Lifestyle Fitness PT Issue 06

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by Chris Collins


by Matt Smith


by Vicki Paul + Much More


MAY 2014


Contents 01 PROHORMONE FACTS by Chris Collins 02 Ankle Injuries by Chris Collins 02 Increase Your Testosterone by Chris Collins 03 Bodybuilding Program by Chris Collins 04 Top Fruits by Chris Collins 05 Knowing Knees by Chris Collins 06 Why Am I Not Losing Weight by Tristan Bennett 07 Breaking the Chain BCAAs by Chris Collins 08 Deadlift Variations by Matt Smith 09 Communication and Your Client by Wayne Clark 10 Interview with Peter Cohen by Andy McGlynn 11 Employed vs Freelance by Vicki Paul 12 Fighters Corner - Interviews with Luke Paddock, Mauricio Herrera, Shawn Porter, Jason Welborn, Keith Thurman by Mark “EBOX” Hepplestall



If your success benefits other people, those same people will tend to protect your successful product by helping you derive further success, this will either be by word of mouth or showing a loyalty to your product and business or introducing you to other connections who could expand or develop what you are currently doing. The best way to keep impacting your most loyal customers is to continually learn more, investigate new concepts and keep your mind open to anything that passes by. One of the aspects of this career role of Personal Training that has led me, for one, to stay in the Industry is the opportunity to continually learn and develop. There are so many roles and ‘jobs’ that we could commit ourselves to which essentially have a finite limit of information or way of executing the role itself, the sheer beauty and essence of Personal Training and Coaching is the freedom and opportunity to draw on so many disciplines, theories and methods to achieve results with clients. Ive always said and will continue to do so; Personal Training (or as I call it ‘Person Training’) is anything you want it to be. Don’t be forced or led to believe that Personal Trainers deliver weight loss or muscle tone outcomes, you need to broaden your horizons so much further if you want to continue to enjoy your chosen profession. The content and information we pull together each month has no limitations and we only wish to present as much quality information as we can cram in to each edition. We do like to pitch the information across a very broad spectrum from the fundamentals right the way through to specific and advanced fields of study, some of which may remain inconclusive (so much of the sports science world can be inconclusive or counter argued) but the idea is to hone in on any area that may interest you and through trial and error you will gradually forge your way forward either in your career or your own health and fitness goals and motivations. It was great to interview Pete Cohen for this months Edition of LSF-PT Magazine, Pete has been in the Industry for over 2 decades and has accomplished a lot, he is currently immersing a lot of time into his new project with Organo Gold (lsfpt. and we take a look at his life, his successes and his tribulations. Our head researcher and contributor Chris Collins also takes a very candid look at Pro-Hormones and the effect of these products. The article is particularly interesting because Chris commits his thoughts and opinions but expands with some in-depth explanation and current research that he has done fairly recently. Of course it is up to you to make your own mind up but the information presented is thought provoking. I hope you enjoy this months edition as we continue to reach new audiences and lets continue to work together to really shift the habits and beliefs of a nation. Best wishes Andy McGlynn LSF-PT Group Director


The Rotator Cuff & Shoulder

Prohormone Facts

We are going to go into some detail on prohormones that you can currently purchase over the internet and in some sports supplement stores across the U.K. we are not condoning the usage of prohormones but we do realise that many go down this supplement road. 4


We will say now that these supplements should not be taken by anyone under the age of 24, and should not be taken by those with limited knowledge of correct post cycle therapy (PCT), on cycle support and science knowledge. It is also paramount that those you go down this supplement road have good nutritional and exercise knowledge and should have been involved with exercise for at least 6 years +, also many prohormones are not suitable for females. Prohormones are basically precursors to steroids, they are converted by an enzymatic process in the body. As these substances convert to steroids their effects on the body are similar, and therefore are sold as supplements to enhance muscle growth, increase strength and decrease body fat. Whilst the term “Prohormone” is now used to describe all types of similar supplement on the market which includes substances which are already active in their own right and therefore are not precursors.

History In 1996 prohormones were first introduced to the market by Patrick Arnold creating the supplement androstenedione, this creation created a big buzz in the fitness and sports world especially in the U.S. Androstenedione was quickly followed

up by many other creations: • Androstenediol • Norandrostenediol • 1-4-androstadienedione • 5-alpha androstenediol This is not an exhaustive list, with many others coming to market, they all had differing effects but shared the same form of marketing. Many of these substances convert to testosterone within the body, but some are more specifically converted into boldenone, DHT and nandrolone. Whilst these precursors have slowly become less prominent on the market there is still a wide variety available over the internet. After a while on them market and with a variety of purported effects and side effects, Ergopharm released another supplement named 1-AD which was reported to convert into a hormone known as 1-testosterone. This supplement was reported by users and the company to be as effective as the old school steroids such as Winstrol and Trenbolone. The original androstenedione was considered to be a useless supplement by the time of the release of 1-AD, and prohormones as a whole were becoming more efficiently broken down within the body and delivering more punch than ever before. However prohormones always had a weak point, they had

to break down in the body and convert into steroids within the body, and this made them less effective than their steroid counterparts. Companies realised this problem and decided that in order to take the market by storm they would start creating supplements that had the converted compounds already active, now knowing that some of these prohormones converted into illegal or POM only steroids these companies used converted hormones that were not on these lists, one of these was the 1-AD conversion 1-testosterone, this lead to one of the most powerful prohormones being created which was M1T or methyl-1-testosterone, a methylated form of 1-testosterone which needed breaking down by individuals livers to become absorbed into the body. M1T brought very fast muscle and strength gains, but also had side effects identical to those and in some cases worse than the old school steroids such as: • Hypertension • Acne • Joint Aches • Elevation of liver enzymes • Elevated cholesterol For supplement companies these rapid results showed a new dawn for sports supplements, however others including the prohormone father Patrick Arnold were more cautious. 5


These people were right to be cautious as it was not long before the U.S. decided that all the prohormones on the market were on par with their counterparts anabolic steroids and banned them! Naming them illegal drugs. By 2005 prohormones were removed from the commercial market in the states, however here in the U.K. it is possible to purchase these prohormones from the internet and they are still sold in certain stores.

Prohormone Effects With the wide array of prohormones out there all with varying characteristics it can be confusing to knowing exactly how they work. Prohormones work through many different routes, the most important to users in their effects on androgenic, progestogenic and oestrogenic receptors. These are the main receptors that work with the body with these substances. However there are other routes which have effects but these are clearly only secondary. Prohormones are identical or very similar to anabolic steroids and act through the effect on the androgen receptor as prohormones are androgen agonists. The more effect the prohormone has on the androgen receptor the greater effect it has on the male hormone testosterone, this has an effect on:

• Sexual Drive • Aggression • Acne • Hair Loss • Focus • Muscle Mass • Muscle Strength The effects supplement companies will spout is the effects on muscle mass and strength, with many users claiming they feel a hardening effect on their muscles and body. This effect is why you will find that many companies sell these products as “recomposition” supplements. Some prohormones are labelled directly for this such as the very popular epistane which does this by not having conversion to oestrogen. This is caused in part by a lack of water retention the drug causes therefore allowing the muscles to feel “harder”. Prohormones have effects on the oestrogen and progesterone receptors also, with both receptors bring similar effects, these supplements commonly show large increases in size and strength in the individual, however this mass and strength seems to rapidly disappear upon ceasing the supplement especially if a poor PCT is put together. These types of prohormone do increase water retention within the muscle and some of the muscle

mass created by these supplements is in fact just water retention. These forms of prohormone are commonly known as harder drugs and the side effects reflect this, most males fear the side effects of oestrogen which includes fat gain, increase water weight and gynecomastia (male breast tissue). As mentioned before some prohormones such as epistane and 11-oxo are nearly completely androgenic and have little to no oestrogenic or progestogenic side effects. However whilst these prohormones are normally very good at increasing strength and lean muscle mass they are not as effective at mass building as their more oestrogenic/progestrogenic brothers. All prohormones use the androgenic receptor as its main receptor and activity mainly occurs here however some have that cross over to the oestrogen and progesterone receptors. Prohormones have effects that are not related to the androgen, progesterone and oestrogen receptors, they also have influences on many of the other systems within the body. Prohormones will effect neural activity within the muscle which has big impacts on strength gains, this is not dependent on muscle gain but by working with the central nervous system (CNS). The stronger prohormones effect red blood count within the blood by increasing their 6


production, this is a reason why users often comment on increased pumps and in certain cases painful pumps whilst training. As the majority of prohormones are now methylated this poses a risk to the liver and correct liver protection is required to maintain a healthy and happy liver, certain prohormones are not methylated and these will have much less negative effect on the vital organ. Since 2005 when all the first generation prohormones were taken off the market in the states, supplement companies continued to produce prohormones which attempted to comply with the new laws, this was tricky as many of the effects of these substances came from what the law banned, companies also attempted to reproduce the effects of old but with much less risk especially to the liver. In the UK it is completely legal to purchase certain prohormones and many of us involved with exercise, sport and fitness continue to do so, as such we will go through a large list that hopefully covers enough of the current market that you can make informed decisions in your purchasing. This list is not exhaustive:


We may as well start with a prohormone that we have mentioned in this article already, and that is IBE’s epistane and RPN’s Havoc although these days you will find many clones all usually claiming to be “epistane”. Always check the chemical structure and see if it matches with either Havoc or Epistanes original packaging. The two are near identical with a slightly different make up, many state they get the same effects from both havoc and epistane.

taking this prohormone. Epistane has been reported to improve pumps and vascularity as well as having anti-oestrogenic properties, these reasons are why epistane is normally one of the prohormones of choice for those wanting to do a 1st cycle of prohormones. Side effects: Less damaging to cholesterol and liver values as some other stronger prohormones but this will still be processed by the liver, therefore good liver protection should be in place. Common androgenic side effects such as acne and hair loss remain a possibility but these have been reported to be minimal. PCT should be followed on ceasing this prohormone. Halodrol- 50(4-chloro-17amethyl-1,4-diene-3,17 diol)

Havoc (2a,3a-epithio-17a-methyl-5aandrostan-17b-ol 2) Epistane (2, 3a-epithio-17amethyletioallo cholan-17b-ol) Dosages for both of these range from 20mg-50mg per day, with some reporting good effects from pulse cycles. Epistane is a good choice for those wanting to add lean muscle mass without the negative effects of oestrogen, there are also reports of excellent strength gains whilst

Gaspari Nutrition brought us the prohormone Halodrol-50, this prohormone converted to the East German built Oral Turinabol in the body. Gaspari no longer produce this prohormone but there are many clones, but again make sure you check the chemical structure to be 7


sure. Halodrol-50 has been reported to give good gains in both muscle and strength and is considered to do this more than epistane, typically dosages are 50-100mg a day with tablets normally being 50mg. Side effects: Harmful on the liver and therefore correct precautions are required, may lead to hypertension and has not been found to be pleasant on cholesterol, again this requires correct PCT. Estrabolan: (Estra-4,9-diene-3,17-dione)

This chemical structure will appear on many different products, Estrabolan being the brand produced by Brinkwelton pharma. Estrabolan targets Dienolone as its hormone and is a non-methylated substance. This prohormone is normally used in stacks due to it being non-methylated but it will cause some increase in muscle strength with solid a steady lean mass increases. Side Effects: Much safer on the liver than its methylated brothers, however there are reports that this prohormone can have a negative effect

on libido and which will not go down well in the bedroom. Delta 2 (Delta-2 Androstenone)

This non-methylated prohormone has been shown to have excellent steady gains in lean mass with some strength gains, however due to its lack of methylation it does require high dosages to be effective, most users will dose at 400-650mg a day. Reports from this prohormone show that there is excellent upkeep of gains from this with proper PCT.

This is a direct active Dienolone which makes it different from the above Estrabolan as that requires conversion. As we mentioned before anything that requires conversion will lose potency, therefore Trenazone is considered to be a superior prohormone to Esrabolan. Reports suggest that this prohormone brings fast muscle mass and strength without oestrogenic side effects. Side Effects: Trenazone will cause all the usual side effects of androgenic substances, and has been reported to shut down the body’s own testosterone hard, therefore good correct PCT is a must. Cynostane: (2-cyano-17a-methyl-17bhydroxy-androst-3-one - 10mg)

Side Effects: One of the safest prohormones around it is often stacked with more potent prohormones, it may lead to acne in persons prone to the skin condition. Trenazone: (17 hydroxyestra-4,9-dien-3-one)

Cynostane is a take on an older and popular prohormone called superdrol, however the chemical structure is altered using a cyano bond. Users report good strength building effects with gains being steady and lean. It has been reported that it is good prohormone for those wanting to diet and lose body fat due to its ability to maintain muscle whilst an individual 8


slashes calories.


Side effects: Most report that side effects are mild, and most bloodwork puts it in better favour than in older brother superdrol, however on cycle support and PCT is still a must. Ultradrol: (2,17a-dimethyl-5aandrosta-1-en-17-ol-3-one) Created by I-Force nutrition Protodrol was created to be a less toxic alternative to the older prohormones, and is commonly dosed at 50-100mg per day, which bring with it excellent mass gains with little water retention, strength gains are also reported. Ultradrol is a powerful and potent prohormone, it can cause large gains in strength and produce gains much quicker than nearly all other prohormones, it is also known to be great at cutting fat and helping users break through multiple plateaus. Side Effects: This is not a perfect prohormone, Ultradrol is known to be very liver toxic and can completely shut down one’s own testosterone production. This is a prohormone for someone with many cycles already done and has excellent knowledge of dosing, PCT and on cycle support.

for superdrol clones as it is no longer made by Designer supplements. Superdrol has a reputation as being one the most potent prohormones for lean mass building. Side Effects: A very liver toxic prohormone with serious androgenic properties make superdrol a prohormone a serious prohormone and something that requires respect. Expert PCT and on cycle support is required. 1,4 AD Bold 200: (1, 4 Androstadiene-3, 17- Dione 200mg)

Side Effects: This is a very middle park prohormone, not as strong as Ultradrol or toxic as Ultradrol but not as weak and safe as delta-2. It should be treated with respect and used in conjunction with PCT and on cycle support. Superdrol (Methasteron)

From Designer Supplements superdrol was one of the most popular prohormones of its day, and still remains to be very popular however now you will have to settle

Created by I-Force Nutrition the same company that created protodrol, Bold is a precursor to the compound Boldenone commonly known as Equipoise which has been used in bodybuilding circles for years, it has a good reputation for building mass due to its ability to increase appetite and have steady lean gains, it also has the advantage as being another nonmethylated substance therefore being less harsh on the liver. Side Effects: On its own Bold is a 9


relatively safe hormone, however many decide to use this as a stack with more powerful pro-hormones to get the most effect. However PCT should still be adhered to, this is one of the pro hormones that is more suited to inexperienced users.

D-Plex (17-a-methyl-etioallocholan-17bol-3-hydroxyimine)


An old school prohormone that has many clones to date, this is different to most of the prohormones we have listed so far due to it not being created to create a hard look more recomposition look. This prohormone converts into very popular Dianabol (Methandrostenolone) in the body and will cause strength gains and very fast mass gains, however there will be water retention.

Produced by Applied Nutriceuticals, D-plex is aimed at those wanting to keep muscle whilst cutting, although there are reports of users increasing strength and some minor lean mass gains, it is also reported to reduce oestrogen, however this will lead to bounce back on ceasing the supplement.

respectively, although all forms and clones are the same chemical structure, users experienced rapid mass gains although some of this was water retention. Side effects: P-Plex is on the strong side of the pro-hormones and requires care when taking it, an excellent PCT is a must for those who wish to take this prohormone and it should not be taken by those who are inexperienced. Furazadrol: (5a-androstano(2,3-c) furazan-17b-tetrahydropyranol ether - 50mg)

Side Effects: D-plex is quite a safe prohormone in nature compared with others, however it does have androgenic properties and PCT is required. Pheraplex P-Plex(17a-methyletioallocholan-2-ene-17b-ol)

Side effects: Both highly androgenic and oestrogenic this supplement requires an excellent PCT and on cycle support, it has been reported to accelerate male pattern boldness and acne. Anabolic Xtereme (AX) used the brand name Pheraplex whilst its competitors EST and Competitive Edge used Phera-vol and P-Plex

Developed by Axis Labs this is another of the non-methylated groups of prohormones making it much tamer on the liver, Furazadrol has been a favourite for beginners wanting to start taking prohormones for a long time due to its ability to bring on steady lean muscle gains with little water retention or androgenic side effects, many more experienced takers often stack this with a methylated prohormone. Side Effects: Side effects still remain but are much less mild compared 10


with stronger prohormones, acne is one of the most common side effects, usually dosed at around 300-400mg a day Furazadrol is on the expensive side.


11-Oxo (andrenosterone, 11-oxoandrostenedione) 11-oxo

ergomax LMG(17-methyl-delta2-etioallocholane & 17-methyldelta-3-etioallocholane)

ALRI introduced this prohormone to the market, with similar effects to pheraplex and is usually dosed at 20-40mg a day. The gains on this prohormone are quite wet so it is not a good choice for those wanting to cut. Side effects: Has been shown to have negative effects on both cholesterol, blood pressure and can be harsh on the liver. This is probably a prohormone that has fallen out of favour with many.

Bioscience Technologies brought this to the market which dosed quite low in comparison to others with dosages from 6-15mg per day, this was not a favourite amongst bulkers, but there is some usage in it being a dietary aid when cutting calories from the diet. Side effects: Acne and other androgenic side effects have been noted with this prohormone, it is also one of the prohormones which causes a negative effect on libido, and this product has been outclassed by safer and more potent prohormones such as epistane.

Ergopharm unleashed this prohormone to the market, remember these are the guys who started it all off back in the day. It is fairly high dosed prohormone due to the fact it is non-methylated with dosages ranging from 300mg-600mg e/d, it is the main anabolic hormone found in fish. The effects of 11-oxo tend to be fat loss and muscle hardening with slight gains in both mass and strength. Higher dosed protocols maximise this. Because of this it is usually used in a stack with other prohormones. Side effects: 11-oxo can cause similar side effects as other prohormones, but at lower dosages and used alone it is one of the safest prohormones available, the main issue is that it usually comes at a high price to get enough to make any noticeable gains.



Propadrol (12-ethyl-3methoxy-gona-diene / 6-17 dihydroxyetiocholove-3-ol proponate)

Developed by EST and a fan favourite Propadrol which is commonly dosed from 60-120mg a day promoted rapid gains in strength with decent lean mass gains. Side effects: Most reports of those who have used this prohormone have been positive with only mild side effects, however this is still a potent prohormone and therefore proper PCT should be followed. This is a good prohormone for those wanting to do a second or third cycle.

Max LMG (13-ethyl-3methoxygona-2, 5(10)-dien-17-one)

More from ALRI now with a product that caused rapid wet gains and strength gains, however this mass came at the price of side effects, and it is usually dosed at 100mg a day. This is not a prohormone for those wanting the bodybuilding aesthetic look as the gains are usually not very well defined. Side effects: This is very potent and should be avoided by anyone but those with experience and good knowledge on prohormones, cycles and PCT. This has been reported to speed up hair loss, cause bad acne, aggression and nausea.

Dymethazine- (2,17-dimethyl-5androstan-17-ol-3,3’-azine)

Another of I-force nutrition’s specialities, Dymethazine/ Dimethazine is in superdrol with a double bond and azine bridge. As such reports show that it is very similar to superdrol but users report less side effects, and therefore this should be the choice of those wanting to go onto a superdrol cycle. Side Effects: No oestrogenic activity is a good plus, but this can be harsh on the liver and the common side effects such as acne are probable to occur.



3-AD(2-androstenol acetate)

Another of Anabolic Xtremes’s creations, 3-AD is used predominantly as a mass and size builder with users usually stating that the results are wet gains, strength gains can also be noted. Side effects: Another middle of the park prohormone, it is not the safest but not the most damaging either, both oestrogenic and androgenic side effects are possible.

The One: (17a-methyletioallocholan-17b-ol-3hydroxyimine)

A nice name for marketing, the one was created by Applied Nutriceutucals as a prohormone of DHT (Dihydrotestosterone). As such this prohormone is one the strongest androgenic prohormones around, users notice good muscular gains and excellent strength increases. Side Effects: Conversion to DHT is not excellent for those with hairline issues, this prohormone may accelerate male pattern boldness, whilst this does not convert to oestrogen PCT is obviously still required to help bring back natural testosterone and prevent bounce back. The one is not a friendly one to the liver and on cycle liver support is a must.



Choosing & Training As we mentioned at the beginning these supplements are serious and if you are determined to go down the route of taking them you need to have good knowledge of both on cycle support and PCT. Individuals need to assess their own goals and how much risk they are willing to take before choosing one of these prohormones. If you are starting out then it is very advisable that you stick with a mild prohormone to start with, the usual suspects are: • Epistane (methylated) • 11-oxo (non-methylated) • Furazadrol (non-methylated) • Delta-2 (non-methylated) • Propadrol (methylated) It is advisable that you get everything you need before starting a cycle, this can be expensive but it is paramount especially for a beginner, you will need to buy your full PCT, you’re on cycle support and the prohormone before starting, then you need to make a dosing plan. We consider that beginners should not be going over 6 weeks for a cycle even if the prohormone is mild, and that oestrogen blocking drugs are at the ready from the beginning. Epistane is a favourite due to its anti-oestrogen properties on cycle but you will still have products at the ready for PCT. When it comes to any supplements,

knowledge is power and we recommend you get clued up before tackling these supplements. Taking a prohormone means that you know what workouts you are doing, you have experience in the gym and have now hit plateau after plateau, if you have not got this experience, if you are someone that just wants quick muscle then DO NOT take prohormones or steroids, get a personal trainer, eat right and lift correctly. For those in the former category a few tips that can be employed are: • Increasing normal training volume by 25% on cycle • Decreasing normal training volume by 25% in PCT • Reset your programme post PCT to factor any new strength gains/ adaptations

silymarin content, artichoke extract and garlic are all key ingredients to helping the liver, you should already be drinking plenty of water a day and on cycle this should not change, 2-3l minimum of fluid is essential as some of these prohormones will cause dehydration. Many users take their prohormones with grapefruit juice to help the body with absorption, this mainly only applies to the active prohormones. Prohormones are powerful and should be treated with respect, again we made this article for information purposes only, and if you are set on taking them we hope this helped you to prepare yourself. WARNING – PROHORMONES ARE NOT FOR TESTED ATHLETES, YOU WILL TEST POSITIVE ON A DRUG TEST WARNING

• Wait at least 3 months before cycling again If you have the experience then you will know about nutrition, as such you as you will realise that prohormones increase protein synthesis therefore you should up your protein intake to 2.5g per KG of bodyweight per day, there are reports that a mix of both soy and whey is best but this is up to your judgement. Liver protection is key in many of these prohormones therefore milk thistle with a high



Ankle Injuries

The ankle is a commonly injured joint in the body, sadly for most it is also one of the most complex and difficult to treat joints due to its anatomy and position. 15


The injury that we will look at here is the most common form of ankle injury – the sprain. Ankle sprains come in two main forms, Low ankle sprains – these are the most common forms of ankle sprains occurring due to an inversion/ platarflexion over exertion, meaning the toes go down and in towards the body in a way that causes the ligaments on the outside of the joint (lateral ligaments) to become over exerted.

High ankle sprains cause disruption to the medial (deltoid) ligaments and the syndesmosis between the tibia and fibula. These types of sprains are rare and only count for only 10% of all ankle sprains. Mainly caused by an over exerted eversion movement at the ankle joint. Both of these sprains are graded into 3 categories which depend on the amount of ligamentous damage that has occurred at the joint. Grade1 being the least serious, grade 2 being middle severity with grade 3 being the most severe.

On the diagram we see some of the ligaments that are most associated with high ankle sprains. Damage occurs mainly to the anterior inferior tibiofibular ligament (AITFL), but like we said before this is a rare injury to occur. Injuries that occur to this part of the ankle can cause major disruption to running biomechanics, the weaknesses left from poor rehab of the injury will lead to long term problems.

The main injury at the ankle is the low ankle sprain, this occurring mainly at the anterior talo fibular ligament (ATFL), Injury can also occur to the posterior talo fibular ligament (PTFL) and calcnealtalar ligament. As we said before this injury occurs due to a plantar flexion and inversion type movement. This occurs in many sports and daily life, just landing wrong off a curb is enough to cause serious damage to these ligaments.

Sports where high impact and landing are important such as basketball are at high risk of serious grade 3 16


ankle ligament injuries. When these injuries occur they can have a massive effect on your sporting play and exercise, however the recovery from these forms of injury are usually well tolerated. We will discuss rehabilitation and treatment options available in the next couple of pages, we will give you the tips that are required for you to get back on your feet and return to fitness as soon as possible.

will be significantly painful, walking will be difficult. Patients will have instability, and there will possibly be a giving-way sensation at the joint. Pain and swelling are the most common symptoms in all three grades of sprain, these occur in differing severities depending on how much of the tissues are damaged. Bruising occurs around the ankle joint but this then travels down to the toes as gravity effects the blood flow.

To understand how to treat or rehabilitate the injury we must first understand the grades of injury that happen at the joint. Grade 1 Ankle Sprain: Grade 1 ankle sprains are caused by a stretch at the ligament. The symptoms are mainly pain and swelling. The majority of people can walk without crutches, but jogging, high impact movements and sports may be very difficult.


Grade 3 Ankle Sprain: Grade 3 ankle sprains are complete ruptures of the ligaments. The ankle

First incidence of injury occurring –Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. (RICE) this is applicable for all grades of the injury, when it occurs make sure you follow the RICE protocol. 24-72 hours – Rest the ankle effected, use Ice packs 3-4 times daily for 15 minutes at a time, use ice in a towel, and never apply directly to skin. Do not compress the ankle joint with any bandages until after 72 hours have passed, this should allow any complications to show. 72 hours + - this is dependent on the grade, but compression bandages, ankle supports etc. are useful in maintaining joint integrity and should help prevent giving way. Crutches should be used if necessary when walking, rehabilitation should begin post 72 hours.


Grade 2 Ankle Sprain: Grade 2 ankle sprain has a more severe tone caused by a partial tearing of the ligament or ligaments. There is significant swelling and bruising caused by bleeding under the skin. People will have pain with walking, but may have the ability to take a few steps.

Initial treatment


Grade 1 – this will require some form of ankle support, taping is especially good. Exercise of normal training may begin at an intensity of 40% of normal and this may be increased by 10% every 3 days until full fitness is achieved. Grade 2 & 3 – non weight bearing exercises to help bring the ankle joint to full range of movement, once this is achieved then movements where 17


impact on the joint is minimal. Deep squats is a good way to strengthen the muscles but it also uses the ankle in a way that puts weight through the joint but not in a high impact sense. Try three sets of 30 reps with a 60s rest 5 times per week. Once the ankle joint is strengthened appropriately then we would recommend this small workout that can be done 3 times per week to help rehabilitate and strengthen then joint: • 3 sets of 30 w/60s rest – Deep Squats • 5 sets of 20 w/ 60s rest – Calf raises with an appropriate weight • Developmental stretching of the ankle joint in inversion and dorsiflexion. 30second holds. ADVANCED STAGES: • Stair running • Box jumps • Skipping



Increase Your Testosterone

Testosterone which is usually associated with men is also found in women, although it is the predominant hormone in men, testosterone plays a huge role in male sexuality and fertility equally importantly effecting muscle mass, hair growth, bone density, mental health and red blood cell concentrations. 19


Sadly for us men when we hit 28-33 our natural testosterone starts to fall and continues to do so as we age further. Another major concern is that the medication we take as we age can also affect our testosterone production, one of the major drugs this apples to are statins which are used to help control cholesterol, and medications is not the only factor that we have to deal with, oestrogen tends to increase as well usually due to a combination of both diet and environment. If you are a male that is suffering from repressed mood, difficulties with focus, lack of drive, loss of sexual drive and erectile dysfunction, and you believe that your problems are caused by falling testosterone level then you can get your hormone profile tested at your GP surgery. The only problem with tests is that testosterone changes at many times throughout the day, therefore three tests are normally taken to get an accurate reading. It is possible that if these readings are very low that your GP may prescribe medication to help lift the hormones, however this is usually not the case, and will usually talk about natural products, which we discussed in our herb article currently up on our webpage.

We will discuss lifestyle changes that help us improve our testosterone naturally and that we can all benefit from, this applies to both sexes and everyone:

products. Refined carbs are notorious for weight gain, these include:

Weight Loss

• Waffles

Being overweight has been shown to have a high correlation with low testosterone levels, this was decided at the Endocrine Society’s 2012 meeting. This being the case it is obviously very important that if you are overweight and suffering from these symptoms that you start shedding the weight. Those wanting to lose weight need to limit the amount of fructose and processed sugar in the diet both of which have been linked to be major contributors to the current obesity epidemic facing the U.K. at the moment, whilst sweeteners have been shown to be effective we would recommend going for natural ones such as stevia if you have a sweet tooth, the main offenders in this category are fizzy drinks and fruit juices. If you have diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension as well as being overweight we recommend that you limit fructose intake to 20g or less a day and whilst fruits contain a good variety of vitamins they are also high in fructose. Lactose is another sugar that should be avoided when trying to limit cut the weight, lactose as you know is found mainly dairy and milk

• Crisps

• Cereals • Bagels

• Biscuits These types of foods negatively affect insulin resistance which is linked to many chronic disorders as well as being a contributing factor in obesity. Cutting these foods from the diet means they will need to be replaced with other foods, high fibre, vegetables and lean meats should be on your table, our bodies much prefer the carbohydrates we get from vegetables rather the from refined sources as this helps prevent insulin spikes within the body, vegetables are also high in vitamins and minerals which will come in handy especially if you are cutting down on fruit juices. Food is really one the main ways in which we can alter testosterone levels, healthy nutrition is the driving force behind a healthy lifestyle.



High-Intensity Exercise (HIIT) and Intermittent Fasting (IF)

Running Protocol:

Strength Training

• Walking pace (40s)

Boosting testosterone doesn’t have to be complicated, with HIIT and IF showing significant boosting properties to the important hormone, and can help slow or even stop the aging decline, HIIT especially has been found to be excellent at helping testosterone levels, unlike aerobics and moderate exercise which has been shown to have little impact at all on hormone levels.

• Jogging pace (60s)

Another great way to boost testosterone utilising training is to take part in strength training, this only seems to occur when doing strength training consistently and at a high intensity. It has been found that compound type movements are better at boosting testosterone than isolation and heavier weights with lower reps are the way to go, examples of compound exercise are:

Sample HIIT: • 10 minute warm up: • 6 minutes – Steadily Raise heart rate to 60% of maximum heart rate, best to work full body of possible the rowing machine is great for this. • 3 minutes – Stretch Static major muscle groups, hamstrings, calves, quads, chest, back, bi’s, tris.

• Sprint pace max (20s) • Jogging pace (30s) • (Repeat) This workout should be followed by a cool down which is similar to a warm up but in reverse, and many stretch on the floor. This is only a small example, you need to stay aware that any form of exercise and all forms of equipment can be utilised during HIIT other usual ones are swimming, treadmill, rowing and step machines. HIIT can be dangerous due to the nature of how hard you push yourself when training therefore it is recommended that you get yourself a trainer to help you when doing HIIT as motivation to get through the full session can be tough and to make sure you are safe.

• Dead lifts • Squats • Bench press • Shoulder press Tempo has been found to also be key in unlocking our body’s testosterone boosting power, it has been found to be effective that training with a slower tempo and concentrating on the eccentric movement helps us to improve testosterone.

20-40m HIIT: HIIT in the basic sense is utilising maximal effort for short bursts of up to 30 seconds, the idea is that you could not do any more than a few seconds after this burst of the same level. This burst is followed by slower paced exercise for 60-240seconds before the burst is repeated.




• Raw milk/cheese

Vitamin D

Zinc is a well-known and essential mineral when it comes to hormones, this is especially true for testosterone production. There is evidence that suggests that males who are deficient or slightly deficient in Zinc should supplement the mineral as it can boost testosterone back to normal levels in those with low levels. Males who restrict their diets (vegetarian & vegan) may not be getting adequate amounts of zinc from their diet and should consider supplementing, those who exercise hard should also consider supplementing zinc even if the diet is not restricted as very intense consistent exercise can lower testosterone levels within the body and zinc has been shown to negate these effects. In the UK it has been shown that 38% of males over 55 have significantly low dietary zinc intake which will have a significant impact on testosterone levels, therefore supplementation is required to help increase zinc level and lead to better health. Whilst supplementation is an efficient method to help with low zinc levels, dietary intake is still the best way to get your minerals and certain foods are great to improve levels:

• Beans

Sunlight, something we see very little of in the UK, well we need sunlight so our skin can make the very important vitamin D. Vitamin D is vital for the development of sperm and therefore is highly important for fertility in men. Another important aspect of vitamin D and why it is important to this article is its effect on testosterone. One study found that overweight males who consumed vitamin D supplementation improved concentrations of serum testosterone over a one year period. It may be wise that due to the lack of sunlight we have to endure in the UK and the more and more time we spend in doors at work, on computers and socialising on social networks that we supplement the vitamin. It is vital you check what level of vitamin D you currently have by doing a 25-hydroxyvitamin D test, with the optimal levels for vitamin D being 60-70 nanograms per milliliter (ng/ml). Whilst supplementation is a great way to get vitamin D into your body, current research shows that 7,000-8,000 IU’s of vitamin D is required to raise levels to beyond 40 ng/ml, the best way to improve your levels is to get adequate amounts of sun exposure, remember that sun bathing can lead to cancer so 15minutes stints in strong sunlight is recommended.

• Oysters • Fish

We recommend going organic for meats and veg if you can afford to as many chemicals and pesticides can strip nutrients from the foods. The cooking of foods can cause zinc levels to drop within it, we recommend trying to keep your veg as raw as possible and when cooking foods trying your best to prevent burning or overcooking the foods. Supplementing zinc in dosages above 50mg can be well tolerated for up to 2 months but we do not recommend long term supplementation due to zincs ability to negate the absorption of other important minerals such as copper.

• Red Meats 22


Get that stress down Stress, something that occurs in all our lives is something that really does affect all aspects of our wellbeing, stress causes the catabolic hormone cortisol to be released into the body which suppresses testosterone production. The main reason why this occurs is evolutionary, cortisol is released when we are stressed and is the main fight or flight hormone however testosterone promotes competition, sex and lust all of which would not have been appropriate feelings in a meeting with a pack of tigers. Since the dawn of civilisation, capitalism and the modern world our fight or flight moments haven’t been so fleeting, we are in constant stress mode with finances, relationships, fashion etc. this leads to constant high cortisol levels which may lead to consistently suppressed testosterone levels. Try these tips to help reduce stress: • Keep a journal

along with monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Testosterone can drop if your dietary fat intake drops below 30% of total energy intake. Failing to utilise fat in the diet will lead to poor testosterone levels, and if you are not including these fats into your diet there is a good chance they are being replaced with refined carbohydrates, examples of fats that can lead to a boost in testosterone levels are:

Conclusion So in conclusion there are many natural methods to help boost testosterone all of which are better than going down a medication route. We recommend going for check-ups at your GP if you think your testosterone levels are dropping.

• Olives and Olive oil • Coconuts and coconut oil • Butter made from raw grass-fed organic milk • Raw nuts, such as, almonds or pecans • Organic pastured egg yolks • Avocados • Palm oil • Organic nut oils • Grass-fed meats

• Listen to relaxing music • Yoga • Hit the gym • Use Imagery • Use breathing exercises • Healthy Fats Most people have been told to shun saturated fats, however these fats are important in boosting testosterone 23

PT Essentials The Big Review: Fit Pro Client Recipes Fit Pro Client Recipes is the new & innovative nutrition plan builder taking the world of PT’s by storm. It transforms the way you create nutrition plans for your clients, automatically branding every recipe with your logo. We review the good and the bad points for you here. What You Get:

The good: This is the simplest way to create nutrition plans for your clients yet. It takes less than 5 minutes to upload your logo and custom footer. In fact you could get at least three different packs straight off the bat in less than 15 minutes all printed up and ready to go from the dashboard. So for busy PT’s this is a great feature. The recipes are so good clients will actually want to stick to the meal plan meaning they actually keep shifting the fat. This system means you can get clients to eat real food that fits their lifestyle and family commitments without compromising on macro counts or risking ‘cheat days’. That means more great results for your clients (and you!)

FPCR gives you an online recipe system that rebrands all recipes with your logo.

Every recipe is macro counted and the calculators automatically add up calories when you add a recipe to a pack so it’s a point and click pack builder.

Most major nutrition systems are included and there are plenty of recipes available even for systems like paleo, IIFYM, vegan, dairy or gluten free diets.

Search by nutrition system and meal type to add recipes to your pack.

Create your own recipe packs to sell as eBooks or to clients.

Video documentaries with some of the world’s leading nutrition experts & PTs

Marketing support through the exclusive Fit Pro Facebook Groups

There are loads of help video tutorials so that makes getting the best out of the system easy.

The not so good:

There are 4 different ways to calculate the calorie count for your clients which include the exclusive Alan Aragon calculator. That bits great but the recipe list to create your bespoke pack isn’t as sexy as the latest recipes display. The pack when its created has the same layout for the recipes though so your clients will never know the difference. The sales page to choose your membership options is a turn off for some. But you only have to see that once so don’t let that put you off trying the system.

There are loads of new developments that are planned for later this year where you will be able to have the whole system Rebranded and sell direct access to your clients but we want that now!

Our 3 Word Review:


Game-Changer Time-Saver


Our Free 5 day - 6 week bodybuilding programme


5 DAY 6 WEEK BODYBUILDING PROGRAMME We have put together a free training programme that is designed to help with building muscles, cut fat and improve strength and stamina, we recommend that you get your individual weights from your 1rm. Here is a quick table to help you work out your weight That would mean that if your one rep max on the bench press is 80kg then your 10 rep weight should be 60kg, this is just a guide however and you should asses your weights yourself and get a feel for the programme. Don’t forget to follow warm-up and cool-down procedures

Reps 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

%1RM 100 95 90 88 86 83 80 78 76 75 72 70





Bench Press


Incline Press Flys






Straight BB, WIDE GRIP







Piston Press 3 (SUPER SET) Press – up 3 (SUPER SET) Decline Press 3





8 6 4 12


2s down 2s up 2s down 2s up 2s down 2s up 2s down 2s up 4s down 4s up 5s down 5s up 5s down 5s up

Hold weight above head

Abdominal Crunch




Straight BB, SHOULDER GRIP DB, arms slight bend DB, Hands neutral, alternate the press, elbows in. BW = Bodyweight Pyramid





Dead Lift







10 8 6 8 6 6 10


5s down 5s up 2s flex 2s extend

BB, shoulder width grip, (use alternate grips if struggling) Use Cable or Machine, use Straight bar, bring bar to chest


HOLD 3s at top

BB, use alternate grips for comfort.



Wide Grip Pull 5 up Back Fly 3





Abdominal Crunch



2s down 2s up 5s down 2s up 2s down 2s up 2s down 2s up

Weighted Row 3

Shoulder Shrugs


Prone row




Use Wide Grip (PULL UP) DB BW





Bicep Curl


Hammer Curl







Straight BB, Head up.




Reverse Cable Curl Skull Crushers Triceps Extension (cable) Weighted DIPS










2s down 2s up 5s down 5s up 5s down 5s up 2s down 2s up 2s down 2s up




Close Grip Bench




2s down 2s up 5s down 5s up

USE PLATEs on lap – 80kg BELT DIPS – 40kg BB

DB, Head up CABLE – use a pronated grip Use BB straight bar CABLE – use V bar














12 10 8 6 3 10


5s down 5s up



Use BB


HOLD 3s at end of rep 5s down 5s up 5s down 5s up 5s down 5s up 5s down 5s up




10 8 6 12

5 5

20 12

60s 60s












Shoulder Press


Upright Row






5s down 2s up

BB – Straight Bar


10 8 6 12


Lateral Raises 3



BB – straight bar, Head up (bring bar to chin) DB

Shoulder Press



Back Press


10 8 6 12

2s down 2s up 4s down 4s up 2s down 2s up


Press ups, WIDE GRIP Abdominal Crunch







2s down 2s up 5s down 5s up 6s down 6s up

We recommend putting rest days in, we have devised a table below on how we feel the programme should be followed. So your outline will look like this:






Day 1


Day 2




Day 3


Day 4


Day 5







• WIDE GRIP BENCH – This allows greater pectoral activation, it helps build the muscle closer to the shoulder girdle, this increases muscle SIZE more than other grips.

• Back Squat – The most common form of squat is best used to increase muscle SIZE within the gluteal and hamstring muscle groups. The weight is placed through the entire body but building is aimed mainly through the Back of the leg.

• SHOULDER WIDE GRIP – This allows a good combination of Triceps and Pectoral activation, is will build the triceps and pectorals adequately, this is a common method and best used to build STRENGTH. • CLOSE GRIP – This allows triceps concentration, this is best used to build size and strength within the triceps. • REVERSE GRIP – By swapping to a supinated grip the sternal pectorals are worked harder and grip strength can also improve.

We hope you enjoy this workout and if you have any queries why not get in touch with one of our lifestyle fitness personal trainers in your area who are all more than qualified to deal with your queries. See Directory at end of magazine.

• Front Squat – A popular variation is to place the bar on the front of chest wall carrying the weight in the creases of the elbow joint. This places emphasis on the Quadriceps and Abdominal muscle groups. This will increase SIZE in these muscle groups. • Back Squat holds – Same as a back squat with a tempo variation, holding at the bottom of the Squat for 7 seconds and then powering up is a great way to increase STRENGTH and break through plateaus.



Top Fruits



Now in our previous article on testosterone we stated the fructose isn’t the best for us, but we didn’t mean stop eating fruits. Fruit is high in essential nutrient and getting this nutrient from food is far better than going for a supplement alternative. Not many foods can taste so sweet and juicy and pack such a big health punch as fruit and that’s why it is important to make a list of what we think are the best.


Fruits are packed with vitamins such as A, C and E to go along with other vital nutrient, they can help cut heart disease and stroke, prevent and treat hypertension, help preserve vision, help bring down our cholesterol and fight certain cancers. Whilst fruit is packed with vitamins there are other benefits to eating them, they are packed with fibre! Now this is one reason not to buy your fruit as a juice as many manufacturers’ processes work by eliminating the fibre to make the juice smoother. We have compiled a list of fruits we think are true powerhouses in the nutrient, vitamin, mineral and antioxidant world.

Full of lycopene which helps to control cholesterol and can protect against prostate cancer, even tomato ketchup is full of lycopene. Unlike other fruits, when we cook tomatoes you actually unlock more of the lycopene, so try make a nice sauce with some wholemeal organic pasta.

Nutrition: (1 medium) 22 calories, 1.5 g fibre, packed with potassium and vitamin A, along with folate.

shown to help lower cholesterol, it is more a savoury fruit and could be added to sandwiches and wraps to add extra flavour, and they are also high in fibre which is great to help stay regular and helps prevent colon cancer. Avocados are a great fruit for babies, the nutritional value and texture makes them an excellent food for their young teeth. Apple

Avocado Nutrition: medium size 75 calories, 3 g fibre Making a list of healthy fruits we couldn’t leave off the humble apple, it is one of the world’s most widely eaten fruits in the world and is part of the legendary health saying: Nutrition: ½ avocado: 110kcal, 4.5g fibre, high source of vitamin E, folate and unsaturated fat. Avocado is a great food as it is packed out with very healthy monounsaturates and has been

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away” Apples can help keep diabetes at bay and help with asthma sufferers, the skin is where nearly all the fibre is and this another reason why juices are not the best choice for apples. 34



of vitamin A, folate and potassium


Cantaloupe is high in beta-carotene which is an excellent antioxidant, it is great for the eyes and may help prevent cataracts from developing. It is very low in kcals and has around 30% less fructose then most other fruits. Blackberry Nutrition: 125 ml 41 calories, 1.5 g fibre, antioxidant powerhouse.

Nutrition: medium size 105 calories, 3 g fibre, good source of potassium and folate it is also packed with vitamin B6. Bananas have the most potassium than any other fruit with around 440mg per medium sized banana, banana are high in sugar so don’t go mad with them, they can help with lowering blood pressure though. A strange fact is that those who have allergies to latex may also have allergies to bananas as they both share a similar protein and come from similar trees. Cantaloupe

Nutrition: 125 mL 31 calories, 4 g fibre, antioxidant powerhouse. One of the most powerful fruits around and contains anthocyanin which has been shown to cut the risk of both cancer and stroke, in particular recent studies show that blackberry may help stall the growth of lung cancer cells. From history blackberries were used to treat gout symptoms, and were coined “goutberries” as such.

A fitness enthusiast favourite, blueberries are always being touted as one of the best fruits around, like blackberries, blueberries are antioxidant power houses and compared with 75 other vegetables and fruits blueberries came out on top in terms of antioxidant per weight, they have been touted to help with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Blueberries are great fresh and frozen and you can save a ton of £££ if you get bags of frozen blueberries. Goji berry

Nutrition 125 ml 90 calories, 2.5 g fibre, full of vitamin A, packed with antioxidants. Nutrition: 125 mL 25 calories, source

One of the most diversely packed fruits goji berries are full of vitamin A 35


and 5 other vitamins, 21 minerals and have been touted help prevent cancer and diabetes, goji berries are tough to find but they are normally found in health stores, always go for quality dried berries. Goji berries can affect the efficiency of some medications like warfarin, we recommend that if you are on any prescription medicines that you ask your GP for advice. Cranberries

Fig (dried)

Nutrition: 2 dried figs 42 calories, 1.5 g fibre, good source of calcium, potassium and iron. Figs are a great alternative to butter or oil, they are a good source of important nutrients like calcium and iron which makes them different to other fruits. Grapes

Nutrition: 125 ml 25 calories, 2.5 g fibre, antioxidant powerhouse. A juice fan favourite, cranberries have been found to be antibacterial and have been shown to help treat urinary tract infections (UTIs), cranberries may also help with ulcers and kidney stones. The antibacterial properties of cranberries are so strong that in certain countries they use unsweetened cranberry juice as a mouthwash.

Pink Grapefruit

Nutrition: 1/2 grapefruit 52 calories, 2 g fibre, vitamin A. Pink grapefruit is full of flavonoids and lycopene both of which have been touted to help prevent cancers, grapefruit is also full of the soluble fibre pectin that helps lowers cholesterol in the body. Grapefruit has been reported to interact with medications, so again if you have any concerns talk with your doctor. Kiwifruit

Nutrition: 125 mL 53 calories, 1.5g fibre, manganese. Grapes have the antioxidant resveratrol which has been studied in great detail in possibly helping hypertension, heart disease and help stall cancers of the breast, colon and stomach. There are reports that grapes can help prevent blood clots from occurring.

Nutrition: 1 large 56 calories, 3 g fibre, source of vitamins C and E, packed with magnesium and potassium. Kiwi is packed with more vitamin C then oranges and are great for kids as they can help with building strong bones, teeth and gums. They 36


have also been shown to help lower total triglyceride levels within the body which relates to a lower risk of heart disease. Even though most people take the skin off kiwis you can actually eat the skin, it is full of fibre.


juice with bits in if you go for a juiced version, the white area found in the skin of an orange contains the same amount of vitamin C as the whole orange. Papaya


Nutrition: 1/2 medium 54 calories, 1.5 g fibre, full of vitamin A and E.

Nutrition: 1/2 fruit 53 calories, less than 1 g fibre, Full of vitamin A and potassium. Pomegranates contain tannins which have been shown to be great at protecting the heart, it may be beneficial to those with hypertension and lowers the risk of heart attacks. The small jewel seeds known as arils can be juiced themselves to make pomegranate juice.

Full of zeaxanthin and lutein mangos can help maintain healthy vision and help maintain muscle strength of the macular which atrophies over time. Mangos can be eaten both ripe or unripe and sour for a more savoury feel. Orange

Nutrition: 1/2 medium 59 calories, 3 g fibre, source of folate, full of vitamin A and a touch of C. Papayas are full of papain which helps with digestion and is a great post big meal desert, vitamin A helps with both eye sight and the skin and papaya contain oodles of the stuff. Papaya seeds are edible and are great in seasoning chicken breast.

Nutrition: 1 medium 62 calories, 3 g fibre, folate, potassium and vitamin C. Oranges are full of folates which is great for women who are pregnant and can help prevent neural tube defects. Probably the most popular fruit around, oranges are packed with hesperidin a phytochemical which has been shown to lower cholesterol and triglycerides, always go for the 37



Peaches are full of vitamin A and can help strengthen the immune system which helps us fight off viruses and bacteria. Peaches are one the only fruits that don’t get sweeter after being picked. Pear

Pineapples are a great fruit and contains the enzyme bromelain which has been shown to improve the digestion of protein which is very important for us sports men and women. Bromelain may also have great effects on preventing blood clots, speed up healing and prevents certain cancers. Why not marinate your beef and Pork with pineapple to help aid in the digestion of the proteins when chowing down. Prunes

Nutrition: 125 mL 46 calories, 1.5 g fibre, anthocyanin. Cherries are packed with the powerful antioxidant anthocyanin, cherries are excellent for helping with inflammation and can help with arthritis and gout. Heating cherries for pies etc. can make them lose their nutrients and nearly strip them completely of vitamin C. Peach

Nutrition 1 medium) 96 calories, 5 g fibre Pear has one the highest amount fibre, all of which is soluble which is great in helping with constipation, cholesterol and heart disease. Pears don’t ripen on the tree they take a while to ripen, that’s why if you have tried to eat a pear from a tree it won’t particularly taste sweet. Pineapple

Nutrition: (1 medium) 58 calories, 2 g fibre, full of vitamin A.

Nutrition: (3 prunes) 60 calories, 3 g fibre, full of vitamin A. Prunes are full of boron which helps prevent osteoporosis, prunes have been shown to have a laxative effect as they are full of the sugar sorbitol, the U.S. attempted to rename prunes as dried plums to help aid their appeal to a younger market.

Nutrition: 125 ml 40 calories, 1 g fibre 38



so stick some on to really unleash the flavour. Watermelon

Nutrition: 1/2 cup/125 mL 32 calories, 4 g fibre, packed full of folate and magnesium. Full of ellagic acid raspberries have been shown to help prevent cervical, oesophageal and colon cancers. Raspberries perish very fast and can be expensive, it may be worth opting for the frozen option.

Nutrition: 1/2 cup/125 ml 23 calories, source of vitamin A. Watermelon as the name suggests is made predominantly of water, it can satisfy a sweet tooth and is incredibly low on calories so may help those with dieting. The seeds of watermelon can be used in salads and stir fry’s.


Nutrition 1/2 cup/125 ml 23 calories, 1.5 g fibre, packed full of vitamin C. Full of anti-inflammatory antioxidants strawberries can help prevent heart attacks by helping the body prevent atherosclerosis, they have also been found to help stall the progression of tumours. Balsamic vinegar actually improves the flavour of strawberries, 39


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Knowing Knees



Due to the popularity of our upper body injury articles we decided to make one for the knee, so here we go:

The knee is made up from muscles, bones and ligaments and is also the biggest synovial joint in the body, it is made up from the distal femur and proximal tibia which is called the tibiofemoral joint, the knee is a hinge joint allowing flexion + extension with slight medial + lateral rotation.

Main Bone Anatomy • Patella • Tibia/fibula • Femur • Lateral + Medial condyle • Head of fibula • Tibial Tuberosity • Pes anserius atatatchment • Soleal line • Medial and lateral malleoi • Tibial plateau • Adductor tubercle



Knee Cap The patella is also known as the knee cap, it is a circular/triangular bone that articulates with the femur, it covers and protects the anterior articular surface of the knee joint. It is also the most common and largest sesamoid bone in the body, attaching to the rectus femoris which in contracting causing extension at the knee. The vastus intermediallias attaches to the posterior part of the pattella, the vastus lateralis attaches to the lateral border of the patella and the vastus mediallis are attached to the medial border of the patella, therefore the patella’s main purpose is to aid in extension.





Rectus femoris


Tibial Tuberosity

extends knee flexes hip

Vastus lateralis

Vastus intermedius

greater trochanter

common quadriceps tendon

extends knee

lateral lip of linea aspera

into patella

can abnormally displace

lateral intermuscular

tibial tuberosity via patellar




anterior lateral aspect of

common quadriceps tendon

the femoral shaft

into patella

extends knee

tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament Vastus medialis

intertrochanteric line of

common quadriceps tendon


into patella

medial aspect of linea

tibial tuberosity via patellar



extends knee

Muscles that act upon the Knee or have an indirect effect upon the knee: 44


Gluteus Medius

Gluteal Surface of the

Greater Trochanter


anterior and lateral fibers abduct and medially rotate the thigh posterior fibers may laterally rotate thigh stabilizes the pelvis and prevents free limb from sagging during gait

Gluteus Minimus

Gluteal Surface of the

Greater Trochanter


abduct and medially rotate the thigh stabilizes the pelvis and prevents free limb from sagging during gait

Tensor fascia Late


Fibres of the iliotibial Tract

hip flexion medially rotate & abduct a flexed thigh tenses IT tract to support femur on the tibia during standing



Medial shaft of tibia

flexes hip and knee laterally rotates thigh if flexed at the hip

Psoas Major

Lumbar vertebrae

Lesser Trochanter

hip flexion lateral rotation


Iliac fossa

Lesser Trochanter

powerful hip flexion lateral rotation



Bicep Femoris

Ischial tuberosity + Lateral Head of Fibula

flexor at the knee

lip of linae aspera

(mainly short head) laterally rotates thigh if flexed at the knee extends hip (long head)


Ischial tuberosity

Proximal medial shaft of

extends hip

the tibia

flexes knee medially rotates tibia


Ischial Tuberosity

Medial Condoyle of tibia

flexes knee extends hip medially rotates tibia pulls medial meniscus posterior during flexion

Gluteus Maximus

Coccyx, iliac crest

Gluteal tuberosity

powerful extensor of hip laterally rotates thigh upper fibers aid in abduction of thigh fibers of IT band stabilize a fully extended knee

Gluteus Medius

Gluteal surface of Ilium

Greater trochanter

Adductor Magnus

Inferior ramus of pubis,

Medial Lip of Linae Aspera

adducts the thigh

ramus of ischium

+adductor tubercle.

posterior fibers also extend and laterally rotate thigh

Adductor Longus

Pubic tubercle

Medial lip of linae aspera

adducts thigh flexes thigh may laterally rotate thigh at the hip


Inferior ramus of ilium

Proximal medial shaft of tibia





Anterior part of the

Greater Trochanter

lateral rotation of

sacrum + the greater

extended thigh

sciatic notch.

abducts a flexed thigh

medial head: just above

calcaneus via lateral portion

plantarflex the ankle

medial condyle of femur

of calcaneal tendon

knee flexion (when not

lateral head: just above

weight bearing)

lateral condyle of femur

stabilizes ankle & knee when standing


Tibialis posterior

upper fibula

calcaneus via medial portion plantarflex the foot

soleal line of tibia

of calcaneal tendon

posterior, proximal tibia

navicular tuberosity

stabilizes ankle

interosseous membrane


inversion & adduction

medial surface of fibula

all 3 cuneiforms (plantar

of foot



bases of 2nd-4th

hyperpronation while


in gait


weak plantarflexion of

sustentaculum tali of


calcaneus Tibialis Anterior

lateral tibial condyle

medial & plantar surface of

strongest dorsiflexor

proximal 2/3 of

base of 1st metatarsal

inverts & adducts the

anteriolateral surface of

medial & plantar surface of



the cuneiform

interosseous membrane anterior intermuscular septum & crural fascia Extensor digitorum

lateral condyle of the tibia dorsal surface of the bases

extends the lateral 4


upper anterior surface

of the middle & distal


of fibula

phalanxes of the 2nd-5th

weak dorsiflexor &

interosseous membrane


everts foot

crural fascia



Ligaments of the Knee • Medial collateral ligament • Lateral collateral ligament • Anterior cruciate ligament • Posterior cruciate ligament Menisci The menisci is the articular disks in the knee joint, two disks in total consisting of the medial meniscus and lateral meniscus and involves of widespread collagen fibres consisting of pseudo cartilage cells and connective tissue. Fibres run along the menisci to allow for attachments, flat over the centre of the knee joint itself, fused with the synovial membrane laterally and moves over the tibial surface. The menisci exist to protect the bone ends from rubbing, act as shock absorbers and therefore come in very handy especially those involved with exercise and sports. Ok so now we understand the knee a bit better, we will go into the injuries and how you can help: ACL injury/tears The ACL or anterior cruciate ligament is one of the 4 main knee ligaments and prevents excessive movement of the knee joint. Injuries to the ACL are the most common ligamentous injury to the knee joint and can be very debilitating.

Tearing and rupture due to excessive movement is the common cause of ACL tears with contact ACL injuries only accounting for 20%. Sports show the highest incidence of ACL injuries within society, with football, martial arts, gymnastics and skiing being sports with particular high risks factors. Female athletes and those over 40 also show higher incidence of ACL injuries.



With the client positioned in a lying supine position flex the knee to 45degrees and the knee to 90degrees. Sit on the client’s foot whilst finding the joint line placing the thumbs on either side of the patellar tendon, whilst using index fingers

A pop or bang when the injury occurs (this is the ACL tearing or rupturing) Swelling around the knee joint Pain (can be severe) Instability on the affected leg

The clinical tests shown here are highly accurate but a ruptured ACL is commonly confirmed by an MRI examination. Anterior Draw Test This test is used to search for laxity within the ligament and must be performed on both sides to compare differences.



to palpate for hamstring tendons which need to be relaxed for the test to be accurate. Draw the tibia forward towards yourself (anterior), do this on both side, if the tibia comes forward excessively in comparison to the unaffected side then you have a positive test for an ACL injury. WATCH VIDEO Lachman Test Another great test to help diagnose an ACL injury, flex the knee to 30 degrees with the client in a supine position. Pull on the effected knee anteriorly, if the tibia has an increased forward laxity compared with the unaffected limb than this is a positive test for an ACL injury. The Lachman test has been reported to be a superior test for ACL rupture compared with the anterior draw test. WATCH VIDEO Prevention A great way to prevent ACL injuries occurring (non-contact) is to work on proprioception muscular strength activities. It is essential that those performing in sports at high risk of ACL injury perform proprioception exercises to help prevent injuries occurring during training and play. Examples: • Wobble board work • Biodex Stability System

• Bosu • Piston Squats • Agility Exercises (rapid changing turns) – only used in functional stage of rehab. • Treatment and Rehab Check out our webpage for a great case study into treatment and rehab of the ACL – Meniscal Cartilage Tear Commonly injured in sports such as football and skiing, the meniscus can become torn by a sudden and/ or forceful movement of the knee during weight bearing. Mechanisms of injury are very similar to that of an ACL injury, such as a footballer changing direction whilst the foot is planted in the ground or when a tennis player goes for a strong forearm but fails to move the foot with the rotation of the body. The amount of meniscus tearing and the site of tearing represents how bad the injury will be. Whilst the most common reason for meniscus tearing is a forceful movement it can come about due to repetitive damage occurring at the meniscal site and can be a caused by muscular imbalances or other soft tissue/bone/joint injuries. The major problem with the meniscus is that it has a bad supply of blood and therefore does not heal well when injured, the central area of the meniscus has no direct blood supply,

which indicates that a tear through the centre in general will not heal. Symptoms The usual symptoms would be suspected such as pain and swelling, these are made worse by weight bearing and especially during weight bearing movement (e.g. running). It is not uncommon for the knee to lock or seize up during movement especially at full extension, and like an ACL injury there is usually a sense of giving way and/or instability with the knee. Diagnosis McMurray Test This rotational test is performed to search or tears in the meniscus, the test is performed by the trainer/ therapist taking hold of the knee along the joint line with the knee in flexion, with the other hand placed on the sole of the client, adding a valgus stress will identify a valgus deformity, rotating the leg in an external movement whilst putting the knee into extension. This can be reversed with internal rotation. If there is pain and/or clicking involved within the knee then this would be a positive test for a meniscal tear. The most recent study showed that the McMurray test had a 97% specificity for finding meniscal tears. WATCH VIDEO



Apley Grind Test Another test for meniscus tearing of the knee, with the client laying prone the trainer/therapist places their knee upon the clients affected thigh, with the hand placed upon the sole the tibia is compressed against the knee joint with external rotation force placed throughout, if the client complains of pain then this would indicate a positive test for meniscal damage. Cooper’s Sign If the client complains of joint pain within the knee when trying to sleep especially when turning over in bed it is a possible sign of meniscal damage. Ultrasound and MRI along with the other tests mentioned above will help diagnose a meniscal tear. Prevention A very common injury in sports as we have already mentioned, the menisci holds up to 50% of our torso weight, however there are methods to help prevent tears from occurring. Footwear

to consider flat soled high grip shoes/ trainers, trainers which are designed for running are not going to offer the stability required in snatches/clean & jerk movements, and this is also applicable in all weight lifting from squats to leg press. Stretching & Strengthening Major leg muscles such as the hamstring/quad and calf muscle groups require stretching and strengthening to help prevent injuries occurring. Stretching before dynamic activities is paramount in preventing meniscal tears for occurring. When strengthening muscles it is essential that correct technique is used, squats cause a great deal of stress to be placed throughout the knee joint and it is essential this is done correctly. Check out a full overview of treatment & rehab of meniscal tears in an upcoming issue We hope this article has given some interesting insight into knees and two common problems that occur at the knee, we will come back to the knee joint in more detail in coming issues.

Choosing the correct footwear for the sports that you are taking part in, football is a prime example of where studs are better than blades, blades have a tendency to become stuck within the ground in moments of high rotational agility which leads to over twisting of the knee joint. Those involved with Olympic lifting may want 50


Why Am I Not Losing Weight?



5 Reasons You’re Not Losing Weight Far too much of the battle of losing weight is about what you know. And the fact is most of the information out there on losing weight is written with an agenda behind it… ( juice plus diets anyone?) Diet clubs like weight watchers and slimfast just muddy the water. We all know someone who lost a load of weight using points and eating what they want… but we don’t hear about the effects of the diet on their health. And for every one who keeps the weight off there are so many more who put it back on, plus interest. Big weight changes using diet alone suck too. It’s not going to give you toned legs, a flat tummy or a peachy bum. It just can’t do much for your body shape, you’ll just be smaller… You know this. You get that training is important, whether or not it’s making sure you get 14 minutes a day at home, or a full session in the gym a few times a week (and if you’ve worked with me you know this is where bums come to ripen.) BUT… You can’t have it both ways. Diet needs training, just like training needs diet.

This isn’t rocket science. There is science behind it, and that science gets very complicated very quickly. But its application is simple. Eat right, train right, sleep right, and repeat. 1 - You Can’t Out-Exercise a Bad Diet Training without looking at nutrition just doesn’t work for losing weight unless you’re fortunate enough that your diet was already in line with your goals. Too many studies have been performed showing this. This means that eating crap like junk food, cakes, and biscuits… all the nasty stuff we want so bad… can’t be offset by hitting the treadmill for an hour. But to keep it simple, if it hasn’t been processed and it’s green or had a face, it’s probably ok to chow down. 2 - You’re Building Muscle This is a simple one. Losing fat and gaining muscle is the twilight zone of toning. Because muscle takes up less space than fat, pound for pound, and adds definition, pertness, and flatness to your body-shape, as opposed to fat which tends to just dump unsightly jiggly bits in the worst places… (Muffin top anyone?), you are actively improving how you look!

If I told you I would give you your dream body now, but instead of losing weight you’d actually have to gain it, would you still want it? I really hope your answer to this one is a yes. What you weigh doesn’t matter, it’s all about how you feel and being happy with how you look. 3 - Your Diet and Training Aren’t On Point Reality check time. Too many people aren’t honest with how much they eat, or how hard they train. Are you really burning 500 calories in the gym? Or is it more like 150 calories and you’re hoping that the time spent on your phone or chatting to your friends is making up the rest… The same goes for your diet. Did you only have 3 healthy meals today, or was it 3 healthy meals, 2 less-healthy snacks, 1 unhealthy dessert, and a side serving of chips because they came with dinner? Ok I’m taking a hard line here, but it’s easy to go astray when you’re not paying attention. Fortunately the solution is simple. For training, get yourself a personal trainer, a decent one who knows what they’re talking about and how to get the most out of you (sup?), and learn what it really means to train. And for your diet, keep a log of what you eat 52


for a week and then review it so you can really see what you’re doing. Ask yourself, what do your results really mean to you? 4 - You’re At the Gym But You’re Not Really Working You could absolutely love your workout routine, and have it down to a “T”. You smash through it and leave the gym happy with your efforts, another workout crossed off. Two reasons this could be a problem. Firstly, the routine itself could suck. If your exercise selection means you’re not breaking a sweat, it probably does. This is more of a fundamental issue though, and it is possible you have a great routine that still isn’t working for you. So, the second possibility is that you’ve become too good at it. Yes, you’ve been doing the same workout so long that your body has adapted to it, you’ve become fitter, and as such it doesn’t yield much of a calorie burn anymore. Ways to solve this issue include adding intervals into cardio, ie instead of jogging for 20 minutes you’ll sprint for 30 seconds, and walk for 60 seconds, repeating 10-15 times total. I’d also advise adding in some strength training and lower rep hypertrophy training to add to calorie burn while keeping time in the gym down.

5 - Fad Diets Are Your First Port of Call For Weight Loss


The most recent I’ve read about is the “Juice Cleanse”. Firstly, apart from the misapplication cleansing in a weight loss “diet”, it relies on EXTREME calorie restriction, resulting in a lot of water weight being lost, some muscle mass being loss, and minimal fat being lost.

Weight loss is a matter of perspective as much as anything else. How you view it can make a huge difference, consider a weight loss of 0.5lbs/week compared to 2 stone in a year. One seems paltry, the other phenomenal.

Instead what you do get from it are: malnourishment ( juice just isn’t that nutritious, and it certainly isn’t enough to overcome being in a starving state), and a crashed metabolism. Because you’re taking in so few calories your body will protect itself by dropping your metabolism, bringing you into a state of starvation. This has two unfortunate results. Firstly, because your body needs fewer calories your calorie deficit won’t be that great, which the goal of calorie restriction diets is. And although you will be losing weight it will be predominantly water.

Look To the Long Term

The reality is they’re the same. It’s key to realise that the first is how you get to the second. I’m not saying 0.5lbs/week is the upper limit of weight loss, 2lbs/week is achievable and healthy for most. The point is that it’s important to understand how your overall weight loss goal relates to a weekly rate of weight loss. by Tristan Bennett, LSF Lightwater PT.

Secondly, when you finish the cleanse your metabolism will stay low while you return to normal eating habits. Meaning if you’re way more likely to put on weight after the cleanse than before while your metabolism recovers. 53












Breaking down the chain! BCAAs

We thought we would look at the very popular supplement of branch chain amino acids (BCAAs) 56


BCAAs consist of three amino acids bound together on a branched chain nature, these amino acids are: • LEUCINE • ISOLEUCINE • VALINE AMINO ACID Leucine Isoleucine Valine Children in the first year of life require up to 150% more than the adult requirement, with children over 3 and under 18 requiring 10-30% over the adult amount. When a person’s diet is low in BCAAs due to food preference or vegetarian diet then supplements of BCAAs will be beneficial in promoting protein synthesis and muscle tissue growth, however studies are uncertain if the supplements will help those with an adequate dietary intake (1-1.5g/kg of protein). However besides the effects BCAAs from food can give us the supplement forms have been shown to have anti-fatigue effects. This is due to studies pointing towards BCAA supplementation and a slower serum

Out of these three amino acids it appears that leucine has the greatest effect on preventing muscle tissue breakdown and increasing protein synthesis, it appears that isoleucine plays a larger role in glucose uptake within the cells with valine on the FOOD Eggs, soy protein, cod and haddock, sesame seeds and parmesan cheese. Eggs, soy protein, cod and haddock, pork and a variety of cheese. Eggs, beef, soy protein, sesame seeds and parmesan cheese.

other hand appears to have neural effects and maintains nitrogen balance within the body. BCAAs come from our diet and therefore these are essential amino acids:

Mg per Kg of BW (RDA) 39 20 26

decline of BCAAs during prolonged and intense exercise. When BCAAs decline during exercise there is a tryptophan influx entering the brain which is closely followed by serotonin production leading to fatigue. However when we take in protein and protein supplements we also take in tryptophan which would hinder any anti-fatigue effects from protein supplementation, most studies however have shown only promising anti-fatigue effects from BCAAs on those just starting out with their training, with more experienced athletes not showing the same benefits.

should range from 2-10g e/d to improve protein synthesis within the muscle. If you are eating sufficient dietary produce then supplementation of leucine is not warranted.

Recommended dosages in those wanting to supplement BCAAs.

Science & effectiveness

Leucine & isoleucine supplementation

If the goal of your supplementation is to increase the glucose uptake within the cells then isoleucine is your key player, you should be trying 52-80mg/kg (unless suffering from obesity, morbid obesity). Most combination buys have a good isoleucine, leucine and valine balance, most prefer powder form as tablets are usually under dosed and very large/hard to swallow. The main site of BCAA catabolism is found within the skeletal muscles, an increase in BCAA supplementation 57


and exercise increases catabolism of BCAAs and may further the needs to supplement in those who perform exercise on a regular basis. This Catabolism occurs within cell mitochondria going through a reversible conversion to a-keto derivatives via the enzyme branchedchain aminotransferase (BCAT), this is then irreversibly metabolised through the enzyme branched-chain a-keto acid dehydrogenase (BCKDH). The rate limiting step of BCAA catabolism is activated by the BCKDH phosphate inactivated by BCKDH kinase and regulated by covalent modification. As there happens to be higher concentrations of these enzymes within skeletal muscle and low concentration within the liver the majority of catabolism occurs within muscles tissue, however the majority of other essential amino acids are catabolized within the liver. Isoleucine is reversibly metabolised by BCAT using the a-ketoglutarate as a cofactor into 3-methyl-2oxopentanoate (KMV), this is then irreversibly metabolised into 2-Methylbutyryl-CoA.Leucine becomes reversibly metabolised into Îą-ketoisocaproic acid (KIC) by BCAT using the Îą-ketoglutarate as a cofactor it produces glutamine, KIC is then irreversibly metabolised into isovaleryl-CoA. Valine is reversibly metabolised like the others, but into 2-ketoisovalerate which is then

irreversibly metabolised to isobutyrylCoA. BCKDH complex is important to protein synthesis, when leucine is preserved there is more signalling from it, this is demonstrated by the BCKDH kinase inhibitor clofibric acid which leads to an atrophy of muscle tissue when used for long periods. BCKDH has other activators which increase BCAA catabolism these include TNF-a and all the alpha keto acids in particular a-ketoisocaproate being the most effective, exercise is also a well-known activator of the complex which has been confirmed with studies conducted using human tissue. Post ingestion of BCAAs leucine is catalysed by the digestive enzymes into free amino acids or peptides, these are taken to the liver by separate transporters. Leucine is then taken up into cells by prominently glycoprotein CD98 which also takes uptake of tyrosine, valine, tryptophan and isoleucine.

BCAAs during exercise at dosages above 10g. However it seem that more experienced athletes do not get the same benefits as those who are just beginners. Lactate production Current research has shown that BCAA supplementation has negligible effect of lactate concentration, companies claiming otherwise are not using peer reviewed studies. Aerobic Exercise Along with mental fatigue there appears to be good effects in maintenance of prolonged exercise in individuals who are untrained, or at the beginning of their training cycle. Studies conducted on experienced athletes have shown no real significant changes in prolonged aerobic activity. Muscle Soreness


Anecdotally many people claim that their DOMS has improved from BCAAs however current research has not found any real evidence for this.

Fat oxidation


Some studies show that in prolonged exercise supplemented BCAAs show an increase in fat oxidation, this may be due to the glycogen conserving effects of BCAAs.

All out maximal power (vertical jump) has not been shown to be improved through the supplementation of BCAAs however muscle endurance has been shown to improve.

Fatigue Mental fatigue has been shown by science to decrease when taking 58


Fat loss


resistance. Cell Metab.

There is no evidence that BCAAs directly affect fat stores or help with weight loss.

Blomstrand E. (2006) A role for branched-chain amino acids in reducing central fatigue. J Nutr 8 (40).

Nybo L, et al (2003). Neurohumoral responses during prolonged exercise in humans. J Appl Physiol.

Blomstrand E. (2001) Amino acids and central fatigue. Amino Acids.

O’Neill HM. (2013) AMPK and Exercise: Glucose Uptake and Insulin Sensitivity. Diabetes Metab J.

Blomstrand E, Celsing F, Newsholme EA. (1988) Changes in plasma concentrations of aromatic and branched-chain amino acids during sustained exercise in man and their possible role in fatigue. Acta Physiol Scand.

Takano A, et al. (2001) Mammalian target of rapamycin pathway regulates insulin signaling via subcellular redistribution of insulin receptor substrate 1 and integrates nutritional signals and metabolic signals of insulin. Mol Cell Biol.

Blomstrand E, et al. (2005) Effect of carbohydrate ingestion on brain exchange of amino acids during sustained exercise in human subjects. Acta Physiol Scand.

Tremblay F, Marette A. (2001) Amino acid and insulin signaling via the mTOR/p70 S6 kinase pathway. A negative feedback mechanism leading to insulin resistance in skeletal muscle cells. J Biol Chem.

Davis JM, Alderson NL, Welsh RS. (2000) Serotonin and central nervous system fatigue: nutritional considerations. Am J Clin Nutr 19 (3).

Wang TJ, et al. (2011) Metabolite profiles and the risk of developing diabetes. Nat Med.

Safety Leucine is safe and tolerable in RDA intake, excessive leucine intake may be a cause of pellagra which is normally caused by a lack of niacin, symptoms include diarrhoea, dementia, dermatitis and death, although research does not have a clear connection between leucine and pellagra. Both valine and isoleucine are safe and tolerable in the upper limits of their RDA.

Du M, et al. (2007) Leucine stimulates mammalian target of rapamycin signaling in C2C12 myoblasts in part through inhibition of adenosine monophosphateactivated protein kinase. J Anim Sci 1 (4).

WM Pardridge (1998) . Blood-brain barrier carriermediated transport and brain metabolism of amino acids. Neurochem Res.

Fernstrom JD, Wurtman RJ. (1972) Brain serotonin content: physiological regulation by plasma neutral amino acids. Science. Fernstrom JD, Faller DV. . (1978) Neutral amino acids in the brain: changes in response to food ingestion. J Neurochem 18 (11). Flakoll PJ, et al. (1992) Short-term regulation of insulin-mediated glucose utilization in four-day fasted human volunteers: role of amino acid availability. Diabetologia. Hardie DG. (2011) Energy sensing by the AMPactivated protein kinase and its effects on muscle metabolism. Proc Nutr Soc. Haruta T, et al. (2000) A rapamycin-sensitive pathway down-regulates insulin signaling via phosphorylation and proteasomal degradation of insulin receptor substrate-1. Mol Endocrinol. Meeusen R, et al. (1996) Effects of tryptophan and/or acute running on extracellular 5-HT and 5-HIAA levels in the hippocampus of food-deprived rats. Brain Res. Newgard CB, et al. (2009) A branched-chain amino acid-related metabolic signature that differentiates obese and lean humans and contributes to insulin



Deadlift Variations



The deadlift works more muscles than any other exercise, it involves the back, the legs, muscles of the hips, the arms (especially forearms), and the shoulders. Deadlifts will help improve strength, co-ordination, balance, and your cardiovascular system. Good deadlift strength will help improve your squats and vice versa. This article will teach you how to perform a conventional deadlift and guide you through a number of variations. These variations are split up into beginner, intermediate, and expert level to make sure you don’t run before you can walk. Incidentally don’t run or walk when deadlifting!

Beginner level The conventional deadlift. To get into perfect deadlifting position, jump in the air and land, then look down at your feet. They are now in the perfect natural position for this exercise. Walk up to the barbell until your feet are half-way under it (where your laces are tied should be directly under the bar). Push your knees forward until your shins touch the bar, and put your hands either side of your legs. Turn your toes out slightly (roughly 15 degrees).

Pull your shoulder blades back and sit down until your hips are low to the ground - Everybody is made differently so some of you may find that your hips are raised a little higher than others, this is okay so long as you are at least trying to keep them low to the ground. Look forward, take a quick breath in and start lifting the bar up almost grazing your shins. Try and keep your back as straight as possible whilst doing this, once the bar is past the knees you need to thrust your hips forward as forcefully as possible until you are fully upright. Breathe out whilst doing this, otherwise you run the risk of feeling light headed. To lower the weight you need to push your hips back (the opposite of the thrust you just performed) keeping your back straight and your shoulder blades touching.

deadlift you can try rack pulls. All you need is a squat rack, smith machine, or power rack - basically anywhere where you can rest a barbell at just below knee height. Once you have done this you treat the exercise exactly like a conventional deadlift. Feet quite close together (compared to a squat) toes pointing slightly out, hands either side of your knees, due to the shortened range of motion it will be a lot easier to keep your back straight throughout. Rack pulls are not just for beginners however, they can also help seasoned pros at improving their deadlift. You can lift a lot heavier weights in a rack pull and this will help you lock-out (thrusting your hips forward until straight), it will also help with grip strength and is a great fat-burner.

Once the bar is past your knees you can ‘sit’ down until the bar reaches the floor. Breathe in, make sure you are still in a good position and repeat Rack Pulls If you find it difficult to keep a straight back when performing deadlifts this may be due to a lack of mobility. To improve your mobility whilst also practicing the hip thrust part of the 61


Kettlebell Deadlift Like the rack pull, kettlebell deadlifts are a great introduction to deadlifts but are also a fantastic exercise in their own right. Due to the shape and size of a kettlebell it is easier than a barbell to get yourself into the correct position. Just place the kettlebell between your legs, grab the handle in both hands, then deadlift it up just like you would in a conventional lift. Use at least a 16kg bell though otherwise there really is no point. Once you have mastered this lift you can try the same exercise with two kettlebells.

Trap Bar Deadlifts Many beginners find it difficult to perform deadlifts without banging the bar into their knees, this will go away with practice but can put people off! This and other problems with technique can be addressed with a trap-bar, a barbell with a hexagonal space in the middle that you can stand in. Trap bars also have handles

so are easier to hold, this means you can generally lift more weight as most people find that their grip goes before anything else during a deadlift. Trap bars are a good idea for those of you with lower back or spine problems as they make it easier to keep your back straight throughout. As with the other lifts, trap bars are also a great variation for experienced lifters as they tend to focus more on the quadriceps

Intermediate level Sumo Deadlifts Once you have mastered the conventional deadlift, sumo deadlifts are your next port of call. They are a great exercise for improving squat performance, as they work the inner muscles of your thigh (known as Adductors). Sumo deadlifts also take a lot of pressure away from your lower back as they are more upright, so a better idea for those with lower back issues. To get into position put your hands near the middle of the bar and place your feet as wide as you comfortably can (like a sumo wrestler - hence the name). Sit back whilst keeping your torso upright and then pull the bar upwards whilst thrusting your hips forward just like in a conventional deadlift. After attempting both this and the conventional one of them will feel easier, use this as your main deadlift

and the other as an alternative.

Barbell Hack Squat (Backwards deadlift) This exercise is quite difficult at first so you might want to try it in a power rack or smith machine first. Basically it is kind of a reverse deadlift! Set up your bar as usual, and then walk in front of it. Reverse until your calves are touching it, then with your feet slightly closer than shoulder width apart, grab hold of the bar with hands that are just outside your legs. Squat down over the bar and then brace yourself, shoulders back, chest out, looking forward. Take a quick breath and then drive up from your feet until you are upright (using the same hip movement as you would with a conventional deadlift), breathe out and then return the bar to the floor squatting down a little lower then you would normally. Use a light weight at first and be really careful when performing this exercise that you don’t round your back. This will hit your quadriceps like crazy, so long as you can master gravity first!



Expert Snatch Grip Deadlift This is a very difficult version of a deadlift, you will need to warm up with quite a few sets before going heavy and will probably require weight-lifting straps to prevent your hands from cramping up. Bring your feet in a little wider than a normal deadlift, so perform your jump/natural landing then take a tiny step out, turn your feet out same as normal. Bring your arms out nice and wide, you will have to experiment with this until you find the right distance apart for you. Ideally there should be a couple inches between the outside of your hand and the collar of the bar but this will change based on your height or arm length. Wrap your fingers round the bar, but not your thumbs (this is called a suicide grip) and straighten your arms as much as possible, now you can perform the lift as you would a normal deadlift - making sure your arms do not bend even a millimetre throughout!

Deficit Deadlift This is a very difficult variation of a deadlift and should only be performed if you have got your technique down to a tee. To perform a deficit deadlift you need to be standing on a raised platform (no more than 2 inches unless you have ridiculously large arms), other than that you perform the exercise as usual. It is very important that you keep your back straight throughout this movement, if you struggle to do this even with a light weight on the bar, then this variation is not for you. This exercise will improve your regular deadlift as it increases the range of motion that you are lifting in, so your strength will be improved. Snatch Grip Deficit Deadlift Whilst I can honestly say I have performed all the variations mentioned above, the snatch grip deficit deadlift is one exercise I have not attempted. This is technically the most difficult deadlift there is and in my opinion the benefit to risk ratio makes this an exercise to avoid. However, if you have found both the snatch grip and deficit deadlifts to be easy and your back has stayed perfectly straight throughout then you may be ready to give this a go. Essentially it is a deficit deadlift but with a snatch grip, so hands wide apart, with feet on a raised platform. If you are going to attempt this exercise

then please, please, please warm up with lots of sets on a low weight and get someone to check your form throughout. Performed incorrectly this exercise will injure you. The following 2 exercises are both deadlifts, but are very different to the other variations mentioned. Romanian Deadlift • Start with barbell at hip height whilst standing upright, your feet should be in a narrow stance with toes facing forward (unlike a normal deadlift stance where toes are facing slightly out) • Push your hips back (like you would when reversing a normal deadlift) and bring your chest forward towards the floor as if you were about to perform a bentover row • Keep your back as straight as possible and make sure you don’t round your shoulders • Continue to lower the bar until your hamstrings start screaming, this probably won’t be too far, don’t worry this is natural • Begin to raise yourself back up through thrusting your hips forward, breathing out as you do so • When lowering the bar you can have your legs very slightly bent, 63


but keep your shins vertical • More emphasis on hamstrings and gluteals, less emphasis (none) on quadriceps

deadlift, you need a slight bend in your knees otherwise there will be too much pressure on your lower back by Matthew Smith

Stiff-Legged Deadlift • Start with barbell on the floor • Get into conventional deadlift stance, toes facing forward again • Instead of dropping your hips, raise them as high as you can before your back starts to round (some people tend to perform conventional deadlifts this way, don’t necessarily correct them as they may be performing SLDs) • Perform deadlift as normal, just with your hips higher. • Try to keep your hamstrings tight when lifting and lowering the weight

Matt Smith is a personal trainer currently based in Harrow, London. Contact Matt: 07794390121 PersonalTrainingByMatt

• Whereas the RDL has a short range of motion the SLD has a large range of motion, you can place the barbell on the floor at the end of the rep • This is not a STRAIGHT legged 64


Communication and YOUR client

As a personal trainer one of the biggest skills you should possess, part from the obvious training information, is a good sense of effective communication. 65


Sadly it seems a lot of trainers that I have observed over some 30 odd years in the business, seem to lack this very important skill set, and I often question their motivation for being a personal trainer in the first place. I mean the title itself kind of lends itself to a sense of understanding and compassion I feel, yet as I said sadly it would seem that this is not high on the list of proprieties for some trainers.

way that people train their clients. At the end of the day, whether you are doing this as your own business or if you are doing this as part of a large conglomerate the main and only concern SHOULD BE for the CLIENT, because if you want the return business, you need to make your clients feel so special that they don’t want to ever miss a training session, and more importantly will want to keep coming back again and again.

With a background in Human Movement Studies and Communication, I find it fascinating listening to the way trainers speak to their clients.Let’s break it down into two main types of trainers, The Compassionate Empathetic Trainers, and the diehard go get em type trainers.As the type would suggest, the go get em trainer is more focused on the finished product or end result so to speak, and this is understandable when you consider the marketing that is out there, all that before and after propaganda, I mean we all fall victim to this type of marketing, unfortunately getting those results doesn’t always equate to doing what is best for your body or what is best for the long term, it is more of an instant gratification fix for the now.

Ask yourself this question? How many times have your clients cancelled their appointment or heaven forbid, just stopped coming all together.

Of course the other type of trainer is usually the scarcest, although having said that I have noticed a shift in the

I know that sometimes clients have no idea what is involved in programming etc. and to that extent it is the trainer’s job to guide them, however, if you don’t know the person that you are dealing with then how you know what is best for the client. Larger centres have the standard Par Q Questionnaire and medical history questionnaire etc, and this is great, some even go as far as doing full fitness assessments on their clients, but I don’t see many trainers doing actual movement assessments on their clients except of course those trainers that are more experienced or better educated. A lot of training styles focus on the OLD SCHOOL principles of lift, get bigger, therefore get stronger, look better, feel better, etc, and

there is nothing wrong with that in moderation, the trainer and the training regime however, should be flexible, and implement systems that can justify the end result. If a trainer can convince the client that in order to be stronger and lift more for example, it is better to prepare your body for that journey rather than trying to reach the destination as quickly as possible, then that trainer is heading in the right direction, so is his client. How is this done I hear you ask, well first and foremost part of good communication is listening, body language and compassion, these are things that you cannot hide and should they all should be coming from a sincere state of mind. You need to listen, really listen to what your client is saying to you, and in fact most of the top professional trainers, the people that I work with and listen to on a daily basis, will meet the client before even starting any session and have a one on one conversation with them explaining how their training works and what it can do for the client, but more importantly they take the time to listen and assess the client. This is done, partly, through the usual forms and assessments, movement assessments etc, but it is also partly done just by listening, and being totally empathetic toward the person. 66


Most people, your potential clients can tell if you are being totally sincere or not, and if they can’t in the beginning, giving you the benefit of the doubt, eventually they will, they can also usually tell if someone doesn’t really know what they are talking about.

should be doing, listen to what they are telling you, and listen intently almost as though that person is already your best friend that alone will put you in a completely empathetic mind set and you will find that your clients will never leave your side.

Depending on your demographic, the type of people that you are dealing with, also determines the success or failure of your training style. If in doubt remember one thing, it is not about YOU, a training session is about YOUR CLIENT the person you are training, the person that has invested money in themselves and YOUR business to make themselves better. It is YOUR responsibility to give your client what they need incorporating their goals in a way that they enjoy, cause let’s face it no one likes pain.

By, Wayne David Clark, Manager of Business Development & Education: Optimum Performance Studio

The success of your communication, depends a lot on the personality type that you are dealing with, which is why in the initial stages of meeting someone you need to find out if they prefer, one training style over another. Some people will prefer linear movement, others may prefer more functional type movements and game play, where as some people have no clue so it is up to you to find out. There are systems already in place to help trainer’s find out how to do this.So remember put yourself in the shoes of your client before you make any assumptions as to what they

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Pete Cohen Interview

This month Andy McGlynn interviews the charismatic and inspirational Pete Cohen. Pete’s work in the field of health, fitness and psychology has been legendary and his journey continues over more than 2 decades.



Andy – Pete, lets start from the furthest back in your time line, where did it all start for you? Pete - I left school at 16 with no qualifications to speak of. My passion was sport, exercise and helping people so it seemed logical that a career in the Health and Fitness Industry was the right one. After two or three years of doing a few courses here and there, I luckily found a way to get into University to study Sports Science. I became a fitness instructor in 1989 while I was still studying. After years of struggling at school, I decided that I now wanted to be the best that I could possibly be so I studied outside University and did courses on strength and conditioning, nutrition and personal training. I started getting some incredible results with my clients, especially dramatic weight loss. After leaving University, I got a job at the largest Health Club in Europe where my success continued but there was a problem in that I didn’t know how to look after myself. I was working anything up to 90 hours a week and my clients included celebrities and athletes, but after a year or two I was diagnosed with chronic fatigue and this forced me to change the way that I worked and opened up the world of psychology and personal development to me.

I studied psychology and over time my work changed from helping people with their bodies to working more with their thoughts, feelings, emotions and habits. I continued to work in the Health and Fitness field and sold a successful weight management programme to BUPA in 2003 for 2.4 million pounds. I then started writing books of which my 14th book has just been published. This is called “Shut the duck up.” Over the last ten years, I have worked as a sports psychologist with some of the world’s top sporting champions and teams - including Ronnie O’Sullivan and the Arsenal Football team.

with him and had some real highs and lows during this time. 3. My partner, Hannah, being diagnosed with a very aggressive brain tumour. This experience completely changed my life and opened up a world that I never knew existed. I can say, hand on heart, that this experience has made my life more meaningful and has allowed me to have more impact on people’s lives. It was through Hannah’s illness that I met one of the greatest nutritionists on earth, Dr. Robert Rakowski. We have become great friends and he introduced me to the Organo Gold Business. Andy – How do you think the Fitness Industry has changed over the years [and decades]

Andy – Throughout your career, what have been the 3 most memorable moments that you would consider to be real turning points? Pete 1. Being diagnosed with chronic fatigue was a massive turning point because it forced me to take better care of myself, but also opened up the world of psychology and personal development. 2. Helping Ronnie O’Sullivan win the World Title for the second time, after having spent two years on the road

Pete - I don’t think it has changed very much apart from a small renegade of individuals who have sought to revolutionise the way that the industry operates in genuinely helping people achieve results and making people fit, strong and healthy be a way of life. The industry as a whole has had virtually no impact on improving the health of the nation. Health clubs are places where people who are interested in health and fitness go. People who are overweight usually lack confidence, don’t like exercise and do not frequent health clubs. It’s time for a revolutionary. 70


Andy – What really excites you about the Industry and the work you are currently doing? Pete - What really excites me at the moment is working with many health and fitness professionals, teaching them the skills to help them with their clients behaviours and motivation.

a positive impact in their lives by supporting them in taking on this business. It’s like building a dream team of people that want to achieve more and be more successful. I love helping people develop and this business promotes personal and professional development.

Andy - Are there any specific products or projects you are involved with at the moment that you think are going to be a ‘game changer’?

Andy - Do you have any tips for the readers about their career [industry related or not], their life and their life choices?

Pete - I am currently working with the fastest growing home-based business in the world - Organo Gold. And not only are these products incredible because they are mainly tea and coffee but they contain one of the most powerful herbs on earth - Ganoderma. The Chinese call it the King of Herbs for its many medicinal health benefits and its immune boosting qualities. I found out about it when my partner was diagnosed with cancer as Dr Rakowski suggested that she take it as it’s been proven to be effective in fighting a number of different cancers. I later found out about it’s incredible ability to improve people athletic performance and recovery.

But the other side of this business is the great opportunity it gives people to create more freedom in their lives and not just to make money, but also time freedom. Over the years, I’ve been approached countless times by many companies wanting me to promote their products from Herbal Life to Juice Plus, just to name a few. None of these have interested me because I don’t like selling and I don’t have an emotional attachment to these products. OG is different as all the products contain the most consumed drinks in the world after water. I am talking about tea and coffee of course. Andy - What is it that is so great and exciting about this project / product? Pete - This project is so exciting as it’s new to the UK and it’s giving people the opportunity to be a part of the most traded commodity in the world after oil and that’s coffee. I am now forming partnerships with some incredible people and having

Pete - I would encourage health and fitness professionals to understand that their net worth is their network. The challenge, if they want to increase the amount of money they earn, is to find ethical ways to sell additional products and services that your clients want and if possible keep wanting. Without doing this it’s challenging to create a life of financial independence. This is one of the reasons I love Organo Gold because as they say “It’s Easy, It’s Simple, It’s Coffee”. People love coffee and if you can offer them a genuine healthy alternative to it, then you can easily increase your income and help others at the same time. Andy - How do you see the next 5 years panning out for yourself ? Pete - The next 5 years will be similar to the last but more impactful. I am going to continue to inspire people to lead a better life and give them the tools, techniques and coaching to do 71


that. I am also committed to helping a minimum of 10 people become millionaires in my Organo Gold Team. Andy – What does the fitness industry need in order to continue going in the right direction? Pete - The industry needs to personalise it’s offering to individuals and take a more holistic view on fitness to include more of a focus on helping people become healthier both inside and out. Pete, thank you for your time and good luck with all future ventures. If you would like to make contact with Pete Cohen about any of the topics he has raised here or anything else he can be contacted on





Employed vs Freelance

Do you have a passion for health and fitness and want a career change but don’t know where to start? Are you new to the industry? 74


Entering into any industry is daunting especially when you have a burning desire to make a difference to help others and all you want is to be the best you can be. There are many different perceptions about Personal Trainers; we ‘beast’ them in the gym and watch them crawl out the door, why do I need a PT when I can buy fitness magazine and follow their workout plans, but the biggest one is PT’s are too expensive. Everyone can afford to have a PT and everyone needs a PT. It’s all about lifestyle analysis. If you pro rata your hourly rate of £30 per hour you can offer 20mins PT for £10. Everyone can find £10 per week to invest into their wellbeing. Anyone can complete a Level 3 Personal Trainer course, but it’s what that individual does with that knowledge and how they put it into practice. You really start to learn when you convert your first client. Once you are fully qualified – where do you go, what do you do? You’ve got a Personal Training qualification for life – but how are you going to make a business, a career out of it? Do you go self-employed and if so, do you work in a gym setting or do you become a freelance trainer? Are you business minded and disciplined enough? Or do you become an employed Personal Trainer in a gym?

An employed Personal Trainer will guarantee a monthly wage, however the yearly salary is minimal between £11k – £14k. Consider this – you won’t be able to PT when you are on the gym’s time. If you are employed full time, 39 hours a week, 8 hours a day, 5 days a week – when are you going to PT? Early mornings before your shift? Late at night after your shift? On your day off or at weekends? You’ll be living in the gym and delivering sessions when you are exhausted! You need time away from the gym otherwise you’ll burn out and resent it, we call this trainer burnout. The employed trainer often has to surrender a % of that PT session to the operator – some charge as much as 75%! Why would you want to limit your earnings? You will only be able to make your annual salary and nothing more. Are you the type of person who wants to make things happen? Do you want to succeed in life and in business? Do you want to have full control over your income? If so, selfemployment is the route for you. There are two options when being a self-employed trainer. You have the in-gym route and the freelance option. As a gym trainer you have members and kit at your disposal for a rental fee to the operator [this depends where you go]. Then you have the freelance option where you PT in

people’s homes or local parks giving you complete freedom as to your working hours.

By becoming a self-employed freelance Personal Trainer you have full autonomy of your business. You determine where you want to take your business and career in the health and fitness industry. You are a driven individual who won’t give up until you reach your goals. If this is the route for you, how do you go about it? Do you try making a name for yourself in your local area and set up classes at the local community centre and hope you obtain clients that way? Or do you join a reputable company who will help generate clients for you and provide you with support and advice to guide you in your quest in building a successful business whilst becoming associated with a network of like minded individuals to liaise with. Because you are the ambitious, motivated and outcome focused individual who only wants to be the best, the answer is simply; you want to be in association with a company who is the best. Think about it, you’ve invested thousands of pounds into yourself completing a personal trainer qualification and will continue to 75


invest money into yourself in order to up-skill and ensure you are on top of your game and not left behind in the industry as it’s constantly changing with new training methods and extensive research. What would that company look like? An award winning PT-centric Company? A company who puts the PT at the centre and offers ongoing support along with a no contract? A company that is growing in size an innovation? Sounds too good to be true. It certainly isn’t.

The Award-winning LSF-PT Group is centred solely on the freelance personal trainer to ensure you get the best and comprehensive support from our experienced team of leaders. Each person in every aspect of the infrastructure is a Personal Trainer by trade so we really do know what we are talking about. Our support structures and processes are proven and will continue to develop to ensure we never fail our trainers. We also have an in-house educational department where you can obtain high quality courses at a discounted rate as being encompassed within our group.

someone’s life by improving posture, making someone feel more confident, improve someone’s flexibility, combat the national obesity epidemic? Do you wake up in the morning feeling positive and want to inspire people you come into contact with? If you believe in you, you can and you will achieve anything you want to, to succeed. For more information on how LSF-PT Mobile can help make your dream a reality contact Vicki Paul – Head of Department, LSF-PT Mobile on 0800 612 2513 or visit www.lsfptmobile. To get an overview of the entire LSF-PT group visit: To find out more about our education department visit: www.

Ask yourself this - Why did you enter into the health and fitness industry? Do you want to make a difference to 76


Fighters Corner



May Bout List

Saturday 3rd of May 2014 The Velodrom, Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin, Germany

Arthur Abraham Vs Nikola Sjekloca

First title defence for Arthur Abraham since he won the title against Robert Stieglitz I their third fight. Sjekloca says he is coming to win the title and shock Germany not to just make up the numbers, but with only 8 KO’s in 26 wins and at 35 years of age it’s going to be an uphill battle and his last chance to win the world title. MGM Grand, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Floyd Mayweather Jr Vs Marcos Maidana

WBA and WBC world welterweight unification bout, which sees arguably the best boxer in the world take on newly crowned WBA world title holder Marcos Maidana who is coming off a hot upset win over Golden Boy Promotions hype job Adrien Broner. Mayweather is coming off an excellent decision win over Saul Alvarez. In what could be the easiest match for Mayweather in years Marcos Maidana is a 12/1 underdog and only offers a slight punchers chance

Saturday 10th May

Amir Khan Vs Luis Collazo

Luis Collazo takes on Amir Khan after coming off a hot upset win over former Mayweather victim Victor Ortiz, Ortiz is a decent fighter but owns several businesses and had ventured into acting prior to the KO loss to Luis Collazo. Amir Khan has been very inactive failing to secure world title fights against Devon Alexander (who went on to lose to Shawn Porter) and Floyd Mayweather. The winner of Luis Collazo vs Amir Khan will probably fight Floyd Mayweather in September.

Adrien Broner Vs Carlos Molina

Adrien Broner makes his comeback to the ring since his upset decision loss to Marcos Maidana against former Amir Khan victim Carlos Molina. This will be Broner’s first fight at Light Welterweight against an opponent who will make him look good, good bounce back fight to regain the hype for Broner.

Olympia, Liverpool, Merseyside, United Kingdom

Martin Gethin Vs Derry Mathews

Crossroads fight for both with the British Lightweight Title on the line, Martin Gethin coming off a KO loss to world title challenger Ammeth Diaz and needs a win here to rejuvenate his career. Derry Mathews is coming off a decision loss to Stephen Ormond in a fight he was expected to win, he also needs a win to keep his career going.

Galen Center, Los Angeles, California, USA

Bermane Stiverne Vs Chris Arreola

Heavyweight fight for the vacant WBC World Heavyweight Title, Stiverne holds a decision victory over Arreola in a great fight were Arreola suffered a broken nose at the hands of Stiverne and was dropped for the first time in his career. Arreola is coming off a round 1 KO of Seth Mitchell and is looking for revenge and the chance to lift a version of the Heavyweight Title. 78


Saturday 17th May

Saturday 24th May

Saturday 31st May

Motorpoint Arena, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

Bell Centre, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Kรถnig Palast, Krefeld, NordrheinWestfalen, Germany

Lee Selby vs Romulo Koasicha

Adonis Stevenson Vs Andrzej Fonfara

Felix Sturm Vs Sam Soliman

Featherweight prospect Lee Selby faces tough Mexican Romulo Koasicha in a WBC featherweight eliminator. Lee Selby has decimated his domestic competition while Romulo has shown he is beatable by the better boxers in the division. This is more of a showcase fight in a WBC title eliminator, I just cannot see what the tough Mexican can do to beat Lee Selby based on his career to date Forum, Inglewood, California, USA

Juan Manuel Marquez Vs Mike Alvarado

Juan Manuel Marquez makes his latest comeback fight against Mike Alvarado in a top level crossroads fight, Mike Alvarado is coming off a devastating KO loss to Ruslan Provodnikov while Marquez is coming off a disappointing decision loss to Timothy Bradley. Both fighters need a victory to progress in their careers, Marquez wants a rematch with Timothy Bradley but this could possibly be his last professional fight.

This is a showcase fight for Stevenson while defending his Light Heavyweight world title, Fonfara has a punchers chance in this fight but the power and skill of Stevenson will probably be too much for Fonfara. The winner of this match is expected to fight Bernard Hopkins in Canada later this year in an attempt to unify the division leaving only the dangerous Sergey Kovalev as a world champion.

This is a rematch for the IBF world Middleweight title, Felix Sturm has a loss to Soliman, which was later turned to a No Contest after Soliman failed a drugs test. Sturm is coming off a round 2 KO win over Darren Barker while Soliman has been inactive only fighting once in 14 months since the previous Sturm fight. Cotai Arena, Venetian Resort, Macao, Macao S.A.R., China Simpiwe Vetyeka Vs Nonito Donaire 33 year old Simpiwe Vetyeka burst onto the scene beating and retiring Indonesian boxing legend and former undefeated WBA featherweight champion Chris John, Nonito Donaire made a successful comeback stopping Vic Darchinyan, Donaire needs a major performance in this world title fight to keep his career going.



Nicholas Walters Vs Vic Darchinyan

The hard hitting Nicholas Walters takes on 38 year old former multi weight champion Vic Darchinyan for the regular WBA featherweight world title, Vic Darchinyan is coming off a KO loss to Nonito Donaire but wants a rematch and the winner of this match will most likely faces Nonito Donaire in the not too distant future

Evgeny Gradovich Vs Alexander Miskirtchian The undefeated Mexican Russian Gradovich takes on Miskirtchian in a keep busy showcase fight for the IBF featherweight title to show Nonito Donaire and Nicholas Walters that there are other champions in the division and he is there to fight too. Miskirtchian is of European level standard and is very beatable but he has a punchers chance and will not pass up the chance to fight for the world title.

Wembley Stadium, Wembley, London, United Kingdom

Carl Froch Vs George Groves

This is the biggest rematch in recent british boxing history, Carl Froch in the first fight came through a horrific beating from the challenger to retain his title from an extremely controversial stoppage by referee Howard Foster, Groves said in the press conference he initially believed he could hurt Froch, now he knows he can hurt and beat Froch.



MMA May Bout List 10 May 2014

24 May 2014

Matt Brown (18 Ws-11 Ls) vs Erik Koch (14 Ws-3 Ls) vs Erick Silva (16 Ws-4 Ls) Daron Cruickshank (14 Brown is a veteran and is currently Ws-4 Ls) at Lightweight ranked no.7 by the UFC whilst Silva

Renan Barão (c) (32 Ws-1 L) vs T.J. Dillashaw (9 Ws -2

stands way back at no.15. For the winner of this fight, it’s a chance to possibly get themselves into title contention. For the loser, it’s could be back to fighting on the undercards.


Costas Philipous (12 Ws-4 Ls) vs Lorenz Larking (14 Ws-2 Ls) at Middleweight Both fighters go into this match-up with mixed form. Philipous having suffered back-to-back defeats whilst Larking has won only 2 of his last 5. Both men need a victory if they wish to remain relevant in a bubbling division.

Koch rebounded well with a TKO victory earlier this year after losing twice in 2013. Another win could see him earn his way back into the top 10. Cruickshank formerly competed in the Ultimate Fighter but has only had mixed success since signing with the UFC. He’ll be hoping for a win to beef up his own credentials.

Ls) at world title fight Bantamweight (UFC

Barão was promoted to Bantamweight champion earlier this year when Dominick Cruz was forced to vacate with injuries. The Brazilian has on of the longest undefeated streaks in mixed martial arts and will look to keep it going with a 2nd successful defence of his title. Dillashaw however, will have other ideas.

Robbie Lawler (22 Ws-10 Ls) vs Jake Ellenberger (29 Ws-7 Ls) at Welterweight (UFC 173)

Lawler came up short earlier this year when he faced Johnny Hendricks for the UFC welterweight champion vacated by GSP. It was game effort though and by defeating no.5 ranked Jake Ellenberger he could set up a rematch. Ellenberger though, a former US Marine, will want to underline his own title aspirations. 81


Takeya Mizugaki (19 Ws-7 Ls-2 Ds) vs Francisco Rivera (10 Ws – 2Ls-1 D) at

Demian Maia (18 Ws-6 Ls) vs Alexander Yakovlev (21 Ws-4 Ls-1 D) at Welterweight (TUF Brazil 3 Finale)

Bantamweight (UFC 173)

Mizugaki is currently one of the best fighters out of Japan but he faces a stern challenge against big-punching Francisco Rivera. Both men are coming into this fight off the back of solid wins and the victor will have a strong case for a title shot. The loser will need to play the waiting game.

Mark Munoz (13 Ws-4 Ls) vs Gegard Mousasi (34 Ws-4

Another UFC veteran Demian Maia, will desperately want a victory after two losses in the last 6 months. A third straight loss could leave his career at an uncomfortable junction, a move up back up to middleweight or even retirement could be his only options. Russian newcomer Yakolev will want to get his UFC career off to a positive start but Maia will be the toughest opponent of his career by some distance.

Ls-2 Ds) at Middleweight (UFC Fight Pass)

Both of these fighters have a fair bit in common, UFC veteran Mark Munoz and MMA stalwart Gegard Mousassi. Both have been around the block a few times and both are coming into this match-ups having suffered losses to karate kingpin Lyoto Machida. Both need a win to stay relevant.



Luke Paddock Interview



Luke you have been a professional boxer for about 18 month now, your undefeated in 6, and looking to fight in May and June fighting at light welterweight EBOXINGNEWS - Talk to me about your amateur record, how long did you fight as an amateur? Luke Paddock – I had 79 fights as an amateur, I boxed internationally and have boxed against the best, won and lost against the best EBOXINGNEWS - How do you find fighting as a professional as opposed to fighting as an amateur? Luke Paddock – as a professional its longer distance, you slow down as a pro but the shots you throw are more nasty and hurtful and meaningful, whereas as amateur you point score, you are on your toes more, tip tap and win on points. Amateur is a sprint while professional fights are more like a marathon. We work on a lot of ability stuff because I have a good engine and I am still developing EBOXINGNEWS - Your fighting a guy next who has only been stopped twice in 15 losses, he should pose a real tough task, how are you preparing for this fight? Luke Paddock – he is a danger-man I do not believe in records some of the 15 losses are to good lads who I have come against as an amateur and they have boxed internationally so I

wouldn’t really count them as losses, I count him as a threat but I have the attributes to beat him and as long as I keep my eye on the ball I should beat him, comfortably even I have confidence but he is coming to my home town and he is going to want it he doesn’t just have 15 losses he has 11 wins aswell. EBOXINGNEWS – Do you research all your opponents? Luke Paddock - As much as I can really, at the end of the day you have to do your bit to keep improving and performing, you don’t want to just turn up blind and not now what your facing so you want a little taste of what you are going to get on the night, so I like to study up and look for the weaknesses to avoid the strengths and punish the weaknesses, so its always better to study your opponent. EBOXINGNEWS - To people who have not seen you fight before do you want to explain your style and attributes? Luke Paddock – I have always been told to box because I am a boxer, I am only 22 and I am still developing my man strength so I believe I am a stand up tall boxer who gets stronger as the fight goes longer, I am not a puncher yet but I am developing and you never know as you say in boxing anything can happen if you get hit on the button you are going down but I have always been told to box my way

to the top. EBOXINGNEWS - talk me through a day in Luke Paddock’s training session Luke Paddock - I train twice a day, I go for a run to keep the calories off and keep my body ticking over then in the night time we do pad work, bag work, working on specific things and tactical things then a cardio burnout at the end so if I have to push through the fight I have the workout and engine to do it. If I do sprints in the morning I do a light one in the evening, which will be touch sparring, touch pads, light work. Its either light in the morning and heavy at night or vice versa, we don’t do two hard workouts because I have done it as an amateur and your just burnt out. EBOXINGNEWS – What is like having to make weight? Luke Paddock – yeah a boxers world is a hard man’s life, anyone working in a sport where you have to make weight, it’s a hard game, very hard you cannot touch foods you want to touch, the discipline you must have is unreal, people say what’s the hardest part of boxing and people think im crazy but being punched doesn’t bother me, the hardest part is dieting, not eating the food you want like McDonalds and the fizzy pop for 8 weeks, food if you get an average man doing that I will take my hat off to him, the dieting is the hard part because you crave and that’s the hardest part 84


of boxing. EBOXINGNEWS - What foods do you eat and what are you banned from eating? Luke Paddock - I will take you through my routine, I eat my porridge oats with 2 scoops of protein, later in the day keeping it to low carbs apple and slight bit of fruit, then in the afternoon I can have chicken, veg, maybe some rice because I am having a hard session in the evening, when I come home I have fish, veg, maybe some sweet potato. Before bed I will have a protein shake with milk to slow releasing to slow the release of the protein while I sleep and then recycle it. EBOXINGNEWS - Do you have a nutritionist or do you sort that out for yourself because you’re a personal trainer too right? Luke Paddock - I am glad you brought that up, I am qualified in nutrition so I do it for myself but I am looking to bring in a nutritionist because I am always more disciplined and focused when someone else is doing it for me, I work better when someone else is telling me what to do what to eat and watching me. Sometimes when you do it yourself even though I have discipline you get the cravings and think “oh that one time wont hurt” but that’s the difference between winning and losing.

EBOXINGNEWS – What title aspirations do you have? Luke Paddock - I am a realist I believe I belong at British level, I am going baby steps right now but I want to go for the midlands area title next after this, win that and then I will go for the English level, then British level maybe European level and once your there you are on the world scene but I look I a good domestic level fighter. EBOXINGNEWS - What do you want out of boxing what is the main goal? Money, Fame or something else? Luke Paddock – Legacy, that’s what its always been about, when I was 6 I said I wanted to be a boxer, I want the legacy I want my name to live on, money comes and goes for me but I want the Legacy. You can contact Luke Paddock on twitter @LukePaddock1 The show will be aired live and exclusive on BBC WM and tickets are on sale now from Walsall Town Hall Box Office: 0845 111 2900



Mauricio Herrera Interview



(Post World Title fight Vs Danny Garcia fight) EBOX - Hello Mauricio Herrera, how are you doing? Herrera – I am doing great, I feel good I just got back from Puerto Rico. I feel I did a good job and won the fight and I want to thank the people for their support. EBOX – a lot of people feel you won the fight, how do you feel? Herrera – yeah it was a close fight but I feel I should have got the edge because I came to fight and he couldn’t adjust to me, he was afraid of me even though he was the bigger puncher I ended up having him backing up for most of the fight. EBOX – Danny Garcia has went down in a lot of peoples estimations and you have went up, what is your next move? Herrera – I want a rematch because the fight was close, I think Danny wants to move up to 147lbs but he should stay at 140lbs and give me a rematch because a lot of people thought I won EBOX – I personally do not think the fight was close, I thought you ran away with the fight, pre-fight he was supposed to run all over, how did you prepare?

Herrera – we worked hard in training camp, we were prepared to box him because he was the bigger guy and the bigger puncher and I love boxing and I am a good boxer, I love to stay on my toes and make it hard for my opponents. When I realised he didn’t want to make a fight of it and he wasn’t pressuring me, I adjusted and pilled on educated pressure and I pushed the whole fight to make things happen, how did you score it? EBOX – I scored the fight 116-112 to you (Herrera) Herrera – Thank You, I thought I won but the fight was in Puerto Rico and I had that in my mind the whole time with the judging and people, there were punches he thrown and blocked that was getting a reaction from the crowd, but he did well, thought we won and want a rematch EBOX – do you think it was political why you didn’t get the decision? Herrera – yeah, I don’t know why I didn’t get the decision, maybe the crowd made a difference but I don’t know what the judges were seeing because I pushed the whole fight, I thought I won the fight and did what I had to do, I mean Danny didn’t do much boxing he just tried to keep up with me Mauricio “Pillow Hands” Herrera the guy that doesn’t hit hard.

EBOX – if Danny Garcia doesn’t want the rematch who would you like instead? Herrera – I want to take the biggest and toughest fights that are out there, I feel I am up there at that level and if Provodnikov wants a rematch he can have it, and if not I would like Lucas Matthysse instead. But I want the biggest and best fights, I was prepared to go to Puerto Rico to face Danny Garcia and I am prepared to fight anyone anywhere, I am happy even to go to the UK to face fighters. EBOX – Your style isn’t what you expect when you imagine a Mexican fighter, where did you learn your style? Herrera – I love all the old fighters like James Toney, Pernell Whitaker, Wilfredo Benitez and Larry Holmes, I watched all of their fights and studied their styles and tried to build myself around the best parts of their styles I have a trainer who knows I have to work at my strengths and I know I am more of a technical boxer then I am a big puncher EBOX – I just want to say thanks for the interview and I hope you get the rematch soon Herrera – thanks for showing the interest and I hope so too.



Interview with Shawn Porter who holds the IBF Welterweight Title



EBOX – What was the biggest learning experience in your fight

EBOX – would you consider a fight with Tim Bradley to unify the belts?

EBOX – What advice do you have for young up and coming boxers?

Porter – It was the Julio Diaz fight, that was a real turning point for me, I had to become smarter and stronger in the rematch after the disappointment in the first match and it helped me a lot going into my fight with Devon Alexander for the IBF title, I learned a lot.

Porter – yeah I am not affiliated with either Golden Boy or Top Rank so it wouldn’t be the hardest fight to make and I will always look to unify the belts and fight the best.

Porter – it sounds Cliché but you have to work hard, train hard, be focused keep dedicated to the craft and when you get an opportunity you have to take them

EBOX – You do seem to have got better since the Diaz and Gomez fights, where these your hardest fights?

Porter – yeah its inevitable that in the future I will move up to 154lbs because I was an amateur at 165lbs and before that playing Football at 175lbs so right now im at 147lbs but I will at some point move up to 154lbs.

Porter - I had tough fights as an amateur for the Olympic qualification tournaments, I had a little rivalry going with Danny Jacobs in the amateurs, as a Pro Julio Diaz was my toughest opponent and he showed he was a tough warrior but I took him to school in the rematch when I noticed my defence had to improve EBOX – who oversees your dieting and strength and conditioning? Porter – My team take care of both, I don’t have a well-known strength and conditioning coach as my dad is my trainer but I train a lot and play other sports like Basketball and (American) Football. In terms of diet we stick to the clean foods, chicken breast, tuna, turkey breast, salads and water, just foods that are clean.

EBOX – do you see your whole career at 147lbs or do you expect to move up to 154lbs?

EBOX – Richard Schaefer said there is a possibility of a match up between you and Keith Thurman but there are also reports of a fight with you and Juan Manuel Marquez, who do you want? Porter – if I had to pick between the two I would choose to face Juan Manuel Marquez because he is a bigger name and there is more money in the fight for me, I wouldn’t say no to a fight with Keith Thurman and it’s a fight that eventually will happen, but not right now.



Jason Welborn Interview



EBOXINGNEWS - You fought Frankie Gavin and Scott Haywood recently, what happened in the Frankie Gavin fight? Welborn - It was a good learning fight for me, all my training went well but the last few weeks I had a few problems with my feet and was on antibiotics, I performed the best I could on the night, at the end of the day I knew I wasn’t going to outbox him but I had a game plan but with my fitness and the antibiotics it just wasn’t my time to be British champion it wasn’t my time but I gained experience and it was a good experience and I have found my feet with my weight, making welterwieight was hard but making light middleweight my performances since have been 110% EBOXINGNEWS - Do you feel much better at Light Middleweight? Welborn - Yeah basically, the last 3 fights at welterweight against Haywood, Gavin etc making the weight caused me to be run down the last 2 weeks before the fight, stepping up to light middleweight was better, I know its only 7lbs but that 7 lbs at welterweight was knocking the stuffing out of me

EBOXINGNEWS – what do boxers have to do to make weight? Welborn – the weight is the hardest part of training, basically you cut down on your portions and train twice a day, you have to cut down on your portions, your carbs and fluids, which is dangerous but you have to be certain on your water intake a lot of fighters are dehydrated before the fight trying to make weight and that happened to me, that’s where I troubled at welterweight, but portion sizes, water intake and training twice a day. Dieting is the most important part of training EBOXINGNEWS – do you have a nutritionist? Welborn – well since I have turned pro I have worked with a lot of people, such as Darren McDermott, Kerry Kayes the CMP, and other people who have been in the gym, so after all these years I have picked up little things, so know I have my diet right. It’s just a clean nutrition diet, 5 meals a day as long as you’re eating clean food that’s it really. EBOXINGNEWS - Talk me through a days training with Jason Welborn Welborn – well last year I wasn’t working due to the big fights, but now I start my day job, which is scaffolding and I use that to my advantage to get training in, I have my strength and cardio at work, then Mondays

Wednesdays and Thursdays I go to my gym which is Errol Johnson’s gym and he sorts out my circuits, pads and sparring and weekends I do my big runs, work is good with me they give me time off and that’s when I step up my training and train twice a day that’s every day of the week with 1 days rest training twice a day. EBOXINGNEWS – do you think you will make weight easily for this fight? Welborn – well its still a struggle to make 11 stone but it’s easier than making welterweight and I have chance to rehydrate and get some packing back into me after the weigh in, this is an international fight with no titles on the line, so I have a few lbs to play with but I still have to give it some to get to the weight but I am on the ball with it. EBOXINGNEWS – you hold the Light Middleweight Midlands area title now, what titles are you looking at next? Welborn – when I took the midlands fight at light middleweight I was like well I’ve been there and done that but It’s a new weight and a new start so I took it and stopped Terry Carruthers in the 8th on a cut but it was also a British title eliminator so I was hoping to fight Liam Smith for the British title, I think they have given it to Manoosi from Manchester, who is mandatory for the British but I am not far behind and come this summer time if they don’t give me the British I will take the 91


English. Hopefully I will be mandatory soon, I am hungry, I am 28 and I want to be in with these lads.

EBOXINGNEWS – I want to play Matchmaker for a while, how about Ronnie Heffron, would you face him?

EBOXINGNEWS – British Champion is Liam Smith, are you impressed with what he has done or do you see weaknesses?

Welborn – that name was mentioned for May, Ronnie Heffron was mentioned and his name keeps coming up for me and Ronnie, nothing has come from it yet but that’s one of the names I want to fight. Ronnie and Liam keep having their names come up and I have my eyes set on them, these guys get their matches picked, they get built up and are fed with a silver spoon, if I had that I would have a lot more, I fight whoever, I put the gloves on, get my medical, fight and win, so for that reason they can only fear me so I have to keep winning and then there are no excuses for them not fighting me

Welborn – I have sparred with Liam 18 months ago, going up on a weekly basis and I know I can mix it with him, he has a lot with his training and his camps are more intense but I know what I have to do to push myself at that level and I train at that level and I know I can mix it up with them, I do see weaknesses in Liam and if I am going to be British champion I have to beat him I know him he is going to stand there and fight like me, not like Frankie Gavin who is a talented tricky and gifted boxer, Light Middleweight is slower and my strength is my key, so I think with Liam Smith they are there to be beat as long as I am on my game plan.

EBOXINGNEWS – thanks for the interview, what is your twitter name? Welborn – my twitter name is @ welborn12 you can catch me anytime, no worries we shall see what we can do for the post fight interview.



The Fight Preview



This Month Mark Hepplestall from EBOXINGNEWS previews the fights of friends of the magazine, Jason Welborn and Luke Paddock Both fighters are fighting on the ‘Mayday!’ fight card at Walsall Town Hall on Friday, 16th May. The show will be aired live and exclusive on BBC WM and tickets are on sale now from Walsall Town Hall Box Office: 0845 111 2900. Tickets are priced at £30 and £60 Ringside

Jason Welborn Vs Stanislav Nenkov

Luke Paddock Vs Kristian Dochev

Former British title challenger Jason Welborn takes on Bulgarian boxer Stanislav Nenkov, Jason Welborn faced Frankie Gavin in early 2013 and after coming up short in that bout has since moved weight limits from Welterweight to Light Middleweight and fought two good opponents in the durable Max Maxwell and then the dangerous Terry Carruthers for the Light Middleweight Midlands area title. Jason Welborn now takes on an international opponent to keep things ticking over before he takes on either has to go through another British title eliminator, the English champion Navid Mansoori or the British champion Liam Smith. Stanislav Nenkov has boxed all over Europe and has been a tough opponent for boxers on the road, all of Nenkov’s victories have been in Bulgaria. In this fight Jason Welborn has the power, the experience and home advantage while Stanislav Nenkov has heart, durability and survivability skill which suggests this will be a good showcase fight for Welborn to lure in one of the bigger names in the division.

Undefeated prospect Luke Paddock takes his 7th professional bout against the experienced and durable Bulgarian boxer Kristian Dochev. Luke Paddock has only been a professional boxer for 18 months after amassing a 79 fight amateur career boxing internationally, while Kristian Dochev has faced the better competition and will be a live underdog in this fight having fought all over Europe in his career and has fought already five times in 2014 bringing a 10 wins to 15 losses record, most of Dochev’s wins have been in Bulgaria while the majority of his losses have been on the road. Luke Paddock in the prefight interview stated this is a step up in class and his opponent is a danger-man, Luke Paddock has been training hard, getting good sparring in with British title challenging boxers, has researched his opponent and has identified his strengths and weaknesses, all of this should be enough for him to pull out a win against his Bulgarian foe.



Keith Thurman Interview on Floyd Mayweather



In this interview Keith “One Time” Thurman talks about who Floyd Mayweather should fight in the future and how he would beat Mayweather if they were to fight. EBOX - Who do you think Floyd Mayweather should face next other than yourself ? Thurman – Next, honestly its his choice but by following the Mayweather formula, which is to fight around Cinco De Mayo, he is most likely to fight a latino opponent and Marcos Maidana falls into that category and besides Maidana they are talking about Amir Khan which is a good fight because it changes up the role of Floyd being the boxer and the opponent being the puncher and now its boxer Vs boxer which he have not seen in a while, but he doesn’t fit into the Mayweather Formula for Cinco De Mayo. Other than Maidana they would have to try and convince Danny Garcia to move up or fight at a catchweight which would be hard to get Floyd to agree to. That’s how I look at it from both a fan and business perspective.

EBOXINGNEWS - Do you belive you will get your shot at Floyd Mayweather? Thurman – I do believe so for several reasons, one of which is I am on the same side of the fence as Mayweather, I am promoted by Golden Boy and Floyd only works with GBP so it helps that Bob Arum isn’t involved, so that makes me think I am a candidate other then I am a future star of the division, I am undefeated and I will be getting some type of title shot this year and even if I do not get a shot this year I could get a shot next year.

hand when he throws the right hand, also you have to be in great shape because Floyd Mayweather doesn’t fade in fights, you have to train hard and execute your plan to perfection in the moment, I think about fighting him all the time and believe it will be my best fight of my career. EBOX – Thanks once again for talking to us and we will hopefully talk to you again soon Thurman – yeah anytime bro, shout out to all “One Time” fans in the UK

EBOXINGNEWS - Its said the Mayweather Defensive is impenetrable, how would you crack it? Thurman – first off, you don’t want to fight and just throw limited punches at someone who has a good defence because they are just going to block you especially when their defence is really good. The only point of throwing punches at someone in a defensive position is to throw a large output because you cannot expect your 1st 2nd and 3rd punches that do the job, sometimes it’s your 5th and 6th shot that lands, even then you may only walk away with 1 clean blow, so if I attack his defence I am always going to look for that 1 clean boy and try not to get countered. Outside of that when Floyd is on offence not many people take the time to counter him so I believe you have to throw the jab when he jabs and throw the right 96

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