1966 Yearbook

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DEDICATION Men rise to leadership only after accomplishment. For more than half his life, Brother E. Francis has worked for LaSalle - there is ample proof of his toil. Today, the students know him as principal, as the man whose decisions affect each student and faculty member. Moreover, his exemplary personal life is a guiding influence to all who know him, resulting in a fideUt:.,, : e~emplifie f t b,Y,the great number of alumni who return to teach at La Salle. . . When he arrived in I 94Ct Brother immediately began working for La Salle. He instructed · mgthematics, mod ,erated bo~ling, · ·•and directed the intramural s_ports. After six years, he wa~ appoi.rrfe/9 athletic _\director, overseeing - cha ~ pi~ s~i~s·~ -all ma~1'~ .





jor ~ports. ·:His assignment as principal came in 1951. During his fifteen years as administrator, Brother has guided La Salle through innumerable improvements. His vital role in leading the transfer of La Salle's campus to th~ suburbs in 1960 was his greatest achievement. Academically, he has been the impetus to newer arid more challenging courses, visual aid programs, and honors courses for qualified students. Brother, who has dedicated his life to La Salle, is not given to self-praise, nor does he ever complain of being overburdened. Rarely do we find such excellent qualities of personality combined in an individual. In our search for leaders in the troubled times of today, we recognize the remarkable character of Brother E. Francis. At his departure, La Salle will lose a great leader.

An important ~nd necessary duty of a . principal is good public relations. Brother 路 impresses everyone by his : flawless de votion to La Salle.

The administrative division of La Salle is greatly facilitated ingratiating presence of Mrs. Celeste Schaefer, an invaluable to Brother Francis.

by the assistant

Two of La Salle's most ardent patrons are Brother Francis' parents, Mr. and Mrs . . McLean, who have been associated with our school ever since their son's assignment to La Salle.

Keeping a careful eye on the school, Brothe r Francis strolls through the corridors for an inspection of all departments.

Brother Francis shared graduation way with this year's seniors.


in a



Because of his great understanding of young men, seniors find it very easy to converse informally with their pr incipal.

A great man is a leader •

• •

-~ ----









58 --------------





The spiritual, intellectual, physical, and social aspects of our life are greatly stimulated at La Salle . In keeping with the spirit of Vatican 11, challenging religion classes offer a more meaningful appreciation for the new liturgy . The extensive use of the most modern teaching methods complemented by the unsurpassed e xcellence of a Christian Brothers' education provide a sound foundation on which to build our scholastic future . Guided by counselors and homeroom teachers, we receive the personal attention so necessary in forming a wholesome attitud e towards our society . Varsity sports, intramurals and physical fitness programs provide any interested student with an opportunity to take part in athletic activity. Assemblies , selected in the students' interest, contribute numerous opportunities by which we recognize our capacity for leadership . The spiritual , intellectual, physical, and social - integral phases of our life at La Salle; integral parts of our total development .


Leading others.to greatness • 2

• •


La Salle students are individuals striving for fulfillment. They realize that development is a gradual process : and that an important phase of development is their high school career. They come to know and to understand themselves, to despise and to avoid indifference, to rise above ignorance, and to eradicate indecision. Anxious to join with their fellow students, they gain respect for courage in the face of d ifficulti es, for dedication to correct thinking, and for a steadfast adherence to convictions . They admire most of all the wholehearted acceptance of a contrary decision, the mark of a true leade r. W ith the capacity to plan and the power to persuade, their teachers often greatly affect the students ' personalities and convince them that success can be achieved only by meeting opportunity with p reparation; that the time for preparation is the present . . La Salle makes it evident to each student that he mu st frrst master himself before he is frt to lead others . For four years guidance is supplied wh ich he will frnd of q reat value in the futu re. Not eve ry leader will achieve great recognition, but those with the natural endowme nt who meet great demands with great ene rgy

more than prove themselves leaders .. •

BROTHER E. JAMES- SILVER JUBILARIAN A quarter century of devoted teaching may seem like a great accomplishment in the life of any teacher. But when we associate these years with the person of BROTHER E. JAMES , we know that this devotion is present in any assignment Brother is given. Since his arrival here at La Salle in 1957, Brother James has delighted his sophomore classes with the principles of Plane Geometry, and his Religion students have found themselves fast becoming experts in the area of Sacramental Theology. His affable nature coupled with his unfailing smile, help his students to enjoy being taught. Outside the classroom, Brother James is seen frequently conversing with a group of students who enjoy his wit and relish in bantering with him over the latest fads. When not engaged in conversation with students, Brother James may be found in the swimming pool offices spending his after-school hours moderating the swimming team. His untiring energy for the swimming team throughout the many years he has been its moderator has made La Salle's team one of the best in the city. On November 20 , 1965, Brother James officially celebrated his Silver Jubilee as a Christian Brother. Our wish is that he may enjoy many more happy years of teaching.


Cleveland Indians' star pitcher, Sam McDowell, congratulates James, on his Silver Jubilee .

his good friend, Brother




One of the most popular faculty members is our vice-principal, Brother D. Carl. As Administrator, Brother is the essential mediator between the faculty and the students. His affable personality, combined with his serious concern for his responsibilities, contribute to La Salle's outstanding reputation.




The congenial personality of Brother F. Albert compliments his efficient management of the. bookstore.

BROTHER D. JOSEPH 4C . . . Mathematics Ill, IV •.• Math Club Moderator •.. lntramurals Moderator.


BROTHER DAVID ALBERT ... Guidance Director ••• Assemblies Coordinator, Religious Clubs Moderator.

BROTHER D. KENNETH 4A ... Religion IV, Physics, Music Appreciation IV •.. Apostolic Activities Moderator, Fine Arts Club Moderator, J.V. Tennis Coach.

MR. DAVID DIEHL 40 •.• Social Studies IV ... Junior Guidance Counselor . . . Varsity Football Coach.

BROTHER G. WILLIAM 4E ... Religion IV, Spanish Ill ..• Modern Language Department Chairman, Sophomore Guidance Counselor, Student Council Moderator, Spanish Club Moderator.

BROTHER GREGORY NAZIANZEN 48 . . . Religion IV, Physics ... Science Department Chairman.


MR. BERNARD McCABE 4F ••• English II, IV . . . Bowling Moderator.

BROTHER E. JOSEPH 4G ••• ligion IV, American History Mothers' Club Moderator.


BROTHER D. JEROME 3A ... Religion Ill, Art I, II, Ill, IV ... Art C.lub Moderator, Crew Moderator.

BROTHERFIDELIANOF JESUS 38 .•. Religion Ill, Chemistry ... Science Club Moderator, Basketball Moderator.

BROTHER M. NICHOLAS 3C ... Religion Ill, English II, Ill ... BLUE AND GOLD Moderator.

MR. JOHN MOORE 30 •.• English Ill, Latin II ... Cape and Sword Moderator.

Brother Paul Francis tries to convince Brother Fidelian that a good chemistry teacher most definitely should be interested in a subscription to ABSTRACTSOF ENGLISH STUDIES.

Inspiringothers •

• •


To accept the challenges•

BROTHER G. MALACHY 3E .. . Religion Ill, American History .. . <;ocial Studies Department Chairman, Turner Society Moderator ... lntramurals Moderator.

MR. GERALD TREMBLAY 3F ... En;lish Ill, IV, Advanced Placement English Ill, IV, English Department Chairman, Music Appreciation IV ... Fine Arts Club Moderator ... Varsity Tennis Coach.

• •

BROTHER G. GRATIAN 3G •.. Religion Ill, Mathematics II, Ill .•• Track Moderator, Apostolic Activities Moderator.

BROTHER D. DAVID 2A •.• Religion II, English II, Composition II ••. Forensics Moderator , , . Baseball Moderator.

MR. JOSEPH HICKEY 28 ..• man I.

BROTHER E. JAMES 2C •.. Religion II, Geometry •.• Swimming Moderator.


Mr. Giacchino makes use of the teacher's machine.

best friend-the


One of last year's Biology drop-outs is introduced to an alert sophomore by Brother Emery.


BROTHER D. LEWIS 2D ... Religion 11,Biology , .. Football Moderator, Mothers' Club Moderator.

BROTHERPAUL FRANC.IS2E ... Religion II, English I, II ... WISTERIAN Moderator.

Brother Carl double-checks his P. A. information with his secretary, Mrs. Dorwart.

Lively question and answer sessions are typical of Brother Glenn's senior P.O.D. class.

BROTHER EMERY LAWRENCE 2F . , , Religion II, Biology •.. CrossCountry Moderator.

BROTHER WILLIAM GLENN 2G ... Religion II, Social Studies IV, American History .•• Band Moderator.

MR. MICHAEL GIACCHINO IA ••• Latin I ••• Freshman Football Coach.

FATHER AMANDUS PIONTEK, O.F.M. I B .•. Religion I ... Chaplain ... German and French Clubs Moderator.

MR. JOSEPH LYNCH IC ••• English I, II, Typing ••• Freshman Basketball Coach.

BROTHEREMILIAN OF MARY ID ••• Religion I, Latin I, 11, 111,IV, Greek IV , .• Classical Languages Department Chairman.


A new member of our Chemistry department, Brother Fidelian explains the filtration process to two junior chemists.

BROTHER KEVIN PAULINUS IE , , , Religion I, World History ... Band Moderator, Music Department Chairman.

BROTHER F. ROBERT IF ••• Religion I, Algebra I •.. Bus Service Director.

BROTHER D. EDMUND IG .•• Religion I, Typing.



All students have high goals, and Mr. Diehl encourages Mike Hogan to attain his.

MR. PETER FELEDICK IH ••. World History, World Culture ... Forensics Moderator.


"Oh boy. what a meal," Brother Patrick seems to be commenting to himself as he takes a second helping of sauerkraut.

BROTHER EUGENE EDWIN ••. Mathematics Ill, IV.

MR. JOHN FLYNN ..• tics IV, Chemistry.


The responsibilities +



BROTHER F. JAMES ••• German II, Ill, Driver Education •.. Men of La Salle Moderator.


BROTHERD. MARTIN ..• Religion Ill .•. German Ill ... Athletic Director.

MR. EDWARD KELLY••• English I, Reading and Speech . , • Junior Varsity Football Coach, Track Coach.

College admission information is given to Mr. and Mrs. Givey by La Salle's authority-Brother Albert.

BROTHERF. ALBERT.•. Religion II, Latin I, II ... Bookstore.




DR. DONALD REINHARDT Music Instructor.

Faculty members gather round the lunch table to enjoy a hurried meal between classes.


And the leadershipof tomorrow.

MR. CHARLESO'BRIEN ••. Physical Education . , . Varsity Basketball Coach.

MR. WALTERFARRELL... Physical Education . . . Swimming Coach.

MR. JOHN FLANNERY..• Physical Education . . . Varsity Football Coach.

MRS. RUTH .BRAUN ..• Nurse.

MISS VIRGINIA MURPHY Librarian, Library Club.


MRS. MARY DORWART. , • Secretary.

MRS. CATHERINE LULL . . . Secretary.


IN MEMORIAM On May 30, 1965, while in the midst of preparing for a summer of study in Germany, Brother William was rushed to Chestnut Hill Hospital where he died of a heart attack in a matter of hours. Brother taught Senior Religion and Advanced German while at La Salle, and no teacher showed more eagerness and energy in his teaching than Brother William. Best known throughout the school for his efficient management of the bookstore, he did his work without fanfare. Brother William's affable nature, his innate goodness, and his unfailing devotion to La Salle and its traditions will long be remembered by us all.




After four years of physical and mental growth, we are prepared to take our place in the perplexing world of today. In retrospect, we can notice the progression from shy freshmen, to omniscient sophomores, curious juniors, responsible seniors. And now, although challenged by the uncertainty of tomorrow, we do look ahead with determination to the future.

JAMES L. ANGELICHIO 234 W. Maple Street Ambler, Pa. Ml 6-4118 Saint Joseph l E, 2C, 3C, 4G ... Scholastic Medal I ... Scholastic Letter 3 ... German Club 2,3,4 ... Turner Society 3,4 .•. lntramurals 1,2,3,4 CHARLES J. ANSPACH, JR. 7414 Crittenden Street Philadelphia 19, Pa. CH 7-1990 Holy Cross lC, 28, 3E, 4A ... Track 1,2 ... German Club 2,3,4 ... Blue and Gold 4 ... Benilde Club 4 ... Fine Films Club· ... Student Government 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

KENNETH C. AROBONE 8802 Hawthorn Lane Wyndmoor, Pa. AD 3-2912 Seven Dolors l B, 2G, 3F, 40 ... Golf l ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4 WILLIAM C. ASHWORTH 2226 Friendship Street Philadelphia 49, Pa. DE 3-9539 Our Lady of Ransom l D, 28, 3G, 4F ... Basketball l ... Bowling 4 ... Benilde Club 2,3,4 ... German Club 3,4 ... Fine Films Club 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

NED C. BACHUS 225 Sydney Street Philadelphia 19, Pa. CH 8-1631 Holy Cross l A, 2C, 3D, 4F ... Legion of Mary 1,2 ... Dramatics Club 2,3,4 ... School Community Council 4 ... French Fine Films Club 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4 Club 2,3,4 ... GERARD C. BALLARD 5918 N. 11th Street Philadelphia 41, Pa. LI 8-3873 Holy Child l B, 28, 3A, 4D ... Library Aide l ... Chi Rho 3 ... German Club 3,4 ... Cape and Sword 4 . . . Turner Society 4 ... lntramurals l

Pete Feeney: . • . but Bis, nobody still does the f:ango.

ERNEST G. BARBIERI 8040 Rugby Street Philadelphia 50, Pa. LI 8-5657 Saint Raymond l D, 2F, 3F, 48 ... Baseball l ... Photography Club l ... Benilde Club 1,2 ... German Club 2,3,4 ... Wisterian 4 ... Color Guard 2 ... Student Government 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

MICHAEL W. BARBOUR 625 E. Main Street Moorestown, N. J. 609 235-5394 Our Lady of Good Counsel l G, 20, 3A, 4G Scholastic Letter 3 . . . Scholastic Medal 2 ... Swimming 2 ... Track 2,3,4(L) ... Science Club 3,4 ... German Club 2,3,4 ... Turner Society 4 ... Dramatics 2 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

THADDEUS J. BARTKOWSKI 4418 Almond Street Philadelphia 37, Pa. Saint John Cantius Pl 3-2776 Forensics 4 . . . Dramatics 4 . . . lE, 2G, 3A, 4E . Turner Society 4 ... Intramural Club 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

ALLAN A. BENINCASA 622 Palairet Road IV 3-6571 l C, 28, 3C, 40 ...

Philadelphia 28, Pa. Immaculate Heart of Mary Scholastic Medal l ... lntramurals 1,2

JOSEPH P. BERGMAIER 536 Magnolia Avenue Croydon, Pa. ST 8-8623 Saint Thomas Aquinas 1 B, 28, 3G, 4F ... Baseball 4 ... German Club 3,4 Benilde Club 3,4 ... Student Government 4 . . . Fine Films Club 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

JOSEPH F. BEST 273 Hickory Road

OS 5-0285 1 D, 2E, 30, 4F ... Swimming 2,3,4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

SAMUEL M. BIANCHINI 1505 Pleasant Avenue Philadelphia 18, Pa. CH 2-0602 Seven Dolors l F, 2A, 38, 48 ... Benilde Club 1,2,3 ... Photography Club l ... Spanish Club 4 ... Student Council 3,4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4 Student Government 4 ...

JOHN C. BIDDISON 1339 Robbins Street Philadelphia 11, Pa. cu 9-8875 Saint Martin of Tours Track l ... lA, 3A, 40 . .. Cross Country l ... Intramurals 1,3,4

Warminster, Pa. Nativity of Our Lord 2,3,4(L) ... French Club

While Brother E. Joseph lectures on sacred scripture, his attentive class copies some important blackboard notes.

JOHN M. BISSELL 60 I Station Avenue North Hills, Pa. TU 6-6651 Holy Martyrs 1B, 2F, 3C, 4C . . Basketball (Manager) 1,2 ... Benilde Club 2,3 ... French Club 2,3,4 ... Student Government 4 ... Intramural Club 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

CHARLES S. BLICHASZ New Britain, Pa. 50 Matthews Avenue Saint Jude 345-1482 10, 28, 30, 4A .. Football 2 ... Dramatics 3,4 ... lntramurals Photography Club 1,2 ... German Club 4 ... 1,2,3,4

BRIAN M. BOALES 246 W. Duncannon Avenue Philadelphia 20, Pa. GI 5-3940 Incarnation of Our Lord 1F, 2E, 3C, 4A ... Football 1,2 ... Benilde Club 1,3 ... Turner Society 3,4 ... Spanish Club 2,3 ... Intramural Club 3,4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

MICHAEL C.• BOERNER 592 Crossfield Road King of Prussia, Pa. 265-2184 Mother of Divine Providence 1G, 20, 3A, 4G ... Football 1,2,3(L),4(L) ... Baseball 1,2(L),3(L),4(L) ... German Club 4 ... Science Club 3,4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

LEONARD R. BOGLE 436 Green Lane IV 2-5823 1C, 2G, 38, 4F Spanish Club 4 .

Cross Country 1 lntramurals 1,2,3,4

Philadelphia 28, Pa. Holy Family . Track 1 ...

HARRY M. BOHRER 5112 N. Marvine Street Philadelphia 41, Pa. DA 4-0008 Holy Child 1B, 2G, 38, 4C ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Benilde Club 2,3


CHARLES J. BORYS 227 Green Lane IV 2-4108 l D, 2A, 3G, 40 ...

Philadelphia 28, Pa. Sa int Josa phat lntramurals


RICHARD M. BRADLEY 421 Ridge Pike Lafayette Hill, Pa. TA 8-5250 Saint Philip l F, 2E, 38, 4F ... Benilde Club 1,2 ... Spanish Club 3,4 ... Student Council 2 ... Intramural Club 3,4 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4

JOHN P. BRADY 442 E. Mount Airy Avenue Philadelphia 19, Pa. CH 7-0429 Holy Cross l E, 20, 30, 4E ... Scholastic Medal 2 ... Scholastic Letter 3 . . Track l ... Cross Country l . . . Crew 2,3,4(L) ... French Club 2,3,4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

RICHARD J. BRADY 4613 Green Street Philadelphia 44, Pa. GL 5-0456 Saint Francis of Assisi l G, 28, 3G, 48 ... Scholastic Letter 2,3 ... French Club 2 ... Benilde Club l ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

ROBERT L. BRECKENRIDGE,JR. 748 Baeder Road Jenkintown, Pa. TU 7-0540 Immaculate Conception l E, 2G, 3E, 4A ... Cross Country l ,2,3,4(L) ... Crew l ,2,3,4(L) ... Math Club 3 ... Benilde Club 1 Dramatics 2 ... Wisterian 4 ... Science Club 3,4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

CHARLES T. BROWN 7814 Williams Avenue Philadelphia 50, Pa. LI 9-5669 Saint Raymond 1 E, 2F, 3E, 4F ... School Community Council 4 ... German Club 2,3,4 ... Fine Films Club 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

ROBERT M. BURT Washington Lane and Maple Avenue Wyncote, Pa. TU 7-0310 Immaculate Conception 1C, 2E, 3C, 4C ... Swimming 1,2 ... Band l ,2,3,4(L) ... French Club 2,3,4 ... Blue and Gold 4 ... Wisterian 2 ... Student Government 4 ... Dramatics 2 ... Fine Films Club 4

HOWARD J. CAIN 724 Jackson Avenue Ardsley, Pa. TU 7-3462 Queen of Peace l G, 2E, 3E, 48 ... Wisterian 1,2,4 ... German Club 2,3,4 Debating 2 . . . Turner Society 4 . . . Dramatics 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

JOHN J. CARLIN 745 George Street Norristown, Pa. 275-2559 Saint Francis of Assisi l D, 28, 3F, 4E ... Bowling 3,4(L) ... Turner Society 3,4 ... Intramural Club 2,3,4 ... German Club 3,4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

WILLIAM J. CARLIN 7943 Temple Road Philadelphia 50, Pa. LI 9-8906 Saint Raymond l F, 28, 3F, 4A ... Benilde Club 2,3,4 ... German Club 2,3,4 ... Wisterian 4 ... Library Staff 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

EUGENE G. GATTIE 772 Glen Road TU 4-7857 lA, 2G, 38, 4F ... ... Track 3(L),4(L) 1,2,3,4

Jenkintown, Pa. Immaculate Conception Football 2 ... Cross Country 3,4(L) ... Spanish Club 4 ... lntramurals

JOHN V. GATTIE 6350 N. 7th Street Philadelphia 26, Pa. CA 4-1891 Saint Helena l C, 2E, 3F, 4A ... Swimming l ,2,3(L),4(L) ... Water Benilde Club 2,3 ... Spanish Club 3,4 ... Polo 3,4 ... Student Council 4 ... Intramural Club 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

RAYMOND J. CAVALIER 17 S. Spring Garden Street Ambler, Pa. Ml 6-0117 Saint Joseph l B, 2C, 38, 4D ... Confraternity of Christian Doctrine 1,2 ... Spanish Club 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

LOUIS B. CLARK 145 Roberts Avenue Glenside, Pa. TU 4-0850 Saint Luke l A, 2A, 3C, 4A ... Cross Country l ,2,3,4(L) ... Track l ,2,3,4(L) ... Math Club 3 ... Science Club 3,4 ... Dramatics 2 ... Turner Society 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

ROBERTJ. CODY 1115 Watkins Street Philadelphia 48., Pa. HC 8-1433 Saint Nicholas l E, 2E, 3F, 4D ... Crew 2,3(L),4(L) .. Football 2 ... German Club 2,3,4 ... Benilde Club 3 ... Turner Society 4 ... Art Club 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

JOHN P. COOKSON 1367 Edgewood Avenue Roslyn, Pa. OL 9-4198 Saint John of the Cross l C, 28, 3C, 4D ... Cross Country 2,3 ... Track l ,2,3,4(L) ... Turner Society 4 ... Student Council 4 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4

CHARLES K. CORKERY Huntingdon Valley, Pa. Saint Christopher lF, 28, 3F, 4F .. Football l ... Waterpolo 3,4 ... German Club 3,4 .. . Intramural Club 4 .•. lntramurals 1,2,3,4

154 Woodland Road WI 7-3363

VINCENT E. COSTELLO 3333 N. Park Avenue BA 3-0575

Philadelphia 40, Pa. Saint Stephen l B, 2A, 3E, 4E ... Swimming l ... Wisterian 3,4 ... Intramural Club 4 . . . Spanish Club 4 . . . lntramurals 1,2,3,4

PAUL F. CUSHING 802 Harrison Avenue TU 4-3396

Ardsley, Pa. Queen of Peace l F, 2A, 3A, 4E ... Wisterian 2,3 ... Benilde Club 1,2 ... Dramatics 4 ... Turner Society 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

JOSEPH P. D'ANGELO 4542 N. Warnock Street GL 7-4354

1A, 2A, 3C, 4A ... ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

Philadelphia 40, Pa. Holy Child Benilde Club 3 ..• French Club 4

JAMES R. DANIEL 345 Cedar Road Fl 2-7257

Elkins Park, Pa. Saint James l C, 2E, 3E, 4F ... Football l ,2,3(L),4(L) ... Bowling 2,3,4(L) ... Track l ,2,3,4(L) ... Spanish Club 3,4 ... Student Council 4 ... Wisterian 4 ... Intramural Club 3,4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

DAVID B. DAWSON 170 Lakeside Road Ml 2-6809

l B, 2G, 38, 4F ... Football 2 ... Intramural Club 4 ... lntramurals

The trio-Enoch, Flynn, McCarthy-get camp .•. Dear John •.•

Ardmore, Pa. Saint Colman Spanish Club 3,4 ... 1,2,3,4

the message at football

PETERM. D'ENTREMONT 1451 Bustleton Pike EL 7-4712

l F, 2A, 3G, 4A ... Track l Club 4 ... Intramural Club 4 ...

Feasterville, Pa. Assumption B.V.M. Baseball 4 ... Math lntramurals 1,2,3,4

FRANCIS P. DEVINE 228 Tulpehocken Avenue TU 6-9254

Elkins Park, Pa. Saint James l A, 2C, 3C, 4G ... Scholastic Medal 2,3 ... Scholastic Letter 3 ... Cross Country 2 ... Track l ,2,3,4(L) ... German Club 2,3 ... Science Club 2,3 ... Turner Society 4 . . . lntramurals 1,2,3,4

DANIEL J. DEVLIN Philadelphia 41, Pa. Holy Child lC, 2C, 3B, 48 .. Cross Country 3,4(L) ... Track 3 ... Benilde Club 4 . . . Spanish Club 3,4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

5203 Sydenham Street GL 5-3145

FRANCIS G. DOHERTY Philadel,phia 20, Pa. Saint Ambrose l G, 20, 3A, 4G ... Scholastic Letter 2,3 ... Scholastic Medal 3,4 ... Track l ,2,3,4(L) ... Math Club 3,4 ... Intra murals路 1,2,3,4 5205 Marwood Road GL 5-9398

EDWARD J. DONAHUE 6531 Montour Street RA 5-5364

l E, 2C, 3A, 40 . . 3,4 ... lntramurals

Intramural 1,2,3,4

Philadelphia 11, Pa. Saint William Club 4 ... Spanish Club

VINCENT M. DOWLING 3024 Crescent Avenue 825-0937

Lafayette Hill, Pa. Saint Philip l 0, 2E, 3E, 4E ... Swimming 2 ... Track 3,4(L) ... Science Club 4 ... Math Club 4 Benilde Club 3,4 ... ... Intramural Club 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

COLLEGE NIGHT-Interested seniors and parents listen attentively to Brother Albert's advice.

WILLIAM E. DOWNS 6634 N. 21st Street Philadelphia 38, Pa. HA 4-1856 Saint Benedict 1F, 2G, 3E, 48 ... Baseball 4 ... Art Club 2,3,4 ... Dramatics 4 ... German Club 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4 GERALD J. DUGAN 1469 TallyHo Road Meadowbrook, Pa. WI 7-1698 Our Lady Help of Christians 1G, 2G, 3A, 4E ... Football 1 ... Track 1,2,3(L),4(L) German Club 3,4 ... Benilde ... Basketball 3,4(L) ... Club 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

MICHAEL R. DUGAN 828 Thomas Road VE 6-5147 l A, 2F, 3E, 4D

. Swimming

l . .

Lafayette Hill, Pa. Saint Philip lntramurals 1,2,3

JOHN D. DUNN 1802 Lindley Avenue DA 9-7427 l C, 2A, 3F, 4C ... 3,4 ... lntramurals

Philadelphia 41, Pa. Holy Child German Club Benilde Club 2,3 ... 1,2,3,4

ROBERTP. ENOCH 4036 Fairway Road Lafayette Hill, Pa. TA 8-9903 Saint Philip l B, 2C, 3D, 4C ... Football l ,2(L),3(L),4(L) ... BasketBenilde Club 3,4 ... ball l ,2,3,4(L) ... Crew 3,4 ... Fine Films French Club 2,3,4 ... Student Council 1,2 ... Club 4 ... Student Government 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4 TlMOTHY J. ERB 6434 Rising Sun Avenue Philadelphia 11, Pa. Pl 2-4707 Saint William l D, 28, 3E, 4C ... Football 1,2,3(L),4(L) ... German Club 3,4 ... Benilde Club 1,2,3 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

MICHAEL M. ETZL 9025 Frankford Avenue Philadelphia 14, Pa. MA 4-2464 Saint Domi~ic l E, 2D, 3A, 4G ... Scholastic Letter 2 ... Swimming 1(L),2(L),3(L),4(L) ... Water Polo 3,4 ... Student Council 3,4 ... Student Government 4 ... German Club 2,3,4 ... Science Club 3,4 ... Intramural Club 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4 PETERJ. FEENY 330 E. Gowen Avenue Philadelphia 19, Pa. CH 7-2761 Holy Cross l F, 2C, 3D, 48 ... Football l ... Basketball 2 ... Track l ,4(L) ... Benilde Club 1,2 ... Photography Club l Student Government 4 ... ... French Club 3,4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4






Bill McCloskey and Bob McAnespey, members of the Student Government, perform one of their invaluable services.

WALTER C.. FIDLER 8310 Crittenden Street Philadelphia 18, Pa. CH 2-1717 Our Mother of Consolation l G, 20, 3E, 48 ... Scholastic Medal l . . . Scholastic Letter 3 ... Band l,2,3,4(L) ... Tennis 2(L),3(L),4(L) ... Science_ Club 3,4 ... Math Club 3,4 ... German Club 2,3,4 . . . lntramurals 2,3,4

FRANCIS J. FISHER Philadelphia 52, Pa. 2628 Welsh Road Maternity B.V.M. OR 3-8334 Swimming 2,3,4(L) ... Football l JG, 2F, 3A, 4E ... Intramural Club 3,4 ... Intra... Water Polo 3,4 ... murals 1,2,3,4

I039 Coronet OS 5-6952 l E, 28, 3G, Letter 3 ... French Club ... Blue and

JOHN J. FITZGIBBONS, JR. Road Warminster, Pa. Nativity of Our Lord 4G ... Scholastic Medal 3,4 ... Scholastic Swimming 2 ... Benilde Club 2,3,4 ... 2,3,4 ... Chi-Rho 3 ... Interracial Club 4 Gold 4 ... Dramatics 2 ... lntramurals 2,3,4

JAMES G. FLICKINGER 5864 Saul Street JE 3-4077 l A, 2E, 30, 40 ...

Philadelphia 49, Pa. Saint Martin of Tours lntramurals


JAMES R. FLYNN Philadelphia 18, Pa. 7808 Froebe( Road Seven Dolors AD 3-1565 l E, 2E, 3F 40 . . Scholastic Medal 2 .. Football 1,2 lntramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Track 1,3,4 ...

JOSEPH J. FLYNN 534 Carver Street Pl 5-8363 l C, 28, 3G, 4C ... 3,4(L) ... Student lntramurals 1,2,3,4


Philadelphia 20, Pa. Saint William Football l ,2(L),3(L),4(L) ... Track Council 4 ... German Club 4 ...

TIMOTHY J. FOLEY 7500 Brookfield Road ME 5-0179

Philadelphia 26, Pa. Saint Joseph 1B, 2C, 3C, 4C ... Football 1,2(L),3(L),4(L) ... Basketball 1 ... Crew 3 ... Benilde Club 4 ... Spanish Club 3,4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4 ROBERTM. FOSTER

4048 Westaway Drive 828-6914

1D, 2F, 3A, 4D ... Band 2,3,4(L) Chi-Rho 3 ... French Club 4 ...

Lafayette Hill, Pa. Saint Philip Neri ... Color Guard 2 . , lntramurals 1,2,3,4

KENNETHG. FULMER 107 Lawnton Road 275-4468

Norristown, Pa. Saint Titus 1G, 2E, 3A, 4F ... Wisterian 3 ... Turner Society 3,4 ... Math Club 2,3,4 ... Science Club 2,3,4 ... Forensics 1,2,3,4 ... Intramural Club 3,4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4 ROBERTW. GAIDJUNAS

30 I Ashbourne Road ME 5-5246

Elkins Park, Pa. Saint James 1F, 2A, 3D, 4F ... Basketball l ,2,3(L),4(L) ... Baseball Benilde Club l l ,2(L),3,4(L) ... French Club 3,4 ... ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

PATRICKA. GALLAGHER Philadelphia 18, Pa. Our Mother of Consolation l G, 28, 3D, 4G ... Scholastic Letter 2,3 ... Scholastic Medal 3 ... German Club 4 ... Turner Society 3 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4 8309 Ardleigh Street CH 7-4835

CHARLES A. GENUARDI 1687 Christopher Lane 272-1085

Norristown, Pa. Saint Francis of Assisi lC, 2A, 38, 4C ... Football 1,2 ... Benilde Club 2,3,4 ... Spanish Club 4 ... Student Council 3,4 ... Intramural Club 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

HANS GEVERS Post Jwistringen, Germany Saint Anna, Jwistringen

2831 Abbenhausen 35

4E ...



WILLIAM GIBBONS 402 Newbold Road TU 4-8074

Jenkintown, Pa. Immaculate Conception 1B, 2A, 3D, 4G ... Scholastic Medal 2 ... Scholastic Letter 2,3 . . Water Polo 3 ... French Club 2,3,4 ... Math Club 4 ... lntramurals 2,3


DOMINIC P. GIRONDO Mt. Pleasant Avenue and C,edar Lane Ambler, Pa. Ml 6-3464 Saint Anthony l E, 2D, 3A, 4G ... Scholastic Medal 2 ... Football 1,2 ... Track l ,2,3,4(L) ... German Club 2,3,4 ... Science Math Club 3,4 ... Wisterian 2,3,4 ... Club 2,3,4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

NEAL W. GIVEY 660 Monroe Avenue Ardsley, Pa. TU 7-1 153 Queen of Peace l D, 2A, 3C, 48 ... Tennis 2(L),3(L),4(L) ... Art Club 2 French Club 2,3,4 . Debating 2 ... Dramatics 4 ... ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

JOHN F. GRACE 2016 Oakmont Street Philadelphia 15, Pa. Pl 2-7568 Resurrection of Our Lord l F, 2C, 3C, 4F ... Crew 2,3,4(L) ... French Club 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

GREGORY K. GRAYNOR 1951 E. Cheltenham Avenue Philadelphia 24, Pa. Pl 3-4564 Saint Bartholemew l A, 28, 3G, 4F ... Crew l ,2,3(L),4(L) ... Forensics l Benilde Club 3 ... Fine Films ... German Club 3,4 ... Club 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

STANLEYGREENFIELD 1007 Foster Street HO 4-7912 l C, 2D, 3E, 4C ...

Benilde Club 1,4 ...

Philadelphia 16, Pa. Maternity B.V.M. lntramurals 1,3,4

SALVATOREJ. GUARRACINO 3028 Unruh Street Philadelphia 49, Pa. MA 4-3986 Saint Timothy l B, 2A, 38, 4F ... Color Guard l ... Student Council 4 ... Spanish Club 3,4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

ROBERTC. GUMROT 142 S. Keswick Avenue Glenside, Pa. TU 6-8099 Saint Luke l D, 2G, 38, 4F ... Baseball l (L),2(L),3(L),4(l) ... Football 2(L),3(L) ... Spanish Club 3,4 ... Student Council 3,4 ... Benilde Club l ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

ROBERTJ. GUTEKUNST 5961/2 VanKirk Street Philadelphia 20, Pa. Saint William Pl 5-5505 l F, 2A, 3G, 4C ... Basketball l ,2,3,4(L) ... German Club 3,4 ... lntra_(D.Ui:al Club 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4


WILLIAM C. HAMILTON 7703 Laurel Lane Philadelphia 18, Pa. VE 6-4732 Seven Dolors l E, 20, 3A, 4G Scholastic Letter 1,2,3,4 ... Scholastic Medal 1,2 ... Cross Country 2 ... Baseball 3,4(L) .. . Wisterian 3,4 ... Math Club 4 ... Science Club 4 .. . German Club 2,3,4 ... Student Council 1,2 ... Intramural Club 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

ROGER D. HAMPTON 500 E. Court Street Doylestown, Pa. 348-8969 Our Lady of Mount Carmel l A, 2E, 3E, 4C . . Crew (Manager) 1,2 ... Legion of Mary 1,2 ... Band 2,4 . Photography Club 1,2 Dramatics 1,2,3,4 ... Science Club 3,4 .. German Club 3,4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3

HANS G. HAWRYSZ 155 Erdenheim Road AD 3-2466 l B, 20, 3C, 4B .. German Club 2,3,4

. Track

1,2 ...

Philadelphia 18, Pa. Saint Genevieve Wisterian 3,4 ...

JOHN D. HENNESSY 8335 Mansfield Avenue Philadelphia, Pa. CH 7-9031 Saint Raymond l D, 2E, 30, 4C ... Cross Country l . Turner Society 4 ... French Club 2,3 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

RICHARD J. HODGSON 814 E. Phil Ellena Street Philadelphia 19, Pa. VI 4-412 I Saint Therese of the Child Jesus l F, 2A, 30, 4C ... Crew 1,2 ... Legion of Mary 4 ... Benilde Club 4 ... French Club 2,3,4 ... Student Council 4 Intramural Club 3,4 ... lntramurals ... Wisterian 3,4 ... 1,2,3,4

GREGORY A. HONEYMAN 54 N. Whitehall Road Norristown, Pa. 275-3180 Saint Francis of Assisi lA, 2F, 30, 4A ... Baseball 4 ... Benilde Club 4 ... French Club 4 ... Student Council 4 ... Intramural Club 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

Get serious "Truck." You didn't win that trophy.

CRAIG W. HOPKINS Upper State Road Montgomeryville, Pa. 822-0661 Saint Stanislaus l C, 2G, 38, 4C ... Swimming l (L),2(L),3(L),4(L) ... Tennis 1,2 ... Golf 3,4 ... Dramatics 2 ... Student Government 2 ... Spanish Club 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

Morris and Beech 643-0548 l D, 2A, 3C, 4G ... Track 4 ... Turner Society 4 Benilde Club 4 1,2,3,4


Ambler, Pa. Saint Joseph ... Swimming 2 ... Cross Country 2 Wisterian 3,4 ... French Club 4 ... ... Science Club 4 ... Intramural Club 4 ... Fine Films Club 4 ... lntramurals

THOMAS J. HOWLIN 131 W. Coulter Street Philadelphia 44, Pa. VI 8-8771 Saint Vincent de Paul l G, 20, 3E, 4E ... Bowling l ... German Club 2,3 ... lntramurals l ,2,3,4

WILLIAM H. HUGHES 214 Tulpehocken Avenue Elkins Park, Pa. TU 4-2834 Saint James l B, 2G, 3G, 48 . . . Cross Country l ,2(L) . . . Track l ,2,3(L),4(L) ... German Club 3,4 ... Science Club 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

JAMES F. HYDE Abington, Pa. 1221 Bockius Avenue Our Lady Help of Christians TU 6-5225 Scholastic Medal 2 ... Scholastic lE, 20, 3A, 4G . German Club 2,3,4 Letter l ,2 ,3 . . . Track l ,2,3,4(L) ... Science Club 2,3,4 ... Intra... Turner Society 3,4 ... murals 1,2,3,4

JOHN J. IULA 3315 W. Allegheny Avenue Philadelphia 32, Pa. BA 5-3024 Corpus Christi lA, 2C, 3G, 4C . . Swimming 1,2 ... Crew l ... German Club 4 .. lntramurals 1,2

Lenny Sloane assists Frank Wesner in a daily Council responsibility.


DENNIS W. JENKINS 2021 Shelmire Avenue Fl 2-6617

1B, 2G, 38, 4D ...

Philadelphia 15, Pa. Resurrection of Our Lord French Club 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4 ASHBY C. JONES

231 W. Tulpehocken Street GE 8-1443

Philadelphia 44, Pa. Saint Madeline Sophie 1D, 2F, 3E, 4C ... Color Guard l ,2,3,4(L) ... Swimming 2 ... French Club 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

EUGENE M. JONES 1841 Glendale Avenue Fl 2-6460

Philadelphia 11, Pa. Resurrection of Our Lord 1G, 2F, 3F, 4G ... Scholastic Medal 2 ... Track l ,2(L), 3,4(L) ... Cross Country 2,3,4(L) ... Benilde Club 2,3 ... German Club 2,3,4 ... Science Club 2 ... Turner Society 4 . . . lntramurals 1,2 CLARENCE E. KEISER 712 Carmet Road TU 7-4891

Jenkintown, Pa. Saint Hilary of Poitier 1F, 2F, 3D, 4F ... Golf 1,2,4 ... Benilde Club 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4 Spanish Club 3,4 ...

ALBERTW. KELLER 523 Fairthorne Street IV 3-5760

Philadelphia 28, Pa. Saint Mary of the Assumption l A, 2D, 38, 4D ... Scholastic Medal 3 ... Cross Country l ,2(L),3,4(L) ... Track l ,2(L),3(L),4(L) ... Spanish Club 4 ... Blue and Gold 4 JOHN J. KELLY

275 Bickley Road TU 4-2539

Glenside, Pa. Saint Luke l C, 2C, 38, 4D . . . Golf l (L),2(L),3(L),4(L) . . . Spanish Club 4 ... Benilde Club 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

W. ALAN KEOGH 244 E. Highland Avenue CH 7-6276

Philadelphia 18, Pa. Our Mother of Consolation 1B, 28, 3F, 4C ... Track 1,2,4 ... Water Polo 3,4 ... Math Club 4 ... Turner Society 3,4 ... German Club 3,4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4 J. PETERKICHLINE Blue Rock Lane Ml 6-5631 1F, 2C, 3E, 4F Spanish Club 3

Blue Bell, Pa. Epiphany of Our Lord . Basketball 1 . Baseball 4 . . . . lntramurals 1,2,3,4

Senior Math teacher, Brother D. Joseph, gives some individual assistance to Craig Hopkins on the solution of functions.

MICHAEL J. KOSS 591 Sanger Street Pl 5-5666

Philadelphia 20, Pa. Saint William l E, 2E, 30, 4A ... Benilde Club 1,2,3,4 ... German Club 3,4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4 DONALD E. KOTAS 2924 Grisdale Road OL 9-7112

Roslyn, Pa. Saint John of the Cross l A, 20, 3A, 4G ... Scholastic Letter 1,2,3,4 ... Scholastic Medal 1,2,3 ... Crew l ,2,3,4(L) ... Science Club 3,4 ... Math Club 3,4 ... Turner Society 4 ... German Club 2,3,4 ... Intramural Club 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

STEPHEN G. KOZUB 958 Allengrove Street Pl 4-2558 l G, 20, 3E, 4G ...

Philadelphia 24, Pa. Saint Agnes Scholastic Letter 3 . . . Scholastic Medal 3 ... Track 3,4 ... Cross Country 4(L) . . . German Club 2,3,4 ... Science Club 4 ... Turner Society 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4 WILLIAM G. KOZUB 958 Allengrove Street Pl 4-2558

Philadelphia 24, Pa. Saint Agnes l C, 2E, 3F, 4G ... Scholastic Medal 3 ... Scholastic Letter 3 ... Track 3,4 ... Cross Country 4(L) ... Spanish Club 3 ... Science Club 3,4 ... Turner Society 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

JAN L. KRZYWICKI 3914 Grant Avenue NE 7-5769

l B, 20, 3F, 4E . ... Dramatics 4

Swimming l . Band l ...

Philadelphia 14, Pa. Saint Katherine of Siena .. Interracial Club 4 lntramurals 1,2,3,4

ROBERTF. KURZ 282 Perry Street ES 9-3975

Elkins Park, Pa. Saint Cecilia l D, 2F, 38, 4E ... Cross Country l ,3,4(L) ... Track 2,3,4(L) ... Science Club 4 ... Spanish Club 2,4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4


DAVID M. LAGAN 2343 Oakdale Avenue Glenside, Pa. TU 4-3819 Saint Luke l F, 2A, 3C, 4E ... Cross Country 2 . Crew l ,2,3,4(L) ... Football l ... French Club 2 ... Student Council 2,4 ... Intramural Club 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

PAUL J. LASKOW 1474 York Road Hartsville, Pa. OS 5-7232 Saint Cyril of Jerusalem l A, 2E, 3E, 4E ... Crew l ,2,3(L),4(L) ... Wisterian 1,2,3,4 ... Benilde Club 3,4 ... German Club 3,4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

DENIS J. LAWLER 627 Renz Street Philadelphia 28, Pa. IV 3-1622 Immaculate Heart of Mary l E, 2G, 3F, 4A ... Scholastic Medal 2 ... Scholastic Letter 2 ... Track l ... Blue and Gold 3,4 ... Spanish Club 4 ... School's Community Council 4 ... Fine Films Club 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

CHARLES D. LOC,KARD 605 Meadow Lane Oreland, Pa. TU 7-1732 Holy Martyrs l G, 2D, 3E, 48 ... Scholastic Letter 1,2,3,4 ... Scholastic Medal l ... Track l ... Benilde Club 3 ... Student Council 4 ... Math Club 4 ... lntramurals l ,2;3,4

THOMAS M. LOFGREN 29 W. Mount Pleasant Avenue Philadelphia 19, Pa. CH 7-2993 Holy Cross l E, 28, 3C, 48 ... Scholastic Letter 3 ... Track l ... Cross Country l ... Crew 2,3 ... French Club 2,3,4 ... Benilde Club 4 ... lntramurals 1,2

JOHN A. LOFTUS 60 I Rhawn Street Fl 2-0909 l B, 2C, 3C, 48 French Club 2,3,4 1,2,3,4

Philadelphia 11, Pa. Saint Cecilia . Crew 2,3,4(L) .. Track l ... . . . Science Club 4 ... lntramurals

JOSEPH J. LUCZKOWSKI 4243 Salmon Street Philadelphia 37, Pa. JE 5-0341 Saint John Cantius lG, 2F, 3E, 4C ... Bowling 3,4 ... Dramatics 4 ... German Club 4 ... lntramurals l ,2,3,4

JOHN T. LYNCH 9768 Redd Rambler Terrace Philadelphia 15, Pa. OR 3-6980 Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary l C, 2A, 38, 4E ... Basketball l ,2,3,4(L) ... Spanish Club 4 ... Student Council 1,2,3,4 ... Student Government 4 ... Fine Films Club 4 ... Benilde Club 1,2,3,4 ... lntramurals l ,2,3,4

ROBERTF. McANESPEY 5305 Castor Avenue CU 8-5904

Philadelphia, Pa. Saint Martin of Tours l D, 2E, 3E, 4D ... Basketball 1,2,3 ... Benilde Club 2,3,4 ... Student Council 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4 DAVID T. McCARTHY

22 Colton Drive 279-2844

Norristown, Pa. Epiphany of Our Lord lA, 28, 3G, 4A ... Football 1,2,3(L),4(L) ... Crew l ,2,3,4(L) ... Benilde Club 2,3,4 ... German Club 2,3,4 ... Student Government 4 ... Fine Films Club 4 .•• lntramurals 1,2,3,4

STEPHENA. McCLOSKEY Philadelphia 19, Pa. Saint Therese of the Child Jesus 1E, 2G, 3E, 4A ... Track l ,4(L) ... Football 1,2,4(L) Winter Track 4 ... Benilde Club 4 . . . German Club 3,4 . . . lntramurals 1,2,3,4

715 Vernon Road GE 8-6984

WILLIAM J. McCLOSKEY,Ill C,onshohocken, Pa. Saint Philip Neri l G, 2F, 3G, 4A ... Football l ,2(L),3(L),4(L) ... Basketball l,2,3,4(L) ... Crew 2,3 ... German Club 2,3,4 ... Student Council 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

182 Barren Hill Road 828-6338

JOHN B. McCORMICK 5350 Jackson Street JE 3-2603

l C, 2D, 3A, 4C .. Crew 2,3,4(L) ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

Philadelphia 24, Pa. Saint Bartholomew ... Benilde Club l

JOHN F. McDEVITT 18 Bryn Mawr Avenue MO 4-5458

Bala Cynwyd, Pa. Saint Matthias l B, 2F, 3F, 4A ... Basketball 2,3,4(L) ... Benilde Club 1,2,3,4 ... German Club 2,3,4 ... Legion of Mary l ... Fine Films Club 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

DENNIS J. McGEEHAN 1705 Willow Avenue OS 5-2845

Willow Grove, Pa. Saint David l D, 2F, 3A, 48 ... German Club 2,3,4 ... Turner Society 3,4 ... Science Club 2 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

MICHAEL J. McGOLDRICK Philadelphia 38,, Pa. Immaculate Conception l F, 2A, 38, 48 ... Football 2 ... Track 2,3,4(L) ... Cross Country 4(L) ... Science Club 4 ... Wisterian 4 Intra... Spanish Club 3,4 ... Benilde Club 2,4 ... murals 1,2,3,4

968 E. Price Street GE 8-3757


PETER M. McGONIGLE 7700 Henry Avenue IV 2-0375

Philadelphia 28, Pa. Immaculate Heart of Mary l E, 2G, 3G, 4D ... Scholastic Letter 2,3,4 ... Scholastic Medal 3 ... Track l ... Math Club 4 ... Science Club 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

JOHN J. McGOUGH 6025 N. Mascher Street WA 4-1081

Philadelphia 20, Pa. Saint Helena lA, 2F, 3E, 4F ... Football l ... Track 2 ... German Club 2,3,4 ... Fine Films Club 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

JOSEPH J. McGOWEN, JR. Philadelphia 11, Pa. Saint Cecilia l G, 28, 3F, 4C ... Crew 2,3,4(L) ... Student Council 2,3,4 ... German Club 2,3,4 ... Wisterian 3,4 ... Math Club 4 ... Science Club 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

723 Ripley Place Fl 2-9042

MICHAEL J. McGRATH 8110 Cadwalader Avenue ME 5-3611

l C, 2D, 3D, 4F ... French Club 4 ... ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

Elkins Park, Pa. Saint James Fine Films Club 4

JAMES J. McKEE 5216' N. Third Street GL 7-2578

l B, 2A, 3A, 4E ... ... Benilde Club Dramatics 3 . . . Physician Club 4 ...

Philadelphia 20, Pa. Incarnation of Our Lord Basketball (Manager) 2,3(L),4(L) 1,2,4 ... French Club 2,3,4 ... Student Government 4 . . . Future lntramurals 1,2,3,4

WILLIAM F. McKENNA Bustleton, Pa. Maternity B.V.M. Swimming l ,2(L), l D, 2D, 3C, 4A ... Football l . Student Council 3 3(L),4(L) ... Water Polo 3,4 . . . Chi-Rho 3 ... French Club 4 . . . Intramural Club 3,4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

9542 Wick Road OR 3-6316

Readings are strongly emphasized in this year's senior German course, and Brother Martin holds the attention of his class with his interesting interpretations.

BRIAN F. MAGUIRE 8629 Williams Avenue CH 7-9297

1C, 2C, 38, 48 ... Spanish Club 4 ...

Philadelphia 50, Pa. Saint Raymond Track 1,2 ... Cross Country 1,2 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

EDWARD A. MANUSZAK Philadelphia 24, Pa. Saint Martin of Tours 1B, 2C, 3G, 48 ... Band l ,2,3,4(L) Photography Club .... Science Club 2,3 ... French Club 2

994 W. Godfrey Avenue JE 3-3157

WILLIAM J. MARKMANN Huntingdon Valley, Pa. Saint Albert the Great 1G, 2E, 3A, 4G ... Scholastic Letter 2 ... Swimming (Manager) 1(L),2(L),3(L),4(L) ... Baseball 3,4(L) ... Science Club 4 ... German Club 4 ... Intramural Club 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4 50 I Moreland Road WI 7-4172

WILLIAM J. MARR 334 Wadsworth Avenue CH 7-0836

Philadelphia 19, Pa. Holy Cross Scholastic 1E, 2G, 3G, 40 ... Scholastic Letter 2,3,4 ... Medal 2,3 ... Spanish Club 4 ... Blue and Gold 3,4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

MICHAEL J. MASINGTON 332 E. Glenside Avenue TU 4-7361

Glenside, Pa. Saint Luke 1D, 28, 3F, 4E ... Band l ,2,3,4(L) ... Turner Society 4 ... Science Club 3,4 ... Future Physicians Club 3,4 ... German Club 2,3 ... lntramurals 1,2,3 Forensics 2,4 ... JOSEPH V. MASTRONARDO Philadelphia 50, Pa. Our Lady of the Rosary German Club 2,3,4 1F, 2C, 3G, 4C ... Golf l ,4(L) ... ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

8238 Cedarbrook Street C.H 8-2932

With a smile and an opened hand, Mrs. Snyder welcomes John Gattie to the cafeteria.

JAMES R. MATTHEWS 1242 Southampton Road Philadelphia 16, Pa. OR 3-0592 Saint Christopher l G, 2F, 3D, 4E Crew 2,3,4(L) . . . Track l Student Council l ,2,3,4(Pres.) Wisterian 2,4 ... German Club 2,3,4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

MICHAEL M. MENKEVICH 1955 Bridge Street Philadelphia 24, Pa. JE 3-2655 Saint Bartholomew l B, 2G, 3G, 4F ... Crew 1,2 ... Benilde Club 1,2 ... Spanish Club 4 ... Fine Films Club 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

MICHAEL R. MIKOS 899 Anchor Street Philadelphia 29, Pa. CU 8-3064 Saint Martin of Tours l D, 28, 3G, 4C ... German Club 3,4 ... Benilde Club 4 ... Student Government 4 ... Fine Films Club 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

JOSEPH J. MILLER Philadelphia 11, Pa. 7419 Rockwell Avenue Fl 2-8544 Saint Cecilia l E, 2D, 3A, 4C ... Bowling 2,3,4(L) .. Baseball 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

ROBERT M. MILLER Elkins Park, Pa. 130 West Avenue Saint James TU 4-7812 l F, 2A, 3F, 4C . Track l ,2(L),3(L),4(L) ... Cross Country 2,4(L) ... Benilde Club l ... German Club 2,3 ... Science Club 3 . . . lntramurals 1,2,3,4

WALTER J. MILLER 193 W. Duncannon Avenue Philad~lphia 20, Pa. GL 5-6412 Incarnation of Our Lord l A, 2E, 30, 4F ... Track l ,2,4(L) ... Baseball 4 ... French Club 2,3,4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

PHILLIP J. MIRAGLIA 2632 S. 11th Street Philadelphia 48, Pa. FU 9-6146 Stella Maris l E, 2C, 3F, 4G ... Science Club 4 ... Forensics 1,2 . Turner Society 3,4 ... lntramurals 2,3,4

ANTHONY D. MOLINARO, JR. 7311 Thouron Avenue Philadelphia 38, Pa. LI 9-1042 Saint Athanasius l G, 2D, 3A, 4A ... Scholastic Letter 3,4 ... Scholastic Math Club 3,4 ... Turner Medal 3 ... Track 3,4(L) ... German Club 2,3,4 Society 4 ... Science Club 3,4 ... . . . lntramurals 1,2,3,4

Dave McCarthy happily heads home after listening to lectures and participating in discussions, a daily ritual at La Salle.

DENNIS R. MOORE Royersford, Pa. 539 Walnut Street WI 8-4575 Saint Joseph lC, 2C, 30, 4C ... Football 2,3 . Benilde Club 1 .. lntramurals 1,4 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine ...

BRUCE D. MULLEN 8018 Flourtown Avenue AD 3-1870 1F, 2C, 3F, 4C ... Cross Country 2 .. German Club 2,3,4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

MICHAEL C. MULLEN 426 Waverly Road TU 7-8588 1D, 2C, 3F, 40 ... Cross Country 1,4(L) ... ... Football (Manager) 2,3(L),4(L) ... 1,2,3,4

Glenside, Pa. Saint Luke Track 3,4(L) lntramurals

EDWARD F. MULLIGAN Ambler, Pa. 14 Betsy Lane Saint Joseph Ml 6-5095 1 B, 2A, 3B, 40 ... Track 1,2 . Basketball (Manager) 2,3(L),4(L) ... Spanish Club 4 . Student Council ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

MICHAEL J. NAPOLETANO 6902 Henry Avenue Philadelphia 28, Pa. IV 3-6986 Immaculate Heart of Mary 1A, 2B, 3G, 40 ... German Club 3,4 ... Turner Society 4 ... Math Club 4 ... Science Club 4

RICHARD R. NEEDHAM Philadelphia 11, Pa. 7406 Belden Street Resurrection of Our Lord Fl 2-0506 French Club 2,3,4 lC, 2A, 30, 4F . .. Bowling 4(L) ... . . . lntramurals 1,2,3,4


Philadelphia, Pa. Seven Dolors Crew 3 ...

THOMAS L. NICKELSON Philadelphia 11, Pa. Presentation of B.V.M. l B, 2A, 3G, 4D ... Crew 2 ... Baseball 4 ... French Club 2,3,4 ... Math Club 3,4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

703 Disston Street Pl 5-1123

FRANCIS T. NOLAN 8302 Fayette Street CH 7-9183

l D, 2D, 3C, 4D .. . . . Color Guard 4

Philadelphia 50, Pa. Saint Raymond Library Staff 2,3 ... Turner Society 3

JOHN J. O'DONNELL 1326 E. Rittenhouse Street WA 7-3640

Philadelphia 38, Pa. Immaculate Conception l F, 2C, 3C, 48 ... Track 2,3,4(L) ... Cross Country 1,2,3,4 ... Crew l ... Benilde Club 4 ... Science Club 4 lntramurals ... Wisterian 4 ... Spanish Club 3,4 ... 1,2,3,4 RONALD F. O'DRISCOLL

1836 Jill Road OL 9-6292

Willow Grove, Pa. Saint David l E, 2E, 3F, 4D .. German Club 2,3,4 ... Dramatics 3 ... Wisterian 4 ... Science Club 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

FRANCIS A. ODYNIEC 7911 Bradford Street MA 4-7257

Philadelphia 52, Pa. Resurrection of Our Lord 1A, 28, 3F, 4A ... Wisterian 3,4 ... Dramatics 2,3,4 ... Benilde Club 3 ... German Club 3,4 ... Turner Society 4 ... Fine Arts Club 4 ... Legion of Mary 2 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4 TERENCEG. O'HARA Havertown, Pa. Annunciation of B.V.M. . Crew 2,3,4(L) ... 1G, 2F, 3F, 4F ... Football 3 . Fine Films German Club 2,3,4 ... Benilde Club 3 ... Club 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

122 Brentwood Road SU 9-3681

JAMES G. O'KANE 2931 Lardner Street JE 5-2252

Philadelphia 49, Pa. Saint Timothy l E, 2D, 3E, 4E ... Scholastic Letter 3 .. Turner Society 4 .. German Club 3 ... Science Club 4 ... Math Club 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

JOSEPH P. O'KANE 416 Davis Avenue CL 9-8453

Clifton Heights, Pa. Saint Eugene 1G, 2E, 3A, 4E ... Scholastic Letter 2 ... Turner Society 3,4 ... Math Club 4 ... Science Club .3,4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

MANFRED C. OLIVASTRO 2206 W. Indiana Avenue Philadelphia 32, Pa. BA 9-8664 Saint Mary of the Eternal 1B, 28, 3F, 4C ... German Club 3,4 ... Turner Society 4 Benilde Club 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

SEAN T. O'SHEA 32 E. Springfield Avenue Philadelphia, Pa. CH 8-1105 Holy Cross 1F, 2A, 30, 4F ... Basketball ... Student Council 1,2,4 ... Spanish Club 2,3,4 ... Student Government 4 ... Wisterian 4 ... Benilde Club 2,3,4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

ROBERTJ. PANNEPACKER 170 Roberts Avenue Glenside, Pa. TU 4-0764 Saint Luke 1A, 2E, 38, 48 ... Cross Country l ,2,3(L),4(L) ... Track l,2,3,4(L) ... Benilde Club 3 ... Science Club 4 . Spanish Club 3,4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

PAUL P. PARTYKA 151 Jamestown Street Philadelphia 27, Pa. IV 3-6451 Saint Josaphat 1B, 20, 3E, 48 . . . Scholastic Medal 1 . . . Scholastic Letter 4 ... Track l ,2,3,4(L) ... Football 2 ... Blue and Gold 4 ... German Club 2,3,4 ... Science Club 3,4 ... Math Club 3,4 ... Student Council 3 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

DANIEL J. PIETRUSZKA 652 Deaver Drive Blue Bell, Pa. Epiphany of Our Lord Ml 6-9484 1E, 2C, 30, 4C ... Scholastic Medal 2 ... Bowling 2,3(L),4(L) ... Art Club 2,4 ... Jntramurals 1,2,3,4

BARTOLOMEO A. PIO 880 I Hawthorn Lane Philadelphia 18, Pa: AD 3-0244 Seven Dolors 1F, 2C, 3G, 4F ... Cross Country 2 ... Track 3,4 ... Swimming 1 ... Golf 1 ... German Club 4 ... Student Government 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

ALEX J. PUTNICK 307 Hellerman Street Pl 5-6923 1G, 28, 3G, 40 ...

Math Club 4

Philadelphia 11, Pa. Saint William lntramurals 1,2,3,4

VINCENT A. QUARESIMA 1932 Haines Street Philadelphia 38, Pa. Hi 4-3382 Saint Benedict 1E, 28, 3A, 4G ... Band l ,2,3,4(L) ... Forensics 1,2,3,4 ... German Club 2,3,4 ... Science Club 2,3,4 . . Art Club 3 ... Math Club 3,4 ... Chess Club 1,2 ... Jntramurals 2,3,4

JOHN M. RADOVICH Philadelphia 54, Pa. NE 7-7846 Our Lady of Calvary 1G, 2D, 3A, 4G ... Scholastic Letter 2,3,4 ... Cross Country 1 ... Crew 1,2,3(L),4(L) ... Swimming 1,2, 3,4(L) ... German Club 2,3,4 ... Science Club 2,3,4 ... Student Council 4 ... Intramural Club 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4


Orchard Lane

THOMAS C.. RATCHFORD Larrimore Lane Philadelphia 18, Pa. AD 3-1162 Saint Genevieve 1E, 2D, 3A, 4G ... Scholastic Letter 3 ... Crew 2,3,4 ... Blue and Gold 3,4 ... Wisterian 3 ... German Club Math Club 4 ... Turner 2,3,4 ... Science Club 3,4 ... Society 3,4 ... Fine Films Club 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4 221

EDWARD J. REARDON Philadelphia 38, Pa. Immaculate Conception VJ 8-5316 1G, 2F, 3C, 4C ... Crew l ,2,3,4(L) ... French Club 2,3,4 ... Benilde Club 3,4 ... Science Club 3,4 ... Blue and Gold 4 ... Fine Films Club 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4 I IO I

E. Price Street

DENNIS J. REID E. York Street

Philadelphia, Pa. RE 9-1196 Holy Name of Jesus lC, 2A, 3F, 4D ... German Club 3,4 ... Science Club 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4


ALAN J. RINKUS Creston Street

Philadelphia 35, Pa. Sain.+Timothy 1E, 2G, 3A, 4D ... German Club 2,3,4 . .. Band 1,2 . . . Turner Society 3,4 ... Science Club 3




JOHN E. ROBINSON Lafayette Hills, Pa. TA 8-9534 Saint Philip Neri 1B, 2C, 38, 4A ... Cross Country 2,3 ... Fine Films Club 4 ... Student Government 4 ... Intramural Club 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4


Kottler Drive

"Come on now, a test like this is no big DEAL."

JOHN A. ROSSI 590 Sanger Street Philadelphia Pl 2-4879 Saint 1G, 2F, 3C, 4F .. Track 1 Crew 3,4 ... Club 2,3,4 ... Science Club 3,4 ... lntramurals

20, Pa. William French 1,2,3,4

PATRICK E. ROWLAND 603 Vernon Road Philadelphia 19, Pa. VI 8-2996 Little Flower 1 F, 2A, 3C, 4G ... Scholastic Medal 1 ... Turner Society 3,4 ... Science Club 3 ... French Club 2 ... Intramural Club 3 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

PHILIP J. RUGGIERO, JR. 6350 Henry Avenue Philadelphia 28, Pa. IV 3-2242 Immaculate Heart of Mary 1 E, 2C, 3G, 4F ... Color Guard 3(L) ... Wisterian 3 ... Spanish Club 3,4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

GUY R. SCIOLLA 681 Meeting House Road Elkins Park, Pa. TU 4-4024 Saint James 1 D, 2C, 3C, 48 ... Football 1,2(L),3(L),4(L) ... Crew 2,3(L),4(L) ... 8enilde Club 3,4 ... Spanish Club 3,4 ... Science Club 4 ... Legion of Mary ... Student Council 1,2,3 ... Student Government 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

RICHARD J. SCULLIN 4126 Fields Drive Lafayette Hill, Pa. VE 6-4990 Saint Philip Neri lG, 2F, 30, 48 . . . Forensics 2 ... Science Club 3,4 Math Club 4 .. . lntramurals 1,2,3,4

THOMAS L. SCULLY 300 Rices Mill Road Wyncote, Pa. TU 4-5161 Saint Luke 1 E, 2G, 3A, 4G .. Swimming 1,2(L),3(L),4(L) ... Golf 3(L),4(L) . . . Math Club 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

Students reluctantly return to the academic wing after a lunch break.

LEONARD A. SLOANE Philadelphia 49, Pa. 5810 Oakland Street Saint Martin of Tours JE 3-0619 ... Crew lA, 2A, 3A, 4C ... Football l,2,3(L),4(L) 3,4(L) ... French Club 4 .. . Student Council 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4 PATRICK M. SMITH 1338 Clarke Road Roslyn, Pa. OL 9-4304 Saint John of the Cross lG, 2D, 3G, 48 ... Football l ... Swimming l ... Wisterian 2,3,4 ... Dramatics 3,4 Art Club 2,3,4 ... ... Interracial Club 4 ... Student Council 1,3,4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

NICHOLAS D. STAFFIERI 2806 N. 24th Street Philadelphia 32, Pa. BA 8-3035 Saint Mary of the Eternal l D, 2G, 38, 4A ... Spanish Club 4 ... Wisterian 4 ... Photography Club 2 . . . Fine Films Club 4 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ZIGMUND F. STRZELECKI 1656 Radburn Road Bensalem Township, Pa. DE 2-9884 Saint John Cantius l E, 2E, 3E, 4A ... Track 3,4 ... Band 2 ... Benilde Turner Society 4 ... Club 3 ... German Club 3,4 ... Math Club 4 ... Fine Films Club 4 ... Student Government 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

CHARLES W. SWEENEY, JR. 834 Meadowood Lane Warminster, Pa. OS 2-2711 Saint Joseph l G, 2F, 3C, 4E ... Band l ,2,3,4(L) ... Science Club 1,2,4 ... Forensics 2 ... German Club 1,2,3

MICHAEL M. TAYLOR 4077 Hillside Road Lafayette Hill, Pa. TA 8-7037 Saint Philip Neri l A, 2E, 3C, 48 ... Scholastic Medal 2 ... Cross Country 2,3(L),4(L) ... Science Club 4 ... French Club 2,4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

WILLIAM F. THOMPSON 247 E. Sheldon Street Philadelphia 20, Pa. GL 5-9325 Saint Ambrose l C, 2E, 3E, 4C ... Scholastic Letter 3 ... Art Club 2 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

JAMES E. TITZELL 2440 S. 20th Street Philadelphia 45, Pa. HO 7-1523 Saint Monica l E, 2G, 3E, 4A ... Scholastic Letter 3 ... Track 3,4 ... Math Club 4 ... Turner Society 3,4 ... Science Club 3,4 ... Fine Films Club 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4


DANIEL L. TUCKER, JR. 51 Newton Street Philadelphia 18, Pa. CH 7-5597 Our Mother of Consolation l B, 2F, 30, 4F ... Dramatics 2,3,4 ... Spanish Club 3,4 ... Art Club 3 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

MICHAEL D. TURNER 318 Ashbourne Road Elkins Park, Pa. ME 5-0957 Saint James l D, 2G, 3G, 4E ... Scholastic Letter l ... Track 2.3,4 ... Turner Society 3 ... Spanish Club 3,4 •.. lntramurals 1,2,3,4

WILLIAM L. VALENTI 110 Atwood Road Philadelphia 18, Pa. VE 6-5668 Saint Genevieve lG, 2F, 3F, 4F ... Track l .. Swimming 2(L),3(L),4(L) ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

GEORGE K. VAN OSTEN 1311 Harris Road Jarrettown, Pa. Ml 6-9287 Saint Alphonsus l E, 20, 3A, 4G ... Scholastic Medal 3 . . . Scholastic Letter 3,4 ... Football 1,2 ... Swimming 2 ... Tennis l ... Track 3 ... Cross Country 3,4(L) ... Blue and Gold 3,4 ... German Club 2,3,4 ... Science Club 2,3,4 Math Club 3,4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4 FRANCIS VAN ZANDT 2450 Cottman Street DE 8-6688 l F, 2G, 38, 40 ...

Tennis 2

Philadelohia, Pa. Our Lady of Ransom lntramurals 1,2,3,4

EDWARD J. WELSH 1515 Lucon Road AD 3-2520 l B, 2F, 38, 40 Spanish Club 3

.. ..

Oreland, Pa. Holy Martyrs Track 3,4 ... Cross Country 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3

DUANE F. WERTZ 2847 Neptune Road Philadelphia, Pa. OR 3-3376 Saint Anselm 1D, 2E, 30, 4F ... Football_ l .. . Crew 1,2 ... Benilde Club 2,3 ... French Club 2,3,4 ... Intramural Club 3 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4


FRANK J. WESNER 8620 Cheltenham Avenue Philadelphia 18, Pa. AD 3-4209 Our Mother of Consolation 1F, 2C, 3F, 4D ... Football l ,2(L),3(L),4(L) ... Crew l ,2(L),3(L),4(L) . . . German Club 2,3,4 . Benilde Club 2,3,4 ... Student Council (Vice-Pres.) . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4

EUGENE J. WHITAKER 4057 S. Warner Road Lafayette Hill, Pa. TA 8-3884 Saint Philip Neri 1A, 2D, 3F, 4E ... Football 1,2 ... Science Club 4 .. Math Club 3,4 . . Student Council 4 (Secretary) German Club 2,3,4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

EDWARD J. WHITE 1435 Oakmont Street Fl 2-7474 1C, 2E, 3C, 4D ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

Philadelphia 11, Pa. Resurrection of Our Lord Band 1,2,3 ... French Club 4 ...

ROBERT P. WILDER 6762 Gillespie Street Philadelphia 35, Pa. DE 2-8361 Saint Leo 1E, 28, 3G, 4A ... Benilde Club 3,4 ... German Club 3,4 ... Student Council 4 ... Fine Films Club 4 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4

MICHAEL J. WILKIN 4254 N. Franklin Street Philadelphia 40, Pa. BA 9-3420 Saint Henry 1G, 2G, 3D, 4G ... Scholastic Letter 2,3,4 ... Turner Society 3 ... Benilde Club 4 ... lntramurals 2,4

WILLIAM J. WINNING 2424 Kenderton Avenue Roslyn, Pa. TU 7-6359 Saint John of the Cross 1D, 2A, 3C, 4A ... Football 2 ... Baseball 3,4(L) ... French Club 3,4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

NEVIN J. WOOD 636 Wadsworth Avenue Philadelphia 19, Pa. CH 7-8287 Holy Cross 1F, 2C, 3F, 4A ... German Club 3,4 ... Math Club 4 ... Science Club 4 ... Fine Films Club 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4

NICHOLAS D. YANNI 346 W. Mount Pleasant Avenue Philadelphia 19, Pa. C,H 2-0453 Saint Madeline Sophie 1C, 2A, 3C, 48 ... Benilde Club 4 ... French Club 2,3,4 ... Science Club 4 ... Math Club 4 ... Photography Club 1 ... lntramvrals 1,2,3,4



Will McKenna, one of the most active seniors at La Salle, can be cited for his great prowess in the aquatic sports, as well as his devotion to his school. As head of the Intramural Club, Will demonstrated his concern for the general welfare of the entire student body. He has effected many beneficial additions to the program, and has encouraged many students to participate in the intra-class activities. Will was very devoted to La Salle's teams, and, when not participating, he was cheering for victory. 1路naddition, Will was very proficient in his studies, with an active role in class participation.

Combine keen intensive awareness with great personal drive, and you have an abstract idea of James Matthews. Jim was active in sports, concentrating his athletic abilities pri marily on crew. However, he was most noted for his work as president of the Student Council. Under his administrative guidance, La Salle has experienced a renewed spirit of pride in its accomplishments. Thanks to his organization, the support by the student body of athletic activities has reached a new high, and the social events have been huge successes. Jim Matthews, in all respects, is truly outstanding.

JOHN RADOVICH Integrating scholastic achievement, school spirit, and athletic aptitude, John Radovich exemplified the qualities of an outstanding La Salle senior. Consistently, Jay remained in the top quintile of his class and supported school events as a rooter, a cheerleader, and organizer. Specializing in crew andJswimming, he was a loyal and letter-winner athlete. In all phases of school life, Jay was a "doer." His affable personality, his manliness, and his devotion to La Salle contributed toward his success and won him the admiration of his classmates.



THOMAS RATCHFORD When a student is devoted entirely to the good of his school, he deserves recognition. Thomas Ratchford is such an individual. The fact that Tom performed his ordinary responsibilities in an extraordinarily efficient fashion singled him out among his peers. Whether it be as Co-editor of the yearbook or as a participant in an intramural tug-of-war match, one could depend on Tom to contribute his best efforts. Scholastically, Tom was among the best in his class. Not only did he strive for excellence in whatever he did, but he maturely welcomed the challenges it offered.

FRANK WESNER One of the most representative members of this year's senior class was Frank Wesner. While maintaining consistently hfgh grades, he served as vice-president of the Student Council. During the fall, Frank played on the football team and in the spring turned his attentions to crew. He won varsity letters for each sport in his sophomore, junior, and senior years. His affable disposition, coupled with his scholastic and athletic achievements, made Frank one of the best-liked seniors.

EUGENEWHITAKER Overwhelming friendliness coupled with innate intelligence and an active spirit made Gene Whitaker the essence of a well-rounded individual. We at La Salle realized this when we elP-cterl him to the Student Council, and he has more than proved the wisdom of our choice. While maintaining continual high averages, he found time to participate in the German, Math, and Science Clubs. After playing football freshman and sophomore years, he relegated his athletic abilities to intramural activity at which he could have been seen during any season.


Marveling how quickly another year has passed, we feel within ourselves a strange and possibly new confidence. Growing, spreading, swelling, in an indomitable spiral, this confidence guides us to that infinite, vacilating place of leadership in tomorrow. So, as we plod the seemingly rewardless paths of those who have gone on, we also have accepted the challenge of the beyond.


FIRST ROW: J. Dougherty, C. Cinquino, E. Sokolowski, K. Meehan, W. Duffy, R. Liberatore, M. Nawrocki, J. Fitzsimmons. SECOND ROW: E. Gribbin, W. Campbell, P. Muessig, P. Sarmiento, A. Lopresti, M. Hogan, J. Ertel, P. Schwartz, J. Gillis, M. Aita, W. Hunter. THIRD ROW: T. Ryan, H. Hinney, M. Stewart, W. McCabe, D. Costello, G. Greco, T. McPhillips, A. Neri, P. Stonis, J. Minarik, J. Curran


FIRST ROW: J. Murphy, E. Maher, J. Beaty, W. Hence, G. Meyer, G. Komelasky, L. Dulude, G. Berry, E. Roth. SECOND ROW: M. Fitzgibbons, F. Mack, W. Convey, T. Baldino, J. Lohn, R. McBrien, M. Jordan, E. Hughes, J. Kirschner. THIRD ROW: R. Gallagher, T. o''Shea, J. Naab, J. Gorman, F. Murphy, V. Lo:mmo, J. Vetter, J, Schaller, J. Staudt, R. Welsh



FIRST ROW: R. Kolb, J. Mcintyre, E. Crawford, S. D'Ambrosic, E. Hughes, J. Loughran, F. Castellano, W. Rogers, J. Morasco. SECOND ROW: B. Cooper, K. McGrath, K. Flynn, S. Pilacik, R. Windisch, N. Tallos, G. Meyer, W. Flanagan, J. Morton. THIRD ROW: R. Fairchild, M. Silvestri, M. Alekna, D. Lake, E. Gordon, C,. Wahl, R. Pigeon, G. Kerper, W. Cubbin, R. Kreipe

Looking on with pleasure, Brother Eugene encourages Bergin as they struggle over an algebraic solution.

Keenan Davis and Aloysius

"You don't bother me, and I won't bother you." Brother F. ("The 'F' is for Ferocious") James cautions some rowdy juniors at fifth period lunch.

A library bulletin board display concerning Pope Paul's visit to the U. S. attracts juniors Walter Hunter and Ken McGrath.



FIRST ROW: R. Pendrak, J. Gartner, E. Derricks, F. Radowski, J. Clark, L. Reilly, K. Bogle, S. Imbrogno, J. Buck, L. Schiava, C. Zapiec. SECOND ROW: J. O'Connor, R. Kurowski, W. Linquiti, J. McLaughlin, R. Walters, C. Knowles, J. Scanlon, F. Dunion, J. Bothwell, S. Fox. THIRD ROW: P. Nowak, R. Vogt, J. Malecki, J. Normile, T. Ryan, F. Viola, J. Karabasz, S. Dalton, R. Robinson, W. Carroll FIRST ROW: J. Weber, A. Lattanzi, M. Valimont, B. McElwee, F. Leonard, D. Young, E. Kershner, J. McCarron, A. Fornace. SECOND ROW: J. Moore, J. Meehan, G . Murphy, J. Slabinski, J. DeBow, R. Blair, E. Dwornek, E. Osmundson. THIRD ROW: J. Smith, E. Klaus, L. Rieffel, L. Hillegass, A. Johnson, J. Kapp, W. Merz, F. Danielski, J. Ansel, J. Casey



FIRST ROW: J. Whalen, K. Davis, M. Esposito, M. O'Brien, .T. Klein, G. Press, J. Clapham. SECOND ROW: F. Horn, J, Bryers, A. Bergin, G. Winters, F. Palmer, E. DeAngelis, S. Bukowski,T. Mamon. THIRD ROW: J. McGill, E. Smith, S. Morgan, G. Beerley, M. Harvey, J. Caruno, W. McKeown, W. McGrath, J. Krause, A. Tamaino


FIRST ROW: T. Gowen, W. Snyder, J. DiMarzio, F. Arcara, E. Lagan. SECOND ROW: C,. Burrell, M. Clement, J. Gordon, C. Lehman, J. McMenamin, J. Dwyer, J. Kennedy, .D. Malek, M. Smith. THIRD ROW: J. Lord, S. Viola, J. Doyle, J. Turzer, B. O'Neill, G. Gayner, C. Sullivan, R. Field. FOURTH ROW: J. Kowalski, P. Matje, S. Fanning, E. Stromberg





FIRSTROW: W. Tangradi, J. Mitchell, 8. McManus, J. Landers, T. O'Neill, R. Lockard, J. Penny, D. Kreines, J. Benincasa. SECOND ROW: E. Burke, J. Fenningham, F. Davies, A. Galen, R. Fornace, D. Mullen, W. Conway, J. Courtney, K. O'Neill, G. Kelly, K. Meehan. THIRD ROW: 8. Kane, M. Whitaker, R. Weckesser, J. Kohler, J. McTear, M. Breedlove, J. Best, E. Myszak.


FIRSTROW: D. Casey, J. McDonald, W. Mclaughlin, A. Bednarik, F. Flood, W. Daly, R. Plush, P. White. SECOND ROW: G. Naab, M. Waldron, J. Colline, S. Farrell, E. Quinn, J. O'Driscoll, T. McTear, R. Pszalgowski.THIRD ROW: J. Casale, G. Albertelli, A. Santopolo, W. Murray, W. McGowan, G. Robinson, R. Mattern, E. Donnelly


Soph English classes are always a joy when Brother Nicholas mans the overhead projector to analyze student compositions.

With his usual amused expression, Brother James pauses to chat with a few of his favorite math students.

FIRST ROW: M. Toboga, G. McGuigan, J. Carroll, E. Capuzzi, D. Cromie, J. Conlogue, M. Burke, J. DeMasi, S. Brady, S. McGonigle. SECOND ROW: J. End, M. Dickey, G. Villamil, C. Donohugh, W. Ryan, J. Donovan, F. Morell, R. Capuzzi, J. Picco, P. McFadden. THIRD ROW: R. Falconio, T. Finley, D. Higgins, E. Domino, R. Dunfee, A. Cummings, E. Huttlin, F. Madden, K. Kyriss



FIRST ROW: J. Malick, J. Pigeon, E. Matkowski, E. Molush, P. lsicrate, A. Sciolla, J, Freeth, J, Cacchio, A. Doyle. SECOND ROW: M. DePaul, B. Dowling, J, Fynes, C. Edward, J, Baillie, D. Chojnacki, M. Ryan, L. Capecci, H. Fuquay, J, Millet, S. Kenney. THIRD ROW: A. Stephenson, D. Brouwer-Anchor, R. Sunderm,mn, K. Brett, W. Drayton, J, C.ummings, M. Ter路 nosky, G. Neeld, E. Szewczak




FIRST ROW: M. Wilus, W. Thomas, M. Venditto, A. Kellenbenz,J, Castaldi, M. Slanina, W. Henning,

T. Keener, W. Dooley. SECOND ROW: M. Hatha~ way, C. Mastropaolo, W. Deluca, D. Smith, M. Gallagher, M. O'Toole, M. McKenna, J, Haney, C. Salwach. THIRD ROW: G. Maziarz,路M. Johnson, R. Lawinski,R. Daniel, M. Van Buskirk, J. Rothwell, R. Ellis, W. Wilmanski, E. Gallagher, J. Ryan

Mr. Joseph Hickey of the German department, Marshall Breedlove, on correct word order.

advises sophomore,


FIRST ROW: M. Murphy, R. Hartman, J. Wailand, M. Good, J. O'Hara, H. Dolaway, G. Oeste, G. Fennell. SECOND ROW: L. Patcella, D. Yanni, D. Cattie, J, Laufer, J. O'Donnell, R. DeMarco, D. Miraglia, C. Brooks, G. Brabazon, J. Kent. THIRD ROW: J, Posimo, A. Martin, W. Walters, W. Hartman, J, Schwartz, C. Wa[sh, M. Conlow, M. Pekula, M. Sullivan, B. Moore, L. O'Dea, W. Brucker

Individual advice is given to sophomores through the newly organized guidance program under the direction of Brother G. William.







FIRST ROW: L. lannarone, G. Pe+rauski, J. McKenna, P. McGinley, G. D'Ambrosio, R. Colaianni, R. Porrecca, A. Gillespie, P. DeSantis, R. Deckert. SECOND ROW: K. Klinkner, L. White, P. Welsh, L. Gaydosh, D. Foley, J. Alston, F. Gallagher, P. Moser, J. McFarland. THIRD ROW: H. Bowers, R. Andries, G. Radovich, J. Waters, J. Koklinski, W. Powell, P. Smith, B. Palko, J. Tygh

Absorbed artists, Steve Kenney and Pete Smith, seem oblivious to the candid eye of the yearbook camera.

Students register questions.


various reactions

to one of Mr. McCabe's


As school chaplain, one of Father Amandus' principle duties is to celebrate Mass for the entire student body.

Listening to natives speak their own language helps the modern language students in their pronunciation as well as comprehension.

Freshman gymnasts test their skill on the "ladder," popular of LaSalle's physical fitness equipment.

the most


FIRST ROW: J, Maciunas, W. Swan, M. Dougherty, L. Genuardi, E. Maginnis, J. Masceri, C. Kappler,. D. Allan, L. Bosack, E. Feeny. SECOND ROW: P. Hayden, J. Walsh, J. Diorio, P. Frentzen, A. Landis, R. Psulkowski, C. Pietruszka, A. Trottnow, W. McManus, E. Filosa, A. Toole. THIRD ROW: R. Kelley, R. Rooney, W. Konopka, D. O'Hara, E. Horahan, R. Topper, M. Kotubey, R. Kaniewski, P. Schott, T. Givnish, M. Daskilewicz




FIRST ROW: M. Grimmes, C,. Bowerline, J. Ryan, K. Merose, J, Kennedy, W. Fox, J. Callahan, J, Guardiani, B. Dougherty, J. McGowan, J. Lynch. SECOND ROW: A. Gale, W. James, S. Mattoccia, F. Courtney, J, Bongiovanni, G. Niedermei.er, J, Morgan, A. Warren, W. Roche, R. Pennepacker, S. Witlock. THIRD ROW: G. Shaeffer, J. Collins, S. Wolk, T. Emore, J. Zaiss, T. Meyer, T. Makaila, S. DeGiovanni, W. Deissler, D. Wysoczanski

FIRST ROW: R. Little, T. Gibbons, F. Devinney, B. O'Hanlon, J. Winning, C. Sharer, W. Meis, J. Malazita, L. Molloy, F. McNamara. SECOND ROW: P. Grande, J. Horan, D. Morris, B. Belcher, J. Colian, F. Preis, J. Conroy. THIRD ROW: M. Madonna, G. Scanton, P. Heller, J. Latsko, P. Brennan, J. Rutecki, T. Geitner. FOURTH ROW: W. McAuliffe, W. Moriarty, T. Reardon, J. Lima, J. Cockroft, S. Cattie, J.. Rogers



FIRST ROW: R. Moran, A. DeCicco, M. Stevens, G. Sleutaris, J. Koller, F. Zabawski, H. Lubazewski, D. Castellano, G. Peirce, J. Wrzennski, A. Breslin. SECOND ROW: G. Van Osten, R. Guiles, E. Sandone, R. Geary, M. Popkins, T. Duey, J. Rhodeside, M. Quattrone, J. Haney, R. Ewing, S. Bratton. THIRD ROW: J. Dixon, R. Willemin, J. Furtek, T. Michel, J. McCrossen, J. Roddy, R. Panebianco, J. Ertel, A. Fiori, W. Dawson


Fundamentals of first year algebra are diagnosed by Brother Robert's freshmen mathematicians.

FIRST ROW: W. Deiss, V. Everman, R. Moore, A. Godzieba, J. Hartnett, J. Brett, J. Kurtz, G. Dillon. SEC.ONO ROW: D. DeAngelis, D. Morehouse, M. Moger, T. Lawler, J. Mitchell, M Carey, J. McNally, E. Bogle, F. Nelson. THIRD ROW: J. Bingham, L. Angstadt, J. Gallagher, M. Buckley, W. Wasylenko, C . Doyle, P. Beaty, K. Mecklenborg. FOURTH ROW: W. Jesse, W. McHale, A. Milligan, J . Sullivan, W. Haggerty, J. McMunn



Just going to his locker is a chore for Donald DeAngelis.

FIRST ROW: J. Becher, T. Sweitzer, R. Gontkof, R. Tatlow, G. Hathaway, J, Pron, J. Paulits, R. Taglialatera. SECOND ROW: B. Coyle, J. Wilson, D. Dougherty, J, Greco, M. Foley, D. Normile, F. Wall. G. Haas. THIRD ROW: R. Guerra, K. Bradley, E. France, H. Londergan, W. Cunnane, K. Delaney, M. Sheehan, J, Maguire. FOURTH ROW: M. McElhatton, R. Dombrkiewicz, C. Brem, T. Pilong, K. Kierstead, J, Lindinger, M. Gisler, B. Wrigley


In his usual relaxed manner, Brother Kevin discusses the gi~r'iii's. Tutankhamen to a fascinated freshman class.

The 2:40 bell means much to our freshmen-for some, it's all over for another day; to others, it's just the beginning of many extra-curricular activities.


The future value of typing proficiency is stressed to freshmen typists by their teacher, Mr. Joseph Lynch.

FIRST ROW: S. Dougherty, W. Kohler, M. Mancini, J. Munn, J. Marino, D. Cassidy, T. Pierce, F. Spause, A. Arnone, J. Williams, M. Millspaugh. SECOND ROW: T. Booth, J. McDermott, E. McMahon, R. Hill, A. Busfield, W. Carlin, F. Spaniel R. Baxter J. Karcher, J. McGrath, C. Romano. THIRD ROW: M. Ruddy, G. Zoller, J. Bisciotti, D. Boerner, J. Matyskiela, J. MacDonald, A. Janton, J. Pascuzzo, J. Grubb, J. Monihan


Freshmen are sometimes greatly impressed by the need for constant study. But isn't this carrying it a little too far? Carl Sharen of IC doesn't seem to think so.


A class in Chinese Thought is never more fascinating than when Mr. Feledick projects a color film strip of China in his World Cultures class.

FIRST ROW: W. Hopkins, D. MacAvoy, G. Nolfi, T. Malloy, K. Bilson, E. Lehman, D. O'Brien, J. Burke, J. Moffat, J. DiDonato. SECOND ROW: D. Goda, P. White, J. Edling, G. Meyer, J. Rosa, J. Pulkowski, G. Binder, W. Maher, R. lmsick, M. Slavin. THIRD ROW: J. Corr, J. Foff, T. Murphy, J. Martin, K. Colgan, J. Snyder, G. Campbell, T. Tollos, E. Stohr, T. Dougherty, P. Guerin, J. Dwyer




LaSalle students •.

physical fitness


offers a challenge

to all


The opportunity offered to participate in various extracurricular activities enables La Salle students to enrich their store of social experience; the information gained from lectures, field trips, and projects of the numerous clubs, acts as a supplement to cl~sroom work. Besides mental maturing, the varied activities sponsored by the Student Council and intramural program enable the students to mature socially. Thus, the after-school organizations are an integral part of La Salle's educational process.


At the Christmas assembly, Cardinal O'Hara's girls choir caroled the student body to the accompaniment of our band in concert, under the direction of Dr. Reinhardt .

It looks as if members of the band are wailing out a chorus of "Come Blow Your Horn," but actually they are performing maneuvers to one of John Philip Sousa's famous marches.

A trophy is evidence

of victory, and these band officers covet their prize .

Performing in McCarthy Stadium, snap 路py pace evident in the drills.


of the woodwind section

ably keep up a

Long hours of song selection by band director, Donald Reinhardt, and moderator, Brother Kevin contributed to the trophy-winning achievement of this year's musicians.

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Mike Masington, captain of the band, not only adds much to band management, but is also a valuable asset to the trumpet section,

LEFT: As captain of the color guard, Ashby Jones and his squad adds much to the general effect of the marching band. RIGHT: Assisting at the League Band competition, Brother Kevin gladly presents Ed Manuszak with the second place trophy.

Fine showmanship and precmon drills are typical of the La Salle High Championship Band.

Two masters in the field of music, Sister Agnes and Dr. Reinhardt successfully combin.e their efforts to give one of the best Christmas Concerts ever held at La Salle.


At one of their weekly meetings, the Student Council Cabinet, composed of the Council officers and two representatives of each department, discuss current problems and offer suggestions for improvements.

Another success on the social calendar of this year was the annual Christmas Mixer, where happy couples danced the "Bugaloo," the "Stomp," and the DUCK? 7


With help from sophomore Shawn Glynn, Bulletin Board Chairman Gene Whitaker directs the posting of our crowded athletic and social activities schedule, another duty of the Council.

The key to the Council's success this year was promising innovations promulgated by President Jim Matthews, Secretary Gene Whitaker, and VicePresident Frank Wesner, under the capable direction of Council moderator, Brother G. William.

Guest speaker-alumnus Frank Bogle took time out from his college studies to address the student body at the Intramural Assembly at which trophies were awarded for various intramural sports.


Jim Matthews, Gene Whitaker and Frank Wesner review expenses incurred and profits amassed on the Christmas dance.

For one of his acts at the Christmas Mixer, Mike Jones "swings a mean cape" to prove he's no boy wonder.

Moderator, Brother William, addresses underclass presidents, senior presidents and' vice-presidents, and cabinet members, all members of various committees.


The extensive publicity and efficient handlitig by the Student Council dance committee gained for our mixers a reputation for especially large turnouts and excellent records.

As president of the Student Council, Jim Matthews spends much time on the "little things" that so many students take for granted.


In a project to increase spirit at rallies and games, Joe McGowen, Brother William , and the C.ouncil officers spared no expense, time or effort in their artistic extra -curricular end 'eavors.

Three of La Salle's cheerleaders, Joe McGowen, Greg Honeyman, and Frank Fisher, each selected by the Council Cabinet, applaud another great team maneuver.

Coinciding with the new spirit in today's Church, Jim Matt hews and Brother E. Francis assist the priest by carry ing the cruets and ciboria to the altar during the Offertory procession.



.... ,

A ~enter of fast and furious activity, typewriters click in the WIS office daily, hours after dis111issal.


At La Salle, nearly everyone reads the WISTERIAN.





STAFF EDITOR .......................................... Pat Smith FEATURESEDITORS ............ Paul Schwartz, Anthony Lopresti SPORTS EDITOR ................................ Tom Gowen ASSISTANTEDITORS ............. John Castaldi, John Schaller, Dick Hodgson PHOTOGRAPHY ........................ Joe End, John Curran MODERATOR ........................... : Brother Paul Francis

Pat Smith ma~es last-minute preparations for articles in an up-coming issue of the WISTERIAN.

The WIS clatch, Pat Smlth, John Shaller, Paul Schwartz, and Tom Gowen gather with their moderator, Brother Paul, to decide if any innovations should be made to improve their chance of continuing La Salle's seven straight first places at the Columbia Press Conference.


WIS photographers, Joe End and John Curran, labor over the photographic enlarger, part of La Salle's extensive dark-room equipment.

Brother Paul Francis and WIS editor Pat Smith collaborate on a critical analysis of the latest issue of the school ledger.

Before the WIS goes to press, articles are proof-read and double checked by Paul Schwartz, Dave Kreines, Dick Hodgson, Chip Kappler, and Jack Curran.

BLUE AND GOLD Business manager, Paul Partyka, dictates sales information to HIO: ciate editors, Jack Fitzgibbons and Bob Burt, whose assist.nee proved invaluable to the end product.

Although •t times the BLUE AND GOLD olice seemed to be the scene of diversified and unrelated •ctivitie1, the staff m•n•ged to coalesce their m•terials into an utistic memoir.


According to Chuck Anspach's confused look, the picture defies cap路 tioning, but Bill Marr attacks it confidently.

The accuracy of business managers, Ed Reardon and Paul Partyka, in publicizing the yearbook drive and in bookkeeping, contributed much to an organized and successful year.

From its inception , all decisions regarding the organization, content , and appearance of the yearbook were made collectively by co-editors Denny Lawlor and Tom Ratchford and moderator Brother Nicholas.

A familiar friend on campus is Mike Maicher, PHILADELPHIA BULLETIN photographer, who devotes much of his spare time to the BLUE AND GOLD.

Confident of the yearbook's financial success, Tom Ratchford and Paul Partyka busily take subscriptions under the eyecatching BLUE AND 'iOLD awning.


Posting the daily classroom returns for ftie yearl,ook drive made Ed Reardon's day perfect.

Art editor Al Keller, and George VanOsten register delight at the mounting returns from the yearbook drive. Tom Ratchford and Brother Nicholas page through a recent yearbook to discover better and different approaches to yearbook format and design.

Good coaching is a necessary element in the art of elocution, and Forensics moderator Mr. Feledick ably fulfills this need by explaining the essentials to his officers B. McElwee, V. Quaresima, K. Fulmer, and J. Minarik.

Vincent Quaresima, president of the Forensics C.lub, exhibits excellent form and confidence while he speaks extemporaneously before fellow debaters and comrades.

Helping frosh Jan Carroll to plan his speech, experienced senior Ted Bartkowski elaborates upon the finer points of debating and public speaking.

Using the blackboard for illustrations, Ken Klinkner ably quotes figures and percentages to substantiate his argument.

Joe Minark's absorption in TIME illustrates the extensive periodical perusing for which Forensic members are famous.



After setting up the film projector, Mr, Gerald Tremblay and Brother Kenneth, the club's comoderators, exchange ideas for upcoming motion pictures.

In addition to "American in Paris," the club planned to view many other films including "Red Badge of Courage," "On the Waterfront," "The Red Balloon" and "An Occurrence at Owl. Creek Bridge."

Brother Kenneth discusses the purposes and future plans of the Fine Arts Club at one of its early meetings.



The Art Club's cultural program presented local artist Mr. Michael Kuncevich, who displayed his works in the library and discussed them with moderator, Brother Jerome, and club members, Nick Tallos, Ed Roth, and George Kerper.

A poster announcing January's Art Club sponsored FINE ART FESTIVAL is tacked up by club members, Kevin O'Neil, Craig Brooks, and Bob Hartman.


Studious junior, John Loughran, pages through one of the 8,000 volumes of the school library.

The library provides students with a place where they may complete assignments initiated in the classroom.

Surrounded by her staff, Miss Virginia Murphy examines the magazine catalogue while her assistants check books and indexes.


Staff president, Tom McPhillips, joins with La Salle end Mount Saint Joseph librarians, Miss Virginia Murphy and Sister Consolata, to compare the aspects of their respective libraries.

A round-table discussion lead by La Saile students, George Kerper, Dave Kreines end Bill Flanegan, terminated with an exchange of valuable ideas.


Cape and Swordpresents TEN LITTLE INDIANS

CAST ROGERS ............. MRS. ROGERS .........

Thad Bartkowski Diane Rodgers

FRED NARRACOTT ... Francis Odyniec VERA CLAYTHORNE .. Sally Ruetschlin PHILIP LOMBARD .... Charles Blichau ANTHONY MARSTON ... Paul Cushing WILLIAM BLORE ........

Howard Cain


Alice Kenyon

SIR LAWRENCE WARGRAVE Gerard C. Ballard DR. ARMSTRONG .... Jan L. Krzywicki

Through the untiring efforts of the two leads, Charles Blichaszand Sally Ruetschlin, TEN LITTLEINDIANS opened its curtain on schedule in mid-December to entertain the audience with a thrilling mystery combining suspense and superb histrionics.


In the final act, Gerard "Mad Judge" Ballard makes his debut as an execij· tioner.

Early in the play, Sir Lawrence Wargrave exa•mined Miss Brent's decoy letter and realized the plight of being abandoned on an island, unable to locate his host.

The entire cast of TEN LITTLE INDIANS takes a final bow at the curtain call following the performance of one of La Salle's finest prod'uctions.

Neal Givey tries to seem disinterested as Jan Kry:i:wickipours "alcoholic" liquid generously into his glass. To the disgust of all concerned, it was cold tea.




Under the direction of Mr. Moore, the Senior Play comes to life in the acting of his proficient cast. Their faces:display the prevading tension, minutes before the curtain opens.

A great amount of time and effort back stage paid off in a highly su,ccessful and well-received ptay that was gratifying to actors and stage crew alike.



TURNER SOCIETY An individual discussion group with free-for-all opm,ons on a specific topic attracts seniors Mike Napoletano, Phil Miraglia, Jim Hyde, Stan Green!ield and Al Rinkus.

Moderator Brother Malachy discusses the possibility of guest speakers at future meetings with two o~ his officers, Joe O'Kane, Secret;iry, and Howie Cain, President.

Brother C.arl, La Salle's vice-principal and expert on Communism, gives an informative lecture about socialist doctrine to the assembled Turner Society members.


After organizing a "Dads for a Day" outing and II tutoring service for potential high school dropouts, Brother Gratian and his Philadelphia Association of Scholastic Interracial C,ouncil members discuss the sponsorship of new programs.

Bob Liberatore and Ed Crawford, participants in La Salle's FosterBrother 12Iogram, an outgrowth of the Archdioscesan Community Service Corps, co,m-pare records of their bi-weekly visits with the boys they have befriended.


Brother Kenneth refers to pertinent articles in his d'iscussion of various aspects of the School's Community Council while explaining to Ned Bachus and Phil Ruggiero that the council's purpose is to foster better relations among the schools in the community.



Both religious and lay vocations are discussed by Benilde Club members Nick Yanni, Guy Sciolla, Sean O'Shea, and Ed Reardon with the assistance of La Salle chaplain, Father Amandus and moderator, Brother David Albert.

Under Brother D. Albert's direction Jack Fitzgibbons gathers information on vocations and life in a chosen community for his speech to the Benilde Club members.



:.~_.-:F~ther Amandus addresses the members of the 路 ':;. :路French Club on the origin and development of the 路<'cFrench language.

The President of the Spanish Club, Bill Marr, previews some interesting路 tapes in the language lab.

la Salle's exchange student from Germany, Hans Gevers, lectures the German Club on the customs and life of teenagers in his homeland.


Spanish Club officers Bill Marr, Bill Kozub, Jim Daniel and Denny Lawler discuss the current issue of "Life en Espanol" with Brother William.

In an attempt to further knowledge of Spanish culture, moderator Brother G. William casually answers questions of Gene Gattie and Mike McGold'rick arising from a previous Spanish Club film.

At an earlier meeting of the Spanish Club, Brother William explains what he hopes to accomplish during the year, including his plan of student路lectures on a topic which would be interesting to all.


The Science Club specializes in supervised experimentation where Brother Fidelian d'irects the procedure to scientific-minded students.

Ed C.rawford displays the technique used in handling strong acids to fellow Science Club member, Tom McPhillips. Lab technique is demonstrated by' B,rother Fidelian who hopes to foster greater interest in lab work and to present material which is beyond the scope of regular class lectures.



Excursions and guest speakers are characteristic of the Math Club, and here Brother Alban, Ph.D., Chairman of La Salle College's Mathematics Department, addresses the group on Mathematical Reasoning.

One of the requirements of the Math Club is an ability in all aspects of the subject. These certificates, distributed by moderator Brother Joseph, signify mathematical achievement and recognition of its members by the National Mathematics Society.


Club President, Mrs. Roselle Bartkowski, assembles with members of the committee before the distribution of some of the rather elegant Tombola prizes.

Mrs. O'Shea, chairman of the Freshman Tea, pours for Brother Lewis, while Mrs. Bartkowski, Mrs. McGinniss and Brother Francis look on.

Having finished collecting tickets, the receptionists await a final total from Mrs. O'Connor,


OFFICERS SEATED: Mrs. Robert Breckenridge (Vice-President). Mrs. Thaddeus Bartkowski (President). Mrs. James Dwyer (Treasurer). STANDING: Brother D. Lewis (Moderator). Mrs. John Meehan ( Corresponding Secretary). Mrs. Francis Slanina ( Recording Secretary), Brother E. Joseph (Moderator).

Cards, Tea, and Fashions • • . perfect ingredients for the successful Aiutumn gathering. Close to one thousand experTe~t~cF Hess's display of unique Fall fashions.


Fathers and sons chat informally after enjoying a delicious roast beef dinner catered by Four Chefs.

Jack C.oncannon, quarterback for the Philadelphia Eagles, addressed the Men of La Salle's annual Father and Son Banquet with a talk of perseverance and good sportsmanship, both required of any athlete.


of La Salle officials, Mr. William McAnespey (President) and Brother F. James (Moderator) accept a souvenir football from Jack Concannon following Jack's speech to the hundreds of fathers and sons present at the sixteenth annual affair.

One of the highlights of the banquet was the sports quiz at which time students' sports knowledge was challenged.


Alumni and their ladies re-acquaint themselves after the varsity-alumni basketball bout.

Mr. Connie Miller, Chairman of the Alu•mni Social, Mr. Frank Ganley, President of the Alumni Association, and Brother Martin, Moderator, discuss the large turnout and soe;ial success of their •get-together.

The physical fitness and especially the happiness of our alumni ·proves beyond' doubt that they come from "the city of brotherly love."


Before they challenged this year's va.rsity to a contest, La Salle's alumni netmen were briefly reunited with their high school coach, Mr. Obie O'Brien, and, for many, their high school principal, Brother E. Fra.ncis. Faculty member, Mr. Joseph Lynch, fights desperately for the rebound in a losing cause against other alumni hoopsters.

Talk of "the good old days" dominates conversation at all alumni affairs.


Early arrivals at the prom, Paul Laskow and' Lennie Sloane, act "the perfect gentle,men."

'65 Student Council President, Ed Plocha, presents the King and Queen of the prom, Terry O'Hara and his date, Carol Brown, with the ceremonial bouquet of roses.

Juniors, yet already suave sophisticates, Horan devilishly unleashed their charm.


Hans Hawrysz and Tom

Dressed to kill, and aware of the camera's eye, juniors of a year ago leave for the post-prom parties.


Almost always the center of attention, Tim Foley expresses the gener41 tone of the prom-excitement.

Although the night of the senior prom was dampened by drizzling rains, nothing could drown the spirits of these happy prom couples.



John Kelly and Pat Devinney engage Brother Malachy in conversation early in the evening at the prom site, Whitemarsh Valley Country Club.

Mutual admiration seems to be the prevailing mood of the evening as Mike Mullen and his dancing partner ,pause momentarily to smile at each other.

Forming plans to fill every minute of the all-night extravaganza, this table of dose friend, exchange suggestions over cokes and pretzels.

Joe McGowan and his date appear to be having no problems keeping up with the pace of La Salle's version of the "bunny-hop."

Under the incred路ulous and perplexed stare of Brother Martin, Lee Andrews and The Hearts perform at the post prom party.


"What's a kid like you doing in a nice place like this?" wisecracks to Mike McGoldrick.

The all important prom favor has great significance for its recipients. Here, prom usher, Gene Hughes, hands the precious remembrance to Hans Gevers for his Peruvian girlfriend.

The lively rhythm provided by LeRoy Bostic gives seniors and their dates an opportunity to dance in style.

Unhappy to see the prom come to an end at Whitemarsh, but eagerly awaiting the post-prom, these seniors and their dates prepare to leave for the Presidential Apartments.


Brian Maguire

With her escort Gene Whitaker proudly watching, Prom Queen, Rita Callan of Cecilian Academy, receives a bouquet of roses from Student Council President, Jim Matthews.

Joe Bergmaier's date takes no chances as she kindly helps him sample the first bite.

The post prom breakfast at the Presidential Apartments was only the beginning of II morning of delicious food and musical festivities.


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The sports program at La Salle is varied and extensive, providing the opportunity for its students to experience the athletic qualities of sportsmanship, skill, and leadership. Regarded as an important portion of the student's education, participation in sports not only leads to physical development, but also to growth in character. For this reason, athletics evoke enthusiasm from the entire student body -the players as well as the spectators.

VARSITY FOOTBALL In an interesting season which featured a victory over the Philadelphia City Champion, West Catholic, the La Salle varsity eleven posted a disappointing 3-6 record. Despite this unusual log for the Texmen, both offense and defense had All-Catholic standouts with Bill McCloskey, a first team fullback, and Lenny Soane, Bob Enoch, Guy Sciolla, and Steve Bukowski second team stalwarts. More valuable than these kudos, however, the Explorers, especially the underclassmen, gained significant experience and learned the rigors of playing for Mr. Flannery.

VARSITYFOOTBALLTEAM FIRST ROW: J. Schaller, G. Murphy, G. Komelasky, C. Knowles, J. McMenamin, J. McIntyre, W. Cubbin, M. Nawrocki, G. Ganyer. SECOND ROW: R. Kurowski, R. Enoch, J. Flynn, T. Erb, W. McCloskey, T. Foley, F. Wesner, G. Sciolla, L. Sloane, S. McCloskey, D. McCarthy, M. Boerner, S. Bukowski,C. Zapiec. THIRD ROW: M. Aita, A. Bergin, J. Slabinski, J. Bryers, M. Ternosky, J. Vetter, R. Field, K. Flynn, R. Poirier, E. Stromberg, G. Meyer, J. Moore. FOURTH ROW: Brother D. Lewis (Moderator), Mr. E. Kelly, Mr. J. Flannery, Mr. D. Diehl (Coaches), M. Mullen, K. Meehan (Managers).


Fulback Bill McCloskey prepares to take a hand off and to move through a McCarthy-Sciolla hole in the line.

On the move against West Catholic, John Bryers exerts a tremendous force on an offensive maneuver.

The triumvirate-Coaches Flannery, Kelly, Diehl-having persevered the events of this year's season, anticipate a more impressive record next year.


_____ __ _ ,,,_"

The hardhitting offensive linemen could always be relied upon to pave the way for needed yardage.


Sophomore signal-caller, Mike Ternosky, fooled路 his opponents frequently with his quick fakes and deceptive moves.

As fullback Steve Bukowski prepares to take the pigskin, blocker Bob Enoch surveys the line to find an opening.

Offensive blocker Joe Kohler finds an opening aids La Salle in 路gaining yardage.

for fullback Steve Bukowski and

During the Cardinal Dougherty game, the hard hitting defense linemen, Dave McCarthy and' Roger Poirier, pry loose and recover the pigskin to halt an offensive drive.

A terrified tackler bows to the fancy footwork of Joe Flynn, as he returns a punt against North Catholic.


Team captain, Bob Enoch, moves in on offense to clear the way, as Steve Bukowski gains yardage against North Catholic.

Eluding a Dougherty defender, a pass for a substantial gain.

Bill Cubbin


LA SALLE'S DEFENSE FIRST ROW: R. Kurowski, S. McC .loskey, G. Komelasky, R. Poirier, R. Enoch, D. McC ,arthy . SECOND ROW: F. Wesner, L. Sloane , T. Foley, J. Flynn, T. Erb •


Despite a seemingly unsuccessful season, can there be any doubt of !he personal determination in each member of La Salle's squad ·?



Although staunchly defended by his lineman, Kevin Brett encounters the opposing force with grim determination.

J.V. FOOTBALL TEAM FIRST ROW: J, McTear, J. Fenningham, J, Kohler, W. Ryan, M. Whitaker, R. Ellis, J. Kent. SECOND ROW: Brother D. Lewis (Moderator). G. Maziarz, S. Glynn, K. Meehan, E. Gallagher, K. Brett, J. Hartman, R. Daniel, A. Bednarik, Mr. D. Diehl, Mr. E. Kelly (Coaches). THIRD ROW: L. O'Dea, D. Yanni, A. Cummings, A. Stephenson, R. Porreca, B. Moore, E. Domino, D. Smith.


Somber coaches Kelly and Diehl seem a bit concerned, but a final record of four wins and three losses proved that their anxiety was in vain.

FROSH FOOTBALL TEAM FIRST ROW: R. Geary, T. Makaila, W. Kohler, F. McNamara, J. Moffat, A. Busfield, J. Becher, M. Feeny, W. James, R. Moore, J. Bisciotti. SECOND ROW: Mr. L. Galzerano (Coach), T. Meyer, S. Whitlock, P. White, J. Zaiss, F. Spause, M. Sheehan, J. Koller, R. Guerra, T. Reardon R. Taglialatela, J. Maguire, Mr. M. Giacchino (Coach). THIRD ROW: J. Edling, R. Kelley, G. Zoller, W. Moriarty, D. Castellano, K. Kierstead路, M. Popkins, W. Deissler, D. Morris.


The freshman team seems tall in perspective, though it did have a few short-comings.



Coach Maguire's senior stalwarts: Pat Gallagher, and Mike Mullen.

Bob Pannepacker, Mike Jones, Bob Miller,

Finishing the Belmont Plateau course, senior Mike McGoldrick manager John Lohn who tallies his position.


passes by

Former Navy runner, Brother Gratian, sets the pace for novice sophomore Bob Hartman.

CROSS COUNTRY This year's cross country team climbed from its former low position, and proved itself to be a threat in the championship race. Under the guidance uf its new coach, Owen Maguire, LaSalle's harriers tallied a respectable 3-3 record, and placed sixth in the Catholic League Cross Country Championships. Seniors Mike Taylor and Pat Gallagher, and junior Kevin Bogle, led our thinclads around the new and unfamiliar Belmont Plateau course, to exemplify that a good team possessing both spirit and ability, may be beaten but never really defeated.

As the sun sets, our weary runners jog along at the end of another workout . Daily sustained practice has again brought La Salle acclai路m in cross country competition.


Sprinting the last leg of the course, Pat Gallagher, closely followed by Bob Pannepacker, is timed by moderator Brother Emery, and it is then recorded路 by team manager, John Lohn.

CROSS COUNTRY TEAM SITTING: P, Gallagher, B. Kurz, R. Miller, .R. Pannepacker, M. Taylor, M. Jones, M. Mullen, K. Bogle. KNEELING: W. Campbell, E. Welsh, S. Kozub, D. Devlin, W. Kozub, M. McGol.drick, G. VanOsten, R. Breckenridge, L. Clark. STANDING: Mr. Owen Maguire (C,oa路ch), Brother Emery (Moderator). G. VanOsten, M. Slavin, P. White, A. Keller, W. Hence, B. McElwee, A. Fornace, R. Hartman, A. Gillespie, E. Cattie (Manager).


Pausing briefly with some members of the cross country team, Mr. Maguire offers some pre-meet suggestions, plus a few encouraging words.

La Salle's beauteous legged line-up may never replace the All-American chorus line, but these seven hairy-limbed wonders will keep on trying.

Daily calisthenics both warm up and increase the endurance of our runners before they attack the long local course.


VARSITYBASKETBALL TEAM FRONT ROW: W. McCloskey, J. Meehan, R. Enoch, J. Lynch, J. McDevitt, G. Dugan. SECOND ROW: Brother Fidelian ( Moderator). F. Mclaughlin, R. Gute 路kunst, R. Gaidjunas, R. McAnespey, P. Stonis.



In the pre -league game against St. Joe's, Mr. O'Brien discloses the winning play in which Bob "Goote r" Gutekunst 's driving hook shot tilted the score 67-65, La Salle .

Bob Gaidjunas out-jump s his opponent and manages to give La Salle the ball , in the opening seconds of the St. Joseph's game ,

Varsity hoopsters Gerry Dugan, Paul Stonis, and John Lynch scramble dur ing a pre-season match with St. Joseph's Prep,

for the ball


Reaching for the rebound, "Rae" rises to the occ;asion by proving that talent is as valuable as height.

Tense moments of decision like these have been a prominent part of Obie's thirty-four years of coaching.

Although inexperienced and underrated, La Salle's varsity basketball team displayed its determination, disproving all pre-season expectations by posting an over-all 11-9 record. In Catholic League competition, Coach O'Brien's Little Explorers finished a close fourth place in the Northern division with a 6-6 tally. While junior Paul Stonis led the netmen in total scoring, seniors Bill McCloskey and John McDevitt, and juniors Jack Meehan and Frank McLaughlin provided additional offensive and defensive punch. Backed by strong student support, the team never failed to exhibit a perseverance unsurpassed by its opponents.


Managers, Jim McKee and Bill Powell, besides caring for the equipment, keep the official score and personal foul records at all our games. After a game-winning last second bucket against St. Joseph's Prep, Bob Gutekunst is congratulated by his jubilant teammates.

Fooling his opponent by employing some of his excellent maneuvers, Jack Meehan succeeds in scoring for La Salle.

It was a sad night for Bishop Kenrick's not-so-mighty Knights as La Salle's Frank Mclaughlin added much to o.ur team's gallant victory.


On the rebound, Bob McAnespey jumps up to tap the ball into the basket, making it dark for Kenrick 's "Knights."

A great bas'ketball handler, Bill McCloskey instigated many plays, which resulted in deuces for La Salle. As a McDavitt charger prepares to lower his "lance" Paul Stonis, in his best courtly manner, stomps on his toe.

Elated cheerleader, G•eg HoneylT'an, di· rects La Sallo's rooters in loud appre· ciation for an excellent play.

A necessity during basketball season is efficient scorekeeping. Manager, views man-for sman scores from a previous game with Obie O'Brien.


Ed Mulligan, re-


J.V. BASKETBALLTEAM FIRST ROW: A. Lattanzi, R. Falconio, R. McBrien, M. Van Buskirk, A. Neri, W. Walters. SECOND ROW: Mr. J. Lynch (Coach), T. O'Shea, R. Dan路 iel, M. Stumpo, J. Debow, R. Walters.

One of lhe most valuable players on the junior varsity team was speedy Tim O'Shea. By initiating many important plays, he Jielped to unify and coordinate the team.

JUNIOR VARSITY Quick handling of the basketball is a necessary aspect in offensive maneuvers, and Al Lattanzi seems to be having few problems, even though he's well guarded.


Looking for an unguarded man, yearling Jack Rosa tensely dribbles through the opposition. Driving past his Bishop Kenrick defender, frosh cager Jim Lynch initiates a daring lay路up shot.

FROSH FROSH BASKETBALL TEAM FIRST ROW: M. Stevens, J. Rosa, J. Walsh, G. Campbell, J. Lynch. SECOND ROW: J. Sulivan, E. France, W. Cunnane, Mr. J. Lynch (Coach), T. Duffy, D. Boerner, M. Buckley.


At practice, Joe Miller follows through on his shot, while Dick Needham hopes for a strike.

Showing his usual excellent form, Dave Malek battles with the pins in an effort to gain the high. scorer crown.

A student prince at heart, Mr. McCabe demonstrates the mentor's technique required of a pro bowler.


"You can't satisfy everybody," seems to be the state of affairs here, as there appears to be a different consensus of opinion over the scores.

In an inter-team match, seniors Dan Pietruska and Joe Miller are neck-and-nec路k in their race for victory.

A true athlete, Mr. McCabe offers a little advice to Bill Carlin, Dick Needham, Joe Miller, Bill Ashworth, Dave Malek and Dan Pietruska. Did that advice have a "hidden" meaning, Mr. McCabe?



SWIMMING Finishing third in the Catholic League, this year's swimming team upheld the fine tradition of recent teams at La Salle. The support given by the spirited seniors of the team, coupled with the staunch foundation of underclass swimmers, has brought the team closer to the league title than many previous years. Although frequently faced with near defeat, the team, under the devoted coaching of Mr. Walter Farrell and the competent organizing of moderator Brother E. James, has brought itself to an enviable berth. From the first taste of victory, to the final struggles of their l 0-4 record, the varsity team has personified determination and ability.

Missing from next year's team will be seniors, John Cattie, Will McKenna, Bill Valenti, Mike Etzl, Joe Best, Frank Fisher, Craig Hopkins, and Tom Scully~

Team captain, Will McKenna, spirited his fellow swimmers through the season with his rousing peptalks and outstanding breaststroke performances.


Smiling confidently, four La Salle aquanauts rest after strengthening their ability to out-stroke the best of th~ Catholic League.

~ C.oach Farrell registers

surpr.ise after timing Frank Fisher for the 50 yard free-style during the Father Judge meet.

SWIMMING TEAM FIRST ROW: M. Stewart, J. Best, T. Meyer, M. Fitzgibbons, K. Kierstead, S. Fenning, J. Kohler. SECOND ROW: S. Kenny, F. Preis, J. Loughgran, J. McKenna, P. Muessig, G. Meyer, T. Normile, P. Moser, C. Lehman. THIRD ROW: Mr. W. Farrel (Coach), J, Radovich, W. McKenna, M. Etzl, J. Gattie, W. Valenti, C. Hopkins, T. Scully, F. Fisher, W. Markmann (Manager),


"Flying through the air with the greatest needed for a fast start.

of ease," the:;e swimmers d'isplay all the basic form

One of La Salle's best divers and three-time varsity letter winner, 'Bill Val路enti demonstrates his famous half-twist.

Although recognized as the hardest stroke to master, Mike Etxl and Frank Preis seem to have little difficulty with the butterfly.


High teem spirit, displeyed by seniors Craig Hopki111end Jay Radovich,. is reflected .in. the high scores for L. Selle recorded by John Kowalski, under the careful eye of Brother James, moderator.

VARSITYSWIMMING RECORD OPPONENT LA SALLE Father Judge 59 36 Cardinal Dougherty 24 71 Cardinal O'Hara 40 55 West Catholic 40 55 Monsignor Bonner 27 .. "68 Bishop Neumann 80 15 Saint Joseph Prep 44 51 Father Judge 71 24 Cardinal Dougherty 60 35 Cardinal O'Hara 56 39 West Catholic 61 34 Monsignor Bonner 46 49 Bishop Neumann 25 70 Saint Joseph Pre~ 42 53

&ecufing • iorwerd dive, open position, Greg Meyers adds much showmenship to his diving ability.


Rigorous training is an essential part of every athlete's life. These members of the track team, following the example of Mike Mullen, are no exceptions.

Inter-squad races help build the competitive spirit necessary tor all track stars.


VARSITY TRACK TEAM FIRST ROW: F. McNamara, J. Rosa, R. Kolb, W. Campbell, P. White, P. Muessig, G. D'Ambrosio, D. Gillespie, L. Clark, C.. Brooks, M. Moger, E. Bogle, S. McCloskey, B. Pio. SECOND ROW: D. Normile, A. Fornace, J. Mallick, R. Hartman, J. Hyde, D: Lake, M., Alekna, M. VanBuskirk, T. Keener, F. Doherty, W. Cubbin, K. Bogle, J. Pascuno, J, DiOrio, M. Barbour, M. Girondo, W. Hughes. THIRD ROW: E. Cattie (Manager), E. France, P. Gallagher, R. Miller, J. Moore, S. Farrell, C. Wahl, W. McCabe, M. Mullen, J. Dugan, M. Jones, Mr. E. Kelly (Coach). A. Keller (Captain), Brother Gratian (Moderator), W. Kozub, J. Turner, S. J. Gorman, S. Bukowski, R. Kurz, J. Flynn, J, Cookson, R. Kurowski, C. Zapiec, P. Feeny.


At the close of the cross country season, Coach Edward Kelly called the first practice session for his track team of championshiR potential. Returning seniors Al Keller, Bob Miller, Pat Gallagher: and Lou Clark lead the way to the Catholic League Indoor Title, providing an exciting warm-up for the outdoor season. With experienced competitors and coaching, Mr. Kelly's trackmen developed into one of the area's leading teams.

Exhibiting his admirable form, Bob Miller clears the high jump bar. Bob has set new records for his skill not only in local meets but in regional competition.

Senior Mike Jones displays the strain experienced by a longdistance runner.


Pausing to ponder his role as a human c:atapult, Mike Barbour prepares to "put" the twelve pounder.

Matc:hed stride for stride, sprinters Jerry Dugan, Joe Flynn, and Frank Doherty dash down the straight-away.

Direc:tly involved with his team, Mr. Kelly c:ombines personal experienc:e with a knowledge of his runners to obtain impressive .results.


C,oach Ed Kelly and manager Gene Cattie admire Al Keller's newly won and proudly displayed Inquirer Medal.

Lone La Salle pole vaulter, Bill Hughes, jets over the bar, racking up more valuable points for La Salle at the Inquirer Games.

Frozen in flight, Joe Flynn aims for undisturbed sand.

Pressured by a persistent competitor, determined composure of a champion.

Bob Miller displays the


Eyes on the ball, senior Tom Scully pivots at the top of his backswing.

Bent in concentration, Skip Keiser punches an iron from the edge of a tree-lined fairway.

~ Demonstrating

his persistent drive and d路etermination, John Kelly exhibits the form that has won him four varsity letters.

GOLF Following through in perfect form, Joe Mastronardo admires his handiwork.


La Salle golf team hopefuls view the form of a fellow aspiring candidate during tryouts at North Hills Country Club under the watchful eye of new golf mentor, Mr. David Diehl.

Always ready to share his golfing experience, Mr. Diehl amicably counsels Joe Mastronardo, Skip Keiser, and Craig Hopkins on one of the gripping problems of golf.


When the spring weather arrived, La Salle's ardent duffers turned out in force for their new golf coach, Mr. David Diehl. Guided by senior standout, John Kelly, the squad was composed of a healthy mixture of seniors and underclassmen. Desiring to recapture last year's championship position, the putters and the drivers practiced persistently both in team sessions and individual workouts. In excellent form, the golfers shaped up as leading contenders for the Catholic League crown.

Up on the green, Joe Mastronardo and Skip Keiser examine their lie before putting out.

In a pensive moment, John Kelly pauses to consider his next move. Blasting his way out of • sandy hazard, Craig Hopkins raises a white cloud under the scrutiny of Joe Mastronardo, during a pre-season practice round..

Tom Scully rotates whiplash downswing.



Tou,ing the North Hills course, Coach Mr. David Diehl relaxes while keeping an eye on his team.


Seemingly upset by his fumbling of the ball during an inter-squad game, John Cattie bemoans his plight as three greedy opponents move in on the ball.

VARSITY WATER POLO Despite Paul Moser's defensive effort, pool shark Mike Etzl spots an open path to the net.

VARSITYWATER POLO TEAM FIRST ROW: M. Etzl, C. Corkery, W. Mc:Kenna, J. Cattie, J. Normile, R. Gallagher. SECOND ROW: Brother E. James (Moderator), P. Moser, J. McGowan, J. Loughran, S. Fenning, K. Kier路

sfNcl, Mr. John Peno111(c-h).


Effort, balance, strength, and vigor combined with long houn of practice on the Meeh.n field tennis courts account for singles player Ken McGrath's high status.

Maintaining La Salle's traditional varsity tennis team excellence, the netmen earned another top position this year in the Catholic League standings. The racketmen, headed by juniors Tom Gowen and Ken McGrath, and seniors Neal Givey qnd Walt Fidler, baffled the opposition with speed, power, and form. WHh fine courts, modern equipment, and the consistent coaching of Mr. Gerald Tremblay and Brother Kenneth, the formidable team proved quite difficult to conquer.


On the home courts, three year varsity letter winner and La Salle's number one player, Tom Gowen, catches up to the ball while studying his opponent's position.

As Bill Deluca returns a serve during a junior varsity doubles match, Pete McFadden waits anxiously for an opportunity to display his own skill.

Court jesters, Mr. Tremblay, Ken McGrath, Tom Gowen and Rich Fairchild pause briefly from their rigorous routine to talk over the lighter side of tennis.


C,overing the backhand alley, Rich Fairchild lunges and connects for shot to bewilder his Penn Charter opponent.



Brother Kenneth tests the prospective court-stars, Andy Stephenson, Ted Keener, Pete McF.tdden, end Bill Deluce, in en eerly spring prectice.


R•cquet raised high, Walt Fidler takes a vicious cut from the serving line during a varsity singles match.

Prior to the first match of the Heson, Tom Gowen takes time out for a picture.

Stretching upwards, Neel Givey challenges his opponent with en overhead smash guaranteed to stymie even the most agile tennis buff.

Ever-busy manager Tony Lopresti administers to e failing n~t with assistance from Peter Mcfadden.







Commenting upon the form and unified stroke of this year's Varsity Eight, Coach Hines gives each member the needed advice which will hopefully result in a championship.

The five men of the Varsity Four, Joe McGowen, Tim Foley, John Brady, Dave Lagan, and coxswain John McCormick happily look forward to an arduous workout.


CREW With three returnees from last year's National Schoolboy Champion Varsity Eight, Coach George Hines' sweepers had an excellent chance of keeping their prestigeous trophy at La Salle again this year. During pre-season conditioning, initiated by moderator, Brother Jerome, the rowers were groomed for the rigors experienced on the Schuylkill River. The varsity sweep boats, stocked with 1965 National winners Frank Wesner, Paul Laskow, and Guy Sciolla, looked especially powerful in early races. In addition, the scullers, mentored by Mike McGee, anticipated a winning season for their quads and doubles. Daily eight mile workouts, combined with our fine reputation, made this year's crew the team to beat.

A tower of power, the Varsity Eight mad-hatters, J. McGowan, S. Fox, J. Kowalski, P. Laskow, A. Johnson, G. Sciolla, F. Wesner, M. Fitzgibbons, and J. Matthews are a millinery's delight on the Schuylkill.

Varsity Doubles scullers, seniors Bob Cody and Jay Radovich prepare to shove off the slip at the beginning of practice.

Although outboard motors are almost invaluable in coaching crew, Mike McGee finds that rowing can sometimes be easier than starting the motor.


Carefully· returning their fragile shell to the Malta boat rack, the junior varsity eight oarsmen follow commands from coxswain, Ace Johnson.

Hands over head, the well-dressed junior versity squad preperes to hit the river.

Coxswain Gerry Oeste calls to members of the third eight, A. Doyle, J. O'Connor, M. Harvey, R. Ellis, J. Loftus, L. Robinson, R. Liberatore, and· S. Glynn at the beginning of • long pull upriver.


During a practice on an overcast afternoon, Don Kotas and Dan Foley hold Brother Jerome and Mr. Hines tight to the dock.

In front of our already well-stocked trophy case, former Olympian, Ted Nash, now Penn coach, and Mr. Joseph McGowan, president of the La Salle Crew Parents' Club, present Frank Wesner and Coach George Hines with the Catholic League Crew trophy and the National Schoolboy Rowing Association plaque.



VARSITY SQUASH TEAM T. Gowen, L. Reilly, T. Lopresti, J. Loughran, S. D'Ambrosio, P. McFadden,

J. Gordon, K. McGrath.

Seeded one-two, coach Tom Edmunson's dynamic duo, Leo Reilly and Tom Gowen, forearmed the team to a successful first season in the Philadelphia Inter-Academic League.

La Salle's representatives on the baseball diamond, fifteen selected from a huge turnout, combined timely hits, alert baserunning, and near-errorless fielding in their quest for a top position in the Catholic League. Lettermen Bob Gumrot, Bob Gaidjunas and Mike Boerner, with invaluable senior and underclass assistance, provided a full season of spirited baseball. The talents of newcomers Pete Kichline, Lou Capecci, and Pete D'Entremont comprised the outfield strength so vital to a successful year. Coach Ned Kearney and Moderator Brother Daniel David supplied the guidance, and the team responded on the scoreboard.

Taking advantage of good position, Gerry Greco stops a hard hit grounder close to the third base line.

Four year letterman, Bob Gumrot, has always been one of the team standout~ because of his fiery offense and hustling defense.

Senior southpaw Bill Winning overhands his customary winsome delivery.

a plateward

pitch in


With his teammates looking on avidly, Lou Capecci, a strong sophomore starter, sets out to prove himself a valuable power hitter.

Following through on a big curve, Bob Gaidjunas watches for the result. Bob has been a leading hurler for three years, and is always tough in the clutch.

A skilled strategist, Ned Kearney confers with regulars Bob Gumrot and Skip Viola, as he plans another effective offensive adjustment.

From his unusually wide stance, Pete Kichline frequently hit for extra bases. VARSITY BASEBALLTEAM FIRST ROW: W. McCabe {Manager), W. Hamilton, E. Molush, W. Ryan, W. Kohler, J. Grubb, D. Cassidy, W. Powell {Manager). SECOND ROW: G. Greco, R. Gumrot, W. Ashworth, J. Schwartz, R. Mattern, M. Jordan, F. Fisher, C. Mastropaolo, W. Winning. THIRD ROW: Mr. Ned Kearney {C,oach), P. Kichline, M. Boerner, L. Capecci, S, Viola, J. Kohler, P. D'Entremot, R. Gaidjunas, W. Markman, G. Maziarz, T. Meyer, Brother Daniel David {Moderator).

Tangled-up by 3C's Jim Morton during the junior all-star basketball game, Joe Vetter grimaces at his loss.

Displaying agility and effort which characterizes La Salle's intramural program, this wiry underclassman participates in after school football.

The fierce competition of the inter-class football league in the fall is exemplified by the facial expressions on sophomores Glenn Radovich and Rick Falconio.



This year's intramural program covered a wide variety of fall, winter, and spring sports. While encompassing such standard sports as cross country, football, basketball, bowling, swimming, water polo and softball, the program has been expanded to include such novelties as volleyball, soccer, tug-of-war, ping-pong, chess and checkers. These activities have helped to instill and to stimulate a vigorous class spirit. An ind路ividual elimination ping-pong tournament for each homeroom was the scene of some friendly hand-to-hand combat.

During pre-game practice, Terry Lawler, a killer for Brother Kevin, and Larry Molloy, Mr. Lynch's keyed-up envoy, fight to keep the volley going.

Charging past the offensive line, Bob Windisch and Bill Flanagan prepare to crush the opposing quarterback, Jack Lord, but he passes the ball in time.


John Kelly seems to be giving a bit of thought to the situation, as Pete Kichline makes his move. Scratch one basket, John.

Two underclassmen stretch to make a return during the sophomore volleyball championship match.

Weight, strength, determination and the sheer power of numbers went into the pull for a 3E victory in this tug-of-war.


Jack Meehan, one of Brother Malachy's 3E "racketeers", rebelliously positions himself for a backhand shot.

While his opponent prepares to move, junior John Fitzsimmons concentrates on future stratagems. Equally interested in the outcome of the contest is intramural director, Brother Malachy.

Mike Clement swoops down to pick up a pigskin intended for Bob Kolb in a 3C-3G clash.

Members of the intramural senior all-star basketball team, Vince Dowling and Jim Daniel, seem to be having some disagreement over the possession of the ball. They were probably just doing it for kicks.






The La Salle student emerges a Christian leader. His academic life encourages intellectual freedom; His religious life emphasizes personal responsibility; His social life exemplifies Christian principles.




THE 1966 BLUE AND GOLD STAFF CO-EDITORS Denis Lawler Thomas Ratchford ASSOCIATEEDITORS Charles Anspach Robert Burt John Fitzgibbons William Marr George VanOsten MANAGING EDITORS Paul Partyka Edward Reardon

ART EDITOR Albert Keller CONTRIBUTORS Wayne Campbell Edward Crawford Michael Hogan Walter Hunter Jerrold Mccarron MODERATOR Brother Michael Nicholas, F.S.C.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The 1966 BLUEAND GOLD represents the journalistic efforts of La Salle students complemented by sincere encouragement, professional service, and valuable assistance. For these reasons, the 1966 BLUEAND GOLDstaff wishes to acknowledge the help of: BROTHERE. FRANCIS,Principal, for his unfailing support and encouragement; BROTHERD. CARL, Vice-Principal, for his interest and cooperation; BROTHERD. JEROME,for his artistic advice on the yearbook cover design; MR. GERALDTREMBLAY, for his literary recommendations; THE FACULTYMODERATORS,AND COACHES,for their patient cooperation with picture schedules; MR. MIKEMAICHER,photographer for the Philadelphia Bulletin, for his time and devotion in taking the excellent candid pictures; MR. DANIELSOLARI, representative of William T. Cooke Publishing, Inc., for his friendly professional assistance; MR. DONALD SYERS, of Lorstan-Thomas Studios, for his photographic services; CARLWOLFSTUDIO,for the quality of the senior portraits; THE STUDENTS,whofaithfully pledged purchases totaling eighty-five percent of the entire student body.













Vice-President FRANK WESNER













William J. McAnespey

I st Vice-President Alfred

John B. Foley

Secretary Lawrence

E. Enoch

2nd Vice-President

A. Flynn

Moderator Brother F. James, F .S.C.

John J. Bryers

AIM - PURPOSE To help the students

and school in every way possible,

especially to provide tuition

for those needy boys whose

dads died, after their son entered La Salle and who would otherwise have to drop out. MEMBERSHIP All fathers of present or past students who pay the annual dues of five dollars.

Friends of La Salle may become as-

sociate members.




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