1991 Yearbook

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CONTENTS OPENING ................................................. ! THEME ..................................................... 2 DEDICATION ......................................... 16 ADMINISTRATION ................................ 18 UNDERCLASS ....................................... 46 CLUBS .................................................... 72 SPORTS ............................................... 118 SENIORS .............................................. 156 SENIOR QUOTES ................................ 198 "WORLD .............................................. 204 INDEX .................................................. 208 CREDITS .............................................. 214 CLOSING ........................................ 路..... 216

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area outside 路 this "hall," students played 路 with a green-yellow sphere while took turns attempting to



trike it with a rectangular object which they called a "tray"). In .nother area, students simply 1urled such a colored sphere at ach other in some form of play ire could not comprehend. Noneheless, we realized how recreaion and friendships compose uch an important part of the life f these students. To examine further how these tudents learn, we moved to a uger cubicle filled with books, ailed an Instructional Materials :enter (on our planet, simply ailed a "library"). Here, we oberved students reading books nd writing on lined, spirally1etal-backed paper. The quiet et busy atmosphere was occaionally punctuated by an intellient-looking, black-clothed, beoggled being's announcing ab1ptly to some, "Time to go." We wandered back down some 11mmetrical, hardened ridges

and were drawn ,by the sounds of more music, this time sup .plied harmoniously by instruments which the students were manipulating to the instruction of a 'being called "C." We were amazed at the rich quality of such music and impressed by such diversifying of intellectual talents. After a shrill bell-noise formally ended the instruction, we observed a broad range of activities and gatherings inside and outside the building. In some cubicles, students engaged in speaking contests, others aimed 路 small, black and silver, metal, flashing containers at various creatures and objects, some sctatche~ complex numerical equations onto a blue-green wall in one of the cubicles. And still others, dressed in blue and gold, threw, kicked, or struck with metal some brown, multi-colored, or white spheres (and some of these














s LaSalle's resident chief physicist, electronics expert, and private tutor, Ms. Lorraine Rimert has for years given much of herself - her knowledge, her dedication, and her energies - to LaSalle. Intense, active, scholarly, and patient, Ms. Rimert provides, for her students and for her peers, a good model of what a LaSallian teacher should be. On these few pages, we take pride in honoring her for the work she does and for the person she is. Ms. Rimert's expertise and professionalism both exemplify and reflect LaSalle's intelligent life. She has been gifted with a unique

[)edieation 1nderstanding of the laws and >roperties of physics and electricty. Dedication in her teaching .kills make any subject, from sim•le vectors to quantum mechancs, clearer to and more apprecitted by her students. Hopefully, tfter a thorough explanation and lemonstration of a theory, we can tnswer her direct, daily question: 'What does this mean for us?" No natter how we answer, we always or, most of the time) can agree vith her that "Physics is Fun." Away from the classroom, Ms. limert helps sustain the life of the ichool in other ways. She can be lpproached at any time to explain •roblems to confused students. ,he tutors struggling students in be A. V. room from long before to ong after formal school hours. ,he keeps all the A. V. equipment n excellent condition, satisfying ~very teacher's requests for imooth-working machines, often tt a moment's notice. And during he annual Open House, Ms. Rinert really brings physics and :lectricity to life with amazing ex•eriments and demonstrations. Jndoubtedly, her energies are :hanneled toward, and felt by, ~oth the current and future comnunities of LaSalle. Whether or not you have expe-

rienced Ms. Rimert's teaching, you know that she greatly influences the everyday academic functioning of our school. She affects our collective intellectual life by constantly and humbly maintaining her vital commitment to the LaSallian family. We hope that our dedicating of the 1991 Blue and Gold to her makes her realize our deep appreciation.

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Brother Robert Shea, F.S.C. "The focus of the ministry of education at LaSalle is to provide for the intelligent life defined as students. I influence that intelligent life by coordinating the efforts of the Principal, Assistant Principal, Vice President, and Comptroller in such a way as to maximize the program offered to those entrusted to our care. Secondly, I try to influence intelligent life by inviting those in a position to do so, to financially support the school's many projects. I hope to influence at least a small portion of the 'intelligent life' at LaSalle by continuing to teach the course on Prayer to members of the senior class. I see intelligent life in everyone who is a member of our LaSallian Family: Board of Trustees, Administration, Faculty, Staff, Students, Parents, Alumni and Friends of LaSalle. The primary reason for our being a family is to support the intelligent life of the students."

Brother F. Shea: President; Prayer

Mr. David T. Diehl "I see signs of intelligent life everyday when the doors to the school open and 1000 students, teachers and staff enter the building. Each day this group brings with them a storehouse of creative energy, humor, insight, dedication and, of course, problems. The interaction of these people each day creates intelligent life in its truest form, the life of a school day."

Mr. David T. Diehl: Principal; Economics I


Brother James Dries, F.S.C.

"My contribution to intelligent life at LaSalle is simple. I bring together students, a teacher, a period of time and a classroom for each student and faculty member. All the ingredients for learning that I can provide are in place. The intelligent life that develops is a result of the careful tutelage of our faculty and the desire to learn in the part of our students. A couple of times each day I tour the school building. As I walk through the corridors, I hear the noise that comes from each classroom. This is the noise of education, learning, and intelligence. It is a noise of paper, of students thinking, of teachers causing students to stretch their minds. It's a beautiful noise. It's evidence that intelligent life is vibrant at LaSalle." Dr. James Devine

rother James J. Dries: Assistant Principal; Chemtry

Mr. Lawrence T. Mangan: Comptroller

"Through my interaction with students, alumni, board members and my colleagues, I feel that I influence the intelligent life at LaSalle. My class in Cross Cultural Communications is a learning time for me as well as for my students. In it I try to help them understand themselves and I try to help them recognize that balance is necessary in education. Academics as well as sports and extracurricular activities make up 'education.' I feel that wellroundedness is the hallmark of LaSalle students. And by just being in the building one becomes aware of the level of intellect present in LaSalle everyday. The students are takers as well as givers of knowledge. They teach me a lot about myself and help me grow. They realize, I believe, that academics is not the only form of intellectual development and they seek knowledge in the experience of being involved and learning from others. All of these things give evidence to me that they are seeking knowledge, not only academically but also through experience." Brother Rene Sterner, F.S.C.

)r. James J. Devine: Vice President; Cross Cul1ral Communications

Brother Rene Sterner: Director of Admissions

"I find my new job as Director of Admissions interesting, challenging, and informative. My role as Forum moderator gives me the opportunity to see intelligence developed, because this activity requires ideas to be brought together in a focused, clear, and persuasive way. LaSalle gives its gifted students the proper channels to express themselves, providing for future greatness."


Board of Trustees


ven though the s.tudent body rarely recognizes the efforts of the Board of Trustees, it is an important organization at LaSalle. As the ultimate authority here, the Board makes the decisions regarding all of LaSalle's important educational, financial, and developmental strategies. These decisions are made at the regular meetings for the administration to carry out. Brother Colman Coogan, F.S.C., is Chair¡ man of the Board with Brother Robert Shea, F.S.C., acting as President. The members of

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the Board of Trustees provide expertise in finance, education, and law. The Board is supported by four service members: Mr. David Diehl, Brother James Dries, F.S.C., Dr. James Devine, and Mr. Lawrence Mangan. These four may voice their opinions but do not vote. The Board of Trustees is organized into five committees to better serve LaSalle. The Executive committee is convened only when the entire Board is unable to meet. The Finance committee deals with the fiscal needs

of the Board. The arrangement of inves1 ment portfolios and gifts is done by the 0â‚Ź velopment committee. Future goals are SE by the Long-Range Planning committee. An, the Nominating committee names new merr bers to the Board. LaSalle is able to act as an independen school because of the volunteer service ol fered by the Board of Trustees. The qualiti of the professional experience present allow it to make informed and worthwhile decision for the success of LaSalle.

The 1990-1991 Board of Trustees

"I'm holding my breath 'til you name it the 'David Diehl Wing.' "


GUIDANCE Brother Thomas Chadwick, F.S.C. "I think the freshmen are a bright group of people. I am a helper who allows the students to see the gifts that they have. My study-skills programs help out students who are smart, but who don't see it. They are a pleasure to work with."

choose the colleges best suited to them. In coaching I stress that the students are here for an education. After completing my class, students are capable of making informed decisions of their futures. The athletes see improvement with their hard work and know that it was worthwhile."

Mrs. Marie Baer "How do I promote intelligence here? By threatening my kids to get at least a 1400 on the SATs and seeing it as a reflection on myself if they don't. I'm too old to notice intelligent life anymore. My elevator no longer goes to the top floor."

Mr. Michael Dolan "I believe that we're more than intellectual beings. There is a spiritual side to us, there's a physical side, there's an emotional side, and it seems to me that in order to be happy, we need some sense of balance in our lives. If someone isn't functioning well intellectually, he is often being held back by his emotions and I can assist him by helping to remove that negative emotional energy. Recently, I was really impressed with how open and responsive the kids here can be in the right setting, like the small retreat groups. I enjoy the energy and the intensity of the school day at LaSalle; it tires me out and yet it is really energizing."

Dr. Doris L. Daly "I believe I promote intelligent life by helping students meet the academic challenge offered here at LaSalle. This problem solving may mean a tutor, learning how to learn, or most importantly, instilling in the student some academic confidence. Intelligent life includes social and emotional development. I see, here at LaSalle, a commitment to understand the individual student and to encourage his personal growth. The equal importance given to the myriad of activities offered demonstrates the value placed on the uniqueness of each student. Personal and academic growth go hand in hand." Mr. Patrick Devine "In my subject, Christian Lifestyles, I help my students evaluate different lifestyles they may be interested in. In guidance I help them

Brother Thomas Chadwick: Director of Guidance & Counseling; Freshman Guidance; Study Skills

Brother David Rogers, F.S.C. "I decide the end result of the intelligent life in LaSalle. I help the senior class by giving them realistic choices for life through the college admission process. I try to make the student avoid selling himself short in this process. I experience intelligent life at all levels. I see intelligence, especially in the seniors, in their organization. These people impress me greatly. I think that they will adjust to life easily."

Mrs. Marie Baer: Guidance & Counseling Services/Intermediate Unit


Dr. Doris Daly: Sophomore Counselor

v1r.Patrick Devine: Junior Counselor; Christian Life Styles

Mr. Michael Dolan: Senior Counselor

Brother David Rogers: Director of College Placement



Mrs. Karen Mullen: Secretary to Vice- President

Mrs. Angeline Colangelo: Secretary to President

Mrs. Mary Kay Mullen: Secretary to Principal

Mrs. Bernadette Logan: Secretary to Director of College Placement

Mrs. Patricia Schaum: Secretary to Assistant Principal/ Main Office Receptionist



Mr. Robert McAnespey: Director of Development

Mrs. Helen Gallagher: Coordinator of Alumni Events

Mrs. Patricia Dever: Data Manager /Development Office

Mrs. Faye Kasloff: Assistant to Comptroller


ART/MlJSlC Not Just Still Life Mrs. Diane McGovern

Brother Joseph Myers, F.S.C.

"I tell my students that they can accomplish anything in art if they think it out, put forth the effort, and let their imaginations flow. Their art is the visual proof that intelligent life does exist at LaSalle. Everyday students are challenged to see beyond the real landscape or a still life placed before them and to create something which is unique and individually theirs. One of my favorite projects is 'painting to music.' It's very exciting to watch a blank piece of paper change into a composition of artistic expression. Now that's intelligent!"

"Well, since I mostly teach underclassmen, the way in which I try to influence the intelligent life is by trying to teach the students good study habits, or at least honest ones. I try to convey this to them so that they are responsible enough for reading, writing, and speaking well. Because clarity and honesty are an important part of religion, I feel that these skills are invaluable. The way I experience the intelligent life of the students in this school is through their imagination more than anything else. Religion is filled with imagination; to interpret religion meaningfully is to interpret it with imagination, or religion is nothing at all. The students at LaSalle have been able to understand even the hardest beliefs out of faith because of their intelligence and imagination."

Mr. Joseph Ciccimaro

"Practically all of my students exhibit signs of intelligence. I help to foster the signs of intelligence by trying to get, as best as I can, another dimension into their intellect, namely the arts, specifically music."

Mr. Joseph Ciccimaro: CHAIRPERSON: MUSIC DEPT.; Advanced Music, Introductory Music, Intermediate Music, Jazz, Small Ensembles

Mrs. Diane McGovern: CHAIRPERSON: GENERAL STUDIES; Art 1, 2, 3; Art Portfolio; Art History Brother Joseph Myers: Religion 1, 2; Mechanical Drawing




IntelH9e1u:e>is>99%Perspir~ti()tl Mr. Tore Hanssen "I see signs of intelligence in the students whenever I teach them a different sport, because they pick it up real fast. The kids use their heads during the games and are always thinking of new ways to play offense or defense. They may be high school students, but they are always coming up with innovative ways to play the games. The ideas that the kids come up with are great. I like the enthusiasm they bring to each class."

Mr. Martin Stanczak: ATHLETIC DIRECTOR; Accounting

v1r. Tore Hanssen: Physical Education 1, 2, 3

Mr. Frank Lichtner "There is a profusion of intelligent life here at LaSalle which is exemplified by the tableau of emotions and spiritual qualities fostered in part by my expert

Mr. Frank Lichtner: Physical Education 1, 2, 3

swimming Dokey?"



Mr. Martin Stanczak "We have the brightest students to be found. Aside from that fact, I see myself as more than an Accounting teacher. I want to know who my students are, what their interests are and what goals they have set for themselves. In this way, I hope to have a positive influence on each and every student. The most rewarding influence on intelligent life at LaSalle, for me, comes when a student questions insightfully. Through questioning, the student can make a quality judgement, evaluate, and hopefully, arrive at the proper conclusion."

Brother Hilary McGovern: Physical Education 1, 2, 3


Brother Thomas Bondra: English 2, 4

Mr. Dennis Bloh: English 1, 3


Mrs. Clare Brown: English 1, 3


Mr. Bernard McCabe: English 2, 4

Mr. Edward McCabe: English 1, 4

Mr. Edward Molush: English 2, 4

Mr. Michael O'Toole: Creative Writing 2, Writ ing Coordinator; AP English; English 1; Moderr America

r. Joseph D'Angelo: CHAIRPERSON: ENGLISH DEPT.; nglish 1, 3; Independent Study in English

erature. Whenever I see its yellow body and tell-tale black stripes, I attack, confiscate, and destroy. Yes, it is that horrible monster, Cliff's Notes, spawn of capitalism and student paranoia. Sometimes it seems like a losing battle because this monster appears to multiply in lockers and bags. But my diligent vigilance and love of the literature that this monster seeks to undermine, contributes, I hope, to the intelligent life at LaSalle.

Mrs. Clare Brown

Mr. Dennis M. Bloh "As an English teacher for both freshmen and juniors, I get to see two very different groups of the student body. I think that is an advantage, because I get to see the maturing and the blossoming processes first-hand. I see some very intelligent students here. I think because we, as teachers, care so much, we tend to focus on the kids who aren't making it. But there's a lot of guys who are doing real well."

Brother Thomas J. Bondra, F.S.C. "My contribution to the fostering of the intelligent life in this school? An epic battle between myself and that most insidious monster that seeks to destroy any intelligent response to lit-

"I can describe my teaching style as an attempt to get my students, either through discussion or writing, to respond to the literature, but mainly not to be able just to recount themes and ideas and develop them in a good tight essay. I want my students to grasp the desire to think individually. I feel that we are very lucky to have a student body that wants to do well, but I wish that they would be a little less conformist in trying to get the A. I can't describe myself as well as the students can, but I can say that I love to read and discuss literature. I love the outdoors which I guess can account for my unique wardrobe. I hiked a good bit of the Appalachian Trail. I would like to conclude with this: if you like to read, then teaching literature is a great way to earn your money. However, there is a negative aspect when it comes to marking papers: why spend your time doing that when you can be on the trail?"

you intelligence in the uncertainties, ambiguities, hesitations, meaningful vacant stares and marginal notes of both pen and voice. Stop, look, listen; the well-trained mind knows its own direction. Developing intelligent life is not without effort. It means finding a way to reach the insides of ideas, to find their shapes. It means being willing to forego the familiar. It takes work: finding the right questions to start the discussion, balancing the three explicit and three implicit issues hovering over the conversation, judging just where the clock will let you finish. It means forgetting, at least temporarily, that there is a well-known world outside the classroom door. It means making the familiar strange and the strange familiar. Developing intelligent life is not without effort."

Mr. Bernard McCabe "What?"

Mr. Edward McCabe "I do not promote intelligent life, am not a promoter nor do I consider my classroom a place for promotions. Rather I encourage students to risk their security by moving to the outer limits of their potential. I see intelligent life every time a hand involuntarily snaps up, or a student unable to refrain blurts out a comment because a nerve or brain cell has been struck. I am not talking about the polite, mechanical, hand-elevating response to a mundane question."

Dr. Joseph D' Angelo "I try to allow kids to have and express their opinions in my class. LaSalle kids have a wonderful sense of humor. And to me, that is a sure sign of intelligence."

Mr. Michael O'Toole "They're everywhere hallways, classrooms, dining halls, chapels. In the slowly developing, carefully formed argument about a war and wars, in the scattershot conflation of random opinions about judgements and decisions, in the hopeful glance which says, 'I think ... ': keep watching and I'll show

Mr. Edward Molush "I see intelligence in the students' approach to their work, not only in their offering of intelligent answers but also in their asking of intelligent questions - be they about literature, writing an essay, or baseball. I think I try to create an atmosphere that's alive - one that motivates students to be alert to what they're doing, to listen not only to me but also to each other, to argue with each other, and to question and compare each other's thoughts about reading and writing."


see how a student responds to challenges in and out of school we can witness signs of intelligent life at LaSalle."

Brother Robert Romano, F.S.C. "I feel I influence intelligent life at LaSalle through my daily interactions with my students. Their openness and friendliness make learning a pleasurable experience. In class, they plead with me to learn 'las malas palabras.' However, this seeking of intelligent life is pursued in Spanish 3: 'The Next Generation.' " Brother James Steck, F.S.C. "Teaching at LaSalle involves dealing with a lot of intellectually gifted students who are interested in learning. I would hope that in teaching foreign language I would open up students to the values of different cultures, for them to see that the American way of looking at things isn't the only way. The students' interest in Honors language courses shows that they are very willing to do the work."

Mr. Gabriel Blanco: CHAIRPERSON: Spanish 4; AP Spanish


Mr. Gabriel Blanco "I believe that as a teacher at LaSalle High School I am able to influence intelligent life in multiple ways. I try to provide an atmosphere where the students are continually challenged to think and learn, through tests as well as in their responses in class. On the other hand, I have experienced intelligent life in my classes through listening and interpreting students' responses on tests, in class participation, and in discovering how students present themselves to others. I believe that when you examine a student's answer to difficult questions, or


Mr. George Hohenleitner "Signs of intelligent life among students include the student who asks a question when no one else seems willing to do so, or the student who volunteers an answer when no one else seems willing to do so. Seeing life as a gift, not as a burden, would be a sign of intelligent life. To gain intelligence we need to not only listen and question, but also to strive to know God. An intelligent life delights in the fact that we depend on God for everything in our lives." Mr. David Manion "Foreign language study helps to broaden my students' thoughts, while introducing them to a new culture and helping them look at their own language in a different way. I find LaSalle

students to be sharp in picking up , language. There is an initial fascinatio1 with learning a new language, but a the work gets harder, the students re spond well to the challenge. I strive t, keep the students interested, while i is a challenge for the students to con tinue working."

Mrs. Linda Donahue "I try to draw from daily life ex periences in order to make the foreig1 language class seem relative. Also, feel it's important the students se, learning a foreign language as a !if, skill and not just an academic pursuit I experience the intelligent life o LaSalle students when THEY make MI laugh." Mr. Victor Gavin "I influence my students by helpini them focus on the lesson at hand. I se, the intelligent life in every class, everi day. LaSalle students are the best Without exception, they all have mo ments of insight, creativity, and Jar gesse." Mr. William Geiger "As a teacher, I believe that it's mi responsibility to challenge my stu dents, to open their horizons, and t< show them what other options ar1 available. I hope they will come to mak1 their decisions and judgements intelli gently and carefully rather than half heartedly. The outstanding thing abou LaSalle is that it has been possible fo me to develop a lot of strong friend ships with students because they an such good kids, and I really enjo\ working with them. We try to have a: much fun as we can, whether it's ir class or in an activity, because I fee that fear and rigidity are unnecessari in education; I think that the student: tend to like and respect their free dom."

v1rs.Linda Donahue: Spanish 1, 3 (Hon.); French ~ (Hon.)

Mr. Victor Gavin: Spanish 2, 3, 4

1r. William Geiger: Latin 1, 2; Creative Writ19; Ecology

Mr. George Hohenleitner: German 1, 2, 3; AP German

Brother James Steck: French 1, 2 (Hon.); AF French

Mr. David Manion: Spanish 1; French 2, 3, 4

Mrs. Nancy Zoeltsch: Spanish 2, 2 (Hon.), 3

Brother Robert Romano: Spanish 1, 2, 2 (Hon.)

Mrs. Nancy Zoeltsch "I see occasional spurts of intelligence in many aspects of life at LaSalle. For instance, I was greatly impressed by two seniors who had an indepth discussion of the classic, Canterbury Tales. The fact that they were only discussing the raunchy parts did not diminish my respect for them ... Seriously, I see intelligence not only in the academics of the classroom but in volunteerism of CSC members, in the friendships and caring of students and in the helpful nature of the staff. I try to contribute to this intelligence by being challenging in the classroom, by being interested in the students outside of the classroom and by my own personal commitment to Christian living.


Mr. John Frizalone: Analytic Geometry; Consumer Math; Trigonometry; Math Analysis 1, 2; Introductory Calculus

Mr. Joseph Radvansky: Algebra 1, 2, 2 (Hon.); Math Analysis 1, 2

Brother Charles Mrozinski: Algebra 1, 1Y; Geometry; Book Store Manager

Ms. Tina Shustack: Computer Literacy; Programming 1; Geometry

Mr. Michael Ponisciak: Algebra 1, 1 (Hon.); Math Analysis 1, 2; Introductory Calculus; Statistics

Mrs. Mary Jo Smith: Algebra 1, 2; Geometry Geometry /Trigonometry

Ms. Maureen Dugan: Algebra 1, 2, 2 (Hon.)

Brother Thomas Dunn: Algebra 2; Geometry; Geometry /Trigonometry


;. Maureen Dugan 'I promote intelligent life through ghter. Humor is a good sign of in.igence.'' other Thomas Dunn, F.S.C. "I contribute to the intelligence of i students by being creative and flexe in my approach to things. I try to 1ke them think for themselves rather rn memorizing everything without 1sping the concepts. I also want the iical approach of math to be transed into the other problems of life. I try to pick out the signs of intellince in my students by seeing how ~y convert what they learn in math other things. I also look for the stunts that have innovative approaches math, those who show they are comehending the material." r. John Frizalone "I think that our goal, while we have 3ood time, is to get people to reflect little deeper. In math sometimes u're forced to think a little harder, th non- routine problems. Hopefully, e students respond to that, and give u back some of that."

Ms. Tina Shustack "I see one of my roles here at LaSalle as an educator and a facilitator of education. I don't just stand there and give them information. I feel it's very important for a student to learn and discover. I try to have the students discover the answers and come up with a logical reason for an answer; they have to be able to explain themselves and their answers."

Mr. Michael Ponisciak "[ try to get the students to expand their knowledge and to realize just how much they are capable of doing. There is no doubt that each of our students possesses a good deal of intelligence; it is just a matter of getting them to use it. The students show their intelligence when they try their best ~rid realize that their education is important to them."

Brother Charles Mrozinski, F.S.C. "On warm, sunny days I notice my students leaning towards the windows as plants do. They always move towards the sun. I don't look upon students as things like plants, though there may be days when I want to kill them or overwater them, but basically I wouldn't be a teacher if I didn't feel like that. Students interact with me as a person; if I do something that upsets the students, more often than not I can tell that by their reaction. I see signs of lots of feelings with the students and if that's a sign of intelligent life, well maybe that's it. I see each student as a person who has a whole set of different needs from the person next to him."

Mr. Joseph Radvansky "I see intelligence every day in the hard work and effort demonstrated by many of the students at LaSalle. In the questions asked and the interest shown in their education, the true measure of intelligence is measured everyday. I, for my small part, try to nurture in my students the traits of a good student: doing their homework every night, taking notes in the classroom, asking questions when they are confused, and taking full responsibility for their academic goals."

Mr. James Roche: CHAIRPERSON: MATH DEPT.; Algebra 1 (Hon.), 2Y; Calculus AB, BC

Mrs. Mary Jo Smith "I would hope to challenge my math students to think and to reason logically. LaSalle students are always thinking. Some amaze me with the amount of energy they expend to cleverly avoid work, while the majority inspire me by their hard working attitude." Mr. James Roche "I think that this school is a place where intelligence is emphasized. The main purpose of education is to gain analytical skills using intelligent reasoning. Mathematics provides thought processes, sharpens analytical skills, and strengthens decision making abilities. Mathematics is practical, because it cultivates thinking skills which will apply in the future. People like to think, and I try to make math something which will appeal to the rational nature of people. In my classes, I see my students 'discovering' math for themselves. When I see my students grasping concepts, I know that their thought processes are getting better."


Mr. Fran Johnson

"Basically I believe that there is intelligent life in the students even as they enter the building. The job of the teacher is to awaken that - to create the situation in the classroom on a daily basis that provides the proper structure, situation, and climate for a student to express himself and come to a full knowledge of his own personal intellectual abilities. I feel that the teacher really does remove obstacles and tries to ease the student into a learning experience. The intelligence is innate; it just has to be awakened. In regard to my own personal classes, I quote Jean Piaget, a famous child psychiatrist and educator: 'to understand is to invent.' I believe that when a person meets new ideas and the imagination starts to work, the learning process begins. I feel that using the imagination is the prime goal and that is where I see things happening." Mrs. Muriel Mehr

"Although I've been here for twenty years, I'm constantly amazed at the questions that the students ask and at the depth of their thinking. They really challenge me and they help me to grow spiritually and, as a result, deepen my own understanding. My time at LaSalle has been more than a job. LaSalle has had a tremendous influence on my life and has helped me to be the person I am. My greatest delight is being able to share in the gifts of our students: their creativity, their inquisitiveness, their imagination, and their talents. And, last but not least, I am a part of a faculty which is made up of good friends." Mr. Geoffrey Nicoletti

"Wonder is a religious emotion, and I often find students wondering. In my religion classes, I try to keep things light and sometimes humorous. Often I will tell a student to 'shut the front door,' or I will provide a 'running


Mr. Alfred Puntel: CHAIRPERSON: RELIGION DEPT.; Moralil Church History; Peace

commentary' for a movie being shown in class. Teaching religion, however, does have a very meaningful purpose to me. I think that religion answers the 'why' questions in many teenagers' minds. It gives kids a reason to care, a reason to hit the books, or maybe the extra energy to get them through the day. When my students get in small groups, I see each one of them contributing to the work of the group."

路other Michael Andrejko: Religion 2; Account~

Mr. Geoffrey Nicoletti: Religion 1, 2

Mr. Alfred Pun tel "I spend a lot of time planning classes that are relevant to what students might need to know in religion and communicating what I think Catholic moral values and principles are. The better students put a lot of time into trying to master the material. They also raise important questions to further clarify the material being presented. Their questioning, their test-taking, and their general enthusiasm for what's going on all reflect their interest and intelligence." Brother Michael Andrejko, F.S.C. "I believe that 'Intelligent Life' exists here at LaSalle. Generally, students learn very quickly. I try to bring what I'm teaching into the classroom and relate it to the world that the students live in. I believe in educating the 'entire person,' not just the mind. To me the 'entire person' consists of their ability, responsiveness, and effort."

:other Kenneth Cook: Religion 1, 2; World ultures

Mr. Francis Johnson: Peace; English 2

Brother Kenneth Cook, F.S.C. "Five years ago I was assigned to LaSalle. I was very influenced in teaching style by some of my own teachers. I try to use a mixture of techniques, in the sense that I think that people ought to be able to use their other skills in class. Writing should be a skill well-used, and I want to give the students opportunities to ask good questions and answer good questions."

rs. Muriel Mehr: Death; Morality; Christian ction; Jesus


Mrs. Julia K. Maher "Science is a subject that should stimulate students' interests in things that go on in their everyday life and things that they observe and do. I teach Chemistry which is probably the most iibstract of our sciences. However, the students can learn to appreciate that atoms, molecules, and science are all part of their lives. Students at LaSalle challenge me as a teacher. They are very bright, intelligent, thinking human beings. They make me strive to come up with more creative ideas of how to stimulate their thought processes that will hopefully help them if they go on to science careers. The majority of the students in my classes this year are very hard working and appreciate what science is about. Mrs. Linda Canobbio Because of the experiences I have had I can tell the boys many things that I have seen happen, and by doing so they come to realize that what they learn really relates to what is going on in the outside world. I also like to tell stories to emphasize a point, because it helps the students to better remember what they are learning. I realize, through the questions they ask and the challenges they present, that the students are interested in what they are learning.'' Mrs. Dorothy Ponisciak "I present the students with an indepth approach to a very difficult subject. My expectation is that if I am going to give an in-depth approach I am expecting the same thing back. I also try to make the students more aware of how Chemistry relates to their lives. I try to help them be more aware and knowledgeable of the things around them. The students won't settle for 'I told you so' kind of answers. They can easily pick up on whether or not the teacher knows what they are talking about. The students really want to

know the truth behind the subject and will not be satisfied with anything short of the best answers you can give."

Mrs. Julia Maher: CHAIRPERSON: SCIENCE DEPT Chemistry; Physical Science

Mr. Terry Gillespie "The function of a teacher, is organizing information for individuals, taking topics and ideas, and organizing them into a learnable format. We do a lot of this in science when we do our lab work. I do experience intelligent life in my classes. You see it when you pose questions and make everyone think a little about what you've just talked about. It's always encouraging to see people take a step beyond memorization." Mr. Robert Reinhardt "Physical science alone can broaden one's intellectual boundaries. Through the use of intuition, personal experience, critical thinking, and hands-on experience we can examine the world around us. I have personally witnessed these applications of intelligence at school activities and in the classroom." Mr. Gerald Evans "I remember that from the beginning of my high school career at Father Judge and up to and including when I became B.M.O.C. at LaSalle University that I wanted to not only be able to distinguish the qualities of a vital and functional body from a dead one, but also to awaken young minds and encourage them to be inquisitive. By teaching my students to learn how to learn, my hopes are that they will become intelligent and mature individuals with a basic familiarity of biology." Ms. Lorraine Rimert "Intelligent life in school helps students' own abilities to develop and grow to enable them to enter the world of 'college' and/or work as well-prepared young men. In physics and electricity I'm able to

contribute my own varied experiences in the field plus many practical applications, adding 'color' to basic theory of topics in both courses."

Mr. Robert J. Russell "I see intelligent life in some very ordinary events that take place in the classroom. For example, I like to ask questions in class - questions designed to see if anyone can anticipate where the discussion is headed - what the solutions will be. It is really exciting and rewarding when the answers to these questions are on the right track.

Mrs. Linda Canobbio: Biology; Human Anatony; Chemistry

Mr. Gerald Evans: AP Biology; Biology

Mrs. Dorothy Ponisciak: AP Chemistry; Chemistry

Mrs. Sally Mydlowec: Substitute Biology; Human Anatomy; Chemistry

Mr. Robert Russell: Programming 1, 2; AP Computer Science; Independent Study in Computer Science; Physics; AP Physics


i Mr. Terence Gillespie: Physical Science; Biology; Physics

I try to challenge my students, both in the classroom and in the lab. It is often easiest for me to simply present the students with the solution to the problem under discussion. However, I try to prod the students into coming up with the solution themselves - or at least the beginning of the solution."

Mr. Robert Reinhardt: Physical Science

Ms. Lorraine Rimert: Physics; Electricity 1, 2; Audio-Visual

Mrs. Sally Mydlowec "I contribute to the intellectual life of LaSalle by trying to create enthusiasm about science. I want to give my students a strong background in science so they can know what's going on when new advances are made. I see the kids asking many 'what if' questions. This shows a higher level thought process. They seem to analyze and interpret rather than just give the facts."


Brother Timothy Ahern: Western Civilization; American History; Civil War

Mr. John Grace: American History; AP European History; World Cultures

Mr. Martin Jackson: World Cultures; Americ History

Mr. Gerald Miller: Vietnam; Political Science; Western Civilization

Mr. Joseph Parisi: World Cultures; Psychology

Mr. Thomas Turner: World Cultures; Westl Civilization


SOCIAL STUDIES DEPARTMENT Intelligence from the Past

Mr. Joseph Colistra "l get my students to think by asking them why they think what they believe. I see intelligent life at work when the students ask these questions of themselves." Brother Tim Ahern, F.S.C. "Any teacher would hope that their teaching of a particular subject would stimulate thought and challenge their students to think. To me this is an intelligent thing to do. The fact that every student before me chose LaSalle for his secondary education convinces me that I am surrounded by intelligent life." Mr. John Grace "l hope to give my students a real, working sense of how important history is in giving meaning to the present, and that it's a mistake to try to analyze the modern world without using history. Secondly, I am trying to continue to do what LaSalle has done for a long time and that is to rigorously prepare kids for the kind of work that they're going to do in college. LaSalle has been a huge part of my life for over twenty years, as a student and as a teacher, and I've got to say that I'm just trying to make it a better place, in whatever way I can."

Mr. Joseph Colistra: CHAIRPERSON: SOCIAL STUDIES DEPT.; Economics 1, 2 AP; AP American History; Western Civilization

Mr. Martin Jackson "From my educational background at Temple to my teaching of grade school in Kensington, until landing a job here at LaSalle, I have learned to adapt to different situations in life. Therefore, in class, my hope is that my students get a feeling of respect for one another, and an understanding that I care about what they do not only in the classroom but outside the school. I especially want to make them prepared to face that outside world. With history, I believe you can learn a lot about the future and the present, not necessarily just a knowledge of history, but an ability to

adapt to real life, and there certainly is intelligent life among my students."

Mr. Gerald Miller "I try to get my students to look at things in a contemporary way. I also try to 'go beyond' in my classes, to provide freedom in class. To me, history is not just reading the book and doing handouts. My history courses provide good reading and promote writing skills. This will prepare my students for the next level. When students come back to me and say that my class has helped them cope with college, I consider that a compliment. Teaching mostly sophomores, I see them begin my course as kids, and see them leave as intelligent, mature students. From sophomore to senior year, I see huge social and intellectual growth. To me, that's what LaSalle is all about: developing a strong sense of 'Who I am. , " Mr. Joseph Parisi "By asking my students to ask questions I bring intelligence into my classrooms. My asking them questions also helps in learning about some signs of intelligent lifeforms. These questions, I fell, help them to get their own opinions. I see the intelligence in the school in the way in which the students in all my classes think before they ask questions." Mr. Thomas Turner "I try to bring my own life into the classroom. I ask the students to associate not only my experiences but their own towards my teaching. I believe that this is an excellent frame of reference for the students because they can relate more easily to what is being taught. I see intelligent lifeforms throughout the school in the way that the upperclassmen grow from freshmen and the way they interact with their former teachers."



Mrs. Joanne Ballod "I hopefully promote intelligence by helping the students find the information they need and advising them about how to look things up for themselves. I try to let them see me reading so that through my example they'll become interested in books. "Just the fact that you're here at LaSalle shows that you possess some intelligence." Brother Joseph Keough, F.S.C. "Most of the students who come to the library are looking for very specific things, although they may express it vaguely, there are very specific ways in which I can help them. Helping these students is necessary because LaSalle is a college preparatory school, and it is a part of our obligation to familiarize them with the type of research that they will be required to

do in college. I think that LaSalle and its students have a lot of potential and that when the new academic wing (with its new Library /Media and Computer centers) is completed, I feel that we will certainly be able to tap that potential."

Brother Henry Werner, F.S.C. "I influence the intelligent life of the school by attempting to provide an atmosphere on the retreats by which the students can search for the TRUTH in themselves. "By being privileged to hear and share so much of the wonderful, unexplained, and surprising mystery and awe that is discovered in each of the students' rich lives as they share their writing, reflection, and meditation with one another on the retreats, I have been able to witness the intelligent life at LaSalle."

Brother Joseph Keough: Director of Library Services


Mrs. Joanne Ballod: Assistant Librarian

Brother Henry Werner: Director of Campus Ministry


vlrs. Jennie Barratt: -Iealth Services

Director of

Brother Edward Cannon: Proctor


Mrs. Janice Nurse






F.S.C. "I am like a farmer; I can see the fruits of my labors. In the beginning my students don't know how to remove the cover from the typewriter. By May and June they have mastered the inanimate object sitting in front of them. The students feel proud of their accomplishment, and so do I."

ll Brother Linus Finn: Typing

Brother Aloysius Lumley: Proctor

Mr. Frank Mullin: Assistant Bookstore Manager



r Bob Hillgrube

Guy Cim.ihi

Bill Lafontaine

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for photoi<Mik~ Don~y~

"Aren't you supposed t, us.e the ~mall Dixiec~ps~.' '







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H M E N 'After'


of 'Braces

'R' us' customers.


Joseph Adamucci Michael ·p. Amerman Pa.ul A. Amicone Brian J. Andrusko Timothy D. Baer Christopher E. Ballod Matthew J. Bavuso William .T. Bell .Gabriel L. Bevilacqua Steven R. Blasi Albert J. Boehmler Fabian N. Bonanni Kevin Bracken Chris G. Brady Jame.s M. Brighters Vincent R. Brigidi Daniel D. Burkey Roger T. Burns .·Robert C. Bustard ••.. James S. Butcher Brendan M. Campbell Brian J. Carmody David .A. Cevallos John R. Chambers Chris J. Ciasullo .Chris J .•Ciavarelli ·Robert T. Clements Edward· W. Colfer Frank J .. Colucci Michael A. Connell

' l



Where's the Fourth Floor? rt was September

9, 1990, and the LaSalle was preparing for his first day f high school. He was worried about things ke missing the bus, getting lost, and up,erclassmen. Overall he didn't anticipate an njoyable school year. Brother Robert was waiting outside that ext morning, welcoming everyone back for nother year. Later, in homeroom, the nervus freshman discovered that his fears were hared by his classmates. Many looked as :10ughthey felt out of place. Others related orror stories of how upperclassmen bully :rn "frosh." First period began to weaken those re,orts. In Algebra 2X a few sophomores inroduced themselves, and no one stood out s being particularly antagonizing. Next peiod the freshman entered the typing room nd encountered Brother Linus. Not know1g what to expect, the freshman did as he ,as told (he was a good boy) so he wouldn't et Brother angry. World Cultures followed at third period, ,here Mr. Turner gave his jittery class a kind

I freshman

pep talk. He reminded them that everyone at LaSalle is willing to help them - "all you have to do is ask." Lunch was next, where the freshman sat down at the first empty table. An outgoing classmate joined him and began a conversation, and the freshman realized that many others were in the same situation as he. Fifth period was Religion. Brother Joe Myers reiterated Mr. Turner's comforting words. He helped them to recognize "who you are, where you are, and what you have to do," and told them that LaSalle means learn and not lollygag. Mrs. Canobbio's Biology was next. Initially the 900 page book scared the timid class, but Mrs. Canobbio assured them that they could do well with plenty of studying. Plenty. At seventh period the freshman entered French class. This looked like an impossible course, and Frere Jacques explained that in order to do well they must. be willing to work. Finally at eighth period the freshman had English. For the preceding eight years this had been a very boring course for him. Sud-

denly "Reading" became Mr. Ed McCabe's own literary world, making English a lot more interesting ... and dramatic. Fortunately, the freshman had little homework that first day. Soccer tryouts were after school. After running around the field five times and playing in three games, he was worn out. This seemed to mark the end of his freshman athletic career. On the next day homework began to pour in. The rest of the week continued like that second day, and as the weeks progressed, the freshman grew accustomed to the daily routine and his new workload. He also got involved in extracurricular activities which enabled him to meet other freshmen. Overall, the freshman found that most of his classmates were surprised by the increase in freedom they received compared to grade school. They found both the teachers and students friendly and approachable, for the most part. Freshman year seemed to have definite possibilities. Steve Ponisciak '94

Waiting for ''To Go'' 'f1:'s 2:45 - time to go. The second I get home I will plop down in front of the TV rnd watch Joan Rivers. Closing my locker, bust on Joey who has to wait till 3:30 for :he bus back to Hicksville. Unlike him, I will Je chauffeured home by my faithful mom :he second I leave here. As I get out in front of the school, I scan :he usual cluster of vehicles, searching for :he distinct "rusted" color of our family :ruckster - no sign of her. She must be ,unning a little late; she probably wanted to ::>utmy dinner in the oven before she left. I :an wait a few minutes. A handful of classnates ask me if I want to get into their game Jf suicide, but I pass, explaining how my ride son its way. My watch says 3:00; Ms. Rivers nust be introducing the 900-pound, vegetarian psychic who fell out of an airplane at 35,000 feet by now. I take a disheartened glimpse down the


entrance driveway hoping to see my mother, but all I find are yellow buses. Joey Hicksville boards one of them and smiles tauntingly at me as he leaves the lot. One by one students depart while I'm left waiting. It's now 4:05, and I'm growing very impatient. I know she couldn't have forgotten. I wrote her a note with paper from my homework pad and left it on the kitchen table in full view. Homework should pass some time, so I open my Cliff's Notes about Julius Caesar and read the opening line: FLA VIUS: Hence! Home, you idle creatures, get you home! Hey, I understand what this guy is saying! After reading the first tedious page I close the book, convinced that I had occupied a great deal of time. It's now 4:06 - time sure flies when you're having fun. I missed the Joan Rivers show, but there's still time to see Gorilla Lady (and the men who love


my mommy!

"I hope I got a quarter in here." her) on Oprah, if mom comes right now. Nearly everyone has left, except the occasional fleeing teacher or hard guy after his workout. Where can she be? It's 5: 15, and all the people who play sports have been picked up already. I'm going to call home. After a minute of searching, I can't seem to find my quarter. I know I had one earlier. Now I remember - I gave it to someone to call his girlfriend at lunch; I gave it to Joey Hicksville! My cries of frustration are halted by the gleam of headlights coming up the driveway. I rush over to my bags only to find it isn't her. I resume my desperate search for $.25. I go down to the vending machines, reach underneath them all, and finally find a dusty quarter. I run to the phones and make a hurried call. I'm going to make her feel so guilty, I think as it rings. I hear a click fol-

am answered with "Pienso que tenga el numero incorrecto." I apologize, reach into the change slot, and only find used gum. "Ahhh, my quarter!" I shout. I stagger out the front door with a feeling of hopelessness. Raising my head, I hear a familiar, repetitive puttering. I look out and see my mom sitting in the wagon. As I get in I ask her in an angry tone, "What took you so long?" The nerve of her not to look even the slightest bit guilty. She explains that she was wondering where I was and decided to see if I was stranded, but insists she never received the note. I get out my homework pad to show her the exact place where I had ripped the page, to prove her wrong. As I find the location, my heart stops as I read a scribbled "pick me up after school today. Jack." still attached. I look at my mom innocently and say "Oops."

Eric breaks Cheech.

in new


The Rite of Passage ll never forget the day two years ago when that great big yellow bus with the funny little driver stopped at my corner to pick me up. As I boarded, a person in the front said, "Great! Another frosh!" I found a seat and sat next to a similarly disturbed and confused freshman. During the next half hour of my onehour journey, all of the sophomores and juniors, along with the one lone senior, made their way to the back of the bus. We freshmen watched with apprehension, not knowing what the upperclassmen (a group which even included sophs) were planning. They sat back there for five minutes plotting their


strategy. Then, a mammoth junior stood up and announced, "Each freshman will come back here, receive a number, and tell the rest of us." Believe me, we were in no position to resist. Each one of us clumsily, fearfully made our way back to this giant's seat. We stated our name, and told them why we chose LaSalle as our high school. We were then made to answer a series of embarrassing questions. After our interview, we were assigned numbers. The ride finally ended ... at least for that morning. In the afternoon, these same upperclassmen piled into the back of the bus


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' ..

••.•••··· ...Scotti~·Mu~pfiy ... ;·: William Mydfo~ec ··•·· .••··· · ·.•Tho11JasJ>.N,orthrup : Bren.dan u: O'Hanlo11 ' are~aan•<J: .()'Maney< Brendan M. O'.Neill<·






.Joseph M ••Olive·~..· > .Deie B; QyJfiil~

. Matthew F. J>alombc1ro Andrew A, Paol~rie·;·

M~riu'sz M;Plewa .·Stephen··,M. P~nisciak ·.Daniel 1( Pritchard• •.. · ponatdM.>9uinn . Richard J; Ravasco

Dani~i A. Rendi11e with wide grins on their faces. Even the bus driver was smirking, fully aware of our impending doom. We just sat there, scared for our lives. The same huge junior began the ritual. He randomly picked a number, and its frightened freshman owner marched back to his fate. After this rite of passage, we were all accepted as new members of the bus. Now, as a junior, I appreciate the bus for the many survival skills it has taught me. And I have had the opportunity to initiate some freshmen in my time as well. Mike Magro '92

"What Frosh?"


you laughing



c~iistopher A~. Roat. Carlos Jl.Rodriguez. . .. James C. Roller .. Brian; P. Roman.o

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Guys~ 929, Girls - 0 You can't live with them, and you can't live without them is something we always say. But for the next few years you're all alone, since you chose the LaSallian way. For those ignoramuses who don't understand, I allude to the opposite gender. The part of humanity we all find entrancing, mysterious and "oh" so tender. On the first day of school when you sat at your desk, you thought you'd go out of your mind. No matter your search in every classroom and hallway, not a girl your age would you find. Sure there are females throughout the school, but they're teachers, assistants and such. You can't ask them out,


Scott.M. Szewczak <Mich~el W;Tantala James V. Tate

..•.Thomas E.Vale~tine Patri~k J, Vesay . John J,Vito


Brian M'.Walters Janies'J. Watson.• Matthf\\l .J.\vei~s David Wenhold

.·.Barry P.\Vheh,n . Bren~a~.}: ·"7h,~ta~.._.. . . . And_rewcl'.!Wickersham ·

M,icli~~t. ~/wiffir:>"ii .·· .''Gr~~~rt;;l'.f/).vJ~<):t··; . MichaeEJ: Witko'.wski ·

··.·-b~riit~;lie~-z~~~~, ·

they're as old as your parents, and I don't think they'd like it too much. Now the first day is over, you are sad and distraught, while riding home on the bus. It stops at the Mount, and you think to yourself, "Maybe they'll sit next to us." You spring out a novel to exhibit your intellect the one about Odysseus' quest. But you don't even notice it's held upside-down, and nary a girl is impressed. For the next few weeks you continue with life, recalling the past few days. Trying hard to convince your academic self, that it's only a teenage phase. You attend your first mixer and your anguish subsides,

you relax and try to be cool. But when a slow song begins, you lower your head and act like a wall- flowering fool. "What will I do if I meet a girl, whom my friends and I all like. I don't have a car, so when we go out, she'll have to ride on my bike." You must understand in a logical way, why LaSalle is only for "man." But I have no reasons to ponder now, as to why the female ban. And so I leave you with one last question that's driving me out of my head: "Why on earth would anyone choose a school that's not co-ed?" Jack Bush '91

\,i!hat's missing from this picture?


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Michael Adamow Edward Allen Ronald Altieri Michael Ashton Richard Austin Robert Ball Daniel Barbalace Michael Bavuso Mark Beaver Michael路 Bergen Kurt Bitting Brendan Boland Kevin Boyle Paul Brady Matthew Brescia Gerard Brinkmann RalJ)h Brower Thomas Butcher Anthony Calvitti Edward. Can alley Joseph Capozzoli Danie.I Caputo Nicholas Carmenico Timothy Carr Jason Carter Paul Cassidy David Cattie John Ceccola Edmund Choi Gregory Citro


''Don't I Look 17?'' nce you become a sophomore, you really begin to think that you're hot stuff. There exists a species of studentia that you may now, according to school tradition, pick on. Of course I'm referring to that barrel of monkeys known as the freshmen. In fact, I believe in some obscure lndo-Anglo-Scandanavian language, the word "sophomore" means "one with inflated ego." Nothing can stop you in the 10th grade - except the ticket seller at the movies. There you are, in front of all your peers, when you ask the cashier for tickets. "Two for Misery," you say. Embarrassment reigns as the ticket lady says, "I think you're a little late for that," and then giggles at her weak attempt at humor. Getting desperate, you respond with, "Yeah, whatever. Listen, I just want to buy a couple of tickets. Here's my money." The situation climaxes with this



complete stranger admonishing you: "Sorry, dear, but you have to be 17 to see that movie." That distant chuckling behind you in line maximizes the humiliation. There are many tactics you may employ to beat the system and watch your choice of films full of sex and violence. Use them at your own discretion: 1) Always surround yourself with the AURA of being 17. Wear dark sunglasses. This may bring some looks at 10 p.m., but hey, you'll get in. Also, never be afraid to use sophisticated words like "squalor" or "quixotic." They'll be blown away. 2) Lie. This is a given: say anything that will get you in. You can go to confession later. Try lines like: ''I'm doing a review for my school newspaper," "I'm being chased by a pack of homicidal camels who are naturally afraid of Stephen King flicks," or, my



personal favorite, 'Tm your new supervisor, and I was giving you a chance to do some free brown-nosing." 3) Debate the situation. Waste a few minutes complaining to your nemesis. In an annoying tone, whine: "Are you saying I'm not mature enough to see this movie? Should I take this as a personal affront to my good name? What about you? Are you mature enough to have this high- powered job? Did it require detective school training?" By now the person is so embarrassed and aggravated that entrance is almost assured. 4) Ask to see the manager. When he or she arrives, refer to rule #2: lying. Say that you were trying to get a ticket to Bambi and the attendant started pestering you. Then promise to begin a boycott of the theater by you and your friends. 5) Hypnotize. It is very tricky but both of

r..f ave

fun watching ,ophorn ore.


you leave feeling, well, wonderful about life. 6) Use your charm (if available). Ask the ticket seller out on a date. Take care, though, if this cashier is a guy, because he may mistake you for someone who goes to that other prep school. 7) Give bribes. Say: "I know how much they pay you, and I'll double it. Here's three bucks." 8) When all else fails, ask an older person to buy the tickets for you. This is a little degrading, but worth it. Obviously, to be a successful sophomore, you have to be cocky, egotistical, and never wrong. Hopefully this list of techniques brings you closer to capturing the essence of sophomore-hood. Or, at least you'll get to see a few good movies. Joe Zalewski '93

Stirring it up


arefully and thoroughly planned by the Student Council in each of the last few years, at least one Friday night of every month LaSalle becomes packed with girls, the hallway windows fog, and music blares throughout the school. It is on these nights that S.A.D.D. displays signs that read, "Stay alive, don't drink and drive!" These nights provide wonderful chances to meet new people, to wear normal teenage clothes, and to have fun. These are Mixer nights! Students attend LaSalle mixers from a variety of schools. Guest schools include the Mount, Gwynedd-Mercy, McDevitt, Abington, and Springfield. Most students dance, but others just bounce from one side of the auditorium

don, to yell to - their old and new friends. Music for the most part consists of modern dance, new wave, heavy metal, and rap, with a touch of classic rock. Featured often are groups like the Cure, Madonna, AC/DC, MC Hammer, the Romantics, and (maybe someday) Pink Floyd or Jimmy Buffett. Generally, such a variety allows for a good time despite musical preference. Basically, a student can have fun doing anything at a mixer. If he wants to dance, he can. If he wants to make out with his girlfriend (within certain obvious limitations), he can. If he just wants to be with his friends, he can. Students who have fun lives at LaSalle go to Mixers!

Jnder hypnosis, Bill McKeown ,erforms the Sleeping Flamingo.

LaSalle's annual dance marathon.


Shorn to be Wild


pecific styles of clothing, of speaking, or of jewelry characterize certain groups of people. Scottish men are known for the kilts they wear, while sombreros are indicative of Mexicans. Signs of another's style define students at LaSalle with one's quick glimpse into the hallway. You can't help but notice the distinctive sculptings of the "common" haircuts. At LaSalle, a popular hairdo is the Guido (say "gwee-doh"). At least 50% of our freshmen and sophomores tend to favor this style. Unfamiliar with the details of the Guido, I turned to a Northeast Philadelphian expert who supplied information about the basic Guido and its variations. The most prevalent Guido is the "brain- freeze" type, where the sides of the head are shaved and the leftover

hair on top is spiked. Mutations of this theme include shaving the sides and combing the top, and adding a cute little tail in the back (reserved for the tough Guidos), modifications which are equally respectable. Common in the suburbs is the "bowl cut." Imagine placing a mixing bowl on someone's head and snipping the hair that sticks out, so that the effect makes one look taller (if not like Mary Lou Retton). Based on the bowl cut is the "pasta head," whose owners must spend hours curling the bowl-cut hair. Some highly creative individuals combine both the bowl cut and the Guido cut, thus achieving the "frisbee-head" look. Left out of these illustrations are the pitsters, who have their own fashion savvy. In the pit long hair is vogue. They treat their

hair with affection, even if it doesn't seem like they wash it often. The pitsters also talk about their tresses as if they were separate entities. The only diversity in these cuts is the length itself. The last hairstyle seen at LaSalle is the grade school cut, parted mundanely on the side. This old- fashioned method is worn by the majority of students here. They are the control against which the Guido, bowl, and pitster cuts can be measured. All of these cuts display originality, showing those around us who we are and who we want to be. And why was that musical "Hair" such a big deal? Matt McElvenny '91


Vfoek Parmar .Michael .Parsons Francesco路 Pasquali Christopher. Pen:y Scott Pescatore Eric J>lover Manos Poulopoulos 路 David Rafferty Thoma5 Ragusa Michael Randolph Brian Reeves Christopher Reilly Dennis ReiHy Christopher Reutlinger Michael Riccio Joseph Rinaldi Andrew Robinson Stephen Roeser Matthew Roesser Eric Rothenheber Leonard Salinis Bradley Sandella Keith Scandone William Schlosser William Sellers . Hank Sharkey Michael Sheridan Matthew Shevlin Matthew Shields John Silli

No Time -


nce a custom reserved for procrastinators, last- minute reading has become a very Jopular practice lately. Some people usually :lon't wait until the last minute to read somehing, but for many others this is a common 路outine. I am one of those who made this activity 1 habit for years. There are many reasons for not reading a Jook until the night before the due date. La'.iness isn't always the only one. For me, the :act that the book won't be due for two whole Neeks makes it very difficult to begin immedi1tely. I'll forget the opening anyway if I start ~arly. So I wait. There are other advantages of delaying. Af:er a while the teacher assumes we had enough ,ense to start reading the book, so he talks about :he first few chapters in class. That's a few :hapters I don't have to read now. The book


Get Me Cliff

suddenly seems a lot shorter, making me feel better about the impending due date. Unfortunately, the book is usually so boring that I fall asleep while desperately trying to plow through it. When I wake up, I don't want to read any more. So I put it down until later. In the meantime, while we literary geniuses happen to be in our favorite bookstore looking through novels, we see an overwhelming yellow display in the back of the room. Cliff's Notes are never our main purpose for cruising to Encore, but the bold advertising compels us to buy a copy. We never mean any harm. Cliff's Notes were designed to help students understand novels AFTER actually reading the novel. This seems like a good intention, but when I compare the length of the Cliff's Notes and the real book (considering the lack of time remaining till D-day), the abbreviated version looks

a lot more appealing. This yellow text now resides with the original copy until the night before the test. If I wasn't going to start reading the actual novel early, why hurry and read the Cliff's Notes? Alloting enough time to do other homework and think of more excuses about why I shouldn't read the book, I read the summary during homeroom on the day it's due (or at lunchtime if the test is in the afternoon). Any unmentioned details can be filled in by other students (all four of them) whose books had actually been opened. Basically there are many ways around doing work. Sometimes it's even possible to get by (not necessarily pass, though) without even buying the novel. But in the end, reading the whole thing is usually worth the time and effort. Ultimately, a more intelligent choice! Ed Pratowski '91

.John· \Tolpe Kyle.Waldowski .David Weir. · BreUWest . Euge.-ae Whitaker · Nathan Will J.oli1fWi.lson . ·

Jeremy \Viiit~rs ...·..·.. Rob.ert wrzesniewski



"Now I'm DEFINITELY going to get an 'A' on that Catcher in the Rye test next period."




,close'ph ·.zaie\.\iski · Greg Zartibry~ki •Brian· Zli,ipko



of confiscated



< . PhillipR; Ahn Marci D'. Ammaturo

. Matthew w.•Ana,Masi. .

·J~hn-J; Anisko

Matthew G;Arbogast .. ·... Micl,iael E B'()ris .


~ichaelBacica ·•• . Robei-t f;·Bartfr ....> \.oer~l< P.B~nriis.· 6. Blfitney •Yip~~nt .. · Joh~A:··Bodden ,>'

:, ,'.;')'.,",,., ~




. Matt,ewR,\Boy~ {;·Janie's F. •Brandt


···o~riiel·P:eran~ti~Id~ " MifliaeP i\. s.-"11s~f L~O....Burke;1I1···· .

..···}.1ith~e1 A. ~urn~ >.

··?J~6at~ai· D•····Bfrnes·······.·· .. . . •Alvin m Ca.bato. iiino'th~ JP.ea11~1ii~ .. . '..Jos~ph: p;_ <;~rrello '·Raym~~dM. Casale/·· ;J9~ep~··Mi ~i~pli.ns_ki 0

~llristoph~r Citrin6 .•"

·\pou~la(B~·c1a.rk~· . • J¥lY· .Riltr/ck c;9dy •·"··.•:·•}FraQk.()onti:.···.•·•

.. · ··.·St~plfon Ws Cook .·.

\v; Fr~niis Corc~ran ..

Almost Done I'.

Jhile attempting to explain human nature, ~ a wise man developed the adage, "To err is human." These words pertain to every facet of life, yet they seem to be most pertinent to the junior in high school. It is not fair to say that juniors err more than others, but we are presented with more opportunities to make errors. The academic and athletic skills are tested by teachers, coaches, and test coordinators more than in any other year. The pressure to perform is laid on juniors. It is the end of "Easy Street." Juniors are not only given the opportunity to show what we don't know, but more importantly what we do know. The PSAT and the SAT tests don't leave a whole lot of room for error for those trying to get into the "college of their choice." Yet, these tests let it be known that there is a good deal of intelligent life rambling through the back-pack-infested halls of


LaSalle. Many consider junior year to be the most demanding year in high school. Some students may choose to be hard on themselves and carry a heavy workload, and others may defer the electives and take a breather. We have to worry about our grades and extra-curricular activities at the same time that Hester Prynne is condemned to wear the "Scarlet Letter." Juniors must also work with shapes. We are forced to say why something is a triangle when by looking at it we all know it is a triangle. Most students are content to stick with the shapes that they blow into in the band room or throw around on the playing field. The rigors of academics are only a portion of the overall scheme of the junior. The other dimensions are not as foreboding. Most juniors gain a decent amount of freedom with the acquisition of a driver's license. Once we pass the test, if we have access to a set of wheels, our

whole lives are changed. The student no Ions has to bum rides home from school, to the b, games, or to any social gathering. Dependi on the strictness of the parental unit, the censed driver now has substantial control o, his social life. However, the license also ad to the responsibilities of the student. We mt use our intelligence to remember to lock t doors without leaving the keys in the igniti and be aware of the state trooper when cruisi in excess of 55 mph. We also become respc sible for giving people rides to school and n ning errands for our parents. Some juniors get through the year by re izing that they are almost seniors and are SL posedly no longer naive like they were as fre: men and sophomores. We have become part the "upper-underclassmen." We take pride being more intelligent than we were in the fi: half of high school.

Junior year is also the last chance to enjoy gym with "T" and swim laps in pool class. Elev路 enth grade gives way to more involvement in the school by the opportunity to be a leader of the students in student council or in any of a number of clubs. Each junior receives his class ring in December. Some students are rewarded for their hard work and service with varsity let路 ters in their respective activities. Another spe路 cial thing about being a junior is attending the Junior Prom. On this night, we rent a tuxedo and take our date to the dance, getting a sneak preview of the heralded Senior Prom. All in all, the experiences in eleventh grade become a basis for a LaSalle student's future. We begin to put everything together that we have learned at LaSalle and outside of school, and eventually turn into the beings which can be identified as truly intelligent life forms. John Gorman '92


now where's MY name in this program?"

Five Pages Due Monday ow many times have you looked at the clock on Sunday after watching Married With Children or the late football game and suddenly remembered that you have to write a 5page paper for Monday? It's happened many times, right? You had been given a week-and-ahalf to research, write, and revise your paper. At first you thought, "Aah, it's not due until next week; I'll get it done in a few days." By the end of the week, you had forgotten entirely about the paper beca.use the teacher had already assigned other homework. At the end of class on Friday, your teacher reminded the class that the paper must be handed in on Monday. You weren't worried, though, you still had the weekend to finish the paper. Friday night you decided to go out with your friends instead of working on the paper. "It's 0.K.," you thought at the


Greg Mason (sporting a "Guido") finishes a last minute report.

ne, "I'll do it on Saturday." Saturday morning, you ate three )Wis of Fruit Loops while watching )Ur favorite cartoons and pro-wresing. You realized a big college football 1atch-up was on TV, but you still tried , get some work done during com1ercials and half-time. The game was a thriller, so any work 1at you completed was minimal. After .nner, you decided to sacrifice your >ciallife for an evening, and do some ork. However, your girlfriend called , inform you that her parents were 1t for the night and that you should )me over right away. On Sunday, you woke up late. You iad the paper and prepared to enjoy 1epro-football games on TV. The fiveaper was in the back of your mind. inally, after Fox Television's Sunday ght line-up, you began work on your test masterpiece. You ignored the

clock and just typed until your mind was exhausted. You were beginning to write your conclusion, but you noticed that your computer had frozen. "Oh no! I'll have to start over." You then checked the time, and saw it was 1:07 A.M. Not enough time to rewrite the paper. "Hopefully I have a back-up file," you muttered under your breath, panic-stricken. Luckily you did, and you soon finished writing the paper. Armed with a dictionary and a pen, you then started the editing process. Fatigue took over at around 2:15 A.M., but you got most of the paper proofread. You awoke disoriented with your head on the keyboard, letters embedded on your face. The clock said 7:45 A.M. - just in time to go to school and hand in your masterpiece. Mike Cunningham '91

Excuse Me? It's 11 o'clock on a Tuesday night, and you realize that you have a 5-page paper due on the mating habits of the firefly and a major test on a book in English that you haven't even bothered to get yet. It's a Wednesday night after a long shift at work, and you calculate that in between school and work you have been averaging 4 hours of sleep. It's a beautiful Thursday morning in early spring, and you can't remember the last day that the weather's been so nice. You ask, "What do these three things have in common?" Any experienced LaSalle student knows that these are three perfect reasons to take a "personal holiday" from school. There is an unwritten rule at LaSalle, that, in order to maintain sanity and a positive

outlook on life, a LaSalle student is obliged to take at least 3 personal holidays each year. Students can take as many of these days as they want, until Mr. Parisi catches on. Failure to act on this God-given right to a day off can be punished by poor grades or maybe even an actual illness. Plus, missing such a golden opportunity is a downright shame. So now that you've convinced yourself that you richly deserve a personal holiday, the only problem that remains is convincing your parents. Well, my advice to you is to try to con your parents into thinking that "personal holidays" is a practice accepted and encouraged at LaSalle, and let them worry about the excuse. This makes it easier when you need a day off and don't feel like thinking of a creative excuse. But if that doesn't work, here are a few suggestions in case of emergency.

FAKE SICKNESS: good excuse, one th can be used many times over. Be careful th. this isn't overused, and make sure that pattern doesn't develop (cold every Frida stomach virus every Monday). Stay aw, from exotic sounding ailments, this may cau: unneeded questions. Personally, I think "f ver" works the best. It's short and to tr point ... and believable. WEATHER PROBLEM: if it snow sleets, or even rains real hard, this excu: is the best one for LaSalle. The people the attendance office will never question ar weather-related excuse. That's why LaSal closes so easily when it snows, because evE if it did open, nobody would show up, e pecially these guys from Doylestown. FAMILY EMERGENCY: A more co1 plicated excuse, definitely not for any novi, excuse-makers. Be sure to use the idea

.· :\hJt~~-·J~·,O'Ma;f ··.. ·· . Vladiriiir Od~rcheriko .

·. Fi~n~istcisl>~rli~·· ;c

· ,Rob~rt J/.Pannep~cker' ···· MichaetJ.:Paradise• .. aaffaeie~a~~h~li ·.·....

··.Snehaf R~;~ter····· ...... ·. C:raig J. P~nsaben,.

MarioPerfetti ·

.•.Bryan· P.


Micha~l' Pk~ione: , ,, . ,>',',,·.,.·. ·, . Thc,mas C.J>ig~on· ..· t~uis l\. Prete ,BrianM:Reilly, .... frank J. ReQ!US




.....Jamiel{o~gijrs• • . G¢otgt?,Ri<R~inan() .?ttichael ·Ro~~ . Rinaldo A~ Rossi<



Yesterday? ... I was working in a soup kitch· for the poor."

family unity and give a long-winded story that requires you to stay home to help out. ("My mom broke her leg and I have to stay home for six weeks while it heals" is a classic example.) It is important that the tale arouses pity from the attendance office, but doesn't overdo it. Too much sympathy may result in a phone call home, an unfortunate error. TRANSPORTATION DIFFICULTIES: a great excuse if it is used correctly. Often times though, people resort to this one after all options are exhausted. This has ruined this excuse from routine use because it automatically brings suspicion from the attendance office. But, if you can come up with a creative enough sequence of events, this has been known to work. (My car wouldn't start, and my Dad's in Ontario, and my Mom has the flu, and my phone blacked out so I couldn't call anyone else for a ride.)

OTHER CREATIVE EXCUSES: 1) "My brother's hamster died overnight and I was trying to console him." 2) "It was the first day of bear season and 'me and Pa' went ahuntin'." 3) "I overslept and figured, 'why bother?' " 4) Any excuse that takes longer than ten minutes to explain. 5) "Honest, I got lost." 6) Whine about a personal tragedy (car stolen, house burned down, plane crash, world hunger). 7) "I got the letter days confused and I thought we had off." 8) "I was working the soup kitchen for the poor, so I figured that you wouldn't mind my being absent." 9) Tell the truth, they'll never believe you. So no matter what the problem, or lack thereof, it can all be made better with a refreshing holiday. As a matter of fact, I think I'm about due for another one. Brian McDermott '91



Time for Some P. T.P., Baby. JIA'Yheart was trembling with anJ YJ.ticipation as the clock slowly neared the end of the period. Bbbbrrrrriinnnggg!! ! Finally, the bell freed me from this hellish English class. Hurrying to my locker, I accidentally tripped, further postponing my experience. As I raced down the hall, I could feel my pulse increase rapidly. The gym door was open, letting the sounds of wanna-be athletes escape loudly. A few feet more and I started to smell the perspiration, hear the sneaker-squeaks, and feel the aura of open gym. It was crowded, full of kids large and small. Awestruck at the size of it, my mouth was a haven for flies. Banners of Catholic League championships draped the walls, adding to its mystique. Suddenly, my dream was shattered as someone screamed "Help!" about two feet from my face. Thud! "Spalding" was


now emblazoned across my face Throwing my shoes and bookbag asidE I entered a game. Mr. T. Hanssen gav, me encouragement to "shoot the tr fecter." Seconds ticked slowly off th, clock as I brought the ball across ha!J court, down by 1. A little shake anc bake, followed by a sweet crossove left my defender helpless. Weavini through traffic, my shot somehow fourn daylight in the land of the trees. Swish! I had just won the Catholic Leagw championship for LaSalle! Instanta neously, the cheering crowd turned in to Bro. Hilary's harsh voice yelling fo the ball. I looked around and saw no body. All alone, I was standing in th, middle of the gym with a ball lookin! at the wall. Oh well, maybe tomorrov I'll be a hero. Bbbbrrrriinnnggg!!! Tim< for Math class. Quintin Mecke '91

,''','-,'._ ~'',,:, ':: ',>

/ .Micli.~el i::.Treacy Loui~ C. Tulfo . .Clift~:fo>S;Tull

JohnW.,W~i~f ·.· Norman M; Welsh . .Thomas•C; Wkst······•

l Juniors unavailable for photos: Daniel Collins, Joseph Markmann David Pickard.



man slams it home.



Drawing Up Plans For Success Art Club Signs Their Masterpieces


he Art Club, under the guidance of Diane McGovern, helps to provide a cultural side to LaSalle's after school activities. The Art Club is tailored to students who have an appreciation for the fine arts, and those who want to try their hand at various artistic mediums. Once a week, the Art Club meets after school for two to three hours of creativity and in路 spiration. Each session is dedicated to a different medium such as clay sculpture, pastels, watercolor, or pen and ink. In addition to these normal projects, the Art Club also has field trips to local galleries, and holiday meetings which incorporate seasonal themes into artwork. The most impressive of these seasonal ven路 tures is the annual production of the official LaSalle Christmas card. The Art Club also has a hand in

two more annual events, the first of which is the Open House. It is up to the members of the Art Club to make sure the school is properly decorated to receive the pro路 spective students and their parents on November 11th in a way that reflects the spirit of LaSalle. The second event is the Spring Arts Festival, held this year during the week of April 29th. This is the time that the students in art classes and in the Art Club get to display the pieces they have worked hard on throughout the school year, and gain recognition for their accomplishments. During the Art Festival there are typically demonstrations or lectures by professional artists which are open to the entire student body. By organizing such events, the Art Club helps provide a refreshing break from the typical school week, while exhibiting their own unique Signs of Intelligent Life.

Mrs. Diane McGovern guides the Art Club members in their artful endeavors.


Andy Widuch says, "Halloween bad."

good, fire


Chris Mediano experiences struggle of man vs. art.

the classic


is nothing to laugh about.

and drawing don't mix.


Tooting Practicing,


Their Homs


own in the depths of the . school. building, beyond the Dining Hall and Boiler Room, lies the La Salle Band Room, a myste· rious dwelling place for the living soul of the La Salle music pro· gram. All of the musical spirit originates and flows from here, where the students use their ere· ative intelligence to display a va· riety of musical sounds.and styles. It's easy to recognize a member of the Band, because he's either carrying his instrument, in which case it's just a little obvious, or he's demonstrating his creativity and individuality, where it's al· most equally obvious. Sure, the students in the Band might be a little different, but what's wrong with being zany? After all, there have been many famous people such. as Sigmund Freud, Vincent Van Gogh, and Steve Vai, who were thought to be crazy because they were a .·little different. And the La Salle Band is indubitably diverse, considering the numerous ensembles that ex· ist within the music department: Freshmen, Jazz/Dixieland, Com· petition, Intermediate, Stage, Pep, and Concert bands, Guitar ensemble, Brass Choir, and Vocal Ensemble. (Hey! whatever hap· pened to the "Marching Band"?!) Considering such variety of musical life, Mr. Joseph Cicci· maro, the Band Director, has his hands full developing the creativ· ity and musical abilities of his stu· dents. To keep himself from going totally insane, Mr. ".C" has ere· ated a democratic system in which the students elect their leaders. These officers take on many of the responsibilities of the Band, as well as organizing· many of the activities the Band takes part in .. This past year,· the stu· dents elected Dan Rakowski as



Dan Rakowski plays "Taps" the Egan game:


their president, and Jim Sigmund and Chris Bonner as vice·presi· dents. Dan and his "ensemble" have led the Band with much success through several events this year. Some of these include perfor· mances at the Summer Fling at the Flander's Hotel in Ocean City, NJ, The President's Dinner, the Beef and Beer night, Open House, the annual Christmas and Spring Concerts, countless elementary and secondary school concerts, weekly appearances at La Salle football games in the winter, and just about any other schoolaffair imaginable. Wherever the Band may be, it always brings life to the occasion. Often, several students find themselves "living" in the Band room~ because they're so busy with Band-related events. This is hardly a punishment, however, as the room abounds with possibili~ ties .for the "creative" and "intel· ligent" mind. Music constantly blares from an incredible stereo system, for the listening pleasure. In the lounge, a few students watch a movie or some Bugs Bun· ny cartoons. A Jam session takes place whenever a few people get together to play. One or two might find it necessary to practice the piece that they "butchered" in class today. And the truly creative minds do the unavoidable home· work that's due tomorrow. During the .school day, each class meets in the Band room for one period. Often stud.ents give up · their lunch period in order to play, but it's. all for the sake of Music. (A true sign of devotion, or insanity, depending on your point of view). Now, the seemingly dreary, dark dungeon next to the Boiler Room comes alive, as the. melodious in.·

Chris Bonner, a Tom Cruise wanna-be.


Brian Mcpermott insists to John Murphy and Bill Vile-Junod, "If it's .not 'Honneur A Toi' then it's got to be .the love theme from The Terminator.,,


·Band Composes Life of Sound strumental harmony of fifteen to as many as. sixty young musicians reverberates through the halls. Alorig with .the beautiful music comes the treacherous wrong notes. At that, the music stops, as Mr. "C" pauses to kindly inform the students of their mistakes; It continues. a few moments later, with the wrong notes cleverly eliminated .as. to avoid . further damage to the listener's ears with .and further confrontation Mr. "C''. Of course, not every one in the Band can call himself a virtuoso. Some even enter the Band with no prior.musical experience; Fo.r this reason, weekly private lessons are offered to each student by the Band. faculty, to introduce students· to an enriched musical life. Mr. Gene Ciccimaro teaches Clari· net ·and other reed instruments. Mr. J.oe Vettori instructs the saxo· phone players. Pat Mercuri acts as guitar, bass, and music theory teacher. Mr. Rocco Bene gives trumpet lessons. Mr. Joe Nero teaches the drummers to stay in time. ·Mr. Rich Genovese trains ··.trombone students. And Mrs. Paulette Kensey is the piano instruc· tor. These fine instructors help develop the students' intelligence on a musical level, and help to eliminate those sour notes they're


pleased Mr. 1rodigies.


C. listens

to his

so famous for. Just what kind of music is in• volved in the La Salle Band? Al· though the main emphasis is on Jazz music, just about every form of musk .in existence produces the overall· influence. This vari·. ance among the.musical interests of each student produces a unique sound for a very. unique band. Perhaps one of the largest, and certainly one.of the busiest activi· ties at La Salle, the Band creates a true sign of family and friendship among members. They help Qne another play· to their fullest, and to be the best they can be. A clear sign of intelligence lies within the very walls of the Band room, reaching out to the creative minds oftomorrow, and creating a living source of expression found no , where else butin. the art of music. Where some may see music as merely entertainment, the La Salle Band views music as the me· dium through which one c.an express his inner self to the world. In the words of guitarist Rik Emmit, "It's not just a game of notes, .it's the sound within your soul." And it's the soul that's alive within each of the Band members that creates the musical environment for La Salle. - Fran Sheridan, '91 & Joe Cieplinski, '92

Theatre Hopefuls Rehearse for Rave Reviews most students try out for W hen a high school show, they assume that it is going to be a "big production." This past year, however, LaSalle's Fall Theatre took on a different look, breaking away from "traditional" theatre. The fall show evolved into a theatre workshop for all involved, blending actors' skills, student scripts, and multi-directed skits. In the first few weeks of practice, the sizeable cast (which included Robin Campbell, Crissy Fecak, Jeanine O'Brien, Jon Walheim, Gerry White, Tim Micsko, Jenn Tietjen, Mike Scarcelle, and Meg McElroy) brainstormed, discussed, argued, and ultimately, collaborated upon an idea, a presentation and a weird, metaphorical title: TRICK OR TREAT. Written exclusively by students, the show dealt with many current teenage problems and dilemmas, ranging in topics from loneliness and friendship, to success and failure, to life and death. With senior John Trainer managing, students alone handled the back stage work and on-stage sets. John was capably assisted by Scott Hagelin with all lighting, while Eric Link, Dan Barbalace, and John Bodden expertly imple-

mented microphone placement and usage to ensure good stage sound. Under the overseeing direction of Mrs. Colleen Durkin Lapowsky and Mr. John Grace, the show resulted in an enjoyable and educational - experience for all involved. The cast and crew learned not only about the intricacies of making theatre work, but also about their own talents, skills, and communication strengths and weaknesses clearly a sign of intelligent people proving capable of achieving a common goal. This enriching experience, combining talent, intelligence, and the spirit of cooperation, signals much promise for the life of future theatre productions at LaSalle. -

Tim Micsko '92

Kieran thetics


But soft! What light through yonder window breaks?

McAuliffe enacts and athletics.



up, Jim! You're on next!

Mike Scarcelle McShain reminisce "Memories."

and Casey in the song,


Spring Theatre Inside West Side


at do you get when you mix the music of Leonard Bernstein, the words of Arthur Laurents, the direction of Colleen Durkin·Lapowski, the cho· reography of Arlene Conti, and a highly talented group of high school stu· dents? You get an American musical classic: West Side Story. In honor of the late Leonard Bernstein, the La Salle Theatre decided to perform West Side Story. Bernstein is well-respected and widely recognized for his remarkable achievements in musical composition, and West Wide Story is one of his most famous scores. The show is about two lovers, Tony and Maria (played, respectively, by La Salle senior Chris Bonner and Girls High's Casey McShain), who are torn apart by ignorance, fear, and racial dif· ferences. The couple meet at a dance but are forbidden to be together be· cause of the hatred between Whites and Hispanics. This tension is magnified by the feud between the lovers' gangs, the Jets and the Sharks. Throughout the play the animosity between the two sides escalates. At first they act tough and fight only ver· bal battles. Then a war council is called and a rumble planned. What begins as a dance ends with the death of the two

gang leaders, Riff, played by Jim McNamee, and Bernardo, played by Fred Dini. Such tragic events multiply until the climactic death of Tony. West Side Story operates on other levels of meaning as well. It shows how the hostility of adults can corrupt their children. This terrible legacy surfaces in Action, portrayed by Jon W alheim, whose psychotically aggressive atti· tude encourages the racial hatred. Ba· by John, played by Tim Micsko, is a young boy who observes yet, symboli· cally, never understands the antipathy. Anybodys, played by Robin Campbell, is a girl who pathetically tries to act tough because of peer pressure. And Anita, played by Maura Schorpp, be· comes bitter and resentful due to the conflict. Even though the show had such sad messages, working to create it proved to be an enjoyable experience. The cast began practice in January and worked diligently to be able to put on a well· synchronized and memorable perform· ance. With one of the best casts to hit the La Salle stage, West Side Story dis· played the talents of all involved. Sure· ly Bernstein would have been proud. Tim Micsko '92

Star Chris Bonner shows off his diverse talents.

Those Jets, they're one tough gang.

In Memoriam: "Leonard Bern路 stein is well-respected and wide路 ly recognized for his remarkable achievements in musical com路 position, and West Side Story is one of his most famous scores."

Mrs. Arlene Conti explains the dance steps, one more time!

"It's the


ence!! Tree auditions now in progress.

Sharks! We're scared now."

everyone watch my feet."


Picture This! Photo Club Develops Their Focus he Photography Club is one of ~a~ and the Blue and Gold· rely heavily on photographs of student life, athletic Salle's unique activities. Rather than capturing the life of the school as contests, assembly gatherings, student does the Forum, through speech, or as and parent social events, public relations highlights,. teachers, administra· does the Wisterian., through writing, .the PhotographyJ::lub re~produces the tors, and community-related activities. everyday experiences of LaSalle Photographers are also taught how to through the camera lens. ·These amause special lenses and how to photo· teur photographers frame the images graph differently such things as the in· and signs of LaSalle life lost on other nocence of children at play, the manic forms e>f expression. If a picture is pace ofpeople at their jobs, the stark~ worth a thousand words,.the Photograness of a large, now-deserted building, phy Club amasses. a memorable volume or the mystery of a bee inside a flower. lor our eyes. Students. are also exposed to "experi· mental" photography, having fun with The Photography Club is moderated weird angles, strange .lighting, reflec~ by .Mr. William Geiger. His knowledge about .and advice on .lens openings, tions in mir.rors and windows, and col· shutter and film speeds, and on develored filters. The real fun comes in oping a perceptive eye behind the viewlearning how to work in the school's finder educate even. those used to third-floor darkroom, where students ·working with little more than a Playsget te> see their results. As does the kool .Kiddie Kam era ~ith revolving well-delivered speech and the intelliflash cube; By th.e time his students are gently-written article, the creative ready to handle the school's multi- · photo. gives much satisfaction. The functional Minolta Maxxum 7000, they photographer prides himself on his are eager to show off their "shot-mak~ product, a visible sign of his Mr ..Geiger· ing"abilities. trained eye and his practice with the camera. The Photography Club defiStu.dents find numerous opportunities to use their skills. Both the Wisterian nitely .provides a view to life.


. -- ..Bill Mc>linari·'91


Club perfects the. art of .candid shots.


Brendan Gaul and Greg Citro attempt to create cold fusion.

''Uh Bren~an;.aren't,you velop in the dark?"



Mr. Geiger stresses the importance of re~ moving the lens cap before taking the pie" ture.


Say ·Anything


f you· are searching to. find some tangible signs of intelligent life, try the LaSaJle Forum. No, it is not a group of an~ient Greek philosophers in togas sitting atop the Acropolis discussing the meaning of life, but an experienced group of speakers and debaters that make· LaSaJle one· of the best forensic teams around. Brother Rene Sterner returned as moderator of the forum this year. He had held this pm,ition in the early 'SO's when the team produced several national champions. The potential was there for a return to this prominence, but some hard work would have to be done. Guidance from some ex· . cellent coaches, like Joe. McMahon and Brother Michael Tidd, along with .Brother Rene's exper· • ience and a dedicated group of students, paid divi· dends for the Forum. Brian McDermott, Fred Dini, · and Jol10 Randazzo held the positions of presi· dent, vice-president, and secretary, respectively. These three, along with fellow senior Larry Harbi· .son, anchored a young team.. Juniors Charles King, Jim Wickersham, Tom West, and John Bod· den each made notable contr:ibutions. Other strong underclassmen staffed this team as well, and Dave Rafferty, John Dilenno, Dan Barbalace, Joe Golderer, Marc Goldbacher, and Chris Paul all had. successful years. Gabriel Bevilacqua won· ders . why Forensics only reminds people of Quincy, M.E.

Brian McDermo.tt reaches. for his speech aides.


Engaged in the Great Debate The forensics season lasts from September un· tiJ May, and almost every weekend the Forum rolled off to a tournament in some exotic location. Whether it was New York, Boston, or Shikellamy, PA(?), they gave it their al). They get respect not only from their faithfulness to practices or their many victories, but also for their endurance in spending so much time in the elegant comfort of the school vans. Seriously though, it is doubtful you could find clearer indications of applied intel· Jigence anywhere in school. Some of them act out plays or poems, others give speeches on peris· troika and the Persian Gulf, and stiU others de· bate such issues as the United States' policies on space, education, or the environment. Each mem· ber displays his unique talents and usually, in a word, wins{ The Forum this past year saw a transition to a new leader although maintaining annual success. Increased participation and solid, returning "word"·men mark the signs of good things to come in the future. LaSalle's most expressive stu· dents have displayed, in th.e words of Brother Rene, "a plethora of cerebral activity", and should be, without debate, considered pros.

Charles King asks, "Where did I win this tro· phy?"

1rother Rene Sterner ,oughts.

helps Brian McDermott




Sean Hendrick better forget about being selected All路Matho路 lic.

Mr. James Roche, mathemat路 ical warlord, leads the troops to the limits.

"What do you mean, no calcu路 lators?!"



Keep on Counting

+, -,, -;-, and = are some of the symbols with which Mathletes spend Saturday mornings once a month. At LaSalle living the life of a numbers whiz means being a "Mathlete". They are prodigies who try to expand their mathematical aptitudes exponentially under the tutelage of Mr. James Roche and Mr. John Frizolone. Once a month they give up (watching) their Saturday morning (cartoons) to test their intelligence against students from other local schools. The" co-presidents" of the Mathletes (all the senior members - Rob Blasi, Mark Campbell, Mike Cunningham, Sean Donnelly, Sean Hendrick, and Khoa Nguyen - we're mathematical, not hierarchical) provide the team leadership. The signs of intelligence in these dedicated students come out in their love of math brain-twisters - and their hunger for free donuts. Another group that enjoys mixing binomials and breakfast are the under-

class members of the Mathlete squad. Led by those incredible brothers Shah, Ojas and Amol, the underclassmen make up the backbone of the team. The seniors may have more advanced classes than the underclassmen, but integral calculus does not help you add apples and oranges. Although the official Mathletes compete Saturday, you too could be a Mathlete without knowing it. To see if you are a Mathlete answer these questions: 1. Have you ever been asked to take a math contest in class? (Yes, they all make us take them.) 2. Did you do well on that contest? If you answered "yes" to the second question, then you are a Mathlete because your score could have been sent in to the contest officials, with Your name on it. YOU, a Mathlete, live with that.

Sean Donnelly says, "I factor, therefore, I am."


Giving a Helping Hand


his year the LaSalle Community Service Corps was fortunate enough to have strong leadership in the form of President Rob Blasi, Vice· President John Trainer, and Secretary/ Treasurer Will Spearing. Mr. Alfred Puntel and Mr. Michael Ponisciak con· tinued their unfaltering commitment to community service as faculty moder· ators for the organization. LaSalle's Community Service Corps divided their efforts among six different programs. Each program was organized and run completely by its own senator, with the CSC President, VicePresident, Secretary /Treasurer, and Moderators serving as monitors to ensure the success of each program. Operation: Incentive was LaSalle's ef· fort to encourage the learning and intellectual development of grade school children. Each week LaSalle students left for Holy Family Grade School in Roxborough. Once there they tutored the grade-school children in basic sub· jects such as Math and English, and helped the children out with any other

Bill Molinari

problems they might have been having. With his calming influence, Senator Bill Molinari ensured that LaSallian in· telligent life perpetuated itself through this sharing of knowledge. Operation: Elderly was a program where LaSalle students visited elderly shut-ins at Mount St. Joseph's Villa. Many of the residents at the Villa, in· eluding retired sisters and Christian Brothers, appreciated the weekly visits and found it a comfort that they were not forgotten. Elderly's senator, John Trainer, demonstrated the prime characteristic of LaSalle's dominant intelligent life form: the ability to handle both an office and a senator position simultaneously, and he excelled at both. Operation: Swim, led by Chris Ober· holzer, was a large program that brought together students from LaSalle, Archbishop Ryan, Bishop McDevitt, Mount St. Joseph's, Gwynedd-Mercy Academy, and St. Basil's Academy to teach inner-city grade school children how to swim. More important than

finally understands after the problem has been ex· plained 10 times.


Rob Blasi and John Trainer pose with Brother Michael Means F.S.C., at Mount Saint Joseph's Villa. Brian O'Hara and Christian Roccia mold young minds in their quest for knowledge.


"No looking in the boy's locker room!.,

"Hey, you,


pay attention."

Corps Looking For a Few Good Men imparting basic swimming skills, the high school students served as role models for the younger children, giving them someone to look up to. Amnesty International was the LaSallian branch of the international organization for the promotion of political free· dom. Under the leadership of Mrs. Muriel Mehr and Senator Brian Carr, LaSalle students met to discuss the world geopolitical situation and write letters on behalf of political prisoners in Third World countries. Operation: Santa Claus was a massive gift-giving effort coordinated by the CSC's Central headquarters. LaSalle served on a local level, assigning two children to each homeroom and then making the homeroom responsible for the fund-raising and purchasing of gifts 'or underprivileged city children. Once

the gifts were bought by the home· room, they were collected and sent to St. Basil's Academy, for the traditional LaSalle-St. Basil's Wrapping Party, where students wrapped gifts and separated them according to family. On ·Christmas Eve, teams of LaSalle students dressed as Santa Claus drove to each family's home and delivered the gifts. The CSC's spring Breadbasketba/1 collection, this year co-organized by Spe· cial Events Senator Will Spearing and Tournament Senator Rob Blasi, was part of a city-wide effort to raise food and money for people in need. Homerooms competed against each other to see who could collect the most food. Highpoints of this year's Breadbasketball effort included a Basketball Tournament with Gwynedd-Mercy Acade-

my, a Volleyball Tournament with St. Basil's Academy, and another Volley· ball Tournament solely for LaSalle students and faculty. LaSalle's CSC expanded its efforts this year to include a Street Outreach program to provide food and informa· tion for the homeless in Philadelphia, and an environmental program: S.A. V.E. - Students Against Violations to the Environment. The CSC's motto this year was: "Get involved!" A simple message, but it re· vealed a lot about LaSalle's school community. We care about the world around us, and the CSC gave us the op· portunity to make a difference in the community through our actions. -

Rob Blasi, '91

Chris Stark instructs young swimmers on the finer points of swimming.




.. '


Student CQuncil. TakeUs•·tc)Your·Leaders

... st:ri:f~t:i;:~{:~w;;}dt:; ::;:::. ;:;::::::~~"!:::~~:.~ Couiic:il office on the way down to· lunch;lnmost cases, thereis'some . •.•. 'dHig~pt ~.e0:afor using ··his. free·· ··•.tim~ get important council business taken care of, or at least usi,n~ that as .a pretense to gooL oH.Jnvariably, the average. La-· saHe,st1Hlent, curiou~ as heis, fijid.~ hirii~elf a~king; '.'What ex: adly is this so·called 'important busines~· a11yh<n.v?''. . . Believe it or not/ the. Student ··councildoesanincredibleamount ofwork,.forthe betterment of the strident'~·life. Uncletthe direction ofPr.~sident Dan Keenan ~~d Vi· ce:-Presidents Ryan Tyrrell and Jamie Barton, the council pro-



..vironment •.All profits earned from progtariis such as the everspopular mixers, the student raffle, and recycling help deserving La~aUe students to pay their tuition, If.the typjcal .LaSalle .student stm needs proof. of the commitrnent and perseverance c,f the Student Council, h.e should speak · up. They are always more than willing to hear any suggestions, and they'll do everything possible to make ..the .high .school experi· ence enjoyable and fulfilling. After. all, the .Cmincil members are concerned LaSalle students too. Brian McDermott '91

Natio1"a}·•Honor ··society '',',


Talk about lnte·tligence .' .. 'rile Nati"'nal lforwr .Soc~ety has. ·•:J··beenan integr~lJ)art .;f.the operation of LaSalle this ~ear ..Through .academic and S«>CJafend~av<>r.~, thi~ oo,tstancling group of st11de~ts has. furthered LaSalle's traditi~n· of ex~ celle~ce. ·. . ·...•.•.. . ·.·. ·........ .. . Br9thefDilvidRogers, F.S.<;., acts as the lllocleratorfor .theNHS; Under his guidanc~, PresidentTom Butler, • .·Vf«de President Domenic Mai~a. · Tr~a~·urer Steve. Matthe\V~;eand Sec- . retary. Joh~ .Nurphy ha~e.~elped t~e . ' oi:ganiz,ati<~n/to ru~ e#~ctively and smoothly~ .. . . • . . / . .. TheN'm, actsinmc1ny:\Vaystoaide .. LaSalle.; Its me>s( Piominenf p~o. gratn continu~s·to b.e tutoring; ~bich . is run by co;mod~rator Mrs. Clare Bro~n: Along with 'fotn Buder, Mrs. a.rown 9rgani~es. and. matches stu.. dentsin.need.ofa~ademic support with NHS 111~mbers'.last year .o'1er 100 students beri~fitted. frolll,this prngrc1111 .. ·· . . . . The. Se>detyalso assists the ad·· mh1i1ot~~ti~n at evepts!i.11ch. as . .Fresh111a~Qriet1tc1tion, Qpen House; and Graduati<>n:.Tlie members have ~~eri ve);y wHlihgto setve the~cho<>f .... ·a~<:ftheir help has be~n.invaluable; . . ·LastI>ec~mber, 4ljunior~ and seniors.:w~re inductea' into the NHS .. ••1'h,eywere sele.~Je4 ~ya pa,tielQfJac·•··· ulty evaluators ~ho ina~e. sure they 111ef.the q~alifica,tion.s .fril' .lllember• ··~~ip; The$e n~w .members,: lik;Jh~ predeces$or.s, m9st:,'h~ye a grade .pointaverage of3.5 01'better, have anapprnxhnate n.umber. ofextracur·. ···ricular ..• ~ctivities, an<J.displ~y th'e .·..necessary' .qualities !)fScholarship, .. Servfoe,Leadershipi, a~a.character: .: ... ....... • These .s~udentfi.haye clearlydeni· .•· onstr~ted Signs of lnt~Uigent Ufe: . Tliey have dis~in~~i~tie«t t.hem~el\7;s •· ··as se;i6us.•~aSaUe students. ductive member~:of their•'c~mmunitJ,.; . ..

< .<. ·..• •<



."C1os~your eyes

and repeat af· ter me: 'Mara~atha/ " Domenic Fulginiti gets help from NHS tutor Fred Dini.

S.A.D.D.· ·..f:lappy to Keep lJs Alive

.·.· 5

A~D.D., Students Against. . .mit1:ees, Mrs .. Ponisdak, and the . • Driving Drun~, has been 011e administration~ . . .f th~ ~reaJest proponents of an .The Furid~Raising Committee nt':lligent Life. This organizati<>ri met frequently to discuss new . ,as flourished here. at LaSalle, ideas about how to solicit money ritlt over 100 01embe.-s tltit.year. in order to. keep S.A'.D.D. ftinc~ frs~ Uorotliy P<>nisciak again tional. Through raffles and sales, o.ode~c1tor, alongside a senfor these members successfully ,oardhelpingtoeducate studet'.tts earned resources toget.the mes~ c.onse• sage across as creatively as J)OS~ :bout the dangerous 1uences of driving while. intoxi.· sible. atedi The next .group, k.nown as .the .The.Organiz.;tional Committee Educational Committee,. handled s made up <>fsenio;s John Cro;. the S.A.D.D. facts. These stu_. tey;MarkCaiµpbell, CarlosTo~res de.nts obtained .statistics. about ind Mark McCann. These four occturencesof dri11king and drivtave schedulec:l meetings, ar· ...•· ing~ Then they went around. to a!lged Ill¢mber~hip, and acted .as .. home~ooms to inform everyone ia.isons betwe.e1rthe other. com; .about S.AD.D;'s message.



The Publicity Committee, ·the final group, was in charge of mak· ing Signs ofJntelligent Life~styles. Through p()sters and pictures these members worked hard to decorate the school with remind, ers about the risks of driving while drunk. · S.A.D.D. does ndt condone drinking among. minors. Further· more; it ma.kes its stance very cle.ar .in that it vehemeµtly op. poses drinking tlten dtiving. S;A.D;D. provides a constant re~ minder that without Life there can be no Signs of Intelligence. · Mark Campbell '.91

Black Student Union Peace uring the past school year La Salle's B.S.U., Black Student Union, has become greatly signif· icant in the community. As determination and leadership have increased in this expanding or· ganization, so have productivity and acceptance. In many ways the B.S.U. has re· mained the same due to previous success. Mr. Joe Parisi and Mr. Tom Turner are still both actively involved in the group as moder· ators. Open gym nights were planned to amass recognition and support, as were trips to Sixers games. The homeless drive for clothes and toiletries was again effective. And February, Black History Month, gave the B.S.U. an opportunity to educate La Salle about the past accomplishments


in the Black community. With these successes in mind, new leaders and prospectives brought the association even more distinction. The combined efforts of president Geoff Crawford and vice-president Bill Nichols have proved very fruitful in the opera· tion of the B.S.U. this year. The B.S.U. joined forces with the C.S.C. on some projects to better serve the community. Also, Mr. Michael Dolan assisted the club as a co-moderator. One of Geoff's key concerns has been to put good ideas into action as quickly as possible. Because of this conscientious nature and a lot of hard work, the 1990·91 B.S.U. has made more of a positive im· pact than ever before. Bill Nichols '92

The 1990-1991 Black Student Union


Mr. Parisi ponders ..• "I won· der what a goatee would feel like

r. Dennis Blob on trial

Mock Trial LS Law n 1991, the Pennsylvania Mock Trial Competition proved very successful for La Salle. Led by Mr. Dennis Blob, moderator, and Mr. Michael Cassidy, lawyer-adviser, the participants underwent an in· valuable experience that they will never forget. Trying a case in front of an actual judge in an actual courtroom gave each member of the team a firsthand look at the preparation and execution of a trial. A Mock Trial team consists of three lawyers and two witnesses. Each school is required to try a case once as the prosecution and then as the defense. This year, re· turning members of the team were seniors Mike Cunningham, Quin· tin Mecke, Michael Mullen, Mike


BLOH, DENNIS 0867~.09

Sinopoli, and Scott Wimmer. New members included seniors Chris Dezzi, Joe McNichol, and Jeff Timinski, and junior Fred Sapp. The team prepared their case for several weeks, brainstorming ideas and practicing their opening and closing arguments, direct and cross examinations, witness responses, etc., until their trial date at the Norristown courthouse. There they performed brilliantly. Participating in a trial under re· al conditions gave the team worthwhile training in prepara· tion, speech, etiquette, and quick· thinking skills. It was an incredible experience that each member will value through his life. Mike Sinopoli '91

e Mock Trial Crew

"I think we should ask for a court· room in the new wing."

Joe McNichol as the Homicidal Lawyer



Gazebo The Perfect Publication or over a quarter of a cen· tury, LaSalle's literary mag· azine, the Gazebo, has presented various and unique student offer· ings in fine arts, narrative, poetry, and essay. This year's publication proved no exception, as modera· tor Mr. Michael O'T oole helped motivate, refine, and fuse the abundant artistic talents of the student body of LaSalle. The Ga· zebo draws its life from the pool of imaginative efforts of students in the creative writing classes and art classes, as well as from other contributors throughout the school. The magazine offers students "an opportunity to think critical· ly, think critically again, and to express that critical thinking,"


"l know he won't like it, I'm go· ing to have to do another draft."


says the bearded overseer. Revi· sion becomes the most important process in this, LaSalle's most public collection of literary work. The final product of this year's Gazebo evolved from thinking, drafting, discussing, re· thinking, second (and third, and ... ) draft· ing, more discussing, and ... well, you get the picture. The finished work exalted the finest of our school and presented the student body a diverse and original vol· ume of stories, poems, and art work of which they could be proud. The Gazebo, LaSalle's most ex· pressive sign of intelligence, once again declares the LaSalle stu· · dent's creative talents, developed skills, and powerful imagination. Mike Cunningham '91

,1 \./ I I ,( i




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Bike Club Putting Their Mettle to the Pedal ve been riding in the passenger seat of this van for quite some time alongside of Brother Joe Myers, and still there is no sign of our three renegade bike riders to· day. The trio started up again af· ter lunch three hours ago, and we let them get a head start before we took off behind them. Now I think Brother Joe wishes that he hadn't given them that much time. It doesn't seem possible that they could have gotten that far ahead. I find it hard to believe that these three bikers could be going that fast, considering that they've already ridden seventy miles to· day. I'd be lucky to make thirty, which is why I'm sitting in the van, and not on a bike seat. I usually don't ride on days when they go this far; I just tag along for moral support. Anyway, if they're still going so fast, I don't think they'll have any problem finishing the entire course today. The route itself con· sists of one large circle, beginning and ending at La Salle, with one hundred and four miles (or what· ever Brother Joe's new goal is) of long road in between. All three of these guys tackling this challenge have been rigorously training on individual parts of it. All of their hard work seems to have paid off. "Well now, there they are," says Brother Joe rather calmly. "It's good that they stayed together." And sure enough, our three he· roes materialize in front of us, about a quarter-mile ahead of us,


still riding steadily. In other cas· es, faster·paced riders would pull ahead of the others, making it dif· ficult for Brother Joe to keep track of them all. These three, however, seem to be keeping pace with each other. That's the intel· ligent thing to do. If you ride at a different pace than everyone else, you end up riding alone, which can be suicidal to your morale at such a great distance. Riding together seems to have kept their spirit very much alive. As we ride past them they shout and cheer themselves on. Just as we begin to lose sight of them be· hind us, they begin squirting each other with their water bottles. Brother Joe lets out a quick laugh and says, "Now they're getting silly. After seventy miles or so you just begin to get silly." Silly or not, there's no sign of any loss of en· ergy throughout the day for these three bikers. Months of training were definitely worth it. When we've gotten a good dis· tance in front of them, we pull over to the side of the road and get out to applaud them as they pass, and to ask if there are any problems, such as a flat tire. They appear again over the horizon, approach· ing at a rapid speed. As they get within earshot, Brother Joe calls out to them: "Any problems?" "No way, man," replies one of them enthusiastically. "We're go· ing all the way!" Joe Cieplinski '92

The 1990·1991 Bike Club




do the 102!"


' )

'":''\,<',,' ',,,,'',:,, ,J


Lif~.of>:t.hi,~Sltipe~· ... ·, ,,,,

his is one STEEP hill. Ski Trip moderators Bob 'n' Rob and Maher 'n' Sayer






1 ,"







'The day had finally. come'. W~ t,op of'this ..traitMr;.R.e'inh~rdt .I. were on an Adventure Tour sneered'~Wh?seb,rilliantideawas Bus heading north .te>Vermont~ . this?u He. then pr()ceecled to tdp The trip would last seven hours ~nd fall: down :the slope(taking and the anticipation was height- . se11ior .Dan 'Craig with him. ·The ened with each passing minute;• · rest of.us saw ~nly a clo ...d ofsnow The bus was completely ·packed and four skis. laying across the with luggage, boots, and skis ..We. mountain .. We returned to the were· a group of forty-two people. lodge ai the. end of· the. day ,and including four chaperons: Mrs. then drove bc1ck to Burlington. Maher, Mr. Reinhardt, Mr. Rus~ Saturday night was the most sell, and Mrs. Sayer. enjoyable 011ewe spent at the ho· We arrived in Burlington, Ver~ tel.. The chaperons were busy mont, around nine that evening throughout the night .ind girls and checked into the Sheraton. were down the. halJ. We all enWe were surprised at the changes joyedMark O'Neill'sNintendo and made to the hotel. This year they other forms of e.ntertainment. By had installed a heated pool and midnight most of us were!.already hot tubs, which occupied most of packed and in bed. our spare time at nights .. Our cur~ The final day was spent on. Su· few was .set at midnight, yet garbush Nodh (Mt. Ellen). We all seemed to be getting earlier ~ach · enjoyed the last day of skiing.Mrs. night. Mayer, Mr. Russell, and Mrs. SayThe next morning we were up er skied together, while Mr; Reinat six·thirty. That day we headed hardt .skied with us. There were to Smuggler's Notch. It snowed moguls, rocks, and ice which made throughout the day and we en- the day challenging for all. We joyed some great powder skiing; heard some Vermont residents Unfortunately, Madonna Moun· comment that senior.s Mark tain wasn't open; however, there O'Neill; Mike Vile, and Jim were some nice black diamonds McNamee skied like maniacs; accessible. We drove back to the At four that afternoon we rehotel in a ·blizzard and promptly luctantly loaded the bus and enjoyed its amenities. headed for home. The drive On Saturday we woke. up even seemed like it would never end, earlier. We spent our day at Stowe, but we tried to keep busy .with ra· experiencing the best conditions dios, games, and sleep. Thanks to there. Many double diamonds our bus driver. and our tour guide, were open including Liftline, the. Woody, we arrived safely at La Glades, and the infamous Goat. Salle around one· thirty in the Lift lines weren't too bad as long morning. We were all exhausted as we· avoided the quad. after three days of skiing, yet we By late afternoon it began already.had a yearning to return snowing again. Mr. Reinhardt and to the majestic slopes of Ver· a group of us went down the doumont. ble diamond called Liftline. At the Tom McDonald '91




Print .'T'be Wistedan; LaSaUe's Sill· a.dded ·.fresh. Jnsight into each newspaper, has SUC"'. Jle\\lS article: . . . . ces~fully. illfoi:med.µs abo11tthe Jim Lloyd. and Robert Blasi . Si{JAsof Intelligent.Lit~ at oµr .·· edite:a the.Features se.dion of · s'choof this :year, Thes.ta ..ff· e.a.c:liWis. Jifohandled profiles . w.orked <liHgently to create .a alld hu~or, while RoJ> was in fine publication. whose. merits cllarge of JJ;ie Wis-reviews. were app~r~nt with ever-y is~ . Sports£dit~rsJ,teve Matthe\\TS sµe. >< ·... · • / ··•·· ...····· ·.·. iutd Ca;lo$ Torres cover~d the As alw,ys, notice.al)le.cltang,-, la.tes.t. in. Expl~rer. action. while es were Se'111in the.()yed.l<>\\Ti~~.. making sure that.they weren't .rnasthec1d.••Tbe biggest Dleta~ ··redµ11dant~Y placingtbewords . lllOrJ>hosis wets fo the ~o~itiin Ycre"1'.' an.d ''team'(. together,. of rnodt?I)ltof; r.t:r,cFrall<:J:-······· Other responsible parties in~· Johnson. earned the sole .title; eluded Art Edit~r C:hris St;uk; u~·sic~~$t~nt ..·r~tnindi~· <ff. a11dBrendanGaul, th<?depend~ W~ilt Call..l)e \'vrit~¢Jl,ctJlcltiioi:~, able sophom<>,:e. Photogrctphy often, what CANNOT. be writt Editor. J:c;mtrU>uting Editors •• ten 'art if le. Eclit<>r·iJl· M.cJrlinB~owri,.T. Br~ndan .But· Chief r.t:khael ~arac;ino k:ept .a. le;, and Michael. ·.Cunnirigham co.«>1 head as. ¢y~ry deadline ap· · did the .necessary scout work .p~oaclt¢d( mc1sterfullr. organiz· ·.for the; othe}s while ~~eating Jllg pr-~du~tion:J'tf,1rk Camp·: 01any .headlines . ..1:,eU, ,~o-:1\~soc;iateEditor; kept . . •..Jane .and .ber .coUecJgues . at . in ~o~s.ta~t, ann9.Y:ing~;ntact ·.;Olney Printing & µrapbic;s must ::W~tll;edft(!rf(llnd W~iters\while ..•.also'. be ac;knp\\Tl~clgedfor their "Sc;QttWiDlmer,Associilte Edi- efforts. And.of course, the . to{ #.2,;' (;rpha~eticahy, qualityJo(.thit.. year's rte\Vspa~




. i::r~~)·.t!S


0,f ·~y- . :;,ie::i~it:o:Ytt:::~!;:a~•

·.'thf/malitllead als<trevealed ry :worlc of Wi~terian>wdt~rs, .• w'9rlc~ti.to- · . c.c1rtoonists, and photograph~rs . mi;e>~d.itori seiheJ'..~o.tn.ake thit,; year's.Wis · who, for the most part, sot Jheir ~ewt, contributi<>n~An on time. Not . Jn,\e~~sti1g, c1~j.:un,jqµe; :EditoJs~JolinRa11dazzQ<)ndWHI .· c>nly~id ~hey.h~;~ to t<>le~ate · ',SJ)ea~,in~.sci-apped.tl!e.poHtic~I ··.·last-minute deadline.s, but also .. ·.:; tom~ent~ri~s ~w~ cl~ycalc>~ef· push/ e.ditors. ~ho J~ithfully. ·/ . Jn ;The. Worl<h a r~c;urnng formen.ted them~ All of.their .. ' Pje~e'.ivhi~h;P,is·eri(c'u,rre~fi~~t wprk proved .Jritellig~rit Life SU~ io ;pe.cifl<=,.students;au.d ·.~bounds a.i.L~S~lle. . . . .. ~h~n· print~d. tHeir vi~UT~.ve;- . Ma.~kC,a01pbell '91


<~~~ilfl.,3J~~·~·}~diWH1'if 1~.cJ.YS.,

·yearbook Welcome to our World· · ,r,irough tumult· and chaos 1:his ·:I..year's• Blue·· and Gold eventu· ally took· form; ImpE!nding dead· lines and enormous amounts of wo.rk. created numerous problems .· -' and not a few. headaches and upset stomachs - for the year· book staff: TheJndust~ious (and, of course, imaginative) editors reached far (maybetoc> far) to al~ leviate the pressure. The group who sought to capture, in photo ··«ind· in print, LaSalle's ''Signs of Intelligent Life.'' functioned daily amid (and we really don't know why) a comic book. motif: Batman. This year's bookwas headed up by editor-in-chief John Trainer, "Batman"·. himself,. who super· vised the action by giving orders to the other ' 1characters." John always .saw theUght iri the sky (or a note on the office door) and zoomed i~. to save. the day when·. ever the "bad guys"i got tripped up. ··Photography editor Bren.dan Gaul, the Boy Wonder, s~rved as the ever-dependable sidekick to the staff. "Robin's" efforts in the Batcave (dark room) made all the photos clear. and readily available, even .at a moment's notice. Copy edhors in this (extremely) fictional. Gotham City were the adversaries dodging Batman. Mark Campbel), the.Riddler, could always provide a witty headline, a smart caption, or a puzzling re~

tnark. The Joker, Sean Hendrick, constantly wore a Napier-like.grin as he plotted humorous or.· crea· tive "feature" 1deas. CB Mulhern, the Penguin; waddled .around and g~ye,. as expected, a satiric op· posing view on .all writing, making us work harder to "get it right." Coordinating editor Bill MoUnari' s cool head. and diligence dubbed him Mr. Freeze,. the re· served, powerful foe. And Brnther Lirius unknowingly played Alfred, catering to the. abundant typing needs of the.staff (Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap .... DING . ·•. zzzing!). Mod· erator Mr. Edward Molush, Com· missioner Gordon, was armed daily with a red pen and a mind like a dictionary.He was assisted by Photography Moderator, Mr. William Geiger, alias Chief O'Hara. These two men remained dutifully aware of what .was hap· pening, yet were always a step or two behind Batman. Through Jong, sometimes frus· trating hours spent in Wayne .Manor, a.k.a. the yearbook office, this undeBATably dedicated staff finally and proudly produced (Ho· ly Journalism Class!!) the book you are reading. Join us. next year, same bat-time, same bat· chan· nel. Da·na·na-na~na·na·na·na-na· na~na~na·na·na·na·na .:....... BAT· MAN!! Mark Campbell '91 & CB Mulhern '91 Another Kiernan.


Bob McNichol -


ham -


hard at work.

LaSalle family.

LaSalle Mothers' Club ne of the inost obvious indi. cations that the LaSallian spirit is indeed alive and well is the Mothers' Club. In fad, it is virtually impossible to. attend La· Salle and. remain unfamiliar with its contributions· to the daily life of the school. The majority of the students at LaSalle have been made acquainted with these dedicated women through the valuabl~ services they provide'. S.chool functions such as the Open House, the Honors Convocation, and• the Junior Prom could not have achieved such sue· cess without the Mothers' Club. They have also made their presence felt through a wide variety


The 1990- 1991 Mothers' Club

Brother Bob is complimented tiful needlepoint.


on his beau·

of social activities like the Freshman Mothers' Tea and the Com· mun ion Dinner. The most notable contribution which these forty women have made is the organization of many school-sponsored fund raisers, of which the "LaSale" Auction is the most successful. This year, almost $85,000 was raised by the Mothers; Club in conjunction with the Men of LaSalle. The Mothers' Club is truly a clear sign to all of us· indicating the strength of community and generosity among our parents here at LaSalle. Bill Molinari '91


Mrs. Baer's

!3rother Tim ·is· shocked to discover two vinners for the same prize.

'Tfi~Men oftat;~.Ue··· organ.iza~ . .J. tion has been .a vital part of

ious setting. · The.Fathers'. .Club also.fosters the success of our schc)ol. This . informal relationship~ between club; which is made up of all parents and teachers: In.this re" ·taSallian fathers, provides worth~· spect, fathers can m<>re produc· while services. for t.lie · operation . tively 1>.eli>tlieir sons to .«fowell and enjoy01enf of the high sc.h.ooJ.· academically; Through .social ev.ents; the Men The mosfhnp«>rtant role the . of LaSalle Joins fathers and. sons Men· of LaSaUe play ..is· as a fundin .casual and formal activities; raising 9rganization. Through The Father-Son Banquet with fun<:tions sue~ as the .:'LaSale.'' .. guest speaker Harty Kalas. the 91'.<>UJ) can help ..families in. . brought these tnen together with . times of extreme financijll stress . to pay students' tuitions, ·. . deJidous. food .and interesting conversation. Th.e F~ther"Son Under the direction of Mr, John Spor.ts Night held at LaSalle UniWalker; president; and Brother versity yielded a fun a~d rel~xing Timothy Ahern, F,S.C., mod.era: experience fot all. And the Family .tor, th.e Men o.fLaSalle ~ssod~~ •· Liturgy SJ>Onsored by the .Men. of tion has helped keep the integi:ity. LaSalle united famUies. in a relig· of our acadtmtic mission .intact.


Harry<Kalas Salle,


the Men of La-

Harry Kalas offers Doug Kenseyhis ipe for kumquat pudding.



111 J.

Open House f'n •November,. the. most. promiswas being dissected for onlookers sixth,. seventh, and eighth with stronger stomachs in the .Bigrade students in the Philadelology Lab,. while the Wisterian phia .area were invited t:o visit staff across the hall explained the LaSalle during its annual Open . process of making a newspaper. House. This is the event which The National Honor Society and first introduces young men to Student Council patrolled the halls to answer any questions a LaS.alle. The school was in its highest form·. as members of. the . visitor might pose to them. By the faculty. and st.udent body greeted .front doors the band performed prospective Explorers ·and .their. as the crowd awaited Brother parents. Robert's welcoming speech. The Open House was an enorLaSalle.· did its best to· attract the junior high students. E.ach mously suc.cessful experience. in .the gym When the future leaders of La~ sport was.represented as coac,hes and athl~tes put on Salle meet current classes, an im· skillful demonstrations; The _,.ac~ pQr.tant moment is created. The~e ,'' young men.will embody the Signs ademic departments .an~ extraof •ntelligent Life through the curri~uh,wactivitie~ were all presdecade. ent in their assigned rooms with teachers and st~dents making l'ttike .Cunningham '91 presentation~. For .example, a cat









Mr. Geiger tries to.convince an eighth .grader that E:VEil'YONE takes'Latin. Brother}.inus


g~eets .a prospective "good. boy.''.












New Intramural Ball.

Game interrupted loser.

sport, American Gladiator's


as ambulance picks up Power Ball

Today's officials are Chad Stowe, Bro. Tim Ahern and Keith Tornetta.


'Hey B.T., open your eyes, it helps!"

lntramurals Homeroom Gladiators


s La Salle's athletics pro· gram strengthens due to championship football, baseball, track, and golf teams, and highly aggressive basketball and ice hockey teams, the competition for positions on each team increases among students. Therefore, those whose talents don't meet the ex· pectations of coaches are often left without starting positions, and sometimes without a space on the roster. So what does a student do when he gets cut from a team but still loves to participate in a cer· tain sport? He makes the smart choice and plays intramurals. Among the sports in the intramural program are basketball, golf, track, touch football, swim· ming, wrestling, volleyball, ping· pong, and tug-of-war. A student can join any or all sports if he chooses, regardless of athletic talent. All the student needs is an eagerness to compete, a willing· ness to meet classmates, and a

desire to have fun. The moderator of the intramu· ral program is Brother Tim Ahern. Brother Tim, now is his third year of organizing intramurals, feels that participation is a smart choice because it fosters life within the school. "Playing intramurals is a great way to promote friendship. A lot of times guys will be sitting in homeroom and they know other guys by face, but they don't know about these guys. The program provides a away for students to get to know each other. Students with interests in the same sports become friends through intra· murals." Also, the homeroom rivalry pro· vides a healthier, more enjoyable competition than that of varsity level sports. Friendship and fun are the two elements that make participating in intramurals a smart choice. Greg Linde '91

Chad Stowe perfects his left handed pass.

Mr. Johnson and Bro. James watch the action as Jim Maher and Brian Guckert tally the close scores.


Winter Dance Ice Ice Baby s I entered the front doors of La Salle from the cold exterior, I felt the restricting collar of my dress shirt gripping my throat like a neck brace. My palms seemed slightly sweaty and my mouth somewhat dry. Surges of strong cologne and sweet perfume rushed through my nostrils. As I peered through the stagnant air I was overcome by a sea of black dresses and sculptured hair. Small freshman duos had eager expressions on their young faces. The only sounds piercing enough to conquer the thunderous music occurred when girlfriends recognized one another. My date and I had just entered La Salle's Winter Dance. Held on Friday, December 7, 1990, this semi-formal affair attracted people from each class. An equal number of guys in ties and girls with corsages enjoyed the evening out which included the basic D.J., snacks, and soda. To the right of the entrance,


ve had worse nights!

"But Senor Blanco, I swear I bought a ticket."

outside of the main office, stood a temporary photo studio where couples could get their picture taken in a Christmas setting. Mrs. Maher's true calling sparkled at her station in the gym as "coatcheck lady." Senor Blanco inspected our dates as he collected the $10 tickets in front of the auditorium. And the ambience of romance which ruled the dance floor during ballads was only disturbed by the seemingly 8-feet tall patrolman, "Eagle-eye" Molush. Later, I felt a much looser collar around my neck, damp with sweat. My thirst had been quenched a few times with refreshing cups of 7Up. Scents faded and blended and were finally one. Formerly ironed dresses and perky hair seemed a bit frazzled. Ninth graders appeared nervous and anxious about an impending goodnight kiss. The final song finished to leave a deafening buzz in my ears. The 1990 Winter Dance had concluded. Mark Campbell '91

Ladies, ladies there's enough of me to go around. Gee, I hope she shows."















~~11,ttn,l t~mi•· 1

·-L(JSall{~r6Js •·f

·.f I Jha:.·pprao ..cxkt"ms.·.··• :awt·a·e· r..•·.m.Y ..J··.·.7.c. :01~.tthoi ..n.·.:s•·.·.g.·0::··.·.·.tmo···.· ... ·••.. ··.rl.•.u.·e.ns\.·. ecord,finished.stro~{J·in .a.'highly com·•:••.:

a~ . . petitive league; Led by three·ye~r 'An~ver the cours~ of an or4ii)ary; relaxing > CathoHckevin Scully ~ncl 2nd team J.\11·/ five day get·awa~ vacation,inAugust? (;atholic'runher~ Chrisllilty ana Stev~ Certainly ·n.ot LaSalle~s Cros.s.Ce>untiy •.•. Roeser'. the .•tea made succM~ifuf •· . Team. Perhaps this is why the/t:ecin(of ...••showings in Delaware (finishing<!ith out. wet runners remained huddled .in. 6f28te'ams)andirithe Eastern•Cham~· ··sleeping bags wh~n nt>t runn:ing in the p1onship, held in. Van·. Cordtlat1d Park, New York (3rd out Of23.teams in the unusually cold, harsh 'conditirins of this year's running camp, While theteam · "B,, race). Within the C~t~olic League, was still able to compl~te the mileage LaSaUe was overshadowed .by .several comf)etiti.ve opponents. H~weve.r, a.I· despite the w~ather-, the runners were · much happier training'. in. the familiar ..th<>ugh.many people expected LaSaUe confines of Valley 'Green:.c.om:peting to finish only 5,th or 6th. in Champs, the until November, .the. runners .contiriu.ed Explorers surprised them alhvitha 3rd .to train well .after fall had arrived '«lnd place finish, defeating Fad1er.Judge and · the]eaJes·had fallen. .Ar.chbisbop .Ryan, while. µpseUing This year's t~am, c::ompHing a t9d Bishc:,p.McDevitt in. a tie~breaker; . . .










Galloping Gazelle~




1Iit!!f ..ri!t~~t ~!iifIii&~ thf·teJim'.~ndt,tre~J6e1orisf1>hysicji:t1v·,t•

·)~~2~!~it1 ...

Matthews, the team began with at11bi~ .·.•.. ·tious optimi!llD,'\Vithlh~ s~ason. rci,cing ..•.• ..··. 'al<>ng,)h~.·.t:eamreniaine~ tompetltiiie/'. /· a:i:tdfocused·through .victoryand:di!!!~·.· : ,,' '.·,\,. ',:, '. : ' '\,' ·-:<~·,· .,:., ,,, '·.·,· ,'' > .·. ·.'·.· .. '·· .>.'.': '··. ··'<·.,. , · appoh1tment. ,Whe11 Noven1~er r~Hed{ ·.' arourid; the ru'nners were •an1<iht1sly/ •· :;w,itingthe£inalrace-0lt1u~ seaso~ at·· ·. Belm<>nt.PlaieauJ · · ·.······•·· . ··.. ~

..... ·ii.With str611;)1er£6rmancesl>'ythe ii11-i< >cierctassm:e~ in·c~a111iis <trishfuan 3rd; } i >

·'. JV 2n<l),LaSalle looks(orlVar~.t<>,n,x1:· /.•.· ; •/,'year'.~ season:.·:rii,·return·or.· ..sopno~·.•···· / · .•...mol'es Steve Roes(frand Mark Beaver,/'. ·.. ,each of wh'«>mcontrihHtedt 9tb~s yearis .· a ..;itr; willhelp compensate for,Jhos<i . ·runners gi;ad'!ating; Qtherrunn4:lrsvital .·. {<>,futureSl(C~~~~ are ~u~i~i'.s1:i~~Go!->... cora~; John Miijnfoh; and Milie Ren'zie, •. ~long with ~dpho~ores .Kevin..Boyle, Mike Kerlin, and'Doug l>enieter; Hop· drier start, and an .~ven ing. for i stronger finish, n~x(year sh~uld.pl'ove. t<>be another SUccessftd Sei\SOn fo~· l.aSaUe; s Cross Cd~ntry; .•· i > .·• · ·· · · · · John Muiphi, *gi·

' ,v



Soccer Boaters Make a Strong Showing a Salle's 1990 soccer team, coached by Mr. Bob Peffle, began the season with a reserved attitude. There were many difficulties to contend with in the Catholic League. However, strong de· fensive play and depth in the midfield and front line positions kept the Ex· plorers competitive against all of their opponents. This year's outstanding varsity dis· played a lot of spirit and spunk, to say the least, on and off the field. The sen· iors contributed greatly to this cama· raderie, a group which included co· Captains Jason Lottier and Jeff Cun· ningham, Greg Ciaverelli, Joe Lopez, Billy Mcfadden, Craig Neverosky, Brian Poehlman, and Mike Vile. After they depart in June, capable underclassmen are expected to continue their fearless


play. The varsity finished with a 7·5·4 league record and an 11 ·5·4 record overall. The principal reason for any losses was the many injuries suffered by key players at inopportune times during the season. Meanwhile, the J.V. and Freshman teams both had sue· cessful seasons. This past year, the soccer team maintained good work habits and strong determination to be successful. Hopefully, next year, La Salle's climb in the ranks will be continued. With a large group of experienced players re· turning and several talented under· classmen ready for varsity play, the Ex· plorers' hopes for the next season are very high. Mike Vile '91

Roger Harrington less defender.


goes past a clue·

Nothing tition.

like a little friendly compe·

Joe Flynn ... the unstoppable man with the ball.

Small UFO mistaken by Dan Ryan.

Eddie Kiernan asks, foot? Yes, have some."


for a ball


Good Season at 11-5-4

l\~J : . . '



Mike, that is a ball." Joey Ricci dribbles downfield.

Jeff Cunningham from the cor路 ner.

Roger Harrington goes past yet anoth路 er clueless defender.

He shoots, he Scor,

"Now Jeff, is that legal?"


heads one down路


Actually scrum?

a rugby



.::tJ,Jiiy~J:stibi:~}Ai.J1a :'.·.B ..'.· .. ··.·.·.·.·•. '~Jr~ Wjel..~ii.kl. ~;*;7 \ind. ,>'/co"'><,'.';



'.;h·····i· 11····.1··.jh. ··.~/e·:···.:x·.·.'.:.~ ...•. e.···.··.·.·.·.e.•.:. n.·t··· '.:·.c·c·o·.···.·.a.'Ch···.)·r·····.g··.·•.•.•.·.•·.· eOb ··• ··· .oHRobert Reinhardt; Robert ..·. fndi:ew•Mutreni f.une:in 2l~tc ·,(~inieczki,:. ~nd :J~$epl{ Swee11ey~·. >6Iace?oyer.alJ,.·e.vet1. afj:ei ij;~:;. ·LaSalle Fiill Ci-ew'lias h~d. oneof·· • br~ke ni~.rigger. aridhad. jump fts, itiost J>t~clt1£Jlyes~c1~011' i ·e~e,r.•. frolll the boat:•.Rowing 1.vith:sev~ri •sTh~ cle,Ucat.edO"Jow~rs.•. competed··• 1I1en,•the bi>~t·rnana'ged)o· hold a.t.high:s<:.llools a11d )coHeges ••.offcoUeget>;oats .su~has 'en11and throughoutth~~ast:~ttetnpting to }Georgef~wn, showirig tffei ti"eW's .· i·foaintain the domi~ance t~at they an~,d~sfreJ<> JNin, < .·.·•· . achieved last yea~(• Despite the Varsity:8\lack of. ······••'.:.•The faljseaion,was defi~itely a. ) gold• med~lsi :this seaso~ icari,be .· \./'.t~citlll' effott,';.i's;.ev~ry'l)oat.Jin-; ....s~~n )if.~·.<lefitiite s11ct~ss, ~sp~~ / 7 Jslted r~sp.eJtively in .fhe·.toqgli ··.·cfallyJorother boats -011theJeam; ..··...• Jiead~race. sch'edul{ Th~\Zatsity··· .. The \1~rs'ity~4; 1Ilaqe 'up6( c6x'..> .. ··•·*;·~~11ghtwithac;~~e·~fliaaiuck.i·.•. swain Andrei~ Mat1a~)JiW. Cos; ·<.Illapagecfto :c~fupei~:·~ith/:other : gl'ove;,Ni",ce·Htilllmen, .JohriCro~ •.<.... .•..ltighschools·.i.nthearea, despiti. •niy,~11ck~ike,~ilkin,?m~d~:(,••.• .. equipmentJail~re~· ~nd c~nsider- deit'dly impac•t ontio'ats across the ·•.... l.asan~·s "'ater, .iitustl'ating/the tiarit's • :····· · · . ably less practice ti1ne: ·. best display ofdetei:1I1ination and. :quality jl.ndabiUty. Firstr,1~¢e·fin· :.···········.·.:: ...•strength was· at ''Th~ Head of the {• is hes ·from'the JV ·8, JV-4; iatid ···•. Charles,,. rin tllf Charles Ri~f?rin N()vi~e-8 proved ~he stf ~llgth and Boston: . ..· ·.••·...•.·... ·.·. ··· . ·...• · skill .ofJhe s9p~omo.-~s . .-rid ju11· ·..· Th~ Varsity~8.~ c<>n~i~ti11g/of...iors.Overalhfrwas~great season . ·.·. . <:<>xswain.PatO'HaUerahan; Ryan . for Fall Crew at laSalle. ·. ·.·.·.· Tyrr~U,Chris KirJipafrick, Tim . . . ·T.J: 1Alilion;9f r>oivns, Jilil ~igmund, 1'.J: Wilsoll,


>~nl ?'· ..•·..·.·.··.· ·.<t ·.·.··.:·


· ,..,. :~a§all~e\Tctjsity 1:~dt~J11)>egln , ·..s<ict~oil; :,tltitea~. Jo~t,·tp'Bjsho.p ...:th\i1?9((sea:~o~:withg~iiat'.b~~es. ,r;tcD~vitt;but defeated Cardinct1··.· ail~~~~~~1,tii11f~~nyl.~~ ..He ·oou!Jhertyi ···· . . ·.·. ·.·football, ·t>}~~er:~O ltct(\~bu~p~r\ ·.·. rTta'eJirsf goa{of LaSalleFoot~ '·•·. \ stic~ers on theirc\ars.'.signs.tp rr<. .ban i~ tobe:our best:r said.coach· '11i~cJ:'t:~e.h.~il~.;~)11ilt)~ey.,;e ..!'' Ciilisha.)'Our. sec~md.goal, <winthe,1989Catltq,licteagueJ~hami?s., 11irigth)f'pJay-,offs, Joll~w,if Althou~hth~ foott,anl~amdid n<>t.. "'e'r.(atour best.'' This theory win it all,their ~cco~plishin~nis ceitainly hel!l true in the quarter.-' .'~er:e,itJ1pres~i"~~:\ .,···..,···,>., , finals; when LaSaUe's defens~ .···· ...·.. As,U!iUill;'. this•!tea(f>tea~J>e~: held a'$trong McDevittteam .•: ga11its.sea~~nu,itbprad:icfs arid · scorele;s; Senior. defensive·.end ··





, ' :ag'utsrtip.t.'T\hpe:Ch;a,1· rog•·.·hp.·l·,.·1.cgi ..·h ..~tn'far ..~o·.>e ..m·.··.'.'.n.·.··.··ic ..sa·.·.·.·.sm: ..•. :.•·.i ..,P·.n····.·.·w·.A ...'at1s." ..... ;·. Craig1,itigeraldre~oyered.a•.f11m~ < ,,' > ,,·,'' . '..· ' .... ' ', ',' ·... · ,, ' ' ~learifran it foratouchd~wnto se.niof'4:att'.Ro~1u1no~s impressi<>n, wi~/6~0,Thetea.m lostto Ryan.in '.ofJi;att 6,~cfa:J~~'C<>li~ti~· h1:thei)\1ie;.~i~i;i~fl )itle '.game,.though. /·'i,"'?),~,,'i.;,;·,''>·,··:::·,:· ·::·c:',':·\,>:>'·'·if,'. \'.·'.'',·',.'\".,:;. ,{:,·~>,."·:,.'.'·.·>'·".-,' /''·>>~ .··' '/~"f ·.·.' ·:,;··, ."' ,-·.. ,, J~lent~ltou,;;t\fter)c-..mp •.tb~;s~n~ ...·•·· ffo,w~versaddeningthatfoss ;was,'' &,i;~o,ii•~aJ~{t,~~.~·l~f~y}~.-/.i,fdi~·.ntjtst~pill~.··Explorersif.rom'· .·capfaimH<,vinSchlllidtandKeith·· derooHshingSt; Jo~'s.Prep, 21~0. <c<>nJi~'.;Piit•tll~ pr~-ii;~so~.~~.,.~:es{ '·,·· i;• th~annu~I"fu;Rey::Oaygame. believes that,in° b,eaHng'Upper J)lil>li11~whileflosing·• •.•·•.·. ·,CQach,Co1:ist~a., toi~entr~l Bu~ks'.Ea~tf.< /"'t:)..:·:...diyidu.ala~<,1rd~ gfoe11. !O.his play-. er~:are'.r~f.l~ctions.on.th~ ,wh~le' team'sefJorts. Orie suchilward·. in.ct~Jeath; MaxwellCl~bAward' gi~ell l{~ith.•c:;o,:di.n; ()t~er such. hon~·rs :w!re;,the ·~II-Catholic 'pl~Y~J{chc,~.~fl fl'om .~~Salle:•1st. ,t~atri:'iJ.<ihll; BpUer (DB), Keith . Jal>ii!t~~~~i~~~!fj~iif 9o~IJ11 ;JllJ),.·~e'{in~chtriidt·.(LB), ; bfth~se /g~111e~: ..l,1h.~.{t~.a.~(h~n;' i ai)d.Max<Gu~v~ra. (.R~);2ndteam: (N<f OT),'Chris ~ufier~J it~ifi'~~t· l~~sJr io;rt(> ·:/oav~·Gathm~~. t_\} ?; ,\}\;y, _/·./ <<\·.;,"-',\ ·.·~·'\:>/,,-,:<:·-;;:.'./·:.: .,_~·-.·--,',, '.~~/{, ;'.,·,.··;> '..,,\·/'-j:· ,'<:· 1 ''.:::,_>:\::;··,'.,',,.Vt ·· . ··;·.. · ,',, .Archb,i$~c,pRya1t,;b~fl'.~turp~d the: ·•••.:Hasso{l {T:~)/.at:ld· ..Jo.e•.Morriss.ey· 'i.'


• ,'


w ..••



. ,









. ,,

~~:j~t~~:a~; ·.




, '·

' ; < .-~i

~{~tf~~;ttliti;~if f;\!lt;ii~,~f fh~}:\~Y1~~itri~itt~;~: :k~~:r 0

•;team:Seiiioidefensive,.back\fohn>:.;; Joe··McNichoT\(QB),• and .Keith·• ;•'\,:,,'-'.,/:.~ tt"-::>,"-?•,;>,·\·'·,~: '\\ \'"-;<:i\:":>_(<;>\\•7•.·'.','.-'.<'\ \ <•/;, ",",, ;.,,':,".ic;v<<•>•< ·::,>:.• >.\ •; ' • ,Bu,tl~rdtd.not:l'~tur~frpm an ht~t Torne!~a(RB)'. .•...• ··•····•··. 1 •';,',,',~


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Secµring ·the Future The Junior Varsity team also had a fine season. this year. Even with. several key players being called up to Varsity because of in· juries, the JV compiled a record of 6-3. A 28-0 crush of Central Bucks East, which avenged the Varsity's loss, proved to be the high point of the JV season; Many players emerged as leaders;. thus assuring LaSalle's football future . Junior Mike Brusca, a defensive back, and Sophomore Bill Tatar, a linebacker, stood out on. de· fense for the JV. On offense, a huge offensive line (..Juniors Tim Daniel, BHI Nichols, ancl Mike Vennera, and Sophomores Mike Adamow, Kevin Conlin, and Greg Lavin) made it possible for sev· eral backs to shine. Junior quar· terback Chris Smith had time to Attention #40: Geoff Crawford no longer has the ball. "We

got to pray just to make it today."


throw and hand-off to fellow Jun· iors Chris Citrino and Colin Gal· lagher. Head Freshman Coach Joe Rad~ vansky. felt his players were hard working and very cooperative. They ended their season at La· S.alle with a 4-2~ 1 record. The Freshman Team scored several impressive vict.ories this year. First they took down .Northern Di~ vision rival McDevitt, 26·6, and then they defeated the Prep, a whopping 36· 0. Running backs Brian Carmody and .Jim .Gorman had great seasons behind an of· .tensive line headed up by Mike S.cali. Defensively, Chris Brady and Paul Maida helped keep the opponents in check throughout the year. Sean Hendrick '91

Swim Team Trying For a Three-peat


a Salle's swim team has always been . one of the most competitive here. The 1990- 1991 season proved this once again. Through reliable constants and successful innovations, the swimmers confirmed that their force was again one to be reckoned with. This year the team welcomed new coach Mr. Frank Lichtner, who brought with him experience and a willingness to explore. Coach Lichtner discontin· ued daily morning practice and re· placed it with Saturday practice. Under his supervision, the group swam more yardage, while taking part in an extensive dry-land program. Due to these new exercises, the team had more en· ergy at the end of its races than other schools. Another facet to the achievement of the swim team was the student lead· ership. Captain Kevin Gray and lieu· tenants Ryan Young, Keith Krelovich, and John Weiss set an example of de· termination and discipline followed by their teammates. At the beginning of the year the sea· son seemed bleak. Many key swimmers were lost to other activities. Yet the remaining athletes, along with the new freshmen who made up half of the ros· ter, performed far beyond all expec· Cannonball finalists




tations. The team opened with an important win over Archbishop Carroll at home. A meet at Penn Charter followed, where La Salle finished eight points short. This competition was the first real test the team had received in two years, and the swimmers responded very well, keeping up with Penn Charter's strong club in every match. Then the team swam with visiting Father Judge. The upperclassmen's efforts coupled with some competitive freshman races led to a La Salle victory. The main goal for this year's team was to win its third straight Catholic League Championship. Individual aims ranged from personal bests throughout the season to aggressive showings in the National Catholic and the Eastern meets. Winning the regular season was certainly tops on everyone's list of pri· orities, making it a "threepeat.'' Behind every new technique and face on La Salle's 1990-1991 swim team was the desire to win. This was equally true of the team's veterans. With all of this perseverance, experience, and raw tal· ent, it's no wonder the swimmers made all Explorer fans so proud of their ac· complishments. Keith Krelovich '92

Suspended in mid路air, Captain Kevin Gray strives for the per路 feet entry.


is swimming.

Guy diving into a pool.


forget to breathe!"


Mr. John Frizalone spots incoming shotput, as Mike Vennera prepares to throw.


Bush going up and over.


Chris Hilty runs to yet another victory.


at do you get when you mix Mr. Pat Devine, Mr. John Frizalone, and Brother David Rogers?

Winter Track Running Hot in the Cold

a) A hulking red head who lives with his 21 brothers b) Three men who can stuff 26 athletes in a 12-seater van at 6 in the morning c) A celibate Irish man who benches over 300 pounds d) An outstanding Indoor Track team, filled with agile athletes If you chose "a" or "c" you're wrong. These men are the coaches of the 1990· 91 Indoor Track Team. Beginning in late November, they strained, urged, and worked the team in order to be prepared for championships in the Catholic League and beyond. The coaches' dedication combined with the raw talent of the athletes produced nu· merous champions. Mr. Devine and Brother Dave trained runners such as seniors Kevin Scully, Chris Hilty, Brian Daly, John Murphy, and Keith Tornetta. Kevin and Chris were always ranked in the top 10 of their events, if not at the very top. The coaches were also dazzled by the abilities of juniors Fran Corcoran, Brett Feret, Greg Giuliano, John Gorman, Scott Halstead, Mark Houck, Chris Lo· pez, John Minnich, Mike Renzi, and Mike Treacy. The underclassmen, Mark

Dave Gathman is so photogenic.

Look at his smile.

Beaver, Jim Gorman, Steve Roeser, and Mark Wimmer, were of invaluable aid in sending more athletes to the Meet of Champions and elsewhere. (If I left anyone out it's probably because I don't like you or you didn't give me enough of a bribe.) While the runners were outside rac· ing, Mr. Friz was checking every detail of the Shot Putters, High Jumpers, and Pole Vaulters. He occasionally miscal· culated the number of warm· up laps completed because he was so en· grossed in his "Cross Sums." But most of the time he had the "pleasure" of analyzing the exploits of one of the best Field teams ever (No lie!). Dom Maida led the group of Shot Putters consist· ing of Dave Gathman, Ed Louka, Bill Nichols, and Mike Vennera. In the High Jump, John Walker leaped into the 6· foot stratosphere while pursuing a new school record alongside Marlin Brown and Jack Bush. Jack also broke his own school record in the Pole Vault with leaps in excess of 13 feet. Indoor Track and Field is a team and individual quest held in the city, state, and regional circuits. With the triumph and glory comes occasional sorrow, yet the greatest benefit is getting a free meal from Mr. Friz when you break a record! Jack Bush '91

La Salle's Steve Roeser in the lead.

Hey look, Dom has a shirt on.

Wrestling Play-off Appearance for Grapplers ~is

year the Explorer wrestlers on their resourceful· ness to reach a new level of achieve· ment. Even with several injuries and some disappointing losses, the team made the play-offs for the first time in ten years. The ultimate credit for the fourth-place finish goes to Head Coach Mike Rae. He and his assis· tants, Anthony Stagliano and Tom Claussen, impressed their instruc· tional techniques on a play· off ready team. The 1991 Grapplers tallied a 15·5 record, with distinctive results in several tournaments. The Explorers were runner-up in the LaSalle Christmas and the Lower Moreland Tournaments. On their way to the play·offs LaSalle demolished St. John Neumann 77-0, and took out arch-rival St. Joe's Prep. Although the team lost in the play-offs, the Explorers can be very proud of their performance. In the Catholic League Individual Tournament LaSalle finished 2nd overall. Among the stand outs were 2nd team All-Catholics Kevin Latch· ford, Dan Crowe, and Joe Flemming, and 3rd team All-Catholics John Russo and Steve Cook. The team al· so finished within the top twenty teams at the highly prestigious Na· tional Prep Tournament. For La· Salle, Senior Captain Dan Crowe and fellow Senior John Russo both took 7th place in the nation. Next year the team says good-bye to Seniors Crowe, Russo, Tom But· ler, Tony Lee, and the others. How· ever returning wrestlers include Juniors Steve Cook, Leo Burke, Mike Brusca, and Joe Flemming, Sopho· mores Dan Fritz and Kevin Dager, and Freshman Kevin Latchford. Now that they've tasted the play-offs, a Catholic League title feast can't be too far ahead. Mike Toscano '93

.I. depended

Above Right, Tom Butler, the transcenden· tallst wrestler in action.


,~ ... !-··-----.-....;~

Left hand Blue, Right hand Gold •...


guys, now do 200 push-ups in two minutes."


Romano goes for the takedown.

Steve Cook gets advice while coache, practice wedgie maneuver.

Mike "Buddy" Brusca dis路 appoints another opponent.

John Russo: winner and still champion.


different view of Captain Dan Crowe.

He looks

scared, doesn't


Golf Well Below Par, Way Above the Rest


ile other teams like baseball nd spring crew receive wide recognition, the La Salle golf team qui· etly and consistently defeats its op· ponents. Dedicating their season to the s~ricken Brother Al Lumley, the golfers aspired to win the Catholic League again this year, hoping to bring their winning record to 11 championships in 13 years. Although two of the best golfers from La Salle graduated in 1990, this year's team displayed overwhelming talent and fierce determination to remain in first place. The ambitious team includ· ed seniors Chris Hilty, Jim Maher, Joe Morrissey, Mark O'Neill, and Dan Walls, juniors Jay Cody and Tom Craig, and sophomores Liam Herron and Matt Shevlin. Brother Al attributes diligent

Coach Brother Al's strength inspired the team this season.


practicing and fine-tuned concentra· tion in shotmaking - a sign of intelligent golfers. Before the season began, six prac· tices were held at the Whitemarsh Val· ley Country Club to select the varsity team. Brother Al considered those who did not make the cut "junior varsity players" who could be readied for future years. With Brother Al's moral support and the golfers' hard-working attitude, La Salle's 1991 golf team was destined to flourish. The golfers did not receive (or desire) loud cheering on the course from devout La Salle fans. But that didn't mean the fans weren't extremely proud of all of their accomplishments. Mark Campbell '91

::'aptain Jim Maher rediscovers lectriclty during a quick thun路 lerstorm on the course.

lot even Joe Morrisse11 can distract Dan Walls on the tee.


Mayer drives from the fairway.

Mark O'Neill sinks the birdie putt.


Baseball Topps In Their Field uring the cold, dreary winter months, many people keep their spirits up in anticipation of warm weather and our na· tional pastime, baseball. By the end of February, Mr. Parisi and Brother Tim Ahern became visibly restless, preparing to bring out the bats and balls and start another successful season at La Salle. The ballplayers also got restless as they longed for the smells of freshly mowed grass and well· oiled fielders' gloves. On March l, the coaches got their first opportunity to work with the players who would provide much excitement throughout the regular season and into the playoffs. La Salle continued to build on its rich baseball tradition under head coach Jo· seph Parisi in 1991. Last year the Ex· plorers enhanced their position as the fin· est high school program in the Philadel· phia area by once again gaining a playoff berth. This year, coaching and talent would again show who dominates in this "thinking person's" sport. There were some excellent players who graduated from La Salle, yet those va· cated spots were filled capably by new players. The varsity squad featured a good blend of seniors and underclassmen. The revamped lineup consisted of the feared base-runner and lead-off man Roger Har· rington, catcher Shawn O'Brien, pitcher I outfielder Joe McNichol, first baseman Andy "Lace" Wallace, outfielder Mike Sinopoli, and several junior sluggers. By using its speed, defense, and, especially, its intelligence and instincts, the team prevailed in most of its games. La Salle played several tune-up, non· league games before facing Northern Di· vision foes North Catholic, Bishop Ken· rick, Archbishop Wood, Archbishop Ryan, and the rest. The Explorers played each league opponent twice during the regular season. With talented players and a knowl· edgeable coaching staff, La Salle is re· garded by its opponents in the Catholic League as "the team to beat." The base· ball team takes pride in this reputation and has played well enough and worked hard enough to maintain it. John Gorman '92


Brother Tim Ahern trying to recapture days with Bill Vile-Junod.


those glory

Brian Poehlmann scoops up the grounder


Fitz, don't you need a glove?"


Wallace -

1st baseman

Leading the way are Seniors Joe McNichol, Shawn O'Brien, and Brian Poehlmann.


He•s an editor, so we used his picture.

Tennis Serving up "J"e animal is gone. Who was J. the animal? Drew Stockmal - the ex-varsity tennis coach. Was he booted? No, he finally got a job. Not to despair. Tore Hans· sen quickly took over the helm and guided the 1991 squad to an· other fine finish. This year's team, one of the most experienced La Salle has ev· er had, courted seven returning varsity members led by seniors CB Mulhern, Josh Nowak, Ricky Ro· jas, and Carlos Torres. These sen· iors were complemented by jun• iors Rob Dempsey and Derek Ben· nis and sophomore Michael Ker· Jin. This experience helped prepare La Salle against perennial foes, Ryan, Bonner, and Carroll. These teams stifled La Salle in the past few years, but this year the Ex·

Captain Rick Rojas with the overhead smash.

the Ace plorer racquetmen eagerly await· ed those matches. Even though the rest of the league remained strongly competitive, La Salle looked forward to the playoffs. This year had not only seen the loss of the varsity coach. Mrs. Sayer, J.V. coach and longtime librarian, had also left. Fortunately, Mr. Dolan, resident school psy· chologist, stepped in to train the J.V. team. The underclassmen un· doubtedly benefited from his own well-honed strokes - and his ex· pert techniques on how to psyche out the opponent. With a combination of new coaches and experienced players, the 1991 squad surpassed expec· tations and strengthened La Salle's winning tradition. CB Mulhern '91

1991 Tennis team, and Coach Tore Hat


ya gonna do when Cosmania gets a hold of you?

LaSalle form.

Boathouse lights.


Row isn't just pretty



Are the hats part of the uniform?

Spring Crew

"Today's reading is from the Gospel accord· ing to Bob."

Oarsmen Attack Schuylkill' t the beginning

of the spring season, the La Salle Crew set its expectations very high. Last sum· mer for the first time, a La Salle Var· sity·8 boat went to Britain to partic· ipate in the Royal Henley Regatta on the Thames River. This occurred af· ter the Varsity-8 went undefeated in the national competition, including the capture of the prestigious Sto· tesbury Cup and the Catholic League Championship. In the Henley Regat· ta, though, the team was unable to secure the form that had given them national and international recognition, as well as number one ranking. This year the team hoped to build on the produc1;ive fall season and winter training. Senior rowers Ryan Tyrrell, Tim Downs, Andrew Mullen, T.J. Wilson, John Croney, Jim Sig· mund, and returning senior cox· swains Andrew Maude and Pat O'Halloran provided the necessary leadership and strength that was needed if the Crew wanted to repeat as champions. The very strong un· derclass rowers made the conten· tion for seats very competitive, and kept the senior and experienced rowers in top condition. Since the fall, the team's erg scores had been increasing and the equipment failures had hopefully been eradicated. All of these im· provements, in addition to the chris· tening of new boats, provided favor· able conditions for success in the spring. When the team began the season with the Manny Flick races, it was well-prepared for the task ahead - maintaining the champi· onship. The members of the crew were chosen not only by their signs of strength, such as performance in calisthenics, running, and ergome· ter tests, but also by showing signs of their "rowing intelligence." In ad· dition to rowing strongly with fa· vorable erg scores, the rowers were


also rated on their rowing strokes and their ability to either direct or follow other rowers in the boat to keep the boat in synch and "set." Helping the oarsmen to develop their skills was the essential job of the tenacious coaches. This year's team boasted a strong coaching staff, headed by Mr. Robert Rein· hardt, who was also the Junior Var· sity-8 and Varsity-8 coach. Rob Gi· nieczki coached the lightweights, and Joe Sweeney and Bill Ernst were in charge of coaching the fours. Two newcomers from Villanova, Chris Kerber and Mike Coil, had the dif· ficult task of instructing the Freshmen and Novices. The coxswains, an integral yet often forgotten group, served as on· board coaches. The coxswains were chosen for their ability to lead the rowers and the intelligence they showed in directing the movements of the boat. They had to be able to keep the rowers rowing at the prop· er rate, and keep the boat's move· ments constantly under control. It was their responsibliity to see that the boat was in proper working con· dition and, once in the water, avoid· ed other crews in order to stay afloat. In the boathouse there is a sign hanging from the wall that reads "Henley St." It represents to the rower the aspiration of the sport. The La Salle Crew program set sail once again on a quest for this ultimate goal. But, the Varsity-8 and the oth· er boats could not achieve their goals without first undergoing fierce strength tests, before developing into intelligent rowers. From the Man· ny Flick Regattas to the Stotesbury Regatta, and possibly the Royal Henley Regatta, the Crew of La Salle showed in its achievement that it's one of the premier rowing teams in the country. Eric Voss '92

Tim Downs said the water was cold; what do you think?


Spring Track Seniors Lead the Way It was another good year for La Salle's Spring Track & Field (or Field & Track, whichever you pre· fer) team. The team was coached by Bro. Dave Rogers, Mr. Pat De· vine, and Mr. John Frizalone. These coaches should be com· mended for the amount of effort and time that they put into this year's team. The success of any runner, thrower, or jumper is a sign of their coach's guidance. On the track for their final year were Seniors Brian Daly, Chris Hilty, John Murphy, and Kevin Scully. They ran in the distance events, while fellow Senior Keith Tornetta handled the sprints. There was also a promising bunch of underclass runners including John Gorman, Mark Houck, Steve Roeser, and Mark Wimmer. The field events were dominat· ed also by Seniors. Shot put was thrown by Dom Maida and Keith Conlin. In the Pole Vault, school record holder Jack Bush defend· ed his title. Jamal Allen handled the Discus along with Bush and Conlin. In the Javelin court were Joe Cullen, John Egnotovich, and Steve Strohecker. Sprinter Keith

Tornetta also did the Long Jump, while Marlin Brown and John Walker soared high in the High Jump. The team would seem Senior· heavy, but in fact the Explorers had great depth. Coach John "Big Daddy" Frizalone envisions Jun· ior Dave Gathman to be next year's "Field General" because Dave threw shot, discus, and jave· lin this year. Junior Frank Os· borne and Freshman Jim Gorman stepped forward as good long jumpers. Sophomore Jerry Brink· mann looks to follow in Jack Bush's footsteps at the Pole Vault, and Freshman Marty Mulligan will take on the High Jump next year. Top scorers for this team were Kevin Scully in the mile and Jack Bush in the Pole Vault. Additional points were contributed by Allen, Brown, Conlin, Gathman, Maida, Walker, and Wimmer. With a strong Senior class and numerous underclassman adding their skill, LaSalle's Spring Track & Field team will be a force in the Catholic league for many years to come. Jamal Allen '91

Brian Daly in another picture •.

Coach Pat Devine discusses running lifestyles with Brian Daly and Kevin Scully.


Not an opponent in sight.

Money, it's gotta be the shoes.


prepare for the future.

Dom Maida says, "Look at my guns; I'm massive."


Jamal "Mal" Allen 05/14/73 924-4486 1217 East Cardeza Street, Philadelphia, PA 19119 Saint Therese "Peace!" Band 1, 2, 3; Basketball 1, 3, 4 (Manager); B.S.U. 1, 2, 3, 4 (Vice President); Football 1, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Track and Field 2, 3, 4. Aaron Baer 02/20/73 576-6963 341 Winding Way, Glenside, PA 19038 Saint Luke "Take time to enjoy the Daisies." Band 1, 2; B.S.U. 2, 3, 4; C.S.C. 3, 4; Crew 2; Cross-Country 2; Dramatics 3, 4; Track and Field 1, 2. Jamie Barton 02/25/73 540-5889 1314 Squire Drive, Ambler, PA 19002 Saint Catherine of Siena "If you're too busy to laugh, you're too busy." C.S.C. 2, 3; Crew l; Football 4; Golf 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; S.A.D.D. 3; Scholastic "L" 1; Soccer 1, 2, 3; Student Council 1, 2, 3, 4 (Vice-President); Track and Field 2. Brian Bennett 01/06/73 672- 3349 236 Beatrice Avenue, Hatboro, PA 19040 Saint Joseph "I might be going to Hell in a bucket, but at least I'm enjoying the ride." - Grateful Dead Bike Club 1; Crew 3, 4; Cross-Country 2, 3; S.A.D.D. 2, 3; Track and Field 1, 2; Wrestling 1, 2; Yearbook 2, 3. Christopher Bergan 01/02/72 247-8325 101 West Graver's Lane, Philadelphia, PA 19118 Our Mother of Consolation "If at first you don't succeed, the heck with it." Band l; Bowling 1; C.S:C. 1, 2, 3, 4; Crew 1, 2; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Photography Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Racquetball Club 1, 2, 3; S.A.D.D. 1, 2, 3; Wisterian 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Club 2, 3, 4; Yearbook 1, 2, 3. Robert S. Blasi 09/05/73 482-7409 863 Manatawna Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19128 Immaculate Heart of Mary "Except in the life of a hero, the whole world's meaningless." - John Gardener's Grendel Band 1, 2, 3, 4; C.S.C. 1, 2, 3, 4 (President); Dramatics l; Math Club 2, 3, 4 (Vice-President); N.H.S. 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4; Wisterian 2, 3, 4 (Editor).


Akio Bley 12/14/72 849-4436 6909 Sherman Street, Philadelphia, PA 19119 Holy Cross "! know it's not the right thing, and I know it's not the good thing. Kinda I want to." - NIN C.S.C. 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Club 1, 2, 3, 4. Christopher Michael Bonner 03/25/73 825-0241 4059 Hillside Road, Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 Saint Philip Neri "If I take care of my character, my reputation will take care of itself." - Dwight Moody Band 1, 2, 3, 4 (Vice- President); C.S.C. 4; Dramatics 1, 2, 3, 4; Golf 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Racquetball Club 1, 2; Student Council 1.

We're One Step Ahead "'J"'ie end of our senior year has ar· .I rived and our time as the most priv· leged students in these hallowed halls nust come to a close. While we are ~xtremely happy about our future ad· ,entures in the "real world," we cannot gnore the responsibilities endowed to ts through the development of our ninds. We realize that down in the lregs of our souls we are the same lit· :le freshmen who entered La Salle al· nost four years ago (psyche!). We have ,ome parting notes to our successors: I assume that you non-seniors be· ieve that you will possess the same :ontrol and freedom that we have held 'or nine months. Dream on. Even though you will be considered a senior >Y underclassmen, relatives, and col· eges, the faculty knows that we earned >Urtitle as the most powerful group of

students ever at La Salle. Now that I have sufficiently disappointed you, please allow my classmates and I a few moments to rub your noses in the mem· ories of our "power" year at La Salle. Fasten your seatbelts! I bet you didn't realize that we were using Mr. Diehl's office to call our girl· friends. Ever notice the many seniors going in and out of his office with smiles on thefr faces? I assure you, we weren't getting our report cards. Also, Brother James Dries gave us full access to the school's computer which holds the ac· ademic records. Does that explain why hardly any sophomores get A's from Bernie? Previous senior classes had a diffi· cult time raising funds for trips to the Bahamas with Gwynedd, but we were able to alleviate this problem. And

please don't think it was just a coin· cidence that underclassmen seemed to get the last scoop of burnt macaroni and cheese in the cafeteria. Without telling you about our other diverse benefits, like parties with Mr. Jackson and Mr. Evans, and the Money Store run by Mr. "Jimmy the Greek" Roche, I will finish this reflection with a message from the Class of 1991. "Thank you for making us look better than all of you, and good luck trying to fill our shoes. Always remember and never forget: no matter how much money you make, you will never rise higher than us in stature in the eyes of the head of La Salle, Mr. Bill LaFontaine." Michael Cunningham '91

Enjoying Senior Year with Bill Lafontaine


John T. Brackin IV 03/26/72 822-1118 105 Greenbrier Road, Lansdale, PA 19446 Saint Stanislaus "He that is slow to believe anything and everything is of great understanding, for belief in one false principle is the beginning of all unwisdom." Football 1, 2, 3; Track and Field l; Wrestling 2, 3, 4. Marlin G. Brown 09/22/73 924-9729 907 East Hortter Street, Philadelphia, PA 19150 "Sooner or later your number's bound to come up - that's why I got my phone disconnected." - Grady Wilson B.S.U. l, 2, 3 (President), 4 (Vice-President); C.S.C. 2, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; N.H.S. 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4; Wisterian 2, 3, 4 (Editor); Spirit Club 3, 4; Track and Field 1, 2, 3, 4. Louis Buongiorno 07 /10/73 934-5748 8877 Alton Street, Philadelphia, PA 19115 Maternity B.V.M. "If you put your mind to it you can do anything you want." Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Racquetball Club 1, 2, 3. Pete "Big Al" Burghart 07 /07 /73 646-4509 1644 Kenmore Drive, Dresher, PA 19025 Saint Alphonsus "The human mind doesn't care what you plant - success or failure - but it will return what you plant." lntramurals 2, 3, 4; Spirit Club 2. Stephen J. Burgo 09/17/73 667-4365 430 Haverford Avenue, Narberth, PA 19072 Saint Margaret "The Burg Man" lntramurals 3, 4; N.H.S. 3, 4; Racquetball Club 3; S.A.D.D. 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3; Wisterian 4; Yearbook 3, 4. 02/26/73 643-4773 Jack Bush "If at first you don't succeed - better not try Russian roulette." Dramatics 3; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; N.H.S. 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1, 4; Track and Field 1, 2, 3, 4; Yearbook 2, 3, 4.

John E. Butler 04/03/73 628-2167 4A Apel Avenue, Oreland, PA 19075 Holy Martyrs "If you hold back in fear of opponents or mistakes, you simply don't have the 'stuff' that it takes." - Robert L. Kleine Baseball 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 (Captain); Football 1,

2, 3, 4. Thomas B. Butler 06/26/73 233-5823 405 Hillcrest Avenue, Erdenheim, PA 19118 Saint Genevieve "Try not to be a man of success, but a man of value." Albert Einstein C.S.C. 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; N.H.S. 3, 4 (President); S.A.D.D. 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1, 3; Wisterian 3, 4 (Editor); Wrestling 1, 2, 3, 4; Yearbook 3, 4.


Patrick J. Byrne 07 /30/73 757-5182 1250 Bridgetown Pike, Langhorne, PA 1904 7 Saint Bede "For what it's worth." Ice Hockey l; Jntramurals 1, 3, 4. Mark Frederick Cabato 10/05/72 825-3329 2 Hazelwood Circle, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 Epiphany of our Lord "Duty is a very personal thing. It is what comes from knowing the need to take action and not just a need to urge others to do something." - Mother Teresa C.S.C. 4; Cross- Country 2; Intramurals 1; S.A.D.D. 3; Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 4; Track and Field 1; Wrestling 2, 3, 4; Yearbook 4. James Cairnes 10/30/73 564-0978 4121 Main Street, Philadelphia, PA 19127 Saint John the Baptist "No one knows what he can do until he tries." - Publius Syrus Football 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. Anthony "The Man" J. Campagna


6773766 Maternity

9656 Birwood Street, Philadelphia, PA 19115 B.V.M. "Smooth, Suave, and Debonaire." Band l; C.S.C. 1, 2; Crew l; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Club 1, 2, 3, 4.

Mark D. Campbell 10/13/73 836- 1409 910 Valley Lane, Oreland, PA 19075 Holy Martyrs "If you hang in long enough, you'll do it - Just hang in long enough." - Phil Collins Math Club 3, 4 (Vice-President); N.H.S. 3, 4; Racquetball Club, 1, 2; S.A.D.D. 3, 4 (Vice-President); Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4; Wisterian 2, 3, 4 (Editor); Yearbook 3, 4 (Editor). Joe Cannon 01/18/73 676- 2316 9415 Hilspach Street, Philadephia, PA 19115 Maternity B.V.M. "Be yourself." Racquetball Club 1, 2, 3. John F. Cantwell 08/04/73 794-7210 Box 258, Furlong, PA 18925 Our Lady of Mount Carmel "Phoenix soars again." Crew 2, 3, 4; Jntramurals 3, 4; N .H.S. 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4; Wisterian 1, 2, 3, 4. Francis Joseph Cappeletti, Jr. 06/21/72 539-1053 507 Faith Drive, Norristown, PA 19403 Holy Savior "Be not merely good; be good for something." Football 1, 2; Jntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; S.A.D.D. 3; Spirit Club 2, 3.


Brian Carr 08/01/73 572-1019 360 Roberts Avenue, Glenside, PA 19038 Saint Luke "Men are as lazy as they can afford to be, but not as lazy as they want to be." C.S.C. 2, 3, 4 (Senator); Cross· Country 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; S.A.D.D. 3; Track and Field 1, 2; Wrestling 1. Gregory Ciaverelli 05/26/73 887-8239 2104 Jenkintown Road, Glenside, PA 19038 Saint Luke "The greater the difficulty, the more glory in surmounting it." - Epicurus Crew 1, 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; Yearbook 3, 4.




George G. Cole 09/01/73 289-1538 6309 Eastwood Street, Philadelphia, PA 19149 Our Lady of Ransom "We don't recognize the most significant moments of our lives while they're happening." - Field of Dreams Football 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; S.A.D.D. 2. Keith Conlin 11 /09 /72 885- 4858 606 Station Avenue, Glenside, PA 1038 Holy Martyrs Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Bowling l; Football 1, 2, 3, 4 (Captain); Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Track and Field 1, 2, 3, 4. James R. Cosgrove 05/06/73 584-0589 1031 Woodland Avenue, East Norriton, PA 19403 Visitation "He who knows when enough is enough will always have enough." - Lao Tzu Crew 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. Michael C. Coyle 03/15/73 646-0640 713 Butternut Circle, Blue Bell, PA 19422 Saint Helena "My hands were steady, my eyes were clear and bright. My walk had purpose, my steps were quick and light. And I held firmly to what I felt was right. Like a rock." - Bob Seger C.S.C. 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Photography Club l; S.A.D.D. 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Club 3, 4; Track and Field 2, 3; Yearbook 1, 2. Dan Craig 08/31/73 699-5415 656 Eagle Lane, Lansdale, PA 19446 Saint Rose of Lima "El Oios de Espanol" Intramurals 2, 3, 4. Edward J. Craig 10/13/73 338-3422 7901 Roosevelt Boulevard, Apt. 9, Philadelphia, PA 19149 Saint Bernard Crew 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; N.H.S. 3, 4; S.A.D.D. 2, 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1, 2.


John Croney 10/21/72 643-0191 1404 Barton Drive, Fort Washington, PA 19034 Saint Alphonsus "Live a balanced life - Learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some." - Robert Fulghum Bike Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Crew 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 4; N.H.S. 3, 4; S.A.D.D. 1, 2, 3, 4 (President); Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3; Wisterian 4; Soccer 1, 2. Daniel Christopher Crowe 10/31/73 348-1615 2335 Turk Road, Doylestown, PA 18901 Our Lady of Mount Carmel "I'm expressing to my full capability." - N.W.A. Crew 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 1, 2, 3, 4 (Captain). Joseph A. Cullen 08/22/72 855-5939 1770 Meadow Glen Drive, Lansdale, PA 19446 Corpus Christi "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles." - Sun Tzu's The Art of War C.S.C. 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Track and Field 3, 4; Wisterian 3, 4. Jeffrey R. Cunningham 07 /17 /73 279-5924 1441 Balboa Bend, Blue Bell, PA 19422 Saint Helena "You win some, you lose some, but you gotta suit up for them all." - J. Akerfelds Baseball 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; N.H.S. 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1, 2; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4 (Captain); Wisterian 4. Michael J. Cunningham 06/11/73 722- 8725 6716 Rutland Street, Philadelphia, PA 19149 Our Lady of Ransom "Whether you like it or not, sit down and learn to love it, because it's the best going today. Whooo!" - Ric Flair Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Math Club 3, 4 (Vice-President); Mock Trial 3, 4; Wisterian 3, 4 (Editor); Yearbook 4. Brian M. Daly 10/26/73 483-3631 473 Oriole Street, Philadelphia, PA 19128 Immaculate Heart of Mary "We're just two lost souls swimming in a fishbowl, year after year." - Pink Floyd C.S.C. 4; Cross- Country 3, 4; Dramatics 1, 2, 3, 4; Racquetball Club 1, 2, 3; Track and Field 2, 3, 4; Yearbook 3, 4.



Platter Up! ls

Ernie Koschineg dissatisfied meal, or is he playing trayball?

with his

"f1le imagination and originality .f that most La Salle students possess were displayed when a few guys developed and popular· ized a new game called Trayball. Equipped with a lunch tray and a tennis ball, these pioneers broke the boredom of the cafeteria as they swarmed to the "pit" to re· lease excess energy. This new sport was born during the early months of fall as stu· dents realized that they weren't ready for total immersion into school. They had to gradually overcome the withdrawal from summer freedom. Basing Trayball on baseball with some creative modifications, these Explorers transformed the "pit" into a small scale stadium at lunch time. From the moment the first ball was pitched students came out not only to play but also to watch. All involved enjoyed the change of pace from an ordinary school day. The cheers and laughter from the spectators and players demon· strated yet another example of the positive spirit of La SaUe. Though a typical Trayball par· ticipant may not be the next Daryl Strawberry or Roger Clemens, his enthusiasm and effort make the game exciting. It may not be much longer until Mr. Parisi turns to the "pit" for some major varsity base· ball recruiting! Scott Wimmer '91

Justin J. DeAngelis 06/17 /73 938-0320 2041 Valley Road, Meadowland, PA 19046 Our Lady Help of Christians "So when the rhythm's got your soul ... Let it Roll, let it Roll!" - Doug Lazy Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; S.A.D.D. 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Club 3, 4; Track and field 1, 2; Wisterian 3, 4. Scott M. DelTito 01/15/73 576-6384 713 Vance Drive, Glenside, PA 19038 Queen of Peace "So it goes ... " Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 2, 3; Spirit Club 2, 3; Wisterian 2; Yearbook 1, 2, 3, 4.


•m DeSimone -1 Ridge Lane, Warminster, PA 18974 :onform or be cast out." ind 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. Christopher Dezzi ,60 Belfry Drive, Philadelphia, PA 19128



Our Lady of Good Counsel



Immaculate Heart of Mary 'ou cannot know where you are going, 'ti! you know where you have


S.C. 4; Intramurals 4; Mock Trial 3, 4; Wrestling 2, 3, 4.

Frederick M. Dini 01/28/74 657-054( 1319 Zachary Road, Roslyn, PA 19001 Saint John of the Cross "I love math. If I didn't take it, I'd never have gotten any sleep this year.' Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Bike Club l; Dramatics 1, 2, 3, 4; Forensics 2, 3, 4 (Vice-President); Intramurals 1, 3; N.H.S. 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3. Chris Doehne 09/21/72 674-015~ 92 Iris Road, Warminster, PA 18974 Nativity of Our Lord "It's easier to try than to prove it can't be done; And it's easier to sta~ than to turn around and run." - Justin Hayward Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Dramatics 2.

~ 1',(~


ian Donahue 03/02/73 364-1653 91 Joan Drive, Southampton, PA 18966 Our Lady of Good Counsel ou can pick your friends, you can pick your nose, but you can't pick 1r friends' noses." - Dennis Miller 3.C. 3; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Club 1, 2, 3, Track and Field 2, 3, 4.

Timothy M. Downs 02/15/73 884-4794 302 Edgley Avenue, Glenside, PA 19038 Saint Luke "I have no words. My voice is in my sword." - Shakespeare Crew 2, 3, 4 (Captain); Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; N.H.S. 3, 4; Racquetball Club 2, 3; S.A.D.D. 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 3; Track and Field 1, 2; Wisterian 2.

an P. Donnelly 04/01/73 482-6497 7 Gerhard Street, Philadephia, PA 19128 Saint John the Baptist you can't break 80, you have no business playing golf. If you can :ak 80, you have no business." - A pro-golfer wling l; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Math Club 3, 4 (Vice-President); Schotic "L" 1.

Curtis Eby 09/28/72 742-5426 5736 Hasbrook Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19120 Saint William Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Dramatics 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 2, 3.


Jonathan W7 North 'The road 3asketball =ield 3, 4;

M. Egnotovich 03/04/73 572-6690 Fairway Road, Glenside, PA 19038 of excess leads to the palace of wisdom." - William Blake 1; C.S.C. 2, 3; Crew 1, 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Track and Wisterian 4.

David W. Fegley 01/23/73 343-0777 l994 Falabella Circle, Warrington, PA 18976 Saint Robert 3and 1, 2, 3, 4; Dramatics 1, 2; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Scholastic "L" i; Swimming 1, 2.

Matthew H. Fry 01/10/73 828-3107 tl-70South Sweetgum Lane, Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 Saint Philip Neri "In the shadows of a golden age a generation waits for dawn, the brave carry on, the bold and the strong." - Journey Dramatics 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1, 3. Gerry Fuhrmeister 05/15/73 482-6429 767 Cinnaminson Street, Philadelphia, PA 19128 Saint Lucy "It's my world, and you're just a squirrel trying to get a nut." C.S.C. 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Racquetball Club 1, 2, 3; S.A.D.D. 3, 4; Soccer 1; Swimming 1.

Craig Fitzgerald 09/15/72 247- 74c 201 Rex Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19118 Our Mother of Consolatio "Friends are the guys who pick you up and brush you off after you'1 been trampled on ... Thanks Mom and Dad. Love, Craig." Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4. Thomas J. France 09/24/73 355-64~ 934 Hillside Drive, Southampton, PA 18966 Our Lady of Good Couns "Someday we'll look back on this and it will all seem funny." - Brui Springsteen Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; N.H.S. 3, 4; S.A.D.D. 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1, Spirit Club 1, 2; Wisterian 2; Yearbook 4.

Vincent D. Galzerano 05/16/73 698-75 9304 Old Bustleton Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19115 Maternity B.V. "An apple a day means that you will eat 365 apples a year." Basketball 1; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. Thomas James Gillon 06/13/73 947-84 3435 Larch Road, Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 Our Lady of Go Counsel "I want the one I can't have." 路 - Morrissey Blum C.S.C. 4; Crew 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; N.H.S. 3, 4; Racquetb Club 1, 2; S.A.D.D. 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3; Yearbook 2.


Coach Colistra's newest recruit for next season.

Michael J. Gilroy 06/20/73 355-3745 1767 Bunker Hill Road, Southampton, PA 18966 Our Lady of Good Counsel "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." - William Morrow lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; N.H.S. 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1, 3, 4; Wisterian 1, 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 2, 3. Christopher M. Glessner 08/04/73 757-4681 22 Dawn Road, Levittown, PA 19056 Our Lady of Grace "I wanna be sedated." - Blum Ramone Band l; Bicycle Club 1, 2; Ice Hockey 1, 2, 3, 4 (Captain); lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; S.A.D.D. 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Club 1, 2, 3, 4.


Jeff Goodwin 11/30/72 742-4657 8204 Solly Place, Philadelphia, PA 19111 Saint Cecilia "If the Mona Lisa's name was Teresa ... You deserve a visit from Mr. Goodbar!" - L L Cool J lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Soccer 1; Spirit Club 1, 2, 3, 4. Kevin P. Gray 10/23/72 828-6685 35 Dechert Road, Conshohocken, PA 19428 Saint Philip Neri "Of all possessions, the most precious are your friends." Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Soccer l; Student Council 1, 2, 3, 4; Swimming 1, 2, 3, 4 (Captain}.

R. Brent Griffith 12/07 /72 643-7546 783 Hoover Road, Blue Bell, PA 19422 Epiphany of Our Lord "Now I've been smiling lately, thinking about the good things to come, and I believe it could be, something good has begun." - Cat Stevens C.S.C. 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 2, 3; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; N.H.S. 3, 4; S.A.D.D. 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 2; Track and Field 3. Brian Andrew Guckert 05/27 /73 584-1931 820 Sullivan Drive, Lansdale, PA 19446 Corpus Christi "A flute without holes is not a flute; a doughnut without holes is a danish." - Ty Webb Dramatics 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Soccer l; Wisterian 4; Yearbook 4. Damon B. Sebastian Gulli 12/21/72 539-6797 2918 Toll Gate Drive, East Norriton, PA 19403 Visitation B.V.M. "I've seen All Good People turn their heads each day, so satisfied; I'm on my way." Bicycle Club 1, 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 2. Dan Hamilton 05/02/73 887-2797 216 Garth Road, Oreland, PA 19075 Holy Martyrs "There's a big door with a little window and the big world is peekin' through." - Edie Brickell Art Club 4; Basketball 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Racquetball Club 1; S.A.D.D. 3; Wisterian 3.


Lawrence E. Harbison 08/06/73 343-6775 2137 Crop Circle, Warrington, PA 18976 Saint Robert C.S.C. 3; Forensics 1, 2, 3, 4; Wisterian 1 Jeff Harrer 07 /02/73 646-5853 724 Cedar Hill Road, Ambler, PA 19002 Saint Alphonsus "Sleep!" Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Math Club 3. Christopher F. Hasson 01/07 /73 699- 8963 1617 Kings Mill Road, Gwynedd Valley, PA 19437 Saint Rose of Lima "Life moves pretty fast, if you don't stop and look around once in a while it might pass you by." - Ferris Bueller Baseball 1; C.S.C. 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; S.A.D.D. 2, 3, 4; Spirit Club 2, 3; Track and Field 2, 3, 4.

Martin J. Hayes 02/17 /73 947-6009 2114 Packard Avenue, Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 Saint Albert "Go find a man to fit my shoes, left one's old and the right one's new, and I bought the right one just for you to go and find a man to fit my shoes." - D. Blum Bowling l; C.S.C. 3, 4; Crew 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Racquetball Club 1, 2, 3; S.A.D.D. 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 3, 4. Sean Patrick Hendrick 06/14/73 885-B!Gl 813 North Fairway Road, Northwoods, PA 19038 "Be good and you will be lonesome, be lonesome and you will be free, live a lie and you will live to regret it, that's what living is to me." - Jimmy Buffett Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 (Manager}; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Math Club 2, 3, 4 (President}; N.H.S. 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4; Wisterian 2; Yearbook 3, 4 (Editor}. Christian A. Hilty 02/18/72 584-9196 946 Anders Road, Lansdale, PA 19446 "Our memories of yesterday will last a lifetime, we'll take the best, forget the rest and someday we'll find these are the best of times." - Styx H.T. Bowling 1; Cross-Country 1, 2, 3, 4 (Captain}; Golf 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Track and Field 1, 2, 3, 4 (Captain).


Stephen M. Hood 04/18/73 941-7167 3018 Mathers Mill Road, Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 Saint Philip Neri "The less you make of yourself before others, the more you make of yourself before God." lntramurals 3, 4; Racquetball Club 3. Michael W. Horst 01/15/74 663-0977 985 Sherman Avenue, Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 Saint Hilary "It's time to live the dreams we've always had." - Led Zeppelin lee Hockey 2; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.



s a Christian school, La Salle feels that growing spiritually is as important as academic growth. For this reason, seniors are offered a retreat in Malvern. (Well, it isn't exactly volun· tary; if you don't attend, you don't grad· uate.) My homeroom trekked to Malvern by bus last fall, armed with nothing but pens and notebooks. When we arrived, we were separated into four smaller groups. The air was filled with apprehension as we learned who our teacher-moderator would be, and if we would be with our friends. After we settled into our rooms - or maybe cells would be a better description

- we attended a prayer service. Dinner followed, where the food wasn't bad and neither were some of the waitresses. We were allowed to play touch football later that evening, and were given a snack be· fore bed. All of these activities were sur· rounded by personal small group sharing and class prayer where we lit candles, heard readings, and said petitions. A memorable part of the evening oc· curred when we took one of moderator Brother Henry Werner's famous "mind journeys." We closed our eyes, stood still, and listened quietly. Our adventure took us through a forest, where we drank from a pond and entered an abandoned shack.

Afterwards we learned that this exercisE could help us to understand our subcon· scious feelings. The next day we were awakene<l MIGHTY early to eat a buffet breakfas1 and pray some more. We played football again and continued our small group dis· cussions. After lunch, our day ended wit~ a liturgy where each of us received a cros! on a shoestring. As we loaded the bus once more for thE return trip to school, we all thanked Brother Henry for this enlightening spir· itual experience with a "firm hand· shake."




l/.1:1< h/y· (JI



The New location for Retreat Soon




John Thomas Houck 06/20/73 343-6461 2293 Meeting House Road, Jamison, PA 18929 Saint Cyrils "Where the sun shines all the time ... You can bet there's a desert below." Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Council 3. Vincent J. Hummel 05/17 /73 355-0956 340 Concord Circle, Southampton, PA 18966 Our Lady of Good Counsel "Carpe Diem - seize the day." - Robin Williams: D.P.S. Crew 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; S.A.D.D. 3, 4; Spirit Club 3. M:arkoJarymovych 06/20/73 635- 4047 230 Barclay Circle, Cheltenham, PA 19012 Christ the King Bowling 1; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Photography Club 3; Racquetball Club 1, 2, 3; Wisterian 3, 4; Yearbook 3. Chris Jodlowski 06/16/72 782-8077 7445 Overhill Road, Melrose Park, PA 19126 Saint Joseph's "Be proud of who you are." Dramatics 2, 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Tennis 3, 4. Robert M:ichael Karwacki 07 /02/72 584-6341 1212 Knollbrook Drive, Lansdale, PA 19446 Corpus Christi 'Tm riding the Stairway to Heaven." Baseball 1; Football l; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. M:ichael C. Keeley 02/06/74 725-1984 7427 Dorcas Street, Philadelphia, PA 19111 Resurrection "Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity." - George S. Patton Bike Club 1, 2; Crew 2, 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; N.H.S. 3, 4; Racquetball Club 1, 2; Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4; Yearbook 2. Daniel P. Keenan 01/20/73 635-2360 7873 Spring Avenue, Elkins Park, PA 19117 Saint James "Man lives by his beliefs, as he believes so he lives." - Bhagavad Gita Cross-Country 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; N.H.S. 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 3; Wisterian 3, 4; Student Council 1, 2, 3, 4 (President); Track and Field 1, 2, 3. Chris Kelly 02/22/73 584- 5242 1001 Kinglet Drive, Norristown, PA 19403 Visitation B.V.M. Ice Hockey 2.


Daniel Kelly 08/08/73 247-7894 311 Roumfort Road, Philadelphia, PA 19119 Holy Cross Intramurals 1, 2, 3; Wisterian 4; Wrestling 1, 2. Michael W. Kenefic 10/03/72 643-4489 213 Stout Road, Ambler, PA 19002 Saint Alphonsus "Money talks and you know what walks." Art Club 4; C.S.C. 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; S.A.D.D. 4; Wisterian 4. Daniel S. Kim 03/14/73 635-3161 7619 North Front Street, Cheltenham, PA 19012 Saint Joseph "If you run over a squirrel, don't check the squirrel. Check your tire!" Cross-Country 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Math Club 2, 3, 4; N.H.S. 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Council 2, 3; Tennis 1, 2, 3, 4; Wisterian 2, 3, 4. Kevin Koch 04/10/73 659-2162 2015 Carlson Drive, Willow Grove, PA 19090 Saint David "Make me think that at the end of the day some great reward will be coming my way - So lie to me . . . " - Depeche Mode Forensics l; Ice Hockey 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Racquetball Club 2, 3; Soccer l; Student Council l; Tennis 2, 3; Wisterian 4; Yearbook 4. Jerry J. Kopitsky 05/26/73 322-6390 10 Cherokee Drive, Richboro, PA 18954 Saint Vincent de Paul "You ain't gonna learn what you don't want to know!" Band 2; Intramurals 1, 2. Ernest F. Koschineg 03/19/73 825-7125 4 72 South Sweet Gum Lane, Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 Saint Philip Neri "My ambition is to win more than anyone else. It makes you feel good to know you've accomplished what no one else has." - Jack Nicklaus Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 (Captain); Crew 1; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Council 2, 3, 4; Track and Field 1, 2. Thomas J. Kovac 12/03/72 272-5055 702 Oak Lane, Norristown, PA 19401 Epiphany of Our Lord "You know you can't create and get mean like this, and when I'm on the court it's strictly 'swish."' - LL. Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Cross-Country 1, 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Racquetball Club 2. Tony Lee 09/20/73 483-1205 825 Green Valley Drive, Philadelphia, PA 19128 Immaculate Heart of Mary "The whole glory of man lies in activity." - Bruni C.S.C. 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Racquetball Club 1, 2; Wrestling 2, 3, 4; Yearbook 2, 3.


Gregory W. Linde 12/07 /72 659-7452 1466 Blue Jay Road, Roslyn, PA 19001 Saint John of the Cross "Is it only a dream that there'll be no more turning away?" - Pink Floyd Ice Hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1, 2; Wisterian 4; Yearbook 4.


Erik M. Link 04/05/73 368-5284 2078 Pheasant Hill Road, Lansdale, PA 19446 Corpus Christi "Just eat food. Try not to be crude or rude, kill the attitude, chill the serious mood and DOOWUTCHYALIKE." - Digital Underground Band 1, 2, 3, 4; C.S.C. 1, 2, 3, 4; Crew 1, 2, 3, 4; Dramatics 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Photography Club 4; Wis· terian 4; Spirit Club 1, 2; Yearbook 4.


.,, •

"Finally a perspective


I can relate to."

Eric Litchendorf 10/16/73 535-7428 4252 "O" Street, Philadelphia, PA 19124 Holy Innocence "I've conquered my past, the future is here at last, I stand at the entrance to a new world." - U2 Bike Club 1, 2; Crew l; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. James R. Lloyd, III 07 /24/73 969-0631 2809 Maxwell Street, Philadelphia, PA Saint Jerome "I have climbed, highest mountains, I have run, through the fields, ... But I still haven't found what I'm looking for ... " - U2 Football 1, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; N.H.S. 4; Racquetball Club 3; Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4; Wisterian 2, 3, 4. Joseph T. Lopez 01/29/73 322- 2595 94 West Buttonwood Drive, Churchville, PA 18966 Saint Vincent De Paul "Life goes by so fast, and you only want to do what you think is right. Just close your eyes and it has passed." - Social Distortion Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; S.A.D.D. 3, 4; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Club 2, 3, 4; Student Council 3, 4; Track and Field 2, 3, 4. Jason S. Lottier 07 /10/73 725-9493 8508 Bridle Road, Philadelphia, PA 19111 Saint Cecilia "I'm not conceited ... I'm convinced." Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Math Club 2; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Club 1, 2, 3, 4. David H. Luby, Jr. 01/09/74 675- 5920 32 Horseshoe Lane, Hatboro, PA 19040 Saint Catherine of Siena "I admire men who take the first step, not the 200th step of a situation." - Theodore Roosevelt Cross-Country 1, 2, 3; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; Track and Field 2. Mark C. Lucente 11/04/72 584-5054 960 Flintlock Drive, Lansdale, PA 19946 Corpus Christi "I take two steps forward and three steps back, but I get there anyway because I was facing the wrong direction in the first place." - Robert Johnson Crew 2, 3; Football l; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Racquetball Club l; S.A.D.D. 2, 3; Scholastic "L" 3; Track and Field 1.


>bert M. Macartney 12/07 /73 742-1743 132 Malta Street, Philadelphia, PA 19120 Saint William "he only losers in life are people who quit. If you give your all, and n 't quit, you will never lose." tsketball 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Math Club 1, 2; Wisterian 3, 4; iarbook 4. ichael P. Maguire 01/04/73 277-7259 120 Rosewood Drive, Blue Bell, PA 19422 Saint Helena ran out of gas; I had a flat tire; I didn't have enough money for cab :e ... An old friend came in from out of town ... Look, it wasn't my 1lt, I swear to God." - Jake Blues :ramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Racquetball Club 2; S.A.D.D. 2, 3, 4; Spirit Club

James Thomas Maher 02/07 /73 885-391( 1436 Huntingdon Road, Abington, PA 19001 Our Lady Help of Chris tians "Don't worry, I heard that's good luck." "Yeah, in Haiti!" - Rodne~ Dangerfield and Chevy Chase Football l; Golf 1, 2, 3, 4 (Captain); Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; N.H.S. 3, 4 Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Council 2, 3, 4. Domenic J. Maida 06/25/73 283-016~ 100 Cheston Lane, Ambler, PA 19002 Saint Alphonsus "I never met a mirror I didn't like." Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; N.H.S. 3, 4 (Vice-President) Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4; Track and Field 2, 3, 4.

\ r

liarles Malone ;7 Borbeck Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19111

07 /11/73


Saint Cecilia 'hey asked me how I did them, I let the rhythm Hit 'em!" - Rakim 1seball 1, 2, 3, 4; Cross-Country 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Soccer 1, 2; >irit Club 1, 2, 3, 4.

ichael Brady Marzella 04/20/73 278-1943 )1 Swede Road, Norristown, PA 19401 Saint Titus ~!ah ... Blah ... Blah ... Blah ... Blah." 路t Club 1; Bike Club l; Ice Hockey l; lntramurals 1; Soccer l; Track d Field 1.


Steve M. Matthews 09/23/72 836-419: 5 Summit Valley Lane, Oreland, PA 19075 Holy Martyrs "Thanks to you, I'm much obliged." - Led Zeppelin Crew 1, 2; Cross-Country 3, 4; lnbtramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; N.H.S. 3, ; (Treasurer); Racquetball Club 1, 2; S.A.D.D. 1, 2, 3, 4; Scholastic "L' 1, 2; Spirit Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Council 1, 2, 3, 4; Track and Fie!< 3; Wisterian 3, 4 (Editor); Yearbook 1. Andrew K. Maude 06/09/73 643-072, 442 Leah Drive, Fort Washington, PA 19034 Saint Alphonsus "If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried." Crew 1, 2, 3, 4; Cross-Country 1; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; N.H.S. 3, 4 S.A.D.D. 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1.

Jamie W. Mayer 1655 Limerick Lane, Dresher, PA 19025 'Tm not cocky, just confident!" Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Tennis 1, 2, 3, 4.

07 /07 /73 542-8126 Saint Alphonsus

Mark F. McAnally 02/14/73 482-8738 7507 Culp Street, Philadelphia, PA 19128 Immaculate Heart of Mary "I'm outta here!" Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Racquetball Club 1, 2, 3; Spirit Club 3, 4; Yearbook 3, 4.

03/26/73 646-6008 Brian Michael McDermott 743 Knight Circle, Penllyn, PA 19422 Saint Joseph "! was thinking of the last words of the philosopher Socrates who said, ' ... I drank what!!?'" Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Bike Club 2; C.S.C. 3; Dramatics 2, 3, 4; Forensics 2, 3, 4 (President); Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Racquetball Club 1, 2; Scholastic "L" 3; Student Council 2, 3, 4; Yearbook 1, 2, 4. Thomas McDonald 04/28/73 699-2488 1605 Overbrook Avenue, Gwynedd Valley, PA 19437 Saint Rose of Lima "Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day, You fritter and waste the hours in an off-hand way." - Roger Waters Band 1, 2; Bike Club 1, 2, 3, 4; C.S.C. 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Wisterian 4; Yearbook 4.

Michael D. McCaffrey 08/19/73 242-9~ 516 East Mount Airy Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19119 Holy Cross " ... and he was created in the image of a god ... '' - Genesis 1: Cross-Country 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Racquetball Club 2; Tr and field 3. Mark J. McCann 09/30/73 233-2~ 3 Highland Avenue, Flourtown, PA 19031 Saint Genevieve "With all of our running and all of our cunning, if we couldn't laugh would all go insane." - Jimmy Buffett Ice Hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; S.A.D.D. 2, 3, 4 (Vice-President); Scholastic '


Matthew J. McElvenny 10/13/73 328 Cherry Lane, Glenside, PA 19038 Saint Luke " ... And we will all go down together!" - Billy Joel lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Yearbook 4.


Bill McFadden 07 /05/73 674-53 1264 Barness Drive, Warminster, PA 18974 Nativity "You know what the difference between me and them is? I'll tell ya, one has heard of them." C.S.C. 1, 2, 3; lntramurals 1, 2, 3; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Club l; Trc and Field 1, 2.


Kevin McGeehan 10/30/73 643-0867 1345 Arthur Avenue, Maple Glen, PA 19002 Saint Alphonsus "No bird soars too high, if he soars with his own wings." William Blake Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; S.A.D.D. 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Council 2, 3, 4; Yearbook 3, 4. Brian D. McGill 11/10/72 641-2319 2801 Navajo Path, Maple Glen, PA 19002 Saint Alphonsus "It's a dog-eat-dog world, and I'm wearing Milk Bone underwear" - Norm Peterson Baseball 1, 2; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 (Captain); Football 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Racquetball Club 2, 3; S.A.D.D. 3, 4. Mark McGinnis 11/10/72 584-4974 1193 Morris Road, Lansdale, PA 19446 Corpus Christi "Not since Moses has someone made such an impression coming down a mountain." Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. Tom McGowan 08/13/73 836-9256 4120 Presidential Drive, Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 Saint Philip Neri "There's a fine line between wanting and receiving: Effort." Football l; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. Mark McKee 06/24/73 885-5233 104 Cliveden Avenue, Glenside, PA 19038 Saint Luke "Remember when you were young, you'd shine like the sun. Shine on you crazy diamond." - Roger Waters lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. Joe McManus 09/14/73 825-5477 5 Cypress Place, Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 Saint Philip Neri "Life is like a ball; it is just something to try and have fun with." Cross-Country 1, 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Track and Field 1.

Joshua T. McNamara 06/01/73 887-6120 108 North Lynnwood Avenue, Glenside, PA 19038 Saint Luke "There are things known. There are things unknown. In between there are the Doors." - J.D. Morrison Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Club 2, 3, 4. Jim McNamee 11/06/72 699-9645 770 Hazelwood Drive, North Wales, PA 19454 Saint Rose of Lima "All the world's a stage." - William Shakespeare C.S.C. 1, 2, 3; Dramatics 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3; Spirit Club 2, 3; Wisterian 3, 4.



Joseph P. McNichol 04/06/73 576-1693 2125 Woodlawn Avenue, Glenside, PA 19038 Saint Luke "Do you know what the difference between them and me is? You don't know who they are!" - Evander Holyfield Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4 (Captain); Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Racquetball Club 1, 2; Spirit Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Mock Trial 4; Student Council 1, 2.

Robert J. McNichol 05/30/73 233-0124 2007 Bridle Lane, Oreland, PA 19075 Holy Martyrs "I'm free to do what I want any old time." - Rolling Stones (1965), Soup Dragons (1990) Cross-Country 1, 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; S.A.D.D. 3, 4; Track and Field 1, 3; Wisterian 4; Yearbook 3, 4. Quintin C. Mecke, III 12/27 /72 646-1868 123 Summit Avenue, Fort Washington, PA 19034 Saint Alphonsus "It takes only seconds to say goodbye ... " - U2 Football 1; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Mock Trial 3, 4; S.A.D.D. 2, 3, 4; Yearbook 2, 3, 4. Arthur Mee 03/04/73 745- 5143 1101 Glenview Street, Philadelphia, PA 19111 Resurrection "Strike a pose, there's nothing to it - Vogue." - Madonna Band 4; Bike Club 2, 3, 4; C.S.C. 2, 3; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Racquetball Club 1, 2. Christian Mercuri 06/15/73 343-6956 2198 Pennsbury Drive, Jamison, PA 18929 Our Lady of Good Counsel "Standing at the crossroads, which way you gonna go and what you gonna do." - Overkill lee Hockey 2, 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. Stephen P. Miller 03/23/73 643-6581 14 Salem Lane, Horsham, PA 19044 Saint Alphonsus Band 1, 2, 3, 4; C.S.C. 1, 2, 3; Crew 2, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Racquetball Club 1, 2, 3; Spirit Club 1, 2, 3, 4. William J. Molinari 08/18/73 628-9231 1618 Benjamin Drive, Ambler, PA 19002 Saint Alphonsus "The power of our imagination makes us infinite." - John Muir C.S.C. 3, 4 (Senator); Dramatics 3, 4; N.H.S. 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4; Wisterian 2, 3, 4; Yearbook 2, 3, 4 (Editor}. Brian E. Morrissey 12/17 /72 628-2255 403 Toland Drive, Fort Washington, PA 19034 Saint Genevieve "Protect yourself 'cause this is the end of innocence." - Don Henley Crew 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; S.A.D.D. 4; Spirit Club 2; Yearbook 3, 4.


11/05/72 947-8931 1328 Old Ford Road, Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 Saint Hilary "Man, I'm good looking." Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Golf 1, 2, 3, 4; S.A.D.D. 3; Spirit Club 1, 2, 3, 4.

Joseph F. X. Morrissey

06/16/73 247-5632 110 East Bell's Mill Road, Phialdelphia, PA 19118 Our Mother of Consolation "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." - John Lennon lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Racquetball Club 1, 2, 3; Soccer l; Tennis 1, 2, 3, 4; Yearbook 1, 2, 3, 4 (Editor}. CB Mulhern


Andrew J. Mullen 07 /13/73 576-0227 217 North Bent Road, Wyncote, PA 19095 Immaculate Conception "Make love, not war." Bike Club l; Crew 1, 2, 3, 4 (Captain); Football 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Council 2, 3, 4; Yearbook 4.

Michael J. Mullen 08/29/73 836-1310 8018 Flourtown Avenue, Wyndmoor, PA 19118 Our Mother of Consolation "There's someone in my head, but it's not me." Bike Club 2; Football l; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Mock Trial 2, 3, 4; N.H.S. 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Council 4; Wrestling 1, 2, 3, 4; Yearbook 4. John J. Murphy 03/11/73 542-78584 1039 Pinetown Road, Fort Washington, PA 19034 Saint Alphonsus "I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints, the sinners are much more fun." - Billy Joel Band 1, 2, 3; Cross- Country 1, 2, 3, 4 (Captain); N.H.S. 3, 4 (Secretary); S.A.D.D. 3; Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Council 3, 4; Track and Field 1, 2, 3, 4 (Captain); Yearbook 3, 4.

Craig K. Neverosky 10/05/72 272- 3451 1010 Hereford Drive, Blue Bell, PA 19422 Saint Helena "I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together." - John Lennon Basketball 2; Crew 1, 2; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Council 2, 3, 4; Tennis 3, 4; Wrestling 1.

Khoa H. Nguyen 01/10/73 8821 Fairfield Street, Philadelphia, PA 19152

677-9434 Maternity

B.V.M. "Give me a place to stand on, and I will move the earth." Archimedes Bike Club 2; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Math Club 3, 4; N.H.S. 3, 4; Racquetball Club 1; Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4.

\ t


Joshua C. Nowak 10/24/73 4052 Westaway Drive, Lafayette Hill, PA 19444

828-9890 Saint Phi-

lip Neri "The direct foe of courage is the fear itself, not the object of it, and the man who can overcome his own terror is a hero and more." - George MacDonald Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Tennis 1, 2, 3, 4; Wisterian 4.


Michael Sean O'Connell 844 Cathedral Road, Philadephia, PA 19128

02/27 /73

Our Lady of Ransom "And the figure of the future shall be found in the deepest dreams of the world's dawn, and legend shall become the purpose of some mature race." - Laibach

Immaculate Heart of M "The cards are on the table and the deal is dealt, I'm in the mood fc TUNA-MELT!" - LL. Cool J. Ice Hockey 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Math Club 1; Racquetball C 1, 2, 3; S.A.D.D. 4; Spirit Club 2, 3; Wisterian 4.

Shawn John O'Brien 09/26/73 646-4246 1516 North Beecham Road, Ambler, PA 19002 Saint Alphonsus

Kevin P. O'Connell 2232 Fairhill Avenue, Glenside, PA 19038


Mike O'Brien 1426 Eldridge Street, Philadelphia, PA 19149



"What's the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?" Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; N.H.S. 3, 4; Photography Club 4; S.A.D.D. 4; Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 4; Wisterian 3, 4.

illiam F. O'Donnell IV

06/27 /73

825- 1779

Kinder Road, Conshohocken, PA 19428 Saint Philip Neri ' I can't leave each one of you with a picture, I'll leave you with my )tprints. They're upstairs in my socks." - Groucho Marx :ycle Club 1, 2, 3, 4; C.S.C. 1, 2, 3, 4; Forensics 2; Racquetball Club 2, 3; Scholastic "L'' 3; Wisterian 3, 4; Yearbook 4.

1trick O'Halloran 09/30/73 331路 6273 02 Bleigh Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19136 Saint Matthew 'ou can't always get what you want, but if you try sometime you just ght find you get what you need." - The Rolling Stones nd 1, 2; Crew 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; S.A.D.D. 3, 4; Spirit Jb 2, 3, 4; Student Council 3.




Saint Luke 'Tm the man, I'm the man. I'm so bad I should be in detention." C.S.C. 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Swimming 1, 3, 4.

Brian T. O'Hara 12/11/72 816 Mourning Dove Road, Audubon, PA 19403 Visitation


"The only way to have a friend is to be one." - Emerson C.S.C. 3, 4; Crew 1, 2, 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; N.H.S. 3, 4; S.A.D.D 2, 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1, 2; Soccer l; Spirit Club 3, 4; Wisterian 3, 4 Yearbook 3.

Mark K. O'Neill 1506 Dublin Road, Maple Glen, PA 19002

11/17 /72

646- 118S

Saint Alphonsus "I am a firm supporter in the Green Peace movement therefore I conservf water and drink ?@#1." - Me C.S.C. 3, 4; Crew l; Football l; Golf 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; S.A.D.D 3; Student Council 3; Tennis 2.

Christopher M. Oberholzer 07 /17 /73 233-3754 6337 East Valley Green Road, Flourtown, PA 19031 Saint Genevieve "How far is all the way and then if it stops, what's stoppin' it and what's behind what's stoppin' it." - David St. Hubbins C.S.C. 1, 2, 3, 4 (Senator); Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 3; Track and Field 3, 4; Yearbook 3. Frank Orsino 03/28/73 657- 2383 1631 Alba Road, Willow Grove, PA 19090 Saint John of the Cross Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

Jason Pero 07 /09/73 745-6926 714 Susquehanna Road, Philadelphia, PA 19111 Saint Cecilia "I still haven't found what I am looking for." - U2 Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 3, 4. James M. Piano 12/17 /72 699-6299 1414 Florence Drive, Gwynedd Valley, PA 19437 Saint Rose of Lima "Cease to resist, giving my goodbyes, drive my car into the ocean, you think I'm dead but I sail away, on a Wave of Mutilation." Crew l; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; S.A.D.D. 4; Yearbook 3.

Robert Particelli 09 /11/74 676-6E 1042 Bloomfield Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19115 Maternity B.V.M lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Racquetball Club 3; Wisterian 4. James Adam Pecsi 08 /09 /73 2029 Legat Lane, Cedars, PA 19423 Corpus Christi "Women. You can't live with 'em ... pass the beer nuts." Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.


Bob Pigeon 04/20/73 828-ll 209 East 10th Avenue, Conshohocken, PA 19428 Saint Philip Neri "Someday we'll look back on this and it will all seem funny." - Bn Springsteen C.S.C. 3, 4; Crew 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; N.H.S. 4; Schola "L" 1, 2, 3, 4. John Pluck 12/18/72 780 Stump Road, Chalfont, PA 18914 Saint Jude Baseball 2, 4; Football 1, 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.



Brian Poehlmann 04/02/73 379-5578 353 Rolling Hill Road, Elkins Park, PA 19117 Saint Cecilia "It don't matter if I win, I just wanna go the distance." Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4. Jason F. Potter 02/22/73 887-0999 515 Drayton Road, Oreland, PA 19075 Saint Genevieve "There are no points for second place." Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1, 2. Ed Pratowski 03/02/73 368-3858 P.O. Box 870, Lansdale PA 19446 Saint Stanislaus "When you feel the words get in the way, listen to your heart and what it has to say." - Little Feat Bike Club 1, 2; C.S.C. 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Racquetball Club 1; Yearbook 4. Daniel A. Rakowski 12/14/74 677-3211 14001 Trevose Road, Philadelphia, PA 19116 Saint Chris· top her "The most important grade you'll ever receive is the one you give yourself." Band 1, 2, 3, 4 (President); Crew 2; Dramatics 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; N.H.S. 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4. John B. Randazzo 07 /26/73 631-1731 614 Church Road, Eagleville, PA 19408 Visitation B.V.M. "Mon esprit plongea done sous ce flot inconnu, Au profond de l'abime il nagea seul et nu." - Victor Hugo C.S.C. 3, 4 (Seantor); Forensics 1, 2, 3, 4, (Secretary); Math Club 2; Mock Trial 3; N.H.S. 3, 4; S.A.D.D. 1, 2, 3, 4; Scho· lastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Council 2; Wisterian 1, 2, 3, 4 (Editor); Yearbook l, 2, 3. Pat Randles 10/26/73 745-3875 1151 Tabor Plaza, Philadelphia, PA 19111 Saint Cecilia "I'm not sayin' I'm number one, I'm not that bolder; but I'm a close second and my father's gettin' older." - B.D.K. Cross Country 1, 2; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Council 11, 2, 3; Track and Field 1, 2.




l1 .



To Whom It May Concern ... (a sample worked)

rhe College·Bound


Senior's Bible

Strategies to h~lp you: Recognize what colleges are lookmg for

Choose and orgarnze the content vour essay

Improve vou, wntrng skills


Create an essay that reveals your unique strengtt1s

colJege essay that

ell, first of all, if there was one word to describe me, it would be La Sallian. Af· ter long hours of meditation on this subject, I believe a La Sal· lian guy is one who is hand· some and knows it. That pretty much covers my personality. I try to keep myself fairly busy. During the fall I play foot· ball. During the winter I wres· tie and run indoor track. It's tough, but if Bo can do it, I can too. And in the spring season I compete on our elite golf and tennis teams. I am co-captain on all of these sports I partic· ipate in, of course. I just didn't get around to including them in my transcript. Besides, a con· fidential source told me that official school transcripts are unreliable - don't trust them. I have many caring, con· cerned friends who just love to be in my presence. One of them told me that a strange odor was permeating from my locker. It was I. Girls don't attend my school and I'm not in the busi· ness of impressing any Broth· ers. On weekends, I'm so busy


I have to keep the phone off the hook - there is not enough time to have more than five girlfriends at once. I plan to major in American Folk Dancing. If that does not work out I will resort to my sec• ond career choice, that of Mu· sic Appreciation. ("Would you like to hear some music?" "Yeah, I'd appreciate that!") Lastly, I'd like to explain that none of those suspensions were my fault. I swear that Mrs. Mu· riel Mehr tried to throw me out the window; I yanked her out trying to save myself! Further· more it was another clear cut case of self-defense that time I threw erasers at Mr. Ed McCabe. I claim mental cruel· ty. I have gained a great deal of wisdom from these experi· ences. however. Never mess with Mr. Roche and never, ever, deflate Mr. Puntel's tires (he's an animal when he's angry). If you are actually reading this essay, Mr. (or Ms.) Admis· sions person, stop! Just send me my acceptance and the ad· dress where my father can send a donation to your fine insti· tution. Will Spearing, '91

John James Rider 07 /27 /73 357-4663 1337 Joan Drive, Southampton, PA 18966 Our Lady of Good Counsel "Two roads diverge in the wood, and I, I took the one less travelled by." - Robert Frost Band 1, 2; Dramatics 2; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; S.A.D.D. 3; Scholastic "L" 4; Yearbook 4. Matt Rivera 07 /04/73 836-4260 1 Summit Valley Lane, Oreland, PA 19075 Saint Phillip's in the Fields C.S.C. 3; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Racquetball Club l; Soccer 4; Tennis 1, 2, 3, 4.


Christian T. Roccia 06/07 /73 539-0176 11 Skip Road, Norristown, PA 19401 Epiphany of Our Lord "Quotation confesses inferiority." - Emerson, Quotation and Originality C.S.C. 3, 4; Crew 1, 2, 3, 4; Dramatics 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; N.H.S. 3, 4; Racquetball Club 1, 2, 3; S.A.D.D. 4; Scholastic "L" 2, 3, 4; Wisterian 4; Wrestling 2, 3; Yearbook

4. Rick Rojas 07 /15/73 487-2890 628 Spring Lane, Philadelphia, PA 19128 Immaculate Heart of Mary lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; N.H.S. 3, 4; Racquetball Club 1; Scholastic "L" 1; Tennis 1, 2, 3, 4 (Captain).


Now we know who really does Mr. Russell's computer work.


Gregory M. Roman 07 /21/73 233-5833 425 Norfolk Road, Flourtown, PA 19031 Saint Genevieve "We've had our share of hard times, but that's the price we paid, and through it all we kept the promise that was made." - Skid Row Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. Matthew F. Romano II 05/12/72 491-9145 2289 Jericho Drive, Jamison, PA 18929 Saint Cyril "In my neighborhood, you get further with a kind word and a gun, than with just a kind word." - Al Capone Football 1, 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Track and Field l; Wrestling 1, 2. Frank J. Roscioli 01/20/73 482-1418 553 Overlook Road, Philadelphia, PA 19128 Holy Family "Help, the can is stuck in my mouth." Bowling 1; Jntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Photography Club 4. William C. Rusnak 02/02/73 659-1404 1422 Doris Road, Roslyn, PA 19001 Saint John of the Cross "l can't get no satisfaction." - The Rolling Stones Dramatics 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Wisterian 4. John Russo 03/23/73 483-3172 905 Lomond Lane, Philadelphia, PA 19128 Immaculate Heart of Mary "By the way, this is Jodie." C.S.C. 2, 3; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Jntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Racquetball Club 1, 2, 3; S.A.D.D. 3; Wrestling 2, 3, 4. Joseph C. Rozzi 06/01/73 272- 4377 1255 McDevitt Drive, Blue Bell, PA 19422 Saint Helena "Yeah! I'm Italian, so what!" Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Crew 3, 4; lee Hockey 2; Photography Club 4; Spirit Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Wisterian 4.


Michael J. Saldutti 02/15/73 855-6424 880 Sycamore Drive, Lansdale, PA 19446 Saint Stanislaus "The only true wisdom is in knowing that you know nothing." - Socrates Band 1. Michael A. Saracino 10/22/73 322-7494 466 Yale Drive, Southampton, PA 18966 Our Lady of Good Counsel "Some things are better left unsaid." Art Club 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Photography Club 4; S.A.D.D. 2, 3, 4; Wisterian 2, 3, 4 (Editor-in-Chief);Yearbook 3, 4.

Rich Scali 08/28/73 628-8903 1555 Oak Hollow Drive, Maple Glen, PA 19002 Saint Alphonsus "No pain, no gain." Band 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Photography Club 1; Rac路 quetball Club 3; Track and Field 3. Chris Schmidt 05/31/72 6740-0511 24 Newington Drive, Hatboro, PA 19040 Saint David "A good deed never goes unpunished." Band 1, 2, 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 1. Chris C. Schmidt 12/05/73 745-0231 2103 Afton Street, Philadelphia, PA 19152 Resurrection "Your violence I will counter with peace. Your ignorance I'll counter with intelligence. Your hate I'll counter with love. You will take and I will give." - M.C. Hammer Dramatics 3; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1. Kevin P. Schmidt 07 /03/73 784- 0808 6 Mountain Ash Lane, Horsham, PA 19044 Saint Catherine "A person's only limitations are the size of his ideas and the degree of his dedication." Football 1, 2, 3, 4 (Captain}; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; S.A.D.D. 4; Track and Field 3, 4. John M. Schulden 12/21/72 672- 6978 22 Ivy Meadows, 1000 Jacksonville Road, Ivyland, PA 18974 Saint Robert "To be great is to be misunderstood." Ice Hockey 1, 2, 3, 4 (Captain); lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; N.H.S. 3, 4; Photography Club 3, 4; Racquetball Club 2, 3; S.A.D.D. 2; Scholastic "L" 2; Spirit Club 1, 2, 3, 4. Robert E. Sciascia 11/27 /73 483-9106 545 Hermitage Street, Philadelphia, PA 19128 Saint Josaphat "Ted, my friend, strange things are afoot at the 'Circle K' tonight!" - Bill Crew 1; Dramatics 2, 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2; Track and Field 2.


Kevin M. Scully 05/16/73 885路 7544 837 Fernhill Road, Glenside, PA 19038 Saint Luke "There are not many who remember. They say a handful still survive." - Billy Joel Cross路 Country 2, 3, 4 (Captain); lntramurals 1; Swimming 1, 2, 3, 4; Track and Field 1, 2, 3, 4 (Captain); Wisterian 4. Andrew J. Scutti 11/23/72 884-8406 228 Plymouth Avenue, Oreland, PA 19075 Holy Martyrs "Oh, what a rush!" Football 1, 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Council 3, 4; Track and Field 1, 2. Brian P. Shannon 05/03/73 483-4465 130 Rochelle Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19128 Saint John the Baptist "Women, can't live with them - Pass the beer nuts." Norm Peterson Crew 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; S.A.D.D. 3; Spirit Club 1, 2, 3, 4. Bill J. Shepherd. Ill 08/20/73 657-4706 1422 Saint Charles Place, Roslyn, PA 19001 Saint John of the Cross "Party the Wild Way!" C.S.C. 2, 4; Dramatics 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Photography Club 1. Fran Sheridan 09 / 17/72 584-1258 1013 Woodland Avenue, Norristown, PA 19403 Visitation B.V.M. "You'll die as you lived, in the flash of the blade." - Bruce Dickinson Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Yearbook 4. James D. Sigmund 07 /03/73 643- 2197 137 Hendricks Street, Ambler, PA 19002 Saint Anthony "The youth are permanently in a state resembling intoxication; for youth is sweet and they are growing." - Aristotle Band 1, 2, 3, 4 (Vice-President); Crew 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Racquetball Club 1; Scholastic "L" 2, 3; Wrestling 1. Joseph P. Sigmund 05/30/72 643-2197 137 Hendricks Avenue, Ambler, PA 19002 Saint Anthony "Some people call me a Space Cowboy." - Steve Miller Band Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Crew 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Racquetball Club l; Wrestling 1. Robert G. A. Silli 04/19/73 887- 9764 1558 Williams Road, Abington, PA 19001 Our Lady Help of Christians "Without love, life is meaningless." - Eric Heller Bike Club 1; Crew 2, 3, 4; Forensics 3; N.H.S. 3, 4; Racquetball Club 1, 2, 3; Scholastic "L" 2, 3; Wisterian 3, 4.


Keith A. Sink 05/15/73 343-7348 2370A Greensward South, Warrington, PA 18976 Saint Catherine of Siena "Open Your Mind." - Jimmy Page C.S.C. 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Math Club 2; Yearbook 4. Michael T. Sinopoli 12/10/72 277-2196 2918 Sheffield Drive, Norristown, PA 19401 Epiphany of Our Lord "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you might miss it." - Ferris Bueller Baseball 2, 3, 4; C.S.C. 3, 4; Football 1, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; N.H.S. 3, 4; Mock Trial 3, 4; Racquetball Club 1, 2; S.A.D.D. 2; Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4. Darren Skulsky 05/04/73 464-3305 9209 Burbank Road, Philadelphia, PA 19115 Annunciation B.V.M. "If all I do is play the game, I am just mediocre. I must strive to be the best 1 can be and not to just get over." Art Club 1, 2; Basketball 3; Bowling 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; N.H.S. 3, 4; Photography Club 2, 3, 4; Racquetball Club 2, 3; Scholastic "L" 3, 4; Spirit Club 2, 3, 4; Wisterian 4. Will Spearing 05/15/73 643-3623 643 Meadowbrook Avenue, Ambler, PA 19002 Saint Alphonsus "Man will occasionally stumble over truth, but most of the time he will pick himself up and continue on." - Churchill Bike Club 1, 2; C.S.C. 3, 4 (Secretary /Treasurer); Football 2, 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2; N.H.S. 3, 4; S.A.D.D. 2, 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4; Track and Field 1, 2; Wisterian 1, 2, 3, 4 (Editor); Yearbook 4. Thomas J. Stack 11/30/73 277- 7407 1750 Sheffield Drive, Blue Bell, PA 19422 Epiphany of Our Lord Crew 3, 4; Ice Hockey 1, 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. Christopher L. Stark 07 /29 /73 584-5573 2012 Legat Lane, Harleysville, PA 19438 Corpus Christi "Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall down a man-hole and die." - Mel Brooks C.S.C. 2, 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 2; Swim路 ming 2; Wisterian 4; Wrestling 3, 4.


Chad G. Stowe 01/31/73 699-3179 153 Barberry Road, Gwynedd, PA 19436 Saint Rose of Lima "I may have my faults, but being wrong ain't one of them." Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; S.A.D.D. 3; Student Council 3, 4; Wisterian 4. 08/15/72 836-5892 Stephen T. Streibig 6150 Parkside Road, Flourtown, PA 19031 Saint Genevieve "The most effective way to cope with change is to help create it." Art Club 1, 4; Cross-Country 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; N.H.S. 4; Scholastic "L" 1, 3; Swimming 1, 2, 3, 4; Track and Field 1, 2, 3, 4; Yearbook 4.

"I'm gonna git me a hoger and a soder ...



Underclassmen Need Not Enter f:'ew underclassmen under· stand what exactly goes on in the College Placement Center. It is often seen as a forbidden zone that should never be trespassed (which is true). If, for some un· known reason, an underclassman must cross the unfamiliar door· way, he usually knocks quietly first. If he can get past the seniors in the room, he'll learn all about Mrs. Logan's private domain. He is puzzled by the first sight. The heads of two tired seniors lie on an opened college catalog. They mumble phrases like "I hate college applications" and "I don't want to go to college. I just want to be a shepherd." Luckily for the underclassman, they don't notice his presence. He passes the enormous stacks of essential college information. On top there is a brightly colored brochure describing the anthro· pology department at Harvey Mudd University. He is tempted to page through it, but he resists. As he forces himself to pass the numerous interesting college cat· alogs, he is relieved to see Mrs. Logan's smiling face behind her


eternally neat and organized desk. His attention is caught by the sight of an overflowing glass bowl of candies. Without hesitation he stashes handfuls of them into his pockets. After he delivers his message that the faculty square dance has been postponed, he heads back toward the door, taking one more handful of candy, of course. Be· fore he leaves, he decides to sat· isfy his curiosity and peer into the office adjacent to the College Placement Center. What could it be? Underclassmen torturing de· vices? He sees Brother David Ro· gers diligently laboring over pa· pers. The enlightened boy decides not to disturb him, so he exits the office. Before leaving, he takes one fi· nal look around the C.P.C. in awe, realizing that he probably won't return until his senior year. How· ever, he now knows that the Col· lege Placement Center is more than Mr. Roche's undercover gambling hall, and knowing is half the battle won. T. Brendan Butler '91

Stephen B. Strohecker 02/27 /73 584-9638 2079 Trumbauer Road, Lansdale, PA 19446 Corpus Christi "A friend is one who knows all about you and still likes you." Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; N.H.S. 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1, 4; Track and Field l, 2, 3, 4. Jim Summerill 01/20/73 277-2555 115 Valley View Road, Norristown, PA 19401 Saint Titus "If you think you're the man well think again punk." lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Racquetball Club 2, 3; S.A.D.D. 3, 4; Spirit Club 2, 3; Track and Field 2.


A Plethora

of Potential Pos• sibilities Always a smiling fac

Jeffry Timinski 05/20/73 725-0193 7436 Bingham Street, Philadelphia, PA 19111 Saint Cecilia " ... we burst out of class had to get away from those fools, we learned more from a three minute record baby, than we ever learned in school . . . " - Bruce Springsteen Art Club 3, 4; Bike Club 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Mock Trial 4; Wisterian 4; Wrestling 1. Keith Christopher Tornetta 10/24/73 630-8709 531 Faith Drive, Norristown, PA 19403 Holy Saviour "It's not easy bein' cheezy." - Chester Cheeta Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Track and Field 3, 4; Wrestling 1. Carlos J. Torres 01/18/78 836-4543 1703 Newbold Lane, Laverock, PA 19118 Seven Dolors Parish "I'm diggin' for fire." - The Pixies C.S.C. 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; N.H.S. 3, 4; Racquetball Club 1, 2; S.A.D.D. 2, 3, 4 (Vice-President); Scholastic "L" 1, 2; Student Council 2, 3, 4; Tennis 1, 2, 3, 4; Wisterian 2, 3, 4 (Editor); Yearbook 2, 3. John William Trainer, III 07 /27 /73 482-4639 581 Pedley Road, Philadelphia, PA 19128 Saint Josaphat "You might be the only Christ that other people will ever see on this earth." - John Fitzgerald Kennedy C.S.C. 1, 2 (Senator), 3 (Senator), 4 (Vice-President); Dramatics 1, 2, 3, 4 (Theatre Manager); lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Photography Club 3, 4; S.A.D.D. 1, 2, 3, 4; Yearbook 1, 2, 3, 4 (Editor-in-Chief). Ryan P. Tyrrell 09/28/73 643-1397 1234 Forest Hill Drive, Gwynedd Valley, PA 19437 Saint Rose "Remember the golden rule: 'He who has all the gold makes the rules."' - J.J.T. Crew 1, 2, 3, 4 (Captain); Football 1; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Club 1, 2, 3, 4 (Captain); Student Council 1, 2, 3, 4 (Vice-President). Robert B. Valentine 04/09/73 659- 9176 2300 Huntingdon Road, Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 Saint David "If I leave here tomorrow, will you still remember me, I must be traveling on now, cause there are too many places I got to see." Crew 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Racquetball Club 2.


J. Christopher Valerio

09/11/73 108 Astor St:eet, Norristown, PA 19401 Saint Patrick 'The man of the hour, with all the power." land 1, 2, 3; Football 1, 2; Intramurals 4; Spirit Club 3, 4. licholas L. Varano '.021 Trumbauer Road, Lansdale, PA 19446 A champion is a state of mind." :e Hockey 2, 3; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.


08/27 /72 584-0247 Corpus Christi

rederick G. Vogt 08/16/73 676-9246 )305 Hoff Street, Philadelphia, PA 19116 Maternity B.V.M. Education is not the fillingof a pail, it is the lighting of a fire." - W.B. eats rt Club 2, 3, 4; Cross-Country l, 2; lntramurals 2, 3; Racquetball Club , 3; Scholastic "L" 2, 3. erry Volpe 05/13/73 624-4495 303 Longshore Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19135 Our Lady of Con>lation 路.know where I've been but I haven't the foggiest where I'm going." e Hockey 1, 2, 3; Intramurals 2, 3, 4; Spirit Club 1, 2, 3, 4.


Michael Vile 01/24/73 672-491 1109 Little Lane, Warminster, PA 18974 Nativity of Our Lord "Thanks Mom and Dad, you were great." C.S.C. 3; Crew 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; N.H.S. 3, 4; Racquetb, Club 1, 2; S.A.D.D. 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; Spi: Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Council 2, 3, 4; Track and Field 1. Bill Vile-Junod 12/31/73 364-23~ 1518 Meadowbrook Road, Feasterville, PA 19047 Assumption B.VJ "When Cameron was in Egypt's land ... Let my Cameron go!" - Feri Bueller Baseball 2, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Racquetball Club 2; Soccer Yearbook 4.

Matthew F. Wachowski 03/28/73 671-036 2025 Nester Street, Philadelphia, PA 19115 Maternity B.V.M. "Don't ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missingeverybody. lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Racquetball Club 2, 3; Scholastic "L" 2. Jon Walheim 08/13/73 348-148 18 Pebble Valley Drive, Doylestown, PA 18901 Our Lady of Mour Carmel Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Dramatics 2, 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Scholastic "L 3, 4; Wisterian 4.

John Walker 07 /26/73 322-6932 i6 Charlotte Drive, Churchville, PA 18966 Saint Vincent de Paul 'Life is too short for men to take it seriously." - George Bernard Shaw ~and 1, 2, 3; Baseball 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Track and Field 3, 4.

Stephen Weinrich 07 /19/73 884-97: 323 Bent Road, Wyncote, PA 19095 Immaculate Conception "Without the heart there can be no understanding between the hand a1 the mind." - Madonna Crew l; Dramatics 2, 3; Golf 1; Mock Trial 3, Racquetball Club 1, 2, Soccer 1.

)aniel P. Walls 10/05/73 947- 7671 ~110 Elbow Lane, Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 Our Lady Help of ;hristians ;.s.c. 1; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Golf 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; ;cholastic "L" 2, 4; Track and Field 1, 2.

Jerome (J.J.) Charles Wentz 06/13/73 549-61 1 1051 69th Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19126 Holy Angels "I'm not only the Club president, but I'm also a client." Art Club 2; Bike Club 3, 4; Dramatics 4; Intramurals 3, 4; Racquetb Club 3.


~eo J. Wesolowski 03/19/73 245-8548 168 Jonathan Court, Bensalem, PA 19020 Saint Ephram 'I can't see you, I can't hear you, you don't see me, you couldn't be me, vho cares wins." - Anthrax 'ootball 2, 3, 4 (Manager); Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

,erard M. White 11/17 /73 379- 2247 i19 Boyer Road, Cheltenham, PA 19012 Presentation B.V.M. 'Be bold in what you hope for, and careful in what you fall for." \nonymous ~ikeClub 1, 2; Cross-Country 1; Dramatics 2, 3, 4 {ProductionManager); ntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Track and Field l; Yearbook 3.

John White 01/20/73 969-56; 806 Charette Road, Philadelphia, PA 19115 Saint Albert the Great "Sometimes you live for the fight, when that's all that you've got." . Bon Jovi Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; N.H.S. 3, 4; Scholastic "I 1, 3, 4; Spirit Club 1, 2; Track and Field 1, 2, 3, 4. Mike Wilkin 11/22/72 885-43( 31 Red Oak Road, Oreland, PA 19075 Holy Martyrs "Much better to have tried and failed, than never to have tried at all. Crew 1, 2, 3, 4; lntramurals l, 2, 3, 4; N.H.S. 3, 4; S.A.D.D. 3, Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4.


Step right up for a picture with a Dream PromDate

But, She's Got a Great Personality . . . , 'Hey,

it's too early to find a date for the prom. I don't want to take myself off the market before I test the waters of free agency. Why rush things when there is so much opportunity - so much prom· ise? Like I've always said, 'I'm like a wild deer in the forest, and I have to run free!' There is still plenty of time to find a woman of epic proportions a date that I will look back on in ten years and have just one word to say: 'Wow!"' Do these words sound famil· iar? That's probably because they are what you were saying about a month ago, when you had five weeks to find a date for the prom. Now you're kind of hurting, considering the fact that you have only three days left to find this dream girl. Need help? First of all, remember the fact that you're a high school guy (translation: you have no pride and absolutely no stan· dards). More importantly, for all the money you'll b shelling out, you want to make sure that the date may have some romantic implications (or at least give the appearance of having


them). Here are some simplE methods to attain the highes1 quality date on short notice: 1) Bag the looks. After all beauty is only skin deep, an<I plain girls will appreciate bein!] asked much more. Now I knou that you don't want a datE beaten by the ugly stick, but l'n, sure you can find one that'! been hit only a few hundre~ times. Remember, make-up i! a miracle worker. KEYS TC A VOID: tattoos, facial hair, girls hit more than 300 times 2) Borrow a babe. Find c: friend from another school tha1 has a really "choice" girlfriend and ask to borrow her for thE night. You may not have any ro· mantic hopes, but you're thE only one who knows that. KEY~ TO AVOID: jealous boyfriend! and faithful girls 3) Take a chance. Yes, the ul· timate game of Russian rou· Jette: a blind date. Sometime! miracles do happen. A longsho1 horse has been known to win , race. Just make sure you pra! real hard. KEYS TO A VOID Hey, this is a crap shot; all bet! are off. Brian McDermott '91


\.~-:'II '

t ••


Joe Williamson 06/30/73 641-1075 1075 Walton Road, Blue Bell, PA 19422 Epiphany of Our Lord "If there's one thing I've learned, it's that the person you should try hardest to impress is yourself. You alone, you are the everything." - R.E.M. Art Club 1, 2; Crew 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Racquetball Club 2; Wisterian 2, 4. Thomas J. Wilson, Jr. 12/27 /72 886-0794 17 Red Oak Road, Oreland, PA 19075 Holy Martyrs "The most utterly lost of all days, is that in which you have not once laughed." - Chamfort Crew 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; S.A.D.D. 3, 4; Swimming 1, 2, 3; Yearbook 4. Scott C. Wimmer 02/27 /73 277-1309 1718 Sheffield Drive, Blue Bell, PA 19422 Epiphany of Our Lord "How's life in the fast lane? ... Don't know, can't find the on-ramp.'' - Norm Peterson C.S.C. 3; Football l; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Mock Trial 3, 4; Racquetball 1, 2; S.A.D.D. 3, 4; Spirit Club 2; Student Council 1, 2; Track and Field l; Wisterian 2, 3, 4 (Editor). Stephen G. Yatcilla 07 /04/73 624-8769 2118 Disston Street, Philadelphia, PA 19149 Our Lady of Ransom "The Binger" Bowling l; Crew 1; Intramurals l; Racquetball Club 1, 2; S.A.D.D. 4. Ryan B. Young 07 /27 /73 628-2766 1505 Township Line Road, Gwynedd Valley, PA 19437 "Sometimes you're beaten to the call. Sometimes you're taken to the wall. But you don't give in." - Midnight Oil C.S.C. 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 4; Swimming 1, 2, 3, 4; Yearbook 3. Eric Zemitis 05/09/73 887- 0718 9 Eastview Drive, Ardsley, PA 19038 Queen of Peace "Stop me at one. No, make that one-thirty!" Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Soccer 1.

That's Four Years and We are Outta Here! 197

Some Intelligent Comments(?) Jamal Allen - Favorite Author: Stephen King ... Favorite Cartoon Bugs Bunny ... Muhammad ... Ohhh Baby! ... We're Havin' Steak, All Around! ... Seriously, I will get my license soon ... II Tuff 4 Ya, Understand? ... Doo watcha like. Aaron Baer - Peace ... Oh'Boy ... it the DelaDo ... Kev, goin' to La Salle ... He's the Prince of Anger . . . A-roids ... A- Baer ... My license, my freedom. Jamie Barton - "Earton" Not! It's "Barton" with a "B" ... Yeast is not a some time thing, it's an all time thing! ... Rollin' in my 1.8, couldn't get no chicks, was the master of Debate ... Ryan, get out of the bathroom! . . . I'll have a ham on rye! ... Anyone for Burger on Wonder Bread? ... Varsity Stowe's 1, 2, 3, 4, ... Ryan, try swimming in water, not on my rug. Brian Bennett - Meet me in the CPC ... What's our homework? ... Yeah, we have a test today ... Take it easy but take it ... Better safe than never. Chris Bergan - What year am I? It's a long story! ... I turned that in yesterday ... Where's my pen? ... Amy said what? ... I hate assemblies! ... An' So. Robert Blasi - "The Blue Blazer" ... Hey, Mr. Russell, are you going to curve the AP Physics test? ... "Blaz-man" ... Yeah, but I'm better than you ... "AP Physics Lunchtime Jam" ... Senior Slide (1/18/91)? What's that?" ... Keeley - squid, either you give me back my Physics homework or I'm gonna delete Poker ... Such is life ... Squid. Akio Bley - I'm a sick boy! ... I'll never do it again, at least not until next time ... Always have a blast partying with AFD, TUL & the Boyz ... Chad, get off PJ's tip ... For Anne-Marie, "Oh yes you can kick me, and you can punch me, but you won't change the way I feel, Cause I love you" ... I'd rather die than give you control ... Yo Saracino, you're blabbing again! ... "Akio Bley's Day Off." Christopher Bonner - "Bonns ... Bone ... Maverick" ... Crashed and Burned ... Contraire mon frere ... My mom won't care ... I'm so dead - she's gonna freak! ... Next time, I won't forget the pizza for Mr. Parisi ... "Denny's" ... Tied for second place - 3 showgirls (for now). John Brackin - "Sasquatch" ... Physics is fun ... SNURP ... Learn to perform under pressure ... Bang the head that doesn't bang ... Wrestling ... I am mine own redeemer ... OZZY RULES! Marlin Brown - "Downtown (DT)" ... Mike Francesa is the man ... I'm sorry but the winner of this game is just going to have to score more points ... Oh, just hop on the bandwagon next time ... What's up, Boss? ... Don't even try it ... That was tough ... Kev, you goin' to the library? Louis Buongiorno - No, Not, Never! ... Bob, I dogged you again! ... You wish you were Italian! ... That's


weak! ... Just shut up, Valerio! ... I never get dogged! ... That's just terrible! ... Bob, you're nothing!

Peter Burghart - Marc, is a lead sled, I mean a GN, better than a War Wagon? ... "Wagon of War - 8 cylinders of bridled power" ... Get in, sit down, shut up, and hold on! ... The Luv Boat is the "official" cruiser ... I'm totally Clueless! ... Anatomy is something that everyone has, but it looks better on a girl ... To speed is human - to get caught, a fine. Stephen Burgo - You only live once ... Why put off till tomorrow what you can do today ... A penny saved is a penny earned ... The bird man ... That's all she wrote ... Yo, dude ... What's up dude. Jack Bush - Tell me, Joey, ever hang around the gymnasium? ... 0 for 17 on O.C. Boardwalk ... Of course I mist the matts beefour ... Want to play Biff? . .. Pole Vaulting makes me jumpy ... Hey, Jude! ... What do you mean, "Wiggle your ears?" ... Loser McBooser. John Butler - Butts ... Yo, Clete, Whateverrrrrr .. . Child bearing hips ... Attitude ... Wonderbread .. . Hue, Walsy you're both lassies ... Andorra man. Thomas B. Butler - Thoreau Lives ... Philosopher, poet, or monk? ... Transcendentalist grappler ... I'm not Mick, but I am Holden ... Only 98 days of wrestling to go ... Jack have you ever been in a Turkish Prison? ... Money and grades are irrelevant ... Right Nigel. Patrick Byrne - It was a smart Buck ... 24 very Boring hours: Retreat ... Buddy Lives ... Cole, you smoke too much ... Who's Drivin'? ... If you were to tie a teacher's hands together, they couldn't talk ... Later. Mark Cabato Relax! ... Mom, what's for dinner? ... Dad, I swear to you, it's a very high B, almost an A ... If you need me, I'll be at the library ALL DAY LONG in Philadelphia ... No, I don't know what, when, why, or how. Jim Cairnes - Ralph Consy ... Stowe's Bathroom? . .. I ain't no joke! ... "Cheesy Cairnes" ... Mom, I'm at Chad's; the car is not! Anthony Campagna - Yo Stan -DJ Campy Camp . .. Yo Camp! ... Swoop! ... KMC Bustin' a Half? NE Crew ... It's not only if you win or lose, it's also how much you bet ... I'm good lookin'. Mark Campbell You should go on a game show ... Pen and Pencil set! What are you, stupid? ... My GPA? I don't remember ... Quite quixotic ... "Riddler" ... Stinky ... Markus. Joe Cannon -

"Rat" ... I'm gonna kill ya!

John Cantwell - Slugger ... Page is God ... "Kids!" . . . Septa ... Attitude ... What towel fight? ... Nonexistent driving situation ... Reverse gear maniac ...

Fran Cappelletti Norwood Football is the greatesl . .. Norristown Boy ... Jen "the Ham" ... Best sched ule in the 12th grade ... Do you know! Do you know' Do you know! ... Nifty Fifty's ... Brian Carr Kristin 3(L), (4) Captain ... Prince ... Vive el cinco de mayo ... New Year's 88 ... Morrissey. you'll need more than your scrog tape ... Anothe1 McGowan story ... Where's Chester? ... Gregory Ciaverelli 路 路 Are ... D.I.E ... You're a trip Muholland, No-Hitter ... It myself ... I heard that ... Deal With It.

there any Mexicans here without the luggage ... would be easier to shool You got to be joking ...

George Cole - Cole- Man ... Yo! Volpe, you driving today? ... Mon, Capitano Shade ... I smell candy! ... That rock is too large ... Eagles! ... Cole-Slawter. Keith Conlin - Clete, tackle any trees lately? ... Who's bigger, me or Fit? ... Mr. Maxwell ... Hue, pick me up, now! ... Where's Butler? ... The Brother of ... Clete, you missed the Ocean ... Balcony Diver. James Cosgrove - "Road Warriors - Animal" ... "Cosmaniac" ... "Cosmonaut" ... Coaching with Cos ... Did you see Cheers last night? ... Well, It's a little known fact ... Fall Guy Reruns ... James, I think it's time to go now. Michael Coyle - It's your idol ... Gr- - - -, Not! That's Cool Chad ... Shore '90, My dad's in the shower, really ... 13 Laws, Officer? ... Let's not get arrested ... We can take James ... 1034 - What's that in the wall? ... This all won't matter in 4 years anyway. Dan Craig - "Barron Von Craig" ... Yo Beaver! ... What did we have for homework? Ed Craig - F.l ... Slobber Chops ... NE CREW Dig It! ... I'm the Chef! ... Let's make a run for the border ... Is that right ... Just ditch it! ... Yo Nut! John Croney - Aileen, I'll love you always - 1/21/ 89 ... But Officer? ... Friendly's?!? ... What??? ... What are we doing tonight? ... I don't know ... Oh, Girard College, Don't worry, I know where I am. Greg ... Nikki, Friends Forever. Dan Crowe - "Cromagnon" ... "Cronus" ... LightWeight Power ... Who cares, we won nationals ... You're a derelict ... Doylestown Posse. Joe Cullen Big Daddy ... Ya, a buzzz ... L-SWA Eggo, Bones, Roundy, Stroh, Buck, Bruce ... I've been cubed ... Hey Jon, is the cable man coming today? ... Seriously Friz, we're lifting at Jon's house ... Team Reds Nick (capt.), Jon, Joe ... Me thinks I Frank. Jeff Cunningham - You killed Bam-bie . . . Score any goals yet, little man? ... How did you make the team? ... Deer- Slayer ... Popeye ... Gumby . Michael Cunningham -

Yo Youse Guys ... Locks

.. No I wasn't in Happy Days ... Mich ... Breakfast .. How 'bout a ride up the hill? ... I'm tellin' you the agles are better than the 49ers ... Randall Cunningh· m is my cousin.

... Can I borrow some money? ... Nutman For a Day ... I think I'll take a nap ... Shark! ... Hey Jon, is the cable-man coming? ... Seriously Friz, we're lifting at Jon's.

of freak! ... Gas Face, Robbin's Park, Jello, 7-11 Run ... I am not whipped ... Mom, I'm not going to the library ... Bob, look what I've got for lunch today ... Are you suggesting that coconuts migrate?

I'll have what this man on the floor had .rian Daly .. C'mon Man, how long? ... Hey Kevin! It's bumper>-bumer traffic out there! ... I need a Tie-by-Carr ... omaaaaan! ... Whatever you do, don't say "Iguana" . . Hey Sam! Gimme a Screaming Viking.

Dave Fegley - I think I'm sittin' on a spider! ... Mean Yo 'Reen! (Saves Christmas) ... Stones!!! ... "Fegleyleyley .. " ... In two years, you know what you'll want to do? ... It was Chuck! ... Wanted: The driver of an '89 Mustang Black, License No. WTY-162.

Professor G . . . Bird . . . Money, Brian Guckert it's gotta be the socks ... Doubles again, Bri ... I'm the unluckiest guy on Earth ... McD can't shoot the rock ... Take back the lawn sheep ... Conquering BF! trash cans .

ustin DeAngelis - Gooon! ... Nice car(s) ... JD .. LS Posse lives! ... LS vs. Judge/cabbie ... PCP AS, TK, JS, CU JD ... Mia ... I hate preps!

Craig Fitzgerald - There's a time for chillin', a time for illin', and most definitely a time for Thrillin' ... Yo man, I'm Fit; Don't mess - What's up, Bull? ... It's the Hue and Fit Show - Fun for the feebleminded ... Fitz, get out of Clete's clpset ... You're still the one ... Lock your doors, Station Ave., the Streakers are coming ... Fitz, you got a whole lotta golf left, Fella.

Damon S. Gulli - Don't have a cow, man! ... So what! ... Just do it! ... Bust a move! ... He's a superfreak, superfreak, yow! ... Tails, you lose.

Don't think, just write! ... What are cott DelTito ·e waiting for? ... We are not expected to do this, are ·e? ... Fidelity, no, not now a days ... Life will go n with or without you, so what! ... Life, Liberty, and 1e pursuit of the everlasting buss!

om DeSimone - I ain't taking a personality test! .. Tom, I'm kicking you out of the car ... Hang this p ... Tecmo ... Bob, get a life ... Eagles ... Fuhr .. Chica, would you just. :hris Dezzi - "Dez" ... Do you know where Mr. loh is? ... Did Ms. Rimer! give homework? ... "Dez10" ... Yes, I really do want to be mayor.

Tom France - Are you sure? ... I do not live in the boonies ... What are you doin'? ... Des, I'll kick you out of the car ... I guess I misjudged the distance ... It was just me, Dave, and Peach ... Someday my ship will come in, and with my luck, I'll be at the airport. Matthew Fry - "Fry Guy" ... today, Mr. Gavin.

Joe Green's absent

Gerry Fuhrmeister - Clete, you got my back? ... Fuhrrrrrrrr ... Don't dog me ... I'll smoke you like a Winston ... Cheesy Kovac.

red Dini - What's the matter, Colonel Sanders, 1icken? ... I'm, a mog. Half man, half dog. I'm my wn best friend ... What's all the hubbub, bub? ... /ell blow me down ... Kiss me, you fool ... Wanna uy a duck?

Vincent Galzarano - Your house is two doors to the right ... Scarborough Club ... Vin-man ... life guard stand ... Body-beautiful ... The Noid.

:hris Doehne - Lone wolf ... Keith! Watch out for 1e ... Ultimate paw, John ... Justin Halward forever .. Dave, want to start out with some drummer stuff? .. Doylestown Attitude Patrol ... Didn't do it - wasn't ever it - didn't see it - now what do you want? ... ova no-other-vicious-automobile!

Tom Gillon - Thanks Mom & Dad, Mike & Dot, D.B., S.B., F.B.D.B., Smurfs, etc ... Thank you Mrs. Sweeney - 63 ... Night in Venice - Spud ... I Cordle le bato! Waaaas Sappening? ... That ain't a wave, that's a ripple ... Great White Lobotomy ... No, I just drove by ... Stop it or I'll say stop it again kneeeet.

.rian Donahue Hue-75, Clay, Donna, witch-hat, )lean, Boil head (What about Earth?) ... H.B.G. club - Founder /President ... Hue, that's a great block for .V ... what great nights! ... La Salle Explorer or ortheast Optimist? ... Fassy! Wallsie, ya dippin? uuurprise! ... Knock, knock, - no poppin, fullback , dialated, FPOM, SPOM, Donna! ... Subarhue, Granhue, Donnaville, Huesar (Wallsie and Cletes taxies).

Michael Gilroy - What are my favorite things? .. . Baseball ... chica ... On a scale from 1 to 10, I'd .. . That's gonna hurt the champion tomorrow ... Oh yeah! ... Chickenhead! ... I don't think so! ... Cancun.

ean Donnelly - I meant to slice my drive into the ees ... A good golf shot is 4% luck and 96% skill . . A bad golf shot is 4% luck and 96% profanity ... you haven't flown down a mountain at 75 mph, head,ng into a tree, then you've never had a bad ache ... ou can't fall off the floor ... Whoever dies with the 1ost toys, wins ... "Ja," "Neir," "Danke" - all I now after 3 years of German. im Downs I'm not Bagel, I'm "The Bagel" 'hat's wrong with my hat? ... Most Excellent Indeed . I beg to differ ... You wish you had this sweater . Just call me Grandma ... I can't, I have crew ... hread the Needle, Baby. urtis Eby

No Comment!

>n Egnotovich -

Iron Willed, Not! ... Port Bound

Chris Glessner - I'm seventeen, I can get into rated R movies ... Stop it or I'll say "stop it" again ... Aaaa - Disco Bunnies ... What's that? - That's my skull . .. Blum lives in Dumb and Idiot ... The big bad Stupid blumster ... I don't want to work Mrs. Sweeney ... L.L. Bean = Loral Lithenbomb Bean. Jeff Goodwin - Al-Key ... Part of the F.C.P.P ... Yo goods! (T.K.) ... Mr. Goodbar ... Bad win+ Battle axe ... I'm going to Carolina in my mind ... Gohn! ... N.E. Crew - Dig it! ... Yo Bud-dy ... I wasn't lookin' at ya Doo! Kevin Gray - Chuck, I can't go to bed 'til I find my star ... It will only take 10 minutes to walk to her house, Brian ... We're definitely going back to Cancun ... On a scale of 1-10 you'd do what? ... Mr. Senior Profile ... Hey Sheamus ... You ran all the way home, Bob? ... To all of my friends - good luck in college. Brent Griffith Melissa, I'll always love you - 1/ 3/89 ... You're a loony ... What are you, some kind

Dan Hamilton - Bones ... Stoss ... All Belles Team ... The Vikings are shorebound! ... You look like a million bucks ... We were at Manny Brown's ... Sunday Night, Weekend Recap ... Stretch. Larry Harbison · · Plethora ... Joe Forensics ... Beat with the ugly stick ... Homey don't play that game ... McD, how does she rate on the scale? ... Forensics time ... Barbie is here, Ken is all the way up in Scranton. Who killed Hector ... Otto von Luby Jeff Harrer . .. Dr. Schmedly, please report to the emergency room . .. The Gestapo.

Chris Hasson - Abdul ... What's up old man ... Mom, Chad's having a couple of guys over ... "Mitch" ... Scarborough ... Spain- fest ... Mr. occifer, I have to be home in time for my game! Martin Hayes - Dumb, Blum, Champ ... Mom, Pop, Idiot, Stupid, Eileen and all Blums thanks a lot ... 10 seconds till New Year's ... I seen bigger waves than that in my toilet ... No, I just drove by, Mrs. Sweeney 63 ... Let me have just a Iii' bit of Peril ... Fiesta de Television, Beetch the brat with a baseball bat ... A man who hasn't been to Italy is always conscious of an inferiority . Sean Hendrick - HND, Hendie, Hendibus ... I can be very sensitive on some occasions and real trashy on others ... "Oh Baby" - Dickie V ... Mathlete and proud ... Yo Will, take a real math course!! ... Of course I'm right, I'm the Hend ... Yes, Jimmy Buffett is God ... I'd rather die while I'm living, than live when l'm dead. Chris Hilty Buck! ... Holly! ... Bald Bomber .. . Hilteeee! ... Red Rooster, 0-60 mph in 2 min. flat! .. . Q.K. Beetroot ... Wolf! ... Lamborghini Coupe Hilt-rue ... Rat Wanna be! Stephen Hood Calavera.

Stand still Laddie . . . Toast ...

Mike Horst - So far, So good, So what! ... Chriiissss - Sea lsle '90 when do I get the car? ... It's time to ramble on ... Take it easy ... What's goin' on? ... Chris - Thanks for holding the door all of those times ... Zeppelin rules! ... Page is God! John Houck Bleached? ... Turtle #2 ... adventures ...

- How did your hair get so blonde? Get these damn bees away from me! ... Bizzie - whipped! ... Sophomore year Look at this picture ... What happened


to the tire?

Vince Hummel - No, my car is NOT a cop car! .. . Subconsciously ... Uuuggghhh ... Mr. Dexterity .. . Timmy Deeeeee ... "D.I.Y." Peter Gabriel ... Let me show you the world in my eyes - OM ... The epitome of intestinal fortitude. Marko Jarymovych -

No Comment!

Chris Jodlowski - Break a leg . . . Physics is fun ... It's that simple ... Math is great ... Art is creative ... Judd ... Life is what you make it to be ... Hap· piness is where you find it . . . Wealth comes to those who know how to receive it. Robert M. Karwacki - No mot! What's up? ... Dude! What's coming on? ... Party! ... Yo Boss! Mike Keeley - Software Wizard ... Pool + +; Ver· sion 19.91; Newer and More Improved; Now in Fortran ... Record holder for heaviest Penn application ... I'm not even applying to Harvard ... Yes, I invented the PDP-11 and wrote RSTS ... Mario ... Squid.

Dan Keenan "Ice Cream" ... Power ... Honth have to leave! ...

"KTB" ... PA, Chad's buying ... ICE ... Can't see this happening, Ho Fimmin ... Sorry Laurie, but we Wo, canoe!

Chris Kelly Always trust God. And always build your house on high ground ... Always love thy neighbor. And always pick a good neighborhood to live in ... Always trust thy fellow man. And always cut the cards ... The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but ya better bet that way ... Get up, you lazy - Creep! ... Man, I need a smoke! ... Good Night! ... I am a Yak! Dan Kelly

Whale on, Skydog.

Mike Kenefic Now the Center, in his 11th year from Duke, 6' 11", #42, the G-man, Mike Gminski ... When's the new Gun's album coming out? ... Thanks to Mom, Dad, and all of my many other fans ... For those about to rock we salute you ... Hardest working guy in La Salle (from 8:35 AM to 8:47 AM) ... That's due today?! Daniel Kim - "The Kimmer" ... "The Red Dragon" ... I get all the Korean chicks ... The Free Red Tying Shirt ... TL ... Shut up! ... Oat wausn't fiyacracka, dat waus lightnin'! ... It's the shoes ... Brother Fro: "No humor." Kevin Koch - Stats, Kim, and Trading Places: How tanked was I? ... Wasn't that a song by the Ramones? ... Chriiis - Sea Isle '90 When do I get the boat? ... No, I never had Brother Linus (I don't know which number I am) ... Stats end-to-end vs. Dougherty just like Ray Bourque ... La Salle Ice Hockey - We thank you for no support. Jerry Kopitsky - There's nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile! ... Too much of everything is just enough ... Don't fight it! ... Kindness ... Done ... Later ... What a long strange trip ... How's the count? ... But I got a note! Ernie Koschineg Hey, Mr. McCormick, next time check the closet! ... Bethany (2)L (3)L (4}L (Captain)


... I'm an Andorra man ... Buckmaster I ... They call me "Rambo" ... La Salle's poster child ... Chad, relax, we lost them! ... Atu'n Brothers.

Tom Kovac - Steaks, ... all around ... Shadiest character ever ... Horsemen ... La Salle Hoops #l . .. Yeah Bet ... Sleep-E ... I can dance better than any kid or play ... Thanks mom, dad, bro, JB, MB, VC, AS, KS, MT, TM, n the whole cru ... K- Train. Anthony Lee - Anyone wanna box? ... Did you ever see over the top? ... Adam, just help me push. Adam? ... Shopping - Dad Vail Style ... Adam - We need towels ... Mind if I watch T.V.? ... Real Sorry about that Mr. D ... Shirley · · I mean Shelly. Greg Linde - What if C-A-T really spells dog ... The power of the force stopped you, you hosers. Take off! ... And as we begin the chapters entitled college. Erik Link - 'Vermin ... Think Rats" ... BUFU Eight ... The god of the headwinds is angry, sacrifice the socks ... Junior Week '90 ... (smash) ... broken bottle under Sigmund's feet ... CLEAN IT UP! ... L.S. Student Body Constitution - Tucan Sam Amendment (No Fruit Loops) ... "Voice of Reason" ... Fizzicks is Phun!? ... F=MA ... 7 /23/90 The Great Heist. Eric Litchendorf - "Lennie!" ... "EPIG" ... Anybody got a hack? ... Tray Tennis Anyone? ... Whateverooo ... Yes, I did quit smoking! ... Thanks mom & dad for your support. I love you ... To Mike, Steve H., and Steve S. Good Luck guys! Jim Lloyd - Ratboy + Naugahyde = Kadoosh ... Otom +God's good herb = Invisible Otom ... Snap! . .. Rob, something worth doing once is worth doing well ... I'll do it on a free period ... L.L. is BAD ... no biggie ... Better call Maintenance.

Joe Lopez - Close the door, the air is on! ... Yo Chief! ... I don't need no stinkn' Green card! ... "Mr. Lopez ... Time to go!" ... My parents are good people Do I look like an immigrant? ... RACER- X Don't touch my truck! ... "Not my ankles, Joe." Jason Lottier - I'm the bestest lookin' kid in the school ... "Jaybird" ... Northeast or Bust ... Yo Lott! ... I went to a fight and a soccer game broke out! ... Skissy soccer player ... How does your hair stay like that? ... Yo chazz, I'm good lookin'. David Luby - Jeff, are you dead? ... Where the heck did you dig up that tape, John! ... Have you had a banana today, Rich? ... In Memoriam: Hector ... I'm going to slash your tires! ... Richard Nixon is not a crook; four more years! ... Jeff, watch your back boom! Mark Lucente - Secret Agent Cecil ... Senseii ... Lansdale Posse ... Is my locker locked? ... Who cares, we won nationals ... I'll race you up the hill ... Lightweight paddle champs ... Joe, did you lose some weight? Bob McCartney - Let's play some tray! ... How much do you want to bet? ... Des, get a clue! ... Best trayball outfielder of all time ... France, I want Montana . . . Just call me "money" ... Loo, I dogged you ... Look at little Meggett run.

Mike Maguire - "Monkey," "Jack" ... If you wer driving a car at the speed of light and then turned o your headlights, would they do anything? ... M· McCabe: What page??!! What page??!! What page?? Apple and Apples, Mr. McCabe, Apples and Apples ... What took you two minutes would have taken L two hours ... He shoots, He scores!! ... Who are Welc and Woody? ... I killed Laura Palmer!! Jim Maher - Jeeps ... Flippo ... Want a ride i my jeep, J-Bo? ... J-Bo ... Driving Buddha ... A, dorra Man ... May, yo ain't got nothin' ... Clete, k me get .55. Domenic Maida - Look at these guns ... Put a shi1 on ... I'll make more money than you ... I'll be , Stowe's with Stro ... Scarborough ... Why does yoL girl have a seeing eye dog? ... Maida Shuffle ... I'r not cocky. Chuck Malone - Kinney, Russey, Finney - tha ball's gahn! ... Casarah, Casarah ... Frank Purdu . .. Hit 'em with Liono ... !'ma bust 'em in the chop ... Chuck D ... Ryght, Ryght, Ryght ... Yo, cam1 Dig it! - are you deaf? Brady Marzella - Blah ... Blah ... ... Blah ... Blah ... Blah ... Blah.

Blah ...


Steve Matthews · · Power AMF - AB - MG~ BT - NEE ... Neil Young ... Skoal Straight .. Steve, shrink this for me ... I never get caught fo anything - what?! ... Gordo, that ain't cool man .. Mom, I'm going to the shore with BT for the weeken, ... Ice, I just can't see that happening. Andrew Maude - Toonies the driving coxswain .. Hampster ... Just one of the guys ... We've come fo your daughter, Chuck ... Excuse me, do you mind i we play through? ... How does he know which wa! we're going? ... Take off that ridiculous hat! ... Mem orize the Eye of the tiger. Jamie Mayer - You're killin' me man! ... You gott, take things like sand goin' through an hour glass! .. Triple D. in LA ... Let's go to the spot ... Freddi Krueger at Jason's ... Hey Stab! How's it going? .. Smoke anyone? ... Walker I'll give you a call this week end, Not! Mark McAnally - Floor it ... Rose Pierre! ... 1 door Knob? ... Hey, You work today or no? ... Mar anatha! ... Get outta town ... Nyaa. Mike McCaffrey - M.M. + K.P ... Women: Yot can't live with them ... Have fun senior week ... I'n sotally tober, ossifier ... The Petition ... Ed-ipus McCab, ... Boston. Mark J. McCann If you can't run with Big Dawgs stay on the Porch ... Farrell left pool to Play drumi for AC.DC? ... Mash It Up! ... She does not look likE Junod! ... Halloween Plan - Duct-tape O'Malley! ... General, hide the mailman! ... Barnyard Commandosl ... Hey Lamma, How about something for the effort? Brian McDermott - I'm all over that . . . PB + twister sandwiches ... The great heist: 7 /23 /90 ... Broken bottles under Sigmund's feet ... Like a deer in

the forest, Murph ... Dad, you could help me carry Joe ... Ya gotta luv it ... Mulholland's no hitter.

Tom McDonald - "Butch" ... Brother Linus: #15 boy! ... Let's go skiing ... That test was impossible ... No es justo! ... Lunch, it's only 10: 17 ... Mother, do you think they'll drop the bomb ... Tommy, can you hear me? Matthew McElvenny - "Psycho" ... Right Sure! ... That's not funny, guys ... Da Boss don't like dat! . . . Yoose talkin' ta me? ... "Quigley" ... Baagh! Bill McFadden - Who gets more? ... La Salle Explorers Boxing (All-Catholic) ... Simply Red ... Nose ... I do not lisp! ... They call me Bill, Bill Lee Turtle ... I'm gonna rock your world! Kevin McGeehan The best evaluator of talent in the Catholic League, MJ ... That guy in the red Saab ... Quint, let's make a mailbox run ... Sliding Down the Bowling Alley ... Halloween '90 and All "Saints" Day ... Turkey ... The Cone Stealer Team ... Windex. Brian McGill - Halloween Night and the Day After 1990 ... "Gas Face" in the blazer ... "TAZ" ... Professional Cone Stealers at 70 mph ... Don't tell Marty ... I love you, Liz . . . David Bowie concert, "Crash," "get it out!" ... Christian's bathtub. Mark McGinnis - Ganja - man no like the Peanut Gallery ... Just say 'Iguana" ... Yo, Bubba! ... Is this car supposed to be standing on its bumper? ... The AM ... Senior Retreat, Nature Walk ... Get a haircut? ... I love cats - Dead ones ... Thanks to my Mom, Dad, and sisters. Thomas McGowan - My train of thought is still boarding at the station ... There's an inverse relation· ship between how good something is for you and how much fun it is ... Trusting parents can be hazardous to your health ... Hey Dad, remember the car? ... The real fun of living wisely is that you get to be smug about it. School sucks ... I hate school buses Mark McKee ... Get a haircut, Roman ... You're late again, Butch ... Homework? ... I'll do it tomorrow ... I got an A on that test ... Maybe next time.

Joe McManus

No comment!

Josh McNamara - Anybody got any change I can borrow? ... Too bad ... You're a scrub ... Right ... Luke's Pride ... Most Excellent ... That's so weird ... No, I don't have my license. Jim McNamee - No, I'm not going to the mixer tonight ... You know, Hasson really ought to learn how to chew his food ... The mailbox bolted out of nowhere! . . . Past-time: Convincing people he really isn't Bud Bundy ... "Albert Einstein Math & Science Award" Finalist (2), (3), (4) ... Mulveys are Geeks!! Joe McNichol PCL Champs: I was the Punter ... All-Stowe 2, 3, 4 (Capt.) ... Yeah, I got to do homework at Chad's ... Pier 4 '89 ... TY, You've really been good, What? ... Rollin' in my 1.8 ... Seriously, I just borrowed some of his clothes.

Bob McNichol -

No comment!

Quintin Mecke Ill - Dah balls, boss! ... "Midnight Mailbox Runs" ... Going, Going, Gone! The Maude's b·ball hoop ... DT! ... Meck, if you don't like it, you can get out! ... Quintiii! ... Hot damn, I've got an allgirl band. AJ Mee - My neighbors aren't really bad people ... Say the word, "Fahrvegnugen" ... Seek and Destroy ... I'm sick of school ... Time to shave my head ... Tray.Tennis forever ... Vogue ... The band to remember: EPIG. Christian Mercuri - "Chriiissss" ... Hey Mike, tie my shoe ... It's Jimmy with a "y," not an "i" ... K, All right LOOK! ... Can't kill 'em, Can't step on 'em! ... Hey Kev, where's my 2 bucks! ... You, sir, are correct ... "ZOSO". Steve Miller · · No Comment! Bill Molinari Indeed - ... You want me to drive to where, Rob? ... Hobbies: Comic-Book and Science· Fiction Africionado; Sleeping ... Favorite Books: "The Catcher in the Rye"; "It"; "On a Pale Horse"; anything about vampires. Brian Morrissey - Get None ... Spring Break '89 Mom's Hat Trick ... REM KM ... Schaeffer The one to have ... Should I Bust a Move? ... Premixer boot at Ruzzi's ... Ping, AA, Haynous #3, Toenail . . . Rock ponies going down the shore with wheat. Joe Morrissey - Dana, Robin, Dana, Robin, Danaaa ... The Hook? ... Joe, do you ever shut up? ... HEG - All-American ... Robin's nest Robin's nest, Snow· cone Snowcone, Monkey Brains ... My dad, he, ahh, built the Blue Route ... Hue, I'm going to hit you ... Whatiya call it. CB Mulhern - B.C ... Iced tea and nibs ... I'm a little fuzzy right now ... Annual at Courtney Street ... That's hilarious ... O.K., Babe ... Scam, Scammety, Scam ... Mom, I'll be at the movies. Andrew Mullen - Hey, the bottom is dead and the top's alive, Hey ... I can't, 8:00 practice ... 30th Street volleyball ... Honth ho fimmin ... Volvo's are awesome ... Cone·head ... Safety - Doorknob ... I need work! Michael Mullen - Dude, there's no way they're going to take everybody in ... AB ... Wo Canoe ... Party's Over, Dude ... Hairball ... Animal ... Bo of the Month ... Mom, I'm not staying for detention! John Murphy - The great heist 7 /23 ... McD, I want out! ... Rutgers ... Sorry bout the Pink Stuff Link ... Jim, time to play golf ... Soda on the ceiling ... Scully's dipped ... Sleeping on the beach . Craig Neverosky - Nev ... Sorry about your ankle ... What's the difference between Nev and a Brick? There is none ... Flee ... Hey Craig, nice Birthday! ... Fat, go buy me a coke ... That's three now! ... Women, you can't live with them; Pass the Beer nuts. Khoa Nguyen Chill Out! ... Say What? ... go to De La Salle in West Philly??!


Josh Nowak - That's gotta hurt! ... Sure! ... Doc ... My parents are good people ... Are blue birds blue? ... There you go, Junior! D.T. does fine work ... What is the spread on that?? Michael O'Brien have a smoke.

A test in what? ... No, you can't

Shawn O'Brien - Crash ... OB ... The police only had to cut them off ... Where can I get in? ... My name is Shawn not Bernie! ... That ball's outta here! ... Sure Chris whatever! Mike O'Connell - Pimp'n ain't easy ... Bill Smith ... A man called Marge ... I smell candy ... the Big Gun ... Steam Alive! Kevin O'Donnell -

No Comment!

Bill O'Donnell - Guillermo ... Undertaker ... You mean I din't match ... Yo, anybody seen A.J.? ... I swear, I just got my hair cut! ... No, I've never rolled my truck over! ... Well, sure enough now! ... AC/ DC '88-'90. Patrick O'Halloran - Worm ... Hey, Penn, it took you long enough to pass a high school seven ... Honorary Road Warrior of the year ... I'm a thinking man ... A boat won't float with a crack in it ... What a dock job ... But Coach, I didn't see the log ... Fall Guy fan club. Brian O'Hara OK, Cliff! ... Cha right as if! .. . OC, the house and the heat ... Chuck, you giggin' .. . The getaway car ... Thanks for everything Mom, Dad, Kevin and Sean ... Special thanks to my best friend especially Al, Cath and Seamus. Mark O'Neill - Jeep, Jeep, Mustang ... Dubbie Brother #l ... Winterfest '89-'90 ... Ony Bony ... Perroed! ... Cancun '90. Chris Oberholzer - Ober ... It just glistens with irony ... Doc ... Shoot me now ... This one goes up to 11 ... College Placement Center Officer ... I'm just the creative element ... Exacty. Francis Orsino Robert Particelli

No Comment! No Comment!

James Pecsi - You gonna eat that? ... She ain't got much upstairs, but the steps are nice ... Do you know what we're doing tonight? ... What test? ... I gotta' get a Mustang ... 309 Racing Team ... Byrnes, wake up! Jake got arrested. Jason Pero - Pero Power ... Pedro ... I still don't have an answer to this ... Do you have some change for the missions? James M. Piano Dude, gotta light? ... Well all right ... Huhn?!? ..What test? ... What homework? ... Wednesday, mid·week break ... Poker night, anyone know to play? ... Thanks all. Bob Pigeon I'm so dead ... 30th Street Volleyball ... Honorary Fall Guy ... Brown Bomber ... Anyone see a two man around here? ... Well, eh, what are ya tryin' to say? ... Mom, I'm going to the library ... There's no way they'll take all of us in.


John Pluck First, I'm gonna call her up, then I'm gonna ... Buddha the Gut ... Zorich is my TWIN brother ... Hey, Johnny!! ... Hiawatha Plunk ... Stump the Lump ... The glove fell off!! Yeah right ... First, second, third, fourth, Plunk.

Frank Roscioli - Try 2 cans Ros ... Braces 1, 2, 3, 4 ... I used to play football ... "Ros" ... NHS president, What!? ... The hobb's of trayball ... Sticks and stones may break my bones but a 0.6 GPA will never hurt me.

Brian Poehlmann - Yo Tom I mean Bri ... Diego Scallachi ... Jeep ... DJ B.P ... N.E. Crew ... Yo Mott, you ayeeet?! ... A picture's worth a thousand words ... You're shady, man.

Later Dude! ... Yo, gimme a ride? Bill Rusnak ... I'm seventeen and all I know is you don't know how it feels to be me.

Jason Potter - Airhead ... Yo! What's up? ... How cool is that? ... Yeah, I'm from Oreland ... Dude! ... Dude? ... Just a few months to go. Ed Pratowski - One more Saturday night ... '91 will make a difference ... Right outside this lazy summer home - ... Physics is fun ... It's that simple ... SAVE ... Europe '90 ... Hey Now. Dan Rakowski "FDR" ... guys ... "Fozzie" ... Joe, clean foot, 2 foot, 3 foot, C! ... Never ... What's my name, Mr. C? ...

That sounded good, out your locker ... 1 mind what Carol did! I love these ties.

John Randazzo - If I can just make it to the end of this week ... C'est la vie ... Sleep? What does that mean? ... Trick or Treat, you bourgeois pig ... Free South Africa ... Iron, you can bend it, dent it, and twist it. But you can't break it ... Save the Earth! ... I will survive! Pat Randles Yo Monk, where's Pat? ... Cocopuffs ... Five dollars on Babblin' Brooke ... NE Crew ... Davey Crockett ... Tuna Melt ... Donnie ... The REC. John Rider - Shift the Blame ... Take a walk on the Wild Side ... Declination? ... Nothing to be done . . . Sure Enough! ... Bad things come in pairs? ... Jimmy Page - The Bow - '88 ... For those about to graduate, I salute you. Matt Rivera - Why Ted? Destruction, Effed, Spuds ... File!, Filet; Rican, GBA, Yeeees ... Tated, Boofed, Chin-Chair, PW'd ... All Bells Team; Fincheed, Remnants ... Let's light up JJ Carlos in the Guard Room ... The Scroll is five feet long now ... The Pin Game, King Slender. Christian Roccia - I don't care! ... 4!? ... Chyeah, right! As if! ... And gin'!? Yo Cliff! ... Stop complaining, rental Units, I know I've been a pain,

We have a LWChuck, you gigMcGilla ... Pathanks!

Rick Rojas - Tennis anyone? ... Shut up, Wick ... "Super Fly Rick Rojas." Greg Roman - Fish Man . . . Sometimes I wish to God I didn't know now things I didn't know then ... Where you beeeen? ... Dalyyyy! ... Too young to fall in love ... Who is the new McKee? ... Mosh it up! Matt Romano - Squiggy ... Roman the Italian Strochman ... Hacksaw Roman ... Matt Romanowski . . . But coach, I have an excuse! ... This is a great party, but shouldn't we be inside? ... The kicking mule ... Hold on Roman, let me pull up my boots.


John Russo - My mom said no ... What number are you up to? ... Are you sure? ... The shower party . .. Sea Isle via foot ... Cookie's chunks ... 490 also ... Thanks to mom, dad, family, TL, SC a.m., M.D., BM and the rest of ya ... I don't drive slow. Joseph Ruzzi - Now that's a fire! ... rat? ... Starsky and Rat ... Joey get a sick ... Where did the rat come from? ... en in a sand trap? ... I gotta work ... mother's home.

Where's the mop Brian's Eating chickBrian your

Michael Saldutti Nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won ... If today was a fish I'd throw it back ... In Accounting we refer to money as cash ... Yeah!! Michael Saracino - I'm grounded ... Sophomore Year Adventures ... Shots ... I wasn't that bad ... Too bad you missed the hot tub ... That's not the stop sign! ... Ocean City Summers ... They call me crash. Rich Scali - Slick Rick, Strutting and Strolling, Rocking and Rolling ... Another day, another "A" ... Be cool, play pool ... Italian Scalian. Chris A. Schmidt - Money for the missions? ... Yo, stab ... Jame, that's my sister dude ... Who is it going to be? ... Double D: Freddy ... Anybody for trayball? ... You gotta love it ... Schmidty . Chris C. Schmidt - My fault! ... It's my house, and if you don't like it, get out! ... Hobbies: certainly not anything to do with school ... Career Plans: Sanitation engineer. Kevin Schmidt - Kevin Schmidt #45 ... Mailbox Man ... Milk, Schmitty, Geno ... Yo, Schmitty, nice spit on the window. Time to leave ... There's no car to sit on, Schmitty ... Roslyn Posse ... Clete's house after Ryan game - what a night! ... It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog. John Schulden - Stats! ... Jeff, are you dead? ... It's nature! ... The Big Leaf ... No I didn't get a haircut! ... Hot! Hot! Hot! ... You gotta have vigor to play a varsity sport ... Kack, who's Corey Millen? Bob Sciascia - Yo Stash, why don't you just bring a pillow to class? ... 1992 U.S. Olympic hack team ... AP sleep Furry ... What do I do if my hand slips? ... Thunder chicken ... No, I don't have a cigarette ... Le Coq. Kevin Scully - B-day I beat the system ... Now daly, don't tailgate me tonight ... T.J, O'D and Shower sliding ... Shut up Beth ILYB ... Why do they call

you "Scully?"

Andrew Scutti - To the boys anywhere, anytime, T.K., J.D., C.V., J.S., J.B., M.G., M.B., and the P.C. posse ... Power to the BeBur ... What's more in life than girls, money, and Popcorns? ... I can't, I have to work ... Es la vida! ... "Scuttman" ... A.S. & T.K., the two men gang! Brian Shannon - Yes, I do drive a Jaguar ... Mike, I mean, Brian ... Dad, somebody spilled it on me .. . You don't look like yourself from there ... Rutgers .. . The Hun ... Squared ... The Droughts. Bill Shepherd - "Shoop" ... "Wild Bill!" ... "Willie!" ... I'm sorry. I'm tired ... Hey Bill, how did you break both arms? ... "Guy Smiley" ... What's so funny, Bill? ... "The Dance Master." Fran Sheridan - "Paco" ... Take the long way home ... Yeah, Jerry, I got a smoke for you ... May ... Doc and Tyler ... Should I straddle it? ... Rebecca and Charlene ... Rebecca broke her G-string. Jim Sigmund - Makin' PB sandwiches with a Twizzler ... "Jammer" ... "Grasshopper" ... Boomerang Milkshake ... Sleepin' on the beach ... Quin' Sigamond ... "Siggy" ... Nine days detention for a couple slices of pizza and a Coke - That's a fair trade ... No, we're not twins. Joe Sigmund Who's the coxswain of the Straight Four? ... Dip, no, it's too cold to swim ... Whoa Nellie! ... What happened last night? ... Guiseppe's pilgrimage ... Philosophizing at the spot ... Where's my crew jacket? ... The whole window shattered. Rob Silli -

When do we use this in real life?

Keith Sink Jimmy Page is God ... Goin' to the Stones, man, 9th row ... Yo, smokestack ... The FakeBake ... C'mon, hit the jump ... Quick stop at the Hut. Michael Sinopoli - Look kids ... Big Ben, Parliament! ... Let's go to Pittsburgh ... tonight ... MISOP is unstoppable ... Chalk one up for the good guys! ... Bart! ... Is that an African swallow or a European swallow? ... Hey, a talking rabbit ... I've got nine more. Darren Skulsky 路路Kid Dyn-0-Mite ... You Da Man Jim ... Get your mom out of my business ... Darren, take a look at your hand ... I'll be the man ... To all you punks A-B-Cee Ya ... I'm outta here like the breeze through the trees and on my way out I'm taking all the leaves. Will Spearing Banana Man ... Will, will you stop eating! ... Stress ... Stress ... Stress ... Hendie, what's your rank? ... Donnelly, stop doing your grades! ... N ... Dragging La Salle's Will Spearing - Egan's quarterback didn't drag me that far ... The SnaFu equation: given any problem containing 'n' equations, there will always be 'n + l' unknowns . Tom Stack - What Physics test? ... The Blackhawks playing tonight? ... The U.S. Marines ... Yo Beard

.. Ice Time! ... Spin it! ... Grease.

:hris Stark - Quade! ... What sound effects ... /es, West Point! ... Live and Let Die ... Fizzicks is ,y life..Better you than me. had Stowe - Wasn't me! ... Ty, We'd better hurry p then ... Buckmaster! ... Mr. Lizard, how about a wedish tag team ... Spaz, you do it like this ... ShmolY ... Hey Ocifer, I walked right out! ... Stiff, Ele~tor ride, Spain fest! tephen Streibig - Stand for something or you'll fall ,r anything ... A smile from a frown circles round ... ood Evening. tephen Strokecker - Good catch Steve, What?! .. Stroh ... Are you allowed to go out this weekend? .. Boroboy ... Just 2 a day ... Thap, thap, thap, ,ap, Only a pinch left ... FASU!! ... L.W.A. posse. im Summerill - Norristown - Gas fare OH! ... loney ... Na you da the man Chris ... Ya think so! .. Phhhhyshics ish phun ... Vanelvis Ice ... Elvis ... enacious tenelvis. eff Timinski - "T-man" ... " 'Ski" ... Football ool anyone? . . . If Fred Flintstone knew that a large :der of ribs would tip over his car, why did he order at the end of each show? ... Northeast state of mind .. Yo, Camp, give me a ride? ... Living in fear of hris Schmidt ... I'd rather be playing hockey. .eith Tornetta - Why didn't Jesus go to college? .. Hey, go find your hole! ... In the waterfall, where ,e carp lives, ask him why he is getting wet! ... Nut - Just stay back there! ... Crawford, Frogg - help!! . Fat, go buy me a Coke ... 1st team all injury ... ue, stop blowin' Chew in my basement. arlos Torres - WANTED MEN ... Fierce Wingips ... Operation: Halloween ... I didn't do anything, fficer ... Word Up ... That's the way the ball bounc; ... Henry: A Portrait/Demons - What's next in 1e? ... Brent, how're you feeling - I'm feeling sort . giggly! ohn William Trainer - The only living person who m make a man of you is yourself ... It's always tea me! ... "Tech" ... "What sign?" ... "Courage is ,e art of being the only one who know, you're scared , death." - Earl Wilson ... "Batman" ... "Whatever ate you find yourself in learn to be content." - Aposa Paul ... "iPadre?" ... Many thanks to Mom, Dad id Brother Bob for all your help as I culminate this 1apter and begin to author the unexplored! yan Tyrrell - "TY" ... Varsity Stowe's 1, 2, 3, 4 . Wanna play pool? ... I've been good, haven't I? . I freezin' ... He touched me so Kevy and I killed m ... Junior Week '90 - 4 for 5 ... Will I get in '\? What? obert Valentine - Where is he? I hate this - It's :e "Jaws" ... RU and LH broke up, yeah right ... Jecial thanks to SW, RK, and JL ... Yo, Pete, I got spinning up to/ '60' ... Way to go Class of '91, see

you in 5 years ... It was long ago and far away ... And it was so much better than it is today.

wrong with my car? ... Bell?

Chris Valerio - Norristown ITH ... Ruthless ... Na, you da man, Darren ... Scutti an' Kovac can't deal with the Bum rush!!! ... Momma said, "Knock you out!!" ... The Funky Fireman.

Gerard White - All right, Mrs. Brown ... Special thanks to R.V., S.W., J.L. + B.S. couldn't have made it without them ... La Salle means learn, not lollygag, Bro. Joe ... No my name is not bustop ... Oh my Gawd! ... You got to know who you are, where you are, and what you have to do, Brother Joe Myers.

Nick Varano - No ... What are you looking at? ... No money, no gas ... On a Wednesday night ... Because I said so, that's why ... Nicky's Sleeping ... I'm hungry, again ... The Yak is back! Mike Vile - Iron Mike ... Ken Doll ... Hercules ... Tudors Lanes WWF ... Mike Vile vs. Fordham Dadvails '89 ... Is it cotton? ... It's natural ... Gomer Vile. Billy Vile-Junod - Women, you can't live with them - pass the beer nuts . . . I asked out who? ... Let's dog ... You're in like Flint ... November 17, 1990 - The Night of the Triple D in L.A. CM, JM, JP ... There will be no humor, You will have no job ... Buuhht! ... September 14, 1990 - The Day of the Mustang Mutilation ... No one is half as great as I think I am. Fred Vogt -

No Comment!

Jerry Volpe - Little Vigg ... Weak car ... V-team van ... N.E. crew ... stretched out camp ... Ryght, ryght, ryght! ... Yo Vol - pay ... Let's make a run for the border! Matthew Wachowski - Hey Rich, where are those ships? ... Yo, got any pools? ... No, I'm about 6'8" ... What's the name of that song? Jon Walheim - Joe, we dare you to dive head-first into that mud puddle ... Hey, what happened at Senior Week?? ... 50 dollars and nothing! ... Denny's ... Klytaimnestra: "What, you mean Agamemnon wasn't evil incarnate? Oopsies!" ... I am in complete control of the car ... Iocaste: "Oedipus, come back to bed!" John Walker - "Sky" Walker ... Kev - B-ball forever ... Marty - play CYO ball ... Sure Enough ... Hummel, you're the Geeck ... Yo, can I have a ride? ... Carlos, how are you doing today? ... Chris and Dough Boy - pull the knife out of my back.


of the gods ... Ed, Taco

John White Yo, I got jumped by Ryan dudes! .. . Whitey, what is she moving in? ... Hey, Whitey! .. . John, Hue and Joe missed their blocks ... L. Ron Whitey Book of Excuses ... Clete, take me with you ... Thanks, mom and dad, and Andrea for all the support . .. I want to thank the football team for the memories that will last a lifetime - PCL Champs '89. Mike Wilkin - "Mellonhead" ... Hey! There goes Elvis! Yo King! ... Cracked axle, huh Bob? Think I can drive it home? ... Mel, is that your head, or did your neck throw up? ... Best bowman with a big head ... Bob, a PB&J would be awful nice right now ... Sunday, Sunday, Sunday. Joe Williamson - Y'all my laundry? ... J and J track ... Four wheeling ... mom, they're not mine ... engagement.

want to come help me do we'll put you on the right Go Joey! Go Joey! ... But Shannon, don't forget our

T.J. Wilson -

"The ultimate T.J." "Hawk - The Road Warriors" "Cujo" "Woody" "Destruction" ... "ABA, all the way" "Hie" "Dish" "Home Shopping Club" ... "Nissan Cruiser" "Red Zinger" "Whatever!" "Remnants" ... Best backer-downer and holder, 199091 ... McDonald's stops ... "Fighter Hayabusa" "Zachariah Fingershlam"

Scott Wimmer - - Man, du hast einen Vogel! ... No, I'm not Mark or Mike, I'm Scott! ... Mr. Wimmer, time to go ... I made it to the Spectrum in twenty minutes! ... I'll drive! ... Whatever floats your boat. Stephen G. Yatcilla - What ... Huh? ... The car's broke again! ... Accident#? ... Let's hack dudes ... Smoke!! ... Don't bother me! ... Who cares.

Dan Walls - "Fassy #2" ... "DN Wall" ... "Rock" ... Fat neck, no neck ... Carpet head, run head, 'foo head ... Hue, I'll always be CHAMPION! ... Hue, we're not going to college together ... Dan, I don't think she's coming back.

Ryan Young - No hippie chicks ... Too hot in the hot tub ... Germany, Easter '90 - Hofbrauhaus and Heidelburg ... My mom got it for me ... Yo slacker, you really can't swim ... Island boy ... Summer 1990, thanks car.

Stephen Weinrich - "Smurf" ... "Weird Al" ... "Baker" ... Mr. Jackson, how was the cake? ... Diceman + The Fonz = Ratboy ... Otom Rules ... Rob Valentine - Jim Lloyd - Harry Wanemburger.

Eric Zemitis - Zemo ... Go Flyers ... McDevitt wanna be ... Pampadoo ... Yeah, OOOKAY ... Hi! It's Monica, I'm walking again.

Jerome Wentz - Duhh! ... Chzchzt! ... It was a joke - don't you get it? ... Sye Sperling ... Get your dirty, yellow, no good keister out of here! ... Shoe bottoms ... The latest misconceptions of minoxidil.

. . . undoubtedly intelligent, and That's All Folks .....

Leo Wesolowski - Don't criticize it ... Physics is Fun ... It's that simple! ... Give me your physics homework ... What did ya do this weekend? ... What's


''INTELLIGENT'' WORLD LIFE HOMELESS COUNT A legion of clipboardtoting counters sought out shelters, subways and steam grates on March in the broadest attempt ever to find out the extent of homelessness since it became a national disgrace in the 1980s. Some homeless didn't mind the government intrusion. "It shows that they're starting to recognize us as humans and not the scum of the earth,'' said one young man of the streets. Another homeless man said, "What are they going to use the numbers for anyway? To tell us there ain't no homeless problem? I'm a living example that there is a problem. We need jobs, not surveys.'' The United States Census Bu-

reau is spending 2. 7 million to tally homeless Americans, but critics fear an undercount will allow the government to justify cuts in services. The homeless - now estimated to number 3 million were asked their name, age, sex, race and martial status. As Washington, D.C.'s deputy mayor for economic development said, "the count is important because "only when we know how many homeless there are can improvements be made in the delivery of services." Hopefully by the time our generation is in power this major problem can and will be solved. John W. Trainer '91

FLAG PROTECTION ACT The United States Senate rejected a constitutional amendment against flag burning on June 26 with critics arguing that it was already dead and being debated largely as ammunition for use against them at elec· tion time. The Senate voted 5842 in favor, leaving it nine short of the required two thirds majority needed to ap· prove amendments. President George Bush called for approva I of the measure, which said simply that


"Congress and thE states shall have pow· er to prohibit the phys· ical desecration of the flag of the Unitec States." But the House reject· ed it with Democratic leaders saying that i1 amounted to placing limits on freedom 01 speech. The flag, that man) of our brothers and sis· ters have lost their live~ for, is now legally al· lowed to be desecrat· ed, what a shame! Wha1 would our "founding fathers" think? John W. Trainer '91

MADONNA Madonna kicked off her 1990 world tour, "Blonde Ambition," with a seven-concert tour of Japan, then came back to perform in the United States and on to more shows in Europe. "Express Yourself" is just what Madonna does. Although her performance is "Causing a Commotion," the "Blonde Ambition" tour was nothing less than a satisfying show. John W. Trainer '91


Defeating the Milwaukee Brewers on July 31, Texas Rangers pitcher Nolan Ryan won his 300th game. "I eel more relieved that anything else after all the buildup," Ryan said after joining the 路300 club. Ryan has 1ecome one of only ten major league pitchers to win 300 games. John W. Trainer '91


UNITED STATES TANKS REACH SAUDI ARABIA The United States Army's heaviest ground firepower reached Saudi soil in August for deploy· ment behind Arab forces manning the front line in the standoff with Iraq. Dozens of M1·1P tanks and M2 Bradley armored infantry fighting vehicles, and scores more heavy support vehicles, rolled off two huge transport ships at a port in northeastern Saudi Arabia and made their way north into the de· sert. The truthfully spoken words of Colonel Barry Willey rang true in early March when he said "There's no doubt in my mind that we'll succeed here if we have to." "Bring them (the Iraqis) oh," said a United States sergeant. "We have the training and technology; they've got the numbers. We'll take them out." And may God bless America! John W. Trainer '91


A PORTRAIT OF AN IRAQI "MADMAN" The portrait of Saddam Hus· sein shows a man with a strange duality: Tough, yet fearful; inspiring fear in his own people, yet also basking in a kind of populist veneration from many of the region's Ar· abs. The portrait is one of a poor orphan who rose tp power through opportunism and bru· tallty, whose anti-Western views were shaped in child· hood, and who - commanding the world's fourth-largest army - unsuccessfully attempted to deliver on his nationalist dreams. Fear and terror surrounded the 53-year·old Iraqi President, and United States intelligence officials and other analysts believed that this climate was his undoing. John W. Trainer '91





' ---路



Desert Storm Remembered We will remember the suddenness, he swiftness, the devastation, and the >Ublic controversy of the War in the ~ulf. A nation watched, in effect, a sur路eal TV mini-series - while the reality >f smart bombs, a thousand smoulder-

ing tanks, the eerie absence of "live footage," and the overwhelming pall of oil-well smoke lingers yet. Although inseparable from the political issues, the dutiful and courageous performance of fighter pilots and troops makes a

deeply-felt impact on us all. We mourn those who died in battle; we thank those who survived the risking of their lives in carrying out our nation's mission. John W. Trainer '91


I?'' Aaaaa Adamow, Michael: 56, 130 Adamucci, Joseph: 48, 142 Administration Divider: 18 Administration: 20 Ahern, Brother Timothy: 40, 41, 111, 114, 115, 146, 147 Ahn, Phillip: 64 Alien, Archives: 102 Allen, Edward: 56 Allen, Jamal: 98, 154, 158, 214 Almost Done: 64 Altieri, Ronald: 56 Alumni House: 27 Amerman, Michael: 48 Amicone, Paul: 48 Ammaturo, Marc: 64 Anastasi, Matthew: 64 Andrejko, Brother Michael: 37 Andrusko, Brian: 48 Anisko, John: 64 Arbogast, Matthew: 64 Art Department: 28 Art Club: 74 Ashton, Michael: 56 Athletics Department: 29 Austin, Richard: 56, 143

B'Oris, Michael: 64 Bacica, Michael: 64 Baer, Aaron: 82, 83, 158, 214 Baer, Mrs. Marie: 24 Baer, Timothy: 48 Ball, Robert: 56 Ballod, Christopher: 48 Ballod, Mrs. Joanne: 42 Band: 76 Barbalace, Daniel: 56, 80, 86, 88 Barratt, Mrs. Jennie: 43 Barth, Robert: 64, 142 Barton, Jamie: 94, 158 Baseball: 146 Basketball: 134 Bavuso, Matthew: 48 Bavuso, Michael: 56 Beaver, Mark: 14, 56, 114, 121, 139 Bell, William: 48 Bennett, Brian: 158 Bennis, Derek: 64, 151 Bergan, Christopher: 158 Bergen, Michael: 56, 63, 214 Bevilacqua, Gabriel: 48, 86 Bike Club: 104 Bitting, Kurt: 56, 143, 214 Black Student Union: 98 Blanco, Mr. Gabriel: 32, 116, 117 Blaski, Robert: 89, 90, 93, 106, 107, 158, 214 Blasi, Steven: 48 Blatney, Vincent: 64 Bley, Akio: 159 Bloh, Mr. Dennis: 30, 31, 99 Blue and Gold: 108 Board of Trustees: 22 Bodden,John:64,80,86 Boehmler, Albert: 48 Bojsza, Peter: 55 Boland, Brendan: 56

Bonanni, Fabian: 48 Bondra, Brother Thomas: 30, 31 Bonner, Chris: 76, 77, 82, 159 Bott, William: 50, 64, 148 Boyd, Matthew: 5, 64 Boyle, Kevin: 56, 121 Bracken, Kevin: 48 Brackin, John: 160 Brady, Chris: 48, 130 Brady, Paul: 56 Brandt, James: 64 Bransfield, Daniel: 64 Brescia, Matthew: 56, 84 Brighters, James: 48 Brigidi, Vincent: 48 Brinkmann, Gerard: 56, 154 Brower, Ralph: 56 Brown, Mrs. Clare: 30, 31, 96 Brown, Marlin: 106, 107, 114, 139, 154, 160 Brusca, Michael: 64, 130, 140, 141 Buongiorno, Louis: 160 Burghart, Peter: 160 Burgo, Stephen: 160 Burke, Leo: 64 Burkey, Daniel: 48 Burns, Michael: 64 Burns, Roger: 48 Bush, Jack: 51, 54, 138, 139, 154, 160, 214 Bustard, Robert: 48 Butcher, James: 48 Butcher, Thomas: 56 Butler, John: 128, 134, 135, 136, 160 Butler, Thomas: 96, 101, 106, 107, 140, 160, 192, 214 Byrne, Patrick: 161 Byrnes, Jonathan: 64

Ccccc Cabato, Alvin: 64 Cabato, Mark: 161 Cafeteria Ladies: 45 Cairnes, James: 161 Callahan, Timothy: 64 Calvitti, Anthony: 56 Campagna, Anthony: 161 Campbell, Brendan: 48 Campbell, Mark: 2, 89, 97, 106, 107, 108, 109, 116, 117, 144, 157, 161, 214 Canalley, Edward: 56 Cannobio, Mrs. Linda: 38, 39 Cannon, Brother Edward: 43 Cannon, Joseph: 161 Cantwell, John: 161 Capozzoli, Joseph: 14, 56 Cappelletti, Francis: 161 Caputo, Daniel: 56, 84, 149, 214 Caramenico, Nicholas: 56 Carmody, Brian: 48, 130 Carr, Brian: 93, 162 Carr, Timothy: 56 Carrello, Joseph: 64, 142 Carter, Jason: 56, 134 Casale, Raymond: 64 Cassidy, Paul: 56 Cattie, David: 56 Cecco~,John: 5~214 Cevallos, David: 48 Chadwick, Brother Thomas: 24 Chambers, John: 48, 83, 113 Choi, Edmund: 6, 56 Ciasullo, Chris: 48 Ciavarelli, Chris: 48 Ciaverelli, Gregory: 122, 162, 214

Ciccimaro, Mrs. Janice: 43 Ciccimaro, Mr. Joseph: 28, 76, 78 Cieplinski, Joseph: 64, 76, 79, 104, 214 Cimini, Mr. Guy: 44 Citrino, Christopher: 64, 128, 130 Citro, Gregory: 56, 84, 85, 214 Clancey: 6 Clark, Kenneth: 57 Clarke, Douglas: 64 Clements, Robert: 48 Closing: 216 Clubs/Activities Divider: 72 Cody,Jay: 64, 144 Colangelo, Mrs. Angeline: 26 Cole, George: 163 Colfer, Edward: 48 Colistra, Mr. Joseph: 41, 128, 129, 191, 210 Collins, Daniel: 71 Colucci, Frank: 48 Community Service Corps: 90 Conlin, Keith: 128, 129, 131, 134, 135, 136, 154, 163 Conlin, Kevin: 47, 57, 130 Connell, Michael: 48 Conroy, William: 49 Contents: 1 Conti, Frank: 64 Convey, Christopher: 57 Cook, Brother Kenneth: 37 Cook, Steve: 64, 128, 141 Cooper, Christian: 49 Corcoran, Francis: 64, 121, 139 Cornog, Albert: 57 Coschi, Gerald: 65 Cosgrove, James: 127, 152, 163 Cottone, Andrew: 65 Coyle, Michael: 163 Craig, Daniel: 105, 163 Craig, Edward: 5, 163 Craig, Thomas: 64, 144 Crawford, Brandan: 65 Crawford, Geoffrey: 65, 98, 130, 131, 134, 136, 137 Creamer, David: 48, 49 Credits: 214 Creedon, Michael: 49 Crew, Fall: 126 Crew, Spring: 152 Croney,John: 97, 126, 127, 152, 153, 164 Cross Country: 120 Cross, Kyle: 49 Crouthamel, James: 49 Crowe, Daniel: 126, 141, 164 Cruz, Robert: 64 Cuba, Michael: 57 Cuce, Nicholas: 57 Cullen, Joseph: 154, 164 Cunningham, Gregory: 49 Cunningham, Jeff: 122, 124, 164 Cunningham, Michael: 66, 84, 89, 99, 100, 106, 107, 112, 159, 164,214 Cywinski, Jeffrey: 49

Ddddd D'Angelo, Dr. Joseph: 31 D'Argenio, Michael: 57 D'Orazio, Michael: 65 Dager, Jonathan: 49 Dager, Kevin: 57 Dajnowski, John: 65 Daley, John: 57, 84, 214 Daly, Brian: 114, 121, 139, 154, 164 Daly, Dr. Doris: 24

1aly, Kevin: 57 1aniel, Timothy: 53, 65, 130 1aymont, Joshua: 49 1eGovann, Joseph: 65, 148 1eAmicis, Anthony: 49 1eAngelis, Justin: 165 1edication: 16 1eliso, Thomas: 65 1eltito, Scott: 165 1emeter, Douglas: 57, 121 1empsey, Robert: 51, 65, 151 1ennis, Jeremy: 57 1erosa,Thomas: 8, 57 1esai,Ronak: 57 1esilvis, Christopher: 57, 134 1eSimone, Thomas: 166 1ever, Mrs. Patricia: 27 ievincent, Alfred: 49 1evine, Dr. James: 21, 22, 23, 111 1evine, Mr. Patrick: 24, 25, 121, 139, 154 iezzi, Christopher: 99, 166 1ezzi,James: 49 1iArenzo, Nicholas: 57, 142 liaz, Paul: 49 >ickson, Robert: 57, 143 iehl, Mr. David: 20, 22, 23 ifeo, Anthony: 49 'igati, Thomas: 49 iienno, Jonathan: 57, 86 ini, Frederick: 82, 86, 96, 166 ipaolo, Francis: 57 ivito, Christopher: 49 oebley, John: 65, 143 oehne, Chris: 166, 199 olan, Mr. Michael: 24, 25, 98, 151 olan, Paul: 49 olaway, Paul: 57 onahue, Brian G.: 57 onahue, Brian T.: 119, 128, 166 onahue, Mrs. Linda: 32, 33 onahue, Timothy: 57 onnelly, Sean: 88, 89, 166 onovan, Edward: 65 "Don't I Look 17?": 56 owney,, James: 65 owney, Michael: 57 owns, Timothy: 127, 152, 153, 166 oyle, Michael: 65 rayton, William: 49 ries, Brother James: 19, 21, 22, 23 rumm, Raymond: 49 uffy, Vincent: 65 ugan, Ms. Maureen: 34, 35 uncheskie, Stephen: 49 unn, Brother Thomas: 34, 35 urkin-Lapowsky, Mrs. Colleen: 80, 82 urso, Richard: 65, 143 uszak, Robert: 49 1


Fallon, John: 65 Farina, Nicholas: 57 Farragut, Ryan: 10, 57 Farrell, Jude: 49, 92 Farrell, William: 65, 134 Fasy, Gerald: 57 Fecher, Jeffrey: 57 Fegley, David: 167 Fegley, Jeffrey: 49 Fegley, Michael: 58 Felice, Francis: 49 Feliciani, Robert: 58 Fenningham, John: 58 Feret, Brett: 65, 114, 139, 155 Ferrie, Colin: 58 File, Daniel: 65, 113 Filippi, Samuel: 65 Finn, Brother Linus: 43, 108, 112, 214 Finney, Patrick: 65 Fisher, Brian: 49 Fiskett, Daniel: 49 Fithian, Thomas: 49 Fitzgerald, Craig: 13, 128, 147, 167 Five Pages - Due Monday: 66 Flag Protection Act: 204 Flanigan, David: 58 Flanigan, Michael: 58 Fleming, Jeffrey: 58 Flemming, Joseph: 65 Fluehr, Timothy: 50 Flynn, Joseph: 65 Foley, Mr. James: 23, 171 Forbes, Andrew: 58 Ford, James: 58 Ford, Robert: 65 Forum: 86 Foster, Terrence: 50, 143 Fox, Adam: 58 France, Thomas: 167 Freshmen: 48-55 Frey, Jon: 65 Friel, Douglas: 14, 58 Frisario, Roger: 52, 66 Fritz, Daniel: 58, 140, 148, 149 Frizalone, Mr. John: 34, 35, 89, 138, 139, 154 Frizlen, Drew: 58 Fry, Matthew: 167 Fry, Richard: 58 Fuhrmeister, Gerard: 167 Fulginiti, Domenic: 50, 96 Fulginiti, Dominic: 66 Fullerton, Thomas: 50, 142 Fumai, Kevin: 58


Eeeee >Y,Curtis: 78, 119, 134, 136, 137, 166 tnotovich, Jonathan: 154, 167 nery, Ryan: 57 1glish Department: 30 路b, Timothy: 49 路iksen, John: 49 :tore, Michael: 57 rans, Mr. Gerald: 38, 39 rerling, Joseph: 65 ccuse Me?: 68

1gnan, Donald: 65, 143 1irorth, Gabriel: 57

Gallagher, Colin: 66, 128, 130 Gallagher, Daniel A.: 50 Gallagher, Daniel P.: 66 Gallagher, Mrs. Helen: 27 Gallagher, Michael: 50 Gallagher, Patrick: 66 Galzerano, Vincent: 167 Gannon, Timothy: 50 Gaspero, Michael: 50 Gathman, David: 66, 128, 139, 154 Gaul, Brendan: 58, 84, 85, 106, 107, 108, 109,

214 Gavin, Mr. Victor: 32, 33 Gazebo: 100 Gdowik, Steven: 66 Gebhardt, William: 58 Geiger, Mr. William: 32, 33, 84, 85, 108, 109,

112, 214 Gibbons, Mark: 66 Gillespie, Anthony: 58, 83 Gillespie, Mr. Terrence: 38, 39 Gilligan, Andrew: 58 Gillon, Thomas: 10, 152, 167, 209 Gilroy, Michael: 168 Ginieczki, Taylor: 66 Ginty, Ryan: 58 Giordano, Nicholas: 58, 81 Giouzelis, Telly: 50 Giuliano, Gregory: 66, 111, 139, 155 Gladu, Robert: 58 Glavin, Joshua: 58 Glessner, Chris: 142, 168 Glick, James: 58 Godin, Thomas: 66 Goldbacher, Marc: 58, 86 Golderer, Joseph: 58, 86 Golf: 144 Goodwin, Jeffrey: 169 Gordon, Kevin: 50 Gorman, James: 50, 130, 139, 154 Gorman, John: 64, 65, 66, 139 146, 154, 214 Grace, Mr. John: 40, 41, 80 Graebner, Sean: 58 Graf, Carl: 58 Gray, Brendan: 50 Gray, Kevin: 132, 169



Grebis, Thomas: 50 Greiner, Walter: 66 Griffin, Christopher: 66 Griffith, Brian: 66 Griffith, Brent: 169 Groben, Peter: 58 Grosso, Frank: 50 Guckert, Brian: 115, 169 Guevera, Maximo: 66, 128 Guidance Department: 24 Guidi, Philip: 50 Gulli, Damon: 169 Guys vs. Girls: 54

Haas, Francis: 66 Haas, Glenn: 66 Haas, Karl: 48, 50 Hagan, Timothy: 50 Hagelin, Scott: 66, 80 Hagen, Frederick: 58 Halasa, Peter: 59 Halczenko, Paul: 59 Haldis, Christopher: 59 Halstead, Scott: 66, 139 Hamilton, Daniel: 13, 169 Hamstead, Shawn: 66 Hangey, Jon: 50 Hannon, Tim: 59 Hanson, Brian: 6, 59 Hanson, Jonathan: 50 Hanssen, Mr. Tore: 15, 29, 151 Harbison, Lawrence: 86, 170 Harrer, Jeffrey: 170 Harrington, Roger: 66, 122, 124, 134, 136, 146 Hartey, Gerard: 59 Hartman, William: 50 Hasan, Jaffrey: 50 Hasson, Chris: 128, 130, 170 Hathi, Shekher: 66 Haughton, Patrick: 66, 143 Hayes, Joseph: 50 Hayes, Martin: 170 Hendrick, Robert: 50 Hendrick, Sean: 2, 73, 88, 89, 108, 109, 130,

134, 135, 170,214,216 Herrera, Stephen: 66 Herron, Liam: 59 Hicke, Scott: 66 Higgins, James: 14, 59 Hildebrand, Matthew 59, 209 Hill, Lawrence: 50 Hilty, Chris: 120, 121, 138, 139, 144, 154, 155, 170 Hipp, Sean: 66 Hirschbuhl, Charles: 66 Hohenleitner, Mr. George: 32, 33 Holwick, Chris: 50 Homeless Count: 204 Hodd, Stephen: 171 Hooper, Thomas: 50 Horbachevsky, Olexa: 66 Hornick, John: 66 Horst, Michael: 171 Hotz, Matthew: 59 Houck,John: 172 Houck, Mark: 67, 128, 139, 154 Houston, William: 50 Hubbard, Frederick: 50 Hudson, Gilbert: 59, 142 Huff, Christopher: 59 Hummel, Vincent: 127, 152, 172 Hunter, Michael: 59

lacullo, Rocco: 59 Ice Hockey: 142 ldhaw, Steven: 50, 75 Index: 208 lntramurals: 114

Jackson, Mr. Martin: 40, 41, 134, 136 Jackson, Raymond: 50 Jacobs, Joseph: 51

are you free next football season?"

Jacobsen, Michael: 51 Jandrisitz, Justin: 67 Jarymovych, Alexander: 59 Jarymovych, Borys: 51 Jarymovych, Marko: 172 Jennings, Thomas: 67 Jodlowski, Chris: 82, 83, 172 John, Rhys: 59 Johnson, Mr. Francis: 36, 37, 106, 107, 115 Jones, Richard: 51 Jones, William: 67 Joyce, Michael: 67 Jugler, John: 59 Jugler, Michael: 67 Juniors: 64路71 Junod, Joseph: 59

Kaiser, David: 59, 214 Kalas, Mr. Harry: 111 Kaminski, Jeffrey: 59 Karp, James: 59 Karr, Adam: 67 Karwacki, Robert: 172 Kasloff, Mrs. Faye: 27 Kaub, Joseph: 59 Kaufmann, George: 59 Keefe, Timothy: 59 Keeley, Michael: 126, 152, 172 Keenan, Daniel: 94, 95, 121, 172 Keidel, James: 11, 51 Kelly, Boyd: 59 Kelly, Chris: 172 Kelly, Daniel: 173 Kelly, Robert: 48, 51 Kemm, Jeffrey: 51 Kenefic, Matthew: 59 Menefic, Michael: 173 Kensey, Douglas: 59, 111 Kent, Kevin: 59 Keough, Brother Joseph: 42, 174 Kerlin, Michael: 59, 121, 151 Kerr, Kenneth: 51 Kichula, Peter: 51 Kiefer, Michael: 60 Kiernan, Edward: 67 Kiernan, Philip: 51 Kim, Daniel: 173 King, Charles: 67, 86, 87 Kirkpatrick, Chris: 67, 127 Kleschick, Paul: 51 Kline, Kevin: 51 Klock, Joel: 60 Knecht, Thomas: 51 Kobylinski, Wayne: 51 Koch, Kevin: 142, 173 Kochanski, Kevin: 60 Kopitsky, Jerry: 173 Korolishin, Kieran: 60, 116 Koschineg, Ernest: 134, 135, 165, 173 Kovac, Thomas: 134, 173 Krelovich, Keith: 67, 132, 214 Kumpf, Steven: 51

Luu LaFontaine, Mr. Bill: 4, 44, 159 Lahr, Kevin: 60 Lanahan, Ryan: 51 Lane, Joshua: 51 Language Department: 32 Lapinski, Eric: 51 Lapp, Keith: 67 Larason, Kenneth: 67

arkin, Daniel: 51 asky, Brian: 48, 51 asorsa, Joseph: 51 atchford, Kevin: 51 au, Merwin: 67 aurich, Vincent: 9, 60 avin, Gregory: 60, 130 awrence, Andrew: 67 awson, Steven: 67 eader, Dan: 67 eader, Deane: 67 ee, Allen: 51 ee, Anthony: 173 elli, Gary: 51 emanowicz, Richard: 60 ewis, Daniel: 67 ibrary: 42 ichtner, Mr. Frank: 29, 132, 133 iebsch, Donald: 67, 75 iebtag, Chris: 51 inde, Gregory: 58, 115, 142, 174, 214 inguiti, Ryan: 51 ink, Erik: 80, 84, 157, 174, 214 ink, John: 67 itchendorf, Eric: 52, 175 itynski, Gene: 67 loyd, James: 106, 107, 175 loyd, John: 60, 214 ochetto, Stephen: 51 ofgren, Brett: 51 ofgren, Todd: 51 oftus, Daniel: 60 ogan, Mrs. Bernadette: 26, 192 ogan, Joseph: 67, 113, 134, 137 opez, Christian: 67, 139, 214 opez, Joseph: 122, 175 opez, Stephane: 60 opit, Ronald: 67 opoten, Barry: 51 orusso, Vincent: 52 ottier, Jason: 122, 175 .ottier, John: 52 .ouka, Edward: 67, 139 .ovgren, Michael: 60 .uby, David: 175 .ucente, Mark: 175 .umley, Brother Aloysius: 43, 144 .utz, Michael: 67 .ynch, Stephen: 67 .yon, Matthew: 52 .yons, Shawn: 52

Mmmmm lacartney, Robert: 100, 176 laccaroni, James: 60 lackintosh, Ian: 52 lladonna: 205 taertzig, Stephen: 52 ~agro, Michael: 52, 67, 214 faguire, Michael: 176 ~aher, James: 94, 115, 144, 176 naher, Mrs. Julia: 38, 105, 116 naida, Domenic: 96, 114, 139, 154, 155, 176 /laida, Paul: 52, 130, 137 faintenance: 44 /lalatesta, Alexandro: 52 nalloy, John: 60 falone, Charles: 176 /lalone, Terrence: 68 /laloney, James E.: 60 /laloney, James F.: 68 /langan, Mr. Lawrence: 21, 23 /lanion, Mr. David: 32, 33 /lanning, Ryan: 68 i/lARANATHA: 171 /larkey, Frank: 52 /larkmann, Joseph: 71, 130 /larkowski, John: 52

Marsh, Jason: 60 Martin, Christopher: 68 Martin, Ronald: 60, 143 Marzella, Brady: 176 Mason, Gregory: 60, 66 Masucci, Robert: 52 Mathletes: 88 Mathematics Department: 34 Matsinger, John: 68 Matthews, Brian: 52 Matthews, Stephen: 96, 106, 107, 121, 176 Maude,Andrew: 127, 153, 176 Maxwell, Timothy: 60 Mayer, Jamie: 177 McAllister, Kevin: 52 McAnally, Mark: 177 McAnes_pey, Mr. Robert: 27 McAuliffe, Kieran: 60, 80 McCabe, Mr. Bernard: 30, 31, 214 McCabe, Mr. Edward: 30, 31, 121 McCafferty, Paul: 60 McCaffrey, Brian: 60, 143 McCaffrey, Michael: 171, 177 McCann, Francis: 60 Mccann, Mark: 97, 142, 143, 177 Mccarry, Robert: 52 McCloy, Samuel: 60 McClure, Morgan: 60 McComb, Edward: 68 McCool, Karl: 52 McCormac, Gerald: 68 Mccourt, Michael: 52 McCracken, Richard: 52, 57 Mccusker, John: 68 McDermott, Brain F.: 68 McDermott, Brian M.: 68, 73, 77, 86, 87, 94, 177, 196, 214 McDona~,John:6~ 111 McDonald, Patrick: 52 McDonald, Thomas: 105, 177, 214 McDonald, Timothy: 68 McDowell, William: 60, 83 McElderry, Ryan: 60 McElvenny, Matt: 60, 177, 214 McFadden, Bill: 177 McFadden, Michael: 52 McGeehan, Kevin: 97, 178, 214 McGill, Brian: 134, 135, 178 McGinnis, Mark: 178 McGoldrick, Mark: 61 McGoldrick, Matthew: 52 McGovern, Mrs. Diane: 28, 74, 75 McGovern, Brother Hilary: 29 McGovern, Michael: 52 McGowan, Patrick: 61 McGowan, Thomas: 178 McGuigan, Brian: 68 Mcilvaine, Boyd: 52 McKee, John: 52 McKee, Mark: 178 McKeever, John: 61 McMahon, Kevin: 61 McManus, John: 61 McManus, Joseph: 178 McManus, Timothy: 61 McMonagle, Michael: 52 McNamara, Brian: 68 McNamara, Joshua: 178 McNamee, James: 82, 83, 105, 178 McNichol, Joseph: 99, 128, 130, 131, 146, 147, 179 McNichol, Kevin: 61 McNichol, Robert: 73, 108, 109, 179, 214 Means, Brother Michael: 91 Mecke, Quintin: 2, 70, 99, 179, 214 Mediano, Christopher: 68, 75 Mee, Arthur: 179 Meehan, Brian: 52 Meehan, James: 52 Meehan,Joseph: 61, 143 Mehr, Mrs. Muriel: 36, 37, 93 Mehta, Saurin: 52 Melley, Shawn: 68

Men of La Salle: 111 Mercer, James: 61 Merch, Steven: 68 Mercuri, Christian: 142, 179 Merritt, Brian: 52 Miazga, Roman: 52 Micsko, Timothy: 68, 80, 82, 214 Mikulski, Bartholomew: 61 Miles, Gary: 61, 143 Miller, Mr. Gerald: 40, 41, 214 Miller, James: 68 Miller, Kyle: 53 Miller, Stephen: 179 Min, Jeen: 61, 82 Mineheart, Jeffrey: 68, 143 Ministry: 42 Minnich, John: 68, 121, 139 Mixers: 116 Mock Trial: 99 Modzelewski, James: 68, 214 Molinari, William: 73, 84, 90, 108, 109, 110, 179, 214 Molush, Mr. Edward: 30, 31, 108, 109, 116, 214 Moock, James: 53 Morales, Diego: 61 Morgan, Mark: 61 Morrisroe, Andrew: 68, 111 Morrissey, Brian: 179 Morrissey, Joseph: 119, 128, 131, 144, 180 Morrissey, Paul: 61 Mothers' Club: 110 Mrozinski, Brother Charles: 34, 35 Muldowney, Joseph: 53 Mulhern, CB: 73, 101, 108, 151, 180, 214 Mullen, Andrew: 127, 153, 181 Mullen, Gregory: 61 Mullen, Mrs. Karen: 26 Mullen, Mrs. Mary Kay: 26, 69 Mullen, Michael: 99, 181 Mulligan, Martin: 53 Mullin, Mr. Frank: 43 Mullin, Kevin: 53 Mullin, Michael: 68 Mullin, Paul: 7, 53, 134 Mulvaney, Glenn: 68, 214 Murphy,John:77,96, 114, 120, 121, 139, 154, 155, 181, 214 Murphy, Joseph: 61 Murphy, Scott: 53 Music Department: 28 Mydlowec, Mrs. Sally: 38, 39 Mydlowec, William: 53 Myers, Brother Joseph: 28, 104

nnnn National Honor Society: 96 Neverosky, Craig: 122, 181 Newdeck, David: 68 Nguyen, Khoa:88,89, 181 Nguyen, Khoi: 68, 75 Nichols, William: 68, 98, 130, 139, 214 Nickels, George: 68 Kicolo, James: 61 Nicoletti, Mr. Geoffrey: 36, 37 Nocentino, David: 61, 143 Nolan, Ryan Wins 300: 205 Northrop, Thomas: 53 No Time - Get Me Cliff: 62 Nowak,Josh: 151, 181 Nowakowski, Brian: 61

0000 O'Brien, Michael F.: 182

O'Brien, Michael J.: 61 O'Brien, Shawn: 4, 146, 147, 157, 182 O'Connell, Michael: 142, 182 O'Donnell, Kevin: 8, 182 O'Donnell, Timothy: 61 O'Donnell, William: 182 O'Halloran, Patrick: 127, 152, 153, 182 O'Hanlon, Brendan: 53, 143 O'Hara, Brian: 91, 182 O'Hara, Kevin: 68 O'Hara, Michael F.: 61 O'Hara, Michael J.: 68 O'Malley, Brendan: 53 O'Malley, David: 68 O'M.2r!:I


Pratowski, Edward: 62, 184, 214 Prete, Louis: 69, 142 Pritchard, Daniel: 53 Prom Date: 196 Puntel, Mr. Alfred: 36, 37, 90

Qqqqq Quinn, Donald: 53, 142


O'Neill, Brendan: 53, 134 O'Neill, Mark: 105, 144, 182 O'Toole, Mr. Michael: 30, 31, 100, 101 Oberholzer, Chris: 90, 183, 214 Odarchenko, Vladimir: 69 Olender, Kevin: 61, 134 Oliver, Joseph: 53 Open House: 112 Opening: 1 Ormond,Chad:61, 130, 148 Orsino, Francis: 183, 201 Osborne, Francis: 69, 154 Oyefule, Dele: 53

ppppp Palm, William: 61 Palombaro, Matthew: 53 Pannepacker, Robert: 69 Panzarella, Thomas: 61 Paolone, Andrew: 53 Paradise, Michael: 69, 214 Parella, Michael: 61 Parisi, Mr. Joseph: 40, 41, 98, 146, 149 Parmar, Vivek: 62 Parry, Andrew: 53 Parsons, Michael: 62 Particelli, Robert: 101, 183 Pasquali, Francesco: 62 Pasquali, Raffaele: 69 Patel, Snehal: 69, 214 Paterson, Gerald: 69 Patrons: 215 Paul,John: 53, 86, 143 Pecsi, James: 157, 183 Peffle, Robert: 53 Pellegrino, Frank: 53 Pensabene, Craig: 69 Perfetti, Marco: 53 Perfetti, Mario: 69 Perillo, Joseph: 53 Pero, Jason: 171, 183 Perry, Bryan: 69 Perry, Christopher: 62 Pescatore, Scott: 62 Petka, Frankie: 53, 142 Photo Club: 84 Piano, James: 183 Piccione, Michael: 69 Pickard, David: 71 Pigeon, Robert: 127, 183 Pigeon, Thomas: 69 Piskai, Brian: 53 Platter-Up!: 165 Plewa, Mariusz: 53 Plover, Eric: 62 Pluck, John: 183 Poehlmann, Brian: 122, 124, 146, 147, 184 Ponisciak, Mrs. Dorothy: 38, 39, 97 Ponisciak, Mr. Michael: 34, 35, 90 Ponisciak, Stephen: 49, 53, 84, 214 Portrait of an Iraqi "Madman": 206 Potter, Jason: 184 Poulopoulos, Manos: 62

Rrrrr Rakowski, Daniel: 76, 79, 184 Randazzo, John: 86, 106, 107, 184 Randles, Patrick: 184 Randolph, Michael: 62 Ravasco, Richard: 48, 53 Reeves, Brian: 62, 143 Reilly, Brian: 69 Reilly, Mr. Charles: 22 Reilly, Christopher: 62 Reilly, Dennis: 62, 71 Reinhardt, Mr. Robert: 19, 38, 39, 105, 127, 153 Religion Department: 36 Remember Our Troops Who Served in the Gulf: 206 Remus, Frank: 69 Rendine, Daniel: 53 Renzi, Michael: 69, 121, 139 Repici, David: 69 Reutlinger, Chris: 62 Ricci, Joseph: 19, 69, 124 Riccio, Michael: 62 Rider, John: 185 Rimert, Ms. Lorraine: 16, 17, 38, 39, 213 Rinaldi, Joseph: 61, 62, 74, 180, 186, 191, 214 Rite of Passage: 52 Rivera, Matthew: 185 Roat, Christopher: 54 Roberts, Salem: 55 Robinson, Andrew: 62 Roccia, Christian: 91, 186 Roche, Mr. James: 35, 88, 89 Rodgers, Jamie: 69 Rodriguez, Carlos: 54 Roeser, Stephen: 62, 121, 138, 139, 154 Roesser, Matthew: 62 Rogers, Brother David: 24, 24, 96, 139, 154, 214 Rojas, Ricardo: 150, 151, 186 Roller, James: 54 Roman, Gregory: 141, 171, 187 Romano, Brian: 54 Romano, George: 69 Romano, Matthew: 141, 187 Romano, Brother Robert: 32, 33 Roscioli, Frank: 187, 214 Rose, Michael: 69 Rossi, Peter: 54 Rossi, Rinaldo: 69 Rothenheber, Eric: 62 Rotondo, Patrick: 69 Rudisill, Thomas: 54 Rusnak, William: 187 Russell, Mr. Robert: 38, 39, 105, 186, 214 Russo,John: 141, 187 Ruzzi, Joseph: 73, 187 Ryan, Daniel: 69, 123, 124

Sssss S.A.D.D.: 97

Saggese, Mark: 69 Salazar, Art: 69 Saldutti, Michael: 188 Salinis, Leonard: 12, 62 Salvador, Albert: 54 Samson, Bryan: 69 Sandella, Bradley: 47, 62 Sands, Richard: 54 Sangord, Charles: 69 Santini, Jason: 54 Santoro, Victor: 69 Santucci, Lawrence: 54 Sapp, Frederick: 70, 99 Saracino, Michael: 84, 101, 106, 107, 188 Sava, Mitch: 70, 128 Scali, Michael: 54, 130 Scali, Richard: 188 Scandone, Keith: 62 Scarcelle, Michael: 5, 54, 80, 81, 83 Schaefer, Michael: 70 Schaum, Mrs. Patricia: 26, 214 Schill, Chris: 54 Schlosser, William: 62 Schmalbach, Robert: 54 Schmidt, Chris A.: 188 Schmidt, Chris C.: 188 Schmidt, Kevin: 128, 129, 188 Schnepp, Robert: 54 Schorn, Brian: 54 Schrader, Joseph: 70 Schulden, John: 142, 188 Schweich, Kevin: 70 Sciascia, Robert: 83, 188 Science Department: 38 Scola, Pietro: 70, 96, 214 Scully, Brian: 54 Scully, Kevin: 120, 121, 139, 154, 155, 189 Scutti, Andrew: 94, 189 Secretaries: 26 Sellers, William: 62 Semen, Timothy: 54 Senior Quotes: 198 Seniors: 158 Senior Divider: 156 Shah, Amol: 70, 89 Shah, Ojas: 70, 89 Shannon, Brian: 5, 152, 189 Sharkey, Hank: 62 Shea, Brother Robert: 19, 20, 22, 23, 110, 111 Shepherd, Ronald: 70 Shepherd, William: 116, 189 Sheridan, Francis: 76, 189, 214 Shevlin, Matthew: 62 Shields, Matthew: 62 Shilkitus, Daniel: 54, 143 Shorn to Be Wild: 60 Shoturma, Andrew: 54 Shustack, Ms. Tina: 34, 35 Sigmund, James: 76, 127, 153, 189 Sigmund, Joseph: 5, 189 Sigmund, Mark: 54 Silli, John: 62 Silli, Robert: 189 Silli, William: 54 Silva, Jamie: 70 Silva, Jeff: 63 Sink, Keith: 190 Sinopoli, Michael: 99, 146, 190, 214 Sites, David: 54 Siwinski, James: 70 Ski Club: 105 Skulsky, Darren: 4, 190 Skyrm, William: 63 Smith, Brian: 54 Smith, Chris: 70, 130 Smith, Christopher: 63 Smith, Kevin: 63 Smith, Mrs. Mary Jo: 34, 35 Smith, Michael: 63 Smith, Timothy: 54 Soccer: 122 Social Studies Department: 40 Sophomores: 56-63

parks, Cheyney: 70 pearing, Will: 90, 93, 97, 106, 107, 128, 185,

90, 214 pecialties: 43 ports Divider: 118 tack, James: 63 tack, Matthew: 54 tack, Thomas: 119, 190 tagliano, David: 63 tairiker, Liam: 54 tanczak, Mr. Martin: 29, 129 ark, Chris: 93, 106, 190, 209 tasiorowski, Daniel: 54 teck, Brother James: 19, 32, 33, 115 tein, Thomas: 70, 84, 214 terner, Brother Rene: 21, 73, 86, 87 tevenson, Michael: 70, 75, 92 timmler, Ed: 70 tirring It Up: 58 tokes, Thomas: 63 towe, Chad: 94, 114, 115, 119, 128, 129, 171,

n :reibig, Peter: 63 :reibig, Stephen: Cover, 18, 46, 72, 75, 102, 18, 156, 157, 191, 214, 216 :rohecker, Stephen: 154, 192 :udent Council: 94 1mmerill, James: 192 1tcliffe, Brian: 54 1ter, Patrick: 63, 209 veeney, Brian: 54 vim Team: 132 •nnamon, William: 63



1ggart, James: 63/ Tantala, Michael: 55 1rsi, Julius: 70 1tar, William: 6, 63, 105, 130 1te, James: 55 ,mpest, Bryan: 63 ,nnis: 150 ,nuta, Albert: 63 1eatre, Fall: 80 1eatre, Spring: 82 1eme: 2 me for Some P. T.P., Baby: 70 11inski, Jeffrey: 99, 193 11inski, Michael: 55 mlinson, Matthew: 63 nzelli, Anthony: 70 o Whom It May Concern ... : 185 1rnambe, Joseph: 70 1rnetta, Keith: 114, 128, 129, 131, 139, 154,

i5, 193 ,rres, Carlos: 97·, 106, 150, 151, 193 ack, Spring: 154 ack, Winter: 138 agemann, Geoffrey: 70, 134 ainer, John: 5, 73, 80, 90, 91, 108, 109, 193, 3,204,205,206,207,214,216 eacy, Michael: 71, 139 itz, Max: 63 ojecki, Daniel: 55 uitt, Robert: 55 lio, Louis: 71, 141 II, Brian: 55 rner, Andrew: 55 rner, Mr. Thomas: 19, 40, 41, 98 scano, Michael: 63, 140, 214 rrell, Ryan: 94, 95, 127, 152, 153, 193

Uuuuu 1derclass Divider: 46

Underclassmen Need Not Enter: 192 Urbanski, Ronald: 71 U.S. Tanks Reach Saudi Arabia: 206

Vwvv Vacca, James: 63, 83 Valentine, Robert: 193 Valentine, Thomas: 48, 55 Valerio, Christopher: 194 Valinis, John: 71 Van Stone, Michael: 71 Vanderslice, Kevin: 63 Vandiver, Emory: 71, 111 Varano, Nicholas: 194 Vennera, Michael: 71, 130, 138, 139 Vesay, Daniel: 71 Vesay, Patrick: 55 Vicario, Daniel: 63 Vile, Michael: 105, 122, 152, 194, 214 Vile-Junod, William: 77, 146, 194 Vito, John: 55 Vogt, Fred: 194 Volpe, Jerry: 194 Volpe, John: 63 Voss, Eric: 71, 153, 214

Wachowski, Matthew: 194 Waiting for "To Go": 50 Waldowski, Kyle: 63 Walheim, Andrew: 55 Walheim, Jon: 77, 80, 82, 83, 194 Walker, John: 8, 139, 154, 195 Walker, Mr. John H.: 111 Wallace, Andrew: 71, 146, 147 Walls, Daniel: 144, 145 Walters, Brian: 55 Watson, James: 55 Watts, Stephen: 71 Weinrich, Stephen: 195 Weir, David: 63 Weiss, John: 71, 132 Weiss, Matthew: 55 Welsh, Norman: 71 Wenhold, David: 55 Wentz, Jerome: 195 We're One Step Ahead: 159 Werner, Brother Henry: 42, 96, 171 Wesolowski, Leo: 195 West, Brett: 63

West, Thomas: 71, 86 Whalen, Kevin: 55 Whelan, Barry: 55, 134 Whelan, Brendan: 55 Where's the Fourth Floor?: 49 Whitaker, Eugene: 63 White, Gerard: 80, 82, 83, 195 White, John: 195 Wickersham, Andrew: 55 Wickersham, James: 71, 81, 82, 83, 86 Widuck, Andrew: 55, 74, 75 Wieckowski, Matt: 72, 127 Wilkin, Michael: 126, 127, 152, 195 Will, Nathan: 63 Williamson, Joseph: 197 Wilson, John: 63 Wilson, Thomas: 126, 127, 152, 153, 197, 214 Wimmer, Mark: 63, 139, 154, 155 Wimmer, Michael: 55 Wimmer, Scott: 99, 100, 106, 107, 165, 197, 214 Windfelder, Daniel: 71 Winter Dance: 117 Winters, Jeremy: 63 Wisterian: 106 Witkowski, Michael: 55 Wittkamp, William: 71 Woods, Gregory: 55 "World": 204 Wrestling: 140 Wright, Matthew: 71, 148 Wrzesniewski, Robert: 63 Wyche, Benjamin: 71, 143

yyyy Yatcilla, Stephen: 197 Yearbook: 108 Yost, David: 63 Young, Ryan: 132, 197 Yurick, John: 71

Zzzzz Zalewski, Joseph: 56, 63, 214 Zambrycki, Greg: 63 Zaucha, Christopher: 55 Zemitis, Eric: 197 Zlupko, Brian: 63 Zoeltsch, Mrs. Nancy: 32, 33 Zuccarello, Joseph: 71, 84

Did Mrs. Rimert ever think in 1972 that a yearbook would be dedicated to her today?

Give Credit Where Credit Is Due

Layout Staff Bob McNichol Chris Oberholzer Chris Lopez

John John Dave John

Ceccola Daley Kaiser Lloyd

Art Staff Typing Staff Aaron Baer Greg Ciaverelli Jim Modzelewski Glenn Mulvaney Snehal Patel

Steve Streibig Joe Rinaldi

Business Staff Kevin McGeehan

Photo Staff Copy Staff Eric Link Frank Roscioli Mike Paradise Tom Stein Mike Bergen Kurt Bitting Dan Caputo Greg Citro

Jamal Allen Robert Blasi Jack Bush Tom Butler Mike Cunningham Greg Linde Brian McDermott

Special Thanks to: Brother Robert Shea, Mr. David Diehl, Brother James Dries, and the entire faculty. My Mom and Dad for putting up with me during deadline times, keeping dinners in the microwave and for being so understanding about my grades. Thank you! Love, John All Editors' parents for their similar support and cooperation. Mr. Robert and Rita Davine


Tom McDonald Matt McElvenny Quintin Mecke John Murphy Ed Pratowski Fran Sheridan Mike Sinopoli Will Spearing Mike Vile T.J. Wilson Scott Wimmer Joe Cieplinski John Gorman Keith Krelovich Mike Magro Tim Micsko Bill Nichols Pete Scola Mike Tuscano Eric Voss Dan Caputo Joe Zalewski Steve Ponisciak

Br. D. Linus Finn for our typing needs. Mr. Mike Maicher, Mr. Gerald Miller, Mr. Patrick Devine, an1 Mrs. Jo Ann Ryan for photography. Mr. Bernard McCabe for help in revision. Br. Charles Mrozinski and Mr. Frank Mullin for the sellin! of this book. Br. David Rogers and Mr. Robert Russell for student prin touts. Mrs. Patricia Schaum for bulletin announcements. Mr. Law, ence Mangan and Mrs. Faye Kosloff for numerous favors

Lo Our Patrons: We Couldn't Have Done It Without You te Gabriel Bevilacqua Family st Wishes! The Blasi Family t and Ed Bransfield ,ger and Judith Burns le Cabato Family le Campagna Family ~ Carrello, Jr. le Cevallos Family r. and Mrs. John Cunningham r. and Mrs. Charles Doloway r. and Mrs. Gerard B. Donahue, Jr. 1e Donahues - Harry, Lynda, Brian, Jim, d Adam r. and Mrs. John T. Drost r. and Mrs. Robert F. Duncheskie r. and Mrs. Richard J. Duszak 1e Fecher Family :. and Mrs. Francis M. Felice :m. and Mrs. James J. Fitzgerald :ompliments of Dr. and Mrs. Peter Frey" 1e Friel Family r. and Mrs. Louis C. Galzerano r. and Mrs. Daniel J. Goodwin, Jr. 1e S. John Gorman Family 1e Guckert Family r. and Mrs. Frank Haas 1e Hengemuhle - Mulligan Family LmelaHerrera mes M. Higgins, '93 LuiHiggins, '78/ Philip J. Higgins, '82 1omas J. Higgins, '50 1omas J. Higgins, Jr., '75 ~vin and Sean Hipp r. and Mrs. Daniel Hudson

Mrs. Marta Jarymovych Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Keenan Molly S. Kelly Jerry and Marianne Kopitsky Joe and Mary Lou Kovac The Lapinski Family Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Larason The Liebsch Family The Ryan Linguiti Family Lloyd Family The Lopoten Family Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph A. Lucente The Maida Family Mr. Francis E. Maloney The Maxwell Family Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. McCaffrey The McKee Family Mr. and Mrs. William J. McKeown, III Mr. and Mrs. A. James Meehan Mr. and Mrs. Austin A. Meehan, Jr. The Micsko Family The Modzelewski Family Dr. & Mrs. William J. Molinari Joe and Nancy Morrissey The Lee Mullen Family Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Mulvaney William Mydlowec, '94 Craig Kenneth Neverosky, LS '91 The Neverosky Family Terence G. O'Hara and Family Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Oliver Kevin, Ellen, Molly, Megan and Mark O'Neill Barbara and Len Paradise

Mr. and Mrs. James M. Parella The Pellegrini Family Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Reilly The Rivera Family Mr. and Mrs. John Roat Pete and Becky Roeser Mr. and Mrs. P.T. Romano In loving memory of Mary Ann Rusnak. Thank you, Mother, for all you have done. William Rusnak Family Georgeanna Salinis Mr. and Mrs. Serafin F. Sandella Tom and Cindy Schweich Brother Robert Shea, F.S.C., President Mr. and Mrs. William J. Skyrum and Family Bill and Helen Strohecker Tom and Julie Stack Dr. John M. Stack, Jr. Francis M. Summerill Mr. and Mrs. Francis Summerill Tempest Advertising and Marketing Dr. and Mrs. Torres Mr. and Mrs. John W. Trainer, Jr. The Tyrrell Family Judy and Jean Vennera Mr. and Mrs. Daniel V. Vicario, Sr. William Watts and Catherine Kaelin-Watts Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Wachowski Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Weinrich Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Whelan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Wiechowski The Wimmer Family (Scott '91, Mark '93, Mike '94) Carter, Peggy, and Ryan Young



tardate: 4371.6 - I ordered a return to LaSalle College High School, disappointed that my mission could have been in vain. The rest of Roomdnyw 91 is divided into political units which quarrel amongst themselves. Lt. Reniart's report was greatly anticipated because LaSalle has the only truly intelligent life on the planet. The lieutenant infiltrated a peculiar group of students known as "Yearbook Editors." From this position he was chiefly able to witness all students in their classrooms and hallways, and on their "clubs" and "teams." He reported on all the students who participated in "sports." Sports were apparently physical activities designed for fitness, teamwork, and as a diversion from learning. Most of LaSalle's teams performed well and earned spots in something called "play-offs." Most distinctive and memorable, however, was the main daily function of the school: learning. Students engaged in activities which challenged and expanded their minds rather than their bodies. The activities ranged from solving math problems to perfecting communication skills, and from effecting euphonic sound waves with instruments to dancing and acting out stories on a stage. Some of the specifics of the report I do not understand, hut Lt. Reniart assures me that each activity reflects LaSalle's innate and acquired superiority of intellectual, cultural, and physical expressions. Lt. Reniart should be given a commendation for his work on this mission. He not only observed, hut he actually took part in the creation of the "Yearbook." This hook is a collection of thin, shiny papers hound in a hard cardboard cover which sums up one of their school "years" (one nearly complete solar cycle). Putting it together with some students, Lt. Reniart witnessed their organizational abilities and their desire to achieve perfection (whether they did or not is not the same issue). I am now leaving the Ralos system to seek out intelligent life elsewhere. If I will find anymore I do not know. I do know, though, that I have found another intelligent society besides our own. I will never forget Roomdnyw 91, because I, Captain Krik of the SSU Esirpretne, found signs of intelligent life at LaSalle College High School. Sean Hendrick '91


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