Mr. John Mills '12 Patrick Ryan '23Page 1
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Joey Young
Dylan Cawley
Page 2 James Reitmeyer
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Daniel Borrero
Kevin Derr
Max Wickersham
Chris Lasky
Samuel Ross
Jack Farren
Thomas Yaegel
Shay Channell
Cameron Stimmler
Aiden Opiela
Eddie Sutter
Patrick Ryan
Sam Otis
Shay Channell
Addison Tornetta
Nick Tait
Cameron Stimmler
Luis Hearn
Quinn Ryan
Jeffrey Craig
Jacob Sciscio
Chase Vitulich
Joey Young
Chase Vitulich
Horace Simmons
I just thought you should know, I’ve been with you at your best and your worst, I’ve seen your life in person, through a screen, You aren’t how you used to be.
But there’s nothing I can do—
What’s done is done— I can help you, but I can’t change the world.
You have to fight this on your own.

I still love you.
I just thought you should know.
Flying rockets blaze above, piercing clouds with metal domes and checkered sides in white and red.
Gleaming iron, thin as paper, slices easily through thick stems
Men turn gears all interlinked, as they move forward: progress and labor!
Men march forward in order and chant as plated shoes hit the ground in unison.
Sharp needles slowly dive through the skin and muscle; a chemical substance is released, and spreads quickly.
Boulders roll quickly down the mountain.
Crowds wait at the bottom, hands extended to stop it to catch it to embrace it.
I stand on boulders
Life created again
Made by the titans

A new Adam to behold
Through time and pressure
Humans become like God
Never to be moved
But only for a moment
Not by mortal hands
Eden is still out of reach
I have always wondered what resides at the center of the Universe. Place, thing, or being pulling the rest of us in.
Between clouds gray and black, fractured upon the ground, White and cold as snow, A thousand eyes stare back. It streamed through the window, From shattered broken fragments on a cold winter’s night. The whole is lost and gone, a ray of cold moonlight Never to come back together.

I want more of the little things in life like going to the zoo, eating lunch on the beach, and spending time with my family.

I want to do what I enjoy the most like snowboarding, or playing lacrosse, or cooking.
I want to be happy prove to myself that I can change, that I can get better, that I can succeed.
I’m trying my best to bring success Run with what the world gives
A hoodie with no hood
Green apron
A long sleeve-
Burnt brown
Keeps me warm when cold.
The valley in the basement Turns gray to green and
plain to extraordinary
Pale plastic pretense
boring to madness to serenity
I was so close it seemed
never gets old
silver piercings...
If I could be one, I would
Red tape
Reaching It glistened then stopped and blinded my mind

Only if the stars align
If I control myself, I control the stars; formless, endless.
Only if the stars align
I will align the stars for you because the stars can move; I do not move the stars, but the stars can move.
Only if the stars align
In a world of chances, the stars will move for us. We will take risks, seek opportunities, and look at the sky in a different way.
My cheeks are damp from the moonlight because it only shines for me. I love you to Saturn and back. I will protect you from the meteors since you hate your dimples, and I’ll still make a wish for us. We laugh at the hollow souls below. Oh, how they wish! I just wish we didn’t have to go through these phases; you are always full to me. Just stay—I wish you could come down with me. The birds will find their way again, and those waves are fine. I prefer the current anyway.

Animals don’t exactly have any idea what time is. The sun rises and falls every so often, which means that it’s time to sleep. They lay down and think of nothing but what their stomach tells them. Minds struggling to fall asleep are nonexistent when thoughts are only of the present. The sun rises and falls and once more it is time to walk and explore and eat, nothing more, nothing less. Months and seasons can pass by. Leaves in a swift current.
Soon the cycle starts from its beginning, but also its end. An old animal falls, a new animal rises. Curious, how time, ever present, was only named by thought. Thought that animals surely don’t have. The sun falls, which means it's time for sleep again.
No matter how it’s perceived, this place is strange. Although you would never notice at first glance, these symmetrical halls and rooms are a collection of only the most bizarre. Although I struggle to believe it, everyone here used to be normal, or at least, they seemed it. From the winged weasel to his brittle kindred, everything was once as expected. But, to my chagrin, time affected them, turning them anomalous. No, perhaps that isn’t it, perhaps they became more truthful, less shrouded in pomp and circumstance. As they change, I find myself increasingly annoyed with them, like biting into an apple and tasting an orange. Perhaps they are not the only ones. Perhaps I am strange myself.

I have no thoughts I hear no noise
But nothing is something which means I can hear something
I don’t know what color my last piece of gum is and my glue sticks have rhythm but rhythm isn’t spelled how it looks
Math is red and 7 is yellow and science is green and English is blue
5 is blue and 3x5 is blue but 7x9 is orange
I don’t like math or even Spanish but I’m writing nothing important Nothing is still something

The world was quiet, save for the occasional gust of wind and the rhythmic rise and fall of a set of solitary footsteps. A lone wanderer moved through the ruined remains of the city, the crumbling buildings and overgrown greenery a stark contrast to how the city existed in his memory. He listened for threats, human or otherwise, over the noise of the wind.
"I barely made it away from those raiders; I can’t risk another close call," he thought to himself.
Low on ammunition, his next fight could be his last. To make matters worse during his last firefight, he had lost his Geiger counter and his gasmask had been destroyed. If he accidently wandered into a radiation hot zone, there would be no hope for survival. I just need to get lucky and find a peaceful settlement. As he continued his march, he passed building after building, all in the same state of disrepair, occasionally stopping to search for any supplies. He did not find any.
He saw something in the distance; a glowing yellow light that stood out more and more as the darkness of night arrived. It seemed suspended in the air, the ominous glow making the wanderer wary of approaching too quickly. He moved towards it slowly, eyes scanning his surroundings. As he neared, he saw a building, clean and perfectly preserved, fluorescent light spilling out of the windows.
“What the actual hell?” he said, out loud for the first time in a long time.
The yellow glow he saw before came from a sign, with text, which caused him more surprise and confusion than even a nuclear apocalypse and mutated creatures. The sign read: Waffle House. And then he smelled it: freshly cooked sausage, waffles, and coffee. It filled him with nostalgia, thoughts of his life before the war. Losing himself and his instincts in the rush of memory, he pushed the door open. A bell rang overhead as he entered. The interior looked as if the war had never happened. Tables and chairs as clean as they were going to get, fluorescent lighting overhead, and a waitress standing behind the counter.
"Hello! Welcome to Waffle House!” she greeted. “Please feel free to take a seat anywhere you’d like. I’ll be over with a menu in a moment.”
“Um, thank you?”
He looked at the menu she placed in front of him. It looked exactly as it would have looked before everything happened.
“I’ll take two waffles, some eggs and sausages, I guess. And some coffee too please,” he ordered, still not sure if he was dreaming or not.
She wrote down the order on a notepad. “Perfect. That’ll be out in a few minutes.” She went through a door behind the counter to what he assumed was the kitchen.
He picked at his meal when it arrived, trying to determine if the sausage was actually human meat, but it appeared to be in order.
“How do I pay?” He asked the waitress.
“Oh, we trade for supplies. A few bullets should do.” He dropped the last of his bullets on the table, and walked out the door.
I’m the creator of all life
Left untapped, I flow free dangerous and unknowable as a knife

a mirror of the world you see the world you fill with debris
so carefree, browning my blue beauty ignoring your duty
One day soon, I'll glisten and gleam
a mutiny of sea and stream
But for now, it seems, you prefer me unclean
my vision, blurred by the water— die for it, kill for it— flow before my eyes, as long as it’s mine.
the light grows faint, eternal euphoria fabricated, consumed by inevitable.
“It’s never enough,”
Grasping for nothing ahead— it can't die this time.

Consciousness is the science to the art of your imagination geometry is the solution to the waves they crash in peaks on the valleys of immortality

Water moves freely with no boundaries.
How deep does it go?
We still float. Sound surrounds you; engulfs you.
The only thing that confines water is the vessel in which it is held. Water adapts and conforms to its environment: its worst quality, but also its best.
How do colors work?

They reflect the light into our eyes
So, is everything is a color?
People are like colors, reflecting light into our eyes; That’s how we feel love and pain. Our goodness reflects light and their evil rejects it; That’s how we know right from wrong.
who is to say
that it matters at all?
So pale and so cold in the shadows of foreboding a lost soul in search of escape from their fate regret remains in the dark with their secret despair forever
In the distance, trees flow as the sun and moon glow. In sequence, I will be seen along with others that shimmer and gleam. Not all have this bright light, but each of them might.

A history of struggle, a fight to keep out the forces of darkness. Struggled against God, struggled against one another. Devoid of meaning, they created their own: to become God, to control the forces that cannot be controlled. From the stick to the hoe to the plow, the earth bent to their will. Metallic hands guided the future through the design of their creators, a bountiful future. Lives, subject to the machinations of machinery, controlled as a god controls the weather. Slaughtered, harvested, molded in their image: resources converge historically…

A chicken McNugget, shoved into a greasy maw passed a rhythmically bouncing gullet beneath the glowing arches.
Chick-fil-a chicken sandwich, the most exquisite of meals Each ingredient from top to bottom, so flavorful and pure When Sunday comes around, I get in my feels.
The Chick-fil-a sauce is an important part, too; When I go to get a sandwich, I need at least two.
Such an elegant meal, it should be shared with the world! The best sandwich of all; this statement is true. A sandwich from anywhere else? I would have hurled.

I walked to my car as the cold bit against my face. The night sky ripped the saturation off of the world like a great, black band aid. As the wind tore at my coat, I heard it: something whispered in the night. The gloomy trees spoke to me secret words I should not have heard. A name I did not know I owned; an invitation.
As I ventured into the thicket, roots pulled at my ankles. I felt shadows looming over me. I slipped—into the night, into the darkness—and joined them.
At home on this little street, you stood and watched; silent, patient, still. Oh, to know what in that eyeless sight you saw! Seed to sapling; sapling to giant. What memories did you keep closed tight within you?
How many have you seen come and go? How many have you seen plant themselves here and, once grown, fall? How many have passed you by just as I have?
Beginnings and endings, successes and failures. How quietly you died. And when you did, you took it all with you. Quiet now; all quiet.
Old baseball cards
Dusty, worthless comics
A cockroach or two
Maybe mouse feces
Leftover insulation
Family photos
Capturing the past
Wedding dresses
Stained tuxedos
A shattered mirror

Reflecting broken rays of light
Old writing
A glimpse into the past