2008 Blue and Gold Yearbook

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student life









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blue & gold


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1989 -2007 Mrs, Mary Jo Smith When asked to write a dedication to a true Lasallian teacher, it becomes apparent that a simple tribute is not adequate. Mrs. Smith provides strength to La Salle's family, both during and after school. Her humble and optimistic attitude has created a unique atmosphere in her classroom, where she has nurtured her love for teaching over the past 18 years. During her many hours at Saint Martin's Tutoring, Mrs. Smith has portrayed the Lasallian motto of "Leave to Serve." During one of her Forum practices, one would be able to witness the passion and vigor she brings to the debate team. A list of all the programs that a dedicated person such as Mrs. Smith influences would become immensely large rather quickly; however, these are just a few of the programs to which she brings love and success.


Mrs. Smith brings an incredible amOW1t of fervor and zeal to the classroom, while conveying her true love for math to her students. She strives to reach the entire class, whether the subject is advanced calculus material or reviewing the basics of AJgebra I. She dellvers each new lesson planas if it were the most important material all year, which to her it usually is. No student is ever unwelcome in her company, from before and after school to countless hours cooped up in the Math Center. When not at La Salle, one could usually find her at one of her various service projects. On almost every Thursday after school, Mrs. Smith helps coordinate a very special place, Saint Martin's. Saint Martin's Tutoring is just one other way in which she connects with children; however, this time she works with students who do not have the chances other students do. Mrs. Smith's compassion and love for teaching does not end at La 5.,lJe'sdriveway. It is not difficuJt to imagine Mrs. Smith in the role as a coach of the La Salle Forum team. One WQuJd just have to sit through one of her classes to witness her unique skill and talents as an orator. But it is her leadership and confidence that really encourages the learn towards its many victories and accomplishments. Without her guidance and wisdom, the La Salle Forum would not be where it is today. As the La Salle community, we are truly blessed to have someone so dedicated and SO strong as a member of our family. If her tremendous strength is not apparent in anything else, it is in her recent fight and victory over cancer. Despite the odds, Mrs. Smith never quit; she never lost her strength. It is an incredible honor to have such a fine educator, caring soul, and an encouraging coach back in La Salle's halls. Mrs. Smith truly is the definition of a strong, considerate and dedicated Lasallian teacher. - Pat Melvin '08

Opposite page: Mrs. Smith with Mr. Rad,~iccicco, Santa Claus, and Mr. Ponisciak serving and caring for the children.

Left: Mrs. Smith's devotion to her students is so very dear

Left: Mrs. Smith with her small group on Kairos 37-1. Thanks for helping start something so amazing for so many! Above: Everybody loves Mrs. Smith...even "Til


lMPORTRNT "Enter to Learn, Lea\'c to Serve." Every day. when more than one thousand young. intelli-

gent Lasallian gentlemen walk through the front doors, we are not just entering to simply learn scholarly academics. After all, while academics are extraordinarily important at La Salle, there is more to the spirit that embodies L.., Salle. La s..,lle is a school of interaction and true compassion. It is interested in faith-based learning in which every member's beliefs add to the spirituality alive on campus. As staled,

when we enter to learn. we enter to learn the skills and theories of science. English. math, clc. However, we also enter to learn the values of faith, so that when we leave La Salle. we leave utilizing our learned vaJues to serve others. Beginning each day and class period with a prayer, La Salle seems to instill faith within its

students from their first moments here. With the simple saying of "St. John Baptist de La Salle, pray for us; Live Jesus in our hearts, forever," the idea of faith is always present. Besides the daily prayers, the students at L..'l Salle also particip.'lte in the faith-filled retreats, concluding with Kairos. in which we are encouraged to look into ourselves and share with others who we truly arc. Furthermore. in L.15.:111e's many liturgies and Masses the school community joins together to express our faith in God while sharing our many talents with Him that He has bestowed upon us. Here, at La Salle, Wl' plunge into a sea of academics, where we are encouraged to "explore" further into our studies, but also delve into our true selves strengthening our faith. -Mike Oliver 'OS

not just grades, la salle is faith and serVice, too •





get involved One important ingredient needed to suc路 ceed at La Salle is involvement. Getting involved is a key to experiencing all that La Salle has to offer. The number of extracurricular activities at La Salle is astonishing. The various activities consist of the entire student body. Whether a student is involved in sports, one of the various clubs, or on WEXP. he is meeting new people and establishing friendships. This is because no matter what a student is interested in, there is a dub or activity for him. In any club or activity students can meet new people who are interested in similar things. The varied number of extracurricular opportunities including: Spanish Club, Italian Club, Celtic Club, Robotics Club, Athletics, or one of many service projects, show that there is a place for everybody. One great thing about these extracurricular activities is thnt a student can be involved in as many as he would like. Many students al La s..,lIe are involved in sports or intra murals, in clubs, and on service projects every day. It is an unbelievable thing 10 see. The activities are so special because they are for students and run by students. - Dan Sacchetta 'OS




dddinq to our number

ST DAY OF SCHOOL On the first day of school al La Salle. most freshmen do not know what to expecl. Some have never been in a

Catholic school before, and most have never been in an all boys' school. As we enter through the doors, the new images and routines can be overwhelming, but there are many upperclassmen and faeu lty to guide us through the day. Simple things, like rind路 ing lockers or homerooms can be a difficult task, but there

are many helping


As the first day progresses and we meet our teachers oneby路one, it becomes obvious that we will be taught by a bunch of great people this year. We also meet a lot of new faces this day. Many of these faces will be lifelong friends. At the end of the day, there is an excitement about starting at this new place. We look forward to the next day and the years to come. We are proud to call La Salle our school. - Tyler Dunphy '11

throughout the school. Anxi-

ety is eased as we work our

way through the dar

Right: Mom and Dad saving the momenl

Above left: All prepared for first day Above: Thumbs up! Above: Pride and tears of joy for the beginning of high school Right: Band greets the new Explorers


Welcomedass of'l1

Left: Mr. Gillespie ,md his son share the first day together Below: Mr. Marchese and 8ro. Richard pose with Dennis Anno

Left: Michael Pham with his parents



Below: Chaphlin Fr. Tony

p~ ~5

love, servi芦, and community St. John Botptisl de u Sail"

Right: Nick Malhisolind his dad sign abe.tm Below: Senior membrrs of the group shOllI1!' Ihrir loyl!' of Li S..lIe Africolln路Amcric~1A:.dership

RighroThe dediution of leachel'S like Mr. Manion drivi!'.Ind inspin' Li S,dle

students especi.dly Anthony KenL


alons the me5Qge of

It'", is



sum of dll things Id sdlle

WHAT IS ASA After spending four years here at La Salle, there is one

aspect of the school, among many, that has stood out the

entire time: La Salle is a very welcoming community. From the first day freshman year imd then up to and including senior year, everyone, including the administration, teachefS and all students, is friendly and willing to help anyone else. This welcoming aspect of La Salle permeates through and really can make the La

Salle community a second family for many students. While nil La Salle students are different in their own

ways, the differences arc embraced. There is something here for everyone to participate in. Whether a student finds his niche in academic ac-

9 •

tivities, service, sports, writing, music, or is dedicated to a certain club, there is a place for all at this school. And along with that idea, it docs not matter whether a student only takes part in academic activities or only plays a sport after school; all students are accepting of others and their interests. Here, all put forth a strong effort to make each other feel comfortable at school. At La s.:,Ue, students can be themselves while Slill being members of the La Salle community. And being a part of this La Salle community is special. While this school is a fine preparatory high school, it is much more than that. Each and every student has the special privilege of not simply being just a student here, but a very special and important member of the Las<,llian family. - Tom Bender 'OS

Top' La S.lIe spirillivl'sn Above: St.'niors walch as their "bum w is put inlo place Right: Forst, Shields, and Murtha prepare 10 impress col-

leges. Above: 4 more ye,us Above left: Mrs. Maheris La Salle!


- - - - - - III LA SALLE COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL 2008 BLUE & GaLa III - - - - - - - - - -


Bro. Richard Kestler, FSC




Mr. Joseph Marchese

, Mr. Daniel McGowan

Mr. Thomas Barna

Mrs. Julia Maher

Mr. Nick Coggins

Mr. James Fyke

Vice Preside/It for Institl/tional Advallceme/lt

Assista/lt I'ri/leipal for AcademicAffairs

Assistant Principal for Stl/dellt Affairs

Director of C"mCIl/IIIll

Dea/l ofStl/dents

Mr. Thomas Turner

Bro. James Rieck ES.C.

Mr. Mark Gibbons

Mr. Anthony Resch

Mr. Peler Sigmund

Assistallt Deal! ofStl/dellts

Director ofAdmissions

ellief Filla/leial Officer

Atll/etics Director

Cilief Illfo""atioll Officer

Alumni House:Christopher Carabello, Robert McAnespey, Barbara Franks, Kathleen Smith, Cathy Winning, Ray Shay, and Michael Dominick

Allinson House:Mark Gibbons (CFO), Phyllis Wells (Human Resourcesl, Connie Gill (Assistant Controller), Br. James Rieck F.S.C. (OiT. of Admissions). Ann Ford (Administrative Assistant), Kathy Curley (Controller), and Walter Muehlbronner (Assistant Director of Admissions)

Main Office: Rita Cooney (ReceptionistJ, Suzanne Russo (Registra,), Carol Haggerty (Administrative Assistant to the Principal)

David Center: Or.Jo Ann Cohen (Learning Specialist), Gerald Evans (Biology, H),John Keenan (Oiredor),Joseph Glacken (LeamingSpecialist, Computer and Reading), Lisa Agnew (Learning Specialisll


III LA SALLE COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL 2008 BLUE & GaLa III Far Righi: Mr. Robert Peffle Administrative Support


By the numb3rs

Near Right: Ms. Pat Schaum Administrative Assistant· Student Affairs


total # of teachers


teachers graduated from LSCHS


Chnstian Brothers teaching @ La Salle Above: Lasalliil.n Volunteers Mr. William Loughery (Social Studies) and Mr. William McCullough (English) Right: Mr. David Crowe (Science and Athletic Trainer)

Gregory T. Bielecki Economics 1. United States History, Head Cross Country Coach. Assistant Indoor/Outdoor Track and Field Co.lch Dennis M. Blah AI' English unguage and Composition, Rhetoric ilnd British Literature. Creative Writing, Lltin I •Assistant Swim Coach Lastenia L. Breen Spanish 3,~, 4H, Moderator of Spanish Club, Moderator of Bowling Alell" F. Brown Composition and American Literature, Introduction to Literature and Composition, Assistant Basketball Coach Jeremy c. Butt Fitness Center. Integrated Science, Director of Strength and Conditioning OIenil. Chabursky Biology 10, Integrated Science, Computer Club



Mr. Mark D. "Chez" Chesnik iX. Spiritual Guide and all-around wizard ...aka Scripture, Prayer, and Yearbook procrastinator

total # of teachers with 25+ years of experience @ La Salle

Below: Ms. Donna Long Director of Library/Media Services/Audio Visual Coordinator Right: Library starr Mrs. Peg Doyle and Mrs. Lisa Whelan

Left: Bro. Ken Cook is always a presence whether in the Library or hallway

Janice Ciccimaro Health, Nurse Joseph Ciccimaro CHAIR: GENERAL STUDIES Music. Produrerof Dramatics Daniel J. Cipolla General Physics, Physics, H. LSC Assistant. Co-Moderator of Italian Club

Charles T. Cirelli Chemistry. Chemistry lOH. Senior Oass Moderator, LSC Assistant, Assistant Athletic Director Michael J. Clemente Italian l,4H. Spanish I Joseph J. Colistra CHAIR: SOCIAL STUDIES; AP EconomiCS, AP Modem European HIStOry, United States History. "....o rld Ch'i1izations 2



Far Right: Mr. Dominick and his on Kilir05

sm~lI group

Near right: La S;lIlIe's Chaplain

Fr. Tony JillniOn

Above and right: The Dynamic Duo Mr. Lew Clark and Mr. Tom Devlin help c.hange the spiritual lives of our student body!

Mark C. Collins CHAIRREUGION Catholic Identity. Sacred Scripture. Co-MOON,'lar of Italian Club, LSC Assistant

JesSiCil Coyne Calculus. Pre- COIJculus, Honors Algebra 2 Dr. Joseph F. D'Angelo AP English Language and Literature, Creative Writing 1, 2, Director of Writing Center, Co-Moderator of National Honor Society. Gazebo

DouglilS J. Demeter Lasalhan Spirituality and Service, Sacred Scripture. LSC Assistant, LIGHTS Team, Assistant Cross Country Coach. Assistant lndoor/Outdoor Track and Field Coach. ~toderator of Hockey Joseph E. Dempsey CHAIR: ENGLISH; AP English Language and Composition, Introduction to Literature and Composition Head B.:tsketball Coach


Matthew C. Derrick Composition and American Literature, Assistant Soccer Coach. Assistant Indoor100tdoor Track and Field Coach

Above: Bookstore handles the Freshman rush

Far left: Mrs. Barbara Wisotskey ManageTof the Bookstore Near left: Mrs. Geri Clark

Patrick Devine JuniorCounsclor. Group Advisory 11, Religion, Assistant Cross Country Coach, Head Indoor/Outdoor Track and Field Coach Frances Jacob Diccicco Spanish 2, 2H, A P, LSC Assistant Michael Dolan CHAIR: GUIDANCE/COUNSEUNG, Social Studies, Senior Counselor, LIGHTS Team, Assistant Tennis C0<1ch

Micky Dominick Algebra 1, Algebra 2/Trigonometry Part I, Geometry. LSC Assistant, Drama Linda Donahue CO-CHAIR: WORLD LANGUAGES; Italian 2, 3, 3t-1, Spanish 2H, 5 Milene Donlin Biology 10, 10 H, Integrated Science



College Counseling: Far right Mrs. Kathleen O'Connell (Ad· ministrative Assistant) with Matt Dwyer and Andrew Bowm•• Near right: Mr. Gerard Brett (Assistant Director), senior Dorian

Ballough, and Mrs. Sue Sayer (Volunteer)

Above: Senior Joe Migliarese and Bro. William DiPasquale (Assistant Director)

Right: Diredorof College Counseling Mrs. Mary Kay Mullen with Brian McGinley

William Donohoe World Civjliz,llions 1, AP World History, Assistant Baseball Coach, Assistant Basketball Coach, Moderator of

HistoryCiub Stephen Duncheskie Biology 911, to, 101-1, Environmental Science, Integrated Science, Head Waler Polo Co.1ch,

Assistant Swimming Coach Elizabeth Field Composihon and American Literature, lntroduction to Uter,lture and Composition, LSC Assistant, Mock Trial

Bernard Fitzgerald AP United States History, World Civilizations 2, Assistant Basketball Coach, Moderator Multi-Cultural Club, Intramurals Rosemary Cedeik Spanish 2, 3, 3H, Moderator of Sophomore Class William Geiger Greek, Latin 1,2,3. Photo Club, Latin Club, Head Tennis Coach


Counseling & Guidance ServicestlU Mrs. Helen Spearing (Below) and Ms. jeanne Holt-Brabson (righU

J Left: Mrs. Spearing helping out senior Kelvin Lam

Terence Gillespie CHAIR: SCIENCE; Biology9H, IO,AP Moderator of Freshman Class, Din.路dor of Summer Progr:lm Gerard Hartey AI' English Llnguage and Composition, World Literature and Expository Writing, Assistant Soccer Coach. Gaming Club, Blue and Gold, Intramurals Michael Hearn Art Portfolio. Drawing 1, Foundations Art. Painting 1,2, Art Club Christopher Holwick Rhetoric and British Literature, World Literature and Expository Writing, Assistant Moderator Wisterian Martinjackson Introduction to Psychology, JuniorCounselor, Language Specialist, Head Golf Coach johnJanda Composition and American Literature. Introduction to Literaturt' and Composition. Moder:ltor of Wft..'Stling, Wisterian




Bro. Lawrence

Monroe (supervisor of

By the numb3rs

Construction) with one of his Pittsburgh Central Boys

12 departments


faculty members that teach in multiple departments


administrator that was a Navy Seal


teachers that have prison records (Just kiddIng)

Above: Mr. Holwick is baffled by 19 across

Right: Mr. Pilrisi and tggyenjoying the September sun

Above: Mr. David Diehl路 Direclor of Financial Aid

Kathleen 10hn Advanced Computer Aided Design, Computer Aided Design

Robert johnson Digital Multimedia Design, Fundament,,]s of Web Design, ModcT<ltorof WEXP William Leahy

Sophomore Counselor, Group Advisory 10, Head L1Crosse Coach

Frank lichtner Aquatics, Physical Education. Physical Fitness, Head Swimming Co.1ch Joseph lynch Rhetoric and British Literature, Academic Occathalon David Manion French 2, 4H, Spanish 1





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Above: Maintenance staff; John

Pax, Sieve Gilt Tony Lopez.









Chris Voyk, AI loscalzo, Mark Angiolil0 (Director of Plant Op· erations), and Wayne Truheart Left: Mr. Larry King (far left)· Director of Janitorial Services and his crew


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Bro. Anwar Martinez Christian Morality, Spanish 2, 3

William McBride German 3, 4, Spanish 2, 2H, Moderator of German Club, Moderator of Film Club Thomas McCaffery Algebra 1,2, Assistant Soccer Coach, Assistant Baseball Coach, Inlramurals

Diana Mclnaw Ciltholic Identity. 5.-acrcd Scripture, LSC Assist,lot, Moderator of Freshman Mentors Barbara Miller Ceramics I,Sculpture I,Art Gerald Miller APGovernment and Politics, United StalL'S History, Vietnam, Moderator of Swimming



Music Depilrtmenl: (Fu Left) PoIIul Arbog.llst • Low Br.JSS, Trombone

(tefn Joseph

ero - Percussion

Above: Mr. Dennis Wasko· Music, Trumpet Left: Mf.Joseph Vellari - Music, Woodwinds, Competition Band, Theory, Emsembles

Hr. Michael Miller World Ci\'ilizations 1 Kelly Minion Algebra 1,2, Geometry

Geoffrey Nicoletti 5.1Cn.'d Sc:nplun.". World Religions, Computer Club

Mark NormOln

Chorus,Advanced, Freshman.lnd~dent, PublicSpeilking. DTama Joseph P.uisi Introduction to Psychology, World Civilizations I, Head Baseball Coach, Director of [)j\'ersity Vishal rollel Algl-bra 2H, Geometry, Precalculus


Above: Joseph Ciccimaro CHAIR: FINE ARTS Far Left: Mr. Paul Gehman Music, Acoustic and Electric Bass Left: Mr. Michael Kennedy Music, Guitar, Bass, Guitar Ensemble

Dorothy Ponisciak Chemistry, IOH, 11 1-1, AP Michael Ponisciak Algebr<1 2, AI' CalcuJusAB, AI' Statistics Alfred Puntcl Catholic Identity, Christian Morality, LSC Assistant

Paul Quinn Algebra 2, Algebra 21Trigonometry Part 2,Geometry, Moderator of Basketball Joseph Radvansky Algebra 11-1, 2H, Calculus, Precillculus, Assist<1nt Footban Coach, lSC Assistant Kevin RieHe! Astronomy. Integrated Science, Physics, Assistant W,lter Polo Coach, Assistant Swimming Co.lch



J.lmes Roche AP Calculus AB, Be Robert


AI'ComputerScience. JAVA Programmmg. Physics. H. AI'. Academic o..-cathalon, Mathletes, Robotics Dr. Rosina Ryan Composition and American Literature, World Literature and Expository Writing

Tina Shustack Algebra 1H, 2H, Geometry. Precalculus, LIGHTS Mary jo Smith Algebra 2, Calculus, Geometry/Precalculus H, UGHTS. l..SC Assistant

Bro. J<1mes Steck French I, 3, Spanish 1. \1oderator of Lacrosse

James T.Jle United Stales History. World Civilizations 2, Moderator of Ski Club. Assi!ant Swimming Coach. Assistant Water Polo Coach Bro. Mang Minh Tran Computer Applications. Visual Basic Programming Bro. David Trichtinger Freshman Counselor, Group Advisory 9

Dimiel Williams Catholic Identity. World Ch'ilizations I. Moderator of ICAA Club

Cheryl Wolgamott Introduction to Literature and Composition. World Lterature and ExposItory Writing John Young United States l-Itstory. World Civilizations 2

Nancy Zoeltsch CO路CHAIR; WORLD LANGUAGES; Spanish 1, 3H


Below: Mr. Cipollil tests Gravity by dropping books on the heads of his Physics students

Above: This guy just walked off the street to wander the h;alls of lei Salle Left: Mrs. Ponisci;ak celebrates lhe fact thatT.J. McCarrick is her V;alenline

Above: "Ahh... Mrs. Field if that is a '0' on tholt paper iI's not mine" Left: For once in his life Mr. Russell is confused by;a student's question.


- - - - - - - III LA SALLE COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL 2008 BLUE & GOLD III Ryan E. Abbott

Jamal Amin Abdur~Rahman Ryan Michael Abel

Christopher B. Alexander Dennis F. Anao Nicholas J. Angiolillo

Juliano Carlo Arici

lames P. Ball James B. Beerer Corey T. Begor Andrew P. Belcher Ryan P. Belcher



A Countdown 4 yedrs to go

ttending La SaUeCollege High School isa great opportunity. A freshman enters with great detennination to achieve his own personal goals. This first step is the beginning of a journey that will open a new chapter in our lives lasting four years. As new freshmen al La Salle, we are made

aware of many opportunities. We arc encouraged, and have already begun to explore these new opportunities, as well as new challcnges. Freshmen quickly learn of La S.llle's mission to develop and gUide boys into young men of re-

spect and leadership. La Salle hopes to encom路 pass all aspects of life into its daily agenda. It strives to develop young men mentally, physically, and socially. This is achieved through La Salle's education, which is made possible by the faculty, who are more than willing to help whenever possible. The upperclassmen also provide a strong example of leadership, which helps guide us as we are adjusting to high school. Freshmen are also introduced and encouraged to participate in the many forms of help La Salle offers, smoothing any bumps we rna)' encounter. Although the journey is just starting, we have already received a taste of whal to expect. La Salle gives us opportunities that we must act upon in our journey. Freshmen year begins the proc{.'SS of creating Lasallian gentlemen. -Inn Bush '11

Above; Jaylen Bond and John Quigley - ~ady IQ Branch


Right; James Mullen and Zach Ltahy I'njoyin.g the day.


Michael J. Bell Jerry M. BeUettiric Eric Besso Andrew C. Biaesch Jeffery E. Biernat, Jr. Andrew P. Bilotta

Andrew L. B1asek John P. BogoroW'ski Jaylen Bond Harry Bonet Brendan O. Boyle Matthew M. Braithwaite

Richard P. Brazukas Alexander R. Brecht Daniel P. Brennan Joseph C. Brown William J. Burger Nicholas A. Bums

Colin P. Bush Ian M. Bush Matthew A. Cabrera Craig A. Cabrey Shane M. Campbell Charles W. Cannon

Robert Capece Anthony A. Caporiz2o Cameron M. Cappo Alexander R. Carapellotti Michael A. Casciano David A. Casinel1i

Christopher j. Catalina Anthony Certa Kendal L. Chaney Michael Dean Cimino Ryan R. Cocron Thomas E. Coleman, III

Steven M. Collins John P. Corcoran M. Declan Crouse Nicholas X. Cnlice Alexander D. Cunnane John F. Curtis, IV

Connor j. Daly Richard A. Danzc Christopher J. Dearolf Donald j. DeBrakeleer James N. DeCarlo John P. Delaney, III


III LA SALLE COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL 2008 BLUE & GOLD III - - - - - - - - - - - Nicholas J. Dema Robert John DeSante Sean T. Dickson Kyle M. Dierkes MarkJ. DiFrangia Ttrnothy A. Diorio

Stefano P. DiPietro Matthew J. Donnelly Michael J. Dowling Mark S. Draganescu Jonathan P. Draham Tyler]. Dunphy

Charles j. Dunton Joseph A. Dusing Stephen A. Duzinski Patrick G. Dwyer Sean T. Dwyer Andrew C. Eckert

Anthony M. Esposito Mjchael F. Ferrier Matthew J. Fink William P. Fisco

Stephen R. fitzPatrick Terrence J. Foley

Joseph L. Fon:ellini Kevin R. Forster Nicholas J. Frazzctte

Jeremy D. Fus Tyler A. Gaber Wi.lliam N. Galbally

Matthew J. Gannon Victor R. Garcia Ryan J. Geiger Christopher G. Genesio Benedetto T. Giaimo Jeremy F. Gibbons

Stephen R. Gibbons Casey T. Gillespie Kevin P. Gillespie Patrick D. Givnish Michael]. Glatz Joseph F. Gottschalk

Christian D. Creen William N. Hammeke Benjamin T. Hankinson John P. Harkins,jr. Michael R. Harrell Joseph C. Harvey


Andrew M. Heller Alexander N. Hicks Alexander M. Holva Andrew T. Holva Thomas J. Hom Samuel T. Hyder

Michael T. Jacobsen Alexander D. Jaronski J. Thomas T. Jaquay Joshua M. Jaskowiak TImothy L. Jeffers Z.,chary D. Jones

Edward V. joyner-Mitchell Alexander J. Junod Johnathon Kane Christopher J. Kappler Joseph W. Kelly Robert J. Kelly

Ryan M. Kelly Jamison Kenney Patrick C. Kerr Matthew B. Killian Michael Kowalski Brendan Kretschman

Nicholas J. Krol Brian C. Kron Neil P. Laessig Alexander Peter L.,fond john R. L.,wlor Z.,chary K. Leahy

Marc Liberato Andrew T. Lonergan TImothy F. Longacre Patrick}. Looby John P. Loughery Joseph Lukach

CLASS OF 20111 FRESHMEN 1CLASS OF 20111 FRESHMEN 1CL F.. L~ft.: Mr. Dunchnki~'s f~hm.ln science clus listens 10 hi! word5 of wisdom.

Left Colin McIntosh gets help with his tie on the first day.



Alex D. Lynn Brendan M. Lyons Charles J. Magee Kamran S. Mahm

Matthew 1- Mahoney Colin E. Malone William P. Marble Edward H. Marmo Del Charles Markward. Jr. Jordan A. Mayo

Joseph J, Mazzi, III Brian R. McAloon Timothy McCabe

Ryan W. McCann Joseph McCreavy Richard j. McCreavy

Christopher M. McElroy Terence McFadden

Ryan J. McGhee Shamus P. McGowan Patrick S. McGuire Patrick M. McHale

Colin A. Mcintosh Jeffrey T. McKenna Michael H. McNally

C1aylon D. Melsheimer Daniel G. Mcrcnich Dominic Mirabile

Frederick A. Mischler Kyle F. Mischler Michael A. Miskiel William F. Mitchell James Thomas Mooney Michael J. Mooney

:SHMEN I CLASS OF 20111 FRESHMEN 1CLASS OF 20111 FRESHME Righi: Rob Nix nÂŤds.l bruk {mm studying.

F.u Righi; Colin Sw~ilur .nd Ihnnis An~o holnging oul on iI wum springd.ly.


Seamus C. Morgan Christopher D. Muggier Patrick J. Mulderig James P. Mullen Tyler M. Murkley Conar F. Murphy

Joseph R. Naji Jacob R. Naseef Edward F. eUing Malcolm H. Nichols John P. Nicola Robert N. Nix

Timothy Nolan Jakob C. Noon Christopher B. Nunnari

Stephen J. Obermeier Brian T. ODonnell Patrick F. O'Donnell

KennethJ. Orlando icholas J. Palenno Calvin Perlman Matthew T. Peters Michael M. Pham Timothy F. Pidgeon

Kevin M. Piotrowicz Michael S. Plummer Anthony F. Polcino Michael B. Poncia David A. Power Matthew J. Pyrih

John J. Quigley Paul M. Quinn WiJljam R. Rate Benedict Reilly Connor J. Reilly Robert Rhodes

CLASS OF 20111 FRESHMEN 1CLASS OF 20111 FRESHMEN 1CUI Fn Ldl: Btn Giilimo nttds somt c!nificillion. lefl: Frosh Branch Oul Day


III LA SALLE COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL 2008 BLUE &GaLa III Marcus L. Richardson Cody W. Ridgway Juliano R. Rodriguez James W. Rose Matthew J. Rose Colin Rothwell

Adam G. Rotzal ]ames P. Ryan Nicholas K. Sabia Eric A. Samuels Michael J. Sanders John J. s..,nlange]o

IMEN 1CLASS OF 20111 FRESHMEN 1CLASS OF 20111 FRESHMEN Jalow: Rudy 10 get involvt'd;ll thl!' Activities F..ir

Above: Kevin Gillespie wonder5

why the sky is blue. Righi: Alu Cunn~nl' counts on his finger5 in math d ..ss.

AboY,,: Colin Malonf: during hi, lunch


b~.. k.

Christopher]. 5.'ponara John N. Saponara Richard A. Sauter John R. Schatz Daniel P. Schelkun Brendan H. Schluth

Robert H. Schrupp Nicholas]. Seaton Andrew F. Shafer Nicholas L. Shafer Jonathan Shetlsline Tyler J. Sicilia

Michael D. Smith Thomas Smith David P. Speese Brendan P. Stone Eric Stone Alexander C. Subers

Curran T. Sullivan Sean M. Sweeney Colin W. Sweitzer Mark Thackray Sean P. Toner KieranJ. Trainer

Thomas E. Trainer Frank R. Trocino William B. Turner David A. Undenvood Michael Vecchione,Jr. Timothy R. Vellner

VincentJ. Veneziano Nicholas M. Walchonski Christopher K. Walter Stephen P. Wasylenko Philip K. Watson Timothy]. Weaver

Dale]. Weed Caleb P. Weiler James D. Weitzman John S. Whitman Andrew W. Wilt Robert L. Winkelman Cole J. Wisdo Roger C. Woehrle Brennan R. Woods TImothy H. Young Anthony R. Z,ffino Brian J. Zielinski




Charles Aiken Ryan Andris Mark Angelone Mark Angiolillo Gabriel Antoni MaxweU Arizin

Grant Atherholt Sean Atkinson Christian Bach Michael Bambi II Michael Banecker David Beavers


o Countdown 3 yedrs to go

2ND TO NONE ur journey towards becoming true Lasallian gentlemen takes a pivotal turn during our sophomore year. Freshman year quickly becomes a distant memory, as we enter into a new stage in our education. New teachers, classes, friends, and experiences await us and aid us in this process. Throughout this journey. wisdom, perspective, and insight are inevitably acquired through the help of our elders and other classmates. We begin a new chapter in our lives. distancing ourselves further (rom our youthful ways. Challenges undoubtedly await us; however, with our education and various experiences, we are certainly prepared to handle any issue that confronts us. As we go through the trials and tribulations of our high school career, La Salle gives us the freedom and integrity to learn and grow. Sophomore year builds upon Lasallian qualities and expands our knowledge, as the process of becoming a true member of the La 5.:111e community continues. - Chris Edger '10

Above Right: When c.J. Aiken wishes yOll Christm.s yOll beller listen!



Right: Kevin Medvid, Willi.m Begley, and Ryan McEI路 roy after the Honors Convo<:~lion


William Begley zachary Belinsky James Benischeck Theodore Benner Michael Bennett Kristian Benz

Thomas Benz Kieran Berkery Anthony Bianchini John Bicgalski Scan Bolger Julian Bond

Jean-Paul Bonny Greg Bono Daniel Bowers Michael Brady Shane Brady Kevin Breen

Craig Bunting Thomas Burgmann William Burke Charles Burns Thomas Campbell Michael Camusi

Christian Cardinali Devlin Carey Ryan Carey Ryan Carlin John Carmody Scan Carr

Kevin Casey Michael Casey John Cassidy Matthew Catanese Patrick Cero David Cinque

Stephen Ciufo Daniel Clark Kevin Clark Evan Cleary Anthony Cognetti John Corr

Robert Costello Michael Coyle Sean Crane Matthew Crone Vincent Cuce Adam Cunningham



Joseph Daly Joseph Deegan Michael DeMaria Brian Derr TImothy Diasio

Matthew DiGiacamo Donald Digney Christopher DiLaurenzo James DiMezza Stephen Donovan Brian Dorsey

Paul Dowds TImothy Durkin Christopher Edger Colin Eisenschmid John Ericsson

Frank Evans John Farris Michael Fasano

5.1.muel Feleccia Laurence Finnegan Kevin Foley Michael Foley

Gregory foos Michael Fox Nolan Funchion Kevin Gatti Dylan Gavin Alexander Geck

Gregory Geiger Richard Getts Ryan Ginsburg George Giovinazzo Daniel Goodwin Kevin Greenfield

Matthew Grover Vincent Gryscavage Cosmo Guerra Brian Haesler Ian Haney Joseph Harvey

Kc\'i.n Harvey

Brian Havard Patrick Heck Brian Higgins Patrick Higgins Jeffrey HIli


Troy Hockaday Connor Hoffman Michael Holland Matthew Holva Derek Hunter Kieran I-Iyer

Oaniell-lyman Sean Janda Steven Jones Christopher Kacmmer Christopher Karoly Patrick Keenan

Edmund Kehan William Kellogg James Kelty Stephen Kelly John Klusek Thomas Knab

Peter Knowles Robert Kowalski Theodore Kradzinski Matthew Krol Nathan Kurylo Joseph Kwasizur

Patrick LaFata Daniel L1.Morte Kyle Leprevosl Philip Letcavage Michael Lindsay Dale Lintner

Daniel Losier Andrew Loughery Nicholas Luce Seamus MacCrory John Madrak Kevin Mahon

SOPHOMORES I CLASS OF 2010 I SOPHOMORES I CLASS OF 201 1 Far Lell; Lorenzo Quebral and his proud p~rents Near Lefl: Oro. Richard and "1r. Marchese congratulale John Toner


- - - - - - - III LA SALLE COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL 2008 BLUE & GOLO III Stephen Mainardi Brian Malone James Markley Francis Martino Nicholas Mathis Daniel McBrien

Seamus McCullough Charles McDonald Ryan McElroy Sean McGann Matthew McGlynn Brendan McGoldrick

Canor McGonigle Francis McGorry Paul McGrath William McHugh Ryan McKenna Christopher Mclaren

Ke,'in Medved D. Wesley Meehan Patrick Mellor Vincent Migliarese James Mills Maitland Minderjahn

Nicholas Mindicino Devon Minor

Kevin Minton Nicholas Molloy Patrick Monahan Matthew Mondimore

Ryan Moran G. Joseph Moroney Andrew Morton Philip Moyer Quinlan Mulholland John Nagbrt

PHOMORES I CLASS OF 2010 I SOPHOMORES I CLASS OF 2010 I ~ Fu Righi: Sophomore Scripture with Mr. Chu. Neu Kighl: Malt Krol working hard


Garrett esbitt Sean O'Connell Brian ODonnell Thomas O'Kane TImothy Peifer Samuel Pelone

Onix Percz路Mas Daniel Pfefferle Robert Phillips Shane Pierce Nicholas Pilla Joseph Piotrowski

TImothy Plamondon Gregory Porter Justin Power Whitney Prendergast Andrew Primavera Matthew Quaglia

Lorenzo Quebral Derek Quinn Shawn Quinn Christopher Razzano Patrick Resch Warren Resnick

Jeremy Rich Alexander Richardson Dean Ripley 1s.,1.ac Roberts Travis Roberts Allen Rodriguez

Andriy Royik Andrew Russin Ryan Saraceni Robert Scanlon Mark Schnupp Michael Schoen

iOMORES I CLASS OF 2010 I SOPHOMORES I CLASS OF 2010 I SO F.u lfofl: Jilek C.i.tmody and Zipfel creating in art dilS5


Nur ldl: Mike C.i.musi concenlral-






Nikolas Schreiber Francis Schuck Michael Scott John Sczepanski

TaylorSearie Z1chary Seigel

Thomas Seminack Floyd Shaffer

Nicholas Shettsline Andrew Sideras Stephen Sinnott Adam SouchJk

LASS OF 2010 I SOPHOMORES I CLASS OF 20101 SOPHOMORES Below: Rhodes Worster h..lps deco....ling the lrÂŤ during O~r;lltion Sitnt..


J.. ~my

Rich enjoys thou

chips! Righe Poll Rnoch Council pin


hi, Studl'nl

Abon: DOin Lozil'r prrpuing to ~~;lk to fril'nd!li oInd folmily of Li S;alle


Connor Spielman Michael Stanowski Andrew St-audt Jeffrey Stem James Stevenson Galen Stuski

Thomas Swartley Vincent Szczesniak Steven Szostak Heath Thomas William Thomas Joshua Thorn

John Toner Brendan Tramo Justin Trommcllo Brendan Turner Jack Ulan Jake Ullmann

Connor Varley Mark Ventresca TImothy Vogel icholas Volpe Luke Vranckcn Terrence Wallin

Shawn Warrender John Weinrich Ryan Werner Malik West Ian Whelan Gary White

Matthew Wielgus Kevin Wilkins Kirk Wilson Daniel Wood John Worster Brently Wright

Brian Ziff Brendan Zipfel Logan Zysk


III LA SALLE COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL 2008 BLUE & GOLD III Sean Abbott Victor Allegretti Joseph Aloia

ikoAmato Erik Anderson Ryan Anella

Eugene Angeloni Michael Antoni

Tunothy Asztalos Christopher Becker Paul Belcher Daniel Berger



J Countdown 2 more yedrs

unior year at La Salle is a time of great responsibility.Juniors must take on new challenges as

they enter their third year. They accept their title of "upperclassmen" with pride and dedi路 cation while contributing aU they can to the La Salle community. Along with the title of "upperclassmen" comes more leadership, academic, and service responsibility. }uniors realize the need to work harder than ever before in order to achieve success and understand the impact this year will have on the rest of their lives. This year is also n time of building friendship within the junior class as a whole. After 2 years of bonding with friends and maturing with one's classmates, many juniors have de\'eloped friendships that wiLIlnst a lifetime. By junior year, many trivial differences are put aside nnd a mutual respect is de\eloped within the class. When this meaningful year is finished, the junior class will be able to look back and feel proud of the hard work and effort put in by each and every student. By year's end, the junior class will be prepared to enter laSalle as seniors and become the leaders of the LaSalle community. - Matthew Stewart '09

Above Right: Mike C;lssidy and his parents ;III smilesl Right: Tom O'Neill throws up golllgsigns while Gianni cops



John Bernhardt Anatoly Bitny Derek Bogorowski Michael Bonavitacola Bryan Bonder John Borrell

Connor Bracken William Brennan Sean Brooks Christopher Brown Todd Brown Brian CaUahan

Gianni Campeltonc Colin Canny Nicholas Carboni Sean Carlin Christopher Carlone Matthew Carmody

Michael Cassidy James Catalino Christopher Cawley Michael Cline Patrick Coleman Ronald Comber

Thomas Cooney Ryan Corkery TuckerCorr Ryan Counihan Brendan Craig William Crooks

Christian Cruz Brendan Cummings Christopher Curran ErikCwik Nicholas Cymbala Andrew D'Addona

Michael Dagit Timothy Daly Anthony DalY4Leonard William Dearden Brian Delaney Ross Denczi

David Dickson Mark Dieckman Joseph DiFurio Kyle DiGiacobbe Louis DiGiacomo Anthony DiNardo


III LA SALLE COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL 2008 BLUE & GOLO III - - - - - - - - - - - Sean Doherty D. Patrick Dohony Patrick DonneUy Michael Donohoe Andrew Dowds John Drain

Alexander Dreher Patrick Driscoll Alexander Drost Brendan Duffy Tucker Durkin Ryan Eidenshink

Matthew Engle Kevin Farrington jesse Ferri.no Kyle Finlay

Sean Fisher Brendan FitLPatrick

Brendan Fitzpatrick Cole Fitzpatrick Ryan Fitzpatrick Samuel Rashner Anthony Foell Christopher Foley

Randall Forster William Franks Daniel Fratamico Tyler Freeman Daniel Galante Patrick Gallagher

Patrick Gavin Kevin Genuardi Stefan Gigliotti Rob Gill Sean Gillespie Jay Giunta

Zachary Good Seth Gorman Timothy Gottschalk Stephen Grasso Christopher Groff Michael Hagan

Christopher Harvey Brendan Hilsey Phillip Hopkins Westy Hopkins Jake Hostrander Tyler Houchins


Joshua Houser Neil Hubbert Matthew Jannetti Dylan Johnson Kevin Johnson Roy Kaiser

Daniel Kane Brendan Keamey Kevin Kelley Robert Kelly John Kerrigan Sean Kiely

JUNIORS I CLASS OF 2009 I JUNIORS I CLASS OF 2009 I JUNIOI ufl; Kevin Cenundi first pl;lCl!' in individuolls.....iIwe.some! Be.low;

r,,1 C.vin dl'1lm roll ple,,~

left; Brend"n Hilsey, OlIVe Omojt)o gunu" ;and Roy K;aiser lend" helping h;and


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ III LA SALLE COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL 2008 BLUE & GOLO III - - - - - - - - - - - Mark Kinslow Andrew Kittka Tyler Knarr Christopher Kraeher Thomas Krulikowski

James Lagreca John Austin Lamprecht Robert Law Michael Lees Michael Leigh

Joseph Leinhauser Xavier Lofton

Ryan Lonergan Robert Long Brian Lotkowski Edward Lubienski Thomas Lyons

Kyle MacManus

Patrick Maginnis Thomas Maher

James Mahoney Jordan Malpass Ryan Marcantc Thomas McAloon

Aaron McCoy Brendan McCoy Mnllhew McCullough Sean McCullough Ryan McDevitt Daniel McDonald

Rory McDonald Matthew McDoweU P,llrick McElroy Michael McGee P,lul McGee John McGinley

JNIORS I CLASS OF 2009 I JUNIORS I CLASS OF 2009 I JUNIORS FuRighl:Junior Urb.lln O\;lIIltngt

Nf'u Righi: Mrs. Millrrshows Mib W.lsh .. ntw tKhniquf'


Matthew McGovern Joseph McKeehen William McKenney MichaelMcKibbin Kyle McMahon Matthew Merenich Kevin Merlini Matthew Miller James Mirynowski Dennis Mizzoni Patrick Monteith Patrick Moran

Gregory Morozzi Matthew Murtha Tyler Nase Robert Nave Drew Needham Frank Nekrasz Jared Neri Paul Nixon James Noll Michael Noone Christopher ucero Paul Nucera

Matthew O'Brien Patrick O'Donnell Justin O'Hara G. Kellen O'Neill Shawn O'Neill Thomas O'Neill

Gregory Oakley Kyle Olejniczak David Omojogunra James Osborne Gregory Palko Alexander Pascal

Michael Patchak Maulik Patel Ryan Patrick Daniel Paul Martin Payton James Pecora

Joseph Petrellis MichaelPhillips Carl Plummer Raymond Polcino Philip Posen Alexander Prendergast


III LA SAllE COllEGE HIGH SCHOOL 2008 BLUE & Gala III Mark Pyrih Joseph Radaszewski Eric Reale John Redmond Andrew Reynolds

Joseph Rizzo

Nicholas Rizzulo James Robinson Matthew Roland Thomas Rose Alexander Rot"..:al

John Rush

JNIORS I CLASS OF 2009 I JUNIORS I CLASS OF 2009 I JUNIORS Below: Joe Aloi. wilh his p.ltenls.lt Honors Covo

Above: Bobby Long ruding allhe RingMoISli

Righi: Phil Pos..." works th;at computer

Above: Joe Petrelli,: shad" .. bas, _ COOU!!!


Patrick Samanns Michael SchaeHer Ian Schic\'e Jeffrey Schill Matthew Schluckebicr Adam Schmidt

Matthew Schmitz Peter Schwartz Kane Sebesky Ryan Sen Kevin Seybert Thomas Shiels

Robert Siess Ryan Smalley joseph Smart Konrad Sobilo Andrew Speesc Stephen Stanton

Matthew Stewart Todd Stokley john Stumpo Paul Szyszko Christopher Thiers Thomas TImbol

William Torres Michael Tubolino Steven Tucker Joseph Tull Ryan Tyson Ted Walker

Collin Walsh Daniel Walsh jonathan Walsh Michael Walsh Christopher Webb Gordon Wells

Matthew White Rasheed Wilkins Bryan Williams jonathan Wilt Brian Winning PauJ Wisniowski

Christopher Wolf Andrew Zbikowski



~Ior stud~nt counCIl

Righi' Bub M,u1ullo, Ryoln W.II"",nPolity Sinnol, 1\1.111 Alb.l. Juk M..lont. D.. n Murphy, Rob POW~", Andrew Bowm<ln. Anioine Albtrt, Crt'S Woods. AdOlm M ..lonl'. Mark Funl"n, Tom B.llT (nol pidun!'d NoIll'ChlpperOlnd Austin Muholn) d~r.


student council Righl- Mike Tubolino, John Stumpo, Bob l.ong. Kevin Johnson, Jim Clitalino. Bob Kelly. 1',1t Mtginnis, Mikl> McC~. Ry.." Smillley, Oolvid Omojogunf", Kevin Merlini,Joe RadolSzewskl, Nick CUboni




Right- Will 8~II'Y. RheÂťds Wonltr. Moroney. Tom O'KoInl', Kevin Cioirk. Ort'IN Russin. Mike FUoIno, Sieve 5Z05101"" P<lIt Resch,. Chris Edger



studentcouncil REPRESENTING 9-12 One Hundred Fifty Years - the Student Council theme for 2007-2008 school year, was chosen to celebrate cverythmg that La Salle has stood for over the past ISO years, a legacy that has remained in tact for such a long time and will continue to grow along with the school for years to rome. As construction slarted in the summer for La Salle's new expansion projects, many pe0ple wondered what would happen to the unity

and strength of laSalle. However, right from the start of the school year, when we succeeded our magazine goal of 5115,000. we knew that the school year would continue on that

- Tom BOin ;and Will Begley bring up the gifts oat the Student Council Induction Lilurgry Abo,,~

high pace and our strength and unity was at an all time high. After the first mixer. the opening pep rally, Wing Bowl, the formal, Bailie of the Bands, Field Day, proms, and the numerous PClChampionships, the 2007路2008 school has been a year of success. The past year was a great year at La Salle thanks to the support of Mrs. Maher (who we drove crazy at times), the leadership and enthusiasm of the entire Student Council, and participation and support of the entire student body. - Andrew Bowman 'OS

Above路 The Senior Sludent Council reading their pledge. Left路 The E:tplorer pose~ with Andrew and Rob for the money sholl

Above - Secretary Ron Abel, Mrs. Maher, Pre$ident Andrew Bowman, Vke Preidenl Rob Powers


student (oundl Left - Palrick 0' Donnell, Andrew Eckert, Stephen Duz..inski, Will H..nneke, Chris DearolC, Brcnd..n Slone, Nick Bu.ms, C..h路in Perlm.. n" Willi..m Turner,I"ylen Bond, Mkhnl Bell, Sieve Collins, RYoin Kelly


- - - - - - - 111 LA SALLE COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL 2008 BLUE & GOLO 111

nationalhonorsociety The National Honor Society is a remarkable organization comprised of Juniors and Seniors. These upperclassmen members are selected and employ the guiding principles of the Society: scholarship, leadership, character, and service. This year's faculty leaders Dr. Joseph D'Angelo and Brother William DiPasquale and student leaders, along with the myriad of members have served and helped the L., Salle community in a variety of ways.

TIle main focus of the National Honor Society is the peer tutoring. Every year the members gratefully offcr their services 10 any student seeking extra assistance in a class. The tutors meet with the students on a weekly basis

SenionJohn Dlulio ;and Funk Fu~1I enjoy the ;after honors p.. rty

and offer aid and support throughout the year. However. the members of the ational Honor Society not only tutor, but also serve as ushers, tour guides, and greeters at several school functions. The NHS is also responsible for the annual Red Cross Blood Drive. in which the students and faculty look to improve the community. The students that make up the NHS are some of the best and brightest. and their ac路 complishments in the classrooms could extend for pages. But the NHS brings these students together and channels their energy for the betterment of La SaUe and the outside world. . Matt Razzano'08

Abov~: K~vin Minton and Mik~ Oliver t"ke .. om~ time for a picture with their mothers

Right: Seniors Sean Moff;J ;Jnd Muk F~nzen enjoy the ;Jccob.dn

Abon: Bro. Richud Knlll.':r and Mr. Marchese rongratul.1te G~ Woods


officers From L~fl:Mall RUUlno, Mik~Oliv颅 Miklr Rongione, "nd Anthony Kent



Left; The procession of the honor students Below: Tom Bender .Ind Andrew C ..lb..Uy

Above; Anthony Kent olnd 8m.James Rieck Right: Parents with nmeroiS all through the night

Top: Mr. Palel, Mrs. Minton, olnd Mr. Millerenjoy the gueslspeaker 8elow; "Psst...M.lrty Wolke




Isc SERVICE 4 ALL From Service 10 Solidarity- .. An individual has not started living until he can rise above the naTrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broadcrconcems of all humanity." This quotation by Martin Luther King, Jr. perfectly represents the Lasallian Service Corps. As the largest and most involved club at La Salle, students rise up and reach oul to the community, both locally and internationally. It is

not difficult to see that students at La Salle truly live out the message of "Leave 10 Serve." LSC offers a wide aTTay of weekly service opportunities, from tutoring underprivileged students at La Salle Academy, St. Martins, or Pro\-idence Center, to serving meals at Project home or SaT-

Sophomore Tu\路is Robert, helps tutor.ll Pmvidencf' C.-nit'

Along with many other opportunities, LSC carries their work over to the weekends, where students participate in Saint Vincent's Soup Kitchen and Saint Francis Inn. For students who are busy with other commitments, La Salle offers many seasonal and summer service opportunities, such as Secret Santa and the Appalachian trip. Last summer, 17 La Salle students also tra\'eled to Bolivia, where they undertook various forms of service and experienced the Bolivian culture first-hand. As a vibrant aspect of La Salle, the students of LSC offer their own talents in giving back. - Dan Murphy 'OS

neUi House.

Above: Paul Nucero and Ootn Mur路 phy bring smiles 10 Ihe children of Boliviol Right: Three groups of Juniors oil路 tended Urban Cholllenge in Colmden this year

Above; Chris Wolper, Juon Ruhiatore, and Malt RoIZuno help fix路up houses in Appollachiot

providence center tutoring Senior Joe McCollum joins Li Salle sludents and Mr. Barna each Wednesdoty


Fu left; Bukels with collecled food ue pl;tced by the ;tllu. Ne;tr left; L.t. S;tlle studenls ;tlong wilh S;tnt;t distribule girts.

explorer club Siudenis Ih;tt lulor during lhe YUt ;tlso enjoy shuing Ihe Chrislm;15 holid;ty wilh the children at 51. Mn路 tin de Pones


santa daus Seniors pose in fronl of gifts coileded for distribulion the d;ty before Chrislm;ts

thanksgMng food drtve Rev. R~yik bless Ihe help f~d numerous f~mi路 lies in lhe Phil~delphi~ UU. Fr. Tony


b~skels to



appa;lachlon servIce trip


selVlce trip

respect lite


Isc JUNIOR URBAN CHALLENGE "Leave to Serve." These words are common路 place among students and faculty alike here at La Salle. For juniors who partake in the "Urban Challenge," these words take on a more powerful meaning. Students leave the comforts of La Salle to spend time in Camden, a place ridden with poverty, crime, and violence. The "Urban Challenge" provides a unique chance to skim the surface of a life lived in poverty. For those who partake in the "Urban Challenge," it is an eye-opening experience. Students come to appreciate what they have and how blessed their lives really are. The challenge makes students reaLize thai poverty is a crucial problem in the world today and much must be done to create economic equality. Students come fare-to-face with dozens of uneducated or under路educated men, women, and children who live their days wondering whether they will see the sun tomorrow. Although the challenge is a one-night expe-

rience, the various activities the students perform while in Camden allow students to successfully innuence the lives of the people they meet. Before the challenge began, students were not acclimated to such a foreign lifestyle. Students were asked to be open to such a different way of life. Students realize the difficulties of living a life of poverty in Camden. When asked about his experience on the "Urban Challenge," one student remarked, "The employees at the Romero Center, where we stayed, put into perspective just how difficult and dangerous life can be in Camden." Certainly before students experienced the "Urban Challenge" they never would have thought to be thankful for the simple things in life. One can conclude that "Urban Challenge" provides students with new insight into the world around them. - John DeLucca 'OS

JunIor urban challenge: december

junior urban challenge february



8~low: Students

Right; Working h.. rd with the App..IKhi,," trip

Above: Senior Austin Meehan ,hl.l"e$ his l'xperil'nl.'es with the school community during liturgy Highl: Mr. 8unOi helping tulor the kids ..1 Providen,,, Ctnler


brandl-out day


bringing b<lg5 of gifts for SÂŤret SOlnl..

Left: Bro. Richard Kestln and Mr. visilors from La Salle Academy ~hrcha~ welcome

Below: Taking urI' of the locals in Bolivia

Abovr: Even the fuully havl' a day of ~rvice (M". Agnrw and Mr. Brett) Righi: Frnhmen OIl Philabundance during Branch-oul Day

Top Above: La Salle swimmers on a service lrip Top Below:Juniors working on Urban Challrnge



first place Individual scores

second place individual scores

Senior Bill Maslin placed first with II perfect score!

Senior Mike MarTa-Powers came in second place

mathletes This year the Mathletes Team COImt' in first place in their division



academicclubs MASTERS Of ACADEMIA

Multi- aw.ard winning ACOIdemic Dfi.llhlon Senion from Left: John Oelucc;a. Divi' Loughl'rty. Llnci' FOIg<1'" and Ke.lvin I....Irn

Above: wm Dend"" comes home with the most blingl!!

Above: Brend,ln Fitzp<ltrick proudly shows off his mrd,,-Is





thegreatdebate WORD PROBLEMS

Ldt: Mr. Sluy iolroon.. .lind

dU(~5 Ih~


Above: Only this ,tudent panel could ,trike fear into the heart of Dr. Lehman

Righi: Dr. Lehman concedes a point.

Abo"..: Mr. Ray Shay: Introductions nt'veT looktd so good.

Right: The !l'tudenl pilnellislens .liS路 tutely as Dr. Lehman ,1f\!1wers yel oInath.., question



Far Left: Antoine Albert grills Dr. Lehman with another hard hilling question. Left: Dr. Lehman skillfully answers Antoine's queSlion drawing on a veritable comuCQpia of knowledge

Left: Dr. Lehman e"p1.tins his experience on the 9111 Commission and the lessons that the Commission gives for the future.

left: The questioning period wraps up with some comic relid provided by Mr. Shay.






Doltorn from Idl: Mall Schmitz, Bobby Long. ;lind Pal Gavin. Top: Mr.

Scoll Wolpert, ESQ., Nick RizJ;uIO, Mark Kinslow, and Mr. EV;lns

Te..m gels wme legal advice!

mock trial team V.,rsily tum: Nick Rinulo, Pat Devine, Mark Kinslow, Bobby Long.. and Malt Schmitz


Left: Bobby Long crou-euminn Mark Kinslow

Below: Matt S<hmit:t Iilcn up the glovts for iI fight!

Above: Nick Rizz\llo..... wilnts5?


Right: Tum chnk$ o\ltlhe com~tition

Above lop: 路Expl..in to me whilt YO\l5<lW in the ..lIey w..y?"" Above: ~ls this your nilme on the rtstr..ining orderr'


III LA SAllE COllEGE HIGH SCHOOL 2008 BLUE &Gala III Below: Antoine Albert presenting his tournament winning perfonnance

Right: rOll Dohony getting inlo char-


Above; John Dilulio in a healed debale round Righl:]ohn Wayne enjoys jim Benischeck's argument



forum WINNING PERfORMANCES La Salle's Forum, commonly called the Speech and Debate Team, began the 07-08 season with the September Wake Forest University Tournament, performing very well.The highlight of the trip was Team President Antoine Albert, who advanced to the final round in Dramatic interpretation. Coached by La Salle alum Pete Eisenhower and 'TCilm Mom' Mrs. Smith, Antoine and the tnterpreters have continued to achieve success throughout the season, including AJltoine Albert's first place victory at the Yale invitational as well as freshman Eric Stone's qualifying to the State Tournament. Steve Kernytsky '08, coached by Ray Shay. has attained great success in extemporaneous speaking, earning a bid to the Tournament of Champions. The Lincoln Douglass Debate squad, coached by alum Steve McElroy, lead by Senior John Dilulio, who won first place at the Pennsbury Falcon Invitational, and Sean Janda, who qualfjjed for competition in the Pennsylvania state tournament, has made its mark in

the debate community. Their novices have also rapidly advanced to the top of the novice division. The policy dcbate team, coached by Br. Kevin Dalmassc, has also attained great success. Seniors Mike McCabe and T.J. McCarrick advanced to the quar路 terfinal round of the Big Bronx tournament. Mike Rajnherc '08 and John Sperger '08 also achieved success advancing to the semi-final round of the Villiger Tournament. The team's success was further deepened with the policy debate team ofT.J. Mc路 Carrick and John Sperger winning 15t place at the George Mason University Tournament in January. The sophomores of the policy debate team of Jim Benischeck and Josh Thorn are also rising to the occasion gaining recognition at cvery tournament they attend. With only three tournaments left, the team hopes to continue its dominance in the state, as well as solidify its dominance at the nalionallevel. - TJ McCarrick '08

Above: S~an Janda speaks in terms that no one understands Left: We hope Josh is only looking at evidence

Mr. Shay congratulate, John Sperger and T.J. McCalTick on qualifying to Nationals in Las Vegas

policy debate team From Left: Josh Thorn, Jim Benis路 check, John Sperger, T.J. McCarrick, and Coach Bro. Kevin Dalmasse


III LA SAllE COllEGE HIGH SCHOOL 2008 BLUE & GOlO III Below: P.lII Dwyer geh lip close and person,l with.lft


RighI: Collage by Colin Mumy

Above: Duwing by Brian Ledder Right: Dr;twing by Rick Chiodo

foundations art


art PAINT BY NUMBERS Left: Folded v.lse by Sun Montgomery


D~wing by

l\hU Anlonello



Above: Mr. 1路leam in the Art Room uft: Drawing by Anthony Wilkowski

Above: Polinling by Phill.lnnuzzi

art club



band NOTES ON A SCALE La Salle has many opportunities for the aspiring young musician. based on scheduled band classes during the school day and private instrumental instruction. W Salle musicians participate ina myriad of extracurricular bands as well, including the pep band, which cheers on the football team from the slands; the pit orchestra, which provides all the music for La 5.111e's musicals; and the acclaimed competition jazz band, which competes against other high schools in the region. The skill of musicianship represented in the pit orchestra and competi* lion jazz band is an anomaly among high school musicians. The pep band is the largest b.lnd at La Salle, full of enthusiastic supporters of thei.r school, willing to dedicate many Frida~

Above' Mr. Velton Iuds Comp Band .lIthe Annual Jazz Festival.

and Saturday nights to cheer on their team. The pit orchestra, masterfully conducted by Julian Tucker, performs the full professionaJ score for the spring musicaJ every year. The competition band, which showcases 20 of La Salle's most talented musicians, has enjoyed great success under the leadership of Mr. Joe Vetton, shattering expectations several years in a row. This year, the band was led by President Julian Tucker and Vice Presidents Kevin Hughes and Bill Rooney. Thanks to the hard work and dedication of these three young men, Mr. Vet~ tori, Mr. Ciccimaro, and the entire amazing music staff, La Salle's music department has enjoyed a fantastic year! - Kevin Hughes 'OS

Above路 Sax Section performs allhe Christmas Concert...is th.it Kenny G? Qh w.iil, no, il'5 Mike McCabe! l.eft路 The String Ense:mblt' pose:s for a group picture aflt'r the concert.

Above - Senior Jack Blankr playing lead guitar in Competition Band.

competition band


Fu L~fl . g.. m~.

J.. mming



Footb.. ll

Ldl路 Junior Mike Tubolino tri~!i 10 up with Ih~ b.. nd.


concert band

jazz band

pep band


III LA SALLE COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL 2008 BLUE & GOLO III Below - The Bari's hit those low noles led by Senior Dan Erhard (left)

Righi' Ryan Lonergan Plays a solo on the Tenor Sax

Above - Julian T~(ker, president of the Band, conducts the Concert Band Right- Senior Bill HSunshine Rooney !.lys down .. litUe funky bass IineH H

liturgy band

BIl'It Haenn:guil.llf John Shields: vocals and guitar Sam Morgan: bilss Jason Rivkin: drums James McNally: guitar


band/chorus SING4 U

Above: La Salle senior chorus member.>

Left; Choral Director Mr. Norman

Above: Matt Dwyer, Kyle Scheelll:, Brian McGinly, and Dean Buonomo singing al schoollilurgy

Left: Senior Matt Smeltzer

Above: The tenor section!!!

la salle chorus The upper classmen chorus



theoddcouple 1+1=2? Can hvo divorced men share an aparhnent without driving each other crazy? That was the subject of L.. Salle's Fall Drama, Neil Simon's classic comedy The Odd Couple. The story is about two childhood friends, a slob named Oscar Madison (Frank Farrell '08) and a neat-freak named Felix Unger Uohn Dilulio '08), who move into the same apartment after Felix is thrown out by his wife. What starts as an arrangement behNeen friends soon turns into a nightmare as the two begin to realize that they can't stand living together. Their poker buddies Speed (Matt Dwyer '08), Murray (Mykk Hoffman '08), Vinnie (Sean Janda '10), and Roy (Vince Szczesniak '10) arc soon caught right in the middle of the growing tension. Much hilarity ensues, including an awkward dinner date with the ditzy

Pigeon sisters, Cedly (Catherine Begley '08, MSJ) and Gwendolyn (Barbara Spencer '08, GMA). In the end, we learn that the bonds of friendship are what matter most. A great deal of credit must be given to the stage and lighting crew that constructed the stage setting and allowed the show to run as smoothly as possible. Also, the cast and crew owe thanks to Laura Free '08 (MSJ), who wasan excellent prop and costume coordinator, and Drew Needham '09, who served as stage manager. Finally, this production would not have been possible without the flawless direction of Mr. Micky Dominick and Mr. Mark Norman. Both believed that they had the right personnel to create something truly special. The result speaks for itself. -John Dilulio 'OB

Above:The gang prays for Felix Unger aher a big mistake Right: Mykk Hoffman and Vince Szczesniak try to help John walk it


Above: Frank FatTE'1l and Vince SU:l:esniak

cast Vince SU:l:esniak, Sean Janda, Mall Dwyer, Mykk Hoffman, Frank Farrell,John Dilulio, Catherine Begley, and Barbara Spencer


Left: The Stage Crew lakes a wt'll deserved break Below: Fl'ilnk Farrell gets the stink oul!

Aboye: Frank Farrell yells at Mall Dwyer RighI: John Diluliostruggling along

Top: Catherine Begley and B"rbar;l Spen(er sh....t' a sc:ene with John Dilulio Bottom: "Hey everybody! II's Sean Jandal!!!


III LA SAllE COllEGE HIGH SCHOOL 2008 BLUE & Gala III Below: Just a COIlsl of characters

Right: "How you doin'?" Brian McGinley and Kim Whitehill

Above: Dean Buonomo as Roscoe the Director

Righi: "Make 'I'm Laugh"

sentor cast members


singingintherain MUSICAL NUMBERS s...

'The La L1e musical this year was "Singin' in the Rain", Orig路 inaUya hit movie starring Gene Kelly, this was the first time La Salle decided to put the production on stage. It was Colleen Durkin Lapowski's twentieth and final production at La Salle. The cast and crew worked hard to ensure she will remember her last show for the rest of her years. Rehearsals began in early January, and it was a fast three months of dedication from everybody involved. Choral Director Mark Norman was in charge of the vocal rehearsals. Mr. Joseph Vettori assisted in directing the pit band, conducted by senior Julian Tucker. Kim Williams, once again, was the dance choreographer. The story follows a film company thai is in jeopardy as silent pictures shift into talking pictures. Brian McGinley plays Don Lockwood, the head actor of the studio. Along with his buddy Cosmo Brown (MaH Dwyer), owner R.E Simpson (Kyle

Scheetz). agent Rod Dexter (lim Lapowski), and director Roscoe Dexter (Dean Buonomo), they have to deal with their nasty lead actress named Lina Lamont (Catherine Begley, MSJA), whose speaking voice does not traru;fer well to the talking pictures. Their only hope remains with a charming girl named Kathy Seldon (Kim Whitehill), who must dub in her voice for Lina's dialogue. The show was a huge success. As usual the dancing was phenomenal, with numbers like "Moses Supposes" and "Broadway Melody" played as the big hits. There were some impressive visual effects to create the rain on stage. Ultimately, the incredible mix of young talent within the cast, crew, and staff led to the show's remarkable run. Colleen's twenty year career definitely went out with a bang. and the 1...., Salle thealer will surely miss a great director who put her heart and soul into every production. -Matt Dwyer 'OS


Shup-dressed men!

Abovr: ~niors Tim l.apowsky ~nd Kyl~ SchHtz.llr~;aC'Ouplt of ;angry young

uft: A masbd Brian McGinley with










ON THE AIR IN 4...3...

Left: Ryan McCann ;and Dave Dick~"

Above: Jeremy Rich gives the thumbs up! Righi: Mr. Johnson on the job!

Abovt': J.IImn Mills and Kevin Gatti putting logll"ther the script

wexp staff Right: Mike Coyle. Dan Goodwin, and Tr.wvj, Roberts chÂŤk if all is rudy for the news CUI.


Above: Pat McGwire on earneD ""."

Left: Sound and carnel'il check!

Below: The panic before the show!

Above: Teleprompter is ready!

Right: Ian Haney and Kelvin Lam

Above Top: Showlime!!! Above: Jeremy Miles... Floor Director!!!



Righi: Visitors always stop in 10 the

Yenbook office beuuse of the pucdl,ll and clean setting. They also like 10 critique the work and ~­ 1«1 mOfe pictures of themselves for the book...oh, the vanity!

Wisterian Editors: Left: Tom Bender Righi: Jeff Murtha and Brendan Cummings

wisterian staff From Left: Brendan CumminS', Will Marble, Dave Lougherty, Tom Bender, Billy Brennan, and Tnvis




Ldl: Df'volf'd Yu.rbook mf'mbtr Rob Costello works on finishing ~ dudlinf'.

Above: ).J. spots some Yurbook groupies trying to get his autograph.

Above:).). Houldin ,nnu in pictures while others do the work!

Left: T.J. McCarrick trie!llo bring r~ spect;lbilily to this dog-f'ii1t路dog world of Yurbook production.

blue and gold Fin..1dudline Iuds normally loy路 ing comrildes into blood-thinly monsters


III LA SALLE COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL 2008 BLUE & GOLD III - - - - - - - - - - - _


Left: Coach Sig laking allihe glory for his hardworking sidf.

Alx:wt: John Spi'rger chÂŤks the personal files of the teachers.

Right: Mr. Johnson takes some probltms


of Above: Anthony liber.lto, Brendan DaCosta, and Kelvin Lam playing games when they should be working!

web managers


Far Left: R.J. CtUlch talb


Nur left: Ryan work

do.te5 off whil~


geb to

computer club

Computer Club works diligenlly on t~;lting the ullim;lt~ machine.



skiclub 2 COOL 4 SCHOOL




Rudy to hud down the mounlil;n Salle Ski Oub warm, up over hot COCOoll

Above: Cellin' some air!!! Righi: Long bus trip well worth it

"'bon: Prllctiring for the ne~ X-eillmes

Vermont Nick Prdersen, laking ill bruk during ill long dolly on the slop".


Left: For Senior Kairos guys this sign says a lol! Below: I'osing in front of the majestic Utah mountains




Above: Mr. Tale always enjoys a nice self-portrait on the lift Right: A little trick for us!

Utah Above: Ridin' the ramp



african-americanleadership EXPLORING POSSIBILITIES La Salle's African-American Student Leadership Group, moderated by Mr. Joseph Parisi, celebrates the school's African-American pres¡ eocc. The organization discusses possible ways to diversify the La Salle's cultural climate. The group promotes St. John Baptist de L, Salle's philosophy of educational diversity. Another aspect of the group's mission is to assist any student of African-American descent in their transition to L:'1. g.,Ue. [t also serves as a support system for African-American students who may experience any culturally-related matters. The African-American Student Leadership Group periodically hosts events throughout the academic year. In the fall, the group hosts

Alumnus Philip Davis ing with Mati Rowland

'03 COI'IVers-

its annual luncheon for African-American alumni who wish to mentor current students. The Alumni share their experiences, challenges, and achievements with current students. A number of La Salle faculty and staff come out and support the group's bridgebuilding initiative. Also, the group has teamed up with The Multi-Cultural Club to celebrate the "Food from around the World Day." Essentially, La Salle's African-American Student Leadership Group diligently works at fulfilling its mission of accepting diversity in the Spirit ofSt. John Baptist de L.1 Salle. • Antoine G. Albert, '08

Above: Mr. Parisi with guest spt'akers Michael Adams and Joshua Behr Right; Mr. Marchese addresses the group

Abovt': Xaviu Lofton and Antoine Albert enjoy the discussions

Tht' Class of 2008: Josh Brooks, Rodney Hardee, Chris Covington, Creg Barkesdale, Je",my Miles (front row) Antoine G. Albert, Christian Carey


left (left to Right); Robert Nix, Harry, Christian Greene, Denis Anao, }aylen Bond, M;orcus Richardson, Ed路 ward Joyner-Mitchell, Philip Waton, William Turner, jamal Abdur-Rahman, Kendel Chaney. Below: Dr. Michael Adams, OMD

Above: Eddie Joyner-M itchell, jaylen Bond, Jamal Abdur路Rahman in the background left; Milrcus Richardson, Devon Minor, Rodney Hardee, Creg Barkes路 dale

TopAbove:Troy Hockaday, q Aikens, Malik West,jalil Bond, Malcolm Hill, Devon Minor,jP Bonny, Cary White, Adam Cunningham. Above (rom the Class of 2009: Rasheed Wilkins, Xavier lorton, Sean Brooks, Matthew Rowland, David Omojogunra



chessclub 64 SQUARES

Right: Nate Myers and Nkk Pedersen squue-off

Above: Seniots Jeremy Miles and Tom Kerr playa malch during the Activities Fair

Righi: Concentroltion of Coach Keir

Above: Lorenzo hatches a diaboliul move to destroy his unmatched foe!

Right: Mr. Keenan may look loll happy and nice around his tum members Charles Canon and Lorenzo

Quebral, hut he has cruted a monslerchess dub that is oullo rule the world!!!


gamingclub PS2, WII, ><360, N64

Lefl; The tools for;t gilmer!

Below: Rob Costello makes rudy Ihegolmll'!

The G.aming Oub 2008 version!

The competition is fiuct in Cilming Club...M •. Hutey is known 10 hilve broken up m':lnY a (ist·.. ·cuff in his tenure ilS moderator



seniornight CLASS OF '08 CELEBRATE

Left: Adam Malone is dressed 10 kill, backed up by hi' posse of seniors. Above: Fr.".,k F.lll'ftll, T.J. MC'Cnridr., and Evan Cooper w;lit fOTsome gtlIb

Above: Seniors celebute their


100 days.

Right: TIm Llipowsky, Frank Cusidy, OInd P.I Knowl" .... .Iit for Hurley Show!

Above: Nick Danelb, .nd Mike Row. BFFFFfFF,.

senior night meal Right:


.. ('ftlwd


food aJwa)'$ dr.lw$ quile

Fn Lidl: Rylln ClIsey under Hurley's spell! Neu Left: MlIIt T,IonninlI: uleep lit Ihewh~1

Abovf': MItt Mooney sl~ps as lohn Givnish shllkes hllnds with Kevin

Above: MlIle Bonding

the kevln hurley


l1ypnotist Kevin Ilurley puts som" of the seniors to sleep



kairos 37-57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62 2007-2008 has been a simply amazing year for L.l Salle's senior class, as well as the rest of the school. If any word can epitomize the year, it would have to be "change," We saw buildings rise and rules change; faces come, and faces go. As a senior, it wasn't the changes outside that brought our class together, but the changes inside. The changes over the course of (our years culminate in a sense of brotherhood and warmth that is evident and present every day in the hallways. A major reason for the SUrging brotherhood is Kairos. Even as a Kairos alumni and leader, it is dif~ ficult to explai.n to anyone just exactly what Kairos is. As Jack Blanke '08 said on 37-58, "hen if we wanted to tell people about this,

they just wouldn't get it until they experience it themselves... And one by one, we have seen each group come back to a place they can truly caLI their home. Out of my four years at La Salle, nothing comes close to the experiences I had on Kairos, but most importantly, I nol only got to be part of the Class of 'OS, but a class of brothers. Li\'e the Fourth. 路Brendan Ahem 'OS 37-58 37-60 Ahovl': M.lIIt KorlcinsivnhiuPftth

Abov~: Mike Higgins, Mrs. Haggerty and Frank Pierson loving life.

Right: 1(.,1'05 just l,n'l lhe same if your nol rocking f1~nnel.

Abov~: F~lh~r Ikmi~ gelling K~irQtic.

Right: 8m'in Qut





Brlow: Fr.-Ilzrll trlls his story

Abovr: Disco night .-t Di.-mond Ridgr

Right: Drnllis rnjoying hi. new路 foulld brotherhood

Top: Kohlrr pl.-yillg.- Koliros b~ 5(110 Abovt: Just chillill'.


III LA SALLE COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL 2008 BLUE & GaLa III - - - - - - - - - - - -

Above: Fr. Tony .lind



small group

Ri&hl: Mr. auk looking sh.ldy


Icairos 37-57 October 2-5, 2007

kairos 37-58 Novtmber 6-9, 2007



bellie'J w.llk b.l(k for some more K,il"05

Far left: Mati Lees lakes some time for contemplation

Nur Left: Pal Moran and Sun McKenna enjoy some down time.

kalres 37-59 Dec:ember 11-14, 2007

kaires 37-60 January 29-February 1, 2008

kaires 37-61 March 4-7, 2008


III LA SALLE COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL 2008 BLUE & GaLa III - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Explorers' 2007 football team began their season with high expectations. They wanted 10 repeat last year's unbelievable season by securing another Ph..iladelphja Catholic

League title. The stage was set for a successful season with a high powered offense and a hard-working defense. laSalle's high-powen:.><:t passing offense was led by seniors John Harrison, joe Migliarese, Matt l11ari, Eric Heisner, Dennjs McBride, Dam Amodei, Tom Bender. and Matt Lynch. Providing constant protection for John in the pocket were senior offensive linemen Pat Morrow, Andrew GalbaJly, Jude McKenna. and Andrew Furlong. The Explorer defense continued its scrappy play with seniors Matt Alba, Matt Day, and Drew Ciammetti constantly blitzing into the oppositions' backfield. Seniors Kevin Mclaughlin, Nick Nocero, and Jim Thomas provided their support with tight coverage of wide outs and tight ends. The Explorers ran into trouble early in the season when several key players were struck with serious injuries. The leadership and experience of seniors Joe Migliarese, Ryan Warrender, and James McNally was greatly missed, but the Explorers rebounded when talented underclassmen stepped up to fill their shoes. Key contributors were juniors Mike Donohoe, Ryan Eidenshink, and Bob Siess, sophomores Sam Feleccia, Connor Hoffman, Steve Szostak, Steve Sinnott, and Matt DiGiacomo. The Explorers made it to the first round of the Catholic League Playoffs and went up against a talented Cardinal O'Hara team. Unfortunately, the Explorers were defeated by Cardinal O'Hara 31-7. However, the Explorers rebounded on Thanksgiving Day defeating Bishop McDevitt, 34-7. All Catholic Second Team Honors were awarded to Matt Alba and Pat Morrow. All-Catholic Honorable Mention was granted to Ryan Eidenshink, Andrew Wood, Bob Siess, Joe Migliarese, Mike Donohoe, and John Harrison. Although the 2007 La5.1l1e Explorers were not able to bring home a second PCLchampionship, the strong friendships that were formed and memories that were made in pursuit of this goal wiJl never be forgotten. - Andrew Wood '08

Above: Helmets raised (or Loll Salle tradition and pridt' Left: Matt Day playing tight HDH!


Varsity Football UU: 2007 La Salle

EJ(plo~r Football


Opposite page: Senior QD John 1路lurison rim deep Iklow: MiSS eyes the end zon..

Above: The &plorefS ';Ike the field LeftMan-to-moln defenSf'

~ft: ~niorCapl.linsJohn Harrison.Joe

MiglarrH. An路

drew \';'ooci. .and Matt Day





.t' ,

.• :, II...

. - ...... ",


JV offense bre~ks the huddle

Junior Varsity Football Right: Young Explortr!l prrpue for .another b,lttlt



Left; Tyler Houchin! hitslhe comer Below; Drew Lougherty t,lking the ,n,lp

Freshman Football Above: CO<Ich R.ld instructs QB ]uliJino Rodriguez Left: Frosh Explon'1"S n'.Idy for action



Right: DOin SUc:hdloi follows COKh Pt'fn...路s dir~on klow: xnior B.J. Fib; with I. h...OIdu

Righi: Ryoln Pilltrkk buls;lI defender.

Varsity Soccer Right: Alu SChreiber, 8""ndan OolCOSI.ll. Krill' Dufrrsne. Bob M'llrzullo. 8.J. FitzguiIIld, Tom Smart. BR':ndilin Kiss-mOln, rOil Sinnott" O..n S.lICchett....nd BR':tt Holenn- The Mnior Leoldel'5 on the 2007 Tum.


klow: La S.lIle's 2007 V.II'silySotcerTum

The 2007 Explorers came into the season with high hopes and with the weight of two consecutive PCl championships on their backs. Losing cleven starters the Explorers were ready for a fresh start to begin the 2007 season. They entered the season ranked 9th in Southeastern Pennsylvania after being ranked number one at the conclusion of last year. The Explorers started 0(( the season with big pre~ season wins against Holy Ghost Prep and Episcopal Academy. As they entered Catholic league play, the team accumulated an cleven game win streak under the leadership of Senior Captains Tom Smart, Bob Marzullo, B.]. Fit"Lgerald, and Dan Sacchetta. Some big wins for the Explorers in this ele\'en game winning streak were a I-a win in double OT against ortheast Catholic, a 2-1 win over Archbishop Ryan, and a 3-1 win over Archbishop Wood. Over the course of these games, the Explorers received key goals by seniors Kyle Dufresne, Patrick Sinnott, and Brett Haenn; while receiving tenacious defense by Brendan Kissman and company. LaSalle also received key play from senior Brendan DaCosta at flank mid~ field. The Explorers run of victories came to an end with a tough 2-1 loss against the 2007 PeL champs, Father Judge. The Explorers would go on to win their final two regular season games and finish the season with an overall record of 16--3-1, 13-2 in the Catholic League, scoring 53 gools while only giving up 12. Going into the playoffs ranked #2 in the Catholic League, the Explorers su((ercd a disappointing loss by way of penalty kicks to Archbishop Carroll. With another very successful season, the 2007 Explorers certainly lived up to the L.1 Salle name. - Dan Sacchetta '08


Bob Man:ullo plays the ball tO.ln o~n


Left: Ccw:h Pdfle posn .Ift~r .Inolher succ6sful

Abov~: Tom


Sm,lI't control, th~ pace of th~ g;am~.


LA SALLE COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL 2008 BLUE & GOLD III - - - - - - - - - - -

~Iow; Bob

Kowalski fi&h15 for poso






: .',." .,. -""







Left: Cole Fit:r.patrick looks for the aprn pass. Fir Left: The le.llm lakes. bruk al the hollif.

Junior Varsity Soccer L.lI S.llIe', 2007 JuniorV.rsity Soccer Tum



Mike HalT('ll.score5 a goal.

Below: Caleb Weiler s~u someone downfield for lhe pass.

Far lefl: Terry Mcfadden on a run to Ihe goal. ~fl: Rob Rhodes frees himself from I defender.

Freshman Soccer La Sall~'s 2007 Freshman Socnr Team



Things looked bleak for La Salle's cross country team after losing six of seven varsity members from last year. However, it was not long until runners from last year's JV and freshman teams filled voids. In the end, the team was able to pull together for a fifth straight win in the Philadelphia Catholic League and for a second year in a row, La Salle swept the league with victories in the JV and freshman races as well. The varsity squad. composed of seniors Tom Buoncristiano, Chris Fasy. and Dan Lowry, juniors Sean McCullough, and Pat Donnelly, and sophomores Tom O'Kane, Sean Quinn, and James Stevenson, showed that they were capable of continuing the La Salle legacy with good showings at the Paul Shorllnvitational, the Salesianum Invitational. and the Manh<1ttan Invitational. The team, led by Captains Brian Ledder, Chris Fasy, Dan Lowry, and Tom Buoncristiano, solidified its usual role of dominance in the Pel with another undefeatt."C! season in the league. The Explorers were coached to race competitively even under the worst conditions, which would come in handy the day of champs. The course at Belmont Plateau was soaked with mud the day of PCl champs, but when other teams faltered, la Salle stood strong. The freshmen set the tone with a victory and out+ standing performances by Brenden Stone and Seamus Morgan, going first and second. The IV continued this momentum, gCUing six run+ ners an the top ten. Stellar performances were made by JV champion James Stevenson, Dan laMorte, Ryan Werner, and Brian Ledder. The varsity race was led by Dan Lowry, getting the individual Pel title, with clutch finishes by Pat Donnelly, Tom O'Kane, Tom Buoncristiano, and Sean McCullough. In addition to winning Pel's, the varsity team came in 2nd at the East+ em State Championship Meet and was ranked 8th in the Northeast and 3rd in the State on dycstat.com, the national high school cross country and track website. With many key returns for next year's team, one thing seems clear: La Salle shows no signs of slOWing down and the best is yet to come. • Dan lowry 'OS


Abov~: St,ut stroriS

"'rid Firl;sh strorlS!

left: P",t Dorlrlelly sprirlts to Ih~ finish


Far Left: Sean McCullough: mud, guts, and glory Left Hud CO<Ich BielÂŤki hands oul tke medals for his champs Below: Tom O'Kolne chugs along


"If you do the wor~1


Ywill know your "a",e.

Abovl': Couhn Demelu,1.nd Devlin keep lruk of the time

Lefl: A mollo to live by

Varsity Cross Country CO;lch Devine and Bielecki stand proud with their winningll'Ol.m!


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ III LA SAllE COllEGE HIGH SCHOOL 2008 BLUE & Gala III

Left: PieK(' know, who's 111 Below: Seniors Enn Coopu .lind Sieve Dolan ,Iart ,trong

Blrlow; Senior Chri.sti.i.n p~p,rin8


for the big roI(1'

Junior Varsity Cross Country 2007 Junior Vu,1ty Cross-Country Ch.llmps


Freshman Cross Country Abovco; Stretching.lll Ch.mp5

Left: CO;llch Bielecki with the Frosh Ch.llmps olnd 51.trs of l<a S...lIe Cross-Country




Righi: Senior mll'mbll'r5 Tony De路 P.lul, MOItt McGovern. r,,1 Melvin, .lind POll Knowl"

Below: MC'CovlI'm hll',l.ds for the .~n

Tony DePaul fFu right) iIInd Pal Melvin wilh perf芦t chilmpionship form.

Varsity Golf Pel Golf champs again!l!


The taste of redemption was sweet for the La Salle Golf Team in 2007. After losing the Catholic League title by just 2 strokes the pre路 vious year, the golf team regrouped during their new fall season and brought home La Salle's first PCL Championship of the school year. The resounding victory at Champs, by a 34 stroke margin, was led by a core group of seniors: Patrick Melvin, Matt McGovern, Pat Knowles, and Anthony DePaul. This year the golf team's championship run began in midAugust; a change to a faU season, however, did little to rattle the determined mentality of this championship calibersquad. The team cruised to an undefeated season in the Catholic League, showing that the team was ready to reclaim the PCL title. The day of Championships proved to be La Salle's day; all 8 starters received All Calholk honors, a feat that has not been achieved in over 5 years. Those golfers who received such a high honor are: Patrick Melvin, Mati McGovern, Anthony DePaul, Kevin Genuardi, Kevin Seybert, Tucker Durkin, Kyle DiGiacobbe, and Jack Ulan. Even though the season is over, the Golf Team looks forward 10 its annual Myrtle Beach trip in the spring, where they will prepare for yet another PCLChampionship in the fall. - Pat Melvin '08

Individuals Champ Kevin Cenuardi

La Salle's elile eight



The 2007 La Salle Waler Polo season started and ended with the same thing - commitment. This commitment was evident from the beginning of the season, when the coaches and players made the choice to start preseason training earlier than they had in any previous year and it continued throughout the season, shining through even during the final minutes of the team's last game. It was through every team member's commitment to each other, and to the program, thai led to the season being a memorable one. The Explorers were tested right from the start. TIle toughest opponents the team would face all year came during the first few weeks of the season. While the initial games resulted in losses that tested the team's morale, the players remained committed to the winning atti路 tude they had adopted during the preseason. Their hard work paid off, leading to a five game winning streak, with key wins over Pen~ nridge and Germantown Academy illustrating that the Explorers were ready to challenge the most formidable of opponents. The Explorers entered the Easterns Championships with the knowledge that they had endured an extremely difficult schedule and were capable of beat~ ing anyone. It was only fitting that the final game against GA would go into three over~ times. The team once again showed its heart by coming back from 4 goals down to an eventual 6~5 win, thanks to a miraculous skip shot from Todd Domanski. The 2007 season provided the team with plenty of ups and downs, but more important~ Iy, it provided challenges that proved the team's heart again and again. While Seniors Connor Cunningham, Drew Pallazo, Todd D0manski, J,J. Houldin, and Greg Woods will be missed, the team has its strongest ever group of players returning. Next year's team will be able to look back on the 2007 season as a re~ minder to stay committed to each other and to the team's goals, and success is SUrE' 10 follow. ~ JJ Houldin '08

Top: Connor Cunningham slil.T'~ down his nexi victim. Right: Mike McGee working 10 gel open.


Above; Creg Woods is relaxed be~ause he knows he is going to shut down his opponent.

Left: J.J. dominoltes. B~low: Drew Polluzo showing off his musculu physique.

Left: COolch Duncheskie, COolch RieHe!, and Slolti路 cioln!modl'ralor Follhtr Janton regrouping at halflime. Above: Th~ st"'rting six preparing for b.llltl~.

Varsity Water Polo Fil'5t Row: CO.llch Kevin RieHtI, Luke Vrancken, Tom Kn.llb, Chris Nunn.llri, Fred Mi5<:hler. \ViII G.lIlbally, H.lIny Bontl, Chris C",t",lino, P.lIt M.lIginnis. S芦ond Row: Nol.lln Funcion, Phil Ltluv.llge, Eddie Kehan, Brend.lln McGoldrick, Sh.llwn Wurendtr. D.lIvid Cinque. COilch Jim T.lII~. Third Row: Mod~r.lltor F.lIlh~r Janlon, Paul McC~, Will Deilrden. ).lImu l\hhon~y, Connor Brilck~n. Todd Domiinski.ConnorCunningh~MikeMcC~, J.J. Houldin. Cr~ Woods, Kyle Finby. Rhodes \\'ol'5lu, H~i1d COilch 511"路1' Duncheskie. NOI Pictured: Ted \\'.lIlker, Drew Pillazzo.



The L.:, SaUe basketball team made the playoffs for the second straight season this year and

ended up losing in the playoffs to North Catholic, who ended up winning the Catholic League. The Explorers were led by a good core

group of seniors with a great supporting cast of underclassmen. The season started out with a very tough non-league schedule and the team did very well against some of the top programs in the area. In addition, they beat one of the top teams in Florida, La s..,lIe路Miami. These tough non-league games were scheduled to get

the team prepared for the grueling Catholic League North. The grueling nature of the Northern division was quite evident this year. The Explorers had ten of its twenty six games come down to one possession, with three of those games going into overtime. Some of the most memorable moments would include Joe Migliarese's game winning lay-up against Archbishop Ryan and Matt Crozier's last sec路 and shot to beat Archbishop Wood in overtime. Another one of the great moments from this season was the play-in game against Judge. The 6th man was in full effect and gave the Explorers the advantage before the tip-off. The Explorers jumped to an early lead and never looked back. They led for most of the game and came out with a 54-46 victory. La Salle had two players honored as AllCatholics, CJ Aiken as 2nd team and Matt Crozier as 1st team. Although the Explorers post season was abruptly halted by North Catholic, the team ended up with a very suc路 c<,ssflll season in returning to the playoffs. - B.j. Fitzgerald '08 Above Right: Joe Migliarese takes his man to the hole!

Seniors Frank Pierson fright) and 8.J. Fittgerald (above) helped lead the Explorers this year


Ltft:PCL 2nd te.lmtr c.J. Aiken throws it down! Below: F.lnWlic Frosh Eddie JO)'nerMitchell ",nning the show

Above: Tum gels re<ldy for <lnolher big g<lme left: l.lo S<lUe's sixlh m.ln pumpin' it up

Varsity Basketball 2001.()8 V<lrsity B<lsketb<lll Tum



Left: S<fnior .lind lsi tum Pel Malt eroder bbs his man


Explo~n; cnsh

tht' bo.irds

Basketball Seniors From left: Mall Crozier, B.). Filtgenld, fr,-"k PieBon,

and Jot'



Below: Db,pn O,1ndy j.ylell Bond la)'5 one in

Abovr.Joe Brown with the I"y-llp lelt: Joe N.. ji with the rebollnd

Frosh Basketball Hud Co..ch Alex Brown sets the nellt plilY for the FrHh路




8elow: Senior M~lI Mooney crushes his competition

Right: Alex PrendergaSI causel iKIm(' pain

Right: Tom Cosell. with Coach Vic Stanley on Senior night

Wrestling 2007-08 L.. S,dle WresllingTum





poses for ~ pidure while t~king hi, m~n out

The season began in memory of 1st Lt. Travis Manion, a LaSalle wrestler from the class of 1999 who was killed serving his country in Iraq. La Salle's own tournament was renamed The Travis Manion Memorial Tourna路 ment, in his honor. Going into this season the Explorers had a lot to live up to after winning the PCL Championship last season. The team was led by Senior Captains Matt Mooney and Mike Furlong, as well as Sophomore Captain q Bums. The team began the year with a tough tournament schedule. In those tournaments, La Salle placed 5th at azareth, 4th at Penn Manor, 2nd at Hatboro-Harsham's Wetzel Tournament, -Ith at the Devil Duals, 6th at CcntrOll Mountain Duals, and they won the Manion Memorial Tournament. A great moment of the year was when Matt Mooney won his looth varsity match during the Central Mountain Duals. At La Sallc's own tournament the team placed 12 wrestlers including 3 champions: sophomorc, Ryan Ginsburg; freshman Joe Mazzi; and senior, Mike Furlong. As for dual meets, the team started with a big win over Conwell Egan, followed by a setback to rival Northeast Catholic, dropping a tight match 33-25. The Explorers went on to win the rest of their PeL matches. The team entcn.~ the playoffs and defeated Archbishop Wood and Monsignor Bonner. Entering the championship, the team had high expectations, but lost to North Catholic, 29-20. La Salle then entered the indjvidual tournaments starting with PCLlndividuals. Here, the Explorers placed 2nd, behind orth Catholic, with 3 PeL Champions in Mazzi, Mooney, and Cinsburg. Next for the Explorers was the PA individual state tournament, where L.1.Salle placed -Ith as a team. Here. the team had 10 place-winners, including 8 national qualifiers. At National Preps the team did very well. Six of the seven wrestlers who competed won matches in a tough field of competitors. As a team, the Explorers took 17th in the Nation, with two All-Americans, Matt Mooney (7th place) and Joey Mazzi (4th place). . Mike Furlong 'OS

AIX;lVe; Ry~n Corkel)' m~shes his opponent Righi: Couh

congulul~les Senior Dyl~n Johnson

.. fler




As always La Salle's hockey program provided 3 highly competith'e teams to compete against many of the top high school teams in the area. These 3 teams competed at3 different levels, including JVAA, Varsity AA, and

Varsity AAA. The hockey program will graduate 13 seniors this year, all of whom played for a team all 4 years. Of these 13 seniors, 4 play for the VaT· sity AAA te<lm including: Adam Berkle, TJ

Laessig, Dan Pyne, and Kyle Zoldy. Mike Roche. Mike Rongione, Brad Hollingsworth, Frank CaSSidy, Collin Miller. and Christian Baron are the seniors from the Varsity AA team, while Mike Fabiszewski. Tony DePaul, and Nick Pederson are the graduating seniors from the JV AA team. The JV AA team posted an impressive 19-2 record throughout the 2007-2008 season. While maintaining this re<:ord the team competed hard all season and captured the #1 seed in their league. After suffering a rough start, the Varsity AA team battled back and finished with a 13-7-2 re<:ord. The AA team completed their season with a dominant 8-1 win over a talented Malvern team and took 9th place in their league. After suffering a disappointing playoff loss last season, the AAA team returned with the core of the team, as well as a few new players in order to make a run at yet another Ayers' Cup. The team opened their season with big wins over rival schools, such as St. Mary's, The Hill SchooL and Wyoming Seminary. The day after Christmas the team looked to add to their success by winning the Mt. Saint Charles Tournament. The team defeated the top teams in the New England area and took home the 1st place trophy. Along with this accomplishment, the team also captured its 2nd conse<:utive Meadville Championship at another tournament in Meadville, PA. The AAA team finished the season with an impressh'e 26--1-2 record and headed into the playoffs with the #1 seed. They hope to conhnue their success with a Flyers' Cup Championship and hopefully, a state championship. • Kyle Zoldy '08


Above: Kyle Zoldy wins ~ Left: TJ


f~ceoffto Ad~m


rushes the puck into the offensive :tone.

L~ft: Th~ AAA tum c~l~briltn .lIft~r winning th~ M~.lIdvill~ Toum.llm~nt for th~ 2nd y~.lIr in.ll row. B~low: Ad.llm up th~ puck.


swings 10 pick

Abov~: Dan "yne mak~s yd another S.lI\"r, whilr Ryan Tyson picks up thr rebound.

Ldt: S~n;or members of the La Salle Hocby program

Hockey Left; Th~ La


V.lIrsity AAA T~.Im



Above: The Varsity AA learn cell"briltes after scoring ol goal.

Above: D("fl"nseman, Mike Rongione, wins a faceoff.

Left: Brad Hollingsworth relnts

Below; Collin Miller battles 10 gain conlrol of the puck.

after making a Solve.

Above: Mike Rongione rips a blaz· ing slap-shot (look at his muscles). Below: Frank Cassidy urrits the puck, looking 10 !Kore another goal.

• Hockey Righi: The laSalle V.uisty AA Team


Fu left: JV rudy for the face-off Near left: Defense ready

Above: Anthony 2..Iffino rudy for;ll p;llS5 Ltft: Our the puck!

Hockey Left: The uS;IIlle JV AA Tum



Below: Greg Barksdale lsi in highjump Pel

Righi: Tom Barr shot-put finished 1st in pel

Righi: McLovin' is runn!n' (Sieve Dolan)

Record Setting Relay La Salle Indoor Tuck Dislan(l' Medley Tum Wins I'TFCA State Championship with a National Best Time

The La Salle IndoorTruk Distance Medley Relay Team won the PTFCA Siale Tille with a national best time. The relay learn of Anthony Kent (400 leg), Brian Ledder (800 leg), Pitt Donnelly (1200 leg), ..."d Dan Lowry (1600 leg) cui 16 seconds off their previous best to finish with a time of 10:15.89.


Below; Beau Whitman lsi in pole vault

In preparing for the 2008 Indoor Track and Field season coaches Pat Devine and Greg Bielecki, along with Tom Devlin and Matt Derrick had high hopes fora successful year. After a number of strong showings by key runners early in Ihe season, the coaches were quickly assured that a sensational season was in the near future. The underclassmen were key contributors to the leam. Freshman Beau Whitman was the PCL Pole Vault Champion. Stand out sophomores Tom O'Kane, Nick Molloy, and James Stevenson helped pace the squad and assure the coaching staff that the future is indeed bright. The juniors, led by future captains Pat Donnelly, Sean McCullough, and Bobby Long, as well as long jumper Ryan Patrick, were intricate parts of a team that came together at PCLChampionships to put together solid third place finish. Certainly senior leadership was the motivation behind this team. The Class of 2008 returned four First Team All-Catholic athletes: Dan Lowry (2008 peL Mile and 3,000 meier champion), Greg Barksdale (2008 PCl High Jump Champion), Steve Dolan, and Brian Ledder. These four athletes along with 2008 Honorable Mention All-Catholic Hurdlers, Mark Franzen and Andrew Dowds, 2008 AlICatholic in the Shot Put Tom Barr, Chris Fasy, and Tom Buoncristiano were major contributors to a successful team. The highlight of the season came from the Distance Medley Relay consisting of Pat Donnelly, Anthony Kent, Brian ledder, and Dan Lowry. The DMR ran a record time at the Pennsylvania State Indoor Championship Meet on March 1, 2008. All fouf were First Team All-State and their time of 10:15.89 was the fastest time in the United States in 2008. The DMR ran the third fastest high school time ever in the United States. The 2008 indoor season certainly closed on a good note, with a definite sense of accomplishment. - Steve Dolan '08 Top Lefl: Tom O'Kane distance runner Left: Sean Brooks sprinter

Above: Mark Fran:ten 60 meier hurdler



Over the past twenty years not much has changed for La Salle'sswimming program. The team, led by Head Coach Frank Lichtner and Assistant Coaches, Dennis Blah, Steve Dunch路 eskie, Jim Tate, and Kevin RicHe!, captured its 20th consecutive Catholic League Championship in early March of 2008. This victory came after well-deserved accomplishments al the National Catholics (3rd place) and Eastern lnterscholastic Championships (2nd place). At the start of the season, the swim team was reminded of the history and tradition that the coaches challenged the team to keep alive. From the start of the four-month season, the coaches saw something special in this year's team. Their heart and teamwork was alive inside and outside of the pool, as the team practiced hard and took on new obstacles in community service. In December, the team purchased, wrapped, and delivered gifts to a poor Albanian family in Kensington. This season was truly a ground-breaking one for La Salle Swimming. Captains 1J Houldin, Todd Domanski, and Greg Woods succeeded in leading the team by example; as lap times began to drop, a sense of teamwork and friendship was established. As the year progressed, La Salle was undefeated in dual meets and headed into its final appearance at the Eastern Interscholastic Championships. Junior Ted Walker had a pair of top-6 individual finishes and Blase Szyszko placed 3rd in the 100 breaststroke. Blase went on to break both the school and league records in the breaststroke, while James Mahoney won an inspirational race at the PCL Championships. The seniors especially are very thankful for Coach Lichtner and his ability 10 better the team not only as swimmers, but as individuals. GOOD LUCK to next year's learn, who wiu move onto the PIAA and new competition! And remember, "You don't have to feel good to swim fast" ...Coach Frank Lichtner. - Greg Woods '08

Top: Rhodes sums up the entire leolms feelingsolt pel's


left: S~ese fleXing for the biddies.


\ \ I \ \


\ \ \


\ I


I I I I \ I I I路 I \ I I \ \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ t\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \



Left: Coach lichtner hoists up the I'Cl plaque for the 18th consecutive lime in his careeral La Salle. Below: Tom O'Neill swims with an

intensity that many can not handle.




Left: Coaches Tale and Duncheskie remini!ldng abo\lt their own glory days when they were champs. They helped st"rt the program's dominance yens ago. Above: Connor Bracken gasping for air..... and ii's only w;tnn路up.

Senior Swimmers Seniors and Iri-captains Todd Domanski, J.J. Bouldin, and Greg Woods. An eclectic group of leaders who helped guide the learn 10 its 20th cons芦utive l'eL championship.


III LA SALLE COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL 2008 BLUE & GOLO III - - - - - - - - - - - -

Lefl: Todd checking his dispby of manpower on the scoreboard.

Below: Mahoney fires ofr the block

Right: Coach Lichtner wilh the learn's winning400 Free Reby consisting of Todd Oa-man-ski, Andrew Sidera" Kyle Finlay, and Freddy Walker.


Below: Mike McGee, Tom O'Neill, and Tom Knab enter the waler for the first of 20 laps.

20 pels in arow Above; The lum celebrating theirmonumenlal win. Left: Coach Lichtner with this two breastrokers, Gn~al Woods, and Rbise Sy:tkco, the new rel record holder.



This year the bowling team was ready to start bowling and play the other teams when the month of November came. The team was set with four returning Varsity players and one new edition: seniors, John Fischer, Kelvin Lam, Anthony Liberato, Dan Erhardt; and Junior Jimmy Robinson. The first half of the season was slow with not too many wins, and after the holidays, tragedy struck when Robinson transferred. His spot was filled by another senior, Chris Johnson, who had vastly improved since the previous years. He stepped up and bowled like a champ, never giving up. However, the learn was not able 10 hold up against some of the other teams in the pel which had many more consistent players who frequently shot above 200. Even though the team did not consistently win, it still put up a valiant effort and showed that it could compete with the best of the best in the league. Other seniors on the team were Jason Raschiatore, Jonathan Weidner, and JohnMichael Dronson, all of whom rose to the occasion when they were needed to fill in for varsity and bowled well in their JV matches. Overall, the year was a success even though the team did not make it to the playoffs. Everyone on the team improved. The team won some games, and came close to winning oth~ ers, but everyone had fun which was the most important lhjng. In the end this season was encouraging for the future leaders of the team to carryon the name and bring home wins. Even with the senior leaders departing for college. those in line to fill their spots are ready for the chance to prove themselves and do what it takes to get things done. John Fischer '08 Above Right:John

~Butters" Fisherdter~ clutch


Far Right: Kelvin Lam with perfect fann Near right: Anthony


Uber~to watches

a big spare

Left: Senior members of the Bowling team with Coach Faunce and Moderator Senora Breen Below: Frosh Jamal Abdur-Rahm..n

Above: J..son Kaschi..tore fires one down the lane Left: One of the Senior leaders D.. n Erhud

Bowling 2007-08 La Salle Bowling leam



The La Salle Explorers are approaching this outdoor track and field season with the intention of winning the PCLdlampionship. Coming off of their fantastic indoor season, things are looking good for the team. The Distance Medley Relay team that consisted of Anthony Kent, Briem Ledder, Dan Lowry, and Pat Donnelly set not only a OC\'\' school record by 12 seconds, but also a new state record. The DMR was also ranked number one in the nation. The DMR is a glimpse at the dominance that La Salle is developing in the distance events on and off the track. The team also has some fantastic potential in some of its underclassmen athletes, such as Beau Whitman who won the pel indoor championship as a freshman. Sophomore Dylan Gavin also shows great potential in both the shot put and the discus. Field seniors Greg Barksdale and Tom Barr are also displaying strength in their respective events. Greg, in the high jump, won the PCl championships and ended the season with a personal record of 6'6", which tied la Salle's indoor record. Tom Barr had a good indoor season placing 5th in the state in shot put, with a personal record of 53'8.25". Along with these leaders, the Explorers have many new promising prospects for the new season that will aid the team on its journey towards a PCl champi~ onship. These are just of few of the key ele路 ments that will add up to a successfuJ outdoor season for the outdoor track and field team, and they are working towards achieving their goals. -Tom Barr 'OB

Above right: Greg Barksdale, PCL high jump champ, leaches John Curtis a thing or Iwo. Righi: Malt "Old Man~ DiGiacomo and Andl'C'w l{ussin have a lillIe fun while they train

Above: Sam Henderson gels some lips from Coach Don DiAddona


ll'ft: AlIsl.u'l' in amul'ml'nl iII$ Sam PelonI' grls rudy 10 hnve Ihl' shol


Below: Tom 8arr pus hI's himself 10 b«ome Pel champ again

Ahovl"': Di-"ClIJil Ihrowl'rJ ml'nlally prl'pa~lhl'm5elvI'5by posing for a pichue Ll'fl: ChriJil B«hl'r liJIIll'ns 10 advicl' from Poll' V.illul! CO.illch Brian Stonl'

Ldt: Sprinll'rJ !.illkl'.iII much nl'l'ded




The La Salle Rowing Team entered the fall season under new leadership. Coach Chris Doyle took the helm as the team's new head coach for the 2007-2008 year. With years of rowing under his belt .. nd his winning attitude, he is ready to prepare the team for the upcoming seasons. The Explorers' successes in the fall quickly filtered into the dreaded, but beneficial winter training. With a precisely designed work plan, the winter produced the results needed. However, lust when everything was going as planned and we were ready to head into the spring season, we received word thai our boathouse had been condemned. We wondered if we would e....en be able to row again. but Coach Doyle worked tirelessly to find a solution. Before we knew it, Coach Doyle had us cleaning oul the old boathouse and moving to our new rowing sanctuary at the Whitemarsh Boat Club. We have been warmly welcomed at our new residence, thanks to the help of our coaches, alumni, and Whitemarsh Bo..,t Club staff. The past few years have been times of re路 bUilding and this year we hope to put in the final touches. With success in the fall and boatshaking erg times, this year looks to be one of the best teams in years, from the freshmen to the seniors. Most importantly, our past strugSles in the Varsity 8100k to be put to a stop this year. During our training we have brought out the motto, "La Salle Crew ... Fearless" and it has been going according to plan. Hopefully. the hard work and determinalion will translate into much success. . Nigel Gross 'OS



AboVl' lop: 2nd 8 cruising oIlong Abovl' bottom: IV8 gl't rudy

Lefl: Medal winning lightS

Below: 2V

Far lefl: Tom llall and Mall Schluckebrierin 2V

Nur left: Devon Teichm..n, Nigel Gross, and r.. 1McGann in Ihe VS

Light 8







Righi: Nate Meyers wilh his bluing

srrve He low: Star John Llmprechtadmir路 ing hisshot

Right: Doubles turns get 10 know one another beller

Tennis Senior members of the Tell"i, tum from left: Bri.." McGinley, Mike OIiYer, Ryoln White, Kyle S<heeu, Se.. n Moffa, Br..d



Collinelli, ..nd Andrew Wilkowski


Meyt'r.I. Mib

Coming off of a spectacular PCL Championship last spring, the tennis team was highly motivated to bring another Catholic League Tennis Title back to La Salle. Tennis at L.:, Salle has always been successful, and starting off this year, we were very excited to carryon this tradition as well as the tradition of excellence within L.:, Salle. The team was destined to have another great spring with seven returning players from last year's Varsity squad. Led by seniors Mike Oliver, Nate Meyers, and Kyle Scheetz, this year's team has been filled with pure enthusiasm. While it is full of experience with other veteran standouts including juniors John Austin L.:1mprecht and Ryan Marcante, as well as seniors Ryan White, Anthony Witkowski, and Matt Illari, there was a lot of talent from new contributors including seniors Brad Hollingsworth, Mike Collinelli, Kyle Dufresne, Sean Moffa, and Brian McCinly, as well as juniors Bob Law, Joe Smart, and Brian Bonder. It is truly because of the team we had that this season will be remembered forever! Led by veteran coaches, Mr. Bill Geiger and Mr. Joseph Radvansky, the team was ready for another challenge and sure hoped to deliver. After playing well in preseason the team looked anxiously to upcoming matches, especially 51. Joe's Prep, who we defeated in last year's championship. It is true Ihat, "Individuals win matches, but teams win championships!", and I am proud to say that the men on the tennis squad this year were a team! We were truly prepared to face any challenge. . Mike Oliver '08

Varsity Tennis Above Left: Senior Mike Oliver gets ready for a success路 ful sea.son

Left: 2008 La. Salle Varsity Tennis Team



Right:}ohn Bernhardt gets ready to

throw some hut!

Above: Leadoff Matt Abel wails on his pitch

Right: Funk Pierson smacks one!



Senior memb.ers of the 8a~balJ Tum: (Bollom from Idtl Jason Raschiatore, Frank Pierson, Malt Abel, and Jeff Murtha (Top) Mall Day, Joe Corcoran, Mike Higgins, Andrew Wood, and Tim


The 2008 Varsity Baseball Team is an experienced squad. The team is returning 5e\'cn starters from last year's team, including five position players and two pitchers. With new additions and seasoned veterans, the Explor路 ers hope to make a run for the 2008 Catholic League title. The Explorers' offense should be producti\'e this season. The team will be able to manufac路 ture runs from many different spots in the lineup. Seniors Frank Pierson, Jeff Murtha, Mati Abel, Andrew Wood., Mike Higgins, and Jason Raschiatore wiII provide offensive leadership for the team. Juniors Tyler Freeman, Kevin Johnson, and Kevin Kelley, along with sopher more Joe Harvey. look to follow the lead of the seniors, producing wins. The pitching this season is once again anchored by lefties, Mati Day and Shawn O'Neil. Both are crafty pitchers who throw strikes and dominate hitters. Other pitchers that will see time in relief are juniors John Bernhardt and Jeff Schill. Senior Joe Corcoran and sophomore Joe Harvey wiJI also be getting the call to throw for thc tC<'lm. The defense this year is very solid. Expect to see Andrew Wood, Frank Pierson, Tyler Freeman and Mike Higgins making plays in the infield; with Matt Abel, and Jeff Murtha leading the outfield. Kevin Kelley, Kevin Johnson and Joe Aloia will also be seen patrolling the outfield. The Explorers expect to have a great 5e<1son. The team has a strong offense. great pitching. and solid defense. With coaches and players devoted to working hard. the Explorers look to compete for the Catholic League Championship. . Jeff Murtha '08

Above left: Jeff Schill in the stretch

Abovt, Senior ludl!'rs Mall Day on the mound, whill!' Mike Higgins plays the hot corner

Ldt. Tyler Fr~man launches a shot



After falling short in the Eastern Pennsylvania State Championship last year, the 2008 La Salle lacrosse team will look to redeem themselves this year by seaJing the deal this season. Although the Explorers losl a strong senior class to graduation, they will still have the talent to take this team far in the playoffs. With the strong leadership of coaches BiD Leahy and Tony Resch, this team could be holding up a stale championship trophy at the end of the season. Juniors Pete Schwartz. Randy Forster. and Westy Hopkins will lead what looks to be a strong attack unit this year. The attack will have the support of a talented and athletic midfield comprised of seniors Conrad Ridgway. Matt Lynch, and Patty Sinnott along with juniors Derek Bogorowski, Ryan Eidenshink, and Gordy Wells. Together, the Explorers attack and midfield units will form an offense whkh should have no trouble putting the ball in the back of the net. Returning, starting goalie Niko Amato will anchor a defense that will make it extremely difficult for opposing teams to score this year. Senior Eric Heisner and juniors Tyler Knarr, Tucker Durkin, Mike Noone, ,lnd Tyler Houchins will make up this intimidating group of defenders.The Explor路 ers are a promising team that looks to have a great season ahead of them. La Salle Lacrosse should be fun to watch as the tcam works hard toward winning both the PCLand State Championships this year.

- Conrad Ridglvay 'OS

Abo"'t Righi: Rolondy FOrr!iIt:r fi~ ont on tht nf't

RighI: St.nior Eric Hf'isnf'r

Aboyt': Sf'nior MoIlt lynch


Left: Tht Explortr folcC'-Off squoid

8elow: Conrold RidgwolY with 01 burst down tht field

Above: Ptte SchWoIN looks fOr tht opc:n m<ln

Left: P<llIy Sinnott on tht run

Lacrosse Senior mtmbtrs of the Lol SoIlJl! Explorers L1crosse tum from Itft: Chris Johnson, Chris voin Eekelen (Moinagtr), Molt! Lynch, Dan Soicchttl"" Ry",n W","",ndcr, Pat SinnoU, Con...d Ridgway, .a.nd Eric Heisner



Manbewl. Mel 51. Catherine of Sienna Baseball, Sarnelli House, Kairos Leader


St. Albert the Great Student Council, Operation Santa Claus, Crew, Lifeguard, Wing Bowl, Pep Rally

IDben C. AbramD "The Snowman" Crew, WEXP, Mock Trial

Bren.a.S. Aber. "Brohern"

Immaculate Conception Freshman Mentor. Diversity Committee, LaSalle Academy Tutors, Secret Santa, Kairos Leader 37-60

orsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of <


Rongione and Jimbo receive

words of wisdom from their hero.

the almighty Mr. Clark Righi: Mike Olivt'r. Mati Razzano. and Sean Moffa laking a picture for

no reason whatsoever!

Above: Christmas tree wilh Senioromaments


Man~e••. Alh

"Albie" "Sang" Visitation BVM Football. Student Council, Basketball, Kairos. Sarnelli House

..l.ln C. Alkrt "Don Giovanni" "Twan" Enon Tabernacle Baptist Church Forum. Multi-Cultural Club, Afro-American Student Leadership Group. Providence Center, La Salle Academy Tutoring. Freshman Mentor

Ja.nl.Alte. "Jim" St. Anne

Stage Crew, Pepe Band. WEXP

•••nle A."Nel "Dam Kill"

51. Ephrem Football, Track, Italian Club

Man~e. J. AIl.lell. Epiphany of Our Lady

Human Rights Forum, Art Club, NHS, Track, 51. Vincent Soup Kitchen, Project Home

ErleF.AI St. Alphonsus La Salle Academy, Track, $t. Francis Inn, NHS

••rlal C. lall.lp St. Dorothy Chorus, Belcrofters. lntramurals

la'.'I~ J. larter. Jr. "R.J." NativityofOur Lord etwork Manager, System Administrator. TECHserv


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ III LA SALLE COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL 2008 BLUE & GOLD III - - - - - - - - - - - -

Crelory A. Barksdale "Pringles" Seven Dolors Providence Center Tutoring, La Salle Academy Tutoring, Multi-Cultural Club, Track, Intramura!s, Basketball

Ian C. Barlen "BarneyT" "Ireland"

Epiphany Triest House, Young Politicians Club

Ckrlslln V. BarlO "Le Baron"

51. Philip Hockey

Tbomas S. Barr St. Alphonsus Student Council, Track, Amnesty L.nternational

Cbrlsllpber M. Beeber OUf Lady Help of Christians Football, Lacrosse, Track, Sarnelli House, Kairos Leader

Ja.es F. Bebr "Jimbo" 51. Philip Neri Crew, Kairos Leader, Sarnelli House, Operation Santa Claus

nomas S. Bender "Bender" "Splenda" "Lenda" $1. Genevieve Football, Crew, Wisteriall, Project Appalachia, Junior Urban Challenge, Latin Club, Italian Club,

Triest House, LSC, NHS, Kairos Leader

Vlelor BelleDIle "Vic" St. Albert the Great Italian Club, Debate, Intramurals. La Salle Academy Tutoring


PIlIM. IClYlYszky. Jr. "Big Slink" Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Crew, Sarnelli House, 51. Vincent Soup Kitchen, Outreach A~I. S. Icrklc "Berkey" St. Eleanor Hockey, Cross Country

P~III, W. Illcsc~ II "Philip j. Fry" Mary Mother of the Redeemer Wrestling, Doing work on food

MIIII J. Iluc~I.1 "Dove Luigi?" Epiphany of Our Lord Track, Soccer, HS, Young Politicians Club

ISS of 2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 2lJ08seniorsciass of 2008sE

Above: Enn DySolrt, Hill fohslin III, f<.hrio and Luigi (Fruk F<llTfl'1I) Ldt: Bill Rooney and his bau.1Ire in~puable

Ab<ln: Kail'05 37-57 studenll..... derslk<IITOIII' kid'




C~lst""' Ulrzn Mary Mother of the Redeemer Cross Country, Track

JI~I J.II'lkc

"Jack" Mary Mother of the Redeemer Competition Band. La Salle Academy Tutoring. Operation Santa Claus, Multi-Cultural Club, Intramurals, Liturgy Band. Bus Boy


alkn E.lllcer.111 "Bob" St.lgnatius of Antioch Project Home, La Salle Academy Tutoring. Intramurals. Bolivia Service Trip, Crew

AJI~rc.'.11••'1 "Bowman" Immaculate Conception Student Council Presidenl. Competition Band, Football, Crew, Tennis. Ping Pong Club, History

Club. LSC. People To People. Yearbook

Jrsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 2008senlorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of ~

Righi: Ron Abel vents ~fter eS(ilping Mr. Rad's Pre-Calcdilss

Above: Tom Smar1, Brian Collins. OInd B.). Filz right bdore gelllng kicked oul of the libr",ry Righi: Poll Moran ilnd his shepherd, Mr. Brett


Jlshla A. Brllts "Josh" Multi-Cultural Club, Chorus

Jlhll. Brl..hallb Track

Daniel Blesklnl "Brueskie" Epiphany of Our Lord Gaming Club, Human Rights Forum

nlmas Bllnerlsll... "Torn" "Bonkers" Maternity BVM Cross Country, Track

Dm L. Bllnl..1 "Deanoe"

51. Luke the Evangelist Piano, ChOfUS, Spring Musical

Inll J. Caldwell 51. Philip Neri Basketball, Track, La Salle Academy, Triest House

Michael I. Callpbell "Mike" Epiphany of OUf Lord Soccer, Intramura!s, Amnesty International, La Salle Academy Tutors

Tyler J. Caracausa "Crack"

51. Rose of Lima La Salle Academy, Crew, Projecl Home, Wrestling,

Ski Club



ChrlsllalS. Carcy "Christopherson"

True Light Fellowship Church Cross Country, Track. Art Club. Concert Band

Mlchacl $.Cascy "Casey" St. Andrew Track

Iyan J. Cascy St. Jude Crew, Track. Cross Country, Basketball, Soccer, Hanging Out, Pit Volleyball, Open Gym, Campus Ministry

Francis I. Cassl'y "Cass" "Don Cass"

51. Genevieve Hockey, Freshman and Sophomore Branch Out Days, Junior Urban Challenge,

Young Politicians Club

ChrlstDphcr J. Cclil "The Big C" 51. Albert the Greal Track


St. Agnes (Sellersville) Art Club

•. Aldrcw Clalllllcni "Drew" "Drew C"

St. Philip Nerl Football, Track, Multi-Cultural Club, History Club

Alcmdcr T. Clllbcn, "Cil;"

51. Alphonsus NHS. Kairos Leader



lalbaa C. Cla"er "Nate" 51. Maria Goretti Crew, Student Council, Intramurals,

Junior Urban Challenge, La Salle Academy Tutoring


51. Robert BeUannine La Salle Academy Tutoring, NHS, Operation Santa Claus, Intramurals, Crew, Gaming Club

Michael J. CIUlnelll Presentation BVM

La Salle Academy Tutoring, Secret Sanla, Tennis, Track, Operation Santa Claus

Brian r. CIIIIIS Sl. Hilary Operation Santa Claus, Project Appalachia, Track, La Salle Academy Tutoring, Junior Urban Challenge, Soccer, Intramurals. People To People

Slanlcy E,an Cloper "Coop" "Coop-a-Loop" "Scoop Daddy"

St. Jude Cross Country, Track, Spanish Club, Ski Club. NHS, People To People, BUilding Bridges of Solidarity, Bolivia Service Trip, Junior Urban Challenge, LaSalle Academy Tutoring

Josepb T. ClrCOral "Grump"

51. Luke the Evangelist Baseball, Latin Club, Intramurals. Kairos Leader

Thomas J. COSella "Cos" St. Katherine ofSiena Wrestling, Celtic Club, La Salle Academy Tutoring, NHS

Cbrls J. C"lftl1on "Cov" Holy Cross African-American Leadership Group, Track


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ III LA SALLE COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL 2008 BLUE & GOLD III - - - - - - - - - - - -

lIanbe. I. Crlzler St. Ignatius of Antioch Basketball, Kairos, Branch Out Day

CORnor II. CunRinpall "Kinner"

51. Alphonsus Water Polo, Surfing, Snowboarding

IIlehel A. Curley Mary Mother of the Redeemer Crew, Football, La Salle Academy Tutoring, Freshman Mentor, March for Life, Appalachia Service Trip, Kairos Leader

BreR'alll.laClsta "Pac" Our Lady of Guadalupe Soccer, Chorus, La Salle Academy Tutoring, Track,


niorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass 0

Right: Rodney Hardee, Dennis M,Bride, and Josh Brooks ready for their college interviews


Brcn.a••. laltln "B-Dalt" St. Andrew Competition Band, Chorus, Theater

.ichillSC. Imlla "D'Nellz" Visitation BVM Gaming Club, Band, Kairos, Branch Out Days, Economics

.anbcwllay "Boot"

51. Philip Neri Football, Baseball

Alcmdcrl.lclancy 51. Genevieve FootbaJi Manager

ieniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass

Above: Sac slashing through the defense Left: Dr. Steve Zegalia. a scholar and

a gentleman



Jibi[DeLleea "Game Face" Mary Mother of the Redeemer 51. Martin Tutoring. LaSalle Academy, NHS, Mathletes. Academic Decathlon, Italian Club, Hockey, Respect Life, Wisterian

ADlb.., J. DePaal. Jr. "Tony"

Epiphany Hockey, Golf, La Salle Academy Tutoring

Jib. r. Dllalll St. James Forum, Fall Drama, Bowling, NHS

SlephCl r. Dllan.1II 51. Helena Baseball, Cross Country. Track, Explorer Club, lntramurals, Project Appalachia, Student Council, Junior Urban Challenge, March for Life

TI" E. Dlmalskl "Frod" 51. Philip Ned Soccer, Water Polo, Swimming, Freshman Mentor

ThlllS I. Dlupen, "TR" Mary, Mother of the Redeemer Debate, Italian Club, Wisterian, Intramurals, NHS

James C. Driscoll. Jr. "Jint Mary Mother of the Redeemer Wrestling, Ski Club, Track

Jlhn-Mlchael DllnSln "J.D." St. Agnes Track, Bowling, Guitar Ensemble,

La Salle Academy Tutoring, NHS. Latin Club



lyle L. Durresne St. John the Evangelist Soccer Ja~aT.lute "Dukie"

Mary Mother of the Redeemer Wisterian, Intramurals. History Club, NHS

Manbew C. Dwyer "Matt" Corpus Christi

Chorus, Fall Drama, Spring Musical, WEXP, Italian Club, Band

Enn A. Iysart "Dice" Corpus Christi

Track, Mathletes, NHS, Band

Daniel T. Erhard. III "That's How I Roll" Visitation BVM Bowling, Compettion Band, Operation Santa Claus,

Sarnelli House, Kairos Leader. Respect Life Club, Ski Club. Spring Musical, Skimming

Michael S. Erlehal "Mike"

51. Cyril Hockey, Tennis. Ski Club

Illebard B. Enl "Evan"

Hockey Mlc~aeill. ra~ISlewstl

"Fab" $1. Alphonsus





Lancc J. Falaa "Lance路a-Iot" Immaculate Heart of Mary Concert Band. Pep Band. Lab Managers, Academic Decathlon. Stage Crew

Francis J. Farrcll "Frank the Tank" Presentation BVM Fall Drama, WEXP. Sarnelli, Trank and Field, Spring Musical (Producer), Band, Yearbook

C~rISllp~cr J. FISY Holy Martyrs Cross Country, Track, Sarnelli House, La Salle Academy Tutoring, NHS, Project Appalachia, Secret Santa

IIlcbacl I. Fcrrlll "Jeff Gordon" Mary Mother of the Redeemer JV Wrestling, LaSalle Academy Tutors, Italy and France Trip '06

orsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of.

Above: We now present the musical stylings of this random group of seniors.

Abol'e: Cnu:ier proud 10 rep La Salle.

Left: A rare photo of the infamous La Salle Brain Trust


Jobn J. Fiseber "Fisch" "Butters" 51. Matthew Chorus, Belcrofters, Bowling, Italian Club, Gazebo,lntramurals

Breldll B. Flsber "Fish" 51. Catherine


Bernlrd J. Fllleerlld "BI" "FiIZ" 51. Alphonsus Basketball. Soccer, Track, The Breathing Room Foundation

Millbe. A. rorbln "Fork"

St. Hilary of Poi tiers Lab Manager, Track and Field, Intramurals, Open Gym

Harry S. FarsI "Forst" "Frost" Our Lady of Good Counsel Italian Club, Wrestling. Branch-Out Days

Mlrk A. rrlnlen "Jamarion" Epiphany Of OUf Lord NHS, Cross Country, Varsity Indoor/Outdoor Track, LSC, Student Council, Kairos Leader

Mlehlel J. rlrllne "Furbur" Immaculate Conception Football, Wrestling

Aldre. D. l:llbllly "Galbs" Visitation BVM Football, Ski Club, Latin Club, Intramurals



Francis Joseph Calla!her "Joe" Corpus Christi

Football. Gazebo. Intramurals. Baseball, Kairos

Jlhn F. I. C1,nlsh. III "Givnish" "Bro"

Our Lady Help of Christians Crew, Branch-Oul Days, Student Council

Timothy A. Crascla Maternity BVM

Celrlc J. Creskl "Krazy George" Immaculate COl1seption Crew, Italian Club

Nilcl B. Criss Presentation Crew, Project Appalachia, Operation Santa Claus. Art

Manhcw M. Culkls "The Incredible Gulk" St. Christopher Crew

Brcn C. laenn "Bert" "Boune"

St. Rose of Lima Soccer, Long Miles

James L. laleny "Hags" S1. Francis Xavier the Oratory NHS, Lap Top Techs, Advanced Honors Band, Pep Band, Concert Band, Lab Band, Forum, La Salle Academy Tutoring



ThIIlIS J. Hall "Toln"

51. Eleanor Football, Crew

Ellk E. Haney 51. Helena Crew, La Salle Academy Tutoring

ladney L. Hardee "Little Rodney" Multicultural Club

Jlbn HalllSln., "Johnny" St. Genevieve

Football, NHS. La Salle Academy, Baseball


of 2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 200Bser

Above: American Gladiator Mike

Rongione shows John Duke what troe strength really is. Left: Chrisian Carey putting the final touches on his artwork

Above: James McNally is ~ gr;lde-i1 shredder.


III LA SALLE COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL 2008 BLUE & GOLD III - - - - - - - - - - - -

Eric I. Hclsncr 51. Eleanor Lacrosse, Football, Boliva Service Trip, NHS

Sa.lcl I. Headcrsil "Hendy" "Doff" La Salle Academy Tutoring, Explorer Club, Intramurals, Ski Club

Pcter J. Hn.lld "Pete"

51. Patrick Rowing

"Hesson" "Drew"

B.V.M. Art Club, (ntrarourals. Anime Club

iorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 200Bseniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of: Right: T.]:s dad is so much (ooler than he is. T.J:s dad is ,llso not mistaken fora freshman. Below: One of these things is nollike the others.

Righi: Chris Becher preparing for

his interview


IIIlc~.cl A. Hlnlns "Mike" "Higgs" "Higgins" St. Titus

Baseball, Spanish Club, March for Life, Intramurals

IIIlchcl r. Hlrr••n "Sweet Tooth" Mary Mother of the Redeemer Football, Intramurals, People 10 People. Gazebo, Academic Decathlon, Fall Drama, Stage Crew, WEXP, Web Manager, GSA

ShllC III.Hlrr••1 "Hoff" SI. Hilary Football, Secret Santa

Willi•• J. HII.ca "Bill"

Holy Martyrs Ice Hockey, La Salle Academy Tutors


HIIIIIIS.lrt~ "Brad" 51. Alphonsus Ice Hockey, Tennis, Crew, Operation Santa Claus


Josc,h I. Hllo. "J-Hor St. Philip Neri Triest House, Intramurals

I.llisil L. HIII.II "Hags" St. Alphonsus Band, Sunday Sandwich Club

Jasc,h J. HIII.II "J ..J" ") age" Our Mother of Consolation Water Polo, Swimming, Kairos Leader, Wister ian,

Yearbook, NHS, Spring Musical



Knll M. Hlehes 51. Genevieve Lab Manager, Pep Band, Concert Band, Pit Band, Orchestra, Competition Jazz Band, Mathletes

Philip J. lannlzzl "Phil"

51. Genevieve Italian Club, LaSalle Academy Tutors, Intramurals. Crew

Manhew r. lIIarl "Prince" "Atari"

Corpus Christi Football, Tennis, WEXP. Providence Center

Manhew J.M. Inelese "Carl" Mary Mother of the Redeemer

La Salle Academy, Lab Manager, Tech Serve

Shawl I. Jacobsci 51. Matthew Crew, NHS, Junior Urban Challenge, Kaifos Leader

Chrlsllpher J. JahiSI. "Chris" 51. Andrew FootbaJl, Lacrosse, Pep Band. Concert Band, Lab Band, German Club. Wisterian, Gazebo,

LaSalle Academy Tutors

Slephe. M. lalkbrenner "Cockles" .. Kalk" Mary Mother of the Redeemer Wister ian, Crew, Intramurals

Dllid r. Kelley Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Stage Crew, Spring Musical, Belcrofters



Antbll' Po IClt St. Joseph Outdoor Track & Field, Indoor Track & Field, Cross Country, Performance Band, Competition Band, Pep Band, Pit Band, Sarnelli House, LSC. NHS, Wisterian Step~en Po



51. Cecilia Track, Speech & Debate, Band,


TbllllS C. lell "Tom" Immaculate Conception Track and Field, Lab Manager, Web Manager, NHS

Brendln I. Ilssllln "BK" St. James Soccer, Tennis, Bowling

Pltrlck J. Inlwles "Knowlesy" St. Alphonsus

Golf, Soccer, Ski Club MIII~ew

J. Ilhler

"Kohler" Corpus Christi Ice Hockey

rill A. lusb "Kush" "Couch Kushion" "Fat Kush" "Paul" St. Maria Garetti Football, Brand Out Days

nllllS J. Laesslr. Jr. "TJ" Mary Mother of the Redeemer Ice Hockey, NHS, La Salle Weight Room, Tutoring



Icl,l. Lam "Lanl" Immaculate Conception

Bowling, WEXP, Academic Decathlon, Mathletes

Manbcw I. Lamson "Matt" Visitation Spring Musical,lntramurals. Chorus

Flalcls T. Lapowsk, "Tim" "T-Lap"

SI. Phillip Neri Baseball, Belcrofters, Spring Musical, Kairos Leader, Sarnelli House

11111 J. Ld~cl "T-Bone" "The Postman" Cross-Country, Track, Junior Urban Challenge, Project Appalachia, WEXP

liorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 200Bseniorsclass of 200Bseniorsclass at

Above: One of the many strange

mysterious riles of Kairos Right: Seniors candle light Christmas liturgy


MllI.cw I. Lces "Mah Lee" Visitation B. V. M.


r.lII, M. Lcl.lr St. Eleanor Kairos 37-59. Football, Lacrosse

r.rcy A. Lnl "FAt"

St. James Football, Student Council. Baseball. Freshman Mentor

All",y I. L1.crll. 51. Philip Neri Bowling, Italian Club, Yearbook,

Track and Field. La Salle Academy. Branch Out Day, lntramurals

3eniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclaS!

Abov~: John Harrison on his way 10 becoming one of the Philadelphi.,'s most prolific passer.

Left: You will join SpanishClub, and YOU WILL LIKE IT.


- - - - - - - III LA SALLE COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL 2008 BLUE & GaLa III - - - - - - - - - - - -

Iyu M. L11~S.Y Mother of Divine Providence Football, St. Martin's, laSalle Academy Tutors. Spanish Club, Latin Club, Kairos. Junior Urban Challenge

Iyu M.l.llu "Logan" "DarkLord" Mary Mother of the Redeemer Latin Club Vice-President, Intramurals. Pep Band, Concert Band

D.,I~ I. Llupery "D-Lock"

Corpus Christi Crew, Academic Decathlon, SarneUi House, Providence Center, NHS. Scouting

Dulel P. LI.ry Epiphany Cross Country. Indoor Track. Outdoor Track, NHS

D.Dlel LI~le "Luque" St, Hilary Triest House, Sarnelli House cer.r~

T. Liles

OUf Lady of Guadalupe Spanish Club, HS, Peer Tutoring, Track, Winter Track, lntramurals, Guitar Ensemble

M.n.e. J. LYle. S.. Bede Lacrosse, Football, Habitat for Humanity, IntTamurals

lIellY D. LYD. "Remchem" Ice Hockey, Sarnelli House


Jlh r. M.lm "Jack" OUf Lady Help of Christians Student Council, Track, Amnesty International, Celtic Club

Ir. E~••r~ M.I.II "Sam" Sacred Heart LaSalle Academy Tutoring, Football, Anime Club,

St. Vincent de Paul Soup Kitchen

IIlbcn II. M.n~ls "Rob" Mary Mother of the Redeemer Photography Club, LaSalle Academy Tutoring, Operation Santa Claus. Intramurals. Kairos, Track

Vlcllr A. MII,ICS "Rick" St. Alphonsus

Ice Hockey. Sarnelli House, Varsity Pit Volleyball

ss of 2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 2l108seniorsciass of 2008senlorsclass of 2l108seniorsciass of 2008se1

Abon: Mykk Hoffm.lln bKoming one with his roll'.

Left: Chiodo and his.llTt

Abovr: Zoldy 8ellingd~p during Mas,.


IlllA SALLE COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL 2008 BLUE & GOLO III - - - - - - - - - - - -

Michael T. MIIII-P••CIS "MMP"

Epiphany of OUf Lord Mathletes. Pep Band, Concert Band, Lab Band, Pit Band, lntramurals. Italian Club, Respect Life, Gaming Club, Robotics Club

Dillci P. MIIIIIl. "Rusty Q Shackelford"

••bcrt F. MIIIUIlI "Bob'7'Robby" St. Alphonsus Ski Club, Respect Life. Junior Urban Challenge, JV Lacrosse. Soccer, Sarnelli House

WIIIIIIII W. Mlslln. III "Bill': "Gugi': "Maslino': "Mazzy Maz" Epiphany of Our Lord Mathletes, NHS, Italian Club, Gaming Club

Adlll I. Mllene St. Theresa of Avila Track, Art Club, Student Council

Ilcb.lls C. Mlncrl "Nick", "Mattera"

51. Joseph/51. Robert Freshman Football, Freshman Crew

Dcnnls Po McBride "Denny Mac" St. Ephrem

Football, Track, NHS. LSC. Student Council, Lifting,lntramurals

Mlehcl Y. McClbe "McCabe" Immaculate Conception

Competition Band, Intramura!s, Speech and Debate (Vice President), Spring Musical


Tcrmc J. McCl/rlck "Tj" Visitation BVM Policy Debate, Mock Trial, Student Council.

Cross Country, Track, Freshman Mentor,


JItC'. r. Mceana. "Joe" St. Anastasia

Baseball, Track, LSC, WEXP

Calli M. McCrccry Epiphany Hockey

P.lrlck I. McC••• "Magoo"

Corpus Christi Crew, Sarnelli House,

Justin Timberlake Fan Club (President)

.rl.1 W. McCI.ly "B-rye" Musical. Tennis, Chorus, Band

M.n.cw •. McCt,clI "Me Lovern", "McMuffin", "Lunch


St. Bede Golf. Kairos, Salmon Colored Fabric

J••c T. MclclI' "Jude" St. Jude Football, German Club. Intramurals, Community Service. Kairos

Sc•• F. MclclI' "The PUllisher" S1. Helena Crew, Pep Band, Concert Band, WEXP, Sarnelli House, Multicultural Club, Environmental Science



Inll Po McLaIP II "Kmac"

51. Helena Football, Basketball, Baseball, Track, Junior Urban Challenge

Jth F. McMclUl11 St. Teresa of Avila Track, 51. Martin's Tutoring, Crew, Kairos. Junior Urban Challenge

Ja.cs Po Melally "Jimmy': "Santiago" St. Rose of Lima Football, NHS, Band

Alstll A. MccUl. Jr. "Sauce' Immaculate Conception Rowing, Sarnelli House, lntTamurals,

People to People. Project Appalachia. Student Council

iorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of : Righi: DOin lowry deep in thought. Below: Mr. Fyke managu 10 blend both scary and comical elements of his per$onality while leaching.

Right: Frank Farrell ;and John don't sÂŤm 10 be gelling,llong Yery well.



F. Mele

51. Cecilia Chess Team. Intramurals,


Palrlek I. Mel,11

s.. Luke

Golf, Student Council, Kairos Leader, Sarnelli House. NHS

S~III J. MClk~U$ "Menk" SI. Philip Neri Basketball, Explorer Club. Ski Club. Secret Santa, Sarnelli House Sandwich Making, Intramurals

lalhl •. MeyClS "Nale", "Natedawg" Holy Martyrs Tennis. NHS, Band, Freshman Soccer, Chess Team



"Migs", "Miggy"

51. Helena Football, Basketball, Kairos Leader

Jere.y A. Miles ''}. Miles" "Jeremy Miles" WEXP. Gaming Club. Chess Club,Anime Club. Freshman Mentor

CIIiI Miller "Don Collins" Epiphany of Our Lord

Ice Hockey, JV Lacrosse, La Salle Academy Tutoring

SterCi J. MlIlres Immaculate Heart of Mary Ski Club. La Salle Academy Tutoring


III LA SALLE COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL 2008 BLUE & GOLD III - - - - - - - - - - - -

SCI' M.••rrl Corpus Christi Cross Country, Tennis, NHS, Providence Center, Project Appalachia, Spanish Club, History Club

Tlllilby F.••••I•• rc "Mondi"

51. Philip Neri Bowling, lntramurals, Band, People lo People, History Club

SCI' E.••nl,••Cry "Monty" Resurrection of OUf Lord

Wrestling, La Salle Academy Tutoring, Celtic Club, Sarnelli House, Art Club, Intramurals, Bolivia Service Trip, 51. Francis [nn Sandwich Making

.Inbc. r. ••Incy St. Hilary Wrestling, Track, La Salle Academy, Triest House, Academic Decathlon

Pltrlck •.••rln "Moran" Queen of Peace Crew, Sarnelli House, NHS

SIIIICI A.••r,l' "Samson" 51. Alphonsus Kairos Leader, Long Miles

Pllrlck J.••rr•• S1. Genevieve Football, NHS, 51. Vincent's, Baseball

albcn J.•Iycr "Rob" Intramural Basketball Coach, Secret Santa, Ping Pong Ciub, Chess Ciub, Cya Basketbali, Branch Out Day, March for Life


lanlcl A. Mar,by "Murph"

St. Joseph NHS. Sarnelli House, 51. Martin's Tutoring, Spanish Club (President), History Club (President), Bolivia Service Trip, Triest House, Baseball,

Basketball, Secret Santa, OSC,Track, Student Council

Calln J. Marray "Buddy Colin", "Murdawg" Art Club, Human Rights Forum, GSA, lntramurals, 51. Vincent's Soup Kitchen, Bolivia Service Trip, Academic Decathlon

Jclfrcy I. Man~a "Murtha" Visitation BVM Baseball, Wisterian, NHS, St. Martin's Tutoring, Freshman Football, Student Council,

Inlramurals, Spanish Club

Brcnl H. Icsbln "Nez" Ice Hockey, Junior Urban Challenge, Sarnelli House, History Club

ISS of 2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 200Bseniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 200Bseniorsclass of 2008se

Above: This is called a Physics beiltdown!!! left: Rob speaking the good word.

Above: Mr. Jackson allempts 10 altain a lock of Rose's milne for his shrine




Ilcbolls T. loccro SI. Alphonsus Football, intramurals, Spanish Club

Mlnbcw E. OkerSOD "Matt"

51. Agnes Football, Italian Club, Project Home, 51. Vincent's Soup Kitchen, eya Basketball. NHS,

51. Francis Inn

J.sepb r. DUDe "O-Iine" Intramurals, Football, Basketball

Michel C. OU,er "Mikey" "Oliver" St. Rome of Lima Tennis, Hockey. NHS, La Salle Academy Tutoring. Project Appalachia, Operation Santa Claus, Drama

..,iorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass ot

Above: Shawn Jacobsen has the eye of the tiger.

Righi: Julian shares his renection during Ih" Thanksgiving liturgy.


raul s. Iinci 51. Teresa of Avila PC Tech, Human Rights Forum

Andlcw M. ralazzo "Drew" Water Polo, Crew, Pep Band, Concert Band, Competition Band, Triest House

Nicbolas rdclscn "Nick" Corpus Christi

Chess. Ice Hockey, Lab Manager, Ski Club, Magazine Drive, Telethon

Flancls J. rlclso. "Frankie" Mary Mother of the Redeemer Basketball, Baseball, Kairos Leader

seniorsclass of 2l108seniorsciass of 2008seniorsclass of 2l108seniorsciass of 2008seniorsclass of 2l108senlorsclas~

Above: John Shields uh.....ging out. U

Lefl: Lou making his daily visillo Mrs. Clark.




J. Powers

"Rob" 51. Hilary of Poitiers Student Council, Track, Operation Santa Claus,

Junior Urban Challenge, Kairos, Ski Club. Sarnelli House, St. Martin's Tutoring

lanlell. Pyne "Pyneee Dan" Mary Mother of the Redeemer Ice Hockey, lntramurals, Operation Santa Claus,

Multi-Culrural Club

Louis J. lalela 51. Helena Basketball. Track, Water Polo, Lacrosse, Italian Club, Kairos, Sarnelli House, La Salle Academy, Intramurals, Chorus

Mlebell. I~.here "Mike the R" Assumption BVM

Freshman Football, 51. Martin's Tutoring, Policy Debate, Intramurals,

Junior Urban Challenge

xsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 200Sseniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 2C Righi: R.J. knows who Ihe real boss of Ihe lech department is. Below: Mr. Del/lin and Jim 6ehr's Kiliros group i$ happy 10 have Jeremy Miles in their group.

Righi: Christian Baron feeling Ihe music.


Alem~el J. "AJ"


Holy Martyrs NHS, 51. Martin's Tutoring, Track, Gaming Club, Intramurals

Bn T. la.a",all "Raina" Mary Mother of the Redeemer Track. Band, La Salle Academy Tutoring. NHS

Jas,. M. laseblal"e "J-Rasch, Jay" St. Helena Freshman Soccer, Freshman Band, Baseball, Project Appalachia, NHS, Triest House, Intramurals, Spanish Club. LSC, Bowling

Ilehlas I. lalSCb Saint Martins

LL Nick Computer Club. Dodgeball, Japanese Cultural Club

Manbew J. Ilallall "Matt': "Razz': "Razzles" St. Teresa of Avila NHS, Ski Club, Project Appalachia,

SarneUi House, La Salle Academy Tutoring, Cross Country, Track, Junior Urban Challenge Conla~ T. lI'pa, "e-Rad" Visitation

Lacrosse, SarneUi House

Jaso, I. II,bln "Jay" Long Miles, Track and Field

Mlebael r. loebe "Mike': "Roche" St.Jude Ice Hockey, Operation Santa, Secret Santa


- - - - - - - III LA SALLE COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL 2008 BLUE & GOLO III JI~I M. IlddeR "Jrodd" Sl. Matthew Guitar, Drums, Football, Photography Mle~lel Y. 1IIIIIfte "Rang': "Quasi Brodo" St. Robert Bellermine Ice Hockey, NHS, Student Council, Kairos Leader, Ski Club, Appalachian Service Trip, Secret Santa, Operation Santa Claus

WIIIII. J. IIDley "RiIJ Booney" St. James Pep Band, Competition Band, Pit Band, School of Rock. String Ensemble. Fifth Period Band

Mle~lel P. lISe. Jr. "Rosey" SI. Phillip Intramurals, La Salle Academy Tutoring, Branch Out Day. Multicultural Club. Chilling,

Eating Lunches. Pit Volleyball

Diliel T. Slee~enl "Sac" 51. Rose of Lima Soccer, Lacrosse, Wrestling. Secret Santa, Sarnelli House, People to People, Freshman Mentor

AnlbllY J. SIII"I. Jr. "Ramie", "Jamie" Visitalion B. V.M. Gazebo, Film Club

Ilebrd M. Smzllli S•. Jude Illtramural Basketball

lyle E. Sebeetz "Kyler" St. Catherine of Sienna Tennis, Kairos Leader, Chorus, Spring Musical




H. Sc~clkun

"Schelk" 51. Vincent de Paul Baseball, Ski Club, 51. Vincent's Soup Kitchen, Kairos

Alcuadcr r. Sckrcikcr Soccer, Cross Country. 51. Martin's Tutoring

Jlh. r. Shlclds "Shieldsy" Baseball, Kairos Leader, Gazebo Editor, Chorus, Beleraft, Spring Muscial, Sarnelli House

Inll M. Shlclds Visitation B. VM. Track and Field. Football. Spanish Club,

Bolivia Trip. March for Life. NHS

ss of 2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 2008seniorsclass of 2008ser

Above:The senio....signed beam thai will next be visible 10 post-apocalyptic apes left: JOf' Wilde, a happy camper.

Above: Nick and Todd mapping out their college interviews.



Patrick I. Slnnlll "Patty" Mar y Mother of the Redeemer Soccer, Lacrosse, Student Government, Seeret Santa, Sarnelli House

nllllS M. Sman «Tom"

51. John Bosco Socce T, Intramurals, Spanish Club, Operation Santa Claus, Junior Urban Challenge

MaU.cw W. Smcllzcl "Smeltzer" Cross Coun try. Indoor Track, Outdoor Track,

Musical Chorus

Scal M. Silil. "Biff" "Gary"

11nmaculate Conception Foo tball, Lab & Web Manager. Commu oity TechServe. eyO Basketball

Jlh •. SpCIICI "Spergler" "Spergie" "Spereliciolls" 51. Cyril of Jerusalem bate, Lab Manager, lntramurals, Policy De Gazebo.NHS

11111 I. SplaDC "Splane"

51. Rose of Lima Wrestl ing, LaSalle Academy Tutors


M. SzckcICS

"Dave" Corpus Christi

Man.cw A. TUllllna "Matt"

51. Helena Sarnelli Hell se, Junior Urban Challenge, Crew, Track, St. Martin's Tutoring



le..1•. Tele~.11 "Baby" "Bebe" St. Maria Gioretti

Rowing, LaSalle Academy Tutors, NHS. Speak Up!. Intramurals, Ski Club, Sarnelli House,

LSC, Secret Santa

Ja.n F. n••aS "Jimbo" "J-Bo" 51. James Football, Track. Multi-Cultural Club, History Club

Irel~al I. THin "Beads" Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Wrestling, Track and Field. Operation Santa, Ski Club, Project Home, St. Francis Inn, Junior Urban Challenge,lntramurals

Trlslal I. Tsc~ICJC 51. Rose of lima Competition Band, Band, Pit Orchestra, Track & Field,lntramurals, LaSalle Academy Tutors,

March for Life

Jullal J. T.e~er "Thelonius Funk"

Oak Lane Presbyterian Church Band (President), Wrestling, NHS TI.II~J I. IIrle~

51. Alphonsus Football

C~rlsl"~cr III [ekelei "Eck" "Jan Buuuulll" St. Genevieve Varsity Lacrosse Manager, Varsity Football Manager,

Operation Santa Claus, Secret Santa .an~e. T.


"Matt Naked"

51. Jude Band, Intramurals, Spanish Club


- - - - - - - III LA SAllE COllEGE HIGH SCHOOL 2008 BLUE & Gala III

Fruk V. Wallace 51. Cecilia Games, Track, Wrestling. Boy Scouts

I,a. M. Walle.der "Dubbz" Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Lacrosse, Football, NHS, Student Council, Kairos Leader

Dallel J. Walers "Dan"

51. John Bosco LaSalle Academy Tutors, German Club, Intramurals, Amnesty International

k.rle II. Weber "Gweb" "Jorge" St. Albert the Great Guitar Ensemble, Intramurals. LaSalle Academy Tutoring, Malhleles

Jonalba. M. Weidner St.]ohn of the Cross Basketball, Bowling, Baseball, Ski Club

Palrick C. Wellzman "Weitz" 51. Genevieve Baseball, Football, Pit Volleyball, Open Gym

James I, Wblle Our Lady of Calvary Crew, President of Science Club

I,al r. While "Whitey" SI. Cyril Tennis. Ping Pong Club, Film Club. Service, Spanish Club



Joseph H. WII~e "The Beast from Berlin" 51. Maria Garetti LSC. Music

Althay I. Wllkl.skl "Ant" Holy Martyrs Tennis, Chess

Chrlslopher J. Wolper "Chris" 51. Titus LaSalle Academy Tutors, Operation Santa Claus, Intramurals, Appalachian Service Project, Kairos Leader, NHS, Junior Urban Challenge Aa~re. I. WOI~ "Woody" "Baby Sang" Mary Mother of the Redeemer Football, Baseball, Intralllurais

GrelllY T. WDI~S "Woodsy" "Gregorio"

Corpus Christi Water Polo. Swimming. Kairos Leader, Band, Sarnelli House, Spring Musical, Building Bridges of Solidarity, NHS, Student Council, Junior Urban Challenge

.rllks A. Workal.1 St. Maria Goretti B+ball, Baseball. Poker, Music. Relaxing, Chillin'

Stephel A. Zel.lI. St. Helena Crew, Kairos Leader, Football, Environmental Science

lyle J. ZII~y "Zoldy" St. John the Baptist Varsity AAA lee Hockey, Secret Santa, NHS,lntramurals





R.J. Barker: "We are all so very proud of you! Great job and dream big! Love, Dad, Mom, Karen, WiJliam,

Terry, and Nina." James Behr, Sr. and Family Philip Biaesch: "Congratulations Philip, we are very

proud of you and all your accomplishments. Stay focused and you will achieve your dreams. Mom, Dad, Andrew, and Elise."



"Congratulations Bob, we are so proud of you. We love you. Mom and Dad."

Kev'in Hughes: "Kevin, following in the footsteps

of your father, grandfather, seven uncles, and fouf cousins was a daunting endeavor, but you fulfilled the challenge with academic excellence, dedication, humor and a great smile! Love, Mom, Dad '80, and Jane."

Bill Maslin: "Billy, congratulations on all your achievements! We are so proud of you! Love, Mom and Alyssa." John McMenamin: "John, we are so very proud of you. Love, Mom & Dad. XO"

Andrew Bowman: "Andrew, congratulations. Your journey continues. Love ya, Mom & Dad."

Sean Montgomery: "Congratulations Sean on your

Josh Brooks: "Josh, the sky is the limit, you can get there. Love Mom & Dad."

Dad, Mikey, and Duggie."

Tyler Caracausa: We are so proud of the person you've become during your journey at La Salle. Enjoy your college years, continue to work hard and success will be yours! We congratulate you and the Class of '08' Love always, Mom, Dad, Brad ('03) and Corinne."

Evan Clauss: "Way to go Evan! Love, Mom, Dad,

Derek, and Tyler." Evan Cooper: "We are proud of you Evan! Good

luck and God bless. Mom, Dad, and Lucas." "Congratulations Matt Dwyer (Family Tradition LSCHS) Joe Sr. '74, Joe Jr. '00, Stephen '03"

graduation. We are so proud of you. Love, Mom,

Mike Oliver: "Mike, congratulations and best of luck in the future! The Oliver-Zalewski families" Matt Razzano: "Congratulations Matt and the Class of 2008. Enjoy the next phase of your journey! Love,

Mom, Dad, and Chris '10." Matt Schelkun: "We're so proud of you, Matt! Love, Mom & Dad"

James F. Thomas 2008 Jonathan Weidner: "Congratulations, Jonathan, with Love and Pride, Morn & Dad." in Memory of Paul J. Arizin Class of 1946

Lance Fagan: "Lance, reach for the stars. We're so proud of you! Love, Mom, Dad, and Jarod."

Robert Kelly: "Congratulations Rob! Mr. and Mrs.

Sal Ferrino & Son, Masonry Construction: Proud of aUf La Salle boys.

Sam Flashner: "Sa.m, the rest is commentary."

James Hagerty: "James, congratulations! We are

Matt Cabrera: "We are very proud of you Matt. Have fun in schooL"

Patrick Kelly"

very proud of you. Let your light shine and most of all, be happy. Love, Mom and Dad." "Life's a journey, not a destination. We're so proud of how far you've come. We can't waitto see where you go from here. Congrats! Love, Bridgette & Erinn."

J.}. Houldin: "Congratulations J.J. and all 2008 graduates. We believe you can fly. Love, Mom & Dad."


Good Luck Class of 2008 - Fitzpatrick Funeral Home Karen & Gerry Corkery

So Great in '08 - The Gill Family!

Congratulations Mr. Resch! Selected to NLL Hall of Fame

Above: Mr. Rrsch with his u.n wife ~1.l!Q' 'Ad son Pill on the sPÂŤ;.' night COnQL

Lefl: CooP' and Pill sl;lInd proudly nullo their dad's pLlIque

Below: Mr. Resch spt:nt 1'1 yUn!.u. pbyl"r .nd (o.ch of Ihl" Phibdl"lphi.ll




Congratulations Hockey team! Winners of PIHL AAA State Championship

Abovl;': Presented with the trophy as

Siale Champs! Righi: The final buz:zercelebralion!



nt i/to , To TIt!..

Cambria County


Above:The learn members hoist the trophy.

Right: The scoreboard ruds...DOMINANCE!!!




Top: Fr. Anthony JOInloo'5 dedicillion 10 La Salle and the message of St. John Baptist de La Salle wu

honored in his Affiliation inlo the Brothers Hollam: Another alum was fl'COg-

niud as Chris Matthews returned to LJ Salle fora book signing.


L.. Salle students have had many t:xperien(es atlht: s(hool this yur, bul tht: opportunity 10 share lhis with Fatht:rs, Mothers, and Grandparents rt:<IlJy stands out!



From the end of last school year all through this yeu La Salle hilS watched and hurd the construction of our new wing oInd the during of space for new fields.




Construction adding space!!!


BY +H3



f 200

blue & gold

I I....-





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