Frame Solutions
What’s Inside?
This book contains insights and possible solutions gathered from the compiled research. Here you will find different methods and formats for developing further ideas as well as sources from which more data can be drawn if necessary.
Sections Solution Storyboard Future Casting Additional Sources Bibliography
Individual recieves a phone call from the insurance company requesting they complete a preventative care check-in. An appointment is scheduled at least once a year.
A phone reminder will be sent to the patient.
All medication used since the last check-in is gathered in its original packaging.
Travels to their doctor’s office. As the person signs in for their
their medication over to be exa
As the patient goes over genera
nurse, the doctor examines the signs of non-adherance/medica
The doctor meets with the patie
if the patient is adherent. This ti fully explain the medical conditi treat it, and working with the pa
The conversation is recorded fo
copy is given to the patient so t another time.
appointment they hand amined.
al wellness with the e persons medication for al complications
After meeting with the doctor, perscriptions can be
refilled or changed. As an incentive for the preventa tive care check in, any perscriptions written from the appointment recieved a discount.
The person travels home with a better understanding of why they are taking their medicine.
ent and personally asses ime allows the doctor to ion, the medicine used to atient on being adherent.
or later reference, and a they can reference it at
Solution Storyboard
Computer Program/App Having the patient bring in their medication opens the potential for a digital database to be developed. This system would have each individual’s medication and dosage cataloged and could be quickly referenced to see if there are known conflicts. Furthermore, doctors could leave notes if the patient had a positive or negative reaction in addition to any side effects. This would allow multiple doctors and medical professionals to have access to a person’s medication history preventing redundant prescriptions. This would alleviate the stress on the individual to remember how they reacted to a certain medication, and help eliminate confusion from having to go through various medical paperwork to find past prescriptions.
New Adherence Specialist A potential for a new field would be the adherence specialist. This person would have extensive pharmaceutical knowledge in addition to a background in behavioral psychology. The aim of this field would be working personally with each patient to help them understand their medication and how to appropriately incorporate a medication regiment into their daily schedules.
Future Casting
YOUNG @ HEART Walker George Documentary “In an era where the elderly are seen as people who need to be looked after and entertained, one chorus in Massachusetts has turned the old age formula upside down. Instead of singing songs to pass the time as bones get bridle and hearts clog up, this group of senior citizens seeks to shake up audiences and make people of all ages, especially younger people, look at art and life in a whole new way. And they’ve been doing it quite successfully for 30 years.” -United Academics Magazine, April 24, 2012 AGING OUR WAY By Meika Loe “Written in an engaging style, Loe sheds light on the realities about the well-being of those who are 85+ and illustrates resilience, creativity, adaption and strength among a group of people often thought of as otherwise.This book teaches how older adults have adapted to changes in living, and it reinforces that getting older is not the end of life, but rather, another stage of life that can be embraced.” -Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare
Additional Sources
Bibliography Onondaga County Department of Aging and Youth. (ac cessed December, 6, 2013). Medication Reminders. (accessed December, 6, 2013). Nau, David P. “Proportion of Days Covered as a Preferred Method of Measuring Medication Adherence” Medication Reminders. cdn/epill/pdcmpr.pdf (accessed December, 6, 2013). “NHATS At A Glance”. (accessed December, 6, 2013). Senior’s Choice Care Management. Review_Instrument.php (accessed December, 6, 2013). “Since You Care In Cooperation With The National Alliance For Caregiving” . guides/mmi-ong-distance-caregiving.pdf (accessed December, 6, 2013). Treatment Adherence Specialist” w4/+&cd=3&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us (accessed December, 6, 2013). Merriam-Webster. (accessed December 6, 2013). “Important Dates in American History” Los Angels Public Library. http://ya.lapl org/ya/homework/timeline.php (accessed December, 6, 2013). “Important Dates of World History” Current GK. tory/imp_date_world_history.html (accessed December, 6, 2013). “AMA History Timeline” American Medical Association. http://www.ama-assn. org/ama/pub/about-ama/our-history/ (ac cessed December, 6, 2013). Cass, Connie. “America’s Health Care Reform Through History: A Timeline” The Salt Lake Tribune. health-care-insurance-plan.html.csp (accessed December, 6, 2013)