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La salle College High SChool
rom the moment we are born, we begin the long road of life. Until we get to high school, however, we depend upon our parents to guide us. From the moment we arrive at La Salle, we begin to make our own decisions, and it then becomes our task to learn how to navigate our lives, not just learning what ends we want to attain, but the means by which we want to attain them. Every period, when we walk into our next class. we are constantly being reminded that ~Boys will be boys, hut La Salle boys will be gentlemen: When we truly examine that maxim, we are fac~ with a de<:i· sicn: to take the easy way out, or to work hard and take honest means to our end. Along the way. we begin to build friendships with those who walk beside us on our path through high school. Like Brother Richard says when we first enter, we really are a bunch of deer in headlights. but we begin to grow more comfortable with each other. and we grow together. When eighth period ends and the rest of our day begins. we seek
a change of scenery. we go to new places and teachers go from being just our teachers and become our coaches. mod· erators, and mentors. In our new surroundings. we gain wisdom that cannot be taught in the classroom but learned through life. As that wisdom opens doors, we look to explore new paths revealed to us. Eventually, we en· counter new challenges. No matter how big the challenge. whether it is encountered on the field or in the c:Iassroom. we stand together overcoming whatever obstacles stand in our way. Finally. at the end of our journey, we look back to see the different roads we took to get here. We look back upon all of the bad times and the good times, the failures and successes. all of the things we regret. and all of the things we take pride in. And just as we begin to grasp that we truly have reached the end, we realize that the end of our time at L.1 Salle is just a new starting line. Michael Meehan '12
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ver the past seven years, Mr. Marchese has left a lasting mark on the halls of our school with his unique brand of leadership. His legacy includes an unparalleled number of awards and championships. The academics, arts and athletics have nourished with his guidance and encouragement. Perhaps Mr. Marchese's secret to success comes from his previous teaching and coaching experience. With his noninvasive demeanor, he simply leads by example. Mr. Marchese's ability to lead La Salle from one successful endeavor to another is also a result of his capacity to inspire, nurture, and support a devoted faculty and staff as well as an enthUSiastic, multi-talented student body. His unquenchable zest for educating young men is evident in his long
standing quest to raise the standarels of La Salle and his unwavering passion to unify the faculty, staff and student body. Mr Marchese's commitment to educating the whole person has truly generated young men of intellect, accomplishment, compassion, service, faith, integrity and respect. During Mr. Marchese's tenure at La
Salle he has promoted community growth by bringing new traditions to our campus. The freshman families are welcomed to the school with an afternoon of introduction, camaraderie and a dinner served family style. Prior to the holiday break our Christmas Liturgy now includes a procession by the Seniors that is illuminated by candlelight. The vocal talent of Mr. Turner is highlighted at this Mass. Physical growth of the facilities include a four story addition that contains cutting edge science laboratories, guidance suites and a majestic chapel. The Marian Chapel's beauty basks in a glow of sunlight through the inspirational stamed glass window wall. The chapel hosts student led prayer services for both the Advent and Lenten seasons as well as a site for daily prayer, spirtuality and retreats. The results of his commitment and care for the community will be evident for many years to come. Mr. Marchese has both embraced La Salle and been embraced by the school community. As La Salle moves forward. we acknowledge the love and compassion Mr. Marchese has shown us. Mr. Marchese, thank you for enriching our experience at La Salle. We offer you our deep appreciation for the time you spent with us. We wish you the very best.
TIt. Clorbt.... Llt-
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A birlbd.,. cal.br.doD 10.. lb. M.rch . famil,. .Ilamil... Mr.... d Mra. M.rc:h '. f.mil,. of lbr.. d.ueht." ...d ••on 10.. Crown to Indud. two .on-ia-I.w••ad foar Ir.ndchildrea.
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£... ryo... pitc:hea i.. On Fre.h..... Braado Out D.y .nd tIo .. Principal b nouuptioa!
Brother Richard Ke.t1er, PSC President
Mr. Joseph Marchese
Pront Row: Br. Thomas Scanlan, Ward Pitzgerald, Br. Richard Kestler (President), Benjamin Ventresca (Chair), Joseph Marchese (Principal), Joseph Donahue, Louis Beccaria. Sewnd Row: Courtney Portlock, Br. Michael McGinniss, Richard DiBella, John Whalen, Francy Kent. Candy Markmann, Patricia Brabson, Clark Hodgson, James McLaughlin, Edward Solvibile, Br. Ernest Miller. Back Row: Joseph Hartnett, Nicholas Coggins, Denis Lawler, Tom Barna, Vincent Walters, James Stewart, Mimi Kehan, Mark Gibbons. Ron Bean, Julia Maher, Kathleen Smith, Daniel McGowan, Absent from photograph: Br. James Butler, Gerald Hathaway, John Lehman, Robert Moran, Alfred Salvitti, Arlene Yocum
Mr. Thom•• a.rna Assistant Principal Academic Affairs
Mr. Ni<:hol•• Coggin. Director of Curriculum. Instruction and Assessment
Mr. Kevin Dougherty Director of Admissions and Financial Aid
M... J.me. Pyke Dean of Students
Mr. M...k Gibbon. Chief Financial Officer
Mrs. Julia Maher Assistant Principal Student Affairs
M... Daniel McGowan Vice President of Institutional Advancement
Mr. Anthony Re.ch Athletic Director
Mr. Peter Sigmund Chief Information Officer
Mr. Thoma. Turner Director of Transportation Assistant Dean of Students
Alumni Houn Cathy Winning (Database Administrator), Chris Carabello (Dir. of Marketing, Comm. & PR), Mary Francis Kelly (Dir.of Alumni Affairs). Brother Richard Kestler, FSC (President), Bob McAnespey (Dir. of Major & Planned Gifts), Kathleen Smith (Executive Assistant to the President/Corporate Secretary), Dan McGowan (VP for Institutional Advancement), Brett Foley (Dir. of the Annual Fund), Paul Colistra (Major Gifts Officer)
Allin,on Hou.e Front Row: Wally Muehlbronner (Assistant Director of Admissions), Ann Ford (Administrative Assistanl - Admissions). Second Row: Kevin Dougherty (Director of Admissions/Financial Aid), Phyllis Wells (Human Resources CoordinalOr), Connie Gill (Asst. Controller). Back Row: Kalhy Curley (Controller), Mark Gibbons (Chief Financial Officer)
<: Vemud Abram. Assisunt Director of Diverslty; World Civiliz.;otions; Assistant Coach Football and OutdoorTra.ck & Field
LitaAgnew LNrnmg SpeCialist; Moderalor-l.SC DebT' ~to.b Assistant - Student Affairs Office Gngory Billecki US History, AP American Government & Politics; Hud Coach: Cross Country,lndoor/OutdoorTrack & Field
DenDi. Blob English Department Chan; Rhetoric & British LiterAture, Crl"atlvt: Writmg 1, 2; Moderator: Gaubo. Mock Trial, SWImming Buden Bonner Network and Website Admim.'ltntor; Modentor: Tech Serve, Lab Milltilgers Jeanne Bub'DD Junior Counselor tuuni. Breen Sp,tnish 1, 4, ilnd 4H; Moderator: Spanish Club, Civility Club. Summer Service Bolivia
Ger.rd Bl'dt Associate Dire<lor of College Counseling; Gmup AdVISOry 12: HeAd Co;u:h: JV Tennis; Mo,h'rator: Basketball, Lacro~, NCAA Club Alex Brown Introduction to Literature & CompositIon, Composition & American Literature; Head Cc.ach' Freshman Basketball
Jeremy Butt Director of Strength & Conditioning; Integrated Science & Anatomy
Brother Plltrick Cuney Math Resource Room
Jim Marsteller, Director 01 Facilities
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Mark Che.nik Assistant Campus Minister: Prayer; Moderator: Film Club, LSC J.nic~ Cic:dm.ro Nurse: Health Jonph Ciccimaro Fine Arts ChaIrman, Instrumental Music, Honors and Advanced Musk, Small Ensemble, Jazz D.ni~1 Cipolla Science Department Chair; Physics, AI' Physics: Moderator: Engineering Club, LSC
Ch.rlel Cir~lli Integrated Science, Biology 9H: Assisunt Athletic Direc:tor; Moderator' Student Council Senior Class, Acceptance for All Club, LSC Geraldine CI.rk Campus Store Lewi. CI.rk Direc:tor of Campus Ministry; Catholic Morality: Moderator: Crew, LSC Mic:h.e1 Clemente ltalianl, 2, 4H,Spamsh 1
Jo Ann Cohen !.earnmg Specialist J<'I.eph C<'IIi.tr. AI' Economics, AI' European History, Western CIVIlization Mark Collin. Catholic Identity, Morality, Sacred Scnpture; Moderator: Italian Club Brother Kenneth CO<'Ik Assistant Librarian
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Rita Cooney Receptionist David Crowe AthletIC Trainer: Anatomy, Athletic Training St.phan Daublley Biology, Astronomy: Moderator: Bowling Douglu D......ter SacrM Scripture, l4sallian Splrituahty. Christian Lifestyles: Assistant Coach: Cross Country. Outdoor Track: Modl!Tator Hockey. Urban Challenge Coordinator
Jouph Dempuy introduction to (Jterature. AP English Language & Composition; Head Coach: Varsity Basketball Brother David Daradoonan Spanish i. Sacred Scripture; Moderator: lSC Matthew Derrick Classic & Rena.issance literature, World literature & Expository Writing: Head Coach: Freshman Soccer, Ass,stant Coach: Indoor/Outdoor Track & Field: Moderator' Pep Band, Intramurals. Rugby Club, Sid & Snowboard Club Thoma. Devlin World Civihutions. Christian Morahty: Assistant Coach: Cross Country, Indoor/Outdoor Track & Field: Moderator: LSC
Prallee. Jacob Di«i«o 2, 3H, 5 David Di.hI Economics: Assistant Coach: Golf Brother William DiP... q.... e AS$OCiate Dire<tor of CoUege Counseling: Cathohc Identity. Group AdVIsory 11, 12: Moderator: LSC Michael Dolan D,rector of Guidance; Counselor, llGHTS Team
World language
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Micky Dominick Algebra 1, Geometry; Assist;lnt Campus Minister Dire.:tor: Fall Drama & Spring Musical; Moderator; Ski & Snowboa.rd Club, LSC, Coordinator: Summer Service Program Lind. Donahue French 2, Italian 2H, 3, 3H William Donohoe World Civilizations, AP World History, Moderator: History Club; Head Coach: Freshman Footb.dl, JV Basketball, Assistant Coach: Varsity Baskethall Peg Do,JI! Library Assistant
Stl!phl!n Dunchukil! Biology 9H, Environmental Science; Head Coach: Water Polo, Assistant Coach: Swimming Cerald Ev.... Chemistry; Lo!arning Specialist: Moder..to", Anime Club, Mock Trial Illi..bdh Fil!ld Introduction to Literature & Composition, American Literature and Composition Bernard Fitzgerald West<'Tn Civilization, AP US History
DanieUe Fouythl! Algebra I, 2; Moder..tor: Multicultural Club, C"ltk Club, LSC Ro."mary Cedeik Spanish 2H, 3, AP Sp"nish Language; Moderator: Sophomore Student Council, LIGHTS Team Paul C"hman Accoustic and m"ctric Bass William Ceiger Latin 1, 2, AP Latin; Head Coach: Varsity Tennis
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Terence Gillupie Biology 10, lOH, AP Biology,lnt~grat~d Science: Dire<:tor of Summer Sessions; Moderator: Freshman Student Council Jonph Glacken Learnmg Specialist Carol Hagg...ty AdministratIve Assistant - Principal's Office; Moderator Blue and Gold, LSC Gerard Harte)' World Literature & Expository Wrltmg, AP English LIterature & Composition: Moderator: lntramurals, Future Educators' Club, Gammg Club
MichaelH.am Painting, Drawing. Found.:ltions in An, Portfolio; Moderator: Art Club & Theater/Set¡design Purldl Heule)' Algebra 1, Precalculus, Calculus; Moderator: Football. Improv Club Chri.topher Holwidl World literature & Expository Writing. Rhetoric & British ll1erature: Moderator: Wisteniln Stephen Horvath Spilnish l. 2; Assistant Coach Cross Country, Indoor' QutdoorTrack & Field
Martin Jadellon Counselor. learning Specialist: Psychology: Head Coach: Golf John Janda Introduction to L,terature & CompoSltlon. American llterat\lre & Composition; Moderator~ Wr~stling, Wisterian Rev. Anthony Janton Chaplain Jonph Jaworow.1d Mandarin Chinese 1
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Robert John.on Dire<tor of MultimedIa Technology; Multimedia Management. Advanced Multimedia Production, Multimedia Production & Web Design: Moderator: WEXP, Sports Information Club John Keenan Director of the David Program: L<!arning Specialist Paulette Kenny Keybwrds Matthew KWAIiallr La Salle Alumni Volunteer; Moderator: Suge Crew, Aeronautics/Flying Club, Computer Club. Robotics Club
ThomaiLang Geometry, Trig/Stat: Moderalor: Mathletes, Soccer, Forum Coach
William Luhy Sophomore Counselor: Head Coach: Varsity Lacrosse Frank LkbtneT Aquatics, Physical Educnion; Head Coach: Vars'ty SWImming Donna Long Librarian
Migu'dLopu Director of Security Jonph Lyndi Compostion & American Lit.-rature, Rhetoric & British Literature: Moderator~ Academic De<athlon Dorothy Marche.e Learning Specialist: Moderator: NHS William McBride Spanish 1, 2, 3, Moder;ltor: G.-rman Club
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Thonull McC.ffery 2, 2Y; AsSLsUnt Coach Varsity Soccer and Freshman Basketb.lll, Head Coach: JV Soccer John McGran.ghan Freshman Counselor/MCIU Diana Mdnaw Religion ~partment Chair; Catholic Idenuty, Christian Lifestyles Anthony Mieczkow.ki Chemistry; Coach: Freshman Crew
AJg~bra 1,
B.rbara Miller Ceramics, Sculpture; Moderator: Art Club, Poor Man's Supper Guald Mill.r Social Studies Department Chair: AmeriC.l.n History, History of Vietnam: Moderator: SWImming KeUyMinton Integrated ScLence; Co-Moderator Engineering Club T....iMool'. Bookstore
W.,]tfll' Muehlbronnu Assistant Director of Admissions; Physical EduC.l.tion; Head Coach, Varsity Ice Hockey Mary Kay Mullen Director of ColI~g~ Couns~hng; Group Advisory 11 & 12 Dani.1 Muller Woodwinds, Theory Ju.la Nedswecky Calculus, Pre¡Calculus, Algebra 2H; Moderator, Rugby Club
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Jonpb Nero Percussion Geof&ey Nicoletti Si,cred Scripture, World Religions; Modentor: Computer Club MarltNorman FTl'shm~n, Advanced & Upperclassmen Chorus, Public Speaking; Assistant Director: Fall Drama & Spring Musical; Assistant Coach & Moderator: NTennis Kathleen O'Connell Administrative Assistant - College Counseling
Jonph PatUi DirKtor of Di"'ersity; World Civiliutions l, Introduction to Psy(hology, AP Psychology; Head Co~ch: Varsity Baseball Robert Peffle Algebra I, Head Cooch: Varsity Soccer, Assistant Coach: Varsity Baseball Doroth, Poni.dak Chemistry 10 H, I1H, AP Chemisty; Moderator: LSC Mich"",1 Ponuc:ialt Algebra 2, AP Coleulus AB, AP Statistics; Moderator: LSC
Alfred Punt.l
Catholic Identity, MonUty; Moderator: LSC Paul Q.llinn Math Department Chair; Algebra IH, Geometry; Head Coach: JV Hockey Jo•• ph R.dvan.lt, Pre-Calculus, Geometry, Geometry/Pre-ulculusH: Assistant Coach: Varsity Tennis Brother Jam.. Riecle Director of the Brothers Community; Lasallian Animator; Moderator: Men of La Salle
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Jamu Roch. Calculus BC Petridt ROl. Computer Aided Design RoJa.. t Ru...U Honors Physics. AP Physics C. AP Computer Science: Moderator: Auidemic Decathlon, Mathletes, Robotics Club $ ..... ann. Runo Regl5trar
Dr. ROlin. Ryan American L,terature & Composition. AP l.iterature & Composition. Shakespeare: Moderator: Celt;c Club. LSC Pamala S••l.y Biology lO.1OH, AP Biology; Assisunl Coach: Cross Country, Indoor/OutdoorTrack & Field: Moderator: Blue and Gold, LSC Jou:ph Selfrldgo.' International Studies Seminar Raymond Shay Director of Web Technology; Website Management Course, Head Coach: Spee<h & Debate: Moderator: Web Managers, Community T«h Servo.'
Tina Sb\ltltaek Algebra 2H, 3rrrig. Precalculus; Coordinator: LIGHTS Team; Moderator: NHS Nary Smith Coordinator of International Students Program; French I, 3, 3H, & 4H. Moderator: French Club Brothu Jam•• St.dt World Language Resource Room JamuTau US History, Western Civilization, US Civil War: Assistant Coach: Swimming; Moderator: Water Polo, Ski & Snowboard Club, LSC
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Gregory Tepel'maft Strings Brother Mang Minh Tun Vis\I3] bask Computer Programming, Computer AppliCAtions; ModerAtor: Robotics Club John Travaline La Salle Alumni Volunteer: Moderator: LSC JOleph Vetton Director: Competition. Jazz and Pep Bands, Musial Director: Spring MusIcal
Denni. Wa.ko Trumpet Lin Whelan Library Assistant
Daniel Willi...a Sacred Scripture, Catholic Identity. World Civilizations; Moderator: Fencing Club, Flying/Aviation Club. Human Rights Club. NCAA Club, Intramurals Barbara Wbotskey Campus BookstoTf Manager
Cheryl Wolgamott Introduction to Literature & Composition, AP Language & Composition; Moderato,: Future Educators' Club and Creative Writing Club John Young Western CiviliUltion. History of Philadelphia, AP US
History Nancy Zoeluch Spanish 2H. 3. 3H: Moderator: LSC
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Peter Abdalla Thomas Albertson, Jr. Reid Anderson Richard Andrews, III Benjamin Auerbach James Austin Jack Auteri Michael Bantner Alexander Barker Andrew Barnish Virnest Beale Bruce Bean Jeffrey Beatty Richard Beaver, III Colin Bleiler John Blue Joseph Borek Matthew Bowen Liam Boyle Ryan Brady Frank Brigidi Ryan Buchanan Brian Buckley Tabriz Bumpas
---------------------------------------Already, I have seen La Salle inside and out. Although J have spent many summers walking through its halls and around its campus, I cannot stress enough how scared I was to walk through those doors on my first day. I was stepping into a new world. And I know that for most of us it is a frightening thing to enter a new school. I know just how terrifying it was trying out such a new and different thing, but I also know how good it felt once I actually became part of what La Salle has to offer. I walked in on the first day and I didn't know anyone. [ came from a public school and my mindset was, ~l'm going to have no friends, and I'm not joining anything." It was not long though before I started to make new friends and get comfortable with the activities La Salle had to offer. I soon became able to express myself by getting involved in extra·curricular activities. Besides, with my new friends that I know will stay with me throughout these next four years-I have nothing to worry about. At first, coming to La Salle was scary, and we as freshmen may have been hesitant to go on, but now I know that we all love this place and the friends we have made. I know that it's going to be a tough four years, full of ups and downs, and rocky paths, but I know that with the friends I've made, we will get through it together. Julian Durkin '15
AboYe: Dall Martino, An tonlo S. .tUU, all' S. . tl.o P.lu.1 ...., .ut aft .. • fl·••h ••• football, . IU.bt: DaD Mala_.J tad! I•• tho.. pe.ky ••th prob~
Eric Bunting William Burdulis Justin Campanella Liam Campbell Joseph Caponi Peter Carenzo Tyler Carroll Zachary Carroll Nicholas Catalino Luke Chadwick Ian Challingsworth Samuel Chatzinoff Joseph Checchio John Cicala Christopher Ciliberto Spencer Coats Peter Collins Sean Collins Mason Comtois John Connolly Thomas Conroy Matthew Conway Michael Corcoran Patrick Corcoran
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Daniel Carr James Carr, Jr. Matthew Coughlin Michael Crone Justin Cross Tyler Crouch Kevin Crozier John Curran Anthony Dadario Christopher DalFarra Dillon D'Andrea Jason Dandy Santino D'Angelo Joseph Daniels Theodore Decker David Del Grosso Anthony DeNofa Joseph DeSimone Matthew Dessner Michael DeStefon Edward Devlin Ryan DeWalt Michael DiCristofano Joseph DiGiovanni Ralph DiLemma Michael Dinan James Dougherty Owen Dougherty Michael Doyle, III Zachary Drake Corey Driscoll Bryan Dunton James Durkin, Jr. Julian Durkin Edgar Eason, III Daniel Ericsson
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Vincent Everman, III Sean Felix Christopher Filice John Fillman Matthew Flack, Jr. Jake Flagler
Christopher Fraga, Jr. Colin Friday
Howard Gadsby, IV James Galasso Craig Gambol Joseph Gatto legor Gerasymenko Brandon Giannos Tyler Gimbel Collin Giongo John Glacken Joseph Glauber Ryan Gorman Fletcher Grady Austin Grezeszak William Gries John Grogan Corbin Gustafson
Jason Hahn John Hamilton
Daniel Hardcastle Sean Heck Stephen Hee Charles Hemcher. III
James Herron, III Christian Hoban Colin Hoffman Jacob Hoffman Conor Hogan Jared Hood
'"'" ~
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Kevin Hughes Maxwell Immerman Thomas Johnston, Jr. Grant Jones John Jordon, IV Joseph KaIser David Keeton Aidan Kerrigan Eric Kindelan Charles Kindt, V Anthony Knesis Brian Kondan Gregory Konieczny Kevyn Kowalczyk Kyle Kowalczyk David Krmpotich Colin Krouse Isaiah LaBell Gabriel LaBella Robert Lastowski Daniel Lauer Noah Letcavage Dean Leva Nicholas Lintner Connor Lloyd Matthew Lombard Douglas MacMaster, IV Matthew Magee Graham Maguire Daniel Mahoney Matthew Maisano Ryan Mancini Christian Marble Daniel Martino Michael Martosella Peter Mastrocco
5 j ~
Gary McCabe Lance McDermott William McDonnell, III Kyle McElwee Ian Mcintosh Andrew McLaren Robert McLaren William McLaren John Mahon, III Patrick McNally Shane McNamara Jordan Meachum Patrick Meenan Ian Mitchell Ryan Mitchell James Monastero Anthony Morabito Kevin Moran Evan Morgan William Muehlberger, IV John Mueller Conall Mulligan Michael Mulligan Colin Murtha Justin Naylor Thomas Nowak Andrew O'Donnell Colin O'Malley Clint Ormsby Frank Osterman, Jr.
Blaise Palmer Brandt Parlanti Ryan Pasquarello Nicholas Pedano Santino Pelusi Andrew Perrong
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Dean Persichetti Michael Phayre Christian Pico Fazzi Tyhir Pitts-Carson Matthew Pizzo John Prendergast Brian Price Michael Price Sean Princivalle Samuel Profit Andrew Pultorak Jeremy Puntel Nicholas Quigley John Quirk James Raquet John Razzi Joseph Regan Jacob Reinhardt Alexander Riordan Victor Rivera Brett Roberts Kyle Rodier Luke Rossi Paul Rotzal Matthew Ruff Nicholas Russomano Matthew Sacchetta Antonio Santilli Felice Santoro Michael Savage. III Ryan Sax Conor Scafidi Shane Scannapieco Stephen Schanes Matthew Schargel Patrick Schlupp
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Alexander Schnell Scott Schroeder, Jr. Harrison Schultz Vito Scutti Donte Sellers Justin Senyk Robert Skowronski Dylan Smemo Nicholas Sontag James Soulges Michael Sparks Joseph Splendido Nicholas Stachel Austin Stein Justin Stout William Strausser Matthew Strosser Maxwell Stuhl Kyle Sundheim Stefan Sutton Dylan Taliaferro Kevin Tavolaro Nicholas Torba Connor Tramo Joseph Treacy Thomas Trullinger Michael Valued Jeffrey Vellner Nicholas Ventresca Brent Wade Franz Wagner Rodney Walker, Jr. Matthew Wallace Kitt Walls Sean Walsh Nicholas Washco
Benjamin Weiss Liam White Connor Williams Shawn Witherspoon Casimir Wolanin, Jr.
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, ... Left: " - DuIda, Daa Martmo, ... n..... eoa..., pnctIc:I' • r&- ~ "'...... .... CIuo.
Ryan Abell Joseph Albert, III Maxwell Albone Timothy Andersen Salvatore Anderson John Angiolillo AdAm Arudia Erik AZZArano MichAel &rrett Anton Barun Keith BAsna Christopher Bennett Sean Bennett John Sense Robert BernAtAvitz BrendAn BilottA Michael Bishof Derek Bitzer Kevin Blanke John Blankemeyer Jonathon Blust Roman Bond Eric Bozzi John Brady, III
---------------------------------------The word ~sophomore," in contrast to many students' interpretation, does not mean ·wise men but rather ·wise fools," Many sophmores are familiAr with this saying. Arriving back to school in September is a breeze compared to the unfAmiliarity of freshman year. Although this yeAr will not be Absent of mistakes, we as sophomores will no longer be lost in the world of change, More importantly, that a large group of strangers is now becoming brothers. Last year I walked into school on the first day with one of my best friends, but then it was time to part ways and I did not know what to expect. When I entered homeroom, I was pleasantly surprised as a classmate introduced himself to me and made An effort to befriend each new classmate. That stranger is now one of my good friends, which exemplifies A common occurrence that probably all current sophomores un relAte to. The adjustment to being a "sophomore- in An Academic sense is Anew challenge altogether. We are tAking more rigorous classes with higher expectAtions. At the same time, we ne growing in chnActer and maturity, which helps us deal with rising Academic chAllenges. Despite the myths of certAin classes, sophomores strive to handle the new workload while maintaining the integrity of Men of La Salle. Sophomore year is A time to build off of the friendships and experiences from freshman year, but mistakes are expected. Wise fools we are indeed. Thomas Schmitz '14 M
......, Daakol N_. . . . kit aIaJ.. Tuell ....., • c..-.4ic: _ t .Il.
.....lalla . .pw. It tiP~
C-'-bWJ ....
tIM lint .u. ~'. e..- e:-c:r,
a ........ ILt.-aa
Kevin Brady Peter Brooks Griffin Brown Nicholas Buckley Eric Burgmann Aaron Burton Ryan Calhoun Michael Campo Michael Capreri Michael Carenzo John Carlidge Connor Casey Raekwon Caswell Andrew Cavanaugh Collin Charyszyn Kevin Charyszyn Vincent Cicalese Anthony Ciliberto Michael Cincotta Patrick Clark Orel Cohen Joseph Colbert Zaine Collins Ryan Coonahan
Kyle Corley Tyler Coscia David Cox John Cuce Casey Cumpstone Pierce Cunneen Dominic Cuoci Alexander D'Abbene Anthony D'Angelo Brendan Daly Thomas Davey Levi Davis, Itt Tyrone Dean, Jr. Edward DeAngelis William Degnan William Delaney Gregory DelBuono Amedeo DeLuca Riley Denton Nicholas Derma Mark DeSantis, Jr. Nicholas DeSimone Michael Detweiler Peter DeWitt Joseph DiAndrea Nicholas DiFiore Alexander DiGiacomo Justin Dillman Nicholas DiPasquale Harrison Dittrich Charles Donnelly Andrew Doran James Dougherty Andrew Doyle Patrick Duff Patrick Duffey
d ~ ~
:5 Vl
Matthew Dunning John Durbin Andrew Durkin Nicholas Dusing Robert Dwyer Langston Ellison Damon Erb John Ernandez, Jr. John Ewell Benjamin Fabiszewski Tyler Fallon Daniel Farley Daniel Farrington John Farris, Jr. Kevin Finnegan Michael Flanigan Dennis Foley Gerard Foley James Foley Michael Fox Nicholas Fox Zaire Franklin Joseph Frazer Christopher Frazzette Samuel French William Frusco Sean Furgiuele Amir Furman Nicholas Galea John Gal1agher Andrew Garoppo. Jr. Bailey Gaul Kevin Gay David Geppert, Jr. Robert Gillies Richard Giuliani, III
.. 1WtIi .,...... cell¡'
Nc .te_
Noah Greenberg Sean Greenberg John Gregor Collin Gustafson Colin Ha.pp Levi Hardy Shawn Hartzell Patrick Hasson Julian Hensiek Jalen Herdsman Dakota Herninko Thomas Herron, III Connor Higgms Stephen Hudak Christopher Jastrzembski AlexanderThomas Jones Jason Jones Thomas Joyce Brendan Keenan Ryan Keller Joseph Kelley Joseph Kennedy Hyeong Kim Jacob Klemmer Andrew Knowles Michael Koller. Jr. David Kotasenski William Krodthoff. J(] Joseph Krol Michael Kurkowski Nicholas Kush Adam Lagner Nicholas LaMorte Ma.tthew Laudadio Jamil Lawimore Alexander LeGrand
g u. o ~
15 ::;:
~ ~
Keith Lee Corey Lerch Shane Lewis Kevin Lindsay Tyler Little Charles Lloyd, Jr.
Joseph Looby Eric Lopresti Robert C. J. Lorenzo Picard Losier
Timothy Loughery Matthew Lucas Colin MacDougall William Maguire Julian Maher Patrick Mahoney
Joseph Maiale Stephen Maloney Christian Mancini Connor Martin
Alexander Marzullo Evan Mascione
Christopher Mather William Mathis Nicholas Mazza Nicholas Mazzei
Timothy McAuliffe Michael McBryan, Jr. Matthew McCarry
Thomas McClain Matthew McCool
Shane McDevitt Evan McDonnell Peter McDonnell Timothy McElroy
Thomas McGeehan
'"o :z: "" ~
o Ii:
~ '"~ o," ~
Lrft: Chris M.ltwf' and '''I tbfw 1 _ shMlytnc dllrinl
...... Ldt: Jirl .'arm. RIc ard Giuliani. 51", PHI, Andrew Garoppo and Jot' a ....tr
W1"Uk1at: .>'(It In lbe Ubrar)I:
Patrick McGinley John McGranaghan Liam McGrotber Mark Meeks, Jr. Ryan Meeks Trent Melsheimer Mark Metzler Gregory Meyers Douglas Michie, Jr. Austen Mollick Thomas Monaghan, Jr. Michael Mullin Quin Murphy Calvin Nazulme Charles Newell Daniel Nowakowski Brennan O'Donnell Sean O'Kane Aidan O'Neill Sean O'Neill James Palmer Alexander Panetta Christian Patton William Paul
Stephen Peel Antonio Pelusi Jordan Petrellis Joseph Pinnola-Vizza Ryan Pluck Matthew Podraza Andrew Potok David Price Patrick Quigley Matthew Raczak Edward Rausch Mark Reed
Liam Reeves John Reis Roger Reynolds, III Michael Rihm Andrew Romano David Rose Blake Rosenn Mark Rounbehler Joseph Rueter, Jr. Michael Ruff Patrick Ryan Oscar Sanchez John Scheffey Stephen Schmitz Thomas Schmitz Brad Schneider John Schoenewald, III Matthew Schrupp Andrew Schutta Ian Schwartz Ryan Siess Kyle Slifer Christopher Smith Riley Smith Zachary Smith Aaron Sosnader Mitchell Souneris Robert Spampata Daniel Spinelli, Jr. Kevin Stefanski KoIby Stein Andrew Stenger Nicholas Sticco Christopher Strausser Daniel Thomas Jaishan Thornton Blaine Turek Tamar Turner Michael Vargas Samuel Vecchione Kyle VO Thomas Walker Ryan Weathers Ryan Wood Reid Worster James Worthington Logan Young Phillip Zminda
Mitchell Abramo Richard Atcavage Peter Auted Michael Avallone, III Arthur Bailin Nicco Baratta Ryan Barr Julian Baseman
William Baumher Stefan Bergman Russel Bleiler, IV Dominic Bonitatis, IV Timothy Bontempi Michael Bowen Ryan Bowes Vito Braccia, Jr. Matthew Brecht John Breslin Eric Bridgeford Johnray Briones Damani Brown Steven Bushold Anthony Campanile, Jr. John Camusi
---------------------------------------• •
~ ~l~-~!!~~~~~
Junior year at La Salle is possibly the most integral part of the Journey that is high school. The friendships that we have made with our fellow classmates are strengthened and new bonds continue to be formed. When we walk down the hallways during the school day, the number of faces that we do not recognize decreases in number. Through academic, extra-curricular, and service activities, the junior class really becomes united as one tight~knit group of brothers. The importance of junior year becomes obvious as the difficulty of high school is magnified in this infamous third step. We start to think about what colleges we want to attend, the classes we take are more challenging, and the SATs and ACTs contribute to the difficulty of the our educational tasks. Though challenges still persist, opportunities remain to really make a difference at La Salle. As Juniors we can become members of the National Honor Society, take more prominent roles in our extra-curricular activities, and participate in service endeavors. All of these things are what make us, the junior class: the diverse, united, and talented Class of 2013. Kevin Groome '13
.......: JraakU ...._ . _ . COIllaOr Mutenoa,
C:atall.o aad Mike A.. .aUla for the caaar. ill tIM .taad•• t. La S.... football
-to, _
Rlpt: B..... 0'8 0..b Hup it-r u-. willi • ....we- of th. Artaaa H _ lhriac BlolerSbn.
Nicholas Capperella Vincenzo Cardi Andrew Carlone Aaron Carreras James Carroll Michael Casey Michael Catalino Michael Celoni Joon Cha Matthew Chadwick Mark Chandler Kaherdin Charles Anthony Checchio Austin Cho Jeffrey Cimbalista Sean Cincotta Jared Clapper Thomas Coekill Sean Coleman Zachary Connor Patrick Cooney Thomas Coyle Alexander Cuoei Paul Curcillo. III
----------------------------------------@ ~
e'"'" '"o ."
~ W
Joseph D'Angelo, 1II Nicholas D'Orazio Matthew Daly Daniel DeBrakeleer Gerald Degnan Michael deLuca Nicholas DeMaria Anthony DeSantis Carlos Diaz Anthony DiGiovanni Joseph Dooney Patrick Dougherty John Dusing Richard Eckert Andrew Eidenshink Michael Eife Christian Endrigian Christopher Esposito Nathan Ezzo Jonathan Fabriziani Joshua Fabriziani Richard Fabrizio, Jr. Christopher Fagan Brian Farley Connor Fassnacht Michael Fassnacht Timothy Feoli Patrick Finlay Brian Fischer Matthew FitzPatrick Daniel Fleck, Jr. Jacob Ford Charles Formica John Forrest Lucas Friel Joshua Gelenberg
MitcheU Gilbert James Gillen David Givens, Jr. Robert Gormisky Joshua Graham Andrew Grajewski Mark Grasela G. Matthew Greco Ronald Greco Kevin Groome Alexander Guckin Andrew Halton Denis Harp Joseph Heidt Jared Herrmann Nicholas Higgins Peter Hildebrandt Mark Himler Steven Hladczuk Patrick Hoffman, Jr. Evan Holder Ryan Holly Nicholas Hreshko David Hunt, II Frederick lIsemann, IV Malik Janifer Brendan Jaquay Francis Johnson Christopher Kane Luke Kane Philip Kearns Austin Kelly Owen Kelly Conor Kennedy Daniel Kiely Andrew King
Brendan Koch Nicholas Kreter Matthew Krulikowski Brian Lagreca Conor Lavelle Dane Lavery Christopher LePrevost Joseph Lerro Michael London David Losier William Lucas Jesse Luczkowski Christian Lutschaunig Kurt Lutter Kevin Lynch Mark Lynch Colin MacCrory Sean Macintosh John Magee Joseph Maginnis David Malone Mark Manero Mark Manjardi. Jr. Christopher Markmann Joseph Markmann Agustin Marty Dante Massi, III Nicholas Master Connor Masterson John Mastronardo John Matthews Patrick May Peter McCall Brian McCann Luke McCann Christopher McCrea
@---------------------------------------'a" M
U. <Il <Il
d <Il
Brett McCutcheon Chad McCutcheon James McDonnell Nicholas McDowell Nolen McElwee Aaron McGlawn Brendan McGonigle Connor McHugh Samuel McKenzie Connor McNally Brian McNamara Christopher McPeak Paul Melchiorre, III Christopher Mele Christopher Melillo Anthony Mercader Charles Meredith, V William Mischler Anthony Moffa Robert Moore, III Colin Moran Matthew Morozzi Patrick Morrissey Corey MuggIer
Preston Murray Sean Naessens
Jonathan Naji Michael Naples Russell Napolitano Johnathan Neufeld Thomas Noonan James O'Connor, til
Michael O'Connor Kevin O'Donnell Ryan O'Donnell Evan O'Hara
Shea O'Neill Dominic Padova Nicholas Paglione Michael Pascali Luke Persichetti Vincent Peruto Joseph Picard Philip Plourde Andrew Poc:hettino Joseph Podraza, III Dad Poquie James Princivalle Evan Quain Matthew Rambo Gerald Rath, IV Matthew Redican Kevin Reed Sean Regan Conor Resch Griffin Ripley Jamalie Roberts Brian Robinson Christopher Rocco Matthew Rodden Gregory Rogers Ostap Royik Frank Russomano, Jr. John Ryan Michael Ryan, Jr. Erik Scannapieco Adam Schaal Zachary Scheier Andrew Schieve William Schoen Kevin Scott Matthew Scott
'"j U
::> ~
Michael Selner Scott Serpico Patrick Shafer John Shields Anthony Silvestri Trent Simmons Matthew Skidmore Riley Slusarski Stephen Smith, Jr. Robert Speese Thomas Spiteri Anthony Sticco Kyle Stofka Andrew Stone Robert Stratton Aaron Streets Matthew Strolle Amar Stukes Joseph Sullivan Brett Supinski Robert Suter, III Gavin Teichman Dylan Tice-Carroll Eric Torres John Tyrrell Edward Tyszka George Uhrich Joseph VaneIIi, III John Vogel Andrew Volz Timothy Walker Connor Walsh Evan Walsh Ryan Walters Nicholas Ward Sean Waters Colin Weber Benjamin Wild Ryan Williams Ryan Winslow Adam Wisniowski Alexander Wolanin
KiyoungWon Andrew Yeamans Joan Yoon Martin Zefelippo
Helpinl out in the COIIIIIIU' nit, reall, can brinl people tOlether .. Jimlll' PriDd".II., Brian Filcher, M.tt Skid· ilion, Muk L,ach, ....d J.k. VOlelkaow.
One of the key cornerstones of the La Salle motto is service. The spoken word comes to life as rising seniors are challenged physically, emotionally and financially to live that piece of the La 5allian education. My classmates and [ were given the opportunity to rebuild a home in Kentucky, renovate a school in Montana and clear land on a Navajo Indian Reservation. [t is often said that one who gives service to other receives great Joy and satisfaction to others. I, along with my classmates are very fortunate that this part of our La Salle experience is one that will be greatly valued for many years to come. Alexander McCarthy '12
n.. Appalacbi. . Hrrice ......,
brub fr•• tlaair b...., ob, of work ....d Han the kaat .ft.h. K.nhlcky' 1_ to ,at.tr..r toaatlo.r.
Tb. tn. "'a.t}' of Montana'llanclKapa ill cliac:enru b,.t.tr.••lac.kf..t 1 alen,roa, duia,. d., in nata....
...ilIl Jon McCarry '12 ~
"'Yoo can say you love the poor.•.clln you name them7
::.t Chns Szekely 12 ;'Ill "They trust ME with II hllmmer lind nellsr
...iiI Cohn Dingley '12 ~
-Hllrd work goes along wfJ'f, even to Arlzonar
u ....... 1_ _ nloa . . .0'\ .U work, th. I~P took. lJr..... (ro... "dplDC do. coaama..a.ity to "J.it th. Uberty Ma.......
n.. ,"A..tifal Arlaoa.i•••_
...... c1OWD..a tit. N•••jo
,roup ..
they to•• 1l...alI frcull thair hik•.
Philip Plourd" I"U out of the wnm SoUriao .un to h"lp out in .. dodor'. offic".
The 110.-.. on Mfon Matt GriK•• Jo.... M.tthew., Ji-._, Pri.ct..n••••el Oa" Lo.I.., "ne a, 10• • i.UdoW! f~ to .om" """, ha.-
,rt' peo,I•.
Who R.ii that yo- u.a't _aka fri"... o. th. rtneb of Philaid,hla at • lpt1 J_ H"Wt. Wu.a S........ J.h1l I,..lill. allel Zuh C.....r aU ,ro.... that ....,dc ....o1l,'
n. N....j. bperi"IICo1 lrea," __. ._ b, th. b,.athtaJdlll Kall• .., that ......ouai. th•• wilU. ia the Palat_ O...ri.
A.ndrew Stone 13
[(II , may run ten miles II
dlly but it sure WllS hllrd to keep up with such energetic kldsr
~ ~
Anthony Mercader 13 lhere is nothing like the 100( on II little Bolivian child's fote when he throws his first frizbee. Pablo also enjoyed playing with puules.~
MIte Bowen '13
[(II , wondered how I coold be of service to the people I would meet on Urban
Immersion. When I left, I WllS thllnkful for whllt the experience tllught me.~
NoUUac briDC. tIIa.a friaad. dour tocatller Ilka. trip to tha Peinted D..artl Nidi Salce!, Colia DlaCI.,., Mlka DIMa..., PJ Taona!n-., Stan Priea, Uld Matt. Wallo aajoy thalr fr.. da, la tha d..art tosather.
Ahu 2: waab of liard work -.ad ..niea to tha peopla of Boliria, tha loliYia ..nicacroap bean thall..t to latll... tocatb.ar oaalatt ti... bafon th., a.¡ buk for ho.a.
The Renai..anu, Paire i• • howca.ed by Brother Richard and the many member. of the auction committee.
e OF lASAlle
Coen Spea"'er for the Father Son Banquet, Chri. Matth•••, .here. e meal with motmbers of the adminlnratloll alld Men of La Sellot.
The podium na.er looked or .ounded.o good AI .hen Michael M..han dali.ered hi••cceptance .peech for Yearbook Editor. Pren'" and Dana Worthington, Bill and Jackie Toner and Jim and Bridlat Brulln ar' eagerl)' a.altlng their tablot number to be caUed at thot Mothotr Son Communion Breakfan. . .. .~3;;iiii;;
The Ne. Mothotrs Tea i. the perfect opportunlt), for MC Pruldent Sue Mi'dller to greet Jo.nne Treac)'. Alum. of tb' da.. of 1982, Kevin O'Connor, Prulden1 of the Me.. of La San" and Prank D'Orallio, r,connotct at tb' fruhman fathen' welcomot.
This year our Mothers' Club and Men of La Salle went medieval on us with this year's auction: ~A Renaissance Faire". Thanks to their tire-
less dedication, the ladies and lords transformed our school into a Renaissance fair ground in only a day's time! Everyone was taken back to a time of kings, queens, and knights in shining armor. The event was co-chaired by Gerard Plourde and Sus...n Dearolf. The annual event is the largest fundraising event for our school each year and with the help of our mother and fathers', and the generosity of parents, alumni and benefactors, this year's auction was a great success. Mike Meehan '12
A proud mom~nt for both Mall hnmuman and grandfathu, Mr. Ciccimaro, DIrector of th~ Fine Aru.
CiJhert Hendricks i••0 prood of his v_olson Rid! Andrews that he ca... to La Salle to 'pend the da, with hi.. and .ea tha mool fJrt:t hand.
Connor IIli:!! Tramo ~ gruu hi. grandfathu with aD ~nthu.i ..tic hugl
H.ppy to be in tbe arm of thalr charming grand.on Matt Mag... , ara Alma Mag•• and Marie Jack.on. Tom Johnlton i. in the but company with Peg and Vince John.ton and Marian Cline.
Fruhman Ryan Buchan- ~ an i •• o ...cited to get out of 3rd period. to .how hi. grandmother Carol Gall...k, around La SaU•.
111.1 1]) ])1~ \I]:
''What aJowed our blood drive to be successful was ny, a weIspring of brotherhood that wi expand beyond our campus to revitaize those felow people M10 are in dire need." Ryan Herbert '12
AI,.. Weber lo."Cifllll blood .lmod.1 IInu:b •• b.loy•• to min .oml dan tim•.
Kyl. Stan.I.,rlled that you caD't C.t Italud for teztU:r.g wiota ,ou're liYine blood.
Cormac Hoffman puctic.. hi. th.atar ~r forman'e; and now thele..on on how to look lik. ,0" an abo..t to bint. Do.. an,ona know if Cormac ia ..rio... or jokinl? Connor K.rrilan .taya dronl and prov.. h. can take a hit from a lineman aa well aa a prick from a needle. Look do.. I think he I. holding back a tear.
A. PUllag Mark Hi.mler II feeliDla UUla
after hariDca pint of b1004 takan fTom him.
Tim Fickelub... buUi out hi. wilden mo"n whil. bti., back.d up by Jack MiII_, R,a. HouiHtrt, K",rill McBride, alld Milt. 'i.eopo. bp-IIIuur OJ Jade Mill.
b.uu Ollt ao•• rII,an .hil• . .dn hfPRod•.
•• tI
EIIIft Karatu nmJDU .. of lb. importance of giYiB. Ddt..• throuCb our allIJIlJli dun.
Persoaal .~u i. obriolUl, Ilot a. IN,,. wIo.1l fOUr hfllDotbed, . . d .........t:r.ted lty Tim fickensher, Cormac Hoffman, and Chri. Kaight.
0tU and COllDor K",rrl,a. bout •
..... App.reoo, uncial ulI1e.d to _ _ iajariu," -w.ltDCH Ity I'....'......uC••.
TOIa M...... olookine ..ather pbilolJOpbIc.aI .. b. ~I.i.. hU huiChu to Jo.e· tlo.aJo Roberti and CJ BurduJitl.
Mik. DIMesu geu the ...,dJ"'DC:I 1,,_Iftd ill th. act . . b. jRDI,.- of( tb, ltaC' to begu. danci.Bg b. the trowd. Jim Hill, Core, Bal.da, Mik. RKk, .Dd Dnw Helbling GaD't .alt to gat th.lr ......tbaU ....dwlc.h ...d
....01 (1'0...
Brother Dave.
Fred GerngrOI', Jaffrey Sdoi,I., ",...11. 81••k_, Rob 51l.1li-
.arlta,... Nick Ow...., ...01 Olear CriaB and PO" I.,. for. tba, begift their h ..lor Nlillt futl..ltl...
PJ Acierno .''11 Sha..e Kan.n dig iato th.lr wonderful ......1 that e..... Dy btuJty ...emben took tima to mak. aad
Sun Burk', Kn'la Mclrida, Ron C On th,i.. fia... hopl", that tha" ItaJI
pellottJ, ....d Co....,"1 Spa. fO'CuI int.ntl, k.....d of moa • ., .ppear in th.lr ... ada.
Joa Mc:Carry mak•• all... to tha.k Mr. Clark &nll Brather
8ill (or all tb, work th.., Pllt i. to S.Dior NICht.
He.dial th••atoural. of Wi"g 80wl Ch oa Pat Hoff......, Juoior J ....a Voo.. I eb• ..,. orith • .,odf...iou. battl. cry. S.alor St.deat Coa.ell Ift.Glbe... b••Ie ia woad.... of thei.. fi... lwlal bowl.
While preparial the field of wi.., co... bat. Se.uo.. Stude..t Couaeil Me...ber S.... 8a..ke ...'. ..g.... wi..gto Iei..dl. th.w.r.
8.ari.., coat...d... PJ T.onll.i.D.., lNalo... Mile. PI.· copo .nd Pat FlJlul--who .pp<lre.. did..'t tb. ........0 tbat thn: i...·t th.10'.--let the crow. roarl..,.
W i hi. badg. of hoaor hot-lN.c. dr.ncb.d Pat Hoff a I. Iloriou.ly crow...d Wi"l 80wl Victor for 2012.
POOR Mll'ccuppeR 0----------------------------------
Th. Poor Man'. Sup""1' w.uld...'t be colDplete with- li_~~-", oat the be... tiful bowb Io.a.nd. crute<! by memkn of til. u·
, ....ia-d....
The c:el'&.III.iu da.., r.pr.· lented b,. Cor....c: HoffaulIl, Nidi Dal1, ...d D&.II OiMucia, as ..... al .ent aho•• &.ad ....,.nd ill. duicnillCa lMa.tlf..t bo.l for lb. ram. tick.u.
Th. pnparniolU (or tb• •upper iou:.llld.. l_theriDC tb. buad. wblch ......111 br."" to,ether . . . La Salle (...11,. Will 0.1....,. .nd Jobn Nee.r..., ."C'C.d 1ft the In/;.UallateUect...llnottl....., who c.n flidl the tab off tb.ir Sprite can flrat.
g.o,,7< l"" - - -
N .... Miller I.bon ma.., hOllrl for .11 t.he prepping 1......1",,,4 in Poor Ma..'. Supper.
- --- -
'-#fIl SS
Left: Students reflect with other volunteers at 8amelli House after a long day of work. Right: John Breslin poses with volunteers at SameIIi House.
Dennla Harp, JOII NeC......,. ADt.h.III, Stice., _d J .... Ca' mUli n••d a lDome.t to pupa".. Hfora d ••, nart workingat br",am Hou.e. Darnall Artie and Mr. Demp.., get to know aome.p-andcomu. at the Athlet.. He'plng Athlet.. gam•.
R,aa K.lkbr~llll.r aarut......alllia( at tho ehriat. . . Liturp.
Cbria Clllrtill.,..... altout lb.....0. of Adnllt Ihu-!.,. P"AJ.r 5......1(•.
Tyler Kora a.d. hi. lI.u tuia. th• • •reb of lb. IO'H ....1 "Wb... Y_ Look M. I. til. E~." to h•• rt.
Tha, milhl not b. on tb. 4.oe.noor .DJmort, but tlt..t wOlllch.'t Itop Emr. Kantat: ...el Anth.a, BUOIlOmO from .bowiD. tI",•.irmoY••. Si.ca d_dll, tak•• IIIp IHt mu.dl ,redo... ....rrJ. Vito Scuttl, I!chli. Dn-H., and hi. obta aHd." to taka • lu,.ak from tho acti.a.
BnltJr..r D......., ....11, n.,.,tl... to C.U. MRrth,',I••lHta OD how to dOIlII•.
V.I.,.tl...', DI,. ••, Itill •••• k
but lood 01.' bab., Capid Itr.," Mik. IIIJii Mullin and hi. d.t•• Iittla ..rl,1 ~
Wiater Formal I•• I,.. t time for old
~ friend' to reconnect, ... ,how. by Tom Mallia, Matt Volp., Anu.oa, BaOD.-
IDa, DaDa, FinDe,ln, I ..d tb.lr datu.
Nkk S.IC..I, Emmett Gro.., Pat Ib1e, ...d AI.,. Weinrich, Ind th.ir datu dOll't . . . t • • n, time makiD, th. molt ..ut of th ..lr lut La Sail••latn for...l.
Uk,a.ia....chaDg", duel."l legor Cer••,nltnko ••dtedl,
a.alu .,.. t.rin, hi. fint La hUe .lalU formal wblt. Mr. Turoltr and M•. fourth. ,am. over to II' h.1l0.
Th. wh.t., formal brought .mll.. to th. fu.. of Mark Chandler, Kevin O'Donnell, S••• hI..:.IIIIO.h, Pruton Murr.y, Ind th.irelat..; howe...r, th.. DJ mUll not have played Cormac Hoffman'. favorlt •• 0111.
Th. dlnce bad.'t "'v"'•• tartad but Mlka C.pra", Cbri. Fruzatta, Bill M.tbl., Ou'a Kot.nn.Id, Ricky S.ncba., .nd tbalrd.ta. wara.lI ra.dy to gat down on tha daaca floor.
Kaitb La., Robat CiI·
n.., Nick LaMort"',
J . . K.II.y. JB Brady, .lId th"'lr d.t.. t.k• • hra.k from baiol tha Ii.... of th. p.rty for. mom."t to ,at th",lr pboto .p.
• ••
enter to learn
'Wlth Mrs. Maher at the helm, we roared through pep ralies. tlUgates, student council meetings, and hours of brainstorrnirlg..:' MaJcoIm FIym '12
I've never been convinced that Student Council could do much good. Then again, I never thought it could do much harm either. When the year began, we had no idea of the magnitude of what we had signed on for. With Mrs. Maher at the helm, we roared through pep rallies, tailgates, student council meetings, and hours of brainstorming in the little room. What we got? The most active and awesome student body we could ask for. While everyone can't technically be part of Student Council at La Salle, this year it seems as if they
have been. Eager support from kids and teachers
Nidlo..... Pl..... DU, E.re K....tu. BUI TODer. Se.ft
B.,,"e. Nick "ath.....ftel Malc:ol. FIY'''' help o.t witll Fre.b...ft Orient.tiOD.
Malwl.. Flyna. Em... Karatu. M........ch.... The E.· plore.., Sean B...k •• anel Brother Ridla ..eI po•• fo .. a «Dick piet.... in the front nf tbe KIlool.
''Student Council has been able to bring renewed spirit to academIC· "'e II' and athletics ... CI",e."
helped move along every job and activity we've sponsored, and the ideas keep rolling in. Thanks to the cooperation of the student body, the Student Council has been able to bring renewed spirit to academic life and athletics alike. Because of an enthusiastic Student Council, a supportive faculty, and an excited student body, this year has been one for the ages. With more to come throughout the year, the Student Council is on a roll and can't wait for the rest of the school year to unfold. Malcolm Flynn '12
f ~
r,- r
Th. NHS cerealo", if; -...I•• pedaJ bJ the (0-.1....iD... lnl tale.at of .. aiOI" at Ja.,k i=i.Il,llwarth uull_.lon Mark Cb...dJer & ...1 Ke...u. Groo.....
Mr. "a..dIU'" aDd JoI .... Maher ".nerat.lat. J ...io.. WID Mbdoler for offldally rft..I....iaC hi. NHS pl•.
Th. buutiful alld loud 1'oiu. of the Ilew HHS illdllcteu ar. h....d th..oughout the .ym at th.y .Ing the 0p,"lng hymn du ..lnl th.llld'llctiOD u ...moay. A proud Mn. M.rch•• e .nnounce. the n.m•• of the n'w m.mb.n of the National Honor Soci.ty.
Fr. JaBton, Wa..k BIIJlk., CJ Viola, aBd Chrbo appla.d th mben of NHS, convat1&latilll dOl ... On thel .. hard work a..d
m. B
wi,hiDI th.m 18<11: iD their a<ad.ad< un.,..
wr OIT
I.A!il\I.I. A~I !iJ:U\I [:l:
Service is truly at the center of a t ... Sallian education. t«uic.-itind Through the many hours of service the young men at La .. h3I ..... It; Salle College High School provide. it is easy to see how tUlorirlg the numbers add up to over 95% participation of the stu- \H\I Md ~ dent body, in some way during their tenure at the school. 7VU1 It; \.II ..... g It No matter what a student is interested in or when he is available to particip.ue there are always options at the Ii ~indt,OI1 ready as service activities are offered almost every day""" .... 'bl: of the week. Service events inc:lude: visiting the elderly,
at a
tutoring young children, helping at a KenSington home-
less shelter, sharing food and converSdtion with the men '-
and women in Center City, participating in collections of food and clothing, making sandwiches or pasta dinners. An additional perk of the service programs is the flexibility; students have the option to create any service activity they want, provided that enough people are willing to p.1rticipate and it is approved by the LSC. Service has always been a large part of being a student of La SaUe .and it continues to grow every year with more opportunities being offered to anyone who is willing to give back. -Kegan Moesta '12
·W• .tllu- p.,klDI up ..... with Tk••bJiriaJ food for Fau to Fa". in G.rmaato.D, tatoriClI.t La SaU. Aud.m" or olf.rial food.nd ,o...rutlon On StrI!at Outra.do, .tad.nU, fuuh., and .talf <:an be found pro..idla. Hr..iu molt cia,. of the ."koo)
Tbe Sacral S.at. pro,r.m Illchul. . . .boppillC d.y to buy toy••p.dflcaUy cbolila for p.ti.llt. at St. Cbri.tophlr" Ho.pit.l. Oper.tio.. S.nta CI.u. Illdud. . . d.y .t Archdioc..... b ••dqu.rt.n to wrap ...d taccUti for f.mlll.. I... fortll t •. To ••, it I. b.tt.r to &1.•• th... to r.c.ly. I u..d.ntateme..t •• dud.llt. who d.J1YIr th.glft. to.1I of tb. childrt!n will tt!II~'~.~.~.~_ _
Archdloc..e of PbUall.lpkla I.thenll tJor-. tho........ Ciftl to c"a to tha chllllr.n from .ud, fa..ill... LSCHS proYI"ali O"'r on.tho....-lIoftho.alifu. Tbaiusalt . . .bar of Cifu ci...... ad taam. di.tribatial oa Cbristm.. l"e w.re from La SaU•.
"service has always been a large part of being a student of La sale and it continues to grow every year with more opportunities being offered to anyone who is wining to give back:' Kegan Moesta
A beautiful butt...fly app.." on Taylor'l fau complimentl of the artbtry of Ed aausda.
Fr..hmao Branch Out Day "American Gothlc~ - La Salle Ityle Pathe,. and 100' gather in tha auditorium before leaving for their day of ....vlce. Moderator I. Mr. Lew Clark.
Nid< Ow,ik ,.,ra.ad", the ,tud."t bod, witb hi, ,tdlar ,tyllng.ln the '0"1, Stardlilt.
Mik. Koern.r .tring. lip bl, flolin, and _ _ hit: 'pedato", with bit: ,kill,. _~"11'
Mr. C intnHf_dnC La SalI.', • •,kaJ tal.aU.t th. J ••• A. . . .bl,.
._Ollr dtrack
As you venture past the pit into the performing r--.-------------, just incredible ensembles but dozens of well-roundarts corridor, you cannot help but notice that music ed students. La Salle fosters a music program unlike is eternally in the air, whether it is one of six bands any other. The band can be found at school events rehearsing during school, one of three extracurranging from football games, to alumni functions, ricular ensembles. or just students artistically takand some students even represent La Salle in diocing advantage of their free time. From funk, Latin, esan, district, and state bands by audition. La Salle's swing, rock, and show tuncs, to bebop, an endless music program is unique in many ways, and it never fails to impress. variety of music consumes the department headed Teddy Ryan '12 by Joe Ciccimaro and Joe Vettori. Mr. C, Mr. Vettori, and their supporting music faculty, develop not
Mr. C, Mr. Vettori.
and their supporting music faculty, develop
not just i1credible
ensembles but dozens of weII-rolI1ded
D.""y FI""..." it ~rtl
f",.dY", for th. CbritbaAi C.,,-
Pat May ...d the I'flt of tho P.p load I"''''t pote"t:Ia1 t.. Sall. rtadâ&#x20AC;˘ .,u to the ochoal dllriB, 0.. Ope. Ho.... from tb......ftop.
The music program at laSalle is absolutely incredible. Consisting of five rostered band classes, two very successful competing bands, and some of Philadelphia's top instructors, laSalle's music program is pretty much the "Al" of music programs in the area. laSalle's music program would be absolutely nowhere without Mr. Ciccimaro and Mr. Vettori. Both Mr. Ciccimaro and Mr. Vettori provide inspiration to all of their students, constantly teaching them the nuances of music and how to make the instrument a connection of one's own voice. The music program has been the best part of my time at LaSalle. Prom meeting new friends to competing in area jazz festivals, LaSalle's music program has helped me as a musician as well as a person in growing through many different experiences. The many jazz competitions I have
participated in have made me realize the joy of sharing music with others and improving at it more and more every time. In addition to the jazz festivals, I have also played for the many functions laSalle hosts, whether it is the Freshmen Father's banquet, a Mass being held at laSalle, or the Spring Musical. These experiences have not only increased my appreciation for music, they have brought me closer to my friends in the music program. I have made great bonds with my friends in the band through our musical experiences together. For me, the band program has been my favorite part of LaSalle. It has helped shape me as a person. I would be nowhere without it. LaSalle's music program is simply the best, no question about it. Nick Owsik '12
Th" award-will.inC rhythm ..(tion Irae.. th" .pectatou with th"ir p..r" tal"nt.
LIoh Band'. very own .-..phone Netlon kilb the eompedonl
Trombone . . .ter ChoU Mele .hock. the a.¡ die...ca with hit tro.bo..e .kill..
The La Salle chorus is one of the highlights of the r---------wonderfully diverse La Salle community. Mr. Mark Norman leads the three distinguished branches of the chorus; freshman chorus, upperclassmen chorus. and the Belcrofters. Each chorus performs songs from various musical backgrounds including African freedom chants. rock and roll. and even some number-one hits. The chorus is given the opportunity to shine twice a year, at the Christmas concert in December and at the spring concert big in May. One of the great things about the chorus is that
'11 may seem tacky to say,
but chonJs is certainly one family."
it is a scheduled course that meets throughout each cycle depending on which chorus a student is in. In addition to practicing the songs and honing musical talent. a sense of brotherhood and respect is always evident in the room and Mr. Norman is a great role model for al1 of the 5tudents. He leads all of his students into a positive direction, going far above and beyond the traditional role of a music teacher. It may seem tacky to say. but the chorus is certainly one big family. • Kevin Groome '13
Clton. b.'t."" .....t dllJUo', It', abo .k.t lIlarill, a ...1101.. tOil of hual
A, 'Oil call Un by Matt Vol,.', urio.. fa«, till.. t .. llor chOral b lIlli'.lltl, practi.llJ t1Iili ... Ilaidoll of ~Na, It .... fro.. TIl.. Lor. oftJo.IUIl',.
ria, ...
Brin,ln, back da..k .howt..... i. all La • 11.,'. work for t.h. bat:. chona., workin, 0" t.h.Ir 1'. . .1...1 of ~Do Yo. Hear t.he Peopl. Slnl?" from Lt. Mi..... bl... Th.,rln On Ooul Mltehl.'. r.ee bn't b.eall•• he 10.... char••, but buau.. h. flnall, fin. 1.10.11 that hom.work In hi. tap!
Pd. Allt.rl d... n't to reclprocat. AI.a Cuod'. f•• Ung. a. h. trl.. to r",.I.t hi, h"C.
Jo.h Graham and Jack Mill, IHltinl out a tane a. Mal< aad Tito. Jo,h Grahl.. dad In a puffy black ...11 .nd black face, a le'lament to the truly farcical nUare of the outrageou.l, funn, .ho....
Upper ORbl'" Hi,t. Sdoool j....uor Ary... Barn mootia, dI. ao...d a ••U. d.riD, ker perform. u Diana, th.l.adia, pr..no ia the Cle.e1 d Grand Opera Co.p y.
r com 'dy that rone ar
E: 'rr
1..]:)1]) 1\1]: l\ i]:)I1]l~ This year, audiences were treated to four performances of the fast-paced, upbeat and hilarious farce: Lend Me a Tenor. Written by Ken Ludwig and directed by La Salle's own Micky Dominick and Mark Norman, the show tells the outrageous story of The Cleaveland Grand Opera Company in 1940 and a fateful performance of the opera Otella. The world's greatest tenor, Tito Merelli (Jack Mills '12) is set to perform with the company, but arrives hours lat~ with his fi~ry and jealous wife Maria (Amanda Shur) in tow. Head of the Opera Company, Henry Saunders (Matt Volpe '12) vents his constant frustra-
"fast. paced, pbeat U and hilarioUs farce"
Graham '13) who dreams of stardom, while Henry's star-struck daughter Maggie (Sarah Killian) conspires to spend some time alone with her celebrity crush, Tito. Julia (Devin McGinn), Chairman of the Opera Guild can barely keep her tiara on straight and the company's leading soprano, Diana (Aryssa Burrs) will do anything she can to be a big-time celebrity. All the while, Frank the bellhop (Cormac Hoffman) is just trying to gel an autograph from the great Merelli. Throw in a little too much wine, a mistaken suicide note, some black-face make-up and a little lingicre and the result is a comedy that no one in attendance will ever forget
tion on his awkward but dependable assistant, Ma.;X:...::(J~O:':h~=====::;;
Upper O.blill j•• ior Oeri.. M'Gi pe '12 u He.. r" t.b. Cbairwo Guild, r"po,t1.. o1,.
u Joli....d M.tt Vol-
d H•• d of t.b. Opera
Mu: (Jo.h Gr.......) ...d Hoary (Matt Vol,.) 011 top of a p d Ollt Tito (Jack MIIII) wbo" .cl>edaJod to porform 0 tale.
Matt Volpe '12
'The ain of art is
not the outward appearance of things, but their inward to
" begil with an idea
and then it becomes sornetI*lg eIse." Pablo Picasso
2D art. comes to Fe l
...... .-
13t\I~liI~I[; It ])l~t\ \\'I~I[;
'TMJe art is
characterized by an ilTeSistibie urge in the creative artist" Albert Eilstein
'1f art is to IlOlIish the roots of
euture, society must set the artist free to folow his vision wherever it takes him."
Jotv1 F. Kemedy
''Co!oIa' is fiat, coIolr is just pIai1
gorgeous, a goLnnet
meal for the eye, the wi1dow of the SOlt"
Rachel Wolf
"How paitting surpasses r--'"'WI""-.....aI human works by reason of the subtle possibilities wtIich it contains."
Leonardo di VI1Ci
" saw the angel in the marble and carved LI'Iti I set hill free." r.tcheIangeio
.............._.,..,.......-"...,.".......,.....--.... .â&#x20AC;˘ ----e............ '. .,
Writing for The Wisterian is a unique opportunity ,-------------,everyone, and occasionally, one or two may even at La Salle, and for those that enjoy the process of spark a debate with members of the student body. writing, every author gets a chance to see his work As a writer of numerous opinion pieces over the past published in a real paper every month. It's a widefour years, I've seen this happen with my own writopen experience to anyone who wants to give it a shot iog from time to time, and I enjoy seeing the effects - even if it's only for a single issue. The paper doesn't of what I have to say on the student body around me. focus on any singular issue, like a regular newspaper, Being a part of the newspaper is something I won't the topics are diverse. The stories inside range from soon forget. Rob Johnson '12 basic school-wide news. to sports, to video game reviews, and to politics. There's an article inside for
'There's an article inside for everyone, and occasionally,
one or two may even spark a debate with members of the student body:'
Mr. Janda lIl..-peuu IoU l.n"aI.abl• •lIrice .pon th. n'.'paper .t&ff
Malcolm 'Iran oU.n hiJ IUliq•• p.npectln o. _hat 1IJ. A'rtia.. he tJobokl ....t
r j nc
iJre r
rr 1'-. rr
UI..lJJ: It [;111..)) When I went to my first yearbook meeting I knew I was hooked. With a staff as nice as could be, I felt accepted right away, from learning how to photoshop to going to every La Salle event to take pictures, I know I will be on the yearbook for my whole La Salle career. Since I've joined yearbook I've met a ton of new people and, in fact, tried a lot of exotic food. With Mrs. Haggerty and Mrs. Seeley leading the charge to finish the yearbook we know we are in good hands. Even though typical yearbook
a yearbook together. It
takes dedication,
meetings consist of browsing social networking sites like tumblr, and flickr we all know when we have to get work L
E....n Walsh, the _nduf-l photOJ,.pher for the yeerbook takIU plet.,IU.f the MKCU te. . afte' Khool one da,. Colia. M.rtha. E..... Walsh, end Jimm, Prind..aJle fini.hinC.p their ,earbook pac...
done and know how to do it. When I joined yearbook I didn't realize that when I came out of it in a couple of months I would have a completely different t"ste of music. From Jimmy Princivalle introducing me to Mumford and Sons to me showing him thatshowtunes are actually wonderful, yearbook rocks! It takes a lot to put a yearbook together. It takes dedication. hardwork, and a Jot of pizza. Yearbook has been the highlight of my freshmen year, and I wouldn't trade it for anything. Colin Murtha '15
'1t takes a lot to
hardwork, and lot of pilla"
a J
The Engineering Club is a student-led group of juniors and seniors dedicated to using scientific analysis to solve problems throughout the La Salle community. In the past, the club was responsible for the installation of a new energy management system to curb powerconsumption. Building of this success, the group's new goal is to develop plans for a solar panel array to be installed on the roof of the school. Students have spent the last year
'1nvestigating the real workI science and economics of renewable
gathering data on weather conditions and project costs in order to deliver a presentation to the Board of Trustees. Moderators of the club, Dan Cipolla and Kelly Minton have played an integral role by guiding the students as they investigate the real world science and economics of renewable energy. Matt Volpe '12 and Shashi Masireddy '12
Wh..... tlI",.. . . .IIlMn of tlI. d.b ...... naadi.1 .ow will bopd.U, M c:o".....d witll.olar palM" I .......tin' ... trD for tlIe .choot o.U't ,ear.
_a_,.--_.<--, ...... __._ ...... _-. ClI."C"",-_
The 2012 Mock Trial Team kicked off the season this year with the solid intent of making a run to states. The team was built on its upperclassmen strength this yearby being fronted by six seniors; Joseph Vasali, Kevin Long, Alec Reimel, Kevin Maginnis, Andrew Saba, and Stu Gihson. This year's case dealt with an environmental concern regarding a company's expansion into a potential habitat of an endangered species. The team, well prepared by practicing from October thru January, was tenacious
r-,1he---Mock----li-rial-.----,goinginto the first rounds of competition. The Mock Trial group was separated into two teams, and both group was battled bravely in the courtroom. One of the lwo teams
ed into two teams, and both battled bravely in the
S.D.i... K...iJa LonclNinClililutioneellJ, JlUlio.. Bri.JI La· Gr~. A.pparentl" Sri.... C.JI't h.JldI. 1.11. t.-.th. S.,nion M.,c
a.i...,I, bel
cOJlfid.nt .bout l.1I.i.. perfo
S.ba, .nel Joe V••oli look QU In th.i......Qt
advanced past the preliminary matches all the way to the semi-finals for Montgomery County. Despite losing leadership in its seniors, the team looks forward to next year and building off its experience. Thomas Schmitz '14
The Lab Manager Program is a unique technology , - - - - - - - - - - - . . , of technology. They also gain networking experience team at La Salle. Every year over fifty applications are From fIXing problems, from hands on work with the multiple servers that submitted to join the team of the top tech students in or teaching others. La Salle has. After working with this program, our the school. The program gives La Salle students the members become skilled with computers, and people. chance to have hands on experience running a real students The Lab Manager program at La Salle is one of network. leadership and a kind. The students are given the opportunity to Students work together with the Mr. Sigmund and run a network that consists of over 1,500 users. The Mr. Bonner, to maintain, upgrade, and man.1ge the skis, team of young men work together every day with the network throughout the entire school. From fixing wei ~e common goal to make L<I. Salle the best tech school in the country. problems, or te<l.ching others, the students gain
gain as
leadership and te<l.ching skills, as well <l.S knowledge:;;;;-:::;:teclmlog:;:;;;;;;;;;y;";;;;;;;
MI". P.tu SII.UDd wol"k. wltla S.nlol" Lab ManaJu C.J. BUl"d.li. to dial.o.. an i.... OD the n.....nion of Windowa s........ I". Mlk. C..... n.o and Will Mluhler dJ.IDO••• (omputer baU. whll. on • Communlt, Tuh..r ... Trip to N.w JUDaal.,m.
y r fgrD:1p
• Sellolorl Phil Radom.kl and Rob Summerhey. prellt"t the 2011 Chri,tm.. Buyan' Guida Spedal Ab.hind·th.-utinu view of WEXP bafor. the .how .tart•. Even lh, anc:hormin are ,I...py during homeroom!
Bill Ro.. elHiJ.lIlIy operate. th. cam.... lulowUll tla.t ,rododaJ the .h_ ,ad! r.,llin. u. h"lp of ."'l'bodJ' fa tlo••tullio. Matt Volp. actin thlll, from camera c
UlI_ .......,.r. oIlnetiD' " ..."'...,to I..t-mh•• tl! Kript chan,u
• rr r
La SallE' College High School offers a full range of stu· dent activities both extra-curricular and co-curricular. While the student activities program attempts to more
fully implement the school's philosophy, the program also has several specific objectives. The student activities serve to: provide experiences that meet and develop the academic. physical, social, and religious needs of the student body; provide leadership opportunities for students; provide wholesome outlets for the expression of
"Over 82% of all La Salle
students are involved in at least one school activity."
responsible ideas and opinions: help build a better sense of community and the need to serve in the community; help develop the value of cooperation and responsibility; help develop interests in activities that become lifelong pursuits. Over 82% of all La Salle students are involved in at least one school activity. Participation develops closeness, a family atmosphere, and a more vibrant community because of the student activities program.
ladluliD, fool! _4 d.ri.alI en.... tb. ,arddpatioD!
u. •
d.b ....tlD......u, la-
FUm CI..b uk•• La Salle to th.IDOri...
Thl. , ...... Club D.. y w....dd.d to the c..lendar. H"Yin, tbit tlma perlod ..t ..,ida (0" c1.. b. help••t ..dentl who w.nt to ut.nd • club but t ..an'po ..t ..tlon 0 .... thletln do not pe..mit them to .njo, .. n art.rnoon'••ctiYIt.,..
Fri:lll.H CI..b h
Sall. pl• .,.u.
lato ... port with La hut othe.. Kb. .I•.
"Participation develops closeness, a family aunosphere, and a more vibrant community"
Whether dub. areln.ide or out, .hldenll are
al.a,.. ba"lng 'lin.
A acMl.IQ r'IlCb,. al.a,.. ba'lO.eb04,. 0"1 th. JTD...d.
n rJ
las r
. .-H
[:I.UJi!; The student actMties serve to ~ develop interests in actMties that become ifelong pursuits."
'ThIS seasoncwas exciting to say the least Wecwon alot of tough games coming from behincb ancb always founcb ll.> way tocmake'blgtplayscwhen wemeedecb them" Connor <'Kerrigan ¡12 -I enjoyedxplaylng under the leadership of Sean Burke and.> the rest of the passionate seniors Because of their fearless attitude. [ looked.> forward.> to those brIght lights In the fall They wetemty grldlron'brothers lDad.> Poquie "13 "As Q1 team"",e really over achleved.>_ W~ad.xno superstars.mo divas. Just playedxwlth'heart Every game we gave It everythlngcwe"hacb. even thoughcwecwere 2 games short.mot ll> Single one of us saw thiS season as ll> fallure_" Ryan Otis -12
.------------------_ ... _........ _._._ ... Co....or KuriC." ....t. off â&#x20AC;˘ dd...du AI Tim Wad. tr.t.... O"U aD SJP tat.kln, 1....iDI othnl ti.d up ...d tDmbling.
w '"
North Penn
Bergen Catholic
'" -'
West Catholic
Bonner- Prendergast
Roman Catholic
'"u -'
""~ 0 0
.... i!=
'" ~ >
Neumann- Goretti
Father Judge
Archbishop Ryan St. Joseph '5 Prep
Father Judge (PCL.)
Roman Catholic (PCL.)
George Washington (D 12)
Nazareth (State)
North Penn (State)
"This seasonrwas exciting to say the least. Werwon alot of tough games coming from behind> and> always found> 9.> way tom'lake'blgcplayscwhen wecneeded> them, Connor ~rrlgan '12
·1 enJoyedx'playing under the leadership of Sean Burke and> the rest of the passiOnate seniors. Because of their fearless attitude, I looked> forward> to those brlght Ilghts In the falLThey were<my grldlron'brotherslDad> Poqule ·13 ·As 9.> teamrwe really over achieved>. We"hadx"no superstars,mo divas. just playedxwlth"heart. Every game we gave It everythingrwe'had.>. even thoughrweewere 2 games short.mot QJ single one of us saw this season as 9.> failure: Ryan Otis ·12
Not .ven a fiyilll H.wk Can bring dawn Mik. Piuopo.
Conllor Kerrigan ...al. off a defender a. Tim Wade truck, over an SJP tackler, leaving adler. tied up and tumbling.
~ North Penn
g; ~
Bergen Catholic
Bonner- Prendergast
Roman Catholic
23-21 33-14
w w w
West Catholic
Neumann- Goretti
~ ~
Father Judge
Colin Buckley .hi,dd, QB Matt Magarity at he .crambin down fi.ld .
Archbishop Ryan
St. Joseph's Prep
Father Judge (PCL)
Roman Catholic (PCL)
George Washington (0 12)
w w
Nazareth (State)
North Penn (State)
>105 Immediately after the end of the 2010 football season, reporters and spectators outside the LaSalle family began voicing their doubt about the 2011 Explorers. The skeptics claimed that La Salle lost too many key players to make a serious run in the state playoffs; some even said that the Explorers would fall in the peL playoffs. They claimed this year would be a ~rebuilding year~. The team took this to heart and went to work in the weight room ready to prove that desire and passion could take them to levels that no one thought they could reach. This momentum and work ethic carried right into the season allowing the Explorers to storm to an 8-1 regular season record while going undefeated in the peL. The best was still to come. LaSalle marched through the first round of the PCL playoffs against Father Judge with a huge game from
the offensive line and senior running back Tim Wade. Next week was the defense's turn to step up, holding the high powered Roman Catholic offense to only 6 points and giving LaSalle its 4th straight PCL victory. The Explorers breezed to their 3rd straight City Championship over George Washmgton and got ready for their biggest challenge yet in the State Quarterfinals against Nazareth. La Salle won this game in epic fashion with an unforgettable 4th and 1 handoff to Tim Wade that turned into a game winning 56 yard touchdown run. The next week LaSalle fell to North Penn 21-14 in a hard fought game full of huge hits and big plays. Although LaSalle was one big play short of reaching the State Fi~ nals again, the 2011 Explorers will be remembered as a team that came together, played with passion and pride, and refused to give up until the final whistle blew.
Tyler Kern pow!!n through th!!Judg!! lin!!.
_.. __ ._
Sean Burke '12
Winning the PCL. Division and> City Championships emphasized> that La> Sallecplayers''hard>cworl\..and> determination can overcome the lacl\..of superstars.
Var.ity aDd JUDior Vanity FroDt Row: CODnor KerrigaD, COIiD O'Hara, Man Maginnl., Vine. Sacco, Pat Flynn, D.n Wuyl!!nko, Matt Magarlty, Sean 8uJ"ke, Tim Wade, Mike PI.copo, Rlchi!! Storck. Suond Row: Jimmy HerrOil, Kolby Steill. COllnor Ruch, TyleJ" KeJ"ll, Ca.ey Illdell.hink, John Palenno, Dillon Smith, Mike Pino, Tom Flnll!!gaD, Tripp KenD!!y, Shane Carlin, Jordan M!!achum, Ryan Muvu. Third Row: RY.II Seill, John Blankenmeyer, Nick Mazl., George Ulrich, FraDk Fergu.on, Jllon D!!nora, Colin Buckley, Devin M!!rrin, Christian Ciametti, Nick McShan!!, Zaiu FJ"ankHII, Vito BJ"lcd., Brelldan Daly. FouJ"th Row: AnthOIlY Camponile, Ch.rlie Newen, Kaherdin Charlu, Ryan Win.low, Chris Rocco, Chris Kane, Andrew Halton, Mike Elfe, Sam McKell';e, Tom Spiteri, Alex Jonu, Mike KhoeleJ", J.lsholl ThOJ"nton. Fiftb Row: Corey LeJ"Cb, Pete Brookto, Luke Persichet¡ tl, Jared He..rmann, Johll Matthew., Trent Simmons, Andrew Eidelllhink, Wllli.m Maguire, Jamil Lawlmo..e, Andrew Carlon!!, Joe Vanelli, Nick Buckley, Ryan COOllaban, Patrick Hoffmall. Si.tb Row: Stl!V!! Hud.k, Amir FUJ"man, David Givens, Tam.J" TUJ"neJ", Dad Poqule, Dave Losiu, Joe Pod..aza, Tom McClaill, Bill FJ"usco, John Naji, Ryan Calhoun, Mick Barrett, D.ve Geppert. Back Row: Colin MacDougal, Antollio Pel...I, Tyler Falloll, Joe Fr.l!!r, Rlekwon Ca.weU, T'I'J"one Dean, Matt Laudadio, Vince Cicale.e, Levi Davia, Matt R.clak, Tim McElroy, Brendall O'DollDel1
l=nI))l\\' )IIliHi l.IliHi!; Under the lights. on the field> or in the stands arecwhere many footballeplayers and> fanseprefer to'be.
Mike Koller anddp.tu â&#x20AC;˘ pe.. that will ultimately n"ult in ... touchdown agalnlt MOD.lgnor BODDer.
Joe P.... u and Am;r Purman go to. to toe with the defen.iv.llne.
Hail La Salle we prai.e thee, Honor and tribute true. Great and bright your .plendor, B.nner of Gold .nd Blue. Loyal 'on. we'll uer be, high we'll hold your memory. Hail La Salle, our Alma M.ter, H.il, .11 h.ill The "";pert hand. of Colin Buckley are poind to "Itch .nd carry to the goal line. Ryan Win.low .uc",..fully placel the b.1I above the Judge defender. and through the uprighu for the e:atra point.
-Gamescwearlng the La.> Salle Jersey were the'bestcrnoments ofcrny Hfe. [ amNery grateful for'being able to win a.> state. 3 pel titles and.> city champlonshlps,'but<belngcpart of Ii.> team thatcwould.> do anything for each othercwas something speCial: Tim Wade '12
·Over therpast 4 years. the BUys on the team'have created.> a.> strong bond.>. We used.> this to'help us'be so succesful. La.> Salle football'has given me some grearcrnemoriescwhlch Icwl1l cherish. lcwant tOlWlsh the<program luckJn years to come: John Palermo '12
._--------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------.
FRBSHMAN TEAM Front Row: Ian Mitchell, Tyler Carroll, Aunln Stout, Se.n lIeIia, Mike Cron", Zack Carroll, Antonio S.ntilli, B..ett Robert., Chri. Ciliberto, Mike Corcoran, John H.milton, Gary Blue, Second Row: Bri.a Buckley, M.tthew W.lI.ca, Tyhir C....on, Ian Mdnto.h, K" ..ln T.vol...o, B...nt W.de, G...g Konieuny, J.ck Qui..k, Antbony D.d.rlo, U.m White, Junin Cro••, S.ntino D'Angelo, M.tt De..• n.r, Ju.tl.. N.ylor, L.nu McDermott, D... M.rtino. Third Row: Sean Collin., Rob McL....n, Owen Dougherty, Micbael Spulul, Ja,ob R.inh.rdt, Ch.rlel Hemcher, Mich.el S.v.ge, Ry.n Pa.qu.rello, Nichol.e Lintaer, Peter CoUin., Pl.tcber G...dy, M.tthew St"o..e.., Thom.. John.ton. B.ck Row: Joe G.tto, Chrinl... Plcofa:d, Ry.n Brady, M.tt PI.ck, Jo. C.po..i, Fra..k On.rm.n, Zach Drake, M.tt Lomb.rd, Nick Torb., COllnell Mullig.n, Ricky Beaver, Aid.n Kerrlg.n, Rob Skrown.kl, A.J. C..el••,k, JIl.t;n C.mp.n.n., S.ntino Peluei.
Was it the goals? The spectacular plays? The stellar victories? What made this soccer season so special? After beginning the season nationally ranked, the Explorers came out early with a target on their back. With a squad full of seniors, they looked poised to make a run deep into the PIAA playoffs. Early success and continued improvement led to an incredible year. The Explorers finished the PCl season allowing only one goal in all of PCL play, a goal that was conceded in the PCl Championship against Father Judge. They followed that victory up with a District 12 Title, a first ever at la Salle. In the first round of the PIAA state playoffs, the Explorers faced Hempfield, the
defending state champs, and lost a tough game. Along with tremendous team success came some individual achievements as well. Coach Bob Peffle, in his 25th season as Varsity head coach, recorded his 3S0th win. He had the pleasure to coach 6 all-catholic players, including Darius Madison, who was named an All-American. The senior laden squad set the tone and provided a lasting example for all the teams to follow. Emre Karatas '12 The PCL Playoff game agahut Lan.dale Catholic hu Cbri. Pa.low.k! in control of the ban headed for goal.
After beginning the season nationally ranked>. the Explorers came out early with SJ target on their'backs.
Khri.ti." H.II.t"n. three Father Judge player. a. be run, up field with tbe ban perfectlybalancad bat..,een hi. feetl Chri. Pa..,low.kl .nd Darlua Madiaon tnil for H.II.
Pirat Row: Tylar Gimbel, J ....... Schuck, D.rlua Madlaon, Chri. Pawlowakl, Bmu Karataa, Ma. Breltm.,er, Do..â&#x20AC;˘ aid Nueef. Secood Row: Matthew Baaara, Nichol.. M.ther, Khriltian Han, Frank RIl..o.....no, Dillon Pierce, Matthaw L"cu, Jack Oual"'g, Hlkola", Freedma.". B.ck Row: Craig Klkaodall, Andrew Knowlu, Billy L"ca., Andraw Schleve, Beo Wild, M.rk Gnaela, Jamu Greako, Cbri. McCrea, Jord.n Santora. Mining from photo Leonardo Romero
-Play to theCbest of your abilltyandxwlthChard..> work....and..> dedication yow wlll'be successful: CraIg CJQ.kendall "12
-Soccer at la..> Salle wascmore than a..> sport. Together thetplayers werecmore than a..> team" Wecwere a..> family" a..> unIt that couldxnot'break., pel &. DIstrict ChampsI" Leonardo Romero "12
With two minutu left in regulation and the Icore tied Mark GraaelaandDylan Pierce doae in on defenae during the peL playoff.
-My Dad..> always toldxme that theepros don"t love soccerCbecause they are good..> - they are good.> because they love soccer and..> [ train every day like a..>tpro: DarIus Madison "12
Mu: Breitlnayer forgeu be il On offenae al he waiU to take the ball from Nik Preedman while Jamu Gruko and Emre Karah. begin to panic.
"West Chester Bayard Rustin _Pitt Central Catholic St" Joseph's Prep landsdale Catholic Bishop McDevitt Holy Ghost Prep 8>Father Judge .,CardinaIO'Hara Central High 4!lArchbishop Ryan Conwell-Egan Neumann-Goretti .Archbishop Wood .,Bon ner- Prendergast .Roman Catholic Archbishop Carroll landsdale Catholic (PCl) .St" Joseph's Prep (PCl) .,Father Judge (pel) .George Washington (0 12) .Hempfield HS
3-1 2-1 2-0 4-0 6-0 1-3 2-0 6-0 2-0 2-0 6-0 7-0 1-0 7-0 4-0 5-0 4-0 3-0 2-1 3-0 2-0
The Explorerscwon the PCL ancb the PIAA. District 12 Championships.
Ttlt i.,t from Dilloft Pierce puta th. b,1I wh.... th. mOn tha. upabl., foot of Darl rot.diaon finda th. goal. Th. Phil.d.lpbi& Catholic La.g... hubcap I, Jublllantly ralnd In tb. air by the ..nlty team dter beating l'ath.r Judlaln overtima.
Matt ....r.l. far .bout tlla co.petition cbul.,. h ••d 11.11.
A hooming punt from Leonardo Romero c1ea... the hall from the goal. Senior .o"er player. real men Weal' pink, Don Nauef learn SJP defender. with hi. rip. Jim Sdlu,k look. On U Nick Mather carrin the hall forward.
·Youxwllkmlss 100% of the shots yow damot take: Chris PawlowskI '12
-The day of a> same there Is Q) freedom, an excItement - a> pure adrenalln rush - from the flrstm10ment In the classroom, until the last second; on the same clock••: Dillon Pierce '12
Front row: Mike Price, Chip Kindt, Nick RUllomano, Jeff BeeUy, Ryan Bu,hanan, Matt Sachetta, Second Row: eddie ea,on, Liam Campbell, Matt Pino, Connor Hogan, Muon Comtoit, Juon Dandy, Oave Del GrOIlO. Back Row: Matt Coughlin, Spencer Coate" Matt Mag",e, Dan Corr, Evan Morgan, John Curra.., Jimmy Galallo, Clint Orm.hy.
·The..-process Is the soaL Every..-practlce Is spent worklns tocperfect the process.~vln Quinn '12,
-After runnlns for four years, I understandlhow actions speakjouded.> than(Words· Alex Chrostowski '12.
The donknit Vauity boy. huddle up for a .hort prayer and motivational ,plllc:h d,dievered by thier captain Tom Coyle.
·J'have felt so1-\onored.> to have run(Wlthcmy friends, and.> I am'blessed> I set to do It for another(Whole year" Tom Coyle '13,
From the moment tbe gun goe. off (left to right) Jac:k Magee '13 Kevin Quinn '12 Brendan Bilona '14 Tom Coyle '13 Matt Greco '13 are on the hunt to win,
. . _----_._---
LaSalle Vari.ty Boy. con.i.ting of (bac:k row) Tom Coyle, Jack Magee, Fiac:hra Mc:Dermott, Gu. Marty, Andrew Stone, Matt Greco (front row) Will Delaney, Ale.. Chroftow.ki, Kevin Quinn and Brendan Bilona celebrate after blowing awa, the competition at the 2011 Paul Short Invitational.
09/14/11 AR, AW. CEo FJ, LC, NG
1st place
09121/11 AR. CE, CO, FJ. MB, NG
1st Place
09/24/11 Carlisle Invitational
2nd Place
09/28/11 AW, CO, FJ, RC, SJP
2nd Place
09/30/11 Paul Short Invitational
1st Place
10/05/11 AR, BMc. MB, 5JP, RC, WC
1st Place
10/09/11 Manhattan Invitational
ht Place
10/12/11 AR, AW, CE, FJ, LC
1st Place
10/22/11 PCL Championship
2nd Place
10/28/11 PIAA District Xil Championship 2nd Place 11/05/11 PIAA State Championship
7th Place
>113 The 2011 Explorer's Cross Country season once again proved that the accomplishments of such hard-working students extend beyond the classroom, and certainly, with regards to this year's XC campaign- beyond the realm of the Philadelphia Catholic League. Success, something that seems natural to coaches Mr. Bielecki, Mr. Devlin, Mr. Horvath. Mr. Demeter, and Mrs. Seeley, greeted the team with open arms as they traveled throughout PA in search of a State Championship. This year's captain positions were filled by Alex Chrostowski, Kevin Quinn, and Tom Coyle. Certainly, the combined work of the coaches. captains, and athletes would lead the team to victory. At the PCL championship, the freshman team ran their way to an outstanding 4th After all impn..i.... ,howill' at the Carli,l, i"ri¡ tatio.a1 the Vanity t .... c:ro....b aro...d th"ia.t haHalo for .. ric:to..,. pic:.
place finish. They were led by Michael Phayre, who rocked the course with an impressive time of 18:27. The JV squad secured a 1st place finish with impressive times posted by Fiachara McDermott and William Delaney. Finally, the varsity team consisting of Tom Coyle, Andrew Stone, Matt Greco, Jack Ma gee. Brendan Bilotta, Gus Marty, and Kevin Quinn fought their way to a 2nd place finish. With a remarkable 15;56, Tom Coyle broke the school record at Belmont Plateau! The varsity squad moved on to finish 2nd at the District 12 Championship, simultaneously punching their ticket to Hershey. At States, the team finished 7th, which makes them one of the only teams to finish in the top 10 over the past four years. Indeed this year's season was a most excellent portrayal of dedication and athleticism; however, the best is yet to come. Alex Chrostowski '12
.~ . ..... I .
Cross Country ismot Just a> sport. it is a>'brotherhood.>. For every time yow step on the line yow'remot only running for yourself.'but also for your teamcmates.
C_do Billedd tOQU all hit: fri,.1b to hll"illaho.t th" latllt hantware hi, LaSIII, xc hop pidtad. ap fro... the W_hattall I"ritatiollal ia v_ Cortla.adt Park. V....ity T.... fro... lift t. riltlt iad.d., To. eo,I", K"ri.Il Q.iall, H.ad C_da Mr. Bi.lecki, AIldrew StOll., Bn"da" Bilotta, Watt CroKo, Jac.k M.''''''' .....d C.. Nut,.
When the race is on, all'bets are off and> LaSalle is always ready to shock..competitors and> live'by Coach Bielecki's famouscmotto",
A crowdl!d fi.ld of (ampelitofl I. Ii.tening for tb"ir favorite worde .. Get .... dy, ..,t, GOI"
Pluhr.. McDermott and Alell Chro.tow.kl team lip and prepare to take down the weaker competiton.
Jed. Denwin dig. dnp in.ide .ad ."citlngl)' (ini.het hi, lad ero.. country reCl! of high fehnol.
Dan DaMuda and Mark DeSanti. work together to ~on'l"er aelatont'. f)agpol. hill.
'It is an<honor to'be able to run everycweek..cwlth the 8uys that [do' G Matt Greco "13
Andrew Stone and Tom Coyle get p.y~h.d up for the PCL Champion.hip raCt. Supentar Tom Coyle redeving hi. well duerved MVP award after .haUerlng the lehool'. SK re~ord.
'Cross Country Is the ultImate test of<human character" lack..Magee "13
Andrew Stone i. now a pro at the SK and make. run_ ning look e..y. -~------------------~---~--~-----------------------.
The fruhmen breathe a .ign of relief aftar fini.hing their final
ra~e of
tha ....On.
The La Salle water polo season started off with great expectations and looking to improve from last year. In the preseason the team showed promise with four returning varsity starters. As the season progressed, everyone began to play well together and the team was soon able to anticipate what each of his teammates would do during the game. In many of their games throughout the season, the winner was decided by one or two goals, resulting in miserable defeat or thrilling victory. After many grueling practices and morning lifts, our team was ready to compete with any team in the state. At the state tournament, they faced North Allegheny, Wilson, and Souderton. After enteringas the 6th seed in the tournament, they
looked to improve their standing. First the Explorers played North Allegheny, an exceptional team, but La Salle played hard until the end, losing by only two goals. The Explorers kept the game close the entire way through, showing other teams that La Salle comes to play. In their next game they defeated twotime defending state champions, Wilson, the biggest win of La Salle's season. A loss to Souderton in the last game of the tournament finished out the Explorers' season. The team grew very close over the course of the season, and is proud to say that the 2011 La Salle water polo team finished 6th in the state. Alex Cranch '12 The tum hlen lome time to .tntch .nd joke .-round before theyhalllt to get back in the pool.
•..... _._-_._----------------------------------------------------------------------------------.----------------------
Thecwinnercwas decided>'by one or two goals. resulting in miserable defeat or thrillingcvictory
The team g.the.... .-round the pool wana. Coach Dunch•• kie and Coach Cunningham give .ome In.puing piee.. of ad"'u. That ad.. i~., win.
patTi~k Plnla, b .. rlou.l, focu.ed a. he gou Into the huddle during hi. metch.
Bunden i(o~h pu.ber h1m...1f up and out of the water bdore be take. hi••hot.
a Joe Gorman ..,.,chllll for IIIn open mllln before he pallllll the hlllll to One of hi. telllmmlllte., Alu Crlllnw gOIlll in for the .hot . . . kid from the rlvlIIl tum IIIttemph to block him IIInd tlllk. the bllln.
-ltcwas Father's early mornins doughnuts that led..> us to states" Ryan Barr '12
"Success Ismor JUSt based.> off an IndivIdual but the entire team __ Matt McCrudden'12
,-----------------------------------------_._._---._------------- ---------------------------------------------------.
Front Row: Colin HIIIPP, Dougt.. Mitchie, JOIII Regan. Nick Stlllch.l. Jimmy Mona." t ...o, Thom.. Conro,. NOlllb Letuv.ge. Lllke Chadwick, and Hlllrrbon Schll1tâ&#x20AC;¢. Sack Row: Mod....tor Pro Tony JlllntOn, H.llld COlllch Mr. Dunch..ki, Cabri.t LaBelllll, Kyle McElwotlll, JB Budy, Ryan Bill". Nick Derma, Chrb Lo.ler, Bobby Bernllltlllvit_. Alli.tlllnt Co.cb Mr. C..nnlngh.m, lII..d Maluger Reid Wor.ter
Front Row: M.tt Chllldwlc", Nathlll. Eno, s.... Regan. Plllt Finlay, Jo. Maginni., .nd Chulle FormlclII. S.cond Row: Mod.r.tor Fr. Janton, D.n flltck, Pat Dougherty, Enn Hold.... R"lIIn Bur, Brendllln Koch, IIInd Eric Bridgeford. Blllc" Row: Coach Mr. DUllchllllki. Scott Stone. Eric Schultll, Ryan Po.plaU, Mllltt McCrudden, Ale. Cunch, Tim Duker, JOlt Gorm.n. Chri. Madi.on. Alit, Coach Mr, Cunnlngh.m .nd Man" ager Reid Wouter
This season, La Salle's golf team had many up and downs, but they finished strong and won the pel championship. Early on in the year, the team struggled mightily, losing matches to the Prep and Roman by more than ten shots each. The team turned it around by mid- September though and started playing better golf. As the practiced more golf, they really began to come together as a team. At the championship, La Salle played very well and defeated St. Joe's Prep and Roman to recapture the pel title. Bringing the peL hubcap to PJ Whelihan's to celebrate with teammates and other LaSalle guys was one of the best memories of the year. The team was led by seniors PJ Acierno, Frank Worthington, Morgan Do h ertyand Ai d an Hami Iton an d juniors Joe Markmann, Brian Fischer and John
Mastronardo. Underclassmen Jack Gregor, Joe Reuter, and Gary McCabe also played very well this year. Head coach Mr. Jackson and assistants Mr. Diehl and Mr. Carabello were crucial in returning LaSallegolf to its winning ways. The team did not succeed in its ultimate goal of winning LaSalle's first state .:hampionship, but, nevertheless, defeating one of St. Joe's best teams ever in the PCL Championship was still a great suc.:ess. In addition to that, the team grew closer and more supportive of each other. 2011 was a great season for the La Salle golf team: they brought ba.:k the PCL title and had a lot of fun along the way. Frank Worthington '12 On the rolling green. of Whitemar.b Valley Coun-
try Club, fruhmen Gary Mr:Cabe and Frankie Srlgid;e taxe. bnak from golf to work On their tan .
â&#x20AC;˘.... _._--------_._----_._---_._--_._ .. _--_._._. __ ... ----_. __ . __ . __ ._---_._---------_._-_ .. __ ._----_._._--_.--_._-----
Bringing Home the Hubcap The golf team atOpl for a ulebratory photo aftl!r Inatr:bing the PCL title at Edgmont Country Club. SacJc Row: Head Couh MI'. Juklon, Suve Hladnuk '13, Frank Worthington '12, Srian Fllr:ber '13, John Maatronardo '138< Juk Gregor '14. Second Row: Joey Rueter '14, ModeratoI' MI'. Carabello, Coar:b MI'. Diehl. Front Row: Gary McCabe '15, Reid WOl'lter'14, P.J. Aderno'12, Joe Markmann '13 & Robert Dougberty '12.
Syncbro.i.ed golf II tbe but way to pr.ctice if you pia. to wi. the PCL.
'We suuggledl dUrlng the beginning andxmlddle of the seasonC"butepulledl together tocwln the pel" PJ Acierno ·12 -Our golf team Is aAJunch of goons that'knowl'how tocplay. We'have fun and> wln.momeedl to'be serious when you> can do<both at the same time Mr Jackson does get Q) little madllftWeChave fun andl lose.lbut it all turns out ok..,.tWhencweewln the Pel' John Breslin ·13
It mu.1 D' a. C. .do JaduOD Ii &II inl"piralioDal',....:.h to hb ,olfen, .ho an wllIIDiDI iDteDtl,.
-1[tWas Q} great four years andxwlnnlng the PeLcwas an awesomeeway to go outAdam Stefanowicz 12
L.c:ILiI, Rllli4 Wonler b oul of thlll W&, of thlll 'prIDkJer• .. hili i. p.attiDI.
1.<lnsd~le C~tholic
• Archbishop C~rroll Archbishop Ry~n
• St. Joseph's Prep Archbishop Wood
• Bonner-Prendergast
• Bishop McDevitt Conwell-Egan
• Roman Catholic
• Little Flower
• Cardinal O'Hara
• St. Joe's Prep- PCL
• Districl12 Championship
gj !;:j V>
n 0
"" m
La Salle Basketball had a tough year compared [0 its recent two, finishing 11-13 withour staple victory of the year coming against three-time defending Public League Champion Imhotep here at La Salle.lmhotep had been undefeated in Philadelphia City play in the last three years. On this night we were down most of the game and despite our inexperience we were able to rally and put together a big overtime victory. Then there was a stretch in the season where we lost five straight games. This is where our resilience was shown. We went on to win three of our next four and started making a small push. Down the stretch of the season we faced another speed bump and suf-
fered a big loss down at Father Judge where everything possible went wrong. For the home playoff game, the students did a unique thing called silent night where they remained quiet until the tenth point. After that it became a circus for the remainder of the night. Eventually, our run was stopped by Carroll by way of a four point loss. We fought in this game and at the end of the season our heart and toughness could not be questioned. Coach Dempsey always dedicated gave it his all and will surely be looking forward to returning four starters next season. - Darnell Artis '12
Senion "hoop" it upl
La> Salle'basketball iscmore than just a> sparr
Front Row: Manager Pruton Murray, P.t Coonay, DarDen Artia, Amar Stuku, PJ Acierno, s••• Dougherty, A.ron BurtoD, Man.g.r Dan Spinelli. B.ck Row: H..d Co.ch Mr. Jonph Oemp...y, Gerard Brett, M.D.ger Z.ck Scheier, M.nager Jobn Shielu, Matt Mu~hy, M.tt Rodden, Al•• Cuod, Stephe.. Smith, Ry.n Wi....low, M.lik Janlfer, Co.ch Mr. Bill Donohoe, M.n.ger Ricardo Di••, M....ger Rob Gillin, M.....ger Joe Looby, Co.ch Jim Sheedy, Co.ch Ben Campettl
'lQJ Salle Basketball'has
taughtcme alot about Ufe thecperson I am todayt'Wlthoutcmy teammates ancb coaches· Sean Dougherty '12 ~ouldn-tCbe
• ·Play for themame on the front of the jerseymot the back...: Steve Smith "13
o....-n ArtI. ahoou • flo&ur _ ConweD dd"cadcn flJrlWO!
'Name onecperson that look!fbetter In tee specs' Cohn Buckley "12
Miltt Iloddbo'. p<U'fKt "GOp.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------. Th. Sutll iliaD .IIo••d .p ID foru and iD C,,tum. for Sil.Dt Night. Th. crowd ••nt wild w;tll .....ry bu".t olin St...•• Smith .hot th. :I to put L. san.. o.er 10 po;Dtii. Matt MllrphJ h .. a perfect an •• II. go... for tll.:I with lb. cut of ch.ncteu l.pportiDg IIilll -
as<holastic Tip OffTourn
..Souderton Senior High
fl5pring- Ford
62·39 62-54
(IlCouncil Rock North
Malvern Prep
flArchbishop Ryan
New Media Tech
West Catholic
flRoman Catholic
",Cardinal O'Hara
undsdale Catholic
..5t Joseph's Prep
Archbishop Carroll
56-69 71,58
Bishop McDeVitt
"Father Judge
Archbishop Wood
Fuher Judge
.Archbishop Carroll
Not as many dunks. Not nearly as many fans in the crowd. But the JUnior Varsity and Freshmen Basketball teams provided plenty of excitement and plenty of victories this season. The Junior Varsity basketball team had a successful campaign with a final record of 16-5. Coach Donohoe was very pleased with the overall play and improvement of the team throughout the season and relied on juniors Alex Cuoci and Jon Naji to lead a team of two freshman and eleven sophomores. The team started their schedule red hot rolling off seven consecutive wins before losing to a powerful Neumann-Goretti squad. The team only lost four more times before finishing the season with two straight twenty point wins. The Freshmen Explorers ran the table, go-
ing undefeated at 21·0., first time in a decade. Highlights of the year include a 63-35 win at Germantown Academy to open the season. The Explorers overcame an 18-8 halftime deficit at Wissahickon to win 32-25, behind 17 points from the team's leading scorer, David Krmpotich. They survived a 44-40 win at Lansdale Catholic, behind leading rebounder James Dougherty's 12 and 10. La Salle played two hard fought, intense games against Wood. Charlie Hemcher, who led the team in assists, steals, and blocks, scored 11 points to lead the team in the home win.
Jim... y Hltrron jumping up to nou a
tbru pointltr
.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------at tblt Mal"erm n. ta SalJlI'gamll'.
e\~IJ) I]~I]:
I w... t gll'tlllI'ft behind aI Amu StOlle... lecep. tbe b.1I far from tbe hand. oftb. opponent driving for the balket. Shawn Withu.poon gracefully glide. for two ag.inlt the Cru••dll' ....
OUllt.ndiog pl.yu, N.jea W.U., going up for. thr•• pointltr at lb. Judge VI..... S.lIe g....e.
Hud Coac:h Mr. Alex Brown give. Ian minute onl, hi. pla,er. undentand.
-Basketballlsemyepassion. PlayIng andxpractlclng this sport'helps me relieve tension and>'helps me relax. Wlth'hardxwork....and> humbleness l'belteve I can"help thecbasketballeprogram'be great In years to come' Najee Walls. -The La.> Salleeprogram emphasizes the team,mot the player,emore than anycprogram J've'been a.>epart of and> taught me'how to UStmny talents to help<'brlng out the<'best In<'lT\Y teammates.Dan Carr
ProDy Row: Jo.eph Splendido, Matt Piuo, Kavin Croaier, Pat Meenan, Cary Blue, Pete Mutroc:c:o, Jared Hood. Bac:k Row: Hnd Coach Mr. Ale>r Brown, KeviD Tayalo_ ro, aweD Dougherty, Nidi: Cat.alino, Sean Collin., Jimmy Herron, David Krmpotkh, Jame:. Dougherty, Matt Deuner, Peter Abdalla, Charlie Hemcher, Diln Corr, Mike: Spului, and Allutant Coach Mr. Tom Mc:Caffery
ProDt Row: Nic:k Ku'h, Mic:k Barrett, Seiln Creenberg, Joe Deandrla, Shawn Wither.poon, Kitt "Najee" W,Il•. Bac:k Row: Coach Mr. Bill Donohoe, John Nilji, Lang.ton Ellingnon, Zilc:h Smith, Jalen Herd.man, Ryan Wood, Alilx Jonn, AI..: Cuod
The La Salle College High School wrestling team has earned the reputation of being one of the premiere wrestling teams in Southeastern Pennsylvania. The team has earned this distinction by competing in some of the most prestigious tournaments in the country including Beast of the East. PowerAde and Escape the Rock. In addition, the Explorers are four tim@ Philadelphia Catholic League and District XU champions. For the 2011-12 season, the Explorers boast a 15¡3 team re<:ord. ranking them as one of the top ]00 teams in the state. As a whole. the team compiled 315 individual wins on the mat. 138 of which were by pin. During the 20]1-2012 individual
post-season, the team advanced 10 wrestlers to the regional tournament. Seniors Matt Cimato and Casey Kent further advanced to the PIAA state tournament and medaled 4th and 3rd, respectively. The team is looking forward to <:ontinued success as it is only losing three seniors this year - Matt Cimato, Casey Kent and Brian Pflanz. All three will continue their wrestling careers at the college level, wrestling at Drexel University, University of Pennsylvania and Elizabethtown. Casey Kent '12 A masterful throw by Greg Konienny has a McOeyitt wrutler.pinning for th.. ground.
-------------------_._ ... __ ..... _.. _---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ancbcpinning another District XII championship
A proud moment in L.'l Salle Wreltling hi. tory with C....y Kent and Man Clmato. Coach... Anthon, Pa..uren. and Richie Gebauer are an .mll... with It.te fini.her. Kent .nd Cimuo. C....y Kent pl.ced 3rd .nd Matt Cim.to 4th.
Tbe opponent of Patrick McGinl.y will be off of hi. feet .. he i. hken down. The rd......e r.i.... Bry.n PA....'. h.nd ita victor,. a 'U... e wit..e.. ed very often in Brya.'. care..r.
~ 125
-I'have learned" alot In thecwrestllng room fromcmy coaches over theqJast few years, Butcwhat I cherish the most are the IHe lessons. A.soodxwor~ ethic. good.> discipline and..> thecwlll to succeed.> can take youxvery far In wrestling andJ all aspects of llte,Bryan Pflanz '12
The referee give. the pin to Antonio Peluli early on in the lit period, S.I Andeuon'l upper bodyb.l hil vi~tim headed for th.. mat.
¡Wrestllng Is one of the only sports where yow can't'blame a> teammate for your loss. It takes a> lot of determination. dedication. and" desire to'be a> greatcwrestler.lt"s only yow andJ the other guy, youxwln yow !lve. yow lose yow dIe." Matt Clmato '12
-------------------------------_._._ ... _._._ ..
Pront Row: Coach Panlarena, Coach Bucha, Coach Whitham, Tim Walker, Steva BUlhold, Bill PrUICO, Caley Kent, Antonio Peluli, Ryata Brady, Nata Buo, D.d Poqui., Mik. Bow.n, Iohtt eim.to, Kolby St.in, Co.ch nencer, Coed> Geb.uer, Back Row: Chru PUlce, Greg Koniecany, Mike Madonna, Mark Rounbehler, JUltln Stout, William Schoeta, Sal Andlrlon, Bryan POanll, Patrick McGinley, Ryan Buchanan, Joe Sullivan, Andrew McLaren.
"This seas mews" a> once In lifetime expellence.cwlth a>
once In
lifetime team We
came together early on and.! set a.> goal of EU state championship andxnOCbodyewu going to get In QUfeway Thlscwas Q) great team that'has glven all of us
memonescwewilimever forget' Andrew ClQ.ng 12 "The La.> SalleChockey team IS made up of'brothers Over the past -4 years IChave lormedJ
speclai'bonds and.> frllmdshlps wlthcmsny ofcmy teammates : am so grateful for shartng
these unlquecmomenu('wlth all of them¡ Matt WHhams 12 I"ve'had.> the'best tlm!! ofcmy
Hfe<plyalng'hockey for LQ.I Salle The puck canoa. down tho ice with Matt Willi.... i. par,ult,
the last 3 years )"11 always I~": have all the greatrmemorles ,f winning 2 Flyers Cups ancb lU state champlonshlp l8.J Salle hockeyrwlll continue to'be the
In the region¡ N ~k...Popofl '12
.----------------_._-------------------The Vanity Hock., tea.. I, .1 ia the .tate a. th., pole with tho Stato Cha..ploD.hlp h.nner and troph"
~ Father Judge 0!-i!J):: Roman Catholic .... ~ WyommgSemmary St, Joseph's Preparatory Roman Catholic i:j Portledge School o Gloucester Catholic :z: Father Judge ~ Holy Ghost Preparalory ~ Cardinal O'Hara ..... Cathedral Prep Bishop Hendricken Mount St, Charles Winter Clanic vs Malvern Princeton Day St. Peter's Preparatory Hill School Lawrenceville School Malvern Preparatory Wyoming Seminary Holy Ghost Preparatory St. Joseph's Preparatory Delbarton School Cardinal O'Hara Cudin~ OOHar.l Holy Ghost Prep.uatory Bethel Park (State) Cardinal O'Hua
11-3 J.O
5-0 8-3 4-0 3-2
2-1 1H 7-2 9-4
w w w w w w w w w w
54 4-5 3-0 2-0 10-0
5-0 83
4-2 6-1 6-0 6-1 5-1 9 1 8-2 6-3 6-2 8-2
Nick Muter I. nad, for the fan oU.. ,j... t drop the pllck alnadJ.
The 2011~2012 La Salle Varsity AAA Ice Hockey team once again proved their dominance on the ice with another outstanding season, which proudly honored the great La Salle name. With hard work and determination the team strived to be the best. This year the ice hockey program is lucky enough to graduate 6 AAA seniors: Andrew King, Matt Williams, Nick Popoff, Justin McKenney, Pat Hanrahan, and Jason Lombardi. The Varsity AAA team finished with a fantastic overall record of 22-2, which included thrilling overtime and shootout victories. The team was able to achieve perfection in CathoGoalie Andrew King .how. the focu. that i. needed to Itop puck. from entuing hi. domain.
lie League play when they defeated Cardinal O'Hara to finish the year at 12-0 in the league. Another terrific highlight for the team was the High School Winter Classic. La Salle was lucky enough to participate in the first ever high-school holiday classic held outdoors at Citizens Bank Park. [n a rematch of last year's Flyers Cup victory, the Explorers defeated Malvern Prep 3-0. The Varsity squad entered the Flyers Cup playoffs with the first overall seed. With a heavy dose of leadership accompanied with the experience from last year's team, the squad was able to once again claim the Flyers Cup and more importantly the State Championship. Jason Lombardi '12
----------------------------_._-------_._----_._-------------_._-_._------------------------------------------ .. _. __
The team. armedxwith years of experience and.> leadership. using dedication andJChardJcwork-.,cwas rewardedJcwithcvictories at the Winter Classic. Flyers Cup and.> State Championships.
Front Row: Brett Supi...ki, Nick Popoff, Colin Charynyn, Ry.n Williama, Matt WilHam., Kevi.. Charyny.., Collin Gu.t.bon, Andrew Romano. Back Row: Nick DeSimone, Nick Malten, Ju.ÂŤn McKenney, P.t H.Dr.h.n, J ..on Lomh.rdi, RY'D W.lten, Andrew Grajew.ki, Tim PeoU, Brend... J.qu.y, Mike P.Ie.H, Andrew King.
it\l,I)I[; Ii ill iHl: illl' the explorers <proved.> this season that they are unbeatable
The uo,eboard at the Winter CI.... i' tell. the .tory of a team that turned .way.1I puck. from th,li .. net.
Juâ&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘, number 6 i. wOrn proudly
by Nick Popoff. J".t;.. M,Kennll' and t,ummau put pr...,,", On the goalie.
Although outnumberd 2 to 1 the uplonn find the net. Mike Puc.li On • break.w.y he.d. for goal. The ..nior. were Ollt in fane on.11 three te.m, bllt with their leader.hlp tbe Ilnderd...men will continue to dominate.
·Coaches Wally and.> Nolan have developed.> La> Salle Hockey Into Q;I dynasty In the state of Pennsylvania> and> I am lucky to'havelbeen a>epart of It: FrankJ3lust'12 Tve enJoyecb the 4 years of hardxworl\..dedlcated.> to the hockeyrprogram and.> learned.> two thlngs:rworklng'hard> Is everything and.> Coach Qulnn's practices are to'be learecbl" Chris Helenlak..:12
Front Row: Nick Quigley, P.t M.honey, D.nny Farrington, Nick Kuter, Nick P.,d.· DO, Kavin O'Donnell, Jim Dougherty. Back Row, Coach Shl.,l., Conor McHugh, M.tt Br.uckm.nn, Gerry Foley, Gerry negnan, C...y Cumpltone, Jon Blult, Eric Bo..l, Bry.n Dunton, Co.ch L.....lg.
'Lets get It. Phl11y, Jersey. Delaware!" Nlck...P'Orazlo'13
-ltrwas Q.> great seasonrwlth lot of awesomeonoments. WeChave some great young talent. and.> axpOSSlblity of 9.J championship runmext year' Drew Volz '13
Co.ch Phillip. gather. with the team •• they gat p.yched for the m.tch. Vou c.n almo.t hear Patrick Ea.Iey'••cream ~La Salle"
-WeChad.> 9.J decent season thls year. Wecwere Q) young team. onlyChavlng 1 senlor.'butcwe stlllCheld.> our own In the pel.· Joe Heldt '13
Ted Duker and John Mueller ara the "phruhman phenom." hoping to take tha team to the champion.hip during their time here.
Patrick E••l.,'. form look••triklng a. he COmpletn hi. approam befor. r.,I...ing the ball.
Roman Catholic
'" u
Vl Father Judge
St. Joseph's Prep
4-0 '-0
Cardinal O'Hara
Archbishop Wood
'-0 '-0
Cardinal O'Hara
'-0 '-0 '-0 '-0 '-0 '-0 0-0
Archbishop Wood
Bonner- Prendergast
;0: Holiday Tournament C
Archbishop Ryan
Snowball Classic Roman Catholic Conwell-Egan Father Judge Bonner·Prendergast Archbishop Ryan St. Joseph's Prep
The 2011-2012 La Salle Explorers Bowl~ ing Team was a group of men with a fire unmatched by any other team in the wmpetition, Steve Faunce, who organized the team for years, left his coaching position to Will Phillips, a graduate of La Salle College High School, who motivated The Explorers throughout the season. Thanking and honoring Steve as a member of their own family, the Explorers parted ways with their previous coach, and continued the season as if he were still counseling them. Despite this sudden change, the Explorers found themselves comfortable early in the competition due to the strong bond between teammates and the newly acquired guidance of Coach Will. Juniors Joe Heidt, Nick D'Orazio, Drew Volz, Jason Yoon, and Anthony Silvestri, A 7 - 10 .plit on thll' lane h., Joe HlI'idt'. full conu,ntration.
along with singular Senior Patrick Easley, re· turned to the team to guide fresh recruits on the path of success and to personally develop as bowlers. This year's additions consisted of Juniors Kyle Stofb and Kevin Lynch along with Freshmen prodigies Ted Decker and John Mueller. These new players aided in victories throughout the season, though no win was more prominent than the day La Salle Rocked the Prep and took all four games, a day which La Salle Bowlers will never forget. Throughout the competition, Mr. Steve Daubney ferried the team to and from our home lanes, giving fortifying the teams morale along the way. The entire team, with the exception of Senior Patrick Easley, will return next season with the promise of placing first and sweeping the competition, achieving glory in the name of the Explorers! Patrick Easley '12
These guys'hang arouncb alleys'but stay out of the gutter.
Moder.tor: Stll've D.uhney, Co.ch Steve F.unce, Andrew Volz, S•• n N.....n., Jo. H.ldt, Ted Decker, Anthony Sil.....td, Mr. Dauhney, Moderator, Steve Faunce, He.d Co..:.h, John Muell.r, Patrick Butey, Hyle Ston., Nick D'Onaio, He"in Lynch, Joon Hyuk ~J.. on~ Yoon, Will Phillip. Head Coach.
It may have taken four months, thirty swimmers, five coaches, two managers, one priest, and countless laps in La Salle's Olympic Natatorium, but the Explorers again managed to win their fourth consecutive District XII title and an unprecedented twenty-fourth PCL title. These great achievements were not reached without hard work, however, as the team trained in the pool in the morning, after school, on weekends, and every day during Christmas break. La Salle's veteran team was aided by an influx of new talent in the form of six freshmen and a junior. The team grew closer and faster as the season progressed, time and time again proving its mettle against the
toughest opponents. With the team's league dual-meet win count brought to 185, the senior class (captains Chris Szekely and Eric Shultz, along with Luke Maguire, JP Kelley, Ryan Murtha, Scott Stone, and Ryan Pospisal) leaves proud of the work they've done representing La Salle over the past four years. However, with numerous juniors, sophomores, and freshmen ready to pick up the torch, we feel confident that the best years of La Salle swimming are still to come. Ryan Murtha '12 Greg Rogeu i. guping for .ir .. h••wim. the 100 Buttern,..
Pront Row, Ry.n Murth., Colin H.pp, Gr.g Rog.u, Vine. Il....rm.... Nick Stac:h.l, IIrlc: Shult., Joe M.gi....I., Ry.n Po.pllU, S.... Reg.n, Tom Walker. Suond Row: Moder.tor D.nni. Bloh, Sc:ott Ston., Mlk. Mc:Bry.n, Kyl. Mdlw••, Chrl. Mc:P••k, Thom.. Conroy, R.id Wonter, Augutln. M.rty, Chrl. Saekley. Luk. M.guira, Brend... Koc:h. P.t Pinl.y, H••d Co.c.h Pra..k Lic:htner. B.de Row: Luka Ch.dwic..k. H.rbo.. Shult., Jam•• p.lmer. JB Br.dy, Matt Ch.dwic:k, IIrlc: Bridgaford, Ch.rU. Pormic:a, II...... Holder, Bobby Sp••••, JP K.II.y.
"My<'Weapon Iscmy'body My element Iscwater My world.> Is swimming" Evan Holder "13
·Yow gottaxwant It" Sean Regan "13
Ry... Marth. u utoQi.h.d .t the tim. h. ,ot I.. the 200 I.dlrid.al M.dI.y.
"Swimming takes ll1 ·speclal" state ofcrnlnd.>" Scott Stone '12
CIuU Saek.t.y .Dd Coli.. H.pp are .m...d th.t th.... i•• Ch••riD, ..c:tiOD .t •• wi........ t.
" ,;I
Archbishop RY.i.n High School
Upper Dublin Invitational
Metuchen High School
Malvern Prep.uatory School
Father Judge High School
Wilson Rel.i.Ys
S.i.lesianum School
Archbishop Carroll High School
St. Joseph·s Preparatory School
PCl. Championship Meet
District 12 Championship Meet
PCL Championship Meet
District 12 Championship Meet
PIAA State Championship Meet
l<: l<:
'" n '"
la m
-There lsmo top. there are alwaysmew'helshts to reach" Chris McCrea> '13
"In track...there ismo oft season." BrIan Smart '12
-Sllsht<Work..: Corey Mussier '13
•...... _
Aftu 4 yun of pr.didng Knill CiuuJlo I••d. the 411400m rel.y with. perfed .print form,
12110/11 TFCA of GP Meet '1 .Lehigh
W 12/17/11 TFCA of GP Meet'2 .Lehigh
~ 12123111 TFCAofGP Meet #3 /iPLehigh
01/04/12 Holiday Invite .Haverford Col. 01/07112 TFCA of GP Meet'4@1Haverford
I- 01113/12 PCL Meet@lHaverfordCollege l:t: 01114112 TFCA of GP Meet #5 .. Lehigh 2
TFCA of GP Meet #6 .. Glen Mills 02/01/12 Poreda Invite@lLawrencevilie Prep
02/08/12 TFCA of GP Novice Meet .Westtown School 02/12112 PCL Championship .Lehigh
02118112 TFCA of GP Meet of Champions .. Lehigh University
02/25/12 PTFCA State Championship • Penn State University
Levi Hudy c:ompeting llt the St.te Meet i. too foo:.u.ed On .n.pping th.t tr.i1 leg dowll. .fter the hurdle th.t it 'Um' he i. forgetting to bre.the. Ry.n O'Donnell llnd Conor Kennedy pump their .rm. o:.huk to o:.heek ,II the w.y through the fini.h line.
. .. _
__ ._._.
~The 2011-2012 Indoor Track and Field team started the season with the goal of winning the Philadelphia Catholic League Championship. The team strived to do what no La Salle Indoor track team have been able to accomplish since 1999. Senior Leaders included Alex Chrostowski, Mike Decandido, Ryan Kalkbrenner, Kegan Moesta, Kevin Quinn, and Brian Smart. Juniors Tom Coyle and Andrew Stone led the team and proved that La Salle was a force to be reckoned with by putting in brilliant performances every race. The two were
With that long touo and long I..g. Mik.. DeCandido enily duu 6 f..et in th.. high jump at Lehigh Univeuity.
unbeatable in the Catholic League. Corey Muggier and Jack Magee also put in notable perform:mces scoring points for the team in every meet and Matt Greco showed determination. Sophomores Levi Hardy and Brendan Bilotta impressively qualified for the State Championship and proved they are the future of the team. Constantly improving, Mike Koller narrowly missed qualifying for States in the High Jump. Although the team came up just short of their goal, they finished second in the PCL and top 10 in the state. The outstanding per¡ formances of the underclassman proved that La Salle Track and field has a lot to look forward to and a bright future. Kevin Quinn '12 D
---------------_ .. _-------------------------_._----------------------------------_._----------------------------------.
The 4z800m relay team at the Stare Champion.hip meet at Penn State Univeuity con.i.t.d of Andr.w Stone, Br.nd.n Bilocta, Jack M.g.....nd Tom Coyle, pictured with H..ad Coach Mr. Bi..l..ckl. Th.. t ..am ..arn..d nate medal. by pladng 6th with. time of 8:01.52. Andrew Ston.. and Tom Coyle both u,t .chool record. a. weU at tbe .tate meet. Tom Coyle ran 4:16.42 in th.. mile to piau 2nd in the .ute and Andre. Stone ran 1.54.55 in th .. 800m to piece 4th in the .tete meet.
B dgewater T
MngO~ N wJe ::>OVer
Intramurals, Golf, Basketball, Baseball
Intramurals, Lab Manager, Theater, Ultimate Frisbee
COREY A. BAIADA Operation Santa Claus, Baseball
Engineering Club, Operation Santa Claus, Outreach, Secret Santa, NHS, Student Ambassador, Student Mentors, Outdoor Track and Field, Soccer
Intramurals, Operation Santa Claus, Secret Santa, Summer Service Trip, Thanksgiving Food Drive, LSA Tutoring, Ski & Snowboard Club, Hockey
CHARLES J. BONO Film Club, Forum, Intramurals, Providence Center
Intramurals, Secret Santa, Mathletes, LSA Tutoring, Student Ambassador, NHS, Baseball
MICHAEL F. BRUNNER Music, Football, Crew
Chess Club, French Club, Intramurals, Music, NHS, Theater, Wisterian
Lab Manager, Summer Service Trip, NHS, Tech Serv, LSA Tutoring
------------------------------------------------------------Right: JOlI Gorman, Sbuhi M..ireddy, and Tim Decker cel.bratingdtu another Pit volleyball victory.
F... Right: Tim Plckeaeber, Branda.. Lynch, Mik. Koerner, Cha.. DiID., dr....d to Imp..... 0'1 collaga Intervi••
RONALD A. CARAPELLOTTI, JR. Operation Santa Claus, Ultimate Frisbee, Lacrosse
CHAD J. CHAMBERLAIN Chess Club, Chorus, Multi-Cultural Club
Summer Service Trip, Ski & Snowboard Club, Football, Cross Country Co-Captain, Indoor & Outdoor Track and Field
------------------------------------------------------------Left: Ad... Std.nowlea .ad Alden Hamilton ba,king in ridory .fter .,olf moult. Pu Ldt: PJ AduDO c:hado;ing out hi. homawork for the night.
Summer Service Trip, Ski & Snowboard Club, Football
Computer Club, Engineering Club, Summer Service Trip, Mathletes, NHS, Indoor & Outdoor Track and Field, Freshman Football
Chess Club, Computer Club, Film Club, Gaming Club, German Club
Art Club, Film Club, Gazebo, Intramurals, LSA Tutoring, Triest House, Ultimate Frisbee, Cross-Country, Outdoor Track and Field
MICHAEL J. DECANDIDO Chorus, Intramurals, Mission Collections, Outreach, Summer Service Trip, Thanksgiving Food Drive, Ultimate Frisbee, Soccer, Indoor & Outdoor Track and Field
JASON D. DENoFA, JR. Intramurals, Operation Santa Claus, Summer Service Trip, Student Council, Football, Outdoor Track and Field, Freshman Basketball
JON M. DEREWICZ Summer Service Trip, NHS, Cross-Country, Indoor & Outdoor Track and Field
Freshman Football, Crew
Art Club, Film Club, Intramurals, CrossCountry, Indoor & Outdoor Track and Field
------------------------------------------------------------Right: Emre Kauta. do••n'!
....m to agr.. with the nfene'. call. Par Right: AI,.aDdu 5.0kolyal and Matthew Wallo takingadnnuga of the good wa.th.r ...11 .tlldy in the Whalen l.rclen.
[:l.t\!i!i IlF 2m2
Civility Club, Forum, Intramurals, Providence Center, NHS, Spanish Club, Ultimate Frisbee
Lab Manager, Forum, Intramurals, Summer Service Trip, Triest House, T.V. Studio,
Intramurals, Multi-cultural Club, NHS, Crew
-------------------------------------------------------------Left: Seaior. Matt Volpe, DeriD
M. .
Bnitata,er oW1:lial tb. h.lI· w.J" Far Laft: Kni. Qv.iD..a .boat to uotch hi. 'Kond wiad he.ded up 0&1,01• •" Bel· IDODt Plat..oa.
m:~lIIlH!i p----------------------------------------------------
PATRICK EASLEY Film Club, Gaming Club, Gazebo, German Club, Intramurals, Italian Club, Music, T.V. Studio, Ultimate Frisbee, Bowling, Stage Crew
Freshman Football, Crew
Respect Life, NHS, Football, Indoor & Outdoor Track and Field
Intramurals, Summer Service Trip, Operation Santa Claus, Ski & Snowboard Club, Ultimate Frisbee, Football, Rowing, Cross-Country
(:um; IlF :m 12
Academic Decathlon, Engineering Club, Outreach, Summer Service Trip, LSA Tutoring, Music, NHS, Student Council, Wisterian, Freshman Football, Rowing
PATRICK P. FLYNN NCAA Club, Spanish Club, Student Council, Football, Outdoor Track and Field Rowing
W. Fox
Student Ambassador, Lab Manager, German
Club, Intramurais, Rugby Club, TV Studio, Tech Serve
MATTHEW A. FRANZEN lntramurals, Mission Collections, Operation Santa Claus, Outreach, Summer Service Trip, NHS, Freshman Mentor, Soccer
Civility Club, Film Club, Music, Spanish Club
------------------------------------------------------------Right: Jack FlIIenwllJ'th, Tim FickeD.cher, Matt Vol~ pe. Anthony Buonomo, Dan Finnegan and Tom Mum" .how off their .IDglng pipes during the Opening Liturgy. Far Right: Pat Plynn .nd Bd.on Gr••11 try Dot to blow up the chemlnry lab while performing an experiment.
Engineering Club, Elder Share, Water Polo, Diving
EDSON GRAVIL Music, Freshman Football
Operation Santa Claus, NHS, Crew
OSCAR J. GRYN Intramurals, Music, Theater
------------------------------------------------------------Left: Charlie Rodrigue., Dan Wa,ylenko and John Maloney are paying attention in d ... wbile Ca••,. llid .. n,binle foc:uu on hi. lilten-
illg.kilb. Fa.. Ldt: Mik. PilCopo gett: in the :Ilona.
.. _-------------------------------------------------
Chess Club, Engineering Club, Gazebo, Summer Service Trip, Music, Student Council, Ultimate Frisbee, Wisterian, Tennis
DYLAN S. HALEY Operation Santa Claus, Tech Serve, Web Managers
Gaming Club, Operation Santa Claus, Multi-cultural Club, Sport Information Club, Student Council, Outdoor Track and Field
Operation Santa Claus, Ice Hockey
JAMES W. HILL Celtic Club, German Club, Summer Service Trip, NHS, Wisterian, Indoor & Outdoor Track and Field, Urban Immersion, LSC Board, Aeronautics Club
CORMAC J. HOFFMAN Chorus, Theater, Film Club, Future Teachers Club, Intramurals
ROBERT W. JOHNSON History Club, Summer Service Trip, Music, Student Council, Wisterian, Indoor & Outdoor Track and Field, LSA Tutoring, SI. Vincent's Soup Kitchen
WILLIAM J. JOYCE Intramurals, Operation Santa Claus, Outreach, Summer Service Trip, Thanksgiving Food Drive, Football
Intramurals, Rugby Club, Crew
COLIN C. KELLEY Intramurals, Operation Santa Claus, Outreach, Urban Immersion, Lacrosse
------------------------------------------------------------Right: Malcolm Plynn cool in Ariton•.
dido, Mlk. DiMnaa, Matt William. and Nick Perretti I_kin' ,harp .. thllly a.ait
their appointmentl with collag' repr...ntatlv...
Acceptance for All Club, Forum, Film Club, History Club, Human Rights Forum, Secret Santa, Summer Service Trip, Triest House, Music, NHS, Cross-Country, Outdoor Track and Field
CASEY S. KENT Wrestling
Operation Santa Claus, Ice Hockey
------------------------------------------------------------Left: Nick Oaty ..piru to create hi. m..terpiece in the art room. Far Left: CJ Viola, Ryan Wud and Sam Farr;. confer on homework in the Hbrâ&#x20AC;¢ ..,., hoping that thne mind. ue better than one!
Intramurals, Operation Santa Claus, Outreach, Summer Service Trip, NHS, Spanish Club, Student Council, Theater Stage Crew, LSA Tutoring
Chorus, Belcrofters, Engineering Club, Intramurals, LSA Tutoring, Operation Santa Claus, SI. Francis Inn, Summer Service Trip, NHS, Student Council, Freshman Mentors, Crew
Baseball, Football, Basketball
Intramurals, Operation Santa Claus, Music, Ultimate Frisbee, Football, Freshman Basketball
JASON M. LOMBARDI Secret Santa, Summer Service Trip, NHS, Hockey
Intramurals, Mock Trial, Student Council, Ultimate Frisbee, Wisterian, Baseball
DANIEL J. LYNCH Celtic Club, Engineering Club, Music, Music Moderator, NHS, Theatre, Cross Country, Indoor & Outdoor Track and Field, LSA Tutoring
CHRISTOPHER J. MADISON, JR. Triest House, Music, NHS, Water Polo
Elder Share, Operation Santa Claus, Mock Trial, LSA Tutoring, NHS, Student Council, Crew
PAUL M.MAGINNIS Operation Santa Claus, SI. Francis Inn, Football, Rowing
------------------------------------------------------------Rigbt: Ale. ehronowdel making friend. with childnnln Bolivia.
Pu Right: Colin Buckley, Jim Schlupp, John Palermo and Colin Pyna f ..ling pOlitiv. aftn their late",;"'w. with colleg'" represent.tille,.
(:um; Ill: 2m2
Engineering Club, Intramurals, Mathietes, NHS, LSA Tutoring
Lab Manager, Secret Santa, NHS, Tech Serve, Ultimate Frisbee, Cross Country, Outdoor Track and Field
DAVID J. MARTOSELLA, JR. Operation Santa Claus, LSA Tutoring, Ice Hockey
SHASHIDHARREDDY MASIREDDY Academic Decathlon, Computer Club, Engineering Club, Intramurals, Lab Managers, Elder Share, Outreach, Secret Santa, Summer Service Trip, Mathletes, NHS, Student Council, Freshman Mentors, Theater, Tennis
------------------------------------------------------------Left: Congr.tul.tion. are In order ., Mr. M.rc:hell! ,hak.. Ryan K.lbrenner', hand .fter prl!leoting him with lb, Icholutk "L" at the Honor. Convoution.
Far Left:
Q.u.terbao::k Matt
M.g.rlt., watch.. the defeD" p... b back Rom.n Catholic during lb. peL Champion.hip g.me.
NICHOLAS C. MATHER Academic Decathlon, Computer Ciub, Engineering Club, Intramurals, Lab Managers Elder Share, Outreach, Secret Santa, Summer Service Trip, Mathletes, NHS, Student Council, Freshman Mentors, Ultimate Frisbee, Tennis
Engineering Club, Intramurals, italian Club, Music
Civility Club, Engineering Club, LSA Tutoring, Operation Santa Ciaus, Respect Life, Summer Service Trip, Student Ambassador, Ski & Snowboard Club, Spanish Club, Student Council, Freshman Mentors, Theater, Ultimate Frisbee, Crew
Ultimate Frisbee, Yearbook, Crew, Outdoor Track and Field
(:umi IlF 2m2
Acceptance For All Club, Celtic Club President, Future Educators Club, Providence Center Tutoring, NHS, Yearbook Editor, Swimming Manager
KEVIN M. MENKHAUS Freshman Basketball
Chorus, Future Educators Club, German Club President, Intramurals, Operation Santa Claus, Secret Santa, LSA Tutoring, TV Studio, Theater, Wisterian
THOMAS J. MULLIN, JR. Chorus, Intramurals, Summer Service Trip, NHS, Theatre
Operation Santa Claus, SI. Francis Inn, Summer Service Trip, NHS, Basketball, Freshman Soccer
------------------------------------------------------------Left: Mike Pluo, Dan Walflenko, JUOD DaNof. (eel .tn.. free and relaxed after their .rdu..... ;ntervi.,••. Far Left: Brett C.... tu Itand,
.bo". the tun to get th.t perfed ,hot of the b••utiful Canyon d. Chelly in Ariaona dul'"iog the NI! ajo S.perlIInCI! Summer S
ice Trip.
Elder Share, Music, Rowing, Freshman Football
Outreach, Rugby, Ultimate Frisbee, Cross Country, Indoor & Outdoor Track and Field
Robotics Club, Rugby, Ski Club, Football
RYAN M. OTIS Football, Baseball, Operation Santa Claus, Triste House, Intramurals
-------------------------------------------------------------L.ft: Nidi. S.il,l lUI. hill muKl,e. to .p..... d wooddalp.
briDgiDJ • 1"d.8 to life at St. Mido..r, I.di... Smoot. Far Lltft: Shulll Mulr,cJ.dy. Fr..... Wortllli.DCtoD, a.ad Bill
TODer compethll witll the ....t ....-.I N,.. of the u .. d·
Intramurals, LSC Elder Share, Summer Service Trip, Spanish Club, Baseball, Basketball, LSA
Intramurals, Italian Club, Music, Music Moderator, Theater, U~jmate Frisbee
Music, NHS, Ski & Snowboard Club, Crew
Operation Santa Claus, Summer Service Trip, Thanksgiving Food Drive, Music
Secret Santa, Baseball, Football
Operation Santa Claus, Outreach, Thanksgiving Food Drive, Music, LSA, Student Ambassador, NHS, Student Council, Baseball
LSA Tutoring, Intramurals, Secret Santa
STEPHEN P. PRICE Intramurals, Operation Santa Claus, Summer Service Trips, LSA, NHS, Freshman Ambassador, Ultimate Frisbee, Freshman Football
Freshman Soccer, Baseball, Indoor Track and Field
-------------------------------------------------------------Right: Man Volpe .peaking at the Pall HODon A..lemhl, on bah.1f of the EnglDeering Club.
P... Right: Chrb Curtii' go.. hard u Ultimata Friebel! dub and m•• t, tb•••rth.
(:I.t\!m IlF 2m2
Fencing Club, Mock Trial, TV Studio, Theater
Music, Crew
Art Club, Computer Club, Gaming Club, Multi-Cuiturai Club, Ultimate Frisbee
-------------------------------------------------------------Left: Ode"li... a",d Tyler Kern "hoo... not to ",atch AI b. ltanda On the aldenn...
wi,hing the offenn would .cor•. Far Left, Sam Farrl. and Jordan Santon padng the hallway trylDJ to concentrate On the Al:llwU. that might .vok. • po,iti". rupon.. from their ;ntelrvlewer.
Engineering Club, Intramurals, Music, Theater
Chorus, Computer Club, Operation Santa Claus, Secret Santa, Music, Spanish Club, TV Studio, Outdoor Track and Field
Intramurals, LSA Tutoring, Operation Santa Claus, Mock Trial
Intramurals, Music, Student Council, Football, Lacrosse, Wrestling
Pep Band, Concert Band. Competition Band. NHS, Water Polo, Swimming, Tennis
Intramurals, ItaHan Club, Operation Santa Claus, Student Council, Crew
Sports Information Club
BRIAN J. SHOTT Operation Santa Claus, Secret Santa, Rugby, Ski & Snowboard Club, Ultimate Frisbee, Baseball
Art Club, Celtic Club, Intramurals, Operation Santa Claus, Outreach, Secret Santa, Summer Service Trips, Rugby, Ultimate Frisbee, Cross Country, Indoor & Outdoor Track and Field, Soccer
Operation Santa Claus, Secret Santa, Thanksgiving Food Drive, Rugby, Ski & Snowboard Club, Student Council, Football, Hockey, Lacrosse
-------------------------------------------------------------L.ft: Zan McCarthy ""palrIng. roof ChU-iJlI the Project A.ppala,hla .ummer ,,",lea
trip. Don't look down! Right: Nkhol.. Sanyonky, Bratt
frayvogel, Conoen S,k.., Jak. Sdolla, Matt Magulty own the blue bl...r/kh.kl pant. look.
SI. Francis Inn, Summer Service Trip, Tennis, Golf
SCOTT C.STONE Swimming, Water Polo
Art Club, Film Club, Student Council, Theater, Ultimate Frisbee
CONNELL J. SYKES Outreach, Secret Santa
-------------------------------------------------------------Left: During aD ...",mhly KaiaD Maut. ,bare. the good new, that the .tad,"t body collected over 10,000 Can' for the Tbank.gl"iul Food
Drive. Right; Buutlfu.l weather bring. Alex LiJ:ltnt!r outdoor. to write a reflection while on K,iro. retreat.
!iE~1 IIJn!;
Summer Service Trip, Swimming, Water Polo, Cross Country, Outdoor Track and Field
Academic Decathlon, Art Club, Film Club, Music, NHS, Ultimate Frisbee
MICHAEL M. THOMAS Intramurals, Operation Santa Claus, Summer Service Trip, LSC, NHS, Crew
Forum Vice President, Intramurals, Operation Santa Claus, Secret Santa, Summer Service Trip, LSA, NHS, Student Council, Homeroom Senator
(:J.4\!i!i Ill: 2m2
Film Club, Gaming Club, Music, Robotics Club
Intramurals, Secret Santa, Summer Service Trip, Football
Intramurals, Operation Santa Claus, Secret Santa, Football
Intramurals, Mathletes, Music, Music Moderator, LSA, Ultimate Frisbee
AUSTIN A. WILKER Operation Santa Claus, Rugby, Freshman Football, Rowing, Outdoor Track and Field
Ice Hockey
-------------------------------------------------------------Ldt: Nick Ow.ilI; ei.. ln, hl...U whil. hllplr... illl .....ry••• with hb talent pl.,ing the tramp.t. RJlht:
.bowillg the Mud.. b. and to paiDt St. llraade School I. GaUap, Ne. Mexico
~ 14
Top: Muh really can b", fun •• K...in Ciuullo and. nudeDt at La S.U. Acadamy evidently learnedl Th. weekly lenin project II alwa,_ bound to !fnd in
Bottom: Senlou D....in Merritt and Sh.,e.r Hampton look for. creative way to carry tb", water hottle. to recyding .fter the Chrl.tm.. Liturgy'. unior
Top: H••d BaakethaU Coach J(HI!: Demp.., and nnior forward PJ Ac:lerno award med.al, to Damian Cirelli and Meg Ken.1I .fter tb. Atblet.. Helping Atbletu .hoot around.
Bottom: Entourage attendant Mik.. Rock prepa"eI to mak... wine gbu and .. chafing tli.h disappear wbile contutanu in tb. wing howl make wing. v.nilb.
-------------------------------------------------------------Left: NHS PruideDt Bill To..".., Vlca-Pr..ident Ryan
Herbert, Tnuunr J.d. FII. lenw.rth .nd S.,...et )' R),.n Mu ...th. po.. with M M • chell .nd Brother Rlch d during the P.II .w.rd. numbl),. Right: Jon McC.......,. gt!U • congr.tul.tory h.nd from Mr. M....che.t! and bi. hi. Studt!nt Council pin from Mn.M.h.....
•<""C" tile 0-. -I ADoI..........
• sf • .... n ••
2012 OSCAR WINNERS elt Picture: The Arti.t
Be.t Actress: Meryl Streep, The Iron Lady
Best Actor: Jean Dujardin, The Artist Be.t Supporting Actress: Octavia Spencer, The Help
Best Supporting Actor: Christopher Plummer, Beginners
TOP 10 MOVIES OF 2011 1. Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallow.Part 2 2. Drive 3. Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy
4. Hugo 5. Rise OfTbe Planet Of The Apes
21, Adele (Winner)
6. Minion: Impossible - Ghost Protocol Wasting Light, FOD Figbten
7. The Artia:t 8. The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo 9. X-Men: Pint Clu.
Born This Way, Lady Gaga
ODD-WOp. 8r: HoolIgans, Bruno Mars
10. Bridesmaid.
Loud, Ribanna
Angry Bird. Duw Something Clear Vi.ion Madcoa.ter Fruit Ninja
Ugly Meter What. App Me.unger The Night Sky Cut the Rope Camera+
J.e.... NIcldM....j SkrIJWl
WhOn0makingthew~? TOP REALITY SHOWS
what's happening?
American Idol
Dancing with the Stars
July 2011
The Biggest Loser The Amazing Race
NASA launches final space shuttle mission and retires space shuttle fleet
Jersey Shore The X Factor
August 2011
The Voice
The Bachelor/The Bachelorette Bachelor Pad
S&P lowers U.S. rating after 11th hour deal to raise
debt ceiling
September 2011 Occupy Wall Street movement spreads from New York City
October 2011 Apple founder Steve Jobs dies of cancer at age S6
November 2011 Greece and ]ta1y Prime Ministers quit as European economic crisis grows
November 2011 Penn State coach Jerry Sandusky faces child sex
ahuse allegations
December 2011 Congressional negotiators signed off on a massive spending bill that funds the government through October 1, 2012 preventing a government shutdown
JanUary 2012 Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul, Mitt Romney and Rick debate for the Republican Presidential nomination
February 2012 Whitney Houston dies in her hotel room the night before the Grammy Awards. Houston was 48.
March 2012 Two years after President Obama signed health care reform legislation, Republicans argue law should be appealed
I~IJ)J:N t\t\t Abdalla, Peter 26,123 Abell, Ryan 34 Abramo, Mitchell 42 Abrams, Mr. Vernard 10,
27 Acierno, Paul J. 61,118,
119,120,138,141,173 Agnew. Mrs. Lisa 10,76 Albert Ill, Joseph 34 Albertson Jr., Thomas 26 Albone, Maxwell 34 Andersen, Timothy 34 Anderson, Reid 26 Anderson, Salvatore 34,
125 Andrews III, Richard 26, 57 Anella, Stephen V. 138 Angiolillo, John 34 Antosh, Mrs. Debra 10 Arcadia, Adam 34 Arrebola-Tenacio, Rafael A.
138 Artis, Darnell R. 64,120,
121,138 Atcavage, Richard 42 Auerbach, Benjamin 26,
129 Austin, James 26 Auteri, Jack 26, 82 Auteri. Peter 42,82,83 Avallone Ill, Michael 42,
46 Azzarano, Erik 34
Baiada, Corey A. 61, 138 Bailin, Arthur 42,9S Bantner, Michael 26 Baratta, Nieco 42 Barker, Alexander 26 Barna, Mr. Thomas 9,76 Barnish, Andrew 26 Barrett, Michael 34,105,
123 Barr, Ryan 42,46,117 Barun, Anton 34 Basara, Keith 34 Basara, Matthew J. 77, 108,110,138 Baseman, Julian 42,76 Baumher, William 42,93 Beale, Virnest 26 Bean, Bruce 26,57 Beatty, Jeff 26, 111 Beaver Ill, Richard 26,107
Bell, Christopher A. 74,
138 Bennett, Christopher 34 Bennett, Sean 34 Bense, Jake 34, 93,95 Benyovszky, Nicholas P. 138,168 Bergman, Stefan 42 Bernatavitz, Robert 34, 117 Bielecki, Mr. Gregory 10, 15,113,135 Bierowski, Ethan T. 139 Bilotta, Brendan 34,112, 113,135 Bishof, Michael 34 Bitzer, Derek 34 Blanke, Kevin 34,37 Blanke, Mark N, 61,73,
139 Blankemeyer, John 34,
105 Bleiler, Colin 26,82 Bleiler IV, Russel 42 Bloh, Mr. Dennis 10,132 Blue, Gary 82,107,123 Blue, John 26,29 Blust, Francis X. 129,139 Blust, Jonathon 34,129 Bond, Roman 34,95 Bonitatis IV, Dominic 42 Bonner, Mr. Braden 10, 94 Bono, Charles J, 139 Bontempi, Timothy 42,76 Borek, Joseph 26 Bowen, Matthew 26 Bowen, Michael 42,47, 125 Bowes, Ryan 42 Boyle, Liam 26 Bozzi, Eric 34,129 Brabson, Mrs. Jeanne 10 Braccia Jr., Vito 42.105 Brady Ill, John 34 Brady. JB 67,117,132 Brady, Kevin 35 Brady, Ryan 26,107,125 Brauckmann, Matthew A. 129,139 Brecht, Matthew 16, 42 Breen. Mrs. Lastenia 10,
13 Breitmayer, Max R. 52,70, 82,108,109,139,145 Breslin, James H. 75,139 Breslin, John 42,119 Brett, Mr. Gerard 10,120
Bridgeford, Eric 42, 117,
132 Brigidi, Frank 26,118 Briones, Johnray 42,64 Brooks, Peter 35, 105 Brown, Mr. Alex 10,14,
123 Brown, Damani 42 Brown, Griffin 35 Brunner, Michael F. 139 Bruno, Christian M. 73, 140 Bucha. Coach 125 Buchanan, Ryan 26,57, 111,125 Buckley, Brian 26,107 Buckley, Colin T. 104, 105,107,121,140,156 Buckley, Nicholas 35, 105 Bumpas, Tahriz 26,31 Bunting, Eric 27 Buonomo, Anthony R. 66, 67,82,92,140,148 Burdulis Jr., Craig V. 61, 94,140 Burdulis, William 27,57 Burgmann, Eric 35,111 Burke, Sean F. 61,62,65, 70,71,105,140 Burt, Nicholas S. 140 Burton, Aaron 35,120 Bushold, Steve 42,125 Butt, Mr. Jeremy 10
Calhoun, Ryan 35.105 Campanella. Justin 27, 107 Campanile Jr., Anthony 42,105 Campbell, Liam 27,111 Campetti, Mr. Ben 120 Campo, Michael 35 Camusi, Jake 64,74 Camusi, John 42 Caponi. Joseph 27,70, 107 Capperella, Nicholas 43 Capreri, Michael 35,67 Carabello, Mr. Chris 9, 118 Carapellotti Jr., Ronald A. 61,141 Cardi. Vincenzo 43,111 Carenzo, Michael 35,94,
Carenzo, Peter 27,95 Carlidge, Jack 35,74,75 Carlin, Andrew S. 141 Carlin. Shane 105 Carlone, Andrew 43,105 Carney, Brother Patrick
10 Carreras, Aaron 43,92,
95 Carroll, James 43 Carroll, Tyler 27,107 Carroll, Zachary 27,107 Carr, Timothy C. 141 Carson, Tyhir 107 Casey, Connor 35,111 Casey, Michael 43 Caswell, Raekwon 35, 105 Catalino, Michael 42,43 Catalino, Nicholas 27,123 Cavanaugh, Andrew 35 Celoni, Michael 43 Cericola, Joseph V. 141 Chadwick, Luke 27,117,
132 Chadwick, Matthew 43, 70,117,132 Cha, Joon 43,76 Challingsworth, Ian 27 Chamberlain, Chad J. 141 Chandler, Mark 43,46, 67,72,82 Charles, Kaherdin 43.105 Charyszyn, Colin 35,127 Charyszyn, Kevin 35,127 Chatzinoff, Samuel 27 Checchio, Anthony 43 Checchio, Joseph 27 Chesnik. Mr. Mark 11,12 Cho, Austin 43 Chrostowski, Alexander S. 112,114,141,156 Ciammetti, Christian T. 105,142 Ciasullo, Kevin J. 16,74, 134,142,173 Cicala, John 27 Cicalese, Vincent 35, 105 Ciccimaro, Mrs. Janice 11,18 Ciccimaro, Mr. Joseph 11, 19,57,78 Ciliberto, Anthony 35 Ciliberto, Chris 27,107 Cimato, Matthew N. 124, 125,142 Cimbalista, Jeffrey 43 Cincotta, Michael 35
Cincotta, Sean 43,111 Cipolla, Mr. Daniel 11,16 Cirelli, Mr. Charles 11,17, 76 Clapper, Jared 43 Clark, Mrs. Geraldine 11 Clark, Mr. Lewis 11,61, 74,76 Clark, Patrick 35 Clemente, Mr. Michael 11 Coats, Spencer 27,111 Cockill, Thomas 43, 45 Coggins. Mr. Nicholas 9 Cohen, Ms. Jo Ann 11 Cohen,Orel 35 Colbert, Joseph 35 Coleman, Sean 43 Colistra, Mr. Joseph 11 Colistra, Mr. Paul 9 Collins, Brendan J. 74,
142 ColJins-Bryant, Steffon R.
142 ColJins, Mr. Mark 11,12 Collins, Peter 27, 107 Collins, Sean 27,107,123 Collins, Zaine 35 Comtois, Mason 27,111 Connolly, John 27, 82 Connor, Zachary 43, 45,
94 Conroy, Thomas 27,33, 117,132 Conway, Matthew 27 Cook, Brother Kenneth 11 Coonahan, Ryan 35,105 Cooney, Patrick 43,120 Cooney, Mrs. Rita 12 Corcoran, Michael 27,107 Corcoran, Patrick 27 Corley, Kyle 36 Corr, Daniel 28,70,111,
123 Corr Jr., James 28 Coscia. Tyler 36 Cottone, Brendan C. 142 Coughlin, Matthew 28, 111 COIC, David 36 Coyle, Thomas 43,112, 113,115,135 Cranch, Alexander D. 53, 117, 142 Creter, Brett P. 142,160, 168 Crone, Michael 28, 107 Cross, Justin 28, 107
Field, Mrs. Elizabeth 13, Filice, Christopher 29,125 Fillenwarth, John J. 72, 82,146,148,173 Fillman, John 29 Finlay, Patrick 44,116, 117,132 Finnegan, Daniel P. 67, 79,82,92,147,148 Finnegan, Kevin 37 Finnegan, Thomas J. 105,
Crouch, Tyler 28 Crowe, David 12 Crozier, Kevin 28,123 Cruz, Alexander F. 143 Stone, Scott C. 169 Cuce, John 36 Cumpstone, Casey 36,
129 Cunneen, Pierce 36,129 Cunningham, Coach 116,
117 Cuoci, Alexander 43,46, 82,83,120,123 Cuoci, Dominic 36 Curcillo Ill, Paul 43,90,
95 Curley, Mrs. Kathy 9 Curran, John 28,111 Curtis, Christopher A. 65, 143,164
)))))) D'Abbene, Alexander 36 Dadario, Anthony 28,107 DalFarra, Christopher 28,
129 Daly, Brendan 36, IDS Daly, Matthew 44 Daly, Nicholas S. 63,143,
153 D'Andrea, Dillon 28 Dandy, Jason 28, 111 D'Angelo, Anthony 36,
111 D'Angelo III, Joseph 44,
111 D'Angelo, Santino 28,107 Daniels, Joseph 28 DaNofa, Jason 160 Daubney, Mr. Stephan 12, 17,131 Davey, Thomas 36 Davis III, Levi 36,63, IDS DeAngelis, Edward 36,
111 Dean Jr., Tyrone 36,105 DeBrakeleer, Daniel 44 DeCandido, Michael J. 82, 135,143,152,172 Decker, Theodore 28, 130,131 Decker, Timothy S. 117, 140,143 Degnan, Gerald 44,129 Degnan, William 36 Del Grosso, David 28, 111
Delaney, Will 36,63,91,
112 DelBuono, Gregory 36 DeLuca, Amedeo 36 DeLuca, Michael 44,70,
111 DeMaria, Nicholas 44 Demeter, Mr. Douglas 12 Demeter, Mr. Joseph 12, 14,64,120,173 DeNardo, Alexander A. 143 Dencer, Coach 125 DeNofa, Anthony 28 DeNofa Jr., Jason D. 143 Denora, Jason 105 Denton, Riley 36, 75 Deradoorian, Brother David 12,61,62,66 Derewicz, Jon M. 114,
"3 Dermo, Nicholas 36,117 Derrick, Mr. Matthew 12 DeSantis, Anthony 44 DeSantis Jr., Mark 36,
115 DeSimone, Joseph 28 DeSimone, Nicholas 36,
127 Dessner, Matthew 28,70, 107,123 DeStefon, Michael 28 Detweiler, Michael 36 Devlin, Edward 28,66 Devlin, Mr. Thomas 12 DeWalt, Ryan 28 DeWitt, Peter 36 DiAndrea, Joseph 36,123 Diaz, Carlos 44 Diaz, Ricardo A. 120,144 Diccicco, Mrs. Frances Jacob 12,13 DiCristofano, Michael 28 Diehl, Mr. David 12,18,
118 DiFiore, Nicholas 36 DiGiacomo, Alexander 36
DiGiacomo, Nicholas D. DiGiovanni, Anthony 44 DiGiovanni, Joseph 28 Digney, Chase J. 140,144 DiLemma, Ralph 28 Dillman, Justin 36 DiMascia, Daniel E. 63, 115,144 DiMezza, Michael P. 61, 144, 152
Dinan, Michael 28 Dingley, Colin J. 53,77,
DiNofa, Jason 70 DiPasquale, Brother William 12,61 DiPasquale, Nicholas 36 Dittrich, Harrison 36 Dittrich, Henry 40 Dolan, Mr. Michael 12 Dominick, Mr. Micky 11, 13 Donahue, Mrs. Linda 13 Donnelly, Charles 36 Donnelly, Michael E. 145 Donohoe, Mr. William 13, 15,120,123 Dooney, Jake 95 Dooney, Joseph 44 Doran, Andrew 36,74 D'Orazio, Nicholas 44, 130, 131 D'Orazio, Thomas E. 145 Dougherty, James 28, 36, 123,129 Dougherty, Mr. Kevin 9 Dougherty, Owen 28, 107,
]:):]: Easley, Patrick 130,131,
Eason III, Edgar 28,111 Eble, Patrick J. 67,146 Eckert, Richard 44,82, 83,95 Eidenshink, Andrew 44,
105 Eidenshink, Casey R. 105, 146,149 Eife, Michael 44,105 Ellingston, Langston 123 Ellison, Langston 37 Endrigian, Christian 43, 44,45,74,76,90,95 Erb, Damon 37 Ericsson, Daniel 28 Ernandez Jr., John 37,76 Esposito, Christopher 44,
76 Evans, Mr. Gerald 13,93 Everman Ill, Vincent 29, 132 Ewell, John 37 Ezzo, Nathan 44,45,47, 70,117,125
Dougherty, Patrick 44,
117 Dougherty, Robert M. 118,145 Dougherty, Sean M. 70, 120,121,145 Doyle, Andrew 36 Doyle Ill, Michael 28 Doyle, Mrs. Peg 13 Dragani, Luca A. 95,145 Drake, Zachary 28,107 Driscoll, Corey 28 Duffey, Patrick 36 Duff, Patrick 36 Duncheskie, Mr. Stephen 13,16,116,117 Dunning, Matthew 37 Dunning, Tyler 129 Dunton, BrY<ln 28,129 Durbin, John 37,74 Durkin, Andrew 37,70 Durkin, James 28,33 Durkin, Julian 26,28 Dusing, John 44,108 Dusing, Nicholas 37, III Dwyer, John P. 145 Dwyer, Robert 37
Fabiszewski, Benjamin 37,
111 Fabriziani, Jonathan 44 Fabriziani, Joshua 44 Fabrizio Jr., Richard 44 Fagan, Christopher 44 Fallon, Tyler 37,105 Farley, Brian 44 Farley, Daniel 37 Farrington, Daniel 37,129 Farris Jr., John 37,39, 74,75 Farris, Samuel J. 146, 153,165 Fassnacht, Connor 44 Fassnacht, Michael 44 Faunce, Steve 131 Fazzi, Christian Pica 32 Felix, Sean 29,70,107 Feoli, Timothy 44,127 Ferguson, Francis X. 105,
Ferretti, Nicholas R. 146,
152 Fickenscher, Timothy J. 60, 82,95,140,146,148
Fischer, Brian 44,52,118 Fitzgerald, Mr. Bernard 13, 15 FitzPatrick, Matthew 44 Flack Jr., Matthew 29 Flack, Matt 107 Flagler, Jake 29 Flanigan, Michael 37 Fleck Jr., Daniel 44,47,
117 Flynn, Malcolm A. 70, 71, 90,147,152 Flynn, Patrick P. 62,105, 147,148 Focht, Tyler W. 147 Foley, Mr. Brett 9 Foley, Dennis 37 Foley, Gerard 37,129 Foley, James 37,70,76 Ford, Mrs. Ann 9 Ford, Jacob 44 Formica, Charles 44,117, 132 Forrest, John 44,45 Forsythe, Ms.Danielie 13,
67 Fort, Vincent A. 129,147 Fox, Eric W. 58,147 Fox, Michael 37 Fox, Nicholas 37 Fraga Jr., Christopher 29 Franklin, Zaire 37,105 Franzen, Matthew A. 147 Frazer, Joseph 37,105,
106 Frazzette, Christopher 37,67 Freedman, Nikolaus B. 108, 109, 148 French, Samuel 37, 76, 94 Freyvogel Jr., Brendan D. 148,168 Friday, Colin 29,95 Friel, Lucas 44 Frusco, William 37,105,
125 Furgiuele, Sean 35,37,82 Furman, Amir 37,105,106 Fyke, Mr. James 9
B(iB Gadsby IV, Howard 29 Galasso, James 29 Galasso, Jimmy 111 Galea, Nicholas 37 Gallagher III, Gerard H.
Gallagher, John 37,38 Gambol, Craig 29 Garoppo Jr., Andrew 37,
39 Gatto, Joseph 29, 107 Gaul, Bailey 37 Gay, Kevin 37 Gebauer, Coach 125 Gebauer, Richie 124 Gedeik, Mrs. Rosemary 13, 70 Gehman, Paul 13 Geiger, Mr. William 13 Gelenberg, Joshua 44,92 Geppert Jr., David 37, 105 Gerasymenko,legor 29,
67 Gerngross, Frederic.k J. 61,148 Giannos, Brandon 29 Gibbons, Mr. Mark 9 Gibson, Stuart M. 148 Gilbert, Mitchell 45 Gill, Connie 9 Gill, Steve 10 Gillen, James 45,129 Gillespie, Mr. Terence 14, 17 Gillies nt, Robert 37,67, 70,120 Gimbel, Ryler 108 Gimbel. Tyler 29 Giongo, Collin 29,76 Giuliani III, Richard 37,
39 Givens Jr., David 44,45, 105 Glacken, John 29 Glac.ken, Mr. Joseph 14 Glauber, Joseph 29 Glavin, Andrew T. 148 Gorman, Joseph D. 117, 140,149 Gorman, Ryan 29 Gormisky, Robert 45,95 Grady, Fletcher 29, 107 Graham, Al 10 Graham, Joshua 45,84, 85,91 Grajewski, Andrew 45, 127
Grase!a, Mark 45,47,108,
109 Cravi!, Edson 148,149 Greco, G. Matthew 45,91. 112,113,115 Greco, Ronald 45 Greenberg, Noah 38 Greenberg, Sean 38,123 Greene, David J. 149 Gregor, John 38,118 Greizack, A.J. 107 Gresko, James A. 108, 109,149 Grezeszak, Austin 29 Gries, William 29 Grinn, Oscar 61 Grogan, John 29 Groome, Kevin 42,45,72. 82,83,91 Gross, Emmett K. 67,149
Cryn, Oscar J. 149 Guarappo, Andrew 70 Guckin, Alexander 45 Guiliano, Joseph M. 70,
150 Gustafson. Collin 38,127 Gustafson. Corbin 29
ImH Haggerty, Mrs. Carol 14,
76 Hahn, Jason 29 Haley, Dylan S. 95,150 Hall, Khristian D. 108,
150 Halton, Andrew 45,105 Hamilton, Aidan T. 53. 141,150 Hamilton, John 29,107 Hampton, Shareef B. 150, 173 Hanrahan, Patrick L. 127,
150 Happ, Colin 38,70.117, 132,133 Hardcastle, Daniel 29 Hardy, Levi 38,134 Harp, Denis 42,45,64, 70,74,76 Hartey, Mr. Gerard 14 Hartzell, Shawn 38 Hasson, Patrick 38, 74 Healy, Ryan C. 150 Hearn, Mr. Michael 14, 18,35 Heasley, Mr. Patrick 14 Heck, Sean 29 Hee, Stephen 29 Heidt, Joseph 45,130, 131 Helbling, Andrew P. 61,
150 Heleniak, Christopher E. 129,151 Hcmcher III, Charles 29, 107,123 Hcnsiek, Julian 38,95 Herbert, Ryan P. 59,60, 72,82,151,173 Herdsman, Jalen 38,123 Herninko, Dakota 38 Herrmann, Jared 45,105 Herron III, James 29, 105, 123 Herron III, Thomas 38 Higgins, Connor 38,93
Higgins, Nicholas 45,111 Hildebrandt, Peter 45 Hill, James W. 61, 151 Himler, Mark 45,46,59,95 Hladczuk, Steven 45,118 Hoban, Christian 29 Hoffman, Colin 29 Hoffman, Cormac J. 59, 60,63,67,82,84,85, 95, 151 Hoffman, Jacob 29 Hoffman Jr., Patrick 45, 62,105 Hogan, Conor 29,111 Holder, Evan 45,117,132, 133 Holly, Ryan 45 Hoiwick, Christopher 14 Hood, Jared 29,123 Horvath, Mr. Stephen 13. 14 Hreshko, Nicholas 43, 45,
129 Hudak, Stephen 38,105 Hughes, Kevin 30 Hunt [I, David 45,95
Ilsemann IV, Frederick 45 Immerman, Maxwell 30, 57
Jones, Jason 36,38 Jordon IV, John 30 Joyce, Thomas 38 Joyce, William J. 151
1\1{1{ Kaiser, Joseph 30 Kalkbrenner, Ryan C. 65, 152,157 Kane, Chris 105 Kane, Christopher 45 Kane, Luke 45 Karatas, Emre T. 60, 66, 70,71,108,109,144,
152 Kearns, Philip 45 Keenan, Brendan 34,38,
93 Keenan, Mr. John 15 Keeton, David 30 Keller, Matthew E. 152 Keller, Ryan 38 Kelley, Colin C. 77, 152 Kelley, John P. 132,152 Kelley, Joseph 38,67,111 Kelty, Austin 45, 82, 95 Kelly, Mrs. Mary Francis 9 Kelty, Owen 45 Kennedy, Conor 45, 76, 13' Kennedy, Joseph 38 Kenney [II, George T. 105,
152 Jackson, Mr. Martin 14, 118,119 Janda, Conor J. 82,151 Janda, Mr. John 14,90 Janifer, Malik 45,120 Janton, Rev. Anthony 14, 63,65,73,117 Jaquay, Brendan 45,127 Jastrzembski, Christopher 38,90,95 Jaworowski, Mr. Joseph 14 Jenkins, Scott J. 151 Johnson, Francis 45,74 Johnson, Mr. Robert 15,
18 Johnson, Robert W. 151 Johnston Jr., Thomas 30, 57,107 Jonello, Steve 10 Jones, Alexander Thomas 38,105,123 Jones, Grant 30
Kensey, Mrs. Paulette 15 Kensil, Shane M. 61,153 Kent, Casey S. 124,125. 153 Kern, Tyler W. 66, IDS, 153,165 Kerrigan, Aidan 30, 107 Kerrigan, Connor J. 59, 60,104,105,153 Kestler, Brother Richard 8,9,27,31,56,71,173 Khoeler, Mike 105 Kiely, Daniel 45 Kikendall, Craig A. 108, 109,153 Kim, Hyeong 38 Kindelan. Eric 30 Kindt V, Charles 30,111 King, Andrew M. 45,126, 127,153 King, Larry 10 Klemmer, Jacob 38 Knesis, Anthony 30
Knight, Christopher S. 60, 70, 154 Knowles, Andrew 38,70,
108 Kochanasz, Alexander D. 82,92,154 Koch, Brendan 46,116, 117,132 Koerner, Michael D. 78, 92,140,154 Koller Jr., Michael 35,38,
106 Kondan, Brian 30 Konieczny, Gregory 30, 107,124,125 Kotasenski, David 38,67 Kowalczyk, Kevyn 30 Kowalczyk, Kyle 30 Kowalski, Andrew J. 154 Kozeniewski, Tyler J. 154 Kramer, Christopher J. 77,154 Kreter. Nicholas 46,129 Krmpotich, David 30,123 Krodthoff, Bill 95 Krodthoff Ill, William 38 KroJ, Joseph 38 Krouse, Colin 30 Krulikowski, Matthew 46,
129 Kurkowski, Michael 38,40 Kush, Nicholas 38 Kush, Nick 123 Kwasizur, Matthew 15
LaBella, Gabriel 30,117 LaBell, Isaiah 30 LaCorte IV, Anthony F. IS' Laessig, Coach 129 Lagner, Adam 38 LaGreca, Brian 46, 76, 93 LaMorte, Nicholas 38,67 Lang, Mr. Thomas 11, 15 Lastowski, Joe 129 Lastowski, Robert 30 Laudadio, Matthew 38,
105 Lauer. Daniel 30 Lavelle, Conor 46, 93 Lavery, Dane 46, 82, 95 Lawimore, Jamil 38, 105 Lawn Jr., Patrick J. 154 Leahy, Mr. William 15
Lee, Keith 37,39,67,74 LeGrand, Alexander 38 LePrevost, Christopher 46 Lerch, Corey 39,105 Lerro, Joseph 46 Letcavage, Noah 30,117 Leva, Dean 30 Lewis, Shane 39 Lichtner, Mr. Frank 15, 132
Lindsay, Kevin 39 Lintner, Alexander J, ISS,
169 Lintner, Nicholas 30,107 Lintner, Zachary J. ISS Little, Tyler 39 Lloyd, Connor 30, 129 Lloyd Jr., Charles 39 Lombardi, Jason M. 127,
155 Lombard, Matthew 30, 107 London, Michael 46 Long, Ms. Donna 15 Long, Kevin T. 93, ISS Looby, Joseph 39,120 Lopez, Miguel 15 Lopresti, Eric 39,82 Lorenzo, Robert C. J. 39,
75 Loscalzo, Al 10 Losier, David 46, 105 Losier, Picard 35, 39, 117 Loughery, Timothy 39 Lucas, Matthew 39, 108 Lucas, William 46,108 Luczkowski, Jesse 46 Luskin Jr., John J. 155 Lutschaunig, Christian 46 Lutter, Kurt 46,48,76 Lynch, Brendan S. 95, 140, ISS Lynch, Daniel J. 92,155 Lynch, Mr. Joseph 15 Lynch, Kevin 46,131 Lynch, Mark 45,46,52
Mabrey, Steve 74 MacCrory, Colin 46, 82 MacDougall, Colin 39,
105 Macintosh, Sean 46,67 MacMaster IV, Douglas 30 Madison, Darius A. 108, 109,110,156
Madison Jr., Christopher J. 117,155 Magarity, Matthew J. 76, 104,105,156,157,168 Magee, John 46,112,
113.115.135 Magee, Matthew 30, 57, 111 Maginnis, Joseph 46,117, 132
Maginnis, Kevin B. 156 Maginnis, Matt 62,105 Maginnis, Paul M. 156 Maguire, Graham 30 Maguire, Luke K. 132,
156 Maguire, William 39,105 Maher, Julian 39 Maher, Mrs, Julia 9,71, 72,73,173 Mahoney, Daniel 26,30 Mahoney, James P. 156 Mahoney, Patrick 39,129 Mahon III, John 31 Maiale, Joseph 39 Maisano, Matthew 27, 30 Malone, David 46 Maloney, John P. 74,92, 149,157 Maloney, Stephen 39 Mancini, Christian 39 Mancini, Ryan 30 Manero, Mark 46,47 Manjardi Jr., Mark 45,46 Marble, Christian 30 Marble, Kevin G. 77,157 Marchese, Mrs. Dorothy 5,15,72,73 Marchese, Mr. Joseph 4, 5,8,27,31,71,72,73, 157,173 Markmann, Christopher 46 Markmann, Joseph 46,
118 Mars, Clifford M. 82,157 Marsteller, Jim 10 Martin, Connor 39 Martin, Kyle A. 92,157 Martino, Daniel 26,30, 33,70,107 Martosella Jr., David J. 129,157 Martosella, Michael 30, 31,125 Marty, Agustin 46,112, 113,132
Marzullo, Alexander 39, 40,111 Mascione, Evan 39 Masireddy, Shashidharreddy 74,92,140,157,161 Massi III, Dante 46 Master. Nicholas 46,126,
127 Masterson, Connor 42, 46,70 Mastrocco, Peter 30,123 Mastronardo, John 46, 76,118 Mather, Christopher 39,
111 Mather, Nicholas C. 70, 71,108,111,158 Mathis, William 39,67 Matthews, John 46,105 May, Patrick 46,73,79,82 Mazza II, Thomas A. 61,
158 Mazza, Nicholas 39,105 Mazzei, Nicholas 39 McAnespey, Bob 9 McAuliffe, Timothy 39, 70,82 McBride, Kevin D. 60,61, 70,87,158 McBride, Mr. William 15 McBryan Jr., Michael 39, 132
McCabe, Gary 31,118 McCaffery, Mr. Thomas 16,123 McCall, Peter 46 McCann, Brian 46,82 McCann, Luke 46 McCarty, Jonathan D. 53, 61,63,64,65,70,158,
173 McCarry, Matthew 39 McCarthy, Alexander P. 74,92,158,168 McClain, Thomas 39,70, 105 McConnell, Alec W. 158 McCool, Matthew 39 McCrea, Christopher 46, 47,108,134 McCrudden, Matthew J. 117,158 McCutcheon, Brett 43,47 McCutcheon, Chad 47 McDermott, Fiachra P. 112,114,158 McDermott, Lance 31,107
McDevitt, Shane 39,111 McDonnell, Evan 37,39 McDonnell III, William 29,31 McDonnell, James 47 McDonnell, Peter 39 McDowell, Nicholas 47,82 McElroy, Timothy 39,70, 74,75,105 McElwee, Kyle 31,117,132 McElwee, Nolan 47,70,76 McGeehan, Thomas 39 McGinley, Patrick 40, 124,125 McGlawn, Aaron 47 McGonigle, Brendan 47 McGowan, Mr. Daniel 9 McGranaghan, Mr. John
16 McGranaghan, John 40, 70 McGrother, Liam 40 McHugh, Connor 47,129 Mclnaw, Mrs. Diana 12,
16 McIntosh, Ian 31,107 Mcintosh, Sean 95 McKenney, Justin W. 127, 128,129,159 McKenzie, Samuel 47,105 McLaren, Andrew 31,125 McLaren, Robert 31,107 McLaren, William 31 McNally, Connor 47 McNally, Patrick 31 McNamanara, Shane 31, 74 McNamara, Brian 31,47 McPeak, Christopher 47, 132 McShane, Nicholas W. 105,159 Meachum, Jordan 31,105 Meehan Jr., Michael P. 56,91,159 Meeks Jr., Mark 40 Meeks, Ryan 40 Meenan, Patrick 31,123 Meeves, Ryan 105 Melchiorre III, Paul 47 Mele, Christopher 47,81 Melillo, Christopher 47 Melsheimer, Trent 40 Menkhaus, Kevin M. 159 Mercader, Anthony 47 Mercader, Daniel L. 159 Meredith, Quint 88
Meredith V, Charles 47 Merritt, Devin L. lOS, 145,159,173 Metzler, Mark 40 Meyer, Daniel P. 159 Meyers, Gregory 40 Michie Jr., Douglas 40 Mieczkowski, Mr. Anthony 16 Miller, Mrs. Barbara 16, 19,63,89 Miller, Mr. Gerald 16 Mills, John A. 60,82,84, 85,95,159 Minton, Mrs. Kelly 16,17 Mischler, William 47,72,
94 Mitchell, Ian 31,32,107 Mitchell, Ryan 31,32 Mitchie, Douglas 82,83,
117 Moesta, Kegan N. 75, 160,169 Moffa, Anthony 47 Mollick, Austen 40 Monaghan Jr., Thomas 40 Monastero, James 31,117 Moore III, Robert 47 Moore, Mrs. Tami 16 Morabito, Anthony 31 Moran, Colin 47,111 Moran, Kevin 31 Morgan, Evan 31,111 Morozzi, Matthew 47 Morrissey, Patrick 47 Muehlberger IV, William 31 Muehlberger, Michael W. 160 Muehlbronner, Mr. Walter 9, 16 Mueller, John 31, 130, 131 MuggIer, Corey 47,134 Mullen, Mrs. Mary Kay 16 Muller, Daniel 16 Mulligan, Connell 31,107 Mulligan, Michael 31,33 Mullin Jr., Thomas J. 67, 82,148,160 Mullin, Michael 40,67, 82,9S Murphy, Matthew R. 120, 121,160 Murphy, Quin 40,74 Murray, Preston 47,67, 70,82,120 Murtha, Colin 30,31,91 Murtha, Ryan T. 72,77, 132,133,160,173
Naessens, Sean 47,64,131 Naji, Jonathan 47,105,
123 Naples, Michael 47,95 Napolitano, Russell 47 Naseef, Donald L. 108, 111,160 Naylor, Justin 31,107 Nazulme, Calvin 36,40
Nedzwecky, Mrs. Jessica 11,16,43 Nero, Joseph 17 Neufeld, Johnathan 47 Newell, Charles 40,105 Newell, John W. 161 Nicoletti, Mr. Geoffrey 12,17 Nitowski, Michael P. 161 Noonan, Thomas 47 Norman, Mr. Mark 17,19, 82,83 Nowakowski, Daniel 34,
40 Nowak, Thomas 31
1]1]1l O'Brien, Christopher J.
161 O'Brien, Daniel J. 161 O'Connell, Mrs. Kathleen 17 O'Connor III, James 47 O'Connor, Michael 47 O'Donnell, Andrew 31 O'Donnell, Brendan 105 O'Donnell, Brennan 40, 70 O'Donnell, Kevin 47,67,
129 O'Donnell, Ryan 47,134 O'Hara, Colin K. 105,161 O'Hara, Evan 42,47 O'Kane, Sean 40,111 O'Malley, Colin 31,82 O'Neill, Aidan 40 O'Neill, Sean 40 O'Neill, Shea 48,76 Ormsby, Clint 31,111 Osterman Jr., Frank 31, 107
Otis, Ryan M. 60,82,104,
161 Owsiany, Michael E. 162 Owsik, Nicholas V. 61,78, 162,172 Ozuna, Dylan T. 162
ppp Padova, Dominic 48 Paglione, Nicholas 48 Palermo, Giovanni J. 162 Palermo. John 105,107,
156 Palmer, Blaise 31 Palmer, James 40,82,83,
132 Panetta, Alexander 40 Pantano, FrancisT. 92,162 Panzarella, Anthony 124 Panzarella, Coach 125 Parisi, Mr. Joseph 17,30 Park, William Keonwoo
162 Parlanti, Brandt 31 Pascali, Michael 48,127,
129 Pascal, Robert G. 129,162 Pasquarello, Ryan 31,107
Patton, Christian 40 Paul, William 40 Pawlowski, Christopher M. 108,111,162 Pax, John 10 Pedano. Nicholas 31, 129 Peel, Stephen 39,40,74 Peffle, Robert 17 Pelusi. Antonio 40,105,
125 Pelusi, Santino 26,31,107 Perrong, Andrew 31,82,
94 Perry, Naasir R. 163 Persichetti, Dean 32 Persichetti, Luke 48, 105 Peruto, Vincent 48 Petrellis, Jordan 40,94 Pflanz Jr., Bryan D. 124, 125,163 Phayre, Michael 32 Phillips, Will 131 Picard, Joseph 48 Picofazi, Christian 107 Pierce, Dillon C. 108,109, 110,111,163 Pinnola-Vizza, Joseph 40 Piscopo. Michael A. 60, 62,104,105,149,163 Pitts-Carson, Tyhir 32 Pizzo Jr., Michael J. 76, 105,160,163 Pizzo, Matthew 32,111,
123 Plamondon, Jeremy J. 75, 77.92.163 Pleskunas, Nicholas S. 70, 71,163 Plourde, Philip 48 Pluck, Ryan 40,76 Pochettino, Andrew 48 Podraza III. Joseph 48,105 Podraza, Matthew 40 Pollino III, James W. 56,
163 Ponisdak, Mrs. Dorothy 17 Ponisdak, Mr. Michael 17 Popoff, Nicholas E. 126, 127,128,164 Poquie, Dad 11,48,104, 105,125 Pospisil, Ryan L. 117,132,
164 Potok, Andrew 40 Prendergast, John 32 Price, Brian 32 Price. David 40,70,111
Price. Michael 32,111 Price, Stephen P. 164 Princivalle, James 48, 52,91 Princivalle, Sean 31, 32, 70,90 Profit, Samuel 32 Pultorak, Andrew 32 Puntel, Mr. Alfred 17 Puntel, Jeremy 32 Pyne, Colin M. 156,164
Quain, Evan 48 Quigley, Nicholas 32,129 Quigley, Patrick 40 Quinn. Kevin J. 112,113, 145,164 Quinn, Mr. Paul 11,17 Quirk, Jack 107 Quirk, John 32
Raczak, Matthew 40,105 Radomski Jr., Philip F. 95,
164 Radvansky, Mr. Joseph 17 Rambo, Matthew 48 Raquet, James 32 Rath IV. Gerald 48 Rausch, Edward 40.77 Razzi, John 32 Redican, Matthew 48 Reed, Kevin 48 Reed, Mark 40 Reeves, Uam 38,41 Regan, Joseph 32,117 Regan, Sean 48,117,132,
133 Reimel. Alec W. 93,94, 95,165 Reinhardt, Jacob 32,107 Reis, John 41 Resch, Conor 47,48,105 Resch, Mr. Anthony 9 Reynolds III, Roger 41 Rieck, Brother James 17 Rihm, Michael 41 Riordan, Alexander 32 Ripley, Griffin 48 Risko, William E. 165 Rivera, Victor 32 Robert, Jonathan 56 Roberts, Brett 32, 107 Roberts, Jamalie 48
Roberts, Jonathan D. 61,
165 Robinson, Brian 48,76 Rocco, Christopher 48, 70,105 Roche, James 18 Rock, Michael T. 165,173 Rodden, Matthew 48. 120,121 Rodier, Kyle 32 Rodriguez, Charlie J. 149,
165 Rogers, Gregory 48,132 Romano, Andrew 41,127 Romero, Leonardo 109, 111,165 Rose, Bill 95 Rose, David 41 Rosenn, Blake 41 Rose, Patrick 18 Rose, Stephen G. 59,166 Rose, William J. 166 Rossi, Luke 32 Rotzal, Paul 32 Rounbehler, Mark 41. 111,125 Royik,Ostap 48 Rueter Jr., Joseph 39, 41, 118 Ruff, Matthew 32 Ruff, Michael 4] Russell. Robert ]8 Russomano Jr., Frank 42, 48, ]08 Russomano, Nicholas 32, 111 Russo, Mrs. Suzanne 18 Ryan, Dr. Rosina 18 Ryan, John 48 Ryan Jr., Henry J. 166 Ryan Jr.. Michael 48 Ryan, Mike 74 Ryan, Patrick 41,75,82 Ryder, Christopher W.
B!i!) Saba, Andrew G. 93,166 Sacchetta, Matthew 29,
32 Sacco, Vincent M. 105,
166 Sachetta, Matt 111 Sanchez, Oscar 41 Sanchez, Ricky 67,74 Sa.ntilli, Anthony 82
Santilli, Antonio 26,32, 107 Santora, Jordan T. 108, 165,166 Santoro, Felice 32 Savage Ill, Michael 32, 107
Sax, Ryan 32.70,82 Scafidi, Conor 32 Scanna.pieco, Erik 48 Scannapieco, Shane 32 Schaal, Adam 48 Schanes, Stephen 32 Schargel, Matthew 32,82 Scheffey, John 41,74 Scheier, Zachary 48,120 Schiele, Jeffery A. 61,166 Schieve, Andrew 48,108 Schlupp, James D. 156, 167 Schlupp, Patrick 32 Schmitz, Stephen 41 Schmitz, Thomas 34,41,
93 Schneider, Brad 4] Schnell, Alexander 33 Schoenewald III, John 41 Schoen, William 48,125 Schroeder Jr., Scott 33 Schrupp, Matthew 41 Schuck, James C. 108, 111,167 Schultz, Eric W. 117,167,
132 Schultz, Harrison 33,117, 132 Schutta, Andrew 38,41 Schwartz, Ian 41 Sciolla, Jake A. 70,167. 168 Scott, Kevin 48 Scott. Matthew 48.111 Scutti, Vito 33,66,82 Seeley, Mrs. Pam ala 17, 18,91 Seigel, Nicholas M. 67, 161,167 Seiss, Ryan 105 Selfridge, Mr. Joseph 18 Sellers, Donte 33 Selner, Michael 49 Senyk, Justin 33 Serpico, Scott 49,76 Shafer, Patrick 49. 76 Shaffer, Corey B. 167 Shay. Mr. Raymond 18 Sheedy, Mr. Jim 120
Williams, Matthew J. 126,127,152,172 Williams, Ryan 49,127 Winning, Mrs. Cathy 9,
76 Winslow, Ryan 49,82, 105,107,120 Wisniowski, Adam 49 Wisot~key, Mrs. Barbara
Shields, John 49,120 Shields, Peter V. 167 Shiels, Coach 129 Shott, Brian J. 75,167 Shustack, Ms. Tina 11, 18, 12 Siess, Ryan 41 Sigmund, Mr. Peter 9, 19,94 Silvestri, Anthony 49,94,
131 Simmons, Trent 49,105 Sinnott, Brandon A. 77,
168 Sistrun, Marcus H. 168 Skidmore, Matthew 49, 52, 76 Skowronski, Robert 33,
107 Slifer, Kyle 41 Slusarski, Riley 46,49 Smart, Brian M. 52,77, 134,168 Smemo, Dylan 33 Smith, Christopher 41 Smith, Dillon J. 70,105,
168 Smith, John 10 Smith Jr., Stephen 49 Smith, Mrs. Kathleen 9 Smith, Mrs. Nary 13,18 Smith, Riley 41 Smith, Stephen 120,121 Smith, Zachary 36,41, 123 Sontag, Nicholas 30, 33,
82 Sosnader, Aaron 41 Sosnader, Ryan A. 168 Soufleris, Mitchell 41 Soulges, James 33 Spampata, Robert 41 Sparks, Michael 33,70, 107,123 Speese, Robert 49,132 Spinelli Jr., Daniel 34,41, 74,95,120 Spiteri, Thomas 49,62,
105 Splendido, Joseph 33,123 Stachel, Nicholas 33,117,
132 Steck, Brother James 18 Stefanowicz. Adam R. 119, 141, 168 Stefanowicz Jr., Robert B.
Stefanski, Kevin 41 Stein, Austin 33 Stein, Kolby 41. IDS, 125 Stenger, Andrew 41 Sticco, Anthony 49,64, 70,74 Sticco, Nicholas 41 Stofka, Kyle 43,49,58, 70,131 Stone, Andrew 49,94. 112,113,115,135 Stone, Scott 117,132,133 Storck, Richard C. 105,
169 Stout, Austin 107 Stout, Justin 33,125 Stratton, Robert 49 Strausser, Christopher 41, 95 Strausser, William 33 Streets, Aaron 49 Strolle, Matthew 49 Strasser, Matthew 33,107 Stuh!, Maxwell 33 Stukes, Amar 49,120,122 Sullivan, Dillon P. 77,169 Sullivan, Joseph 49,125 Summerhays, Robert E. 61,95,169 Sundheim, Kyle 33 Supinski, Brett 49,74,127 Suter III, Robert 49 Sutton, Stefan 33 Sykes, Connell J. 61,168,
169 Szekely, Christopher L. 53,132,133,170 Szokolyai, Alexander G. 144,170
Taliaferro, Dylan 33 Taormina, Patrick J. 62, 170 Tate, Mr. James 15, 18 Tavolaro, Kevin 33,107,
123 Teichman, Gavin 49 Teperman, Gregory 19 Thiers, Gerard E. 16,170 Thomas, Daniel 41,111 Thomas, Michael M. 170 Thornton, Jaishan 41,105 Tice-Carroll, Dylan 49 Toner, William F. 70,71, 72,75,161,170,173
Torba, Nicholas 33,107 Torres, Eric 49,89 Tramo, Connor 33,57 Tran, Brother Mang Minh
19 Travaline, John 19,74 Travers, Alasdair P. 53,170 Treacy, Joseph 33 Trueheart, Wayne 10 Trullinger, Thomas 33,82 Turek, Blaine 34,41,75, 111 Turner, Mr. Thomas 9,67 Turner, Tamar 41,105 Tyrell, John 44,49 Tyszka, Edward 49
lUlU Ulrich, George 49,105
Valued, Michael 33 Vanelli III, Joseph 49,105 Vargas, Michael 41 Vasoli, Joseph L. 93,170 Vecchione, Samuel 38, 41, 76 Vellner, Jeffrey 33 Ventresca, Nicholas 33 Vettori, Mr. Joseph 18, 19 Viola, Charles J. 73.153, 171 Vogel, John 49,52 Vo, Kyle 41 Volpe, Matthew R. 67, 82,84,85,92,95,145, 148,164,171 Volz, Andrew 49,130,131 Voyk, Christopher M. 171
Wade, Brent 33, 107 Wade Jr., Timothy P. 104, 105,107,171 Wagner, Fran~ 33 Walker Jr., Rodney 33 Walker, Thomas 41,132 Walker, Timothy 49,125 Wallace, Matthew 33,107 Wallo, Matthew E. 144,171 Walls, Kitt Najee 33,122,
123 Walsh, Connor 49,129 Walsh, Evan 49,73,82,91
Walsh, Sean 33 Walters. Ryan 49,127 Ward, Nicholas 49,76 Ward, Ryan W. 153,171 Washco, Nicholas 33,129 Wasko, Dennis 19 Wasylenko, Daniel B. lOS, 149,160,171 Waters, Sean 49,74 Weathers, Ryan 41,111 Weber, Alexander N. 58,
171 Weber, Colin 49 Weinrich, Alexander E. 67,93,172 Weiss, Benjamin 33 Welch, Nicholas T. 172 Wells, Mrs. Phyllis 9 Whelan, Mrs. Lisa 19 White, [jam 33,107 Whitham, Coach 125 Wild, Benjamin 47,49,108 Wilker, Austin A. 172 Williams. Connor 28,33 Williams, Mr. Daniel 19
Witherspoon, Shawn 33, 122,123 Wolanin, Alexander 49,77 Wolanin Jr., Casimir 33 Wolgamott, Ms. Cheryl 14,19 Won, Kiyoung 49 Wood, Ryan 41,123 Worster, Reid 41,74,75, 117, 118, 119, 132 Worthington, Francis W. 75,118,161,172 Worthington. James 38,
\'\'\' Yeamans, Andrew 49 Yoon, Jason 49, 62, 70, 76,
131 Young, Mr. John 15.19 Young, Logan 41
Zefelippo, Martin 49 Zegalia. Gregory T. 172 Zminda, Phillip 41 Zoeltsch, Mrs. Nancy 19
Compiling a yearbook is an endeavor that can only be realized with the contributions of many in our community. Faculty, st;l.ff, students and parents all have had a part in bringing this remembrance of the school year 2011¡2012 to completion. We would like to thank our incredibly diligent and hard¡ working staff of Michael Meehan (Editor-in-Chief), Matt Greco. Kevin Groome, Colin Murtha, Dan Spinelli. and EV;l.n Walsh. We never could have accomplished this undertaking without your insight, laughter and insatiable desire Cor pizza. The secondary staff of Josh Gr;l.ham, Andrew Kowalski, Kevin McBride, Colin McCrory, Jimmy Princivalle and Drew Volz .also provided many hours of service. Pictorial assistance was prOVided by: The DalFarra. Finlay, King, May. Piscopo and Stone families, sports photographer Al Zarolli and the genius that is Brother "Kodak" James Rieck. Athletic supporters Darnell Artis, Matt Basara, Will Delaney, Nick DeSimone, Robert Gillies Ill, Christopher Knight, Bryan Pflanz, Mike Piscopo. Mr. PJ Quinn and Reid Worster gave names to our young men in uniform. Jo Ann Cohen, Matt Derrick. Carol Haggerty. Dorothy Marchese and Pamala Seeley crafted the homage to Mr. Marchese. We e:o:tend gratitude to those named above and others we forgot (forgiveness please) in our haste to finish this almanac of happenings, Enjoy! Carol Haggerty and Pam.ala Seeley
, l:al\il~I]~I!; @ N
Ethan Bierowski Congratulations Ethan! We love you! Mom and Dad & Grandmom and Grandpop Oberlies Craig Burdulis Congratulations to you and the Class of 2012! We wish you all the best in college next year!! Much love, Mom, Dad & Will Matthew Cimato Matt Cimato, We all wish you continued success and happiness. Cimato Chiropractic Center Mike DeCandido Congratulations Michael! We are so proud of you and all that you have accomplished at La Salle. We love you! Mom, Dad, Marisa & Erica Morgan Dougherty Mo, Words cannot describe how proud we are of you. You will always be our shining star. May success
follow you wherever you go. Love, Mom, Dad, Mack & Mike
Sean Dougherty We're so proud of you and all your accomplishments these last four years. Your future is bright! Go for it! Our love, Mom, Dad & Katie Jack Fillenwarth Jack, we are so proud of you! Congratulations! Love, Dad, Mom & Annie Gerard Gallagher Congratulations Gerard! We are very proud of you. May success follow you on your journey. The future is yours. Love, Mom, Dad & Kara Stuart Gibson Congratulations Stuart! We are very proud of you and all of your accomplishments! Good luck in college. Love, Mom, Dad, Robert & Lauren
Andrew King Andrew, Another milestone on the road of life. Congratulations! We are very proud of you. Love, Mom & Dad Tyler Kern Congratulations Tyler! We are so proud of you and all you have accomplished. Keep reaching for the stars! Love, Mom, Dad & Morgan Keith Lee Keith, We are are so proud of your hardwork, keep it up! Alexander LeGrand Alex LeGrand, we are so very proud of you! Love, Mom, Dad & Tatiana Kyle Martin Congratulations Kyle, to you and the Class of 2012. We wish you continued success in college. Love, Mom, Dad & Connor
Jonathan Roberts We love you Michael! Love, Jonathan, You make us Mom, Dad, Heath, Sarah & proud in everything you Elizabeth do. We know you will make us proud in the coming Tim Wade year. Love, Mom, Dad, Congratulations, Tim, we Kegan Moesta Christy, Lauren, Dan & are so proud of you. Love, Kegan...the sky is the limit. Mom&Dad Ryan Your passion for life will take you there and beyond. Michael Rock Keith Wagner Love, Mom, Dad and Kiley Congratulations MT! We Good luck at La Salle, love you! Keith! We know it's where Fran Pantano you belong! Congratulations Fran! I am Jake Sciolla so very proud of you. Love, We are so proud of you!!! Matthew Wallo Happy Graduation!! Love, Mom Congratulations Matt! We Mom, Andrew, Ryan & are so proud of you. Good Robert Pascal Jenna luck in college and in all Congratulations on this that you do. Love, Mom, accomplishment, Rob. We Scott Stone Dad & Melissa Scott, Cherish the are indeed so very proud of you. Love, Mom, Dad, memories, keep in touch with your friends and Andrew & Alex thank your teachers and Alec Reimel coaches. We could not be Congratulations on your prouder of you. Mom & fabulous four years at La Dad Salle. We are so proud of the mature, confident Michael Thomas Congratulations to Michael young man you have become. Our never ending Thomas and the Class of love. Mom, Dad & Erin 2012! Good luck in college! Gregory Meyers Montgomery Podiatry Associates, Inc. wish a wonderful graduation to Class of 2012.
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