Fall 2012
The Official Magazine of La Salle College High School
The Official Magazine of La Salle College High School
Pas s i n g T he Baton Page 3
A n n u a l R e p o r t o f G iThe v iOfficial n g Magazine of La Salle College High School 2011–2012
Fall 2012
The Official Magazine of La Salle College High School
The Official Magazine of La Salle College High School
The Official Magazine of La Salle College High School
Annual Report of Giving 2011–2012
Page 13
Passing the Baton
Giving Clubs Page 14
Page 3
From Lincroft to Belcroft Page 4
The Explorer Returns Page 7
Honor Roll of Donors Page 20
Annual Giving By Class
Page 30
From The Hip
Page 38
Page 2
Board of Trustees Page 10
Letter From The President Page 12
Births and Deaths Page 64
Memorial Gifts Matching Gifts Page 42
Endowment Funds Page 44
Fall 2012
From The Hip
The Official Magazine of La Salle College High School
President Brother James L. Butler, FSC
One of the most challenging tasks in all of sports is passing the baton in a relay race. As a former runner, I can personally attest to the difficulty in handing-off an eleven inch piece of hollowed anodized aluminum while in full stride. Often the baton is bobbled or dropped and a late or poor exchange will frequently result in a team being passed or overtaken by their competition. The successful passing of the baton requires skill, confidence, trust, and communication – a combination of proficiencies that are not always commonplace.
Principal Michael A. O’Toole ’68 Vice President of Institutional Advancement Daniel L. McGowan Editor Christopher M. Carabello ’82
It should come as no surprise that La Salle College High School is home to some of the most successful relay teams in the country. Last year’s 200 yard Freestyle Relay Team swam the fastest time in America and were crowned as National Champions. On the track, our Distance Medley and 4x800m Relay Teams traditionally produce some of the best times in the country and consistently find themselves in the championship race of the Penn Relays. Even outside of the athletic arena, our students are part of a caring community that successfully works together as a team united under a single banner for a common good. In July, the baton representing the leadership of La Salle College High School was officially passed from Brother Richard Kestler, FSC ’60 and Mr. Joseph Marchese to Brother James Butler, FSC and Mr. Michael O’Toole ’68. The La Salle community is forever grateful to Brother Richard and Joe Marchese for their seven years of dedicated service. During their “leg,” interest in La Salle College High School was never stronger and admissions flourished. The campus expanded, academics achieved new levels of excellence, and our athletics, fine arts, and extracurricular offerings could only be described as extraordinary.
Contributing Writers The OfficialJames MagazineL.ofButler, La Salle College Brother FSC High School Christopher M. Carabello ’82 Michael A. O’Toole ’68 Editorial and Production Assistance Maura M. Diehl Cathleen P. Winning Photography John Burns Christopher M. Carabello ’82 Sam Fritch Brother James Rieck, FSC ’57 The OfficialSacco Magazine of La Salle College High School Regina
The exchange between the two administrations was flawless and both men quickly found themselves in full stride. Brother James is insightful and influential. His administrative experience at Christian Brothers Academy and with the Baltimore District of the Christian Brothers has allowed him to become involved with all parts of the La Salle community. His commitment to our mission could not be stronger and I have no doubt that La Salle will thrive under his leadership. Mike O’Toole is a seasoned administrator dedicated to social justice and Lasallian education. The thirty-one years he spent at La Salle College High School allow him to return to his Alma Mater as a respected leader and teacher. In 2005, before leaving to become Principal at Holy Ghost Prep, Mike O’Toole put the Explorer and the responsibilities and duties associated with the magazine into my hands. It was an honor to succeed one of my former teachers and, since that time, I have published twentyfour issues, and, the current release marks the 50th issue of the publication. It is only fitting that Mike joins Brother James Butler on the cover of a magazine with which he is forever associated. This June will mark the 150th commencement exercises of La Salle College High School Through the years, the school has successfully passed a tradition of excellence from one generation of Explorers to the next. In doing so, they have likewise passed the mission, teachings, and principles of our Founder, Saint John Baptist de La Salle. Our race is far from over with each “leg” proudly supporting the next. The finish line may be well in the distance, but the anticipation and excitement that builds with every lap is truly amazing.
Christopher M. Carabello ’82 Editor
2 | Explorer Fall 2012
Artwork and Design John Burns Graphic Design
Address Explorer La Salle College High School 8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor, PA 19038 215 233 2350 phone 215 836 4502 fax alumni@lschs.org www.lschs.org
The Explorer is published quarterly by La Salle College High School. The Explorer welcomes letters to the Editor concerning alumni, school, and topics covered by and in the magazine. The Editor of the Explorer reserves the right to make all decisions regarding the content and information published in the magazine.
Pas s i n g T he Baton Forward by Christopher M. Carabello ’82
On July 1, 2012, Brother James L. Butler, FSC succeeded Brother Richard Kestler, FSC ’60 as the fourth President of La Salle College High School. At the same time, Michael A. O’Toole ’68 returned to his Alma Mater and assumed the position of Principal. Brother James Butler, FSC is an educator with over thirty years of professional experience and formerly served as Principal of Christian Brothers Academy (CBA), a Lasallian college preparatory school located in Lincroft, NJ. He served from 2003-2007 as the Auxiliary Visitor and Director of Education for the Baltimore Province of the Christian Brothers. He has also served as a member of nine governing boards and participated in numerous school reviews and searches. Mike O’Toole becomes the school’s tenth principal and succeeds Joseph L. Marchese who stepped down due to health reasons. He served as Principal of Holy Ghost Preparatory School in Bensalem, PA from 2005-2012. Prior to joining Holy Ghost Prep, Mike spent thirty-one years as an administrator and teacher at La Salle College High School. He served as Vice President from 2000-2005, where he was responsible for the oversight of school communications, admissions, financial aid, and diversity programs. He taught English from 1974-2005, serving as the Department Chair for eight years. He also directed summer programs, academic technology, and writing programs and served as Chairman of the Steering Committee for the school’s Middle States Accreditation Review in 1996.
3 | Explorer Fall 2012
From Lincroft to Belcroft by Michael A. O’Toole ’68
Brother James Butler assumed the reins as President of La Salle this past June. His tenure marks a return to a campus on which he has served in the past as teacher, Assistant Provincial, and board member. Mike O’Toole ’68 took on the task of interviewing Brother James for the Explorer.
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First of all, welcome to La Salle and to the Explorer! Can you tell us how you came to become a Christian Brother? Thanks! It’s a welcome I’ve really felt since I started spending more time here this past May. In my sophomore year at La Salle College, as it then was, I had Brothers teaching four out of five classes and knew Brother Carl in the campus ministry office. I noticed how different they were from each other yet how involved each was in his work and how uniformly interested they all seemed in us. I remember clearly a couple of specific incidents that drove the lesson home. I was an English major, of course, but I had neighbors in Bernard’s who were Bio majors. They came home from one Anatomy lab dissection and commented, “We had a pregnant cat. Brother Richard [Hawley] was so excited. He was like a little kid.” The second was a memory of a very elderly Brother, James Conaghan. He came out of retirement each semester to help at registration. It was the era of those horrible punch cards. He was charged with checking your name off early in the process and handing you your cards (He tried to say the rosary while doing this, which usually resulted in a disorderly heap of punch cards on his lap or the floor). Anyway, he never gave someone his card without finding something personal to say, connecting the address to a parish, inquiring about your relationship to someone with the same name or about your high school. Those two anecdotes tell something about why I became a Brother and why I stayed. I wanted to do something that I could get excited about even in my 50’s. Ironically, I am about the same age now that Brother Richard Hawley was then, and I wanted to do work where I could do those interesting things while showing a genuine interest in people. Those opportunities have never flagged over the past thirty-one years. Your education and professional life includes some impressive international experience, from the Middle East to the Land Down Under. What do you think you bring away from these journeys? When I got off the plane in Australia back in 1994, I remember thinking, “Wow, I only know one person on the continent where I am living right now.” It’s a little scary, but it’s also freeing. I do love Australia and its people. I think their ingrained “No worries, Mate, she’ll be right” mentality is a great counterbalance to my “Type A+” tendencies. In the West Bank, I learned never to take education for granted. It was interesting to work with 19 and 20 year olds who were not “school literate”; the second Intifada had disrupted so much of their education that they didn’t know how to go to school. College classes had their middle school moments. I remember a mantra about trying to understand Middle Eastern culture: “Nothing is easy; nothing is quick; nothing is as it seems.” I know I won’t be saying that about La Salle in six months!
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What are some other important influences on your professional life – people, places, events? Brother David Rogers taught me to teach. You can’t do better than that. I think I learned what dignity is by watching the elderly Brother Francis McLean deal with his physical limitations when I lived with him at Carroll in the mid-eighties. Brother Felix Ryan, a senior Brother from my first days in the order, had a razor-sharp wit, delivered zingers in a gravely whisper, and tolerated fools incredibly badly. Yet the students at Calvert Hall flocked to him. They sensed immediately his passionate investment in their learning. That’s the first lesson: just be yourself and care. Success in the classroom will almost inevitably follow. The second lesson came from seeing how much the boys liked him. Teenage boys are smarter than we are. They will always catch the twinkle in the eye behind the growling dog exterior that adults can miss. Their assessment of who cares about them and who doesn’t in an educational environment is generally spot on. Being in Australia taught me perspective. The language isn’t a barrier (generally), so that helps, but everything else is so different: the flora, the fauna, the night sky (finding the Southern Cross instead of the Big Dipper), driving on the left hand side of the road. That showed me that increasing the variety of your experiences correlates directly to increasing your adaptability, something I never forgot. I learned a lot about teaching and administration from one incident when I was assigned to Pittsburgh. We had a winter date dance, “The Snow Ball,” and I was in charge. I found on my travels around the dance a senior “under the influence.” Turns out he had taken his SATs earlier that morning and knew he was unsuccessful once again. His drunken conversation prior to his mother’s arrival and his early departure from the dance included “I’m a loser” repeated over and over again. He was, of course, suspended for several days, days during which the class I taught him was finishing Hamlet. It was a class he struggled in and would doubtless fail without direct instruction. I sent word that he was to come in for make-up work after school activities at about 4PM each day. Towards the end of his suspension, the disciplinarian of the school, whom I had previously estimated to be pretty much “by the book,” sent for me. I presumed I was going to catch it for violating the terms of the suspension. The only thing he said to me was, “I’m glad you’ve taken an interest in that boy. I think he needs it.” A principle was communicated that I’ve never forgotten in all my management experience: the frameworks and guidelines exist for a reason and are often quite helpful, but people come first. There are always ways to hold people accountable while you’re still turning them towards the light. I know we first met as younger teachers somewhere on the second floor of what is now McLean Hall, but I know you have had some interesting connections to La Salle in the past. Tell us about them.
La Salle High has been a part of my life since I came to Philadelphia in the fall of 1978. I remember a college campus peppered with a sea of colorful corduroy letter jackets: red and blue for Judge; red and white for North; orange and brown for Neumann; green and gold for Wood. As I became familiar with Philadelphia, though, I quickly learned there’s something special about the guys who wore the blue and gold—a certain intellectual curiosity, a certain personal generosity, a noteworthy independence of spirit, a measureable commitment to action. One of my early friends was a great example of that. The late John Murray, ’76 was someone I met early in my time at La Salle College. He had hemophilia, but he was fearless. A leader in Brother Gene Graham’s stage crew, he was forever dangling off the catwalk, thirty feet above the floor of the Rodden Theater, fixing something or other. He could have been guarded or melancholy, but he wasn’t. He accepted no limitations and had the most wry sense of humor. Student teaching brought me back to La Salle in the 1982-83 school year, This year brings the first pupil into my life who is the son of someone I taught in Bill Fahy’16, son of Bill Fahy’86. I later lived at La Salle while doing graduate work at Penn, and then later when I was Director of Education for the Baltimore Province of the Brothers. I was on the Board of Trustees from 2003-08, serving as vice chair to Al Gabriele for a bit. I was off for a year, then got invited back to the Board that Ben Ventresca now chaired. I resigned when I was offered the president’s job. So, for most of the past decade I’ve had the chance to see La Salle up fairly close, albeit from a different perspective than most see it. I’ve been involved with some great alums and past parents in its governance, and I am looking forward to continuing those relationships. Tell us about the Brothers and their current relationship to La Salle: It’s simple really, and not at all pessimistic despite the demographics. I don’t want to talk here about sponsorship, school governance, reserve powers or canonical relationships. That makes for particularly dull reading. I want instead to connect this answer to an actual conversation I had with a young Brother who was questioning his future role in the face of our undeniable actuarial future. Lay persons can do anything we do, after all, up to and including my job. So what’s our role? The role of the Brothers is to do something no one else can: To be the Brothers. That will mean different things to different people. It may suggest an individual or corporate link to a simpler or happier time, a visual reminder of the fraternal relationship expected among and within the school community, a call to be our best selves, to place service before ambition, or a reminder that God is present with us and cares about us.
Being President of La Salle College High School means a very busy life, I’m sure. So, seriously enough, what do you do for leisure? I go to Board and committee meetings of three other Lasallian institutions and attend to responsibilities on the Brothers’ District Council. Feel sorry for me yet? Seriously, while there’s not a lot of down time some weeks, there are things I like to do. My annual summer vacation usually gives me a chance to see something new, beautiful, and engaging, to clear my mind a bit. I still have a few places to get to in the years to come. So, while it’s no longer fair to say “the Brothers run La Salle” in anything more than a nominal sense, I think it’s realistic to say that the Brothers are a key component of why La Salle runs in the unique, effective, and extraordinary way it does. Are we the engine? No, not anymore. But I like to think we’re like the sparkplug still. What does it mean to be a “Lasallian school”? La Salle graduates, like those of similar institutions throughout the country, usually identify themselves as “Brothers Boys.” The insight is this: Lasallian schools focus on the individual learner, his or her distinctiveness, whole personality, unique background and aspirations. There’s no “product”; there’s a person. Yet this insight is counterbalanced by the awareness that ours is not an individualistic endeavor. At the heart of the Lasallian school is the relationship that is created, students among themselves, students with teachers, parents, administrators, alumni, and past parents included as well. A Lasallian school is also a community compelled to reach out in service, to those who lack something educationally or socially within the school or to the wider community of which we are a part. Educational excellence and proper preparation for the professions are the bedrock of Lasallian education, as is the case with many other “brands.” It is the context of respectful relationships lived in the Presence of God by which we achieve those goals that makes us different. How would you place La Salle in the universe of secondary schools? As the sun, of course! As that still point of simple fire around which everything else revolves. Abandoning the astronomical metaphor, I would call La Salle “the complete Catholic boys’ school.” Many schools are only able to offer part of the whole package: a broad and balanced curriculum, rigorous academic expectations for students of diverse interests and aptitudes, solid faith formation, athletic programs that compete at a high level, robust programs across all the fine arts, service programs that provide perspective and invite reflection, cutting-edge technology, well-maintained facilities to support all that activity and dynamic student teacher relationships that enrich all parties. Usually you will go into a school and find it wanting in at least a couple of those areas. La Salle has it all, each component in place and functioning well. It’s the real deal. 6 | Explorer Fall 2012
La Salle proudly boasts nearly 14,000 alumni. What are the best reasons they should stay connected – both financially and physically – to the school? Just experience the place for a few days. Why would you ever want to leave? First of all, I think a graduate of La Salle, or any similar school, who had the typical experience is going to find in the place a certain touchstone experience. It’s not uncommon to hear that “these were the best four years of my life” I hope every graduate will remember their La Salle years as times when they were known, nurtured, and valued, allowed to grow, supported as they figured out who they were and who they wanted to be, the main task of adolescence. I think we come back physically to campus, then, to reconnect with that whole experience which made us the men we are today, reconnect with our friends, to be sure, but also with those strong, luminous men and women who went before us and showed us the path. Why would an alumnus want to invest in La Salle? All of what I’ve said about Lasallian values over time but also because the world has changed, and La Salle has changed with it. Technology, other facilities, academic programming, instructional methodologies, the face of the faculty, they’re all evolving and new. Yet come inside, maybe close your eyes and open your ears, and it’s still the same La Salle. The relationships, the challenge, the encouragement: these things haven’t changed. I think alumni investment and interest helps to keep it that way. In my position you hear numerous stories from older alums, generally fatherless, directionless, or penniless. The moral of the story is always the same: “the Brothers took care of me.” Well, the circle of brotherhood has opened up. It needed to. You’re their brothers now, and I’m sure our alumni want to invest in La Salle to insure that such young men always have the benefit of La Salle to counter balance the harsher realities of their lives.
My other interests are eclectic. Opera and hockey are an odd combination of interests, but I have them both. Attending school sporting events and student performances is an “enjoyable priority” for me. I do have some “guilty pleasures” that I probably shouldn’t admit to, but…start a quote from a Family Guy episode or one of the Hangover movies… I can probably finish it. What are the important challenges facing La Salle today? Let me start with two important challenges I think we have in hand. First, while we’re not involved in a major facilities project right now, we do know what we need or would like. I am confident that the Board and the administration of La Salle, working together, will be able to position La Salle strategically and competitively in these areas. Likewise, I think the Mission of the school is very well understood and communicated to all constituents. I think excellent mechanisms exist for new faculty, those who never went to La Salle as well as alumni, to understand the distinctive spirit of the school and Mission of the Institute. I have seen the effectiveness of these programs, the number of new hires who start to understand working here as more than a job that, as Saint La Salle said, “the Grace of your state is to touch hearts.” The biggest challenge, I think, is accessibility. Private Catholic education requires a considerable financial commitment, one beyond many ordinary people today. I think the biggest challenge at La Salle is creating a substantial endowment, one which allows us to augment financial aid resources progressively. In my head, I have a vision of a kid whose father drives for UPS and whose mother works in a clerical position. He’s bright, ambitious, and wants more than his local schools can provide, academically, athletically or artistically, and in terms of his formation in faith and character. You know, we have that slogan in our advancement work, “Your La Salle. My La Salle. Our La Salle.” I’d like to make sure it can be his La Salle too. That’s where I need your support. We’re all grateful for it.
We shall not cease from exploration And the end of all our exploring Will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first time. T.S. Eliot, “Little Gidding”
The Explorer Returns After a Seven Year Journey, Michael O’Toole ’68 Tends the Home Fires as Principal by Brother James L. Butler, FSC
As La Salle welcomes Mike O’Toole back to begin his term as principal, it is to a school different in many ways, some of them visible, from the one he left in 2005. It is certainly one very different from that he first entered as a freshman in the fall of 1964. Certain constants endure, nevertheless; certain things are always familiar.
7 | Explorer Fall 2012
One of those things that never changes is
In the 1990s, while an administrator at La Salle,
Mike’s personal spirituality is nurtured by his
the understanding that exists about the
Mike became a Klingenstein Fellow at Columbia
commitment to membership in Saint Vincent de
kind of person a La Salle graduate should be.
University. There he participated in a cohort of
Paul Parish in Germantown. There he grew to
These goals were the same when Brother
independent school faculty members confronting
experience “profound respect for the Word, the
Edward Gallagher handed Mike his own
issues of multiculturalism and global education.
sacraments, and how they interact in a time of
diploma in June of 1968 as they are for the
Though he initially had apprehensions about
great challenge.” Work at Holy Ghost Prep with
150th graduating class that will be Mike’s
returning to the other side of the desk after
the Spiritan fathers, global missionaries, further
first as principal next year. The only differ-
many years of teaching, engaging in “the hard
broadened this spiritual commitment which has
ence is that, as required for Middle States
work of re-thinking everything, doing assign-
as its foundation:
accreditation, such expectations have been
ments for someone else,” he soon came to thrive
codified in what is called a “Graduate Pro-
in this environment and relish the experience of
file,” an outline of the hopes for how you can recognize a La Salle man by the time he gets his diploma. The graduate profile La Salle put in place in 2007 is a platform supported by a four-pronged statement of character traits. It is interesting to consider the ways in which the experience of Michael O’Toole, Class of 1968, fulfills the current goals of a La Salle College High School education, to inspire: Men of Intellect and Accomplishment Mike O’Toole’s formal educational journey since leaving Saint Martin of Tours Elementary School has had three main stages. Perhaps the most formative part was the time spent on Cheltenham Avenue. “The excitement of being a student at La Salle was enormous,” Mike recalls, “new school, bigger world.” He remembers those years in the mid-1960s as “a time when I really learned ’how to think’ – critically, that is, and at the same time be supported by a really great community.” It was in this community where Mike first met his wife Mary Lou. The transition to life as a Penn undergrad “threw me into a much broader world, a little unsettling,” but one where he was ultimately able to adapt and thrive “based on the good habits of study I learned at La Salle.”
“shaking off the cobwebs.”
family life to the life of the society. The profound beliefs of Catholic social justice teaching, with
It is, of course, as a teacher that most La Salle
primacy of the preferential option for the poor.
men and families knew Mike O’Toole before now.
The sacramental nature of life, that beyond what
“Blessed with great teachers” himself, Mike has taken an eclectic approach to his own pedagogy: “I’ve even been able, for example, to recall a calculus problem from high school and use it in AP Lit” and to “use ideas and techniques from coaches and directors in athletics and the arts at all of the schools where I have worked.” Men of Faith and Compassion
we see is something eternal. And the concern for anyone at the margins of society.“ Men of Service and Justice In the 1960s, “Enter to Learn/Leave to Serve” wasn’t a tag line used to summarize the experience of life at the top of the hill towards the end of Cheltenham Avenue, a statement used almost as often as the ubiquitous “Boys will be
Someone beginning La Salle High School in
boys, but…”. Still, Mike O’Toole’s adolescent
1964 would probably have seen the world
experience of tutoring in Germantown schools, a
through the blinders of a particular paradigm. A
“stumbling involvement” with Camp La Salle, a
vocation? That was something the Brothers and
mid-1960s summer outreach camp, and “above
those young men who felt a call to join them had.
all, the examples of the young Brothers of the
The other teachers in the school, still a minor-
time in pushing us outward towards the bigger
ity, had jobs – jobs which were not ordinarily
issues in society” combined with the values of
very remunerative and jobs to which they were
his parents to be the seeds of a growing commit-
extraordinarily dedicated, but still jobs, pure and
ment to serve the disadvantaged.
simple. Mike O’Toole was among that first generation that developed the language to match the experience of the vocation of a life-long Catholic school teacher, one whose vows are to a spouse and family. “I think I very early on regarded teaching as a calling,” he reflects, “I was fortunate to work with senior teachers early in my career, some of whom had come from other careers, who saw it in the same way. No matter what, I still can’t think of a better way to spend a life, being in the forefront of influencing the next generation and of making a difference in the world at large.”
8 | Explorer Fall 2012
”The affirmation of life across the board, from
students he helped me with at Holy Ghost Prep.” The inspiration Mike received from the corps of young Brothers at La Salle in the 1960s, whether for his vocation as teacher or his commitment to justice, has already been documented. It continues to come today from a Brother who has been a colleague and peer on and off since the 1980s:
“One striking example to me from a bit later is Brother James Rieck. Jim and I first did not see eye to eye on lots of things. Over the years, however, I have come to see in his own adaptations to life remarkable ways for me and other people to similarly adapt. In particular, his continuing low key and pervasive kindness have been very influential. I may add, I think he was scouting me last summer when he took some sky photos of Holy Ghost!” Much like Saint John Baptist de La Salle came
sense of the integrity of academics and a sense
to be involved with schools for poor boys via a
of craft about teaching.” Encountering the Spiri-
From Profile to Full View
chance encounter with an visionary but unreli-
tan charism there affirmed for Mike an essential
As any artist can attest, a profile is but one view.
able schoolmaster named Adrian Nyel, Mike
Lasallian value, “the importance of building
It accentuates certain features and obscures
O’Toole’s personal involvement with a German-
genuine community, ’in one heart and one mind’,”
others. Mike O’Toole the loving husband, the
town non-profit Face to Face, happened because
and allowed him to “see my years there as both
proud father, the hiker and biker, the man of a
of that agency’s connections with Saint Vincent
an educational and spiritual journey.”
few summer weeks idled away each year in Cape
Parish. At first, “Mary Lou, Dan and I volunteered after Sunday Mass to serve meals in the Face to Face dining room.” Board membership, fund raising, and even the board chairmanship of this organization which “serves meals to the poor, checks blood pressure, helps with rent disputes and SSI” have followed in turn. Like we hope all La Salle service experiences will be, Mike’s experience with Face to Face has been educational and provoked reflection as well: “the most important lesson we all continue to learn is the mutuality of the experience of the meeting of the poor and the non-poor. So we all learn that we are both ’special’ and the same.” Men of Integrity and Respect Almost always, those who engage a different culture on its own terms find in that journey a cause for curiosity and respect. A seven-year sojourn at Holy Ghost Preparatory school was very much that kind of experience for Mike O’Toole. “I very much tried to take Holy Ghost Prep on its own terms and its own diversity of opinions,” Mike recalls of his early learning at that school, and subsequent experiences there “affirmed my 9 | Explorer Fall 2012
May, does not appear in these pages. This is only Back at La Salle, Mike sees the signs in every
the profile of the scholar, educator, reflective
room restating the mantra, “Boys will Be Boys,
practitioner, man of faith and zeal, La Salle
but La Salle Boys will Be Gentlemen,” added
man. For even Thomas Wolfe, despite the title
since his departure, as not merely a connection
of his novel, had its protagonist George Webber
to the past but as an aid to our educational
Mission and the achievement of this aspect of the Graduate Profile: “It means remembering to treat everyone else with decency and dignity and learning how to do that. The signs are not just reminders but pieces of continuing education in
“Why had he always felt so strongly the magnetic pull of home, why had he thought so much about it and remembered it with such blazing accuracy, if it did not matter, and if this little town, and the
the values of a good community.”
immortal hills around it, was not the only home
Reflecting back on his nearly forty years of
knew was that the years flow by like water, and
La Salle experience, Mike sees many examples
that one day men come home again.”
he had on earth? He did not know. All that he
of persons he has encountered who have been reminders of the values of a good community
Welcome back, Mike O’Toole, back to this
like integrity and respect. In general, “usually on
immortal Wyndmoor hill on which the
the spot and in moments of need,” “I have relied
foundation of your life, like so many others,
on many, many classmates from the La Salle
has been built. Welcome home!
Class of 1968.” “A colleague, then a former colleague, then a friend, then a part-time teacher,” Ed McCabe is recollected by Mike as someone “who always had an intriguing challenge and a continuing commitment to the integrity of teaching itself, whether for La Salle students or the ESL
Board of Trustees 2011/2012
Front Row (left to right): Brother Thomas Scanlan, FSC, Edward J. Fitzgerald ’81, Brother Richard Kestler, FSC ’60, Benjamin J. Ventresca, Jr. ’70, Joseph L. Marchese*, Joseph H. Donahue ’58, and Louis J. Beccaria ’63 Second Row (left to right): Courtney A. Portlock, Brother Michael McGinniss, FSC ’65, Richard D. DiBella ’71, John J. Whalen ’67, Francy Dooley Kent, Candy Markmann, Patricia Brabson, C. Clark Hodgson, Jr., Esq. ’57, James T. McLaughlin ’57, Edward R. Solvibile ’58, and Brother Ernest Miller, FSC Top Row (left to right): Joseph F. Hartnett, Jr. ’69, Nicholas J. Coggins*, Denis J. Lawler, Esq. ’66, Thomas R. Barna*, Vincent W. Walters ’59, James H. Stewart, Mimi McGettigan Kehan, Mark A. Gibbons ’92*, Ronald M. Bean ’86, Julia K. Maher*, Kathleen A. Smith*, and Daniel L. McGowan* Missing from the photo: Brother James Butler, FSC, Gerald T. Hathaway, Esq. ’72, John F. Lehman, Jr., PhD ’60**, Alfred P. Salvitti ’70, and Arlene Yocum * Service Member ** Honorary Member Brother Dennis Malloy, FSC Provincial Visitor, District of Eastern North America
Brother Ernest Miller, FSC Assistant Director of Education and Lasallian Mission Formation
Brother Thomas Scanlan, FSC Auxiliary Provincial, District of Eastern North America
Benjamin J. Ventresca, Jr. ’70 Chairman of the Board
10 | Explorer Fall 2012
Alfred P. Salvitti ’70 Vice Chairman
Brother Richard Kestler, FSC ’60 President of the Corporation Joseph L. Marchese Vice President of the Corporation Kathleen A. Smith Secretary of the Corporation Mark A. Gibbons ’92 Treasurer of the Corporation
Letter from the Chairman of the Board of Trustees Dear Fellow Lasallian, Passing the Baton is quite the evocative theme for this Annual Report of Giving issue of the Explorer, and yet in so many ways it only touches the surface. As someone whose only recent experience with physically passing a baton is watching from the stands, or most recently in high definition from thousands of miles and five time zones away, passing a baton seems both fleeting and perilous. Passing a baton is as much an act of faith as it is a physical exchange. The act of the exchange actually begins well before the two parties are within reach. Runners begin their leg with their arm stretched blindly behind them to receive the cylinder; relay swimmers pass a mental baton and have to time their launch from the platform to perfectly coincide with a teammate’s fingers touching the wall below their field of vision; and outside the sports world, music conductors pass their baton (and legacy) to their successor with a flourish. And a bit closer to home, guardians of all types pass the baton of wisdom and responsibility to those for whom they care. When done well, all of these demonstrate excellence and require experience, preparation, synchronization, and faith. Once again I am very proud to report that, over the past year, La Salle has continued to demonstrate that we have the desire and capacity to achieve excellence in every aspect. Around the world, the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools has established itself as a preeminent force for educating and nurturing young men and women and, in the process, bringing them to a greater awareness of God’s presence in their lives. Here at La Salle, our young men grow in the spirit of the Christian Brothers to reflect the integrity, compassion, achievement, and brotherhood that is the hallmark of our alumni. While our outstanding athletic achievements are most likely to be reported in newspapers and on websites, they are quietly matched by the overwhelming accomplishments of our administration, faculty, staff, and students on a daily basis. This past summer, we witnessed the passing of the baton at the highest level of school leadership, but from the stands it looked effortless. Last June, our stellar Class of 2012, one of the most accomplished in La Salle’s storied history, passed the role of leadership to their anxious junior brothers, and again the exchange seemed easy. Saint John Baptist de La Salle implemented a number of revolutionary approaches to teaching, but one of the most significant is his vision of teachers as brother-mentors. The impact of this brother-to-brother philosophy is manifested in the passion for teaching and learning that exists here, and the confidence and success that this breeds in our students. Each day at La Salle the baton of wisdom and responsibility passes back and forth, and the process is almost transparent. Through this exchange we all grow in understanding and live in community – that is from where the bonds of brotherhood, the dedication to service, and the sense of duty begins. 11 | Explorer Fall 2012
Why, then, do we annually dedicate an entire issue of the Explorer to annual giving? Because it acknowledges the fact that your act of giving isn’t effortless, and the absence of that giving would be perilous. We appreciate and understand the sacrifice that our students’ parents and guardians make to give their sons the gift of a La Salle education, and we are committed to keeping La Salle as affordable as possible. For 2012-2013 the base tuition is $18,700, but the cost of delivering this La Salle experience is actually closer to $21,000. Within our region this would be a reasonable tuition for a world-class independent college preparatory school and is lower than the tuition of many of our peers. However, for a majority of our families, that differential would make the dream of a La Salle education go unfulfilled. This is where your loyal support, year after year, makes a lasting difference in the lives of more than a thousand families annually. Your repeated support shares La Salle’s legacy and charism with generations of future alums. This issue of the Explorer celebrates the heritage of generosity that you hand off to the legion of young men eagerly waiting to take the baton from your hands. On behalf of the thirty men and women who proudly serve as Trustees of La Salle, I profoundly thank you for your faith and loyal support. Sincerely, yours,
Benjamin J. Ventresca, Jr. ’70 Chair, Board of Trustees
Letter from the President
Dear Alumni, Parents, and Friends, On the Thursday evening before I sat down to write this letter of appreciation, a ferocious summer thunderstorm swept through our otherwise tranquil Wyndmoor campus. While La Salle survived without any structural damage or major tree loss, a bolt of lightning must have struck Alumni House directly. An important component of the technology system was totally fried, disrupting phone and internet service, the life’s blood of a modern school’s capacity to communicate. Upon returning from a meeting late Friday afternoon, I saw our CIO Pete Sigmund ’85 and his faithful canine companion Hunter still toiling in an Alumni House deserted for the weekend. I vaguely understood that his co-worker Braden Bonner ’07 was down in the basement working as well. They were determined to resolve the issue before leaving for a Microsoft Conference in Seattle the following day. After watching the Olympics’ opening ceremonies later that evening, I went to bed. When I got up the next morning, I read an email Pete had sent at 11:46 pm when the job was completed. Long story short, the problem was more complex than anticipated and required more help. Our professional staff called in one of our lab managers, Jordan Petrellis ’14, along with three young alumni of the program, Joe Pertellis ’09, Colin McIntosh ’11, and CJ Burdulis ’12, to help. Four young men under the age of 21 spending their summer Friday night in a hot and claustrophobic basement without any promise of recompense, simply because their talents were needed! The lesson I want to draw is underlined by a second brief example. It could have been 1962 or 1982, but it was 2012. Three varsity football players crept into the Brothers’ Residence. They jumped as the grandfather clock stuck eight. Jumped again at Brother Carl’s footsteps behind them, then inquired sheepishly: “We left our cell phones in the weight room. Do you have a key?” In a bygone age it might have been a notebook or calculator that was forgotten, but the lesson is consistent, the same as that in the prior story of our technological dilemma: you can always turn to your La Salle brothers for help when needed. That is exactly what this Annual Report of Giving represents, the help of a legion of La Salle brothers—La Salle parents, grandparents, wives, widows, and friends as well—to make this education accessible to those many young men who would otherwise aspire to something not within their reach, to ensure likewise that the education provided is of a quality unrivaled elsewhere in our area. When you think about it, the year might be 1682 as well. For it was about that time that Saint John Baptist de La Salle defined the Spirit of the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, “a spirit of faith and zeal.” Not two spirits, you will note, but one, capable of logical but not psychological division. Saint La Salle’s 12 | Explorer Fall 2012
insight was that a person of faith is compelled to invest himself/ herself fervently within and on behalf of a community. Thank you for your investment in La Salle this past year. Whether you participated in the De La Salle Annual Fund, contributed to La Salle through the Educational Improvement Tax Credit (ETIC) program, completed a pledge to the Fulfilling the Promise Campaign, made a gift in kind or a planned gift, you have kept faith with La Salle. This school is a remarkable environment for becoming extraordinary men like those highlighted above, talented and generous, dedicated and loyal. Your zeal to ensure that La Salle continues to be accessible to such students throughout the Delaware Valley is always inspiring. Your faith in and enthusiasm for La Salle are particularly encouraging in an ever-changing environment. Change is all around us, not only in the leadership of La Salle, where Mike O’Toole and I take up the baton we have been handed by those great men from prior legs who have indeed run the race well and also kept the faith. Today’s La Salle, which is being attended by approximately 1,070 young men, may look very different programmatically, technologically, and facilities-wise from the school you attended or even sent your sons to. For example, these students will be far more likely to take their notes using tablet technology rather than a copybook or even a laptop. Nonetheless, the same prize awaits our students at the finish that has been held out for 154 years: the confidence to engage the world as a Lasallian gentleman, capable and compassionate. Your support enables more graduates to cross that finish line successfully every year. Speaking of tablets, we who work at La Salle will strive this year as always to be worthy of the faith you have placed in us to do the work our Founder requires of us, to: “announce the gospel as ministers of Jesus Christ, whose role is to write the letter dictated by Christ, not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets which are the hearts of children.” Thank you for your help in accomplishing that Mission. Fraternally,
Brother James L. Butler, FSC President
my La Salle. your La Salle. our La Salle.
Annual Report of Giving 2011–2012
13 | Explorer Fall 2012
Giving Clubs 2011-2012 Saint Michael’s $10,000 and Up
A Front Row Seat to Learning A. Edward Allinson ’52 Alumni Association APEX Mortgage Raymond S. Angelo ’70 Mrs. Regina Avallone Thaddeus J. Bartkowski, III ’98 Arthur J. Burke, III, Esq. ’85 Business Leadership Organized for Catholic Schools Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Cassidy, Esq. Community of Christian Brothers Mr. & Mrs. Vincent H. Cicalese Mr. & Mrs. James D. Danella Danella Constuction Corporation Danella Line Services Edward W. DeAngelis ’67 Hightec HVAC Richard D. DiBella ’71 Domenic M. DiPiero ’63 Joseph H. Donahue ’58 Charles E. Dunleavy, Jr. ’61 Martin E. Feeny ’90 Firstrust Bank Edward (Ward) J. Fitzgerald, III ’81 Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Fox Fox Bindery, Inc. Genuardi Family Foundation Laurence P. Genuardi ’69 John E. Glaser ’58 Mr. Michael J. Hagan The Hagan Foundation Joseph P. Hand, Jr. ’76 Peter J. Hand ’04 Joseph P. Hand, IV ’01 Vincent Cicalese ’14 The Joseph Hand Charitable Fund Elmer F. Hansen, Jr. ’54 Elmer F. Hansen III ’86 Hansen Charitable Foundation Mr. & Mrs. James E. Hasson Mrs. Francy and John F. Kent, Esq. ’68 Kent & McBride, P.C. Mr. & Mrs. John J. Kerrigan Trenchtech S. Richard (Dec’d.) Klinges, III, Esq. ’49 James R. Koller ’69 Current La Salle Students John F. Lehman, Jr., PhD ’60 Anthony J. Maginnis ’76 Global Packaging, Inc. Mr. Thomas E. Manion Dr. and Mrs. William J. Markmann, MD ’66 Orthopaedic Surgery & Rehabilitation Services Mr. Francesco Mascaro Mr. Pasquale Mascaro Mrs. Lindsay Mascaro Ptaszenski J.P. Mascaro & Sons 14 | Explorer Fall 2012
William W. Matthews, III, Esq. ’86 Christopher J. Matthews ’63 Michael D. McCarthy ’65 James T. McLaughlin ’57 Edward F. McMahon ’69 Mr. & Mrs. Vincent P. McNichol Austin A. Meehan ’79 Utility Line Service, Inc. Men of La Salle Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Mills Robert P. Moran ’69 Mothers’ Club Mr. & Mrs. David C. Ott ’81 Mr. & Mrs. John T. Paul Phila. Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Joseph M. Queenan ’65 Mrs. Joanne Quinn Joseph J. Ragg, Jr. ’73 Robert J. Riethmiller, Jr. ’55 PTR Baler & Compactor Company Anthony M. Stonis ’64 Mr. Robert H. Swartley Swartley Bros. Engineers, Inc. Vincent J. Tague, Sr. ’57 Vincent J. Tague, Jr. ’81 Tague Lumber, Inc. of Media, PA Tague Lumber, Inc. of Phoenixville, PA George J. Ward ’58 Waste Management John J. Whalen ’67 William A. Whiteside, Jr., Esq. ’46 Williamson Caterers
$5,000.00 to $9,999 Mrs. Mary Grace Antonelli Gerard J. Binder ’69 Bridge Educational Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Buckley ’65 Mr. & Mrs. James J. Clark Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Curcillo, II Rev. Harold F. Dagle ’51 Jerome F. Dean ’71 Edward J. DeAngelis ’86 Walter W. Dearolf, III, MD ’74 Orthpaedic Surgery & Rehabilitation Services Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. DeCandido The Dolaway Family Charles E. Dolaway, III ’58 Donald J. Dolaway ’74 Harry K. Dolaway ’68 John R. Dolaway ’84 Paul W. Dolaway ’93 Allegheny Iron and Metal James A. Donahue, III ’86 Christopher T. Doran ’85 Charles J. Dunton, MD ’70 Thomas Durling, Esq. ’76 John J. Egan ’57
John C. Fenningham, Esq. ’68 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Ferrier First Niagara Bank Sean P. Flynn ’83 Flynn & O’Hara Timothy J. Foley ’66 The Foley Insurance Agency Stephen A. Gardner ’72 Puri L. Garzone, III ’98 Public House Investments Anthony J. Gillespie ’68 Mr. Andrew J. Gordon Ronald S. Guerra ’76 Michael J. Hathaway ’68 John J. Horan ’69 Robert M. Hughes ’70 H. William Jesse, Jr. ’69 La Salle University Denis James Lawler, Esq. ’66 Robert G. Liberatore ’67 William F. Maher, Jr. ’69 Daniel McGill ’78 Mrs. William A. Meehan Mr. Paul L. Melchiorre, Jr. Andrew J. Milligan, PhD ’69 Enos Charles Ney ’51 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory S. Nowakowski United Color Manufacturing, Inc. Stephen J. Rauscher ’65 Raynier Institute and Foundation RBC Capital Markets William R. Regli ’58 Alfred P. Salvitti ’70 Joseph F. Slabinski, III ’67 Slabinski Funeral Home Benjamin J. Ventresca, Jr. ’70 Frank J. Wesner, Jr., Esq. ’66 Westinghouse Lighting Corporation Daniel J. Whelan, Esq. ’63 J. Michael Whitaker, MD ’68 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Yaeger Williamson Hospitality Services, Inc.
20th & Olney $2,500 – $4,999
America-Italy Society of Philadelphia – Ente Gestore Vincent P. Anderson, Esq. ’57 Charles J. Ansel ’41 Armstrong, Doyle & Carroll, Inc. Michael F. Avallone, Jr., DO ’77 Raymond P. Bain, PhD ’71 Louis J. Beccaria, PhD ’63 Ernest M. Behr ’73 Robert J. Bettacchi ’60 Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Bishof Mr. & Mrs. Carl S. Blankemeyer Dr. Russel S.and Dr. Sharon C. Bleiler John D. Brinkmann, Esq. ’70 Dugan, Brinkmann, Maginnis & Pace The Bryn Mawr Trust Company John Burns Graphic Design Christopher M. Carabello ’82 Mr. & Mrs. Donald V. Cericola Mark M. Chadwick ’85 Chadwick Service Company, Inc. Christian Brother Provincialate Richard M. Connolly, Sr. ’50 John J. Convey, PhD ’58 CulinArt Managed Dining Services Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. de Luca Mr. & Mrs. John W. Dieckman Kirk H. Dolaway ’90 Advanced Disposal Solutions Gerald J. Dugan, Esq. ’66 Dugan, Brinkmann, Maginnis & Pace James G. Dwyer ’53 Mr. & Mrs. John R. Ewell D. Ryan Farragut ’93 Mrs. John F. Flannery, Sr. John W. Fornace, DO ’73 Douglas Friel ’93 Johnson, Kendall & Johnson, Inc. David A. Geppert ’76 David Geppert Recycling, Inc. Edward J. Giera ’80 James A. Goodyear ’56 S. John Gorman, IV ’67 Joseph F. Hartnett, Jr. ’69 Stanley J. Heleniak, DMD ’77 North Penn Dental Arts C. Clark Hodgson, Jr., Esq. ’57 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond T. Hyer Gardner Asphalt Corporation Steven M. Javie ’72 Walter J. Kaminski ’62 Mr. & Mrs. Pierce Keating Daniel J. Keating Company Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Kelly Brother Richard Kestler, FSC ’60 Bruce J. Koegler ’55 Mrs. Howard R. Leary Dale E. Lintner, Jr. ’86 The Dale Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Lynch Eugene J. Maginnis, Esq. ’69 Dugan, Brinkmann, Maginnis & Pace A. Victor Meitner, Esq. ’62 Gregg R. Melinson ’82 David C. Michie ’82 Brother Ernest Miller, FSC Jeffrey N. Morgan, AIA ’69 Stephen P. Mountain ’72 Robert E. Murphy ’55 Mr. & Mrs. William H. Newell Mr. & Mrs. James J. Obermeier CYMA Builders and Construction Managers Richard A. Panettieri ’78 Mr. & Mrs. Robb J. Parlanti James M. Paulits ’69 Mr. & Mrs. John J. Quirk Norman J. Rahn, III ’83 John D. Rilling, CPA ’83 Michael J. Ruddy, MD ’69 Mrs. Regina Sacco Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Savage, Jr. Brother Thomas Scanlan, FSC John T. Schmitt ’58 John J.(Dec’d.) Scocca, PhD ’58 Thomas L. Scully, CPA ’66 William J. Selph, Jr. ’76 Dr. & Mrs. Roger P. Spampata Mr. & Mrs. Kurtis A. Stein CAPT Hugh A. E. Strehle, USN(Ret.) ’50 Robert T. Szostak, Esq. ’72 James R. Trainer ’54 Joseph E. Turk ’63 Ryan P. Tyrrell ’91 United States Roofing Edward A. Wentz ’88 Kindt, Kaye & Wentz George A. Winslow ’82 John W. Wozniak ’77 Joseph W. Zalewski ’93
15 | Explorer Fall 2012
$1,000 to $2,499 Joseph E. Abbott ’70 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Abell Mr. & Mrs. Gregg I. Adelman Archer & Greiner, PC Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Baratta Baratta & Russell PC Mr. & Mrs. Roger F. Barr United Rentals, Inc. Beccaria Charitable Trust John W. Becher, DO ’61 Lloyd C. Beck, Jr. ’74 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Bilotta Resource Development Co. James J. Black, III, Esq. ’77 Black & Gerngross, PC Carl E. Blyskal ’60 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey J. Bond Christian J. Bradley ’72 Neil T. Breen ’62 Mr. Christopher T. Brockett Hugh J. Brolly ’56 Dr. & Mrs. Steven C. Bunting, DDS Richard J. Calhoun, Jr. ’84 John J. Callan ’46 Richard B. Calvitti ’76 David P. Campbell, PhD ’56 Mark A. Campellone ’79 Dr. & Mrs. John F. Carabello Mr. & Mrs. Edward B. Carmody Mark A. Casale ’82 Mr. & Mrs. James J. Catalino John V. Cattie, MD ’66 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur E. Chandler Joseph A. Checchio, DDS ’75 Mr. & Mrs. James W. Cleary Creative Financial Group, Ltd. Charitable Foundation Michael J. Clement, Esq. ’67 Paul D. Colistra ’00 Joseph J. Colistra, Jr. ’64 Michael A. Colucci, CPA ’61 Mr. & Mrs. Louis R. Cooper Mr. & Mrs. Timothy T. Corcoran, CPA Jerome R. Cosgrove ’58 Dennis W. Cronin, MD ’60 Mr. & Mrs. Lorenzo Cuoci Mr. & Mrs. James M. Curley Edward A. Dachowski, MD ’78 John M. Daly, MD ’65 William J. (Dec’d.) dePasquale ’51 Anthony J. DePaul ’80 Mr. & Mrs. Jon R. Derewicz Francis A. DeSantis ’63 Daniel E. Diehl ’85 Mr. Robert W. Dilks William T. Donohoe, Jr. ’96 Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Dougherty Charles H. Dougherty, Jr. ’72
James J. Dougherty ’67 Michael F. Doyle, Jr. ’85 Eugene A. Draganosky, MD ’57 Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Driscoll James C. Driscoll ’79 Michael J. Driscoll, Jr. ’76 George A. Dudzek ’58 James F. Dunphy ’54 Kevin J. Dunphy ’83 Dunphy Ford Robert J. Durney ’57 Richard L. Duszak, Jr., MD ’81 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Duzinski Joseph P. Dwyer, Sr., CPA ’74 Bernard M. Enright ’72 Michael M. Etzl, Jr., MD ’66 Mr. Gerald R. Evans, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Howard W. Evans Robert J. Fitzmyer, Jr. ’71 Joseph C. Flanagan, MD ’55 Joseph N. Florio ’48 Daniel B. Flynn ’65 Kevin P. Flynn ’67 Mr. Daniel G. Foy Patrick J. Friel, PhD ’45 William J. Galbally, Esq. ’71 James J. Garrity, Esq. ’70 Brother Brendan Garwood, FSC Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Gelenberg Mr. & Mrs. James V. Genuardi Frederick J. Gerngross, Sr., Esq. ’77 Black & Gerngross, PC Mark A. Gibbons ’92 William E. Gibbons ’56 Timothy E. Gillespie ’78 Gaetano P. Giordano ’72 Robert J. Gizinski ’60 Mr. Joseph Glacken Mark W. Gleason ’72 Thomas J. Gola ’51 Carl W. Graf ’73 John J. Granahan, CFA ’53 Charles W. Greenberg ’51 James R. Guntle, Jr. ’71 Joseph C. Harp ’70 Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. Hartzell Gerald T. Hathaway, Esq. ’72 Mrs. Joan T. Healy Richard F. Heany ’78 William P. Higgins, CPA ’82 George C. Hines ’46 Christopher T. Hoover ’90 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Hudak Almeida & Hudak, LLC Timothy P. Hughes ’72 Movers Specialty Service, Inc. Eugene P. Hughes, Sr., MD ’42 Mr. John D. Janda & Ms. Kelley A. Grady, Esq. Michael A. Jankowski, Esq. ’73 Janney Montgomery Scott, LLC
Rev. Anthony W. Janton, AFSC ’69 J. David Johnson, CPA ’64 T. James Kavanagh Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Edmund P. Kehan, Jr. Paul J. Kelly, III, CPA ’74 John T. Kelly ’41 Philip R. Kelly ’51 H. Brad Kerr, IV ’03 John M. Kilduff ’64 Mr. & Mrs. Brian P. Kindelan Mr. Jeffry E. King & Mrs. Gina Antonelli-King Mr. David G. Koerner & Dr. Deborah F. Koerner James M. Kowalczyk ’60 Sidney J. Kowalczyk ’57 William F. Kummerle, CPA ’53 Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Lafond John D. LaRocca, Esq. ’80 E. Dennis Lehman, Jr. ’69 John J. Lombard, Jr., Esq. ’52 William P. Loughery ’70 Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Lynch Thomas J. Lynch ’58 Joseph F. Lynch ’61 Robert W. Lynch ’51 Mark F. Magarity ’72 George T. Magnatta, Esq. ’73 Mrs. Julia K. Maher Andrew J. Malone, CPA ’78 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Marchese Robert J. Maro, Sr., MD ’48 Mr. James Marsteller Walter M. Mathews, PhD ’60 Frank J. Mauer, Jr. ’47 Mr. & Mrs. Vincent M. Mazzei Royal Paper Products Robert F. McAnespey ’66 Mr. Gary M. McCabe & Mrs. Donna C. Melle Peter E. McCabe ’83 James E. McCloskey ’64 Mr. & Mrs. Norbert McDermott Thomas F. McDevitt ’57 John P. McElwee ’83 Patrick T. McGinn ’87 Peter M. McGonigle, Esq. ’66 Mr. Daniel L. McGowan James P. McIntyre ’67 Brig. Gen. Joseph J. McMenamin, USMC ’70 McNeil Consumer Healthcare John P. McShea, III ’73 Michael P. Meehan, Esq. ’74 Hon. William A. Meehan, Jr. ’73 John F. Meehan, Jr. ’67 Hon. James R. Melinson ’57 Mr. Arthur P. Menno Geoffrey A. Meyer ’69 Edwin G. Michie, Jr. ’54 Conrad J. Miller, Jr. ’50 Chuck Minnich, IV CFA ’85 Mark T. Mischler ’81
Giving Clubs 2011-2012 continued
Joseph T. Morrissey, Jr. ’83 Christopher D. Murphy ’87 Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Murphy Vincent J. Murray, DDS ’79 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Mutchler Mr. & Mrs. Russell D. Napolitano John J. News ’44 Peter A. Nolan ’78 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Nowakowski Joseph F. O’Dea, Jr., Esq. ’78 Dennis J. O’Leary ’65 Louis E. Oswald ’59 Mr. Joseph A. Parisi Mr. & Mrs. Stephen T. Peel Preferred Construction Services Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Peffle Mr. & Mrs. John M. Peruto, Esq. Dr. & Mrs. Franco J. Pico Fazzi D. Scott Porreca ’86 James D. Princivalle ’80 Michael J. Quigg ’73 Kenneth R. Rapchick ’49 John C. Redmond, III ’71 Alan E. Reed ’55 John J. Regan ’89 Dr. & Mrs. Carmen C. Rocco, Jr. Kenneth M. Roessler ’80 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Rose Philip Rosenau Co., Inc. Dr. & Mrs. Marc F. Rosenn Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Rueter, Sr. Rueter Insurance Agency, Inc. Stephen J. Salvitti ’76 Mr. Harry Santangelo Andrew M. Savysky, Esq. ’89 Mr. & Mrs. John M. Scheffey Dr. & Mrs. P. Michael Schelkun Oral and Maxilliofacial Surgery Hugh T. Sharp ’47 Shearon Environmental Design Joseph B. Shott ’82 Jeffrey M. Sink ’89 Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Sinnott Colon Rectal Surgery Associates, P.C. Patrick D. Slattery ’99 William G. Smith ’60 Mr. & Mrs. Brian C. Smith Albert J. Solecki ’58 Edward R. Solvibile ’58 CDR Robert M. Souders, USN(Ret.) ’73 Joseph A. Splendido ’82 Colonial Mortgage Svc. Co. of America John V. Steinmetz ’77 Mr. James H. Stewart John E. Strzalka, Jr. ’00 Mr. James Sutow Philip A. Sullivan ’59 Rev. Father Charles J. Sullivan ’56 Mr. & Mrs. James L. Sullivan Raymond J. Tatlow, Jr. ’38
16 | Explorer Fall 2012
Peter A. Tripodi ’83 Michael J. Tuscano ’93 Walter L. Updegrave ’70 Gregory J. Ventresca ’96 Mrs. Kelly Vesey Carl A. Waldspurger, PhD ’84 Robert J. Walker ’52 James J. Walsh ’54 Christopher J. Walsh, MD ’80 John J. Walsh ’76 Charles J. Walsh, Jr. ’68 James Joseph Ward ’55 Mr. Joseph F. Weber & Mrs. Margaret Meehan Martin F. Whalen ’58 Eugene J. Whitaker, DMD ’66 Robert D. Willemin ’69 John L. Williams ’73 Michael J. Williams ’75 William J. Winning, Esq. ’66 Scott H. Wolpert, Esq. ’84 Francis W. Worthington, Esq. ’85 Charles C. Wynn ’46 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher A. Young George L. Young, Jr., Esq. ’70
Brothers’ Boys $500 to $999
Abington Memorial Hospital Ms. Lisa Agnew Mr. James Ahern S. Joseph Aita, MD ’62 Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey D. Anderson Gerald G. Aubrey ’65 Daniel H. Azeff ’02 James R. Bacon ’51 Barbara B’s Jewels Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Barrett Ronald M. Bean ’86 Michael J. Behr ’82 Michael J. Bell ’60 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Bernatavitz Brendan J. Boland ’93 Francis B. Boland, MD ’54 Edward J. Bongard, III ’98 Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Bonitatis Prime Sheet Metal, Inc. John N. Braca ’76 Stephen R. Brennan, Jr. ’89 Thomas F. Brett, II, Esq. ’71 Broad Axe Tavern Michael J. Brown ’74 William J. Bryers, Esq. ’73 Mr. & Mrs. William J. Burke Brother James Butler, FSC Michael J. Cahill ’73 Joseph S. Camardo, MD ’70 Wayne G. Campbell ’67 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Canavan, Sr. Carl J. Cangelosi ’60 Vincent A Carr, Jr. ’99 Michael T. Carr ’62 James J. Carroll, Jr. ’83 John M. Casper ’87 Philip E. Cassidy, Jr. ’70 Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Chillemi Joseph A. Ciasullo ’82 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Cipolla J. Peter Clark, PhD ’60 Mr. Nicholas Coggins Sean P. Colgan ’73 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Corcoran Anthony L. Cossetti ’89 Robert F. Costello, Jr. ’82 Enda R. Coyne ’50 Kevin M. Cregan, MD ’82 J. Russell Cullen, Jr. ’56 Mr. & Mrs. John D. Cumpstone Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Cunnane Mr. Mark Cunneen Mr. & Mrs. John A. Curran Timothy S. Danaher ’98 John F. Danella, MD ’78 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D’Angelo James P. Dann ’90 Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Demeter
Mr. Joseph Dempsey Mr. & Mrs. Edward DiDonato Mr. & Mrs. Louis A. DiGiacomo L. A. DiGiacomo Funeral Home Anthony M. DiLucia, Jr. ’80 Brother William DiPasquale, FSC John M. Donahue, Esq. ’70 Thomas P. Donnelly ’65 Patrick J. Doran, Esq. ’83 Matthew J. Dougherty, MD ’76 Christopher J. Dougherty ’00 Stephen P. Dougherty ’69 Mr. John Doyle Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Dunton James W. Durkin ’81 Joseph D. Echelmeier, PE ’51 Mr. & Mrs. Kurt R. Eisenschmid Timothy J. Erb ’66 Arthur W. Etchells, III, PhD ’55 Joseph M. Evancich ’59 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher E. Fallon John J. Farris ’81 David A. Fecak, Jr. ’87 William E. Fedyna ’96 Edwin J. Feeny, Jr. ’62 Col. John E. Feret, USA(Ret) ’61 Mr. & Mrs. James E. Fickenscher Financial Advisors of Delaware Valley Ms. Sharon O. Finnegan James J. Finnegan ’81 Mr. Robert E. Fish John P. Fisher, DDS ’63 John J. Fitzgibbons, Jr. ’66 Thomas A. Flannery ’41 Ms. Katherine A. Flannery & Mr. George P. Brown James E. Fleming ’50 Ms. Kristina R. Focht Gerard T. Foley, CIC ’74 The Foley Insurance Agency RADM John B. Foley, III, USN(Ret.) ’65 Robert D. Fox ’76 Hal A. Frasch ’78 Mr. & Mrs. John T. Frazzette Glenn L. Fricke, EdD ’65 Dr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Gallagher Louis C. Galzerano ’63 Kent H. Garson ’54 Charles L. Gemmi, III, DMD ’87 Orthodontics Limited, PC Joseph J. Gerngross ’43 Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Giaimo Giuseppe’s Pizza and Family Restaurant James F. Giblin ’62 Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Giuliani All Weld Steel, Inc. Glanzmann Subaru, Inc. Phillip M. Goldman ’80 Michael H. Goodyear, DO ’89 James A. Gorman ’94
Mr. & Mrs. Keith D. Gormisky Edward J. Grady, III ’70 Joseph A. Greco ’69 Michael P. Gregor ’81 Mr. & Mrs. Louis Guarrieri, Jr. Cooke Publishing Company John J. Haggerty, Jr. ’51 Mr. & Mrs. Philip C. Haggerty Mr. & Mrs. Wasyl Halczenko John M. Hammond ’97 John Harrison, IV ’75 Mrs. Frances M. Harper William W. Haury, Jr., Esq. ’72 Jerome F. Heavey ’58 William P. Henry ’56 Francis J. Herron ’59 W. Joseph Hetherington, Esq. ’65 Hibbeln Engineering Thomas J. Higgins ’50 W. Mark Hinkel ’72 John J. Hoban ’70 Holy Redeemer Health Systems Edward E. Houseman, Esq. ’63 Timothy P Hughes, Jr. ’99 Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Jackson Jeanes Hospital Michael F. Jordan ’67 John J. Kane ’82 Gary E. Kane, Jr. ’01 Leo P. Kane ’53 Daniel P. Kelley ’82 Rev. Francis E. Kelly ’47 Brian D. Kent, Esq. ’96 Geoffrey J. Kierstead ’62 Michael D Kilkenny ’99 Edward J. Kohlhepp ’61 Rev. James M. Kolb, CSP ’58 Paul Kolodchak ’47 Mr. & Mrs. John E. Krol Legacy Advisors, LLC Bernard W. Kurek, DMD ’64 Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Lagreca Lagreca & Quinn Anthony M. Landis, DO ’69 Robert J. Laskowski, MD ’70 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Laudadio Principal Financial Group Peter A. Lehman ’76 Thomas P. Lehman, MD ’72 Christopher M. Lehman, PhD ’67 Edward P. Lemanowicz, Esq. ’87 Lincoln Investment Planning, Inc. CDR Robert J. Logan, USN(Ret.) ’65 Mr. & Mrs. William H. Luce Dennis P. Lynch ’76 Mr. & Mrs. Douglas J. MacMaster, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James R. Maddox, Jr. James F. Mahoney, CPA ’70 Sean E. Mahoney ’82 James F. Malloy ’51 William J. Marr ’66
17 | Explorer Fall 2012
J. Ronald Martin, Jr. ’82 David J. Martosella ’83 Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Marzullo Stephen J. Masceri, MD ’78 Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Masterson Mr. & Mrs. Anthony P. Mastrocco A. Mastrocco Moving & Storage Sean P Matthews ’99 Timothy J. Maxwell ’93 Mr. & Mrs. Harry M. May William R. May Funeral Home J. Sean McCook ’86 James P. McCormick, MD ’79 Bernard J. McCormick ’54 Timothy W McDonald ’99 Matthew G. McDonald ’89 Joseph A. McDonald ’60 Mr. & Mrs. William J. McDonnell, Jr. Eugene J. McGonigle, PhD ’60 Stephen L. McGonigle ’68 Thomas J.(Dec’d.) McGorry, Jr. ’43 John M. McGrath ’69 Matthew G. McGurkin ’03 Thomas C. McHugh ’95 Cornelius P. McKelvey ’59 Michael P. McKenna, Esq. ’68 Thomas J. McLaughlin, III ’94 William J. McMahon, Sr. ’49 John J. McMenamin, Jr. ’67 James M. McMonagle ’58 John C. McMunn ’69 Robert N. McNally ’51 LTC John J. McOscar, USA(Ret) ’52 Austin A. Meehan, III ’81 General Asphalt Paving Company of Philadelphia John J. Meko, Jr. ’86 Dr. & Dr. Ira D. Meyer Thomas D. Michel ’69 Joseph A. Mignatti ’58 Frank J. Miller, CPA ’55 Harry B. Miller, Jr. ’58 Conrad J. Miller, III, Esq. ’79 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth C. Miller Kevin M. Mirsch ’83 Frederick C. Mischler ’80 Lawrence Molinaro ’80 Mr. & Mrs. James T. Mooney Andrew J. Morrisroe, III ’92 Paul M. Moser ’48 Mount Saint Joseph’s Academy Mr. & Mrs. Lee Mullen Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Mullin Francis E. Murphy ’67 Austin J. Noonan, DC ’89 Chestnut Hill Chiropractic PC Dr. & Mrs. James F. Noone, Jr. Michael J. Normile ’65 Dennis J. Normile ’69 Dennis J. O’Brien ’69 Thomas V. O’Kane ’79
Jason J. Olcese ’98 Mr. & Mrs. James J. Osborne Mr. & Mrs. Frank C. Palopoli, Sr. FCP GROUP LLC Francis W. Pfluger ’50 John Picard ’07 Timothy J Pippet ’99 J. Gregory Pirmann ’65 John G. Pitts ’89 Mr. & Mrs. Larry Pluck Mr. & Mrs. David H. Price John F. Quigley, III ’80 Edward J. Quinn ’79 Daniel P. Quinn, III ’00 William J. Radomski ’72 F. V. Radomski & Sons, Inc. Philip F. Radomski ’81 Raymond James & Associates Mr. & Mrs. David C. Razzi William C. Regli, III, PhD ’85 Fred J. Reichelt ’74 David E. Reinhardt, DO ’84 Pennsylvania Orthopaedics Gregory P. Rietzke ’88 Right Angle Media, Inc. Edward A. Rittenhouse, III ’86 Mr. & Mrs. John Roberts Richard A. Rothwell, DDS ’70 Chesheim Dental Associates Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas K. Sabia, Sr. D.M. Sabia Co., Inc. Carl M. Sacchetti, CFP ’73 Dr. Vincent Sacco Saint Basil Academy Jason M. Santini ’94 Mr. & Mrs. William R. Sasso, Esq. Stradley, Ronon, Stevens & Young, LLP Gregory M. Schill ’99 Mr. & Mrs. Michael V. Schluth Alstin Advertising David A. Schmel ’98 William C. Seiberlich ’47 Mrs. Kathleen Seweryn Willliam R. May Funeral Home Donald F. Sharp ’49 Joseph R. Sharpe, III ’58 Eric M. Shelton ’90 Richard J. Sherman, Jr. ’85 Matthew J. Shevlin ’93 Walter J. Small ’38 David J. Smith, MD ’63 Mr. & Mrs. James A. Sontag Sorella Rose Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Stefanski Andrew W. Stephenson, Esq. ’68 Henry P. Stoebenau, Jr. ’62 James A. Sullivan ’99 Michael E. Sullivan, PhD ’58 Mark D. Sutton ’72
William T. Svihel ’70 Andrew Sweeney ’82 Nicholas J. Tallos ’67 Raymond J. Tatlow, III ’69 Francis P. Taylor, Jr. ’46 Michael R. Taylor, CAE ’66 Gregory W. Tiernan ’87 John P. Toner ’82 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tucker Deacon Timothy E. Urbanski, MD ’63 Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Valucci LarsonAllen, LLP Ventresca Ltd. Mens Store Verizon Foundation Dr. Nicholas J. Volpe & Dr. Francesca M. Volpe John J. Walsh ’41 Vincent W. Walters ’59 William J. Wasylenko, Jr. ’69 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Winning ’69 Wissahickon Skating Club Glenn J. Wolfinger, DMD ’82 Mr. & Mrs. John R. Worster, Sr. Joseph J. Yanoshik ’98 Joseph J. Zaiss, Jr. ’69 Joseph A. Zebrowski ’82
Giving Clubs 2011-2012 continued
Blue and Gold $250 to $499
Rev. Mark C. Aita, SJ, MD ’67 Ancillae Assumpta Academy Martin J. Andrejko ’80 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony M. Anella Richard Ansel ’72 Joseph C. Atkinson ’88 Mr. Christopher Babacz & Mrs. Margaret A. D’Angelo-Babacz Joseph J. Baillie, LSW ’68 Thomas J. Baldino, PhD ’67 Robert J. Ball ’93 Mr. Michael K. Bantner & Ms. Patricia McDonough Mr. Thomas R. Barna John J. Barrett ’69 Anton R. Bauer ’79 Patrick J. Becher, DO ’69 Dr. Marcus G. Bell & Dr. Denah M. Appelt John M. Bissell ’66 Miss Christine Black Blank, Rome, LLP Steven R. Blasi, DO ’94 Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Bloh Blue Bell Physical Therapy Charles R. Bogle, Esq. ’87 Douglas M. Bohardt ’00 Braden Joseph Bonner MCP, MTA ’07 Dr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Bonnevie John Borek LTC(Ret) ’80 Gerald L. Bowen, Jr., Esq. ’82 Bowen and Burns Brian P. Boyle ’87 Joseph P. Boyle ’53 Ms. Patricia Brabson Bravo Foundation, Inc. Rev. Robert H. Breen ’45 Mrs. Lastenia Breen Michael J. Breen ’72 Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Brigidi, III Mr. Nicholas Bucci John M. Buonomo, DO ’76 Stephen J. Burns ’74 Mrs. Maryanne Bush Mr. Porter D. Bush Mr. & Mrs. John J. Camusi William J. Cashin, Jr. ’59 James P. Catalino ’56 Joseph P. Cattie, III ’85 Joseph P. Cattie, Jr. ’62 Joseph J. Cervino, Jr. ’51 Raymond J. Christie, Jr. ’58 Kevin S. Christine ’84 Thomas J. Christmann, Jr. ’70 Joseph F. Ciccimaro ’57 Mrs. Janice Ciccimaro David F. Citro ’98 Class of 1954 Kevin E Clearkin ’99
18 | Explorer Fall 2012
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Clearkin, III Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Colbert Mr. Mark Collins Kevin R. Connor ’82 Richard C. Connor ’75 Edward R. Corcoran, MD ’57 Mr. & Mrs. John A. Corr Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Creedon F. Ross Crumlish ’74 Timothy G. Curran ’97 Steven M. Curran ’02 Joseph J. Curry, PhD ’61 Mr. & Mrs. John F. Curtis, III Mr. & Mrs. Dominic D’Addona Lawrence W. Daly ’86 Anthony R. D’Angelo ’86 Mr. & Mrs. Steven D’Angelo D’Angelo Brothers, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Donald Daniels Davidson Trust Company Col. Edward E. Davis, USMC(Ret.) ’36 Richard P. Davoli, Jr. ’99 Gregory J. Dean, Esq. ’55 Dr. & Mrs. James A. Dearden Daniel M. DeDominic ’90 James W. Degnan, PhD ’65 Harvey R. deKrafft ’82 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond R. Delaney Ryan E. Dempsey ’04 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Denton Mr. & Mrs. Louis E. DePaul Dr. & Mrs. Henry G. DeVincent Richard T. DeVincent ’86 The Run Around Thomas J. Devlin, PhD ’53 Peter M. DiBattiste, MD ’74 David T. Diehl ’55 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Dohony Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Dolan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dominick Michael J. Donahue ’63 Robert F. Donahue ’90 Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Dougherty Marc Doyle ’65 Francis J. Driscoll ’59 Michael T. Durso ’97 Mrs. Stacy Dutton Mrs. Diana Eidenshink Frank J. Eisenhart, Jr., Esq. ’63 Thomas C. Elsasser ’59 Alfred E. Enoch, Jr. ’63 Timothy J. Erb, Jr. ’94 Rev. Victor J. Eschbach ’62 David T. Espenshade ’56 Lawrence J. Everling ’58 Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Fabrizio Donald D. Fanelle ’62 Joseph J. Fayer ’50 Timothy B. Fenningham, Esq. ’98 Mrs. Elizabeth Field Robert E. Field ’67
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin G. Finlay Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Fischer Mr. & Mrs. Kevin T. Fitzpatrick John M. FitzSimmons, MD ’67 Kevin E. Flynn ’82 James J. Flynn, PhD ’60 Robert J. Foster ’43 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Fraga Mr. & Mrs. Christopher G. Franks Mr. Dominic J. Frederico Mr. & Mrs. J. Eric Friday Anthony J. Froehlich, Jr. ’54 Christopher M. Furgiuele ’06 Samuel J. Gabriel ’80 Gabriel Building Group Paul F. Gaigelas ’74 Thomas M. Gallagher, Esq. ’78 Michael J. Gallagher, DDS ’70 Mrs. Julia Gallagher Mr. Walter E. Gay Mrs. Rosemary Gedeik James F. Gentilcore ’70 John M. Gibbons, Jr. ’45 Terence P. Gillespie ’82 Donald J. Gimpel ’53 John R. Gimpel, DO M.Ed. ’80 Thomas J.(Dec’d.) Ginty ’40 Victor S. Gittens ’61 Mrs. Marge Giuffrida Joseph A. Goldbeck, Jr., Esq. ’65 S. John Gorman, V ’92 John A. Grady ’55 Daniel J. Grasmeder, CFP ’83 Timothy E. Green ’86 Charles M. Greenberg ’82 Mrs. Frank A. Gregor Anthony D. Gulla, RPh ’77 Alfred S. Halas, DMD ’62 Paul W. Halczenko, MD ’93 Dr. & Mrs. Richard J. Hamilton James F. Haney ’69 Joseph J. Hanna, OD Mrs. Roy Hanshaw, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Happ Charles G. Happ ’50 State Representative Kate Harper Stephen W. Harrer ’86 Richard C. Harris ’75 William F. Hartman ’68 Francis X. Hartmann ’51 James M. Hasson ’85 Patrick J. Hasson, Esq. ’81 Vincent J. Hee ’73 Mr. Daniel Helmick Robert H. Hemberger ’40 Samuel M. Herb, PE ’56 Patrick M. Higgins ’00 Charles Hilpl ’79 Alexander L. B. Himes ’04 William J. Hipple ’47 Hon. Richard J.(Dec’d.) Hodgson ’66
Frederick K.H. Hoeck ’70 Mr. & Mrs. John M. Hogan Michael R. Hogan ’67 Marc A. Holbert ’95 Mr. & Mrs. John J. Holt, Jr. Christopher E. Holwick ’94 Mr. Michael C. Houldin & Mrs. Deborah Landregan Howland, Hess, Guinan, Torpey & Cassidy Edward J. Hughes, Esq. ’67 Frank L. Iaquinta, Jr. ’65 John F. Igoe ’59 Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Ilsemann, III Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Immerman William M. Janssen, Esq. ’79 Mr. & Mrs. John F. Jastrzembski Thomas J. Johanson, Esq. ’70 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Johnston, Sr. Christopher H. Jones, Esq. ’77 Joseph J. Junod ’54 Daniel J. Kane, MD ’79 Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Kane Charles F. Kappler, Esq. ’69 Thomas J. Keating ’73 John A. Keenan ’80 Albert W. Kellenbenz ’68 Dennis J. Kelley ’70 Hon. John T. J. Kelly ’49 Patrick J. Kenney ’79 W. Alan Keogh, DO ’66 John R. Kichula ’87 Walter J. Kielar ’74 Gerald A. Kilkenny ’96 Joseph F. Killoran ’58 Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Kindt, IV Mrs. Karen M. Knight Joseph A. Koch ’53 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Koch Richard A. Kondan, DO ’81 Bruce D. Konopka ’74 Ernest F. Koschineg, III, Esq. ’91 Donald E. Kotas ’66 George M. Kozub ’60 Mark C. Kradzinski ’73 Robert W. Kraemer, PhD ’53 Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Kramer Friedrich S. Kramer, PhD ’76 Francis J. Krimm, Jr. ’63 Albert G. Kroll, Esq. ’65 James W. Kurtz ’69 La Salle College High School Anthony J. Labella ’78 Joseph E. Labrum ’50 John L. Langan ’55 Gregory T. Lavin ’93 Thomas J. Lavin, Jr. ’55 William L. Leahy, III Dr. & Mrs. Guy A. Lee OrthopaedicCare Kellen G. Leister ’75 Philip J. Lembach ’50
Stanley J. Lepo, USAF(Ret.) ’54 Mr. & Mrs. Craig Lerch, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James P. Letcavage Joseph L. Lindinger ’69 Mr. & Mrs. David E. Lloyd John A. Loftus, PE ’66 Patrick J. Loftus, Esq. ’81 Michael J. Logan ’70 Ms. Donna Long Mr. Stephen L. Longacre & Dr. Jane Longacre Mr. & Mrs. James Lopresti Vincent M. Lorusso, Jr. ’94 William A. Loughery, CPA ’03 John J. Love, III ’76 Mr. & Mrs. Frank T. Lutter Mrs. Lori A. Lynch-Strosser Rev. Daniel E. Mackle ’71 Joseph C. Magarity ’70 Gregory T. Magarity, Esq. ’65 William J. Magarity ’63 Christopher Magarity ’96 Paul J. Maginnis ’77 William M. Maguire ’62 Domenic J. Maida ’91 John D. Mallach ’96 John G. Malone, Esq. ’73 James P. Malone, Jr. ’74 James E. Maloney, Jr., PE ’93 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Manning Michael A. Marek ’80 Joseph M. Markmann ’65 Dr. & Mrs. David M. Masiak Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Matchett Herbert C. Matthews, Jr. ’62 James R. Matthews ’66 Raymond J. McCaffrey ’81 C. John McComb ’90 John B. McCormick ’66 Christopher E. McDermott ’75 Mr. & Mrs. Brian W. McDonald James F. McDonald, DO ’68 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey W. McDonnell Lawrence J. McEvoy ’57 Brian C. McGeehan, CFP ’95 John N. McGrath, PE ’53 Mr. & Mrs. J. T. McGrother Paul T. McGurkin ’72 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. McHugh Brian J. McHugh ’72 Mrs. Diana McInaw Thomas W. McIntyre ’65 Mr. & Mrs. Edwin M. McKeon, Jr. William L. McKernan, CPA ’84 Scott R. McLaren ’79 Eugene P. McLoone, PhD ’47 Brian J. McMahon ’97 Joseph J. McMahon, Jr., Esq. ’88 James P. McMenamin ’40 Mr. & Mrs. Brian T. McNamara John A. McNichol ’52
19 | Explorer Fall 2012
Christopher R. Meagher ’89 Mrs. Deana C. Michie Robert J. Miller ’98 John J. Mischler ’82 Mr. James M. Monastero Peter E. Moore, Esq. ’71 Edmund B. Moore, II ’86 Moore & Snear Funeral Home Joseph H. Morozin, Jr. ’77 William E. Morton ’70 Karl W. Muessig, PhD ’70 Henry F. Muller ’65 William E. Murphy ’96 Thomas F. Murphy ’57 Thomas J. Murphy, Jr. ’69 Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Neufeld Mrs. Sally E. Newell Belding Timothy O. Nolen, Esq. ’74 Rajesh C. Noronha ’98 Norwood-Fontbonne Academy Thomas M. O’Keefe ’63 Mrs. Ellen O’Neill Joseph D. O’Neill ’49 Gerald P. O’Neill ’55 Timothy M. O’Neill, RA ’77 Mrs. Mary P. O’Neill John E. Osborne ’58 Michael A. O’Toole ’68 Robert J. Pannepacker, Sr. ’66 Ms. Janice Pantano Mr. & Mrs. Robert Parlanti Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Pedano Dr. Joseph J. Peditto, MD Michael P. Pelham ’94 Keith J. Pensabene ’85 Joseph A. Pensabene, III ’84 Carmen C. Petruzzelli, RPh ’84 Joseph W. Pettit ’52 James J. Phelan ’47 Joseph A. Pizzo, Sr. ’57 Mr. Mark H. Plamondon Timothy J. Przybylowski, PE ’78 Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Quain Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Ragan Region 20 CYO Athletic Board Donald W. Rider ’61 Stephen T. Rietzke ’85 Ralph V. Robb ’48 Mr. John M. Rodden, Esq. & Dr. Karin Flynn-Rodden, MD James J. Rodden ’80 Kevin M. Roddy ’77 John F. Rodenbaugh ’51 Andrew L. Roman ’89 Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Rose Hon. Maurino J. Rossanese, Jr. ’63 Edward W. Ruane, DPM ’81 Sigmond S. Rutkowski, Jr., DO ’61 Jeffrey M. Ryan ’87 LT Patrick S. Salvitti, USN ’99 Christopher N. Santoro, Esq. ’77
Louis A. Santoro, Jr. ’74 Bernard E. Saxon ’85 Paul D. Schaefer ’86 Michael C. Schafle ’97 Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Schilling Kevin P. Schmidt, Esq. ’91 Mr. & Mrs. Randal J. Schmitz Paul G. Schott ’69 Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Schugsta Kevin M. Scully ’91 Mr. & Mrs. Jorj F. Selhat Kenneth Shaw, Jr. ’60 Raymond T. Shay ’00 Thomas W. Sheehan, CPA ’48 Ms. Tara A. Sher V. Richard Sheridan ’47 Mr. & Mrs. John Shields Mr. & Mrs. Leo F. Silvestri David E. Skoien ’01 Mrs. Joyce K. Sloan Mr. & Mrs. John R. Smart Patrick M. Smith ’66 Louis J. Smith, EdD ’49 W. Ellis Smith, DMD ’62 Riley T. Smith ’79 Francis X. Spause, Jr. ’69 Mrs. Joan A. Speziale Mr. & Mrs. Robert V. Spires Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Spiteri Edward G. Stafford ’75 Martin W. Stanczak ’60 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Stenger Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Stone Dr. Angel M. Stout Christopher H. Strolle ’74 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Sullivan Robert W. Suter, Esq. ’55 Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. Szyszko Paul B. Szyszko ’09 Swift Mailing Services Mr. & Mrs. Anthony A. Taormina Richard J. Target ’99 Mr. & Mrs. David B. Tavolaro Mike K. Thompson, Esq. ’72 Brother Kevin M. Tidd, OSB, EdD ’88 Toner Cable Equipment John P. Toy ’76 Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Tramo Sentinel Process Systems, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Eugene M. Treacy, Jr. John E. Tuohy, Esq. ’56 Mr. James D. Turek & Ms. Dawn M. Spinnler John M. Turzer ’67 Andrew P. Urbanski ’02 William D. Vare ’49 Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Ventresca Craig S. Vondercrone ’95 James P. Waters, Jr. ’56 Mr. Adam Watson, BBD, LLP Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Weathers Robert F. Weikel, Jr. ’86
Mr. & Mrs. Clayton M. Wells David H Wenhold ’94 Henry F. Whalen, Jr. ’53 Edward J. Whelan ’47 Michael J. Wilkin ’66 Ms. Mary Pat Wilkinson Pearl Girl William J. Williams ’59 Gregory J. Winters ’67 Dr. & Mrs. Casimir M. Wolanin Mrs. Arlene Yocum Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Young Joseph A. Young ’75 John P. Young ’83 John A. Zaro ’01 Michael J. Zeccardi ’97 Mark J. Zielinski ’77 Mr. & Mrs. Phillip J. Zminda Mrs. Nancy E. Zoeltsch
Honor Roll of Donors Class of 1936 Col. Edward E. Davis, USMC(Ret.)
Class of 1938
75-Year Reunion
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Raphael J. Altmann William C. Foster Ludwig M. Frank, MD LTC William J. O’Donnell, USAF(Ret.) Walter J. Small Raymond J. Tatlow, Jr.
“Incremental payback of what La Salle gave, and continues to give to me, my sons, and my grandsons.” Charles Ansel ’41
Class of 1939 Leon F. Brennan James E. McGoldrick
Class of 1940 William J. Armstrong, Jr. John F.(Dec’d.) Flannery, Sr. Thomas J.(Dec’d. ) Ginty Walter H. Greenfield, CPCU Robert H. Hemberger James P. McMenamin
Class of 1941 Charles E. Adler Charles J. Ansel John P. Bacon Francis P. Bogle Richard E. Fairbanks Thomas A. Flannery William A.(Dec’d. ) Geppert, Jr. William Q. Harty John T. Kelly Philip P. O’Neill Albert V. Pescatore John J. Walsh
Class of 1942 Alvin A. Buben Robert J. Carabasi, MD Ralph J. Cartwright Thomas J. Hare, III Thomas B. (Dec’d.) Harper, III, Esq. Eugene P. Hughes, Sr., MD
Class of 1943
70-Year Reunion
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Rev. Sidney C. Burgoyne, PhD James F. Casey Robert J. Foster Joseph J. Gerngross Joseph G.(Dec’d.) Greenberg Vincent J. Hauck James P. Logue, Jr. Thomas J.(Dec’d. ) McGorry, Jr. Joseph L. Messa, Esq.
Class of 1944 Frederick V. Boccella Charles R. Hodges Robert H. Kitson Joseph A. Martin William A(Dec’d.) Meehan, Esq. John J. News Joseph G. Oschell Carlo J. Salzano
Class of 1945 Rev. Robert H. Breen John J.(Dec’d.) Bresnan Francis P. Burns Rev. Thomas F. Donnelly, MM Patrick J. Friel, PhD Robert M. Gaughan John M. Gibbons, Jr.
20 | Explorer Fall 2012
Paul E. Gillespie William J.(Dec’d.) Loughery John C. Mackin, Jr. David F. McGrath Robert F. McMackin Martin G. Pendergast Robert J. Rainey Joseph F. Trinity Thomas J. Welsh, Jr.
Class of 1946 William J. Bailey Rev. Msgr. John P. Boland Joseph L. Burke John J. Callan Joseph H. Foster, Esq. William F. Grauer, CPA George C. Hines John W. Hochstuhl William B. Kenney, Esq. E.H. “Ned” McDermott Anthony J. Mianulli Joseph F. O’Callaghan, PhD Albert R. Pezzillo Henry W. Pletcher, MD Harry A. Reckner G. Russell Reiss, Jr., MD Carl W. Schoepe Paul R. Sundermann James P. Ward Francis P. Taylor, Jr. William A. Whiteside, Jr., Esq. Charles C. Wynn
Class of 1947 John J. Bernhardt James J. Connelly William J. Crosson, CPA Richard J. Daisley, CPA John M. DiGrazia Philip F. Drach James W. Fallon Francis V.(Dec’d.) Grant William J. Hipple Rev. Francis E. Kelly Paul Kolodchak Frank J. Mauer, Jr. Vincent J. McAneney Daniel P. McGeehan Eugene P. McLoone, PhD Edward J. McQuillen, PhD Francis W. News Joseph M. Orlando James J. Phelan William C. Seiberlich Hugh T. Sharp V. Richard Sheridan William J. Spielberger Edward J. Whelan
Class of 1948
65-Year Reunion
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
William A. Annan James J. Bell Donald J. Burkhimer Paul E. Campise Joseph O. Cancila Ronald V. Donato, Sr. Joseph N. Florio Thomas A. Gannon Thomas P. Kurek John A. Kwoka Edward F. Lagan Robert J. Maro, Sr., MD Edmund I. Milewski Paul M. Moser Francis R. Owsiany Joseph J. Richardson
Ralph V. Robb Theodore M. Rogers, Jr. Herbert E. Schweizer William F. Sharpe Thomas W. Sheehan, CPA James F. Shemeley Gerald E. Speitel James E. Sullivan
Class of 1949 Lionel A. Barker Edward J. Bernier Costantino P. Cerini, PhD Bernard A. Clark Henry L. Dragun, PhD John C. Flanagan, MD CDR Peter A. Flood, USN(Ret.) Joseph J. Hanna, OD William M. Havard John E. Hughes, EdD Hon. John T. J. Kelly S. Richard(Dec’d.) Klinges, III, Esq. Joseph A. Margre Thomas J. Mazza, Jr. Edwin F. McGlynn William J. McMahon, Sr. Austin A. Meehan, Jr. John P. Murray, MD Joseph D. O’Neill Guido C. Pacitti Joseph A. Pettineo Kenneth R. Rapchick Edward J. Rowley, Jr. Donald F. Sharp Louis J. Smith, EdD William D. Vare William J. Weber Joseph M. Whinney John G. Young
“I believe and want to support the mission of La Salle College High School”
John DiGrazia ’47
Why I Give…
“I received a wonderful education, as did my two sons, two sons-in-law, and now two grandsons.”
Joseph Labrum ’50
Class of 1950
Class of 1951
Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Birch Robert W. Bonner MGen William F. Burns, USA(Ret) Joseph F. Cannon Michael J. Carey Richard M. Connolly, Sr. Hugh E. Connor Enda R. Coyne Joseph J. Fayer LTC Daniel J. Fischer, USA(Ret) William A. Fitzgerald James E. Fleming John J. Gruber Charles G. Happ Thomas J. Higgins Joseph E. Labrum Richard A. Law Philip J. Lembach William T. Matonis Bernard A. McAneney Martin B. McCann, Jr. Vincent T. McDermott, Jr., MD John P. McElvenny, Jr. Thomas F. McGowan Conrad J. Miller, Jr. S. Lee Morton Edward J. Nolen Francis W. Pfluger Felix M. Pilla Hon. John J. Poserina, Jr. Joseph J. Rizzo E. James Ruddy Louis J. Sannino Robert J. Snyder James E. Stanton CAPT Hugh A. E. Strehle, USN(Ret.) Col. George J. Woods, USA(Ret)
William T. Alter Michael F.(Dec’d.) Avallone, DO James R. Bacon Robert M. Ball Redmond Barry George H. Bittner Paul J. Bromley Brother Barnabas L. Brownsey Francis Callahan Charles A. Cavanaugh Joseph J. Cervino, Jr. John H. Cobb Anthony N. Coyle Rev. Harold F. Dagle Vincent A. Della Valle William J.(Dec’d.) dePasquale James J. Dever Thomas E. Donahue, Esq. Francis X. Donohoe Rickard Donovan Elmo E. Dorsey John E. Duffy, ACSW Joseph D. Echelmeier, PE Thomas S. Farragher G. Vincent Foschi Frederick W. Fox, Jr. Harvey L. Fox Robert J. Frank Joseph Gallagher Thomas J. Gola David M. Graham LTC John M. Grasmeder, USA(Ret) Charles W. Greenberg John J. Haggerty, Jr. Clarence V. Harris James V. Hart Francis X. Hartmann Joseph G. Harvey Joseph M. Hogan, MD Joseph Kane, Esq.
21 | Explorer Fall 2012
Philip R. Kelly Thomas J. Kennedy, CFP John J. Krimm Armand J. Lupo, DO John P. Lynch Robert W. Lynch Cornelius F. Madden Malachy D. Magill James F. Malloy George J. Margraff, Jr. John F. McAneney Robert F. McCafferty James J. McDade Eugene A. McDonnell Bernard J. McElvenny Louis P. McFadden, Esq. Richard P. McGarrity James B. McGinn Thomas A.J. McInerney Charles J. McMahon, Jr. Robert N. McNally Daniel J. McNichol James E. Moylan William T. Mulligan Edward J. Murphy Rev. Msgr. Joseph W. Murray Enos Charles Ney R. Charles Niemczura, USAF(Ret.) John J. OConnor, Jr. Robert F. ONeill Raulo M. Parmegiani, PhD Joseph M. Penrose William R. Petraitis Thomas J. Regan John F. Rodenbaugh Robert L. Romaine Carl A. Schreiber Richard M.(Dec’d.) Shelton David J. Smith John Stallings Louis J. Stief, PhD Edward J. Strow, Jr., DDS Edward A. Tarsa, Jr. James E. Tierney John J. Toner Adolph J. Van Thuyne Eugene R. Voegtlin Thomas J. Wallace Robert M. Wurtz
Class of 1952
Class of 1954
A. Edward Allinson Henry W. deLuca, Jr. William F. Gallagher John E. Granozio Joseph A. Kane, PhD Donald J. Kieser John J. Lombard, Jr., Esq. John A. McNichol LTC John J. McOscar, USA(Ret) E. Thomas Morrison, Jr. Joseph W. Pettit Albert W. Pfluger Walter A. Sellers, Jr. William C. Smith, MD Robert J. Walker Peter G. Waters
Francis B. Boland, MD Thomas M. Boyle William J. Bryson John A. Duffy, Jr., PhD James F. Dunphy Anthony J. Froehlich, Jr. Joseph V. Gallagher, Jr. Kent H. Garson Anthony M. Giampetro, Sr., MD Richard J. Hamburger, MD Elmer F. Hansen, Jr. Rudy E. Harrer Joseph J. Hogan Joseph J. Junod Robert J. Kosinski James J. Kuhn, Esq. Stanley J. Lepo, USAF(Ret.) Martin J. Luff Bernard J. McCormick Edwin G. Michie, Jr. James R. Trainer Joseph A. Walheim, Esq. James J. Walsh Robert J. Wilson
Class of 1953
60-Year Reunion
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
John F. Ambrogi, Jr. Albert R. Behner Joseph P. Boyle Frank R. Breslin Michael J. Cornely William J. Cover, III Thomas J. Devlin, PhD James G. Dwyer Herbert J. Fastrich CDR Victor M. Gavin, USN(Ret.) Donald J. Gimpel John J. Granahan, CFA William J. Hall, MD William J. Hansbury, Jr. Howard F. Hansell Leo P. Kane Francis C. Keenan Joseph A. Koch Robert W. Kraemer, PhD William F. Kummerle, CPA Edward A. Maguire, Jr. Laurence J. Marhoefer, Esq. Myles R. Martin John N. McGrath, PE Gabriel J. Pascuzzi John P. Presto Robert A. Romano W. Miles Ryan John J. Schiller, Jr., PhD Joseph A. Schmitz John R. Walsh Paul F. Waltrich Henry F. Whalen, Jr.
Class of 1955 James M. Ardron William M.(Dec’d.) Barbour Richard A. Bissell, AIA Joseph B. Bloom James J. Canalichio, DDS Gregory J. Dean, Esq. Richard D. Deasy David T. Diehl Bernard J.(Dec’d.) Dillon, Jr. Joseph P. Dowling Arthur W. Etchells, III, PhD Joseph C. Flanagan, MD John A. Grady James J. Hayburn Bruce J. Koegler Frank J. Lamprecht John L. Langan Thomas J. Lavin, Jr. LTC Fred V. Manzo, USA(Ret) Frank J. Miller, CPA Robert E. Murphy Raymond J. Nolen, Jr. Gerald F. O’Brien Gerald P. O’Neill Alan E. Reed Robert J. Riethmiller, Jr. Edward A. Shea Robert W. Suter, Esq. Clayton H. Thomas, Esq. James Joseph Ward Marty Williams
Annual Giving By Class continued
Class of 1956 Hugh J. Brolly David P. Campbell, PhD Kevin E. Carey Joseph F. Cassidy James P. Catalino Joseph V. Conners J. Russell Cullen, Jr. William J. Diamond John B. Digan John E. Durichek David T. Espenshade J. Raymond Fitzpatrick, Jr. Raymond F. Frankson Peter W. Frey, PhD William E. Gibbons Clifford M. Gillespie James A. Goodyear William P. Henry Samuel M. Herb, PE Rev. Mr. Thomas J. Horan A. C. Hurlbrink Joseph J. Malizia John W. Milburn J. Anthony Mitchell James J. Osborne Hon. Peter E. Perry Henry M. Phelan Richard J. Prendergast James T. Richard, EdD Norman W. Rickert John F. Schmidt, PhD John S. Simpson, Jr. Rev. Father Charles J. Sullivan Thomas C. Tarpy John E. Tuohy, Esq. Andrew J. Varga, PhD William T. Ward James P. Waters, Jr. John D. Whalen Harry W. Woodcock, PhD
Class of 1957 John C. Altrogge Vincent P. Anderson, Esq. John T. Becker, CPA John L. Burke Joseph F. Ciccimaro Thomas P. Connor, Jr. Edward R. Corcoran, MD Francis D. Donaghy Eugene A. Draganosky, MD Robert J. Durney John J. Egan Robert P. Fritzsche Lawrence A. Grassi C. Joseph Hamburger, PhD Richard L. Hepp C. Clark Hodgson, Jr., Esq. Joseph A. Jankowski
22 | Explorer Fall 2012
Sidney J. Kowalczyk Alexander S. Macaione, DO Francis E. McCormick, PhD Thomas F. McDevitt Martin J. McDonnell Lawrence J. McEvoy James T. McLaughlin Hon. James R. Melinson James D. Morrissey, Jr. Thomas F. Murphy Joseph A. Pizzo, Sr. Brother James F. Rieck, FSC Edward P. Rush George W. Ruth Hugh J. Sheridan Vincent J. Tague, Sr. John J. Wojciech
Class of 1958
55-Year Reunion Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Ronald J. Carpinella, PhD Raymond J. Christie, Jr. William J. Clements John J. Convey, PhD Charles L. Conway, Sr. Jerome R. Cosgrove Cornelius A. Cunningham Joseph S. Cymbor Louis R. Di Maria Henry J. Doehne Charles E. Dolaway, III Joseph H. Donahue Thomas J. Donohue, Jr., Esq. Joseph M. Downey, PhD George A. Dudzek Lawrence J. Everling William E. Fahy, Jr. Joseph J. Ford John A. Gallagher John E. Glaser Jerome F. Heavey Walter J. Horn Peter J. Keenan John J. Kelly, Jr., Esq. Joseph F. Killoran Rev. James M. Kolb, CSP Thomas J. Lynch James M. McMonagle Joseph A. Mignatti Harry B. Miller, Jr. Edward Jeremy Miller, PhD Vincent P. Miraglia, MD David I. Muir John E. Osborne William R. Regli John F. Richardson Robert E. Ryan Charles R. Scally Robert C. Schmidt
John T. Schmitt John J.(Dec’d.) Scocca, PhD Joseph R. Sharpe, III Albert J. Solecki Edward R. Solvibile Michael E. Sullivan, PhD George J. Ward George F. West Martin F. Whalen
Class of 1959 Michael C. Becher Arnold A. Buben LTC Robert B. Byrnes, USA(Ret) William J. Cashin, Jr. Patrick J. Conner John W. Coyle Kevin P. Coyle Louis F. Donaghue, MD James S. Dooley, Esq. Joseph P. Dougherty, PhD Francis J. Driscoll Thomas C. Elsasser Joseph M. Evancich Deacon Mark J. Gallagher Gerald L. Henderson Francis J. Herron W. Richard Hoster John F. Igoe George J. Koenig Joseph F. Loughran, Jr. Harry M. Magrisi J. Scott Maxwell, Esq. Francis X. McFadden, Jr. Cornelius P. McKelvey Joseph P. McNichol J. Robert Mitek Rev. Msgr. Thomas A. Murray Louis E. Oswald Eugene J. Park John T. Rogalski Daniel J. Sandman, PhD Robert M. Smith Robert F. Stranix Philip A. Sullivan Frank C. Sulzbach Wilfred J. Vaudreuil Vincent W. Walters
La Salle made me what I am and gave me some great friends and memories.”
Kevin Coyle ’59
Joseph Paul Wargo, Jr. Raymond L. Weinmann William J. Williams
Class of 1960 H. John Appleton Michael J. Bell Robert J. Bettacchi Carl E. Blyskal David R. Bruce, JD, MSW Carl J. Cangelosi J. Peter Clark, PhD Dennis W. Cronin, MD Michael J. DeSantis James J. Flynn, PhD Robert J. Gizinski Robert F. Guerin, Sr. Theodore T. Hindson, PhD Henry J. Keller Edward W. Kelly Brother Richard Kestler, FSC Thomas P. Kilroy James M. Kowalczyk George M. Kozub John F. Lehman, Jr., PhD George J. Lordi, Jr. Mark J. Malone Walter M. Mathews, PhD Joseph A. McDonald Eugene J. McGonigle, PhD John C. McKeever William E. Morton Thomas F. Murphy Theodore A. Nawalinski, PhD
George P. Nicolaus John R. Rutkowski Leslie E. Schmalbach, Jr. Kenneth Shaw, Jr. William G. Smith Martin W. Stanczak David R. Woll Francis P. Yannessa, Jr.
Class of 1961 Rev. Edward F. Anderson John W. Becher, DO Donald F. Burns John L. Byrnes William A. Cheney Michael A. Colucci, CPA Thomas R. Crow Joseph J. Curry, PhD Charles E. Dunleavy, Jr. Charles J. Durney Col. John E. Feret, USA(Ret) Michael C. Foley Victor S. Gittens Michael J. Gumrot Thomas J. Hipp, MD Edward J. Kohlhepp Raymond J. Leary Joseph F. Lynch Donald W. Rider Stephen J. Rodgers, MD, JD Sigmond S. Rutkowski, Jr., DO Carl J. Schwab Albert H. Them, III Joseph L. Velten, Jr. John D. Whiteman, PhD
“Proud to be an alum. La Salle was very important in helping shape my life for the future.”
Frank McFadden ’59
Why I Give… Class of 1962
Class of 1963
S. Joseph Aita, MD John W. Breckenridge, MD Neil T. Breen Michael T. Carr George C. Casper Joseph P. Cattie, Jr. Mark F. Clark Rev. Victor J. Eschbach Donald D. Fanelle Joseph A. Fanelli Edwin J. Feeny, Jr. Vincent J. Flynn Richard M. Foley, Jr., Esq. John J. Friel, PhD Thomas J. Gibbons, Jr. James F. Giblin Robert L. Griffith, Esq. Alfred S. Halas, DMD Thomas K. Hendrick Walter J. Kaminski Geoffrey J. Kierstead James L. Littlefield, MD William M. Maguire Gerald A. Marano, PhD Herbert C. Matthews, Jr. Joseph P. McCauley Gerald V. McDevitt Joseph E. McGonigle A. Victor Meitner, Esq. Col. Paul E. Miehle, USA Kevin M.(Dec’d.) O’Neill James A. Putz William J. Schenkel John M. Shaeffer W. Ellis Smith, DMD Albert F. Sommar John P. Sommar Victor O. Stango Henry P. Stoebenau, Jr. John R. Thomas Joseph M. Tomkiewicz, PhD Joseph M. Weidner James M. Wilson
50-Year Reunion
“I am who I am only because of my years at La Salle.”
John McGill ’67
23 | Explorer Fall 2012
June 1-2, 2013
Louis J. Beccaria, PhD B. James Cake, CPA Lawrence F. Cantono M. Alan Cinquino Edward J. DaDura, Jr. Joseph F. DAngelo, EdD Frank V. Daniel Francis A. DeSantis Domenic M. DiPiero Michael J. Donahue Edward J. Drach Frank J. Eisenhart, Jr., Esq. Alfred E. Enoch, Jr. John P. Fisher, DDS James F. Galbally, EdD Louis C. Galzerano John H. Halas Daniel G. Heyberger Edward E. Houseman, Esq. Francis J. Krimm, Jr. Stanley B. Lorek William J. Magarity Christopher J. Matthews Albert J. McGlynn Joseph A. Nickels, III Thomas M. O’Keefe Joseph A. Ratkovic Hon. Maurino J. Rossanese, Jr. John M. Schmalbach, EdD David J. Smith, MD Joseph E. Turk Deacon Timothy E. Urbanski, MD Eric J. Vacca, Jr. Gregory P. Verdon, CPA Michael J. Vergare, MD Anthony S. Volpe, Esq. Daniel J. Whelan, Esq. Col. Joseph C. Yannessa, USMC
Class of 1964 Denis M. Canty William J. Cattie, III, Esq. Joseph J. Colistra, Jr. LTC Philip V. Coyle, USA(Ret) Thomas C. Gallagher, Esq. J. David Johnson, CPA James P. Joyce John M. Kilduff Bernard W. Kurek, DMD Henry H. Lynch John D. Markowski James E. McCloskey Mark G. McElwee Bernard J. McFadden, Esq. G. Frank McKnight, III
Joseph P. Mullen, III, MD Francis W. Sauerwald Anthony M. Stonis Robert A. Yacobellis
Class of 1965 Gerald G. Aubrey Edward J. Belcak Francis J. Bogle, Jr. Joseph R. Buckley Jerald L. Caruso John M. Daly, MD James W. Degnan, PhD John M. Derderian Thomas P. Donnelly Joseph F. Donoghue, PhD Marc Doyle John J. Farrell Ronald D. Fasano Daniel B. Flynn RADM John B. Foley, III, USN(Ret.) Glenn L. Fricke, EdD Rev. Msgr. Joseph P. Garvin Joseph A. Goldbeck, Jr., Esq. Robert F. Hamburger W. Joseph Hetherington, Esq. Larry P. Hill Frank L. Iaquinta, Jr. Kevin E. Keegan, Esq. John J. Kelly, Jr. Vincent J. Kraft Albert G. Kroll, Esq. Francis P. Laska CDR Robert J. Logan, USN(Ret.) Gregory T. Magarity, Esq. Joseph M. Markmann Michael D. McCarthy Brother Michael J. McGinniss, FSC, PhD Thomas W. McIntyre Stephen J. McNichol Edward F. Moore, III Henry F. Muller Michael J. Normile Dennis J. O’Leary Michael E. Osborne J. Gregory Pirmann Joseph M. Queenan Stephen J. Rauscher Joseph J. Wallace James L. Wise, MD Maj. Walter F. Zaremski, USA(Ret)
“La Salle was a significant influence in shaping my life.” Thomas O’Keefe ’63
Class of 1966
Class of 1967
John M. Bissell Charles J. Boris John V. Cattie, MD William E. Downs Gerald J. Dugan, Esq. Timothy J. Erb Michael M. Etzl, Jr., MD John J. Fitzgibbons, Jr. Joseph J. Flynn Timothy J. Foley William J. Gibbons, MD Dominic P. Girondo Hon. Richard J.(Dec’d.) Hodgson Albert W. Keller, III W. Alan Keogh, DO Donald E. Kotas Stephen G. Kozub, PhD Paul J. Laskow, Esq. Denis James Lawler, Esq. Thomas M. Lofgren John A. Loftus, PE William J. Markmann, MD William J. Marr Michael J. Masington Joseph V. Mastronardo James R. Matthews Robert F. McAnespey John B. McCormick Peter M. McGonigle, Esq. Robert J. Pannepacker, Sr. Dennis J. Reid Rev. Gerald C. Ronan Thomas L. Scully, CPA Patrick M. Smith Michael R. Taylor, CAE Frank J. Wesner, Jr., Esq. Eugene J. Whitaker, DMD Michael J. Wilkin William J. Winning, Esq.
Rev. Mark C. Aita, SJ, MD Thomas J. Baldino, PhD Kevin G. Bogle Stephen J. Bukowski Wayne G. Campbell Michael J. Clement, Esq. Edward W. DeAngelis Ellwood G. Derricks James J. Dougherty Robert E. Field John M. FitzSimmons, MD William J. Flanagan Kevin P. Flynn Robin F. Gallagher, DMD S. John Gorman, IV Gerald M. Greco, VMD Michael R. Hogan Edward J. Hughes, Esq. Eugene P. Hughes, Jr., MD Albert J. Johnson Michael F. Jordan Christopher M. Lehman, PhD Robert G. Liberatore Anthony P. Lopresti Vincent M. Lorusso, Esq. CAPT John B. McGill, USN(Ret.) James P. McIntyre John J. McMenamin, Jr. Brother Thomas McPhillips, FSC, PhD John F. Meehan, Jr. Paul H. Muessig Francis E. Murphy Anthony P. Neri Ronald J. Pendrak Joseph F. Slabinski, III Edward G. Stromberg Nicholas J. Tallos John M. Turzer Samuel J. Viola John J. Whalen Gregory J. Winters
Annual Giving By Class continued
Why I Give… Class of 1968
Class of 1969
45-Year Reunion
Anthony F. Arnone John J. Barrett Patrick J. Becher, DO Kevin A. Bilson Gerard J. Binder William F. Brinkmann, Jr. John A. Corr Bernard H. Coyle, Jr. William R. Deiss, Esq. Stephen P. Dougherty Vincent P. Everman, Jr. Edward V. France John W. Furtek Laurence P. Genuardi Thomas F. Gibbons Joseph A. Greco Martin J. Grims James F. Haney Joseph F. Hartnett, Jr. Phillip F. Heller, PhD, Esq. John J. Horan Rev. Anthony W. Janton, AFSC H. William Jesse, Jr. Charles F. Kappler, Esq. James R. Koller Walter J. Konopka James W. Kurtz Anthony M. Landis, DO E. Dennis Lehman, Jr. Joseph L. Lindinger Eugene J. Maginnis, Esq. William F. Maher, Jr. Salvatore V. Mattoccia, CPA Joseph W. McDermott, Jr. Joseph D. McGowan John M. McGrath Edward F. McMahon William J. McManus, Esq. John C. McMunn Kyle R. Mecklenborg Geoffrey A. Meyer Thomas D. Michel Andrew J. Milligan, PhD Robert P. Moran Daniel E. Morehouse Jeffrey N. Morgan, AIA Thomas J. Murphy, Jr. Dennis J. Normile Dennis J. O’Brien Dennis J. O’Hara, PhD James M. Paulits John A. Pron, DPM James E. Roddy Michael J. Ruddy, MD Paul G. Schott Gerald T. Shaeffer, Jr. Francis X. Spause, Jr. W. Trevor Swan, Jr. Raymond J. Tatlow, III
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Raymond C. Andries, MD Joseph J. Baillie, LSW John B. Best, PhD Kevin F. Brett Craig E. Brooks Michael D. Burke David P. Cattie Raymond J. Colaianni William S. Conway Aloysius V. Cummings, III Michael R. Dickey Harry K. Dolaway William M. Drayton Robert J. Ellis John C. Fenningham, Esq. Anthony J. Gillespie William F. Hartman Michael J. Hathaway Albert W. Kellenbenz John F. Kent, Esq. James A. Kuklinski James F. McDonald, DO Stephen L. McGonigle Michael P. McKenna, Esq. Joseph P. Millet, Jr., RPh Michael A. O’Toole Joseph G. Pigeon, PhD William R.(Dec’d. ) Powell Chester J. Salwach, PhD Thomas V. Sikina Andrew W. Stephenson, Esq. Charles J. Walsh, Jr. J. Michael Whitaker, MD
24 | Explorer Fall 2012
John F. Walsh, Esq. Arthur A. Warren, Esq. William J. Wasylenko, Jr. Patrick J. White, DC Robert D. Willemin Joseph T. Winning Joseph J. Zaiss, Jr. George Guy Zoller
Class of 1970 Joseph E. Abbott Raymond S. Angelo John D. Brinkmann, Esq. Joseph S. Camardo, MD CAPT Donald J. Carr, USAF(Ret.) Philip E. Cassidy, Jr. Thomas J. Christmann, Jr. Michael P. Daly, PhD John M. Donahue, Esq. Charles J. Dunton, MD Michael J. Gallagher, DDS James J. Garrity, Esq. James F. Gentilcore Edward J. Grady, III Joseph C. Harp John J. Hoban Frederick K.H. Hoeck Robert M. Hughes Robert L. Jesse, MD, PhD Thomas J. Johanson, Esq. Dennis J. Kelley Robert J. Laskowski, MD James J. Lawson, Jr. Michael J. Logan William P. Loughery Joseph C. Magarity William J. Maginnis Andrew P. Maher James F. Mahoney, CPA R. Bruce Matthews, PE Eugene N. McHugh, Esq. Patrick M. McLaughlin Brig. Gen. Joseph J. McMenamin, USMC William E. Morton Karl W. Muessig, PhD David T. Naab Richard A. Rothwell, DDS Alfred P. Salvitti Richard J. Santangelo Joseph G. Shea William T. Svihel John S. Szostak George A. Thompson, PhD Walter L. Updegrave Benjamin J. Ventresca, Jr. James J. Webster, Jr. George L. Young, Jr., Esq
“La Salle was an important time in my life and prepared me well for my career.”
Dennis O’Hara ’69
Class of 1971
Class of 1972
Raymond P. Bain, PhD Richard J. Barrett Robert E. Biddle, Jr. Thomas F. Brett, II, Esq. Mark J. Christie James J. Coyle, PhD Jerome F. Dean Richard D. DiBella John J. Dugan, DO Robert J. Fitzmyer, Jr. James J. Flynn, III William J. Galbally, Esq. James R. Guntle, Jr. William T. Kesselring, MD Thomas C. Lowry, Esq. Rev. Daniel E. Mackle Michael J. McFarlane, MD John J. Michele Peter E. Moore, Esq. Dennis E. Nolen Edward J. O’Brien, III Rev. Gerald P. Ragan John C. Redmond, III Joseph A. Simone Joseph J. Szal, Jr. Stephen A. Talecki
Richard Ansel James T. Belcher William J. Benz, Esq. Christian J. Bradley Michael J. Breen Jeffrey S. Christie, Esq. Michael (Decd.) Coffey LTC James F. Dittrich, USA(Ret) Charles H. Dougherty, Jr. Bernard M. Enright Stephen A. Gardner Gaetano P. Giordano Mark W. Gleason Robert F. Harchut, Esq. Gerald T. Hathaway, Esq. William W. Haury, Jr., Esq. Edward J. Heraty W. Mark Hinkel Timothy P. Hughes Steven M. Javie Gregory J. Kochanowicz Thomas P. Lehman, MD Thomas J. Lowery, Esq. Mark F. Magarity Paul T. McGurkin Brian J. McHugh Stephen P. Mountain Michael R. Osborne William J. Radomski Nicholas Rongione Joseph J. Santarone, Jr., Esq. David J. Sciolla Mark D. Sutton Robert T. Szostak, Esq. Mike K. Thompson, Esq. P. James Toolan, Esq. Vincent J. Wolfinger, Jr.
“To help support an excellent education and life lessons for our future young men (leaders).” Patrick Noonan ’76
Class of 1973
Class of 1974
40-Year Reunion
Gerald V. Angilletta Lloyd C. Beck, Jr. Michael J. Brown Louis J. Buonomo Stephen J. Burns Michael W. Cassidy, Esq. F. Ross Crumlish Walter W. Dearolf, III, MD Peter M. DiBattiste, MD Donald J. Dolaway Terence J. Dooley Joseph P. Dwyer, Sr., CPA Gerard T. Foley, CIC Paul F. Gaigelas William A. Garrity, Jr. Michael C. Hoehn Kevin V. Kelley Paul J. Kelly, III, CPA Walter J. Kielar Bruce D. Konopka James P. Malone, Jr. Robert H. McLaren, CPA Michael P. Meehan, Esq. Timothy O. Nolen, Esq. Fred J. Reichelt Louis A. Santoro, Jr. Christopher H. Strolle Ronald J. Tomasso, AIA Joseph R. Whelpley Michael J. Winning
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Ernest M. Behr William J. Bryers, Esq. Michael J. Cahill Sean P. Colgan Francis P. Day, MD Joseph A. Fleming, Jr. John W. Fornace, DO Carl W. Graf Edward J. Grubb Nicholas J. Harris Charles J. Harvey, DO Vincent J. Hee Michael A. Jankowski, Esq. Thomas J. Keating Christopher J. Kirk Mark C. Kradzinski Rory J. Lawler George T. Magnatta, Esq. John G. Malone, Esq. John V. Mastronardo John P. McShea, III Hon. William A. Meehan, Jr. Michael J. Quigg John J. Quinn, III, Esq. Joseph J. Ragg, Jr. William F. Ritter Carl M. Sacchetti, CFP Philip E. Smith CDR Robert M. Souders, USN(Ret.) Christopher M. Szal Christopher P. von Hake, DO Stephen J. Weber John L. Williams
25 | Explorer Fall 2012
Class of 1975 Joseph A. Benz John H. Brand John F. Burns, Jr. Joseph A. Checchio, DDS Richard C. Connor Mark B. DeSimone Michael P. Donnelly George K. Dunton CDR Joseph J. Eble, USN(Ret.) Paul J. Egitto John S. Fioravanti, CPA Lawrence J. Fitzkee Richard C. Harris Joseph D. Harris, PhD John Harrison, IV Kellen G. Leister Christopher E. McDermott Joseph F. McKenna William J. Nolan Larry P. Spinosa Edward G. Stafford Michael F. Tillger David F. Wasilewski, RN James T. White Michael J. Williams Joseph A. Young
Class of 1976 John N. Braca John M. Buonomo, DO Richard B. Calvitti CDR William F. Danella, USN(Ret.) CAPT J. Christopher Daniel, MD Matthew J. Dougherty, MD Michael J. Driscoll, Jr. Thomas Durling, Esq. Patrick M. Foley Robert D. Fox David A. Geppert Ronald S. Guerra Joseph P. Hand, Jr. Maj. Frederick C. Hellwig, USA (Retd.) Michael J. Johnston Friedrich S. Kramer, PhD Peter A. Lehman John J. Love, III Dennis P. Lynch Anthony J. Maginnis Matthew J. Mihalich
Patrick J. Noonan David A. Ragan Stephen J. Salvitti William J. Selph, Jr. James J. Staudt James J. Stokes, III John P. Toy Gary J. Uzelac, CPCU John J. Walsh
Class of 1977 Michael F. Avallone, Jr., DO Eugene C. Barbera, Jr. James J. Black, III, Esq. James C. Braca James F. Brewer, Jr. Joseph J. Brooks Mark C. Brown John L. Czarnecki Donald M. Duffy, CPA Frederick J. Gerngross, Sr., Esq. Joseph M. Grace, Esq. Anthony D. Gulla, RPh Stanley J. Heleniak, DMD Christopher H. Jones, Esq. Paul J. Maginnis Del C. Markward Brian J. McShea Joseph H. Morozin, Jr. Timothy M. O’Neill, RA James W. Pollino George T. Riley Kevin M. Roddy Christopher N. Santoro, Esq. John V. Steinmetz Joseph M. Talecki Michael T.(Dec’d.) Vesey John W. Wozniak Mark J. Zielinski
Class of 1978
35-Year Reunion Saturday, April 27, 2013
Michael D. Beatty Richard Catrambone, PhD Christopher J. Cimini Thomas J. Curran Edward A. Dachowski, MD John F. Danella, MD Hal A. Frasch Thomas M. Gallagher, Esq. Timothy E. Gillespie Richard F. Heany Anthony J. Labella Joseph M. Lehman CAPT Steven A. Malloy, USN(Ret.) Andrew J. Malone, CPA Stephen J. Masceri, MD
Daniel McGill Peter A. Nolan Joseph F. O’Dea, Jr., Esq. Richard A. Panettieri Timothy J. Przybylowski, PE Donald R. Roessler, Jr. Felix Michael Santoro Peter M. Schofield Matthew J. Singer David J. Willgruber
Class of 1979 William V. Baldassano, DMD Anton R. Bauer Mark A. Campellone Stephen A. Cholewiak Michael F. Donohoe, DC James C. Driscoll Robert C. Dunne Patrick J. Farris, Esq. Laurence P. Finnegan, III Paul D. Hierholzer, DO Charles Hilpl William M. Janssen, Esq. George D. Johnson, Jr. Daniel J. Kane, MD Patrick J. Kenney Rodolphe Kraeher John A. Loftus, Jr. Jerome F. Lombard, Jr. David P. McCarthy James P. McCormick, MD Scott R. McLaren Austin A. Meehan Conrad J. Miller, III, Esq. Vincent J. Murray, DDS Thomas V. O’Kane Rev. Michael S. Olivere Sean P.(Dec’d.) O’Neill Edward J. Quinn Riley T. Smith Charles H. Stevenson Herman J. Weinrich, Esq. David M. Whitehead Michael J. Yuengling Ronald J. Zoldy
Annual Giving By Class continued
Why I Give…
“La Salle was a wonderful experience at a crucial point in my life” Richard Deasy ’80
Class of 1980
Class of 1981
Martin J. Andrejko John Borek LTC(Ret) Joseph E. Danella Richard P. Deasy, DMD Anthony J. DePaul Anthony M. DiLucia, Jr. Thomas P. Frankson Samuel J. Gabriel James P. Gibbons Edward J. Giera John R. Gimpel, DO M.Ed. Phillip M. Goldman Thomas M. Harper John A. Keenan John D. LaRocca, Esq. Edward V. Loftus, Jr., MD Michael A. Marek Dennis J. McFadden, Jr. Scott T. McNutt Frederick C. Mischler Lawrence Molinaro Walter F. Norris, Jr. Craig F. O’Donnell Francis X. O’Donnell Thomas C. Porth James D. Princivalle John F. Quigley, III James J. Rodden Kenneth M. Roessler Adam R. Stefanowicz, Jr. Michael J. Tamburri Christopher J. Walsh, MD
Michael J. Adams, DMD Bradley J. Bonner John C. Campbell Matthew J. Campbell John A. Duffy, III James W. Durkin Richard L. Duszak, Jr., MD John J. Farris James J. Finnegan Edward (Ward) J. Fitzgerald, III Neil J. Fitzpatrick Michael P. Gregor Patrick J. Hasson, Esq. CAPT Eugene P. Kiernan, USNR Richard A. Kondan, DO Patrick J. Loftus, Esq. Raymond J. McCaffrey John J. McFadden Austin A. Meehan, III Mark T. Mischler David C. Ott Philip F. Radomski Edward W. Ruane, DPM Vincent J. Tague, Jr. Paul D. Vozzo John A. Weinrich James M. Williamson
Class of 1982
Class of 1983
Class of 1985
J. Scott Atkinson Vincent F. Baldassano, MD Michael J. Behr Gerald L. Bowen, Jr., Esq. Christopher M. Carabello Mark A. Casale Joseph A. Ciasullo Joseph F. Cicchiello Kevin R. Connor Robert F. Costello, Jr. Kevin M. Cregan, MD Harvey R. deKrafft Charles E. Dolaway, IV Kevin E. Flynn Kevin F. Funchion, CFA Terence P. Gillespie Charles M. Greenberg Rodney H. Grimm William P. Higgins, CPA John J. Kane Daniel P. Kelley Sean E. Mahoney Clifford M. Mars J. Ronald Martin, Jr. William P. McLaughlin Gregg R. Melinson David C. Michie John J. Mischler Michael C. O’Brien Edward J. O’Mara, III Joseph B. Shott Joseph A. Splendido R. Brian Stefanowicz Andrew Sweeney Robert M. Thompson, Jr. John P. Toner George A. Winslow Glenn J. Wolfinger, DMD Joseph A. Zebrowski
30-Year Reunion Thomas P. Burns James J. Carroll, Jr. Mark T. Celoni, PE Christopher M. Ciarrocchi Patrick J. Doran, Esq. John P. Dunn Kevin J. Dunphy Sean P. Flynn Daniel J. Grasmeder, CFP John J. Grogan, Esq. Patrick E. Izzo James F. Keenan Charles T. Lloyd David J. Martosella Peter E. McCabe John P. McElwee Kevin M. Mirsch Joseph T. Morrissey, Jr. William J. O’Kane, Jr., Esq. Norman J. Rahn, III John D. Rilling, CPA Edward W. Skorpinski, MD Peter A. Tripodi John P. Young
Joseph J. Bradley, Jr. Arthur J. Burke, III, Esq. Joseph P. Cattie, III Mark M. Chadwick Daniel E. Diehl Christopher T. Doran Michael F. Doyle, Jr. James J. Farris Joseph F. Hackman James M. Hasson Michael B. Hoban Christopher T. Janssen Brian F. McCaffrey John B. Millard, III Chuck Minnich, IV CFA Mark A. Oberholzer Keith J. Pensabene Francis X. Rafter Andrew J. Ragusa William C. Regli, III, PhD Stephen T. Rietzke Bernard E. Saxon Richard J. Sherman, Jr. Peter R. Sigmund, MCSE, MCTS Matthew T. Wentz Francis W. Worthington, Esq.
Class of 1984
Class of 1986
Richard J. Calhoun, Jr. David M. Casale Kevin S. Christine Jay M. Conway Vincent J. Cuce Michael F. DAngelo John R. Dolaway Eric D. Lintner William P. McKee, Jr. William L. McKernan, CPA Joseph A. Pensabene, III Carmen C. Petruzzelli, RPh David E. Reinhardt, DO John P. Riordan Thomas J. Shallow, Jr. John J. Staub Robert G. Sykes Richard Van Fossen Carl A. Waldspurger, PhD Daniel M. Whitehead Scott H. Wolpert, Esq.
Ronald M. Bean Marc J. Colletti Lawrence W. Daly Anthony R. DAngelo Edward J. DeAngelis Richard T. DeVincent James A. Donahue, III Timothy J. Ernst Timothy E. Green Frank T. Gregor Elmer F. Hansen, III Stephen W. Harrer Dale E. Lintner, Jr. John A. Livingood, Jr., Esq. William W. Matthews, III, Esq. J. Sean McCook John J. Meko, Jr. Keith T. Melinson David A. Mitchell Edmund B. Moore, II Mark J. Noonan Joseph J. O’Connor, III Thomas J. O’Malley, Esq. D. Scott Porreca Edward A. Rittenhouse, III Mark G. Sabo Paul D. Schaefer Robert F. Weikel, Jr.
“It was the four best years of my education. My son graduated from La Salle in 2005 and loved it as well.”
John Staub ’84
26 | Explorer Fall 2012
Saturday, April 27, 2013
“I give back in appreciation for all that La Salle has done for me and for all the boys that continue to reap its rewards.” Martin Hayes ’91
Class of 1987
Class of 1988
Joshua D. Baer Michael C. Belcher Christopher Blatney Charles R. Bogle, Esq. Brian P. Boyle John M. Casper Brendan M. Coghlan David A. Fecak, Jr. Timothy P. Fitzgerald Charles L. Gemmi, III, DMD John R. Kichula Michael J. Korman Edward P. Lemanowicz, Esq. James J. McColigan, CPA Patrick T. McGinn J. Gavin Muir, MD Christopher D. Murphy Jeffrey M. Ryan James C. Stabilito Stanley A. Szpindor, Jr. Gregory W. Tiernan Andrew J. Wiley
25-Year Reunion
27 | Explorer Fall 2012
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Joseph C. Atkinson Michael J. Beveridge John J. Coscia, Jr. Timothy S. Herron Kenneth J. Madden Joseph J. McMahon, Jr., Esq. James D. Morrissey, III Gregory P. Rietzke Brother Kevin M. Tidd, OSB, EdD Edward A. Wentz Paul Wynn
Class of 1989 Paetrus F. Banmiller, III Matthew Paul Beagle Stephen R. Brennan, Jr. Anthony L. Cossetti Robert A. Dick, Jr. Thomas F. Gibbons, Jr. Michael H. Goodyear, DO James J. Hesdon Matthew G. McDonald Timothy P. McMahon Christopher R. Meagher Austin J. Noonan, DC John G. Pitts John J. Regan Andrew L. Roman Andrew M. Savysky, Esq. Jeffrey M. Sink John M. Stack, III James J. Van Stone Christopher Ventresca
Class of 1990
Class of 1992
Brendan P. Boyle James E. Convey, IV James P. Dann Daniel M. DeDominic John F. Dever Kirk H. Dolaway Robert F. Donahue Martin E. Feeny William E. Francoeur Michael B. Hayes, Esq. Kevin T. Hipp Christopher T. Hoover Brother Joseph W. Juliano, FSC Ryan R. Marsh C. John McComb Patrick J. McMonagle, Esq. Brian F. Sandella Eric M. Shelton
Joseph P. Carrello Thomas N. Craig Richard J. Durso, CFP Mark A. Gibbons S. John Gorman, V William J. Jones, Jr. Christian S. Lopez James F. Maloney Andrew J. Morrisroe, III John J. Yurick, III
Class of 1991 Jamie E. Barton Mark D. Campbell Craig M. Fitzgerald Martin J. Hayes Ernest F. Koschineg, III, Esq. Erik M. Link Michael P. Maguire, Esq. Domenic J. Maida Stephen M. Matthews Andrew K. Maude Joseph F. X. Morrissey Andrew J. Mullen Joshua C. Nowak Mark K. O’Neill Jason F. Potter Daniel A. Rakowski, MD Kevin P. Schmidt, Esq. Kevin M. Scully Francis E. Sheridan N. William Spearing Ryan P. Tyrrell Michael E. Wilkin
Class of 1993
20-Year Reunion Saturday, April 27, 2013
Robert J. Ball Brendan J. Boland Daniel J. Caputo, RPh Kevin P. Conlin Christopher P. Convey Douglas J. Demeter Paul W. Dolaway D. Ryan Farragut Douglas Friel Carl W. Graf, Jr. Paul W. Halczenko, MD Joseph M. Junod Boyd A. Kelly Gregory T. Lavin James E. Maloney, Jr., PE Ronald W. Martin, Jr. Timothy J. Maxwell Patrick T. McGowan Kevin M. McNichol Kevin M. Olender Michael J. Parella Bradley J. Sandella, DO Matthew J. Shevlin Michael J. Tuscano Nathan M. Will Joseph W. Zalewski
Class of 1994 William T. Bell Steven R. Blasi, DO Christopher J. Ciavarelli Stephen F. Duncheskie Timothy J. Erb, Jr. Thomas J. Fithian James A. Gorman Christopher E. Holwick C. Todd Lofgren Vincent M. Lorusso, Jr. John E. Markowski John V. McKee, Jr. Thomas J. McLaughlin, III Kyle S. Miller Michael P. Pelham
Daniel P. Pritchard Brian P. Romano Jason M. Santini Daniel E. Shilkitus James J. Watson David H Wenhold
Class of 1995 Joseph J. Colistra, III Charles A.J. Halpin, IV Ryan C. Harrington Marc A. Holbert J. Fred Lorusso Brian C. McGeehan, CFP Thomas C. McHugh Frank C. Palopoli, Jr. Joseph C. Rakowski Joseph A. Saltarelli Jonathan H. Shevlin Ryan T. Slizofski Edward G. Stromberg, III LCDR B. Ryan Ventresca, USN Craig S. Vondercrone
Class of 1996 Brian M. Appleby William T. Donohoe, Jr. William E. Fedyna J. Raymond Fitzpatrick, III, MD Christopher Gange Patrick W. Gorman Brian D. Kent, Esq. Gerald A. Kilkenny Christopher Magarity John D. Mallach William E. Murphy Justin A. Santangelo Gregory J. Ventresca
Class of 1997 Paul J. Callahan Timothy G. Curran Michael T. Durso John M. Hammond E. Patrick Hughes, IV Nicholas J. Klohe Kyle C. Mallach Patrick M McLaughlin, MD Brian J. McMahon Michael C. Schafle Michael J. Zeccardi
Annual Giving By Class continued
“To help ensure those in the city experience La Salle as I did”
William Phelan ’00
Class of 1998
Class of 1999
15-Year Reunion
Evan S. Behr Kevin Brewster Vincent A Carr, Jr. Kevin E Clearkin Richard P. Davoli, Jr. Joseph L Gardner, III Timothy F Gillespie Timothy P Hughes, Jr. Sean D Kent Michael D Kilkenny Justin L Levin Sean P Matthews Timothy W McDonald Timothy J Morris Thomas J Piper, Jr. Timothy J Pippet Patrick R. Rose LT Patrick S. Salvitti, USN Mathew T. Schaffer Gregory M. Schill Patrick D. Slattery James A. Sullivan Richard J. Target Joseph L. Wentz
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Eric E. Andruczyk Thaddeus J. Bartkowski, III Edward J. Bongard, III Justin E. Capetola David F. Citro Timothy S. Danaher Timothy B. Fenningham, Esq. Puri L. Garzone, III Robert J. Miller Patrick J. Moore Daniel L. Needle Rajesh C. Noronha Jason J. Olcese William J. Reid, Jr. Mark D. Ruegg David A. Schmel S. Paul Sharkey Mark C. Szczech John E. Travers Joseph J. Yanoshik
“Great school. Wonderful Experience. Tradition.”
Brett Kochanowicz ’01
28 | Explorer Fall 2012
Class of 2000 Kevin P. Baker Douglas M. Bohardt Thomas M. Brasberger Paul D. Colistra Thomas J. Devlin Christopher J. Dougherty Kevin B. Dougherty Brett T. Foley Patrick M. Higgins William J. Phelan, IV, Esq. Daniel P. Quinn, III Raymond T. Shay Joseph W. Spause Christopher Staub John E. Strzalka, Jr.
Class of 2001
Class of 2004
Stephen P. Andrews Nicholas D. Bowers Daniel J. Buckley Christopher T. Chancler Kevin J. Cross James J. Edelen, IV Kyle M. Elliott Thomas H. Gorman Mark P. Grady Joseph P. Hand, IV Gary E. Kane, Jr. Brett R. Kochanowicz Gabriel J. Marabella Robert J. McCreight, Jr. David E. Skoien John A. Zaro
Sean F. X. Adams David M. Breznicky Christopher M. Cahill Matthew J. Capaldo Ryan E. Dempsey Michael J. Driscoll, III Gerald M. Dunn Paul E. Gormisky Peter J. Hand Matthew J. Hess Alexander L. B. Himes Stephen G. Horvath Daniel F. Kennedy Anthony L. Massaro, III Joseph T. Pelone Brian P. Ruhling, Jr. John M. van Eekelen
Class of 2002 Daniel H. Azeff Carmen J. Conicelli, III Steven M. Curran Mark J. DAngelo Dino Dedic Eric J. Franz Terence C. Kempf Ryan D. MacFarland Andrew Y. Mackintosh Matthew W. Quigg, Esq. Andrew P. Urbanski John C. Valentino Brendan J. Whitaker
Class of 2003
10-Year Reunion Saturday, April 27, 2013
Sean M. Agnew Andrew M. Bartynski Bradley D. Caracausa Andrew C. Carnevale Philip A. DiAntonio Michael P. Dungan James P. Harkins Rory M. Heenan Matthew M. Kelly H. Brad Kerr, IV William A. Loughery, CPA S. Alexander May, Jr. Matthew G. McGurkin David A. Naab Matthew J. O’Donnell Matthew J. Pace Christopher E. Schwartz Justin N. Sen Colin M. Whitaker Joseph F. Winning
Class of 2005 Michael J. Andrews Brian T. Azeff Patrick F. Broderick Brandon K. Chong David G. Cipolla Edward A. Diasio Matthew J. Doyle William S. Kessler Paul M. Le Francis Thomas Lyons Philip J. McCarthy, IV James P. Murphy Thomas J. O’Donnell Alexander J. Rhein Bryan A. Schwartz Kevin P. Trainer Joseph W. Winning
Class of 2006 Alex M. Clark Christopher L. Driscoll Christopher M. Furgiuele Edward L. Guarrieri James E. Kerak David A. Mastroieni Gregory E. McLaren Max S. Morgan John R. Mutchler Joseph W. Schatz Bryant M. Schultz Matthew R. Sinnott Matthew Z. Stigliano ENS Andrew J. Ventresca
Why I Give… “My experience has directly helped in contributing to my recent success and I probably would not have had as many opportunities if I had not attended La Sale College High School.”
Justin Sen ’03
Class of 2007
Class of 2008
David J.(Dec’d.) Ansel Braden Joseph Bonner MCP, MTA Geoffrey S. Cahill Christopher M. Cahill Ryan Cain Christopher T. Corby Kevin J. Donnelly Nicholas A. Gorsky John J. Holt, III Michael P. Kelly Rudolph A. Kraeher Gregory D. LaFata Nicholas J. Lanza Paul Lewis Edwin M. McKeon, III Andrew T. Mockaitis Michael C. Palermo John Picard John W. Piree Michael D. Power Robert A. Saraceni, III Michael G. Shertz, Jr. David L. Spinosa, Jr. Robert P. Waitkus
5-Year Reunion
29 | Explorer Fall 2012
Saturday, April 27, 2013
John J. Blanke Michael A. Curley Daniel T. Erhard, III John J. Fischer Joseph J. Houldin, III Philip J. Iannuzzi, Jr. Michael T. Marra-Powers Dennis P. McBride Michael V. McCabe Austin A. Meehan Joseph M. Migliarese Robert J. Moyer Michael C. Oliver Matthew J. Razzano Michael Patrick Rose, Jr. Patrick K. Sinnott Christopher van Eekelen Kyle J. Zoldy
Class of 2009 Thomas C. Cooney Christian A. Cruz Andrew J. DAddona William C. Franks Zachary J. Good Sean F. Kiely Christopher R. Kraeher Michael G. Leigh Daniel J. McDonald Matthew J. McGovern Kevin W. Merlini, Jr. Matthew T. Miller
Patrick D. Monteith James B. Osborne Joseph A. Petrellis, Jr. Matthew E. Roland Jeffrey E. Schill Ryan S. Sen Paul B. Szyszko Andrew N. Zbikowski
Class of 2010 Sean R. Atkinson William F. Begley Shane M. Brady Patrick T. Cero Robert W. Costello Brian D. Derr Timothy P. Diasio Timothy M. Durkin Colin A. Eisenschmid Frank A. Evans Cosmo A. Guerra Sean R. Janda Edmund P. Kehan, III Matthew J. Krol Philip G. Letcavage James T. Markley Charles T. McDonald Wesley D. Meehan Vincent J. Migliarese Patrick J. Monahan Samuel D. Pelone Onix A. Perez-Mas Christopher M. Razzano Alexander J. Richardson Stephen J. Sinnott Michael A. Stanowski Joshua O. Thorn John P. Toner, Jr. Gary J. White, Jr.
Class of 2011 Michael J. Bell, Jr. Jerry M. Bellettirie Anthony R. Certa Christopher J. Dearolf John P. Delaney, III Tyler J. Dunphy William P. Fisco Kevin P. Gillespie Samuel T. Hyder Patrick C. Kerr Nicholas J. Krol Seamus C. Morgan Paul M. Quinn James P. Ryan Nicholas K. Sabia, Jr. Timothy R. Vellner Stephen P. Wasylenko C. Andrew Whiteside
Class of 2012 Christopher Appelt Bell Mark N. Blanke Ronald A. Carapellotti, Jr. Alexander Chrostowski Brett P. Creter Alexander Cruz Timothy S. Decker Michael P. DiMezza John J. Fillenwarth Thomas J. Finnegan Christopher E. Heleniak Ryan P. Herbert Conor J. Janda Robert W. Johnson William J. Joyce Shane M. Kensil Christopher S. Knight Christopher J. Kramer Kevin B. Maginnis Clifford M. Mars Kyle A. Martin David J. Martosella, Jr. Kegan N. Moesta John W. Newell Nicholas S. Pleskunas Nicholas E. Popoff Colin M. Pyne Alec W. Reimel Jonathan Roberts Henry J. Ryan Brandon A. Sinnott Alexander G. Szokolyai William F. Toner Alasdair P. Travers Alexander E. Weinrich Nicholas T. Welch Francis W. Worthington
“Best experience imaginable. Huge thank you to the David Center.” Seamus Morgan ’11
Annual Giving By Class Class Amount No. of Gifts
Donors Out Of Percent
Class Amount No. of Gifts
Donors Out Of Percent
30 | Explorer Fall 2012
Faculty/Staff Annual Fund Members of the faculty and staff once again displayed the true sense of our caring community by raising nearly $18,000 in support of the Student Emergency Fund. Funds raised by this initiative are used to help those students who may find themselves unable to pay for the incidentals associated with being enrolled at La Salle. These include, but are not limited to, textbooks, clothing, school lunches, transportation costs, class rings, prom expenses, and AP testing fees. Thanks to the following members of our faculty and staff, all students have access to the resources necessary to be a success at La Salle College High School. Ms. Lisa Agnew Mr. Thomas R. Barna Mr. Dennis M. Bloh Braden Joseph Bonner, MTA ’07 Mrs. Lastenia Breen Mr. Gerard M. Brett Mr. Jeremy Butt Christopher M. Carabello ’82 Mrs. Janice Ciccimaro Joseph F. Ciccimaro ’57 Mr. Daniel J. Cipolla Mr. Charles Cirelli Mrs. Geraldine V. Clark Mr. Nicholas Coggins Dr. Jo Ann P. Cohen Paul D. Colistra ’00 Mr. Mark Collins Brother Kenneth Cook, FSC Mr. David W. Crowe Mrs. Kathleen Curley Douglas J. Demeter ’93
31 | Explorer Fall 2012
Mr. Joseph Dempsey Brother David Deradoorian, FSC Thomas J. Devlin ’00 David T. Diehl ’55 Brother William DiPasquale, FSC Mr. Michael E. Dolan Mr. Michael Dominick Mrs. Linda Donahue William T. Donohoe, Jr. ’96 Kevin B. Dougherty ’00 Mrs. Margaret Doyle Stephen F. Duncheskie ’94 Mr. Gerald R. Evans, Jr. Mrs. Elizabeth Field Brett T. Foley ’00 Mrs. Barbara Franks Mr. James Fyke Mrs. Rosemary Gedeik Mr. Paul Gehman
Mrs. Constance Gill Mr. Steven Gill Terence P. Gillespie ’82 Mr. Joseph Glacken Mrs. Carol Haggerty Mr. Michael Hearn Mr. Patrick Heasley Ms. Jeanne Holt-Brabson Christopher E. Holwick ’94 Stephen G. Horvath ’04 Mr. John D. Janda . Mr. Joseph J. Jaworowski John A. Keenan ’80 Ms. Paulette Kensey Brother Richard Kestler, FSC ’60 Mr. Thomas Lang Mr. Frank J. Lichtner Ms. Donna Long Joseph F. Lynch ’61 Mrs. Julia K. Maher
Mrs. Dorothy Marchese Mr. Joseph Marchese Mr. James Marsteller Robert F. McAnespey ’66 Mr. William J. McBride Mr. Daniel L. McGowan Mr. John McGranaghan Mrs. Diana McInaw Mrs. Barbara Miller Mr. Walter Muehlbronner Mr. Daniel Muller Mr. Joseph Nero Mr. Geoffrey L. Nicoletti Mr. Mark D. Norman Mrs. Kathleen O’Connell Mrs. Marlene Pajot-Pavlak Mr. Joseph A. Parisi Mr. Alfred O. Puntel Mr. Anthony Resch Brother James F. Rieck, FSC ’57 Mrs. Suzanne Russo
Mrs. Sue Sayer Ms. Tina Shustack Peter R. Sigmund ’85 Mrs. Kathleen Smith Mr. Gregory M. Snyder Mrs. Susan Spause Mr. Robert Suttman Mr. Gregory Teperman Brother Mang M. Tran, FSC Mr. Thomas E. Turner Mr. Joseph J. Vettori Mr. Dennis Wasko Mrs. Phyllis Wells Mr. Daniel J. Williams Mrs. Cathleen Winning Mrs. Barbara Wisotzkey Ms. Cheryl L. Wolgamott John P. Young ’83 Mrs. Nancy E. Zoeltsch
Parent Annual Fund Specifically earmarked to Professional Development for the dedicated faculty and staff of La Salle, the Parent Annual Fund raised nearly $75,000 during the 2011-2012 campaign. The bulk of this success is credited to the Parents Advisory Council, a group of parents dedicated to the continual growth and success of this initiative. Funds raised help our faculty and staff pursue post-graduate degrees and certifications, as well as allow them to attend various workshops and regional conferences. The result is a cutting-edge and up-to-date learning curriculum for our young men in the ever-changing world we live in today. Many thanks to the following parents who supported this valuable initiative. Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Abell Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Albertson Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey D. Anderson Mr. Michael K. Bantner & Ms. Patricia McDonough Mr. & Mrs. Roger F. Barr Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Barrett Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. Battista Mr. & Mrs. William F. Begley Dr. Marcus G. Bell & Dr. Denah M. Appelt Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Bender Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Bense Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Bernatavitz Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Bilotta Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Bishof Mr. & Mrs. Carl S. Blankemeyer Dr. Russel S. Bleiler & Dr. Sharon C. Bleiler Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey J. Bond Dr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Bonnevie Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Borek Mr. Paul C. Buckley & Dr. Nancy P. Buckley Dr. & Mrs. John M. Buonomo, DO Mr. & Mrs. Craig B. Burdulis Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Burgmann Mr. & Mrs. William J. Burke Mr. Porter D. Bush Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Calhoun, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Carenzo Mr. & Mrs. Mark T. Carlidge Mrs. Kim Carlone Mr. & Mrs. John M. Carr Mr. & Mrs. James J. Carroll, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Casciano, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Donald V. Cericola Dr. & Dr. Kenneth M. Certa Mr. & Mrs. Arthur E. Chandler Dr. Joseph A. Checchio, DDS Mr. & Dr. Joseph A. Ciasullo Mr. & Mrs. Vincent H. Cicalese Mr. & Mrs. James J. Clearkin, III Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Colbert Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Conroy Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Corcoran 32 | Explorer Fall 2012
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy T. Corcoran, CPA Mr. & Mrs. John A. Corr Mr. & Mrs. John J. Coscia, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Kevin C. Cottone Mr. & Mrs. David W. Cox Mr. & Mrs. Scott T. Crouch Mr. & Mrs. David W. Crowe Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Cunnane Mr. Mark Cunneen Mr. & Mrs. Lorenzo Cuoci Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Curcillo, II Mr. & Mrs. James M. Curley Mr. & Mrs. John A. Curran Mr. & Mrs. John F. Curtis, III Mr. & Mrs. Dominic D’Addona Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D’Angelo Mr. & Mrs. Donald Daniels Mr. & Mrs. Francis L. Davey Dr. & Mrs. James A. Dearden Dr. Donald J. DeBrakeleer & Dr. Lynne DeBrakeleer Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Demeter Dr. & Mrs. Daniel T. Dempsey Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Denton Mr. & Mrs. Jon R. Derewicz Mr. & Mrs. Larry Detweiler Mr. & Mrs. Edward Devlin Mr. & Mrs. Donato C. DiAntonio Mr. & Mrs. Anthony M. DiGiovanni Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. DiGiovanni Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Dohony Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Dolan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Donnelly Mr. & Mrs. James T. Dooney Mrs. Veronica M. Doran Mr. & Mrs. Stephen W. Dorsey, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Dougherty, MD Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Dougherty Mr. & Mrs. Robert Duncheskie Mr. & Mrs. Gerald E. Dunn Mr. & Mrs. Matthew C. Dunning Mr. & Mrs. James W. Durkin Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Easley Mr. & Mrs. Patrick M. Egan
Mr. & Mrs. Brian T. Eife Mr. & Mrs. Kurt R. Eisenschmid Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Farrington Mr. & Mrs. James E. Fickenscher Mr. Thomas J. Finnegan Ms. Sharon O. Finnegan Dr. & Mrs. John F. Fischer, PhD Mr. & Mrs. Bernard J. Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. Kevin T. Fitzpatrick Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Flynn Mr. & Mrs. Sean P. Flynn Mr. & Mrs. Terrence J. Foley, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Christopher G. Franks Mr. & Mrs. John T. Frazzette Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Galea Mr. & Mrs. Christopher A. Gay Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Gelenberg Mr. & Mrs. James V. Genuardi Mr. & Mrs. David A. Geppert Dr. William J. Gibbons, MD Mr. & Mrs. James D. Gibson Mr. & Mrs. Terence P. Gillespie Mr. & Mrs. Timothy E. Gillespie Ms. Amy E. Gimbel Mr. & Mrs. Gerald S. Givnish Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Glavin, Esq. Ms. Daphne Goggins Mr. & Mrs. Keith D. Gormisky Mrs. Angela P. Haney Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Harp Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. Hartzell Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Harvey Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Heidt Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Heinsdorf Dr. & Mrs. Stanley J. Heleniak, DMD Mr. & Mrs. John P. Higgins Mr. & Mrs. Gregory D. Hildebrandt Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Hoffman, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. John M. Hogan Mr. & Mrs. John J. Holt, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David M. Hunt Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Hutchinson Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Hynes Mrs. Elizabeth Iaquinto
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Ilsemann, III Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Immerman Mr. John D. Janda & Ms. Kelley A. Grady, Esq. Mr. & Mrs. John F. Jordon, III Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Joyce Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Gerard M. Kensil Mr. & Mrs. Brian P. Kindelan Mr. Jeffry E. King & Mrs. Gina Antonelli-King Mrs. Karen M. Knight Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Kramer Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Krulikowski Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Labella Mrs. Jenny Labella Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Lagreca Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Leonard Mr. & Mrs. Craig Lerch, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James P. Letcavage Mr. Stephen L. Longacre & Dr. Jane Longacre Mr. & Mrs. Eugene M. Loughery Mr. & Mrs. William H. Luce Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Lukach Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Lynch Mrs. Lori A. Lynch-Strosser Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Lyons, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. MacCrory Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. MacIntosh Dr. Andrew P. Maher & Mrs. Sarah Bond Maher Mr. & Mrs. John J. Maloney Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Markley Mr. & Mrs. Clifford M. Mars Mr. & Mrs. Francis M. Martino Mrs. Barbara Mas Mr. & Mrs. Anthony L. Massaro, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Dante J. Massi, Jr. Mr. John J. Matthews Mr. & Mrs. John P. McCrudden Mr. & Mrs. Brian W. McDonald
Parent Annual Fund continued
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Palazzo Mr. & Mrs. Douglas W. Palmer Mr. & Mrs. Robb J. Parlanti Mr. & Mrs. David F. Pascal Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Pedano Mr. & Mrs. John M. Peruto, Esq. Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Price Mr. & Mrs. Sean Pyne Mr. & Mrs. John F. Quigley, III Mrs. Joanne Quinn Mr. & Mrs. John J. Quirk Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Raquet Mr. & Mrs. John C. Redmond, III Deacon & Mrs. John T. Riordan Mr. & Mrs. John P. Riordan Dr. & Mrs. Carmen C. Rocco, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Rose Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Rose Dr. & Mrs. Marc F. Rosenn Rev. & Mrs. Ihor Royik Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Ryan Mr. & Mrs. James Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Laurence O. Ryder Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Savage, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Randal J. Schmitz
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt W. Schneider Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Schoen Mr. & Mrs. Wayne B. Selner Dr. & Mrs. Frank E. Shafer Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Shott Mr. & Mrs. Means E. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Riley T. Smith Mr. & Mrs. James A. Sontag Mr. & Mrs. Glen P. Sosnader Mr. & Mrs. Frank T. Spera Mr. & Mrs. Jan E. Stachel Mr. & Mrs. James J. Staudt Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Stefanski Mr. & Mrs. Christopher H. Strolle Mr. & Mrs. Raymond M. Subers Mr. & Mrs. James L. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Sykes Dr. & Mrs. Les A. Szekely Mr. & Mrs. Gabor J. Szokolyai Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Toner, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Eugene M. Treacy, Jr. Mr. Robert P. Trinkle & Ms. Kathy Pape Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tucker Mr. James D. Turek & Ms. Dawn M. Spinnler
Michael W. Cassidy, Esq. ’74
John Glaser ’58
Peter A. Nolan ’78
Anthony L. Cossetti ’89
Mr. Andrew J. Gordon
Swartley Bros. Engineers, Inc.
Dunphy Ford
John Burns Graphic Design
Swift Mailing Services
Fox Bindery
Mrs. Patrice Lynch
Paul B. Szyszko ’09
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald S. Givnish
Frederick C. Mischler ’80
Mrs. Regina Sacco
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey W. McDonnell Mr. & Mrs. John R. McGann Mr. & Mrs. John McGranaghan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. McHugh Mr. & Mrs. Samuel V. McKenzie, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. McNally Dr. & Dr. Luis Mercader Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Mikochik Mr. & Mrs. Stephen W. Miller Mr. & Mrs. George Mirsch Mr. & Mrs. Frederick C. Mischler Mr. & Mrs. Mark T. Mischler Mr. & Mrs. David M. Monahan Mr. & Mrs. James M. Monastero Mr. & Mrs. James T. Mooney Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey N. Morgan, AIA Mr. & Mrs. David G. Morgan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Mullin Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Russell D. Napolitano Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Neufeld Mr. & Mrs. William H. Newell Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Noonan Mr. & Mrs. Francis X. O’Donnell Mrs. Joan O’Neill
Gifts in Kind
33 | Explorer Fall 2012
Dr. Joanne Uhl Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Valucci Mr. & Mrs. Jan R. van Eekelen Mr. & Mrs. Bruno M. Ventresca Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Ventresca Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Vizza Dr. Nicholas J. Volpe & Dr. Francesca M. Volpe Mr. & Mrs. Damian H. Ward Mr. & Mrs. William J. Wasylenko, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James P. Waters, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Weber Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Whiteside Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Whitmire Mr. & Mrs. John C. Wilkins, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Kevin O. Williams Mr. & Mrs. George A. Winslow Dr. & Mrs. Alfred J. Wolanin Dr. & Mrs. Casimir M. Wolanin Mr. & Mrs. John R. Worster, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Francis W. Worthington, Esq. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Yaeger Mr. & Mrs. Christopher A. Young Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Young
Grandparent GrandparentAnnual AnnualFund Fund Many thanks to the following Lasallian Grandparents who further advanced the mission of Saint John Baptist de La Salle with a contribution to the 2011-2012 Grandparent Annual Fund. Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Albertson Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Albone Mrs. Patricia J. Anderson Mrs. Mary Grace Antonelli Mrs. Regina Avallone Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Aversa Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Azzarano Mr. Angelo Baiada Mr. William P. Baillie Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Barton Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Basciano Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Bell Mrs. Carol Berardelli Mr. Lenair Betshner Mrs. Margaret M. Bissett Mrs. Mary Blitchford Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Blume Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Borek Mr. & Mrs. Martin Brady Mr. Christopher T. Brockett Mr. & Mrs. Vernon E. Budd Mrs. Emma Lacue Campbell Ms. Eileen Carlin Mrs. Elizabeth S. Casey Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Chillemi Dr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Cincotta Mr. & Mrs. Mahlon J. Clifford Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Colombo Mrs. Mary Jayne Comey Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred H. Comtois Mr. & Mrs. Louis R. Cooper Mr. William D. Cordivari Mr. Paul J. Corr Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Costa Mr. & Mrs. Laurence W. Creter Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Crouch Mr. & Mrs. Charles V. D’Abbene Mr. & Mrs. Ilvio DalFarra Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D’Angelo Mr. & Mrs. Walter A. Davies, Jr. Mrs. Karen De Bellis Mr. & Mrs. William Degnan Mr. & Mrs. Alvin F. DeSimone Mr. & Mrs. Frank DeStefon
34 | Explorer Fall 2012
Dr. & Mrs. Henry G. DeVincent Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. DeWalt Mr. & Mrs. Antonio DiCristofano Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Donovan Mrs. Veronica M. Doran Mrs. Adele G. Eble Mr. & Mrs. Gaspar Ernandez Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Fallon Mr. & Mrs. Bernard J. Fitzgerald Mrs. Angela L. Foley Mr. & Mrs. William W. Ford, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William W. Ford, III Mrs. Clare B. Fuhs Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Furia Mrs. Emily Gadsby Mrs. Maria Gallelli Mr. Walter E. Gay Mrs. Isabelle Giaimo Mrs. Catherine Gibbons Mr. & Mrs. Scott K. Gibson Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Gilet Mrs. Mary Ann Gimbel Mr. & Mrs. Donald Giordano Mr. Francis V. Grant (Dec’d.) Mrs. Anna M. Graven Mrs. Mary Greenberg Mrs. Frank A. Gregor Mr. & Mrs. James T. Gunn Mrs. Joan T. Healy Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Helmick Mr. & Mrs. James P. Herron Mrs. Mary T. Higgins Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Hof, Jr. Mrs. Teresa B. Hoffman Mrs. Dorothy J. Hordubay Mrs. Elizabeth Iaquinto Mr. & Mrs. Raymond E. Kaiser Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Keefe Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Kelly Mr. & Mrs. John C. Kerrigan Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Kindt, IV Mr. & Mrs. George E. Kneier, Sr. Mrs. Marguerite T. Koller Mr. & Mrs. Frank D. Kotlowski
Mr. & Mrs. George Kweder Mrs. Jenny Labella Mr. & Mrs. Ralph E. Lawson Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Lindsay Mrs. Marie A. Longo Mrs. Rita Lougherty Mr. James W. Maguire Mr. & Mrs. John P. Maialetti Mr. Richard Maiocco Mrs. Joan C. Manero Mr. & Mrs. Richard Manning Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Markowski, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Martinek Mr. & Mrs. Dante J. Massi, Sr. Mrs. Jane F. McCann Mrs. Pauline McDermott Mr. & Mrs. Vincent R. McElwee Mr. & Mrs. John R. McGann Mr. & Mrs. Norbert J. McGettigan Mr. & Mrs. George E. McGonigle Mrs. Kathryn McLaren Mr. & Mrs. Jerrold L. McPartlin Mrs. William A. Meehan Mr. & Mrs. Anthony T. Mirabile Mrs. Isabel J. Monaghan Mr. & Mrs. Robert Moore, Sr. Mr. Edward Mulligan Mrs. Sally E. Newell Belding Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Nowakowski Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Olivieri Mrs. Mary P. O’Neill Mrs. Lorraine Ormsby Mr. & Mrs. Robert Parlanti Dr. Joseph J. Peditto, MD Mr. & Mrs. Martin G. Pendergast Mrs. Esther M. Pernell Mr. & Mrs. John R. Pesavento Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Philbin Mrs. Karen Piscopo Mr. & Mrs. Larry Pluck Mrs. Rosalie M. Poiesz Mr. & Mrs. Gerald S. Ponticello Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Price Mr. & Mrs. Adolph Pugliese
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Quinn Mrs. Patricia J. Rafftesaeth Mr. & Mrs. Carlos O. Ramirez Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Raquet, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Henry M. Rihm Deacon & Mrs. John T. Riordan Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Ruddy Mrs. Catherine Santillo Mrs. Palmira Scalvino Mr. & Mrs. Alan Schanes Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Schilling Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Schilling Mrs. Audrey Scott Mr. & Mrs. Jorj F. Selhat Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Selner Mrs. Barbara M. Shoemaker Mr. & Mrs. Edward Shott Mr. & Mrs. C. Wesley Simmons Mrs. Rosemary Sirles Mrs. Joyce K. Sloan Mr. & Mrs. R. Alan Smith Mrs. Margaret A. Sortino Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Spencer Mrs. Joan A. Speziale Mrs. Rita M. Steinmetz Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence M. Stolmeier Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Stratton Mrs. Diane Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Tower Mr. & Mrs. Larry M. Trumbore Mr. & Mrs. Ronald F. Vellner Mr. & Mrs. Theodore V. Venango, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth I. Wallace Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Wallo Mr. & Mrs. John T. Ward Mr. & Mrs. Albert Washco Mr. & Mrs. James P. Waters, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. White Mr. & Mrs. Richard Winslow Mr. & Mrs. Alfred A. Wysocki Mr. & Mrs. Mieczyslaw Zalewski Mrs. Catherine Zinni
La Salle Auction November 5, 2011
Presenting Sponsor
Full Page Advertisers
Quarter Page Advertisers
Williamson Banquet & Event Center Williamson Caterers
Armstrong, Doyle & Carroll, Inc. Cooke Publishing Company Danella Companies, Inc. Davidson Trust Company DiGiacomo Funeral Home Drexel University (LeBow College of Business) Dugan Brinkman Maginnis and Pace Dunphy Ford F C P Group, LLC Foley Insurance Company, Inc. Frank V. Radomski & Sons, Inc. Glanzmann Subaru, Inc. Hibbeln Engineering Company Jones Apparel Group Lagreca & Quinn Real Estate Lincoln Investment Planning, Inc. McNally’s Tavern Men of La Salle Metro Newspapers Mothers’ Club Mount Saint Joseph Academy Nationwide Insurance Princeton Windrows Saint Basil Academy Sam’s Italian Market Sloane Automotive Group Swift Mailing Services, Inc. TGI Printing William R. May Funeral Home, Inc. Wilmington Trust Wissahickon Skating Club
Advisory & Brokerage Services Blue Bell Physical Therapy Carr & Duff, Inc. Charles E. Dunleavy, Jr.’61 Colon Rectal Surgery Assoc., P.C. Sinnott Family D.E. Duffey & Sons, Inc. D’Angelo Brothers, Inc. Dominick’s Pizza Eble One2One Custom designed Personal Tutoring General Painting Giuseppe’s Bar & Grill Gwynedd Mercy Academy Elementary School Maillie, Falconiero & Company, LLP Penn’s Grant Realty Corporation Peter S. Rosenman, D.M.D., PC and Associates Prime Sheet Metal, Inc. RDC Resource Development Shearon Environmental Design Sprinkler Fitters Local #692 The Gregor Family Toner Cable Equipment United Chimney & Masonry US Food Service
Platinum Sponsor
TD Bank The Clarence Venne Foundation The George Heidmann, Jr. Foundation Gold Sponsor
CulinArt Managed Dining Services Dale Corp Daniel J. Keating Company Firstrust Global Packaging Oral & Maxilliofacial Surgery Parec – CYMA Group Philadelphia Coca-Cola Bottling Silver Sponsor
Chadwick Service Company Dr. Michael Avallone Assoc. Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Ventresca ’70 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Duzinski Rueter Insurance Agency, Inc. Utility Line Services, Inc. Bronze Sponsors
Alstin Archer & Greiner, P.C. Baratta & Russell, P.C. Bonet Family D.M. Sabia, Inc. David Geppert Recycling, Inc E. Allen Reeves Giuseppe’s Restaurant – Richboro Janney Montgomery Scott LLC McNeil Consumer Healthcare Ortho Surgical & Rehab Associates, PC Peruto & Peruto Preferred Construction Services Royal Paper Stradley Ronon Stevens & Young LLP The Cericola Family United Rental
35 | Explorer Fall 2012
Half Page Advertisers
BBD, LLP All Weld Steel, Inc. Ancillae-Assumpta Academy Chesheim Dental Chestnut Hill Family Care Associates Communications Services & Support Flynn & O’Hara Franklin Realty Development Corporation Howland,Hess,Guinan,Torpey& Cassidy Johnson, Kendell, Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Alfonse J. Gabriele Mr. & Mrs. Robert Moran ’69 North Penn Dental Arts Norwood-Fontbonne Academy Orthodontics Limited, PC Region 20 CYO Athletic Board State Representative Kate Harper Trenchtech, Inc Vellner Law
Business Card Advertisers
Baum, Smith and Clemens, LLP Cabi Clothes – Mrs. Mary Ellen Warrender Complete Scaffold, Inc. Creedon Feliciani, P.C. Mike and Regina Creedon Darcy’s – Flourtown Farmers Market Doylestown Women’s Health Center Drs Udis and Tokasz LLP Facenda-Whitaker Lanes, Inc. Francis Martino Insurance Free Shop Keller Williams – Mrs. Carolyn Braithwaite Lisa’s Tailor Dressmaker Moore & Snear Funeral Home Pennsylvania Center for Dental Implants and Periodontics Re/Max Specialists Sattler Family & Cosmetic Dentistry Shirlee DiBacco Calligraphy Artist State Farm Insurance – Mr. Bill Weychert State Farm Insurance – Mr. Joe Saracino Swartley Brothers Engineers, Inc. The Rhoads Garden
52st Annual Alumni Golf Outing Tuesday, May 29, 2012 Presenting Sponsor
Driving Range Sponsor Advanced Disposal Solutions, Inc. Kirk Dolaway ’90 Putting Green Sponsor Sentry Hospitality Mark Magarity ’72 Prize Sponsor John Casper ’87
Firstrust Bank Michael Dinda ’82
Course Sponsors Wissahickon Course
Corporate Foursomes Deloitte Stephen A. Gardner ’72 Militia Hill Course
Armstrong, Doyle & Carroll, Inc. John M. Doyle Kindt, Kaye, & Wentz Ed Wentz ’88 DBA Milestone Housing Development Corps. Joe Queenan ’65
Williamson’s Hospitality Services A Division of CulinArt, Inc. Mike McCabe ’78, Dan McGill ’78, Jim Osborne ’56, and Jim Osborne III ’82
Janney, Montgomery, Scott Gerrry Binder ’69
Tee Gift Sponsor
Hole in One Sponsor
La Salle College High School Alumni Association 2010-2011 Alumni Board and Past Alumni Board Presidents
Dunphy Ford James Dunphy ’54 and Kevin Dunphy ’83
36 | Explorer Fall 2012
Gold Club Christopher Appeltbell Mark N. Blanke ’12 Ronald A. Carapellotti, Jr. ’12 Alexander Chrostowski ’12 Brett P. Creter ’12 Alexander Cruz ’12 Timothy S. Decker ’12 Michael P. DiMezza ’12
John J. Fillenwarth ’12 Thomas J. Finnegan ’12 Christopher E. Heleniak ’12 Ryan P. Herbert ’12 Conor J. Janda ’12 Robert W. Johnson ’12 William J. Joyce ’12 Shane M. Kensil ’12
Christopher S. Knight ’12 Christopher J. Kramer ’12 Kevin B. Maginnis ’12 Clifford M. Mars ’12 Kyle A. Martin ’12 David J. Martosella, Jr. ’12 Jonathan D. McCarry ’12 Kegan N. Moesta ’12
John W. Newell ’12 Nicholas S. Pleskunas ’12 Nicholas E. Popoff ’12 Colin M. Pyne ’12 Alec W. Reimel ’12 Jonathan Roberts ’12 Henry J. Ryan ’12 Brandon A. Sinnott ’12
Alexander G. Szokolyai ’12 William F. Toner ’12 Alasdair P. Travers ’12 Alexander E. Weinrich ’12 Nicholas T. Welch ’12 Francis W. Worthington ’12
Mrs. Donna Ferrier Mrs. Anne Flynn Mrs. Elaine Flynn Mrs. Lynn Gates Mrs. Beatrice Gathmen Mrs. Debra Genuardi Mrs. Christine Giaimo Mrs. Francine Giannone Mrs. Sherry L. Gill Mrs. Susan Gillespie Mrs. Kathy Gillespie Mrs. Maureen Gorman Mrs. Pamela Grady Mrs. Karen Guerra Mrs. Liz Guidi Mrs. Carol Haggerty Mrs. Eileen Hansen Mrs. Luci Harp Mrs. Diane Harp Mrs. Bonnie Heenan Mrs. Stephanie Higgins Mrs. Barbara Houldin Mrs. Mimi Kehan Mrs. Mary Frances Kelly Mrs. Patricia N. Kelly Mrs. Patricia Kempf Mrs. Francy Kent Mrs. Sarah Kerr Mrs. Kathleen Kiely Mrs. Maryanne Kirk Mrs. Margaret Kraft Mrs. Colleen Durkin Lapowsky Mrs. Patricia Larkin
Mrs. Christina Letcavage Mrs. Monica Lorusso Mrs. Mary Rose Lynch Mrs. Joanne Lyons Mrs. Eileen Maginnis Mrs. Peggy Martin Mrs. Mary Masiak Mrs. Kim Masterson Mrs. Linda McAnespey Mrs. Janet McBride Mrs. Nora McCullough Ms. Mary Pat McDevitt Mrs. Bonnie McDonald Mrs. Terry McGoldrick Mrs. Amy McGowan Mrs. Jeanne McLaughlin Mrs. Trish Meehan Mrs. Mary Merlini Mrs. Theresa M. Millet Mrs. Suzanne Mischler Mrs. Maureen Mischler Mrs. Mary Monahan Mrs. Margaret Monahan Mrs. Mary Moran Mrs. Patricia Naji Mrs. Margaret Noonan Mrs. Ann Otis Mrs. Joanne R. Palermo Mrs. Dorothy Pannepacker Mrs. Lori Peruto Mrs. Joanne Quinn Mrs. Miriam Ralston Mrs. Margaret Rhoads
Mrs. Anne Riethmiller Mrs. Susan Rocco Mrs. Ronnie Rothwell Mrs. Celeste Schaefer Mrs. Julie Schuck Mrs. Gretchen K. Schofield Mrs. Patricia Sinnott Mrs. Donna Slabinski Mrs. Rosemary Stout Mrs. Annmarie Strolle Mrs. Jackie Toner Mrs. Carol Tornetta Mrs. Susan Ventresca Mrs. Elizabeth Walker Mrs. Helen Walker Mrs. Wendy Walsh Mrs. Donna Westley Mrs. Marycatherine Wigglesworth Mrs. Dana Worthington Mrs. Kathy Yaglenski
180 Degree Club Christopher Appeltbell Mark N. Blanke ’12 Ronald A. Carapellotti, Jr. ’12 Alexander Chrostowski ’12 Brett P. Creter ’12 Alexander Cruz ’12 Timothy S. Decker ’12 Michael P. DiMezza ’12 John J. Fillenwarth ’12 Thomas J. Finnegan ’12 Christopher E. Heleniak ’12 Ryan P. Herbert ’12 Conor J. Janda ’12 Robert W. Johnson ’12 William J. Joyce ’12 Shane M. Kensil ’12 Christopher S. Knight ’12 Christopher J. Kramer ’12 Kevin B. Maginnis ’12 Clifford M. Mars ’12 Kyle A. Martin ’12 David J. Martosella, Jr. ’12 Jonathan D. McCarry ’12 Kegan N. Moesta ’12 John W. Newell ’12 Nicholas S. Pleskunas ’12 Nicholas E. Popoff ’12 Colin M. Pyne ’12 Alec W. Reimel ’12 Jonathan Roberts ’12 Henry J. Ryan ’12 Brandon A. Sinnott ’12 Alexander G. Szokolyai ’12 37 | Explorer Fall 2012
William F. Toner ’12 Alasdair P. Travers ’12 Alexander E. Weinrich ’12 Nicholas T. Welch ’12 Francis W. Worthington ’12 Mrs. Judith Ahern Mrs. Margaret Mary Arbogast Mrs. Maureen Barrett Mrs. Donna Bartynski Mrs. Julia Behr Mrs. Sandra Bonner Mrs. Marion Bonnevie Ms. Patricia Brabson Mrs. Mary Ann Brady Mrs. Eileen Brett Mrs. Katherine Caramenico Mrs. Lynn Carapellotti Mrs. Martha Carlin Mrs. Kim Carlone Mrs. Lu Ann Catinella Mrs. Patricia A. Collins Mrs. Kathleen Craig Mrs. Frances Cross Mrs. Loretta Curci Mrs. Nevis DePaul Mrs. Donna Dolan Mrs. Mary Ann Donnelly Mrs. Margaret B. Dougherty Mrs. Kimberly Driscoll Mrs. Peggy Driscoll Mrs. Margaret Eisenschmid Mrs. Mary Farrington Mrs. Maureen Fenningham
Memorial Gifts Mr. David J. Ansel ’07 Mr. & Mrs. James J. Barker, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Bell Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Brush Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Cipolla Ms. Maureen P. Clark Ms. Margaret Conver Mr. & Mrs. John J. DiIulio, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Doria Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Eckert Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. Fitzkee Dr. & Mrs. Robin F. Gallagher, DMD Ms. Joyce Gregory Hobart and William Smith Colleges Mr. Edward J. Hughes, Esq. Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Kelly Mrs. Dolores M. Kershaw Mr. Leon A. Kowalski & Mrs. Jean L. Hurd Mr. Thomas G. Malkoch Mr. & Mrs. Harry Mann Mrs. Anna C. McAleer Mr. & Mrs. Frank Palazzo Specialty Sales East Ms. Michelle Stafford Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Tomlinson Ms. Susan C. Wooley Robert E. Berg ’50 Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Lembach Mr. Charles M. Boyle ’43 Mr. & Mrs. James F. Casey Mr. & Mrs. Roger F. Flanagan Mr. & Mrs. Philip C. Haggerty Mr. & Mrs. Charles Neff Ms. Marion Saioni Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Seabury, III Mark W. Sisko, DDS Offices of Dr. Jeffrey Vecere
Mr. George F. Deal, Sr. Miss Christine Black
Mr. Richard Furia, Esq. Mrs. Jamie A. Black
Ms. Carmella Marie Deal Miss Christine Black
Robert J. Gallagher, DDS ’42 Ms. Christie Burns
Mrs. Marie D’Ettore Miss Christine Black
Mr. Thomas B. Harper, III, Esq. ’42 Mrs. Frances M. Harper
Mrs. Stella DiBella Mr. & Mrs. John J. Whalen Honoring David T. Diehl ’55 Mr. Michael A. O’Toole Mr. Bernard J. Dillon ’55 Mr. Clarence J. Burris Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Canavan, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. James R. Maddox, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Nolen, Jr. Mrs. Susan B. Peterman Mrs. Lucy M. Sklodowski Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Sweeney Mr. & Mrs. Martin F. Whalen Honoring Dr. Charles and Mrs. Karen Dunton Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Dunton Mr. & Mrs. George K. Dunton Joseph V. Dunton Mr. & Mrs. George J. Morrow Mr. John M. Feeny ’64 Mr. Edwin J. Feeny, Jr. Mr. Kevin Feeny Mr. Martin E. Feeny
Mr. John J. Bresnan ’45 Mrs. Barbara Bresnan
Mr. John P. Fenningham, Esq. ’93 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Cross, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. John C. Fenningham, Esq. Mr. Michael A. O’Toole & Ms. Mary Lou Castaldi
Mrs. M. Dolores Crotty-Thomas Mrs. Eleanor Brennan Dr. & Mrs. David M. Masiak
Mr. Anthony J. “Skip” Ferruzzi ’50 Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Lembach
Mr. Matthew D. Crozier ’08 Mr. James F. Dever & Dr. Lynn G. Dever Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Featherstone
Fr. Thomas Finley Mrs. Jamie A. Black Miss Christine Black
Mrs. Beatrice and Dr. Edward A. Dachowski Dr. & Dr. Edward A. Dachowski, MD
John “Tex” Flannery ’40 Ms. Katherine A. Flannery & Mr. George P. Brown
38 | Explorer Fall 2012
Mrs. Catherine Henczel Auburn Reliant Medical Group Mr. & Mrs. Ben Baird Mr. & Mrs. John F. Day Mr. & Mrs. Catesby A. Jones Dr. Kevin J. Moran Mr. John Rajchel Mr. & Mrs. James Riess Mr. & Mrs. Mark G. Sabo Mr. & Mrs. Albert Sabo Mr. & Mrs. Scott L. Warwick Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Watkins Mr. & Mrs. Eric Watkins Ms. Ann Yevich Mrs. Jane M. Hughes Mr. & Mrs. Francis E. Murphy Mr. Edward B. Johnson, Jr. ’40 Mr. & Mrs. Gerard J. Binder Mr. Fran Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Conroy Mrs. Clare M. Toland Mr. John J. Kane ’50 Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Lembach Messrs. Martin Sr., Martin Jr. ’63 and Edward Longstreth ’74 Mrs. Roy Hanshaw, Sr. Honoring the Tenure of Mr. Joseph L. Marchese as Principal Community of Christian Brothers Mr. Thomas J. McAneney, Sr. ’46 Ms. Cyd Acolia Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Amistadi Mr. & Mrs. Raymond G. Avwarter Mr. & Mrs. Jay Baker Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Braverman Mr. Michael J. Brindisi, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William D. Cash Mr. & Mrs. George S. Cohen Mr. Robert W. Dilks
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald V. Donato, Sr. Ms. Terry Freedman Mr. & Mrs. A. John Geis Mr. & Mrs. James P. Gillon Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Grim Mr. & Mrs. Lowell M. Hoffman Dr. & Mrs. William J. Kane Mrs. Marjorie M. Kenney Ms. Marie R. Kirby Mrs. Betty Lindholm Mr. & Mrs. Arlen D. Lummus Mr. & Mrs. John M. Marino Mr. & Mrs. Alen D. Marold Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J. McAneney Mr. & Mrs. John A. McCool Mr. Richard E. Meier & Mrs. Catherine S. Richards-Meier Mr. & Mrs. John Merget, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey J. Minto Mr. & Mrs. Jay A. Morris Dr. & Mrs. David Pulman Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Quain Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. Rupert Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas K. Sabia, Sr. Mrs. John J. Sabia Mr. & Mrs. Frederic G. Schwarz Ms. Cindy S. Shubin Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Strait Ms. Goldie Towne Mr. & Mrs. Mark W. Townsend Ms. Joanne Warne Mr. William A. Whiteside, Jr., Esq. Mr. & Mrs. John P. Zaremba Honoring the 70th Birthday of Eugene J. McGonigle, PhD ’60 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hund, III Mr. & Mrs. Edward E. Kaminski Mr. Thomas J. McGorry, Jr. ’43 Ms. Elizabeth Brown Ms. Eileen A. Carroll Ms. Bettie C. Davis Mr. William A. Eberle Ms. Mardi A. Holliday Ms. Marian E. McGorry Mr. & Mrs. Cory Ng Mr. John W. Person Mr. Edward Powers, III & Mrs. Lori Stokes-Powers Mrs. Jeanne M. Stokes Mr. & Mrs. James J. Stokes, III Mr. John T. White
Mrs. Bernadette McHugh Dr. & Mrs. David M. Masiak Mr. Timothy J. McNichol ’97 Mr. Nicholas Bucci Mr. David A. Naab Mr. & Mrs. William L. O’Connor Honoring the 80th Birthday of Conrad J. Miller, Jr. ’50 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Koze Mr. Miles K. Miller ’04 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth C. Miller In Memory of Mr. Enos and Mrs. Edna Ney Mr. & Mrs. Enos Charles Ney In memory of Mrs. Loretta M. Ney Mr. and Mrs. Enos Charles Ney Mr. Reuben Nyvelt Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Vergare, MD Kevin M. O’Neill ’62 Mrs. Ellen O’Neill Mr. Mark K. O’Neill Mr. Sean P. O’Neill ’79 Dr. Vincent F. Baldassano, MD & Mrs. Tamara Vrabec, MD Mr. & Mrs. Jerome R. Bevenour Mr. Christopher M. Cahill Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. James J. Catalino Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Cipolla Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Cohen Mr. & Mrs. David Crawford Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. Cwyk Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Driscoll Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Driscoll, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Anthony M. Esposito Mr. & Mrs. Peter Garg Mr. & Mrs. Elliott Goodfriend Mr. & Mrs. Charles Goodman Mr. & Mrs. James E. Hayden Mrs. Jane M. Hoy, Esq. Mr. & Mrs. William M. Janssen, Esq. Mr. & Mrs. George Johnson Mr. Brian Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Klock Mr. & Mrs. John J. Maloney Mr. Andrzej P. Matula & Mrs. Danuta Kwiecien-Matula
39 | Explorer Fall 2012
Mr. Kevin M. McCall & Mrs. Michelle Garcia-McCall Ms. Elizabeth A. McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. David McKenna Mr. & Mrs. Edwin M. McKeon, Jr. Ms. Diane M. McLeer Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Monaghan Dr. & Mrs. John P. Murray, MD Mr. & Mrs. William J. O’Kane Mr. & Mrs. Timothy M. O’Neill, RA Ms. Marjorie B. O’Neill Mr. Scott Pessognelli & Mrs. Marianne McCreavy Pessognelli Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Petrellis Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Ragg, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Reyes Mr. & Mrs. A. Kemper Ryan, III Mr. & Mrs. John D. Snyder Mr. & Mrs. Wayne D. Soven Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Valucci Mr. & Mrs. Brian Wenger Mr. Michael J. Yuengling Mr. Richard A. “Drew” Panettieri ’05 Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Panettieri Mrs. Sophie Polizzi Mrs. Anna Black Miss Christine Black Mr. & Mrs. Frank and Mary Radomski Mr. & Mrs. William J. Radomski Mrs. Lillian R. Rensel Mrs. Anna Black Miss Christine Black Ms. Jamie Black Honoring the Hall of Fame Induction of Brother James Rieck, FSC ’57 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Atkinson Mr. James H. Robb ’54 Mr. & Mrs. Leo J. Robb Honoring the 80th Birthday of Mr. John Rothwell Mr. & Mrs. John R. Worster, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. David and Elizabeth Savaiano Mr. & Mrs. Kyle Cloman Mr. Dominic J. Frederico Ms. Karen A. Kavalauskas Dr. & Mrs. Bernard W. Kurek, DMD Dr. Philip Robin & Mrs. Mary Bentley-Robin Dr. & Mrs. Bernard W. Kurek, DMD Mrs. Frances L. Schmidt Timoney Knox, LLP Mr. David J. Schofield Brown University Mr. & Mrs. Francis X. Emmet Mr. Robert E. Fish Ms. Cynthia Frost Ms. Caroline Haussermann Mr. Glenn D. Maneely Mrs. Margaret McCrudden Mrs. William A. Meehan Mr. & Mrs. John N. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Robert Muskas Mr. & Mrs. H. V. Nolan Ms. Judeth B. Reinke Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Riddle Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Speidel Mr. & Mrs. John R. Worster, Sr. Mr. Richard M. Shelton ’51 Mrs. Rosalie Shelton Mr. F. Patrick Sher ’58 Ms. Tara A. Sher Brother Fred Stelmach, FSC ’46 Mr. Michael A. O’Toole Mrs. Jeannette Szostak Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth P. Apfelbaum Mr. Joseph Arnold & Mrs. Andrea Becker-Arnold Mr. & Mrs. George E. Blackmore Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Bradigan Mr. & Mrs. Morris J. Brown, III Mrs. Philip E. Cassidy Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Daniels Mrs. Regina Eldridge Mr. & Mrs. Ronald B. Feleccia Samuel A. Feleccia Mr. Robert H. Hastings & Rev. Constance Hastings Mr. & Mrs. William Hicks Mr. & Mrs. James R. Landgraf
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. Ms. Jackie S. Szostak Mr. & Mrs. John S. Szostak Mrs. Alberta Windsor Mr. Robert J. Wilkin, Jr. ’58 Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Wilkin Honoring the 60th Birthday of Benjamin J. Ventresca, Jr. ’70 Mr. & Mrs. Bruno M. Ventresca Mr. Michael T. Vesey ’77 Mrs. Kelly Vesey Honoring Robert P. Waitkus ’07 Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Waitkus Honoring Jon P. Walheim, MD ’62 Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey J. Kierstead Honoring the Marriage of Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Whalen Mr. & Mrs. Peter Bossow Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Fox Mr. & Mrs. Morris Gocial Mrs. Molly S. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Douglas J. MacMaster, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey W. McDonnell Mr. & Mrs. Francis A. McGarvey Mr. & Mrs. Edmund A. Scanlan Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Smoll
Brother Richard Kestler Fund During the past seven years, La Salle College High has flourished under his leadership. Brother Richard’s charism has positioned La Salle as one of the top independent secondary schools in the Delaware Valley. Academics, athletics, and the arts are second to none. More importantly, La Salle College High School offers something for every student and does so at a very high level. Admissions are at an all-time high and interest in the school has never been stronger. The faculty and staff continue to teach the minds and touch the hearts of their students and do so in the state-of-the-art facility that has grown exponentially during Brother Richard’s tenure.
Mrs. Judith Ahern Mr. Michael J. Andrews Mr. Charles J. Ansel Mr. Kevin P. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Roger F. Barr Dr. Louis J. Beccaria, PhD Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd C. Beck, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ernest M. Behr Mr. Michael J. Bell Mr. & Mrs. William T. Bell Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Bender Mr. & Mrs. Francis P. Bogle Dr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Bonnevie Mr. Charles J. Boris Mr. & Mrs. Peter Bossow Ms. Patricia Brabson Mr. & Mrs. James V. Brady Rev. Sidney C. Burgoyne, PhD Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Burke Mr. Porter D. Bush Mr. Mark D. Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Canavan, Sr. Dr. & Mrs. John F. Carabello, DMD Mr. & Mrs. Ralph J. Cartwright Mr. & Mrs. William J. Cashin, Jr. Mr. Joseph J. Cervino, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur E. Chandler Community of Christian Brothers Dr. & Mrs. J. Peter Clark, PhD Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Colbert Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Conner Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Connolly, Sr. Dr. John J. Convey, PhD & Mrs. Shelly Bianconi, PhD Mr. & Mrs. Timothy T. Corcoran, CPA Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Corcoran Mr. & Mrs. John J. Coscia, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Dennis W. Cronin, MD Mr. & Mrs. Scott T. Crouch Mr. & Mrs. J. Russell Cullen, Jr. Dr. & Dr. Edward A. Dachowski, MD 40 | Explorer Fall 2012
Mr. Andrew J. D’Addona Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D’Angelo Col. & Mrs. Edward E. Davis, USMC(Ret.) Mr. Christopher J. Dearolf Mr. John J. Delaney Mr. Timothy P. Diasio Mr. Edward A. Diasio Mr. Michael R. Dickey Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Donnelly Mr. & Mrs. Francis X. Donohoe Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Dougherty Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Dougherty Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Driscoll, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen F. Duncheskie Mr. & Mrs. Robert Duncheskie Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Dunleavy, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John P. Dunn Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Dunphy Dr. & Mrs. Charles J. Dunton, MD Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Durney Mr. Robert J. Durney Mr. & Mrs. James G. Dwyer Mr. & Mrs. Gerald R. Evans, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John C. Fenningham, Esq. Mr. John M. Feret Ms. Sharon O. Finnegan Mr. Thomas J. Finnegan Mr. & Mrs. John J. Fitzgibbons, Jr. Mrs. Rosemary Flannery Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Foley Mr. & Mrs. George V. Foos Mr. & Mrs. Christopher G. Franks Brother Brendan Garwood, FSC CDR Victor M. Gavin, USN(Ret.) Mr. & Mrs. Laurence P. Genuardi Mr. William A. Geppert, Jr. Mr. Joseph J. Gerngross Dr. William J. Gibbons, MD Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Gibbons, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Gillespie Mrs. Mary Ann Gimbel
Mr. Robert J. Gizinski Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Glavin, Esq. Dr. & Mrs. Michael H. Goodyear, DO Mr. & Mrs. S. John Gorman, V Mr. & Mrs. Carl W. Graf Mr. & Mrs. William F. Grauer, CPA Mrs. Frank A. Gregor Mr. Cosmo A. Guerra Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Guerra Mr. John J. Haggerty, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Alfred S. Halas, DMD Mr. Ryan C. Harrington Mr. & Mrs. William W. Haury, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Stanley J. Heleniak, DMD Mr. Patrick M. Higgins Dr. & Mrs. Theodore T. Hindson, PhD Mr. George C. Hines & Mrs. Lois Trench-Hines Mr. Charles R. Hodges Mr. Edward J. Hughes, Esq. Mr. John D. Janda & Ms. Kelley A. Grady, Esq. Mr. & Mrs. George D. Johnson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. J. David Johnson, CPA Mr. & Mrs. William J. Jones, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Keenan Mr. & Mrs. Edmund P. Kehan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Kelley Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. William B. Kenney, Esq. Mr. & Mrs. Gerard M. Kensil Mr. Jeffry E. King & Mrs. Gina Antonelli-King Mr. Stephen M. Kochik Mr. Bruce J. Koegler Mr. & Mrs. James M. Kowalczyk Mr. & Mrs. George M. Kozub Dr. & Mrs. Stephen G. Kozub, PhD Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Kramer La Salle College High School Alumni Association La Salle College High School Class of 1954 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Labrum Mr. & Mrs. William Lahr, III Mr. Gregory T. Lavin
Mr. Michael G. Leigh Mr. & Mrs. James P. Letcavage Mr. & Mrs. Erik M. Link Mr. & Mrs. C. Todd Lofgren Mr. George J. Lordi, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Vincent M. Lorusso, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Lowry, Esq. Mr. & Mrs. Martin G. Lutschaunig Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Lynch Mr. & Mrs. John C. Mackin, Jr. LTC & Mrs. Fred V. Manzo, USA(Ret) Dr. & Mrs. William J. Markmann Mr. & Mrs. Del C. Markward Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Martin Mr. & Mrs. Clifford M. Mars Mr. Michael J. Masington Mr. & Mrs. Herbert C. Matthews, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Mauer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. McAnespey Mr. & Mrs. Martin B. McCann, Jr. Dr. James P. McCormick, MD & Mrs. Jaime L. Kline Mr. & Mrs. Kevin B. McDevitt Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. McDevitt Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey W. McDonnell Mr. & Mrs. John R. McGann Dr. & Mrs. Eugene J. McGonigle, PhD Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. McGowan Mr. & Mrs. Matthew G. McGurkin Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. McHugh Mr. & Mrs. James T. McLaughlin Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. McNally Mr. John A. McNichol Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Meagher Mr. & Mrs. William A. Meehan, Esq. Mrs. William A. Meehan Mr. & Mrs. John J. Meko, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Messa, Esq. Mr. Vincent J. Migliarese Mr. Joseph M. Migliarese Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Miller
41 | Explorer Fall 2012
Mr. & Mrs. Conrad J. Miller, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen W. Miller Mr. Conrad J. Miller, III & Mrs. Caroline Churchill Mr. & Mrs. J. Anthony Mitchell Mr. Patrick D. Monteith Mr. & Mrs. David P. Monteith Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Moran Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey N. Morgan, AIA Mr. & Mrs. William E. Morton Mr. William E. Morton Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Mullin Mr. & Mrs. Brendan J. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Francis E. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Mutchler Mr. & Mrs. John J. News Mr. George P. Nicolaus Mr. Timothy O. Nolen, Esq. Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Noonan Mr. & Mrs. George O’Connell Mr. & Mrs. William J. O’Kane Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Osborne Mr. James B. Osborne Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Panettieri Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Pannepacker, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. David F. Pascal Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Quigg Mr. Christopher M. Razzano Mr. Matthew J. Razzano Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Razzano Dr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Rodgers, MD Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Rose Dr. & Mrs. Marc F. Rosenn Rev. & Mrs. Ihor Royik Mrs. John Sabia Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Sannino Mr. & Mrs. Andrew M. Savysky, Esq. Mr. & Mrs. Leslie E. Schmalbach, Jr. Mr. Joseph A. Schmitz Mr. & Mrs. James F. Shemeley
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Sherman, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Sinnott Mr. Walter J. Small Mr. & Mrs. Means E. Smith Mr. & Mrs. William G. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Stefanski Mr. & Mrs. Anthony M. Stonis CAPT Hugh A. E. Strehle, USN(Ret.) Mr. & Mrs. Christopher H. Strolle Mr. & Mrs. Raymond M. Subers Mr. & Mrs. James L. Sullivan Mr. James A. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Suter, Esq. Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Szal Mr. & Mrs. Gabor J. Szokolyai Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J. Tague, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J. Tague, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Target Mr. Raymond J. Tatlow, Jr. Mr. John P. Toner, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John P. Toner Mr. William F. Toner Mr. Andrew P. Urbanski Deacon & Mrs. Timothy E. Urbanski, MD Drs. Nicholas J. Volpe, MD & Dr. Francesca M. Volpe Mr. & Mrs. James P. Ward Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Waters Mr. & Mrs. Martin F. Whalen Dr. & Mrs. J. Michael Whitaker, MD Mr. William A. Whiteside, Jr., Esq. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Winning Mr. & Mrs. John J. Wojciech Mr. & Mrs. David R. Woll Mr. & Mrs. John R. Worster, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Francis W. Worthington, Esq. Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Wynn Mr. & Mrs. Paul Wynn Mr. Joseph A. Zebrowski Mrs. Nancy E. Zoeltsch
Matching Gifts Aetna Foundation
General Electric Foundation
Microsoft Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. Thoomas F. Bernatavitz Mr. Kevin T. Fitzpatrick Mr. Patrick T. McGinn ’87
Mr. Joseph M. Florio ’48 Mr. William F. Gallagher ’52 Mr. Donald J. Gimpel ’53 Mr. Peter E. McCabe ’83 Mr. David C. Spangler ’98
Mr. James J. Edelen, IV ’01 Mr. William J. Selph, Jr. ’76 Mr. James J. Watson ’94
Ally Financial Mr. & Mrs. James E. Maloney, Jr., PE ’93
Amica Mutual Insurance Company
Glaxo Smithkline
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Mr. Edward V. France ’69 Mr. Michael J. Tuscano ’93 Mr. John A. Zaro ’01
Susquehanna International Group, LLP Mr. Paul J. Callahan ’97
Tague Lumber, Inc. Mr. Vincent J. Tague, Sr. ’57 Mr. Vincent J. Tague, Jr. ’81
The Prudential Foundation
Mr. Joseph A. Greco ’69
Mr. Robert F. Harchut, Esq. ’72 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Harvey Mr. Marc A. Holbert ’95
Apple Matching Gifts Program
The Glenmede Trust Company
Mr. Christopher T. Hoover ’90
Thomas C. Gallagher, Esq. ’64
Towers Perrin
New York Life Insurance Company
GMAC Commercial Mortgage Holding Corporation
Mr. Mark A. Campellone ’79
Mr. Brian M. Appleby ’96
Travelers Companies, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Walker, III
P. James Toolan, Esq. ’72
Mr. John B. Millard, III ’85
Pacific Investment Management Company
Hewlett-Packard Company
Mr. Martin E. Feeny ’90
Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Dean
Bank of America Foundation Mr. Timothy G. Curran ’97 Mr. James F. Dever and Dr. Lynn G. Dever Mr. Thomas J. McLaughlin, III ’94 Mr. Robert D. Willemin ’69
Black Rock Financial Management
Mr. Mark W. Gleason ’72
Mutual Of America Mr. William S. Conway ’68
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Maloney, Jr., PE ’93
Graver Technologies LLC
Mr. Gregg R. Melinson ’82
Ingersoll Rand
Mr. Carl W. Graf, Jr. ’93
Pepsi Cola Company Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. McBride
Mr. Robert E. Murphy ’55
BNY Mellon
J.P. Morgan Chase
Mrs. Christie Burns
Mr. & Mrs. George J. Ward ’58
Mr. Joseph F. Cicchiello ’82 Mr. Timothy E. Green ’86 Mr. George D. Johnson, Jr. ’79 Mr. Timothy J Pippet ’99
Mrs. Arlene Yocum
Mr. John E. Tuohy, Esq. ’56
Mr. Alex M. Clark ’06 Mr. John W. Piree ’07
Prudential Financial
Colgate-Palmolive Mr. & Mrs. Lowell M. Hoffman
Deutsche Bank Mr. Thomas M. Brasberger ’00
Dow Chemical Company Mr. David T. Espenshade ’56
DST Systems, Inc. Mr. A. Edward Allinson ’52
Ellington Management Group, LLC Mr. Edward G. Stromberg, III ’95
Exxon Mobil Corporation Mr. Edward J. DaDura, Jr. ’63 Mr. Joseph F. Weber
Fannie Mae Foundation Mr. Peter M. McGonigle, Esq. ’66
First Tennessee Foundation Mr. Joseph M. Evancich ’59
FMC Foundation Mr. Stephen L. Longacre & Dr. Jane Longacre 42 | Explorer Fall 2012
LandAmerica Foundation Mr. Robert F. McMackin ’45
Lincoln Financial Group Mr. John D. Janda & Kelley A. Grady, Esq.
Macy’s Foundation Mr. Joseph G. Shea ’70
Medtronic, Inc. Mr. Phillip M. Goldman ’80
Merck & Co., Inc. Raymond P. Bain, PhD ’71 John T. Becker, CPA 57 Mr. & Mrs. Carl S. Blankemeyer Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Donahue ’58 Mr. Timothy P. Fitzgerald ’87 Mr. & Mrs. Wasyl Halczenko Mr. & Mrs. David M. Hunt Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Douglas J. MacMaster, Jr. Mr. Clifford M. Mars ’82 Mr. Joseph T. Morrissey, Jr. ’83 Mr. & Mrs. Gerald S. Ponticello Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Sullivan Mr. Robert P. Trinkle & Mrs. Kathy Pape
Mr. Brian P. Boyle ’87 Mr. Daniel M. DeDominic ’90 Mr. Dennis P. Lynch ’76
UBS Financial Mr. John L. Williams ’73
Mr. Jeffrey M. Sink ’89
Capital Group Companies, Inc.
Time Warner
Pfizer Mr. Timothy P. McMahon ’89
Unilever United States Foundation, Inc.
PJM Interconnection, LLC
Mr. Richard A. Panettieri ’78
Mr. C. John McComb ’90
PNC Wealth Management
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Cashin, Jr. ’59 Mr. Edwin J. Feeny, Jr. ’62 Mr. Mark W. Gleason ’72 Mr. John J. News ’44 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Young
Quaker Chemical Corp.
Vanguard Group Inc. Matthew J. Doyle ’03 Mr. Joseph L Gardner, III ’99 Mr. Charles T. Lloyd ’83 Mr. Kevin M. McNichol ’93 Mr. Daniel P. Quinn, III ’00 Mr. Kevin M. Scully ’91 Mr. James J. Stokes, III ’76
Verizon Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Donald V. Cericola Mr. Patrick D. Slattery ’99
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Featherstone
Raytheon Company
W.L. Schneider Associates, Inc. Mr. William T. Donohoe ’71
Friedrich S. Kramer, PhD ’76
Reliance Standard Insurance Company Mr. John J. Staub ’84
Royal Bank of Scotland Mr. Dino Dedic ’02
Sanofi-Aventis Pharmaceutical Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Mullin
SAP America, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. J. Eric Friday Mr. John J. Matthews Mr. Gregory P. Rietzke ’88
Wells Fargo Mr. Bernard M. Enright ’72 Mr. Daniel G. Foy Mr. Paul F. Gaigelas ’74 Mr. Thomas M. Harper ’80 Mr. Matthew J. Mihalich ’76 Mr. Jonathan H. Shevlin ’95
West Pharmaceutical Services, Inc. Mr. Joseph E. Abbott ’70
Signum Fidei Society
The Office of Institutional Advancement welcomes the opportunity to explore the possibilities and opportunities of creative gift planning as a way to support La Salle’s mission while ensuring your family’s financial security. For more information, check out our website at www.lschs.org/plannedgiving or call the Office of Institutional Advancement at (215) 233-2350.
The Signum Fidei Society is a special group of La Salle supporters who have made financial provisions to the school through bequests, charitable trusts, annuities or gifts of life insurance. Through their thoughtful and generous gift planning they are leaving a legacy to benefit future generations of La Salle students. We are pleased to honor the members of La Salle’s Signum Fidei Society.
Joseph G. Albright, Esq. ’49 Dr. & Dr. Mario Alonso Charles J. Ansel ’41 Louis J. Beccaria, PhD ’63 John W. Behan, Esq. ’60 Ernest M. Behr ’73 Reverend Robert Breen ’45 Michael J. Brennan ’76 Dr. & Mrs. John F. Carabello James P. Connor ’46 Gerald F.Crumlish ’42 Joseph D. Crumlish, Esq. ’40 J. Russell Cullen, Jr. ’56 Philip F. Drach ’47 James G. Dwyer ’53 Thomas J. Flood ’55 Timothy J. Foley ’66 Mr. & Mrs. Al J. Gabriele Joseph J. Gerngross ’43 Mr. & Mrs. James E. Hasson Michael J. Hathaway ’68 Henry K. Henczel, DPM ’86
William J. Hipple ’47 S. Richard Klinges, III, Esq. ’49 Joseph Michael Kovac ’89 Mrs. Jennie H. Leary Vincent W. Madden, Jr. ’65 Anthony J. Maginnis ’76 Robert F. McAnespey ’66 James T. McLaughlin ’57 Robert P. Moran ’69 Francis M. Ponti, PhD ’56 William R. Powell ’68 William R. Regli ’58 John F. Rodenbaugh ’51 Thomas W. Sheehan, CPA ’48 Joseph F. Slabinski, III ’67 Edward R. Solvibile ’58 Gerald E. Speitel ’48 Michael E. Sullivan, PhD ’58 Martin F. Whalen ’58 John J. Whalen ’67 Charles C. Wynn ’46
Pennsylvania Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program The following businesses have graciously supported La Salle College High School’s Scholarship Fund while receiving a substantial tax credit through the Pennsylvania Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program (EITC).
Almeida & Hudak, LLC APEX Mortgage Bravo Foundation, Inc. Bridge Educational Foundation Business Leadership Organized for Catholic Schools Chestnut Hill Chiropractic PC Delaware Valley Packaging Group First Niagara Bank Hightec HVAC
J.P. Mascaro & Sons Joe Hand Promotions, Inc. North Penn Dental Arts Philip Rosenau Co., Inc. Robert J. Fitzmyer, Jr. ’71 Shorquip Supply, Inc. The Bryn Mawr Trust Company United Color Manufacturing, Inc. Waste Management Westinghouse Lighting Corporation
Alumni Association Band Parents Baseball Parents Basketball Booster Club Crew Parents Association Forum Parents Golf Parents Hockey Booster Club
Lacrosse Crease Club LaSalle Auction Men of La Salle Mothers’ Club Soccer Booters Club Swim Team Parents Association Takedown Club Touchdown Club
Special Fundraising Groups We graciously acknowledge the generous gifts of time, energy, talent, and financial resources from the members of the following special groups. Over $1.2 million was raised by and through these groups in support of their individual clubs and associations. Their tireless efforts truly enhance the academic and extracurricular life at La Salle College High School. 43 | Explorer Fall 2012
Endowment Funds The Office of Institutional Advancement is proud to oversee a growing number of named endowment funds that have been established to provide financial assistance in perpetuity to students who wish to attend La Salle College High School. In most instances, the individuals who established these funds outlined specific criteria for disbursing the annual interest earnings on the funds. These funds have been established by alumni, parents and friends of La Salle College High School. Named Endowment Funds as of July, 2012 The A. Edward Allinson ’52 Grant Fund, established in 1999, provides
The James & Mary Jo Danella Grant Fund, established in 1999, provides
The James G. Dwyer ’53 Scholarship Fund, established in 1999, provides
financial assistance to students demonstrating need.
financial assistance to students from the Conshohocken area.
financial assistance to students demonstrating need.
The Alumni Association Grant Fund,
The Richard D. DiBella ’71 Grant Fund, established in 2006, provides
The John Feeny ’64 Trust Fund,
established in 1997, provides financial assistance to sons and grandsons of alumni.
financial assistance to students demonstrating need.
The Brother Andrew Bartley, FSC Scholarship Fund, established in 1997,
The David T. Diehl ’55 Scholarship Fund, established in 2002, provides
provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.
financial assistance to students demonstrating need.
The James & Barbara Basile Grant Fund, established in 1998 by James Basile,
The Donahue-Fitzpatrick Endowment Fund, established in 2006,
Esq., ’82 to honor his parents and provide financial assistance to students from the Roxborough area of Philadelphia.
provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need with special consideration to candidates from Philadelphia and Saint William Parish.
The Robert S. Blasi Family Trust Fund, established in 1987 by the Hon. and Mrs. Robert S. Blasi, funds the Principal’s Medal at graduation for the senior with the highest scholastic average for four years.
The Amadio Buccini ’59 Scholarship Fund, established in 2001, provides
The Saint Katherine Drexel Scholarship Fund, established in 1998, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need from the Gesu School and/or surrounding neighborhoods in North Philadelphia.
financial assistance to students demonstrating need.
The Charles & Gertrude Dunleavy Grant Fund, established by Charles
The Phil and Jane Cassidy Financial Aid Endowment Fund, established
Dunleavy ’61 in honor of his parents. This fund provides financial assistance to students from the Wyndmoor area.
in 2001, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.
The Beatrice Dachowski Trust Fund, established in 1983 by Dr. Edward Dachowski, in memory of his wife, Beatrice, provides an annual award to a graduating senior who best exemplifies the principles of Saint John Baptist de La Salle and the Christian Brothers.
The D’Alfonso Family Scholarship Fund, established in 1998 by Brother John D’Alfonso, FSC ’55 to honor his parents, John and Anna, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.
44 | Explorer Fall 2012
The Joseph Vincent Dunton Grant Fund, established in 2007, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need with special consideration to candidates who are sons or grandsons of Philadelphia Police Officers primarily and Philadelphia Fire Fighters secondarily.
The Robert J. Durney ’57 Endowment Fund in memory of John H. and Marie C. Durney for La Salle College High School, established in 2007, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need with special consideration to candidates of African-American descent graduating from Saint Malachy School.
established in 1979 in his memory by his sisters and brothers, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.
The J.P. Fenningham ’93 Grant Fund provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.
The John “Tex” Flannery ’40 Trust Fund, established in 1983 by friends of this distinguished alumnus and longtime football coach, on the occasion of his 25th year as a coach at La Salle College High School.
The Haley Group Fund, established in 2004, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.
The John J. Kane Trust Fund, established in 1986 by John E. Kane ’75 in memory of his father, provides financial assistance to fatherless boys.
The Brother Richard Kestler, FSC ’60 Fund, established in 2012, in honor of Brother Richard’s legacy by perpetuating the missions of Saint John Baptist de La Salle and the Christian Brothers, by providing access to a Lasallian education to deserving young men.
The Koller Scholarship Fund, established in 2007, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need with special consideration to candidates of sound academic potential living in the Roxborough/Manayunk/Andorra area.
The Patrick Leahy Scholarship Fund, established in 2000, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.
The Hansen Family Grant Fund,
The Howard R. and Jennie Leary Grant Fund, established in 2000, provides
established in 2009, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.
financial assistance to sons of police officers and firefighters.
The Hathaway Grant Fund provides
The Dr. Joseph D. Lehman Endowment Fund provides financial assistance
financial assistance to students demonstrating need.
The Clark J. Hopkins ’62 Scholarship Fund, established in 2007, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need with special consideration to candidates who demonstrate a true sense of the meaning and value of friendship.
The Hughes Family Grant Fund provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.
The Reverend Anthony W. Janton Scholarship Fund, established in 2008, in honor of Father’s affiliation as a Christian Brother, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.
to students demonstrating need and exceptional potential.
The Julia Maher and Dr. Joseph D’Angelo Scholarship, established in 2007, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.
The 1st Lt. Travis Manion, USMC ’99 Grant Fund, established in 2007, provides financial assistance to a current student demonstrating need who has been identified as having the character traits that embodied Travis Manion during his years as a student at La Salle College High School.
The Christopher Matthews ’63 Grant Fund provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need from the city of Philadelphia.
The Charles F. and Verna M. McCafferty Grant Fund provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.
The David T. McCarthy ’66 Scholarship Fund, established in 1999 by his family and friends, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.
The Timothy J. McNichol ’97 Grant Fund provides financial assistance to students who show tremendous potential as a person and student who otherwise could not attend La Salle without financial assistance.
The Jack Meehan ’38 Trust Fund, established in 1989 by his family. Mr. Meehan, an affiliate Christian Brother, was a long time benefactor of La Salle. This fund provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.
The Ernest J. Mehr Trust Fund, established in 1985 by Muriel Mehr, retired faculty member, in memory of her husband. This fund provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.
The Menno Family Endowment Fund, established in 2009 by Arthur P. Menno in memory of his wife, Anne. This fund provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need who are of Italian heritage.
The Men of La Salle Endowment Fund assures that no student of La Salle College High School will have his education interrupted due to the death of a primary wage earner.
45 | Explorer Fall 2012
The Miles Miller ’04 Grant Fund, established in 2004, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.
The J. Anthony Mitchell ’56 Grant Fund provides financial assistance to
The Brother Robert F. Shea, FSC Trust Fund, established in 1990 by Brother
The Florence M. Ward Scholarship Fund, established in 1990 by the
Robert from gifts that he received on the occasion of his 25th anniversary as a Christian Brother, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.
Class of 1950 in honor of Mrs. Ward, former Director of Alumni Affairs, on the occasion of her retirement.
students demonstrating need.
The Joseph L. Moran ’45 Trust Fund, established in 1976 by La Salle College High School Alumni, provides monies for an outstanding student of Spanish to study/ travel to a Spanish-speaking country in the summer preceding his junior year.
The Charles J. “O’Bie” O’Brien Trust Fund provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.
The Frank M. Ponti ’56 Grant Fund, established in 2006, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.
The Joseph M. Queenan ’65 Scholarship Fund, established in 2004, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.
The Frank and Mary Radomski ’40 Trust Fund, established in 1989 in their memory by the Radomski Family, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.
The David and Elizabeth Savaiano Grant Fund, established in 2001, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.
The Mae Kutzer Schmitt Fund, established in 1983 by John Schmitt ’58 to honor his mother, provides aid to a “La Salle student of character and promise”.
The Scola Family Scholarship Fund in memory of Pietro and Vito Scola, established in 2007, provides financial assistance to a student demonstrating need with special consideration to candidates who are of Italian-American decent and reside in either Northeast or South Philadelphia.
The Elizabeth B. Slabinski Scholarship Fund, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need from the city of Philadelphia.
The Brother Fred Stelmach, FSC ’46 Endowed Scholarship Fund, established in 1996 by La Salle College High School alumni and friends of Brother Fred, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.
The Gerald A. Tremblay ’53 Scholarship Fund provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need from the city of Philadelphia who demonstrate exceptional ability and promise.
The William H. Vincent, Jr. ’56 Grant Fund provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.
The Karl and Mary-Elizabeth von Lipsey Scholarship Fund, established in 2009 by Roderick K. von Lipsey ’76, provides financial assistance to students of demonstrated need, who possess scholastic aptitude and growth potential, and whose principal financial sponsor is a public servant/employee.
The Robert J. Walker ’52 Scholarship Fund, established in 2002, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.
The Andrew Wallace ’92 Endowment Fund provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.
The Brother Anthony Wallace Trust Fund, established in 1986 by Thomas J. Ryan ’60 in honor of Brother Anthony and his many years of devoted service at La Salle, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.
The Joseph W. Wesner ’73 Scholarship Fund, established in 2002, awarded by the art department to talented current students.
The John Whalen ’67 Grant Fund, established in 2006, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.
The Charles C. Wynn ’46 Grant Fund, established by Charles C. Wynn ’46, provides financial assistance to the rowing program.
The 180 Degree Fund, established in 2012, to fulfill the mission of the Christian Brothers by providing a scholarship to a deserving young man – changing one life 180 degrees, one La Salle degree at a time. If you are interested in establishing a named endowment fund, please contact Daniel McGowan, Vice President of Institutional Advancement at 215-402-4809.
46 | Explorer Fall 2012
47 | Explorer Fall 2012
24 31
29 2 30
Dedication of Kestler Hall
15 22
Alumni Board Meeting 7:30 pm
Golden Explorers Luncheon 10:30 am
Soccer vs. Monsignor Bonner 3:45 pm
Barefoot In The Park 7:30 pm
Fall Family Liturgy 10:00 am
Performing Arts Reunion 3:00 pm
Barefoot In The Park 7:30 pm
26 Football vs. West Catholic 7:00 pm
Career Day Football vs. 8:30 am Roman Catholic 7:00 pm
Soccer vs. Saint Joseph’s Prep 3:45 pm
27 Barefoot In The Park 7:30 pm
13 Football vs. Saint Joseph’s Prep 7:00 pm
6 Football vs. Father Judge 2:00 pm
Please visit www.lschs.org for updates on times and locations as well as for information on all La Salle events.
48 | Explorer Fall 2012
49 | Explorer Fall 2012
19 26
Thanksgiving Prayer Service 9:40 am
Alumni Board Meeting 7:30 pm
Open House 11:00 am
21 Freshmen Grandparents’ Day 10:00 am
22 Thanksgiving Day
Father/Son Banquet 6:00 pm
La Salle Auction 6:00 pm
Please visit www.lschs.org for updates on times and locations as well as for information on all La Salle events.
50 | Explorer Fall 2012
51 | Explorer Fall 2012
24 31
23 30
End Of The Tax Year www.lschs.org/gift
Christmas Day
Season Of Giving Choral Concert www.lschs.org/gift 7:15 pm
12 19 26
18 25
Band Concert Alumni Board 7:15 pm Meeting 7:30 pm
Christmas Shopping Spectacular 12:00 pm
Scholarship/ Entrance Exam 8:30 am
Christmas Liturgy Basketball vs. 9:30 am Reading 5:30 pm
14 Basketball vs. Imhoptep Charter School 7:00 pm
Please visit www.lschs.org for updates on times and locations as well as for information on all La Salle events.
52 | Explorer Fall 2012
53 | Explorer Fall 2012
Basketball vs. Cardinal O’Hara 2:30 pm
Basketball vs. Bonner-Prendergast 2:30 pm
Martin Luther King Day
Basketball vs. West Catholic 2:30 pm
Basketball vs. Neumann-Goretti 7:30 pm
Jazz Band Assembly 9:30 am
Alumni Board Meeting 7:30 pm
New Year’s Day
Basketball vs. Conwell-Egan 7:30 pm
25 Basketball vs. Bishop McDevitt 7:30 pm
18 Basketball vs. Archbishop Wood 7:30 pm
Basketball vs. Roman Catholic 7:30 pm
Basketball vs. Father Judge 7:30 pm
Please visit www.lschs.org for updates on times and locations as well as for information on all La Salle events.
54 | Explorer Fall 2012
55 | Explorer Fall 2012
Mother/Son Communion Brunch 10:00 am
19 26
President’s Day
11 Alumni Board Meeting 7:30 pm
Comedy Night 6:00 pm
Alumni Basketball Game Basketball vs. Lansdale Catholic 2:30 pm
Ash Wednesday
8 Basketball vs. Archbishop Ryan 7:00 pm
Basketball vs. Saint Joseph’s Prep 8:00 pm
Poor Man’s Supper 6:00 pm
21 100 Days Until Graduation
23 Arizona Area Alumni Reception
Dinner Dance 6:00 pm
Please visit www.lschs.org for updates on times and locations as well as for information on all La Salle events.
56 | Explorer Fall 2012
57 | Explorer Fall 2012
Swing 2:00 pm
24 31
Alumni Board Meeting 7:30 pm
Communion Breakfast and Hall of Fame Induction 10:00 am
28 Holy Thursday
29 Good Friday
30 Three Months Left To Make A Gift www.lschs.org/gift
2 6th and 7th Grade Practice Tests 8:30 am
Swing Swing Swing 7:30 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm
Fashion Show 5:00 pm
Please visit www.lschs.org for updates on times and locations as well as for information on all La Salle events.
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59 | Explorer Fall 2012
22 29
Alumni Golf Outing 12:30 pm
Baseball vs. Archbishop Ryan 3:45 pm
Baseball vs. Father Judge 3:45 pm
Lacrosse vs. Episcopal Academy
Baseball vs. Cardinal O’Hara 3:45 pm
19 Make A Reunion Gift
Lacrosse vs. Gillman School (MD)
27 Grand Reunion 6:00 pm
20 Lacrosse vs. Haverford School
Please visit www.lschs.org for updates on times and locations as well as for information on all La Salle events.
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61 | Explorer Fall 2012
20 27
22 Chicago Area Alumni Reception
Baseball vs. Saint Joseph’s Prep 3:45 pm
Art Exhibition Alumni 6:15 pm Board Meeting Choral Concert 7:30 pm 7:15 pm
Band Concert 7:15 pm
Mothers’ Day
10 Senior Prom
Lacrosse vs. Saint Joseph’s Prep
Baccalaureate 50-Year Mass Reunion 7:00 pm Class of 1963
Lacrosse vs. Saint Augustine Prep
Baseball vs. Roman Catholic 3:45 pm
Founder’s Day
New York Area Alumni Reception
Please visit www.lschs.org for updates on times and locations as well as for information on all La Salle events.
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63 | Explorer Fall 2012
23 30
Last Day To Make A Gift www.lschs.org/gift
Summer Programs Begin
Fathers’ Day
Alumni Board Meeting 7:30 pm
Graduation 10:00 am
Please visit www.lschs.org for updates on times and locations as well as for information on all La Salle events.
We Welcome We Remember Norman Carpenter ’85 and his wife, Christine, welcomed a baby boy, Grant Stephen, on February 27, 2012.
Joseph E. Casale, Jr. ’68
Christopher Murphy ’87 and his wife, Lisa, welcomed a baby girl, Claire Leslie, on November 11, 2011.
Edward B. Gable, Jr., Esq. ’47
Matthew McDonald ’89 and his wife Rebecca, welcomed a son, Luke Gerald, on June 27, 2012. Luke joins big brother Hayden and sister Morgan. William Donohoe, Jr. ’96 and his wife, Ellen, welcomed a son, Charles William, on February 4, 2012. Charlie joins big sister Maureen.
Raymond J. Cavalier ’66 John R. Felice, DDS ’40
Marguerite Behr, mother of Ernest “Chip” ’73, James ’78, Michael ’82, and Gerald ’84.
Mary Ann Murray, sister of Msgr. Ignatius ’48, John, MD ’49, Msgr. Joseph ’51, and Msgr. Thomas Murray ’59.
Thomas J. Gallen, Sr. ’55
Joseph M. Bond, father of Stephen ’72, Richard and Thomas ’74, and Christopher ’81.
William A. Geppert ’41, uncle of David Geppert ’76.
Anthony F. Bruno, Sr., father of Anthony F. Bruno, Jr., ’79
Donald M. Olender, father of Kevin ’93 and Keith ’99.
Michael F. Golden, MD ’49
Susan Cilberto, mother of Steve ’05, Alex ’08, and Christopher ’15.
Kathleen Quigg, mother of Michael ’73 and Brian ’76; grandmother of Matthew ’02 and Sean ’04.
Frank D’Aulerio, father of Michael D’Aulerio ’79.
Donald F. Panaro, father of James ’71 and Hugh ’82.
Angelo D’Aulerio, mother of Michael D’Aulerio ’79.
Nancy Phelan, wife of Henry “Hank” Phelan ’56.
Mary E. Draganescu, mother of John ’75; grandmother of Mark ’11.
Fred E. Reichelt, Jr., father of Fred ’74, John ’75, and Randall ’78; grandfather of Timothy ’02 and Matthew ’06.
Honorable Richard J. Hodgson ’66, brother of Clark Hodgson ’57. Bryce D. Holton ’86 Joseph L. Mackin ’46 John L. McHale ’42
Rick Target ’99 and his wife Alison, welcomed a daughter, Grace Maureen, on July 6, 2012. Grace joins big brother Colin and proud grandparents, Bob ’66 and Linda McAnespey.
Norman J. McVey ’46
Raymond Shay ’00 and his wife, Cory, welcomed a son, Declan Clark, on July 22, 2012.
Walter G. Mocey ’41 Sean D. O’Connell ’05
James M. Dean, father of John ’79 and Martin ’85.
John J. Scocca ’58
Peter Furgiuele, father of Sean ’14.
Thomas E. Stokes, PsyD ’70
Patricia A. Liberatore, wife of Robert Liberatore ’67.
Francis J. Walton ’44
Mark Norman and his wife, Heather, welcomed a son, James Henry, on August 18, 2012.
Michael J. McCann, father of Michael ’00. Teresa M. McMahon, mother of Edward ’69.
Joseph M. Nejman, father of Joseph H. Nejman, MD ’71.
Marianne J. Reilly, mother of James ’82; grandmother of Peter ’98 and Nicholas ’08 Nocero. Mrs. Anna Salvucci, grandmother of Richard D. Salvucci ’05. Gerard D. St. John, son of Gerard St. John ’54. Linda L. Taylor, wife of Jerry Taylor. Mark E. Teufel, father of Gregory ’04(Dec’d.) and Nicholas ’06.
Giving Made Easy Automatic Deductions from your Checking Account or Credit/Debit Card
Visit www.lschs.org/recurringgift “Like many other La Salle alumni, I’m so grateful for the fine education that I received at the high school that I’d like to give back in a big way each year to the Annual Fund. However, like many others, I’m not able to do that with one big check. I’ve found a great way to do both – give back in a big way and not have to do it all at one time. My La Salle Annual Fund gift is spread out over twelve months through a monthly checking account withdrawal in whatever amount I deem doable for me. Others can do the same thing either from their checking account or by means of a monthly charge to their credit card. Either way works just fine for the school and makes it easy on you. Consider giving your support to the La Salle Annual Fund through the Explorer Monthly Plan. You’ll be happy you did.” Louis J. Beccaria, PhD ’63 64 | Explorer Fall 2012
Please join the for a thrilling night!
Saturday, November 3, 2012 L a S a ll e C o ll e g e H i g h S ch o o l
PM Cocktails, Hors d’oeuvres and Silent Auction PM Dinner PM Live Auction Followed by Mass and Continental Breakfast
For more information please contact the auction office at
65 | Explorer Fall 2012
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