Table of Contents 12x32mm StandardMouth ScrewCapVials 1 12x32mmBig Mouth ScrewCapVials 4 12x32mmR.A.M.ScrewCapVials 5 12x32mmStandardMouth CrimpVials 9 12x32mm B i g Mo u thC ri mpV i a l s 12 12x32mm Sn a pSe aV l ials 16 2 m LS h e lVi l als 19 Auto Analysis Cupsand Caps 20 AutomaticFaucetController 20 15x45mm ScrewCap (4mL- WISPStyle)Vials 21 15x45mmCrimp/Snap Seal (4mL- WISPStyle)Vials 23 4mLShellVials,Plugsand Inserts (WlsP48 Style) 25 Special ApplicationAutosampler Vials, Seals, and Closures 26
LaboratorySupply Distributors,Corporation 1.800.220.15DC (s732) 1.856.235.2874
Ordering Information, Trademarksand Patents Mail:
Laboratory SupplyDistributors, Corp. P . OB . o x1 1 3 1 Mt. Laurel,NJ 08054
Toll-Free: 1.800.220.5732 Fax: 1.856.235.2874 E - m a i l : Website:
TERMS& CONDITIONS OF SALE:Our terms are Net 30 Days,F.O.B.Mt. Laurel,NJ,U.s.A. All shipping and insurancechargesare prepaidand added as a separatechargeto the invoice. All invoices,both domesticand export are for payment in U.S.dollars. We alsoacceptVISA,MasterCardand American Express. SHIPPING:We generallyship domesticordersvia U.P.S. or major freight line depending on the best value for our customers.At your request,we will ship via FederalExpressor any other air freight carrier. NEW ACCOUNTS:lt is very easyto set up an accountwith LaboratorySupplyDistributors,Corp. We will need your billing and shippingaddress;phone number;the personwe contactin your purchasing department;the personwe contact in your accountspayabledepartment;and two references.We can set up your account and ship the same day you order if we have the proper information. RETURNS:lf for any reasonyou are dissatisfiedwith the item(s)you received,we will promptly replacethem or credit your account. lf it is necessary to return material to us, pleasecall us for authorization before returning any item. We are not liable for any returns without our prior authorization. Authorized returns should be shipped to: Laboratory Supply Distributors,One CarnationCourt,Suite B1, Mt. Laurel,NJ,08054. CHANGES:Priceslisted in this catalog are current at the time of printing but are subjectto change without notice. We also reservethe right to changeproduct specifications and packagingquantities without notice. To the best of our knowledge,the product descriptionsand information listedin this catalogare correctand accuratebut is not guaranteedto be so. WARRANTY LaboratorySupply Distributors,Corp. (LSD)product's are warranted to meet the stated performanceand quality and be free of defectsin materialand workmanship. They are not warranted, nor does LSDassumeliabilityfor misuseof productslistedin the catalog. LSDmakesno representation or warranty,expressor implied,and disclaimsany expressor implied warranty, includingwarranties of merchantabilityand fitnessfor a specificpurpose,arisingout of or in connectionwith the sale, manufacture,deliveryor useof any productsdescribedin this catalog. In no event shall LSDbe liable for any claim for incidentalor consequentialdamagesarisingout of or in connectionwith the sale, manufacture,deliveryor use of any product describedin this catalog. The maximum liability which can be assumedby LSDshall be the invoicepriceof the product.
EKONICAL LVI Multi-Tier Poly Crimp Seal R.A.M.Vial SnapRack SnapRing Snap Seal Snap Top Cap
Kimble/Kontes Wheaton ScienceProducts J.G.FinneranAssociates, Inc. J.G.FinneranAssociates, Inc. J.G.FinneranAssociates, Inc. J.G.FinneranAssociates, Inc. J.G.FinneranAssociates, Inc. J.G.FinneranAssociates, Inc. J.G.FinneranAssociates, Inc.
TITESEAL Teflon Top Hat Top Seal Top Spring TPX Viton WISP
Kimble/Kontes E . l .d u p o n t d e N e m o u r s J.G.FinneranAssociates, Inc. J.G.FinneranAssociates, Inc. J.G.FinneranAssociates, Inc. lmperialChemicalIndustries,Ltd. de Nemours MilliporeCorporation
12 x 32mm Standard Mouth Screw Cap Vials T h e " O r i g i n a l " 1 . 8 m 1S c r e wT h r e a dV i a l A v a i l a b l ei n C l e a I A m b e r ;o r S i l a n i z e dG l a s s G l a s sV i a l sA v a i l a b l ew i t h G r a d u a t e dM a r k i n gS p o t s ConicalInterior Designof LimitedVolume VialsAllows M a x i m u mS a m p l eR e t r i e v a l I Utilize Glassor PolypropyleneLimitedVolume Inserts(LVl) I ColoredPolypropylene8-425mmClosuresAvailable I ConvenienceCombo-Kitsand PreAssembled Vial Combo-Kits
Standard Mouth 12x32mm Screw Thread Vials - Use with 8-425mm Closures ClearGlassVial 20808-'1232 $ 9.50per 100 p e r1 0 0 208085-1232 12.25 ClearGlassVial, White GraduationSpot ClearGlassVial, Blue GraduationSpot 2 0 8 0 8 5 8 - 1 2 3 21 2 . 2 5p e r 1 0 0 ClearGlassVial, GreenGraduationSpot 20808SG-1232 1 2 . 2 5o e r1 0 0 ClearGlassVial, RustGraduationSpot 20808SR-123212.25oer 100 208085Y-123212.25oer 100 ClearGlassVial, Yellow GraduationSpot C l e a rG l a s sV i a l ,S i l a n i z e d
2O8O8Z-1232 24.50oer 100
Amber GlassVial Amber GlassVial, White GraduationSpot Amber GlassVial, Blue GraduationSpot Amber GlassVial, GreenGraduationSpot Amber GlassVial, RustGraduationSpot Amber GlassVial, Yellow GraduationSpot
208084-1232 10.50per 100 2080845-1232 13.00per 100 20808A58-1232 13.00per 100 20808ASG-1232 13.00oer 100 2 0 8 0 8 A S R - 1 21 33 2 . 0 0D e r ' 1 0 0 20808ASY-1232 13.00oer 100
Aff Gfasstimited Volume Vials - Use with 8-425mm Closures 1 0 0 p 1C l e a rV i a l 20608X-1232 46.00oer 12 1 0 0 u 1A m b e r V i a l 20608AX1232 110.00oer 'l2 GfassLimited Volume Vials - Use with 8-425mm Closures 1 . 1 m 1T a p e r e dB o t t o mV i a l 81108-1232
5 0 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0
PfasticLimited Volume Vials - Use with 8-425mm Closures p e r1 0 0 100pL PolypropyleneVial 20608W-1232 11.00 1 0 0 u 1 T P XV i a l 20608T-1232 13.75per 100 20608CE-123215.00oer 100 600p1PolyethyleneVial 20608CP-123215.00oer 100 600p1PolypropyleneVial Gfassfnsert/PfasticOutside Limited Volume Vials - Use with 8-425mm Closures 1 0 0 p 1C l e a rG l a s t i cV i a l 20408-1232 98.00per 100 1 0 0 p 1A m b e r G l a s t i cV i a l 204084-1232 120.00per 100 Limited Volume lnserts Insertsare availablepreassembled with a Prospring(a polymer bottom spring).The spring acts as a shock absorberthat protectsagainst breakage if the needle bottoms out. The conicaldesignpermitscompletesampleremoval. Glasslnserts 50pL GlassLVIw/Prospring 100;rLGlassLVIw/PolyFlange 100p1GlassLVIw/Prospring 100p1GlassLVl,No SpringRequired 250p1GlassLVIFlat Bottom
2084OP-425 20860F-529 20860P-530 20860-531 20870-530
Polypropylene(PP)Inserts 100p1PPLVI 100p1PPLVIw/Prospring
20860-530P 7.50oer 100 20860P-530P 16.50per 100
30.00per 100 38.00per 100 26.50oer 100 28.00oer 100 6.50oer 100
(s732) LahoratorySupply Distributors,Corporation 1.800.220.15DC 1.856.235.2874
12 x 32mm Standard Mouth Screw Cap Vials Screw Thread Closures,Polypropylene(8-425mmcap size) BlackOoen-Hole 21200-08 BlackOpen-Hole(for Shimadzu,etc.) 21200J-08 Red Open-Hole 21200R-08 B l u eO o e n - H o l e 212008-08 GreenOpen-Hole 21200G-08 Yellow Ooen-Hole 21200Y-08 White Open-Hole 21200W-08 B l a c kN o - H o l eU , nlined 21200-08C BlackNo-Hole,TFE/F2 l TLlined 212001-08
'100 $ 3.00per 3 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 3 . 2 5p e r 1 0 0 3.25per '100 3 . 2 5p e r 1 0 0 3 . 2 5p e r 1 0 0 3 . 2 5p e r 1 0 0 3 . 0 0p e r1 0 0 1 0 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0
Septafor ScrewThread Closures(8-425mm) TFE/RedRubber.10/35mils W h i t e T F E ,l 0 m i l s white TFEwSlit, tomils (SlL)w/Slit,5/30mils RedTFE/Silicone RedTFEA/Vhite 5lL.5/35mirs Red TFEA/Vhite StL,5/55mits Blue TFEAtVhite SlL,5/55mils Tan TFEMhite 5lL,5/55mils RedTFE/S|L WSlit, 5/55mils RedTFEMhite SlL,5/70mils Red TFE/S|UTFE, 2l36l2mils TFE/SIUTFE w/Slit, 2/36/2mils Red TFE/SlUTFE, 5/50/5mils RedTFE/511, 5/95mils BlackViton, 30mils
7 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0 2.00per 100 5 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0 20.00per 100 6 . 7 5p e r 1 0 0 7 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 8 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 8.00per 100 20.00per 100 8 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0 11.00per 100 1 7 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 1 5 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 14.00per 100 1 8 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0
21300-08 21310-08 21310-08H 21335-08H 21340-08 21360-08 213608-08 21360T-08 21360-08H 21375-08 21345-08 21345-08H 21355-08 21380-08 21390-08
Multi-Use Vial RackSystem- Holder & TraysSold Separately UniversalTrayHolder 25100-01 25 Position12mm InsertTrav 25100-12
9.00per 5 9.00per 5
Snap RacksrM Constructedof durableglassreinforcedpolypropylene,with centerwell to convenientlyhold caps,seals,septa, etc. Rackssnap together securelyto double your rack capacity. 50 PositionSnapRackrM for 12mmVials
7.50 each
PreAssembledClosure& Septa (8-425mm)- supplied as one piece The patentedTop HatrMseptaand closurewas designedto providea positivephysicallock to assurethat preassembled componentsarrive intact. The Top SealrMClosurewith a 0.010" molded septaallowsfor easyneedlepenetrationand is inert to most solvents. BlackTOPHat, TFE/SIL Lineo YellowTOP Hat, TFE/SIL Lineo Black Closurew/TFE/SlL Seota BlackClosurew/SlitTFE/SIL Seota Black Closurew/TFE/SIUTFE Septa TOPSealClosure,molded 1OmilPPSepta TOPSealWhite Cap,molded 10mil PPSepta BlackClosurew/TFE/Rubber Seota
41250-08 41250Y-08 41360-08 41360-08H 41345-08 2 1255-08 21255W-08 41300-08
20.00per '100 20.00per 100 1 2 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 20.00per 100 1 6 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 5.00per 100 6.00per 100 11.00per 100
nnn Laboratory Supply Distributors, Corporation 1.800.220.15DC (s732)
12 x 32mm Standard Mouth Screw Cap Vials Vial Combo-Kits- Vial, Closure& Septa - Assembled All vial kits are preassembled with standardblackclosure(P/N21200-08).Upon request,other color or type (P/N21200J-08) capsmay be substituted. ClearVial, TFE/RedRubberSepta Amber Vial, TFE/RedRubberSepta
40808-300 408084-300
'1,000 $ 200.00per 205.00per 1,000
ClearVial, TFESepta Amber Vial, TFESepta
40808-310 408084-310
1 6 5 . 0p0e r1 , 0 0 0 per 1,000 170.00
ClearVial, TFE/S|licone Septa,0.040" Amber Vial, TFE/Silicone Septa,0.040"
40808-340 408084-340
220.00per 1,000 220.00per 1,000
ClearVial, TFE/Silicone Septa,0.060" Amber Vial, TFE/Silicone Septa,0.060"
40808-360 408084-360
225.00per 1,000 225.00per 1,000
ClearVial, TFE/SIUTFE Septa,0.040" Amber Vial, TFE/SIUTFE Septa,0.040"
40808-345 408084-345
275.00per 1,000 285.00per 1,000
PrecleanedVial Combo-Kits- Assembled ClearVial, TFESepta Amber Vial, TFESepta
42808-31 0 428084-31 0
3 3 . 0 0p e r1 0 0 34.00per 100
ClearVial, TFE/Silicone Septa,0.040" Amber Vial, TFE/Silicone Septa,0.040"
42808-340 42808A-340
44.00per 100 45.00per 100
(s732) LahoratorySupply Distributors,Corporation 1.800.220.15DC 1.856.235.2874
12 x 32mm Big Mouth Screw Cap Vials Having a 4OYoLarger Opening PreventsBroken Needlesand Aids in SampleTransfer...and,these Vials are Compatiblewith Most Autosamplers... I A v a i l a b l ei n C l e a ro r A m b e r G l a s s I GlassVialsAvailablewith GraduatedMarking Spots I UtilizeGlassor PolypropyleneLimitedVolume Inserts CenteringInsert I IncorporatesUnique StepVialDesignPrecisely ln Vial Neck '10-425mm I Colored PolypropyleneClosuresAvailable Vial Combo-Kits I ConvenienceCombo-Kitsand PreAssembled
Big Mouth 12x32mm Screw Thread Vials - Use with 10-425mmClosures 20210-1232 ClearGlassVial $ 9.50per 100 202105-1232 12.50per 100 ClearGlassVial, White GraduationSpot 2O210SB-1232 12.50per 100 ClearGlassVial, Blue GraduationSpot 2O210SG:1232 12.50per100 ClearGlassVial, GreenGraduationSpot 202'l0SR-1232 12.50oer 100 ClearGlassVial, RustGraduationSpot 2021OSY-1232 12.50oer 100 ClearGlassVial, Yellow GraduationSpot
25.00per 100
ClearGlassVial, Silanized
Amber GlassVial Amber GlassVial, White GraduationSpot Amber GlassVial, Blue GraduationSpot Amber GlassVial, GreenGraduationSpot Amber GlassVial, RustGraduationSpot Amber GlassVial, Yellow GraduationSpot
202104-1232 12.00per100 2021OAS-'1232 14.00per 100 20210AS8-123214.00per 100 2 0 2 f 0 A S G - 1 2 3 21 4 . 0 0o e r 1 0 0 20210ASR-123214.00oer 100 20210ASR-123214.00oer 100
PfasticLimited Volume Vials - Use with 10-425mmC/osures Vial 20610J-1232 500p1Polypropylene Vial 206'l0P-1232 750p1Polypropylene
10.50per'100 11.00oer 100
Limited Volume lnserts with a Prospring(polymerbottom spring)or a patented Insertsare availablepreassembled Top SpringrM.The spring acts as a shockabsorberthat protectsagainst breakage if the needle bottoms out. The conicaldesign permits complete sample removal. The Step Insert precisely sitsin the neck of the vial, thus eliminatingthe need for metal or plasticsprings. Glasslnserts 50pLGlassLVIw/Prospring 'l00pL GlassLVIw/Top Spring 250u1GlassLVI 250p1GlassLVIw/GlassFlange 250p1GlassLVIw/Prospring 350;rLGlassLVIFlat Bottom
20840P-625 20860T-530 20860-629 20860-631 20860P-629 20870-630
Polypropylene(PP)Inserts 100p1PPLVIw/Top Spring 250u1PPLVI 250;rLPP LVIw/Prospring 250p1PPLVIw/PlasticFlange
20860T-530P 16.25per 100 20860-631P 6.00per 100 2 0 8 6 0 P - 6 3 1 P 1 2 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0 20860-630P 6.50oer 100
ScrewThread Closures,Polypropylene(10-425mmcap size) 21200-1'0 BlackOoen-Hole 2 t 200R-10 RedOoen-Hole 2 12 0 0 8 -01 B l u eO p e n - H o l e 21200G-1 0 GreenOpen-Hole 21200Y-10 Yellow Ooen-Hole 21200W-t 0 White Ooen-Hole 21200-1 0C BlackNo-Hole,Not lined 212001-1 0 BlackNo-Hole.TFE-lined
30.00per 100 60.00per100 35.00per 100 50.00per 100 50.00per 100 7.75oer 100
3.50per '100 4.00per '100 4.00per 100 4.00per 100 4.00per 100 4.00per 100 3.50per '100 1 0 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0
(s732) LahoratorySupply Distrihutors,Corporation 1.800,220.15DC
12 x 32mm Big Mouth Screw Cap Vials Septa for Screw Thread Closures(10-425mm) TFE/ButylRubbel 10/30mils W h i t e T F E ,1 0 m i l s (SlL)w/Slit,5/55mils RedTFE/Silicone Red TFEAtt/hite SlL.5/60mils RedTFEMhite SILw/Starburst,5/60mils RedTFEMhite 5lL, 10/65mils Red TFE/SIUTFE,2l36l2mils B l a c kV i t o n .3 0 m i l s
21300-t0 21310-10 21355-10H 21360-1 0 21360-10S 21375-10 21345-10 2 13 9 0 -01
$ 8.00per 100 2 . 2 5p e r1 0 0 1 8 . 5 0p e r1 0 0 8.00per 100 24.50per 100 11.00per 100 1 5 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 2 3 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0
PreAssembledClosure& Septa (10-425mm)- suppliedas one piece The Top SealrMClosure,with a 0.010" molded septa,allowsfor easyneedlepenetrationand is inert to most solvents. ClearClosurew/molded 1OmilPPSeota Black Closurew/TFE/SlL(5/60)Septa TOPSealClosurew/molded 1OmilPPSepta TOPSealClosurew/molded StarburstSeota
21500-1 0X 41360-1 0 21255-'t0 2125558-10
Mufti-Use Vial RackSystem - Holder & TraysSold Separately UniversalTray Holder 25100-01 25 Position12mm InsertTray 25100-12
5.00per 100 12.00per '100 5 . 2 5p e r1 0 0 5 . 5 0p e r1 0 0 9.00per 5 9.00per 5
Snap RacksrM Constructedof durableglassreinforcedpolypropylene, with centerwell to convenientlyhold caps,seals,septa,etc. Rackssnaptogether securelyto double your rack capacity. 50 PositionSnap RackrMfor 12mm Vials
7 . 5 0e a c h
New PreassembledVial Kit for lon Chromatography Preassembledvial kit includes 750p1 polypropylenevial, 10-425mmred polypropylene closureand 1OmilTeflon seota. PolypropyleneVial, Red Closure,TFESepta
4 0 2 1 0 P P - 3 1 0 R 2 6 . 5 0o e r1 0 0
ConvenienceCombo-Kitswith PreAssembledClosures Componentspackagedin a clear lid tray with 100vialsand 100 preassembled blackclosures and septa. Fitsinto bench drawer for easyaccess and packagingkeepsproductsvisibleand particlefree. Upon request,other color capsmay be substituted.
292.00per 1,000 304.00per 1,000
ClearVial, TFE/RedRubberSepta,0.040" Amber Vial, TFE/RedRubberSepta,0.040"
4204040-10 4204040A-10
ClearVial, TFE/Silicone Septa,0.060" Amber Vial, TFE/Silicone Septa,0.050"
4206050-10 270.00per 1,000 42060504-10 28'l.00per'1,000
ClearVial, TFE/Silicone/TFE Septa,0.040" Amber Vial, TFE/S|licone/TFE Septa,0.040"
4204060-10 293.50per 1,000 42040604-10 304.50per 1,000
Vial Combo-Kits- Vial, Closure& Septa - Assembled All vial kits are preassembledwith standard black closure(P/N 21200-10). Upon request, other color capsmay be substituted. ClearVial, TFE/RedRubberSepta Amber Vial, TFE/RedRubberSepta
40210-300 402104-300
220.00per 1,000 230.00per 1,000
ClearVial, TFESepta Amber Vial, TFESepta
40210-310 402104-310
200.0p 0 e r1 , 0 0 0 200.00per 1,000
ClearVial, TFE/S|licone Septa Amber Vial, TFE/Silicone Septa ClearVial, TFE/S|licone/TFE Septa Amber Vial, TFE/Silicone/TFE Septa
40210-360 242.50per 1.000 40210A-360 250.00per 1,000 40210-345 280.00per '1,000 402104-345 280.00per 1,000
ClearVial, TFESepta,Step Insert ClearVial, TFE/Silicone Septa,Step Insert
40210-310R 40210-360R
7 5 . 0 0p e r1 0 0 80.00per '100
(s732) LaboratorySupply Distributors,Corporation 1.800.220.15DC 1.856.235.2874
12 x 32mm R.A.M.'"Screw Cap Vials With a 4Oo/"larger opening, the R.A.M.Vial combines the design of a crimp top with the convenienceof a screw thread vial, thus eliminatingthe need for crimping and decapping. I I I I I I
A v a i l a b l ei n C l e a ro r A m b e r G l a s s GlassVialsAvailablewith GraduatedMarking Spots UtilizeGlassor PolypropyleneLimitedVolume Inserts ColoredPolypropylene9mm ClosuresAvailable ConvenienceCombo-KitsAvailable Vial/Closure Works in RoboticArm Autosamplerslike Hewlett-Packard
Big Mouth 12x32mm R.A.M. Screw Thread Vials - Use with 9mm Closures ClearGlassVial 2O21OQ-1232$ 11.00per 100 ClearGlassVial, White GraduationSpot 2 0 2 1 0 Q S - 1 2 3 2 1 2 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 ClearGlassVial, Blue GraduationSpot 20210QS8-123212.00per 100 ClearGlassVial, GreenGraduationSpot 2 0 2 1 0 Q S G - 1 2 3'21 2 . 0p0e r 1 0 0 ClearGlassVial, RustGraduationSpot 2 0 2 1 O Q S R - 1 2 3122 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 ClearGlassVial, Yellow GraduationSpot 20210QSY-123212.00per 100 ClearGlassVial, Silanized
2021OQZ-1232 25.00per 100
Amber GlassVial Amber GlassVial,White GraduationSpot Amber GlassVial, Blue GraduationSpot Amber GlassVial, GreenGraduationVial Amber GlassVial, RustGraduationVial Amber GlassVial, Yellow GraduationVial
20210Q4-1232 12.50per 100 20210QA5-123214.00per 100 2 0 2 1 0 Q A S B - 1 21342. 0 0p e r 1 0 0 20210QASG-1232 14.00per 100 20210QASR-l232 14.00per 100 2021OQASY-1232 14.00per'100
GfassHigh Recovery R.A.M.Vials * Use with 9mm Closures Vial features a precisionformed conical bottom. Perform sample concentrationsand injectionsin one vial - no transferringto limited volume inserts. 1.5m1High RecoveryGlassVial
GfassLimited Volume LVI-R.A.M.Vials - Usewith 9mm Closures T h e n e w 3 0 0 u L L VVl i a lh a s a g l a s s i n s e r t f u s e d i n t o a l 2 x 3 2 m m v iTahl .i s v i a hl a s a r e s i d u a l volume that can be as low as 2mL, depending on the solvent, needle style and depth adjustmentof the autosampler. 300p1ClearVial,White Marking Spot 3 0 0 p 1 A m b e rV i a l ,W h i t e M a r k i n gS p o t
2 0 2 1 0 Q 1 S - 1 2 3 72 3 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 20210Q1SA5-1232 73.00per 100
PfasticLimited Volume R.A.M.Vials - Use with 9mm Closures 100p1Polypropylene Vial 20609W-1232 1 0 0 u 1 T P XV i a l 2O6O9f-1232 500p1Polypropylene Vial 20609P-1232
8.50per 100 13.75oer 100 9.50per 100
(s732) LaboratorySupply Distributors,Corporation 1.800.220.15DC
12 x 32mm R.A.M." Screw Cap Vials Limited Volume lnserts Insertsare availablepreassembled with a Prospring(polymerbottom spring)or a patented Top SpringrM. The spring acts as a shock absorberthat proteqtsagainst breakageif the needlebottoms out. The conicaldesignpermitscompletesampleremoval. GlassInserts 50pLGlassLVIw/Prospring 100p1GlassLVIw/Top Spring 250u1GlassLVI 250;rLGlassLVIw/Prospring 350u1GlassLVIFlat Bottom
20840P-625 20850T-530 20850-629 20860P-529 20870-630
Polypropylene(PP)Inserts 100p1 PP LVIw/Top Spring 250u1PPLVI 250p1 PP LVIw/Prospring
20850T-530P 20860-631P 20860P-531P
16.25per 100 6.00per'100 12.50per 100
Screw Thread Closures,Polypropylene(9mm cap size) BlackOpen-Hole Red Open-Hole Blue Open-Hole GreenOpen-Hole Yellow Open-Hole Natural Open-Hole BlackNo-Hole,TFE/F217 Lined
21200-09 21200R-09 212008-09 21200G-09 21200Y-09 21200N-09 212001-09
4.00per 100 4.00per '100 4.00per 100 4.00per 100 4.00per 100 4.00per 100 1 7 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0
Septa for Screw Thread Closures(9mm) white TFE,1omils TFE/ButylRubber,10/30mils Red TFEAI/hiteSlL,5/35mils Red TFE/SI UTFE,2l36l2mils RedTFE/SIL w/Slit,5/35mils
21310-09 21300-09 21340-09 21345-09 21340-09H
2 . 2 5p e r1 0 0 8.50per 100 9.50per 100 14.00per 100 1 9 . 0 0p e r1 0 0
$ 30.00per 100 60.00per 100 35.00per 100 50.00per 100 7.75per 100
PreAssembfed R.A.M.Closure& Septa(9mm)- suppliedas one piece Easy-on, easy-offconvenience with a twist of the cap,that producesan evaporationproof seal. Natural Cap, TFE/RedRubber Septa Blue Cap,TFE/RedRubberSepta BlackCap,TFE/RedRubberSepta Green Cap, TFE/RedRubber Septa Red Cap.TFE/RedRubber Septa Yellow Cap,TFE/RedRubber Septa
21500-1 0 215008-1 0 2150081-1 0 2 1s 0 0 G -01 21500R-1 0 21500Y-1 0
1 2 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 1 2 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 1 2 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 1 2 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 1 2 . 0 0p e r ' 1 0 0 1 2 . 0 0p e r1 0 0
Natural Cap,TFE/S|licone Septa Blue Cap,TFE/Silicone Septa BlackCap,TFE/Silicone Septa GreenCap,TFE/S|licone Septa Red Cap,TFE/Silicone Septa Yellow Cap,TFE/S|licone Septa
21520-10 2 15 2 0 8 -01 2152081-1 0 2 15 2 0 G -01 21520R-1 0 21520Y-10
15.0p 0er'100 1 5 . 0 0p e r1 0 0 1 5 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 1 5 . 0 0p e r1 0 0 1 5 . 0 0p e r1 0 0 1 5 . 0 0p e r1 0 0
Natural Cap,TFE/S|licone/TFE Septa Blue Cap,TFE/S|licone/TFE Septa BlackCap,TFE/Silicone/TFE Septa GreenCap,TFE/Silicone/TFE Septa Red Cap, TFE/Silicone/TFE Septa Yellow Cap, TFE/S|licone/TFE Septa
2 15 3 0 -01 2 15 3 0 8 -01 2153081-1 0 21530G-1 0 21530R-1 0 21530Y-1 0
20.00per 100 20.00per 100 20.00per 100 20.00per 100 20.00per 100 20.00per 100
NaturalCap,TFE/S|licone w/Slit Septa Blue Cap,TFE/S|licone w/Slit Septa BlackCap,TFE/S|licone w/Slit Septa GreenCap,TFE/S|licone w/Slit Septa Red Cap,TFE/Silicone w/Slit Septa Yellow Cap,TFE/Silicone w/Slit Septa
21520-1 0H 215208-1 0H 2152081-1 0H 21520G-1 0H 21520R-1 0H 21520Y-10H
2 1 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 2 1 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 2 1 . 0 0p e r1 0 0 2 1 . 0 0p e r1 0 0 2 1 . 0 0p e r1 0 0 2 1 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0
Laboratory Supply Distributors, Corporation 1.800.220.15DC (s732) 1.856.235.2874
12 x 32mm R.A.M.'" Screw Cap Vials Multi-Use Vial RackSystem- Holder & TraysSold Separately U n i v e r s aTl r a yH o l d e r 25100-01 25 Position12mm InsertTrav 25100-'t2
$ 9.00per 5 9.00per 5
Snap RacksrM Constructedof durableglassreinforcedpolypropylene,with centerwell to convenientlyhold caps,seals,septa,etc. Rackssnaptogether securelyto double your rack capacity. 5 0 P o s i t i o nS n a pR a c kf o r 1 2 m mV i a l s
7.50 each
ConvenienceCombo-Kitswith PreAssembledR.A.M.rMClosures Componentspackagedin a clearlid tray with 100vialsand 100 preassembled natural closures and septa. Fitsinto bench drawer for easyaccessand packagingkeepsproductsvisibleand particlefree. Upon request,other color capsmay be substituted. ClearVial, TFE/RedRubberSepta Amber Vial, TFE/Red RubberSepta
40210-500 402104-500
240.00per 1,000 250.00per 1,000
ClearVial, TFE/Silicone Septa Amber Vial, TFE/Silicone Septa
40210-560 40210A-560
265.00per 1,000 265.00per 1,000
ClearVial, TFE/Silicone/TFE Septa Amber Vial, TFE/Silicone/TFE Septa
40210-545 40210A-545
300.00per 1,000 300.00per 1,000
ClearVial, TFE/S|licone WSlit Septa
40210-560H 330.00per 1,000
(s732) LaboratorySupply Distributors,Corporation 1.800.220.15DC
12 x 32mm Standard Mouth Crimp Vials T h e " O r i g i n a l "1 . 8 m 1C r i m pV i a l A v a i l a b l ei n C l e a r A , m b e r ,o r S i l a n i z e dG l a s s G l a s sV i a l sA v a i l a b l ew i t h G r a d u a t e dM a r k i n gS p o t s Utilize Glassor PolypropyleneLimitedVolume lnserts(LVl) U s e sP a t e n t e d1 1 m m P o l yC r i m p r MS e a lo r A l u m i n u mS e a l si n a Selectionof Colors I ConvenienceCombo-KitsAvailable
Standard Mouth 12x32mm Crimp Vials - Use with 11mm Poly CrimprM or Aluminum Seals '100 20811-1232 ClearGlassVial $ 9.50 Der ClearGlassVial , White GraduationSpot 208115-1232 11.00per 100 2081158-1232 1 1 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 C l e a rG l a s sV i a l ,B l u eG r a d u a t i o nS p o t C l e a r G l a s s V i aG l , r e e nG r a d u a t i o nS p o t 2 0 8 1 1 5 G - 1 2 3 2 1 1 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 C l e a rG l a s sV i a l .R u s tG r a d u a t i o nS p o t 2 0 8 1 1 S R - 1 2 3 2 1 1 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 208115Y-1232 11.00per 100 ClearGlassVial, Yellow GraduationSpot C l e a rG l a s sV i a l ,S i l a n i z e d
22.00oer 100
Amber GlassVial Amber GlassVial, White GraduationSpot Amber GlassVial, Blue GraduationSpot Amber GlassVial, GreenGraduationSpot Amber GlassVial, RustGraduationSpot Amber GlassVial, Yellow GraduationSpot
20811A-1232 9.50per 100 20811AS-1232 12.00per 100 p e r1 0 0 2 0 8 1 1 A S 8 - 1 2 3 21 2 . 0 0 2 0 8 1l A S G -2I 3 2 1 2 . 0 0o e r1 0 0 2 0 8 1 1 A S R - 1 2 3 21 2 . 0 0o e r1 0 0 2 0 8 1 1 A S Y - 1 2 3 21 2 . 0 0o e r1 0 0
Alf GlassLimited Volume Vials - Use with 11mm Aluminum Sealsor Poly CrimprMSeals 100u1ClearVial 2O111X-1232 47.00 oer 12 Limited Volume lnserts Insertsare availablepreassembled with a Prospring(a polymer bottom spring).The spring acts as a shock absorberthat protects against breakage if the needle bottoms out. The conicaldesignpermitscompletesampleremoval. Glasslnserts 50pLGlassLVIw/Prospring 100p1GlassLVl,No SpringRequired 100p1GlassLVIw/Prospring 100p1GlassLVIw/GlassFlange 250u1GlassLVIFlat Bottom
20840P-425 20860-531 20860P-530 20860F-531 20870-530
30.00per 100 28.00per 100 26.50per 100 45.00per 100 6 . 5 0p e r1 0 0
Polypropylene(PP)Inserts 100p1PPLVI 100p1PPLVIw/Prospring
20860-530P 20860P-530P
7.50oer 100 16.50oer 100
(s732) LaboratorySupply Distributors,Corporation 1.800.220.15DC 1.856.235.2874
12 x 32mm Standard Mouth Crimp Cap Vials 11mm Aluminum Sealswith Septa SilverSeal,TFE/RedRubberSepta Red Seal,TFE/RedRubber Septa Blue Seal,TFE/RedRubberSepta GreenSeal,TFE/RedRubberSepta Yellow Seal,TFE/Red RubberSepta
2t100-11 2t100R-11 211008-11 2t100G-11 2l100Y-11
SilverSeal,TFE/S|licone Septa RedSeal,TFE/S|licone Septa Blue Seal,TFE/S|licone Septa GreenSeal,TFE/S|licone Septa Yellow Seal,TFE/Silicone Septa
2't120-1'l 21 120R-11 211208-11 21120G-11 21120Y-11
1 2 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0 1 6 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0 per'100 16.50 1 6 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0 1 6 . 5 0p e r1 0 0
SilverSeal,TFE/Si licone/TFESepta Red Seal,TFE/S|licone/TFE Septa Blue Seal,TFE/S|licone/TFE Septa GreenSeal,TFE/S|licone/TFE Septa Yellow Seal,TFE/Silicone/TFE Septa
2 113 0 - 11 21 130R-11 2 113 0 8 - 11 21 130G-11 21 130Y-11
1 9 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0 2 1 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0 2 1 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0 p e r1 0 0 21.50 2 1 . 5 0p e r ' 1 0 0
SilverSeal,TFESepta SilverSeal,PolypropyleneSepta SilverSeal,BlackViton Septa,40mils
2',t140-11 2 1 1 5 0 -1' t z',t190-11
8.00per 100 10.00per 100 28.00per 100
$ 5.00per 100 7 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0 7 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0 7 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0 7 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0
11mm GCAluminum Sealwith Septa The new and improved GC sealsoffer multiple injectioncapabilitywith zero extractables. GCSealshave better resealingcapabilitiesthan standardred rubber seals. SilverSeal,TFE/S|licone Septa
8 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0
11mm Patented Poly CrimprMSealswith Septa A crimp cap constructedof plasticthat fits virtually any crimp samplevial. Use a standard crimpingtool to securelycrimp the sealonto any crimp stylevial. ClearSeal,molded StarburstSepta RedSeal,molded StarburstSepta Blue Seal,molded StarburstSepta GreenSeal,molded StarburstSepta Yellow Seal,molded StarburstSepta
2 1 5 0 5 -1 X S 2 15 0 5 R -11X S 2 15 0 5 8 - 1 X S 2 15 0 5 G - 1 X S 2 1 5 0 5 Y -11X S
4 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0 4 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0 4 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0 4.50per 100 4.50per 100
ClearSeal,TFE/RedRubberSepta RedSeal,TFE/Red RubberSepta Blue Seal,TFE/RedRubberSepta GreenSeal,TFE/Red RubberSepta Yellow Seal,TFE/Red RubberSepta
21505-t1 2 15 0 5 R -11 2 15 0 5 8 - 1 2 15 0 5 G - 1 21505Y-1'l
9 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 9 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 9 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 9.00per 100 9 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0
ClearSeal,TFE/S|licone Septa RedSeal,TFE/Silicone Septa Blue Seal,TFE/S|licone Septa GreenSeal,TFE/S|licone Septa Yellow Seal,TFE/S|licone Septa
21525-11 2 15 2 5 R -11 215258-11 21525G-11 21525Y-11
1 6 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 1 6 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 1 6 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 1 6 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 1 6 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0
ClearSeal,TFE/S|licone StarburstSepta ClearSeal,TFE/S|licone Slit Septa
21525-115 21525-11H
2 3 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 20.00per 100
Clear Seal,TFE/S|l icone/TFESepta RedSeal,TFE/Silicone/TFE Septa Blue Seal,TFE/S|licone/TFE Septa GreenSeal,TFE/Silicone/TFE Septa Yellow Seal,TFE/S| |icone/TFESepta
2 15 3 5 - 11 2 15 3 5 R -11 2 15 3 5 8 - 1 2 1s 3 5 G t- 1 21535Y-11
1 8 . 7 5p e r 1 0 0 1 8 . 7 5p e r 1 0 0 1 8 . 7 5p e r 1 0 0 1 8 . 7 5p e r 1 0 0 1 8 . 7 5p e r' 1 0 0
ClearSeal,1OmilTFESepta RedSeal,10milTFESepta Blue Seal,1OmilTFESepta G r e e nS e a l ,l 0 m i l T F ES e p t a Yellow Seal,1OmilTFESepta
21545-',t1 2 15 4 5 R , 1 215458-11 21545G-11 21545Y-11
9.00per 100 9.00per ',|00 9.00per 100 9.00per '100 9.00per 100
LaboratorySupply Distributors,Corporation 1.800.220.15DC (s732)
12 x 32mm Standard Mouth Crimp Cap Vials Mufti-Use Vial RackSystem - Holder & TraysSold Separately UniversalTray Holder 25100-01 'l2mm 25 Position InsertTrav 25100-12
$ 9.00per 5 9.00per 5
Snap RacksrM Constructedof durable glassreinforcedpolypropylene,with centerwell to convenientlyhold caps,seals,septa,etc. Rackssnaptogether to double your rack capacity. 50 PositionSnaoRackfor 12mm Vials
Viaf Combo-Kits- Crimp Vialsand 11mm Aluminum Sealswith Septa ClearGlassVial, TFE/RedRubberSeal 4 0 8 11 - 1 0 0 Amber GlassVial, TFE/RedRubberSeal 40811A-100
'125.00 per 1,000 135.00per 1,000
ClearGraduatedVial, TFE/RedRubberSeal Amber GraduatedVial, TFE/RedRubberSeal
40811S-100 40811AS-100
1 5 0 . 0p0e r1 , 0 0 0 1 6 5 . 0p0e r 1 , 0 0 0
ClearGlassVial. TFE/S|licone Seal Amber GlassVial, TFE/S|licone Seal
4 0 8 11 - 1 2 0 40811A-120
235.00per 1,000 235.00per 1,000
ClearGraduatedVial, TFE/Silicone Seal Amber GraduatedVial, TFE/S|licone Seal
4 0 8 11 5 - 1 2 0 40811AS-120
240.00per 1,000 250.00per 1,000
ClearGlassVial, TFE/Silicone/TFE Seal Amber GlassVial, TFE/SiliconeffFE Seal
4 0 8 11 - 1 3 0 40811A-130
250.00per 1,000 260.00per 1,000
ClearGraduatedVial, TFE/Silicone/TFE Seal Amber GraduatedVial. TFE/S|licone/TFE Seal
4 0 8 11 S - 1 3 0 40811AS-130
300.00per 1,000 315.0p 0 e r1 , 0 0 0
ClearGlassVial, TFE Seal Amber GlassVial, TFE Seal
4 0 8 11 - 1 4 0 40811A-140
1 7 5 . 0p0e r1 , 0 0 0 per 1,000 180.00
ClearGraduatedVial, TFE Seal Amber GraduatedVial, TFE Seal
40811S-140 40811AS-140
1 8 5 . 0p0e r 1 , 0 0 0 200.00per 1,000
Viaf Combo-Kits- Crimp Vialsand 1l mm Poly Crimpru Sealswith Septa ClearGlassVial. TFE/RedRubberSeal 40811-700 Amber GlassVial. TFE/RedRubberSeal 408114-700
1 5 0 . 0p0e r1 , 0 0 0 1 5 5 . 0p0e r1 , 0 0 0
ClearGraduatedVial, TFE/RedRubberSeal Amber GraduatedVial, TFE/Red RubberSeal
408115-700 40811A5-700
per 1,000 165.00 per 1,000 190.00
ClearGlassVial, TFE/Silicone Seal Amber GlassVial, TFE/S|licone Seal
40811-720 408114-720
235.00per 1,000 235.00per 1,000
ClearGraduatedVial, TFE/S|licone Seal Amber GraduatedVial, TFE/S|licone Seal
408115-720 40811AS-720
240.00per 1,000 250.00per 1,000
ClearGlassVial, TFE/Silicone/TFE Seal Amber GlassVial, TFE/S|licone/TFE Seal
40811-730 408114-730
250.00per 1,000 260.00per 1,000
ClearGraduatedVial, TFE/S|licone/TFE Seal Amber GraduatedVial, TFE/S|licone/TFE Seal
408115-730 4081lAS-730
300.00per 1,000 315.0p 0 e r1 , 0 0 0
ClearGlassVial, TFE Seal Amber GlassVial, TFE Seal
40811-740 40811A-740
1 7 5 . 0p0e r 1 , 0 0 0 1 8 0 . 0p0e r 1 , 0 0 0
ClearGraduatedVial, TFE Seal Amber GraduatedVial, TFE Seal
408115-740 4081145-740
185.00per 1,000 200.00per 1,000
Crimpersand Decappersfor 11mm Crimp-TopVials 1 1 m mC r i m p e r 1 1 m mD e c a p p e r 1 1 m mH a n d D e c a p p e r
21800-t1 2'1900-1 1 2190't-1'l
125.00each 40.00each 132.50 each
(s732) LaboratorySupply Distributors,Corporation 1.800.220.15DC 1.855.235.2874
12 x 32mm Big Mouth Crimp Vials Havinga 4O%LargerOpeningPreventsBrokenNeedlesand Aids in SampleTransfer...Designed for use with the SnapTop CaprmSystem and PatentedPoly CrimprMSeal...and, these Vials are Compatible with most Autosamplers... I A v a i l a b l ei n C l e a rA , m b e n o r S i l a n i z e dG l a s s I G l a s sV i a l sA v a i l a b l ew i t h G r a d u a t e dM a r k i n gS p o t s I U s eE i t h e r1 1 m mA l u m i n u mS e a l sS, n a pT o p C a p so r P a t e n t e d P o l yC r i m p r MS e a l s T E l i m i n a t eC r i m p e r sb y U s i n gS n a pT o p C a p t t S y s t e m T U t i l i z e sG l a s so r P o l y p r o p y l e nLei m i t e dV o l u m e I n s e r t s T ConvenienceCombo-KitsAvailable I Patented PolyCrimprMSealFitsAny Crimp Top Vial T IncorporatesUnique StepVialDesignPrecisely CenteringInsert ln VialNeck
Big Mouth 12x32mm Crimp Vials - Use with 11mm Aluminum Sealsor Poly CrimprMSeals C l e a rG l a s sV i a l 20211-1232 $ 9 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0 '10.50oer 100 ClearGlassVial, White GraduationSpot 202115-1232 C l e a rG l a s sV i a l ,B l u eG r a d u a t i o nS p o t 2021158-'1232 10.50oer 100 C l e a rG l a s sV i a l ,G r e e nG r a d u a t i o nV i a l 202115G-1232 10.50oer 100 ClearGlassVial, RustGraduationVial 2 0 2 1 S R - 1 2 3 2 1 0 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0 ClearGlassVial, Yellow GraduationSpot 202115Y-1232 10.50oer 100 C l e a rG l a s sV i a l ,S i l a n i z e d
A m b e r G l a s sV i a l Amber GlassVial, White GraduationSpot A m b e r G l a s sV i a l ,B l u eG r a d u a t i o nS p o t Amber GlassVial, GreenGraduationSpot Amber GlassVial, RustGraduationSpot Amber GlassVial, Yellow GraduationSpot
20211A-1232 10.00per 100 20211A5-1232 '12.00 oer 100 2 0 2 1 1 A S 8 - 1 2 3 21 2 . 0 0o e r 1 0 0 ' 1 2 . 0 20211ASG-1232 o0e r 1 0 0 2 0 2 1 1 A S R - 1 2 3 21 2 . 0 0o e r 1 0 0 2 0 2 1 1 A S Y - I 2 3 2 1 2 . 0 0o e r 1 0 0
24.00oer 100
Big Mouth 12x32mm Snap Ring/CrimpVials - lJsePoly Crimp, SnapTop, or Aluminum Seals C l e a rG l a s sV i a l 202115R-'1232 9.50per '100 ClearGlassVial, White GraduationSpot 2 0 2 1l S R S - I 2 3 2 1 0 . 5 0o e r 1 0 0 C l e a rG l a s sV i a l ,S i l a n i z e d
2021'ISRZ-1232 24.00oer 100
Amber GlassVial Amber GlassVial, White GraduationSpot
2021 l A S R - 1 2 3 2 1 0 . 0 0o e r 1 0 0 2021 l A S R S - 1 2 3 21 2 . 0 0o e r 1 0 0
Limited Volume Inserts Insertsare availablepreassembled with a Prospring(polymer bottom spring) or a patented Top SpringrM. The spring acts as a shock absorberthat protects against breakage if the needle bottoms out. The conicaldesignpermitscompletesampleremoval. The Step Insert preciselysits in the neck of the vial, thus eliminatingthe need for metal or plasticsprings. GlassInserts 50pLGlassLVIWProspring 100p1GlassLVIw/Top Spring 250u1GlassLVI 250p1GlassLVIw/GlassFlange 250p1GlassLVIw/Prospring 350u1GlassLVIFlat Bottom
20840P-625 20860T-530 20860-629 20860-63 1 20860P-629 20870-630
30.00per 100 60.00per 100 3 5 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 50.00per 100 50.00per '100 7 . 7 5p e r 1 0 0
Polypropylene(PP)Inserts 100p1PPLVIw/Top Spring 250p1PPLVI 250p1PPLVIw/Prospring 250p1PPLVIw/PlasticFlange
20860T-530P 20860-63'l P 20860P-63 tP 20860-630P
' 1 6 . 2p5e r 1 0 0 6.00per 100 ' 1 2 . 5p0e r 1 0 0 6"50per '100
Laboratory Supply Distributors, Corporation
(s732) 1.800.220.15DC 1.856.235.2874
12 x 32mm Big Mouth Crimp Vials
LimitedVolume Big Mouth Crimp StyleVials GlassCrimp Neck Vials 1 0 0 u 1C l e a rS o l i dG l a s sV i a l 1 0 0 u 1A m b e r S o l i dG l a s sV i a l 1 0 0 U 1E K O N I C A L TGMl a s sV i a l 300p1ClearLVIrMVial, w/Marking Spot 300p1Amber LVIrMVial, w/Marking Spot 1 . 1 m 1C l e a rT a o e r e dB o t t o mV i a l 1 . 5 m 1C l e a rH i g h R e c o v e rG y l a s sV i a l 2.0mLClearRound Bottom Vial
20611X-1232 $ 45.00per '12 2061't-1232 300.00per 100 20611A.-1232 73.50per '12 2074s-1232 8 7 . 5 0p e r1 0 0 203115-1232 8 5 . 0 0p e r1 0 0 20311A.5-1232 9 7 . 7 5p e r1 0 0 811',t1-1232 50.00per '100 20511-1232 8 5 . 0 0p e r1 0 0 820't1-1232 1 5 . 0 0p e r1 0 0
GlassSnap Ring Vials 1 0 0 u 1E K O N I C A L T GM l a s sV i a l
20211L5R-1232 8 5 . 0 0p e r1 0 0
PlasticLimited Volume Vials 100p1PolypropyleneCrimp/SnapRing Vial 1 0 0 p 1 T P XC r i m p / S n aR p i n gV i a l 500p1PolypropyleneCrimp/SnapRing Vial 600p1PolyethyleneCrimp Vial 600p1PolypropyleneCrimp Vial 750p1PolypropyleneCrimp/SnapRingVial 750p1TPX Crimp/SnapRing Vial
20611W-1232 20611T-1232 20611)-1232 20611CE-1232 2061'tCP-1232 2061'tP-1232 20611rJ1232
GlassInsert/PlasticOutside Limited Volume Vials 1 0 0 p 1C l e a rG l a s t i cC r i m p / S n aR p i n gV i a l 1 0 0 p 1A m b e r G l a s t i cC r i m p / S n aR p i n gV i a l
20411-1232 204114-1232
11mm Aluminum Sealswith Septa SilverSeal,TFE/RedRubberSepta SilverSeal,TFE/Silicone Septa SilverSeal,TFE/Silicone/TFE Septa SilverSeal,TFESepta SilverSeal,PolypropyleneSepta SilverSeal,BlackViton Septa,40mils
2 110 0 - 1 21120-11 21130-11 21140-11 21150-11 21't90-11
11 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 1 4 . 2 5p e r 1 0 0 9 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 1 5 . 0 0p e r1 0 0 1 5 . 0 0p e r1 0 0 8 . 5 0p e r1 0 0 1 4 . 2 5p e r1 0 0 8 5 . 0 0p e r1 0 0 'l10.00per 100 5.60per '100 1 2 . 5 0p e r' 1 0 0 1 9 . 0 0p e r' 1 0 0 8.00per '100 1 0 . 0 0p e r1 0 0 28.00per 100
For complete color selectionrefer to page 10. 11mm GCAluminum Sealwith Septa The new and improved GC sealsoffer multiple injectioncapabilitywith zero extractables GC Sealshave better resealingcapabilitiesthan standardred rubber seals. SilverSeal,TFE/Silicone Septa
11mm Snap Plug Closure,Polyethylene Recommendedand approvedfor usewith Perkin-Elmer autosamplers. S n a pP l u gC l o s u r e 20140-11
8 . 0 0p e r1 0 0
5 . 1 0p e r1 0 0
11mm Patented Poly CrimprMSealswith Septa A crimp cap constructedof plasticthat fits virtually any crimp samplevial. Use a standard crimpingtool to securelycrimp the sealonto any crimp stylevial. ClearSeal,molded StarburstSepta ClearSeal,TFE/RedRubberSepta ClearSeal,TFE/Silicone Septa ClearSeal,TFE/S|licone/TFE Septa C l e a rS e a l ,1 O m iT l F ES e p t a ClearSeal,TFE/Silicone StarburstSepta ClearSeal,TFE/Silicone Slit Septa
2 1 5 0 5 -l1X S 2'.t505-11 21525-11 2't535-11 21545-11 21525-115 2't525-11H
4 . 5 0p e r1 0 0 9.00per 100 1 6 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 1 8 . 7 5p e r 1 0 0 9 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 2 3 . 0 0p e r1 0 0 2 0 . 0 0p e r1 0 0
Crimpersand Decappersfor 11mm Crimp-TopVials 11 m m C r i m p e r '| 1mm Decapper l l m m H a n dD e c a p p e r
2 1 8 0 0 -11 2 19 0 0 - 11 21901-11
12 5 . 0 0e a c h 40.00each 132.50each
(s732) LaboratorySupply Distributors,Corporation 1,800.220.15DC 1.856.235.2874
12 x 32mm Big Mouth Crimp Vials 11mm SnapTop CapsrMwith Septa Usewith snap Ring/crimpVials. caps may be snappedon and off by hand which eliminates the need for metal crimping and decappingtools, thus reducing potential hazardsdue to s h a r pa l u m i n u mm e t a le d g e s . SnapCap Sealw/Molded Septa
2 1 5 0 0 -1 X
$ 4 . 2 5p e r 1 0 0
ClearSnapCap SealWstarburst Red SnapCap Sealw/Starburst Blue SnapCap SealWstarburst GreenSnapCap Sealw/Starburst Yellow SnapCap Sealw/Starburst
21s00-11x5 21500R-11XS 2 15 0 0 8 - 1 X S 21500G-t1XS 2'l500Y-11X5
ClearCap,TFE/RedRubberSepta RedCap,TFE/Red RubberSepta Blue Cap,TFE/Red RubberSepta GreenCap,TFE/Red RubberSepta Yellow Cap,TFE/RedRubberSepta
2 1500-11 2 15 0 0 R - 1 2 15 0 0 8 - 1 2 1500G-11 21500Y-11
ClearCap,TFE/Silicone Sepra Red Cap,TFE/Silicone Septa Blue Cap,TFE/Silicone Septa GreenCap,TFE/Silicone Septa Yellow Cap,TFE/Silicone Septa
21520-11 2 15 2 0 R - 1 215208-11 21520G-11 21520Y-11
ClearCap,TFE/Silicone/TFE Septa RedCap,TFE/S|licone/TFE Septa Blue Cap,TFE/S|licone/TFE Septa GreenCap,TFE/Silicone/TFE Septa Yellow Cap,TFE/Sil icone/TFESepta
21530-11 2 15 3 0 R - 1 2 15 3 0 8 - 1 2 15 3 0 G - 1 21530Y-11
C l e a rC a p ,1 0 m i lT F ES e p t a Red Cap, l0mil TFESepta B l u eC a p ,l 0 m i l T F ES e p t a GreenCap, 'lOmilTFESepta Yellow Cap, 10milTFESepta
21540-11 21540R-1 1 215408-11 2 1540G-11 21540Y-11
ClearCap,TFEStarburstSepta ClearCap,TFE/Silicone StarburstSepta ClearCap,TFE/S|licone/TFE StarburstSepta ClearCap,TFE/Silicone Slit Septa Yellow Cap,TFE/Silicone Slit Septa
21540-115 21520-115 2 1 5 3 0 -11S 21520-11H 21520Y-11H
4 . 2 5p e r 1 0 0 4.25per '100 4 . 2 5p e r 1 0 0 4 . 2 5p e r 1 0 0 4 . 2 5p e r 1 0 0 ' 1 2 . 0p0e r 100 1 2 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 1 2 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 1 2 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 1 2 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 1 6 . 0 0p e r ' 1 0 0 1 6 . 0 0p e r ' 1 0 0 1 6 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 16.0p 0 e r1 0 0 1 6 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 20.00per '100 2 0 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 20.00per 100 2 0 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 20.00per 100 1 0 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 1 0 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 1 0 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 1 0 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 1 0 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 2 0 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 24.00per 100 30.00per 100 24.00per 100 24.00per 100
11mm GC SnapToprMCapswith Septa GCcapswere developedto handlethe most volatilesamples,providinga liquid airtight seal t o t h e v i a l . s i m p l ys n a po n t h e c a p a n d a n e v a p o r a t i o n - p r o os fe a lo f a i r i m p c a p i s a c h i e v e d . ClearGC Cap,TFE/Red RubberSepta ClearGC Cap,TFE/Silicone Septa ClearGC Cap,TFE/S|licone/TFE Septa ClearGC Cap,BlackViton Septa
21600-1 1 21620-1',l 21630-11 21690-11
1 3 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0 18.50per '100 2 3 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0 2 8 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0
11mm SnapTop CapsrMfor ShimadzuAutosamplers Snapcapsdesignedfor Shimadzuautosamplers, simplify handling by eliminatingthe need for threaded closures. Cap providesa tight seal,thus eliminatirigihe varying degreesof t o r q u e a p p l i e d w h e n u s i n g s c r e w t h r e a d c l o s u r e s . T h i s u n i q u L d e s i g n e l i m i n a t e st h e possibilityof vialscockingin the autosamplertrays '14.00 ClearCap,TFE/Red RubberSepta 215005-11 per 100 ClearCap,TFE/Silicone Septa 215205-11 1 7 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0 ClearCap,TFE/Silicone/TFE Septa 2 15 3 0 5 - 1 p e r1 0 0 21.50 ClearCap,TFESepta 215405-11 1 0 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0 Multi-Use Vial RackSystem- Holder & TraysSold Separately UniversalTray Holder 25 Position12mm InsertTray
25 t 00-0'l 25100-12
9.00per 5 9.00per 5
SnaPRacksrM Constructedof durableglassreinforcedpolypropylene,with centerwell to convenientlyhold caps,sears,septa,etc. Rackssnaptogether securelyto double your rack capacity. 5 0 P o s i t i o nS n a pR a c k r M f o r 1 2 m mV i a l s 25150-12 7.50 each
Laboratory Supply Distributors, Corporation
(s732) 1.800.220,1sDC 1.856.235.2874
12 x 32mm Big Mouth Crimp Vials Vial Combo-Kits- Big Mouth Crimp Vial, 1'lmm Aluminum Sealswith Septa ClearGlassVial, TFE/RedRubberSeal Amber GlassVial, TFE/RedRubberSeal
4 0 2 11 - 1 0 0 402'l1A-100
ClearGraduatedVial, TFE/RedRubberSeal Amber GraduatedVial, TFE/RedRubberSeal
4 0 2 11 S - 1 0 0 1 5 0 . 0 0p e r 1 , 0 0 0 4 0 2 1 1 A S - 1 0 0 1 6 5 . 0 0p e r 1 , 0 0 0
ClearGlassVial, TFE/Silicone Seal Amber GlassVial, TFE/Silicone Seal
40211-120 4021'lA-120
230.00per 1,000 235.00per 1,000
CIearGraduatedVial, TFE/Silicone Seal Amber GraduatedVial, TFE/Silicone Seal
402115-120 40211A5-120
240.00 per 1,000 250.00per 1,000
ClearGlassVial, TFE/Silicone/TFE Seal Amber GlassVial. TFE/Silicone/TFE Seal
40211-130 40211A-130
290.00 per 1,000 2 9 5 . 0 0p e r ' 1 , 0 0 0
ClearGraduatedVial, TFE/S|licone/TFE Seal Amber GraduatedVial. TFE/S|licone/TFE Seal
40211S-130 3 0 0 . 0 0p e r 1 , 0 0 0 4 0 2 1 1 A S - 1 3 0 3 1 5 . 0 0p e r 1 , 0 0 0
C l e a rG l a s sV i a l ,T F E S e a l A m b e r G l a s sV i a l ,T F E S e a l
per 1,000 170.00
175.00per 1,000
ClearGraduatedVial, TFE Seal Amber GraduatedVial, TFE Seal
402115-140 185.00per 1,000 4 0 2 1 1 A 5 - 1 4 0 1 9 0 . 0 0p e r 1 , 0 0 0
$ 1 2 5 . 0 0p e r 1 , 0 0 0 135.00per 1,000
Vial â‚Źombo-Kits- Big Mouth Crimp/SnapRing Vial, 11mm SnapTop Capswith Septa ClearGlassVial, TFE/RedRubberCap Amber GlassVial, TFE/RedRubberCap
402115R-500 200.00per 1,000 40211ASR-500 205.00per '1,000
ClearGraduatedVial, TFE/RedRubberCap Amber GraduatedVial, TFE/RedRubberCap
4 0 2 1 1 S R 5 - 5 0 02 0 5 . 0 0p e r 1 , 0 0 0 4021lASR5-500 215.00per 1,000
ClearGlassVial, TFE/Silicone Cap Amber GlassVial, TFE/Silicone Cap
402115R-520 235.00per 1,000 40211A5R-520 240.00per 1,000
ClearGraduatedVial, TFE/Silicone Cap Amber GraduatedVial, TFE/Silicone Cap
4021lSRS-520 240.00per 1,000 4021lASRS-520 260.00per 1,000
ClearGlassVial, TFE/Silicone/TFE Cap Amber GlassVial, TFE/S|licone/TFE Cap
402115R-530 265.00per '1,000 40211ASR-530 270.00per '1,000
ClearGraduatedVial, TFE/S|licone/TFE Cap Amber GraduatedVial, TFE/Silicone/TFE Cap
4021lSRS-530 270.00per 1,000 4021lASRS-530 290.00per 1,000
C l e a rG l a s sV i a l ,T F E C a p Amber GlassVial, TFE Cap
40211SR-540 170.00per'1,000 40211ASR-540 '175.00per '1,000
ClearGraduatedVial, TFE Cap Amber GraduatedVial, TFE Cap
402115RS-540 175.00per 1,000 40211ASRS-540 200.00per 1,000
Vial Combo-Kits- Big Mouth Crimp/Snap Ring Vial, GC Snap Top Capswith Septa ClearGlassVial, TFE/RedRubberGC Cap Amber GlassVial, TFE/RedRubberGC Cap
40211SR-600 210.00per 1,000 4 0 2 1 1 A S R - 6 0 02 1 5 . 0 0p e r ' 1 , 0 0 0
ClearGraduatedVial, TFE/RedRubberGC Cap Amber Grad.Vial, TFE/RedRubberGC Cap
4 0 2 1 1 S R S - 6 0 02 1 5 . 0 0p e r 1 , 0 0 0 40211ASRS-600230.00per 'l,000
ClearGlassVial, TFElSilicone GC Cap Amber GlassVial, TFElSilicone GC Cap
40211SR-620 245.00per 1,000 4021lASR-620 250.00per 1,000
ClearGraduatedVial, TFE/Silicone cC Cap Amber GraduatedVial, TFE/Silicone GC Cap
402115RS-620 250.00per 1,000 4021lA5RS-620 275.00per 1,000
ClearGlassVial, TFE/Silicone/TFE GC Cap Amber GlassVial, TFE/Silicone/TFE GC Cap
402115R-630 275.00per 1,000 40211ASR-630 280.00per '1,000
ClearGraduatedVial, TFE/SIUTFE GC Cap Amber GraduatedVial, TFE/SIUTFE GC Cap
4 0 2 1 1 S R S - 6 3 02 9 0 . 0 0p e r ' 1 , 0 0 0 4021lASRS-630 335.00per 1,000
C l e a rG l a s sV i a l ,T F E G C C a p Amber GlassVial, TFE GC Cap
40211SR-640 180.00per 1,000 40211ASR-640 180.00per 1,000
ClearGraduatedVial, TFE GCCap Amber GraduatedVial, TFE GC Cap
40211SR5-640 190.00per 1.000 40211ASRS-640 200.00per 1,000
12 x 32mm Snap SealrMVials Simplify Your Choice of Putting a Cap Together with a Vial...Patented SnapSealrMVial DesignedFor UseWith 11mm Snap Top CapsrM,Patented Poly Crimprm Seals and Aluminum Seals... 40o/oLarger Opening PreventsBroken Needlesand Aids in Sample Transfer...and, these Vials Are Compatible with Most Autosamplers... I Availablein Clear;Amber;or SilanizedGlass I Vial'sUnique DesignProvidesfor a SecureSealwith Any ThicknessSepta I GlassVialsAvailablewith GraduatedMarking Spots I U s eE i t h e r1 1 m mA l u m i n u mS e a l sS, n a pT o p C a p s r M or Patented PolyCrimprMSeals I EliminateCrimpingby UsingSnapTop Capt" System I UtilizesGlassor PolypropyleneLimitedVolume Inserts I C o n v e n i e n cC e o m b o - K i tA s vailable I Patented PolyCrimprMSealsFitsAny Crimp Top Vial I IncorporatesUnique StepVialDesignPrecisely CenteringInsertln Vial Neck
Snap Seal 12x32mm Crimp Vials - UseAluminum Sea/s,Poly CrimprMSealsor Snap Caps ClearGlassVial 2O21'!SS-1232 $ 9.50 per 100 ClearGlassVial, White GraduationSpot 2 0 2 1 1 S S S - 1 2 3 2 1 0 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0 ClearGlassVial, Blue GraduationSpot Vial 2 0 2 1l 5 S S B - 1 2 3 2 1 0 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0 ClearGlassVial, GreenGraduationVial 2 0 2 1l 5 S S G - 1 2 3 2 1 0 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0 ClearGlassVial. RustGraduation 2 0 2 1l 5 S S R - 1 2 3 2 1 0 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0 ClearGlassVial, Yellow GraduationSpot 2 0 2 11 5 5 S Y - 1 2 3 2 1 0 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0 24.00per 100
ClearGlassVial, Silanized
Amber GlassVial Amber GlassVial, White GraduationSpot Amber GlassVial, Blue GraduationSpot Amber GlassVial, GreenGraduationSpot Amber GlassVial, RustGraduationSpot Amber GlassVial, Yellow GraduationSpot
2 0 2 1 1 A S S - 1 2 3 2 1 0 . 0 0o e r 1 0 0 2 0 2 1l A S S S - 1 2 3 2 1 2 . 0 0o e r 1 0 0 2 0 2 1l A S S S B - 1 2 3 21 2 . 0 0o e r 1 0 0 2 0 2 1l A S S S G - 1 2 3 21 2 . 0 0o e r 1 0 0 2 0 2 1l A S S S R - 1 2 3 21 2 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 20211ASSSY-I231 2 2 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0
GfassLimited Volume Vials - UseAluminum Seals,Poly Crimptu Sea/sor Snap Caps l00pL ClearSolidGlassVial 20611F-'t232 45.00per 12 l.5mL ClearHigh RecoveryGlassVial 2 0 5 11 S S - 1 2 3 2 8 5 . 0 0o e r 1 0 0 Limited Volume lnserts Insertsare availablepreassembled with a Prospring(polymer bottom spring) or a patented Top SpringrM. The spring acts as a shock absorber that protects against breakage if the needle bottoms out. The conical design permits complete sample removal. The Step Insert preciselysits in the neck of the vial, thus eliminatingthe need for metal or plasticsprings.
Glasslnserts 50pLGlassLVIw/Prospring 100p1GlassLVIw/Top Spring 250U1GlassLVI 250p1GlassLVIw/GlassFlange 250p1 GlassLVIw/Prospring 350p1 GlassLVIFlat Bottom
20840P-625 20860T-530 20860-629 20860-631 20860P-529 20870-630
30.00per 100 60.00per 100 3 5 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 50.00per 100 50.00per 100 7 . 7 5p e r 1 0 0
Polypropylene(PP)Inserts 100p1PP LVIw/Top Spring 250y1PPLVIw/PlasticFlange 250y1PPLVI 250p1 PPLVIWProspring
20860T-530P 20860-630P 20860-631 P 20860P-631 P
1 6 . 2 5p e r 1 0 0 6.00per 100 6.50per 100 '12.50 per 100
12 x 32mm Snap SealrMVials
11mm Aluminum Sealswith Septa SilverSeal,TFE/RedRubberSepta SilverSeal,TFE/Silicone Septa SilverSeal,TFE/Silicone/TFE Septa SilverSeal,TFESepta SilverSeal,PolypropyleneSepta SilverSeal,BlackViton Septa,40mils
21100-11 21120-1'l 2't130-11 21140-11 21150-11 21190-'.t1
$ 5.00per 100 1 2 . 5 0p e r ' 1 0 0 1 9 . 5 0p e r1 0 0 8.00per 100 '10.00per '100 28.00per '100
For complete color selection refer to page 10. 11mm GC Aluminum Sealwith Septa The new and improved GC sealsoffer multiple injectioncapabilitywith zero extractables. GCSealshave better resealingcapabilitiesthan standardred rubber seals. SilverSeal,TFE/S|licone Septa
8.00per 100
11mm Patented Poly CrimprMSealswith Septa A crimp cap constructedof plasticthat fits virtually any crimp samplevial. Usea standard crimpingtool to securelycrimp the sealonto any crimp stylevial. ClearSeal,molded StarburstSepta Red Seal,molded StarburstSepta Blue Seal,molded StarburstSepta GreenSeal,molded StarburstSepta Yellow Seal,molded StarburstSepta
21505-11X5 21505R-1 1XS 215058-11XS 21505G-t 1XS 21505Y-11X5
4.50per 100 4.50per 100 4.50per 100 4.50per '100 4.50per 100
ClearSeal,TFE/RedRubberSepta Red Seal,TFE/RedRubber Septa Blue Seal,TFE/RedRubberSepta Green Seal,TFE/RedRubber Septa Yellow Seal,TFE/RedRubber Septa
21505-11 21505R-1 1 2 15 0 5 8 - 1 21505G-11 21505Y-11
9.00per 100 9.00per 100 9.00per 100 9.00per 100 9.00per 100
ClearSeal,TFE/Silicone Septa Red Seal,TFE/S|licone Septa Blue Seal,TFE/S|licone Septa GreenSeal,TFElSilicone Septa Yellow Seal,TFE/S|licone Septa
2't525-11 2 15 2 5 R -11 215258-11 21525G-11 21525Y-11
16.00per 100 16.00per 100 16.00per 100 1 6 . 0 0p e r1 0 0 16.00per '100
ClearSeal,TFE/S|licone StarburstSepta ClearSeal,TFE/S|licone Slit Septa
21525-1'tS 21525-1'tH
23.00per 100 20.00per 100
ClearSeal,TFE/S|licone/TFE Septa Red Seal,TFE/S|licone/TFE Septa Blue Seal,TFE/Silicone/TFE Septa GreenSeal,TFE/S|licone/TFE Septa Yellow Seal,TFE/S| licone/TFESepta
21535-1'l 2 15 3 5 R -11 2 15 3 5 8 - 1 2 15 3 5 G - 1 z',t535Y-11
1 8 . 7 5p e r1 0 0 18.75per '100 1 8 . 7 5p e r1 0 0 '18.75 per 100 1 8 . 7 5p e r 1 0 0
ClearSeal,'l0mil TFESepta Red Seal,1OmilTFESepta Blue Seal,10milTFESepta GreenSeal,'l0mil TFESepta Yellow Seal,1OmilTFESepta
21545-11 21545R-1 1 2't5458-11 2't545G-11 2't545Y-11
9.00per 100 9.00per 100 9.00per 100 9.00per 100 9.00per 100
11mm Snap Top Capsril with Septa Capsmay be snappedon and off by hand which eliminatesthe need for metal crimpingand decappingtools, thus reducingpotential hazardsdue to sharpaluminum metal edges. Snap Cap Sealw/Molded Septa
2 15 0 0 - 1 X
ClearSnapCap Sealw/Starburst Clear Cap, TFE/RedRubber Septa ClearCap,TFE/S|licone Septa Clear Cap, TFE/S|licone/TFE Septa
21500-11X5 21500-11 21520-11 21530-11
4.25per 100 4.25per 100 12.00per 100 16.00per 100 20.00per I00
For complete color selection refer to page 14.
Laboratory Supply Distributors, Corporation 1.800.220.15DC (s732) 1.856.235.2874
12 x 32mm Snap SealrMVials
11mm Snap Top CapsrMwith Septa ClearCap, 1OmilTFESepta Red Cap,10milTFESepta Blue Cap, l0mil TFESepta GreenCap, 1OmilTFESepta Yellow Cap, l0mil TFESepta
21540-'.t1 21540R-1 1 215408-11 21540G-11 21540Y-11
$ 1 0 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 1 0 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 1 0 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 1 0 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 1 0 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0
ClearCap,TFEStarburstSepta ClearCap,TFE/S|licone StarburstSepta ClearCap,TFE/S|licone/TFE StarburstSepta ClearCap,TFE/Silicone Slit Septa Yellow Cap,TFE/Silicone Slit Septa
21540-11S 2'.t520-'t15 21530-nS 21520-11H 21520Y-11H
20.00per 100 24.00per 100 30.00per 100 24.00per 100 24.00per 100
11mm GC SnapTop CapsrMwith Septa GC capswere developedto handle the most volatile samples,providing a liquid airtight seal to the vial. Simplysnap on the cap and an evaporation-proofsealof a crimp cap is achieved. ClearGC Cap,TFE/RedRubberSepta ClearGC Cap,TFE/S|licone Septa ClearGC Cap,TFE/Silicone/TFE Septa ClearGC Cap,BlackViton Septa
2 1 6 0 0 -1 21620-11 21630-1',\ 21690-1',\
Mufti-Use Vial RackSystem- Holder & TraysSold Separately UniversalTray Holder 25100-01 25 Position12mm InsertTrav 25',tO0-12
' 1 3 . 5p0e r 1 0 0 1 8 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0 2 3 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0 28.00per 100 9.00per 5 9.00per 5
SnaPRacksrM Constructedof durable glassreinforcedpolypropylene,with center well to convenientlyhold caps,seals,septa,etc. Rackssnaptogether securelyto double your rack capacity. 50 PositionSnapRackfor 12mm Vials
7.50 each
Crimpersand Decappersfor 11mm Crimp-TopVials '| 1 m mC r i m p e r 1 1 m mD e c a p p e r 1 1 m m H a n dD e c a p p e r
21800-1 | 2 1 9 0 0 -11 2190't-11
125.00each 40.00each 1 3 2 . 5 0e a c h
Viaf Combo-Kits - Snap Seala[ Vials and I l mm Poly CrimprM Sealswlsepta ClearGlassVial, TFE/Red RubberSeal 40211-700 Amber GlassVial,TFE/RedRubberSeal 40211A-7OO
190.00per 1,000 195.00per 1,000
ClearGraduatedVial, TFE/Red RubberSeal Amber GraduatedVial, TFE/Red RubberSeal
4021'tS-700 40211AS-700
205.00per 1,000 215.0p 0 e r1 , 0 0 0
ClearGlassVial, TFE/S|licone Seal Amber GlassVial, TFE/Silicone Seal
40211-720 402114-720
225.00per 1,000 230.00per 1,000
ClearGraduatedVial,TFE/S|licone Seal Amber GraduatedVial,TFE/S|licone Seal
402115-720 40211A'5-720
240.00per 1,000 250.00per 1,000
ClearGlassVial, TFE/S|licone/TFE Seal Amber GlassVial, TFE/S|licone/TFE Seal
4021',t-730 40211A-730
265.00per 1,000 270.00per 1,000
ClearGraduatedVial, TFE/Silicone/TFE Seal Amber GraduatedVial, TFE/S|licone/TFE Seal
402115-730 40211AS-730
270.00per 1,000 290.00per 1,000
ClearGlassVial, TFESeal Amber GlassVial, TFESeal
40211-740 40211A.-740
170.00per 1,000 1 7 5 . 0p 0e r1 , 0 0 0
ClearGraduatedVial,TFESeal Amber GraduatedVial, TFESeal
4021'tS-740 4021145-740
1 7 5 . 0p 0 e r1 , 0 0 0 1 9 5 . 0p 0 e r1 , 0 0 0
LaboratorySupply Distributors,Corporation 1.800.220.15DC (s732)
2mL Shell Vials ( 12x32mm) I Clearor Amber Type I BorosilicateGlass,or Polypropylenefor EasyDisposal I V i a l sF e a t u r eT h i c k e rW a l l sf o r S a f e rS a m p l eH a n d l i n g I AvailableWith Marking Spots,Can Be Written on With #2 Pencil I L i m i t e dV o l u m e I n s e r t sA v a i l a b l ef o r S m a l l e rS a m p l i n g
SheffViafs,12x32mm,2.0m1Volume - Usewith l2mm SnapPlugs 20140-1232 $ 8.00oer 100 ClearVial 20140M-1232 9.00per 100 ClearVial, White Marking Spot 201404-1232 8.00oer 100 Amber Vial 2O140AM-'1232 9.00per 100 Amber Vial, White Marking Spot 6.95per 100 PolypropyleneVial 20140P-1232 Limited Volume Inserts Due to the conicaldesignof the snap plug, limited volume insertsused in the shellvial stay entered and straight allowing for easysampleevacuation. GlassInserts 50pLGlassLVIw/Prospring 250p1GlassLVIw/Prospring 350u1GlassLVIFlat Bottom
20840P-625 20860P-629 20870-630
30.00per 100 50.00per 100 7 . 7 5p e r1 0 0
Polypropylene(PP)Inserts 250p1PPLVIw/Prospring
PolyethyleneConicalSnap Plugswith Starburst,12mm Starburstand conicaldesignof the snap plug providesneedlepenetrationguidanceas well as better resealabilityof plug after use. Plug is designedto easilypush in and removefrom the vial. Tight fit offers good sealability. ClearSnap Plug w/ConicalStarburst Red Snap Plug w/ConicalStarburst Blue SnapPlug w/ConicalStarburst GreenSnapPlug w/ConicalStarburst Yellow SnapPlug w/ConicalStarburst
2014058-12 2014058R-1 2 20140SBB-1 2 2014058G-1 2 2 20140SBY-1
4.00per 100 4.00per 100 4.00per 100 4.00per 100 4.00per 100
ConvenienceCombo-Kits- ShellVialsand 12mm SnapPlugs Componentspackagedin a clear lid tray with 100 shellvialsand 100 clearsnap plugs. Plugs are not attachedto the vialsand are in individualplasticbaqs. C l e a rS h e l lV i a l w / 1 2 m mC l e a rS n a pP l u g A m b e r S h e l lV i a l w / 1 2 m mC l e a rS n a pP l u g P o l y p r o p y l e nSeh e l lV i a l w / 1 2 m mS n a pP l u g
4 0 1 4 0 5 8 - 1 2 3 2 1 0 . 0 0o e r1 0 0 4 0 1 4 0 A S 8 - 1 2 3 21 0 . 0 0p e r1 0 0 4 0 1 4 0 P S B - 1 2 3 21 0 . 5 0o e r 1 0 0
Multi-Use Viaf Rack System - Holder & TraysSold Separately 25100-01 UniversalTray Holder 25100-12 25 Position12mm InsertTrav
9.00per 5 9.00per 5
Snap RacksrM with centerwell to convenientlyhold Constructedof durableglassreinforcedpolypropylene, caps,seals,septa,etc. Rackssnaptogether securelyto double your rack capacity. 50 PositionSnaoRackfor 12mm Vials
(s732) LaboratorySupply Distributors,Corporation 1.800.220.15DC 1.856.235.2874
Auto Analysis Cups,Capsand Automatic FaucetController I I I I I
Precisionmolded from ClearPolystyrene 2 . 0 m 1S i z ea l s oA v a i l a b l ei n P o l y e t h y l e n e ConicalBottom for EfficientAspiration Low DensityPolyethyleneCaps 0 . 2 5 m 1& 0 . 5 m 1C u p sU s ei n C e n t r i f i c h e mT, e c h n i c o n , Auto-Analyzerc,Kodak,EktachemE-400and E-700
Multi-PurposeSampleCups 0.25m1Polystyrene, NaturalCup 0.50mLPolystyrene, NaturalCup 2.0m1Polystyrene, NaturalCup 2.0m1Polyethylene, NaturalCup 4.0m1Polystyrene. NaturalCup NaturalStandardCapto fit above cups Cup for TechniconRA-1000System Cup for OlympusDemandSystem
60600-025 60605-0s0 60610-200 127-0090-1 00 60620-400 60640-000 60660-1 00 60670-200
$ 14.00per 1,000 1 5 . 0 0p e r 1 , 0 0 0 1 2 . 0 0p e r 1 , 0 0 0 28.00per 1,000 2 5 . 0 0p e r 1 , 0 0 0 20.00per 1,000 1 9 . 0 0p e r 1 , 0 0 0 2 1 . 0 0p e r 1 , 0 0 0
SampleCupsfor Hitachi700 Series,Nova and lL 1800 For use with Hitachi 704, 705, 706, 712, 717, 136, 737, 747, Nova and lL 1800 electrolyte instruments.Packagedin polybags. 2.0mLPolystyrene, NaturalCup
1 9 . 0 0p e r 1 , 0 0 0
60625-425 60640-000
'19.00 per '1,000 20.00per 1,000
24.00per 1,000
SampleCupsfor TechniconSMAC Beakercup stylewith fin base. Packagedin polybags. NaturalCup 5.0m1Polystyrene, NaturalStandardCap SampleCups for Abbott ABA and VP Series Packagedin polybags. 0.15mLPolystyrene, NaturalCup
Sample Cups for RocheCobas-Bio,Fara and Mira Availablein natural,green, red, blue and yellow for easycolor-codingof samplesto match sampleholders. Attachedcap with vent ensuresreliablefit. Packagedin polybags. Natural High DensityPolyethyleneCup Green High DensityPolyethyleneCup Yellow High DensityPolyethyleneCup Red High DensityPolyethyleneCup Blue High DensityPolyethyleneCup
121-0678-500 127-0678-600 127-0678-700 127-0678-800 127-0678-900
Automatic FaucetController ProtectsLab Staff from CrossContamination SavesWate6 Energyand Money
25.00per 1,000 26.00per 1,000 26.00per 1,000 26.00per 1,000 26.00per 1,000
1 3 5 . 0 0e a c h
(s732) LaboratorySupply Distributors,Corporation 1,800.220,15DC
15x45mm Screw Cap Vials - 4mL WISP'"Style I A v a i l a b l ei n C l e a rA ; m b e L o r S i l a n i z e dG l a s s I P o l y p r o p y l e noer G l a s s / P l a s L t i icm i t e dV o l u m eV i a l sa l s o Available I G l a s sV i a l sA v a i l a b l ew i t h G r a d u a t e dM a r k i n gS p o t s I G l a s so r P o l y p r o p y l e nLei m i t e dV o l u m eI n s e r t sA v a i l a b l ef o r S m a l l eS r ampling I ColoredPolypropylene13-425mmClosuresAvailable I Choiceof SeptaMaterials I P r e A s s e m b l eVdi a l C o m b o - K i t A s vailable I I n c o r p o r a t eU s n i q u eS t e p V i aD l e s i g nP r e c i s e lC y e n t e r i n gI n s e r ti n Vial Neck I D e s i g n e dt o W o r k i n S h i m a d z ua n d W a t e r sW I S P T4M8 P o s i t i o n Autosamplers
Standard 15x45mm Screw Thread Vials - Use with 13-425mmClosures ClearGlassVial 20913-1545 C l e a rG l a s sV i a l .W h i t e G r a d u a t i o nS p o t 20913S-1545 C l e a rG l a s sV i a l .B l u eG r a d u a t i o nS p o t 2091358-1545 C l e a rG l a s sV i a l ,G r e e nG r a d u a t i o nS p o t 20913SG-1545 C l e a rG l a s sV i a l ,R u s tG r a d u a t i o nS p o t 20913SR-1545 ClearGlassVial, Yellow GraduationSpot 209135Y-1545
$ 9 . 5 0p e r1 0 0 1 0 . 5 0p e r1 0 0 1 0 . 5 0p e r1 0 0 1 0 . 5 0p e r1 0 0 10.5p 0er'100 1 0 . 5 0p e r1 0 0
C l e a rG l a s sV i a l ,S i l a n i z e d
2 2 . 0 0p e r1 0 0
Amber GlassVial Amber GlassVial, White GraduationSpot A m b e r G l a s sV i a l ,B l u eG r a d u a t i o nS p o t A m b e r G l a s sV i a l ,G r e e nG r a d u a t i o nV i a l Amber GlassVial. RustGraduationVial Amber GlassVial, Yellow GraduationSpot
20913A-1545 20913AS-1545 20913AS8-1545 20913ASG-1545 20913ASR-1545 20913ASY-1545
11 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0 1 2 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0 1 2 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0 1 2 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0 1 2 . 5 0o e r 1 0 0 1 2 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0
Limited Volume Screw Thread Vials, 'l5x45mm - Use with 13-425mm Closures 300u1Glass//Plastic ClearVial 20408-1545 100.00per 100 1 . 2 m 1P o l y p r o p y l e nVei a l 21213-1545 14.00per 100 2 . 5 m 1P o l y p r o p y l e nVei a l 20913P-1545 1 1 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0 2 . 9 m 1P o l y p r o p y l e n e Vial 22913-1545 14.00per 100 3 . 1 m LG l a s sH i g h R e c o v e rV y ial 20513-1545 115.00 oer 100 LimitedVolume Inserts Insertsare availablepreassembled with a Prospring(polymerbottom spring)or a patented Top SpringrM, The spring acts as a shock absorberthat protectsagainst breakage if the needle bottoms out. The conicaldesign permitscompletesampleremoval. The Step Insert preciselysits in the neck of the vial, thus eliminatingthe need for metal or plasticsprings. GlassInserts- 300pLVolume 6x38mm,RequiresSpring Metal Springsfor 300;rLInserts 6x38mmwith Self CenteringProspring 6x39mm,RequiresNo Spring 6x39mmw/SelfCenteringTop Spring 7x44mmw/PlasticFlange(275p1) 8x42mmw/GlassFlange(350p1) 8x43mm Flat Bottom (750U1)
20860-638 60778-20 20860P-638 20860-639 20860T-639 20860F,744 20860-842 20140-843
2 5 , 0 0p e r1 0 0 6 . 0 0p e r1 0 0 2 7 . 0 0p e r1 0 0 4 6 . 5 0p e r1 0 0 5 7 . 7 5p e r1 0 0 2 3 . 0 0p e r1 0 0 53.00per 100 11. 2 5p e r 1 0 0
Polypropylene(PP)Inserts- 300p1Volume 6x38mm,No Spring 6x38mmwith Self CenteringTop Spring 6x38mmwith Self CenteringProspring
20860-638P 20860T-638P 20860P-638P
6 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 '18.00 per 100 1 8 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0
(s732) LaboratorySupply Distributors,Corporation 1.800.220.15DC 1.856.235.2874
15x45mm Screw Cap Vials - 4mL WISP'"Style (13-425mm ScrewThreadClosures, Polypropylene capsize) BlackOpen-Hole Red Open-Hole Blue Open-Hole GreenOpen-Hole Yellow Ooen-Hole White Open-Hole BlackNo-Hole,Not lined BlackNo-Hole,TFE-lined
21200-13 2't200R-1 3 212008-13 21200G-13 21200Y-'t3 21200W-13 21200-13C 212001-1 3
$ 3.00per 100 3.50per 100 3.50per 100 3.50per 100 3.50per 100 3.50per 100 3.00per 100 1 2 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0
Septa for Screw Thread Closures(13-425mm) TFE/RedRubbet 5/55mils White TFE,1omils Red TFEA/t/hite Silicone,10/50mils Gray TFEAI/hiteSilicone,10/50mils GrayTFEMhite Silicone,5/120mils Red TFE/S|licone w/Slit, 5/55mils RedTFEMhite Silicone,5/70mils Red TFE/S| |icon elTFE,2l36l2mils BlackViton, 30mils
21300-t3 21310-13 21360-1 3 21360G-13 224't2-125 21335-13H 2'.t375-13 21385-1 3 21390-1 3
8 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0 2 . 1 0p e r 1 0 0 8.50per 100 1 2 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0 p e r1 0 0 11.50 20.00per 100 1 0 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0 1 6 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0 27.00per '100
Mufti-Use Viaf Rack System - Holder & TraysSold Separately UniversalTray Holder 25100-01 25 Position15mm InsertTrav 25100-15
9.00per 5 9.00per 5
PreAssembfedClosure& Septa (13-425mm)* supplied as one piece The patentedTop HatrMseptaand closurewas designedto providea positivephysicallock to assurethat preassembled componentsarrive intact. The Top SealrMClosurewith a 0.010" molded septa allows for easy needle penetration and is inert to most solvents. 13-425mmBlackTop Hat, TFE/SIL Lined 13-425mmBlackClosurew/TFE/SlL Septa TOPSealClosure,molded 1OmilPPSepta
4',t250-'t3 A',t375-'t3 z',t255-13
22.00per 100 1 7 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 5 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0
Viaf Combo-Kits- Vial, Closure& Septa - Assembled All vial kits are preassembled with standard black closures(P/N 21200-13). Upon request, other color closuresmay be substituted.
240.00per 1,000 250.00per 1,000
ClearVial, TFE/Red RubberSepta Amber Vial, TFE/Red RubberSepta
40913-300 40913A-300
ClearVial, TFESepta Amber Vial, TFESepta
40913-310 1 5 0 . 0 p0 e r 1 , 0 0 0 4 0 9 1 3 A - 3 1 0 1 7 0 . 0 p0 e r 1 , 0 0 0
ClearGraduatedVial,TFESepta Amber GraduatedVial, TFESepta
4 0 9 1 3 A - 3 1 0 1 7 0 . 0 p0 e r 1 , 0 0 0 4091345-310 200.00per 1,000
ClearGlassVial, .060TFE/Silicone Septa Amber GlassVial, .060TFE/S|licone Septa
40913-360 40913A-360
2 15 . 0 0p e r 1 , 0 0 0 225.00per 1,000
ClearGraduatedVial, .060TFE/S|licone Septa Amber GraduatedVial, .060TFE/S|licone Septa
40913S-360 40913AS-360
240.00per 1,000 270.00per 1,000
ClearGlassVial, .075TFE/Silicone Septa Amber GlassVial, .075TFE/S|licone Septa
40913-375 40913A-375
235.00per 1,000 270.00per 1,000
ClearGraduatedVial, .075TFE/S|licone Septa Amber GraduatedVial, .075TFE/S|licone
409135-375 40913AS-375
270.00per 1,000 315.0p 0 e r1 , 0 0 0
ClearVial, TFE/S|licone/TFE Septa Amber Vial, TFE/S|licone/TFE Septa
40913-385 40913A-385
260.00per 1,000 270.00per 1,000
PrecleanedVial Combo-Kits- Vial, Closure& Septa - Assembled Clear Vial, TFESepta 429't3-3',tO Amber Vial, TFESepta 42913A-310
33.00per 100 34.00per 100
ClearVial. .060TFE/Silicone Septa Amber Vial. .060TFE/Silicone Septa
44.00per 1 0 0 45.00per 1 0 0
42913-360 42913A-360
15x45mmCrimp/snapSeal'"vials - 4mLwlsp'" style I PatentedSnapSealrMFinishAllows Useof SnapTop CapsrM or A l u m i n u mS e a l s I Availablein Clearor Amber Glass,with GraduatedMarking Spots I Polypropylene or Glass/Plastic LimitedVolumeVialsalsoAvailable I Glassor PolypropyleneLimitedVolume InsertsAvailablefor Smaller Sampling I New SnapTop CapsrM Designedfor ShimadzuAutosamplers I Convenience Combo-KitsAvailable I lncorporatesUniqueStepVialDesignPrecisely CenteringInsertin Vial Neck I Designedto Work in Shimadzuand WatersWISPTM 48 Position Autosamplers
standard 15x45mm snap Sealr' vials - Use with 13mm SnapTop Capsor Aluminum seals ClearGlassVial 20920-1545 $ tt.ZSper 100 ClearGlassVial, White GraduationSpot 209205-1545 13.00per 100 C l e a rG l a s sV i a l ,B l u eG r a d u a t i o nS p o t 209208-1545 | 3 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 ClearGlassVial, GreenGraduationSpot 20920G-1545 13.00per 100 ClearGlassVial, RustGraduationSpot 2 0 9 2 0 R - 1 5 4 5 1 3 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 ClearGlassVial, Yellow GraduationSpot 20920Y-1545 13.00oer 100 C l e a rG l a s sV i a l ,S i l a n i z e d
Amber GlassVial Amber GlassVial, White GraduationSpot Amber GlassVial, Blue GraduationSpot Amber GlassVial, Green GraduationSpot Amber GlassVial, RustGraduationSpot Amber GlassVial, Yellow GraduationSpot
20920A-1545 2092045-1545 2092048-1545 20920AG-1545 20920AR-1545 20920AY-1545
12.25per 100 1 3 . 5 0o e r1 0 0 1 3 . 5 0o e r1 0 0 1 3 . 5 0o e r1 0 0 p e r1 0 0 13.50 |3.50per 100
LimitedVolume Crimp/SnapSealVials (15x45mm) 300p1GlassInserUPlastic OutsideLW 2.5m1PolypropyleneLimitedVolumeVial
2041'l-1545 20920P-1545
100.00 oer 100 11.00per 100
Limited Volume lnserts Insertsare availablepreassembled with a Prospring(polymerbottom spring)or a patented Top SpringrM.The spring acts as a shock absorberthat protectsagainst breakage if the needle bottoms out. The conicaldesign permitscompletesampleremoval.The Step Insert preciselysits in the neck of the vial, thus eliminatingthe need for metal or plasticsprings. GlassInserts 6x38mm,RequiresSpring(300U1) 6x38mmw/Prospring (300U1) 6x39mm,RequiresSpring(300;rL) 6x39mmw/Top Spring(300U1) Metal Springsfor 300p1Inserts 7x44mm w/PlasticFlange (275p1) 8x42mmw/GlassFlange(350U1) 8x43mm Flat Bottom (500U1)
20860-638 20860P-638 20860-639 20860T-639 60778-20 20860F-744 20860-842 20140-843
2 5 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 27.00per 100 4 6 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0 5 7 . 7 5p e r1 0 0 6.00per 100 23.00per 100 5 3 . 0 0p e r1 0 0 11. 2 5p e r1 0 0
Pofypropylene(PP)Inserts- 3001t1Volume 6x38mm,No Spring 6x38mmwith Self CenteringTop Spring 6x38mmwith Self CenteringProspring
20860-638P 20860T-638P 20860T-638P
6.00 oer 100 18.00oer 100 18.00oer 100
13mm Aluminum Sealswith Septa SilverSeal,TFE/RedRubberSepta SilverSeal,TFE/S|licone Septa SilverSeal,TFE/Silicone/TFE Septa SilverSeal,1OmilTFESepta
2 1| 0 0 - 1 3 21120-13 21130-13 21140-13
20.00per 100 1 8 . 2 5p e r1 0 0 20.00per 100 '|1.00per 'l00
LaboratorySupply Distributors,Corporation 1.800.220,15DC (s732) 1.8s6.23s.2874
15x45mm Crimp/SnapSeal'"Vials - 4mL WISP'"Style 13mm Snap Top CapsrMwith Septa Capsmay be snappedon and off by hand which eliminatesthe need for metal crimping and decappingtools,thus reducingpotential hazardsdue to sharpaluminum metal edges. ClearCap,TFE/RedRubberSepta Septa ClearCap,TFE/S|licone Septa ClearCap,TFE/S|licone/TFE ClearCap. TFESepta
21500-13 21520-13 21530-13 21540-13
$ 1 5 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 23.00per 100 27.00per 100 1 4 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0
13mm SnapTop CapsrMfor ShimadzuAutosamplers simplifyhandling by eliminatingthe need for Snapcapsdesignedfor Shimadzuautosamplers, threaded closures.Cap providesa tight seal,thus eliminatingthe varying degreesof torque appliedwhen usingscrewthread closures.Thisunique designeliminatesthe possibilityof vials cockingin the autosamplertrays. ClearCap,TFE/RedRubberSepta Septa ClearCap,TFE/S|licone Septa ClearCap,TFE/Silicone/TFE ClearCap,TFESepta
215005-13 215205-13 215305-13 215405-13
1 7 . 8 0p e r 1 0 0 2 2 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0 2 6 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0 1 4 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0
Mufti-Use Vial RackSystem- Holder & TraysSold Separately 25100-01 UniversalTray Holder 25100-15 25 Position15mm InsertTray Crimpersand Decappersfor 13mm Crimp-TopVials 1 3 m mC r i m o e r 1 3 m mD e c a p p e r 1 3 m mH a n dD e c a p p e r
21800-13 21900-13 21901-13
ConvenienceCombo-Kits- Snap Sea/rMVials& 13mm Snap Top Capsrvwith 40920-500 ClearVial, TFE/RedRubberSnapCaps 40920-520 SnapCaps ClearVial, TFE/Silicone 40920-530 SnapCaps ClearVial, TFE/Silicone/TFE 40920-540 ClearVial, TFESnapCaps
9.00per 5 9.00per 5 1 2 5 . 0e0a c h 40.00each 132.50each Septa
250.00per 1,000 300.00per 1,000 330.00per 1,000 250.00per 1,000
ConvenienceCombo-Kits- Snap Sea/rMVials& 13mm Aluminum Sealswith Septa 285.00per 1,000 40920-1 00 RubberSeals ClearVial, TFE/Red 290.00per 1,000 40920-120 Seals ClearVial. TFE/S|licone 320.00per 1,000 40920-1 30 Seals ClearVial.TFE/S|licone/TFE 220.00per '1,000 40920-140 ClearVial, TFESeals PrecleanedCombo- Kits - Snap Seallv Vials& 13mm SnapTop CapsrMwith Septa 36.00per 100 42920-520 ClearVial,TFESnapCaps 3 7 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 429204-520 Amber Vial, TFESnapCaps 45.00per 100 42920-540 SnapCaps ClearVial, TFE/S|licone 46.00per 100 429204-540 SnapCaps Amber Vial, TFE/S|licone
(s732) LaboratorySupply Distrihutors,Corporation 1.800.220.15DC
4mL Shell Vials, Plugs and lnserts (WISP'"48 Style) I Clearor Amber Type I BorosilicateGlass,or Polypropylenefor EasyDisposal I V i a l sF e a t u r eT h i c k e rW a l l sf o r S a f e rS a m p l eH a n d l i n g I L i m i t e dV o l u m eV i a l H a sC o n i c a B l o t t o m P e r m i t t i n gM a x i m u m S a m p l eR e m o v a l I AvailableWith Marking Spots,Can Be Written on With #2 Pencil I L i m i t e dV o l u m e I n s e r t sA v a i l a b l ef o r S m a l l e rS a m p l i n g
SheffViafs, 15x45mm,4.0m1 Volume - Use with 15mm SnapPlugs ClearVial 20140-1545 $ 6.75 per 100 ClearVial, White Marking Spot 2 0 1 4 0 M -514 5 9 . 0 0o e r 1 0 0 Amber Vial 201404-1545 8.50 oer 100 Amber Vial, White Marking Spot 2 0 1 4 0 A M - 1 5 4 5 1 0 . 0 0o e r 1 0 0 PolypropyleneVial 20140P-1545 7 . 8 5p e r 1 0 0 Limited Vofume Shell Vials, 15x45mm - Use with 1Smm SnapPlugs 3.0m1PolypropyleneLimitedVolume ShellVial 20140P-1545L
17.00per 100
Limited Volume lnserts Due to the conicaldesignof the snap plug, limited volume insertsused in the shellvial stay centeredand straight allowing for easysampleevacuation. Glassfnserts - 300uL Volume 6x38mm,RequiresSpring 6x38mmwith Self CenteringProspring 6x39mm,RequiresSpring Metal Springsfor 300p1Inserts
20860-638 20850P-638 20860-539 60778-20
2 5 . 0 0p e r1 0 0 2 7 . 0 0p e r1 0 0 4 6 . 5 0p e r1 0 0 6 . 0 0p e r1 0 0
Polypropylene(PP)Inserts - 3001t1Volume 6x38mm,No Spring 5x38mmwith Self CenteringProspring
20860-638P 20860P-638P
6.00oer 100 18.00Der100
PolyethyleneSnap Plugs,15mm Starburstand conicaldesignof the snap plug providesneedlepenetrationguidanceaswell as better resealabilityof plug after use. Plug is designedto easilypush in and removefrom the vial. Tight fit offers good sealability. C l e a rS n a pP l u g ClearSnap Plug w/ConicalStarburst Red SnapPlug w/ConicalStarburst Blue Snap Plug w/ConicalStarburst GreenSnap Plug w/ConicalStarburst Yellow SnapPlug w/ConicalStarburst
20't40-15 20140SB-1 5 20140SBR-1 5 2 0 14 0 S B B -51 2 0 14 0 S B G -51 20140S8Y-1 5
4 . 3 5p e r 1 0 0 4 . 7 5p e r 1 0 0 4 . 7 5p e r 1 0 0 4 . 7 5p e r 1 0 0 4 . 7 5p e r 1 0 0 4 . 7 5p e r 1 0 0
ConvenienceCombo Kits - She// Vialsand 1Smm SnapPlugs C o m p o n e n t sp a c k a g e di n a c l e a rl i d t r a y w i t h 1 0 0s h e l lv i a l sa n d ' 1 0 0c l e a rs n a pp l u g s . P l u g s are not attachedto the vialsand are in individualplasticbaqs. ClearShellw/15mm ConicalSnap Plug Amber Shellw/l 5mm ConicalSnapPlug PolypropyleneShellw/15mm ConicalSnap Plug PolypropyleneLV Shellw/15mm ConicalPlug
4 0 1 4 0 S B - 1 5 4 5 1 0 . 5 0o e r 1 0 0 4 0 1 4 0 A S 8 - 1 5 4 5 1 1 . 5 0o e r 1 0 0 4 0 1 4 0 P S 8 - 1 5 4 5 1 0 . 0 0o e r 1 0 0 4 0 1 4 0 P S 8 - 1 5 4 5 1 1 8 . 0 0o e r 1 0 0
Multi-Use Viaf RackSystem - Holder & TraysSold Separately UniversalTray Holder 25t 00-01 25 Position15mm lnsertTrav 25100-15
9.00per 5 9.00per 5
(s732) LaboratorySupply Distributors,Corporation 1.800.220.15DC 1.856.235.2874
SpecialApplication Autosampler Vials, Seals& Closures I I I I
S m a l l e rS a m p l eV o l u m e st h a n S t a n d a r dV i a l s U s e8 m m S n a pT o p C a p s r M o r A l u m i n u mS e a l s E l i m i n a t eC r i m p i n gB y U s i n g8 m m S n a pT o p C a p s r M TaperedVersionsAllow for Maximum SampleDisplacement
5x32mm Limited Volume Vials - Use with 8mm Aluminum Sealsor Snap Top Caps 80208-632 200p1 ClearTapered Bottom, 8mm Crimp $ 25.00per 100 25.00per 100 300p1ClearRound Bottom, 8mm Crimp 80308-632 7x30mm Limited Volume Vials - Use with 8mm Aluminum Sealsor Snap Top Caps 35.00oer 100 80508A-730 500pLAmber TaperedBottom, 8mm Crimp 7x32mm Limited Volume Vials - Usewith 8mm Aluminum Sea/sor Snap Top Caps 806084-732 35.00per 1 0 0 500p1Amber TaperedBottom, 8mm Crimp 808084-732 35.00per 1 0 0 800p1Amber Round Bottom, 8mm Crimp 7x40mm Limited Volume Vials - Use with 8mm Aluminum Sealsor Snap Top Caps 700;rLClearTaperedVial, 8mm Crimp 80708-740 30.00per 100 25.00per 100 700p1Amber TaperedVial, 8mm Crimp 807084-740 1 5 . 7 5p e r 1 0 0 80808-740 800p1ClearFlat Bottom, 8mm Crimp 1 5 . 0 0p e r ' 1 0 0 80808A-740 800p1Amber Flat Bottom, 8mm Crimp 2 5 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 1.0mLAmber Round Bottom, 8mm Crimp 810084-740 8x30mm Crimp Top Vials - Use with 8mm Aluminum Sealsor Snap Top Caps 20130-830 10.00per 100 800p1ClearFlat Bottom, 8mm Crimp 1 0 . 0 0p e r1 0 0 20130-830 800p1Amber Flat Bottom, 8mm Crimp 8x35mm Shell Vials with PolyethylenePlug (for Alcott 728) 750p1ClearFlat Bottom 207s0-83s 750y1Amber Flat Bottom 207s0A-83s
3 1 . 5 0p e r2 0 0 37.50per 200
8x40mm Limited Volume Vials - Use8mm Aluminum Sealsor Snap Top Caps 1 8 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 1.2m1ClearFlat Bottom, 8mm Crimp 81208-840 30.00per 100 1.0m1ClearTaperedBottom, 8mm Crimp 81008-840 10x32mmLimitedVolume Vials- Use 11mmAluminum Seals 80911-1232 9 0 0 p 1T a p e r e dB o t t o m ,1 1 m mC r i m p
50.00per '100
12x32mm Limited Volume Vials - Use with 1l mm Aluminum Seals 2.0m1ClearRound Bottom, 11mm Crimp 820'11-1232
'l5.00per 100
12x40mm Limited Volume Vials - Usewith 11mm Aluminum Seals 2.5m1ClearFlat Bottom, 11mm Crimp 8251't-'t232
1 2 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0
"Chicken" Vials - For The Poultry Industry Chicken Vials are 12x50mm clear glass,shell vials used in the poultry industry for the collectionof blood. Theseeconomicalvialsare packagedin a corrugatedbox with removable lid. The vials are spacedin a box to prevent crosscontaminationyet allow for easysample collection. Thesevials are suppliedwithout closuresand vials are packaged100 per inner pack;20 packsper case. 2.5m1,ClearGlassShellVial,
1 1 2 . 0p 0 e r2 0 0 0
8mm Snap Top CapsrMwith Septa Capsmay be snappedon and off by hand which eliminatesthe need for metal crimping and decapping tools, thus reducing potential hazards due to sharp aluminum metal edges. Linerless SnapCap Sealsare available. ClearSnapCap Sealw/molded Septa RubberSepta ClearCap,TFE/Red Clear Cap, TFE/Silicone Septa ClearCap,TFE/S|licone/TFE Septa ClearCap, TFESepta
21s00-08x 21500-08 21520-08 21s30-08 21s40-08
3 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 11.00per 100 16.00per 100 1 8 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 9.00per 100
(s732) LaboratorySupply Distributors,Corporation 1.800.220.15DC
Special Application Autosampler Vials, Seals & Closures
8mm Aluminum Sealswith Septa SilverSeal,TFE/RedRubberSepta SilverSeal,TFE/S|licone Septa,3/47mils SilverSeal,TFE/Silicone w/Slit Septa,3147mils SilverSeal,TFE/S|licone/TFE Septa SilverSeal,PolypropyleneSepta SilverSeal,BlackViton Septa,50mils
21100-08 21120-08 2 t 120-08H 21130-08 211s0-08 2 1190-08
8mm PolyethylenePlugsand Caps PolyethylenePlug PolyethyleneCap PolyethyleneSnapCap
80001-PEP 80001-PEC 800c2-PEP
5 . 0 0p e r1 0 0 3 . 3 5p e r1 0 0 6 . 0 0p e r1 0 0
Support Sleevesfor SpecialLimited Volume Vials TFE,for P/N81 |08-1232,8111"1-'1232 Rubbet for P/N 8"1108-1232,81111-1232 TFE,for P/N805084-730 TFE,for P/N 806084-732,808084-732 Polyethylene, for P/N80911-1232
80300-TTS 80301-RTs 80301-W5 80305-WS 80306-WS
70.00per 1 7 0 . 0p0e r 90.00per 1 0 2 . 0 p0 e r 1 6 . 0 0p e r
DisplacementPlug for Alcott Vials Blue Polyethylene
1 6 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0
Multi-Use Viaf RackSystem - Holder & TraysSold Separately UniversalTray Holder 25100-01 25 Position5mm InsertTray 25100-05 25 Position7mm InsertTray 25100-07 25 Position8mm InsertTray 25100-08 25 Position12mm InsertTrav 25100-12
9.00 per 5 9.00 per 5 9.00 per 5 9.00 per 5 9 . 0 0p e r 5
50 Position8mm SnaoRackrM 50 Position12mm Snap RackrM
25150-08 25150-12
7 . 5 0e a c h 7.50 each
11mm Aluminum Sealswith Septa SilverSealwith TFE/RedRubberSepta SilverSealwith TFE/SlL Seota SilverSealwith TFE/SIUTFE Seota SilverSealwith TFESeota SilverSealwith PolypropyleneSepta SilverSealwith BlackViton Septa,40mils
2 11 0 0 - 1 21120-11 2t130-t1 21140-11 21 150-1 1 21190-11
€rimpers and Decappersfor 8mm €rimp-Top Vials 8mm Crimper 8mm Decapper 8mm Hand Decapper
21800-08 2 1900-08 21901-08
140.00each 40.00each 13 2 . 5 0e a c h
Crimpersand Decappersfor 11mm Crimp-TopVials lmm Crimper lmm Decapper l m m H a n dD e c a p p e r
2 1 8 0 0 -11 21900-11 21901-11
125.00each 40.00each 132.50each
$ 5 . 0 0p e r1 0 0 1 0 . 0 0p e r1 0 0 1 7 . 0 0p e r1 0 0 1 7 . 0 0p e r1 0 0 9 . 0 0p e r1 0 0 3 2 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0
5 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 1 2 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0 1 9 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0 8.00 per 100 1 0 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 2 8 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0
(s732) LaboratorySupply Distributors,Corporation 1.800.220,15DC 1.8s6.23s.2874
Injection Port Septa Bleed and TemperatureOptimized (BTO)Septa This septa is usedfor GC and GOMS applications.Suitablefor injectionport temperatures up to 400'C. Packagedin glassjar to preventcontamination. 'l
1mm BTOSepta
$ 4 0 . 0 0p e r 5 0
Advanced Green Septa This is a general purposeseptum that combineslonger injection life, low bleed and low injectionport adhesion. Packagedin glassjar to preventcontamination. 11mm AdvancedGreenSeota
21320-1 1GR
35.00oer 50
Long Life Yellow Septa Thisseptais idealfor long or overnightruns. When usedwith an alignedsyringeneedle,the septacan last 2 to 4 times longer than many other septa. Packagedin glassjars. 11mm Long Life Yellow Septa
25.00per 25
Low Bleed Gray Septa This general purpose septa features low bleed with good r e s e a l i n gc a p a b i l i t y a n d temperatureendurance. 1l mm Low BleedGraySepta
2 13 2 0 1 8 - 1G
18.00oer 24
Low Bleed Red Septa Thislow bleedseptais the most economicalchoicefor generalpurposegas chromatography. 11mm Low BleedRed Seota
2 13 2 0 1 8 - 1R
1 5 . 0 0p e r2 5
Disposable Pasteur Pipettes I AvailableWith or Without Cotton Plug I A v a i l a b l ei n S o d aL i m eo r B o r o s i l i c a tG e lass
Soda Lime Glass 5%" Pipette without Cotton Plug 9" Pipettewithout Cotton Plug 5/+" Pipette with Cotton Plug 9" Pipettewith Cotton Plug
450-575 450-900 450-575CP 450-900cP
25.00per 1,000 28.00per 1,000 30.00per 1,000 3 5 . 0 0p e r 1 , 0 0 0
BorosilicateGlass 5%" Pipettewithout Cotton Plug 9" Pipettewithout Cotton Plug 5%" Pipette with Cotton Plug 9" Pipettewith Cotton Plug
458-575 458-900 458-575CP 458-900CP
42.0Oper '1,M0 57.60per 1,2140 35.00per 1,000 75.00per 1,000
(5732) Laboratory Supply Distributors,Corporation 1.800.220.15DC
N a t u r a lo r A m b e r P o l y p r o p y l e nVei a l s Cone-ShapedBottom for EasyRetrieval/Recovery Color-CodedCaps AutoclavablePolypropyleneCap with Ethylene/Propylene O-Ring
DisposableVials 0 . 5 m 1N a t u r a lD i s o o s a b lVei a l 0.5m1Amber Disposable Vial 0.5m1Self-Standing Natural Disposable Vial 0.5m1Self-Standing Amber Disposable Vial 1 . 5 m LN a t u r a lD i s o o s a b lVe i a l 1 . 5 m LA m b e r D i s o o s a b lVe i a l 1 . 5 m 1S e l f - S t a n d i nNga t u r a lD i s p o s a b lVei a l 'l .5mL Self-Standing Amber Disposable Vial 2.0m1Natural Disposable Vial 2.0m1Amber Disposable Vial 2.0m1Self-Standing, Graduated,NaturalVial 2.0m1Self-Standing, Graduated,Amber Vial
6 0 5 11 - 0 5 6051tA-05 60513-05 60513A-05 60514-30 60514A-30 60528-30 60528A-30 60521-20 60521A-20 60s19-20 60519A-20
$ 30.00per 1,000 30.00per 1,000 30.00per 1,000 30.00per 1,000 30.00per '1,000 30.00per '1,000 30.00per 1,000 30.00per 1,000 30.00per 1,000 30.00per 1,000 30.00per 1,000 30.00per 1,000
Color-CodedCap with O-Ring Color-codedcaps have a sealing ethylene-propyleneO-ring which ensuresa positive, leak-proofclosure,preservingthe integrity of the samples. NaturalColoredCap Blue ColoredCao Yellow ColoredCao Red ColoredCao Pink ColoredCap GreenColoredCap Orange ColoredCap BlackColoredCap Violet ColoredCap
6 0 5 2 5 -01 6 0 5 2 5 8 -01 60525Y-1 0 60525R-1 0 60525P-1 0 6 0 5 2 5 G -01 605250-10 60525K-1 0 60525V-1 0
55.00per 1,000 67.00per 1,000 67.00per 1,000 67.00per 1,000 67.00per 1,000 67.00per 1,000 67.00per 1,000 67.00per 1,000 67.00per 1,000
Ampules I A v a i l a b l ei n C l e a ro r A m b e r G l a s s I StemsCan Be Pull-Sealed or Tip-Sealed I Pre-scored For More EfficientHandling Clear Pre-ScoredAmpules 'lmL ClearPre-Scored Amoules 2mL ClearPre-Scored Ampules 5mL ClearPre-Scored Ampules 10mLClearPre-Scored AmDules 20mL ClearPre-Scored Amoules
24100-01 24100-02 24100-05 24100-10 24100-20
21.50 per 144 21.50per 144 34.00per 144 55.00per 144 68.00per 144
Amber Pre-ScoredAmpules 1mL Amber Pre-Scored Amoules 2mL Amber Pre-Scored Amoules 5mL Amber Pre-Scored Amoules 10mLAmber Pre-Scored Ampules
24t004-01 24100A-02 241004-05 24100A-10
24.00 per 144 25.00per 144 '144 36.50per 49.50per 144
Ampule Snappers Crackerfor I mL to 4mL Ampules Crackerfor 5mL to 10mLAmoules C r a c k e fro r 1 1 m Lt o 2 0 m LA m o u l e s
69A'.t5-14 69415-51 69415-'t12
6.75 per 144 7.00 per 144 1 0 . 9 5p e r 1 4 4
(s732) LaboratorySupply Distributors,Corporation 1.800.220.15DC 1.856.235.2874
I A v a i l a b l ei n C l e a rG l a s sA, m b e r G l a s sa n d P o l y p r o p y l e n e I V i a l sF e a t u r eT h i c k e rW a l l sf o r S a f e rS a m p l eH a n d l i n g I LimitedVolume InsertsAvailable,in Glassor Polypropylene, f o r S m a l l e rS a m p l i n g I ColoredPlugswith New StarburstSealfor EasyNeedle Penetration I N e w R e s e a l a b lSen a pP l u gw i t h S i l i c o n eL i n e rf o r M u l t i p l e lnjections I New 8x30mmShelland TrayAdapter for Alliance2690 Autosampler
SheffViafs,8x40mm 1.0m1Volume - Use with 8mm SnapPlugs 20140-840 C l e a rV i a l A m b e rV i a l 201404-840 Polypropylene Vial 20140P-840
$ 5 . 0 0p e r1 0 0 7 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 6 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0
Limited Volume Shell Vials, 8x40mm - Usewith 8mm SnapPlugs 700p1PolypropyleneLimitedVolume ShellVial 20140P-8401
9 . 3 5p e r 1 0 0
Shelf Viafs,8x30mm - Use with 8mm SnapPlugs Designedto work with the TrayAdapter in the Water'sAlliance2690System. 7 5 0 u 1C l e a rG l a s sV i a l Tray Adapter
20140-830 9200-1224
7 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0 24.0Qper 24
Limited Volume Inserts Due to the conicaldesignof the snap plug, limited volume insertsused in the shellvial stay entered and straightallowing for easysampleevacuation. Glasslnserts 150p1GlassLVIWProspring 200u1GlassLVI 200p1GlassLVIw/Prospring 250u1GlassLVI 250p1GlassLVIw/Prospring
20860P-529 20860-536 20860P-536 20860-629 20860P-629
30.00per 100 22.50per 100 25.00per 100 35.00per 100 50.00per 100
PolypropyleneInserts 250p1PolypropyleneLVI 250p1PolypropyleneLVIw/Prospring 275p1PolypropyleneLVI
20860-631 P 20860P-631 P 20860X-635P
6 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 1 2 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0 8.00per 100
Polyethylene Snap Plugs,8mm Starburstand conicaldesignof the snap plug providesneedle penetrationguidanceas well as better resealabilityof plug after use. Plug is designedto easilypush in and removefrom the vial. Tight fit offers good sealability. ClearStarburstSnapPlug ClearStarburstConicalSnapPlug RedStarburstSnapPlug Blue StarburstSnapPlug GreenStarburstSnapPlug Yellow StarburstSnapPlug ClearStarburstSnapPlug,SiliconeLined
20140-08 20140S8-08 20140R-08 201408-08 20140G-08 20140Y-08 20140S-08
Mufti-Use Viaf RackSystem- Holder & TraysSold Separately 25100-01 UniversalTray Holder 25100-08 25 Position8mm Insert Trav
2.00per 100 2 . 2 5p e r 1 0 0 2.40per 100 2.40per 100 2.40per 100 2.40per 100 '16.00 per 100 9.00per 5 9.00per 5
Snap RacksrM Constructedof durableglassreinforcedpolypropylene,with centerwell to conveniently hold caps,seals,septa,etc. Rackssnaptogether securelyto double your rack capacity. 96 PositionSnaoRackfor 8mm Vials
Convenience Combo Kits - She// Vials, 8x40mm and 8mm Snap Plugs Componentspackagedin a clear lid tray with 100 shellvialsand 100 clearsnap plugs. Plugsare not attachedto the vialsand are in individualplasticbags. Clear Vial w/8mm Starburst Plug Amber Vial w/8mm Starburst Plug PolypropyleneVial w/8mm StarburstPlug ClearVial w/8mm StarburstConicalPlug Amber Vial w/8mm StarburstConicalPlug PPVial w/8mm StarburstConicalPlug PPLV Vial w/8mm StarburstConicalPlug
40140-840 $ 60.00 per 1,000 401404-840 75.00 per 1,000 40140P-840 65.00per 1,000 4014058-840 65.00per 1,000 40140458-840 85.00per 1,000 '1,000 40140PS8-840 85.00per 40140PS8-8401 11.00per 100
Convenience Combo Kits - She// Vials, 8x30mm and &mm Snap Plugs Componentspackagedin a clear lid tray with 100 shellvialsand 100 clearsnap plugs. Plugsare not attachedto the vialsand are in individualplasticbags. ClearVial w/8mm StarburstPlug ClearVial w/8mm StarburstConicalPlug ClearVial w/8mm TITESEALTM PushPlug
40140-830 70.00per 1,000 4014058-830 75.00per 1,000 40140D-830 182.00per2,000
Convenience Combo Kits - She// Vials, 8x43mm and 8mm TITESEALTM PushPlugs ClearVial w/8mm White TITESEAL PushPlug 40140D-843 19.00per200 Amber Vial w/Smm White TITESEAL PushPlug 40140AD-843 22.00per 200 Limited Volume Inserts(LVl)for 8x43mm Shell Vials GlassInserts 225p1GlassConicalLVI 250p1GlassConicalLVI 275p1PolypropyleneConicalLVI 350y1 GlassFlat Bottom
20860-540 20860-542 20860X-635P 20870-542
33.00per 100 68.00per 200 8.00oer 100 14.00oer 200
TITESEALTM Push Plugs,8mm, for 8x43mm Shell Vials White PolyethyleneClosure
17.00per 500
(s732) LaboratorySupply Distributors,Corporation 1.800.220.15DC | .856.235.2874
Butyl (C4)
c 1 8/ O H
ION EXCHANGE StrongAnion Exchange
Strong Cation Exchange
1 0 0m g 200mg 500mg 500mg 1,000mg 2g 5g 1 0 0m g 200mg 500mg 500mg 1,000mg 1 0 0m g 200mg 500mg 500mg 1 , 0 0 0m g 1 0 0m g 200mg 500mg 500mg 1,000mg 1 0 0m g 200mg 500mg 500mg 1,000mg 1 0 0m g 200mg 500mg 500mg 1,000mg 2g 5g
1mL 3mL 3mL 6mL 6mL 1 2m L 20 mL lmL 3mL 3mL 6mL 6mL 1mL 3mL 3mL 6mL 6mL 1mL 3mL 3mL 5mL 5mL 1mL 3mL 3mL 6mL 6mL lmL 3mL 3mL 5mL 6mL 1 2m L 20 mL
cEct00-0110 cEcl00-01 20 cEcl00-01 30 cEcl00-0140 cEcl00-01 50 cEcl00-01 60 cEcl00-01 70 cEcl00-021 0 cEcl00-0220 cEcl00-0230 cEcl 00-0240 cEcl00-0250 cEcl00-031 0 cEcl00-0320 cEcl00-0330 cEcl00-0340 cEcl00-03s0 cEcl00-041 0 cEcl00-0420 cEcl00-0430 cEc100-0440 cEcl00-0450 cEcl00-051 0 cEcl00-0520 cEcl00-0530 cEcl00-0540 cEcl00-0550 cEc100-3 11 0 cEcl00-31 20 cEcl00-31 30 cEcl00-3140 cEcl00-31 50 cEcl00-31 60 cEcl00-31 70
$85.0p 0 e r1 0 0 65.00per 50 70.00per 50 50.00per 30 70.00per 30 80.00per 20 120.00per20 85.00per 100 55.00per 50 70.00per 50 50.00per30 70.00per30 85.00per 100 65.00per 50 70.00per 50 50.00per 30 70.00per 30 90.00per 100 65.00per 50 75.00per 50 60.00per 30 75.00per 30 90.00per 100 65.00per 50 75.00per 50 60.00per 30 75.00per30 85.00per 100 65.00per 50 70.00per 50 50.00per 30 70.00per 30 80.00per 20 120.00per 20
'100mg 200mg 500mg 500mg 1,000mg 1 0 0m g 200mg 500mg 500mg 1,000mg
1mL 3mL 3mL 6mL 6mL 1mL 3mL 3mL 5mL 6mL
cEcr00-1110 cEcl00-1120 cEcl00-1130 cEc100-1 140 cEcl00-1150 cEcl00-1210 cEcl00-1220 cEcl00-1230 cEcl00-1240 cEcl00-1250
99.00per 100 85.00per 50 90.00per 50 50.00per 30 90.00per 30 99.00per 100 85.00per 50 90.00per 50 50.00per30 90.00per30
LaboratorySupply Distrihutors,Corporation 1.800.220.15DC (s732) 1.856.235.2874
30 mg 200mg 400 mg
3mL 3mL 6mL
cEcl00-2100 cEcl00-21 20 cEcl00-21 30
$ 70.00per 50 75.00per 50 50.00per30
200mg 500mg 500mg 1,000mg 2g 5g 1 0 0m g 200mg 500mg 500mg 1,000mg 500m9 1 0 0m g 200mg 500mg 500mg 1 , 0 0 0m g 1 0 0m g 200mg 500mg 500mg 1,000mg
1mL 3mL 3mL 6mL 6mL 1 2m L 20 mL 1mL 3mL 3mL 6mL 5mL 1 2m L 1mL 3mL 3mL 6mL 6mL 1mL 3mL 3mL 6mL 6mL
cEc't00-0610 cEcl00-0620 cEcl00-0630 cEcl00-0640 cEcl00-05s0 cEcl00-0660 cEcl00-0670 cEcl00-071 0 cEcl00-0720 cEcl00-0730 cEcl00-0740 cEcl00-0750 cEcl00-0770 cEcl00-081 0 cEcl00-0820 cEcl00-0830 cEcl00-0840 cEcl00-0850 cEcl00-091 0 cEcl00-0920 cEcl00-0930 cEcl00-0940 cEcl00-0950
85.00per 100 55.00per 50 65.00per 50 50.00per30 70.00per30 50.00per20 80.00per20 99.00per 100 85.00per 50 90.00per 50 50.00per30 90.00per30 80.00per20 99.00per 100 85.00per 50 90.00per 50 50.00per30 90.00per30 99.00per 100 85.00per 50 90.00per 50 50.00per30 90.00per30
1 0 0m g 200mg 500mg 500mg 1 , 0 0 0m g 1 0 0m g 200mg 500mg 500mg 1,000mg 1 0 0m g 200mg 500mg 500mg 1 , 0 0 0m g 1 0 0m g 200mg 500mg 500mg 1,000mg 1 0 0m g 200mg 500mg 500mg 1,000mg
1mL 3mL 3mL 6mL 6mL 1mL 3mL 3mL 6mL 6mL 1mL 3mL 3mL 6mL 6mL 1mL 3mL 3mL 6mL 6mL 1mL 3mL 3mL 6mL 5mL
cEcl00-1610 cEcl00-1620 cEcl00-1630 cEcl00-1640 cEcl00-1550 cEcl00-1710 cEcl00-1720 cEcl00-1730 cEcl00-1740 cEcl00-1750 cEcl00-1810 cEcl00-1820 cEcl00-1830 cEcl00-1840 cEcl00-1850 cEcl00-1910 cEcl00-1920 cEcl00-1930 cEcl00-1940 cEcl00-1950 cEcl00-201 0 cEcl00-2020 cEcl00-2030 cEc't00-2040 cEcl00-20s0
90.00per 100 50.00per 50 60.00per 50 50.00per 50 60.00per30 90.00per 100 50.00per 50 60.00per 50 50.00per 30 60.00per30 90.00per 100 50.00per 50 60.00per 50 50.00per30 60.00per30 90.00per 100 50.00per 50 60.00per 50 50.00per 30 60.00per30 90.00per 100 50.00per 50 60.00per 50 50.00per 30 60.00per 30
NORMAL PHASE(POLAR) Silica 1 0 0m g
Amino (NH2)
NON.SILICA A l u m i n aA (acidic)
A l u m i n aB (basic)
A l u m i n aN (neutral)
F l o r i s iPl R
(s732) LaboratorySupply Distributors, Corporation 1.800.220.15DC 1.856.235.2874
(GC)Columns from ChromExpert GasChromatography Capillary Stationary Phase Cross-Referencefor Other Manufacturerc Chrom Expert CEC-1 CEC-5 CEC-1701 CEC-17 CEC-508 CEC-Wax
Agilent (HP) HP-1 HP-5 HP-1701 HP-50+ HP-508 HP-Wax
Chrompack CP-Sil5 CB CP-Sil8 CB CP-Sil19 CB CP-Sil24 CB None CP-Wax52 CB
J&W DB-1 DB-5 DB-1701 DBJ17 DB-508 DB-Wax
Restek Rtx-1 Rtx-5 Rtx-1701 Rtx-50 None Stabilwax
Supelco 5PB-1 SPB-5 SPB-1701 SPB-50 SPB-608 Supelcowax10
Listed in the order of increasingpolarity the available phasesare:
100% DimethylpolysiloxaneNon-Polar Greatall-purposecolumn Excellentthermal stability Separationby boiling point
Virtually Non-Polar S%-Phenyl 95%-Methylpolysiloxane Most often the first choice in method development Excellentthermal stability Greater selectivitydue to introduction of a very slight phase polarity Supremeversatility
1470-Cyanopropyl-phenylModeratePolarity 85%-Methylpolysiloxane Unique polarity (relativeto the CEC-17) ldeal for analysisof pesticides Excellentfor drug and solvent analysis
Moderate Polarity SO%-Phenyl 50%-Methylpolysiloxane Greater phenyl content provides unique polarity and higher thermal stability (relative to CEC-1701) Great peak shape for amines ldeal for analysisof pesticidesand drugs
Moderate Polarity Specialty Phase Specificallydesignedfor U.S.EPAMethods 608, 508, 8080 (pesticideanalysis)
VeryPolar of polarcompounds ldealfor analysis etc. FAMEs, BTEKsolvents, aromatics, Excellent for alcohols,
(5732) LaboratorySupply Distributors,Corporation 1.800.220.1:S_D_C 1.856.23s.2874
0 . 2 5 m mC o l u m nl n n e r D i a m e t e r
cEc-1 cEc-l cEc-5 cEc-5 cEc-17 cEc-17 cEc-1 701 cEc-1 701 CEC-WAX CEC-WAX
0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
30 60 30 60 30 60 30 60 30 50
0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.2s 0.2s 0.25 0.25 0.25
-60to 330/350 -60to 330/350 -60to 330/350 -60to 330/350 40 to 280/300 40 to 280/300 -20to 2751300 -20to 27513O0 20 to 2501265 20 to 2501265
s01-3330 501-3350 505-3330 505-3350 517-3330 517-3360 507-3330 507-3360 520-3330 520-3360
$ 320.00 590.00 320.00 590.00 320.00 590.00 320.00 590.00 320.00 590.00
0.25 0.25 0.2s 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
-60to 330/350 -60to 330/350 -60to 330/350 -60to 330/350 40 to 280/300 40 to 280/300 -20to 27513O0 -20to 2751300 20 to 2501265 20 to 2501265
501-4330 501-4360 50s-4330 505-4360 517-4330 517-4360 507-4330 507-4360 520-4330 520-4360
350.00 640.00 350.00 640.00 3s0.00 640.00 3s0.00 540.00 3s0.00 640.00
1.5 1.5 1.5 't.5
-60to 315/340 -50to 315/340 -50to 315/340 -60to 315/340 4Oto 2651290 4Oto 2651290 -20to 2751300 -20to 2751300 2Oto 2401260 20 to 2401260 40 ro 2651290
501-6330 s01-6360 s05-6330 505-6360 517-6330 s17-6360 s07-6330 507-6360 520-5330 s20-6350 568-6330
390.00 590.00 390.00 690.00 390.00 690.00 390.00 590.00 390.00 690.00 390.00
0.32mmColumn Inner Diameter
cEc-1 cEc-1 cEc-5 cEc-5 cEc-1 7 cEc-17 cEc-1 701 cEc-1 701 CEC-WAX CEC-WAX
0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32
30 60 30 50 30 50 30 60 30 60
0 . 5 3 m mC o l u m nI n n e rD i a m e t e r
cEc-1 cEc-1 cEc-s cEc-5 cEc-'t7 cEc-'t7 cEc-1 701 cEc-1 701 CEC.WAX CEC.WAX cEc-608
0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53
30 60 30 60 30 60 30 60 30 60 30
1.0 1.0 't.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.83
LaboratorySupply Distrihutors,Corporation
ReversedPhase A . C 1 8i s t h e m o s t p o p u l a rb o n d e d p h a s ed u e t o i t s v e r s a t i l i t ya n d durability. Most separationsmay be accomplished to at leastsome extent with C18. The separationis achievedby exploiting differencesof hydrophobicitywithin the sample matrix. C18 will also tend to exhibit greater loading capabilities.This is usuallythe best choicefor a non-polarto medium polar samplematrix with little or n o o t h e r a v a i l a b l ei n f o r m a t i o n . B . T h e C 8 p h a s ec o n t a i n sa s h o r t e ra l k y l c h a i nt h a n C 1 8 ,r e s u l t i n g in a slightly different selectivity. The separationis still obtained through hydrophobicitydifferenceswithin the samplematrix, but it occursto a somewhatlesserdegreethan C18,resultingin a reduced r e t e n t i o n . W i t h a s a m p l ee x h i b i t i n gt o o m u c h r e t e n t i o no n a C 1 8 column,the C8 is an excellentalternative.The lower capacityof the C8 column meansshorter analysistimes and greater lab efficiency. Normal Phase C. The silicaphasecontainsno additional bonded chemistriesto affect the resultantchromatography.The separationmechanisms a t w o r k o n a n o r m a l p h a s es i l i c ac o l u m n i n c l u d et y p e , o r i e n t a t i o n , a n d q u a n t i t yo f p o l a r f u n c t i o n a lg r o u p sw i t h i n t h e s a m p l em a t r i x . Silicacolumnsare best utilized with polar samples. The retention similarity between TLC plates and silica phase columns tends to simplifymethod developmentfor sampleanalysis.
REVERSED PHASE C18 (Octadecyl) 5_m,4.6 x 50 mm 5 _ m ,4 . 6 x 1 5 0m m 5_m,4.6 x 250 mm
400-4605-5C1 8 400-4515-5C1 8 400-4525-5C1 8
$120.00 180.00 200.00
c8 (octyl) 5_m,4.6 x 50 mm 5_m,4.6 x 150 mm 5_m,4.6 x 250 mm
400-4605-5C8 400-4515-5C8 400-4s25-5C8
120.00 180.00 200.00
NORMAL PHASE Silica 5_m,4.5 x 50 mm 5_m.4.6 x 150 mm 5_m,4.6 x 250 mm
400-4605-5Sl 400-4615-551 400-4625-551
100.00 160.00 180.00
ACCESSOR'ES (316Grade5.5.) Column End-Fittings (+ 2pm Frits) 114"-1116" '114"-1116" (No Frits)
3 10 - 18 7 5 3 10-0875
15.00 14.00
(5732) LahoratorySupplyDistributors,Corporation 1.800.220.15DC 1.856.235.2874
M a d e o f B o r o s i l i c a tG e lass U s e2 0 m m P a t e n t e dP o l yC r i m p r MS e a l so r A l u m i n u mS e a l s PatentedPolyCrimpruSealsFitsStandard20mm Headspace Vials MagneticSealsor Pressure ReleaseSealswith Linersalsoavailable
Standard 20mm HeadspaceVials - Usewith 20mm PolyCrimprMSealor Aluminum Seals Vialshave flat bottoms. Usein Hewlett-Packard, Carlo Erbaand ShimadzuAutosamplers. 18x50mm,9mL, ClearVial 23x46mm,10m1,ClearVial 23x75mm,20m1, Clear Vial 30x60mm,27m1,ClearVial
238s0-09 23346T-10 23375T-20 23360-27
'125 $ 46.00per 1 6 . 0 0p e r1 0 0 1 7 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 3 1 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0
European 20mm HeadspaceVials - Use with 20mm Aluminum Seals Vials have rounded bottoms. Use in Perkin-Elmer; Tekmar,L.E.A.P. Technologiesand Varian Autosamplers. 22x38mm,6mL, ClearVial (for Perkin-Elmer) 23x46mm,10m1,ClearVial (for Leap) 23x75mm,20m1,ClearVial (for Perkin-Elmer)
23238T-06 233464-1 0 23375A-20
1 5 . 0 0p e r1 0 0 1 7 . 5 0p e r1 0 0 1 8 . 7 5p e r1 0 0
20mm Patented Poly CrimprMSealswith Septa A crimp cap constructedof plasticthat fits Standard20mm Headspace Vials. The sealcan be crimpedon the vial, and decappingis smooth and easy. Sealsare a recommendedalternative for low pressureapplications. ClearSeal,TFE/Gray RubberSepta ClearSeal,TFE/Silicone Septa ClearSeal,TFE/S|licone/TFE Septa
2150s-20 21525-20 21535-20
25.60per 100 30.00per 100 36.40per 100
20mm Aluminum Sealswith Septa SilverSealwith TFE/GrayButyl Septa SilverSealwith TFE/S|L Seota SilverSealw/Aluminum Faced/SlL Seota SilverSealwith TFESepta MagneticSealwith TFE/RedRubber MagneticSealwith TFE/S|L PressureReleaseSealw/TFE/GrayButyl PressureReleaseSealw/TFE/Red Rubber PressureReleaseSealw/TFE/SlL
21105-20 21120-20 211204F-20 21140-20 21100TP-20 2',t120TP-20 2 1| 0 5 P R - 2 0 2 11 0 0 P R - 2 0 21120PR-20
28.00per 100 2 7 . 5 0p e r1 0 0 40.00per 100 1 5 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 42.00per 100 50.00per 100 4 2 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0 42.00per 100 50.00per 100
20mm Aluminum Sealswithout Septa SilverOpen-Hole B l u eO p e n - H o l e GreenOpen-Hole Red Open-Hole SilverMagneticOpen-Hole SilverTotal Tear BlueTotal Tear Green Total Tear Red Total Tear SilverCenter Tear Blue CenterTear Green CenterTear Red Center Tear SilverSolidTop Silverw/PlasticCao
21100-20X 21'1008-20x 21100G-20X 21100R-20X 2 t 100TP-20X 21100T-20X 21100T8-20X 21t00TG-20X 21100TR-20X 21100C-20X 21100CB-20X 21100CG-20X 21100CR-20X 21100S-20X 21100FO-20X
3.95per 100 5.00per 100 5 . 0 0p e r1 0 0 5.00per 100 6.00per 100 5.00per 100 5.00per 100 5.00per 100 5.00per 100 5.00per 100 5.00per 100 5 . 0 0p e r1 0 0 5.00per '100 5.00per 100 14.00per 100
Septumfor 20mm Aluminum Seals TFE/Gray Butyl Rubber TFESepta,1Omils Aluminum Faced/Silicone Septa,5/55mils TFE/SIL Septa,5/55mils TFE/SIL Septa,10/90mils
21305-20 21310-20 21360F-20 21360-20 21370-20
2 8 . 5 0p e r1 0 0 5 . 7 5p e r1 0 0 3 5 . 5 0p e r1 0 0 22.00per 100 25.00per 100
Accessoriesfor HeadspaceVials 20mm Hand OperatedCrimper 20mm Decapper 20mm Hand OperatedDecapper
21800-20 2't900-20 2't901-20
1 3 2 . 5e0a c h 40.00each 13 2 . 5 0e a c h
I Made of BorosilicateGlass f High Toleranceand Uniformity
Serum Tubing Vials - â‚Źlear 1 2 x 3 2 m m . ' l m L1,1 m m F i n i s h 1 5 x 4 0 m m2, m L ,1 3 m mF i n i s h 1 8 x 4 5 m m3, . 5 m 1 ,1 3 m mF i n i s h 23x47mm,5mL, 20mm Finish 2 5 x 5 4 m m 1, 0 m 1 ,2 0 m m F i n i s h 30x57mm,20m1,20mm Finish 30x86mm,30m1,20mm Finish 43x73mm,50m1,20mm Finish 52x95mm,l00mL,20mm Finish
20999-1232 20999-1 540 20999-1 845 20999-2347 20999-2554 20999-30s7 20999-3086 20999-4373 20999-s29s
$ 25.75per 144 60.00per288 56.00per288 64.00per 288 90.00per 288 54.00per 144 67.50per 144 237.00per 288 182.00per 144
SerumTubingVials- Amber 12x32mm,1mL,11mm Finish 1 5 x 4 0 m m2, m L ,1 3 m mF i n i s h 'l8x45mm, 3.5m1,l3mm Finish 23x47mm,5mL,20mm Finish 25x54mm,10m1,20mm Finish 30x57mm,20m1,20mm Finish 30x86mm,30m1,20mm Finish 43x73mm,50m1, 20mm Finish 52x95mm,100m1,20mm Finish
20999A-1232 209994-1 540 20999A-1 845 209994-2347 20999A-2554 20999A-3057 20999A-3086 20999A-4373 20999A-5295
32.00per 144 77.00per 288 70.50per 288 79.25per 288 112.00per 288 67.50per 144 84.00per 144 316.0p 0 e r2 8 8 236.00per 144
13mm Aluminum Sealswith Septa SilverSealwith TFE/Red RubberSeota SilverSealwith TFE/SlL Seota SilverSealwith TFE/SIUTFE Septa 'lOmil SilverSealwith TFESepta
21100-13 2't120-13 2 113 0 - 1 3 21140-'t3
13mm Aluminum Sealswithout Septa SilverOoen-Hole B l u eO p e n - H o l e GreenOpen-Hole RedOoen-Hole SilverTotalTear Blue Total Tear Green Total Tear Red Total Tear SilverCenterTear Blue CenterTear GreenCenterTear Red Center Tear Silverw/PlasticCap
21100-13X 2 11 0 0 B - 1 3 X 21100G-1 3X 2 11 0 0 R - 1 3 X 21100T-1 3X 21100TB-13X 21100TG-13X 21100TR-1 3X 21100C-1 3X 21100CB-1 3X 21100CG-1 3X 21100CR-1 3X 21100FO-13X
Stoppersfor 13mm Serum Vials Gray Butyl Rubber/TFE StraightPlug Style Natural Red RubberSnap-onStyle Gray Butyl Snap-onStyle
21402-13 21405-13 21400-',t3
35.00per 100 5 . 5 0p e r1 0 0 5 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0
Lyophilization Stoppersfor 13mm Serum Vials Gray Butyl Rubber- 2 Leg Gray Butyl Rubber- 3 Leg
21415-'t3 21A'.t0-13
6.40per 100 6.40per 100
20.00per 100 '18.25 per 100 20.00per 100 11.00per 100 3 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0 3.60per 100 3.60per 100 3.50per 100 3 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0 3.60per 100 3.60per 100 3.60per 100 3 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0 3.60per 100 3.60per 100 3.60per 100 6.00per 100
(s732) LaboratorySupply Distributors,Corporation 1.800.220.15DC 1.856.235.2874
20mm Aluminum Sealswith Liners SilverSealwith TFE/Gray Butyl Septa SilverSealwith TFE/SlL Seota SilverSealAluminum Faced/SlL Seota SilverSealwith TFESepta MagneticSealwith TFE/RedRubber MagneticSealwith TFE/SlL PressureReleaseSealw/TFE/GrayButyl PressureReleaseSealw/TFE/Red Rubber PressureReleaseSealw/TFE/SlL
21105-20 21',t20-20 21120AF-20 21140-20 21100TP-20 2't120TP-20 21105PR-20 21100PR-20 21120PR-20
20mm Aluminum Sealswithout Liners SilverOpen-Hole B l u eO p e n - H o l e Green Open-Hole Red Open-Hole SilverMagneticOpen-Hole SilverTotal Tear Blue Total Tear Green Total Tear Red Total Tear SilverCenterTear Blue CenterTear GreenCenterTear Red Center Tear SilverSolidTop Silverw/PlasticCao
21100-20X 211008-20X 21100G-20X 21100R-20X 21100TP-20X 21100T-20X 21100TB-20X 21100TG-20X 21100TR-20X 21100C-20X 21100CB-20X 21t00cc-20x 21t00cR-20x 21100S-20X 21100FO-20X
Stoppers for 20mm Serum Vials Gray Butyl Rubber Natural Red Rubber
21405-20 21400-20
6 . 9 5p e r1 0 0 6.95per '100
Lyophilization Stoppersfor 20mm Serum Vials Natural Red Rubber- SleeveStyle Natural Red Rubber- StraightPlug Style Gray Butyl TFEFacedStraightPlug Style Viton StraightPlug Style SiliconeStraightPlug Style Gray Butyl RubberSnap-onStyle Natural Red RubberSnap-onStyle
2't415-20 21410-20 21416-20 21490-20 21420-20 21417-20 21418-20
20.00per 100 9 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0 50.00per 100 20.00per 100 30.00per '100 7 . 9 5p e r1 0 0 7 . 9 5p e r1 0 0
Accessoriesfor Serum Vials 1 3 m mC r i m o e r 1 3 m mD e c a p p e r 1 3 m mH a n d D e c a p p e r 2 0 m mC r i m o e r 20mm Decapper 20mm Hand Decapper
21800-1 3 21900-1 3 21901-13 21800-20 21900-20 21901-20
Mufti-Use Vial Rack System - Holder & TraysSold Separately UniversalTray Holder 25100-01 25 Position5mm InsertTray 25100-05 25 Position7mm InsertTray 25100-07 25 Position8mm InsertTray 25100-08 25 Position12mm InsertTray 25100-12 25 Position15mm InsertTray 2 5 10 0 - 1 5 50 Position8mm SnapRackrM 25150-08 50 Position12mm SnapRackrM 25150-12
$ 28.00per 100 2 7 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0 40.00per '100 1 5 . 0 0p e r1 0 0 42.00per 100 50.00per 100 42.50per 100 42.00per 100 50.00per 100 3 . 9 5p e r 1 0 0 5.00per 100 5 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 5.00per 100 6 . 0 0p e r1 0 0 5 . 0 0p e r1 0 0 5.00per 100 5.00per '100 5.00per 100 5.00per 100 5 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 5.00per 100 5 . 0 0p e r 1 0 0 5.00per 100 14.00per 100
125.00each 40.00each 132.50each 13 2 . 5 0e a c h 40.00each '132.50 each 9.00per 5 9.00per 5 9.00per 5 9.00per 5 9.00per 5 9.00per 5 7 . 5 0e a c h 7 . 5 0e a c h
LaboratorySupply Distributors,Corporation 1.800.220.15DC (57s2) 1.856.235.2874
Madeof Borosilicate Glass
CrimpTopVials 0.5m1,8x30mm, 8mmFinish 1ml-8x40mm,8mm Finish 2 m L ,1 2 x 3 2 m m 1 ,1 m mF i n i s h 4mL,15x45mm, 13mmFinish 5mL,22x38mm, 20mmFinish 10m1,23x46mm, 20mmFinish 20m1,23x75mm, 20mmFinish 27m1,30x56mm, 20mmFinish
20130-830 20130-840 20211-1232 20920-1545 23236-05 23345-1 0 23375-20 23360-27
AmberCrimpTopVials 0.5m1,8x30mm, 8mmFinish 2ml 12x32mm 1 ,1 m mF i n i s h 4ml 15x45mm 1 ,3 m mF i n i s h
201304-830 20211A-1232 209204-1 545
12.00per 100 10.00per 100 1 2 . 2 5p e r 1 0 0
20mL BorosilicateGlassVials, 221400finish without caps with polypropylenepulp/foil lined caps with white urea pulp and foil lined caps with white urea polyethylenecone lined caps with polypropylene liner-lessseal caps with black polypropylene and TFElined caps with open top capsand TFE/S|L septa
1453020 1463'.t20 't453220 't463320 't463420 1453520 1463520
19.1p 0 e r1 0 0 2 2 . 3 9p e r 1 0 0 22.39per 100 28.65per 100 22.39per 100 40.20per '100 78.21per 100
20mt High Density Polyethylene,221400finish without caps with polypropylenepulp and foil lined caps with white urea pulp and foil lined caps with white urea polyethylene cone lined caps with polypropylene liner-lessseal caps
1462020 1462120 1462220 't452320 1452420
11.74per 100 1 4 . 1 3p e r 1 0 0 1 5 . 7 2p e r 1 0 0 24.38per 100 1 4 . 1 3p e r 1 0 0
7mL BorosilicateGlassVials, 15/425 finish without caps with white polypropyleneand foil lined caps with polypropyleneand 0.010"TFElined caps with open top capsand TFE/SIL septa
1453007 1463207 1453507 1463607
33.00per200 34.00per 200 66.45per 200 89.95per200
$10.00per 100 14.00per 100 9.50per 100 11.75per 100 1 3 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0 14.00per 100 1 5 . 5 0p e r 1 0 0 27.50per 100
Scintillation Vials I
Madeof Borosilicate Glass
(5732) LaboratorySupply Distributors,Corporation 1.800.220.15DC 1.855.235.2874
I M a d e o f B o r o s i l i c a tG e lass I Preassembled with PolypropyleneCaps I A v a i l a b l ei n C l e a ro r A m b e r G l a s s IlDram=3.69m1
Dram Style Vials - Clear Glass 0.5 Dram Vial, 12x35mm 1 Dram Vial, 15x45mm 1 . 5 D r a mV i a l , 1 6 x 5 0 m m 2 Dram Vial, 17x50mm 3 Dram Vial, 19x55mm 4 D r a mV i a l ,2 1 x 7 0 m m 6 Dram Vial, 23x85mm 8 Dram Vial, 25x95mm
20999-1235 20913-1545 20999-1 6s0 20999-',t760 20999-1 96s 20999-2170 20999-2385 20999-2595
$ 1 0 . 7p 5 e r1 0 0 9 . 5 0p e r1 0 0 24.60per 144 31.00per200 35.50per200 4 1 . 5 0p e r2 0 0 56.00per 200 45.00per 1zl4
Dram Style Clear Vials with PV Lined ClosedTop Caps (12x35mm) 0.5 Dram Vial Preassembled (15x45mm) 1 Dram Vial Preassembled (15x50mm) 1.5 Dram Vial Preassembled (17x50mm) 2 Dram Vial Preassembled (19x55mm) 3 Dram Vial Preassembled (21x70mm) 4 Dram Vial Preassembled (23x85mm) 6 Dram Vial Preassembled (25x95mm) 8 Dram Vial Preassembled
4't235-3PV 41545-3PV 41650-3PV 41760-3PV 41965-3PV 42170-3PV 42385-3PV 42595-3PV
25.00per 100 14.95per 100 30.00per 144 59.00per200 36.32per200 56.00per 200 40.00per 144 24.50per 100
Dram Style Clear Vials with TFELined ClosedTop Caps (12x32mm) 0.5 Dram Vial Preassembled (12x35mm) 0.5 Dram Vial Preassembled (15x45mm) 1 Dram Vial Preassembled (15x50mm) 1.5 Dram Vial Preassembled (17x50mm) 2 Dram Vial Preassembled (19x65mm) 3 Dram Vial Preassembled (21x70mm) 4 Dram Vial Preassembled (23x85mm) 5 Dram Vial Preassembled (25x95mm) 8 Dram Vial Preassembled
41232-310 41235-310 41545-3 10 41550-31 0 41750-3 10 41955-3 10 42170-310 42385-3 10 42595-3 10
22.50per 100 2 2 . 5 0p e r1 0 0 22.50per 100 37.00per '144 53.50per200 55.00per200 6 1 . 5 0p e r2 0 0 83.00per200 42.50per 100
Dram Style Clear Vials with TFE/S|LLined Open Top Caps (l2x32mm) 0.5 Dram Vial Preassembled 41232-340 (12x35mm) 0.5 Dram Vial Preassembled 4't235-340 (15x45mm) 1 Dram Vial Preassembled 4'1545-340 (16x50mm) 1.5 Dram Vial Preassembled 41650-340 (17x60mm) 2 Dram Vial Preassembled 41760-340 (19x65mm) 3 Dram Vial Preassembled 41965-340 (21x70mm) 4 Dram Vial Preassembled 42170-340 (23x85mm) 6 Dram Vial Preassembled 42385-340
22.00per 100 2 2 . 5 0p e r1 0 0 23.00per 100 40.00per 144 60.00per 200 70.00per200 90.00per200 115.00per200
Dram Style Vials - Amber Glass 0 . 5 D r a mV i a l , 1 2 x 3 2 m m 1 D r a mV i a l , 1 5 x 4 5 m m 2 Dram Vial. 17x60mm 3 Dram Vial, 19x65mm 4 Dram Vial, 21x70mm 6 Dram Vial, 23x85mm 8 Dram Vial, 25x95mm
208084-1 232 209134-1545 209994-1 760 20999A-1 965 20999A-2170 20999A-238s 209994-2s9s
1 0 . 5 0p e r1 0 0 11.5p 0 e r1 0 0 43.50per200 50.00per200 45.00per 144 67.00per200 49.75per 144
Dram Style Amber Vials with TFELined ClosedTop Caps (12x32mm) 0.5 Dram Vial Preassembled 41232A-310 (15x45mm) 1 Dram Vial Preassembled 415454-31 0 (17x60mm) 2 Dram Vial Preassembled 417604-310 (19x65mm) 3 Dram Vial Preassembled 419654-310 (21x70mm) 4 Dram Vial Preassembled 421704-310 (23x85mm) 6 Dram Vial Preassembled 423854-3 10
2 3 . 5 0p e r1 0 0 23.00per 100 63.50per200 70.00per200 70.00per 144 85.00per200
Dram Style Amber Vials with TFE/SILLined Open Top Caps (12x32mm) 0.5 Dram Vial Preassembled 412324-340 (15x45mm) 1 Dram Vial Preassembled 415454-340 (17x60mm) 2 Dram Vial Preassembled 417604-340 (19x65mm) 3 Dram Vial Preassembled 419654-340 (21x70mm) 4 Dram Vial Preassembled 421704-340 (23x85mm) 6 Dram Vial Preassembled 423854-340
2 2 . 5 0p e r1 0 0 23.00per 100 70.00per 200 75.00per200 95.00per 144 '120.00 per200
I Made of BorosilicateGlass I AvailableUnassembled with TITESEALTM Closure IlDram=3.69m1
Dram Style Clear Shell Vials without Closures 0.25 Dram Vial (9x30mm) 0 . 5 D r a mV i a l ( 1 2 x 3 5 m m ) 1 Dram Vial (15x45mm) 1 . 5D r a mV i a l ( 1 5 x 5 0 m m ) 2 Dram Vial (17x60mm) 3 Dram Vial (19x65mm) 4 Dram Vial (21x70mm) 6 Dram Vial (23x85mm) 8 Dram Vial (25x95mm)
60931-14 60931-',t2 60931-1 60931-112 60931-2 60931-3 60931-4 60931-6 60931-8
$14.0p 0 e r1 4 4 11.00per 144 1 3 . 0 0p e r1 4 4 1 6 . 0 0p e r1 4 4 1 9 . 5 0p e r 1 4 4 20.75per'144 22.50per '144 27.0Oper 144 40.00per 144
Dram Style Clear Shell Vials with TITESEALTM Closures (12x35mm) 0.5 Dram Vial Preassembled (15x45mm) 1 Dram Vial Preassembled (17x60mm) 2 Dram Vial Preassembled (19x65mm) 3 Dram Vial Preassembled (29x65mm) 7 Dram Vial Preassembled (29x80mm) 10 Dram Vial Preassembled (29x94mm) 12 Dram Vial Preassembled
60931D-12 60931D-1 60931D-2 60931D-3 50931D-7 50931D-l 0 6093 1D-12
1 8 . 0 0p e r 1 4 4 1 8 . 0 0p e r1 4 4 22.60per 144 29.00per 144 48.00per 144 5 1 . 0 0p e r 1 4 4 53.00per 144
LaboratorySupply Distributors,Corporation 1.800.220.15DC (s732) 1.856.235.2874