1991 Blue and Gold Yearbook

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CONTENTS OPENING ••..........•.•......................•..•••...... 1 THEME ..............•.......................•.••........... 2 DEDICATION.•..........••.....••...•••.•............ 16 ADMINISTRATION ..•....•...•...............••••. 18 UNDERCLASS 46 CLUBS................•...•._............•.......•....... 72 SPORTS ......•........................................ 118 SENIORS 156 SENIOR QUOTES .•...•.......•...•.•..•......... 198 "WORLD _ 204 INDEX ..••..................•.•••...........•.....•._•.. 208 CREDITS ..........•..••...•.................•••....... 214 CLOSING _ 216


Signs of Intelligent Life


tardate: 4352.8 - My crew and I have been exploring space for 73 bJeebs and we have yet to discover any indications of life as we know it. Currently, we are approaching the third planet of the Ralos system, Roomdnyw 91. I am hopeful that some form of Intelligent life will reveal Itself there.


tardate: 4353.1 - We have now achieved orbit around Roomdnyw 91.. and I have prepared a team to beam down to the planet. Again,. am eagerly anticipating that my next log entry will overDow with information about a bright alien culture.


~ardate: 4354.2 -

The land. ing party materialized out路 side a sizeable land mas. of trees. buildings. and long. bardened pathways. We noticed a sign declaring uLaSalle College High

School, U and our translation decoder. assured us that OUf search would not be unfruitful. At the sight of vehicles and the noise of voices. we quickly engaged our invisi-shields and proceeded up one of the hardened pathways *..0 investigate. At first glance. we saw creatures of diverse shapes. colors. sizes. and haircuts, all of which initially reminded us of the ape creatures on Eva Orarig. but we immediatel'y encountered life of a much more intelligent Jclnd. We路 entered this "schoo"" and observed. down one long tunnel. an older. tall creature with black clothes and white. geometric neck-piece greeting the younger creatures with a wave and a smile. Within a short time, we discovered. in numerous small cubicles. more older members of this race instructing the younger ones in a broad range of topics.

We were impressed with what we could tell was effective instruction of the young - a sure sign of intelligence and growth for this culture. Fascinated by the oral apd written responses by the young to the elders. next we wanted to see how these younger ones functioned outside the cubicles. We transported ourselves behind a large ambulatory group and followed them to the l'Oining Hall." The young (..students'路. as we found they were called) sat and ingested food in friendly groups. all engaged in witty. animated conversation (which. amazingly enough. was not drowned out by the blaring musical noise emitted from holes in the solid wall above tbelr heads). In an area outside this "hall,'J some students played with a fuzzy green-yellow sphere while others took turns attempting to

strike it with a rectangular object (which they called a "tray"). In another area, students simply hurled such a colored sphere at each other in some form of play we could not comprehend. Nonetheless, we realized how recreation and friendships compose such an important part of the life of these students. To examine further how these students learn, we moved to a larger cubicle filled with books, called an Instructional Materials Center (on our planet, simply called a "library"). Here, we ob· served students reading books and writing on lined, spirallymetal-backed paper. The quiet yet busy atmosphere was oeca· sionally punctuated by an intelli. gent.looking, black·clothed, begoggled being's announcing at>. ruptly to some, "Time to go." We wandered back down some symmetrical, hardened ridges

and were drawn by the sounds of more music, this time supplied harmoniously by instruments which the students were manipulating to the instruction of a be· ing called "C." We were amazed at the rich quality of such music and impressed by such diversify· ing of intellectual talents. After a shrill bell.noise formally ended the instruction, we observed a broad range of activities and gatherings inside and outside the building. In some cubicles, students engaged in speaking contests, others aimed small, black and silver, metal, nashing containers at various creatures and objects, some scratched complex numerical equations onto a blue-green wall in one of the cubicles. And still others, dressed in blue and gold, threw, kicked, or struck with metal some brown, multi-colored, or white spheres (and some of these

while knocking each other down - strange, but fascinating). While preparing to exit the build· iog one last time, we transported ourselves along a glass-enclosed tunnel and noted numerous gold and silver metallic plates and fig· ures, all of which obviously accounted for excellence of accom· plishment both within the many cubicles and on the grassy, hard· wood. or watery area of after. Hschool" activities. Returning to our spaceship, we were firmly convinced that we had encoun· tered, at this school caJled LaSalle, what we had long~hoped to discover: the signs of intelligent life.


Sean Hendrick with Mark Campbell and Quintin Mecke

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s LaSalle's resident chief physicist, electronics expert, and private tutor, Ms. Lorraine Rimert has for years given much of herself - her knowledge, her dedication, and her energies - to LaSalle. Intense, active, scholarly, and patient, Ms. Rimert provides, for her students and for her peers, a good model of what a LaSallian teacher should be. On these few pages, we take pride in honoring her for the work she does and for the person she is. Ms. Rimert's expertise and professionalism both exemplify and reflect LaSalle's intelligent life. She has been gifted with a unique

Dedication understanding of the laws and properties of physics and electricity. Dedication in her teaching skills make any subject, from simple vectors to quantum mechanics, clearer to and more appreciated by her students. Hopefully, after a thorough explanation and demonstration of a theory, we can answer her direct, daily question: "What does this mean for us?" No matter how we answer, we always (or, most of the time) can agree with her that "Physics is Fun." Away from the classroom, Ms. Rimert helps sustain the life of the school in other ways. She can be approached at any time to explain problems to confused students. She tutors struggling students in the A.V. room from long before to long after formal school hours. She keeps all the A.V. equipment in excellent condition, satisfying every teacher's requests for smooth-working machines, often at a moment's notice. And during the annual Open House, Ms. Rimert really brings physics and electricity to life with amazing experiments and demonstrations. Undoubtedly, her energies are channeled toward, and felt by, both the current and future communities of LaSalle. Whether or not you have expe-

rienced Ms. Rimert's teaching, you know that she greatly influences the everyday academic functioning of our school. She affects our collective intellectual life by constantly and humbly maintaining her vital commitment to the LaSallian family. We hope that our dedicating of the 1991 Blue and Gold to her makes her realize our deep appreciation.


Brother Robert Shea. F.S.C. "The focus of the ministry of education at LaSalle is to provide lor the intelligent life defined as students. [ influence that intelligent life by coordinating the efforts of the Principal, Assistant Principal, Vice President, and Comptroller in such a way as to maxImize the program offered to those entrusted to our care. Secondly, I try 10 influence Intelligent life by Inviting those

in a position to do so, to financlally support the school's many projects. I hope to Influence at least a small portlon of the 'intelligent life' al LaSalle by continuing to teach the course on Prayer to members of the senior class. I see intelligent life in everyone who is a member of our LaSaliian Family; Board 01 Trustees, Administration, Faculty, Staff, Students, Parents, Alumni and Friends of LaSalle. The primary reason for OUf being i!l family is to support the intelligent life of the students."

Brother F. Shea: PreSident; Prayer

Mr. Da\lid T. Diehl "J see signs of intelligent life e\leryday when the doors 10 the school open and 1000 students, teachers and staff enter the building. Each day this group brings with them i!l storehouse of creative energy, humor, Insight, dedication and, of course, problems. The Interaction of these people each day creates intelligent life in its truest form, the Ufe of a school day."

Mr. David T. Diehl: Principal; Economics I


Brother James Dries. F.S.C. "My contribution to intelligent life at LaSalle is simple. [ bring together stu· dents. a teacher, a period of time and a classroom for each student and fac· ully member. All the ingredients for learning that I can provide are in place. The intelligent life that develops is a result of the careful tutelage of our fac· ulty and the desire to learn in the part of our students. A couple of times each day I tour the school building. As I walk through the corridors, I hear the noise that comes from each classroom. This is the noise of education. learning. and In· telligence. 11 is a noise of paper, of students thinking. of teachers causing students to stretch their minds. It·s a beautiful noise. It's evidence that In· telligent life is vibrant at LaSalle."

Brother James J. Dries: Assistant Principal; Chern· Istry

Dr. James J. Devine: Vice President; Cross Cui· tural Communic",tions

Mr. Lawrence T. Mangan: Comptroller

Brother Rene Sterner: Director of Admissions

Dr. James Devine "Through my interaction with stu· dents, alumni. board members and my colleagues, I feel that I influence the intelligent life at LaSalle. My class in Cross Cultural Communications is a learning time lor me as well as for my students. [n it I try to help them un· derstand themselves and I try to help them recognize that balance Is neces· sary In education. Academics as well as sports and extrClcurricutar activities make up ·education.' I feel that well· roundedness is the hallmark of LaSalle students. And by just being in the building one becomes aware of the lev· el of intellect present in LaSalle eve· ryday. The students are takers as well as givers of knowledge. They teach me a lot about myself and help me grow. They realize. I believe. that academics is not the only form of intellectual de· velopment and they seek knowledge in the experience of being involved and [earning from others. All of these things give evidence to me that they are seek· Ing knowledge. not only academically but also through experience." Brother Rene Sterner. F.S.C. "I find my new job as Director of Admissions interesting. challenging. and informative. My role as Forum moderator gives me the opportunity to see intelligence developed, because this activity requires ideas to be brought together in a focused, clear. and per· suasive way. LaSalle gives ilS gifted students the proper channels to ex· press themselves, prOViding for future greatness.., 21

Board of Trustees


en though the studenl body rarely rec-

ognizes the efforts of the Board of Truslees, it is an important organization al

LaSalle. As the ul!imale authority here, the Board makes the decisions regarding all of LaSalle's Imporlant educational, (Inllnclal, and developmental sirategies. These decisions are made at the regular meetings for the administration to carry out. Brother Colman Coogan. F.S.C.. is Chairman of the Board WIth Brother Robert Shea. F.S.C.. acting as President. The members of

"Dough, Re, Ml "Why'd they put the coold•• at the other and?"


the Board of Trustees provide eltpertise In finance, educaHon, and law. The Board is supported by four service members: Mr. David Diehl, Brother James Dries. F.S.C., Dr. James Devine, and Mr. Lawrence Mangan. These lour may voice their opinions but do not vote. The Board of Trustees Is organized into five committees 10 beller serve LaSalle. The Executive committee is convened only when the entire Board is unable 10 meet. The Fi· nance committee deals wilh the fiscal needs

of the Board. The arrangement of inveslment portfolios and gifts is done by the Development committee. Future goals are set by the Long.Range Planning committee. And the Nominating commIttee names new members to the Board. LaSalle is able to act tiS an independent school because of the volunteer service of· fered by the Board of Trustees. The quaUty of the professional experience present allows it to make informed and worthwhile decisions for the success of laSalle.

rh<! 1990-1991 BN,rd of Trusleel

"I'm holdIng my breath 'til you name II the 'Davtd Diehl Wing.' "


GUIDANCE Brother Thomas Chadwick. F.S.C. "I think Ihe freshmen are a bright

group 01 people. I am 1I helper who allows the students 10 see the gifts that they have. My study·skills pr~ grams help out students who are smart, but who don't see il. They life a pleasure to work with." Mu. Marie BlIer "How do [ promote Intelligence here? By threatening my kids to get at least a 1400 on the SAT! and seeing It as a reflecllon on myself if they don't. I'm too old to notice intelligent hie anymore. My elevator no longer goes 10 the top floor."

Dr. Doris L. Daly '" believe I promote inlelilgenilife by helping students meet the aca· demic challenge offered here at laSalle This problem solVing may mean a IUlor. learning how 10 learn, or most Importantly, Instilling In the student $Orne ilIcademlc confidence.

lntelllgent life includes social and emotional development. I see, here at LaSalle, a commitment to un, derstand the Individual student and to encourage his personal growth, The equal importance given 10 the myriad of activities offered demo onstrates the value placed on the uniqueness of each student Person· al and academic growth go hand In hand," Mr, Patrick Devine "In my subject, Christian life· styles, I help my students evaluate dlfferenl lifestyles they may be in· terested in. In gUidance I help them

choose the colleges best suited to them, In coaching I stress that the students are here lor an education. Aller completing my dass, students are capable of making informed de· cislons of their futures, The athletes see improvement with their hard work and know that It was worth· while." Mr, Michael Dolan "I believe that we're more than Intellectual beings. There Is a spiro Itual side to us, there's a physical side, there's an emotional side, and It seems to me that In order to be happy, we need some sense of bal· ance in our lives If someone isn't functioning well intellectually. he is often being held back by his emotions and I can assist him by helping to remove that negative emotional energy. Recently. I was really im· pressed with how open and respon· sive the kids here can be In the right setting, like the small retreat groups. I enJoy the energy and the intensity of the school day al LaSlalle: it tires me out and yet it Is really energiz· Ing "

Brother Thomas Chadwick: Director of Guidance & Coun· seling; Freshman Guidance; Study Skills

Brother David Rogen. F.S.C. "1 decide the end result of the inteJllgent Ufe In LaSalle. [ help the senior class by giVing them realistic choices lor life through the college admission process. I try to make the student avoid selling himself short in thiS process. I experience Intelligent life at all levels. I see Intelligence. especially in the seniors, In their organization. These people impren me greatly. I think that they WIll adjust to hfe easily:'

Mrs. Marie &er: Guidance & Counseling Services/Inter· mediate Unit


Dr. Doris Daly: Sophomore Counselor

Mr. Patrick Devine: Junior Counselor; Christian Life Styles

Mr. Michael Dolan: Senior Counselor

Brother David Rogers: Director of College Placement



Mrs. Karen Mullen: Secretary 10 Vice- President

Mrs. Angellne Colangelo: Secretary to President

• Mrs. Mary Kay Mullen: Secretary 10 Principal

Mrs. Bernadette Logan: Secretary to Director of College Placement

Mrs. Patricia $chi!lum: Secretary to Assistant Principal/ Main Office Receptionist



Mr. Robert McAnespey: Director of Development

Mrs. Patricia Dever: Data ManagerjDevelopment Office

Mrs. Helen Gallagher; Coordinator of Alumni Events

Mrs. Faye Kasloff: Assistant




Mrs. Diane McGovern "I lell my students that Ihey can accomplish anything in art if they think il oUI, put forlh the effort, and let their imaginations flow. Their arl is the visual proof that intelligent life does exist at LaSalle. Everyday students are chal· lenged to see beyond the real landscape or a stili life placed before them and to create some· thing which is unique and indio vidually theirs. One of my favor· ite projects is 'painting to music.' It's very exciting to watch a blank piece of paper change into a composition of artistic expres· sion. Now that's intelligent!" Mr. Joseph Ciccimaro "Practically all of my students exhibit signs of intelligence. I help to foster the signs of intelligence by trying to get, as best as I can, another dimension into their in· tellect, namely the arts, speclfi· cally music."

Brother Joseph Myers, F,S.C. "Well, since [ mostly teach un· derclassmen, the way in which 1 try 10 influence the intelligent life is by trying to teach the students good study habits, or at least honest ones. I try 10 convey this to them so that they are responsible enough for reading, writing, and speaking well. Because c1ar· ity and honesty are an important part of religion, I feel that these skills are invaluable. The way I experience the in· telligent life of the students in this school is through their Imagina· tion more than anything else. Re· ligion is filled with imagination; to interpret religion meaningfully Is to interpret it with imagination. or religion is nothing at all. The Mr. Joseph Ciccimaro: CHAIRPERSON: MUSIC DEPT.; Advanced MUsic, students at LaSalle have been Introductory Music, Intermediate Music, Jazz, Small Ensembles able to understand even the hardest beliefs out of faith be· cause of their intelligence and imaginallon...

Mrs. Diane McGovern: CHAIRPERSON: GENERAL STUDIES; Art 1, 2, 3; Art Portfolio: Art History Brother Joseph Myers: Religion 1, 2; Mechanical Drawing


ATHLETICS Intelligence is 99%' ~

Mr. Tore Hanssen

swimming Instruction. Okey-

"I see signs of Intelligence in the students whenever I teach them a different sport, because


they pick it up real fast. The kids

use their heads during the games and are always thinking of new ways to play offense or defense. They may be high school slu· dents, bUI they are always com· ing up with innovative ways to play the games. The Ideas that the kids come up wah liTe great. I like the enthusiasm they brtng to each class.'-


Mr. Frank Lichtner

Mr. Martin Stanczak: ATHLETIC DIRECTOR; Accounting

Mr. Tore Hanssen: Physical Education 1,2.3

"There is a profusion of intel· Iigent life here at laSalle which is eKemplified by the tableau of emotions and spiritual qualities fostered In part by my eKpert

Mr. Frank Lichtner: Physical Education 1, 2, 3

Mr. Martin Stanczak "We have the brightest students to be found. Aside from thai fact, [ see myself as more than an Accounting teacher. I want 10 know who my students are, what their Interests are and what goals they have set for themselves. In this way, I hope to have a positive Influenl;e on each and every student. The most rewarding influence on intelligent life at laSalle, for me, comes when a student ques· tions insightfully. Through ques· tioning. Ihe studenl can make a qualily judgement, evaluate. and hopefully. arrive at the proper conclusion. "

Brother Hilary McGovern: Physical Education 1, 2, 3


Mr. Dennis Blah: English 1, 3


Brother Thomas Bondra: English 2, 4

Mrs. Clare Brown: English 1, 3

Mr. Bernard McCabe: English 2, 4

Mr. Edward McCabe: English I, 4

Mr. Edward Molush: English 2, 4

Mr. Michael O'Toole: Creative Writing 2, WritIng Coordinator; AP English; English 1; Modern America

Dr. Joseph D'Angelo: CHAIRPERSON: ENGLISH DEPT.; English 1, 3: Independent Study in English

Mr. Dennis M, Bloh "As an English teacher for both freshmen and juniors. I get to see two very different groups of the student body. I think that is an advantage, be· cause I get to see the maturing and the blossoming processes first·hand. I see some very intelligent students here. I think because we, as teachers. care so much, we tend to focus on the kids who aren't making it. But there's a lot of guys who are dOing real well." Brother Thomas J. 8ondUl, F.S.C. "My contribution to the fostering of the intelligent life in this school? An epic bailie between myself and that most insidious monster that seeks to destroy any intelligent response to lit·

erature. Whenever I see its yellow body and tell·tale black stripes. I attack, con· fiscate, and destroy. Yes, it is that horrible monster. Cliff's Notes, spawn of capitalism and student paranoia. Sometimes It seems Ilke a losing battle because this monster appears to multiply in lockers and bags. But my dil, igent vigilance and love of the lItera· ture that this monster seeks to under· mine, contributes. I hope, to the intel· ligen! life at laSalle. Mr•. Clare Brown hi can describe my teaching style as an attempt 10 get my students, either through discussion or wrillng, to reo spond to the literature, but mainly not to be able just to recount themes and Ideas and develop them in a good tight essay. I want my students to grasp the deSIre to think individually. I feel that we are very lucky to have a student body that wants to do well, but I wish thai they would be a little less con· formist in trying to get the A. I can't describe myself as well as the students can, but I can say that I love to read and discuss literature. I love the outdoors which I guess can account lor my unique wardrobe. I hiked a good bit of the Appalachian Trail. I would like 10 conclude with this: if you like to read, then teaching literature Is a great way to earn your money. However, there is a negative aspect when it comes to marking papers: why spend your time doing that when you can be on the trail?" Dr. Joseph D'Angelo "I try to allow kids to have and ex· press their opinions In my class. La· Salle kids have a wonderful sense of humor. And to me, that is a sure sign of Intelligence." Mr. Michael O'Toole "They're everywhere - hallways, classrooms. dining halls, chapels. In the slowly developing, carefully formed ar· gument about a war and wars, in the scallershot conllation of random opinions about judgements and decisions. In the hopeful glance which says, 'I think ... ': keep watching and ['11 show

you Intelligence in the uncertalnlles. ambigullies, hesitations, meaningful vacant stares and marginal notes of both pen and voice. Stop, look, listen; the well·trained mind knows ils own dj. rection. Developing Intelligent life is not without effort. II means finding a way to reach the inskles of ideas, to lind their shapes. It means being willing to forego the familiar. It takes work: lind· ing Ihe right questions to start the discussion, balancing the three explicit and three implicit issues hovering over the conversation, judging just where the clock will let you finish. [t means for· getting, at least temporarily, that there Is a well·known world outside the classroom door. It means making the fa· miliar strange and the strange lamillar. Developing intelligent life is not without effort." Mr, Bernard McCabe "Whal?" Mr, Edward McCabe "I do not promote Intelligent life. am not a promoter nor do I consider my classroom a place for promotions. Rather I encourage students to risk their security by moving to the outer limits of their polential. I see intelligent life every time a hand Involuntarily snaps up, or a studenl unable to refrain blurts out a comment because a nerve or brain cell has been struck. I am not lalklng about the p0lite, mechanical, hand·elevating reo sponse to a mundane question." Mr. Edward Molu5h "I see intelligence in the students' approach to their work, not only In their offering of Intelligent answers but also in their asking of intelligent questions - be they about literature, wrltlng an essay. or baseball, I think Itry to create an atmosphere that's alive - one that motivates stu, dents to be alert to what they're doing, to lislen not only to me but also to each other. to argue with each other, and to queslion and compare each other's thoughts about reading and writing."





see how a student responds



lenges In and 01,.11 of school we can wit·

ness signs ollnlelligentlife at LaSalle,"

Brother Robert Romano, F.S.C. "I feel I influence intelligent life at LaSalle through my dally interactions with my students. Their openness and friendliness make learning ill pleasur· able experience. In class, they plead with me to learn 'las malas palabras.' However. this seeking of inlelllgent life is pursued in Spanish 3: 'The Next Generation.' .. Brother Jamu Steck, f,S.C, "Teachmg at LaSalle involves dealing with a lot of intellectually gifted sludenls who are interested in learning. I would hope that in teaching for· eign language I would open up SIU· dents 10 the values of different cuI· tures, for them to see that the AmerIcan way of looking at things Isn't the only way. The students' Interest in Honors language courses shows that they are very willing to do the work,"

Mr. Gabriel Blanco: CHAIRPERSON: LANGUAGE DEPT.: Spanish 4; AP Spanish

Mr. Gabriel Blanco "I believe that as a leacher at LaSalle HIgh School I am able 10 influence Intelligenllife in mulliple ways t try to provide an atmosphere where the students are continually challenged 10 think and learn, through lests as well as in their responses in class. On the other hand. I have experienced intelligent life in my classes through listening llnd interpreting stu denis' responses on teslS, in class par· ticipation, and in discovering how stu

dents present themselves to others. I believe that when you examine a stu· dent's answer to difficult questions, or


Mr. George Hohenleitner "Signs of intelllgenl life among stu· dents include the student who asks a question when no one else seems will· ing to do so. or Ihe Sludent who vol· unteers an answer when no one else seems willing to do so, Seeing life as a gilt, not as a burden, would be a sign of intelligent life. To gain intelligence we need to not only listen and question, but also to Slrive to know God. An intelligent life delights in the fact that we depend on God for everything in our lives," Mr. David Manion "Foreign language study helps to broaden my sludents' thoughts, while Introducing them to a new culture and helping them look at their own Ian· guage In a different way. I find LaSalle

students to be sharp in picking up a language, There is an Initial fascination with learning a new language, but as the work gelS harder, the students reo spond well to the challenge, [ strive to keep the students interested, while it is a challenge lor the Sludents to con· tlnue working." Mr•• Linda Donahue "I try 10 draw from dally life ex· periences in order 10 make the foreign language class seem relative. Also, I feel it's importanl the students see learning a foreign language as a life skill and not just an academic pursuit. I experience Ihe intelligent life of laSalle students when THEY make ME laugh.., Mr. Victor Gavin "llnfluencc! my students by helping them focus on the lesson at hand. I see the Intelligent life in every class, every day, LaSalle students are Ihe best. Without exception, they all have mo· ments of Insight, creDtlvity, and lar· gesse Mr. William Geiger "As a teacher. I believe Ihal it's my responsibllilY to challenge my stu· dents, to open Ihelr horizons. and to show them what other options are available I hope they will come to make theIr decisions and judgemenlS Inlelligently and carefully rather than half· heartedly. The outstandmg thing about LaSalle is that It has been possible for me to develop II lot 01 strong friend· ships with students because: they are such good kids, and I really enjoy working with Ihem. We try to have as much fun as we can, whether it's in class or in an activity, because I feel that fear and rigidity are unnecessary In education; [ think thllt the studenls tend to like and respect their freedom."

Mrs. LInda Donahue: Spanish 1, 3 (Hon.); French 3 (Hon.)

Mr. George Hohenleitner: German 1, 2, 3; AP German

Brother James Steck: French 1, 2 (Han.); AP French

Mr. David Manion: Spanish 1; French 2, 3. 4

Mrs. Nancy Zoeltsch: Spanish 2. 2 (Hon.), 3


I Mr. Victor Gavin: Spanish 2. 3. 4

Mrs. Nancy Zoeltsch

"I see occasional spurts of intelli· gence in many aspects of Hfe at La· Salle. For instance, I was greatly impressed by two seniors who had an in· depth discussion of the classic. Can· terbury Tales. The fact that they were only discussing the raunchy parts did not diminish my respect for them Seriously, I see intelligence not only in the academics of the classroom but in volunteerism of members, In the friendships and caring of students and in the helpful nature of the staff. I try to contribute to this intelligence by being challenging in the classroom, by being interested in the students out· side of the classroom and by my own personal commitment to Christian liv· ing.


Mr. William Geiger: Latin 1.2; Creative Writ· ing; Ecology

Brother Robert Romano: Spanish 1. 2. 2 (Han.)


Mr. John Frlzalone: Analytic Geometry; Con路 sumer Math; Trigonometry; Math AnalysIs I, 2; Introductory Calculus

Mr. Joseph Radvansky: Algebra 1, 2, 2 (Hon.); Math Analysis I, 2

Brother Charles Mrozinski: Algebra I, IV; Ge路 ometry; Book Store Manager

Ms. Tina Shustack: Computer Literacy; Programming 1; Geometry

Mr. Michael Ponlsclak: Algebra 1. 1 (Hon.); Math Analysis I, 2; Introductory Calculus: Statistics

Mrs. Mary Jo Smith: Algebra 1,2; Geometry; Geometry IT rigonomelry

Ms. Maureen Dugan: Algebra I, 2, 2 (Hon.)

Brother Thomas Dunn: Algebra 2; Geometry: Geometry IT rigonometry


M•. Maureen Dugan '" promote intelligent life through laughter. Humor is a good sign of intelligence." Brother Thoma. Dunn, F.S.C. "I contribute to the intelligence of the students by being creative and flex· ible in my approach to things. I try to make them think for themselves rather than memorizing everything without grasping the concepts. I also want the logical approach of math to be Irans· lated into the other problems of life. I try to pick out the signs of intelll· gence in my sludents by seeing how they conven what they learn in math to other things. I also look lor the stu· dents that have innovative approaches to math. those who show they are com· prehending the material." Mr. John Frizalone "I think that our goal. while we have a good lime, is to get people to reflect a little deeper. In math sometimes you're forced 10 think a little harder, with non· routine problems. Hopefully, the sludents respond to that, and give you back some of that."

Ms. Tina Shustack "I see one of my roles here at laSalle as an educator and a facilitator of ed· ucaUon I don't just stand there and give them information. I feel it's very important for a student to learn and discover. I try to have the students dis· cover the answers and come up with a loglca.l reason for an answer; they have to be able to explain themselves and their answers."

Mr. Michael Ponisciak "I try to get the students to expand their knowledge and to realize just how much they are capable of doing. There is no doubt that each of our students possesses a good deal of intelligence: it is just a matter of getting them 10 use it. The students show their intelligence when they try their best and realize that their education 15 Impor· tant to them."

Brother Chari" Mrozinski. F.S.C, "On warm, sunny days I nolice my students leaning towards the windows as plants do. They always move to· wards the sun. I don't look upon stu· dents as things like plants, though there may be days when I want to kill them or overwater them, but basically I wouldn't be a teacher if I didn't feel like that. Students interact with me as a person; if I do something that upsets the students, more often than not [ can tell that by their reaction. I see signs 01 lots of feelings with the students and If that's a sign of intelligent life, well maybe that's it. I see each sludent as a person who has a whole set of different needs from the person next to him."

Mr. Joseph Radvansky "I see intelllgence every day in the hard work and effort demonstrated by many of the students at LaSalle. In the questions asked and the interest shown In their education, the true measure of intelligence is measured everyday. I, for my small part, try to nurture in my students the traits of a good student: doing their homework every night, tak· Ing notes In the classroom, asking ques· tions when they are confused, and tak· ing full responsibility for their academ· ic goals."

Mr. James Roche: CHAIRPERSON: MATH DEPT.; AI· gebra 1 (Hon.), 2Y; Calculus AB, BC

Mrs. Mary Jo Smith "I would hope to challenge my math students to think and to reason logl. cally. LaSalle students are always thinking. Some amaze me with the amount of energy they expend to clev· erly avoid work, while the majority in· spire me by their hard working attitude." Mr. James Roche "I think that this school is a place where intelligence is emphasized. The main purpose of education is to gain analytical skills using intelligent reasoning. Mathematics provides thought processes, sharpens analytical skills, and strengthens decision making abilities. Mathematics is practical. because it cultivates thinking skills which will apply in the future. People like to think, and I try to make math something which will appeal to the rational nature of people. In my classes, I see my stu· dents 'discovering' math for themselves. When I see my students graspIng concepts, I know that their thought processes are gelling better."


Mr. Fr.n Johnson "Basically I believe thai there is Intelligent life in the students even as they enter the building. The job of the teacher is to awaken that - 10 create the situation in the class· room on a dally basis that provides the proper structure, situation. and climate for a stu, dent to express himself and come to a full knowledge of his own personal intellectual abilities. I feel that the teacher really does remove obstacles and tries to ease the stu· dent into a learning expenence. The intelll· gence is innale: it just has to be awakened. In regard to my own personal classes, I quole Jean Piaget, a famous child psychla· trist and educator: 'to understand is to in· vent.' I believe that when a person meets new ideas and the imagination starts to work, the learning process begins I feel that using the imagination is the prime goal and that Is where I see things happening." Mr•. Muriel Mehr "Although I've been here for twenty years, I'm constantly amazed at the questions that the students ask and at the depth of their thinking. They really challenge me and they help me to grow spiritually and, as a result, deepen my OWTI understanding. My time at LaSalle has been more than a job. LlISalle has had a tremendous influence on my life and has helped me to be Ihe person I lim. My greatest delight is being able to share In the gifts of our students: their creallvlty, their inquisitiveness, their imagination, and their talents. And, last bUI not least, I am a part of a faculty which is made up of good friends."' Mr, Geoffrev Nicoletti "Wonder is a religious emotion, and I often find students wondering. In my religion classes, I try 10 keep things light and sometimes humorous. Often I will tell a student to 'shut the front door.' or i will provide a 'running


Mr. Alfred Puntel: CHAIRPERSON; RELIGION DEPT.; Morality; Church History; Peace

commenlary' for a movie being shown in class. Teaching religion, however, does have a very meaningful purpose to me. I think that religion answers the 'why' questions in many teenagers' minds. [t gives kids a reason to care. a reason to hit the books, or maybe the eXira energy to get them through the day. When my students get in small groups, I see each one of them contributing to the work 01 the group."

Brother Michael Andrejko: Religion 2: Account路 log

\ Mr. Geoffrey Nicoletti: Religion I, 2

Mr. Alfred Puntel "I spend a lot of time planning classes that are relevant to what students might need to know in religion and communicating what I think Catholic moral values and principles are. The beller students put a lot of time inlo Irying to master the material. They also raise important questions to further clarify the material being presented. Their ques路 tioning, their test路taking, and their general enthusiasm for what's going on all reflect their interest and intelllgence." Brother Michael Andrejko, F.S.C. "I believe that 'Intelligent Life' exists here at LaSalle. Generally, students learn very quickly. I try to bring what I'm teaching into the classroom and relate it to the world that the studenls live in. [ believe in educating the 'entire person,' not just the mind. To me the 'entire person' consists of their ability, responsiveness, and effort,"

Brother Kenneth Cook: Religion 1, 2; World Cultures

Mr. Francis Johnson: Peace; English 2

Brother Kenneth Cook, F.S.C. "Five years ago I was assigned 10 laSalle. I was very influenced in teaching style by some of my own teachers. I try to use a mixture 01 techniques, in the sense that I think that people ought to be able to use their other skills in class. Wrlling should be a skill well路used, and I want to give the students opportunities to ask good questions and answer good questions,"

Mrs. Muriel Mehr: Death; Morality; Christian Action; Jesus


Mrs. Julia K. Maher "Science is a subject that should stimulate students' Interests in things that go on in their everyday life and things that they observe and do. I teach Chemistry which is probably the most ",bstracl of our sciences. However, the students can le",rn to appreciate that ",toms, molecules, and science are all part of their lives. Students at LaSalle challenge me as a teacher. They are very bright, intelligent, thinking human beings. They make me strive to come up with more creative ideas of how to stimulate their thought processes that will hopefully help them if they go on to science careers. The majority of the students in my classes this year are very hard working and appreciate what science Is about. Mrs. Linda Canobbio Because of the experiences I have had I can tell the boys many things that I have seen happen, and by doing so they come 10 realize that whal they learn really relates to what Is going on in the outside world. I also like to tell stories to emphasize a point, because it helps the students to better remem· ber what Ihey are learning. I realize, through the questions they ask and the challenges they present, that the stu· dents are interested in what they are learning." Mrs. Dorothy Ponisciak "[ present the students with an in· depth approach to a very difficult sub· ject. My expectation is thai if r am goIng to give an In-depth approach I am expecling Ihe same thing back. 1 also try to make the students more aware of how Chemistry relates to their lives. I try to help them be more aware and knowledgeable of the things around them. The sludents won't settle for 'I lold you so' kind of answers. They can easily pick up on whether or not the teacher knows what they are talking about. The students really want to

know the truth behind the subject and will not be satisfied with anything short of the best answers you can give."

Mrs. Julia Maher; CHAIRPERSON: SCIENCE DEPT.; Chemistry; Physical Science

Mr. Terry Gillespie "The function of a teacher, is organizing information lor individuals, taking topics and ideas, and organizing them into a learnable format. We do a lot of this in science when we do our lab work. I do experience intelligent life in my classes. You see it when you pose questions and make everyone think a little about what you've just talked about. It's always encouraging to see people take a step beyond memorization Mr. Rohert Reinhardt "Physical science alone can broaden one's intellectual boundaries. Through the use of intuition, personal experl· ence, critical thinking, and hands·on experience we can examine the world around us. I have personally wltnessed these applications of intelligence at school activities and in the classroom." Mr. Gerald (\lans "I remember that from the beginning of my high school career at Father Judge and up to and including when I became B.M.O.C. at LaSalle Univer· sity that I wanted 10 not only be able to distinguish the qualities of a vital and functional body from a dead one, but also to awaken young minds and en· courage them to be inquisitive. By teaching my students to learn how to learn, my hopes are that they will become intelligent and mature individuals with a basic familiarity of biology." Ms. Lorraine Rimert "Intelligent life in school helps stu· dents' own abilities to develop and grow to enable them to enter the world of 'college' and/or work as well-prepared young men. In physics and electricity I'm able to

contribute my own varied experiences in the field plus many practical appli. cations, adding 'color' to basic theory of topics in both courses." Mr. Robert J. Russell "I see intelligent life in some very ordinary events that take place in the classroom. For example, I like to ask questions in class - questions designed to see If anyone can anticipate where the discussion is headed - what the solutions will be. It is really exciting and rewarding when the answers to these questions are on the right track.

Mrs. Linda Canobbio: Biology; Human Anatomy; Chemislry

Mr. Gerald Evans: AP Biology; Biology

Mrs. Dorothy Ponisciak: AP Chemistry; Chemistry

Mr. Terence Gillespie: Physical Science; BioI· ogy; Physics

Mrs. Sally Mydlowec: Substitute Biology; Hu· man Anatomy; Chemistry

Mr. Robert Russell: Programming 1, 2; AP Computer Science; Independent Study In Com· puter Science; PhysiCS; AP Physics I try to challenge my students, both in the classroom and In the lab. It is often easiest for me 10 simply present Ihe students with the solution to the problem under discussion. However, I try to prod the students into coming up with the solution themselves - or at least the beginning of the solution." Mrs. Sally Mydlowec

Mr. Robert Reinhardt: Physical Science

Ms. Lorraine Rimert: Physics; Electricity 1, 2; Audio-Visual

"1 contribute to the intellectual life of LaSalle by trying to create enthu· siasm about science. 1want 10 give my students a strong background in sci· ence so they can know what's going on when new advances are made. I see the kids asking many 'what if' questions. This shows a higher level thought process. They seem 10 analyze and interpret rather than just give the facts."


., Brother Timothy Ahem: Western CIvilization; American History; Civil War

Mr. John Grace: American History; AP European History; World Cultures

Mr. Martin Jackson: World Cultures; Ameria History

• I Mr. Gerald Miller: Vietnam; Political Science; Weslern Civilization


Mr. Joseph Parisi: World Cultures; Psychology

Mr. Thomas Turner: World Cultures; Westel Civilization

Mr. Joseph Colistra "I get my students to think by asking them why they think what they believe. I see intelligent life at work when the students ask these queslions of themselves." Brother Tim Ahern. F.S.C. "Any teacher would hope that their teaching of a particular subject would stimulate thought and chal· lenge their students 10 think. To me this is an intelligent thing to do. The fact that every sludent before me chose LaSalle for his secondary ed· ucation convinces me that I am sur· rounded by intelligent life." Mr. John Grace "I hope to gIVe my students a real. working sense of how important history is in giving meaning to the present, and that it's a mistake to try 10 analyze the modern world without using history. Secondly, I am trying to continue 10 do what La· Salle has done for a long time and thai is to rigorously prepare kids for the kind of work that they're going to do in college. LaSalle has been a huge pall of my life for over twen· ty years. as a student and as a teacher, and I've gol to say Ihal I'm just trying to make it a better place. in whatever way I can."

Mr. Joseph Collstra: CHAIRPERSON: SOCIAL STUDIES DEPT.; Economics 1. 2 AP; AP American History: Western Civilization

Mr. Martin Jack.on "From my educational back· ground at Temple to my teaching of grade school In Kensington. until landing a job here at LaSalle, J have learned to adapt 10 different situa· tions in life. Therefore. in class, my hope is that my students get a feel· ing of respect for one another, and an understanding that I care about what they do nOI only in the class· room but oUlslde the school. I es· pecially want to make them pre· pared 10 face thai outside world. With history, I believe you can learn a lot about the future and the pres· enl, not necessarily just a knowl· edge of history, but an ability to

adapt to real life, and there cer· tainly is intelligent life among my students. " Mr. Gerald Miller "I try to get my students to look at things in a contemporary way. I also try 10 'go beyond' in my clas· ses, to provide freedom in class. To me, history Is not just reading the book and doing handouts. My his· tory courses provide good reading and promote writing skills. This will prepare my students for the neKt level. When students come back to me and say thAt my class has helped them cope with college, I consider Ihat a complimenl. Teaching mostly sophomores. I see Ihem begin my course as kids. and see them leave as intelligent. mature Sludents. From sophomore to senior year, I see huge social and Intelleclual growth. To me, that's what LaSalle is all about: developing a strong sense of 'Who ... I am. Mr. Joseph Parisi "By asking my Sludenls to ask questions I bring intelligence inlo my classrooms. My asking Ihem ques' lions also helps in learning aboul some signs of inlelligent lifeforms. These queSlions, I fell. help Ihem 10 get their own opinions. I see Ihe in· telligence in the school in the way in which the sludents in all my classes think before they ask ques· tlons." Mr. Thomas Turner "I Iry to bring my own life into the classroom. I ask the students to associate not only my experiences but their own towards my teaching. I believe that this is an excellent frame of reference for the students because they can relale more easily 10 what is being taught. 1 see intelligent lifeforms throughout the school in the way that the upper· c1assmen grow from freshmen and the way they interact with their former teachers." 41


Mr•. Joanne Ballod "I hopefully promote intelligence by helping the students find the information they need and advising them about how 10 look things up for themselves. I Iry to let them see me reading so that through my example they"lI become Interested in books_ "Just the lact thai you're here at LaSalle shows that you possess some In· telligence.., Brother Joseph Keough. F.S.C. "Most of the students who come to the libr(llry are looking lor very specific things, although they may express il vaguely, there are very specific ways In which I can help them. Helpmg these siudents is necessary because LaSalle is a college preparatory school, and il is a part of our obligation to familianze them with the type of research Ihal they will be required 10

do In college. I think that LaSalle and its students have a 101 of potential and that when the new academic wing (with its new LibraryIMedia and Computer cenlers) is completed. I feellhat we will certainly be able 10 lap Ihal polential. ,.

Brother Henry Werner, F.S.C. "I influence the intelligent life of the school by attempting 10 provide an almosphere on the relreats by which the students can search for the TRUTH in themselves. "By being privileged to hear and share so much of the wonderful. unexplained. and surprising mystery and awe that Is discovered in each of Ihe students' rich lives as they share their wriling, reflec· hon. and meditation with one another on the retreats, I have been able to WItness the intelligent life at laSalle."

Brolher Joseph Keough: Director of Library Services


Mrs_ Joanne Balled: Assistant Librarian

Brolher Henry Werner: Director of Campus Ministry


Mrs. Jennie Barratt: Director of Health Services

Brother Edward Cannon: P'1X:IOr

Mrs. Janice Ciccimaro: Health: Nurse

Brother Linus finn.

F.S.C. "I am like a farmer: I can see the fruits of my lao bors. In the beginning my students don't know how 10 remove the cover from the typewriter. By May and

June they have mastered the inanimate object sitting

In fronl of them. The slu路 dents feel proud of their accomplishment, and so do


Brother Unu! Finn: Typing

Brother Aloysius Lumley: Proctor

Mr. Frank Mul1ln: Assistant Bookslore Manager


,. I





'Afler' pholM of '8••ce. 'R' u.' cu.lom •••.


Where's the Fourth Floor? It was September 9. 1990. and Ihe LaSalle ~ freshman was preparing for his first day of high school.. He was worried about things like missing the bus, gelling lost. and upperclassmen. Overall he didn't anticipate an enjoyable school year. Brother Robert was waiting outside that next morning, welcoming everyone back for another year. Later, in homeroom. the nervous freshman discovered that his fears were shared by his classmates. Many looked as though they felt oul of place. Others related horror stories 01 how upperclassmen bully the "frosh," First period began to weaken those reo ports. In Algebra 2X a lew sophomores in· troduced themselves, and no one stood out as being particularly antagonizing. Next pe· riod Ihe freshman entered the typing room and encountered Brother Linus. Not know· ing what 10 eKpecI, the freshman did as he was lold (he was a good boy) so he wouldn', get Brother angry. World Cultures followed al third period, where Mr. Turner gave his jitlery class a kind

pep talk. He reminded Ihem that everyone at laSalle is willing to help them - "all you have to do is ask." Lunch was neXI, where Ihe freshman sat down at the first empty lable. An outgoing classmale joined him and began a conversation, and the freshman reo aliu:d thai many others were in the same silualion as he. Fifth period was Religion. Brother Joe Myers reilerated Mr. Turner's comforting words. He helped them to recognize "who you are, where you are, and what you have to do." and told them that laSalle means learn and not lollygag. Mrs. Canobbio's Bi· ology was next. Initially the 900 page book scared Ihe timid class, but Mrs. Canobbio assured them that they could do well with plenty 01 studying. Plenry. Al seventh period the freshman entered French class. This looked like an impossible course. and Frere Jacques explained that in order to do wellihey musl be willing 10 work. Finally at eighlh period Ihe freshman had English. For the preceding eight years this had been a very boring course lor him. Sud·

denly "Reading" became Mr. Ed McCabe's own literary world. making English a 101 more interesting ... and dramatic. Fortunately. the freshman had little home· work Ihat first d;"y. Soccer tryouts were after school. Alter running around Ihe field five times ;"nd playing in three games, he was worn OUI. This seemed 10 mark the end of his freshman athletic career. On the next day homework began to pour in. The rest of the week continued like that second day, and as the weeks progressed. the freshman grew accustomed to the dally routine and his new workload. He also got involved in eXlracurricular activities which enabled him to meet other freshmen. Overall. the Ireshman found that most 01 his classmates were surprised by the in· crease In Ireedom they received compared to grade school. They found bolh the teach· ers and students friendly and approachable. for the most parI. Freshman year seemed 10 have definite ponibilities. Steve Ponisciak '94

William E. Conroy Christlan 8. Cooper David F. Cre.amer Mirna.el P. Creedon Kyle R. Crou Jame. A. Crouthamel

Waiting for UTa Go" '$ 2:45 time 10 go. The second I gel home I will plop down In front of the TV and walch Joan Rivers. Closing my locker. I busl on Joey who has 10 walt till 3:30 for the bus back to Hicksville. Unlike him. I will be chauffeured home by my faithful mom the second I leave here. As I gel out In front 01 the school, I scan the usual cluster of vehicles. searching lor the distinct "rusted" color of our family truckster - no sign of her. She must be running a little lale: she probably wanted to put my dinner in the oven before she left. I can WiUI a few minutes. A handful of class-


mates ask me if I want to get into [heir game

of suicide. but I pass. explaining how my ride on lis way. My watch says 3:00; Ms Rivers


mus! be introducing the 9OQ.pound. vege·

tarian psychiC who fell out of an airplone at

35.000 feet by now I take it disheartened glimpse down the

entrance driveway hopmg to see my mother. but aU I fmd are yellow buses. Joey Hicksville boards one of them and smiles tauntingly at me as he leaves the lot One by one students depart while r m left waiting. It's now 4:05, and I'm growing very im· pallen!. I know she couldn't have forgotten, [ wrote her a note with poper from my home· work pad and left it on the kitchen table in full view, Homework should pass some time. so I open my Cliff's Notes about Julius Cae· sar and read the opening Hne: FLAVIUS Hence! Home, you idle crea· tures. get you home l Hey. I understand what this guy is saying! After reading the first tedious page I close the book. conVinced that I had occupied a great deal of time [t's now 4:06 - time sure flies when you're havmg fun. I missed the Joan Rivers show. but there's still time to see Gorilla Lady (and the men who love

Tfrnotb)l M. FJuehr Iurence £".. Fosler Domenic R. Fulginiti thomas J. FuJlerton Daniel A.. Gallagher Miehael F. GaUaghe.r Tlmoth)l M. Ganno-n MI<:haeJ S. Gupero Tdly Glouz~is Kevin J. Gordon James- A. Gorman Brendan R. Gray

Thomas L Grebis Frank J. Gro"o Pbilip E-. GUidi Karl J. Hau "timothy R. Hagan Jon D. Kangll:Y

Jonathan L. Hansoo William J.. H_rtman Ja.ffrey I(lasan

Joseph A-:, Hayes Robe", 8 t Hendrick

Lawrenee::.P. Hill

Chdll E. Holwic)( 'Thoma. G'... Hoope'r Wllliam'M. Hl;)uston {re.derick M. Hutibalrd Steven, R. Idbaw .Raymond T. Jackson


"I hope I gol •

quuler in


herl on Oprah, if mom comes right now. Nearly everyone has left. except the oc· casional fleeing leacher or hard guy after his workout. Where can she be? It's 5:15, and all Ihe people who play spons have been picked up already. I'm going to call home. After a minule of searching, I can'l seem 10 lind my quarler. I know I had one earlier. Now I remember - I gave il 10 someone to call his glrllnend at lunch; I gave it 10 Joey Hicksville! My cries of frustralion are halted by the gleam 01 headlighls coming up the driveway. I rush over 10 my bags only to lind il isn'l her. I resume my desperale search for 25 I go down to Ihe vending machines. reach un· derneath them all, and hnally lind a dusty quarter I run 10 Ihe phones and make a hurried call. I'm going 10 make her feel 50 guilty, I Ihink as il rings. I hear a click fol· lowed by "Hola?" I say. "Hello, Mom?" and

am answered with "Pienso que tenga el numero incorrecto." I apologize, reach into the change slot, and only find used gum... Ahhh. my quarter!" I shoul. I stagger out Ihe front door with a feeling of hopelessness. Raising my head. I hear a familiar, repelitive puttering. I look out and see my mom sitting in the wagon. As I get m I ask her In an angry tone, "What took you so long?" The nerve of her not to look even the s1ighlest bit guilty. She explains that she lIIas wondering where I was and decided to see if I was slranded, bUI insists she never received the note. I get out my homework pad to show her the exact place where 1had ripped the page. 10 prove her wrong. As I lind Ihe localion. my heart stops as I read a scribbled "pick me up alter school loday. Jack." slill allached. I look al my mom innocently and say "Oops." Jack Bush '91

Eric brc.k, In new drlvcr Chccch.

The Rite of Passage II never forget the day IWO years ago when that great big yellow bus with the funny little driver stopped at my corner to pick me up. As I boarded. a person in the front said. "Great! An· Olher frosh!" I found a seal and sat next to a similarly disturbed and con· fused freshman. During Ihe next half hour of my one· hoor journey, all of lhe sophomores and juniors. along wilh the one lone senior. made their way to the back of the bus. We freshmen watched with apprehen. sion. nOI knowing what the upperclass· men (a group which even Included sophs) were planning. They sat back there for five minutes plot ling their


strategy. Then, a mammoth junior slood up and announced, "Each freshman will come back here. receive a number. and tell the rest of us" Believe me. we were in no position to resist. Each one of us clumsily. fearfully made our way back to this gianI's seat. We stated oor name. and told Ihem why we chose LaSalle as our high school. We were then made to answer a series of embarrassing questions. After our inlerview, we were as· signed numbers. The ride finally ended ... at least for Ihal morning. In the ahernoon. Ihese same upper· classmen piled into Ihe back of the bus

Vincent JlfL'tO'U'~ John D. Lottier Matthe.w J. L""yon s'~awn M. Lyons Ian 1\ Mac;ki'ntos'b S,teph~n FJ "aert~J

..0.1'N. f!I~d. AI~andr9 M~lateltlo ~ "f, uk~. ,Mo.1<ey·(j John E. MarkowiJlu , >RObcert D. Masuce~ Brian C. 1I:I.t ~uts (~

Kevi~~ Mc:Adiiter RoWrl J...)tc4au~

~rl T. M¢Cool Mlcbael .L McC~u RiC;.ha{d. J. McCr.&en

F. ",Otrl"" kcl>oDaliI Mjc~"'-J,


M'JlftjulwcS. XcGQIdric~ l41d,0~1 P. Mc~l"


.Bofl.....;nva). ., :r,_ ;fOJuI V... McKee

'tIt,m.. ;,. IIJa.ushiin

Joseph M. Oli\ler Dele B. Oydule MattheW" F.;Palombaro Andrew A. Paolont!. ~ Andrew IL Parry Jobn C. Paul


Robert S.1'Peffie frank 4. Pell4!:srino M'ilrco J. Perfetti Jo.eeh A,... Perllts. Frao~ie.J. Petka Brian B. Piskai Mariuu~, Plewa Stepfu"'M. PonisclakDaniel P. Pritchard Donilld M. Quinn Richard J. Raya.eo O..,ieJ A. RendinC"-

with wide grins on their faces. Even the bus driver was smirking, fully aware of our impending doom. We Just sal there, scared for our lives. The same huge junior began the rit路 uaL He randomly picked a number. and its frightened Ireshman owner marched back to his late. After this rite of passage, we were all accepted as new members of the bus. Now, as a junior. I appreciate the bus for Ihe many survival skills it has taught me. And I have had the opportunity 10 Initiate some freshmen in my lime as well. Mike Magro '92

"Wh.1 .,~ yo" ' ... ghing F,o.h?"



Guys - 929, Girls - 0 You can't live with them. and you can't live WIthout them 15 something we always say. Bur for the next few years

you're all alone, since you chose the LaSalllan way. For those ignoramuses who don', understand. I allude [0 the OpposIte gender. The pan of humanity we aU find entrancing.

mysterious and "oh" so tender. On Ihe l;rsl day of school when you sat at your desk. you Ihought you'd go out of your mind. No matter your search In every clossroom and hallway, not a girl your age would you find. Sure there are females throughout the school, but they're teachers,

assistants and such. You can't ask them out,


, "

• they're as old as your parents. and I don't think they'd like it too much. Now the first day is over,

you aTe sad and distraught, while riding home on the bus. h SlOps at the Mount, and you think to yourself. "Maybe they'll sit next to us." You sprmg oul a novel to exhIbit your lnlellect the one about Odysseus' quest. But you don', even nOlice it' 5 held upside.down,

and nary a girl is impressed. For the next lew weeks you continue With life.

recalling the past few days. T Tying hard to convince your academic self. that ifs only a teenage phase. You atlend your first mixer and your angUish subSides.

Wh.I'. 1A1..1... hom thl. pictur.?



Michael Adamow Edward Allen Ronald ,Altieri Michael Ashton Richard AusHn Robert Ball


Daniel B.rb.....ce


o M o R E



Mark Michael Kurt Brendan

B,Avuso BU\ler Bergen Bitting Bolaod

f<evJQ Boyle

Paul Brady Matt~ew Brescia Gerar~ Brinkm.....n

Ralph 8rower Thomas Butchet Anthony C.Mtti Edward Canallev ,jIoseph Capouoli Daniel Caputo Nicholas Carmenlco Timothv Carr

Jason Carter PIlUI C...idy

David c.ttie John Ceccol. Edmund Chol Gregory' Qtro

"Don't I Look 17?" nce you become a sophomore, you re, atly begin to Ihink that you're hot stuff. Then! eXISts a species of studentia that you may now, according 10 school tradition, pick on. Of course I'm referring to that barrel of monkeys known as the freshmen In facl. I believe In some obscure Indo-Anglo·Scan, danauiiln language. Ihe word "sophomore" means "one With Inflated ego." Nothing can stop you In the 1Oth grade - except the IIcket seller at the movIes There you are, in Ironl of all your peers, when you ask Ihe cashier lor tickets. "Two for Misery," you say. Embarrassment reigns as the ticket lady says. "I think you're a lillie late for thaI." and then giggles al her weak attempt at humor. Gelling desperate, you respond with, "Yeah, whatever. Listen, [just want to buy a couple of tickets. Here's my money The situation climaxes with this



complete stranger admonishing you "Sorry, dear, but you have to be 17 to see that mov, ie." That distant chuckling behind you in line maXImizes the humiliatIon There are many tactics you may employ to beat the system and watch your chOIce of films futl of sex and Violence. Use them at your own dlscretJOn: 1) Always surround yourself WIth the AU· RA of being 17 Wear dark sunglasses This may brmg some looks at 10 p.m., but hey, you'll get in Also, never be afraid 10 use sophisticated words like "squalor" or "quilt, otic." They'll be blown away. 2) LIe. ThIS IS a given: say anything that will get you in You can go to confession later Try lines like: ''I'm doing a review for my school newspaper," "I'm being chased by a pack of homicidal camels who are nat· urally afraid of Stephen King flicks," or, my

personal favorite. 'Tm your new supervisor, and I was giving you a chance 10 do some free brown-nosing"

3) Debate the situation Waste 1I few minutes complaining to your nemesis. In an annoying tone. whine: "Are you sayingI'm not mll!l.lre enough 10 see thiS movie? Should I take thiS as a personal allronl 10 my good name? What about you? Are you mature enough to have thiS high, powered Job? Did It require detective schoollraining?" By now Ihe person is so embarrassed and aggravated that entrance is almost assured. 4) Ask to see the manager. When he or she arrives, refer to rule "'2: lying. Say that you were Irying to get a ticket to Bambi and the attendant started pestering you. Then promise to begin a boycott of the thealer by you and your friends. 5) Hypnotize. It Is very tricky but both of


flln "'.tchiR, ReKlMn.

_phomOf ••



you leave feeling, well. wonderful about life. 6) Use your charm (if available). Ask the tIcket seller oul on a date. Take care. though, ,f this cashier ,s a guy. because he may mislake you lor someone who goes to Ihal other prep school. 7) Give bribes. Say: "I know how much they pay you. and I'll double it. Here's three bucks. " 8) When all else fails. ask an older person to buy the tickets for you. This Is a little degrading, but worlh it. Obviously, to be a successful sophomore.

you have to be cocky, egotistical, and never wrong. Hopefully this Ust of techniques brings you closer to capturing the essence of sophomore·hood. Or. at leasl you'll gel 10 see a few good movIes Joe Zalewski '93

~;;;:~~~ij~~:i~~~::~~~~~:~Kenne1h €IarlJ: ..J(evl:'! eonlin

ehd_weher Convey Albert: Corn~ Michael CUb'a

Nk:holu Cuce..


Stirring it up don, to yell to - their old and new friends. Music for the most part consists of modern dance, new wave, heavy met路 al. and rap, with a touch of classic rock.

Featured often are groups like the Cure. Madonna. ACjDC,



mer, the Romantics, and (maybe some路

day) Pink Floyd or Jimmy Buffett. Generally, such a variety allows for a good time despite musIcal preference. Basically, a student can have fun doing anything at a mixer. If he wants to dance, he can. [f he wants 10 make out with his girlfriend (within certain ob路 vious limitations), he can. If he just

wants to be with his friends, he can. Students who have fun lives at LaSalle go to Mixers!

Greg Linde '91

Under hypnoili. Bill McKeown performl the Sl~~plng Flamingo.

L.s.lI~'•• nnual I•• nlueltit~ danc~ m.ralhon.

Shorn to be Wild hair on top is spiked. Mutations of this theme include shaving the sides and combing the top. and adding a cute little tail in the back (reserved for the tough Guidos). modifica· tions which are equally respectable. Common in the suburbs is the "bowl cuI." Imagine placing a mixing bowl on someone's head and snipping the hair Ihat sticks out, so that the effect makes one look taller (if not like Mary Lou Retlon). Based on the bowl cut is the "pasta head," whose owners must spend hours curling the bowl·cut hair. Some highly creative individuals combine both the bowl cut and the Guido cut, thus achieving the "frisbee-head" look. Left out of these illustrations are the pitsters, who have their own fashion savvy. In the pit tong hair is vogue. They treat their

pecific styles of clothing, of speaking, or of jewelry characterize cerlain groups of people. Scottish men are known for the kilts


they wear, while sombreros aTe indicative of

Mexicans. Signs of another's style define students at LaSalle with one's quick gllmpse into the hallway. You can't help but notice the distinctive sculptings of the "common"

haircuts. At LaSalle, a popular hairdo is the Guido (say "gwee.doh"). At least 50% of our fresh· men and sophomores tend to favor this style. Unfamiliar with the details of the GUido, I turned to a Northeast Philadelphian expert who supplied information about the basic Guido and its v",riations. The most prevalent

Guido is the "brain- freeze" type, where the sides of the head are shaved and the leftover

Miehael f<tefe.r .:J0hq Klejn~,

JoefKlock , l(,evJn KochanskI K"e.rao,Kplollsh'1'n ~ KeVin La~~,~



'Jo'hn Ylp·Kt.y Lam <) Vin enlLaurich G-t«gory"Levin

,... Rlc!'af.!l ~;


:.t- John 1.loyd "D}lDlel oftus


hair with affection, even if it doesn't seem like they wash it ohen. The pitsters also talk about their tresses as if they were separate entities. The only diversity In these cuts Is the length Itself. The last hairstyle seen at LaSalle Is the grade school cut, parted mundanely on the side. This old· fashioned method is worn by the majority of students here. They are the control against which the GUido, bowl, and pitster cuts can be measured. All of these cuts display originality, show· ing those around us who we are and who we want to be. And why was that musical "Hair" such a big deal? Mall McElvenny '91



Vivek Parma'r Midlael Parsons FraOUKo P..quali Christopher Pen'y Scotl.Pesoat'Ore Erie Plover Manos PouJoPoW()$ David Rafferty 1fh6mu Ragusa Mietl-el Rando"!p-h Bria. R~e,ves Chrl.topher Reilly ~enni.


Ch~illtopher He-uilinger

Mfeh.,el ,Riccio :Joseph ,Rjl)aJdi" Andrew Robln50D Stephen Rce;lIer; Matthew Roellsat' 拢,ric R,othenheber

Leonard SaUnis Dr.clley SaacleIJa Keith Seandone WiUlam Scbtouer William Sellen Hank Shar.key Micha.1 Sheridan Matthew Shevlin Matthew Shields John snu

No Time nce a cuslom reserved for procrastinalors, last, mmute readmg has become a very popular pracllce lalely. Some people usually don', wall unlil Ihe lasl mlhUle 10 read something. bUI for many olhers thiS is a common rOUlme, I am one of Ihose who made Ihis achvlty a habil for years. There are many reasons lor nOI reading a book unlll Ihe nIght before Ihe due date Lazmess Isn'l always Ihe only one. For me. Ihe fact that Ihe book won'l be due for two whole weeks makes it very difficult 10 begin Immediately nl forget the opening anyway if I Slart early, So [ wail There are olher advantages of delaying, Afler a white Ihe leacher assumes we had enough sense to starl reading the book, so he lalks about the first lew chapters in class That's a few chapters [ don't have to read now The book



Get Me Cliff

suddenly seems a 101 shorter, making me feel better aboul the Impending due date, Unfortunately, Ihe book is usually so boring that I fall asleep whIle desperately trying 10 plow through It When I wake up, I don 'I want to read any more. So I put II down until later. In the meanlLme, \AOhlle we Illerary geniuses happen to be m our lavonte bookstore looking Ihrough novels. we see an overwhelming yellow display m the back of the room. Cliffs Notes are never our malD purpose for crUlslDg to Encore, but the bold adverlislDg compels us 10 buy a copy We never mean any harm. Cliffs Notes were designed to help sludents understand novels AFTER actually reading the novel. This seems like <'l good intention, but when I compare the length of the CUff's Notes and the real book (considering the lack of lime reo maining till D-day), the I:lbbreviated version looks

a 101 more appealing. This yellow texi now resides WIth the original copy unlllthe night before the test If I wasn't golDg to starl reading Ihe aClual novel early, why hurry and read the CWf's Notes? Allotmg enough time 10 do other homework and thmk of more ell:cuses aboul why I shouldn-t read Ihe book. I read the summary during homeroom on the day It'S due (or at lunchlime if the test is in the afternoon). Any unmentioned details can be lilled In by Olher students (all four of them) whose books had actually been opened. Basically there are many ways around dOing work. Sometimes it's even possible to get by (not necessarily pass, thoughl without even buying the novel. BUI in the end, reading the whole thlDg is usually worth the tlme and effort. Ul路 timately, a more intelligent choice! Ed Pratowskl '91

"Now I'm DEFINiTElY .011tS 10 g.-t .n 'A' On th.t C.tch.. r in 1M Ry.. tnt ..... t period."

$70.7S worth of confl.cu..d



Almost Done ' I Jhile attempting to explain human nalure, t'Va wise man developed the adage, "To err 15 human." These words perlaln to every facet of Ufe, yet they seem 10 be most pertinent 10 the Junior In high school. It Is not fair 10 say that juniors err more than others. but we '!lre presented .....ith more opportunille! 10 make errors. The academic and athletic skUls are tested by teachers, coaches, and lesl coordinators more than In any other year. The pre"ure 10 perform is laid on juniOrs.

It Is the end of "Easy Sireel." Juniors are not only given the opportunity 10 show what we don't know, but more importantly what we do know. The PSAT and the SAT tests don't leave a whole 101 of room for error for those trying to gel Into the "college of their choice" Yel. these tests let it be known that there Is a good deal of intelligent life ram· bling through the back.pAck.infested halls of


LaSalle. Many consider junior yellr to be the most demanding yellr in high school. Some stu· dents may choose to be hard on themselves and carry a heavy workload, and olhers may defer the electives and take a breather. We have to worry about our grades and extra·currtcular activities at the same time that Hester Prynne Is condemned to wear the "Scarlet Letter." Juntors must also work with shapes. We are forced to SAy why something is a triangle when by looking at It we all know II is a triangle. Most students are content to stick with the shapes that Ihey blow into in the band room or throw around on the playing field. The rigors of academics are only a portion of the overall scheme of the junior. The other dimensions are not as foreboding. Most juniors gain a decent amount of freedom with the ac· quisitlon of a driver's license. Once we pass the tesl, if we have access to a set of wheels. our

whole lives are changed. The student no lon~ has to bum rides home from school. to the b; games, or to any social gathering. Dependl on the strictness of the parental unit, Ihe censed driver now has substantial control 0\ his social life. However. Ihe license also ad to the responsibllilies of the student. We ml use our Intelligence to remember to lock t doors without leaving the keys In the Ignltl and be aware of the state trooper when crulsi in excess of 55 mph. We also become respc sible for giving people rides to school and n nlng errands for our parents, Some juniors get through the year by re lzing that they are almost seniors and are s~ posedly no longer naive like they were as fre~ men and sophomores. We have become part the "upper·underclassmen." We take pride being more intelligent than we were In the fi half of high school.

Junior year is also the last chance to enjoy gym with "T" and swim laps In pool class. Elev路 enth grade gives way to more involvement in the school by the opportunity to be a leader of the students In student councilor In any of a number of clubs. Each junior receives his class ring In December. Some students are rewarded for their hard work and service with varsity let路 ters in their respective activities. Another spedal thing about being a junior is attending the Junior Prom. On this night. we rent a tuxedo and lake our date to the dance. getting a 5nellk preview of the heralded Senior Prom. All In all, the experiences In eleventh grade become a basis for a La~lIe student's future. We begin to put everything together that we have learned at laSalle and outside of school. and eventually tum into the beings which can be identified as truly intelligent life forms. John GormiSn '92

Five PagesDue Monday ow many limes have you looked al the clock on Sunday after watching Married With Children or the late football game and suddenly remembered that you have to write a 5· page paper for Monday? It's hap· pened many times, right? Vou had been given a week·and·a· hall 10 research, write, and revise your paper. At first you thoughl, "Aah. it's nOI due until next week; I'll get it done in a few days." By the end of the week. you had forgotten entirely about the paper because the teacher had al· ready assigned other homework. At the end of class on Friday, your teacher reminded the class Ihal the pa-


per must he handed in on Monday. You

weren't worried, though, you still had the weekend to finish the paper. frio day night you decided 10 go out with your friends instead of working on the paper. "It's O.K.," you thought at the

Greg Mason (.porting, "Guido") finl.hel , last minute report.

time, "I'll do It on Saturday," Saturday morning, you ate three bowls 01 Fruit Loops while watching your favorite cartoons and pro-wres· tling. You realized a big college football match·up was on TV. but you stili tried to get some work done during com· mercials and half·time. The game was a Ihriller, so any work thai you compleled was minimal. After dinner, you decided 10 sacrifice your social life for an evening, and do some work. However, your girlfriend called to Inform you that her parents were OUI for the night and that you should come over right away. On Sunday, you woke up late. You read the paper and prepared to enjoy the pro-football games on TV. The five· paper was in the back of your mind. Finally, after Fox Television's Sunday night line·up. you began work on your latesl masterpiece. You Ignored the

clock and just typed until your mind was exhausted. You were beginning to write your conclusion, bUI you noticed thai your computer had frozen. "Oh no! I'll have to start over." You then checked the time, and saw It was 1:07 A.M, Not enough time to rewrite Ihe paper. "Hopefully I have a back·up file," you muttered under your brealh, panlc·strlcken. Luckily you did, and you 500n finished writing the paper. Armed wilh a dictionary and a pen, you then started the editing process. Fatigue took over at around 2:15 A.M.. bUI you got most of the paper proof· read. You awoke disoriented with your head on the keyboard, letters embedded on your face. The clock said 7:45 A.M. - just in time to 90 10 school and hand in your masterpiece. Mike Cunningham '91

Excuse Me? It's 11 o'clock on a Tuesday night. and you realize that you have a 5·page paper due on the mating habits of Ihe firefly and major test on a book in English that you


haven't even bothered to get yet. It's a Wednesday night after a long shift at work. l!Ind you calculate Ihalln between school lind work you have been averaging 4 hours of steep. It· S 1I beautiful Thursday morning in

early spring. lind you can't remember the last day Ihal the weather's been so nice. You

ask, "What do these Ihree things have in common?" Any experienced LaSalle stu· dent knows that these are three perfect rea· sons to take II "personal holiday" from school. There is an unwritten rule llt laSalle. that. in order to maintain sanity and a positive

outlook on life. a laSalle student Is obliged to lake at least 3 personal holidays each year. Students can take as many of these days as they want, until Mr. Parisi catches on. Failure to act on this God-given right 10 a day off can be punished by poor grades or maybe even an actual Illness. Plus, missing such a golden opportunity Is a downright shame. So now that you've convinced yourself that you richly deserve a personal holiday, the only problem that remains Is convincing your parents. Well. my advice to you is to Iry to con your parents Into thinking that "personal holidays" is a practice accepted and encouraged at LaSalle, and let them worry aboutlhe excuse. This makes it easier when you need a day off and don't feel like thinking of a creative excuse. But if that doesn't work. here are a few suggestions in case of emergency.

FAKE SICKNESS: good excuse, one tha can be used many times over. Be careful tha this isn't overused, and make sure that. pattern doesn't develop (cold every Friday slomach virus every Monday). Stay awa! from exotk sounding ailments, Ihis may caUs> unneeded questions. Personally, I think ufE ver" works the best. It's short and to tho point ... and believable. WEATHER PROBLEM: If 11 snows sleets, or even rains real hard, this excus. is the best one for LaSalle. The people II the attendance office will never question an! weather·related excuse. That's why LaSaIlI doses so easily when it snows, because evel if It did open, nobody would show up, li!S pedally these guys from Doylestown. FAMILY EMERGENCY: A more com plicated excuse, definitely nOI for llny novic, excuse·makers. Be sure to use the Idea 0

"Yuterd.1I1 1 ........o.klngln ••oup kitchen for the poo ..

family unity and give a long-winded story that requires you to stay home to help oul. ("My mom broke her leg and I have to stay home for six weeks while it heals" is a classic example.llt is important that the tale arous· es pity from the attendance office. but doesn't overdo it. Too much sympathy may result in a phone call home, an unfortunate error. TRANSPORTATION DlFFICUL· TIES: a great excuse if it is used correctly. Often tlmes though. people resort to this one alter all optlons are exhausted. This has ruined this excuse from routine use because it automatically brings suspicion from the at· tendance office. But. if you can come up with a creative enough sequence of events. this has been known to work. (My car wouldn't start, and my Dad's in Ontario, and my Mom has the flu, and my phone blacked out so I couldn't call anyone else for a ride.)

OTHER CREATIVE EXCUSES: 1) "My brother's hamster died overnight and I was trying to console him." 2) "It was the first day of bear season and 'me and Pa' went ahuntin'," 3) "I overslept and figured, 'why bother?' " 4) Any excuse that takes longer than ten minutes to explain. 5) "Honest. I got lost." 6) Whine about a personal tragedy (car stolen. house burned down, plane crash, world hunger). 7) "I got the letter days con· fused and [ thought we had off." 8) "I was working the soup kitchen for the poor, so I figured that you wouldn't mind my being absent." 9) Tell the truth, they'll never believe you. So no matter what the problem, or lack thereof, it can all be made better with are· freshing holiday, As a matter of fact, I think I'm about due for another one. Brian McDermott '91


Time for Some P. T.P., Baby. JlIy heart was trembling with anas the clock slowly neared the end of the period. Bbbbrrrrriinnnggg!t! Finally, the bell lreed me from this hellish English class. Hurrying to my locker, [ accldentally tripped, further postponing my expe· rience. As I raced down the hall, I could feel my pulse increase rapidly. The gym door was open, letting the sounds of wann/l·be athletes escape loudly. A few leel more and I started to smell the perspiration, hear the sneaker·squeaks, and feel the aura of open gym. It was crowded, full of kids large and small. Awestruck at the size of lI, my mouth was a haven lor flies. Banners of Catholle League championships draped the walls, adding to its mystique. Sudden· lV, my dream was shattered as some· one screamed "Help!" lIbout two feet from my fllce. Thud! "Spalding" was

J ..... ticipalion


now emblazoned across my face. Throwing my shoes and bookbag aSide, [entered a game. Mr. T. Hanssen gave me encouragement to "shoot the trl· fecter." Seconds ticked slowly off the clock as [ brought the ball across halfcourt, down by 1. A little shake and bllke, followed by a sweet crossover left my defender helpless. Weaving through traffic. my shot somehow found daylight In the land of the trees. Swish!! I had just won Ihe Catholic League championship for LaSalle! Instanta· neously, the cheering crowd turned in· 10 Bro. Hilary's harsh voice yelling for the ball. I looked around and saw nobody. All alone, I was standing in the middle of the gym with a ball looking at the wall. Oh well, maybe tomorrow I'll be a hero. Bbbbrrrrilnnnggg!!! Time for Math class. Quinlin Mecke '91

WUUam F. Wittkampt" Matthew M. Wrighe haj.raJn Wvcbe V

John J. Yurick.



JOMph C. Zucar,e110 ""'

Junlo,. unavailable for photos: Daniel Collins. Joseph Markmann and David Pickard.



Drawing Up Plans For Success Art Club Signs Their Masterpieces The Art Club. under the guldJ ance of Diane McGovern. help. to provide a cultural aide to lAS.lle', .fter school activities. The Art Club ia tailored to atu' dents who bave an .ppreclation for the fine art•• and those who want to try their hand at "arloua artistic medium•. Once a week, the Art Club meet. after school for two to three hour. of creativity and In.piration. Each se..ion I, dedicated to • different medium such a. clay sculpture. p.ste1., watercolor, or pen and ink. In addition to theM normal projecta, the Art Club alao h.. field trip. to loul galleries. and holiday meeting, which incorporate a ••• onal theme. into artwork. The moat impre.,ive of theft "'.onal ventures I, the annual production of the offid.1 L.S.lle Christmas card. The Art Club al~ h.. a hand in

ADdy Wkhteb ball."

two more annual event.. the first o( which is the Open House. It is up to the member. of the Art Club to make sure the school is properly decorated to receive the prospective student. and their p.rents on November 11 th in a way that reflect. the spirit o( LaSalle. The second event Is the Spring Arts Festival. held this year during the week o( April 29th. This is the time that the students in art d ..ses and in the Art Club get to display the pieces they have worked hard on throughout the school year, and gain recognition (or their accompli.hments. During the Art Festival there are typi· cally demonstrations or lectures by pro(essional artists which are open to the entire student body. By organizing such event., the Art Club helps provide • refreshing break from the typical school week, while exhibiting their own unique Signs of Intelligent Life.

M". Diane MeGovern lIulde. the Art Club m.mben In th.lr .rtful end••llor•.

... 7.

"Y". "Ha1Io_1ll good. fire


Chrl. Medl.no experlenc:e. th. cla..lc: • truggle of m.n art.


v,.lnklng .nd dr....lng don't mix.


Tooting'TheJr Horns Practicing, Jamming, Orchestrating . ..


own lG tlie depths 01 lbe. school bWldfOS. beyond the.


their president, and ~im Sigmund

and Chri. Bonaer •• vtcc;pre,r

aJld Bojler Room.,liu the b Salle Sand Room..... myri" d01d dw8UinlJl'lace forthe Uving eotd of the La Salle mUlk program. All of be 1Ip••leal .pirlt ongme.... and flow. from bcr~ ...bere the ftudent. 1IMe tbeiJ' ue.-

dent... Dan ana hr, l·.ntenab).... hav led th. Band with mu"h ,U«:-af --tlarougb "VUlt) event. thl• .,Year. Some of thcle. Include pedo..• manee. at. th Summer Fhng ....t 'thaFtaneler'e 80tel in Ocean

atlv.. intelU9en~ to \Ie· rletvol dut1lc"alsouny and.-tyle.. It'.-ea., ttl r.ee:ognize _-",ember of th. Bin4kc8uM hal. elthe,r ~.nyin9 bit Instnun.nt, in which caM W. ]",s~ a little. obVion" he's delllon.trat~1I fils ctud"'fty and 1ndlvld..aUty.; where It's ,.1, roost equUp obulou. SU..... the Aulents til 'the Bana might be: a Httl. diffe..ent; bart wbat's W1"OfIS witb belnl "zanv? After. all.. the,. h.ve bun many (.mou people HC' . . Sigm.und r .. «u~ Vincent Van Gosh, ... d Stp« Vai, wbo ....,thought to be etuy b«a",serthey ."1--' littl.. difflrentrAnd the.-1.a Salle Band is Ind'UbltabJy divelsc r conshluing tb.. D~me;rOUS ensembles that ex, lit wUbin the- mu'slc:, depa..tment: Freahm,n, Jazz/Dixj~land. tonto petttjon, Intermediate. S~'9.. Pep,'"'and Concert 6.no, Gult... ensemble. Br... Choir. and Vocal En.amble. (Hegl wha~ever pay~n.d to the '~ucblng aend"?J) Cooslde,iog ncb v... let" of m.slul lUe. Mr. Ion,h Cicci.eroo!Jthe Band Di..ecto... b.. .hi's


cq.plav •

huds 'WI cle"elo~fng tbe: eruUvhv anel mldkabbditles o.fhls Ita-da,n..... To keep hbnMlf frorD going totally In..ne.... "C" ha. ae.ted a deraoc.ntic system In which "tbe....tudc.n... elect tbeir leade...._ These offrCll.I'$ take. Oft maoIo' olthe ..esponsibilitles of the.. Band... well as o".sanizing meny of the edivitie.- the Band take. , ....t inr 1b:is Pllst year, t)'le students' eJe~ted. Dan llako",.kl ••



l'he Pre.ldent'. 'Dlnne :the IJi ef and,~r night.. 9.,en H~~.. • the ..nnual chtiatm.. and pdng .... COacerts. I;ountle•• erime*,(a!"v .. and M ndarv idiooJ concert., wu.ldv appearances at 1.a SaJle footbaU gam_In the winte.r.. aod just .1)oot aoy oth~ .chool affair--imaginable, WbereveI" the SandmavbefLlt'alwa". bring. life to the'OCcaalGn. OfteD,... sev-e..al student .. fin~a themHlvu "livbtt" in the- Sand room. huau.. tbe'y·ra. . 0 b..sst witli 'Band'wated .vcots~ This is ha..dly a punishment... boweveJ;..... th..,roorn,.aboUlub with ponibiliHe. for the-"creetivt" and "'iotelIitlent" 'tDlod. Music constantly blares from an Inc\:eClibJe..4tereo 'vstem! for the-lIstuJng ple.sure.:-In tbe lounge t 11 fe,w .tad""t. ~ ~a~cb _ movl~ or "J~UI Bugs BUn"

tIY: cartoons. A ".m s...Jon take. place whenever a few peopl.:'get, t"ogetbuto pl.". One or' two might find It nece.sary to ..p".flice tlie RPiec. tt-et th~y "tiatchaedt >- .(n cla..-toaav:' And th~haly creative -mind do lbe unavoklab~e homewoJ:k that'. due. tQIDono., DuiJna. tb~ school day, .eac ... meets in 4-erSand room for one pc1'iod. Often student. pe ap iheirJunch pe.riod in orde~ to "lay. buUt·.all,forthe .. k.otMUI"ic..~A f~ si,.so 01 di"otion, or insaoity d~ing on "OQlr porn" of "ie.w). Now. e seemlAglv drearllr. .dayc. dun~eOn;onext' to t~ Splter: Room comes alive, as the-.mel041$)


I A ......... ."..4"),,, 78


c~ 'M.t.- to ~

Theatre Hopefuls Rehearse for Rave Reviews W .. high school show,trythey ashen mOlt Itudents

out for

lume that it i. going to be • "big production." This past year, however. LaS,lle', Fall Theatre took on a different look. breaking away from "tudJtiona." theatre. The fall abow evolved into a theatre workshop for an involved. blendIng actors' ,kiJI •• atudent scripts, and multi-directed ,kits. In the fint few weeks of practice, the sizeable cast (which included Robin Campbell. Crl•• y Feuk. Jeanine O'Brien. Jon W.I· helm, Gerry White. Tim Mlclko. Jenn Tietjen, Mike Scarcelle. and Meg


brainstormed. dilcu.sed. argued. and ultimately, coll.bor,ted upon an idea, a presentation and .. weird. metaphorical title: TRICK OR TREAT. Written exclulively by student., the .how dealt with many current teenage problem. and dilemma., ranging in topics from loneline.. and friendship. to succe.. and failure. to life and death. With Mnlor John Trainer managing, .tudents alone handled the back stage work and on-stage sets. John was capably auisted by Scott Hagelin with allllghUng. wbile Eric Link. Dan Barbalace. and John Bodden expertly imple-

But .oft! Wbu li,bt tb.ou,h vond.. window br••k.?

men ted microphone placement and usage to ensure good stage sound. Under the overseeing direction of Mrs. Colleen Durkin Lapowsky and Mr. John Grace. the show resulted in an enjoyable and educational - experience for all involved. The cast and crew learned not only about the intricacies of making theatre work. but also about their own talents. skills. and communication strengths and weaknes.es dearly a sign of intelligent people proving capable of achieving a common goal. This enriching experience, combining talent. Intelligence. and the spirit of cooperation. signal. much promise for the life of future theatre productions at LaS.lle. -

Tim Mlcako


KI•••• MeA.IIH••••d ••••• th.tI"•••d .thl.tlu.


w••• up••Ilml V_',. on neatl

Mlk. SClIJc.~: in the fOOl. MeSh.ln ,.min "Memo,",."

a.,4 C.,ell


Spring Theatre Inside West Side


a. do you get when you mix the music of Leonard Bernstein. the word. of Arthur Laurent., the direction of Colleen Durkin·upowaki. the choreography of Arlene Conti. and a highly talented group of high .chool atu' dent.? You get an American musical d.Hie: Weat Side Story. In honor of the late Leonard Bematein. the La Salle Theatre decided to perform West Side StOfy. Bernatein Is well'rupected and widely recognized for hi, remarkable achievement, in musical compotdUon, and Wut Wide Story i. one of hi, mMt famoua .con~•. The ahow I, about two lover•• Tony and Maria (played. reapecti\lely. by La Salle senior Chris Bonner and Girl. High', Casey MeSh.in), who are torn ap.rt by ignorance. fear, and raci.1 dif· ference•. The couple meet at • dance but are forbiddltn to be together becaUM of the hatrltd between White. and HI.p.llnia. This tension is magnified by thlt feud between the lover.' gang., the Jets and the Shark •. Throughout the play the animosity between the two .ides escalate•. At fir.t they act tough and fight only verbal battles. Then a war council I. called and a rumble planned. What begin. as a dance end. with the death of the two

gang luder., Riff. played by Jim McNamee. and Bernardo. played by Fred oinl. Such tragic event. multiply until the cUmactic death of Tony. Weat Side _§tory operates on other levels of meaning .. well. It .how. how the ho.tility of adults can corrupt their children. Thi. terrible legacy surface. in Action. portrayed by Jon Walheim, whose p.ychotically aggreulve attitude encourages the racial hatred. Baby John, played by Tim Mlesko, is a young boy who observes yet. symbolically, never under.tand. the antipathy. Anybody., played by Robin Campbell. i• • girl who pathetically tries to act tough because of peer pres.ure. And Anita. plaYltd by Maura Schorpp, becomes bitter and re.entful due to the conflict. Even though the .how had such ..d muuges, working to create it pro\led to bit an enjoyable experience. The ca.t began practice In January and worked diligently to be able to put on a well.ynchronized and memorable performance. With one of the be.t ca.ta to hit the La SaUe .tage. W~.I Side Story displayed the talents of all Involved. Surely Bernstein would ha\le been proud. Tim Nlcsko '92

St., 00.... ao-, .a.o.. off ............ I_nb.


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Say Anythjng

I , inle'u.... me.

vo...r•••archlog to find fOme tugible. "gu



try th.lASaJIe-.Fo)'um. Not)t

Ii- not.... groue of ancient Grft.k phllosopher. in tot.. JittiDtt at0'p the Acropolis dtK1lSslng the .ilium.... oj Ilf.. bu .:an UP.eriencecr-Sl'pup of speakera .nd. ddt.ter. that mue LaSalle OM of th. bat fotensic teaou .r0'9ld.. 8~ot.bft"Re".. St.me.'r.....e.tur:ne.cl as mode~.toro~ the. forum tbi. vur. He had beld this pO$ltion 10 the .Jy "80;' when the. te-.m"pr~d :Hvcral ".«onu c.haotpjOM..'Tb~pote:oU.1 ..... tbere for a ret1lrn to tbb prooUMDc~ but ecn;ae hard work \VouJeI have to be done. GUldanee:hom aom...e u~ celiUl .eo.ella. Nke.- Joe. l!fc~n and .Brother Michael Tid6. along ...ith Brother R£DC.~ expet""" lenee, and a cle4ic.ate.cl group of student$. pafd divld nd.;fQ.~ ~h. Forum. DrUG'McDermott. Fre,d Dinl, •j and "ob~..a.Qd.uo held the positions of presl· .e.ot, vlct'lpreafdent.- and Mcretary re.pcctiYeJy~ th,ee. along With ,dlow. .niot urr.y HathJ· Na. .nchond • young team. JuniO'f. CfiuluKing. Jim Wlcker.Ila,ID, TODl Wut, and,John Bodd'-n 'each made notable conttibutipn•• Otb.~ .tr'ong unde..d ...men .~.ff d thl'1e'am .. well. and Dave RaUe.rty', )ohn.DUenno, Dan 8a_rb.lac~ "~GoJde.ret.,MateGoldbacher. and Chr~ faulan,




h_d.. .uce... ful





-U'to'h'• • a,,'lte. Stan., hel,.. B,'.n McDll,_U .11I.1Ili.. ~


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H.adrlell butu 'or.U .bovt Mlns ..I.et.d "1I·M.tholie.

Mr. .I

Roche......th."".t· rlord, M.d. th. Croope to tM limit•. ~I

"Wh.t do you m••n, no e.leul.to,.?I"


Mathletes Keep on Counting +. -, . -;-. and - are some. of the. symbol. with which Mathletes spend Saturday mornings once a month. At LaS.lle living the life. of a number. whJz meana being a "Mathlete". They are prodigies who try to expand their mathematleal aptitudes exponentially under the tutelage of Mr. James Roche and Mr. John Frlzolone. Once a month they give up (watching) their Saturday morning (cartoons) to teat their intelligence againat student. from other local schools. The "co-prealdents" of the Mathlete5 (aU the aenior membe,. - Rob Blui, Mark Campbell. Mike Cunningham, Sean Donnelly, Sean Hendrick, and Khoa Nguyen - we're mathematical. not hierarchical) provide the team leadership. The algn8 of intelligence in these dedicated studenta come out in their love of math brain-twi.ters - and their hunger for free donut•. Another group that enjoy. mixing binomials and breakfast are the under-

c1..s memben of the Mathlete squad.

Led by those incredible brothers Shah, OJ.. and Amol, the undercla ..men make up the backbone of the team. The seniors may have more advanced classes than the undercl..smen. but integral calculus does not help you add apple. and oranges. Although the official Mathletes compete Saturday, you too could be a Mathlete without knowing it. To see if you are a Mathlete answer these question.: 1. Have you ever been asked to take a math conte.t In class? (Yes. they aU make u. take them.) 2. Did you do well on that contest? If you answered "yes" to the second

que.tion, then you are a Mathlete because your score could have been aent in to the contut officiala, with Your name on it. YOU. a Mathlete. live with that.

Sean Don_lI11 "lit. "I


lh.r.'or•. I tm.'-


Giving a Helping Hand This year the LaSalle Community ~ Service Corps wa. fortunate enough to have strong leadership in the (orm of President Rob 81..1. VicePresident Jobn Trainer, and Secretary/ Tre..urer Will Spearing. Mr. Alfred Puntel and Mr. Michael Poni'ciak con· tinued their unfaltering commitment to community aervice as raculty moderator. for the organization. LliS.lIe', Community Service Corps divided their efforts among six different program•. Each program wa. OfSa· nlzed and run completely by it, own .enator, with the esc President. VicePresident. Secretary/Trea.urer. and Moderator. lIervlng a. monitou to ensure the aucce•• of each program. Operafion: Incentive wa. LaS.lIe'. effort to encourage the learning and Intellectual development of grade .chool children. Each week LaSalle .tudent. left for Holy Family Grade School in Roxborough. Once there they tutored the grade-school children in bulc subject. such as Math and English. and helped the children out with any other

problems they might have been having. With his calming influence. Senator Bill Molinari ensured that LaSallian intelligent life perpetuated itself through this sharing of knowledge. Operation, Elderly wa. a program where laSalle .tudents visited elderly shut-ins at Mount St. Joseph's Villa. Many of the ruidents at the Villa, Including retired sisters and Christian Brothers. appreciated the weekly visits and found it a comfort that they were not forgotten. Elderly's senator. John Trainer, demonstrated the prime characteri.tic of LaSalle's dominant intelligent life form: the ability to handle both an office and a senator position simultaneously. and he excelled at both. Operatioll: Swim. led by Chri. Oberholzer, was a large program that brought together .tudents from LaSaUe. Archbishop Ryan, Bishop McDevitt, Mount St. Joseph's. Gwynedd-Mercy Academy. and St. Buil'. Academy to teach inner-city grade school children how to swim. More important than

Bill Molln.,t flnenll \Indentend• • her the problen:l be. been explelned 10 lime•.



81..1 .114 ,1ohn Tr.llle. poH wllh Brothe. Mlch.el Me.lI. F.S.C., .1 Mount S.lnt ,1_pll'. vrn•.

&i.. O'H.r• •Dd C1ul,tl.n Roc:d. alold ,-,.. alilld., In theh 'lltn' for knowle4l1'e.


"NQ I_king In tIM boy'.loc.kar r_ml"


Corps Looking For a Few Good Men imparUng b.,lc swimming .kill., the high .chool student. served a. role model. for the younger children, giving them someone to look up to. Amnesty International was the LaSellian branch of the international organiza' tion for the promotion of political freedom. Under the leadership of Mr•. Mur-

iel Mehr and Senator Brian Carr. La· Salle .tudents met to discuSli the world geopolitical situation and write letter. on behalf of political prisoner. in Third World countries. Operation: Soma DOllS w.a a ma ••lve gift-giving effort coordinated by the esC'. Central headquarter•. LaS.lle served on a local level....igning two children to each homeroom and then making the homeroom responsible for the fund-rai.ing and purchasing of gift. for underprivileged dty children. Once

the gifts were bought by the homeroom, they were collected and sent to St. Basil's Academy, for the traditional LaSalie-St. Basil'. Wrapping Party, where students wrapped gifts and Iieparated them according to family. On Christmas Eve, teams of LaSalle students dressed a. Santa Claus drove to each family's home and delivered the gifts. The CSC's spring Breadbosketball collection, this year co-organized by Spedal Events Senator Will Spearing and Tournament Senator Rob Blasi, was part of a city-wide effort to raise food and money for people in need. Homerooms competed against each other to see who could collect the mo,t food. Highpoinu of this year'. Breadbasketball effort included a Basketball Tournament with Gwynedd-Mercy Acade-

my, a Volleyball Tournament with St. Basil'. Academy, and another Volleyball Tournament solely for LaSalle students and faculty. LaSalle's CSC expanded its efforts this year to include a Street Outreach program to provide food and Informa· tion for the homele.. in Philadelphia, and an environmental program: S.A.V.E. - Students Against Violations to the Environment. The CSC's motto this year w..: "Get involved!" A simple me.uge, but it revealed a lot about LaSalle's school community. We care about the world around us, and the esc gave us the opportunity to make a difference in the community through our actions, -

Rob BI..i, '91

Cllrl' Stu'" In'Ullet, voung ,w1mmen on I.h. finer point, of , ..Imming.


Student Council Take Us to Y-Our Leaders J.aM of .ctivl~.. re. .Iways vb- motes a vanety of activltJu in an ible when pa••I" fhe-Student attempt to improve ~he's<:hool en~ Council ofnee. on the wall down to v~lUJlent. All pront. earned from


lunch, In most cues, thert iIUOme., dillseftt .enator using hi. hee time to get im-pottant-- council bqjne.. taken eare of. 01' at least o.iog -that .... ptetw•• to goo£ off.,. h",.r~.bly. the average La· SaU. dude-of, CUTlous a. he. Is, 'iJ'Id. himMlf ••klng. "Wbat exutty i. thit: -o-caUed 'important council bu.lne..r anybow?t· 1$elien it or not,. the Student Council doe. an incredible amount of work for the. betterment of the stucleAl"'.Jife. Under the direction of P,•• ldflni: Dan Keenan and Vice-P,reaidenta Ryan ""Ty'rrell and Jamie. Barton, the council p:'o-

TM hlcW!.l CoItntt} 1-"'" ..e~ • • k~"tka~.

pl:ogrilma .It(:iI al -the ."et-pop..Jar mix...... the-student raffle. and

re,evdlD9 tMlp Gue.ning uSaJle studepts- to pay their tuitlon. n tbe typiul LaSali. studltJlt stiU Deeds proof o(the cl)rDmlt· ment -and -per.everanee of th,e

Studeot:Council, be should apeak up. They are alway• •ore.. than willing to bear any sugte_tions, and thev'U do cverythlDg p"sible. to make the bigh ItGhool experience enJoyabl~ uwI fulfilling. Af· ter-all. the Coundl member••r. concerned LaS.lle students tl)O. Brian McDermott '91

National Honor Society UCI_..._ .,..... ,cput;i! tn .n~,.nat~·;:'

Talk aPout Intelligence ...

Do.....lc f.I.I.In......t.

~.. HHSt.t.r fr*l Dl&I.

~ National Honp,- SOciety ba,.. .. been an inhg-,al ptlrt of tt.~ uatlon ot....~lJda y'l!:u:Jhrougb ...ucHtmic: and MdaJ encJeavora,. Jbh ol,lutndlng gr0'!P of ~den.. b ... furthered LaS.lle's t.r~ition of R-

une-bce. lhothcl>O..vid Rogus; F.S.C.• Kh

a. the moderator for. t,hc.NHS. Under bU luidan~ ~rmdentTom,Btttle..,

VJ£* t".luiclcnt- DOMeoic M"~ •• Tr u,a Stc.... ~atth.ew •• and Sec'r'd

John ""'Q'P~lI-b.vahelped the

O.r8.nJ~.til)n t'0'J'VQ dfectivdJ( and

..moothl TKe.NHs in m.." w.Vrto....de LaS.Ue. ~ ...O«.J 'prominent pro' gramcoalJnuu to..k"1u:tOrln9f whlch { run by c,,·,.moderat,or. Mn. Cia... Bl;owJI. Along with 1~m 8u:t1e~ H,•. 8,own"Or9.n~.. ~Dd matche dU" de:nt. lD need of 'academic support with NflS merpbe.,..pst tf~ oVCU' )00 .tudent beoefitted Irorp fb~•. ;n..,:,,:.~.. p~ogr ...m. (i / ~ 'tti.. ~e.tJii al.o .,...c.u' e..S:'!d· , lni.tr· fJ9l} at eyent" ;;oj '£ e..8bm,aw-Qrie.nta11oD Open tJ6u,~ ~ .l:,Id ~G'.dU'lftiom TtJe J'ia;e;.! ~e'ft.,.Y8"'y wUllll8~ NUl tlt•• c~Oo' ....nd t~lr he~iha. ~,eo invaluable-:' ... "Ga.,t Dece,nbe.~ 41 Juniors ...od



~nR;'("'9oie,. lndlf<tea1r10 ~.,NHS: ~

~Y wv.~.el.ete.d b$. 'f

pao'll of f.~

uJ(V'.4P:"••Y\or.....,ho m:aete ~a..-da:el'

bl~ tbtl qualification. for me~"""bef'->

.Wp. 1'h. new me",&e.r-...- like lhe P~d.ceHo.t:.-, uuf,L

haV.. a Brad..

point .)terase. of 9.~ r b.t;ter. bave.

.p,proximat4, .UlIliber of ...tr.cur-

rlealat actlvltiu/ "ad adplay th n~e.."r9 qu~iti of Sc.fu:.i.nhip, 50",,« ...........hlP. WI Ch.... ~ir, "'neN S'hden,'b hav« learl dem· ODS ra1ed Sl,o. l~e.UJae.Dt ..JJfe~


'11)ev b.ave dUttng..


MOoue LaSaIl••Iudent. ancf.,rodu~


membe,. of thvr commu· ~et.. SCola



M,. 'a..w poode"

Black Student Union Peace Uring the pa.t school year La Salle'. 8.S.U.• 81ack Student Union. h.. become greatly signUicant in the communitv. A. determinAtion and leada.hip bave Increased in this expanding organization. so have prod_clivitV and acceptance. In many ..av. the 8.S.U. ha. remained the Hme dae to previous .ucce••. Mr. Joe Pari.i and Mr. Tom Turner are .tUl both activeiv involved in the group a. moderalou. Open gym nllhts ..ere planned to .ma.. recognition and • apport. a. . .ere trip. to Si.en gamu. The homele .. drive for clothe. and toildrle..... again effective. And Februarv. 81ack HI'tory Month. gave the 8.S.U. an opportunity to educate u Sane about the pa.1 accompli.hments



in Ihe Black comlllunity. With the. . .acce.... in mind. ne.. leaders and pro,pective. brought the anoeladOD even more distinction. Tbe comblned effort. o' praident Geoff Craw'ord and vice-pre.ident 8m Nkhol. have proved very 'ruitful in the operation of the 8.S.U. this vear. The B.S.U. joined forces with the C.S.C. on some project. 10 better Hnle the communitv. Aleo. Mr. Michael Dolan a..i.led the club a. a co-moderator. One o' Geo.r. kev COOCerM . . . . been to put good ide.. into aclion as qaJck.ly •• pouible. BecatIM. o' this conscientious nature and a lot o' hard work. the 1990-91 8.S.U. b•• made more o' • positive impact tban ever before. BUI Nichol. '92

.. . . . _ . de, wbt a ...t . . ~d 'eel Uk.

",r......... _trW

Mock Trial LSLaw .... 1991. lite P• ....,lvaaJ. Mock ~ Trial eo.petltioa proved very MlCeeem.I for La Salle. Led by Mr. 0...... BIola. ao4erator Mr.

Mkbel e.-ItIy. tIte putidpmlu


vlMr. IItv....ble experleace that thQ will IMWJ forwet. TnrIDI. caM ill fleDt of •••ct•• t J•••• In .n .ct••1 c.om bOOla pve eacb ....ber of the t...... ftntbaDd, look .1 the pr.paratlo••••••ecuUoll of • triol. A Moek Tri.1 team coneJ.I. of three la"'Pn .... lwo wltaeue•. Eadl IICbool .. reqIIIr•• to try • caM ~ proeeculion .... then .. tile IIM. Thl. ye.r. r.· h:nliDtI n of tIM 'ea. were Maio,. Mik. CIIIUII...b.... QuJn. tin Mecke. Mic....1 Mull••• Nib



.., ..... _ , - . .. dMI



Sinopoli.... Seat1 WilD...r. N•• . . . .be,. 1nchMte4 Halon CIt.... D ~. . McN.cbol •• ~." T 1-10< F'" So... TH tea. prepared ir taM for .wveral week., • ••••• practicl r openl. .


•••doe'" .,..... c


.u..ct ...

lutions. wi...... r.· tc....til .....r trial.at.

epa .t t". Nord.to... co.rtbo•••. 11M,. ...., perfo.-.d brtDiaatly. Partklpat1D8 ill. trial r re.1 co••ltlon• •av. tbc t .. .orll....... Ir........ pr.paratIon, ctiqIIeuc, aDd "'ck· lb.......km.. It lacred·




tbat .ae"


will v.... tbfOlllla b.. Hf•.

Nlke SIaopoII '91

ee.t. ..


Gazebo The Perfect Publication or over .. quarter of .. ceatury, uSaI..•• literary . aziDe, tbe Gaaebo. ba. ' nt.d vari. . . . nd atacleat off.rin.ala floe arta, _n.U poetry, and aM}'. This yu,' blicatioa proved no exc.pHon IDOder.. tor Mr. Mlch••1 O'Toole bdped motiva'e, refine, and , ••• the abuDda.t .rd.tle talentl of the a.ade.t body of uSalle. The ~ aabo its lif. frOID the pool of i III.U". effort. of .blde-ala in lite creative wriUDI cI..... and art: d ..... al ..,ell .. frOID 0 ....... contrlbutou throughout the Kllool. The maguine offen atudents "an opporluaity to think critically. thJnk critically _••in, and to u:pr... that critical thinking."





... 10 ...".. Ie do _dMlr lIIraft,..


Ny. the be.rded over•••r. RevlIlion keo..... the moat important pfoce•• iD .tI •• , L.S.U.'. IDOl. ptlbUc collection of litenry work. The fi.sl prodlle' of lb. ye.,'. (dzebo evolved frOID thlalll_l. dr.fti.... d.IsaaMJ.... I'e- thJaldDi. HCODd (-.d thil'd••ad ... ) dr.ft· int, aaore dlK...IDI••nd . , • weD. vo- tet tM. pichlre. Th. flniMe:d work e ... It..d tbe Itae.t of our scbool -.d pr«Mated tb••t......t body • diver.... nd ol'ilinal vol· a •• of .tort••. poems, .nd art wol'k of wbicb ~ c.....d be pro.1. Tbe Guebo, uSaIl.'. mo.t .... prenive of late1l1ge.nce. once _s.ln dedare. tbe LaSali• •tu· dent'. crutiye talent•• developed .kW•. aad powerful Jillasinalion. Mike CannJnsham '91


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_ 103

Bike Club Putting Their Mettle to the Pedal


ve been riding in tbe p.......r ...t of this v.n for quite IIOme time .Iong.lde of Brother Joe Myers••nd .till there i. no .ign of OUT tbree reneg.de bike ride,. today. The trio .t.rted up . .aln after lunch three hou,. .go••nd we let them get • head .t.rt before we took off behind them. Now I think Brother Joe wi.he. that he h.dn't given them that mIlCh time.. It dM.n·t . .em po..ible th.t they could have gotten tb.t far .bead. • find it h.rd to believe tbat the.. three biker. could be loing th.t f••t. considering th.t they've .Iready ridden ..venty mile. tod.y. I'd be lacky to m.ke thirty. wblch II wby I'm .itting in tbe v.n. and not on a bike HIlt. I u.ually don't ride on day. when they go thl. far; I jUlt tag .Iong for moral • upport. Anyw.y. if they're .lillgoingllO fa.t, J don't think they'U h,ve any problem flnl.hlng Ihe entire cour.e today. The roule it_If consist. of one large circle. beginning and ending .t La S.lle. with one hundred and four mile. (or whatever Brother Joe's new goal Is) of long road In between, All three of the_ guy. lack ling this ch.llenge have been rigorou.ly hainlng on individual part. of it. All of their hard work seeml to h."e p.id off. "Well now. there they are:' ..ya Brother Joe rather c.lmly. "It'. good that they .t.yed togelber." And sure enough, our three heroea materialize In front of u., about a quarter-mile ahead of UI.


riding .tudlly. In othe' ca." es, fa.te,-~ced rider. would pull ahead of tbe oUlen. mUting It diffle.lt for Brother Joe to keep tr.ck of them aU. The.e three, howeve,. seem to be keep.... pace with each othe,. Tbat·. the intelUgent thing to do. If y" ride at a different pace than everyoae. e .... you end lip riding alone. wIUcb can be suicidal to you IDoraie. at .lICb , grut diat,nce. Ridi... toee.the, . . .m. to Itave kept tbeh spirit very .1IdI alive. .... we ride pa.t them they t and cheer the.... lve.. on t .. we begin to 10M .igbt of tIMID be-bind us. they bqin sq....rti... each otber with tbeir w.ter bottle•. Brother Joe let. OIIt • q1Iick ...... and lay., "Now tbey're gettlnl .1IIy. After seventy mil.. or 110 you Jut begin to get .Uly." Silly or not• there'. no .iln of .ny 10.. of en' ergy throughout the d.y for tbe. . three bikerl. Montb. of training were definitely worth It. When we've gotten. good dll' tance in front of them, we pull over to the .ide of the ro.d .nd g.t out to appl.ud them a. thev p•••• and to .Ik if there .re .ny problem., .uch ••• n.t tire. They .ppe.r .g.in over the horizon, .pproaehing .t • rapid .peed. A. they get within earlhot, Brother Joe c.U. out to them: "Any problem.?" "No w.y, man," repUe. one of them enthu.i••tlc.Uy. "We're g0ing .11 tbe w.y!" Joe CIe.pUnaki '92

Tile 199CH991 Bik. OM




Ski Club Life of the Slopes d.y bad finally come. W. w.... on .n Advent.... Tou.. B•• h••dln. no..th to Ve ..mont. The trip wottld I••t MV". hoIIn and the .ntlclpatlon .... beight· ened with ch pa..1og ..inate. Th. ba compl..t.ly pack.d with 1 boot., .nd .kl•. We were ••fCHIP of fort,,-t o people incladlnl foa .. cb.p on.: M.... M.h.... M... R.inh.rdt. Mr. Ra.· HII••nd Mr•. Sa".r. W• •rrlved In Burlington. Ver· mont .•round nine tb.t evening .nd checked Into the Sber.ton. We were ..rprlMd .t tb. ch...... m.d. tb. ho'el. Thl. "ear the" b.d lu••lled • be.'ed pool .nd bot 'abs. _hic::h occupi.d ..oat of oar .,.re ti..e .t ni.ht•. Our c.r· fe t midni.bt. y.' Me d to be .. ttins earlier each night. The neat mo..alns we ....r. up at .la·thirty. Th.t day w. be.d.d to Sm. . .ler·. Notch. It .no.....d thro••hout the day and we enjoy.d so.....reat powder .kilns. Unfortunately. M.donn. Mountain wa.n·t open; however. there were so... nice bl.ck diamond. acce••lble. We drove b.ck to tb. hotel In a bUnard and promptJ" enjoyed It. ameniU••. On Saturday w. woke up even ••rUer. W••pen' our d.y.t Stowe. eJlperiencin. the be.t condition. tb.re. Many double di.moad• ....r. open inducli Liftlinc, the Glade•• and tbe iaf Go8t. Lift Jine.....ren·t too b.d a. long •••e avoided tbe qu.d. B" I.'e .fternoon It be •• n .DO"'ins a.ain. M... Reinhardt aad ••roup of .....ent down tbe doable dl.1DOINI called LihUne. At the



Tith .. _

STEEP hili.

SI" Tllp moUl.'or. Bob 'n' Rob UHI M....I 'II' S.".I

'op of .lIt. 'r.n Mr. R.toll.r.'

..red "WIIoM: brIIII8at ida . . . dI"?" H. tHo proceeftd 'rip .nd f.1I down tile .Iope........


Mnlor D... Craig widl him. The ....t of ue ..w oaIy. c..... of .... .nd fo.r ."i. 1.,iag .cr h. Dloua••la. W. ra.urnad .h. locita •• .ad of the ••" .nd .hen drove b.ck Burlln..on. Saturd., nlgbt ..... the ..o.t .njoy.ble on. "'••pent •• tha bot.l. Th. cb.peron. w.re bu." throulbout the night and girl. were down the b.n. W• •U .n· Joved M.rk O'N..IU'. Nintendo .nd other form. of ent.rt.inment. By IBldalght moat of .. were alread" paekaet ..... in bed. Th. 11. .1 da, ........t on SuNorth (Mt. EIlan). Wa aU -.. of oIdintI. M... M.yer. Mr. R U Mn. Sav-.r .Idad together, wbile Mr. Rein· h.rd••kied with ... 1'1tare were ......... rocb. and ice wtakb m ..... the d." ehanengin. for .U. W.. h.ard .ome Vermont r••ldant. COIDIII.nt that •• nlor. M.rk O·N.IlI. Mlk. Vile. and "Ira MeN.mee .kied like ...nl.u. At four that afternoon we reluct.nU" loaded th.. bu. and h ded for ho..e. The drive H et like it would nev.r end. but we tried to keep b..." with ra· dloa. g...u. and .I••p. TbaDk. to our baa driv.r aDd our tou .uld•• Woody••e arrived .af.ly .t L. S.lIe .ro.nd one- thirty In tb.. ..ornins. We were aU .aha••ted .fter three day. of .ki.... vet we .lre.d" bad • yearnl. . ret n tile maJe.Uc .Iop•• of V · mont.







• •


Brothu Bob I. c:otDplf_tad rlft4k1Ht1ftt.





~.I~r Tim

r• •bodt~4 to dlteo_r

\l.1lnnjr, for fll". tante-p,lZor.



NC'IIlntr...1ual,port, American c;a.dl.lor', P01llU Ball,


G_ IntlrT1lpled _

••b.laIlC. pieb., P _ Ball

T<HIly', offlcl.l, ... Chad Sto..... Bro. TIM AM'n .nd Keith TornalUl,


.." - ..T.............. _ ........

Intramurals Homeroom Gladiators

. A etaa....

La Sail.'••• hl.Uce pro...alD ..... a •• h.a. d ••• 0 lanh1p fOOlNU. baMbaU. track. ud toIf l ...... aDd. hiPIY ........Ive b•• ke.b.n and Ice Mckey ...... tM cc.lpetitlon fOl' ....."--00 ead -.......

deal... to "'ve faD. Tbe 1IUMIe...tor tbe lnt......ral progr.m .. 81'Olber T.... Ahem. 8I'Ot"'" T DOW is his dlli..d ye.r of o "bl "t....ual., f.el. t p ticip.tion I rt c"olc. b.e. . . . It fo.t IIf•

. - - . . .1I.ate. The tItoee ...... ...... don'. IDft. the expect.tioa. of coacb•••re often left .ithod etartiDl poelUone. and ....u.e. .ltIIoIat ••,.cc on the 1'Oet.... So w.... doea ••tlldea. tIo wIaea be pte c•• frOID ••e.1II bu. .till 10\1.. to ..-rtid,.•• la ace.... tala aport7 H• •ak. . the . .art

...~...... ochooI•


dMMee .Dd plap In r.... Among the .,0 In the lntr.-

• •1'.1 P"OI... ID ar. b ••k ••ban,

8OIf. tr.ck, .ouch foo.bali••wim· 1IIiDI......1001. volleyball. pi",· poIII, .nd tlll-of-war, A ••ad.n. c.a 'oia .ny or .n apo..t. If h. e ..oo rdl••• of a.hletic ••len•. All the •••den. nftd. I•• n . . . .I'1M. . to compete.• willingneM meet d.H...t••••nd a



"PI8y1ag ..tr....r... is • 8..eat w." to p"OIDote frieodablp. A lot of tI••• Bay. will be .Ittin. I• bolDel'OOm aDd they know other pye by btd they don't ........ .bout t ,uy•. Th. prOllum provl y fo hIde.t. to get to know each othe S...dent. wi.... lnte..eat. in the e aporta becolDe friend. tbrou,h In....· 1D...al•.•• AIM. the bo oo.. riv.lry provide•• bealthi mo..e enjoy.ble competition th.a th.t of v.r.lty level .port•. Frie.dablp and han .... the two ele••nta that ...ke partlclp.ting 10 lolt.maral•• a...rt choice. Greg Linde '91


N _____ t.dII'

. . - •••d l. . an. a.cbrt

11M doN _


La Salle's Mixers Step By Step '.lIthout f.U. every t. Salle W' mi.er aUract. t.e....,. in drove •. Tba". bee•••• tb.a. daDC••, which invite pri"a.e g'd ItCbool. like GwyDedd••r. . .eant

DJ·. muelc (or a bud, Uke at the Feb....ry IIllxer). And good luck w..tiDI for another ballad to COlIN: on M YCHI C-.l ee' dOH to Iter (and jutlly putting on .11 th.t .ft.r-

to be • wood tilDe for aU. You can ....ve). YOII will _doub'edly feel u' Ie. your hair down (or IlDCHIU& it co.fortable in thl, arid w.,teup. dependl.B on .....re yoa're I.nd. Can', breathe tbe bot .ir of hOlD). forg.t aclaoo" ••d tile dance floor .ny looger? Wby ltang oat witb your bMd,i... Bat when you look at one 01 Ih.a. not take. deep bre.th of the cool event a rean.Unlly, I. it really ......y ..r in the ...o...y, §arll, yo. can 1'1.1' in 111M! at the .,.ter foanworth tIM ..-ravelion? You'll flad that this eDO....oas lain if YM're thlr.ty, ODly to find a.a of people ia . .p.rated into • lDountain of MIllY butt, dogcla••er•. Pltater. and their girl· ginll die dr.in. Thl, i, r.fre,bfriend. atay in the ball a.NiDI lDent! Now 110 back into the .udltoriand 10 Into the ••dUorlu. to catch an oc:c::uioDai due•. A lew UID and try to find your friend, luya with dat•• a.art out alow they ......... ".....\ danelng to ioU Can't Touch This" .fter you left (. biat?), aDd DOW and continue throug" the eve· you'll b.ve to w.ader arouad Uke nint. Fr.shmen atick together eo • geek utll you can loute tbem. .. Dot to let toe. amODS the bit Walk with authoritY,.nd pam.,. folb. You'll probably dance with you won't look like. TOTAL id· your friend•• lDaybe In a circle. lot. ColDpletely tunted off by .i.· wber• •ach perMa itI facing out· ward .....tching IIlrl. do the nme er. now? WeU, there', OPe benefit tblng. You m.y even let to be em- tb.t will m.ke up for an of tbue b.rr....d by Bill Shepherd. wbo .undv.nt.le, wben attending • h•• more rhythm tbat you do. mi.er - you can al.,ay, dJKuu Monday', Spanieh homework wltb What a bl.. ,! When you fln.lly meet. lirl to Senor BI.nco. Mark Campbell '9. d.nce with, you can't even hear her n.me over tbe booming of a


....... So"".

"H.vll. Ih' •




..t .._ ..W...I


'0""to tlon .,_nd

Winter Dance Ice Ice Baby a laateNd tbe hoal doon of ... SaDe frOID the cold .xtef.lt the , . .trlctlng col", of • y . . . . .Irt piPP.... my thrMIt Ilk• • Deck bru•. My pal... ....... btl' ••••t, aad my _Mdt dry.

A rio,._


a.,o.1 colOliae ••d •••••


.... ,..... til,......, . .un.. A. I peere4 th...,.p tile ....nu. air I ••• 0"8"CO• • by • Ha of __ Ir.


thIoe bad r ••pre OD tlMlr VCMID8 fac . 11M: 0DIy IICMIDCIe piercllll eDOtllb to COIIqaeI' the th"'r~ aI. .le ocCURd .......dfriends recot!...... OM aaotIM,. My da.e and I JItH ••t..... La, Sail.'. Winter Donu. H.ld OD Frld.y, Dec be, 7, 1990. tIais MIDH ffalr a."act.d people &om ..ch c..... An eq. .1 n....ber IllY- in tJe. and .1.... with cor..... eaJoped tb. evenl.1 oat .bkh Included the _Ie D c and Md•. To the right o' the entrance.



oataide of the lDai. office. stood • t••porary pboto atudlo wber. eoapl•• could ••• thel' plctar• take. la • ChrilfhDae Mttiag. Mn. M....,·. trae calliDs . .rlded at her a'atton iIII the IYIII . . "C08t· check lady." Selior Blanco In· epected OIlr datu .. he collected the S10 ticketa In front of dte a.. dltorRua. And tbe . .bieDc:e of ro. . . . . wIUcb nde4 tIM daDce floor

....... bal . by the I. .1y 8-feel tall . trol...a., "Eagle-eyc." No...... Leter,l felt a ...1ICh ktoMr coDar ...CMIDCI IIDy oed., deDIP wItJII ...... My tldrst ..... beea .....hed a few tim. . with rehnhlnt C1IIM of 7· Up. Seenta faded ..... blended .nd ..ere finally 0 .... Foraerty IrODed dr..... and ...,rky laair ...med • bit trauled. NI..th grader. ap· ...,.d ...~.nd a.xHMa. abcHll a.. Impending good.lghl kl••. The fI...llIODI finJsbed 10 leav. a d.af· ...Ing bun In ...y .an. The 1990 Winter Dance had concluded. Mark Campbell '91

J..B.. &eMn diIen's--.ll ··6-.1 ............:·

. f _ l o . . .,....




Booters Make a Strong Showing W

·.lMO eocar teal. ceM:1t••





. . . . . IllIru.d .Ult 'lIMn ..... ............... toceat .... c..... L However. etroIII ... • 7'.. ,.., MptIl .. 1M: .wftaW


u 01 lIMir

IIhr... CWMp6dli

Gil"'".''' nto __• - - - . . . , . , . . ..... ....... lot 01 opIdt oM -a. to ..y lIMi _ . oa ODd off .... floW. TIle _ Ion CHib. . . . ......., to tbIe caaaa· r "• • a I"CHIP ...lIeb IDel.d.... c.... Ctl(t« ~ Lattia ... ~ c... 7hl'_. 6nI Cia...w. ".. Lopez. . . , lIeF c:.--. Neve; '11Ev. . . . Plptb_ Vile. After . . , ............ c W. • • nd . . . •...-e:t-I .. eM" • tIIeIr .......


.... _ "'1 P I .



n ...., ..It,


n.I,lled wltb • 7'5-4

"Tcor•••• aD 11-5-4 record


avel'aU. 1lte prhacipal reaeoa for ..... . . . tIM: . . ., ill). . . . .lfared by key pla,T.1 at IDoppottuH tim•• dllrlng tIM Muon. MeanwtaiIe. the ~. V. and Fr••h.l. t•••• bot" had IUC' C. . . . . . IMUOM.

Tltta p.,t y••,. lb. locce, t • • • ..lntal'Td lood work h,bU, and attoDg d.termlnatlon to be I.e«••ful. Hopefully, nexl year. La Salle', climb iD tbe ranb ...11I be contiDue4. With • I.... PG4IP of eJqNlrleDCed pIa,s..s ret.ral'l ••d Mve,.1 lale.ted ande,et....... natty for vanity play, the Ex· pIoreR' IaopM 'or tIM ..... H&eoa vayh....


MIke Vile '91



.... _.,pp....

£ •••• foot' V


"So•• _:.




Good Season at 11-5-4

..Y... Nna., dIoat is •


Joey akd 'rlbbles .....Re14

J.ff c M'•

'ro. the cor-

Roter H_rrm.too.-. ...., .rc:..........a4kr.


1kF......... _

1/.' _lMlb·

H......... Scoralft







Securing the Future The .Junior Vaa:tity team also had a fine HUon thls')lear_ E.1l'en with MveraJ key ~layel'-8 being called up to Vanity bfKause of in-jurin, the JV compiled a record of> W. A 28-0 crush of Central Buckl Ea.t.. wltlch evenged the. Var.ity's ro.., proved to be the bigb poiDtoftha JV Ha.on, Many plaveu emugeO. leade.... fhu. ...urin. uSaU.'. footb.1I future . JuniOI' Mike SruKa. a defensiya bac~ and SopbomoTe: Bill Tatar. a linebae-ker, stood out on de.-Jense for the JV. On offense. a bLlse offen.i". line (Juniors Tim D.niel. Bill Nichol_, and Mike Ve.nneral,. .nd Sophomores Mike Adamow, Keyin ConUn, and GTeg uvin) mad~ It po.sible fo .. several back. to sh1ne. Junior 'u...• terba.dc Chri. Smith had time to


AttelltJOft '40: Cr.wford no 10Qg.\ II•• the blllI.

"We lot to pray lu.t to roalte It ~ctcI.)f:'

:throW' and hanklf to fellow J\lDJors Chri5 Cltrino a.,d CoUn Gal· lag'ber. lUad Freshman Coed. JOe Rad· vansky felt hi. pla.,e,s we..e hud working and very coope-(_dve. Theil ended thef.. season at La· SaUe with. 4-2-1 record... Tbe. Freshman. "'Ieam scored aeYeral impressive victories this year. 1=ust they'100k down Northern Divbioo .. Iyal McDevi.tt. 26-6. and then tbe., ddeated the P.. ep, a wbopping 36- O. RUJlDiog backs Bria'n Ca..modv and .lim Gorman had great seasons behind an offensive line huded up by f4ike ScalL.,Defensively, Chrll Brady and Paul ""Maida helped k~p the opponents in check throughout the ye~ Sean Hendric.k '.91,

Swim Team Trying For a Three-peat .............. t.... h...lw.y. been ....... of tIM: .0111 competitive bere. ...... •990- 1991 MUOn pl'oved ttu. ODC. ...... Ttaro.aII reliable c0D8t.nt•• Dd _ CI rwl hmov.dou. the , ..im n ......... ....tr fo,u 111I


_ TIlle


1M t - . ...kome4 new w-.o br-pt ................ uti .....UinsDeU to ........ Coach Ucbtoer dlKootm... d.n, lIIoralnl pr.ctlce .nd re..... tt wItb Satud., practice. Under .........'11 f •• tbe lro.p II1l/UD more ~ • • " . . . Udlbter.

,. .... ...,.



laid IMrt ill aD • • •enPI. .' ' ' ' 0.. to tbese

mon en-

of IU racee tIaaa other Ida . A.otIM:.. facet to the .chieve....nt of ........ t.... WI' tbe .ludent 1••d· .......,. Capt.ln Kevin Gr.y .nd lIeute...... Ryan Vouns. Keith Krelovlcb. ... .101m W.... Ht an eIla.ple of de" ........doII aad dJaclpUne followed by ...... te. . . . .tu. At lite beFaaiag of Uae year the HI. . . . . .d ble... Many key ,.immen ..... Ioet to other Ktlvltie•. Yet tbe .....lDing .thlefU•• long with the new fr....... who ..ad, up h.lf of tbe ,"tel', performed far beyond .11 •• pe~. . . It

c· ...11.11 e-.pclilioa



__ 1-

t.tlon•. Tb. t.am opened wltb an import.nt win over Arcbblahop Carroll at bam•. A m••t at Penn Charter followed, wb.re La Salle finiabed eight point• •hort. nil competition ..... the fint real tat the tum bad r.ceJved in two ye.n, aDd the ...Im..er. r••ponded very ..en, keeping up with P.nn Charter'. atroog cI.b in every matcb. Tben tbe t.am awam with miting Fatb.r Judg•. Tbe upperd...men', .fforts coupl.d witb .ame competltlv. fr••hman rae•• I.d to a La Sail. victory. The .aln 11081 for this year'. tea.. w•• to win it. third .tralght Catbolk League Ch.mpiooabip. Indlvid.....1.... r d from penonal beat. thrCMIghotlt the n to anr...lve abo...l.... In the N.tion.1 Catholic and the Ea.t.m m.et•. Winning the r......r season w•• cert.lnly tops on .v.ryone'. U.t of prl· oritle., making It a "threepeat." IHhind ev.ry n.w t.cbnique and f.ce on La Salle',l990-t99t,.,i.. tu. . . . the de,lre to win. TlIli, ..a, eq.aJly tne of tbe team', veteran•. With all of this per.."erance, ••perieDCe, aDd r talent, it', no ...onder tbe a..lm..era de ,n Explorer fana so proud of tlMir ac· complish...enta. Keith Krelovlcb '92


ltl 1IIk1·.lr, Captain K."ln IIrIv•• for til. perket amy.


H........ II .........


dlvlltl Inlo





Basketball Supreme Court Domination 'J'. Var.lty Ba.ketball Tum contino

~ ued it. great aacceu once ..aiD .hI. a•••on under the guidance of head coach Marty ,bckaon. Mr. ".ckeon. aloDt with hi. aMi.tant. Dan Kellaber .nd Joe M. . .dly. brOUlhl the team into the ,I.,,--offa for the foarth straight year. Senior lri-c.ptalns Em" KOKbJ· neg• .Io1m Butler. and Brian McGill. and their lea...matu Calli be wry prODd of lItel, KcompUalu.eDt.. Under CCMch

.Iack_n, the 1~91 E.plor.rs COlDpiled • record of 20 and only 8



The t.am opened the s•••on with three cOnMtutive .,IM, def.atins St.

Joe'. Prep, Park..a". UHI St. John Neumaan. Ernie Ko.chines scored 21 polata in two 0' the ••IDO, wbile 1A Salle de'uted Ne....ann at Neumann for tbe nn. tim. in 9 year•. The Ex· ,Ioreu auffered their 'tra. Iou to the Chriatian Brother• .choat. St. Franci. Cbarl•• School duriog a trip to Balli· 1D0re. Maryland. Returning hOIDe. the team bounced back with a fine .howlng in the Carroll CI•••ic. They mined taking the tour' n.ment due to • I..t Hcond .hot by Overbrook High. However, both Ko.· chinel and .enior Curti. Eby were named to the AII·Yournament team. Next came the .tart of Northem Divl· .Ion play. where the Explore,. would delend their title. The fir.t two game• • aw Cardln.1 Dougherty .nd North C.tholic I.n to La Salle. In e.ch g.me. forw.rd Bri.n McGill pull.d down ten rebound. whUe c.nter Keith Conlin added three blocked .bot•. Over the boUday•• La Salle appeared in the pre.tiglou. Sea Gull Cla.. k Toumament at St. .,loc'. Univtnlty. The team flni.hed 5th in • tougll field. Re· turning to the Leag.... tbe Explor.,. c,...d Blahap Egan by 31 point•• but then Ioat to Father ..ads« ln overtilllie. Soon after. t .... team launched an au· precedanted winning .t....k. blowing by the other ....n team. In the dlvi· .lon and lainiDg fI,..t place. The rem.tch with .........DeI the MC· ond game ver.u. BI.llop KeDrick

proved pivotal In HUing up tbe play' off picture. The team can be nothing bat proud of it. performance a. lbey finiahed the regular ..allOn In 2nd place with a 13-3 ie:ape record. In the play' ofla. LaSalle got revenge on Fatller "uclge winning big and then tr.velled to the Pale.tra once again. With a thrilling victory over Kenrick. laSalle won tbe Northern Divi.ioD Ch....pion.hip lor t .... third .traisllt year. Deepite faUing .bort of Roman CathoUc in the PCl Fin.l. the Explor.r. had a sreat ..aHn. Througbout the year the team .... I.d by point guard "obn B.tl.r. He ..ould Mt up .bootlng guard ErDie Koe· chines. who wa. ODe of the top ahoot· .1" in tb. lAatve. Fo...ard C.rti. £by alao added an outaid. tbr.at. a• •ell . . .troog drlva to the net. Brian McGIll and Keith Conlin were r.lentl... in hit· ting the board. for r.bound•. Brla. would dive aft.r ev.ry 100M ball. wbUe Keith pl.....d up the lane on defen... From the bench, Junior Roser H.rring· ton gave Butler a re.t attbe point. providing tenaciou. defenM witb Mnlor Tom Kovac. Sopbomore. "aHn Carter and Kevin Olender alH u ....ome court time. On the "V level. the Hphomore. and junior. prep.red for the future of La Salle B••k.tban. "unlor. Geoff Cra.· ford and Log. . lent I. . d....blp to the young .IV I.am. Ca.ch Bernie Fila· serald and hi. a••i.tant Gre, PI.rce watched over the team'. d.velop• •nt tbi. y.ar. Some of the "V .tando.t. w.r. junior. 8U1 Farr.1I and Geoff Tra· g.mann •• w.1I .. Hphomo.... .I..... Cart.r, Kevin Olend.r, and Cbri. D.SlIvi•. Fr••h..an Br••den O'Neill . . . part 01 tltl. tn.... bIIt alao coatiD· ued 10 pl.y for tit. fre.It• • • t.a... eo.ch Couno Fiorino aad ........t Bob Cr.wford .howI.d the fint ~ar pIa~n what La Salle . .k.tball ill aU ebold. O'NeUi. Barry WH1Il. . . . Pa" M.w. w.re ...... 01 Coec:It F1orioo'. top ...... peet. for the hi Walt aad Me wllaat n«........ t ..til boIch! Sean Heodrlclr. .,.






LII ....

0... K-.dl

run, tlli... 1M CP "OIl Enale '


Keith CoaUn loe•• p lh...... ··vk·



JJ __.:-__0,,_";_ ~---

.. _

t-...,~~ "'-c~r.



"S.op pt.v!.. wi'"

Jot........, ,. 'M polnlo


R...,Hllm-.t_ _ Ot bacll . .

. .4U,'

_fr_.. .






Hoopsfers Hoop It Up


........ ... .,.. G.oH Cr-'eN c....

.. _..


Joe Loti•• opt. , F,.."... P.III

to.. ball. .,......,. La ....



Mr....... Frlz.~ ~1.lac_h... • hcu.... t... Mike Vea_r. prepare. t"r__


• •,.... .............. vo-.bMr. ....... - . lb. __ FrI.._ .

Winter Track Running Hot in the Cold

.......... O'VW.a••n?

-» A

1M ..... Mao

"'11100_ ,) 'nne t


nv- wltII

lItIdf 16 ......t_ at 6 .. lite .-oraiDI


. . . .I-.ata

.IA _ _ ...............


.. A8 _ ........ 1iliioo1' Track te. ., ..............tW.t..

_N_.. u



"e" you'n WI'ODI.


coeu.. of th.l990-

91 Woor Track T

,IDDlng In . . . WOfkM tuIa 10 order to be ~n' for c plo....lp. in the Calla.lle ba,ond. Til. E:-+..'lIe4IIcatto. ee.b1De4 witII tIM ....................... pro. .cetl ... dooy

L..... ..• ·.Ia••

. • • c...

Ib._.. -.Dne.........

.n -=II .. IT '"- K..- SadI,. Qdo HIItr. . . . DoJr. - - MupIoJ. . . _ _ T - - . Knla CIorio T

.... ....,. tMIr


10.' at

MrY top. TIM:

_H. . . . . __. _T_._......-.. . _

bv tIM: abBItIee 01 , F"D Coreo..a•• Bra" ....... Or-. OI."oDO• .I.Il. Gor•••• CIuto Lo.... HII• •laDIe", M'k. Re.al. aad

a.aver• .I11D Gorman. Steve ROCMr. and Mark WI.......r. weI'. of lnvalu"le aid In MDdiDg mor. athletes to tJae Meet of Cbo.ploDs .nd else.be (If I left UyoDC OIIt It'. probably beca 1 doD'. Uk. 'CHI or VO'I didn't sive IDe e.ooagh of. bribe.) Wblle the nmnen ..ere OIIt.ld. rae· iotl. Mr. Frlz .... cbeddDl .very "taU of lb. Shot htte.... HlIh ......pe.....nd Pole Va.lten. He occ••ion.lly .IKAI· cal.ted the n.... ber of w.r...• up I.... completed bec.a.e he w••• 0 en· groned in hi. "Crou Sum.... But mMt of the tim. he b.d the "pl••aure" of an.lyzing the exploit. of one of the be.t Field te.m. eyer (No Be!). Do. M.id• led the grOGp of Shot Patten conal.tIng of D.v. Gath...an. Ed Loak•• BUI Nichola.•nd Mike Venner•. In the H&gh " ••P• .Iobn Walker leaped Into the 6foot .tr.t r• •1Ii.. , . _. scJ.ooI record i4e M in Brown ead .lack Bub. ".ck • • broke lals own ecbool record ill tJae Pole V."t .Ith ...... iJlI eaceu of U feet . ItHloor Tr.ck .Dd Field ia. t __ .Dd Indlvld'" .....t beld in the city. atate. .nd ,...ional cirwu. WltlI the trt...pb and glory COIBU occaaioDal eorrow. pet the gr••tut benefit g . .tti.... free m ••1 from Mr. Friz when you br••k • record! ".ck 8aah '91

Wrestling Play-off Appearance for Grapplers v••, the Explorer .redJ.,. • depended on thel, reM*tc.f.l· neu to r••ch a __ level of acbkve ...ent. Even with .." ...allnj."". and _ate diNppointi... Ionu. tIM: team made tb. pl.,-off. for 11M fir•• lillie in tea ,_r•. The .Iti...... credit for lbe f_rth-place finlsb ton to Head CoIich Mike Rae. H. aod Ill. . . .1.· hnts. Anthony St..1iano and TOlD Cl.....n. illlpreued thel, IulnctiooaI t"b~ 011 • play. off rudy ~&.




The 1991 Grapple,. tallied. lS.S record. with dl.tlnctlve r•••It. 10 Mver.1 lou.......e.... The Eapktren ..er. renner-.p In th. LaS.II. Christm•• and the to••r Motelaad T oarM...nt•• On their wav to the play-offa LaS_lie demoli.h.d St. John NelUDaJUI 77-0. and took out arch-,I"al 51. .Joe'. Prep. AlthOlltlb the t••m IMt In the plav-off•. tb. Ellplore,. can be "ery proud of their performaace. In the Catholic Lus- Individual Tournament LaS.ll. finl.h.d 2nd o".r.lI. Amonl tbe stand outs were 2nd t.am Ali-Catholics Kevin LItchford. Dan Crowe. and .Ioe Flemming. and 3rd tum Ali-Catholics John Russo and Steve Cook. The team also finished within the top twenty teams at the highly prestigious Na· tlonal Prep Tournament. For LaSalle. Senior Captain Dan Crowe and fellow Senior John Russo both took 7th place in the nation. Ne.t year the team uys good-bye to Seniors Crowe. RuMO, Tom Butler, Tony Lee, and the others. However returnJng wrestl.rs indude Junlo,. Stev. Cook. Leo Burke. Mike Bruac:a, and .Ioe Flemming, Sophomores Dan Fritz and Kevin Dager, and Freshman Kevin LAtchford. Now tbat they·v sted the play-offs. a Catholic Le title feast can't be too far abead. Mik. Tuecano '93

Abo¥. ......t. u,1""



T_ .....,. 'M u _...... I. ac:tklot.

L', ....... 111_.

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d Gold••••

"O.K. ..,.. _

do 200 , ....... iII two ..........

Sc... Cook prac:




athrk. wIalh. eMU. _ _ t.




Ice Hockey Stickin'lt To Them a Salle', 1990-91 ice hockey team began it, MaMn witb hopes of hr· previoul yea,', .500 rec· ord. However. the 10.. of nine gfaduaUng _nlor. Hemed to sllnal a dlUicult road ahud. Through a few player adjustments••p.rkUng young talent. superb coubine. and that ali-important l.II Salle bockey work ethic. the team lmproved and Ht iu sigbt. OD the

L pa••ing tbe


Second year co.IIch Peter Nolan sbaffled Mme player. 'round for the betterment of the team. He moved MC' ond-atrlng goaltender Greg "the Ma' gician" Linde to deleoM. wbere Greg', v.,aity experience complemented tbe ••Ient of freshman Tom fullerton. who proved he could perform sollie magic of hi' own. eo.ch Nolan ,lao moved the tenaclou. Chris Glenner from bi, center position to the back line to add further stability. Senior Kevin Koch and sophomore Gil Hud.on, the only returning varsity defenaemen, rounded out the defense, With the absence of Gles.ner from offen.., seniors Muk McCann and John Schulden picked up the .Iack, With ,John'. face-off capabilities and Mark', harrowing .nap-.hot, both of which struck fear in the heart. of aU goaltender., they managed to fill the opponents' neb with rubber. In addition, Chris Mercuri'. grueling body checks, fre.hman Don Quinn', dazzling .tickhandling (which led to his unforgettable 180 foot empty-netter!), and the patented Mike O'Connell "rlppin- Wri.ter," La SaU.'. offen.e wa. a "lean, mean, blue and gold machine!" The marvelou. di.play of talent from junior. Anthony Prete and Joe Carello and fruhmen Frankie Petka. Joe Adamucci, and John Erlk.an wa. very impru.ive and i. a .ure .Ign of future .uceess. Last (but definitely not lust). the 90Allenden performed superbly. Junior Rob IMrth and sophomore Nick "the Greek" DiArenzo rescued tbe team from certain deficit. with many "dandy" ..vu. Tbl, pa.t seuon proved that the La Salle varsity Jee bockey team wa. not a ,roup of "venteen bockey pl,yer., but one "venteen- member force: a hard-nONd, dean, u,lented, spirited. and hopeful team. Greg Unde, '91


LA SALLE VARSITY TEAM T. . R_ A Pnu, M . . . . . . lit. SeIl.hle., .. ~ e-tw: F....,r1011. K. Kodll, ". £ri1l_, M. O'e--.n. G. H---. G. LiIMIe. D. ~ ......: C. ~ Ad• •.ccl. C. GkMGn, ... a.rt". N [)iAr.IUO, ". S. t u= F. r.tka. ". CaneIIe; C-ch Mr P Hoi.., eo.d, Mr. P. l.~, c..dI Mr. ". G8nbI

--....= ...

Mark McCa•• 4IKII__ .trate,y with "DCh.

"&. Raf,

I IINin't . . . . to hit hlml"

SAu.£ "UNIOR VARSITY TEAM Top Ro_: H••d c..ch Mr. B. Hc..k, eo.ch Mr. A. Myc,•• M....., SIIUklt_. DYno; Cent.r: D. MOUDtlno. P. H....bton, B. O'H.nton, B. Wych•• B. B. R."ve., ". Mlneh.n. R. o.u... D. F n; s..t"': T. F_t.,. R. A...tID, ". Mille,. R. •• ". Donley. R. Olck_. K. B1Ulnt, D. ShUIII C. P...... .I. MecIuoD


M--.., M,.


Golf Well Below Par, Way Above the Rest ••JWIe MIte,

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pioMhIpa ta

Aldla '.. two of tIM: bat golfe,. from ...............ted ill 1990. Ih.. "••,'. t , talent


... ,a.c.. 1lle . .bid• • tea- IDd • . . . . .lan am. tuItJ ,. .Ioe _. II ••,. JIuk O"NeIIL DaD W..... J.... n .lay Co4t ..... T_ Cr.... aDd ........... u._ Han.s ••d M.tt .............. Al .....................

prlcdciDl lad fiDe-tllDed CODce.t'l· tioII in .tIot....iDg - • Usa of lntel·

Ueeol toIfl,.. Be'O..1 tk. . . .eoo be ticea ...... lteld It tIM Whit





ley Country CI.b to -.led lite vanity tUID. Bro....r AI cOMidered thoM wIto did not .Ike the cut "junior vanity pla"e,." who could be read.i.d for fu· tar. ye.r•. With Brother AI'. moral support and the 101'.,.' hard-working attitude, La Sallc'. 1991 lolf t.alD ..a. dadoed to Roamh. The golf.r. did DOt recelv. (or d••lre) load c .... rl•• 0. the cour.. from d.vout L. f.as. Bat t".t tlida't mNa the f.... w.re.'t ...tre....l, prood of .11 of lltelr accomplialamuu. Jb'" c..pboII "1




Ilx prlc' ,.



__trtdtI ....... lIfIIkk .... ....... IM_.

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Baseball Topps In Their Field uring the cold. dreary winter month•• many people keep their .pirita .p in anticipation of warm weather and our national pastime. baHbaJl. By the end of Februuy, Mr. p.,iai and Brother Tim. Ahem became viaibly reatle... preJNlring to bring out the bat. and ball. and atart another fUcceufulllUlM" at La Salle. The b.Uplayer. aiM got reatln. a. they longed for the ameU. of heshly mowed gr••• and well- oiled fielder.' gloyn. On March I, the coache. got their flra. opportunity to work with the player. who would provide


much excitement tbrougbout the regular

HaM" and into the playoff•• la SaUe continued to buUd on its rich baseball tradition under bead coach Joseph P.ri,i in 1991. L... year the Explorer. enhanced their position a. tbe fin· eat high school program In the Philadelphia area by once again gaining a playoff berth. Thi. year. coaching and talent would again ahow who dominates in this "thinking person·....port. There were some excellent player. who graduated from La Salle. yet those va~ cated .pot. were filled capably by new player•. The var.ity ~uad featured a good blend of .enlor. and undercla.smen. The revamped lineup consisted of the feared baH-runner and lesd·off man Roger Har~ ring ton. catcher Shawn O'Brien. pitcher / outfielder Joe McNichol. firse b..eman Andy "Lace" Wallace. outfielder Mike Sinopoli, and several junior Iluggers. By uling It••peed. defenN. and. elpeclally. i.. intelligence and in.tinc", the team prevailed in most of it. gamel. La Salle played Nveral tune~up. nonleague games before facing Northem Division foes North Catholic. Biabop Ken' rick, Arcbbi.hop Wood, Arcbbishop Ryan. and the relt. The Explorer. plalled each league opponent twice duriDti the regular ..ason. Witb talented playen and a knowledgeable coaching .taff. La Salle il reo garded by i .. opponent. In the Catholic League a. "the team to beat." The baHball tum takes pride In this reputation and h.. plalled well enough and worked hard enough to maintain It. John Gorman '92

B..ther TI. Ahern 11"]11... 10 recllptllra th_ glory up ..lth Bill VII.-JIII'tOCI.



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L.NI I'" ••1I .re Soe.lort Mc:Nkbol, S 0'8,1•• , ••d B P_........



Coach Parisi's Minor Leagues C'PrintI "'•• in the air and so w•• \:Jthe ameli of victory. Tha.'. tIM .roma that i. very famili.r to u Saille - the fragrance th.t hues the b ••eb.n play en onto tbe playing fiel .... The JV and huhmen leam. kept that someUme• ...ea'v scent circulating the school. Who'. complaining? What • aweet smell victory is! March marked the beginning of the t ..ainl... and *coutlng of the coach to Hnd the talent that would live up to La !Mile'. elite name. The junior varsity team .... coached by Mr. Genld Miller. mainly concerned with helping change to "He "'.... to develop the player.' aidU. in prep. ration for the v.,.lty level. Hlgb expectation. were placed on the player., goal. which were eagerly met by energetic Explorer•. With the overflowing talent preMnt. .ome JV pitcher••aw action on tbe ".ralty team a. well. The b ..... h.n program also continued the operation of the fresh· man team, which fared well in its second year at La Salle. These freshmen got to go with Brother Tim Ahern to New York to play Hudson Catholic, where Brother Tim formerly coached. With the way that this year's JV and freshman teams played, it ap· pears that future varsity teams are very secure. A. these younger ball players become seasoned Explorers, we hope to He. more Catholic League titles brought home to La Salle, where they beJong. Dan c.ptlto '93 and John Gorman '92


"lh.ta f.c1nt tha world wllh a cold 8Ora."

JMb Now.1I . ,. . . . . . .1... • r.r• • lb180 a.. _I•• ly II•• _hU. rat.raI... It•• ball.

Tennis Serving up the Ace 'J"e

anl.al la gone. Who .... ~ the animal? Dr.w Stock.al - the ex-varaity tennl. coach. W.. be booted? No. he finally got • job. Not 10 dupair. Tore Hanasen q.lckly took over the helm aDd guided the 1991 ~u.d to anoth.r fiDe flale.•• Till, ve.,', l.a.., one of tbe ID"I experienced u Salle b•••v· er bad. cOIIned Hven ret.roing vanity members led by HRion CB Mll1Item. "_II No....... Ricky Hoj ... aud Calrlos Torrc•. TheM Hn' ior. w.re complemented by jan' ior. Bob De_PMY and Derek &001. .Dd "phomore Michael Kerlin. Tbia e.perleac. helped prep.,. L. SaUe •••in•• perennial foe •.

R"an, Bonner. and Carroll. TheM t.ama stifl.d u Salle In the paat few v••r., but thl. y.ar the Ex-

plorer racquetmen .agerly a ..aitcd IhOM matcbea. Even though the rea' of the lugue remained atrongly competitive, La Salle looked forward to the playoffs. Thi. vear had not only Hen tbe 10•• of tbe varsity coacb. Mrs. Sayer, J.V. coach and longtime librarian. had aleo left. Fortunately. Mr. Dolaa, resideat scbool psvchologist, stepped in to train the d. V. team. The underdusmen undoubtedly benefited from his own well-honed .troku - and his expert tecbniques on how to psyche out the opponent. With a combination of new coaches and experienced players, tbe 1991 squad surpaued expectations and strengtbened La S.lIe'. winnlns tradition. CB Mulhern '91

Wbat va aonna do ...ben Co.mlnil leta a hold of vou?

• • A ......... put . . . . ..w_?

Bole...... Ro. 1•• '1 J•• t prelly Illbtl.


"T""'. I. . . . . . . . " - tile GMpod KCOI4-

Spring Crew

. . lolleb:'

Oarsmen Attack Schuylkill t the bellnnlng of the .prln. ...ltOn. the La SIIUe Crew eet Ita eapec:tationa very blgb. La.t aummer for tire flrat time. a La Salle V.ralty-8 bo.t ",ent to Britain to participate ia th. Royal Henley Reg.tt. on the Thallllea River. Thl. occurred after the Varatty-8 went andefe.ted In the national competition. Including tbe capture of lbe prestlliou. Stotesbury Cup and tbe C.thoUc League Cbampion.bip. In the Henley R••at· ta, thougb, the tealll ..... unable to Hcure the fOTID that had given them national and laternational recognition, a. well a. number one ranking. Tbi. veal' tbe team hoped to buUd on the productive faU .eaaon and winter training. Senior rower. Ryan TyrreJl. Tim Down•. Andrew MuDen. T.J. Wilaoa. John Croney• .11m Sig~ ...nd••nd returalnl .enior coa..... In. Aadre... Malllde and Pat O'Halloran provided lbe nece...ry le.der.hlp and atrength that waa needed If the Crew wanted to repeat •• cbampion•. Tbe very atronl un· dercl••• rower. lIIade tbe contention for . .ata very COlilpetitive, .Dd kept the aanlor and a.perlencad ro...er. la top condition. Since the faU. the tealil'. arg • core. bad been Incr••alng and the equipmant f.llure. had bopefullv been eradicated. All of the.e im· provelllent•• In addition to the chri.tening of new boata. provided favorabl. condition. for auccea. ia the aprlng. Wban tbe team began the ..altOn ...Ith tbe Mannv Flick r.ce•. It wa. ",eli-prepared for the t.ak .head - maintaining the champi· onahip. Tbe meillber. of the crew were cbo.en not only bv their ailn. of .trength••ucb •• performance in callathenJea. running••nd erlOllletel' test., but .11tO by .howing aigM of tbeir "rowing intellilence." In addition to rowlnl .tronglv with f.vorabl. erg acor••• the rower. ",ere


TI. o.--..w ......e l ' " CO.....: . . .,

alltO rated on thalr rowing .trok•• and their ability to either direct or follow 0 ....1' rowen In tIM boat to keep the boat ill syacb UMI ......., Helping tIM: oa........ to develop tbeir nUl. wa. the __.UaI Job of the tc.adOllS coadl... Thl. y_r·. team boaated a .tronl coaching .taff. headed by Mr. Robert Rein· hardt• ..,bo ..,aa alao the Julor Var· aity" and Varalty" coach. Rob GInlacaki coacbed Ibe IIgbtwelgbta. and Joe SweeDC1l aDd BUI EnMt were tn cbarge of coacb.... die fou,.. Two ne",collllera from Villanova. Chrla Kerber .nd Mike Coil. b.d the dlf· ficult t.ak of inatructing the Freahmen .nd Novicea. Tha con••ina. an Int. .r.1 yet often forgotten Iroup. acned . . Gaboard coaches. The co........ wera cboaen for their abillty to IflId .... rower• •nd tbe intelligence tbey .bowed in directing the movemant. of the bo.t. They had to be .bla to kup the rower. rowing at tha proper rate. and keap the boat'. 1IlI0vementa constantly ancIcr cOllltrol. It w.a tIIeir r. .ponalbWty to th.t the boat w.. in proper .ork condition and. once in tba .atar. avoid.d other cr.... in ord.r to at.y afloat. In the boathouM the... ia a .lln h.nglng from the ",all th.t re.d. "Henlev St," It repra.ent. to the rower the ..,ir.tion of the rt. The La Salla Crew prop t 1 onc. •••in 0lIl . . . . .t for iIi ..Ii. .te goal. Bat, the V.nity-l and oth· er boats CCMI1d not acbieve their .. without lint under.olng fierce atrenlth te.t•• before develaplns In' to IntelUgant rower•. From the Manay FUck Rel.tt.. to ... StotutNry Re•• .ad po••lbIV tbe Roy.1 HenleV R. .a"a. lite Craw of La Sau.bowed ia it. ac:ldevaaent tII.t it'. DDt! of the premier rowinl teama In the country. Eric VON '92



,.. drholr1


Spring Track Seniors Lead the Way It wa. another good year for La Sallc'. Spring Track &: Field (or Field &: Track. whichever you prefer) team. The team wa. coached by Bro. Dave Roger•• Mr. Pat De· vine, and Mr. John frizalone. These coachu should be commended for the amount of effort

and time that they put into this year'. team. The success of any runner. thrower. or jumper i • • sign of their coach's guidance. On the. trad, for their final yeu were Seniors Brian Daly, Chris Hilty, John Murphy, and Kevin Scully. They ,an in the di.tance events. while fellow Senior Keith Torneus handled the .prints. There w. . aJlfO • promising bunch of unde-rel... runners Including

John Gorman, Marie Houck, Ste\lt!. RMHr. and Mark Wimmer. The field events were dominated .11fO by Senion. Shot put thrown by Dom M.ida and Keith Conlin. In Ihe Pole V.ult, school record holder J.ck Bush defended his title. J.mal Allen handled the Di.cWI along with Bush and Conlin. In the Javelin court were Joe Cullen, John Egnotovich, .nd Sieve Strohecker. Sprinter Keith



rat Dewl.. 4 - . e liIaa.,'" wldl B"_ D.ly

....... 154

m. Kawln

Tornetta also did the Long Jump. while Marlin Brown .nd John Walker soared high in the High Jump. The team would seem Senior· heavy, bul in fact the Explorer. had grut depth. Co.ch John "Big Daddy" Frizalone envisions Junior Dave G.thman 10 be nexl ye.r'. "Field General" bec.u.. D.ve threw shol, diK... andjave· lin this year. Junior Fr.nk Osborne and Freshm.n Jim Gor.....n stepped forward •• lood Ions jumpers. SOpho....ore .Ieny Brink· mann looks to follow in J.ck &u.h's foobteps at the Pole V.ult. and Fruh..... n Marty M.lligan wUl lake on the High .lump next year. Top scoren for this team were Kevin Scully in lbe mile and .Iaclt Bush in the Pole Vault. Additional point. were contributed by Allen. Brown. Conlin. Gathman, Maida, Wallter. and Wimmer. Wllh a strong Senior cla.. and numerous underda..man adding their .ItUl, LaSalle's Spring Track&. Field team will be a force In the Cath· olic league for many yea,. to come.

Ua4a~. pre~ 'or 'M hlt.re.


n. .. tIM......






Jamal "Mal" Allen 05/14173 924-4486 1217 East Cardeza Street, Philadelphia. PA 19119 Samt Therese 'Peace " Band 1, 2. 3: Basketball 1, 3, 4 (Manager); 8.S.U. 1, 2. 3, 4 (VIce President), Football 1. 4: Intramurals 1. 2. 3,4; Track and Field 2 3. 4

Aaron Bur 02/20/73 57&-6963 341 Wlndmg Way, GlenSIde. PA 19038 Saint Luke 'Take lime to enjoy the DaiSies. Band I. 2路 B S.U. 2, 3. 4; CSc. 3. 4: Crew 2; Cross-Country 2. Dramatic, 3, 4. Track and FIeld 1, 2 .ramie Barton 02/25/73 540-5889 1314 Squtre Dr1Ye Ambler. PA 19002 Saint Cathenne of Siena "If you'r~ too busy to ,augh. you're too busy." C S.C 2.3; Crew 1; Football 4. Golf 3. 4: Intramurals I, 2, 3.4: S.A DO 3: Scholastic "L' I; Soccer I. 2. 3; Student Council 1 2. 3. 4 (Vice路 President); Track and Field 2 Brian Bennett 01/06/73 672路 3349 236 BeMTlCe Avenue. Hatboro, PA 19040 Saint Joseph "1 might be going 10 Hell In a bucket, but at least I'm enjoying the ride." Grateful Dead Bike Club 1. Crew 3, 4: Cross-Country 2. 3: SAD.D. 2. 3: TrAck and Fjeld 1, 2: Wrestling 1, 2; Yearbook 2, 3. Chri.topher Bergan 01/02/72 247-8325 101 West Graver's Lane, Philadelphia, PA 19118 Our Mother of ConsollltJon "If at ftrst you don't succeed, the heck with it." Band 1. Bowling 1; C.S.C. 1. 2, 3. 4; Crew 1, 2: Intramurals; Photography Club 1. 2, 3, 4; Racquetball Club 1. 2.3: SAO.D. 1, 2. 3: Wlsterian 1.2.3,4: Spirit Club 2, 3. 4: Yearbook 1 2. 3, Robert S. 81..1 09/05/73 4827409 863 Manatawna. Avenue. Philadelphia. PA 19128 Immaculate Heart of Mary Except 1ft the Me of a hero. the whole world's meaningless." John Gardener's Grendel Band 1. 2.3, 4, C.SC 1, 2. 3, 4 (President); Dramatics 1~ Math Club 2. 3. 4 (Vice路 President); r"i H.S. 3. 4; Schoilistic 'L 1,2. 3.4. Wlsterian 2. 3. 4 (Editor),


Aklo 81ey 12/14/72 849·4436 6909 Sherman Street Philadelphia, PA 19119 Holy Cross "I know it's not the right thing. and I know it's not the good thing. Kinda 1 want to. .- NIN esc. 1,2.3.4; Inlramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Club 1. 2. 3, 4

Christopher MJch.el BonDer 03/25/73 825'()241 4059 Hillside Road. Lafayeue Hill, PA 19444 Samt Philip Ner; "If I take care of my character, my reputation will tllke cllre of Itself" - Dwight Moody Band I, 2, 3, 4 (Vice· President); C.s.C. 4; Dramahcs 1. 2, 3, 4; Golf 4; InlTamurals 1. 2, 3, 4; Racquetball Club 1, 2; Student Council I

We're One Step Ahead ~• •nd

of our HnJor year b•• ar.. rI"ed .nd ou.. time .. the mOllt prl,,......d .t nt. in theH b.lIow.d ba.1s .....t e;o to a close, Wblle .,• •r. ..........Iy happy about our ht.... ad· " . .tara In the "r.al.,orld.·' ",c c.nnot 'saor r.spouJbilities endo.,ed 10 •• th..o Ih. d.".lopm.nt o' 0.1" ml.d.s. We r•• llz. lb.t do.n JD t"e 41..... of . .r r. the ...... little fl'aluae entered La S.1Ie aJ. . . . , .... yea,. ago (peyche!). We ha"e notes to . .r sacceNO": I th.t you non-"'lIIior. belIev. that you wiU pouc.. tbe control ...d ' .....dem th.t we h.v. held for lIIine raollltb•. Dream on. Even tb. . . b you ",III be con.id.r.d . . .nlor by und.rcla..m.n. r.l.tlve., .nd col"g.s. the f.culty know. Ihat "'e e.med our tltI. a. the mo.t pow.rful group of

....aNU". part'"


.tudent••v.r .t La S.lIe. Now th.t I have .ufficlently dJ•• ppolnt.d you, pl......1I0w my cla..m.te••nd I • f... ..om.ot. to rab your noae. In the m.morie. of our "po••r" yur .t La S.II•. F••ten yoar Halbelt.' I bel yoa dido·1 re.llz. th.1 "'. ",ere . .ing Mr. Diebl'. office. 10 c.1I our lidfr&ends. Ever DOtice the m.ny MrUors goint in and out of his offiu wllh smiln on their faen? I .....re you, we ...ren't getting our report carda. Alae, Brotber .I.ma Dries ga". lIS f.1I acuss to the schoof. compat.r which holds the ac.d..mic records. Doe. thai eapl.in ..hy h.rdly any ..phomor••••1 A'. from Bernie? Pre"lou. Mnior cI.SH. had a difficult Ume r.i.Jnl funds for trJps to the B.h.ma. . .Jlh Gwyn.dd. but we were .bl. to alleviate Ihi. probl.m. And

plea.. don·1 think it .... j •• 1 • coincidence th.t und.rela..men ..emed to g._ the la.t .coop of burnl macarool and che.H in the c.feleda. Without telling you about our otber di"erH beneflls, Iik. p.rtin wJth Mr. .I.ckson .nd Mr. E"ans, .nd the Money Store ran by Mr. ".Ibamy the Greek" Roche, I will finish this reflection with a •••••'e from the Cia.. 01 1991. "Thank you for m.king .. look better than .11 of you, and goocIllKk tryiDg to fill our .hoes. AI...ys remember .nd o."er for ••t: no m ...er bow lIIIue;h money you m.k•. you will ....".r rise higher th.n us in .talu... In the eye. of the he.d of La S.II•. Mr. Bill L.· Font.ln.... Mich.el Cunningham '91


John T. Brackin IV 03/26/72 822,1118 105 GreenbTlolr Road, Lansdale, PA 19446 SainI Stanislaus "HI<' that is slow to belJeve anythIng and everything IS of great understanding, for beltef in one false principle is the beginning of all un\.lo'isdom ,. FootbaU 1. 2, 3, Track llnd Field 1, Wrestling 2, 3, 4 Marlin G. Brown CJ9/22(73 924-9729 907 East Hortter Street, PhIladelphia, PA 19150 • Sooner or later your number's bound to come up that's why I got my phone di5connected," - Grady WIlson a,s,u 1. 2, 3 (President), 4 (Vice·President); C.S.c. 2. 4 Intramurals 1. 2. 3. 4. .H.S. 3. 4. Scholastic "L" 1. 2. 3. 4; Wlstenan 2, 3,4 (Editor), Spint Club 3. 4; Track and Fteld ........ _ i o m o 07/10/73 934·5748 8877 Alton Strut. Philadelphia, PA 19115 Maternity BVM

'If you put your mind to it you can do anything you want. ~ Intramurals l. 2. 3, 4: Racquetball Club I, 2. 3.

Pete "Big AI" BU'1lhart 07/07/73 646-4509 1644 Kenmore DrIve, Dresher, PA 19025 Saint Alphonsus 'The human mind doesn't care what you plant - success or failure but It will return what you plant" Intramurals 2, 3, 4: Splnt Club 2 Stephen~. Burlo 09/17/73 667·4365 430 Haverford Avenue, Narberth. PA 19072 Saint Mar· garet "The Burg Man" Intramurliis 3. 4~ NH.S. 3, 4: RacquetbllU Club 3; S.A.DD. 3,4. Scholastic "L" 1.2,3; Wisterlan 4; Yearbook 3, 4. ~.ck


"If at first you don't succeed

02/26/73 643·4773 better not try Russian rou·

leite,' Dramatics 3; Intramurals 1. 2, 3, 4; N.H.S. 3,4; Scholastic "L" 1. 4. Track and Fjeld 1,2,3,4; Yearbook 2, 3, 4 ~oIrlD E. Butler 04/03/73 628·2167 4A Apel Avenue. Oreland, PA 19075 Holy Martyrs 'II you hold back In fear of opponents or mIStakes, you simply don't have the 'stuff' that it takes" - Robert L Kleine &seball 2. 3. 4. Basketball I, 2. 3, 4 (Captain): Football 1.


n.o.... B. a.tJar 06/26/73 233-5823 405 Hillcrest Avenue. Erdenheim. PA 19118 Saint Gene· vteve "Try not to be a man of success. but a man of vaJue." Albert EllIsle!n C.S,C 4~ Intramurals 1, 2. 3, 4; N.H.S. 3. 4 (PreSident); S A,D.D. 3. 4 Scholastic "L" I, 3; WlSterian 3, 4 (Editor); WrestlIng 1,2.3.4; Yearbook 3. 4.


Patrick ~. Bvrne 07/30/73 757·5182 1250 Bridgetown PIke, Langhorne. PA 19047 Samt Bede 'For what It's worth" Ice Hockey 1 Intramurals 1. 3. 4 Mark Fr~d.rick Cabato 10/05/72 825-3329 2 Hazelwood Circle, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 Epiphany of our Lord "Duty IS a very personal thing It is what comes from knowmg the need to tAke Action and not Just a need to urge others to do something." '.. Mother Teresa C.SC. 4. Cross· Country 2; Intramurals 1. S.A.D.D, 3; Scholastic "L" 1. 2. 4; T:ack and Field 1. Wrestling 2. 3 4: Yearbook 4 ~ .....

Calmes 10/30/73 564-0978 4121 MalO Street, Philadelphia. PA 19127 Saint John the BaptIst -'No one knOW1 whal he can do until he tnes"' Publius Syrus Football 3. 4; Intramurals 1 2. 3, 4

Anthonv "The

Man"~. Campagna

10, 18173


3766 9656 Blrwood Street, Philadelphia. PA 19115 MZltern1ty BVM "Smooth. Suave. and Debonaire.'· Band 1; C.S.C. 1.2; Crew I, Football 1,2.3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3.4, Spirit Club

Mark D. Campbell 10/13/73 836- 1409 910 Valley Lane. Oreland, PA 19075 Holy Martyrs "If you hang In long enough, you'll do it - Just hang in long enough" - Phil Collins Math Club 3. 4 (Vlce·President); NH.S, 3. 4; Racquetball Club. 1.2; SA,D.D. 3. 4 (Vlce·President); Scholastic "L" 1, 2,3.4: Wisterlan 2, 3, 4 (Editor); Yearbook 3. 4 (Editor). ~oeCannon 01/18/73 676·2316 9415 Hilspach Street. Phlladephia, PA 19115 Maternity BVM. "Be yourself" Racquetball Club 1. 2, 3.

John F. Cant••11 08/04173 794-7210 Box 258. Furlong. PA 18925 Our Lady of Mount Carmel "Phoenix $O(lrs again." Crew 2. 3. 4. Intramurals 3, 4; N,H.S. 3.4; Scholastic "L" 1. 2. 3, 4; Wlsterlan I, 2, 3. 4.

Fr-w _ C._Ie.... Jr. 06/21/72 539-1053 507 Faith Drive, Norristown. PA 19403 Holy SaviOr "Be not merely good; be good for something." Football 1,2; Intrllmurll!s I. 2. 3, 4, S.A.D.D 3; SpirIt Club 2.3.


Brlu Can 08/01/73 572·1019 360 Roo.rts Avenue. Glel\Slde. PA 19038 Samt Luke .Men .ll.re as lazy as they can afford to ~. but not as lazy as they want 10 be • C 5 C 2.3.4 (Senator); Cross- Counlry 1. 2.3.4: Intramurals 1. 2 1.4: SAD D 3; Track c1I1d FIeld 1. 2. Wrestlang 1

GregoTV Ciaverelli OS/26/73 887·8239 2104 Jenkintown Road. Glenside. PA 19038 Saint Luke The greater the difhculty. the more glory In surmountmg It. Eplcurus Crew 1. 2; Inlramurals 1. 2. 3, 4: Soccer 1. 2, 3. 4. Yearbook

3. 4




George G. Cole 09/01/73 2B9·153B 6309 Eastwood Street. Philadelphia. PA 19149 Our Lady of Ransom "We don't recogmze the most signifteant moments of our lives while they"re happening" - Field of Dreams Football I. Intramurals 1, 2. 3, 4; S.A.D.D. 2. Keith Conlin 11/09 J72 885· 4BSB 606 Station Avenue. Glenside. PA 1038 Holy Martyrs Basketball I. 2. 3. 4; Bowling 1. Football 1. 2. 3. 4 (Captllln): Intramurals 1. 2. 3. 4; Track and Field

"'.me. R. C"9rove

05/06, '73 584-0589 1031 Woodland Avenue. East Norriton. PA 19403 Vlsltallon "He \l,;ho knows when enough is enough will always have enough:' - Lao Tzu Crew 1. 2, 3. 4; Intramurals 1. 2. 3. 4.

Mich.el C. Coyle 03/15/73 646·0640 713 Butternut Circle. Blue Bell. PA 19422 Saint Helena "My hands were steady. my eyes were clear and bright. My wllik hlld purpose. my steps were qUick and light. And 1 held flrmly to whllt [ felt was right Like a rock," - Bob Seger CSc. 1, 2. 3. 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3. 4; Photography Club 1; SADD, 1, 2, 3. 4; Spirit Club 3. 4; Track and Field 2, 3; Yearbook 1, 2.

D.n Cr.lg 08/31/73 699·5415 656 Eagle Lllne. LansdllJe. PA 19446 Saint Rose of Lima "El OIOS de Espano[" Intramural, 2. 3. 4 Edw.rd J. Cr.lg 10/13/73 338·3422 7901 Roosevelt Boulevard, Apt. 9. Philadelphia, PA 19149 SaInt Bernard Crew 2. 3. 4. Intramurllis I. 2. 3. 4; N.H.S 3. 4; S.AD,O 2. 3, 4. Scholastic "L" 1. 2.


10/21172 643·0191 1404 Barton Drive, Fort Washington, PA 19034 Samt AI

John Croney phonsu.

"Ll\le a balanced life - Learn some and thmk some and draw and paint and Sing and dance and pla1Ji and work every da~ some" - Robert Fulghum Bike Club 1 2. 3. 4. Crew 1. 2.3, 4. Intramurals 1. 2, 4, N H 5 3 4: S AD.D. 1.2, 3. 4 (Presidentl; Scholashc 'L 1. 2. ' W te~la" 4. Soccer 1. 2

Daniel Chri.topher Crowe 10/31/73 348-1615 2335 Twk ROdid. Doylestown. PA 18901 Our Lady of Mount

Cam>. ''I'm expressing to my full capabilrty. ' - N.WA Crew 2. 3, 4. Intramurals 1. 2. 3. 4: Wrestling 1 2, 3. 4 (Captalnl

JOHph A. Callen 08/22172 855--5939 1770 Meado1,l. Glen Drive Lansdale. PA 19446 Corpus

Chn'" • If you know the enemy and know yourself. you need not fear the result of a hundred ballies ' Sun Tzu's The Art of War C.S C 2, 3: Intramurals 1, 2, 3. 4. Track and Field 3. 4: Wlshttlan '3. 4

Jeffrey R. Cunningham 07/17/73 279·5924 1441 Balboa Bend. Blue Bell, PA 19422 Saint Helena "You WI" some. you lose some, but you goUt!! suit up for them all." - J. Akl!rfelds Baseball 2, 3. 4. Basketball 1.3. 4; Intramurals 1,2. 3, 4; NH.S. 3. 4; Scholastlc "L" 1,2; Soccer 1. 2. 3. 4 (Captt!!inl; Wisterian 4

Michael J, Cunningham 06/11/73 722· 8725 6716 Rutland Street, Philadelphia. PA 19149 Our Lady of Ransom "Whether you hke it or not, 511 down and learn to love it. because u's the best going today. Whooo!" - Ric flaIr Intramurals 1. 2. 3, 4; Math Club 3. 4 (Vice·President); Mock Tnal 3. 4: Wlstenan 3, 4 (Eduot); Yearbook 4

Brian M. Daly

10/26;73 483·3631 473 Or' e Strl!el. Philadelphia. PA 19128 Immaculate Heart of Mary 'We're Just IWO 1051 souls 5Wlmmmg in a fishbowl. year after yaar - Ptnk Floyd C.S C 4. Cross Counlfli 3. 4. Dramt!!tics 1, 2. 3. 4: Racquetball Club 1. 2, 3; Track and Field 2. 3. 4: Yearbook 3. 4


Platter Upl


I. £....

kMcIlI-. dieHlieflH witll .... or .. Ite ~ traybaD?

,.,.... imagination and originality ~ thai IDM. La Salle atadenta po..... w.r. displayed wbe• • lew sav. developed and pop.la,i••d • new ...... called Travball. Equipped with. hanelll tray and • ten.... ball. the.. pioneer. broke lite boredom of the cafeteria . . lItey a..8 .....e4 to the "pit" to release been energy. nu. ne", .as bom IImDg tbe .arly 1II0nlh. of f.U .. a••' .enta r••lized that they ....r.n·t r••dy for total i_mer.ion into uhool. They bad to grad.aUy overcome tb. withdrawal from ..mmer h ••dolll. Baaing TraybaJl on baHb.11 witb MlDe cr••tiv. modlficationa. tb... E.plorer. tr....'otllMd ..... "pit" Into a ....... Kale a.adium at lancb time. From lb. IDOlDent the: flnl ban ",a. pitched nucleon came OIIt not only to play but .lao to ..atch. All Involv.d enjoyed th. change of pace from an ol'dinary school day. The che.r. and laughter from the spectaton and players demonetrated yet another example of tbe positive aplrit of La Salle. Tbougb a tvpical TraybaU participant may not be tbe next Daryl Strawberry or Roger ClemeM. bis entbusi••m and effort make tbe game exclUng. It m.V not be mllcb lontler until Mr. Parialturnato tbe "plt" for IIOme m.jor v.r.ity b...• Nil recruiting! Scott Wi......er '91


",...Un.l. DeAngeli. 06/17}73 938·0320 2041 Valley Roa.d. Meadowland. PA 19046 Our Lady Help of Chrisllllns "So when Ihe rhythm's got your soul lei It Roll. let It RolW' Doug lazy Inlramurals 1, 2. 3. 4; S.A D.O. 1. 2. 3. 4~ Spirit Club 3. 4Track and Field 1. 2; Wisterian 3. 4

Scoll M. DeITito 01115/73 576-6384 713 Vance Ori\le. Glenside, PA 19038 Queen of Peace "So il goes Intramurals 1,2.3.4; Scholastic "l'- 2. 3; SPirit Club 2, 3; WiSlenan 2: Yearbook 1,2.3,4


Tom DeSimone 741 Ridge- lane. Warm;<\Sler PA 18974 "Conform r IJe .aSI ut. Band 1 2 l. 4. ~tramurals 1 2. 3. 4

10/22 73 364·0485 Our Lady of Good Counsel

A. Chri.topher Deui 12/06 73 483·4863 8660 &Jlrv Onve, Philadelphia. PA 19128 Immaculate Heart of Mary "You cannQ! know where you are gomg. 'td you know where you have b<en' C.S.C 4 Intramural~ 4; Mock Trilll 3, 4; Wrestling 2, 3, 4

Frederick M. Dini 01(28/74 657·0 1319 Zachary Road, Roslyn, PA 19001 Saint John of the Cross "1 love math. If I dIdn't take it. I'd never have gotten any sleep this year. Band 1, 2. 3. 4; Bike Club 1, DramafJC5 1, 2. 3. 4; ForensKS 2. 3, (Vlce·President); Intramurals 1,3; N.H.S. 3. 4; ScholastiC "l" 1. 2. 3.

Cbri. Doebne 09121 72 674-015 92 Iris Road, Warminster, PA 18974 Natlvily of Our Lord "Ifs easier to try than to prove II can't be done; And It's easier to sta Justin Hayward than 10 tum around llnd run." Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Dramatics 2.


Bri.n Don.hue 03 02/73 364 1653 13ql JOiIln Dr ve Southampt,m. PA 18966 Our Lady of Good Counsel "You can pick your frends, VOU til" pick your nose. but you can'l pIck your Ir ends noses" Demus M1Uer C S C 3 FQOlball I, 2, 3. 4. Intramurals I, 2. 'J 4; Spint Club I, 2, 3. 4. Track and FIeld 2, 3. 4 Se-n P. Donnellll 04/01/73 482·6497 487 Gerhllrd Street. Philadephia, PA 19128 Saint John the Baptist "If you can't break 80, you have no busIness playing golf. If you can break 80. you have no business." A pro-golfer Bowhng 1, Intramurals 1,2.3,4. Math Club 3, 4 (Vlce,Presldent); Schoo laslic'l" 1


Timothy M. Do.02 15 73 884-4794 302 Edgley Avenue. Glenside, PA 19038 Saint Luke I have no words. My vOIce 15 In my sword .• - Shakespeare Crew 2. 3, 4 (Captillin), Inlramuriliis 1. 2, 3, 4; NHS. 3, 4; Racquetball Club 2. 3; SAO.D. 3. 4; Scholaltic "l" 3: Track and Field 1, 2, Wilterian 2

Curti. Eby

09/28/72 742·5426

5736 Hasbrook Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19120 Saint William Band 1,2,3.4; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Dramatics 3, 4; IntramullUs 1, 2, 3,4; Scholastic "l" 2, 3.

C...II Fltz••uld 09/15/72 247· 7462 201 Rex Avenue, Phlladelphia. PA 19118 Our Mother 0/ Consolation oIoaatb.n M. Etnotovlcb 807 North Fairway Road, Glenside, PA 19038



"The roac of excess leads to the palace of wisdom" - William Blake Basketball 1; C.S.c. 2, 3; Crew l. 2; Intramurals 1. 2, 3, 4; Track and Field 3. 4; Wisterian 4

D.vid W. FqIey 01/23/73 343·0777 1994 FalabeUa Orde, Wamngton, PA 18976 Samt Robert Band 1,2,3, 4; DramaTIcs 1,2; Intramurals 1. 2. 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 4; SwimMing 1. 2.

M• . . - H. Fro 0110/73 828·3107 470 South Sweetgum lane, Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 Saini Philip Nen "In l"Ie shadows of a golden age a generation walts for dawn, the brave carT]. on, the bold and the strong." - Journey DraOlatKs 4; Intramurals I, 2, 3, 4, Scholastic: "L" 1,3. Geny F............ 05fl5/73 482-6429 767 CInnanunson Street. Philadelphia, PA 19128 $a1nt Lucy "'t's my world. and you're just a squirrelttying to get a nut" C.S C.; Intramurals 1, 2. 3. 4~ Racquetball Club 1.2,3; SAO.O. 3, 4; Soccer L SwimmIng 1

"FrIends are the guys who pick you up and brush you off after you've been trampled on Thanks Mom and Dad. Love, Craig." Baseball 1. 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3. 4

TbolDU ,J. F...nee 09/24 73 355.6427 934 Hillside DrIve, Southampton. PA 18966 Our Lady of Good Counsel "Someda~' we'll look back on this and It will all seem funny. • Bruce Springsteen Intramurals 1. 2. 3. 4; N.H.S. 3, 4; S.A,D.D. 3. 4; Scholastic "L" 1. 3; Spint Club I. 2; WlSterian 2; Yearbook 4

Vincent D. Galze..ano 05/16;73 698·7545 9304 Old Bustleton Avenue. Philadelphia, PA 19115 Maternity B.V,M, "An apple a day means that you will eat 365 apples a year," Basketball I, Football l. 2. 3. 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

TM.oo ~_.. Gil'" 06/13;73 947·8498 3435 Larch Road, Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 Our Lady of Good Counsel "I want the one I can't have."· - Morrissey Blum C.S.C. 4; Crew 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3. 4; N,H.S 3. 4. Racquetball Oub 1. 2. SAD D 3.4; Scholastic "L" 1, 2. 3; Yearbook 2.


Coach Colistra's newest recruit for next season.


Mlch.el J. Gilroy



1767 Bunk!!T Hill Road. Southampton, PA 18966 Our Lady of Goud Counsel 'What Uh behind us and what lies before us are hny matlen compared to .... hat l!S wllhin us. Wll.b4lTl Morrow Intramurals 1 2, 3. 4. N H.S 3. 4; Scholastic "L 1. 3, 4 Wlstl!T1l;n 1 2. 3. 4: Wrestling 2. 3.

Chri.topher M. Gle..ner

08 04 73


22 Dawn Road, Levltlown. PA 19056 Our Lady of Grace '" wannll be sedated." Blum Ramone Band 1. Bicycle Club 1, 2: Ice Hockey 1. 2. 3. 4 (Captain): Intramurals 1. 2, 3, 4 SAD.D. 1,2,3. 4: Spirit Club 1, 2.

3. 4


,Jeff Good_in II/JO/72 742-4657 8204 Solly Place. Philadelphia. PA 19111 $aJnt Cecil~ "If the Mona Lisa's name was Teresa You deserve a VISIt Irom Mr. Goodbar t .. - L L Cool J Intramurals 1. 2. 3, 4. Soccer 1; SpIrit Club l. 2. 3, 4 Kevia p, Gray 10/23/72 828-6685 35 Dechert Road. Conshohocken, PA 19428 Samt Philip Nen "Of all pos!eSSions, the most precious are your fnends." Intramurals 1. 2. 3. 4~ Soccer 1. Student Council 1. 2. 3. 4: SWimmIng 1 2. 3. 4 (Caplain).

B. Breat Griffith 12/07/72 643-7546 783 Hoover Road. Blue Bell. PA 19422 Epiphany of Our Lord "Now I've been smiling lately, thinking about the good things 10 come, and I believe il could be. something good has begun." Cat Slevens C.S C. 1,2.3,4; Football 2. 3; Intramurals 1, 2. 3, 4; N.H.S 3,4. S.A,D.D. 3, 4, Scholashc "L" 2; Track and Field 3 Brian Andr... Guckert



820 Sullivan Drive, Lansdale. PA 19446 Corpus Christl "A flute withoul holes Is not a flute; a doughnut Without holes Is a danish," - Ty Webb Dramatlcs 4; Intramurals 1. 2. 3. 4: Soccer 1: Wisler',," 4; Yearbook 4

Damon B. Seba.tlan Gulli

12/21/72 539.6797

2918 Toll Gate Drive. East Norriton. PA 19403 Visitation BVM "I've seen All Good People turn their heads each day. so sallsfied: I'm on my way." BIcycle Club 1, 2, 3; Intramurals l. 2, 3, 4: Wrestling 2,

Dan Hamilton 05/02/73 887.2797 216 Garth Road, Oreland, PA 19075 Holy Martyrs "There's a big door with a little window and the big world II peekin' through." - Edie Brickell Art Club 4; Basketball 2; Intramurals 1. 2, 3. 4; Racquetball Club 1. S.AD.D 3; Wisterian 3.


lAwrence E. H.rbi~n 08 06/73 343·6775 2137 Crop Cirell:! Warrington. PA 1B976 Saini Robert CSC. 3; forensics 1,2. 3, 4: Wlsterlan 1

Jeff Hurer 07/02173 646-5853 724 Cedar H Road, Ambler, PA 19002 Saint AJpOOnsus 'Sleepl' Band 1,2 3,4: FOOlba1l2, Intramurals I, 2. 3, 4. Ml,lth Club

3 Chri.topher F. H...oo 01 07/73 699· 8963 1617 Kings M Road. Gwynedd Valley, PA 19437 Saint Rose of Luna

. life moves pretty fast. if you don I stop and look around Once in a while It might pass you by."' - Ferris SueDer 8l.lseball I C S,C 1.2.3,4. Foolball 1. 2. 3. 4; Intramurals SA D.D 2.3.4: Spirit Club 2. 3; Track and FIeld

2. 3. 4 Martin J. Hayes 02/17f73 947·6009 2114 Packl,lrd Avenue Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 Saint Alben "Go fmd l,l man to fil my shoes. ll:!ft one's old and the right one s MW, and I bought the right one Just for you 10 go and fmd a man to fit my shoes." - D. Blum Bowling 1. C.S.C 3,4: Crew 1; Intramurals 1. 2. 3, 4; Rae qUl:!tball Club 1, 2, 3: S.A,D.D. 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 3, 4

Se.n P.trlck Hendrick

06/14173 B85·BIGI Falrw",y Road, Northwoods, PA 19038 "'ac good and you WIll be lonesome. be lonesome and you will be free, hVl:! a he and you will live to regret It. that's what !lvlng Is to me." JImmy Buffett Bask~tbl,l1! 1,2.3.4 (ManAger); football; Intramurals 1. 2. 3. 4, Math Club 2. 3, 4 (President); N.H.S, 3. 4: Scholastic 'L 1,2. 3. 4; Wlsterlan 2; Yearbook 3. 4 (E(illor). 813


Chrl.tian A. Hilty 02118/72 584·9196 946 Anders Road, Lansdale. PA 19446 "'Our memones of yeslerdav wtlliast l,l lifetime. we'a take the best. forget the rest and someday we'll fi.,d thew are the best of Itme$ , - Styx H T Bow Jn9 1; Cross·Country 1. 2, 3, 4 lCaptatn); Golf I. 2, 3. 4 Intramurals 1, 2 3. 4. Track and field I, 2. 3, 4 (Captain).


51.plMn M. Hood 04/18/73 941·7167 3018 Mathers Mill Road. Lafayette Hill. PA 19444 Samt Philip Nen "The less you make of yourself ~fore others, the more you make of yourself before God " Inlramurals 3. 4; Racquelball Club 3. Mlc",,) W. Honl 01/15/74 663·0977 985 Sherman Avenue. Huntlngdon Valley. PA 19006 Saini Hilary "It's time to live the dreams we've always had." Led Zeppelin Ice Hockey 2; Intramural! I, 2, 3, 4



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- we attended I pr.,er .. rviee. Db,ner foUowcd...h.... the food D·l bad and _Ithe.. we,.. MIDI of the itreae.. We . . . .1 allowed to pt.y touch footbaD Ia'er . 1 evcaiDI.... wen pVI. I ell be· f.r. bed. AD theee activities _ ..r. . . . . by 11 troup ..... . . . c ' " pr.,.r r. iii CAndl•••



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Fulu[(: Site Of

e5#aranatha Assembly Of God "•

MSTOII .('1 01 DIPPOLD . . . . . : 8S'



John Thom•• Houck 06 120/73 343.0461 2293 Meeting House ROtld, Jamison, PA 18929 Samt CYrlls 'Where the lun shines allihe time You can bet there's a desert below Intramural. I, 2. 3. 4. Studenl Council 3,

Vincent J. H.lllmel 05 17 73 355·0956 340 Concord arcle, Southampton, PA 18966 Our Lady of Gxx! Counsel 'Carpe Diem -- 5eiU thE day' Robm Wilhams: D.P S Cre\\.- 1 2, 3. 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 S.A.D.D. 3. 4: SpIrit Qub 3

Marko ".rylDOvycb 06/20/73 635- 4047 230 Barclay Circle. Cheltenham, PA 19012 Chnst Ihe KIl19 Bowling 1. Inlramurals 1. 2, 3, 4; Photography Club 3: Racquelbal: Oub 1. 2. 3; W'stenAn 3. 4; Yearbook 3.

Chrt. Jodlow.kl 06/16/72 782·8077 7445 Overh,n Road. Melrose Park. PA 19126 SainI Joseph's "Be proud of who you are:' Dramatic, 2. i 4; Intramural. I, 2, 3. 4; TennIS 3, 4 Robert Mlcbul Kanuckl 07/02/72 584-6341 1212 Knollbrook Onve. Lansdale, PA 19446 Corpus Christi 'I'm riding the Stairway to Heaven" Baseball 1, Football I, Intramural. 1, 2, 3. 4.

Michael C. Keeley 02/06/74 725·1984 7427 Dorclls Street. Phillldelphill. PA 19111 Resurrection "Never tell people how to do thIngs. Tell them what to do and they Will surprise you with their Ingenuity." - George $. Pllllon BIke Club 1,2; Crew 2. 3. 4; Intramurals 1, 2. 3. 4; N,H.S. 3, 4, Racqu~tbal1 Club 1,2; Scholastic "L" 1. 2, 3, 4; Year· book 2

Dantel P. Keenan 01/20/73 635·2360 7873 Spflng Avenue, Elkins Park, PA 19117 Saint Jame. "Man lives by his belIef•. as he believes so he bves" - Bha· gllvad Glta Cross·Country 1, 2, 3. 4; Intrllmurals 1, 2. 3, 4~ NH.S 3,4; $c.hrllastte "L 3. Wistenan 3. 4, Student Council 1. 2, 3. 4 (presld~nU Track and FIeld 1,2.3. Cbri. Kelly 1001 Kmglel Onve Ice Hockn 2


02/22 73 584 5242 ornstown, PA 19403

VisItation B.V,M.

D..... Kolly



311 Roumfort ROlld, Phlladelphill, PA 19119 Holy Cross Intramural, I, 2. 3; Wlsterian 4; Wrestling 1, 2.

M1cIIae1 W. K_fIc 10/03/72 643.4489 213 Stout Road. Ambler. PA 19002 Saini A1phonsus "Money talks and you know .....hat walks." Art Qub 4, C.s,C. 2. 3; Intramurals 1. 2. 3. 4; g,A,D.D. 4. WISlenan 4.

D..... S. Ill.

03/14/73 635-3161 Saint Jo-

7619 North Front Street. Cheltenham. PA 19012

..ph "If you run OlieT a squinel. don't check the SQUlnel. Check your tire!"

Cross-Country 1. 2. 3. 4; Intramurals I. 2. 3. 4; Math Club 2.3,4; N.H.S. 3. 4; ScholastIC "L" 1. 2. 3. 4; Student Council 2.3; Tenms 1,2,3.4; Wistenan 2, 3, 4

Kovi. Koch

04/10/73 6592162

2015 Carlson Drive, Willow Grove. PA 19090 Saint David "Make me think lhat <!lIthe end of lhe day some great reward will be coming my way - So lie 10 me . .. - Depeche Mod. Forensics 1; lee Hockey 2. 3. 4; Intramurals 1. 2. 3, 4; Rac路 quetball Club 2, 3, Sown 1. Student Counol 1, Tennis 2, 3: Wistenan 4; Yearbook 4

.Ie... ~. Knpl.ok. OS/26/73 322-6390 10 Cherokee DrIve, Richboro, PA 18954 Saini Vincent de Paul "You ain't gonna learn what you don't want 10 know!" Band 2. Intramurals I, 2 Emut F. KOKbJnq 03/19/73 825-7125 472 Soulh Sweet Gum Lane, Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 Saint Phlllp Nerl "My ambition is to win more Ihan anyone else. It makes you feel good to know you've accomplished what no one else hat" - Jack Nicklaus Basketball I, 2, 3, 4 (Captain): Crew 1; Intramurals I, 2. 3. 4; Student CounCil 2. 3. 4: Track and f'lC1d 1. 2.




12/03/72 272路5055

702 Oak Lane, Nonistown. PA 19401 Epiphany of Our Lord "You know you can't create and get mean Ilke this. and when I'm on the court it's strictly 'swtsh'" - L.L. Basketball I, 2, 3, 4; Crou-Country 1. 2: Inttamurals I, 2. 3, 4; Racquetball Club 2.


09/20/73 483-1205

825 Green VaDey Drive. Philadelphia, PA 19128 Irnmaeulate Heart of Mary "The whole glory of man lies in actiVIty." - Bruru C S,c. 1.2.3,4, Football 3; Inlramwals 1,2.3,4; RacquelbaJl Club 1. 2; Wrutltng 2, 3, 4. Yearbook 2. 3.


Gregory W. Linde 12/07/72 659路7452 1466 Blue Jay Road, Roslyn, PA 19001 Saini John of the Cro禄 "Is il only a dream that there'll be no more turning away'" - Pmk Floyd lee Hockey 1. 2, 3, 4~ Intramurals 1, 2, 3. 4; ScholastIC "L" 1 2: WlsteTlan 4; Yellrbook 4 Erik M. Link 04 '05 i 73 368-5284 2078 Pheasant H I Road. Lansdale, PA 19446 Corpus Omsll "Just eat food Try not 10 be crude or rude. kill the attItude. ch~ tM serious mood and DOOWUTCHYALlKE," - Digital Underground Band 1 2, 3. 4: C S.c. 1. 2. 3. 4. Crew 1, 2, 3. 4; Dramatics 1. 2. 3. 4: Intramurals 1 2, 3. 4 Photography Club 4; Wis路 teTiar 4. 5p til Club 1. 2; Yearbook 4



"Finally a perspective I can relate to."



Eric Litchendorf 10/16/73 535·7428 4252 '0' Street. Philadelphia, PA 19124 Holy Innocence "I've conquered my past, the future is here at last. I stand at the entrance to a new wor!d:' - U2 Bike Club 1 2; Crew 1 Intramurals 1.2,3,4


R. Uoyd. III 07/24/73 969·0631 2809 Maxwell Strli!et, Philadelphia, PA Saint Jerome "I have chmbed, highest mountains, I have run, through the fields. But I shll haven't found what I'm looking for


- U2 FootbaU 1, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; N.H.S 4; RacquetbaU Club 3; Scholastic "L" 1, 2. 3. 4; Wisterian 2. 3, 4 .IOHph T. Lopez 01/29/73 322· 2595 94 West Buttonwood Dnve, Churchville. PA 18966 Saint Vmcent De Paul "ufe goes by so fast. and you only want to do what you thmk is right Just close your eyes and il has passed." Social Distortion Intramurals I, 2. 3. 4; S.A,D.D, 3,4; Soccer 1, 2. 3,4; SpIrit Club 2, 3. 4; Student Council 3, 4; Track and Field 2. 3. 4

....an S. Lottler 07/10/73 725·9493 8508 Bridle Road, Philadelphia, PA 19111 Saint Cecilla I'm convinced, ,. "I'm not conceited. lntramurals 1. 2. 3, 4; Math Club 2; Soccer 1, 2. 3. 4; Spirit Club 1,2,3,4. David H. Luby, Jr. 01/09/74 675· 5920 32 Horseshoe Lane. Hatboro. PA 19040 Saint Catherine of Siena "\ admire men who take the first step. not the 200th step of a sItuation," Theodore Roosevelt Cross·Country 1. 2, 3; Intramurals 1,2,3.4; Soccer 1.2.3, 4; Track and Field 2 Mark C. Lucente 1l/04/72 584·5054 960 Flintlock Drive. Lansdale, PA 19946 Corpus Christi "I take two steps forward and three steps back, but J get there anyway because I was facmg the wrong direction 10 the first place" - Robert Johnson Crew 2. 3; Football 1, Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Racquetball Club 1, SA.D.D, 2.3; Scholastic "L" 3; Track and Field 1


Robert M. M.cartney 12/07,73 5932 Malta Street, Philadelphllll, PA 19120 Saint Wilham


"The only losers In hfe are people who quit. II you give your all, and don't qUIt. you wUl never lose," Basketball 1. Intramurals I, 2, 3, 4, Math Club 1. 2: Wisterlan 3, 4: Yearbook 4


_ . P. 01/04/73 277-7259 1020 Rosewood DTllle, Blue Bell, PA 19422 Saint Helena "I ran out 01 gas; I had a flat hre: I didn't have enough money for cab fare An old frtend ume In from Out of to\l,n Look. it wasn't my fault. I SVo'ear 10 God. • Jake Blues Intramurals 1 2. 3 4, Racquetball Oub 2; 5 A.D.D 2, 3, 4: Spinl Dub 2

QarIoo _ 07/11/73 3424851 337 Borbeck Avenue, Philadelphia. PA 19111 Saint CeCllla "They asked me how 1 did them, I lei the rhythm Hit 'em!" Raklm Baseball 1. 2. 3, 4 CrOSt·Country 1. Intramurals I, 2. 3, 4, Soccer 1. 2: Spint Oub 1,2,3 4

JlicUe181'.ety "'ruU. 901 Swede Rtlad. Norristown. PA 19401



Saint Titus '8W1 Blah Blah Blah Blah. ' Art Cub 1. Bike Dub I. Ice Hockey I, Inlramurals 1; Soccer 1: Track and Fteld 1


dame. Thoma. M.her 1436 Huntingdon Road, Abington. PA 19001



Our Lady Help of Chris·

!ians "Don't worry, I heard that's good luck, "Yeah, in Haitjl" Rodney Dangerfield and Chevy Chase F<>otball 1. Golf 1. 2, 3, 4 (Captain): Intramurals 1, 2. 3. 4: NH S. 3. 4. SchC'laslic "L" 1. 2, 3. 4: Student Council 2. 3, 4

06/25 73 283·0162 100 Cheston LAne. Ambler. PA 19(X)2 Saint Alphonsus 'I never mel a mirror I didn't lIke" football 1. 2, 3, 4: Intramurals I, 2, 3, 4; N.H,S. 3, 4 (Vlce·Pre$ldenl) ScholastIC "L 1. 2. 3, 4: Track and Field 2. 3. 4 Domenic J. Maida

09/23/72 836-4191 Holy Martyrs 'Thanks to you, I'm much obliged." - Led Zeppelin Crew I, 2. Cross·Country 3, 4. Inbtramurals 1. 2. 3, 4: N.H.S. 3, 4 (Treasurer); Racquetball Club I, 2; S.A.O,O I, 2, 3, 4, Scholastic: "L' 1 2. SpIrit Club 1,2,3.4 Student Council 1.2.3,4, Track and Fur '3. W1Stenan 3, 4 (EdItor). Yearbook 1

Steve M. M.tthews 5 SummIt Valley Lane, Oreland. PA 19075

Anclrew K. M.lHle 06/09 73 643.{l727 442 Leah Drive, Fori Washington, PA 19034 Saml Alphotlsus • II at (lfst you don't succeed, destroy all evKIence that you tried' Crew 1 2, 3, 4, Cross·Country I, lntramurals 1, 2. 3, 4, NH.S. 3. 4, S.A DO 3. 4; ScholastIC 'L' 1

_w. __

07/07/73 5428126 1655lJmcrick Lane. 0....... PA 19025 Saint A1phonsus •...m noI coek).-. just confident'" lntramlD'als I, 2. 3. 4; TenlUl 1, 2. 3. 4.


F. IIcAaoIIy 02/14/73 482·8738 7507 Culp Slrut. PhlladelplUa. PA 19128 Immaculate Heart of Mary "I'm ouna here'" Intramurals I, 2, 3. 4; Ratquetball Oub I, 2, 3; Spirit Club 3, 4; Yearbook


.... • +... JIcDenaatt

03/26/73 64&6008 743 KnIght CUde. Penllyn. PA 19422 Saint J"",ph "I was thinkmg of the last words of the philosopher Socrales who saki .. .. I drank wh81!!""

Mkhael D. McCaffrev 08119/73 242-9205 516 EaSI Mount Airy Allenue, Philadelphia, PA 19119 Holy Cross and he was created in the Image of a god .. - Genesis 1:27 Cross-Country 2. 3; Intramurals I, 2. 3. 4: RacquelbaU Club 2; Track and Field 3.

....... J. McCann

09/30/73 233·2883

3 Highland Avenue. Flourtown. PA 19031 Samt GenevIeve '·With all of our running and all of our cunning. II we couldn', laugh we would all go insane," - J~mmy BuHen Ice Hockey I, 2. 3, 4,. S,A,D.D. 2. 3. 4 (Vice-PresIdent): Scholastic "L" 2.

MattlMw J. McEivenny 10/13/73 328 Cherry Lane. Glenside. PA 19038 Samt Luke And .....e will all go down togelher'" - Bdly Joel [ntramurals 1, 2, 3. 4. Vearbook 4


Band BIke Club 2; C.S.c. 3; Dramatics 2. 3. 4; Forensics 2.

3.4 cPraidenlt; Intramurals 1. 2. 3. 4; Racquetball Club 1. 2; Scholaslic

"l" 3. Student Counctl 2. 3. 4; Yearbook 1.2.4,

n.o.u JlcDaDold

04/28/73 699-2488

1605 Overbrook Avenue. Gwynedd Valley, PA 19437

Saini Rose of


"Ticking away the moments lhat make up a dull day, Vou fritter and watte the hour. in an off·hand way." - Roger Walers Bend 1. 2; Bike Oub 1. 2. 3. 4; C.S.c. 4; Intramurals 1. 2. 3. 4; Wlsterlan 4: V...rbook 4,

BUI McF.dden 07/05/73 674.53 1264 Bamess Dnve. Warminsler. PA 18974 Nativity "Vou know WMI Ihe difference belween me and them Is? I'll lell ya. n one has heard of Ihem" C.SC. 1. 2. 3; Intramural, 1, 2. 3. Soccer 1. 2. 3. 4. Spirit Club 1: Trac and Field 1, 2.

Kevin McGeehan 10/30/73 643.0867 1345 Arthur Avenue. Maple Glen, PA 19002 SaInt AI· phonsus "No bird IOars too high. if he ,oars WIth his own wings" WIlhllm Blake Intramurals 1. 2. 3. 4; S.A 0.0. 1. 2. 3. 4; Spirit Club 1, 2. 3 4. Student Council 2. 3, 4; Yearbook 3. 4 Brian D. McGill llflOj72 64i·2319 2f\01 Nava Q Path. Maple Glen, PA 19002 Saint Alphotlsus It s a dog-eat.dog world. and I'm weanng Milk &ne underwear •'orm Peterson Baseball 1. 2, Basketball I, 2. 3, 4 (Captain); Football 1 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4, Racquetbal: Club 2, 3; S.A D.O. 3. 4 Mark McGinnl. 11/10/72 5844974 1193 M<.>rrts Road, Lansdale, PA 19446 Corpus Chnsti 'Not since Moses has someone made such an impresslon com· Ing down a mountain. I",ramurals 1, 2. 3. 4 Tom McGowan

08113/73 836·9256

41Z0 Presidential Dnve. Lafayette HI,. PA 19444 Up N!M"1

Samt Phi

"There', a flOe line between wanting and receiving: Effort • Football 1 Intramurals I, 2. 3. 4,

Marlc McKee 06/24/73 885·5233 104 CIII/eden Avenue, GlenSide. PA 19038 SaInt Luke Remember when you wen! young. you'd shine like the sun. Shine on you crazy diamond." Roger Waters Intramural, I, 2, 3. 4 Joe McManus 09,/ 14/73 825·5477 5 Cypress Place. Lafayette Hill. PA 19444 Saini Philip Ned 'Llfe IS like a ball: II is lust something to try ",nd have fun With." Cross-Country 1. 2: lntramurals 1. 2. 3. 4; Track and Field 1.

Joshua T. McNamara 06/01/73 887·6120 lOH N'lrth Lynnwood Avenue. Glenside, PA 19038 Saint Luke "There are thIngs known. There are things unknown. In be· tween there ar", the Doors" - J.D. Morrison Intramurals I, 2. 3. 4: SPlfIt Club 2. 3, 4 Jim McNamee 11/06/72 699·9645 770 Hazelwood Dnlle North Wales. PA 19454 Saint Ros.· of Ltma 'All the lA.-orld·s a 61"ge ' - William Shakespeare esc 1,2.3, Dramatics 2. 3. 4: Intramurals l. 2. 3; SpiTll Club 2, 3 Wlstenan;:S 4


04/06/73 576·1693 2125 Woodlawn Avenue, Glenside, PA 19038 Saint Luke "Do you know what the difference between them and me Is? You don'l know who they are!" - Evander Holyfield Baseball 1, 2. 3, 4 (Captain); Football 1, 2. 3, 4; Racquetball Club I, 2; Spirit Club 1,2,3,4; Mock Trial 4; Student Council I, 2 oIo.eph P. McNichol

Robert 01. McNichol 05/30/73 233·0124 2007 Bridie Lane, Oreland, PA 19075 Holy Martyrs "I'm free to do what I want any old time." - Rolling Stones (1965). Soup Dragons (1990) Cross-Country 1. 2, 3; Intramurals 1. 2. 3, 4; SAD,D 3. 4; Track and Field 1.3. Wislerian 4; Yearbook 3. 4 12f27 i72 646-18b8 123 Summit Avenue. Fori Washington. PA 19034 Saint AJ· phonsus "II takes only seconds to say goodbye .. - U2 Football I; Intramurals 1, 2. 3. 4; Mock Trial 3. 4; SAD.D. 2, 3. 4; Yearbook 2. 3. 4

Q-inUn C. Muke. III

Arth.r Mee 03/04173 745· 5143 1101 Glenview Street. Philadelphia. PA 19111 Resurrection "Strike a pose, there's nothing to il - Vogue," - Madonna Band 4; Bike Club 2, 3, 4; C.S,C. 2, 3; Intramurals 1. 2, 3, 4. Racquetball Club 1 2. 06/15/73 343-6956 2198 Pennsbury Drive, Jamison, PA 18929 Our Lady of Good Counsel "Standing at the crossroads, which way you genna go and what you gonna do." - Overkill Ice Hockey 2, 3. 4; Intramurals 1. 2, 3, 4. Chrt.Uan Mercuri

03/23/73 643·6581 14 Salem Lane, Horsham, PA 19044 Samt Alphonsu, Band 1,2,3,4; C.S,C. 1,2,3; Crew 2, 4, Intramural, 1,2, 3, 4; Racquetball Club 1, 2, 3; Spirit Club 1, 2, 3. 4 Stephen p, Miller

William J, MoUnari 08/18/73 628·9231 1618 Benjamin Drive, Ambler, PA 19002 Saint Alphonsu, "The power of our imllgmatlon make, us infinite." _ John Muir C.SC. 3, 4 (Senlltor); Dramatics 3, 4; N.H.S. 3. 4: Scholastic "L" 1.2.3,4; WlSterlan 2, 3, 4; Yearbook 2, 3, 4 (Editor). Brian E. Moul.MY 12,17/72 628-2255 403 Toland Drive. Fort Washington, PA 19034 SalOl Ge· nevieve "Protect youuelf 'cause thiS is the end of mnocence." Don Henley Crew 1 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; S.AD.D, 4; Spmt Club 2; Yearbook 3, 4





F. X. M o _

11/05/72 947-8931

1328 Old Ford Road, Hunungdon Valley, PA 19006 Sa.lnl HIlary 'Man. I'm good looking."

Football!, 2, 3. 4; Golf 1.2,3,4: S.AD.D. 3; Spirit Cub I,

2. 3. 4 CB ......rn 06/16/73 247·5632 110 Easl &11'. Mdl Road, Phialdelphia PA 19118 Our Mother of Consolation "ufe II whal happens to you while you're busy making other plans" John Lennon intramural. 1. 2, 3, 4, Racquetball Oub I, 2, 3; Soccer L TennIs I, 2. 3. 4. YeAlbook 1. 2. 3. 4 (Editor).


ADd,... ~. Mullen 07/13/73 576-0227 217 North Bent Road. Wyncote. PA 19095 Immaculate Con· ception "Make love, not war" Bike Club 1; Crew I, 2, 3, 4 (Captain); Football 2; Intramurals 1. 2. 3, 4; Student Council 2. 3. 4; Yearbook 4. Jtic:.... I~. MlIllen 08/29/73 836-1310 8018 Flourtown Avenue, W!r'ndmoor, PA 19118 Our Mother of Consolation "There's someone in my head. but it's not me." Bike Club 2: Football I; Intramurals I, 2. 3, 4; Mock Trial 2. 3,4. N H,S 3,4; Scholastic "L" 1. 2. 3. 4; Student Council 4; Wrestling 1. 2, 3. 4; Yearbook 4 .

.Iobn J. M_rphV

03/11/73 542·78584 1039 Pinetown Road. Fort Washington. PA 19034 Saint AI· phonsus "I'd rather laugh WIth the sinners than cry With the saints. the sinners are much more fun." - Billy Joel Band 1. 2. 3; Cross- Country 1. 2. 3. 4 (Captain); N.H.S. 3, 4 (Secretary); SA D.O. 3; Scholastic "L" 1. 2. 3, 4; Student Council 3. 4, Track and Field 1.2,3,4 (Captain); Yearbook

3. 4 Craig K. Nevero.kv 10/05/72 272· 3451 1010 Hereford Drive. Blue Bell, PA 19422 Saint Helena "I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together " - John Lennon Basketball 2; Crew 1.2; Inlramur"ls 1, 2. 3. 4; Soccer 1,2, 3,4; Student Council 2, 3, 4; Tennis 3, 4, Wrestling 1 Khoa H. Nguyen 01/10/73 677-9434 8821 Fairfield Sireet. Philadelphia. PA 19152 Maternity BV,M. "Give me a place to stand on. and I will move the earth," Archimedes Bike Club 2; Intramurals I, 2. 3. 4; Math Club 3. 4; NH.S. 3, 4; Racquetball Club 1: Scholastic "L" 1. 2. 3. 4

.loeb.. C. Nowak 10/24/73 828-9890 4052 Weslaway Drive, Lafayeue Hill. PA 19444 Saint Phi· lip Neri "The dIrect foe of courage is the fear Itself. not the object of It. and Ihe man who can overcome his own tenor lS a hero and more." - George MacDonald Intramurals 1. 2. 3. 4; Tennis 1. 2. 3, 4; Wisterian 4


Mike O'Brien 01/13/73 743-4955 1426 8dridge Street, PhIladelphia. PA 19149 Our Lady of Rar\lOm And the flJwe f the future shall be found in Ihe deepest dreams of Ihe ::t s dawn and egend shan become the purpose of some mature race .. Laiba.eh

Shawn John O'Brie.n 09,/26 73 646-4246 1516 North Beecham Road, Ambler, PA 19002 Saint AlpOOnsus "What's the aIrspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?" Baseball 1. 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. NH.S 3. 4. Photogr;,pny Club 4, S.A.O.O. 4. Scholastic "L" 1 2.4; Wisterian 3, 4

Michael Sean O'ConneU 02/27 73 487·2 844 Cathedral Road, Philadephia, PA 19128 IfTlIMcuJahl' Heart of M "The cards are on (he table and the deal IS dealt. I'm in the mood f TUNA-MELT'" L.L. Cool J. Ice Hockey 2, 3. 4, Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Math Club 1, R;,cquelball 1 2. 3; S.A 0 0 4; Spinl Club 2. 3; Wislenan 4 Kevin P. O'COftM-1i OS/22 73 576·0 2232 Fairhill Avenue. GlenSide, PA 19038 Saint Luke "I'm the man. I'm the man. I'm so bad I should be In detention. ' C.S.C. 2; Intramurals 1,2.3.4; Spirit Club 1, 2. 3, 4. SWimming 1

3. 4

WIOta. F. O'Donnell IV 06 27,113 825· 1779 2 K'Mer Ro.td Conshohocken, PA 19428 SalOl Philip Nen If I can I Gve each one oi you WIth a pIcture, I' , leave you WIth my fOO1prints They re upstairs In my socks. _. Groucho Marx BIcycle Club 1 2. 3 4, C.S.C 1. 2. 3. 4. ForenSIcs 2; Racquetball Club 1.2.3. Scholastlc 'L' 3; Wistenan 3, 4; Yearbook 4,

Brian T. O'Hara 12 II 72 630-8641 816 Mourning Dove RfMd, Audubon. PA 19403 VISitation 'The' only way to have a frwnd lS to be one." Emerson C_S.c. 3. 4. Crew 1, 2, 3. 4, Intramurals 1, 2. 3. 4; N H.S 3. 4~ SAD 0 2,3.4, Scholastic "L 1. 2; Soccer 1; SPIrt1 Club 3. 4· Wlstertan 3, 4; Yearbook 3.

Patrick O'Halioran 09/30/73 331· 6273 3402 Ble-igh Avenue. Philadelphia, PA 19136 Saint Matthew "You can 'I always get whal you want. bUI If you try sometime you just might find you get what you need." - The Rolllng Stones Band 1,2; Crew 1, 2. 3. 4; Intramural, 1.2,3,4; SA D.O. 3. 4, Spirit Club 2, 3. 4, Student Council 3,

Mark K. O'Neill 11/17/72 646- 1189 1506 Dublin Road. Maple Glen. PA 19002 $aint Alphonsus "I am ;, firm supporter in Ihe Green Peace movement therefore I conserve water and drink ?@"1." Me CS,c. 3, 4; Crew 1. Football 1; Golf 3, 4; Inlramurals I, 2. 3. 4; S.A.O.D. 3; Student Council 3; Tennis 2.


07/17/73 233路3754 6337 East Valley Green Road, F1ourlown. PA 19031 Saini Genevieve: "How far Is alllhe: way and then jf It stops, what's stoppin' it and what's behind wha!'s n:>ppin' It." David SI. Hubbins CSc. lSenatort Intramurals 1. 2. 3. 4; Scholaslic "L" 3; Track and field 3, 4. Yearbook 3.

Cbriatopber M. Oberholzer

Fraak 0nIa0

03/28/73 657- 2383 1631 Alba Road. Willow Grove. PA 19090 Saint John of the Cross Band 1. 2. 3. 4, Baseball 4; Intramurals 1. 2, 3, 4.

...... Pero 07/09173 745-6926 714 Susquehanna Road. Philadelphia. PA 19111 Saint Cecilia "1 still haven't fOlJnd what I am lookIng for" - U2 Band 1. 2. 3. 4: Baseball 3. 4 ....... M. PlaDo 12/17 72 699-6299 1414 Florence DTllole. Gwynedd Valley. PA 19437 Saint Rose of Uma "Cease to resist. giving my goodbye!. dnve my car into the ocean. you think I'm dead but I sail away. 01\ a Wave of MutilaUon." Crew 1: Intramurals 1. 2. 3. 4. S A.D,O. 4; Yearbook 3.

Robert Partleelli 09 11 74 676路6618 1042 Bloomfield Avenue. Philadelphia, PA 19115 Matermty B.V,M Intramurals 1.2, 3. 4: Racquetball Oub 3: Wisterian 4

".IHS Adam Peesi

08/09/73 2029 Legat Lane, Cedars. PA 19423 Corpus Christl 路'Women. You can't hve WIth 'em . pass the beer nUls" Intramurals 1. 2. 3. 4


04 120/73828.1145 209 East 10th Avenue. Conshohocken. PA 19428 Saint Philip Nerl "Someday we-II look back on thIS and it will all seem funny." Bruce Springsteen C.S.C. 3. 4. Crew; Intramurals 1. 2. 3. 4: N H S 4: ScholastIC "L" 1. 2. 3. 4


12 18;72 822-0472 780 Stump Road. Chalfont. PA 18914 Saint Jude Baseball 2. 4, Football 1,2.3; Intramurals 1. 2. 3. 4.

....... PIIIdr.


Brian Poehlmann 04/02/73 379·5578 353 Rolling Hill Road. Elkins Park. PA 19117 Saint Cecha It don', matler if I Win. I Just wanna go the dIStance.• Bawbal 1. 2. 3,4. Soccer 1. 2. 3. 4. J..on F. Potter 02/22173 887·0999 515 Orayt()n Road. Oreland PA 19075 Saint GenevIeve "There flU no pOints for second ploce. Intramurals 1.2,3,4, Scholastic "L" 1 2

Ed Pratowski 03/02/73 368·3858 PO. Box 870, Lansdale PA 19446 Saini Staruslaus 'When you feel the words get In the way. listen to your I)eart and what It has 10 say • Little Feat Bike Club 1.2, C S.C. 3. 4 Intramurals I, 2, 3, 4; Racquetball Cub 1: Yearbook 4 Daniel A. Rakowski 12/14/74 677,3211 14001 TrevOSll' Road, Philadelphia. PA 19116 Saint Christopher "The most Important grade you'll ever receive is the one you gill~ yourself." Band 1. 2, 3, 4 \PreSIdent); Crew 2; Dn"matics 3, 4; Intra· mural!! 1 2,3,4; N.H.S. 3. 4; Scholastic "L" I, 2. 3, 4. John B. Randuzo 07/26/73 631·1731 614 Church Road. EaglelliJle, PA 19408 Visitation B.V.M. "Mon esprit plangea done sous ee f10t lnconnu, Au profond de I'ablme II O<'Igea seul et nu." - Victor Hugo C.SC 3, 4 (~anlor); Forensics 1, 2, 3, 4, (Secretary); Math Club 2: Mock Trial 3; NH,S, 3.4: SAD,D. 1. 2. 3, 4; Scho· lastlc "L' 1. 2. 3. 4; Student Council 2: Wisterian 1. 2, 3. 4 (Editor), Yearbook 1,2.3 Pat Randles 10/26/73 745·3875 1151 Tabor Plaza. Philadelphia. PA 19111 Saini Ceoha Tm not sayin' I'm number one. I'm not thai bolder; but I'm a close seeond and my father's geltin' older." - B.DK Cross Countrv 1 2: Intramurals 1. 2. 3. 4; Siudent CounCil 11.2, i, Track and F,eld 1, 2.


To Whom It May Concern ... (••••ple colle.e ....y th.t ",ol'ked)

TIIM c••••••••• s..........




arah My rs McGimy

Stnlleglesto Mlp you:




If Ihere 10 deecrlbe . . . it WOIIId be La SalUan. Af· ter long t.o.n of medlt.tion on this Abject. I beUne • La Saln.n ••y i. on....ho i. handlIOIDe aDd. kao. . it. nat pretty macb coyen .y peraonailly. I try 10 k ••p my..1f fairly buy. Darlnt tIM: fall I play football. DariDg the winler I wrulie and nn iudoor Irack. "'. tough. tNt if 80 can do it, I can too. ADd in the epring Ma.n I compete on _I' aUle lolf and tanni. I_m•. I am co-captain on an of theM .port. I participate in. of coar... I JUlt didn't gel around to Including them in my Iranscript. Be.ldel. a confldenUal source lold me th.t offldal Khool IranKript. ar. unreUable - don't tru.t them. I hav!( many caring, concerned frlend. who Ju.t love to ba In my pre..nce. One of them told Ibe that a .trange odor wa. permeaUnt from my locker. It ..a. I. Girl. don't attend my .chool and I'm not 11'1 the bu.i· ne.. of Impre....! any Broth· en. On weekea')., I'm ao buy

fll'.t of

• • • ODe . .rd

I bave to keep the pIaooe off tIM: hook - there i. not eDO.,1I tI.. e to have 1III0re tb.n five girlfrieDds at ODU. I plan to major Ia A. .rkan Folk DaoclDg;. If ....t doe. DOt work out I.m resort to liliy MCODd carnl' choice, tut of Ma.ic Appred.tion. ("WOIIId YOII Ilk. 10 hear .ome ma.lc?" "Veah, I'd .ppreclate th.tr') La.tly, I'd like to eaplaia that none of thoee .........._ ..... my f.....t. I ••e.r that Mn. M.. riel Mellr tried to throw •• oal Ibe window; I y.nked ber OIIt trying to .."e IIIYMIn Farthermore II wa. abOther de.r cat c... of IMIf-def that time I thre .. era at Mr. Ed McCabe. I claim menial cruel· ty. I have sained • Bl'eat deal of ..isdom from Ihe.. experience•. bowever. Naver me•• with Mr. Roche and never, evar, denate Mr. Puntel'. tire. (h.'. an animal when be', angry). If you are actually reading thl. e...y, Mr. (or M•.) Adml..Ion. peraon, .top! "ult .end me my acceptance and tbe ad· dr... where my father can ..od a donation to your nne ir••tltullon. Will Spearing, '91

"obn "ame. Rider 07/27/73 357-4663 1337 Joan Drive. Soutnampton. PA 18966 Our Lady of Good Counsel

"Two roads diverge in the wood. and I. I took Ihe one less travelled by " -- Robert Frost Band 1. 2. Dramatics 2; Intramurals 1, 2. 3. 4~ SAD.D. 3; Scholashc "L" 4; Yearbook 4.

Matt Rivera 07/04 173 836·4260 1 Summit Valley Lane, Oreland. PA 19075 Saint PhUlip's In the Fields C.S,C. 3; Intramurals 1. 2. 3. 4; Racquetball Club 1. Soccer 4; Tennis 1. 2. 3. 4


Chrisli.n T. Roccl. 06/07173 539·0176 11 Skip Road, Norristown, PA 19401 EpIphany of Our Lord 'Quotall ,n confess,,"! inferi lTJly." Emerson. Quotation and Orlgnahty C 5 C 3 4. Crew 1, 2. 3. 4. Dramatics I, Intramurals 1 2. j 4, N H S 3. 4. Racquetball Club 1. 2. 3; S A.D.D 4, Scm!MtlC L 2, 3, 4, Wlshman 4: Wreslhng 2. 3; Yearbook 4 Rick Roj..

07 15,73 487-2890 Immaculate Heart

628 Spnng Lane Ph .adelph a. PA 19128 f ~ary

InlrMr.:Jf, 4!-1



1. 2. 'l4. N.H S 3,4, Racquetbal, Oub 1 Scl\oTl'f"", I 2 1 4 (uplan}


...... Now we know who really does Mr. Russell's computer work.


Grqoql M. ROlDan

07/21/73 233·5833 425 Norfolk Road. Flourtown. PA 19031 Saint Genevieve 'We've had our share of hard times, but that's the price we paid. and through II all we kept the promise that was made." SkId Row Intramurals 1. 2. 3. 4

Matthe_ F. ROlDano II 05112 72 491·9145 2289 Jericho Dnve. Jamison. PA 18929 Saint Cyril "In my nerghborhood. you get further with a kind word and a gun. than ""lth Just a kind word." - Al Capone Football 1. 3. 4; Intramurals I, 2, 3, 4: Track and Field I, Wrestling 1. 2. Frank J. ROKloU

01/20/73 482·1418 553 O\lerlook Road. Philadelphia. PA 19128 Holy Family "Help, the can is stuck in my mouth."' &wling I, Intramurals I, 2, 3, 4: Photography Club 4 WOllam C. Ruanak 02/02/73 659·1404 1422 Doris Road, Roslyn, PA 19001 Saint John of the CroS! "I can't gel no salisfaction." - The Rolling Stones Dramallcs 3, 4: Intramural, 1. 2, 3, 4; Wlsterian 4

John RasH 03/23/73 483·3172 905 Lomond Lane, Philadelphia. PA 19128 Immaculate Heart of Mary "By the way, lhis Is Jodie."' C.S.c. 2, 3; Foolball 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1. 2, 3, 4; Rac· quelball Club 1. 2. 3: S.AD,O. 3; Wrestling 2, 3, 4 oIoMph C, Ruzzi

06/01/73 272· 4377 1255 McDevl1t Drive, Blue Bell. PA 19422 Saint Helena "Yeah ' I'm Italian. so what'" Band 1. 2, 3, 4, Crew 3. 4, lee Hockey 2: Photography Club 4; Spin! Club I, 2, 3. 4, Wisler14n 4


Michael J. SaldatU 02/15/73 855·6424 880 Sycamore Drive, Lansdale, PA 19446 Saint Stanislaus "The only true wisdom 15 in knowing that you know nothing." Socrates Band 1 Michael A. S.,aclno 10/22/73 322·7494 4b6 Yale Dnve Southampton, PA 18966 Our Lady of Good Counsel "~me things are better left unsaId. Art Cub 3. 4; Intramurals 1. 2. 3, 4. Photography Club 4, S.A D D. 2.3.4; WlsteTlan 2. 3. 4 (EdItor· in-Chief). Year k

3. 4 Rich Scali 08,128/73 628-8903 1555 Oak Hollow Drive, Maple Glen. PA 19002 SaInt AI· phonsus .. ~() palfl. no gdln •• Band 1. Intramurals 1. 2 3.4. Photography Oub 1. Rae quetball Club 3; Track and Fl4lld 3 Chris Schmidt 05/31 72 6740-0511 24 :"Jewlnglon Drive. Hatboro PA 19040 Saint David • A good deed never goes unpunished" Bane 1 2.3.4: Intramural, 1. 2. 3. 4; Wrestling 1 Ch,is C. Schmidt 12/05/73 745·0231 2103 Ahon Street. Philadelphia. PA 19152 Resurrection "Your VIolence I wIn counter WIth peace. Your Ignorance I'll counter with Intelligence Your hate I'll counter with love. You wllltake and I WIll gIVe." .. M,C. Hammer Dramatics 3; Intramurals 1, 2. 3, 4: Scholasttc "L" 1 Kevin P. Schmidt


784- 0808

6 Mountain Ash Lane, Horsham, PA 19044 Saini Catherine "A person', only limitations are the size of his Ideas and the degree of his dedication," Football 1. 2. 3. 4 (Captain); lnlramurals 1. 2, 3. 4; S.AD.D. 4, Track and Field 3. 4

John M. Schulden 12/21/72 672· 6978 22 Ivy Meadows. 1000 Jacksonville Road. Ivyland, PA 18974 Saint Robert "To be great is to be mIsunderstood." Ice Hockey 1. 2. 3, 4 (Captain); Intramurals 1. 2, 3. 4; N,H.S. 3.4. Photography Club 3, 4; Racquetball Club 2. 3; SAD.D. 2; ScholastiC L 2: Spirit Club 1, 2. 3. 4, Robert E. Sciascia 11/27/73 483·9106 545 He"'oItage Street. PhIladelphia. PA 19128 Saint Jo~ph.lt

··Ted. my friend. strange things are afoot at the 'CIrcle K' tOnight"


Crew 1. DralT\lltlcs 2. 3. 4, Intramurals 1. 2; Track and Field 2


Kevin M. Scully 05/16/73 885· 7544 837 Fernhill Road, Glenside, PA 19038 Saint Luke "There Ilre nol many who remember. They say a handful still survive." -- Billy Joel Cross· Country 2, 3, 4 (Captain); Intramurals I, Swimming 1, 2,3.4; Track and Field 1,2,3,4 (Captain); Wisterian 4 ADd..... .I, Scuttl 11/23/72 884,8406 228 Plymouth Avenue. Oreland, PA 19075 Holy Martyn '·Oh. what a rush~" Football 1,2; Intramurals I, 2, 3, 4; SPlnt Club 1. 2, 3, 4, Student Council 3, 4, Track and Field 1,2.

BdaD P, Shaaooa

05/03/73 483·4465 130 Rochelle Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19128 Saini John the BaptISt "Women. can'l bve with them - Pass lhe beer nuts" Norm Peterson Crew 1. 2. 3, 4. Intramurals 1, 2, 3. 4; S.A D D. 3. Spirit Oub 1. 2, 3. 4

BID I. - . . ...d. m 08(20/73 6574706 1422 Saint Charles Place, Roslyn, PA 19001 Saint John of the Cross "Party the Wild Way!" C.S.C. 2, 4; Dramallcs 3, 4; Intramurals 1. 2, 3. 4; Photog· raphy Club 1


09/17/72 584-1258

1013 Woodland Avenue, Norristown, PA 19403 Visitation BYM "You'll die as you lived, in the flash of Ihe blade." - Bruce Dickinson Band 1,2.3,4; Intramural, I, 2, 3. 4; Yearbook 4

.I. . . . D. S. . . .nd 07/03/73 643· 2197 137 Hendricks Street, Ambler, PA 19002 Saint Anthony "The youth are permanently in a state resembling Intoxication: lor youth Is sweet and they are grOWing." - Aristotle Band I. 2, 3.4 (VlcCl.Presldent); Crew 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Racquetball Club 1; Scholastic "L" 2, 3; Wrestling 1

"-ph P. SitI...nd 05/30/72 643·2197 137 Hendncks AvenuCl, Ambler. PA 19002 Saint Anthony "Some people call me a Space Cowboy." - Steve Miller Baod Band 1. 2, 3, 4; Crew 2. 3. 4~ Intramura.t, 1. 2. 3. 4; Rae· quetball Club I, Wrestling 1.

Roben G. A. SlDI 04(19/73 887- 9764 1558 Will,ams Road. Abington. PA 19001 Our Lady Help of ChTlshans "Without love, hfe Is meaningleu." - Eric Heller Btke Oub L Crew 2, 3, 4; ForenSICS 3; N.H.S. 3. 4; Rac· quetball Club I, 2. 3; Scholasbc "L" 2. 3; WlsleTlan 3, 4


Keith A. Sink 05 15/73 343·7348 2370A Greensward South. Warrmgton. PA 18976 Saint Calhennl! of Suma "Opt'.Jl Your Mmd' JImmy Page C S.C 3; Intramural5 I. 2. 3. 4. Math Club 2; Yearbook 4 Michul T. Sinopoli 12 10 72 277·2196 2918 Sheffield Onv",. Nornslown. PA 19401 Epiphany of Our lord life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around one" In a while. you might mUll. - Ferris Bueller Bawball 2. 3. 4 C.S.c. 3. 4. Football 1. 4; Intramurals 1,2. 3. 4. N H S 3. 4. Mock Tnal 3 4: Racquetball Club 1. 2; S,A.D.D 2: Scholastic 'L' 1,2.3.4 O.rren SkuJ.ky 05/04 73 464-3305 9209 Burbank Road. PhIladelphIa. PA 19115 Annunciation

BVM "If alii do ,5 play the g"me. I am just mediocre I muSI striVI! to be the besl I can be and not to jusl get over." Art Club 1. 2; Basketball 3; Bowling 1. Intramurals I, 2. 3. 4; N.H.S. 3. 4: Photography Club 2. 3. 4; Racquetball Club 2. 3; ScholastiC "L 3. 4. Spirit Club 2. 3. 4: Wisterian 4 Will Speerlng 05/15/73 643·3623 643 Meadowbrook Avenue. Ambler, PA 19002 Saint AI· phonsus "Man will occasionally stumble over truth. but most of the lime he wll1 pick himself up and continue on." - Churchill Blk", Club I, 2; C S.C. 3. 4 {Secretary/Treasurer); FootbDIl 2, 3. 4, Intramurals 1, 2; N H.S. 3, 4; S.A,D.D 2, 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1. 2. 3, 4, Track and Field 1. 2: Wisterian 1. 2,3. 4 (Editor); Yearbook 4

Thom•• J, Stack 11/30/73 277· 7407 1750 Sheffield DrIVe, Blue &11. PA 19422 Epiphany of Our Lord Crew 3, 4, Ice Hockey 1. 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Chri.topher L. St.rk 07/29/73 584-5573 2012 Legal Lane, HarleYSVille. PA 19438 Corpus ChTlStl 'Tragedy ,~ when I cut my linger Comedy is when you fall down II man·hole and die." - Mel Brooks C.S.C.2 3. 4 Intramurals 1 2.3. 4; Scholastic "L" 2; SWIm mm9 2. WI I",nan 4. Wresillng 3, 4


Chad G. Stowe 01/31/73 699·3179 153 Barberry Road. Gwynedd. PA 19436 Saint Rose of Umll 'I may have my faults. but beIng II.Tong ain't one of them .• Football 1. 2. 3. 4; Intramurals 1. 2. 3. 4; S.A,D.D. 3; Stud~nt Council 3. 4; Wisterian 4 Stephen T. Strelbil 08115 72 836-5892 6150 Parkside Road. flourtown. PA 19031 Saint GeneVieve 'The most effective way to cope WIth change is to help create

"Art Club I, 4; Cross·Country 3; Intrllmurals 1. 2. 3. 4, N,H S. 4; Scholastic "l" 1,3; SWimming Track and Field 1. 2, 3. 4; Yearbook 4

"rm gonna git me a hager and a soder . .. "


Underclassmen Need Not Enter ~...

underele ••men under.tand what exactly goe. on in the College Placem.nt Center. It i. often lleen .. a forbidden zone that .hould ne....r be tre.pa.lled (wbicb i. true). If, for Hme unknown reason. an andereta••man m ... t crHa tbe unfamili.r door' .....y. he a ....Uy knock. qaietly first. If be can get past the Mnlor. In the room, be'll "em eU about Mrs_ Lotan'. privete domaiD. He .. puzzled by the first .ilbt. The ....d. of t....o tired Mnior. lie on .n opened collel. catelol. They aumbl. phr.... Ilk. "I het. co..... appUc.tiOlN" end "I don't want to IG to colle... I , ..t .ent to be ••bepherd." Luckily for the underet•••man. they don't notice hi. preHnce. He pane. the enormou••tack. of eMentlal colleg. inform.tlon. On top tbere I•• brilhtly colored brochure d••criblng the an.hropo logy department .t Harvey Mudd Unl....r.ity. He i. temp••d to ..... through it. but be rul.ta. A. he forcea himMlf the ......r__ Int.ruting college c•• a~., he i. relieved to He Mrs. Lotu· ill... face beblad IMr


'0 .....

etemalty neat and ort.nlaed du". Hi. attention I. nught b~ the aight of an overflowing gl••• bowl of candle•. Without h••itation b. a•••he. bandful. of the. into hi.


pockeb. Ah... h. d.liver. hI. meHage lba' the faculty dance baa been pcM;tponed. b d. back to••rd the door••aldDg one more h.nelf.1 of undy, of co...... Be· for. b. teave., h. decleln to satisfy Itt. Cal'ioMty and peer into the office adjacent to tbe College

Placemut Center. W.... cCHdd it be? Untl.rel tortariDg devic..? He Brotlle' David Rosen diUgently laboriDil ov.r paper•• TIM enlightened boy decid•• not to dlaturb him. eo b•••ita tb. offlce. Before 1•• "lng. h. t.k•• one fi· nallook .round the C.P.C.in awe. reallzinl that be probably won't return until bl. Mnlor yea,. Howe"er. he now know. tba' the College Placement Center I. 1D0re than Mr. Roche' • • ndercover .embliDti hen. end Imo...... i. h..f the tMittle won. T. Brencbn htler '91

S.e B. Strohecker 02/27/73 584·963S 2079 Trumbauer Road. Lansdal.. PA 19446 Corpus Chnsli "A friend IS one who knows all about you and sflU likes you.-· Foc.lballi. 2. 3. 4; Inltamurals l. 2. 3, 4; N,H.S 3,4: ScholastiC "L' 1. 4: Track and Field 1,2,3,4 .11m Summerill 01/20/73 277-2555 115 Valley View Road, Norristown, PA 19401 Saint Titus 'If you think you're the man welllhmk again punk" Intra murals 1, 2, 3, 4; Rllcquelbal1 Club 2, 3; SAD.D. 3, 4, Spirit Club 2, 3; Track and Field 2,


A ....drtof. of Potu.... PIM'




OS/20;73 725·0193

7436 Bmgham Street, Philadelphia. PA 19111 Saini Cecilia we burst out 01 class had 10 get away from thoM fools. we learned more from 1.I three minute record baby, than we ever learned In school .. - Bruce Springsteen Art Club 3. 4, Bike Club 1, Intramurals 1. 2. 3. 4; Mock Trial 4; Wislerian 4. Wrestling 1

K.lth Cb....topb.r Tomett.

10/24/73 630·8709

531 faith Drive. Norristown. PA 19403 Holy Saviour "It's not easy beln' cheezy." - Chester Cheeta Football I. 2. 3. 4. Track and FlC!ld 3. 4: Wrestling 1 Cor"'~.


01/18/78 836·4543

1703 Newbold Lane. Laverock, PA 19118 Seven Dolors Panth "I'm dtggin' for fire:' - The Pixies C.$,C. 2. 3. 4; Intramural, I, 2, 3, 4. NH.S 3.4; Racquetball Club l. 2; S.A.D,D. 2. 3. 4 (Vice·President): Scholastic "L" 1.2: Student Counol 2. 3. 4; TennIS 1. 2, 3. 4. Wisterian 2, 3. 4 (EdItor); Yearbook 2. 3.


W _ Yrolaor.


07/27/73 4824639

581 Pedley Road. Ptuladelphia, PA 19128 $aint Josaphat "You might be the only Christ that otller ~p1e will ever see on thl. earth." - John Fitzgerald Kennedy C.S.C. 1. 2 (Senator), 3 (Senatorl. 4 (Vice·Presldent); Ora· manes 1, 2. 3. 4 (Theatre Manager); Intramurals 1. 2. 3, 4~ Photography Club 3. 4; SAD.D. 1. 2. 3, 4; Yearbook 1. 2, 3, 4 (Edltor-ln·Chief).

B.an P. Y""eU

09/28/73 643·1397

1234 Forest Hill Drive, Gwynedd Valley. PA 19437


R... "Remember the ~den rule: 'He who hal all the gold makes the rules ". - J.J.T Crew 1, 2. 3. 4 (Captain); Football l: Intramural. 1. 2. 3. 4; SptrilOub 1. 2. 3. 4 (Captain); Student Councll l, 2. 3. 4 (Vlce·PreSldent). IloIIMt B. V....U04/09;73 659· 9176 2300 Hunttngdon Road. HuntUlgdon Valley. PA 19006 $ainl

0..... "If I leave here lomonow. will you stiU remember me. I must be traveling on now. cause there are too many places I got 10 Me."

Crew 1. 2. 3. 4; Intramural. 1. 2. 3. 4; Racquetball Club 2,


J. Chriatopher Valerio

09/11/73 1108 Aslor Street Norristown, PA 19401 Saint Patrick The man of the ',our, with all the power" Band 1,2.3: Football 1.2; Intramurals 4, Spiril Club 3. 4.

Nichol.. L. Varano 2021 Trumbauer Road. Lansdale. PA 19446 , A champion IS a S1ale of mmd." Ice Hockey 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3. 4


08/27/72 584-0247 Corpus Christl

Frederick G. Vogt 08/16/73 676-9246 10305 Hoff Street PhIladelphIa, PA 19116 Maternity B.V.M 'EducallOn flOt the h.,ing of a pail. JI is the lighting of a fire."' W B. Yeats Art Qub 2. 3. 4: Crou·Country 1 2; Inlramurals 2. 3; Racquetball Club 2, 3: Scholastic" L 2. 3

Jerry Volpe 05/13/73 624-4495 4303 Longshore Avenue, Ph.I1adelphia. PA 19135 Our Lady of ConsoIallOn "I know where I've been but I haven't the foggiest where I'm going."' Ice Hockey 1. 2, 3· Intramurals 2, 3. 4; Spirit Club 1. 2. 3. 4


Mlcha.1 VUe 01/24{73 672491 1109 Uttle Lane, Warminster. PA 18974 NatIVIty of Our Lord "Thanks Mom and Dad. you were great •. C.S.C. 3; Crew 2. 3. 4; Intramurals 1. 2, 3, 4; N.H.S. 3. 4; Racquet Club 1, 2; S.AD.D. 3, 4; Scholasbc "L" 1,2,3; Socur 1. 2. 3, 4, Spl Club 1,2.3,4; Student Council 2, 3, 4; Track and Fwld 1 BI1I V...·.huood 12/31/73 364-237 1518 Meadowbrook Road, FeasterviUe, PA 19047 Assumption BV "When Cameron was in Egypt's land • Let my Cam~on go!" - Ft!tt Bueller &seball 2, 4; Inlramurals 1. 2. 3, 4; Racquetball Club 2; Socc~ Yearbook 4.

Matthe. F. Wachcnnld 03/28/73 671~ 2025 Nesler Street, Philadelphia, PA 19115 Matemtty BVM "Don'l ever lell anybody anything If you do. you start mbsIng e"iltJ'ybody , Inlramurals 1.2.3,4: Racquetball Club 2. 3; Scholalbc "L" 2,

..Ion Waibel. 08/13/73 348-148: 18 Pebble Valley Drive, Doylestown, PA 18901 Our Lady of Moun Carmel Band I, 2. 3. 4; Dramatics 2, 3. 4. Intramural, 1. 2.3,4; Scholastic "l' 3. 4; WiSterian 4

56 Charlotte Drive. Churchville, PA 18966 Saint Vincent de Paul "Life is too short for men to take 11 seriously." - George Bernard Shaw Band 1. 2. 3; Baseball 2; Intramurals 1, 2. 3, 4; Track and Reid 3. 4.

SteplMa Weinrich 07 j19/73 884-9723 323 Bent Road. Wyncote, PA 19095 Immaculate Conception "Without the heart there can be no understanding between Ihe hand and the mInd" - Madonna Crew I; Dramatics 2. 3; Golf I; Mock Trial 3, Racquetball Oub 1.2.3: Soccer 1


.Ie..... (......) C"'rla Wentz

...... W.....

P. W_

07/26/73 322-6932

10/05/73 947路 7671

2110 Elbow Lane. Huntingdon Valley. PA 19006 Our lady Help of

Ch-... C.S.C. 1; Football I. 2. 3, 4. Golf I, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1. 2. 3. 4; Scholastic "L" 2. 4; Track and field 1.2

.... 1.




06/13/73 549路6192

1051 69th Avenue, Philadelphta, PA 19126 Holy Angels ''I'm not only the Oub president, but I'm also a client." Art Club 2; Bike Club 3. 4: Dramatics 4; Intramurals 3. 4; Racquetball Club 3.

...... _ .

01/20/73 969路5646

768 Jonathan Court, 8ensalml. PA 19020 Saint Ephram "1 elln'l see you, I can 'I hear you, you don'1 see me, you couldn'l be me.

806 Chanme Road. Philadelphia. PA 19115 Saint Albert the Great "Sometimes you live for the fight. when that's all thai you've got." _

who cares wins." - Anthrax Football 2. 3. 4 (Manager); Intramurals 1,2.3.4

Bon Jov;

11/17/73 379- 2247 619 Boyer Road. Oteltenham. PA 19012 Presentation BVM.

Football 1. 2. 3, 4; Intramurals I, 2. 3. 4: N.H.S. 3. 4: Scholastic "L" 1.3.4; SPirit Club I, 2; Track and field

Guard M. Wldte

"Be bold In what you hope lor. and careful in what you fall for" Anonymous Btke Club 1.2; Cross-Country 1: DramatICS 2. 3, 4 (Production Manager); Intramurals I, 2, 3. 4; Track and rleld 1, Yearbook 3.

MI. .


11/22/72 885-4309

31 Red Oak Road. Oreland, PA 19075 Holy Martyrs "Much bettft 10 have tried and failed. than nevcr to have tried lit aU"

Crew I, 2, 3. 4~ Intramurals 1, 2, 3. 4; N.H.S. 3. 4; SAD.D. 3. 4; Scholastic "L" 1,2.3,4.


Step right up for a picture with a Dream Prom· Date

But, She's Got a Great Personality .


it'. too early to find a date for the prOia, I don't want to take ",MIf off the market before I te.t tb. watera of Irte asItDCY. WIty ...... thing. whan tlMra i. 80 .eh opportanJty - 80 IaIlClt prom· iae? Uke I"ve al...va Aid. '1'. Uke a wild deer in the forut. • DeI I ha,",e to run freel' The..e i••tlll plenty of Ullie to fiDeI a woman of epic proportiona • date that I wUllook back on In ten ye.... and h.ve Jut . . . word to Ny: 'Wow,''' Do the.. word....... f .. lar? That'. prob.bly Mea.... they are wh.t you were Nyl... about a month a.o. when you had lI,",e wtek. to fiDeI a date for the prom. No.. you're kind of hurUnt. conahlerint the fact tbat you have only th..ee day. left to find Chi. draam lid. Need belp? Fir.t of aU, rememb.r tbe f.ct that you're • bl... edaool .uy (tran.l.tlon: yo. ha"e no prld• •nd .bsolut.'y DO .t. .· dar.). More bDportaatiy. for aU the lII"'y yoa'll b ....Was oat. you nt to ....ke _ra tIIat .... d.te y ha.,. 80 tic implications (or .t t live tbe .ppearance of



the..). Here ue

• • ~


....tIaoda to attaia ......~ ....ily ota oa aItort BOtice: 1) Bq tile look.. After all. beauty Ie only aklD ...

plaia PrIa wW appreciate ...... .......adl ...... Now I u.that yo. don't ••• t • d.t. beaten bI' etkk.1Md r • ••re you c.n nod one tll.t·. been hit ooly • f •• 11_41. 41. tiIDa. Re.....be Ie • IIIh.cle work.r. KEYS TO AVOID: t.ttoo•• facial "all', II.... IlIt IDOl'. th. . 300 ..... 2) Borrow a babe. Flad a friead frOID ......... acbool tlaat h... r....y "cboket . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . .nd uk to bon. . 1M.. for tIta night. Y......y DOt bave an, ro.antlc bope•• but you're the only OM who know. that. kEYS TO AVOID: J boyfri. and Ii .. 3) Tak•• cbuce. V....... III U.... te ...... of R•••I.o 1'0. I.tte: a blind ...... ao..~



..b.cIa do ""-'t, A .........~ ........... beeo Imowa to wIa race.....t BMke . . . POll pre real ".1'41. KEYS TO AVOID: Hey........ a ................ are on. ...... IIcDo.-t "I

Joe WiliiamHO 06/30/73 641·1075 1075 Walton Road. Blue Bell. PA 19422 Epiphany of Our und

"If there's one thing I've learned. it's that the person you should try hardest to Impress is yourself. You alone. you are the everything" - R E.M. Art Club 1.2: Crew 1. 2. 3, 4; Intramurals 1. 2. 3. 4; Rac· quetball Oub 2; Wisterian 2. 4 Thoma. J. Wilson, Jr. 12{27/72 886-0794 17 Red Oak Road. Oreland, PA 19075 Holy Martyrs "The most utterly lost of all days. is that in which you have not once laughed" - Chamfor! Crew 2, 3, 4. Intramurals 1. 2.3.4, SA D.O. 3. 4; Swimming 1,2.3; Yearbook 4 Scott C. Wimmer 02/27/73 277·1309 1718 SheffIeld Drive. Blue Bell, PA 19422 Epiphany 01 Our Lord "How's life in the fast lane? Don't know, can't find the on·ramp. Norm Peterson C.s.C. 3; Football 1. Intramurals 1. 2. 3, 4; Mock Trial 3, 4; Racquetballl. 2, SA D.O. 3, 4; Spirit Club 2; Student Council 1. 2; Track and Field L Wisterian 2, 3. 4 (Editor). Stephen G. V.tem. 07/04/73 624-8769 2118 Disston Street. Philadelphia. PA 19149 Our Lady of Rlmsom "The Binger" Bowling 1. Crew 1: Intramurals 1; Racquetball Club 1. 2;

SAD D. 4 07/27/73 628·2766 1505 Township Line Road. Gwynedd Valley, PA 19437 "Somellmes you're beaten to the call. Sometimes you're taken to the wall. But you don't give in," - Midnight Oil C.S.C. 2. 3; Intramurals 1.4; Swimming 1, 2. 3. 4; Yearbook Ryan B. Young

3 Erie lemhi. 05/09/73 887· 0718 9 Eastview Drive. Ardsley. PA 19038 Queen of Peace "Stop me alone, No. make that one-thirty!" Baseball 1. 2, 3, 4; Intramurals I, 2, 3, 4; Soccer 1

That's Four Years and We are Dutta Here! 197

Some Intelligent Comments (?) .1. . .1 AU. . - Favorite AUlhoJ SU!pMn KIng F,lrOl1te c.rtoon Bugs Bunny MI.lhI.rnrnM Ohhh &byl We're Ham' SInk, AD Around l SenousIy, 1II1I1I ge1 my Ian.. _ II Tuff 4 Va, Un. derlland? 000 "",altha lih Oh'Boy II the o.~Do He', the Ptb'Ic. of Anger

A'fon 8Mr - Puce. KIIV. goIn' to La.~. "·rolds

A· Baar

My IleenM, my freedom

".",,1, Buton - "urton" Notill'. "Barton" with II "B" . YUIt II not a tom. lime thlng.lt'l an all Um. thing! RoIlln'ln my l.8, eouldn', gel no chicks, w.s Ille ma'l!!' of Debate ..• Ryan, gel out 01 the bathrooml

I'll have. ham on ryel Anyon. for Burger on Wonder Brnd? V,rslly SlOW'll" t, 2, 3. 4. Ry.n, try....-lmming In wilier, noI on my rug Brllllll 8t:IIMtt - Meet me In the CPC WN.t'. aur hom_k' Yu.h. "'e have • tut to(\f;II T.k. II easy butlllkir 11 8lIUar I4f. !han new. Ch,.. a.....1ll

Whet yor am 11 _ II',. long lIloryl I Nrned tN.11n Y"tcrdey my pen? Amy said wh.It' I hole HMmb8u! An'So,


Robert Blul - "The BIuc Bk.zer"

.a, ar' vou

going 10


Hey. Mr Rus-

die AP ~



V..... bul I'm bettn than you "AP Phytb Lunehlil'M Jam" SenIor Slid. ll/18/91)? WJ'wr,1', tNoI'" Keeley - Iqulcl. ~, you give me back my ~ homework or I'm ~ delell Poll" Such Is bf. Sq...id

Ailio BI.y - I'm a sick boy! 1"11 neve, do II again, at l'a,1 no! ... nlll nUl tim. Ah"ayl MVI a binI partying wtth AFD, TUL & the Boyl Chad, gel off PJ', lip For Anne·Maril, "01'1 \III \101.1 can kick me, and yo... can p...nch me, b... t yo... won't change lhe way I 1••1, CauM I 10"''' yw" I'd rathlr die ltlan give YO\l control Yo Saracino. you're blabbll\9 .galnl . "Aklo 81ey'l Day Off" Chrl.toph" BonftC' _ "Bonnl 80M Mav, erick" Cralhed and Burned Conlralr. mort frere Mymom~'lcare

(r"k ' P.riIl


N.xl lime, I won't fOJgeI the plru for Mr "Denny'I" TIed IOJ M:<:ond place - 3


"S.rqUllch" Phytk1 It ft.an SNURP Lum ro pcrlonn WIder preuwe Bang d... head thai doan'l bang Wral!lnll: I am mine own redeemer OZZY RULESI

John Br.ckla -

"arlin Br_a -

"DowruOlOln (On" Mlk. Fr!ln' c... II the man I'm 10uy but the wlnrler of this 9Ame II JU'* goUlg to have 10 tcOr. more polnll on, JUlI hop on lhe bandwagon next lime Whal" up, Boa? Don'le\l~lrylt That","tough KIV, you goIn' to the bbrllry' Bob, I dogLov.la Bllon,lorno _ No, Not, Neverl YO\l wish you wII.lt.llanl Thal"

ged you 'Qillnl .


. JUlt.nut up. V.Itrto' II11!Vfi get dogged' Thal'l IUSI ttl"riblel Bob, you'rl nothlnil


Peter hr,hart _ MlirC. II a "'ad ..Ie<l, I mean • GN, betler than. W.r Wagon? "WlIgon of WlIr _ 8 cylindnl 01 bridled pooowr" Gtol In, III down, 1h...1 up, lind hold on! The Lu ... Boel il the "offlelal" crUIMr I'm totally Cluelelll , Anatomy II 10m•• thing thar ev.ryon. ha.., b...1 II look.. beller on a girl To IpO!.d Is hum.n - to gel caught, a fIne

Steph.n BurlO _ Yo... only live once. Why pUl off 1111 tomorrow what you c.n do today" A pO!nny saved I... pO!nny earned The bird man That'l all she wrote Yo, d...de What'. up dud. .I.ck Bu.h - Tell m., Joey, ever liang arOl.lnd the gymnallum' 0 for 17 on OC Board...aIk Of courH I mis, the mall.. beefour , WMt 10 pllly &II? Pole V....ltIng mak« me Jumpy Hey. Jud.' WJ'wr,t 60 you mean, "WlsJgl. your car..'" McBoo.e,


.Iobn But"'r _ Bull. Yo, Cet., Whateve"nff 0IIld bearing hlpl AIt,tude Wonderbread Hue, W.1Iy you're borh l.aIeI Andorr. man T1tom.e B, Butler - "Thoruu l..Jva PhiIoIOphcr, pod, or monk? TrallJCendenliullt grappler I'm not MkIr, bul I .m Holden Only 98 daY' of wrlltUng 10 go Jack have you IVtl" been in a Turkbh PrtIOn' Money .nd lP'ad.. are Irre"'vent . RIght Nigel, P.trlck Byrne - It WII • smart Buck 24 Vlry Boring hOI.ln Relreat Buddy Livel Col', you smoke too much Who'. DrIvtn'? .. If YO\l were to lie a teache.... hindi logether, they couldn't talk, , , Later. Mark C.b.to _ Relall.1 , Mom, ...hat'. for dlnn,,? , ,Dlld, I sw.ar to you, 11'1 a very high B, lllmOlllln A If YO\l need m., I'll be at the lIbrllry ALl. DAY LONG In Ph1Iadalphla No, I don't know whlll. wh.n, ...hy, or how .I11!!1 C.Ir.... _ RaJph Consy . Stowe'. Bathroom? I am'l flO loIr.! "CheetyCllIm«" Mom, I'm at Chad'I; the ur Is not l AaUtony Cal!!l~"" - Yo Stan -OJ Campy Camp Yo Camp' Swoop! KMC Bwtln· II till"? NE C,.... II'. not oNy If you wln or 10M, 11'1 llbo how much you bel I'm iQOd Ioolrin' Mark Campbell _ YOAJ should go 0I'l • game ttPen and Pincil HI! What are you, stupid? My GPA? I don't remember Quit. qulJrotlc "RId, cD,," Stinky Marku.,

.1_ Cannon -


I"m gortnII kiD yll!

.Iohn Cant..ell - Slugger "Pagt Is God . "KJdIl" .. Septa Altltud. ,. What towel light? . . Non· ulltent drlvlng IItuallon RevarK gear maniac, , ,

FrUl Cappe.llattl -

Norwood Footb.lllll: the greatat

Norristown Boy hn "the Ham" Best rched· ule In the 12th grade 00 you know! 00 you ~l

Do you know1

Nifty FIfty'.

Brian CaIT - Krilrln 3(LI, (4) Captllin VlveelclncoOeIMYO N.... Year·.88 you'll ne.d more than your KrOll tape McGow"n ..tory, . Wher.'. Chiller?


Morr1lMy, Another

GII,Ory CI.ller.UI .. Are there eny Muk:arll Iwrre . D,l.E ... You',e a lllp without tha l...gga91 .. Muhollllnd, No-Hitler. ,. It would be 11I1illr to shoot myMIf " , I hllard lhat . YOI.I gol 10 bt /Oklng , .. Dc"l With It GIlorle Cole - Cole· M"n Yol Volpe, you drtvtng today? Mon, Capllano sn.dt, IIIfl.n c"ndy! l1ur.1 rock II: too large Uglul CoIe-5la\lll" KeltJa Conlin _ CIet., tackle tony 1'111 lately' Who'. blgget, me or FIt' Mr M.all....... n Hue, pk:k me up, now! Whet.'. But"',? The BrOloo of Cet., you misHd the Ocean Bakony [)tv" .I.m.. Coquw. - "RC*d W.nIort - ArumaI" "CosmaniK" "eo.mon..ut" Coad*lg with DId you .... 0Mets lui . , 1 Well, It'. a bttie known fact Fall Guy RIlIWII Jarnn, I IhInJr It'. time lOgo now


Mlch.el Coyl. - It'. your Idol Gr····, NOI! l1ur.t'.CooI Clad. Shor. '90, My dad',1n the shower. ,tally , 131.11Wl1, Offl«r? Let', nOl ilt a!Tllted W. ean I"ke Jamel, 1034 _ What'.lhatln 1M ...all? Thllllll won't m.tt" In 4 yean anyway. D.n Crall - "Barron Von Craig" What did ...e have for homework?

,Yo Beav,,1 ...

Ed C,,,ll - F.I . , . Slobber Chopl, ,filE CREW Dig ltl. . I'm the Ch.11 Lat'.. make 1I run lor 11'1. border . II that rlghr Ju..1 ditch It! Yo Nut! .Ioha Croney - Atl•• n, l'U love you al.... YI- 1/21/ 89" But Offlcllr? Friendly'.?!? Whatm" . What "re ...... doing tonight? I don't know , Oh, G'lIrd College, Don't 1OOn)/, [ know whI,e I tom. Gr'i . Nikki, Friend. For.ver D•• Cro... - "Ctomagroon" "Cronus" Ug;ht· Weight Power Who cara, _ ~ n.erloMls YOI.I're. dera1lct DoyIntown p_,


c.uelll -

Big [).eddy

V., " bu.zu


- Eggo, Botta, R(lI,I['I<fy, Siron, Budr, en- . 1'.... been cubed Hey JOft, II the cable IMn comtnsI today? SerIously Frlz, _·,.lIftlng.t .I«r'. houM: , T.am Rid. F'ank

Nick IUPl_J, Jon, Joe

M. lhinlu (

Jeff Cunnlnlb.m - YOAJ kl11ld Bam·bIt: , Score My pI.. yet, IIltla m"n? . How did you mek. the tfllm? ,. Deer· Slayer,. Popaye Gumby, Mlch••l Cu.nlnlh.m -

Yo YOI.IH Guy. , .. Lock.

Breakfall I'm tellul' you the Randall Cunmngh·

Can I borrow soma money? NUlman For a Day I lhink I'D lak. a nap Sharkl Hey Jon. II lhe eable·man coming? Serlou~y Frlz, ....'Ie Ii/ling al Jon's

of frnkl Gas FaCl!, Robbin's Palk, JeUo, 7,11 Run I am nol whIpped Mom, I'm not going 10 lha bbrary Bob. look .....tlbl I've got lor lunch todaV Arc you wggullng lhal eoconuu migrate?

I'D hav. whal Ihi. man on tIM floor had Hay t<;.Wl'lt', bumpar, Io-bcunn tr.tll(" out !he•• l I nead a T\e·by-Carr Whatevn you do, don·t.lilY "I!JIWV" ROI'I\&Uaanl .. Hay Samt Glmrna a Ser. .mlng Vllung

o.ve Felley - I IhinIl I'm 11111'" on • ,pidefl M"erI '1'0 'R""nl (Sev... Chrhlrnasj Stone,I?1 "FegIey~.:' In IWO years, you know whal you'll _nt 10 6o? . II ....as o.uck l Wanled; 1lM drfV" of an '89 Muslang - Blac:k, l.J«nM No_ WTY,162

Brian Guckert - Prolessor G Bird Money, ll·. !:fOIl. b. Ih.. aocb Duul>ln "ll"In, Sri I'm tIM! unlucklell guy on Earth Mc:D tan'l Ihoot dw lock T.ke back lhe lawn sheep Conquenng 8F1 tralll carll.

"WIll. DeAnlelia -

C,.il Fiuger.ld - Ther., allrM for d'llllin', i111fM for iIlIn', and lTIO$I: delwlely. ttmc lor Thnllln' Yo man. I'm F"1t; Don'1 l'I'Il!tI - What's up. BuD? II's the Hue and F"rt Show - Fun for lila fublemlnded FlU, ge1 OUI of <lete's dpHt You'le Sill lila _ lock your doors. St.11On Ava. tIM Strukl'n .ra coming F"rIl, you got: • whole 1oI1i1 golf lett, Falla

Damon 5. Gulli - Don'1 have a (cw. man' So whal! Just do III Busl a movet He',. supmruk, supmreak. yow' . Tails, you lou

... No I ""a..,·11n Happy Day. ... How 'boul a rld. up 11M hlU? Eaglu ar. belln than t1'la 49an -.n Is my towIn.


Bri•• 0.1" -

.•. C'mon MiIl'I, Mw long?


.. LS POSH lival



- AS. TK, JS, CU - JD

NICe earls) JD Judgl!/eabIM PCP Mia I hale prl!'plt

Scott DeITllo - Dan'1 think. jou$I: ",,"tal What a.a "'" ""altlng for? Wa ara not npec:led 10 do INs. a.e _? AdaIity. no. not now a days Ufa wIIJ go on with or withoul YOU. 10 whal! Ufa, Uberty, and the pu:mUt allha everlasting buut To. DeSI.olle - I aIn'l laking a panonably teMl .. TOOl, I'm klclring you OUI of lha tar Hang IhIs up", T«mo , Bob. gel a life E.agIc, fuhr .. Ollta. would you just


Do you know whar. Mr. BIoh III? , ., Did M., RlrMI1 gl".l'lomcwork? "Du· mo" . Yn. I rolly do Will'll 10 be mayor

Olrla Oeul -

Fr.1I 01.1 _ Whal', Ih. m.tt.r. CoIon.1 5.nd.... chicken? . I'm, a mog Half man. half dog I'm my own bat Irland What'l aU tha hubbub, bub' W.1l blow m. down KJu m•. you fool W.nna buy a du<:k?

TOIII France - Are you sure? I do not ~valn tha boonla Whal .re you dc*I'? On, 111 kICk you OUI of lhe tar I gI.lftII I misJudged lhe distal!« 11 Will j ....1 me, Dave, and Pelleh Somaday my ship wIIJ eornI' In. and with my luck, I'U be .1 tha alrpCll'l M.lthe", Fry - "Fry Guy" loday, Mr GiI...,n. Gerry Fuhrmeiate, - Oele, you got my beck? FuhlT1Trrrr, Don'I dog me 111"""". you Ilka a Wlnllon . Chlre"Y Kov&<: Vlnce"t Gallfarano - Your houMltllWO door, 10 the righl Scarborough Club ,VIn·man ilfa gWlrd Iland Body·beaulliul The Nold

Chrl. Dochne - lona wolf ... Keith' Walch OUI lor the .. , Ultimata pa"'. John, .. JUltln Hat"'ard 'or.var ... Oliva. "'lin! 10 Itilrl OUI wilh lOlTIa drum mar Iluff? ... Doyllilown Alliluda Patrol .. DIdn't do II - "'11l1l'1 never It - dkln't Me II - no'" ",hill do you "'ilnt? . Nova - n(H)\IM.·vlc:lou..automobllal

Tom Gilloll - Thankl Mom lit Dad, Mlka lit Dot, 0.8" S.8.• F.B.O.B.. Smurls••Ie , , , Thank you Mr,. Sw••, nay - 63 .. , Nighl In Venlca - Spud" I Co,dla . Th.1 aln'l a wav., la balOI Wallaa, Sappanlng? lhill', a ripple ... GrUI While lobotomy ... No, I JUII dlove by , . , SlOP It 01 I'll !lily stop it i19i1ln _ knee..I,

Brian Don.hu. - Hu.·7S. Clay. Donna. wltch.hat, volcan, Boll h.ad (Whal i1bout EiI.th?) , H.B.G. club - Found.r/Pruldenl. ,Hu., lhat', agrlllt block for J.V ... whal grlllt nlghlll ,. La Salle Explorer or Northeilll Opllmlll? ... FiII,yl Wall,14, ya dlppln? Suuurprillli , .. Knock, knock. _ no pappln, fullbllek It. dlalaled, FPOM. SPOM, Donnal ... Subllrhue. (iran· dhue. OonnavUII, Hu.... r (WaIlJl. and Cletu taxlu).

Michile) Gllrov - What ale my lavolll. Ihlngs? Billebali. ehlea ... On a seale from I to 10, I'd , ThaI'. gonna hurllhe chilmplon lomorro", Oh yeahl , " Chiekenheadl. ,I don'l Ihlnk 101. Candin

Se.n Don.elly _ I meanl 10 Ill« my drl". InlO lhe treu. A good voIf IhcK II 4% luck .nd 96% sklU ... A bad golf Ihot II 4'll> Il,ICk i1nd 96% profanlly II you haven'l flown down. mounl.ln i1t 7S mph. head, long InIO. tIn, lhen you'v. n.var had. b.d acha .. You tan'l laU oflllM floor Whoaval ~,wlth lhe mosl Ioys. win, "J.," "Nalr," "D.nka" - aU I know .lIn 3 yun of Garman. T1. Dow.. - I'm not BlI9ll'I, I'm "1lM &god" . What', wrong wtth my Mt? Mott Exccllml IndHd , , , I beg 10 dlff.. You wish you had this _aln ... JUSI ulima Grandma I ean'l. I hav. crew, Thread 11M Nndle. Bilby C.rtH ~ -

No Command

.loft EllIOtovkh -

Iron Willed. Nolt

Chri. Glennu - I'm ",venlnn, I ea.n gel InlO raled R movlu, .. Slop II or I'll lily "1I0P II" i1galn , Aaaa - Dlseo Bunnlu ... WIUll'S thaI? - That's my skull Blum lIves In Dumb and Idiot . Tha big bad Slupld blumsler ... I don't want 10 work - Mrs Sw.enay. l.l Se.n - lorill Ulhenbomb Bean .Ieff Good",ln - AI·Kay . Pill1 of 11M FCP P Vogood,l rr.K.1. MI. Goodbllr . 8lId win + Baule ue I'm going 10 Carolina In my mind GoIlnl N,E. Crew - Dig lI! Yo Bud-dy I w.""llookln' .t y. Dool Kevin Gray - Oluclr, I ean'1 go 10 bed '1lf I lind mv lIt.r It wIIJ only take 10 mlnules 10 walk 10 har houH, Brian .. We're deflnllely going back 10 CancUn On alUia 01 )·)0 you'd do whal? Mr SanIor Profile Hay Shearn.... YeN ran aU tha ""i1Y homa, Bob' To all of my frlmds _ good hoc:k In colIega Br.nt Grlffitb - Melissa. I'D aIw.ys lava you _ 11 3/89 You're. loony Whal .r. you, kind

D.n H.mllton _ Bonn St... All Belles Tum The Vllungs .re shorebound' You look liJr.a • rnlIIlon bucks We were .1 MaMy Brown', Sunday NIghI, Weekend Recap Stll!lch Larry Halblaon·· Plelhor. Joe Forensoetl 8..t wtth lila ugly stick Homey don't play thaI game McD, how 60a ...... lata on lha seaM' FormsKS !Jml! Bilrbia" her., Ken \I dlIM: """y up In Seran-

'M. .len Hair., - Who killed Hector OtIO von luby Dr 5c:hmedIy, p1e.se report 10 lhe emergency room The Gul.po, Ch,la Ha...on _ Abd"') . Whilt'l up old man Mom, Chad'i having a couple of guys ovn "MlIch" Scalborough ... Spain-lest ... Mr. ocdlel,] have to ba homa In lime for mv gamet Martin Hay. . - Dumb. Blum. Champ Mom, Pop, Idiot, Stupid, Eileen and all B1ums thanks a 101 10 secondl Illl New- Yaal', ... I seen bigger wavu Ih.n lhillin my loIlel . No, r just drove by, MlI_ Sweeney 63, . lal ma ha .... lUI! a LU' bil of Perll fl'uta da Talavlslon, Beetch Ihe blat wllh a balO!balJ bat, A man who ha..,'t baen to haly 1, alwaYI conscious of an Inferiority. Se.n He.drlck _ HNO, Hend~, Handlbus I can ba very senlltlve on IIOme occasions and raaltrashy on others. , , "Oh &by" - Dkkie V , , , Milthlete and proud Yo Will, lilke a reill millh coursel! , Of cour" I'm light. I'm Ihe Hend , .. Yes, Jimmy Sullen II God .. I'd lather die ",hila I'm living, thiln live wlMn I'm dead_ Chrla Hilty - Buckl Holly! . , , Billd Bomber HUIMe.l Red Roosler, ().6() mph in 2 min. flail Q K BeelrOOl . Wolf!. Lamborghinl Coupa Hijl·rua Ral W./II\iI bel Stephen Hood <Alaver.

St.nd ,till L.ddle.


Mike Ho,.t _ So far, 50 good, So whall Olrtliu.a - Soa Ille '90 - when do I Qel 11M: car' 111M tor.mbleon Tilk.lIeasy .. What',p'on? Chris - Thanks for holding tha door all aline- times . Zeppalin f\IIe.l . Page is God!


"ohn HOtick - How did your hair get 10 bIonda? Bleachad'? . Gel these damn ben ...... y flOOI mal Turll. _2 Bime - whippedt Sophomore yaal arI...."t\lfU loolI at this piclura.. Whal happened


Vince Hv..,...,..el - No, my car Is NOT a cop c.u t Subconsdov.sly Uu~ Mr Delltertl:y Timmy o...ee. "0 I, Y " Peter G.br\rtI LeI .... ~ you tM world in my eva _ OM The epilOlTHt! 01 II'l!UtJn&llort'llXHo /lbrllo .bry.,..ovydl -

No ComtnarIt'

Chrla .Ioello.alll - Brnk a leg If. that limple Malh I. greal Judd Ule III what you "",,ke 'I plnns II where you It.nd It Wealth who know how 10 r«elve It Robert M, Karwackl Dude! What'. coming on?

Phytlcs III lun

Art II Clnltve 10 bt tup. com.. to those

No mOl! What'. up? Party! Yo Bo..!

Mlka Keel.y - Software Wizard


+ +; Ver·

.Ion 1991. Newer and More Improved; Now in Fortran

RRCord holder lor hnlliat PeM appltcallon l"m nol even applying to Harvard YtI, I Invenled the PDP 11 and "",otl" RSTS Mario Squid Dan Keenan "Ice Crnm" P_ Honth have to leave t

"KTB" PA, Chad'. buying ICE Can't"" thai happe1Ul'lg, Ho PII1\ITWl Sorry LaUIM, bul we Wo, canoe'

Chrla KeUy _ ~ys tf\lll God And always bwId \lOUr hou,. on hlgh ground Always kwe Ihy neighbor And always pock a QOOd nelihborhood 10 he m Always trult lhy 1,,1Iow ITIiIn And always cut the carch The race is nor ~ys 10 tN swift, nor the bettie 10 lhe strong, bvt ya better btt thaI way Gel up, you Iuy - Creep' Man, I need a Good NIghI' I am a Yak'


O.n 1'.1111 -

Whale on, Skydog

Mike Ken.flc - Now the Cenler, In his 11th lIear Irom Duke, 6' 11", "42, the G-man, M,k. GITlln.11I When's rhe new G...n', album coming out' Thanks to Mom, Dad, and aU of my many other fan. For lhOM abour 10 rock _ we sal...1e you Hard.1t workIng g...y in La Salle (Irom 8:35 AM to 847 AM) That's due loday?! Daniel Kim _ "The Kimmer" "The Red Dragon" I gel all the Kornn chkkl The Fru Red Tying Slur! TL Shut up' o.t wausn't Ily4Cracka, dal wa.... Irgt!!nm'l It's lhe ahon BrOfher Fro' 'No humor" Ke..ln Koch - Slats. Kim, and Trading ~us t-Io.u lanhd ... I' WMn'1 that a tong by 1M Ramona' Sea Isle '90 _ When do I gel lhe boat' No, I never had BrOfhcr LIn.... (I don'l know whoch number I ami Stals mO-lo-end VI t:lot>yho!ny J~ hire Ray BoouqUt' La SaDe Ice Hockey - We thank you lor no ... ppon

o.nw. -

~e.ry Koplt.ll" - Ther.'. norhmg Iefllodo bul srruIe. smile, amle' Too much of ....cytlung lI,ult enough Don'l fight Itt KlndnnJ 0r0rMI LaI<1'r Whal a long strange ltlp How'slhe count? Bul I got I nolel

Ernl. KOKhln.g - Hey, Mr McCormick, nexl time chck the c10setl Bethany (2\L (3)L (4)L (Captain)


I'm an Andorra man Buckmaster I ca.lI me "Rambo" La Salle's poster child fe1u, WI! lost lhem' An/n Brothers.



To.,.. Ko.. ac: - Stukl. all around Sha<l1nt cha'ader .....r Horsemen La Salle Hoops "I Yeah Bet Sleep-E I un danee beller lhan any Iud or p!.ay lbanlr. mom, dad. bro. JB, MB, VC, AS, KS, MT, TM, n IN whole CN K Train

Anthony L.e - Anyone ....anna box' DId you ....er "" over the lop? Adam, JUSf help me push Adam? Shopping - Dad Vall Style Adam - We Med towel. Mmd If I ....ateh TV? Real Sorry abo...1 thaI Mr 0 Shirley I mean Shell" Greg Linde - Whal II C-A·T really spell. dog .. The poWllr of Ihlll force slopped yo.... yo... hosers Take offl And a. we begin lhe chapllllI entttied college Erik Link _ 'Ve'mln Think Ral," BUFU Eight The god of the h..dwlnds is angry, sacrifice the lOCks J ...nlor Week '90 (smash) brok.n bollle under Sigmund',l..1 CLEAN IT UP' LS Slu· dent Body ConS"lutiOtl - TlKan Sam Ammd.menl (No FtuIt~ "Voke01 Ru..on" FtzzIeksIsPhun" F-MA 7/23190 The Greal H...l Eric: Ulcbcndotf _ "Lannie"· "EPIG" Anybody ~ a IIKk' Tray TItMlI Anyone' Wha· tev.rooo Y... 1 did qUIt smoloungt TIwtks mom & dad for your support I love you To Mtk., Sl..... H, ..nd Sl....e S - Good Luck guys' Jim Lloyd Ralboy + Naugahyde - Kadoosh Otom +God"s good herb - Invisible Otom SnaP! Rob, somelhlng worth doing once Is WOIIh 60lng weU I'U do It on a Iru period LL Is BAD no biggle Beller call Malnlenance ~OII Lopez Close the door, the air is on! Yo ChI"I' 1don't nel"d no IImkn' Gteen ardl "Mr LOpel Time to gol" My patents are good peopl. Do I look Ilk, an Immlgranl? .. RACER· X Don', to...ch my ttuck t "Not my ankles, JOIl"

J ..on LOltl.r _ I'm Ilta beslest loo11ln' kid In lhe school "Jaybird" Northeasl or Bu..t Yo Lollt I ....enl to a hghl and a soccer game broke outt Skissysocur player How does \lOUr hatr stay bite lhat' Yo dl/w, I'm good Iookin' Da..ld L.by Jell, ar. you dead' Whar. the Hall. you had heck dJd you d,~ up lhal lape, John! a banana loday. RICh' In Memot1am; Hcclor Rkhard Nlllon Is nor I'm goII'Ii 10 slash \lOUr t,rts t a crook, lour mo're years' Jeff, watch your back boom'

Seerel Agenl Ccc;I Smsell I. my locker locked' Who ara. ... won nationals III rac. you up lhe hiD Ught -'ght Pl'ddIa: champs Joe, did \IOU lose 1OmI~? M.rk Lucente -

Lanldale P _

Bob McCa.ln.y - Let'. play some trail' How much do \IOU .... anl to bet? Des, gel a clue' Be.t Francl".I ....ant Monlana lrayballoutllelder 0/ .IlUme JU'1 call mll "money" Loo. I dogged you , Look at lillia Meggell run

Mlk. M••-.ir. - "Monkey:' "Jack" If you W.r' dttving a car at the sp«d of IIghl and then turned on your headlight., would they do anything? Mr MeCabe: What p69f:"lt What p69f:"!! Whol psge??!l Apple and Appla, Mr MeCabe, Apples and Apples!' Whal tooll you lWO nunul" would have taken l.llI lwohours Heshoor:s,H.scortl!' Whoar.WeIch and Woodll? I killed Laula Palmert! Jim Mabe. _ JHps flippo Want a ride In my )eIIp. J·Bo? J-Bo DrivIrlg Buddha An. dorra Man May, yo ain't lIO! noIhIn' Deta, leI me gel .55 Dom.nlc Maida _ LooII atth'M gun. P...I a &hlrl on I'll make more money lhan you I'll be al Slowe', with SilO Scarborough Why doe. your Maida Shufna ,I'm gtrl have a seeing eya dog? nOI cocky Chuck Malon. - Kinney, RusHy, flnMy - thaI ball'. gahnt Casarah, Casarah frank Purdue Htt 'ern WIth LJono I'ma busl 'em In the chops ChlKk 0 Rygltt. RlI9ll1, Rygltt Yo, camp Dig Itt _ af. you deal' Brad" M.n.lla Blah


Blah Blah



SI...e Matthe_ - P_ _ AMF _ AB -


- BT - NEE Net! YOWI8 Skoal Slra>ght I never ga caught lor Sleve, shnnk this lor me anything - 1I<Ihat?' Gordo. tnal ain't cool man Mom, I'm going to lhe shora WIth BT lor lhe weekend lea, I,....t un't ' " that napperung Andr...... Malld. - Toon1eI the drivtng COItIWllJtl Hampsler JUIt on. 0/ lhe guys We'lle com, lor your daughler, Chuck EltcUK me, do you mind II we play lhrough? Ho.... doe. he kflOw which ....ay we'r. going' Take oil Ihal rldlc ...loul hall Mem Orill the EI/f! a/lhe liger ~aml. Mayer - You're klllln' mill man! You galla lake thing. like sand gain' through an hout gla..! Triple D In L.A LeI's go 10 tM Spol Frlllddy Krueger at Jason's Hey Slab! How'. II going? Smoke anyone' Walker 1'0 g1va you a all thls ...ek· .nd, Not l

Ma,k MeA_lly - Aoor It ROM PIe"e! door Knob' Hey. You work today or no' Get GUlla lown Nl/llIl anatna!

A Mar·

Mlk. McCallr.,. _ M M + K P W~ YOOJ. can'llive Wllh them Have lun"'" _ k I'm lOCally tober, oaalfier The PetIIlon £d.Ipus I-kCa.be . . . .M.

Mark~. McCann - If you can'l run WIth Bog 0.""91, .Iay on lhe Porch Farr.U le1l pool to May dtull15 lor ACOC? Mash It Up! She doerI not Ioolr. HIr• Ha~ Plan - DlKltape O'Malley! Junod! General, Iude lhe mailmanl Barnyard Commandoal Hey Lamma, How about something for the eflort'

Brian McO.rmott _ I'm aU over Ihat PB + twlSle'sand\lllches The grea' heist. 7/23/9<J .. Broken bollie. under Sigmund', feet Like II deer In

Ihe forest, Murph" D..d, YOll could help me "",rry Joe ... Yll gotlll luv U . ,. Mulhollllnd's no hitler. Tom McDonald _ "Butch" ... Brother Linus: *15 boy! ... Let's go skiing", Thllt lest WllS Impossible · .. No es justo! .,. lunch, II's only 10:17 MOlheT, do you think they'll drop the bomb Tommy. c..n YOll hellr m<i!? Matthew McEI"enny - "Psycho" , .. RighI _ Sur'll · .. That', nIlI lunny. guys ... 0 .. Bou don'l like d..tl · .. Yoose I..lkln' III me? ." "Quigley" .. B....gh! Bl1I McFadden _ Who ~Is more? III Sa.lle Ex· plorers Bo~lng (AII,Clllholic) . , , Simply Red. . Nose [ do nol lisp! .. , They caU me Bill, Bill Lee. Turlle , , , ['m gonna rock your world! Kevin McGeehan - The l>est IlVlllualor of talent In Ihe u.thollc League, MJ . , , ThaI guy In Ihe red $lIab .,. Quinl, let's make a mailbox run .. Sliding Down the Bowling Alley Hlllloween '90 lind All "Salnu" Day ... Turkey The Cone Slealer Tellm ... Win· dex. Brian McGill - Hlllioween Night lind Ihe DllY After 1990 ." "Gas face" In the blllZer , .. "TAZ" Professionlll Cone Sleale" ..t 70 mph Don't lell Marly, , , I love you, Liz ,. , Dallid BoWie concerl, "Crash," "gel II outl" ... Christian', bathlub. Mark McGinnit - Ganjll - man no like the Pellnut Gllllery ... Just Sby 'Iguana" ... Yo, Bubba! Is Ihis ear supposed 10 b/l slandlng on lis bumper? The AM ... Senior Retreat. Nature Walk .. , Get a hair cuI? · .. I 10lle cal' - Dead one, . , . Thanks 10 my Mom, Dad, and sisters. Thom.. McGowan - My tr"ln of Ihought Is stili boarding "I the station . . There's "n inverse rel"tion· ship boltween hO\\l good somelhlng ;s for you "nd how much fun It Is ... Trusting parents ean be hazardou, to your helllth .. Hey Dad, remember the car? The relll fun of 1IIIIng wiKly Is th"t yOIl get 10 be smug llbout II. Muk McKee _ Schoo/sucks, .. I hate school buses " . Get a h..lrcut, Roman, .. You're lale again, Butch ... Homework? . ['II do it tomorrow, .. [ gol an A on that tesl ... Maybe next I,mll, Joe McManut -

No comment!

Joth McNamara _ Anybody got "ny thange t tan borrow? , .. Too bad. , . You're a $Crub ... Right. Luke', Pridll ,. Most Extellent ... That's so weird ... No, [don'l hlllle my license. Jim McNamlle _ No, I'm not going to the mixer tonight, .. You know, Hasson really ought to lellrn how to ch"w hi' food ... The mallbo~ boiled out of nowhllrlli · .. Past·lIme: Conllinting people he really Isn't Bud Bundy ... "Albert EInstein Math & Science Award" Finalist (21. (31. (4) ... Muilley, are Geeks!! Joe McNichol _ Pel Champs: I was the PunIer. AU-Slowe 2, 3, 4 (Capt.) ... Yeah, IgollO do homework at Chad's ... Pier 4 '89 . . TY, You'lle really been good, What? .,. Rollin' In my 1.8 . . Seriously, [ just borrO\\led some of h'$ clothes.

Bob McNichol _ No commentl Quintin Meeke III - Dah balls, boss! . "Midnight Mallbo~ Runs" .. , G:.olng, Golng, G:.one! The Maude's Meck, If you don't IlkI' It, you b·ball hoop ... DT!. tan gel outl .. , QulnllH! .. , Hot damn, I've goT an all· girl band. AJ Mee - My neighbors aren't really b",d people. Say Ihe word, "Fahrllegnugen" ... Seek and Destroy · . , I'm sick of school. . Time to shallI' my head. Tray.Tennls forever. . Vogue,. The band to ,e· memb/lr: EPIG. Chritlien Mercuri - "Chrlllss$S" ... Hey Mike, tie my shoe ... It's Jimmy with a "y," not an "I" ... K. All right LOOK! ... u.n'l kill 'em, Can't sl"p on 'em! . , Hey Kell, where's my 2 bucks! ... You, Sir, are corr"et ." "Z050" Steve Miller .. No Comment! Bill Molinari - Indeed _ . You wanl me to drive to where, Rob? .. Hobbiu; Comlc·Book and Sc:lente· Fiction Afrklonado; Sleeping., Fallorlte Books: "The u.tcher In the Rye"; "It"; "On a Pale HorK"; "nything llbout vampires. Brien Morri..ey - Get None ... Spring Break '89 - Mom's H"t Trick . . REM - KM .. , Sc:haeffer _ The one to halle _. Should I BUSI a MOlle? ... Preml~er boot al Ruzzl's. ,Ping, AA, Haynous .3, Toenail · .. Rock ponies going down the shore with wheat Joe ,",orrl..ey ~ Dan.., Robin, Dana, Robin, Danaaa . The Hook? ., Joe, do you ever shul up?, , , HEG - AIl·Amerkan ., Robin's neSI Robin's nest, Snow. tone Snowtone, Monkey Bra;ns. . My dad, he, ahh, bu,ll thl' Blue Route. Hue, I'm going to hl! you Whallya "",lilt. CB Mulhern - B,C ,. Iced tea and nibs I'm a lillie fuzzy right nO\\l .. Annual at Couflney Street. ThaI', hilllrious . 0 K., Babe ,. , Scllm, Sc:llmmety, Scam Mom. I'll be at the movies Andrew Mullen _ Hey, the bottom Is dead and the [ tan'l, 8:00 praclke 30th top's alive, Hey Street lIolleyball Honth ho flmmln. Volvo's are awesome .. Cone,h"ad .. Sa.fely - Doorknob. I need work! Michael Mullen - Dude, Ihere's no WilY they're going to lake ellerybody In, .. AB ., Wo Canoe . . Party's Olll'r, Dude ... HalrbalJ ... Animal ... Boof the Monlh · , , Mom. I'm not st..ylng for detentionl John Murphy - The great heist 7/23 McD, I RUlgers Sorry bout lhe Pink Stuff wanl out! Link. , , Jim, time 10 play golf Soda on the ceiling . Sc:ully's dipped ... Sleeping on the beach. Creig Neverotky - Nell. , , Sorry aboul your ankle What's Ihe difference belween Nev lind a Brkk? ,Hey Craig, nke Birthday! There Is none .. Aile ". hI, go buy me a coke ... That's lhree now! Women, you can'l live wilh them: Pass the Beer nulS, Khol Nguyen - Chill Out' ,Say What? go 10 De Lll Salle In WeSl Philly??!


Josh Nowlk - That's gona hurt! ... Sure! ... Doc My parenls are good people Are blue birds blue? .. There you go, Junior! D,T, does line work . What Is the spread on thaI?? Michael O'Brien - A leslln what? hllve a smoke.

,No, you tan't

Shawn O'Brien - Crash, , , OB , , . The pollce only had to tut Ihem 011 Where tan 1 get In? My name Is Shawn not Bernie! ... ThaI balrs oUlla here! ... Sure Chris whaleller! Mike O'Connell - Plmp'n ",in't easy. Bill Smith A man tailed Marge I smel! candy ... the Big Gun ,. Steam Alive' Kevin O'Donnell -

No Comment!

Bill O'Donnell - Guillermo .. Underlaker ... You metln I din't matth . , . Yo, anybody seen A.J,? I swear, I just gol my hair tul! . No, rile never rolled my ITuck oller! Well, Sure enough nO\\l! . ,. AC/ DC '88-'90. Patrick O'Halloran - Worm, .. Hey, Penn, It took you long enough to pass a high school seven ... Hon· orary Road Warrior 01 the year. , . I'm a thinking man A boat won't float with a track In It What a But Coach, I didn't we Ihe log ., . Fall dock job Guy Ian club. Brian O'Hera - OK, C1lffl Cha right liS II! , , . ce, Ih" house and the heat ... Chuck, you glggln' .,. The getaway car .. Thanks for ellerything Mom, Dad, Kevin and Sean ... Special thanks to my beSl friend especially AI, u.th and SellmUS. Mark O'Neill - Jeep, Jeep, Muslang ... Dubble B'other .1 Wlnlerlest '89·'90 ... Ony Bony Perrood l . . Cllncun '90. Ch.it Oberholzer - Ober It Just gllSlens wilh irony .. Doc. . Shoot me nO\\l ... This one goos up 1011 .. College Placement Cent'll Ollker". I'm just the treatille elemenl Exacty. Franelt Ouino Robert Putlcelll -

No Commentl No Commenl!

Jame. Peeai - You gonna ellt thaI? .. She aln'l got muth upstairs. but the steps are nke ... Do you knO\\l what we're doing tonlghl? . , . What test? I golla' get a MUllang ,.309 Rllclng Te..m ... Byrnes, wake up! Jake gol arleSled. Jelon Pero _ Pero Power,. Pedro", 1 stili don't halle an answer 10 Ihls . , . Do you h",ve some change for the missions? Jemea M. Piano - Dude, goua Ughl? . ,. Well all rlghl. Huhn?!?Whattesl? ... Whal homework? .. Wednesday, mld·week break,. Poker night, anyone know to play? . Thanks alL Bob Pigeon - I'm so dead ... 30th Slreet Volleyball . Honorllry Fall Guy. , . BrO\\ln Bambel ... Anyone Ke a two man "round here? ... Well, "h, what afe ya Iry;n' 10 say? Mom, I'm going 10 the llbrary There's no way they'llt"'ke all of uS In.


Fnl. rm gonna ca1I her up, then rm Zoridlll my TWIN broth. ~ Hey, JahnnY" Hie_Ina P1W1k Stump Itw lump The gIoye feD offtl Yun right flrsl. scconcI, tJurd. fourth. Plunk. Joba Phtdl -


Buddha the Gut

Brln Poebllllann _ Yo Tom I ll'ICan 8rl DIego s.::.n.chl Jeep OJ 8 P N E. Cr_ Yo Mot!. you .yeut" A pklur.', worth • thowand word, You're wdy. man J.lIOn Potter - AIrhead Yol What't up' How • Yellh. rm from Oreland Dude'., Dude? Ju,t a I.w month, 10 go,

,00111 that?

Ed P..to .......1 - One more Saturday night '91 will m.ke a dlff.r.nce , Righi outlldll thl, lazy .um. mer home , Phytln" lun It't thai IImple S....VE Europe '90 Hey Now D.D R.ko....kl - "FOR" That -=led good, illY' "Foule" Joe. cJellJl out your locker I 1001,21001, 3 loot, C' N..... r mind whal Carol did' Whar'. my nam., Mr C? I loY. IheN tia ......a RllD4......o - 111 can JUIII make It 10 the mel of thII week C'nl .. vie SlHp? Whal don that mean? Trkk or Tr...t. you ~ pig Ftn South Africa IrOl'l. you un bend It, dent II, and WIbI It. But you can'l brelllr. II Sa... e the Earth! I will Il.lrvlv.l

P.t RaacDe. _ Yo Monk, where'. Pat?


FIv. dollar. on Babblln' Brooke NE CrroAl TWIll Melt DonnIe The REC.

O'... ey Ctockm

Joha Rld.r - ShIll lhe B1.une T.ke • w.lk on the Wild SId. Declination? Nothlng to be done Sur. Enoughl ... Bad thing. tome In pI.!n? Jimmy P.ge - Th. Bow - '88 For thoM .bout to \Ir.du"e, I M1utt you. Matt RI .... r. - Why Ted? De.tructlon, ElI.d, Spud. ,FU.t, Filet; Rk.n. GBA, Y••••• , T.ttd, Boohrd, All Bell. Tum: Flnchee<!, R.m. Chln·Chalr, PW'd nIlnt. let'. light up JJ Carlot In the Guard Room The Saoll II live lut long now . The PIn Gam., King S1.nd.r Cbrl.tian Roed. - I don'l ur.1 4!? Oyuh, righlJ A. Ifl ArId gIn'l? Yo Otfll Slop comp1lllnlna, rentllJ Unlts. I know I·...e been a pain. Rick Roj.. - Tennis anyon.? "Super Fly RIck Ro;...'·

We ha..... lW. Oua. you " ' McQJla Pa· thanksl

ShUI up. WIcA

Gr., Rom... - Fbh MIlIl SorMtlma I W\Ih to God I dldr\'t know now thingll cbcln'l know lhen Wher. you bHftn? DaIyyyyl Too YOUl18lo faD In ...,. Who II the new MtK••? . Moth 11 up! Malt Ro•• nD _ Squlggy Roman Ih. italian Stroc.hman H.ckSllw Rom.n Mall RomllllOWlkl But coach, I have an excuNI ThIs I' a greal T'lM kkklng mule party. but shouldn't w. be Inlld.? Hold on Roman, lei me pull up my booll


Fr...k Roedoll - Try 2 uns RoI BraCft I. 2. I uNd 10 play lootball "ROll" NHS preAdenl, Y.-'hatl? The hobb's oflr.yhaD Slicks llnd Slona mal/ br...k my bona bul • 0,6 GP.... ....uI

3, 4


hun m.

Bill Ru.... k _ UI.r Dude' Yo, gmvn. a ride' I'm HVel'!tftTI and .111 know Is you don't know how il feels 10 be me John Ru.1IO _ My mom taJd no What number .r. you up 10' Ar. you ,ur.? T'lM shower partl/ , , , Sea III....Ia fOOl , , , Cookie's chunk•. , , 490 .Ito Thank. to mom, d.d, lamJly, Tl, SC a.m., M.O" BM and the rat of ya. I don't drl.... lIow.

JOlNlph Ruul _ Now tha!'. a fire! .. Wher.', the r.t? StarJkl/ and Rat . Joey get a mop BrLan'. Jkk Wh.r. did the ral com.lrom? Ealing chick· en In a .. ncI trap? . I gotla work . Brian your mOlher '. hom., MldI. .1 Salduttl - NOIhlng except a battle IOlII can be hall to m.lllnChoIy a•• baltl. won If loday Will '" llih I'd Ihtow 11 back In A~countlng ..... rel~ to money •• u.h Ycab!! Michel Sarlclno - I'm grounded Sophomore Y..r ....dven.turn ShOll I Wa,n'1 that bad Too bad you rnbMd the hot: tub That's not the lIIop JIgn! Qu.:l Oty 5ummerl They call me crash Ric" $«.11 _ Slick Rkk, S1rutllng llnd Strolling, Rode· Ing and Rolling Another clay. llnOther "A" 8<1 cool, pilly pool Italian 5c:llJlan. Cbrll A.. Sc:hmldt _ Money for lhe rnI$SIOnI? Yo, .tab Jam•• thai'. my 1I".r dude. Who Is 11 gouIll to be? Doubl. 0: Frtddy . Anybody for uayball? . You gona lov. It .. SchmJdly. Chtll C. Schmidt - My I.ultl ... h'. my house, .nd II you don', like It, glt 01.111 ... Hobbln: ,.rtllinly not .nylhlng 10 do wilh IChooi ,. Car.er Plans: Sanitation .ngln••r Kevla Sc:hmldt - K.vln Schmldl ;45 . Mailbox Man M~k, Schrnllly. Gena . . Yo. Schrnllly, nk. spJI on the window Time to lea.... .. Ther", no car 10 iii on. Schmlny Roslyn PQIM ,. C1ete'.!IouN aiter Rl/an i/lm, - whal • night! .. h'. not the til. of the dog In the flghl, 11', lhe Ilu of the fight In lhe


Johll Sc:hllldco - 51:.11' Jelf, are you dead? II's nIltur.1 The Big luI No I didn't ltCl • halra.t! HOI' HOI' HOIl You !iJOI'I. hellC vliIJor to play • Virility ,port K.ack. who'. Cor.y Millen?

Bob Sd.lICl. - Yo Stull, why don'l you jUit brlng • ptlIow to daM' 1992 U,S. Olympic hack leam AP liup Furry What do I do If my hand IIlpe? Thundet c.hlc:ken No. I don't have '" elgar.lI.

'-'Coq K.vln Sc:ltlly - B-day I beal th. 'YJllim Now daly, don'tlaUi/l1I m.tonlghl . T.J, 0'0 and Showtr s1Jdlng Shul up Belh IlYB ... Whl/ do they uU

you ".xuDy?" Aodre.. Sc:.ttl - To !he boys anywlwre. anyIlIM. TK. JO. c.V. JS, J,B, M.G, MB.llI'ld tn. PC poIM Power to the BeBur What'. more In 1If. lhan glrb. money. and Popc.orm' I can'l, I ha.... 10 _k Ell .. vidll' "Scullman" AS "T K, the IWO men gang' Brl.D Sh.oPOa - Ya, I do drlv•• J.gI.IlIr Mike. I mellJl, BrIan Dad, lOm.body .pllied 11 on me You don'llook like yourMiI from there Rutger. The Hun .. Squared. . The Drought•.

Bill Sheph.rd - "Shoop" . "Wild Bml" . . "W~· llel" , .. I'm IOtty. I'm tired .. , Hey Bill. how did \101.1 br..k bolh arm.? .. "Guy Smil.l/" ... What'. 10 lun· nl/, Bill? . , , "Th. Danc. Ma.ter " Fr.a Sh.rld.n - "P.co" Tak. the: long way home Yeah, J.rry, I got ••mok. lor you May Doc and Tyler . ShoWd I "raddl. II? R.be«ll and O'Arlenc R.becu broke her Glllrtng

.11m SllImund - M.kln' PBl&ndwlchc' wIIh. Twtr· z1er "JIl'I\r1WI" "GrauhopPfi" Boomerang M~Uhak. Slcepln' on !he beKh Quln' SIaa· mMd "SIggy" Nine claY' detention lor • couple lIIca of piua and a Cok. - ThaI', • flllr Irade No.....·re no! twIm. Joe SI,mu.n4 - Who'. the COlUWllln 01 tlw 51ralgtll Four? Dip. 110.11'.100 coMIto IWlm woo. Nelliel What happened Iut nlghl1 GuINPPC'. pdgrtrn. • PhiIOlIophlllng al!he.pOl my ,lac.ket? . The whole window wtl.red


Rob 51111 _ When do

w. UN Ihis

In r.al



Keith Siak - Jimmy Page II God " Goin' 10 the Ston... m.n, 9th row. Yo, lITlokatack. . The F.ke· Bak. . C'mon, hlt lh. Jump .. Quick .top al the Hut. Michael Siaopoll - look kId" . Big Ben, Parllll· m.ntl ., let'. go to Pitllburgh . lonIght . MISOP Is unlloppabl.. Ch.lk one up for tlw good guys! Bartl I. that an Airlelln .wallow or 1 European _allow? Hey, a lalklng rabbll I'v. gol rone ~


Darren Skill."'", . KId Dyn-Q.Mll. You Da Man Jim Get your mom out of my bullnal Danen, lak. a look .t your hand I'D be !he man To all you punks A·s.cu Ya I'm ouna her. like !he breez. throusJh lhe It... and 01'1 my way OVI I'm !&king aD !he


Will Spu.rlDi - Banana Man Will, will you Slop ..lIngl StrUJ SIr.... Str_ HmdM. .....n.t'. your rank? Donnelly, .lop <brig your gradh! N Dragging La Salle'. Will Spurtng - Egan'. quart.rb.ack dIdn'l drag me lhet I.r The SnaFu eq~tlon: gI.... n any problem COIllalrl1nsl 'n' eq~tioN, there will .lways be 'n+ I' unknowns, Tom 5t.c... - Whllt PhyIllClI."? .. The BJ.ckhawl<l . Th. U,S. Marlna .. Yo Beard playing lonlght?

.. Ice Time! ... Spin III ... Grease. Chri. Sterk - Quadel , ., Whal sound eflecls Wet, Wetl Polnll ... live and LeI Die ... Flulch Is my Il!ll.. Beller you Ihan me. Cbed Sto",e _ Walf"t mel .. , Ty, We'd beller hurry up lhen , , , Buckmlulerl , . , Mr, Lllllrd, how aboul a Swedlth lag learn. , . Spa~, you do II like lhi., . ,Shtno. ogy .. , Hey O<:lfer, I walked righl outl ... Stiff. E1e, valor ride, Spaltl fUI! Stephen Strelbl, - Stand lor something or you'll fall for anything ... A smUe from a frown circles round, , , Good Evenlng. Stephen Strokecker - Good Clllch SIeve, Whal?1 · , . Slroh ... Are you allowed 10 go OUI Ihls weekend? , " Borolloy ... JUII 2 II day .. , Thap, lhap, Ihap, thap, Only a pinch left", FASUII , , , L.W.A, poue. .11m $ammerlll - Norrislown - Go,. fare OHI . Money. , , Na you da the man Chris ... Ya Ihlnk sol , , . Phhhhylhk.llh phun ... Vanelvll Ice , , . Elvl., , , Tenaclou.lenelvll. Jeff Tlmln.kl - "T·man" ... "'Ski" ... Foolball pooIanYOtle? , . , 1I F,ed fllntllone knew Ihat a large order of ribs would lip over hi, car, why did he order II al Ihe end of each Ihow? , , . Northeall lIale of mind · ., Yo, Camp, give me a ride? , .. lIVing In fear of Chrl, Sc:hmldt ... I'd ralher be playing hockey. Keith Tornette _ Why dldn'l Jesus go 10 college? · .. Hey, go flnd your hole! , , , In Ihe waler/all, where lhe ellrp llvel, a.k him why he II gelling weI! , .. NUl - Ju.1 .Iay back Ih...l , , , Crawfo,d, Fragg - helpll ,. , Fal, go buy me a Coke ... hI team all InJury Hue, SlOP blowln' Chew In my basement,

Ctd_ Torr. . - WANTED MEN, .. Fierce WIng· Tlpl ... Operallon; Halloween, , , [dldn'l do anything, Ofllur., , Word Up. , . That'llhe way lila ball bol.Inc' u Henry; A Portrall/Demonl - What'l neXI In Ilne? Brei'll, how'ra you feeling _ ['m fnUng son of gIgglyl John Wllliem Trainer _ The only Ilvlng person who can make a man 01 you It yoUr",,11 , , , It'l c1WC1V' lea tim,! , , , "Tech" ... "What tlgn?" " , "Courage It lha an of being Ihe only one who knoW1l you're $Cared lodealh." - Earl WlllOTl", "Batman" ... "WhaleI''' Ilale yoU find youll~dlln learn to be conlenl:' - Apostle P.W". "j,Padrer ... Many tMinkllo Mom, Dad .nd Brolher Bob for all your help as [ culmlnala thIl chapter and begln 10 aUlhor Iha llfIexplored! Kyen Tyrrell - "TV" .. , Varsity Slowa's 1, 2, 3, 4 , .. Wanna play pool? ... I've been good, haven'l I? · .. [ free.tln' '" He louched me 10 Kevy and I killed him , , , Junior Week '90 - 4 lor 5 , , , Will I get In PA? What? Robert Valentine - Where II he? I halalhls - It'. like "Jaw." , , , RU and LH broke up, yuh rlghl . , . 5peclallhank.10 SW. RK, and JL .. , Yo, Pet~, I gol II.plnnlng up 10 / '60' ... Way 10 go Oall of '91, see

you In 5 years ... It wa, long ago and far away. ' , And II was 10 much beller Ihan Ills loday.

wrong wilh my ca,? ., . _ ollhe gods ... Ed, Taw Bell?

Chri. V.lerla - Norristown [TH , , , RUlhlu•. , . Na, you da man, Darren ... Scultl an' Kovac can 'I deal Momma said, "Knock you wilh the Bum ruth!!I oUI!!" , .. The Funky Fillman.

Gcr.rd White _ All righI, Mrs. Brown, , , Special IhIlnks 10 R.V" S.W" J.L. + B,S. couldn'l have made it wllhout Ihem ... La Salle meal'll learn, 1'101 lollygag, Bro. Joe ... No my nllme Is 1'101 buslop ... Oh my Gawd! '" You gol 10 know who yoU aTe, where you are, and what you have 10 do, Brother Joe Myer.,

Nlc:k Var.no _ No ... Whalare yOU looking at? . , . No money, no gal .. , On a Wednesday night ... Be,

causel said 50, Ihal's why ... NickY'1 Sleeping." I'm hungry, again, " The Yak Is back! Mike Vii. _ Iron Mike ... Ken Doll , , , Hercules, , , Tudor. Lanes WWF . , , MIke Vile vs, fo,dham Dad vall. '89, " II It cOllon? ... 11'1 nalu,al ... Gomer Vile.

Billy VUe-Junod - Women, yOU can'l live wllh Ihem - pass Ihe beer nul. '" I asked oul who? ... Lel'l dog .. , You're In like flint ... November 17, 1990 . · The Night ollhe Triple 0 In LA _ CM, JM. JP. There IlIiU be no humor, You will Mve no Job ... Buuhht! · ,. Seplembe, 14, 1990 _ Th, Day 01 Iha Mu.lang MUlllallon ... No one I, hall as grelll ll' I Ihlnk I llm, Fred Vogt -

No Comment!

Jerry Volpe - Lillie Vigg ., , Weak Cllr V'leam van ... N.E. c,ew ... slretched Oul camp Ryghl, ryghl, ryghl! ... Yo Vol - pay .. , Let', make a run for lhe borderl M.tthew W.chowtkl - Hey Rich, where are IhOH thlps? ... Yo, got any pooIl? .,. No, I'm aboul 6'8" · .. What', Ihe name 01 Ihill song? Jon W.lhelm _ Joe:, wa dare you to dive head,flrsl InIO Ihilt mud puddle ... Hey, whet hIlppened at Senior Week?? ... 50 dollar. and nolhlngl , , . Denny's ... Klytalmne'lra: "Whal, you mun Agllmemnon wa.n'l evll Incarnale? Oopsl..!" ... [ am In complele conlrol of the car , .. locll.te: "Oedipus, come back 10 bed!" John W.lk.r - "Sky" Walker .. , Kev _ a.ball lorever , , , Mllrly - play CYO ball ... Sure Enough ... Hummel, you',e Ihe Geeck . , , Yo, can I have a ride? , .. Carlo., how are you doing today? ... Chris and Dough Boy - pull Ihe knIfe out of my back.

John While - Yo, I got jumped by Ryan dude.1 .. WhItey, whal I. the moving In? ... Hey, Whlley! .. , John, Hue and Joe missed Ihelr block•. , . L. Ron Whll· ey - Book of Excuse•... Clele, lake me wilh you , , . Thanks, mom and dad, and Andrea for aU the .upport · . , [ wanl 10 Ihank Ihe foolba1lleam lor the memorIes that wlUlasl a lifetime _ Pel Champ. '89. Mike WlIkln - "Mellonhead" .. , Hey! Theroot goes Elvisl Yo Klngl .. , Cracked axle, huh Bob? Think I can drIve II home? Mel, I. Ihal your head, Or did your neck Ihrow up? Be,t bowman wllh a big head, . , Bob, a PB&J would be awful nice rlghl now ... Sunday, Sunday, Sunday, Joe WillI.mllOn - Y'all wanl to come help me do my laundry? . , . J and J - we'll PUI you on the rlghl Irllck .. , Four wheeling ... Go Joey! Go Joey! , . , BUI mom, Ihey're 1'101 mine, .. Shannon, don'l forgel our engagement.

T.J. Wil-on _ "The ultimate T,J." "Hawk -

The Road Warriors" "CuJo" "Woody" "Destruction" ... "ABA, all Iha way" "Hlc" "DI.h" "Home Shopping Club" , .. "NI.llI.n Cruiser" "Red Zinger" "Whateverl" "Remnants" ... Be.t backer·downer and holder, 199(). 91 ... McDonald'SIlOPS, , . "Flghler Hayabusa" "Za· charlah Flngerthlam" Scott Wimmer· . Man, du hast elnen Vogell , , , No, I'm 1'101 Mllrk or Mlke,l'm Scolll , , . Mr. Wimmer, lime to go ... I made It 10 the Spectrum In lWi!nty mlnules! · , , I'll drive! .. , Whatever /lOlltS you, boal. S1"phen G, V.leill. - Whal.,. Huh? ... The car'l broke agllin! ... Accident ..? Let', hack dudes., . Smoke!! , , . Don'l bolher me! Who carel.

0.1'1 W.II. - "Fassy ..2" , .. "ON Wall" , ., "Rock" . Fat neck, no nack ... Carpel head, run head, 'foo head. , , Hue, I'll alway, be CHAMP[ONl .. Hue, we'" 1'101 going to coUege togelher ... Dan, [ don'l Ihlnk she's coming back,

Ryen Young - No hippie chick. , .. Too hoI In Ihe hoI tub, , , Germany, EasIer '90 - Holb,auhau. and Heldelburg .. , My mom gol II for me . ,. Yo .Iacker, yOlJ really elln't swlm, .. 1.land boy, ., Summer 1990, lhankl car.

Stephen Weinrich _ "Smurf" ... "Weird AI" . "Baker" ., . Mr. Jackson, how wallhe cak.?" , Dlc•. man + The Fonz - Ratboy ... Otom Rules ... Rob Valenllne - Jim Lloyd _ Harry Wanemburger.

Eric ZemiU. - Zemo Go flyers ... McDevin wanna be", Pampadoo Yeah, OOOKAY ... HI! [t'. Monica, I'm walkIng again.

Jerome Wentz - Duhh! ... Ch~ch~! , .. It wa. a joke - don'l you gellt? .. Sye Sperling, ., Gel your diTty, yellow, no good kelsler OUI of hera! " . Shoe boltoml , , , The lalell mlsconcepllons of mlnoxldU.

· .. undoubtedly intel/lgent, and That's All Folks . ....

Leo Wnolo ..... kl - Don'l crllkl;;e II , ,. Phyllcs Is FIlfI. , .1t"lhet IImplel , .. Glve me your physlu home, work, . , Whal did ya do Ihls weekend? , .. What's


"INTELLIGENT" WORLD LIFE HOMELESS COUNT A legion of clipboard - toting counter. sought out shelter.,

subways and steam gra'., on March in the broad.,t attempt ever to find out the exlent of homeI. . .n••• since II became ana· Iional disgrace In Ihe 1980s. Some homel.s. dldn'l mind the governm.nl Inlrusion. "It .hows thalthey're slarting to recognize us as humans end not the scum of the earth." said one young man of the slreet•. Anolher homele.. man said, "What are they goin9 to use the numbers for anyway? To tell UI there ain't no homeles. problem? I'm a living example that there is a problem. We need jobs, nol sur· veys." The United $Iates Census Bu-

,aau is spending 2.7 million to t.... Iy homele.s Americans, but crlt· ics fear an underc:ount will allow the government to justify cuts In

.ervlc••. The homel••• - now ••timat· ed to number 3 million were "ked their name, age, ••X. race and

martial Italus. As Washington, D.C. 's deputy mayor for economic: development said, "the count Is important b.. cause "only when we know how many homeless there a,. can improvements be made In the deilY.ry of •• rvlces." Hopefully by the time our generation I, In power this major problem can and will be solved. John W. Trainer '91

FLAG PROTECTION ACT The United State. S.nate rejected a con· stltutlonel .mendment ag.lnst f1.g burning on June 28 with critics ar· gulng Ihat It wa. al· ready dead and being debated lerg.ly •••mmunition for u•• .".In.t them .t elecUon Ume. The Sen.t. voteel 5842 In favor, leavln" It nln. short of the required two thirds majority needed to approve .mendments. President George Bu.h celleel for approy.1 of Ihe m ••• ure, which saki limply th.t


"Can gr• • • • nd the, states sh.1I heve pow .r to prohibit the phys leel d. . .cr.Uon of the flag of the Unite St.t..... But the House re!Kt ed It with Democr. le.der. . .ylng thet I amount.d to plecln, limits on freedom 0 speech. The flag, that men of our brotheft; and te,. heYe lost their for, Is now .egally a lowed to be deHeret

eeI.wMl ........., would our "foundln fathers" think? John W. Tr...... '81

MADONNA Madonna kicked off her 1990 world tou"

Hllonda Ambition," with a .even-concart lour of Japan, than came back to perform In the United Stat•• and on to more ,hOWl In

Europe. "Expr... Your••I'" I, just what Madonna do••. Although her "r'ormance I, "Causing a



"Blonde AmbitiOn" tour

.a. nothing .... than a NUltylng ahow. John W. Trainer 'S1


De........ the lIItwauk. . ere••,. on July 31, Teu. Range,. pitcher Nolan Ryan won hi' 300th g...... "I .HI more relieved that anything .... d ..... tIMI buIkIuP, Ryan MId eft... joining the 300 club. Ryan " •• become one only ten ....... pltchen to .kt 300 gam••.




John W. Trainer '91


UNITED STATES TANKS REACH SAUDI ARABIA Th. United Stat•• Army'. h.nI••t ground flr.pow.r r.ach.d SIIudl .011 In Augu.t tor d.ploym.nt behind Arab tore•• manning the 'ront In. In the standoff with Iraq. Doz.n. 0' M1·1P 18nka and M2 Sracney armored In'antry fighting ••hle.... and ecor•• more h.a.y support ..hide., roll.d off two huge tranaport ahlp. at a port In north.a.tern Saudi Arabia and made their way north Into the de-

..rt. The truthfully .poken word. ot Colonel Barry W11'-y rang true in early March wh.n h. aald "There'. no doubt In my mind that we'Ulucc. .d hlrllt we ha"l to." "Srlng them (the IrIQII) oh," Mid a United State••erg.ant. "WI ha.... the training and teChnOlogy; they'"e got thl number•. We' II 18ke them out." And may God bl... Am.rlca! John W. Tralnlr '91

A PORTRAIT OF AN IRAQI "MADMAN" The portrait 0' saddam Hu. .,In .how. a man with a Itrangl duality: Tough, y.t f..rtul; Inlplrlng 'ur In hie own PlOP", yet alao balking In a kind ot popull,t .ene,.Uon from many the r.t1on', Arab•. The portrait II one of a pOOr orphan whO ro•• to power lh'OUlIh opoortunlom ond brutallty, WhOl1 antl-W.,t.rn vl.wI w.r. ,hap.d In chlklhood.ond_- com-. .... world', fourtlH8rgeet , - unaUCC.llfuIIy to dlll".r on hi, natlonallet dr .


F d terror IUI'fOUftded the 53-rur-oId iraQI Pr.lldent. .cI United t ••••nce o1fIcIaII Mel 0 . . . ,....... laved cIMate w.. hie

-..that'" _W.T,_'.,




Desert Storm Remembered


will ,.member the


the ••,ttn.... 1M H .....Uon, and the public eontrov.rlY the War In the Gulf. A nation .ltChed, In effect, • lur· r••1TV mlnl-Hrlee - while the r.allty of .mart bomb., • thowund amoulde,.


Ing tanka, the ..,.. IbHnCI of "Ilv. .ootate." Ind the ov.rwhelmlnO pall of 01...... amok. lin..... 'It. Although In. .parlble from the poIltJc.-II......, the duUfuI and courageoua performance of 'Ight.r pilote Ind troop. mlk •• I

dHpty-teft Impact on UI .U. W. mourn Iho•• who died In battl.; .1 think _ who .......... "'" -inti NY" In CIIrrytng out ow MUon'....... oIon. John W. Tr.....' '.1


IIWhere Am I?" Aaaaa Adamow. Mien"': 56, 130 Adamuccl. JOMph: 48, 142 Admln/,'nt/on Divider: 18 Admlnlltt1ltlon: 20

Ahern, Brother Timothy: 40, 41. 111, 114, 115, 146. 147 Ahn, Phillip: 64 Allen, Arch/VIII: 102 AUen, Edward: 56

Allen, Jamal: 98, 154, 158. 214 Almo.t Don.: 64

Altieri, Ronald: 56 Alumni Hou": 27 Amermen, Michael: 48 Amicone, Paul: 48 Ammaturo, Marc: 64 An••tasl, MaUnew: 64 AndreJko. Brother Michael: 37 Andrulko, Brl.n: 48

Anllko, John: 64

Arbot"t, Matthe.: 64 Art o.pirtment: 28

Art Club: 74 A'Mon, Mlch..l: 5& Athlelk, DePlrtment: 29 A....tln. Rlch.rd: 56. 143

B'Orll, Mleh..l: 64

saclca, Mleh..l: 64 B•• r, Anon: 82, 83, 158, 214 B•• r, Mr•. Marie: 24 B•• r, Timothy: 48 81111, RONrt: 56

811l1od. Christopher: 48 Ballod, Mr•. Joanne: 42 Blind: 76 8IIrbalace, Oanle'; 56. 80, 86, 88 Barratt, Mrs. Jennie: 43 BIorth, RotNrt: 64, 142 BIorton. J.mle: 94. 158 8eMball: 146 BIo.ketbell: 134 BevUIO, M.tthew: 48 Bevuao, MkhMI: 56 Be."r, M.,..: 14. 56, 114, 121. 139 Bell, Wllll.m: 48 Bennett. Brien: 158 Bennll. Derek: 64, 151 Berr.-n, Chrl.topher: 158 Berlen, Mleh..l: 56, 63, 214 Bevllac:qu.-, G.-brlel: 48, 86 Bike Club: 104 Blttlnl, Kurt: 56, 143, 214 BI.ek Student Union: 9B BI.-nco, Mr. G.-brlel: 32, 116, 117 BI"kl, Robert: 89, 90, 93, 106, 107, 15B, 214 BI"I, Steven: 4B 81etne" Vincent: 64 Ble" Aklo: 159 Bloh, Mr. Dennl.: 30, 31, 99 Blue .-nd Gold: 108 ao.rd of Tru.t...: 22 Bodden, John: 64,80, B6 Boehmler, Albert 48 BoJIU, Peter: 55 BoI.-nd, Brend.-n: 56

Bon.nnl, hbl.n: 48 Bondr., Brother Thom..: 30, 31 Bonner, Chrl.: 76, 77, 82. 159 Bott. WlIlI.-m: 50, 64, 148 Boyd. M.-tthew: 5, 64 Boyle. 1l.....ln: 56, 121 Breeken. Il.evln: 48 Breekln. John: 160 Brady, Chris: 48, 130 Brad" P.-ul: 56 Br.-ndt, J.-m..: 64 Brln.fleld, Olnlel: 64 Bresell, Mltthew: 56, 84 Brlahters, Jlme.: 48 Brlaldl, Vincent: 48 Brinkmann, Gerard: 56, 154 Brower, R.-Iph: 56 Brown, Mrs. Clere: 30, 31, 96 Brown. Mlrtln: 106, 101, 114, 139, 154, 160 Brusce, Michael: 64, 130, 140, 141 Buonalorno. Loul.: 160 Burlhert, Peter: 160 Burlo, Stephen: 160 Burke, Leo: 64 Burt.e" Olnlel: 48 Bums, Mlch..l: 64 Burns. ROIer: 48 Bu.h, Jeek: 5J, 54, 138. 139, 154. 160, 214 Bu.tlrd, Robert: 48 Butcher. Jim..: 48 Butcher. Thomas: 56 Butler, John: 128, 134, 135, 136, 160 Butler, Thom..: 96, 101. 106, 107, 140. 160. 192.214 Byrne. Pltrick: 161 B,rnes. Jonethen: 64

Ccccc Cebeto, Alvin: 64 Cebelo, Mlrk: 161 Cefeterle L.-dlei: 45 Calrn8l, Jemn: 161 Callehln, Tlmoth,: 64 Calvlttl, Anthon,: 56 C.-mpeana, Anthon,: 161 Campbell, Brenden: 48 Campbell. Mlrk: 2. 89, 97. 106, 107, 108, 109. JJ6. JJ~ 144, 157, 161.214 Canelle,. Edward: 56 Cannoblo. MB. Lind.: 38, 39 Cannon. Brother Edward: 43 ~nnon, Joteph: 161 Clntwell, John: 161 Ceponol!. JOHph: 14. 56 C.pt"llettl, francl., 161 Ceputo, Oenlel: 56. 84. 149.214 Caramenlco. Nichol,,: 56 Carmod" Brian: 48, 130 Carr. 8rlan: 93. 162 Carr. Tlmoth,: 56 Carrello. Joseph: 64, 142 Carter. Jason: 56, 134 Caule, Raymond: 64 Canldy, Peul: 56 Cettle, Oevld: 56 Caccola, John: 56, 214 Cevel101, Oevld: 48 Chadwick, Brother Thom.., 24 Chemben, John: 48, 83, 113 Chol. Edmund: 6, 56 Cle.ullo, Chrl.: 48 Cianrelll, Chris: 48 CI.....,..III, Grqory: 122, 162, 214

Clcclmaro, Mn. Jenlc.: 43 Clcclmero, Mr. Joseph: 28, 16, 18 Clepllnskl. JOHph: 64, 16. 79. 104, 214 Cimini. Mr. Gu,: 44 Cltrlno, Chrf.topher: 64, 128. 130 Citro. Grqory: 56, 84, 85. 214 Clanee,: 6 Clerk, Il.enneth: 57 Clarke, Doualas: 64 Clem.nts, Robert: 48 Closlna: 216 Clubs/Activit'" DMd.r: 12 Cody, JIY: 64, 144 Colenlelo, Mn. Anlellne: 26 Cole, Georae: 163 Colfer, Edward; 48 Collstra, Mr. Jouph: 41. 128, 129, 191, 210 Collin., Oanl.l: 71 Colucci, frank: 48 Community Service Corp.: 90 Contln, Keith: 128, 129, 131.134, 135, 136.154,

10' Conlin, Kevin: 47, 57, 130 Conn.ll, Michael: 48 Conroy. William: 49 Cont.ntl: 1 Conti, frenk: 64 Con...." Christopher: 57 Cook, Broth.r Kenn.th: 37 Cook, St.....: 64, 128. 141 Cooper. Chrl.tlln: 49 Corcoran, frencls: 64, 121. 139 Cornoc. Albert: 57 Coschl, Ger-eld: 65 Coqrove, Jemes: 127. 152, 163 CoUone, Andrew: 65 Co,le, MlchHI: 163 Crala, Oenl.l: 105, 163 Crala, Edwerd: 5, 163 Crall. Thomas: 64, 144 Crawford, Brand.n: 65 Crawford, Geoffre,: 65. 98, 130. 131, 134, 136, 137 Cr••m.r, David: 48, 49 Credit.: 214 Creedon, Michael: 49 Cr.w, fill: 126 Crew, Sprlnl: 152 Croney, John: 97,126.127,152,153,164 CrOlS Country: 120 CrOl., Il.y'e: 49 Crouthamel, Jamn, 49 Cro.e, Oanl.l: 126. 141, 164 Crul, Robert: 64 Cube, Mlcheel: 57 Cue., NIchol..., 57 Cull.n. JOHph: 154, 164 Cunnlnlh.m. Greaory: 49 Cunnlnlhlm, Jeff: 122, 124, 164 Cunninlham, Mlch..l; 66, 84, 89, 99, 100, 106, 107, 112. 159, 164, 214 Cywln.kl. J.ffrey. 49

Ddddd O'Anllelo, Dr. JOHph: 31 O'Araenlo, Michael: 57 O'Orallo. Michael: 65 Oaler. Jonath.n: 49 Daaer, K.vln: 57 D.Jnow.kl, John: 65 Deley. John: 57, 84. 214 Daly, Brian: 114. 121, 139, 154, 164 Daly. Dr. Don.: 24

Daly, Kevin: 57 Daniel, Timothy: 53, 65, 130 Daymont, Joshue: 49 De Govenn, Joseph: 65, 148 DeAmlcls, Anthony: 49 DeAngelis, Justin: 165 Dedication: 16 Dellso, Thomes: 65 Deltlto, Scott: 165 Demeter, Dougles: 57, 121 Dempsey, Robert: 51, 65, 151 Dennis, Jeremy: 57 Derosa, Thomas: 8, 57 Desai, Ronak: 57 Desllvls, Christopher: 57, 134 DeSimone, Thomas: 166 Dever, Mrs. Patricia: 27 Devincent, Alfred: 49 Devine, Dr. James: 21, 22, 23, 111 Devine, Mr, Patrick: 24, 25, 121, 139, 154 Deul, Christopher: 99, 166 Deul, James: 49 DIArenlo, Nicholas: 57, 142 Dlaz, Paul: 49 Dickson, Robert: 57, 143 Diehl, Mr. David: 20, 22, 23 DlfllO, Anthony: 49 Dlgatl, Thomes: 49 DUenno, Jonathan: 57, 86 Dlnl, Frederick: 82, 86, 96, 166 Dipaolo, Frencls: 57 Divito, Christopher: 49 Doebley, John: 65, 143 Doehne, Chris: 166, 199 Dolan, Mr. Michael: 24, 25, 98, 151 Dolen, Paul: 49 Doleway, Paul: 57 Donahue, Brien G.: 57 Donehue, Brlan T.: 119, 128, 166 Donahue, Mrs. linda: 32, 33 Donahue, Timothy: 57 Donnelly, S"n: 88, 89, 166 Donovan, Edward: 65 "Don't I Loo/( 177": 56 Downey.. James: 65 Downey, Michael: 57 Downs, Timothy: 127, 152, 153, 166 Doyle, MIChael: 65 Drayton, William: 49 Dries, Brother Jemes: 19,21, 22, 23 Drumm, Raymond: 49 Duffy, Vincent: 65 Dugan, Ms, Maureen: 34, 35 Duncheskle, Stephen: 49 Dunn, Brother Thomas: 34, 35 Durkln'lapowsky, Mrs. Colleen: 80, 82 Durso, Richard: 65, 143 DUSllk, Robert: 49

Fallon, John: 65 farina, Nicholas: 57 Farr"gut, Ryan: 10, 57 Farrell, Jude: 49, 92 Farrell, William: 65, 134 Fasy, Gerald: 57 Fecher, Jeffrey: 57 Fegley, David: 167 Felley, Jeffrey: 49 Fegley, Michael: 58 Felice, Francis: 49 Fellclanl, Robert: 58 Fennlngham, John: 58 Feret, 8rett: 65, 114, 139, 155 Ferrie, Colin: 58 File, Daniel: 65, 113 FlIfppl, Samuel: 65 Finn, Brother linus: 43, 108, 112, 214 Finney, PatriCk: 65 Fisher, Brian: 49 Flskett, Daniel: 49 Fithian, Thomas: 49 Fltlgerald, Craig: 13, 128, 147, 167 Fire Peg•• - Due Monday: 66 FI~

ProtectIon Act: 204

Flanlg"n, Devld: 58 Flanlgln, Mlch.el: 58 Flemlnl, Jeffrey: 58 Flemming, Joseph: 65 Fluehr, Timothy: 50 Flynn, Joseph: 65 Foley, Mr. James: 23, 171 Forbes, Andrew: 58 Ford, James: 58 Ford, Robert: 65 Forum: 86 Foster, Terrence: 50, 143 Fox, Adam: 58 Frlnce, Thomas: 167 Freshmen: 48·55 Frey, Jon: 65 Friel, Dougl,,: 14, 58 Frlsarlo, Roger: 52, 66 Fritz, Dlnlel: 58, 140, 148, 149 Frlzalone, Mr. John: 34, 35, 89, 138, 139, 154 Frlzlen, Drew: 58 Fry, Matthew: 167 Fry, Richerd: 58 Fuhrmelster. Gerard: 167 Fulginiti, Domenlc: 50, 96 Fulginiti, Dominic: 66 Fullerton, Thomas: 50, 142 Fumal, Kevin: 58



Gallagher, Colin: 66, 128, 130 Gallagher, Daniel A.: 50 G"llagher, Daniel P.: 66 Gallagher, Mrs. Helen: 27 Gallagher, Michael: 50 Gallagher, Patrick: 66 Galzerano, Vincent: 167 Gannon, TImothy: 50 Gaspero. Michael: 50 Gathman, David: 66, 128, 139, 154 Gaul, Brendan: 58, 84, 85, 106, 107, 108, 109, 214 Gavin, Mr. Victor: 32, 33 Gazebo: 100 Gdowik, Steven: 66 Gebhardt, William: 58 Geiger, Mr. William: 32, 33, 84, 85, 108, 109, 112, 214 Gibbons, Mark: 66 Gillespie, Anthony: 58, 83 Gillespie, Mr. Terrence: 38, 39 GUligen, Andrew: 58 Gillon, Thomas: 10, 152, 167, 209 Gilroy, Michael: 168 Glnleczkl, Taylor: 66 Ginty, Ryan: 58 Giordano, Nicholas: 58, 81 Glouzells, TeUy: 50 Giuliano, Gregory: 66,111,139,155 Gladu. Robert: 58 Glavin, Joshua: 58 Glessner. Chris: 142, 168 Glick, Jemes: 58 Godin, Thomes: 66 Goldbacher, Marc: 58, 86 Golderer, Joseph: 58, 86 Golf: 144 Goodwin, Jeffrey: 169 Gordon. Kevin: 50 Gorman, James: 50, 130, 139, 154 Gorman. John: 64, 65, 66, 139 146, 154, 214 Grace, Mr. John: 40, 41, 80 Graebner. Sean: 58 Graf, Carl: 58 Gray, 8rendan: 50 Gray, Kevin: 132, 169

"I t'aught I saw a puddy tat."

Eeeee Eby, Curtis: 78,119,134,136,137,166 Egnotovlch, Jonathan: 154, 167 Emery, Ryan: 57 English Department: 30 Erb, Timothy: 49 Eriksen, John: 49 Ettore, Michael: 57 Evans, Mr. Gerlld: 38, 39 EverllnR:, Joseph: 65 Excu.e Mel: 68

Fffff Fagn.n, Donald: 65, 143 Felrorth, Gabriel: 57

Grebil, Thom...: 50 Greiner, W.lter: 66 Griffin, Christopher: 66 GriffIth, Brl.n: 66 Griffith, Brent: 169 Groben, Peter: 58 Grouo, Fr.nk: 50 Guckert. BrI.n: 115. 169 Guever., Mulmo: 66, 128 Guld.nc. Depertment: 24 Guktl. Philip: 50 Guill. Demon: 169 GuY' vs. Girls; 54

134, 135. 170,214. 216 Herrera, Stephen: 66 Herron, U.m: 59 Hlcke. Scott: 66 Hlnlns. James: 14, 59 Hlldebr.nd, M.Uh.... 59, 209 Hill, l ....rence: 50 Hilty, Chris: 120. 121, 138, 139, 144. 154. 155,


Hipp, Se.n: 66 Hkschbuhl, Ch.rln: 66 Hohenleltner. Mr. Geort:e: 32, 33 Hol.lck, Chris: 50 Home/as Count: 204

Hhhhh Haas, francis: 66 Hus, Glenn: 66 Hus, tt.rl: 48, 50 H'I.n, Timothy: 50 H'lelln, Scott: 66, 80 H'len. frederick: 58 H.I.... Peter: 59 H.lczenko, P.ul: 59 H.ldls, Christopher: 59 H.lstead, SCott: 66, 139 Hamilton. Denlel: 13, 169 H.mstead, Sh....n: 66 Hanaey, Jon: 50 Hannon, Tim: 59 H.nson, 8r1.n, 6, 59 H.nSoOn. Jonathan: 50 H.nssen. Mr. Tore: 15, 29, 151 H.rbISoOn. La.rene.: 86. 170 Harrer. Jeffrey: 170 H.rrlnlton, Roeer: 66. 122, 124. 134, 136, 146 H.rtlt)', Ger.rd: 59 Hertm.n, WIlII.m: 50 Haun, J.ffrey: 50 Hauon, Chris: 128, 130, 170 Hathl, Shekher: 66 H,ulhton. P.trlck: 66, 143 H.yes, Joseph: 50 H.yes, Martin: 170 Hendrick, Robert: 50 Hendrick, Sean: 2, 73, 88, 89, 108, 109, 130,

Hodd, Stephen: 171 Hooper, Thomas: 50 Horbac:henky. 01111.: 66 Hornick, John: 66 Horst. Michael: 171 Hob:. MaUhe.: 59 Houck, John: 172 Houck, M.rk: 67. 128, 139, 154 Houston, Wllllem: 50 Hubbard, frederick: 50 Hudson, Gilbert: 59. 142 Hutt. Chrlltopher: 59 Hummel, Vincent: 127, 152. 172 Hunter, Michael: 59



lacullo. Rocco: 59 Ice Hockey: 142 Idha., Ste....n: 50, 75 Index: 208 Intramur.ls: 114

J.ckson, Mr. M.rtln: 40, 41, 134, 136 Jackson, Raymond: 50 Jacobs, Joseph: 51

"Hey Kid, are you free next football season?"

J.cobsen. Michael: 51 J.ndrlsltz. Justin: 67 J.rymovych, Alex.nder: 59 J.rymoV)'ch, Borys: 51 J.rymoV)'ch, Marko: 172 Jennlnts. Thomas: 67 Jocllo...skl, Chris: 82, 83, 172 John, Rh)'$: 59 Johnson, Mr. Fr.ncl,: 36, 37, 106, 107, 115 Jones, Richard: 51 Jones, Wllil'm, 67 Joyce, Michael, 67 Jutler, John: 59 JUller, Michael: 67 Juniors: 64-71 Junod, JOMph: 59

Kaiser, David: 59, 214 K.las, Mr. Harry: 111 K.mlnskl, Jeffrey: 59 K.rp, J.mes: 59 K.rr, Adlm: 67 tt.rwackl, Robert: 172 ttasloff, Mrs. Faye: 27 K.ub, Joseph: 59 K.ufm.nn, GeOf"le: 59 Keefe, Timothy; 59 Keele)', Michael: 126, 152, 172 fleenln, O.nlel: 94, 95, 121, 172 Keidel, J.mes: 11, 51 Kelly, Boyd: 59 Kelly, ChrIs: 172 Kelly, Olnlel: 173 Kelly, Robert: 48, 51 Kemm, Jeffrey: 51 tteneflc, Mltthe...: 59 Meneflc, MIchael: 173 ttensey, DouIIIS: 59, 111 Kent, Kevin: 59 Keoulh, Brother Joseph: 42, 174 Kerlin, Michael: 59, 121, 151 tterr, Kenneth: 51 t(lchul., Peter: 51 ttlefer, Michael: 60 ttlernln, ÂŁdwlrd: 67 Klernln, Phlllp: 51 ttlm, D.nlel: 173 Klnl, Chlrl": 67, 86, 87 ttlrkpatrlck, Chris: 67,127 ttleschlck, Plul: 51 Kline, K.vln: 51 Klock, Joel: 60 Knecht, Thomas: 51 Kobylinski, Wlyne: 51 Koch, tt~n: 142, 173 Koch.nskl, Kevin: 60 Kopltsky, Jerry: 173 Korollshln, Kler.n: 60, 116 Koschln.., Ernest: 134, 135, 165, 173 Kovac, Thomas: 134, 173 Krelovlch, Keith: 67,132,214 Kumpf, Steven: 51

Lilli llFontalne, Mr. Bill: 4, 44, 159 llhr, ttevln: 60 Lanahln, Ry.n: 51 Lane, Joshua: 51 Lancuace Department: 32 lapinski, Eric: 51 Lapp, t(elth: 67 larnon, Kenneth: 67

larkin, Daniel: 51 Lalk)', Brian: 48, 51 lasorN, JOMph: 51 latchford, Kevin: 51 tau, Merwin: 67 laurkh, Vincent: 9, 60 lavin, Gretory: 60, 130 lawrence, Andrew: 67 lawtOn, Steven: 67 leader, Dan: 67 leader, Deane: 67 Lee, Allen: 51 Lee, Anthon)': 173 Lelll, Gary: 51 Lemano짜llcl, Richard: 60 Lewis, Daniel: 67 Library: 42 L1chtner, Mr. Frank: 29, 132, 133 L1ebach, Donald: 67, 75 llebtal, Chrla: 51 Linde, Grelory; 58, JJ5, 142, 174,214 L1nlultl, Ryan: 51 link, Erik; SO, 84,157,174,214 Link, John: 67 L1tchendorf, Eric: 52, 175 lltynskl, Gene: 67 L1o)'d, Jamn: 106, 107, 175 L1o)'d, John: 60, 214 l~hetto, Stephen: 51 lollren, Brett: 51 loflren, Todd: 51 Loftus, Daniel: 60 LOlan, Mrs. Bernadette: 26, 192 LOlan, Joseph: 67, 113, 134, 137 lopel, Christian: 67, 139, 214 Lopel, Joseph: 122. 175 Lopez, Stephane: 60 Loplt, Ronald: 67 lopoten, Barry: 51 lorusso, Vincent: 52 lottler, Jason: 122, 175 Lottler, John: 52 louka, Edward: 67,139 Lovlren, Michael: 60 Lub)', David: 175 Lucente, Mark: 175 lumley, Brother Aloysius: 43. 144 Lutz, Michael: 67 lynCh, Slephen: 67 lyon, Matthew: 52 lyons, Shawn: 52

Mmmmm Macartney, Robert: 100, 176 MacCironl, Jamn: 60 Mackintosh, Ian: 52 Madonna: 205 Maertdl, Stephen: 52 Malro. Michael: 52, 67, 214 Malulre, Michael: 176 Maher, James: 94, 115, 144, 176 Maher, Mrs. Julia: 38. 105, 116 MaIda, Domenlc: 96, 114, 139, 154, 155, 176 Maida. Paul: 52, 130, 137 Maintenance: 44 Malatesta, AI..andro: 52 Malloy, John: 60 Malone, Charlea: 176 Malone, Terrence: 68 Maloney, James E.: 60 Malone)', Jamn F.: 68 Manlan, Mr. lawrence: 21, 23 Manion, Mr. David: 32, 33 Mannlnl. Ryan: 68 MARANATHA: 171 Markey, Frank: 52 Markmann, Joseph: 71, 130 Markowski, John: 52

Marsh, Jason: 60 Martin, Christopher: 68 Martin, Ronald: 60, 143 Manella, Bradr. 176 Mason, Gretory: 50, 66 Maluccl, Robert: 52 Mathletn.: 88 Mathematics Department: 34 Matslnler, John: 68 Matthews, Brian: 52 Matthews. Stephen: 96, 106. 107, 121, 176 Maude, Andrew: 127, 153, 176 Mnwen, Timothy: 60 Mayer, Jamie: 177 McAllister, Kevin: 52 McAnally, Mark: 177 McAnespey, Mr. Robert: 27 McAuliffe, Kieran: 60, 80 McCabe, Mr. Bernard: 30, 31. 214 McCabe, Mr. Edward: 30. 31,121 McCafferty. Paul: 60 McCaffrey, Brian: 60, 143 Mccaffrey. Mlch..l: 171, 177 McCann, Francis: 60 McCann, Mark, 97. 142. 143. 177 McC.ury. Robert: 52 McCloy, Samuel: 60 McClure, Morlan: 60 McComb, Edward: 68 McCool, Karl: 52 McCormac, Gerald: 68 McCourt, Michael: 52 McCracken. Richard: 52, 57 McCusker, John: 68 McDermott, Brain F.: 68 McDermott, Brian M.: 68. 73, 77, 86, 87, 94. 177.196.214

McDonald, lohn: 60, III McDonald, Patrick: 52 McDonald. Thomas: 105, 177.214 McDonald, Timothy; 68 McDowell. William: 60, 83 McElderry, Ryan: 60 McElvenny, Mitt: 60. 171, 214 Mcfadden, Bill: 177 Mcfadden, Michael: 52 McGeehan, Kevin: 97,178,214 McGill, Brian: 134, 135, 178 McGinnis, Mark: 178 McGoldrick, Mark: 61 McGoldrick, Matthew: 52 McGovern, Mrs. Diane: 28, 74, 75 McGovern, Brother Hilary: 29 McGover", MIChael: 52 McGowan. Patrick: 61 McGowan, Thomas: 178 McGullan, 8rlan: 68 Mcilvaine, Boyd: 52 McKee, John: 52 McKee, Mark: 178 McKeever, John: 61 McMahon, Kevin: 61 McManus. John: 61 McManus, Joseph: 178 McManus, Timothy: 61 McMonagle, Michael: 52 McNamara, Brian: 68 McHamara, Joshua: 178 McNamee, Jamea: 82, 83. 105, 178 McNichol, Joseph: 99.128,130,131,146,147, 179 McNichol, Kevin: 61 McNichol, Robert: 73, 108. 109, 179,214 Means, 8rother Michael: 91 Mecke, Quintin: 2. 70,99, 179, 214 Mldlano, Christopher: 68, 75 M.., Arthur: 179 Meehan, Brian: 52 Meehan, James: 52 Meehan. J05eph: 61. 143 Mehr, Mrs. Muriel: 36, 37. 93 Mehta, Saurin: 52 Melley, Shawn: 68

Men of La Salle: 111 Mercer, James: 61 Merch, Steven: 68 Mercuri, Christian: 142, 179 Merritt. Brlan: 52 Miazga. Romln: 52 Micsko. Timothy: 68. 80, 82, 214 Mikulski, Bartholomew: 61 MUn. Gary: 61, 143 Miller, Mr. Gerald: 40. 41, 214 Miller, James: 68 Miller, Kyle: 53 Miller, Stephen: 179 Min, Jeen: 61, 82 Mlneheart, Jelfrey: 68, 143 Ministry: 42 Minnich, John: 68, 121, 139 Mllers: 116 M~k Trial: 99 Modulewskl, James: 68, 214 Molinari, William: 73. 84. 90,108,109. JlO. 179.


Molush. Mr. Edward: 30. 31, 108, 109, 116, 214 Moock, lames: 53 Morales, 01110: 61 M0rtan, Mark: 61 Morrisroe, Andrew: 68, 111 Morrissey. Brian: 179 Morrls..y. Joseph: 119, 128, 131, 144, 180 Morrls..y, Paul: 61 Mothers' Club: 110 MrOllnskl, Brother Charles: 34, 35 Muldowney, Joseph: 53 Mulhern. CB: 73, 101, 108, 151, 180, 214 Mullen. Andrew: 127, 153. 181 Mullen, Gre,ory: 61 Mullen, Mrs. Karen: 26 Mullen, Mrs. Mary Kay: 26, 69 Mullen, Mlch..l: 99. 181 MuUlaan, Martin: 53 Mumn. Mr. Frank: 43 Mullin. Kevin: 53 Mulll". Mlch..l: 68 Mullin. Paul: 7, 53, 134 Mulvaney, Glenn: 68. 214 Murphy, John: 77, 96,114,120.121,139,154, 155. 181, 214 Murphy, Joseph: 61 Murphy, Scott: 53 Music Department: 28 Mydtowec, Mrs. Sally: 38. 39 Mydlowec, William: 53 Myers. Brother Joseph: 28. 104

Nnnnn National Honor Society: 96 Neverosky, Crall: 122, 181 Ne짜ldeck, David: 68 Nguyen, Khoa:88, 89. 181 Nguyen, Khol: 68, 75 Nichols, William: 68, 98, 130, 139, 214 Nlckeb. Georle: 68 Klcolo, James: 61 Nicoletti, Mr. Geoffrey: 36, 37 N~entlno, David: 61, 143 Nolan. Ryan Wins 300: 205 Northrop, Thornaa: 53 No Time - Get Me Cliff: 62 Nowak, Josh, 151, 181 Nowakowski. Brian: 61

00000 O'Brien, Michael F.: 182

O'Brien, Michael J.: 61 O'Brien, Shawn: 4, 146, 147, 157, 182 O'Connell, Michael: 142, 182 O'Donnell. Kevin: 8, 182 O'Donnell, Timothy: 61 O'Donnell, Wllllllm: 182 O'Hlillorlin. Plltrlck: 127, 152, 153. 182 O'HlInlon, 8rendan: 53, 143 O'Hara, 8rlan: 91. 182 O'Hara, Kevin: 68 O'Hara, Mlchllel F.: 61 O'Hllra, Michael J.: 68 O'Malley. Brendlln: 53 O'Malley. DavId: 68

Pratowski. Edward: 62, 184, 214 Prete, Loull: 69, 142 Pritchard, Dllniel: 53 Prom Dat,,: 196

Puntel, Mr. Alfred: 36, 37, 90

Qqqqq Quinn, Donald: 53, 142

n'M••• MI"h .... ·";Q

O'Neill, Brendan: 53, 134 O·Nelll. Mark: 105, 144, 182 O'Toole. Mr. Mlch..l: 30, 31. 100, 101 Oberholzer, Chrll: 90. 183, 214 Odarchenko, Vladimir: 69 Olender, Kevin: 61, 134 OUver, Joseph: 53 Open House: 112 Opening: 1 Ormond. Chad: 61, 130. 148 Orsino, Francis: 183, 201 Olborne. Francis: 69, 154 Oyefule, Dele: 53

Ppppp Palm. Wllllam: 61 Palombaro, Matthew: 53 Pllnnepacker, Robert: 69 Panzarella, ThomllS: 61 Paolone. Andrew: 53 Paradise. Michael: 69, 214 Plirellll, Michael: 61 Parisi, Mr. Joseph: 40, 41. 98, 146, 149 Parmar, Vlvek: 62 Parry, Andrew: 53 Parsonl, Michael: 62 Particelll, Robert: 101, 183 Pasquatl, Francesco: 62 Pasquall. Raffaele: 69 Patel, Snehal: 69. 214 Paterson, Gerald: 69 Patrons: 215 Paul. John: 53, 86, 143 Pecsl, James: 157, 183 Peffle, Robert: 53 Pellelilrino. Frank: 53 Pensabene, Crlllg: 69 Perfetti, Mllrco: 53 Perfetti, Marlo: 69 Perlllo, Joseph: 53 Pero. Jalon: 171. 183 Perry, Bryan: 69 Perry, Christopher: 62 Pesclltore, Scott: 62 Peth, Frankie: 53, 142 Photo Club: 84 Plano, James: 183 Piccione, Michael: 69 Pickard, David: 71 Pigeon, Robert: 127, 183 Pllileon, Thomas: 69 Plskal. 8rllln: 53 Pllitter·Up/: 165 Plewa, Marlun: 53 Plover, Eric: 62 Pluck, John: 183 Poehlmann, 8rlan: 122, 124, 146, 147. 184 Ponlsciak, Mrs. Dorothy: 38. 39, 97 Ponllclak, Mr. Michael: 34, 35, 90 Ponlselak, Stephen: 49, 53, 84, 214 Porfr.lt of an Ir3q1 "Mlldmll"": 206 Potter, Jason: 184 Poulopoulol, Mllnos: 62

Rrrrr Rakowski, Daniel: 76, 79, 184 Randazzo. John: 86,106,107,184 Randles, Patrick: 184 Rllndolph, Michael: 62 Ravaseo, Richard: 48, 53 Reeves, Brian: 62, 143 Reilly, Brian: 69 Reilly, Mr. Charles: 22 Reilly, Christopher: 62 Reilly, Dennis: 62, 71 Reinhardt, Mr. Robert: 19, 38, 39, 105, 127, 153 Religion Department: 36 Rem"mber Our Troops Who Served I" the Gulf:

2.0 Remus, Frank: 69 Rendlne, Daniel: 53 Renzi, Michael: 69, 121, 139 Replci, David: 69 Reutllnliler, Chris: 62 Ricci, Joseph: 19, 69, 124 Riccio, Michael: 62 Rider, John: 185 Rlmert, Ms, Lorrillne: 16, 17, 38, 39, 213 RinaldI, Joseph: 61, 62, 74, 180, 186, 191,214 Rite of Pa..a,e: 52 Rivera, Matthew: 185 Roat, Christopher: 54 Roberts, Salem: 55 RoblniOn, Andrew: 62 Roccla, Christian: 91. 186 Roche, Mr. James: 35, 88, 89 Rodgers, Jamie: 69 Rodrlluez. Carlos: 54 Roeser, Stephen: 62, 121, 138. 139, 154 Roener, Mlltthew: 62 Rogers, Brother David: 24, 24, 96,139, 154, 214 Rojal, Ricardo: 150, 151, 186 Roller, James: 54 Roman, Gregory: 141, 171, 187 Romano, Brian: 54 Romllno, George: 69 Romano. Matthew: 141, 187 Romano. Brother Robert: 32, 33 Rosclolf, frank: 187, 214 Rose, Michael: 69 Rani. Peler: 54 Rani. Rinaldo: 69 Rothenheber, Eric: 62 Rotondo, Petrick: 69 Rudisill, Thomas: 54 Rusnak, William: 187 Runell. Mr. Robert: 38, 39, 105, 186, 214 Runo. John: 141, 187 Ruzzi, Joseph: 73, 187 Ryan, Daniel: 69, 123, 124

Sssss S.A.O.D.: 97

Saggese, Mark: 69 SalllZar, Art: 69 Salduttl, Michael: 188 Sallnll. Leonard: 12, 62 Salvador, Albert: 54 Samson, Bryan: 69 Sandella, Bradley: 47, 62 Sands, Rlchllrd, 54 Sanlord, Charles: 69 Santini, Jason: 54 Slintoro, Victor: 69 Santucci, Lawrence: 54 Sapp, Frederick: 70, 99 Saracino, Michael: 84, 101, 106, 107, 188 Sava, Mitch: 70, 128 Scali, Michael: 54, 130 Scali, Richard: 188 Scandone, Keith: 62 ScarceUe, Michael: 5, 54, 80, 81, 83 Schaefer, Mlchllel: 70 Schaum. Mrs. PatrIcia: 26, 214 Schill, Chris: 54 Schloner, WtlIlam: 62 Schmilibach, Robert: 54 Schmidt, Chris A.: 188 Schmidt, Chris C.: 188 Schmidt, Kevin: 128, 129, 188 Schnepp, Robert: 54 Schorn, Brian: 54 Schrader, Joseph: 70 Schulden, John: 142, 188 Schwelch, Kevin: 70 Sciascia, Robert: 83, 188 Science Department: 38 Scola, Pietro: 70, 96, 214 Scully, Brian: 54 Scully, Kevin: 120, 121. 139, 154, 155, 189 Scutti, Andrew: 94, 189 Secretaries: 26 Sellers, WI1Uam: 62 Semen, Timothy: 54 Senior Quotes: 198 Seniors: 158 Senior Dlvld"r: 156 Shah, Amol: 70, 89 Shah, OJas: 70, 89 Shannon, Brian: 5, 152, 189 Sharkey, Hank: 62 Shea, Brother Robart: 19, 20, 22, 23, 110, III Shepherd, Ronald: 70 Shepherd, William: 116, 189 Sheridan, Francis: 76, 189, 214 Shevlin, Matthew: 62 Shields, Matthew: 62 ShUkltus, Daniel: 54, 143 Shorn to Se Wild: 60 Shoturma, Andrew: 54 Shustack. MI. Tina: 34, 35 Sigmund. James: 76,127,153,189 Sigmund, JOleph: 5, 189 Sllmund, Mark: 54 51111, John: 62 51111, Robert: 189 SlIn, William: 54 Sliva, Jamie: 70 Silva, Jeff: 63 Sink, Keith: 190 Sinopoli, Michael: 99, 146, 190,214 Sites, David: 54 Slwlnskl, James: 70 Ski Club: 105 Skulsky, Darren: 4, 190 Skyrm, William: 63 SmIth, Brian: 54 Smith, Chris: 70, 130 SmIth, Christopher: 63 Smith, Kevin: 63 Smith, Mrs. Mllry Jo: 34, 35 Smith, Michael: 63 Smith, Timothy: 54 Soccer: 122 Social Studlel Depllrtment: 40 Sophomores: 56-63

Sparks, Cheyney: 70 Spearlns, Will; 90, 93, 97, 106. 107. 128, 185, 190, 214 Specllttles: 43 Sports Divider: 118 Stack, James: 63 Stack, Matthew; 54 Stack, Thom..; 119, 190 StasUano. David; 63 Stalrlker. Lhlm; 54 Stanczak. Mr. Martin; 29, 129 Sark, Chril: 93. 106, 190.209 St.slorowskl, Daniel; 54 Steck, Brother James: 19, 32, 33, 115 Stein, Thomas: 70, 84, 214 Sterner, Brother Rene; 21, 73, 86, 87 Stevenson, Michael: 70, 75, 92 Stlmmter, Ed: 70 Stirring It Up: 58

Stokes, Thomas; 63 Stowe, Chid: 94, 114, 115, 119, 128, 129, 171, 191 Strelbls, Peter: 63 StrelblS, Stephen: Cover. 18, 46. 72, 75, 102. H8, 156, 157, 191.214, 216 Strohecker, Stephen: 154, 192 Student Council: 94 Summerill, James: 192 SutCliffe, 8rlan: 54 Suter, Patrick: 63, 209 Sweeney, 8rlan; 54 Swim Team: 132 Synnamon, William: 63

Ttttt Tassart, James: 63/ Tantala, Michael: 55 Tarsi, Julius: 70 Tltlr, WIlliam: 6. 63. 105, 130 Tate. James: 55 Tempest, Bryan; 63 Tennis: 150 Tenutl. Albert: 63 Theatre, Fill: 80 Theatre. SprlnS: 82 Theme: 2 Time for Some P. T.P.. Baby: 70 Tlmlnskl. JeHrey: 99, 193 Tlmlnskl, Michael: 55 Tomlinson, Matthew: 63 Tonzelll, Anthony: 70 Too Whom it May Concern . .. : 185 Tornambe, Joseph: 70 Tornetta, Keith; 114. 128. 129. 131. 139, 154, 155, 193 Torres, Carlos: 97,106, ISO, 151, 193 Track, Sprlns: 154 Track, Winter: 138 Traaemann, Geoffrey: 70, 134 Trainer, John: 5, 73. 80, 90, 91, 108, 109, 193, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 214, 216 Treacy, Michael: 71, 139 Tritz, Max: 63 TroJeckl, Dlnlel: 55 Truitt, Robert: 55 Tullo, Louis; 71, 141 Tull, Brlln: 55 Turner, Andrew: 55 Turner, Mr. Thorn..: 19,40, 41, 98 Tuscano, Michael: 63, 140, 214 Tyrrell, Ryan: 94.95, 127. 152, 153. 193

Uuuuu Underclau Divider: 46

Undercleumen NIfUi Not Enter: 192 Urbanski, Ronald: 71 U.S. Tanh Reach Saudi Arabia: 206

Vvvvv Vacca, James: 63, 83 Valentine, Robert: 193 Valentine, Thom..; 48, 55 Valerio, Christopher: 194 Vallnls, John: 71 Van Stone, Michael: 71 VandersUce, Kevin: 63 Vandiver, Emory: 71, 111 Varano, Nicholas; 194 Vennera, Michael; 71, 130, 138. 139 Vesay. Daniel: 71 Vesay, Patrick: 55 Vicario, Daniel; 63 VUe. Michael: 105, 122, 152, 194, 214 VUe路Junod, Wltllam: 77, 146, 19' Vito, John; 55 Voat, fred: 194 Volpe, Jerry: 194 Volpe, John: 63 Von, Eric: 71, 153, 214

Wachowski, Matthew: 194 Waiting for "To Go": 50

Wildowskl, Kyle: 63 Walhelm, Andrew: 55 Walhelm, Jon: 77. 80, 82. 83,194 Walker, John: 8. 139, 154, 195 Walker, Mr. John H.: 111 Willace, Andrew: 71, 146, 147 Walls, Daniel: 144. 145 Walters, Brian: 55 Watson, James: 55 Watts, Stephen: 71 Weinrich, Stephen: 195 Weir, David: 63 Weln, John; 71, 132 Weln, Matthew: 55 Welsh, Norman: 71 Wen hold, David: 55 Wentt. Jerome: 195 We're One Step Ahead: 159

Werner, Brother Henry: 42, 96, 171 Wesolowski. Leo: 195 West, Brett: 63

West, Thomas: 71, 86 Whalen, Kevin: 55 Whelan, Blrry: 55, 134 Whelan, Brendan: 55 Where's the Fourth Floor?: 49 Whitaker, Eugene: 63 White, Gerard: 80, 82, 83, 195 White, John: 195 Wickersham, Andrew: 55 Wickersham, James: 71, 81, 82, 83, 86 Wlduck, Andrew: 55, 74. 75 Wleckowskl, Matt: 72, 127 Wilkin, Michael: 126, 127. 152, 195 Will, Nathan: 63 Williamson, Joseph: 197 Wilson, John: 63 Wilson, Thomas: 126, 127, 152, 153. 197, 214 Wimmer, Mark: 63. 139, 154, 155 Wimmer, Michael: 55 Wimmer, Scott; 99,100.106,107. J65, 197, 214 Wlndfelder, Daniel: 71 Winter Dance: 117 Winters, Jeremy; 63 Wisterlan: 106 Witkowski, Michael: 55 Wlttkamp, William: 71 Woods, Gresory: 55 "World": 204 Wrestling: 140 Wright, Matthew; 71. 148 Wrzesnlewskl, Robert; 63 Wyche, BenJamin: 71, 143



Vatcllla, Stephen: 197 Vearbook; 108 Vost. David: 63 Voung, Ryan: 132, 197 Yurick. John: 71

Zzzzz Zalewski, Joseph: 56, 63, 214 Zambryckl. Greg: 63 Zaucha, Christopher: 55 Zemltls, Eric; 197 Zlupko. Brian: 63 loeltsch, Mrs. Nancy: 32, 33 Zucclrello. Joseph: 71, 84

Did Mrs. Rimert ever think in 1972 that a yearbook would be dedicated to her today?

Give Credit Where Credit Is Due

Layout Staff Bob McNichol Chris Oberholzer Chris Lopez

John John Dave John

Ceccola Daley Kaiser Lloyd

Ed Pratowskl

Art Staff Typing Staff Aaron Baer Greg CiaverelU Jim Modzelewski Glenn Mulvaney Snehal Patel

Steve Strelbig Joe Rinaldi

Business Staff Kevin McGeehan

Photo Staff Copy Staff Eric link Frank Roscloll Mike Paradise Tom Stein Mike Bergen Kurt Bitting Dan Caputo Greg Citro

Jamal Allen Robert Blasi Jack Bush Tom Butler Mike Cunningham Greg Linde Brian McDermott

Special Thanks to: Brother Robert Shea, Mr. David Diehl, Brother James Dries, and the entire faculty. My Mom and Dad for pulling up with me during deadline times, keeping dinners in the microwave and tor being so understanding about my grades. Thank you! love, John All Editors' parents tor their similar support and cooperation. Mr. Robert and Rita Davine


Tom McDonald Matt McElvenny Quintin Macke John Murphy Fran Sheridan Mike Sinopoli Will Spearing Mike Vile T.J. Wilson

Scott Wimmer Joe Ciepllnskl John Gorman Keith Krelovlch Mike Magro Tim Mlcsko Bill Nichols Pete Scola Mike Tuscano Eric Voss Dan Caputo Joe Zalewski Steve Ponlsclak

Br. D. linus Finn for our typing needs. Mr. Mike Maicher, Mr. Gerald Miller, Mr. Patrick Devine, and Mrs. Jo Ann Ryan for photography. Mr. Bernard McCabe for help In revision. Br. Charles Mrozinski and Mr. Frank Mullin for the seiling of this book. Br. David Rogers and Mr. Robert Russell for student printouts. Mrs. Patricia Schaum for bulletin announcements. Mr.lawrence Mangan and Mrs. Faye Kosloff for numerous favors.

To Our Patrons: We Couldn't Have Done It Without You Tht' Gabriel fkvilacqua Family

.Best Witha! The Blasi Family Pat and Ed Bransfield

Roger and Judith Burns Tht; Cabalo Family

The Campagna Family Joe CarreUo, Jr. The Cevallos Family Mr. and Mrs. John Cunningham

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dolo",".)' Mr. and Mrs. Gerard 8. Donahue, Jr. The Donahue. and Adam

Harry, Lynda, Brian, Jim,

Mr. and Mrs. John T. Drost Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Duncheslde Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Dusuk

The Fecher Family Dr. and Mrs. Francis M. Fe.lice Hon. and Mrs. James ]. Fin;gerald

"Compliments of Dr. and Mrs. Peter Frey" The Friel Family

Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Gal:r.erano Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Goodwin, Jr. The S. John Gonnan Family The Gm::ltert Family Mr. and Mrs. Frank Haas The Hengemuh.le - Mulligan Family Pamela HerTera James M. Higgins, '9} Paul Higgiru, '781 Philip J. Higgins, '82 Thomas J. Higgins, 'SO Thomas J. Higgins, Jr., 7S K~vin and Sean Hipp Mr. and Mrs. Danie:l Hudson

Mrs. Marta Jarymovych Mr. and Mrs. Pe:te:r J. Ke:e:nan Molly S. Ke:lly Je:rry and Marianne: Kopitsky JeN: and Mary Lou Kovac The: Lapinski Family Mr. and Mrs. Robt:rt R. Larason The: Lie:bsch Family The: Ryan Linguiti Family Lloyd Family The: Lopote.n Family Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph A. Luce:nte The: Maida Family Mr. Francis E. Malone:y The. Maxwdl Family Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. McCaffrey The: McKu Family Mr. and Mrs. William J. McKe:own, III Mr. and Mrs. A. James Meehan Mr. and Mrs. Austin A. Mce:han, Jr. The Micsko Family The Modzelewski Family Dr. &. Mrs. William J. Molinari J~ and Nancy Morrisse.y The Lc.e Mulle:n Family Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Mulvaney William Mydlowec, '94 Craig Kenneth Neverosky, LS '91 The: Neve:rosky Family Terence G. O'Hara and Family Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Oliver Kevin, Ellen, Molly, Megan and Mark O'Ne:ill Barbara and un Paradise.

Mr. and Mrs. Jama M. Pa~lIa The: Pdle:grini Family Mr. and Mrs. De:nnis Re:illy The Rivera Family Mr. and Mrs. John Roat Pe:le: and fkcky Roese.r Mr. and Mrs. P.T. Romano In loving manory of Mary Ann Rusnak. Thank you, Mothe:r, for all you ha\'e. done:. William Rusnak Family Ge:orgunna Salinis Mr. and Mrs. Serafin F. Sandella Tom and Cindy Sch","e:ich Brolhe:r Robt:rt Shea, F.S.C., Preside:nt Mr. and Mrs. William J. Skynlm and Family Bill and Hden Strohecker Tom and Julie Stack Dr. John M. Slack, Jr. Francis M. Summerill Mr. and Mrs. Francis Summerill Tempest Adve.rtising and Marketing Dr. and Mrs. Torres Mr. and Mrs. John W. Trainer, Jr. The: Tyrrell Family Judy and Jun Vennera Mr. and Mrs. Daniel V. Vicario, Sr. William WaUs and Cath~rine Kaelin路Waus Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Wachowski Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Weinrich Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Whdan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Wie:chowski The Wimmer Family (Scott '91, Mark '93, Mike '94) Carur, Peggy, and Ryan Young


tardate: 4371.6 - I ordered a return to LaSalle College High School. disappointed that my mlulon could have been in vain. The rest of Roomdnyw 91 i. divided into politiul units which quarrel amongst themselvu. Lt. Reniart', report w.. greatly anticipated beuuse LaSaUe ha. the only tTUly inlelUgent life on the planet. The lieutenant infiltrated a peculiar group of students known a. "Yearbook Editor.... From this position he w. . cbieny able to witness all students in their classrooms and halh...ys, and on their "club." and "te.m.... He reported on all the students who participated in "sports... Sports were apparently physic.1 activitiu duigned for fitne... teamwork, and al • divenino from learning. Most of laSalle', team. performed well and earned spots in M)mething called ..pl.y-off.... Most distinctive and memorable. however. w.. the main daily function of the school: learning. Students engaged in activities which challenged and expanded their minds rather than their bodies. The actlvltiu ranged from solving math problems to perfecting communication skUls. and from effecting euphonic sound waves with instruments to dancing and acting out stories on a stage. Some of the specifics of the report I do not understand. but Lt. Reniart assures me that each activity reflects uSalle's innate and acquired superiority of intellectual. cultural. and physical expressions. Lt. Reniart should be given a commendation for his work on this mission. He not only observed. but he actually took part in tbe creation of the "Yearbook," This book is a collection of tbin. shiny papers bound in a bard cardboard cover which sums up one of their school "years" (one nearly complete solar cycle). Putting it together with some students, Lt. Reniart witnessed their organizational abilities and their desire to achieve perfectlon (whether they clid or not is not the ..me Issue). I am now leaving tbe Ralos system to seek out intelligent life elsewhere. If I will find anymore I do not know. I do know. though, that I have found another intelligent .uciety besides our own. I will never forget Roomdnyw 91. because I, Captain Krik of the SSU Eslrpretne, found signs of intelligent life at uSalle College High School. Sun Hendrick '91



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