Strategic Plan - A Vision for the Third Decade of the New Millennium - 2016-2021

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Vision for the Third Decade of the New Millennium 2016–2021

Dear Members of the La Salle College High School Family,

This is indeed a time of “Grace and Favor from the Lord” at La Salle College High School! Each day, our school is bustling with an incredible diversity of academic, extracurricular, and athletic endeavors. In most of those activities, we experience a level of success few schools could aspire to. Programs and facilities alike are in a phase of expansion and development.

Truly, there is no better – or more important – time in an organization’s life to consider strategic initiatives for the future than when things are going well. Not to engage in such reflection is to invite self-satisfaction at best and entropy at worst to take ahold.

This publication presents to you La Salle’s third strategic plan in recent years. To inspire it, we returned to the core values of our Lasallian Mission and Catholic identity. To ground it, we sought input from hundreds of alumni, parents, faculty, staff, students, and educators from cooperating institutions. To create it, we considered the key elements that will propel us into being the school we wish to become: instruction; other programming;

a Christian community created by a diverse student body and staff. To support it, we considered the goals in enrollment, advancement, and facilities enhancement which will allow us to deliver an ever broader platform of educational services.

We present to you, La Salle: A Vision for the Third Decade of the New Millennium with gratitude for the input of so many constituents, with confidence that we can achieve its aims, and with optimism for the future it constructs. Most importantly of all, we present it with the conviction that we build God’s house here at La Salle College High School, echoing the words of our Founder, “Lord, the work is Yours.”

For the Governance and Leadership of the School,

Robert P. Moran, ’69 President Chairman, Board of Trustees

Salle: A Vision for the Third Decade of the New Millennium 2016–2021

Goal 1 Living the Mission, Continuing the Charism

Vision Statement: Given current realities, La Salle College High School will strengthen our commitment to and our community’s understanding of our Catholic Lasallian mission and values. Goal1

Objective 1

Encourage and invite community members to full and active participation in areas that promote the mission of La Salle College High School.

Action Step Outcome(s)

1. Increase participation in Lasallian formation programs (on campus, district wide, and regionally).

2. Increase faculty and staff participation in the Kairos retreat program.

3. Increase faculty and staff participation in our summer service programs.

4. Continue and enhance the communication about the Lasallian Mission.

Greater and broaden appreciation of and commitment to Mission.

Lead Person/ Team Responsible Timeline

Director of Mission and Ministry, Lasallian Formation Council, Principal

Start: Fall 2016 End: Ongoing

Greater and broader appreciation of and commitment to Mission.

Campus Ministers, Director of Mission and Ministry

Start: Fall 2016 End: ongoing (in tandem with 1.2.2)

Greater and broader appreciation of and commitment to Mission. Campus Ministers, Director of Mission and Ministry

Start: Summer 2017 End: ongoing

Greater and broader appreciation of and commitment to Mission.

President, Principal, Director of Mission and Ministry, Director of Communications

Start: Fall 2017 End: ongoing

La Salle: A Vision for the Third Decade of the New Millennium 2016–2021 3

Objective 2

Evaluate and enhance programs and initiatives that help advance the mission of La Salle College High School.

Action Step Outcome(s)

1. Establish an inter-departmental committee to explore the possibility of introducing yearly cross-curricular and/or school-wide themes that emphasize Catholic Social Teaching and Lasallian Values.

2. Evaluate the Kairos retreat program to ensure that it meets the needs of current adolescents.

3. Expand the formation program to possibly include alumni, parents, and past parents.

Increase of students’ awareness and connectedness of these themes.

Faculty collaboration.

Lead Person/ Team Responsible Timeline

Principal, Director of Curriculum, Academic Council, Chair of Religion

Start: Fall 2017 End: Spring 2018

4. Evaluate liturgies, prayer services, and other forms of worship. Establish a worship committee.

Better experience for students on Kairos.

Campus Ministers, Director of Mission and Ministry, Ministry and Service Student Leadership Team

Greater and broader appreciation of and commitment to Mission. Director of Mission and Ministry, Institutional Advancement, Lasallian Formation Council, Presidents of Men of La Salle, Mothers’ Club, Alumni Association

Enhanced liturgical and spiritual experiences. Increased student participation

Director of Mission and Ministry, Campus Ministers, Chaplain, Ministry and Service Student Leadership Team

Start: Fall 2016 End: ongoing (in tandem with 1.2.2)

Start: Fall 2018 End: Ongoing

New Millennium 2016–2021

Start: Fall 2016 End: Spring 2017

La Salle: A Vision for the Third Decade of the

Goal 2 Program

Vision Statement: La Salle College High School strives to create and implement structures and meaningful experiences that will allow our students to discover and hone the skills that will empower them to adapt, collaborate, communicate, and create in an ever-changing world of complex and diverse challenges. Goal2

Objective 1

To formulate curricular programs that enable all students to develop essential skills in oral, written, and digital communications; in collaboration and creative thinking across all curricular areas; and in technology and design to solve a diverse array of problems.

Action Step Outcome(s)

1. Design and implement an oral communications program required of all students.

2. Update the graduation requirements in the areas of fine arts, design, and technology and to review and revise the manner in which students can choose to complete these requirements.

Lead Person/ Team Responsible Timeline

The first-year English curriculum will include an oral communications component. English Department, Speech and Debate Moderators

Some graduation requirements will be adjusted.

Students will have choice in how they complete some of their requirements.

3. Develop a STEAM initiative. New courses as feasible in engineering and related areas.

New events for current and prospective students.

Director of Curriculum, IT and Fine Arts Departments

Start: Fall 2016 End: Fall 2017

Start: Fall 2018 End: Fall 2019

STEAM Coordinator, Science, Math, IT, and Fine Arts Departments, Director of Curriculum, Pre-HS Summer Program

4. Create a program that requires each student to complete an online course in his time at La Salle.

5. Plan curricular lessons for all students that involve collaboration and/or creative thinking.

All students will complete an online course before they graduate from La Salle.

Could provide more options, expanding the curriculum, and respond to student interests.

Teachers in all departments will develop lessons that require students to collaborate and to use creative thinking.

Technology Integration Specialists, Dean of Academic Affairs, Director of Curriculum

Start: Fall 2016 End: Fall 2018

Start: fall, 2017 End: fall, 2019

Dean of Academic Affairs, Director of Curriculum, Department Chairs

Start: Fall 2017 End: Fall 2019

La Salle: A Vision for the Third Decade of the New Millennium 2016–2021 7

Objective 2

To generate co-curricular and extra-curricular activities that empower all students to experience authentic and in-depth involvement and that spur personal, social, and moral growth.

Action Step Outcome(s)

1. Review and revise the master schedule. Master schedule supports objectives 1.5, 2.2, 2.3, and 2.5.

Students have more opportunity to participate in activities.

Lead Person/ Team Responsible Timeline

Principal, Dean of Academic Affairs, Scheduler

Start: Fall 2016 End: Fall 2017

2. Develop and implement a range of options that provide for the spiritual, cultural, artistic, social and physical participation of all students.

3. Develop relevant project-based learning opportunities within extracurricular activities.

4. Evaluate the feasibility and benefits of year-long student-designed projects both within and parallel to the curriculum.

All students will have meaningful participation in at least one extra-curricular activity.

Director of Mission and Ministry, Athletic Director, Chair of Student Activities

Extra-curricular project-based learning experiences are available to students Chair of Student Activities

An appointed committee will make a recommendation to the Academic Council as to the feasibility and merits of installing this program.

If the idea is approved, a curricular program will be initiated.

Principal, Academic Council, Dean of Academic Affairs, Director of Curriculum

Start: Fall 2016 End: Fall 2017

Start: Fall 2017 End: Fall 2018

Start: Fall 2018 End: Fall 2020

5. Review, revise, and expand the Mentor Program.

The responsibilities of mentors will be clearly defined.

More students will have the opportunity to serve as mentors.

More students will receive mentoring from peers.

New Millennium 2016–2021

Dean of Students, Moderators of Student Mentor Program

Start: Fall 2017 End: Fall 2018

La Salle: A Vision for the Third Decade of the

Goal 3 Teaching and Instruction

Vision Statement: La Salle College High School is a community in which teachers design instruction for a student-centered learning environment that provides the critical skills necessary for problem-solving, creative thinking and the application of knowledge for a changing world. In an environment that encourages collaboration and professional development, faculty will use technology to allow them to facilitate instruction and to foster excellence in teaching so that students will be prepared for college and will become life-long learners.


Objective 1

Create an inclusive process for defining Teaching Excellence to promote the fulfillment of school mission and academic program objectives.

Action Step Outcome(s)

1. Create an inclusive process for defining Teaching Excellence to ensure the fulfillment of school mission and academic program objectives.

2. Increase faculty professional development and ensure that there is regular participation.

3. Set up a structure for regular departmental and interdepartmental collaboration.

4. Investigate the value of establishing Professional Learning Communities to continue the learning, dialog and experimentation with new practices and strategies.

Gaining a consensus on expectations for faculty in their teaching.

Lead Person/ Team Responsible Timeline

Principal, Dean of Academics, Director of Curriculum, Academic Council

Start: Fall 2017

End: Fall 2018

Gaining perspectives and best practices and contributing to dialogue with colleagues about pedagogy.

Gaining perspectives and best practices and contributing to dialogs with colleagues about pedagogy.

If desirable, set up a structure around key pedagogical topics for groups to explore and report on to the wider community.

Principal Start: Fall 2017 End: Ongoing

Department Chairs, Academic Council Start: Fall 2019 End: Fall 2020

Academic Council Start: Fall 2019 End: Fall 2020


La Salle: A Vision for the Third Decade of the New
2016–2021 11

Objective 2

Increase the use of varied assessments and formative feedback to promote deeper learning.

Action Step Outcome(s)

1. Create in-service(s) on the topic of assessment.

Greater understanding about the topic. More dialog about varied assessments. More direction about expectations of regular assessments of student learning and timely feedback.

Lead Person/ Team Responsible Timeline

Principal, Dean of Academics, Director of Curriculum

Start: Fall 2016 End: Fall 2017

2. Increase the number and variety of assessments and the use of digital technologies for assessments.

Students are more frequently given the opportunity to express their understanding in a variety of ways. Faculty implement technology options, e.g. Web Assign, online quizzes, discussion boards

Academic Council, Department Chairs Start: Fall 2017 End: Fall 2018

3. Analyze opportunities for more frequent formative feedback and increase the level and timeliness of feedback.

Students receive more input and direction for their Ongoing learning. Faculty have more data to arrive at grades.

Academic Department Chairs, Academic Council

Start: Fall 2017 End: Fall 2019

New Millennium 2016–2021

La Salle: A Vision for the Third Decade of the

Objective 3

Develop core instructional practices infused with project-based learning and student collaboration that is interdisciplinary.

Action Step Outcome(s)

1. Develop the schedule that provides longer periods of time needed for student-centered instruction and creativity.

2. Provide faculty training in the use (planning, implementing, and assessing) of oral communication and collaboration.

Students learn at more in-depth levels.

Faculty use time blocks more creativity.

Lead Person/ Team Responsible Timeline

Principal, Dean of Academics, Director of Curriculum, Scheduler, Academic Council

Start: Fall 2016 End: Fall 2018

Faculty are trained in instructing and assessing oral communication and collaboration.

Direction on increasing activities with student collaboration and oral communication.

Principal, Dean of Academics, Director of Curriculum

Start: Fall 2017 End: Fall 2018

3. Evolve curricula to make room for interdisciplinary collaboration and project-based learning.

More connected learning takes place. Longer-term learning allows for more in-depth understanding.

More faculty collaboration.

Director of Curriculum, Academic Council Start: Fall 2019 End: Fall 2020

New Millennium 2016–2021

La Salle: A Vision for the Third Decade of the

The Oscar Romero Prayer

It helps now and then to step back and take a long view. The Kingdom is not only beyond our efforts, it is beyond our vision.

We accomplish in our lifetime only a fraction of the magnificent enterprise that is God’s work. Nothing we do is complete, which is another way of saying that the kingdom always lies beyond us. No statement says all that could be said. No prayer fully expresses our faith. No confession brings perfection, no pastoral visit brings wholeness. No program accomplishes the Church’s mission. No set of goals and objectives include everything.

This is what we are about. We plant the seeds that one day will grow. We water the seeds already planted knowing that they hold future promise.

We lay foundations that will need further development. We provide yeast that produces effects far beyond our capabilities.

We cannot do everything, and there is a sense of liberation in realizing this.

This enables us to do something, and to do it very well. It may be incomplete, but it is a beginning, a step along the way, an opportunity for the Lord’s grace to enter and do the rest. We may never see the end results, but that is the difference between the master builder and the worker.

We are workers, not master builders, ministers, not messiahs. We are prophets of a future not our own.

La Salle: A Vision for the Third Decade of the New Millennium 2016–2021 17

Goal 4 Student Profile and Diversity

Vision Statement: A key tenet of a Lasallian institution is that every member of the community is valued, respected, and included. La Salle College

High School strives to create an environment where differences in race, culture, religion, socioeconomic status, learning style, and sexual orientation are accepted and understood. With a developed awareness about diversity formed by exposure to and dialog about differences of thought and background, our students and graduates will be able to thrive in a world that is increasingly interconnected and global-minded.


Objective 1

Diversify our community by developing and maintaining strong relationships with potential feeder elementary schools – Catholic, public, charter and independent – that serve diverse populations, especially those located in Philadelphia and by attracting diverse candidates for open positions.

Action Step Outcome(s)

1. Develop a working relationship with the administrations and teachers of 10-20 schools to facilitate admission to our Katherine Drexel Scholars Program, 6th and 7th grade admissions practice test, VIP days, and the eventual Admission testing and application process to La Salle.

2. Identify several students to extend invitations to participate in our Summer Enrichment Program with cost subsidized as needed.

3. Communicate student accomplishments at La Salle to their respective elementary schools.

Full enrollment (20 students) in Katherine Drexel Scholars Saturday Program.

Lead Person/ Team Responsible Timeline

Director of Diversity, Director of Admissions

Start: Fall 2017 End: Ongoing

4. To continue to emphasize the need for a more diverse administration, faculty and staff.

5. Investigate the value of establishing Professional Learning Communities to continue the learning, dialog and experimentation with new practices and strategies.

More diversity in the population of the Summer Enrichment Program. Diversity Director, Admissions Director, Summer Sessions Coordinator

Start: Summer 2017 End: Ongoing

Improved relationships with our feeder schools. Diversity Director, Admissions Director, Director of Communications Start: Fall 2017 End: Ongoing

More diverse administration, faculty and staff. Principal, President Start: Fall 2016 End: Ongoing

If desirable, set up a structure around key pedagogical topics for groups to explore and report on to the wider community.

Salle: A Vision for the Third Decade of the New Millennium 2016–2021

Academic Council Start: Fall 2019 End: Fall 2020


Objective 2

Develop a plan that celebrates diversity and aids with the sensitization of all community members – parents, teachers, staff and students – about issues of diversity through curricular enhancements and co-curricular and extra-curricular initiatives.

Action Step Outcome(s)

1. Develop a program, e.g. community-wide reading, discussions, speakers, focus groups, to explore issues of all types of diversity. Encourage parent groups to do the same. Tie program explicitly to Lasallian values.

2. Develop a method of objectively measuring the strengths and weaknesses of the diversity initiative through the inclusion of questions in the current surveys (e.g. senior exit survey and parent satisfaction survey) and interviews.

3. Celebrate cultural holidays and develop year-round spotlight/focus on areas of cultural heritage and diversity of our students.

Academic emphasis on more issues of diversity in curriculum

Lead Person/ Team Responsible Timeline

Academic Dean Department Chairs

Start: Fall 2017 End: Ongoing

4. Encourage strategic representation of diversity in all student leadership positions.

Increase empirical information to evaluate the success of the diversity initiative.

Director of Curriculum, Director of Mission and Ministry Start: Spring 2017 End: Ongoing

More awareness and a celebration of the diverse cultural heritage of our student body and the area in which we live.

Director of Diversity, Coordinator of International Students, Academic Depart ments, Chair of Student Activities, Moderator of WEXP, Presidents of Parents Clubs

Emphasize our inclusivity and diversity. Leaders/Moderators of Student Mentors and Ambassadors, Lasallian Mission Team, Director of Communications, Chair of Student Activities

Start: Fall 2016 End: Ongoing

Start: Fall 2017 End: Ongoing

New Millennium

La Salle: A Vision for the Third Decade of the
2016–2021 20

Goal 5 Advancing the Mission

Vision Statement: La Salle College High School will secure and grow our mission through careful, sound management of our financial, material, and human resources, through programming, fund-raising, and communication that engages all constituent groups comprehensively and consistently, and through enrollment management practices that ensure an annual enrollment which is robust, diverse, and sustainable from academic and financial standpoints.


Objective 1

Manage resources to support financial aid and enrollment stability.

Action Step Outcome(s)

1. Grow and diversify the endowment to support various forms of financial assistance.

Lead Person/ Team Responsible Timeline

Additional endowment revenue. CFO

2. Model scenarios that reflect various demographic and economic shifts. Comprehensive plan that will prepare the school for various scenarios, reported to the finance committee and Board of Trustees.


Start: Fall 2016 End: Ongoing

Start: Fall 2016

End: Ongoing

Salle: A Vision

Third Decade of the New Millennium 2016–2021

for the

Objective 2

Institutional Advancement: Execute a plan for the repurposing of the function of Alumni Relations and the Alumni Association in order to create a relevant and modern Constituent Relations Program with the intent of increasing engagement, philanthropic participation and dollars raised.

Action Step Outcome(s)

1. Research and determine from best practices an appropriate model for Constituent Relations.

2. Implement a Constituent Relations function that will comprise Alumni, Current Parents, Past Parents, the Mothers Club, Men of La Salle, and Faculty/Staff.

3. Create a formalized Career Mentoring and Networking Program for La Salle Alumni and current students. Promote use of LinkedIn for networking.

4. Create and implement a Communications Plan to promote and advertise the restructure with the goal of promoting a set of benefits to each constituency group.

Lead Person/ Team Responsible Timeline

Reorganization of the Alumni Relations function. Vice-President of IA Start: Fall 2017 End: Ongoing

A well-structured Constituent engagement program.

Creation of a desired and relevant slate of Constituent Engagement Events.

Adapting the existing Alumni Association to fulfill new roles.

Creation of non-Alumni constituency groups with a well-defined remit.

Re-assignment of all Alumni Relations and fundraising events under the aegis of the Office of Institutional Advancement.

Launch a Mentoring Program.

Increased participation at Networking events.

Vice-President of IA, Director of the Annual Fund, Director of Constituent Relations Start: Spring 2017 End: Ongoing

Director of Constituent Relations IT Department Start: Fall 2016 End: Ongoing

To insure all constituents have been made apprised of the changes.

To entice volunteer involvement to the new programs and events.

La Salle: A Vision for the Third Decade of the New Millennium 2016–2021

Director of Marketing and Communications Start: Fall 2016 End: Ongoing


Objective 3 Enrollment Management

Action Step Outcome(s)

1. Strengthen our geographic footprint by increasing faculty support and mining demographic data.

2. Evaluate current transportation offerings and determine if additional buses or stops can be offered.

La Salle is increasing our footprint in Bucks and Delaware County while staying prominent in Montgomery County.

Identifying the most qualified and attractive candidates from the region.

La Salle will evaluate current transportation routes and will consider offering additional/ different routes to potential families.

Lead Person/ Team Responsible Timeline

Director of Admissions

Start: Fall 2016 End: Ongoing

Director of Transportation, Director of Admissions

Start: Fall 2016 End: Spring 2017

3. Increase relationships with schools in Philadelphia.

We will have strong enrollment in our Katherine Drexel Program, Summer Academic Enrichment Programs, continuing to meet our mission. This will allow La Salle to have the strongest pool of applicants from the Philadelphia Area.

4. Continue to analyze enrollment data. This will allow La Salle to help make educated decisions moving forward.

Director of Admissions, Director of Diversity

Start: Fall 2016 End: Ongoing

5. Personalize the admissions process. La Salle will begin to personalize the admissions process to cater to individual applicant’s interests. There are many different areas of excellence that draw applicants to La Salle. We will continue to keep applicants educated on what La Salle has to offer in regards to specific interests.

Director of Admissions

Start: Fall 2016 End: Ongoing

Director of Admissions

Start: Fall 2016 End: Ongoing

La Salle: A Vision for the Third Decade of the New Millennium 2016–2021 25

Goal 6 Facilities

Vision Statement: La Salle College High School will create and maintain a safe, up-to-date, and well managed campus environment characterized by efficient use of varied and new spaces which effectively serve the educational, athletic, co-curricular and recreational needs of students and the wider school community.


Objective 1

Develop, maintain, and satisfy the requirement of a multi-year facilities master plan provided for by an annual capital budgeting process which ensures existing facilities and other resources for instruction, athletics, the arts, and campus administration are current, efficient, and well maintained.

Action Step Outcome(s)

1. Develop a multi-year capital needs list and budget for facilities, vehicles, equipment and technology.

2. Maintain the capacity to respond to unexpected facilities needs.

The school is able to plan and budget for expected capital needs.

Lead Person/ Team Responsible Timeline

President, Director of Facilities, CFO, CIO, Athletic Director, Finance and Property Committee, Long Range Planning Committee

Start: Fall 2016 End: Ongoing

The school is able to do necessary but unexpected work without compromising existing plans or additional deferred maintenance.

CFO, President, Director of Facilities, Finance and Property Start: Fall 2016 End: Ongoing

3. Continue to evolve the McShain Library into a more flexible and collaborative space.

The McShain Library becomes a better resource supporting 21st century learning.

Smooth student transition to similar resources and spaces in higher education.

Principal, CFO, Facilities Director, President, Dean of Academics, Director of Curriculum

Start: Summer 2016 End: Fall 2018

A Vision for the Third Decade of the New Millennium 2016–2021

La Salle:

Objective 2

Execute a plan for the re-purposing of the four campus houses which creates administrative efficiencies, an enhanced campus atmosphere, and better management of parking and traffic.

Action Step Outcome(s)

1. Convert the 1960 Annex for school administrative use.

Lead Person/ Team Responsible Timeline

Business Office and Human Resources relocate to the second floor. President, CFO, Director of Facilities Start: Summer 2017

2. Move auction functions. Auction occupies first floor annex. President, Director of Facilities, Auction Director Start: Spring 2019

3. Re-configure the Brothers’ Community. Bathroom renovation on Third Floor.

Creation of a small dining room on first floor.

President, Director of Facilities, Director of Brothers’ Community

Start: Summer 2018

4. Establish Advancement, Alumni, Communications and President functions in Belcroft.

Alumni House no longer used for administrative functions. President, Vice-President of IA, Director of Facilities Start: Fall 2018

5. Establish enrollment management functions in Belcroft. Allinson House no longer used for Administrative functions. President, Director of Facilities, Director of Admissions Start: Spring or Summer 2019

6. Re-configure the Alumni House propriety. Creation of additional space for parking President, Director of Facilities, CFO Start: Summer 2019

7. Repurpose Allinson House as a campus welcome center.

8. Renovate and repurpose Dunleavy Center as for administrative housing or other dispositions.

Retain some functions the Brothers’ House had offered on campus.

Outside the scope of this plan but foreseen as completing the work on the four campus houses.

President, Director of Facilities, Director of Admissions, Vice-President for IA

Start: First Floor, Summer 2019; Second Floor summer 2019-20

Beyond 2021 Start: Beyond 2021

La Salle: A Vision for the Third Decade of the New Millennium 2016–2021


Objective 3

Develop a vision and plan for new and revised campus facilities, particularly a Student Recreation and Activity Commons and revised infrastructure, particularly around traffic to provide added flexibility for campus programming, particularly interscholastic and intramural athletics, and determine feasible means for funding the construction of these projects.

Action Step Outcome(s)

1. Add parking in the Alumni House area.

2. Develop a new vision for the North Central section of campus and create plans and reliable estimates for that vision.

Increased traffic flow.

Relocation of the tennis courts. Develop plan for a new campus activities building to relieve pressure on the current gymnasium and promote intramural and spiritual programming.

Add parking that complements the building.

Re-configure Meehan Field.

Lead Person/ Team Responsible Timeline

La Salle: A Vision for the Third Decade of the New Millennium

Planning FY 2018, Permitting FY 2019, Tennis Courts 2020, Meehan Field 2021, Fund-Raising FY 2019-21, Building FY 2022-24

Director of Facilities, CFO, Civil Engineer Start: Summer 2019 or Summer 2020 Long Range Planning Committee

Strategic Planning Steering Committee

Nicholas J. Armetta ’17

Brother James L. Butler, FSC

Nicholas J. Coggins

Barbara Chesnik

Kevin B. Dougherty ’00

Mark A. Gibbons ’92

Terrence P. Gillespie ’82

Ronald S. Guerra ’76

John D. Janda

Julia K. Maher

James Marsteller

Michael D. McCarthy ’65

Daniel L. McGowan

Sherry Mischler

Suzanne K. Mischler

Quinn T. O’Neill ’17

Michael A. O’Toole ’68

Raymond T. Shay ’00

Long Range Planning Committee

Thomas R. Barna

Frank P. Cervone, Esq. ’75

Mark J. Cunneen

Timothy J. Erb ’94

Joseph E. Glacken

Joseph P. Hartnett ’69

Robert P. Moran ’69

Joseph A. Parisi

Peter R. Sigmund, MCSE ’85


Vision for the Third Decade of the New Millennium



Goal One

Lasallian Charism and Catholic Identity

Goal Two Program

John D. Janda, Chair

Goal Three

Teaching and Instruction

Goal Four Student Profile and Diversity

Goal Five Advancing the Mission

Goal Six Facilities

Lew Clark, Chair

Christian Arellano

Thomas J. Devlin ’00

Nicholas J. Armetta ’17

Nicholas J. Coggins

Gerald Evans, Jr.

Terrence P. Gillespie ’82, Chair

Barbara Chesnik

Nicholas J. Coggins

Joseph A. Parisi, Chair

Vernard T. Abrams

Gerard Brett

Rosemary A. Gedeik

Julia K. Maher

Michael V. McCabe ’08

Sherry Mischler

Michael A. O’Toole ’68

Thomas Lang

Ryan P. McDowell ’01

Kevin B. Dougherty ’00

Martin Jackson

John A. Keenan ’80

Kevin B. Dougherty ’00, Chair

Brother James L. Butler, FSC

Michael D. McCarthy ’65, Chair

Brother James L. Butler, FSC

Nicholas J. Coggins

Christopher M. Carabello ’82

Kathleen Curley

Kevin B. Dougherty ’00

Mark A. Gibbons ’92

Owen C. Schugsta

Cathleen P. Winning

Mike Sabatino

Raymond T. Shay ’00

Robert A. Zanneo

Michael A. O’Toole ’68

Simon Pinder

Quinn T. O’Neill ’17

Nary Smith

James A. DeMerlis ’74

Brett T. Foley ’00

Mark A. Gibbons ’92

Ronald S. Guerra ’76

James Marsteller

Daniel L. McGowan

Gina Giuliani

Daniel L. McGowan

Suzanne K. Mischler

Michael A. O’Toole ’68

Suzanne K. Mischler

La Salle: A Vision for the Third Decade of the New Millennium

La Salle: A Vision for the Third Decade of the New Millennium 2016–2021 34 La Salle College High School 8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania 19038 215 233 2911 phone 215 233 1418 fax “Example makes a much greater impression than words.” F ROM THE MEDITATIONS OF SAINT JOHN BAPTIST DE LA SALLE MEDITATION 202.3

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