Pinetree Court hospital in Wales is a specialist locked rehabilitation service, providing personcentred care for men and women over the age of 18, with learning disabilities, behaviours that challenge, and/or mental illness or personality disorder.

We are able to support people from across the UK, who require a short period in hospital when detention under the Mental Health Act has become necessary
We deliver psychologically-informed intensive treatment, therapy and active rehabilitation within a safe and therapeutic environment. Our models are centred on Positive Behaviour Support, Active Support and our unique Building Better Lives .
Pinetree benefits from a community-based step-down pathway enabling stays in hospital to be kept to a minimum Our residential services across South Wales and Bristol and our supported living services in England, are also able to offer the continued multidisciplinary support and oversight of our MDT teams to ensure consistency of care
To find out more about our step-down services visit:

Specialist Treatment Pathways
Click here to read more about the specialist treatment pathways we have available at Pinetree Court Hospital.
In the past 12 months 78% of the people we support have been discharged into a community setting to either a supported living service or residential service
Discharge is planned on admission with the local case management team and length of stay over the past two years has not exceeded 24 months
We use HONOS LD to measure behaviour, impairment, symptoms and social functioning. Data from the last 12 months shows that over half of those we support have made improvements in these areas.
Our team formulation approach, led by the Psychology department ensures that the nursing and support staff gain a better understating of the individual's difficulties and develop a shared and consistent approach. Results demonstrate that this approach has a positive impact on reducing incidents.
An important aspect of the rehabilitation support that Pinetree offers is encouraging service users to develop the skills they need to integrate into the community
Our Activity and Vocational Team run a programme of courses and activities aimed at developing work-related skills, and have had considerable success organising both volunteering and paid work placements.

Click here to view Pinetree's Activity Brochure.
Case study: Sarah
Pinetree Court received an urgent referral for Sarah, a young lady diagnosed with Autism and severe learning disabilities.
Sarah was living with her parents in the community and due to a number of incidents of physical aggression towards her parents these living arrangements had broken down Due to being considered a risk to others, Sarah was detained under the Mental Health Act and placed temporarily on a mental health ward which proved unsettling for her, due to being inappropriately placed.
Sarah’s parents and support team were keen to have her moved quickly to a hospital which could provide the right care and treatment
Prior to her admission to Pinetree Court the clinical team met with Sarah’s parents to reassure them that Pinetree’s assessment protocols, clinical practices and treatment and rehabilitation pathways would be appropriate for their daughter, and that a time-limited care pathway would be planned with the aim of returning Sarah to the community as quickly and safely as possible
What did Sarah and her family want to achieve?
Key goals for Sarah were to:
Move back to her family and community in as short a timeframe as possible
Maintain contact with her family and key attachments throughout the rehabilitation process. Help both Sarah and her family develop strategies to manage her behaviour and minimise incidents of behaviours of concern
Access amenities in the community to maintain a level of normality and exercise her citizenship. To develop independent living skills.
What did we do to achieve these goals?
After a full clinical assessment led by the Psychology team a person-centred Positive Behavioural Support plan was drawn up from a psychological formulation which detailed the reasons for Sarah’s behaviours and a plan to support her behaviours of concern, manage risk, and the medication she required
Our team also supported Sarah’s parents to educate them on the behaviours she was showing along with prevention techniques and non-restrictive practises to eliminate the risk of physical incidents.
At Sarah’s prior placement she hadn’t been given any activities to engage in, so the Pinetree team developed a very active timetable for her both to develop her life skills and engage in meaningful activity
What were the outcomes for Sarah?
Sarah fully engaged in all her planned activities and treatment programme at Pinetree Court. Her PBS plan was successful in helping to reduce incidents and behaviours of concern and at her Mental Health Tribunal Sarah’s detention was removed
Within 3 months of arriving at Pinetree, Sarah was able to move back into the community and live with her parents again.
If you would like to find out more about Pinetree Court, arrange a visit or discuss someone you are working with who we may be able to support, please contact Becky James: