October 12, 2012 - Lone Star Outdoor News - Fishing & Hunting

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LoneOStar Outdoor News

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October 12, 2012

367 2/8! Could this be the biggest buck ever taken in Texas?

Texas’ Premier Outdoor Newspaper

October 12, 2012

Monster low-fenced buck highlights bow opener


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Volume 9, Issue 4

One of the biggest low-fenced nontypicals in past 10 years By Conor Harrison Lone Star outdoor newS

A.J. Downs knew when he and his brother, Quentin, saw the big buck on a trail camera in August that the deer would be the biggest he’d ever get the chance to hunt on his lease in San Jacinto County along the Trinity River. The Conroe hunter had been on the 13,000-acre lease for the past seven years and had taken some nice deer, but nothing that looked like this. “We had trail cam pictures of this buck in late August,” Downs said. “We had him patterned pretty good, but as he shed his velvet his pattern changed. For about two weeks, he disappeared.” The hunters had two ground blinds in the area, and when they went to check their stands before opening weekend, they caught a glimpse of the buck. “After we saw him in person, we


Fish of a (long) lifetime

98-year-old angler catches biggest fish of her life. Page 8

Stripers are biting on Texoma Cooler temps pushing the bite.

Page 8


See MONSTER, Page 16

Pronghorn success

HAPPY IN THE RAIN: A.J. Downs gets wet as he shows off the big deer he killed on the opening weekend of the Texas bow season. The buck is one of the top nontypicals to come from a low-fenced Texas ranch in the past 10 years. Photo by A.J. Downs.

Hunters reporting quality bucks in the Panhandle, but Trans-Pecos region tough. Page 4

Can you or can't you? Officials offer different interpretations for hunting waterfowl over millet. Page 4


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Cooler temps helping crappie anglers

Dallas man arrested for offering fake deer leases

Fish biting better, coming shallower

Hunters duped by Craigslist ads By Conor Harrison Lone Star outdoor newS

Ellis County Game Warden Jeff Powell knew he had to catch this guy. That became clear when Powell spoke MARTIN WENDELL with a hunter who TANNER told him the story of being duped by a Dallas man offering deer leases in Ellis County in 2009. “The worst part was when the hunter told me they loaded up for opening weekend, had the kids going and everything, and went out to what they thought was their lease,” Powell said. “When they got there, the landowner told them they’d been scammed. When he told me he saw his little kid start crying because See MAN ARRESTED, Page 18

DOWNRIGHT PLEASANT: With scorching summer temperatures in the past, the crappie bite is turning on. Photo by Catch A Trophy.

By John Keith

Lone Star outdoor newS Anglers are enjoying the cool fronts that have moved across most of the state, and reports indicate that the crappie are also responding well to the mild weather. “They’re hitting those jigs like they have a running start at it,” said Corinth angler and Jigit Jigs Founder Stephen Lain. “The smallest fish I’ve brought home over the last five or six outings has been 14 or 15 inches.” Fishing Lewisville Lake, Lain said anglers can even get some extra sleep in before they

hit the water. “If you’re going out for crappie, there’s no sense in going out early,” he said. “The crappie sleep late, so take your time. I go out about 9 or 9:30 and take my time putting in.” The best water depth to target the fish has changed along with the temperatures. “Last week, the concentration was at 14 feet, and this week the concentration was in 10 feet,” Lain said. “The magic depth was 10 feet, but I’ve caught some as shallow as 7 feet, and as deep as 13.” Altering from the norm, Lain said he doesn’t target brush piles, instead preferring standing timber, marina posts

or bridge columns. Grapevine fishing guide Benny Dabney has also had recent success jigging for crappie instead of using minnows. “It’s a whole lot easier because I don’t ever have jigs die,” he said. “It doesn’t get much better than it’s been. The last two months have just been unreal.” Jigging brush piles between 14 and 18 feet has been the ticket for Dabney. “Until about November, December, they stay out on the lakes, coming up shallower to get in the cooler water,” he said. “The bites have been in See CRAPPIE, Page 27

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