HE LIVES... The miracle of Easter
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 2011 A supplement to the Amite Tangi Digest, Kentwood News Ledger and St. Helena Echo
HE LIVES...The miracle of Easter
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
SHEPHERDS IN THE FIELD. Shepherds keep watch over their ocks the night of Jesus ’ birth before being led to the stable where the Christ child lay. Shepherds shown are Gabriel Estay, Gavin Estay, Jonathan Magee and Preston Womack.
A SAVIOR IS BORN. Angel Seth Tolar proclaims the news that a savior has been born this night in bethlehem.
Come Celebrate Resurrection Sunday with Mt. Nebo!
April 24, 2011 Sunrise Service at 7:00 am Sunday School at 9:45 am Worship Service at 11:00 am Evening Service at 6:30 pm
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CHRIST IS BORN. Joseph and Mary portrayed by Kristi, and Scott Womack, sitting in the stable in Bethlehem with their new born son Jesus who is Christ the Lord, portrayed by Slade Womack.
Harrell Gas 74068 Highway 51 Kentwood
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
HE LIVES...The miracle of Easter
JESUS LOVED. Tom Tolar portrays Jesus Christ holding sweet little Darby Tolar as he gathers with the crowd rejoicing and celebrating the coming of the Messiah.
JESUS HEALS THE BLIND. Tom Tolar portrays Jesus performing his many miracles as he heals the blind man portrayed by Gerald Grifth.
Celebrate Easter... Celebrate Jesus!
THE LORD BETRAYED. Judas, portrayed by Robert Brister, betrays Jesus for 30 pieces of silver to the high priests portrayed by David Sellers and Jimmy Harrell.
Brookeside Pools Amite
Bob, Carol, Lewis, Rachael, Dakota Clifford, Landon, Robin, and Chay
Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4
HE LIVES...The miracle of Easter
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
THE LORD ’S SUPPER. Jesus, portrayed by Tom Tolar, and his disciples break bread during the Lord ’s Supper the night before Jesus ’ crucixion. Disciples are Robert Brister, Eddie Keith Schwartz, Willis Rhodus, Lawson Magee. Ladd Turner, Chase Sharkey, Bubba Huckaby, Russ Tolar, Marty Simpson, Mike Harrison, Tedd Titus, and Keith Womack.
JESUS BEARS THE CROSS. Jesus suffered a beating from Roman soldier Bubba Roberts as he carried his cross to Calvary.
JESUS ACCUSED. Roman soldiers lead Jesus before the high priests portrayed by David Sellers and Jimmy Harrell during the illegal trial held before his crucixion.
Brown Morris Pharmacy 717 Ave. G • Kentwood
985-229-7777 Dan & Penny Scardulla • Owners
& THRIFTSTORE Volunteers are needed to help serve our community. 122 NE Central Ave • Amite • 748-4747
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
HE LIVES...The miracle of Easter
THE CROSS OF CALVARY. Tom Tolar portrays Jesus hung on the cross while Roman soldiers portrayed by Lionel Estay, Karl Newman, Wesley Corkern, and Bubba Roberts stand guard.
RESURRECTION OF JESUS. Tom Tolar portrays the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
HE IS ALIVE. Angels proclaim the news, Jesus has risen while the heavenly hosts of heaven rejoice.
Photos by Margaret Andrews Layout by Marcia Sims
FUNERAL HOME 110 East Factory St. • Amite
Happy Easter! 512 North Second Street • Amite, LA 70422 • 985-748-8191(24 985-748-8191(2 hours) 8:00 am - 6:00 pm Monday - Friday • 8:30 am - 2:30 pm Saturday
985-748-7178 501 Avenue G • Kentwood
God is our refuge and strength
HE LIVES...The miracle of Easter
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Holy Week The Christian “Holy Week ” which began Sunday, April 17 reminds Christians of the Life and Passion of Jesus Christ, including the Last Supper, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday, when Jesus Christ rose from the Dead. On Monday, the Jewish week of Passover begins when people of the Jewish faith commemorate the saving of the rst male born in each family from the angel of death, and the freedom of the Israelites from the slavery of the Egyptians. We are called to give praise and thanksgiving to our Creator and to love our God with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength. We are easily reminded that throughout all time and history that God has never abandoned His creation. He gave to us our human life and a free will, and patiently waits for us to follow the examples of faith, hope, and love which He has continually provided to us. Unfortunately, in today ’s secular society, we have replaced His greatness, with our belief that we are the “masters ” of our own destiny, and that we “know ’ ’ better than our Creator what is in our best interest. This egocentric pride prevents us from being humble enough to submit to the love and caring of our Creator for His creation. Our systematic exclusion of God from our vocabulary, society, culture, public events, buildings, texts, and any other recognition or reference is prideful and arrogant since the gift of life we enjoy is the greatest gift each of us has received from God. The United States of America was founded by faithlled people who understood the importance of having God in their life and lives. They submitted themselves to Him and His greatness, and understood that real freedom and liberty came from the Cre-
ator, not a human founded government. This week offers another opportunity for each of us to follow the example of Jesus Christ, who came into the world with nothing material, and left it in that same way. We can reect, remember, and appreciate all of the many blessings which we have received in our life, and be thankful for the many times when we have been given the strength to endure those other times when we faced burdens, challenges, or obstacles in our life. We see so many acts of violence against the person or the property of another which indicates that many are still trying to nd satisfaction and happiness in this world from power, control, wealth, position, authority, or material possessions, and have left God out of their life. We are invited to return to God and follow the example set by His son to live a life which gives to the Creator the praise and thanks deserved, and to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. The respect for human life in all of its various forms, from conception to death, is a rst start toward acceptance of the gift granted by the graciousness of the Creator, not the result of random biological happenings. Even though many will focus on the ham, lamb, dyed eggs, chocolate rabbits and candy to celebrate a “holiday ”, we can still make this week and Easter Sunday, a real “Holy Day ” by using our various talents, abilities and resources to be of service to another, and in praise and thanksgiving of God and His Son. We can commit to replacing a “vice ” with a “virtue ”, just by loving our neighbor as we love ourselves. No one has been guaranteed a easy life, but we are assured that as we encounter the challenges, ob-
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stacles, and difculties of life, that God will never abandon His creation in their time of need, and never has done so. Our call is to be patient, tolerant, wise, understanding, kind, courteous, loving, compassionate, merciful and forgiving just as our God has been with each of us throughout our various sinfulness, failings, and failures. His mercy and forgiveness for each of us is unlimited, and only a request away. All seek peace of mind, heart, and soul, and yet try to do so, by the accumulation of wealth, possessions, control, and/or authority or power over another, rather than being of service to the needs of another where personal fulllment, true happiness, and eternal salvation can be achieved. The life and death of Jesus Christ is a clear reminder of the limitless love of our God for His creation. The enduring of pain, suffering, and death by Him for our salvation without any desire for political power or control, wealth, fame, fortune, or earthly possessions, validates the boundless love that our God had, and continues to have, for His creation. We can commence this week, with a fresh start to commit to being of service to one another, and replacing the vices in our life with virtues, and turning to God with the praise and thanksgiving He deserves, and ask for His forgiveness and mercy for our failings and faults. In our society may we return God to the forefront, and as we encounter our family, friends, associates, customers, competitors, acquaintances, or strangers, let us do so with a Stronger Faith, Never-Ending Hope, and with Everlasting Love. The verse/prayer below is attributed to Mother Teresa:
People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered; forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selsh, ulterior motives; be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some false friends, and some true enemies; be successful anyway. If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; be honest and frank anyway. What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight; build anyway. If you nd serenity and happiness, they may be jealous; be happy anyway. The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; do good anyway. If you nd serenity and happiness, they may be jealous; be happy anyway. Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough; Give the world the best you have anyway. Remember in the nal analysis, it is between you and God; it was never between you and them anyway. Amen. May you and your family, friends, neighbors, and associates, experience a Blessed, Holy, and Happy Easter and/or a fullling Passover as you give thanks and praise to our God and Creator and by loving our neighbor as we love ourselves. J.H. Campbell, Jr. Associated Grocers, Inc. P.O. Box 261748 Baton Rouge, La. 70826-1748
First Baptist Church Rev. Michael Foster, Pastor
Located at 117 East Olive Street P. O. Box 935 Telephone (985) 748-7135 Amite, LA 70422 Fax (985) 748-4450 Special Service on Good Friday at 6:00 p.m. Lord's Supper WEEKLY WORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES
9:00-10:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:15-11:15 a.m. Morning Worship 6:00 p.m. Evening Worship (NO EVENING SERVICES ON EASTER SUNDAY)
5:30-6:00 p.m. Family Night Supper 6:00-6:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting 6:30-7:30 p.m. Discipleship Classes Youth meet "At the Gate" Choir Rehearsal Wednesday Night Children’s Activities 6:00-7:00 p.m. G.A.s & R.A.s, Mission Friends 6:00-7:30 p.m. Nursery for Bed Babies & Toddlers
Website: firstbaptistamitela.com
HE LIVES...The miracle of Easter
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Easter Fun Facts... • When taking a bite into a chocolate bunny, 76% of Americans prefer to bite off the ears rst. 5% eat the feet rst and 4% eat the tail rst. • During the Easter season, Americans buy more than 700 million Peeps - making Peeps the most popular non-chocolate Easter candy. • Adults prefer milk chocolate (65%) over dark chocolate (27%). • Each day throughout the year, 5 million marshmallow chicks and bunnies are produced in preparation for Easter. • 16 billion jelly beans are made specically for Easter which is enough to ll a plastic egg the size of a 9-story building. • Kids prefer red jelly beans and 75% are willing to do extra chores for more Easter candy. • 57% of kids get up super early on Easter to see what the Easter bunny has brought them. • 80% of parents carry on the tradition of the Easter bunny by preparing a surprise Easter basket lled with goodies for their children and 90% of adults hope for their own Easter treat. • The rst chocolate eggs were made in Germany in the 19th century and remain one of the most popular Easter candies today. • In the old days pretzels were associated with Easter because the twists of the pretzel were thought to resemble arms crossing in prayer. • The exchange of eggs for Easter dates back to a springtime custom older than Easter itself in which eggs were given as a symbol of rebirth in many cultures.
• The Easter egg roll on the White House lawn has been a tradition since 1878. • After Halloween, Easter is the biggest candy consuming holiday. • 90 million chocolate Easter bunnies are made for Easter each year. • The world ’s largest jelly bean weighs over 6000 pounds. • Each day, ve million marshmallow chicks and bunnies are produced in preparation for Easter. • 82 percent of Americans say they would prefer a chocolate or candy bunny for Easter, while only 4 percent say they would prefer a live rabbit. • 63 percent of Americans would most like to receive a chocolate bunny on Easter morning, followed by marshmallow bunnies. • Kids rst grab for chocolate bunnies (76 percent) when checking out their Easter baskets, followed by marshmallow treats (18 percent), malted milk balls/eggs (17 percent) and jelly beans (16 percent). • Nearly 120 million cards with be sent, exchanged, and given this Easter, which means it holds the fourth spot of the largest card-sending celebration in the U.S. • An astounding 16 billion jelly beans are made exclusively for Easter. That ’s enough beans to ll a plastic egg the size of a nine story building! • Like many holidays, Easter also has catchy tunes. One Easter carol, with words in Latin, was Tempus adest oridum, translated as ‘Spring has now brought forth the owers ’. Other ‘Easter Carols ’ include ‘Here comes Peter Cottontail ’, ‘Easter Parade ’, and ‘The Carnival Song ’.
Kentwood First Baptist Church 310 Avenue E • Kentwood • 985-229-8111 Celebrate the Risen Lord! Jesus is alive! He is risen! He is risen indeed! Easter Service Times Join us for our Easter Program during regular Sunday Morning Service.
New Covenant Church of God 64585 Russell Town Rd. • Roseland, LA
Sunday School 9:30 am Sunday Worship Service 10:30 am Wednesday Bible Study 7pm
Early Worship
8:15 am
Bible Study
9:15 am
10:30 am
Kentwood First Baptist Church Ministry Staff Joey Miller - Pastor Butch Reviere - Assoc. Pastor of Worship & Discipleship Michael Harrison - Student Minister
HE LIVES...The miracle of Easter
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Easter changed everything A college student had reached a point in his life where he was questioning things taught him by his parents and church: the meaning of life, the reliability of the Bible, how the world began, how to prepare for eternity, to name a few. Answers kept eluding him so I raised one more question: “Did Jesus Christ come out of the grave alive? ” I wanted this passionate seeker to face my question because I knew acceptance of the resurrection would drive away his doubts and change his view of life, death and eternity just as it had for millions who came before him. In his book, “FIRST EASTER, The True and Unfamiliar Story, ” Dr. Paul Maier, a long time professor of history at Western Michigan University, called the week of the death and resurrection of Christ “the week that changed the world. ” Dr. Maier was especially moved by the impact of the resurrection on the disciples of Christ, writing: “The psychological change of the disciples is certainly striking. What transformed Peter, the man who could be unhinged by questions from a servant girl into so bold a spokesman for the faith
that even the entire Sanhedrin could not silence him? Had the disciples deceitfully tried to spawn a new faith on the world, would they have gone on to give their very lives for it? Clearly, they were themselves convinced that Jesus rose. ” It is true that some of the disciples had trouble believing that Christ had risen. The one called doubting Thomas said he could only believe in the resurrection if he could place his nger in the places the nails had pierced the hands of his Lord and thrust his hand into the spear wound in His side. But after one weak week, this doubter became so dedicated to Christ that he spent his life telling others to trust the living One. The women who had stood last at the cross were the rst to arrive at the tomb on Easter morning, but even they came with weak faith, intending to anoint the body of Jesus with spices to preserve it. Their encounter with the risen One, however, dried their tears and drove away their fears. What happened that made such a dramatic change in this tiny group of discouraged disciples?
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The resurrection! They were convinced that their Lord had risen from the grave and this assurance overcame any doubts they may have entertained and settled the resurrection issue for them for the rest of their lives. There are many accepted proofs of the resurrection, including the empty tomb and the existence of millions of believers in spite of the perils of persecution. The strongest evidence of the resurrection of our Lord, however, may be the changed lives of those discouraged and doubting disciples. After the resurrection, these weak ones traded their fears for faith and their focus from death to life. Those who follow their example will nd strength to cope with each problem they face every day. Roger Campbell is an author, a broadcaster and columnist who was a pastor for 22 years. He can be reached at rcministry@ameritech.net
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