Fulfilling the Promise Capital Campaign Conclusion Brochure

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1 La Salle College High School Fulfilling the Promise The Founders Circle

Total Donations

$25,110,279.42 Donors

1,285 Average Gift

$20,000 Median Gift

$500 Giving by Donor Type Percent of Total Raised

• • • • • •

Alumni | $12,085,840 | 48%

Giving by Gift Type

Trustees (Past and Present) | $7,294,227 | 29% Parents | $2,074,761 | 8% Employees | $130,326 | 1% Corporations and Foundations | $1,021,925 | 4% Friends | $2,513,200 | 10%

Percent of Total Raised

• • •

Cash Pledges | $19,007,176 | 76% Planned Gifts | $4,284,500 | 17% Gifts in Kind | $1,818,603 | 7%

Fulfilling the Promise

Thank you Promise Fulfilled Congratulations and thank you. La Salle College High School is very pleased to announce that we have surpassed our goal for the Fulfilling the Promise Capital Campaign. Thanks to the generosity of 1,285 donors, the campaign raised an unprecedented $25,110,278.42. Under the leadership of Brother Richard Kestler, FSC ’60 and Campaign Chairs – Charlie Dunleavy ’61 and Al Gabriele, this historic campaign paved the way for the new academic addition, the renovation of McLean Hall, land acquisition and creation of new athletic fields, and funding for endowment and financial aid. The Alumni, Trustees, Friends, Foundations, Corporations and the Parent communities, all responded to the appeal of the Christian Brothers to help them shape the future of La Salle College High School and to fulfill their promise to future generations of La Salle students. Unprecedented in this campaign, was the support of the parent community. Given the challenging economic times of the recent recession, it is incredible that current and past parents donated over $2 million – 8% of the total amount raised. Overall, the average gift to the campaign was an extraordinary $20,000, while most people made a gift of $500. The most senior supporter was Edward Davis ’36, and the youngest was recent graduate Stephen Duzinski ’11. The gift that came from furthest afield was from Denis Normile ’69 who lives in Japan, while the closest gifts came from our faculty and staff members, seventy-two of whom donated almost $150,000. For more information or to see how various Alumni classes fared in their fundraising efforts, please visit www.lschs.org/promise

2 La Salle College High School Fulfilling the Promise The Founders Circle

Fulfilling the Promise

The Founders Circle

3 La Salle College High School Fulfilling the Promise The Founders Circle

Saint John Baptist de La Salle Society


Born in Reims in 1651, beatified in 1888, and canonized in 1900, Saint John Baptist de La Salle established the Brothers of the Christian Schools, their practical curriculum and has been proclaimed the patron saint of all teachers. Mrs. Jennie H. Leary in Honor of Mr. Howard R. Leary ’35 “To protect and to serve.” The motto of the Police Department and one of the most recognizable phrases in law enforcement has become synonymous with making a difference. No better is it exemplified then in the lives and actions of Howard and Jennie Leary.


oward Leary is a graduate of the Class of 1935. He was from humble upbringings and earned a scholarship to La Salle College High School, where he was a star quarterback and a leader on and off the field. He worked as a truck driver and laborer to put himself through Temple University, where he later earned a law degree. He joined the Philadelphia police force in 1940 and quickly rose through the ranks. He was named Commissioner in 1963 bearing a reputation that was both professional and progressive. He proved to be an instrumental figure in settling civilian unrest during the racial uprisings of the 1960’s and, in 1966, was selected by Mayor John Lindsay to head the Police Department of New York. Mr. Leary was widely praised for making

innovations in the department. He established the 9-1-1 police emergency number and set up a computerized dispatch system. He also worked to increase diversity by recruiting more black and Puerto Rican officers. He retired in 1970 and had a brief career in private security followed by ten years as a professor of criminal justice. He died in 1994. Jennie Hines Leary is no stranger to service. She qualified for the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin, but was unable to represent our country because she could not afford the travel and lodging expenses necessary for participation. She spent the next forty years as a teacher in the School District of Philadelphia and dedicated her life to the education and mentoring of children. Upon the death of her husband, she turned to La Salle College High School, the place he attributed to providing his start in life. Howard benefitted greatly from the scholarship assistance given by the Christian Brothers and it was his wish that other young men, who might not otherwise be able to afford it, be

given the advantages of a Lasallian education. Jennie established the Howard and Jennie Leary Endowment Fund – a scholarship fund that assists the sons of policemen, firemen, and civil workers in the City of Philadelphia. To date, over twenty young men have benefitted from this scholarship, which is the single largest endowment fund in the history of La Salle College High School. In 2008, a display in honor of Howard, Jennie, and their commitment to the school and its students was erected in The Brothers Atrium.

4 La Salle College High School Fulfilling the Promise The Founders Circle

5 La Salle College High School Fulfilling the Promise The Founders Circle

6 La Salle College High School Fulfilling the Promise The Founders Circle

Saint Yon Society

$1,000,000+ In 1705, the Christian Brothers opened a school in Saint Yon, France, which included a novitiate, boarding school, and home for delinquent boys. This school would become the model for other institutions. Anonymous Mr. John E. Glaser ’58 The S. Richard Klinges III, Esq. and Elizabeth J. Klinges Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. John F. Rodenbaugh ’51 Mr. and Mrs. George J. Ward ’58 Mr. John J. Whalen ’67 and Mrs. Linda Rabbitt

7 La Salle College High School Fulfilling the Promise The Founders Circle

Brother Francis Society

Brother Teliow Society

In 1845, Brother Francis McMullen, returned from the Christian Brothers’ novitiate in Montreal to his hometown of Baltimore and began classes for approximately one hundred students at a school that would eventually become Calvert Hall College. Sadly, young Brother Francis would die only three years later, but his legacy as the first American Christian Brother and the founder of the oldest Lasallian school in the United States, continues to endure.

Born in Prussia, Brother Teliow was one of the first ten incorporators who changed the ”Christian Brothers Academy” into a college preparatory school. He also assumed the position of President in 1863.

Mr. and Mrs. Domenic M. DiPiero ’63

Mr. William A. Geppert, Jr. ’41

The Donahue Family • Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Donahue ’58 • Dr. and Mrs. Philip E. Donahue ’60 • Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Donahue ’63 • Dr. and Mrs. Edward J. Donahue ’66 • Mr. and Mrs. John M. Donahue, Esq. ’70

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Haley ’86


Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Dunleavy, Jr. ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Hughes ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. McCarthy ’65 Mothers’ Club


Mr. and Mrs. Ernest M. Behr ’73 Christian Brothers Endowment Grant

The Hansen Family • Bud and Eileen Hansen ’54 • Bud and Kate Hansen ’86 La Salle College High School Alumni Association Men of La Salle Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Slabinski III ’67

8 La Salle College High School Fulfilling the Promise The Founders Circle

Fulfilling the Promise

The Campus Circle

9 La Salle College High School Fulfilling the Promise The Campus Circle

Saint Michael’s Parish Society

$100,000+ La Salle began at the Saint Michael’s School at Second and Jefferson Streets in Philadelphia when the Christian Brothers taught their first classes on July 20, 1858. Initially known as the “Select School”, it eventually took the name “Christian Brothers Academy.” Anonymous Mr. Arthur J. Burke III, Esq. ’85 Connelly Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James P. Connor ’46 Mr. and Mrs. James D. Danella The DePaul Family • Mr. and Mrs. Peter DePaul • Mr. and Mrs. David Bartynski • Mr. and Mrs. Peter DePaul, Jr. ’79 • Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. DePaul ’80 • Mr. and Mrs. Nello J. Naticchione III • Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Schmitt Driscoll Construction Company, Inc. The Driscoll Family • Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Driscoll, Sr. • Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Driscoll, Jr. ’76 • Mr. and Mrs. James C. Driscoll ’79 Dr. and Mrs. Charles J. Dunton ’70 Mr. Robert J. Durney ’57 Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Eustace ’58 Founder’s Gala and Dinner Dance Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Gabriele Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Genuardi ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Laurence P. Genuardi ’69 The Estate of Reverend John P. Gutekunst ’72 The Hagan Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James E. Hasson The Hathaway Family • Mr. Michael J. Hathaway ’68 • Gerald T. Hathaway, Esq. ’72 and Ms. Kate McCauley Mr. and Mrs. James R. Koller ’69 Dr. and Mrs. John F. Lehman, Jr. ’60 The Lintner Family • Mr. and Mrs. Dale E. Lintner, Sr. • Mr. Eric D. Lintner ’84 • Mr. and Mrs. Dale E. Lintner, Jr. ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Maginnis ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Manion In Memory of 1st Lt. Travis L. Manion, USMC ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Moran ’69 Pennsylvania Department of Education Mr. William R. Powell ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Pyle, Jr. ’58

Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Reilly Mr. and Mrs. Pietro V. Scola ’92 Mr. Edward R. Solvibile ’58 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Stephenson, Esq. ’68 The Tague Family • Mr. Joseph L. Tague '21 • Mr. Vincent J. Tague, Sr. ’57 • Mr. Vincent J. Tague, Jr. ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Roderick K. von Lipsey '76

Center City Society


In 1867, La Salle moved to Juniper and Filbert Streets. Within a few years, greater space needs compelled a move to a broader and greener space. Dr. Michael F. Avallone, DO ’51 Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Brown ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. DiBella ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Fitzgerald III ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Foley ’66 Mr. R. Clark Hopkins In Memory of Clark J. Hopkins ’62 Mrs. Francy and John F. Kent, Esq. ’68 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kerrigan Dr. and Mrs. William J. Markmann ’66 Mr. and Mrs. John L. McHale ’42 Mr. and Mrs. James T. McLaughlin ’57 Mr. and Mrs. Austin A. Meehan ’79 Mrs. William A. Meehan, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Mills Mr. and Mrs. John T. Paul Dr. and Mrs. Francis M. Ponti ’56 Mr. Joseph J. Ragg, Jr. ’73 and Mrs. Cathlene Driscoll Mr. and Mrs. Alfred P. Salvitti ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Swartley Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin J. Ventresca, Jr. ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Wesner, Jr., Esq. ’66 Mr. and Mrs. William A. Whiteside, Jr. ’46 La Salle College High School Students 2008-2013 The Philadelphia Coca-Cola Bottling Company

10 La Salle College High School Fulfilling the Promise The Campus Circle

Bouvier Mansion Society


In 1882, the Christian Brothers acquired the mansion of Michael Bouvier, a prominent Philadelphia banker, which was located at 1240 North Broad Street near Girard Avenue. Anonymous, Class of 1975 Anonymous in honor of Robert Russell Mr. and Mrs. Raymond S. Angelo ’70 Mr. James F. Basile, Esq. ’82 Mr. Louis J. Beccaria, PhD ’63 Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Cassidy, Esq. ’74 Mr. and Mrs. James J. Clark Mr. and Mrs. John L. Connolly, Jr. Mr. John F. Curtis III and Mrs. Anne E. Curtis Mr. and Mrs. William J. de Pasquale ’51 Mr. and Mrs. James A. Donahue III ’86 Mr. and Mrs. John C. Fenningham, Esq. ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. Flynn ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Gillespie ’68 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Grogan, Esq. ’83 In Honor of the Ministry of Brother W. James Steck, FSC Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Guerra ’76 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Horan ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Edmund P. Kehan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney J. Kowalczk ’57 Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Liberatore ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Jerome F. Lombard, Jr. ’79 J.P. Mascaro & Sons Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Matthews ’63 Mr. and Mrs. William W. Matthews III ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. McMahon ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent P. McNichol In Memory of Timothy J. McNichol ’97 Dr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Milligan ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. O’Brien ’56 Lori Peruto, Esq. and John Peruto, Esq. Mr. Joseph M. Queenan ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Riethmiller, Jr. ’55 Shearon Environmental Design Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Sinnott Mr. and Mrs. Anthony M. Stonis ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Whelan, Esq. ’63 Dr. and Mrs. J. Michael Whitaker ’68

Wister Society


As the city grew up around the school and space needs expanded, a decision was made to move to a new location in what was then unspoiled “country.” In 1929, La Salle opened a new campus in Belfield in the Wister Woods section of Philadelphia located at 20th Street and Olney Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Connor, Esq. ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. de Luca Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Ferrier Friends of La Salle College High School Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Haviland Mr. and Mrs. C. Clark Hodgson, Jr. ’57 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Lynch ’61 Mr. and Mrs. William R. Regli ’58 Mr. and Mrs. George A. Winslow ’82

Belcroft Society


At the dawn of the 1960’s, the high school separated from the college and moved to its present campus on Cheltenham Avenue in Springfield Township, Montgomery County. The present school was built on the former Belcroft estate of Clarence E. Brown. Anonymous Dr. and Mrs. John J. Convey ’58 Dr. and Mrs. Walter W. Dearolf III ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. DeCandido Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Hartnett, Jr. ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Denis J. Lawler, Esq. ’66 Mr. Paul L. Melchiorre, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Morrissey, Jr. ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mulholland Dr. and Mrs. James F. Noone, Jr. Mr. James M. Paulits ’69 Dr. and Mrs. P. Michael Schelkun Mr. and Mrs. John V. Steinmetz, Jr. ’77 Mrs. Colleen M. Yaeger

11 La Salle College High School Fulfilling the Promise The Founders Circle

12 La Salle College High School Fulfilling the Promise The Founders Circle

Fulfilling the Promise

The Presidents Circle

13 La Salle College High School Fulfilling the Promise The Presidents Circle

Brother Robert Shea Society


Brother Bob led the transition to the President/Principal model of leadership at La Salle College High School. As the school’s first President (1989-1991), Brother Bob initiated the capital campaign that developed Saint Michael Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Bishof Mr. and Mrs. Carl S. Blankemeyer Dr. Russel S. and Dr. Sharon C. Bleiler Mr. and Mrs. D. Robert Buccini ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Calvitti Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Carabello ’82 Dr. and Mrs. John F. Carabello Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Carmody The Colistra Family • Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Colistra, Jr. ’64 • Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Colistra III ’95 • Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Colistra ’00 Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Dougherty Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Doyle '61 Dr. Dennis R. Durbin Mr. Timothy J. Erb, Jr. ’94 Mr. and Mrs. John R. Ewell Dr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Flanagan ’55 Mr. and Mrs. David A. Geppert '76 Mr. Joseph J. Gerngross '43 The Estate of Reverend John A. Guischard, PhD ’34

Mr. and Mrs. James R. Guntle, Jr. '71 Mr. and Mrs. Pierce J. Keating Mr. John J. Kennedy, Jr. ’58 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Kilduff ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Killian Mr. and Mrs. E. Dennis Lehman, Jr. '69 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Lombard, Jr., Esq. ’52 Mr. and Mrs. John T. Losier In Memory of Steven F. Blust '79 Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Lynch Mr. and Mrs. George T. Magnatta, Esq. '73 Mr. and Mrs. William F. Maher, Jr. '69 Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. McAnespey ’66 Mr. and Mrs. John P. McShea III '73 Mr. and Mrs. John F. Meehan, Jr. '67 Mr. and Mrs. Gregg R. Melinson '82 Mr. and Mrs. William H. Newell Mr. and Mrs. James J. Osborne ’56 Dr. and Mrs. William R. Rate Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Rauscher '65 Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rilling, CPA '83 Dr. and Mrs. Roger P. Spampata Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Spiteri Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Turk '63 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Ventresca '96 Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Vincent W. Walters ’59 Mr. John W. Wozniak '77 Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Wynn '46

14 La Salle College High School Fulfilling the Promise The Presidents Circle

Brother René Sterner Society


Brother René Sterner, FSC spent eighteen years as a member of the faculty and administration of La Salle College High School and served as President from 1991 to 2005. He was a patron of the Arts as well as a nationally-recognized leader of speech and debate programs at the high school level. Brother René co-founded La Salle Academy and was dedicated to the efforts of the Christian Brothers along with the vision and mission of Saint John Baptist de La Salle. Anonymous, Class of 1957 Anonymous, Class of 1972 La Salle College High School Christian Brothers Community Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Abbott ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Angstadt ’69 Mr. Richard Ansel ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Arbogast Dr. and Mrs. Michael F. Avallone, Jr. ’77 Dr. and Mrs. Louis B. Balizet ’61 The Estate of James F. Barr Mr. and Mrs. David E. Beavers Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Bettacchi ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Bilotta Mr. and Mrs. Gerard J. Binder ’69 Mr. Michael T. Carr ’62 and Capt. Donald J. Carr, USAF(Ret.) ’70 In Memory of their Parents Emil T. and Anne C. Carr Mr. and Mrs. James J. Carroll, Jr. ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. Chadwick ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. Colgan ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Colucci, CPA ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. (Dick) Connolly, Sr. ’50 Mr. Frank J. Currie, Esq. ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Dooner, Jr. ’47 Mr. Christopher T. Doran ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Dougherty ’69 Mr. Thomas Durling, Esq. ’76 and Mrs. Hilary Blust Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Duszak, Jr. ’81 Mr. and Mrs. James G. Dwyer ’53 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Dwyer, CPA ’74 Dr. and Mrs. Michael M. Etzl, Jr. ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Feeny ’90 Mr. and Mrs. James E. Fickenscher Mr. and Mrs. George F. Foley ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Gardner ’72 Mr. and Mrs. James V. Genuardi Mr. and Mrs. Gaetano P. Giordano ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Givnish ’73

Mr. and Mrs. S. John Gorman IV ’67 Mr. Michael P. Gregor, ChFC ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Jankowski, Esq. ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Javie ’72 Dr. and Mrs. Larry S. Keller Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Kent, Esq. ’96 Brother Richard Kestler, FSC ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Lafond Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Laskowski ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Lynch ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Lynch ’58 Mr. Eugene J. Maginnis, Esq. ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Brian G. McElwee ’67 Mr. and Mrs. James P. McFadden ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. McGorry Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. McGowan Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Minnich ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Mischler ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey N. Morgan, AIA ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Murphy ’55 Mr. Dennis J. Normile ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Chris M. Pennington ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Piotrowicz Mr. and Mrs. Carl S. Primavera, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Quattrone ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Saile ’60 Mr. and Mrs. William R. Sasso, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Schmitt ’58 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Scully, CPA ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Shott ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Small ’38 Mrs. Kathleen and Mr. Brian Smith Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Speitel ’48 Mr. and Mrs. Kurtis A. Stein Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Szostak, Esq. ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Walker III Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Walsh ’63 Mr. and Mrs. Clayton M. Wells and Family Dr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Whitaker ’66 The Estate of Richard W. Whitney, Sr. In Memory of Richard W. Whitney, Jr. ’84 Mr. and Mrs. John L. Williams ’73 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Winning, Esq. ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Zapiec ’67

15 La Salle College High School Fulfilling the Promise The Presidents Circle

Brother Richard Kestler Society


Brother Richard Kestler, FSC ’60 is the first La Salle alum to be President of his Alma Mater. He has served the Christian Brothers in every capacity, including Provincial, and has been the Principal or President at four different schools. He was a teacher and/or administrator at La Salle College High School on three separate occasions before returning in 2005 to become the school’s third President. His active participation in all aspects of the school community has allowed him to be a visible and successful leader. Anonymous Dr. Paul C. Aita ’58 Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Basile, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd C. Beck, Jr. ’74 Mr. and Mrs. John N. Braca ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Cahill ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Calvitti ’76 • John Calvitti Company Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Capetola Mr. Vincent A. Carr, Jr. ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Casale ’82 Dr. and Mrs. John V. Cattie ’66 Mr. Sekyung Cha and Mrs. Youngsuk Park Mr. Timothy T. and Mrs. Mary-Claire Corcoran Mr. and Mrs. David E. Creamer Dr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Cregan ’82 Dr. and Mrs. Thomas DeBerardinis ’74 Mr. Jon R. and Mrs. Kristine Grady Derewicz Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Dolaway III ’58 Mr. and Mrs. William T. Donohoe, Jr. ’96 Mr. Charles H. Dougherty, Jr. ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Marc Doyle ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Flynn ’65 In Memory of Lawrence A. Flynn Mr. Puri L. Garzone III ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Gibbons ’92 Mr. Francis V. and Helen I. Griffin ’46 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Hammond ’97

Mr. and Mrs. James M. Hasson ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Hoban ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Holmes, Jr. ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond T. Hyer III Reverend Anthony W. Janton ’69 Mr. Paul J. Kelly III, CPA ’74 and Honorable Kate M. Harper, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Kilkenny ’96 Dr. and Mrs. Anthony M. Landis ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Lehman ’76 Mr. Jerome F. Lombard, Sr. ’58 Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. Magarity ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Marchese Mr. and Mrs. James R. Matthews ’66 Mr. Sean P. Matthews ’99 Mr. Timothy W. McDonald ’99 Mr. Geoffrey A. Meyer ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Miller, Jr. ’58 Mr. Michael T. Miller ’85 Mr. Daniel E. Morehouse ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Nolan ’78 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Rose Dr. Michael J. Ruddy ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Salmon ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Salvitti ’76 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Selph, Jr. ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Sharpe ’58 Mr. Joseph G. Steffa, Jr. ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Target ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Tatlow III ’69 Dr. John-William M. Trainer III ’91 and Dr. Angela D. Trainer Mr. Michael J. Tuscano ’93 Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Updegrave ’70 Dr. Carl Waldspurger ’84 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Walsh ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Williams ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Winning ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Zaiss ’69 Deacon and Mrs. Joel M. Ziff

16 La Salle College High School Fulfilling the Promise

Fulfilling the Promise

84 Acre Campus 4

5 3










2 1



OA L R d







1. McCarthy Walking Trail

17. Whalen Courtyard

2. New Athletic Fields

18. Main Office

3. Ward Field

19. Marian Chapel

4. Environmental Study Area

20. Sacred Heart of Jesus Statue

5. Flannery Field

6. Meehan Field

21. Brothers’ Residence

7. Dunleavy Center

22. Brothers’ Chapel

8. Allinson House

23. McLean Hall

9. Alumni House

24. Saint Michael Hall

10. Tennis Courts

25. Lourdes Shrine

11. Outdoor Pool

26. Upper Bartley Field

12. West Wing

27. Lower Bartley Field

13. David Center


14. Indoor Pool 15. Gymnasium 16. Auditorium

Class of 1951 Courtyard

17 La Salle College High School Fulfilling the Promise


13 12 11




19 23

15 17 18






10 e


main E


9 8





Av Am


Enter to Learn


Leave to Serve

18 La Salle College High School Fulfilling the Promise The Founders Circle

19 La Salle College High School Fulfilling the Promise The Founders Circle

20 La Salle College High School Fulfilling the Promise The Founders Circle

Fulfilling the Promise

The Principals Circle

21 La Salle College High School Fulfilling the Promise The Principals Circle

Brother Francis McLean Society


Brother Francis McLean, FSC was a teacher at La Salle College High School from 1940 to 1951 and Principal from 1951 to 1966. His visionary leadership oversaw the development of La Salle’s Wyndmoor campus and the school’s first physical separation from La Salle College in 1960. Anonymous Anonymous, Class of 1972 Mr. Timothy J. and Mrs. Margaret M. Abell Mr. and Mrs. Vincent P. Anderson, Esq. ’57 Mr. Charles J. Ansel ’41 Mr. and Mrs. David D. Armento ’76 Mr. and Mrs. James R. Bacon ’51 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Barbieri ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Barna Mr. Andrew M. Bartynski ’03 Dr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Becher ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Evan S. Behr ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Behr ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. Biaesch Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Blyskal ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Bongard III ’98 Ms. Patricia Brabson Mr. Christian J. Bradley ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin F. Brett ’68 Mr. and Mrs. James F. Brewer, Jr. ’77 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Bryers, Esq. ’73 Dr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Bunting Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Bushold Mr. Anthony R. Calvitti ’93 Mr. and Mrs. Justin E. Capetola ’98 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Carlin, Jr. ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Cassidy, Jr. ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Ciasullo ’82 Mr. Vincent H. and Mrs. Margaret H. Cicalese Mrs. Janice Ciccimaro Mr. Joseph F. Ciccimaro ’57 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Clement, Esq. ’67 Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Cody ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Coggins Mr. and Mrs. David J. Collins ’53 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Connor ’82 Mr. and Mrs. F. Richard Courtney ’69 Mr. F. Ross Crumlish ’74 Mr. Cornelius A. Cunningham ’58 Dr. and Mrs. Edward A. Dachowski ’78

Mr. Timothy S. Danaher ’98 Dr. and Mrs. John F. Danella ’78 Capt. and Mrs. J. Christopher Daniel ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dempsey Mr. Thomas F. Devlin, PhD ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. DiBello ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Diehl ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Dinda ’82 Dr. and Mrs. John J. DiNella ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Dolaway ’74 on behalf of The Dolaway Family Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Donahue ’57 Mr. Hugh M. Donnelly IV ’98 Dr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Dougherty ’76 Dr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Draganosky ’57 Mr. Brian P. Egan ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Bernard M. Enright ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Erb ’66 Mr. Donald and Mrs. Gail A. Evans, CFRE Dr. and Mrs. Barry Fabriziani Mr. and Mrs. John V. Flynn ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Foley ’83 Dr. and Mrs. Robert F. Gallagher ’42 Dr. and Mrs. Robin F. Gallagher ’67 Chestnut Hill Dental Mr. Louis C. Galzerano ’63 Mr. and Mrs. William A. Garrity, Jr. ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Giera ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Ginieczki ’57 Mr. Michael P. Girondo ’96 Mrs. Diane Giunta Mr. Robert J. Gizinski ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Gleason ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Mark G. Gola ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Graf ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Greco ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Greenberg ’51 Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Greenberg ’82 Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Gregor ’82 Mr. and Mrs. James T. Gunn, Jr. ’85 Mr. John J. Haggerty, Jr. ’51 Dr. Paul W. Halczenko ’93 The Joe Hand Charitable Fund • Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Hand III ’76 • Mr. Joseph P. Hand IV ’01 • Mr. Peter J. Hand ’04 Dr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Hanna ’49 Mrs. Joan T. Healy • Mr. Ryan Healy ’12 • Mr. Preston Murray ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Heinzl ’61

22 La Salle College High School Fulfilling the Promise The Principals Circle

Mr. and Mrs. William P. Higgins, CPA ’82 Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Hipp ’61 Mr. Edward J. Hughes, Esq. ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Hughes ’70 Mr. Timothy P. Hughes, Jr. ’99 Mr. Gary E. Kane, Jr. ’01 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kane ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Keenan ’58 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Kelley ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin V. Kelley ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Boyd A. Kelly ’93 Mr. Matthew T. Kenefic ’93 • Magellan Search Group Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Sean D. Kent ’99 Mr. Michael J. Kerr ’97 Mr. Michael D. Kilkenny ’99 Mr. Bruce J. Koegler ’55 Mr. and Mrs. William F. Kummerle, CPA ’53 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Lee ’55 Mr. Martin G. and Mrs. Cynthia Lutschaunig Mr. and Mrs. Sean E. Mahoney ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Del C. Markward Dr. and Mrs. Walter M. Mathews ’60 Mr. Timothy J. Maxwell ’93 Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. McCabe ’83 Mr. and Mrs. James E. McCloskey ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. McDonald ’60 Capt. and Mrs. John B. McGill, USN(Ret.) ’67 Dr. and Mrs. Eugene J. McGonigle ’60 Mr. Stephen L. McGonigle ’68 Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. McGorry ’60 Mr. John M. McGrath ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. McHugh ’72 Mr. and Mrs. James P. McIntyre ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. McLaughlin III ’94 Mr. Brian J. McMahon ’97 Mr. and Mrs. James M. McMonagle ’58 Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Meehan, Esq. ’74 Honorable and Mrs. James R. Melinson ’57 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Michel ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Mignatti ’58 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Mihalich ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Conrad J. Miller, Jr. ’50 Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Miller, CPA ’55 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Mirsch ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Edmund B. Moore II ’86 Mr. and Mrs. John L. Moore ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Mountain ’72 Mrs. Mary Kay and Mr. Lee Mullen Mr. and Mrs. William E. Murphy ’96

Mr. and Mrs. John A. Newell ’60 Mr. and Mrs. John J. News ’44 Mr. and Mrs. Robert N.C. Nix III, Esq. ’73 Mr. Timothy O. Nolen, Esq. ’74 Mr. Kevin M. Noone ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Normile ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. O’Dea, Jr., Esq. ’78 Mr. Jeffrey F. and Mrs. Kathleen D. O’Donnell ’78 Lt. and Mrs. John P. O’Hara ’99 Mr. Keith D. Olender ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. O’Neill ’55 Mr. Kevin M. O’Neill ’62 • The Bray Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Osborne ’65 Mr. Timothy J. Pippet ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Quinn, Jr. ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Rapchick ’49 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Ratchford ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Alan E. Reed ’55 Mr. and Mrs. William C. Regli III ’85 Mr. William J. Reid, Jr. ’98 Capt. Stephen J. Rodgers, MC USN(Ret.) ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Romagano ’77 Mrs. Elaine Rose-Kennedy Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Rothwell ’70 Mr. Mark D. Ruegg ’98 Mr. Robert M. Sauter Mr. Guy R. Sciolla, Esq. ’66 Mr. and Mrs. William C. Seiberlich, Jr. ’47 Dr. and Mrs. W. George Shanks ’60 Mr. and Mrs. S. Paul Sharkey ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Hugh T. Sharp ’47 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Shaw, Jr. ’60 Mr. Jonathan H. Shevlin ’95 Mr. Matthew J. Shevlin ’93 Mr. Patrick D. Slattery ’99 Sorella Rose • Ms. Lisa Agnew • Mr. and Mrs. John D. Cumpstone Mr. and Mrs. David C. Spangler ’98 Mr. John E. Strzalka, Jr. ’00 Mr. Frank C. Sulzbach ’59 Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Sutton ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sweeney ’82 Mr. Raymond J. Tatlow, Jr. ’38 Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Taylor, CAE ’66 Mr. Sean E. Teesdale ’99 Mr. and Mrs. John P. Toner ’82 Brother David Trichtinger, FSC Mr. and Mrs. William D. Vare ’49

23 La Salle College High School Fulfilling the Promise The Principals Circle

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory F. Vizza ’99 Dr. Nicholas J. and Dr. Francesca M. Volpe Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Walsh, Jr. ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Walter Mr. Christopher F. Walters, Jr. ’96 Mr. and Mrs. James J. Ward ’55 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Winning ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Carl G. Wolf ’57 Dr. and Mrs. Glenn J. Wolfinger ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Scott H. Wolpert, Esq. ’84 Mrs. Arlene M. Yocum and Mr. Richard L. Kremnick Mr. Joseph A. Zebrowski ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Phillip J. Zminda

Brother Edward Gallagher Society


Brother Edward Gallagher, FSC embodies the phrase “school man”. He was a teacher of chemistry and a calm, but firm, administrator. “Jack Ed” was principal of five different schools including La Salle College High School from 1966 to 1969 and again from 1972 to 1977. His counsel and vision is remembered and valued by colleagues, confreres, and the young men he has faithfully served. Anonymous, Class of 1969 Anonymous, Class of 1996 Mr. Sean M. Agnew ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Niki N. Arakelian Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Bach Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Baldino ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Ball ’93 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Barnes III ’95 Mr. and Mrs. Roger F. Barr Mr. and Mrs. Brian F. Belcher ’69 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Bissell ’66 Mr. Michael J. Brown ’74 Dr. and Mrs. Mark V. Caliendo ’85 Mr. Wayne G. Campbell ’67 Mr. Joseph J. Cervino, Jr. ’51 Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Checchio, DDS ’75 Mr. Harry C. Citrino III ’95 Mr. David F. Citro ’98 Mr. and Mrs. James J. Clearkin III Mr. and Mrs. Kevin E. Clearkin ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Colaianni ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Louis R. Cooper Dr. and Mrs. Edward R. Corcoran ’57 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy G. Curran ’97 Dr. Peter M. DiBattiste ’74 Mr. James DiLaurenzo ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Donohoe ’51 Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Donohoe, DC ’79 Mr. Michael P. Dungan ’03 Mr. Michael T. Durso ’97 Dr. and Mrs. James P. Dwyer ’67 Mr. and Mrs. David T. Espenshade ’56 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Evans, Jr. Mr. Joseph J. Fayer ’50 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy B. Fenningham, Esq. ’98 Col. and Mrs. John E. Feret, USA(Ret.) ’61 Mr. Joseph N. Florio ’48 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Flynn ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Gerard T. Foley, CIC ’74

24 La Salle College High School Fulfilling the Promise The Principals Circle

Mr. and Mrs. George S. Forde, Jr., Esq. ’51 Mr. and Mrs. Hal A. Frasch ’78 Mr. Glenn L Fricke, EdD ’65 Mr. John W. Furtek ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Gallagher, Esq. ’78 Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Gemmi III ’87 Mr. James A. Gorman ’94 Mr. P. Bradley Guidi ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Charles A.J. Halpin IV ’95 Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Hartmann ’51 Mr. George C. Hines ’46 and Mrs. Lois Trench Hines Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Hoehn ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Horn ’58 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Jankowski ’57 Mr. Brian P. Jordan ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Leo P. Kane ’53 Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Kappler, Esq. ’69 Reverend Francis E. Kelly ’47 Mr. Philip R. Kelly ’51 Mr. H. Brad Kerr IV ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Koch ’53 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce D. Konopka ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Kradzinski ’73 Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Kraemer ’53 Mrs. Gail and Mr. Paul Kush III Mr. Gregory T. Lavin ’93 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Lavin, Jr. ’55 Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Lehman ’72 Mr. Joseph L. Lindinger, Jr. ’69 Mr. J. Fred Lorusso ’95 Mr. and Mrs. Peter V. Madden ’95 Mrs. Julia K. Maher Mr. James F. Malloy ’51 Capt. Steven A. Malloy, USN ’78 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Malone, CPA ’78 Mr. and Mrs. James P. Malone, Sr. ’53 Mr. and Mrs. James E. Maloney, Jr. ’93 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Markmann ’95 Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Maro, Sr. ’48 Mr. and Mrs. John V. Mastronardo ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore V. Mattoccia, CPA ’69 Deacon and Mrs. Alfred J. Mauriello II, MD ’61 Mr. and Mrs. John F. McCann ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. McDevitt ’57 Mr. and Mrs. John J. McDonald, Jr. ’93 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McGill ’78 Brother Michael J. McGinniss, FSC, PhD ’65 Mr. Paul T. McGurkin ’00 Dr. Patrick M. McLaughlin ’97 Mr. John J. McMenamin, Jr. ’67

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. McMullin ’96 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Meko, Jr. ’86 Mr. Garrett A. Miller ’95 Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott Miller Mr. Michael W. Morsell ’97 Mr. and Mrs. William C. Morsell Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. Murphy ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Enos C. Ney ’51 Mr. and Mrs. Francis T. Nolan ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. O’Brien ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. O’Brien ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Olender ’93 Mr. and Mrs. George R. Oliver Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Osborne ’72 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Palm ’93 Mr. Joseph A. Parisi Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Peffle Mr. Thomas J. Reynolds ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Rietzke ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Rongione ’75 Mrs. Suzanne and Mr. Joseph Russo Mr. and Mrs. Christopher N. Santoro, Esq. ’77 Mr. Robert F. Sautter, Jr. ’95 Mr. David L. Schaffer ’95 Mr. Gregory M. Schill ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Leslie E. Schmalbach, Jr. ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald T. Shaeffer, Jr. ’69 Mr. Steven M. Shaheen ’95 Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Sharp ’49 Mr. and Mrs. William G. Smith ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Spause, Jr. ’69 Reverend Edmond J. Speitel ’43 Mr. and Mrs. Martin W. Stanczak ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Blaine W. Strausser • Mr. Christopher B. Strausser '14 • Mr. William B. Strausser '15 Dr. Michael E. Sullivan '58 Mr. William T. Svihel '70 Mr. Peter F. Talarico and Family Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Tripodi '83 Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel P. Vizza '95 Mr. Arthur A. Warren, Esq. '69 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Wasylenko, Jr. '69 Dr. and Mrs. John G. Westkaemper '82 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Wilkin '66 Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Wisniewski '74 Mr. and Mrs. Francis W. Worthington '85 Mr. and Mrs. John A. Zaro '01 Mr. Michael J. Zeccardi '97

25 La Salle College High School Fulfilling the Promise The Principals Circle

Brother Gratian of Jesus Society


Brother Gratian of Jesus (Brother Hugh McNicholas) was principal of La Salle College High School from 1969 to 1972. Through these challenging times of social change Brother Hugh provided the necessary leadership to preserve the mission of the Christian Brothers and the future of La Salle College High School. Anonymous, Class of 1999 Mrs. Francis S. Anao Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Baratta Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Barker ’53 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Barrett ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Belcak ’65 Mr. Richard P. Bond ’74 Reverend Robert H. Breen ’45 In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Owen J. Breen, Sr. Mr. Charles J. Brem ’69 Mr. Joseph F. Chiarantona ’98 Mr. and Mrs. J. Peter Clark ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher H. Clement ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Carmen J. Conicelli, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Connor ’50 Mr. and Mrs. James F. Corcoran, CPA ’70 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Cover III ’53 Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. D’Angelo, Jr. ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Daniele, Esq. ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Davoli, Jr. ’99 Dr. M. Pia De Girolamo and Dr. Paul Mather Dr. and Mrs. James W. Degnan ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. DePaul Dr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Donoghue ’65 Mr. Christopher J. Dougherty ’00 Dr. and Mrs. John M. Edinger ’61 Mr. John J. Egan ’57 Mr. and Mrs. Kurt R. Eisenschmid Mr. George P. and Mrs. Ana Endrigian Dr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Etchells III ’55 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent P. Everman, Jr. ’69 Mr. William E. Fedyna ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Finley, EdD ’49 Mr. and Mrs. William A. Fitzgerald ’50 Dr. and Mrs. John M. FitzSimmons ’67 Mr. Brett T. Foley ’00 Mr. and Mrs. William C. Foster ’38 Mr. Edward V. France ’69 Brother Gerard J. Frendreis, FSC Mr. Christopher Gange ’86

Mr. and Mrs. James J. Garrity, Esq. ’70 Mr. and Mrs. James F. Gentilcore ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick W. Givey ’61 Mr. James W. Gorman ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D. Gulla, RPh ’77 Mr. Ryan C. Harrington ’95 Mr. and Mrs. William W. Haury, Jr., Esq. ’72 Mr. Patrick M. Higgins ’00 Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Hoban ’85 Mr. E. Patrick Hughes IV ’97 Mr. John D. Janda and Ms. Kelley Grady Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Jeffers, Jr. ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Johanson, Esq. ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher H. Jones, Esq. ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Jordan ’67 Dr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Kane ’79 Mr. Kevin M. Keenan ’73 Honorable and Mrs. John T. J. Kelly ’49 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D. Kent, Esq. ’93 Mr. Michael D. Kerlin ’93 Mr. Joel M. Klock, Esq. ’93 Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Kohlhepp ’61 Reverend James M. Kolb, CSP ’58 Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Konopka ’69 Mrs. Janet B. Kovacs Mr. Francis E. Lafferty ’39 Mr. and Mrs. John L. Langan ’55 CDR and Mrs. Robert J. Logan, USN(Ret.) ’65 Mr. Thomas V. Madden ’95 Mr. and Mrs. Domenic J. Maida ’91 Mr. Kyle C. Mallach ’97 Mr. and Mrs. John G. Malone, Esq. ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Dominic F. Marino ’44 Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Mauer, Jr. ’47 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. P. McCormick, Esq. ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Desmond McDonnell Mr. and Mrs. John N. McGrath, PE ’53 Mr. and Mrs. John C. McKeever ’60 Mr. Thomas K. McMahon ’03 Mr. and Mrs. William J. McMahon, Sr. ’49 Dr. and Mrs. Patrick J. McNulty • Dr. Patrick H. McNulty ’74 • Mr. Sean J. McNulty, Esq. ’76 Dr. and Mrs. William J. Meis ’69 Mr. and Mrs. William A. Michuda Dr. and Mrs. Edward J. Miller ’58 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Miller ’98 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Mischler ’82 Mr. Edward F. Mulligan ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey L. Nicoletti

26 La Salle College High School Fulfilling the Promise The Principals Circle

Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Oberholzer ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Jason C. Olcese ’98 Mr. and Mrs. John E. Osborne ’58 Mr. Frank C. Palopoli, Jr. ’95 Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel J. Pascuzzi ’53 Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas F. Piazzola ’64 Dr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Pigeon ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Pizzo, Sr. ’57 Mr. and Mrs. D. Scott Porreca ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Przybylowski, PE ’78 Mr. Sean E. Quinn ’97 Mr. and Mrs. William F. Reardon, CAE ’72 Reverend Gerald C. Ronan ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Myroslaw J. Ryndyk ’63 Mr. Paul D. Schaefer ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Schofield ’78 Mr. and Mrs. David J. Sciolla ’72 Mr. Raymond T. Shay ’00 Mr. Peter J. Sigmund, Jr. ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher C. Smith ’93 Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Smith, EdD ’49 Mr. James A. Sullivan ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Raphael S. Tancredi ’53 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Turzer ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Craig S. Vondercrone ’95 Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Weikel, Jr. ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Willemin ’69 Mr. Christopher J. Williamson, Jr. ’99 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Wojciech ’57 Dr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Wolk ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Earle J. Wood ’50 Mr. Beau Yanoshik ’98 Mr. George L. Young, Jr., Esq. ’70 Mr. and Mrs. James M. Ziff ’77

Brother Andrew Bartley Society


Brother Andrew Bartley, FSC served as Principal of La Salle College High School from 1978 to 1987. He was a beloved and accessible leader who truly enjoyed being involved in all facets of school life. He consistently rallied the student body with the cry, “We Are La Salle” and students remember him as everything anybody could want in a Principal. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Adams ’60 Mr. and Mrs. John C. Altrogge ’57 Mr. Chikwere N. Amachi ’99 Mr. and Mrs. John F. Ambrogi, Jr. ’53 Dr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Andrilli ’69 Mr. Brian M. Appleby ’96 Mr. William J. Armstrong, Jr. ’40 Mrs. Karin and Mr. Leonard Azzarano Mr. Patrick G. Badolato ’99 Mr. Michael P. and Mrs. Carlyn V. Barrett Mr. and Mrs. Gregory T. Bielecki ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin A. Bilson ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick V. Boccella ’44 Mr. Charles J. Boris ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Toby W. Bracken ’77 Mr. and Mrs. John H. Brand ’75 Mr. Gerard J. Brannigan ’58 Mr. James R. Braun ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Leon F. Brennan ’39 Mr. and Mrs. John D. Brinkmann, Esq. ’70 Mr. Reynaldo M. and Mrs. Jovita Briones Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Brooks ’77 Mr. and Mrs. David R. Bruce, JD ’60 Mr. Kieran B. Bryers ’00 Mr. Thomas J. and Mrs. Betsy Burgmann Reverend Sidney C. Burgoyne, PhD ’43 Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Burkhimer ’48 Mr. Paul J. Callahan ’97 Dr. James J. Canalichio ’55 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O. Cancila ’48 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Cannon ’50 Mr. Daniel Capreri Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Caputo, RPh ’93 Mr. Edward F. and Ann C. Carenzo Mr. Andrew C. Carnevale ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Cartwright ’42 Mr. Michael A. and Mrs. Monica C. Casciano, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. James F. Casey ’43 Mr. Donald V. and Mrs. Ellen R. Cericola

27 La Salle College High School Fulfilling the Promise The Principals Circle

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Cherney ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Chesna ’77 Mr. Thomas J. Christmann, Jr. ’70 Mr. Pasquale J. and Mrs. Mary T. Ciammetti Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Cicchiello ’82 Mr. John H. Cobb ’51 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Coleman ’77 Mr. and Mrs. John A. Corr ’69 Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Cox ’55 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Cross, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Crosson, CPA ’47 Dr. and Mrs. Frank L. Cucé ’83 Mr. and Mrs. James H. Cusack ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Cushing ’66 Dr. and Mrs. Michael P. Daly ’70 Dr. and Mrs. Joseph F. D’Angelo, EdD ’63 Mr. Francis B. Danielski, O. Praem. ’67 Col. and Mrs. Edward E. Davis, USMC(Ret.) ’36 Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Dean Mr. and Mrs. George A. DeFrehn ’70 Mr. Christopher L. DePaul ’03 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Derderian ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Francis P. Devine, Esq. ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Devine ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Devinney ’69 Mr. and Mrs. A. Christopher Dezzi, Jr. ’91 Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Dillon ’55 Mr. and Mrs. Louis R. Di Maria ’58 LTC and Mrs. James F. Dittrich, USA(Ret.) ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Doherty ’57 Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Dolan Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Dolaway IV ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Francis D. Donaghy ’57 Mrs. Linda A. and James Donahue Reverend Thomas F. Donnelly, MM ’45 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Donohue ’53 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Dougherty, Esq. ’78 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin B. Dougherty ’00 Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Dougherty Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Dowling ’55 Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Duffy, CPA ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Duffy ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Dunphy ’83 Mr. Corey Durkin ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Duzinski Mr. Stephen A. Duzinski ’11 Mr. Edward W. and Mrs. Kristin O. Easley Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Echelmeier, PE ’51 Mr. Richard H. Emenecker ’57 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Farrington Mr. and Mrs. John P. Farris ’50

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Fastrich ’53 Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Field ’67 Ms. Sharon O. Finnegan Mr. James P. Finore ’03 LTC and Mrs. Daniel J. Fischer, USA(Ret.) ’50 Mr. and Mrs. Craig M. Fitzgerald ’91 Honorable and Mrs. James J. Fitzgerald III Dr. and Mrs. John C. Flanagan ’49 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Flood ’55 Mrs. Ann and Mr. Kenneth J. Ford Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Ford ’58 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Foster ’43 Capt. and Mrs. Joseph R. Fowler, USAF(Ret.) ’55 Mr. and Mrs. William D. Fox, Jr. ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher G. Franks Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Friel ’93 Mr. and Mrs. John A. Gallagher ’58 Mrs. Mary R. Gallagher In Memory of William J. Gallagher ’45 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Gallen ’55 Mr. and Mrs. Keith J. Gavin CDR Victor M. Gavin, USN(Ret.) ’53 Mr. and Mrs. Terrence P. Gillespie ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Gillespie, Jr. ’57 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy F. Gillespie ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Dominic P. Girondo ’66 Mr. Jay A. Giunta ’09 Mr. Gerald J. Givnish ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick W. Gorman ’96 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Grace ’73 Mr. John A. Grady ’55 Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Graf, Jr. ’93 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Granahan, CFA ’53 Mr. Timothy E. Green ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Groome Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Guerin, Sr. ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Haesler Mrs. Carol V. and Mr. Philip C. Haggerty Mr. Christopher G. Halpin ’96 Mr. James F. Haney ’69 Mr. Robert M. and Mrs. Mary A. Haney • Mr. Robert B. Haney ’00 • Mr. Ian A. Haney ’10 Mr. and Mrs. Howard F. Hansell ’53 Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Happ ’50 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Harp, Jr. ’95 Mr. and Mrs. James P. Hartey ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Hauck ’43 Mr. and Mrs. William M. Havard ’49 Mr. and Mrs. Jerome F. Heavey ’58 Mr. Brendan M. Heck ’03 Mr. Daniel Helmick

28 La Salle College High School Fulfilling the Promise The Principals Circle

Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Heraty ’72 Mr. William and Mary V. Hicks Mr. and Mrs. Larry P. Hill ’65 Dr. and Mrs. Theodore T. Hindson ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Hoban ’47 Mr. Robert J. Hughes ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher K. Hyder Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Idler ’89 Dr. Joseph T. Jacobsen ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Karl J. Jones ’55 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Jones, Jr. ’92 Mr. and Mrs. John A. Keenan Mr. Douglas J. Kelly ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Kelly ’60 Mr. Matthew M. Kelly ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Kershner ’67 Mr. Jeffry E. and Mrs. Gina A. King Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Kochanowicz ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Kohler ’69 Mr. Paul Kolodchak ’47 Mr. and Mrs. George J. Konesky III ’72 Mr. and Mrs. George M. Kozub ’60 Mr. and Mrs. John A. Kwoka ’48 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. LaBella ’78 • Mr. Gabriel G. LaBella ’15 Mr. Gary S. LaPalombara ’73 Mr. Thomas M. Lasky ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Lembach ’50 Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Leonard • Mr. Edward J. Leonard ’96 • Mr. Anthony J. Leonard ’98 • Mr. Thomas A. Leonard ’01 Mr. James P. and Mrs. Christina Letcavage • Mr. Philip G. Letcavage ’10 • Mr. Noah J. Letcavage ’15 Mr. Matthew F. Lewandowski II ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Lichtner Mr. and Mrs. Erik M. Link ’91 Mr. David H. Lofgren ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Lofgren ’66 Mr. and Mrs. James P. Logue, Jr. ’43 Mr. Henry W. K. Londergan ’69 Mr. Christian S. Lopez ’92 Dr. and Mrs. Philip J. Lopresti ’53 Mr. George J. Lordi, Jr. ’60 Mr. Michael I. Lottier ’95 Mr. William A. Loughery ’03 Mr. and Mrs. William P. Loughery ’70 Mr. and Mrs. John P. Lynch ’51 Mr. Robert W. Lynch ’51 Mr. Kevin M. Lyons ’98

Mr. Trevor J. Martin ’03 Mr. and Mrs. David J. Martosella ’83 Mrs. Barbara Mas Mr. Stephen and Mrs. Dorothy A. Mascione Mr. and Mrs. William T. Matonis ’50 Mr. Ronald B. Matthew, Jr. ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Edward McCabe Mr. L. Marshall McCloskey, Jr. ’57 Mr. and Mrs. Sean M. McDermott ’93 Dr. and Mrs. Vincent T. McDermott, Jr. ’50 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin B. McDevitt Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. McDonnell ’51 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. McDonnell Mr. Garrett S. McDowell ’03 Mr. and Mrs. David M. McElvenney ’74 Mr. and Mrs. James J. McGill ’57 Mr. and Mrs. Brian T. McGlynn ’76 • Polaris Construction Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. McGlynn ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. McGorry, Jr. ’43 Mr. Matthew G. McGurkin ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. McGurkin ’72 Mr. and Mrs. William P. McLaughlin, Jr. ’82 Mr. and Mrs. William J. McManus, Esq. ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. McMonagle ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. McMonagle ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. McNally ’51 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. McNichol ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. McQuillan ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Merlini ’99 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Michele ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Edmund I. Milewski ’48 Mr. David A. Mitchell ’86 Brother Gerard F. Molyneaux, FSC, PhD Mr. Sean P. Mooney ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Morretta ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Morris ’69 Mr. and Mrs. S. Lee Morton ’50 Mr. William E. Morton ’60 Mr. and Mrs. William E. Morton ’70 Mr. and Mrs. James M. Muehlbronner ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Muehlbronner Mr. and Mrs. John J. Muir ’55 Dr. and Mrs. Matthew P. Mullen ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Muller ’74 Mr. and Mrs. William T. Mulligan ’51 Dr. and Mrs. John P. Murray ’49 Mr. Patrick D. Murray ’95 Mr. David A. Naab ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony P. Neri ’67

29 La Salle College High School Fulfilling the Promise The Principals Circle

Mr. Douglas P. and Mrs. Barbara S. Neufeld Mr. and Mrs. Francis W. News ’47 Mr. and Mrs. David H. Nocentino ’93 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis E. Nolen ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Nolen, Jr. ’55 Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Nolfi ’69 Mr. Rajesh C. Noronha ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. O’Brien III ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. O’Donnell Mr. Matthew J. O’Donnell ’03 Mr. Thomas J. O’Donnell ’05 Dr. Dennis J. O’Hara ’69 Mr. Joseph M. O’Pella ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Ottaviano ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Panettieri ’78 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Pascuzzo ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Keith J. Pensabene ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Pettineo ’49 Mr. and Mrs. James J. Phelan ’47 Mr. Robert A. Philipp ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Posimo ’68 Dr. John A. Pron ’69 Mr. Daniel N. Purtell ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Ragusa ’85 Dr. and Mrs. G. Russell Reiss, Jr. ’46 Brother James F. Rieck, FSC ’57 Mr. and Mrs. John Roberts The Roesser Family • Mr. George and Mrs. Judith Roesser • Mr. Jonathan D. Roesser '88 • Mr. Matthew G. Roesser '93 Mr. and Mrs. Theodore M. Rogers, Jr. '48 Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas M. Rongione '72 Mr. Patrick R. Rose '99 1st Lt. Patrick S. Salvitti, USN '99 Mr. and Mrs. Gene J. Sandone '69 Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Santora • Mr. Jordan T. Santora ’12 Mr. Louis A. Santoro, Jr. ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest P. Scalzo ’72 Mr. Michael C. Schafle ’97 Mrs. Patricia Schaum Dr. and Mrs. John J. Schiller, Jr. ’53 Mr. and Mrs. Kurt W. Schneider Mr. Carl W. Schoepe ’46 Mr. and Mrs. John R. Schulte, Jr. ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Sciulli ’53 Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Shea ’55 Mr. Matthew J. Singer ’78 Mr. and Mrs. David J. Smith ’51

Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Smith ’73 Mr. Jason H. Spera ’89 Mrs. Joan A. Speziale In Honor of Sam Speziale • Mr. Matthew E. Keller '12 • Mr. Ryan M. Keller '14 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Stabilito '85 Mr. Christopher J. Stanton '99 Mr. and Mrs. James E. Stanton '50 Mr. Christopher Staub '00 Mr. and Mrs. Glenn E. Stockmal '85 Mr. Edward G. Stromberg III '95 Mr. and Mrs. W. Trevor Swan, Jr. '69 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Szal, Jr. '71 Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Szczech '98 Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Taboga '68 Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Ternosky '68 Brother Kevin A. Tidd, OSB '88 Mr. and Mrs. John P. Valinis '92 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Vecchione, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Vitale, Jr. '60 Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Waitkus Mr. Robert P. Waitkus '07 Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Wallace '73 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Walls III '89 Mr. John F. Walsh, Esq. '69 Mr. Damian H. and Mrs. Jo-Anne Ward Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Weber '73 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Weinstein, Esq. '74 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Welsh, Jr. '45 Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Whalen, Jr. '53 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Whelpley '72 Mr. Colin M. Whitaker '03 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Williams '59 Mr. Joseph F. Winning '03 Col. and Mrs. George J. Woods, USA(Ret.) '50 Mr. and Mrs. Francis P. Yannessa, Jr. '60

30 La Salle College High School Fulfilling the Promise The Principals Circle

Lay Leaders Society


Following the adoption of the President/Principal model of leadership in 1989, Mr. David Diehl became the first lay Principal of La Salle College High School. He was succeeded by Mr. Fred Assaf in 2000 and later by Mr. Joseph Marchese in 2005. Today, the lay leadership follows the philosophy and teachings of the Founder, Saint John Baptist de La Salle, and supports the mission of the Christian Brothers. Anonymous Mr. Charles E. Adler ’41 Mr. and Mrs. John P. Bacon ’41 Mrs. Marie Baer Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Banecker Mr. and Mrs. James F. Behr ’78 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Bell, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Francis P. Bogle ’41 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Boland ’57 Mr. and Mrs. James C. Braca ’77 Mr. Kevin Brewster ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Buonomo ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Burke ’53 Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Burns ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Burns ’83 Mr. Ryan Cain ’07 Mr. and Mrs. Mark B. Carney ’74 Mrs. Theresa Carr Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Ciufo Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Clemente ’89 Mr. Kevin C. Colgan ’69 Brother Kenneth Cook, FSC Mr. William D. and Mrs. Anna L. Cordivari Mr. Kevin J. Cornely ’72 Mr. P. Matthew Cornely ’00 Mr. Thomas N. Craig ’92 Mr. and Mrs. David W. Crowe Mr. John L. Czarnecki ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Martin P. D’Amico Mr. Michael J. DeSantis ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick C. Devine Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Devlin ’00 Mr. John P. DiIulio ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F. DiRe ’45 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Donohue, Jr., Esq. ’58 Capt. and Mrs. Michael J. Dougherty, USN ’69 Mr. Thomas D. Dougherty ’00

Mrs. Margaret J. Doyle Mr. John J. Dubyk ’82 Mr. and Mrs. John P. Dunn ’83 Mr. Joseph J. Dwyer ’03 Mr. Timothy F. Dwyer, Jr. ’03 Mrs. Adele G. Eble Col. and Mrs. George J. Edelmann, USMC(Ret.) ’39 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Ellis ’68 Mr. Thomas F.X. Emore ’69 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Farris ’81 Dr. J. Raymond Fitzpatrick III ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Fritzsche ’57 Mrs. Clare B. Fuhs Mr. James P. Gardner ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Gardner III ’99 Reverend Monsignor Joseph P. Garvin ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Gaughan ’45 Mr. and Mrs. William A. Geiger ’72 Mr. Thomas J. Ginty ’40 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Gordon ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Gerard F. Gradel, Sr. ’49 Mr. and Mrs. Francis V. Grant ’47 LTC and Mrs. John M. Grasmeder, USA(Ret.) ’51 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Grassi ’57 Mr. Rodney H. Grimm ’82 Mr. Cosmo A. Guerra ’10 Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Harchut, Esq. ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Harris ’73 Mr. Rory M. Heenan ’03 Major Frederick C. Hellwig, USA(Ret.) ’76 Mr. Robert J. Hewson ’48 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory D. Hildebrandt Mr. and Mrs. James R. J. Hilferty ’49 Mr. John W. Hocker ’04 Mr. Charles R. Hodges ’44 Ms. Jeanne Holt-Brabson Mr. and Mrs. John M. Huhn ’60 Mr. Matthew F. Johnson ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond R. Kaelin ’47 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kavanaugh ’57 Mr. and Mrs. Francis C. Keenan ’53 Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Keller ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Brennan T. Kelly ’85 Mr. and Mrs. James P. Kilbride ’57 Dr. and Mrs. Michael C. Komelasky ’65 MSgt Philip E. Krzywicki, USAF ’82 Mr. Thomas F. Lamprecht, Esq. ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Landers ’74 Mr. Walter M. Larios ’71 Mr. Edward B. Lawless III ’03 Mr. and Mrs. William L. Leahy Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Lendzinski ’99 Mrs. Celeste D. LePrevost

31 La Salle College High School Fulfilling the Promise The Principals Circle

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Lowry, Esq. ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. MacCrory Mr. Seamus B. MacCrory ’10 Mr. and Mrs. John C. Mackin, Jr. ’45 Mr. and Mrs. Brian F. Maguire ’66 Mr. John J. and Mrs. Margaret A. Maloney Mr. and Mrs. David P. Manion LTC and Mrs. Fred V. Manzo, USA(Ret.) ’55 Mr. George J. Margraff, Jr. ’51 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Margre ’49 Mr. and Mrs. John E. Markowski ’94 Mr. and Mrs. Ryan R. Marsh ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Martin ’44 Mr. Ronald W. Martin, Jr. ’93 Dr. and Mrs. John A. Masucci ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. McBride ’41 Mr. Duane C. and Mrs. Bernadette M. McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. McDermott, Jr. ’69 Mr. and Mrs. John P. McElvenny, Jr. ’50 Mr. and Mrs. Mark G. McElwee ’64 Mr. and Mrs. James E. McGoldrick ’39 Mr. Michael P. McGovern ’94 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. McGowan ’69 Mr. and Mrs. John McGranaghan Mrs. Jane B. McNally and Mr. Kevin McNally Mr. Mark F. Miller ’77 Mr. Stephen P. Miller ’03 Mrs. Barbara and Mr. William H. Miller III Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Milligan ’77 Mr. George and Mrs. Anne Mirsch Mr. and Mrs. William S. Mitchell ’58 Mr. James D. Monahan ’74 Mr. Michael P. and Susan V. Montgomery Mrs. Catherine M. Moore Mr. Patrick J. Moore ’98 Mr. Philip H. Morris and Margaret Loughery Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Murphy, Jr., Esq. ’67 Dr. and Mrs. Theodore A. Nawalinski ’60 Mr. and Mrs. James J. Nicolo, Jr. ’93 Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Noonan ’86 LTC William J. O’Donnell, USAF(Ret.) ’38 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. O’Malley ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Philip P. O’Neill ’41 Mr. and Mrs. Terence C. O’Neill ’74 Mr. Matthew J. Pace ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Guido C. Pacitti ’49 Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Palmer ’57 Mr. and Mrs. Martin G. Pendergast ’45 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Penrose ’51 Mr. and Mrs. George M. Poley Mr. John P. Poley ’00 Mr. and Mrs. John P. Presto ’53

The Price Family • Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Price, Esq. • Mr. Matthew R. Price '03 • Mr. Justin T. Price '07 Mr. and Mrs. Alfred O. Puntel Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Quinn '95 Mr. Robert J. Rainey '45 Mr. and Mrs. Philip G. Regan '77 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Resch Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Riesle '50 Mr. Mark and Mrs. Nancy Rounbehler • Mr. Mark J. Rounbehler ’14 Mr. and Mrs. John R. Rutkowski ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Santangelo ’95 Mr. and Mrs. Bernard E. Saxon ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Scally ’58 Mr. and Mrs. Mathew T. Schaffer ’99 Mr. David A. Schmel ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Fred K. Schmitt ’57 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Schmitz ’53 Mr. Bryant M. Schultz ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Sheehan ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Hugh J. Sheridan ’57 Mr. Michael G. and Mrs. Lizabeth Shertz Mr. Michael G. Shertz, Jr. ’07 Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Skorpinski ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Snyder ’50 Mr. Christopher M. Szal ’73 Mr. Gabor J. and Mrs. Lisa M. Szokolyai Mr. Robert M. Thompson, Jr. ’82 Mr. Michael N. and Mrs. Patricia H. Tillger Mr. John P. Toner, Jr. ’10 Ms. Taya N. Turner Ms. Victoria Vann-White Mr. Michael R. Venafra ’06 Mr. Gerardo D. Ventresca, Jr. ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Vizza Mr. and Mrs. James P. Ward ’46 Mr. and Mrs. James J. Watson ’94 Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Welde ’57 Dr. and Mrs. George F. West ’58 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Whelpley ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Wilkin ’91 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Williams Mr. and Mrs. David R. Woll ’60 Mr. John A. Wrzenski ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wynn ’88 Mr. Alfred A. and Mrs. Alberta S. Wysocki Mr. Thomas D. Yannessa ’58 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Yurick III ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Yuskavage ’70 Mr. Mark J. and Mrs. Carol J. Zielinski ’77

32 La Salle College High School Fulfilling the Promise

Fulfilling the Promise

Class Captains Chikwere N. Amachi ‘99

Martin E. Feeny ‘90

Eugene J. Maginnis, Esq. ‘69

Stephen T. Rietzke ‘85

Charles J. Ansel ‘41

John C. Fenningham, Esq. ‘68

George T. Magnatta ‘73

John D. Rilling, CPA ‘83

Robert J. Ball ‘93

Timothy B. Fenningham, Esq. ‘98

Andrew J. Malone, CPA ‘78

Mark D. Ruegg ‘98

Vincent J. Barker ‘53

Kevin P. Flynn ‘67

James P. Malone, Sr. ‘53

Alfred P. Salvitti ‘70

Andrew M. Bartynski ‘03

Sean P. Flynn ‘83

William J. Markmann, MD ‘66

Leslie E. Schmalbach ‘60

Ernest M. Behr ‘73

Brett T. Foley ‘00

Del C. Markward ‘77

William C. Seiberlich ‘47

Evan S. Behr ‘99

Christopher J. Foley ‘83

William W. Matthews III, Esq. ‘86

S. Paul Sharkey ‘98

William J. Benz, Esq. ‘72

George F. Foley ‘76

James E. McCloskey ‘64

Kenneth Shaw, Jr. ‘60 Jonathan H. Shevlin ‘95

Gerald J. Binder ‘69

Gerard T. Foley ‘74

Timothy W. McDonald ‘99

John M. Bissell ‘66

Timothy J. Foley ‘66

Eugene J. McGonigle, PhD ‘60

Matthew J. Shevlin ‘93

Kevin F. Brett ‘68

John A. Gallagher ‘58

Stephen L. McGonigle ‘68

Joseph B. Shott ‘82

Joseph J. Brooks ‘77

Stephen A. Gardner ‘72

Matthew G. McGurkin ‘03

Joseph F. Slabinski, III ‘67

Justin E. Capetola ‘98

David A. Geppert ‘76

Paul T. McGurkin, Jr. ‘00

Walter J. Small ‘38

Christopher M. Carabello ‘82

Mark A. Gibbons ‘92

James T. McLaughlin ‘57

Edward R. Solvibile ‘58

Michael W. Cassidy, Esq. ‘74

Anthony J. Gillespie ‘68

Thomas K. McMahon ‘03

David C. Spangler ‘98

Mark M. Chadwick ‘85

Charles W. Greenberg ‘51

James M. McMonagle ‘58

Martin W. Stanczak ‘60

Joseph F. Chiarantona ‘98

Ronald S. Guerra ‘76

Matthew J. McMullin ‘96

Mark D. Sutton ‘72

Joseph F. Ciccimaro ‘57

P. Bradley Guidi ‘97

Stephen J. McNichol ‘65

Robert T. Szostak, Esq. ‘72

Harry C. Citrino, III ‘95

Christopher P. Haley ‘86

John F. Meehan, Jr. ‘67

Raphael S. Tancredi ‘53

Joseph J. Colistra, Jr. ‘64

John M. Hammond ‘97

Gregg R. Melinson, Esq. ‘82

Richard J. Target ‘99 Raymond J. Tatlow, Jr. ‘38

Kevin R. Connor ‘82

Joseph J. Hanna, OD ‘49

Geoffrey A. Meyer ‘69

Cornelius A. Cunningham ‘58

Joseph F. Hartnett, Jr. ‘69

Conrad J. Miller, Jr. ‘50

William D. Vare ‘49

Walter W. Dearolf III, MD ‘74

James M. Hasson ‘85

Frank J. Miller, CPA ‘55

Benjamin J. Ventresca, Jr. ‘70

Bernard J. Dillon, Jr. ‘55

C. Clark Hodgson, Jr., Esq. ‘57

Harry B. Miller, Jr. ‘58

Gerardo D. Ventresca, Jr. ‘77

James A. Donahue III ‘86

E. Patrick Hughes, IV ‘97

Andrew J. Milligan, PhD ‘69

Gabriel P. Vizza ‘95

Joseph H. Donahue ‘58

Peter J. Keenan ‘58

Robert P. Moran ‘69

William J. Wasylenko, Jr. ‘69

Michael F. Donohoe, DC ‘79

Paul J. Kelly, III ‘74

Joseph T. Morrissey, Jr. ‘83

John J. Whalen ‘67

William T. Donohoe, Jr. ‘96

Brian D. Kent ‘96

Michael W. Morsell ‘97

Colin M. Whitaker ‘03

Robert J. Donohue ‘53

John F. Kent, Esq. ‘68

Francis E. Murphy ‘67

Patrick J. White, DC ‘69

Christopher T. Doran ‘85

Sean D. Kent ‘99

William E. Murphy ‘96

Christopher J. Williamson, Jr. ‘99

Kevin E. Dougherty ‘00

H. Brad Kerr, IV ‘03

John J. News ‘44

Joseph F. Winning ‘03

Stephen P. Dougherty ‘69

Brother Richard Kestler, FSC ‘60

Glenn A. Nolfi ‘69

Michael J. Winning ‘74

Michael P. Dungan ‘03

Michael D. Kilkenny ‘99

Kevin M. Olender ‘93

George A. Winslow ‘82

Charles E. Dunleavy, Jr. ‘61

John L. Langan ‘55

Gerald P. O’Neill ‘55

John W. Wozniak ‘77

Charles J. Dunton, MD ‘70

Denis J. Lawler, Esq. ‘66

Michael E. Osborne ‘65

Francis P. Yannessa, Jr. ‘60

Robert J. Durney ‘57

John J. Lee ‘55

Frank C. Palopoli, Jr. ‘95

Joseph J. Zaiss, Jr. ‘69

Michael T. Durso ‘97

E. Dennis Lehman, Jr. ‘69

William R. Regli ‘58

John J. Farris ‘81

Joseph F. Lynch ‘61

Brother James F. Rieck, FSC ‘57

33 La Salle College High School Fulfilling the Promise The Founders Circle

Fulfilling the Promise

Capital Campaign Cabinet Brother Richard Kestler, FSC ‘60 President Al J. Gabriele Chairman Charles E. Dunleavy, Jr. ‘61 Chairman Emeritus Ernest “Chip” M. Behr ‘73 Vice Chairman Benjamin J. Ventresca, Jr. ‘70 Vice Chairman Emeritus

Michael D. McCarthy ‘65 James F. Basile, Esq. ‘82 James T. McLaughlin ‘57 Catherine A. Cassidy Robert P. Moran ‘69 James D. Danella Michael E. Osborne ‘65 Domenic M. DiPiero ‘63 Andrew T. Rakowski ‘98 John E. Glaser ‘58 Peter V. Scola ‘92 S. John Gorman IV ‘67 Walter J. Small ‘38 Christopher P. Haley ‘86 Edward R. Solvibile ‘58 Timothy P. Hughes ‘72 Rev. Anthony W. Janton ‘69 John J. Whalen ‘67 Daniel J. Whelan, Esq. ‘63 Anthony J. Maginnis ‘76

Daniel L. McGowan Vice President Institutional Advancement Campaign Director Robert F. McAnespey ‘66 Director of Development & Planned Giving Paul D. Colistra ‘00 Major Gifts Officer

La Salle College High School 8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania 19038 215 233 2350 phone 215 836 4502 fax alumni@lschs.org www.lschs.org

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