We know your ability to complete Activities of Daily Living independently can impact on your mental health and vice versa. Your OT will look at how you are able to complete tasks and support you to change or adapt in order to complete these more effectively. We may adapt the task, the way you do the task or the environment in which you do the task or the intensity of the task.
1. Initial Assessments
When you first arrive at HWC your OT will complete the Initial Assessments with you, namely;
The Interest Checklist
The OSA (Occupational Self-Assessment)
The OCAIRS (Occupational Circumstances Assessment Interview and Rating Scale)
These assessments help us to:
Build a rapport with you
Get to know you, your habits, routines, capabilities and function
Help you identify goals you wish to achieve while in hospital and in the future.
2. Goal Plan
We will help you to:

Identify your Functional needs/goals.

Prioritise those that are most important to you Help you write step-by-step plans to achieve them
These goals will be individual and personal to you, based on your needs, motivations, interests.
3. Interventions
OT interventions incorporate all ‘Activities of Daily Living that adults require to live independently. You will often hear them referred to as ADL’s.

The ADL areas we cover include:
Domestic ADL’s/ Personal ADL’s / Community ADL’s and Meaningful ADL’s - see below for more details. We will help you to learn the skills required to complete those ADL’s
4. Review / Re-assess
Estabish a meaningful routine
Identify and complete hobbies and interests independently
Internal volunteer work
Peer- led projects
Socialisation skills
Where you have improved ��
What areas / tasks still need work and
We continually assess (sometimes formally) to see: how to adapt your goals/ plans accordingly.