Business Communication Unit Reference Number Unit Title Unit Level Number of Credits Total Qualification Time (TQT) Guided Learning Hours (GLH) Mandatory / Optional Unit Grading Structure
A/617/6039 Business Communication 5 20 200 hours 80 Mandatory Pass / Fail
Unit Aims The aim of this unit is to enable students to enhance their skills in written as well as oral communication in relation to business requirements. This unit will help students in understanding the principles and techniques of business communication in logistics and supply chain management. Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria Learning OutcomesThe learner will: 1. Understand the fundamentals of communication in business.
2. Understand business communication in a multicultural world.
3. Understand ethical and legal issues in business communication. 4. Understand departmental communication in a business context.
Assessment CriteriaThe learner can: 1.1 Explain the meaning and significance of communication in business. 1.2 Describe the process of communication. 1.3 Analyse principles of effective business communication. 2.1 Explain the idea of a global world in relation to business communication. 2.2 Analyse the impact of globalisation on organisational and multicultural communication. 2.3 2.3 Analyse the cross-cultural dimensions of business communication. 3.1 Explain the legal issues encountered in business communication. 3.2 Analyse the ethical issues involved in business communication. 4.1 Explain the types of departmental communication used in business. 4.2 Analyse the principles of effective departmental communications in business. 4.3 Explain the barriers to effective departmental communication in business.
Indicative Content Learning Outcome 1: Business Communication—Definition and Meaning Process - The sender, the receiver, the message, the medium, feedback, noise, context; Types- informal, formal; verbal, nonverbal, written communication.
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