1996 Yearbook

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Left: As a senior, Chris Halpin is finally tall enough to see into his locker.


Above: "High we'll hold memory. Hail La Salle, c Mater. Hail, all hail."

Left: The brain trust of La Salle's student government minus Phil Lynch. Below left: Ben Sclafani asks Matt Skipper for his autograph. Below:The freshman caravan awaits its riders.


Below right A La Salle student engages one of the many educational programs in the computer room.

"'Tis Education forms the common mind; as the twig's bent the tree's inclin'd" -Alexander Pope


n fragile soil, we twigs and saplings of La Salle hold roots shallower and less mature upon entrance than those which will support us upon graduation. At least, such is the intent and hope of the twig-bending LaSallian educators, who are instructed to shape the young minds while giving us room to grow. A Christian education feeds the tree, but does not choke it or prevent it from growing in its own direction. All things considered, La Salle means something slightly different to every one of its students (And you thought we were a plant nursery or greenhouse, right?). Only four years. Four lengthy growing seasons and then high school is gone, seemingly in the blink of an eye. Just as sunlight and the steady hand of the planter guide the tree , the making of so many choices will lead us to our ultimate and final destinies in life.

"The Wheels of nature are not made to roll backward; everything presses on toward Eternity; from the birth of Time an impetuous current has set in, which bears all the sons of men toward that interminable ocean. Meanwhile Heaven is attracting to itself whatever is congenial to its nature, is enriching itself by the spoils of earth, and collect ing within its capacious bosom, whatever is pure, permanent and divine." -Robert Hall


Below left: Instructor Craig Ebner asks Joe Haughton if he knows "Chopsticks" in D-Major.

For those of us whose Karma is the thing that has run over our Dogma, Robert Hall's words convey the idea that destiny is imminent, and the only thing that separates us from that destiny is the perpetual passage of time. The view of La Salle is different. We animate time. We dignify time. We make our own destinies, and since high school has been officially declared the point at which "life begins," we begin shaping our futures while being shaped by our teachers, classmates, friends and coaches. If all this molding leaves you feeling like a ball of clay, stay with us. This is only one aspect. It will take at least this entire tome of the LaSallian experience to look at La Salle, All Things Considered. "True eloquence consists in saying all that should be, not all that could be said." -LaRouchefeld

To consider fully all that we associ-


Below: "Those whippersnappers. We didn't have it this good when we were here."

ate with La Salle, one would have to look far beyond this volume. Only the four-year experience of the school enables a person to understand what comprises All Things Considered, and then only when the four years are lived to the fullest extent possible. If there were some advice most worthy of offering to incoming freshman, it would be to stay involved and stay busy.

"We give advice, but we do not give the wisdom to profit by it." -LaRouchefeld (So, the quote man thinks he has a sense of humor. .. why


Below Left: ''Monday mornings are always rough," ponders senior Kenny Orange.

Below Right: Mr. Nicoletti directs two freshmen toward the promised land.


Underclassmen watch as another car is stolen from the parking lot.

do we suddenly feel trapped in a Britannica commercial?) Before the rude interjection of that quote , we were implying that so much more reverberates within these walls and without than many of us realize . To estimate what this (place) can be, we must first consider how many things happen here. We live through many experiences that may seem routine and insignificant as they pass, but later, looking back from some sense of a summary moment, we realize how essential those experiences were in our four years at La Salle .

"Oh what men daily do, without knowing what ~hey do!" -Shakespeare 路 Perhaps as Freshman we come in seeing high school as some place we are forced to go through. Our graduating seniors testify sentimentally that LaSalle has become some place they don't wish to leave. We all go through transformation in high school , much more than a physical

Below. "What do you mean I can't have any of your fries?"

one. Emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually we emerge on a higher plateau when we leave dressed in cap and gown.

"By work you get money; by talk you get knowledge." - Haliburton By seizing the opportunities the school gives us to express ourselves and discover who we are, we gain perhaps the most important knowledge of all: the knowledge of self. To Consider All Things we look first to the extracurricular activities . The clubs, the sports, the organizations and committees that enable us to get the knowledge Haliburton speaks of .... through interac tion .


Below: "Hmm ... what will it be tonight? Friends or Melrose Place?" • Below Right: Mr. Puntel explains the transubstantiation to Chris Small.


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Below. "Look young man, not every book has to have pictures in it."







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"There are but three classes of men: the retrograde, the stationary, and the progressive." - Lavateer Though that rhyme contained descriptions of a large slice of LaSallian life, much much more than sports, clubs and activities must be considered. La Salle is people, and to those people , the four years here are about experience. The good times and bad times, birth and death, victories and defeats, all make up the complete experience. The defiant fight of Tim McNichol taught a lesson from which we can all prosper. Throughout his battle with cancer he touched so many of us with his courage and faith in God. He remained active scholastically and socially, attending school every day and taking his date to the Mount formal. The deaths of Frank Cherry and Bob Hillgrube also gave us lessons in how to live and how to deal with death. "Lives of great men all remind us we can make our lives sublime, and departing, leave behind us, footprints in the sands of time. Footprints, that perhaps another, Sailing o'er life's solemn main, A forlorn and shipwrecked brother Seeing, shall take heart again."


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Seeing, shall take heart again." -Longfellow There have been many new faces, teachers and students alike, births and joys to grace La Salle and sometimes we tend to overlook these when tragedy strikes. This year's graduating class, "The incredible Shrinking Class of '96", may have dwindled in size, but lack nothing in terms of talent. Any senior will tell you that the best of the class are the ones that remain. This class is notable for possessing a lot of memories that future classes will never experience. The last class to graduate who can describe the grassy area behind the school now covered by St. Michael's Hall is also the last class to experience Brother Linus' freshman typing course. Mavis Beacon will never call you on your birthday, little boys.


Remember "the pit"? After this year perhaps the students will think of our smoking area, the place where high school philosophy of immeasurable proportions was discussed, as a nothing more that an ageold legend. The mixers, the games, the championships, the controversies, the victories, the losses, the teachers, the students. All will someday be intertwined in our heads as the La Salle experience. Perhaps it is this mental amalgamation of experiences that is meant by All Things Considered. Our readers may smile, finding this interesting, but not fully grasping our message. The reader may see how many ways in which La Salle has affected us, or so the reader may think. All Things Considered , so much happens here. So much more than what classes you take. So much more than what you're involved in. There's so much to experience, but you have only four years to do as much as possible. "A little learning is a dangerous thing." - Alexander Pope

Now it is time for you to venture ahead. Proceed onward into this volume. We will now be leaving you, as graduating seniors move onward in life, leaving the school in the hands of the underclassmen. Like the seniors before them, they must pass on the memories and experiences, never letting them be forgotten by future classes. On your own, you must try and decipher this cryptic phrase All Things Considered, because it means nothing other than the incorporation of every aspect of a La Salle student's four year experience. Perhaps you'll realize that it means something different to everyone. Perhaps you'll realize it's all the same. Look back at your footprints or look ahead. There's more than funny captions in our offering. Perhaps you will be able to see La Salle ... All Things Considered


Right "And now, for my next number, a stirring number from La Boheme." Below right: Fifty-pound bookbags also serve as a convenient back rest for the ambitious student. Bottom right: "I really wish this book came with Cliff's Notes."




"She has tried to teach me about many things, but more than a teacher and a helping hand , she has become a good friend. " With those words Mrs. Mary Jo Smith describes colleague and friend Ms. Tina Shustack. For the past nine years, it has been a privilege to have Ms. Shustack here with us at La Salle. She exemplifies many dimensions; she is a colleague, a teacher, a neighbor, and a friend. In the classroom, 路Ms. Shustack is able to make what would be an otherwise normal math class surprisingly fun! With just a simple smile or perhaps that great sense of humor, her students find themselves enjoying math. It is her goal to have all of her students understand math to the best ' of their ability, so she continually


challenges while giving caring support. Despite complex m11thematical equations and terms, she is able to explain things on their level and by the end of the year, they find that they actually understand math. Any student who happens to speak with her during her so-called " third period breakfast" or while she is baby-sitting fifth period in the study center, can easily tell that she genuinely cares about her students and wants to take the time to get to know them. She is energetic about teaching, and causes her students to be energetic about learning. ,. 1 Outs1de of school Ms. Shustack is very generous with her time and talent. She has volunteered at an after school program at St. Mary's Home, 路

which serves as a shelter for abused children from dysfunctional families. There she helps the children with their homework and supervises their playing time. Don't be surprised if you see her join them in their games too. Her Glenside neighbors see her as an asset to their community. While routinely exercising her way through town, she has been known to stop runaway cars and call for emergency help for those people in need. WhateveJ the situation may be, inside or outside of school, she always seems to be at the right place at the right time, more than willing to lend a helping hand. For these reasons, we take grea pride in dedicating the 1996 Blue and Gold to Martina Shustack.

The consummate teacher, instructor, and friend of students, Ms. Shustack can often be found helping hapless math students understand the difficult concepts of algebra, geometry, trig, or statistics.

"Yes, I know I'm right.路, It says so right here!"

a Salle's teachers are the backbone of the scholastic experience of which we've fondly spoken. However, since no single quote could ,compass such an eclectic faculty, we've decided to let e teachers do the talking. Mr. Ed McCabe told us, at the risk of being "too tmn vague," that we'd better stop growing "oranges on e apple farm" and get right to the point. After all, Mr. :1.dvanskyexplained, this is "nothing big deal, right?' It's nply a first-hand insight from our fine educators. Like Mr. )Che said, "You gotta respect that; even if you don't spect me, you gotta respect that." This explanation is iod, but as Mr. Grace warned, we need to "expand on 11 :1.t. We think "T" Hanssen put it best when he said, "Put non the glass, you skirts," but Brother Linus would say :1.tyou "Shoulda learned that when you were knee high to ~rasshopper, little boy." Judging by Mr. Geiger's "Aw ez," we understand what Bro. Joe meant when he said, ush your chairs in, gentlemen; time to go." What's up, )c?" asked Buggs. With Mr. Nicoletti "trying to find that ,rgeous blonde" he "keeps under the podium," it can em that there's never a dull moment at La Salle. At1ding our school is "Always a pleasure, Gentlemen, Nays a pleasure," right, Mr. Sigmund? And why is that? mply stated, it is a result of those who help us through it , our teachers. "Why didn't that work?" Mr. Wiley may k. Perhaps what he doesn't realize is it did': La Salle is uning, whether it be from mistakes or successes. And ,e last thought. "Okay, emm, boys ...time to get to work," ys Ms. Dugan.


"I had a headache this big!"

"Funny comment. Care to say that to my face?"

Luchiano Parisi does a blow-out rendition of the Alma Mater.

"Ah, give or take a few hundreds. It's only Math."


s students we only get to see our teachers within the context of the classroom and,~,some times don't realize that they have a life ij~tside of school too. In addition to their families, mos lty members participate in a wide range of act1~iti well. While Mr. Bill Leahy is a member of t~~l 1 Champion Philadel~Kl:? Wings of the fv1~j9:{l ttfioor f:;y: :1 ;,'/\j~lf Lacrosse League~",fwlfJ~erry ,~ans,/i:S~"ffo0tball referee. For many Brothe infI~~ern strutted up 11 Broad Street as a.'Mumr;Qer,d!')'' '''gwhich time Mr. Bill Geiger has worked and v~R~,tf(l{hedwith his family on Long Beach Island, N~)!\')~'rsey. Mr. Gerry Miller could be found all lastf~:~mmer saili'1p \~t;lMonterey Bay, California. "fa:eJditionto their 1d:YfJยง'sin La Salle's ,::p Molush (Da,f i{fofil)f}d on the baseclassrooms r. 4)/(\'.:t'~j1:,, (,, r? ',::t:~>, ;~~' \i ba1,:mer~s ,averford Ooll@ยงJmparting his knowledg'.~aiidexperience, and ~i:"'John Frizalone likewise coaa'~ >itack & field at Haverford. Mr. Tom Turner coaches soccer at St. Joseph's University, and many other faculty members participate in local-level sports programs and with their parish organizations. These are just a few examples of what our teachers do outside of school.













Bro. Rene Sterner, F.S.C, President; Key Concepts of Christianity.

Mr. David T. Diehl, Principal; Economics 1.

Bro. Francis B. Danielski, Assistant Principal, Academic Affairs; Catholic Identity, AP Europen History.


Mrs. Julia Maher, Assistant Principal Student Affairs; Chemistry.

Mr. Martin Stanczak, Dean of Students

Bro. James F. Rieck, F.S.C; Director of Admissions; Morality.

Bro. John D'Alfonso, F.S.C; Director of Alumni, Financial Aid, Public Relations; French 3(H).


1995-96 Board of Trustees: Back Row, left to right: Bro. Dennis Malloy, FSC, Bro. Lawrence Col hocker, FSC,Michael McCarthy, David Diehl, Bro. Gerard Frendreis, FSC, Dr. Michael Whitaker, John Kent, Julia Maher, Bro. Andrew Bartley, FSC, Anton Bauer, James Hasson, Frank Clary, Bro. Timothy Froehlich, FSC, Front Row, left to right: John Paul, Joseph Connelly, Thomas Lynch, Frank Ryan, Dr. John Carabello, Bro. Rene Sterner, FSC, Bro. Benedict Oliver, FSC (Chairman), Bro. Robert Schieler, FSC, Sister Patricia Kelly, S.S.J., James Mclaughlin, John Schmitt, Bro. Frank Danielski, FSC. Missing from photo: Bro. John McDonnell, FSC, Martin Whalen, John Lombard, Richard Buck.

Bro. Gerard Frendreis, FSC, Comptroller.


Mr. Anthony Mele, Assistant to the Comptroller.

Mr. Mark Dardaris, Assistant to the Comptroller; Accounting.






Mr. Robert McAnespey, Director of Development.


Main Office Staff - Seated: Mrs. Ann Ford; standing from left: Mrs. Pat Schaum, Mrs. Karen Mullen

Mrs. Patty Murphy


Mrs. Patricia Dever - Development Office Data Manager

Mrs. Angeline Colangelo, Secretary to the President

Mrs. Florence Ward, Development Secretary

Mr. Alfred Puntel (Chair); Catholic Identity

Mr. Francis Johnson; Morality, Christian Action, English 2

Bro. Kenneth Cook, F.S.C.; Catholic Identity Scripture, World Culutres

Mr. William Leahy; Scripture, Business

QUOTE QUIZ Match the teachers to their quote ....

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


Brother Ken Mr. Leahy Mr. Kirsch Mr; Nicoletti Brother Joe Myers

A. B. C. D. E.

"When I was working for Padre Pio ... " "Observe rule number three." "Helloooo, gentlemen ... " "Alright Scripture scholars ... 11 " ... that was deep, fellas!"

Mr. Geoffrey Nicoletti; Catholic Identity, World Religions

Bro. Peter Kileen, FSC.; Scripture, Morality

Bro. Joseph Myers; Scripture, Technical Drawing

Mr. Jay Kirsch; Morality, Christian Action Chorus


Mr. Edward McCabe (Chair); English 1,4

Mr. Dennis Bloh; English 3,4

Dr. Joseph D'Angelo; English 2,4, AP English

Mr. Edward Molush; English 1,3

QUOTE QUIZ Match the teachers to their quote ....

Mr. E. McCabe Mr. B. McCabe Mr. Molush Dr. D'Angelo Mr. Dempsey 6. Mr. Bloh

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


A. B. C. D.

"Good, good, I see that took a lot of thought" 11 "One of these days, guys, green fatigues .. 路~ "Too damn vague ... get on the apple farm!" 110dysseus.was路the man, he.schtoopedhiswayaround.the,world,I' E. 11#@?*! ... No!" F. 11Blah, blah, bibliophiles like me, blah, blah."

Mr. Bernard McCabe; English 2,4

Mr. Joseph Dempsey; English 1,2

Mr. Timothy Jones; English I

Mr. Michael O'Toole; English 1,4, Creative Writing, English 4 Online

Mrs. Claire Brown; English 1,3


Mr. Gabriel Blanco (Chair); Spanish 4, Spanish Survey

Mr. Nicholas Coggins; Spanish 1) 2(H),3; lntramurals Moderator

Spanish 1

Mr. David Manion; French 1, 2(H), A.P. French, Spanish I.

Mr. Kenneth Flood; Spanis 1, 2

QUOTE QUIZ Match the teachers to their quote ....

1. Sr. Blanco 2. Mrs Donahue 3. Mr. Geiger 4. Bro. P. Duffy


A. "Aw, Jeez ... " B. "Don't be an ingrate; go to church." C. "Senores, Atencion!" D. "I'll throw you out the window ... ! know what you're thinking."

Mrs. Linda Donahue; Spanish 1,2, 2(H), AP Spanish; Cross Cultural Communications

nr.George Hohenleitner;

German 1,2,3; AP German; Scripture '.·;::,::\:,:.···~···:::.'.:<···.·.· ·... ·· . ',Y ;~ '~

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bms. rs. Nacy Zoeltsch; Spanish 2,3, 3(H)

Brother Michael Thai; French 2,3

Mr. William Geiger; Latin 1, 2(H); Environmental Studies


Ms. Lorraine Rimert; Electricity 1,2, Audio-Visual

Mr. Thomas Barna; Chemistry, Physical Science

Mr. Gerald Evans; Biology

Mr. Terence Gillespie, Physical Science, Biology, AP Biology

Mr. Bradley Palmer; Chemist, Physical Science

QUOTE QUIZ Match the teachers to their quote ....

1. Mrs. Ponisciak

2. Mr. Gillespie 3. Mr. Wiley 4. Mr. Barna 5. Mr. Russell 6. Mr. Neely 7. Mr. Evans


A. B. C. D.

"This isn't social hour!" "You're a pimple on the colon of life." "Good bye, gentlemen." 1 'This will be the toughest thing we do all year." E. "Nerd Fest, 309, after school." F. "Oh wait .. .forget that. .. erase that." G. "Stay out of trouble, gentlemen."

Mr. Shawn Neely; Life Science, Biology, Anatomy

Mr. Robert Russell; Programming 1,2, AP Computer Science, Physics, AP Physics

Mr. Gary Wiley; Physics, Physics(H)

Mrs. Dorothy Ponisciak (Chair); AP Chemistry, Chemistry


Mr. John Grace (Chair); World Cultures; Western Civi/izatior

Mr. Joseph Parisi; World Cultures

Mr. Bernard Fitzgerald; Western Civilization; American History

QUOTE QUIZ Match the teachers to their q1.1ote....

t. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


Mr. Grace Mr. Parisi Mr. Turner Mr. Miller Mr. Fitzgerald Mr. Colistra



R.T.F.B. - It's a short book, you can read it in one>sitting." B. "The reality of the situation is ..." C 1 "Expand on that." D. "Left, right, status quo." E. "Tickets five dollars, my office, after school. 11 F. "I love you as Christains."

lro. Timothy Ahern; Catholic Identity; lmerican History; Civil War

Mr. Gerald Miller; American History, Western Civilization, Political Science, Vietnam

Mr. Joseph Colistra; AP Economics; Western Civilization; AP.American History

Mr. Thomas Turner; World Cultures, Western Civilization


Ms. Maureen Dugan; Algebra 1,2, Geometry, Math Analysis

Mrs. Mary Jo Smith (Chair); Algebra , 2(H); Analytic Geometry (H)

Ms. Tina Shustack; Algebra 1, Geometry, Geometry with Trigonometry, Statistics, Math Analysis

Bro. Thomas Dunn F.S.C; Algebra 2, Geometry

QUOTE.QUIZ Match the teachers to their quote .. : . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


Mrs. Smith Mr. Roche Mr. Frizalone Mr. Radvansky Ms. Shustack Bro. Tom Dunn

A. "Guys, you with me? lfyou're not, it's no.big deal,RIGHT?tl B. "Now, how do solve that .badboy?" C. 11We'II prove it later, for now just take it on faith." D. "Go play in traffic!" E. "You gotta respect the math." F, "You must be an advanced student"

Mr. John Frizalone; Math Analysis, \lgebra 1,2, Geometry with Trigonometry, Trigonometry, Consumer Math

Mrs. Theresa Garvin; Algebra 1,2(H), Geometry

Mr. Joseph Radvansky; Algebra 1,2,2(H), Math Analysis, Trigonometry, Calculus

Mr. James Roche, Algebra 1(H),2, Calculus, AP Calculus AB,BC


Mrs. Janice Ciccimaro, Health; Mr. Joseph Ciccimaro, (Chair); Music

Mrs. Melissa Gaskins-Centofante; Ceramics; Foundations of Art; Fine Arts

Mr. Tore Hanssen; Physical Education 1, 2, 3

QUOTE QUIZ Match the teachers to their quote ....

1. 2. 3. 4.


Mr. Sigmund Mr. Luce Mr. Hanssen Mrs. Ciccimaro

A. "Hockey over here, basketball over there ... Put 'em on the glass." B. "Gentlemen, nice to see you, always a pleasure." C. "Where's the chalk today?" D. "Ice it, then heat it; see me tomorrow."

Mr. Frank Lichtner; Aquatics 1, 2, 3

Jlrs. Diane McGovern; Art 1, 2, 3; Painting; Drawing; Foundations of Art

Mr. Thomas Luce; Physical Training

Mr. Peter Sigmund; Computer Literacy; Advanced Computer Literacy; Computer Applications


Mr.Michael Dolan (Chair); Psychology

Mr. Martin Jackson, Language Specialist; Psychology

Bro.William Di Pasquale, Junior, Senior Guidance; English 3, Morality

Mrs.Mary Kay Mullen, Junior, Senior Guidance Psychology


Match the teachers to their quote , , .. 1. 2. 3. 4.


Bro. William Mr. Dolan Mr: Devine Mrs. Logan

A. "I only take applications on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday." B. "If the.shoe fits, Cinderella, put it on!" C. "Hey, how ya doin1?" D. "Down to the track and do a mile warmup--that's FOUR laps:'

Bro.Thomas Chadwick, Sophmore Counselor; Reading, Language Studies

Mr.Patrick Devine, Freshman Counselor, Life Styles, Morality

~s. Mary Sheets, Guidance and Counseling, Intermediate Unit.

Mrs. Marie Baer, Guidance and Counseling, Intermediate Unit.

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Bro. Joseph Keough; Librarian

Mrs. Janice Ciccimaro; Nurse


Mrs. Helen Gallagher; Assistant to the Librarian

Mrs. Jennie Barrett; Nurse

t5-96 Cafeteria Staff - Left to Right: John DiCataldo, Mary emno, Marie McFadden, Rose DiPinto, Mary Fox, Alice Yeiter, 1ie Savino, Diana Farrell, Patty Garvey, Ethel Bory. Missing n photo: Bernice Wesley, Betty Ryan.

Mary Fox

Mrs. Rose DiPinto; Director of Food Services

Marie McFadden


Mr. Guido Cimini, Director Plant Operations

Mrs. Kathleen O'Connell, Bookstore Manager, chats with Mr. Pat Devine.


Mr. James Behr

Mr. Frank lgnas

Mr. Michael Donovan

Mr. Al Loscalzo


• 1

Mr. William A. Geiger


pronounced "Aw, Jeez" is heard late one evening, from behind the slightly open yearbook offic door. "You mean we lost that entire page?" A frustratedyearbook editor, sitting before the office Macintosh,nods his head, completelyper-

plexed. "Well, we'll just have to do it all over again. I'll take the pictures now and develop them upstairs. The I'll piece together the layout again and rewritethe paragraphsafter I reformatthe page." "But Mr. Geiger, it's 5:30 PM on deadline day!!!" "That's alright, we'll just work harder." Of course, the yearbookstaff not meeting a deadline would be a concept that is not completelyforeig1 to Mr. William Geiger, but if we ever did he'd do just as he said in this mock scenario. Bill Geiger is a man who gets things done. Whether it be in the classroom,refusingto let his students believe Latin is a "dead language,"or late eveningsafter school with the .faithfulyearbookstaff, Mr. Geiger constantlygives his all. "Every faculty has to have at least one utility player",said one LaSalleteacher, "someonewho can fill the gaps and make things happen. Bill Geiger does that for us." For "makingthings happen"both in class and after school, Mr. Geiger has been chosen as this year's LaSallianEducatorof the Year by an overwhelming majority. Mr. Geiger said he feels honoredat the recognitionbecause he was "chosen by his peers". Students know Mr. Geiger by name, since his dedicationto the school communityis spread in many directions. However,many people aren't aware of how much he does. He teaches Latin I and Latin ll(H), EnvironmentalScience and has taught English and Creative Writing cour$es. He is the moderatorof the Yearbookand Photo Club, and has overseenthe literary magazine The Gazebo in years past. His dedication to educationextends outside the classroomthrough the clubs, his.several field trips, and in installing our famous bird feeder behind the school. Mr. Geiger's philosophyon education is that it shouldn'tbe somethingstudents do simply to meet requirements. Through his clubs and classes, he strives to instill a hunger in LaSalle studentsfor acquiring knowledgefor themselves. "I want my students to pick up the sense that learning is interesting,and to learn is fun for its own sake. If I can affect one student, then my job is complete." Through his dedication,in coming to school everydaydespite an ailing back or cold, Mr. Geiger affects his students by his leadershipthrough example. Saint John Baptist de LaSalle believedthat good educatorscould reach more studentsthrough classroomeducation. Mr. Geiger truly expoundsthe principles of LaSalle both in class and out, and has receiveddue recognitionfor his excellencein educationin receiving the LaSallianEducatorof the Year award.


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any students at La Salle have heard about the foreign exchange students from Bosnia, Bojan Baros, a mem ber of the Senior class, and his brother, Ognjen, a 1ior, but few students know very much about them. According to Bojan, the conditions in Sarajevo are actually tter than what we see on television, because television only )WS the worst parts of the city. Despite the devastation of war, iir parents are still in Bosnia because they have their own vate firms which they do not want to leave. His father is inlved in the import and export business, and his mother has an tic shop. His parents do not know when or if they are going to lVe Bosnia, because the city of Sarajevo is destroyed. Bojan id that they "can only just wait and see." The effect that the uation in Bosnia had on students can be seen in Bojan's state3nt, "if there is a peaceful morning, you go to school. . . If there 1't, you don't." However, their parents did not believe it neces.ry for Bojan and Ognjen to stay. And, so they went to live with latives in Croatia. While living in Croatia, Bojan attended the Matematic vmnasium, a school based on the natural sciences. Bojan lived Croatia for three years, until one of his cousins heard about the 'orld University Service (WUS) that is working with the Fellow1ipof Reconciliation (FOR) on the Bosnian Student Project. They joined the project, and were selected to attend La alle by a lottery system. And now, Bojan and Ognjen are stayg with the Clark family. Bojan's main reason for wanting to come to the United tates is for standing. Bojan believes that the American schools ;e easier than his school in Bosnia, but an education from an merican school is more recognized around the world. The dvanced Placement courses at La Salle are not as hard as ojan had anticipated. He only studies for about one hour a day >rall of his courses collectively. The only aspect of La Salle rhich Bojan does not like is the fact that there are no girls here. Bojan plans to finish high school at La Salle, and then ,aybe go to college in the United States, majoring in Computer ;cience, before returning to Bosnia. Ognjen is probably going to tay with the Clark family for another year.

Bojan Baros

' The new family prepares to depart the airport.

Mr. and Mrs John Clark and Bro. Rene greet Bojan and Ognjen Baros.


1/,e!IHNIN tJ/tJNe I/NJIAe1, livestJN, //,e a~tSlidNAI /IIHsidN "/LA?IS& In 1846, Archbishop Eccleston made an announcement that the Christian Brothers had opened a novitiate in addition to a school in Maryland. The Institute of the Brothers of Christian Schools, already over 165 years old extant, was enjoying international praise for excellence in education. Three years prior, an American teenager had entered the Brothers' novitiate in Montreal to receive proper training to begin a school for boys in Baltimore. In September, 1845, at the young age of 18, Brother Francis McMullin returned to Baltimore and opened the Christian Brothers' first permanent U.S. school at Calvert Hall. To this day, Calvert Hall continues to educate young men, as more than 1,100 Christian Brothers' schools educate close to 70,000 students in 22 states. This academic year, the Brothers celebrate the 150th anniversary of Brother Francis McMullin's historic opening of Calvert Hall. Opening celebrations, held in September 1995 near the site of the original school, began an historic and exciting year, culminating with a closing ceremony in April 1996 in the Cathedral-Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul, Philadelphia. St. John Baptist de LaSalle, founder of the Christian Brothers, proclaimed Faith and Zeal as dual elements comprising the spirit of the Institute. Through faith, all the Brothers' actions are "in view of God and attribute all to God." The force of faith, energizing over 7,000 Brothers throughout the World, is driving the continued success of their quest for academic excellence through a Christian Education. This year, the Christian Brothers celebrate the commitment of one 18 year old youth, and the 150 years of continued dedication to excellence that has followed. An example has been set by this young man, that our graduating seniors may choose to follow. Mostly 18 year old young men, the seniors stand at the crossroads in their lives. If they can mirror the dedication of LaSalle's Brothers they have witnessed over the last four years, they will strive for and hopefully attain excellence in their way of life. Many will go on to colleges and universities, some will start families, some will follow the example set by Brother Francis McMullin and dedicate their lives to helping others grow with a Christian education. Through their complete dedication to teaching, the Christian Brothers teach us a lesson that is essentially greater than the education we receive. They have taught us through example.


All photos by Brother James Rieck, FSC.


Oragami 101: paper airplane day.

"What is youth?-a dancing billow, winds behind and rocks before." -Moore !though happily undefined in Webster's Dictionary, "Freshman Day" is any Friday the Thirteenth, the first snow day, or the day following a loss to St. Joe's Prep. Although the third is an unlikely possibility and thus an ineffectual scenario, the other two strike fear in the hearts of our Freshmen. As if they didn't have enough difficulties in starting a new school, meeting new teachers, making new friends, and hoping to find the fourth floor pool, along comes another obstacle. Jerry Seinfeld would say, however, furtive "there's gotta be a catch" to Freshmen Day, and unbeknownst to our Frosh, there is. The time has come to pass on the legacy, so here's how it breaks down: Freshmen become so intimidated, so frightened, by the possibility of getting pummeled by an upperclassman or doused with perfume, that they bring in their own cologne and after-shave bottles for self-defense. The result yields a charged-up Freshman class who come armed with fragrant potions, yet find themselves unexpectedly ignored by the rest of the student popula-



Mr. Jackon's newest recruit for the basketball team.


Result of Administration's new "One Hour Delay" Schedule.

"We're now going to put you into the most uncomfortable position possible"

1, and resort to attacking each other to it their pent-up anxieties. The rest of school, laughing while watching the 1tic Frosh foolery, escapes scot-free :i scent-free.

II of us who are worth anything, end our manhood in unlearning the lies or expiating the mistakes of r youth." -Shelley Frosh, Sophs, and Juniors are all uenced by the classes ahead of them. ,ether they'll admit it or not, the virtu{ undisputable fact is this: everyone s an older role model. The Senior 10 drove a freshman to school. .. the tptain of the team ... the editor of the per. Or an older student often is not ly imitated, but his mistakes repeated d corrections heeded.

l dwarf sees farther that the giant ,en he has the giant's shoulders to ount on." - Coleridge The high school goal is not only :1tstudents to learn facts and figures,

but prepare for life by discovering who they are. The Germans have two different words for studying. When one is in high school, "man learnt." When one reaches "die Universitat," then "man studiert." By this rationale, we are in school to learn. We learn not only our lessons, but we learn who we are. We begin to study after graduation, when we begin to pattern our lives around this understanding and acceptance of self. If the LaSallian underclassmen can focus on schoolwork, sports, and activities, self-acceptance and inner-pride will come with time and experience. Someday, they too will have Alles in Betracht sehen. (All Things Considered).

One of these things in not like the other.


Mark Alcantara Patrick Alken Matthew Alonso Chikwere Amachi Michael Andris Justin Arenberg James Atkinson Patrick Badolato Brian Baraniewicz Daniel Barnes Matthew Barnes Andrew Batavick Bradley Bathgate Brian Bausman Sean Beaty Daniel Behl Evan Behr Karlis Berzins Gregory Bielecki Randall Bitting Kevin Brady Robert Brennan Kevin Brewster Shay Brittingham


Christopher Bruno Edward Brzostek Nicholas Burkle · Robert Byrne Matthew Canning Emidio Capponi

· One hundred La Salle studentswere surveyed, : and the top four answers are following: What are the best late excuses for School? - Oil tanker explosionon 309. - I got lost. .: - My car wouldn'tstart. - My mommy didn'twake me up on time.

. 54 •.

David Carl Richard Carminati Vincent Carr Scott Carver Daniel Catinella Edward Cattie Alexande Cenko Matthew Chapman Robert Chappetta Eugene Ciccimaro Vincent Cifelli Stephen Cissne Brian Clarke Kevin Clearkin Christopher Clement Ryan Cohen Jeremy Cooke Anthony Costantini Jeffrey Coulter, Jr Gerald Coveney Robert Coyle Kevin Crawford David Cuff Vincent Cullen Dino D'Orazio Richard Davol i Donald Day Nicholas Decastro Martin Delaney Alexander DeManss

Michael DeMarco Luke DeVore Zachary Derrick Mark Devlin Mario DiClerico Vincent DiPaolo Christopher DiToro Joseph Dillon F. Michael Dinapoli Christopher Domanski Gregory Donatelli David Donnelly Michael Donohue Thomas Dowds William Durrant John Dwyer Robert Dyer Stephen Erfle Lawrence Evans Anthony Faillace Michaelpaul Farrell Andrew Farrington John Fay Joseph Fedyna Frank Ferro Daniel Fitzgerald Raymond Florkowski Robert Francis Charles Francisco Damon Galdo

"Now c'mon guys. Who took the overhead?"





Shawn Gallagher Timothy Gallagher Joseph Gardner James Geier Daniel Gillespie Timothy Gillespie Michael Gomeringer Christopher Gordon Adam Goyette Nicholas Graff David Granese Daniel Grissani Andrew Grivnovics Dino Guiliano Sean Haney James Hayes Christopher Heayn Sean Heron Gregory Hosmer Timothy Hughes Dawson Hunter Ryan Hurst Robert lncze Alan Jalon David Janke Vincent Jannetti Jonathan Jesko Christopher Jones Brian Jordan Ryan Kane


Andrew Katruk Michael Kavanagh Stephen Kazmierczak Daniel Keeley James Keenan James Keller Stephen Kelly Sean Kent Christopher Kerns Michael Kilkenny John Kim Stephen Klarich Bradley Koch Tyler Kolarik Kevin Koller Wi II iam Koneski Christopher Koss Richard Krauss, Jr. Matthew Krol Christopher Kushto Andrew Kuzia William Laible F. Anthony Lazenka, Ill Matthew Lendzinski Brian Lipski Gregory Uttley Ryan Lockard David Lofgren Michael Longstreth Shawn Lowery


"Yo Scott. Duck!"




Christopher Lux C. Ryan Lynch John Lynch, Ill Mark Lyon James Lyons, Ill Frank MacPherson Eric Madeira Colin Mahon John Malara Vincent Mallon, Jr. Travis Manion Sean Matthews Brendan McCormick Shawn McCormick Timothy McDonald Joseph McFadden Andrew McGillin Kevin McGonigle James McKeogh Joseph McKeon Alexander McKinney Daniel McManus Brian Mee Alexander Meloscia Kevin Merlini Matthew Michuda Scott Miller Joel Moffatt Patrick Moore Timothy Morris



Raymond Mullen Matthew Mullin Samuel Munn Colin Murphy Steven Murphy Gary Murray Matthew Murray Kevin Noone James Nowicki Brian Nussbaum Peter O'Connor Andrew O'Donnell John O'Donnell Michael O'Donnell John O'Hara Brian O'Meara Sean Ockershausen Keith Olender Michael Palilonis Leonard Patee!la Michael Peffle Chris Pennington Nicholas Petitti, Jr. Gary Petruzzelli Robert Philipp Thomas Piper Timothy Pippet Timothy Ponisciak Joseph Poretta Michael Pucci

1 路

One hundred La Salle studentswere surveyed, and the top four answers follow: What are the best late excuses for Class? - I was at band. - Volleyballgame ran into overtime. - Oh, was today lab day? - I was talkingto the rep. from the Universityof ummm...


Brian Puglisi Zachary Quenzer Joseph Raieta Alex Ramos Matthew Ranweiler Jeffrey Rau Barton Ray Gerald Reifsnyder John Remshard Nathan Rhoads Joseph Roby Patrick Rose Patrick Salvitti Drew Santillo William Sautter Michael Savage Mathew Schaffer Christopher Schaible Gregory Schill Eric Schwan John Sees Colin Seiss James Semen John Sforza Michael Sicilia Christopher Simcox Patrick Slattery Brian Smith Christopher Smith Anthony Snyder

Christopher Stanton Adam Stasiorowski Joseph Steffa Matthew Stocum James Sullivan William Sullivan Joseph Sweeney John Swoyer Richard Target Sean Teesdale Nicholas Trendier Anthony Troy Michael Tucci Sean Tucker Benjamin Tursi Stephen Varalli John Velasco Gregory Vizza Anthony Vlahos Benjamin Weldon Joseph Wentz Matthew Westley Charles Whinney Paul White

Chris Williamson Michael Wintering

"Whoa! What am I eating?"

The Enforcer!

"Now son, the single lifestyle is an admirable one ..."

Mix-master Coggins hard at work.



One-hundred La Salle Students were surveyed, and the top five answers follow:

I What is the best way to get thrown out of the library?


Imitating Brother Joe. Getting a little too comfortable by the pseudo-fire. Randomnly shooting staples onto the library carpet. Rearranging the book shelves. Deviate in any way, shape, or form from the dress code

Michael Abbott Keith Adams Mark Alexander, Jr Marc Alf arano Eric Andruczyk

Douglas Appleby Andrew Au Christian Barbato Thaddeus Bartkowski, Ill Lloyd Beck, 111

Daniel Becker Joseph Beletsky Marc Benante Patrick Bevilacqua Brian Binder

Scott Binsfeld Philip Bocchino Edward Bongard, Ill Christopher Boyajian Matthew Brannon I

Daniel Breuer, Ill Michael Brinkos Michael Brown Nicholas Brunetti Bryant Bullard

Brendan Burke Michael Burleigh Christopher Burns Jonathan Burton




"No, really, it'll work this time."

Michael Byrnes Jared Calamia John Calvitti Justin Capetola Christopher Cappelletti

Brian Carberry Joseph Chiarantona Thomas Chmielewski Nick Cisik David Cissne

David Citro John Clark Alvin Clay, IV Joseph Colasante Joseph Crane

Thomas Crean Thomas Cristaldi Stephen Crognale Thomas Cross, Jr Thomas Curran

Paul D'Orazio Timothy Danaher Marvin Dandy Philip Danvers William Degideo

Anthony Depasquale Saurabh Desai Christopher Dileonardo Frank Dischinger Christopher Dolan


Hugh Donnelly Brendan Dougherty Kevin Dougherty Kevin Dwyer Matthew Elliott

Scott Emrich John Enderle Roman Escobar Terence Fallon Robert Farrell

,, Timothy Fenningham Daniel Fineberg John Fisher Kevin Fitzpatrick Ryan Fitzpatrick

Philip Freiler Ryan Gallagher Puri Garzone, Ill Scott Gaydos Paul Gibbons

Brian Gilroy Brett Gordon Matthew Gorman Michael Greger Craig Gugger

Robert Hamby Kevin Hannon Joseph Haughton Brant Heaton Shaun Heim


1 "So, why did Bro. Joe throw you out?"

Michael Heinsdorf Francis Hevener James Hoagland Matthew Holbert John Horstmann

Kristian Houser Michael Hunsicker Nicholas lncollingo Matthew John Charles Johnson

Nicholas Jorda! Paul Kahan James Karwacki Joseph Kaupas Christopher Kebler

Peter Keller Brendan Kelley Donald Kerper Christopher Kerrigan Jonathan King

Michael Knowski Kevin Kohler, Jr James Kouch Michael Kruczkowski Vincenzo La Ruffa

Giuseppe Laguda Anthony Leonard James Liberi Bradley Longosky Michael Lorusso

Kevin Lyons Patrick Maholland William Markmann Joseph Marquis

Michael Mattern Nicholas Mattiacci Michael Mauriello Scott Mccarry Sean McCullagh

Patrick McCullion Daniel McFadden Colin McGinley Brendan McGlone Timothy McGoldrick

James Mclaughlin Michael Mclaughlin Colin McManus Brendan McMenamin Christopher McShea

Matthew Mee Thomas Meehan Neil Mikulski Kevin Miller Robert Miller

Patrick Moore Matthew Morace Stephen Mueller Christopher Murphy Michael Murphy


One-hundred La Salle Students were surveyed, and the top three answers follow: If you had $500,000 to improve La Salle, what would you spend it on? 路 Bigger lockers, where you might actually fit somthing into them. 路 Did someone say tennis courts? 路 Two Words : air conditioning.

DennisMurray Daniel Needle Daniel Neverosky Peter Nocero, Ill Rahesh Noronha Paul O'Connor Robert O'Connor Shawn O'Connor Matthew O'Donnell Peter O'Donnell

Andrew O'Hara Brendan O'Hara Timothy O'Malley William O'Shaughnessy Didier Occident Jason Olcese Ronald Olsen Gamal Palmer James Palmieri Jeremy Palo

Joseph Papa Charles Peterson, IV Francis Pfeil Jeffrey Pietrak Christopher Plachta

Daniel Ponisciak Justin Primus Brian Prior-MacDonald Dan Purtell Gregory Queen


Philip Quenzer Andrew Rakowski Gilbert Ramos Bryan Reese James Reeves

William Reid Timothy Reiley Shane Reilly Adam Richards Sean Ripley

Kevin Robinson Andrew Romano Brian Romanzo William Rookstool Mark Ruegg

Andrew Sayers David Schmel Christopher Scott Eric Seiferth Stephen Sharkey


Brendan Shimizu 1 Michael Sinclair j Joseph Siravo Christopher Small Mark Smalley


Gavin Smith David Spangler Christopher Stack Gary Staffieri Nicholas Steere

"Come on, come on, you've still got the nuclear rocket to use."

Francis Stieber Vincent Strain Matthew Styer Michael Sullivan, II James Sweeney

Mark Szczech Richard Szczurowski Alexander T atunchak Gregory Thomas James Trappler

John Travers John Tucker Ryan Tuman Jonathan Turk Matthew Valentine

Henry Van Horn Thomas Vlahos John Wall Christopher Ward Paul Weinacht Michael Weinert John Welsh Sean Westfield James Wilson Christopher Winward

Christopher Wolverton Joseph Yanoshik Robert Zebik


One Hundred La Salle Students were surveyed, and the top three answers follow: I don't have my homework because ... - It flew out the bus window. - I'm having personal problems. - I'm intellectually beyond homework.

James Alber Mehul Amin Kevin Badolato Stephen Balshi Joseph Bednare Sean Bergin Matthew Bertom Edward Boron Joseph Borrell Gregory Breen Charles Breznick路 Matthew Brister John Brown Nicholas Bryers Christopher Buck Eric Caliendo Paul Callahan Dennis Callan Michael Capell Michael Cappelli Todd Carmody Kristopher Carr Patrick Casey Jeffrey Catanese Joseph Catrina Frank Checkovage Matthew Chiappa Kenneth Christy, Jr. James Claudius James Clearkin


Brian Convery thony Cortellessa :Jatrick Costello Matthew Cox Brendan Coyle William Coyle Brian Croney fimothy Curran Eric Daly :::;harlesDebow Jason Delisi Justin Delisi )ominic DiPaolo Todd Difeo anothan Dinapoli Brendan Dolan James Donnelly Patrick Dowling Richard Doyle ::;harles Durham Brian Egan Michael Ertle hristopher Eunice Ryan Feret latthew Fineberg Richard Firely Michael Fithian Ryan Foley ~hristopher Frey Sean Fullerton

What the heck is NRONG with my hair?"


"Just six more perioc and I'm outta here."

Daniel Gallagh Justin Gallaghi Kenneth Gavi1 William Geiger, William Geige1 Scott Gimpel Andrew Gittlemi Daniel Goettne Gregory Goodw Fred Gramet-Ked Paul Grevy, Ill Robert Grzybow: P. Bradley Guic John Hammorn Timothy Hannigc Brent Hartman Michael Heim Kurt Hirsekorn Matthew Horga1 Philip Hughes, I Eugene Hughes, Peter Hunter Brian Ingram Andrew Jabldko Istvan Jakab Devin Jones Christopher Kan Matthew Kebler Matthew Kelly Andrew Kernytsk


Michael Kerr Nicholas Klohe rhomas Koenig 1omas Kohlhepp James Koller chael Kotwicki, Ill tephen Kuklinski Jlichael Labosky 10mas Lamprecht ::;hristopher Lare Kevin Lasky ~hristopher Lavin Thomas Lawson Joseph Leva Evan Lowery Thomas Luft John MacNeil Kyle Mallach Daniel Malloy Matthew Maloney Jeffrey Markowski Sean Martin John Mason Robert Massino, II Michael Mattia Brendan May Matthew McBride Chris McBryan Peter Mccann Sean McCloskey

, Students gather on a , Friday afternoon to hear T give another of his lectures on the value of high school athletics.


"No, no, no. This is FRENCH."

Matthew McConai Sean McCree11 Patrick McDonal Stephen McElro Jamie McEntee Edwin McFadde Matthew McGra1 Michael Mclntyr Patrick Mclaugh Brian McMahor Ryan McMenami Timothy McNichc Patrick McWillian Joseph Meade Andrew Middlemi: Timothy Miehle Thomas Molony Sean Mooney Gregory Morris Michael Morsell William Mullen J1 F. Michael Nedi John Neill James Noone Shawn O'Brien Dennis O'Donnell Brian O'Neill James O'Neill Michael Oldfield Aaron Oliver


onathan Opdyke ,tephen Palopali ={occo Peronace ,anto Pezzotti, Jr Robert Polto Bradly Potter John Price Sean Quinn Paul Read :arlos Rodriguez Jose Rodriguez Jeffrey Rucinski :dward Sansalone hristopher Santucci John Savage Seth Scanlon Casey Schafer Michael Schafle indel Schmiedekamp Christopher Schu Matthew Scully Peter Seely Mark Semanick Justin Serianni Prem Shah Brion Shreffler Gilbert Smith Charles Snyder Donnie Sowers Kristopher Sparks

"Let's see. We can go to the movies on Friday night, then on ' Saturday ..."


"Wait! Without a goo, point guard, the Sixe won't win 25 games.'

Francis Spause Justin Sutton Nicholas Tarsi Richard Tate George Thiers David Vagnoni Joseph Vigorita James Waters Jeffrey Watson Daniel Watt Thomas Wells, Jr. Eugene Welsh Edward Westerman Michael Wills Henry Winterbottorr Harry Woertz Karl Woods Daniel Yu Michael Zeccardi Scott Zettle

Juniors not photographed: Due Do, Michael Dur: and William Ennis.


Kevin Badolato shakes Mr. Diehl's hand after receiving his ring at the Junior Ring Mass on December 7th. Brother Rene and Mr. Barna look on.

Juniors in Mr. Miller's homeroom await the call to receive their rings.


..... ~,

Friendship and homework: a La Salle tradition.

"... better to regret something you did than something you didn't do. We were young, and we were looking for the deep kick. Yeah, seen 'em come seen 'em go." - Anthony Kiedis

Ah, the Seniors. They walk the tallest through La Salle's hallways. This, however, doesn't necessarily result from the fact that they are the oldest and generally the largest. It's the confidence that comes with four years of discovering who they are, and the experience that attains for them the deed of La Salle hallway ownership. Underclassmen take heart in hopes that they will someday reach such a mighty plateau. Seniors have experienced La Salle. They understand that the worst La Salle mixer beats any other school's best mixer, and they are no longer phased by the events they may have seen while Freshmen as overwhelming. All summer long, they look forward to Bro. Rene's September movie reviews before hitting the theaters. Seniors remember "hacking," Luke Noone, the old computers, and T-Bell runs. Seniors remember when there was salt in the cafeteria. They have experienced the '93 Phillies, the birth and death of "alternative" music, the rebirth of dance music, and the snowstorm that beat the exams. The Class of '96 has survived the passing on of two La Salle students. After four years, they have the closest ties to their classmates, .and have established a mutual respect that soars over the high-walled world of the labels imposed when they were younger. Seniors remember the pit, tray ball, and Tommy K. Seniors are the only "numbered" little boys. "Let's go, little boy. This isn't a government project." - Brother Linus Finn, F.S.C.

Okay, we're coming to the thesis. More clearly than any other students, our Seniors have formulated a specific perception of the La Salle experience. Upon graduation, one can finally look at La Salle, All Things Considered. Until then, they'll just have to be content strutting around the place like they own it... because they do.

路 80 \

"No, really Mr. McCabe, the dog actually did eat it."

Senior homerc 7:59 a.m.

Brother Michael Anderer, a La Salle alumnus, actresses the annual Honors Convocation.

,fter "Wick" does his rendition of Hamlet's :1moussoliloquy, he realizes he's had enough.


Daniel Adam

Wayne J. Adamow

John J. Adams

Daniel Adam 9 Pheasant Run Horsham, PA 19044 (215) 441-0765 St. Catherine of Siena February 25, 1978 Yearbook 2,3,4 (Editor-in-Chief); Student Council 3 (Junior V.P.), 4 (Senior V.P.); Multi-Cultural Corps1 ,2,3,4; Gazebo 3,4 (Editor); NHS 3,4; Scholastic "L" 1,2,4; Science Club 3,4 "It is impossible to go through life without trust; that is to be imprisoned in the worst cell of all ... ourselves." -Graham-Greene

Wayne J. Adamow 230 Zane Avenue Rockledge, PA 19046 (215) 663-9221 St. Cecilia's June 28, 1977 Soccer 1; Football 2; lntramurals 1,2 "You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose." -Dr. Seuss

John J. Adams 8127 Elberon Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215) 745-4093 St. Cecilia December 18, 1978 lntramurals 1,2 "I like work - it fascinates me. I can sit and lool for hours."

Alexander F. Au 1555 Temple Drive Maple Glen, PA 19002 (215) 552-4241 St. Alphonsus March 24, 1978 Cross Country 1,2,3,4 (Captain); Track & Field 1,2,3,4; NHS 3,4; SADD 3 "The qualities and capacities that are important in running - such factors as will power, the ability to apply effort during extreme fatigue and the acceptance of pain - have a radiating power that subtly influences." -James Fixx

William J. Ballay 2115 Packard Avenue Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 (215) 947-7143 Saint Albert the Great June 30, 1978 lntramurals 1,2 "To err is something human, forgiveness so divine I'll forgive your trespasses, if you'll forgive me mine." -John Lennon

Thomas M. Barbera 2169 Pennsbury Drive Jamison, PA 18929 (215) 343-7331 St. Cyrel's of Jerusalem lntramurals 1,2,3,4; Theater 3,4; SAVE 3; Ski C 3,4; Gazebo 3,4; "Once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places, if you look at it right" -The Grateful Dead

William J. Ballay


Thomas M. Barbera

Daniel E. Amoroso ii E. Amoroso Johnson Road ;town, PA 19401 275-6242 ,any of Our Lord 1ary 4, 1978 nurals 2,3,4; Multi-Cultural Corps 3,4 1erthink of the future. It comes soon enough." -Albert Einstein

ey R. Barbieri 31en Road intown, PA 19046 ) 887-8941 aculate Conception 22, 1978 k & Field 1,2 (L),3 (L),4 (L),(Captain); Yearbook Jsiness Editor); lntramurals 1,2,3,4; Wisterian 3 :or); NHS 3,4; Scholastic "L" 1,2,3,4; CSC 3,4;

103 itself is a quotation."

-Jorge Luis Borges

Jeffrey R. Barbieri

Brian M. Appleby

Anthony M. Arobone

Brian M. Appleby 691 Dick Avenue Warminster, PA 18974 (215) 322-8167 May 21, 1978 NHS 3,4; Scholastic "L" 1,2,3; SADD 3,4 "Nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile." -The Grateful Dead.

Anthony M. Arobone 3032 Green Ridge Drive Norristown, PA 19403 (61 O) 584-9201 Visitation B.V.M. January 26, 1978 lntramurals 1,2,3,4; Ski Club 4; Science Club 4; Computer Club 3,4 "All righty then. Bye-bye now."

Jeffrey M. Bauder 1534 Bonnie Brae Drive Huntington Valley, PA 19006 (215) 322-2398 Our Lady of Good Counsel February 14, 1978 Track & Field 1; CSC 3,4; SADD 4; Theater 4; lntramurals 1,3,4 "Success is the greatest thing in the world - I'll tell you why. Without it, a man is a failure." -Clare Kummer

Donald Baxter 824 Scott Way Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 584-1768 Corpus Christie September 21, 1977 Crew 1,2,3,4; Gazebo 1,3; lntramurals 1,2,3,4; Ski Club 1,2,3,4 "I firmly believe that any man's finest hour - his greatest fufillment to all he holds dear is that moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle victorious." -Vince Lombardi

Jeffrey Bauder

Donald Baxter


Ferdinand Bergen

Gregory P. Bock

Keith E. Binsfeld

Ferdinand Bergen 5035 Polaski Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19114 (215) 844-4574 St. Francis of Assisi September 7, 1978 Crew 2,3,4; Art Club 1; lntramurals 1,2,3,4; Photo Club 1; Wisterian 1,2,3,4 "I don't want to work at Pizza Hut. I don't want to join the Navy. I guess I'll have to go out and be awesome." -Henry Rollins

Keith E. Binsfeld 1315 George Terrace Southampton, PA 18966 (215) 364-8222 Our Lady of Good Council OctS)ber26, 1977 Soccer 1,2,3 (Captain),4; Lacrosse 3 (Captain),4; CSC 3,4; Ski Club 3,4; Wisterian 4; Science Club 3,4; "It's better to burn out... than to fade away."

Gregory P. Bock 3740 Meyer Lane Hatboro, PA 19040 (215) 674-3040 St. John Bosco March 7, 1978 Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Soccer 1,3; CSC 3,4 (V.P.: SADD 2,3,4; Yearbook 3,4 ; Wisterian 3,4 (E LaSallian Youth 3,4 (V.P.) "He wishes not to seem, but to be, the best." -Aeschylus

Edmund N. Bransfield 200 Hemlock Drive North Wales, PA 19454 (215) 368-5466 St. Stanislaus July 14, 1977 Crew 1,2 (L),3 (L),4 (L); Football 1; lntramurals 1,2,3,4; SADD 3,4; Spirit Club 1,2,3,4 "I'd like to be rich enough so I could throw soap away after the letters are worn off." -Andy Rooney

Brendan Bray 8702 Montgomery Ave. Wyndmoor, PA 19038 (215) 836-7290 Our Mother of Consolation October 13, 1978 lntramurals 1,2,3,4; Art Club 2,3,4; Ski Club 1,2,3,4; 2,3 "I'm on a mission ... And if I stay I'll go crazy." -G.S.

Patrick M. Brennan 312 Cadwalader Ave. Elkins Park, PA 19027 (215) 884-2807 Saint James October 27, 1977 Football 1,2,3,4; Baseball 2; lntramurals 1,2,3 3,4 "It's a doggy dog world, and I'm wearing milk t underwear." -Unknown

Edmund N. Bransfield

Brendan Bray




Patrick M. Brennan

Paul T. Boehmler

Anthony L. Bonargo

Matthew J. Brace

r. Boehmler Browning Ct. lale, PA 19446 362-8826 1s Christi (5, 1978 sse 1; Ice Hockey 1,2,3,4; Tennis 3,4; 1urals 1,2,3,4; CSC 2,3,4; Science Club 3,4; 3,4 ty a dream,tomorrow a reality." -P.B.

Anthony L. Bonargo 1754 Costner Drive Warrington, PA 18976 (215) 343-9594 St. Joseph's May 18, 1978 Football 1; Golf 1,2,3,4; CSC 3,4 "Every stroke must be played by the mind." -Fred Couples

Matthew J. Brace 300 Delmont Ave. Warminster, PA 18974 (215) 672-4833 St. Joseph's October 30, 1978 Wisterian 3,4; Yearbook 4 (Editor), NHS 3,4; Scholastic "L" 1,2,3,4; "But for man, no rest and no ending. He must go on, conquest beyond conquest. And when he has conquered all the deep space, and all the mysteries of time, still he will be beginning." -H.G. Wells

1nyJ. Bruno 1dsor Circle Gwynedd, PA 19002 641-1693 ,se of Lima ;t 22, 1977 i; Fishing Club 2,3,4; Science Club 4; Ski Club Baseball 1,2; Football 1 3's no such thing as a failure that keeps on , coasting to the bottom is the only disgrace." -Blues Traveler

Patrick J. Burke Ill 6414 Montour Street Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215) 745-3162 St.William January 15, 1979 CSC 3,4; lntramurals 1,2,3 "If pro is the oppisite of con, is progress the opposite of congress?" -Shorty B. Worthless

John A. Burton 7039 Valley Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19128 (215) 482-2794 Immaculate Heart of Mary December 24, 1978 Wrestling 1,2,3,4; Yearbook 1; CSC 4; Football 4 (Manager) "Great sins make for great repentences." -Rasputin

Anthony J. Bruno

Patrick J. Burke Ill

John A. Burton


Nicholas C. Calvanese

J. Andrew Carl

Jeffrey A. Cesari

Nicholas C. Calvanese 100 Pheasant Hill Drive Philadelphia, PA 19115 (215) 969-4758 Saint Albert the Great March 18, 1977 Spanish Club 1; Crew 1 "Life styles of the rich and shameless." -Lost Boyz

J. Andrew Carl 7810 Brous Ave Philadelphia, PA 19152 (215) 624-1892 March 28, 1978 "Greatness lives if great men all remind us we can make our lives sublime, and, departing, leave behind us footprints on the sands of time." -Henry Longfellow

Jeffrey A. Cesari 9996 Woodfern Road Philadelphia, PA 19115 (215) 677-3418 Maternity B.V.M. December 21 , 1977 Newspaper 2,3,4; Lacrosse 3 (Manager); Banc "'Mongst all these stirs of discontented strife, C me lead an academic life; To know much, and think for nothing, know nothing to have, yet thi1 have enow."

Shane G. Conway 2018 Lodges Lane Oreland, PA 19075 (215) 836-5947 Holy Martyrs December 16, 1978 Spirit Club 1,2,3,4; lntramurals 1,2,3,4 "Don't dwell on the past, it can't be changed. Spend more time making a better future for yourself." -Joseph McMonigle

Patrick F. Coyle 863 W. Maple Drive Southampton, PA 18966 (215) 355-1488 Our Lady of Good Counsel February 20, 1978 Football 1,2,3,4 (Captain); Lacrosse 3,4; CSC 3,4; Ski Club 1,2,3,4; Student Council 1,4 (Secretary) "This has all been wonderful but now I'm on my way." -Phish

Patrick J. Craney 1713 Gwynedd View Road North Wales, PA 19454 (215) 699-8398 St. Rose of Lima December 27, 1977 Football 1; lntramurals 1,2,3,4 "Anything you don't want to do today can be pL until tomorrow"


Shane G. Conway


Patrick F. Coyle

Patrick J. Craney

Andrew F. Childs

Chris J. Cifelli

Geoffrey C. Coniglio

rew F. Childs I Midvale Ave. tdelphia, PA 19129 ) 844-3673 lridget's 2, 1978 ~lub 1,2; Theater 3,4; SAVE 2,3; Wisterian 2,3 Editor); Tennis 2; Gazebo 3,4 I you find that you've organized your feelings, for Jle that didn't like you then and do not like you -Morrissey

Chris J. Cifelli 509 Melissa Drive Ambler, PA 19002 (215) 646-6515 St. Anthony of Padoa March 12, 1978 Track & Field 3,4; Science Club 2,3,4; lntramurals 1,2,3,4; NHS 3,4 "You can't steal second base and keep one foot on first." -an unnamed 60-year-old Junior Executive

Geoffrey C. Coniglio 231 Woodlake Drive Holland, PA 18966 (215) 968-5264 St.Andrews June 16, 1977 Football 1,2; Ice Hockey 3,4 "Then as it was. And again it will be. Though the course may change sometimes, rivers always reach the sea." -Led Zeppelin

m E. Curci 3olf View Road ,1estown, PA 18901 5) 348-4292 Hockey 1,2,3,4; Football 1,3,4; Baseball 1,2,3; ck & Field 1; Student Council 1,2,3,4 edit belongs to the man who really was in the na, his face marred by dust, sweat, and blood. that his place shall never be with those who know ther victory nor defeat."

Daniel J. Davitt 77 Caledonia Drive Warminsiter, PA 18974 (215) 672-3552 St. Joseph March 20, 1978 NHS 3,4; lntramurals 1,2,3,4; Mathletes 1,2,3,4; Tennis 2; Science Club 3,4; Scholastic "L" 1,2,3,4 "People can be divided into three groups; those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who wonder what happened." -Anonymous

Brian M. Dempsey 7935 Verree Road Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215) 342-8249 St. Cecilia's June 8, 1978 Lacrosse 1; Ice Hockey 2,3,4; lntramurals 1,2,3,4; Scholastic "L" 1,2,3,4 "How could I possibly be expected to handle school on a day like this?" -Ferris Bueller

Brian E. Curci

Daniel J. Davitt

Brian M. Dempsey


Anthony C. Dessert

Marc P. Di Benedetto

David A. DiLullo

Anthony C. Dessert 329 Holly Hill Road Richboro, PA 18954 (215) 322-1093 Saint Vincent DePaul May 31, 1978 CSC 3; Ski Club 1,2,3,4; lntramurals 1,2,3,4 "And if you feel that you can't go on, and your will is sinking low, just believe and you can't go wrong ... in the light you will find the road." - Led Zeppelin

Mark P. DiBenedetto 335 Holmecrest Road Jenkintown, PA 19046 (215) 886-7123 St. James October 1, 1977 Football 1,2; Track & Field 1; Lacrosse 2 (L),3 (L),4 (L) "Without struggle there is no progress." -Fredrick Douglass

David A. Dilullo 2 Buttonwood Circle Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 (610) 828-0168 St.Phillip Neri November 3, 1977 Football 1,2,3,4 "We snack on danger and dine on death." -The Road Warriors

Nicolas S. Durso 672 W. Johnson Street Philadelphia, PA 19144 (215) 848-4471 St. Lucy October 29, 1978 lntramurals 1,2,3,4; Fishing Club 1,2; SADD 3 "How does it feel!"

David V. Dzara 51 Fairhill Road Huntington Valley, PA 19006 (215) 355-7492 Our Lady of Good Counsel August 31, 1978 SADD 1,2,3,4 (President); NHS 3,4; CSC 1,2,3,4; Tennis 1,2; Spanish Club 1,2; lntramurals 1,2,3,4 "If you think it's hard to meet new people, try picking up the wrong golf ball." -Jack Lemmon

John E. Eckert Ill 640 Limekiln Road Doylestown, PA 18901 (215) 340-9469 Our Lady of Mount Carmel March 23, 1978 Forum 1,2,3,4 (President); Wisterian 3,4; Yearbook 4 "Though Birnam Wood be come to Dunsinane, a1 thou opposed being of no woman born, yet I will 路 the last, before my body I throw my warlike shielc Lay on Macduff, and damned be he that first crie: 'Hold, enough!"' -Macbeth

Nicholas S. Durso


David V. Dzara

John E. Eckert III

William T. Donohoe

James M. Donohue

Michael T. Dooner

am T. Donohoe ; Cottman Ave. tdelphia, PA 19149 ) 624-9395 ~atthew 1ary 14, 1978 <etball 1,2,3,4 (Manager); Football 1,2,3,4; 3ball 1,2,3,4; Band 1,2,3,4; Student Council 3; CSC 3; Spirit Club 1,2,3,4; lntramurals 1,2,3,4 is an open book; never shut it." -Unknown

James M. Donohue 800 Wyndmoor Ave Wyndmoor, PA 19038 (215) 233-5365 Our Mother of Consolation July 7, 1978 Track & Field 1,2; Ski Club 1,2,3,4; lntramurals 1,2,3,4; CSC 1,2,3,4; Band 1,2,3,4 "Oh my my, oh hell yes, honey put on that party dress" -Tom Petty

Michael T. Dooner 1829 Willow Road Willow Grove, PA 19090 (215) 659-4629 Saint David's November 18, 1978 Band 1,2,3,4; Theater 2,3,4 "Do or do not. There is no try."-Yoda

n P. Ennis 20 Bridle Road =idelphia, PA 19111 i) 725-7645 ~ecilia ember 25, 1978 '.:lub 1; SAVE 3; Theater 3,4 off to better things, you squares." -Kim Thomson of the Cupid Car Club

Gregory J. Erb 2620 Martin Road Willow Grove, PA 19090 (215) 657-1568 St. David's February 2, 1978 Student Council 1,2,3,4; Soccer 1,2,3,4; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4 "It's the ocean flowing in our vein, it's the salt that's in our tears, yet we could of come so very far, in at least as many years." -John Fishman, Trey Anastonio & Mike Gordon

Michael B. Farrell 505 Marks Road Oreland, PA 19075 (215) 884-1114 Holy Martyrs November 6, 1977 Ice Hockey 1,2,3 (Captain),4 (Captain); Baseball 1,2,3,4; lntramurals 1,2,3,4; Wisterian 3,4; Spirit Club 1,2,3,4 "Always remember-others may hate you. But those who hate you never win, unless you hate them back ...then you destroy yourself." -Richard Nixon

Sean P. Ennis

Gregory J. Erb

Michael Farrell


Daniel Fay

William E. Fedyna

Daniel P. Fay 507 Somerton Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19116 (215) 677-4295 St. Christopher's September 26, 1978 Wisterian 3,4; Football 2,3 (Manager),4; Baseball (Manager) 2,3,4; CSC 4; SADD 3,4; Mathletes 2,3,4; lntramurals 1,2,3,4; Scholastic "L" 1,2,3,4; NHS 3,4 "It's a question of whether we're going to go forward into the future, or past to the back." -Dan Quayle

William E. Fedyna 1836 Howe Lane Maple Glen, PA 19002 (215) 628-9561 St. Alphonsus October 13, 1978 Crew 1,2,3,4; Soccer 1,2,3; Student Council 1,2,3,4; CSC 3,4; Mathletes 1,2,3,4; NHS 3,4 (President); Scholastic "L" 1,2,3,4 "It seems the harder I work, the luckier I get." •Thomas Edison

J. Raymond Fitzpatrick 12 Pine Valley Road Doylestown, PA 18901 (215) 345-0846 Our Lady of Mount Carmel May 30, 1978 Swimming 1 (L) ,2 (L),3 (L),4 (L), (Captain); Band 1,2,3,4 (President); NHS 3,4; Theater 3,4; Wisterian 3,4; Football 1; Tennis 1; Scholastic "L" 1,2,3 "Everyone who is for abortion was at one time a feces." -Peter Grace in an introduction to a Ronald Reagan speech.

J. Raymond Fitzpatrick


John J. Foelster 474 Poplar Lane Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 (610) 825-4752 St. Philip Neri December 5, 1977 Forum 1; Wisterian 3,4; Science Club 2; Band 4; Chorus 3 "What was the question?"

John J. Foelster

Brian W. Fegley Brian W. Fegley 329 Gossling Drive North Wales, PA 19454 (215) 699-4517 St. Rose of Lima August 30, 1977 Crew 2,3,4; lntramurals 1,2,3,4 "That which does not kill you makes you stronge

Adam E. Frey 480 Springfield Drive Southampton, PA 18966 (215) 355-5119 Our Lady of Good Counsel April 23, 1978 Yearbook 3,4; Wisterian 2,3,4 (Art Editor); Photc Club 1,2,3,4; Art Club 1,2; Spanish Club 1,2; lntramurals 1 "I should feel tired, but I don't! All I want to do is and enjoy being alive! I have no idea what's cor next, but something tells me I'll be able to handl, anything better than ever!" -Superman, Man of Steel

AdamE. Frey

Matthew S. Ferrare tthew S. Ferrare 'in Oak Lane rsham, PA 19044 5) 659-3974 Catherine's of Sienna ril 15, 1978 otball 1; Ice Hockey 2,3,4; lntramurals 1,2,3,4; arbook 1,2 ct fast, that way, you'll have more time to think out it later." -Wiley Durden

ichael A. Gadsby 172 South Broad Street Lnsdale, PA 19446 10) 584-8522 ine 24, 1978 'restling 3,4 (Captain); NHS 3,4; lntramurals 3,4 exist as I am, that is enough, if no other in the world 3 aware I sit content, and if each and all be aware I t content." -Walt Whitman

Michael A. Gadsby

Michael J. Fiorentino

David Fisher

Michael J. Fiorentino 103 Bryan Circle Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 368-0328 Mary, Mother of the Redeemer May 1, 1978 Football 1,2; lntramurals 1,2,3,4; Wisterian 3,4; Yearbook 3; SAVE 2,3; Theater 2,3,4; Crew 1,2,3,4; Ski Club 1 "Seek all your sorrow/But be happy tommorow/Seek where you are/We will question to ask/If you need to see the real/Then don't ask me" -My Bloody Valentine

David Fisher 822 Hain Drive Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 (215) 836-9442 St. Philip Neri December 16, 1977 lntramurals 1,2,3,4; Crew 1,2,3,4 "What have I become, my sweetest friend, everyone I know, goes away in the end."

Ryan T. Galardi 1O Ashley Drive Maple Glen, PA 19002 (215) 643-6175 St. Anthony's May 5, 1978 lntramurals 1,2,3,4; Tennis 1,2,3,4; Cross Country 1; CSC 2,3,4; SADD 2,3,4 "He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man." -Dr. Johnson

Christopher Gange 2428 Vista Street Philadelphia, PA 19152 (215) 335-9153 Resurrection of Our Lord July 11, 1978 Basketball 1,2,3,4; lntramurals 1,2,3,4; SADD 4 "Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else." -Will Rodgers

Ryan T. Galardi

Christopher Gange


Michael P. Girondo

Lewis J. Goettner, III

Michael P. Gironda 724 Inverness Drive Horsham, PA 19044 (215) 657-4864 St. Catherine of Sienna April 9, 1978 Band 1,2,3,4; Competition Band 1,2,3,4; CSC 1,2,3 (President),4; Forum 2,3,4 (V.P.); NHS 3,4; Spirit Club 1,2,3,4; Scholastic "L" 1,2 "It is impossible to escape the impression that people commonly use false standards of measure - that they seek power, success, and wealth for themselves and admire them in others, and that they underestimate what is of true value in life." -Freud

Lewis J. Goettner, Ill 1427 North Bethlehem Pike Ambler, PA 19002 (215) 643-1218 St. Anthony of Padua February 28, 1978 Crew 1,2,3,4; Band 1,2,3,4; Spirit Club 1,2,3,4 "to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting." -e.e. cummings

Kyle E. Goldbacher 600 Brookwood Lane North Wales, PA 19454 (215) 699-4118 Saint Rose of Lima September 4, 1978 Diving 1,2,3,4; CSC 3,4; SADD 3,4 "The true profession of man is to find his way to himself." -Hermann Hesse

Bryan R. Grebis 221 Belmont Avenue Oreland, PA 19075 (215) 886-3173 Holy Martyrs February 24, 1978 Football 1,2,3,4; Student Council 1,2,3,4; NHS 3,4; Track & Field 3; Scholastic "L" 2,3,4; CSC 3,4; lntramurals 1,2,3,4; SADD 3 "And so we made a promise we swore we always remember, no retreat, baby, no surrender."

Steven M. Grossman 640 Chatham Lane Blue Bell, PA 19422 (215) 540-0399 Epiphany of Our Lord January 15, 1978 Band 1; CSC 1,2,3,4; Scholastic "L" 1,2,3,4; SADD 3,4; NHS 3,4; Wisterian 3,4; Gazebo 3,4; Theater 3 (Production manager), 4 (Production manager); Yearbook 2,3 (Editor),4 (Editor-in-Chief) "Goodness is the only investment that never fails." -Henry David Thoreau

Christopher G. Halpin 405 Elliot Road Elkins Park, PA 19027 (215) 635-3256 St.James November 15, 1978 Crew 1,2,3,4; Football 1; NHS 3,4; Scholastic "L" 1,2,3,4; lntramurals 1,2,3,4 "Life's more than who we are and what we did; it'~ what we'll do and who we become."

Steven M. Grossman


Kyle E. Goldbacher

Christopher G. Halpin

Philip W. Goodwin

Patrick W. Gorman

Thomas J. Grasso Jr.

ilip W. Goodwin 3 Coach Road rsham, PA 19044 5) 646-0375 Catherine of Sienna gust 9, 1978 ,C 2,3,4 (Senator); Spanish Club 1,2,3,4; Science ib 3,4; lntramurals 1,2,3,4 )n't know where I'm goin'. Don't know where I've en. But I'll get to where I'm gonna end up and tt's alright with me." -The Who

Patrick W. Gorman 101 O Lorien Drive Gwynedd Valley, PA 19437 (215) 643-9490 St. Rose of Lima November 14, 1977 Baseball 1,2,3,4 (Captain) Yearbook 3,4; SADD 2,3,4; CSC 2,3,4; Basketball 1,2; Football 1; NHS 3,4; Scholastic 'IL" 2,3,4; lntramurals 1,2,3,4; Spirit Club 1,2,3,4; Chorus 4; Track & Field 4; Wisterian 2,3,4 "To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men that is genius" -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thomas J. Grasso 3024 Potshop Road Norristown, PA 19403 (215) 584-5397 Visitation B.V.M. Football 1,2; Chorus 1,2,3,4; Theater 1,2,3,4; Wisterian 3,4 "Being normal isn't normal."

. Craig Hamilton 75 Boyd Road mtingdon Valley, PA 19006 15) 938-0974 . Albert :tober 1, 1977 restling 1,2,3,4; CSC 4; Fishing Club 1,2,3,4; 3,4 ive free or die." -NHDMV

James J. Hargadon 155 Roslyn Avenue Glenside, PA 19038 (215) 576-1735 St. Luke's September 29, 1978 Basketball 1,2,3,4; Baseball 2,3,4; Football 1 "Don't measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should have accomplished with your ability." -John Wooden

Thomas P. Henwood 85 Overhill Road Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 (215) 667-3846 St. Matthias October 5, 1978 Baseball 1; Track & Field 1; Crew 2,3,4 "Behold, I am a herald of the lightning, I am a heavy drop from the cloud." -Zarathustra

James J. Hargadon

Thomas P. Henwood


William C. Hamilton


BradM. Hill

Jason Y. Hill

Robert V. Herzog 1507 Dublin Road Maple Glen, PA 19002 (215) 646-7319 St. Alphonsus June 24, 1978 Soccer 1,2; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; SADD 2,3; lntramurals 1,2,3,4 "Nothing is more painful than regret. So harness your fears and passage may be granted." -Surfing Magazine

Brad M. Hill 1527 Sandy Hill Road Norristown, PA 19401 (610) 279-7013 St. Paul's January 16, 1978 lntramurals 1,2,3,4; Ski Club 3,4; Science Club 3

Jason Y. Hill 246 Arlingham Road Flourtown, PA 19031 (215) 836-4455 Immaculate Heart of Mary November 21, 1977 Ice Hockey 1,2,3,4; CSC 4; Ski Club 3,4; Spirit C 1,2,3,4; Band 3,4; lntramurals 1,2,3,4; SADD 4 "It takes a big man to cry ...but it takes an even bigger man to laugh at that man."

Stephen F. Hope 2231 Paper Mill Road Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 (215) 947-3377 Our Lady Help of Christians July 26, 1978 Bike Club 4; CSC 3,4; Crew 3,4; Ice Hockey 4 (Manager); lntramurals 3,4; SADD 4; Spirit Club 4; Science Club 3,4; Ski Club 3,4 "l'be been waiting for the time when I can finally say, that this has all been wonderful, but now I'm on my way." -Phish

Michael P. Hotz 704 Brooke Road Glenside, PA 19038 (215) 576-1272 St. Luke the Evangelist May 28, 1978 Wrestling 1; Crew 2; Theater 2,3,4; Gazebo 4 "Work, play-at sixty our powers and tastes are what they were at seventeen. Old men in the bad old days used to renounce, retire, take to religion, spend their time reading, thinking-THINKING!" -Aldous Huxley

Sean K. Hunsicker 3 Pin Oak Lane Horsham, PA 19044 (215) 659-4457 St. Catherine of Sienna March 14, 1978 Football 1,2,3,4; Wisterian 2,3,4 (Editor); SAVE ~ NHS 3,4; Yearbook 2,3,4 "Each man has a price as you know, and it often seems pitifully low, but did anyone ever consider Judas Iscariot may have needed that silver?" -Nelson Demille

Robert V. Herzog

Stephen F. Hope


Michael P. Hotz

Sean K. Hunsicker

John F. Hines n F. Hines

O Medway Road adelphia, PA 19115 5) 673-3816 !\lbert ember 14, 1978 terian 3,4; Forum 1; lntramurals 1,2,3,4 I don't hate him, but I pity the fool and I will troy any man who tries to take what I got." -Mr. T

othy J. Hurley Foxcroft Drive estown, PA 18901 ) 340-0186 Lady of Mount Carmel iary 26, 1978 'E 1,2,3; Theater 2,3,4 netimes laughter is the only weapon we have." -Roger Rabbit

Timothy J. Hurley

Francis P. Hoffman

Brendan Hogan

Francis P. Hoffman 9995 South Canterbury Road Philadelphia, PA 19114 (215) 637-8205 Christ the King August 7, 1978 Crew 1; Lacrosse 2,3,4; Band 1,2,3,4; SADD 2,3; Spanish Club 2; lntramurals 1,2,3,4 "Passion, though a bad regulator, is a powerful Spring. Without passion true success can never be achieved." -Ralph Emerson

Brendan Hogan 226 Propert Drive Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 (215) 947-2411 St. Albert the Great May 9, 1978 Swimming 1,2,3,4; CSC 3,4; NHS 3,4 "You can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your friends' nose." -Anonymous

Ian E. Jenkins 18 Hillcrest Avenue Erdenheim, PA 19038 (215) 836-1538 St. Genevieve July 13, 1977 Crew 1,2,3,4; Football 1; Scholastic "L" 1,2,4; NHS 3,4; Fishing Club 1,2,3,4; "Sometimes ... upon us all, a little rain must fall."

Philip J. Jones 2329 Fuller Street Philadelphia, PA 19152 (215) 332-9660 Resurrection of Our Lord September 13, 1978 Football 1; lntramurals 1,2,3,4; CSC 3 "Like a man with no arms, you can't hang." -Wu-Tang Clan

Ian E. Jenkins

Philip J. Jones


William J. Juliano

Paul K. Kaufmann

Jeffrey J. Keller

William J. Juliano 452 Harmon Road Philadelphia, PA 19128 (215) 482-1853 St. Philip Neri March 19, 1977 lntramurals 1,2,3,4 "The key to success is hard work , and the key to hard work is determination."

Paul K. Kaufmann 203 Ray Street Jenkintown, PA 19046 (215) 379-0733 Saint Cecilia March 14, 1978 Band 1,2,3,4; Competition Band 2,3,4; Track & Field 1,2,3; NHS 3,4; lntramurals 1,2,3,4; Scholastic "L"1,2,3 "Create your own path; Progress is yours; Dream your own dreams; Discover all that you are."

Jeffrey J. Keller 150 Greycourt Road Philadelphia, PA 19115 (215) 969-8465 St. Albert the Great October 6, 1978 Band 1,2; Yearbook 3,4 (Editor); Computer Glut 2,3,4 (President); Scholastic "L" 1; Wisterian 4; Gazebo 4; "When the way comes to an end, then changehaving changed, you pass through." -I Ching

F. Gregory Kevane 1835 Inverness Drive Yardley, PA 19067 (215) 579-2064 Saint Ignatius May 10, 1978 Baseball 1,2,3,4; Ice Hockey 1,2,3,4; Student Council 3,4; lntramurals 1,2,3,4; Spirit Club 1,2,3,4; Football 1; Wisterian 2,3,4 "Every little thing you do will eventually separate you from the pack." -Phil Villapiano

Gerald A. Kilkenny 305 Oreland Mill Road Oreland, PA 19075 (215) 836-1539 Holy Martyrs October 8, 1977 Football 1,2,3 (L),4 (L); Crew 1,2; CSC 4; lntramurals 1,2,3,4; Track & Field 3 "Life's battles don't always go to the stronger or faster man, but sooner or later the man who wins is the man who thinks he can." -Anonymous

Douglas Korejko 1425 St. Vincent Street Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215) 745-9273 Resurrection February 27, 1978 Yearbook 3; Wisterian 2,3,4 (Editor); Gazebo 3, Multi-Cultural Corps 3; Spanish Club 1,2 "Because I could not stop for death, He kindly stopped for me. The carriage held but just ours and immortality." -Emily Dickinson

Gerald A. Kilkenny


Douglas Korejko

John P. Kelly, III

Todd D. Kelly

Brian D. Kent

1nP. Kelly 2 Valley Avenue adelphia, PA 19128 5) 482-4165 1aculate Heart of Mary uary 29, 1978 ~k & Field 1; Tennis 2; Soccer 3; lntramurals 3,4; CSC 4; Golf 4 1 itself is a race, marked by a start and a finish. It hat we learn during the race, and how we apply 1at determines whether our participation has had icular value."

Todd D. Kelly 212 Lynwood Avenue Rockledge, PA 19046 (215) 379-5126 St. Cecilia April 13, 1977 Crew 1,2,3,4; lntramurals 1,2,3,4 "They say be careful where you aim because where you aim you just might hit. You can hold on to something so tight. You've already lost it." -U2

Brian D. Kent 2103 Bridle Lane Oreland, PA 19075 (215) 836-4133 Holy Martyrs January 30, 1978 Spirit Club 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1; Cross Country 1; lntramurals 1,2,3,4; SADD 4; CSC 2,3,4; Crew 1,2,3,4 "It is better to sit there and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubts."

thew P. Kowal Holly Drive J of Prussia, PA 19406 )) 275-2674 t\ugustine ruary 7, 1978 1d1,2,3,4; lntramurals 1,2,3,4; CSC 3; SADD 3; ater 3 ork in the road, two paths I can follow, but only I can choose." -Unknown

J. Michael Kowalski 164 Sandywood Drive Doylestown, PA 18901 (215) 345-0240 Our Lady of Mount Carmel June 12, 1978 Crew 1,2,3,4; Swimming 1,2,3,4; NHS 3,4; lntramurals 1,2,3,4; Fishing Club 1,2,3,4 "What I want is what I've not got, What I need is all around me." -Dave Matthews Band

Keith L. Lachawiec 6028 Colgate Street Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215) 342-9063 St.William December 7, 1977 Football 1,2,3,4; SADD 4; Baseball 1,2 "reveN etamitserednu eht edgelwonk to eht hsilop" -Keith Lachawiec

Matthew P. Kowal

John M. Kowalski II

Keith L. Lachawiec


Brian Ltlng

Louis J. La,nzilotta

Timothy A. Ltlsh

Brian D. Lang 120 Girard Avenue Harboro, PA 19040 (215) 672-9749 December 11, 1977 Band 1,2,3,4; Theater 3,4 "For now, it's almost as if Maman weren't dead. After the funeral, though, the case will be closed, and everthing will have a more official feel to it." -Albert Camus

Louis J. Lanzilotta 766 Hazelwood Drive North Wales, PA 19454 (215) 699-3743 St. Rose of Lima July 5, 1978 Crew 1,2,3,4; Band 1,2,3,4; Track & Field 3,4 "The greatest pleasure in life is doing things thai people say you can't do."

Timothy A. Lash 1020 Allengrove Street Philadelphia, PA 19124 (215) 535-0804 St. Paul's February 12, 1978 Swimming 1,2; Crew 1,2,3 "Things hardly attained are longer retained." -John Clarke

Matthew Lewandowski 1809 Chandler Street Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215) 725-8853 Resurrection of Our Lord July 7, 1978 Band 1,2,3 (Officer); Chorus 1,2; Competition Band 1,2,3; CSC 1,2,3,4 (V.P.); Theater 1,2,3,4; Forum 1,2,4; lntramurals 1,2,4; NHS 3,4; Photography Club 4; SADD 1,2,3,4; SAVE 1,2,3; Wisterian 1; Scholastic "L" 1,2,4; Spirit Club 1,2,3,4; Yearbook 1 "When you feel your life ain't worth living you've got to stand up. And when your deepest thoughts are broken, keep on dreaming boy, cause when you stop dreaming, its time to die. And as we all play parts of tomorrow, some ways will work and others we'll play. But I know we all can't stay here forever so I want to write my words on the face of today." -Blind Melon

John W. Lockard 1600 Bergey Road Hatfield, PA 19440 (215) 368-5887 St. Marie Goretti November 10, 1978 Soccer 1,3; CSC 3,4 (Senator); Track & Field 1,2; lntramurals 1,2,3,4; SADD 4; NHS 3,4; Science Club 3,4 "Like a midget at a urinal, you always have to be on your toes." -Frank Drebin

Lloyd E. Long 2013 Lodges Lane Oreland, PA 19075 (215) 836-2484 November 6, 1977 Lacrosse 2 (Manager),3 (Captain),4; Track & FiE 1,2,3 (L),4 (Manager); CSC 2,3,4; Fishing Club 1,2,3,4; Spanish Club 1,2,3,4; Wisterian 4 (Editc Yearbook 4 (Editor); lntramurals 1,2,3,4; Scholastic "L" 3 "I swing big with everything I got. I either hit big miss big. I like to live as big as I can." -Babe Ruth

Matthew Lewandowski

John W. Lockard Jr


Lloyd E. Long

Thomas M. Lasky

Keith A. Ledwith

Edward J. Leonard

rias M. Lasky {nthia Drive ioro, PA 18954 364-0679 ede the Venerable st 12, 1978 >sse 1,2,3,4; Ice Hockey 1,2,3,4; Soccer 1,2; c & Field 2; NHS 3,4; Scholastic "L" 1,2,4; nurals 1,2,3,4; Wisterian 2,3; stonecutters were asked what they were 1. The first said, 'I'm cutting this stone into s.' The second replied, 'I'm on a team that's ng a cathedral."'

Keith A. Ledwith 214 Glendalough Road Erdenheim, PA 19119 (215) 233-3778 St. Genevieve January 7, 1978 Crew 1,2,3,4; CSC 4; Fishing Club 1,2,3,4; lntramurals 1,2,3,4 "The aim of life is to live, and to live means to be aware, joyously, crunkenly, serenly, divinely aware." -Henry Miller

Edward J. Leonard 2716 Brown Street Philadelphia, PA 19130 (215) 232-3309 St. Francis Xavier June 2, 1978 Crew 1,2,3,4; lntramurals 1,2 "If there's a bustle in your Hedgerow - Don't be alarmed now - It's just a spring clean for the May Queen - Yes there are two paths you can go by - But in the long run - There's still time to change the road you're on." -Led Zeppelin

es P. Louie !\dams Avenue delphia, PA 19124 I 831-8198 lartin's 1mber 11 , 1978 lackey 1,2,3; Bowling 4; Band 1,2,3,4 11confidence =total domination."

Michael D. Lynch 603 Mckean Road Ambler, PA 19002 (215) 628-3451 St. Alphonsus November 6, 1977 Cross Country 1; Crew 1,2,3; lntramurals 1,2,3; Multi-Cultural Corps 3,4; CSC 3,4; Science Club 3,4; Wisterian 3,4; Gazebo 4; Spanish Club 3,4 "I may be going to hell in a bucket, but at least I'm enjoying the ride."

Philip T. Lynch 328 Brookdale Avenue Glenside, PA 19038 (215) 576-5285 St. Luke's May 23, 1978 Student Council 1,2,3,4 (V.P.); Soccer 1 (L),2 (L),3 (L),4 (Captain); Basketball 1,2 (L); Ski Club 3,4; NHS 3,4; Scholastic "L" 1,2,3,4; lntramurals 1,2,3,4 "You see things as they were and you ask why; but I dream of things that never were, and ask why not?" -G. B. Shaw

Michael D. Lynch

Philip T. Lynch

James P. Louie


Michael A. Mack

Christopher Magarity

John D. Mallach

Christopher Magarity 520 Kingston Road Oreland, PA 19075

John D. Mallach 1125 Sweetbriar Circle Gwynedd Valley, PA 19437

(215) 745-1522

(215) 572-6708

(215) 646-0498

Resurrection of Our Lord August 9, 1978 Soccer 2,3,4; Football 3,4; Wisterian 4; CSC 4; lntramurals 2,3,4 "I am a child of the light, a product of the sun, divided from the dark shadows which linger." -John Mullin

Holy Martyrs September 12, 1978 Baseball 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Football 1 "When making your choice in life, do not neglect to live." -Samuel Johnson

St. Rose January 24, 1977 Football 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1,2,3,4 "Some birds are just not meant to be caged, th feathers are too bright." -Reds, from the Shawshank Redem1

Michael L. Mastroieni 667 Maris Street Philadelphia, PA 19128

Shaun P. McCormac 3500 Wessex Lane Philadelphia, PA 19114

Daniel P. McDonald 1605 Overbrook Drive Gwynedd Valley, PA 19437

Michael A. Mack 1350 Wells Street Philadelphia, PA 19111

(215) 483-0183

(215) 632-5819

(215) 699-2488

St. Josaphat June 24, 1978 lntramurals 1,2,3,4; CSC 3,4; Track & Field 4 (L) "The story of life is quicker than the wink of an eye. The story of love is hello and goodbye. Until we meet again." -Jimi Hendrix

Christ the King June 6, 1978 lntramurals 1,2,3,4; CSC 4 "My life is like a child's punching bag. When I get knocked over, I'll stand right back up."

St. Rose of Lima March 3, 1978 Baseball 2; lntramurals 1,2,3,4; Spanish Club "He who laughs last, children, is he who wins.' -Bob Marley

Michael L. Mastroieni


Daniel P. McDonald

Sean L. McErlean

Timothy M. Maloney

Brandon S. Mandia

Christopher A. Manion

thy M. Maloney illinghamshire Road -lope, PA 18938 794-5987 .ady of Mount Carmel 26, 1977 1,2,3,4; Wrestling 1,2,3,4; Student Council lntramurals 1,2,3,4; CSC 3,4 n a man puts a limit on what he will do, he has limit on what he can do."

Brandon S. Mandia 631 Sweetwater Drive Langhorne, PA 19053 (215) 357-0182 St. Bede November 21, 1977 Soccer 1,2,3,4; Lacrosse 1 "With your past and your future precisely divided. Am I at that moment? I haven't decided." -Phish

Christopher A. Manion 123 Yale Road Havertown, PA 19083 (610) 449-6579 Annunciation December 5, 1977

L. McErlean Bloomfield Avenue lelphia, PA 19115 673-9737 nity B.V.M. !6, 1978 all 1; lntramurals 1,2,3,4 be called out on strikes; go down swinging." -Life's Little Instruction Book

Patrick J. McGinley 3512 Ridge Pike Collegeville, PA 19426 (610) 631-9647 St. Eleanor March 19, 1978 Football 1; Track & Field 2,3,4; NHS 3,4 "White men can't jump." -Spike Lee

Thomas M. McGoldrick 841 Rodman Avenue Jenkintown, PA 19046 (215) 887-0624 Immaculate Conception June 10, 1978 lntramurals 1,2,3,4; Art Club 2,3,4; NHS 3,4; Track & Field 3 (L),4 (L); SADD 4; Scholastic "L" 1,2,3 "A winner says, I'm not as good as I should be. A loser says, I'm not as bad as other people."

Shaun P. McCormac

Patrick J. McGinley

Thomas M. McGoldrick


Matthew J. McGrath

Joseph M. McKeone

Timothy D. McManus

Matthew J. McGrath 5328 Oakland Street Philadelphia, PA 19124 (215) 533-8548 St. Martin of Tours August 6, 1978 "Before long, you will find yourself using this yearbook to prove that you once knew me."

Joseph M. McKeone 281 Gravel Hill Road Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 (215) 364-3976 Our Lady of Good Counsel November 1, 1978 Baseball1; lntramurals 1,2,3,4; Mathletes 2; NHS 3,4; CSC 3,4; German Club 3,4; Ski Club 1,4; Bike Club 1 "Theeee Unnndertaker. .. Your coffin is ready."

Timothy D. McManus 104 Ulmer Avenue Oreland, PA 19075 (215) 576-1997 Holy Martyrs December 17, 1977 Football 1; Ski Club 1,2,3; lntramurals 1,2,3,4 "The future's uncertain and the end is always r So let it roll. ..AII night long!" -The Doors

Daniel T. Monaghan 7031 Oxford Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215) 722-7073 Presentation B.V.M. April 20, 1978 Football 1,2,3,4; CSC 3 "Just when you think you have all the answers, I change the questions." -Rowdy Roddy Piper

Andrew C. Morell 128 Azalea Way Flourtown, PA 19031 (215) 836-7877 St. Genevieve April 14, 1978 Cross Country 1,2,3,4; Track & Field 1,2,3,4; SADD 4; Sprirt Club 1,2,3,4 "Be a little crazy and make things worthwhile, then remember your friends with a laugh and a smile." -Cat Stevens

Anthony R. Morrow 201 Weldy Avenue Oreland, PA 19075 (215) 884-0455 Holy Martyrs July 7, 1978 lntramurals 1,2,3,4; Lacrosse 1,2; Golf 4 "Eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die. -Dave Matthews Band

Andrew C. Morell


Anthony R. Morrow

Matthew J. McMullin

Daniel S. Meehan

Erik J. Mitsch

ile Glen, PA 19002 5) 643-7055 11.lphonsus 120, 1978 ss Country 1,2,3,4; Track & Field 1,2,3,4 plain); i can either cling to the side of the boat, wrapped fe preservers, or learn how to row." -Brit Ellis

Daniel S. Meehan 1005 Twist Road Philadelphia, PA 19115 (215) 464-0881 Maternity B.V.M. lntramurals 1,2,3,4; CSC 1,2,3,4; Wrestling 3,4; Tennis 2; Theater 2; Ski Club 3; Scholastic "L" 1,2; NHS 3,4 "Somehow or other, I'll be famous, and if not famous, notorious." -Oscar Wilde

Erik J. Mitsch 1537 Dillon Road Maple Glen, PA 19002 (215) 847-2239 Yearbook 4 (Editor); Gazebo 4; Photo Club 4; Computer Club 2,3,4; German Club 1,2,3,4; Forum 4; Wisterian 4; Ski Club 1; Lacrosse 1,2 "His soul swooned slowly as he heard the snow falling, like the descent of their last end, upon all the living and the dead." -James Joyce

tthew P. Mullen .5 Arbour Circle :iyette Hill, PA 19444 0) 825-6497 Philip Neri y 19, 1978 ;terian 3,4 (Editor); Bike Club 1; Theater 2; amurals 1,2,3,4 1ytool is useful if you know how to use it." -King Raoh

Patrick J. Mullen 25 Woods End Drive Doylestown, PA 18901 (215) 297-8153 Our Lady of Mount Carmel June 8, 1977 Crew 1,2,3,4; SADD 1,2,3,4; CSC 1,2,3,4; Student Council 3,4 "Never let schooling interfere with your education." -Mark Twain

William E. Murphy 6006 Old Eagle Lane Fort Washington, PA 19034 (610) 828-8743 St. Phillip Neri March 30,1978 Baseball 1,2 (L),3 (L),4 (L),(Captain); NHS 3,4; Student Council 1,4; CSC 3,4; SADD 3,4; Football 1,2; Scholastic "L" 1,2,4; Spirit Club 1,2,3,4; Yearbook 4; Track & Field 4; lntramurals 1,2,3,4 "It's not that easy bein' green." -Kermit the Frog

thew J. McMullin O Brittany Drive

Matthew P. Mullen



William E. Murphy


William F. Newhart

Thomas P. O'Connell

Sean C. O'Donnell

William F. Newhart 5827 Newtown Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19120 (215) 745-0348 St.William May 1, 1978 Wisterian 4; Spanish Club 1,2; CSC 1,4; SADD 4 " ...And these children that you spit on as they try to change their worlds are immune to your consultations. They're quite aware of what they're going through ..." -David Bowie

Thomas P. O'Connell 352 Fisher Road Jenkintown, PA 19046 (215) 884-2160 St. James May 19,1978 Cross Country 1,2,3,4 (Captain); Track & Field 1,2,3,4 (Captain); NHS 3,4 (Treasurer); SADD 3,4 "Character is like a tree and reputation like it's shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing." -Abraham Lincoln

Sean C. O'Donnell 2 Kinder Road Conshohocken, PA 19428 (610) 825-1779 St.Phillip Neri July 19, 1978 Athletic Trainer 1,2,3,4; Yearbook 3,4; NHS 3,4; Wheelchair Off - Roading 4 "Women, can't live with 'em ... Pass the beer nuts -Norm Peterson

William J. Oehler 825 Chandler Street Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215) 342-1309 Basketball 1,2,3,4 "Boom shocka locka; Yo here comes the chief rocka!" -Lou

Kenneth J. Orange 1109 East Mt. Pleasant Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19150 (215) 247-7256 Multi-Cultural Corps 2,3,4 (President); Wisterian 2; Basketball 1,2; lntramurals 1,2,3,4; Yearbook 4 "His legs bestrid the ocean; His reared arm crested the world ... But when he meant to quail and shake the orb, he was, as rattling thunder." -William Shakespeare

Joseph D. Palmieri 1636 Hancock Road North Wales, PA 19454 (215) 699-7063 St. Rose of Lima March 1, 1978 Cross Country1 ,2,3,4; Track & Field 1,2,3,4; CSC 3,4; NHS 3,4; Wisterian 4 "Half the walk is but retracing our steps, we shou go forth on the shortest walk, perchance, in the s of undying adventure, never to return-prepare thE send back our embalmed hearts only as relics to desolate kingdoms." -Henry David Thoreau

William J. Oehler


Kenneth J. Orange

Joseph D. Palmieri

Paul J. O'Hara J. O'Hara Philmont Drive stown, PA 18901 348-8048 3.dyof Mount Carmel 2, 1978 Country 1; Crew 1; Golf 3,4; Art Club 1,2; ' 1,2,3; Spirit Club 1,2,3,4; lntramurals 1,2,3,4 le think I'm shy; I'm just concentrating really -Woody Allen

; N. Parella >relate Circle :own, PA 19403 539-5082 on B.V.M. nber16, 1977 all 2,3 (Captain); Golf 4; lntramurals 1,2,3,4;

4; S..Field 3

:t the best and prepare for the worst." -Anonymous

James N. Parella

Mike O'Shaughnessy

Michael Ochmanski

Michael O'Shaughnessy 7612 Rockwell Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215) 742-5640 St. Cecilia Cross Country 2,3,4; Track & Field 2,3,4; CSC 3,4; lntramurals 1,2,3,4 "Irish pride is what I got, I got a lot so don't dispute." -House of Pain

Michael Ochmanski 6231 Rising Sun Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215) 745-8025 St. John Cantius June 16, 1978 Baseball 1,2; Bowling 4; lntramurals 1,2,3,4 "The one who dies with the most toys ... still dies."

Anthony M. Penzarella 9731 Redd Rambler Drive Philadelphia, PA 19115 (215) 676-7897 Maternity B.V.M. February 19, 1979 Crew 1,2 (L),3 (L),4 (L); Swimming 1,2 (L),3 (L),4 (L); NHS 3,4; Spanish Club 1,2; CSC 1,2; Student Council 1; lntramurals 1,2,3,4; "Listen to the mustn'ts ...Listen to the dont's; Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the wont's; Listen to the never have's, then listen close to me - Anything can happen, anything can be." -Shel Silverstein

Craig A. Petruzzelli 822 Scotia Road Philadelphia, PA 19128 (215) 483-5086 St Lucy September 26, 1978 Cross Country 1,2,3,4 (Captain); Track & Field 1,2,3,4; lntramurals 1,2,3,4; Scholastic "L" 1,3 "Run, if you like, but try to keep your breath; work like a man, but don't be worked to death." -Holmes

Anthony M. Penzarella

Craig A. Petruzzelli


Dodd A. Pfeffer

Joshua K. Piskai

Michael A. Pratowski

Dodd A. Pfeffer Horsham, PA 19044 (215) 643-4909 St. Alphonsus July 9, 1978 Wrestling 1; Crew 1; CSC 2,3,4 (President); Mathletes 2,3,4; Tennis 2,3; Science Club 2,3,4; Spanish Club 2,3,4; SADD 4 (V.P.); NHS 3,4 "Strange as it may seem, no amount of learning can ever cure stupidity, and formal education positively fortifies it." -Stephen Vizinczey

Joshua K. Piskai 1566 Lafayette Way Blue Bell, PA 19422 (610) 279-9414 St. Helena March 18, 1978 Soccer 1,2; Track & Field 1,3; CSC 3,4; Science Club 4; lntramurals 1,2,3,4; SADD 3,4; Spirit Club 1,2,3,4 "That which we are, we are; One equal temper of heroic hearts, made weak by time and fate, but strong in will to strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield." -Ulysses

Michael A. Pratowski P. 0. Box 870 Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 368-3858 St. Stanislaus March 29, 1977 "So much people have to do to make the othe1 people not even live, but see the mistake that that die make." -Bob Marley

Ian M. Ruegg 121 Plowshare Road Norristown, PA 19403 (61 O) 631-1531 Visitation 8.V.M. August 29, 1978 Crew 2,3,4; CSC 3,4; SADD 3,4; lntramurals 1,2,3,4 "Unless you are in prison, you don't have much of a reason not to go out and be awesome." -Henry Rollins

Paul Ruppel 31 Downey Drive Horsham, PA 19044 (215) 641-1947 St. Alphonsus March 3, 1978 Yearbook 4; Soccer 1; Ice Hockey 2; Tennis 2,3,4; CSC 3,4; Science Club 3,4 "Help Me! I'm somewhere where I don't know where I am." -Homer Simpson

George A. Saitta 8611 Thomas Mill Drive Philadelphia, PA 19128 (215) 482-1835 lmaculate Heart of Mary July 26, 1978 CSC 3,4; Baseball 1; Track & Field 3 (L),4 (L) (Captain); Yearbook 4 (Business Editor); NHS Scholastic "L" 1,2,3,4; lntramurals 3,4 "The future belongs to those who belive in the beauty of their dreams" -Eleanor Roose

Paul Ruppel IV


George A. Saitta

David A. Rambo

Christopher Reynolds

d A. Rambo , Cinnamon Drive Washington, PA 19034 ) 643-0121 lphonsus 19, 1978 ockey 1,2,3,4 (Asst. Captain); Baseball 3,4; 1is 1; CSC 1,2,3,4; cannot discover new oceans without the ~ge to lose sight of the shore."

Christopher Reynolds 109 Boncouer Road Cheltenham, PA 19012 (215) 635-3717 St. Joseph's (Society Hill) April 4, 1978 Basketball (Manager) 1,2,3,4; CSC 2,3,4 "The light shines in the darkness and the darkness hasnot and will not overcome it."

ael A. Salvi Brookfield Road ise Park, PA 19027 635-6605 )seph's Jary 3, 1978 etball 2,4 (Manager); Wisterian 4 world is yours." -Tony Montana

Justin A. Santangelo 20 Sweetwater Circle Lower Gwynedd, PA 19002 (215) 643-6523 Saint Rose of Lima December 26, 1977 Soccer 1; Track & Field 2,3,4; Student Council 3,4; Bowling 4; Cross Country 2; CSC 4; Spirit Club 1,2,3,4 "Everyone asks me how I can be so skinny but yet so phat."

Michael A. Salvi

Justin A. Santangelo



Daniel J. Rogan 732 Crescent Avenue Glenside, PA 19038 (215) 576-6046 St. Luke the Evangelist June 22, 1978 Yearbook 3,4; Wisterian 3,4; CSC 3,4; Photography Club 3,4; Gazebo 1 ".....and it's wake up time. Time to open your eyes, and rise and shine." -Tom Petty

Michael J. Sasso Box 508 1004 Lorien Drive Gwynedd Valley, PA 19437 (215) 641-1884 St. Rose of Lima April 11, 1978 Cross Country 1,2,3,4; Track and Field 1,2,3,4; NHS 3,4 (V.P.) Scholastic "L" 1,2,3; CSC 4; lntramurals1 ,2; Yearbook 3 "You are never a loser until you quit trying."

Michael J. Sasso


Andrew T. Sava

David R. Schulze

Benjamin M. Sclafani

Andrew T. Sava 406 Bethlehem Pike Erdenheim, PA 19038 (215) 836-2828 St. Genevieve May 12, 1977 SADD 1; Track & Field 1; Tennis 2 "Be yourself and accomplish the goals you want. If you put your mind to it you can accomplish anything."

David R. Schulze 118 Weldy Avenue Oreland, PA 19075 (215) 884-3077 Holy Marytrs September 21, 1977 Football 1,2,3,4; Track & Field 2,3; lntramurals 1,2,3,4; Ski Club 1,2,3,4 "I want to ride on my bike until my tires wear thin." -Brains

Benjamin M. Sclafani 3250 Barley Lane Lansdale, PA 19446 (610) 584-1075 Saint Helena's April 3, 1978 Lacrosse 1; Football 3; Crew 3,4 "Sine Qua Non."

J. Andrew Sharkey 524 Willow Grove Avenue Glenside, PA 19038 (215) 884-7209 St. Luke the Evangelist February 6, 1978 Swimming 3 (manager),4 (manager); Theater 2,3,4; CSC 1,2,3,4; lntramurals 1,2,3,4; Yearbook 4 "Always remember, others may hate you, but those who hate you won't win unless you hate them - and then you destroy yourself." -R. Nixon

Jonathan D. Simpson 125 Lyster Road Oreland, PA 19075 (215) 886-3634 Holy Martyrs January 18, 1978 CSC 1,2,3,4; Spanish Club 2; Yearbook 1,4 (Editor); Photo Club 1,4; Fishing Club 3,4; Theater 3,4 "Impossible is a word only to be found in the dictionary of fools." -Napoleon I

Thomas C. Sinese 27 490 Maxwell Street Philadelphia, PA 19136 (215) 676-6794 St Jerome's November 19, 1978 lntramurals 1,2,3,4; Fishing Club 2 "I'll have it tommorow, my computer malfunctio1

Jonathan D. Simpson


Thomas C. Sinese

Daniel T. Sears

,IT. Sears A.IbaRoad t Grove, PA 19090

659-1205 1n of the Cross mber 1, 1977 1urals1,2,3,4; CSC 4 liddly dop skip skip dop skil diddly dop skap de bo de, ska diddly diddly diddly do ska dip ibbo de de." -Bob Marley

Louis J. Serra

Sacheen N. Shah

Louis J. Serra

Sacheen N. Shah

7014 Matthias Street Philadelphia, PA 19128 (215) 483-6656

610 Wyndrise Drive Blue Bell, PA 19422 (215) 643-9550 August 27, 1978 Football 3,4; Track & Field 2,3; lntramurals 4

Immaculate Heart of Mary April 21, 1978 "You may be wrong, but you may be right." -Billy Joel

"Life is like a box of chocolates - you never know what your going to get." -Forrest Gump

I F.Sinni

Matthew C. Skipper

)ob Drive l, PA 18974

723 Erlen Road


(610) 272-6731

(215) 831-9767

cents 1ber 9, 1977 1ing 1,2; Crew 2,3,4; SADD 3,4; Lacrosse 1; 1b3,4; CSC 3,4; Student Council 4 1reat. Now I got to strut." -John Travolta from Saturday Night Fever

St. Paul's September 7, 1978 Theater 2,3,4; Bike Club 1; Photo Club 4; lntramurals 3,4; SADD 3,4; Bowling 4; "You gots to chill" -EPMD

St. Martin of Tours April 3, 1978 lntramurals 2,3,4 "If you're gonna talk the talk, and yap the yap, I think you should shut your trap and walk the walk, because I'm tired of your whining and complaining."

Daniel F. Sinni

Norristown, PA 19401

Matthew C. Skipper

Timothy Strumfels 846 Brill Street Philadelphia, PA 19124

Timothy Strum/ els


Christian S. Sweeney

Scott P. Swindells

Christian S. Sweeney 414 Lakeview Court Langhorne, PA 19053 (215) 757-7319 lntramurals 1,2,3,4; Lacrosse 2; Football 1,2,3,4; Wrestling 1,2,3,4 "Effort is only effort when it begins to hurt." -Jose Gasset

Scott P. Swindells 178 Windmill Road Willow Grove, PA 19090 (215) 657-3881 St. David May 3, 1978 Baseball 1,2,3,4; Yearbook 3,4 (Editor); Newspaper 2,3,4 (Editor);Football 1; CSC 3,4; Gazebo 3,4; lntramurals 2,4; German Club 2,3,4; Scholastic "L" 4 "He who has a why to live for can overcome almost any how" - Nietzsche

Michael A. Tulio 2518 Damian Drive Hatboro, PA 19040 (215) 674-2993 St. John Bosco December 27, 1977 NHS 3,4; Soccer 1; Crew 1,2,3,4; Wrestling 1,2,3; lntramurals1 ,2,3,4 "The line from black and white is getting greyer all the time as I twist the arm that twists the hand of fate." -Isle of Q

Wesley J. Tuscano 527 Woodland Avenue Cheltenham, PA 19012 (215) 379-1265 St. James May 15, 1978 Wrestling 1,2; Football 1; Student Council 1 (President), 2 (President), 3, 4 (President) "I go not where the path will lead me. I go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."

Michael A. Tulio


Wesley J. Tuscano

Eugene Szymanski

Eugene Szymanski 3362 Thompson Street Philadelphia, PA 19134 (215) 426-7387 St. Adalbert January 27, 1978 Football 2,3,4; lntramurals 1,2,3,4; SADD 4 "I have a simple philosophy. Fill what's empt\ empty what's full, scratch where it itches."

James M. Tyrrell 111 East Germantown Pike Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 (610) 828-4598 St. Philip Neri September 27, 1978 Art Club 1,2

James M. Tyrrell

James F. Tate

, F. Tate bow Lane 1gton,PA 18976

Jeffrey T. Truitt

Jeffrey T. Truitt 87 Kara Lane Feasterville, PA 19053


(215) 355-9760

bert Bellermine

St. Christopher September 8, 1978 Football 1,3; Swimming 2,3,4; Crew 1,2,3,4; lntramurals 1,2,3,4 "If the devil were to offer me a resurgence of what is commonly called virility, I'd decline. 'Just keep my liver and lungs in good working order,' I'd reply, 'so I can go on drinking and smoking."' -Luis Bunuel

2, 1978 Country 1,2,3,4; Track and Field 1,2,3,4 1in);lntramurals 1,2,3,4; CSC 3,4 hat I know that I'm breaking to pieces, I'll pull ' heart and I'll feed it to anyone ... three : from everyone."

>.Tyrrell ,st Germantown Pike ith Meeting, PA 19462


John P. Tyrrell

Brian D. Trymbiski

Brian D. Trymbiski

654 Old Pebble Hill Road Doylestown, PA 18901 (215) 345-5587 Our Lady of Mount Carmel May 13, 1978 Soccer 1, Golf 2,3,4; CSC 3,4; SADD 3,4; "Watch how you move and move wisely" -MC Jamalski

Kevin R. Van Haute

Gregory J. Ventresca

695 Sycamore Place Blue Bell, PA 19422 (215) 641-0356

8706 Marshall Road Wyndmoor, PA 19038 (215) 836-0140

St. Helena's April 13, 1978 Soccer 1,2; Tennnis 3,4; lntramurals 1,2,3,4; Spirit Club 1,2,3,4 "In dreams begin responsibilities." -U2

Seven Dolors October 20, 1977 Crew 1,2,3,4; Wrestling 2,3,4; NHS 3,4 (Secretary); Band 1,2,3,4; Football 1,2 ''Take your time, think alot, think of everything you've got. For you will still be here tomorrow but your dreams may not." -Cat Stevens

Kevin R. Van Haute

Gregory J. Ventresca


James P. Venuto

Gavin J. Villacorta

Trevor T. Vogt

James P. Venuto 4 Rucker Drive Richboro, PA 18954 (215) 355-4834 St. Vincent de Paul October 31, 1977 Crew 1,2,3,4; lntramurals 1,2,3 "Don't sweat me!!"

Gavin J. Villacorta 8736 Old Line Road Philadelphia, PA 19128 (215) 492-5235 St. Philip Neri February 19, 1978 Cross Country 3; Track 4; Art Club 3,4; MultiCultural Corps 3,4; SADD 3,4; CSC 3,4 "Nothing in the world is permanent and we're foolish when we ask anything to last, but surely we're still more foolish not to take delight in it while we have it." -W.S. Maugham

Trevor T. Vogt 271 O East Crossing Circle Norristown, PA 19403 (610) 630-7924 Maternity B.V.M. May 24, 1978 lntramurals 1,2,3,4; CSC 3 "You must lose yourself to find yourself." -Eric Gana

Thomas White 12522 Chilton Road Philadelphia, PA 19154 (215) 637-4414 St. Anselm May 23, 1978 lntramurals 3,4; Scholastic "L" 1,2,3; Soccer 1,2; Tennis 1 "There are three types of people in the world: those who don't know what happened, those who wonder what happened , and people like us from the streets who make things happen."

David J. Wickersham 2826 Pikertown Road Warrington, PA 18976 (215) 343-6194 St. Robert Bellermine October 3, 1977 Football 1,2,3,4; Track & Field 1,2,3,4; Spirit Club 1,2,3,4; lntramurals 1,2,3,4; SADD 4 "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood ... if he fails, at least he fails daring greatly. So that his peace shall never be with those cold and timid souls who have tasted neither victory nor defeat."

Michael P. Wilkin 769 Champlain Drive King of Prussia, PA 19406 (610) 337-0159 Mother of Divine Providence February 24, 1978 Baseball 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1,2,3; lntramura CSC 4; NHS 3,4; Scholastic "L" 1,2 "Opportunity has hair in front, behind she is t you seize her by the forelock, you may hold I if suffered to escape, not Jupiter himself can her again." -Anonymous

Thomas White


David J. Wickersham

Michael P. Wilkin

Christopher Walters

Christopher Weinacht

Matthew J. Weldon

opher Walters :Jliston Drive 1oor, PA 19038 ,36-2264 lther of Consolation 1ber 5, 1977 1ing 1,2,3,4; Crew 1,2,3,4 (Captian) ; not an enjoyment, but a fact that it will be Healed with a victory or a bandage." -The thoughts going through my head on the 27th day

Christopher Weinacht 1867 Merlin Road Philadelphia, PA 19116 (215) 698-7796 Maternity BVM September 23, 1978 Crew 1,2,3,4; lntramurals 1,2,3,4; Track & Field 3,4; SADD 3,4 "What I have been taught I have forgetten; what I know I have guessed."

Matthew J. Weldon 17 Stacey Drive Doylestown, PA 18901 (215) 384-3697 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel March 4, 1978 Band 1,2,3,4 (Student Musical Director); Theater 2,3,4; Track & Field 1,2,3,4; Cross Country 3,4 "Love, Friendship, Respect do not unite people as much as a common enemy." -Anton Chekov

~IR. Wilson :orsley Court Glen, PA 19002 43-7213 1onsus 1, 1978 :::ountry 1; Track 1,2; Lacrosse 1,2 has not been time to think. The news is but the brain does not quite grasp it." -Frank Rizzo

Thomas G. Yaegel 31 Jasons Way Richboro, PA 18954 (215) 322-0334 St. Vicent de Paul July 18, 1978 Swimming 1,2,3,4 (Captain); Baseball 1,2,3,4 (Manager); Scholastic "L" 1,3; Yearbook 3 "If you hold on too tight to what you think is your thing, you may find you're missing all the rest." -Dave Matthews Band

Matthew J. Yaglenski 2062 Valley View Way Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 584-9821 Corpus Christe September 28, 1977 Swimming 1,2,3,4; Track & Field 1,2,4; CSC 3,4; SADD 3,4; lntramurals 1,2,4 "You never ever leave without leaving a piece of youth and our lives are forever changed, we will never be the same." -Smashing Pumpkins

Michael R. Wilson

Thomas G. Yaegel

Matthew J. Yaglenski


Keith E. Youse Keith E. Youse 1801 Surrey Road Oreland, PA 19075 (215) 233-5470 Holy Martyrs October 31, 1977 Track & Field 1,2; lntramurals 1; CSC 3,4; SADD 3,4 "Why are we, so blind to see, that the ones we hurt, are you and me?"

"Mr. Stanczak, you won't believe this, but..."


Scott and Scott have finally seen the light on retreat.

Mrs. Mullen is in dire need of that morning cup of coffee.

Vincent Van Orange and Jeff DaVinci

"Hey look, Pat. I drew this one in Latin class."


"The mind is a terrible thing to waste."

a Salle High School asks its students an important question: Who are you? No matter what your interests, the school offers an easel, a keyboard, a court, or a stage for self expression. The wealth of possibilities offers art, science, writing, editing, producing, publishing, photography, speech, math, community service, the honors society, biking, culture, auctions, music, intramurals, theater, environmental or social awareness, student council, fishing, film, skiing, and computing. You name the interest, and the school provides a club or activity. In joining these activities, students work together, experience teamwork, develop a work ethic, apply spirit and dedication, and find a pathway to individuality. "If your ship doesn't come in, swim out to it."

By observing everything that goes on after hours at La Salle and by seeing firsthand our diversity, you will not see people who sit back and wait for life to come to them. You will see, rather, people who go out and work for what they love to do. Society's view of a person's life is often based on what one achieves. What's more important is what one experiences. With so many clubs, organizations, and activities, there is something for every student to "swim out to" ... All it takes is a deep breath and a strong kick. "The superior man is modest in speech, but exceeds in his actions." -K'ung Fu Tzu

Many of La Salle's clubs and activities focus on actions and leadership through these actions. To take action, it takes a desire that can only come from deep inside. It takes character: Who you are. It takes expression: How you want to paint the picture of yourself. It takes diversity: A variety of activities for a variety of personalities. It takes dedication: an energetic love of the toil as well as the outcome. It takes you. "Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat." -Theodore Roosevelt


: Do they live here? Some students don't just go home after school. They choose ·to stay, to do what they love, and to learn who they are. They have a sense of just what All Things Considered means, and ,they'll surely be willing to share it with !you. Take special note of these people. Observe the work ethic they've devel' oped. Respect their love for what they do and admire their dedication. At least . remember who they are, for you may be · hearing about them in the future .




ports may be the main reason why a lot of people come to LaSalle, but it's the Art Club that helps give the school its culture. From the display case in the second floor showcase, to the series of paintings put in the library at the year-end Art Festival, the Art Club is what makes Saint Michael's hall and the rest of the school from looking like any other building. Students, ranging from freshman to senior, meet after school on a weekly basis to work on a variety of projects. The moderators, Mrs. Diane McGovern and Mrs. Melissa Gaskins-Centofante had students work on 2dimensional projects in the first semester, and three-dimensional artwork in the second. Using anything from paper to clay, they have the freedom to create the projects they want, and have fun while doing it. When not doing that, they help out with LaSalle's special events, such as the fall Open House or the LaSale auction. Usually, their help involves some decorating, making posters, or giving demonstrations for incoming students. As a reward for their efforts and interest in art, students in the Art Club are also given the option to attend a field trip to New York City. A quick trip to the Museum of Modern Art and the Metropolitan give these budding artists the chance to look at a variety of the artists who came before them, and take in some culture. The trip is usually held around Christmas time, before the winter break. All this culminates at the end of the year in the aforementioned Art Festival, held in the first week of April. Any work a student wishes to display is placed around the school. Sculptures can be found in the second floor showcase, in the hallway leading to St. Michael's hall on the 2nd floor (items are usually displayed there all year long). On the floor above, mosaic sculptures are hung from the walls. On the wall outside the library, Mrs. McGovern hangs some her students' watercolor or pencil pictures. And inside the library, oil paintings and sculptures are put around the room (much to the dismay of Brother Joe). The best of these are judged, and awards are given in best 2-D and 3-D art, and best overall. Any student with even minimal artistic interest will find our Art Department a reward. After all, self-expression is what makes a model LaSalle student.


Art Club members, along with moderators Mrs. Diane McGovern and Mrs. Melissa Gaskins-Centafonte, plan their next creative endeavor.

Being in the Art Club requires constant attention to proper attire.

"Now that I've created it, what do I do with this glowing skull sculpture."



n the deepest, darkest corner of La Salle, beyond the cafeteria and bordered by the Pit, there lies a room which few dare enter. For those who do, it's as though they leave La Salle and enter their own world, often not returning for several periods. We are the band, that is our room. However, none that attend La Salle can claim to have never heard us perform, for we can be heard at most school functions, pep-rallies, and even the football games. We strive to represent the best La Salle has to offer to all listeners. We are ...The Band. Matt Weldon, our student musical director, brought us both mellow sounds and hot jazz from his trombone, while our President J. Raymond Fitzpatrick kept things lively with his "Kenny G"esque sax rills. No one player, however, could constitute this year's success. In the trumpet section, Michael Girondo took the band octaves above the staff, while Lou Lanzilotta kept the melody. In the rhythm section both Lewis Goettner and Brian Lang strove to keep the beat funky, while saxes Paul Kaufmann and Bill Donahue added the soul to their section. On baritone, Michael Dooner brought us bass. Together, we fashioned a group who respect music and were ceaselessly willing to seek perfection. We have created an overall sound fit for a king, a Christmas concert, or a football stadium. It was a good year. Inspired by music ranging from George Clinton's P-Funk to the "slo-jam" of Barry White to the screams of Maynard's trumpet, and, with Mr. Joseph Ciccimaro at the helm, we prospered. However, credit must be given where credit is deserved. Mr. Joseph Vettori trained the saxophone players, Mr. Richard Genovase drilled the trombones, and Mr. Rocco Bene taught the trumpets. Meanwhile, Mr. Joe Nero kept the drummers in time, Mrs. Paulette Kensey guided the pianists, and a newcomer to our music department, Mr. Craig Ebner, showed the guitar players how to be hip. It has been a unique and unusual experience. By the end of the year, we have all adjusted to dedicating our time to La Salle. We have overcome the paradox of being the last class to have Brother Linus, yet not actually have Brother Linus. We have earned the respect warranted and returned an equal amount where due. Our music decks the halls, cafeteria, and even the Pit. We are a proud organization. We are The Band.


Practice, practice, and more practice

At 20째 below zero, senior Matt Weldon realizes his lips are frozen to his trombone.

La Salle's Pep Band only adds to the joy of watching the Explorers obliterate their opponents.


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he students of La Salle College High School are part of a long history of La Sallian tradition rooted in faith. The Campus ministry program at La Salle offers the specialized and focused means by which our students, faculty, and staff set forth to establish and develop a Christian and La Sallian community. The programs coordinated by the Campus Ministry team accept the student where he is and make every attempt to establish a desire in him to strengthen his.sense of Christian morality, and deepen his own personal relationship with God through the sacraments and human experience and interaction. Through the teamwork of Mr. Kirsch and Mr. Leahy, Campus Ministry organizes retreats, school liturgies, and service programs to provide varied opportunities for the members of our community to encounter God, and to come to know themselves. The program acts as a stimulus for the commitment of all members of the La Sallian family to membership in a faith community. Students are brought to respect and love themselves and to live their faith. Cooperating with God's spirit, God's word is taking root in the hearts of our La Sallian community and it is yielding a hundredfold.

Senior Mike Wilkin throws a Hail Mary pass.


Seniors try to escape retreat.

Guys, don't pull so hard this time

God will punish you!!



La Salle's 1995 Canned Food Drive

Retreat... where ye can run away from your problems.


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hese words represent the challenge issued to the more than two-hundred students who are members of La Salle's Community Service Corps. The students take an active role in coordinating events to aid those in need of their help. This year, students at La Salle have answered the call by joining up and participating in record numbers, and many tudents have even become involved with the much larger Community Service Corps metropolitan office. "People Helping People" is much more than a T-shirt slogan; it's an accurate description of the hard work and tireless effort that many students have given to the corps this year. With the help of their moderator, Mr. Jay Kirsch, La Salle's Community Service Corps has organized and participated in a number of activities this year. The largest of these undertakings are Bread Basketball and Operation Santa Claus. Bread Basketball is a canned food drive that benefits various homeless shelters across the city. Operation Santa Claus is run within the school as a fundraiser for the purchase of presents to be iven out on Christmas Eve. Both of these projects are run in conjunction with the metropolitan office, and competition between the homerooms is encouraged to increase the benefits of both drives. The Community Service Corps also ran many other events this year, including the delivery of Christmas trees to the needy and working in a food distribution center. Operation Incentive, a tutoring program for Holy Family Elementary School, is run after school in the fall and spring months. Students attend events like "Skate with Santa" and Gwynedd Mercy's "Bike-a-thon." Students are invited to attend many events offered


CSC students take part

CSC Moderator Mr.

in Operation Santa

Jay Kirsch lines up

Claus by first wrapping

this year's officers.

the gifts with students from other schools.

downtown, such as "Peace and Justice Day," "Convo '96," and the "Hand-in-Hand Festival." Some students even chose to partake in the Appalachian Experience, as well as Habitat for Humanity. The spirit of giving is alive and well at La Salle. With the help of the Community Service Corps, La Salle is working to satisfy the needs of Philadelphia's homeless. If you were to ask any two members of the Community Service Corps why they joined up, it is more than likely that you will get the same answer : it's a great feeling to know that you've helped to make the world a better place! Mr. Kirsch askes one more time for volunteers in the latest CSC project.


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hat is La Salle Forum? A way of dining with the President of the school/universe at finer establishments, i.e. Wendy's? One of La Salle's few coed activities (unfortunately, all the babes are taken by Michael Girondo)? A cover for Mendel Schmiedekamp's quest for world domination (plans have been uncovered in the Forum office)? Oh, it's all this and much, much more. Led by Captain Rene, La Salle's Forum team wreaks havoc in the Catholic League. Such.events as Original Oratory, Extemporaneous Speaking,Duo, Dramatic, and Humorous Interpretation are offered for the vocally enhanced. For the argumentative spirits, Policy and LincolnDouglas Debate are the perfect events. However, for the glory seekers who enjoy the Monday meeting wine and cheese, there is always StudentCongress. Intense training by Brother. Rene and ~is cohorts Mrs. Smith and Mr. John Bodden, has led La Salle to one of the most impressive records in the Catholic League. Along the way, distinguished Forum members have collected such valuable prizes as gold laminated certificates, hand-crafted plastic trophies, and an occasional velvet painting of the Duke. Seniors John Eckert (President), Mike Girondo (Vice-President), and Matthew Lewandowski head up the team. Juniors Seth Scanlon, Mendel Schmiedekamp, Steve McElroy (Secretary), and Matthew Fineberg, along with sophomores Vincenzo La Ruffa and Jim Palmieri battle for the sacred honor of rooming with Brother at the National Tournament in Arlington, Virginia. This honor alone keeps the desire burning in the hearts of La Salle's proudest: the Forum.



"'路~/ ,\' ',\,''-f:

TOP: "Tastes Great ... Less Filling!" MIDDLE: The 1995-96 La Salle Forum RIGHT: "So what you're saying is that the O.J. evidence is in my schoolbag"

The Forum Team marvels

"What ... are you

at the mysterious object in

talkin' to me!?!"

Steve Polopoli's hands.

"How much longer must

Brian Carberry ponders

I listen to this sensless

an existential response.

verbal drivel!?!"


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he Gazebo, LaSalle's annual literary magazine, is a forum for students to publish their poetry, lyrics, short fiction works, rhetoric, critical essays, photos and artwork. Under the creative eye of moderator Mr. Michael O'Toole, students write, revise and revise some more, in hopes that the final product will be appreciated by the student body when the Gazebo is released in May. The Gazebo staff and Creative Writing classes are the primary contributors to the publication, but all of LaSalle's students are invited to submit their favorite works and show their school and classmates what may, be one of their hidden talents. It had better be a student's work, though. 'Mr. O'Toole will tell Gazebo writers Erik "1]itsch, Mike Fiorentino, T.J. Hurley, Steven Grossman, Ma}t Brace, et al. that revi~ion is key. 1-:Jere'si~n example of one of the Gazebo writer.ScotfSwindell's w~rks thatjust didn't make itinto this year's ' RUblication: ,'







Have we truly Considered it all? Have not, can not yet consider it all! Should we discuss the school Lit. Mag? Should not, would not call it a rag! Have they poetry, photograhy, prose? Can not, will not sit in rows! Is there fiction, analysis, rhetoric? Could not, would not forget that rhetoric! Could they write them with a pen? Could not, would not with a pen! Should they write them with a friend? Should not, could not with a friend! Could they write creative verse? Could not, should not be too terse! Hand them in to old O'Toole? Could not, would not be like school! Should I submit to the Gazebo? Should have, this is the Blue and Gold!!


The 1995-96 La Salle High School Bike Club, moderated by Brother Joseph Myers

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he revived Latin Club started out this year with massive support from Latin students of all ability and grade levels. The devotion of Magister, a.k.a. Mr. William Geiger, to the language inspired students to clamor for more knowledge of the subject, thus the re-evolution.of the Latin Club at La Salle. The members often enjoy, discuss, and experimentwith different Latin foods and customs. Frequ~nt The 1995-1996 Latin Club - top row, left to right: Vincenzo La Ruffa, members, like Brian "Caesar" Brian Carberry, Tim McGoldrick, Paul Sharkey, Jim Mclaughlin, Andrew Carberry and Seth "Brutus!' Kernytsky. Middle Row, left to right: Matt Lucks, Ken Gavin, Chris Schu, Scanlon provide always interesting Mike Heinsdorf, Gavin Smith, John Travers, Brendan Burke, Mark times in the Latin Club. Semanick, Jim Parella, Mike Brinkos, Mike Gregor, Tom Curran. Seated in desks: Dave Vagnoni, Seth Scanlon. Missing: Beau Yanoshik.


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hat's the most popular activity here at LaSalle? According to senior transcripts, it must be lntramurals. The program, led by faculty members Mr. Gary Wiley and Mr. Nick Coggins, gives students a chance to participate in a wide variety of athletically related activities, from hockey to pit volleyball to 3 on 3 basketball. lntramurals is a good way for anyone to play sports because you don't have to be a great athlete to participate. Students compete against each other to win points for their homerooms, but the purpose of the program is notto win, but to have fun. The program also provides a healthy way for students to cool off after a tough day of classes. From pingpong to street hockey, the La Salle intramural program keeps students active and gives school spirit, and homeroom spirit, a definite boost.



Ready to play that new intramural Waitin' on the rebound. game of street hockey without the blade

Competition is the challenge in intramural hockey.


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ne may think that the Mathletes are bunch of nerds equipped with calculators and pocket protectors, but they are actually a cool group of people. They all share one common interest: the love of math. They are more than willing to dedicate their time. and their brain povver to solve these complex mathematical equationstl"latwould probably frustrate the other .99% of the student body. Led by their moderator, Mr. James Roche, the Matheletes are coQstantly challenging thems~lv~s andth.eir rivals, 路 especic11Jy with the help of seniors Bill Fedyna, Dan Fay, Dan Davitt, and Pat 路 McGinley. They may not be the most well known club at school, but they do their best to achieve success. Bill Fedyna uses his calculator to retrieve previouslystored answers to the test. "Guys, I got a 1600 on my SATs. That's 700 verbal and 700 math." The 1995-96 Mathletes - left to right: Bill Fedyna, Seth Scanlon, Dan Fey, Carlos Rodriguez, Chris Lare, Andrew Kernytsky, Todd Carmody, Brian Egan, George Thiers, Dan Davitt, and Pat McGinley.


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he Multi-Cultural Corps provides a forum for students of all races, colors, creeds, and ethnicities to come and share their views and vantage points. Together we learn from each other and help unify the school by appreciating the individual. Our mission is to offer an opportunity for all students to share cultural backgrounds. We invite and welcome students of all backgrounds to the La Salle community. The. M.C.C. appreciates and highlights the diversity of the La Salle student body and promotes student unity. Throughout the year the MultiCultural Corps conducts numerous activities addressing cultural. communication. We prepare functions and presentations for La Salle's open house. We invite speakers to talk to the students about diversity issues. We help with assemblies during Black History Month. We develop panel discussions on various cultural issues that are important to today's youth. And we maintain and update and informational bulletin board with current news articles pertaining to cultural issues. The M.C.C. also attends a number of conferences and workshops on multicultural diversity in an effort to relay our message to other school communities and to experience a broader spectrum of ethnic unity. We visit schools and make presentations to the students in an attempt to diversify La Salle's future student body. The Multi-Cultural Corps tries to enrich the culturally diverse society in La Salle.



hroughout the 1995-1996 school year, the La Salle Chapter of the National Honor Society ran smoothly under Moderator Brother William DiPasquale's leadership. As a member of the National Honor Society, each person has a certain kind of responsibility. He is expected to demonstrate an excellence in four areas: Scholarship, Service, Leadership, and Character. In order to be a member in the National Honor Society, each person has to meet and maintain specific requirements. Each member must have a cumutive GPAof at least 3.5 and maintain it in order to stay in the National Honor Society. Also, each member has to parThe 1995-96 La Salle College High School ticipate in at least three school activities. Society. Once a member, the person is obligated to tutor stuctents. He is alsorequired to attend certain La Sallian functions (e.g. Open House and Freshman Registration). All 102 members of the organization are called upon to tutor other stu~ dents. The tutoring program is headed by , .. Mrs. Clair Brown, who received some additional assistance from the four elected officers: Greg Ventresca (Secretary), Mike Sasso (Vice President), Tom O'Connell (Treasurer), and Bill Fedyna (President). However, all the members are the true leaders. Because of their tutoring of others, they show their service y "helping others." Along with 57 seniors, the National Honor Society has a strong group of 45 juniors who will bring their promising National Honor Society Officers Tom O'Connell (Treasurer), Greg Ventres1 abilities to the organization in the 1996(Secretary), Bill Fedyna (President), and Mike Sasso(Vice President) pose with Brother William Di Pasquale and Mrs. Clare Brown, moderators. 1997 school year.


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Marc Alfarano, Steve Jakab, and Matt Kelly check out a negative.

his small proud organization is one of the most important clubs at La Salle, supplying every school publication with what it needs. Yet, this group is one of the least recognized groups in the La Salle community. The members have been everywhere that La Salle students have been, and sometimes even placed themselves in precarious situations, simply to snap a picture of the event. This group is the La Salle Photo Club. The common haunting ground of these proud photographers, other than the various publication offices, is the darkroom. This small, airless, and not-well-lit room provides the few members with a place to develop their work. At the mercy of one Mr. William Geiger, these photographers scout out the most embarrassing candid pictures, the best action shots, and even some pictures of important events, all of which somehow turn up in La Salle publications. Headed up by seniors Jon Simpson, Erik Mitsch, and Adam Frey, along with juQiors Steve Jakab, Sean Fullerton, and. MattKelly, and sophs Greg Queen and Marc Alfarano, and a host of thousands (well, maybe tens), the Photo Club prowls the hallways of the school, as well as the sidelines of sporting events, to get the perfect shot.

Marc Alfarano, Steve Jakab, Matt Kelly, and Chip MacPherson, the Photo Club mainstays.


Tools of the trade.


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very year in May the Mothers' Club chooses a new board of directors. This group oversees all of the activities that the Mothers' Club will sponsor during the year. Numerous major events dot the Mothers' Club calendar, starting with the New Mothers' Tea in the beginning of the school year to welcome mothers of freshmen into the Club, and the annual trip to New York City. In late fall the fever of La Sale descends upon the Mothers' Club and, in conjunction with the Fathers' Club, they put on a spectacular show for all with an impressive auction which sells everything from cars to a set of Brother Linus' rosary beads. The Spring Fashion Show, held at the Spring Mill Country Club, is the mothers' main fund raiser for La Salle. In April is the Senior Mother and Son Liturgy, the event which allows mothers and sons to share a deeper spiritual bond with God and with each other. The Fathers' Club turns the wheel of other major activities at La Salle. They are the men who put together the annual fall Father and Son Banquet at Williamson's Restaurant in Willow Grove. The banquet fosters bonding and goodwill between and among fathers and sons and their respective peers. This year's featured guest speaker was sportscaster Don Tollefson who gave a speech on determination, a quality so vital to parenting as well as to being a successful student. The Fathers' Club, joins with the Mothers' Club to put on the spectacular "La Sale," always a great hit with the parents of the La Salle community. Other events that the Fathers' Club put on are the annual Father and Son sports night which gives fathers and sons the chance to have a good time together.

The 1995-1996 LaSalle Mother's Club.



,411/111/,e /141Ne "/ #ilep/1! "The whole of science is nothing more than everyday thinking." -Albert Einstein he Science Club of La Salle is certainly an ex···.·· tension of this idea. Our energetic and ambitious moderator, Mr Gary Wiley, has set us to the task of making our fellovv students aware of the many applications of science,inthe everyday happenings of life. The projects that/we undertake and participate in are aimed at doing just that. An example of one such project is the third annual Recyclable Regatta. Students are invited from schools all overtheDelaware Valley to create boats made of recyclable materials, and then to race them at Sesame Pla9e. We spend the year building hoverdiscs, observingconstellations, and preparing for contests. At the endbf each year, the members of the club spend ~~ entire day at GreatAdvel"lture, explori~~.the use,of sqience in the amuseme11tparks (or, at least that!s\\\lt,afwe tell the administration). ••·. \'. "S/::i~nceknows only one commandment-contribute t,oscience." -Bertolt Brecht In addition to promoting the ideas of science, students at La Salle gain hands on experience by contributing to projects and participating in various contests. These projects give students the oppurtunity to utilize their knowledge in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, the principle areas of scientific study at La Salle. The complete education, the main component of considering all aspects of learning in a school community, is part of the draw for students. Most of all, students join because they learn how contributing to science can be fun, as well as educational. The Science Club, despite its creative and enjoyable nature, has become notoriously known for its tendency to leave ideas and projects incomplete. This most often occurs because there are so many great ideas and so little time to finish them all. Therefore, it is to the underclassmen and the in-coming class of 2000 . that we leave these ideas in the hopes that they will one day be finished and fulfilled. In their hands will be the power to resurrect these ideas, and continue to improve on the projects which are already finished.



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"Guys, at this time it would be advisable to move to the nearest fire exit."

One of the many mysterious egg-drop contraptions.

The 1995-96 Science Club.

"How can we expect to learn anything if you are always asking questions?"


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he Spanish Club here at La Salle tries to give students every oppor tunity to practice Spanish in informal settings outside of the classroom. They want to introduce students to the cultures of Spanish speaking countries and peoples;/Thefirst major event on this year's agenda was unaliesta grande. The party included 60 students from Spanish clubs of other local schools. They ate, danced, and listened to Spanish music. Finally the Spanish Club enjoyed a trip to the restaurant, "Casa Mexicana," where they sampled authentic Mexican food. Led by Mr. Nick Coggins and President Jo~e Rodriguez, their goal is for students to appreciate Spanish not only as a textbook, but as a culture. After falling asleep in 8th period, Prem Shah awakens to find himself in the Spanish Club


6e41Hlf,4N4/lelle~~ 41,J ~411Hlf Live~ More teenagers are killed annually throughout the nation in automobile accidents than by any other cause of death. Tragically, most of these fatal accidents result from intoxicated drivers. La Salle's chapter of S.A.D.D., Students Against Drunk Driving, provides a strong motivational force against driving under the influence of alcohol. Led by Senior President Dave Dzara, Senior Leaders .Dodd Pfeffer, Jeff Bauder, and Steven Grossman, and moderated by Mrs. Theresa Garvin, S.A.D.D. reminds us of both the heinous crime and horrifingly vivid results of Driving Under the Influence. During t~e prom season, .the organization displays a car wreck on campus. S.A.D.D. encourages the student body to be more responsible while driving, especially to avoid drinking at all costs at a party where alcohol is abundant. S.A.D.D. sponsors mixers, super mixers, and semi-formals along with Student Council. Also, S.A.D.D. sponsors many other activities and assemblies, and creates many posters that urge students not to drink at all, but, for the weakminded, especially not to drink and drive. The members of S.A.D.D. do a great service to La Salle College High School, its students, and the community.


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his year's student council's executive members, Brian Curci, Phil Lynch, and Pat Coyle, along with Mrs. Julia Maher and Mr. David Diehl initiated the theme for the 1995-1996 school year, the "RED PLAN." The RED PLAN is an acronym standing for: Respect, Esteem}Di~qity, Pride, Loyc:tl.ty, Attitude, (andfNpw. ~he students at all levels, worketlnard to establish these qualities in this year's stucJentbody. Mrs. Maher, the Student Council Moderator, with the assistance of Senor Gabriel Blanco, Mr. Terry Gillespie/Mr. Nick Coggi.9~,ana Mr. Jorn ~arria, ~or:keq,e~tremely ha.rdand organized many successful fund.raisers and events. Some of the s1.1ccessfulendeavorif~0clude the La Sale Auction, Mixers, Pep Rallies, Blue & Gold Days, the Magazine Drive, and the Open House. The popular La Salle mixer again proved enormously successful, thanks to the expert organizing by Wes Tuscano, Mike Morsell, and Mike Lorusso, along with the hard work and dedication exhibited by all of the Homeroom Senators. This year proved to be another successful year for the Student Council. The leadership of the underclassmen and their talents and responsibility were evident in all of their activities, thus fulfilling the hopes of a successful future in the school's student government.

Pat Coyle, Brian Curci, Phil Lynch, and Dan Adam : The Senior Executive Council (sans Wes Tuscano)


Opposite: Now we'll just stand here and look pretty while Stumpy does all the work. The women come from far and wide to go to a La Salle mixer.

Here stands Wes Tuscano, mixerman extrodinare.

The 1995-96 Student Council



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/.14'Id ~~~e~~ This year La Salle Theater's Spring was the 1971 rock musical, Godspe/1. The. play gives the Gospel of St. Matthew a mod.em day twist with poyverful music from playwright Stephen Schwartz. Director Colleen DurkinLapowsky explains the concept of creating original productions from classic shows and states, "' like to challenge myself by placing the plot in a new setting. I find that it's the only way I can really work well; lyvas influenced by the trends of my high school and college years. In the 70s, improvisation was heavily. stressed." .• . This year's cast .included such talented actors as Joe Haughton, Tom Grasso, Kevin Fitzpatrick, and Obi Amachi. Tom emphasized the intensity on the stage: "It's a very physical show that takes a lot of stamina and strength, because you are constantly moving." Behind the scenes students were led by Joseph Ciccimaro and assistant producers Linda Donahue and John Grace. Matt Weldon was the student musical director and the vocals were organized by Jay Kirsch, who was accompanied by Vince Carr on the piano. Stage manager Mike Fiorentino kept the set together with the help of assistant stage manager Matt Fineberg and lighting direc~ tor Mike Dooner. Production manager ~ Steven Grossman handled all the advertising and publicity with the assistance of Jeremy Cooke. Each year La Salle Theater has become increasingly better, so it was no surprise that Godspe/1continued to follow in those footsteps.


Kevin Fitzpatrick demonstrates his amazing flying abilities.

Godspell's infamous stage crew.


Director Colleen Durkin Lapowski shows Vince Carr the home keys.

Godspell's famous cast.



ontrary to popular belief, the motto of LaSalle's newspaper The Wisterian is not "Yesterday's News Tomorrow". In fact, feeling slighted by that heading in last year's yearbook, the energetic group of Wisterian editors, comprised mostly of Juniors, decided upon "whatever it takes" as the new motto for the paper.when they breezed into school in August to begin production of the first paper of the year. Sure enough, a copy of the Wisterian was waiting for each and every La Salle student when we began in September. Be it sports, advice, local and world. news, reviews, opinions or comics, the Wisterian covers it all. Well, almost. With a younger production staff and editor, the Wis made it through the entire year without falling.at the feet of the plague of "senioritis", all the while providing needed improvements ranging from new fonts and art Work to regular Foelster, Frey and "Willy" columns, while moving into a new office downstairs, purchasing new Pentium computers and continuing to bring La Salle .students yeasterday's news ... with style. The unique Wis style is a result of a very eclectic student staff. For every department in the paper there seems to be a student whose specific interests and talents find their way to that area of the paper. Thus, the editors stick to the topics they are familiar with and hope to have students write to their full potential. Editor-in-Chief David Vagnoni has been well-known for his college-sports writing, Senior Scott Long for his page of opinions and faceoffs, frequently featuring John Foelster '96, Steven Grossman '96 Adam Frey '96, Seth Scanlon '97, Mendel Schmiedikamp '97 and J.R King '98. Senior Features editor Matt Mullen, has the claim to having seen more B movies than any student at La Salle, and his feartures page contains reviews from ma:ny students. Senior Scott Swindells contributes music ("another Chili Peppers article?") and edits the front page, featuring the writing of Matt Brace '96, Thomas Koenig '97, Jeff Cesari '96, et al. Seniors Sean Hunsicker and Greg Bock lead the sports department, with writing from Mike Mack '96, Matt Kelly '97, and various La Salle student-athletes. Senior Erik Mitsch, who seems to do 90% of the school's photography, has written for just about each page as well. Everything is held together by Junior Carlos Rodriguez and his dedicated production staff, including Andrew Kernytsky '97, Chris Lare '97, J.R. King '98, James Donnelly '97, and Jim Palmieri '98. The moderators, Mr. Francis Johnson and Mr. Alfred Puntel, have successfully brought La Salle another year of excellence, sacrificing personal time and giving an immeasurable contribution to the school. Unfortunately, even they cannot answer the big question : just who is "Willy????"

The 1995-96 Wisterian Staff gathers with moderators Mr. Francis Johnson and Mr. Al Puntel


Scott Long fevereshly writes his copy.

Carlos Rodriguez oversees the staff with his mighty notebook computer.

Editor-in-chief Dave Vagnoni shows just how it's done.


f/"'4AMJ jd/JAMJ JteliJ Al/dlle/1,,, I

f one word could define the year for the Blue a.nd Gold

staff, it would have to be the dreaded word "deadline." Deadlines dominate October, December, February and March, and if any staffers could even remotely think of taking some "down time," there was always the prospect of the next deadline looming over .them. Is the Yearbook a fun activity? Some would argue that it is monotonous, boring, and thoughtlessly done. Others would contest that the Yearbook is highly stressful; causing rapid increases in blood pressure and nervous breakdowns. The yearbook, as we all know, carries none of these negative characteristics .. .well, OK maybe it does .. However, we all know that the yearbook is something that we all cherish as it is important to our archives of memories. The yearbook is very important for the fact that it is a chronicle of the whole year; recording the major events, triumphs, faults, and people which made this year at La Salle a memorable one. Seniors treasure it, teachers put their coffee on it, and most use it just to stabilize unsteady desks. Whatever the purpose the Yearbook serves in your social milieu (whatever the heck that means!) it is not an easy thing to create. Appreciate it for all that it is worth, and let it be a long standing reminder of what LaSalle means to you, with all things considered.

The 1995-96 Blue and Gold staff. Standing, left to right: Scott Swindells, Matt Brace, Kenny Orange, Erik Mitsch, Jon Simpson. Middle Row: Jeff Barbieri, George Saitta, Jeff Keller, Greg Queen, Steve Grossman, Adam Frey. Squatting: Scott Long, Dan Adam.


Moderator Mr. William Geiger with co-editors in chief Steven Grossman and Dan Adam.

Dan Adam explains the importance of stretching before strenuous yearbook activity.

The Ponisciak boys were a big help to the yearbook this year. Wait, which one of you is Dan?

If you look reeeally closely, you can see that one of Jeff's hairs is out of place.


"Go out there and win one for the Gipper." - Knute Rockne To consider LaSalle more completely, a firsthand look at our sports program is essential. The competitive side of LaSalle's students shows itself on the gridiron, on the diamond, on the courts, on the track, in the pool, on the field, on the mats, on the greens, and on the river. To many at LaSalle, these arenas are more comfortable than the Calculus classroom. LaSalle's diverse means of athletic self-expression cover a broad range of activities, and the excitement students discover and bring to the sports program animates the hallways.

"You never lose. But, sometimes the clock runs out on you ... " - Vince Lombardi This has been an exciting year to be an Explorer. Think back to the first few days of the school year. The Soccer team, returning from two consecutive Catholic League Championships, took the finals to the last heartbreaking goal of the playoffs. The Football players returned from a strong season in which they made the playoffs, to become Catholic League Champions in '95. The Swimming team began the year in quest of its eighth straight P.C.L. Championship. The Crew team has been a constant force, competing at the Henley Royal Regatta a few years back, and stroking to victories in the Stotesbury Regatta and numerous Manny Flicks. The Lacrosse team, after becoming P.C.L. Champions, went all the way to the state playoffs last season. Cross Country began the year coming off two consecutive championships, and Indoor Track is looking to win the P.C.L. Championships again this year. The Baseball team, Catholic League Champions in '94, played a solid season in which it fell just short of the playoffs. The Hockey team, our Golfers, and our Tennis players-do these guys ever lose? The year commenced with a strong sense of Explorer pride and spirit that only became greater as the year progressed and accomplishments grew.

"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog that counts." LaSalle certainly has some big dogs. We're led into battle by Colistra, Flood, Pettie, Jackson, Devine, Sigmund, Nolan, Lichtner, Leahy, Hanssen, and Parisi. Any one of them will give you his all. Any one of them will expect the same from you. Understand, they will tell you, it takes more than great coaches to win. It takes something deeper inside. Mr. Parisi calls it "inner arrogance." Others call it guts. It takes commitment and dedication from the players, practicing afternoons and evenings before going home to eat, sleep, and breathe their sports. Some even dream sports before those precious, beloved early morning Seniors Keith Lachawiec, Sean Hunsicker, practices. When you want it so bad you can taste it, and work Pat Coyle and John Mallach receive the annual hard enough to achieve it, then you understand what it is to be a Thanksgiving Day trophy. LaSalle athlete.


"Great day for a ball game. Let's play two!" - Ernie Banks The players aren't the only ones who can learn from sports. The persistence and dedication of our athletes is sometimes the best kind of teachingleading through example. Perhaps this is why LaSalle packs the stands with the spirit club, the attack pack, and the loyal student body to support their friends and classmates for all the big games. All Things Considered, there seems to be no better place to play and compete in your sport than at LaSalle College High School.

"/ call 'em as I see 'em." So do we.

To make it fair for Father Judge, La Salle put only one player on the field.

"The Loneliness of , the Long Distance ; Runner."

151 ; '

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he seal is gone. The stuffed animal, a supposed talisman for the team in year's past who made his home on the right field warm up mound with his girlfriend (donated by a Mount student), will not be seen this year. The baseball team won't be relying on luck in '96, but upon sheer determination. For the first time since Mr. J 路 dbokover as coach in 1986, LaSalle fell short of the "路','芦,i~I'"'\ r- a year they certainly expected more from. Th rn with that memory fresh in their minds. The they want to be back on top. And they will be. hen e lie baseball program sets their sights on a will a "t. Especially with all the returning Var$ity. turning starter Pat Gorman is t e field, but from behind the ity, Gorman will make a last, ue through his catching, his arm, a s return to the pitching staff this y 1lken,Scott Swindells II of them could lead and B.J. Hargadon~ the team all thew I Grevy returns to the hill with the welco t McDonald and Sophomore Adam The infield features retu w Middlemiss, whose might make you left-handed first base play a think you were at . Returning in the middle infield are Senior Chris Magare outfield, Seniors ity. Junior Fran S Greg Kevane, and I With names like , Sasquatch, Stilts, Chub Rock, Flipper, Bi 路 gers ... how can they Swindy, Woodstock, C lose? Baseball has alwa9" en a strongly individual sport. After all, awards are given for individual merit in a sport of classic duals between pitcher and batter, catcher and runner. This year, it will be a team sport. Everyone has individual goals, but it takes team desire to go all the way. LaSalle knows no one has as ~ much desire to win as they. After all, it is their year. Gloves, we don't need no stinking gloves.


Junior Drew Middlemiss just gets the tag in on time.

To swing or not to swing, that is the question.


B.J. Hargadon just loves to pitch.


"Now, who doesn't know what they are doing?"

"I'm still wondering what we are doing on this tennis court."


"Let's see, if I throw this hard enough, maybe I get it on Cheltenham Ave."


New Phillie, Bro. Tim Ahern, launches a Fungo deep in the outfield.


"Hey, check out that wing span!"

Throw ...2,3,4!



~e 1995-1996 ~ars.~tybask~tba.11 team had another produc t1veand enthus1as ear under coach Marty Jackson, pf the Catholic League advancing to the s playoffs. The team, lead Chris Magarity and Bill Oehler, featured some ol es. Led by first-team All Catholic Junior Joe Mer;;td, dership qualities included a 28-point performa,r;1 and second-team All Catholic B. J. Har ly force on the inside, 路n in the playoffs. the team co If un re, the Explorers could be set .eceived great contributions from s ett Gordon, and Andrew Rakowski, Senior Chris Gange added valuable min n. Even thoug ed only one technical foul and was not t this year during the ally in his team's efheir best. s, such as a oneictory over North point win over Fathe Catholic, a team t . by 15 points a d the end of the week earlier at Th layoffs. It finished season, and hoped t rd, and won a key third in the Catholic lea against North 72-59 victory in the first Catholic.

1995-1996 Varsity Basketball Team (back row, left to right): Jim Reeves, B.J. Hargadon, Mike Schafel, Mike Morsell, Mike Mattern, Ed Bongard, Coach Marty Jackson. (Front Row, left to right): Andrew Rakowski, Brett Gordon, Chris Magarity, Joe Meade, Bill Oehler.


Bill Oehler takes aim and drives to the basket.

Mike Lorusso watches the flight of his shot head for the rafters.

Brett Gordon moves the ball upcourt.

Andy Rakowski prepares for a possible swat.

Chris Magarity puts on his best Jordan fake.


Andy Rakowski eyes up the basket for his free throw.

B. J. Hargadon fights for position. Jim Reeves rarely looses a tap.


Joe Meade battles for a rebound

"I want you to push them right off the court."

Hargadon launches the shot... ...while Mike Morsell, who leans better than anyone in the Catholic League, awaits the rebound.


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he pressure of being the two-time defending champions is an amazing burden for a team preparing for a season. Talk around the Catholic League was of the demise of the once dominant La Salle Soccer Team, how La Salle was starting six sophomores and one freshman, how this was the year for a new champion. North and Ryan were tough, McDavitt was up and coming, an~i\/V,podaQ<:l Judge were strong again. In other words, it was goiqgto'.bE{si~rebuildingyear for La Salle. The seasqr,.~!art~~·off slow, with early losses to Abington, McDavitt, and Rya}1:'Att~f much criticism, the Explorers found themselves~midway thrpugh the year in third place, their lowest ranking intpr~~YE\H:irS,?~~~.~~after this wake up call, the Explorers r~~le · .· ,JJt~!rFlightl~J~~J·iir;tduding an overtime win over McD~,xLC.. ~/ir~Jroun'~f \~&.[;>layoffs, and a decisive 2-0 1ipYer Sth,. . semifif..~1.;~i,~tOf¥ '~X~P· 1 The Expl~r~rs\wElf ../ ,:;1tqtthechampionship game against Archbishop ~Yf:h; ,Alit:Jqg~9'tnefExplorers went down 1-0 in overtime, tt)e~sati~fa.~tf.o ;'),:,!heir hard work was their championship trophyJ Eve,~,!t;l< ·. "' Explorers were not officially denew, in their clared the {~qharmir,;i? hearts, thaftgg,¥t.\Y~,.,, at... CHAMPION§'." ..... . 1

The post-se~~~~'~Wgta~came in large numb~rs: f,ir~t-11"< ., .~IJ~1\merican, First-Tearm,~l.'s:~ijtB.~li, .. . . Mont ~~~~r:i~-~:i~ilf:dns:i .,,,',


':~~ Firstw''


BuxMont Senicf ~randon'· is:W'~iaand Junior Matt Co~; ~l~cond Te~rnAII-Catholic Junior Mike fe!»~firn, and Ju~j' ,:~~Dn Savage and Fres~~an Sea~(Teesdale received Honorable Mention All-Catholic honors. The soccer team also included seniors Greg Erb, Michael Mack, and Keith Binsfeld, juniors Tom Lamprecht, Andrew Gittleman, Ed Westermann, and Sophomores Daniel Neverosky, Tom Crean, Phil Danvers, Sean Westfield, Roman Escobar, Chris Ward, and Nick Brunetti. Next year the actual league trophy returns to Wyndmoor.


Dan Neverosky wins the footrace to the ball.

Two soccer mainstays, seniors Brandon Mandia and Phil Lynch.

A determined Phil Lynch edges past his opponent.

Junior Mike Heim winds up for another shot.


Soph Chris Ward wins the race to the ball.

Back Row (L to R): Bob Pettie (Coach), Tim Maloney (Manager), Matthew Cox, John Savage, Keith Binsfeld, Thomas Crane, Christopher Ward, Sean Teesdale, Edward Westermann, Andrew Gittleman, Michael Heim, Michael Mack, Drew Stockmal (Coach), Matt Noel (Coach). Front Row (L to R): Sean Westfield, Phil Danvers, Brandon Mandia, Philip Lynch, Gregory Erb, Roman Escobar, Nicholas Brunetti, Thomas Lamprecht, Daniel Neverosky.


Junior Matt Cox takes a six-yard kick while Ed Westerman looks on.

Tim McGoldrick clears the ball downfield.

Junior Brent Hartman lines up a shot on goal.

Andy Au moves to avoid a sure confrontation.



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but July LaSalle's found the Cro·.·.·.·.·.s····· teamYputtmg,m pre-season at Valley fficially, •.. ·.·.s··············C·····o·.·····u· ..·.··.n···········t········ry·····.·.s··•eason beganmiles !n September, Green. This year's tearn was/marked by a strong team spirit which surfaced when the topVeil'Sity 0 c:1ndJunior Varsity runners attended Briarwood Runni9g Camp in August. The experience was best summed up by Tri-CaptEi.inCraig PE3tw~z~Ui,when he said, "It was the best time of my liJe," ~f~.~ljr)~·shared.qymany people concerning the LaSalle 1995 Cros.$q.Coontf}'t~am. •••; This spiritledtomanygreat thi~gsJorLaSalle's harriers. Running in a pack, the Varsity finished secondJnthe Manhattan Invitational at Van CortlandSta,te Par~, s~bond in the Briarwood Invitational at Belmont Plateal.1/thir? clt/~prthern Division Championships, and won the PrepState,Cll,:U'l'lPiinis~ips at Mercersberg, PA. In the same fashion, the Junior\{,r$ifXt~~rn\A/on the JV Catholic League Championships, and the Freshm~~ P!€fced;~econd in the Catholic League Championships. This year, tJ'le team's record was 25 wins and 7 losses. Leading the te~m w~reTri-Captains!om O'Connell, Craig Petruzzelli, and Alex A:t1. ().ttl,rVarsitymnn~rs included Mike Kerr (who had an outstandingseasort), Gil·Sn1ith,Joe Palmieri, Kevin Badolato, Alvin Clay, Matt Brister, and Freshman Greg Bielecki. The Junior Varsity team was led Seniors Jim Tate and Matt McMullin, and Junior Mark Semanick. Finally, the Freshman squad comprised future stars Gene Ciccimaro, Pat Badolato, Cnris Domanski, Mike Donahue, and Eric Madeira.


Back Row (L to R): Mike O'Shaughnessy, Andy Morell, Kevin Badolato, Gil Smith, Mike Sasso, Matt McMullin, Tom O'Connell, Joe Palmieri, Mark Semanick, Colin McManus, Matt Weldon, Jeff Markowski, Jim Tate, Mr. Al Puntel (Coach). Middle Row (L to R): Greg Bielecki, Mike Kerr, Bill Reid, Tom Chmielewski, Tom Curran, Matt Brister, Alex Au, Craig Petruzzelli, Alvin Clay, Liam O'Shaughnessy, Kevin Miller, John Clarke, Mr. Pat Devine (Head Coach). Front Row (Kneeling, L to R): Dan Keeley, Kevin McGonigle, Chris Domanski, Pat Badolato, Joe Fedyna, Gary Petruzzelli, Gene Ciccimaro, Tom Murphy, Mike Donahue, Kevin, Clearkin, Eric Madeira.


Coach Devine sign the start of the race

Craig Petruzzelli gives his best football pose with (L to R): Mike Kerr, Gil Smith, Matt Brister, Alex Au, Tom O'Connell and Greg Bielecki.

Joe Palmieri and Greg Bielecki leap to the front of the line.

Senior Mike Sasso leaves the rest of the pack behind.



ccording to the word around school and in the newspapers, La Salle was in for merely a mediocre season. With very few starters returning, many thought that it would be a couple of years before the Explorers might again enter the playoff picture. However, in a year where things nobody could have dreamed of actually happened, the La Salle Explorers took the PCL title. As the team assembled early in August, it looked as if the predictions would come true. However, the more the ·· team practiced, the closer the players came together as a team. Their first game against West Catholic would be a true test of their skills. On a field in Philadelphia that was more manure than grass, the offense came to life. What was expected to be a defensive battle turned out to be a shoot-out. Showing confidence in the new sophomore quarterback Brett Gordon, the offensive coordinator and his cohorts unleashed a deadly passing game that would terrorize the Catholic League throughout the season. Under the coaching of John Mastronardo, receivers such as Brian Curci, Mike Mattia, Pat Brennan, and Jack Hammond aught perfect passes. West Catholic also caught a glimpse of Keith Lachawiec when he not only vandalized their offense,


but also caught a touchdown pass. Also, Mike Durso and Kyle Mallach combined for over one hundred yards. Despite the valiant offensive effort, La Salle was outscored 34-33. Their next game, against Southern New Jersey, powerhouse Cherokee gave t ·· ·' chance to test ' thems · public school team. Despit ensive game, Cherothe lead with a field kee • image edge to win 17-14. e first two nonfour points, ould hold e league. ue game against to be no contest, powerhouse 's forced fumble nt touchdown, led Ryan and the

rterba :i iss, Jim ), Dre' Noone, oron, Todd Carmody and John Mallach provided great coverage that allowed the lineman to get at the

quarterback. In fact, many teams gre\l\ fearful of going deep on the Explorers a result of their pick-off potential. The offense, led by Brett Gore (2196 yds. passing), Mike Mattia (103· yds), and Brian Curci, had a Pro-Bowl season. Receivers ran nine patterns t gave opposing coaches nightmares. End Jack Hammond came through w~ the team needed him. Durso and Mal took pressure off Gordon's arm with strong rushing numbers. Busting ope1 Defensive lines for the running game , the huge Offensive line of Sean Hunsicker, Dave Dilullo, Billy Donohoe, J1 Kilkenny and Dave Wickersham. All of these components led L Salle to the PCL Championship game versus Ryan. After the defensive star off, La Salle's offense broke through fi Ryan came back, and the game was c until Mike Durso ran over not one, but tacklers to score. The defense held F for the rest of the game, and La Salle rushed onto the field to congratulate ti 1995 PCL Champions.

Junior Mike Durso fights for an extra yard.

Junior Mike Mattia hauls in a T.D. against Ryan.

1st Row (L to R): Dan Watt, Mike McEntee, Dave Dilullo, Gerry Kilkenny, Bill Donohoe, Sean Huntsicker, Dave Wickersham, Gene Szymanski, Sean Bergin, Drew Middlemiss, Jack Hammond, Dave Schultz, Chris Lavin; 2nd Row (L to R): Justin Gallagher, Paul Read, Kyle Mallach, Sean Mooney, Todd Carmody, Joe Laguda, Ryan Gallagher, Fran Pfeil, Puri Garzone, Paul Weinacht, Chris Dileonardo, Mark Benante, Mike Lorusso; 3rd Row (L to R): John Burton, Kris Carr, Mike Mcintyre, Ed Boron, Mike Mattia, Chris Winward, Neil Milkulski, Dan Needle, Jeff Pietrak, Doug Appleby, Matt Brannon, Mike Byrnes, John Travers; 4th Row (L to R): Dan Malloy, Brian Curci, Tim Maloney, John Mallach, Brendan Coyle, Keith Lachawiec, Jim Noone, Aaron Oliver, Mike Zeccardi, Paul D'Orazio, John Price; 5th Row (L to R): Tim McNichol, Pat Brennan, Dan Fay, Mike Kotwicki, Frank Hevener, Brendan Shimizu, Tom Cross, Brendan McGlone, Brett Gordon, Mike Huntsicker, Mike Durso, Sacheen Shah, Bryan Grebis, Chris Sweeney, Pat Coyle, Tim Fenningham, Justin Primus, Pat Moore, Hugh Donnelly, Eric Seiferth, Paul Gibbons, Chris Barbato.


Mr. Colistra congratulates Keith Lachawiec on his M.V.P. Award. Penalty! T 00 many coaches on the field.


Now Brett, do I have to fix your uniform every game?

Junior Jack Hammond admires the fine pigskin after a great catch.

See Curci catch, See Curci run, Run, Curci, run.


You want us to do what?

Little O'Connor makes big tackle.


Uh, I believe that's called tripping.

Mike Kotwicki wonders where his contact lens landed.

"Heads, heads, please heads," prays the LaSalle players while anticipating the coin toss.

The 1995 La Salle Freshman Football Team: 1st Row Sitting (L to R): Ed Brzostek, Dan Fitzgerald, Matt Chapman, Chris Stanton, Alex DeManss, Rich Krauss, Sean Tucker, Dino D'Orazio, Sean Kent, Kevin Crawford, Pat Slattery; 2nd Row Kneeling (L to R): Joe Dillon, Anthony Costantini, Ryan Hurst, Chris Koss, Shawn Gallagher, Kevin Merlini, John Dwyer, Brian Jordan, Chris Williamson, Travis Manion, Chuck Whinney, Dave Donnelly, Nate Rhodes, Coach Marshall Roberts; 3rd Row Standing (L to R): Coach Joe Murphy, Mike Palilonis, Coach Ace Amachi, Bob Francis, Tim McDonald, Frank Ferro, Keith Olender, Mike Longstreth, Chris Kerns, Kevin Koller, Bob Philip, Andrew Katruk, Andrew McGillin, Nick Petitti, Chris Pennington, Matt Westley, Justin Arenberg, Ed Gattie, Craig Keenan, Obie Amachi, John Sees, Kevin Noone, Pat Moore, Vince Jannetti, Jerry Coveney, John Lynch, Sean Matthews, J.R. Mallon, Rick Carminati, Coach Joe Radvansky


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olf coach Ma of talented yo pionship this year'', said team c in Antho good chance oIi>' The (and goo.· Trymbisk( are joined termann, and las team is scouting "step it up" under This year than ever. Tea • looking to upset <p season to begin"! said! se without air this w1nter:!\,,;,•· "The guy "it seemed that pack late in the . trate on our games The golfers' hi from coaches Martin Jackson and Les Bur "Coach" will bring his w

es to lead a strong group he Catholic League Cham quality of our players this argo, "We have a very Championships." any talented faces ior players Brian a. These players arkin, Eddy WesHirsekorn. The re. plorers looks tougher d Archbishop Carroll are "I can't wait for the . "It's been like life said Brian Trymbiski, ·okes behind the

. The 1996 La Salle Golf Team: Back row (Left to Right): Anthony Bonargo, Brian Schafle, Paul O'Hara; Front row (Left to Right): Brian Trymbinski, James Clearkin.


Buddy O'Hara's smile: Need we say more?

"We don't play no chipn-putt!"

Brian Trymbiski watches as his ball glides down the fairway.

Anthony Bonargo uses "Did anyone see where his arm wrestling talents that went?" to whack the ball.


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he La Salle hockey team had high hopes going into the season. The team lost only five seniors to graduation and with a great freshman class, and the addition of a few key transfers, the hockey team figured to be one of the best teams around. The team started out well, going 6-2, losing only to Downingtown and Council ock. ·;i:he Explorers then went on ding a 9-2 win over a tear, winning 15 of thei ·· arch rival West Chester s to New Jersey power Christian Brothers Maryland champ ember. Damatha, prevented and·· Heading into layoffs, m registered wins over minary, Germantown local powers (;c;ui Academy, a er, which clinched the ICSHL r round of the Flyers Cup.· The tea Nolan's three part p is to win the league playoffs and While there are many great teams La Salle will go in as to win it all. one of the better t The La Sall e most potent attack sed of a core of in the area. The top I eight players. Senior Capta David Rambo, phomore Bob Brian Curci, junior captain CcJ:se I Farrell, and fresh .JI'& •· • Brady will do most of the scorin eoff Coniglio, Jason Hill, Paul Bo es, Scott Zettle, sophomore Brant Hea ill provide third and fourth line depth. The defense, wh , Sean past five years will be le Mccreery, Pat McDonald, tain Matt Kelly, senior Tom Lasky, sophomore John Calvitti, Mike Mauriello, and freshman Greg Bielecki. The goaltending duo of junior Joe Vigorita and sophomore Pat McCullion have established themselves as the best goaltending tandem in the Philadelphia area. Congratulation go out to ICSHL All-Stars Pat McCullion, Matt Kelly, and Mike Farrell, and to AAA All-Stars Casey Schafer, Brian Curci, Tyler Kalorik, Farrell and Kelly. The loss of eight seniors to graduation will hurt, but with a great core of players returning, the La Salle hockey team will be a force for years to come.


Scott Zettle eyes ti puck, looking for a pass.

La Salle wins another faceoff

Frosh Sean Heron breaks down the ice.



Dave Rambo and Bobby Farrell discuss the stratgegy for the next shift.

La Salle defends its goal against Maryland State Champs DaMatha.


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t's spring time again. And that means it's back to work for the defending Catholic League Champion La Salle Explorer Lacrosse team. This year the Explorers look, etter ttJc!never. Under the year runnerguidance of ' 路路 up Bill Leahy; per than ever. With nin -Catholics, La Salle is lookin straight state playoff

compliment dis led by , and Mike cing out

four t Mal. Optime sand Pat

injury. This year J.V. is stacked with talent at all positions and is led by Varsity defensive coach Mark Dardaris. As school winds down for everyone else, the lacrosse team will be preparing for the state ~ tournament in May


"So Bill, what's up with that Indiana Jones hat?"

This is what happens when you get faked out.

"My stick is bigger than your stick!"

Ready ... Aim ... FIRE!!!

"No guys ... this is how you do it."


Mr. Leahy puts on his coaching face.

O'Hara's defender is amazed with the speed of La Salle's attack.

The 1996 Varsity Lacrosse Team. Back row, left to right: Coach Bill Leahy, Jeff Catanese, Frank Hoffman, Tom Lasky, Ed Boron, Kevin Lasky, Jim Koller, Mike Morsell, Coach Ken Truscott. Middle row, left to right: Justin Primus, Chris Carr, Jim Alber, Scott Mccarry, Rob Herzog, Dan Neverosky, Tom Cross, Pat Hughes, Coach Lochoci. Front Row, left to right: Br. Joseph Keough, Shawn O'Connor, Sean Kent, Tom Lamprecht, Marc DiBenedetto, Mike Durso, Pat Coyle, Matt Maloney, Chris Kane, Mike Abbot, Greg Erb.

La Salle's offense moves in for another goal.


A sneaky offensive player steals the ball while the defense fights over it.


The 1996 J.V. Lacrosse team. Back row, left to right: Mark Benante, Craig Keenan, Kevin Koller, Sean Matthews, J.P. Sforza, John O'Hara, Steve Ertle, Randy Bitting. Middle row, left to right: Head Coach Mark Dardaris, Chris Smith, Chris Williamson, Scott Binsfeld, Kevin Robinson, Craig Gugger, Matt Westley, Mike Kilkenny, Matt Luhks, Coach Guarton. Front Row, left to right: Joe Dillon, Nick Mattiacci, Alex DeManss, Greg Queen, Kevin Merlini, Paul Gibbons, Vince Strain, Evan Behr, Kris Houser.

"Oh my God; oh my God!!!"



tis why we're so easy to identify. It's overheard conversations about yesterday's workout and if anyone knows what today's will be. Sometimes it's because every item of clothing we own has something to do with rowing and, from a distance, it's the yellow letters of a La Salle Crew jacket. It's the faint sounds of the ergs and heavy emanating from somewhere beyond the Campus Ministry Center and even the extra-friendly hello that we get from Mr. Pete Sigmund, our coach. But beyond all of that, it's a striving for a common goal that keeps us together. It's staying focused as a team, boat, and an individual through all the workouts. As Mr. Sigmund says, "crew team" is redundant. Unity is the result of our great commitment to what we firmly believe is the best sport in the world. Although the team already qualifies as one of the strongest teams in the country, this year promises to be one of the best years in La Salle Crew history. We not only have strong underclass support, but one of th!3 largest and most accomplished senior classes e. ·· ~M:.~;! er both the leadership and ·· eague, City, Stotesbury work ethic needed to ta and National Champion go on to Henley. This year's seniors include: ndy Bergen, Ed Bransfield, Nick Calvanese, BH edyna, Je ley, Dave Fisher, Lew '6rai Tom Henwood, Steve Goettner, Chris H Hope, Ian J Mike Kowalski, Lou Lanzilotta, aloney, Pat Mullen, Anthony P ff Truitt, Greg Ventresca, s Weinacht. Despite all t I f admit that the program would not •'today without the excellent guidance of o · and foremost, Head Coach Peter Sig s kept the program on its feet during the( ead coach and he returns again with a staff. Coaching the Midweight 8 and Junior 18 t e veteran coach Frank Cataldi. Coach Mark. to coach the Freshman team with th rdlow. New to the coaching staff thi eight 8 and 2nd Varsity 8 is Mr. Si im Sigmund. Finally, the Varsity 4, Midwe t 4 will be taken by Coach Chuck Calvane Every year the t one ever. We do no di The current team played mall part in last year's clean sweep of the Catholics, and there are an awe full lot of medals on our oarsmen's walls already. This season we have already won the indoor rowing Baltimore Burn and placed a large group of oarsmen among the top in the country at the CRASH-B erg sprints. The guys on this team have won, knows what it takes to win, and, this season, will be satisfied with no less than the best.


Jim Venuto and Miki Kowalski do a little n bonding

Tom Henwood grimaces when he hears that he must do yet another run

Dave Fisher reminds us that not only are we slick, but we can row too.

Ian Jenkins has mastered the art of rowing with one hand

Mike Kowalski just found out he might not be rowing in the next regatta


The coach with the best shades in the Catholic League.

1995-96 Varsity Crew Team: Top Row (Left to Right): Jim Venuto, Jeff Truitt, Keith Ledwith, Chris Walters, Bill Ennis, Steve Hope, Andy Bergen; Middle Row: Dan Goettner, Tom Henwood, Pat Mullin, Don Baxter, Brian Fegley, Bill Fedyna, Lew Goettner; Bottom Row: Dave Fisher, Pat Mclaughlin, Greg Ventresca, Mike Kowalski, Ian Jenkins; Kneeling: Coach Peter Sigmund


Seniors Jim Venuto and Ian Jenkins steal one of North's boats

Steve Hope asks, "Can I go home now?"

"Where'd that splash come from?"

Chris Walters has just realized he has caught a crab.

Mr. Sigmund's rowers want to know why they can't cut across the bridge while running the loop.


kJltm,tl,e/J""1,e fot,tl,e .lfl!!!'



or the past eight seasons, the La Salle Swim Team has been f~vored to win the Cath~.lic L~ague, and has fulfilled t~e expecta t1oneach year. The SWll'Tl;Je.~m~as not lost a Catholic League meet in eight years, and has W~Jfthe'l~,~gueeight consecutive times. For the most part this feat has ug~oticed by the student body, and has mainly been noticed by the fa:cuffy'.only. However, beginning this season, coaches Mr. Frar,fLishtner ~~9/,~r. Dennis Bloh felt this year's team had the potential tQ,)NinJ~elJatipr\ib8atholic Title. Among the ten,til'Tl'~~路~S;<much as any Catholic swimmers, this title i.S.'f'~i'ttl\~~C>~t League ChampionsniRi;fc>rn~f3ven feltJifwasworth more than the previous eight championst1ips11.路 路 .. So the season of drea!JlSbegaq.c:~ft.erLaSalle beat powerhouse St. Joseph's of Metuchen,.r;JewJ;er~ry;1;tneteam began to believe in itself and in what coaches Lichtner fl~ciBl?:n路r'ere preaching. It was no longer a matter of how well a swimmer;qi~~s,a,~;ipdividual, but how well the team fared. On February l8th;19~~xtheteam's dream became a reality as La Salle won the National Catho}i9;}jt1e:ffhere was not one swimmer who carried the team, but a total efforfamong the freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Swimmers'li~eMatt Yaglenski and Chris Walters, who did not place ir1t~e<topt~ree;but swam the best they ever have in their lives, made the ~t,~mpiopship come true. Senior Jeff Truitt was a key to winning the meef'{Vith his finis~es in the top three in both the 50 and the 100 freestyle, and BrendanHogan swam tough throughout the meet. Captains Tom Yaegel and Ray Fitzpatrick also helped the team, as did talented underclassrnen Paul Callahan, Kurt Hirsekorn, Dennis O'Donnell, Mike Labosky, Joe Chiarantona, Ryan Truman, Craig Keenan, Sean Tucker, and Bart Ray.



Brendan Hogan realizes he's just lost his Speedo.


"No Marty, swim practice, then detention ..."

Ryan Truman powers toward victory.

Senior Swim Team members pose with Mr. Dave Diehl, Principal, and Brother Frank Danielski, Vice Principal for Academic Affairs. Also in the photo are Mr. Dennis Bloh and Mr. Frank Lichtner, Coaches, and Mr. Geoffrey Nicoletti, Moderator.


The 1995-96 La Salle Swimming Team Top Row: Mr. Bloh, Drew Sharkey, Chris Walters Tom Yaegel, John Kowalski, Ray Fitzpatrick, Matt Yaglenski, Jeff Truitt, Anthony Penzarell, Brendan Horgan, Mr. Nicoletti, Coach Lichtner; Middle Row: Bill Markman, Mike Knowski, Bredan O'Hara, Kurt Hirsekorn, Joe Chiarantona, Dennis O'Donnell, Ryan Ruman, Mike Labosky, Tim O'Malley; Bottom Row: Paul Sharkey, Sean Tucker, Burt Ray, Tim Pippet, IV Ranweiler, Chris Domanski, Craig Keenan, Evan Behr


o be postponed until the ever, snow forced the inau New Year. Pumped and re e Explorers, under the coaching of Mr. Gary 路 y e," took two of three ,,ougherty team. With a games from an uns4 couple of wins u as sure to have opened a few e The Vars rs Mike Ochmanp Archbishop ski, Jim Louie, an Ryan at home three g < hem decisively above the .500 mark. ike Oldfield and Sophoe Varsity closed a snow mores Mike Weinert a record. shortened first month~, The Junior Vars of Juniors Todd Garmody and A.C. Cortellessa, S eau Yanoshik, Sean Kerper, and Mark Szczecl'),,an shman Dan Barnes, 路es. opened the season wi ave been a surThe success o team, as they look prise to the league, bu onsecutive win streak towards the playoffs. TH n the road a few has La Salle Bowling smili d will compete, and years. All in all, the team wing it to find that they ~ uld be s those who watch them bow "',,l,,~ 11 were only in their rookie seasoh.

The 1995-96 LaSalle Bowling Team: Back Row (L to R): Coach Gary Wiley, Dan Fay, Mike Weinert, Dave Schmel, Jim Louie, Mike Ochmanski Kneeling (L to R): Mike Oldfield, Beau Yanoshik, Sean Kerper, Mark Szczech, Anthony Cortellessa, Dan Barnes, Todd Carmody


La Salle's newes sport: Ballerina bowling.

"O.K. guys, it's real simple, roll that black ball down that lane and knock those tall white things down!"

Jim Louie realizes he forgot the ball.

Dave, you might do better if your eyes are open.

Dan Fay hopes that his bowling score is equal to his SAT score.



he L~ ~alle tenni~,team.has begun 路 .season. pract1c1 The pla yet another championI their list. The team wen they've w.


ay year's ostly by held by Tim 路11be

Hannigari: held by ~rian:$ga Cisik, Matt Jp,hn路, competi 路 several spots. The Mr. George H to have anoth son, the team wins against Ho ost and a loss to Chestnut Hill Academy. This year, the team played four matches with hopes of improving its record.

Jeff Rucinski shows how important it is to keep one's eye on the ball.


Nick Cisik returns a crushing backhand.

Matt John knows tennis.


Brian Egan returns serve deep behind the baseline .


The 1996 Varsity Tennis Team, left to right: Jeff Rucinski, Rich Davoli, Brian Egan, Alex Tatunchak, Matt John, Nick Cisik, Pete O'Donnell, Coach Tore Hanssen, Tim Hannigan, and Steve Balshi.



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fter only placing a strong third at the 1996 Phila delphia Catholic League Indoor Championships, La Salle's 1996 Track & Field team is determined not to be disappointed in the spring season. Although the team as a whole only finished third, recognition was achieved in several individual events, most known being the All-American, All-State, and All-Catholic 2-mile relay team of Jim Tate, Chris Ward, Mike Kerr, and Tom O'Connell. The team needs the efforts of each of the three team divisions- distance, sprints, and field-to achieve their ultimate gocil he PCL Championships in May. However, divine coaching of Head Coach Pat Devi ed by Field Coach Neely and Sprint e Gittleman and Ace Amachi, the teg problem putting in the own in the Catholic effort to llJ Leag!J~; ·· ior Tri-Captains ullin, return after several of the State Champs, amps. In addition am is supported by Joe Palmieri, and h Tate, and Gil Smith, man Sean Teesdale. eing the phenomhave no trouble onship. the leadership of emanick and ake their presence known as th·· art of the team ffort. They re low members of the sprint team, Se d Chris Cifelli, Juniors Mike M homore Matt "Klat G" Mee, an . · With their new philosophy to " nleash the Beast," and the "tunes and long strides" of Coaches Ace Amachi and Steve Gittleman, the La Salle sprint team will add to the team effort as they look for a championship. The field team is led by Senior jumper Pat cGinley, who has attained All-Catholic honors in the ong, triple, and high jumps throughout the past few seasons. He is supported by fellow jumpers Seniors Tom McGoldrick and Matt McMullin, and Sophomore John Clark. The throwers, led by Junior Mike Nedi in the shotput and discus, and Sophomore Brett Gordon in the '-iavelin, will also be contributing to the efforts of the field team.


Matt McMullin practices for Varsity Hop-Scotch

Senior Pat McGinley wonders why everything looks so different upside down

The 1996 La Salle Track & Field Team Standing (L to R): Mike Kerr, Alex Au, Gil Smith, Joe Palmieri, Mike Nedi, Andy Gittleman, Tom McGoldrick, Tom O'Connell, Matt McMullin, Jim Tate, Matt Mee, Chris Ward, Mark Semanick, Mike Mattia, Rich Tate; Kneeling (L to R): Pat McGinley, Liam O'Shaughnessy, Aaron Oliver, T.J. Bartowski, Colin McManus, Jeremy Palo, Craig Petruzzelli, Matt Brister, Mike Sasso, Dan Gallagher, Jeff Barbieri; Sitting (L to R): Chris Gordon, Mike Donahue, Rick Carminati, Sean Teesdale, Greg Bielecki, Chris Clement, Pat Badolato, Obi Amachi, Eric Madeira



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his year's Winter Track & Field team is once again under the watchful eyes of Head Coach Pat Devine, Field Coach Shawn Neely, and new Assistant Sprint Coach Ace Amachi. The team is looking stronger than in years past, and hopes to accomplish their final goal of the season by winning the Indoor Philadelphia Catholic League Championships in March. The team is led by Senior Captains Jim Tate, Matt McMullin, and Tom O'Connell, who are the primary leaders of the distance team. They receive support from their fellow runners, Seniors Alex Au and Craig Petruzzelli, Juniors Mike Kerr, Rich Tate, and Gil Smith, Sophomorewonder Chris Ward, and Freshman-sensation Sean Teesdale. The Sprinters are under the leadership of Senior Jeff Barbieri, and Juniors Mark Semanick and Andrew Gittleman. They are supported by fellow sprinters Mike Mattia, Aaron Oliver, Matt Mee on the hurdles, and the other Freshman-sensation Obi Amachi. The field team is led by Senior Pat McGinley, who is once again looking for All Catholic honors in the long, triple, and high jumps. He receives support from Seniors Matt McMullin and Tom McGoldrick. Juniors shotputter Mike Nedi and pole vaulter Mike Kerr, and Sophomore long and triple jumper Andy Au round out the rest of the nucleus of the field team. The team has proved itself one of the best in the Catholic League, as well as in Southeastern Pennsylvania, in the Coaches Association meets held each weekend. The team has been able to continue to practice despite the inclement weather, and on numerous occasions came in on the weekend to shovel the track so it would be usable for practice in the upcoming week. Even though this has been one of the coldest winters on record, the team has the inspiration of Sophomore Jeremy Palo, who is willing to wrestle in any type of weather. Tate says, "It is this type of determination that wins championships."

, Back Row (L to R): Mike Kerr, Gil Smith, Andrew Gittleman, Chris Ward, Lou Lanzilotta, Jeff Barbieri, Matt Mee, Sean Martin Kneeling (L to R): Rich Tate, Craig Petruzzelli, Sean Teesdale, Matt McMullin, Tom O'Connell, Jim Tate, Mike Nedi Sitting (L to R): Alvin Clay, Aaron Oliver, Gene Ciccimaro, Obie Amachi, Charlie Breznicky Senior Jim Tate laps yet another opponent I';'



Coach Devine ponders an appropriate time to demand of his novice runners The Indoor 4x800m relay state-recordingholding champions, who have also achieved All-American honors in U.S. Nationals: Mike Kerr, Jim Tate, Coach Pat Devine, Tom O'Connell, and Chris Ward.

or Jeff Barbieri patiently its the all-too-well-known mands of "Set...Go!"

The determination of La Salle's runners is seen in Senior Alex Au

It takes great strength and skill to heave the shot.




n an otherwise individual sport, the 1995-96 La Salle wrestlers epitomized the word "team." By going undefeated in the Catholic League and capturing their first ever P.C.L. Crown, the La Salle wre$tl.er or:trayed the determination and dedication ;g sport. So, as a single cry of 'r room following their 29-27 victory .C.L. Final match, one would certainly aced upon this team's unity. As .. "Guns" Flood stated, "We would thing less than a championship ... r to simply let it slip away." tling team's season proved to i e assistance of coaches ttr" Mike Braciszewski, Mr. young men through a season nbearably hard, but, all in all, ng the Explorer grapplers this s Mike Gadsby, Craig Hamilton, ey and Greg Ventresca rounded rters, while Junior starters, orrell, Brad Guidi, Nick Klohe, ere all major contributors in La Michael Byrnes and Freshman ounger portion of the varsity ng the way to the 1996 Catholic 5-1996 La Salle wrestling team soul w ·..... a~ing history. By taking home 111 strai{f '''·"· tory ove''n>tfile ~riep and with a second • • '<>\f\i;ff\\7; • two wins this seasen over the previous league champs, North Catholic, the La Salle wrestler's captured a title 23 years in the making.

1995-96 LaSalle J.V. Wrestling Team: Back Row (L to R): Coach Mike Braciszewski, Head Coach Ken Flood, Mike Hunsicker, Dan Fineberg, Lloyd Beck, Gene Welsh, Jack Neil, Mark Ruegg, John Brown, Rob Miller, Mike Kavanagh, Sean Beaty, Coach Dan Joyce; Middle Row (L to R): Bill Laible, Andy Buschmeier, Joe Fedyna, John Burton, Ed Brzostek, Charles Johnson; Front Row (L to R): Coach Kevin Latchford, Tim Gallagher, Bill Sautter, Vince Cifelli, Steve Cissne


"Now shake hands and make up."

1995-96 LaSalle Varsity Wrestling Team: Back Row (L to R): Coach Mike Braciszewski, Head Coach Ken Flood, Tim Maloney, Nick Klohe, Fran Spause, Mike Gadsby, Craig Hamilton, Greg Ventresca, Chris Sweeney, Mike Byrnes, Coach Kevin Latchford, Coach Dan Joyce; Middle Row (L to R): Tim McNichol, Brad Guidi, Travis Manion, Joe Borrell, Joe Bednarek, Mehul Amin; Seated: Managers Jim Hughes and Jim McKeogh

The ref says, "No biting guys, keep it clean."


Assistant Editor-in-Chief: Erik Mitsch. Theme Editor: Scott Swindells; General Editor: Jeffrey Barbieri. Associate Editors: Matt Brace, Scott Long. Business Editor: George Saitta. Photo Editors: Jonathan Simpson, Gregory Queen. Underclass Editors: Daniel Ponisciak, Timothy Ponisciak, Surabh Desai. Copy: Paul Ruppel. Art: Adam Frey. Moderators: William Geiger I Edward Molush (Copy Reader)

Writers: Lew Goettner Michael Gironda Mr. Jay Kirsch Matt Lewandowski Michael Lynch William Fedyna

David Dzara Philip Lynch Sean Hunsicker Alexander Au Mr. Gary Wiley Gregory Kevane

Michael Farrell Joseph Palmieri Thomas Yaegel Michael Gadsby Christopher Sweeney Bo Yanoshik

Anthony Bonargo Brian Trymbiski Pat Coyle Will Geiger Pat Gorman Billy Murphy

Kenneth Orange Mike Labosky Vincenzo La Rutt Jeff Keller Andrew Kernytsk'. Tom O'Connell

The Blue and Gold Staff would like to thank: - Brother Rene Sterner, Mr. David Diehl, Brother Frank Danielski, and Mrs. Julia Maher for all their help and suggestions throughout the year, in particular at the beginning with organization. - Mr. Martin Stanczak, for not keeping too many of our editors in detention. - Mrs. Ann Ford, Mrs. Karen Mullen, and Mrs. Patty Murphy for help and bailouts, especially with the mailing machine and phone messages. - Bro. Gerry Freindreis and Mr. Mark "Jefe" Dardaris for patience and occasional pizza money when times, and deadlines, were rough. - Mr. Jerry Evans, Mr. Terry Gillespie, and Mr. Shawn(e) Neely for countless hours of entertainment and Bio Lab phone usage; your checks are in the mail - Mr. Mike O'Toole for your creativity and wisdom when it came to this year's theme. - Bob and Rita Davine for putting up with our late deadlines, countless instances of technical support, and the batch of chocolates at Christmas time ... they were delicious!!! - Mr. Mike Maicher, Bro. Jim Reick, and Bro. John D'Alfonso for the expert photography; you really helped during the photo crunch time! - All coaches and moderators of LaSalle activities for the group shots and putting up with us when the flash didn't go off at the right times. - Abe Orlick, Gemma, Neil, Jennifer, Pam, Sharon, and all of the people at DaVor Photo; you were a great help this year and th, photography was incredible. - Linda Mauss and all of the Herff-Jones people for trying to decipher our proof corrections and extending our deadlines; remember the Blizzard of '96 doesn't happen every year (knock on wood!) - All the students who came in with such enthusiasm to help us caption photos and what not; your efforts should not go unmentioned. - To past editors Sean Duffy, Dan Burkey, and Bill Mydlowec for their inspiration and technical guidance having already been through the hectic yearbook process. We now truly understand what you guys have been through. - James, Pearl, and the rest of the LaSalle custodial staff for putting up with the whirlwind of paper chaos in our office, among other things. - The parents of the Yearbook staff; we know that we came home late sometimes, but it was for a worthy cause .. we assure you. - All the miscellaneous people which we may have forgotten to mention; you had a hand in this yearbook process, somehow, and so we would just like to thank you. Your contributions are greatly appreciated.


n Adams Congratulations John! Our Love, Best Wishes, & Encourageare with you always. Love Mom, Dad, & Joe rey Barbieri Best wishes to Jeff and the Class of 1996 ... iry proud! Congratulations! Love Mom, Dad, Amy, & Ryan

- William Oehler Bill, You have made

1ald Baxter Donald, be all you can be! We are so proud of you and love soooo much. Mom & Dad nund Bransfield Congratulations Ed Bransfield and thank you for making us d. Mom, Dad, Kathy, & Dan '92 tthew Ferrare Good luck, Matthew! Love Mom, Dad, Gabi, Nikki, Mike, & Dave vid Fisher Congratulations David! We are very proud of you. Love, Mom, Dad, Charles, Kim, Jennifer, & Bernie am Frey Adam, congratulations and best wishes. Love, Mom & Dad .trick Gorman Best wishes Pat and the Class of 1996! From the Gorman Family. chael Girondo Good luck to the Class of '96!

- Kenneth Orange Good luck and much success. Jesse & Willa Orange

The Girondo Family

illiam Hamilton Good luck Fiti Dude! Love - Dad, Chris, Wendy, Chuck, Jennifer, Jackie, Amy, Lee, & Hobie. .son Hill Congratulations Jay-We are very proud of you in many ways. Love Mom, Dad, & Dave

We are so proud of you! There were some difficult moments these past years, but you remained strong and are indeed someone to be admired. Mom & Dad - Anthony Penzarella Anthony, Don't underestimate will power, it can move a mountain or two. Smile that silly smile, share your talents, and always live. Jesus in your heart forever. Love, Mom & Dad - Kevin Robinson Best Wishes to the Class of 1996! The Robinson Family - Dan Rogan Congratulations Dan, we're proud of you! Love, Mom & Dad TheRogan Family - Ian Ruegg . .路 Ian, Congratulations on completing four great years! We're Love Mom, Dad, & Mark proud ofyou. , George Saitta TO THE GRADUATING CLASS OF '96 Best of luck in all your future endeavors, especially to you George-we know how hard you worked! Congratulations! George, Debbie, & Nicole Saitta - J. Andrew Sharkey Congratulations Drew! You are the best! Love, Mom & Dad (Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Sharkey) - Thomas Sinese Tom, Congratulations, you have made us very proud in everything you do. We love you very much and wish you much happiness and success in the future. Love, Mom & Dad

ancis Hoffman We are extremely proud of you, Frank. You gave your best. 'II never forget the great thrill seeing you on the Lacrosse Field ving your heart out. The future should hold the best for you, because 1, you are the Future's best! Love, Mom & family

- Michael Tulio Dear Michael, Your high school years flew by so quickly, you have always been a shining star to us. Your the Best! Love Ya! Mom & Dad P. S. Will miss you when you leave for college! Love Bridgetta, Alexis, Bruce, Dominic, Jules, & Louis

reg Kevane Best Wishes to the class of '96!

- John & James Tyrrell Mr. & Mrs. James Tyrrell

-The Kevane Family

imothy Maloney Best of luck to all in '96, and a special thanks to the faculty! 9 Maloney Family

- Michael Wilkin Congratulations Mike; Best wishes to all in the Class of '96! The Wilkin family.

atrick McGinley We're proud of you, Patrick. Love, Mom & Dad

- Thomas Yaegel Congratulations and Best Wishes Tom, and The Class of 1996! The Yaegels Mom, Dad, & Terri

1ichael Mastroieni Best Wishes to the Class of '96! Jeanette, Joe, Jenna, & Michael


Daniel Adam: Haitian Sensation! ...Six Minute Workout. ..Mixer Circles ..."! aim to please." Dag y'all!. ..C+C Slurpees ...Ahhh! ...Thanx Mommy, Poppy, Eddie, JAA, and Bandit for everything and pushing me so hard ...Props go out to my boyz from da Horsham Hood: SH, MF, MG, GV, BL ...LaClique: lno, K.0., Sly, Biggie ..."They call me Cuban Pete ... " ...The YB Staff: SG, JB, EM, MB, JK, SS, SL ..."This isn't your locker Dan." Pounds go 'round to the rest of the Class of '96 (especially): SO'D, JV, PG, KG, Wes, GE, BC, PC, PL, BM, SE, DW ...You guys are the best and I never forget you all...Best of Luck!. ..Thank you Mr. J, Dr. D, Mr. K, Billy G, and James for believing in me, always being there, and helping to make these years the best years of my life... Now 2 the ladies ...luv ya lots especially KN(a.k.a. CG), SA (luvs Baron), D(Tamara), SC, MegMac+Christine Bean (Thanx s'much), LR, LP, CC, JW, and those I may have forgotten, I still love you all...Finally one note of advice, "Shake what your momma gave ya!!!" Wayne Adamow: Thanks Mom, Dad, and Mike ...Cori, 143 ...Birdy Boy and his low rider ...Yo Bo, sweet vollies? ...Berenstein, take your pill! ...That's clutch ...Yo Venuto, take off your shirt ...Gweynedd Valley G's. John Adams: Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired. Dan Amoroso: Thanks to ....God, Dad, Mom, Nan, Aunt Mary & Uncle Jim, Chris Cartemone, Michael Genuardi & Bobby Baines ...To my homies ... Click (Dan "Haitian" Adam, Kenny "0-dog" Orange, Jim "Sly" Parella, Paul "Biggie Evans), Dave "LuBear" Dilullo, R.P. "Oys" Urban, Tom "G" Gallagher, George "Kung - Fu" Harris, Brad Hill, Anthony "Bones" Arobone thanks for being there when I needed ya and for puttin' up with my attitude ...Xtra special thanks to ...Cathy Wright, AnneMarie Heimann, and Stephanie Carosella ...You three would always listen to anything & everything I had to say ...To my classmates ... Peace out, stay alive, and I'll see ya at the reunion. Brian Appleby: Thanks Mom, Dad, Dan, Doug 4 everything ...Nicole - you're the best. ..my sweetheart ...8/ 14/95 ...The W.P. (R.S.C.) - Matty, Mouse, Smyth Dog, Diesel, Big Papa, Crow, Blata - dow ..Late nights at the bell...7-11 ? ...Pinball or Cruisin' ...Time for another one ...it's not a party 10/21/95 ...Althea, Mr. Charlie, China Ryder ...What a long, strange, trip its been (TBOTGD) ...R.1.P.J. Garcia 1942 -1995 ...Thanks to everyone at La Salle ... Finally Finished. Anthony Arobone: Bones ...Mmmm chocolate, Doooh!...I see all ... May Spaceballs live forever. Alex Au: Mom, Dad, Andy, and Eric thanks for all the love and support ...! also want to thank Schafle, Maloney, Steel, Bryens, and Macky ... Prep State Champs ...G.D.R. T.O'C, C.P., M.M., J.T. Thanks!. ..LSXC forever. Bo Ballay: Such a long, long time to be gone and a short time to be there. -Grateful Dead. Tom Barbera: Peace, Love, and Happiness to all! ...Gone are the days when the reign came down, can't wait to find what the future bring round. Jeff Bauder: Thanks Mom, Dad, Joe, and Gary for everything, I Love You! ...The Shop ...Ocean City '95 (D.D.) ... Boom!!!!!...95 M.P.H ....'The Shore" ...Go Seep ...Wawa ...Kim, thanks for being such a good friend ... l don't care. What do you want to do? ... No, Dave, you drive ...Thanx D.D., W.T., K.R., C.S. & K.E.C. Jeff Barbieri: Thanks for everything Mom, Dad, Amy, & Ryan, especially for your support in all that I have done ..."The Bar"... My track philosophies: You can't beat what you can't catch; Everyone is beatable, so run like


hell...Don't make me chase you ... l'm not in the mood ... l don't know what you're saying, because I'm half conscious ... Brace, please explain to him ...You have 5 seconds to run... My basement. ..The "video" ...Oh God, my Mom found that. ..Dating the Mount girls ...Heidi, Heidi, Heidi. ..because the seat heaters are on, George ...Back seat of the BMW ...The Andorra Car Chase ...Mario Andretti. ..Off-roading trip ...color coordination ...4069 ... Explode from the gutter ...Frequently Asked Questions ...No seriously, the wind took the rubber band ...OJ weds Barbieri? ...War with the "Wisterian, Room 304B" ...And, Thanks to all my friends-we survived high school! Don Baxter: Throughout my time in High School I've had a great time with all my buds, even though they may have not all been kind ...Thanks Mom, Dad, my sisters and my grandparents for supporting me through hard & good times, I love you all...Tara, we've gone through alot of weird things together, thanks for being a true friend ...To all; live life to its fullest and remember there's nothing a good day of surfing won't cure ... l went up to the mountain & saw there was snow, I caught air like nobody knows -Jeff Brusbie ... ls there anybody out there? Just yell if you can hear me -Pink Floyd ...LaSalle Crew #1 ...Yo John, Don - don't forget all our cool summers together ...Pennywise rules. Andy Bergen: "Destiny has made the bed of my future, and it's up to me to sleep in it. You don't fight your destiny. No! And you don't eat crackers in the bed of your destiny, or do you get all...Scratchy." -The Tick ... lan, did you get my birthday present yet? ...FNA ...Blue, Yellow, Black, Green, Red ... Air Horn ...Pesha!. ..Flaming Pants ...My best friend Beau Johnson ... !, the Wood ... How 'bout those Turks. Keith Binsfield: Thanks Mom, Dad, and Scott ... 14 years Steve ...To all the regulars Jon, Yamies, Kim, and Jeremy ...Woodpeckers Lisa & Donna ...The Ogontz Boys ...The Parkwood Crowd - Party at Mario's & Catherine's ... No more peanutbutter ...Skip Dawg lives on ...T-Bell 8th period. Greg Bock: WTF ... How about those Flyers ...FT..."Que hora es?" ...Thank you Mom and Dad BF, PB, MM, CC, TM, LL, SO, BF, TL. ..l'm not a tough guy ...Shut up Chris ...Lax is Life ...NHS ...I love my ring. Paul Boehmler: Peter Child, "Sorry guys, I gotta work!" ...Mad grocer pride ...You want to be a CARPENTER? ...Thanks Nike, Fear This ... Hardwork + Commitment= Excellence ...Thanks LSIH ...l'm a good boy ...Thanks Brother Linus, #2 Boy ...Machdas Fensterzu!...Thanks Mom!...Thanks La Salle!

Brendan Bray: Thanx to J.D., K.Y., G.V., D.B., A.D., TMFDB for all the great times ...K-Slide. Pat Brennan: Yo, DiBen, where are them hoochies at!...Labor Day '95 ...Tim, I don't see your mom's car ...Golfies ...Da Mustang ... DaBombs, she's only 13...Memorial Day '95 ...Yes, that is a dishwasher in mi truck ...Opening Day '94 ...Tori. ..Ruggie, dog, erbals, weebals, fireballs, and the rest of the fellas, stay real...Mom, Dad, Cristin, and Cole, thanks for everythir A.J. Bruno: I'd like to thank God, my parents, and sor special teachers who made a difference ...Conigs-smell like "Nachos" ...Dez watch out for that: deer, car, rope, mud, mailbox ...Led Zep Rules!. .."Le Louvre." John Burton: Thanks Mom and Dad for your help ...wrestling ... meatball... Chipmunk races at footbal camp ...yo L-dog - you do the accounting ...Sup guys ...Acme Baby ...Thanks all - the best is yet to come Roxborough Rules! Nick Calvanese: Yo Wayne lets go play some sweat volleyball out in the pit...Nice Wayne that was clutch ...Take off your shirt Wayne ... Nice hub caps ...Berenstine, lets go play quarters. Jeff Cesari: Mom, Dad, Sean - thanks ... Mens sana in corpore sano ...Success depends on three things:who says it, what he says, how he says it, and of these threE things, what he says is the least important. -J.C. Andrew Childs: Well, hey, four great years, huh? ... l'm working my way up to being ignored entirely ...At least there's art college ...Sorry, there's just too many good, school - related experiences I've had to list in this small space! Chris Cifelli: Thanx Mom & Dad, I luv ya ...Shut up Bock!...What's up guys, TGBPLL ...Cool...Just kikkin' ...Just Do lt...Adios! Geoffery Coniglio: Mom, Dad & Dana thank you, I lov, you ... Uh ...huns' where's McTague ...Yo Fish, watch you back!. ..and my paper you can't go wrong, "I'd like to dedicate this diploma to ..." ...Sports - No talk Halpin you are HUGE, but he is bigger ... La Salle Ice Hockey #1 ...Jay what are you still doing here, its almost 5:30 don't you have practice? ...Hill Coniglio backcheck ...Well at least I got a good seat for this game ... Phist, these are my Dad's shoes!...Oh yeah Dez that bumps ...lt wasn't really nachos but I like the way it smells. 6,8,7,3 Duvvvv Dmvvvvv, DmVVVV Dmvvvvv ...YO KOSS!!!!. ..NO, GEOFF!!!

Matt Brace: Do you like my hat? ...You guys watch Joe Don Baker movies? ...Amateur Ninja I...That Mitchell-he's one bad ...its just not funny anymore!. ..look at the bubbles ...l'm sorry, your walk just isn't silly enough ...stand up and speak my name ...run, Forrest, run ...4069 ...Erik: can you give me a ride home? ...What should I yell at this kid? ...Prog2? oh, you mean like espn2? ...bats!...why did we sign up for this class? ...Keller: I don't want to buy any cologne ...don't make me pop the lens out of your glasses again ...Jeff: don't get it- oh yeah - dooh ...ow! stop it!..."Oh, wait, erase this ...it's all wrong."

Shane Conway: Mom, Dad, Nan, Neil, Matt, Joe and Joe, thanks I couldn't have made it this far without you ...To all my friends and teachers at La Salle, its been fun ...lrish Pride!

Ed Bransfield: Hey Pal!...Prom Queens - Halloween '95 ...Footy game under lights ... Radiator Man ...LWT-8 #1 (Pep Boys) ...Gormy I got a big one - you lost it!. ..So whats going on? .. .A.C. Tracks ...O.C. Volleyball...Hey Charlie ...Hey - we go to Golds ...Naaaaaa don't worry about it Murph ... Frosh Crew ...don't say anything Mickey ...Chubby you're funny ...Hou you, I'm having fun ...Thanks: Chubby, Mickey, Gormy, Billy, Buddy, Lasky, T.Y., M.K., K.L., C.R., L.P., A.K., Gilt...Love Ya Mom, Dad, Kathy, Danny boy.

Pat Craney: Thanks Mom, Dad, and everyone else for the fun.

Pat Coyle: 1995 PCL Champs!. ..Thanks Mom & Dad, for always being there... Dave, Tim, Dan, Phil, Chris, Brandon, Bull, Justin, Weebs, thanks for the memories ...Johnnie P's Loft ... l forgot to call Suits ...Brendan, 11:30 T-Bell...LB Boyz ...Brendan, enjoy yourself ...fellas, keep the L'Bruiser safe ... Kerry, how 'bout a late nite?

Brian Curci: Thanx Mom, Dad, Greg, Chris, and Lou dog ... 14... D-Town Pride ...Let's go nine ...Mallach, I'm bunking ... Bad read, Saggy ... Fab 3 ... Magat, I hate you ...Tory ...Thanx 4 being there Heather ...Soph Sacred Scripture ... Footy & Hockey ...Let's go Flyers ...Later fellas it's been cool.

1nDavitt: Thanx Mom, Dad, Mike & Anna for being ire ...Faydog, Como estan Juan y Jose? ...What? Run, u got a job!...Let's go to the Billiard's Club ... Hockey th Peanut Butter and the Horsham Boys, Lefty & Big e, Scifelli. ..Forever in love, my best friend, my nflower, two squeezes ... TBell, PSU & the Flyers in the f>..6.6 with the Lefty ...For real?

friends MM, TMc, PB, PB, Smith, Shaef, DiBen, and the rest of the class of '96 ...Underclassmen MM,MC,JC,JN,NB,SW,ST,Prech (crash line), Moose, JK,CK,MS ...Cheesequake NJ ...balloon man McMullin ...Tory ...7th period volley ...Memorial day '95 ...DiBen skeasing ...sorry Brennan, there are no buys ...Abington Hospital. ..Weeklong at McMullins.

arc DiBenedetto: Yo Erb, how do we get to ,eesequake? ...Tory at Brennans ...Pat, Tim, Bombs, eeballs ...Brigantine '95 ...Sid kid Erby ...23rd Mr. 3rnon... PCL Champs 95 - 96 ...Crystal Bomb ...My car is e bomb ...Golf Carts ...Kannabis Kids ...Yo Pat, U got 5 1 it? ...Total experience ...Gig at my house ... LuBear I 1ould have played ...Where did Tim go? ...Yo Tim, rnaaaaadow, I hate Amy ...Little buddy, I'll smoke you in 6 ...Mom, Dad, Lisa - Thanx, I love you.

Mike Farrell: Mom, Bob - Thanks for everything ...GK,PG,BM,TL,EB - you guys are the best...Hill - 11/4...JG - luv ya ...Thanx PN ...BC,DR - 4 years ...18 ...Yo V ...Your boy? ...You look like him ...Sammy Ball...Hmmmm ...Football in the rain ...Radiator Man ... Baseball 95 - it's our year ...Pat, it's Jimmy Nichol...Candy Schafer. ..Yeah hockey CS,MK,BF,JV,JS,JC,KB,TK,GB,RC,BB - good luck guys.

rian Dempsey: I love the ice! -CH ...I will score on my ,rehand ...92.7% agree - it is your job ...flash in the an...dead boy ...Senor!. ..Dan-Dan, and the IV know hat they are ...CC,TM,PB,IV, and the rest are all ood ...Shut up, Bock!...Thanx for everything M and D. .nthony Dessert: Mom and Dad thanks for all the upport and care you have given me these past years ...T. on't forget the Moneypit...L. keep the parties alive at fova and Penn ...B and C may sonic bliss live on forever. lave Dilullo: Love and thanks to my family and dogs lr putting up with me ...To: TB,JS,FK,DW,DK,SM,DF and 1e rest of my getto boys ...NVR 4get all the crazy ,dventures playin' ball, the room, and all the Philly llizzies #75 ...L.S. F-Ball #1 ... My O - Line Boys, Uhhh (eith, PC, BC, JM,ES,PG,Nagan (E.C.W.) and the rest of lrs. and Sophs ...Truitt - 5th or 7th? ...DA.JP ,OM Mes? ...Trainstation, Wayne or Broad? ... DaTruth ... ~x20=?...L.O.D .... Shouts to the old heads, the girls, and _.s.boys: D.Mc.,M.D., B.O., Skip, M.S., J.V., D.F., P.J., ).B., N. East, Jer-Bear and the rest of my friends. Peace, _uBear. Jim Donohue: Thanks for everything Mom and )ad ...Michael, good luck during your next three {ears ...To all my friends and Mel, "good - bye everyone. I'll miss you." Bill Donohue: Son, how's the family ...Billy D, Billy Dons, LuBear, Incredible Bulk! ... LaSalle Footy '96 ...0-Line, Wade O's ...WINGS!!...Band Pride!. ..Pat and Murph ...Camp Neidig '95 ...The Wagon Hotel...Camp Canadensis ...Where's 5 points? Oh take a left!. ..Stupid!...Vietnam ...Good Luck everybody!!!!. ..Shout outs to all the boys, Lack, Gene, John, Pat, and you guys know who you are. Michael Dooner: Bucky let's go eat cookies ...Ahh, Booty Skyscream ...Where do you keep your Bertinos? ...Salvi, Shup Boo ...Nobody beats the Biz ...Yo, word T J ...Why JM, Why? ... l'm the type of gut that says puddin is delicious ...Hiz-ous, it's silly the way he says that...You want to play Bass? ...My motto is ...MCSSBLLDJNMBLP and I love ZZ Top.

Dan Fay: Snowy the Legend ...Faydog ...Ancillae Pride ...#59 ...#65 ...#59 ... Where's my reps ... Mucho trabajo ...Somerton? ...No PT for Fay ...RIP the Cavalier ...Mad shots to the face ...DuBear is my BOY! ...LAC, where's my mix? ...Thanks to my family and friends, especially KFC,SAC,GW,EL,FITZ, ECK, MALIK, BEST. Bill Fedyna: Thanks Mom, Dad, Mike, Joe, Sean, & Jen ... lt's a long bike to Fairmount...Lightweight 8 - was and always will be awesome ... Bock, look - it's the HERD!. ..Canadian Henley '95 (IR,AB,TH,PMO)-ME(GB,Ti,SO,MM,MG) ...Hitchhiking - Let's do it again ...Skirmish '95 ... Pit Volleyball ...Run,Run,Run ... Rock parties ...No, I'll drive ...Gadsby - jokes ...No need to say everything, bare facts will do ...Mike, it was a long year ...Try harder ...Almost...So - you will triumph ...Brothers - thanks. Brian Fegley: Fegley, I want to meet your sister ...Gads, you're the moron ... The Shawala ...Andy - new bomb turks? ...311-911 ...Thanks Bill...Win if you can, lose if you must, but always bleed ...No that's not okay. Matt Ferrare: Thank you to my family and the entire royal order ...Also thanks to my Cliff Notes ...Say What!...Le Lourre ...A big Cohana burger ...Good Luck to the St. Cat's posse ... RIGHT!!!. ..Sorry about the boats, Huntz ...Penguins are #1 ...Good luck to all, see ya later. Mike Fiorentino: Hey everyone, you all know who you are ...fishing anyone ...kick a bass groove ...can I quote that...grace me with your stage management ability ...are you as stupid as you act or do you know what we've done ...where's everingham ...just call me Mr. Lewis, Mr. Parker ...you're my favorite person in the world, tina ... l wasn't in homeroom ...Jeff - that's waaay uncool..."Now, if you think me a fool to act like this/perhaps it is a fool that judges so." -Antigone Dave Fisher: Thanx Mom & Dad ...WT8 ...With a gorilla .... B.Friends, Tadeo, Shane Flaherty, WEBER, KOPACK, Ant, French, Venut, Italy, D.D., Not again alright... Sea Isle '95 ...Re-Re ...Shut it...Putz ...To girls: Love me or hate me!...Superstain ...Buddy ... l'm gonna die ...V. LWT 8 Champs ...When I rolls I rolls correct...CH Hook it up.

Nick Durso: Thanks Mom, Dad, Rich, and Amy. Dave Dzara: Thanks Mom, Dad, and Jen ...Hey B.H.!. ..Cruising in the T/A 6.6 ...Your car smells like an ash tray ...My basement. ..l'm a Godfather ... What's a red Light? ...Yo Lefty! ...JB in KC world ...PSU '95? ...D.D.,J.B.,J.B., Big J.M.,M.S.,D.A.,L.D.,K.C. John Eckert: I used to be a little boy ...Throw on the auto - pilot Tommy ...Whenever we love you girl, you always break my heart ... ! love you pumpkin seed, Mom & Matt ...My friends: I neglect your initials, know I love you ... So all my comments tonight were out of a book called "How to be witty at parties." Sean Ennis: I'm off to better things, you pathetic squares ...Cupid Car Club ... Freakazoids, robots: please report to the dance floor - godhead Silo .... "...all I need is a little coffee, c'mon" -N.0.U. Greg Erb: Thanx Mom and Dad, CBL, DAR, my close

Ray Fitzpatrick: Rusty, Dirty, Hillbilly, and Sell-out - I love you all ...Havey Ha ...Halloween '94 ...Yaegel's basement...Laser light show ...Foley's house ...You're so whipped!. ..showers ...GA 500 ...Shout out to my posse D&M ...The numbers game ...Swimming talks ... 1-2-3 you, Woon ...Yeah - What's up now? ...Mom, Dad, Bridg Loveya ...Peace out - THE WOONMAN! John Foelster: I have long pondered the meaning of life. The complex interelations of all mankind, the subtle beauty of a nuclear explosion. And after long meditation, I have discovered the meaning of life. And I'm not telling you, HAH, HAH, HAH!!! Adam Frey: Special thanks to : Baron, Bar, Brace, JK, Swindy, SG, SL, JS, KO, DA, the other DA, PC+ BC (for the car rides in the morning) FB, SE, ML, MS, T JH, MF, AC, DK, BL, MD, BN, and a bunch of other people I can't remember ...#10 boy ...stay on that apple farm ...Erik, I'd

like to buy a vowel...Scott, I need a ride home ...... Mr Russell, can I have my account back? ...Thanks, Mr. Wiley, for all the cartoon ideas ...Of course, I have to say "T-Bell" at least once ...drop rack ... P-mail fest...Microsoft Swindows ... E-mail me at Abyssquick@aol.com ...No, I'm not going to shut up ...

Mike Gadsby: Thanx Mom and Dad ...$14,000 huh! ...Fam-Luv ya! ...Bro-''Tats!" ...LaSalle wrestling ..."You fish!" ... Greg-"l'm not mad, I'm @#*#!!? sick!" ... Fegs-"Moron" ..Billy F.-"Polar bear'' ...Skirmish '95 ..."C.O.N.spiracy" ..."Keep yer socks on!" ...Good luck to all friends ... Stay cool NP buds! Ryan Galardi: Thanx Mom & Dad, Mark & Stacy, Erik & Lucy for unconditional love and support ...To my boyz whom I've spent many a time vibin' and boomin' on the next level...Party G ...Galardi...Looty ...Ludes ... Lvdanski ...Guru ... Peace to all my soulmates ..."What a long, strange trip it's been." Chris Gange: Thanks to my Mom, Dad, and Stephanie for helping make it through school. .."Uh, Keith" ... Bill, see you in Cancun!!...See ya later, Dave, Monaghan, Eugene, Flame, Jonesy, Burke, Savage, Magat, Schaef, Och, Berstein, Bo, the basketball team, and everybody else.-lt's been fun! Mike Gironda: To DD,DG,LG,TM-1 am the master of fwiction. To ML,MD,JK, WW,LG, etc.-Stwoke the wubber wod with fuw ...Thanks to JC and all the guys in the band ...l watched "Seinfeld" the night before I submitted these lines to find things to say ...Then I came to the harsh realization that "Seinfeld" isn't funny ...Two years Pat? 37!! Lou Goettner: Chicken Tenders anyone? ...ameteur ninja one ...did you say foose? ...oh, i see, you're in '1he band" ...hey brain, what are we going to do tonight? ...howdy's to: ML,EM,SS,MD,MG,BL,CC,TM,MB,JB,JS,PP,IOU,&WEFUNK Kyle Goldbacher: Marc, you've taught me what my life is, and can be ... Sara, you've made everything possible. I'll never forget you. I love you ... Eric, the rocks have always been next to the lake ...you showed me how to pick one up and throw it in ... uh-hello, Paul. You are the mothership connection. Philip Goodwin: Thanks Mom and Dad for everything! I love you!. ..V for Villanova, V for Victory, B for Blue, W for White, For the Blue and the White we'll fight, fight, fight! GO 'NOVA! Hey JK, bet ya Nova goes further than UConn!. ..Roses are red, violets are blue, I'm a schizophrenic, and so am !..."Good times, bad times, you know I've had my share." - Led Zeppelin ... "What a long, strange trip it's been ..."-Grateful Dead ...To live, you must risk. Pat Gorman: Hey pal. .."Workin"' at Christian Brother's ...we go to Gold's ... lmmodium AD ... Radiator Man ...football in the rain ...seriously ... neighborhood barber ...your boy? ...Sammy Ball...hmm ...almighty whitey v-ball ... Hey Ed, can I see your room? ... ND baseball camp with Chubs ...Billy, PLEASE get your license!. ..Farrell, comin' out tonight? ...you look like him ... PAPRIKA ...Bridge St...What do you mean, I never tell stories ... Halloween '95 -nice dresses ...LaSalle Baseball-Thanks Mr. Parisi, BT, and the boys-br ready, 'cause this is our year!. ..Murph, Chubby, EddieB, and Mike-Thanks for all the good times ...Mom,Dad,Katie,Johnny,Jimmy,and TubbyGyou're the greatest-I love you all. Tom Grasso: Thanks Mom,Dad,Renee,and Rochelle ...The Beav ...We got 'em all ...kinda sounds the old Yale cheer Boola Boola-Nah, not quite ...Gentlemen, shut up!. ..Bob Oone-Jimmy P...So, what you're sayin' is ...Good luck to everyone in college. Bryan Grebis: Footy; Weebles; Bonfires ... Dancing in the Loft ...Mullen's, Bonargo's; Brigantine ...Son of a Preacher ...Tory ...Cabin 9 and the Front Porch ...0-Line Pride ...Z-24 ... Hey Marty ... But Coach I thought that. ..Snoopy ... Tim's house and Whiffle Ball...Working


with Brennan ...! can't-I have to cut the grass ...Hey Tom ...Thanks for being there every step of the way Mom and Dad-Love Bryan. Steven Grossman: 4069 ..."explode from the gutter'' ...frequently asked question ...Steve Grossman on sax? ...color coordination ...war with the "Wisterian, Room 3048" ...offroading trip ...corner of Glen and Hilltop ... Drew a.k.a. "circle man" ...Jon and the pretzel fiasco ...No Dan, this office isn't your locker ... Hey Jeff, you better watch whom you're shooting with those rubberbands ... l took one of the Grossman personal holidays ..."so what if I don't know what it means" ... l'm sorry it must be the medication talking again ...a special thanks to: Mom, Dad, and Darren for all your love and support; all my friends; and everyone who has helped make this yearbook such a success. Chris Halpin: Mom, Dad, Chuck-thanks ...Lwt. 8 '92'96 ... Pep '95 ...McKinley ... "Fish, you got?" ... E.P.P.M ...."Ed, look on the bank" ...a run in the woods ..."Don't sweat it" ..."Can I get a tadow?" ..."What did you think of that piece?" ...the pool hall...flippin' the four '93 ..."Where's my car?" ...DS, DF, ORM, EB, BO.TL (Whoomp there it is!),CR,KM,JK,JS,MM,JV. Craig Hamilton: the anchor the anchor, Fititon/led/jenk/ wait, FFFHD, Hazim, Ledbook/Jambook, January 7, LWT 8 #4 (twice), Cafe Asbury, Dominos, FOOL, Jim, $5 fun, O'BRIEN, Abe Lincoln, The old reverser trick, Whatever, Arkansas Orderlies, THE Kingdom, George's Red, Jenkilton, Fitiera, K?, Hey, who's the man, Jenny you got my number - 10984A30 pack, I would like to thank the Dew for getting me through this ...keep in touch. Tom Henwood: Do I row? ...Yes I row!. ..Death to the Fiti's!!...Ode to my family ... Pit volleyball ... NIN CREW ... Henley Party '95 ...{{{Kate}}} ...Skirmish USA=PM,IR,FB,BF,MR,BF,MG ...Ali's favorite Driver ...Forrest, Forrest Gump ... PRIDE ...Git some ... Do you have any plugs Henwood? ...Uni's ...Gentlemen, always a pleasure-Sig ... Ergs bite ...Get into collegeMultiple Proms ... Second Semester Pride!!! Rob Herzog: Thanx Mims,Pips,C#9,J,F,P, and all my boyz ...80/2=? Just say "NOZDOG" ...LU-BEAR; ERB "Dude get off 'em dude!" ...Thanx to all my Glen buds and my Liar "L's" ...LS Lax pride ...P-NUT-J.K. NEV Keep the Tradition ... Thanx C.B.L. and Dar for teaching me more than any school could ... RESPECT. Brad Hill: Thanks to Mom, Dad & my bro Gary for putting up with me, and for helping me out when I needed it. Jason Hill: Thanks Mom and Dad for giving me my education and always being there for me and behind me ... Pookie what's up, you have alot to look forward to, thanks my brother ...Thrup, Rellz, Hope, Ter-Rod, Das Fellas couldn't have done it without you ...Officer - Sir we're not both going to fit - let's tip it. ..MIA. ..Na, don't even go there ...but that's cool...just kickin it!. ..Ya Ice Hockey ... lnseps, Magz ...Sup! Liz...Sup Jimmy, Moms, Pops, Wick, "G". John Hines: IV Horsemen ...BooYaka ...Foelife ...Oh I love 'um ...Shoutouts go out to Ghost McGrath, Jockjerk Meehan, Sparky Reynolds, Strumfels, Dead boy Dempsey ...Chuck is cool...Deuce down Bustleton representing ... B's ain't $8. Brendan Hogan: Thanks to my gamily and friends, Steve, Kevin, Dan ...The Pond ... Flyers rule ... USMC ... Baldi. Steve Hope: To my family - I love you all even though most of the time I don't show it. Thanks for all you've done and for all your support ...Mom, Dad, Coll, Oris, and Tim ...To Da' Boyz - Here's to us and those like us Damn few left ...Hill, T-Rod, Thrup, and Pellz ...lana, 34, EENK, - E.8.0.D ...Keith Pre -12 ...Jake H., Jon 8., Mike C. in O.C., Erik M, John G. in VA Mike Hotz: Noah, Obediah, Jebediah, Stacy,


SPENCER!!!. ..Thanks T.J. and Fike ...l've been shot with the bop gun!. ..Noisy Skirt ...Special Sauce ...What's it gonna be, me or that ham and swiss? ...The answer is Ed McCabe ... l'm the Kool - Aide Kid ... I met the dude, and you ain't him ... l found my funk. Sean Hunsicker: Mattie F....Wiffle ball ...0-Line Pride Wick, Billy D., Jerry K., LuLuBear, and Grebis ...Thanks Mom, Dad, Mike, and Andy. T. J. Hurley: Big Shouts out to all my buddies: Fike, Spencer, Doug, Jay Gaul, Andy Childs, T. Parry (we miss you), Salvi (represent), Sean, Eugene, Shut up Frey, Patty Mullen, all my boys from grade school, Tommy B., Mc Conagy, Casey, Coogie, Michael A. Dooner, the dirty kid, and everyone I forgot...Extra big shouts to my main hombres: Da Skippa, John E., and Jeff Dupee ... Peace to all my foes and sorry to all the people that I've been mean to ... ! love you Elley ... l'm out. Ian Jenkins: Fitijenk, Hi...Chris, Craig, and Keith, "Another walk in the park" ...Warwick Swamp, "Disarm you with a smile" ...Mt. Dew, Hazeem ..."Get out of my world" ...Jenkilton ...Ye Ole Asbury Cafe, Monarchism ...Dark Blue ...the Power Winch!!!. ..Yaaaag!!!!...Senior Week '95 ...Keith's b-day party ...Cheese Breads ...Jen ... Head Like a Hose ... FitiCar ...What a long, strange trip it has been ... Pow Hard ...Thanks Mom, Dad, Brian, and others. Phil Jones: To all the now - sweet crew: T-Bone, Gangepoc, Wu-pal Dan and all BDP ...To all Castor+ Unruh boys PEACE! To SWN, DREN ..Dude what nupies ...Yo Marc were's yo beepa ...Badthroum? ...What accent Dave? Thanx to all my family for supporting me, Mom, Dad, Rory. Bill Juliano: Thanks Mom, Dad, Joe, Christy and Kari for supporting me through these past 4 years ..."La louvre", I worked for my "A" and it wasn't easy!. .."The Mac". Paul Kaufmann: Thank you to Mom, Dad, and all of my friends ..."The Video" ...OH @#*% hold on!!. ..watch the ice... lt's that big green thing ...the board ...you mean my lesson's today? ...lunch? ... No Mr. D, we really did run... Duct it...The Green Hornet...The Tiger Tail ... Cowboy Boots, Belt buckle, hat... I will get my car and run you over. Jeff Keller: DEEP HURTING ... Nick C is gonna be a truck driver ... what's the list up to? ... No more A.P. Physics ... FWICTION!. .. Hi Matt, Erik, D.A., Dan, Dan, Matt, Matt, Paul, Jeff, Scott, Scott, Steve, John, Brian, Lew, Jack, Lang ... United Artists Grant Plaza! : Jen, Amy, Jodie, Kim+ Weezie, 4069 ..Steve, you must know what that means!..Aw, Geez!..Paintball! - Well, maybe not..Dunkaroos, Dunkaroooos - I "hit'' the truck. John Kelly: Thanks to my family and friends, especially BB, JP, ND, CM, the entire "crew'' ..."Fair enough" ..."Put your pants back on!" ...Stone Harbor ..."! could write books about that night'' ...."lt's on" ... "Al - right" ..."C'mon guys, the horse is dead" ...3rd period Dugan ..."Rollin in my 5.0 with the ragtop down" ..."Kelly, it's 30 degrees out!" ..."I did WHAT?!" ..."l'd have a better chance of meeting God!" ..."Angle who?!" ..."I got 215 of you boys in here!" ..."GO UCONN!" Todd Kelly: Toad ...da !oven Man ...you should be payen me!.. .And I have no compass ...And I have no map ...And I have no reasons ...No reasons to get back ...Somedays ...it all adds up and what you got is enough ...Somedays are better than others - U2... Let the beat control your body, vibe & mind ... Peace. Brian Kent: The Left ...all nighters at Tulio's ...Scav Hunt '94 ...No way Brains it smells like mothballs ...Ceasar Caligula ...Magat they're not undercover ... Papa's ...busted on way to Shevlin's ...Jesse's ...Brand ... l really am a sophmore at Georgetown ... lrish Pride ...B.A.B.C ....stay off the G-tow stuff ...the Dead ... Kill ... ! know Mrs. Mandia ...ski trips with Schulze ...Mom, Dad, Kevin, Sean, Erin, I love you all.

Greg Kevane: Mom, Dad, and Aileen Thanks. - T.L., .G., M.F., E.B., B.M., Thanks; Football in the rain; Dad The Family is good ...Mike; Comming out this weekend ... Pat you look like ... Eddie Bis funny ... Murph you can't dance ...Yeah Hockey - P.W. - Yeah Baseball ...Thanks J.P ...Mr. Softy- T.L. .. 8.0. - Lightweight T.Y - L.P. loves me - Mr. Wizzard Soup- M.M. Gerald Kilkenny: Thanks so much for being there: Mc Dad, Suzy, Kristen ... To all the crew its been great...L.8.1...L.S. Footy '95: Cabin 18; 0-Line; LuBear Wick, 8-D, Grebis, Hunts ...Tori at Brennan's ... Hey Magat, Ed, and Bull - Have a Pumpkin ...The Loft ... Halloween '95 ... Paddywagon ...4th cer. W/KMaleec ...Kind cops at Phils game. Douglas Korejko: "Nobody likes you" ...CLS, Thanx to following for keeping my self-respect at an all-time low:T.J., M.F, M.D., F.8., T.B.; Thanx to those that didr threaten t beat me up; To the Mount crew: "Dope!" R.K Exciting? yes, Shut up, Frey; And No, I'm not Jason Gaul. ..K.C., I owe you mas, Hill Kids: Pants. P.S. "Moms, ya done good!" Um ...Pesha? I'd like to give a shout - out to the Funk. To A.C. and Kids ..."! owe you, I have you get all my love." Matthew Kowal: "Boys will be boys, but LaSalle Boys will be ...?"; Yes, Drew, she is a sophmore ...are we all scripture scholars ...never run around in boxers again ..Louie, did you really like bowling ... Ed, Sally wear the pants in your house that's not vague ...Steve G, what's up, it's been a fun 4 + a really high phone bill because of 215 ...Simpson, did you make enough pretzels ...yes, Steve, I can't spell pretzels ...Shmitz, thanks for being there for me ...Frank, you're the man (5:00am wake-up calls) ... Rosemary, thanks for everything mom ...Drew, you're not allowed to talk in fror of Brother Joe ... Drew, nice to show up ...Big Daddy, you're the dude ...Steve, you are the man ...Steve, did yo meet that deadline yet? ...Thanks Mom+ Dad again ...Se ya ...wouldn't want to be ya! Mike Kowalski: This ain't no party ...Tom who? ... Kikis ...Smokes and Blades ... Root ...where are your shoes ...9 1/2 hour plugs ...SMJV8V8? ..uninuni ...soccerfans ...Just Mike ...Soap Opera 4 ...Crimsons ... Did you mention Bonargo? ...Here use my calling card ...Really, I'm not in a mook ... M1 ...Yags-Rusty woon ... Dirty Franchise ... 1,2,3 *?! you woon ...CL Champs 91 92, 93, 94, 95, ? ...MMPMABJEMYTYCWKLAPKLBTKT ...Thanks Karen, John, Brynn, Todd, Meg. Keith Lachawiec: Thanks to you Mom, Dad.Tom + Joanne for putting me thru LaSalle; Steve for being yourself all 4 years; Thanks Mccutcheon for getting me thrown from the library 1001 times; UH Chris+ Dave, What's with yous! To my football boyz, Gene T-Ball, Patty, Di, and the Rest; To all the brains that helped me on the test that I didn't know. To all the good times that I had at LaSalle, even the bad. I'll remember it for the resl of my life. Brian Lang: I'm about to start the ruckus ...Thanks to all of my friends ... Nothing that actually occurs is of the smallest importance. Louis Lanzilotta: Thanks Mom and Dad ...CC, LG,TM, GB, JM ...cripes ...pinch ... Drool time ... Tim Lash: To work hard, live hard, die hard, and go to hell after all, would be hard indeed. Tom Lasky: Thanks Mom, Dad, Brian, Kevin, Johnny ..."Radiator Man" ...Buddy, this is so out of the way ...Rad Racing ...Gourmet chef at RSC ... Friday Night Footy in the Rain ... Nobody dresses like that!. ..Yellow Helmets ...Boys FGK, MF, PG, EB, BM, 80 ...Hockey: CozG,KB,TK,RC,JH,DR,GC,V,BF,MF,VJM,CS, JY, LC, DD, MSJ, OK, GMA, IDTS ...Particularily Nice Weather? ...Nartman's House NYE ... Halpin, I'm HUGE. Keith Ledwith: "It started; it started ..."... Fititon, Fitiwalt, Fitijenk, it's been fun ... FFHFD, Fitirea ...A- plus ...

cilton... Page/Plant... Stones ... Sombrero ... Mountain

v...Hazem ... Fresh 8 ...Junior 8 ...After parties w/ ....Jan. 7 ...The Kingdom ...Whatever ..."Again, Marty old trick!" ... Med-deep dish w/twisty bread ...6 ,....V-ball Monarchs ... Fiti, the bench ...K.R.T., Thanks, 're the best...L.A. Mom & Dad ... R.M.M.C ....Thanks 4 ,rything ...To all my friends: Grow old along w/me! , best is yet to be!

Leonard: Did you get it? ...Girard Ave ... l hate the g ...Captain Jack ...Are you one of us? ...Stone ·bor... Nicaragua ...Big Ed ..... Paintball...Live Conts... 16 ouncers ...The cube ...The spill speech ...3:00 0.C's beach ...Thanks Mom+ Dad ... tt Lewandowski: Sorry Parker, I'm Ferris ...chicken ders ..!catwalks ...godlights ...dancin' on the roof ...turf field ..:eggs ...tire pump? this place has gotten 1e...in MY office ...sidebars ...is that safe MC? ...positive 1egative...yeah more chrome ...we lost LEW!. ..grace with technical knowledge ...JC is no superstar ...to aul, li'I sis corrupt, MM, MC, LG, MD, MF, MG and all LS, Barricade and Brooklyn-Pratt friends: thanks for chance when you doubted me; JN thanks for NAYS being there, I love you ...am I still here all I ,e to do is lick my finger and stick it in the air around ·e would stick to it. ..Let's put on a show ...Ladies and ntlemen: The Band!

hn Lockard: Thanks Mom + Dad ..."Okay guys, real .ny, now where did you move my car?" ...LED FOOT CKARD!..."No! I am not whipped!" ... Mounties equal rg ..."1want my larkness monster back" ...the low rider. ott Long: Thanx and all my love to God, Mom, Dad, n and the rest of my family and friends-Swindy, Bar, ul, Steve and everyone else - special thanx to Brother 1us, FSC ...you broke the aeroplane!...We're Navy :ALs, officer, can't you see our tree branches? ...I ess it could've been worse, Scott ...ok, that's two big ef, three soft, and two hard-get up here, you ys!. ..corner of Glen and Hilltop ...The llama ...Scott, 1ere'syour party wagon? ... REM '95 ...The Ametur 1ja Video I...Button it up, Bone ...oh, this is class? Me • Scott thought it was social hour! ...Steve, you don't ow what that means? ... No, Brother, I won't logout and 1ve...Mrs. Barbieri found that? ...She knows to stay off l road ...What gave him the idea he could call me? ... 13 (suck in) Pfft-sneeze ...4069 ... Hey, Mitsch-Everyone t of here ...Garzon means boy ...Hey, if the Son of God Ilks into the E-Town Blockbuster, I want Him to be ,le to rent a tape on my card ...So it's prog2, just like pn2 ...That Megaweapon, He's one bad-shut yo' )uth ...What they don't know is that I'm loco! ichael Lynch: Jerry lives forever!. ..There are no stakes, only lessons ... Marriage is death!. ..ln order to e you have to risk ...The day I become a yuppie I hope imebody shoots me!. ..Think globally, act locally, save e earth.

iii Lynch: Mom and Dad-thanks a lot-I love ,u...Scavenger hunt...the Loft(Schultze) ...T-Mac's irch ...Santangelo's ...Chorpus Christi. ..CLC l,94,? ...the Loft crew ...the Aquarium ...Sears, Tules, da d, Da-Dude, Thanks ...Carol and Schultze's 1by!!...Magat's-UR the best-Thanks ...Bull and Magat 6 11? ...Funny Comical Lawyer ...Chris and Coll-I love iu ...Clutch, Nut, Shadow, Vermeil, and Bird-keep the ith ...G's Bonfires+ Manny's, JB's week? ...Ben and the her boys ...The memories have been great...Thanks llas. .ichael Mack: Yo Dude ...Big game today!. ..We're )ing to phist 'em ...Thanks Mom, Dad, Ed, John, all my imily especially my grandmother, without her support, 1erewould be no line running at LS., thanks mom1om... Lynch, Mandia, my teammates for all PCL les ... L.S. Footy '95 ...* Thanks to Chrissy Payne for lways being there for me. I love you tons + tons. hris Magarity: Thanks Mom, Dad, Katie, Kevin, & olleen. Phil: What can I say, thanks ...Bull: stay ool...To all my boys: Meat-head, Da-kid, Justin(Baby), ears, Schulze, T. Mac, B. Sela!, J.M ....To the Juniors:

Bird/ Bergin/ Schafle/ P-Nut: take it easy ...Corpus Christi. ..Scav. '94 ...Loft?? ... Blue Rock ...B & 0 and C. King ...To everyone I forgot...Da-Truth ... RueHouse!!. ..Scrup.

John Mallach: "Sup Wuzsup?!" ...#22 ...Scav Hunt '94 ...Halloween '95 ... Da' INC Ride ... Def Comedy Jamin' all night...Corpus Chrisi...Bells ...Da' Loop ...Schlize's Loft ..."Undefeated Northern Division Champs - to all who didn't believe, who's talkin' #*?# now!" ...Yo Curc ...Shelly"We Boyz!" ...Big up to the whole crew!. ..Mom, Dad, Kyle, Pat, Moria, and Ror, Thanx!. ..Love ya!...l'm out, Malik! Tim Maloney: "One" ...The loop ...Seatracing '95 ...For who? For Whar ...ETP ...Volleyball...lt's not my house ... Ergs ...The Hill. ..Thanks Mom, Dad, Kate, and Kristen ...Springfield Police ...C-ya AB,PM,JE,BT,MK,TE,AB ..."Yeah, they're gone, come over." Brandon Mandia: Thanx Mom, Dad, Fara .... l hate that tent...Magat-#1 soccer fan ... Shadowboy, Bobcat, Nev.Trouble-stay cool... T-Mac, remember my million $ ...Pass the Visine ...Late Night bathroom session on the beach ...Schlitz, don't burn the loft down ...wearing shades on the golf course ...Cherp,cherp,cherp !!!. ..Scavenger hunt...l really am a good driver ... Phil-last of the Mohicans ...The aquarium will never die ...Yackin' at Papas ...Senior Week, baby!!!. ..Meat loves balloons ... Reality is the worst...Thanx to all my boys for 4 great years, don't anybody change. Mike Mastroieni: To my family, thanks for all of your love and support, Joe, Jenna, my grandparents and all the rest. ..A special thanks to my mother, Jeanette, who assisted me every step of the way ...To my friends I extend the same appreciation ...Jeff: ''Thanx for the food!", all those late night labs, encouragement and getting me to run ...Paul: "Where did Paul go?" ...thanx for your humor, our friendship and those '1wo hot dates!" ...George: buddy, our friendship has held together the longest and I hope that remains far into the future. I owe you alot, you helped me through some tough situations, and because of that, I think of you as a brother. Who knows, we may someday join in business; share an office and an ice sculpture. By the way, "Whose gonna' drive to the CPA exam? My car or yours?" ..."A sink, two girls and croutons, ain't life great!!" ..."5-H's" ..."Click,Click" Shaun McCormac: Irish Pride ...Mac ...Thanks to Parents and Friends for helping through the years, in and out of school...Mike 0., come on now get real...Nebraska, I'll get back to you, I'll meet you there ...JNLLL. ..Hey, buddy ... He said ...Shorty, Bemme ... lt's known that I must mess up once a day ...H.H Dan McDonald: I'd like to thank my family, friends, and teachers, for putting up with me ...couldn't have done it without you guys ...One love to WS, ES, & JM ...its all good in da' hood!...Tulio and McGorvy ...NY City represent, represent!. ..To my many other great friends whom I didn't mention, youz know who you are. Sean McErlean: Na mean ...Dude ...BDP ...The pond ... Bernstein ...Wayne, you better Bleavit...CCP ...KTP represent...Nick C has 5 on it...NE homies : EZ, Neal, Part, Lips and Matt D ... Pat McGinley: If you add homeroom and the 5 minutes between each or your classes, you get the 45 minutes you're supposed to spend on homework every day ...Latina mortua non est dum Magister vivit. ..#17 boy ...Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow. Tom McGoldrick: Thanks : Dad, Mom & Tim ...GB,CC,BF,LL,LG,PB - proud to be your bud ...Cripes!. ..Knowing is half the battle. Matt McGrath: IV ...C. Sparky ...J. Gump H ...T.GR8 Moe ...Lester ...You know what you are!...Always TLP ...The roaring in the halls shall now cease ... LaSalle will never be the same ...Butch Patrick will never die!!! ...Thank you for your everlasting support.

Joe McKeone: Welcome to the underworld ... DD "2 - it's been fun, when's the next hockey game? ...Hosoque ...K Mart (114) ...Murph, you're a dork ...Sprechen Sie Deutsch? ...gym footy ...Kathleen, I love u!...is it summer yet? ...Thanks Mom & Dad, KF,DD,JB,DR,DD,RF,MS,EL,BC,TW,AB,BM. Tim McManus: Mom, John and family - thank you, I love you guys ..to all my boys ...Wo!. ..You've made my experiences unforgettable, even though I don't remember them all...Woodstock ...the loft ...bonfires ...bukata's ...blue rock ... Bonargo's #1 ... Bunny's late night...back porch ...shore times ...''I was you once" ...Buwson's ... ridin' that bike ...the blizzards ...ski trips ...concerts ... scav. hunt...all that's to come ...good luck to all!...Also, special thanks to Mrs. S Matt McMullin: Thanx Mom, Dad, Chris, CPD, DiBombs, Erby, Zog, TM, PB, MW, Mac, AA, TO, JT, JN, AM ..."Sparty Dude" (GE) ... Friday's at Al's ... SICBP 95' ...3101 central/4209 central Dan Meehan: 000000! Navy Seals!. ..What am I, your chauffeur? ...Tom, show me how to do this ... Tim, you're also lrish ...Jock jerk? I'm Doink ...Shut up, Strumfels ... What do you want to do? ...Thanks Mom and Dad Erik Mitsch: Mom, Dad - Gratitude and love to you both ...A. Freud? Nah ...l still love you!. .. Bro. Linus F.S.C. - Thank You ... l did learn it when I was knee high to a grasshopper ...The Video!. ..B. Lang - P.S.U. and chilly apt's! Wefunk!. ..Swindex - D.Q? ... Mrs. Barbieri found that? ...What they don't know is that I'm loco!. .. 4069!. .. Dooner - uh ...booty? Now look as shady as possible ... Brace - DEEP HURTING! That Megaweapon ...he's one bad ...Kenny!!. ..Bar - back seat of the BMW? ...The Loveable Llama: Mail from CHRISTJ; 10:22: "Stand up and speak my name!" ...lt's not the Apocalypse, it's the humidity ... You guys watch Joe Don Baker movies? ..."So I'm God now"-RJR ... Donut? ... Look at the bubbles! ... D.A. - Coke and Cherry Slurpees? ... Cserve Chat...{{{SA, bleh, lexy, etc.}}} ...And to all who I forgot, such as the teachers, M.L., S. McE, Lew, Serial Keller, Rogan (in cars), the Chinese kung-fu guy, P.K., and the rest...lT'S JUST NOT FUNNY ANYMORE!! Dan Monoghan: Thanx to all my family and friends who supported me and put up with me and to God ... B.D.P., ECW, LDF, Wu-Pal...Dude What? ...Sweet V-Ball ...Blah Lulu Andrew Morell: Mom, Dad, Matt, Liz, Mike, Chris Thanx, I Luv U - To Ma Boyz, Dos Fellas ...J.H., D.W., S.H., D.R., M.S., M.M., J.T. - Much love guys! Hey A.K .... I believe, I believe, oh you know the rest...AML Sunshine! - Roada ...the platform ...ski trip '94 ...Al's 2nd floor deuce ... Rogie Rew ...Bu Gak Gak ... Rude-dog ...wave runners??? ...T-bell,Da!...Hey Wick ...Nah, Nah Man Not Me!...Chest Paint @ McDirt ...Golf Outings ... FOUR! ... To Al & Wick, you're the greatest; All MY LOVE ...Hey A.K.'member 4-29-94 and you in the moonlight...July 21 ... lifeguard shack - "And like that I'm gone" -Trey Peace & Love - A.M. Anthony Morrow: Get off it!. .. For Real Real ... my parents give me my clothes ...we're in N.J ....quart of grape! ...! eat so much!. .. Range balls! ... left. right up the?!. ..for real, its okay that you don't like girls ...you gots lets gizo!. ..Ritas yaa!..Sea Isle City Summer 95!. ..ReRe!. ..Shut it!. ..Super stainer ... Eat it!...Thanks to my best friends D.F., C.F., J.V., C.H., D.S., and all the rest of my friends, I'll miss you guys!...Thanks to mom, dad, and the rest of my family, I love you! Matt Mullen: THE VIDEO: "Oh, thanks! What the heck am I supposed to do with this?" ...Master Ninja Theme Song ...Manos? ...ERRRRR!! ...Are those curb feelers? ...Kauf, let me sit in the Hornet... WAAAAGAAAA!!. ..Thanks to everybody who helped me along the way. Pat Mullen: Scavenger Hunt '94 ...PW Gigs ...Boogs every weekend ... Halloween in D-Town ...K&K Cut. ..Da Hoover ...Hoops ...Old Jetta ... Blunski's marathon ...Nati


Light...Mac&Canada '95...Curci - where are you?...Daspot...Houses balcony game...Shore trip from hell...P hopping...Sins before Stotes...T.E. I am huge...Thanks Mom, Dad, Marijo & Colleen, see ya' later.

who's your favorite?...555-5785...Method man...the captain...LS X-country - onto another era!... lt's been real­ literally.

Bill Murphy: Halloween 1995...Nice dress Pat and

support you've given me...Mike, I couldn't ask for a better brother, thanks...Jim T., bestfriends for life...ML sold me out hard...Me, Dan, and Biggie, Broncos every SAT, Thanks fellas... Kenny 0, I'll see you in the NBA...Danny Adam, never forget you buddy...Sean O'Donnell, I've never met a nicer guy, stay strong and be yourself... Much love and thanks to all of you.

Ed..."Radiator Man" ...1994 PCL Baseball Champs Thanx Parisi, BT, Teddy..."Hey, we go to Gold's"... "Hmmm"...Thanx Pat G., Eddie B., Kevane, Farrell, Kelly T....Luv ya Mom, Dad, Mike, Katie..."He is your Boy!!"... "Hey, Farrell, ya want to go out tonight-oops-sorry-forgot about Gunn?"...B.C. Bound...All-mighty Whitey Volleyball..."Hey Pat-one word-'PJs"..."Eightball"...Snaps is the name of the game..."Seriously!!"..."He gets chicks"...Sammy-Ball...AC Track...Savio...Farrell­ remember the "Double Wave" Bill Newhart: "Billhart"...Shut up, Adam!...Alanis is

God!...Thanks to the following : Mom, Dad, Sisters, Brother, Rob, Friends (even you Adam), enemies, teachers, and everyone else...A special thanks to Bro. Linus : One teacher can make a difference. Sincerely, Boy #18...Blah, blah, blah...Doug, stay out of pizza hut...to the class of '96 - don't let anything stand in your way, go for the Gold, and when you get there, how about giving me some...Sean - stay strong!...Uh, ba-bye...Hail LaSalle we praise thee... Mike Ochmanski: Thanks Mom, Dad and the rest of you

guys... Grandmom you're the the best...Meg 110894... Corsica?...Brennan's pickup...Yellow Nova-whew!...No, I don't have any change...why me...are you with me...where's Keith?...Sweet...He's my boy!... KL, ES, CG,BO,DD ,DM,NC,PJ,CMG,JS,GG,KF its been real...TBird...it wasn't me...Can I get a ride...Corsica (*#c... The fat lady has sung...Peace, Auf Wiedersehen. Tom O'Connell: Mom & Dad-thanks for everything, I

appreciate it, Love you...Best wishes to the LSXC!TF gang...AA,JPC,MM,JFT,JUG,BAND,BJ Kerrday, Joey P, GB, Mark...Once a cabin boy, now a bungalow 9 man...Funny-Look what I found on the floor...That's believable, Kerr...Tate-You hear that, listen...Go to college Blasi...Puppetshows...l'm an animal...You'II never get me...Al-you ready.

Sean O'Donnell: Eh? Sure?...And a ooh that's good and a ooh that's nice...Speedy hot wheels...Anyone going to the first floor...Ouch, Somethin' bit me...my legs are killing me today Bill Oehler: Thanks Mom, Dad...Malfy, Doc, Skunk, Murphy, Gara, Kim-chee, Spoerle, Vern, Sears, Flame, Gradel, Savo, Bergertime, Riley, Fitz, Cole, Bobby J, Zorawski, Billy boy, Sweets, Norm, Rodog, Staks, Biff, Caesar, Silvio, Howdy Doody, Cool GL, Neary Joff, Roe, McVey, Caldwell, McGwynn, JJ, Princess, Clark, Regis, Biggy, Homeboy, Riped..."Youngbuck 'till I die!"..."Who's your daddy?"...Fox Chase!!

Jim Parella: Thanks Mom and Dad for all of the love and

Anthony Penzarella: Hey Dog, Woon, Sell out,

Bird..."Dirty V"...Cha Bon!...Can somebody pick me up?...Pancakes at Yaegel's ...Tri-meet Gig '95...Rusty's Morning Grin..."5th hole?!"..."No mom, I'm an athelete I don't do that!"...My House Winter Dance...Poppin' Popcorn...Where's Yaegel...Woon, put that away..."Why can't everyone leave me alone?"...Frosh light 8..."What's up Doc?" ...Scrubstitute...LS Swimming, 4 years of glory...Black label...V-mid-4 '95,"Does Toe Coach?"..."I keep a list!"..."No, I didn't get my liscence!"...Dad, Thanks for letting me graduate...Mom, Keep sticking to your guns...Danielle, HG pride, see ya' there!...Nick, LaSalle Pride, be there!... l love you all, I'm outta here! Craig Petruzzelli: Thanks for everything Mom and

Dad...PD,TO,AA,MK,JP, MS,JT,MB,GB,GS,ND...Prep State Champs ...LSXC ...it was a great four years. Dodd Pfeffer:

MM,LP,GJ,PR,MJ,LP,BE,HJ,KG,KVH,EL,CC,SO,TH,DR...Thanks to all of you ... l love you Mom, Dad, and Sandy ... Boston. Josh Piskai: Thanks Mom, Dad, Mike, Bri, all my friends especially the crew... KVH,JK,BH,BE,MM,CC...Stone Harbor, 'Nuff said...3rd period Dugan!...11/12/94...8/8/ 95...Mark's on the Roof?...My left!...DOP...Rollin' in John's 5.0... lt's on... Hells yeah...Juan Man, Balls, Big Gulps huh?... Greatful Bear Lives!...Live, Mountain Man. Mike Pratowski: The end...Confessions...Mr. Gavin's

class...Glen Posse...What? 3 times...and a Mistic...Wow...The hunt is on...Tanks are everywhere?!...Thanks

Dave Rambo: Thanks Mom, Dad, Niki & Liz for all of

your support, lots of love ... Thanks Das Fellas, Hill, Rells, Trup... l love Liz...2nd floor B-room 3rd Period...Ornies with the boyz...EBOD... "Sorry fellas, already got plans with Liz." Chris Reynolds: IV Horsemen

Paul O'Hara: So, guys, what did you think about that

piece...You can just drop me off right here...Mike McGovern gave it to me...Yo, we're boys...10 dollars wasted...you egged my little sister...do you remember me...can I sit here...thanks Mom, Dad, Mike, Jae, and John.

Dan Rogan: Royale with cheese...The video at Barbieri's house...MST3K...Paul's car (the Green Hornet)...Left, Right, Status Quo...Ray?!..."So Matt, how's your sister?"..."Manos the Hands of Fate" ('nuff said)...Sassy!...The infamous Philly trip...Deep Hurting...NATAS in Spanish class..."Call me jefe"... lnfor­ mer!...Ed Wood's "Plan 9 from Outer Space"...ln the darkroom with Mitsch (In cars!)..."The horror, the horror''..."Hey loser! Take off, eh"..."No sir, I didn't see you playing with your dolls again"..."Push your chairs in gentlemen"

Kenny Orange: Thanks to all my family and friends who

Ian Ruegg: Ferdberg...Tommy, Billy, Fegs, Canada­

supported me through the years...Much love to Senayish Addes, Jim Parella, Dan Amoroso, Dan Adam, and the rest of the gang...much love & respect to Danyl Jowes & Salena Shinault for being true friends throughout the years. Mike O'Shaughnessy: Thanks and love Dad, Mom,

Kath, Lee...Can I get back to you...Macdaddy...Yo T.S., "Are you lrish?"... 1'11 meet cha' there...Nebraska..."No, I don't cut my hair with the Flow-B"...Macdaddy, SM, JA, BN, DK-good luck. Joe Palmieri: Mom, Dad, Danielle, Jim - I love you

all...Mr. Devine thanx for everything...Bungalow #9 Tom, Al, Craig, Kerrdog, Jim, Matt B., "Butch", Colin, and who else...Coach Blasi...GB, GS, MS, MMCM, Groove for me Gil, Jim, how many do I deserve now?...Mark,


Henley '95...Mid-4 National Champs...LL,AP,MN,SQ, Thanks to everyone out there-it's been fun...Thanks Mom & Dad and everyone else who helped out along the way. Paul Ruppel: Thanks Mom and Dad, I love you

both!... lt's not that I listen too slow, girls, it's that you talk too fast!...Show me a good loser and I'll show you a loser...Procrastination makes it happen...Live rules!!!... Hey fellas, it's been "festive"!...Thanks Adam and Mike, you guys are awesome...Bring on the "real" world! George Saitta: Thanks Mom, Dad, Nick ...A special thanks to you Mom for undying encouragement...Thanks Kar-I love you!...GEE, "What's doing this weekend?"... Craig-keep on running...Paul- do the line dance faster for "Fara" is awaiting...Jeff-"Why are the

seats in the Volvo getting hot?"...Mike, "Rember as friends we should never grow apart, but closer to sup each other as buddies in the future...Who knows we might both work as CPAs under the same bussiness someday...Work hard in accounting and at the start o· class STAND AT ATTENTION!" ..."You know I was reading somewhere..." ..."She's the secretary!"..."Heid Heidi, Heidi...come on!"..."Excuse me ladies, do you smell something, because I am the #@$&!"..."Two gir sink, croutons, need I say more!"...Thanks-Mr. T, Mr. Stans, Br. Richard, Br. Romano, Br. Joe K., Dr W.S.P and Mr. Dolan!..."Best of luck Class of '96"..."Grandpc R, thanks for protecting me and keeping me on track from above!" Mike Salvi: "La Gosa Nostra"...MSC...Phat shouts to

Skip, TJ, Dooner, Eckert, Lu-Bear, Scoop, Childs, Mc Doog, Eugene (Richmond represent), Mal, Jones, Ma D., Pat B...Fish ... (too many names, if you were really down you know who you are)...X-tra thanx to Tulio for best 3 weeks of my life... ltaly '95 ...Mom & Pop ...Good luck Jer & Lisa. Justin Santangelo: Mom and Dad thanks...Joe and

Dana I love you...Scav Hunt '94...Yo Da Dude...What' happening Baby...My tex boys...the kind cop...Blue R< hiking "trips"...Thanks for the loft Dave...Span I with G man...Thanks to all my boys-TM, PC, JM, DS, CM, B� Hard time with Sears...Lets go Flyers

Mike Sasso: Thanks to Mom, Dad and Adam for pulli me through...to the fellas-James, Thrup, Andy, Jay...Skins Lester, Relz, Albert...Halloween drag quee and Kramer... Butch go buy fries...Yaglensm!...I got an elevator key...Uh, breakfast with Relz... l love Anne Marie...Slow down!!...19:03...Nice shirt Gil...Craig, sto asking questions...Hockey at Warrington...Go Workhorse...labwars...Tweedle dumb & tweedle dumber...l want Chicken Soft Tacos!...Good Luck everyone! David Schulze: Thanks to Mom, Dad, Keely, Katie ar all the fellows for the strangest 4 years...Please burn t loft!...The trip members at Blue Rock...Tim back porch...Bunny house...Dancin' in the loft?...Colorado '95...Scav '93 to all the criminals...oh yeah, thanx MOJO...Thanx for all the rides to Al's. Dan Sears: Impossible w/out Mom, Dad & Family ... Funny comical lawyer ... Santangelo ... God blef the slo kidz ... hard time with Justin ... Summer of '95... Chaffle, Ruhouse, DDB, Scrup ... Loft ... Bonargo's vase ... Lynch? ... Spcl thanx Mr. Coggins, Mr. Evans, M1 Garvin, Ms. Dugan, Dr. D'Angelo, Mrs. Maher & Mr. Diehl...Where's my face? ... Santangelo ... Ah, Catherine thanx for a, well, you know ... 1'11 see you guys at the Top ... Sears and Galardi at Mixers. Louis Serra: Hangin' in da' Hood...Crusin' on Ridge ... Nicaragua ... Henry Avenue Quarter Mile ... Soutl Philly ... Driving the Z34 .. .Wildwood weekends ... Playing pool in the Crib ... Andorra Shoping Center .. . McDonald's ... ER! ... Houston Playground ... Roxborough rules! Sacheen Shah: Thanks Mom, Dad and Sonal for your support ... MA and AD-keep lookin' for them girls ... LaSa football 1995 #1 ... Grebis's bonfire ... l'm not asking too many questions, am I? Drew Sharkey: BTD!..."Ms. Shustack, is this a timed

t?"...Grossman: "Behave!!" ... BK is a scripture 1olar..."A sophomore Kowal?" ...Yo Homer!. .."Hey, Mrs. 1isciak...Nooow" ...GD Physics ..."Rotate on it"...Thanks T ..."Brother Joe, it was not me!" ...Ms. Shustack, not >ther"F" ...Brother Frank ...My Brother is a real !$%..."Who turned off those lights, B. 1n?"..."Bernie, is that a new tie!" ...Shark Doggy J ...GD Turk ...Mullen & T-rey is Rogan ..."Hotz took the ses" ... I need a pen? ...Lichtner's keys ...See ya'!. ..Jon, ; Donahue said "50 pretzles" ... Flounder like the new >ke!...8 PCL's ...Steve, you volunteered me for what? 1 Simpson:

Mom, Dad thanks for everything ... No Tie, I'm not cheating ...Swindy, we're in the oncoming e of Broad Street...Hey, Bernie, Merry Christmas ...So at if I did break the aeroplane ... Blah,Blah,Blah #23 , ...Sharkey, where's my bag? ... Funkdat...Keller, what , your hair? ...Yes Brother, no I won't logout and ve...Mitsch donut...Dan, get a locker ...Mr. O'Toole, I 1t to be a student...no, Mr. Bond, I expect you to ...Too damn vague ... DA, JB,SG,LG,EM,MB, JK,PK, SS,JM,DS,MM Bye-bye

n Sinese: Dear Mom, Dad, Family and Friends, nks for all your help and support throughout these 4 trs...T.oo C.ool. ..T.C ....Tyrrells - Droprack brothers. n Sinni: New Lid ... 1 to 1 ratio in effect...Gavin's P... Melrose Society ...What does your mean? ... Da )Ves ...Scavenger Hunt '93 ...Road Trips ... U.S. V-Ball 1ad...C.R. Phenies ...Just woke up with the bare :entials... High Rides ...War wagons on my lawn ...Low ,file, Guys ...Thanx Mom, Dad, and Chris 4 believing in

tt Skipper: First & Foremost, I'd like to give the atest of thanks to my moms and pops. Next- I send all love to my girl, A.S.H .... Big ups out to my friends T.J., m, Chris E., Dylan W., & Danielle S ....l'd like to send ,ut outs to Salvi, Mack Nutz, Zok, Jeff D, Lu-Bear, Jina, The entire East Coast (Represent) & to all the >piewho dissed me for being me - Peace 1 Strumfels:

IV ...Speak when%*! spoken to ... ls that tct....Are you lrish ... lf you're man enough to do it...l id a Blankarf ...Chuck is the Dark Jedi. ..You know at you are!...Noooo!. ..DM,MM,JH,BD,CR,TW, and BN what's wrong with LaSalle ...Hey Doink, Hey Ghost, I Sparky, Hey Gump ... It's funny as hell. ris Sweeney: Mom, Dad, Kendall, Kirsten, thanks for ,rything, I love you!. ..Yo Mack, big game today ... vson - way of the future ...Where's the empties? ... irve ...30-30 club ...Well now M-M-Marc.

>tt Swindells: THANX Mom, Dad, Greg, Samantha, .D., Liz, Schwarz, Cooter, Baron von E, Llama, 1upy, Leaf ... l love you Nickie ...Has anyone seen my ty Wagon? ...You Broke the Aeroplane!. ..Luke )ne ..l say 'Yo Jon D' ...The Keller in me is the Keller in 1••• Mrs. Shannon fan club ...COOTER: what about the nkey's on Saturday morn? ... Funk IS it's own reward ... ·zon means boy ...BARON: What they don't Know is t I'm loco (The Film) ...Clutch ...God Funk us, Everyone LAMA: Coulda been worse, re: "Notso Long" ...Mrs. bieri found that? ... 1-2-3- (Suck in) pfft sneeze ...Big if? Hard? ...What gave him the idea that he could call ? ...We're Navy SEALs, officer - can't you see our tree nches? ...Oh, this is class? Me an' Scott thought it was ial hour ...Throw a button on it, Bone ...Hey, if the Son :lod walks into the E-Town Blockbluster, I want him to able to rent a video on my card ...friends are always re to make it worse ... Life ain't nothin but a good ove-a good mixed tape to put you in the right mood. ~ene Szymanski: Much thanks go to my loving ther, father, and sister Karla ...More love to my 2 best ·s: Chris E. and Jeff N...Where's Pat? ...Dock .Football '95 ...props to L-Balls, Jnb,PC,PB,CS,BG,BD, Lu-Bear,SH,JK (thanks for the wers),DW,DF,BC,SS,MM ...Chris, when's ~h?...Catch me a pigeon ...Jeff Night, stay real and ,e ...Sub-Zero ...Ocean City ...South Philly ...CHAMPS 95 ...Goodnight, holme.

Jim Tate: Dear Mom, Dad, Faith, Rich, Jen, Maria, Jessie, Becky, Jo-Jo, Dave & the Katherinator : I love you ... Butchy!. ..Yo Thrup ...Andy, where are you? ...the SC ...Bungalow #9 ..."lf you can't be the best, try hard to be the very worst" ...Stupid Dog ... Port-0-Potties ...the burning stove & the floor slide ...TC, JC,JP,NJ ... l love St. Joe/Bob's, Warrington & life on the farm ...Tom, you hear that? ...puppet shows ...Virginia ...Tommy, Al, Craig, Matty ...lab wars. Jeff Truitt: Magic Bus, FTP, Dez Nutz, Slim, Fish, Lu Bear, Benito, Guru, C&O ... How's your head? ...Jimmy Vadudo ...Always a pleasure ...White trash ...Me and Keith always Gold ...CW ...400 free relay ...Que lude ... Lulo, you got 5th free? ...Em, median O ...Kelly Drive/Autobon ... KG and the cloud car (RIP) ...Annie and the Shine ...Thanks Mom and Dad ...OJ's guilty! Brian Trymbiski: This is dedicated to the ones I love: Joe T., Emily, Joe SR., Pat, and the rest of the clan ..."I own you" ...Fatone, Mulls, Eeks, Mahoney's, Jimmy V., Bunny, Kid, Philly-Phil, Ben, Maleek, Crystal-Smith, Schaff, Clerkin, "Marty-Doc", Capt. Curci. ..New Year's ... Saggy's October Gigs ...Trymbiski's on Fox!. .."Hello, my name is Matt and I am a motivational speaker." ...Skip, Mrs. C., Lulu, Pratowski. ..Trips ... Halloween '93everybody's at the beach!. ..The bull, McGooty, Bundon, Sears, ODB, "Lucy", Verutisac, Erb, Glitz, Schaff-dog ... "Toledo did it"..."Ok, r u with me?" ..."OK - Dave" ... Trymbiski, you're going out the window ... Na-na- it's cool...Finally, I've been introduced to the loft ...Can I pay for this tank of gas in change? ...And to all my girls, you'll see me again on the richest men in the world list...love and peace and hairgrease to all! Mike Tulio: Thanks to all the fellas DS,JS,TM,DSC,PL, BM,MCD,BS,MS,PC, BG,JV,CM, and everyone else who's down ... Mom, Dad, Jet, Alexis and all my Big Bros. I luv you & thanks ...Scavenger hunt... Boro Boy Gizzy, Gizzy ...Mob & I on the ledge ...Magat, let's Christining da' house ...G's Bonfire ...Chillin' at the loft ... T Mac's Porch ...Salvi-ltaly '95 "Yes, OK, yes, OK" ... Thanx Cleary ...'Bout dem trains ...Sleeping at Schulze's ... McD my boo, NYC!. ..Luv my boys who made it all. Peace. Wes Tuscano: Dad love you ...Mike, Vincent, Boom ...Why me ...Car insurance ... Reptiles ...Smile!. ..Mike, thanks for everything ...No matter what!...Whistle ... Come here ... Friday the 13th ...Chenzo ...Succeed ...keep it alive ...Dad, you never led me wrong, I will be by your side ...Thanx Haitian, JB, JV, AS, JT, PL,PC, BC and the rest of '96 Kevin Van Haute: Did you get it?...Girard Ave ... l hate the Borg ...Captain Jack ...Are you one of us? ...Stone Harbor ... Paintball...Live ... l love ereh ...the cube ...the spill speach ...Spectrum Parking lot...12-17-94 ...Thanks to my friends ... Hey Beth, my hat is backwards because I can't see. Greg Ventresca: Slim, Fish, Jeff ...87 vaut, eeon, view, bow down ...0.4 seconds ...Gadsby-l've got one word"Fish" ... I wouldn't wipe my *** with the scorecard ...Paprika ...At least I didn't get pinned ... '95 PCL champs ...3-17 ...Mr. Self Destruct...FTP/FAC ...Good luck Ryan ...Hi Cookie ...Thanks Mom, Dad, Dick & Susan, I love you all. Jim Venuto: Thanks Mom & Dad ... Love ya' Fishy, JT,MT,DM, Dizzy ... For real, Stop! Gavin Villacorta: What are you talking about Willis? ...The tall dufus with the red shirt ...Riverside Billards ...Jr. Prom a disaster ...white fisher rats ... bungy jumping ... lced Mochas ...Fantastic Voyage ...The Quest is on? ...Thanks to BK and WW for all the encouragement and support ...to the Cruz's for being my 2nd family ...to VB, our bond will never break ...to Mom and Dad for all the sacrifices and for being patient with me ...to Pam, I don't know where I would be today without you ...Thank you for always being there for me. I will always be in debt to you ... l love you all.

Trevor Vogt: To my boyz Nadnerd Nagoh, Nad Nahganom, & Tap Ekrub .. .Dude what? ...Sweeet Vollies ... Don Don ... BDP-Burke pac, Gamedog ...Feel...Monapac & Bernstien. Chris Walters: Thanks to Mom, Dad, Jodi, and George for finding the mystery of the quotient...One less bit you have to worry about...Fiti-Walt, Jen K, Led, Ton, Car, Dew, Rhea ...Woon, Dirty, Yags, Sellout, Hillbillie, Odie, Killeeeeeee ...Zepp, Stones ...Jungle in showers, the talk about those who are whipped ... Plugg, Swamp, 5th hole, Houses of the Holy ...Notes in Espanol...Ratings ... 1996 Varsity Eight...Oh to touch the dreams. hides inside and never seen, yeah. Chris Weinacht: Oh, I'm sorry, did I break your concentration ...So guys, what did ya' think of that piece? .. .Why not? ...Le Louvre ...Dude what? ...Thanks for all the support Mom, Dad and Paul. Matt Weldon: Nicknames: Ice cream, Whopper, Sticks Tom White: I drops bombs like Hiroshima ...U can't cross out an X ...Step to the heat and get burnt like mesquite ... l'm done now Mom and Dad, can I go back to sleep now? ... Kravt ... EFH Dave Wickersham: 64 forever ...Thanks Mom, Dad, Jim, Andrew, "G" ... Much love to Das Feliz: Hill (Jenny; 4) Rellz, Ter Rodd, Les, Jimmy?, Buch .... MIA? ...Lapper Officer ...Sir, there is no way we are both gettin' in there ...My boy Mickey!. ..Say what you want, but spell my name right...Whatever ... Naa man, not me ...Yes, I am a professional window washer ...Wick ...Thrup ...7-0 ...0-line pride ... l love it...High speed chase w/MJ ... Sup Ma Hill, Pa Hill, Pookie + Magz ...SAM : Season Dedication ...Love to da team ... #1 PCin ... l am an excellent driver ... lP ...that ain't me ... Dismount... Unbelievable ...75-71-53-62-67-64 ...Max who? ...Das Boys!. ..PCL Champs-We ain't no fluke ...Mom and Dad thanks 4 everything and believing in me ...What Dance? Mike Wilkin: Thanx for everything Mom, Dad, Tim, Ter-1 love u... lts been a great 4 years, thanx to all my friends for everything ...Gimme the ball, I want the ball!. ..Tucker ate what? ...Baseball '96, it's our turn ...Thanx Mr. Parisi, Mr. Jackson for all your help, you're the greatest...SG, KC you're the best, love you forever. Mike Wilson: Thanks Mom, Jerry, Dad, and Christy ...Laire G's ...MG's FYU ...50's at McM's. Tom Yaegel: Keith? ...GA 500 baby ... No, I was just getting a CD out of my car ...Out on Yaegel's porch ...Wooon-get your license dirty ... l never sell...Have a nice-Practice!. ..Frank Lick-showers!. ..Open your eyes, Rusty dog ...ls it Mike or John ... l hate when I see old ladies driving better cars than I ever will ...l'm gonna' burn this place down ...Gughh Yaglenski...LP Happy Thanksgiving ...Y' know ...Why does my jacket say manager? ...RAD-Buddy 0' ... Pit volleyball...Molly is Mat Paprika? ... Mom, Dad, Terri, Thanks so much...LP,CW,MY,RF,AP,EB,SD,JMK,PG,BM,TL,MF,GK,KPS, see ya'!. ..Look out world, here I come!. ..LS Swimming CLC 84-? Matt Yaglenski: Thanks and love to Mom, Dad, the brothers ...? back for me shower dirty Walters ... U. Plug? ... 1,2,3 *U Woon ... UGH Bird .. .Where's Tom? WI LP ...TMC Come visit-2:30 ...Jenk Led Ton Shower dance GA 500 ...Walk in the park ...Warwick Swamp ...Poppin Popcorn ...SHLUPRP!. ..Hey song ...White Castle fries ...fitimanager ... Backstage Pass. Keith Youse: Thanks Mom and Dad and Uncle Charlie ...Jim, Bren, Gav, Fay; it's been fun but I gotta go ...Keep on pezzin, Jim and Bren!. ..lt's lightning time for me!. ..Kraut, Gratz, Was ist los mit dir? ...John - get out!. ..Yo, Dez, see ya, have fun on the farm ... Bye, everybody - I'll miss you all!!


Abbott, Michael Adam, Dan

64, 182

82, 142, 148, 149, 200, 202 Adamow, Wayne 82, 202 Adams, John 82, 201, 202 Adams, Keith 64 Ahern, Bro. Timothy 20, 37 Alber, Jim 72, 182 Alcantara, Mark 54 Alexander, Mark 64, 152 Alfarano, Marc 64 Alken, Patrick 54 Alonso, Matthew 54 Amachi, Obi 54, 144,

175, 194, 195, 196 Amin, Mehul 72, 198, 199 Amoroso, Daniel 83, 202 Anderer, Bro. Michael 81 Andris, Michael 54 Andruczyk, Eric 64 Appleby, Brian 83, 202 Appleby, Douglas 64, 171 Arenberg, Justin 54, 175 Arobone, Anthony 83, 202 Atkinson, James 54 Au, Alex 82, 168,

169, 194, 195, 196, 197, 200, 202 64, 167, 196

Au, Andrew

Badolato, Kevin 72, 79, 168 Badolato, Patrick 54, 168, 195 Baer, Mrs. Marie 43 Ballay, William 82, 202 Balshi, Stephen 72, 192, 193 Baraniewicz, Brian 54 Barbato, Christian 64, 171 Barbera, Thomas 82, 202 Barbieri, Jeff 83, 148,

194, 195, 196, 197, 200, 201, 202 34, 79, 142 "-.\ Barnes, Daniel 54, 190 ~ Barnes, Matthew 54 ~ Baros, Bojan 49 ~ Baros, Ognjen 49 ' Barrett, Mrs. Jennie 44 Bartkowski, Thaddeus 64 Bartley, Andrew 24 -..... " - Bartowski, T.J. 195 ............._ Batavick, Andrew 54 Barna, Mr. Thomas


Bathgate, Bradley 54 Bauder, Jeffrey 83, 141, 202 Bauer, Anton 24 Bausman, Brian 54 Baxter, Donald 83, 184,

186, 201, 202 Beaty, Sean 54, 198 Beck, Lloyd 64, 198 Becker, Daniel 64 Bednarek, Joseph 72,

198, 199 Behl, Daniel 54 Behr, Evan 54, 183, 189 Behr, James 47 Beletsky, Joseph 64 Benante, Mark 64, 171, 183 Bene, Rocco 120 Bergen, Andy 186 Bergen, Ferdinand 84, 184, 202 Bergin, Sean 72, 171 Bertone, Matthew 72 Berzins, Karlis 54 Bevilacqua, Patrick 64 Bielecki,

Greg 54, 168, 169, 178, 195 Binder, Brian 64 Binsfeld, Keith 84, 164, Binsfeld, Scott 64, Bitting, Randall 54, Blanco, Mr. Gabriel

166, 202 183 183 32, 142

Bloh, Mr. Dennis 30, 188, 189 Bocchino, Philip 64 Bock, Greg 84, 146, 180, 202 Bodden.John 126 Boehmler, Paul 85, 178, 202 Bonargo, Anthony 85, 176, 177, 200 Bongard, Ed 64, 158, 163 Boron, Ed 72, 170, 171, 180, 182 Borrell, Joe 72, 198, 199 Bory, Mrs. Ethel 45 Boyajian, Christopher 64 Brace, Matt 85,

128, 146, 148, 200, 202 Brady, Kevin 54, 178 Brannon, Matt 64, 171 Bransfield, Ed 59, 84, 184, 201, 202 Bray, Brendan 84, 202 Breen, Gregory 72 Brennan, Pat 84, 170, 171, 202 Brennan, Robert 54 Breuer, Daniel 64 Brewster, Kevin 54 Breznicky, Charles 72, 196 Brinkos, Michael 64, 129 Brister, Matt 72, 168, 169, 195 Brittingham, Shay 54

Brown, Mrs. Claire 31, Brown, John 72, 198 Brown, Michael 64 Brunetti, Nicholas 64, 164, 166 Bruno, A.J. 85, 202 Bruno, Christopher 54 Bryers, Nicholas 72 Brzostek, Ed 54, 175, Buck, Christopher 72 Buck, Richard 24 Bullard, Bryant 64 Burke, Brendan 64, 12S Burke, Patrick 85 Burkle, Nicholas 54 Burleigh, Mike 64, 162, Burns, Christopher 64 Burton, John 64, 85, 171, 19 Buschmeier, Andrew 64. Byrne, Robert 54 Byrnes, Michael 65, 171, 19~

e Calamia, Jared 65 Caliendo, Eric 72 Callahan, Paul 72, 188 Callan, Dennis 72 Calvanese, Nicholas 86, 184, 202 Calvitti, John 65, 178

nning, Matthew 54 ntanese, Jeff 182 pell, Michael 72 petola, Justin 65 ppelletti, Christopher 65 ppelli, Michael 72 pponi, Emidio 54 rabello, Dr. John 24 rberry, Brian 65, 127, 129 rl, David 55 rl, J. Andrew 86 rminati, Richard 55, 175, 195 rmody, Todd 72, ~. 170, 171, 190 rr, Chris 182 rr, Kristopher 72 rr, Vince 144, 145 rr, Vincent 55 rver, Scott 55 sey, Patrick 72 tanese, Jeff 72, 180 tinella, Daniel 55 trino, Joseph 72 ttie, Edward 55, 175 nko, Alexander 55 sari, Jeffrey 86, 146, 202 adwick, Bro. Thomas 43 apman, Matthew 55, 175 appetta, Robert 55 eckovage, Frank 72 iappa, Matthew 72 iarantona, Joseph 65, 188, 189 ilds, Andrew 87, 202 mielewski, Thomas 65, 168 risty, Kenneth 72 :cimaro, Eugene 55, 168, 196 :cimaro, Mr. Joseph 40, 120 :cimaro, Mrs. Janice 40, 44 elli, Chris 87, 194, 202 elli, Vincent 55, 198 nini, Mr. Guido 46 ,ik, Nick 65, 192, 193 ,sne, David 65 ,sne, Stephen 55, 198 ro, David 65 trk, John 65, 194 trke, Brian 55 trke, John 168 try, Frank 24 tudius, James 72 ty, Alvin 65, 168, 196 iarkin, James 72, 176 iarkin, Kevin 55, 168 iment, Chris 55, 195 ggins, Mr. Nicholas 32, 63, 130, 140, 142 hen, Ryan 55

Colangelo, Mrs. Angeline 27 Colasante, Joseph 65 Colhocker, Lawrence 24 Colistra, Mr. Joseph 37, 150, 172 Coniglio, Geoffrey 87, 178, 202 Connelly, Joseph 24 Convery, Brian 73 Conway, Shane 86, 202 Cook, Bro. Kenneth 28 Cooke, Jeremy 55, 144 Cortellessa, Anthony 73, 190 Costantini, Anthony 55, 175 Costello, Patrick 73 Coulter, Jeffrey 55 Coveney, Gerald 55, 175 Cox, Matthew 73, 164, 166, 167 Coyle, Brendan 73, 170, 171 Coyle, Pat 86, 142, 150, 170, 171, 180, 182, 200, 202 Coyle, Robert 55 Coyle, William 73 Crane.Joseph 65 Crane, Thomas 166 Craney, Patrick 86, 202 Crawford, Kevin 55, 175 Crean, Thomas 65, 164 Cristaldi, Thomas 65 Crognale, Stephen 65 Croney, Brian 73 Cross, Tom 65, 171, 180, 182

Cuff, David 55 Cullen, Vincent 55 Curci, Brian 87, 142, 170, 171, 173, 178, 202 Curran, Thomas 65, 129, 168 Curran, Timothy 73

D'Alfonso, Bro. John 23, 200 Daly, Eric 73 Danaher, Timothy 65 Dandy, Marvin 65 D'Angelo, Dr. Joseph 30 Danielski, Bro. Francis 22, 24, 189, 200 Danvers, Philip 65, 164, 166 Dardaris, Mr. Mark 25, 180, 183, 200 Davitt, Daniel 87, 132, 203 Davoli, Richard 55, 192, 193 Day, Donald 55 Debow, Charles 73 Decastro, Nicholas 55 Degideo, William 65 Delaney, Martin 55 Delisi, Jason 73 Delisi, Justin 73 DeManss, Alexander 55, 175, 183 DeMarco, Michael 56 Dempsey, Brian 87, 203 Dempsey, Mr. Joseph 31, 163 Depasquale, Anthony 65

Derrick, Zachary 56 Desai, Saurabh 65, 200 Dessert, Anthony 88, 203 Dever, Mrs. Patricia 27 Devine, Mr. Pat 43, 46, 150, 168, 194, 196, 197 Devlin, Mark 56 Devore, Luke 56 Di Benedetto, Marc 88, 182, 203 Di Pasquale, Bro. William 42, 134 DiCataldo, John 45 DiClerico, Mario 56 Diehl, Mr. David 22, 24, 79, 142, 189, 200 Difeo, Todd 73 Dileonardo, Christopher 65, 171 Dillon, Joseph 56, 175, 183 Dilullo, Davd 88, 170, 171, 200 Dinapoli, Jonothan 73 Dinapoli, Michael 56 DiPaolo, Dominic 73 DiPaolo, Vincent 56 DiPinto, Mrs. Rose 45 Dischinger, Frank 65 DiToro, Christopher 56 Do, Due 78 Dolan, Brendan 73 Dolan, Christopher 65


Dolan, Michael 42 Domanski, Christopher 56, 168, 189 Donahue, Mike 168, 195 Donahue, Mrs. Linda 33, 144 Donahue, William 120 Donatelli, Gregory 56 Donnelly, Dave 175 Donnelly, David 56 Donnelly, Hugh 66, 171 Donnelly, James 73, 146 Donohoe, William 89, 170, 171, 203 Donohue, James 89, 203 Donohue, Michael 56 Donovan, Michael 47 Dooner, Michael 89, 120, 144, 203 D'Orazio, Dino 55, 175 D'Orazio, Paul 65, 170, 171 Dougherty, Brendan 66 Dougherty, Kevin 66 Dowds, Thomas 56 Dowling, Patrick 73 Doyle, Richard 73 Duffy, Bro. Patrick 32 Dugan, Ms. Maureen 18, 38 Dunn, Bro. Thomas 38 Durham, Charles 73 Durkin, Colleen Lapowski 144, 145 Durrant, William 56 Durso, Mike 78, 170, 171, 180, 182 Durso, Nicholas 88, 203 Dwyer, John 56, 175 Dwyer, Kevin 66 Dyer, Robert 56 Dzara, David 88, 141, 200, 203

Ebner, Mr. Craig 5, 120 Eckert, John 88, 126, 203 Egan, Brian 73, 132, 192, 193 Elliott, Matthew 66 Emrich, Scott 66 Enderle, John 66 Ennis, Bill 78, 186 Ennis, Sean 89, 203 Erb, Greg 89, 164, 166, 180, 182, 203 Ertle, Michael 73 Ertle, Steve 56, 183 Escobar, Roman 66, 164, 166 Eunice, Christopher 73 Evans, Lawrence 56


Evans, Mr. Gerald 20, 34, 200

Faillace, Anthony 56 Fallon, Terence 66 Farrell, Bob 66, 178, 179 Farrell, Mike 56, 89, 152, 154, 178, 200, 203 Farrell, Mrs. Diana 45 Farrington, Andrew 56 Fay, Dan 90, 132, 171, 190, 191 203 Fay, John 56 Fedyna, Bill 90, 132, 134, 184, 186, 200, 203 Fedyna, Joe 56, 168, 198 Fegley, Brian 90, 184, 186, 203 Fenningham, Tim 66, 171 Feret, Ryan 73 Farrare, Matt 91, 201, 203 Ferro, Frank 56, 175 Fineberg, Dan 66, 198 Fineberg, Matt 73, 126, 144 Finn, Bro. Linus 12, 18, 80, 136 Fiorentino, Mike 91, 128, 144, 203 Firely, Richard 73 Fisher, Dave 91, 184, 185, 186, 201, 203 Fisher, John 66 Fithian, Michael 73 Fitzgerald, Daniel 56, 175 Fitzgerald, Mr. Bernard 36 Fitzpatrick, Kevin 66, 144, 145 Fitzpatrick, Ray 90, 188, 189, 203 Fitzpatrick, Ryan 66 Flood, Mr. Ken 32, 150, 198, 199 Florkowski, Raymond 56 Foelster, John 90, 146, 203 Foley, Ryan 73 Ford, Mrs. Ann 26, 200 Fox, Mrs. Mary 45 Francis, Bob 56, 175 Francisco, Charles 56 Freiler, Philip 66 Frendreis, Bro. Gerard 24, 200 Frey, Adam 90, 146, 148, 201, 203 Frey, Christopher 73 Frizalone, John 20, 39 Froehlich, Timothy 24 Fullerton, Sean 73

Gadsby, Mike 91, 198, 199, 200, 203 Galardi, Ryan 91, 203 Galdo, Damon 56 Gallagher, Dan 74, 195 Gallagher, Justin 74, 171 Gallagher, Mrs. Helen 44 Gallagher, Ryan 66, 171 Gallagher, Shawn 57, 175 Gallagher, Tim 57, 198 Gange, Chris 91 , 158, 203 Gardner, Joseph 57 Garvey, Patty 45 Garvin, Mrs. Theresa 39, 141 Garzone, Puri 66, 171 Gaskins-Centofante, Mrs. Melissa 40, 118, 119 Gavin, Ken 74, 129 Gaydos, Scott 66 Geier, James 57 Geiger, Mr. William 18, 20, 33, 48, 129, 135, 149 Geiger, Will 74, 200 Geigert, William 74 Genovase, Mr. Richard 120 Gibbons.Paul 66, 171, 183 Gillespie, Daniel 57

Gillespie, Mr. Terence 34, 142, 200 Gillespie, Timothy 57 Gilroy, Brian 66 Gimpel, Scott 74 Gironda, Michael 92, 120, 126, 200, 201, 203 Gittleman, Andrew 74, 164, 100, 191 Gittleman, Andy 195 Goettner, Dan 74, 186 Goettner, Lew 92, 120, 184, 186, 200, Goldbacher, Kyle 92, 2C Gomeringer, Michael 57 Goodwin, Gregory 74 Goodwin, Philip 93, 203 Gordon, Brett 66, 158, 159, 170, 171, 194 Gordon, Chris 57, 195 Gorman, Matthew 66 Gorman, Pat 93, 152, 155, 200, 201, 203 Goyette, Adam 57 Grace, Mr. John 18, 36, Graff, Nicholas 57 Gramet-Kedzior, Fred 7, Granese, David 57 Grasso, Thomas 93, 144, 203 Grebis, Bryan 92, 171,

Jer, Mike 66 Jor, Mike 129 ,y, Paul 74, 152 ;;ani, Daniel 57 1ovics, Andrew 57 ,sman, Steven 92, 141, 144, 146, 149, 200, 204 'bowski, Robert 74 Jer, Craig 66, 183 Ii, Brad 74, 198, 199 ano, Dino 57

in, Chris 2, 92, 184, 204 by, Robert 66 ilton, Craig 93, 198, 199, 201, 204 mond, Jack 170, 171, 173 mond, John 74 ~y.Sean 57 1igan, Tim 74, 192, 193 ion, Kevin 66 ;sen, Mr. Tore 'T'' 18, 40, 75, 18), 192, 1ffi adon, B.J. 93, 153, 155, 158, 160 nan, Brent 74 ,on, James 24 Jhton, Joe 5, 66, 144 is, James 57 on, Brant 66, 178 rn, Christopher 57 I,

\Aike 74, 164, 165, 166 1, Shaun 66 ;;dorf, Mike 67, 129 vood, romffi, 184, 185, 186, 204 n, Sean 57, 178, 179 og, =lob 94, 180, 182, 204 iner, Frank 67, 171 ,rad 94, 204 Ja;on 94, 178, 201, 204 ,, John 95, 204 korn, <urt 74, 176, 188, 189 1land,James 67 1an, =rank 95, 180, 182, 201 1n,BrenJan 95, 188, 204 :nleitner, Mr. 3eorge 33, 192 ~rt. Matthew 67

', ,teve 94, 184, 186, 204 :1n,Brendan 189

Horgan, Matt 74, 163 Horstmann, John 67 Hosmer, Gregory 57 Hotz, Mike 94, 204 Houser, Kris 183 Houser, Kristian 67 Hughes, Eugene 74 Hughes, Jim 199 Hughes, Pat 180, 182 Hughes, Philip 74 Hughes, Timothy 57 Hunsicker, Mike 67, 171, 198 Hunsicker, Sean 94, 146, 150, 170, 171, 200, 204 Hunter, Dawson 57 Hunter, Peter 74 Hurley, T.J. 95, 128, 204 Hurst, Ryan 57, 175

lgnas, Mr. Frank 47 lncollingo, Nicholas 67 lncze, Robert 57 Ingram, Brian 74

1 Jabldkov, Andrew 74 Jackson, Mr. Martin 42, 52, 150, 158, 176 Jakab, Istvan 74 Jalon, Alan 57 Janke, David 57 Jannetti, Vincent 57, 175 Jenkins, Ian 95, 184, 185, 186, 204 Jesko, Jonathan 57 John, Matt 67, 192, 193 Johnson, Charles 67, 198 Johnson, Mr. Francis 28, 146 Jones, Christopher 57 Jones, Devin 74, 178 Jones, Phil 95, 204 Jones, Timothy 31 Jordal, Nicholas 67 Jordan, Brian 57, 175 Juliano, Bill 96, 204

Kahan.Paul 67 Kalorik, Tyler 178 Kane, Chris 74, 180, 182 Kane, Ryan 57 Karwacki, James 67 Katruk, Andrew 58, 175 Kaufmann, Paul 96, 120, 204 Kaupas,Joseph 67

Kavanagh, Mike 58, 198 Kazmierczak, Stephen 58 Kebler, Christopher 67 Kebler, Matthew 74 Keeley, Dan 58, 168 Keenan, Craig 175, 183, 188, 189 Keenan, James 58 Keller, James 58 Keller, Jeff 96, 148, 200, 204 Keller, Peter 67 Kelley, Brendan 67 Kelly, John 97, 204 Kelly, Matt 74, 146, 178 Kelly, Patricia 24 Kelly, Stephen 58 Kelly, Todd 97, 184, 204 Kensey, Paulette 120 Kent, Brian 97, 184, 204 Kent, John 24 Kent, Sean 58, 175, 182 Keough, Bro.Joseph 44, 182 Kerns, Chris 58, 175 Kernytsky, Andrew 74, 129, 13; 146, an Kerper, Donald 67 Kerper, Sean 190 Kerr, Mike 75, 168, 169, 194, 195, 196 Kerrigan, Christopher 67 Kevane, Greg 96, 152, 178, 200, 201, 204 Kileen, Peter 29 Kilkenny, Gerry 96, 170, 171, 204 Kilkenny, Mike 58, 183 Kim, John 58 King, J.R. 67, 146 Kirsch, Mr. Jay 29, 122, 124, 125, 144, 200 Klarich, Stephen 58 Klohe, Nick 75, 198, 199 Knowski, Mike 67, 189 Koch, Bradley 58 Koenig, Thomas 75, 146

Kohler, Kevin, 67 Kohlhepp, Thomas 75 Kolarik, Tyler 58 Koller, James 75 Koller, Jim 180, 182 Koller, Kevin 58, 175, 183 Koneski, William 58 Korejko, Douglas 96, 204 Koss, Chris 58, 175 Kotwicki, Mike 75, 171, 174 Kouch, James 67 Kowal, Matthew 97, 204 Kowalski, Mike 97, 184, 185, 186, 189, 204 Krauss, Rich 58, 175 Krol, Matthew 58 Kruczkowski, Michael 67 Kuklinski, Stephen 75 Kushto, Christopher 58 Kuzia, Andrew 58

L La Ruffa, Vincenzo 67, 126, 129,200 Labosky, Mike 75, 188, 189, 200 Lachawiec, Keith 97, 150, 170, 171, 172, 204 Laguda, Giuseppe 67 Laguda,Joe 171 Laible, Bill 58, 198 Lamprecht, Tom 75, 164, 166, 182 Lang, Brian 98, 120, 204 Lanzilotta, Lou 98, 120, 184, 196, 204 Lare, Chris 75, 132, 146 Lash, Tim 98,204 Lasky, Kevin 75, 182 Lasky, Tom 99, 178, 182, 204


Lavin, Chris 75, 171 Lawson, Thomas 75 Lazenka, F. Anthony 58 Leahy, Mr. William 20, 28, 122, 150, 180, 182 Ledwith, Keith 99, 184, 186, 204 Lendzinski, Matthew 58 Leonard, Anthony 67 Leonard, Ed 99, 184, 205 Leva,Joe 75 Lewandowski, Matt 98, 126, 200, 205 Liberi, James 67 Lichtner, Mr. Frank 41, 150, 188, 189 Lipski, Brian 58 Uttley, Gregory 58 Lockard, John 98, 205 Lockard, Ryan 58 Lofgren, David 58 Lombard, John 24 Long, Scott 98, 146, 147, 148, 200, 205 Longosky, Bradley 67 Longstreth, Michael 58, 175 Lorusso, Mike 67, 142, 159, 163, 171 Loscalzo, Al 47 Louie, Jim 99, 190, 191 Lowery, Evan 75 Lowery, Shawn 58 Luce, Thomas 41 Luft, Thomas 75 Luhks, Matt 68, 129, 183 Lux, Christopher 59 Lynch, John 59, 175 Lynch, Michael 99, 200, 205 Lynch, Phil 3, 99, 142, 164, 165, 166, 200, 205


Lynch, Ryan 59 Lyon, Mark 59 Lyons, James 59 Lyons, Kevin 68

Mack, Michael 100, 146, 164, 166, 205 MacNeil, John 75 MacPherson, Frank 59 Madeira, Eric 59, 168, 195 Magarity, Chris 100, 152, 158, 159, 205 Maher, Mrs. Julia 23, 24, 142, 200 Maholland, Patrick 68 Mahon, Colin 59 Malara, John 59 Mallach, John 100, 150, 170, 171, 205 Mallach, Kyle 75, 170, 171 Mallon, J.R. 175 Mallon, Vincent 59 Malloy, Dan 75, 171 Malloy, Dennis 24 Maloney, Matt 75, 180, 182 Maloney, Tim 101, 166, 184, 198, 199, 201, 205 Mandia, Brandon 101, 164, 165, 166, 205 Manion, Christopher 101 Manion, David 32 Manion, Travis 59, 175, 198, 199 Markmann, William 68, 189 Markowski, Jeff 75, 168 Marquis, Joseph 68 Martin, Sean 75, 196

Mason, John 75 Massino, Robert 75 Mastroieni, Michael 100, 201, 205 Mastronardo, John 170 Mattern, Mike 68, 158, 163 Matthews, Sean 59, 175, 183 Mattia, Mike 75, 170, 171, 194, 195, 196 Mattiacci, Nick 68, 183 Mauriello, Mike 68, 178 May, Brendan 75 McAnespey, Mr. Robert 25 McBride, Matthew 75 McBryan, Chris 75 McCabe, Mr. Bernard 31, 80 McCabe, Mr. Edward 18, 30 Mccann, Peter 75 Mccarry, Scott 68, 182 McCarthy, Michael 24 McCloskey, Sean 75 Mcconaghy, Matthew 76 McCormick, Brendan 59, 162, 163 McCormick, Shaun 59, 101, 205 Mccreery, Sean 76, 178 McCullagh, Sean 68 McCullion, Pat 68, 178 McDonald, Dan 100, 205 McDonald, Pat 76, 178 McDonald, Tim 59, 175 McDonnell, John 24 McElroy, Steven 76, 126 McEntee, Jamie 76 McEntee, Mike 171 McErlean, Sean 100, 205 McFadden, Daniel 68

McFadden, Edwin 76 McFadden.Joseph 59 McFadden, Mrs. Marie 4! McGillin, Andrew 59, 17! McGinley, Colin 68 McGinley, Pat 101, 132, 194, 195, 196, 201, 205 McGlone, Brendan 68, 1 McGoldrick, Tim 68, 129, 167 McGoldrick, Tom 101, 194, 195, 196, 205 McGonigle, Kevin 59, 1€ McGovern, Mrs. Diane 41, 118, 119 McGrath, Matt 76, 102, Mcintyre, Mike 76, 171 McKeogh, Jim 59, 199 McKeone, Joe 59, 102, McKinney, Alexander 59 Mclaughlin, James 24, 68, 129 Mclaughlin, Michael 68 Mclaughlin, Pat 76, 18€ McMahon, Brian 76 McManus, Colin 68, 168, 195, 197 McManus, Daniel 59 McManus, Tim 102, 205 McMenamin, Brendan 6; McMenamin, Ryan 76 McMullin, Bro. Francis 5 McMullin, Matt 103, 168, 194, 195, 196, 205 McNichol, Tim 76, 171, 198, 199 McShea, Chris 68, 163 McWilliams, Patrick 76 Meade, Joe 76, 158, 1l Mee, Brian 59 Mee, Matt 68, 194, 195, Meehan, Dan 103, 205 Meehan, Thomas 68 Mele, Anthony 25 Meloscia, Alexander 59 Merlini, Kevin 59, 175, Michuda, Matthew 59 Middlemiss, Drew 76, 152, 153, 170, 171 Miehle, Timothy 76 Mikulski, Neil 68, 171 Miller, Kevin 68, 168 Miller, Mr. Gerald 20, 37 Miller, Rob 68, 198 Miller, Scott 59 Mitsch, Erik 103, 128, 135, 146, 148, 200, 20! Moffatt, Joel 59 Molony, Thomas 76 Molush, Mr. Edward 20. Monaghan, Dan 102, 21

1ey,Sean 76, 171 e, Pat 59, 68, 171, 175 ce, Matthew 68 II, Anfrew 102, 168, 205 s, Gregory 76 s, Timothy 59 )W, Anthony 102, 205 ell, Mike 76, 158, 161, 180, 182 ler, Stephen 68 1n,Matt 103, 146, 205 in, Mrs. Karen 26, 200 1n,Mrs. Mary Kay 42 1n,Pat 103, 184, 186, W5 1n,Raymond 60 1n,William 76 ,, Matthew 60 1, Samuel 60 hy, Bill 103, 155, 200, 206 hy, Christopher 68 hy, Colin 60 hy,Joe 175 hy, Michael 68 hy, Mrs. Patty 26, 200 hy, Steven 60 hy, Tom 168 1y, Dennis 69 1y, Gary 60 1y, Matthew 60 s, Bro. Joseph 29, 129

Mike 94, 195, 196 lie, Dan 69, 171 I, Mr. ,hawn 35, 194, 196, 200 Jack 198 John 76 , Mr. Joe 120 rosky, Dan 69, 163, 165, 166, 180 1art, Bill 104, 206 etti, Mr. Geofrey 6, 18, 29, 189 ~. Dan 182 ro, Peter 69 Matt 166 ,, Peter 150, 178 1e,Jim 76, 170, 171 1e,Kevin 60, 175 1ha, Rahesh 69 cki, James 60 baum, Brian 60

en, Shawn


Occident, Didier 69 Ochmanski, Mike 105, 190, 206 Ockershausen, Sean 60 O'Connell, Mrs. Kathleen 46 O'Connell, Tom 104, 134, 168, 169, 194, 195, 196, 200, 206 O'Connor, Paul 69 O'Connor, Peter 60 O'Connor, Robert 69 O'Connor, Shawn 69, 182 O'Donnell, Andrew 60 O'Donnell, Dennis 76, 188, 189 O'Donnell, John 60 O'Donnell, Matthew 69 O'Donnell, Michael 60 O'Donnell, Pete 69, 193 O'Donnell, Sean 104, 206 Oehler, Bill 104, 158, 201, 206 O'Hara, Andrew 69 O'Hara, Brendan 69, 189\ O'Hara, John 60, 162, 183 O'Hara, Paul 105, 176, 206 Olcese, Jason 69 Oldfield, Mike 76, 190 Olender, Keith 60, 175 Oliver, Aaron 76, 171 , 194, 195, 196 Oliver, Bro. Benedict 24 Olsen, Ronald 69 O'Malley, Tim 69, 189 O'Meara, Brian 60 O'Neill, Brian 76, 192 O'Neill, James 76 Opdyke, Jonathan 77 Orange, Kenneth 6, 104, 148, 200, 201, 206 O'Shaughnessy, Liam 168, 195 O'Shaughnessy, Mike 105, 168, 206 O'Shaughnessy, William 69 O'Toole, Mr. Michael 31, 128

Pettie, Michael 60 Pettie, Mr. Robert 150, 166 Pennington, Chris 60, 175 Penzarella, Anthony 105, 184, 189, 201, 206 Peronace, Rocco 77 Peterson, Charles 69 Petitti, Nick 60, 175 Petruzzelli, Craig 105, 168, 169, 194, 195, 196, 206 Petruzzelli, Gary 60, 168 Pezzotti, Santo 77 Pfeffer, Dodd 106, 141 , 206 Pfeil, Fran 69, 171 Philipp, Robert 60, 175 Pietrak, Jeff 69, 171 Piper, Thomas 60 Pippet, Tim 60, 189 Piskai, Josh 106, 206 Plachta, Christopher 69 Polto, Robert 77 Ponisciak, Daniel 69, 200 Ponisciak, Mrs. Dorothy 35, 55 Ponisciak, Timothy 60, 200 Poretta, Joseph 60 Potter, Bradley 77 Pratowski, Mike 106, 206 Price, John 77, 170, 171 Primus, Justin 69, 171, 182 Prior-MacDonald, Brian 69 Pucci, Michael 60 Puglisi, Brian 61 Puntel, Mr. Alfred 8, 28, 146, 168 Purtell, Dan 69

a. Queen, Greg 69, 135, 148, 183, 200 Quenzer, Philip 70 Quenzer, Zachary 61

Quinn, Sean


Radvansky, Mr. Joseph 18, 39, 175 Raieta, Joseph 61 Rakowski, Andrew 70, 158, 159, 160 Rambo, Dave 107, 178, 179, 206 Ramos, Alex 61, 162, 163 Ramos, Gilbert 70 Ranweiler, Matt 61, 189 Rau, Jeffrey 61 Ray, Bart 61, 188, 189 Read, Paul 77, 171 Reese, Bryan 70 Reeves, Jim 70, 158, 160 Reid, Bill 70, 163, 168 Reifsnyder, Gerald 61 Reiley, Timothy 70 Reilly, Shane 70 Remshard, John 61 Reynolds, Chris 107, 206 Rhodes, Nathan 61, 175 Richards, Adam 70 Rieck, Bro. James 23, 200 Rimert, Mrs. Lorraine 34 Ripley, Sean 70 Roberts, Marshall 175 Robinson, Kevin 70, 183, 201 Roby, Joseph 61 Roche, Mr. James 18, 39, 132 Rodriguez, Carlos 77, 132, 146, 147 Rodriguez, Jose 77, 140 Rogan, Dan 107, 201, 206 Romano, Andrew 70 Romanzo, Brian 70 Rookstool, William 70

Palilonis, Mike 60, 175 Palmer, Gamal 69 Palmer, Mr. Bradley 34 Palmieri, Jim 69, 126, 146 Palmieri, Joe 104, 168, 169, 194, 195, 200, 206 Palo, Jeremy 69, 195, 196 Palopali, Stephen 77 Papa.Joseph 69 Parella, Jim 105, 129, 206 Parisi, Mr. Joseph 36, 150, 152, 154 Patcella, Leonard 60 Paul, John 24


Rose, Patrick 61 Rucinski, Jeff 77, 192, 193 Ruegg, Ian 106, 184, 201, 206 Ruegg, Mark 70, 198 Ruman, Ryan 189 Ruppel, Paul 106, 200, 206 Russell, Mr. Robert 35 Ryan, Mr. Frank 24 Ryan, Mrs. Betty 45

106, 148, 194, 200, 201, 206 Salemno, Mrs. Mary 45 Salvi, Mike 107, 206 Salvitti, Patrick 61 Sansalone, Edward 77 Santangelo, Justin 107, 206 Santillo, Drew 61 Saitta, George

Santucci, Christopher 77 Sasso, Mike 107, 134,

168, 169, 194, 195, 206 Sautter, Bill 61, 198 Sava, Andrew 108 Savage, John 77, 164, 166 Savage, Michael 61 Savino, Mrs. Annie 45 Sayers, Andrew 70 Scanlon, Seth 77,

126, 129, 132, 146 Schafer, Casey 77, 178 Schaffer, Matthew 61 Schafle, Brian 176 Schafle, Mike 77, 158, 176 Schaible, Christopher 61 Schaum, Mrs. Patricia 26 Schieler, Robert 24 Schill, Gregory 61 Schmel, Dave 70, 190 Schmiedekamp, Mendel 77, 126, 146 Schmitt, John 24 Schu, Christopher 77, 129 Schulze, Dave 108, 171, 206 Schwan, Eric 61 Sclafani, Benjamin 3,

108, 206 Scott, Christopher 70 Scully, Matthew 77 Sears, Dan 109, 206 Seely, Peter 77 Sees, John 61, 175 Seiferth, Eric 70, 171 Seiss, Colin 61 Semanick, Mark 77,

129, 168, 194, 195, 196 Semen, James 61 Serianni, Justin 77 Serra, Louis 109, 206 Sforza, J.P. 61, 183


Shafle, Mike 163 Shah, Prem 77, 140 Shah,Sacheen

109, 171, 206 Sharkey, Drew

189, 201, 206 Sharkey, Joseph 108 Sharkey, Paul 129, 189 Sharkey, Stephen 70 Sheets, Mrs. Mary 43 Shimizu, Brendan 70, 171 Shreffler, Brian 77 Shustack, Ms. Martina 16, 17, 38 Sicilia, Michael 61 Sigmund, Mr. Peter 18,

41, 150, 184, 186, 187 Simcox, Christopher 61 Simpson, Jon 108, 135, 148, 200, 207 Sinclair, Michael 70 Sinese, Tom 108, 201, 207 Sinni, Dan 109, 184, 207 Siravo, Joseph 70 Skipper, Matt 3, 109, 207 Slattery, Pat 61, 175 Small, Christopher 70 Smalley, Mark 70 Smith, Brian 61 Smith, Chris 61, 183 Smith, Gavin 70, 129 Smith, Gil 77, 168, 169, 194, 195, 196, 197 Smith, Mrs. Mary Jo 38, 126 Snyder, Anthony 61 Snyder, Chuck 77, 152 Sowers, Donnie 77 Spangler, David 70 Sparks, Kristopher 77 Spause, Fran 78, 152, 198, 199 Stack, Christopher 70 Staffieri, Gary 70 Stanczak, Mr. Martin 23, 200 Stanton, Chris 62, 175 Stasiorowski, Adam 62 Steere, Nicholas 70 Steffa,Joseph 62 Sterner, Bro. Rene 22, 24, 79, 80, 126, 200 Stieber, Francis 71 Stockmal, Drew 166 Stocum, Matthew 62 Strain, Vince 71, 183 Strumfels, Tim 109, 207 Styer, Matthew 71 Sullivan, Jim 62, 162 Sullivan, Michael 71 Sullivan, William 62 Sutton, Justin 78, 178 Sweeney, Chris 110, 171, 198, 199, 200, 207

Sweeney, James 71 Sweeney, Joseph 62 Swindells, Scott 110, 128,

146, 148, 152, 155, 200, 207 Swoyer, John 62 Szczech, Mark 71, 190 Szczurowski, Richard 71 Szymanski, Gene

110, 171, 207

Tucker, John 71 Tucker, Sean 62, 175, 188 Tulia, Mike 110, 201, 2 Tuman, Ryan 71 Turk, Jonathan 71 Turner, Mr. Thomas 20, Tursi, Benjamin 62 Tuscano, Wes

110, 142, 143, 207 Tyrrell, James 110, 201 Tyrrell, John 111 Target, Richard 62 Tarsi, Nicholas 78 Tate, Jim 111,

168, 194, 195, 196, 207 Tate, Rich 78, 195, 196 Tatunchak, Alex 71, 193 Teesdale, Sean 62, 164,

166, 194, 195, 196 Thai, Bro. Michael 33 Thiers, George 78, 132 Thomas, Gregory 71 Trappler, James 71 Travers, John 71, 129, 171 Trendier, Nicholas 62 Troy, Anthony 62 Truitt, Jeff

Vagnoni, Dave 78, 129, 14E Valentine, Matthew 71 Van Haute, Kevin 111, : Van Horn, Henry 71 Varalli, Stephen 62 Velasco, John 62 Ventresca, Greg 111, 1

184, 186, 198, 199, 20: Venuto, Jim

112, 184, 186, 207

Vettori, Mr. Joseph 120 Vigorita, Joe 78, 178 Villacorta, Gavin 112, 2 111, 184, 186, 189, 207 Vizza, Gregory 62 Truman, Ryan 188, 189 Vlahos, Anthony 62 Trymbiski, Vlahos, Thomas 71 Bim 111,176, 177, an, 2fJ7 Vogt, Trevor 112, 207 Tucci, Michael 62 Tucke, Sean 188

::>hn 71 ;, Chris 113, 184, :37, 188, 189, 207 :hris 71, 36, 194, 195, 196 v1rs.Florence 27 , James 78 1, Jeffrey 78 an 78, 171 ht, Chris 14, 207 ht, Paul 71, 171 t, Mike 71, 190 , Benjamin 62 , Matt 113, (4, 168, 207 "homas 78 Gene 78, 198 John 71, 163 Joseph 62 Mrs. Bernice 45 nann,Ed , 166, 167, 176 d,Sean , 166 , Matt 62, 175, 183 , Martin 24 f, Charles 62, 175 r, Michael 24 1 aul 62 om 112, 207 ham, Dave , 170, 171, 207

Wiley, Mr. Gary 18, 35, 130, 138, 190, 200 Wilkin, Mike 112, 152, 155, 201, 207 Williamson, Chris 62, 175, 183 Wills, Michael 78 Wilson, James 71 Wilson, Mike 113, 207 Winterbottom, Henry 78 Wintering, Michael 62 Winward, Chris 71, 171 Woertz, Harry 78 Wolverton, Chris 71 Woods, Karl 78

Yaegel, Tom 113, 188, 189, 200, 201, 207 Yaglenski, Matt 113, 188, 189, 207 Yanoshik, Beau 71, 129, 190, 200 Yeiter, Mrs. Alice 45 Youse, Keith 114, 207 Yu, Daniel 78

Zebik, Robert 71 Zeccardi, Mike 78, 170, 171 Zeibari, Armen 71 Zettle, Scott 78, 178 Zoeltsch, Mrs. Nancy 33

Colophon The 1996 Blue and Goldwas produced by Herff Jones Yearbooks of Gettysburg, Pa. in a limited edition of 650 copies and 216 pages. Senior photos were provided by Davor Photo of Bensalem, Pa. The covers contain 160 point binders board with navy vibratex base material along with rich gold 15 paint and gold foil for the design. All books are smyth-sewn, rounded and backed, with custom head and footbands. Endsheets are gray colortext cover weight. Text pages are printed on 100 pound bordeaux gloss paper with 4 color process on the first two forms. Layouts and type were computer generated by the Blue and Gold utilizing Aldus Pagemaker's software in conjunction with Herff Jones pagemaster program. The 1996 Blue and Gold was edited by Dan Adam and moderated by Mr. William Geiger.


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