International Stress Awareness Week Day Three: Managing your Stress

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International Stress Awareness Week Day 3: Managing your Stress The Stress Management Society offers a free Individual Stress Test. It focuses on lifestyle questions and common stressors. They will email you a confidential report based on your responses which will include some tips to help you improve lifestyle factors which, in turn, may improve your stress levels. Give this a go and make a note of any additional things you could be doing to help make you more resilient to stress in your day-to-day life. General lifestyle things you can do to improve your stress as outlined by the Red Cross are: healthy eating taking regular breaks good sleeping patterns physical exercise or activities

breathing and relaxation exercises managing your time well talking to people

All of the above might help build your resilience to stress. It can be really tough when stress becomes too much, and our day-to-day coping techniques aren’t enough. In situations like this we can feel overwhelmed, panicky, agitated, or nervous.

Simple Quick Wins – Managing our Breathing Breathing techniques can be helpful in mediately calming us. If we control our breathing our brain automatically stops sending stress and anxiety signals to the rest of our body. This then allows us to assess what is causing us stress and plan an action for it. The Stress Management Society recommends the following breathing exercise. Give it a go and make a note of how it makes you feel. Sit or stand in a comfortable and relaxed position Imagine a triangle that starts at your belly button and the corners are at your hips Inside that triangle is a ball or a balloon Every time you take in a breath, imagine that ball or balloon filling up with air Take a nice slow deep breath in through the nose and fill your belly up with air Hold at the top of the breath for 5 seconds Slowly exhale through the mouth, pulling the navel to the spine You can do this just a few times to release tension, or for several minutes as a form of meditation If you like, you can make you throat tighter as you exhale, so the air comes out like a whisper. This type of breathing is used in some forms of yoga and can add additional tension relief.

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