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Zimbabwe Pensioner Support Fund

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Zimbabwe Aid Fund

https://www.zpsf.co.za/ linda@zpsf.co.za / info@zpsf.co.za Tel: +27 13 790 0934 / +27 79 608 2676 South Africa https://www.facebook.com/www.zpsf.co.za/



Pensioner Support

The Zimbabwe Pensioners Supporter Fund is a registered Section 21 Non Profit Organization that supplies food to about 1050 pensioners in Zimbabwe.

Hannes Botha established the Zimbabwe Pensioner Support Fund 20 years ago. The purpose of the fund is to supply pensioners in Zimbabwe Old Age Homes with food, medicines and clothing. The Zimbabwe Pensioners Support Fund supplies hampers every 6 weeks to about 1050 pensioners in the following towns and cities: Masvingo, Chivu, Kadoma, Kwe Kwe, Gweru, Shurugwi, Zvishavane, Esigodini, Red Cliff, Chinoyi, Kariba ,Karoi, Bindura, Chighutu, Marondera, Mutare, and Bulawayo.

Every 6 weeks or so between 15 & 17 tons of food is transported and distributed to 26 homes / organizations. Basic medicine and walking aids are also supplied to the pensioners. The supply trip lasts 8 – 10 days and a distance of 2800 kilometres will be travelled by the truck using more than 1200 litres of fuel.

The value of the food and the cost of delivering it to the pensioners in Zimbabwe exceeds R550 000 per trip. 22 tons of food is distributed to the pensioners.

The ZPSF relies entirely on donations to carry out this mission. All donations made to the ZPSF can be claimed back from SARS.

The situation for the pensioners in Zimbabwe has reached crisis point. The inflation rate “peaked” at 231 MILLION % this has many of the pensioners destitute where some of them can’t even buy a loaf of bread. There have been reports of pensioners eating pets’ mince and I know of two cases where pensioners have simply decided there was no point in living any longer and committed suicide. Most of these pensioners paid into pension funds for years only to find hyperinflation has made it worthless.

The Zimbabwe Pensioners Support Fund is funded solely by members of the public and companies who are concerned about the welfare of the Pensioners in Zimbabwe. The hampers handed to the pensioners’ serve two purposes:

They receive much needed FOOD and MEDICINE They know that someone CARES about them

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