Level 4 Certificate in Developing a New Business Plan Qualification listed on OfQual website | Accredited by QUALIFI, UK | Assignment based | Tutor support via live chat
Key facts about Level 3 Diploma in Hospitality and Tourism Management
100% Online: Study online with the UK’s leading online course provider. Global programme: Study anytime, anywhere using your laptop, phone or a tablet. Study material: Comprehensive study material and e-library support available at no additional cost. Payment plans: Interest free monthly, quarterly and half yearly payment plans available for all courses.
Fee Structure Programme is offered in following duration modes
6 months (Accelerated mode) - GBP £1250 9 months (Standard mode) - GBP £950
0% Interest rate – Payment plans
6 months (Accelerated mode)- GBP £1250 o Payment option (a): GBP £416 x 3 monthly instalments o Payment option (b): GBP £1187.50 x 1 instalment (We offer 5% bursary on total fee for students opting to pay in full)
9 months - GBP £950 o Payment option (c): GBP £190 x 5 monthly instalments o Payment option (d): GBP £475 x 2 quarterly instalments o Payment option (e): GBP £902.50 x 1 instalment (We offer 5% bursary on total fee for students opting to pay in full)