1981 Yearbook

Page 1

TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction .. ... .. ... .. ... ... .. .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... Page 1 Dedication .......................................................... Page 16 Faculty ... ... ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. . Page 18 . Seniors . ... ... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. Page 42 Underclassmen . ... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. . Page 94 Sports.............................................................. Page 122 Activities.......................................................... Page 164 Dedication - 300........................................... Page 21 O Acknowledgements ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. .. Page 216



old (old), adj. 1. having existed long; aged 2. having much experience 3. familiar; dear 4. not new new (nU, nyU,) adj. 1. never having existed before; now first made, through and or discovered 2. different; changed; renewed 3. not familiar; strange 4. not old These two words help us describe the difference in our present and our past. In the dictionary, they're just words, ideas with names. But before us they are a part of our lives and ourselves; always changing and always with us. In the beginning, La Salle was new to us, and we to it. The building, the teachers, the classes, the fourth floor pool (?) and even our fellow bewildered freshmen all seemed to be labeled, "not familiar; strange." But time passed, and many of these labels began to peel off, and we replaced them with ones reading "familiar; dear." Stu路 dents and teachers (some of them anyway) became our friends, and we started to feel like a part of our school.

But La Salle kept tripping us up, throwing more and more things with "new" labels attached to them in our path. And in order to get past the heap we had to familiarize ourselves with each new item. And we found that as something became familiar and dear to us, it ceased to be an obstacle. We were able to pick it up and walk with it down the path. In this way, we gained experience. In this way, La Salle forced us to grow. It's doing it, too; still throwing new things at us. "Here's a teacher I've never had before, and there's one who just came this year (you can tell 'cause he's wearing a tie.) This is a new course; I wonder if it'll be any good? And there's a kid I've never seen before, even though he's had his locker three down from mine all year long. That's a sport I've never played, and this is a club that I just found out about, and, of course, there go the new freshmen (they get shorter each year!)"



So, what's new becom.es old, and more new replaces it, and this goes on everywhere, ad infinitum. It's been going on in La Salle for ..longer .than any of us (with the possible exception of Brother Al) can remember, for La Salle i.sone of the few things in our lives with a reading "having existed long; aged". This is what we'll be exploring in our year路 book - the old and new of La Salle. Read on; you'll probably find that much of what's old to La Salle i.s very new to you.


"The drive to be the best is a formidable challenge. In the end, it is the spirit, the sheer determination, which marks the difference between achieving a goal or falling short." When we first entered the LaSalle environment as freshmen, one of the first faces that welcomed us was that of another newcomer. He assured us that he, too, was eager, yet anxious, to come to LaSalle; that he, too, wished to be a member of this Family, but also had some of the fears experienced while waiting for the new and the strange to become the old and the familiar. He also expressed his hope that we would, in our years at LaSalle, obtain the best education possible, and that we would use the opportunities LaSalle presented to grow intellectually, physically, and spiritually. Just as Brother Andrew's willingness to become acquainted with the LaSalle community together with us made the newness of the situation easier to cope with, his "spirit" and "sheer determination" to broaden the opportunities offered to us made LaSalle a better learning experience. The 1981 Blue and Gold, then, is dedicated to Brother Andrew Bartley in deep appreciation for the work he has done to give us a total education. Whether complimenting us on a great game, or just encouraging us to read over the summer, he has always shown remarkable dedication; and as a result of his endeavors, we have grown. We have come to call him friend, teacher, and brother.

How many people in their ac11demiccareers at LaSalle hav.enot, at one .time or another, h11dI?come to the.Main Office to get a late slip! file an absentee. notice, or.explain why they can't help .clean up the pit that affernoon?.The M;O; is LaSalle's nerve cenier and a veritable beehive of activity. With Bro.ther James McEntee working on aUen, dance, Mr.s. Helen Gallagher and M.rs; Rosalie Comerford b.ehind th.e desks, and Mr. Charles tfllpl taking care of bu.siness, the .Main Office runs as smoothly as a welhoiled machine. The other workers; sometimes behind the scenes, are our respected (for the most part) administrators, Brother Andrew Bartley, Brother Frank Danielski, and.Mr. David Diehl. These are the three men responsible for almost everything that happens at, in and around LaSalle. Although we may not. realize it, their jobs are probably the toughest and most time consuming in the school. By the way, has anyone. ever seen the seven-foot TV screen and the microwave oven in Bro. Andy's .office? And how about the new Danish modern furniture in Bro. Frank's? But Mr. Diehl is the luckiest of all: he gets the key to the. Christian Brothers' wine cellar. Allthat Chateau LaSalle .•.

Brother Andrew Bartley: Principal. B.A. Catholic University, M.A. University of Pennsylvania.

Mr. David Diehl: Vice Principal. B.S. Temple University, M.A. Villanova Universi¡ ty. Brother Frank Danielski: Vice Principal. B.A. La Salle College, M.A. Georgetown University.


Mr. Charles Hilpl: Business Manager.

Mrs. Rolalie Comerford:

School Secretary.



Mrs. Helen Gallagher: School Secretary. Brother James McEntee: Attendance, Driver Education. B.A. Catholic University, M.A. University of Pittsburgh.


Brother Edward Zaleski: Morality, Christian Marriage. B.A. Catholic University, M.A. Duquesne University.

Mr. Pat Devine: Christian Marriage, Freshman Counselor, Cross Country and Track Coach. B.A., M.A. Villanova University.

"Its .a beautiful day in the neighborhood!" No matter what the weather you can count on a smile from Muriel Mehr, the chairperson (we rememberd you're liberated) of our Religion department. ''Can you say 'enthanasia'?" "Sure!" "D'ja here it? Its all over the school!" exclaims our own perennial. bundle of joy. - Brot.her Aloysius Lumley. "The rooW' .(ugh) .His enthusiasm.abounds in both his teaching .and his moderation of our championship golf .team. How inspiring!Our own George .Hohenleitner has been pro路 moted to Colonel Catholic. His new orders came in last week and he has been instructed to spread his knowledge and insight throughout the La Salle路 community. "Gentlemen, do not worry about your grades. You're going to fail anyway." Brother .Ed Zaleski charms. us with this information two days before the end .of the marking period.but we know - or hope --'- he is just kidding. "Hey! Does anybody und.erstand this guy? What is "mannerr" from heaven?" Despite tne language barrier, (we can't speak Brooklynese) Father Paul Wierichs is a man we.have grown with an.ctlearned to trust. New Yawk isn't so.bad after all, is it? Why does everybody try to get into Pat .Devine's marriage class? Could it be because he is the only married marriage teacher or do people just like to laugh at his funny haircuts? In any case, we all know he's the fastest leprecha~n .in the school. How much longer can we. sta~d Edward Kle.nk's third rate jokes? Fo.r as long as this dedicated teacher and Kaptain of Klenk's Keanup Krew is at LaSalle, probably. Unlesswe tell his mummy on him. Tut, tut: Mr. Ed Klenk: Christian Morality, Church History, Religion II, C.S.C. Moderator. B.A. La Salle College.


Mrs. Muriel Mehr: Religion I, Death, Peace and Justice, Religion Depa men! Chairman. B.A., M.A. La Salle College.

Brother Aloysius Lumley: Religion I, Golf Coach. B.A. La Salle College, M.A. Villanova University.

Mr. George Hohenleitner: German II & IV, Religion II. B.A., La Salle College.

Father Paul Wierichs: Religion IV, Christian Action, Retreats, School Chaplain. M.A. St. Charles Borromeo.


"Would you buy a used cannonball from this man? Big Joe really does sell cannonballs cheaper." This is how we have come to know Joseph Colistra, our ubiquitous Social Studies chairman. His theo路 retical companies take the monotony (monopoly?) out of economics. In his second year here at LaSalle, Doug Smith decided to dazzle us by shaving off his mustache. The loss of facial hair has not affect路 ed his teaching capabilities, however: we still can't read his handwriting. Who could better figure our how to psyche out the basketball team's opponents than Bill Michuda, psychology teacher extraordinaire? He may look dazed, but his diabolical mind is always at work ... Brother Thomas Speakman, new kid in town, teaches freshman religion and sophomores Western Civ. He also coaches the freshman basketball team. After spending so much time with frosh and sophs, he's beginning to look like one of them. For sale: 1969 Royal Blue Beetle Bug Bomb (minus custom strip路 ing). If interested, please contact John Grace. In case you don't know who he is, look for the California-type with octagonal glasses and flashy pants. "Who's the guy who cornered the market on election buttons?" That's Gerry Miller, our new addition to the history department. By the way, when is current events day?

Mr. John Grace: World Cultures, Western Civilization, American History. B.A. La Salle College.

Brother Thomas Speakman: Western Civilization, Religion I & II. B.A. La Salle College.


Mr. William Michuda: World Cultures, Psychology, Basketball Coach. B.S. La Salle College, M.A. Villanova University.

Mr. Joseph Colistra: Economics, American History, Mass Media, A.P. American History, Social Studies Department Chairman. A.B., M.A. Villanova University, M.Ed., Temple University.

nr.Doug Smith: Western

Civilizations, American History. B.A. West Chester

Hate College.

Mr. Gerald Miller: American History, Hitler, Postwar America. B.S. Temple University.


Mr. Timothy Cherney: Algebra I & II, Geometry. B.S. Bucknell Univer路 sity, M.A. University of Pennsylvania.

Mr. John Frizalone: Algebra II. Math Analysis, Intro Calculus. B.A. Temple University.

Mr. Joseph Turk: Algebra II. Calculus BC, Trigonometry, Consumer Math, Cal. AB. B.S. Villanova University.


What do you get when you .cross an Amish person with Abe Lincoln? Timothy Cherney! Mr. Cherney (and his beard) teach algebra and geometry. ~路Lethim sleep - he passed the test." James Roche gets the award for being LaSalle's quietest disciplinarian and greatest help on a test. "I'm kind of stuck on number four, Mr. Roche.'' "Oh ... umm ... alright, the answer's seven." Who dresses like a business executive and carries a brief路 case? Jack Metzger, whose.manner adds a touch of class t.o our Math department; (Sorry; Turk, but a wetsuit can't compare with a Chips 'n' Twigs original.) William Zwann is our new.all-state quarterback turned algebra teacher. Although he joined "the team" late in the year, Mr. Zwann has already found his niche in the faculty ranks. "December 3 - Won Too Tree, inventor of the abacus, born - 2004 B.C." Brother Gerry Frendreis keeps his classes informed of red letter days in the history of mathematics by leaving notes on the board. In his spare time, he races vectors, plays GO, and tries to dispel the rumor that he was at Woodstock. Why is Mr. Friz alone? He's cooking his friend rice! (It doesn't have to make sense.we've already missed our dead路 line.) When John Frizalone isn't analyzing math or coaching the shotputters, he just practices being cool. Who besides Mary Jo .Yozzo would have the patience to sit through three speeches and a "dramatic reading" after a hard day of teaching math? As Forum moderator, that's what she does almost every day. No wonder she asks the Lord for strength. Besides being Clare Brown's best friend in the whole world, Joseph Turk often.claims to have made. but one mis~ take in his life. ("When I was nine, my.mother sent me to the store for a head of lettuce. I brought home a cabbage.") Sure, Joe, and the circular saw in.cident was deliberate, right?

Mr. John Metzger: Algebra I, II. B.E.E. Villanova University.

Brother Gerry Frendreis: Math Department Chairman, Analytical Geometry X, Analytical Geometry, Baseball Moderator. B.A. La Salle College, M.S. Duquesne University.

Miss Mary Jo Vozzo: Algebra I & II & llx, Geometry. B.A. Chestnut Hill College, M.A. St. University. Forum Moderator.

Mr. William Zwann: Algebra I. B.S. University of Delaware.

Mr. James Roche: Algebra IX & IIV, Math Analysis, Calculus AB. B.A., M.A. La Salle College, M.S. Univ. of Notre Dame.


When last seen in a LaSalle yearbook, Bernard (Bernie) McCabe was doing his now famous levitation-above-the-tennis-courts trick (he still won't tell us how it's done). This year, we caught him in the English office doing his impersonations of Rodin's greatest works (page 2). Ah, Bernie. Stick to teaching English. Bernie's brother Edward (Ernie) McCabe fares better in his extracurricular pursuits. An accomplished runner, Ernie can beat any high school or college athlete in the state, given a big enough head start. He's the only teacher who does heel stretches in the halls to warm up for class. "A receding hairline is the sign of high culture," or so says Richard Topper, the only member of the English department over seven feet tall. If you've never heard Rick recite "Beowulf" in the original old English, you don't know what the word "exciting" means. We can't decide whether Clare Brown is more like Deborah Harry, by virtue of her golden hair, or like Brooke Shields, by virtue of her Calvin Klein corduroys. Besides teaching English I, she also teaches freshmen World Cultures. Truly, a multi路 faceted woman. After retiring last year from his short but illustrious career as yearbook moderator, Edward Molush turned his full attention to teaching English and reminiscing about his short but ... umm ... short career with the Phillies. (Sometimes parallel structure just doesn't work.) Last but not least, we come to department chairman Ml路 chael O'Toole. Mike can almost always be found in some second floor classroom, covering the board with his train of thought. He claims the frayed cuffs of his sweaters are "distinguished." Talk about double irony. Mr. Richard Topper: English Ill & IV, Wisterian Moderator. B.A. University of Pennsylvania.


Mr. Edward McCabe: English I & Ill. B.A. La Salle College, M.Ed., Temple University. Mrs. Clare Brown: World Cultures, English I. B.A. Chestnut Hill College, M.A. University of Pennsylvania.


Mr. Bernard McCabe: English II & IV. B.A. La Salle College, M.A. Niagara University.

Mr. Edward Molush: English II, Baseball Coach. B.S. Ed. Temple University. Mr. Michael O'Toole: English Department Chairman, English I & II. B.A., M.A. University of Pennsylvania.

"Gentlemen, say it please: EuROpa," asks William (Mr. Bill) Gei· ger, the man behind LaSalle's. reinstated Latin program. Mr. Bill has become known for snazzy dressing, vocabulary quizzes, and guest appearances on AM/PM. Brother Bill Riley is another one of those preppy brothers who has an alligator on almost every piece of clothing he owns (except for the cashmere. sweaters people keep giving him). Outrageous. Brother .John McGoldrlck ~as been promoted (?) this year to maintenance supervisor, but ... unfortunately, he still finds time to teach German. Brother is no sour kraut. · ".;,Uds, hablan Espanol?" queries Ja.mes Serpiello.A true linguist, Mr. Serp believes in the theory that students can learn to speak any language fluently if they just "shut up." James Devine, alias "Mr. Spain," is well known for his elaborate homework assignments. He's also LaSalle's Public Relations direc· tor. Unfortunately, he once had an argument with the editor of the Catholic Standard and Times, and ever since then ... Brother Dominic (Dombo) Smith, the man who raised eye-rolling to an art, can be found in the .AVroom when he's not teaching French. "Can I borrow your typewriter, Bro?" "Tsk. You're no longer in kinder· garten ... " By day, he's a mild-mannered teacher. But by fifth period, he's an even milder-mannered cafeteria moderator. Yes, it's the bearded wonder, David Manion, teaching French, Spanish, and the tri·lingual way!

Brother William Riley: Foreign Language Department Chairman, Spanish I & llx, AP Spanish, Band Moderator. B.A., M.A. La Salle College, M.A. Univer· isty of Notre Dame.


Brother John McGoldrick: German I & II, Audio-Visuals, Director of Maintenance. B.A. La Salle College, M.A. Millersville State College.

Mr. David Manion: Spanish I, French I & lllx, Student Council Moderator. B.A., M.A. La Salle College.

Mr. William Geiger: Latin I, English II, Moderator of Dramatics, Blue & Gold Moderator. B.A. La Salle College, M.A. Villanova University, M.A. Millersville State College.

Mr. James Devine: Director of Public Relations, Spanish Ill & lllx & IV, AP Spanish. B.A. La Salle College, Ed.M. Temple University.

Mr. James Serpiello: Spanish II & Ill & IV. B.A. La Salle College. lntramurals Moderator.

Brother Bominic Smith: French I & II & llx & IV, Director of Audio Visuals, Basketball Moderator. B.A., M.A. La Salle College, M.A. University of Notre Dame.


"Okay, gang, settle down ... And don't play with the bljnds!" That's right, it's Brother Kevin McManus, LaSalle's answer to Pro· fessor Bunsen Honeydew: "C'mon, settle down •.. , Oh no, not an· othe.r thermometer!" When Vincent Carissimi isn't teaching abouflhe delicateness of the ecological system, he's out pumping lead into poor, defenseless pheasants .. He delights in showing movie.s about suicidal lemmings and knee surgery. A real fun guy to be with. John.Buonomo was forced to grow a beard early this year when fellow teachers kept mistaking him for :3freshman. Only trouble is, now people keep mistaking him for Mr, Carissimi. Who drops her keycase at least three times a day - on purpose? Lorraine Rimert, that's who. Ms. Rimer! is living proof of Newton's Second Law (or was that his Third? Fourth? Seventh? Who's Newton? What's Physics? Aaagh ... ) IF you want to .learnhow to program then go to Robert Russell. He's also one mean cathedral organist, and can teach you more than you ever wanted to know about Kepler's Laws. Hin fact; there's a great movie about Kepler - but we .didn't order it this year." ''.There will be no 8th period chemistry today due to the soccer game." Ah, this must be the door of Michael Sheehan's classroom. Between soccer and bowling, it's a wonder he can keep the chem lab from burning down; '!It .looks like you have an anterior subluxation of the proximal epipysis ofthe humerus from the glenoid fossa." "Huh?" "You hurt your shoulder:" Tony Viggiano can not only patch you up, he can tell you.what's wrong with you in.words you never even heard before. ''.If your bo.ok doesn't have a cover, you can't take the test." Mi· chael Bruno may have some strange regulations in his class, but he's done a good job as Science department chairman and has coached a couple of championship tennis teams here at LaSalle as well.

Miss Lorraine Rimer!: Physics, Honors Physics, Electricity. B.A. Seton Hill College.

Mr. Michael Bruno: Science Department Chairman, AP Chemistry, Chemistry, Tennis Coach. M.Ed., Temple University, M.S. St. Joseph's University.

Mr. Tony Viggiano: Health, Health Counselor, J.V. Football Coach. B.S. West Chester College.


Mr. John Buonomo: Biology. B.A. La Salle College.

Mr. Michael Sheehan: Energy, Chemistry. B.A. La Salle College.

Mr. Robert Russell: Physics, AP Physics, Computer Programming, Photography. B.S. Fordham University.

Brother Kevin McManus: Freshman Chemistry, Energy, Tennis. B.A., M.A. La Salle College, M.S. University of Pittsburgh.

Mr. Vincent Carissimi: Biology, Selected Topics, Anatomy & Physiology, Sexuality. B.A. Boston University.


Brother John D'Alfonso is the one who kept putting those "The time to apply to colleges was two months ago" notices in the Daily Bulletin. During the grueling process of applying, we all came to know Fonzie's alligator sweaters, his French insults, and his fist in our ribs, if we ever put our feet up on the table in the Guidance office. B.J. has on!l final message for all of you who have just purchased this yearbook: "Take it home , .. take it home ... take it home ... " Ever wonder why there's never a speaker for "High School Guidance Counselling" at LaSalle's annual Career Night? Maybe it's because Jack Coonahan, the man who masterminds it all, is afraid of the competition. It's mildly amazing to think that Mr. C. (how many "Mr. C"s does this school have, anyway?) not only runs career night and counsels students, but pilots the Coonavan as well. Doris Daly: "From the results of the testing, it appears you're leaning toward nursing as a career." Ms. Daly is the chic co-pilot of the Coonavan who interprets for the sophomore class such things as career tests (actually, every sophomore swears he isn't leaning toward nursing) and the California Mental Aptitude Test (most of the sophomores aren't leaning toward mental aptitude, either.)

Brother John D' Alfonso: Director of Guidance, NHS Moderator, Senior Guidance. A.B .. M.A. La Salle College, M.A. Middlebury College & Villanova University.

Mrs. Doris Daly


Mr. Jack Coonahan

Mr. Fred Herbst


Lowber Welsh

Mr. Ed McAfee

Mrs. Mary Diaz


Brother Linus Finn: Typing. B.A. La Salle College.

Mr. Frank Mullen: Book Store Moderator. B.S. La Salle College.

Cafeteria Staff


Mrs. Jennie Barratt: School Nurse

Brother William Quaintance: Study Techniques, Swimming Moderator. B.A., M.A. La Salle College, Ed.M., Ed.D. Temple University.

Mr. Walter Farrell: Physical Education. B.A. La Salle College.

Brother Hilary McGovern: Physical Education. B.A. La Salle College.

Mr. Marty Stanczak: Director of Athletics, Accounting. S.S. La Salle College. Mr. John (Tex) Flannery: Football Coach. B.A. La Salle College.


Mr. Joseph Ciccimaro: Music Department Chairman, Concert & Stage Bands. B.A. La Salle College.

Mrs. Florence Ward: Alumni & Development.


Brother Fred Stelmach: Art Department Chairman, Art I & II & Ill, Me路 chanical Drawing, Mother's Club Moderator, Director of Brother's Community. B.F.A., M.F.A. Catholic University.

Mrs. Joan Panaro: Alumni & Development.

Brother Miller Bosch: Driver Education. M.Ed. Temple University, M.A. Villan路 ova University.

Brother Edward Cannon: Computer Room Moderator.

Mrs. Mary Mountain: Head Librarian

Brother Charles Scanlon: Learning Center Moderator. B.A. La Salle Col路 lege, M.A. New York University


Michael J. Adams 5727 N. 21st Street Philadelphia, PA 19138 842-1081 1D Cross Country 1, 2, 3 ... Forensics 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1. 2, 3 ... Student Council 3 ... Track 1, 2. 3, 4 (Captain) National Honor Society 4 ... Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4 Paul D. Alig 302 Yorktown Street Lansdale, PA 19446 855-2978 30 Bowling 2, 3, 4 (Captain) ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Wisterian 1 ... National Honor Society 3, 4 ... Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4 ... National Merit Semi-Finalist ... Dance Committee 4

Mike Adams

Gregg M. Asman 5603 Miriam Street Philadelphia, PA 19124 Pl3路8114 30 Football 1, 2, 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2 (Representative) 3, 4 ... Yearbook 4 John A. Avallone 316 Hilton Lane Elkins Park, PA 19117 782-1837 40 Baseball 1 ... Football 1, 2, 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Religious Activities 4 ... Track 1, 2 William B. Bachinsky 546 Burgess Street Philadelphia, PA 19116 H04路2841 50 Football 1, 2. 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Student Council 1, 2 ... Track 1, 2 ... Yearbook 4 ... Public Relations 3, 4 ... Prom Committee 3, 4 ... Ski Club 2. 3, 4 ... National Honor Society 4 ... Scholastic "L" 3 ... Highest Honors: Spanish 3 Ronald L. Baracka 116 Stout Road Ambler, PA 19002 643-2391 60 Cross Country 1, 2 ... lntramurals 1. 2, 3, 4 ... Religious Activities 3, 4 ... National Honor Society 3, 4 ... Scholastic "L" 2, 3, 4

Paul Alig


Ron Baracka

Gregg Asman

Bill Bachinsky

John Avallone


Jim Burnett

Mike Burgoyne


Charles Barbera

Chris Bond

Brad Bonner

Charles F. Barbera 9831 Ferndale Road Philadelphia, PA 19115 677路2029 70 Cross Country 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2 ... Religious Activities 3 ... Wisterian 3, 4 ... Track 2 ... Yearbook 3 ... C.S.C. 1, 2, 3 (President), 4 ... National Honor Society 3, 4 ... Scholastic "L" 2, 3 Greg Benner Gregory J. Benner 363 Fanshawe Street Philadelphia, PA 19111 RA2-7249 1D Baseball Basketball 1, 2 ... Wisterian 3 Christopher Bernhardt 8574 Glen Campbell Road Philadelphia, PA 19128 IV3-7544 20 lntramurals 2, 3, 4 Christopher Boland Burnt House Hill Road 4 Doyelstown, PA 18901 348-9432 30 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Track 2 Christopher Bond 1972 Montgomery Street Villanova, PA 19085 LA5-6406 40 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Track 1 ... Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4 (Captain) Chris Boland

Bradley J. Bonner 4059 Hillsode Road Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 825-1241 50 Football 3, 4 ... lntramurals 3, 4 ... Religious Activities 3, 4 ... Student Council 4 ... Swimming 3, 4 ... Yearbook 4 ... Eagle Scout 3 Michael J. Burgoyne 2264 Blackhorse Drive Warrington, PA 18976 343-3713 60 Cross Country 1, 3 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Track 1, 2 James Burnett 7030 Cresheim Road Philadelphia, PA 19119 242-0845 70 Baseball 4 ... Bowling 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Track 4 ... Soccer 1 ... Photography Club 2, 4

Chris Bernhardt


Kenneth H. Caneron 10 W. Gowen Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19119 CH2-4378 10 Crew 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Track 3, 4 (L) ... Soccer 2, 3 (L), 4 (L)

John C. Campbell 27 W. Mill Road Flourtown, PA 19034 AD3-0631 20 Football 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Religious Activities 4 ... Track 4 ... Wrestling 4

Mark Cantwell

Matthew J. Campbell 958 Decker Lane Warminster, PA 18974 OS2-5116 30 Basketball 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Track 2 ... Yearbook 4 (Chairman) ... National Honor Society 3, 4 ... Scholastic "L" 2, 3 Mark C. Cantwell 13030 Sewell Street Philadelphia, PA 19116 698-7581 40 Art Club 2 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4 Andrew B. Carlin 1900 DeKalb Street Norristown, PA 19401 275-4631 50 Football 1, 2, 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

Paul Carson

Stephen J. Carlin 401 Borbeck Street Philadelphia, PA 19111 Fl2-2807 60 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Yearbook 2, 3, 4 (Chairman) ... Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Highest Honors: English 3, Chemistry Paul D. Carson 1220 Boden Place Fort Washington, PA 19034 Ml3-7777 70 Band 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Dramatics 2, 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 (Representative) ... Religious Activities 1, 2, 3,

Steve Carlin


Ken Cameron

John Campbell

Matt Campbell

Andy Carlin


Joe Clccimaro

Tom Connor


Mike Clark

John Collins

Joseph F. Ciccimaro 2652 E. Ann Street Philadelphia, PA 19134 643-1575 1D Band 1, 2, 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3

John Cirillo

Michael J. Clark 7400 Roosevelt Blvd. Apartment b-106 Philadelphia, PA 19152 OE8-1073 30 Football 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Religious Activities 1, 2 ... Track 1, 2 John R. Collins 27 E. Gowen Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19119 CH8-4641 40 Art Club 2, 3 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Thomas J. Connor 22 Glenn Circle Philadelphia, PA 19118 233-2243 50 Crew 1, 2 ... Cross Country 1 ... lntramurais 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Student Council 2 John D. Cirillo 912 Phillips Street Philadelphia, PA 18974 Us2-6036 2D Baseball 2, 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Religious Activities 1, 2, 3, 4 ... National Honor Society 3, 4 ... Scholastic "L"

1, 2, 3

John J. Dachowski 520 Babylon Road Ambler, PA 19002 643-0654 60 Band 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Religious Activities 3, 4 ... Swimming 1, 2, 3, 4

John Oachowski


John H. Davies 3833 Kirkwood Road Philadelphia, PA 19114 338-2054 70 Art Club 4 ... Crew 1 ... Religious Activities Football 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Gregory J. Dean 515 Hughes Road King of Prussia, PA 19406 688路8573 20 Band 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Crew 1, 2 ... Religious Activities 3, 4

1, 2, 3, 4 ...

Joe Delacruz

lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ...

David W. Deasy 2293 Mulberry Lane Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 828-2756 30 Crew 1 ... Football 1, 2, 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Religious Activities 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Student Council 4 ... Yearbook 4. Joseph A. Delacruz 1354 Wright Drive Huntingdon, PA 19006 Wl7-0170 1D Art Club 2 ... Cross Country 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Religious Activities 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Student Council 1, 2 Soccer 1 ... Ski Club 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Prom Committee 4 Steven S. Delaney 115 Gardner Street Philadelphia, PA 19116 969-5030 40 Ice Hockey 1, 2, 3, 4 (Captain) ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 David A. Desimone 1002 Laurence Road Blue Bell, PA 19422 643-1924 50

Greg Dean

Michael Dever 2302 Terwood Rd. Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 659-2982 60 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

Dave Deasy


Steve Delaney Mike Dever

Dave DeSimone

John Davies


Tom Dilullo

John Donaghy

Pat DiGiacomo


Alfred Dragan!

Ed Doherty

Robert V. Dicerbo 5124 Bingham Road Philadelphia, PA 19120 DA4-1050 1D Crew 2, 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Track & Field 1, 2, 3, 4 Richard M. Dierkes 8407 Anderson Street Philadelphia, PA 19118 242-5428 20 Football 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ...

Scholastic "L" 3

Patrick A. DiGiacomo 18 Colwyn Lane Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 M04-6043 30 Cross Country 2 ... Dramatics 1, 2, 3, 4 (Leading Roles) ... Religious Activities 1, 2, 3, 4 ... School Paper 4 ... Track & Field 1 ... Yearbook 3, 4 ... National Honor Society 3, 4 ... Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4 ... National Merit Semi-finalist Dennis Dougherty

Thomas R. Dilullo 2 Buttonwood Circle Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 828-0168 70 Football 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Edward L. Doherty 881 Parkwood Street Blue Bell, PA 19422 279-1791 40 Art Club 2, 3 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3 (Representative), 4 ... Religious Activities 4 ... Swimming 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Yearbook 4 ... Stage Crew 3, 4 (Manager) ... Dance Committee 4 ... National Honor Society 4 ... Scholastic "L" 3 ... Varsity "L" (Swimming) 2, 3, 4 John K. Donaghy 11 Weiss Road Flourtown, PA 19031 233-1449 50 lntramurals 1, 2

Bob DiCerbo Dennis P. Dougherty 2647 Hazel Road North Hills, PA 19038 TU6-5396 60 Cross Country 1 ... Football 2 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 .. . Track & Field 1, 2, 4 ... Yearbook 4 ... Scholastic "L" 3 .. . Highest Honors (Science) 1 Alfred S. Dragani 8809 Hawthorne Road Philadelphia, PA 19118 CH2-3737 70 Art Club 2, 3, 4 ... Crew 2 ... Football 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Student Council 1 ... Wrestling 4

Richard Dierkes


Eugene J. Draganosky 1601 Makefield Road Yardley, PA 19067 295-1203 1D lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Religious Activities 3, 4 ... Photography Club 1 ... Scholastic "L" 1, 4 John A. Duffy 222 E. Gravers Lane Philadelphia, PA 19118 CH2路4474 2D Football 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Track & Field 1, 2 ... Soccer 4 Paul J. Dunn 6619 North 5th Street Philadelphia, PA 19126 Ll8路5193 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Highest Honors (Spanish) 3

Jeff Evans

Richard L. Duszak 2150 Packard Road Huningdon Valley, PA 19006 947-5011 50 School Paper 2, 3, 4(Editor) ... Computer Club 2, 3, 4 ... Math Club 3, 4 ... Gazebo 3, 4 ... National Honor Society 3, 4 ... Scholastic "L" 2, 3, 4 James W. Durkin 2184 Lincoln Road Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 Wl7-7487 40 Crew ... Football 1, 2, 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Track & Field 2 Michael G. Elser 231 Overlook Road Ambler, PA 19002 646-6759 7D Band 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Crew 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Religious Activities 1, 2, 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Student Council 2 ... National Honor Society 4 ... Scholastic "L" 3

Paul Dunn

William F. Ernst 225 Sylvania Road Glenside, PA 19038 TU7路9176 1D Art Club 2, 3, 4 ... Crew 1, 2, 3, (L), 4 ... Football Manager 1 ... Forum 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Student Council Representative 1 ... Washington Workshop 3 Jeffrey G. Evans 42 South Ashmead Street Philadelphia, PA 19144 842-0665 20 Crew 2, 3 ... Football 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Civil Air Patrol 3, 4

James Durkin


Eugene Dragnosky

Bill Ernst

John Duffy

Mike Elser

Rich Duszak


James Finnegan

Butch Farris

Charles Fischer

Pat Flynn


Edward Fitzgerald

John J. Farris 1329 Carol Road Meadowbrook, PA 19046 572-1223 3D Football 2, 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Religious Activities 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Student Council 1, 4 James J. Finnegan 42 Buckman Drive Hatboro, PA 19040 672-1447 4D Band 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Cross Country 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 .. . Religious Activities 1, 2, 3, 4 ... School Newspaper 4 .. . Yearbook 4 ... National Honor Society 3, 4 ... Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4

Charles J. Fischer 226 Passmore Road Philadelphia, PA 19111 Pl2路5638 5D Crew ... Religious Activities 3 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3

Neil Fitzpatrick

Edward J. Fitzgerald 1083 Anna Road Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 ES9路4416 6D Band 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Religious Activities 3, 4 .. . School Paper 3, 4 (Editor) ... Dance Committee 2, 3, 4 .. . National Honor Society 4 ... Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4 .. . Highest Honors (English) 3 Neil J. Fitzpatrick 1537 Temple Road Maple Glen, PA 19002 Ml6路4554 7D Forum 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Golf 3, 2, 3, 4 ... All Catholic Golf 3, 4 Michael C. Flanigan 920 Crest Road Lansdale, PA 19446 584-4616 1D Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Football 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Student Council 1, 2 Patrick K. Flynn 1063 Byberry Street Cornwell Heights, PA 19020 245-1473 2D Football 2 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Wrestling 4

Mike Flanigan


Francis B. Fogarty Detwiler Road Harleysville, PA 19394 589-5776 30 Goll Course Green's Keeper 1, 2, 3 Arnold A. Foley 536 Ashbourne Road Cheltenham, PA 19012 ES9-4392 40 Band 1, 2, 3, 4 (Manager) ... Football 1 ... Forum 1, 2, 3, 4 (Secretary) ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Student Council 1, 2, 3 ... Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4

Michael Giuffrida

Joseph L. Foley 1332 Gantt Drive Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 Wl7-2571 50 Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Football 1, 2 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3 (Representative), 4 Steven J. Frank 535 Street Road Southampton, PA 18966 357-2846 70 Football 1, 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Ricardo A. Frost 6824 North 10th Street Philadelphia, PA 19126 927-4886 10 Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Football 1, 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3 ... Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4

Joe Foley

Carl N. Fusco 2100 Stevens Street Philadelphia, PA 19149 Pl3-6540 20 Football 1, 2, 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Religious Activities 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Student Council 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Track & Field 1, 2 ... Scholastic "L" 1 Michael A. Giuffrida 290 Norristown Road Blue Bell, PA 19422 628-3867 7D Art Club 2, 3, 4 ... lntramurals 2, 3, 4 ... School Paper 4 ... Yearbook 4 ... National Honor Society 3, 4 ... Scholastic "L" 2, 3, 4

Steve Frank


Rick Frost

Arnold Foley

Jay Fogarty

Carl Fusco


Robert Gillespie

Greg Gates

Tom Gavin

Tom Gorman

Ed Gormley

Michael F. Ganley 603 Thornhill Road Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 836·2539 30 Art Club Basketball 1, 2 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Student Council 2 ... Golf 1, 2, 3, 4 Gregory H. Gates Gypsy Hill Road Pennllyn, PA 19422 646·8221 40 Crew 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Football 1, 2 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4(Repre· sentative) ... National Honor Society 3, 4 Thomas J. Gavin 8002 Palmetto Street Philadelphia, PA 19111 7 42·0844 50 50 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Religious Activities 2 ... Soccer 2 ... Tennis 2, 3, 4 ... Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3

Mike Ganley

Robert J. Gillespie 2650 Columbia Avenue Willow Grove, PA 19090 657·3360 60 Bowling 1 ... Football 1 ... Forum 1, 2, 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Student Council 4 ... State Championship Student Congress 3 Edward P. Givnish 4033 South Warner Road Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 828-6751 1D Cross Country 2 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Track & Field 2 ... "WCAF" 1, 2, 3, 4 Thomas P. Gorman 8427 Chippewa Road Philadelphia, PA. 19128 483-4453 20 Football 2 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Edward C. Gormley 208 East Mead Street Philadelphia, PA 19118 CH2·1383 30 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Religious Activities

1, 2, 3

Ed Givnish


Michael K. Grasmeder 2958 Paprika Drive Doylestown, PA 18901 794-3457 40 lntramurals 3, 4 Michael P. Gregor 1141 Old Ford Road Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 379-0512 50 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Student Council Representative 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Swimming 1, 2 ... Golf (L) 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Ski Club 4 ... Senior & Junior Prom Committee 3, 4 ... Student Exchange 4

Michael Grasmeder

George E. Groff 3721 President Street Philadelphia, PA 19114 637-8453 60 Basketball 1 ... Swimming 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Cross Country 2 Patrick C. Grundy 3262 Susquehanna Road Dresher, PA 19025 887-7053 70 Cross Country 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Track & Field 1 ... Golf 3, 4 Joseph P. Hartman 212 Cedar Road Horsham, PA 19044 675-3719 1D Art Club 1 ... Baseball 2, 3, 4 ... Basketball 1 ... Bowling 1 ... Dramatics 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Religious Activities 1, 2, 3, 4 ... School Paper 3, 4 Patrick J. Hasson 7707 Pine Road Wyndmoor, PA 19118 836-5681 20 Dramatics 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Football 1 ... Student Council Representative 4 ... Future Physician's Club 4

Gerry Heffernan

Charles J. Hauber 20 West Wissahickon Avenue Flourtown PA 19031 836-2068 30 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Gerard E. Heffernan 711 Curis Road Glenside, PA 19038 887-8293 40 Bowling 1 ... Crew 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Football 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Religious Activities 4 ... Yearbook 3

Pat Grundy


Mike Gregor

Chuck Hauber

George Groff

Joe Hartman

Pat Hasson


Shawn Herbert

Langdon lvanoski


Rick Hurst

Charles Hopkins

Tom Ingersoll

Henry J. Heincer 702 Wyncote House Wyncote, PA 19095 572-6610 SD Basketball 1, 2 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Shawn P. Herbert 2725 Salmon Street Philadelphia, PA 19134 423-9698 6D Band 2 ... Religious Activities 4 ... School Paper 2, 3, 4 ... Charles H. Hopkins 517 Cheltenham Avenue Lenkintown, PA 19046 884-1643 7D Crew 1, 2, 3, 4 (L) ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... School Paper 4 ... Soccer 3 ... Stage Crew 2 ... Photography Club 1, 2 Richard E. Hurst 2711 Clayton Street Philadelphia PA 19152 677-0105 1D Basketball 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Religious Activities 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Soccer 3, 4

Mike Kaminski Thomas J. Ingersoll 74 Mill Creek Road Holland, PA 18966 355-9339 2D lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Swimming (L) 1, 2, 3, 4 Langdon H. lvanoski 5 Asbury Avenue Melrose Park, PA 19126 635-0460 3D Football 1, 2, 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Activities 4 ... Track & Field 2, 3, 4 (L)


Michael G. Kaminski 23 Buck Road Warrington, PA 18976 343-6342 4D Basketball 1, 2 (L), 3(L), 4(L) ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Track & Field 1, 2 ... Junior Prom Committee 3 ... Scholastic "L" 2

Hank Heincer


David B. Kane 7 440 Devon Street Philadelphia, PA 19119 247路0853 50 Crew 1, 3, 4 ... Cross Country 1 ... Ice Hockey 1 ... lntramur路 als 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Religious Activities 1, 2, 3 ... Stage Crew 4 Walter S. Keehn 215 Terminal Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19118 233-0763 60 Band 1, 2, 3, 4 (L) ... Bowling 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Forum 1, 2, 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Religious Activities 1, 2, 3, 4 (President) Daniel J. Kelsh 1206 Montgomery Avenue Fort Washington, PA 19034 646-3328 70 lntramurals 2, 3, 4 ... Religious Activities 3 ... Soccer 2, 3, 4 (Captain) ... Scholastic "L" 2

Dan Kelsh

John F. Kidd 2070 Lott Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19115 677-4677 1D Art Club 2 ... Crew 1 ... Cross Country 3 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Religious Activities 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Student Council 2 ... Track & Field 1, 2 ... Ski Club 4 ... Junior Prom Committee Eugene P. Kiernan, Jr. 876 Euclid Avenue Warrington, PA 18976 343-1906 Football 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Paul J. Kollmer 203 West Avenue Jenkintown, PA 19046 884-4605 40 Forum 1, 2, 3 ... Ice Hockey 1(L) Neil C. Kling 1909 Sycamore Lane Flourtown, PA 19031 233-3783 30 Band 1, 2, 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Track & Field 1, 2

Dave Kane


Walter Keehn

John Kidd

Neil Kling

Gene Kiernan

Paul Kollmer


Robert Land

George Li


Jack Lee

William Krupinsky

Ray Konowal

Richard A. Kondan 3777 Sipler Lane Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 947-4692 50 lntramurals 2 ... Future Physician's Club 2, 3, 4 ... Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3 ... Highest Honors 1, 2, 3

Pat Loftus

Raymond V. Konowal 5839 Henry Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19128 IV2-2495 60 Bowling 2 ... Basketball 3 ... Football 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Track & Field 1, 2 William J. Krupinsky 1247 Stanwood Street Philadelphia, PA 19111 742-7582 70 Band 1, 2 (L), 3(L), 4(L) ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Scholastic "L" 2 James W. Kuhn Box 174 Solebury, PA 18963 862-9664 Bowling 1, 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3 ... Religious Activities 1, 2, 3, 4

Robert F. Land 34 18 W. Coulter Street Philadelphia, PA 19129 848-1805 20 Crew 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

Jim Kuhn

John J. Lee 11 Creek Road Churchville, PA 18966 357-4088 30 Ice Hockey Trainer 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 (Representative) ... School Newspaper4 George Li 1230 Vilsmeir Road Lansdale, PA 19446 362-1057 40 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Photography Club 3, 4 ... Computer Club 2, 3, 4 ... "LSOS" Club Vice President 4 Patrick J. Loftus 1717 Howe Lane Maple Glen, PA 19002 542-8377 50 Ice Hockey 3, 4 (L) ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Wisterian 4 ... National Honor Society 3, 4 ... Scholastic "L" 1, 2 ... NEOT Certificate 1, 2

Richard Kondan


William P. Loftus 718 Bell Lane Maple Glen, PA 19002 646-8483 60 Crew 1 ... Cross Country 1 ... "LSDS" Club 4 Patrick C. Logan 6043 Reach Street Philadelphia, PA 19111 725-0144 7D lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 John B. Lynch 4 124 Kottler Drive Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 836-4390 1D Art Club 2, 3, 4 ... Crew 3 ... Football 1, 2, 3, 4(L) ... lntramurals 1, 2, 4 ... Religious Activities 2, 3 ... Student Council Representative 1, 2

Mike McAndrews

Michael C. McAndrews 2350 Greensward Street Warrington, PA 18976 343-2874 50 Football 1, 2 ... Wrestling 1, 2, 3 (L), 4(L) Raymond J. Mccaffrey 231 Walnut Lane Ambler, PA 19002 646-3636 60 Ice Hockey (L) 2, 3, 4 (Captain) ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... School Paper 4 ... National Honor Society 3, 4 ... Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4 William J. Mccann 6335 Mershon Street Philadelphia, PA 19149 535-1448 40 Forum 1, 2, 3, 4 (Historian) ... School Paper 4 ... Swimming 1, 2 ... Religious Activities 3, 4 ... National Honor Society 3, 4 ... Scholastic "L" 3 Ray Mccaffrey Michael S. McCauley 22 Lynbrook Lane Doyelstown, PA 18901 348-2790 1D Band 1, 2, 3, 4 (L) ... Crew 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Daniel J. Mccloskey 1102 Warwick Street Philadelphia, PA 19116 676-1859 2D Art Club 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Basketball 2 ... Football 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Scholastic "L" 2

Mike McCauley


Bill Mccann

Pat Logan

Dan Mccloskey

William Loftus

Jack Lynch


Mark McHugh

Joe McGarvey

Frank McCully


Hubert McGinley

Bob McCreavy

Brian K. McCormick 958 Netherwood Drive Norristown, PA 19403 279-8473 3D lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Student Council Vice President 4 ... Soccer 4 Terry McGlynn Robert J. McCreavy 821 Juniper Drive Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 836-4857 4D Bowling 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Stage Crew 4 ... Track & Field 1 Frank R. Mccully 689 Cheryl Drive Warminster, PA 18974 441-4187 5D lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Religious Activities 4 ... Photography Club 2, 3, 4 ... National Honor Society 4 ... Scholastic "L" 2, 3, 4 ... Highest Honors Religion II & Biology John J. McFadden 803 Longshore AVenue Philadelphia, PA 19111 342-2317 6D Crew 1, 2, 3, 4 Joseph F. McGarvey RD 1 Doylestown, PA 18901 249-0181 7D Crew 1, 2, 3, 4(L) ... Cross Country 1, 3 ... lntramurals Rep. 3 National Honor Society 4 ... Scholastic "L" 3

Brian McCormick

Hubert S. McGinley 1048 Marie Road Rydal, PA 19046 884-2453 1D Forum 1, 2, 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Religious Activities 3, 4 ... Student Council Representative 4 ... National Honor Society 4 ... Scholastic "L" 3 Terrance P. McGlynn 937 Herbet Street Philadelphia, PA 19124 533-9050 lntramurals 1, 2, 3 ... Wrestling Mark D. McHugh 21 Latchstring Lane Hatboro, PA 19040 672-5755 3D Crew 1, 2, 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Eagle Scout ... Scholastic "L" 2 ... NEDT Certificate 1, 2 ... Highest Honors English 3 ... Brown University English Award 3

John McFadden


Stephen A. Mclane 2675 Byberry Road Hatboro, PA 19040 674-0751 40 Cross Country 1 ... Football 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Wrestling 1, 2 (L), 3(L), 4(L) Mark S. McNulty 5135 N. Sydenham Street Philadelphia, PA 19141 455-8214 60 Basketball 1, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L), ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 .. . Religious Activities 2, 3 ... National Honor Society 3, 4 .. . Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4

John Madden

Robert P. McWilliams 409 Revere Road Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 828-6795 70 Cross Country 1 ... Football 1, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L) ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Student Council 3, 4 ... Track & Field 4 ... "WCAF" Chairman 4 William J. MacDermott, 7430 Elizabeth Road Cheltenham, PA 19126 635-1017 20 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4


Steve Manno

John P. Madden 46 Meadowbrook Avenue Ambler, PA 19002 643-4769 30 Basketball Manager 2 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Gregory L. Maggetti 2126 Winthrop Road Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 947-4776 40 Baseball 1, 3, 4(L) ... lntramurals 2 ... Scholastic "L" 2 Richard J. Malatesta, JR. 357 Meadowbrook Road North Wales, PA 19454 699-3770 50 Dramatics 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Eagle Scout 4 Steven J. Manno 659 Kingsley Street Philadelphia, PA 19144 848-6959 60 Baseball 1 ... Football 1 ... Ice Hockey 3, 4 (L) ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Wrestling 1

Steve Mclane


Richard Malatesta

Bill MacOermott

Bob McWilliams

Mark McNulty

Greg Maggetti


Peter Mehr

Austin Meehan


Ed Minguez

Gerry Mezzanotte

Joseph Martorano

Dan Markmann

Daniel P. Markman 501 Moreland Road Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 947-4172 7D Bowling 1, 2, 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Religious Activities 3 ... Track & Field 2, 3 (L), 4(L) ... Future Physican's Club 4 Arthur T. Martella 241 O Old Forty Foot Road Harleysville, PA 19438 584-4177 1D lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Religious Activities 4 ... Wisterian 4 ... Tennis 1, 2(L), 3 (L), 4(L)

Art Martella

Stephen J. Martindell 636 Spring Valley Road Doyelstown, PA 18901 348-5897 2D Band 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Bowling 3, 4 ... Religious Activities 3, 4 Joseph F_ Martorano 1248 Stanwood Street Philadelphia, PA 19111 722-3605 3D lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Wisterian 4 ... Student Council 4 ... Photo Club 1, 2, 3 ... Computer Club 2, 3, 4

Steve Martindell

Michael J. Masucci 1873 Lukens Avenue Willow Grove, PA 19090 659-3073 4D Baseball 3. 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... CYO 1, 2, 3, 4 (President) ... Wisterian (Photo Editor) 4 ... Student Council Representative 2 ... Track & Field 1 ... Yearbook (Photo Editor) 4 ... Computer Club 2, 3, 4 ... CSC 3 ... National Honor Society 3, 4 ... Highest Honors Physics 3, English 3, Spanish 1, 2, 3, Religion 2, History 2, NEDT Certificate, Photo Club 1, 2, 3, 4 (President) Austin A. Meehan Ill 1005 Twist Road Philadelphia, PA 19115 464-0881 1D Art Club 2, 3, 4 ... Crew 1 ... Ice Hockey 1, 2, 3, 4(L) ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Religious Activities 4 Peter J. Mehr 338 Valley Road Oreland, PA 19075 886-3487 2D Bowling 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Religious Activities 1 Gerald N. Mezzanotte Woodspring Road Box 283 Gwynedd Valley, PA 19347 643-5313 3D lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Wisterian 3, 4 ... Student Council 1, 2, 3, 4(Chairman) ... Math Club 3, 4 ... National Honor Society 3, 4(President) ... Scholastic "L" 2, 3, 4 ... National Merit Scholar 3

Edward A. Minguez 919 Woodlawn Road Lansdale, PA 19446 885-5002 4D Art Club 2, 3, 4 ... Band 1, 2 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

Michael Masucci


Joseph F. Minguez 919 Woodlawn Drive Lansdale, PA 19446 855-5002 50 Jntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Religious Activities 2 ... Wrestling 1 Mark T. Mischler 417 Waverly Road Wyncote, PA 19095 884-5647 60 Art Club 2, 3, Religious Activities 2, 3, 4 ... Basketball 1, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L).

Anthony P. Monternuro 3 Pine Place West Philadelphia, PA 19115 677-5594 70 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Scholastic "L" 2, 3

John Meuller

Joseph E. Morrow 4014 Indian Guide Road Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 828-9470 1D Crew 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Religious Activities 1, 2, 3, 4 ... WCAF 4 Joseph G. Motz 11909 Barlow Street Philadelphia, PA 19116 677-3066 Art Club 2, 3 ... Basketball 2 ... Football 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Student Council Representative 1, 2 ... Public Relations 3, 4 John J. Mueller 362 Cinnamon Drive Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 947-4019 30 Bowling 1 ... Cross Country 1 ... Football 2 ... Forum 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Track & Field 1, 2, 3, 4 Patrick K. Mullaney 3674 Greenwood Terrace Chalfont, PA 18914 343-3474 40 Baseball 1 ... Drama 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Religious Activities 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Student Council 1 ... Soccer 1 ... Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3 Thomas E. Munshower 2068 Kenmore Avenue Glenside, PA 19038 884-5572 50 Art Club 2, 3, 4 ... Cross Country 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4


Torn Munshower

1 ...

Joe Motz


Mark Mischler

Joe Minguez

Pat Mullaney

Joe Morrow

Anthony Montemuro


Richard Nicoletti

Vince O'Brien


Tom O'Brien

Walt Oleykowski

Martin Murphy

Martin C. Murphy 836-7094 6D Basketball Manager 4 ... Crew 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... National Honor Society 4 ... Scholastic "L" 2, 3

Pat O'Donnell

Richard M. Nicoletti 8419 Ardleigh Street Philadelphia, PA 19118 248-0582 7D Football 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ...

Scholastic "L" 2

Thomas F. Nolan 1334 Wentz Drive Ft. Washington, PA 19034 634-5335 1D Basketball 1, 2, 3, (L), 4(L) ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Religious Activities 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Student Council Representative 1, 2, 3, 4 ... National Honor Society 3, 4 Christopher O'Brien 310 Montier Road Glenside, PA 19038 885-6338 2D Baseball 1, 2, 4 (L) ... Basketball 1, 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L) ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, Scholastic "L" 1, 2 Thomas O'Brien 465 Alcott Street Philadelphia, PA 19120 742-5584 3D Cross Country 1, 2, 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3 ... Track & Field 1, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L) ... National Honor Society 3, 4 ... Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3 ... National Merit 4

Chris O'Brien

Vincent J. O'Brien 700 Belfry Drive Center Square. PA 19422 279-1171 4D Basketball Manager 1, 2 ... Football 1, 2(L), 3, 4(L) ... Religious Activities 3, 4 ... Wisterian 2, 4 ... Student Council Representative 2, 4 ... Track & Field 1, 2 (L), 3, 4 (L). Patrick S. O'Donnell 9762 Red Rambler Terrace Philadelphia, PA 19115 464-0883 5D Crew 1 ... Football 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Track & Field (L)

Walter Oleykowski 7216 Gillespie Street Philadelphia, PA 19135 338-1890 6D Football 2 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Track & Field 1 ... NEDT Certificate 1, 2, 3

Tom Nolan


Frank J. Oliveri 2 Rech Avenue Oreland, PA 19075 TU6路3909 70 Crew 1, 2, 3, 4(L), Photo Club 1, 2, 3, 4 ... National Honor Society 3, 4 ... Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4 David C. Ott 1634 Thayer Drive Norristown, PA 19401 277-1577 1D Cross Country 1, 2, 3(L) 4(L) (Captain) ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... National Honor Society 3, 4 ... Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4

Frank Oliveri

Guy P. Pacitti 1072 Arthur Avenue Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 379-3305 20 Cross Country 1 ... lntramurals, Religious Activities 3, 4 ... Student Council Representative 2 ... Yearbook 4 ... National Honor Society 3 ... Scholastic "L" 1, 2 ... Rotary Leadership Camp 3 John D. Perry 4935 Boudinot Street Philadelphia, PA 19120 OL9-9480 30 Crew 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2 ... Paul L. Pie 7301 Boyer Street Philadelphia, PA 19119 247-0165 40 Crew 1, 2 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Religious Activities 4 Joseph V. Pinto 705 Bell Lane Maple Glen, PA 19002 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

Paul Pie

Mark V. Pomplas 960 Mueller Poad Warminister, PA 18974 672-1686 60 Bowling 1, 2 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Yearbook 4 David J. Powell 305 Plymouth Avenue Oreland, PA 19075 884-7005 70 Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Basketball 1, 2, 3(L), 4(L) ... Bowling 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

John Perry


Guy Pacitti

David Ott

Joe Pinto

Mark Pomplas

David Powell


Tim Robinson

Ted Rydzewski


Philip Radomski

Jay Riehs

Walter Samuels

Ed Ruane

John P. Puglia 7734 Devon Street Chestnut Hill, PA 19118 247路6737 1D Cross Country 1, 2 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Religious Activities 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Student Council 1, 2 Soccer (L) 3, 4 ... Dance Committee Philip F. Radomski 122 Crestwood Drive Lansdale, PA 19446 855-9615 2D lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Track & Field 3 (L), 4 ... Wrestling 1, 2 ... Stage Crew 4 ... Scholastic "L" 3

John Puglia

Jay A. Riechs 422 Ashbourne Road Elkins Park, PA 19117 635-5291 3D Football 1, 2, 3(L) ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Track & Field 1, 2 ... Scholastic "L" 1, 2 Joseph D. Roberts Grasshopper Lane Gwynedd Valley, PA 19437 643-7740 4D Baseball 1, 4(L) Crew 1, 2 ... Football 1, 2, 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 4 ... Religious Activities 4 Timothy G. Robinson 1677 Limerick Lane Dresher, PA 19025 646-3601 5D Cross Country 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Edward W. Ruane 3102 Nottingham Road Norristown, PA 19403 631-0644 6D lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Wisterian 3, 4 ... Swimming (L) 1, 2, 3, 4(captain) ... National Honor Society 3, 4 ... Future Physician's Club 4

Joseph Roberts

Thaddeus M. Rydzewski 5433 Oakland Street Philadelphia, PA 19124 288-6984 7D Crew 1, 2, 3 ... Football Walter V. Samuels 901 East Slocum Street Philadelphia, PA 19150 5485392 1D Bowling 1, 2, 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Religious Activities 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Track & Field 3, 4(L) Richard E. Sandman 113 Bethleham Pike Philadelphia, PA 19118 247-1913 2D Bowling 1, 2 ... Crew 1 ... Football 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Wrestling

Rick Sandman


John P. Scanlon 6426 Shelbourne Street Philadelphia, PA 19111 745-1077 3D Band 2, 3(L), 4(L) Joseph M. Schaeffer 7124 Shelbouine Street Philadelphia, PA 19111 722-8136 40 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Wisterian 3, 4 ... Student Council Representative 2, 3, 4 ... Dance Committee 4 ... Wrestling 1, 2, 3,(L), 4(L) ... Student Exchange 4 ... National Honor Society 3, 4 ... Scholastic "L" 3 ... Highest Honors English I, German II

Carl Smith

Brian T. Schmitt 415 Meadowbrook Lane Erdenheim, PA 19118 233-4146 5D Forum 1, 2, 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2 ... Wisterian 4 ... Gazebo 4 ... Scholastic "L" 2 Peter D. Schnorr 602 Pleasant Avenue Wyndmoor, PA 19118 233-3739 Crew 1, 2, 3(L), 4(L) ... Swimming 1, 2, 3(L), 4(L) ... Eagle Scout 3 ... National Honor Society 3, 4 ... Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4 Michael J. Short 615 Devereauz Street Philadelphia, PA 19111 752-7901 1D lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ...

Joe Shuron Student Council Representative


Joseph N. Shuron 14010 Faradey Street Philadelphia, PA 19116 698-1199 2D Ice Hockey 1, 2, 3(L), 4(L) ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Math Club 3 Carl H. Smith 6924 Cresheim Road Philadelphia, PA 19119 438-7593 30 Band 1, 2, 3(L), 4(L) ... Football 2 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 John G. Smith 13 Woods End Drive Doyelstown, PA 18901 297-5976 40 Band 1, 2, 3(L), 4(L) ... Bowling 3 ... Crew 1 ... lntramurals 2, 3

Mike Short


John Scanlon

Joseph Schaeffer

John Smith

Brian Schmitt

Peter Schnorr


Dave Whalen

John Weinrich

Dave Woychik


Jim Williamson

Robert Wilkin

Paul D. Vozzo 1362 Cherry Lane Center Square, PA 19422 277-2119 70 Baseball 3(L), 4(L) ... Fottball 1, 2, 3 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Rick Williams

Peter G. Waters 1420 Firethorne Lane Wyndmoor, PA 19118 836-4830 70 Crew 1, 2 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 John A. Wienrich 219 Lawnton Road Willow Grove, PA 19090 659-2094 7D lntramurals 2, 3, 4 ... Religious Activities 2, 3, 4 David G. Whalen 3104 Nottingham Road Norristown, PA 19043 539-4663 7D Band 1, 2, 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Swimming 1, 2(L), 3(L), 4(L) (Captain) ... National Honor Society 3, 4 (Secretary) ... Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4

Paul Vozzo

Robert J. Wilkin 31 Red Oak Road Oreland, PA 19075 885-4309 70 Crew 1, 2, 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Photo Club 1, 2 ... National Honor Society 3, 4 ... Scholastic "L" 3 Richard E. Williams 113 Timothy Drive Maple Glen, PA 19002 643-2129 70 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 James M. Williamson 316 Powder Horn Road Fort Washington, PA 19034 828-8422 70 Crew 1 ... Lighting Crew Manager 2, 3, 4 ... Football 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Soccer 3, 4 David J. Woychik 824 Hain Drive Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 233-1084 70 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Religious Activities 2, 3, 4 ... Tennis 1, 2, 3(L), 4(L) ... Golf 1

Peter Waters





Nicholas Amorati Andrew Bailey Anthony Braca Michael Byron路 Terrence Charlto1


Blase Cinque Edward Croke Frank D'Angelo Brian Driscoll David Finn Francis Gavin

John Grady John Hanlon Brian Heffernan John Johnson Patrick Kenney Edward Lawton

Eric Lintner Scott McDade William McKee J

Matthew Melle! Joseph Monahar David O'Brien

Greg Osborne Matteo Pozzi James Rieffel Kevin Rudder Stewart Segin Thomas Snyder



Christopher Sw~ Patrick Timoney Carl Waldspurge John Wolf Eric Zekanis



Matthew Anderer Scott Bailey Matthew Bradley Richard Calhoun David Check

Michael Ciquero Stephen Crone Michael D' Angelo Thomas Drummond Reginald Flowers Daniel Geraghty

John Griffin Scott Harrison Lawerence Helmick Dave Kiley John Leahy Stephen Long

David Masucci David McDonald William McKernan Richard Miehle John Morrison George O'Brian

Greg Osborne David Pakech Francis Rankin John Riordan Christopher Sabia Tom Shallow

Daniel Soleki Micheal Sweeney James Tobin

James Waters Scott Wolpert Matthew Best



John Albor John Anderson Mark Basilli James Brandenbu John Capaldi Chris Chiarlanza



notavailable Andre Collins David Crosson Patrick Durbin James Foley Paul Grous Joseph Hartigan

Leo Hesser John Katona David Kane John Leahy James Lynn Paul McCabe

Joe McFadden Larry McLaughlin Angelo Migliorini Thomas Morrison Chris O'Connor Bart Passanate

John Rizzo Stephen Sabo Anthony Scanlon

Richard Skelly Stephen Sottolan, Paul Sweeney

Don't tread on me!

3A 98

Joseph Toland Michael Weaver Christopher Yabe

John Ashdale Gerald Behr Edward Brennan Harry Carpenter Joseph Chiarlanza Christopher Collins

Vincent Cuce Anthony Dattilo Bryan Elitz Steven Foley

Louis Gillmore Larry Guess Michael Harvan Steven Hladczuk

Stephen Keane George Korejko Richard Lecato Thomas Maggetti

Michael McCann Joseph McGinty Andrew Mclees Robert Miller


Thomas Murphy Paul OHara loseph Pensabene James Rayburn James Robb Robert Savarese

Harry Slifer Francis Sposato Robert Sykes Rich Van Fossen Stephen Weiss 8hristopher Young


John Bell Edward Busse Gerard Gattie Kevin Christine Shawn Convery John Cunningham

John Dolaway Joseph Elliott Kenneth Gilmore Kenneth Guttroff Michael Harvey

William Hoban Paul Kearns Lance Krelovich David Lee

Carlus Malabuyo Christopher McCaulei Terrence McGovern Bob McMonagle

John Miluzzo Kevin Nolan Keith Oldt Mark Peters

"Not another window ... "

Harry Reed Christopher Rogalski Joseph Scalio Arthur Smith Christopher Spratt

Michael Taddei Matthew Vesey Daniel Whitehead John Zamichieli



Thomas Asman Charles Bellitto John Byrne

Frank Carroll lames Cicchiello Jay Conway

William Cunningham Stephen Donahue Thomas Farris John Gabriele Joseph Gindhart

6A John Halfpenny Kurt Haufler John Hogan Joseph Kelly Kevin Lambert

Charles Lefevre 'illiam Malatesta lward McCaul~y Tom McGuckm James McNulty Peter Moffatt

Frank Natale Randall O'Neil! I rmen Petruzzelli Joseph Reilly John Romano thew Schillinger

David Smith John Staub Tim Thistle Marshall Victor Richard Whitney dward Zawrotny


Kenneth Booker Stephen Byrnes Dongwod Chang Joseph Gilio

John Coyle Eugene Dalessar David Dorazio David Feight

Steven GavaronE Kenneth Gorman Todd Hallman Conran Heckmar

" ... frosh ...


James Hughes Joseph Kelly Brian Lange Joseph Leibranc Christopher Mar William McCorm SORRY, NO PHOTO


_Jtj Photograi:t not.available PMOTOG-RAPM Nor IIVA/1.AIILE



James McHale Hulian Meisner Thomas McMen Ronald Nirenbe1 John Dragani James Poole

David Reinhard! John Rosa-Bian William Schull Joseph Smith

Joseph Staude1 Michael Thress Patrick Visek Christopher Wil Mark Zebrowsk Graydon Karlsc


Steven Albor Paul Callahan Anthony Coyle Drew Daniele Joseph Delfino

18 Timothy Dunleavy James Fisher Brian Gallagher Mark Gola

Brian Haley Scott Hornung Donald Jones James Kennedy

James Lambert William Lombard Marty McDonnell Richard McDonnell

Stephan Meehan Kevin Mirsch Anibal Nevarez Francis O'Reilly Jeffrey Porreca Gerald Riviello

John Schwigk Patrick Smith Robert Sucky Thomas Wilkin John Young David Martosella

Michael Maxwell


Stephen Andrasko Daniel Brooks Mark Campbell Chris Ciarrocchi Rocco Crescenzo Jeffrey Davis

Eric Diccianni John Dunn

Josheph Flavin Kevin Gallagher

Jesus held hostage: Day 1


Robert Goldman Joseph Harkins Karl Jones Scott Kieser John Lamond

Joseph McMullin John McElwee Matthew McMenime Shane Meenan Paul Morgenthaler

Robert Newell John Paludi Norman Rahn John Rogalski Kenneth Shaw

Harry Smith Jay Susanin Peter Tripodi Greg Williamson Kevin Young


Thomas Barnes Neil Brown

Scott Cantwell Dennis Cleary

Kevin Davis Patrick Donnelly Kevin Dunphy Sean Flynn Mark Gallagher

38 Daniel Grasmeder Philip Harris Gary Huck Oscar Jones Joseph Kihm

Brendan Lawler David Lynch William McAndrews John McGann Patrick McMenamin

Joseph Morrissey Anthony Norman William Ransford William Rosato Rui Silva

John Spaniak Michael Suter John Voss Carl Yuengling


Michael Baurerle Edward Buchanan James Carroll John Corcoran Frank Cuce


Salvitor DeSimone Patrick Doran Frank Egitto Chris Foley Stephen Gallagher Robert Haux

Francis Hueber Ronald Junker Paul Kolkka John Lenard Bradford Macleod Steven Mcchesney

Kevin McGovern Stephen Meyer David Morrow John Oberholzer Michael Pavlick Ben Redd

Craig Ruch James Simone

John Sweeney Christopher Ward

Kirk Wolf Chris White

Mr. Carissimi: our resident mad scientist.


Dana Beatty Joseph Buonomo Micheal Cassidy Joseph Cornell William Cummings Dennis Deangelis


James Dougherty Brain Eisenhower David Foley Anthony Gallo


John Grogan Andrew Hewchuck Joseph Hughes

Kenneth Justice Stephen Koller Louis Levesque John Maguire Thomas McCormack

John McGrath Joseph McNamara James Mezzanotte Peter Muelbrenner John O'Brien

Robert Reinhardt Gergory Sabo Alton Simpson Robert Stea

David Syms Kibbe Waters Steven Woodruff


Edward Benatti Thomas Cassidy Thomas Corrigan Christopher Curran Anthony Debarberi,


John Drach Patrick Farnan Christopher Gaiser David Gannon James Guarino Joseph Higgins

William Hyland Jeff Keel Edward Kolsun John Little

William Michael William Michael

Malone McCormick McGrory McNamara

Andrew Miazga Michael Mueller William O'Brien Christopher Peska Russell Reiss John Sayer

Edward Skorpinski Mark Stokes

Eric Watkins Michael Woznyj


Bret Boland Thomas Burns Francis Cauterucci Matthew Corsello Chris D' Alonzo Lawerence Farrell

John Galante Andrew Gillespie Robert Guerin

Paul Hogan James Keenan James Korpela

Two St. Basil Cheerleaders take a break in the action to pose for our photographer


Chip Lloyd Joseph Mattern

Patrick Mccusker Stephen McKenna Joseph McQuillan Joseph Miles John Munshower

William O'Kane Carl Petetti David Riley Dennis Schaller Brian Skrocki



Michael Stoughton Chris Tormey Joe Webster Michael Wynkoop




Thomas Brennan Patrick Byrne Mark Celoni Gerald Corso

Christopher Dach John Deering Paul Dunham Christopher Farw

Brad Galiney Robert Ginieczki Carl Holmes Patrick Izzo

Christopher Kelly lllia Labunka John Lombard Peter McCabe Michael McDonal, Joseph McKernar

Patrick McTeague Harry Miller James Murphy Robert O'Neill


Howard Pinto John Rilling Edward Schmidt Connor Smith

Michael Stoughton Wayne Toughill George Weiss John Wynne


Charles Albor James Basile Joseph Brady

Christopher Carabello Stephen Ciarrocchi Joseph Console

Philippe Daouphars John Donohue Thomas Duggan

Jerome Freal Terence Gillespie Richard Gregor Francis Harkins David Jewart

George Keehfuss Curtis Kise Robert Long Clifford Mars Michael McFadden


Gregg Melinson Thomas Monaghan Brian Norris Clifford Patton Skuoe Ponton James Riley

Michael Ruane Keith Shepard Michael Steinmetz John Toner John Westkaemper

路~. 1C


John Allen Gregory Buck James Carroll

Joseph Ciasullo Matthew Copley Harvey DeKraft

Franco Dorazio Robert Dutkiewicz Kevin Funchion

James Gilmore Rodney Grimm Francis Harrison Stephen Johnson Daniel Kelley Michael Klaiber

Roy Louis-Charles Ronald Martin Bernard Mcfadden John Mellet James Muelbrenner

Michael O'Connell Michael Petaccio James Quigley Joseph Rizzo

Terence Ryan Joseph Shott Thomas Stevens Robert Unverzagt Christopher Whelan




Paul Amand Jeffrey Buck

John Carrozza Joseph Cicchiello John Corrado

Carl Elitz Michael Funchion John Giovinazzo

Mark Grimner Robert Harrison Michael Joyce

"Did you just -

you didn't!?"

Brett Kelly Michael Koller Edward Mackle Robert Masucci David Michie James Mullen

Ed O'Mara Joseph Petty John Quigley John Roberts

Daniel Sabia Stephen Shultz James White James Rude Timothy Lord


Scott Atkinson Michael Behr Christopher Burnett Mark Casale Michael Clarke Robert Costello

Jbsentwhen pictures weretaken

Robert Desimone Joseph Dowling David Espenshade Karl Gabrielsen Dominick Giuffrida

Michael Grubb Gerald Healey Francis Junod


Brian Kelly


Stanley Kreft Sean Mahoney Mark Mattie

~i ~?

Michael McGuigan Doug Michie Chris Murphy Timothy O'Toole Thomas Phillips

Warren Robinson Michael Sauerzopf Sean Smith Henry Stoughton Steve Volpe George Winslow






Vincent Baldassano Christopher Benyovszk) Christopher Byrne Hugh Casey Walter Cleary Edward Coyle


Francis Downey

Christopher Filippone Patrick Ganley Paul Gonsiewski Mark Hagerty Philip Higgins John Kane

Louis Kelly Philip Krzywicki James Matthews Francis McQuillen Patrick Milligan Peter Murphy

Michael O'Brien William Phipps John Quillinan

Brian Rodden Charles Scarpello John Snyder

Joseph Stout Benjamin Vozzo Robert Wittrock


Paul Baniewicz Kevin Bonner Brian Cahill

Michael Cavanaugh Patrick Coffey Kevin Cregan

Michael Dinda David Dragnosky Joseph Fitzgerald

Francis Gannon Thomas Gordon Charles Halfpenny William Higgins

6C Michael Kane Timothy Kelly Keith Ksansnak Thomas Mccann

William Mclaughlin John Mischler Joseph Myers Edward O'Hara Fred Pickard Mark Rainford

Christopher Roessler John Shaffer Joseph Splendido Andrew Sweeney Scott Wainer Glenn Wolfinger


Michael Barrett Gerald Bowen Timothy Campbell John Cellucci Edward Coleman Timothy Cush

Charles Dolaway John Dubyk Thomas Fitzpatrick John Gay Victor Gray

Martin Hoban Joseph Karcher John Kiernan Thomas Lodise John Manta

7C Criag McChesney Andrew Meehan Edward Mitchell Matthew Newdeck

James Osborne Vincent Pinto David Reardon

Thomas Shea Michael Stack Thomas Thistle

Christopher Walsh Chris Young


John Bradey John Capponi Peter Chaloult Kevin Connor Robert Dagnon

BC George Donahue Gregory Dudzek Kevin Flynn Gregory Giletti Charles Greenberg


James Hannum Daniel Hyman Thomas Kearns

Paul Kim Chris Manz Barrt McCormick

John Mehr Raymond Mohr Francis Ney Hugh Panaro Robert Plummer Herman Reiche

Edward Rowley Peter Shelton Brian Stefanowicz Robert Thompson David Warner

ror S"HOWN


Patrick Young Robert Young John Zacharko Damian Zajak Joseph Zawrotny Joseph Zebrowski

Elbow row "No one told me that the solution would make me grow antlers ... "


If anyone takes a picture of me doing this, I'm gonna look like a fool! "I see a light ... "

A productive SAT class?


aaking Away ...



"Is he disco, or what?"

Summer Camp came, and within it came high expectations from all who were involved with the team. And after La Salle's victory over West, everyone felt that this would be the year we would do it. This would be the year! But suddenly injuries came, and along with them followed defeat. John Avalone, Rick Frost, Gregg Asman, D. Mccloskey, and Jim Durkin were just a few of the key injuries that plagued the team. The season that was expected to be victorious, turned into a season that no one was proud of. But the final chance came for us to redeem our name, to show we weren't quitters, to show we could beat a team that everyone would be happy to be represented by. The final chance and the final game, St. Joseph's Prep. The Prep, the rivalry, the tradition, and the game that everyone wanted. Thanksgiving Day, the largest crowd of the year, and the largest in eight previous Thanksgiving Day matchups, and the day LaSalle defeated the Prep by a score of 27-14. The victory that seemed to make all who were on the field, proud to wear their football jacket again. There was much effort put into this years football team, and the taste of victory over the Prep was like candy to all.

Harrison scrambles ...

. .. and finds his man.



Junior Varsity: (front row) John O'Brien, J. Galante, D. Brooks, T. Coyle, P. Tripodi, J. Cornell, J. Murphy, P. McCabe, B. O'Neill (second row) B. O'Kane, D. Riley, B. Mc Grory, K. Justice, M. Mc Menamin, J. Keel, K. Dunphy, J. Young, C. Yuengling (third row) C. Miller (coach), J. Deering, P. Kolkka, J. Mezzanotte, C. Holmes, P. Mc Cusker, S. Flynn, B. Wilken, B. O'Brien, J. Steinmetz (coach) missing: C. Curran, J. Sweeney

"A bird's eye view ... "



"Come to Papa ... "

Freshman Football: (front row) T. Braca, T. McGovern, J. Reiffel, B. Driscoll, T. Asman, D. O'Brien, D. Reinhardt, J. Wolf, K. Haufler, J. Rizzo, C. Mars, P. Visek, M. Thress (2nd row) C. Sabia, J. Morrison, J. Ginhart, S. Wolpert, H. Slifer, A. Migliorini, A. Mclees, R. Niremberg, J. Poole, C. Young, J. Albor, J. Bell, K. Nolan, J. Rordan, S. Harrison, D. Smith (Coach) (3rd row) A. Viggiano (Coach), B. Heffernan, D. McDonald, P. Sweeney, N. McCauley, F. Rankin, E. Lawton, S. Crone, F. Natale, R. Calhoun, M. Mellet, R. Lecato, P. Timoney, J. Pensabens, M. Vessey, M. Taddei, D. Pakech (Missing) C. Petruzzelli, E. Croke






Varsity Soccer: (Front Row) Coach Tom Turner, Mike Pavlick, Mark Cantwell, Dan Kelsh, Brian McCormick, Jim Keenan, Dan Grasmeder, Joe Harkins. (Back Row) Ken Cameron, Kevin Bonner, Steve Carlin, Joe Brady, Jack Kidd, Brian Rodden, Philippe Daouphares, Jim Williamson, Walk Cleary, Rodney Grimm, Dennis "Goose" Cleary, Mike McGuigan

A head of the game

An era in LaSalle Soccer history comes to an end with the close of the 1980-81 season. The era was marked by the growth of the program with the addition of both a junior varsity and a freshman squad, and Jack Kidd being named first team All Catholic, the first "first teamer" ever to play at LaSalle. The end comes as the team's graduating Seniors represent the first class to participate in the soccer program since the freshman year while the team competed in the Catholic league. For the first time in the team's short-lived Catholic league history, the team has the most talent and exper路 ience. Led by Senior Tri-Captains Jack Kidd, Dan Kelsh, and Chris Bond, the team worked hard to try and change LaSalle's bad reputation. The record was disappointing but no player can say that we didn't give every team in the league a strong game and that no team was able to push us off the field. This competitive attitude in LaSalle Soccer will be carried over next year by second-team All Catholics, Brian Rodden and Mike McGuigan and, hopefully will bring LaSalle a winning season in 1981. - Stephen Carlin


"Well, it wasn't my fault ... "

Junior Varsity Soccer: (Front Row) Bill "Squirmales" Malone, Greg Williamson, Joe Fitzgerald, Bob Masucci, Bob Newell, Tom McMenamin, Scott Cantwell, Dan Grasmeder, Mike Pavlick, Pat McMenamin (Back Row) Chris White, John Lamond, Jim Lambert, Rodney Grimm, Kevin Bonner, Joe Morrissey, Charles Halfpenny, Tom Stevens, Norman Rahn, Russ Reiss, Coach Mumbles, George Weiss, Matt Schillinger, Joe Cicchiello, Joe Harkins



Tom is just a blur ... lfarsity Cross Country: (first row) Mr. P. Devine, Chris Burnett, Bob DiCerbo (second row) Kevin Funchion, Tom :)'Brien (co-captain), Bob Wittrock, Bill Mclaughlin (third row) Tom Fitzpatrick, Steve Gallagher, Dave Ott (cocaptain)

Although our Cross Country season was one of the most successful in years, there is a void which can never be filled. Our dream of becoming Catholic League Champions, a dream it seemed we had forever, did not come true. Because of this, our other triumphs are only consolations. But what triumphs they were! We had a total record of 122 wins and 12 losses. Our first important victory came at the LaSalle College Invitational. Next came a team title at the prestegious Conrad Weiser Invitational, where we beat two defending state championship teams. Following were impressive third place finishes at the Salesianum Invitational and the Manhattan Invitational. Later came a fourth place finish at the Temple Invitational. But the champs were different. Our 17-2 league meet record had established us as co- favorites for the league crown. But it was not meant to be, as we finished fourth. It was hard not to let the team disappointment overshadow our individual achievements. but there were man~ individual accomplishments worth remem路 bering. "Where's Ott off to now?"



Just one more step, Fitz.

Sole survivors of a harrowing trek through Miskwood

Running behind

"What did I do wrong?"


Okay, guys, let's make this one look candid.

Co-Captain Dave Ott took the individual title in the cham· pionship race. Beside Dave, we had two other All·Catho· lies: Tom Fitzpatrick, who also won the Overbrook lnvita· tional, and Co-Captain Tom O'brien. Sophomore Steve Gallagher was a consistent fourth the entire season and broke into LaSalle's all-time top 25 list. Senior Bob Di· Cerbo and Juniors Bill Mclaughlin, Chris Burnett, Bob Wit· trock, and Kevin Funchion provided depth for the team. The team holds promise for the future as shown by the performances of the junior varsity and the freshmen. The JV team placed second in the Catholic League, led by individual champion Tom Burns. Bill Lombard was chosen as the most valuable JV runner in recognition of his consis· tent performance. The freshmen team went undefeated for the second straight year, winning the Catholic League Championship, the Salesianum Invitational and the Temple Invitational. Most Valuable Freshman Bill Hoben led this team while the depth was provided by the legs of Tom Shallow, Paul McCabe, Jim Rayborn and Joe Hortigan. - Tom O'Brien, David Ott

Teenage Wasteland

"I think I can, I think ... "


Freshman Cross Country: (first row) Vince Cuce, Paul O'Hara, John GrifFin, Steve Donahue (second row) Mike Harvan, Jim Rayborn, Joe Hartigan, Larry McLaughlin (third row) Rich VanFosse Bill Hoban, Paul McCabe, Tom Shallow


Golf Team: (front row) Steve Johnson, Pat Ganley. Brian Stefanowicz, Bro. Al, Neil Fitzpatrick, Rich Gregor (back row) Mike Ganley. Mike Gregor

Brother "Hollywood" Al, as he is known among the Golf team members, will be trying to improve the play of the team from last year. This will be very hard, however, because of the talent that the 1980 team had. The 1980 Catholic League Championships were held at the prestegious Squires Country Club. Although the course and the opponents were tough, the Explorers posted another Catholic League Championship, setting a score that has never been surpassed in Catholic League Play. This was fitting, however, after a season that included only one loss. Through the entire year, the team was led by, not one person, but by the effort put forth from all players. The Championships proved fitting here, too, in that six of the Explorers were named All-Catholic, the highest honor possible, and junior Pat Ganley won the Individual League Championship, firing a 76. The 1981 squad is well experienced with Mike Gregor, senior captain, and Brother Al, with his fine coaching ability.



LaSalle Swim Team: (top) J. Dubyk (mgr.), Brother W. Quaintance (moderator), T. Susanin, G. Gattie, T. Cush, C. McChesney, L. Krelovich, O'Reilly, D. Whitehead, J. Tobin, J. Morrissey, E. Ruane (co-capt.), D. Whalen (co-capt.), T. Ingersoll, B, Haley, P. Hogan, C. Foley, J. Mccann, Amand, E. Doherty, M. McFadden, B. Bonner, J. Dachowski, A. Amand (coach), (middle) M. Best, G. Giletti, J. O'Brien, E. Coleman, D. Syms, Dunphy, A. Scanlon, C. Wills, D. Danielle, S. Weiss, J. Hogan, S. Hladczuk, P. McMenamin, (bottom), G. Karlson, J. Capaldi, J. Susanin, VanFossen, B. Redd, B. Passanante, R. Victor, C. LeFevre, R. Shelly, M. Bauerle, B. Cahill, C. Dachowski, (missing) Gerry Behr (scorer), Carpenter (announcer), Dave Keily, Steve McChesney, P. Schnorr


F. P. K. R.



"Whatd' ya mean McGann forgot his stroke?!"

A thousand yards, yeah roight ... Typical Frosh -

looks like he's going to fall in ever time


The seniors ...

and Pete, who forgot about team pictures The coach: Mr. Anthony "Mel'; Amand


During the time I have been at LaSalle, I've seen a lot of good swimmers and four good teams come together under the heading "LaSalle High School Swim Team." This year, for the first time, we will be without Walt Farrell, our swimming coach. Nevertheless, I think we, as a team, will have a great year. Our new coach, Tony Amand, has inherited a really talented group of senior and junior swimmers, as well as a great team organization and a supportive parent's association; and from the work-outs we've experienced so far, Tony is a very good swimming coach. The past four years have meant a lot to the seniors. In 1979, we broke a four-year losing streak and won the City Championship; Walt Farrell's ninth since coming to LaSalle. We won the Championship again in 1980, and hope to win it again this year. This year, as all the rest, we will go all out and do our best to bring back another Championship. We know we can. We are LaSalle.

'es, it does vaguely resemble a LaSalle swimmer.



LaSalle's defenses hold tough


At the start of the 1980-81 season, the ice hockey team looked as if they couldn't successfully defend their Freedom Conference title of the Suburban Hockey League. Nine starting seniors had graduated, but their positions were soon filled by improved returning players and quality newcomers. The 8081 icemen are the team to beat in the Freedom Conference this year. The team would like to thank Mr. John Maguire, the first year head coach, and Rich Blagrave, the director, for their dedication and hard work. The team would also like to thank all of the students who supported the team at all of their games, and to the administration who lent their support, especially Brother Andrew Bartley and our moderator Brother John McGoldrick. Looking forward to the playoffs, the team hopes to continue the winning tradition that is associated with the ice hockey team.




"I feel sick"


LaSalle Wolfpack ... ?

"Sure I'll pose for a picture ... "

Let's kill the ref?



Bowling Team: G. Wolfinger, S. Kaieser, J. Fisher, J. Miles, M. Hagerty, F. D'Angleo, Mr. Sheehan, J. Delfino, E. Skorpinsky

This year's bowling season has not been madE bright by the team's .500 record and fifth placE position in the Catholic League North. Howev er, the season has been bright and it has bee1 so because of the achievements of individua members of the squad. The biggest achieve has been the sole senior squad member, Pau Alig. Alig is rolling along with a league-leadin! 178 average, just two pins less than the La Salle High record established by Coach Rici Golden. His 648 series is tops in the Catholi, League North. This could lead you to believ, that Alig is also the sole member of the squac but this is not the case. Glenn Wolfinger, after, slow start, is finally coming into his own. Hi second-half average has shot from 145 to 16E And then there is Bill McKernan, the lone Fros on varsity and a very promising prospect for th future. Teams that fail to reach the top in the sport will always say, "Wait 'till next year!" Th bowling team is saying that this year, but wit good reason. There is only one senior on thi year's team. There are five juniors and all th rest of the squad members are sophomore and freshmen, making a stronger team for ne, year.

"It won't come off!"

Don't be impressed -


it jumped lanes ...


Just hangin' around ...

'Whatdya mean, I'm in the wrong lane?"



Varsity Wrestling: (first row) M. Coply, C. Mars, P. Chaloult, S. Volpe, B. Masucci (second row) A. Nevarez, A. Dragani, S. Mclane, M. McAndrews, C. Manz, Coach Siegel (missing) M. Gola, K. Mc Govern, J. Snyder, R. Sandman

La Salle on top again


END UP ON TOP Of all the team contact sports, wrestling is the most individual. Equal to the thrill of a team win is the satisfaction received after an individual win. When I go out onto the mat to face an opponent, I, as an indiviudal am the active principle involved in winning or losing. If I am wrestling badly, the coach cannot make a substitution. Therefore I realize that my effort alone is responsible for the final decision in the match. I alone accept the glory if I win, and I alone accept the shame if I lose. If this sounds egotistical - that's because it is! In wrestling it is the "I", or, rather, the group of "l's" that counts. So, while the other sports offer satisfaction mainly in teams' success, a wrestler can take pride not only in his team, but also in himself. - Joe Schaeffer

Put your best foot forward

"Yeah, well I did take a shower last night."



gOe's in f<>ra


Don't Vigg, He's on your team!

"Do you have any last words ... ?"

Junior Varisty Wrestling: (first row) J. Rizzo, H. Stoughton, D. Martaselli, J. Fitzgerald, M. Stoughton, J. Lombard (second row) E. Benatti, D. D Orazio, P. Trapodi, J. Rude, T. Munshower, C. Mars (missing) J. Campbell, C. Heckmann, M. Corsello, M. Steinmetz



... pinning his man.

Okay, who's got the ball?

Even without the talented hands of Joe Turk, the teachers once again came out victorious in this year's Turkey Bowl. The seniors, dazed, and confused, commented: "where the hell did they find this Zwann guy to play quarterback." He lead them to a 5-3 victory with superb passing and a fine mix of plays. We wonder what the administration is going to hire next year to lead the faculty to a possible win. The tight blocking of Gerry Miller and Big Joe combined with the nimble hands of Jim Serpeillo showed the seniors that early recruiting and practice would have been a help. And of course, Tony "Mr. Football" Viggiano provided a valuable asset to the teacher's squad with his lightning quick speed and unequaled agility.

Mischler looks real official



Will it go?

Do or die

Just because we're losing by 20 points is no reason to get upset

I never knew I could fly


CAPTURE CATHOLIC LEAGUE CROWN Long before the Catholic League basketball season was about to begin, we could be assured of looking into the gym after school and seeing the members of the varsity basketball team working hard to perfect their skills for the upcoming season. With seven seniors graduated from last year's playoff team, this year's team knew that they had to work twice as hard as a team in order to succeed. The pre-season predictions that many wrote about our Little Explorers were talking highly of them and their system of play under second- year head coach Bill Michuda. Leadership was not hard to find on this team! The players of this year's team were not only fine basketball players, but many also participated in one or two other varsity sports. But when they put all their athletic talent on the basketball court, they provided the school with much to cheer about. Drawing big fans wherever they played this year, whether it was against Roman Catholic or participating in the WARM Tournament, the players exhibited great poise and control on the court. I guess we both forgot our Wheaties

Varsity Baketball: (kneeling) M. Murphy (manager), K. Shepard, J. Dowling, C. O'Brien, M. McNulty, B. Rodden, C. Carabello (manager), (standing) B. Michuda (coach), D. Powell, M. Mischler, M. Flanigan, J. Foley, T. Nolan, J. Gay, C. Greenberg, B. McCormick, Bro. Dominic Smith (moderator), (missing) J. Osborne


Wait for me, Chris!

The center of this poise was provided by a dynamic threetime all-Catholic guard, senior Chris O'Brien. Throughout the season, he showed why he may have been the area's best when it came to making a clutch shot. His supporting cast wasn't that bad either! Coming back from reconstructive surgery on his ankle, all-Catholic Mark Mischler provided the team with the experience needed for a winning season. Junior Chip Greenberg helped out with an all-Catholic season that saw him terrorize opponents with his pure jumper and Seniors Dave Powell and Joe Foley helped out center Mike Flanigan to control rebounds and provide the height to box out their opponents. Also very instrumental to the success of the Little Explorer's season were Mark McNulty, Tom Nolan, Joe Dowling, and Brian Rodden. Providing the strength from the bench, were John Gay, Keith Sheppard, and Barry McCormick. Remember, all these players will be back next year to play another varsity season. We should like to thank Bro. Dominic for his great moderating, Mr. Michuda for a superb coaching job and all others who helped shape players at all levels.

Mark, the game's over.


J.V. Basketball: (kneeling) T. Gillespie, K. Gallagher, C. Lloyd, J.P. Manta, P. Harris, (standing) D. Hyman, C. Murphy, J. Webster, C. Holmes, J. Gay, K. Sheppard (missing) P. Mimmo (coach), T. Norman, J. Dowling, B. McCormick, J. Osborne, G. Weiss



Freshman Basketball: (kneeling) A. Collins, J. Kelly, J. Dolaway, D. Solecki, L. Helmick (standing) Bro. Tom Speakman (coach), J. Poole, J. Zamichieli, 8. McMonable, M. Mellet, K. Rudden, M. Basilii, K. Donaghue (coach) (missing) L. Guess



SEEKS FOURTH CATHOLIC The LaSalle Tennis team will be going for an unprecedented fourth straight undefeated season. This year's team will be led by senior Art Martella, who will also be going for his fourth undefeated year, and Domonick Giuffreda, a junior trying for his third undefeated year. Also coming back this year will be seniors Tom Gavin, Pat Mullaney, Skip Strain, Dave Woychik and Mark Mischler. Mr. Bruno will not be returning this year as coach. He has retired with three Catholic League and two City Titles. Brother Kevin McManus will be taking over as coach and Mr. Doug Smith will be assisting.

Mystery racket ... Flex Mullaney



Indoor Track: (2nd row) T. Fitzpatrick, S. Gallagher, D. Ott, T. O'Brien, M. Adams, K. Funchion, (1st row) J. Hartigan, J. Corcoran, J. Westkaernper, T. Shea, P. Farnan, B. Hoban

The indoor track season is more than just a training ground for the runners who will compete in outdoor track during the spring. Indoor track, due to the small size of the facilities, often produces the most exciting races of either season. Through hard work in the sub-freezing temperatures of winter, and occasional visits to La Salle College's indoor track, the LaSalle squad put together one of the top teams in the state in both the two-mile relay and the distance relay. The two mile relay, composed of T. O'Brien, T. Fitzpatrick, S. Gallagher, and D. Ott, placed fifth in the Department of Recreational Development track meet at the Civic Center, and also qualified for the meet of Champions at Princeton University; as did the distance relay. In the field, Mike Adams qualified for the Meet of Champions by scoring several impressing victories in the triple jump. Tom Fitzpatrick and Dave Ott also scored individual victories, both in the one mile run.



"I hate having my picture taken!"

Yeah, he's bad ...


"Let's check this out ... "

" ... just call me smiles."

"So what if I've got ants in my pants?"

Sackin' out after a long race


LaSalle Crew: (backrow) G. Heffernan, J. McFadden, J. Shaffer, T. O'Toole, C. Hopkins, M. McHugh, J. Dougherty, S. Mahony, F. Oliver, T. Stevens, B. Rienhart, T. Cush, M. Grogan, (front row) B. Wilkins, P. Schnorr, P. Tripoldi, B. Ernest, G. Gates, D. Kane, J. McGarvey.

Coach Suter ponders the team's chances ... . . . while McFadden walks in his sleep.

Beauty and the Beast

CRUISES THE SCHUYKILL Besides learning all about the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat, my teammates and I have learned something over the last four years that is much more important. Never talk about Crew in front of someone who does not know what it is unless she happens to be good looking. It's happened to all of us at one time or another the long, tiresome explanation of what we do with our time anyway: "you know, Crew, rowing, on the river, those long funny boats?" Still they do not know what you're talking about. It is the most important sport in the world. If by some fluke of the brainwaves you get through to the person you are talking to then the next question will undoubtedly be: "but why?" To this the usual reply is: "oh, I don't know," or "It's not that bad." But it is more than just "not that bad." it is pretty good. As a matter-of-fact I actually like it. And the reason I like rowing that funny boat up and down the river, every day, is because it makes me feel good about myself. Sometimes I fall under the illusion that I might possibly be worth something. All kidding aside, I'd just like to say that over the past four years my teammates and I have had a ball. And I would like to thank our beloved coach, Mr. Bob Suter Esq., for all his time, advice, and dirty jokes. And since I do not like goodbyes, I am just going to end by saying, "Shaf, how's Chrissy?" - Chip Hopkins

Elser sneaks away when there's work to be done ...

Serenity on the Schuylkill


Nice mouth, Bill.

John having a stroke in mid-stroke

"We're working as hard as we can ...


"What do you mean, 'It capsized'?"

Port of Origin Heh. They've got this silly thing in reverse.


BASEBALL TEAM SLUGS IT OUT This year's baseball team shows great pron ise, having all that is needed for a winning seasc and team. We have on the squad fine pitcher: hitters, and fielders. But most of all, we have loya ty - loyalty to our school, our coaches, and ou selves. We are a team and play as such: eac player respects the next and is willing to sacrific for the benefit of the team. For a team we are, ar as a team we will function, because we have n one "star." Instead, we all work together ar strive together for one goal: not only to reach t~ playoffs, but to play like champions. Although v.. are coming back from a less than memorab 1980 season, with the coaching of Mr. Molui (Varsity) and Mr. Miller (JV), and our winning at" tude, we are sure we will achieve our goal.

"That's right, we're bad!"



One, two, three -


A Statue of Liberty play -

in baseball??



路. J




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YEAR AFTER YEAR The 1980-1981 Music Department was one of the most successful in recent years. This year the Freshman "Alpha Band" was instituted into the music department. This program was very successful. As before, the music department consists of the Concert Band, State Band, and the Omega Band. The dedicated staff was headed and directed by Mr. Joseph Ciccimaro and Bro. Bill Riley. This year, the Concert Band had over sixty students, which is one of the largest number of participants ever. The Concert Band played in both the Christmas concert and the Spring concert. The Concert Band added an innovative twist to both concerts. Continuing the La Salle tradition, the Pep Band played to all of this year's Varsity Football games, adding a special excitement and winning spirit to the games. The Pep Band has also participated in all pep rallies and masses held this year. Both the Omega and Stage Bands played at this year's Christmas and Spring concerts. These bands also represented La Salle in concerts at several schools including: Mount St. Josephs, St. Basils, Melrose Academy, Ancillae Assumpta, and St. Genevieve's.

"You want a picture of me?" I told you it was stuck!!



The Award-winning Stage Band also played in other activities including: Family Day, Bro. James' 50th Anniversary, and the "Schools on Parade" at the Civic Center. The event that highlighted this year's Stage Band schedule, was the Christian Brothers' Tricentenary Gala celebrated at the Bellvue Strafford Hotel. The Band student council was headed by Pres. Dave Whalen, Vice-Pres. Jack Schwartz, and Secretary John Quigley. La Salle was represented in the All-State Orchestra by Dave Whalen and the All-District Band by Greg Dean. We cannot forget the other members who work very hard on all productions. All in all, this has been a very good year for the La Salle Music Department and for its many dedicated and faithful members.



In October of 1980, over 300 people from different countries filled La Salle's auditorium and expressed their desire to become American citizens. La Salle High was host to this Naturalization Ceremony which was the final step that all people who wish to become permanent Americans have to take. The ceremony was highlighted by a moving rendition of the pledge of allegiance as performed by the proud new Americans. Their joy at this event made the work of LaSalle worthwhile.



Band plays for the occasion



Student Council Officers:

Brian McCormick, Al Solecki, Butch Farris Sophomore Homeroom Representatives

Senior Homeroom Representatives

Junior Homeroom Representatives


A kaleidoscope of events passes throL my mind as I think about my year as S dent Council President - the mixers, F rallies, Open House, the Tercenten, Celebration, Basketball games agai Basils and the Mount, the Winter Dan, the Proms. Yes, it was a year of activit~ was a year of successes and some f ures; a year of enjoyment and learning I also a year of some frustration. But m, of all it was a year of working togetl with the students, faculty, and administ tion for a common goal, the bettermenLaSalle. The success or failure of the~ dent Council does not rest with its c cers but with the whole LaSalle commt ty. If we were successful, we succeec because the students, faculty and adn istration supported our efforts. The y, in review would not be complete withot special "thank you" to my fellow office Butch Farris and Brian McCormick their support throughout the year; T Nolan, Gerry Mezzanotte, Joe Schael and Bob McWilliams who gave so uns ishly of their time and effort whene called upon; and to Mr. David Man whose invaluable guidance and enth1 astic support lead us through the ye Finally, my biggest thanks are to you, classmates, who made this year a mer rable one for me. - Al Solecki


Freshmen Homeroom Representatives


Mr. Dave Manion: effective teacher, effective student council moderator

Dance Committee:

(left to right) J. Martorano, P. Alig, J. Schaeffer, A. Martella, R. Baracka


NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY LaSalle's chapter of the National Honor Society, under the direction of Brother John D'Alfonso, continues its tradition of service to the school community. The N.H.S. inducted fifty-two new members at an induction ceremony and Eucharist celebration. These new members joined twenty-nine present members, producing the largest membership in many years. The society rendered service during the entire school year. Secretary I Treasurer, Dave Whalen, continued and improved the successful tutor program in which members assist underclassmen in a variety of academic areas. In addition, the members provided service at Naturalization Day, the entrance exam, and the Tricentennial Anniversary of the Christian Brothers. Through their extensive and important service to the school, N.H.S. members have to give something back to La Salle. Gerald Mezzanotte

N.H.S. Officers: D. Whalen, P. Schnorr, Brother John D'Alfonso, G. Mezzanotte


Wisterian 1981: (editors) G. Melinson, P. Duzak, A. Solecki, M. Masucci. Missing: T. Susanin

The eyes and ears of La Salle . . . The Wisterian, a national award winner, is published six times annually, with circulation at 1,000 copies per issue. Each issue is packed with school news, information, sports and occasional comic-relief. The Wisterian is the result of student writers' and student editors' hard work, and, of course, of Mr. Topper, moderator of the paper. The Wisterian was recently honored and recognized with a second place award by the Columbia Scholastic Press Association. The laid-back Wisterian Moderator

Vol. 45, No. 3

February 17, 1981

The Wlsterlan Is the student newspaper of C-Ollege High School, 8605 LaSalle Cheltenham Avenue, Philadelphia, Penn路 sylvanla, 19118.(215) 247~300. Its purp0se Is to Inform the LaSalle C-Ommunlty of news, activities, and controversy. The views expressed herein are the opinions of the student writers and do not necessarily express official school opinion. The Wlsterlan welcomes all letters and commentaries, and reserves the right to edit and condense. All letters should be submitted to the main office before February 25. Editors: Gregg Melinson, Rich Duszak, Vince O'Brien Sports Editor: Al Solecki Photography Editor: Mike Masucci Feature Editor: Tim Susanin Moderator: Rick Topper Staff: Paul Alig, Charlie Barbera, Jim Basile, Brad Bonner, Pete Chalout, Kevin Cregan. Ed Doherty, Ward Fitzgerald, Jim Finnegan, Jim Fisher, Karl Gabrielson. Michael Giuffrida, Karl Jones, Walter Keehn, Paul Kim, J. P. Manta. Joe Martorano, Bill McCann, Craig McChesney, Gerry Mezzanotte, Fred Pickard, Brian Schmitt. Michael Stack, Joe Stout. Rob Thompson. Jr. " ... What else can we expose ... ah, ha -

this one's good for blackmail!'



Art Club: (back row) J. Myers, E. Minguez, C. Roesseler, (sitting) M. Twomey, M. Mishler, J. Brady, A. Meehan, J. Shott, P. Krzywicki, (standing) Brother Fred, D. Michie, K. Bonner, N. Tiernrey (missing) M. Hoban, J. Karcher, J. Munshower

One can show his talents to others by becoming part of an activity which brings out his best qualities. Art is no different than other fields, because painting, for some, is the best way to express feelings and emotions. Although we are far from master painters, we are willing to put in the long hours of practice and patience needed to bring us toward our ultimate goal: the perfect piece of artwork. With inspiration from our fellow art club members and the magical touch of Brother Fred, our leader, we can create anything our imaginations can entertain. This year, as in the past, the art club will have all its works on display in the trophy case, and some members will take part in an exhibit at LaSalle College commemorating Saint John Baptist De La Salle's founding of the Christian Brothers. Marty Hoban



"I'm afraid there's a snowflake missing here."

Just another pretty face?



"I know, I know" Good form, uh? ... no, he's just got a stiff leg ...



Every Wednesday afternoon, La Salle's fifteen team Bowling Club - headed by the likes of the Alley Kats, the Somebodies and the Home Keys arrived at Lynne Lanes in Cheltenham to do battle. Pitted against a different team each week for three games, there was a definite air of serious competition while everyone enjoyed themselves from the first pin to the last ball. Mr. Rich Golden, moderator of the Club, compiles weekly statistics, standings and pairs each weeks teams. The season ends with a pizza banquet at "Poppa Joe's" which includes awards for championship teams as well as perfect attendance awards. Sparing nothing, it was quite a striking sight to see.

"Just one more pin, just one more!"

"Yo, yo, you left number 1 pin standing."


Last Fall, representatives from many col leges (both the local area and beyond) gath ered in LaSalle High School's auditorium tc meet with our senior class. Among the col leges attending were Penn, Villanova, Dela ware and LaSalle, to name a few. Each stu dent spent fifteen minutes with the Repre sentative of the respective colleges, dis cussing the possibility of choosing a collegE that best suited his needs. The day wai planned far in advance and was looked upo1 by both faculty and students as a huge sue cess.

"Have you found any majors in our catalog that appeal to you?"

"Yes, this one here: dropping out."



These guys were a big help: Ward tried to intimidate everyone, Skip tell asleep, and Butch just stood there looking confused.

Thirty-one careers were represented at LaSalle's third annual Career Night on October 30, 1980. "Basically, Career Night gives the boys and their parents information through speakers that can't be provided by counselors or written material," says moderator Mr. Jack Coonahan. These speakers give current information about their field such as what the field embraces, the education factor, and the present and projected job market. Parents were encouraged to attend to update their current information in the fields which interest their sons. The more popular items were Electrical, Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering, Accounting, Computer Programming, Lawyers - General Practice, District Attorney, Airline Pilot and Navy. The law and medical departments were expanded because of increased interest. Mr. Coonahan attempts to have former LaSalle High School graduates in each profession "because of the impact it offers." He also tried to get parents of present students. This year, thirteen of the thirty-one professions were represented by parents. Over 800 people attended this year. This includes 350 students - the remainder were parents. - Robert Thompson



... while unbeknownst to them, the Mothers' Club's banner was on its way to New Jersey.

LaSalle's First Annual Family Day, sponsored by the Mothers Club was a first class success. The day offered many activities for over one-thousand LaSalle family members and friends. There was horseback riding and free painting for the young at heart, while others played tennis, basketball, and touch football. There were bake sales, carnivaltype games, and music from LaSalle's band for all to enjoy. The highlights of the day were the counting of the Ugly Man contest votes and the flying of the model airplanes. Brother Al won an easy victory in the Ugly Man contest. At mid-afternoon everyone gathered below the tennis courts to watch an excellent performance from some of the best model airplant pilots. The day was capped off with a pep rally for the Football team.

They sure know how to operate.



What fun. What frolic.



Computer Club: (first row) F. Harkins, M. Newdeck, J. Fisher (second row) T. Gordon, P. Baniewicz, F. Ney, J. Cicchello, M. Hagerty, C. Elitz, P. DiGiacomo (missing) B. Loftus, B. McLeod, P. Kim, F. Pickard, B. Elitz, C. Doloway, R. Russell

"Yeah, you did break it"

"All's I saw were sparks, Mr. Russell,"

Over 100 students registered to begin the computer clut programming courses this past year. With this increased inter est in mind, LaSalle purchased two new video terminals and ~ high speed printer, bringing the total number of user terminali that connect to our DEC PDP - 11 I 34 to eight. The computer club is a group of students, in and out of thE courses, who help each other write and debug computer pro grams. The computer room is one of the most popular rooms ir school and newcomers are always welcome.


MATHLETES This year's mathletes are on a record pace. Under the direction of Brother Gerry, they battled into the top ten teams competing in the Pennsylvania Mathematics League. Thanks to some new talent, gained experience, and greater interest, the race for this year's prestigious "Mathlete-of-the-year Award," awarded for the most points won by a mathlete in both the state and national leagues, is also very competitive. The point scores easily stand to beat last year's record. This year, about thirty interested students attempted to solve the problems in logic, geometry, algebra, and trigonometry presented on the tests.

"Hard problem, uh Joe?"

Mathletes: (left to right) C. Bellitto, E. Buchanan, J. Sayer, R. Duszak, H. Reiche, J. Leonard, C. Dolaway, R. Unverzagt, R. Baracka, P. DiGiacomo, R. Long, J. Westkaemper, P. Kim, E. Skorpinski, J. Cicchiello, F. Harkins, and of course, Bro. Gerry Frendreis, world-famous moderator



Well, that certainly clears things up.

"Don't you understand?"

Varsity Speech Team: (back row) T. Campbell, B. Mccann, B. Gillespie, S. Ponton, F. Gannon, D. Foley (front row) S. Desimone, W. Keehn, J. Basile, M. Adams, S. Andrasko, G. Riviello, P. Kryzwicki, (missing) H. McGinley, T. Dunleavy



Last year the LaSalle Forum had it's most prestigious moment ever when the debate team of Paul Kollmer, a senior now, and John Schmitt, a freshman at Princeton University, won the National Forensic League Grand National Tournament in Huntsville, Alabama. Paul debated this year with fellow senior Arnold Foley. The other varsity debate team was David Reardon, junior, and Brian Schmitt, senior. Junior Varsity and Novice debaters included: Mark Gallagher ('82), Pat Doran ('82), Jim Kennedy ('83), Walter Keehn ('81), Patrick Izzo ('83), Carl Waldsburger ('84), and Dong Woo Chang ('84). The LaSalle Speech team has done just as well as the nationally recognized debate team. Lead by seniors Hubert McGinley, Bill McCann, Bob Gillespie, and Mike Adams, and Juniors, Jim Basile, Frank Fannon, Tim Campbell, Skoue Ponton, and Philip Kryzwicki, the speech team had consistently placed itself in national tournaments throughtout the year. Other speakers who contributed were: Stephen Andrasko ('83), Sal DeSimone ('83), Tim Dunleavy ('83), David Foley ('83), Matt Bradley ('84), Kirk Wolff ('84), Stephen Foley ('84), Gerald Riviello ('83), and Randall O'Neill ('84).

Something is rotten in the Forum Office ...

Miss Vozzo having patience

"Oh, no, everyone's looking at me!"


Varsity Debate Team: P. Kollmer, A. Foley, B. Schmitt, D. Reardon, M. Gallagher, P. Doran, K. Dalmasse (coach and moderator) 1gh really knows what he's doing

Why is Miss Vozzo the only one paying attention?


This picture is here soley for the sake of symmetry, Hugh

Novice Debate Team: K. Wolff, C. Waldpurger, P. Izzo, D.W. Chang, S. Foley, J. Kennedy

J.V. Speech and Debate Team: (back row) K. Wolff, J. Gabriele, F. Gavin, M. Bradley, C. Waldspurger, (front row) D.W. Chang, J. Cicchiello, R. O'Neill, J. Leibrandt, (missing) R. Louis-Charles Boy, has she got patience

The Forum changed coaches this year from Bro. Rene Sterner, who started the Forum four years ago, to Kevin Dalmasse, a senior at La Salle College who organized the team after Brother's departure. Miss Mary Jo Vozzo assumed the role of moderator and Oral Interpretation coach. Additional coaching help came from Bill Janssen and Pam Miller of St. Joseph's University and Joseph Diorio and John Funchion of La Salle College. It was the commitments of these people that allowed the Forum to have its successful season.




The Staff: M. Masucci, G. Dudzek, G. Giletti, P. DiGiacomo

"I thought we burned that one!"

Well we thought we were ...


ANOTHER BLUE AND GOLD CLASSIC Yearbook ... triumphs, sorrows, panic, work, success ... these words all are reminicent of the input of a first-class book. The moments are captured: the emotions, the wins, the losses, the people, the many varied activities. All of this, and more, is transmitted to paper to be retained as a record of just one small year out of a lifetime; and as a reminder of the people we left behind. Compiling a yearbook consumes much of one's time and demands much of oneself; one is commited to present a descriptive representation of a year completed. No where is there written that a yearbook must fit certain standard specifications, yet if it does not fit yours, it is not accurate - it does not prove to be a success. This book sets out to fill the expectations of the people who will read it and who call it their own reminder of the year gone by. The work is great and the exhilaration of success is phenomenal. We set out at the beginning of this year to produce a classic ... and that is, we feel, accomplished! The 1981 yearbook; even down to its basic colors: Blue and Gold. - Greg Giletti

It looks nice on the board, but ...



This years Senior Retreats were held at the Cardinal Spellman Retreat House in the Bronx, N.Y. Set on some beautiful acreage on the banks of the Hudson River, the Retreat House was an ideal means to escape the hustle of school for a few days. The retreat provided opportunities for both spiritual reflection and touch football, appreciation for nature and lectures. The lectures, incidentally, provided one of the highlights of the retreat: Brian Schmitt's asking a group of reformed alcoholics what was the best cure for a hangover.



Is Jack reflecting on the meaning of life? No, just thinking about mch."

Are you sure this is New York?



"Pay attention, gentlemen!"

Lookin' real interested

Father Paul Wierichs is the leader of the D-Day Retreats. These retreats, unlike the two day senior retreats in New York, are held in the Brother's house during one school day. Each homeroom is taken separately. This day is used not just for prayer but to reflect about ourselves and our future. Some seniors are asked to relate their own experiences and maybe offer a little ad路 vice. Underclassmen seem to relate more to the seniors' presence. It is seen by all those involved as a growing experience in maturity. These retreats, for the freshmen sophomore, and junior classes, are a major stepping stone in prepara路 tion for the final retreat in senio1 year.

"That was a funny one, Fadder."


"Ah, there goes my back!!"

Football, hockey, basketball, swimming, ping-pong, and volleyball - they're all intramural sports at LaSalle. The intramural approach to sports offers the opportunity for all students to become involved in their favorite sports. Same-year homerooms are pitted against each other in various sports to vie for standings in their catagories. A championship homeroom Tshirt for each year acts as a special incentive for each team. The intramural emphasis is on participation and fun. Under the guidance of Mr. Serpiello, the intramural program offers every students the opportunity to prove himself to his schoolmates.

"I hit it, I actually hit it!"

"Where's the ball?"

"We need Kareem for this one."



UNITY SERVICE CORPS The Community Service Corps is now in its fifth year at LaSalle, and during the past five years the CSC has done a variety of things inside and outside LaSalle. The CSC sponsors a Basketball Marathon each year, and all to路 gether, over $5,000 was raised to help various charities and also to help the family of Mr. Braun. CSC also runs Thanksgiving canned food drives for the Holy Family Home, and during the Christmas season, there is a toy drive, and CSC members dress as Santa Claus and give the toys to special students. CSC also goes to the Holy Family Home, Green Acres, and St. Joseph's Manor Home to play bingo and to socialize with the elderly. The Community Service Corps takes an active role in helping the LaSalle community. - Charles Barbera Mr. Klenk & Company survey the situation



"Another box of cans ... !?"

C.S.C. Members


At this writing, it is very uncertain whether LaSalle's musical, "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown", will be performed at all. The show, plagued from the start by lack of student interest and a low turnout rate at the auditions, has had more than its share of problems. No sooner had rehearsals begun than Jeanne Marie Yuengling, scheduled to play Sally, resigned from the cast. Sheila Riley, a fellow Mountie (and Bro. Bill's niece), replaced her. A few nights later, on the way to rehearsal, came the car accident which sent seniors Pat DiGiacomo (Charlie Brown), and Dave DeSimone (Schroeder) to the hospital, each with a broken pelvis. (Jim Fisher, a member of the production crew, sustained a broken femur, and Brad Macleod, the show's Linus, escaped uninjured.) Although director Sidney Macleod succeeded in pushing back the show's opening from the end of March to the beginning of May, Pat and Dave were unable to rejoin the production. Meanwhile, Kennedy sophomore Karen Webster had to give up the part of Lucy when she found it impossible to do both LaSalle's show and one at a local dinner theatre. (Sheila Riley now took over the role of Lucy.) That's the way things stand right now. Aside, from all this, the show has been coming along smoothly. Maybe, just maybe, it will make it to the stage with no further setbacks. Wait a minute. I think I smell smoke coming from the auditorium ...

The Goon Squad (a.k.a. Stage Crew)

"Look here, we're gonna do this thing my way, see?!"


STAGE AND LIGHTING CREWS Stage crew has been more than an activity for me. It has been an experience and a responsibil路 ity. Making productions run smoothly has been a true challenge. I have had the opportunity to work for a diverse group of people. Keeping the stage spotless for Bro. John McGoldrick's white glove inspections, making sure all of Mr. C's band members fit onstage during their concerts, and getting all the details just right for Mr. Macleod's involved productions have made the job interesting. (The cast parties made it fun.) I would like to thank and congratulate my fellow seniors Dave Desimone, Paul Vozzo, Tim Susanin, Bob McCreavy, and Jim Williamson for their tremendous assistance and dedication, without which I could not have accomplished my job. Their work made our productions possible. - Ed Doherty

Stage Crew Ed Doherty (mgr) John Dachowski Chip Hopkins Mike McCauley Joe Minguez Philip Radomski Steve Albor Joe Cornell John Oberholzer Ben Redd Gene D' Alessandro Tom Morrison Jim Quigley

Lighting Crew: Jim Williamson (mgr) Pat Hasson Dave Kane Vince Tague Pete Waters Joe McNamara John Sweeney Greg Williamson

"One, two, three, heave!" Waters, Hasson, and Williamson in the lighting cage. Doherty outside it.

'lard at work backstage.



Mr. Thomas Turner, Math. B.Sc. La Salle College.

Brother Joseph McGinty, Religion. B.A. Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wiscon路 sin.

Brother Patrick Duffy, Spanish. B.A. La Salle College, M.A. Middlebury College


The Friday Mad Rush

Rough night last night, uh Brother?


Friz's Monday morning

Our little Leprechaun

Turk's class ...


~ 路

"What about my tie?"

Chain reaction

Forum Headquarters


Early morning cramming

"How 'bout you, you gotta smoke?"

"Well I like Chemistry!"

La Salle's Curly, Moe and Larry

Your age or I.Q., Bob?

"Ah ha! So that's why the school almost shorted out yesterday!"



LA SALLE CELEBRATES DEDICATION: 300 YEARS It is the job of the yearbook to record for our school or community the significant events of the past year . During 1980-1981, the La Salle community has had many reasons to celebrate, but no event of the past year has been more significant than the one remembered on these next few pages . Within this past school year, the Christian Brothers celebrated their 300th anniversary as a society dedicated to educat ing young men. Founded by St. John the Baptist de La Salle in 1680, the Brothers have been lending their speical brand of learning to countless students, and in the process, have influenced the lives of many in very special ways since then. That much is history. We at La Salle, and those who have come before us, have been touched in many ways by the brothers, and our yearbook this year is dedicated to them in celebration of their 300 years of service. We have tried to show the old and the new, La Salle as it was and as it is .


The last stop for most seniors

Beginning anew in 1960

A La Salle tradition . . .



view from the second floor

Our rediscovered statue -

once removed.

Society has changed greatly since La Salle's inception, and it continues to change with rapid speed. Only certain things remain constant, not by refusing to change, but by offering a safe, lasting set of values and insights, a harbor in the sea of flux. The Christian Brothers offer this port to all the boys who have been influenced by them. To you, Brothers, we say "thanks." We appreciate all you have done for us. The Brothers were honored for their 300th anniversary at a special Mass and gala banquet on November 28, 1980. The Mass was concelebrated by 35 priestsalumni at the Cathedral, and the principal celebrant was Rev. J. Paul Brennan, class


of 1926, the oldest priest-alumnus. Following the Mass, the Brothers enjoyed a banquet at the Bellevue-Stratford, attended by 560 well-wishers and the La Salle High Stage Band, which provided the music. These festivities added to the much-deserved honors given to the Brothers during their special year. When we think of La Salle, we see many things with our mind's eye, but mainly we think of the Brothers. We see Brother Linus in his robe and collar, Bro. Hilary in his coach's shoes and La Salle shirt, and Bro. Fred in his ski sweater and cowboy hat. We hear Brothers Tom and Kevin urging their respective basketball and tennis teams to victory, and Brothers John and Bill and Dominic and Pat in their language classes teaching the pluperfect tense. And we feel love and encouragement from Brothers Andrew and Frank and John as they administer to our needs and guide us confidently, and Brothers Al and Ed and Joe in Religion, and Gerry and Ed in Math, and Bro. Bill with his study skills, and Bro. Charles in his learning center and Bro. James, our jubilarian, in the office, and Bro. Miller and Bro. Gene; all these men give willingly of themselves and never ask of us except, of course, in the classroom. Congratula tions, Brothers! We salute you! Our fifty year mi



1981 BLUE AND GOLD: THE MEN WHO MADE IT Editor Pat DiGiacomo


Assistant Edit<

Greg Giletti

Greg Dudzek

Photography Editors Mike Masucci John Celluci

Activities Chairmen Jim Valentino Mark Pomplas

Sports Chairman Matt Campbell

Staff Tim Susanin


Bob Young

Ted Rydzewski Ed Dougherty John Pauldi Joe Delfino

Typing Jay Susanin

Business and Sales Manager Article Writers Tim Kelly Rob Thompson Joe Motz Chip Hopkins Bill Bachinsky Paul Carson Tom O'Brien Dave Ott Peter Schnorr Mike Masucci Art Martella Ed Dougherty Mark Pomplas Jim Valentino Charles Barbera Stephen Carlin Ron Baracka Kevin Cregan

Moderator Mr. Bill Geiger

Artwork: Chris Bryne

Gerry Mezzanotte Ray Mccaffrey Al Solecki Rob Harrison Shawn Herbert Brian Schmitt Rob Harrison

Paul Kollmer Ward Fitzgerald Joe Shaffer George Donahue Tim Susanin Marty Hoben

Thanks to: Mr. Jim Devine, Mr. Mike Malcher, the Faculty and Administration Special Thanks to: Mr . Joe Grilley, Mr. Abe Orlick, Lois, Gem, and all at Davor Studios; Mr. Bob Davine, and all at Herff Jones Yearbook Company for their undying patience Special, Special Thanks to: Dave Desimone for erasing our board No Thanks to: Joe Zwarotny Our Apologies to: Miss Mary Jo Vozzo


Photographer : Jim Fisher Fred Pickard Scott Atkinson Joe Martorano John Paludi Chris Filippone Mr. Miller Mr. Cherney Photo Club

While our yearbook has been mainly concerned with life in and around La Salle, the past year has also seen many important events occur throughout our city, our country, and the world .

• •



The Nobodies Meet the Misfits Workaholic &gles vs. ragtag Raiders in the Super Bowl





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Flying yellow ribbons coast to coast, a jubilant U.S. hails the hostages



The Last Day in the Life John Lennon is shot to death at 40, and a bright dream fades

But this same day must end our work . .. and whether we shall meet again I know not. Therefore our everlasting farewell take. For ever and for ever farewell . .. If we do meet again, why, we shall smile; if not, why then this parting was well made. - Shakespeare




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