FUNDRAISING GUIDE League of Southeastern Credit Unions Federal Political Action Committee Alabama Credit Union Legislative Action Committee Florida Credit Union Political Action Committee
INTRODUCTION The laws passed in Montgomery, Tallahassee, and Washington D.C., directly impact how Alabama and Florida credit unions are able to serve their members. The positive or negative impact of legislation can be directly related to the level of involvement by credit unions. Successful advocacy requires a collective and individual credit union effort. The LSCU Federal Political Action Committee (LSCU FEDPAC), Alabama Credit Union Legislative Action Council (ACULAC) and the Florida Credit Union Political Action Committee (CUPAC) were created to effectively communicate the credit union message. The League of Southeastern Credit Unions is charged with promoting good government, favorable legislation, and a regulatory climate that ensures an equitable view of our industry. This is unattainable without the participation and financial support of League members. The following is a guide developed by the LSCU Governmental Affairs Staff to provide you with all the necessary tools needed to develop a fundraising effort within your credit union or chapter. For additional information or questions regarding this material, please contact one of the League’s Grassroots and Political Action Coordinators Justin Thames (Florida) at 866.231.0545, ext. 1010 or Robbie Gordon (Alabama) at, ext. 2164.
Patrick La Pine, President/CEO League of Southeastern Credit Unions
WHAT IS A PAC? PACs, or Political Action Committees, are used by corporations, trade associations, membership organizations, or others to solicit and contribute money to candidates on issues of importance related to their industry. LSCU Federal Political Action Committee (LSCU FEDPAC) is Alabama and Florida’s federal registered political action committee. LSCU FEDPAC makes contributions to candidates for the United States Senate, United State House of Representatives and congressional leadership funds. Contributions made from LSCU FEDPAC are made in coordination with the Credit Union National Association’s (CUNA) Credit Union Legislative Action Councils (CULAC) candidate budget recommendations. Alabama Credit Union Legislative Action Committee (ACULAC) and the Florida Credit Union Political Action Committee (CUPAC) are LSCU’s state registered political action committees (PACs). ACULAC and CUPAC make contributions to candidates for the Alabama and Florida State Legislatures and other statewide elective offices. LSCU FEDPAC, ACULAC, and CUPAC are governed by a Board of Trustees who are members of the LSCU Governmental Affairs Committee (GAC). The LSCU Board Chair, Chair-elect, and LSCU CEO also serve as Trustees. The LSCU PAC Trustees decide who receives campaign contributions based on a candidate’s support of credit union issues, voting record, accessibility, as well as recommendations made by credit unions and LSCU Governmental Affairs staff. Additionally, LSCU PACs generally support incumbent candidates. Usually, only one candidate is supported in any given race (Primary or General Election).
GOALS By December 31 of each year, the Boards of Trustees shall set an annual fundraising goal for the next year. Each credit union will have both a Federal and State PAC goal. When goals are set, considerations are made for the two-year election cycle, whether it is an election or non-election year, what chambers or statewide executive offices are up for election, and national goals set by the Credit Union Legislative Action Committee (CULAC) for both states. In addition, consideration shall be given to the prior amounts raised and trends in credit union contributions. The annual fundraising goal for each state is broken down into both individual credit union and LSCU Chapter goals. The formula for determining individual credit union goals is determined by dividing the total annual goal by the number of members as reported on the latest available call report. The total of goals for all credit unions in a chapter is added together to determine each chapter’s goal. Only previous year-end LSCU affiliated credit unions will be used to calculate goals for the upcoming year. Credit for a contribution is given to the individual credit union and chapter that the contributor is a member of, based upon information provided by the contributor on required forms. In the event that a credit union official directly solicits an eligible contributor from a credit union or chapter that the credit union official is not affiliated with, and the credit union official informs LSCU staff that he/she is responsible for the contribution, the credit union official's credit union and chapter will be credited with that contribution. In the event that a chapter holds a fundraising event at which no personal contributor information is required, the chapter is generally provided credit for amounts raised, regardless of the affiliation of the contributors. The annual PAC goal is reached by fundraising efforts of the Chapters and individual credit unions. A goal recognition program has been established for the credit union and chapters that meet or exceed their PAC fundraising goals.
CHAIRMAN’S AWARD Presented to the credit union that raised the highest percentage over their combined state and federal goal based on asset size. PRESIDENT’S AWARD Presented to the credit union that raised the most money overall. LEADERSHIP AWARD Presented to the Chapter that raised the most money for their respective state’s PAC. HONOR ROLL CHAPTER Chapters in which every credit union in the Chapter makes a contribution to their respective state’s PAC HONOR ROLL CREDIT UNION Distinction given to a credit union in which the CEO/President/Manager and the Chairman of the Board of the credit union must become either a Congressional Club member ($100 and up) and the remaining Board Members must become either an Ambassadors or Capitol Club ($25-$100) member. HONOR ROLL PLUS CREDIT UNION Distinction given to the credit union that meets the Honor Roll requirements, but also ALL volunteers (such as the supervisory, audit and/or credit committee members) and ALL staff must contribute at least at a $1-$25 to the state or federal PAC.
PAC RULES AND REGULATIONS LSCU’s Federal PAC (LSCU FEDPAC) is governed by the Federal Election Campaign Act (2U.S.C. §431) as administered by the Federal Election Commission (FEC). LSCU’s Alabama Political Action Committee (ACULAC) is governed by the FAIR CAMPAIGNS PRACTICES ACT (FCPA) as administered by the Alabama Secretary of State (SOS). LSCU’s Florida Political Action Committee (CUPAC) is governed by the CAMPAIGN FINANCING ACT (CFA) as administered by the Florida Division of Elections (DOE). Who is Solicitable? PAC contributions can only be received from the solicitable class. The solicitable class for LSCU is: -all non-clerical staff -all policy making staff -all volunteers of LSCU affiliated credit unions -members of LSCU affiliated credit unions Note: Any non-administrative and non-policy making staff can contribute if they are a member of a credit union or a member of an LSCU affiliated credit union, otherwise they are NOT solicitable. If the credit union is going to solicit its eligible class of members to contribute to LSCU FEDPAC (federal PAC), the credit union must have a valid permission agreement on file. Federal law requires specific authorization from your credit union before LSCU can solicit contributions from individuals associated with you credit union. That authorization can be provided simply by completing a permission statement. On the next two pages you will find a copy of the permission agreement mailing. Please read over the information. If you are not sure whether your credit union has a permission agreement on file, contact the LSCU Governmental Affairs staff.
Permission Statement Mailing Dear Credit Union CEO: Our records indicate that your credit union needs to complete a new permission statement for the upcoming year. Until then, your credit union cannot participate in League of Southeastern Credit Unions Federal Political Action Committee (LSCU FEDPAC) fundraising activities. Federal law requires specific authorization from your credit union before LSCU FEDPAC can solicit contributions from individuals associated with your credit union. Simply complete the enclosed form and mail to LSCU to provide authorization. By law we are required that you sign all four agreements (for the years 2010-2013) on the sheet attached. Please note authorization can only be given to one trade associationaffiliated, federal political action committee per calendar year. I would like to emphasize that the authority you are granting to LSCU FEDPAC does not authorize the solicitation of you members. LSCU FEDPAC will not mail materials to your credit union members. If your credit union’s management decides to make the information available, it is understood that the credit union will control any distribution to be sure the material is given to those who are: 1. Shareholders in the credit union and their immediate families. 2. Executive and administrative personnel of the credit union and their immediate families. No one needs to be reminded of the importance of protecting and advancing the interests of credit unions in the Alabama Legislature, Florida Legislature and U.S. Congress. Please help us get on with that essential work by sending us your completed Permission Agreement today. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact LSCU’s Grassroots and Political Action Coordinators Justin Thames at, 866.231.0545 x1010 or Robbie Gordon at, 866.231.0545 x2164.
Sincerely, LSCU PAC Trustees Enclosure
League of Southeastern Credit Unions Federal Political Action Committee PERMISSION AGREEMENT The League, or CUNA if the league delegates its solicitation rights to CUNA, may solicit this credit union’s members and executive or administrative personnel for contributions to its Political Action Committee (PAC) during 2010. Neither may, however, send general solicitation mailings directly to our members. Instead, general solicitation materials must first be sent to the credit union board which shall decide whether or not to redistribute them. Credit Union Name: _______________________________________
The League, or CUNA if the league delegates its solicitation rights to CUNA, may solicit this credit union’s members and executive or administrative personnel for contributions to its Political Action Committee (PAC) during 2011. Neither may, however, send general solicitation mailings directly to our members. Instead, general solicitation materials must first be sent to the credit union board which shall decide whether or not to redistribute them. Credit Union Name: _______________________________________
The League, or CUNA if the league delegates its solicitation rights to CUNA, may solicit this credit union’s members and executive or administrative personnel for contributions to its Political Action Committee (PAC) during 2012. Neither may, however, send general solicitation mailings directly to our members. Instead, general solicitation materials must first be sent to the credit union board which shall decide whether or not to redistribute them. Credit Union Name: _______________________________________
The League, or CUNA if the league delegates its solicitation rights to CUNA, may solicit this credit union’s members and executive or administrative personnel for contributions to its Political Action Committee (PAC) during 2013. Neither may, however, send general solicitation mailings directly to our members. Instead, general solicitation materials must first be sent to the credit union board which shall decide whether or not to redistribute them. Credit Union Name: _______________________________________
CONTRIBUTIONS AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Making PAC Contributions: PACs may only accept personal funds from those who are solicitable. Federal PACs are PROHIBITED from accepting any corporate contributions. Under Alabama and Florida state law, state PACs may accept personal and corporate contributions. All contributions must be sent in the form of a personal check/share draft, money order, cashiers check, or personal credit card. It is important to designate which PAC contributions are being made to prior to a fundraising event – LSCU FEDPAC, ACULAC, CUPAC. PAC Reporting Requirements LSCU must report information to the Federal Elections Commission (FEC), Alabama Secretary of State or the Florida Division of Elections. To avoid substantial fines and criminal liability for improper information filed on PAC reports, it is important that we receive the proper contribution information. Please utilize the reporting requirement information and remittance forms provided by LSCU to ensure our compliance. Below are the reporting requirements specific to each LSCU PAC. LSCU FEDPAC (Federal PAC) There are no reporting requirements for contributions $50.00 and under. However, any individual contribution of $50.00 or more must include the following information: amount, name, address, and date of receipt. For any contribution to LSCU FEDPAC over $200.00 the contributor’s employer and occupation must be provided in addition to the above information. ACULAC (Alabama State PAC) All contributions to ACULAC should include the contributors name, address, amount and date contribution was received. CUPAC (Florida State PAC) All contributions to CUPAC should include the contributors name, address, occupation, amount and date contribution was received.
To ensure that all the necessary information is provided, this form must be completed and mailed with the proceeds from your LSCU fundraising activity. Please complete a separate form for each fundraiser. (Photo copy form as needed.) The money must be sent in the form of individual personal checks, money orders, or cashier's checks made payable to LSCU FEDPAC (Federal PAC). Please note a corporate check from a credit union is prohibited. CU NAME:________________________________________________CHAPTER:_____________ CONTACT PERSON:__________________________PHONE:___________________EXT._______ PARTICIPATING CUs (if applicable): ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________
PLEASE PROVIDE US WITH THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: Fundraising Activity:________________________________________ Total Amount Received: $___________ Less Expenses: $_________ Remitting: $_______ Location:__________________________________________________________________ Number of Participants:_______________ (Use your best efforts to determine.) When was the fundraiser?_____________________________________________________ (Time period/date money was raised-from beginning to end.)
Contributions at or exceeding reporting thresholds; federal and state laws require us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name/address/occupation/name of employer of each individual whose contributions exceed the following thresholds: $50.00 and over for LSCU FEDPAC (federal PAC). Please provide this information below. Use separate sheet if necessary.
Name:_______________________________Address:__________________________________ City:_________________________________State____________________Zip Code:_________ Occupation:___________________________Employer:_________________________________ Amount of Contribution: $_________________Date:________________ (Attach list if needed.)
Our/All credit union(s) has a signed Permission Statement on file at the LSCU. (Note: If contribution is to be disbursed to LSCU FEDPAC (federal PAC), Federal law requires authorization for solicitation from all participating credit unions.) To inquire, please contact LSCU Governmental Affairs at 866.231.0545. Mail to: Accounting Dept. –LSCU Alabama - 22 Inverness Parkway, Suite 200, Birmingham, Alabama 35242 Florida - 3773 Commonwealth Blvd. Tallahassee, FL 32303
Alabama Credit Union Legislative Action Committee (ACULAC) and Florida Credit Union Political Action Committee (CUPAC) State PAC FUNDRAISING REMITTANCE FORM To ensure that all the necessary information is provided for state PAC fundraising activities, this form must be completed and mailed with the proceeds from your LSCU fundraising activity. (Copy form as needed or attach a separate sheet with required info.) REPORTING INFORMATION for ______________________________________Credit Union for ________________________________________________fundraiser held on ________________. (insert type of fundraiser, i.e., casual days, candy bar, etc.)
(insert date)
Please check method of payment: Cashier’s Check
Money Order
Personal Check
Corporate Check
REQUIRED INFO: State law requires us to collect and report the name/address/occupation/name of employer and credit union of each individual. Please provide this information below or on separate sheet. Name:_____________________________________________________Amount:_________________ Address:___________________________________________________________________________ City:_____________________________________________State:____________Zip:______________ Credit Union (if not a member at your CU):_________________________________________________ Occupation: ____________________________
Name:_____________________________________________________Amount:_________________ Address:___________________________________________________________________________ City:_____________________________________________State:____________Zip:______________ Credit Union (if not a member at your CU):_________________________________________________ Occupation: ____________________________ Name:_____________________________________________________Amount:_________________ Address:___________________________________________________________________________ City:_____________________________________________State:____________Zip:______________ Credit Union (if not a member at your CU):_________________________________________________ Occupation: ____________________________
Name:_____________________________________________________Amount:_________________ Address:___________________________________________________________________________ City:_____________________________________________State:____________Zip:______________ Credit Union (if not a member at your CU):_________________________________________________ Occupation: ____________________________ Send completed form along with money in the form of a check, money order, or cashiers check made payable to “ACULAC or CUPAC” (state PACs) to: Accounting Dept. – LSCU: Alabama Office - Inverness Parkway, Suite 200, Birmingham, Alabama 35242 Florida Office - 3773 Commonwealth Blvd, Tallahassee, FL 32301
FUNDRAISING ACTIVITIES The following information has been put together to assist your credit union in participating in fundraising for LSCU PACs. Once you have decided which fundraising activities best suits your credit union, or if you are considering in engaging in fundraising activities not listed, please contact LSCU Governmental Affairs staff at 866.231.0545. We will assist you in any way to ensure a successful fundraiser.
Donor Recognition Pin Program Payroll Deduction Deduct-a-buck Casual Days Mulligans Candy Bars Charity Match Program Consignment Ticket Program
DONOR RECOGNITION PIN PROGRAM For a personal contribution an individual will receive the year’s edition (i.e. 2010) of the LSCU PAC Donor Recognition Pin to wear to credit union functions. The lapel pins will designate person’s total individual contributions to LSCU FEDPAC and to their respective state PAC (ACULAC or CUPAC). Wearing the lapel pin will show others the donor’s personal commitment to the credit union movement. Below are the contribution levels for this program: Donor Recognition Pin Contribution Levels Chairman’s Club: $500.00 or more President’s Club: $250.00 Congressional Club: $100.00 Capitol Club: $50.00 Ambassadors Club: $25.00
Below is a copy of the Recognition Pin form for your use (copy as necessary). Federal and state laws require that you complete all the information on the form and contribute with a personal check, personal money order, or personal credit card. Personal contributions ONLY, COPORATE FUNDS will NOT be accepted.
2010 LSCU PAC Donor Recognition Program Contribution Form (copy as needed) For a personal contribution an individual will receive that year’s edition of the LSCU PAC Donor Recognition pin to wear to credit union functions. The lapel pins will designate a person’s total individual contributions to LSCU FEDPAC and to their respective state PAC. Wearing the lapel pin will show others a donor’s personal commitment to the credit union movement. Contribution Levels Chairman’s Club: $500.00 Presidential Club: $250.00 Congressional Club: $100.00 Capitol Club: $50.00 Associates Club: $25.00 To order, fill out all the information below. Federal and state laws require that you complete all of the information requested and contribute with a personal check, personal money order or personal credit card. CORPORATE FUNDS will not BE ACCEPTED. Name:_____________________________ Address:__________________________________ City/State/Zip: ________________________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________Ext.:_________Email:____________________________ I am a Credit Union member of: __________________________________________________ Place of Employment:_________________________ Occupation: _______________________ Method of Payment: (check one) Personal Check Personal Money Order To Contribute By Personal Check/Money Order: Complete all information above and mail with a personal check/money order made payable to one of the following: LSCU FEDPAC, ACULAC or CUPAC.
Please forward all contributions and forms to:
Attn: LSCU Accounting Department Alabama Office - 22 Inverness Parkway, Suite 200, Birmingham, Alabama 35242 Florida Office - 3773 Commonwealth Blvd, Tallahassee, FL 32301
PAYROLL DEDUCTION LSCU’s Payroll Deduction program is designed to be a simple and convenient way for credit union employees to contribute to the LSCU FEDPAC. Included in the following pages are samples of the contribution form and wire transfer instructions.
Step 1: Recruit Employees to join LSCU Payroll Deduction
Introduce the program at employees meetings, annual meetings, the credit union’s Christmas Party or other events where most staff is present. Offer incentives for signing up (Staff pizza party, a special outing, Casual Day). Introduce new employees to LSCU Payroll Deduction at point of hire.
Step 2: Create Payroll Deduction Accounts
Create a separate account at the credit union for contributions to LSCU FEDPAC. Wire funds to LSCU via Corporate America transfer within ten (10) days of the withholding point. It is also a good idea to track each employee’s contribution to the new account. If the contribution is over $200 annually, it must be done. If needed, LSCU Governmental Affairs staff has a spreadsheet available specifically for this task.
Suggested Contribution Levels for Staff (Assumes a twice monthly pay schedule): Front line staff - $2 per pay period, $48 annually Loan Officers - $3 per pay period, $72 annually Branch Managers - $4 per pay period, $96 annually Executive Staff - $5 per pay period, $120 annually Sr. Executive Staff - $6-$10 per pay period, $144-$240 annually CEO/Manager/President – Minimum of $15 per pay period
(Your Credit Union’s Letterhead) TO:
________________ Credit Union Employees
Annual LSCU FEDPAC Contribution
LSCU FEDPAC is the federal PAC created by the League of Southeastern Credit Unions to make direct political contributions to candidates who understand and support credit unions. As a federal PAC, LSCU FEDPAC may only solicit and accept personal contributions. This means LSCU FEDPAC is entirely dependent upon those affiliated with the credit union movement in Alabama and Florida for financial support. As an employee of _____________ credit union you are asked to help support the credit union movement in Alabama and Florida by making an annual contribution to LSCU FEDPAC. A scale of suggested contributions is listed below. Please select the level at which you would like to contribute and return the completed form to ___________. Beginning with the next available pay period I wish to voluntarily contribute _____Senior Executive Staff _____Executive Staff _____Branch Managers _____Loan Officers _____Front Line Staff _____Other Amount
-at least $144 annually (____ per pay period) -at least $120 annually (____ per pay period) -at least $96 annually (____ per pay period) -at least $72 annually (____ per pay period) -at least $48 annually (____ per pay period) ____________________________________
I agree to continue contributing at this level each year until I rescind or change the amount in writing. Signed____________________________________
If you have any further questions, please contact ______________. Thank You!
Contributions to LSCU FEDPAC are strictly voluntary. Contributions to federal and state PAC’s are not deductible for federal tax purposes. You have the right to refuse to contribute without any reprisal. 15
Instructions for Wiring Contributions to LSCU FEDPAC Your Credit Union has expressed an interest in transmitting contributions directly to LSCU’s Corporate America account via wire transfer. In accepting these wire instructions, your credit union and its representatives agree to keep confidential the following account information, accompanying documents, and any subsequent wire transfers made to LSCU’s account.
To wire contribution to LSCU FEDPAC directly: 1. Wire the money to the following account (include all of the following information so that the bank will route the money to the correct account): o Credit Union: Corporate American CU o Credit Union Address: 4365 Crescent Road Irondale, AL 35210 o Routing (ABA) #: 262-090-120 o Account #: 262-000-288 o Account Name: League of Southeastern Credit Unions Federal Political Action Committee (LSCU FEDPAC) o Reference: Your Credit Union’s Name 2. Then e-mail Justin Thames (FL), or Robbie Gordon (AL), the following information: All payroll deduction participants’ contribution must be itemized. If the contribution exceeds $16 per month, then the name and mailing address of that contributor must be included. Federal law requires LSCU FEDPAC to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation, and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in a calendar year. Contributions are not deductible for federal tax purposes. Contributions to CULAC are used to support credit union friendly candidates in their bids for federal office. Contributions are strictly voluntary. You have the right to refuse to contribute without any reprisal.
DEDUCT-A-BUCK The Deduct-A-Buck program is an easy way for members of your credit union to contribute to the League of Southeastern Credit Unions Federal PAC and League of Southeastern Credit Unions State PACs. This program asks members of your credit union to consider a voluntary contribution of $1 or more per from their checking or savings account to benefit the LSCU State and/or Federal PACs. You have the option of determining which PAC you would like to contribute funds to, ACULAC, CUPAC or LSCU FEDPAC.
GETTING STARTED: The Deduct-a-Buck Guide Purpose: This guide documents the process used for the League of Southeastern Credit Unions (LSCU) and its Political Action Committees (PAC), the LSCU FEDPAC (League of Southeastern Credit Unions Federal PAC), ACULAC (Alabama Credit Union Legislative Action Committee) and CUPAC (Florida Credit Union Political Action Committee), to solicit affiliated credit union members for contributions to LSCU FEDPAC/ACULAC/CUPAC through the Deduct-a-Buck program. Getting Started: Solicitations: If you are planning to solicit your members for LSCU FEDPAC (federal PAC), the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) requires that the CEO or designated official at the credit union sign a permission statement allowing LSCU FEDPAC to solicit your members. If you are not sure if your credit union has signed a permission statement, please contact LSCU Governmental Affairs staff at 866.231.0545. Approval: A credit union’s Board of Directors must approve the Deduct-A-Buck automatic withdrawal program. The LSCU requests, in writing, that the credit union participate in the Deduct-aBuck program and maintains a copy of the written request on file at the LSCU office. A sample letter from the League president to credit union CEOs will be provided by LSCU. Sign the Credit union Authorization and Information Sheet: The credit union should then complete the Credit Union Authorization and Information Sheet designating a contact at the credit union that will handle the Deduct-a-Buck program and will outline a schedule and other relevant information.
Contributions: o State law requires us to collect and report the name/address/occupation/name of employer and credit union of each individual whose contribution(s) exceeds the current reporting threshold of $50.00 for ACULAC and CUPAC (state PAC). o Contributions at or exceeding reporting thresholds--federal and state laws require us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name/address/name of employer of each individual whose contributions exceed the following thresholds: $50.00 and over for LSCU FEDPAC (federal PAC). o All credit union(s) must have a signed Permission Statement on file at the LSCU. (Note: If contribution is to be disbursed to LSCU FEDPAC (federal PAC), Federal law requires authorization for solicitation from all participating credit unions.) To inquire, please call LSCU Governmental Affairs staff at 866.231.0545. LSCU will remain responsible for filing all necessary reports with the FEC.
Credit union’s role as a collecting agent: It is very important to keep individual contributions to the PAC separate from other credit union corporate accounts. Therefore, credit unions must set up a subaccount or some form of segregation for the funds that will be received from the Deduct-a-Buck program.
Promotion: Credit unions can develop their own Deduct-a-Buck marketing program. Past experience suggests it is more effective to promote the program in newsletters and through the use of promotional materials such as brochures and advertisements. LSCU can always help you create personalized credit union materials. o Set a goal for your credit union’s Deduct-a-Buck program, both in terms of participation and actual dollar amount and be sure to set a deadline for turning in authorization forms. o Offer prizes, both for the entire board of directors and credit union-wide. If your credit union has multiple branches, hold a competition between branches to encourage a higher percentage of participation. Prizes must be in accord with federal law so check with Justin Thames or Robbie Gordon with LSCU before offering prizes. o Include Statement Stuffers into credit union member’s monthly statements. o Incorporate a Deduct-a-Buck solicitation and authorization forms into new member packets. o Advertise Deduct-a-Buck through articles in credit union newsletter and in branches (note that only those employees who are also members of the credit union are solicitable, so be careful to only use this tact if all or at least 97% of employees are members). o Perhaps most importantly, recognize and thank members who contribute.
Disclaimers and Other FEC Requirements: The following disclaimer must appear on all Deduct-a-Buck promotions:
Contributions to LSCU FEDPAC/ACULAC/CUPAC are not deductible for federal tax purposes. You have the right to refuse to contribute without reprisal. I understand that this deduction is not tax-deductible and that this contribution is strictly voluntary and will be used for political purposes. The amounts listed above are merely suggestions, and I may contribute more or less than the guidelines suggest. In addition, the League of Southeastern Credit Unions (LSCU) and [ABC] Credit Union will not favor or disadvantage anyone by reason of the amount of their contribution or their decision not to contribute.
CASUAL DAYS For a contribution ($1-5 suggested) credit union staff may dress casual for a day. Money is collected, made into a credit union check or money order and remitted to ACULAC (Alabama State PAC) or CUPAC (Florida State PAC) along with a Fundraising Remittance form. This is a great was to build political awareness and teamwork among staff. Casual days are a good way to involve the entire credit union and an easy way to raise money. It is recommended that money raised from Casual Day fundraisers be designated to ACULAC or CUPAC, LSCU’s State PACs. By designating funds to the state PAC, it makes it much easier to obtain the information that is needed to meet state reporting requirements. Credit unions that would like to contribute the proceeds from Casual Day fundraising to ACULAC and CUPAC must provide the following information from each contributor along with the proceeds: Name Credit Union Amount of Contribution Date of Contribution. Use the LSCU (state PACs) Fundraising Remittance Form to collect this information or send it to us in a format you already have available.
LSCU PAC FUNDRAISING CASUAL DAY REMITTANCE FORM To ensure that all the necessary information is provided, this form must be completed and mailed with the proceeds from your LSCU Casual Day fundraising activity. (Copy form as needed or attach a separate sheet with required info.) CU NAME:________________________________________________CHAPTER:____________________ CONTACT PERSON:___________________________PHONE:________________________EXT._______ Please send your completed form along with money in the form of a personal check/share draft, money order, or cashier's check made payable to “ACULAC or CUPAC” (state PACs). PLEASE PROVIDE US WITH THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION. Please check method of payment: Cashier’s Check
Money Order
Personal Check
Total Amount Remitting: $___________ Location of fundraiser:__________________________________________________ Number of Participants:_______________ When was the fundraiser?_______________________________________________________ (Time period/date money was raised-from beginning to end.)
State law requires us to collect and report the name/address/name of employer of each individual whose contribution(s) exceeds the current reporting threshold of $50.00 for ACULAC or CUPAC (state PACs). Please provide this information below. Use separate sheet if necessary. Name:___________________________________________________________________________ Address:____________________________________________________________________ City:________________________________________State:____________Zip:_________________ Credit Union (if not a member at your CU): __________________________________________________
Contribution Amount:_________________________________ Date:__________________________
Please forward all contributions and forms to: League of Southeastern Credit Unions ATTN: Accounting Dept. Alabama - 22 Inverness Parkway, Suite 200, Birmingham, AL 35343 Florida - 3773 Commonwealth Blvd., Tallahassee, FL 32301 If you have questions, please call LSCU Governmental Affairs staff at 866.231.0545.
LSCU CASUAL DAY— FUNDRAISING REMITTANCE FORM (COPY FORM AS NEEDED) REPORTING INFORMATION -(Page #____ of #____ for ______________________CU) REQUIRED INFO: State law requires us to collect and report the name/address/occupation/name of employer of each individual whose contribution(s) exceeds the current reporting threshold of $50.00 for ACULAC or CUPAC (state PAC). Please provide this information below or on separate sheet.
Name:___________________________________________________________________________ Address:____________________________________________________________________ City:________________________________________State:____________Zip:_________________ Credit Union (if not a member at your CU): __________________________________________________ Contribution Amount:_________________________________ Date:__________________________
Name:___________________________________________________________________________ Address:____________________________________________________________________ City:________________________________________State:____________Zip:_________________ Credit Union (if not a member at your CU): __________________________________________________ Contribution Amount:_________________________________ Date:__________________________
Name:___________________________________________________________________________ Address:____________________________________________________________________ City:________________________________________State:____________Zip:_________________ Credit Union (if not a member at your CU): __________________________________________________ Contribution Amount:_________________________________ Date:__________________________
Name:___________________________________________________________________________ Address:____________________________________________________________________ City:________________________________________State:____________Zip:_________________ Credit Union (if not a member at your CU): __________________________________________________ Contribution Amount:_________________________________ Date:__________________________
(Send completed form along with money in the form of a personal check, money order, or cashiers check made payable to “ACULAC or CUPAC” (state PACs) to: Accounting Dept. – ACULAC, 22 Inverness Parkway, Suite 200, Birmingham, Alabama or CUPAC, 3773 Commonwealth Blvd., Tallahassee, FL 32303)
GOLF OUTING MULLIGANS Chapter golf outings are a great opportunity to raise money for the PACs. The most popular and easiest way to raise money is selling mulligans. For a small contribution golfers can take a “mulligan” (an extra turn or “do-over” shot) out on the course. Remember to work with chapter leaders well in advance of your chapter’s next annual golf outing to incorporate PAC fundraising activities into the outing. Because registered individuals can provide us with their name, address, date and amount, this is a perfect fundraiser to benefit ACULAC/ CUPAC (state PACs). Mulligans can be sold for any amount, but are often sold for $5.00 each or five for $20.00. Mulligan signage that should be displayed where the mulligans are sold as well as a mulligans template are included on the following pages. It is recommended that the appropriate remittance forms are used and the LSCU Governmental Affairs staff review your chapter event notice if it includes fundraising for LSCU FEDPAC/ACULAC/CUPAC. There are many rules and regulations we must adhere to and this will help to ensure compliance with state and federal law.
Mulligans can be used to re-take a bad shot Each Mulligan can be used once by one player Participants must indicate on the their scorecard when they use a mulligan Once the game is over you may not use your mulligan(s).
A portion of the purchase price will be contributed to the League of Southeastern Credit Unions Political Action Committees (ACULAC or CUPAC). ACULAC and CUPAC are registered state political action committees which make campaign contributions to candidates for state elective office. Contributions to ACULAC and CUPAC are not considered charitable or business expenses for income tax purposes. Contributions are voluntary and there shall be no reprisal for those who decide not to contribute. 25
One Mulligan
One Mulligan
Hole used on:__________________
Hole used on:__________________
A portion of the purchase price will be contributed to the League of Southeastern Credit Union Political Action Committees (ACULAC or CUPAC) ACULAC and CUPAC are political action committees that make campaign contributions to candidates for state elective office. Contributions to ACULAC and CUPAC are not considered charitable charitable or business expenses for income tax purposes. Contributions are voluntary and there shall be no reprisal for those who do not wish to contribute.
A portion of the purchase price will be contributed to the League of Southeastern Credit Union Political Action Committees (ACULAC or CUPAC) ACULAC and CUPAC are political action committees that make campaign contributions to candidates for state elective office. Contributions to ACULAC and CUPAC are not considered charitable charitable or business expenses for income tax purposes. Contributions are voluntary and there shall be no reprisal for those who do not wish to contribute.
One Mulligan
One Mulligan
Hole used on:__________________
Hole used on:__________________
A portion of the purchase price will be contributed to the League of Southeastern Credit Union Political Action Committees (ACULAC or CUPAC) ACULAC and CUPAC are political action committees that make campaign contributions to candidates for state elective office. Contributions to ACULAC and CUPAC are not considered charitable charitable or business expenses for income tax purposes. Contributions are voluntary and there shall be no reprisal for those who do not wish to contribute.
A portion of the purchase price will be contributed to the League of Southeastern Credit Union Political Action Committees (ACULAC or CUPAC) ACULAC and CUPAC are political action committees that make campaign contributions to candidates for state elective office. Contributions to ACULAC and CUPAC are not considered charitable charitable or business expenses for income tax purposes. Contributions are voluntary and there shall be no reprisal for those who do not wish to contribute.
CANDY BAR SALES Chapters and individual credit unions have had great success meeting fundraising goals by selling candy bars in their lobbies and to employees. When reporting the required information to comply with state and federal law, obtaining information from employees may be easier than from members. When submitting proceeds from this fundraising program to one of the following: LSCU FEDPAC, ACULAC or CUPAC. Remember to fill out a Remittance Form. When selling candy (or other items) credit unions must post a sign indicating that a part of the money goes to a PAC. On the next page is an example of a sign you can use. You can also create your own signs as long as noted in the following page is on the sign. For any question regarding this language, please contact LSCU Governmental Affairs Staff. Federal Law requires that items provided in return for a political contribution meet the 1/3 Rule. Ex: Candy Bar cost the credit union $0.50. The candy bar must be sold for $1.50 to comply.
A portion of the purchase price will be contributed to the (INSERT DESIGNATED: League of Southeastern Credit Union Federal Political Action Committee (LSCU FEDPAC), Alabama Credit Union Legislative Action Committee (ACULAC), or Florida Credit Union Action Committee (CUPAC)). LSCU FEDPAC is a federally registered political action committee that makes campaign contributions to candidates for federal elective office. Contributions to LSCU FEDPAC are not considered charitable or business expenses and are not tax deductible. Contributions are voluntary and there shall be no reprisal for those who decide not to contribute.
Charity Match Program The Charity Match Program allows for your credit union or chapter to match State PAC contributions, dollar for dollar, to any accredited charity(s) of your choice. Contributions made through the Charity Match Program come from your corporate funds, not from PAC funds, so the program in no way diminishes the funds available for contribution to political candidates. By participating in this program, you not only support the credit union movement and help meet your State PAC Goals, but also support worthy charitable organizations. For example, if your credit union regularly holds a Casual Day fundraiser for the Children’s Miracle Network (CMN), you can now have that same fundraiser benefit the State PAC and CMN. Simply have the participants make their donations directly to a LSCU State PAC – ACULAC or CUPAC. Let’s say for the purpose of this example that the total amount raised is $100.00. Use the remittance forms shown previously for Casual Days and send that $100.00 directly to a LSCU State PAC. Then your CU can in turn use corporate funds to donate the matching amount to CMN in your employees’ name. As a general reminder, the determining factor on whether a credit union can contribute the proceeds of any fundraiser to ACULAC or CUPAC, the State PACs, is that you must provide us with the name, address, amount of contribution and date along with the proceeds. Any promotions for this program should clearly state that this program benefits LSCU PAC & the chosen charity. Individuals, who donate money, should be aware that their funds go directly to LSCU PACs and the credit union will match the donation with a contribution to the chosen charity.
Alabama Credit Union Legislative Action Committee (ACULAC)
CONSIGNMENT THEME PARK TICKET SALES This program is designed for the direct solicitation of credit union members by the credit union for the purpose of obtaining contributions for ACULAC. Members can purchase theme park tickets in their credit unions or online with this program. From each consignment ticket sold, a specified fund amount will go to the state PAC fund. Fundraising with consignment theme park tickets is enjoyable for members and their families as well as an efficient way to get members into their credit union branches. The LSCU will provide any interested Alabama credit unions with appropriate order forms and remittance documents. Please contact Robbie Gordon at or 205.437.2164