . • Benilde Club 3, 4 , . . Dance Committee 4 • . . Prom Committee 4 • • . Vice-President 4 • . . Likes dancing at St. Joseph's, rhythm and blues music • . . Seen in Wildwood drugstores w ith Monta gue • • . Lover of Antarctic birdlife • . . Sonny. " JAMES J. DURKIN 23 Simpson Rood, Ardmore Midway 2-45 I 6 St. Colem a n 2B, 3A, 4C • • • Intramura l track 2, 3, 4o. ba sketball 3, 4; bowling 4 . . . IRC • , . Cor lost fast drag with Ventresca's truck •.• Most likely to fall In Schuylkill . . . Flighty James.

DAVID H. DURYEA GE 8-0157 3739 Midvale Avenue, 29 St. Bridget 1 E, 2C, 3D, 4B •.• Crew 1, 3, 41ll . • Intramural basketball 1, 2 •• Track 2 . . . Prom Committee 4 ••• Stay loose •.• The Weed ••• Benefits of dual-exhaust.

RUSSEll S. EGGLETON MA 4-6757 4218 Loring Street, 36 St. Bernard 1C, 2B, 3B, 4C . . • Intramural track 3 •.. Reggie •.• Seen with Gleeson and Barbour . • . Sparks.

ARTHUR W. ETCHEllS DE 3-2753 3014 Windish Street, I 5 St. Matthew 1 E, 2F, 3C, 4B . • . Intramural track 2, 3 ••. Art club 1, 2, 3, 4 . • . Blue and Gold . . • Science Club • • • Designs rocket ships during physics .•• Wunderlich's shadow .••. Chess chomp.

ANTHONY J . FARACO 7401 Barkley Rood, Cheltenham ME 5-0925 St. Joseph 1E, 2B, 3B, 4C . . . Intramural basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; track 1, 2, 3, 4; bowling 4 lchampsl . . . Blue and Gold . . • IRC . , • Prom com· mittee 4 . • . Cheerleader 2 ..• lives and dies with the Ph illies in the baseball season .•• Ploys accord ion ••• Woman-hater ••• Hongs his coal in the animal cage • • • Throws a mean snowball.

MATTHEW D. FASANO OA 4-6351 1840 Eleanor Street, 41 St. Michael of the Saints 1 E, 2E, 3B, 4C . . . Football 1, 2, 3 . . . Basketball 1, 2, 3 ••• Intramural track 1, 2, 3, 4; cross country 1, 2; bowling 4 (chomps); basketball 3, 4 .•. Prom committee 4 .•• Blue and Gold .•. Closs Vice-President 1 • . . Most likely to be o grocer . • • Frequents Happy Hollow . . . Held intramurals together.

JOHN E. FEELEY Ml 4-1564 5 I 02 North I 5th Street, 41 Holy Child 1 E, 2A, 3A, 4A . . . Scholastic letter 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Intramural cross-country 2; track 1, 2; bowling 2, 3, 4 . . . Art Club 1, 2, 3, 4 •.• Science club 2, 3, 4 ••. Wisterion 3, 4 •••. Usher at logon Theatre ••. Toke me home • . . Scholastic whiz.

JOSEPH C. FLANAGAN 507 lloumfort Rood, 19

cH 7 ..u55

Holy Cross 1 D, 2D, 3D, 4E . • . Swimming 1, 21ll ••• Crew 2 , 3, 41ll •.• Football 3lll, 41ll . . . Intramural basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 (chomps 31; track 1, 2, 3, 4 ••• Stop rowing with one arm • • . Known as Rockhead .•• Mayor of Margate.

JOHN F. FlOOD 1226 W. Venango Street, 40 RA 5-8652 St. Stephen 1 A, 2F, 3C, 4B ••• Cross Country 31ll, 41ll . Track 2, 3, 4 . . . Scholastic letter 1 . • . Scholastic medal 1, 3 ••. Intramural cross-country 2 !chomps); basketball 3, 4 Student Council 4 . . . Vice-President 3 . . • President 4 ••• The quiet man . . • A real hustler ••• Red top.

THOMAS J. FLOOD 3129 Princeton Avenue, 49 DE 8 - 1889 St. Matthew 1 F, 2F, 3C, 4B .•• Scholastic letter 1 Intramural basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 (champs 11; bowling 1 . . • Art Club 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Secretary Student Council 2 . . . Prom Committee 4 ••. President 1 ••. Secretary 3 . • . Blue Beetle • . . Flub·a·Dub • . • One of the Mayfair cats. JAMES J. FOLEY 7234 Devon Street, 19

CH 7-7617 Holy Cross 1 D, 2C, 3E, 4B . . • ln:ramural basketball 2, 3, 4 . • . Works for Bulletin •.• Interested in cars . • . Abe lincoln ••. Dead t.ook shot.

DAVID l. FORDE 421'12 E. Slocum Street, 19 TE 9·-11 IS little Flower 1 B, 2E, 30, 4C . . . Football 1, 2, IJ.V.I •.. Track 2, Jill, 4lll . . . Scholastic letter 1, 2, 4 . . . Scholastic Medal 2 . . . Spaniah Medal 1, History 2 . . . Intramural track 1; cross-country 2; bowling 4 •.. IRC . . . Blue and Gold . . . Class Vice-President 3 . . . Interested in everything . . . Most likely to run 100-yard dash in one minute • • • Que estudiante!

JOSEPH R. FOWlER PI 2-1448 St. Cecilia 1A, 20, 30, 4A . . . Intramural track 1, 2, 3 !champs 1, 31; basket· ball 1, 2, 3, 4 !champs 31 •.. Plays CYO baskelball ••• Boy, I'm tired . • . looks in a daze except on basketball court

7529 Bingham Street, I I

PAUl E. FRANK I 604 Cadwallader Street, 22 ST 7-1899 St. Peter 1 C, 2F, 3C, 4A • . • Intramural bowling 1, 2, 3, 4 (champs 31; basketball 1, 2; track 1, 2, 3 . . . Science club 3, 4 . • . Stage crew 3, 4 . . . Class vice president 1 . . . Junior Achievement . . . Most likely to go to Florida again ••• Member of the lunchtime math club . . . Buddy-buddy with Wutzer.

THOMAS A. FRAYNE 530 N. 7th Street, 23

MA 7-1364

Assumption of B.V.M. 18, 2B, 3A, 4E . . . Intramural track 1, 2, 3, 4 Wisterlan 2, 3, 4 . . . Editor 4 . . • Glee club 2, 3 . . . IRC . • • Dramatics 3 . . . Debating 2, 3 . . . Student Council 2 •.. Science club 3, 4 . . . Art club 1 . . . Class President 2 . . • Classical and popular music, books, girls, dancing and people interest Tom • • • lives in the Poe House • • • Darkest glasses on campus.

THOMAS J. GAllEN 7847 N. lister St., I 5

De 2 -4414 St. Matthew 1 B, 2C, 3D, 4E . . . Intramural basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 (champs 31; track 3 (champs) . • . Prom committee 4 . . • Science club 4 • • • Class secretary 2, 4 •.. Plays basketball at the boathouse ••. T. G . • . • Fabulous . . . How do you get the knot so small?

FRANCIS E. GLEESON 7055 Frankford Avenue, 35 St. leo 1 C, 28, 3B, 4C • . . Swimming 2 . . . Intramural bowling 3, 4 ; track 2, 3, 4 ..• Science club 3, 4 . . . Band 1 , 2, 3, 4 . • . IRC Gl ee club 4 . likes music, dancing, and sports . . . Tremendous trumpeter • . • Physiu captivates him .

WILLIAM H. GLENN VI 4-6958 812 E. Phii-EIIena Sir"'• 19 little Flower 1 0, 21, 31, 4E . . • Scholastic letter 1, 2 , 3, 4 . . . Scholastic medal 3 . • . Intramural bowling 1, 2 ••. Wisterian 1, 3, 4 . . . Science Club 2, 3, 4 • . . Editor of "laScientia" . . . IRC 4 . . • Junior Achievement 4 .•• Class Treasurer 4 • • • M.I.T. . . . loves to eat ••• Prates• of Einstein . . . Humphrey.

PATRICK I . GORMAN SilO N. lSih Slr..l, 41 Gl 7-144 1 Holy Child 1 A, 21, 31, 4C •.• Golf 31ll, 41ll •.. Football 1, 2 . . . Baseball 1 . . . Captain of Freshman football ••• Scholastic letter 1 . . • Intramural basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; bowling 1, 2, 3, 4 (champs 1, 41; track 1, 2, 3 (champs 11; cross-counlry 1, 2 . . . IRC 4 . . • Prom committees 3, 4 ••• Class VIce-President 2 • . • Works at Ocean City's A&P ••. Likes golf, dancing, tango . . . The sneeze.

JOHN A. GRADY 1220 Highland Avenue, Ablnglon Ogonlz I 592 R Our lady Help of Christians 11, 211, 3A, 4C ••. Glee Club 4 •••,; likes football, money and aeronautics . . • Wings ••. Owner of the original cowboy hat •.• Ace.

RICHARD K. GRIFFITH 33 Weiss Avenue, Flourtown WH 8-3164 St. Genevieve 1 F, 2A, 3A, 4C .•• Football 1 .•• Crew 1, 2, 3, 41ll . • . Intramural track 3; cross-country 2; basketball 2, 3, 4; bowling 4 •.• Hunting and rowing enthusiast • . • Duke . • . Forgets to close his locker.

Lagana's country cottage in the drafting stage.




ALFRED G. HAEBER 3038 Unruh Avenue, 49


St. Timothy 1E, 2F, 3F 4D . . . Basketball 1, 21LI, 3(L), 41LI Co-co plain of basketball 4 • • . Prom committee 4 . . . Rhythm, blues, and Jacko ... s..n swimming on the boardwalk at Ocean City .•• Let's go to lunch, Brother.

7865 Devon Street, 18

CH 7-4563 Holy Cross 1 B, 2B, 3B, 4C . •• Baseball Jill , 41ll Scholastic letter 1 • . . Intramural basketball 2, 3, 4 , • . Plumber . . . Watertower dances ••. La Salle's Hook Slider.

JAMES J. HA YBURN 7428 Brous Avenue, I 5

GERALD T. HAGERTY 119 East Mermaid lone, 18 CH 7-0119 Ho ly Cross 1 D, 2E, 3B, 4C . • • lntr<>murol track 1, 2, 3 (champs 3); bowling 1, 3, 4 . • . Guitar-strummer . . . The qu iet type . . • Keeps the Mount's kitchen going.

DE 2-0366 St. Matthew 18, 28, 3A, 4E . . . Intramural track 1, 2, 3, 4 ; bowling 1, 2, 3 . .• Wisterian 1, 2, 3, 4 .•• Sports Ed itor 4 . . • Glee Club 2, 3 , 4 . . . President of Glee Club 4 . • • IIC 4 . . . Dramatics 3, 4 • • . l ikes music and dancing . . . Seen with Frayne.

THOMAS F. HAGERTY ISO E. llillenhouse Street, 38 GE 8-7777 Immaculate Conception 1 B, 2F, 3C, 4B . , . Swimming 1, 2 ••• Intramural basketball 2, 3 •.. Wisterian 3 •.. Science Club 4 .•• Villanova bound ..• Holy Hannah ••• Drives a ' 37 Bu ick.

JOHN E. HELlMAN 2936 Teesdole Street, I 5 MA 4-0716 St. Matthew 1 D, 2D, 3E, 4E . • . Bowling 3, 4 . •. Intramural basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 ; bowling 1, 2, 3 ••• Is seen at St. Joe' s dances . . . Spends summertime a t Wildwood . . . Wheel at the Penn Fruit •. • The color of h is cor goes w ith his girl's hair . .. Print that 200 times.

WILLIAM A. HALLER 30 17 Unruh Street, 49

MA 4·0241

St. Timothy IE, 2F, 3C, 4B .•• Cross country 2, 3, 4 ••• Track 3 • . . 1ntramural basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 ; bowling 3 •.. Will I eve r pass Physics? • , . Will you explain that, Brother? ••• Tubefeet.

JOSEPH H. HENNESSY CH 7-9031 8335 Mansfield Street, 19 St. Raymond 2F, JF, 4E •.. Band 3, 4 .•. First Lleutenanl in bond •.. Plans to attend La Salle and work as a steel salesman ••• likes money and Glenn Miller music ••• Man from the Smokey City •


JOHN J . HENRY 2027 Walnut lane, 38

Ll 8-7761

St. Athonasius 1 C, 2D, 3D, 4A . .• Football 2 , 3 4Cll . Intramural basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 (champs 31 . • . Coach, my nome is John . . . Bumps • • • Juan Enrique.

RAYMOND G. HEPBURN PI 5-3608 224 E. Comly Slreet, 20 St. William 1 f , 2E, 3D, 4C ..• Crew 2, 3, 41ll .. . Swimming 2 .. . Scholastic letter 1, 2, 3 , .• Spanish Clward 3 . . . Intramural boslcetboll I, 3 ; bowling 1; track 1, 2, 3 (chomps 31 ••. Wisterion 4 • • . Prom committee 4 . • . Blue and Gold . • . Class President 1, VicePresident 2, 4, Secretory 3 • . • Secretory of Student Council 4 •.. Pressens' apostle ••. Boathouse row ••. Silcox Is better than Golo.

RICHARD A. HOSKINSON 227 E. logon Street, 44

Ml 4 -0495

St. francis 1 F, 2C, 3D, 4E . . . Tennis 1 , 41l) . . . Intramural track 2, 3 (chomps 31 . . • likes ice skating, tennis, cars . . . Husky Pilots Cl green ford.

JOSEPH J. JACKSON 511 Willow Street, Jenkintown Ogontz I 535 W Immaculate Conception 1D, 2F, 3C, 4B . .. Intramural track 1 , 2; bowling 3 ; cross-country 3 •.• Bond 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Science club 4 . . • likes trains, airplanes, eating Irish styl e spaghetti . . . Jenk intown is so In the United States •• • I can't stand that city water.

KARL J. JONES Fl 2 - 1807 Resurrection 1 E, 2E, 38, 4A • . . Science Club 4 • . . l ike s music ond accordion .•• Works in the Food Fair on weekends . . • Eternal slumber .•• Weors o hi gh rise with o belt at the top.

1729 Grilfilh Slreel, II

FRANZ A. KAUTZ I 004 CoHmon Avenue, II PI 5-4683 St. Will iam 1 f, 2F, 3C, 4 8 ••• Ju nio r Achievement 3, 4 . . . Dramatics club 3, 4 ••• Science club 3, 4 ••. Wo Hoppen • . Grendel •• Sure pass in mechanical • . • Most likely to own o restaurant. . • • Giant the J a ck killer.

DE NNIS E. KEENAN PI 5- 7637 St. William 1 C, 2A, 38, 4C .•• Swimming 1 .•• Cross-country 4 . . . Track 4 . . . Intramural basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 ; bowling l , 2 . . . Prom committee 4 . . . Automobile engines ••. Wake up, Dennis • . • lip's compa nion. 304 Gilham Slreel, II

JOSE PH l . KENDRA l 840 Brunner Street, 40

DA 4-4413

St. ladislau s Go lf captain 4 • •. 1 A, 2E, 3F, 4D . . . Golf 1, 21ll, Jill, 4 ll l Wisterian 1 . • • Exchange Editor 1 • • . Intramu ral bowli ng 1 , 2 , 3, 4 (champs); basketball I, 2, 3, 4 (champs 2 1; track 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Drives a Plymouth , • . Golfer de luxe . . . Assistant caddy mCISier Cit Philmont.


JOH N J. KERNS 3964 N. 71/t Slteel, 40

RA 5-6383 St. Henty II, 20, 30, 4D . • . Class Ptesidenl 1 . • . Scholaslit lettet 1 . .• JV football 1, 2, 3 . . . lnttamural basketball 1, 2 , 3, 4 (champs 31; track 1, 2, 3, 4 (champs 31 ..• Prom committee 4 ..• Blue and Gold . • . Ony . Voice like Barnacle Bill . . . Don't they evet call time out? . . . Will attend Parris Island Finishing School.

JOHN J. KERNS 1269 S. Saini Betnatd Stteel, 43 BE 6 - 1347 St. Francis de Salas 1 A, 2C, 3B, 4A . . . Football 1, 2, 3, 41ll . • . Tra ck 1, 2, 3, 41ll ..• Int ramural track 1; ba•ketball 1, 2, 3 , 4 . . . Prom committee 4 • . . Abe • . • long trip from West Philly . . . White Buck Club.

SAMUEL J . KNOX CH 8-!206 Holy Cross 10, 2C, 3D, 4E . . . Intramural bowling 1, 2 ; track 3, 4 !cha mps 31 ..• Wisterian 1 , 3 • . . Prom committee 4 . . • Science club 4 •.• Spor1s and photography • . • Can' t see him sideways Dreamiest eyes ever . . . Accompl ishes things with celerity.

7102 Roanoke Street, 18

BRUCE J . KOEGLER 8433 limekiln Pike, Wyncote TU 7·0839 St. Raymond 1 E, 2D, 3D, 4A . . . In tramural bowling 2, 4 .•• library aide 1, 2, 3, 4 (president( •.. Science dub 4 . • . The Brule . . • Summers at leach Hoven . . • Car dealer to be.

LEON S. KUBIS 44!5 Convent Lone, 14

OR 3·.:1673 St. Katherine 1 E, 2B, 3A, 4E ..• Intramural track 3; bowling 2 ... Villanova •.. Affectionately called the killer . . . The hoagie hut kid . • • Spends summers at Egg Harbor . • . Says his hair isn't bleached •


WILLIAM F. LAFFERTY Ml 4-9376 228 W . Sulis Street, 20 Incarnation of Our lord 1 C, 2B, 3B, 4E ..• JV fool boll 3 . . . Scholastic le:ter 1 . . . Intramural bowling 1, 2 . . . Churleading 2, 4 . . . Wisterion 1, 2, 3, 4 ••• Debating 3, 4 . . . Dramatics 3, 4 .•• Prom committee 4 . IRC . . Class President 4 . . . Glee club 4 . . . Too much •. , laughing boy . . . Has a record collection . . . The Governor.

JOHN D. LAGANA 230 I S. Chadwick Street, 45 St. Monico 1 C, 2E , 3F, 4E • . . JV bowling 2, 3 . . . Swimming 2 . . • Intramural bowli ng 1, 4 ; basketball 2, 4 (champs 41 . . , Band 1, 2, 3, 4 .. . W isterians 3, 4 . . . Hot lips . . . Harry James fan • , , Lagana and Peculsk l.

FREDERICK J. LAMB Ml 4-4421 Holy Child IE , 28, 3B, 4C . . . Basketball 1, 2 . . . Intramural basketball 3, 4; track 1, 2, 3; cross-country 2 • . . Student council 3 . . . Prom committee . . . Cl a ss president 1, 3 , , • Red Top • . . Where did you get that tie? • . • Blackout.

4836 Bouvier Stteet, 41

FRANK J. LAMPRECHT 301 Bickley Rood, Glenside Ogontz 2065 J St. luke lf, 2F, 3C, 48 . . . Football I, 21ll, Jill, 41LJ Crew 2, 3, 41ll ••• Intramural basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; track 1 , 3 •.. Cion treasurer 2 • . . Athletic director 3 . . • Secretory 4 . . . let's go, So! .•• Rough under the boards . . • Always seen with o pygmy.

JOHN l. LANGAN I 513 Mohican Street, 38 L/ 9-0497 St. Athonosius 1 E, 2C, 3E, 4B .•. Football 1 ••. Intramural basketball 1, 2, 3, o1 ••• Cross country 1 •.• Track 1, 2 ••• Big John ••. Collegiate cot ..• Wears striped pants with 14-inch pegs ••• Jock, the giant killer.

THOMAS J . LAVIN 231 W. Linlon Street, 20

Ll 9-5921 St. Helena Intramural track 1, 1 C, 2C, 3D, 4B . . . Golf 1, 2, 31l), 41ll 2, 4; bowling 4 . . . Cross country 2 . • • Junior achievement 3 .•• Intramural basketball 1, 2, 3 !chomps 31, 4 •.• Glee Club 1, 2 • . . IRC 4 • . . Blue and Gold . . . Runs driving range at Philmont Country Club • • • Always seen shooting, never passing ••• Speedy alka-seltzer.

EDWARD V. LEARY l 18 Union Avenue, Sa/a-Cynwyd WE 4-4823 St. Matthias 1B, 2F, 3C, 4B ••• Intramural basketball 1 , 2, 3, 4 , .• Bond 1, 2 , 3, 4 , .• Wisterions 1, 3, 4 . . • Keeps the menanine busy • I'm taking notes, brother •.. Tokes the stage coach to school.

JOHN J. LEE 7496 Tu/pehoclcen Street, 38 HA 4-7415 St. Athanasius 1 E, 2E, 3F, 4D •.. Intramural bowling 3 ..• Band 1, 2, 3 , 4 , •• Art club 1, 2 . • . Wisterian 1 .•• The general ••• Blues and iozz fan ••. Plays a good set of cymbals ••• Does much philanthropic work toward the bond trip.

EDWARD A. LENART 2077 Wilmot Street, 24 8--4 494 St. John Cantius 1 E, 2F, 3C, 4B . • . Swimming 2 •. , Intramural track 1, 2, 3 • .• Band 1 , 2, 3, 4 ••. Works on weekends as a drummer ••• Saint Joseph's Sunday night dances . . . Has own orchestra •. . Poelck's shadow.


LOUIS LENDVAY 6930 N. 19th Street, 26

HA 4-3788 St. Athanasius IE, 2C, 30, 4C .•• Intramural bowling 2, 4 . . . Blue and Gold , .• Model railroading fon . • . Scholastic prototype •.• Somewhat reticent until you know him.

ROBERT M. LUNNY MA 4-7710 St. Bartholomew IF, 2F, 3C, 4D . . . Bond 1, 2, 3, 4 , . , What a whiz ol trig . • . Loon the goon . , ·• Mtlinstay of the band. 6246 Jackson Street. 35

ANTHONY D. McALEER 405 I N. I 2th Street, 40

Ml 4-5855

St. Stephen 1C, 2D, JE, 4E . . • Bowling 1, 2 . . . Cross country 2 . . . O ne person you con't gainaay • , . Most likely to be arrested for speed· lng • , • Get Wildroot cream oil, Tony .

JOHN G. MacBRIDE 7138 Rut/and Street, 49 Resurrection 1 D, 2E , JE, 4A . . . Intramural bowl ing 1 , 2 . ••. laSclenlia , •• Palmer .•• Jones' buddy.

PI 5-5132 Science club 4


JOSEPH P. McANENEY 8346 Williams Avenue, 19 CH 7-6010 St. Raymond 1 A, 2E, 3B, 4A . . . Football 1, 2, 3, 4lll Basketball 3, 41ll ..• Track 1, 2, Jill, 4lll .•. Intramural basketball 1, 2 • , , Prom committee 4 • , • Vice-president 4 • . • legs . . • She likes me • . . Oh! What a vest . . . last of the McAneney dan.

JOHN M. McDONOUGH 620 E. Price Street, 44

JOSEPH M. McGONAGLE 7852 Devon Street, 18

VI 4-8801

Immaculate Conception 1 D, 2C, JE, 4E . . • Intramural bowl in g 2; track 1, 2 . . . llenllde dub 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Chairman stamp committe e 4 . • . Blue and Gold . . • Member of Ground Observe r Corps . . • likes to mambo .• • Finds funeraleers interesting . • . Oh, those cufflinks .


Holy Cross 1B, 2B, 3B, 4E . . . Intramural basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; bowling 3, 4; track 2, 4 . • . Is o soda executive in A&P . • . Mathematician • • • He doesn 't shake me . . . Shoulders.

GEORGE H. MALONE Ogontz 6439 310 Cedar Street, Jenkintown Immaculate Conception 1 D, 2F, 3C, 4B , •• Intramural track 1, 2, 3 Glee Club 1 . . . Blue and Gold •.. Junior achievement 3 ..• Soda jerk , •. Enjoys Saturday night dances •. , Scooter.

260 E. Queen Lone, 44

DA 4-7125

St. Michael of the Saints 1 A, 2B, JA, 4E ••• Scholastic letter 1, 3 , •• Intramural basketball 1, 2, 3 ; track 1, 2, 3 • , . Glee club 3 . . . DebaHng club 3 . . . Science club 4 . . . Cheerle ader 2, Jill, 4lll . . • IRC .•• Blue and Gold .•. Prom committee 4 . . . Span ish medal I, History medal Ill •.• West Poiot . . • likes music, dancing, playing soccer and model railroading .•• Has his own philosophy on homework. LEO J. MART IN 1317 Auburn Street, 32 SA 2-4711 Our lady of Mercy 1 A, 2C, 3F, 40 ••• Football 1, 3 . . • Basketball 1 •.. Intramural basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 ; track 1 , 2, 3, 4 . • . Prom committee 3, 4 . . . Class president 3 , • • Works in a drugstore • . . 39th P.A.L. , • , Pete ••. Slim.

Ho w much do you wont to bet it's wrong, Davis?


ROBERT J. MATTHEWS 4250 N. Hicks Street, 40

Gl 7 •1 984

St. Stephen 1C, 2A, 3B, 4C . . • Intramural bowling 2 . . . Prom committee 3, 4 . . . Wisterian 2, 3 , 4 •• Secretary-treasurer 2 . . . Blue and Gold . . • Enjoys dancing and music. . . . Most likely to be most liltely ••. Gives bowling instruct ions.

WA 4-7818

213 W . llosemor Street, 20

St. Helena 1 E, 2C , 3F, 4D . . . Crew 3, 4 . . • Intramural basketball 2, 3, 4; bowling 4 . •. Prom committee 4 • . . Benilde club 1 . • . Night school at La Salle or Penn . . . Major in accounting . . • Music and all sports ••. On diet .•• likes to sink crew shells.

MATTHEW F. MAZZA HA 4-0353 St. Athanasius 1 F, 2F, 3C, 4B ••. Track ~ •.. Intramural bowling 1, 2, 3, 4 •.• (champs 31; track 1, 2, 3, 4; cross country 1, 2 (champs 21 . . . Freshman talent show ••. Student council 3, 4 . . • Prom committee 3, 4 • . • Vice- president 2, 4 . . . President 3 . . . Drives a '51 Mazmoblle . . . Daule them with your footwork . • . Italian harp ••• Stands In a fox-hole.

7561 Wi//loms Avenue, 38

MICHAEL W. MAXWELL Fl 2-2812 Pine #toad, I I, Fox Chase St. Cecilia 1 F, 2A, 3A, 4C .•. Cross coun try 21ll, 31ll, 41ll . . . Track 2, 31ll, 41ll .•• Intramural track 1; basketball 2, 3 . . . Wisterian 3, 4 • . . Dartmouth or Princeton bound . . • Most humble . . . Secret desire to talk .•. Set LaSalle cross country records.



6 I 42 Folrhill Street, 20

WA 4 -78S5

St. Helena 1 F, 2F, 3C, 4B •.• Scholastic letter"" 1 Intramu ral track 3, 4 ; bowl ing 4 . . . Science club 4 . • . IRC . . • Football manager 3 . . • Blue and Gold ..• Skipper •.. Well, 1 don't know . .. Lavin's Mr. Bluster• • • . Squeaky.

BERNARD A. MULDOON I 94 I Ritner Street, 45 HO 5-9697 St. Monica 1 C, 2A, 3E, 4E . . . Baseball 1, 2 , 3 Intramural basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 (champs 3); track 1, 2 ••. Sandlot baseball star ••. Wrote a book titled "A Four-Year Course in Five."

ANTHONY P. MULL JAMES J . MONTAGUE GL 5-6651 5018 N . 15th Street, 41 Holy Child 1 C, 2C, 3E, 4D . . . Intramural basketba ll 3, 4; bowling 4 . . • Benilde club 1 ••• likes to play sox •.• listens to R a nd 8 music • •• Keeps the logan in order.


202 I Locust Street, 3

Ill 6-4310 St. Patrick 1 C, 3F, 4E . . . Football 3, 41Ll •.• Crew 1, 3 • • . Intramural basketball 1; track 1, 3, 4 . . . Prom committee 4 •.. Weightlifter . . . Motorcycle Mike . . . Give me a new Triumph "cycle" Understudy for Marlon Brando . . • Wears Flagg f lye rs.

JOHN T. MOONEY PI 5-8275 622 E. Rosalie Street, 20 St. William Guam 1 , Atlantic City 2, Washington 3, 4C . . . Wisterian 4 Blue and Gold . . . Chemist . • • Likes music, parties and photography . . . Never does homework at home.

ALBERT J. MURPHY 7155 Critten den Street, I 9 CH 7-6165 Holy Cross 1 F, 2D, 3D, 4A . . . Intramural basketball 3 , 4 (champs 31; track 1, 3, 4 !champs 31; bowling 2, 4 • . • White bucks . . . Knows all girls at Ocean City.

JOHN J. MUIR CH 7-6173 Jorden Rood and East Lone, I 8 Seven Dolors 1 C, 2D, 3D, 4A . • . Intramural bowling 2, 4 ; track 3 (champs 3) Dramatics club 3, 4 . . . President of dramatics club 4 • likes to watch television, pick on younger brother, and bum.

DONALD J. MURPHY I 034 N. I 9th Street, Camden 5 St. Anthony of Padua 1 E, 2A, 3A, 4E • • . Intramural basketball 3, 4 ••• Closs presl· dent 3 . . . Wants to join the Marines ••• likes '41 Plymouth, Camden dances, and St. Mary's Academy in Haddonfle!d . . . If he beals you to school, you're late.



ltOIERT E. MUiti'HY 531 l indley Rood, Glenside Ogontz 4638 St. Luke 1 D, 2D, 3D, 4B ••. Football 3 . . . Track 3, 41ll . • . Intramural crou country 2 ; basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 ; track 1, 2; bowling 1, 2, 3 . . • Prom committee . . . Science club 2, 3, 4 . • . IRC Aeronautical engineering at Notre Dame . • • Glenn Miller fan ••• Ocean City. EDWARD J. NESSLER 580Y2 Van Kirlc Street, 20

PI 5-5604

St. William 1D, 2A, 3F, 4D .••. Football 21ll, 31ll, 41ll ••. Ba1eba ll 21ll, 31ll, 41ll ••• Basketball 1 ••• Intramural basketball 2, 3, 4 . • . Prom committee 4 . • • Clan p resident 2 • . . Smallest senior in the school • • • A real battler . . . Student athlete.

RAYMOND J. NOLAN 5763 N. Marshall Street, 20

Midway 3-0351 St. Denise 1 D, 2E, 3E, 4B ••• Science club 4 Gerry . . • Villanova l ikes intricacies of mechanics • . . Wears cool corduroy vests • . . 0 ' 8.

THOMAS V. O'MAllEY 2119 W . Ruffner Street, 40 RA 5-2880 Our Lady of Holy Souls 1 A, 2D, 3D, 4C . . . Intramu ral basketball 2, 3, 4 (champs 31; crou country 2; track 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Prom committee 4 . Treasurer 1 . Secretary 4 • . . likes dancong, Joni James . Basketball ace of 4C • . . Mutt and Jeff- Pinto and O'Malley.

GERALD P. O'NEill WA 7-0733

St. Helena 1A, 2C, 3B, 4A . . • Football 1 • • • Scholastic letter 1 • •. Intramural basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; track 1, 2, 3, 4 ; bowling 2 . . . Prom committee 4 ••• Dancing at St. Joe's . • . Was a peon at Delaware hotel, 0 . C. . • • Gone collegiate.

40 I Woodbroolc tone, 19

VI 8-.5286

little Flower 18, 2B, 3A, 4A . • • Intramural bowling 1, 2, 3, 4 • Stage crew 4 . • . Glee club 4 ••• Wisterian 2, 3, 4 • • . Science club 2, 3, 4 . . • Future owner of the Hill Theatre . . • Get out of the road . • . Most likely to become a grea t chemist . • . Has a map of every kitchen In the county.

CH 7-1010

Holy Cross 18, 2C, 38, 4E • . . Swimming 1 . . • Track 3, 41ll . Intramural basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 ; bowling 2, 3, 4; track 2; crou country 2 • , • IRC . , Sports and cars . • • Wears mountain climbing boots to school . . • Plaid jacket fan. ROBERT J. PECULSKI

JOHN C. NOONAN 6705 Anderson Street, 19

GEitAlD F. O'BRIEN 2325 Belmont Avenue, Ardmore

wo 3-4916 Sacred Heart 1F, 2C, 3E, 4E ••• J.V. bowling Jill . . J.V. tennis 1 . . • Intramural bowling 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Wisterians 1, 2, 3, 4 •.. Band 1, 2, 3, 4 •. Capta in of band 4 • . . Digs graves d~ring the summer . . . Young man with a horn . • . Chevvies over from Jersey. 1439 Kaighn Avenue, Camden 3, N. J.

NICHOLAS J. PINTO 0£ 3-1245 3036 Unruh Avenue, 49 St. Timothy 10, 2C, 30, 4C . . . Baseball 2, Jill, 4(ll Intramural basketball 1 , 2 , 3, 4 ; track I, 2, 3; bowling 1, 4 .•• Class president 3, 4 • Vice-president 2 . . . Pizza with Pinto • . • The Masked Man . . . looks like Yogi, too • . . Collegiate.


6107 Alma Street, 49 18, 2C, 30, 4E . How about that?

cu 8-2277 St. Martin of Tours Band 1, 2, 3, 4 . • . Combo drumming . • • . Conservative dresser . • • Slays the ladies.

ANTHONY J. PRESSENS NE 4-5535 245 I N. lawrence Street, 33 St. Edward 1 A, 2E, 3E, 4A . . . Track 3, 4 . . . Intramural bowling 1, 2, 3, 4; basketball 3, 4 . . • Band 1, 2, 3, 4 • , . Senior prom committee • . • Plans include Penn State . . . Frenchle • • . Which one is the tuba?

JAMES W. QUINN NE 4-.S708 1438 N. 2nd Street, 22 St. Michael 1 A, 2B, 3F, 40 . • . Swimming 1, 2 Intramural track 1; basketball 2, 3 , 4 . . . Senior prom committee • • . Quinnie . . . Temple-Eckels . . . Future funeral director .•• Saturday n!ght dances . . • Wildwood figures in his summers.

Did you hear the one Brother Mich~el told today?

lr must be good, judging by Oigan's expression.




Centerpoint St. Helena 1 F, 2B, 3B, 4C . . . Track 4 • . . Crew 2 ••• lntromutol country 2; basketball 2, 3; track 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Cornell or nova . . • Most likely to be pride of Norwood Academy . . . . • . Owns his own ranch. Belfty Fotm, RO 2, Norristown

7128 cross VIllaHuh?

JOHN F. REARDON WA 4-9404 2042 Medary Avenue, 38 St. Benedict 1 F, 2D, 3F, 4D . . . Baseball 3, 41ll • . . Scholastic medal 2, 3 ••• Intramural basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; track 1, 2, 3; bowling 2, 3 • . • Prom committee 4 . . . Bones Is a great clutch hitter • . • Brains ••• What an accountantl

ALAN E. REED 311 Southctest Rood, Springfield, Oelowote County Kl 3-5324 St. Dorothey 1 D, 2D, 30, 4E . • • Track 1 ••• Cross country 2, 3, 4 Crew 1, 2, 3, 41ll . . . Intramural track 1, 4; basketball 4 Stage crew 4 ••• Science club 3, 4 ••. Spider .•• likes jan, music and sports • • • Buick killer • • • Most likely to beat Haller in cross country.

JOHN J. REILLY Ogontz 4641 W 4 l 5 Collman Street, Jenkintown Immaculate Conception 1 D, 2F, 3C, 4B . . . Track 2, 3, 41ll , , , Intramural basketball 2, 3 . . . Band 1, 2, 3, 4 . . • Accomplished musician • • . Sharp dresser • . . Owns stock in the Jenkintown Hot Shoppe.

RAYMOND J . RENNARD 5429 Claridge Street, 24



St. Ambrose 1 F, 2D, 3D, 4E . . . Cross country 2, 3 . . . Track 2, 3, 4 . . . Intramural basketball 1, 4 (champs 1 I; track 1 ••• Science dub 3, 4 . . . Vice-president of science club 3 . . . Dramatics 3, 4 . . • President of J.A. • . . Headman of the stage crew ••• Rennard and Hoskinson. ROBERT J. RIETHMILLER Turner 3022 333 Meetinghouse Rood, Jenkintown St. James 1 C, 2A, 3A, 4E . • • Scholastic letter 1 • . • Intramural bowling 1, 2, 3, 4 (champs 21 . . . Prom committee . . • IRC . . . Glee Club 1 • • • Cheerleader 2 • • • Seen a lot at La Salle Saturday night dances • • • likes playing cards and vacationing at Ocean City ••• Excellent caddy.

JOSEI'ti W. RUMER 696 I limekiln Pike, 38

CHARLES W. ROELLIG 3225 Teesdale Street, 36 MA 4-2158 St. Matthew 1 F, 2C, 3E, 4A . . . Football 2, 3(ll, 4(l) . . . Track 3, 4 . . , Intramural basketball 1, 2 , 3, 4 (champs 1 I; track 1, 2, 3 . • . Prom committee 3, 4 . . . Vice-president 1 .•• likes girls and Medford lakes . • . Mau-mau prince • • • Toro . . . Hates to lose to St. Thomas More.

ROBERT J. ROWLAND 404 E. Pleasant Street, I 9

little Flower 1 F, 2B, 3C, 4B •. • Golf 3, 4 . . . Intramural bowling 1, 2, 3, 4 What did you gel in the lest? • . likes GI• • • Mouse Miller music . . . Most likely to go to Athens . . . linguistic whiL


St. Alhanasius 1 D, 2E, 3E, 4D . . . Football 1 • . . Track 1 Ill, 2 (ll , 4(ll . . , Crou country 2 . • . Intramural track 1; basketball 1 • . • Prom committee 3, 4 • . . likes cars, football, and basketball •.• Rumee . . . Holy mackerel, Andy.

427 W. Delphine Street, 20

Ml 4- 1236 Incarnation 1 C, 2C, 3E, 4D . . . Intramural track 3 . . . Is a po:tern maker . • • l ikes boxing, stock cars . • • Yos . . . Did you hear those pipes?

EDWARD A. SHEA 101 S Price Street, 38

HAROLD G. SCHMIDT 7007 Woolston Rood, 38

HA 4 ..2526

St. Athanasius 1B, 2C, 3D, 4A . . . Baseball 21ll, 3(ll, 4(ll . . . Basketball 3, 4(l) . . . Intramu ral track 3, 4 •.• Wisterian 2, 3, 4 . . . Wo rks during the summer on the beach in Ocean City • . . Fabulous . . • Staged a real comeback.


GE 8-5893 Immaculate Conception 1 F, 2E, 3D, 4C . . . F,o otball 1, 2 . . . Track 4 . . . Scholastic letter 3 . . . Intramural track 1, 2, 3 (chomps 2, 31; basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 (champs 1, 2, 31 . • . Prom committee 4 . . . CICISI treasurer 1, 3 . . . Closs president 2 . . . Interested in spem and advancement of East Germantown at La Salle •.• Rojo • , , Buzzy.



Epiphany Scholastic Iotter llewling 2, 3, 4; cross country 2 . • . IIOtics 3, 4 ••• Bonildo club 1, 2, 3, , •. Drexel or Villanova for engineering ..seboll ore pastimes . . . Hair tearer.

HO 2-051 I

1, 3, 4 . . Intramural Wisterion 3, 4 . . • Dro4 • . . Science club 3, 4 . . . Stomp collecting and

EDWARD J . SPANIER PI 5-8283 8011 Castor Avenue, IS Resurrection of Our lord I C, 211, 3A, 4C . • . Scholastic feller 3 . • • Science club 4 lltC 4 A Chrysler rooter . . . Ha rdware in his head Joke.

ROBERT W. SUTER Chapel Hill 1189 R-1 1366 Old Ford Rood, Huntingdon Volle y St. Cecilia Intramural basketball 1f, 2F, 3C, 4A . . . Crew 1, 2, 3, 41ll for Vesper during summer . . . Schmidt"s

PASQUALE S. TANCREDI HA 4-4080 184 1 Tulpehocken Street, 38 St. Athonosius 1 B, 211, 38 , 4C . . . Intramural !rock 1, 3 ; basketball 1, 2, 4 . . . Cla n treasurer 1 . . . likes visiting New York . • Apothecary esquire ..• Are you posing for holy pictures, boy?

736 Church Lone, 44

VI 4-5718

Immaculate Conception 1 C, 2A, 3A, 4C . . . Intramural bowling 1, 4 · basketball 3, 4; track 3, 4 . . . Bond 1, 2, 3, 4lll . Snow Flake . . . Most likely to write biography of Chaucer . . . Would eat no fot.

JOSEPH C. SULOCK PI 5-8136 1320 Sf. Vin cent Street, II Resurrection of Our lord 1 II, 2F, 3C, 4A . • • Cross country 3, 4 . • • Track 3, 4 • • . Int ramural basketball 2, 3, 4 ; track 2; cross country 2, 3 • . . Trig doss at lunchtime • • • Basketball ace • • . Hyena Iough.

MICHAEL J. TANNEY 2233 Washington Lone, 38

Ll 9-0715

St. Raymond IE, 2A, 3A, 4E . . . Intramural bowling 2, 3, 4; cross country 2 Wisterlon 1 , 2, 3, 4 . Dramatics 3, 4 . Art 1, 2, 4 • • • Movie fan . . . Usher at Erlen theatre . . . Johnny Dark.


WilliAM F. TAYLOR 7103 N. Brood Slreel, 26 Ll 8-0183 Holy Angels 1 II, 2E, 3E, 4A . . • Intramural bowling 1, 2, 3, 4 • Avid explorer fan • • • His day ends promptly at 2:40 Moto,s In a Ford.

CLAYTON H. THOMAS OR 3-3568 St. Katherine of Sienna 1 B, 2D, 3D, 4C . • • Intramural track 1, 2 Prom committee 4 ••. Attends dances at St. Joe's • . . Rides a cow to school ••• Handwriting expert. 9609 Leon Street, 14

EDWARD J. THOMPSON 3919 Lawndale Street, 34 JE 5-1195 Holy Innocents 1 A, 2D, 3D, 4A • . . Intramural basketball 1, 3 (chomps 31; track 1, 3 (champs 1, 31 . . . Works at a gas station . . Plays on basketball team at Holy Innocents ••• Buttermilk.



29 I 7 Hale Street, 49


St. Timothy 1F, 2C, 3E, 4E • . . Basketball 2 . . . Intramural basketball 3, 4 . . . Closs vice-president 3 . . • Likes rhythm and blues summen at Margate . . . The Codger.

JOSEPH C. VARE I 0 I I Serpentine Lane, Wyncote Ogonlr 984 I Immaculate Conception, Jenkintown 1 C, 28, 38, 4E . . . Crew 2, 3, 4 . . . Football 2 . . • Works with auto parts . . . Student at Charles Atlas . . . Best mannered . . . Passed the driver's test, but not the mental test.


u 8-6709 St. Raymond 1 B, 2A, 3A, 4C . . . Intramural bowling 1 , 2, 3, 4 ••• Dramatics 3, 4 . . . Closs secretory-treasurer 3 . . • Tackles the guitar . . . Mows lawns in the summer . . . Trenchcoot Ventresca . . . Wears quilts to school in winter.

7600 Forrest Avenue, 38

JOSEPH A. VOGEL GL 7-1220 St. Henry 1 F, 2F, 3C, 4B •.• Fan of popular music and modern jazz Hunting and fishing advocate • . . Voice of a lyric soprano Blind man.

549 W. luray Street, 40

JOSEPH J. VOSS CH 7-5074 Holy Cross 1 C, 28, 3A, 4A . . • J.V. bowling 2 , 3 . . . Intramural bowl ing 1, 2, 3 , 4; basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 ; track 2, 4 . • . Glee club 4 . . . Science club 3, 4 ••• Wisterian 4 • Tommy Dorsey and swing fan , • • Saturday night dances , , , Most likely to be called Shorty. 4 IS E. Gorgas Street, 19

ROBERT J. WAGNER I 458 Higbee Street, 49

cu 8-5817

St. Martin of Tours 1 C, 2B, 3A, 4A . . . Scholastic letter 1 , 2, 3, 4 . • . Scholastic medal 1 , 2, 3 . . . Religion medal 2, 3 • . . Intramural basketball 2, 3, 4 . . • Cheerleading 2, 3, 4 . . . Class treasurer 1 • . • Class vice-president 3 . . . President 4 •. , Sandlot sports association baseball Hanus strums a hot guitar .•• Drives a pleading Plymouth . . . A's fan; died when they left Philly.


3009 Fanshawe Slreel, 49

St. Timothy

11, 2F, 3C, 4B , • , Crew 1, 4(l) , , . Football 2, 3 . • , Scholtlllic letter 1 , , , Intramural basketball 1, 2 , 3, 4 ; track 1 , 2, 3, 4 ; bowling 1, 2 , 3, 4 , . . Science dub 3, 4 . . • IRC . . . Prom committee 4 . , . Junior achievement 3, 4 •. • Quite a raconteur ••• Pessimistic about his marks . . • Drives a blue Hudson.


247 W. Sparks Slreel, 20

Ll 9-3037

St. Helena 1E, 2D, 3F, 4D , . . Football 2ill, 3<LI, 4 ill . . . Track 2ill, 3(ll, 4(ll , . , Intramural basketba ll 2, 3, 4 , , • Prom committee 3, 4 • • . Class president 2, 4 • • , Student council 2, 3, 4 President of student council 4 , . • Best li ked . . . let's kill 'em, baby • • • Ach ieved th e fun assemblies.

JOHN A. WELSH I 025 W. Indiana Ave nue, 33 RA S-1805 St. Stephen 1 B, 2A, 3A, 4A • • , Bowling 2, 3, 4(l) In tra mural bowling 1, 2; basketball 1, 3 . , Wist erian 3, 4 , , , Prom committee 4 Junior achievement • . . Short order cook • . . La Salle' s Beau Brummel.

LAWRE NCE H. WENTZ 6705 N . Elghlh Slreel, 26 WA 4 -2036 St. Joseph (Cheltenham) 1 B, 2C, 3D, 4B ••• Tennis 1, 2(ll, 3(ll, 4 (L) • Bowling 3 • . • Baseball 3, 4(l) •.• Intra mural bowling 1, 2, 4 ; basketball 3, 4 (champs 31; track 2 , •• Prom committee 4 . • . IRC . •. Blu e and Gold ••• Junior a chievement 3 • . • Member of the white bucks dub . •• Pancho •. , Member of Gormbn's gang .

freshmen choral group enroute.

JOHN A. WHELAN 1736 Vista Street, I l

PI S-2760

Resurrection 1B, 2A, 3A, 4A • Art Club 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Prom committee 4 • . . Wisterian 2 • • . Art school In the future • . . Hillbilly music fan . . • La Salle's Norman lt~well.

WILLIAM J. WHELAN 7430 Devon Street, I 9 CH 7-2290 Holy Cross 1B, 2A, 3B, 4C •• Intramural cross country 1, 2; basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; track 1 , 3 , 4 . . • Closs secretary 3 . • • IRC • • . Blue and Gold . . . Most likely to pass Spanish 1 . . . Sweater boy . • . lost of three Whelan brothers . . . Basketball ace.

Dios te salve, Maria .

HENRY M. WILLIAMS 6238 G/en/och Street, 35 DE 3-SIS! St. leo 1 C, 2B, 3A, 4E . • . Intramural track 1, 2, 3, 4; cross country 1, 2, 3, 4; basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Wisterion 3 . • • Wonts to be a certifled public accountant . . . Sandlot football . , • Most likely to replace Berle • • • Knows the faculty better than anyone.

FRANCIS C. WOODRING 7009 Cedar Pork Avenue, 38 St. Athanasius 1 ~. 20, 30, 4A . . • lnt;amural bowling Og'ontt Esso Servicenter . . . Itching power hot rodders • • . Has a thermonuclear mufller.

WA 4·748 7

Band 1 . . . Emperor of the

Lamb gives Langan's pegged khakis the once-over.

EDWARD A. WOOLSLAGER 1312 Wagner Avenue, 41 DA 4-5422 Holy Child 11, 28, 3F, 4D . . . Football 1, 2 • . . Intramural bow ling 3 . . . Junior prom committee . . . Secretory and trea surer 2 • • • Works ot A & P ••• Only quiet membor of the Gorman gang.

FRANK J. WUNDERLICH 62 6 8roodacres Rood, Norbertll MO 4·..3930 St. Margaret 18, 2F, 3C, 48 . . . Intramural bowling 1 • . . Science dub 4 . . . Wondy . . You can 't want what you already have • •• Likes chemistry . • • Does homework from 3 to 1 0 .

PETER A. WUTZER Fl 2-1222 Presentation 18, 2F, 3C, 48 ••• Schola st ic letter 1 Intramural bowling 1 1 2, 3; track 1, 2, 3 ; ba sketball 2; crou country 2 (champs) Stage crew 3 , 4 . . . Most likely to wind up on Broadway • . • Handyman with a bru sh • • • Wutxer and Frank.

649 Unruh Street, II

RONALD F. ZE HNLE " ll 9-3!56 St. Henry 18, 2F, 3C, 4A . . . Scholastic letter 1 • . . Intramural frock l, 2, 3, 4 ; bowling 1, 2, 3, 4 (champs 31; cross country 2 • Ploys piano . • • Likes sports, dancing, chemistry, aeronautics ••• Air Force bound. 6051 Water Strut, 20


Robert Wagner 4A

John Flood 48

James Ward 40



Now in its third year, the Student Council has become an increasingly beneficial instrument operating in behalf of the student body. Some recent accomplishments of the Council have been the beginning of entertainment assemblies, and the acquiring of a United States and a Papal flag for the auditorium. In addition, it has provided trophies for outstanding intramural performance, and has posted suggestion boxes, beside organizing spirit committees for the promotion of attendance at sports events. Moderated by Brother E. Thomas, the 1954-55 Council continues the fine work of providing novel and popular school improvements which emanate from student suggestions.

William Lafferty 4E 58

Robert Peculski Band 3,4

William Dick 3C

Raymond Frankson 3A

James Reynolds 38

James Goodyear 3D

Charles Murray 3E

Student Council secretary Gerry Hepburn, president Jim Ward and vice-president Tom Corrigan at a March meeting.


Robert Fritzsche 2A

John Murray 28

Robert Walsh 2C

Richard Ameika 20

Edward Dever 2E

Richard Mullin Band 1,2

Thomas Henry J A

Lawrence Everling J D


Stephen Kennedy J 8

William Laman J E

Reginald Wray JC

George Ward JF

Brother William indicate s a change in technique to Mike Tanney.

The Art Club is a particularly active group whose handiwork is in abundant evidence throughout the school year. Guided by Brother F. William, the members contribute to school spirit by their signs urging attendance at athletic contests. Of particular interest are the unusual displays they provide for the band's Music Festival. The culmination of the year' s artistic labor is the week-long exhibition of student painting and sketching, held annually in the gymnasium.

John Fe eley captures the Hallowe'en spirit during the annual window painting contest in Germantown.

Postel sketching prov id es a challenge for these art students.

THE OLDEST OF THE FINE ARTS LaSalle art enthusiasts take every opportunity to further their natural talent.



\ The welcome result of a long season of practice was the Catholic league trophy, presente d by Mon signor Reilly to b and captain, Bob Pecufski. •

With Mr. Joseph Colantonio directing and Brother G. Augustin moderating, our men of music have made laudable advances during the past year. As the result of exce ptional performances of many origi nal and highly entertaining routines during the Catholic Leaguo football season, the band w as awarded the C.Y.O. outstanding band trophy in competition with seven other bands. The Blu e and Gold marchers were again invited to re pres ent Mississippi in its game against Villanova , a contest witnessed by almost 100,000 sp e ctators. The

" Thre e Jacks" played by two Jacks-lagana and Monaghan -and a Bob--Pecufski.

band was sele cted to herald the arrival of Santa Claus, playing on that fe stive occa sion in Reading Terminal. And once again, a packed house applauded our bandsmen during the Philadelphia Eagles-Ne w York Giants football game at Connie Mack Stadiun:t . To these distinctions have bee n added the National Catholic Bandmasters Association award, which entitles the group, chosen a s the outstanding Catholic 'high school band in the United States, to spe.nd a few days at a summer music camp sponsored by the University of Notre Dame.

Our band was selected, naturally, from all others in the area, to lead the solemn Mari.a~ ye ar procession fro~ the Art Museum to the Cathedral during the EuchanstiC Congress of the 0flental Rite.

" Let me give you an example" . . . Messrs. Trapplcr, DeLuca, McFarland, and Whelan.

This year, under the new moderatorship of Brother F. Jose~ , the Men of La Salle have continued their work of promoting the parent-teacher-student relationship and providing student aid when needed. Fun and entertainment for the men was furnished by the monthly meetings a~d the annual Barn Dance, and for the boys in the way of the overwhelmingly successful Father-Son banquet which was held last fall. Furthermore, 1955 was particularly notable insofar as it marked the tenth anniversary of the founding of the organization, which has specialized in cheerful and charitable success.

At the tenth anniversary reunion held at Sunken Gardens, former moderator Bro. Godfrey John, Messrs. Craven, Ganley and McFarland, discuss the doings of a decade.

Brother David Albert and officers of the Benilde Club consider the problems of religion in the modern world.


"The harvest is great, but the laborers few." With this in mind, the Benilde club was founded on the LaSalle campus in 1948. The club, moderated since its inception by Brother David Albert, has as its goal the cultivation of religious vocations among its members. The large number of former Benilde members in the novitiates and seminaries of the diocese attests to the effectiveness of this worthy organization .

The labors of the Josephite Fathers are related to members of the Benilde Club by Father Ben;amin Horton, a Josephite missionary. 72

DEBATING A little known group of effective speakers-that is our debating club. Moderated by Brother Fredwin Jerome, the debaters have succeeded in garnering forensic league honors for LaSalle. Bill Lafferty, Ed Connolly, Dave Serchak and Joe McAuliffe form the nucleus of a team which has participated in the Temple University Speech Festival, as well as in tournaments sponsored by Camden Catholic and Little Flower High Schools.

The senior mainstays of the Debating team, Bill Lafferty and Ed Connolly, practice extempore speaking.

John Simone, Brother Jerome, Dave Serchak and Joe McAuliffe prepare for the Temple Speech Festival.


A group from 40 /earns much about industry from a representati ve of the American Pulley Co . during a tour of its plant.


Inquisitive Pete Martin poses a question.

The 1955 International Relations Club, moderated by Mr. James Gallagher, has proved to be very active by traveling to local industrial plants and taking part in such cultural activities a s the Junior Town Meeting of the Air and the model State Assembly sponsored by Temple University. The members of the organization have learned much about capital, labor and government, thus furthering classroom learning by practical experience.

The Science Club's nove l publication, LaScientia, takes form under the editorship of Bill Glenn , aided by his assistants.


Brother Steph e n describes the intricacies of an oscillator tube to Bill Glenn and Joe Crowley.

The Science Club, again under the direction of Brother Stephe n, has inaugurated for the first time a monthly paper called La Scientia , the purpose of w hich is to present recent scientific discoveries in d igest form. This year, as before, the group has used such m ed ia as film strips, proje ct making, and trips to the Franklin Institute and Te mple University to promote a greate r interest in scientific fields among the student body.


Judy Huss and friends give lyons a polite bum's rush.

Shhh! Mike Tanney, John Wiest and John Mu ir attempt to assuage Barbara Roach 's shock over Bob Lyons' demise.


Dramatics director Mr . Moore holds the script as Mik e Tann ey and John Muir rehearse a scene.



Our dramatics group, reviving the senior play for the flrst time in Ave years, offered a polished and realistic production of "Room Service." We were graciously aided in this presentation by the girls from St. Ma ry's Acad emy. Our thespians, under the knowing direction of Mr. John Moore a nd moderated by Brother F. Jerome, also entertained us with seve ral one a ct pla ys d uring assembly programs. The stage crew, directed by Brother E. Fid e lis, created the imaginative and artistic sets so necessary for the success of o u r a cto rs.


WI STERIAN Editor-in-Chief ... ........ ....... Robert lyons News Editors .... David Serchak, Richard Deluca Sports Editor ...... . .. ....... Frank McCormick Art ......... John Campbell, Raymond Pentz ell Photographer ................ Joseph Sprissler Moderator .............. Bro. Gratian of Jesus

Ed Connolly, artist John Campbell, editor Bob Lyons, sports editor Frank McCormick and Dick DeLuca proofread the galleys for a March issue.

The Wisterian is our monthly publication which ably reviews and comments on the news of the school.

In addition to news reporting, the paper features

a complete school sports review as well as an instuctive editorial section. Moderated by Brother Gratian, with Bob lyons serving as editor-in-chief, the Wis is an excellent example of high school journalism.

Preliminary page sketches are checked by Frank Gleeson, Ed Connolly and Bob Lyons.


Editor frank Miller, George Malo ne, John Mooney, Tom Lavin and Larry Wentz previe w the basketball section of the Blue and Gold.

The 1955 BLUE AND GOLD is the result of a desire by the staff and moderator to summarize a year' s religious, scholastic, athletic, and cocurricular activity for you, our subscribers. To achieve that end, we have carefully selected the best in story-telling photographs and their

accompanying captions and descriptions. If, in years to come, you spend a few pleasant hours browsing through this Blue and Gold, nostalgically reminisci ng about 1954-55 at LaSalle, all our efforts will be compensated for.

The Blue and Gold staff membe rs envision th e i nfo rmative conferences of the Columbia Press Conference a s they depart for New York.


Frank Miller Assistant Editor John D'Aifonso Staff James Canalichio George Malone Arthur Etchells John McDonough David Forde John Mooney Gerard Hepburn Robert Rowland Thomas Lavin Lawrence Wentz louis Lendvay William Whelan Photography

Zamsky Studios

Mike Maicher

The beginning of the big night-Pat Campbell, leo Maynes, Jim Ward, Joe Voss and their dates.

You got ticket, boy?

The Dukes and Duchesses of Mayfair arrive.


Grand entrance at the gala occasion .


With the disappointment of the previous week's snowstorm and its resultant postponement behind us, our February twenty-first senior prom was a delightfully successful affair. With Green Valley Country Club supplying the modernistic setting, one hundred twenty seniors and their dates danced to the music of Oscar Dumont and his orchestra. The ever-growing

popularity of the mambo a nd other Latin dances, at which some of the couples tried their ta lents, was in evide nce. As usual, the organizatio nal ability of Brother Gildatus Thomas was the keystone of this me mora ble occasion. Several parties follow ing the prom rounded out the festivities and contributed to an evening of unforgetable e ntertainment.




Senior Mike Maxwell hopes to pass down some of his cross-country knowhow to Junior Pete Walheim and Sopho more Vince Pannepacker.

Front row: Gallagher, Devinney, Riceman, Kee nan, Blumenthal, Dowling, DiPietro, Flood, Ambrogi, Reed, Sulock, Le Seur. Top row: Brother William, Walheim, Wray, Corcoran, Holl er, Pannepacker, Donohue, Corrigan, Ma x w ell , Ward, Branningan, Anderson, Whalen, Vincent.



The past fall saw Brother William's harriers tied for third place in a tight Catholic league. Mike Maxwell was the backbone of the team as he took fourth place in the Catholic league championship . John Flood, Don Dipetro, Tom Corrigan, Vince Pannepacker, Pete Walheim, and John Donohue rounded out the Little Explorers' top echelon.

It must be p osed; Donohue looks so fresh .



Ray on his way.

ANOTHER GOOD SEASON Certainly this year's record of si x wins and fou r losses places LaSa lle's football team near the top in the history of the sport at 20th and Olney. Fro m the fi rst d ay at football camp to t h e last gru elling game Thanksgiving morning, coach J im Gallagher h ead e d a squad that he and assistant coach John Flannery, and moderator Brother Edward can very w ell be proud of. Most impressive throughout the season was the squad's grim dete rmination to win even when the chips were down. Our footballers began by utterly smashing St. Matthew 's in the opener. After losing three in a row to Central, St. Thomas More, and St. Jam es, the season seemed to shape up to the o ld story: too much optimism and not enoug h fulfillment . But a fire was ignited and ou r Little Ex plorers were off with a satisfying victory over Roman Catholic. Then, although th ey lost to South Catholic, they succeeded in piling up a high er score against t he city cham ps than any other team .


Our gridmen finished the season by winning five of their last six games- the last four in a row over St. Joseph's Prep, North Catholic, West Catholic, and Germantown High-<Jnd wound up a respected third in the Catholic League. Finally, additional distinction was had by the selection of hustling Charlie Carroll to the first team All-Catholic squad, with injury-plagued Jim Ward and rugged Frank Lamprecht being voted second team honors. LaSalle 20 ....... St. Matthew . . . . . . . . . 0 LaSalle 7 ....... Central 12 LaSalle 12 St. Thomas 14 LaSalle 12 . . . . . . . St. James ..... ... .... 25 LaSalle 19 ....... Roman Catholic . .... . 0 LaSalle 20 . . . . . . . South Catholic 31 LaSalle 24 St. Joseph 0 LaSalle 27 ...... . North Catholic 0 LaSalle 2 West Catholic 0 LaSalle 13 ....... Germantown 7 •

































Even magic won 't bring him down!

Beginning of the end lor the Prep.

Dick brushes the Burrs.

Falcons fall; Explorers rise.


Bewaref . . . Explosive Ex plorer.

Don't squirm now, baby!

I four

on one.

Let' s go, Greco/

Murray in a hurry.

A fine endeavor by Dever.

Gillespie turns on o dee#.

Herrero shows them his heels.

DOWN TO THE WIRE It has gotten to the point where basketball fans in this city automatically expect O'Bie O'Brien's quintet to show up at the Palestra during the Shaughnessy playoffs . And once again, as so often in the past, O 'Bie guided his charges through an exceptionally rugged Catholic league season of nine wins and five losses, after havin~ won six straight games against non-league competition. And for the second time in three years, our basketeers succumbed to the superior forces of West Catholic in the game for the league champions hip. However, it was a memorable season which provided LaSalle fans with occasion for pride in a well coached team, in thrilling performances of individual players, and in the numerous honors conferred upon our athletes. Jerry Bohlinger



made the first team All-Catholic in the Daily News and received honorable mention in the other two papers. George Schmidt was awarded second team honors in all three papers and also gained the coveted Markward award for outstanding play. Although hampered by sickness and injuries during most of the season, AI Haebe r was chosen on the second team by the Daily News and received honorable mention in the Inquirer and Bu lletin, while Hugh Brolly was placed on the second team in the latter two papers. Finally, considering the number of experienced players who are to return next year, perhaps we can look forward to the realization of our hopes for a return of the championship to LaSalle.



0 '8/E O'BRIEN.










69 .. LINCOLN ----·--------------------92 GERMANTOWN ---------------54 GERM ANTOWN ACADEMY 81 FRANKFORD ---------------------73 NORTHEAST ---------------------7l CENTRAL -------------------------60 ST. JAMES . ---------------------64 WEST CATHOLIC -------------56 SOUTH CATHOLIC -------------41 .. NORTH CATHOLIC -----------45 ST. THOMAS MORE -----------71 . ST. JOSEPH ------------------------

47 37 37 61 55 49

44 60 SO 52 49 58



69 ...... ROMAN CATHOLIC ---- -----4J.. ....ST. JAMES -----------------------5J.. .... WEST CATHOLIC -------------72 ..... SOUTH CATHOLIC -------------69..... NORTH CATHOLIC -----------54 ......ST. THOMAS MORE ---------72 ...... ST. JOSEPH ----------- ----------87 ...... ROMAN CATHOLIC ---------54 ...... ST. THOMAS MORE ---------SS •..... WEST CATHOLIC -------------52 ...... WEST PHILADEPHIA ----------

40 51 58

50 60 58 67 64 46 63 70

1 =

Tom Corrigan drives past a Roman Catholic defender for an easy layup.

stretched moves in to offer assistance.

JV and

FROSH Wayne Kullman prepares for any eventuality as John Brogan pulls in another rebound for fighting freshmen.



Th e 1955 bowling team rolled its way to a fairly successful season . Moderated by Brother E. John, coached by Frank McFadden, and cocaptained by seniors Jack Welsh and Bob Matthews, the keglers gave spirited opposition to all oppone nts. Although hampered by a series of injuries, the bowlers fought with untiring effort to achieve a respectable record of five wins, seven losses and two ties.

DIVOT DIGGERS Cedarbrook and Sandy Run' s rolling hills are the home courses of this year's golf team. Comprised of three former letter winners-Joe Kendra, Tom Lavin and Pat Gorman- and of junior Nick Dunphy and freshman Joe Paul, among others, the group boasts of experience and depth. Bro. G. Thomas, the moderator, feels that the prospects of our divot diggers is very promising.

Joe Kendra holes out on the eighteenth at Cedarbrook.


The Explorer tennis team counts heavily upon the return of four lettermen to capture its fourth consecutive Catholic League crown and its first city championship. These experienced racqueteers should lessen the burden imposed on moderator Brother Claude by the graduation of two of the finest netmen in LaSalle' s history. The team, composed mostly of underclassmen, is determined to maintain the supremacy of the wearers of the Blue and Gold .


George Crowe prepares high, hard first serve.

Left to right . .. Ed Schmidt, Larry W entz, Clif Gillespie, Charley Welsh , Ray Fitz patrick, Brother Gregory Claude.


The end of the 440 finds McAneney leading with room to spare. 113

Joe Rumer takes oR.

Judging by past performances and due to the fact that only one letterman was graduated, La Salle's track team seems to be headed for another successful season. Coach O' Bie O'Brien and Moderator Brother William have built the team into a perennial contender for

Ray Frankson prepares for a crash landing.

the Class B Catholic State Championship . In spite of a lack of depth, returning senior lettermen Carroll, Ward, Maxwell, Forde and McAneney are expected to lead the cindermen to many victories.


Hurdling interpreted by Dave Forde. 114

Joe McAneney streaks to the finish line.

The senior eight: Bob Suter, Tom Haggerty, Frank Lamprecht, Joe Flanagan , Gerry Hepburn, Lou Desiderio, Clark Hodgson, Carl Helwig, stroke, and AI Reed, coxswain.




Crew, one of the oldest sports at LaSalle, has one major distinction over all other sports- its me mbers may become champions of the United Sttltes. Unde r the moderation of Brother Cassian and the coaching of Mr. Charles Colgan, a new era of brilliance is opening for LaSalle's oarsmen. "Today's sweat, Tomorrow's wins" is the ever-present motto. Things are looking better for the scullers of the Blue and Gold.

Brother Cassian carefully watches the freshmen as they practice in the Penn rowing tanks.

Vince Szymkowski irons out a fa ult in Mark Sweeney's stroke.

The junior eight prepares itself for an arduous afternoon on the Schuylkill: coxswain Bill Strobel, stroke Ed Forte, John Keegan, Tom Hennessey, l eo Maynes, Harold Clark, Kevin Carey, Dick Pomfret and John M cCloskey.

Jade Reardon hook-slides into third.


Highlighting the extensive spring sports curriculum at LaSalle is America's national pastim e-baseball. The team, under Pilot Harry Woltemate and Moderator Bro . G. John, counts on rebounding strongly after an off-season last year. From the '54 club, only five lettermen

return to spike the diamond. The squad, comprised of experienced seniors and talented underclassmen, has displayed coordination on the mound, at bat, and in the field, which, combined with a will to win, has made the Explorer nine a championship contender for several years.

Left to right: coach Harry Wolte mate, Tom Hopkins, Nick Pinto, Joe Malizia , Don Mignona, Ed O'Mara, W a yn e Kullman , Jim Richard, Tom D'Annunzio, Jock Milburn , Ray Mull en , George Word, Brother Gervold John. Front: manager Mike Stephens, Eddie Nessler, Jock Re ardon , Marty Williams, Lorry W e ntz, Jim Hanlon, Dick Sissel, Joe Heyer, John Herre ra, manager Mike Verrech ia . Coach Woltemate outlines strate g y to baseball asp irants.

Nick Pinto braces himself lor the put-out.

Malizia was safe; look at the boll.

Eddie Nessler covers first on on attempted bunt.

Take it easy, Mignona; it's only a game/

COMPETITION FOR THE BANNERS Dig those crazy two-tones/

Deluca goes all our.

J B's cross-country champs.

Neck and neck at the tape.

You're charging, Hellman.

I Adelantel

Though lacking some of the glamour and publicity of their varsity counterparts, the intramural leagues furnish competition no less firey and they command followings no less enthusiastic than do the senior circuits. Beginning with football and bowling in early autumn and winding up with track and softball in the spring, the rivalry for the championship banners is never at an ebb. The behind-the-scenes promotion Please give it to me.


of the moderators, Bro. Adrian and Mr. Richard Bedese m, is deserving of special mention, as a re the students who give so freely of their time to officiate at the contests. League winners this year were: Football- 1 F, 2C. Bowling- 1 E, 2A, 38, 4C. Basketball-1 F, 2E, 3A, 4C. Crou-Country- 18, 2A, 3C. Clear ahead for Kennedy.

Sophomore relay.

All watch Wiest.

High risers and all.

9th period during autumn.



The generous patrons who responded so wonderfully during the fall drive;

The entire religious and lay faculty of LaSalle, for its support, understanding and encouragement;

Brother E. Francis, Principal, for his unselfish help in so many small details and also for his invaluable suggestiofls;

Miss Gladys Moore, secretary to the Principal, for innumerable favors;

Brother E. John, Bursar of LaSalle College, and his staff, for their handling of our finances;

Brother E. Fidelis, for the inspiring art work which graces the inside front and back covers;

Misses Ann McCarthy and louise Crisci, of Zamsky Studios, for their careful attention to our every request;

The staff photographers of Zamsky Studios, especially Bob Burns, Bob Shane, Bernie Lamberti and Ted Perskie, whose fine photographs are in evidence throughout the book;

Dan Solari, of the Cooke Publishing Company, for his valued assistance and co-operation;

Mike Maicher, photographer deluxe, for his superb photos which comprise most of the sports section, not to mention those found in the activities section. 128

HONORED P4TRONS Rt. Reverend Msgr. Thomas F. McNally, V.G., P.A., LL.D. Reverend Joseph J. Carroll, Ph.D. Reverend T. M. Cliggett Reverend Brother Eadbert of Jesus, F.S.C. Reverend John N. Kelly Reverend Joseph D. Kelly Reverend Henry J. Mcfall Sisters of St. Joseph, Chestnut Hill College Mr. and Mrs. William E. Aherne Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ardron Mr. and Mrs. William Barbour Binder Brothers Mr. and Mrs. Robert J . Bothwe ll, Sr. Frank P. Boyle, Inc. John Boyle Mr. Cornelius Byrne Mr. and Mrs. James F. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian Canalichio Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Clayton and Family Compliments of a Friend Compliments of a Friend Compliments of a Friend Compliments of a Friend Mrs. Blanche Cwik Dawn Donut Company The Dealys Mr. Denis R. Deasy Mr. William G. Diamond Mr. Bernard J. Dillon Mr. and Mrs. Harry Doehne Mr. and Mrs. Charles Doherty Mr. and Mrs. Edward Donahue Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Dondrea Mrs. Katherine F. Dougherty Mr. Andrew Draganosky Mr. James DeRufe Mr. Russell B. Eggleton Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Etchells Dr. F. C. Eksterowicz Mr. and Mrs. J. Arthur Fanning Finnaren and Haley Inc. Mr. and Mrs. J. Raymond Fitzpatrick Dr. John C. Flanagan Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Foley Frank' s Gulf Service Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Frumento Mr. and Mrs. John P. Gara Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Gillespie

Mr. Otto J. Glaser Mr. and Mrs. Froncis E. Gleeson Mr. and Mrs. William H. Glenn He rman Goldner Co. Compliments of the Grassi Family Mr. and Mrs. 0 . A. Haeber Mr. and Mrs. William Haller Mr. John F. Hanlon Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Harasym T. M. Harper Real Estate and Insurance Mr. and Mrs. Jame s I. Hayburn Heintz Employees Independent Union Mr. and Mrs. John Hellman He lwig Brothers Inc. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Hennessy Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heron Mr. Evelio Herrera Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hughes A. C. Hurlbrink Hutchins Advertising Company, Inc. William Hyndman, 3rd, Insurance Agcy., John B. Foley, Jr., Associate Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Kass Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Kennedy Mr. John J. Kerns, Realtor Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Kilbride Albert A. Knecht, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. S. Joseph Knox Mr. Joseph M. Downey Mr. and Mrs. Chester Kudzin William C. Kulner Co. Mr. and Mrs. William F. Lafferty, Sr. Mrs. J. Lamprecht Mr. and Mrs. James F. Langan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lavin Mr. Edward V. Leary, Painting Contractor Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lendvay Mr. and Mrs. John J . Liney and Henry Mr. Peter M. Lynch '93 Mr. and Mrs. William J . Lyons Mr. Daniel W. McAleer Mr. and Mrs. James E. McClellan Mr. and Mrs. L. Marshall McCloskey Mr. C. B. McGinley Mr. and Mrs. Leo A. McKeever 129

Mrs. Gerald Mahoney Mr. a nd Mrs. Patrick Ma lley Mr. a nd Mrs. Nicholas J . Ma sington Mr. a nd Mrs. H. J. Matthews Mr. Austin Meehan Mr. and Mrs. L. J . Meroney Mr. Leonard Milaknis Mr. and Mrs. James D. Morrissey Mr. and Mrs. John M. Muir Mrs. He len Mull Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mullin Mr. a nd Mrs. William E. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nessle r Mr. a nd Mrs. Lawrence A. O ' Dea Mr. J . O' Dorisio, Ph .D. M. and R. Patelmo Joseph A. Pescatore, M.D. Mr. Joseph L. Pressens '26 Mr. James W. Quinn, 2nd Frank V. Radomski Mr. and Mrs. William Rafferty Reale Market Mr. J ohn F. Reardon Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J . Renna rd Mr. and Mrs. James J. Re ynolds Mr. a nd Mrs. Edward A. Rice Dr. and Mrs. Earl F. Riceman Mr. W. Rothenbach Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Rumer J . J. Ryan and Son, Fune ral Directors Mr. W. Miles Ryan Dr. J ohn J. Sedlock Mr. Elwood Smith Supplee-Wills-Jones Milk Co. Captain and Mrs. John Sweeney Val Be auty Salon Mr. Michael Verrecchia Mr. J oseph J. Voss Mr. G. A. Warburton Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Ward Mr. Robert H. Wass, Jr. Mr. a nd Mrs. Francis J. Weide Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Wentz Mr. a nd Mrs. Frank J . Wunderlich Zamsky Studios Mr. Frank Zehnle

SOUI4L PATRONS 1-A Brother Emilian Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Abbott Mr. and Mrs. John F. Ambrogl Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. Anderson Mrs. Margaret Ball Mr. Patrick Ball Mrs. Marie Barronger Mr. and Mrs. William Barunas Mr. and Mrs. George J. Betker A. Bereznytlcy Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Bloom Mr. and Mrs. 8. Blumenthal Robert J. Boyle Mrs. Francis Boland Mro. Catherine Bowen Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boyle Mr. and Mrs. John Bradley Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Brady Mrs. R. T. Breedloue Or. and Mrs. Jos<tph E. Brennen Mrs. John Brogan John Brolly Mr. and Mrs. John Bucci Mrs. John Burke Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Burke Joseph F. Burke Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Burns Mr. and Mrs. Robert J . Butler Mrs. George A. Butler George A. Buller, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Byrne Mrs. Genevieve Cairo Mr. Jo•eph Coiro The Callaghan Family Mr. and Mrs. James Campion Mr. and Mrs. James Canavan Mr. Francis J. Cannon The Capozzoli Family Joe Capouoli Minos lena, louise and Mrs. Alfonso Caputo Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Carey Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Cassidy Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Cicclmaro Mr. Roland J. Clark Mr. Roland Clark Miss Marguerite H. Cliggett William l. Colton, Sr. CompHments of a Friend

Compliments of a Friend Compliments of a Friend Compliments of a Friend Compliments of a Friend Compliments of a Friend Compliments of a Friend Compliments of a Friend Edward 8. Connolly Mr. and Mrs. John J. Convey Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cox Mr. George F. Crowe Mrs. George F. Crowe Mr. and Mrs. F. Cunningham T. J . Daly

Mr. and Mrs. Ovid D'Ambrosio Mr. and Mrs. John Daylor Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dean Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Deluca Mrs. Edward C. Dever Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Devlin Miss Devlin D. Edward Diehl Mr. and Mrs . Nicholas DiPietro Charles E. Dolawoy Joseph A. Donnelly Steel Produt1s Mr. and Mrs. John J . Donohue Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J . Donohue Mr. and Mrs. R. Doran Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Dowd Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Downey Mr. and Mrs. George Dudzek Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Durkin Mr. and Mrs. John H. Durney Or. and Mrs. David H. Duryea Mr. and Mrs. H. J . Du Devoire Compliments of E. J. F. Mr. and Mrs. H. Emenecker and Family Vidor J. Errichetli Mrs. lawrence Everling lawrence J . Everling Dr. and Mrs. J. V. Farrell Mr. Fred Fedele Mr. and Mrs. James J. Feeley John E. Feeley Edwin J. Feeney Mrs. A. H. Fel dman John lanagan Mr. and Mrs. B. Flannery Mr. and Mrs. John J. Flood Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Flood Mr. and Mrs. Paul Flynn Mr. and Mrs. James Foley Mr. and Mrs. George S. Forde Mr. and Mrs . l . J . Ford Walsh Ford Mr.and Mrs. George S. Forde Mr. and Mrs. Ray Frankson Mrs. E. Forre st Daniel P. Gallagher Mrs. J. Gallagher Mary R. Go rdon Mr. and Mrs. W. J . Gordon Mn. Margaret V. Geisel Mrs. Fronds Gilette Carl Greco Mr. and Mrs. J. Greene Mr. William Greenwood Mr. and Mrs. Gerold J. Griffin Gross Family Mr. and Mrs. Frank I. Hagerty Thomas F. Hagerty Mr. and Mrs. Halfpenny Mr. and Mrs. W. Charles Hamburger Agnes F. Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hare John J. Harrison Mr. and Mrs . Fronk Halverson



Mr. John Hendri Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Hennessy Mr. and Mrs. Samuel F. Herb Elizabeth Hewett Mr. and Mrs. Heyer Mrs. J. Hickey Mrs. Higgins Mr.and Mrs. Norbert J. Hipp Mr. and Mrs. C. Clark Hodgson Robert 0 . Holmor Mr. and Mrs. John Holt Mrs. Homning Rev. Raymond T. Hurley Mr. and Mrs. Adam Jablonski Mr. and Mrs. Walter James Mr. and Mrs. Samuel G. Johnson Wm. I. Jones and Sons J. Kallirll Compliments of Nlr. and Mrs. Kania Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Kavanaugh Mr. and Mrs. Colman J . Keane Mr. and Mrs. J . Kendra Dr. E. C. Kenney Mr. Thomas F. Kerney Mrs. John J. Kerns, Sr. Rudolf Kibele Mr. Jose ph Killoran Mrs. Joseph Killoran Michael J . King John Kleber Miss Bertha A. Knecht Mr. William Koch John H. Ko eglor Mrs. Peter J. labowskie Mr. and Mrs. loman Dr. and Mrs. James A. love Dr. John M. Lawlor Frank J. Ledwith Mr. Frank J. l eonard Mr. and Mrs. leon l erine Mr. and Mrs. l obley Sylvester A. lowery Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McAuliffe Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. McCiemon Mr. and Mrs. William McCoach Cook Thomas P. McConagley, M.D. Mr. and Mrs . John M. McCormick Mr. and Mrs. 0 . B. McCoy Mr. and M... J . McDevitt Mr. and Mrs. Dennis McFadden Mr. and Mrs. James B. McGinn Mr. and Mrs. James McGinnis Charles J. Mcilvaine, Jr., and John Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. McMallin Mrs. Hele n K. McNullty J . P. McTomney Ira A. MoJo Theresa A. MoJo Mr. and Mrs. George H. Malone Mr. and Mrs. Fred Manzo louis Marabella Marie's luncheonette The Mark s Family

Mrs. Elizabeth Mark Mr. and Mrs. Frank M•rtln Michael Man William Maxwell M. J. Mana, Builder Frank J. Meadows Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Meckling Sam Messina Mr. M. Mignogna Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Milborn Dr. Paul R. Miraglia Mrs. Paul R. Miraglia Mr. and Mrs. John Monahan Mr. and Mrs. John T. Mooney Magistrate John C. Morlock Mr. and Mrs. James J. Morrissey John M. Muir Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Murphy Albert J. Murphy, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Murray T. J. Murray Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Murray Magistrate Elias Myers Mr. and Mrs. J. Navereth Mr. and Mrs. John Neary Mr. and Mrs. A. Nicolo Mr. and Mrs. John C. Noonan Mr. Charles O' Brien Joseph F. O'Brien Mary C. O'Brien Mrs. F. A. O' Donnell James J. O'Neill Mr. and Mrs. John J. O'Rourke Miss Anna Marie Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Porratto Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Perry Mr. and Mrs. C. Phelan Philadelphia Tramrail Co. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Pinchick Mr. and Mrs. Werner Poelck

Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Purcell Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pyle Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Reed Harold D. Reese, Stationer Marie Reilly Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Richard Mr. and Mrs. John F. Richardson Mr. and Mrs . E. N. Richena Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Riese Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Rlethmiller Leo Rodgers Joseph Rooney Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Rothwell Mr. and Mrs. William Ruth A. Rzepnicki Mr. and Mu. Patrick F. Scally John Schamenok Mr. John A. Schauder Mr. and Mrs. John F. Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. George H. Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. John T. Schmitt Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Scott J . Thomas Scott Inc. Peter Schwam Dr. John T. Sharp Joseph R. Sharpe, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sher Mr. Edward J, Shields Harry F. Shielda Jose ph A. Smith, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Smith Owen Smith Constables Solvibile and Singer Mr. Julia Solecki Mr. and Mrs. D. Solviblle Julia Somers Mr. and Mrs. J. Spanier Mr. and Mrs. Herschel E. Sparks Mr. and Mrs. John A. Spellman, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Spetzer


Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sprluler The Steward Family Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stakes Mrs. Ruth l . Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Walter l. Suter Mr. Edward Swletlik Mrs. Edward Swietlik Mr. and Mrs . Joseph L Tague Mrs. Elodia Tancredi Samuel J. Tancredi Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Tanney Mr. and Mrs. Clayton H. Thomas Joseph W. Tithwlngton Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Todd, Sr. A. R. Vendetti Dr. and Mrs. Frank N. Volk Mra. L. Volz Mr. Ferdinand! Wagner Mra. Margaret Wagner Mr. and Mrs. James l, Walker Mrs. William Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Clifford P. Word Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Word Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. We is Mr. and Mrs. Charles Welsh Mr. and Mrs. John T. Welsh Mr. and Mrs. John T. Whelan Mr. and Mrs. John White Mr. and Mrs . John J. Wleat Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wilson Mr. and Mrs. J. Winterburg John Wojciechowicz Mr. and Mrs. Francis c. Woodring Mr. and Mrs . Edward Woolslager Mr. Peter Weiner Mrs. Barbara Weitzer Mr. Francis P. Yannessa, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. John Young Mr. and Mrs. J. Zanine Mr. and Mrs. John Zmlfewskl

DISTINGUISHED BUSINESS P4TRONS Adam's Meat Market 1534 Mt. Ephraim Ave., Camden, N. J .

Frosty Top Frozen Custard and Grille Room 66th and Wyncote Aves.

John McShane 3300 Brighton St.

Advance Scaffold Beaver Art Metal Corp. 6312 Calllowhlll St.

Gar's Tavern Ruscomb St. at Belfield Ave.

Alta's Groceries 210 Penn St., Bristol, Po.

General Design Inc. 20 S. 15th St.

Mahoney Beauty Shop for Shoes Penna. R. R. Sub-Station-17th Entrance

Erwin G. Alber Inc., Heating Contractors 2229 Brandywine St.

Goodfriend and Kent, Inc. 5100 Germantown Ave.

Automobile Budget Co. 3237 Kensington Ave.

Griffin TV Service Co. 7841 Germantown Ave.

163B Bar 1638 Wolf St.

Joe Hartnett' • Service Station 5th and Somerville Ave.

Beneficial Saving Fvnd 1200 Chestnut St.

Heger School of Dancing J enkintown, Po.

Bill's Gulf Service Station Wiuahickon and Manheim St.

Heine's Fvrniture Store 932 Broadway, Camden, N. J.

Mr. James Brannigan 541 W. Nedra Ave.

Hoffman's Flower Shop 3046 Kensington Ave.

John J. Carroll, Real Estate 3237 Kensington Ave.

Hogan's Cedar Pork Inn 7400 Limekiln Pike

Castell's Restaurant 6161 N. 2nd St.

Horowitz Brothers, Jewelry 2822 W. lehigh Ave.

Compliments of the Cafeteria

O' Reilly and White 1506 Walnut St.

Corcoran'• Grocery 201 E. Wishart St.

G. A. Kaeppler and Son, Cemetery Memorials S. W. Corner Ogonh: Ave. and Cheltenham Ave.

John M. J. Costello, Diamonds 727 Sansom St.

Kaye and Bill's Atlantic Service Oxford Ave. and Verreo Rd.

Reliable Drafting Company 8046 Frankford Ave.

Michael Darmopray 517 W. Girard Ave.

Daniel J. Kelly, landscaper 201 S. Broaclwoy, Camden, N. J .

Rhawnhurst Variety Store 8011 Castor Ave.

Tom Dascenzo, White Horse Tavern 4B60 Lancaster Ave.

J. J. Kelly Company, Builders, Inc. Stenion Ave. and Aliens Lane

Fred Schmitt, Pointing Contractor 8247 Cadwolader Ave., Elkins Parte

Ralph de Frehn, Awning•, Window Shade• 3123 Frankford Ave.

John J. Kennedy, Architect 828 N. Fairway Rd., North Hills

Shirley's Curb Market 7238 Rising Sun Ave.

Edward H. Dever and Sons Sea Isle City, N. J.

Kilkenny' s Meats and Poultry 7172 Ogonh: Ave.

louis A. Sgro Company 247 S. 9th St.

Will iam J. Devinney and Son 265 W. Godfrey Ave.

Kopf-Kerney Associates, Consulting Engineers 1321 Arch St.

Stan ton Cleaners Roll and Mcnayunk Ave.

Devon Beer Dis!. 6602 Frankford Ave. Dl Lorenzo's Pharmacy 301 Washington St., Bristol, Po.

Mayfair Diner and Dining Room 7353-73 Frankfo rd Ave. Mel chlo rrl's Jewelers 1246 N. 52nd St. Salvatore Mergllano 2301 N. 2nd St. Mlgnatti Cons. Co. Bethayres, Po. John P. Norris, Builder 914 Township, Elkins Park Northeast Auto Sales, Inc. 2386 Orthodox St. Oil Workers International Union C.I.O. local 398 4 S. 1 5th St. Edward J . O 'Mora Industries Rahns, Po.

Phillip's Atlantic Station Midvale at Warden Drive

Albert Steinburg Company 2520 N. Broad St.

lahr's IPflugersl 5537 N. 5th St. Laman-loesche Supply 700 S. Second St.

Steve's Bar Rorer and Indiana Avos. Transamerican Frei ght Lines Inc. 8510 Ridge Ave.

Dominic Custom Tailor 2652 Ann St.

lee' s Hoagi e House 1906 W. Cheltenham Ave.

Ervin's General Store, John Knott, Jr., Prop. Brownsville Rd. and Hazel Ave., Trevose, Po.

Carl Locher 6161 Oakley St. McColgan's Musical Ba r 730 E. Clearfield St.

l eo A. Wiedmann, Gas Heat 281 1 Dia mond St.

Flannery's Tavern 7178 N. 19th St.

M and l Produce 3rd and Walnut Sts.

Wissahickon Asbestos Co. Main and Poplar Streets, Ambler

John Weber 440 E. louden



BUSINESS PATRONS A. A. Motors Lawndale and Levkk Sh.

Bodre Cleaners 3341-45 D St.

Cherry's Shoe Re pair 4 406 Baker St., Monayunk

Abington Florist 120 Old York Rd., Abington, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Abrams

Fredrick J. Bohrer, Realtor 3114-16 N. Front St.

Circle Drugs 7 180 Og ontz Ave.

Dr. and Mrs. F. B. Boland N. W. Cor. Falrhlll and Chelten Ave.

City line Pharmacy York Rd. & Cheltenham Ave.

Mrs. John P. Boland 408 66th Ave.

Fro nk J. Cla rke, Real Esta te 6909 Torresdale Ave.

Booster Bud 3619 Germantown Ave.

Cloan rite Taylors 4 265 N. Franklin St.

Booth Flowers 4200 Cottman St.

Colga te Pharmacy 545 E. Godfrey Ave.

Joseph V. Bowen' s 4928 N. 5th St.

Colonial Pharma cy Flourtow n, Pa.

Bradley's Clothes Ogontz and Chelten Aves.

Colorize Hobbies & Paints 5638 N. 5th St.

Accardi Corrugated lox Co. 2619 Hagert St. Ada's Luncheonette 6800 Old York Rd. Raymond E. Adams 3536 Cottman St. A and H Auto Sales 4626 N. Fifth St. Alberts Cerdmic Shop 1529 Pratt St. Alco Oil and Chemical Corp. Trenton Ave. and William St. Aldlne Bottling Co. 3410 Cottman St.

Brody's Central Market Haddonfield, N. J.

Compliments of Doctor and Mrs. Eitel 9025 Frankford Ave.

G. Vincent Brady

Allegheny Iron and Metal Co. Lewis and Tacony Streets

Brenner Building Cleaning Co. 1922 Brandywine St.

Compliments of Mr. and Mrs. Fellenz 7208 Rockwell Ave.

Allegro Cocktail Lounge 1412 Spruce St.

Brlckpoinling Call IV 3604-W

Conestog a Press 520 Knorr St.

Altrogge Brothers; Appliances 240 E. Girard Ave.

James E. Bruckshaw Old Lancaster Rd. and Montg. Ave., Cynwyd, Pa.

Conti 's Cross Key Inn Doylestown, Pa.

James C. Amos Greene and Queen Lane Angelo's Barber Shop 4734 N. Broad St. A. P. Food Stores 7226 Germantown Ave. A. and P. Tea Co. Jenkintown, Pa. I. H. Applebaum and Son 2401 Frankford Ave.

Ardmore Texaco Station Lancaster, Pa. Stephen Artry 644 W. Cumberland St. M. Avallone Hardware 1440 Wolf St. Thea. J. Bal Funeral Director 2656 E. Thompson St. Becks luncheonette 3904 Terrace St. F. Becker 761 N. 26th St. Howard Becker Flower Shop 4644 N. 5th St. Belzers Bakery 5734 N. 5th St. Belzers Bakery 2040 W. Tioga St. Be nnie' s Prime Meats 2300 S. 16th St.

Bruno Grocerle~ 1608 Wolf St. Bucks Bakery 6652 Frankford Ave. Bud's Biggest Little Store In Olney 301 W. Fi sher Ave. William A. Bulman 2944 E St. Butler and Ferrigno Lithographic Co. 5223 Belfield Ave. Wm. J . Cairn's Pape r and Twine 1021 W. Dauphin St. Calbar Paint and Varnish Co. 2620 N. Martha St. Thomas J. Campbell 7476 Sommers Rd. James M. Campbell 500 E. Banner St. The Capital Savings and Loan Association 3 114-16 N. Front St. Fronci• J . Cassidy 111 5 Windrim Ave . Alex Cassiui "Tailor" 3161 Magee Ave. Cedorbrook Produce 139 Dock St. George Cenivivo Driveway Construction Fleming Ave. Willow Grove, Pa.

Compliments of Mike Meall

John Corcoran's Old Mill Hatboro, Pa. Costello Hair Styling 433 1 l ongshore Ave. Craig's Atlantic Service Station Rising Sun Ave. and Lardner St. Cramer O ldsmobile Steelton, Pa. Mr. a nd Mrs. Joseph Crowley 222 Ab bottsford Ave. Cullen Shoe Service 5736 Colgate St. Jack Dolgllesh, Business Broker 2 36 N. 7th St., Camden, N. J. Edmond D'4 mbrosio 1 520 S. Brood St. H. Gilroy Damon Sharon Hill, Pa. Davis Paint & Hobby Shop 62 24 Germantown Ave. DeCarlo Brothers 8000 Castor Ave. J . C. DeChant 7242 Rising Sun Ave. Devery's Candy Store 3 rd and Spencer Sts. AI Del uca 1706 E. PaSJyunk Ave. John Di Grocomo 123 Dock St.

Mario Ce rvone -Reol Estate & Insurance 2823 W. Allegheny Ave.

Mr. Philip DiGulllo

Bill and Ann, Grocery and Fruit 2202 Yelland St.

Champs 55 5 Van Kirk St.

B. Blumenthal, Televi sion and Radio Repair Service 1926 Independence St.

DIGuilio's Men's and Boys' Wea r 5904 Torresdale Ave.

Charles Rug Cl eaning 8300 Ridge Ave.

J. G. Dillon Insurance Agency 811 W. lehigh Ave.

Albert Sadoff's Food Market 1107 lindley Ave.

Chose Savings & Loan Association 602 W. Girard Ave.

Disque's Market 3300 Princeton Ave.

The Bennis Family


Doole's Atlantic Station N. W. Comer 5th St. and Godfrey Ave.

Mr. Michael J. Gaynor 819 Unruh Ave.

Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Huggard 8127 l eon St.

John P. Donnelly, Roofing and Heating 938 W. Huntingdon St.

Garoppo's Cleaners 1 701 Roselyn St.

Hughes 6th and Dauphin Sts.

Donovan Co., Heat Treating 161 5 N. 2nd St.

Mr. Fred J. Gemgross 810 Unruh Ave.

W. S. Humenuk 703B Frankford Ave.

John F. Dooley 4732 Oxford Ave.

P. G. Giannini 22 E. lancaster Ave., Ardmore, Po.

Mr. F. E. Hunt Richmond and Cumberland Sts.

Doylestown Drug Co.

Gillespie Beer Distributor 494B Keyser St.

Industrial Pipe Cleaning Co. Steelton, Po.

John Gittling, Tailor 5807 Rising Sun Ave.

Jacle's Diner 1628 N. Delaware Ave.

Glace Brothers' Service Station Mascher St. and Tabor Rd.

Jacleson Bottling Company (Distributors} 1030 Snyder Ave.

Glicle Studios

James-Spiwelli 1601 Wolf St.

Moin ond Court St. Doylestown, Pa. Eastburn Taylor 1964 Godfrey Avenue Eddie's luncheonette Stolees Rd., Medford, N. J. George J. Edelmann's Men's Shop 5605 N. Broad St. Eleanor's Own Malee Candles 7325 Rising Sun Ave.

203 S. S2nd St.

Godfrey Ave. Sweet Shop 266 W. Godfrey Ave.

Dr. B. W. J enkins, M.D. 1526 E. Upsal St.

J. and T. Gola

Jess and Fred 's 400 W. Queen lane

Enterprise Mill Soap Works 2229 N. 12th St.

M. Goldberg and Son, Department Store Jenkintown, Pa.

Equipment Sales Co. 525 Arch St.

The Goodyears

Fasano's Market 4907 Wayne Ave. Fehreubach Atlantic Station Tum Pike Rout No. 1 Mr. and Mrs. P. Fellens 11 0 Parl<view Rd. Fenn's Hy-Bred Parakeel$ Phone: Willow Grave 1781-W

Gertrude R. Gorman 7529 Bingham St. Gotwols Brothers 3401 Conrad St. Gowen Circle DelicateJten Germantown and Gawen Aves. AI and Edith Grandelll 20th a nd Ritner Sts.

Fern Rock Delicatessen 6013 N. 5th St.

Francis P. Gray, Gulf Service Station Weiss Ave. and Bethlehem Pike, Flourtown, Po.

Fern Rock Diner 5955 N. 5th St.

Green Valley Cleaners 999 Carver St.

John F. Fluehr and Sons 3301 Cottman Ave.

Graves' Bar 1 3 16 Commerce St.

Flourtown Hardware 1 51 2 Bethlehem Pike

leon Grochowski 3922 Terrace St.

Robert F. Foerster and Brother, Pharmacists 6122 Greene St.

Gulf Service Station, Sam Weiss, Prop. Stenion Ave. and Haines St.

Edwin Forrest Service Station 5503 Mascher St. Four Chef's Catering Co. 2015-17-19 lelthgow St. Four Sons Cafe 691B Stale Rd. Margaret S. Fowler 7529 Bingham St.

H. and B. Restaurant 20B4 E. Allegheny Ave. Hamilton laboratories Inc. 21 Wyneva St. George J. Harle ins 4800 Greene St. Harvey's Television and Radio Service 3050 Robbins Ave.

Jim's Market Willow Grove, Po. Joe's Barber 3001 Brighton St. Joe's Barber Shop 4509 N. 5th St. Joe's Self Service Food Marleet 2770 Jenkintown Rd., Ardsley Joe's Self Service Market 5th and Annsbury Sts. John's Barber Shop 5648 Boyer St. Johnny and Jerry's Barber Shop 11th and Walnut Sts. John and Tony's Grocery 433 E. Penn St. Kafrissen Apothecary O lney and Ogontz Aves. Matthew W. Kalkbrenner 4456 N. 16th St. Paul Kaminslei- Musician 1116 MI. Ephraim Ave., N. J. Kansas City Hartley 561 8 Chew St. Kay's Delicatessen 1098 E. Alcott St. James Kelian-Tailor 5643 Chew St. Compliments of J . Kerns

Stephen Havis 737 N. 7th St.

Kewt' s Flower Shop Broad and Olney Subway Station

Pat Healy's Atlantic 2nd and Erie Ave.

King Print Shop 6912 State Rd.

Helen's Beauty Salon 4456 Salmon St.

William J. Knoph 714 York St.

William C. A. Henry, Esq. 1901 PSFS Building

Herman J. Koch, Beer Distributor 508 W. Cumberland St.

Mrs. J. D. Hepburn 224 E. Comly St.

Adam Kolla and Son 5918 Water St.

Herdon Men's Store 7310 Ogontz Ave.

Anthony Kramer 4036 N. Marshall St.

Gallagher's Grocery Store 4th and Spencer Sts.

Hetherington Inc. 1 300 Elmwood Ave., Sharon Hill

Edgar G. Krauss, Jr. Pen-Del Diner, Folcroft, Pa.

Russel H. Gallagher 5415 N. 4th St.

Willeam H. Hom and Brother 451 N. Third St.

George Krehler, Plumbing and Heating 15th and Oakdale Sts.

Mrs. T. Gallagher 2119 74th Ave.

Charles H. Howell and Co. 212 Race St.

S. S. Kresge Co. 7161 Ogontz Ave.

Fronle's Markets 4500 Devereaux Ave. Frank's Markets 2852 Kensington Avo. Fran's Beauty Shop 1322 Windrim Ave. Fred's Cleaners Bingham St. G and J Hobby and Sporting Goads Shop 5608 Chew Ave. Marvin R. Gable 7965 Castor Ave.


Mr. Charles Kullman 1942 N. Mascher St.

Morels Wire Works 540 N. 5th St.

Joseph W. Nichols 916 E. Chelten Ave.

Dr. and Mrs. Paul ladden 6616 N. American St.

Marie' s Dress Shop 6809 Torresdale Ave.

Northea st Employment Agency Frankford Ave. at Pratt St.

laMode Barbers 6831 Torresdale Ave.

Marple & Clemens 817 E. Chelte n Ave.

A. F. Landis Machine and Grinding Company 1918 E. Margaret St.

Mary's Poultry Market 2536 N. 56th St. Ca rl J. Maslrovito 45 E. Cholten Ave.

Nu lty Funera l Homes Battersby and Levick Frankford and Ch11rch

lane Collins, Drugs 5054 Wayne Ave. lane A. Overall laundry 2342 Hunting Park Ave. laver Brothers Gift Shop 5540 N. Fifth St. Lawler' s Pollyann Shop 6823 Torresdale Ave. lee's Men's Shop 7230 Ogonl% Ave. Robert lee Pontiac Inc. Wayne and Chelten lindsey and Kroehling Company 6305 Rising Sun Ave. logan Theatre Broad and Wyoming Ave. lou's Tomato Pie House Chew Ave. and Washington lane louis and Heggie 1 211 Chestnut St. luty Printing Service 5012 York Road Mr. and Mrs. W. lynch and Sons 3221 Primrose Rood lynne laves Bowling Center 1925 W. Che ltenham Ave. MacFarland' s Barber Shop 7149 Germantown Ave. Dorothy McCann 3919 Lawndale St. J . J . McCann and Company- Jewelers 5549 N. Sth St. Claire A. McCoog 6210 lim ekiln Pike John J. McDonald--limousines 251 3 Federal St. McDonnell's Bar and Restaurant 7170-6B Ogonl% Ave. McGrath Electric Company 4836 N. Broad St. McGrath Texaco Service Penn and Belfield Ave. Charles J . Mcilvaine, Sr. 3300 Midvale Ave. McMickl e 7433 Torresdale Ave.

Matt's Shoe Repair 38 State St., Doylestown, Po.

Oak Lane Beverage 800 Oak l ane Oak l ane Tailoring 723 Oak Lane Ave. James W. O'Brien

William R. May Easton and Keswick Ave., Glenside

Ogontz Esso Serviconter 7 1 st a nd Ogonl% Aves.

Mayfair Body and Motor 7673-75 Frankford Ave.

The Old Water Wheel Inn O ld Ea ston Rd., Doylestown, Po.

Mayfair Drugs 7350 Frankford Ave. Medford lakes Lodge Medford lakes, N. J. Frank Meline 1352 Pra tt St. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Mtllr 1124 Rittenho11se St. Meyers Hobby & Toy Shop 5422 N. 5th St. William J. Michel Co., Acco11ntant 7818 Forrest Ave.

Mr . Willia m J. O'Toole James C. O'Rourk..-lnsYrance 434 Centra l Ave., North Hills, Po. Palace Barber Shop 55 00 Westford Rd. Pallad ino's Self-Service Market 5021 N. 17th St. Joseph M. Papiemlk 141 2 E. Bristol St. Peter Pa rvyin 1 B91 Nidio Ave.

Michele's Restaurant

Wally Paul Old York Rd. C. C.

Mike the Taylor 3043 Kensington Ave.

Payl's Self-Service Ma rket 1 50 1 N. 29th St.

Mike's Cleaners 700 E. Thaye r St.

Pa11l 's Service Station Ogonl% & Nedra Aves.

Milkrapt Shade Shop 350 Montgomery Ave . Miller's Sport Shop 5733 Germantown Ave.

J&W Pelnynskl 1638 E. Berks St. ,.enny's Flowera Wharton and Keswick Ave., Glenside

Minter Brothers Candy Co. 5051 Lancaster Ave.

Pete's Barber Shop 5900 N. 4th St.

Maner's Shoe Service 5002 N. 5th St.

Peter l11mber Company 137 Greenwood Ave., Wyncote, Po.

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Morgen 5238 Morris St.

Pete r Pan Bake Shop 1738 W. Cheltenham Ave.

Charles Morlock, Jr. 5906 Torresdale Ave.

Peter's Sportswear 14 0 1 5. 161h St.

James B. Morris, Beer Dlstrlb~tor 5765 Wi ster St.

Donie Pet rillo 533 Carver St.

Morr' s Food Market 2900 le11rk St.

Phillip's Delkatessen 7 7 0 1 R11gb y St.

Joseph F. Morsello 7310 Germantown Ave.

Philip's Pharma cy 21 39 W. Venango St.

Morton's Sweet Shop 512 W. Lycoming St.

Ph il's Market 4084 Higbee St.

Mount Airy Diner 8243 Stenion Ave.

Ph il's Shoe Store 998 E. Anchor St. Pla ning's Beer Distrib11tor 1 2 50 E. Price St. Piening's Beer DiatrlbYior 1252 E. Price St. Nick Pifa nl 424 E. Haines St. Howa rd G. Pigott 4000 Benner St. Pi storia Tailors 4841 Germantown Ave. B. I. Plotkin & Son 56 3 1 N. 5th St. Point Grill 5970 Kemble Ave.

Joseph McMurray 4519 N. 5th St.

Mrs. Clement M11nchen

Daniel J. Madden-General Insurance Public ledger Building

M11nder and Miller, A11to Service 5931 N. Fifth St.

Mary's Confectionery Store 4024 Mitchell St. Mac lean's Junior Bootery Jenkintown, Po. Charles A. Maiers 5622 lansdowne Ave. Manseau & Kirlin 2653 Morris St. John J. Manzo, Registered Plumber 4932 Germantown Ave.

N. E. Weekly Newspaper 6622 Castor Ave. Nason and Cullen, Inc. 6522 Vine St. Ned's Potato Chips & Prel%els 3018 Midvale Ave. Nicholas Hair Styling Salon 6915 Germantown Ave. Nick's Food Market 200 E. Haddon Ave., Oaklyn, N. J .


Pat Presto and Son-Ha berda shers 6966 Torresdale Ave.

Sharpless Stationery Service Jenkintown, Pa.

N. Tilll & Sons- Wholesale Distributors 1701 Federal St.

Progressive Shoe Repair 5634 Chew St.

Shipper's Food Market S. W. Comer 5th and Godfrey

Tony's Meat Market 6550 Torresdale Ave.

Rolph's Auto Service Cheltenham Ave. and limekiln Pike

Shipper's Fresh Meats and Poultry 2nd and Godfrey Ave.

Tony's Texaco Service Frankford Ave. and Magee St.

Harold Ratcliffe, Automobile• 4800 N. Marvine St.

Erwin E. Shuster--Llve ry Service 140 Franklin Ave., Ch eltenham, Pa.

Joseph H. Tyson & Co. Inc. 437 Chestmun St.

AI Rasch-Brlstol Grille 4265 N. 8th St.

Dr. B. Simmons, Eye Specialist 13th and Atch Sts.

C. Tyson--<:uslom Cleaning & Dyeing 7618 Castor Ave.

Joseph Rothsmlll, Cleaners and Dyen 5614 Chew St.

Simmons Printing Company 232-34 N. I 5th St.

Tyson Drugs Cor. Tyson Ave. and Battersby St.

Joseph L. Rou 3031 Devereaux Ave.

A. F. Simoni, Florist 1884 Osbome Ave., Willow Grove

Tyson Oyster House 6833 Rising Sun Ave.

Rhownhurst Cleaners and Dyers 8020 Catlor Ave.

Adolph Soefllng and Co., Inc. 828 Arch St.

Vahle's Pet Shop 507 W. Olney Ave.

Rheem Mfg. Co., Philo. plant Richmond and Norrl1 Sts.

Sobel's Record-Hobbles 661 2 Castor Ave.

Volx Bar 3rd and Tioga Sts.

Rich's Texaco Service MI. Airy and Rodney St1.

Or. lustave W. Spies, 0 .0. 410 York Rd., Jenkintown

M. P. Ventresca, Contractor 8221 Rodney St.

Ringold's Jewelers 817 E. Allegheny Ave.

A. Spina and Sons 5801 N. American St.

CharJes Verrillo, Paperhanger 6916 Shelbourne St.

Ringold's Jewelert 4316 Germantown Ave.

S&S Beer Distributor 1920 W. Passyunk Ave .

Village Variety Shop Stokes Rd., Medford , N. J .

Ritz Cleaners 7228 Ogont:r Ave.

Stanley Hobby Shop 1720 Frankford Ave.

Vince's Shoe Service 3301 Friendship St.

Roach Brothers 713 Montgomery Ave., Merion, Po.

Mr. Anthony J. Stark, Jr. 717 Green Ave., Altoona, Po.

Village Market 301 Reyes Ave., Cheltenham

Rocco lacone & Son 2810 Cottman St.

Stenion Sorber Shop 1405 E. Washington Lane

George E. Voegele, Plumber 6902 Shelbourne Ave.

Rocky's Barber Shop 1837 Frankford Ave.

Stenion Cleaners 6358 Stenion Ave.

Walter the Tailor 3355 N. 5th St.

Howard Rogers, Wholesalef' 2200 S. Norwood St.

Stipa's landscape Service l imekiln Pike and Willow Grove Ave.

Fred " Bud" Wanner's Barber Shop B16 Stanwood St.

Rohach Realty Co., Inc. 932 N. Franklin St.

The Stud io 53 13 N. 5th St.

Ward's Candy Store 6100 N. 4th St.

Rose and Ann, Groceries 6650 Musgraves St.

H. J . Swoyer 1943 W. Hunting Park Ave.

Warlngton Motel and Diner Rt. 611 , Easton Rd . above SlrHI Rd.

Rose the Tailor, Cleaners & Dyer~ 3161 Fanshawe St.

Alvin A. SwenlOn Inc. 3950 Kensington Ave.

Harold Webster Ridge Ave. Formers' Market

Sea and Rush 23 Armal St.

S:rweda and Quinn Roosevelt Blvd. and Sanger St.

Weich's Bakery Third and Nedro Ave.

Eddie Sachs 1100 E. Price Street

Tabor Cleaners & Tailors S. W. Corner Tabor Rd. and Arbor St.

Patricia A. Welsh 16th and Sansom Sts.

G. Samet Drugs Kensington and Allegheny Aves.

A. J. Taggart, Insurance 1015 E. Price St.

Mr. Herbert Welte, Funeral Director 446 Spencer St.

Sam's Barber Shop 2034 72nd Ave.

James E. Tague & Co., Inc. 9th St. below Columbia Ave.

Worner's Food Markel 2nd and Spencer Sts.

Savity Pharmacy 71 21 Boyer St.

Samuel J . Ta ncredi, Apothecary 1600 Spruce St.

A. Weyter 301 W. Godfrey Ave.

Scheuermann's Bakery 5905 N. Fifth St.

Tarpy Electrical Machinery Co. 2133-35 E. Susquehanna Ave .

White Orchid Flower Shop 5915 Torresdale Ave.

Morrl$ Schiff Co. 227 Poplar St.

Taylor Da iries, Inc. Telephone, Ogontz 0286

Bob Wilken Auto In surance 4254 N. Frankl in St.

Schillaci's Market 1 621 Frankford Ave.

Ted '• Cleaner> 4901 N. 5th St.

Will iam's Restaurant 5221 frankford Ave .

Schneider's Bakery 2133 E. Chelten Ave.

Temple Pastry Shop 1451 E. Vernon Rd.

Wimmer's Bakery Lawrence and Spencer St.

Schonberger-Kauel 5824 Rising Sun Ave.

Temple Realty Co. 71 SO Ogontz Ave. Thrift Way Gas & Oil Co. 8200 Roosevelt Blvd. Thomas' Radio & T. V. 5814 Rising Sun Ave. Thompkin's Corner 200 E. Glenside Ave. Glenside, Pa. John J . Tierney, D.D.S. 51 00 N. Broad St.

Bill Wolf 837 E. Chelten Ave.

John J. Schonberger CJewelerl 126 E. Eighth St. Schulmerich Carillons, Inc. Carillon Hill, Sellenvllle, Po. William A. Scott, Confectionery 2033 Church Lane Seminole Hall M. Manzo, Mgr. 45 E. Church Lane


A. W. Woltemate 345 E. Mt. Airy Ave. Or. B. Yavil 544 E. Allegheny Ave. Peter F. Yourl, '44 1966 Medarv Ave. Benjamin Zeft, Druggist 8000 Castor Ave.

BOOSTERS Jack Aaron Mr. Charles W. Adami Dick Aheine Alberts 6orber Shop Richard Alderfer Alex Meats Mr. and Mrs. Wm. D. Allen Mrs. J. C. Altrogge Mr. and Mrs. A. Amejko Mn. Groce Aquila James Adron Anthony Arganello Leroy M. Asher Mr. a nd Mrs. Andrew Audet Felix Autier Gus J. Axelrod Albert Backouska Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Balky Mr. Fronk Boinger Mr. and Mrs. Wm . Boltro Or. and Mrs. Harry C. Bambrids Bill Barbour Mr. and Mrs. J. 0 . Barnett Mr. and Mrs. John Barnett Mr. Frank Bartl Mr. and Mrs. F. Bartosiewin R. Battista Beach Gift and Stationery Shop Mr. Thomas Becker Mrs. Thomas Betker Barbaro, Cathy and Ju lie Becker Belfield Bowling Alley Mr. and Mrs. Albert Beber Chris Belzer Mrs. Elizabeth Belzer Henry J. Bender Miss Margaret Bender Best Fit Shop Bill and Ann Or. Henry G. Bille, Jr. Emily M. Binns Mr. and Mrs. J . F. Binns Charles J . Bissell Louis Black Helen M. Blosch Joseph Bodna r Mary Boehmer Mr. J. Boesliso Mr. F. J . Boesliso Brederick J. Bohrer Robert J. Bothwell, Jr. John G. Botz The Bowe Family Bowers Mrs. Bowker Mr. and Mrs. Micha el Boyce Mr. and Mrs. Boyer Mrs. Anna Boyle Mrs. Frank P. Boyle Mrs. Katharine Boyle Miss M. J. Boyle Peter Boyle Phyllis Susan Boyle Mrs. Wm. Boyle Bradleys Cord and Gift Shop Joseph C. Brady Mrs. James Bronnlyan George J. Brennan John P. Browne Mrs. Browne Mr. Frank Burke J. J. Burke James P. Burns Dr. John C. Bums W. F. Bums Malt Butterly Mrs. C. Byrne Billy Calma

Robert Coiro Paul Callaghan Mr. John C. Campbell Pot Campbell James and Loretto Conolichlo Barbaro Jean Candles Dick Canning Mr. and Mrs. Francis J . Cannon Mr. Francis J. Cannon Francis X. Connon Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Cannon Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Connon Roy Connon William Connon Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Cope Mrs. Anna J. Carlson Mr. and Mrs. C. Carmen Corpinellos Mr. and Mrs. John B. Carr Mrs. Marie Carr Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Carrol Tony Corsello Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cartwright Mrs. Frank J. Cassidy Mary A. Couidy Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Catalina Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cavalier Central Pharmacy Domenico A. Cerruti Mr. and Mrs . Phillys Cherry Mrs. Eileen Chieffo Mr. and Mrs. David Cifelli Ciros Barber Shop Claires Flower Shop Harold Clark Closs 3 B Class of Distinction "1 B" Cercle Cloudel Mr. Thomas P. Cleary Dolores Clements Mrs. Helen Clisham The Collins Family Rev. Patrick A. Collis, Ph.D. Dr. and Mrs. J. T. Cologne Colonial Soles Int. Compliments of Az Compliments of a Friend Compliments of a Friend Compliments of a Friend Compliments of a Friend Compllmenl$ of a Kensington Merchant Mr. Joseph Connors Mr. and Mrs. Connors James Convey Mrs . Gertrude Corrigan Mr. and Mrs. J . Corrigan Mr. and Mrs. T. Corrigan Mr. and Mrs. George Cosgrove Bernodetta Costello Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Costello Jack Costello Mr. and Mrs. John Costello Cottman Cut Rate Mrs. Anne Courtenay Harold Cox Barbaro Cox Harry Cramer Mr. and Mrs. Robort Crone Mr. Edward F. Crawshaw Miss Helen Crenny Charles Crescenz Cresheim Garage George Crowe A. V. Cummings, Sr. John T. Gunliffe Mary Lee & Rose Cuomo Robert Cwick Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cymbor


Mrs. Mary CzaJkowski Harold F. Dagle Mr. John D'Aifonso Mr. and Mrs. Anthony M. D'Arcy Eileen D'Arcy Andrew and John D'Arcy Isabella C. Dalgllesh leo M. Daly Mr. Thomas J. Danks, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. T. Dascenzo David's Men's Store Clare E. Davis Mr. A. Day Dick Deasy William A. Degnan Mr. and Mrs. J. De Lucca Mr. and Mrs. Eugene De luca Henry W. De Luca, Jr. Richard De Luca Mr. and Mrs. Frank De Marco Mr. and Mrs. Peter De Marco Mrs. William De Nardo Mr. and Mrs. loui s J. Desiderio, Sr. Charles and Corm ella Dessert Mrs. Joseph De Venuto Alma M. Dever Dani el A. Devincentis Harry F. Devlin Thomas J. Devlin, Jr. John A. Diamond Marie E. Diamond Mr. and Mrs. James J. Diamond Thomas Diamond Mr. and Mn. C. W. Dick William Dick Ann Diehl Dave DIFilippo Francis Diehl Dorothy Diehl Moe and Vic Di Ferdinand Miss Dl louis Senator A. Di Sivestro Mr. and Mrs. S. Oi Glulio Mr. and Mrs. John B. Oigan Nancy and John Dlgan Mr. and Mrs. A. Diorio Donald Donaghy Edward J. Donohoe Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Donahue The Donahue's Miss Patrlco A"Donohue Mr. and Mrs. John P. Donnelly Mrs. Helen Donnelly Jane Dooner John T. Dooner Rosemary Dooner Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Dooner Thomas F. Dooner Dr. Alfred N. D'Orazio, D.D.S. Miss Regina Dougher Mrs. Sarah Daughety Anna Dowler Miss Catherine Dowling Mrs. Susan Dowling Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Drach W. Glenn Dreibelbis Mrs. James A. Drennan Lieut. Comm. G. K. Dress Bill Driskill's Atlantic James F. Duffy Anne l . Dugan Mrs. John Durlchek John Durithek Dr. John K. Durkin Bob and Ann Durney Margaret A. Durney Mr. and Mrs. VIncent Dutcavick Mr. and Mrs. M. Eirich

Eisenberg Pharmacy Mr. VIncent Ella Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse l. Ellerkamp Rkhard H. Emenecker Mary Engelhom Mr. C. M. Espenshade Mr. and Mrs. A. Etchells Mr. and Mrs. Harry Eustace, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John Ewa n S. Evans Eve's Apparel Shop Mr. and Mrs. francis Farley Catherine Farrell Kathleen a nd Eileen Farrell Mr. and Mrs. Mallhew Fa sa no Mrs. Mary Federspiel Margaret M. Feeny Mr. and Mrs. F. Fellenz Richard Fellenz Willia m Fetzer Catherine A. Feuerstein Mr. and Mrs. Ed Finegan Dr. I. B. Fink Joseph Finley Mr. Charles Fiore Kay Fisher Anna Fitzpa trick Mrs. John Fitzpatrick John Fitzpatrick Mr. Jos. Fitzpatrick Phil Fitzpatrick J. E. Flannery Joseph Flanagan Mr. and Mrs. Manuel flick Mrs. James J. Flood Patricia Flood Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Flounders Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Flynn H. Foley Mr. and Mrs. l. J. Ford George S. Forde, Jr. Suzanne M. Forde John Fortis Ma rie Fox f rancisco franco Compliments of Mr. and Mrs. J . Froniak and Family Paul Frank Franklin Ca fe Eve Franks William Franz Paul W. Franzen Mr. and Mrs. A. Fratantonl Anthony J . Frayne Anthony J . Frayne, Jr. Frads Paint Store Mrs. frlebls Mr. Harvey Fried man Friendship Prescription Pha rma cy Mrs. Betty Fritzsche Mrs. Henry Gaioer Mrs. Ann Galla gher Mrs. Anthony Galla gher Mrs. Boule Gallagher Mr. C. J. Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. James Gallagher Margaret l. Gallon Thomas J. Ga llen Mr. Stanley Gan John Ganger Martin Ganker John Garry Mrs. Margaret Garry Miss Ma me Gaynor Morton Geffen Mrs. George Gomoll AI Gersltz Esso Station Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gibbons William J. Gibbons, 3rd Mr. William H. Gibson Mrs. Gledemnn Charles J. Gillespie, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gimbel

Gla ss and Beg elman Francis E. Gleeson Mr. and Mrs. Will iam H. Glenn Gra nge Market tllr. and Mrs. l. Graski Lena Greco Thomas Greely Miss Mary Greene Fede rle J. Griffin Mr. Harry Griffith Mr. H. T. Griffith Miss Rosemary T. Griffith l ena Gromo la Mr. Grover Ma ry Gober Florence Godshall Gerald D. Godshall, Jr. Mr. a nd Mrs. Stanley Gogola Isa dore Gola Wanda Gola Dr. Ell is C. Goedberg William F. J . Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester J. Gorman, Jr. Rose Gossmanac Mr. Francis Gould M. Gussman Mrs. Fred Haffner Miss Fra ncis Hagerty Gera ld Hagerty Mr. Thomas Hagerty Mrs. Thomas F. Hagerty John J. Hagge rty Mrs. Margaret Haggerty Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Holtz Joe Haih Mr. William Holler Mr. and Mrs. Harry Holiermel r C. Joseph Hamburger Mr. and Mrs. Honey Miss Ann V. Harle Mrs. Thomas Hannon Harkert' s Grocery James Harrington, Jr. Ma ry Harrington Mr. William Hartman Mr. and Mrs. William Hartman Mr. and Mrs. Jose ph Hartnell Miss Nancy Harvey Mr. James Haviland Miss Katherine Haviland James J . Hayburn J erome F. Heave y Mrs. S. Hellenbrand Mr. and Mrs. August Helwig Mr. and Mrs. E. l. Hennessy Joseph Hennessy Mr. James Henry Mrs. James Henry James Henry John Henry Joseph Henry Mlu Julia Henry Miss Jean T. Hepburn Mrs . Elizabeth Hepp louis E. Hepp He rbe rt' s Pharmacy Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Hible r Miss Dorothy M. Higgins Hlldo' s Cards and Gifts Mary Hllferty Eugene F. Hill Mrs. T. Hohenadel Fred Holchuk John D. Hollins, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John Hop~lns Ag nes M. Horan Gloria M. Horan Thomas J . Horan Mrs. Walter J . Horn, Sr. Mrs . Anna Hornnlg Howard' s Jack and Dick Hughes Mrs. James Hughes


Complime nts of Mr. and Mrs. Husik Mr. and Mrs. Charles lsdell Mr. a nd Mrs. Willeam H. Jac.k son Joc.k' s Food Market Miss Ma rga ret James Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Jankowski Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Janson J enkintown Hobby Center Joa nne a nd Joe The Jolly Boy s Mr. M. Thoma s Johonesen Mr. a nd Mrs. M. R. Jones Michael Joseph U. Kalnin s Sophie Kami nski Mrs. Anno Kandravi Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kane Mr. Ha rry Kapp Ge org e a nd Al ice Karian Mrs. Mary R. Keegan Mr. and Mrs. Dennis E. Keenan Miss Lorello Keenan Reg ina Keenan Miss Rose Keenan J . Keiter Ann M. Kelly Joseph Kelly Mr. Ma rtin Kelly Mary a nd J ohn Kelly ldeceasedl Willia m Kelly Catherine E. Kennedy Mrs. l illian Kenny Mr. and Mrs. Francis J . Kenney E. P. Kemptner Mr. and Mrs. John Ke rak Eileen Ke rney Mrs. Winifred Kerns Mr. ond Mrs. Thomas Kerrane Kessler's Gulf Service Station Ma ry Kibele Paul Kilbride Mary Kilpatrick Helen G. McAvoy Kinsley Harry A. Kirchmann Mr. a nd Mrs. James E. Kirk Mrs. Alice G. Kno>C Bruce Koegler Mr. a nd Mrs. Konieczka Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Kopp John Kolller Kroiman' s Pharmacy Anton Krame r The resa Kromer Mr. a nd Mrs. F. R. Kratz Emil Will iam Krause Kravitz Service Cleaning Mrs. louise Krupick Mr. and Mrs. Kubis Joe Kueny Marie Kuhn Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Kulakowski, Jr. Tom Kyle, Jr. John Lagana Mr. and Mrs. John Lagana Miss Marie Lagana Mr. and Mrs. Lampi Frank J. Lamprecht lone Real Estate John l. Langan J. E. larkin, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore A. Laskowski Carmen La Spina Ernie laux Mr. and Mrs. James Lavin Miss Theresa Lavin Murray Hill laundry Mr. Frond s J. lawley William J . lawler Mrs. leary Mrs. Jane A. LedwiH John Ledwith Matthew J . Ledwith Carl lehman

Mr. John Leichner Ed and Irene Lenert Mrs. frances Lenart Alfred LeSieur Alfred G. LeSieur, Sr. Arthur K. Lesion, D.D.S. Margaret C. Lethen: Malcolm C. Lever Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lindermuth Mrs. Cothorlne Linden Muriel Elise Llney Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 0. Lodge Jock Lombard Mrs. John Lombard Rosemary Lombard Mrs. Helena Loughlin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lubas Or. N. J. Luby Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lunny Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Lutz lycoming Pharmacy Mr. G. MacBride Mrs. G. MacBride Mrs. H. MacBride Warren H. MocPeek Anthony McAleer Or. James D. McBride James A. McCafferty francis P. McColl Mrs. James McColl Arthur f. McCarthy Daniel J. McCartney McCleery Tire Service Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H. McCoog Mrs. Groce McColgan The McCoy family Donald Bernard "Sotch" McCoy Mr. ond Mrs. J . McCoy H. G. McCoy Anno Moe McCreary Reverend McCullough Mr. Woller McDonald Catherine and Sora McElroy Miss Hannah Mcfadden The Misses McGarrity The Misses McGoughron Mr. and Mrs. J . McGinley Mr. Jerome A. McGinley Mrs. Joseph J . McGoldrick Mr. and Mrs. J. Edward McGowan Mrs. John F. McGrath Mr. Edward McKeon Mrs. Jennie McKeon Mr. and Mrs. B. Mclaughlin Guy W. Mcloughlin Rosanna S. McManus Mr. and Mrs. Fra nk J. McNichol Doris M. McNulty Chaplain A. F. McQuaid, U.S.N. Reverend Michael B. McShan e Teresa M. MeTeor "Moe" Mr. Joseph Moco lone A. Macari Mrs. Catherine Madden Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Madden Mrs. Daniel J . Madden Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Madd en Mrs. Allison Moggiola Alice Maginn Mr. and Mrs . Frank D. Maginn Integrity Magnesia Company John Mohon Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Mohon Mary Catherine Mahon Mr. Fronk J . Mahoney Miss Janis Mahoney Mary Mahoney Paul A. Mahoney W. J . Mahoney Jose ph V. Mokem Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Molherin Esther Malizia

Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Malone Thomas Malone Mr. and Mrs. James B. Mailman Bemord Mannix T. E. Manganiello Mrs. Mary Monyok Angelo Marabella Anno Marie Marabella Pearl Marchand Betty Mordersteck Martins' Pharmacy Dole lynne Martin Leo J. Martin, Jr. Tony Martin Mr. Joseph Masino Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mossore Agnes and Marian Matthews Mrs. Joseph Maxwell Mayfair Bottling Mayfair launderette Mayfair Radio Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Maynes Charles J. Maynes, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Mazzo Hannah E. Meckling Mrs. John J. Meehan L. Melikian R. E. Melleurer Mary Mellott Salvatore Mergliono Fronk Men: Bernadette Milburn Mr. W. Miles Miller's Candy Shop Mrs. J. Albert Miller Mr. David Miller Mr. and Mrs. Edward Miller Mrs . Sarah M. Michel Mrs. M. Mignano Mr. and Mrs. J. Mitchell Sam's Nobil Karl Moegerle Modern Hearing Aid Center Mr. and Mrs. James Momonello Mrs. R. J. Moneyhon Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mooney Maurice Mort Mr. Wolter Morris Dorothy Leonard Morris Mr. and Mrs. James J. Morrissey Edward Morrison J . W. Mortimer Mary A. Moron Mrs. Sora M. Moss Mr. and Mrs. A. Moynihan Muffler and Rick John J. Muir Mr. William Muir Felix Muhil Richard Mukahcm Ruth Mull Mrs. George Mullen Mr. and Mrs. John Mullin Bob Murphy Mrs. John Murphy Margaret Mary Murphy Myles Murphy Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Murphy Margaret Clore Murrin Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nagel, Jr. Grotto and Joe Nally Mr. Don Naughton J . Neary Marion Patricia Neary Joey Negro Joseph John Negro James Nicolo Be n Niewinski Mrs . Josephine Niewodowskl Mrs. Cathrine Noel Mrs. Nick Noel Dolores Nolen William 0 . Nolan


Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Nolan Gerold O' Brien Mr. James W. O' Brien Mr. Thomas O' Brien Ocean Call Hotel Mr. Thomas O'Donnell Julius O 'Oorislo, Ph.D. Mrs. J . O' Oorlslo John Okonski John J . Oliver Mrs. L. O'Malley Hugh P. O' Neill James E. O' Neill Mr. and Mrs. John J. O' Neill Mr. Michael J . O ' Neil Mr. Alfred Oriente Reverend John J . O'Rourke Virginia O 'Rourke Edward Orrell Arthur J . O rsini Christophe r Orth Mr. and Mrs. James J . Osborne Mr. and Mrs. F. J . Ostertag Peter Oteri Mrs. Anna Ottinge r Mrs. John Owens Mr. and Mrs. L. J . Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Palo Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Palo Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ponnepo cker Vincent Pa nnepa cker B. J. Parola Mrs. James Pa rtklck Brian and Janel Ella Patterson Bill Paul William J. Paul Maxwell J . Pea rlstein Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pellish Pete and Tony's Ann Galati and Rose Pencoski Mr. and Mrs. Raymo nd C. Pentzell The Petner Family Steve Pe tner Stella and Jenny Petner Mr. and Mrs. John Petrik Miss Deanne Pfeiffer Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pfeifer Joseph Pfeifer Mr. and Mrs. Russel Phoyne Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J . Phillips Leon R. Pittmann Victo r L. Piccone Mr. a nd Mrs. Vincent Polinka Polis and Co., Cleaners Miss Dolo res Porrotto The Prenderga?l Family Ethel Pressens Mr. J ohn F. Prokopik Mrs. Flo.-Amy Prokopik Mrs. E. Quop Mr. James W. Quinn, 2nd Mrs . James W. Quinn, 2nd Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Quinn , Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Quinn, Sr. John and Pat Quinn John Quinn Frank V. Radomski, Jr. Joseph C. Radomski luci lle Ra domski Mr. a nd Mrs. James Randazzo John Reardon John J . Reckner Mike Refsin Mr. a nd Mrs. William Regll Rekhl Ma rket Cecil ia Yon nesso Reilly Edward Reilly John Reilly Mrs. John W. Reilly Ray Rennard George J . Resnick, M.D. Mr. a nd Mrs. George Rice Mrs. F. L. Rickards

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rider James Rieck Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rieck John Ries Dr. George E. Ries Robert Riethmlller Mrs. James Rigney Mr. and Mrs. Elwood T. Rinehart Ealter Rininsland Sam the Tailor Mr. and Mrs. Charles Samtmann Mr. and Mrs. F. Santi Frank Sarr Antonio Sca lfaro Dr. Joseph Scally Mr. Quinto Schaffer Mr. Charles Schaefer Miss Allee Schimpf Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Schmid Edward W. Schmid '56 John F. Schmidt Herman E. Schmidt Max Schmidt C. Schrack and Company William Schu lx llenjamln Schwartzman Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schwengler Joseph Schwin Frank Sciulli, Jr. .. Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Sciulli Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Scucca Mr. Peter Seibel E. C. Seiberlich l,oura Seiberlich Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Seiberlich Mrs. J ohn J. Shalsh Joseph R. Sharpe, Ill J. Paul Shea Shelly, M.D. Mrs. ll. Sheridan Mr. B. Sheridan Bemard Sheridan, Jr. Edward Sheridan Eleanor Sheridan Hugh Sheridan Mrs. Mary Sheridan Rose Sheridan Edward J. Shields S. T. Shoneman Joseph Shwop Joseph Siraflnl Frank V. Srabane Ann Semietkowskl Anne Semietkowskl Mr. Joseph Sielock J ohn Slemietkowskl J oseph Siemletkowskl Terry Siemletkowskl Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Simmler Burton C. Simon Savings and loon Miss Mary Simone Miss Susan A. Simone Joseph W. SlmoneHi Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Simonetti Mrs. John Slnglser Mrs. Catherine Slavek Mrs. Smith

Bill Smith Mr. Joseph Smylie Mrs. William D. Smith Wallace Snow Mr. Edward Sonthelmer Sophomore " B" Pasquale Sorrentino Pete Sorrentino Mr. and Mrs. F. Spadofona Edward Spanier Spath's Men's Wear Miss Kathren Spellman James Spll%e r James Spinelli The Bright Spot Mr. and Mrs. Howard SpraÂŤ Anna Squillace E. Steck Butch Stehel John Stehel Mr. Stein Mrs. Stewart Stewart's Food Center Carol Anne Stokes Ted and Harry Strauss Mrs. William Strobel Mr. and Mrs. David Sullivan Mr. and Mrs . Sullivan James Sullivan, Jr. Michael Sullivan Sunset Cleaners Carl Suppa Mr. J. Swartz Mrs. Arline Sykes Adam Szczur Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Szymanski Mrs. B. Edward Torches John Ta shl, Jr. Mrs. E. Taussig Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Taylor Mr. F. P. Taylor, Jr. Min M. G. Taylor John E. Teas Temple Hardware Terry's Gift Shop The Terry& A.R.C. Cleaners, John Testa Mrs. Rosalie Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Edward Thompson Miss Marlon J . Tierney Claire Trappler Donald Trappler Mr. VIcto r Trappi..Mrs. Victor Trappler Harry T. Todd John and Margie Todd Tom the Barber Mrs. John Toner John Turnan Mrs. Mary R. Turkkee Tunitsky's Drug Store John E. Tuohy Mrs. I. Van Parya Earl C. Verbeck Viking Inn Mr. and Mrs. William H. VIncent


Mrs. Mary G. VIncent Mrs. Catherine Vogel Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Volk Joseph Voss Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Waddington Robert Wagner Frank J. Wakefield Mrs. Frank J . Wakefiel d, Jr. Peter Walhelm Marguerete Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Walsh Mr. William Walsh Thomas Walsh Mr. George Ward Mrs. George Ward Mr. and Mrs . George P. Ward Ruth Ward Mrs. C. A . Wardle Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wa sniew ski Joseph T. Waugh Wayne Avenue Playhouse Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weaver V. F. Weaver's, Inc. Anna Weber Walter F. Wela, Jr. Samuel Wets Francis Welsh John J. Weist, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Welsh larry Wentz Mrs. Mary Werl%e r West Wholesale Drugs Mr. George Westenburger Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Whalen Martin Whalen Bill Whelan Whimsy Shop Francis While Miss Pauline Wiedmann Jack C. Wilk inson Mr. and Mrs. Martin H. Williams The Wilson Family

Mrs. Charles H. Wilson John Charles Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Hen ry K. Winkelspecht Mr. R. Winter Mrs. J . Wlsnefskl John Wojclec.h owlcz Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wolf Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Wolf Mrs. H. 0 . Woodcock George Woodring Miss Ann G. Woolslager Miss Betty Woolslager Edward Woolslager Mr. and Mrs. C. Wrzesniewski Frank J. Wunderlich, Jr. Wyneva Pharmacy Miss Joan Young Miss Dorothy Zanlne Mrs. Mary Zapf Mrs. A. Zeccardl Bruce Zahnle Mr. and Mrs. C. Bernard Zimmerman Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zubyk



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