LSESU Economics Society MT Report 2014/2015

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MT Report 2014/2015


MT Report 2014/2015

Speaker Events Division Director of Speaker Events – Rahat Siddique The speaker’s division spent an active Michaelmas Term with five speaker events, including a talk by Nobel Prize Laureate. The events were general well attended and provided the Society’s members with exposure to the leading intellectuals in the various fields of Economics.

Covering Economies in Crisis

Charles Forelle, Europe Markets Editor of Wall Street Journal Forelle spoke about how we approached the euro crisis, its roots in Iceland and the role of the media in the economic-policy debates of the day. He continued to discuss the importance of having a robust media covering these topics, and the dominating role of ‘political will’ throughout the euro crisis.

Lessons from the Financial Crisis

Iain Martin, author of Making it Happen: Fred Goodwin, RBS and the Men Who Blew Up the British Economy Speaking about his recently released book, Iain Martin discussed the impact of the financial crisis on the British economy, and the damaging role of RBS in exacerbating the crisis. With a central focus on Fred Goodwin, Iain Marin’s book explains how the recklessness of RBS caused the devastating effects of the 2008 economic crisis. 1`

MT Report 2014/2015 Deciphering Modern Market Economies

Bilal Hafeez, Global Strategist Deutsche Bank AG Speaking about Deutsche Bank’s new flagship magazine "KONZEPT", a magazine hoping to gaze beyond banking's core disciplines and deliver fresh insights and ideas. The first of its kind within the banking industry, Bilal Hafeez discussed the intention behind this publication and the various articles included in the first issue.

Investing in a Brighter Future

Radhanath Swami, Spiritual leader The key focus of the event surrounded the issue of ‘how you can achieve that inner fulfilment which so many don't seem to be achieving despite having all the affluence and influence in the world’. A general theme that the emphasised the notion of investing in a better future was succinctly put- you can count how rich you are by the number of things you have that money cannot buy. This was a joint event with 7 other LSESU societies, with 246 students in attendance.


MT Report 2014/2015

The Consequences of Uncertainty

Professor Lars Peter Hansen, 2013 Nobel Laureate of Economics Chaired by Professor Woulter den Haan the talk attracted an audience of 400, filling the entire Sheikh Zayed lecture theatre. Professor Hansen began speaking about the implications of uncertainty and the difficulty in incorporating a ‘measure’ of uncertainty on a macro level. He concluded with a general message was that of advancement and predictably, ever more questions about the future of macroeconomic modelling.


MT Report 2014/2015

Corporate Relations Division Director of Corporate Relations – Anand Goel Corporate Relations Subcommittee – Kai Bronauer, Charlotte Chiew, Nadim Choudhury, Alex Du, Mariam Kazmi, Sarah Ku, Ashwinder Moti, Nick Qiu, Mohammad Shah, Jose Torrealba Overview The primary role of the division is to secure sponsorship for the society, thus allowing the society to sustain and fund its activities and initiatives. This is achieved through our division pitching our society to major corporations. The division is also responsible for organizing on-campus events hosted alongside our key sponsors and enabling our members to connect with our sponsorship firms or companies they are keen to pursue their careers with. Aims of the Corporate Relations Division: 1. Improve members understanding of different financial industries, so they can make an informed decision on their career. 2. Enhance member’s career prospects by allowing them to communicate directly with senior representatives from our sponsors. The Corporate Relations Division has had its most successful term ever this year. In addition to our longstanding Platinum sponsor UBS and Silver sponsors Citi, RBS and Alphasights, we have been joined by 4 new Silver sponsors, Mazars, Optiver, Oliver Wyman and AllAboutFinance. The division has hosted a record 12 events this term for our members. These have taken the form of case study workshops, panel sessions, coffee sessions and seminars on different industries. We have some great events planned for Lent Term so keep an eye out on the newsletter and our facebook page and group to keep track of everything going on.

Here is what has happened this term: Oliver Wyman Case Study Workshop Our first event of the year saw representatives from our sponsors Oliver Wyman come to run a case study event for members. Over 40 people attended and saw a presentation from Oliver Wyman and got to participate in the case study which proved great preparation for assessment centres. There was also a chance to meet with representatives from the firm afterwards and learn more about the opportunities at Oliver Wyman.


MT Report 2014/2015 FX Trading Seminar and Game This was presented by FX Masters and gave members a great insight into how trading works and what skills were needed to participate in the industry. The 30 members also had a chance to take part in a small trading game with the winner receiving ÂŁ100 at the end.

Bloomberg Aptitude Tests The society ran 2 Bloomberg Aptitude Tests (BAT) at the Bloomberg offices along with partners Bloomberg this term. The BAT is a financial aptitude test which enables test takers to assess their financial competencies and advertise themselves to over 25,000 employers. Along with the tests attended by over 80 members, students got to have a networking session with representatives and fellow Imperial students. In our second session, we ran a tour of the Bloomberg offices and terminal for members.

UBS Coffee Sessions Members had a unique opportunity to meet with our UBS representatives this term. We ran 3 coffee sessions where UBS representatives from many divisions such as Investment Banking, Sales and Trading, Wealth Management and Operations came to meet with students and give them insights into each division and answer any questions they had. Over 60 students attended the sessions, with everyone getting a free coffee and snack!


MT Report 2014/2015 Alphasights Presentation Sponsors Alphasights came onto campus in November to introduce members to the Information Services and Consulting Sectors. They also gave in depth insights into Alphasights, how the firm has managed to become the 3rd fastest growing firm in the UK, and how the firm continues to expand. Afterwards the 30 members all had a chance to talk with the representatives and ask more questions about the firm.

Citi How to Read the FT session This November we ran an informative session on how to read the Financial Times with help from our sponsor Citigroup. The session focused on which areas are the most relevant to read in the FT, along with a helpful jargon buster session where the 35 participants could learn more about the different technical terms used in the FT. Finally by going through the current news, members were shown how they could apply the new skills they had gained to interpreting stories accurately and quickly.

LSE Alumni Panel Session and Trading Game Our largest event of the year. The society ran its first inter-bank panel session with Managing Director and Directors from JP Morgan, Citi, UBS, RBS, Credit Suisse and Deutsche Bank all attending. The panel session was very informative with all the representatives sharing their experiences in their respective fields and careers, providing advice for all 85 attendees. This was followed by a trading game for everyone to take part in, with further time afterwards to talk to the directors and learn more about their firms and industries.


MT Report 2014/2015 RBS Case Study Event In collaboration with the LSESU Trading and Women in Business societies. The LSESU Economics Society hosted a case study workshop with RBS, specifically focussing on the Debt Capital Markets. This helped members understand how the Debt Capital Markets function, along with developing their case study skills for future assessment centres. This proved highly popular with the 30 participants and allowed people to learn more about RBS and its operations.

RBS Introduction into Banking for First Years Our first event exclusively for first years proved very successful with over 40 attending. The event was aimed at widening members’ knowledge of the banking industry and introducing them to different divisions which they may not have previously known much about. Members picked up great advice on how to find the division that suited them and on the opportunities present for them at RBS.


MT Report 2014/2015

RESEARCH Director of Research – Jan Friedemann The research division has two main aims: 1. To make sure students have as much help as they need to achieve the grade they want on their final transcript
by assisting them in their understanding of Economics taught at the LSE.

2. To help members with their own research. Whether it is setting up their own Research Project or taking part in existing ones, we are here to make sure they have every opportunity to explore their curiosities.

EC102 Supplementary sessions These weekly sessions have helped students studying Economics B (the introductory course in Economics) further understand the lecture content, attempt additional questions, and see extensions of the course material. Many students have benefitted from these sessions, and found that the sessions helped develop their economic intuition.

Investigating Socioeconomic Diversity at LSE The research division embarked on its yearly research into the socioeconomic diversity at LSE. The project is in its full swing and survey results are in the process of being collected.


MT Report 2014/2015

SOCIAL events Directors of Social Events– Daniel Poulter, Anand Dhamecha The social events division organizing a highly successful black-tie event on the 8th of December. More than 300 guests attended this event which was themed “Shaken not Stirred”.


MT Report 2014/2015

COMMITTEE LIST LOUIS ARISS – PRESIDENT Louis was elected as the Society's President last spring. He is responsible of making all key decisions related to the society, as well as overseeing all communications between the society and the LSE Economics Department and the LSE Students’ Union. His ultimate aim is to ensure that the society achieves all its objectives over the academic year whilst promoting new ideas in order to enhance the satisfaction of our members.

Lukas Bolte - VICE PRESIDENT Lukas’ main role is to assist and support the President in implementing and achieving the society’s objectives. He communicates between the President and the team, and is involved in directing and evaluating the work of executive committee members.

David YONG - SECRETARY David is responsible for the entire administrative running of the society. His responsibilities vary from internal communication to making sure that all of the society's members are well informed of upcoming events and opportunities.

Shantanu Singh - TREASURER
 Shantanu ensures the financial strength of the society. He is in charge of maintaining all the accounts of the society and overseeing the allocation of the society’s funds. With his oversight we are proud to be in a very strong position and are able to provide the best for our members.

Anand Goel - CORPORATE RELATIONS DIRECTOR Anand has formed new links between the society and firms in the City, including major TNCs, bulge bracket firms and FTSE100 companies. He has forged important relationships with numerous business representatives, which allow her to provide unrivalled opportunities to members of the society.

Jan Friedemann - RESEARCH DIRECTOR The Economics Society is affiliated with the largest department at the School and has a huge abundance of resources at our disposal. Jan’s responsibilities include running workshops/help sessions and coordinating, organising and supervising the research projects which allow us to fund those people with specific interests in conducting and publishing their own research.

Rahat Siddique - SPEAKER EVENTS DIRECTOR Rahat is in charge of arranging, organising and executing all speaker events for the academic year. She ensures that the speakers and events themselves are of the highest quality and entertainment for our members. She hopes to maintain and bolster the already star studded list of academics that we have coming in to speak every year.


MT Report 2014/2015

Daniel Poulter - SOCIAL EVENTS DIRECTOR Daniel is in charge of several huge events, including the social at Dirty Martini. He has laid out plans for frequent events throughout the year to help students get to know one another and make the most out of their time at the LSE.

Anand Dhamecha- SOCIAL EVENTS DIRECTOR Anand is also in charge of several huge events, including the social at Dirty Martini. He has laid out plans for frequent events throughout the year to help students get to know one another and make the most out of their time at the LSE.

Terry NG - ECONOMICS CONFERENCE DIRECTOR Terry is in charge of our annual LSESU Economics Conference, which took place in November 2014. Every year, the sell-out conference is fantastically organised and Terry’s skills and experience mean that this year was no exception.

Honglin JianG - RATIONALE MAGAZINE DIRECTOR Honglin is responsible for the production and distribution of the Economics Society’s magazine, Rationale. He has been able to increase circulation of the magazine dramatically and now it reaches an international audience including LSE alumni as well as prestigious academics.

Chiraag PateL - MARKETING DIRECTOR It is Chiraag’s job to market all the events organized by the society. He is responsible for advertising and promoting the Economics Society all around campus and beyond. He leads successful campaigns in increasing membership of the society and aims to involve many students in the career and research opportunities.

Huihan ZHANG- IT DIRECTOR Huihan leads the development of new social media access for the society's members and will be unveiling new pages and accounts for the latest news on exclusive opportunities. She has overseen the development of our new website which will be launched later this year.

Ashika Chandarana - Director of Alumni Relations Ashika handles the alumni relations of the society, ensuring that members receive the best level of exposure. She has also been responsible for drafting the society’s new constitution.


MT Report 2014/2015

Sponsors and Partners

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