2001 Yearbook

Page 1

"LookJ likg I missed tfze 6usagain!" "OnceI caugfztafisfz <fl{JS 6ig... " :Mr. <Dempseyexp[ains Tfi.e Oftf!Man and the Sea. rfony <;eiger,struck, 6y inspiration.

rr'fieLong Jfard (Rgadto LaSa[[e


ne of the very first challenges you encoun er in your daily journey is just getting to school. You may come from anywhere in Southeastern Pennsylvania - from inner-city Philadelphia to its surrounding suburban (or, in some cases rural) towns. No matter how you do it, you still have to get to La Salle by 8:00 . So how exactly do you get here? Most of you have to depend on the good old yellow school bus, that ubiquitous symbol of school transpor tation. The bright yellow buses can be seen from miles away and can even be heard from the same distance with their loud engines and squeaky brakes. Every day these "cheese buses" bring in loads of underclassmen eager to get off the bus and escape the chaos within . Some of you travel by dependable SEPTA : on buses or on trains to get your daily dose of knowledge . You stumble from a rickety aluminum caterpillar to find a member of the staff waiting to drive you from the train station . Once you reach the ripe age of 16 you graduate from riding the bus to a whole new level of transportation : driving your very own car! You are proud to drive your cherished station wagon, van, Jeep, or even your PT ~ Cruiser up the steep La Salle driveway to the 11< ,;"'ll l,ll<lo\,parking lot, where you scrambe for the last available space. You no longer have to wake up at the crack of dawn in order to catch the bus; now you can roll out of bed at 7:45, dodge through traffic on 309, make it past Rod directing traffic, and get into school right before Mr. Turner hands you a late slip. At day's end, you dart out of school and run across the parking lot in order to catch the bus before it leaves or rush to your car . Getting out before the after-school rush is your mission. If you fail, you will not be able to leave the parking lot before 2:45. So you rush home, only to wake up the next day and face your daily journey to La Salle once again . - Brian Campo

Par [ejt: 'Jvfonday,need we say more? Left: Jl rare event...a La Sa[[ecarpool Center:Sfiot gun!

<BeCow: Pive points if you fiit tfie k.jd. <Bottom<RJ,gfit: rt(].I.P.

<rap:Jofm.Jl.lfaranowonders wfiy fie wok,ยง up tfiis morning. Cl(Jl.ck.,asonin B6rary. <Ryan<Truman and <RyanJones. }l.6ove: "Joe(J)wyerand <BrucePofifot discover tfie answers were in tfie 6ack.,of tfie 6ook.,tfie wfio[e time. " Steffa, a6out to <R]gfit: :Jvlik,ยง 6uy LaSa[[e's "wor[dfamous" p[atter. Par <R]gfit:"}l.ndrew(J)esiderio, tfiat is '}[O<J'a scfioof-appropriate site!"



ne of the great aspects of La Salle is the multitude of things available to start off the day. For some, it's breakfast in the cafeteria. It's a simple pleasure, but imagine not being able to grab a quick bite, or chat it up with friends about the day's classes or activities. Weather cooperating or not, many students enjoy a before-school volleyball game to loosen themselves up for the academic day. For some, it's down to the TV studio to quickly pull together the daily TV show; for others, it's roaming the hallways for a while, but always making that last-minute entry into homeroom. Each morning, however, there is always that same place to go, or same something to do which we can use to fuel ourselves on our daily journey. After a last minute homeroom debut, the realization that first period is only some fifteen minutes away sinks in. Some lucky students have first period free, so no sweat; but for most there is a class to attend. The rest of homeroom is typically spent either talking with classmates, watching the news, or quickly scribbling at a forgotten homework. These might seem

Jl (}Jayin tlie Life... like trivial things at first glance, but homeroom quickly becomes something most students want, need, and greatly appre ciate because of them. Sure, some students stroll in to homeroom seconds before the deadline, acting as if they don't know why they have to come in , but imagine not having those extra ten minutes to pull things together ! After a few periods of class and possibly a few tests , there is no better thing to do than clear the mind in the cafeteria . Then, some students head back to the pit for another volleyball game, some just talk to friends, and others visit the library or the computer lab to surf the web or study . With all these options , lunch period is what each student makes of it, and certainly,it is a great part of the day. The end of eighth period is not necessarily the end of the day for most students .With all of the activities available, it is not unusual to spend a few more hours at school. La Salle High School is more than just going to classes everyday; it's what you make of your journey, whether it be academic, social, athletic or a combination of all three. -John Carr


arles Darwin sailed to a plethora of xotic islands and foreign landscapes. Although a good bit of his journey was spent scraping at barnacles and bothering turtles, he found enough free time to devise his theory of evolution, which applies not only to gargantuan reptiles, but also to typical high school students. When I entered La Salle as a scrawny, zit-ridden freshman, I was weak and afraid. I dreaded the unrelenting taunts the upperclassmen wouldhurlatmewith unabashedfury. My always-ironed khakis dampened at the sight of any marginally irate senior who happened to be lumbering in my general direction. Any food a mischievous junior flung haphazardly across the cafeteria seemed to have an inexplicable magnetism toward me. However, those tumultuous days of perpetual fear and uncomfortable trousers passed as I plunged headfirst into the swirling tempest of sophomore year.


oftlie Student While that year was better, I still felt as if I was being devoured daily by higher-ups in the social food chain. Fortunately, by the time my second year rolled sluggishly around, I was better acquainted with other equally scrawny and zit-ridden folks. Although we still weren't accepted by the hulking behemoths in the upper grades, we weren't mocked so much, due to the fresh shipment of Frosh that had arrived in September. Finally, that phase passed and I became a junior. The grass looked greener, females seemed more obtainable, and freshmen developed an uncanny resemblance to Simon Birch . Finally accepted by seniors and able to officially harass said freshmen as if they were Darwin's amphibious friends, an almost tactile impatience permeated the air as we yearned to break forth from this pupa stage and make the final ascent to the apex of the social hierarchy. Now I sit here, a scrawny and zit-ridden senior, wondering if it was all worth it. You're darn right it was! - Matt Finley

)1.6oveLeft: )1.nthony Cardd[a and Phi[ <Bresnahan hate the paparazzi. Center: I wonder if 'Jvf.ichaef 'Jvf.d]owen k,nows dass is over. )1.6ove~ght: Look, that's me! <BefowLeft: 'Jvf.rs. Ponisciafts instruments of doom! Left: So white men C)l:N jump!

'Ifie peanut 6utter and marsfima[fowsandwich wi[[ sure taste good to <Bo66yCfio. <;;rafiamSmitfi: "Confound it, isosce[es triangfe, you 've 6ested me onceagain!" 'M_r.<RJ)cfie introduces 'l(evin 'M_cLougfifi.n to tfie zany rea[mof asymptopes.

"quys, I tfiink, we are [atefor tfiird period." (J)anie[Jizeff uses tfie ramp to St. :Micfiaefs '}{a[[as fiis persona[ study center. )![ex:_ '}{imesenjoys fiis <Engusfic[ass. Jolin (J)e(]iro[amo as~ :Mr.<Barnato write fiim a fetter of reccommendation <B<EPO<J(<E fiefaifs cfiemistry.

<Back,to tlie Puture

Vrifortunate[yfor tft, kjas, Cftuck,<Rยงi[[y u on[y one to ac Zoeftcft 's mia


igh school has provided us memories that will last the rest of our lives. However, our growth does not conclude after graduation. As one stage of our life ends, a new chapter in our story begins. In college, we will have new experiences, encounter new things, and make new friends. After leaving the university, we will enter the work force, perhaps into marriage and a family of our own. Everything that we do in the future will open up new possibilities in our lives, while it closes others. The future promises us endless encounters . Therefore, our journey will never become complete, and there will always be new hurdles to surmount, and new obstacles to overcome. As we try to peer deeply into that proverbial crystal ball that we all wish we had, we might see ourselves reaching our goals. Perhaps the most intriguing aspect of the future is that we have no knowledge about what the future will hold for us. We know that there is more to come, but what it might be is yet to be determined. We do know, however, that this recent four-year stage of our journey has played an influential part in our lives. It is important not to forget our past, but at the same time, we must embrace our future . The lessons we have learned and the friendships we have made will live on forever. Our high school years have ended, but we will continue our life's journey with high expecta tions and full of hope. -Darren Grossman

''.Sorry,:Nate, :M.iA tfte Castcfteesest

<Bi[[ParR.grponders tfie deptfis of <Dante'sInferno. (]reg:M.addentoots fiis own fiorn.

<Dave<R.,fioads: "J-(owyou dooiin ? 1


:Nate :M.oss,Justin Cadwe[C CfirisJ-{oag[and,and <R.96 :M.cCreigfit discuss tfieir tfiougfits on )Istropfiysics.

(J)ijferentapproachesto doing homework;'Atarc<Buron the f Coor;Pat (J)efaneyin the u6rary. James'AtcCu[[agh 6ehind'AtiRgPragnito;'AtiRg'Atu[ugan.

~atchinaSome Zzz's ... <Evenwfii{e s{eeping, <EmerPfounaers carries on an in aeptfi conversation witfi 'M.r.(}race. Sean 'M.c'M.afion ana Jfoarew 'M.cCannwait for inspiration to strik..ยง. Prank,<Dife{{a was snug in fiis aesk,wfii{e visions of Isotopes aanceain fiis fieaa.

Gu ten Tag, meine Herrn!" ... these are the endearing words Mr. George Hohenleitner begins German class with every ning, spoken with such sincerity that you can be certain it will be a good day indeed. A prayer will undoubtedly follow ;e words, as Mr. Hohenleitner always puts religion before anything else. Standing as testament to Mr. Hohenleitner' s faith holy water font in the doorway of room 316. Mr. Hohenleitner' s gentle manner and wisdom, which come from 30 years ~aching, make the classroom atmosphere friendly and personable, but educational at the same time. Mr. Hohenleitner is of the most dedicated teachers at La Salle, never missing a day of school, and keeping his student on their toes with tried true teaching methods. If you've had Mr. Hohenleitner in class, you know that he's always willing to answer any questions :may arise, no matter how long it takes. You also know that you' 11never leave without a homework assignment, and you '11 :he homework neatly OR ELSE! It may seem difficult at first, but over time you' 11realize that doing the homework will you an A on the test, and you '11be glad Mr. Hohenleitner stood by his "practice makes perfect" tenet. Having been at La Salle so long, Mr. Hohenleitner knows the capability ofLa Salle students and won't accept anything ;than perfect. Practice makes perfect on the court too, when spring rolls around and it's time for N tennis. Mr. Hohenleitner >wsthe game as well as he knows the three predictions of Fatima. His coaching is very practical, based on the idea that best way to learn tennis is to play tennis. The JV team practices every day, playing matches with teammates. "Don't beat trself' is one of the most emphasized coaching points Mr. Hohenleitner makes. In addition to teaching German and coaching nis, Mr. Hohenleitner teaches scripture, moderates the Respect for Life club and German club, and runs the Operation entive tutoring program. He resides in Chestnut Hill with his wife, Miriam, and has three grown children. For these and ny other reasons, the yearbook staff has dedicated the 2001 Blue and Gold to Mr. George Hohenleitner, and we thank him his years of service. - Anthony Geiger

idyou k,now...? 1:r. Hohenleitner attended Catholic 1iversity and Niagara University fore getting his B.A. and M.A. at . Salle University. He continues to .low La Salle University basketball rough good seasons and bad. Ie studied to become an Oblate of . Francis De Sales for six years. Ie has graced La Salle with his esence for 33 years! \. neighborhood friend introduced m to tennis when he was 11 years :l, and he has been hooked on the ort ever since. -Iis first grandchild was born on ~tober 19th, 2000.

'Jvtr.Jfolienfeitnerteacliesa qennan cfass in 1970.

St@ Pear[sof Wisdom "I can know more about you than you do."

-Sr. Blanco "Physics is everywhere." -Mr. Cipolla "This is NOT a cafeteria." -Mr. Nicoletti "Gentlemen, Gentlemen, you must be "awnest"' yourself." -Mr. Chesnik "The great men of United States history: Ge, Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Joe Colistra."

-Mr. Colistra "So you have a 2.5 GPA, 1000 in the SATs, and want to go to Princeton? WHAT? Did your par1 donate a building?" -Bro. Bill "The K.I.S.S. principle" -Mr. Evans ''You may use texts, i.e. books." - Bro. Ernest "Expand on that ..." - Mr. Grace ''You have to appreciate the derivative."

-Mr. Roche

Physicscan makg'even :M.r.<R.]1ssef{ fa[[ as[eep. <Bro. Pranf(,sresponseto anotherclefinitionof "prayer". :M.r.Jfinclife auclitionsto 6e a moclef for .JL6ercrom6ie anclPitch.


<Bro. (ÂŁmestwliips out nis mad ninja sf?j{{s.

If you don't k,nowyour S}l<Tvoca6ufarywords,you wi{{

fiaveto suffer tne consequences from 911rs. <Baer.

911~. 911o(usfi: ")lnli,tliejo~s of P,ng[isn."

<Jrlt: (J)empsey after liavingtoo muclicaffeine.

This year, La Salle welcomed a fresh facE to its constantly expanding community wher Mr. Frederick Assaf came to the school to replacE Mr. Diehl as principal. Mr. Assaf is equipped witl an amicable personality, an almost iridescen1 smile, and a laugh that's more infectious than thE plague. In short, he truly puts the "pal" in principal He also puts the "prince" in principal. .. minus the "e.' While principal by title, Mr. Assaf is an Englisr teacher at heart. He expresses his knowledge anc love for English first period every day to a class o: interested juniors. This course provides him witl the opportunity to extend his engaging anc dynamic personality into the classroom. After holding positions at the Miller Schoo: in Virginia, Phillips Andover Academy in Massa路 chusetts, and Mercersburg in our own state of Penn路 sylvania, he came to La Salle in search of a schoo: with a greater focus on Catholic education anc service. This is evident in the encouragement hE gives students to get involved and give back to thE community through service. Mr. Assaf has prover: to be another integral thread in the intricately woven tapestry that is La Salle.

-Matt Finle) Mr. Frederick Assaf Principal English

Bro. Rene Stern~r, FSC President Key Concepts of Christianity, Foriun

路Mr.Michael O'Toole 路 Vice Pre~idknt Englisp 4

Hr. Joseph!)'Angelo

Mrs. Julia Maher

Assistant Prinqipal fdr Academic.Affatrs Pu}Jljc Speaking

Assistant Principal 1 for\Btuden,t Affairs Cheinistry, Sty,dett,t Council. ·.··.! L,.•A,i" ...LU'

Bro. Gerar:~:,Ji':1;endreis/FS C

Bro. James'Reick, FSC


Director of Ad.missions




(Pront)Mrs. Jufia 1(, Mafier,Mr/Vincent 'W.Wafters, <Dr. JosepfiP. <D'}I..nge[o, Mr. }I.. P.cfwan{Jl.{{i,nspn, <Bro. <B~nedict 6r10er,<Bro -Sterner,M 1:Precfericft q. }1.ssaf,M 1:JolinJ. Mek9, M r:s. ·<Donna J. <Bartynskf., M 1:Steplien<T. <Dugan (Micfcf{e) Mr. <R,g6ert P. Moran,Mr. ~ }I.. O'Too{e,<Dr. Jolin P. £elimdn,Mr. 'Eaward(}tSo{vi6ife,<Dr. <R,g6ertJ. £ask9wskf.,Mr.JI..J. qa6rie(e,Mr. :Nl.icliae{(J). McCmtliy,Sr. Mc M1:James <D.<Dane{(a, <Bro. }1.ncfrew <Bartfey(<Bacfv <Bro. q~r,arcf}.Prencfreis,<Bro. 'Tim, }1.1iitaMac<Dona{c{, Mr. Cliar{es'E. <Dunfeavy, <Dr. Jolin P. Cara6e{{o, Mr. <R,g6ert <B. ;Mi{fs,Mr. Jofin ,r[.<PauC Mr. James P. ( Proefi.uc/i, <Bro. <Brian Jfenaerson,<Bro. 'l(evin<Da{masse, J{. Mc<Pfii({i,ps, <Dr.U'i[BamJ. Mark,mann <Bro, rrfzomas

}f[umni House I



Mr. John Meko Director of Development



Mr. Mark Oibbons Assistant

Comptroller Crew

Bro. Kevin Strong, FSC Mocle~ator, Men

Mr. Thomas Hibbs

La Sall~

Alumni Director


::lrMf-:s:'.: J,ane Keliy~Evans Alumni 9 ffice

Mns. Florence Ward Development Office

Mrs. Connie Gill Business OJfic~

Mrs. Kathy Winning Secretary to the Vice President

.Mr.Joseph Dempsey : ~-Chair, English.• 1, 3 Basketball, TV Studfo \



Mr. Dennis Bloh Engli~h 2, 4 Drama, Swimmfog

Mr. Brian Sweeney English 2, 4 Academic Decathlon, Wisterian

541odern (J)aySliakfspeares

Mr. Edward Molush

For over two decades, Mr. Edward Molush has spent every hour of the school day ensuring that the students of La Salle are capable of speaking English good. He is a man who not only teaches English, but also moderates mock trial and had a brief career in minor league base ball. Mr. Molush's classroom has an open atmosphere that promotes germane inter-student discussion, rather than a tedious ping-pong match between teacher and pupil. While he's always quick to jump in and offer his professional stance, correct a wrong answer, or regale the class with an amusing personal anecdote, the learning environment he creates provides a venue for thought-provoking dialogue that lacks both irrelevance and monotony. After twentytwo years of teaching at La Salle, Mr. Molush continues to enjoy the intellectual challenges of imparting knowledge upon hordes of literaturestarved youths. -Matt Finley

English 2, 4, AP Mock Trial

Mr. G~rald Hartey English 1, 2 Intramurals

Mrs. Elizabeth English 1, 3


df:StOn!. J,, . .

crime (['raveCefs r .. ·. : Mr. Gerald Miller

American History, Politcal Science, Vietnam· , Sroinuning ·

.Mr. Bernar<!, Fitzgerald American History, Westel'.n,.,Civilization Baslletball

yr. John Young .

Western Civilization, Scripture ' Spphomore Class ·JJioclerator'.


Mr. John Grace

Department Chair, European History, World History · Drama ·

Bro. ErnestMiller,



Wor!d Ijistory, Americ~n History, Morality

Mr.Joseph Colistra, one ofthe most respected achers at La Salle, teaches American History, 1dhis Economics class always draws the greatest tention from the students. With his fun and lrefree teaching style, his classes are both enterining and interesting, whether you're learning )Out demand curves or World War II. He also has great sense of humor. Many will remember his .mous rubber stamp and his "pet rock," which he 3es to help struggling students. Each day after devoting his time to the assroom, he becomes La Salle's head football >ach. He spends countless hours working with 1e football team, which has experienced great 1ccess under his leadership, ever since he became )ach 15 years ago. Mr. Colistra's hard work has enefited many students at La Salle. -Matt Gdowick


Mr. JosepliParisi

Vfor k\Iii~t?ry; ·

··.P.sychology\,, Athletw Dr.rector ·

Mr. Jahl~s ·rate W:e§te,rn,Civilization,/' World cHistory 1i1!1JlllffL§fr!Shi Clult Outdoor Adventure Club ,,



Mr. Joseph Colistra Economics, American History Football

Mr:.Daniel Hinckle American I-Iistory, Western Civilization .Football, '.:Lacrosse .

Mr. William Donohoe Volunteer

,,'~/·/(:\,~;·<<'!' 1 Mf. David.Manion. s

:B~o. James Stecli, FSC Fre:qch, 81)anish Lt"crosse ·




};£ '

Mr. William McBride German, Spclnish



. ' .· Spanrsl


In our monolingual society it is rare to meet someone who is fluent in another language. Many of our foreign language faculty speak at least two world languages, and some three. Surprisingly however, Mrs. Linda Donahue communicates in four, usually using all of them in the same day. She teaches Spanish, French, and Italian at La Salle, and still manages to remember English. Children's stories, interactive lessons, and cooking presentations are just a few of the methods Mrs. Donahue employs to engage her students. In addition to being a dynamic teacher, Mrs. Donahue is also a dedicated moderator of the Blue and Gold, one of the most demanding activities at La Salle, fully utilizing her ability to manage multiple tasks at once. All of her hard work as a teacher and a moderator is most definitely appreciated and she is certainly an asset to the school. -The Blue and Gold Staff

Mrs. Linda Donahue French, Italian, Spanish Blue and Gold

.Mrs. Frances; Jacob Diccicco,. .

路sp'anish . 路 路 ai(a"Gold


Mr.' Will(an(Geiger tip; Creative ..Writing; Environmental Science 路 azebo~;1LdtinClub, Photography Clul3


Mrs. Nancy Zoeltsc,h Spanish Spanish Club

Bro .. Charles Lackes, FSC Spanish

Mrs. Mq,ry Jo Smith

Mr. James Roche

Algebra, Calculus, Geometry 路 Drama

Algebra, Calculus

Mr. Joseph Radvanshy

Ms. Tina Shustacli

Algebra, Calculus, Math Analysis, Geometry F'ootball

Algebra, Geometry, Math Analysis Band

Mr. Joseph Falcone

Mr. Charl(}s Gesing

Algebra, Geometry, Math Analysis Baseball, -wrestling

Algebra, 6:eometry

Mr. Michael ~Qnisciqk Algel:ira, CalculusY'Statistics 111athletes

Mrs. Theresa'Garvin

Mr. Paul:.Quinn

''Algebra, Geometry

Alg~bra, Computer< Applic~tio11s, Internet Applications Baseball, "ice !flochey !:" ', 路:;\f



Have you forgotten the trigonometric funcions? Are you having trouble finding the area of a rapezoid? Or do you just need basic help in math? Vell, Mrs. Jeitneris the teacher that can help you. For he past three years she has been teaching many areas ,拢mathematics at La Salle; she has taught everything rom Algebra 1 to Math Analysis. However, Mrs. 路eitner's teaching specialties are Geometry and TrigoLOmetry. Each day she leads students through the tarsh geometric world of various shapes, functions, and 1roofs. Students can often find her at La Salle before md after the school day offering extra help. In addition o being a math teacher, Mrs. Jeitner is the moderator ,f Students Against Destructive Decisions (S.A.D.D.) lhe has revamped the program by organizing Red Alert )ay, arranging assemblies with guest speakers, and, of ourse, hanging the many S.A.D.D. posters all around he school corridors. Mrs. Jeitner's devoted teaching md commited involvement in La Salle is most defi1itely appreciated. -Brian Campo

Mrs. Stephanie Jeitner Algebra, Geometry, Math Analysis SADD


\'./ ..NJ;r. ,tilft<fdPuntel

'~路 .Catholic JJdentity, Scripture , '\;:tt,\ J,:,, ~~~:Li:,~

Mr. Franc;is Joh;fi,flon Morality, English 4, Public Speaking . Cross CounUy . ,,

Bfother Francis


l'f.[r.Mark\ Chesnili

Daniels/ii, FSC

Prayer Campus .Ministry, Lasallian Service Gorps


Cl'iristian Acffjon; Prayer 路 Campus Jlt/inistry, Las~llian Seruice Corps



,.rtneCll'osenOnes Mr. Nicoletti is considered one of the very mique teachers that grace the hallways of La Salle. v'Ir.Nicoletti, or Mr. Nie as most students refer to him, tas been teaching religion since he first came to La ;alle in 1985. Throughout the years, he has also aught English, but he is mainly famous for his lasses of Catholic Identity, Sacred Scripture, and Vorld Religions, which is the most popular senior eligion course. His humorous and energetic disposiion, as well as his dynamic teaching style, make him ne of the most respected teachers at La Salle. Along rith being a devoted teacher, Mr. N ic is an asset to the ,a Salle community. He is the moderator of the rnshman football team and the coordinator of the St. 'rancis Inn Sandwich Program, a program which rovides the less fortunate with sandwiches made by tudents. Mr. Nicoletti is also a dedicated family man. [e once swam for several hours in the Delaware River 1 search ofhis lost wedding ring, which is evidence of is loving devotion to his family. We encounter many 1spiringfigures here at La Salle, and Mr. Nicoletti is ~rtainly one of these people.

-C. J.Denny

M;.:W~/lia:7n Leahy.

C<1tholicIdentity, Business


. ''

Mr.Geoffrey Nicoletti Scripture, World Religions Fool ball

Bro. Kenneth Cooli, FSC Catholic Identity, Sacred Scripture

路Mr. Michael Seminach Biology, Integrated Science Track and Field

Mr. Charles Cirelli Chemistry, Morality Bashetball, Lacrosse, Soccer Mrs. Ponisciak's students marvel at how she can predict exactly what dates her tests will be on at the start of the quarter. Not only that, but she knows just how to word test questions so that students become confused out of their minds and claim she never actually taught them that acids and bases make water! In fact, Mrs. P onisciak is one of the most passionate teachers you'll ever find. Her Socratic style of teaching makes her students think. She gives them hints and clues like crumbs of cheese leading the hungry mouse to the end of the maze. When someone gives a correct answer, her face lights up in satisfaction. One can see the true joy she gets from simply helping kids understand. She knows that once a student comprehends something by his own realization, no one can take that knowledge away from him. And, although she can sometimes seem imposing when she is helping one of her perplexed pupils, Mrs. Ponisciak is genuinely concerned for the intellectual growth of each of her students. Despite the fact that most may not agree with her that chemistry is life itself, they still must admit that she is unique in her determination. Among all our distinguished faculty, Mrs. Ponisciak stands out in students' memories as one of the most dedicated teachers they ever had. - John Doherty

Mr. Thomas Barna Chemistry, Integrated


Lasallian Serl'ice Corps, -Junior Cla.ss llloderat

Mr. Stephen Duncheski Integrated

Science, Environmental S11.:imming

Mrs. Dorothy Ponisciah Department Chair, Chemistry National Honor Society



Mr. Robert Russell Physic13, Computer Science, Programming 1thletes, Computer Robotics, Academic DecatJwlon

Mr. Gerald Evans Biology ll1och Trial

Bro. Don Alger, FSC Int(~grated Science, Sacred Scripture

Mr. Terrence Gillespie Biology Freshman Class ll1oderator

Mr. Daniel Cipolla

Mr. David Crowe


Anatomy and Physiology Athletic Trai11er

A.major aspect of the La Salle experience is periodic visit to the nurse's office with Mrs. Ja Ciccimaro, school nurse and health teacher. In the cl room, Mrs. C teaches students about drug and alc1 awareness and many lessons on how to live a healthy In the nurses' office, Mrs. Ciccimaro turns from a rr mannered academic instructor into an efficient and derstanding R.N., there to diagnose any student fee less than stellar. Even though some are afraid ofinfir ries, Mrs. C's.is like no other. As they walk in and• around, they will find the daily newspape:r, beds blankets, and hear the soothing music of Magic lC "·.,Without Mrs. Ciccimaro, the four years at La E would be lost in a tempest of stabbing migraines ' gastrointestinal distress. -RichardBongiovc

Mrs. Janice Ciccimaro School Nurse Health

Mr. Tore Hanssen

Mr. Franli Lichtner

Physical Education Tennis

Aquatics Swim.ming·

Mrs. Diane McGovern

Mrs. Barb.ara Miller

Drawing, Painting

Ceramics, ~culpture Art Cl,1.b

Art Club

Mr. Peter Sigmund Compi.iter Sc.iei1ce )irector of路 Technology, .Crete ...

Mrs. Kat/1:leen John

Mr. Michael Ghecco

Computer-Aitle{1 Design

Choral Music, Fine Arts Belcro fters


Mr. Rocco ~~fie~ Iqstructiqn, (rrumpe t


Mr. Richard Gen:ouese Instrumental

Instruction, Trombone, .\Tuba


Instruction, Guitar


t , ...

uiding ............,aa{fe Bro. William DiPasquale, FSC 'College Counselor English 3, Group Advisory, National Honor Soc

Mrs. Mary Kay Mullen

Mr. Michael Dolan

College Counselor Group Advisory

Counselor Department Chair

Mrs. Mary Sheets

Mrs. Marie Baer Montgomery County Intermediate


Montgomery County ;Intermediate


Mr. Martin Jaclison

Mr. Patrich Devine

. (Jounselor, La11.gua1}eSpecialist Psychology, Bashetball

Sophomore Counselor Christian Lifestyles, Sacred Scripture, Tracll and Field


a ~


Mrs. Susan Sayer

Mr. John /(eenan

Colle[Je Counseling

Freshman Cozinselor Computer and Reading, Soccer

At some point in his high school career, every nior confronts the ruthless indifference and merciless ality of the college search. While there are many trials 1d tribulations that will hinder his progress, he need )t face them alone for there is someone more powerful Lanthose who dwell in the nether regions of the college 1est: Mrs. Kathleen O'Connell. All year she tirelessly labors over a mulititude of rms and applications so that the seniors may have ,me guidance upon their journey. She is always there , answer questions about the new and unfamiliar proiss and to make sure none of the forms go astray. All vo hundred and twenty-one seniors take comfort from :ff assurance, advice and organization in hectic times, hether it be approaching an application deadline or ~cidently sending a Villanova University essay to the ew Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology. Mrs. 'Connell's effort and influence motivate each member : the senior class to bound fearlessly into the world of igher education.

-Brian Campo and Matt Finley

Mrs. /(athleen O'Connell College Counseling

Rever~n,d Anthony Jan ton 路 Chaplain

Mrs. Patricia Murphy Secretm'.) JJ!fain ..f:Jffice 1,



Mrs. Ann Ford

Secretcu:y,路路1itain Office

Mrs. Patricia Schaum Secretary, Atten,cl,dnceOffice

Situated on the first floor of St. Michael's Hall, library is one of the school's most important acaic facilities. Home to thousands of books, a multi:of internet- ready computers, and an entire section i with different magazines and newspapers, there o wonder as to why many students choose the try during their 1unch and free periods as a place to y. However, all of this information would be usewithout proper organization and maintenance, and mately, La Salle has someone who does this very . La Salle's head librarian for four years, Ms. Donna ?;works vigorously to keep our library up to par in ever-advancing information age. Through her ef; and with help from others on the library staff, not do La Salle students have easy access to a com:r-based book catalog, they also have the ability to ~search across the internet using the online ed uca -oriented databases that the library subscribes to. >pthings off, Ms. Long is almost always available to students with whatever problems or questions may have regarding the library. As La Salle inues to move forward into the 21st century, it is )rtant to acknowledge everyone at La Salle, espeY Ms. Donna Long, who work so diligently to keep ~ducational facilities here updated, and more imantly, well organized.

LendingLa Sa{C The journey through La Salle would not be complete without a visit to the school cafeteria. Along with serving as a free period hangout, the cafeteria provides quality meals for ravenous La Salle students. Mr. Joseph Gallo, Director of Food Services, is the person responsible for making the cafeteria run so smoothly. With a movie star smile and an engaging personality, Mr. Gallo organizes each day's sumptuous feast. His upbeat attitude is reflected in a hard-working, cheerful staff whose relationship with the students is truly something special. The appetites of La Salle students keep Mr. Gallo al ways busy, so the cafeteria booms with business. However, along with managing the cafeteria, Mr. Gallo is moderator of the newest La Salle activity, the Model Railroad club. This club is focused on the hobby of sharing ideas on railroading and improving model train layouts for the display of their trains and accessories. Whether cooking food or constructing model railroads, Mr. Gallo makes a unique contribution to the La Salle community. -Darren Grossman



Mr. Joseph Gallo Director of Food Sen'ices

Mr. Rodney Brader SepU'ity Guard


Mr. Marh Angiolillo Director of ll1aintenance


Brendan Garwood, FSC

:rector of Brothers' Residence

Mr. lames Behr, Mr. frank Ignas, Mr. Michael Donav;m, Mr. Al Loscalzo

Mrs. Barbara


School Store

Mrs. Susan Spause School Store


Ryan Filipczak: "Man, studying does pay off!" A.P. Lunch

ning errands to the elusive 5th floor. " (meaning "life") and "-logy" (meaning ::;tudyof'): "biology" the study of life! = y ... Y? Because we love you! M-0-Umpotomia' ... between the Tiggeris and ay-Deez! ther Frank's invitation to go play in ic ) is this Brother Rene and what is he .ngabout? v am I supposed to know what lan~eto register for? I only speak }LISH! :bush caught fire, yet it did not burn! lalle really is TWO WORDS (La Salle). 11lianis really ONE WORD, not two :lallian) y, muy, muy dificil... Mrs. Ponisciak's nistry class ited States history is indeed taught by football coach who is indeed one of the tt men of the modern era. ~ anxiously-awaited, expensive and .sed school rings, which became our >rite, expensive, blessed bureau knickcks. sundheit, chuchoter, and sacapuntas 1e coolest words learned in foreign ?uage classes . .ays in the La Salle cycle, 5 days in a ool week, what's the matter with these ple?

Austin Perera: "Who is this Chad? And if he is pregnant, how did science perform this feat of modern medicine?" Michael O'Callaghan, Paul Oakley, Patrick Brett: The best part of the day: the bus ride home! Once again, some students at La Salle attempt to look busy for the camera.

Patrick Abbott


Sean Adams

Timothy Adams

Nicholas Affel



Christopher Arentz

Jeffrey Bagdis

Fredrick Baker


Garrett Basalyga

Jonathan Battista

Andrew I

Terrell Bell

Kevin Benincasa

William Benz



Mark Bielecki

Joseph Bis

Kevin Blagrave

Andrew Bono


Andrew Brady

Nicholas Brechbill

Cole Brennan

Philip Bresrn

Patrick Brett

David Breznicky

Steve Britton

Andrew Buck

Mark Bur

Christopher Cahill

Mark Caltabi

Eric Calvitti

Price Campbell

Joseph Candelore

Christopher Cane

Charles Capaci

Matthew Capaldo

Anthony Cardi

Look, these freshmen can sleep with their eyes open!


Paul Cannan

T. Jeffrey Casey

George Cerwinski

Andrew Chiarello

Michael Ciaverelli



Brian Clearkin

Timothy Cooney

R. Vance Cooper

Michael Coyle

Timothy Craig

Robert Crawford

Ryan Curtin

Andrew Dauphinee

James Deak

Daniel Decastro

Richard DeGirolamo

Andrew Degnan

Stephen Depman

Andrew Desiderio

Adam Dick

Adam DiMenna

Luke Direnzo

Thomas Donnelly

l Cunningham




r::, Lj

Kevin Donohoe

Michael Driscoll

Timothy Duckett

Andrew Dunn

Gerald Dunn

Thomas Ebbecke

Michael Ellis

Louis Esposito



Joseph Fedorowicz

Mark Fegley

Benjamin Fell

Daniel Ferrie


Michael Ferro

Christopher Fireoved


Patrick Flood

Michael Fe

Ryan Friel

Patrick Gallagher

Kenneth Gambone

Patrick Gannon

Angelo Garofalo

Christopher Garzone

Christopher C

Erick Geiger

John Giaimo

David Gibbons

Nicholas Gigliotti

Brian Gillin


Michael Glac

Matthew Gleason

Christopher Glover

Paul Gormisky

Edward Graham

Christopher Greaves

Nicholas Gregorio


Peter Har


Brendan Heron

Matthew Hess

Christopher Hicks

Daniel Higgins

Alexander Himes

John Hocker


Alex Hondros

Brian Hopkins

Stephen Horvath

William Hotz


Kevin Ihlein


Kent Jaggers

Christopher Johnson

Francis Jorfi

Jeffrey Kanof

Patrick Keenan

Daniel Kennedy


Christopher Kirk

Ryan Kirk


Chad Kolarik

John Labosky

Paul Lanzilotta

Frere Jacques' French 1 class.

William Leahy

Sean Leimbach

Robert Levins

James Lewis

Timothy Loftus

Aristides Lolosidis

Kevin Lutsch

Shane Madden

Peter Magee

Kevin Maggitti

Thomas Mahon

Robert Maiden


James Malamut

Matthew Malloy

Shane Maloney

Matthew Markley

Jason Maron

Joseph Martosella

Anthony Mi

Peter Maxwell

Joseph McArthur

C. Eric McCarthy

Bill McCloskey

Patrick McCusker

Christopher McDade


These freshmen still have the will to learn ...even during 8th period.

Bryan Lo

ichael McG!inn

Sean McGorry

Michael McGowan

Alex McGrath

Michael McLaughlin

Kevin McMahon

Michael McMullen


Joseph McPeak

Anthony Medoro

Andrew Medwid


William Melvin

Christopher Miller

evinH. Miller

Kevin M. Miller


Michael Mintzer

Kevin Moll

Paul Montgomery

Kevin Moore

pher Mulholland

Max Mullineaux

Thomas Nardi


R. Brian Neary

Ryan Neiling

Francis Nguyen


Neil O'Connell

Thomas O'Donnell

Patrick O'Neill

Justin O'Pella

Paul Oakley

Carl Olejniczak

Joseph Palatano

Brian Palmero

Michael Parker

Ryan Pedrotty

Joseph Pelone

Colin Pinto

n Ostopchuck


Andrew Chiarello and Timothy Craig: "Wow, smiling at the camera is a whole lot easier than studying."

Gregory Potestio

Ryan Powers

Sean Quigg

Michael Raftery

Michael Reale

Roderick Reber

Robert Rebst

Alexander Reif

Patrick Riley

Rafael Rincon

Michael Rockwood

Kyle Rodden

Hector Romero

Christopher I

Brian Ruhling

Branden Shane

Sean Shapiro

Nicholas Shattuck

Alexander Shaw

Kristopher Shinn


Anthony Snead

Michael Stanton

Rory Staub

G.Alexander Staurnwsky

Christopher Strolle

Michael Sullivan


)ouglas Taylor

Zachary Taylor

Gregory Teufel

James Toolan

John Trainer

Michael Tramontina

Michael Valentine

n Van Eekelen

Robert Vrancken

Christopher Wallin

Michael Walsh

Tevis Weir

John Welsh

Michael Whalen

,othy Whalan

I(yle Whitmire

Lucas Wilde

Daniel Wood

Joel Worster

Daniel Yanak

Michael Zakrzewski

Vance Cooper, yet another student utterly confused by Mr. Sigmund. Mark Bur enjoying pure delicious taste.

Kevin Abbott

Channing Ackason

Russell Adams

Sean Agnew

Michael Alonso

Matthew Andris

Timothy Archib

Michael Aviles

Ryan Barbieri

Dominick Barbuto

John Barrett

George Barsby

Andrew Bartynski


James Battin

Justin Beale

Robert Bender

Robert Brassell


Joseph Burke



Derek Calista

Ryan Campbell

Nicholas Capozzi

Braclley Caracausa

Andrew Carnevale

David Chesny

Brian Chmielewski

Daniel Cipolla

James Clark

Timothy CliJford

Brett Cohen


Andrew Connor

Jonathan Cooney

Joseph Cosella

MaJs.'Well Courtney

Steven Covaleski

Timothy Ca

Jay Coll


"Wouldn't it be easier to just not study?"



Kevin Dailey

Bryn Davis

Philip Davis

Patrick Delaney


Anthony Di Cicco

Philip Diantonio

Michael Dominick

Brian Donohoe

Kevin Doran

Christopher Dougherty


E:dward Downing

Michael Dungan

Christopher Dunne

Corey Dmkin

Joseph Dwyer

Stephen Dwyer

Joshua Ecker

Stephen Farrington

James Fasoline

Kevin Feeley

Michael Feldman

Thomas Ferrick

m Creed


Ryan Fields

James Finore

Mitchell Fiorentini-

Douglas Firely

Daniel Fitzhemy

Ryan Fitzpatrick

Austin Foley

Kenneth Ford

Thomas Fox

Michael Fragnito


Stephen Gabryelski


Timothy Galen

James Gardner

Kevin Gardner

Michael Garofalo

Timothy Garvin

Gregory Giagnacova

Ryan (

Gerald Givnish

Christopher Gladu

Daniel Good

J. Clu路istopher Gormley

Joseph Grasso

Stephen Gray

Philip Gr,

"Can I go home now?"

Sean Fl

tin Griffis

Neil Griffis

Joseph Guerra

Graham Guthrie

Joseph Haenn

James Harkins

Jason Harkins


Patrick Healy

David Heayn

Brendan Heck

Rory Heenan

Gregory Heleniak

Kevin Heselpoth

Peter Hondros

Robert Hughes

Stephen Iannacone

Douglas Interrante

Jordan Jackson

Matthew Jacobsen

Michael Jenkins

Matthew Johnson

Andrew Karpchuk

Clayton Keir

Jonathan Keller




,rd Kelly

Douglas Kelly

Matthew Kelly

Michael Kent

Dorian Kernytsky

Brad Kerr

Michael IGng


Ryan Knapp

Francis Kohler

Nicholas Konieczny

Paul Kopicki

John Kornfeind

Jeffrey Kozeniewski



Bill McCullough, Chris Gormley, and Brian Chmielewski doing absolutely nothing.



Eric Krauss

Justin Krenski

Andrew L'Ecuyer

Edward Lawless

Michael Levins

Christian Lewis

Anthony Li

David Light

Matthew Loftus

Charles Long

William Loughery

Noel Lumba

Matthew Madden


Michael Malkowski

Trevor Martin


Paul Mathew

S. Alex May

Michael McAnulty


Joseph McCabe

Terrence McCann

Alexander McCarron

James McCullagh

William McCullough

Brendan McDermott



Michael McGinn

Patrick McGonigle

Matthew McGmkin

Ian McLaughlin

Michael McLaughlin


Robert McNamara

M. Patrick McNeela

Daniel McShane

Michael Merlini

Matthew Meves

Joseph Micucci


Kevin McLoughlin

laise Miller

Robert iVliller

Stephen Miller

Michael Minni

Michael Moffett

Jonathan Molinaro

Patrick Monagle

trcell Moore


Christopher Naab

David Naab

Kyle Nagy

Michael Nespola

Anthony Nguyen

:hael Nicoletti

Andrew Nolan

Michael O'Callaghan

Matthew O'Donnell

William O'Neill

Joseph O'Pella

Devin Ohman

Michael Onufrak

Matthew Pace

Gary Palo

James Perdigao

Austin Perera

Elias Pery


Matthew Madden gets a head start on homework.

Carl Pfefferle

David Phung

Zach Pickens

Bruce Pohlot

Jonathan Raffa

Michael Ragan

Anthony Ii

Gioacchino Randazzo

Christopher Reedman

Joseph Roche

Steven Rodgers

Brian Rodziak

Christopher Rose

Gregory Ro

Benjamin Rush

James Sacchetta

Christopher Schwartz

Justin Sen

Peter Seweryn

Nicholas Shields





Warren Smith

John Solari

Brook Solliday


Kevin Tatlow

John Thyberg

Nicholas Trimboli

Christopher Tropio

Christopher Tuck

Jeffrey Lee Tucker

Jonathan Veit

Brenden Von Medicus

Daniel Waters

Edward Weinrich

Nicholas Weiss

Kevin Werner

Colin Whitaker


Richard Wilson

Timothy Wilson

Joseph Winning

Anderson Winters

Daniel Wisniewski

Michael Wooldridge

Mike McLaughlin looks forward to dissecting a fetal pig.

Matthew Adams

Sean Ahern

Bernardino Allegretti

Michael Aluise


Christopher Ay

Drew Babin

David Babnew

Cln路istopher Barry

Robert Baumgardner

Scott Beard

Patrick Becher

Gregory Bednarz

Cln'istopher Bell

Stephen Bielecki

Gerard Binder

Brandon Black


Michael Bocchino


Anthony Bonanni

Adam Borek

Eric Brannon

Anthony Brelsford

Jason Ere

Matthew Broderick

Sean Brogan

Joshua Bryant

Matthew Capetola

Robert Careless

Ian Carey


Philip Carroll

Sean Caviston

Bobby Cho

Michael Ciccaglione

Michael Colibraro

Patrick Collins


Patrick Be


Look! It's boiling! And I think the fumes are making me dizzy ...

tdan Cooney

Ian Cooper

Cln路istopher Costantino


Mark D'Angelo

Ryan DeAngelis

Matthew Derrick

James Devery

Christopher Dougherty

David Drayton

路istopher ,aurentis


Michael Cragin

Salvatore Cucinotta

Cln路istopher Curcio

Steven Curran

Dino Dedic

Joln1 DeGi:rolamo

James Delaney

Anthony DiJulio

Frank Dilella

John DiSepio

Matthew Doer!lein

Daniel Duffey

Marlio Escobar

George Farina

Daniel Fazio


Ryan Filipczak

Timothy Flynn

. hard day of scho~l by S n Riley ends路nst his a n1c . e soft brick pillar. ea leaning up agai

Jason Fis]

路nest Gambone

Gerard Geisel

Jonathan Gerstemeier

Michael Gibbons

Brian Gillespie

Ifovin Gillin

Daniel Golden

'.hael Graham

John Haggerty


Michael Hanna

John Hayes

Ricky Heater

Matthew Henwood

iss Hicks

Patrick Hill

Daniel Holmes

Timothy Horwedel

Michael Hughes

Christopher Jeffers

Andrew John

Brad Kammerer

Patrick Ifaufinann

Michael Ifolley

Terence Kempf

Brendan Kennedy

Nicholas Keppol

Alexander l(ing



Robert Kohlhepp

David Kolosky

Timothy Koons

Christopher Ladley

Anthony Lagreca

Russell Lampman

John Lasky

Joseph Laub

Eric Lee

ew Kahan



Mike Cragin is about to eat a hearty, nutritious, and delicious cheesesteak!


Nicholas Letier

Sean Levin

Christian Lewis

F. Conrad Lochocki

George Lolosidis

Thomas Lopit

Steven 1

Francis Lyons

Ryan MacFarland

Andrew Mackintosh

Stephen Maida

Louis Mancinelli

Manuel Martin-Quereda

Joshua M


Andrew McCann

Patrick McCarthy

Edward McCusker

Shawn McDade

Ronan McDermott



Sean McMahon

Sean McManus

Christopher McMullin

Michael McNamara

Andrew Merl'ick

Brian Miller

Brian Miller

Sean Miller

Jeffrey Mills

David Moll

Marc Mongeau

Lawrence Montgomery

Michael Montgomery

atthew Monis

Andrew Mowery

Ross Muldoon


John Nance

Stephen Nedi

Trevor Needham

Brian Noone

P. Michael Nmmari

Ryan O'Connell

Patrick O'C01111or

Ryan O'Donnell

Michael O'Hara

Jonathan Oldt

Robert Palidora

Matthew Palilonis

Matthew Palmer

James Palopoli

Domenic Panza

Gregory Patcella

Thomas Plick

Ryan Pollock

Jonathan Posen

Eric Poupard


bert O'Neill


,Joseph Passanante

Sean Mc Manus and Stephen Schaffer taking a leisurely stroll through the hallway.


iVIatthew Quigg

Chris Radvansky

Marco Ramos

Timothy Reichelt

Daniel Reid

Adam Reif

Timothy Richards

Kevin Rieffel

Sean Riley

Daniel Ritter

David Rock

Ryan Rodden

,John Ro

Andrew Ryan

Edward Sabia

Peter Santamaria

Kevin Savage

Stephen Schaffer

Theodore Schuck

Sean Sc

Bmndon Skupski

Gregory Smith

Matthew Smith

Matthew Snyder

Mark Spangler

Daniel Streelmen

,John Reifsn

Steven Su


Matthew Sulock

Andrew Talaga

Ayoclale Tan

Michael Teklit.s

F. de Borja Tenacio

Ryan Thomas



Andrew Urbanski

,John Valentino

Vincent Vassallo

Jeremy Viray

Louis Volpe


Ryan Walder

Kevin Walker

Thomas Weiser

J. Patrick Weller

Ryan Westley

Brendan Whitaker

Photos not available: Justin Benincasa Jose Federico Moreno-Penzo


Sean Wills

Jolm Wilson

Brian Winkelman

Todd Zettle

"In this experiment, gentlemen, we are going to blow up the chemistry lab."-Mr. Barna

0 Uo, Terrell Be ll >mBloh in ,,,,. Toun. ,p, VincentVassa

TheRespec, t Life, Club

Chris Chander fights Mr. Hartey in a jousting match. La Salle's Pep Band cheers the football team on, even in the coldest weather.

, Academic Decathlon, new to La Salle this year: Luke Field, Mr. Robert Russell, Tom Plick, John son, Andrew Ryan, Tony Nguyen, Kyle Nagy, Doug Firely, Pat McNeela, Ryan Fields, Jason Javie, Brian Sweeney

The revamped Student Council, under fresh new leadership, created change at La Salle under the theme of"AN ew Year of Opportunity." Led by President Gabe DiClerico, Vice-President Brendan Crotty, Secretary Kevin Cross, and moderated by Mrs. Maher, the student government represented the interest of the student body well. After acquiring the new mascot outfit, the Student Council's first major task was the planning and execution of the Russian Welcome Rally, which was a huge success. Although Dragov and Rocky fought to a draw, the football team took care of business on the field. Around the same time in early September, the Student Council introduced the Cheers Club. Sales totals of the t-shirts were impressive. In October, the motivation of the Student Council rubbed off on the entire student body. For the first time in the Magazine Drive history, the school collected over $100,000 and the senior class surpassed their goal. Although the seniors only made it by a few dollars, they collected enough to earn the privilege to wear golf shirts in the spring. The first real pep rally of the year featured an appearance by Emmett "Chief' McGowan as he detained Kevin Jones (played by Imo Ahonkhai). Spirit was high, leading into the football playoffs.

Mrs. Maher, along with Kevin Cross, Brendan Crotty, and Gabe Di Clerico, runs a Student Council meeting. Mr. File lending a helping hand in the weight-lifting competition.

Mmm ... I wish these Jell-o cubes were pancakes.

For once, class actually seems exciting.


All three mixers sold out and featured different bands from the school community. The winter formal was, likewise, a success. In early January, the Student Council began planning for spirit weeks. The first week started off with useless trivia quizzes in homeroom. The weeks then featured the traditional Jell-o eating, weightlifting, and arm wrestling contests. New this year was a faculty-student quiz, which the students, of course, won. The spirit week pep rally capped off the two weeks with a bang. Students and teachers battled it outinjoustingmatches, while the super hoops sat unused. In between matches, the Tubby Wonder, the Revolting Blob, the Italian Stallion, the WingNutandsixothercompetitors attacked plates of wings in the first annual La Salle Wing Bowl. After nine minutes of eating, the Conshy Colossal, with a total of 70 wings, was crowned the first La Salle Wing Bowl Champion, and awarded the newly constructed Wing Bowl Trophy. It was an unforgettable day in La Salle history. All year long, at their lengthy and productive meetings, the Student Council worked hard to plan activities and offer a year's worth of opportunities for everyone. Their success was clearly evident. -Gabe Di Clerico

Brendan Crotty explains for the fifth time that 'Mullets' is not one of the categories. Ten seconds earlier, the chicken was still clucking.

Mr. Evans, Mrs. Donahue, Mr. Molush and Mr. Miller get ready to ring the bell in the Quiz Show. "We call them Jello-Fellos."

La Salle gym: full of riff-raff andjonsl-a-bouts.

Mr. Seminack: Heart full of spirit, gut full of wings.

The leaders of the National Honor Society at the induction ceremony and Mass for new members. As Kevin Cross and Dave Read are distracted by the camera, the nurse quickly extracts another pint of blood. John Hicks earns a cookie for giving blood.

Dominick P. Addesi Andrew R. Alston Seth R. Anders Christopher J. Antczak Brian P. Baillie Ryan S. Beck Ryan H. Bennett Joseph G. Blake Michael J. Bondiskey Joshua E. Borkowski Joseph T. Bui Brian J. Campo David R. Candia JohnM. Carr Anthony A. Ciaverelli Sean R. Connor Matthew V. Costanzo Kevin J. Cross Brendan J. Crotty James D. Danella John J. Delaney Jeremy M. Desiderio Michael W. Diccicco Gabriel R. Di Clerico Nam Hoang Do John F. Doherty James J. Edelen Erner Flounders Anthony W. Geiger MarkD. Gernerd Thomas H. Gorman Darren R. Grossman Philip R. Gugger Michael P. Hilferty

Michael D. Holbert Gary E. Kane, Jr. Kenneth C. Kempf Thomas A. Larner, Jr. Michael J. Leonard Thomas A. Leonard George D. Lozowski Sean R. Luhks Gregory P. Madden Michael A. Manzi Gabriel J. Marabella Daniel T. Marvin Joseph A. Mattioli, Jr. Frank C. Meola James S. Mikochik Philip T. Nigon Michael James O'Connor Michael P. Olshansky Dean F. Owens Timothy M. Palilonis James Park Phillipa Polychronakis Christopher P. Potestio DavidH. Read Charles P. Reilly, III Matthew G. Scott Michael J. Seelaus David E. Skoien Javed P. Sondhi Ryan W. Stillwell Mark A. Swanson Jeffrey D. Walter Roger C. Yeung John A. Zaro

This year's membership in the National Honors Society exceeded one hundred students. At the November induction ceremony of new members, the NHS officers, President Dave Read, Vice-President Kevin Cross, Secretary Ryan Bennett, and Treasurer Mike Seelaus accepted their new positions and welcomed the new juniors and seniors to the organization. Mrs. Dorothy Ponisciak and Brother William Di Pasquale supervised the activities of the society. Among the most notable is the underclass tutoring program, in which any student in need of academic help can get assistance from an NHS member. The other NHS activity is the annual Red Cross blood drive. NHS members schedule appointments, man the reception "desk" and give donors encouragement. NHS volunteers also serve as helpers at Open House and give their time and talents to the La Salle community in other ways. The school greatly appreciates their dedication. -Kevin Cross

The newly-inducted Members of the National Honor Society

. . I" liceman, say s·. "No skimprng. ,, . me, one for them .... Above, Roge, Yeung, gravy-po two (o, C th; hez says,. "One for them,. . 20 secon ds prior ·dto nt M ·ke Hilferty, "Tuna Inc1 e · 1 nOWl ·.nfamous

A "meating" of the Three Fates. The Project "Home Boys" wrapping.

Project Home: Mike Hilferty, Roger Yeung, John Delaney, Mrs. Mary Kay Mullen, Jim Danella, r1 Garrity, Mrs. Kathleen O'Connell, Jim Park, Mike Mulligan, Phil Gugger, Brett Thompson.

LSC. Where should we start? Bro. Frank, Chez, various faculty moderators and student leaders, not to mention the hundreds of students who participated. As one of the school's largest organizations, the LSC currently has 13 programs which include tutoring, writing on political issues, collections for the poor, and a variety of community activities which allow our students to go out and help others. Through these programs of providing service, we havehadalotoffun andhavemademanyfriendships, not only among the students, but between the students and the people whom we have helped. The hard work proved to be very beneficial for everyone involved. The Lasallian Service Corps is very grateful to Brother Frank Danielski, Mr. Mark Chesnik, and the other faculty moderators for opening our eyes to the benefits of community service. -Chris Potestio Programs: Amnesty International: La Salle participates in the worldwide organization seeking the release of political prisoners and reconciliation among peoples. Bread Basketball: A food collection run by the Corps combining interschool competition and the collection of food for the needy. Mission Collections: Several collections take place throughout the school year. Proceeds benefit St. Martin's and St. Vincent's Parishes in Germantown. Operation Incentive: A weekly tutoring program at Our Mother of Consolation School in Chestnut Hill. Operation Santa Claus: A school-wide effort to collect toys for the needy in our community. Project Home: Students help to prepare food, serve food, and do much more in conjunction with Project Home in West Philadelphia. Providence Center: A weekly tutoring program in West Kensington. Respect Life: A school club that promotes respect for all life. La Salle participates in various programs throughout the metropolitan area. St. Francis Inn: Preparation and delivery of meals on the first Sunday of every month to St. Francis Inn in Kensington. St. Martin de Porres: La Salle has built a strong friendship with St. Martin's. Not only do we tutor there, we also play games with the students, help to clean, or do any other odd jobs. Trieste House: Students are asked to help with physical therapy for mentally challenged adults. Though it is a tough task, many La Salle students volunteer each week.

Steve Carvalho and Roger Yeung showing the" apple of their eyes." "I swear these presents had ow路 names on them!"

"These are the hands of a shadow puppet champion."

3lle's Operation Santa Claus participants wrap ~nts for underprivileged children.

German Clubw路1r m McBride, Pat McCarthl:y, 路 Bill Hotz, Mr. i ia . B tt Row: Char ie Top R<?w: Mr. GTeorge AntMhony Brei: Austin Perera, Panza? ony J~1~!;~i!M~ochik, . C ldo Enck Geiger, rs. fjft~~~a . Domemc Capaci, Jon Batista, Matt apMik~ Coyle, Michael Kent

"Guten Tag! Herzli1 Wilkommen!" With a hello a heartfelt welcome you eted at the door o~room gre . p 1ayi ng '1fo< Festive music. is . bemg sh are d., .and L Speop 11 'se i ' laughing. Th1s1s a a e man Club. The German c headed by Herr Ge_o Hohenleitner and Herr Will McBride celebrates GerGan ture and is a place for er1 students to furthe~ exer their German speaking s And if you're not a German dent? Come in anyway, all 路 The club's m welcome. h Oktoberf events are t e . ) Weihnachten (Christmas ' Fastnacht (Fat T~esday).d chocolate, appl~ cider, a~l\\ German pastries are lentiful. Comeforthefood,_: for the warm friendly e,nvi ment (and for the food.). wiedersehen -Tony Ge

The Spanish Club is a place where students ~ather to celebrate the Sp~n1sh language an d Hispamc culture. . t F m after school meet1n?s o 路 a1med ro trips, everyt h"mg is_ field towards further develop~ng th~ o h ers' understanding mem . the that culture. This yea:' Spanish club wen~ on trips.:~ see Hispanic dancmg, S?am t and of course the obligato~y ar, ventures to numerous ethnic restaurants, ':here t:: ; 0 ~~: are bountiful . ue guacamole is free. iQ divertido!

-Mike Diccicco Spanish Club axwell Courtney, Tim Wilsc . . J hn DeCree, Andrew Ryan, M ont Row: Jeff~ alters, J Backyeullermet, Row: Rickey ~att Adams, Sean McMa~o~l"~~ing: Mike Diccicco, Pres. Steve Jo recter, I Wilson, Dale Tan, o!r"Weiser, Mrs. Nancy Zoeltsc


Look! More free food!

Are these guys for the experience of learning about another ulture? No, they're here for the free food!

The Latin Club is a ~at club open to everyone, Jecially students who don't rn Latin. While it meets less :quently than many other Givities, the meetings are altys productive and educanal. In the Latin Club, Modator Mr. William Geiger ex:1.insthe culture of ancient >me, where Latin had its ots. Members of the Latin 1b experience that culture in :i.yssuch as listening tom usic at was composed in Roman nes andeatingfoodsimilarto at of ancient Rome. Amazgly so, being a part of the 1tin Club is not only a learng experience but also enjoy>le. -Matt Gdowik

Latin Club Front Row: Mr. William Geiger, Roger Yeung, Mike Hilferty, Bert Bender Back Row: George Lozowski, Steven Vuillermet, Matt Gdowik, Max Courtney, Tim Holwick, Greg Heleniak

Science: arguably the most important "ence." For those of us (and by "us," I mean "you") who don't experience enough science on a daily basis here at La Salle, there's a club we can join. A science club. However, its members refer to it affectionately as The Science Club. These are the neo-Newtons you see dropping eggs off of the fourth floor patio. At every meeting, the lab-loving denizens of the third floor attempt, through experimentation, to unlock the mysteries of motion, energy, and life. Then they have a cookout. Besides their frequent after school meetings, the club also takes a trip to Rohm and Haas biomedical research labs where they are escorted on a tour and told, "For the love of Faraday, don't touch anything!" This year has proved a fruitful one for La Salle's post-Planck posse, and while they still can't quite grasp why the eggs are falling, they kinda know how to save them. -Matt Finley



eve Lyons, Andrew Degnan, Sean Brogan, Robert Crawford, Anthony Di,Julio, John Gerstemeier

Legos, computers, and lots of wires. What more coul person ask for? More Lege

Members of the Robotics Club gather around Mr. Russell for a lesson in Robotic-Engineering.

In the Robotics Club, students use the ~hnology of the future to design robots, 1ich function by themselves, without the use a remote control, similar to Robot Wars. lere are two contests every year in which the 1botics Club competes, called Trailblazers d Firefighting. We enter two types of robots ;o each contest. One type is the Mindstorm, tile the other is called the Handyboard, tde at MIT. There is also an engineering rision that builds and designs the robot to rform certain tasks. After the engineering rision there is the programming division, jch make sure the robots are correctly )grammed for their particular task. So, the ~cess of our robots in the competitions )end entirely on teamwork. -Paul Stabile

Robotics Club Kevin Blagrave, ,JeffBagdis, Tevis Weir, Erick Geiger, Kevin Maggetti, Thomas Plick, Paul Stabile, Mr. Robert Russell

one more Lego漏 路e my masterpiece is complete.

Warren Smith makes his older brother, Graham, proud. Frank Meola wonders why his art project was mysteriously replaced with refrigerated cookie dough.

Pitcher Perfect. Mrs. Miller and Frank Meola teach elementary school students the importance of artistic expression.

. Wedo · Drawmg. . · Sculpting. . nsional or Art. Pamtmg. fer three-dime b . the 1 is of her you pre ' Art Clu f two t.t all. Whet· nal ar t , La Salles · d nee o wo-dimens10 d the gu1 a . McGovern u n er . M Diane . ~\ Club flounshes. answer. . ' best artists, Pennsylvania s Miller the r een is the B rbara ' haves . and Mrs. a .ects that you may though we wil One of our proh center stairwell, al During the1 leaf mobile int e we got it in there. San Miguel .d from how not tell yo; f the year, chtl ren I weeks to create second hal o d came for severa se the state1 . Cam en h w to u d school m. plates and learn o sent a t this schoo. ecorative . that are pre 1 n from t h e i: ilities to ear h d a chance .f you have of-the-art J.ac Even 1 . . d n also a The chi! re d at La Sa 11e. good time expert artists fo~~ls you can still have a ar~ .s' no tangible at the art clu


-Frank Meola

Club . Garrett Basalyga TonyA~iger, Barbara Back Row: Zack T•.Ylor k McCarthy, Mrs.Erick f Ge,~;':iler (moderator), 1 Front Row: Patric Terence Kemp

Jeremy Desiderio in the All Catholic Band. Mr. "C" introducing the concert band's next song, "Baby Got Back."

As a top-notch school in the Philadelphia area, La Salle is known for academic and athletic excellence. However, besides striving to educate the mind and develop the body, La Salle also embraces the arts to enrich the soul, and its music program is certainly a fine manifestation of this dedication to cultural pursuits. In the highly receptive and nurturing atmosphere at La Salle, the band has flourished over the past decades. Through the guiding hand of Mr. Joseph Ciccimaro the band numbers have grown to over 200. Under his and the other music teachers' tutelage, the members of the band have earned a reputation for being an integral part of La Salle's identity, on par with the football team and other major school organizations as La Salle's representatives to the world. In this capacity of ambassadors of Lasallian spirit, the band has had its share of activity in the past year. In February, the band travelled toFatherJanton'sparish school, St. Martin of Tours, to give a concert to the students there in an act of good will. Outside of the Archdiocesan circuit, the Competition Band, under the direction of Mr. Joseph Vettori, competed against other schools in the Philadelphia metropolitan area, keeping alive the tradition of excellence by earning awards at each jazz festival

Trevor Martin plays his "saxo-mo-phone." Josh Borkowski and Greg Bednardz play their saxes as Jim Devery waits for his cue.

they attended. Also, in furthering the unity of the Lasallian community, the band once again went to Hudson Catholic in Jersey City to encourage students there to continue developing their own fledgling music program. Yet, with all these goings on, the band has managed to continue its ever-present involvement at 8605 Cheltenham Avenue. Whether it was providing music for Open House, liturgies, or its own concerts, the band always answered the call to help out when its services were requested. The Pep Band especially, under the direction of president John Doherty, vice-president Tony Haughton, and officer Bryan Hemerka, had another successful year of rallying spirit at football games. Through it all, however, the band students never forgot the reason why they were a part of the band: to have a good time and enjoy their shared passion for music. Despite mayhem in December, or the pressure of making all-night rehearsals for the musical Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, the students of them usic department remained faithful to the band and thankful to attend a school that is so supportive ofit. -John Doherty

Say "Cello!" to Dan Holmes. Mr. "C" instructs, "Don't play the coda until you can see the whites of their eyes."

La Salle band members get down to brass tacks. Lonely percussionists hope to drum up some business.

Weller, Greg Madden, and Dave Light playing some smooth jazz.

Don't you wish you had a hat like that?

Tom Bloh gives a great performance as the Stage Manager. Thespian Mike McNamara.

Mount St. Joseph Academy's Seniors Julia Rocchi and Kaitlin DeCrescio starring as the wives. Brian Gillespie woos Liz Behr.

In the fall, our auditorium became a small town in New Hampshire for La Salle Theater's presentation of Thornton Wilder's Our Town. The play is a unique dissection of small town life as well as a powerful statement about the transience of life in general. It is also one of the most performed plays in the United States. This amazing opus gave the La Salle theater the opportunity to flex its already strong dramatic muscle. Senior Tom Bloh gave a heartwarming performance, along with fellow thespians senior Chris Whelan, and juniors Brian Gillespie, Mike McNamara, and Jim Devery. Mount St. Joseph Academy's seniors Kaitlin DeCrescio and Julia Rocci and junior Lis Behr shone in the female roles, together with a supporting cast of thousands (almost). The audience was treated to a stirring performance we hope will not be forgotten for a long time. -Chris Whelan

Jim Devery as "The Sad Clown."

. and baseball has started. Flowers are bloom1n~ fi the spring musical: ? It's time or Technicolor Dreamcoat. What does that mean. . tor is Tony Haughton. Joseph and the Amazing t s the narra 路 th e Leading the cas a L Salle senior in h ly other a h Tom Bloh, t e on and the Pharaoh. Fres. ma_n production, ~lays J acobn the role of Joseph, w h1le his Mike Valentine takes o . of sophomores and brothers are portray:d bDyad~;rank Dilella, Mike 1 . k . A Dino e ic, juniors: Chris Y, Will Gallagher, Greg He ema , Domenic, Dan Duffey, "th Vinny Vassallo, and Mike David Light, Warren Sm1 roduction are the stage Wilkins. Also integral to; ~ris from assorted private crew, th e show band, an g


and public sch掳iols.

-Tom Blah

a k_Y,Stage Mana 1ay. O er Dom Addesi . . ColleenDurkinLapows lip Davis, Director and John Gerstemeier: thepe op lebehindthep

. everyon e,. There are kernelsmean on theJ Top: Attent10n, Where's Waldo? Oops, we

Look! It's the Can-Can!

b ra Ces, himse . l lf路路 Anthony Haug hton before he fal 8

Fa la la la la, la la la la.

The 2001 La Salle Chorus Top: Mr. Checco (moderator), Dan Duffey, Mike Alonso, Matt Pace, John Gill, Mike Wilkins, Colin Whitaker, Trevor Needham, Steven Andrews, Mike Cragin Bottom: David Kuch, Tom Bloh, Tony Haughton, Carl Pfefferle, Brian Palmero, Greg Heleniak, "inceVassallo, Jason Maron Not pictured: Jay Colburn, David Light, Lee Tucker, Ken Gambone, FrankDiLella

The Chorus gets into the Christmas spirit by entertaining the crowd with Christmas carols.

The Chorus and the Belcrofters, a division of the Chorus, were exceptionally active this year. Autumn brought much media publicity when the Belcrofters sang for a Mass, which was televised on ABC. They also recorded a version of La Salle's Alma Mater, which was played on KYW. Meanwhile, four Belcrofters were selected to sing in a quartet at the Volunteer Dinner. Upon the advent of winter, the Belcrofters got into the Christmas spirit by singing at Stag and Doe night in Chestnut Hill and resonating, along with the Chorus, at the Christmas Concert. Later in the year, the Belcrofters participated in a vocal competition at Quakertown High School. Finally, both the Chorus and the Belcrofters again joined forces at the Spring Concert, ending their busy year on a high note. -Matt Pace

I arrive at La Salle. It is hours before this cold orb will know the warmth of the sun. As I step out of the car, I look upon an empty, dark, and silent La Salle. The hulking giant is sleeping. As I stumble to the front door, hoping it is unlocked to escape the bitter fury of the elements, I hear a familiar Hanover accent say "Good morning, Mr. Hilferty." I turn around, and a man who wears many hats makes his way to the door. He is a Christian Brother, an educator, and a president. I know him as "moderator". Brother Rene Sterner is the first one there each morning (considering he lives across the parking lot ... ) and is there to drive us to whatever God-forsaken place in the Pennsylvania desert we are competing at that weekend. As the president, I try to be the welcoming figure my companions first see. The next person to arrive is usually my trusty vice-president junior Andrew Ryan. Always organized, carrying his attache case, Andrew always brightens up the early morning with his extreme love of La Salle. Secretary Mike O'Connor, the only other senior to last through this long haul with me over the past few years, arrives in his stylish purple car. Junior Kevin Walker, Forum Historian, rolls in, wearing sunglasses, despite the fact that the moon is still king in the celestial court. Many others arrive in random order. Junior Mike McNamara often stumbles in wearing the sweatshirt of some random modern ska band, cursing the name of Jerry Garcia. His duo partner Dino Dedic arrives also, ready for another day of forensic battle. Both gentlemen join in an unstoppable juggernaut of a duo team, as well as compete individually in interpretation. Juniors Jeremy Viray and Dale Tan compete as well in the oral interpretation of literature. About this time of the morning, Mr. Carr, one of our coaches, strolls in, giving each of us a briefing of what has occurred in the last 12 hours in the world. He also regales


us with snippets of any of the multitude oflanguages he speaks. The sophomores hold a monopoly on the debating realm of forensics. John Veit and his partner Nick Covolus take the younger debaters under their wing. Converts to the Forum Kevin Werner and Gary Palo help enforce natural order. Clayton K_eiris ever present to play devil's advocate, on any subject. The dynamic duo of Pat McN eela and Dan Good, eloquent extemporaneous speakers both, also arrives. Even freshman novices are present. Sean Quigg pretends to be a rhyming turtle, Joe McPeak keeps on top of philosophical issues, and Paul Gormisky pretends to be a senator. Each Saturday, the Forum travels to places beyond space, beyond time. We debate issues not only of national policy, but of moral importance. We keep track of every event that goes on in this dominion, and constantly analyze the past and predict the future. We are in control. We've had many wonderful experiences just over the last year. We have celebrated Brother Rene's birthday approximately seventeen times, all over the state of Pennsylvania, each time, more spectacular than the last. A select few of us met the honorable Mayor of Scranton. We've taken full advantage of the Hoss-pitality bar. We have put in long nights and early mornings for this activity in which we so deeply believe. Few can say they were awake a comparable amount of time on a weekend. We are the Forum: the few, the proud, the opinionated. -Michael Hilferty

The Forensics

e McNamara: "Hey, come on, guys, no comments from )eanut gallery!" : The debate team discusses World Peace and why we don't want d these kids be posing any more for this picture?


Mike McNamara, John Veit, Matt Pace, Kevin Werner, Matt Cla Chris Ross, Mr. Miceal Carr, Bro. Rene Sterner, Austin Perera, Mike O'Connor, PatMcNeela, Clayton Kier, Alexander Shaw, Mike Hilferty

"Uh, oh. I don't think that was the right switch." Mr. Dempsey instructs the WEXP crew.

WEXP's Group X Kyle Nagy, Christian Lewis, John Carr, Andrew Urbanski, Dan Cipolla, Mike Cragin, Phil Nigon, Ed McCusker, Brendan Kennedy, Ed Pigeon Horizontal: Frank McCloy

Every morning during homeroom, La Salle students and faculty view a short, but informative television program by WEXP. Usually, the purpose of the show is to report on the latest extra-curricular happenings of the school and to make daily announcements. These are important tasks in and of themselves, but to say that these two tasks are all that the show does for the school is an understatement. At least twice a week, WEXP serves the La Salle community by airing student-produced features, which include everything from interviewing members from La Salle's many sports teams to behind-the-scenes looks at popular school clubs. Putting a show together every morning is a lot of responsibility for one club, but the guys at WEXP always come up with something, and they have fun doing it. Sometime around 7:00 A.M. or so, the doors of La Salle's television studio, located in the lower level of St. Michael's Hall, open for business. A lot of planning and a lot of work have to be done before every show, hence the early startup. Among other things, morning footage is compiled, microphones are checked and rechecked, a script is written, and sometimes, even anchors need to be tracked down. All of which can easily be overwhelming. However, Group X, which is WEXP's permanent production/training crew has accepted the challenge and consistently does an excellent job. Led by seniors Ted Pigeon, Phil Nigon, and John Carr, along with juniors Brendan Kennedy, Mike Cragin, Andrew Urbanski, and Ed McCusker, and moderated by Mr. Joseph Dempsey, Group X prepares for every show by sharing the responsibilities with interested students who sign up for two-week shifts at the beginning of the year. And there is a huge interestin the show; over 140 students sign up to help produce the show. Everyone who signs up works at least one shift, but usually two, so training students is an ongoing job. The fact that WEXP is open to everyone makes the show a model of teamwork, further evidenced by the quality show that is produced. Thank you very much Group X, and special thanks to everyone who participated in this year's program. Great work! -John Carr "Hey guys, I think it would be good if we told them to turn the cameras on."

. t the mythological Prior to burn1ngh?tu ' gg After the last 路 le w 1 e e body 路 phoenix lays a smg . cent flickers an d remnantofitsoncelum1ned from it emerges the dies the egg hatches, an pho~nix, reborn. d to be a transitional ?ne This year prove . The Wisterian, durmg forLaSalle'sownlihoeh{x~ternal flame of glodir.y which its o~ce-t o.ug ditorsMikeHilferty(E dimmed. While sen10~\ (Features), and Gabe tor-in-Chief), Matt Fink~ tirelessly in ~opes of Di Clerico (Spo1}s) wor t and higher quality creating a more requen bstructed early on Y lication, thes.e goals :r~le office relocatioi: and a an only sem1-succes . al difficulties. Still, h?pe duration of the first multitudeoftechn1~gi~he was not misplace . hallin an army of ~nsemester was spent mars us e ~ and struggling uncooperaderclassmen (thl anat:iicall~gwith mentally and o ten p a lesser extent, the a~or~- . tive computers andWhil not every journalistic mentioned army. 拢 / it life and limb to t?e soldier was able to o~u~iors assumed editon~l faltering pyre, se:7e!al Jthemselves to La Sa~e s posit~on~, tb~ud ~;igf these ju~iors, ~'aTtht mystic Fire ir . ill be coeditors of e is and Andrew Ryan, ir direction, our cur!ently next year. Und~r t. e ill be reborn br~ghter struggling pubtcd~~a;.;d and enthusiastic i;.arthan before, w1~ e so owerful that t ey ticipants cre~ting ~e~udiut body and scorch engulf the mmds o t e s . it inedible. the cafeteria food, rendering -Matt Finley





. . . Mike Hilferty about t~ do_?is w: isterian Ed1tor-m-Chief . . ti.on of the pubhcat10n

ger ant1c1pa 1. famous cartwhee m ea

of the newspaper.

Andrew Ryan and Matt Quigg choosing pictures for the next edition of "The Wis." Sports Editor Gabe DiClerico masterminding another stirring story of a La Salle victory.

Those crazy, zany, and sometimes brainy Wisterian hooligans: Mr. Daniel File, Andrew Ryan, Matt Quigg, Mr. Brian Sweeney, Matt Finley, Gabe DiClerico.

Mr. Brian Sweeney and Mr. Dan File overseeing the Wisterian staff: "Write, you lackeys, write!"

After hours upon hours of working week in and week out on a project that actually started at the end of junior year, continued over the summer at Gettysburg, and lasted throughout most of senior year, it is nice to finally be able to say: THE YEARBOOK IS DONE! It really was a long JOURNEY for us on the Blue and Gold staff. Co-editors-in-chief Brian Campo and Darren Grossman assumed the leadership of the staff of virtually all novices. The two of them attended the Gettysburg yearbook workshop, where they learned how the computer program ran, got several ideas for the book, and made some friends. Brian will always be remembered sitting in front of the computer in the office, making layouts, measuring picas. Everyone truly admired his work ethic, dedication, and especially his patience when working with the computer. Darren was definitely the vocal, aggressive leader who tackled , tasks such as selecting pictures from Davor.com, getting people to write 路 copy, assigning tasks, and generally twisting arms. The two of them made a great team. However, they never could have done it alone. Assistant editor Matt Finley originally joined the staff because he wanted pizza. Our other assistant editor, Rich Bongiovanni, probably joined because Darren was going to pester him until he did. Regardless, they spent their afternoons slaving away in the yearbook office over copy, pictures, and captions. Matt used his creativity and unique writing style to edit copy, to caption, and to entertain us. Also, he provided us with Christmas lights, so needless to say, our office never lacked the Christmas spirit. Rich, (or Dick, or Bongi, depending on our mood) did many little things, like cropping and picture identifications. He also remembered to turn the Christmas lights on every morning, and surprised everyone with great solutions that we had all seemed to overlook. Also, Rich, along with Jim Fullerton, picked up the art of photography. It was a struggle at first, but they did figure out how to use the camera. The captions were the job of our creative consultant, resident tough guy, and founder of the "fight club" Matt Gdowik, aided by Rick Wise, John Carr, Nam Do, and of course, Mr. Gerald Evans. While they could all come up with inappropriate captions, finding ones that were publishable was often tough. They even managed to slip in a caption about pancakes. Then, there was the index, the work of several people, but principally of George Lozowski, who created and edited it on our ancient Macintosh, which seemed to speak a language only he could understand. Returning staff member John Doherty, despite having other commitments, came by. His contributions were greatly appreciated, as were those of the "Chair" Man Mike Walls. Underclassmen were at a premium; we entered the year having a nice round number of them, ZERO! Fortunately, we were happy to find sophomore Tim Wilson, who became the king of cropping, organized orders and found grammatical errors. Also, sophomore Dave Naab along with juniors Ryan Thomas and Brian Galbally joined us, making next year promising. Sadly, however, one tradition seems to have come to an end, or is at least temporarily halted. For the first time in four years, there will not be a red-headed editor-in-chief of the yearbook next year. The Blue and Gold can proudly claim not one, but two moderators, Mrs. Linda Donahue and Mrs. Fran Diccicco, who often made us happy to be yearbook staffers when they suggested having a party to celebrate the completion of the book. This year's staff loved to have a good time. After a day's work, or during breaks (which everyone would admit sometimes lasted too long), the staff took time to fight, argue, chat, play chess or Family Feud, and most importantly, get snacks. The yearbook staff was great at turning the office into a cafeteria, gym, or lounge, but despite all the goofin' around, there was something amazing accomplished: A yearbook was actually produced. Our memories of La Salle will live on with everyone through the pages of this book, Journey. -Darren Grossman :

Tim Wilson considers trading his Mr. Assafrookie card for a 1975 Bro. Rene card in fair condition. How many La Salle students does it take to caption a picture? Matt Gdowik explains to C.J. Denny, "...and that is why you wear a seatbelt." The "Gruesome Twosome," editors Brian Campo and Darren Grossman, end the tyranny long enough to pose for a picture.

'ullerton: "Housekeeping! Fluff your r.?"

'SeLozowski demythologizes the index.

The Blue & Gold Staff Top: George Lozowski, Tim Wilson, Mike Walls, Jim Fulleton, Rick Wise, Rich Bongiovanni, Matt Finley (showing his best side), John Alfarano, C.J. Denny, John Doherty, Matt Gdowik, John Carr, Nam Do, Mrs. Linda Donahue Front: Brian Campo and Darren Grossman

It's called "Mock Trial" because people point and laugh. C'mon Matt Quigg! Take it like a man! Gavin Young, acquittedagain ...dude.

One of La Salle's lesser known competeams is Mock Trial. The Mock Trial team arg fictional lawsuit prepared by the Temple-LEAJ gram at Temple University and supported b: Pennsylvania Bar Association's Young Lawye1 vision. This year's team, composed of studentE play the roles of lawyers and witnesses, com1 against other schools on February 27 and Ma , before a judge in the Montgomery County c house in Norristown. Each team's performancE graded by a jury composed of practicing attorn La Salle graduate and attorney Mr. Wolpert, Esq. '84 is the team's coach, assisted b) Nancy Larkin Taylor. Mr. Gerald Evans anc Edward Molush serve as moderators of the ] Trial team. Seniors Ryan Bennett, Dann Ma Gavin Young and juniors Rob Baumgardner, I Gillespie, Andrew Merrick, and Matthew Quigg prise the team, along with underclassmen I Heayn, Nick Shields, Doug Taylor and Tim Wh -Dann Mc Andrew Merrick gets ready to plead insanity.

. In SA t h"syear. ;O1 Chris de great str1~es D .D. has ma Rob McCre1ghht 'o' 2 and · · stu dents. '01, Dr~w Ka1 an O tober, d the 'clu_b . c' 2 Sean Levm . Jeitner e 1 n1a s Stephame he Pennsy va eley O , lerator Mr . attended th listened to :pr d darebre members here t ey ¥;D Conferenc\.:'a drunk driverths students atio;,s by: fu~;~st couplM~tDJ). b)' ner. Ove . out with . .deas to disc " , been helpmg up with betterh a "Safety Bug s and comu:gki g In Marc ' . l et students ,r n ·one do11 r ae he ' an d be the< car d underag'i, dnn Ile For ,edatLa, a .. nse could iv h'le intoxicate . La driver_s hcfure to d.iwe wk\here were _acvn what '\;-sAwareness Weeding an excrhnlf ing S.A.D. .t speakers, prt'rn the dangers o ies a!ld gube~also a time to ea ks hard all ye'?" fun tune, u_ S.A.D.D. wor eans of posters c')ragedrhmkif studentshby ehad a great yehi WEXPcommer to reac ou cials. We av -Rob McCreig





. Decisions· t uct1ve r M a tt.. Doerflem, dents Aga1·nst Des Mike Hanna, 1

Stu Cho, Ant hon YLagreca Bobby JeffWa terBob Careless, t·udents . nam et ,hed . r Bu ! (By the tim Safet:~ ,es,"Safety .Bug " omes the unsafe the ungf,ortunately . late.) ,dhow was alrea dY too ·

Outdoor A.dventure Club

Mike McLaughlin, Austin Perera, Chris Antczak, and Mr.Tate on the rafting trip. "Hey guys! Watch out for the waterfall!"

"Aww, it:s fool's gold. I feel foolish. Chris Dunne asks, "Who stole my pic-a-nic basket?"

The only members of the club not eaten by bears.

Photo Club Look! It's thefeachother . hotoso P . this takmg ] 路ng photos tau m 路 photo. Photo Club Streelman, Dave . Top: Dan B ttom: Jim Heayn Garvin, Gardner, Andrew . h erStrolle, . d Tim Cliffor Chnstop Degnan, .


This year marks another evolution in the everjng and awe-inspiring saga of La Salle's Lab ger Program. After graduation, the last of the lal founders depart, leaving an eternal mark on he program and the school as a whole. During the 路ears of the program's existence, the lab managnder the guidance of Mr. Peter Sigmund, have een the transformation of the computer facilities 1 cardboard box and a strobe light into one of the advanced high school networks in the country. 1g the school year, the lab managers installed a ~ss network, advancing La Salle to a position held ly a few colleges. While most clubs meet only once or twice a , the lab managers are always on duty, ready to g from their tiny office in the dank maintainance behind the computer lab and help any student his printing, password-changing, or other com. related needs. You've perhaps heard of the ,e "If it works, don't mess with it." To the lab managers, however, this is sacrilege. The computer lab is in a constant state of upgrade, to Windows NT four years ago, to Windows 2000 two years ago, and to Windows XP early next year. The contributions of many talented and dedicated students make this possible. The program is run by seniors James Edelen, Mike O'Connor, and Phil Nigon, and Junior Chris Costantino. Also graduating this year are Frank Meola, Joe Carelli, manager of the 313 lab, Chris Ransom, Graham Smith, and Joe Wallace. With these departures, the program is left in the capable hands of Chris Costantino, with help from juniors Dino Allegretti, George Farina, and Sean Ahern.

-Phil Nigon and Mike O'Connor

Phil Nigon with Joe Carelli, who is in school for a change. Lab Interns 2001: Frank Meola, Geoff Bagdis, Peter Santamaria, Joe Wallace, Chris Constantino, Mitch Fiorentini-Bergman, Phil Nigon, Mike O'Connor, Mr. Peter Sigmund, Chris Ransom, Joe Carelli, George Farina, Sean Ahern. Missing: Jim Edelen.


Chris Whelan, enjoying his time on Kairos.

Student leaders ofKairos. Erner Flounders, Mark Gernerd, Jeff Paul, ( Day, Gavin Young, and Jim She Bryan Hemerka and Brother F


great hhhh . Formals!!! Wha taand get time. your Ah .... La. Salleto getall swanky, h. unco mmon to I the perfect times resent somet mg inter Forma, formals p Girls. thetot Whe Junior and In fact, on .I The groove atmosphere. DateFrom dance,

the L~Sa~{man-Sopho°:ior:ces for everyon\h the break to the re s there are a 11 the same, Wl than half Senior ,/,'~~n;ights are usua fung out, and morhe dances . the couples ma in thecafetena. oments, dancing 1_ts~just sitting dowfuJlof embarassmf ::'ur funky the luds t _ersanelike me) areAnd while some£°.ghten even (ifyouaremreat memones. sic choices may rlas a great everyonef howingoff as well as \andstrangemualmost dancemove d girlfriends ... h reatfeehngo s ake a date, our dates a: one can forget t e g time. Also, t date. reat place tot h none of that really o ls are always a ejected (thoug .k The forma d ossibly ge r hang out ' dm1t to us would ever a a~ p that last one). -Matt Gdowi dance,


Tota 1bO d"J coun (.,. ,379 . Jonh·· Gill on h ap pypills.


Later that night, Mr. Assaf regretted his decision not to wear his "Kiss the Cook" apron. Hi! We're collecting for the "Get me a Coke and some Fritos" Fund.

The La Salle Son Banquet -- we don't know where the fathers went. Rudy! Rudy! Rudy!

"And so I says to Willis, I says ..." Dress-Down Day for Brother Rene.

By hosting the first Global Bowl and accepting an increasing number of students from other countries, LaSalle has become more internationally diverse. This year, La Salle educated students from Bosnia, Kosovo, Greece, Sudan, and Spain. Dino Dedic, a Bosnian native, came to La Salle to continue his education and was inducted into the National Honor Society this fall. Other students with international ties include: Aldin Delic (Kosovo), Yaroslav Kovaliv (Ukraine), Phillipa Polychronikas (Greece), and Francisco de Borja Tenacio (Spain). In addition, Senor Gabriel Blanco directs La Salle's exchange program with Colegio de Nuestra Senora de las Maravillas, a Christian Brothers' school in Spain. Maravillas' students Inigo AzofraArrizabalaga, Manuel Martin-Quereda, and Jose Federico Moreno-Penzo lived with La Salle families this year while attending classes as juniors.

Jose Federico Moreno-Penzo, Phillipa Polychronikas, Manuel Martin-Querda, Francisco de Bo:r:jaTenacio, Inigo AzofraArrizabalaga, James Ayuen, David Kuch, Isaiah Kuch, Dino Dedic, and Michael Kuch. "Us Russians will show you Americans how to play some football!"

The Moscow Patriot Cheerleaders with a very LUCKY Mr. Assaf. The Moscow Patriots giving new meaning to "The Red Scare."

The most recent additions to the school community, four students from Sudan, Africa, were among the thousands of young Sudanese refugees forced by political circumstances to walk a thousand miles to freedom. Michael Majok Kuch, David Chol Kuch, Isiah Choi Kuch, and James Manyok Ayuen spent their time at La Salle perfecting their English language skills and familiarizing themselves with the American high school environment. Also, La Salle was the first U.S. high school to play a Russian team in football. The Moscow Patriots and the Explorers were in the spotlight for the Global Bowl, which the Explorers won 30-6. More importantly however, international friendships developed among the Russian players and their U.S. counterparts, who hosted the visiting team in their homes . La Salle hopes the Global Bowl will become a school tradition. -Darren Grossman

Dr. D'Angelo and Mr. Pun tel teach the Sudanese students how to tie their ties.

Trumpeter Mike Kelley in his other life as a wrestler. Brian Baillie waits until we let our guard down, then bolts, in a futile attempt to escape another corny track caption. Mike Mulligan: lean, mean, driving machine.

Dive! Dive! Dive! Tom Mattern takes it to the hoop.

hite un if.or m Wl,.t"hmy J.eans. " . h I hadn L was l· to runnmo , " hed my w ' b ac'" · u back, a Man, I w1s " f..t"t"" quarter Gaeb Marabella to l i yan Par i "· special bond. ass ...baton!" .. · ·"Must ....p Ch,is Potestw.

Q ~

Tom McCaffery (56) puts the "foot" in football; Kenny Kempf (16) boots a beauty.

The elusive Ryan Parfitt Salle's John Elway.

(2); Gabe Marabella

( 12) -

Reaching the championship was the l of the 2000 La Salle Explorers and as the son began, they faced a challenging sched. Perennial powerhouses Plymouthitemarshand Cardinal O'Hara, 1999 Blue ision champion Bishop McDevitt, the ,cow Patriots, and traditional rival St. 's Prep were just some of the formidable onents. With a solid base of seniors and the lerclassmen filling large shoes, La Salle 1t into their Labor Day Weekend clash b.PW unsure of what would happen. Bed great running by QB Gabe Marabella, .RB Ryan Parfitt, the Explorers shut down , coming away with a 14-7 victory. In ,ther preseason bout, La Salle had a Sun. showdown with neighborhood rival Jevitt. La Salle's offense put 13 points on board and, with Nate Moss and Emmett }owan leading the way defensively, that i all they needed in the 13-9 victory. In the Llpreseason game, it seemed as though the )le world was watching. A visiting high ool-aged football team from Moscow spent week with our players' families and were guests at La Salle. At the end of that week, two teams met in a contest which included fare, interviews, television crews, and corate sponsors. La Salle played a spirited rre,pullingoff a30-6win. The participation oth teams in the singing of the alma mater wed that the friendships made were more >0rtant than the outcome. ,a Salle started their season by defeating her Judge 41-21 thanks to a great offensive ,rt by Gabe Marabella, Ryan Parfitt, and n Gorman. Then they met arch-rival St. eph's Prep ina battle of undefeated teams. 3alle opened slowly and never got on track, ;he Hawks stunned the Explorers 23-0. laving to bounce back from their first dee,La Salle visited North Catholic. Because :reat offensive blocking and key contribu1sby Ryan Parfitt and Gabe Marabella, La le was victorious 21-6. The following week, :hbishop Ryan came to town and La Salle's ense was ready. With big hits by Dan ters, Chris Ladley, and Ed Sabia, La Salle led off a 33-6 victory. Larematch oflast year's championship, La le visited Roman Catholic. The defense Lt down Roman's high-powered offense, l the Explorers' offense had a great day as fMills had 6 receptions, and FB's Emmett Gowan and Ryan Overcash found the end .e in the 44-7 victory. Brian Noone, Brian 1ahue, and Brendan Reuter led the dese. In La Salle's final two regular season nes, two Delaware County teams were on map. First, Monsignor Bonner came to :ingfield. Gabe Marabella found Tom ~man twice in the end zone and Mike Gran and Ed Sabia stuffed Bonner in the 19-6 ;ory. The following week O'Hara, led by RB

The La Salle 2000 Football Team # I

2 3

Name -.1mo Parfill,llya Ovaaul,, Ryan









6'0 5'9 6'1 6'0 6'0

167 170 !SS 1,0


Sc. Sc.




54 55 56 51

















Whiat«,Colia Mldoira,Brila 6 7 I

9 10

II 12 13 14 15

Mills, Joi!"

Millllr,SLedloy, Chris







63 64 65



6'0 6'0 S'IO

116 170 ISi






115 131 1,0



Blny,Cbris Kol-, Tim McGmitia,Mltt

17 II 19

Willaiai!.Joc Fly,ln,S-





Elliou, Kyle

-~LoaiJ Kempt;IC.en

O...,Mib ltdloy,Micliod


5'1 6'1 5'1 6'0 6'3



60 61











15 76

Sdllil,le, (Jn,g













79 SO


6'2 S'II 6'3


151 193




5'1 6'0




30 31

Ford, Don



32 33

~Eric Collins,Pat

34 35


5'9 5'6 6'0 5'1 5'10

36 37 31 39

Apcw,SMillllr, Bob



Gorrity, ....



Kdly,Bnld L




So. So.


Daminict, Miu

165 137






S'IO 5'11

189 162



15 17 II



125 179



89 91






133 155








94 95





133 139 155














5'9 6'1 6'2



171 225


6'0 6'0

224 J,O






Principal - FrederickAssaf

S'II 6'0




Diode,Reilly, Charles

So. So.


172 142


SI 52 S3




5'10 6'0 5'6 5'11




Orillls, Neil

6'1 6'2 6'1 S'IO

215 233


SI 12

MoClow,m,Emmett+ L Meo.do, Shown Sabia,Edwud L









47 48 49

197 243





264 271





6'0 6'2 6'4















1114 235 193





73 74

Hoct,lln:adm Bam:u,Jalm Covalelki, s....

McCn,ipl, R,,b





42 43 44




24 25














Sclliday, Broolt










217 176


70 71

McCuthy, Pat





Pos. OL

Ami; Diii


McBride, Todd

115 227



27 21



66 67




Podrolty, Loo

Ht. 5'10 5'11 5'11 5'10 6'1 5'9 6'1 5•1

6'2 5'9 6'1

155 136


McCallry, T ... •




Mcl.-glali,I. Diii <JrilllD&olloy. Eric

115 128 195

Mc:Mullia,Chris 0..-.TManbdla, Giibo •




Galbolly, Chris



Loap,ory, Bill

6'0 6'1



~.Koria Knlmonr, Bnd Ricllll"dl,Tim

-·Moos,N ...


Bnmiicky,Jay McGa,,Mike •Caplaios

170 115

116 183 1,0







So. So.





173 175








5'10 6'4

171 231





6'0 5'11




116 ISO




Jr. Jr.

5'11 6'5 5'6 6'3 5'9

2SO 139



237 1,0








Jr. - Brother Rene Sterner, FSC



Vice Principals



Director of Athletics - Joseph Parisi









218 210





Student Managers - Kevin Gillin, Tony Haughton, Chris Radvansky Trainer - Dave Crowe

155 215 173 20,

- Dr. Joseph D' Angelo, Mrs. Julia Maher

Head Coach - Joe Colistra

Assistants - Henry Hap Brusca, John Hyman, Paul Kubach, Jim Maxwell, Tim Quinn, Joe Wilus, Bill Donohue


- Daniel Hinckle, Geoff Nicoletti

Head Coach - Joe Radvansky

Freshman Assistants - Anthony DcPasquale, Chris Helwick, Anthony Haughton


Kevin Jones, ran over La Salle with a 2 7O victory. Going into the playoffs, La Salle had just 2 losses and went in as the #3 seed, playing host to Archbishop Ryan. La Salle came out strong with Brian Madeira playing both sides of the ball, while Ryan Parfitt and Gabe Marabella led the offense to a 28-7 win. The next week was a rematch with O'Hara, which turned out to be one of the best high school games in Philadelphia in recent history. La Salle's defense, led by DEs Tom Gorman and Emmett McGowan played well, while Marabella and Parfitt led the offense, giving La Salle a 21-20 lead with 40 seconds left. However, O'Hara drove down the field and kicked a game winning field goal with six seconds left knocking the Explorers out of the playoffs. Thanksgiving was full of football as La Salle sought revenge against the Prep. With La Salle's defense holding strong, La Salle went up 14-0 on two Marabella TD passes to Parfitt and Madeira. However, the Prep came back and posted 2 touchdowns to narrow the gap to 14-13 going into the locker room. The first- half success was a result of RB Sean Miller, who played well, rushing for 3 key first downs, and the offensive line, which included Matt Scott, Greg Schaible, Tom McCaffery, Paul Needle and Ryan Stillwell. In the second half the Prep looked to take over the game, but Kenny Kempfs monstrous punts kept La Salle in the game. However, the Prep kept the Explorers off the scoreboard, and pulled off a 2 7-14 win. The football team's leadership was found in the seniors who played hard and passionately from August to November. Everyone made lasting memories and life-long friends. This season was one to remember. With a 9-4 record, the football team played with heads held high in the Lasallian tradition. -Tom Gorman

JoCo and company. Look out, here come the troops.

The Beasts from the East: Emmett McGowan and Nate Moss. The Pach? The L WO? The Pit? No, the "Cheers" Club.

Dates 9/1/00 9/10/00 9/15/00 9/23/00 9/30/00 10/7/00 10/15/00 10/21/00 10/29/00 11/5/00 11/10/00 11/18/00 11/23/00

Opponent Plymouth-Whitemarsh Bishop McDevitt Moscow Patriots Father Judge St. Joseph's Prep North Catholic Archbishop Ryan Roman Catholic Monsignor Bonner Cardinal O'Hara Archbishop Ryan Cardinal O'Hara St. Joseph's Prep

Score 14-7 13-9 30-6 41-21 23-0 21-6 36-6 44-7 19-6 27-0 28-7 23-21 27-14

Record W (1-0) W (2-0) W (3-0) W (4-0) L (4-1) W (5-1) W (6-1) W (7-1) W (8-1) L (8-2) W (9-2) L (9-3) L (9-4)

After six long years of close calls, the rich tradition of La Salle athletics brought home the 2000 soccer PCL Championship. The La Salle soccer team could not have been any more successful than in this year's unforgettable season. Coming into the 2000 season, Coach Bob Peffle and the Explorers did not have to deal with the troubles of rebuilding from last year so they set their sights on one thing-the League Title. The effort of the entire team, both determined upperclassmen and talented new players, helped La Salle to post a final record of 14-2-8. As the previous year ended with a disappointing first- round loss, revenge was the talk of the 2000 season. Clearly, something was already in the air when tryouts came around in September. As the season progressed, La Salle players brought their excitement onto the field in every game. Senior captains included All-Catholic and All-Area Gary Kane, and All-Catholics Mike Steffa, Mike Parson, and Tim Palilonis. Kyle Cleary, Ryan Garrity, Sean Fedyna, John Reifsnyder, Rob Sullivan,

Michael Whelan going in for another goal. Mike Steffa thinks, "Wow, that cloud looks like a hippo!"

The soccer team huddles big game.

around Coach Peffle before a

Gary Kane - the Dominator.

~yers aren't the only ones to put their game es on.

Mike Parson took one too many headballs today.

The opposing team disappears when John Reifsnyder dribbles the ball. Man, I hate these braces.

Steve ccButch" Curran plans his next moue. Look! I can make the ball levitate!

Matt Kelly, Kevin Savage, Mike Whelan, Jimmy Slover, Mike Glaccum, DaveMoll,Ryan Turner,Andy Almond, and Brendan Crotty added strength and skill to every position on the field. The loss of Joe Mattioli, a prolific goal scorer from the previous year, due to a season-ending knee injury, resulted early on in numerous tied games. Something had to change in the second half of the season, and it did. Freshmen Mike Whelan, Mike Glaccum, and Jimmy Slover each stepped into key roles, while Kyle Cleary, the team's most dangerous player, waspositionedon theflank. The result was exactly the answer the team needed. Cleary finished with 11 goals, including the goal of the year against Archbishop Ryan in the finals. The defense also had its time in the spotlight, showing itself unstoppable. Led by goaltender Gary Kane, the team earned 11 shutouts with Kane making the save of the year in the finals. Mike Parson and Rob Sullivan contributed not only on the defensive side of the game, but also on offense with five and three goals respectively. Gary Kane even got onto the scoreboard, converting a penalty shot towards the end of the season. The 2000 soccer team had an average of less than one goal against them per game, providing a classic example of how defense wins championships. Next year, Coach Peffle can look forward to a bright future with new young talent. Whelan, Glaccum, and Kelly look to lead the offensive while Fedyna, Sullivan, and Slover look to anchor the Explorers' vaunted defense. Can you say "REPEAT?"


The 2000 Junior Varsity Soccer Team Row): Coach Bob Peffle Jr, Mike Alonso, Mike Bocchino, Brendan )ermott, Kevin Feely, Matthew Derrick, Mike Aluise, John Creed, mdt Barsby, Edward Lawless (Middle Row): Matthew O'Donnell, \ndrew Connor, Eric Calvitti, Dan Reid, Jim Sachetta, Gregory iagnacova, Brian Chmielewski, James Harkins, Matthew Meves (First Row): David Naab, Stephen Gabryelski, Brian Miller

~;=路路 zr.1, 1

Coach Devine, shouting encouragement; Justin Morace; a dedicated and sweaty Chris Potestio; ''Run, Forrest, run!"

Ryan O'Donnell goes the distance. "Right Way Swanson"

earns his name.

La Salle's cross-country team has maintained its status as a powerhouse in the Catholic League over the past several seasons. With strenuous workouts beginning early in August, coach Patrick Devine, along with assistants Michael Seminack and Francis Johnson, instilled a rigorous work ethic in the runners. Their depth allowed the team to shine on all types of courses. Despite a second-place finish at the PCL championships to nationally ranked Cardinal O'Hara, varsity runners consistently proved that they could get the job done. They won at the Salesianum Invitational, took second at the Manhattan Invitational and third at Briarwood, and finished sixth at Eastern States. The promising JV and freshmen teams both took first place honors and the PCL championships. Much of the team's success was owed to Mark "Swiz" Swanson, Ryan" Odi" O'Donnell and Dominic "DiDi" Panza, who were named to both first team All-Catholic and first team All State Prep rosters; as well as to senior Brian Baillie, second team in both rankings; and seniors Chris "Lloyd" Potestio and Justin Morace. Juniors Ronan McDermott and Brian "Big Mac" McElroy also achieved second-team All-Catholic honors while Tim Ferrie received honorable mention. The future of the cross-country team rests on the feet of the freshmen. Pat O'Neill, Joe Fedorowicz, Kyle Rodden and Chris Ross earned varsity status. O'Neill even provided the highlight of the season when he shattered Jack Horgan's nine-year record at Belmont. Of course there were memorable moments off the course, too, such as "Five Dollar" John Wilson's "Wildwood Rap" and the intense yet trivial rivalry between seniors Joe Bui and Dave Skoien. - Joe Bui

The La Salle basketball team was led by its seniors who set the example that hard work and dedication to improving would make the team better. These seniors were: Tom Mattern, Gabe Marabella, Dan Buckley, Mike Parson, Emmett McGowan, and Tom Gorman. Following the example they set were the underclassmen. Juniors Rob Sullivan, Victor Ukwu, and Sean Fedyna, along with sophomores Chris Reedman, Doug Kelly, Will Furey, and Brian Donohoe, showed many promising signs for the future and made key contributions in making this season so successful. The Explorers entered the season with the expectation of getting better each time they stepped on the court. To the best of their abilities, they fulfilled this goal. Despite a tough preseason in which the Explorers went 5-5, they continued to play as a team and their confidence grew. Tom Mattern and Gabe Marabella led the Explorers in scoring through much of the preseason, while getting great defense from Mike Parson and Rob Sullivan. Over the Christmas break, the Explorers showed signs of greatness throughout a tournament in Wildwood, New Jersey. Emmett McGowan showed his first glimpse of scoring ability, and when the season came, he was pouring it on from downtown, which gave the team a boost. His 19 points against rival McDevitt gave the Explorers the spark they needed to win by 15. Tom Mattern also showed outside ability throughout the season, leading the team from beyond the arc, and showed great poise from the foul line. Gabe Marabella showed unbelievable athletic ability and led the Explorers to many key victories with his composure and ability to score in the paint. Rob Sullivan and Chris Reedman took over Gabe's former role as point guard, and did a nice job for the team. The Explorers entered the playoffs as a third seed, set to square off against the Archbishop Ryan Raiders at LaSalle University. On a snowy Sunday, LaSalle battled hard but came up short, losing 63-55. Tom Mattern led the way with 23 points and Gabe Marabella finished with 13 points.

Mr. Jackson gives the team some incentive. Emmett McGowan about to dish it off down court.


Marabella: "Just TRY gettin' by me!"

Buckley drives to the hoop.

"Okay, I'll say this ONE more time ..."

The crowd looks on as Tom Mattern races down the court.

La Salle's very casual prayer service.

The 2001 La Salle Basketball Team Top: Mike Parsons, Sean Fedyna, Tom Mattern, Will Furey, Dan Buckley, Gabe Marabella, Rob Sullivan Bottom: Victor Ukwu, Chris Reedman, Emmett McGowan, Doug Kelly, Brian Donohue

I didn't know a body could bend that way. "Uhhh ...which way do I go? Which way do I go?"

The basketball team finished 15-9, while improving the whole year. Overall, Gabe Marabella was named First-Team AllCatholic and Tom Mattern was named to the Second-Team, while Junior Rob Sullivan was named to the Third-Team. Injuries never halted the Explorers either. Returning Senior Tom Gorman was out most of the season after surgery to repair his shoulder and Gabe Marabella sprained his ankle in a game against Wood, but La Salle played exteremly hard to make up for those two injuries. The team never missed a beat, still hustling, playing with emotion, and making sure of playing harder then their opponents. The great desire that the team showed can be attributed to the coaching ofMr. Marty Jackson, Mr. Terry Mancini, and the rest of the staff. Their determination certainly rubbed off on the players, which helped make the team such a success. The Explorers look for a promising season next year, to follow up the great team effort of this season. With three returning Juniors and many promising underclassmen, the Explorers may be a playoff team once again in 2002. -Tom Gorman

"Down the stretch they come, and yes, ladies and gentlemen, the ball wins!"


Mike Kelley in a match against Archbishop Carroll. "Say uncle, say uncle!"

Dave Matthews about to reverse the hold.

. a rebuilding year, the In what critics w~re call\t1 force in the Catholic stling team showed it ~as_ sh lrter losing nine startue with a second place ms . ' underclassmen were La Salle showed that last ~ear: the finals. Junior ·o the challenge of returnmg Noeeclham and Mike ' Bl I Trevor ' · a~ c, helan led La Salle's var~1ty ;ains Brand?n ey and semor Chris W Jim Sacchetta, Mike [l ~omprised of Pete Sewerydn, Wh1"taker Brandon . M 11· Bren an ' , lini, Chris Mc u. m, Phil Greiner, Max Courtney, P ski Mike Wooldridge, came every obstacle ' tt The team over . . John Barre . season h.ig hlighted by a victory over ginable in a great

-Chris Whelan

foseph's Prep. 2001 Top Ten


Moments , bites off his tongue.

. 7 · Blacl,, Seweryn · pms 6. ·· . m · the champ1onship. . t.

1. a Pre1) twice . · or1;e_ ea ,m,,, ·· h. m Cic1week. from [ike Kelley t umps -' · · arre, t·t·· an d Whitaker are p CL rep.

9. 8 . 1\!1.cMullin Chicken Nugge · _d by doesn·;3 t get. pmne

hampions. . 13, 12· . Th Jan beats Hull Thft:aker hands Tullio his on 1y

I(ean. . . a p eterson Roll. 10 ook! .Max. l11t. .. I_..,


osella at a stalemate w1'th . his, opponent.

h. b fore ,1 bia match. Above: Kevin Doran stretc mg e . c . "' l the other members of and Bran don Skupsln we come . v, . Bren d an urh1't·alrnr the La Salle Wrestling Team.

That's a mean butterfly-stroke.

The record board, though nothing but p letters, has profound influence over all swimmer: gaze upon it. This year, many records were challe Some held and others fell. The medley relay recor, crushed by a second and a half, the 200m freestyle was detroyed by the same time, the breaststrok« missed by three-hundredths of a second, and thE was missed by a single second. For underclassmen, the record board was of talent and toughness. For seniors Rob Queroli Tuman, Chris Chander, Bubb a Gernerd, and me same board was a constant reminder that this SE was our last to prove ourselves among the best tc swim at La Salle. Though each of us gave every we had, only Rob obtained the ultimate glory c board. His record is a testament to his dedicatim hard work for the team. While I cannot lay claim to any indiv record, my name resides on the board asp art of all· relay teams. Though this may be La Salle's record not my own, the record could not have fallen wi1 the effort exerted by every individual on the tea whom many have swum with me throughout th« four years. There were also many other people who l part in the swimming team's success. Thanks t« Lichtner, Mr. Bloh, Mr. Duncheskie, Mr. Tate an1 Miller for giving us their time and support. ( Jeffers, Ian Carey, and Pat Healy were among th underclassmen on the team. I wish all the underc men good luck next year. Keep breaking records. -Jeff

Swim Team captains Mark Gernerd, Jeff Paul, and coach Mr. Frank Lichtner celebrate La Salle's 12th Catholic League Championship.

Pat Healy looks at his score after he finishes a

One giant leap £or La Salle.

· g Team (coach)ic alleTuman, Swimm1jrank The 2001 LaC~ris Queroh,~ichtnd~rry Mr. Rieffel,Mil Ro, ne: d Chris C9-a)n1:ff Paul (capt1.aC"fi'risoJefll··'ehrsc,6~~hrRow ThBrrt (captarn, il Nunnar, ·s Bo T. Adam\

l'i, Row j ~;i~e?¥"1!: 1b"a';ei,';i~; !~t;'(,;})!~i&JJ/o':!!,1U J~~ MuldmvtcDowell, ~drew Mo,wleli Rob Vrank9fate (coach) O


Garre Kevin Eg;an, . John \\ e s , Mr. . James . · Neary,h) uaggerP\t Gallagher, (coac , Kent Worster,

~ 1 39

" Quack, quack, quac 1, '-路I"

路 , for the face-off. Rob Troxe 11gom

Dave Bartynski waiting for a chance to make a break. Another great save by Matt Palmer!

Lou Volpe and Tom Ferrick:

Give back the stick, you big meanie!

It is hard to explain an entire hockey season to someone who has not experienced it himself. Yet if you consider a group in pursuit of a common goal, the Flyers Cup, then the season can be easily understood. Of course, there are the highs and the lows, victory and defeat, along the way, but they are part of the growing process that builds a team . You might consider the grueling 50- game schedule, or the endless practices which never seem to get easier. Although tough at times, all things eventually come together and start to become a real part of life. Unity is an important aspect of any team sport because the team's success hinges on what they can do as a single force on the ice. Therefore, the friendships and experiences are a huge part of why I feel this season became a memorable one. Also, playing with people such as Dave Bartynski, Jon Hicks, and Shawn Garvin was a great experience ; I hope to see them do very well. Even though we often compete at tryouts, I have become very good friends with each of them. Also, it has been a remarkable experience to play with players that one day might play in the NHL or go on to attend great schools such as Harvard and Michigan. I will never forget these memories. Yet when it all comes down to it, the true reason for playing hockey is the love of the sport. -Joe Carelli

Nick Trimboli, the iceman standeth. Matt Loftus, with a stick growing out of his back.

Paul Kopicki says to Matt Palmer, ''I'll stick around to help ya out!" ,John DeCree eluding a pair of defenders.

Derek Calista, in the zone.

Chris Potestio hands the baton off to Tim Ferrie.

Joe Fedorowicz anchoring the relay.

Indoor track is a long, cold season. "Indoor" is a 1 contradiction since the only thing indoors are ces. The team practices outside every day and, lt snows, they have the pleasure of running hills d of running around our wonderful track. This is L filled with runners, throwers, and jumpers. A f seniors, juniors, sophmores, and freshmen. For m individual sport, team collaboration is the integral aspect. Each member relies on the We travel to Lehigh University, Haverford Col:>rinceton University, Penn State University, e 168th Street Armory in New York to prove our i. Year in and year out, LaSalleholdsitsreputa' one of the most dangerous and deep teams in ~a. This year's contributions come from seniors Swanson, Chris Potestio, Gabe DiClerico, Dan 1ghlin, Eric Griffin-Shelley, Bill Parker, and Madeira. Juniors Tim Ferrie, Ryan O'Donnell, irts, Anthony Bonanni, Brian McElroy, and 1ic Panza and sophomores Mike Alonso, Chris Ll,Dave Chesny and Ryan Campbell complete 1m. The public may only hear about the 4x800 relay team or an outstanding shot-putter; in ', this team owes its success to each and every er.

-Brian Baillie

;ays Ryan O'Donnell, "No matter how much I run, this )S stalking me."

Chris DePaul, leading the way for La Salle. See Brian Baillie. See Brian run. Run, Brian, run!

Far Right: Coach Faunce puts his torso in, then takes his torso out ... Sean McMahon: it's gotta be the shoes. Mike Fitzsimmons makes his best "bowlingface"as tension mounts.

Senior Jim Edelen twisting and shouting. Senior Tom Bloh says, "Go, my spherical son! Make your master proud!"

The bowling team, a perennial La Salle favorite, had a rebuilding year. The season appeared very promising, due to an abundance of new members. The bowling team showed improvement over last year under the direction of new coach, Steve Faunce. This year's team boasted over twenty energetic and talented members. Captain Tom Bloh led with a very high average in the 180s. The varsity lineup consisted of seniors Tom Bloh and Jim Edelen, junior Mike Fitzsimmons and sophomores Dave Heayn and Mike Moffett. JV members included Gerry Amole, Dave Babnew, Mike Garofalo, Jon Thyberg, Steve Vuillermet and Timothy Wilson. The team grew and improved this year and the new talent bodes well for the years to come. -Jim Edelen

The Bowling Team Back Row: Mike Fitzsimmons, Ryan Fitzpatrick, Jerry Amole, Steve Vuillermet, Mike Moffett, Jim Edelen, Chris Dunne, Coach Faunce Middle Row: Chris Rose, Alex Franzen, Steve Rodgers, Tim Makoid, Brian Clear kin, Mike Driscoll, Sean McMahon, Tom Bloh Front Row: Mike Garofalo, Branden Shane, Kevin Carfagno, Tim Wilson, DaveBabnew

Sophomore Tim Wilson gets the ball rollin'.

The 2001 Explorers baseball team tried to take this season a step farther than last year. In 2000, the Explorers had lost to Father Judge in the championship game. This year the team contended again under the direction of head coach Joseph Parisi, along with assistants P.J. Quinn, Joseph Falcone, and Thomas O'Connor. The team featured 12 returning seniors, and their experience helped the team remain a serious contender. Pitchers Chuck Day, Tom Mattern, Pete Elliott, CJ Tuman, Dan Waters, John Reifsnyder, and Scott Beard kept throwing strikes and pitching well. The infield also proved very strong with Greg Schaible, Dan Buckley, and Nick Shields at first base, Kyle Elliott at second, Rob Sullivan at shortstop, and Paul Needle and Mike Manzi at third base. In the outfield, returning All-Catholic member Ryan Parfitt played in centerfield, while Matt Costello, Tom Gorman, Dave Skoien, and Scott Beard rounded off the outfield. Juniors Chris Jeffers, and sophomores Doug Interante and Kevin McLoughlin were behind the plate at catcher, controlling the field, and throwing out any baserunners brave enough to try to steal a base. The team was well-coached and tried to improve throughout the year, getting better and better each game. The team accomplished this goal with strong hitting and a steady defensive effort, which was the key to a successful season. -Tom Gorman

Oh my ...oh ...ouch ...I think I just pulled something. The La Salle Explorers getting ready to lay the smack down on the baseball diamond.

Is this heaven? No, it's La Salle.

The opposition's worst nightmare: Ryan Parfitt at bat.

Well hit to deep left field, watch that baby, OUTTAHERE! Kyle Elliot about to fall out of the batter's box.

While waiting to go to bat, Chuck Day wonders what he'd do with the one million dollars that he might make one day as a professional baseball player. Eventual conclusion: four million gum balls.

, Mattern n.d.m ' the pine. ' 'lommy . , .. Ile" says Igg) 路 . Ru fl'I "Ruff! .. Dogs don t ta 路 I . t路he dirt, . fee . lino-the flow. o Rann,

J m t his. reve nge. on the exac .s N u.t· Cheerios Bee. . a es. Park Honey · L a Salle wm? I 11 Can . ] B wers 11·1· . the . ba .?· ns get an y betterd. Will N,c'. Will these c~ptw fBlu.e rnul Col ·· ·onship. . . dit10n o the cham~1 t h e next thnlhng e Findoutm


Chris Frein feels the love. Darcell Moore assumes the "Lotus Pose" as described in Guru Rah Kette's book Zennis.

La Salle Tennis Team Bill Marych, Joe Carroll, Darcell Moore, Chris Radvansky, Nick Bowers, Andrew John, Chris Frein, Steve Schaffer, Brendan Heron, James Park, Rafael Rincon, Joe Carroll (not pictured: Phil Carroll)

It's a cold and wintry day in March and extra layers of clothing are common as the La Salle lacrosse team prepares for the upcoming season. Under the guidance of head coach William Leahy, the Explorers' ultimate goal and desire is to play, day in and day out, from March first to June first, the day when the team could play again in the state finals. This year, senior captain defenseman Adam Cummins, with his tenacious over-thehead stick checks, intimidated any opposing attackmen. The defense included seniors Kevin Cross and Brendan Crotty, and juniors Michael Graham and Brian Noone, as well as the outstanding duo-goalie combo of senior Joe Horvath and junior Pat Becker. At the opposite side of the field was one of the most talented groups of attackmen La Salle and the PCL have ever seen. Senior captain Kenny Kempf and senior Brian Madeira, having led the Explorers to countless victories over the years, leave behind equally talented junior Conrad Lochocki. In addition, at one of the most demanding positions on the field, senior Andrew Cappelli led the midfield with the help of juniors Tim Koons, Jeff Mills, John "Bird" Lasky, Pat Collins, Bob O'Neill, and Stephen Bielecki. With power and strength on all sides of the field, the 2001 La Salle lacrosse team had the heart and the potential to reach the PCL championship again. With great admiration, I am and always will be very proud to have been a part of this team. -Roger Yeung (a.k.a. Rajaaaah)

Jeff Mills with nothin' but lacrosse on his mind. Kenny Kempf is told: "Thou shalt not pass."

Assistant Coach Frank Lochocki with his intimidating stare. Brian Noone takes a breather.

Coach Bill Leahy inspires his players to continue their amazing success.

You look at the ball up there, while I'll elbow you in the stomach down here!

Gooooaalll! The La Salle Lacrosse team taking a well-deserved break after 12 grueling periods and 12 quarts of Ecto-Cooler.

. I . . · p inch h im. .. n't bite him, And if ya ca .. 1war pamt. . h.is traditiona , Jeff. M·11s i . with


. • tbackm. t·he · game.

Bob O'Neill waiting not-so- anxiously " to be

M Les Burke, r Martin Jackson, : ~ great year Coaches ~i~hl looked forward tits sixth cond Mr. David h. h was seeking . Bubba If t m w 1c . semors an Returning J hn Delaney, for the go ea t:tle PCL • . t Kane o . secutive ike Mulligan, Mat . ak ~layed a mai_or Gernerd, M . nd Adam Corms L championship. Joe Slabinski, : to return to the p~d on to the PCL part in the effo~ worked hard to ho Kevin Frost, and Adam SCom1sa Chris Reedma~, 1 t La Salle Seese, d their ta en · title. _ean " Muller showe ound, with deter"Maxiz11lion est teams ar le Every was one of thel yos:'e1;, playing a larg::~i~n of this d there 1s . e derc as mined un t better, an . d will contmu year the tea~;~: Salle golf team ·~:e. letting up. ofT the b est teams -Mark at La "Bu bba" Gernerd to be one


Mr. Marty

Jackson looks on

. at his players. with satisfact10n Fore I

John Delaney.. "Go to your happy place, go to your happy place."



Mike Mulligan, calling his shot "off three trees, skid off the water, hit a rock, right into the cup, nothing but tin." Emmett McGowan sizing up the long birdie putt.

Commonly Heard Terms Around the/Golf Course FORE!!! .. ,..(Hags) MISTA MISTA, GET ME OUTTA HERE!!!. ..(Sea Mist) IF YOU'RE NOT CHEATING, YOJ]'RE 路 NOT TRYING!!!....(The])octor) HOW DO LIKE THEM . APPLES?!?L ...(Mr. Jackson) LET'S PLAY SKINS!!!....(Frosty) DOUBLE OR NOTHING!!! ....(Hylinski) MULLIGAN!!!.,. (Mulligan)

Joe Slabinski wondering what would happen first: the discovery of a 10th planet or his getting out of the sand trap.

. dup for .... , h t I s1gne this. isn te w a to .· Ccarry the boat. ' had d ·dn't reahze w h uts orders. . O'Donnell s o . I I · oxswain or an d Dan Faz10 · Denms Scmor c Sean Conn ·t·bia race. wor"1. hard to pre Pare £or the nex, o Oh

Greg Madden and Mike Seelaus taking the boat out for a spin. Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream! Merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.

Mr. Chris Mr. Mark Mr. Mark supervise

Halwick, Valenti, and Gibbons the crew.

"Yo-ho, yo-ho, a pirate's life for me!" "If we stop rowing, will we just sink?"

As the hypothermia-wrought crew hopefuls drown, the yearbook takes pictures. Greg Madden in the 8th seat.

"Kill the pig! Cut her throat! Spill her blood!" (with apologies to William Golding)

They say a picture is worth 1000 words. If this is true, we just got a real bargain. Dan McLaughlin lovingly cradles his late pet bowling ball "Rolly," which was recently hit by a car.

Our experience started four years ago when we walked through the entrance for the first time with no expectations, no idea of what the future held. The first three years seemed like they would last forever. Once senior year came, we realized that time had passed at a mind-boggling speed. All of a sudden, a little unexpectedly, it was here, it was time for us to shine. We were finally SENIORS! Seniors, the leaders of the school, the year that every La Salle student waited eagerly to reach. The year to be the kings, the star athletes, the presidents of clubs and the editors of publications. We built friendships, established hang outs, attended parties, parked in the senior lot, and somehow, we also managed to get an education. Even more, we grew to tolerate, like, and appreciate our peers, and the faculty, those people who worked us so hard. Now, as we approach graduation , our joy at moving on to college, to freedom and new experiences, intermingles with a certain melancholy at leaving behind the familiar confines of La Salle and the friends we have here. It is time to begin the journey beyond La Salle, a journey taken with the knowledge that our memories will always provide a lifetime of return trips. -Darren Grossman

Bush v. Gore: Bush- 60% Gore- 25% Other- 15% Cat v. Dog Cat- 13% Dog- 80% Other- 7%

John Delaney snickers to himself after John Carr hits his head on his locker. Brian Baillie chills in the caf.

Leno v. Letterman Letterman- 42% Leno- 41% Conan- 10% Other- 7%

Mount v. Gwynedd Mount- 52% Gwynedd- 48% Coke v. CokePepsiOther-

Pepsi 44% 44% 12%

Water boy: Hinckle v. Sandler Hinckle- 71 % Sandler- 29%



:aCll!l\ '.lagazine . Sports Illustrated ..Maxim ,. ESPN the Magazine ,. Surfing i. Rolling Stone :tadio Station l. YlOO (100.3) ~.WYSP(94.1) 3.WMMR (93.3) 1.WMGK(102.9) 5. WPHI (103.9) Required Reading

Teacher 1. Mr. Ed McCabe 2. Mr. Cipolla 3. Mr. Johnson 4. Mr. Neely 5. Mr. Sweeney I Mr. Roche Platter 1. Macho Nacho 2. Mac and Cheese 3. Cheesesteak 4. Chicken Patties 5. BBQ Pork 6. Brains

1. Catcher in the Rye

2. The Inferno 3. Slaughterhouse V 4. Lord of the Flies 5. The Great Gatsby I Of

Mice and Men

TV Station l.ESPN 2.FOX 3.MTV 4. Comedy Central 5.HBO

Frog and Bubba, the nick-named twosome. Joe Hand, Pat Dalton, and Brett Thompson smiling because it's really a giant, scrumptious chicken taking their picture. Jim Mikochik displays his weightlifting skills as well as his legendary "metal face."



Bonus: Scro.fch'n'




lam B. Ackerman Old Jacksonville Road :1el,PA 18974 598-9186 ~r 10-11; Ski Club 9-10 1, er, ah, no longer illiterate." -I\fayor Quimby, The 5.11;;psons

Im C. Alfarano 14 Chippewa Road iladelphia, PA 19128 .5) 487-2549 1maculate Heart of I\Iary ,rensics 9-10; LSC 9-10; "here is a stream of things entering :o being, ,md time is a raging rrent; for no sooner does each ing enter our sight than it has been rept away, ,md ,mother is passing in . place, and that too will be swept

Domenick P. Addesi

Imoniri V. Ahonkhai

1800 Sa..-x:on Lane I\Iaple Glen, PA 19002 (215) 830-8348 St. Anthony of Padua Wrestling 10; WEXP 10-12; Stage Crew 10-12; Freshm,u1 I\Ientor 11; NHS 11-12; 1ntramurals 9-10 "111ough the body says stop, the spirit cries never!"

1444 Ev,ms Road Lower G"'ynedd, PA 19002 (215) 540-0228 St. Rose of Lima Football; Track "Brothas try to replace me but they c,U1't.I'm ridin' in a t:mk."

Andrew T. Allmond

Andrew Robert Alston

18 Country Lme Drive Philadelphia, P 1\ 19115 (215) 671-1408 I\Iaternit:y BVM Soccer; lee Hockey; Track 10-12; SADD 11; LSC 10-12 "I\Iy existence led by confusion boasts mutiny from stern to bow. Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger th,m that now." -Bob Dylan

P.O. Box 52 915 Plymouth Road Gwynedd, PA 19436 (215) 699-8109 St. Rose of Lima "Nothing can be said now that has not been said before." -Terence

vay" -I\farcus Aurelius, lvfeditations


J. Antczak

Seth R. Anders

Stephen P. Andrews


200 Rittenhouse Boulevard Norristown, PA 19403 (610) 630-9423 St. Francis of Assisi NHS 11-12; Intramurals; LSC "I\fay God's blessing keep you always, may your wishes all come tme. I\fay you always do for others and let others do for you. l\Iay you build a ladder to the stars, climb on every nmg and may you stay ... FOREVER Ymmg." -Bob DyLm

580 \Voodhmd Drive Radnor, PA 19087 (610) 964-9635 St. Katherine of Siena \VE:XP; Yearbook 12 "The sky is the limit." -Captain Jean-Luc Picard

718 Shadywood Drive Perkasie, PA 18944 (215) 257-9203 Wisteria.n 10-12; LSC 11-12; Intramurals; Tennis 12; Track 9NHS 11-12; Cross Country 10; Japanese Club 10; Bowling 12; Outdoor Adventure Club 11-12 "Be more concerned with your character than your reputaion. Y< character is what you really are w your reputation is merely what 01 think you are." -John Wo

Nicholas A. Ashton

Sean D. Badolato

Brian P. Baillie

117 Wagon \X1heelRoad Norristown, PA 19403 (610) 539-4539 Lacrosse 9; SADD 9-11 "Do what you will, always walk where you like yom steps. Do as you please, I'll back you up." -Dave l\Iathews

1721 Cloverly Avenue Jenkintown, PA 19046 (215) 572-5021 Immaculate Conception Track 9-10; Cross Country 9-10; S:\DD 9-11; Intramurals "Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end." -Semisonic

606 East Dupont Street Philadelphia, PA 19128 (215) 483-2126 Holy Family Cross Cmmt1y (Captain 12), Track (Captain 12); Spanish Club; LSC; NHS 11-12 "I think where m,m's glory most begins and ends, and say my glo1y was I had such friends." -Willian1 Butler Ye

!l J. Buckley

Joseph T. Bui

Michael H. Buonocore

reen Valley Drive ~lphia, PA 19128 ~87-0287 :ulate Heart of J\fary tll; Basketball; Baseball all I'm saying is that I want to 1ek and say that I did it the :ould while I was stuck in this Had as much fon as I could was stuck in this place and as hard as I could while I was 1 this place." -Dazed and Confosed

16 North Valley View Road Line Lexington, PA 18932 (215) 996-1510 Sacred Heart Science Club 9; Amnesty International 10; Cross Country 10-12; Track; LSC 9-11; NHS 11-12 "\Vhat good is being the best, if it brings out the worst in you?" -Rodney Dangerfield

2009 Spring Valley Road Lansdale, PA 19446 (610) 584-4716 Corpus Christi "I've had a wonderful time, but this wasn't it." -Groucho Marx

L. Cadwell

Brian J. Campo

David R. Candia

:Iden Creek Drive ), PA 19040 56-9240 ph . Club 11-12; SADD 11-12; ; Baseball 10 to believe in yourself by ; on your strengths and tsating for your limitations. 1r strengths more often to )Ur confidence."

428 Center Street North Wales, PA. 19454 (215) 699- 7996 St. Rose of Lima Yearbook (Editor 12); LSC; WEA'.P; NHS 11-12, Latin Club 10-12 "So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past." -F. Scott Fitzgerald, The GreatGcttsqy

3800 Secondwoods Road Doylestown, PA 18901 (215) 230-9061

Adam S. Comisak 470 Holly Road Blue Bell, PA 19422 (215) 646-3329 Golf "111ink twice before you make one 1nove." -My Dad



328 Dogwood Lane Elkins Park, PA 19027 (215) 572-0107 St James Baseball "May those who love us, love us; and those that don't love us, may God turn their hearts; and if He doesn't turn their hearts, may He turn their ankles, so we'll know them by their limping." -Old Irish Hex

Sean R. Connor

Matthew V. Costanzo

609 Apache Lane Plymouth I\[eeting, PA l 9462 (610) 828-7581 Epiphany of Our Lord Crew; NHS 11-12 "Tty not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value." -Albert .Einstein

1518 Evans Road Ambler, PA 19002 (215) 542-9325 St. Rose of Lima Band 11-12; Amnesty Internation: 11-12Wresident); Baseball 9

Kevin J.Cross


2377 Greensward South \'v'arrington, Pi\ 18976 (215) 343-0786 St. Robert Bellarmine Lacrosse; Football; NHS 11-12 (VP); Student Council (Sec.,Jr. Pres.); LSC "It's easy to grin, when your ship comes in, and you've got the stock market beat. But the man who's worthwhile, is the man who Gm smile, when his shorts are too tight in the seat." -Judge Smails, Cad1yshack

390 Colwin Court Blue Bell, PA 19422 (215) 646-4054 Epiph~my of Our Lord Student Cotmcil 12; Lacrosse; S, LSC; Ski Club 9-11; NHS 11-1: SA.DD 9-11; Track 9 "Character may be m~mifested i great moments, but it is made ir small ones." -Phillips I

J. Crotty

mM; Cummins I Essex Drive lestown, PA 18901 ) 766-3462 Lady of Mount Carmel :ball 9-11 ;. Lacrosse )rder to jump high, you must nm "

Brian D. Dailey 13 Bomaca Drive Doylestown, PA 18901 (215) 340-0928 Our Lady of Mount Carmel Cross Country; S1\DD 11-12; Track 9-10; LSC; Crew 9-10; Ski Club 9, 11 "Instead of having 'answers' on a math test, they should just call them 'impressions', ;md if you got a different 'impression', so what, c;m't we all be brothers?" -Jack Handey

Patrick M. Dalton 30 Raffaclla Drive Holhmd, PA 18966 (215) 364-3788 St. Bede the Venerable Photography Club 11-12; Art Club 9-11; Ski Club; Outdoor 1\dventure Club 11-12; Crew 9-10; Intnunurals 12; Ice Hockey 9; LSC 12 ""Ibc truth of the matter is, that you always know the right thing to do. The hard part is doing it." -General Nonnan Schwartzkopf

~s D; Danella

Charles M. Day

John J. Delaney

Box 573 1edd Valley, Pr\ 19437 646-6614 )Se of Lima ese Club 9-10; Ski Club 11; Club 10-11; Science Club 10obotics Club 12; LSC 10-12; 12 .r when I look back over blue and smokestacks it makes me to think I've made it through." -Long Beach Dub i\llstars

4114 Devonshire Road Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 (610) 941-9817 St. Philip Neri LSC, Football 9; Baseball "Remember when you were young, you shone like the sun. Shine on, you crazy di;unond." -Pink Floyd

1 Pin Oak Lme Horsham, PA 19044 (215) 657-6387 St. Catherine of Siena Golf; LSC 11-12; NHS 11-12; Spanish Club 10-12, "Let me tell you something, 1\fike. You're money and you know what else? I'm f:.,'Dtma ask you a simple question: \X'ho's the big winner tonight in the casino? 1\Iikey;that's who." -Trent, Sm"n._gers

Aldin D. Delic

Jason P. Dempsey

Charles J. Denny

8328 Anderson Street Philadelphia, PA 19118 (215) 242-5016 "Live your life every day like it's your last."

41 i\fonica Drive Holland, PA 18966 (215) 364-0925 St. Bede the Venerable Cross Country; Track; Spanish Club; LSC "You know the day destroys the night, night divides the day, tried to mn, tried to hide, break on through to the other side. \Y.feplace our treasures here, our treasures there, but can you still recall the time we cried. Break on through to the other side." -]im Morrison

947 Caledonia Street Philadelphia, PA 19128 (215) 487-1112 Immaculate Heart of Mary LSC 9; WEXP 9-11; Yearbook 1 Intramurals 9,12 "To say you know when you km and to say you don't when you d not, that is knowledge." -An:

Jeremy M. Desiderio

Michael W. Diccicco

Gabriel R. DiClerico

7013 i\Iatthias Street Philadelphia, PA 19128 (215) 487-7817 St. Paul's Episcopal B,md "You never fully understand a person until you climb inside of his skin and \Valk armmd in it." -Harper Lee, To Kill a lvlocki,zgbird

20 Westaway Lane Warrington, PA 18976 (215) 343-9164 Our Lady of Mount Carmel Hockey 10-12; MCC 9-10; Ski Club 9; Sp,mish Club 11-12; NI-IS 11-12 "Remember the lessons fed to me? j\ 1e, the young sponge, so ready to agree. Years have gone; I recognize the walking dead, now aware that I'm alive and way ahead." -Incubus

1095 Frederick Road Meadowbrook, PA 19046 (215) 94 7-7332 Our Lady Help of Christi,ms Student Council (President 12); Wisterian 11-12; Latin Club; !"1.rt 9-11; Science Club 11; LSC; NF 11-12 ""':{ou'vegot so much to say, say what you're thinking, think anyth why not." -Cat St



an D. Diehl

Stephen T. DiPardo

Nam Hoang Do

: Plymouth Road ver G\vynedd, P 1\ 19002 5) 619-4086 rosse 9; Track 10-11; SADD 10-

921 Patriot Drive Lmsdale, PA 19446 (610) 584-9729 Corpus Chris ti Crew "To believe your own thought, to believe that what is tme for you in your private heart is true for all men, that is genius." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

6824 Eastwood Street Philadelphia, PA 19149 (215) 745-1174 Our Lady of Ransom Jap,mese Club 10; \'v'EXP 10-12; Latin Club 10-11; NHS 11-12; Yearbook 12 "If I weren't me, I wouldn't like me very much. It's a real rat race out there. Everybody striving to get ahead. I think I'll go take a nap and fall off the pace."

hatever tomorrow brings I'll be re with open arms and open ,."' '' -Incubus


m F. Doherty

Donald M. Durkin

James J. Edelen

: Lamplighter Road rsh,un, PA 19044 5) 542-0769 =atherine of Siena Lrbook; Sp,mish Club 10-11; Band :sident 12); Latin Club 10-11 1e day the child realizes that all Its are imperfect, he becomes ,m ,lescent; the day he forgives them, Jecomes ,Ul adult; the day he ~ves himsett: he becomes wise." - Alden Nowlan

4 77 Wyndmoor Lane Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 (215) 938-1577 St. Albert the Great Lacrosse 9-10; Respect Life 10-11; Football 9-10; LSC 9-10; SJ\DD 9 "Or sink just below all the churning and froth and swim to the light source or fly like a moth so toss away stuff you don't need in the end but keep what's important and know who's your friend." -Phish

1714 Brook Lane Jamison, PA 18929 (215) 343-7230 St. Cyril of Jemsalem Lab :tvLu1ager;Bowling; NHS 12; Germ,m Club; Tennis 10 "One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men. No machine can do the work of one extraordinary man. " -Elbert Hubbard

Kyle M. Elliott

Peter T. Elliott

Brian C. Fay

730 St. Andrew's Lme Philadelphia, P 1\ 19118 (215) 242-2684 Our Lady of l\fount Carmel Football; LSC; Basketball 9; Respect Life 10-11; Baseball; 1\tnnesty International 10-12 "Love, life, and happiness; may your troubles be few and your blessings nmny." -Irish Proverb

6408 Nc)rth Sixth Street Philadelphia, PA 19126 (215) 927-4942 St. Helena Soccer 9; Baseball 10-12 "You kids better buy my rookie card now, cuz after this song the price ain't con1in' down." -l\[os Def

1517 Long Pond Drive Warrington, PA 18976 (215) 343-2534 Nativity of Our Lord Spanish Club; LSC; Hockey 12 (manager); Bowling 10-11 "If it looks good, you'll see it. If it sounds good, you'll hear it. If it's marketed right, you'll buy it, but .. it's real, you'll feel it." -Kid R

Matthew T. Finley

Sean F. Fitzgerald

Erner C. Flounders

231 Wyncote Road Jenkintown, PA 19046 (215) 572-1243 Wisterian 10-12 (Editor); Yearbook 12 (Asst. Editor); Gazebo 10-12 (Editor); B,md "Forget what you are escaping.from, reserve your ,mxiety for what you are escaping to." -l\ fichael Chaban

1215 Bockius .Avenue Abington, PA 19001 (215) 887-0755 Our Lady Help of Christi~ms Amnesty International 11-12 OJresident); Football 9; Basketball 9; Track 9; Intramurals 9-11 "\v11atever gets you through the night, it's all right, it's all right; if it's your money or your life, it's all right, it's all right, but you don't need a sword to cut through flowers." -John Lennon

1800 St. Georges Road Dresher, PA 19025 (215) 657-8515 St. Alphonsus Forensics 9-10; Wisterian 11-12; 1 11-12; Gazebo 12 (Editor) "\v11at is that feeling when you're driving away from people and tht recede on the plain till you see the specks dispersing? It's the too-hu~ world vaulting us, and it's good~b But we lean fonvard to the next crazy venture beneath the skies." -Jack Kerc



11L. Foglia

Christopher M. Frein


2 Neilson Street adelphia, PA 19124 ,) 535-2581 y Innocents tball ; LSC; Science Club; 1ish Club; Intramurals : better it is to dare mighty things, 'in glorious triumphs, even 1ghcheckered with failure, then 1ke rank with those poor souls neither enjoy much nor suffer h because they live in the gray ght that knows not vict01y,nor at." -Theodore Roosevelt

3071 Jolly Road Plymouth J\Ieeting, PA 19462 (610) 279-4398 Epiphany of Our Lord Crew 9; Cross Country 9-10; Tennis 10-12 "If you think that something small cannot make a difference, try going to sleep with a mosquito in your room."

716 Norristo-wn :Road Horsham, PA 19044 (215) 643-4157 St. Catherine of Siena Track; Cross Country 10 "Insight is something I will always see to be harming more than words ever will do." -Radiohead

tes R. Fullerton


Hermitage Street :idelphia, PA 19128 ) 483-1540 1aculate Heart of J\Iary >r 12; Yearbook 12 u're packing a suitcase for a place ~ of us have ever been, a place has to be believed to be seen." -U2

857 lviourning Dove Road Audubon, PA 19403 (610) 539-7587 Visitation B.V.J\L Football 9-lO; Track 11-12; LSC 12 "If you don't know where you are going, you'll wind up somewhere else." -Yogi Berra

J.Galbally IV

Bryan P. Gallagher 2411 Fairway Terrace Warrington, PA 18976 (215) 343-4126 St. Robert Bella1mine Football 9-10 "\Vhenever you read a good book, it's like the author is right there in the room talking to you, which is why I don't like to read good books." -Jack Hancley

Ryan C. Garrity

T. Ian Garrity

1157 \'(iheatsheafLane Abington, PA l 9001 (215) 885-7932 Our Lady Help of Christitms Soccer; Basketball 9; Baseball 9; Football 12 "Hand over the milk money, \Veaver."

Shawn J. Garvin

4 Hedgerow Springhouse, PA 19477 (215) 643-1992 St. Rose of Lima LSC; Football; Baseball 9-10; SADD "Once in a while you get shown in the light, in the strangest of places, if you look at it right." -Bradley Nowell

2427 Rosemore 1\venue Glenside, PA l 9038 (215) 572-5969 Lacrosse 9; Ice Hockey "High school is nothing but peor following trends and people that do anything to belong." -JD.Salinger, The Catcherz)ztA

Michael F. Gavin

Matthew E. Gdowik

Anthony W. Geiger

511 Hamel Avenue North Hills, PA 19035 (215) 887-8192 Queen of Peace Football 9, 11-12; Wrestling 9, 11-12; \VE1.. 7P; Crew 10; The Wisterian 9-11 "I have not failed. I just found 10,000 ways that \Von't work."

354 :1\WesRoad Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 (610) 828-1840 St. Philip Neri Intra.murals, Latin Club 11-12, LSC 10-12, Yearbook 12 "I say, never be complete. I say, stop being perfect. I say, let's evolve and let the chips fall where they may."

156 North Clearview A,renue Langhorne, PA 1904 7 (215) 752-2377 Our Lady of Grace Tennis 9-11; NHS 10-12; LSC 1 German Club; Att Club "If a man c~umot keep pace with companions, perhaps it is becaus, hears a different dru111111er." -Henry Tfo

-Dirty !!York


rk D'. Gernerd

John F. Gill

Sean P. Ginty

5 Valley View Drive medd Valley, Pi\ 19437 ,) 699-3943 . tose of Lima nming; Golf; NHS 11-12, lent Council 9, 11-12 mu're in a war, instead of wing a hand grenade at th~ ny, throw one of those small ipkins. Maybe it'll make everythink how stupid war is, and e they are thinking you cari1throw tl grenade at them." -]ack Handey

503 Acom Street Philadelphia, PA 19128 (215) 487-2775 Immaculate Heart of lvlary LSC; Chorus 12; Intramurals; SADD 11 "The plaque for the alternates is down in the ladies' room." -Iceman

402 West Morehu1d Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19118 (215) 248-5352

Thomas H. Gorman

Mark P. Grady

10 10 Lorien Drive Gwynedd Valley, PA. 19437 (215) 643-9490 St. Rose of Lima Footb,tll; Basketball; Baseball, SADD; LSC; NHS 11-12; Student Council 9; Freshmen :tvlentor 11 "I firmly believe that any m,m's finest hour, his greatest fulfillment to all he holds dear, is that moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause ,md lies on the field of battle victorious!" -Vince Lombardi

1790 Cathedral Road Huntins1t.ion Valley, PA 19006 (215) 659-4932 Our Lady Help of Christians Cross C0tmtry 9-1 O;Track; Ice Hockey 12; LSC "I won't be forgotten. It just won't happen." -Reggie Jackson

7 Devereaux Street adelphia, PA 1913 5 I) 335-1690 "imothy Club the beginning the universe was ted. 111is has made a lot of )le very angry ymd been widely rded as a bad move." -Douglas .Adan1s

Anthony P. Green

Gus Gregoriadis

Eric E. Griffin-Shelley

55 Dutch Drive I-folland, PA 18966 (215) 322-1363

106 West Girard Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19123 (215) 238-0591 St. George Cathedral Ice Hockey; Amnesty International 12; Latin Club 12 "Life's short and hard like a bodybuilding elf' -Bloodhound Gang

4079 Oak Lane Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 (610) 828-6429 St. Philip Neri Baseball 9, 11; Football; Track 11 "Long you live, and high you fly, smiles you'll give, and tears you'll ,md all you touch and all you see : your life will ever be." -Pihk F

Darren R. Grossman

Philip R. Gugger

l\fatthew J. Haenn

371 Kendal Place Blue Bell, PA 19422 (215) 699-6230 Epiphany of Our Lord Yearbook (Editor); WEXP; Wisteri,m; LSC; Bm1Ci;NHS 11-12; MCC 9-1 O; Intrmm1rals ""111econstitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -Benjmnin Franklin

419 5 Shoemaker Road Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 (215) 675-0428 St. David Soccer 9-11; Lacrosse 9-11; NHS 1112; LSC (Pres.); Science Club 10-12 "My choice is what I choose to do and if I am causing no harm then it shouldn't bother you. Your choice is who you choose to be m1d if you'rt causing no harm then you're all right with me."

2025 Hollis Road Lansdale, PA. 1944.6 (610) 222-9387 , Corpus Christi Lacrosse 9-10 "\X'hen one door closes another , opens; but we often fook so Ion~ so regretfully upon the closed do that we do not see the ones whic: , i:1, • open for us." ..cAlexm1derGrahan1

LaelC. Hammond


Overbrook Drive edd Valley, PA 19437 699-3314 sse 9-11; SADD ll-12; Ski 9-11; LSC 12; Football 9-10 is one big road with lots. of So when you're riding through ts, don't complicate you~ mind. bury your thoughts, putyour to reality. Wal(e up and live!" -Bob l\farley

1estnut Street eville, PA 19426 489-8620 ianor 12(0fficer); SADD 10; LSC 9; :=tub 9 ughout my journey I fell six md stood up seven ... " -Chinese Proverb

Joseph P. Hand

Anthony M. Haughton

55 Jericho Road Holhmd, PA 18966 (215) 579-2247 St. Bede the Venerable Bowling 9; Art Club 9; Photo Club 9-11 "Life as we know it cumot be inteqJreted. ]l1erefore we should not stress!"

1901 Armstrong Drive Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 699-8071 Corpus Christi Football; Baseball 9-10; Wrestling 9; Tennis 9; Drmna; Chorus; Band; LSC "You cm1't let go because you're afraid to fall but the day may come when you can't feel at all. Comes a time when the blind man takes your hand ;md says, 'Don't you see you've got to make it some how on the dre,uns you still believe."' -Grateful Dead

Matthew L. Herzog

Jonathan A. Hicks

530 Vest1y Drive Ambler, PA 19002 (215) 641-8697 I\fa1y, Mother of the Redeemer Ice Hockey; LSC; Science Club 1112; Track 1l-12 "Waiting for the time when I can finally say this has all been wonderful but now I'm on my way. J\nd when I think it's time to leave it all behind I try to find nothin' left to say to make it stop." -Phish

1280 Tressler Drive Fort Washington, PA 19034 (215) 654-0844 St. Alphonsus Ice Hockey; LSC; Art Club 9-10 "I often sit back and think, 'I wish I'd clone that,' and find out later that I already have." -Richard Harris

Michael P. Hilferty

Christopher S. Hoagland

Michael D. Holbert

7335 Revere Street Philadelphia, PA 19152 (215) 333-8393 St. 1fatthew Fomm (President 12); Student Council 11-12; Wisterian (Editor) 1012; NHS 11-12; LSC; Latin Club 1012 (President 12) "If you nmnot convince them, confuse them." -President Harry S. Trum:m

1285 Holstein Court Blue Bell, PA 19422 (610) 279-8499 St. Helena Soccer 9,11; Ski Club 10-11 "The ultimate measure of a man is not if he nm stand in times of comfort and convenience, but if he cu1 stand tall in times of challenge ,md controversy."

1469 Swmnp Road Furlong, PA 18925 (215) 598-3006 Our Ladv of lvft. Carmel Intramur;tls; Amnesty Internatio SADD 9-11; Lacrosse 9-10; Fe ball 9; LSC; NHS 11-12 "Someday I may see oh everytl: just a little more clearly, somed: may get everything that's passec by, someday I'm gonna leave whole world behind, someday have everything tl1at I need, the1 get me on outta here." -Dexter <

Timothy J. Hope

Brett H. Hopkinson

Joseph B. Horvath

2231 Paper I\fill Road I-hmt:ingdon Valley, PA 19006 (215) 947-3377 Football 9; Crew 9-11; WE:XJJ 12 "I've made my life readin' people's faces, knowin' what the cards were by tl1e way they held tl1eir eyes."

1828 Hemlock Circle Abington, PA 19001 (215) 576-6054 Immaculate Conception Ice Hockey 9-11; Lacrosse 9, LSC 12 "Just go for it m1d see what happens." -Pete Townshend

127 Saddle Drive Furlong, PA 18925 (215) 340-0190 Our Lady of Mow1t Carmel Lacrosse

-The Gambler



vard M. Hughes

Michael J. Hughes

Stephen M. Izzi

5 Dorhmn Court : Bell, PA 19422 1) 542-7535 )hany of Our Lord 1 Club 11-12; Intramurals; 1ish Club 11 play the game is great. To win y1111e is greater. But to love the e is the greatest of all."

6931 Ruthmd Street Philadelphia, PA. 19149 (215) 745-4754 Resurrection of Our Lord Ice Hockey; Latin Club 11; Intramurals 9-10 "It has to start somewhere. It has to start sometime, what better place than here, what better time than 1nine." -Rage Against the l\.fachine

13461 Kelvin Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19116 (215) 677-4133

e P.John

Ryan Jones

Gary E. Kane

Deaver路 Drive : Bell, PA 19422 ) 646-1399 )hany of Our Lord j; Baseball :11what are you gonna do about \elease the hounds? Or the bees? he hounds with bees in their .ths so when they bark they shoot at you?" -Homer Simpson

169 Cherry L;me Doylestown, PA .18901 (215) 348-2261 Our Lady of Mount Carmel Ice Hockey 10-12; Intrmnurals "One day you look up and there's life's rearview mirror and disappearing into the distm1ce all the roads you left behind. You look back enough to feel the longing, then you give yourself a smile." -Trey Anastasio

2120 Country View Lane Lmsdale, PA 19446 (215) 616-2405 St. Helena Soccer; LCS; SADD; Intramurals; Ski Club "Victories that are easy are cheap. Those only are worth having which come as the result of hard fighting." -Herny Ward Beecher

C. Keenan

Matthew F. Kane

Louis I. Katsis


7713 Keiffer Street Philadelphia, P1\ 19128 (215) 482-3160 Immaculate Heart of Mary Golf 10-12; Intramurals; LSC 11-12 "'w11enit comes to girls and relationships ... I don't get my feet wet ... I just jump from raft to raft."

1206 North Howard Street Philadelphia, PA 19122 (215) 423-6863 St. j\fichael SADD 11-12; Amnesty International 11-12; Latin Club 11-12 "If you love something, let it go; if it comes back to you, then it's yours." -Dl\IX

805 Brighton Street Philadelphia, PA 1911 l (215) 342-5472 Presentation BVM LSC; Crew 10; Ski Club; Ice .H0< 11-12 "Life moves pretty fast; if you de stop to look around once in a wr you might miss it." -Ferris B,

Brendan T. Kelly

Kenneth C. Kempf

Br'ett R. Kochanowicz

2118 Oakdale Avenue Glenside, PA 19038 (215) 884-3556 "I'm gonna watch bluebirds fly over my shoulder. I'm gonna watch you pass me by maybe when I'm older." -Candy, f/eft<etUnderground

2354 Geneva Avenue Glenside, PA 19038 (215) 887-7177 St. Luke the Evangelist Football; Lacrosse; Student Council 10-11 "Gone are the days we stopped to decide; where we should go, we just ride." -Robert Hunter

511 Parkhollow Lane 路 Philadelphia, PAJ9111 (215) 725-6462 St. Martin of Tours Football; Track. 10-11; Spanish C "Many situations can be clarified the passing of time.", -"TI1eodoreIsaac F

oslav Kovaliv

Joseph T. Lanzalotti

Thomas A. Larner

5 Hasbrook Avenue adelphia, PA 19111 ,) 379-5534 Lmciation of BVi\I ni, Vecli, Vici."

800 Burgess Street Philadelphia, PA 19116 (215) 552-9419 St. Christopher Tennis 9-11; SADD 10-11; Outdoor Adventure Club 10-11 "No, I don't believe in an afterlife, but just in case, I ,un bringing a clean pair of underwear." -Woody Allen

1402 East Fernbtook Drive Warrington, PA 18976 (215) 343-5549 St. Cyril of.Jerusalem Track; Soccer 9-10; Cross Country 11 "For me, La Salle has been like a fine wine. It only got better over the years."

.o G. Laruffa

Michael J. Leonard

Thomas A. Leonard

Gwynedd Valley Drive nedd Valley, PA 19437 699-2473 >seph ;nt Council 9-11 (Freshman, omore President); Ski Club 9'.espect Life 10-11; LSC a jungle out there! You gotta for #1, but don't step in #2. so to all you graduates as you go 1to the world my advice to you DON'T GO! It's rough out . Move back with your parents, em worry about it." 路 -Rodney Dangerfield

3135 Brighton Street Philadelphia, PA 19149 (215) 338-4468 St. Matthew Crew 9-10; Intramurals; Spanish Club 10; LSC 11; NHS 11-12 "Life it seems a stmgg;le between what we think, what we see. I'm not going to chm1ge my ways just to please you or appease you." -Dave Matthews B,md

2716 Brown Street Philadelphia, PA 19130 (215) 232-3309 St. Francis Xavier Crew, NHS 11-12; LSC 12 "Take your time, think a lot. Think of every thing you've got, for you will still be here tomorrow, but your clremns may not." -Cat Stevens

-Julius Caesar

George D. Lozowski

Sean R. Luhks

Patrick R. Luschini

1735 Loney Street Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215) 342-9925 Resurrection of Our Lord Yearbook 10-12; NHS 11-12; Latin Club 10-12; B,md 9-10 "Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that's the stuff life is made of." -Benjamin Franklin

645 Burgundy Place Yardley, PA 19067 (215) 369-0670 Crew; LSC; NHS 11-12; SADD; Latin Club 11-12; Wisterian 12 "It's foll of phonies; all you do is study to be able to buy a ... Cadillac someday; you have to make believe you give a damn if the football team loses; ... everyone sticks together in dirty little ... cliques." -J.D. Salinger, The Catcherin the ~ye

1909 Briarcliffe Avenue Meadowbrook, PA 19046 (215) 947-1557 St. Hilary of Poi tiers Crew 9-10; Ski Club; Art Club 1 Amnesty International 10-11; Lati Club 10-1 l "Please repeat after me, tl1ere's 01 one rule ... I will not lose!"

Gregory P. Madden

Brian P. Madeira

Brian F. Mallon

965 Sunset Drive Blue Bell, PA 19422 (215) 643-6412 Epiphany of Our Lord Crew; Cross Country 9-10; B,md; Intr.umirals; NHS 11-12 "Even if you are on tl1e right track, you will get rnn over if you sit there." -Will Rogers

401 Greenwood Avenue Wyncote, PA 19095 (215) 572-1148 Immaculate Conception Football 11-12; Lacrosse; Track 1012 "Youse all spoiled; I'm gonna work my way out of the 'Borough." -l\ndrew Fox

148 Centennial Road Warminster, PA 18974 (215) 672-8457 St. John Bosco WEXP; Stage Crew 12 "So I must bear, as lightly as I c2 tl1e destiny that fate has given m I know well against necessity, ag, its strength, no one can fight and . " wm. -Aeschylus, Prometheus





ericho Road ton, PA 19001 386-9307 Ski Club 10 06 miles to Chicago. We've got ru1kof gas, half a packet of tes. It's dark and we're wearing sses. Hit it." 路 and Elwood, TheBlues Brothet:i-

Michael A. Manzi

Gabriel J. Marabella

1904 Juniata Road Norristown, PA 19403 (610) 630-6689 St. Francis of Assisi Baseball, Basketball 9-11, SADD 910, LSC 11-12, Intramurals, NHS 1112 "\Vhat do you want to know? ... only what the world wants to !mow ... W1iatdoes the world wru1t to know? The world wru1ts to know if you are brave."

7802 Lincoln Drive Philadelphia, PA 19118 (215) 242-3547 Our Lady of I\Iount Carmel Football; Basketball; Baseball 9-10; Golf 12; NHS 11-12; Student Council 11-12; LSC 11-12; SADD "111en we got parted, separated like the seas, felt like I was all alone in a different country; but now we're back together and never shall we part, fow1d the link, got electricity, here stand tall!" -G. Love

Anthony eristown Road =11, PA 19422 43-6164 .ny of Our Lord t Council; Football 9-11 the fool."

-Mr. T


308 Spruce Road Flourtown, PA 19031 (215) 233-3896 St. Genevieve LSC 10-11; SADD 10-11; Art Club 9-10 "Do not follow where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path imd leave a trail."

Daniel T. Marvin 8242 Brookside Road Elkins Park, PA 19027 (215) 635-1378 St. Junes Respect Life (President); .I\Iock Trial 9-10, 12; LSC 11-12, Intnunurals 1012 "Citizens may be born free; they are not born wise. Therefore, the business of liberal education in a democracy is to make free men . " wise. -F. Chrunpion Ward

Jeffrey S. Masiak

James E. Massino

Thomas R. Mattern

P.O. Box 195 1613 Stonington Circle Gwynedd, PA 19436 (215) 699-8843 St. Rose of Lima Cross Country 9-10; Wrestling 9-10; Ski Club 9,11; Track 11; Band 9-10 "Ernest Hemingway once wrote, 'The world is a fine place and wortl1 fighting for.' I agree with the second part." -i\lichael Freeman

3008 Hemlock Drive Norristown, PA 19401 (610) 278-2050 Wrestling 9, lntr,unurals, LSC 9-10, SADD 9 & 12, Freshman l\1entor 12 "Powers tl1at judge c,umot kill me, but only make me stronger. I don't see why eve1ybody gotta feel as though they can tell me how to live my life - let me live baby, let me live." -Tupac

3525 Vista Street Philadelphia, PA 19136 (215) 624-0889

Joseph A. Mattioli

Thomas M. McCaffery

Frank R. McCloy

815 Glenn Street Philadelphia, PA 19115 (215) 677-3741 St. Albert the Great Soccer; Lacrosse 9-1 l(Captain); SADD 11; LSC 9-11 "That which does not kill me makes me stronger." -Nietzsche

980 Lmghorne Yardley Road Langhorne, PA l 904 7 (215) 752-9060 Our Lady of Grace Football(Captain 12); LSC 12; Track 10 "If a problem comes along you must whip it." -Devo

976 Princeton Place Warminster, PA 18974 (215) 674-9091 St. Cyril Football 10; \X!EXP 12 "Well here I go, off to bigger 路 better things. Forgi\ce me if I I look back, but the future lies a not in tl1epast."

ert J. McCreight

Ryan P. McDowell

Emmett E. McGowan

St. Denis Lane rtown, PA 19083 853-2374 e111s )all; Basketball 9; Track; SADD rards die many times before ieaths; The valiant never taste of but once. Of all the wonders yet have heard, It seems to me swmge that men should fear; 5 that death, a necessary end, ::ime when it comes."

10228 Murty Lane Philadelphia, P :\ 19116 (215) 677-2458 llfatemity I3VM Science Club 11-12; Band 11; Amnesty Intemational 11-12 "Men play at tragedy because they do not believe in the reality of the tragedy, which is actually being staged in the civilized world."

2722 Taft :\venue North Hills, P:\ 19038 (215) 886-8221 Queen of Peace Football; Basketball; Baseball 9 "\v'e were only having fon, wasn't hurting anyone, and we all enjoyed the weekend for a ch~mge." -Billy Joel

:IJ. McLaughlin

Frank C. Meola

James S. Mikochik

]1eny Lme ell, P:\ 19422 (77-9576 :~na 11;Track; LSC 10-12; S:\DD

174 Grey horse Road Willow Grove, P1\ 19090 (215) 659-3172 St. David Tennis; LSC; :\rt Club; Lab Intern; NHS "\v'e need the sense that our reach c;m exceed our grasp. \'{'e need something to believe in, something to inspire us to better ourselves."

10 "\berdeen Terrace Wayne, P :\ 19087 (610) 975-5855 St. Catherine of Siena Band; German Club; NHS 12; Outdoor :\dventure Club 11-12 "\X,11oeversays that they never had a chance in life never took one."

J11!i11s Caesar

:day's over my shoulders, so I ,ok back for too long, there's > much to see waiting in front md I know that I c;m't go

" -Jimmy Buffet


Eric J. Miller

Gregory N. Miller

Michael D. Miller

51 Teal Drive Lmghorne, PA 19047 (215) 741-1222 St. Ignatius of Antioch Amnesty International 9-10; Respect Life 9-11; Latin Club 11; Freshman J\lentor 11-12; Cross Cmmt1y 9-11 "The one thing I know for sure is that indecision may or may not be my problem." -Jimmy Buffet

1395 Gwynedale Way Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 393-8008 Corpus Christi Crew; LSC 11-12; Cross Cmmt1y 9 "I see myself as a huge fie1y comet, a shooting star. Everyone stops, points up tU1(1 gasps 'Oh look at .And I'm that!' Then-whoosh! gone ... ,md they'll never see anything again ... ,md they won't be able to forget me---ever." -Jim Morrison

2931 Sunnycrest Road Willow Grove, PA 19090 (215) 659-3368 St. John of the Cross Band; Ski Club "It takes as much courage to ha' tried and failed as it does to hav tried and succeeded." -Anne J\1orrow Lind

Andrew C. Monaghan

Justin R. Morace

Nathaniel L. Moss

408 J\Iaple Avenue North Hills, PA. 19038 (215) 885-1384 Queen of Peace The Wisterian 12; LSC; Inmm1Urals 9 "]\ Iaybe friends are so important to n1e because vou c-m't ever have enough of tl~em. They're your allies in life, m1elyou c,m't get very far without them. Even if you do go far on vour own, without friends to sha~e your success with, what's the point?" -Pat Croce

8410 Strahle Terrace Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215) 722-1172 St. Cecilia Cross Country (Captain 12); Track "I have given you all the seeds of the Earth to use." -Genesis

402 West J\Iount Ai1y Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19119 (215) 248-1437 Football; SADD 11-12; Spani, 10-12; Track 9 "'l ou trying to be like me on t invent. I know I ain't perfect 路 99% perfect."



:ven M. Mosser

Michael E. Mulligan

Brian K. Murray

'.3 Harness Drive South rrington, PA 18976 5) 343-0313 :w 1e road of life is rocky ,md you y stumble too so just remember t while you point your finger 11eoneelse is judging you." -Bob Marley

24 Elbow Lane Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 368-7213 St. Stanislaus Golf 11-12; Soccer 9; Cross Country 11; Track 9-10; LSC 11-12; Spanish Club 9-10 "'\:.'ouhave brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself ,my direction you choose." -Dr. Seuss

422 N Sterling Road Elkins Park, PA 19027 (215) 887-6828

.ilip T. Nigon ) Gulph Hills Road :inor, PA 19087 0) 519-9357 Gregory 111is9,11; B,md; Lab i\fanager 10WEXP ll-12; Intramurals man's life is a book in which he ;nds to write one thing, but ends writing another."

Matthew L. O'Connor


329 South Fourth Street North Wales, P 1\19454 (215) 699-1807 St. Rose of Lima Football "If I don't meet you again in this world, I'll see you in the next, so don't be late." -]immy Hendrix

272 Delmont Avenue Warminster, PA 1897 4 (215) 675-5410 St. Joseph Lab lvfanager; Forum (Secretary 12); NHS 11-12; Chorus 9-10 "To make an apple pie from scratch you must first create the universe." -Carl Sagan

J. O'Connor

Dennis P. O'Donnell

Michael B. O'Donnell

Thomas M. O'Keefe

2 I.:::inderRoad Conshohocken, PA 19428 (610) 825-1779 St. Philip Neri Crew; LSC l l-12 "American women act and dress as though they're going to give you the world. Then, when you stick out your hand, they put an ice cube in it." -Kurt Vonnegut

6 Elmwood Avenue Narberth, PA 19072 (610) 664-0799 St. i\fargaret Crew 9-10; B~md; SADD ll; LSC 12 "So before we end and then begin, we'll drink a toast to how it's been. ... a few more times that I can say I've loved these days." -Billy Joel

1925 i\ faplewood Avenue Abington, PA 19001 (215) 657-4656 Our Lady Help of Christians Soccer 9-10; Crew "If everything seems to be going well, then you obviously don't krn what's going on." -Murphy's l

Michael P. Olshansky


1681 Winchester Drive Blue Bell, PA 19422 (610) 277-4779 St. Helena Wrestling 9-10; Wisterian 10-11 "An empty bowl needs to be filled, a full bowl needs to be emptied"

815 East Gravers Lane Wyndmoor, PA 19038 (215) 233-4456 Our Mother of Consolation Football; Basketball 9-11; Freshmen Mentor 11-12 I've always believed that if you put in the work, the results will come. I don't do the things half-heartedly. Because I know if I do, tl1en I Gm expect half-hearted results." -Michael Jordan

J. Overcash

Christopher M. Overholt 8420 Rising Stm Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215) 745-4378 St. Cecilia Intramurals; Cross Cow1t1y 9; Staf Crew 9 "Celebrate we will because life is short but sweet for certain. \Ve di on two by two, to be sure tl1ese d continue." -Dave i\fatthews B

o. F. Owens

Timothy M. Palilonis

Ryan K. Parfitt

v'est Allens Lane :lelphia, PA 19119 247-5633 1thianBaptist Church )all; Track; Student Council; 11-12 a, we are the supreme squad. :an dremn hard but reality is we the dream cars, date the queen s, boast the best ball. \Xle as , it gets."

155 West Georgianna Drive Richboro, PA l 8954 (215) 355-9455 St. Bede the Venerable Soccer; NHS 11-12; LSC 10-12; Freshman 1fentor 11; Student Council 12; Basketball 9-10; SADD "I'm not afraid. Sometime, Rock, when the team is up against it, when things were wrong - tell them to go in there with all they've got and win one for the Gipper. I don't know where I'll be then, Rock. But I'll know about it, ,m I'll be happy." -K11Hte Rockne

5 Wingate Court flourtown, .PA 19031 (215) 402-0944 St. Genevieve Baseball; Football; Ski Club 10-11 "I'm number one; that's the end of the st01y" -Slick Rick

s Park

William C. Parker

Michael P. Parson

ennard Street elphia, PA 19116 673-5837 ristopher 1-12; NHS 11-12; SADD 11nnis; Latin Club 9 hall not cease from exploration, .e end of all our exploring will ctrrivewhere we started ,md the place for the first time." -T.S. Elliot

341 Stm Valley Drive Ambler, PA 19002 (215) 540-2692 Football 9-11; Track "Now existence does not lie in existence., but in thinking about perishing. Pleasure does not lie in pleasure but in contemplating disaster. Now that you have already powered the source of such changes, why do you trouble yourself about the future flow of events?"

6819 Rutlm1d Street Philadelphia, PA 19149 (215) 722-0915 Our Lady of Ransom Soccer (Captain 12); Basketball (Captain 12); Football 10-11 "Computer gmnes don't affect kids' minds, I mean, if Pac-Man affected us kids, we'd all run around a darkened room with flashing lights munching pills ,md listening to repetitive music."

Brent R. Parsons

Jeffrey C. Paul

Leo B. Pedrotty

199 Sch~mDrive Churchville, P 1\ 18966 (215) 322-9635 St. Bede the Venerable "Fight for what you believe in, stand up to any obstacle, and find utopia in this world of deception."

1416 Revelation Road lvieadowbrook, PA 19046 (215) 947-3883 Our Lady Help of Christians Swimming (Captain 12); Drama; Crew 10-12; German Club; Band "In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." -ivlartin Luther King Jr.

23 Bruce Drive Holhmd, PA 18966 (215) 860-0338 St. Bede the Venerable Football "Sorry, the boy doesn't get out much." -Bi

James M. Pickens

Edward M. Pigeon

Sean F. Pinkerton

380 Kemvood Drive Wayne, PA 19087 (610) 254-8062 Ski Club; Art Club; LSC "A11yway,you'll never know the many ways I've tried." -Paul l\kCartney

613 Apache Lane Plymouth l\Ieeting, PA 19462 (610) 828-9074 Epiphany of Our Lord Football 10-11; WEXP 12 "Try not. Do or do not. There is no try." -Yoda

182 Chapel Drive Holland, PA 18966 (215) 364-1330 St. Bede the Venerable Soccer 9-11 "I can see why I got picked fo1 employee of the month, everyc says they always work harder " I'm around." -Homer Si

.pa Polychronakis

Christopher P. Potestio

Nicholas B. Przybylowski

. Fort \Vashington Avenue vashington, PA 19034 591-0297 >honsus e are two paths you can go by, the long nm, there is still time nge the road you are on." -Led Zepplin

131 Dale Avenue Willow Grove, PA 19090 (215) 659-6281 St. David Cross Country; Track; Basketball 9; Student Council 11-12; LSC(President 11-12); NHS 11-12; Spanish Club 9-10; Wisterian 9-10 "At this moment, these mOlmtains, desert floor, and endless sky are nothing but the heavens. The scent these winds bring on this glorious morning carry only a hint of what's to come this night." -....of a revolution

399 Cinnamon Drive Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 (215) 938-7438 St. Albert the Great Hockey; Band "'CT1etruth is something that you should tell unless you are as exceptionally good liar."

rt J. Quero Ii 1errieRoad elphia, PA 19115 677-1549 ning; Crew 10-11 ting isn't everything. It's the only

Christopher C. Ransom

David H. Read

8012 Mars Place Philadelphia, PA 19153 (215) 482-2800 St. Charles Ice Hockey "A lie which is a half truth is the blackest of all lies." -Beast, X-1vfen

1320 Barton Drive Fort Washington, PA 19034 (215) 628-2407 St. Anthony Football 9; Track 11; Crew; Spanish Club 10-12; NHS 11-12(President); LSC "It's a magical world, Hobbes. Ol'buddy ..... Let's go exploring!" -Calt.inand 1-lobhes

' -Vince Lombardi

Harry B. Reese

Charles P. Reilly

David J. Rhoads

2236 Berks Road Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 699-1889 St. Helena Ice Hockey, Spanish Club "It is always the best swimmers who drown." -l\fonsieur Le Vicomte de Valmont

915 Hallowell Street Conshohocken, PA 19428 (610) 825-5938 Saints Cosmas 路,md Damian Football; SADD 9-10; Wisterian 1012 (Asst. Editor); LSC 11-12; Anmesty International 9-10; Track 9; NHS 11-12 "Two roads diverged in a wood ,md I-I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference." -Robert Frost

2062 Weber Road L~msdale,PA 19446 (610) 584-1247 St. Rose of Lima Football 9-11, Spanish Club 9, SADD 10-12 "Your stomach in, your chin Uf listen boy, don't look me in the I'm over here, your over there, have the same pain to bear, we' on the same road to somewher -Strati

Brendan R. Rueter

Christopher C. Salvitti

Jeffrey P. Saunders

10720 Crestmont Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19154 (215) 632-7156 Our Lady of Calvary Football; Crew 9; SADD 10-12; Ski Club 9-10; Respect Life 11-12; Amnesty International 11-12 "The difference between involvement and commitment is like ,m eggs and ham breakfast: the chicken was involved - the pig was committed."

1292 Turnbury Lane North Wales, PA 19454 (215) 699-1873 St. Rose of Lima Ski Club "Purple Haze all in my brain, lately things don't seem the same, actin' funny but I don't know why, 'scuse me while I kiss the sky." -]imi Hendrix

31 Waln Lane Langhorne, PA 19047 (215) 752-1687 Our Lady of Grace Art Club 9-10; Cross Country Photo Club 10 "Empty yourself of everything the mind become still. The ten thous,md things rise and fall wl the self watches their return." -Tao Te

gory B. Schaible

Matthew G. Scott

Michael J. Seelaus

l Grant Avenue Bell, PA 19422 ) 272-8509 [elena ball; Football; German Club 9-

139 Executive Drive l\ Iaple Glen, PA 19002 (215) 540-5372 St. Alphonsus Football; LSC 11-12 "If I had a dollar for evety dollar I spent, then yahoo!, because then I'd have all my money back."

1707 Penns Lane Maple Glen, PA 19002 (215) 643-3214 St. Alphonsus Crew; Cross Countty 9; Ski Club 910; Track 9; German Club 11-12 "Insanity is like virtual reality, without the bulky gloves and helment." -Derek Wilken

ebrate we will because life is t but sweet for certain. \Ve're Jing two by two to be sure these continue." -Dave lvfatthews Band


:s P. Sheridan

David E. Skoien

Joseph F. Slabinski

Vigard A venue lelphia, PA 19128 482-0299 culate Heart of i\foy

320 Windsor Way North Wales, PA 19454 (215) 699-5689 St. Rose of Lima NHS 11-12; Baseball; LSC 10-12; Soccer 9-11; Track 9-10; German Club; Cross Countty 12 "If one advances confidently in tl1e direction of his dreams, ~md endeavors to live tl1e life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours." -Henry David Thoreau

4364 East T11ompson Street Philadelphia, PJ\ 19137 (215) 831-8221 St. John Cantius Golf "I would keep playing, I don't think the heavy stuff will come down for quite a while." -Carl, G1dcfyshc1ck

Graham C. Smith

Javed P. Sondhi

Paul J. Stabile

8615 i\[ontgome1y Avenue Wyndmoor, P 1\ 19038 ('.215)233-1666 Band; Drama 11; Lab i\Lmager 1112 "Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen."

230 Cedar Place Wayne, P 1\ 19087 (610) 995-2807 St. Katherine of Siena Ski Club 11-12; B:U1d11-12; LSC 1012 "Those who master others have force; those who master themselves have strength."

113 Chilton Road Langhorne, PA 19047 (215) 860-2232 St. Andrew Robotics Club "Ask not what I c,m do for you, why on Earth you can't do it y0t self"

Michael T. Steffa

Ryan W. Stillwell

Mark A. Swanson

102 Grant Drive Holland, PA 18966 (215) 860-7157 St. Bede the Venerable Soccer; SJ\DD 11; LSC 11-1'.2 "I never let my schoolin' interfere with my education." -Huck Finn

1525 11ulberry Circle Warminster, PA 18974 (215) 343-2723 St. Robert Bellarmine Football; NHS 11-12; Lacrosse 1011; Tri.est House 12 "Sometimes life seems like a dream, especially when I look down and see I forgot to put on my pants." -Jack I-:hmdey

3896 Smoke Road Doylestown, P 1\ 18901 (267) 880-0774 St. Rose of Lima Cross Coru1t1y(Captai1112); Track(Captain 12); NHS; LSC; Student Council 11 "If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to say 'God is crying,' And if he asks , God is crying, another cute thin say is 'Probably because of soff you did."'


Brett R. Thompson

Henry L. Thompson

tvfyrtleAvenue tenham, PA 19012 I 379-1707 aculate Conception l; Tennis 9; Wisterian 9; Stage r 10-12 1e is your enemy only if you let it won't let my future get away . me." -Sepultura

2565 Coldspring Road Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 699-0860 Corpus Christi Wrestling 9-10; Crew 9; Gazebo 12; Amnesty International 12 "T110reau said, 'The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.' 111erefore I refuse to join the mass of 1nen!"

850 Tyson Avenue Roslyn, PA 19001 (215) 886-1161


David M. Tucci


\v'hitebriar Road iampton, PA 18966 322-1795 Lady of Good Counsel

11004 Lindsay Street Philadelphia, PA 19116 (215) 698-0916 St. Christopher Bowling 9; Ski Club 10 "This clog has a face ... the face of Jesus ... "

201 Atwood Road Erdenheim, PA 19038 (215) 233-5269 St. Genevieve Swimming; Baseball; Respect Life; Outdoor Adventure Club "It's time I sling the baskets off this overburdened horse, sink my toes into the grmmd and set a different course, 'cause if I were here and you were there, I'd meet you in between and not until my dying day, confess what I have seen." -Phish


er look down on ~mybody s you're helping him up." -Reverend Jesse Jackson

J. Tuman

Michael Ryan Turner

Joseph J. Wallace

Michael B. Walls

2075 Pheasant Hill Road Lansdale, P J\ 19446 (215) 855-7256 Coq)us Christi Soccer; Track 9; Sp:mish Club; Intramurals; SADD "Lately it occurs to me what a long strange trip it's been." -'ll1e Grateful Dead

2606 \'(foods View Drive Bensalem, PA 19020 (215) 752-5489 St. Ephrem Hockey "Speak softly and carry a big stick." -Theodore Roosevelt

2110 Elbow Lane Hrn1tingdon Valley, PA 19006 (215) 947-7671 Our Lady Help of Christi,ms Yearbook; WE~7P 9, 11-12; LSC 路

Jeffrey D. Walter

Christopher W. Whelan

Richard P. Wise

P.O. Box 751 925 Lorien Drive Gv,rynedd, PA 19437 (215) 643-2592 St. Rose of Lima Amnesty International 12; SADD 1112; Spanish Club 11-12; \'x/EXP 1112 "If you can't remember it, then it never happened." -Sean William Scott, &ad T,ip

7207 Penarth Avenue Upper Darby, PA 19082 (610) 352-3369 St. Laurence Wrestling (Captain 12); Drama (Asst. Director.); Band; LSC 10-12; Chorus 9-10; Crew 9; Cross Country 10; WEXP 11-12; Stage Crew "God put me on tl1is Eartl1 to accomplish a certain number of tl1ings. At this rate I'll never die." -Calvin

528 Wartm,m Street Philadelphia, PA 19128 (215) 483-6617 Immaculate Heart of tfary Ice Hockey; Yearbook 12; Intr,unurals 12 "Do not follow where ilie patl1 lead. Go instead where there is path and leave a trail." -Muriel路/

>hen M. Wiseman

Roger C. Yeung

Gavin L. Young

East Cheltenh,un Avenue tdelphia, PA 19120 ) 342-2327 ecilia :at expectations lead to great >pointments."

315 Sonnet Lane Collegeville, PA 19426 (610) 489-4122 St. Eleanor Lacrosse 10-12; Latin Club 10-12 (President); LSC; Amnesty International 12;SADD ll-12;Tennis 10; NHS 11-12; Intramurals 12 "\X,11atwe do in life echoes in eternity." -i\Iaximus Decimus i\feridius,

728 Hillcrest "\venue Glenside, PA 19038 (215) 885-0326 St. Luke the Evangelist SADD 10-11; LSC 10-12; Cross Count1y 9; i\fock Trial 11-12; Ski Club 11-12 "Down on the crossroads seeing my dreams roll by out in the freight yard ready to do or die I'm gonna find my way. Time for me to nYAkea change. Nothing is holding me from riding in to my destiny." -Hot Sauce Johnson


John A. Zaro

Andrew P. Zoltowski

57 Highg;1te Lane Blue Bell, P1\ 19422 (215) 654-9221 Holy Savior Football 9-11; NHS 11-12; Crew; LSC; Student Council (Class V.P. 910, 12) "Sometimes the lights all shining on me, other times I can barely see, lately it occurs to me, what a long strange 路 trip it's been." -Grateful Dead

180 Greyhorse Drive \Villow Grove, PA 19090 (215) 659-1706 St. David Soccer 1O; SADD; LSC "The solution to all life's problems is getting started."

Tom Gorman feeling extra creative in his Creative Writing class.

Abbott, Kevin J. 54 Abbott, Patrick J. 46 Achey, David A. 46 Ackason, Channing K. 54 Ackerman, William B. 169 A.dams, Russell J. 54 A.dams, Matthew P. 62, 82 Adams, Sean F. 46 Adams, Timothy B. 46, 139 A.ddesi, Domenick P. 76, 169 A.ffel, Nicholas M. 46 Agnew, Sean M. 54 r\hern, Sean C. 62, 111 Ahern, Conor D. 46 A.honkhai, Imoniri V. 72, 169 r\lfarano,John C. 6, 105, 169 Alger, Brother Don 35 Allegretti, Bemardino A. 62, 111 Allen, Gregory T. 46 Allmond, Andrew T. 169 Alonso, Michael J. 54, 96, 129, 145, 164 . Alston, Andrew Robert 76, 169

,-\luise, Michael V. 62, 129 A.mole, Gerald P. 62, 147 Anders, Seth R. 76, 170 J\ndrews, Stephen P. 96, 170, 213 Andris, Matthew R 54 Angiolillo, Mr. Mark 43 Antczak, Christopher J. 76, 108, 170 r\rchibald, Timothy S. 54 Arentz, Christopher M. 46 Ashton, Nicholas A. 170 Assaf, Mr. Frederick 20, 22, 105, 116,118 Aviles, Ivlichael W. 54 A.y, ChristopherJ. 62 Ayuen,James 118, 119 A.zeff, Daniel H. 11, 62 Azofra- Arrizabalaga, Inigo 62, 118 Babin, Drew T. 62 Babnew, David R. 62, 147 Badolato, Sean D. 170 Baer,Mrs. Marie19, 38 Bagdis,Jeffrey A. 46, 85, 111 Baillie, Brian P. 76, 120, 131, 145,164,166,170,213 Baker, Fredrick C. 46 Barbieri, Ryan D. 54

Barbuto, Dominick W. 54 Barna, Mr. Thomas 11, 34 Barrett, John W. 54, 137 Barry, Christopher M. 62 Barry, Colin M. 46 Bars by, George W. 54, 129 Bartkowski, BradleyJ. Bartynski, Andrew M. 54, 171 Bartynski, David A. 141, 142, 171 Basalyga, Garrett N. 46, 87 Bateman, Paul V. 54 Battin,James M. 54 Battista,Jonathan A. 46,82 Baumgardner, Robert]. 62, 106 Beale, Cl1ristopher P. 114, 171 Beale,Justin C. 54 Beard, ScottJ. 62, 148 Beaty, Patrid( R. 62 Becher, Patrick A. 62, 154 Beck,RyanS. 76, 171 Beck, Andrew J. 46 Bednarz, Gregory J. 62, 89 Behr, Mr. James 43 Bell, Christopher J. 62 Bell, Terrell C. 46 Bello, Patrick J. 171 Bender, Robe.rt H. 54, 83 Bene, Mr. Rocco 37 Benincasa, Kevin J. 46 Benincasa,Justin A. Bennett, Ryan H. 76, 171, 106 Benz, William D. 46 Bergman, Mitchell Fiorentini 111 Bibu, Steve P. 46 Bidus, Kyle M. 46 Bielecki, MarkJ. 46 Bielecki, Stephen E. 62, 154 Binder, Gerard J. 62 Bisirri, Joseph E. 46 Black, Brandon M. 62, 137 Blagrave, Kevin M. 46, 85 Blake,Joseph G. 76, 171 Blanco, Mr. Gabriel 18, 28, 118 Blaney, Christopher 62 Bloh, Thomas W. 70, 92, 93, 96,146,147,172,213 Bloh, Mr. Dennis 24, 138, 139 Bocchino, Michael V. 62, 129 Bommentre, Brent A. 62 Bonanni, Anthony A. 62, 145 Bondiskey, IvlichaelJ. 76, 172 Bongiovanni, Richard A. 36, 104, 105, 172, 213 Bono, Andrew S. 46 Borek, A.dam D. 62 Borkowski,Joshua E. 76, 89, 172 Borrell, William G. 46 Bowers, Nicholas D. 152, 153, 172 Brader, Mr. Rodney 42

Brady, Andrew P. 46 Brannon, Eric 62, 164 Brassell, Robert F. 54 Brechbill, Nicholas J. 46 Breen, Christopher.G. 172 Breen, Mrs. Lastenia 28, 82 Brelsford, Anthony C. 62 Brennan, Cole M. 46 Bresnalian, Philip J. 46 Brett, Patrick F. 46 Breznicky, David M. 46 Breznicky,Jason T. 62 Britt, Timothy E. 54 Britton, Steven M. 46 Broderick, Matthew E. 62 Brogan, Sean A. 62, 84 Bryant,Joshua M. 62 Buck, Andrew J. 46 Buckley, Daniel J. 132, 133, 134, 148, 173 Bui,Joseph T. 76, 131, 173, 2 Buonocore, Michael H. 173 Bur, Mark I. 14, 46 Burke,Joseph A. 54 Burke, Mr. Les 158 Byrnes, Patrick R. 54 Cadwell,Justin L. 13, 173 Caglia, David A. 54 Cahill, Christopher M. 46 Calista, Derek J. 54, 143 Caltabiano, Mark T. 46 Calvitti, Eric E. 129, 46 Campbell, Price A. 46 Campbell, Ryan M. 54, 145 Campo, Brian J. 4, 31, 39, 76, 104, 105, 173, 213 Candelore,Joseph T. 46 Candia, David R. 76, 173 Cane, Christopher J. 46 Capaci, Charles J. 46, 82 Capaldo, Matthew J. 46, 82 Capetola, Matthew K. 62 Capozzi, Nicholas .J. 54 Cappelli,.J. Andrew 154, 17, Caracausa, Bradley D. 54 Cardella, Anthony R. 46 Careless, Robert M. 62 Carelli,JosephF. 111, 142, 1 Carey, Ian P. 62, 138, 139 Carfagno, I<:CvinM. 47, 147 Carman, Paul C. 47 Carnevale, Andrew C. 54 Carr,John M. 7, 40, 76, 82, 1 104,105,166,174,213 Carr, Mr. Ivlichael 98, 99 Carroll,Joseph J. 62, 153 Carroll, Philip T. 62, 153 Carvalho, Steven D. 81,174 Casey, T.Jeffrey 47 Catinella, Timothy J. 54 Caviston, Sean V. 62 Cawley, Raymond P. 174 Cerwinski, George H. 4 7 Chander, Chris top her T. 71 138, 139, 167, 174

Checco, Mr. Michael 37, 96 Checkovage, Michael J. 175 Chesnik, Mr. Mark 18, 32, 78, lO,113,213 Chesny, David L. 54, 145 Chiarello, Andrew 1\. 47 ::]11Dielewski,Brian M. 54, 129 '.]10, Bobby J. 10, 62, 107 :::iaverelli,Anthony A. 76, 175 :::iaverelli,:MichaelA. 4 7 :::iccaglione,IvfichaelJ. 62 :=iccimaro,Mrs. Ja.nice 36 :::iccimaro, Mr. Joseph 37, 89, 0 :::ifelli,Dominic M. 47 :::ipolla,Daniel J. 54, 100 :::ipolla,Mr. Daniel 18, 35, 167 :irelli, Mr. Charles 34 ]ark,James J. 54 ]arke,Joseph M. 175 ]ay, Matthew E. 47, 99 ]earkin, Brian F. 47, 147 :Ieary, Kyle J. 126, 175 ]ifford, Timothy L. 54, 110 ]oonan, Michael E. 175 :oghlan, Daniel A. 175 :ohen, Brett J. 54 :olangelo, Mrs. Angeline 23 :olbum,Jay C. 54, 96 :olibraro, Michael J. 62 :olistra, Mr. Joseph 18, 27 :ollins, Patrick J. 62, 154 .omey, D. Bryan 54 :omisak,Adam S. 158, 176 onicelli, Ca1men J. 62 onnor,SeanR. 76, 160, 176 onnor, r\.ndrew J. 54, 129 ook, Brother Kenneth 33 ooney, Brendan J. 63 ooney, Timothy B. 47 ooney,Jonathan N. 54 ooper, Ian J. 63 Joper,R. Vance 47 Jsella,JosephA. 54, 137, 148 Jstantino, Christopher C. 63, 1 )stanzo, Matthew V. 76, 176 )Stello, Matthew J 176 mrtney, Maxwell 54, 82, 137 )Valeski, Steven J. 54 )VOlus,Nicholas J. 54, 99 >yle,Ivfichael P. 4 7, 82 agin, Ivfichael P. 63, 96, 100 aig, Timothy P. 47 awford, Robert V. 47 eed, John F. 55, 129 oss, l<:evinJ. 72, 76, 154, i,213 otty, Brenda11J 72, 74, 76, ), 154, 176 )We, Mr. David 35 cinotta, Salvatore S. 63 mmins, Adam M. 154, 177 nningham, David J. 47 rcio, Christopher M. 63 rra11,Steven M. 63, 128 rry, PatrickJ 55 rtin, Ryan H. 47 Jok, David M. 55 \ddona, Mr. Dom 164 ~ey, Kevin P. 55 ley, Briat1 D. 177 ton, Patrick M. 167, 177,

213 D' Amico, Nicholas D. 63 Da11ella,James D. 76, 79, 177 D' Angelo, Mark J 63, 119 D'Angelo, Dr. Joseph 21, 22 Da11ielski,Brother Francis 18, 32, 80, 112, 113 Dauphinee, Andrew D. 47 Davis, Bryn C. 55 Davis, Philip L. 55 Day, Charles M. 148, 150, 177 Deak,James C. 47 DeAngelis, Rya11J. 63 DeCastro, Daniel J. 47 DeCree, John G. 路63, 82, 143 Dedic,Dino 63,98,118 DeGirolamo,John G. 63, 11 De Girolamo, Richard A. 47 Degna11, Andrew J 47, 213 Dela11ey,Patrick S. 55,14 Delaney,James D. 63 Delaney,John J. 76, 79, 158, 166, 177 DeLaurentis, Christopher W. 63 DeLaurentis, Mrs. Rita 40 Delic,AldinD.178,118 Demeter, Mrs. Megen 41 Dempsey,Jason P. 178 Dempsey, Rya11E. 47 Dempsey, Mr. Joseph 2, 19, 24, 100 Denny, Charles J. 33, 105, 178, 213 DePaul, Christopher L. 55, 145 Depman, Stephen C. 47 Derrick, Matthew 63, 129, 164 Desiderio, Jeremy M. 76, 88, 178 . Desiderio, Andrew D. 6, 47 Dever,Mrs. Patricia23 Devery,James J. 63, 89, 93 Devine,Mr. Patrick 39, 131 Di.Antonio, Philip A. 55 Diccicco,Ivfichael W. 76, 113, 178,213 Diccicco, Mrs. Fra11cesJacob 29, 82, 104,213 DiCicco, Anthony 55 Dick, Adam F. 4 7 DiClerico, Gabriel R. 72, 74, 76, 102,103,145,164,178,213 Diehl, Mr. David 158 Diehl, Ryan D. 179 Di.Julio, Anthony M. 63, 82, 84 DiLella, Fratik C. 15, 63, 96 DiMenna, Adam R. 4 7 DiPardo, Stephen T. 179. DiPasquale, Brother William 18, 38 Direnzo, Luke V. 47 DiSepio,John N. 63 Do, Nam Hoa11g 76, 104, 105, 179,213 Doerflein, Matthew R. 63 Doherty,John F. 34, 76, 90, 104, 105, 179, 213 Dola11,Mr. Michael 38 Dominick, Ivfichael P. 55 Donalme, Mrs. Linda 29, 75 104, 105,213 Donnelly, Thomas 47 Donoghue, Bria11R. 63 Donohoe, Brian M. 55, 123, 132, 134

Frank Meola: "I'm the king of the world!"

Donohoe, Kevin A. 48 Donohoe, Mr. Willi,un 27 Donova11, Mr. Michael 43 Dora11, Kevin A. 55, 137 Dougherty, Christopher R. 55 Dougherty, Ivfichael P. 55 Dougherty, ChristopherJ 63 Downing, Edward J. 55 Drayton, David R. 63 Driscoll, Michael J. 48, 147 Duckett, Timothy W. 48 Duffey, Da11ielE. 63, 96 Duncheskie, Mr. Stephen 34, 138, 139 Dunga11,Michael P. 55 Dunn, Andrew C. 48 Dunn, Gerald M. 48 Dunne, Christopher R. 55, 109, 147 Durkin, Corey 55 Durkin, Donald M. 179 Dwyer,JosephJ. 6, 55 Dwyer, Stephen J. 55 Dwyer, Timothy F. 55 Ebbecke, Thomas J. 48 Ecker,Joshua P. 55 Edelen,JamesJ. 76, 111, 146, 147, 179 Ega11,Kevin P. 48, 139 Elliott, Kyle M. 148, 150, 180

Elliott, Peter T. 148, 180 Ellis, Michael F. 48 Escobar, Marlio A. 63 Esposito, Louis J 48 Eva11s,Mr. Gerald 18, 35, 75, 104,213, 106 Evans, Mrs. Jime Kelly 23 Falcone, Mr. Joseph 30, 148 Fatniletti, ChristopherJ. 48 F amiliara11,Gabriel M. 48 Farina, George S. 63, 111 Farrington, Stephen 1\. 55 Fasoline,Jatnes D. 55 Faunce,Mr. Steven 146, 147 Fay, Bria11C. 180 Fazio, Da11iel 63, 160 Federico,Joseph 64 Fedorowicz,Joseph P. 48, 131, 144,164 Fedyna, Sean D. 64, 126, 132, 134 Feeley, Kevin P. 55, 129 Fegley,Mark 48 Feldma11,Michael A. 55 Fellmeth, Benjatnin A. 48 Ferrick, Thomas S. 55, 141 Ferrie, Timothy G. 64, 131, 144, 145, 164 Ferrie, Da11ielI. 48

Ferrier, Robert C. 48 Ferro,John R. 64 Ferro, l'vfichaelJ. 48 Field, Luke R. 64 Field, Mrs. Elizabeth 25 Fields, Ryan K. 56 File, Mr. Daniel 24, 72, 103 Filipczak, Ryan S. 64 Finley, Matthew T. 8, 20, 25, 39, 84,102,103,104,105, 168, 180, 213 Finore,James P. 56 Fiorentini Bergman, Michael 56 Firely, Douglas C. 56 Fireoved, Christopher 48 Fisher,Jason A 64, 139 Fitzgerald, Sean F. 180 Fitzgerald, Colin P. 48 Fitzgerald, Mr. Bernard 26 Fitzhemy, Daniel J. 56 Fitzpatrick,RyanT. 56, 147 Fitzsimmons, Michael J. 146, . 147 Flood, l'vfichaelT. 64 Flood, Patrick T. 48 Flounders, Emer C. 15, 76, 180 Flynn, Sean D. 56 Flynn, Timothy J. 64, 163 Foell, l'vfichaelG. 48

Foglia, Paul L. 181 Foley, .A.ustinM. 56 Foley, Michael K. 64 Ford, Kenneth J. 56 Ford, Mrs. Ann 40 Ford, Daniel J. 64 Forkin,James A. 64 Fox, Thomas I. 56 Fox, Brian C. 64 Fragnito, Michael A. 14, 56 Franz, Eric J. 64 Franzen,AlexanderG. 64, 147 Frein, Christopher M. 153, 181 Frendreis, Brother Gerard 21, 22,213 Friel,EdwardJ. 164, 181 Friel, Ryan P. 48 Frost, Kevin P. 64, 158 Fullerton,James R. 104, 105, 181,213 Furey, William F. 56, 132, 134 Gab1yelski, Stephen G. 56,129 Galante, Anthony A 64 Galbally, Brian G. 64, 104, 213 Galbally, Christopher F. 56 Galbally, Edward J. 164, 181 Galen, Timothy M. 56 Gallagher, Kevin A. 64 Gallagher, Sean M. 64

"...will you marry me?"

Gallagher, B1yan P. 181 Gallagher, William T. 64 Gallagher, Patrick J. 48, 139 Gallo, Mr. Joseph 42 Gambone, Ernest D. 65 Gambone, Kenneth J. 48, 96 Gannon, Patrick J. 48 Garcia, Luis E. Gardner, James P. 56, 110 Gardner, 路Kevin 56 Garofalo,MichaelA. 56, 147 Garofalo, Angelo C. 48 Garrity, Ryan C. 182 Garrity, T. Ian 79, 126, 182 Garvin, Timothy J. 56, 110 Garvin, ShawnJ. 142, 182 Garvin, Mrs. Theres a 31 Garwood, Brother Brendan 43 Garzone, Christopher J. 48 Gavin, l'vfichaelF. 182 Gavin, Christopher W. 48 Gdowik, Matthew E. 27, 83, 115,104,105,182,213 Geiger, Anthony W. 2, 17, 76, 82,87,182,213 Geiger, Erick F. 48, 82, 85, 87 Geiger, Mr. William 29, 83, 213 Geisel, Gerard J. 65 Genovese, Mr. Richard 37 Gernerd, Mark D. 76, 138, 139, 158, 167, 183, 213 Gerstemeier, Jonathan P. 65, . 84 Gesing, Mr. Charles 30 Gia.gna.cova.,Grego1y J. 56, 129 Gia.imo,John A. 48 Gibbons, Mr. Mark 22, 161, 213 Gibbons, Michael F. 65 Gibbons, David 48 Gigliotti, Nicholas C. 48 Gill, Mrs. Connie 23 Gill, Ryan R. 56 Gill,John F. 96, 115, 183 Gillespie, Brian J. 65, 92, 93, 106 Gillespie, Mr. Terrence 35 Gillin, Kevin L. 65 Gillin, Brian L. 48 Ginty, Sean P. 183 Ginty, Kyle J. 48 Girard, Daniel W. 183 Givnish, Gerald J. 56 Glaccum, Michael J. 48, 129 Gladu, Christopher M. 56 Gleason, Matthew C. 48 Glover, Christopher M. 48 Golden, Daniel N. 65 Good, Daniel C. 56, 99 Gorman, Thomas H. 76, 132, 134,135,148,183,213 Go1misky, Paul E. 48, 99 Gonnley,J. Christopher 56 Grace, Mr. John 15, 26 Grady, Mark P. 183 Gral1am, Micha.el E. 65, 123, 154 Gral1am, Edward C. 48 Grasso,Joseph G. 56 Gray, Stephen M. 56 Greaves, Cl1ristopherJ. 48 Green, Anthony P. 184 Gregoriadis, Gus 184 Gregorio, Nicholas A 48

Greiner, Philip M. 56, 137 Griffin-Shelley,EricE. 145, 18 Griffis, Martin E. 57 Griffis, Neil P. 57 Grossman, Darren R. 12, 42, 76,119,104,105,166,184,213 Guerra.,J oseph R. 57 Gugger, Philip R. 76, 79, 184 Guthrie, Gralia.m E. 57 Haenn,Joseph M. 57 Haenn, Matthew J. 184 Haggerty,Jolm D. 65 Halferty, Mark A 65 Hammond, Micha.el C. 65, 18: Ha.nd,Joseph P. 167, 185 Hand, Peter J. 48 Hanna, Micha.el P. Hannigan, Andrew W. 49 Ha.nssen, Mr. Tore 36 Ha.rkins,James P. 57, 129 Harkins,Ja.son A 57 Harrigan, Steven E. 57 Hartey, Mr. Gerard 25 Haughton, Anthony M. 90, 9 185 Hayes, John J. 65 Healy, Pa.trick_J. 57, 138, 139 Heater, Ricky E. 65, 82 Hea.yn, David A. 57, 106, 110 147 Heck, Brendan M. 57 Heenan, Rory M. 57 Heleniak, Grego1y R. 57, 83, c Hemerka., Bryan W. 90, 112, 185 Henwood, Matthew G. 65 Heron, Brendan P. 49, 153 Herzog, Matthew L. 185 Heselpoth, Kevin M. 57 Hess, Matthew J. 49 Hibbs, Mr. Thomas 23 Hicks, Ross M. 65 Hicks, Jona.than A 142, 185 Hicks, 路Christopher M. 49 Higgins, Daniel P. 49 Hilferty, Micha.el P. 7 6, 78, 8'. 99, 102, 186, 213 Hill, Pa.trick E. 65 Himes, Alexander L. 11, 49 Hinckle, Mr. Daniel 18, 27, 1( Hoa.gland, Christopher S. 13 186 Hocker,Jolm W. 49 Hogan, Brian S. 49 Hohenleitner, Mr. George 1( 17,28,82 Holbert, Micha.el D. 76, 186 Hohnes, Daniel J. 65, 90 Holwick, Tiniotl1y R. 57, 83 Holwick, Mr. Christopher 2 161 Hondros, Peter N. 57 Hondros, Alex C. 49 Hope, Timothy J. 186 Hopkins, Brian B. 49, 139 Hopkinson, Brett H. 186 Horvath,Joseph B. 154, 18 Horvath, Stephen G. 49 Horwedel, Timothy A. 65 Hotz, William C. 49, 82 Hughes, Robert J. 57 Hughes, Micha.el R. 65, 187 Hughes, Edward M. 187 Hughes, Micha.el J. 65

Iurley, Colin J'vL49 annacone, Stephen A. 57 '庐' 151 ?J1aS, Mr. Frank 43 l1lein,Kevin M. 49 1terrante, Douglas J. 57, 148 1terrante, John R. 49 tzi, Stephen M. 187 1ckson,Jordan z\. 57 tckson, Mr. Martin 39, 133, 15,158, 159 tcobsen, Matthew T. 57 tggers, Kent C. 49, 139 u1ton, Reverend Anthony 40, I

umetti, Christopher A. 57 Lvie,Jason D. 57 .ffers,ChristopherD. 65, 138, ,9, 148 itner, Mrs. Stephanie 31, 107 nkins, Michael W. 57 >hn,Andrew J. 65, 153 ,hn, Kyle P. 187 ,1111, Mrs. Kathleen 37 ,hnson, Matthew F. 57 ,hnson, Christopher J. 49 ,hnson, Mr. Francis 32, 131,

7 nes, Ryan 187 rfi, Francis J. 49 ahan, Andrew C. 65, 107 ammerer, Brad G. 65 :me, Gary E. 76, 126, 129, 188 me, Matthew F 158, 187 mof,Jeffrey C. 49 upchuk, Andrew W. 57 'ltsis, Louis I. 188 mfmann, Patrick K. 65 :enan, Edward C. 188 :enan, Patrick V. 49 :enan, Mr. John 39 :ir, Clayton C. 57, 99 :ller,Jonathan J. 57 :lley,Michael E. 65, 120, 136,


:lly,Bradford T. 57 :lly, Douglas J. 57, 132, 134 Jly, Matthew M. 57, 129 lly, Brendan T. 188 mpf, Terence C. 65, 87 mpf, Kenneth C. 76, 122, 路, 188 nnedy, Brendan M. 65, 100 nnedy, Daniel F. 49 nnedy, Mr. Michael 37 nt, i\:Iichael C. 57, 82 ppol, Nicholas J. 65 ppol, Jon E. 49 mytsky, Dorian M. 57 rr, H. Brad 57 silman, Ja.mes S. 65 1g,rviicliaelT. 57 1g,Sean 57 1g,Alexander F. 65 k, Timothy J. 65 k, Christopher J. 49 k, Ryan L. 49 ts, Patrick F. 65, 145, 164 ts, Colin F. 49 ,ipp, Ryan A. 57 :han, Brett R. 188 1ler, Francis T. 57 l1lhepp, RobertJ. 65 arik, Chad E. 49

Kolesky, DavidJ. 65 Konieczny,Nicholas B. 57 Koons, Timothy P. 65, 154 Kopicki, Paul H. 57, 143 Kornfeind, John l\L 57 Kornfeind, Louis F. 65 Kovaliv, Yaroslav 189, 118 Kozeniewski,Jeffrey M. 57 I(rauss, Eric J. 58 Krenski, Justin J. 58 Kuch, David 96, 118, 119 Kuch, Isaiah 118, 119 Kuch, i\:Iichael 118, 119 Labosky,John N. 49 Lackes, Brother Charles 29 Ladley, Christopher D. 65, 107, 123 Lagreca, Anthony M. 65 Lampman, Russell T. 65 Lanzalotti,Joseph T. 189 Lanzilotta, Paul F. 49 Lamer, Thomas A 76, 189 Laruffa, Carlo G. 189 Lasky,John R. 65, 154 Laub,Joseph P. 65, 213 Lawless, Edward B. 58, 129 Leal1y,William J. 50 Leahy,Mr. William 33, 154, 155 L'Ecuyer, .AndrewJ. 58 Lee, Eric J. 65 Leimbacli, Sean 50 Leonard, Michael J. 76, 189 Leonard, Thomas A. 76, 189 Le tier, Nicholas C. 66 Levin, Sean M. 66, 107 Levins, Michael G. 58 Levins, Robert J. 50 Lewis,James D. 50 Lewis, Christi,111S. 58, 100 Lewis, Christim1 C. 66 Liberatore, Anthony J. 58 Licht:ner,Mr. Frank 36, 138, 139 Light, David E. 58, 91, 96 Lochocki,F. Conrad 66, 154 Lochocki,l\fr. Frank 155 Loftus, Matthew J. 58, 142 Loftus, Timothy \V 50 Lolosidis, George 66 Lolosidis, Aristides A 50 Long, Charles V. 58 Long, Ms. Donna 41 Lopit, Thomas A 66 Loughery, Willimn A. 58 Lowry, Bryan T. 50 Loscalzo, Mr. Al Lozowski, George D. 76, 83, 104, 105, 190,213 Luhks,Sem1R. 76,190 Lumbo, Noel S. 58 Luschini, Patrick R. 190 Lutsch, Kevin M. 50 Lyon, Steven C. 66, 84, 213 Lyons, Frmicis J. 66 MacFarlm1d, Rym1D. 66 Mackintosh, Andrew Y. 66 Madden, Matthew J. 58 Madden, Gregory P.13, 76, 91, 161, 162, 190 Madden, Shm1eC. 50 Madeira, Brim1P. 124, 145, 154, 190 Magarity, Kevin P. 58 Magee, Peter M. 50 Maggitti, Kevin F. 50, 85

Mal1er, l\Irs. Julia 21, 72, 213 Mahon, Thomas F. 50 Maida, Stephen J. 66 Maiden, Robert L. 50 Malmid, Timothy R. 50, 147 l\Ialmnut, Jmnes A. 50 Malkowsh, Michael A 58 Mallon, Brim1F. 190 Malloy, MichaelJ. 191 Malloy, Matthew S. 50 Maloney, Shm1eR. 50 Mm1cinelli,Louis A 66 l\hmion, Mr. David 28 l\Imizi, l\Iichael A 76, 148, 191 l\Iarabella, Gabriel J. 76, 120, 123, 132, 133, 134, 191 Marabella, Jonathm1 L. 191 l\Iariello, },nthonyJ. 191 Markley, Matthew T. 50 Maron, fason K. 50, 96 l\fartin, Trevor J. 58, 89 l\Iartin-Quereda, Mmmel 66, 118 l\Iartosella,Joseph l\L 50 Marvin, Dm1ielT. 76, 106, 191, 213 Marych, William C. 58, 153 l\fasiak,Jeffrey S. 192 Massaro, ,\nthony L. 50

BT phone oommm ....

l\Iassino, Jmnes E. 192 MatereseJoshua A 66 Mathew, Paul F. 58 Mattern, Thomas R. 120, 132, 133,134,148,151,192 Matthews, David A 66, 136 l\fattioli,Joseph A. 76, 129, 192 Ma.'Cwell,Peter B. 50 May, S. ,\lex 58 l\IcAnulty, Michael P. 58 McArthur,Joseph D. 50 McBride, Todd l\L 58 McBride, l\Ir. Willimn 28, 82 McCabe, Mr. Edward 167 l\IcCabe,Joseph D. 58 McCaffery, Thomas l\L 122, 192 l\IcCmn, Terrence P. 58 l\IcCm111,,\ndrew J.15, 66 l\IcCarron,AlexmiderT. 58 McCarthy, Patrick T. 66, 82, 87 McCarthy, C. Eric.J. 50 l\IcCloskey, BillJ.A 50 l\IcCloy, Frm1kR. 100, 192 McCreight,RobertJ. 13, 107, 193,213 l\IcCullagh,James 14, 58 McCullough, William F. 58 l\IcCusker, Edward 66, 100 McCusker, PatrickJ. 50

McDade, Shawn D. 66 McDade, Christopher B. 50 McDermott, Brendan G. 58, 129 McDermott, Ronan M. 66, 131, 164 McDonald, Daniel 66 McDowell, Garrett S. 58, 139 McDowell, Ryan P. 193 McElroy, Brian J. 67, 131, 145, 164 Mc Gillin, Brian A. 59 McGilloway, Kevin P. 50 McGinn, :tviichaelN. 59 McGlinn, Michael J. 51 McGonigle, PatrickJ. 59 McGorry,SeanF. 51 McGovern, Mrs. Diane 36, 87 Mc Gowan, Michael S. 9, 51, 193 McGowan, Emmett E. 72, 132, 133, 134, 159, 193 McGrath, Alex R. 51 McGurkin, Matthew G. 59 McLaughlin, Ian P. 59 McLaughlin, Michael J. 51 McLaughlin,DanielJ.145, 164, 165, 193 McLaughlin, :tvlichaelP. 59, 108 McLoughlin, Kevin F. 10, 59, 148 McMal10n, Sean T. 15, 67,82, 146 McMahon, Thomas K. 59 McMal10n, Kevin 51 McManus, Sean T. 67, 147 McMullen, :tviichael 51 McMullin, Christopher W. 67, 137 McNally, Mrs. Jane 41 McNamara, Robert M. 59 McNamara, Michael E. 6 7, 92, 93,98,99 McNamara, Robert R. 51 McNeela,M. Patrick 59, 99 McPeak,Joseph P. 51, 99 McShane, Daniel W. 59 Medoro, Anthony V. 51 Medwid, Andrew T. 51 Meehan, William A. 51 Meko, Mr. John 22 Melvin, William C. 51 Meola, Frank C. 76, 86, 111, 193,213 Merlini, Michael M. 59, 137 Merrick, Andrew J. 67, 106 Meves, Matthew S. 59, 129 Micucci,Joseph.A. 59 Mikochik,James S. 76, 82, 167, 193 Miller, Brian C. 67, 129 :tviiller,Brian R. 67 :tviiller,Sean ,-\.. 67, 124 Miller, Blaise A. 59 Miller, Robert A. 59 Miller, Stephen P. 59 :tviiller,Eric J. 194 :tviiller,Gregory N. 194 :tviiller,:tviichaelD. 194 Miller, ChristopherW. 51 :tviiller,Kevin H. 51 Miller, Kevin M. 51 Miller, :tviilesK. 51 :tviiller,Mrs. Barbara 36, 86 Miller, Brother Ernest 18, 19, 26


Miller, Mr. Gerald 26, 75, 138, 139 Mills,Jeffrey D. 67, 123, 154, 157 :tviinni,:tviichaelA. 59 Mintzer, Michael A. 51 Moffett, Michael W. 59, 147 Molinaro,Jonathan D. 59 Moll, David J. 67, 129 Moll, Kevin T. 51 Molush, Mr. Edward 19, 25, 75, 106 Monaghan, Andrew C. 194 Monagle, Patrick M. 59 Mongeau, Marc T. 67 Montgomery,Lawrence P. 67 Montgomery, MichaelJ. 67 Montgomery, Paul R. 51 Moore, Darcell K. 59, 153 Moore, Kevin M. 51, 164 Morace,Justin R. 130, 194 Moreno-Penzo,Jose Federico 118 Morris, Matthew J. 67 Moss, Nathaniel L 12, 13, 123, 194 Mosser, Steven M. 195 Mowery, Andrew S. 67, 139 Muldoon, Ross B. 67, 139 Mulholland, Christopher M. 51 Mullen, Mrs. Mary Kay 38, 79 Muller, Maximillian.J. 59, 158 Mulligan, :tviichaelE. 14, 79, 120, 158, 159, 195 Mullineaux, Max .J.51 Murphy, Mrs. Patricia 40 Murray, Kevin D. 67 Murray, Brian K. 195 Naab, Christopher N. 59 Naab, David A. 59, 104, 129, 213 Nagy, Kyle P. 59, 100 Nance,John V. 67 Nardi, Thomas W. 51 N aydan, William M. 51 Neary, R. Brian 51, 139 Nedl, Stephen P. 67 Needham, Trevor P. 67, 96, 114, 137 Needle, Paul R. 67, 124, 148 Neely, Mr. Shawn 167 Neiling, Ryan M. 51 Nero, Mr. Joseph 37 Nespola, Michael 59 Nguyen, .Anthony .J.59 Nguyen, Francis 51 Nicoletti, Michael A. 59 Nicoletti, Mr. Geoffrey 33 Nigon, Philip T. 76, 100, 111, 195,213 Nolan, .i-\ndrew T. 59 51 N olfi, Michael Noone, Brian E. 67, 123, 154, 155 Nunnari, P. Michael 67, 139 Oaldey, Paul W. 51 O'Callaghan, Michael.A. 59 O'Connell, Mrs. Kathleen 39, 79,213 O'Connell, Ryan T. 67, 131 O'Connell, Neil E. 51 O'Connor, Matthew L. 195 O'Connor, Michael .J.76, 98,


Ray Cawley, Phil Gugger, and Tom Blob e a bonding experie

99, 111, 195, 213 O'Connor, PatrickJ. 67, 139 O'Connor, Thomas 148 O'Donnell, Dennis P. 160, 196 O'Donnell, Michael B. 196 O'Donnell, Matthew .J.59, 129 O'Donnell, Ryan M. 67, 145, 164 O'Donnell, Thomas E. 51 O'Hara, J'viichaelP. 67 Ohman, Devin P. 59 O'Keefe, Thomas M. 163, 196 Oldt,Jonathan P. 67 Olejniczak, Carl 0. 51 Oliver, Jason H. 59 Olshansky, Michael P. 76, 196 O'Neill, William J. 59 O'Neill, Robert M. 67, 154, 157 O'Neill, Patrick.J. 51, 131, 164 Onufral(, J\Iichael J. 59 O'Pella,Joseph :tvf.59 O'Pella, Justin L. 51 Ostopcl-iuck, Stephen K. 51 O'Toole, Mr. Michael 20, 22 Overcash, Ryan.J. 123, 196 Overholt, Christopher M. 196 Owens, Dean F. 76, 197 Pace, Matthew J. 59, 96, 99, 213 Palatano,Joseph L. 51

Palidora, Robert 0. 67 Palilonis, Timothy M. 76, 12< 129, 197, 213 Palilonis, Matthew M 67 Palmer, J\fatthew T. 67, 141, 143 Palmero, Brian F. 51, 96 Palo, Gary C. 59, 99 Palopoli,James A. 67 Panza, Domenic J. 67, 82, 1~ 145, 164 . Parfitt, Ryan K. 120, 122, 14t 149,197 Parisi, Mr. Joseph 27, 148 Park,James 76, 79, 152, 153 197 Parker, William C. 13, 145, 1( 197 Parker, Charles W. 67 Parker, J\Iichael E. 51 Parson, Michael P. 126, 132, 134, 197 Parsons, Brent R. 198 Passanante,Joseph F. 67 Patcella, Gregory W. 67 Paul,Jeffrey C. 198, 138, 21: Pedrotty, Leo B. 198 Pedrotty, Ryan F. 51 Peffle, Mr. Bob 126, 129

,elone,Joseph T. 51 ,erdigao,James P. 59 ,erera, Austin L. 59, 82, 99 )e1y, Elias J. 59 Jfefferle, Carl J. 60, 96 )lmng, David.Q. 60 Jickens, Zacha1y 60 Jickens,James M. 198 )igeon, Edward M. 100, 198 Jinkerton, Sean F. 198 )into, Colin A. 51 J]ick, 1l10mas A. 67, 85 Johlot, Bruce G. 6, 60, 164 Jo]loclc, Ry,m M. 67 'olychronakis, Phillipa 76, 118, 99 'onisciak, Mrs. Dorothy 9, 34 'onisciak, Mr. Michael 31 )osen, Jonathan R. 67 'otestio, Christopher P. 76, 113, 20,130,144,145,164,199,213 'otestio, Grego1y C. 52, 164 'oupard, Eric C. 67 'owers, Ryan W. 52 'rzybylowski, Nicholas B. 199 'untel, Mr. r\.lfred 32, 119 2ueroli,RobertJ. 138, 139, 199 2uigg, Matthew W. 68, 102, )3, 106 2uigg, Sean M. 52, 99 2uinn, Mr. Paul 31, 148 '.advansky, ChristopherJ 68,

53 '.advansky, Mr. Joseph 30 '.affa,J onath;m A. 60 afte1y, Michael E. 52 .agan, Michael I. 60 .aieta, Anthony C. 60 .a.mos, Marco A. 68 andazzo, Gioacchino C. 60 .ansom, Christopher C. 111, )9 ead, David H. 76, 199 eale, Michael J 52 eber, Roderick 52 ebstock, RobertJ. 52 eedman, Christopher D. 60, ,2, 134, 158 eese, Hany B. 200 eichelt, TimothyJ. 68 eid, DanielJ. 68, 129 eif, Adam M. 68 eif, r\.lexander J. 52 eifsnyder,John A. 68, 126,

8 eilly, Charles P. 12, 76, 200 l10ads, David J. 13, 200 ichards, Timo.thy B. 68 1eck,Brother.James 21, 213 ieffel, Kevin A. 68, 139 lley, Sean J 68 ley, Patrick M. 52 neon, Rafael 52, 153 .tter, Daniel J. 68 xhe, J osepli M. 60 xhe, i\Ir. Junes 10, 18, 30, 167 xk, David A. 68 xkwood, J'vlichaelP. 52, 84, )

)dden, )dden, )dgers, )dziak, )mero,

Ryan K. 68 Kyle J 52, 131 Steven W. 60, 147 Brian S. 60 Hector F. 52

Rose, Christopher M. 60, 147 Ross, Christopher G. 52, 99, 131, 164 Rothwell, Grego1y R. 60 Rowe, John J. 68 Rueter; Bre11dan R. 123, 200 Ruhling, Brian P. 52 Rush, Benjamin P. 60 Russell, Mr. Robert 18, 35, 85 Ryan, Andrew K. 68, 82, 98, 102, 103 Sabia, Edward C. 68,123 Sacchetta, James S. 60, 129, 137 Salvitti, Cliristopher C. 200 Santamaria, Peter J. 68, 111 Saunders,Jeffrey P. 200 Savage, Kevin E. 68, 129 Sayer, Mrs. Sus,m 39 Schaffer, Stephen 68, 153 Schaible, Grego1y B. 124, 148, 201 Schapira, Mrs. Suzanne 40, 213 Schaum,Mrs. Patricia40,213 Schock,Mrs. Pam41 Schuck, Theodore J. 68 Schwartz, Christopher E. 60 Scott, Matthew G. 76, 124, 201 Seelaus, MichaelJ 76, 161, 201 Seese, Sean C. 68, 158 Seminack,Mr. Michael 34, 75, 131 Sen,Justin N. 60 Seweryn, Peter 60, 137 Shane, Branden C. 52, 14 7 Shapiro, Sean J. 52 Shattuck, Nicholas X. 52 Shaw, Alexander W. 52, 99 Sheets, Mrs. Mary 38 Sheridan,James P. 201 Shields, Nicholas B. 60, 106, 148 Shinn, Kristopher J 52 Shustack, Ms. Tina 30 Sigmund, Mr. Peter 37, 111 Siwek, Nikodem 60 Skoien, David E. 76, 131, 148, 201 Skupski, Brandon J 68, 137 Slabinski,Joseph F. 158, 159, 201 Slover,James J. 52, 129 Smart, William J. 61 Smith, Gral1am.C. 86, 111, 202 Smith, Warren C. 61, 86 Smith, GregoryJ 68 Smith, Matthew W. 68 Smith, Mrs. Mary Jo 30 Snead, ,c\nthony 52 Snyder, Matthew B. 68 Solari, John r\.. 61 Solliday, Brook A. 61 Sondhi,.Javed P. 76, 202 Spangler, Mark P. 68 Spause, Mrs. Susan 43 Spurlin, W. Erik 61 Stabile, Paul J. 85, 202, 213 Stanczal,, Mr. Martin 21, 213 Stanton, Michael P. 52 Staub, Ro1y W. 52 Staurowsky, G. Alexander 52 Steck, Brother.James 28 Steffa, Michael T. 6, 126, 202 Sterner, Brother Rene 20, 98, 99, 105, 117

Stillwell, Ryan W. 76, 124, 202 Streelmen, Daniel A. 68, 110 Strolle, ChristopherT. 52, 110 Strong, Brother Kevin 23 Sucharski, Steven J 68 Sullivan, Robert E. 69, 126, 132, 134, 148 Sullivan, Michael M. 52 Sulock, Matthew H. 69 Swanson, Mark A. 76, 131, 145, 164,202,213 Sweeney, Mr. Brian 25, 103, 167 Szostalc, Robert T. 52 Talaga, Andrew J 69 Tan, Ayodale C. 69, 82, 98 Tate, Mr. James 27, 108, 138, 139,213 . Tatlow, Kevin R. 61 Taylor, Douglas R. 53, 106 Taylor, Zacha1y M. 53, 87 Teklits, MichaelJ 69 T enacio, Francisco DeBorj a 6 9, 118 Teufel, Grego1y F.X. 53 Thomas, Martin J. 203 Thomas, Ryan J'vf. 69, 104, 213 Thompson, Brett R. 79, 167,

203 Thompson, Hemy L. 203 Thyberg,.John G. 61, 147 Tierney, J'vlichaelJ 203 Toolan,James W. 53 Trainer,.John A. 53 Tramontina, Michael L. 53 Trickel, MatthewJ. 61 Trimboli, Nicholas J 61, 142 Tropio, Christopher R. 61 Troxell, Robert J. 69, 140 Tucci,DavidJ'v( 203 Tuck, ChristopherJ. 61 Tucker,.Jeffrey Lee 61, 96 Tuman, Christopher J. 138, 139, 148,203 Turner,MichaelRyan 129,204 Turner, Mr. Thomas 4, 21, 22, 213 Ukwu, Victor N. 69, 132, 134 Urbanski, Andrew P. 69, 100 Valenti, Mr. Mark 161 Valentine, Michael E. 53 Valentino,.John C. 69 Van Eekelen, John M. 53 Vassallo, Vinc.ent M. 69, 96 Veit,.Jonatlrnn M. 61, 99 Vettori, Mr. Joseph 37, 89 Viray,Jeremy A. 69, 98 Volpe, Louis A. 69, 141 Von Medicus, Brenden D. 61 Vrancken,RobertD. 53, 139 Vuillennet, Steven A. 69, 83, 147 Walder, Ryan P. 69 Walker, Kevin E. 69, 98 Wallace,Joseph J. 111, 204 Wallin, Christopher R. 53 Walls, Michae!B. 104, 105, 204, 213 Walsh, Paul S. 61 Walsh, Michael J. 53 Walter,Jeffrey b. 76, 82, 107, 204 Ward, Mrs. Florence 23 Waters,DanielJ. 61,123, 148 Weinrich,EdwardM. 61

Weir, Tevis E. 53, 84 Weiser, Thomas J 69, 82 Weiss, Nicholas P. 61 Weller,J. Patrick 69, 91 Welsh,John E. 53, 139 Werner, Kevin P. 61, 99 Westley, Ryan M. 69 Whalen,Michael F. 53, 126, 129 \v'halon, Timotl1y J 53, 106 Whelan, Christopher W. 93, 112, 137,204,213 Whitalcer, Colin M. 61, 96 Whital,er, Brendan J. 69, 137 Whitmire, Kyle R. 53 Wilde, Lucas J. 53 Wilkin, Tere1ice J. 69 Wilkins, Michaei P. 61, 96 Wills, Sean F. 69 Wilson, Richard F. 61 Wilson, Timothy 0. 61, 82, 104,105,147,213 Wilson, John R. 69, 82, 131 Winkehnan, Bria11M. 69 Winning,Joseph F. 61 Winning, Mrs. Kathy 23 Winters, Anderson J. 61 Wise, Richard P. 104, 105, 204, 213 Wisema11, Stephen M. 205 Wisniewski, Daniel R. 61 Wisotzkey, Mrs. Barbara 43 Wood, Dat1iel K. 53 Wooldridge, Michael S. 61, 137 Worster,Joel B. 53, 139 Y anak, Daniel B. 53 Yeung, Roger C. 76, 78, 81, 83, 154, 205, 213 Young, Gavin L. 106, 205 Ymmg, Mr . .John 26 Zal,rzewski, Michael J. 53 Zaro, John A. 76, 205 Zettle路, Todd A 69 Zoeltsch, Mrs. Nrmcy 12, 29, 82 Zoltowski, Andrew P. 205

The Shields Family The Mosser Family Congratulations,

The Filipczak Family

1001 Gold Patrons Jimmy D.

Congratulations, Bill! We're proud The Ackerman Family of you! N

The Kirk Family

Dr.&Mrs.~evinCampbell and5ons

Marabrite Inc. Computer Consulting . DJ Cunningham '04'

Dear Rob, Best wishes in your future. Mi are very proud of you. - Love, Mom & D,

Frank & Kathy Rock

Javed, Buona Fortuna! - Love,

Mr.&.. Mrs. Stephen Ostopchud

to Jeff Masiak and


the Class of 2001. - Love, Mom & Dad

Noreena, Suraiya, and Mom

We knew you could do it Love Mom &.. Dad Emmett!

Go Explorers Andrew ('00) & Ryan ('02) Filipczak


Congratulations Mike and the Class of '01 ! "You're off to great places! Today is your day!"


CongrottAldtions, Jonathon ond Explorers oftheCloss of JOOII

The Seelaus Family Harry, Congratulations, We love

Dear Steve and friends of La Salle Graduation Class of 2001, Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. Best wishes and congratulations. In Loving Memory of Steven D. Carvalho


to Josh and the



Mom, Dad, Lauren,

Jamey, Sarah, and James.


Emert We

are proud of you! - Love,

Mom, Dad, and Christie

The Lights Family

Dr. & Mrs. Timothy Urbanski Mr. & Mrs. James P. Malloy

Congratulations to theClassof .2001 andh wonderful sonandbrother(BrettK.) ,.Love,fhe Koc.hanowicz's Congratulations,


- Love Mom, Dad, and Ryan

Congratulations Brendan Rueter!! Love Your sisters rv


Bill Parker!

- Love Nana & Grandpy

rest of the Class of 2001!

- The Borkowski Family


y mucho

amor! - Dad, Mom, Mariliz &

Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Conner


"Weciresoproudof yousitnplybec.ciuSe youcire ourson."WeloveyouDcinny! Motn&Dcid


Dr. and Mrs. James Madden to the

Class of '01! - Dr. & Mrs. David Luschini

Mr. Robert & Dr. Valerie Hughes #4 ... Stillon fire! Congratulations!



Mom, Dad, Michael, and Sara.

Congratulations, Good Luck, and Happiness to Greg Schaible and Sharon &.. the Class of '01. Wayne Schaible and Family.

Congratulations to Joe Hand and the Class of

,.._, The O'Keefe Family


200 l


Brett &. the Class

The Thompson


the Worster Family and STITCH US IHC.


Good luck Tom O'Keefe



Best wishes to the Class of 2001 f

Ryan, we are so proud of you. Congratulations to the Class of 2001T Love, Mom &.. Dad N

Godblessyouandguideyou,RyanJone throughout yourUfe.,.LoveMorn&Dae

and the Class of 2001 !

Congratulations Pat! All our 101 Mom, Dad, Megan, and Hriste,

Michael, Congratulations! Lo The Birminghams and Mom,.,Mc N

The Hand Family

Goodluckto ourbigbrother,Bryn.~Love5hea, Luke,AIU, Cole,Mcitt,cindDcine Michael, we are so proud! Love, Mom and Dad


Mike Nolti,

on completion of your first year! We wish you great success! - Mom and Dad

Mic.key, f hcinkyoufor beingwhoyoucirea don'teverlosesightofthcit.Wewishyouthe of luckcindgoodfortuneincillyourMun endecivors! LoveAlways, Motn,Dcid,Mitni,c 5uSie

2001 Blue & Gold

Journey Editors-in-Chief: Brian Campo and Darren Grossman sistant Editors: Rich Bongiovanni and Matt Finley sociate Editor: Tim Wilson .otography Editor: Jim Fullerton :lex Editor: George Lozowski eative Consultant: Matt Gdowik lff: John Carr, Nam Do, John Doherty, Dave Naab, Rick Wise ,derators: Mrs. Linda Donahue and Mrs. Fran Jacob Diccicco ntributors: Steve Andrews, Brian Baillie, Tom Bloh, Joe Bui, Kevin Cross, Pat Dalton, Andrew Degnan, C.J. Denny, Mike Diccicco, Gabe DiCle1·ico, Brian Galbally, Tony Geiger, Mark Gernerd, Tom Gorman, Mike Hilferty, J.P. Laub, Steve Lyon, Dann Marvin, Rob McCreight, Frank Meola, Phil Nigon, Mike O'Connor, Matt Pace, Tim Palilonis, Jeff Paul, Chris Potestio, Paul Stabile, Ma1·k Swanson, Ryan Thomas, Mike Walls, Chris Whelan, Roger Yeung

would like to thank the following people for their help in producing the 2001 Blue & Gold: -Bob and Rita Davine of Herff Jones, fo1·their expert advice and support. -Davor Photography, Brother James Rieck, Mr. Michael Maicher, and the Photo Club for their enormous help in supplying us with pictures. -Mr. William Geiger for his continued support, expertise, and guidance, and for keeping the Photo Club in line. -Ms. Suzanne Schapira for prnviding us with lists, disks, and names; you made our job much easier. -Mrs. Kathleen O'Connell, Mr. Mark Chesnik, andM1·. James Tate for sharing thefr photos. -Coaches and moderators of La Salle's sports teams and activities for their patience and assistance. -Mr. Martin Stanczak, Mr. Thomas Turner, and Mrs. Patricia Schaum for helping us identify otherwise anonymous students. -Bro. Ge1·ard Frendreis and Mr. Mark Gibbons for taking care of business. -Mrs. Julia Mahe1' for support and several hundred photos. -Our moderators, Mrs. Linda Donahue and Mrs. Fran Jacob Diccicco, for their time and effort. -The Class of 2001 ! -Mr. Gerald Evans for his encouragement (sometimes discouragement) and "punny" suggestions. -Last, but not least, all the parents of the Blue & Gold staff! We love you all!

*Ques t'wns, concerns, or commen t,8,? Don 't come t,o us.



"It is good to liave an end to journey toward, 6ut it is tliejourney tfiat matters in tfie end." -Vrsu{a




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