2005 Yearbook

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Photo one: Br. James spending quality time with La Salle students. Photo two: Br. James with his good friend and traveling companion, Br. John Patzwall, at Glacier National Park. Photo three: Brother Kodak in action!

PICTURB TillS PHOTOGRAPHER BRO. JAMES RIECK CAPTURES WHO WE REALLY ARI or welcoming us to La Salle, for capturing our memories on film, for sharing in our Kairos retreats, for teaching us, and for supporting us in our moments of triumph and defeat, the Blue and Gold Staff gratefully dedicates this yearbook to Brother James Rieck. Wally Muehlbronner of La Salle's Admissions Office says, "Students are Brother James' first priority, and he assists them and leads them in any way possible." Brother displays his zeal for La Salle's students through his various activities. Snapping pictures first and congratulating players later, Brother James, or "Brother Kodak" as some affectionately call him, is often seen at La Salle sporting events. He captures our memories and immortalizes moments in our lives. Brother chronicles La Salle's students with the affection of a parent creating those family albums. One significant difference is that Brother James ' "family" extends to thousands of students who have been captured in his lens over the years. In addition to providing photographs for the yearbook and the displays in the main lobby, Brother creates an annual

Arlington, Virginia, where he served for eleven years. Brother the turned to this area, earned a Master's Degree at Villanova UniveJ taught at La Salle, and then served at Archbishop Carroll as Prinl and Disciplinarian. Finally, in 1993, Brother James returned to La: as the Director of Admissions. Brother James is renowned among friends , coworkers, and fa for his kindness and friendship . "Jim is compassionate towards his ily and the La Salle community and loves and lives his vocation," his sister, Nancy 0 ' Connor. "Brother James possesses a sincere I ness of the quiet kind. Sometimes, an act of kindness will go by , out anyone even knowing he is behind it," says close friend Bn

slide show chronicling the senior class's four years at La Salle. In addition, Brother James prepares the Open House and Entrance Exam each year to attract and select the students who will enter La Salle. Among the first to welcome each new student; he then shares the

John Patzwall. An avid traveler, Brother James has visited Ireland, Italy, Car Alaska, Hawaii, and Yellowstone and Glacier National Parks aI, with a camera at his side. Brother James is also a devoted Phillie~ although the relievers sometimes cause him great aggravation, ,

Kairos experience with the La Salle seniors nearing the end of their journeys. Although not in the classroom as much as he once was, he

"wicked racquetball player," according to friend, Brother James I Brother James has a positive impact on everyone he meets. 1

still finds time to teach one challenging junior Morality class every

words of his sister, "this recognition is well-deserved, but Jim w

year. Brother's devotion to his calling and the La Salle community are

humbled by this honor."

apparent to all.

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Born June 6, 1939 in Philadelphia, Brother James attended ~ Helena's Elementary School in Olney, and La Salle High School. week after his graduation in 1957, Brother James entered the Chri Brothers' Community. After earning Bachelor's and Master's de! at La Salle College, in 1962 he began teaching at Bishop O'Conn(

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- Will Cumn

Nork by Cody Casale '05

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Kevin McGee snapping a pic!

Spirit of Lasallian teamwork.

B.J. Fitzgerald and his date at the Christmas dance. The beautiful landscape of La Salle.

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Photo one:Mr. Janda shares his knowledge with his students. Photo two: "lex" McCaffery and Mrs. Mullen sharing a laugh at Kairos.

WIDE-AHOLE SHOTS THE LANDSCAPE OF LA SALLE t's just another Monday morning. It's like second-nature to you: waking up, getting dressed , and following your normal routine . You get in your car, blast the radio, and drive, methodically and unthinkingly. It doesn 't really hit you until you get there. Racing up Cheltenham Ave, you see St. Michael's Hall towering over the trees . The past four years of your life embodied in one building. Through a wide angle shot, you see all that is La Salle. In one glance, you see students cramming for today's test. You see the athletes passing around the football and the musicians playing their guitars. You see young men reciting their lines for the upcoming play and planning tomorrow's food drive. In one glance, you see community. LaSalle is more than a school. It is an environment where academics , music , theatre, sports, community service, and more coexist. It is not a rare occurrence to find a Lasallian who balances time on the lacrosse field with time in the Chemistry lab. Neither is it hard to find a talented vocalist who delves in community service. Like a family, each member of LaSalle has his or her own gifts to share and diversifies the school community. Although each gift is different, they all flourish in the school's environment. Through a wide angle perspective, we see all these gifts that make up La Salle. It might be just another Monday morning, but it's another Monday morning at LaSalle; and that 's what makes it special. - Brad Murtha '05

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Seniors Tom Lyons and Joe Winning taking a break in between classes.

PBA.MBIT THE PERFECT SHOTS PIRIT, PRIDE, LOYALTY, DEDICATION: These four components help create the beautiful landscape that is La Salle. SPIRIT exudes from the athletic field and the gym during a pep rally. Spirit is what makes every student here proud to say, "I attend La Salle College High School." PRIDE is that overwhelming feeling that all of us get when we step back and realize what we have. We are proud to attend a school that offers a multitude of opportunities for self improvement. LOYALTY resides in the traditions that we carry on every year, and loyalty is what every alumn feels as he re-enters our halls. DEDICATION is the quality that motivates us to attain goals we thought unreachable, to study that extra minute, to write that extra page, or to run that extra lap. And so it is with spirit, pride, loyalty, and dedication that we together create the perfect picture that is La Salle. - Stew Ryan '05


Snapshots of La. Sa.Ue

Our founder St. John Baptist de la Salle constantly guides our school.

Mr. and Mrs. James Clark sharing in their son Alex's honors.

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Mr. Dolan is always excited to be on Kairos. Brennan Hagy celebrating PCl championship in swimming.

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Student Life Divider

oeeseme oooe Pitting into the Picture Ie of any school, La Salle has a style of student life

ing out in the caf. The numerous faith and service op-

is unique and that defies nearly any definition.

portunities bring us together. Moreover, the snapshots

)m the first day of our high school careers to the day

of these services, the subtle moments when we realize

Dur commencement, La Salle students find new, in-

that we have made a difference, are remembered for the

esting, and sometimes wild ways of entertaining

rest of our lives.


Faith, Service, and Spirit make student life at La Salle

ung peach-fuzz ridden freshmen to mature and some-

memorable. They are the components of La Salle that

Les bearded seniors are encouraged to be involved in

have the most profound impact on the everyday picture

at makes La Salle distinctive: faith and service. Faith

that is La Salle, as it should be.



service become parts of La Salle's students' lives

- Stew Ryan '05

t as quickly and equally as PIT volleyball and hang-

Student Life Divider []




Being welcomed by the Explorer mascot. The annual tree planting ceremony. Firstthing ... buy the books! Who says you're just a number at La Salle?

The traditional picture by the sign. Mr. Stanczak shows the boys how to sing the "Alma Mater"

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Freshmen First Da,y

Vince Tecce begins his La Salle carrier Bro. James, Gene Gallagher, Chris Schwartz, Brian DiBiagio, and Dan Moll pose in front of the new sign

Mike Gazzara, Mike Sannuti, and Ryan Barrett enjoy their first day.

Trey Ciamenetti and Ed Valentino are shocked to see how much books cost! Some things never change: Jim Irwin, Mike Pennington, and John Clifford acting their true selves.

Senior First Da.y

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Fr. Bernie Farley sharing the Good News with Kairos retreatants.

Fr.Tony Janton reaches the student body with his homilies.

The Spirit alive and well at La Salle. Andrew Rocks shares what Kairos means to his group.

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FAITH AND SERVICE Faith and Service impact y aspect of life here at La ~. At our Kairos retreats faith service are represented in our gical celebrants Frs. Tony :m and Bernie Farley through . funny and thoughtful homiand stories. Service is found 'oach Rad , Mrs. Smith, and Ponisciak taking students to : at St. Martins, or Mr. Clark Ms. Guest packing students a school van to travel to Sari House, or in the innumerfathers that help at our


Branch-Out Days. Faith and Service are taught as an essential part of what La Salle is and they touch every facet of what we try to accomplish every day at this school. - Stew Ryan '05

La Salle's faculty on their day of service. Mike Andrews helping out with Operation Incentive

Service C




Teammates, whether in soccer or wrestling, share the spirit and love for their school and one another in everything they do.

Spirit shared between Kairos brothers. Super Bowl fever at La Salle!

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School Spirit

School spirit is a unique and diverse creature at La Salle. It is such because it finds itself embodied in so many different aspects of La Salle. Spirit permeates from the numerous pep rallies held by student council and reaches into the school halls and classrooms. It finds itself on the athletic fields and in the stands at games. Spirit is found in our infamously loud and rowdy cheering sections, who show their

pride and spirit at all SpOI events , no matter what the tance to be traveled or the ad sion to be paid. Spirit is fo Ul our students willing to e ridiculous amount of hot 'Iv for the sake of nothing else I plaque and bragging rights. : it has always been strong c Salle and it can only contim become stronger every year. - Stew RyaJ

Celebrating school championships!

The great tradition of the" Alma Mater" at the end of football games

Jerry Bidus, Mike Chapman, and Nick Manzi show their support for the football team. Sean McGoldrick celebrates with the Kiss army (Shane Kelly).

School Spirit []


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Rctivities Divider

Pocu,sing In Minor White was once quoted as saying: "No mat-

The list of activities past and present at La Salle

. how slow the film, Spirit always stands still long

could fill pages. From acting to advocating, from

ough for the photographer It has chosen." Spirit is

singing to speaking another language, and yes, even to

ptured every year in La Salle's long tradition of clubs

extreme gaming, activities are the essence, the spirit of

d activities. These undertakings bind us together as a

what La Salle encourages. Anyone can create a club or

iffimunity and are the pursuits in which we find our-

activity and that is a testament to the freedom and cre-

lves on a level playing field. Students participate in

ativity of the La Salle Student.

ubs and activities for the simple love of a subject, ac-

All are welcome to contribute to the picture of a club,

lity, or issue, and the companionship of others who

and all add uniquely to what makes that picture perfect.

lve a true passion for those same things.

- Stew Ryan '05

Rctivities Divider C


Senior Student Council: Will Cummings, Christian Barrett, Gavin Leighton, Chris Gallagher, Bryan Schwartz, Pat Dempsey, Nick Pucci, Vince Cartwright, Joe Winning, Tim Dunn, Stew Ryan, Tom Little, Brian Heenan, Adam Douglas, Kevin Hylinski, and Andrew Rocks.

Sophomore Ben Courtney receives his Student Council pin at the Induction Ceremony. Junior Student Council: Andrew Ventresca, Jerry Fillman, Rick Cosgrove, Ryan Curran, Ryan Travers, Basil Nation, Bill Warrender, Doug Maxwell, Brian Sachetta, and Phil Babnew. Sophomore Student Council: Chris Wogan,Andrew Dean, Chad Kurylo, Garrett Gallagher, Mark Hinkel, Gray Haenn, Nick Lanza, Ben Courtney, Pat Harp, Tim Heck, and Mrs. Zoeltsch (Moderator).

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Student Council

STUOfNT OOUNOIL Student Council Officers: Chris Gallagher (Vice-President), Moderator Mrs. Julia Maher, Stew Ryan (President), and Pat Dempsey (Secretary).

;udent council enriches the quali ty of our sc :<;xplorer Pride, the Student Council's theme for 2004-2005 school year, was exactly the catalyst Salle needed to embark on a great year of new nts and continuing traditions. Pep rallies went Il-tech with Triple-C and international with our 1 Jeremy Butt. The students met their first Super duo. Of course, Wing Bowl continued its tradiI of highlighting the heavier, lovable side of La Ie. The new long-sleeved spirit shirts gave students lance to show their enthusiasm on special dressvn days. Brand new La Salle wristbands were a at addition and identified La Salle fanatics every~re in and out of school. The first La Salle Battle he Bands occurred in February as well as Student ll1cil Halftime Competitions at Friday night basball games. The "March Madness" 3 v. 3 touma-

ment allowed La Salle to crown its true three-man basketball champs. Finally, a new forum for friendly homeroom rivalry was born. Intramurals were reorganized into homeroom-only teams that competed in all four major intramural sports. This year-long competition culminated at the Second Annual Fran Johnson Field Day with the crowning of the homeroom champions. Field Day featured last year's favorite activities as well as several fresh and innovative games and contests that appealed to everyone at La Salle, its students, faculty, and staff. Combining the ideas and hard work of everyone, Student Council created a snapshot of La Salle's true spirit while continuing the tradition of enthusiasm and excellence passed down from previous generations. - Stew Ryml '05 Freshman Student Council: Jon Weidner, IJ. McCarrick, Pat Melvin, Ryan Warrender, Robert Powers, Furey Leva, Kelvin Lam, Andrew Bowman, Jeff Murtha, Jaque Whaumbush, Matt Razzano, and Dan Murphy.

Student Council IJ


2004 La Salle National Merit SemiFinalists and Commended Students.






students'zooIlling in on succe:

National Honors Society members chosen as distinguished students of scholarship, character; leadership, and service NHS Officers: Bro. William DiPasquale (Moderator) Aldo DiPrato, Vince Paglione, Sean O'Connell, Brad Murtha, and Mrs. Dorothy Ponisciak (Moderator).

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National Honors Society: A Portrait of Scholarship, Leadership, and Service One of the activities that most helps students develop their minds at La Salle is the National Honors Society. Each autumn, Mrs. Dorothy Ponisciak and Brother William DiPasquale, the co-moderators of La Salle's chapter of NHS, invite a select group of juniors and seniors to join. The chosen students have distinguished themselves in the areas of scholarship, character, leadership, and service. After being initiated into the NHS during the annual in-

duction ceremony, the new inductees join NHS's returning seniors to help improve the Ll !ian experience and develop both themselves others. The main service that NHS members form is tutoring their peers in one or more subj that the students find challenging. NHS mem donate their free periods to help these studenl develop their God-given abilities and intelligen - Gresham Cooney

Senior Joe Winning flashing that winning smile. Seniors Scott McBride, Dan Moll, Chris Schieve, Tom O'Donnell, Tyler Meves, Tom McVey, and Tim Dunn enjoy some refreshments after the ceremony.

Senior Dan 0' Toole with his parents and uncle/guest speaker Brother John Castaldi '68. Mr. and Mrs. Stone the proud parents of senior NHS member Tom Stone. Junior members of NHS with their scholastic Ls.

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Loading the Freshmen and their fathers on the bus for Branch-Out Day.

Mr. Tate working hard on the Faculty Service Day.

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Sean McGinley helping out at Operati Incentive.

These guys look like they had a rough day of service!


we are throug h sacrifice

The Lasallian Service Corps has more active :mbers than any other club at La Salle. LSC is lch more than just a club; it's the perfect way for dents to embrace and live the motto of the school, nter to Learn - Leave to Serve." Service activities 19ing from helping mentally challenged men at lest House on Tuesdays to working in a soup chen in Kensington's Sarnelli House on Thursys occur nearly every day of the week. LSC proles student tutors to underprivileged children 'ough St. Martin's Tutoring and La Salle Acadef Tutoring. Even during the weekends, LSC volteers are busy in such activities as sandwich mak~ for St. Francis Inn one Sunday a month. For those students who cannot participate in !se activities due to other commitments, LSC of-

fers the chance to contribute in other ways. During the Magazine Drive, the homerooms collected money to buy magazine subscriptions for a grade school in Philadelphia. This year's Thanksgiving Drive and Secret Santa Collection were the most successful in all the drives' years and raised enough money to feed nearly fifty families on Thanksgiving and to give over thirty sick children a Christmas they otherwise would not have had. The Lasallian Service Corps allows students to see the differences they can make in the lives of others, and the smiles of those they help are engraved in the students' memories as if they were treasured photographs in a family album. - Tyler Meves '05

Service through Christmas programs and Junior Urban Challenge open our eyes to the world.




Brian DiBiagio and Brett Trucksess have a little jam.

La Salle's Service Corps represented by Mr. Clark, Ryan Travers, Lou Maiden, Sean Riley, Tyler Ford, Tyler Meves, Brett Tucksess, Mike Lynch, Brian DiBiagio, and Ms. Guest at the convention in Connecticut.

Sean Riley jams a little for his fans.

Mike Lynch enjoys some play time.

Zil C


La Salle Academy tutors sharing their gifts with the children.


in the i:rnage of our patron

. . s the cliche goes, a picture is worth a thousand ds; but our Tuesday trips to La Salle Academy, worth more than a thousand photos. Viewed n every angle, La Salle Academy is a challenge. er enduring the traffic-filled trip down North ,ad Street, tutoring underprivileged children is ~asy task. Every child is either academically or ially at-risk; and for most of the children, La Ie Academy is the most positive part of their s. These children do not take anything for grantthe smallest things make the world of difference hem. People who never attended La Salle Acady may view the tutoring of the children as a little 19, but in reality the impact is immeasurable. The

sheer joy on the children's faces when seeing their tutors entering the classroom cannot be captured in a photograph,not even in the best Kodak moment. The seemingly simple act of tutoring on Tuesdays is really extraordinary because of the benefits both to the tutors and the kids. Just one trip down to La Salle Academy makes most want to return, partly because of the request from the kids they tutored but mostly because of the feeling of making a difference in their lives. These long Tuesdays are worth the time and effort. Even the digital photography of today cannot capture that satisfying feeling. - David Cipolla '05 The smiling faces of La Salle Academy.


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33 Juniors participated in the first Urban Challenge of the year in December.

king at life through a different leI For the juniors who fully took advantage of "Urban Challenge", it was time well spent. Working first-hand with the poor gives a new perspective on life. If the students left with any message at all, it was that poverty is a continual problem in our country. Because most La Salle students are not exposed to the inner-city lifestyles of Camden and Philadelphia, it provided a unique chance to taste the bitter fruit of poverty. During this challenge we were asked to be vulnerable, to be willing to condescend to such an unfamiliar lifestyle. This challenge made us realize that the poor and under-employed make-up a large percent of our population. However, as the director of the Center, Mr. Di Paul, stated, "we push the poor away as the unwanted, like the player on the Heisman trophy." It requires strength and willingness to work with the poor, not simply time. Although "Urban Challenge" was a one-night experience, it is clear that it was the first time that many of these students had their eyes opened to the La Salle's Juniors learn first -hand what the poor are suffering.

26 eLSe

world around them. In Camden, they were no longer sheltered f the harsh realities of poverty. Through working with them, the La Salle students successf influenced the lives of poverty stricken men, women, and childre was also clear that the poor returned the favor. These underprivile people provided the students with a new insight. When asked "v are you thankful for today?," multiple students replied, "I am th, ful that I do not have to fear living on a day-to-day basis; I am th, ful for the ability to attend La Salle knowing that thousands of c dren are either under-educated or never educated." Surely beJ "Urban Challenge" these students would have never thought to r been thankful for such common things which are taken for grar every day. - Dave Yusavitz

Various activities help open up a whole new world through Urban Challenge.

36 Juniors participated in the second Urban Challenge in February.

Juniors trying to survive on a couple of dollars.


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Mr. Rad, Mrs. Smith, and Santa Claus bringing joy to the children of St. Martin's Parish.

Bill Kessler, Santa's little helper!

Will Cummings helping out at St. Martin's



Pat McCaffery makes a pretty goc Nick!

The true meaning of Christmas!

ho we are through our gi ving ['he experience shared on this year's Secret ta volunteer project is one which the particits will undoubtedly remember for a lifetime. ng able to give to those less fortunate and havthe opportunity, if only for a day, to better the s of others are gifts the participants will not soon ~et. Traveling from places like Darby to Tren, Secret Santa, under the guidance of 1964 grad~ Jim McCloskey, incorporated the entire La le community, as students, faculty, alumni, and ents distributed presents on Christmas Eve to patients of the Pediatric Oncology and Hematol, Wards at St. Christopher's Hospital. As a visisign of La Salle's commitment to service, this ject provided a glimmer of joy to families who erwise would be unable to provide such a won-

derful Christmas experience for their children, many of whom were possibly celebrating their last Christmas. The highlight of the day was the special stop to the family of Mr. Fran Johnson, a long-time teacher at La Salle College High School, who passed away last year. Our visit ensured that although Mr. Johnson is gone, he is not forgotten. Secret Santa provided the La Salle community with an opportunity for spiritual growth and renewed appreciation for the things we so often take for granted, health and family. On behalf of those fortunate enough to participate, gratitude goes to Mr. McCloskey and all those who made this incredible experience possible. - Joe Winning '05

Several programs within LSC share the spirit ofgiving through

to those most in need Operation Santa Claus in full effect!




processing knowledge and utilizing it through actl Science Clubgives it's members a renewed interest in science and a world offun while they learn Joe Semen testing out his rocket powered RC car.


[J Dca.demic Clubs

The focus of the Science Club this year was to view science from a wider angle lens. The Science Club opened the doors for its members to learn about the world and the science that governs it in a fun new way. This year the Science Club learned about string theory and what it means in our universe and the dimension in which we live, and it also learned what happens if a rocket engine is glued to a remote control car. Each project that the Science Club started had a learning goal in mind. Just how fast will an RC Car go with a rocket strapped to it? The Club never did find out; the rocket broke off

and flew around on its own. What's the poir string theory? Although it provides new theorie the workings of the universe, its real purpose confuse high school students. Even though members may never have fully understood the damentals of string theory, or even if they n found out just how fast the rocket-propelled could go, the Science Club gave its members: newed interest in science and a world of fun '" they learned it. -Joe Semen

AOADfMIO DfOATHLON Jim Gehringer, Barry Brady, Blake Remley, Christian Williams, Jim White, and Jim Dierkes.

80lfNOf OLUB John McGowan, Matt McGowan, J.A. Hull, Nick Crawford, Joe Semen, Mr. Cipolla, Dave Gavin, Mike Wojcik, and Gresham Cooney.

ROBOTI08 OLUB Rob Roberts, Nick Danella, and James Algeo.

Bca.demic Olu.bs C





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La.nglla.ge C1llbs


rho we are through our culture The Italian Club is a group of La Salle students It want to gain a new perspective about the Italian [ture. The first questions new members ask are: '0 I have to be Italian?" and "Do I have to know ~ language?" Both of these questions are anered with a simple "no". A member does not need be Italian to receive a positive picture of the cule. The only membership requirements are to like Ii an food and to respect the culture. Most of the ~mbers take an Italian language course, and they ~ curious to receive a new viewpoint about the [ture. Other members who are not studying ItalI manage to learn a few Italian words. One of

these words is "manga", perhaps the most important word for the club and other Italian speakers of the world. This word means "eat," and Italian cuisine is the best food in the world! In the club, students learn to cook some Italian food and enjoy eating their creations. Another activity unique to the culture is the sport of Bocce. Members study the rules of the game and quickly learn the proper angles to aim the ball. Through the food, Bocce, and other events that take place in the Italian Club, members receive knowledge and a good snapshot of the culture while having fun. - Joe Cipolla '07

The only membership requirements are to like Italian food and to respect the culture.

"Manga, manga!!"

La.n.gu.a.ge Olu.bs C


Varsity Mock Trial looks pretty mean!

Future lawyers finding Mock Trial a great way to learn and vie against the best competition in the area

JV Mock Trial team.

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Mock Tria.1.

Mock Trial, one of La Salle's more distinctive clubs, begins in October every year and ends in February. Members receive a fictitious law case written by law students at Temple University. This year the case involved a wrongful death lawsuit brought by the parents of a teenager who was killed in a crushing accident at a rapper's concert. Mock Trial has grown a great deal in the past several years; and for the third consecutive year, La Salle produced two teams that competed in the Montgomery County Bar Association's annual Mock Trial Competition. The competition is held in front of a real judge and jury in a real courtroom. The first team comprised mostly seniors who had participated in previous years. The second team was made up mostly of underclassmen led by a few upperclassmen, who hope to rise through the ranks

of La Salle Mock Trial. This year we were lucky enough to have teac moderators, Mr. Gerald Evans and Mrs. Elizab Field. In addition, we had the expert guidance attorney advisor, Scott Wolpert, Esquire ('84), Jan Levine, Temple University law professor, Ma DiClerico ('99), Temple University law student" Marian Braccia, Temple University law stude We held weekly colloquies on Sundays to disc the many intricacies of the case. Mock Trial quires a few months of commitment and hard we but everyone has a great deal of fun. All aspir lawyers will surely find Mock Trial a great wa) learn, make friends, and vie against the best com tition in the area. - Stew Ryan

"Mr. Burke you are badgering the witness!"

"So, Mr. Madrak, this is your confession of the crime in question ... 1have no further questions."

"No, you're out of order! This whole court is out of order!!!"

Mock Tria.1.



fXTf~P-SPfAKfRS Mr. Shea, Basil Nation, Andrew Britt, Chris Cahill, and James Haggarty.

Joe Manero preps for policy debate

IJ. McCarrick getting ready for battle!

36 IJ Porum

Mike McCabe giving his construc guments.

INTfRPRfTfR8 Bro. Rene Sterner, Will Mascio, Chris Schultz, Rheum Tan, Tom Stone, Paul Le, Jim Sinnot, and Matt Sinnot

rds to create a picture La Salle's forensics team, The Forum, is a comitive speech and debate organization that pro,tes participation in interscholastic debate, oratointerpretation, and public speaking. Individuals o compete in this organization have the opportuy to choose from several categories of speech and )ate, including dramatic interpretation, humor, interpretation, extemporaneous speaking, )se, poetry, declamation, original oratory, public urn debate, cross examination debate, lcolnJDouglas debate, and student congress. La Salle's forensic team this year was led by sens, Andrew Britt (President), Christopher Schulz ice President), and Kyle O'Donnell (Secretary), 10 over the past four years have won individual

championships in extemporaneous speaking, debate, and humorous interpretation. For more than twenty years Brother Rene Sterner has been the faculty advisor of La Salle's forensic team. This year, Brother Rene led La Salle to its 4th consecutive District 11 championship. Through his experience and dedicated leadership Brother Rene has helped La Salle's Forum earn a total of 142 members and degrees of honor. However, this will be Brother Rene's last year in service to The Forum. His invaluable life lessons and experience in public speaking have enriched the program and will be greatly missed by La Salle's orators. Thank you, Brother Rene! - Anthony Phillips '06 Mike McCabe cross-examines Brett Fischer.

Porum. []


Mr. Hearn sharing his words of wisdom with the Freshmen.

i:rnages expressing our inne Sculpture, painting, and drawing: the many ways our students express their talents.

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Rrt Clu.b

The future of La Salle's art program!

Mrs. Miller sharing a laugh with Senior Shawn Miles.

Senior Ryan Barrett working hard on his creation.


C 3!

Practice makes perfect!



,;,;~"the III usic of ou

This year the La Salle band in all of its many forms had the highest of expectations. One reason for the excitement was that the class of 2008 had given us the largest enrollment ever. We also had three great leaders in President Doug Phelan, first Vice-President Chris Adamski, and second Vice-President Andrew Nelson. Great expectations ensured that we would push to our musical limits. As always, we started during the summer. Escaping boredom and the oppressing heat, members of the pep band came to work in full force. We had the largest pep band ever. On a Friday or Saturday night, one could tell where La Salle's football team was playing from the street outside the stadium by just listening. Concert band continued to expand its horizons by performing new and difficult music. The bands repertoire included arrangements performed by respected colleges. Three students made District 11 Band

Doug Phelan directs the band to welcome the Freshman class.




this year in the most competitive concert band auditions in the ar Seventeen of our musicians were accepted into the All-Catholic C< cert Band, Orchestra, and Jazz Band and performed at the Kimn Center in March. Despite these successes, the greatest expectations of the Music I partment are for the Competition Band. With eleven seniors amo the twenty members, the band felt a great sense of urgency as it fae public school powerhouses such as North Penn. No matter wI comes from competition season, the graduates of the class of 20 have had a year to remember in the band room with good music, go times, and, perhaps most importantly, good friends. - Douglas Phelan '

Bass in your face!!!

Doug Phelan feeling the music.

The horn section entertains at the Christmas concert.

The band pepping-up the crowd at the football game.

Bund. []


Senior Scott Ross and his mighty bow!

Freshmen band boys ready to play.

Co-Choral manager Joey Kirk goes solo!

The angelic sounds of our chorus.

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Senior Tom McVey waiting for his cue.

Just call him "The Director"!!!

r voices as one in song e La Salle Choral Department has continued ding under director and conductor Mark NorAfter performances at La Sale and the Choral mas Concert, La Salle's singers, anchored by loral Managers Dan White and Joey Kirk, :ackled their most challenging repertoire to The Belcrofters, La Salle's select ensemble, ung at charity and school functions and at two ~titive adjudications. These young men have ced the program by their tenacious rehearsals, on to La Salle, and especially a distinctive and mate performance style. La Salle has an up.ssman and underclassman quartet, Men4Har(seniors Joey Kirk, Brett Trucksess, Dan ~, and Ted Di Nola) and Fourte (sophomores Dominick, Matt Stone, Jim White, and Chip

Hinkel), respectively. This year, Dan White, also founded and directed a collegiate-sty Ie acappela ensemble named" Vox" including members of all grades. Aided by Mr. Norman, Lasallian singers have also been recognized with individual honors. Seven students were appointed to the All-Catholic Chorus: Joey Kirk, Joe Schatz, Chip Hinkel, Andrew Nelson, Chris Imms, Jim White, and Christian Williams. In addition, Dan White and Joey Kirk attained selections to the District 11 Chorus. Vocal music and talent thus have flourished at La Salle through the contagious enthusiasm of Mr. Norman and the eamest efforts of the singers of the Class of 2005. - Dan White '05

La Salle's chorus

has enhanced the program


its tenacious rehearsals and

devotion to La Salle

La Salle's chorus having a little fun at the Christmas concert.

Chorus C


The cast in full Shakespearean spirit

as a way of expressing our t Every year, the Fall Drama is directed, acted, and staged by La Salle students. This year, however, our play was also written by a member of La Salle's family, Mr. Blah. In an effort to make Shakespeare more accessible to young people, Mr. Blah constructed Shakespeare: Revisited with short scenes from lesser known Shakespearean plays. Some were dark and tragic, for example, King Lear's eulogy for his dead daughter, beautifully delivered by Jamie McCarthy. Others were stirring and explosive, like Andrew Nelson's post-battle speech in Henry V. The rest were gaudy and hilarious, like the extended impotence reference in Macbeth (courtesy of Christian Williams), and a melodramatic tribute to the benefits of inebriation, delivered by Mike O'Neill in a spirited pirate voice. In addition, Mr. Blah included Shakespeare himself Andrew Nelson has no control over his crew!

44 IJ


as a character, by building all the excerpts an small storyline of two high school students played by Karl Beyer, and Chris, played by Naseef) who can't get through Hamlet. Shake~ played by a mustached and capri pants' d Scot! appears to defend himself and convince the tv dents that his plays have incredible entertai value, as well as literary and cultural value. Bec: the epic nature of the play, Shakespeare: Revisit one of the biggest casts in many years; dozens dents came out to audition, and everyone got a fe' utes of stage time. If the thunderous applause, laughter, and CI ments can be considered signs of enjoymen Shakespeare: Revisited succeeded in its motive. - ScottRI

Jamie McCarthy is the king!

Anthony Phillips can't believe what just came out of their mouths!

s Marisco laying it down!

"Come on, Mike, it's time to get your hair cut!"


IJ 45

Ohh yeah, shake it Schieve!

The gold lame and leather pants were out in full force for the start of La Salle's Spring Production: "Bye Bye Birdie" by Charles Strouse. Under the always steady hand of director Colleen Durkin Lapowsky, the musical was sure to be a success. The cast, abundant with many actors of numerous talents, practiced with meticulous vocal and dance exercises, all of which culminated with the premier in March. The show centers around Elvis look-alike Conrad Birdie (Senior, Chris Schieve) whose manager Albert (Senior, Jaime McCarthy) and secretary Rosie (Issie Lapowsky) set him up to give one last kiss to a lucky small town girl, Kim Macafee (Maureen Clearkin). Birdie is a musical comedy, and with a strong efMake the girls swoon Birdie!

46 EJ


fort from a talented group of both returning and I seniors, the production was a great triumph. 0 senior leads include Joey Kirk (Hugo), Ted Dir (Mr. Macafee), Stew Ryan (Mayor), Andrew r son (quartet), J Blake Remley (Sweet Apple Fc and the schizophrenically talented John Braca. companying these men and the aforementio lady leads were Marina Cockenberg, Chris Pierce, Kristina Dominick, Caitlin Coad, and M McKeough. The songs, dance, and extraordinary set W01 every audience in attendance and Birdie prove, be another hit on La Salle's ever growing list of' atrical productions. - Stew Ryan

Issie Lapowsky shares a moment with Jamie McCarthy then dances up a storm with the guys in the club.

Our multi-talented La Salle boys!

Stage Crew: Chris Gallagher, Kevin Burke, Matt Kwasizur, Brian Kennedy, Andy McGowan, Joe Kain, Mr. John Pax, and Sean O'Connell

Musica.l [I



creati ve ideas wi th the school comm

Seniors Scott McBride and Kyle O'Donnell work on another challenging piece for the paper.


48 IJ


Mr. Dempsey working hard

WEXP gets ready to go on the air

Shane enjoys the guests on his show like school prez Stew Ryan

There is no panic here, not when you work for the "Kelly Factor"!


El 4'

LAB MANAGfR8 Erik Ronzone, Drew Panetieri, Andrew Clay, Evan Regan-Levine, Mark Stypulkowski, Bradon Bonner, Nick Pederson, Eddie Guarrieri, John Sharer, Reese Rogers, Rob Roberts, Sean Smith, Leon Singletary, Kevin Guckin, Anthony Limberakis

being used for the bett Students work hand-in-hand with the tech department to run the daily operations at La Salle

Lab Managers Drew Pannetieri, Evan Regan-Levine, Eddie Guarrieri, Braden Bonner, Kevin Guckin, Reese Rogers,Andrew Clay, and Anthony Limberakis show off the NAIS Leading Edge award for best community program


La.b Ma.n.a.gers

The Lab Manager Program is one of the more innovative programs La Salle College High School has to offer. Students work hand-in-hand with the tech department to essentially run the daily operations of all the computers, printers, and gadgets at La Salle. The Lab Managers obtain the hands-on experience required to work in the current ever-changing Information Technology field. La Salle is also a Microsoft IT Training Academy. This program allows La Salle to deliver advanced training in Microsoft Networking Technologies to the Lab Managers free of charge. La Salle is one of a few schools in Pennsylvania to offer this training, which enables students to obtain official certification from Microsoft. - Kevin Guckin '05

TechSERV reflecting on their good works.

TechSERV is a nationally recognized technolo-based community service program run by La lIe College High School. TechSERV is a yearmd program that aims to solve the problem of the ~ital divide. Participants in the program donate :ir time and technological skills to help those in ~d. Working in inner-city, low income locations, ~hSERV members create computer labs and offer ining completely free of charge, which enables )se in need to gain indispensable skills and oprtunities that so many Lasallians take for granted. ~hSERV participants were proud to receive The ading Edge Award for Community Relations 'en by the National Association of Independent hools. - Kevin Guckin '05

TechSERV is a tech nology-based community service program that aims to solve the digital divide in inner-city locations

Mike Wojcik,Kris Ostopchuck, and Evan Regan-Levin helping out any way they can.

TechS2RV []




tdoorst~d'n the slopes an

The Ski Club enjoying their annual trip to Vermont.

52 IJ

Ski Club

Brendan McCann and Matt Bolinski enjoy the day fishing. Matt makes it a double!

Dylan Leighton celebrates a catch with Mr. Tate and enjoys some time with dad. Above: Rob Toner showing off his fish!

The OutdoorClub will be eating good tonight!

Outdoor Bdven.ture Club IJ



as a way to express who The Multi-Cultural club helps build a better sense of community by blending people of different cultural backgrounds


54 [J

Celtic / Mutti-Cuttura.l ctub

The Multi-Cultural Club: A Community Collage. One of La Salle's missions is to "help build a better sense of community." The Multi-Cultural Club at La Salle is a perfect example of an activity that promotes that goal. By blending people of different cultural backgrounds, La Salle's Multi-Cultural Club creates a collage. A collage is a picture made by gluing fragments of various materials to create a harmonious composition. Community is the same thing, a collage, made up of diverse members who

together create a harmonious human work of, This Club helps students better understand diffen cultures and races and emphasizes that differen( are positive forces that make our community m( interesting. The Club focuses on famous leaders the past and the present to help guide its memh to a better understanding of different cultures. A result, the Club promotes understanding and 1 need to respect others. La Salle's ideal of comn nity is embodied in the Multi-Cultural Club. - Pat Cunnane'




saDD / rilm / eztrem.e-qa.ming Clu.b IJ 5!

Mrs. Guest's group: Chez Angeloni and Steve Feeley Top: Thayer Damm, Student Leader Jerry Bidus, Jeff Hamilton, Drew Panetierri, and Luke Palidora

rving God, now that is time weI Since September, six different Kairos retreat groups have had the experience of a lifetime at Camp Neumann. For three years, 2005's seniors have heard ever louder rumors about what Kairos is; but they go anyway because they're looking for something they can't quite identify yet or, at the very least, they figure, "Hey, I get three days off from school. How can I lose?" Whatever the expectations or hopes of the retreatants, Kairos exceeds everyone of them. It is something that must be experienced to be understood, but it can best be described as an experience of love: love of God, love of friends, love of family, and love of community. Kairos is a time out of time-four days away from our nOlmallives to reflect on and appreciate that love. As a retreatant, you learn to take strength and joy from the amazing people around you and to appreciate fully the blessings life has brought. Kairos changes lives for the better. It is a time of peace, love, forgiveness, joy, and community, a spiritual experience that cannot be duplicated. Those of us who have experienced Kairos owe a great debt of gratOne of a kind group: Mr. Chez, Anthony Dukes, Student Leader Eddie Valentino Top: Kyle Buchanan, Ray Favata, Greg Herzog, Mike Pennington, and Nick Manzi

;6 C


itude to the adult leaders for sharing their lives and their hearts Wl us. We're especially grateful to Mr. Clark and Mr. Chesnik, who ha made these retreats possible and changed our lives forever. Thank yc also, to the staff of Camp Neumann. Unfortunately, Kairos 37-44 Vv the last La Salle Kairos to take place at Camp Neumann, which clos at the end of May. It's a place none of us will ever forget, filled Wl brotherhood, tears, laughs, and memories. Kairos alumni have to say one more goodbye this year. At the e of this year, Mr. Chesnik stepped down as Director of Campus Mi istry to return to teaching religion full-time. Chez, although you m no longer be at every Kairos in body, your heart and your spirit will present on every future retreat and in the more than two thousand liv you have touched already. You are the driving force behind Kairos La Salle, and that cannot change just because you no longer occu Campus Ministry. God bless you and continue to do what you ha taught all of us: Live the 4th! - Jim Murphy '1

Fr. Farley and his group on 37-40: Matt Dempsey, John-Michael Staub, Student Leader Ray Favata Top: Matt Romagano, Kevin McShane, and John Barr

"I guess Tim Dunn is a little happy about being on Kairos." John Whalon takes some time to collect his thoughts.

ire is a striking resemblance between St. John Neumann and Bro. James Rieck.

Ka.iros IJ


KAIR08 37-39 September 28 - October 1, 2004

KAIR08 37-40 October 26-29,2004

KAIR08 37-41 December 7-10, 2004

58 C


KAIR08 37-42 January 25-28, 2005

KAIR08 37-43 March 1-4, 2005

KAIR08 37-44 April 5-8, 2005

Kcdros [J


60 IJ

U:n.dercla.sses Divider

Posing derclassmen at La Salle struggle to find where they

they have done during their four years at La Salle and

in and wonder if they are ever going to make it

corne to a rather shocking conclusion. They realize that

)ugh to their senior year. As time goes by, these un-

they did not go through La Salle and finally make it to

c1assmen begin to get more involved, whether it be

senior year, but instead they corne to realize that La

sport, an after school club, or a service project. They

Salle went through them. From this point, no matter



to meet new friends, go to super mixers, or cheer

where they end up in life, La Salle will always be part

our teams at pep rallies. In the classroom, they are

of the person they become. All those days as freshmen

braced by their dedicated teachers and fellow class-

when they worried about how they were ever going to

tes. Without even noticing, students no longer feel

make it, the community at La Salle was molding them


into young men with a strong sense of faith and service.

they are outsiders looking in and they become part


Lasallian community. Every student finds his own


- Andrew Ventresca '06

and unique way to discover himself during his

le at La Salle. As graduation nears,they reflect on all

Undercla.sses Divider I]


Joe Wilde getting some help from Bro. Rich

Freshmen on retreat reflecting on the beginning of their high school career




Matthew K. Abel Ronald Abel Robert C. Abramo Brendan S. Ahem Matthew H. Alba Antoine E. Albert

James H. Algeo Domenic A. Amodei Matthew 1. Antonello Eric F.Au Raymond J. Barker, Jr. Ian G. Barnett

Christian V. Baron Thomas S. Barr Christopher M. Becher James F. Behr Thomas S. Bender Victor Benvenuto

Paul M. Benyovszky, Jr. Adam S. Berkle Philip W. Biaesch, II Mario J. Bianchini Christopher C. Birzes John 1. Blanke

Robert E. Bolger, III Russel C. Boothby Andrew W. Bowman Matthew R. Braun John R. Brumbaugh Daniel Buesking

62 IJ

P'reshma.n. Portra.its



A FRESHMA he beginning of the year is always a difficult time; students have to get focused on school and to remember all they have learned the year before. But the beginning of this school year was particularly difficult for the freshmen who were completely unprepared for the Lasallian experience. They ~ not prepared for the larger workload and wealth of new and unliar people. But as the year progressed, they began to realize how lleged they were to be at a school with so much to offer. Now y of the freshmen have a clearer perspective of all that La Salle :0 offer them and are prepared to get as much as possible out of . careers at LaSalle. - Patrick Moran '08


t S



CLASS OF 1008 Thomas Buoncristiano Dean L. Buonomo Michael K. Campbell Tyler J. Caracausa Christian S. Carey Daniel P. Carr

Michael S. Casey Ryan J. Casey Francis X. Cassidy Christopher J. Celio Richard F. Chiodo William Andrew Ciammetti

Alexander T. Ciliberto Nathan C. Clapper Gerard M. Clark Evan E. Clauss John T. Cleary Michael J. Collinelli

Brian P. Collins S. Evan Cooper Joseph T. Corcoran Thomas J. Cos ella Chris J. Covington Christian J. Crawford

Connor M. Cunningham Michael A. Curley Brendan M. DaCosta Brendan M. Dalton Nicholas C. Danella Matthew G. Daniele

Preshma.n. Portrcdts []


Matthew T. Day Alexander K. Delaney John F. DeLucca Anthony J. DePaul, Jr. John P. DiIulio Stephen P. Dolan, III

Todd E. Domanski Thomas R. Dougherty James C. Driscoll, Jr. John-Michael Dronson Kyle L. Dufresne John T. Duke

Matthew C. Dwyer Evan A. Dysart Robert J. Eberle Daniel T. Erhard, III Michael S. Erickson Jonathan Etheridge

Richard B. Evan Michael R. Fabiszewski Lance J. Fagan Francis J. Farrell Christopher J. Fasy Michael D. Ferrino

John J. Fischer Brendan B. Fisher Bernard J. Fitzgerald Kevin C. Flynn Nicholas J. Foley Matthew A. Forkin

Harry S. Forst Mark A. Franzen Michael J. Furlong Andrew D. Galbally F. Joseph Gallagher John F. X. Givnish, III

Nicholas M. Golden Timothy A. Grasela George J. Gresko Nigel B. Gross Matthew M. Gulkis Brett G. Haenn

James L. Hagerty Thomas J. Hall Erik E. Haney Kevin A. Hanselmann Rodney L. Hardee John Harrison, V

64 IJ

rreshm.a.n Portra.its

Even Mr. Muehlbronner is confused by the freshman schedule.

Robert Abramo and his date are ready for the evening festivities.


CLASS OF 1008 Eric R. Heisner Samuel D. Henderson Peter J. Henwood Andrew M. Hesson Michael A. Higgins Michael P. Hoffman

Shane M. Hoffman Bradford Hollingsworth Joseph R. Holod Joseph J. Houldin Kevin M. Hughes Philip J. Iannuzzi

Matthew P. Illari Matthew J.M. Inglese Anthony C. Ivanoski Shawn R. Jacobsen Nicholas J. Jaskula Jonathan D. Javie

Christopher J. Johnson Casey P. Jones Stephen M. Kalkbrenner David P. Kelley Anthony P. Kent Stephen P. Kernytsky

Thomas C. Kerr Brendan R. Kissman Patrick J. Knowles Matthew J. Kohler PaulA. Kush Thomas J. Laessig, Jr.

Preshma.n Portra.its

EJ 6f

That was pretty funny, man!




Kelvin Lam Matthew D. Lamson Francis T. Lapowsky Brian J. Ledder Matthew R. Lees Philip M. LeNoir

Furey A. Leva Anthony D. Liberato Ryan M. Lindsay Ryan M. Logan David R. Loughery Daniel P. Lowry

Daniel Luque Matthew J. Lynch RemyD.Lynn John P. Malone Ira Edward Manalo Robert R. Mandos

Victor A. Marques Michael T. Marra-Powers Daniel P. Marrazzo Robert F. Marzullo William W. Maslin, III Adam N. Matone

Nicholas G. Mattera Dennis P. McBride Michael V. McCabe Terence J. McCarrick Joseph P. McCollum Colin M. McCreery

66 El

Preshma.:n. Portra.its

All right now, you guys are La Salle students. Sit up straight!



Patrick X. McGann Brian W. McGinly Ryan J. McGinnis Matthew R. McGovern Jude T. McKenna Sean F. McKenna

Kevin P. McLaughlin John F. McMenamin James P. McNally Austin A. Meehan, Jr. Michael F. Mele Patrick R. Melvin

Shaun J. Menkhaus Nathan D. Meyers Joseph M. Migliarese Jeremy A. Miles Joseph Colin Miller Steven J. Modres

Sean M. Moffa Timothy F. Mondimore Sean E. Montgomery Matthew P. Mooney Brendan J. Moran Patrick M. Moran

SamuelA. Morgan Patrick J. Morrow Robert J. Moyer Daniel Murphy Colin J. Murray Jeffrey K. Murtha

Joseph P. Nardi Brent H. Nesbitt Nicholas T. Nocero Matthew E. Okerson Joseph P. Oline Michael C. Oliver

Paul S. Orner Andrew M. Palazzo Nicholas Pedersen Alexander P. Phucas Francis J. Pierson Robert J. Powers

Daniel R. Pyne Louis J. Raieta Michael R. Rajnherc Alexander J. Ralston Ben T. Ramapuram Jason M. Raschiatore

rreshma.n Portra.its C


Now if he'd only do this much work at home! Bro. Rene and Mr. Assaf welcome John and Fido Givnish to the La Salle family.




Nicholas N. Rausch Matthew J. Razzano Annand M. Rhone Conrad T. Ridgway Jason K. Rivkin Michael P. Roche

John M. Rodden Michael V. Rongione William J. Rooney Michael P. Rose, Jr. Daniel T. Sacchetta Anthony J. Santoro, Jr. Richard M. Scanzillo Kyle E. Scheetz Matthew H. Schelkun Harvey E. Schmidt Alexander P. Schreiber Brian C. Serpico

Francis E. Serrao Keith A. Shepard, Jr John P. Shields Kevin M. Shields Patrick K. Sinnott Thomas M. Smart

Matthew W. Smeltzer Sean M. Smith John H. Sperger Brian R. Splane Benjamin W. Subers David M. Szekeres

68 IJ

I"reshma.:n. Portra.its



The Freshmen and their fathers enjoying service together.

Freshman Football getting ready for the season.


CLASS OF 1008 Matthew A. Taormina Devon N. Teichman James F. Thomas Brendan D. Toolan Michael C. Topley Sean M. Trudeau

Tristan R. Tschoepe Julian J. Tucker Timothy B. Ulrich John V. Urbano Matthew T. Ventresca Frank V. Wallace

Brandon J. Ward Ryan M. Warrender Daniel J. Waters George R. Weber Jonathan M. Weidner Patrick C. Weitzman

Jacque P. Whaumbush James K. White Ryan P. White Joseph H. Wilde Anthony K. Witkowski Christopher J. Wolper

Andrew R. Wood Gregory T. Woods Brooks A. Workman Stephen A. Zegalia Kyle J. Zoldy

I'reshma.n Portra.its C


Sacred Scripture class opens the students' minds to new insights into God.

Matthew Howard enjoys lunch at the Brother's House.

S CLASS OF 2007 SO Anthony C. Acey-Davis Anthony T. Adams David J. Ansel Christopher R. Ashley Colin T. Baker Dominic Baker

David G. Barba James J. Barker Scott Barr Colin T. Barrett SeanP. Benz Salvatore V. Bevivino

Nicholas E. Bivens Braden J. Bonner Edward D. Bonnevie Taylor S. Brauns Mark D. Breen-Lopez Douglas J. Brehony

Daniel Brophy Paul S. Brown Timothy J. Brown Matthew T. Bui Alexander J. Buonocore Kevin J. Burke

Christopher T. Cabrey Christopher M. Cahill Geoffrey S. Cahill Ryan Cain Wesley P. Calderone Juan J. Camilo

70 IJ

Sophomore Portra.its




THROUGH A SOPH alking off the bus or stepping out of a car and heading towards those glass doors in September, sophomores suddenly realize how quickly their first year at La Salle became a memory. As sophomores, a whole new experience awaits them - new teachers, new classes, new activities, and new friends. As freshmen, they "got the ture" of what it means to be a Lasallian. Now they start refining that ture and exploring new perspectives-making more friends, reach; out into the community, getting involved in new activities and clubs, i being leaders for the freshmen. Opening those glass doors, the sophlores can't help thinking about their futures. One year is gone; it's le to really adjust the focus and decide what images they want to leave lind in the Lasallian album of memories. - Vincent Levito '07

S CLASS OF lOOj John B. Campanella Michael J. Campbell Sean 1. Campbell Alexander J. Capetola Andrew T. Capizzi Phillip J. Caramenico

Ian F. Casey Philip A. Cassidy William Castelberg, III Joshua P. Chubb Joseph Cipolla Andrew C. Clay

Michael S. Cliggett Daniel F. Connors Colin D. Conway Domonick A. Cook Adam B. Coombs Christopher T. Corby

Colin M. Corcoran Benjamin J. Courtney Michael 1. Croasdale James W. Cunningham Thomas J. Curry Frank A. DeLuccia

Michael J. DeVore Andrew 1. Dean Steven Dean Alexander R. Dee Kevin T. Deitz Colin M. Devlin

Sophomore Portra.its

C 71

Benjamin N. DiFranco Marco DiPrato Leonard DiWilliams James M. Dierkes Conor K. Doherty Matthew D. Dominick

Kevin J. Donnelly Michael 1. Donoghue Stephen W. Dorsey Jeffrey A. Douglas Michael Doyle Nicholas R. Dreher

Brian M. Drennen Kellian Maxwell Durkin Gregory M. Dusing Sean M. Dwyer Lukas Eddy Peter G. Endrigian, II

Nicholas C. Faillace Robert Farley Michael C. Fazio Michael J. Filipczak Andrew J. Foell RyanA. Ford

Daniel J. Fomace John P. Forster Gregory W. Frantz David C. Fratamico Andrew M. Furlong Garrett S. Gallagher

Joseph P. Gallo Tyrell Q. George Anthony E. Giannetti, Jr. Zachary C. Gilbert Matthew A. Glavin Nicholas A. Gorsky

Charles S. Gowdy Christopher C. Grady Thomas P. Graham Wayne T. Grasela Peter F. Gravinese Timothy W. Greaves

J. Gray Haenn Philip J. Haggerty Colin M. Haley Richard P. Hamilton Ryan C. Haney Patrick J. Harp

72 IJ

Sophomore Portra.its

Look at that smile on Garrett's face! "Silly little man, you cannot defeat me!" - Ben Courtney


S CLASS OF 1007 Timothy P. Heck David Andrew Henrich Sean D. Herbert Christopher S. Higgins Walter Mark Hinkel, Jr. John J. Holt, III

Andrew Houchins Matthew G. Houser Matthew R. Howard Michael S. Hughes John Anthony J. Hull Sean M. Hutchinson

David J. Hysek Nicholas R. Irwin, Jr. Patrick Jackson Brian M. Jeffers Daniel P. Jeitner Taylor D. Johnson

Joseph M. Kain Michael J. Kapp Michael R. Keller Michael P. Kelly Shane J. Kelly Michael F. Klenk

Kevin C. Klohe Rudolph A. Kraeher Chad M. Kurylo Matthew J. Kwasizur Gregory D. LaFata Daniel C. Lacon

Sophomore Portra.its Il


Bro. Charles reads a sweet Spanish lullaby to his Sophmores.




Michael S. Lagansky Alexander S. Lagner Nicholas J. Lanza William P. Larkin, III Dylan J. Leighton Peter M. Levins

Vincent J. Levito, III Stefan Lewandowski Paul N. Lewis Jack C. Libor Andrew M. Logan Kelly M. Lombard

Sean M. London Maxwell B. Luce Michael J. Maguire Sean Mahoney Felix J. Manzi Christopher P. Marisco

Shawn Markey, Jr. E. Michael Martinelli William P. Mascio John D. McBurnie Brian C. McCabe Matthew W. McCaffery

Bryan J. McCallion Colin P. McCann Mychael A. McCoy Ryan J. McDevitt Evan J. McGillin Brian P. McGinnis

74 IJ

Rob Waitkus and Anthony Acey-Davis hope someday to be as huge as Mr. Butt

Sophomore Portra.its


William D. McIntyre Edwin M. McKeon, III Dennis J. McLaughlin Eric McLoughlin Brian P. McManus Matthew M. Meehan

John 1. Mikus, III Thomas F. Minton, IV Anthony T. Mirabile Andrew T. Mockaitis John J. Modestine Matthew Monteverde

Richard A. Montgomery Brian T. Moore Robert A. Morton Ryan D. Murphy Matthew S. Muscarella Brian 1. Nahas

Maxx E. Naseef Jakob J. Nines John P. Nucero Jonathan M. O'Connell Kevin E. O'Connell John M. O'Driscoll

Kevin O'Neill Liam P. O'Neill Matthew M. Olson Matthew S. Onufrak Michael C. Palermo Nicholas J. Patcella

Matthew C. Paul Ryan C. Pawling Ian E. Perera Joseph Perese John N. Phillips John Picard

Andrew T. Pierce Gregory T. Pierce John F. Pierson George C. Pinchock John W. Piree Michael D. Power

Jeffrey D. Price Justin T. Price Ryan J. Quigg Evan Raisner Adam J. Reale Michael 1. Reber

Sophomore Portrcloits

C 75

Rob wailing on his kit with a smile.


S CLASS OF 1007 SO HOl짜\O Evan Regan-Levine Kevin M. Riley Hilario Romero Kevin C. Rose Connor D. Rothwell James J. Ryan, Jr.

Brandon P. Ryan Scott E. Saladik Alexander C. Salwach Robert A. Saraceni, III Sean C. Saverio Michael G. Shertz, Jr.

Gregory Sliner Daniel F. Smart Blake C. Solliday Jeffrey A. Spencer David L. Spinosa Zachary J. Spurlin

Michael C. Stahl Matthew Stanczak Stephen C. Stern Nicholas R. Stewart Matthew C. Stone Mark Stypulkowski

Robert P. Swartley Kevin M. Tamasitis Ryan Q. Thomson Brian J. Trainer John J. Travaline Charles P. Trinkle

76 IJ

"See, I was right the answer is ...Jesus!''

Sophomore Portra.its


oa there boy, where do you think re going?" - Matt Stone keeping the aff out of NHS induction ceremony.

Mark Hinkel signs his commitment to lead the Sophmores.


S CLASS OF 1007 Daniel P. Tuck Kevin P. Turk John Vasoli William D. Viskovich Timothy R. Vogelbacker Kyle K. Voigt

Robert P. Waitkus John T. Walchonski Gregory M. Walczak Brian J. Walker Andrew Walsh Scott K. Waters

Joseph A. Weitzman Clayton M. Wells Stephen T. Westcott, Jr. Colin P. Whalen James L. White John C. Whitham

Brendan P. Wills Timothy J. Wittenberg Christopher J. Wogan Colin R. Young Michael S. Young Alan G. Yuhas

Mitchell W. Zaiss Damon F. Zysk

Sophomore Portrcdts IJ


Matt Young working hard in the library.





Colin J. Abbott Christopher J. Agnew Peter J. Anninos, III Phillip A. Babnew Matthew C. Baiocchi Stephen P. Baker

Christopher P. Barr Luke R. Barrett Brendan J. Beichert Daniel P. Benincasa Karl B. Beyer Patrick J. Blagrave

Paul E. Bonnevie Alain R. Bonny Andrew C. Borrell John B. Brady Drew R. Brandt Alex J. Breitmayer

John A. Buonomo Christopher D. Bush Christopher T. Byrne Bradley P. Caglia Sterling D. Calhoun John E. Campbell

Darren A. Campo Thomas T. Cappa Matthew J. Carr Jared R. Carter Gregory H. Casey Sean P. Casey

78 IJ

George gives Mr. Crowe the thumbs up on a good wrap.

Junior Portra.its




IN DEVELOPM unior year is arguably the most difficult of the high school years; it is a year in development. Juniors develop from underclassmen to upperclassmen. Juniors are not only focused on the demands of academics and activities, but also the beginning of the college search. Junior courses become ~e demanding to prepare us for the transition to college. No longer homores, "wise fools," more is expected of juniors, both academiy and behaviorally. Juniors are in the finishing stages of develop1t into mature individuals who reflect the values that distinguish "Brothers' boys." Although all four years at La Salle are different, guiding vision binds freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors ~ave to serve." - Pat Cunnane '06






Michael L. Celio Robert H. Chapman-Smith Matthew B. Chiarello David A. Ciccaglione Alex M. Clark Michael K. Clark

Timothy C. Clarke Thomas J. Cleary Ryan J. Colburn Kevin S. Collins Richard J. Conicelli Colin D. Conway

W. Gresham Cooney Jeremy W. Cooper Richard W. Cosgrove Steven J. Costanza Patrick B. Costello Thomas J. Cowhey

Nicholas F. Crawford Ryan P. Creter Thomas M. Croke Gregory S. Crone Conor M. Crowe Patrick J. Cunnane

Patrick J. Curran Ryan J. Curran Peter N. Daniele Andrew T. Davis Benjamin A. Dearden Richard J. Devine

Junior Portra.its C


Michael R. DiLaurenzo Christopher G. DiLella Paul E. DiPaolo Richard S. DiPiero Kevin L. Dicciani Michael R. Donovan

Christopher L. Driscoll Thomas M. Dugan Robert G. Ebbecke Travis G. Eddy Brendan M. Egan Michael P. Farrington

Daniel M. Fasoline Gerald R. Fillman Brett C. Fisher Joseph W. Fluehr Timothy J. Foley Christopher J. Fornace

Christopher Michael Furgiuele Edward J. Furman L.G. Lenward Gatison James M. Gavanus David M. Gavin Peter H. Gebert, Jr.

James J. Gehringer Brian J. Gibbons Jason P. Gigliotti Andrew C. Gleason Joseph T. Gravinese, III Matthew H. Greenfield

Joshua R. Griffith Edward L. Guarrieri Michael E. Haas J. Bradley Halbritter Michael C. Handschuh Peter C. Hanselmann

John E. Hardwick Matthew J. Harp Kevin S. Harrigan Thomas S. Heigh Christopher S. Heinly Joseph F. Hennessey

Dennis M. Higgins Matthew S. Himler C. Clark Hodgson, III R. Connor Hogan Kevin J. Horgan Ryan W. Huber

80 IJ

Ju.nior Portrcdts

Pat Jeffers cruising along at champs. Matt Ihlein is just one smooth dude!





George M. Hudson, III Joseph F. Hughes, III William C. Hunt Christian S. Iannarone Matthew R. Ihlein Christopher S. Imms

Patrick J. Jeffers Michael N. Joachim, IV Colden L. Johanson John Paul Jones, III R. Scott Jones Stephen M. Kapp

Francis M. Kasprzak Sean-Patrick Kearney John J. Keenan William J. Keenan Graham C. Keir Thomas H. Kelly

Timothy M. Kelly Brian D. Kennedy James E. Kerak William C. Kerr JohnL. Knab Daniel L. Kostenbauder

Matthew J. Kruc Matthew D. Landherr Evan R. Langdale JohnN. Lees Patrick J. Lenahen Jonathan E. Leshner

Ju.nior Portra.its

IJ 81

These guys look like they are working hard on their projects.



CLASS OF 1006 J Jon D. Lester Gary D. Lewis Jeffrey T. Liberatore Antonio I. Lopez Louis J. Maiden Patrick A. Malone

Joseph F. Manero, III Tyrell J. Marshall Vincent J. Martinicchio David A. Mastroieni William H. Masturzo Christopher Mattera

Douglas B. Maxwell John B. Maxwell Michael J. McCarty Kevin M. McCort Robert P. McCullough Brian S. McGill

Stephen M. McGorry Andrew M. McGowan Gregory E. McLaren Sean T. McLaughlin Timothy R. McMahon Kevin W. McNamara

Marc R. Menno Anthony Mieczkowski Colin G. Miller Joseph P. Millet, III Mark A. Milligan Sean W. Moloney

82 IJ

Phil Babnew running for glory!

Junior Portra.its


Joseph C. Monastero Max S. Morgan Alexander B. Muller Kevin P. Murphy John R. Mutchler Scott C. Nagy

Gino M. Naticchione Basil A.G. Nation Joseph F. Nolan Craig J. O'Neill Kristopher R. Ostopchuck Michael P. Padgeon, Jr.

Joseph W. Pappas Gerald J. Pawlish John M. Peruto, Jr. Adam E. Petko Tyler 1. Petrus Anthony A. Phillips

William G. Phillips John F. Pilla, III W. Patrick Playdon Timothy L. Plunkett Jeffrey S. Powers Eric S. Prendergast

James Prendergast Thomas M. Prokop Giuseppe Randazzo Patrick M. Regan Matthew A. Reichelt Jonathan J. Rementer

Albert J. Rieck Matthew J. Riffe Terrence M. Riley Timothy J. Riley Vincent G. Rizzuto Terrance D. Robinson

Stephen A. Rodgers Francis S. Rogers, Jr. Reese 1. Rogers David J. Roynan Jason M. Ruppert William A. Rush

Brian R. Sacchetta Peter 1. Salatino Joseph W. Schatz Timothy A. Schneider Eric C. Schoeffling Bryant M. Schultz

Junior Portra.its [J


Mr. Clark teaching his juniors some morals.



CLASS OF 1006 J James J. Shannon Matthew P. Singer Leon J. Singletary James P. Sinnott Matthew R. Sinnott Sean M. Smith

George J. Steffon LaMar S. Stewart Matthew Z. Stigliano Robert L. Stott RuemC. Tan Connor J. Tatlow

Nicholas M. Teufel James J. Tierney Robert L. Toner, III Ryan J. Travers Timothy N. Trichtinger Joseph C. Tubolino

Christopher R. TuB John E. M. Tyszka Stephen W. Ullrich, Jr. Kevin A. Ulrich Stephen M. Vanni Joseph A. Vazquez

Michael R. Venafra Andrew J. Ventresca Jonathan J. Vettori Michael A. Villari Thomas J. Wallin Thomas A. Walsh

84 IJ

Playdon working hard on the erg.

Ju.nior Portra.its


Pat Malone playin' a little fiddle!


Mr. and Mrs. Travers looking so proud of Ryan!



William J. Warrender Collin J. Wessier William E. Whalon Andrew W. Wigglesworth Andrew E. Wilkins John L. Williams

Thomas G. Winning Michael J. Wojcik M. Nicholas Wright Matthew C. Young David T. Yusavitz Jeffrey W. Zamorski

Matthew J. Zielinski

We wonder if the dates' parents have met these guys!

Ju.nior Portra.its []


86 IJ

Sports Divider

Pigu,res in Motion [reat photography is about depth of feeling, not depth of every student has the chance to take part in a championship ld," said Peter Adams, famous travel photographer. The

season. From starring on the field to writing stats, taping

ne remark could be made about La Salle athletics ex-

ankles, managing the roster, playing music in the pep

pt the players and fans have both "depth of feeling" and

band, and leading cheers in the stands, athletics at La Salle

epth of field."

involve everyone in the school. Just as the students are

has often been said that a picture is worth a thousand

part of this championship picture, so are the dedicated

)rds, but a thousand words are not enough to describe

coaches that perfect every aspect of our game. Giving gen-


phenomenon that is La Salle athletics. La Salle sports

erously of their valuable time, these coaches provide ad-

)tivate the players to push themselves, bond the students

vice and lessons that their players can use in every aspect

sether from the stands to the fields, and provide the ath-

of their lives. La Salle athletics contributes to the picture

es with an opportunity to control their own destiny. Year

of excellence that La Salle is today, and everyone can rely

:er year, La Salle's athletics program produces teams

on this tradition of excellence continuing for generations

ldy to seize titles from the Catholic League and beyond.

of athletes to corne.

though not everyone fits in the championship photos,

- Stew Ryan '05

Sports Divider

C 87

As August began, most young men from La Salle were just beginning to look for their shirts and ties that had been lost for months; however, a very select few were strapping on football pads for the first hot and humid practices of the 2004 Explorer football season. As he has done every season, Head Coach Joe Colistra began his first pre-practice speech with his famous seven words: "This season belongs to the seniors: FOREVER." La Salle's returning seniors included ten varsity lettermen and several others who would make major contributions to the team-On offense: Co-Captain and quarterback Mike Lynch; receivers Tom Little, Kevin Trainer, Rob Forster; tight ends Tom Jorfi and Brian Azeff; running backs Eddie DiDonato and Eddie Valentino; and linemen CoCaptain Andrew Rocks, John Clifford, Stew Ryan, Sean Guinan, Mike Andrews, Christian Barrett, Jack Crouse, Mike Grant, and Brad Murtha; On Defense: Mike Boyle at safety; Sean McGoldrick, Fran

Coach Travers going over the offensive scheme with OB Mike Lynch.

Junior George Hudson giving everything he's got on the field!


[J l"ootba.l1

Daulerio, and Adam Sutkus at defensive line; and Joe Sobocins~ defensive end. The 2004 Explorers faced great adversity early in the season" several injuries to key starters, culminating in the season-ending jury ofteam leader Andrew Rocks in the O'Hara game. Neverthel the season did take a turn for the better; and the seniors led their t( to a run on the playoffs and ended the regular season with comm2 ing victories over Bonner and North Catholic. Unfortunately, playoffs ended in a close loss to Archbishop Ryan. The Explorers had a strong showing with eight players receiv All-Catholic recognition: First Team: Christian Barrett DT, J Forster DB; Second Team: Mike Lynch QB, John Clifford OL, Gee Hudson LB; Honorable Mention: Greg Frantz OLB, Mike Boyle I Tom J orfi TE. -Stew Ryan

A Tribute to Miles Miller ('04) The La Salle football family, indeed the entire Lasallian community, suffered a tragic loss last summer with the death of Miles Miller. Miles was our captain, a leader by example on and off the football field, and most importantly, a wonderful student. Miles taught us lessons about football, about life, and about character. He showed us how life was meant to be lived. We are eternally grateful that Miles was part of our lives. Miles, we will never forget you. - Mike Lynch '05

You call11ot dream yourself il1to a character,You must hammer al1d forge yourself Ol1e.

-James Froude (Miles' sel1ior quote)

2004 La Salle Football Team.

rootbu1,\ IJ


Senior captain Andrew Rocks gets ready to do some damage!

08 Mike Lynch surveys the defense.

Junior Sterling Calhoun and his teammates raise their helmets.

Running for daylight against the Prep.

90 IJ


Freshman John Harrison rolls out to find an open receiver.

llle's frosh defense in hot pursuit!

Freshman Linebacker Matt Alba crushes a Ryan back.

Quarterback John Harrison lines up behind center Pat Morrow and the rest of his line.

Pootba.\1. []


"A spirit in my feet said 'go', and I went." -Matthew Brady, Photographer

With fresh legs from the sophomore class and Catholic League wisdom from the senior class, the 2004 Explorers soccer team showed that they were well rounded. During the pre-season victory over Malvern, the McCaffery brothers showed their skills. Pat had four assists, and Matt had three goals. The highlight of the pre-season was the Explorers' victory over Holy Ghost Prep for the first time in six years. Although a young team with only five returning seniors, confidence was at an all-time high leading into the regular season. An early, crushing loss to Archbishop Wood was followed by a huge win over North Catholic. Although the Explorers stumbled early against Con-

Goalie Hilario Romero with another key stop.

Senior Pat McCaffery blasts the bali down field.

921:1 Soccer

well Egan, they quickly recovered and swept the second half with liant victories over both Wood and Egan made possible by senior j Tom O'Donnell's endless pursuit of the ball. The team was led by First Team All-Catholic and all-Southea~ senior Pat McCaffery's skill and work ethic along with HonOl Mention senior Tom McVey's experience and determination 2 solid anchor of seniors in the back, Tim Marcinek and Chris Sch For the first seventy minutes of the playoff game against Ryan team showed confidence, skill, heart, and composure and domir the play. Yet a matter of inches and minutes worked to the disac tage of the Explorers and brought their season to a sudden close. future years look very promising, however, and La Salle Soccer once again prove its ability to bounce right back. - Chris Schievi

Oh no, Matt McCaffery's head has turned into a soccer ball! Senior members of the Varsity team: Tim Marcinek, Chris Schieve, Chris Adamski, Tim Smalls, Tom McVey, Pat McCaffery, and Tom O'Donnell

2004 Varsity Soccer team: 1st Row: Brian McManus, Chris Schieve, Tom McVey, Matt McCaffery, Tom O'Donnell, Mike Villari, Hilario Romero, Chris Barr, Shane Kelly. 2nd row: Tim Smalls, Chris Adamski, Colin Whalen, Greg Walczak, Tim Marcinek, Pat McCaffery, Greg Dusing, Colin Baker, Andrew Ventresca, Chad Kurylo, Andrew Lewandowski, Coach Peffel

Soccer [J


2004 JV Soccer team: 1st row Evan McGillin, Mike Hughes, Tim Greaves, John Whitham, Ryan McDevitt, Bill Keenan, Brian Sacchetta, Justin Price, Tom Heigh, Pat Malone 2nd row: Coach Hill, Tim Vogelbacker, Nick Lanza, Kevin Murphy, Brian Moore, Wayne Grasela, Bill Kerr, Vince Rizzuto, Joe Fluehr, Mark Milligan, Coach Hartey.



I insist, you kick it this time."

Freshman Gerry Clark going after the ball.

2004 Freshman Soccer team.

Soccer []


As the season of the 2003 La Salle cross country team faded, triumphantly, into history on a golden November afternoon at Philadelphia's Belmont Plateau, speculation began almost instantly from team members, coaches, alumni, and rivals as to how the 2004 team would uphold the championship-caliber dynasty. Junior Varsity and freshmen races that season as well as track races later that year revealed another deep returning team. The question, however, was talent. Would the 2004 squad, containing only two returning runners with any notable varsity experience, be able to run at the same level as the team that preceded it, a team that was ranked fifth in the Northeast United States, won invitationals up and down the east coast, and captured the school's first Catholic League title since 1997? If team titles, individual titles, all-Catholic selections, all-Pennsylvania Prep selections, an all-state selection, a new school record, a regional ranking, an undefeated league record and regular mention among the elite teams of the east coast mean anything, the answer is yes. The Explorers' varsity lineup of senior tri-captains Sean McGinley, Tim Shea, and Dan O'Toole, juniors Pat Jeffers, Bob McCullough, and Sean Casey, and sophomores Tim Heck and Ed Bonnevie captured the Small Schools title at the Great American Cross Country Festival in Cary, North Carolina, a meet among the more competitive in the country, the Pennsylvania State Prep Championship, and the Philadelphia Catholic League title. Underclass runners also excelled on that Sunday afternoon of PCL

Senior Dan O'Toole has the "Eye of the Tiger." Senior Sean McGinley coasting to victory!

96 EJ


Champs. The Junior Varsity, led throughout the year by junion Costello, Pat Regan, and John Campbell and sophomores S Dorsey, George Pinchock, Colin Barrett, and Pat Harp, repeate champions in dominating fashion, taking the first four places if race. The Freshmen team also excelled, racing to a third place fi behind respectable performances from Dan Lowry, Tom Buonc1 tiano, and Matt Smeltzer. The future again looks bright. A dominating team does not necessarily mean a slew of indivi honors for its runners; this year, however, it did. In a season in w he set a new school record of 16:0~ for the Catholic League's h course, Belmont Plateau, and won the school's first individual] title since 1998 as well as the Pennsylvania State Prep title, se Sean McGinley was named First-team all-state in addition to 1 team all-Catholic and First team all-Pennsylvania Prep. Amon! other runners, Jeffers, Shea, Heck, and O'Toole were named F team all-Catholic and McCullough and Casey were named Sec! team all-Catholic. Also, Jeffers, Shea, and Heck picked up First-t all-Pennsylvania Prep nods, while O'Toole picked up a Second-te The team's coaches, veteran Head Coach Patrick Devine and sistant Coaches Greg Bielecki, Doug Demeter, and Tom Devlin, , once wise, tenacious, logical, illogical, funny, not funny, keen. manding, inspiring, perplexing, succeeded immeasurably this ye the art of embracing, refining, and helping carry out the gritty aJ tion of teenage distance runners. -Dan O'Toole

Coach Devine celebrating the championship! Coaches Demeter, Bielecki, Devlin, and Devine .

. _.-._._.-.-._._._._._._.-.-._._._._._._._._._._.CHAMPS!!! Coach Devlin, Coach Demeter, Tim Heck, Sean Casey, Bob McCollough, Dan O'Toole, Coach Devine, Pat Jeffers, Ed Bonnevie, Tim Shea, Sean McGinley, and Coach Bielecki.

Cross-country C


Returning alum cheering on La Salle at the championship: Dave Chesny, Joe Fedorowitz, Brian Bailey, Pat O'Neill, Kevin Moll, Greg Potestio, Kyle Rodden, and Bill McCullough.

Freshman Team: Chris Fasey, Eric Au, Tom Buoncristiano,Anthony Ivanoski, Coach Devlin, Ryan Casey, Matt Smeltz, Evan Cooper, IJ. McCarrick, Chris Birzes, Bryan Ledder, and Dan Lowery.

98 IJ


[he retirement of fifteen-year Head Coach Martin Jackson was the t of many changes to face the La Salle Basketball team this year. Joseph Dempsey, the thirteen-year assistant to Mr. Jackson, took r the program. Assistant Bernie Fitzgerald (,77) also returned after ree-year hiatus to once again coach the Explorers. The year was a lilding year with only one returning starter after the loss of seven graduating seniors. This year's seniors, Tom Lyons (Captain), Sobocinski (Captain and Third-Team All-Catholic), Brian Carlin, rin Miller, Mike Chapman, and Ryan Gibbons no doubt bore a vy burden but rose to the forefront and kept a positive atmosphere the younger players. The prestige of La Salle Basketball now lies le underclassmen's hands. They gained much experience this year should be ready to take the court when next year's season begins. (t year's team will be led by returning juniors, Billy Warrender, ell Marshall, Doug Maxwell, and Joe Hennessey. The coaches are lmistic that the Explorers will return to their spot atop the Catholic Igue North next year. - Tom Lyons '05

---------------------------------------------------"AND NOW THE STARTING LINE-UP FOR YOUR LA SALLE EXPLORERS."


IJ 99

Nuthin' but net!

Coach Dempsey drawing up the game winner.

Ryan Gibbons handling the rock. Tyrell Marshall and Mike Chapman D-up!

100 C


Gritty, determined and focused: This is La Salle hoops!

Ba.sketba.\\ C


These guys just look like bad dudes!

La Salle getting pumped up fortheir next match.

102 C


La Salle Wrestling finished another successful season in 2005 ler the leadership of new head Coach Vic Stanley with the assistant lching of Anthony Panzerella, Jason Brokenshire, and Mike Gavin. er a shaky pre-season, this very young Explorer team came togetho win several non-league matches and make the PCL Playoffs. Led by Senior Captains Andrew Cotlov and Ed Valentino, who reIled from a severe knee injury, the Explorers entered the Catholic 19ue quarter-finals against Roman Catholic and won by a score of -31. After their winning effort against Roman, the team advanced :he semi-finals where they upset Archbishop Wood in their most ;iting match of the year. Down by 12 points going into the final

two matches, La Salle sophomore Kevin Klohe and senior Andrew Cotlov both recorded pins in their bouts to tie the score at 33-33. After a suspenseful wait, LaSalle emerged victorious on the 3rd tiebreaker (total pins) to move on to their third championship match in four years. Although the Explorers fell to North Catholic in the championship bout, they exceeded all expectations simply by making it to the finals. The success continued into the post-season with excellent performances from all the varsity wrestlers. Earning 1st team All-Catholic honors was junior Jon Rementer. Earning 2nd team All-Catholic honors were senior Andrew Cotlov and junior Steve Ullrich. Earning 3rd team honors were juniors LaMar Stewart and Tom Cleary, and earning honorable mention was sophomore Ben Courtney. Also performing well at the State tournament were Cotlov (6th), Ulrich and Cleary (7th), and Rementer (8th). Congratulations to the wrestling team on a great season in 2005; big things are expected from them in the years to come. - Andrew Cotlov '05

Now that's gotta hurt!

wrestling []


Don't mess with Dom Cook and the rest of the La Salle Explorer Hockey Team!

Senior members of the AM Hockey team: John Staffi, Chez Angeloni, Tom Hartman, Tim Schaible, Ken Wochele, George Oliver, Kyle Buchanan, Kevin Heron, Steve Klenk.

104 IJ


.edication defines La Salle hockey. Each player is committed to lng out his maximum effort for the betterment of the team. This )tion to excellence, beginning during the summer months and con,ng throughout the winter, is what led to the team's success. 'his season began with high expectations. Losing only five sento graduation, Coach Muehlbronner saw a great group of core ers returning for the upcoming season. The team was led by sen-

iors Chez Angeloni, Steve Klenk, John Staffi, Tim Schaible, Kenny Wochele, Kevin Heron, Kyle Buchanan and Captains Tom Hartman, George Oliver, and junior L.G. Gatison. The team really seemed primed to make a run at the Flyer's Cup Championship. The season did not begin as hoped. With the team dropping four of its first five games, including one league game to Cardinal O'Hara, there was cause for concern. After a heartbreaking loss to Mount Lebanon in the Pittsburgh Central Catholic Tournament, the team went on a 19-0-1 winning streak and defeated teams such as Hill School, Bergen Catholic, archrival Malvern Prep, and won the Meadville Bulldog Invitational Tournament. The great successes and tribulations of the team created wonderful memories and bonding time which led to the formation of a tight knit group of kids. Although the team won't be sharing the ice together again, the friendships and memories formed will last forever. - George Oliver '05

L.G. Gatison on the attack!

The Explorers are getting ready! Kenny Wochele doin' a split for a save!

Hockey IJ


Varsity AM Team: Front: Steve Klenk, Tom Hartman, George Oliver, Ken Wochele, L.G. Gatison, John Staffi, John Williams Back: Coach Muehlbronner, Kevin Heron, Andy Henrich, Gino Naticchione, Nick Wright, Eric McLoughlin, Kyle Buchanon, Rich Evan, Tim Schaible, Mike Martinelli, Chez Angeloni, Dom Cook, Coach Lipski

Varsity AA Team: Front: Matt Sinnott, Steve Rodgers, Kevin McNamara, Andrew Capizzi, Josh Chubb, Mike McCarty, Joe Horgan 2nd Row: Coach Fyke, Mike Gazzara, Jim Sinnott, Nick Teufel, Terry Riley, Travis Eddy, Michael Farrigton, Ray Favata, Coach Riley Back: Greg Herzog, Max Morgan, John Vasoli, Mike Elnitski Missing: Mike Sanutti, Christian lannarone

Varsity ATeam: Front: Kyle Zoldy, Christian Baron, Taylor Brauns, Dan Pyne, Remy Lynn, Eric McLoughlin, Adam Berkle, Tom Minton 2nd Row: Mike Klenk, Colin Miller, Brent Nesbitt, Mike Rongione, lJ. Laessing, Nick Golden, Coach Naticchione Back: Chris Higgins, Chris Corby, Frank Cassidy, Victor Marques' Kevin Riley

106 []


JV Team: Front: Rob Farley, Tim McMahon , lucas Eddy, Josh Griffith, Brad Hollingsworth, Mike Erickson, Mike Filipczak, Paul lewis, Pat McGann 2nd Row: Coach Patcella, Matt McGovern, Matt Kohler, Mike Oliver, Tony DePaul, Mike Fabiszewski, Sean london, John Deluca, Coach Farley Back: Coach Marinari , Nick Patcella, Joe Roche , Brian McGinnis, Dan Kostenbauder, Colin McCreery, Matt Daniel, Joe Roche (Mgr.)

Varsity AM came home chapms from the Meadville, PA tournament giving everything on the ice

Rockey []


The bowling team this year was the best it has been in a while. We ended the season at .500 and made the playoffs only to lose to a better Father Judge team in the first round. The varsity team consisted of team captain Will Phillips, sophomore Anthony Adams, junior Jonathan Leshner, and seniors Scott Ranweiler, Ryan McCann, and Jeff Gemi. The team had a very productive year, and the junior varsity had much to do with that fact. The major junior varsity players were: John Fisher, Mike Fazio, Matt Carr, Christopher Carvalho, and Max Naseef. The seniors set the tone for the season with Jeff's "One-Pin Willie" chants and senior Pat McCaffery getting really pumped on match days when no one else would. They also made the bus rides very amusing, but I won't go there. Ryan definitely added fun to the matches when we were almost stagnant last year. Jon and his occasional outbursts provided a good laugh every once in a while. All-in-all, the season was a success and the team hopes to make the playoffs next year with new prospects entering. I wish all the best to the team and the coach, Steve Faunce. It's been a great run, and I personally am going to miss it greatly. - Scott A. Ranweiler '05

The 2005 La Salle bowling team ready for action!

108 IJ


Matt Carr and his fellow bowlers ready to begin another match.

he 2004 La Salle Water Polo team had a very successful season. ~r Head Coach Steve Duncheskie and Assistant Coach Jim Tate, ~am finished with a record of 14-5. The team's leadership came ,five seniors including Co-MVP's George Waters and Colin Behr, : improved player Trey Ciammetti, sportsmanship award winner n Hylinski, with the awkward yet convincing spin shot of BrenHagy. Juniors Chris Driscoll, Eric Prendergast, and Ben Dearand sophomores John Holt and Brendan Wills also contributed to ~xplorers' winning season.

Although the most exciting game of the year against Episcopal Academy ended in a 15-13 loss, the Explorers kept their heads high and looked forward to next year's rematch. The team will need to be more competitive next year if it hopes to continue its steady rise to the top as they enter a new league in Pennsylvania and face more aggressive and established teams. - George Walters '05

La Salle Water Polo took tremendous strides this year in building for future success.

The 2004 La Salle Water Polo team.

Wa.ter Polo IJ


17 Catholic League champs in a row with tremendous contributions by Brian Jeffers (above) and the 200-free relay team of Chris Gallagher, Chris Driscoll, Coach Lichtner, Kevin Hylinski, and George Walters.

_._._._._._.-._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.Senior George Walters firing off the block!

110 []



CBALLEN;rGE ~venteen! For SEVENTEEN consecutive years La Salle has won 'hiladelphia Catholic League swimming title, Putting that into )ective, the first time La Salle won the title most of the students now were not even born! La Salle swimming has a great tradiof strong teams, and this year was no different. This year's team led to victory by Head Coach Frank Lichtner, Assistant Coaches fate, Steve Duncheskie, and Dennis Bloh, and Moderator Gerry

Miller. The swimmers were the key to this title. With Co-Captains Kevin Hylinski and Brennan Hagy, and fellow senior leaders, Trey Ciammetti and George Walters, the team was bound to succeed. After a not very impressive start, the team began to become a true family. Arriving to school at 6: 15 A.M. and hopping in the pool or just relaxing in the showers after practice, the team started helping each member work harder even though some weren't feeling their best. Throughout the year the swimmers kept improving their times and achieving personal bests. When the Catholic League Championship finally arrived, La Salle was prepared to capture its 17th title. The meet was packed with many personal bests and strong swims. The two most exciting races were won by Trey Ciammetti and Kevin Hylinski, both swimmers being the last leg of their respective relays, in come-from-behind victories. So to the seniors leaving, good luck in college and thanks for the memories; and to the returning swimmers, good luck on capturing the 18th consecutive title and have fun! - Trey Ciammetti '05

Senior swimmers with their mothers.

Kevin Hylinski and Adam Demanski taking a dip in the pool.


C 111

Haverford, Ursinus, Kutztown, Lehigh and Penn State might sound like good college choices for most; but to the La Salle Indoor Track and Field team, these are just a few of the sites where the cold Saturday mornings were spent during the 2004-2005 season. While most of the La Salle community enjoyed a couple more hours of sleep on the first day of the weekend, the Indoor Track team was wide-awake and competing against schools from all over the Greater-Philadelphia area. After one of the more dominating performances in La Salle crosscountry history at the 2004 PCL championships, the expectations of coaches Mr. Pat Devine, Mr. Greg Bielecki, and Mr. Tom Devlin were unquestionably high. Unf0l1unately, the team experienced a handful of spills throughout the season; but despite these trip-ups, the winged-feet warriors of winter still put together a very exciting season. The consistently steady distance runners were lead by seniors Sean McGinley, Tim Shea, Daniel Peter O'Toole, junior Sean Casey, and sophomore Tim Heck, who brought home plenty of hardware all year. The brightest moment for this crew of Harriers was the 1st place AllCatholic performance of the Distance Medley Relay which consisted of

Freshman Tom Buonchristiano hands off to Anthony Kent. Wendell pure speed in the relay.

112 C

Indoor Truck

Heck, Casey, McGinley and the hard-nosed versatile Andrew Tull The sprinters are often thin in number, but this year was a glarir ception. All year seniors Tull, Joe Ritinski, Wendell Haley-Dingle ior Kevin Murphy, and sophomores Sean Hutchinson, Andrew and Greg LaFata rotated in and out of relays and open events ar ways turned in admirable performances. Sophomore Brian M younger sibling of last year's PCL shot put champion, continue storied family and LaSallian traditions with an impressive year. An 8th place finish at the stumble-filled Catholic League Cha on ships could not over- shadow what was overall a stellar seaSOI surprises and outstanding individual efforts. - Tim She

Freshman Matt Smeltzer

Sean McGinley off to another victory.

. _------------------------------------------------2004-2005 Indoor Track team: Front: Tim Heck, Wendell Haley, Chris Tull, Anthony Kent, Chris Fasey, Dan Lowery. Back: Pat Costello, Sean Casey, Greg LaFata, Dan O'Toole, Tim Shea, Bill Larkin, Colin Conway, Evan Cooper, Steve Doken, Anthony Ivanoski, Tom Buonchristiano, and Matt Smeltzer.

Indoor Truck IJ


Greg LaFata leaping over those hurdles!

Freshman sprinters give it that extra push at the end.

Armand Rhome takes

114 IJ

Ou.tdoor Truck

George Hudson leaving everyone in the dust.

Heave that shot put!

Freshman Outdoor track getting a breather.

Outdoor Tra.ck IJ


The late great John McGraw said it best: "There is but one game and that game is baseball!" Baseball is a game of extreme precision, athleticism, and talent, and these components were in ample supply in the 2005 La Salle team. After a successful 2004 season under interim Head Coach Joseph Falcone, the Explorers welcomed back Head Coach Joseph Parisi. The players were excited to partake in a season undoubtedly destined for greatness. With the guidance of Coach Parisi and his assistants, P.J. Quinn, Joseph Falcone, Ed Bongard, and Mike O'Connor and the determination of an amazing group of athletes, the sky was truly the limit! Equipped with some serious leather and unstoppable wood, the Explorers looked to dominate the Catholic

Jeff Liberatore getting ready to catch and gun!

Mike Villari rounding third.

116 Il


League Northern Division. The team featured a core group of seni reunited for the first time since freshman year, including Nick Mal Tom Lyons, Mike Pennington, Pat Rider, Chez Angeloni, Vii Cartwright, Joe Winning, and returning All-Catholic Zac Hess. experienced and lethal junior class added support with players 1 Matt Zielinski, Billy Warrender, Mike Villari, Steve Ullrich, VI Phillips, Jeff Liberatore, John Knob, T.J. Foley, and Ryan Creter. T combination left no doubt that this team had the makings of son thing special. We formed an amazingly close-knit group; we WI baseball players but more than that, we were friends. All of the 2C La Salle Explorer Baseball Team will cherish our time together on field for the rest of our lives. Thanks to all for the friendships a memories which will last a lifetime. - Joe Winning'

Senior Joe Winning ready for action!

Seniors: Front: Pat Rider, Mike Pennington, Zach Hess, Tom Lyons Back: Chez Angelloni, Vince Cartwright, Nick Manzi, Joe Winning

2005 Varsity Baseball Team: Front: Bill Warrender, Pat Rider, Mike Pennington, Kevin O'Connell (Mgr.) Zach Hess, Tom Lyons, John Knab Middle: Matt Zielinski, Chez Angelloni, Vince Cartwright, Nick Manzi, Joe Winning, IJ. Foley Back: Mike Villari, Jeff Liberatore, Sean Saverio, Ryan Creter, Will Phillips, Steve Ullrich

Ba.seba.\\ Il

11 ~

Every member of the La Salle Golf Team has a singular image in sight at the start of the 2005 season: regaining the Philadelphia Catholic League championship and, of course, beating St. Joseph's Prep along the way. The La Salle golf program has held a virtual dynasty in the PCL; it has won the championship for nine years in a row, but that streak was broken last year, sadly, by losing to the Prep. Taking back this title is the big picture in the sights of every player. Leading the charge are four returning seniors, Sean Ford, Mike Stanczak, Sean Forster, and Andrew McDermott. Other returnees are juniors, Alex Muller, Brendan Egan, Tom Cowhey, and Bany Brady, and sophomores, Anthony Giannetti, Kevin Turk, and Rob Waitkus. The team

Senior Mike Stanczak hitting from his usual location under a tree!

Senior Sean Ford setting up for his approach on 18!

118 IJ


excitedly welcomed nine new players, including seniors Steve Cil erto, Matt Bolinski, and Sean Carlin; sophomores Reed Irwin, F Cassidy, Zack Spurland, and freshmen, Matt McGoven, Pat Know and Pat Melvin. Fresh from their trip to Myrtle Beach, the team and its coach Marty Jackson and Dave Diehl, are poised and ready to bring back PCL championship that rightly belongs to La Salle. This "family,' described by Sean Forster, now with one win under its belt, is look forward to a busy and competitive season. - Mike Stanczak

Hey Matt, eye on the ball!!!

Senior Golfers: Coach Diehl, Steve Ciliberto, Matt BOlinski, Sean Carlin, Andrew McDermott, Sean Forster, Mike Stanczak, Coach Jackson Missing: Sean Ford

2005 GolfTeam: Front: Pat Knowels, Pat Melvin, Matt McGovern, Steve Ciliberto, Tom Cowhey, Anthony Giannetti, Sean Carlin, Andrew McDermott, Sean Forster, Brendan Egan, Coach Jackson Back: Coach Diehl, Reed Irwin, Phil Cassidy, Barry Brady, Rob Waitkus, Matt Bolinski, Mike Stanczak, Alex Muller, Kevin Turk, Zach Spurlin


IJ 119

This year's Varsity Tennis Team looks to continue its winning ways of the past few years once again this spring. Coming off a second straight Catholic League Championship in 2004, La Salle's Tennis team turns to senior leadership in 2005. La Salle is led this year by Senior Captain Paul Paige, who was the Catholic League MVP in the 2004 spring season. Another Senior leader is fellow four-year varsity letterman Cody Casale. This year's Varsity Team has no shortage of senior leadership. Along with the aforementioned Paul Paige and Cody Casale, the team also returns Seniors Ron Williamson, Tyler Meves, Ray Subers, Jim Dooney, and Pat Broderick. Returning underclassmen include Junior

Ron Williamson and his wicked backhand!

Paul Paige eyes up another victim.

120 [J


Will Whalon and Sophomore Adam Coombs. Along with the retl ing Seniors are newcomers Brian Heenan and Greg Herzog, both niors. Sophomore Nate Meyers and Freshman Mike Oliver comp the team this season. La Salle is led once again by their fearless coaches, Mr. Geiger Mr. Radvansky, who are always mentally tough and ready for a cJ lenge. And they need to be ready as La Salle faces early season n league tests from Penn Charter, Lower Merion, Plymo Whitemarsh, and Holy Ghost Prep, as well as a late season match v Haverford. La Salle begins the defense of their Catholic League cre in early April and looks to defeat arch-rival St. Joe's Prep and year's Runner-Up Cardinal Dougherty. The road to a Catholic Lea 3-peat won't be easy, but La Salle is prepared to achieve its goals. - Tyler Meves

Senior Jim Dooney getting focused!

Tyler Meves gets ready to crush the ball!

Adam Coombs gives it all he's got!

Tennis [J




Iljl:)~IL LII CI I


The 2005 Lacrosse season promises to be the toughest ever for La Salle. Following the most successful season in program history, it will not be easy for this year's team to defend their Philadelphia Catholic League, EPSLA, and Pennsylvania State Championship titles. However, no team is more ready to accomplish this difficult feat than this year's team. After losing only five graduating seniors in 2004, the 2005 team is set to face the toughest teams on the East Coast. The offense is prepared to post big numbers this year with returning seniors Pat Lombard, Rob Forster, Tom O'Donnell, Thayer Damm, Mike Lynch, and Colin Behr. Also contributing are juniors Greg Casey, Steve Kapp, Chris Agnew, and sophomore Jack Forster. Senior Andrew Cotlov will

Junior Greg Casey playing a major role in La Salle lacrosse success.

Tom Little and Jim McCabe celebrate as state champs!

122 IJ


handle face-offs, and the defense will be led by seniors Eddie DiD< to, Jim McCabe, Tim Marcinek, and Ed Valentino. Also helping 1 down the fort will be short-stick defenders Mike Mills and Tom Li The goalie will again be standout junior Mike Haas. Despite the c lenge of repeating as champions, the 2005 La Salle lacrosse team be ready for battle as a result of the training of Coaches Bill Le, Tony Resch, and Chuck Cirelli. This team looks forward to a great: son lead by a group of seniors who have put in four years of hard "" and dedication. They hope that the result of their hard work will be other Catholic League and State championship. - Mike Lynch

-------------------------------------------------Jim McCabe, Mike Lynch, and Thayer Damm playing integral roles for the defending PA state champion La Salle Explorers.


C 123

The members of La Salle's crew team have always been known for their dedication and pride. It isn't easy to roll out of bed at five in the morning to make it to practice by 6:30, but everyone always manages to do so. In the past La Salle has been a dominant force on the river; the members of this year's team are proud of that and are eager to reestablish themselves as a winning team. With seniors Pat Montgomery, Brian Azeff, Ryan Barrett, Sean Riley, George Walters, and Mike Berger leading our Varsity 8, it is expected to be one of the faster crews we have had in the last few years. Hopefully, this group of seniors and the young talented sophomores who make up the rest of the boat will christen our new boat with a

Senior Brian Azeff enjoying another day out on the river.

Crew team encouraging each other on the ergs.

124c Orew

winning season. Along with our Varsity 8, our Lightweight 8, , tasted victory this fall at the frostbite regatta in November, loo~ continue its success during the spring season. This year's Lightwe crew is lead by seniors, Gavin Leighton, John Tanney, and Gene c lagher. Along with our talented and experienced seniors, the team is fu very promising and dedicated underclassmen. These underclassl along with our extremely devoted coaching staff are looking for: cess for many years to come. Row hard boys, and never get satisfied! - Mike Berger

Philadelphia City Champions and Nationals Bronze: Scott Waters, Colin Young, Greg Walczak, Evan McGillin, Greg Pierce, Andrew Mockaitis, Robert Morton, Mark Breen-Lopez, and coxswain Brian Drennen.

JV 8 and Lightweight 8 racing during practice.

---------------------------------------------------JV 8 during practice.


IJ 125

126 IJ

Sports Spotlight


Sports Spotlight C


128 C

Bca.demics Divider

Developing the MilLd ['he Y.I.P. was stunned. There, trying not to be no-

A.C. Benson once wrote, "I am sure it is one's duty as a

d by all the loud boys around him, he sat in his desk.

teacher to try to show boys that no opinions, no tastes,

lough he didn't know it, when he looked up and saw

no emotions are worth much unless they are one's own."

an standing on his desk yelling about osmosis, this

That statement describes very well what the faculty here

: the picture he was seeking. This is how he wanted

at La Salle does. They take a young mind and with a

earn for the next four years of his life. He sat back,

passion and fervor unique to each teacher, mold that

led, and learned.

young mind over four years into a mind that is able to

it anecdote explains what makes La Salle so special,

arrive at opinions of its own.

I the centerpiece of that picture is one of the many

The Faculty here at La Salle is a picture of distinctive,

licated and faithful faculty members of our school.

witty, comical, and oft quirky men and women that


a picture of a teacher not afraid to risk potential em-

make us what we are when we leave La Salle after four

Tassment for the sake of education. It is a picture of

years of education. They have profound influence on

at La Salle is -a collection of devoted and enthusias-

who we are, and their influence is exerted in such subtle

faculty who thirst for nothing else than to teach yet

ways that it can be captured only in a snapshot of time.

)ther young man how to think.

- Stew Ryan '05

Rca.demics Divider IJ 12~

Br. Rene Sterner, FSC President Public Speaking, The Forum

Mr. Frederick G. Assaf Principal English 3

• I I I I I I I • • I I I

Mr. Michael A. O'Toole Vice-President

Mr. Thomas Barna Assistant Principal Academic Affairs

Mrs. Julia K. Maher Assistant Principal Student Affairs

Mr. Mark Gibbons Chief Financial Officer

Br. James F. Rieck Director of Admissiom

Mr. Martin W. Stanczak Dean of Students

Mr. Tony Resch Director of Athletics

Mr. Peter Sigmund Chief of Information Technology

Mr. Edward Bongard Assistant Director of Development

Mr. Brett Gordon Comptroller

130 IJ

Rdm.inistra.tio:n. 8 l"a.cu,1.ty

row: Brother Rene Sterner, FSC, Mr. John J. Meko, Jr., Mr. James J. Clark, Mrs. Catherine A. Cassidy, Mr. AI Gabriele, Mrs. Judith Paul, Mr. Edward R. Solvibile, Esq., ler Gerard Molyneaux, FSC, Mr. Vincent C. Walters. Second row: Brother Andrew Bartley, FSC, Sr. Matthew Anita MacDonald, SSJ, Brother James L. Butler, FSC, Brother 1 Henderson, FSC, Brother Timothy J. Froehlich, FSC, Mr. William A. Whiteside, Jr., Esq., Mr. John C. Fenningham, Esq. Third row: Mr. Ernest M. Behr, Mr. Thomas R. a, Mrs. Julia K. Maher, Brother Gerard J. Frendreis, FSC, Mr. Carl W. Holmes, Esq., Mr. Joseph F. Siabinski, III. Fourth row: Mr. Harry C.J. Himes, Esq., Mr. Timothy P. Hughlrother Robert Schieler, FSC, Mr. Benjamin J. Ventresca, Mr. Robert B. Mills, Mr. Frederick G. Assaf and Mr. Michael A. O'Toole. Not pictured: Mr. James D. Danella, Mr. enic M. DiPiero, Mrs. Donna J. Bartynski, Rev. Mr. Alvin A. Clay, Mr. Austin A. Meehan, Mr. James F. Basile, Esq.

I I I • I • • • I I I I • I

Mr. Mark Angiolilo 'ector of Plant Operations

Mr. Rod Brader Director of Security

Mr. Bob Braun Director of Food Services

Mrs. Ann Ford Assistant to the Director of Admissions

Mrs. Connie Gill Assistant to the Chief Financial Officer

Mr. John Keenan )irector of David Center

Mr. Larry King Director of Janitorial Services

Mrs. Gerri Light Director of Academic Technology

Ms. Donna Long Director of library/AudioVisual Services

Mrs. Barbara Wisotsky Campus Store Manager

Rdministra.tion E'J Pa.cu.\ty

C 131


Secretaries for the Main Office: Carol Hagerty, Rita Cooney, and Suzanne Shapira. Secretary for Student Affairs: Pat Schaum

I I I I I • I I I I I I I Lisa Agnew Learning Specialist, David Center Hallie Anderson English, 2, 4, Film Club, Gazebo Br. Barry Bartkowiak Algebra 2H, Geometry, Math Analysis

Rocco Bene Music, Trumpet Gregory Bielecki United States History, Economics, Cross-Country, Indoor/Outdoor Track Dennis B10h AP English, English 4, Swimming, Fall Drama

132 IJ

I'a.cutty Portra.its

Top Left: Mrs. Peg Doyle and Mrs. Lisa Whalon; Library Staff Top Right: Mrs. Helen Spearing, Junior Class Counselor Left: Mrs. Sue Sayer and Mrs. Kathleen O'Connell, College Counselling Center Above: Mrs. Gerri Clark, Bookstore

I I I I I I I • • I I • I • Lastenia Breen Spanish 3, 3H, 4, Spanish Club Jason Brokenshire Chemistry, Integrated Science, Football, Wrestling Jeremy Butt Fitness Center

Janice Ciccimaro Health Joseph Ciccimaro CHAIR: FINE ARTS; Music Daniel Cipolla Physics, LaSalle Academy, Italian Club, Science Club

Pa.culty Portra.its D


Doc D'Angelo introducing the Freshmen to the English language

"I'm gonna show you boys the way to woo women through the sax"





Charles Cirelli Biology, Chemistry, Assistant Athletic Director, Lacrosse, Lights Team, Junior Class Moderator Michael Clemente Italian 1,4, 4H, Spanish 1 Nicholas Coggins Spanish 1, 3, 4H, Lasallian Animator, Senior Class Moderator

JoAnn Cohen Learning Specialist, David Center Joseph Colistra CHAIR: SOCIAL STUDIES; AP Economics, AP Modem European History, Head Coach: Football Mark Collins Catholic Identity, Sacred Scripture, Italian Club, SADD

Br. Kenneth Cook Catholic Identity, Assistant Librarian David Crowe Athletic Trainer, Anatomy and Physiology, Athletic Training Joseph D'Angelo English 1,4, Writing Center, Moderator: Basketball, Fall Drama

Douglas Demeter Catholic Identity, Sacred Scripture, LSC, Junior Urban Challenge, Student Mentors, Lights Team, Cross-Country, Track Joseph Dempsey CHAIR: ENGLISH; English 1, AP, WEXP, Head Coach: Basketball Patrick Devine Sophomore Counselor, Group Advisory ,Christian Life Styles, Head Coach: Cross-Country, Indoor/Outdoor Track

134 IJ

Pncu1.ty Portrnits






Alumni House Staff: Mrs. Kathleen Smith, Mrs. Patricia Dever, Mr. Chris Carabello, and Mrs. Cathy Winning.

I I I I I I I I • • • I • I Frances Jacob Diccicco Spanish 2H, AP David Diehl Director of Financial Aid, Economics, Golf Bro. William DiPasquale College Counseling, Group Advisory

Michael Dolan CHAIR: GUIDANCE; Senior Counselor, Lights Team Linda Donahue Italian 2, 3, 3H, Spanish 5 William Donohoe World Civilizations 1, 2, Football, Basketball, Baseball

Pa.cu1.ty Portra.its [J


Mr. Donohoe gives a litlle demonstration to Mr. Collins on what happens to Patriot fans in Philly! So ... you play lacrosse? - Mr. Leahy

Above: Mr. Nick getlin' his groove on! Below: Mrs. Zoeltsch - Senora Espano!!!!

• I I I • • I I I I I I I Stephen Duncheskie Biology 10, Swimming, Head Coach: Water Polo Gerald Evans Biology 10, lOH, General Chemistry, Mock Trial Joseph Falcone Algebra 2, Math Analysis, Introductory Calculus, Baseball

Elizabeth Field English 1,3, Amnesty International, Mock Trial, Yearbook Bernard Fitzgerald World Civilizations 2, AP United States History, Multi-Cultural Club, Basketball

James Fyke Environmental Science, Integrated Science, Hockey, Lacrosse

136 IJ

P'a.cu.\ty Portra.its




Campus Ministers Mark Chesnik and Lew Clark sharing the spirit of love with their Boss-Mom, Julia Maher

I I I I I I I I I I I I I William Geiger Greek, Latin 1, 2H, 3H, AP Enviornmental Science, Latin Club, Head Coach: Tennis Richard Genovese Music, Trombone, Tuba Terence Gillespie CHAIR: SCIENCE; Biology 9H, AP Biology, Director of Summer Program, Freshman Moderator

Joseph Glacken Learning Specialist, David Center Diana Guest World Civilization 1,2, LSC, WEXP Gerard Hartey English 2, 4, Gaming Club, Soccer

I"a.cu,\ty Portra.its IJ



This year's Lasallian volunteers both from the class of '99: Top: Tom Devlin and Andrew Filipczak, help share their love for La Salle through a year of service in the classroom outside the Student Affairs Office and wherever duty calls.

I I I I I I I I I I I I I Michael Hearn Art Portfolio, Foundations Art, Painting, Art Club Br. Richard Herlihy Catholic Identity, Assistant Athletic Director George Hohenleitner Gennan 3, 4, 5, AP, Sacred Scripture, Gennan Club, Respect Life, Tennis

Christopher Holwick English 1, 3, Head Coach: Crew Martin Jackson Psychology, Language Specialist, Head Coach: Golf John Janda English 1,2, Wisterian, Moderator: Wrestling

138 IJ

ra.cu1.ty Portra.its

"Back up boys, these wings are mine!!" - Mrs. Maher Mr. Clark and senior Sean McGinley shootin, the breeze.

I I I I I I I I I I I I I Rev. Anthony Janton Chaplain Kathleen John Computer Aided Design Michael Kennedy Music, Guitar, Bass, Guitar Ensemble

Paulette Kensey Music, Keyboards BI'. Chal'les Lackes Spanish 2, 2H, LSC, Moderator: Alumni Association and Football William Leahy Freshmen Counselor, Catholic Identity, Head Coach: Lacrosse

l'a.cu,1.ty Portra.its IJ


Mr. Sigmund and Bro. Ed Cannon ready to head out on the town!

Mr. O'Toole has completely baffled Joe Winning.

I I I I I I I I I I I I I Frank Lichtner Aquatics, Physical Education, Head Coach: Swimming Joseph Lynch English 1,3, Academic Decathelon, Wisterian Dave Manion French 2, 2H, 4H, AP, Spanish 1

William McBride German 1,2, Spanish Survey, Spanish 1, Film Club, Moderator: Bowling Barbara Miller Ceramics, Sculpture, Art Club Gerald Miller Vietnam, AP American Government/Political Science, United States History, Moderator: Swimming

Gregory Mills General Physics, Integrated Science, Football Walter Muehlbronner Physical Education, Assistant Director of Admissions, Head Coach: Hockey Mary Kay Mullen Director: College Counseling, Group Advisory, LSC

Daniel Muller Music, Woodwinds, Theory Colin Murphy Geometry, Crew Joseph Nero Music, Percussion

140 IJ

Pa.cu1ty Portra.its


enance staff: Carl Plummer, Chris Voyk, Bobby Byrd, AI Loscalzo, John Pax, Mark Angiolillo (Director of Plant Operations), and Ben Miller.

I I I I I I I I I I I I I Jordan Nicgorski Algebra 1,2, Lights Team, Baseball, Football

Geoffrey Nicoletti World Religions, Sacred Scripture, Moderator: Lap Top Technicians

Mark Norman Director of Chorus

Joseph Parisi World Civilization 1, Psychology, Head Coach: Baseball

Dorothy Ponisciak Chemistry IOH, IlH, AP, NHS

Michael Ponisciak AP Calculus AB, Algebra 2, AP Statistics, LSC, Mathletes

I'a.culty Portra.its []


Top: Mr. Nicgorski busts up another copier. Mr. Turner and Mr. Norman: La Salle's version of Simon and Garfunkel. "Come on son, pull up a crate and we'll talk." - Coach Lichtner

I I I I I I I I I I I I I Alfred Pun tel Chair: Religion; Catholic Identity, Christian Morality, Trieste House

Paul Quinn Algebra J ,2, Geometry, Baseball Joseph Radvansky Algebra J, Introductory Calculus, Math Analysis, Geometry/pre-Calculus H, LSC, Football, Moderator: Tennis

James Roche Algebra JH, Calculus AB, BC Robert Russell Physics, AP, H, AP Computer Science, Academic Decathelon, Mathletes, Robotics Club

Rosina Ryan English 2,4, Celtic Club

142 IJ

Pa.cu.1.ty Portra.its

"Son, I brought you into this La Salle world ... you know the rest!" - Bro. Jim Rieck

Raymond Shay IntemetApplicationslWeb Design, Public Speaking, Forum, Moderator: Web Managers

Tina Shu stack Algebra 2H, Math Analysis, Trigonometry, Lights Team

Mary Jo Smith Chair: MATH; Algebra 2H, Geometry/pre-Calculus H, Introductory Calculus, LSC

Br. James Steck French 1,3,3H, Spanish 1, Moderator: Lacrosse

James Tate World Civilization 2, United States History, Outdoor Adventure Club, Ski Club, Swimming, Water Polo

Br. Mang Tran Algebra 2, Visual Basic, Computeer Applications, Tennis

1 1 1 1 •


• 1 1 1 1 1 1 Thomas Turner World Civilization, Assistant Dean of Students, Director of Transportation

Joseph Vettori Music, Woodwinds, Competition Bands, Theory, Ensembles, Director of Competetion Band, Moderator: Band

John Young World Civilization 1, United States History, Intramurals

Nancy ZoeItsch Spanish 2, 3, 3H, Sophomore Class Moderator

I"a.cu.\ty Portra.its C


Whoever was the teacher for this group is gOing directly to heaven! Andreas Thuy jammin' waitin' for the bus! Sean Forster, Joe Lacon, and Andrew McDermott posing on their first day.

These guys don't know what's up! Wendell Haley, Sean Guinan, Jake Swiger and John Barr at Freshman practice.

144 C

Senior Spotlight

Above Left: Seniors enjoying 37-44 Above: Stew Ryan, Nick Pucci, Chris Gallagher, and Pat Dempsey at Adamstown. Left: Jolly Mr. Dolan and his guys. Below: Marching through the snow

Far Left:" We are two crazy guys!" Left: Br. James and Zach Hess Above: Tim Cullen and Andrew Cotlov having a moment.

Senior Spotlight IJ


146 EJ

Senior Divider

PortrAits ofSu,ccess Senior year-the perfect picture of excellence. These

excellence stems from the faculty and is portrayed in the

dents are not the products of any "One Hour Photo" lab

image of the students that leave La Salle for college and the

an amateur photographer; they are the products of true

real world. This image has endured as Lasallian traditions

)fessionalism. We send them off ready to face the world.

pass from one generation to the next, and it promises to con-

ady to learn and to form themselves into true master-

tinue as the Lasallians appearing in the photographs of


today become the keepers of the vision of tomorrow.

they arrived freshman year; and the faculty of La

lle College High School is now finished putting on the

As the college acceptances come in, the realization of

.ishing touches and stepping back and viewing their

what we have experienced and who we have become sharp-

)rks of art.

ens into focus. And as we head out for college, we find our-

An unknown author once said, "After a few years, a pho-

selves on the verge of becoming true images of success. La

sraph becomes the illusion of a moment in time"; but here

Salle, let's go and make masterpieces of ourselves!

La Salle, I'm sure that one would not come to the same

- Scott Ranweiler '05

nclusion. One can see that the true picture of Lasallian

Senior Divider C


Christopher P. Adamski "Chris", "Ski" Corpus Christi Band (Vice President), Soccer, Indoor and Outdoor Track, Competition Band, Brass Ensemble, Sting Ensemble, Pep/Concert Band, Pit Orchestra, NHS, Intramurals "If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. He will live with the license of a higher order of beings." -Henry David Thoreau "Walden"

John Paul Agostine "J.P." Maternity B.V.M. Competition Band, Pep Band, Concert Band, Saxophone Quartet, Pit Band, Football, Intramurals, Amnesty International "Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value." -Albert Einstein

Allen E. Alzona St. Stanislaus Art Club, La Salle Academy Tutoring, Providence Center Tutoring, Photography Club, Ski Club, Junior Urban Challenge, Kairos Leader "We makin' it happen, from nothin to somethin'."

K. Ryan Anderson Track and Field, Ski Club, Art Club, History Club, Intramurals Basketball

Michael J. Andrews "Bumble" St. Philip Neri Football, Amnesty International "If you take life too seriously you might not get out alive." -Van Wilder

Cesare J. Angeloni "Chez" Immaculate Conception Ice Hockey, Baseball "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you are right." -Henry Ford

Gabriel J. Antonello "G-House" Epiphany of Our Lord Film Club, History Club, Gaming Club (President), Intramurals, St. Vincent's, LaSalle Academy, St. Francis Inn "The mistakes we regret the most are the chances we never take."

Athian N. Athian "Yai Deng" St. Benedict the Moor Intramural Volleyball, Soccer

148 IJ

SeNor Portra.its

Brian T. Azeff "Zeffer", "A-Z" St. Rose of Lima Football, Crew "The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare."

Gregory J. Banecker St. Philip Neri Art Club, Soccer, Film Club, Spanish Club, Wisterian, Gazebo, La Salle Academy Tutoring, NHS "Only as high as I reach can I grow, Only as far as I seek can I go, Only as deep as I look can I see, Only as much as I dream can I be." -Karen Ravn

John R. Barr III "Beware of those angels with their wings glued on." -Billy Corgan Christian J. Barrett "Shrek" St. Anthony of Padua Student Council, Football "T'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." -Kurt Cobain

oee0 Ryan P. Barrett St. Hilary Crew, Intramurals, LSC, SADD, Kairos Leader

Colin S. Behr

"c Behr", "Minj" St. Anthony Lacrosse, Water Polo, SADD, Respect Life, Student Council, St. Francis Inn, Sarnelli House, LaSalle Academy, Intramurals "Havin' a good time, here today watch in' the sunshine, matinee never the wrong time, time we stay livin' the moon time, time we play livin' the moontime, time to live it up." -Widespread Panic

Michael W. Berger "Mike" St. Luke Crew, Wrestling, Band, Kairos Leader "Follow me and I will be your guide and lead you forth through an eternal place." -Virgil from "Dante's Inferno"

Gerald B. Bidus "Jerry" Immaculate Heart of Mary Sarnelli House, La Salle Academy Tutors, Intramurals, Spanish Club, Spirit Club, Kairos Leader "How is education supposed to make me feel smarter? Because, every time I learn something new it pushes some old stuff out of my brain. Remember when I took that home winemaking course, and I forgot how to drive?" -Homer]. Simpson

La.Sa.\1e [l 14~

Matthew J. Bolinski "Matt" Our Lady of Calvary Tennis, Intramurals, Ski Club, Lasallian Service Corps

Michael A. Boyle "Boyle" St. Matthew Football, Student Council, St. Francis Inn, Kairos leader "work hard, play hard."

John N. Braca III "Braca" Belcrofters, Chorus, NHS, Musical Theater, Yearbook, All Catholic Chorus "Inside each and everyone of us is one true authentic swing- something we were born with. Something that's ours and ours alone, something that can't be taught or learned, something that has to be remembered."

Matthew C. Bradwell "Matt" St. Vincent de Paul Art Club, Mock Trial, Film Club, Urban Challenge, Multi-cultural Club "Yeah, well- The dude abides." -"The Big Lebowski"

Campus Ministry Center

As they do every first week of the new school year, the current seniors make their way to the Campus Ministry center, a place they have waited to hang out in for four years. Here seniors have a chance to sit back and talk, go over homework, look at old pictures on the walls of past Kairos retreats and pick out their brothers and friends. They can also watch a movie or stop in for spiritUal advice. There is no better way to relax after working the brain in AP classes or finishing a game of pit-volleyball than to find a place on the couch and sit back and enjoy the environment and the company. "Cash rules everything around us!!" - Dan Moll and Tyler Meves

150 IJ


Andrew R. Britt St. John Bosco Forum, Wisterian, German Club, History Club, NHS "Is America a weakling, to shrink from the work of the great world powers? No! The young giant of the west stands on a continent and clasps the crest of an ocean in either hand. Our nation, glorious in youth and strength, looks into the future with eager eyes and rejoices as a strong man to run a race." -Theodore Roosevelt

Patrick F. Broderick "Brods" Mary Mother of the Redeemer Ski Club, Soccer, Lacrosse, Tennis "Never had such a good time in my life before, 1'd like to have it one time more. One good ride from start to end, 1'd like to take that ride again." -The Grateful Dead

Kyle M. Buchanan St. Albert the Great Ice Hockey, Lasallian Service Corps, History Club, Intramurals, St. Francis Inn "I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floatin' around accidental-like on a breeze. But, I think maybe it's both." -Forest Gump

Gerard F. Burke Jr. "Jerry" St. Jude Mock Trial, Lacrosse, Amnesty International, Wisterian, History Club, Lasallian Service Corps, Urban Challenge, La Salle Academy, United Nations Day, CYO, Intramurals "Reason and Ignorance, the opposites of each other, influence the great bulk of mankind." -Thomas Paine


0000 "You know I think I'll dress like this every day!" - Scott Ross

Look out here comes Schieve!!


C 151

Thomas P. Callahan III St. Phillip Neri Crew, NHS, Project Opportunity, LaSalle Academy Tutor, People to People, Kairos Leader "Celebrate we will For life is short but sweet for certain So we climb on two by two To be sure these days continue" - Dave Matthews Band

Brian A. Carlin "Diddy" St. Anthony Basketball, Crew, Student Council, SADD, LSC

R. Sean Carlin St. Cyril ofJerusalem Ski Club, Intramurals, Track, Film Club, Spanish Club, Outdoor Adventure Club "Keep on Keepin' on!"

Vincent E. Cartwright Mary Mother of Redeemer Football, Basketball, Baseball, Intramurals, Latin Club, Tech Serv "Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself" - Harvey Fierstein


0(:)(:)0 Christopher G. Carvalho "Chris"

Queen of Peace Forum, Bowling, Outdoor Adventure Club, Ski Club "The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance." -Socrates

Cody M. Casale "Code" Tennis, Art Club, LaSalle Academy Tutoring "I'm solo and so broke, saving up for some Jordan's cause they dope!" -Tupac

Michael R. Chapman "Chap" St. Andrews Basketball, Football, Intramurals "You've got to trust your instinct and let go of regret." -3 II

Francesco P. Chinnici St. Maria Goretti Lab Manager, Robotics Club, Science Club, Italian Club, Intramurals

152 IJ


Brandon K. Chong St. Hilary Intramurals, Guitar Ensemble

pasquale J. Ciammetti Jr. "Trey" Football, Track and Field, Swimming, Water Polo, St. Francis Inn ''All I can say about life is, Oh God, enjoy it!" -Bob Newhart

Stephen A. Ciliberto St. Alphonsus "Get em' out of here!"

Cameron P. Ciminera "Cam" Warminster Presbyterian Church Film Club, Extreme Gaming Club "I am that which cannot be. I am the Catholic at large!" -Cameron Ciminera

eaae David G. Cipolla Immaculate Conception LaSalle Academy Tutoring, Intramurals, Theater, Italian Club, Film Club "Either get busy living or get busy dying" -Red, "The Shawshank Redemption"

Christopher A. Ciufo St. Jude Robotics Club, Italian Club, Lasallian Service Corps, Yearbook, Intramurals "Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war" -Donald Trump

John J. Clifford "Cliff" St. Andrew Football, Baseball, LaSalle Academy "The fish who keeps on swimming is the first to chill upstream." -31 1

Steven J. Connoly "Steve" "I have become a silent movie" -E.S.


IJ 153

Christopher M. Conti "EI Conti" St. Anthony Ski Club, Lab Manager, Intramurals "I never set out to be weird. It was always the other people who called me weird." -Frank Zappa

Andrew J. Cotlov St. Luke Lacrosse, Wrestling, Cross Country, NHS, Respect Life "There's a lot more to learn in high school than what they can teach you in a classroom."

Travis J. Cozzie WEXP, Wisterian, Latin Club, Lab Manager "Captain Renault: What in heaven's name brought you to Casablanca? Rick: My health, I came to Casablanca for the waters. Captain Renault: The waters? The waters? We're in the desert. Rick: I was misinformed." -Casablanca

John T. Croke St. Luke the Evangelist Band, Lab Manager "If there are no stupid questions, then what kind of questions do stupid people ask? Do they get smart just in time to ask questions?"


0000 John R. Crouse "Jackie C"

Presentation BVM Football, Basketball, NHS, Student Council, LSC, WEXP "Your future hasn't been written yet. No one's has. Your future is what you make of it. So make it a good one." -Dr. Emmitt "Doc" Brown

Timothy E. Cullen Corpus Christi Football, Student Council, Junior Urban Challenge, Kairos Leader "If there is no struggle, there is no progress." -Frederick Douglas

William J. Cummings III "Billy the Kid" Resurrection of Our Lord Cross Country, Wisterian, LSC, Track, Intramurals, Student Council, NHS, Spanish Club, Latin Club, Yearbook "A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and gets to bed at night and in between he does what he wants to do." -Bob Dylan

Scott J. Cumpstone St. Genevive Ice hockey, Intramurals, St. Martin's Tutoring, NHS "I am always happy to be on stage, because it is the only time during the day that I don't hear music going through my head." -Walt Lafty

154 IJ


Kyle G. Cunningham "Keel" Our Mother of Consolation Tennis "With emotion flowing my notion is knowing that after years of growing I better get going" -Kyle Cunningham

Thayer W. Damm Lacrosse, Soccer

Christopher A. Darragh Jr. Saint Dominic Crew "The crime is not falling down, the real crime is not getting back up." -Lawrence Taylor

Francis R. Daulerio

"F" Saint Philip Neri Football, Intramurals "There is a road, no simple highway, between the dawn and the dark of night. And if you go, no one may follow. That path is for your steps alone." - The Grateful Dead


eeee The Little family celebrating Tom's senior season.


IJ 155

Michael S. DePaulo "Mike" Mary Mother of the Redeemer Lab Managers, Forum, Mathletes

Matthew Z. Dempsey "Matt" St. David Band, La Salle Academy Tutoring, Cross Country, Basketball, Intramurals, Amnesty International "The only thing that remains the same is change."

Patrick D. Dempsey "Pat" St. James Pep Band, Concert Band, Wrestling, Spanish Club "And so fell the weight I never can lift behind us the darkness between us the rift." -Phish

Robert C. Devlin "Rob" St. John of the Cross Soccer, Track, Ski Club "When the power of love overcomes the love of power only then will the world truly know peace." -Jimi Hendrix

seeo Brian A. DiBiagio Mary Mother of the Redeemer Band, NHS, LSC, Kairos Leader, Baseball, Music Ministry "Go away with a smile, don't forget about your past, don't keep yourself from giving because it's life you're living." -Ben Kweller

Edward W. DiDonato "E-Train" Epiphany of Our Lord Student Council, Ski Club, Football, Basketball, Lacrosse, LSC "I have been through mad different phases like mazes to find my want and now I know sunny days are not far away." -DMX

Edward S. DiNola "Ted" Our Mother of Consolation Competition Band, Concert Band, Pep Band, Stage Band, Chorus, Belcrofters, Academic Decathlon, Robotics "People may say you are dust in the wind, but over time dust can make mountains."

Aldo DiPrato Mary Mother of the Redeemer Pit Band, Band, NHS (Treasurer), Mock Trial, Intramurals, Italian Club "Let us live so that when we die even the undertaker will be sorry." -Mark Twain

156 C


Edward A. Diasio "Ed" Mary Mother of the Redeemer Mock Trial, Wisterian, Spanish Club, LSC, Ski Club, Respect Life "To sit back hoping that someday, someway, someone will make things right is to go on feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last-but eat you he will." -Ronald Reagan

HaiH.Do "H-Dizzle" Our Lady of Ransom Providence Center, Latin Club, Extreme Gaming Club, Student Council, NHS "An eternity passes, and my torment receded, bringing me back from the precipice and yet I lived." -Raziel

James C. Dooney "Doons" St. Catherine of Sienna Tennis, Wisterian, Latin Club, Student Council, Intramurals, Operation Opportunity, St. Francis Inn "Life is afragile thing, Har. One minute you're chewin' on a burger, the next you're dead meat." -Lloyd Christmas, "Dumb and Dumber"

Adam R. Douglas "Doug's Funny" Holy Family NHS, Sarnelli House, Celtic Club, LaSalle "Super Fan", Trieste House, Kairos Leader "Friendship is not something you can learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything." -Muhammad Ali

Matthew J. Doyle "Matt" St. Timothy Intramurals, SADD, Stage Crew, Celtic Club, Respect Life "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies with us." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Anthony Dukes "Dukes" Epiphany of Our Lord Football, Basketball "When your back is to the wall and people say it can't be done, it's your chance to do the impossible! It's a make or break moment with victory being the greatest point of a man's life! Thanks mom and grandmom! With your help I did it!"

Timothy P. Dunn "TD" Our Lady of Good Council Student Council, NHS, LSC, Crew, Intramurals, Spanish Club "Hold on to r6, Long as you can, changes come around real soon, make us women and men." -John Melencamp

Dennis R. Dunne St. Philip Neri Cross Country, Saint Martin's Tutoring, Sarnelli House, Intramurals, SADD, Kairos Leader "Escape is never the safest place." -Pearl Jam


C 157

Thomas J. Edger "Edge" St. Matthew Basketball, Intramurals, Latin Club, St. Vincent Soup Kitchen, LSC "Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies." -"Shawshank Redemption"

Richard T. Eichert "Rich" St. John Bosco Amnesty International, Bowling, Chorus, History Club, LaSalle Academy, Student Council, Summer Immersion "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." -Nelson Mandela

William N. Eichwald "Bill" St. Matthew Intramurals, St. Vincent's Soup Kitchen "The less the talk, the more you are listened to." -From the Homework Book

Michael J. Elnitski "Elnit" Our Mother of Consolation Ice Hockey, St. Martin's Tutoring, Spanish Club, History Club, Multi-Cultural Club "It's not what you know; it's what you can prove." -Alonzo Harris, "Training Day"

Raymond C. Favata St. Cyril Ice Hockey, Sarnelli House, Italian Club, Intramurals, Kairos Leader "The last four years are four years that I will never forget." -Nocturnal Syndicate

Stephen P. Feeley "Stinky Cheve" St. James "and if I...learned anything at all it was to never give up cause I see all my dreams laid out in front of me and for once it doesn't seem so tough." -Tristan Prettyman

Sean R. Ford "Big Sean" Golf, Soccer, Ski Club, Spanish Club, Outdoor Adventure Club "Go big or don't go at all."

Tyler J. Ford "Ty" St. Luke Track, Ice Hockey, Tutoring, LSC Leader "A man does not know who he is until he is tested."

158 IJ


Christian Barrett likes to get a little dirty when he plays! "I am king and I can make any face I want, you gotthat!"

"Mr. Shay, can you show me how to down load some tunes?"

"All right, what do you have for number one?" Hubs enjoys a refreshing drink!


C 159

What a table!


ommo Robert S. Forster "Bobby"

Grace Presbyterian Football, Lacrosse "Yea, lost my job today. Yea me too. They always flip out when you leave the scene of an accident." -"Dumb and Dumber"

Sean Forster St. Phillip de Neri Golf, Hockey, Spanish Club, Latin Club, St. Martin's Tutoring ''A warning sign, it came bach to haunt me and I realized that you were an island and I passed you by and you were an island to discover."

Robert S. Fratamico St. James Crew, NHS, Freshman Mentor, Cross Country, Intramurals, Film Club, St. Vincent's Soup Kitchen, Operation Santa Claus "If you want something in life, you have to worh for it. Now quiet, they're about to announce the lottery numbers." -Homer Simpson

Christopher J. Gallagher St. William Student Council VP, Stage Crew, Latin Club, Celtic Club, Football, Bowling "The day is mine Trebeh." -Darrell Hammond

160 Il


You can usually find Wendell at his spot outside the library. Joe Kirk shows off his creation to his new friend. Joe Ritinski and Dan O'Toole share an inside joke in JoCo's class.

aeee Eugene J. Gallagher III "Gene" St. Bernadette Crew, Triest House, Project Opportunity, NHS Tutoring, Ski Club, Summer Immersion "Try to learn something about everything and everything about something." -Thomas H. Huxley

Michael J. Gazzara "Mike" St. Albert the Great Ice Hockey, Intramural Volleyball and Football, Art "If I had my life to live over again but one doesn't. One goes forward instead, dragging a cart piled high with lost opportunities." -William Maxwell, "What He Was Like"

Jeffrey D. Gemi "papa Gems" St. Philip Neri Bowling, Ski Club, Intramurals "The greatest wisdom is knowing you know nothing."

Ryan B. Gibbons "A.C." St. Philip Neri Basketball, Football, ].V. Tennis, Campus Ministry, Kairos Leader, Sarnelli House "Hey preppy leave my mama alone." -A.C. Slater


C 161

Andrew M. Gill Immaculate Heart of Mary Tennis, Urban Challenge, Student Council, Amnesty International "But I know as I hammered those nails into your beautiful hands, your eyes still try to search for mine, but I look away. Now your eyes are the only thing that can save me." -Blindside

Brian F. Givnish St. James Romero Center, Intramurals, Yearbook "As soon as you're born you start dying, so you might as well have a good time." -Cake

Michael A. Grant St. Catherine of Siena Football, Intramurals, St. Martin's Tutoring, Operation Santa Claus ''A man that doesn't spend time with his family can never truly be a man." -"The Godfather"

Kevin W. Guckin "Gux" Resurrection of Our Lord Lab Manager, Web Manager, WEXP, TechSERV, Intramurals ''A seven nation army couldn't hold me back. I'mgonnafight 'em off!" -Jack White, "The White Stripes"


"This is the last answer I'm going to give you McDermott!"

Mike Berger blow that horn!

162 EJ


Sean P. Guinan "Guino" St. Martin Football, Intramurals, Pit-Volleyball "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Andrew J. Haenn

"Boose" Corpus Christi Football "When you're young you don't want to grow old until time comes in and takes its toll so do all the things that you want to do cause in this life the world is for you." -SHJack

F. Joseph Haesler

"Joe" Holy Martyrs Stage Crew "We have art to save ourselves ft'om the truth." -Fredrich Nietzsche

Brennan L. Hagy "Hoagie" Our Mother of Consolation Swimming, Water Polo

eaae Wendell F. Haley-Dingle "Dell Man" Bright Hope Baptist Church Play, Intramural Football and Basketball, Indoor and Outdoor Track, LaSalle Academy Tutoring "Impossible means nothing." -Wendell

Jeffrey M. Hamilton "J. E." Immaculate Conception Art Club, Film Club, WEXP, Fall Crew, Winter Crew, Spring Crew "I know it seems hard sometimes, but remember one thing; through every dark night, there's a bright day after that, so no matter how hard it gets, stick your chest out, keep your head up, and handle it." -Tupac Amaru Shakur (Me Against the World)

Andrew M. Harrison "Marvin" Football, Football Manager, African-American Association, Intramurals "There are no points for second place." -"Top Gun"

Thomas J. Hartman "Tom" St. Cyril Ice Hockey, Kairos

La.Sa.\\e [J 16~

Brian A. Heenan "HEX" St. Helena Baseball, Football, Tennis, Student Council, NHS, SADD, Intramurals "Life's a garden- dig it." - "Joe Dirt"

Jason Henner "Cheesehead" St. Luke Crew, Band, LaSalle Academy Tutor, Sarnelli House, Latin Club, Ski Club, Intramurals, Operation Santa Claus, Secret Santa "A dozen number two pencils- $4.00 One school bag- $40.00 School tuition- $40,000.00 Being a LaSalle student- priceless." -Jason]. Henner

Michael Henner "Mike" St. Luke St. Martin's Tutoring, Crew, Track, Tennis, Providence Center Tutoring, Operation Santa Claus, Secret Santa, NHS, Intramurals, Ski Club, Photography Club, Lab Manager, Film Club, Yearbook. "Man, unlike any other thing organic or inorganic in the universe, grows beyond his work, walks up the stairs of his concepts, emerges ahead of his accomplishments." -John Steinbeck

Stephen J. Herbert "Herb" St. Philip Neri Baseball, Intramurals, Ski Club "You can't treat every situation as a life or death matter, cause you'll die a lot of times." -Van Wilder


Adam Sutkus and Ken Wochele share a special moment Aww isn't that cute - Chip's all wrapped up after a little nap!

"So if my calculations are right I can be as rich as 'The Donald' in ... aww crap!"

164 IJ


Kevin S. Heron St. John the Baptist Hockey "When you play, play hard; when you work, don't play at all." -Theodore Roosevelt

Gregory P. Herzog "Doggs" Mary Mother of the Redeemer Ice Hockey, Tennis, Ski Club, Science Club, People to People, St. Martin's Tutoring, Urban Challenge "Wow! Big Gulps huh? Welp, see ya later." -"Dumb and Dumber"

Zachary M. Hess "Zac" Corpus Christi Baseball "Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing." -Vince Lombardi

Gregory B. Hogan "Greg" Lab Manager "I won a free Porsche!"


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Teacher / Student Relations

Superstar Pat McCaffrey!

"Shane dear, it's time for your line."

One of the reasons many of us decided to come to LaSallt was the rapport we witnessed between the teachers and the stu dents. LaSalle is a special place where teachers not only give 0 themselves in the classroom, but are always available outsidt the classroom for extra help with problems or to give mucl needed advice with various decisions. Our teachers are also on coaches, counselors, mentors, and advisors. No wonder why WI see so many alums coming back at Thanksgiving and Christma: vacations to talk with their former teachers.

oaa0 Donald C. Huber Jr. "Hubes", "Oober" St. Maria Goretti NHS, LaSalle Academy Tutor, Pep Band, Lab Band, Concert Band, Honors Band, Science Club, Intramurals "There is no greater joy nor greater reward than to make a fundamental difference in someone's life." -Sister Mary Rose McGeady

Andrew M. Hyatt Mathletes, Explorer Club, Chess Club, TechServ, History Club

Kevin D. Hylinski Swimming, Water Polo, Student Council, NHS, Lacrosse "The power of philosophy floats through my head, light like a feather, heavy as lead." -Bob Marley

James F. Irwin "Jim" St.John Latin Club, Photography Club, Movie Club, Student Government, Intramurals

"Do your best. Try your hardest and never fail to succeed." - Jonathan Davis

166 []


Mrs. Maher looks so happy to have her picture taken!



Rizwan Ishmail "Riz" St. Genevieve Cricket Club, WEXP, Track, Sarnelli House, LaSalle Academy Tutoring, Junior Urban Challenge "Sheezey maJeezey Howzhe."

Leonard A. Ivanoski III "Ivan" St. Christopher Intramurals, Latin Club, SADD, Baseball "To everyone who said I wasn't old enough, to everyone who said I wasn't good enough, to everyone who ever booed me, I have one thing to say to them- thanhs!" -Kobe Bryant

Leo P. Jackson "Action", "Bonk" Corpus Christi Crew, Football, Triest House, Secret Santa, Intramurals, Kairos Leader "Someday we willlooh bach on this and we'll all laugh." -The Boss

Thomas Johnson "TJ" St. Vincent de Paul Intramural Basketball, Volleyball and Wiffleball, Pep Band, Concert Band, Outdoor Adventure Club, Ski Club, St. Martin's Tutoring


Il 167

Thomas M. Jorfi "Tom" Corpus Christi Football, Intramurals "With the help of God and true friends I've come to realize, I still had two strong legs and even wings to fly. And oh, I ain't wastin' time no more, cause time goes by like hurricanes, and faster things."

Kevin S. Juliff St. Robert Bellarmine Crew, Band, Operation Opportunity "But now I'd rather die than follow mediocrity ran with the rest of the masses, I choose to stand." -Project 86

Matthew A. Kalkbrenner "Matt" Mary Mother of the Redeemer Spanish Club, Mock Trial, La Salle Academy Tutoring, Intramurals ''All we have to do is decide what to do with the time that is given to us" -"Lord of the Rings"

Konrad J. Karczewski St. Helena Crew, Cross Country, Latin Club, Ski Club ''And in a thousand years after a thousand tears, I will find my original crew" - O.A.R.

oaaa John A. Keating "II PostinolPostman", "Aj", "Murphy'S Law" St. James Anime Club, Science Club, Film Club, History Club, Latin Club, Italian Club, Extreme Gaming Club "Damn you, Murphy's Law!!" -John "Murphy's Law" Keating

Paul J. Kelly IV St. Rose of Lima Crew, Chorus "Lead me, Follow me, or get out of my way" -General George Patton

Shane V. Kelly "The Perminator", "O'Doyle" Our Lady of Mt. Carmel WEXP, Guitar Ensemble, Stage Crew, Play, Wisterian, Film Club, Amnesty International, Basketball videographer, Political Forum "I never allowed my schoolin' to interfere with my education." - Mark Twain

William S. Kessler "Bill" St. John of the Cross Baseball, St. Martin de Porres Tutoring, SADD, Mock Trial "Life is short so love the one you got, you might get run over you might get shot" -Sublime

168 IJ


Joseph T. Kirk "Joey", "Capitano" Corpus Christi Chorus, Belcrofters, Men 4 Harmony, All Catholic Chorus, District Chorus, Intramurals, Yearbook, Italian Club, Musicals, Summer Immersion Program "Something has changed within me, something is not the same. I'm through with playing by the rules of someone else's game. Too late for second-guessing, too late to go back to sleep. It's time to trust my instincts, Close my eyes: and leap!" -"Wicked"

Stephen M. Klenk "Klenk", "Klank the Tank" St. David Ski Club, Tennis, Ice Hockey, Intramurals "Live life to its fullest because you never know when it is going to end." -Unknown

Bernard J. Krasnisky "Bern" Our Lady of Mount Carmel Ice Hockey, Crew, Film Club, Amnesty International, National Honors Society, Band "If you stare long enough into an abyss, you will notice that the abyss stares back at you." -Friedrich Nietzsche

David Chol Kuch "Chol Kuch Chol" St. Paul Episcopal WEXP, Intramurals, Basketball Manager, Art Club, Amnesty International, Soccer "Because a man has injured your goat, do not go out and kill his bull." - Chol Kuch Chol, David

Who knows what Dooney is trying to do here? Chris Gallagher and Joe Haesler make sure nothing will go wrong on stage crew! Reeb is hiding out in the Web Manager's lair.


C 169

Only God knows what Tino is making in ceramics. "Oliver, stop turning around and looking at my answers!"


aaao Ian C. LaRocca "E" St. Agnes Track, WEXP "We had to have a quote?"

Joseph C. Lacon "La Cone" Saint Helena Fall Crew, Winter Crew, Spring Crew, Intramurals, Outdoor Adventure Club, Urban Challenge, Project Opportunity, Spanish Club, Band "Celebrate we will cause life is short but sweet for certain" -Dave Matthews

Andrew R. Lagner St. Helena Intramurals, Pep/Concert Band, Outdoor Adventure Club, Spanish Club "roO% of the shots you don't take don't go in" -Wayne Gretzky

PaulM. Le St. Stanislaus Intramurals, Techserv, Forum, German Club, La Salle Academy Tutoring, Lab Manager "That's the secret to life ... replace one worry with another ... " -Charles Schulz

170 C


The proud Boyle family.

"Everybody on your feet it's time to rock to Ted's harmonica!"

eaae Gavin M. Leighton Our Lady of Mount Carmel Crew, Soccer, Celtic Club, National Honors Society "My will shall shape the future. Whether I fail or succeed shall be no man's doing but my own. I am the force; I can clear any obstacle before more or I can be lost in the maze. My choice; my responsibility; win or lose, only I hold the key to my destiny." -Unknown

Andrew J. Lewandowski "Lewie" Visitation B.V.M. Soccer, Spanish Club, Multi-Cultural Club, Wisterian, Science Club, Basketball "If you don't see it, assume it's there ... if you do see it, hit yourself a couple times and look again because it might not be real." - Andrew Lewandowski

Anthony C. Limberakis "Tony" Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church Lab Manager "So we finished the r8th hole and he's gonna stiff me. And I say, "Hey, Lama, hey, how about a little something, you know, for the effort, you know." And he says, "Oh, uh, there won't be any money, but when you die on your death bed, you will receive total consciousness." So I got that goin' for me, which is nice" -Carl from "Caddyshack"

Thomas P. Little "T-Lit" St. Bede Football, Lacrosse, NHS, Student Council, SADD "You only live once, but if you work it right, once is enough." -Joe Lewis


IJ 171

"You don't have a chance ball!" - Paul Paige

"Yo Jer, wake up there's no sleeping on Kairos!"

Patrick R. Lombard Our Mother of Consolation Lacrosse, Cross Country, SADD "Lucky I'm sane after all I've been through. I can't complain but sometimes I still do, life's been good for me so far." -Joe Walsh

RyanJ. Luby St. David Band, Latin Club, Tutoring "For you naysayers, I have two strong words for you: Come ON, COME OOONNN!" -Peter Griffin, "Family Guy"

Michael C. Lynch "Jack" St. Bede Football, Lacrosse, NHS, Lasallian Service Corps, WEXP "I shall miss this thing when it all rolls by" -Dave Matthews Band

Francis T. Lyons "Frank Tom" Basketball, Baseball, Kairos Leader, Sarnelli House "Great ambition and conquest without contribution is without significance. What will your contribution be? How will history remember you?" -William Hundert, "The Emperor's Club"

172 Il


Alexander J. Madrak "Alex" Visitation BVM NHS, Amnesty International, Mock Trial, Intramurals, Lasallian Service Corps "We voted and you lost."

Nicholas A. Manzi "Nick", "Manzilla" St. Francis of Assisi Football, Baseball, NHS, Intramurals, Kairos Leader "Success isn't something you chase. It's something you have to put fo,路th the effort for constantly." -MichaelJordan

Timothy R. Marcinek Immaculate Heart of Mary Soccer, Lacrosse "I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints, sinners are just more fun." -Billy Joel

Daniel K. Marcolina St. Phillip Diving, Track, Stage Crew "The world is not a prison house but a kind of spiritual kindergarten where millions of bewildered infants are trying to spell GOD with the wrong blocks." -Edwin Robinson


J. Earl Martin St. Timothy Band, LaSalle Academy Tutoring, Gazebo, Celtic Club ''As long as I dream, something will always be." -Converge

Scott J. McBride St. Alphonsus Ski Club, Film Club, Spanish Club, Intramurals, WEXP Anchor, Wisterian, National Honors Society, History Club "I play the hand I'm dealt. Then I cheat." -"The Chronicles of Riddick"

James C. McCabe "Jim" St. Rose of Lima Lacrosse, Soccer, Respect Life, LaSalle Academy Tutoring "This love will open our eyes, from the dark side we can see the glow of something bright. There is much more than we can see here, don't burn the day away." -David]. Matthews

Patrick C. McCaffery "Patty Mac" Our Lady of Grace Soccer, Sarnelli House "Impossible is a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given then to explore the power they have. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing."

La.Sa.1.1.e [l


Brendan R. McCann "Brendan Richard Patrick McCann" St. Luke Outdoor Adventure Club, Outdoor Track, Celtic Club, Film Club, Intramurals, Junior Urban Challenge, Spanish Club, Respect Life "And shepherds we shall be for thee, my Lord, for thee. Power hath descended forth from thy hand, that our feet may swiftly carry out thy commands. So we shall flow a river forth to thee and teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomeni Patri Fili Spiritus Sanct." - "The Boondock Saints"

Ryan P. McCann Visitation BVM Bowling "Set the gearshift for the high gear of your soul. You've got to run like an antelope out of contra!."

Philip J. McCarthy IV "Jamie" Saint Genevieve Pep Band, Jazz Band, Competition Band, String Ensemble, Intramurals, National Honors Society, Fall Drama, Freshman Mentor, Spring Musical, WEXP, Chorus "I am" - God

John E. McCoey St. Cecilia Activities: LaSallian Service Corps, Band, Science Club "Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is the regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable." -Sydney]. Harris



Dukes and his brother hang out on Kairos. "Are you looking at meT - Tim Cullen


174 IJ


Devine and his champ, Sean McGi

Michael J. McCoy Mary Mother of the Redeemer Football, Basketball, Art Club "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop to look around, you could miss it."

Andrew J. McDermott St. Helena Ice Hockey, Golf, Outdoor Adventure Club, Ski Club, SADD Club, Spanish Club, Lasallian Service Corps, NHS

Gerard J. MCEvilly "Jay" Epiphany of Our Lord Ski Club, St. Martin's Tutoring, Intramurals, Tennis, Lacrosse, Celtic Club "High Expectations are the key to everything."

Kevin P. McGee St. Vincent de Paul President of the Celtic Club, SADD Club, Ski Club, Lab Manager "Some is rich, and some is poor, that's the way the world is but I don't believe in lying back saying how bad your luck is." -The Clash


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Michael F. McGee "Mike", "Mikey" Mary Mother of the Redeemer Crew, Intramurals, LaSalle Academy Tutoring, St. Martin de Porres Tutor, Project Opportunity, Latin Club, Secret Santa "I've always believed that if you put in the work the results will come. I don't do things half-heartedly. Because I know if I do, then I can expect half-hearted results." -Michaeljordan

Sean T. MCGinley St. Maria Goretti Cross Country, Indoor Track, Outdoor Track, Wisterian, Respect Life Club, Lasallian Service Corps, NHS, Operation Santa Claus "And there's no way to get back experiences you missed, so start right now today and risk furiousness for bliss." -Chronic Future

Sean A. McGoldrick "Big Head" St. Luke Football, Intramurals, Ski Club, Outdoor Adventure Club "Yes there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run there's still time to change the road you're on." -Led Zeppelin

John T. McGowan Corpus Christi School Celtic Club, Film Club, Spanish Club, Science Club, Intramurals, Providence Center Tutoring "This is the dawning of the rest of our lives." -Green Day



Fr. Farley closes out Kairos 37-41 with one of his deep homilies.

Kevin McShane takes some time on Kairos to think about his life.

"How many LaSalle students does it take to put up a volleyball I

176 IJ


Matthew J. McGowan "Matt" Corpus Christi Spanish Club, Science Club, Lab Manager, TechServe "I have learned to accept failure, but I cannot accept not trying." -MichaelJordan

Brooke B. McKim "Benji" St. Martin de Pores Tutoring, Intramurals "No matter what you do there will always be critics."

Michael R. McKinney "Mike" Ice Hockey "Muscle defines that which contains no less than 8 cylinders. It may have boost whether it be turbo or supercharged, yet may not have large spoilers or neon lights. It defines American automotive pride and is feared by all others."

Kevin T. McShane "ALP" St. James Spirit Club, Respect Life Club, Urban Challenge, Music, Intramurals "On the other hand, there's five fingers." -Jack Handy




Leadership Jake Swiger jams one of his own songs.

There's a motley crew!

When you think of leaders, many will think of parents, older siblings, family members, or political figures. Many will not think of themselves as leaders. But, as seniors, there are leaders all around. It is normal to see the leaders in Student Council, team captains, presidents of clubs or organizations, the leads in plays or musicals, and on Kairos. Everyday, underclassmen and even fellow classmates look up to seniors. Leadership is a quality that is essential to focus on and develop. It is learned through watching others and learning from mistakes. As the class of '05 prepares to graduate, what mark of leadership has been made on LaSalle?


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0000 Thomas S. McVey "Midge"

St. Cyril of Jerusalem Soccer, Choir, Spanish Club, NHS, Tutoring "Hey let's drink from the cup and share some luck but go ahead and laugh cause it don't cost much, no, no it don't cost much."

Christopher R. Mehr "Mehr" Competition Band, Pep Band, Pit Orchestra, Stage Band, Project Home, Operation Santa Claus

Tyler R. Meves "Me eves" St. Rose of Lima Tennis, Lasallian Service Corps Board, Student Council, Latin Club, SADD Club, Triest House, NHS, Ski Club "Someday we'll look back on this and it will all seem funny." -Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band

Brian S. Michel Lab Manager "It'll make a whisper out of you." -e.s.

178 IJ


"The Three Amigos" - Rob Roberts, Nick Manzi, and Jon Sharer "I have serious problems!" - Chris Schieve



Shawn A. Miles "Sam" Art Club, WEXP,]V Football, Robotics Club, Film Club, Intramurals "Knowledge is the key to success."

Chase V. Miller "Jorge Sanchez" St. Vincent de Paul Amnesty International, Italian Club "I once shoplifted an entire Thanksgiving turkey wearing only a tube top and a pair of Daisy Dukes."

Kevin W. Miller "Kmill" Mary Mother of the Redeemer Basketball, Track, SADD, LaSalle Academy Tutoring, Freshman Mentor "It's not the will to win that matters, everyone has that, it's the will to work to win that matters.' -Paul "Bear" Bryant

Michael R. Mills St. Ignatius Football, Lacrosse, NHS, Student Council, Lasallian Service Corps "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it" - "Ferris Bueller"

La.Sa.l1e I]


Tyler Meves is proud of his "L"

Luke Palidora and Ray Favata: Kairos Leaders


seem Daniel J. Moll "Mole"

Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Basketball, Cross Country, Track, Yearbook, LSC, Band "Success is failure turned inside out."

Patrick W. Montgomery Our Lady of Christians Crew, Intramurals, Lasallian Service Corps, NHS, Band "See, you and me have a better time than most can dream, have it better than the rest, and so we can pull on through whatever tears at us, whatever holds us down, and if nothing can be done, we'll make the best of what's around." -Dave Mathews Band

James P. Murphy "Jim" Amnesty International, The Wisterian, La Salle Academy Tutoring, St. Martin de Pores Tutoring, St. Vincent's Soup Kitchen "Son, always tell the truth. Then you'll never have to remember what you said last time." -Sam Rayburn

Bradley A. Murtha "Murth" Visitation BVM Football, NHS, St. Martin's Tutoring, Triest House "Life is my college. May I graduate well, and earn some honors." - Louisa May Alcott

180 [J


Will Cummings, Dan Moll, and Dave Schnupp enjoy their championship season. "Rock on, Givnish, Rock on!!"



Andrew J. Nelson St. Genevieve Pep Band, Concert Band, Jazz Band, Competition Band, Chorus, Belcrofters, Fall Drama, Spring Musical, Celtic Club, WEXP, Drama Club, Freshman Mentor, Wrestling, SADD "You must be the change in the world you want." -Gandhi

Sean D. O'Connell Our Lady of Good Counsel Football, Stage Crew, Amnesty International, La Salle Academy Tutoring, Latin Club, NHS (Vice President) "Don't live by the sword because your words will outlive even time"

James Kyle O'Donnell St. Philip Neri Forum, Wisterian, Lasallian Service Corps, History Club, Latin Club, NHS, Film Club, Intramurals "It's not if the glass is half empty, or half full, it's who is pouring the water." -Mark Cuban

Thomas J. O'Donnell "T.O." Mary Mother of the Redeemer Soccer, Lacrosse, NHS, History Club '~

wise man once said forgiveness is divine, but never pay full price for late pizza." -Michelangelo, "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles"


IJ 181

Brendan D. O'Hara "Beatbox", "Beats" Immaculate Conception Respect Life, Film Club, Providence Center Tutoring "So standout, above the crowd, even if I gotta shout out loud. Till Mine is the only face you see, gonna standout till ya notice me." - "A Goofy Movie"

Michael G. O'Neill Crew, Film Club, Gazebo, Fall Drama "One day we were over at Elizabeth's beach house and she asked me if I wanted to play water polo or just layout. And then I realized that not only did I not want to answer that question, but I never wanted to answer another water sports question or see any of these people again for the rest of my life." -Wes Anderson

Daniel P. O'Toole "Dan" St. Vincent Cross Country, Indoor Track and Field, Outdoor Track and Field, Wisterian, Gazebo, Competition Band "One minute was enough, Tyler said, a person had to work hard for it, but a minute of perfection was worth the effort. A moment was the most you could ever expect from perfection." -Jack, "Fight Club"

George R. Oliver Jr. St. Rose of Lima Hockey, Baseball, NHS, Lasallian Service Corps "Build it and they will come"

oeea Brian J. Olszak "Dad" St. David NHS, La Salle Academy Tutoring, Intramurals, Pep Band, Concert Band, Stage Band, Pit Band, Competition Band "Words, sounds, speech, men, memory, thoughts, fears and emotions-timeall related all made from one all made in one." -John Coltrane

Vincent G. paglione "pags" St. Anthony NHS, Kensington Tutoring, Ski Club, Tennis "Could Jesus microwave a burrito so hot that he himself could not eat it?" - Homer Simpson

Paul H. paige Tennis, Football "The Bigger they are the Harder they fall"

Luke F. Palidora "The uke" SADD, Lasallian Service Corps, Kairos Leader, Intramurals "Everybody knows you only live a day but it's brilliant anyway I saw you in a perfect place it's gonna happen soon but not today so go to sleep and make the change I'll meet you here tomorrow" -Elliot Smith

182 IJ


Manzilla is proud of his Spack!

"Me like lolly!"

Bro. Bill is making sure his NHS boys know what they are doing.

These guys are relaxing after a long afternoon on the court.


IJ 183

Richard A. Panettieri "Drew" St. Robert Bellarmine Ski Club, Soccer, Crew, Lab Manager, Urban Challenge, People to People, Techserv, Kairos "Four down, Four to go!"

Michael T. Pennington "Penni" St. Alphonsus Freshman Football, Baseball, Urban Challenge, Sophomore Branch Out Day, Kairos Leader "Say Goodnight to the bad guy" -Scarface(Tony Montana) "Moosie, Moosie, Moosie" -3 Dubs

Douglas M. Phelan "Doug" Holy Family Competition Jazz Band, Pep Band, Concert Band, Spring Musical Pit Orchestra, Chorus, LaSalle Academy Tutoring, The Wisterian, Italian Club, Chess Club, Science Club, Intramurals "When I hear music, I fear no danger. I am invulnerable. I see no foe. I am related to the earliest times, and to the latest" -Henry David Thoreau

Nicholas A. Pucci "Pooch" St. David Crew, Competition Band, NHS, Student Council, LSC, Band "To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Scott A. Ranweiler "Farva" St. Joseph LaSalle Academy Tutoring, Extreme Gaming Club, Yearbook, Intramurals, Bowling, NHS "Buildings fall and people die, but true love lasts forever" - "The Crow"

Peter T. Recigno Our Lady Help of Christians Art Club

Thomas E. Reeb "Reeb" St. David Senior Lab Manager. Bowling, Tech-serv "Picture me rollin'" -Tupac

Conor P. Regan "Regs" St. Albert the Great Wisterian, LSC, Football, Gazebo, Celtic Culture Club, Kairos Leader "Obsession is devotion out of control" -Master Splinter, "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles"

184 IJ


"I tower over these puny men!" - Carlin Lynch looks for daylight.

Michael J. Reilly St. Luke t~

Wisterian, Lab Managers, NHS person's true qualities are often beyond what is expressed."

J. Blake Remley "Doctor", "Jonas" St. Catherine of Siena Academic Decathlon, Mathletes, German Club, Qyiz Bowl, Intramurals, Band, NHS "Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask, "Where have I gone wrong?" Then a voice says to me, "This is going to take more than one night." -Charlie Brown

Alexander J. Rhein Multi-Cultural Club, Amnesty International, SADD, Guitar Ensemble, History Club, Respect Life "It may be the devil or it may be the lord but you gotta serve somebody" -Bob Dylan

John J. Rice "Horse" Immaculate Conception Football, Baseball, Academy Tutoring, Academic Decathlon "I'd be stupid not to do it!" -Jim Irwin


IJ 185

Patrick J. Rider Corpus Christi Baseball, Intramurals "Champions aren't made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them - a desire, a dream, a vision. They have to have last minute stamina, they have to be a little faster, they have to have the shill and the will. But the will must be stronger than the shill." -Muhammad Ali

Sean P. Riley St. Philip Neri Crew, Soccer, LSC, Intramurals "Get in or Get Out!"

Joseph F. Ritinski "J-Rit" St. Maria Goretti Outdoor Track and Field, Indoor Track and Field, Wisterian, Providence Center Tutoring, Intramurals "There is no such thing in anyone's life as an unimportant day" -Alexander Woolcott

Robert Roberts "Bob Bobs" St. Anthony Anime Club, Robotics Club, Art Club, History Club, A+ Cert "If he's so smart, Why is he dead?" -Homer Simpson



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amme , ,


SP07LIGH7 Chflmpions

When one glances through the pictures of the last four years athletically, one can see the photos of success. Many teams can be seen hoisting a PCL championship, a state title, or even a Nationals trophy. LaSalle has also had individuals recognized as all-Catholic, all-state, and even all-American. A champion is not always recognized in the plaques and trophies or honorable mentions, but rather in the little things like encouraging teammates on the field or in the weight room. Champions step up and sacrifice everything they have while tearfully struggling with the pain of loss or injury with their teammates. They gather in huddles and share hugs of joy and laughter. There champions walk.

186 IJ


Croke and Guks hanging out on Kairos 3~

Andrew P. Rocks "Rox" St Phillip Neri Football, Student Council, Intramurals, St. Martin's Tutoring "Leaders aren't born they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work. And that's the price we'll have to pay to achieve that goal, or any goal." -Vince Lombardi

Matthew P. Romagano "Romes" Mary Mother of the Redeemer Hockey, St. Francis Inn, NHS, Intramurals, Stage Crew, Spanish Club "What we must decide is what to do with the time we are given"

Erik M. Ronzone "Er", "Erk", "Eron" St. Albert the Great Mock Trial, Lab Manager, Web Manager, NHS, Spanish Club, Intramurals "Only trust can inspire soggy lungs to breathe fire." -"December", Rivers Cuomo

Scott G. Ross Wisterian, Fall Drama, WEXP, One Acts, Sarnelli House, Forum, Kairos Leader "Objects should not touch because they are not alive. But they touch me, and it is unbearable. I am afraid of them as if they were living beasts." -Jean-Paul Sartre

Yeah, this is Williamson's crew and they rollin'


IJ 187

Hard work in the classroom truly pays off!

188 IJ


Nicholas M. Rowe "Dictor" Corpus Christi Bowling "Twenty years from now, looking back at this, I'll either be dead or damn near forty. What seems like a distant future will slowly become the past with each fallen sunset. The greatest part of this journey, however, will be seeing how magnificently different our lives become." -10/04 Age I8

M. Stewart Ryan "Stew" St. Helena Student Council, Football, Mock Trial, Wisterian, St. Martin Tutoring "Perfection is unattainable, but if you strive for it you can achieve excellence" -the man, the myth, the legend, Jeremy Butt

Nicholas L. Salatino "Sals" Soccer, Bowling, Ski Club, Kairos Leader "We have no food; we have no jobs, our pets' HEADS ARE FALLING OFF!" -Lloyd Christmas

Richard D. Salvucci "vuch" St. Anastasia Italian Club, History Club, Mock Trial, Intramurals, Stage Crew

oeea Michael L. Sannuti "Sannuti" St. Albert the Great Ice Hockey, Italian Club, Racing Club, Science Club "Don't be dismayed at good-byes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again and meeting again, after moments or lifetimes, is certain for those who are friends." - "Illusions"

Nicholas M. Scalfaro "Nick" St. Maria Goretti Providence Center Tutoring, Intramurals, LaSalle Academy Tutoring "We as humans use only eight percent of our craniums. Why fill it up with nonessential things?"

Timothy M. Schaible St. Helena Ice Hockey, German Club, Outdoor Adventure Club, Latin Club "c" is for cookie, that's good enough for me." -Cookie Monster

Christopher J. Schieve "Schieve" St. Helena Soccer, Crew, Kairos Leader, Urban Challenge, Yearbook "I will go in this way and find my own way out." - Dave Matthews


C 189

Matt Dempsey, Joe Ritinski, and Dan O'Toole get ready for a long school day,

"Hey Dukes, could you get a little closer to the camera?"


maao David P. Schnupp "Schnoop-Dogg"

St. Jude Cross Country, NHS, Spanish Club, Art Club "In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." -Abraham Lincoln

Christopher P. Schulz Forensics, WEXP, Newspaper, Latin Club, German Club, Intramurals Vincent: Well a Big Mac's a Big Mac, but they call it "Ie Big Mac." Jules: "Le Big Mac?" What do they call a Whopper? Vincent: I don't know? I didn't go to Burger King. - "Pulp Fiction"

Bryan A. Schwartz St. Albert the Great Crew, LaSalle Academy Tutoring, Spanish Club, Sarnelli House, Latin Club, SADD, Freshmen Mentor, Student Council, St. Francis Inn " ... the instrument of knowledge can only by the movement of the whole soul be turned from the world of becoming into that of being, or in other words, of the good." -Plato's Republic Book VII

Ryan J. Sciolla "Sci's" Our Lady of Assumption Italian Club "How you doin'?"

190 IJ


Creative Kairos games.

Joe Winning is a poet and he don't even know it!

saam Rahul J. Selvanathan St. Philip Neri Spanish Club, Art Club, Multi-cultural Club, Latin Club, SADD, Intramurals, LaSalle Academy Tutoring, St. Martin's, Sarnelli House

Joseph J. Semen St. Katherine of Siena Lacrosse Manager, Science Club, LaSalle Academy Tutoring, Robotics

John A. Sharaf "I shot the Sheriff" Holy Angels Film Club (President), Wisterian, Anime Club, Yearbook, Gazebo "I'll bring the wine; you bring the bread and cheese. It's hard to eat when you're head banging, makin' out in the pit. How come Slayer never sings about this? If anything comes between you and me, then Heavy Metal Heaven, that's where we'll meet! We are Pantera fans in love!"

Jonathan Sharer "Jon" Lab Manager, Robotics, Intramurals "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." -Arthw' C. Clarke


IJ 191

Timothy J. Shea Our Lady of Good Counsel Cross Country, Indoor Track, Outdoor Track, Wisterian, NHS, Soccer "If you're going through hell. .. keep going." -Winston Churchill

Christopher J. Sheffer "Chris" Crew, People to People "It is not the hours you put into your work that counts, it's the work you put into the hours." -Sam Fewing

Joseph N. Skoien "Gumby" St. Rose of Lima LSC, Band, Crew, Intramurals, People to People, Urban Challenge "A bound is set to our knowing and wisdom is not to search beyond it. Men are only men." - Mary Renault, "The King Must Die"

Timothy J. Small "Smalls" St. Philip Neri Soccer, Spanish Club, Explorer Club, Sarnelli House "And shepherds we shall be, for thee my Lord, for thee. Power hath descended forth from thy hand, that our feet may swiftly carry out thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to thee and teeming with souls shall it ever be. In nominee Patris, et fili, et Spiritus Sancti."



Right here are the coolest guys in the school.

Big Mike gets a breather.

"Way to go Chez!"

192 IJ


Joseph M. Sobocinski "Sobo" Visitation BVM Basketball, Football, St. Martin's Tutoring, Pro-Life Club, Tennis, Freshmen Mentor

John J. Staffi "Staff" Holy Savior Ice Hockey, Sarnelli House "Live today like tomorrow will never come. Will you have any regrets if there's no tomorrow?"

Michael F. Stanczak "Mike" St. Philip Neri Golf, Baseball, Stage Crew, Ski Club, Intramurals "My computer is broken, it only types asterisks for passwords."

John-Michael Staub "Stauby" Grace Lutheran Bowling, LaSalle Academy "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." -Ferris Bueller

seea Patrick J. Staudt "Staudt" St. Andrew Crew, LaSalle Academy Tutoring, Urban Challenge, Latin Club, Kairos Leader "The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly." -Buddha

Thomas J. Stone "Tom" Immaculate Conception St. Martin's Tutoring, Gazebo, Cross Country, NHS, Forensics, Amnesty International, Wisterian "Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile." -Albert Einstein

Raymond P. Subers "Ray" Mary Mother of the Redeemer Tennis, Mock Trial, Wisterian, Ski Club, NHS "To reach a port, we must sail-sail, not tie at the anchor-sail, not drift." -FDR

Adam W. Sutkus St. Thomas Crew, Football "Don't let the fear of striking out hold you back." -Babe Ruth


C 193

"Hey, are you smart? Ok, you can sit here."

Student Council welcomes the freshmen.

Kairos brotherhood!

Exactly what is Keel doing here?

194 Il


Andrew Sweeney "Sweendog" ~een of Peace Football, Baseball, Respect Life, NHS, Intramurals, Latin Club " ... plus a constant." -Mr. James Roche

Jake P. Swiger St. Alphonsus Ski Club, Band, Plush Interior "Sittin' plus with a royal flush, Aces back to back." -Robert Hunter

Michael G. Tahadjod "Hadj" St. Luke the Evangelist Band, LaSalle Academy Tutoring "Bother me tomorrow, today I will buy no sorrows Doo doo doo Lookin' out my back door."

John J. Tanney St. Catherine of Siena Crew, Latin Club, People to People '~sense of humor is part of the art of leadership, of getting along with people, of getting things done" -Dwight D. Eisenhower



Vincent J. Tecce St. John the Evangelist Stage Crew, Italian Club, Intramural Football, Wiffleball, Outdoor Adventure Club "I can accept failure, I can't accept not trying." -Michael Jordan

Andrew J. Terreri St. Alphonsus Stage Crew, LaSalle Academy Tutors, Italian Club, Latin Club, Intramural Sports " The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellent." -Vince Lombardi

Peter A. Terreri St. AlphQnsus Stage Crew, Italian Club, LaSalle Academy Tutors, NHS, Lasallian Service Corps "Isn't life all about trying?" -Michaeljordan

Andreas V. Thuy Immaculate Conception Mock Trial, Ski Club, German Club, Academic Decathlon, St. Martin de Porres Tutoring, Track, Intramurals, Band "Do not go where the path may lead, go insteCT:d where there is no path and leave a trail." -Ralph Waldo Emerson


C 195

William J. Torelli "C-Mowney" OLGCjMMR LaSalle Academy Tutoring, St. Martin's Tutoring, Latin Club, Intramurals, Crew "We were merely freshmen" - The Verve Pipe

Kevin P. Trainer "Trained 'Em" St. Matthias Football, Intramurals, Spanish Club, Pit Volleyball, Lacrosse fan

Brett J. Trucksess "Truck" Mary Mother of the Redeemer LSC, Providence Center, LaSalle Academy, Triest House, St. Martin's, Sarnelli House, Chorus, Latin Club "I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?" - Stand by me

Andrew R. TUIl "Jethro" St. Luke the Evangelist Freshman Mentor, Intramurals, Urban Challenge, Cross Country, Track "I've missed over 4000 shots, I've lost more than 300 games, 26 times I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I have failed over and over in life, and that is why I succeed." -Michael Jordan

Rowdy LaSalle fans

"Mmmmm, good eats!" - Steve Klenk

Joe Lacon, Ryan Barrett, and DE Dunne on Kairos 3

196 C


Chinedu-Henry Ukwu "Chin", "Nedu Nedu", "Snacks", "YoungOOKs", "USWA" Mary Mother of the Redeemer Multicultural Club, Science Club, Tennis, Band, Italian Club, Intramurals " I will destroy you by letting you live."- Hai Do

Edward A. Valentino "Valley," "Eddie V," "Tino" St. Hilary Wrestling, Lacrosse, SADD, Football, Soccer, Kairos Leader "It's a liger ... it's pretty much my favorite animaL. it's a cross between a lion and a tiger ... bred for it's skills and magic."

George J. Walters "Monasky Chung Phelps" Our Lady of Consolation Soccer, Water Polo, Swimming, Crew, SADD "The grass was greener, The Light was brighter, With Friends surrounded, The nights of wonder." - Pink Floyd

John P. Whalon "Whalon" Mary Mother of the Redeemer Football, LaSalle Academy Tutoring, St. Francis Inn, Italian Club, Stage Crew, Intramurals, Mock Trial, NHS, Kairos Leader "It doesn't matter if you win by a foot or by a mile, winning's winning."

La.Sa.\\e [J


Daniel P. White "Dan". "Muscles". "Der Weisse" St. John Bosco, Hatboro Pep/Concert Band, Jaz:z: Band, Competition Band, Chorus Belcrofters, Men4Harmony, Liturgical "He who seeks applause from without has his happiness in another's keeping." -Oliver Goldsmith

christian E. Williams "Jonah" Immaculate Heart of Mary Art Club, Band, Chorus, Spring Musical, Fall Drama "What has always fascinated and motivated me about art is the act of creation. To produce some thing of beauty and interest, where nothing existed before, is a powerful experience."

Ronald V. Williamson "Pubbz". "Ronday" Immaculate Heart of Mary Tennis, Amnesty International, Kairos leader "Tomorrow I wake with a second wind and strength because of pride. I know I fought with all my heart to keep the dream alive."-Tupac Shakur

Joseph W. Winning "J-DUBS" St. John of the Cross Baseball, NHS, Student Council, SADD, Football, Basketball, St. Vincent's Soup Kitchen, Triest House, Kairos Leader " Life is not a spectator sport. If you're going to spend your whole life in the grandstands just watching what goes on, in my opinion you're wasting your life." -Jackie Robinson

Kenneth F. Wochele "Woxxy" Notre Dame de Lourdes, Swarthmore, PA Ice Hockey " None of us is as smart as all of us." -Phil Condit

198 IJ


"Yeah, all right, I'm the President!" "I still don't know why people keep calling me Bucket-Head?" - 10.

Scott Cumpstone relaxin' with his guitar.

Eatin' some food and gettin' ready forthe game.


IJ 199

Good Luck, John. We are proud of you. Love, Mom and Dad Congratulations Brett! Love, Dad, Mom, Becca Joe, We are very proud of you and everything you have done at La Salle. We have enjoyed watching you sing and perform! ! Love Always, Mom & Dad

John, We are so proud of you! Congratulations to you and all our friends in the class of 200S. Love, Mom, Pop, Kerry & Meg Eddie VYou make us proud! Love, Mom & Dad Joe, Congratulations to you and the class of200S!

Love, Mom, Dad, Kate & Jen Alex Rhein, You did it, and we're proud! Congratulations! Love, Mom and Dad

Jim McCabe, We are so proud of you! Love, Mom, Dad, Meghan, Elyse

Aggis, I'm so proud of you! Congratulations! You owe me a bag of rocks ... I love you! XO! Love, Steph

John-Michael: We're very proud of what you have accomplished. Have fun in college! Be the best you can! Love, Mom, Dad & Brittany

Good luck Ed Diasio. We are so proud of you. Love, Mom, Dad, Tim and the entire family! Congratulations Jason Henner. All your dreams will come true. Love, Mom & Dad Congratulations Ryan! Love, Mom, Dad, Jenna and Jake Congratulations Michael E. Henner. Reach for the stars; they are within your grasp. Love, Mom & Dad Bernie, Congratulations to you and the class of200S. We are so proud of you! May God bless and guide you as you continue your journey in life. Love, Mom, Dad and Joanna

200 IJ


DearTedBelieve in yourself. We love you. Mom, Dad and Olivia RyanG.Congratulations! Continue to be a "unique light" and your future will be bright. We love you. Mom & Delaney

John Whalon, Good luck in pursuing your ambitions. You have made us proud ar we hope you will get to realize yc fondest dreams. Love, Nana and Gramps Congratulations Brian! Love, Mom, Dad and the family Congratulations, love, luck, and happiness to a great son and brotl Tim Schaible, and to the class of Sharon & Wayne Schaible, Chris, Greg, & Kate Lenward & Barbara Gatison Good Luck Frank! American Disposal Systems Congratulations Explorers www.ConnieBrady.com John Morgan '7S Power Xtreme Gym Colin, May your journeys be filled with happiness and good fortune. Love, Mom, Dad, Michael and G A Year to Remember, Max and Ti Thomas and Rosanna Mirabile

Patrick, This is only another step in a long journey. Make it a journey of discovery. Love, Mom, Dad, Tom, Kaiti, Matt & Shane

Go La Salle Crew! The G. R. Group

Congratulations, Jeff!

Paul M. Benyovszky, Jr. No one is more proud of you ... Love, Dad

Good luck John Whalon. We are very proud of you and all your accomplishments. Stay focused and you will achieve your dreams. Love, Mom, Tim, and Kyle

LanceWe are so proud of you Love, Dad, Mom and J arod

aAa w K.Abel, 62 IAbel,62 C. Abramo, 62 . Abbott, 78 ly C. Acey-Davis, 70 m S. Ahern, 62 lY T. Adams, 70 )pher P. Adamski, 148 )pherJ.Agnew, 78,122,123 aulAgostine, 148 :W H. Alba, 62, 91 e E. Albert, 62 H.Algeo, 62 3. Alzona, 57, 148 lic A. Amodei, 62 mAnderson, 57, 148 ~I J. Andrews, 89, 148 J. Angeloni, 56,108,109, 7,148 . Anninos, III, 78 J. Ansel, 70 :1 J. Antonello, 148 ~w J. Antonello, 62 )pher R. Ashley, 70 IN. Athian, 7,148 AU,62

r. Azeff,

124, 149

bBb lAo Babnew, 18,78 ~w C. Baiocchi, 78 r. Baker, 70 lic Baker, 70 ry J. Banecker, 149 G. Barba, 70 J. Barker, 70 )nd J. Barker, Jr, 62 Barnett, 62 ian V. Baron, 62 ~. BalT, Ill, 57, 149 opher P. Barr, 78 3arr,70 1S S. Barr, 62 ian J. BalTett, 149 P. Barrett, 39, 149 {. BalTett, 78 r. Barrett, 70 opher M. Becher, 62 S. Behr, 53, 149 F. Behr, 62 an J. Beichert, 78 as S. Bender, 62, I P. Benincasa, 78 Benvenuto, 62 1. Benyovszky, Jr, 62 '. Benz, 70 .el W. Berger, 41,149 S. Berkle, 62 ore V. Bevivino, 70 L Beyer, 44, 78

W. Biaesch, II,62 j

J. Bianchini, 62, B. Bidus, 56, 149

Christopher C. Birzes, 62 Nicholas E. Bivens, 70 Patrick J. B1agrave, 78 John J. Blanke, 62 Robert E. Bolger, III, 62 Matthew J. Bolinski, 53, 150 Braden J. Bonner, 16,50,70 Paul E. Bonnevie, 78 Edward D. Bonnevie, 70 Alain R. Bonny, 78 Russel C. Boothby, 62 Andrew C. BOlTell, 78 Andrew W. Bowman, 62 Michael A. Boyle, 150 John N. Braca, III, 42, 47, ISO Matthew C. Bradwell, 150 John B. Brady, 78 Drew R. Brandt, 78 Matthew R. Braun, 62 Taylor S. Brauns, 70 Mark D. Breen-Lopez, 70 Douglas J. Brehony, 70 Alex J. Breitmayer, 78 Andrew R. Britt, 36, 151 Patrick F. Broderick, 151 Daniel Brophy, 70 Paul S. Brown, 70 Timothy J. Brown, 70 John R. Brumbaugh, 62 Kyle M. Buchanan, 56, lSI Daniel Buesking, 62 Matthew T. Bui, 70 Thomas Buoncristiano, 63 Alexander J. Buonocore, 70 Dean L. Buonomo, 63 John A. Buonomo, 78 Gerard F. Burke, 35,151 Kevin J. Burke, 70 Christopher D. Bush, 78 Christopher T. Byrne, 78

cCc Christopher T. Cabrey, 70 Bradley P. Caglia, 78 Christopher M. Cahill, 70 Geoffrey S. Cahill, 70 Ryan Cain, 70 Wesley P. Calderone, 70 Sterling D. Calhoun, 78 Thomas P. Callahan, III,152 Juan J. Camilo, 70 John B. Campanella, 71 John E. Campbell, 78 Michael K. Campbell, 71 Sean 1. Campbell, 71 DalTen A. Campo, 78 Alexander 1. Capetola, 71 Andrew T. Capizzi, 71 Thomas T. Cappa, 78 Tyler J. Caracausa, 63 Phillip J. Caramenico, 71 Christian S. Carey, 63 BrianA. Carlin, 152 R. Sean Carlin, 54, 152 Daniel P. Carr, 63

Matthew J. Carr, 78 Jared R. Carter, 78 Vincent E. Cartwright, 18, 152 Christopher G. Carvalho, 152 Cody M. Casale, 152 Michael S. Casey, 63 Ryan J. Casey, 78 Sean P. Casey, 78 Ian F. Casey, 71 Francis X. Cassidy, 63 Philip A. Cassidy, 71 William Castelberg, III, 71 Christopher J. Celio, 63 Michael L. Celio, 79 Michael R. Chapman, 152 Robert H. Chapman-Smith, 79 Matthew B. Chiarello, 79 Francesco P. Chinnici, 152 Richard F. Chiodo, 63 Brandon K. Chong, 153 Joshua P. Chubb, 71 Pasquale J. Ciammetti, Jr., 153 William Andrew Ciammetti, 63 David A. Ciccaglione, 79 Alexander T. Ciliberto, 63 Stephen A. Ciliberto, 153 Cameron P. Ciminera, 51 David G. Cipolla, 45, 153 Joseph Cipolla, 31,49, 71 Christopher A. Ciufo, 153 Nathan C. Clapper, 63 Alex M. Clark, 79 Gerard M. Clark, 63 Michael K. Clark, 79 Timothy C. Clarke, 79 Evan E. Clauss, 63, Andrew C. Clay, 50, 71 John T. Cleary, 63 Thomas J. Cleary, 79 John J. Clifford, 153 Michael S. Cliggett, 71 Ryan J. Colburn, 79 Michael J. Collinelli, 63 Brian P. Collins, 63 Kevin S. Collins, 79 Richard J. Conicelli, 79 Steven J. Connolly, 153 Daniel F. Connors, 71 Christopher M. Conti, 154 Colin D. Conway, 71 Colin D. Conway, 79 Domonick A. Cook, 71 Adam B. Coombs, 71 W. Gresham Cooney, 31, 79 Jeremy W. Cooper, 79 S. Evan Cooper, 63 Christopher T. Corby, 71 Colin M. Corcoran, 71 Joseph T. Corcoran, 63 Thomas J. Cosella, 63 Richard W. Cosgrove, 18, 79 Steven J. Costanza, 79 Patrick B. Costello, 79 Andrew J. Cotlov, 154 Benjamin J. Courtney, 18,71, 117

Chris J. Covington, 63 Thomas J. Cowhey, 79 Travis J. Cozzie, 154 Christian J. Crawford, 63 Nicholas F. Crawford, 79 Ryan P. Creter, 55, 79 Michael J. Croasdale, 71 John T. Croke, 154 Thomas M. Croke, 55, 79 Gregory S. Crone, 79 John R. Crouse, 154 Conor M. Crowe, 79 Timothy E. Cullen, 154 William J. Cummings, III, 48, 90, 154 Scott J. Cumpstone, 154 Patrick J. Cunnane, 79 Connor M. Cunningham, 63 Kyle G. Cunningham, ISS James W. Cunningham, 71 Michael A. Curley, 63 Patrick J. Curran, 79 Ryan J. Curran, 79 Thomas J. Curry, 71

dDd Brendan M. DaCosta, 63 Brendan M. Dalton, 63 ThayerW. Damm, 56, ISS Nicholas C. Danella, 63 Matthew G. Daniele, 63 Christopher A. Darragh, Jr, ISS Francis R. Daulerio, ISS Andrew T. Davis, 79 Matthew T. Day, 64 Alexander K. Delaney, 64 John F. DeLucca, 64 Frank A. DeLuccia, 71 Anthony J. DePaul, Jr, 64 Michael S. DePaulo, 156 James C. Deak, 156 Andrew J. Dean, 18,71 Steven Dean, 71 Benjamin A. Dearden, 18,79 Alexander R. Dee, 71 Kevin T. Deitz, 71 Matthew Z. Dempsey, 57, 156 PatrickD. Dempsey, 18, 19, 156 Richard J. Devine, 79 Robert C. Devlin, 156 Colin M. Devlin, 71 BrianA. DiBiagio, 24,156 Edward W. DiDonato, 137, 156 Benjamin N. DiFranco, 72 John P. Dilulio, 64 Michael R. DiLaurenzo, 80 Christopher G. DiLella, 80 Edward S. DiNola, 85, 156 Paul E. DiPaolo, 80 Richard S. DiPiero, 80 Aldo DiPrato, 20, 34,156 Marco DiPrato, 72 Leonard DiWilliams, 72 Edward A. Diasio, 157 Kevin L. Dicciani, 80 James M. Dierkes, 72

Index [I


Hai H. Do, 32, 55, 157 Conor K. Doherty, 72 Stephen P. Dolan, III, 64 Todd E. Domanski, 64 Matthew D. Dominick, 72 Kevin J. Donnelly, 72 Michael J. Donoghue, 72 Michael R. Donovan, 80 James C. Dooney, 32, 157 Stephen W. Dorsey, 72 Thomas R. Dougherty, 64 Adam R. Douglas, 18,56,157 Jeffrey A. Douglas, 72 Matthew J. Doyle, 157 Michael Doyle, 72 Nicholas R. Dreher, 72 Brian M. Drennen, 72 Christopher L. Driscoll, 80 James C. Driscoll, Jr,64, John-Michael Dronson, 64 Kyle L. Dufresne, 64 Thomas M. Dugan, 80 John T. Duke, 64 Anthony Dukes, 56, 157 Timothy P. Dunn, 18, 21, 57, 157 Dennis R. Dunne, 157 Kellian Maxwell Durkin, 72 Gregory M. Dusing, 72 Matthew C. Dwyer, 64 Sean M. Dwyer, 72 Evan A. Dysart, 64

eEe Robert G. Ebbecke, 80 Robert J. Eberle, 64 Travis G. Eddy, 80 Lukas Eddy, 72 Thomas J. Edger, 158 Brendan M. Egan, 80 Richard T. Eichert, 158 William N. Eichwald, 158 Michael J. Elnitski, 158 Peter G. Endrigian, II, 72 Daniel T. Erhard, III, 64 Michael S. Erickson, 64 Jonathan Etheridge, 64 Richard B. Evan, 16,64

fFf Michael R. Fabiszewski, 64 Lance J. Fagan, 64 Nicholas C. Faillace, 72 Robert Farley, 72 Francis J. Farrell, 64 Michael P. Farrington, 80 Daniel M. Fasoline, 80 Christopher J. Fasy, 64 Raymond C. Favata, 56, 57, 158 Michael C. Fazio, 72 Ryan M. Fee, 36 Stephen P. Feeley, 56, 158 Michael D. Ferrino, 64 Michael J. Filipczak, 72, Gerald R. Fillman, 18,80 Brendan B. Fisher, 64



Brett C. Fisher, 80 John J. Fischer, 64 Bernard J. Fitzgerald, 64 Joseph W. Fluehr, 80 Kevin C. Flynn, 64 Andrew J. Foell, 72 Nicholas J. Foley, 64 Timothy J. Foley, 80 Sean R. Ford, 158 Tyler J. Ford, 24, 158 Ryan A. Ford, 72 Matthew A. Forkin, 64 Christopher J. Fornace, 80 Daniel J. Fornace, 72 Harry S. Forst, 64 John P. Forster, 72 Robert S. Forster, 137, 160 Sean Forster, 160 Gregory W. Frantz, 72 Mark A. Franzen, 64 Robert S. Fratamico, 160 David C. Fratamico, 72 Christopher Michael Furgiuele, 80 Andrew M. Furlong, 72 Michael J. Furlong, 64 Edward J. Furman, 80

gGg Andrew D. Galbally, 64 ChristopherJ. Gallagher, 18, 19,47, 54, 160 Eugene J. Gallagher, III, 161 F. Joseph Gallagher, 64 Garrett S. Gallagher, 18, 72 Joseph P. Gallo, 72 L.G. Lenward Gatison, 80 James M. Gavanus, 80 David M. Gavin, 80 Michael J. Gazzara, 161 Peter H. Gebert, Jr., 80 James J. Gehringer, 31,32,35,80 Jeffrey D. Gemi, 161 Anthony E. Giannetti, Jr., 72 Ryan B. Gibbons, 161 Brian J. Gibbons, 80 Jason P. Gigliotti, 80 Zachary C. Gilbert, 72 Andrew M. Gill, 162 Brian F. Givnish, 162 John F. X. Givnish, III,64 Matthew A. Glavin, 72 Andrew C. Gleason, 80 Nicholas M. Golden, 64 Nicholas A. Gorsky, 72 Charles S. Gowdy, 72 Christopher C. Grady, 72 Thomas P. Graham, 72 MichaelA. Grant, 162 Timothy A. Grasela, 64 Wayne T. Grasela, 72 Joseph T. Gravinese, Ill, 80 Peter F. Gravinese, 72 Timothy W. Greaves, 72 Matthew H. Greenfield, 80 GeorgeJ. Gresko, 99,162

Joshua R. Griffith, SO Nigel B. Gross, 64 Edward L. Guarrieri, 50, SO Kevin W. Guckin, 50, 162 Sean P. Guinan, 54,163 Matthew M. Gulkis, 64

hHh Michael E. Haas, SO Andrew J. Haenn, 163 Brett G. Haenn, 64 J. Gray Haenn, 18,72

F. Joseph Haesler, 52 James L. Hagerty, 64 Philip J. Haggerty, 72 Brennan L. Hagy, 124, 125, 163 J. Bradley Halbritter, 80 Colin M. Haley, 72 Wendell F. Haley-Dingle, 163 Thomas J. Hall, 64 Jeffrey M. Hamilton, 56, 163 Richard P. Hamilton, 72 Michael C. Handschuh, 80 Erik E. Haney, 64 Ryan C. Haney, 72 Kevin A. Hanselmann, 64 Peter C. Hanselmann, SO Rodney L. Hardee, 64 John E. Hardwick, SO Matthew J. Harp, SO Patrick J. Harp, 18,72 Kevin S. Harrigan, 80 Andrew M. Harrison, 163 John Harrison, V, 64 Thomas J. Hartman, 163 Timothy P. Heck, 73 BrianA. Heenan, IS, 164 Thomas S. Heigh, 80 Christopher S. Heinly, 80 Eric R. Heisner, 65 Samuel D. Henderson, 65 Jason Henner, 164 Michael Henner, 164 Joseph F. Hennessey, 80 David Andrew Henrich, 73 Peter J. Henwood, 65 Stephen J. Herbert, 164 Sean D. Herbert, 73 Kevin S. Heron, 165 Gregory P. Herzog, 56, 165 Zachary M. Hess, 165 Andrew M. Hesson, 65 Dennis M. Higgins, 80 Christopher S. Higgins, 73 Michael A. Higgins, 65 Matthew S. Himler, 80 Walter Mark Hinkel, Jr., 18, 73 C. Clark Hodgson, III, 80 Michael P. Hoffman, 65, Shane M. Hoffman, 65 Gregory B. Hogan, 165 R. Connor Hogan, 80 Bradford HoliingswOlth, 65 Joseph R. Holod, 65 John J. Holt, III, 73

Kevin J. Horgan, 80 Andrew Houchins, 73 Joseph J. Houldin, 65 Matthew G. Houser, 73 Matthew R. Howard, 73 Donald C. Huber, 166 Ryan W. Huber, 80 George M. Hudson, III, 54, 81 Joseph F. Hughes, III, 81 Kevin M. Hughes, 65 Michael S. Hughes, 73 John Anthony J. Hull, 73 Sean M. Hutchinson, 73 Andrew M. Hyatt, 166 Kevin D. Hylinski, 18, 124, 166 David J. Hysek, 73

iIi Christian S. Iannarone, 81 Philip J. Iannuzzi, 65 Matthew R. Ihlein, SI Matthew P. Illari, 65 Christopher S. Imms, 81 Matthew J .M. Inglese, 65 James F. Irwin, 166 Nicholas R. Irwin, Jr., 73 Rizwan Ishmail, 167 Anthony C. lvanoski, 65 Leonard A. Ivanoski, III, 167

jJj Leo P. Jackson, 167 Patrick Jackson, 73 Shawn R. Jacobsen, 65 Nicholas J. Jaskula, 65 Jonathan D. Javie, 65 Patrick J. Jeffers, 81 Brian M. Jeffers, 73 Daniel P. Jeitner, 73 Michael N. Joachim, IV, 81 Colden L. Johanson, 81 Christopher J. Johnson, 65, Thomas Johnson, 167 Taylor D. Johnson, 73 Casey P. Jones, 65 John Paul Jones, III, SI R. Scott Jones, 81 Thomas M. Jorfi, 168 Kevin S. Juliff, 168

kKk Joseph M. Kain, 47, 73 Matthew A. Kalkbrenner, 168 Stephen M. Kalkbrenner, 65 Stephen M. Kapp, 81 Michael J. Kapp, 73 Konrad J. Karczewski, 168 Francis M. Kasprzak, 81 Sean-Patrick Kearney, 81 John A. Keating, 168 John J. Keenan, 81 William J. Keenan, 81 Graham C. Keir, 16, 81 Michael R. Keller, 37 Paul J. Kelly, IV, 168

omaao · Kelly, 48, 49, 168 H. Kelly, 81 'M. Kelly, 81 P. Kelly, 73 Kelly, 73 · Kelley, 65 · Kennedy, 81 I P. Kent, 65 " Kerak, 81 P. Kernytsky, 65 C. Kerr, 65 C. Kerr, 81 S. Kessler, 28, 168 r. Kirk, 42, 43,169 1 R. Kissman, 65 M. Klenk, 169 I F. Klenk, 73 :. Klohe, 73 Knab,81 J. Knowles, 65 v J. Kohler, 65 ~. Kostenbauder, 81 1 A. Kraeher, 73 I J. Krasnisky, 169 v J. Kruc, 81 :hol Kuch, 169 :. Kurylo, 73 Kush, 65 v J. Kwasizur, 47, 73

III ; J. Laessig, Jr, 65 .a Rocca, 170 I D. LaFata, 73 C. Lacon, 170 :. Lacon, 73 IS. Lagansky, 73 , R. Lagner, 170 ler S. Lagner, 74 Lam, 66 D. Lamson, 66 IV D. Landherr, 81 IV

· Langdale, 81 lS J. Lanza, 18,74 T. Lapowsky, 66 1 P. Larkin, Ill, 74 · Le, 37,170 Ledder,66 Lees, 81 IV R. Lees, 66 vI. Leighton, 18, 171 · Leighton, 53, 74 J.Lenahen,81 vI. LeNoir, 66 n E. Leshner, 81 Lester,82 c. Leva, 66 L Levins, 74 : J. Levito, Ill, 74 i J. Lewandowski, 54, 171 :"ewandowski,74 · Lewis, 30, 82 Lewis, 74 yD. Liberato, 66 T. Liberatore, 82

Jack C. Libor, 74 Anthony C. Limberakis, 50, 51,171 Ryan M. Lindsay, 66 Thomas P. Little, 18, 171 Andrew M. Logan, 74 Ryan M. Logan, 66, 99 Patrick R. Lombard, 172 Kelly M. Lombard, 74 Sean M. London, 74 Antonio l. Lopez, 82 David R. Loughery, 66 Daniel P. Lowry, 66 Ryan J. Luby, 54 Maxwell B. Luce, 74 Daniel Luque, 66, Matthew J. Lynch, 66 Michael C. Lynch, 24, 172 Remy D. Lynn, 66 Francis T. Lyons, 172

mMm Alexander J. Madrak, 35, 173 Michael J. Maguire, 74 Sean Mahoney, 74 Louis J. Maiden, 24, 82 John P. Malone, 66 Patrick A. Malone, 82 Ira Edward Manalo, 66 Robert R. Mandos, 66 Joseph F. Manero, III, 36, 82 Nicholas A Manzi, 56, 173 Felix J. Manzi, 74 Timothy R. Marcinek, 173 Daniel K. Marcolina, 173 Christopher P. Marisco, 45, 74 Shawn Markey, Jr., 74 Victor A. Marques, 66, Michael T. Marra-Powers, 66 Daniel P. Marrazzo, 66 Tyrell J. Marshall, 82 J. Earl Martin, 54, 173 E. Michael Martinelli, 74 Vincent J. Martinicchio, 82 Robert F. Marzullo, 66, William P. Mascio, 74 William W. Maslin, Ill, 66 David A. Mastroieni, 82 William H. Masturzo, 82 Adam N. Matone, 66 Christopher Mattera, 82 Nicholas G. Mattera, 66 Douglas B. Maxwell, 18,82 John B. Maxwell, 82 Dennis P. McBride, 66 Scott J. McBride, 21, 48, 55, 173 John D. McBurnie, 74 James C. McCabe, 54 Brian C. McCabe, 74 Michael V. McCabe, 36, 37, 66 Patrick C. McCaffery, 28, 29, 173 Matthew W. McCaffery, 74 Bryan J. McCallion, 74 Brendan R. McCann, 174,32,53 Ryan P. McCann, 174 Colin P. McCann, 74

Terence J. McCarrick, 66 Philip J. McCarthy, 43, 44, 45, 47, 54,174 Michael J. McCarty, 82 John E. McCoey, 174 Joseph P. McCollum, 66 Kevin M. McCort, 82 Michael J. McCoy, 175 Mychael A. McCoy, 54, 74 Colin M. McCreery, 66 Robert P. McCullough, 82 Andrew J. McDermott, 175 Ryan J. McDevitt, 74 Gerard J. McEvilly, 175 Patrick X. McGann, 67 Kevin P. McGee, 175 Michael F. McGee, 176 Brian S. McGill, 82 Evan J. McGillin, 74 Brian W. McGinly, 67 Sean T. McGinley, 22, 29,176 Brian P. McGinnis, 74 Ryan J. McGinnis, 67 Sean A. McGoldrick, 32, 54, 176 Stephen M. McGorry, 82 Matthew R. McGovern, 67 John T. McGowan, 31, 176 Matthew J. McGowan, 31,177 Andrew M. McGowan, 47, 82 William D. McIntyre, 75 Edwin M. McKeon, III, 75 Jude T. McKenna, 67 Sean F. McKenna, 67 Brooke B. McKim, 177 Michael R. McKinney, 177 Gregory E. McLaren, 82 Sean T. McLaughlin, 82 Dennis J. McLaughlin, 38 Eric McLoughlin, 75 Kevin P. McLaughlin, 67 Timothy R. McMahon, 82 Brian P. McManus, 75 John F. McMenamin, 67 James P. McNally, 67 Kevin W. McNamara, 82 Kevin T. McShane, 57,177 Thomas S. McVey, 21, 42, 43, 178 Austin A. Meehan, Jr, 67 Matthew M. Meehan, 75 Christopher R. Mehr, 178 Michael F. Mele, 67 Patrick R. Melvin, 67 Shaun J. Menkhaus, 67 Marc R. Menno, 82 Tyler R. Meves, 21, 24, 178 Nathan D. Meyers, 67 Brian S. Michel, 178 Anthony Mieczkowski, 82 Joseph M. Migliarese, 67 John J. Mikus, Ill, 75 Jeremy A. Miles, 67 Shawn A. Miles, 38, 179 Chase V. Miller, 179,35 Kevin W. Miller, 54, 55 Colin G. Miller, 82

Joseph Colin Miller, 67 Mick A. Miller, 47 Joseph P. Millet, III, 82 MarkA. Milligan, 27, 82 Michael R. Mills, 179 Thomas F. Minton, IV, 75 Anthony T. Mirabile, 75 Andrew T. Mockaitis, 75 John J. Modestine, 75 Steven J. Modres, 67 Sean M. Moffa, 67 Daniel J. Moll, 21,180 Sean W. Moloney, 82 Joseph C. Monastero, 83 Timothy F. Mondimore, 67 Matthew Monteverde, 55, 75 Patrick W. Montgomery, 180 Richard A. Montgomery, 75 Sean E. Montgomery, 67 Matthew P. Mooney, 67 Brian T. Moore, 75 Brendan J. Moran, 67 Patrick M. Moran, 67 Max S. Morgan, 83 Samuel A Morgan, 67 Patrick J. Morrow, 67 RobertA. Morton, 75 Robert J. Moyer, 67 Alexander B. Muller, 83 Daniel Murphy, 67 James P. Murphy, 29, 48, 180 Kevin P. Murphy, 83 Ryan D. Murphy, 75 Colin J. Murray, 67 Bradley A. Murtha, 20, 180 Jeffrey K. Murtha, 67 Matthew S. Muscarella, 75 John R. Mutchler, 83

nNn Scott C. Nagy, 83 Brian J. Nahas, 75 Joseph P. Nardi, 67 Maxx E. Naseef, 75 Gino M. Naticchione, 83 Basil AG. Nation, 18,32,36,83 Andrew J. Nelson, 32,41,42,43,45, 47, 181 Brent H. Nesbitt, 67 Jakob J. Nines, 75 Nicholas T. Nocero, 75 Joseph F. Nolan, 83 John P. Nucero, 39

000 Sean D. O'Connell, 20, 29, 32, 47,181 Jonathan M. O'Connell, 75 Kevin E. O'Connell, 75 James Kyle O'Donnell, 48,181 Thomas J. O'Donnell, 21,181 John M. O'Driscoll, 75 Brendan D. O'Hara, 43, 182 Michael G. O'Neill, 45,182 Craig J. O'Neill, 83 Kevin O'Neill, 75


C 203

DomeD Liam P. O'Neill, 75 Daniel Peter 0 'Toole, 21, 182 Matthew E. Okerson, 67 Joseph P. Oline, 67 George R. Oliver, Jr., 182 Michael C. Oliver, 67 Matthew M. Olson, 75 BrianJ.0Iszak,182 Matthew S. Onnfrak, 75 Paul S. Orner, 67 Kristopher R. Ostopchuck, 16, 51, 83

pPp Michael P. Padgeon, Jr., 83 Vincent G. Paglione, 20, 182 Paul H. Paige, 134, 182 Andrew M. Palazzo, 67 Michael C. Palermo, 75 Luke F. Palidora, 182 Richard A. Panettieri, 50,184 Joseph W. Pappas, 83 Nicholas J. Patcella, 75 Matthew C. Paul, 75 Ryan C. Pawling, 75 Gerald J. Pawlish, 83 Nicholas Pedersen, 67 Michael T. Pennington, 184 Ian E. Perera, 75 Joseph Perese, 75 John M. Pel'uto, Jr., 83 Adam E. Petko, 83 Tyler J. Petrus, 83 Douglas M. Phelan, 40, 41, 43, 184 Anthony A. Phillips, 45, 61, 83 William G. Phillips, 83 John N. Phillips, 75 Alexander P. Phucas, 67 John Picard, 75 Andrew T. Pierce, 75 Gregory T. Pierce, 75 Francis J. Pierson, 67 John F. Pierson, 75 John F. Pilla, III,83 George C. Pinchock, 75 John W. Piree, 75 W. Patrick Playdon, 83 Timothy L. Plunkett, 83 Michael D. Power, 75 Jeffrey S. Powers, 83 Robert J. Powers, 67 Eric S. Prendergast, 83 James Prendergast, 83 Jeffrey D. Price, 75 Justin T. Price, 75 Thomas M. Prokop, 83 Nicholas A. Pucci, 18,29, 184 Daniel R. Pyne, 67

rRr Louis J. Raieta, 67 Evan Raisner, 75 Michael R. Rajnherc, 67 Alexander J. Ralston, 67 Ben T. Ramapuram, 67 Giuseppe Randazzo, 83



ScottA. Ranweiler, 184 Jason M. Raschiatore, 67 Nicholas N. Rausch, 67 Matthew J. Razzano, 67 Adam J. Reale, 75 Michael J. Reber, 75 PeterT. Recigno, 184 Thomas E. Reeb, 184 Conor P. Regan, 184 Patrick M. Regan, 83 Evan Regan-Levine, 16,50,51,76 Matthew A. Reichelt, 83 Michael J. Reilly, 185 Jonathan J. Rementer, 83 J. Blake Remley, 30, 31, 32,185 Alexander J. Rhein, 185 Armand M. Rhone, 67 John J. Rice, 185 Patrick J. Rider, 186 Conrad T. Ridgway, 67 Albert J. Rieck, 83 Matthew J. Riffe, 83 Sean P. Riley, 24,186 Terrence M. Riley, 83 Timothy J. Riley, 83 Kevin M. Riley, 76 Joseph F. Ritinski, 186 Jason K. Rivkin, 67 Vincent G. Rizzuto, 83 Robert P. Roberts, IV, 31, 50, 186 Terrance D. Robinson, 83 Michael P. Roche, 67 Andrew P. Rocks, 18, 187 John M. Rodden, 67 Stephen A. Rodgers, 83 Francis S. Rogers, Jr., 83 Reese J. Rogers, 48, 50, 83 Matthew P. Romagano, 187 Hilario Romero, 76 Michael V. Rongione, 67 Erik M. Ronzone, 50, 187 William J. Rooney, 67 Kevin C. Rose, 76 Michael P. Rose, Jr, 67 Scott G. Ross, 16,32,42,44,187 Connor D. Rothwell, 76 Nicholas M. Rowe, 189 David J. Roynan, 83 Jason M. Ruppert, 83 William A. Rush, 83 M.StewartRyan, 18, 19,34,47,49, 189 James J. Ryan, Jr., 76 Brandon P. Ryan, 76

sSs Brian R. Sacchetta, 18,83 Daniel T. Sacchetta, 68 Nicholas L. Salatino, 189 Peter J. Salatino, 83 Richard D. Salvucci, 189 Alexander C. Salwach, 40 Michael L. Sannuti, 189 Nicholas B. Sannuti, 48 Anthony J. Santoro, Jr,68 RobertA. Saraceni, III, 76

Sean C. Saverio, 76 Nicholas M. Scalfaro, 56 Richard M. Scanzillo, 68 Timothy M. Schaible, 189 Joseph W. Schatz, 83 Kyle E. Scheetz, 68 Matthew H. Schelkun, 68 Christopher J. Schieve, 21, 46, 189 Harvey E. Schmidt, 68 Timothy A. Schneider, 83 David P. Schnupp, 190 Eric C. Schoeffling, 83 Alexander P. Schreiber, 68 Bryant M. Schultz, 83 Christopher P. Schulz, 37, 190 BryanA. Schwartz, 18, 190 RyanJ. Sciolla, 190 Rahul J. Selvanathan, 191 Joseph J. Semen, 30, 31,191 Brian C. Serpico, 68 Francis E. Serrao, 68 James J. Shannon, 84 John A. Sharaf, 191 Jonathan Sharer, 50, 191 Timothy J. Shea, 192 Christopher J. Sheffer, 192 Keith A. Shepard, Jr, 68 Michael G. Shertz, Jr.,76 John P. Shields, 68 Kevin M. Shields, 68 Matthew P. Singer, 84 Leon J. Singletary, 40, 50, 84 James P. Sinnott, 37, 84 Matthew R. Sinnott, 37, 84 Patrick K. Sinnott, 68 Joseph M. Skoien, 41,192 Gregory Sliner, 76 Timothy J. Small, 192 Daniel F. Smart, 76 Thomas M. Smart, 68 Matthew W. Smeltzer, 68 Sean M. Smith, 50, 68, 84 Sean M. Smith, 99,173,184 Joseph M. Sobocinski, 193 Blake C. Solliday, 76 Jeffrey A. Spencer, 76 John H. Sperger, 68 David L. Spinosa, 76 Brian R. Splane, 68 Zachary J. Spurlin, 76 John J. Staffi, 193 Michael C. Stahl, 76 Michael F. Stanczak, 193 Matthew Stanczak, 76 John-Michael Staub, 193 Patrick J. Staudt, 193 George J. Steffon, 84 Stephen C. Stern, 76 LaMar S. Stewart, 84 Nicholas R. Stewart, 76 Matthew Z. Stigliano, 84 Thomas J. Stone, 21, 37, 193 Matthew C. Stone, 30, 42, 43, 76 Robert L. Stott, 84 Mark Stypulkowski, 50, 76

Benjamin W. Subers, 68 Raymond P. Subers, 34, 35, 193 Adam W. Sutkus, 193 Robert P. Swartley, 76 Andrew Sweeney, 195 Jake P. Swiger, 195 David M. Szekeres, 68

tTt Michael G. Tahadjod, 195 Kevin M. Tamasitis, 76 Ruem C. Tan, 34, 37, 84 JohnJ. Tanney, 195 Matthew A. Taormina, 69 Connor J. Tatlow, 52, 84 VincentJ.Tecce, 195 Devon N. Teichman, 69 Andrew J. Terreri, 195 Peter A. Terreri, 195 Nicholas M. Teufel, 84, James F. Thomas, 69 Ryan Q. Thomson, 76 Andreas V. Thuy, 32, 195 James J. Tierney, 27, 84 Robert L. Toner, III, 53, 84 Brendan D. Toolan, 69 Michael C. Topley, 69 William J. Torelli, 196 Kevin P. Trainer, 196 Brian J. Trainer, 76 John J. Travaline, 76 Ryan J. Travers, 18,24,27,84 Timothy N. Trichtinger, 84 Charles P. Trinkle, 76 Brett J. Trucksess, 24, 42, 43,196 Sean M. Trudeau, 69 Tristan R. Tschoepe, 69 Joseph C. Tubolino, 84 Daniel P. Tuck, 76 Julian J. Tucker, 69 Andrew R. Tull, 196 Christopher R. Tull, 84 Kevin P. Turk, 76 John E. M. Tyszka, 84

uUu Chinedu-Henry Ukwu, 197 Stephen W. Ullrich, Jr., 84 Kevin A. Ulrich, 84 Timothy B. Ulrich, 69 John V. Urbano, 69

vVv Edward A. Valentino, 54, 116, Stephen M. Vanni, 84 John Vasoli, 77 JosephA. Vazquez, 84 Michael R. Venafra, 84 Andrew J. Ventresca, 18,84 Matthew T. Ventresca, 69 Jonathan J. Vettori, 84 Michael A. Villari, 84 William D. Viskovich, 77 Timothy R. Vogel backer, 77 Kyle K. Voigt, 77



wWw '. Waitkus, 77 Walchonski, 77 , M. Walczak, 77 Walker,77 · Wallace, 69, : J. Wallin, 84 :A. Walsh, 84 Walsh,77 J. Walters, 53,124,125,197 1 J. Ward, 69 · WaITender, 69 I J. Warrender, 18,85 r. Waters, 69 · Waters, 77 R. Weber, 69 n M. Weidner, 69 <\. Weitzman, 77 C. Weitzman, 69 M. Wells, 77 · Wessier, 85 Westcott, Jr., 77 Whalen,77

I T.

Whalon,197 I E. Whalon, 85 P. Whaumbush, 69 '. White, 43, 198 ~. White, 69 ,. White, 77 White, 69 Whitham,77

· W. Wigglesworth, 85 H. Wilde, 69 · E. Wilkins, 85 n E. Williams, 31, 198 Williams, 85 V. Williamson, 198 lP. Wills, 77 W. Winning, 18,21,198 : G. Winning, 85 y K. Witkowski, 69 y J. Wittenberg, 77 1 F. Wochele, 198 )her J. Wogan, 77 I J. Wojcik, 51, 85 )her J. Wolper, 69 ·R. Wood,69 ,T. Woods, 69 A. Workman, 69 IOlas Wright, 85

yYy 10/

C. Young, 27, 85

· Young, 77 I S. Young, 77 Yuhas, 77 '. Yusavitz, 42, 85

zZz I W. Zaiss, 77 W. Zamorski, 85 I A. Zegalia, 69 10/ J. Zielinski, 85 Zoldy,69 F. Zysk, 77

aAa Ms. Lisa Agnew, 132 Ms. Hallie Anderson, 132 Mr. Frederick G. Assaf, 130,206,207

bBb Mr. Thomas Barna, 130, Brother Barry Bartkowiak, 132 Mr. Rocco Bene, 132 Mr. Gregory T. Bielecki, 96, 97, 132 Mr. Dennis Bloh, 132 Mrs. Lastenia L. Breen, 32, 133 Mr. Jason Brokenshire, 133 Mr. Jeremy Butt, 133

cCc Mr. Mark Chesnik, 3, 23, 96, 97, 98, 99, 133, 173 Mrs. Janice Ciccimaro, 133 Mr. Joseph Ciccimaro, 128, 133 Mr. DanielJ. Cipolla, 31,133 Mr. Charles Cirelli, 134 Mr. Lewis Clark, 23, 24, 64, 66, 96, 97, 98,99, 133 Mr. Michael Clemente, 134 Mr. Nicholas Coggins, 134 Dr. Jo Ann P. Cohen, 134 Mr. Joseph Colistra, 89,134 Mr. Mark C. Collins, 134, 136 Brother Kenneth Cook, 134 Mr. David Crowe, 134

dDd Dr. Joseph D'Angelo, 134 Mr. Douglas Demeter, 97,134 Mr. Joseph Dempsey, 101, 134 Mr. Patrick Devine, 96, 97, 98, 134 Mrs. Frances Jacob Diccicco, 135 Mr. David T. Diehl, 118, 135 Brother William DiPasquale, 20, 135 Mr. Michael Dolan, 135, Mrs. Linda Donahue, 135 Mr. William Donohoe, 135,136 Mr. Stephen Duncheskie, 109, 110, 136

eEe Mr. Gerald Evans, 136

fFf Mr. Joseph Falcone, 117, 136 Mrs. Elizabeth Field, 22, 136 Mr. Bernard Fitzgerald, 136 Mr. James E. Fyke, 136

gGg Mr. WilliamA. Geiger, 128, 137 Mr. Richard Genovese, 137 Mr. Terrence Gillespie, 137 Mr. Joseph E. Glacken, 137 Ms. Diana M. Guest, 26, 56, 137

Mr. GerardJ. Hartey, 137 Mr. Michael G. Hearn, 38, 81,138 Brother Richard D. Herlihy, 138 Mr. George Hohenleitner, 138 Mr. Christopher Holwick, 138

jJj Mr. Martin Jackson, 118, 119, 138 Mr. John D. Janda, 48, 138 Fr. Anthony Janton, 12, 139 Mrs. Kathleen John, 139

kKk Mr. John Keenan, 131 Mr. Michael Kennedy, 139 Mrs. Paulette Kensey, 139

III Brother Charles Lackes, 128, 139 Mr. William Leahy, 122, 123, 139 Mr. Frank Lichtner, 110, 111, 140 Mrs. Geraldine Light, 131 Ms. Donna Long, 131 Mr. Joseph F. Lynch, 48, 140

mMm Mrs. Julia Maher, 130 Mr. David Manion, 140 Mr. William J. McBride, 140,55 Mrs. Barbara S. Miller, 39, 140 Mr. Gerald Miller, 140 Mr. Walter Muehlbronner, Jr., 105, 140 Mrs. Mary Kay Mullen, 140 Mr. Daniel Muller, 140 Mr. Colin Murphy, 140

l1Nl1 Mr. Joseph Nero, 140 Mr. Jordan A. Nicgorski, 141 Mr. Geoffrey Nicoletti, 141

000 Mr. Michael O'Toole, 21, 130,207

pPp Mr. Joseph Parisi, 117, 141 Mrs. Dorothy Ponisciak, 20, 141 Mr. Michael Ponisciak, 141 Mr. Alfred O. Puntel, 142

qQq Mr. Paul Quinn, 117,142

rRr Mr. Joseph J. Radvansky, 142 Mr. Anthony Resch, 122, 123, 130 Brother James Rieck, 2,3,98,99, 130 Mr. James Roche, 142 Mr. Robert Russell, 142 Mrs. Rosina McAvoy Ryan, 142

sSs Mr. Raymond Shea, 36, 143 Ms. Tina Shustack, 143

Mr. Peter Sigmund, 130 Mrs. Mary Jo Smith, 143 Mr. Martin Stanczak, 130 Brother James Steck, 143 Brother Rene Sterner, 37, 130, 206, 207

tTt Mr. James Tate, 109, 110, Ill, 143 Brother Mang Minh Tran, 143 Mr. Thomas Turner, 143

vVv Mr. Joseph Vettori, 143

yYy Mr. John Young, 143

zZz Mrs. Nancy Zoeltsch, 143

aeoeDmeo The 2005 Bille & Gold is published by the students of La Salle College High School, Wyndmoor, PA .• Bille & Gold is produced by Cooke Publishing Company, Devon, PA. Representative to Blue & Gold is Lisa M. Buscaglia.• Professional photography is supplied by DaVor Photography, Bensalem, PA .• The 208 text pages are printed by offset lithography on 90# Aero Gloss text stock.• Two forms are printed in natural color.• The cover is Ganes #857 (Royal Blue), mill grained and flat stamped with bright gold mylar foil over 160pt. Binder's board .• The endsheets are 651b. cover stock, Cougar Smooth, Natural. • The text of the book, provided on disk by the Bille & Gold staff, is set in the Times typeface using plain, bold and italic variations .• Additional typography in this edition includes Americana, Aachen Bold, Berliner Grotesk Light, Craw Modern, Farao, Futura Condensed, Galahad, Helvetica, Helvetica Inserat, Helvetica Neue Condensed, Helvetica Neue Thin, Hightower, Lithos, Madrone, Marker Fine Point, Nueva, Nyx, Quirks, and University Roman styles, which are all true Adobe Postscript type fonts .• All typography, layouts, graphics, screens and rules are prepared with Macintosh computers using Microsoft Word, Adobe Illustrator, and QuarkXPress applications. All typefaces are true Adobe Postscript fonts .• All photographs are laser scanned "on-line" in Adobe Photoshop and placed into page documents before proofing .• Complete pages are collected with Raster Photographic Print drivers, proofed on HP and Epson imposition ink jet printers and imaged to plates through RAMPAGE Workflow technology on Fuji CTP printing plates .• All pages are printed by offset lithography on Heidelberg presses, folded and smyth-sewn, rounded and backed, crash-lined with headbands and footbands, and edition bound into hardback covers .• Blue & Gold had a press run of 850 copies.


IJ 205

Bro. Rene Sterner: thank you for all of your years of service to La Salle, as President, teacher, moderator of Forum, and Mother's Club. Best of luck in the future!

to all the people and places that have helped make La Sa

Mr. Assaf in his first year as principal of La Salle and greeting this year's class. Many thanks to you, Mr. Assaf, for all your hard work making La Salle a special place. Best of luck to you and your family in the future.

206 IJ

Thun.k Vou

Mr. O'Toole, his brother-in-law and classmate at La Salle, Bro. John Castaldi '68, Bro. Rene Sterner, and Mr. Assaf at the Honors Convocation.

) to Mr. Mike O'Toole '68 for all of his years of service to La Salle as lte, teacher, and Vice- President. We will miss you dearly!

Left: Our friends at Camp Neumann, like Jim Trauger, will never be forgotten Below: The sign says it all. Thanks for 8 great years and 44 retreats

Tha.nk You. []


208 EJ

One Lust Look


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