Livewire: the voice of Bullitt East High School
Prom Season
What to do before the dancing
Sewell Flexes Golden Pipes Looks to become idol to the masses
So Long Seniors East turns page on class of 2011
May 2011 Volume 1, Issue 5
NewsmagazineBEHS2011issue5.indd 1
5/3/2011 3:44:21 PM
Livewire: the voice of Bullitt East High School From the desk of the editor-in-chief It has been a pretty solid transitional year for the Livewire staff. On the heels of the debut of our little rag on actual newsprint, I wondered what this year could possibly have in store. My own expectation is that not much would change. I mean, we had a good thing going. When the class went to Kansas City and we came back to complete change, I still wasn’t sure what to make of it. Regardless at that point I had resigned myself to saying, “se vale” which translates to something like whatever happens, happens. With a new website and a full color newsmagazine, things got rolling and the product has been pretty good as we continue to work out the kinks and iron out a new production system. After doing a weekly paper for nearly a decade, there is a lot to change when you consider that one part is monthly and another is daily. Finding a balance is difficult. We are closer. The magazine is looking really solid and the production schedule is nearly worked out to prevent headaches for future editors and layout artists. On the website side, I have been a little disappointed with our consistency. I admit having daily updates and same day sports coverage is pretty ambitious for a small staff, but it’s what we have to do to be the best. What I will take from this year is a realistic view of where we are going in the near future. I’m excited for what’s to come and I owe a lot to this group of staffers for being so flexible through the changes, frustrations and, at times, failures that we endured. There are some things that I will remember from this group that will guide the future of our production. I don’t usually do this sort of thing. I usually just walk around telling them what’s wrong and what they need to fix, but I would like to point out a few things that have resonated with me over the course of the year. First, our ambition to want to feature each senior on the website helps set a standard that I hope never goes away. The idea that every person is newsworthy is something that I hope becomes a hallmark of our staff. Kayla Bryant, Katie Warner, and Brooke Mullins worked diligently at this task and continue to try to meet their goad right up through the final days of school. Hayden and Ryne taking on the bachelor/bachelorette page was in some ways life changing for each of them, not to mention Keenan Cischke. I know the impact of taking journalism and how it changes you as a person and how is makes you, in almost every way, more prepared for college and is an indicator of future success verses peers who don’t have a journalism background. These two are prime examples of this and, in fact, Ryne stepped up to layout some of the pages in this magazine. Our copy editors, Kayla Swanson, Emily Priddy, and Rachel Simms helped me define what that job will be and how it will evolve in the future. Kayla deserves special mention as some one who has really helped define what it means to be a journalism student here. She has held just about every position on this staff and we would not be where we are without her efforts and grace in accepting any assignment. Perhaps the thing that I will remember most about this particular year was seeing how Emily Nalley developed as Bullitt East’s media person for the state basketball tournament. By choosing her, I knew I was taking a risk as usually pictures are reserved for the yearbook class, but I wanted someone who could cover the story as well. She did a splendid job and saw her efforts rewarded by appearing in print in the Pioneer News. Lastly, I couldn’t have made it through this year without Sidney Blanford and McKenzie Perdew. Their dedication to the cause, attention to detail, work ethic and long hours and (sometimes) patience are the calling cards of what excellence is all about. Thanks to the journalism staff for a great year. Because of the groundwork they laid, I’m already excited for next year’s staff to get started. Larry Steinmetz
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5/3/2011 3:44:25 PM
Livewire: the voice of Bullitt East High School
Graduation Looms editor-in-chief Larry Steinmetz managing editor Sidney Blanford executive editor Cameron Love copy editor Emily Priddy copy editor Rachel Simms copy editor Kayla Swanson creative editor McKenzie Perdew photography editor Emily Nalley advertising editor Brent Pierce business manager Zach Rodamaker staff writers Cortez Brown Kayla Bryant Daniel Daugherty Dakota Dawson Ryne McMullen Austin Money Brooke Mullins Marissa Russell Hayden Sweat Katie Warner contributing writer Evan Young
Epitudd: Enthusiasm, Passion, Innovative, Unity, Dream, and Dedication Livewire was re-founded in 2001 by journalism teacher, Larry Steinmetz. In the past, the Livewire has been a weekly newspaper, but starting this year, we will be a newsmagazine published four to five times a year. Although the print edition will not come out as frequently, the staff remains comitted to bringing the Bullitt East community the most up to date news in a quality format and timely manner. To get breaking news, sports updates, and more go online to ww2.bullittschools.org/behslivewire. The staff appreciates your patronage and encourages any feedback you care to offer. Letters to the editor must be typed and submitted via e-mail, to Mr. Steinmetz’s mailbox, or directly to room 324 within one week of the publication in which you are responding. Letters will not be censored, but must be deemed appropriate by the editor and advisor in order to be published. In order to be eligible to appear in the paper, all letters must be signed and verifiable. Names can be witheld upon request, but must be submitted with the original letter. Livewire is published by the students and for the students of Bullitt East High School, Emailing Mr. Steinmetz directly is the best way to reach the staff. His address is larry.steinmetz@ bullitt.kyschools.us. The Livewire is printed by Publishers Printing Company. Bullitt East High School 11450 Highway 44 East, Mount Washington, Kentucky, 40047. (502) 904-6400.
Best Events
As we wind the school year down, the Livewire would like to take a moment to reflect on the events and people that made the 2010-2011 school year a unique one.
Freshman Change Everybody has noticed the mass amounts of freshman in the hallways this year. Cameron takes an inside look into how the Class of 2014 changed the look of East this year.
Goodbye to Seniors 13 After twelve long years, it is finally time to say goodbye. Seniors, teachers, and administration bid farewell to the Class of 2011.
Everyone wants to know all the details about the big dance tomorrow. Brooke takes an inside look to all the happenings of Prom 2011.
With the end of the school year just around the corner, two of our senior writers, Brent Pierce and Kayla Swanson, take a look a the pros and cons of leaving home and going to college.
NewsmagazineBEHS2011issue5.indd 3
5/3/2011 3:44:48 PM
Livewire: the voice of Bullitt East High School
The Best As we wind the school year down, the Livewire would like to take a moment to reflect on the events and people that made the 2010-2011 school year a unique one. From sports teams to the drama department, the Livewire has covered it all and as a collective group, we believe the following made this school year a special one.
Cassie Koevoets (12)
compiled by Dakota Dawson | photos Dakota Dawson, McKenzie Perdew, and Kayla Swanson
BE beats BC by a score of 10-7. [10.29.10]
Keenan Cischke (10)
Trey Rakes (1
Logan Pruitt (11)
Talent Show [10.20.10] MAY 2011 NewsmagazineBEHS2011issue5.indd 4
ww2.bullittschools.org/BEHSLivewire/ 5/3/2011 3:45:40 PM
Livewire: the voice of Bullitt East High School
of East 2011... All Shook Up Production []
Shane Childers (10)
Derek Willis (10)
Hayden Sweat (12)
Rocketball [10.01.10]
Boys Basketball Goes to State [3.22.11]
Cheerleaders Place 9th at Nationals [2.12.11] Livewire NewsmagazineBEHS2011issue5.indd 5
Neon Madness [10.01.10]
HUMAN INTEREST 5/3/2011 3:46:46 PM
9 6
Livewire: the voice of Bullitt East High School
School Events Under The
compiled by Austin Money | photos Austin Money, Brent Pierce, Kayla Swanson
Tabitha Comstock on Phineas and Ferb
Many of us grow up watching cartoons; not many of us get to be on one.
Mock Trial team goes to state
Fulhum shows up, makes a team, and takes them to state.
Livewire becomes a newsmagazine
Tyler Kahl competes in Special Olympics Tyler has certainly found his “Kahling” in the sport of bowling, as he took first in the Special Olympics with a score of 175.
Nick Luckett went to state for bowling No luck needed to finish eighth in a field of sixty-four.
Mikayla Koevoets
Koevoets certainly wasn’t an Outkast when she played “Hey Ya” on her ukelele in the talent show.
Archery goes to stateGifford leads sharpshooters to target.
APRIL2011 MAY 2011 NewsmagazineBEHS2011issue5.indd 6
Lexi Higginbotham top scorer in state 44 the magic number as Higginbotham fills up the soccer net.
Jacob Duvall Breaks School Hurdling If you already hold the Record record, you might as well one up yourself.
ww2.bullittschools.org/BEHSLivewire/ 5/3/2011 3:47:38 PM
Livewire: the voice of Bullitt East High School
How To Beat Easter Pudge article Cortez Brown | photos Hayden and Ryne
Don’t budge, eat Fudge, and lose pudge! If you got a grudge with fat, don’t budge just yet; beat the Pudge with a bat. And I’m not talking about a Detroit Tigers outfielder. Every year when Easter comes around, it adds a little more than a big chocolate covered bunny or an old stinky egg. It adds a bulge in your belly, that’s mainly the result of eating too much chocolate. No one wants to have a bulge in there belly from eating too much chocolate, and no one wants to be nicknamed “Pudge” like Detroit tigers outfielder Ivan Rodriquez. He was given the nickname due to his short stocky figure, and he is often made fun of for his pudgy appearance by many of his teammates. You don’t want to be made fun of for being fat do you? There are many ways to avoid or defeat Easter pudge. One that immediately that comes to mind is baseball and physical fitness. If you take at least 15 minutes out of your candy-eating life, and replace it with physical exercises, such as; pitching a baseball, swinging a
bat, running laps or just deep breathing. If you follow these steps then you’ll have a great chance of defeating Easter pudge. It almost sounds too good to be true, but it’s not. Actually, what helps defeat and prevent Easter pudge more than anything, is staying away from the tasty treats that you love the most. That’s because usually the sweetest things we eat are usually the worst things for our body. Now if you really care about not having a bulge in your stomach due to eating obese treats, then why not eat something that is both tasty and healthy. It’s said, that if you negate the milk chocolate from your Easter diet and replace it with rich dark chocolate then you’ll be better off to having a healthier future. Seriously, anyone would rather pass up that milk chocolate candy bar for a nice dark chocolate snickers any day, and especially if it’s keeps their body from looking like a sumo wrestler. What would be even better than that is if you excepted candy from your diet.
What Was In Your Easter Basket? “Candy!!! Silly string, a basket, and a whole bunch of smelly eggs.” -Tyler Coomes (12)
“Chocloate camel, a motorized bunny, and then some tasty candy.” -Blake McGill (11)
the official exercise of the Livewire
Step 1: Find a box that is about knee level and stand square to to it.
Step 2: Step onto the box using one leg, while raising the other knee in the air.
Step 3: Move your knee back and straighten your leg. Then step down and repeat with your other leg.
“A lot of candy, I got some money. And a few eggs that turned rotten after a couple of days.” -Annie Kieth (12)
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Livewire: the voice of Bullitt East High School
5/3/2011 3:47:52 PM
Livewire: the voice of Bullitt East High School
East’s Own Idol article Emily Priddy | photos submitted
Some people rely on skill and not opening a Willy Wonka candy bar for their golden ticket. Freshman Amber Sewell will try to punch her ticket to Hollywood when she tries out for American Idol. Sewell decided to try out because it will give her a great opportunity. She is trying out for American Idol this summer. Sewell plans on competing in many competitions in May. Sewell has been singing since she was seven years old. She has been in several singing competitions with different genres including country and gospel. Sewell’s favorite performance she has given was at the Kentucky State Fair when she sang a Celine Dion song and won the competition. Sewell was twelve years old at the time and because of rules Sewell cannot compete at the State Fair again until she is sixteen. When Sewell is not singing some of her other hobbies are swimming and gymnastics which she has been participating in since she was young. She also says Martina McBride is her favorite musician. She says her friends and family have supported her the most. “Amber has improved greatly over the years and I know she has great success in her future,” said freshman and friend of nine years Ashley Cooke. “I have been a fan of the show and it seems to be a great opportunity to perform for and meet many talented people,” said Sewell about why she plans to try out for American Idol this summer. Sewell will not know the location of her tryouts until it is posted on American Idol’s website. Once Sewell and her family know the location they can arrange traveling. Until then she will be filling out paperwork and continuing to practice singing daily. On April 15th Sewell performed in Bullitt Central’s auditorium for a benefit concert and fundraiser for Relay for Life. Sewell will be competing in many singing competitions in May and is also in the process of learning to play guitar. When Sewell is not performing at her upcoming contests she will be preparing for her next big step American Idol. “I think she has the potential to be the next American Idol,” said freshman and family friend of five years Cody Higdon.
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5/3/2011 3:47:53 PM
Livewire: the voice of Bullitt East High School
Five Ways Freshmen Have Changed The School
article Cameron Love | photos Emily Nalley
It’s a frosh overload. Many students of Bullitt East are realizing quickly that this statement rings true for the current situation that BE has with the freshmen class. At Bullitt East, already overcrowded hallways are now a nightmare and there is no more freshmen academy. Many ninth graders are filling over to upper level classes, and teachers are being moved to accommodate the freshmen class size. All of this leads to a big question; does Mt.Washington need another high school?
Already overcrowded hallways are now a nightmare
Trying to walk around BEHS during class change, or even in the morning, is even worse than it has been in past years. “It has gotten very crowded,” said Amanda Therrian, a junior. Even with a recent expansion to Bullitt East completed in 2008, students are still packed like sardines in hallways. This effects the entire school, as freshmen traffic is also experienced in third hall, and the new wing, which creates chaos during class change. Even teachers who are not assigned a room and have to travel around the school with their materials on “carts” are feeling the inconvenience of crowded hallways.
MAY 2011 NewsmagazineBEHS2011issue5.indd 10
No more freshmen academy
Although current seniors, juniors, and sophomores all went through freshmen academy, (where freshmen are isolated in the lower part of both first and second hall and are in all freshmen-only classes for the first three blocks of the day), this year’s freshmen do not have freshmen academy. Instead, many freshmen are venturing outside of the “bubble” that has been active in the past few years, and taking upper level classes outside of first and second hall during the first three blocks of the day. ww2.bullittschools.org/BEHSLivewire/ 5/3/2011 3:48:20 PM
Livewire: the voice of Bullitt East High School
available. These teachers include Mr. Fulghum, Mr. Cannon, and Ms. Russell. Also, some teachers have also had to teach a freshmen class for the first time due to the lack of freshmen teachers available. “I would rather teach upperclassmen, I didn’t really like teaching earth science. I was going to teach AP Chemistry first semester, but because I had to switch to teach freshmen science, some kids weren’t able to take it they lost out. But what are you going to do when you have this many kids,” said Mrs. Harrod, a science teacher who taught freshmen science for the first time last semester since there were not enough science teachers to teach all the freshmen.
“We are too big for the freshmen academy of the past, but too small to add another team to freshmen academy,” said Crystal Barr, a counselor who handles scheduling.
Many are filling over to upper level classes
As freshmen academy disappears, more and more freshmen are taking classes that are normally taken during sophomore year, or even some electives
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usually requiring prerequisites. These classes include biology, accelerated algebra II, HAVPA, desktop publishing, and some art electives. One of these students is Hunter Long, who is currently taking biology during his freshmen year. “I like it, it’s more challenging,” said Long. Some upperclassmen are not that happy about the change. “It has made me feel like I am behind in math,” said Therrian, who has accelerated algebra II with some freshmen.
A second Bullitt East?
With the large amount of students now in Bullitt East, (over 1300), and the fact that the school has no more land to expand on, rumors are swirling about the fact that a new high school in Mt. Washington may be needed in the future. “(A new high school) is not on any of the school board’s agendas,” said Barr. The fact is that with the increased class sizes at Bullitt East, and the record breaking ninth grade class this year, a new high school is something that the Bullitt County School Board will have to look into in the near future.
Teachers are being moved to accommodate freshmen class size
East teachers are also feeling the effect of the large amount of freshmen, as many are now on carts due to the number of students and the lack of classrooms
FEATURES 5/3/2011 3:48:40 PM
Livewire: the voice of Bullitt East High School
JustJosh article Emily Nalley | photos Emily Nalley
Stearns on the Move. From sports to schooling, Josh Stearns works through high school toward his big plans for the future. As a junior, Stearns is focused on his education, and extra-curricular activities, as he has been for the majority of his lifetime. With his senior year soon approaching, he is starting to plan for his future schooling. He is also beginning to plan for possible careers and locations to live. From the age of five, Stearns has been involved in baseball and basketball, which have followed him through high school. He has been a member of the B.E. baseball team since his eight grade year, and been a member of the B.E. basketball team since his Freshman year. After an exciting season of basketball came to an end, with a loss in the final four state tournament, Stearns has his focus on baseball at this time. A recent surgery to remove his appendix has prevented him from participating in the Spring Break baseball tournament in Florida. Although he could not partake in the tournament, the team had a winning week with 5-1 record. With a recovery time of about two weeks, he is eager to begin pitching again as soon as he has recovered from the surgery. Once Stearns graduates high school he plans to attend Lindsey Wilson University. “My aunt owns a cabin at Cumberland Lake, every time I ride down there I pass Lindsey Wilson. I would love to go to school there and be so close to the lake.” He wants to go to school to become a kindergarten teacher. Stearns says he loves children and the way they act, he would enjoy spending all day with them. Stearns is a teacher aid for a kindergarten class at Old Mill Elementary School. Mrs. Stevens, the teacher he helps, says, “Josh is awesome with the kids, he is very natural with them. He is very patient and kind. He is always willing to try new things with them, and he has the ability to build a relationship with even the quietest child.” After graduating college, Stearns plans to move to Wisconsin. After a family vacation there this past summer, he’s decided that’s where he wants to live. He was amazed by his first kayaking trip there, and can’t wait to do it again. Another attraction that interests Stearns about Wisconsin is Lambo Field, home of the Green Bay Packers. Although Wisconsin is far from home, he says he will come back to visit often. He loves the colder weather and all the other aspects that Wisconsin has to offer.
article Austin Money | photo Yearbook Staff MAY 2011 NewsmagazineBEHS2011issue5.indd 12
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Livewire: the voice of Bullitt East High School
Seniors Livewire NewsmagazineBEHS2011issue5.indd 13
SENIORS 5/3/2011 3:49:08 PM
Livewire: the voice of Bullitt East High School
o on g o t ady
r o i n e S alute S
re.” lgham u t n e v Fu at ad - Mr. a gre
ng re tti e g ’re “You
“ Grauation symbolizes each person’s transition into college or the workplace and more importantly, it begins the time when your actions and deeds have a lasting effect.” - Mrs. Davis “Bye Brandon. I love you and I’ll miss you.” -Jessica Hanna (9)
“Thanks for fun dip and letting us cut open pigs. I’m “Have fun looking forward to riding the bus next seeing you take your year, not rightful position in having your big B.E. Football.” bro here. Good -Dalen Lance to luck with softball.” Mr. Dickerson -Brandon
MAY 2011 NewsmagazineBEHS2011issue5.indd 14
Hanna (12)
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Livewire: the voice of Bullitt East High School
t n o r with F
Jo Perkins “Follow your heart. Never stop dreaming. Seize the day.” - Mrs. Terry Livewire NewsmagazineBEHS2011issue5.indd 15
OW RS, N A E Y 18
e c i f Of
Q1. What is your favorite memory of class of 2011? < Every day with this class is a favorite memory, but the state tournament was pretty awesome. Seeing them succeed and graduate. > Q2. What is some advice for the seniors? < Make a difference in the world! Work hard, pray harder, be good and play nice. Be determined. If possible attend college, and work hard to be a good person, not just a successful one.> Q3. With your time left with the seniors what would you want to do? < Hug them all! Let them know how honored I feel that they have allowed me to be a part of their lives all these years and how much I will miss them. Keep them focused on the end result. A storng finish to graduate.>
Jana Pruitt
Mrs. Terry SENIORS 5/3/2011 3:51:07 PM
Livewire: the voice of Bullitt East High School
e n Go like yesterday... Frehsman ‘‘08
HSM Play
Best High School Memories “All the plays and musicals.” - Lynsey Milburn “Psychology [was my favorite class], because I love the study of peoplpe...”
Junior ‘10 MAY 2011 NewsmagazineBEHS2011issue5.indd 16
-Courtney Gerwitz
“Marching Band making it to semifinals!” “ Hanging out with my -Joye Walton friends in the hall before school.” What - Katelyn Flaherty
Seniors Would Change
Pep Rallies
“[We shouldn’t have to] pay to wear sweats every Friday, we should get some free ones” - Kaylin Briney
Senior ‘11
Basketball goes to state
sophomore ‘09
Atherton becomes principal
“I think we need to stop focusing so much on math and science. Bring back the arts and more interesting electives “I would chang e the such as criminal psychology and pop culture.” security on the bathrooms -Kirsten Jaworski because of the smoking.”
-Andrea Cox
ww2.bullittschools.org/BEHSLivewire/ 5/3/2011 3:51:49 PM
Livewire: the voice of Bullitt East High School
Pre-Prom Destinations Want to finally make a decision on where to go before prom? If so, grab a paperclip and spin the Livewire’s spinner to discover your dining venue. compiled by Zach Rodamker | photos McKenzie Perdew
Ray StumpEating at Prom
Jennifer WhitedP.F Changs and meeting up with friends for pictures and getting ready.
Wade KellyHooters with friends. Tyler LogsdonApple Bee’s or Joe’s Crab Shack and picking up grandma’s car.
Livewire NewsmagazineBEHS2011issue5.indd 17
Alecia ColvinTaking pictures and going to Buca Di Beppos
Zach McMillenEating at Rockies on the river.
Kaylee McClureEating at Longhorn’s with friends
Chantel DawsonGetting ready at house and taking pictures with boyfriend and family.
PROM 5/3/2011 3:51:55 PM
Livewire: the voice of Bullitt East High School
How Did You Ask Your...
Prom DATE? compiled by Kayla Bryant | photos Kayla Bryant and Daniel Daugherty
Heres how they did it :
Ryan Ashworth (11) asked Emily Willis (11) to prom by taking sticky notes and spelling out the word prom with a question mark on his bed.
Jesse Bratcher (12) told Eliza Perkins (12) freshman year that no matter what junior and senior year they would be going to prom together. They went together last year and are planning to this year.
Need Ideas For Next Year?
If you know all of her Talk to a movie theatre and classes, you could drop see if they are willing to off a flower and a note in put some slides in the preeach room (before she movie advertising. Give gets there of course)... By them the message you her last class, she’d have want it to say. Take the a small bouquet and would person you want to ask to be able to piece together the movie and watch their the message and know reaction as they get asked who it was from. out on the big screen. MAY 2011 NewsmagazineBEHS2011issue5.indd 18
A guy spells “PROM?” on a girl’s driveway in tealights (you know those cheap little round candles in the silver tins?) and then.... he just had someone (or he called her himself) to tell her to look outside. ww2.bullittschools.org/BEHSLivewire/ 5/3/2011 3:52:18 PM
Livewire: the voice of Bullitt East High School
Don’t worry about having an ugly prom date.
Masks will be worn at the 2011 prom as a masquerade takes over this year’s theme. Juniors and seniors are getting ready as prom is right around the corner. Being one of the most exciting events of the year students are planning ahead of time. Sophomores and freshman can also attend prom if invited by a junior or senior. The Masquerade theme isn’t exactly a hit for the students. “It’s pretty ridonkulas to me,” complained junior, Dillon Campbell, “Nobody is going to wear a mask.” Students may not exactly follow the theme, but that won’t get in the way of them having a time of their life. Being their last year, seniors want a few changes to be made to make this prom one to remember. Senior Matt Thompson had a lot to say on the subject. “I don’t like the whole masquerade theme, Vegas would be much better,” commented Thompson. In recent years prom has been held at different hotels. This year the prom will be at the Hurstbourne Convention Center on May 14th from 8pm-12pm. The students are kind of on edge about this change. “As long as they have a bigger dance floor,” states Thompson, “and hopefully it will have some good A/C flowing through the place.” Mrs. Pierce has been more than happy to help out with all the prom planning. “Mask don’t have to be worn if you don’t want one,” states teacher Laura Pierce. The whole masquerade is going to add a little twist to prom this year. “Prom has always been successful,” admits Pierce. The students and faculty are hoping for yet another successful year.
A Night of Masks
Prom 2011
article Brooke Mullins | photos Brent Pierce
Livewire NewsmagazineBEHS2011issue5.indd 19
The sophomores and freshman also have their opportunity to go to prom if a junior or senior is willing to take them. This hasn’t been a problem in the past, but as the years have gone on it seems as if there are more and more underclassmen attending prom. “I’m just happy that I get to experience my first prom with my sister before she graduates,” admits sophomore Megan Fell who is attending this year for the first time. “Sophomores and freshman will have their years for prom, let us have ours,” complained junior Corey Talley, “but I’m still going to have fun.” Juniors and seniors don’t like the fact that underclass man could take over their prom, but they have to remember that they can control that by not taking them. The students will be all glammed up and ready to hit the hopefully spacious dance floor. 2011 is going to be another successful year.
PROM 5/3/2011 3:52:25 PM
Livewire: the voice of Bullitt East High School
Whatchu Doin’ For 2011 Prom Trends
“I’m going to get a nail appointment the day before, getting my hair done the day of, buying upgrades at Sun Tan City, getting my dress in, contacting the limo driver, we made reservations at Shogun, and we’re taking pictures at Carly’s (Coulter).”
compiled by Rachel Simms | photos Rachel Simms
“I really love leopard and I searched all over for it.”
With prom coming up, many who will be attending make last minute decisions, while others have been planning for months on how they will make a lasting impression. The Livewire has provided you with a checklist and few students plans to make sure this special night is everything it is intended to be.
Ali Butcher Junior Prom Dress Trend
Rachel Broughton Junior Prom Preparation
Prom Checklist After Prom Plans Awesome Dance Moves
Camera Dinner Reservations
Makeup Phone Transportation
MAY 2011 NewsmagazineBEHS2011issue5.indd 20
ww2.bullittschools.org/BEHSLivewire/ 5/3/2011 3:52:27 PM
Livewire: the voice of Bullitt East High School
r Prom?
“I’m wearing black because it’s the common thing to do.” Dillon Yousey Senior Guy Prom Trend
“Mines yellow with purple print. I liked the color of it and that it was a really long dress.” Emily Hightower Junior Prom Dress Trend
Livewire NewsmagazineBEHS2011issue5.indd 21
Senior Rides To Prom
“Our plans fell through [to get a party bus] last year so we wanted to make our senior year count and be memorable.”
PROM 5/3/2011 3:52:32 PM
Livewire: the voice of Bullitt East High School
Baccalauraeate Info Location: First Baptist Church of MW Time: 6:30 p.m Date: May 23 Speaker: Mrs. Chandler Student Attire: Cap and Gown The top ten must set together, but everybody else can set where they choose. There will be music and a video presentation.
Saying goodbye for Good articles Katie Warner | photos Katie Warner Moving forward without the red and gold. The class of 2011 seniors are graduating and about to enter into the real world. Graduation will be on May 28, there will be several practices before the final ceremony. Out of 291 seniors almost all are ready to leave. “I’ve been helping with graduation here at Bullitt East for at least eight years and I cannot remember the last time we graduated in May,” states counselor Tammy Terry. This year’s ceremony will be held on Saturday May 28 at 11:00 a.m. at Broadbent Arena. Many seniors say they don’t like having to wake up early but its fine because they want to get it out of the way. “I like the early time, that way we can celebrate the rest of the day,” admits senior Jeff Bryant. The top ten and Valedictorian are unknown until the end of the semester, when all the grades are put in. The format will be similar to last year because it has worked in the past. Practices will be the last couple days of school and during one of those days there
Graduation Info Location: Broadent Arena Time: 11:00 a.m. Date: Saturday, May 28 Student Attire: Cap and Gown Practices during the last days of school are mandatory. If you do not attend, you will not be allowed to walk the line.
Project Grad Info Location: Bullitt East Gym Time: Midnight to 5 a.m. Date: May 28- May 29 Student Attire: Anything comfortable to play around in, but modest
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will be the senior picnic. Last year the picnic was Bootleg Bar-B-Q but graduation coordinator, Mrs. Terry, hasn’t decided what it will be this year. If you miss any of these practices you will be kicked out of walking the line. The only way you can walk the line if you miss is if you have a doctor’s note and you’re really sick. “Why would you want to miss anyways, its a couple days you don’t have to do anything but walk, sit and eat,” states senior Jennifer Kerr. Graduation can be full of emotions for people, even mixed emotions. Excited, great, awesome, sad, happy, pumped, and ready are just some of the words used by seniors about graduating. Even though many think these things, it will be sad for them when it gets here. “I will be sad because I’m leaving high school, but happy to be leaving for college,” admits senior Kayla Henley. This year the senior’s song is Wherever I go by Miley Cyrus. Many aren’t really happy about it but it is a sad song and it will touch the hearts of many. Friends will be split up and go to different colleges but that’s part of life and growing up, you just have to deal with it and try your best to stay in touch. Leaving high school changes everything, you’re growing up and you will be experiencing new things. Graduation just ended, now what? Some are hanging with their families, others are going out to eat and few are having Graduation parties. The best out-to-eat place people are most attending is O’Charleys, it seems that the bread has everybody craving it. So even though Graduation might be a little bitter sweet, end your day with all your senior friends, because you don’t know when you’re going to see them again. ww2.bullittschools.org/BEHSLivewire/ 5/3/2011 3:52:39 PM
Livewire: the voice of Bullitt East High School
Party Like a Charger
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Food, games, and a hypnotist. Project Grad ranges from hot wings to guy that likes to hypnotize students. There were many fundraisers to help get money for the event. There will be stuff covering the gym. The best part is that every senior will leave with a prize. Alice Harris, who is in charge of Project Grad as well as a mother of a senior here at East, wasted no time getting started on the funding. Fundraisers began at the very beginning of the year. The fundraisers consisted of UK/UL ticket drawings, Aspen Creek gift certificate sales, bingo, a road block, and there will be a Spring Festival booth. Valu Market is setting up a grill so they can serve burgers and hotdogs as well as drinks and chips. They will also be selling raffle tickets for two of the donated safes and are in the process of trying to sell pull tabs. The fundraisers that were already held were very successful. The Spring Festival booth is going be the last time for the Project Grad coordinators to raise money to get the prizes so they hope that several people will show up and help. Come to their booth on May 14th and show your support. Project Grad is an opportunity for the seniors to bring a friend and act like a little kid again. “It’s the last time for all the seniors to be together and have fun,” states senior Eliza Perkins. It will be on May 28 and will be in the gym from 12 a.m. to 5 a.m. There will be lots of inflatables and door prizes. This year they’re bringing back the hypnotist which was a big hit last year, and are also having several inflatable activities including the boxing one where you see who can knock the person off there pedestal first.. They’re in the process of trying to get a photo booth and having a live band and dj. Last year they had lots of food and it was all gone by the morning so they plan on having much more this year. They are expecting every senior to bring a friend and are well prepared for many people to be there. Every year they try to have every senior leave with a prize. “The prizes were really good last year and I hope there just as good or better this year, and Im definitely hoping to win something for my dorm room,” says senior Kelsey Fell who attended last year. The prizes consist of several things such as laptops, ipods, TVs, and other electronics. Not only will that have electronics but they will have college dorm items like microwaves and refrigerators, and they will also be giving away gift cards and gas cards. They want every senior to try and get something for college. Even if they get a gift card or gas card, it is saving them tons of money, especially on gas. They encourage every senior to come because you could possibly win something you need. So don’t miss out on all the fun during this fun night with all the friends you spent your high school year with.
SENIORS 5/3/2011 3:52:44 PM
Livewire: the voice of Bullitt East High School
East’s Senior College Picks
Where is the school located? “I want to be no more than three hours away from home.” -Jessica Philpot (12; Undecided)
What is the girl to guy ratio? More options, the better the chance.
1. UofL a. Type: Public b. Mascot: Cardinals c. Location: Louisville, Kentucky d. Population: 14,109 students e. Ratio: 56% women and 44% men f. Cost: $4,214/ semester for state residents g. Majors: 72 different majors h. Conference: Big East i. Specialty: One of the Top Engineering (Speed) and Medical Schools. MAY 2011 NewsmagazineBEHS2011issue5.indd 24
Top 6.
9 Questions Choosing a What is the size of the school?
Not too big, not too small.
What majors does the school offer? “Only three schools had the major I wanted.” -Mrs. Davis (Western Kentucky)
What are the intramural sports and club activities available?
“I like how they focused on the students and the student body.” -Chris Mullins (12; Morehead State)
ww2.bullittschools.org/BEHSLivewire/ 5/3/2011 3:52:44 PM
s a
Livewire: the voice of Bullitt East High School
Bellarmine -Type: Private -Mascot: Knights -Location: Louisville, Kentucky -Population: 2,260 students -Cost: $16,070/semester -Major: 78 majors
How much does the school cost?
“UPS is paying for my full tuition.” -Michael Constatine (12; Louisville)
Western Kentucky University
Are the facilities nice?
-Type: Public -Mascot: Hilltoppers -Location: Bowling Green, KY -Population: 20,000 students -Cost: $3,280/semester -Majors: 76 majors
“I liked to work-out and basketball facilities.” -Mr. Justin Hall (WKU, Cambellsville, Louisville, ECC)
to Ask Before
[College] compiled by Hayden and Ryne | photos Hayden and Ryne
Is there Greek life?
Good tool for other avenues in life.” -Mr. Fulghum (Western Kentucky)
What is the academice or athletic prestige of the school? You want your degree to be worth something.
Livewire NewsmagazineBEHS2011issue5.indd 25
Eastern Kentucky University
-Type: Public -Mascot: Colonels -Location: Richmond, KY -Population: 15,763 students -Cost: $3,386/semester -Majors: 73 majors
University of Kentucky
-Type: Public -Mascot: Wildcats -Location: Lexington, KY -Population: 26,000 students -Cost: $4,305/semester -Majors: 78 majors
Cambellsville University -Type: Private -Mascot: Wildcats -Location: Cambellsville, KY -Population: 3,000 students -Cost: $14,000/semester -Majors: 82 majors
SENIORS 5/3/2011 3:52:45 PM
Livewire: the voice of Bullitt East High School
Kayla Swanson
All Good Things Must Come To An End
contact Kayla- kayla.swanson@stu.bullitt.kyschools.us In two weeks, four years of hard work will be coming to an end to Western Kentucky University in the fall. for about 300 Chargers. One of the biggest decisions seniors have to make in regards With graduation on the horizon, seniors are reminiscing on to their post high school education is whether or not to live on their time at East and preparing to start their college careers. campus during their college careers. For those who are attending One of the benefits of graduating high school and going a campus close to home, the cost of dorms fees versus the cost to college is that you have the chance to take advantage of of living at home weigh in on their choice heavily. “(If you live at opportunities that you didn’t have in high school. High school can home) your parents will still see you as their kids, not college place lots of restrictions on students, while college gives students students,” stated East counselor Tammi Terry, an avid supporter a chance to do things on their own. Most importantly, seniors of going away for college. If you get the opportunity to go away for should look forward to their college experience and not cling to college and live on campus, do it. You can’t get the same college high school memories too tightly. experience living at home that you do from living on campus. Although most people claim that high school is the best time Living on campus gives you the chance to find out who you are of your life, it’s not your whole life. and do things that you College provides a plethora of wanted to do but couldn’t opportunities for students to get do in high school. The biggest difference I’ve noticed with involved on their respective college “Get out of your box,” college is the fact that things are no longer commented Terry, an campuses. Reminiscing on your high school days by going home avid supporter of going restrained. You can truly experience every weekend to catch up with away for college. “Make the “real world,” with little to no ‘adult’ your high school friends is not the a list of five things that way to take advantage of them. you want to do (while interruption and censorship.” Whether it’s joining a sorority or a you’re in college) and do fraternity, playing a sport, or being them,” she continued. involved in a student publication or Despite the nerves student government, college has that some face, not only something for everyone to be involved in. “Basically, beyond the does college provide a platform for your career and the rest of classes, I am proudly a member of the sorority Pi Beta Phi and your life; it its gives you the chance to study what you want and still working at UPS through the Metropolitan College program,” take classes that matter to you. In addition, seniors should not commented Tara Fambrough a graduate from Bullitt East’s class just look forward to the opportunity to focus on their future, but of 2010 and a freshman at the University of Louisville. meeting new people, experiencing new things, and make their This fall, the majority of the senior class will be going their college experience the best it can be. “(I hope to) get a degree separate ways to college campuses across the nation. The (and have) a bunch of crazy experiences doing not normal, familiarity of Mount Washington and the halls of Bullitt East will be random stuff,” Rice stated. far, far away and for some, the transition from high school senior Whether you’re one of the 300 seniors who are ready to to college freshman can be a tough one. “(I’m nervous about) graduate or not, college is an experience that the halls of Bullitt going to a new place and learning a new routine,” stated senior East can’t contain. Austin Echsner. He will be a mechanical engineering major at UofL’s Speed School. Regardless of the big changes that college brings, you’re given the freedom to do things on your own and you don’t have anyone “holding your hand” along the way like it was at times in high school. “The biggest difference I’ve noticed with college is the fact Are you a senior wo’s ready to graduate or that things are no longer restrained. You can truly experience the are you not ready to leave the halls of Bullitt “real world,” with little to no ‘adult’ interruption and censorship,” East behind? Let us know. Send all letters to said Fambrough. For most, it’s the first time they are living on their larry.steinmetz@bullitt.kyschools.us own and not under their parents’ roof. “(I’m looking forward to) the freedom for sure,” commented senior Shelby Rice, who is headed
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ww2.bullittschools.org/BEHSLivewire/ 5/3/2011 3:52:56 PM
Livewire: the voice of Bullitt East High School
Brent Pierce
Graduation, College, And Good Byes
contact Brent- brent.pierce@stu.bullitt.kyschools.us
Its graduation and you walk up on the stage, get handed your diploma and look out over the sea of your classmates. The love-hate sensation comes over your body where you’re free from high school and off on your own, and yet scared of the relationships lost and uncertainty. This feeling has gone over graduating seniors for years and years, and with everything happening so fast it’s a good opportunity to really look at what you’re leaving behind. In the four years of high school many friendships have been built that you may never see again. More of your time will be spent studying or going to class, while high school friends take it easy and relax. And while you’re drifting away from your friends and trying to find new ones comes the thoughts wondering if you’re at the right school, or doing the right thing. The short breaks from high school has served as a time when friends spend the week with each other, going to parties, the lake, or just hanging out at another’s house. Best friends are there form when you have a hard break up and think your life is over, to go out and have fun with, and to help you when you need it. The tight knit friendships you’ve made over high school have been what kept you happy. When you don’t want to come to school, they make it worth it to go and talk with them. But now your friends are looking at different majors and planning on going to different colleges and that tight friendship you had will start to unroll. For the first few months you’ll still try to keep up with each other but then school work will start to be more difficult and you’ll have to stay and study and new friends start popping up in the picture. The one day you realize you’ve drifted apart and don’t even talk anymore. “You don’t realize how close-knit you are or how important every individual is in making the entire group work until you’ve left and you’re in the so-called ‘real world’,” commented college freshmen Alex Carroll. It’s even harder to go to a different college from your girlfriend or boyfriend. It’s most likely going to be the furthest and longest you’ve spent away from each other and you rarely get to see the other. You wonder constantly what they are doing and thinking if they are cheating on you; you tell yourself to not think that way, but the horrible thoughts still creep in. It’s hard to realize that the people you spend your entire day with won’t be there in a couple months or years, but it’s a realization that has to happen. Along with everyone going to different colleges is what you’re leaving behind; underclassmen friends that you won’t have time for anymore or the girl a few years younger than you. Until you’re in that situation you wouldn’t understand the strain it has on someone’s heart, but many relationships are ended by that long distance apart. Cherish the friends you have and spend your time with the ones that are always there for you. Through high school you learn some tips to help out your year. What teachers let you do what and which teachers are easier than the others. After taking easy classes and barely studying for tests, college is a huge wake up call. If you want to pass your test, you have to study for more
than two hours. “Personally, in high school it is like you are one giant community. You know just about everyone and it gives you a comfort housing you can’t find in college. There you are just another number, whereas in high school it’s like you are actually a part of something,” Carroll went on to say. Once you actually get to college and start having classes, teachers don’t care if you come to class or not, they won’t care if you forgot to turn your work in. If you don’t go to class, sleep in, or don’t do your work, pretty soon you’ll be caught up in a huge mess and unable to get your grades up. That’s the good thing about high school, there are so many chances to turn your work in for credit or do extra credit to raise your grade. It’s a hard transition from high school to college, but if you do the work and show up it will make it a whole lot easier to pass. On top of relationships, friendships, and schoolwork comes more uncertainty. While planning college you have so many choices of schools and what to major in some people rush into decisions. It’s very easy to do, since it’s hard to choose what you want to spend thousands of dollars on and spend the rest of your life doing. Some seniors around school still haven’t chosen what school they’re going to or even what their major is going to be. Sports players, band members, and other students have scholarships to play for a school and have to decide between playing college sports and just focusing on school, the same applies with jobs. Also with the way the economy is going you have to play into what jobs are going to be around and needed. Even if you think you are sure what you want to do and what school to go to its human nature to rethink things. And you will end up rethinking your decision well into your actual career and wonder if you should go back and get a different job. College is a huge step that some people can’t handle. The stress of the class work or trying to maintain that strong relationship you had in high school that is now falling apart can tear a person down. When you’re up on that stage with your diploma in hand and looking over the crowd of people think about what you’re leaving behind.
You don’t realize how close-knit you are or how important every individual is in making the entire group work until you’ve left and you’re in the socalled ‘real world’.”
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Are you a senior who isn’t ready to leave Bullitt East just yet? Let us know. Send all letters to larry.steinmetz@bullitt.kyschools.us
OPINION 5/3/2011 3:53:06 PM
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Livewire: the voice of Bullitt East High School
5/3/2011 3:53:08 PM