CNS Nutriion Forum

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Spring 2010


A Pu b l i c a t i o n o f t h e C a n a d i a n N u t r i t i o n S o c i e t y | A Pu b l i c a t i o n d e l a S o c i é t é c a n a d i e n n e d e n u t r i t i o n

2009-2011 Advisory Council

President’s Message

PRESIDENT Leah Gramlich, MD, FRCPC PRESIDENT E LECT Katherine Gray-Donald, PhD VP - H EALTH PROFESSIONALS Maitreyi Raman, MD, FRCPC VP - R ESEARCH Robert Bertolo, PhD TREASURER Janis Randall Simpson, RD, PhD S ECRETARY Lindsay Robinson, RD, PhD AWARDS CHAIR Guylaine Ferland, PhD ETHICS CHAIR Joanne Penson-Boucher, RD M EMBERSHIP CO-CHAIRS Lesley Moisey, MSc, RD Pauline Darling, PhD COMMUNICATIONS CO-CHAIRS Janet Stadnyk, RD David Ma, PhD COUNCILLORS Johane Allard, MD, FRCPC Steve Brooks, PhD John Drover, MD, FACS, FRCSC Donald Duerksen, MD, FRCPC Alison Duncan, RD, PhD Terry Graham, PhD Jim House, PhD Cyril Kendall, PhD Mary L’Abbe, PhD Debbie O’Connor, PhD, RD Flora Wang, MSc. Gord Zello, PhD EX-OFFICIO M EMBERS Tom Clandinin, PhD Peter Fischer, PhD Khush Jeejeebhoy, MD, FRCPC Peter Jones, PhD Claude Roy, MD, FRCPC

am pleased to welcome you to one of the first fruits of the merger between CSCN and CSNS – the first issue of Nutrition Forum de Nutrition under the CNS banner. This semi-annual publication is an excellent compliment to the Members’ Update that you have been receiving since late last year – while the Update is information from the Executive to you, the Forum provides you with an opportunity to share news with one another. Dr. Gordon Zello’s Message from the Editor provides more on this; I would like to encourage any of you who have news to contact Dr. Zello with a request to insert it in the next issue.


We have spoken of ourselves as a community of individuals interested in nutrition. The Forum allows us to truly function as one. Think of it as an electronic or print “water cooler”, where we can all meet to share our triumphs, knowledge and puzzles. In a way, it is an extension of the networking that takes place at our Annual Meeting. I would particularly like to encourage those of you who are clinicians to participate in the Forum. There is always a good deal happening in the clinical community, and the Forum is another opportunity to share those events and occurrences. If you are interested in participating this way, we are looking for clinical correspondents – please contact Dr. Zello or the CNS Office for more information. Beyond that, it is a chance to learn about events in the academic and research “side” of CNS as well. I hope you enjoy this issue, and find it as useful as I have. I am also looking forward to seeing you at our inaugural Annual Meeting in Edmonton, June 3-5. Yours in good nutrition,

Leah Gramlich, MD, FRCPC

2175 Sheppard Avenue East, Suite 310, Toronto, Ontario M2J 1W8 | Telephone Tel: 416-491-7188 | Toll-free: 1-888-414-7188 | Fax (416) 491-1670 | Email: | Web:

Message from the Editor n behalf on the Communications Committee of the CNS I hope that all of you enjoy the first issue of Nutrition Forum since the merger. I would like to thank our Regional Correspondents for their past and continuing support of the Forum and invite others interested in participating as Correspondents to contact me.


The Forum is to be a semi-annual publication to inform members of the activities of the Society and their member-colleagues. Please feel free to submit items of interest to your Regional Correspondent who will forward the information to the Editor for inclusion in the next issue (either March-April or September-October). Examples of information that can be submitted would be updates about member activities, “major” departmental events, appointments, promotions, national/international awards, national/international graduate student awards, completion of graduate degrees, “invited” papers, new research funding, educational or extension initiatives. Please, do not send “recent publications”, “non-invited” talks/presentations, “internal” grants or “internal” student awards/scholarships. Also, lead articles or editorials would be considered by the Communications Committee for publication in the Forum.

Notice of Annual General Meeting NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Nutrition Society (CNS) will be held at the Sutton Place Hotel, 10235 – 101 Street, Edmonton, Alberta on Friday, June 4, 2010 at 5:00 p.m. MT. The following matters will come before the meeting: 1.0

Call to Order


Approval of Minutes of Annual General Meetings


Please feel free to contact me or any member of the Communication Committee if you have any questions or ideas regarding the Forum.


CSCN - May 31, 2009


CSNS – June 1, 2009

Reports of Officers 3.1

President’s Report


Annual Meeting Report


Treasurer’s Report 3.3.1 CSCN December 2009 Reviewed Year-end Financial Statements 3.3.2 CSNS December 2009 Reviewed Year-end Financial Statements 3.3.3 Appointment of Auditors for 2010

Gord Zello CONTACT INFORMATION: Division of Nutrition and Dietetics College of Pharmacy and Nutrition University of Saskatchewan 110 Science Place Saskatoon, SK S7N 5C9 Telephone: (306) 966-5825 Facsimile: (306) 966-6377 Email: College URL:


Membership Report


Communications Report


Actions of the Advisory Council over the last year


Proposed By-law Change


Acclamation of Councillors


New Business



DATED at Toronto, Ontario this 27th day of April 2010. CNS/SCN Nutrition Forum de Nutrition • Spring 2010 • Page 2

News from the Students he 2009 Nestlé Student and Trainee Competition took place on June 1, 2009, during the CSCN-CSNS Annual Scientific Meeting in Quebec City. The competition this year was extremely strong. On the basis of the quality of the 43 abstracts submitted, 8 students were awarded the Christine Gagnon Memorial Travel Award and selected to present their research during the competition. The students were:


Kanta Chechi, Memorial University of Newfoundland: Maternal Diet High in Saturated Fat Causes Developmental Programming of Hepatic LDL-Receptor Gene Expression to Induce the Onset of Cardiovascular Disease in the Offspring of C57BL/6 Mice (Supervisor: SK Cheema)

Susan Tran, University of Toronto: Pre-Operative Carbohydrate Feeding Improves Post-Operative Blood Glucose Levels and Pre-Operative Discomfort in Patients Undergoing Bypass and Spinal Surgery (Supervisor: ME Keith)

Matthew Parrott, University of Toronto: Memory Impairments Associated with High Saturated Fat Consumption Can Be Prevented by an Insulin-Sensitizing Drug (Supervisor: CE Greenwood)

Elizabeth Novak, University of British Columbia: Maternal Dietary N-3 Fatty Acids Facilitate Neonatal Hepatic Adaptation to a High Fat Milk Diet at Birth (Supervisor: SM Innis)

Laura Forbes, University of Alberta: Dietary and Physical Activity Risk Factors for Diabetes among Alberta Youth (Supervisor: LJ McCargar)

Bodil Larsen, University of Alberta: Pretreatment with Lipid Emulsion Containing Fish Oil (EPA and DHA) Decreases Inflammatory Markers and Sepsis Indicators after Open Heart Surgery in Infants (Supervisor: MT Clandinin)

Each of the 8 finalists competed for one of the top three prizes awarded to the presenters. The top three finalists in the oral competition were:

Rachel Murphy, University of Alberta: Essential Fatty Acid Status is a Predictor of Treatment Outcome and Survival in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients (Supervisor: VC Mazurak) Sarah Finch, McGill University: Maternal Deficiency of Vitamin D During Pregnancy and Lactation Results in Reduced Mobilization of Skeletal Mineral in Guinea Pigs (Supervisor: HA Weiler)

1. Bodil Larsen, University of Alberta 2. Rachel Murphy, University of Alberta 3. Elizabeth Novak, University of British Columbia CSNS would like to thank Nestlé Nutrition for their generous support of the graduate student competition. If you are interested or know of someone who would be interested in being the Correspondent for Students please contact one of the CNS Executives (Contact information is on the first page of the Forum). ■

BENEFITS OF MEMBERSHIP IN CANADA’S LEADING NUTRITION SOCIETY In January 2010, CSCN and CSNS merged to become the Canadian Nutrition Society/Société canadienne de nutrition (CNS/SCN). The CNS/SCN is the premier Canadian society for nutrition professionals, scientists, students and trainees in academia, industry, government and the public sector. Join CNS and reap the benefits of membership: • Preferential rates to the CNS Annual Meeting and other regional events • Eligibility for CNS awards & travel grants • A subscription to the Journal of Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism • CNS/SCN Website Access - in the Members’ Only section you can access presentations from our annual meetings, job postings and more

• Support of nutrition science through lobbying for research funding and establishment of nutrition research priorities with CIHR • CNS Member Communications: Members’ Update and Nutrition Forum de Nutrition • For student members: low membership fee & eligibility to submit abstracts • Excellent opportunities to network

Join online today - CNS/SCN Nutrition Forum de Nutrition • Spring 2010 • Page 3

From the Regional Correspondents British Columbia Region Correspondent: Dr. Tim Green Human Nutrition Faculty of Agricultural Sciences The University of British Columbia 2205 East Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4 (604) 822 0421 No report.

Alberta Region

Casey teaches clinical nutrition providing unique knowledge and perspective from a physician’s viewpoint. Her research in infant and child health fits well with one (Child Health) of the three strategic research areas of the Alberta Institute for Human Nutrition. Specifically, her work in intestinal failure is an extremely novel and emerging area which complements and strengthens the nutrition research of the AFNS Human Nutrition Division. Dr Jacobs has had outstanding training and experience in Biochemistry and Metabolism. His research program centers on nutritional and genetic factors that impact the development of obesity, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, and inflammatory bowel disease. His laboratory uses an array of biochemical, molecular, and physiological techniques to answer both fundamental (nutrition/physiology/biochemistry) and applied (disease state) questions. Dana Olstad, PhD student in the nutrition program at the U of A, is the recipient of a prestigious Vanier Scholarship.

U NIVERSITY OF ALBERTA Correspondent: Dr. Vickie Baracos Department of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2M8 Fax: (780) 492-9130 An administrative restructuring has resulted in the formation of the Division of Human Nutrition, a new unit at the University of Alberta: Dr. Linda McCargar was appointed Director of the Alberta Institute for Human Nutrition for a three year term starting July of 2009. In October she was an invited speaker at the Danone Institute of China 12th Annual Symposium in Kunming, China. Dr. McCargar has been recognized as a Fellow of the Dietitians of Canada (FDC). Fellows are “exemplary members who have demonstrated excellence in their career achievements.” Dr. Catherine Field was recently awarded the Earle Willard McHenry Award at the joint meeting of the Canadian Society for Clinical Nutrition and the Canadian Society for Nutritional Sciences in Quebec City. “The award is given in recognition of distinguished service in the field of nutrition by a Canadian or Canadian-based individual.”

Drs. Vickie Baracos and Bill Colmers of the University of Alberta and Dr. Daniel Marks of Oregon Health Sciences University have initiated a new 5-year program of research sponsored by CIHR entitled “Central nervous system controls of cancer anorexia-cachexia syndrome”. Dirk Luchtman, a postdoctoral fellow joins their research team for this project. Dr. Rhonda Bell gave a talk on the effects of fructose on pregnancy and placental development at Developmental Origins of Health and Adult Disease in Chile in November 2009. Dr. Bell contributed to development of new guidelines for weight gain in pregnancy (released in November 2009 from Health Canada). Recent Graduates from the nutrition graduate program: Lindsey Sutherland, MSc - Regulation of PGC-1 alpha in white adipose tissue by exercise. Heidi Bates, MSc - Promoting Healthy Eating and Active Living in Schools: A Pilot Study. Carla Prado, PhD - Prevalence, characteristics and health consequences of abnormal body composition phenotypes in patients with malignant disease. Holly Knight, PhD - A Grounded Theory of the Experience of Eating Behaviour Change in Chronic Disease Management.

Dr. Spencer Proctor has received a Heart and Stroke Award New Investigator Award. This is a nationally competitive award which provides salary support of $60 Lege K/year for 5 years. This year Dr. Proctor was the only basic scientist to receive the award at the U of A.

Bodil Larsen, PhD - Inflammatory Responses to Intravenous Fish Oil, Soybean Oil and Medium-Chain Triglyceride Fat Emulsions in Young Children Before and After Open-Heart Surgery.

Drs Linda Casey and René Jacobs have recently been appointed to academic positions at the University of Alberta. Dr.

Laura Forbes, PhD - Diabetes Risk Factors among Alberta Youth.

CNS/SCN Nutrition Forum de Nutrition • Spring 2010 • Page 4

From the Regional Correspondents We are pleased to report the excellent success of Nutrition graduate students at the University’s Annual Life & Health Sciences Research Day in 2009: Christine Bennett (Supervisor Gord Zello) was awarded 1st prize and Lindsay Tumback (Supervisors Wendy Dahl & Gord Zello) received 2nd prize in the Food Science/Nutrition & Exercise category. Christine was also a winner of the poster competition at the Canadian Society for Nutritional Sciences/Canadian Society for Clinical Nutrition Annual Scientific Session held recently in Quebec City.

Saskatchewan Region U NIVERSITY OF SASKATCHEWAN Correspondent: Dr. Gordon Zello for Dr. Brian Bandy College of Pharmacy and Nutrition University of Saskatchewan 110 Science Place Saskatoon SK S7N 5C9 Fax: (306) 966-6377

Manitoba Region

Dean Dennis Gorecki completed his second appointment as Dean in the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition. Dr. David Hill was appointed Dean, effective August 15, 2009. Dr. Hill has been Executive Director of the Canadian Council for the Accreditation of Pharmacy Programs, and held past academic positions at the Universities of British Columbia and Colorado. He recently chaired the Blueprint for Pharmacy Task Force and provided input into The Vision for 2020. Dr. Shawna Berenbaum has been elected Chair of the DC Board of Directors (2010-2011). Shawna also represents dietetic educators on the Partnership for Dietetic Education and Practice, and Saskatchewan public health nutritionists on the Pan Canadian Task Force on Public Health Nutrition. Dr. Gord Zello is collaborating with Dr. Phil Chilibeck (Kinesiology) on a “PURENet Project,” funded by an Agriculture and AgriFood Canada grant. Dr. Hassan Vatanparast has received funding from the Canary Seed Development Commission to study “Dietary Exposure to Seeds and Grains”. Dr. Tanya Verrall, Adjunct Professor of Nutrition, has received funding from CIHR and the Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation for projects to build a collaborative research agenda to study transformative health system improvement, and to establish a partnership to assess the impact of academic detailing. Drs. Carol Henry and Roy Dobson have received funding from our University and the University of the West Indies to continue their research on health education and promotion in Trinidad and Tobago. Dr. Gord Zello has received funding from the University to continue work, with Drs. Carol Henry and Susan Whiting, on “Capacity Building of a Human Nutrition Graduate Program for Improved Nutritional Status in Ethiopia”. Gord and Susan travelled to Hawassa University in Ethiopia in the summer to continue the project. Dr. Reinhold Vieth, University of Toronto, recently presented “Wonderful Health News about Vitamin D…and why the powers that be are not ready to accept it,” as part of the Edith Rowles Simpson Lecture series.

U NIVER S ITY OF MAN ITOBA Correspondent: Dr. Carla Taylor Department of Human Nutritional Sciences University of Manitoba Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Dr. Jim House has been awarded the 2009 Centrum Foundation New Scientist Award. Faculty members within the Department of Human Nutritional Sciences have received 4 of the last 5 annual Centrum Foundation Awards: Harold Aukema (2005), Carla Taylor (2006), Mohammed Moghadasian (2008), and Jim House (2009). Jim House and Carla Taylor were members of a Manitoba delegation that went to New Zealand and Australia in March to promote research and collaborations on functional food and nutraceuticals. The delegation was sponsored by the Manitoba Agri-food Health Research Network (MAHRN). Dr. Peter Jones was a speaker on March 24 at United Arab Emirates University in Al Ain, United Arab Emirates, presenting his talk titled, “Phytosterols and Resveratrol: Nutraceuticals of the Present and Future”. He also sat as Chair for the Danone Institute at Le Salon International de L’Alimentation Montreal health symposium “Childhood Obesity: A Real Look for Real Change” on April 1 at the Palais Des Congrès de Montreal Convention Centre in Montreal, Québec. He also recently met at a round table discussion with the Egg Farmers of Canada. The roundtable discussion was being convened for the 10year anniversary of the Harvard Egg Study, which demonstrated conclusively that there was no correlation between egg consumption and heart disease. Dr. Christina Lengyel is the recipient of the 2009-2010 University of Manitoba Centre on Aging Research Fellowship for the project titled, “The Associations Between Nutritional Risk, Successful Aging and Self-Rated Health of CommunityDwelling Older Men. The Manitoba Follow-up Study”.

CNS/SCN Nutrition Forum de Nutrition • Spring 2010 • Page 5

From the Regional Correspondents Connie Magalhaes was awarded the 2009 University of Manitoba Teacher Recognition Award for Human Ecology. Bruce McDonald, Professor Emeritus, was honoured by the Canola Council of Canada in March of 2009 when he was made an “Honorary Life Member of the Canola Council of Canada” in recognition of his research and promotion of the nutritional and health attributes of canola oil nationally and internationally. The Richardson Centre for Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals (RCFFN) was host to several visitors on April 14: Mr. Georges Rioux, Consul General, Chicago Consulate General; Mr. Maurice Egan, Senior Trade Commissioner, Chicago Consulate General; and Mr. Bill Ratcliffe, Senior Manager, Manitoba Trade and Investment. Vanessa DeClercq (PhD student) has received a Heart and Stroke Scholarship for her PhD studies on Modulation of Obesity-mediated Hypertension by Dietary Conjugated Linoleic Acid. Vanessa is co-supervised by Peter Zahradka and Carla Taylor. Jennifer Protudjer (PhD student) in the Department of Applied Health Sciences was awarded a Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarship - Doctoral Award for her doctoral work. Under the supervision of Drs. G. Sevenhuysen and A. Becker, she is completing a project entitled “Temporal Associations between Obesity and Asthma in Pubertal Children: A Substudy of the Gender-Related Evolution of Asthma Team (GREATice)”. Chibuike Udenigwe (PhD student) was awarded a 2009-2011 NSERC Canadian Graduate Scholarship, the 2009 American Oil Chemist Society Honoured Student Award, the 2009 Institute of Food Tech- nologists Graduate Student Award for Academic Excellence, and a 1st Place Award in the graduate student poster competition organized by the Protein and CoProducts Division of the American Oil Chemists Society at the 100th conference in Orlando, FL, May 3-6 2009. Chibuike is working on structure-function elucidation of multifunctional peptides with Rotimi Aluko. Jacqueline Bugera (MSc student) in the Department of Human Nutritional Sciences has been accepted as a participant in the 2009 CIHR Summer Program in Aging to be held June 8-11, 2009 at White Point Beach Resort, Nova Scotia. Her funded MSc thesis project is entitled "Formulating Food Products for the Aging Baby Boomer Population". Jacqueline is working on her MSc with Christina Lengyel.

the Protein and Co-Products Division of the American Oil Chemist Society at the 100th conference in Orlando, FL, May 3-6 2009. Trisha is working on her MSc with Rotimi Aluko. Tabitha Marshall was awarded the 2009 University Gold Metal in the department of Human Nutritional Sciences. Krystal Merrells received the 2009 Dietitians of Canada Undergraduate Intern Scholarship sponsored by Kraft Canada Inc. Colleen Rogers (Dietetic Intern and Graduate) has been awarded a 2009 Morgan Medals Award from the Canadian Foundation for Dietetic Research. This is a regional award (Saskatchewan, Manitoba and North-Western Ontario Regional) and Colleen will still compete for the national award. Her senior thesis with Carla Taylor formed the basis of this award. Recent Graduates: Maria Baranowski, M.Sc. – “The Effect of Dietary AlphaLinolenic Acid-Rich Flaxseed Oil Intervention on Immune and Adipose Tissue Function in Obese Zucker Rats” – [Co-advisors: Drs. Carla Taylor and Peter Zahradka] Melissa Sitter, M.Sc. – “The Effect of Relocation on the Nutritional Status, Eating Habits, and Nutrition Attitudes of Older Adults” – [Advisor – Dr. Christina Lengyel] Joyce Slater, PhD. – “The Changing Canadian Foodscape: Implications for Population Obesity” - [Advisor – Dr. Gustaaf Sevenhuysen].

London Region B RESCIA U NIVERSITY COLLEGE Correspondent: Shari Hekmat Acting Chair Division of Food and Nutritional Sciences Brescia University College The Division of Food and Nutritional Sciences at Brescia University College has received full accreditation status from Dietitians of Canada for our internship program on August 14, 2009. The full accreditation standing applies until the next site visit scheduled for 2016.

Trisha Pownall (MSc student) was awarded a Second Place Award in the graduate student poster competition organized by CNS/SCN Nutrition Forum de Nutrition • Spring 2010 • Page 6

From the Regional Correspondents Kitchener-Waterloo Region U NIVERSITY OF WATERLOO Correspondents: Dr. Ken Stark Department of Kinesiology Faculty of Applied Health Sciences University of Waterloo Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1

MSc - Renata Valaitis, “A process evaluation of the Peel Region Breakfast for Kids (BFK) student nutrition programs: perspectives of program coordinators” (Rhona Hanning, supervisor). Renata is currently continuing as a PhD candidate at University of Waterloo. MSc - Hamid Izadi, “Development of a novel mass-selected internal positive chemical ionization quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometry technique for the quantitative analysis of isotopic polyun-saturated fatty acids” (Ken Stark, supervisor)

Dr. Rhona Hanning Department of Health Studies and Gerontology University of Waterloo 200 University Avenue West Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1 Dr. Rhona Hanning presented at the International Congress of Nutrition in Bangkok in October and Health Canada’s Aboriginal Dietitians and Nutritionists Network Meeting in December. Dr. Susan Horton, School of Economics and Dean of Graduate Studies spoke on “What will it cost?” at the World Bank’s meeting: Scaling up nutrition: What will it take?” November 12, 2009. She also spoke on “Nutrition as a sound investment for human capital” at the International Congress of Nutrtion, Bangkok, Thailand, October 2009. Dr. John Mielke gave an invited talk in the Neurobiology and Mental Health session of the Natural Health Products Research Society’s 6th annual meeting entitled “Can a constituent of Withania somnifera influence how brain cells communicate?”. Dr. Marina Mourtzakis, Department of Kinesiology, received CFI funding to support investigation of body composition, nutrition, exercise and metabolism in cancer. Dr. Ken Star, Department of Kinesiology received an Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation Early Researcher Award. He also received a young scientist award from the American Oil Chemists' Society (AOCS). Theses Completed: PhD - Kitti Sranacharoenpong, “Application of learning technologies to support community-based lay health care workers and build capacity in chronic disease prevention in Thailand” (Rhona Hanning, supervisor). Kitti is now a Post Doctoral Fellow at Loma Linda University.

MSc - Payman Charkhzarin “Evaluation of polyunsaturated fatty acid uptake, distribution, and incorporation into specific muscle types” (Ken Stark, supervisor)

Guelph Region U NIVERSITY OF G UELPH: APPLIED H UMAN N UTRITION Correspondent: Dr. Janis Randall Simpson Department of Family Relations & Applied Nutrition University of Guelph Guelph, ON N1G 2W1 Phone: (519) 824-4120 Ext: 53843 Fax: (519) 766-0691 Email: Dr. Susan Evers has retired after 20 years in the Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition. Susan’s career at the University of Guelph has been distinguished in research, teaching and service. Susan is an accomplished academic as evidenced by her very impressive list of accomplishments and publications. Susan’s commitment to research in disadvantaged women and children in Canada has resulted in outstanding contributions to nutrition research in Canada. Furthermore, her ability to conduct interdisciplinary research has been exemplary and serves as a model for other researchers; Susan has been at the forefront of interdisciplinary research. Susan’s excellence in teaching has been evident and she was recognized formally with a University teaching award. Susan has served as a mentor to many undergraduate and graduate students over the years and is held in very high regard by all. Susan’s service has been very extensive: she has been active in promoting accreditation standards for dietetics programs in Canada and she has served her colleagues well as the chair of the Applied Human Nutrition curriculum committee. Susan will be greatly missed by all. We wish you all the best in your retirement.

CNS/SCN Nutrition Forum de Nutrition • Spring 2010 • Page 7

From the Regional Correspondents Drs. Andrea Buchholz and Robin Milhausen, Associate Professors in the Dept of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition at the University of Guelph, were granted $40,000 by SSHRC, in support of their research entitled, "Does Size Matter?" This study is investigating the relationship between body composition and sexuality in 200 young men and women. The study was ranked third nationally, from over 70 submissions. Dr. Janis Randall Simpson has been promoted to Associate Professor and is on sabbatical leave at the Nutrition Research Division at Health Canada. Dr. Paula Brauer, Associate Chair, received funding from CIHR under the Partnerships for Health System Improvement. The funding was obtained to explore local options for obesity prevention and treatment services by the public health and primary care systems. The funding will support the bringing together of local public health and primary care communities to develop a partnership and explore opportunities for joint work on a proposal. Co-investigators are Jane Bellman and Dawna Royall. Dr. Brauer was a speaker at the CIHR Primary Healthcare Summit in Toronto: ‘Patient-Oriented Primary Healthcare - Scaling Up Innovation’ Dr. Heather Keller is Acting Graduate Coordinator in the Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition while Janis Randall Simpson is on sabbatical leave. Drs. Janis Randall Simpson and Heather Keller have recently received a CIHR grant to develop a Toddler version of NutriSTEP (Nutrition Screening Tool for Preschooolers).

U NIVERSITY OF G UELPH: H UMAN H EALTH AND N UTRITIONAL SCIENCES Correspondent: Dr. Lindsay Robinson Department of Human Health and Nutritional Sciences University of Guelph Guelph ON N1G 2W1 (519) 824-4120 x52297 We would like to welcome Dr. David Mutch to HHNS! In 2005, Dr. Mutch received his PhD in nutritional genomics from the University of Lausanne, Switzerland. He began his post-doctoral work at the Scripps Research Institute in San Diego California where he incorporated metabolite profiling into his research in obesity. He then moved from San Diego to the French National Institute for Health and Medical Research (INSERM) in Paris, France, where he integrated gene expression and metabolite profiling to study diet-induced and surgery-induced weight loss in humans. In January 2009, Dr. Mutch

joined our department as an Assistant Professor of nutritional genomics, where he will study diet-gene and diet-metabolite interactions in human obesity using cutting edge technologies. The Department of Human Health and Nutritional Sciences is thrilled to announce the relocation and expansion of the Human Nutraceutical Research Unit (HNRU), a business and educational research facility in the Department. The HNRU conducts clinical trial research on behalf of external parties. The HNRU is also available for use by HHNS faculty and graduate student investigations. The new facilities include a clinical trials suite, metabolic kitchen, sensory testing laboratory and teaching space. The HNRU grand opening on April 23, 2009 included talks by leading experts in functional foods and nutraceuticals research, a tour of the new human clinical and sensory testing facilities, student research and teaching posters and a wine and cheese reception. Drs. Leah Bent, Lindsay Robinson, and Lori Vallis were promoted to Associate Professor. Dr. Kelly Meckling was promoted to Full Professor. Congratulations to Professor Bill Woodward on his new honorary title of Professor Emeritus at the University of Guelph. Dr. David Ma was awarded a Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI) – Leaders Opportunity Fund grant, with matching funding from the Ontario Research Fund. Title of the grant is “Infrastructure to support lipidomics research”. He gave a talk entitled, “Dietary Fatty Acids and their Effect on Membrane Rafts in Colonic and Mammary Cells” as part of the invited speaker series for AFNS 670/680 at the University of Alberta, Edmonton on April 7, 2009. Dr. Alison Duncan gave a talk entitled, “Effect of Pulse Consumption on Gastrointestinal Response, Intestinal Microbiota and Serum Lipids in Healthy Adults” at the 2009 Pulse Food Symposium in Toronto, Ontario, Feb 4, 2009. She also gave a talk entitled, “Soy and breast cancer: a review of the evidence” as part of the Health Canada Seminar Series in Ottawa, March 27, 2009 The following HHNS graduate students successfully defended their theses: Ph.D. Colleen Gobert (Alison Duncan, advisor) - “Natural Health Produce Use in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes” Amanda Waller (Michael Lindinger, advisor) – “Alternative strategies for enhancing muscle glycogen resynthesis in horses”

CNS/SCN Nutrition Forum de Nutrition • Spring 2010 • Page 8

From the Regional Correspondents Raymond Yang (Kelly Meckling, advisor) – “In vitro and in vivo studies of antioxidant and anti-breast cancer activities of pomiferin” Rebecca Reed-Jones (Lori Vallis, advisor) - “Vision: Does It Really Drive Locomotor Steering Responses?” M.Sc. (thesis) Celeste Trujillo (Amanda Wright, advisor) – “Effect of composition and processing parameters on canola stearin-poloxamer 188 solid lipid particle: size, polymorphism, microstructure” Lyn Hillyer (Bill Woodward, advisor) – “Response of the acutely malnourished weanling mouse to endogenous murine FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3 ligand” Kathryn MacKay (Lindsay Robinson, advisor) – “The Effect of Whole Grain Bread on Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 in Men and Postmenopausal Women” Candace Cryne (Alison Duncan and Amanda Wright, co-advisors) – “Effect of pulse consumption on circulating lipids and homocysteine in healthy adults.” Jordan Willcox (Coral Murrant and Alistair Summerlee, co-advisors) – “Novel Actions of Relaxin Causing Vasodilation in Skeletal Muscle”

Hamilton Region MCMASTER U NIVERSITY Correspondent: Dr. Stephanie Atkinson Department of Pediatrics McMaster University Medical Centre 1200 Main Street West, Rm 3V42 Hamilton, ON L8N 3Z5 Recognized as an international leader in researching neuromuscular and neurometabolic disorders as well as nutritional requirements of athletes, Dr. Mark Tarnopolsky has become the first holder of the McMaster Children's Hospital/Hamilton Health Sciences Foundation Chair in Neuromuscular Disorders in recognition of the importance of his area of research and its impact on patients. Tarnopolsky is a professor of pediatrics and medicine of McMaster University's Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine and director of the Neuromuscular and Neurometabolic Centre at the McMaster Children's Hospital.

A new nutrition researcher at McMaster, Dr. Christoph Fusch has been appointed the Hamilton Health Sciences Foundation/Jack Sinclair Chair in Neonatology at McMaster University. Formerly the professor and chair of neonatology at the Ernst-Moritz-Arndt University Greifswald (Germany), Dr. Fusch has a well established track record in neonatal clinical research focused on evidence-based strategies to improve the short and long-term outcomes of premature infants and high-risk term neonates. Working; with Dr. Atkinson and others at McMaster he will be involved in research that aims to determine the ideal nutritional regimen to support the optimum postnatal growth trajectory for brain and body associated with the lowest risk for metabolic or cardiovascular disease in later life. Dr. Stephanie Atkinson, Professor and Associate Chair of Pediatrics, was appointed in late 2009 by CIHR to the Institute Advisory Board of the Institute of Nutrition, Metabolism and Diabetes. Dr. Atkinson has been an invited participant in recent meetings as co-chair of the planning workshop on, “Framework Dietary Reference Intake Development – Chronic disease indicators”, sponsored by the IOM and Public Health Agency of Canada; as workshop leader of the CIHR-Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis Consensus Conference on Bone Health Research; as speaker at the ILSI Europe Workshop in Brussels on “The effects of pre and post natal nutrition of infants with obese mothers on metabolic imprinting and later health outcomes”; and as a panelist on the topic of, “Career paths post-CCHCSP”, at the Canadian Child Health Clinician Scientist Program (CCHCSP) Annual Meeting in Halifax. Andrea Josse, MSc (Nutritional Sciences) and PhD student in Kinesiology with Dr. Stuart Phillips, was selected for a trainee award to attend the CIHR-Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis Consensus Conference on Bone Health Research held in Toronto in November 2009. Eric Hul and Michelle Marcinow completed their MSc degrees in Metabolism and Nutrition in the McMaster Medical Sciences Graduate Program under the supervision of Dr. Stephanie Atkinson. Both are currently working as research assistants in the Faculty of Health Sciences at McMaster.

CNS/SCN Nutrition Forum de Nutrition • Spring 2010 • Page 9

From the Regional Correspondents Professor Stan Zlotkin received the Samuel J. Fomon Nutrition Award.


Professor Ahmed El-Sohemy has begun his sabbatical. On December 18, 2009 Professor Harvey Professor G.H. Anderson carried the Olympic Torch.

Correspondent: Dr. Yvonne Yuan School of Nutrition Ryerson University 350 Victoria Street Toronto, ON M5B 2K3 (416) 979-5000 ext. 6827, Fax (416) 979-5204

Shannan Grant (in Dr. Wolever’s laboratory) received the Clinical Service Award of Excellence, Chronic Disease Management Program for Diabetes 2009, St. Joseph’s Health Care, Hamilton (health care team and individual award).

Dr. Yvonne Yuan was presented with the Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology (CIFST) Institute Award for 2009, which honours a Professional member CIFST for an outstanding contribution to the Institute, having maintained and furthered the reputation and aims of the Institute, and whose efforts have stimulated others. Congratulations to graduating students Leigh-Ann DeJonge, Jessny Maureaye and Annie Hoang on being awarded OGS scholarships to pursue graduate studies. Also congratulations to graduating student Nicole Yuen who was awarded an NSERC USRA to undertake a summer research project with Yvonne Yuan. The following students graduated with their MHSc in Nutrition Communication: Lilisha Burris, Deborah Cohen, Danielle Crutchley, Teresa Dias, Mitul Dutta, Allison Fujino, Jill Harris, Terysa Humphrey, Lydia Knorr, Elizabeth McPhee, Alejandra Navarro-Allende, Ashley O’Toole, Jessica Reingold, Maya Tchernina, Angela To and Chen-Huei Maxine Wu.

Shirin Panahi (Dr. Anderson’s laboratory) has been upgraded to the NSERC Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship.

Ottawa Region H EALTH CANADA Ottawa Area Correspondent: Dr. Kylie Scoggan Nutrition Research Division Health Canada 2203E Banting Research Centre 251 Sir Frederick Banting Driveway Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K9 (613) 957-0931 Fax: (613) 941-6182 In December 2009, Dr. Amanda MacFarlane, a research scientist with the Nutrition Research Division of the Food Directorate, Health Canada, was appointed as an adjunct professor in the Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology at the University of Ottawa.

U NIVERSITY OF TORONTO Correspondent: Dr. Richard P. Bazinet Department of Nutritional Sciences Faculty of Medicine University of Toronto FitzGerald Building 150 College St., Room 306 Toronto, ON, M5S 3E2 416-946-8276 / Fax: 416-978-5882 The Department of Nutritional Sciences would like to extend a warm welcome to Mary R. L'Abbé as its new Earle W. McHenry Professor and Chair. Dr. L’Abbé replaces Dr. Michael Archer who remains a professor in the department.

Stephanie McFadyen (Carleton University; co-supervisors SPJ Brooks and KB Storey) successfully defended her MSc thesis entitled: Intestinal Microflora in the Diabetes-Prone Bio-Breeding Rat and its Possible Relationship to the Development of Type I Diabetes. Stephanie now returns to her full time job in the Healthy Environments and Consumer Safety Branch of Health Canada. On January 13th, Statistics Canada marked the first release of data results from the Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS), cycle 1. Data were collected from March 2007 to February 2009 on a representative sample of 5600 Canadians aged 6 to 79 years at 15 sites across the country. The focus of this first data release was on the Fitness of the Nation. Second Clinic Release was on February 17th related to Blood

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From the Regional Correspondents Pressure in Canada. Lab data release #1 was on March 23rd and included nutrition and chronic disease related lab measures. As well, an article on Vitamin D Status in Canada was released in Health Reports along with fact sheets on diabetes and lipids. Lab release #2 is in July and will focus on the Environmental measures. Activity Monitor release in November 2010 will focus on Physical activity and sedentary behaviours of Canadians. For more information about the Canadian Health Measures Survey, 2007 to 2009 here is the Statistics Canada web link: &db=imdb&adm=8&dis=2.

Montreal Region MCG ILL U NIVERSITY: SCHOOL OF D IETETICS AND H UMAN N UTRITION Correspondent: Dr. Harriet Kuhnlein School of Dietetics and Human Nutrition Macdonald Campus, McGill University 21, 111 Lakeshore Rd. Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec H9X 3V9 Congratulations to Grace Marquis who, together with Anna Lartey of the University of Ghana, form one of the eight research partnerships between outstanding university scholars in Canada and their peers in the developing world supported by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and the Canada Research Chairs Program.

ria's Global Indigenous Health Research Symposium and spoke on “Indigenous Peoples’ Food Systems: Foundations of Health in Cultures and Ecosystems.” A video of the symposium is available online at the Network of Environments for Aboriginal Health Research in BC website at Also completed is a book edited by H.V. Kuhnlein, B.Erasmus and D. Spigelski, entitled “Indigenous Peoples Food Systems: the Many Dimensions of Culture, Diversity and Environment for Nutrition and Health.” This book is available from the UN and online through FAO. Dr. Kuhnlein continues leadership for the CINE Food Systems for Health project and was in attendance at the International Union of Nutritional Sciences conference held in Bangkok, October 4-9, as well as the satellite workshop with the Karen People of Thailand at Mahidol University and the community in Sanepong in Western Thailand. Marion Roche and Jennifer Jamieson received CIHR doctoral awards for their research with Dr. Harriet Kuhnlein. Congratulations to all our graduates: M.Sc. Thesis Program Burr, Laura (Hope Weiler): Diet enrichment with arachidonic and docosahexaenoic acid during the lactation period attenuates the effect of intrauterine growth restriction from birth to maturity in the guinea pig and improves maternal bone mass. Di Giovanni, Jessica (Kristine Koski): Early second trimester amniotic fluid erythropoietin and pregnancy outcomes. Finch, Sarah (Hope Weiler): Postnatal vitamin D supplementation normalizes neonatal bone mass following maternal dietary vitamin D deficiency in the guinea pig.

Dr. Harriet Kuhnlein completed a 6-month sabbatical on December 31, 2008, and then retired as McGill Emeritus Professor. Part of her sabbatical time was spent at the Nutrition and Consumer Protection Division of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Rome where there are on-going collaborations between FAO and the Centre for Indigenous Peoples’ Nutrition and Environment (CINE). See One important outcome was completing the scan of the out of print book by Kuhnlein and Turner (1991), “Traditional Plant Foods of Canadian Indigenous Peoples”. This 600 page resource book is now available for download by chapter on the FAO website at: AI215E00.HTM

Mourad, Carine (Rejeanne Gougeon, Stephanie Chevalier): Effect of glucose on satiation, gut hormones and metabolic response to a meal in type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Dr. Harriet Kuhnlein participated in the Summer Institute of the Canadian Coalition of Global Health Research in July. Following the Institute she participated in the University of Victo-

Nancarrow, Tanya (HingMan Chan, Harriet Kuhnlein): Climate change impacts on dietary nutrient status of Inuit in Nunavut, Canada.

Hillou, Farah (Katherine Gray-Donald): Predictors of excess weight gain among children participating in the Kahnawake Schools Diabetes Prevention Project. Kilborn, Sally (Kristine Koski): Dietary assessment and self-perceived impact of food in persons with multiple sclerosis. Mehrfar, Parisa (Linda Wykes, Stephanie Chevalier): Biological markers of weight loss and muscle protein metabolism in early non-small cell lung cancer.

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From the Regional Correspondents Pye, Kathleen (Hope Weiler): Effects of high protein consumption on bone and body composition from early to late adulthood in female rats. Trussler, Kathryn (Hope Weiler): Vitamin D dose-response study to establish dietary requirements in infants: a pilot study. Zeitouny, Joelle (Timothy Johns, Malek Batal): Wild edible plant consumption and age-related cataracts in a rural Lebanese elderly population: a case control study. M.Sc. (Applied) Program Al-Halabi, Nadin (Sandy Phillips, Mary Hendrickson-Nelson): Association between long-term outcomes of severe trauma brain injury and patient’s BMI at two years follow-up. Ousta, Dima (Katherine Gray-Donald): Nutritional status and immunological profile of lactating HIV-1 infected South African urban women. Ph.D. Program AbuMweis, Suhad (Peter Jones, Hope Weiler): The effects of formulation and dosing frequency of plant sterols on plasma lipid profiles and cholesterol kinetics parameters in hypercholesterolemic subjects. Kassis, Amira (Stan Kubow, Peter Jones): Evaluation of cholesterol-lowering and antioxidant properties of sugar cane policosanols in hamsters and humans. Owen, Patrick (Timothy Johns, Todd Capson): Functional diversity of indigenous diets in coastal Papua New Guinea: role in the nutrition transition and non-communicable disease risk Poirier, Johanne (Stan Kubow, Kevin Cockell): An investigation into the mechanisms of the hypocholesterolemic effect of Selenium in the Syrian hamster Rudkowska, Iwona (Peter Jones, Selim Kermasha): Efficacy of plant sterols in novel matrices on blood lipids profiles: medium chain triglycerides and low-fat products consumed with or without a meal Sibeko, Lindiwe (Katherine Gray-Donald): Acceptability and feasibility of heat-treated expressed breast milk following exclusive breastfeeding by HIV-1 infected South African Women Tu, Tao (Kris Koski, Marilyn Scott ): Interactions among dietary protein intake, immunopathology, and heligmosomoides bakeri (nematode) infection in mice.

U NIVERSITÉ DE MONTRÉAL Correspondante: Dr. Hélène Delisle Professeur titulaire Département de nutrition Université de Montréal, C.P. 6128, succ. Centre-ville Montréal, QC H3C 3J7 Tél: (514) 343-6406 Télécop: (514) 343-7395 Dr. Guylaine Ferland was among the guest speakers who participated in the The 8th Annual Health and Nutrition Symposium organized by The Dairy Farmers of Canada in November 2008. The Symposium topic was “Living long, living better”. Guylaine’s talk was entitled “ Nutrition and Cognitive Function: An Update of the Most Recent Research”. She also participated as guest speaker in the “ Nutrition et fonctions cérébrale” Symposium held in Quebec City, May 22-23, 2008 co-organized by the Universities of Laval (QC) and Bordeaux (France). The title of her talk was: Rôle de la vitamine K dans la fonction cérébrale. Dr. Guylaine Ferland, professeur titulaire, effectue maintenant l’essentiel de ses recherches à l’Hôpital Sacré-Cœur, bien qu’elle reste associée à des projets du Centre de recherche de l’Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal (IUGM). Dr. Bryna Shatenstein, professeur agrégé, est rattachée au Centre de recherche de l’IUGM. Dans le cadre de « nutrition et vieillissement », sous l’axe « Soins, interventions et promotion du vieillisse-ment en santé », des études d’intervention sur la nutrition dans la démence ont été menées pendant 6 ans et ont débouché sur un service personnalisé de counseling nutritionnel au profit des personnes qui consultent à la clinique de mémoire. Comme déjà relevé dans une chronique précédente, le Département de nutrition se caractérise notamment par la dispersion de ses unités de recherche entre les centres hospitaliers et le campus. Nous avons récemment décrit trois équipes et projets domiciliés sur le campus, au Pavillon de nutrition (Drs Marie Marquis, Olivier Receveur et Hélène Delisle). Nous souhaiterions, pour cette dernière parution du Forum, présenter brièvement les quelques professeurs du Département effectuant leurs travaux de recherche dans des centres de recherche d’hôpitaux ou autres. Dr Marc Prentki, professeur titulaire, a été l’initiateur et est le directeur du Centre de recherche du diabète de Montréal, créé en 2004. Ce Centre, qui regroupe plus de 30 chercheurs de 4 universités (de Montréal; McGill; Laval; et Ottawa), effectue des travaux de recherche qui vont de la biologie moléculaire à

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From the Regional Correspondents de grand essais cliniques, sur le diabète de type 1 comme de type2, sur le syndrome métabolique et sur les complications. Dr. Stéphanie Fulton, chercheur adjoint au Département, travaille avec le Dr. Prentki. Dr. Rémi Rabasa-Lhoret, professeur adjoint (agrégé en 2010), déménageait récemment du campus vers l’Institut de recherche clinique de Montréal (IRCM), amenant avec lui l’Unité métabolique qu’il dirige. Il est maintenant titulaire de la chaire d’excellence J.A. DeSève en recherche clinique et est membre, à l’IRCM, de l’équipe PROMD (plateforme de recherche en obésité, métabolisme et diabète). Dr. May Farag, chercheur adjoint au Département, mène ses travaux de recherche avec l’équipe du Dr. Rabasa-Lhoret. Dr Dominique Garrel, professeur titulaire dont le mandat comme directeur du Département arrivait à son terme en février 2008, est aussi associé à l’IRCM, où il est membre de l’équipe « obésité ». Il poursuit des études avec le Centre des grands brûlés de l’Hôpital Hôtel-Dieu du CHUM. Les Drs Parviz Ghadirian et Jean-Marie Ékoé, tous deux professeurs titulaires au Département de nutrition, sont rattachés au Centre de recherche de l’Hôtel-Dieu du CHUM, le premier comme directeur et le second comme directeur-adjoint de l’Unité de recherche en épidémiologie. Dr. Émile Levy, professeur titulaire, a récemment cédé sa place comme directeur du Centre de recherche du Centre hospitalier universitaire (CHU) Mère-Enfant (Hôpital Ste Justine); il y reste directeur de l’Unité de lipidologie, métabolisme et nutrition, ainsi que directeur scientifique de recherche du service de gastro-entérologie, hépatologie et nutrition. En avril dernier, il devenait officiellement titulaire de la chaire J.A. DeSève de recherche en nutrition du CHU Mère-Enfant. Dr. Geneviève Mailhot, professeur adjoint substitut au Département, travaille dans l’équipe de Dr. Levy. Dr. Christine Desrosiers, professeur titulaire, est localisée à l’Institut de cardiologie, alors que Dr. Irene Strychar, professeur titulaire, effectue l’essentiel de ses travaux de recherche au Centre de recherche de l’Hôpital Notre-Dame du CHUM. Elle est en outre responsable des études supérieures au Département.

macrophagique et du récepteur LOX-1. Implication dans l'artériosclérose associée au diabète de type 2. Direction : Dr. Geneviève Renier. MOROU, Karimou. Différence dans la qualité de l'alimentation en relation au risque d'excès de poids chez les populations autochtones canadiennes. Direction : Dr. Olivier Receveur. MOUSSAVI, Nadiah. Association entre le profil d'acides gras et la prévalence d'obésité: études écologique et transversale. Direction : Dr. Olivier Receveur; co-direction : Dr. Victor Gavino. PLOURDE, Hugues. Les déterminants psycho-sociaux du poids corporel dans la population québécoise. Direction : Dr. Marielle Ledoux; co-direction : Dr. Bertrand Nolin. M.Sc. recherche : BOUGMA, Karim. Huile de palme rouge au Burkina Faso : Qualité et consommation par les femmes de la zone de production et impact sur leur statut en vitamine A. Direction : Dr. Hélène Delisle. LALONDE, Geneviève. Transport hépatique et intestinal du cholestérol dans des conditions de résistance à l'insuline et de diabète de type 2. Direction : Dr. Émile Levy. LEBLOND, François. Régulation de la protéine convertase subtilisine /kexine type 9 (PCSK9) dans les cellules intestinales CACO-2/15. Direction : Dr. Émile Levy; co-direction : Dr. Edgard Delvin. NAULLEAU, Catherine. Supplémentation en glutamine et statut immunitaire de nageurs élites en compétitions. Direction : Dr. Marielle Ledoux. THÉBERGE, Mélisa. Développement d'une méthode d'estimation du contenu en glutamine des aliments. Direction : Dr. Marielle Ledoux.

Depuis septembre 2008, les étudiants suivants ont complété un programme d’études supérieures en nutrition :

TURCOT, Valérie. L'impact d'une diète néonatale déficiente en nutriments essentiels à la défense antioxidante sur le métabolisme énergétique à long terme. Direction : Dr. JeanClaude Lavoie.

Ph.D. :

M.Sc. avec travaux dirigés :

BISSONAUGHT, Vishnee. Mode de vie, habitudes alimentaires et cancer du sein : étude cas-témoins chez les femmes non porteuses de mutations des gènes BRCA. Direction : Dr. Parviz Ghadirian; co-direction : Dr. Bryna Shatenstein.

FALLU, Cynthia. Review of risk factors for anemia and interventions for anemia prevention in infants and preschool children. Direction: Dr. Olivier Receveur.

MAINGRETTE, Fritz. Régulation de la lipoprotéine lipase

GHONAIM, Ramy. Effet de la prise de suppléments nutritionnels sur la fonction rénale. Direction : Dr. Blandine Comte.

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From the Regional Correspondents GODBOUT, Virginie. Environnement alimentaire et état nutritionnel chez les personnes âgées hospitalisées et vivant dans des centres hospitaliers de soins de longues durée. Direction : Dr. Bryna Shatenstein. MARCOTTE, Mylène. Les processus inflammatoires dans l'obésité. Direction : Dr. Roland Savard. MATTA, Joane. Facteurs associés aux changements de poids chez les patients atteints de démence de type Alzheimer en stade précoce. Direction : Dr. Bryna Shatenstein. MELKI, Sandrine. Localisation du volet “Les petits cuistotsParents en réseaux” des Ateliers Cinq Épices dans l'ensemble des programmes nutritionnels au primaire. Direction : Dr. Olivier Receveur; co-direction: Dr. Johanne Bédard.

Quebec Region:

Huguette Turgeon-O’Brien et Anne-Marie Hamelin, respectivement professeur titulaire et professeur associée du département des sciences des aliments et de nutrition, ont obtenu un renouvellement de leur importante subvention du Kativik, Indian & Northen Affairs, Canada. Leur projet vise à mettre en œuvre un programme de prévention de la déficience en fer chez les enfants des garderies du Nunavik. Hélène Jacques, professeure du département des sciences des aliments et de nutrition et membre de l’Institut sur les nutraceutiques et les aliments fonctionnels, a été nommée directrice des études de 2e et de 3e cycle en nutrition de l’Université Laval pour un mandat de trois ans (1er septembre 2009 au 31 août 2012). Hélène Jacques a reçu la visite du Dr Stephen Ewart, Agent de recherches de l’ Institut des biosciences marines CNRC / Research Officer of NRC Institute for Marine Biosciences de Halifax, Nouvelle-Écosse. Il a présenté une conférence intitulée «Marine-based bioactive substances for nutraceuticals and functional food ingredients» le 16 avril 2009 à l’INAF.

U NIVERSITÉ LAVAL Correspondante: Dr. Hélène Jacques Professeur titulaire Département des sciences des aliments et de la nutrition Université Laval Québec G1K 7P4 (418) 656-2131, poste 3864 Fax: (418) 656-3353 Julie Robitaille, professeur sous octroi du département des sciences des aliments et de nutrition et membre de l’Institut sur les nutraceutiques et les aliments fonctionnels, a reçu le New Investigator Grant(s)-in-Aid de la Canadian Society of Atherosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology (Société canadienne d’athérosclérose, de thrombose et de biologie vasculaire). Marie-Claude Vohl, également professeur du département des sciences des aliments et de nutrition et membre de l’Institut sur les nutraceutiques et les aliments fonctionnels, a pour sa part reçu le M. Daria Haust Research Award de la Canadian Society of Atherosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology (Société canadienne d’athéro-sclérose, de thrombose et de biologie vasculaire). Il s'agit d'un prix réservé aux femmes effectuant de la recherche cardiovasculaire au Canada et qui cumulent moins de 10 ans depuis l’obtention d’un poste universitaire. Marie-Claude Vohl a également été nommée directrice du microprogramme de 2e cycle en alimentation fonctionnelle et santé de l’Université Laval.

Entre septembre 2008 et juin 2009, les étudiants suivants ont reçu un diplôme d’études supérieures en nutrition ou effectué leur soutenance : Alaofe, Halimatou, Ph.D. Évaluation d'une intervention nutritionnelle visant à prévenir l'anémie ferriprive chez des adolescentes pensionnaires au Bénin (Turgeon O'Brien, Huguette; Zee, John). Blouin, Karine, Ph.D. Androgènes et obésité chez l'homme et la femme (Tchernof, André; Luu The, Van). Gagnon, Hélène, M.Sc. Effets d'une intervention s'inspirant du nouveau paradigme en matière de gestion du poids sur l'empowerment de femmes aux prises avec des problèmes reliés au poids (Lemieux, Simone). Grenier, Geneviève, M.Sc. Impact de la consommation d'acides gras trans naturels et industriels sur le métabolisme des lipoprotéins (Lamarche, Benoît). Marsolais, Jean-François, M.Sc. Opinions, croyances et connaissances des diététiciens et des médecins généralistes du Québec sur les aliments fonctionnels et les nutraceutiques (Ouellet, Denise; West, Gale Ellen). Morisset, Anne-Sophie, M.Sc. Endocrin-ologie de l'obésité : Relation avec l'alimentation (Tchernof, André; Lemieux, Simone). Riopel-Meunier, Julie, M.Sc. Les effets d'une supplémentation en huile de poisson et/ou jus de canneberges sur la fonction

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From the Regional Correspondents endothéliale chez l'homme (Couillard, Charles). Paradis, Ann-Marie, Doctorat, Alimentation des individus avec Marie-Claude; et sans histoire familiale d'obésité (Vohl, Pérusse, Louis) Soutenance. Ouellet, Véronique, Doctorat, Effets de la protéine de morue sur la sensibilité à l'insuline chez des hommes et des femmes résistants à l'insuline (Jacques, Hélène; Weisnagel, S. John) Soutenance. Gallant Leblanc, Caroline P., Doctorat, Effet de la déficience en fer maternelle sur le métabolisme des acides gras essentiels et des éicosanoïdes et sur l'apprentissage spatial et le processus de mémoire de la progéniture chez le cochon d'Inde Rioux, France (Turgeon-O’Brien, Huguette; Surette, Marc E.) Soutenance. Dion, Marianne, Doctorat, Influence d'un programme d'éducation en nutrition d'une durée de trois ans sur les habitudes alimentaires d'enfants d'âge primaire (Alméras, Natalie) Dépôt initial.

Maritime Region ST. FRANCIS XAVIER U NIVERSITY Correspondent: Dr. Laurie Wadsworth Department of Human Nutrition St. Francis Xavier University Box 5000, Antigonish, NS B2G 2W5 (902) 867-2190 Fax: (902) 867-2389 Dr. Patti Clayton visited the Department of Human Nutrition to present a workshop covering threaded Service Learning activities as part of curriculum development, February 3-5, 2010. Dr. Clayton is Independent Consultant and Scholar, PHC Ventures; Senior Scholar, Center for Service and Learning Indiana University – Purdue University; and Visiting Fellow, New England Resource Center for Higher Education. She also presented a campus-wide workshop ‘Enhancing Student Learning through Service Learning: Tools for faculty’ and a discussion on ‘Documenting Service Learning for Promotion and Tenure.’ Human Nutrition faculty members were able to consult independently with Dr. Clayton to discuss potential learning activities for courses and learning assessment techniques.

Newfoundland and Labrador Region M EMORIAL U NIVERSITY Correspondent: Dr. Sukhinder Kaur Cheema Department of Biochemistry, BT 3012 Memorial University of Newfoundland St. John's, NF, Canada A1B 3X9 (709) 737-3987 Fax: (709) 737-2422 The biochemistry department was busy in preparation for an external academic program review process. A panel of two external and two internal reviewers met with the faculty, staff, graduate/undergraduate students, various departmental committees, Deans and other department heads during their two and a half days at the university in early April, 2009. The reviews are intended to be helpful and supportive in recognizing strengths and achievements, promoting goal setting and future planning, and identifying areas in need of attention. It was an intense process to go through but the department is looking forward to receiving the Committee’s report. Congratulations to Dr. John (Sean) Brosnan who was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. Well done Sean! We are very proud of your achievements. Dr. Brosnan was also elected as the Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee for Ajinomoto Inc, Tokyo. He was invited to give several talks, i.e. Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Dalhousie University; Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics, Oxford University; International Congress of Nutritional Sciences, Bangkok; Symposium on New Developments and Future Directions for Urea Cycle Disorders, La Jolla; Symposium on Regulation of Enzyme Activity, Bologna; David Baker Symposium, Des Moines. Dr. Sukhinder Cheema was invited to give four talks at various international conferences held in India in the month of December 2008, where she was a keynote speaker at the International Society of Heart Research conference held in Surat, India. The title of her talk was “The importance of maternal dietary fats in the “programming” of heart disease in the offspring in later life”. She also was invited to give a talk on “Postnatal effects of maternal nutrition” at the 33rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Nutrition Society of Australia in December 2009. Dr. Cheema was also invited to give a talk on “Maternal nutrition during pregnancy and adiposity in the offspring” at the 2nd International Symposium on Adipobiology and Adipopharmacology (ISAA), Varna, Bulgaria in October 2009. She was successful at obtaining a three year CIHR operating

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From the Regional Correspondents grant and a Grants-in-Aid grant from the Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada to study the health benefits of marine oils

“Early Nutrition and the Development of Adult Diseases: Where are We and What’s Next?”

Dr. Rob Bertolo was invited speaker at the (CSCN - CSNS) Annual Scientific Session, Quebec City, QC, May 31, 2009. The title of his talk was “Maternal nutrition: What do we know about maternal intake of micronutrients and their implications for long-term chronic disease risk”. He was also invited to the International Life Sciences Institute (North America) Annual Meeting, Tucson, Arizona, Jan 19-21, 2009 to give a talk on

Semone Myrie, a PhD student with Dr. Bertolo, successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled “Developmental origins of cardiovascular disease in Yucatan miniature swine”, in Sept 2009. Semone is now at the University of Manitoba. Dr. Simon Lamarre, a postdoctoral fellow with Dr. Sean Brosnan, received a CIHR postdoctoral fellowship. ■

CNS ANNUAL MEETING Towards New Roads and New Paths, the Inaugural Meeting

Welcome to Edmonton!

June 3 – 5


Sutton Place Hotel Edmonton, Alberta

The Canadian Nutrition Society/Société canadienne de nutrition (CNS/SCN) is the leading society integrating disciplines and professions interested in nutrition. The Canadian Society for Clinical Nutrition (CSCN) and the Canadian Society for Nutritional Sciences (CSNS) merged and became the CNS/SCN on January 1, 2010.

PROGRAM INCLUDES: Opening Ceremony & Plenary Session features a buffet dinner and presentation of the Khush Jeejeebhoy Award Session topics such as: • Omega 3 Fatty Acids and Health Benefits • Advances in Obesity Management • Wheat Bran Fibre: The Original Functional Food • Feeding the Surgical Patient and the Role of Perioperative Nutrition & Physical Rehabilitation • Sodium: Updates and Next Steps in Canada Annual Awards Banquet including presentations for the recipients of the Nestlé Student Competition, Earle Willard McHenry Award, Centrum Foundation New Scientist Award and the Joanne Schweitzer Award

Register On-line at CNS/SCN Nutrition Forum de Nutrition • Spring 2010 • Page 16

CNS Partners

Mark Your Calendar for these Upcoming CNS Annual MEETINGS… GUELPH June 2-4, 2011 University of Guelph Guelph, Ontario

VANCOUVER May 20 - 27, 2012 The Westin Bayshore Vancouver, BC

CNS/SCN Nutrition Forum de Nutrition • Spring 2010 • Page 17

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