2012 Affiliation Brochure

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2011 was another challenging year for credit unions, but we’re beginning to see some recovery happening in Alabama and Florida. The League of Southeastern Credit Unions and Affiliates (LSCU) continues to work diligently to listen to our credit unions and provide the products and services they need to operate as efficiently and effectively as possible. In the second full year of operation, the LSCU has afforded many accomplishments on your behalf; many of those alongside you. Judging by the results of our 2011 LSCU Members Survey, we are moving in the right direction. You will see some of the results, along with our successes, on the following pages. Our member credit unions help tell the story by conveying how the League has worked with them to accomplish many of their goals. It’s important that all credit unions in Alabama and Florida work cooperatively to push our movement forward. A strong affiliation and involvement with the League will ensure one of the strongest voices in our industry. That’s the power of cooperation. My staff and I look forward to your continued affiliation and working with you in 2012.


of credit unions that say their satisfaction with the League has increased or stayed the same in 2011. This is an increase of 4% from 2010. Source: 2011 LSCU Members Survey.

Patrick La Pine President/CEO

“I have had opportunities to work with the League on several occasions over the past year, in Washington DC and regionally, and found the members enthusiastic, the board members engaged, and the staff dedicated – all working as a winning team for credit unions in Alabama and Florida.” Bill Cheney, President/CEO CUNA


face-to-face meetings with Alabama and Florida credit unions by League staff. The LSCU has made it a priority to spend more time visiting credit unions and assisting them with their needs.


of credit unions say the realization of the consolidation of the Alabama and Florida Leagues is being realized. This is an increase of 20% from 2010. Source: 2011 LSCU Members Survey

“Su “Support from the staff members is truly available at all times. Not only are they a phone call or e email away but they are on the road constantly making visits to stay connected with the credit m unions. As a chapter leader, I find their support is unparalleled.” Billie Blanchard, Manager/CEO B W West Coast Federal CU, Clearwater FL

LSCU In Action

$1.3 Million Raised

for the LSCU Statewide Image Campaign with media buys, including television, radio, billboard and online, in 14 media markets across Alabama and Florida. LEVERAGE contributed the first $100,000 to cover all creative costs.

“The campaign has been great. I have heard nothing but positive comments from all. It is exciting to show what credit unions are doing as a whole…..that is giving banking a better name!” Phil Boozer, VP of Marketing America’s First CU, Birmingham AL


credit unions from Alabama and Florida contributed to the campaign which is the w la largest voluntary cooperative co advertising program adv ever offered by any credit union league.

“The Statewide Image Campaign has been great for our credit union. With the debit card fees coming from Bank of America and SunTrust, it couldn’t have been better timing. Our phones and branches have been een extremely busy with people inquiring about us. I couldn’t be more pleased with h how the campaign has been received.” Jim Weibert, CEO Central Florida Postal CU, Orlando FL


visitors to www.betternameforbanking.com in the first four weeks of the Image campaign with many utilizing the search engine to find a credit union near them.

Image Campaign

“ “Just Being H Here Means a Lot.”

David Eubanks, CEO Comm Community CU, Gadsden AL

$283,668 Raised

by the Southeastern Credit Union Foundation, including CUAid funding from the National Credit Union Foundation for Alabama tornado relief.

“Thank you for the emergency relief fund the League sent to our employee. ‘Membership has its privileges,’ and I did not even know that was one of the benefits.” Mark Johnson, CEO Naheola CU, Pennington AL

$148,400 Awarded

in disaster relief by the Southeastern Credit Union Foundation following the April 27 tornadoes in Alabama. “With your advice, support, and helping hands, we have been able to get back into the swing of things. It makes me proud to be part of the credit union movement.” Amy Price, Marketing/Business Development Director or DCH CU, Tuscaloosa AL


g grants given by the Southeastern Credit Union Foundation to credit union employees totaling $85,900, with another $50,000 donated to the w A American Red Cross of Alabama and $12,500 $1 to “Rebuilding Alabama” Chapter projects pro for debris removal with the North Northeast Chapter, Tuscaloosa Chapter and the Alabama Alab Credit Union calendar project and the Tuscaloosa Credit Union Adopt a Family project.

Foundation Efforts

$44,400 Offered

through $400 voucher program for credit unions under $35 million for use toward an LSCU, LEVERAGE or CUNA product or service. Credit unions used the vouchers for AC&E and Development Conference registration, SAS Workshops, Compliance Update, Disaster Recovery Conference, Bank Secrecy Act training, webinars, NADA guides, CUACE audit fees, CUNA conferences, webinars, and CUNA’s Volunteer Achievement Program.

The Cooperative Initiatives team maintains strong relationships with member credit unions. The CI staff meets with small asset sized (SAS) credit unions regularly throughout the year. The League holds a number of SAS workshops for credit unions to network, share best practices, and improve their growth. The CI staff offers strategic planning, board planning, and the development of business plans.

“The League and the Small Credit Union “Th Program is equipped with so many P resources that are typically hard for a r credit union my size to outsource. I c can always count on their assistance and look to their expertise for new ideas based on their experience in the t marketplace. The dedication and knowledge of the staff is unparalleled.” k Stacie Reeves, CEO Sta Sho Shoreline CU, Mobile AL


volunteers participated in specialized training programs from the LSCU that focused on their fiduciary responsibilities in 2011. Volunteers attended financial literacy training, board ard of directors training, Supervisory Committee ittee training and Bank Secrecy Act training g held in conjunction with chapter events, planning sessions ssions and the state Governmental ental Affairs Conferences.

$25,545 Awarded

in scholarships to representatives of 20 credit unions to attend the CUNA GAC, AC&E, Supervisory Committee Conference and CUNA Lending School, to name a few.

“Without the benefit of the scholarship, CFCU would not have been in a financial situation to send me for the remaining year of the Southeast CUNA Management School.� Stacey Hand, Manager Chattahoochee FCU, Valley AL

Scholarships & Vouchers








to state and federal candidates since 2010 from the LSCU Political Action Committee (PAC). The strength of a PAC is not how much it has on hand, but how much it can put into the campaigns of friends.


Congressional office visits in Washington, D.C. and in the districts.

Or Organized thousands of contacts to lawmakers and regulators on important i issues, such as the interchange vote, comments to the Fed on the Interchange Rule, and to Congress in support of o increased Member Business Lending for credit unions. L

All four U.S. Senators from Alabama and Florida voted yes on the bill to delay the Federal Reserve’s Interchange Rule. This was a direct result of the relationships the League and credit unions have built with each office.


of credit unions feel the LSCU does an effective job advocating CU issues to federal lawmakers. This is an increase of 6% from 2010. Source: 2011 LSCU Member Survey

“I am pleased with the way the League and CUNA represent the credit union movement’s interest in the governmental and advocacy issues that we have faced in recent times, as well as through the years. I have a high degree of confidence that our interests are being represented and our collective voices heard at both the state and national level.” Merrill Mann, President/CEO APCO Employees CU, Birmingham AL


of credit unions feel the LSCU does an effective job advocating CU issues at the State Capitols. This is an increase of 2% from 2010. Source: 2011 LSCU Members Survey


Introduced Public Deposits legislation in the Florida Legislature, getting the approval of the House Subcommittee on Insurance and Banking while simultaneously beating back a bank-led amendment to tax credit unions.

of candidates in Alabama and Florida supported by the League won in the 2010 election. Advocacy

10,500 Visits from Alabama and Florida credit unions to the League InfoSight website so far in 2011. InfoSight is a rich regulatory and compliance tool that is a value of affiliation.

“The LSCU has been very accommodating, inviting me to speak at numerous meetings and educational conferences they have held in Alabama and Florida. This has given numerous credit unions an opportunity to hear my perspective on NCUA’s concerns and priorities, and I have certainly heard, loud and clear, what’s on their minds. I believe the open, cooperative working relationship we have developed with Patrick and the entire staff at LSCU has been very beneficial for both our organizations and for credit unions.” Herb Yolles, Region III Director NCUA

The League sends each member credit union a Custom Performance Report (CPR) that gives a snapshot of how credit unions are performing in the economy, as well as how they are performing on a state and regional basis. The LSCU Regulatory staff holds quarterly compliance conference calls to keep credit unions informed of the latest regulations. More than 200 credit union staff have taken part in the calls.


of credit unions feel the LSCU Regulatory Staff is helpful in answering compliance and/or operational questions. This is an increase of 20% from 2010. Source: 2011 LSCU Members Survey

“I wanted to take this opportunity to thank the League for the CPR. The accumulated information is presented in such a format that it makes the report easy to read and follow. The report is greatly appreciated.� Patsy Mozingo, CCUE, Manager Tuscaloosa County CU, Tuscaloosa AL

Regulatory & Compliance Assistance


credit union staff and volunteers trained at LSCU conferences and workshops that include the Annual Convention & Exposition, Development Conference, Supervisory Conference, Disaster Recovery Conference, Bank Secrecy Act workshops and Regulatory Compliance workshops.


of credit unions say that the League is meeting their education needs through conferences, workshops, and webinars. This is an increase of 18% from 2010. Source: 2011 LSCU Members Survey

“The League’s 2011 AC&E was a wonderful w opportunity for cr credit union leadership to come ttogether and forge a stronger, more energetic and cohesive team. This year’s theme, ‘Defining the Future,’ was a call to arms for credit unions; a call to t work collaboratively in pursuit o of common goals – locally, reg regionally, and nationally. The Leag League did an outstanding job.” Joe Ne Newberry, CEO Redstone FCU, Huntsville AL

Education & Training

“The Supervisory Committee Conference was very informative to me as a new manager!” Katrina Dearman, Manager McIntosh Chemical FCU, McIntosh AL

“As a Florida credit union, I had never attended the LSCU Development Conference before. What a pleasant experience. The conference was small enough that there was excellent interaction in breakout sessions and opportunities to talk with vendors one on one. Member’s First is sending more of our team this year. It was time well spent.” Caryl Greene, President/CEO Members First CU, Pensacola FL


average number of attendees to the first two LSCU Annual Convention & Exposition in Orlando. The exhibit hall was sold out both years with more than 130 exhibiting companies.


educational webinar participants from 46 Alabama credit unions and 86 Florida credit unions s through the 100 webinars offered by y the LSCU.

The LSCU Communications team has a number of innovative channels to inform credit unions of the latest industry and League news including a website, publications delivered online as well as printed, and multimedia. The League video program is among the best in the country.

80,000 Clicks on the LSCU website, which was named the Best League Website at the 2011 CUNA Pro and Blockbuster Awards.


views of the LSCU’s multimedia videos and audio podcasts. This includes videos from the CUNA GAC, LSCU AC&E, and the State GACs.

Director’s Resource new in 2011

Signal Quarterly Publication

eSignal Weekly Newsletter

“Over the last several years we have seen the LSCU take giant strides in developing and implementing some of the best communication delivery channels that I’ve seen in the industry. The website has become a communication hub that you can get updates, view videos and find all types of resources. It’s added value to First Florida Credit Union.” Brent Lister, CEO First Florida CU, Jacksonville FL


of credit unions feel the LSCU keeps them well informed. This is an increase of 6% from 2010. Source: 2011 LSCU Members Survey

4.3 Million

readers, viewers and listeners reached through the LSCU proactive media relations. This includes facilitating interviews for Listerhill CU and Redstone FCU in the Wall Street Journal.

Communicating to Credit Unions

LEVERAGE works to offer credit unions best-in-class products and services through preferred business partner relationships. We focus on: leveraging buying power to reduce costs, leveraging resources to maximize financial results, leveraging industry knowledge and research to provide access to best-in-class solutions, leveraging relationships to connect innovative credit union service providers with credit union executives.

Leveraging Industry Knowledge more than


Recovered was launched providing credit unions with automated compliance execution to reduce costs and streamline the process to more easily meet compliance regulations.

in fraud losses for credit union members.

“In a time tim when regulators you are requesting r spend spe more adhering to regulations while demanding you keep d llowering expenses, we challenged LEVERAGE with this task. In our first transaction, they were able to lower our expenses on an existing service contract which more than paid for the t annual a fee. We plan to use us their ePurchasing service ser for all major purc purchases in the future.�

Jim Wagy, Wa CEO United Po Police FCU, Miami FL

Leveraging Relationships approaching


Earned by credit unions in noninterest income through participation in the Sprint Membership Program.

Leveraging Buying Power more than

$1m Saved

on operational expenses through improved buying strategies & ePurchasing events. more than

$1m Saved

on office and machine supplies, furniture, technology, custom stationery, digital printing, promotional products, break room products, and much more through our partnership with Office Depot.

Credit Union Success


For more information on affiliation with the LSCU, contact LSCU VP, Cooperative Initiatives Laura Vann at 866.231.0545 ext. 2181 or laura.vann@lscu.coop.

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