Resilient & Healthy Baker
Research reported in this publication was supported by the Gulf Research Program of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation under award number 2000008299. The associated four-year research grant, Inland from the Coast, was organized by LSU Coastal Sustainability Studio. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the Gulf Research Program or the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine or the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
Interim Managing Director Traci Birch, PhD, AICP Assistant Director Mary Bergeron Executive Committee Chairman & Interim Executive Director Robert Twilley, PhD
Researchers: Matthew V. Bilskie Traci Birch Jeffrey Carney Katie E. Cherry Craig E. Colten Melissa T. Daigle Scott C. Hagen Brendan Harmon Aimee Moles Marla Nelson Niki L. Pace Nicholas Serrano James G. Wilkins Clinton S. Willson
Executive Committee Members: Mark Boyer Craig Colten, PhD Marwan Ghandour Margaret Reams, PhD Clint Willson, PhD and PE
SUPPORT LSU Coastal Sustainability Studio National Academy of Sciences Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Chevron Corporation, Gulf of Mexico Business Unit Charles Lamar Family Foundation
Post-Docs: Kim Mosby Rachelle Trahan
Interns: Brendan Bailey Alexandre Cowles Adam Cox Spyedeh Zaraha Fattahi Austin Geurin Kathleen Eubanks Harris Lindsey T. Henriques Xioman Ji Taylor Jones Debbie LaRue Quanjiang Li Xiaowei Lin Yuta Masakane Bahareh Moghanjooghi Ria Mukerji Dylan Roth Tanvi Shah Lindsay Wainwright Allie White Xiangzhou Xu
This report is dedicated to Ginger Vann, who unexpectedly passed away before the project was completed. She spent countless hours with the project team, sharing her knowledge of local drainage history in addition to attending meetings and vetting preliminary designs and policy recommendations. Her vibrancy and tenacity enabled the team to establish this project within the city.
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Acknowledgments This report would not have been possible without the generous support of many people. Many thanks to Mayor Darnell Waites for joining the Inland from the Coast project on behalf of the city. Also, the team would like to recognize the invaluable contribution of project champion, Councilwoman Glenda Bryant, who tirelessly worked every step of the way for the past three years. Her dedication and the support of her colleagues on the City Council facilitated the project team’s connection with the community. This connection was critical to understanding the needs and vision of the city and finding solutions that reduce flood risk and increase quality of life for all Baker residents. Special appreciation goes to the Baker Steering Committee that Councilwoman Bryant formed that aided project efforts and to all the residents that participated in the Community Design Open House.
The project team also recognizes the support of the following project partners: Baker Council of Aging Louisiana Sea Grant LSU Department of Civil Engineering American Institute of Architects Baton Rouge American Society of Landscape Architects American Planning Association American Society of Civil Engineers Capital Region Planning Commission Dana Brown & Associates The Water Institute of the Gulf Louisiana Office of Community Development Plus 1 Construction & Development
Table of Contents 1 • Introduction
2 • Foundational Concepts
Building Community Resilience ................................... 12
Conceptualizing Community Health + Wellbeing ...... 14
Framing Action Around a Watershed .......................... 18
3 • Baker, Louisiana
Background ..................................................................... 26
Demographics ................................................................ 28
Context Maps ................................................................. 30
Baker and the Flood of 2016 ........................................ 40
Local and Regional Planning Efforts ............................ 42
4 • Community Engagement
Our Process .................................................................... 48
Wellbeing Statement ..................................................... 58
Issues Raised ................................................................... 60
Goals of This Document ................................................ 62
5 • Design + Policy Recommendations
Investing in Multiple Benefits ....................................... 66
Living with Water ........................................................... 70
Connected Communities .............................................. 90
Design for Active Living ................................................ 104
Resilient & Healthy Baker
6 • Vision for a Healthy + Resilient Baker
Baker Neighborhood Greenway ................................... 119
Baker City Park .............................................................. 120
Neighborhoods ............................................................... 130
Roadways ........................................................................ 134
Drainage Ways ............................................................... 138
Parking Lots .................................................................... 142
7 • Conclusion
Image Sources ................................................................ 150
Resilient & Healthy Baker
About the Coastal Sustainability Studio The LSU Coastal Sustainability Studio (CSS) brings together disciplines that typically work independently—scientists, engineers, designers, and planners—to collaboratively conduct research and address challenges associated with living and working in dynamic and water-intensive environments. CSS studies and responds to critical issues of coastal and deltaic settlement, restoration, flood protection, and socioeconomic sustainability. CSS efforts have deeply impacted Louisiana students, residents, and businesses.
Resilient & Healthy Baker
For people living at the interface of environment, settlement, infrastructure, and economy in the Mississippi River Delta and Gulf Coast region, CSS leads trans-disciplinary research, community outreach, and workforce readiness/development programs to expand the horizon of what is possible. CSS-led processes, systems, and solutions aim to reduce human vulnerability to increased storm damage, coastal hazards, habitat degradation, and global environmental change, impacting a wide variety of communities, well beyond the walls of the university.
For the problem-solving, planning, and policy communities, CSS leads design thinking with a systems approach using performance-based methodologies. Projects utilize ideas from many disciplines while also embracing the concepts of sustainability (resolving environmental, equity, and economic challenges) and ecosystem design (utilizing green engineering) that expand the design capabilities of any one discipline. CSS maintains a studio space that fosters openness and collaboration, promoting an inclusive and adaptable problem-solving environment where multidisciplinary project teams meet and work.
For communities connected to water (coastal and riverine), CSS works directly with elected officials, community leaders, local authorities, and subject matter experts to brainstorm community resiliency projects ideas and facilitate implementation. Project teams frequently translate these community-specific ideas into much broader applications. During the past three years, as part of its Louisiana Community Resiliency Institute, CSS has worked one-on-one with elected officials from 18 Louisiana communities representing nearly a half million Louisiana residents, many of which have experienced extraordinary flooding.
For local, state, and federal initiatives, CSS works closely with the Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA) to innovate, implement, and extend the State Masterplan for a Sustainable Coast. Similarly, CSS works with the Louisiana Office of Community Development-Disaster Recovery Unit and FEMA to spearhead community resilience programs, while also working directly with local elected officials on specific community project planning ideas.
As a self-funded university research unit, receiving no direct operational funding from the State of Louisiana or the university, the Coastal Sustainability Studio relies on gifts, grants, and contracts. Through these investments, the studio continues its ambitious work on complex issues facing coastal and delta regions of South Louisiana and around the world.
Inland from the Coast:
A Multi-Scalar Approach to Regional Climate Change Responses Inland from the Coast is a multi-disciplinary research endeavor that uses environmental conditions modeling and community wellbeing research to inform building, community, and landscape design for ongoing flood recovery and long-term resilience across the greater Baton Rouge inland-coastal region. This project recognizes that effective stormwater management acknowledges and complements connections at all scales, ie: block, neighborhood, city, parish, and region. The project links university researchers with professional architects, landscape architects, planners, policy-makers, and community members to 1) improve understanding of inland-coastal environmental conditions and vulnerabilities, 2) define current and future community health + wellbeing, and 3) develop design and planning best practices for reducing risk and increasing regional adaptive capacity. The project goal is to create a framework to restore and enhance community wellbeing in the face of extreme weather and climate change, and support adaptation strategies for sustainable futures. Climate change undermines the stability that communities have traditionally assumed existed. Projecting future environmental conditions, allowing communities to prioritize those elements of the community necessary for wellbeing, and applying both measures to improve the community response can vastly improve the future resilience of communities and the health of residents even as climate change brings greater risk.
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Inland from the Coast strives to create a framework to restore and enhance community wellbeing in the face of extreme weather and climate change, and support adaptation strategies for sustainable futures. Introduction
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Purpose of Report This report is meant to serve as a vision document and companion to the Baker United Strategic Recovery Plan: Long-Term Community Recovery Plan. Baker United was born out of a participatory planning process in which residents identified key projects and priorities for recovery following the August 2016 flood. The city of Baker adopted the plan in 2018 as a roadmap to establishing a more resilient and sustainable city. As a vision document, this report builds upon the ideas put forth in Baker’s recovery. The recommendations in this report have been constructed with further resident input and guidance by a steering committee of residents, city employees and local leaders. This report would not be possible without the residents contributing their time and wisdom. As a companion to Baker United Strategic Recovery Plan, the toolkit and recommendations contained herein are meant to holistically support Baker’s goals to strengthen its resiliency and wellbeing in the face of increasing environmental risks. This report explores how Baker could accomplish the goals identified in its recovery and other planning efforts, such as the Master Bicycle-Pedestrian Plan, to create landscapes and gathering spaces that decrease flood risk while increasing quality of life for all of Baker’s residents. Organized around three themes that emerged from community input−community resilience, community wellbeing, and watershed planning− this report considers how different tools and strategies can be woven together to contribute toward a comprehensive, long-term vision of Baker as a healthy and resilient community.
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Foundational Concepts
Building Community Resilience Sudden shocks, such as storms, floods, or disease outbreaks, are devastating occurrences that get conversations about resilience started. Like illnesses, there are also chronic stresses−high unemployment, poor public health, old or overtaxed infrastructure, water shortages−that weaken communities over time. The impacts from shocks like floods are often compounded by the daily stresses on a community’s social, environmental, and economic systems. In particular, social stresses often coincide with a greater vulnerability to physical shocks: low-income households are more likely to be located in areas at greater risk, and are less likely to be able to recover quickly when a sudden shock occurs. This not only poses additional risks to individuals, it also weakens resilience at the community level. Building community resilience is about understanding risk−both chronic and acute−and investing in social, economic, and environmental systems that help the community thrive. While there are resilience building frameworks out there, every community is different, so no single approach will work for everyone. However, the foundations for building community resilience are: people, systems thinking, adaptability, transformability, sustainability, and leadership.
community resilience Community resilience is the capacity of individuals, institutions, businesses & systems to prevent, withstand, recover and maintain their identity no matter what kinds of sudden or chronic stressors they experience. -Baker United Strategic Recovery Plan, 2018
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Community Resiliency
Foundational Concepts
PEOPLE The power to define what a community values and how they envision their future and build resilience resides with community members. This includes actively engaging community stakeholders, including typically underrepresented populations, in the resilience conversation. SYSTEMS THINKING The ability to perform problem solving across complex systems, by understanding complex, interrelated risks and what they mean for a similarly complex community. ADAPTABILITY A community that can adapt to change is resilient. Because communities and the challenges they face are dynamic, adaptation is an ongoing process rather than an endpoint. TRANSFORMABILITY Some challenges are so big that it is not possible to simply adapt; fundamental transformation through rough consensus may be necessary. SUSTAINABILITY Community resilience is not sustainable if it only addresses current conditions or generations, without considering future generations and the systems we all depend on. LEADERSHIP As individuals and a community, everyone has a hand in confronting challenging issues and taking responsibility for our collective future.
Foundational Concepts
Conceptualizing Community Health + Wellbeing Community wellbeing is not simply the absence of disease or illness. It bundles together a number of separate but linked physical, mental, economic, and social factors that allow a community to thrive. It considers basic needs like the availability of food, housing, education, employment, and income; and complex social and emotional needs such as happiness, sense of place, social connection, and life satisfaction. When looking at communities as a whole, typically there are three combined factors that play a large role in wellbeing (UMN, 2020): connectedness, livability, and equity. Community wellbeing and resilience are closely related. Wellbeing encompasses the goals and priorities identified as of greatest importance to the community today, and resilience relates more closely to expectations about future wellbeing. Community wellbeing and overall ability to cope and adapt over time is closely tied to the physical, social, and economic circumstances that people are born into, grow up with, and live in. Prolonged or repeated exposure to negative environmental impacts or crises result in physical and mental tolls to both individuals and communities. In the face of increasing risk, improving community wellbeing requires reducing the challenges that negatively affect daily life, and encouraging processes that enhance the ability to adapt and cope. These processes – collectively defined as community resilience – aim to 1) enhance community wellbeing in the face of sudden and chronic stresses, 2) build capacity to respond to disruption, and 3) shape a better future as defined by locally prioritized cultural and social values and principles of sustainability. Local engagement (particularly of under-represented populations) in activities that allow the community to collectively define wellbeing are important to wellbeing today and to future resilience.
community wellbeing Community wellbeing is the social, economic, environmental, cultural, and political conditions identified by community members as essential for them to cope with the normal stresses of life and fulfil their potential. -Wiseman and Brasher, 2008, p. 358 14
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Community Wellbeing Foundational Concepts CONNECTEDNESS Connection is fostered by a community’s networks that provide social support, enhance trust, foster civic engagement, and empower community members to participate in community and democracy. LIVABILITY Livable communities are supported by functional infrastructure, including safe housing, accessible transportation, high quality education, parks and recreation, human services, public safety, and relevant arts and culture. EQUITY An equitable community is supported by values of diversity, social justice, and individual empowerment where everyone is treated fairly, basic needs are met, and there is an equal opportunity to get education and meet individual potential.
Foundational Concepts
1 Residents of all ages benefit from healthy, active lifestyles.
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Planning for Wellbeing
In 2009, Albert Lea, a small town in Minnesota, began to change. The community found itself in the midst of an economic downturn and decided to take part in a wellbeing project known as Blue Zones, which focused on improving the vitality of the community. Working with a team of researchers, community members identified a number of small lifestyle changes that could add up to large community benefits. These changes include bicycle and pedestrian-friendly community design improvements to connect neighborhoods, parks, and local destinations; encouraging local restaurants and groceries to sell fresher and healthier food; and creating programs to support public health (e.g. smoking cessation, workplace improvements, and recreation). The results of the project were significant. It is estimated that Albert Lea residents saw increased public health impacts, reduced health care costs, and improved business productivity.
2 Community events showcase how streets can be transformed into spaces for active living.
Foundational Concepts
Framing Action Around a Watershed “This initiative aims to coordinate resources to increase resilience on the watershed level. It identifies strategies and actions that will increase the watershed’s ability to prevent, withstand and recover from severe storms and flooding.” - Baker United Strategic Recovery Plan , 2018, pg.18
In March and August 2016, Louisiana experienced two catastrophic rain storms. The rising August floodwaters in and around Baton Rouge took 13 lives and inundated more than 109,000 homes (LED 2017). In its wake there was an estimated $8.7 billion in damages requiring recovery efforts that will take years to complete. Though classified as a “one-in-1,000-year flood” this was the 3rd such event to hit the southeastern US in 2016, and one of a number since 2010. Climate scientists predict that these types of severe rain storms are likely to increase in frequency and intensity in the future (Prein et al. 2016). These two floods highlighted weaknesses in Louisiana’s approach to managing water and risk reduction. In response, the state has implemented the Louisiana Watershed Initiative, which coordinates state, regional, and local agencies in an effort to reduce flood risk by directly taking into account the flow of water and its natural boundaries, rather than focusing primarily on municipal boundaries. Actions taken in one community can have a downstream impact on the flow of water−increasing or reducing the risk of flooding in other communities. At the same time, decisions about community development across a region are often uncoordinated and may be inconsistent with preventing flooding. Considering how connected communities across a watershed are, this approach will help to coordinate decisions about land use and infrastructure investment at the watershed level to more effectively manage flood risk. When thinking about planning at a watershed scale, these concepts set this framework apart from traditional planning: Broad Scales, Complexity, and Dynamicism.
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Watershed Approach Foundational Concepts BROAD SCALES Watershed planning units are defined by their environmental boundaries and functions rather than political boundaries. COMPLEXITY Watershed planning includes all of the elements in a system−natural, social, economic, and political−in the context of relationships with each other rather than in isolation. This approach strives for diversity−including biological, social, and economic−to protect the integrity of the whole system and promote resilience. DYNAMICISM Watersheds are constantly changing through both natural and man-made processes. Planning for reduced risk and increased resilience requires monitoring and adaptation over time to address ever changing needs.
Foundational Concepts
What is Watershed Planning? Watersheds are areas of land that drain to a common body of water. Watershed planning provides a strategy for achieving resource and community goals related to water quantity and quality for an ecologically-defined system. The watershed planning process uses a series of cooperative, iterative steps to characterize existing conditions, identify and prioritize problems, define management objectives, and develop and implement restoration, protection, and monitoring recommendations at a range of scales.
Watershed boundaries often extend beyond political boundaries, necessitating collaboration and cooperation among neighboring jurisdictions to effectively manage stormwater.
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Baker, Louisiana
Baker is a small city (8.3 square miles) in East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana. The city lies approximately 15 miles north of Baton Rouge, the state capital. Given its proximity to major industrial employers, state government agencies, and medical centers, the community has long served as a small but stable bedroom community in the Baton Rouge region. Suburban style homes and single family subdivisions represent much of the developed area, with significant areas of commercial development along major thoroughfares. The Baton Rouge Zoo, which is adjacent to the southern boundary of the city, brings outside dollars into the community when zoo visitors support local businesses. Baker is located at the intersection of three distinct watersheds−Cypress Bayou, White Bayou, and Hurricane Creek− each poses a different flood risk and requires different management strategies.
Each watershed poses a unique flood risk and requires unique management strategies.
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Baker, Louisiana
Background Two hundred years ago, the area now known as the City of Baker was a wilderness within the District of West Florida. During the latter part of the 18th century, settlers ventured inland from the Mississippi River, and by the end of the 19th century, they had created a community. Originally known as Cottonville, the community was renamed in 1888 after Josephus Smith Baker (1820-1851), a prominent pioneer settler and plantation owner. The coming of the railroad in 1884 stimulated the growth of the city as a residential and agricultural center. Agriculture remained the primary source of income for the area until the 1940s. First established in New Orleans in 1870, Leland University moved to Baker in 1923, where it operated until 1956. Primarily for African Americans, the college enrolled students of all races. Leland originated for the purpose of promoting Christian education among the people of Louisiana and adjacent states. Its aims were to prepare ministers for the work of preaching the Gospel, to educate teachers for their important field of usefulness, to train mechanics for the trades, and to qualify men and women to discharge efficiently all the responsibilities of life; thus seeking to advance religion, sound morality, intelligence, and prosperity among all classes. Today, the city of Baker hosts a variety of historic buildings and places, including the Baker Heritage Museum, the remnants of Leland University, a one-room schoolhouse that now serves as the Chamber of Commerce building, and a school auditorium designed by the famous architect, A. Hays Town. The Baker Buffalo Festival is held every year in September. Started in 1981, the festival was initially focused on rodeo activities. Since then, the festival has broadened its focus to schools and families. It serves as a fundraiser for Baker schools (Go Buffaloes!) and a way to increase visitors and interest in the city. Activities include a parade, the Running of the Buffaloes 5k Run/Walk, a talent contest, spelling bee, art contest, carnival rides and a buffalo wing cook-off.
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Baker Heritage Museum
3 Baker Buffalo Festival
Baker Chamber of Commerce
Baker, Louisiana
Demographics Today, Baker is home to approximately 13,800 people. While the city grew significantly between 1970 and 1980, Baker’s population has been relatively stable since the 1980s. The racial composition changed significantly between 1970 to 1990 as the community changed from predominantly white to predominantly African American. The percent of children five and under decreased from 12% to 7% while the percent of adults 65 and over increased from 5% to 11% between 1970 and 2010. This shows that the community has become a retirement community over time. The following shows population and other selected demographics from census sources.
Resilient & Healthy Baker
While racial composition stayed relatively stable in the country, Baker experienced significant changes between 1970 and 2010.
By 2010, Baker had higher rates of people over 65 than the state, which reflects its new status as a retirement community.
Baker, Louisiana
Context Maps Natural and built environments shape life in any community. Natural conditions, such as topography, waterways, soil, and tree canopy, determine where stormwater settles and the capacity of the landscape to store runoff. The built environment consists of man-made structures and systems that facilitate everyday life. This includes physical structures like homes, businesses, and streets. To ensure future development is sustainable, communities need to consider the connections between the built and natural environments. Identifying and preserving low-lying areas that store water during heavy rains such as park space, provides multiple benefits: • Reduces nuisance flooding • Reduces development in locations likely to flood • Fewer economic losses due to flooding • Less flood related stress • Improves health + wellbeing by creating space to enjoy nature
Landscape Layers These maps shows the environmental and social systems that shape life in Baker.
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Baker City Limits
Civic Areas
Land Use
FEMA Flood Zones
Tree Canopy
Sub Watershed
Baker, Louisiana
Soil The City of Baker sits on a range of soil types, from silt loam to primarily silt soils, each of which has different abilities to absorb and store water. The map shows soil type, with darker colors indicating a greater ability to absorb and store stormwater. This map shows which areas have a high ability to absorb and store stormwater and which areas do not. 32
Resilient & Healthy Baker
LEGEND Calhoun and Cascilla silt loams Oprairie silt Jeanerette silt loam Scotlandville silt Frost silt loam
Sub Watersheds There are three distinct watersheds in Baker that all extend beyond city boundaries. These watersheds connect the city to places beyond its jurisdiction.
LEGEND White’s Bayou watershed Cypress Bayou watershed South Canal watershed
Baker, Louisiana
Waterways This map shows the system of streams and waterways that run through Baker, which generally indicate low points through the city. During heavy rains, stormwater will settle and collect along these low points first.
Resilient & Healthy Baker
LEGEND Waterways Streets Major Parks
Tree Canopy This map of tree canopy in and around Baker shows where trees are concentrated, which often corresponds with waterways. The presence of trees helps regulate temperature and absorb stormwater.
LEGEND Waterways Streets Tree Canopy Major Parks
Baker, Louisiana
FEMA Flood Zones This map shows FEMA designated flood zones where zone X represents areas with the lowest flood risk and zone A and AE represents areas with higher flood risk. Mortgages within A and AE flood zones are required to have flood insurance. Unfortunately, in 2016 many homes and businesses inside the FEMA Zone X flooded as well.
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Land Use This map shows where different activities are permitted within the boundaries of Baker. Increasing community wellbeing requires placing complementary uses next to each other and locating vulnerable populations, such as children/schools or elderly/nursing homes, away from environmentally risky locations.
LEGEND Residential Commercial Parks Heavy Industrial Limited Transition District
Baker, Louisiana
Roadways This map shows the street network in Baker. Some roads are city-owned, but others are parish or state-owned roads. Road ownership influences decisions about design standards and speed limits.
Resilient & Healthy Baker
LEGEND Waterways Streets Major Parks
City Hall
Civic Areas This map shows the location of existing schools, parks, and city-owned buildings that are an important part of civic life in Baker.
LEGEND Local Parks Local Schools Major Parks
Baker, Louisiana
Baker & the Flood of 2016 In August 2016, a low-pressure system dropped 22-31” of rain in three days across Louisiana’s capital region. From August 12-14th, the area around the City of Baker received more than 27 inches of rain, which caused significant flooding. This flooding was the result of massive flooding across the Amite River watershed. According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 3,601 homes (64%) in Baker flooded with 1,442 of these homes (40%) receiving more than two feet of water inside. City officials identified eight properties that required demolition, and 22 buildings that had flooded more than once. Unfortunately only nine of the 22 repetitive flood loss properties had flood insurance. In addition, 31 affected businesses did not return, which created vacancies in commercial districts. The flooding also impacted several public buildings, including the fire station and Baker High School. As a result, high school students relocated to Baker Middle School, and the middle school students relocated to Bakerfield Elementary School. The Baker Heights Elementary School campus housed the combined elementary school population. The 2019-2020 school year marked the fourth year of the longterm displacement of students in the Baker School System. Plans to rebuild the high school received federal approval with construction to begin in the near future.
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Regional Impact of the 2016 Floods
Baker, Louisiana
Local and Regional Planning Efforts "The city of Baker identified the management and reduction of food risk as a high priority for recovery and resilience." -Baker United Strategic Recovery Plan, 2018, p. 49
Since the 2016 flood, the city of Baker and its residents have participated in several planning processes to guide recovery and future development within and adjacent to its boundaries. With support from the Louisiana Office of Community Development Disaster Recovery Unit (OCD-DRU) and the Capital Region Planning Commission (CRPC), Baker created and adopted a long-term recovery plan in 2018. The process created the following vision statement for the city of Baker:
“Baker is a resilient, cultural, historic, and innovative city of excellence. It is a model community that is competitive and attractive to both businesses and families. It provides high quality educational opportunities and is built on family values. Baker’s culture enables residents from all walks of life to accomplish their goals and dreams and to play a part in building a safe and healthy living environment.” -Baker United Strategic Recovery Plan, 2018, p. 26
Resilient & Healthy Baker
After creating the recovery plan, the city began updating its land use plan and working with the CRPC to create a bicycle-pedestrian master plan, which was adopted in early 2020. Parish planning processes, such as the hazard mitigation plan and the stormwater master plan, also influence life in Baker as some roads and drainage ways are owned and maintained at the parish level. Currently, the city has several on-going hazard mitigation projects in progress that were identified in the recovery plan and supported through the parish hazard mitigation plan. These projects include brush clearing and drainage improvement projects, multi-phased sewer lift station improvements, emergency generator installation at city hall, and flood-proofing and wind hardening to city hall and the Groom Road fire station. In addition to parish influence, state level planning processes also shape opportunities in Baker. For instance, the Recreation and Park Commission for the Parish of East Baton Rouge (BREC) recently adopted a new bicycle-pedestrian master plan and the Baton Rouge Zoo and Greenwood Park master plan, which aim to increase connections between Baker and other parish cities. The state also launched the Louisiana Watershed Initiative, which is shifting stormwater management planning across the state to a regional watershed approach.
Baker, Louisiana
a timeline of relevant planning initiatives that have taken place in baker, louisiana, to date.
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Community Engagement
Our Process The approach of this project, to create strategies for a healthy and resilient Baker, recognizes that the city is not a blank slate or passive canvas. The purpose of this work is to reduce flood risk and increase quality of life in communities impacted by the August 2016 flood. To do this, the project used a community participatory planning framework to combine an understanding of how water flows through the Amite River Basin with research on how individual communities define wellbeing to inform the community design and policy. Participatory planning processes allow local residents and government officials to set the goals and the vision for the outcomes of the planning process. Because every community views the elements necessary for their wellbeing differently based on their unique socio-cultural values and history, this project began by allowing community members to define their needs and what wellbeing means in Baker. The research team gathered information for the study in many ways. They held public meetings; conducted interviews and focus groups with residents; city officials and employees; and professional architects, planners, civil engineers, and landscape architects to better understand the city’s strengths and to create strategies to overcome the city’s challenges. They researched case studies and best practices to understand how other communities and organizations have approached stormwater management. The team also toured Baker numerous times to analyze existing environmental conditions. The process was guided by a steering committee of residents, elected officials, city employees, and the city’s engineering consultant. The information learned through community engagement was presented to the steering committee to verify accuracy. The design strategies were based on the ideas of wellbeing that emerged from the public meeting. The steering committee also vetted initial design concepts created by professional designers and interns from the LSU Coastal Sustainability Studio..
Councilwoman Glenda Bryant discusses project goals with residents. Community Design Open House, March 9, 2019.
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Resilient & Healthy Baker Community Engagement
Baker Steering Committee Meeting
September 2018
The steering committee worked with researchers to create preliminary project mapping.
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Baker Steering Committee Meeting
November 2018
Surveys asked resident to list things they like and things they would change about their community.
The steering committee worked with local professionals and the project team to map areas that experience flooding.
Community Engagement
Field Work in Baker
Residents showed the research team existing conditions and problem areas. December 12, 2018.
The LSU Coastal Sustainabilty Studio summer design interns explored the community as part of their orientation. June 2019.
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Baker Community Design Open House
March 2019
Residents complete surveys and mapping exercises.
Residents showed researchers where streets flood during heavy rains and where sidewalks are needed around town.
Community Engagement
Baker Community Design Open House
March 2019
Residents want sidewalks, green space, and gathering spots in their neighborhoods.
Residents identify why they love their community and what needs remain.
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Baker Scenario Building Workshop
April 2019
Elected officials and city employees completed a scenario-building workshop, April 15, 2019.
The scenario building workshop worked through the cascading consequences of different stormwater management strategies.
Community Engagement
Baker Speed Design Lunch N’ Learn
April 2019
Local architects and landscape architects created innovate design solutions to reduce flood risk in Baker.
This sketch depicts a walkway along existing drainage canals to increase connectivity.
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Baker Steering Committee Meeting
July 2019
Councilwoman Glenda Bryant and the steering committee discussed what worked and didn’t work in the preliminary designs.
The steering committee identified policy needs and set report priorities.
Community Engagement
Wellbeing Statement Based on survey responses, residents like the friendly, family-focused atmosphere of the city of Baker where everyone knows each other and maintains their property. They also appreciate Baker’s small, quiet, and peaceful environment that has low crime, little traffic, and plenty of space between houses. Residents want more commerce, recreation, and open green space options, increased public safety and cleanliness, and better schools and city infrastructure, including: sidewalks, wider roads, bike lanes, and paved walking trails. They want better accountability and communication on the part of the city to keep parish and city drainage systems maintained and residents informed about city news. They also want programs that increase neighborhood connections, decrease yard flooding, provide opportunities for youth, attract young families and homeowners, and assist seniors, particularly with financial concerns.
This graph shows what residents want in their community. Community Design Open House, March 9, 2019.
Resilient & Healthy Baker
“I like my neighborhood because...”
This word cloud shows the reasons why Baker residents love their city. Community Design Open House, March 9, 2019.
Community Engagement
Issues Raised The community engagement raised a number of issues. The number one concern at the public meeting was the lack of sidewalks in Baker that connect neighborhoods to each other and to commercial corridors. The lack of connectivity limits mobility for pedestrians and bicyclists whose only option is to travel on the shoulder of roads with fast moving traffic. The scenario-building workshop showed there is a heavy reliance on gray drainage infrastructure to address flood risk although large-scale drainage projects, such as the Comite Diversion, can take several years to complete and may lead to catastrophic damage if they fail. The workshop participants also highlighted the need for increased communication between the city and the parish to maintain and improve current gray drainage infrastructure. Additionally, city has a high number of commercial and residential vacancies, where businesses and residents did not return and repair their properties after the 2016 flood.
This map compiles community feedback on where flash flooding occurs and where lack of sidewalks hampers accessibility. Community Design Open House, March 9, 2019.
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Goals of this Document The recommendations expressed in this report strive to complement and build upon the goals and work that has already been accomplished by the city, parish, and state. The purpose of this report is to show ways the city of Baker can increase its wellbeing while reducing future flood risk in order to accomplish the goals and visions set forth by the community after the 2016 floods. The city’s long-term recovery plan identified twenty-two recovery goals across the six target areas. This project offers strategies that can help the community achieve nine recovery goals.
Resilient & Healthy Baker
• Foster community involvement and unity • Implement an effective stormwater management system • Improve safety for pedestrians and bicyclist • Develop a walkable, bikeable, economically viable Main Street along Groom Road • Provide services to seniors, youth, and those in need • Increase the city’s health, safety, and resilience • Activate and connect parks and public spaces • Implement an arts and culture initiative • Beautify and upgrade public and private spaces in the city
Community Engagement
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Design + Policy Recommendations
Investing in Multiple Benefits Historically, infrastructure systems have been very costly and are built to serve a single purpose such as transportation, drainage, or recreation. As infrastructure ages and budgets shrink, there is a growing demand for replacement strategies that are more resource efficient and serve multiple necessary functions. This is particularly true given increased rates of community development, and the inability of individual communities to pay for systems that keep up with their own demand and the cumulative impacts of development from neighboring communities. Designing infrastructure with multiple functions (multifunctionality) allows for the integration of social, environmental, and economic considerations to get the most benefit for the money spent. Social functions include recreation, cultural heritage, education, and other benefits directly experienced by members of the community. Environmental functions include water storage and filtration, biodiversity conservation, climate regulation, and other benefits and for environmental health that also indirectly benefit community members. Economic functions of multifunctionality include a reduced need for expensive engineering solutions, food production, energy efficiency, and other benefits that have a market value.
infrastructure Infrastructure is the fixed system of public works that a community and its economy need to function. There are two general categories of infrastructure, hard and soft. Hard infrastructure refers to the physical networks necessary for basic functions (e.g. roads, water & sewer, drainage, and telecommunications). Soft infrastructure refers to the institutions that maintain community and economic health (e.g. schools, parks & open space, health care).
Resilient & Healthy Baker
drainage infrastructure Typical drainage systems use wide concrete culverts and ditches to direct water out of communities as fast as possible. These systems are expensive, prone to catastrophic failure (especially with increased demands from upstream neighbors), and provide no additional benefits. Alternatives with green infrastructure provide multiple benefits, including: recreation opportunities that support public health, water filtration with riparian buffers that improves water quality and biodiversity, and increased stormwater storage capacity that translates to economic savings.
The below picture show how a multi-functional drainage way creates space to hold excess stormwater during flood events and provides ecosystem benefits, such as improving water quality and preserving habitats for wildlife.
Design + Policy Recommendations
Design + Policy Recommendations This section introduces three driving concepts that emerged as solutions to community concerns: living with water, connected communities, design for active living. These concepts or themes can be layered to create multi-functional spaces that reduce risk and increase community wellbeing. The themes represent ways of thinking about urban space that foster resilience and wellbeing. The ideas are not new. They build upon stormwater and transportation management best practices recognized by professional organizations and government agencies such as the American Institute for Architects (AIA), the American Planning Association (APA), the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Center for Planning Excellence (C-PEX). The following defines each theme and provides a short discussion of benefits and considerations before discussing specific tools and implementation strategies. While this section focuses on applying each concept in a residential subdivision, such as Baker Estates, the next section shows how these concepts can be utilized to create multi-functional stormwater management, transportation, and recreation systems throughout the entire community.
Infrastructure investments with multiple benefits means increasing quality of life while decreasing flood risk.
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Living with Water As the threat of more intense and frequent storms grows, current drainage systems struggle to keep streets and homes dry. This is forcing communities to think differently about stormwater management. Many communities are turning to alternatives that emphasize restoring natural systems and storing water in place. Living with Water means turning drainage from an annoyance to an amenity by creating space for stormwater in the landscape.
Connected Communities Streets connect people to the places they need to go. In the past, street and roadway design focused almost exclusively on the needs of drivers to the detriment of others, such as bicyclists and pedestrians. Connected Communities provide the ability for all community members, regardless of age, ability, or access to resources, to move around their community safely. Encouraging walking and biking reduces automobile use and increases community health + wellbeing. Careful design of trails and pathways can also connect Baker to surrounding communities and resources.
Design for Active Living Design for Active Living means more than creating networks to encourage exercise. Design for Active Living means identifying and investing in the design elements and programming that allow recreation to be a year-round endeavor. In a place that sustains high temperatures for much of the year, designs for year-round outdoor space should incorporate natural elements (e.g. trees for shade, water fountains and features) sittable space (e.g. benches, ledges, movable tables and chairs), ample lighting, and food options (e.g. food trucks, picnic areas) that give life to a space.
Design + Policy Recommendations
Living with Water The traditional ways of approaching stormwater management aren’t working in many places today. Part of this is due to environmental changes associated with more intense and more frequent storms that overwhelm the capacity of current drainage infrastructure. This is also due to development patterns associated with increases in surfaces that don’t absorb water and increases in building in floodplains and other flood-prone areas. Both of these trends decrease the storage capacity of the landscape by reducing the space for water to sit until it evaporates or absorbs into the ground. When traditional systems fail, communities flood. Living with Water means turning drainage from an annoyance to an amenity by creating space for stormwater in the landscape. To increase resilience, many communities are transforming the way they approach stormwater management. Traditional approaches sought to convey water out of urban areas as fast as possible. New approaches, known as green stormwater infrastructure, encourage replicating the water cycle to manage rain where it falls. In some places, this means restoring natural systems or waterways that have been replaced or disrupted by human infrastructure. Other solutions use a combination of water-loving plants, porous soils, and landscaping to store water in place until it evaporates or absorbs. These strategies are paired with existing drainage infrastructure to increase stormwater storage capacity and to decrease pressure on existing systems. Following the 2016 flood, Baker residents identified 22 goals in their recovery planning process. These included “implementing an effective stormwater management system” and “beautifying and upgrading public and private land.” Utilizing green stormwater infrastructure techniques in Baker can help residents achieve both goals. It can also improve wellbeing by increasing opportunities for residents to interact with and be in nature.
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Strategies Green Stormwater Infrastructure The term green stormwater infrastructure describes a variety of methods that can be used together or separately to provide stormwater drainage and retention for lots, streets, communities, or regions in an ecologically responsible way. A common element of these methods is the use of natural systems to store water in place. Many strategies use specific plants and trees to absorb and clean stormwater. Others use permeable materials. This section shows a non-exhaustive list of green stormwater infrastructure strategies.
gray stormwater infrastructure Gray stormwater infrastructure refers to concrete structures and systems designed to collect and transport rainwater. Traditional stormwater management systems use culverts, storm drains, and underground pipes to move rainwater away from streets, homes, and businesses as quickly as possible.
green stormwater infrastructure Green stormwater infrastructure manages stormwater where it falls through mimicking or restoring natural water systems. Many strategies use soils, plantlife, or permeable surfaces to store and filter stormwater to improve water quality while reducing nuisance flooding.
Design + Policy Recommendations | living with water
Green Stormwater Infrastructure Complements Gray Stormwater Infrastructure Green stormwater infrastructure is not a replacement for gray stormwater infrastructure systems. Green stormwater infrastructure is designed to work alongside gray stormwater infrastructure to decrease the negative environmental effects of gray stormwater infrastructure while providing greater capacity for storm water drainage and retention.
Green stormwater infrastructure reduces pressure on traditional drainage systems by storing water in the landscape. Credit: New Orleans Water Plan, Wagner & Ball.
Green Stormwater Infrastucture Design, Liberty High, Baton Rouge, LA. Credit: Reich Landscape Architecture 72
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Stormwater Lots This strategy transforms vacant residential lots into rain gardens or floodable parks. Stormwater lots store water and use native plants and specific soils to filter out pollutants and absorb rainwater, which improves water quality and decreases the amount of stormwater drainage systems must convey.
Stormwater Lot, New Orleans, LA. Credit: Dana Brown & Associates
Part of the difficulty in implementing green infrastructure practices in densely developed areas is finding the space to make changes in a static built environment. One way around this dilemma is the conversion of vacant lots into Stormwater Lots. These are vacant or abandoned lots that have had debris and paved surfaces removed and vegetation and trees added to deliver economic, social, and environmental benefits. Zoning ordinance requires that “stormwater management” become an acceptable primary use in all or certain districts. Further, strategies for the development of these lots in concert with other efforts such as a bike/ped network or planned unit development is key to their success.
Design + Policy Recommendations | living with water
Benefits and Considerations Ecosystem Services People receive many benefits from living in harmony with their natural environments. These benefits are known as ecosystem services. Sustainable development keeps ecosystems intact while promoting resilient growth. Green infrastructure enhances ecosystems by increasing plant life and natural environments, which in turn adds additional benefits for community members. For example, the native plants used in green infrastructure clean storm water run-off which improves water quality in the community.
An ecosystem is made of the living and nonliving elements that coexist in an area. This includes plants, animals, soils, land, water, and weather
4 Ecosystems provide many services necessary for human wellbeing.
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Cost Effectiveness Green Infrastructure is cost effective because it works to provide long-term, environmentally sustainable solutions to problems that gray infrastructure has had a difficult time resolving. Once green infrastructure takes root, it implies less in terms of large-scale maintenance costs. It also provides places for native plants and animals to flourish, letting natural beauty shine through design and engineering solutions. Health benefits of human scale green infrastructure are noticeable and are directly produced by providing spaces that encourage physical activity and connecting with nature. Health benefits are also indirectly produced by designing spaces that can reduce flooding and the psychological strain that it causes residents. Providing infrastructure that boosts wellbeing is cost effective as well, because healthy citizens are better able to participate in society.
Maintenance Needs Like all infrastructure systems, green infrastructure requires maintenance to function properly. However, the approach to its maintenance shows a stronger connection between ecologically responsible engineering and landscaping than has been seen in past forms of infrastructure. Maintenance needs are specific to each green infrastructure method. Some methods, like rain gardens, may require learning how to care for native plants and animals. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) provides free resources to support the proper maintenance of green stormwater infrastructure, including inspection checklists for porous pavements and bio retention systems, charts detailing the upkeep of vegetation and drainage systems, and proposed remedies to issues that may arise. 5
Design + Policy Recommendations | living with water
Living with Water in Baker
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Many different green stormwater infrastructure strategies to reduce flood risk can be used in residential subdivisions, like Baker Estates. As shown in the image, bioswales can be installed between streets and sidewalks to hold stormwater and beautify the neighborhood. Vacant lots can be converted into stormwater lots, which function as large rain gardens or floodable parks, to hold water during storms. Streets, sidewalks, and walking paths can be constructed with permeable pavement to enable rainwater to soak into the ground. D A
Toolkit A. Bioswales B. Rain Gardens C. Permeable Pavement D. Street Trees C
Design + Policy Recommendations | living with water
Living with Water Toolkit Maintaining quality of life and encouraging new investment in Baker requires coordinated strategies that reduce long-term risk. In the wake of the 2016 flooding, Baker has recognized the importance of traditional gray infrastructure and drainageways as necessary safety measures, However, there are currently few strategies that target water runoff where it is generated, slowing water flow, and reducing the need for more expensive infrastructure investment in the future. Through this process, Baker has recognized that there are new and innovative ways to introduce water into the landscape to reduce risk, increase economic vitality, and improve quality of life. The following provides a roadmap for policies that Baker may adopt to achieve the goals set out in this document.
Managing Water at Multiple Scales Effective stormwater management requires addressing stormwater at the individual lot, community/neighborhood and regional scale.
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Regional Design + Policy Recommendations | living with water
Green Roofs Consists of a permeable pavement (surface course) underlain by a uniformly-graded stone bed which provides temporary storage for stormwater runoff and promotes infiltration. The surface course may consist of porous asphalt, porous concrete or various porous structural pavers.
Implementing Green Roofs A green roof can have up to twice the lifespan of a conventional roof, making the long-term cost of the two comparable. However, since the initial cost of a green roof is significant, a policy that focuses on alleviating construction cost burdens through subsidies will likely be most successful. Subsidies are usually provided per square foot of green roof area, up to an established maximum amount or percent of the total cost. The funding for subsidy programs may come from stormwater fees collected by the community to mitigate post-construction stormwater runoff. By investing in green roofs, a community can eliminate runoff before it enters the stormwater system. The use of public money on private land is validated through the reduction in gray infrastructure cost, size, and maintenance burden. Green roofs may also qualify as permitted obstructions to the maximum lot coverage regulations thus incentivizing their use.
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Rainwater Harvesting
Runoff capture and reuse encompasses a wide variety of water storage techniques designed to capture precipitation, hold it for a period of time, and reuse it. These storage techniques may include cisterns, underground tanks, above-ground tanks, rain barrels, planters or other systems.
Implementing Rainwater Harvesting Implementing rainwater harvesting makes sense at the community level for several reasons. This technique can reduce stormwater collection overflows; reduce potable water demand when used for applications such as landscape irrigation; decrease the amount of energy required for treatment; and mitigate costs. Using a combination of incentives, compliance assistance and regulations can be very effective at obtaining a high rate of participation. Incentives: Many cities, water districts, and conservation agencies offer free or discounted rain barrel to encourage residents to disconnect their downspouts and store rainwater on site. The use of subsidies and incentives can encourage the installation of rainwater harvesting, particularly among low income households. These programs can also be expanded to larger properties where storage and use of rain water can maintain commercial landscaping and on-site habitat, and have significant impacts on stormwater management capacity. Compliance assistance: Providing brochures and self-help videos describing how to separate downspouts from the collection system, and offering free site assessments and technical assistance can be very helpful in achieving these goals. Cities such as New Orleans have partnered with local non-profit organizations to implement education and assistance programs encouraging rainwater harvesting.
Design + Policy Recommendations | living with water
Trees are a vital part of our ecosystem. In addition to providing shade, which can reduce urban heat island issues, trees absorb and store water. Some species of trees, such as live oaks, are capable of absorbing 1000 gallons of water every day. That’s enough to fill 25 bathtubs. Trees also muffle street sounds, which increases the quiet, peaceful atmosphere that residents love about Baker.
Implementing Tree-Friendly Policy From reducing stormwater runoff to improving the urban aesthetics and air quality, much is expected of a community’s trees. However, they are often given little thought as a risk reduction strategy and very little space to grow in inhospitable environments. Tree planting/protection: Old growth tree protection regulations are a common strategy to maintain trees, such as live oaks, that provide the most benefit. Furthermore, tree canopy restoration can be accomplished by establishing tree planting requirements in commercial/mixed-use developments. Measuring success of these efforts is best accomplished through the establishment of citywide tree canopy goals (e.g. 50% tree canopy by 2030) Planting standards: Through landscape ordinances, the requirement of adequate soil volume and quality soil can multiply the benefits of street trees. To obtain a healthy soil volume, trees should be provided large tree boxes, and adequate structural soils and root paths to allow growth of the root zone under sidewalks or other paved areas. These allow tree roots the space they need to grow to full size, increasing the health of the tree and providing benefits sooner than a tree with confined root space.
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Stormwater absorption capabilities of common trees in southeast Louisiana
Design + Policy Recommendations | living with water
Permeable Pavement
Consists of a permeable pavement (surface course) underlain by a uniformly-graded stone bed which provides temporary storage for stormwater runoff and promotes infiltration. The surface course may consist of porous asphalt, porous concrete or various porous structural pavers.
Implementing Permeable Pavement With so many paved surfaces in the urban environment, there are numerous opportunities to increase permeability of sidewalks, driveways, parking lots, and roadways. Reducing runoff falls into two categories from a policy perspective: paved surfaces on private property and publicly owned paved surfaces. Publicly-owned property: Unlike regulatory or incentive-based tools intended to influence private property owners, government agencies have much greater discretion to control what happens on public property. Green infrastructure can be incorporated into street design standards (e.g. reduced lane widths, permeable paving, street tree planting), bike and pedestrian investments ped lanes/sidewalks (e.g. permeable paving, street tree planting), tree lawns (e.g. stormwater bioswales), building sites (stormwater management strategies and pilot projects within publiclyowned sites such as schools and parks).
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Private property: Maximum lot coverage: A fundamental first step for reducing permeable surfaces is to identify maximum lot coverage standards in the zoning ordinance for all residential, commercial and industrial districts. Currently, maximum lot coverage is addressed in most residential districts, but only sporadically in non-residential districts despite the fact that these uses tend to have the most impermeable surfaces and thus produce the most runoff. These standards may be tailored to specific watershed units depending on localized flood risk. Parking regulations: Sustainable parking management includes a variety of strategies that encourage more efficient use of existing parking lots and improved parking design. Current parking requirements are generally based on American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) or similar standards, but tend to be inflexible, overly generous with parking spaces, and don’t consider other benefits or drawbacks such as the amount of impervious surface or how paving may impact stormwater systems. The development of more accurate and flexible parking requirements means that parking standards will reflect parking demand, taking into account stormwater management factors. This may allow parking requirements to be reduced or square footage to be increased in exchange for implementation of strategies such as enhanced perimeter landscaping, shade trees, and permeable parking spaces and/or overflow parking areas to deal with occasional peaks.
Design + Policy Recommendations | living with water
Rain Gardens
A vegetated shallow surface depression planted with specially selected native plants to treat and capture runoff. Rain gardens should be located in well-drained soils. They allow stormwater to be absorbed by plants and infiltrated into the groundwater.
Retention & Detention Basins Two different kinds of ponds are often used for food control and stormwater runoff treatment: wet ponds and dry ponds. Both systems function to settle suspended sediments and other solids typically present in stormwater runoff. Wet ponds are called retention ponds and they have a permanent pool of water that fluctuates in response to precipitation and runoff. Dry ponds are designed to drain from a full condition within 36 to 48 hours to allow sediment particles and associated pollutants to settle and be removed.
Resilient & Healthy Baker
A broad, shallow channel densely planted with a variety of trees, shrubs, and/or grasses. Bioswales should be promoted in lieu of storm piping to convey stormwater naturally, promoting infiltration, reducing runoff volume, and filtering pollutants.
Bio Retention Implementation Bioretention includes a range of strategies such as rain gardens, bioswales, and retention/detention ponds that can handle quantities of runoff from impermeable surfaces adjacent to where it is generated. Compliance assistance: Providing how-to guides and connecting homeowners with those who can help with site assessments and technical assistance can be very helpful in achieving these goals. This may be another opportunity for partnerships with local non-profit organizations to implement education and assistance programs. Regulations: Ambitious on-site retention standards in non-residential districts. Flexible landscape standards that encourage innovation and an appropriate mixture of plants and sub-surface structure to meet lot and adjacent stormwater conditions and needs.
Design + Policy Recommendations | living with water
Enhanced Stream Banks A permanent area of trees and shrubs located adjacent to streams, lakes, ponds, and wetlands. Riparian forests are the most beneficial type of buffer for they provide ecological and water quality benefits.
Enhanced Stream Banks Implementation Implementation: Riparian buffers are often established or restored through local development and zoning codes that identify critical floodways and riparian areas on a watershed scale. Wetlands, riparian areas, and floodplains prioritized for protection or restoration may be safeguarded through restrictions of potential development and the creation of conservation easements. Incentives: For new projects, jurisdictions can offer double open space credit for the creation or enhancement of riparian buffers along protected waterways. They might also allow the transfer of development rights between a floodplain property and another located outside of the floodplain. This effectively stops any development on the property within the riparian buffer and, in turn, supplements the development potential of a property that has less adverse impact on the capacity of the watershed. Finally, jurisdictions might offer tax breaks or fee reductions for properties that enter into conservation easements that protect the riparian buffer.
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Floodplain & Wetlands Restoration Floodplain and wetland restoration tries to mimic the interaction of groundwater, stream base flow, and vegetative root systems−key components of a stream corridor under pre-settlement (pre-1600s) conditions. The interaction among these elements provides multiple benefits, including the filtering of sediments and nutrients through retention of frequent high flows on the floodplain, removal of nitrates from groundwater, reduction of peak flow rates, groundwater recharge/ infiltration, reduced erosion, control non-native invasive species, and an increase of storage and reduction of food elevations during higher flows.
Design + Policy Recommendations | living with water
Connected Communities Streets connect people to places. In the past, street and roadway design focused almost exclusively on the needs of drivers to the detriment of others, such as bicyclists and pedestrians. This narrow focus often leads to unsafe traveling environments for nondrivers especially in communities that have minimal or no other options than walking or biking along existing streets. According to LaDOTD crash data, three cyclists and 11 pedestrians were hit by cars in Baker between 2013 and 2017, with two pedestrians severely injured. These accidents all occurred in areas where roads lacked multi-modal transportation facilities, such as sidewalks or bike lanes (Baker Bike/Ped Plan, 2020). In the Baker United recovery planning process, residents and key stakeholders prioritized increasing safety for cyclists and pedestrians. Jurisdictions across the nation, including East Baton Rouge Parish, are currently addressing deficiencies in street design and calls for increased safety through adopting a Complete Street framework. Complete Streets allow pedestrians, cyclists, and motor vehicles to safely coexist. Sometimes this is done by slowing traffic and providing on-street accommodations for nondrivers. Other times, it is safer to create buffers or dedicated pathways that physically separate drivers and nondrivers. This strategy can be combined with creating accessible sidewalks and bike lanes, as well as crosswalks and signage that prepare drivers for cyclists and pedestrian interactions. Many designs also integrate new public spaces, such as parklets and sidewalk cafés, to encourage public use of these spaces. Connected Communities provide the ability for all community members, regardless of age, ability, or access to resources, to move around their community safely. Transportation networks are multi-modal when they are designed to be safe, convenient, and comfortable for all users whether they drive cars, ride bikes, take the bus, or walk. Multi-modal designs should also consider accessibility, so people of all ages, income levels, and physical abilities can move around their community. These networks can reinforce and beautify a city’s existing transportation network and encourage safe and healthy connections with external destinations. Encouraging walking and biking reduces automobile use and increases community health + wellbeing. Through intentional design, trails and pathways can also connect Baker to surrounding communities and resources.
Resilient & Healthy Baker
multi-modal transportation Multi-modal transportation refers to the different ways that people travel around town. At the city level, different modes include: walking, cycling, driving, and riding public transit. Multi-modal transportation systems also include connections between the different modes.
walkability Walkability refers to the ease with which citizens can meet their daily needs as pedestrians. Cities are considered walkable when residents can walk to grocery stores, schools, jobs, and recreational sites. Walkability depends on proximity as well as infrastructure, such as sidewalks and crosswalks, to keep pedestrians safe.
network In urban design, a network is a cohesive group of spaces linked to one another by various, accessible, multi-modal pathways and roadways.
Design + Policy Recommendations | connected communities
Strategies 15 Complete Streets meet the needs of all types of
Complete Streets
transit users.
A Complete Street is designed to accommodate all users−pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists, and transit riders of all ages and physical abilities. Complete Streets include features such as sidewalks, bike lanes, pedestrian crossings, ADA accessibility, wayfinding signage, and transit stops designed to provide high levels of comfort and safety for users. Complete Streets features also work together to form a network that allows users to make seamless trips between home, work, school and other daily destinations. According to the Baton Rouge Sustainable Transportation Action Committee, Complete Street Toolkit, the benefits of Complete Streets are substantial and far-reaching, ranging from increased safety, improved public health, increases in economic activity and employment, decreases in crime, and increases in property values. This same framework was used to develop the bicycle and pedestrian master plan for the City of Baker.
Greenways Greenways are one strategy to create multimodal transportation networks. A greenway is generally a mixed-use space that is separated from the roadway and can be used safely by both cyclists and pedestrians. Some greenways follow roads while others take different routes, such as following rivers or bayous to bring users closer to nature. Greenways can also connect natural spaces, such as forested areas or parks, to each other, which improves ecosystem wellbeing. 16 Jean Laffitte Greenway, New Orleans, LA.
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Benefits and Considerations Health Connected Communities improve wellbeing in many ways. Multi-modal networking allows citizens to walk, jog, or cycle on safe and comfortable paths to work and to complete daily tasks, which encourages physical fitness. Providing alternative means of traveling within a community can also reduce reliance on driving, which improves air quality and reduces household transportation expenses.
Equity Connected Communities allow residents of all ages and ability, regardless of material resources, to safely move within and around their community. This may increase access to employment or recreation opportunities for households without cars.
Safety Connected Communities use multi-modal transportation networks to keep users of all ages and abilities safe. Establishing routes that direct cyclists and pedestrians away from areas with fast moving traffic reduces fatalities. Public education campaigns may be necessary to teach residents how to interact with other modes of transportation in order to keep residents safe.
Design + Policy Recommendations | connected communities
Connected Communities in Baker
Resilient & Healthy Baker
To transform subdivisions, such as Baker Estates, into Connected Communities, continuous sidewalks, crosswalks, and bike lanes should be added to the existing street network. As the image shows, bike lanes can be added through pavement markings on neighborhood streets with infrequent, slow moving traffic.
Toolkit A. Continuous Sidewalks B. Crosswalks C. Buffered Sidewalks D. Shared Bike Lane C
Design + Policy Recommendations | connected communities
Connected Communities Toolkit Personal safety when walking and biking was a key concern when speaking with Baker residents, which has been echoed in other planning processes. Drawing on national best practices and local planning processes, this toolkit describes the design elements needed to create Connected Communities. It also includes policy tools that can improve connectivity in and around Baker.
Way Finding
Effective signage pulled together in a city-wide wayfinding system can assist both locals and visitors in traveling between locations, and discovering new destinations. It has the capacity to improve local economic wellbeing by encouraging people to use amenities within their own neighborhood and city. The choices of sign materials, dimensions, colors, and forms should be developed to enhance legibility and community identity. Similarly, maps should employ consistent symbology, fonts, colors, and style.
Shared Use Paths The shape and accessibility of sidewalks, shared-use paths, and crosswalks, as well as the inclusion of lighting are elements often determined by guidelines within a community’s subdivision regulations.
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Sidewalks Sidewalks should be level and wide enough to accommodate pedestrians of all ages and abilities. They should also be ADA compliant with curb cuts that allow wheelchairs and strollers to cross streets easily.
Implementing Sidewalks Sidewalks and Shared-Use Paths: The shape and accessibility of sidewalks, shareduse paths, and crosswalks, as well as the inclusion of lighting are elements often determined by guidelines within a community’s subdivision regulations.
Streetscape Implementation Coherent streetscape design guidelines are key to building new and retrofitting existing infrastructure that will be accessible to all persons regardless of ability or stature. Coherent streetscapes will also help create a safe, pleasant place for people to walk, sit, stand, and move around. Furthermore, subdivision regulations can incentivize development that encourages street connections, and thus makes it easier for community members to travel on foot or bicycle.
Design + Policy Recommendations | connected communities
Designated crosswalks and pedestrian crossing signals increase safety by directing pedestrians to walk cross roads where drivers are expecting them to be and by stopping traffic to allow pedestrians to cross busy intersections. Crosswalks can also be designed to slow down drivers to make crossing roads safer for pedestrians and cyclists.
Bike Lanes There are many strategies to incorporate bike lanes into existing streets. Strategies range from using pavement markings and signage to notify drivers they must share the lane with cyclists to creating a designated bike lane that may or may not be physically buffered from vehicle traffic. 21
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Transit Stops Transit stops can operate as social hubs if they are designed as beautiful, comfortable places to rest. These spaces can be used by transit users, cyclists, or pedestrians. To create comfortable, safe places for all community members, transit stops need shelter to protect users from the weather as well as adequate lighting and seating. When coupled with bicycle and vehicular parking areas, transit stops can also facilitate switching between modes which may make using public transit more feasible for residents that live far from public transit lines.
Bus Lanes
In communities with high rates of transit users and traffic congestion, establishing dedicated bus lanes can increase the speed and efficiency of using public transportation. Reducing travel times can increase wellbeing for public transit users and attract new riders, which may reduce individual car use.
Design + Policy Recommendations | connected communities
Using Policy to Create Complete Streets Zoning and subdivision ordinances can establish minimum levels of activity and street connectivity for future developments to create neighborhoods that are conducive to walking, biking, and transit use. These policies can also connect existing neighborhoods to new areas and allow for a mix of uses that encourage connection.
Adopt a Complete Streets Ordinance Although Baker adopted the 2020 bicycle-pedestrian master plan, the city needs to adopt a Complete Street ordinance and update its subdivision regulations in order to transform Baker into a connected community. Revise Subdivision Regulations: Street Connectivity: Coherent streetscape design guidelines are key to building new and retrofitting existing infrastructure that will be accessible to all persons regardless of ability or stature, and that can help create a safe, pleasant place for people to walk, sit, stand, and move around. Furthermore, subdivision regulations can incentivize development that encourages street connections, and thus makes it easier for community members to travel on foot or bicycle. Sidewalks and Shared-Use Paths: The shape and accessibility of sidewalks, shareduse paths, and crosswalks, as well as the inclusion of lighting are elements often determined by guidelines within a community’s subdivision regulations.
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Credit: Baker Bike/Ped Master Plan. Dana Brown & Associates
Living with Water Connection Subdivision regulations can also mandate the use of green stormwater infrastructure bioretention strategies, such as bioswales to be used as buffers to separate vehicular and non-vehicular traffic. This creates complementary benefits where a single infrastructure investment increases physical safety for cyclists and pedestrians, while also reducing flood risk by designing space in the landscape to hold stormwater.
Design + Policy Recommendations | connected communities
Mixed Use Zoning Traditional zoning was developed at a time when commercial uses were noisy, smelly, or hazardous to the public. Today, well-designed commercial uses are environmentally benign, and there are often advantages to locating residential and civic uses in close proximity. Mixed use zoning creates areas that encourage a mix of housing, civic, and commercial uses, including retail, restaurants, and offices. To achieve well-planned mixed use development, Baker may consider creating specific mixed use districts, or implementing “overlay” districts, which encourage coordinated, cohesive, and connected development. To encourage developers to employ a mixed use option, incentives should be considered that appeal to local developers, such as: • The ability to build certain kinds of housing (e.g., multi-family or small units) where it is not otherwise allowed • More flexible design standards • Less open space where flexibility produces better design • Less parking, provided that adequate parking is achieved through such alternatives as shared parking or permeable overflow parking • Credit for reliance on public transportation, bicycling, or walking; or transportation demand management techniques • Streamlined permitting
24 Mixed use commercial and residential buildings. Norton’s Commons, KY.
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Design + Policy Recommendations | connected communities
Design for Active Living While flood risk poses a serious challenge to Louisiana communities, it is not the only threat to local resilience. Residents also experience significant environmental, social, and chronic health challenges that threaten individual and community wellbeing today and the ability of communities to adapt and thrive in the future. Designing communities to support active lifestyles can help increase physical exercise and provide opportunities for socializing that improve physical and mental health. In this way, designing spaces for active living can improve wellbeing and social cohesion to strengthen community resilience. After the 2016 flood, community members identified updating parks into usable spaces as a priority in Baker’s long-term recovery plan. Parks improve wellbeing by encouraging physical activity and by offering gathering spaces to build and improve social connections. Integrating parks and bike lanes into new developments can play an essential role in providing these services to citizens in their everyday lives. Parks and other outdoor recreational spaces can also reduce flood risk by creating spaces throughout the community to hold excess stormwater. Design for Active Living means identifying and investing in the design elements and programming that allow recreation to be a year-round endeavor. In a place that sustains high temperatures for much of the year, designs for yearround outdoor space should incorporate natural elements (e.g. trees for shade, water fountains and features) sittable space (e.g. benches, ledges, movable tables and chairs), ample lighting, and food options (e.g. food trucks, picnic areas) that give life to a space.
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Strategies Activate Public Space Designing the perfect space is only half the battle in creating public spaces that are actually used by community members. Programming is often needed to activate public spaces. Activation invites residents to the space and provides examples of how different design elements can be used. The city can work with local churches, clubs, organizations, schools, and other community partners to create programming that celebrates community and local culture.
Design at the Human Scale At its most basic, creating a human scale environment means making sure that the objects that we interact with every day are of a size and shape that is reasonable for the average person to use. The term is often used to distinguish between those who are accessing the city on foot, versus those who are viewing it from a car window. Though both involve people, we use human scale to refer to pedestrians, which leads to the companion term: automotive scale. When we consider community design, the term human scale can apply to any perspective from the amenities of physical space such as sidewalks, lighting and trees for shade; to psychological considerations such as how a space makes the user feel (e.g. safe vs. unsafe, comfortable vs. anxious).
Design + Policy Recommendations | design for active living
Benefits and Considerations Provide Multiple Functions Through intentional design, outdoor recreational spaces can serve multiple functions. While parks and trails provide spaces to engage in walking or cycling, they can also reduce flood risk by creating spaces throughout the community to hold excess stormwater. This reduces stress on drainage systems and may alleviate nuisance street flooding during heavy rains.
Strengthen Social Connections Outdoor spaces support wellbeing by providing gathering spaces that strengthen social bonds. Encouraging the development of strong social bonds among residents can improve community resilience to future disasters.
Improve Health + Wellbeing Design for Active Living improves health + wellbeing at the individual and community level, which can translate into increased resilience. Encouraging physical exercise through walking, cycling, and being outside has a direct, positive impact on physical and mental health. Design for Active Living can help residents with chronic health issues, such as obesity or high blood pressure, that can be improved through exercise. Addressing chronic health issues improves community resilience because residents may be better able to respond during disasters.
Design for Safety The design of a space influences perceptions of safety. External factors, such as time of day, gender, and age, also influence if users perceive spaces as safe or not. In community engagement processes, safety emerged as a high priority among residents. Safe spaces have adequate lighting and offer high visibility without places that conceal or isolate people.
25 Being active in nature increases mental and physical health.
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Resilient Healthy Design + Policy Recommendations | design&for activeBaker living
Design for Active Living in Baker
Resilient & Healthy Baker
In Baker Estates, stormwater lots can be designed as parklets with trails and recreational spaces. Installing outdoor grills near shaded seating provides the necessary elements to support active lifestyles and social gatherings on beautiful days.
Toolkit A
A. Benches B. Community Gathering C. Spaces D. BBQ Picnic Areas E. Street Lighting
Design + Policy Recommendations | design for active living
Design for Active Living Toolkit 26
Natural Elements In southern Louisiana, outdoor spaces need natural elements to be hospitable for year-round human activity. Mature trees along pedestrian and bike pathways provide shade and protection from the summer sun. Many community members also want water features, such as splash pads and water fountains as places to play and relax.
Implementing Natural Elements Tree planting/protection: Tree protection regulations and planting requirements found in the landscape ordinance are common strategies to provide trees, such as live oaks, that provide the most benefit.
Living with Water Connection People naturally gravitate to waterways and features. Greenways and paths along natural waterways provide opportunities for exercise as well as storage for stormwater when needed. Requirements and specifications for these features may be found in subdivision and/or floodplain ordinances.
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Lighting Lighting along roads is often built high in the air to provide clearance for trucks and oversized vehicles. To encourage active living, lighting should be scaled to human height. Creating well lit pathways increases feelings of safety for cyclists and pedestrians.
Food Options To support active living, gathering spaces should also include facilities for sharing food with friends and family, which is an important part of local culture. This may include permeable surfaces where food trucks can park as well as grassy, shaded picnic areas with and without tables and benches to accommodate the needs of different community members. Local ordinances can encourage food truck vending by setting affordable prices for food truck permits.
Design + Policy Recommendations | design for active living
Sittable Space Sittable spaces can be created in many different ways. Plans should include a mix of permanent benches, moveable tables and chairs, and ledges strategically placed along pathways, at transit stops, and in parks. Seating should be combined with shade elements to create a peaceful resting environment. Green stormwater infrastructure, such as building rain gardens in planter boxes, can be designed with wide ledges to accommodate seating and to beautify rest areas.
Recreational Equipment Installation of outdoor recreational and exercise equipment encourages physical health + wellbeing. Many community members stated they want water features, such as splash pads and water fountains as places to play and relax in nature.
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Cultural Aspects The inclusion of cultural aspects can take many forms, such as art installations, historical markers, welcome signs, or locations for special occasion pictures. Sculptures and other artwork can be installed along pathways or at transit stops. Residents suggested using benches to showcase the talents of local artists, who could submit ideas through a local design competition that allowed community members to select the winning ideas.
Design + Policy Recommendations | design for active living
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Vision for a Healthy & Resilient Baker
Introduction The previous chapter introduced how driving concepts can be woven together in urban design plans to promote physical health and social wellbeing and create complementary benefits. This chapter shows how these concepts can be applied throughout the entire community to create a city-wide multifunctional infrastructure network capable of reducing risk and improving quality of life for all community members.
Existing Issues This project identified five types of conditions in the heart of Baker that experience flooding during heavy rain events: subdivisions (neighborhoods), corridors (main streets), canals, parks, and commercial parking lots. For each condition, the project team selected a test site to serve as an example for design and policy strategies that could reduce flood risk and improve quality of life for community members. Based on a community mapping exercise, the team selected Baker Estates for the subdivision test site, Groom Road for the corridor test site, Brushy Bayou for the canal test site, City Park for the park test site, and Walgreens as the commercial parking lot test site. Although the project focuses on District 3, which the August 2016 floods hit hardest in relation to other parts of the city, the recommended design and policy strategies can be used throughout the entire city. Baker’s unique geographic location straddles two watersheds−Cypress Bayou to the northwest and White Bayou to the southeast. There are on-going discussions for a large-scale drainage project to address flooding in the Cypress Bayou watershed. While this is good for the city overall, it may not alleviate flood risk for parts of the city located in the White Bayou watershed. As such, this study focuses on potential integrated stormwater management and green infrastructure interventions at multiple scales (i.e. neighborhood, street, park, parking lots, etc.) that can transform the typical suburban environment into a model for capturing rainwater and reducing flood risk. This chapter provides strategic landscape and policy interventions that can increase quality of life while reducing flood risk for the long-term viability of the city as a whole. The project sites reflect locations residents reported as flood-prone during the Community Design Open House in March 2019.
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Baker Neighborhood Greenway Based on best practices research and community input, this proposal envisions a flexible neighborhood greenway that connects proposed multi-functional stormwater infrastructure. Rooted in Baker’s community values, this greenway will knit together the city’s suburban fabric to foster new resilient futures for the city of Baker. Constructing a series of greenways along canals and drainage ways creates space for bicyclists and pedestrians of all ages to move safely through town while increasing the capacity for stormwater retention. Greenways increase the area along the drainage ways able to hold excess stormwater during heavy rains that may cause flooding. The proposed network builds upon Baker’s 2020 bicycle and pedestrian plan to connect parks within Baker and allow non-vehicular traffic to access Greenwood Park and BREC Zoo. The routes along roads include different types of bike and pedestrian pathways such as sidewalks, shared-use paths (bikes and pedestrians), shared bike lanes (bikes and cars), and buffered bike lanes (physical barrier between bikes and cars) in accordance with the master plan. The space available for the pathway varies from place to place within the city. As such, the type and size of a pathway may vary along a single route, as well as between routes. This plan expands the master plan by adding in greenways along waterways, such as drainage canals and bayous. This increases opportunities for cyclists and pedestrians to move through the city away from cars. In the engagement process many residents wanted pathways away from cars for safety. Placing these pathways along waterways provides multiple functions by expanding stormwater storage capacity, providing transportation connections, and encouraging active lifestyles. Creating space for being in the natural environment also improves individual health + wellbeing.
Map of proposed waterfront trails connecting bike/ped plan to existing parks.
Vision for a Healthy & Resilient Baker
Baker City Park Located north of Groom Road between City Hall and the library and across the street from the local high school, City Park is one of nine parks in and around Baker. The park is a long rectangle that stretches from Groom Road to Jefferson Street. The Chamber of Commerce, located in the historic one-room schoolhouse, and Veterans Plaza memorial sit along the Groom Road entrance of City Park. This is the site of the city’s monthly farmers market and houses a children’s playground, an exercise circuit, and a walking trail. The area flooded significantly in 2016. Redesigning City Park to incorporate social gathering places and water features for children is a top priority of the current administration. Exisiting Baker City Park
The Rotary Club of Baker, in cooperation with the Baker Charitable Foundation, is building a 60 feet by 30 feet pavilion in Baker City Park near the playground. The Rotary Club has expressed the desire to see the pavilion used for the framers market and other functions. Existing Baker City Park Issues:
Short grass does not absorb or retain a lot of water
Lack of visibility on Groom Road
Lack of multi-modal connectivity to surrounding parks and neighborhoods
Limited family amenities such as picnic areas or water features
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Baker City Park Site Analysis Analysis of existing conditions in and around Baker City Park. Total Park Area: 5.89 Acres
Total Tree Count: 21 Trees
Total Tree Coverage: 20%
Total Path Length: 0.42 mi
Vision for a Healthy & Resilient Baker
Proposed Baker City Park
Proposed Multiuse Bike/Ped Path
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Programmatic Legend
Multi-Use Path
Fitness Area
Splash Pad
Reading Plaza
Multi-Use Field
Rain Garden
Retention Pound
Arrival Area
Outdoor Gathering Venue
Baker City Park Programmatic Diagram
Vision for a Healthy & Resilient Baker
Baker City Park Health + Wellbeing Programmatic Design Ideas
Programmatic Legend C
Baker City Park Programmatic Diagram
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Multi-Use Path
Fitness Area
Splash Pad
Reading Plaza
Health + Wellbeing Design Precedents A
Playground Riverside, Lake Charles, LA
Multi-Use Path Lafitte Greenway, New Orleans, LA
Fitness Area New Canaan, CT
Splash Pad Lafayette, LA
Reading Plaza LSU, Baton Rouge, LA
Vision for a Healthy & Resilient Baker
Baker City Park Green Infrastructure Programmatic Design Precedents
Programmatic Legend
Baker City Park Programmatic Diagram
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Multi-Use Field
Rain Garden
Retention Pound
Arrival Area
Outdoor Gathering Venue
Green Infrastructure/ Stormwater Management Precedents F
Multi-Use Field Austin, TX
Rain Garden Baton Rouge, LA
Demonstration Bioswale New Orleans, LA
Retention Pound New Orleans, LA
Arrival Area Lake Charles, LA
Outdoor Gathering Venue Vitale Park, Lakeville, NY
Vision for a Healthy & Resilient Baker
Multifunctional Parks
Baker City Park
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Well designed parks can alleviate nearby flooding and support active lifestyles to increase community resilience. In parks, green stormwater infrastructure, such as bioswales and trees, retain and filter stormwater while offering aestheticallypleasing environments and shade. Incorporating trails for cyclists and pedestrians can connect City Park to the city’s bike/ped network. Nearby parks, such as Jefferson Park, can increase accessibility for residents. Adding shaded seating options, picnic areas, and water features, like a splash pad for kids, can encourage active living in Baker.
Multifunctional Toolkit Living with Water A. Bioswales
C. Permeable Pavement
B. Rain Gardens
D. Street Trees
Connected Communities A. Bike Way B. Sidewalk C. Walking Trails
Design for Active Living A. Benches
D. BBQ Picnic Areas
B. Gathering Spaces
E. Lighting
C. Performance Spaces
F. Water Features Vision for a Healthy & Resilient Baker
Baker Estates
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Baker Estates is a typical suburban subdivision. It is located along the northern boundary of Baker. It is bounded by Ashland Street in the south, McHugh Road to the west, Burgess Drive to the north, and Bold Drive and Debra Drive to the east. The homes are primarily slab-on-grade, single family residences constructed in the 1970s. Portions of the neighborhood flooded in August 2016 due to overtopping of White Bayou although this was not the first time the area experienced flooding. Over time, repetitive flooding has caused disinvestment in the neighborhood and a shift from owner-occupied housing to rental property.
Issues: •
Sidewalk is not continuous
No unique identity
No lighting
No shade in some areas
Open drainage ditches
No bike lanes
Concrete needs maintenance
No space for recreation/communication/rest Vision for a Healthy & Resilient Baker
Multifunctional Neighborhoods
Baker Estates
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Multi-functional green stormwater infrastructure in suburban neighborhoods has the potential to transform vacant properties into beneficial spaces that support community wellbeing and resilience in many ways. Creating spaces to hold water during heavy rains reduces flooding. During dry times, these spaces operate as neighborhood gathering places where residents can strengthen the social bonds important for community resilience. Wellbeing is also improved by providing space where residents can relax in nature.
Multifunctional Toolkit Living with Water A. Bioswales
C. Permeable Pavement
B. Rain Gardens
D. Street Trees
Connected Communities A. Continuous Sidewalks
D. Shared Bike Lane
B. Crosswalks
E. Walking Trails
C. Buffered Sidewalks
Design for Active Living A. Benches
D. Parklet
B. Community Gathering Spaces
E. BBQ Areas
C. Recreational Spaces
F. Street Lighting
Vision for a Healthy & Resilient Baker
Groom Road
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Groom Road is one of three streets in Baker that connects Hwy 19 on the eastern side of the city to Plank Road/Hwy 61 on the western edge. It is a busy corridor that has multiple civic buildings, such as City Hall, the high school, the library near Hwy 19, and many chain commercial establishments, such as Walmart and Walgreens near Plank Road. In the middle are a mix of small businesses, residences, churches, and public schools. According to the city’s long-term recovery plan, “[r]educing flooding along Groom Road is a high priority” and “develop[ing] a walkable, bikeable, economically viable Main Street along Groom Road” emerged as a community recovery goal from the public engagement processes. - Baker United Strategic Recovery Plan, 2018
Issues: •
Sidewalks are not continuous
No bike lanes
Lack of shade
No places to rest for pedestrians
Runoff water directed towards the street
No infrastructure to catch/store/filter surface water
High percentage of impermeable surfaces
Heat island effect
Sun radiation and reflection on concrete
Run-off water
Sidewalk integrated with parking - lacks safety
Fast moving traffic
No appropriate attraction for commercial or local businesses
Lack of economic activity along Groom Road Vision for a Healthy & Resilient Baker
Multifunctional Roadways
Groom Road
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Installing multi-functional green stormwater infrastructure, multi-modal transportation networks, and active living elements can help Baker achieve its goal to develop Groom Road into a “walkable, bikeable, economically viable Main Street,” while also reducing flooding. Green stormwater infrastructure can retain excess stormwater to reduce street flooding while also creating a buffer between vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic. Adding active living elements to transit stops, such as benches, shade, and lighting, can activate public spaces to become gathering places where neighbors feel safe to socialize. These interventions can increase social bonds, which increases community resilience and wellbeing.
Multifunctional Toolkit Living with Water A. Bioswales
D. Street Trees
B. Rain Gardens
E. Stormwater Lots
C. Permeable Pavement
Connected Communities A. Continuous Sidewalks
D. Shared Bike Lane
B. Crosswalks
E. Walking Trails
C. Buffered Sidewalks
Design for Active Living A. Benches
D. Parklet
B. Gathering Spaces
E. BBQ Picnic Areas
C. Recreational Spaces
F. Street Lighting Vision for a Healthy & Resilient Baker
Drainage Ways
Brushy Bayou
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Just north of Groom Road, running west to east, is Brushy Bayou, which drains into White Bayou. Brushy Bayou overflowed and flooded many of the properties in the 2016 flood. The city’s long-term recovery plan identified reducing flooding along the bayou as a top priority in response. All of Brushy Bayou is within city limits, which provides a higher level of autonomy in selecting strategies to reduce flooding along the bayou.
Issues: •
Fast runoff
Water moves at high velocity
No Servitude
No lighting
Lack of trees, short grass doesn’t slow water
Impermeable surfaces - concrete
Gradual decline - leads to flooding in area
Poor accessibility for elderly/disabled or access for nearby houses - no seating areas
No recreation area
No designated pedestrian/bike path on this busy street
Choke points Vision for a Healthy & Resilient Baker
Multifunctional Drainage Ways
Brushy Bayou
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Along Brushy Bayou and other drainage ways in Baker enhanced stream banks can be combined with greenway development to increase stormwater storage capacity and community connectivity. Incorporating shade, sittable space, and lighting elements can activate these public spaces and help users of all ages safely enjoy outdoor spaces and activities. Together these strategies can reduce flood risk and increase quality of life.
Multifunctional Toolkit Living with Water A. Bioswales
C. Permeable Pavement
B. Rain Gardens
D. Enhanced Stream Banks
Connected Communities A. Bike Way B. Sidewalk C. Walking Trails
Design for Active Living A. Benches
D. Parklet
B. Gathering Spaces
E. BBQ Picnic Areas
C. Recreational Spaces
F. Lighting Vision for a Healthy & Resilient Baker
Parking Lots
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Commercial areas typically have high concentrations of impermeable surfaces or surfaces that do not absorb rain water. Lack of absorption increases stormwater run-off and increases flood risk. In most communities, retail stores are concentrated in one area, which further increases flood risk because a large swath of land is unable to absorb rainfall. Walgreens, located at the intersection of Groom Road and Plank Road, is a typical example of a big box retail store, where the majority of the site is covered with a large parking lot surrounding a concrete building.
Issues: •
Absorption from sun - heat island effect
Impermeable surface - concrete
No green space/vegetation
No drainage/way to retain water
No bike lanes, narrow sidewalk, no crosswalk
No lighting
No places to sit Vision for a Healthy & Resilient Baker
Multifunctional Parking Lots
Resilient & Healthy Baker
To reduce stormwater runoff created by impermeable surfaces, parking lots with green stormwater infrastructure can help capture and clean rainfall and reduce flooding. To increase accessibility and safety, parking lots need clearly defined pedestrian pathways or sidewalks as well as bike parking facilities, where cyclists can lock up their bikes while shopping. Large parking lots may need benches and shade options for citizens vulnerable to high temperatures. Adding trees can help soak up stormwater and provide shade for customers traveling in parking lots.
Multifunctional Toolkit Living with Water A. Bioswales
C. Permeable Pavement
B. Rain Gardens
D. Trees
Connected Communities A. Sidewalks B. Bike Parking
Design for Active Living A. Benches B. Lighting C. Shade Vision for a Healthy & Resilient Baker
Resilient & Healthy Baker
To effectively manage stormwater, the city of Baker must collaborate with its neighbors. Development upstream impacts the amount of stormwater run-off Baker experiences while development downstream impacts how quickly the canals and drainage systems in Baker drain. Working with neighbors within the watershed to address regional infrastructure needs and development plans can help create systems that allow rainwater to flow through the watershed with minimal impact on streets, homes, and businesses. Due to Baker’s geographic location, the city needs to build collaborative relationships with neighbors in the Amite River Watershed as well as the Bayou Sara-Thompson Watershed. Through thinking and planning regionally, the city of Baker can work with its neighbors to identify low-lying areas where water can be stored until it can evaporate or be drained through existing infrastructure systems. In order for these recommendations to work, the city of Baker may need a public education campaign to inform, educate, and engage residents and business owners. The city of Baker should inform residents about the risks and realities of living in a watershed. Residents need to be informed of how development pressures in areas surrounding Baker impact their risk because they live in the same watershed. Special attention should be given to help residents understand how processes upstream and downstream affect their level of risk as well as the limitations of current infrastructure to meet rising demands caused by increased development and more intense storms. In conjunction with educating the community on flood risk, the city should teach residents about the benefits of installing green infrastructure on private and public spaces as a solution to address flood risk. Discussing benefits, such as reducing flood risk by decreasing the amount of water drainage systems have to accommodate and increasing community and individual wellbeing by creating more natural landscapes that encourage increased time outdoors, may increase public buy-in and acceptance of new policies and development practices. It is important to include information on how green infrastructure operates, as well as how to install and maintain it. This way, residents have realistic expectations of what they may see in their neighborhoods and the community as a whole. The campaign can also inform residents and business owners of incentives the city may offer to offset the cost of incorporating green stormwater infrastructure into existing properties.
Resilient & Healthy Baker
To reduce flood risk and increase community wellbeing, Baker needs to revise city ordinances that regulate local building practices. The first step would be conducting a gap analysis to understand what changes are needed to align policies with development goals and best practices for stormwater management. In addition to the gap analysis, the city should consider revising ordinances and regulations to: •
Limit impermeable surfaces, especially in parking lots
Identify areas for conservation of woodlands and the natural environment
Limit development in the floodplain and other vulnerable, low-lying areas
Require a right of way or servitude along drainage canals
Create incentives for low impact development, retrofitting existing properties, and incorporating on-site green stormwater infrastructure into new developments
Ordinances could also be revised to require the use of green infrastructure in new subdivisions or other large scale developments. If this is done, the ordinance should include measures that provide for regular maintenance and inspections and delineate how costs will be met. The vision of a more resilient Baker based on the recommendations of this report and the Baker United Strategic Recovery Plan will take time to create. City leaders will need to look for opportunities to implement these ideas over time. The recommendations in this report show the final step, which may take 20 or 30 years to come to fruition. Some changes may be easier to implement than others. The community should start in the areas where change is feasible and select manageable pieces that can be implemented. It may be useful to select a region for a demonstration project as a part of implementing change, as well as educating the community. Redeveloping city-owned land that is highly visible can serve as an example of how green stormwater infrastructure systems work as well and how esthetics differ from traditional drainage systems. It can also start the conversation with community members about the need to change current practices in order to reduce flood risk and increase community resilience.
Image Sources 1. BRISSONSMITH0005.jpg
2. 3. v3/editorial/a/41/a4125154-1eed-54a6-9876-a3f892fbc9ef/5d868ab752503.image. jpg?resize=1200%2C799 4. 5. 6. 7. production/files/2016-08/sur-permeable-pavement-7.jpg
8. 9. 10. 11. Typical-Bioswale.jpg 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. dedicated-curbside-offset-bus-lanes
Resilient & Healthy Baker
24. mixed use 25.,h_1024,q_75,w_1024/https:// 26. 27. 28. jpg?ixlib=rb-1.1.0&q=45&auto=format&w=1200&h=900.0&fit=crop 29. 30. 31. 32. Tuten Park by Dana Brown & Associates 33. Waveny Park, New Canaan, CT 34. Project by Dana Brown & Associates 35. Parc Sans Souci,Lafayette,LA 36. Manassas Park Elementary School, by O’Shea Wilson Siteworks 37. Forest Community Park by Dana Brown & Associates 38. Four Seasons Hotel, Austin, TX 39. Liberty High School by Reich Landscape Architecture (Photo: Grant Murphy) 40. Nora Rain Gardens by Spackman Mossop Michaels
Resilient & Healthy Baker
Appendix 1 • Glossary
2 • Resources
Living with Water Resources ......................................... 160
Connected Community Resources ............................. 161
Design for Active Living Resources ............................. 162
Comprehensive Plan and Unified Development Resources ............................................... 164
3 • Updating City Ordinances
Building Code Example Ordinance ............................... 168
4 • Civil Engineering Student Reports
Baker Estates Stormwater Mitigation ......................... 173
CE 4750 Groom Road Conceptual Design ............... 201
5 • Silver Jacket Open Ditch Project
Glossary BIORETENTION: Bioretention includes a range of strategies such as rain gardens, bioswales, and retention/detention ponds that can handle quantities of runoff from impermeable surfaces adjacent to where it is generated. BIOSWALE: A broad, shallow ditch with a dense covering of trees, grasses, and other native, water-loving plants. Bioswales, as an alternative to concrete culverts, convey stormwater naturally, promoting infiltration, reducing runoff volume, and filtering pollutants. COMMUNITY RESILIENCE: Community resilience is the capacity of individuals, institutions, businesses and systems to prevent, withstand, recover and maintain their identity no matter what kinds of sudden or chronic stressors they experience. COMMUNITY WELLBEING: Community wellbeing is the social, economic, environmental, cultural, and political conditions identified by community members as essential for them to cope with the normal stresses of life and fulfil their potential COMPLETE STREETS: The Complete Streets framework was used to develop the Baker Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. The plan defines Complete Streets as “safe for all users” (Baker Bike/Ped, 2020, p. 5). According to the Baton Rouge Sustainable Transportation Action Committee, “features[,] such as sidewalks, bike lanes, pedestrian crossings, ADA accessibility, wayfinding signage, and transit stops designed to provide high levels of comfort and safety for users[,] together to form a network that allows users to make seamless trips between home, work, school and other daily destinations.” (Baton Rouge Sustainable Transportation Action Committee, Complete Street Toolkit, n.d.) CONNECTED COMMUNITIES: Connected Communities provide the ability for all community members, regardless of age, ability, or access to resources, to move around their community safely. Intentional design of trails and pathways can also connect communities to surrounding cities and resources. CONNECTEDNESS: Connection is fostered by a community’s networks that provide social support, enhance trust, foster civic engagement, and empower community members to participate in community and democracy.
Resilient & Healthy Baker
DESIGN FOR ACTIVE LIVING: Design for Active Living means identifying and investing in the design elements and programming that allow recreation to be a year-round endeavor. In a place that sustains high temperatures for much of the year, designs for year-round outdoor space should incorporate natural elements (e.g. trees for shade, water fountains and features) sittable space (e.g. benches, ledges, movable tables and chairs), ample lighting, and food options (e.g. food trucks, picnic areas) that give life to a space. DRAINAGE: Typical drainage systems use wide concrete culverts and ditches to direct water out of communities as fast as possible. These systems are expensive, prone to catastrophic failure (especially with increased demands from upstream neighbors), and provide no additional benefits. Alternatives with green infrastructure provide multiple benefits, including: recreation opportunities that support public health, water filtration with riparian buffers that improves water quality and biodiversity, and increased stormwater storage capacity that translates to economic savings. ECOSYSTEM: An ecosystem is made of the living and nonliving elements that coexist in an area. This includes plants, animals, soils, land, water, and weather. ECOSYSTEM SERVICES: The benefits people receive from living in harmony with their natural environments are known as ecosystem services. ENHANCED STREAM BANKS & RIPARIAN BUFFERS: Enhanced stream banks and riparian buffers are created when communities allow trees, shrubs, and other plants to grow adjacent to waterways (ie: rivers, lakes, bayous, wetlands). Forested buffers provide the most ecological benefits, such as erosion control, increased water quality, and habitats that support biodiversity. EQUITY: An equitable community is supported by values of diversity, social justice, and individual empowerment where everyone is treated fairly, basic needs are met, and there is an equal opportunity to get education and meet individual potential.
FLOODPLAIN & WETLAND RESTORATION: Floodplain and wetland restoration projects focus on repairing or mimicking the natural interactions between the vital parts of any waterway: groundwater, stream flow, and plant root systems. The interactions of these three components provide several benefits, such as filtering pollutants and sediments from runoff to improve water quality, recharging groundwater, or increasing storage capacity to reduce flooding during heavy rain events. GRAY STORMWATER INFRASTRUCTURE: Gray stormwater infrastructure refers to concrete structures and systems designed to collect and transport rainwater. Traditional stormwater management systems use culverts, storm drains, and underground pipes to move rainwater away from streets, homes, and businesses as quickly as possible. GREEN ROOF: A green roof uses a layer of plants to absorb rainwater. Depending on the design and the overall weight, structural changes may be needed to transform a traditional roof into a green roof. GREEN STORMWATER INFRASTRUCTURE: Green stormwater infrastructure manages stormwater where it falls through mimicking or restoring natural water systems. Many strategies use soils, plantlife, or permeable surfaces to store and filter stormwater, which improves water quality while reducing nuisance flooding. GREENWAYS: A greenway is generally a mixed-use space that is separated from the roadway and can be used safely by both cyclists and pedestrians. Some greenways follow roads while others take different routes, such as following rivers or bayous to bring users closer to nature. Greenways can also connect natural spaces, such as forested areas or parks, to each other, which improves ecosystem wellbeing. IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: An impervious surface, like concrete, does not absorb water. Stormwater runoff is created when impervious surfaces, such as roads, walkways, parking lots, and roofs, prevent rain from absorbing into the ground. INFRASTRUCTURE: Infrastructure is the fixed system of public works that a community and its economy need to function. There are two general categories of infrastructure, hard and soft. Hard infrastructure refers to the physical networks necessary for basic functions (e.g. roads, water & sewer, drainage, and telecommunications). Soft infrastructure refers to the institutions that maintain community and economic health (e.g. schools, parks and open space, health care).
Resilient & Healthy Baker
LIVABILITY: Livable communities are supported by functional infrastructure, including safe housing, accessible transportation, high quality education, parks and recreation, human services, public safety, and relevant arts and culture. LIVING WITH WATER: Living with Water means turning drainage from an annoyance to an amenity by creating space for stormwater in the landscape. MULTI-MODAL TRANSPORTATION: Multi-modal transportation refers to the different ways that people travel, including such modes as: walking, cycling, driving, and riding public transit. Multi-modal transportation systems facilitate safe connections between different modes. NETWORK: In urban design, a network is a cohesive group of spaces linked to one another by various, accessible, multi-modal pathways and roadways. PERVIOUS PAVEMENT: Pervious or permeable materials allow stormwater to pass through them and absorb into the ground, which reduces runoff. Using permeable materials to construct urban spaces (ie: parking lots, roads, driveways, sidewalks, trails, etc) reduces the negative impact these uses have on localized urban flooding. RAIN GARDEN: A shallow depression or low-laying area planted with native plants that absorb and filter runoff. Rain gardens need well-draining soils. They allow stormwater to be absorbed by plants and to infiltrate into the ground. RAINWATER HARVESTING: Rainwater harvesting means to catch, store, and use rainwater through a number of different techniques, such as rain barrels, cisterns, and under or above-ground tanks. Captured rainwater can be used for cars, toilets, laundry, lawns, and other outdoor activities, but it should not be used for drinking, bathing, or swimming without proper treatment. STORMWATER LOTS: Stormwater lots store water and use native plants and specific soils to filter out pollutants and absorb rainwater, which improves water quality and decreases the amount of runoff drainage systems must convey. STORMWATER PONDS: Stormwater ponds are a common strategy to store and treat runoff. They function by creating a space to hold stormwater that allows pollutants and other sediments to settle. Detention ponds, which only hold water during storms, are designed to drain from a full condition within 36 to 48 hours to allow sediment particles and associated pollutants time to settle and be removed. Retention ponds always contain some amount of water but have extra capacity to hold runoff during storms. Appendix
SYSTEMS THINKING: The ability to perform problem solving across complex systems, by understanding complex, interrelated risks and what they mean for a similarly complex community. WALKABILITY: Walkability refers to the ease with which citizens can meet their daily needs as pedestrians. Cities are considered walkable when residents can walk to grocery stores, schools, jobs, and recreational sites. Walkability depends on proximity as well as infrastructure, such as sidewalks and crosswalks, to keep pedestrians safe. WATERSHED PLANNING: Watersheds are areas of land that drain to a common body of water. Watershed planning provides a strategy for improving water quality and reducing flooding within a system defined by natural rather than municipal boundaries. Watershed planning brings together planners, scientists, and citizens to document existing conditions, identify and prioritize problems, define management objectives, and implement restoration and protection efforts at a range of scales.
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Resources LIVING WITH WATER resources Stormwater and Hazard Mitigation: Louisiana Department of Culture, Recreation, and Tourism USACE Civil Works (dam, flood risk, levee) USACE Emergency Operations (drought, floods, hurricane season) Repetitive Flood Claims Grant GOHSEP – Flood Mitigation Assistance Grant Program Louisiana State University – Coastal Sustainability Studio
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CONNECTED COMMUNITIES resources Bicycle / Pedestrian Plan for the City: ExxonMobil Foundation University of New Orleans Transportation Institute People for Bikes Master Parks and Recreation Plan: (can also be Active Living funding sources): DOI National park Service (Federal Lands to Parks) Louisiana Culture, Recreation, and Tourism (Recreation Trails Program) BREC Foundation SeaWorld and Busch Gardens Conservation Fund Tony Hawk Foundation DOT Federal Highway Administration (Recreational Trails Program) Irene W. and C.B. Pennington Foundation National Environmental Education Foundation Walmart Foundation Appendix
DESIGN FOR ACTIVE LIVING resources Community Gardens: Louisiana State University – AgCenter Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust Union Pacific Foundation National Garden Clubs Inc. Farmers Market: USDA Garden Resources for Farmers Markets https://www, National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition (Farmers Market and Local Food Promotion Program) /farmers-market-promotion-program/ Community Quality of Life Projects (EVENTS): Louisiana Community Development Authority Governmental, Industrial and Non-Profit Programs Louisiana Office of Community Development Block Grants (public facilities, LaSTEP, demonstrated needs, economic development)
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Louisiana State University Agricultural Center (Extension Disaster Education Network) Orton Family Foundation Reconnecting America Smart Growth America https:// Boo Grigsby Foundation Cisco Foundation Foundation for the Mid South Irene W. and C.B Pennington FoundationW Local Initiatives Support Corporation NeighborWorks America State Farms Company Foundation
COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT resources Louisiana Office of Community Development University of New Orleans Urban Planning Department American Planning Association American Institute of Architects Louisiana State University – School of Landscape Architecture Southern University Louisiana Economic Development LED/Louisiana Quality Jobs Rebate LED/Small and Emerging Business Development Program HUD Capacity Building Programs www.hudexchangeinfo/programs/section-4-capacity-building/ American Planning Association – Planning for Post-Disaster Recovery (Next Generation) Center for Planning Excellence (CPEX)
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NewCorp East Baton Rouge Redevelopment Authority Project for Public Spaces Smart Growth America Boo Grigsby Foundation Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundation Needmor Fund Porticus North America Foundation https://us/ Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Updating City Ordinances Community transformation begins through planning and code revision. The first step is creating a comprehensive plan. Comprehensive plans lay out the vision, goals, and objectives for a community’s future development. After the plan is adopted, the community can begin revising codes and ordinances. Codes and ordinances create the legal mechanisms and specifications to ensure development fulfills the vision of the comprehensive plan. The strategies in this report may apply and require updates to several sections, including: zoning, floodplain, streets, subdivision, stormwater management, and landscape standards. Some communities approach code revision one or two sections at a time. Other communities choose to develop a unified development code and revise everything at the same time. The process for revising ordinances should meet the needs and resources of the community. Ordinances are designed to shift as communities change over time. To strengthen community resiliency, it’s important to address as many pressing challenges as possible in the present, even if it is not feasible to remedy every issue with current codes and ordinances. As communities grow, new planning processes will be needed, and ordinances can be further revised. Additionally, future disasters may provide a window of opportunity to establish changes that require voter support. If a plan exists before a disaster, it can be easier for the city to capitalize on resident sentiments post-disaster to prioritize resilient construction over the pre-disaster status quo. In order for these processes to lead to community transformation, community members and other stakeholders such as developers and local design professionals need to be engaged at each stage. People need to be aware of the updated requirements as well as why they are necessary. Communicating a clear understanding of how small adaptations can improve community wellbeing and resilience helps ease the cultural shift that may be required. The city can also create programs that provide assistance for residents to retro-fit private property before the next disaster. It can be very difficult for communities to make changes to the built environment immediately following a disaster, especially on private property. After a disaster, residents request special building permits that allow them to repair their homes quickly. This desire must be balanced with the need to improve design standards in order to increase individual and community resilience. In areas that flood repeatedly,
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updating building codes and working with residents to implement changes before the next flood-repair cycle begins can help encourage property owners to build back in more resilient ways. Ensuring residents and contractors are aware of new building code standards, how they improve resilience, and when they will be expected to comply with the new standards, will ease the process of adaptation for property owners, contractors, and the city.
ZONING ORDINANCES Calls out stormwater management objectives
CITY MASTER PLAN Calls out stormwater management objectives
FLOODPLAIN ORDINANCES Restrictions in development
Building Code Example Ordinance
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Civil Engineering Student Reports
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3 COST ________________________________________________________________ 25 MAINTENANCE AND LIFESPAN ___________________________________________ 25 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ________________________ 26 COST ANALYSIS MATRIX ________________________________________________ 26 BEST ALTERNATIVE ____________________________________________________ 26 FURTHER CONSIDERATIONS ____________________________________________ 27 REFERENCES ________________________________________________ 28 APPENDIX ___________________________________________________ 29
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The following report contains a conceptual design that would reduce flooding for Baker Estates in Baker, LA. Baker Estates is a residential area located approximately fifteen miles north of Baton Rouge. The neighborhood consists of over 200 homes and ten vacant lots. The objective of this project is to improve the drainage flow of storm water and to reduce localized flooding throughout the site. A preliminary site assessment, including data acquisition of existing conditions and initial calculations, was completed to accurately design the optimal solution. Design considerations, such as future land use, soil types and conditions, contours, floodplain management, and nearby underground infrastructure, were considered when completing the project. Three design alternatives were generated, compared, and evaluated to determine the preferred alternative. The first alternative involves enlarging the western branch of the West Canal, while also replacing the open ditches with corrugated metal piping on the west side of Baker Estates. The second alternative is to insert a 40,000 ft2 pond (approximately an acre) with a 5-foot depth at its deepest point at the western boundary of the project site. The third alternative requires installing bioswales to replace the open ditches along Bodo Drive and the west ends of Burgess Drive, Wimbush Drive, and Heath Drive. For each alternative, the preliminary costs for the pipes and the required earthwork were considered to come to a final decision. The optimal alternative was determined using a decision matrix by scoring the alternatives according to cost, maintenance, functionality, and constructability. After evaluating these considerations, the best possible design is to enlarge the West Canal, the first alternative discussed in the following report.
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INTRODUCTION PROJECT SETTING The city of Baker, Louisiana is a small city in East Baton Rouge Parish located approximately fifteen miles north of Baton Rouge. Baker, a combination of dense suburban development and woodlands, is home to 13,800 residents and 200 businesses. While many of the low-lying parts of the city were inundated by floodwaters during the August 2016 flood event, nuisance flooding is also experienced along the main roads and several neighborhoods. Baker Estates, a residential area consisting of over 200 houses, is plagued with nuisance flooding. The project area, enclosed in red below, is bordered by Debra Drive, Ashland Street, McHugh Road, Evans Drive, Burgess Drive, and Bodo Drive.
Figure 1. Baker Estates Location Map
6 BAKER UNITED STRATEGIC REVOCERY PLAN After the August 2016 flood event, representatives from the Louisiana Office of Community Development Disaster Recovery Unit, the Capital Region Planning Commission (CRPC), the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and a community-led committee came together to write a recovery plan to help the City manage its recovery. The Plan outlines recovery projects ranging from updating city policies and redeveloping public infrastructure to strengthening the storm water management system.
OBJECTIVE The primary goal of the project is to eliminate the nuisance flooding in the Baker Estates neighborhood by implementing gray or green storm water infrastructure. LSU Civil Engineering Senior Design Team 9 is working with LSU Coastal Sustainability Studio to complete the project goal. The Team has prepared this Preliminary Design Report in order to evaluate existing site conditions, develop potential solutions, and provide recommendations for the City of Baker. The specific goals of the project include •
Evaluating existing site conditions through field visits, topographic data systems, and hydrologic data
Evaluating existing run off by modeling and calculations
Developing alternatives, recommendations, and estimated construction costs to achieve the City’s goals of nuisance flooding reduction for this project
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OVERVIEW OF DESIGN PROCESS SOLUTION APPROACH The LSU Coastal Sustainability Studio partnered with the Baker community through a series of participatory actions to determine the community’s preferences. The community’s involvement included an open house to determine their concerns and desires, committee workshops, and scenario building workshops. Through these participatory actions, the community, stakeholders, and government officials had an input and steered the design process. The community input was mapped and is shown below in Figure 2. The map shows Baker Estates labelled by the community as “dangerous” and “floods not maintained.” The Team reviewed several different storm water runoff mitigation systems and evaluated each one based on existing background data, site constraints, and mitigation capability. Both green and gray infrastructure systems were considered and are discussed in each alternative.
Figure 2. Baker Community Input Map
8 CODES AND ORDINANCES For this project to be implemented the codes of ordinances set by the City of Baker are to be followed to ensure compliance and that any necessary permits are obtained. The chapters in the Codes of Ordinances related to the scope of this project are Chapter 12 and Chapter 22. Chapter 12 outlines provisions for flood damage prevention, showing that a floodplain development is needed to ensure compliance. The information for obtaining this permit can be found in Section 12-41. For example, the necessary information would include locations, dimensions, and elevations of our proposed alternatives. In Section 12-43, the general standards and provisions for development in a flood hazard zone can be found. Chapter 22 outlines the Codes of Ordinances for subdivisions. Section 22-11 states that written permission from the city council or an authorized representative must be obtained before any alterations to the existing landscape can occur. This includes the widening or deepening of any existing drainage channels which includes the alterations proposed in our alternatives. Section 22-11 also states that plans of the proposed alterations will need to be submitted. The information necessary regarding these plans can be found in Section 22-14 through Section 22-16. Some of the information needed includes contour maps of the area, locations of existing drainage systems, along with layout plans of the new or altered drainage systems in our proposed alternatives.
LOGISTICAL AND PHYSICAL CONSTRAINTS The main physical constraint and source of the flooding in the minimal change in elevation throughout the project site. The maximum slope present on the project site is about 3%. This value was given by the United States Department of Agriculture, and can be found in the Custom Soil Resource Report in the Appendix. Another major issue that would have to be accounted for is the native soils present in the project area. These soils are classified as poorly drained. With this information, and the lack of change in elevation, the volume of runoff for storm water is very small.
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9 ECONOMICS No budget was provided for the project. A material cost analysis was determined for each of the alternatives selected.
Preliminary Design Report Presentation
SITE CHARACTERISTICS SITE INVESTIGATION A site visit and field investigation were performed by the Team on February 6th, 2020. Poor maintenance of the storm water system was seen throughout the neighborhood. Many of the drainage inlets were obstructed with debris and were performing at minimal capacity. Brushy Bayou, the main canal within the neighborhood, was overgrown with trees and other plants and also not performing at optimal standards. Figures 3 and 4 show a clogged drain preventing any surface water from draining. Figure 5 displays the open ditches found along the neighborhood streets. Figure 6 is an image of unkept Brushy Bayou.
Figure 3. Clogged Drain and Ditch (Baker Estates)
Figure 4. Clogged Drain (Baker Estates)
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11 11
Figure 5. Ditch Overflow
Figure 5. Ditch Overflow Figure Figure 5. 5. Ditch Ditch Overflow Overflow
Figure 6. Brushy Bayou
Figure 6. Brushy Bayou Figure Figure 6. 6. Brushy Brushy| Preliminary Bayou Bayou BAKER ESTATES STORMWATER MITIGATION Design Report
12 EXISTING CONDITIONS Existing conditions data was found using the ArcGIS tool and other resources. Sediment characteristics, wetlands inventory, land development, existing land uses, future land use, economic development incentives, drainage and flood zones, sanitary sewer information, and watershed data was catalogued and can be found in the Appendix. Soil survey data was found using the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Web Soil Survey resource. The map unit legend, part of the official soil report located in the Appendix delineates the soils present in the project area. The four varying soil types present in the project area are classified as poorly drained and have a high-water storage availability The project area’s wetland map was found from the National Wetland Inventory. Baker Estates contains three wetland classification codes: freshwater forested shrub/wetland, freshwater pond, and freshwater emergent wetland. Relevant land development includes a new capacity project on McHugh Road which borders the project site from the east. Future land use maps display a low-density residential area directly east of the project site that was rezoned as agricultural. However, this rezoning should not affect the project. According to the economic development incentives map, the project site is described as an Enterprise Zone (“EZ Program”). The EZ program is a job incentive program that provides tax credits to new or existing businesses in Louisiana generating job hires from targeted groups. According to the FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map, the project site is located in Flood zone AE. This zone has an inundation by 1% annual chance flood and requires flood insurance. According to the information obtained through ArcGIS and the NRCS, the project site is located in the Bayou Baton Rouge and the Redwood Creek-Comite River watersheds. A map displaying the project site, and the relevant watersheds is included in the Appendix.
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Figure 7. SWMM Model of Baker Estates
Figure 7 displays the SWMM model for Baker Estates. The blue line separates the east and west end of the subdivision which drain into the central and west end of the canal respectively. Analysis will primarily be conducted on the West Canal, as backflow from that portion is suspected to be causing the flooding problems within Baker Estates. This backflow may be originating from this portion of the canal or the outfall point, modelled by the small black square, being overloaded with drainage. Overloading of the outfall point is a potential issue, in addition overfilling, because the central canal to the east, a separate subdivision to the north, and the analyzed west area of Baker Estates all drain to this point.
Figure 8. West Canal Peak Capacity (at 12:00 pm) for Existing Conditions, modelled with a 10-year 24-hour storm (7.37in)
Figure 8 also shows the existing condition using the SWMM model. It displays peak drainage capacity for the West Canal. For the 10-year 24-hour storm, the peak capacity reaches 56%. This existing conditions model will be referenced and compared in each alternative.
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Figure 9. Alternative 1 Areas of Enhancement
BASIS OF DESIGN The primary enhancement for Alternative 1 involves enlarging the western branch of the West Canal, while also replacing the open ditches with corrugated metal piping, as a secondary enhancement, on the west side of Baker Estates. The proposed enhancements are displayed above in Figure 9. The thicker red line, to the west, represents the area of improvement for the canal. The smaller grid of red lines to the east, represent the areas in which the ditches will be replaced with piping. They include the west ends of Burgess Dr., Wimbush Dr., Heath Dr., and the entirety of Bodo Dr.
PROJECT REQUIREMENTS The Canal will be deepened by 2-feet and widened by 4-feet, along the entirety of its 1900feet of length. This enhancement will work to increase the amount of flow, at any given time, that the canal will be able to withstand. Essentially, the amount of drainage that the canal can handle, and the rate at which it can handle this drainage will be dramatically increased by this BAKER ESTATES STORMWATER MITIGATION | Preliminary Design Report
16 increase in area. Replacing the ditches with corrugated metal piping will increase the efficiency of drainage flowing to the canal. This decreases the amount of ponding, or nuisance flooding, that the residence of the Estates would be exposed to, due to overrun ditches.
Figure 10. West Canal Peak Capacity (at 12:00 pm) for Alternative 1, modelled with a 10-year 24-hour storm (7.37in)
Figure 11. Flow Comparison in the West Canal for Existing Conditions vs. Alternative 1
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Figure 12. Total Volume of drainage that reaches Baker Estates’ west exit node, through the duration of the 10-year 24-hour storm (7.37in)
As noted by Figure 8 and Figure 10, enlarging the canal decreases the total capacity that is occupied at the time of the peak flow. This enhancement allows more water to flow through the canal more efficiently, and it provides excess storage within the canal, which lowers the chances of overflow and backflow. During the peak of the 10-year 24-hour event, the existing canal reaches 56% max drainage occupancy while the enlarged canal 36% max occupancy, for comparison. As noted by Figure 11, the characteristics of the flow, by hour, and the drainage time is not affected with this alternative, but the total amount of drainage and the peak flow that can be handled is drastically increased. Figure 12 displays the benefits of replacing the ditches with corrugated metal piping. Through the duration of the storm, a total of 40,000 gallons of increased drainage is routed to Baker Estates’ exit node that enters the Canal. This is excess water that is no longer ponding within lawns, but instead, reaching the canal more quickly and efficiently.
18 COST It will cost approximately $48,000 to excavate the 40,000 ft3 necessary to complete this alternative. It will cost an additional $129,360 for the 24-inch metal corrugated pipe that will be used to alleviate the storm water issues. In total this alternative would cost $177,360 to be completed
MAINTENANCE AND LIFESPAN It will cost $825 yearly to maintain the metal pipes. The average lifespan for the suggested piping is 50 years. The total cost to maintain the pipes over 50 years is $41,250. Table 1. DOTD Costing of Corrugated Pipes
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Figure 13. Proposed Location of Retention Pond
BASIS OF DESIGN Alternative 2 involves placing a pond on an empty lot of land, adjacent to the western branch of the West Canal. Figure 14 displays the approximate location of the pond. Retention Ponds are used to store and treat storm water runoff. The pond will collect storm water runoff before slowly discharging it back to a receiving body. Minor alterations to the pond and surrounding landscape can drastically alter its aesthetic and function.
PROJECT REQUIREMENTS The surface area of the pond is 200 by 200 feet, which encompasses a total of 40,000 ft2, approximately an acre of land. It is 5-feet deep, with the inner walls sloping at a 20% decline. This provides an element of safety for the residents of Baker Estates, as the pond does not drop off immediately into its full depth. The total volume of drainage that can occupy the pond is 1.17 million gallons. Finally, there are three outlet pipes that lead from within the pond, into the adjacent canal. One 4-inch diameter pipe is at the invert, another is 3.5 feet above the BAKER ESTATES STORMWATER MITIGATION | Preliminary Design Report
20 invert, and a 6-inch diameter pipe is 4.5 feet above the invert. The pond will serve as a buffer for the canal, during intense rainfall events. Instead of runoff flowing directly into the canal at one time, overwhelming it, the pond will hold the runoff and drain it slowly into the canal over an extended period of time. The pipes of various sizing, at different depths within the pond, serve to provide a constant flow into the canal that gradually increases as the water level continues to rise during heavy storm events.
Figure 14. West Canal Peak Capacity (at 12:30 pm) for Alternative 2, modelled with a 10-year 24-hour storm (7.37in)
Figure 15. Flow Comparison in the West Canal for Existing Conditions vs Alternative 2
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Comparing Figure 8 to Figure 14, the total occupied capacity during peak flow within the canal is drastically reduced. As mentioned previously, during the peak of the 10-year 24-hour event, the existing canal reaches 56% max drainage occupancy, but the pond causes the maximum occupancy of the canal to cap at 45%. Figure 15 flow curve associated with Alternative 2. This alternative prevents the flow from reaching its previous peak by flattening the curve of the flow, making it more consistent instead of a concentrated rush of drainage within a small period of time. During this 10-year 24-hour storm, the pond reaches a max capacity of 99%, with its average capacity being 74%. Following the designed storm, it would take the pond approximately 4 days to completely drain.
COST The proposed location of the pond sits on two lots that would need to be purchased. Based on the price of similar lots in the area, it would cost approximately $9,000 to acquire the lots needed to complete this alternative. In addition to the site cost, it will cost approximately $187,500 to excavate the 156,250 ft3 necessary. In total, this alternative will cost $196,500 to complete.
MAINTENANCE AND LIFESPAN In order for the pond to work at optimal standards, a yearly maintenance cost of $4,687 is necessary. The expected lifespan of this pond is approximately 25 years. The total cost of maintenance would be $117,175. Table 2. DOTD Costing of Retention Ponds
Figure 16. Dan Brown Associates rendering of an Urban Bioswale
BASIS OF DESIGN Alternative 3 involves retrofitting the ditches on the western end of Baker Estates with bioswales. Bioswales, shown in Figure, are shallow, open channels with low-lying vegetation covering the side slope. Bioswales provide pollutant load reduction by slowing runoff velocity allowing settlement; filtration through the vegetation; volume reduction through evapotranspiration and infiltration; and nutrient removal through plant uptake. There is a thick intermediate layer of soil and a layer of gravel that provides further filtration and drainage storage, respectively. There is also a perforated drainage pipe within the layer of gravel storage that drains excess water. These bioswales will be located along the west ends of Burgess Dr., Wimbush Dr., Heath Dr., and the entirety of Bodo Dr.
PROJECT REQUIREMENTS The bioswales will have a total depth of 49-inches, with 24-inches dedicated to the filtration and storage layers, respectively, and 1 inch of surface vegetation. Alternative 3’s bioswales will provide Baker Estates with more efficient drainage to the canal, which essentially reduces BAKER ESTATES STORMWATER MITIGATION | Preliminary Design Report
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23 nuisance flooding, and a layer of storage that reduces the total volume of water that eventually reaches the outfall point, by increasing drainage infiltration.
Figure 17. Proposed Location of Bioswales for Alternative 3
Figure 18. West Canal Peak Capacity (at 12:00 pm) for Existing Conditions, modelled with a 10-year 24-hour storm (7.37in)
Figure 19. Flow Comparison in the West Canal for Existing Conditions vs Alternative 3
Figure 20. Total Volume of drainage that reaches the canals outfall point, through the duration of the 10-year 24-hour storm (7.37in)
The comparison of Figure 8 and Figure 18 shows that the maximum capacity within the West Canal, when comparing the existing conditions to Alternative 3, remains relatively constant. Figure 19 indicates that the max flow for the alternative is drastically increased. This indicates BAKER ESTATES STORMWATER MITIGATION | Preliminary Design Report
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25 that the increased flow is a function of the velocity of drainage within the canal increasing. It is likely due to the bioswales’ storage all becoming overwhelmed around the peak of the storm and simultaneously draining into the canal. Although this is true, as noted by the reduced total area beneath the curve of the figure, the total amount of drainage that actually flows through the canal is reduced, despite the peak being higher. Figure 20 displays the concept from the previous paragraph. By utilizing the bioswales, the total amount of water that reaches the outfall point is reduced by a total of 114,000 gallons. This is likely due to increased infiltration available through the storm water storage that the bioswales provide. Providing relief to the outfall point, in contrast to the canal itself, would be beneficial if overloading of the outfall is causing backflow instead of the canal becoming too full. At the outfall point, drainage from the east section of Baker Estates and from a separate, north western, subdivision both meet with the drainage from the west portion of Baker Estates.
COST Alternative 3 will cost $94, 000 to excavate the 78,000 ft3 necessary to construct the bioswale. It will cost an additional $300,000 to install the bioswale in the 19,100 ft2 area chosen. In total to perform the necessary actions to complete this alternative it will cost $380,000.
MAINTENANCE AND LIFESPAN In order to maintain the bioswale, it will cost $2,292 yearly. The average lifespan for the suggested grade of bioswale is 30 years. The total cost to maintain the bioswale over 30 years is $68,760. Table 3. DOTD Costing of Bioswales
Total Cost ($)
Lifespan (years)
West Canal Enlargement
Retention Pond
Table 4 displays both the cost it will require to complete each alternative and the maintenance cost over its lifespan. All costs were determined by using a medium grade product. By lowering the grade of the product, the cost of each alternative can be significantly reduced. This cost reduction includes installing and maintenance of the product. However, using a lower grade product will shorten the lifespan of it. In each alternative, using a lower grade product cuts the lifespan by at least 10 years.
BEST ALTERNATIVE Analyzing the alternatives, it was decided that Alternative 1, the West Canal Enlargement, would be the most beneficial design to implement within Baker Estates to accomplish the goals of reducing nuisance flooding and addressing the issue of the back-flowing canal. It is the most cost-efficient design with the longest life span and easiest maintenance. Its design also has the lowest impact upon the Baker Estates residents. All of the improvement within the actual subdivision will be located underground, in the form of metal piping. The widening of the canal is the most drastic improvement but construction and implementation of the final design will be at the far west end of the subdivision, which is far out of the range of view and interaction of the residents. In comparing the results of Alternative 1, relative to the existing conditions and other alternatives, it performed just as well, if not better. The piping within the estates greatly reduces nuisance flooding, much like the bioswales, and the enlargement of the canal provides excess storage, much like the pond would. Each alternative has its own specific BAKER ESTATES STORMWATER MITIGATION | Preliminary Design Report
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27 perks, but the cost and intrusiveness versus the efficiency of this design outclasses the other alternatives.
Figure 21. Existing Conditions of the West Canal
FURTHER CONSIDERATIONS Rain gardens, another green infrastructure product, was originally considered as an alternative; however, a large amount of purchased property was needed in addition to the high cost of construction. Weighing the results versus the cost, bioswales were a much more efficient, green infrastructure design to consider when compiling alternatives.
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Silver Jacket Open Ditch Project Established in April 2015, the Louisiana Silver Jackets State team seeks to improve efficiency and coordination amongst governmental entities in developing comprehensive and sustainable solutions to flood risk management in the State of Louisiana. Louisiana Silver Jackets members (LA DOTD, CPRA, FEMA, and US Army Corp of Engineers) formed a united team that works directly with Louisiana communities to develop comprehensive and sustainable solutions to flood risk management. Members provide guidance to communities on public outreach, gap analyses, best practices, current initiatives, funding strategies, and current opportunities, to name a few areas of assistance. The team can identify and facilitate improvements to existing programs, policies, and processes, such as the Baker Open Ditch Project.
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Baker Blvd McHugh Rd.