Cutting-edge strategies transcend laboratories to improve lives.

Cutting-edge strategies transcend laboratories to improve lives.
From the moment I was named LSU President, I knew that our university’s commitment to the people of our state and the security of our nation was of utmost importance. We developed the Scholarship First Agenda as a means to protect the people of the state by way of research that transcends the laboratory to improve life for our friends and neighbors.
Agriculture is not just one of Louisiana’s most important industries – it’s also a way of life for many families across our state (and nation). To protect their livelihoods, our economy, and our own food security, we need to have the very best agricultural scientists and engineers to provide our farmers with the very best science. On page 20, you’ll learn about one example of our researchers bringing in $10 million to develop drought-resistant rice varieties.
Next, we focus on biomedical research. Every one of us has been touched by cancer in some way, and Louisiana in particular has very high rates of cancer diagnoses and mortality. We are aggressively pursuing a National Cancer Institute designation so, that we can ensure the people of Louisiana have access to the very best care possible.
Our coast is vitally important, not just for Louisiana, but also for our country. It represents one of the largest ports and distribution networks in America, and its health affects many economically important industries: energy, seafood, transportation, and even agriculture, as well as providing much-needed protection from hurricanes.
Cybersecurity is one of our nation’s most critical needs, but there is a dearth of trained professionals. Our focus on defense has really elevated our cybersecurity expertise. Over the last two years, we have deepened our commitment to this area, and our efforts have yielded impressive results. We are one of only twenty named Centers of Excellence in Cyber Operations recognized by the National Security Agency, which also awarded LSU a small business clinic to help entrepreneurs protect their data.
And finally, energy is Louisiana’s number one industry, and we have been very successful in garnering support for our efforts in this field, including a $27.5 million gift from Shell to establish the LSU Institute for Energy Innovation. Exxon Mobil Corporation and Foundation invested $2 million into LSU to support energy research and workforce development, and together with GNO Inc., we secured $50 million from the U.S. Economic Development Administration to advance the energy industry.
You'll read about specific examples of our work in agriculture (Page 20), biomedical (Page 22), coast (Page 24), defense (Page 26), and energy research (Page 28).
Geaux Tigers!
30 Tiger Advocates
Welcome to our newly-elected state legislators, who are LSU alumni. Congratulations to them and to those LSU alumni legislators who continue to serve our state.
On the cover: LSU’s Scholarship First Agenda focuses on Agriculture, Biomedical, Coast, Defense, and Energy. In this issue, we explore ground-breaking initiatives in each area and LSU alumni who help turn research into reality.
To read the story see page 19.
LSU Alumni Association
Joe Carvalhido
President & CEO
Editor Chris Russo Blackwood
Editor Emeritus
Jackie Bartkiewicz
Marketing Manager
Sarah Armstead
Art Director/Graphic Designer
STUN Design & Interactive
Kimberly Mackey
Principal/Creative Director
STUN Design & Interactive
Chuck Sanchez
Barry Cowan, Marc Stevens, Elsa Hahne, Bobbi Parry, Libby Haydel, Leslie Capo
Sarah Armstead, Elizabeth Bogan, Elsa Hahne, Aniya Hall, Matt Hiatt, LSU Athletics, Amy Parrino, Sally Stiel, Mary Clare Trevison, Eddy Perez
Baton Rouge Printing
Dr. Mario J. Garner, Chair Spring, Tx
Mark Kent Anderson, Chair-Elect Monroe, La.
Kathryn “Kathy” Fives, Immediate Past Chair Baton Rouge, La.
Dr. Jack A. Andonie, Director Emeritus Metairie, La.
J. Ofori Agboka, Carnation, Wash.
Michael B. Bethea, Madisonville, La.
David Braddock, Dallas, Tx.
Paul Buffone, Baton Rouge, La.
Dr. Corey Foster, Lake Charles, La.
G. Archer Frierson III, Shreveport, La.
James G. “Jimmy” Gosslee, Shreveport, La.
Leo C. Hamilton, Baton Rouge, La.
Erin Monroe, Baton Rouge, La.
Lauren Olinde Hughes, Houston, Tx.
R. Scott Jenkins, New Orleans, La.
Dr. Louis Minsky, Baton Rouge, La.
Jeffrey M. Mohr, Baton Rouge, La.
Jady H. Regard, Lafayette, La.
Bart B. Schmolke, Alexandria, La.
Rori P. Smith, Baton Rouge, La.
Michael Woods, Shreveport, La.
LSU ALUMNI MAGAZINE is published quarterly in March, June, September, and December by the LSU Alumni Association. Annual donations are $75, of which $6 is allocated for a subscription to LSU Alumni Magazine. The LSU Alumni Association is not liable for any loss that might be incurred by a purchaser responding to an advertisement in this magazine.
Editorial and Advertising
LSU Alumni Association
3838 West Lakeshore Drive Baton Rouge, LA 70808-4686
225-578-3838 • 888-RINGLSU www.lsualumni.org/editor@lsualumni.org
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to LSU ALUMNI MAGAZINE, 3838 West Lakeshore Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70808-4686
Letters to the editor are encouraged. LSU ALUMNI MAGAZINE reserves the right to edit all materials accepted for publication. Publication of material does not indicate endorsement by the magazine, the Association, or LSU.
“Thank You to our loyal supporters.”
LSU Alums are riding high going into 2024, with a ReliaQuest Bowl football victory and our very own Heisman Trophy winner, not to mention highly competitive basketball, track, gymnastics, softball, and baseball teams enjoying promising seasons. If you are a sports fan, this issue’s Locker Room feature will make you smile.
While our sports programs tend to garner the most attention, LSU alums, faculty, and staff have so many other initiatives with serious global implications. In this issue, we look at LSU’s Scholarship First Agenda and its five concentrations in agriculture, biomedical, coast, defense, and energy. The groundbreaking programs we feature will help feed the world, save lives, save the coast, protect us against cyber threats, and push our state to the forefront in wind energy. And, of course, LSU alumni are involved in each and every one.
Our alumni chapters from coast to coast are enjoying annual spring crawfish boils. Here at home, we are looking forward to our Hall of Distinction Gala April 12 and to marking the 30th birthday of the Lod Cook Alumni Center building, dedicated in 1994. In this issue, we look back to our Annual Meeting and Luncheon, Football Fridays, Scholarship Reception, and a myriad of chapter events.
We also welcome Chris Russo Blackwood to the LSUAA family – as editor of LSU Alumni Magazine . Chris, a Louisiana Women in Media Lifetime Achievement Award winner, has 40 years of experience as a journalist, including stints as an award-winning magazine owner and publisher, daily newspaper editor, and television show host.
Congratulations to the Winter 2023 graduates – our newest alumni. We hope you’ll take advantage of all the LSU Alumni Association has to offer to help you network with Tigers around the world while you stay in touch with campus news.
And, last but not least – a Thank You to our loyal supporters and members. We couldn’t do any of this without you!
Geaux Tigers!
Boo Bama Bash – Every year, members of the Caddo-Bossier Parish Alumni Chapter host its annual Boo Bama Bash to kick off LSU football week versus Alabama. This year’s attendees participated in games, auctions, and won prizes, with proceeds going toward chapter scholarships.
Check presentations – The LSU Alumni Association recently received two checks for its scholarship fund: a $92,000 check from the San Diego Chapter and a $20,000 check from the Central Florida Alumni Chapter.
Members of the Tampa Alumni Association Chapter attended the Reliaquest Bowl game signing party on Dec 7.
Dallas Chapter – Activities from the Dallas Alumni Chapter included a football watch party attended by Claire Cagnolatti, Allison Andreyk Kullenberg, and Jennifer Morris Andries, left to right in top photo. Also, from the Dallas Chapter, Linda and Ron Young, photo below, represented the chapter at the LSU Alumni Association’s 2023 Scholars Reception. They are shown here with recipient Keylan Stone, who was awarded one of the Dallas Chapter Flagship Scholarships. He is a member of Tiger Band, LSU Student Government, and entered LSU with 50 hours!
Southern California Chapter –LSU alumnus and Louisiana Ambassador Charles Favors helped to decorate the iconic Explore Louisiana Rose Bowl float in Pasadena. Pictured with him is actress Kasia Trepagnier, Hammond’s Krewe of Omega’s Grand Marshall. Trepagnier is the daughter of Tangipahoa Parish natives and has appeared in 27 films, including Queen Sugar, Girl’s Trip, and Palmer
2023 – Juliette LeRay, a mass communication senior from Hammond, La., and Brooks Belanger, an economics and marketing senior from Shreveport, La., were crowned Homecoming Queen and Homecoming King, respectively, during halftime at the LSU-Army West Point game in October. The full court and senior royalty candidates were introduced at halftime and completed the walk across the stadium field.
LSU fans gathered in the shadow of Tampa’s Raymond James Stadium New Year’s morning before the noon kickoff of the LSU versus Wisconsin football game for a breakfast buffet, Bloody Marys, and mimosas. Performances by the LSU Cheerleaders and passing Tiger Band set the mood for an LSU win.
“Fig” Newton (1982 BACH MCOM) recently donated his class ring to the LSU Alumni Class Ring Display Collection.
A native of New Orleans, Newton now resides in Florida, where he serves as Senior Director of Tournament Business Affairs for the Ladies Professional Golf Association.
Keith was an operations intern with the Bell South Classic golf tournament in Atlanta and joined the PGA Tour/Champions Tour as a member of the operations staff. He was later promoted to manager and then Director of Tournament Operations, a position he held for almost 32 years.
Patricia Nelson Hayes of Shreveport (1974 BACH H&SS) and Susan Nelson Shofner of Haughton (1982 MAST ED) also donated their parents’ class rings to the LSU Alumni Association’s collection.
Gerald H. Nelson (1951 BACH H&SS) and Patricia Parker Nelson (1951 BACH H&SE) met at Alex Box Stadium. They married in January 1951, and hurried back to campus to complete their finals! They were married more than 70 years and were avid Tigers fans. Patricia passed away Aug. 24, 2021, followed by Gerald on Dec. 27, 2021.
New York City – A group of LSU alumni gathered at Legends during the Heisman Trophy Presentation festivities to celebrate the winner, LSU’s own Jayden Daniels.
CIAC Networking On The Geaux – Members of the Construction Industry Advisory Council (CIAC) were able to network with students about future career opportunities at a Networking on the Geaux event held at Bayou Beer Garden in New Orleans. Members of the CIAC board of directors, leaders in the construction industry statewide, also attended.
In Las Vegas – Alums gathered to watch Kim Mulkey’s LSU Women’s Basketball team take on University of Colorado’s squad at T-Mobile Arena for the Hall of Fame Series. An LSU vs. Alabama football watch party was also held while fans were in town.
Football Fridays at the Cook – Tiger fans gathered at the Lod Cook Alumni Center before the LSU-Florida and LSU-Army games to enjoy lunch, libations, and storytelling, while rubbing elbows with some LSU football greats. Eddie Kennison and Jacob Hester served as emcees.
Dr. Jack Andonie, Director Emeritus, presented a $50,000 check to the LSU Alumni Association to establish an endowment fund for the operation and maintenance of the association at the Board of Directors Annual Meeting and Past Presidents & Chair Luncheon in November. The fund, called the Patrick A. and Dr. Jack A. Andonie Endowment Fund, was named to honor Andonie’s son, Patrick Anthony Andonie, who died in 2021.
Kathy Fives, outgoing Board Chairman, was recognized at the event. Fives, a board member since 2018, has served on the engagement/marketing, human resources, and finance committees. Also at the meeting, Dr. Mario Garner and Mark Kent Anderson, Jr. were elected chair and chair-elect, respectively.
Garner, of Spring, Texas, is president of CHI St. Luke’s Vintage Hospital in Houston. He earned a bachelor's degree in microbiology from LSU, a master's degree in healthcare administration from Tulane University, and a doctor of education degree in administration and supervision from the University of Houston. He has served on the board since 2017 and has been a member of
the finance, human resources, and project committees.
Erin Monroe, District 1, and Michael Woods, Director at Large, were elected as new board members for three-year terms, joining board members Michael Bethea, David Braddock, Jeffrey Mohr, Scott Jenkins, Jady Regard, Corey Foster, Jimmy Gosslee, J. Ofori Agboka, Paul Buffone, Archer Frierson, Leo Hamilton, Lauren Hughes, Louis Minsky, Bart Schmolke, Rori Smith, and Andonie. Ex-officio officers include LSU President William F. Tate IV; Joe Carvalhido, president; Landon Jordan, treasurer; and Christy Mayeux, secretary.
Jackie Bartkiewicz, long-time editor of the LSU Alumni Magazine, was honored with a mock portrait of the magazine’s cover featuring her photograph. Shannon McConnell, controller, John Gauthier, Gift Shop manager, and Kirkland Hutson, Cook Hotel, were recognized with the Minsky MVP Award as Employees of the Year.
Erin Monroe and Michael Woods were elected to the LSU Alumni Association Board of Directors at the Annual Meeting in November.
Monroe (1999 BACH BUS), market vice president at Cox Communication, oversees operations in Baton Rouge and Lafayette, leading 745 employees in those markets.
She has been with Cox since 2019 and served as vice president of government and public affairs for the company's Southeast Region. Previously, Monroe Wesley held various public and private sector leadership roles, including executive vice president and CEO of the Baton Rouge Area Chamber. She holds a law degree from the Southern University Law Center.
Michael Woods (1980 JD), president of Woods Operating Co. in Shreveport, has experience in land management and higher education administration throughout the LSU System, Centenary College, and Bossier Parish Community College. His experience includes nonprofit administration through the American Red Cross, YMCA, Boy Scouts of America, and Junior Achievement, as well as numerous state and national political memberships and chairmanships.
The LSU Alumni Association thrives on fostering connections and relationships that can impact the lives of its alumni, students, and the broader community. Corporate sponsorships serve as a bridge, linking businesses with the LSU network in mutually beneficial ways. By partnering with the LSU Alumni Association, businesses can elevate their brand's visibility to a highly engaged and loyal audience. LSU alumni are passionate about their alma mater, and this passion extends to the businesses that support their community.
LSU Alumni Association events and programs offer sponsors a platform to connect with a diverse group of alumni, students, and faculty. In turn, our partners will have the opportunity to build valuable relationships and further the mission of the LSU Alumni Association.
Our commitment to inspire is at the core of our work at the LSU Alumni Association. Your partnership will propel the mission to engage LSU alumni and friends to help them thrive professionally, socially, and philanthropically; and ultimately strengthen their bonds and support to LSU and to each other!
The LSU Alumni Association offers a variety of sponsorship opportunities tailored to suit businesses of all sizes and industries:
Support signature LSU Alumni events such as The Hall of Distinction Award Ceremony, Young Alumni and Industry Networking Events, Football Fridays and MORE! These opportunities
provide excellent exposure to a passionate and captive audience.
Enhance your brand's presence through advertising in alumni publications, digital marketing, and event signage, ensuring widespread visibility.
Maximize visibility throughout the year by partnering with the LSU Alumni Association on an annual basis. This program allows for a tailored opportunity to pick from a variety of platforms, events and more to engage with the LSU Alumni Audience.
The LSU Alumni Association's corporate sponsorship opportunities are a testament to the power of collaboration. By joining hands with LSU, businesses can gain more than just visibility; they become part of a tradition of excellence that spans generations.
Your partnership goes beyond the walls of the university, benefiting students, alumni, the Baton Rouge community, and the future of education. Embrace the opportunity to unite with purpose through corporate sponsorships with the LSU Alumni Association, where a shared commitment to excellence drives every endeavor. Together, we'll continue to make a difference in Tiger Nation.
To learn more about how to get involved in sponsorships with the LSU Alumni Association, contact Lauren Giffin, lauren@lsualumni.org; Amy Parrino, amy@lsualumni.org; or Madison Douglas, madison@lsualumni.org.
The 2023 President’s Alumni Scholars and Flagship Scholars – LSU’s best and brightest future alumni – and the donors who funded their scholarships were recognized at the Scholarship Reception in November.
LSU’s “Top 10” students received prestigious President’s Alumni Scholars awards.
They are Hammaad Alam, of Lafayette, La.; Luke Alvendia of Metairie, La.; Bennett Blank of Baton Rouge; Carina Holguin of San Antonio, Tx; Irene Kaiser of Lafayette, La.; Elizabeth Karides of Severna Park, Maryland.; Fahd Khattak of Lafayette, La.; Ella Menard of Broussard, La.; Julia Spiess of Slidell, La.; and James Williams of Pearland, Texas.
Flagship Scholarships were also awarded. Scholarship winners, their parents and donors filled the Alumni Center for the presentation. Many expressed gratitude with thank-you notes to the association. Some of their comments follow:
“I am excited to continue my journey and absorb all that LSU has to offer.”
“Thank you for helping me achieve my dreams!”
“The scholarship has allowed me to focus on academics fully without financial worries.”
To establish or donate to a scholarship, visit lsualumni.org/giving.
Stories by Elsa Hahne, Bobbi Parry, Leslie Capo, Tobie Blanchard, and Chris Russo BlackwoodPrasanta Subudhi, an LSU AgCenter scientist, received a $10 million grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture to improve the sustainability and profitability of rice farming by developing climate-resilient crops through research innovations.
Rice is the most widely consumed staple food for more than half of the world’s population, which continues to grow each year. The United States is the world’s fifth-largest exporter of rice, having produced more than 150 million pounds in 2022. Louisiana is the nation’s second largest rice-producing state behind Arkansas.
While rice production contributes $550 million to Louisiana’s economy, extreme weather patterns due to climate change pose serious challenges to enhancing productivity. This project aims to help rice growers in southern states make the right decisions at the right time to reduce yield losses, land use, water, and energy consumption.
Knowledge gained from the project will increase the speed and accuracy of identifying rice genotypes with desirable combinations of genes for improved adaptation to a changing climate.
The specific objectives of the project are to assess and identify barriers to adopting novel technologies and practices; develop novel genotypes with enhanced tolerance to stresses; develop and optimize environmentally friendly crop management practices; and implement a robust program to disseminate the benefits of sustainable farming technology.
PRASANTA SUBUDHIUS is the fifth largest exporter of rice (150 million pounds in 2022)
LA is the second largest rice-producing state (behind Arkansas)
“Agricultural innovation remains paramount to the future of Louisiana. Securing federal funding for projects like this empowers LSU’s Scholarship First Agenda and enables us to further leverage our agricultural expertise,” said William F. Tate IV, LSU President.
This grant is part of a $70 million investment from USDA to establish robust, resilient, and climate-smart food and agricultural systems. It is the largest grant for rice research the AgCenter has received.
Working with Subudhi on the Climate Resilient Innovation for the Sustainable Production of Rice (CRISP) team are Christine Gambino, Felipe Daila Lana, Blake Wilson, Rasel Parvej, Brenda Tubana, Michael Deliberto, Karthikeyan Raghupathy, Raja Reddy, Young-Ki Jo, Manas Gartia, Mark Schafer, Raju Bheemanahalli, Ronnie Levy, Supratik Mukhopadhyay, Christian De Guzman, Xin-Gen Zhou, Jai Rohila, Jong Hyun Ham, Lisa Fultz, Tri Setiyono, and Michael Stout.
Fred Zaunbrecher (1981 MAST AGR) and his brothers, Phillip, Paul and Bill, are the fifth generation of Zaunbrecher rice farmers in Acadia Parish, where there is a long history between the LSU AgCenter’s H. Rouse Caffey Rice Research Station and agricultural producers. Fred’s father, Glenn Zaunbrecher, even worked at the station before joining the family’s farming operation.
This partnership, emanating from Crowley, known as the Rice Capital of the World, is what drives innovation in rice production, such as CRISP’s project to develop more climate resistant rice.
“The research station is the main reason we’re still in business,” Fred Zaunbrecher said. “Their research is second to none. Because of everything they provide, they keep us in the black.”
The Zaunbrechers’ background in the rice industry is legendary, Nicolas Zaunbrecher, Paul’s great, great grandfather, came to this region and began farming cotton and corn. Looking for a more successful crop in rice, he rode horseback around the area to find a suitable location. At that time, there was no commercial rice production in the region.
Nicolas built the first manmade reservoir to hold rainwater for flooding the crop throughout the growing season on his property north of Crowley. He was also the first grower in this region to ship rice to New Orleans, the site of the nearest rice mill, via rail. Nicolas was a true pioneer in the rice industry of south Louisiana, dealing with the many challenges of production.
Future Zaunbrecher generations at GF&P Zaunbrecher Farms have been just as faithful to the crop. Fred has been nationally recognized as Rice Farmer of the Year by the USA Rice Federation.
“The LSU AgCenter is invaluable to us as a farming operation and to all of Louisiana, both south and north,” Fred Zaunbrecher told Battelle, during its analysis on the value of extension and experiment stations in the future development of the agbioscience economy. “It’s been the foundation of everything that we do. It’s where our extension agents and researchers get together to provide for us the cutting edge of technology, cultural practices, management practices, how to grow a crop, how to harvest a crop, even how to produce crawfish. It’s just phenomenal the work they’ve done.”
Pioneering efforts continue with Prasanta Subudhi and his partners to help future generations of rice growers worldwide, including the Zaunbrecher family.
The recent ribbon-cutting for The Center for Advanced Learning and Simulation (CALS) at the site of the former Hotel Dieu hospital in New Orleans ushers in a new era of healing.
"We are excited about the opportunity this building represents and its impact on the next generation of health and medical professionals who will train there," LSU President William F. Tate IV said. "This will be a tremendous boost to our aggressive pursuit of NCI (National Cancer Institute) designation for the benefit of Louisiana."
The eight-floor, 321,637 square-foot building brings the most sophisticated simulation technology for multiple disciplines under one roof to foster interprofessional education. The interdisciplinary hospital skills lab, along with 10 specialized simulation rooms, will greatly expand and diversify nursing education.
CALS also boasts a 16-station demonstration lab and six specialized simulation rooms that will increase medical education capability. Standardized patient training includes 16 clinical rooms, “patient” training, large control room and support debriefing classrooms. The Campus Testing Center will accommodate large classes, and seven private testing rooms will support special needs. More than 350 private and semiprivate clinical faculty offices, reception areas,
classrooms, large presentation rooms and an expanded Wellness Center complete the design.
LSU Health New Orleans pioneered medical education with human patient simulators in the state, quickly becoming a national leader more than two decades ago. High-fidelity simulation supplies a realistic, safe learning environment where students can encounter uncommon clinical situations and learn from “mistakes” without repercussions. Studies have shown that medical simulation enhances clinical competence at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Advantages also include improved patient safety and reduced health care costs.
The hospital was built in 1972 as the new site for Hotel Dieu, founded in 1859 and operated by the Daughters of Charity. Hotel Dieu was the first hospital in the nation to air-condition its surgical suites, and was the site of the breakthrough medical research that developed a sulfonamide drug treatment for meningitis. The State of Louisiana purchased Hotel Dieu in 1992 as a companion to Charity Hospital, renaming it University Hospital. University Hospital emerged from the flooding following Hurricane Katrina as the Interim LSU Hospital in 2006. The opening of the new University Medical Center closed it as a hospital. Repurposed as CALS, its mission of health education will carry on, in cutting-edge fashion.
LSU President William F. Tate IV and members of the LSU Board of Supervisors join Dr. Steve Nelson, interim chancellor of LSU Health Science Center New Orleans, to open to the new Center for Advanced Learning & Simulation at the former Hotel Dieu and University hospitals in New Orleans.
LSU alumnus Dr. Peter DeBlieux, assistant dean for Advanced Learning and Simulation at LSU Health New Orleans School of Medicine, works with all LSU Health New Orleans schools to plan, develop, and implement clinical training and assessment programs at the new Center for Advanced Learning and Simulation (CALS).
DeBlieux explained this three-prong approach to educating future doctors.
The first prong, creating a standardized patient center, enlists trained actors to portray patients so students can examine, interview, and interact with patients and then reflect upon the interaction, be graded, and coached. These cases will be videoed, so more students can access ordinary and extraordinary cases.
“It’s a great way to utilize technology to train students and get their buy in,” he said. “Rarely are students asked to perform in a challenging environment on a challenging case. With standardization, they will see atypical presentations or rare diseases.”
The second prong is creating and establishing an emergency department, where everything from heart attacks to mass trauma events can be simulated. Training will also be made available to rapid response teams at community hospitals.
Thirdly, CALS will partner with industry, using anatomy and clinical learning centers at LSU to train, develop, and showcase the latest procedural medical innovations.
“These are cutting edge procedures which allow us to teach not just our students and researchers, but also to grow our faculty and train community partners, not just in New Orleans, but nationally and internationally. New Orleans is a medical convention
destination, so it makes sense from that standpoint as well.”
As a faculty member, DeBlieux continues clinical work at University Medical Center in the Emergency Department and the Medical Intensive Care Unit. He earned his medical degree at LSU Health New Orleans, where he completed an internship in Internal Medicine and a residency in Emergency Medicine. He completed a fellowship in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine with LSU Health at Charity Hospital before joining the faculty. He served in numerous roles, including as program director for Emergency Medicine and Director of Emergency Medical Services for the Medical Center of Louisiana.
“My experience is incredibly broad,” DeBlieux said. “I was on this enormous academic path. Then, after (Hurricane) Katrina, individuals who did operational work for the emergency department could not return. So, there was this void.”
He became a gratis faculty member in 2015, when he was appointed chief medical officer and then the first chief experience officer at University Medical Center.
“When I meet with first- and secondyear medical students, I tell them what a high value an LSU Medical School education is,” DeBlieux said. “You have a basic science platform with the clinical robustness of a university medical center. It’s really a gamechanger for their future.
“We have a compelling story, but we didn’t have a standardized way to teach it. We have an obligation to do this (implementation of CALS programs) for the next generation of doctors.”
The target time for the simulation to go live is Fall, 2025.
The benefits of coastal wetlands are widely documented—as buffers against hurricanes, as filters that clean excess nutrients out of water, as wildlife habitat. But, as the threats posed by rising sea levels and other coastal hazards come into sharper focus, these multi-tasking landscapes, along with a diverse array of other natural features along the Gulf Coast, may become something more: protectors of the nation’s military infrastructure. And, the Louisiana coast is a big part of this living laboratory.
This is the idea outlined in the Developing Engineering Practices for Ecosystem Design Solutions, or DEEDS project, a partnership between LSU and the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC). They will be joined by researchers from the University of Delaware as they develop a set of engineering and design strategies to protect both the Army’s coastal infrastructure and its people. But rather than relying on standard engineering practices like flood walls and drainage, the DEEDS project sets forth an ambitious agenda: to build out a library of coastal protection designs employing a set of tools both innovative and ageless—the features native to the coastal ecosystems themselves.
The DEEDS project makes full use of the wealth of coastal expertise available at LSU, including that of its newly created Coastal Ecosystem Design Studio, headed by Robert Twilley, of the Department of Oceanography & Coastal Sciences (DOCS). Twilley will be joined by DOCS’ Matt Hiatt, assistant professor; Clint Wilson, professor of civil and environmental engineering and director of the Center for River Studies; and LSU AgCenter LaHouse Resource Center Director Carol Friedland, a professor of biological and agricultural engineering. Traci Birch, assistant professor of architecture, will also take part.
They will create a technical process called Collaborative Ecosystem Design (CED), beginning by examining naturebased designs already present in the Gulf, with a strong focus on three different case studies. First, the mangrove forests of the Florida coast, where trees are seen as a potential protective barrier for military infrastructure. Second, the Atchafalaya Bay and Morgan City, where the diversion of a section of the Atchafalaya River has shown
the land-building powers of a river diversion to protect a coastal community. And third, the Morganza to the Gulf Hurricane Protection Plan levee system, which shields Houma in Terrebonne Bay, where a system of navigable flood gates and locks allow tides to build wetlands.
The features at these sites provide a similar benefit to their surrounding landscapes. They all create some measure of protection for coastal systems and military infrastructure.
In a traditional cost benefit analysis, the primary ecosystem service would be the only thing considered. However, the CED process goes a step further and measures other positive services these natural features can provide, both in terms of other environmental services known as co-benefits, like a mangrove forest’s ability to remove carbon from the atmosphere and protect agricultural soil resources, and social benefits, such as healthy coastal fisheries supporting vital business, industries, and recreation. Measures of hazards, such as storm-damage assessments, will also be included in the CED process models.
DEEDS pairs with another ongoing LSU-Army collaboration, Anticipating Threats to Natural Systems (ACTIONS). In that project, researchers are cataloging and analyzing existing and potential hazards on Louisiana’s coastlines as sea levels rise and the climate changes. The knowledge they build is integral to DEEDS. It informs the design processes researchers are trying to construct, as they attempt to create comprehensive resources for the military.
Overall, it’s a process Twilley describes as translation: “You’re translating ecosystem performance into a human language,” he said. “You take the way an ecosystem performs and the services it provides, and translate this knowledge into what it means to people, and how it changes their behavior.”
Col. Christian Patterson (1999 BACH MCOM) , commander of the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) and LSU Manship School of Mass Communication alumnus, is a walking, talking example of how you need storytelling, not just engineering expertise, to have successful engineering projects.
ERDC is a world leader in the development of coastal science and engineering solutions with 2,500 employees, a $1.8 billion research portfolio, and several active research projects with LSU. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is one of the world’s largest engineering, design, and construction management agencies, working on stability and sustainability projects in more than 130 countries. Methods and tools that support these projects are developed by ERDC, in collaboration with partners, including LSU.
Patterson is a communicator surrounded by hundreds of scientists and engineers. ERDC has seven laboratories, including the Coastal & Hydraulics Lab. Every project ERDC has engaged in requires storytelling since the Army Corps of Engineers can’t dredge a canal, build a wall, design a dam, or construct a flood protection levee without coordination and communication with multiple partners.
“You’re not going to be a strong leader unless you understand people, and I learned a lot about leadership at LSU,” Patterson said. “I learned from my professors, but I also learned from my instructors in Army ROTC and from being around the football coaches—seeing the ways they led the football players. I’ve been extremely blessed in that I’ve always been around strong, talented, and passionate people who care about others and the world.”
Patterson spent 20 years as a public affairs officer in the Army National Guard, including deployments to Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo and Afghanistan, and special assignments in France, Honduras and the Dominican Republic. He joined ERDC as its communications director four years ago and was promoted to commander in 2022.
One current research project funded by ERDC at LSU is Developing Engineering Practices for Ecosystem Design Solutions, or DEEDS. About 40 percent of the world’s population lives near a coast, and much of that population is concentrated near deltas—people are nine times more likely to live in a delta than elsewhere. Military installations tend to follow a similar pattern.
“One of our top priorities is to prepare for climate change and save our coastlines,” Patterson said. “That requires complex conversations.”
At ERDC, Patterson counts many “purple and gold teammates” who are scientists and engineers.
“We have a lot of LSU people here, and we enjoy strong partnerships with LSU as far as coastal science and research,” Patterson said. “We look forward to a continued relationship into the future that will open up even more opportunities.”
COL. CHRISTIAN PATTERSON DEEDS TEAM IN A MANGROVE FORESTThe LSU and LONI Security Operations Center, or SOC, on the flagship campus in Baton Rouge, opens the doors to a new cybersecurity workforce development and protection model for Louisiana and garners LSU national attention.
“When we declared our commitment to becoming the foremost cybersecurity program in the nation, we were resolute,” LSU President William F. Tate IV said. “A primary cybersecurity challenge our nation confronts today is the shortage of a skilled workforce. We require more welltrained cyber warriors. Through the SOC, we are enhancing the development of cyber talent while fulfilling our flagship mission to protect and serve our state.”
Through SOC, LSU and Louisiana are leading the nation in training graduate students who can actively join the cyber fight and gain real-world, real-time experience working in direct service to the state. Students at the SOC will be responsible for monitoring and analyzing the university’s network traffic as well as identifying and escalating potential threats.
The LSU SOC is the first node in an emerging statewide cybersecurity platform powered by the Louisiana Optical Network Infrastructure, or LONI, the state’s research and development network that connects Louisiana’s universities, community and technical colleges. By extending the SOC through LONI, every institution of higher education will have the ability to establish its own student-operated center and receive additional security services. This new model— educating students to provide services the university critically needs and then extending it into a platform to serve a greater purpose—has the immediate potential to change the security posture of the whole state.
To build its SOC platform, LSU turned to TekStream, an Atlanta-based technology services firm, and Splunk, one of the world’s leading data and security technology companies. TekStream supports SOC management and incident response, while Splunk provides the core analytic and monitoring technology.
LSU announced $7.5 million in state investment to expand the LSU-LONI SOC model to more than 30 colleges and universities in the state, at no additional cost to each institution. Increased cybersecurity protection across higher education will come with broader impacts for Louisiana, offsetting the state’s need to respond to cyberattacks and limiting key attack vectors. Universities’ diverse data landscapes are often the first to pick up on new cyber threats, which then tend to cascade through critical infrastructure, industry, and state, and local government.
“LSU is building one of the nation’s strongest whole-ofstate plans for cybersecurity, and we’re starting to receive inquiries from all over about the ‘LSU and Louisiana model,’” said Bill Rowan, Splunk vice president of Public Sector. “Usually, we rely on talent to help us innovate, but this SOC flips that on its head: innovating to help produce talent, and Splunk couldn’t be more excited to be a part of this effort with TekStream.”
“Our model was always to provide SOC services by implementing Splunk technology, but we jumped at the opportunity to do something different with LSU,” said Rob Jansen, TekStream CEO. “We essentially agreed to work our way out of business by helping to train students to do more and more advanced work. Why? Because we saw all of the amazing upsides of the partnership, since we all struggle to find and hire enough talent. That’s why the LSU-LONI model is groundbreaking; it’s a first in our industry and the number and caliber of talented student applicants we’ve already received is staggering.”
Matthew Joseff (1997 BACH H&SS) a global advisor at Splunk, got his start in the business as an LSU student working at Premier 1, a local ISP.
In his current role at Splunk, Joseff assists customers in using their data for enhanced security, compliance, and fraud prevention. As a Certified Fraud Examiner, he conducts workshops using Machine and Deep Learning to detect fraudulent activities, saving customers millions in preventable fraud losses.
“I often ask customers ‘What needs protecting?’” he said. “The answer is data, as 92 percent of global currency is data. Banks are now data companies.
“Universities handle vast amounts of sensitive information, including student records, research data, intellectual property, and more. It is important to safeguard this data from unauthorized access.”
Joseff, the son of CIA officers, was born in California, but reared in Japan and Italy. Living in a different culture was uncomfortable at first, he said, but made him develop empathy and emerge a stronger person. When he returned to the Asia-Pacific region as an adult with his own family, Joseff got to apply things he learned as a child.
“Living abroad also solidified for me that diversity is a key survival factor in nature and technology. If your technology all comes from one vendor, then one vulnerability takes everything down. The challenge is, then, how do you enable different technologies made by different vendors with different languages and different sets of values to communicate with each other?”
His fascination with Southern politics led him to choose LSU.
“I left George Washington University to go to LSU and major in political science,” he said. “LSU is where I first experienced the Internet. It’s where I had the honor of being a Free Speech Alley moderator and grew the audience from nothing to hundreds of people.”
After college, Joseff realized the only constant in life is change. His advice to current college students:
“If you want a successful career in data security, be well-rounded in your interests, find one or two things you can specialize in, and be constantly curious. Then, become intimate with the data surrounding that interest, whether it is the financial, music, retail, or manufacturing industries. Ultimately: Data defines reality.”
Gov. John Bel Edwards and President William F. Tate IV cut the ribbon to open the doors to the new Louisiana Optical Network Infrastructure (LONI) Security Operations Center (SOC), a new cybersecurity workforce development and protection model.
William F. Tate
President Joe Biden and the Economic Development Administration (EDA) announced an LSU-led consortium, Gulf Louisiana Offshore Wind, or GLOW Propeller, as one of only 31 newly designated Tech Hubs positioned to revitalize American manufacturing, create jobs, and strengthen U.S. economic and national security within a decade. LSU’s GLOW Propeller was selected from hundreds of applicants from 48 states.
GLOW Propeller will support talent and technology development for offshore wind energy production in Louisiana, bolstering the state’s leadership role in traditional and emerging renewable energy production.
“LSU’s Scholarship First agenda recognizes Louisiana’s pivotal role in research and talent development within the ever-evolving energy industry,” LSU President William F. Tate IV said. “This highly competitive U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration award affirms that collaborations between LSU, higher education partners, and industry leaders further bolster our capacity and accelerate our novel approach to driving talent and technology advancements in emerging energy sectors.”
The GLOW Propeller consortium brings together public and private partners, including five universities (LSU, Southern, Tulane, UNO and Xavier), two community colleges (Delgado and Nunez), industry (Gulf Wind Technologies, RWE and Sev1Tech), as well as Greater New Orleans, Inc., the Water Institute of the Gulf, Louisiana Economic Development, Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, City of New Orleans, and Port Fourchon, the nation’s leading offshore energy port located in Lafourche Parish.
In August, GLOW Propeller consortium member RWE, an international renewable energy company, became the sole offshore wind lease holder in the Gulf of Mexico, in federal waters due south of Lake Charles.
Offshore wind development in the Gulf of Mexico poses unique challenges, which the LSU consortium aims to address. GLOW Propeller is an opportunity for Louisiana to export knowledge and technology to the world, just as Louisiana workers helped build the Block Island Wind Farm off Rhode Island, the nation’s first commercial wind farm.
The 2022 CHIPS and Science Act authorized the Tech Hubs program at $10 billion. Designation as a Tech Hub unlocks the opportunity for the LSU-led team to apply for tens of millions of dollars in funding to accelerate offshore wind research and development in Louisiana.
GLOW Propeller will receive the full support of the newly-launched LSU Institute for Energy Innovation, which coordinates energy partnerships and projects across the state and beyond. The goal of GLOW is to transform Louisiana’s energy workforce while ensuring the economic benefits of energy development reach people and communities across the region.
The LSU Alumni Association would like to congratulate and welcome our 20 LSU alumni who were recently elected to the Louisiana legislature, as well as the 23 LSU alumni who are continuing their terms to serve the people of our state.
We all know that Tiger roars are definitely loud enough to be heard. Please join the LSU Alumni Association to welcome and start a conversation with our legislators at lsualumni.org/tigeradvocates.
On behalf of the LSU Alumni Association and proud LSU alumni across the country and around the globe, congratulations and welcome to Tiger Nation. You have earned it. You have met many challenges and overcome many hurdles, and we are proud of you and all that you have accomplished.
No matter where you live, the LSU spirit is there – and you'll find fellow alumni to support you in your new endeavors and show the world just how awesome LSU graduates are. Our more than 135 alumni chapters around the world provide connection and camaraderie, and we hope you’ll unite with your fellow alums to keep the Tiger spirit alive.
To take advantage of all we have to offer you, visit LSUAlumni.org/recentgrad. Again, congratulations and Geaux Tigers!
Bachelor of Science
Natalie Marie Aguillard
Olivia DeAnne Allen
Courtney Lynn Aucoin
Cheyenne A. Autin
Julie Marie Bodin
Lilly Bolin
Olivia Johanna Bottolfs
Haley Brassard
Brenden Tyler Brouillette
Kari Janelle Carter
Jordan Leigh-Ann Champion
Kevin Anthony Cluney
Catherine Fyke Coalson
Cathryn Reiley Coulter
Taerryn Andre' Daniels
Jewel DeJan
Ella Maria DiResto
Elexus Joe Dotson
Juna Dylçe
Havana St. Jude Farinas
Sarah E. Fisher
McKinzey L. Fowler
Emily Lauren Gandy
Conner Gothreaux
Madeline Kay Grisoli
Katelyn Nicole Guidry
Amanda C. Gussman
Connell V. Gutierrez
Destiny Lynn Harrell
Daniel William Harris
Bachelor of Arts
Savannah Jean Allen
Shanna Diane Baudier
Jamie Kellam Chaney
Isaiah Nathaniel Cleveland
Samantha Jo Cook
Anna Elisabeth Cooper
Tatiana O. Estrada
Ige Kinyomi
Katherine Maronge
Hallie T. Russell
Laney Elizabeth Stiebing
Grace Olivia Hathcock
Alexandra Rae Heinen
Owen Henderson
Keenon Michael Hill
Sabrina A. Hoffmeister
Taylor Raquel Noyola Hooper
Grant Austin Jenny
Ashley M. Johnson
Luke C. Lafrance
Chase Paul Landry
Susan Bennett Lindrew
Nathania Tolentino Mangaoil
Isabella Aria Mariani
Quinn M. Marti
Noelle Grace Matthews
Lundyn B. Melancon
Ashley Alexis Miles
Marie Gabrielle Murphy
Catherine R. Ott
Mary Katherine Piel
Aimee M. Ramirez
Laura Nallely Ramos Ramirez
Eden Victoria Regan
Joshua Alexander Riddlebarger
Olivia Grace Rigol
Morgan Rees Risley
John Reid Rivet
Ross Anthony Rodrigue
Christopher Anthony Roy
John Meyer Simmons
Diana Michel Smerina
Emily Sonnier
John-Robert Cole Talley
Madilyn Marie Taylor
Elena Rene’ Templet
Abby M. Theriot
Sydney E. Twiner
Thanh Madaleine Vo
Ryan Paul Wildenberg
Kite Wilson
Sean Joseph Winkler
Haolin Wu
Benjamin Joseph Tomaszewski
Aliyah Nicole Warford
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Anthony Michael Basco
Bachelor of Science
Samea Fakhri Abdelghani
Alexander Hawkins Allen
Lauren E. Allen
Logan Stephen Andrews
Anna Katherine Andrishok
Brennan Arceneaux
Isaiah Paul Arceneaux
Alexander Hayg Arman
Londyn Elise Atkinson
Marcus A. Austin
Mallie Alise Babin
Christian Banks
Collin Michael Barnes
Barton Brooke Barre
Damien Pierce Batchelor
Madelyn Beard
Cole Douglas Beasley
Darius Trevion Bell
Joseph John Bergeron
Grace Hamilton Beshears
Grace Hamilton Beshears
Christian A. Bianco
Conner Joseph Blanchard
Scott Bonnette Jr.
Mary Katherine Boudinot
Jacob Michael Boudreaux
Dolphis J. Bouie III
Braden Thomas Bourgeois
Whitney Ann Bourque
Emma O. Breaux
Nicholas James Brewster
Lillyanne Faith Brignac
Leah Maeve Brooks
Anna Elizabeth Brouillette
Sydney Taylor Broussard
Brooklyn Elizabeth Brown
Sean T. Bui
John Philip Burkes
Raven Sage Burkhalter
Samuel Enrique Camacho
Gaby Iris Caraveo
Christhofer Jason Cardona
Carly M. Carpenter
Patrick Jakob Carroll
Ka Wing Chan
Monasia A. Charles
Lauren Elizabeth Christian
Nicholas O'Neil Cochran
Alexandria Coco
Elijah Hugh Collins
Kristina Ann Couvillion
Madeleine Claire Coward
Adam Crifasi
Lane Owen Crochet
Carly Noel Cruise
Lillia Wynn Cumpton
Alexander Christopher Cutrone
Maya Marija Cvitanovich
Amber Elizabeth Daniels
Juan Carlos Davila
Sydney Demarest
Mason G. Dietrich
Adeline Cassandra Din
Lucas Dante DiResto
Amanda Doan
Ethan Alexander Dodd
Analiese M. Donovan
Bailey K. Dore'
Brennan Dornan
Colin Paul Ducote
Darryl Dufore-Reeves
Elliot Pierre Dugas
Mason Dane Duhon
Mia Ann Duhon
Sydnie Elizabeth Duncan
Olivia Claire Durbin
Kayden B. Dykes
Breanne Easterling
Owen David Egermayer
Connor Edgardo Eikel
Thomas M. Elliott
David Hall Ellison
Bradley Corbitt Elmore
Andrew Joseph Englande IV
Kendall Faul
Thomas Edward Fitzpatrick
Jack N. Fleishmann
Richard Mestayer Foley Jr.
Noah Wayne Fontenette
Brooke Ann Forshag
Alexandra C. Francingues
Taylor Kresse Fruge
Ryan Garon
Meredith Anne Gauldin
LeDonte’ Delvaughn Carter
Kayla Marie Dearman
Zachary Dalton Donze
Sophia Isabel Greeson
Caleb Gridley
Betselot S. Mulugeta
Gabrielle Quebedeaux
Brandi Elizabeth Rourk
Courtney Alashae Thompson
Renzo Sanchez Trinidad
Brooks Payton Dever Giardina
Rebekah Ann Gibson
Bradley Cade Gilley
Michael Gillis
Bennett McGowan Gist
Leigh Elizabeth Gonzales
Isaiah Jerome Goodly
Abby Kreer Gordon
Ashley Elizabeth Graves
Connor William Gregoire
Oliver Grahm Guillot
Skylar Austin Hadley
Kinley Claire Hagmann
Brooks J. Halsey
Rachel Elizabeth Hansen
Brian A. Harrs
Macy Nicole Hartgrove
Madelynn Noelle Henry
Elijah Jeffrey Hill
Emily Grace Corcoran Hines
Bailey Bao Tu Ho
Ryann Avery Hodges
Tyrus Kenevel Horn Jr.
Brittan Joél Huffman
Thomas James Hugenroth
Matthew Edward Huss
Emma Faith Hutton
Alexander Huynh
Isaac Iglesias Hermo
Gabriel James Jewell
Frederic A. Johnson
Nevaeh Ahlee Johnson
Richard Jess Johnson Jr.
Christian Paul Jones
Darren Michael Jones
Jacques Luke Juneau
Theresa Rose Kadair
Emir Karagic
Kindall Brooke Keel
John Kilgour
Chandara Kim
Samantha King
Jamie K. Knight
Robert Lawton Knight
Kevin Koch
Matthew Alexander
Joshua Paul Lachney
Kolbe Michael Landry
Juan Christopher Lastrapes II
Stefan Latinovic
Courtney Lawrence
Nhi Hoai Le
Lucas LeBlanc
Jordyn Leigh Lewis
Megan Marie L'Hoste
Linqiuzi Liu
Ryan Warren Llewellyn
Caleb John Lobell
Jack Alexander Maddox
Mansi Mansukhani
Ella Ashley Marrus
Marlon Martinez
Julia Leigh Mathemeier-Gray
Aidan Grace Matthews
Mason Anthony McClatchey
Rachel Elizabeth McGuire
John Gordon Mckernan
Jenna Renée Meaux
John C. Miguez
Claire Minge
Claire Minge
Anna Katherine Montanio
Matthew Joseph Montgomery
Caroline Elizabeth Moses
Adam Jeffrey Mosher
Brennan Michael Mouton
Tamanny Eslam Nafel
Reed “Beau” Neelis Jr.
Will Neely
Vina Nhu Nguyen
Kaitlyn Nicole Oliveaux
Gabrielle Rae Omes
Alberto Ontiveros
Reagan Riviere Osborne
Alejandro Reyes Oseguera
Elise Adriana Pagán
Jongchan Park
Camaran Juliés Parker
Camaran Juliés Parker
Jaylaa Alyssa Patterson
Taylor Ann Paysse
Emily Elizabeth Peak
Maggie Peltier
Dyogo Penafiel
Saba Pervaiz
Daniel Denis Petrov
Blayden Joseph Phillips
Bailey Renee Poirrier
Katherine B. Polson
Brett Austin Pope
Colton M. Porter
Finley Mads Poulsen
Ian Prindle
Andrew Miller Purpera
Nicole Emilia Quintero
Lauren Ann Richards
Bryan Rico
Haley Rietschel
Lauren Robichaux
Bachelor of Science
Joshua Todd Bankston
Brad J. Baudin
Zidyep Duniya Bungwon
Cameron James Clark
Colin B. Cottrell
Martin S. Dampier
Matthew Paul Davis
Adam Elkhanoufi
Fikir Seyoum Gebremedhin
Nicholas Anthony Gendron
Kathan M. Green
Samuel Hildebrand
Otis Ray Jackson IV
Kobe Jacob Johnson
Parimal Reddy Kashireddy
Jake Kinchen
Jonathan Lagarrigue
James Edward Matherne Jr.
Kyle Andrew McCleary
Seth Daniel Miller
Hypatia Mills
Artem Mukhamedzianov
Hoai Vu Nguyen
Justin An Nguyen
McCoy Vo Nguyen
Tam Tri Nguyen
Saehwan Park
Lydia Celeste Parsa
Ansha G. Patel
Christian Ward Peytavin
Finn Phayer
Mohammad Inayat Rasool
Beverly Rose Richard
Joshua Anthony Rovira
Ravi Gabe Stimphil
Teddie Elise Swize
Pacco Tan
Erik Alexander Thompson
Jason Thomas Rohleder
Ashley Maria Ross
William M. Ruddy III
Bradley Adam Ruiz
Alex L. Rupp
John Carter Russell
Nicolas E. Samaha
Phuong Minh San
Kerigan Elizabeth Sanders
Sophia Louise Schempf
Callie E. Scheuermann
Joseph L. Schutz
Michael Wesley Scroggins
Margaret Anne Segar
Cade A. Seymour
Ellie C. Shank
Victoria Grace Shirley
Barrett N. Simpson
Charles Cole Sinclair
Elijah John Skuse
Emily Rose Smith
Andrii Sosnytskyi
Robert Joseph Speier
Emily Kieu-Nhi Vu
Dylan Rae Wichman
Anna Elizabeth Williams
Sir Kamron E. Wilson
Quinn York
Andrew C. Cihon
Caleb Daniel Duranceau
Hannah El Kholy
Janice-Imani Asong Fonebi
Victoria Marie Fuentes Rodríguez
Anna C. Guidry
Samuel Latino
Meredith Kathryn Mareno
Kaitlyn Nicole Odell
Emogene Mali Stringer
Wyatt W. Wittliff
Margaret Claire Blouin
Nathaniel Drew Bonacic
Connor Matthew Crow
Matthew W. DeRouen
Caleb Michael Frost
Corbin Alexander Gomez
Evan R. Hendry
Harley Huang
Michael Aaron LeJeune
Anne Marie Licata
Jack Andrew Manson
Jacob H. McCaffery
Matthew Lynn Melsheimer
Zachary Isaac Michelli
Madalyn Claire Mouton
Peyton Ray Murphy
Luke M. Ory
Steven David Spivak
Constance Springer
William Jacob Stegemoeller
Jake Frederiksen Stiegler
Le Sun
John Thomas Swacker
Robert C. Taylor
Quynh Thi Truc Bui
John S. Tindall
Julia Abigail Titus
Chanakya S.C. Toleti
Victor Tomlinson
Cole Gregory Tortell
Julie Lynn Tran
My-Linh Thi Tran
Tyler Martin Tullier
Matthew Philip Venezia
Olivia G. Vercher
Ashton Anthony Verdicanno
Peter Allen Vernaci Jr.
John Andrew Vrana
Ethan A. Wachtel
Andrew Ty Wagner
Jack Benjamin Pokrywka
Hani Hannah Ashraf
Zoe Louise Bart
Kyra Saige Boudreaux
Zachary Ladner Braswell
Joshua Sale Burns
Justin Kenneth Chambers
Jourdan Cheek
Adam Curet
Jacob Danklefsen
Kathryn Ann Dunphy
Louis F. Garfias
Cade Edward Giambrone
Grant Michael Jacobsen
Alijah K’leb King
Arianna Koulpasis
Stephen Paul LeBlanc
Nicholas Octave Matherne
David Marc-Wilson Minter
Thao T. Nguyen
Morgan Kate Noel
Ellen Carolyn Pack
Joshua Orion Pforr
Rebekah Grace Rodriguez
Luke Edward Sullivan
Daniel I. Taft
Seth David Talbot
Hayden dwayne Willis
Danil Karenovich Zakharov
Brandon Matthew Anderson Sr.
Brooks Fitzgerald Anderson
David Joseph Walker
Mark Warren
William King Warren II
John Wegmann
Abigail Marie Wertz
Braden Whatley
Ashley Erin Whelan
Evan P. Wicker
Alise Jeanne Wille
Cassilda Olivia-Claire Williams
Misha DaYanne Williams
Tresmon Lee Williams
Jacob E. Williams
Samuel Cole Woodard
Henry Ashby Woolf II
Jeremy Evan Worley
Russell Eric Worth Jr.
Cole J. Wright
Xinzhu Yang
Natalie Rose Youngblood
Bryan Min Zhao
Kylie Pauline Zimmerman
Haylee Marie Ashford
Joshua A. Ball
Hayes Lee Barber
Matthew Alan Barber
David Nolan Barry III
Noah Matthew Bauer
Bronson Grant Beck
Rorry O'Keith Bell
Manning René Bennett
Samuel Robert Bennett
Grant Patrick Bizette
Brandon Joseph Bourgeois
Paul M. Bourgeois
Zachary Paul Braud
Barry Breaux
Jackson G. Brewster
Dylan T. Broussard
Noah David Broussard
Raymond Lorio Chassaignac
Hunter S. Chauncy
Cicily Favah Christophe
Chase Matthew Clement
Jonathan F. Cohn
Roger Paul Corbello
Collin Averice Craddock
Jacques P. Cutrer
Grace Mary Cutrone
Keaton Mills Day
Timothy James Doell
Cameron Delcour Dombi
Julian Thompson Downey
Jake Alexander Eschete
Keith Alan Farlow
Joseph M. Fedele
Peyton A. Fromenthal
Evan Pearce Gardner
Brandon Christopher Gremillion
Cody Guerineau
Stephen Oran Hamilton
Faythe Hebert
Leah Ruth Helmer
Braeden Sail Hernandez
Chelsey Lynn Hinton
Cole James Houser
Rodrick Trey Howard Jr.
Nicholas Joseph Hughes
Derrick Glenn Humphries
Cole H. Johnson
Nicholas T. Jones
Owen Garrett Kipke
Ryan M. Kroll
Connor John Kurzenknabe
Logan Matthew LaCoste
Zachary Walter Ladner
Robert Euris Lee III
Monet Little
Griffin Thomas Lowry
Brennan Maher
Rafat Jafri Mahmood
Halla Mazen Manna
Dylan Paul Martin
Robert J. Martin
Tanner Duffield Martin
Dylan J. Mattio
Dylan H. Milton
Deniz Mirik
Matthew Kenneth Morales
Cody Wayne Moran
Austin Wayne Mullins
Jonathan Daniel
Shawn Mitchell Parker
Maya Marie Paul
Dylan Anthony Pelicano
McHutchin Fuller Perkins
Eric Gaston Rabalais
Mohammed Sami Rabi
Scott E. Rachal
Jose DeJesus Reyes
Chase Malone Rouzano
Mitchell A. Savoie
Whitney E. Smith III
Jennifer Belle Snow
John Allen Stall
Brandon Stein
Jacob Thomas Stoufflet
Jake Sullivan
Abel Turrubiartes
Santiago Valderrama
Michelle E. Vitale
Timothy Ralph Wakefield
Natalie Marie Walker
Matthew Walker Westerfield
Michael Cole Whittington
Dana Raphael Williams
Trent M. Willis
Tyler Sherman Wix
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering
Donny Van Phan
Madeline Ann Thomas
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
Brandt Grayson Burns
Daniel Favrot
Joseph Giordano
William Craig Hebert
Eric Jones
Mandeep Singh Randhawa
Donald Charles Saulny III
Pacco Tan
Stella Maria Wilson
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering
Mason Lee Bailey
Baylor Evans
Christian Calvin Hoppmeyer
Ann Madison Jones
Alexander Rhys McDonald
Madalyn Claire Mouton
Clayton Shaw Rives II
Jesse Daniel Sibley
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering
Lauren Marie Bergeron
Reginald Anthony Blouin Jr.
Angeline Joanna Celestin
Grant H. Dugas
Frankie E. Farragut
Jon W. Fischtziur
Jared John
Jonathan R. Jones
Mariana Renee Manchester
Jordan Bryce Marshall
Taylor McKinney Nemetz
Brandon Quoc Nguyen
David The Nguyen
Ryan Ramchandani
Nicole Ann-Harris Swift
Jadon B. Terry
Bachelor of Science
Garret Kyle Acosta
Evan Joseph Antie
Brooke Madison Appe
Kenya Nicole Artis
Cassidy Alana Barnes
Gabriella Elisabeth Barraza
Brandon Christopher Barrient
Britney Lynn Bertram
Madeline Lee Bethea
Candace Michele Bodin
Jason Michael Bollman
Julian Bram Bonnell
Ethan David Bordelon
Leah Marie Noni Boucree
Hope Claire Bourg
Lauren Renee Bourgoyne
Erin Elizabeth Boyer
Kevin Scott Branton
Kennedy Grace Brewer
Alyssa Grace Brightbill
Haley Morgan Brown
Nolan A. Cahill
Amani Fady Charif
Sophia Y. Charoenpap
Alejandro Andres Chavarria
Mikalyn-Alissa Gabrielle Clause
Kellsie Lyn Clement
Ireland Rhea Coates
Alexia Kaytlin Cobb
Michael S. Cooper
Tonya Marie Cosper
Leigha Alexandra Cox
Justinjun Bajada Dalistan
Thelma N. Davies
Frank M. Denton
Abhinav Doddamani
Mckayla Ashley Downer
Chloe Nicole Duster
Rex Victor Evans
Dylan Nicholas Falterman
Jonathan Martin Ferguson
Drew Finley
Michael Brian Fitzsimmons
Sarah Ashley Frazier
Evan Lee Gager
Shane Gallagher
Camryn L. Gerage
Claire E. Girardot
Daniel Gonzales
Victoria Gonzalez-Pella
Caroline M. Green
Abigail Grace Gremillion
Anna M. Guzzardo
Charley Genie Guzzardo
Rosa-Claire Ray Hagle
Alexander Brode Hays
Cameron Elise Hebert
Terrica R. Hebert
Charles E. Henry III
Darius Carvel Henry
Morgan Angelle Holland
Alana Ce' Mone Elaine
Dominique J. Jones
Ariel Nazira Jones
Zachary Nicolas Josephson
Dominic E. Justic
Caroline Theresa Keller
Molly Ann Kyle
Ava Elizabeth Lambert
Lexi Lea Landry
Zachary Stephen Lee
Colton B. Leggett
Marcus Issac Lewis
Mackenzie Alexis Lewko
Kayla Marie Lobell
Kynnedy Aaliyah Louis
Victor Luong
JaNika K. Major
Paxton Connor Manieri
Jasmine Denise Manning
Terry Don'ya McClenney
Breland Nicole McDaniel
Kaleb Joseph McDowell
Gloriaivett Mendez
Madison Quinn Meyers
Alex Milazzo
Blake Austin Moore
Kenyon DeAndre Morgan
Grant Morvant
Ashton Nicole Mudd
Bachelor of Arts
Elizabeth Grace Achée
Jacob Chase Aliikai Adams
Robert A. Aguayo
Justin Michael Aguiar
Brady Michael Babin
Mollie M. Baker
Katherine Ellis Bankhead
Katherine Ellis Bankhead
Anna Michel Barreneche
Carrielle Ciara Barthelemy
Jada Lee Battle
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Darnell Patrick Dupuy Jr.
Jack Martin Major Jr.
Nekita Aungelique Pitts
Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Engineering
Rishi Sanjaykumar Jayswal
Brice C. Johnson
Certificate in Construction Management
Jordan Raquel Bulaclac
Michael Andrew Escobar
Robert Joaquin Gutierrez
Leslie Rene Hall
Landon Paul Jenkins
Veronica Susan Nelson
Steven G. Paulsen
Maria I. Pruitt
Zachary Samet-Shaw
Craig Ballif Smith
Lawrence David Steele
Levi A. Waltz
Lauren P. Wells
Kaitlyn Ruth West
Vincent Whetstone
Certificate in Facilities Management
Christopher Karl Austermann
Michael Wayne Courville
Harold Thomas
Certificate in Construction Management
Chase B. Harvey
LaDerricka Danae Bell
Lauren Frances Betzer
Macie Montgomery Billings
Jack Arthur Blossman III
Olivia Claire Boardman
Madelynn Bonvillain
Cameron James Muller
Kimberly Nicole Musumeche
Kaitlyn Nicole Odell
Favour Chukwuka Ofili
Colin James O'Shaughnessy
Jacob Parker
Orry Patin
Bennett Ashton Pels
Alfred Gerard Pembrick Jr.
Valerie Maria Perilloux
Grant Joseph Peshoff
De'Sean Frank Pierre
Jodi Lynn Powell
Caitlyn K. Redfearn
Sara Elizabeth Rester
Trevor T. Reuss
Chloe Revere
Shavonda L. Richardson
Blair Khalan Richburg
Ellis H. Robertson
Jake Numa Robinson
Devin Romig
Javier A. Rosario Jr.
Meredith Ann Ruckelshaus
Mary Claire Saia
Jade Ruth Savant
Rustin S. Scarbrough
Isabella Ann Scardino
Savannah Mae Schenck
Jackson Kyle Shelton
Natalie Ann Sisk
Abby Layne Smith
Lanson Curtis Smith
Julio Andres Solier
Linus Barrett Standley
Brennan Wade Stokes
MaCcalia Ann Swinton
Hayden Cole Taylor
Ryan T. Templet Jr.
Gannon Paul Theriot
Alicia C. Towle
Jacqueline Trahan-DeJesus
Trystan Lynn Tregre
Jamil A. Truxillo
Collin Harding Turner
John Alexander Villarreal
Hannah Catherine Voinche
Bailie Lynn Webb
Kylie Alyse Webre
Carrington Calvary Williams
Morgan I. Williams
Jacob Stetson Wise
Amber O. Wyatt
Zakary N. Zanovec
Claudia Jasmine Zelaya
Amanda Marie Bishop
Eliana Mia Miles
Zachary J. Bordelon
Madison Brie Boudreaux
Thomas J. Bradley
Carmen R. Brand
Nya Janay Brazier
Cody M. Breaux
Emily Claire Brocato
Jack Nathan Broussard
Evonce Ricsaun Brown
Taren E.P. Brown
Taren E.P. Brown
Kayla Nicole Byrd
Elliott J. Canty
Emma Marie Carlo
Brice Caro
Mason Lee Joseph Carrington
Jackson William Carter
Henry Vassa Cate IV
Francesca Nicole Cedeño
Gabriella Eve Chavarria
Kisura Sharney Clark
Sydney Rae Colligan
Andrew Raymond Comer
Michael Voorhies Conger
Shaine Makalia Syrice Contreras
Kate Elizabeth Cooper
Madison Alexandra Cooper
André Hunter Courville
Angelica Couvillion
Anna Sarah Crifasi
Axel Cruz
Alex Quinn Davenport
Alexandra Grace Davis
Nicolas C. Davis
Salvatore Philip DeMatteo
Mia Kylie Ditta
Drew Michael Dodd Jr.
Isabelle Donaldson
Millie Anne Dorgan
Jesse C. Dufour
Ayshia Rachelle Dunn
Pelarr Edwards
Jamie Brooke Elenbaas
Anna Rachel Elinkowski
Kerlin Anahi Escobar
Daniela Escobedo
Matthew Fanguy
Brooke A. Felgoise
Ethan Andruw Fernandez
Alexus O. Fields
Allison Alana Fountain
Khatavia Dechelle Franks
Joshua Andrew Frederick
Douglas James Gallow
Chrismry S. Gboloo
Blake L. Giacone
Tristan Blake Glass
Alejandra Miles Gómez Llanes
William Miller Green
Amber Reece Guidry
John Lawrence Guillard
Elisabeth Guzman
Simone Mache’ Hall
Allahna K. Hammoud
Emily Kate Hampton
Gabriel Handy
JaNee’ Harness
Clarke C. Henderson
Mary Grace Heying
Samantha Belle Heyworth
Brian O'Neal Hubbard
Omar Alfarouq Hassan
Hunter Imbach
Yasmin Shanti Jackson
Angel Alexis Jauregui
Kalan L. Jenkins
Daija Amyrion Jones
Marcus Terrell Jones
Kailey Alexis Kennedy
Logan Michael Kern
William Kim
James Garrison Kriegl
Skylar Audrey Kubas
Braeden William Lankster
Elizabeth Claire LaRené
Julian Camil Laroussi
Gabrielle Katherine Leonard
Sydni Nicole Lewis
Christopher Jude Lott
Lanie Markerson
Graham T. Martin
Catherine Elizabeth Blappert Martinez
Dallas James Matamoros
Katie Marie Matherne
Clarissa Jo McCann
LeAnn McCray
Tristan C. Medina
Madeline Z. Meidenman
Stephen Connor Mesuch
Britta Lynn Miceli
Cameron Amelia Miller
Matthew Paul Monjure
Tierra Edith Murray
Valyn Noel Myrick
William T. Neely
Winter Unique Newman
Darcie Alana Nock
Hannah Claire Nordan
AnneMarie Lynette Olson
AnneMarie Lynette Olson
Babatunde OluFemi
Isaac J. Ong
Haley Tyne Ovaska
Karina Elizabeth Parks
Vaidehi M. Pathak
Claire Rose Perret
Arthur E. Person III
Jay Piland
Maryssa Elizabeth Potlongo
Isabel Alicia Powell
Harshini Punukollu
Alcevia Novalyne Lodaleiska
Ryan Damara Reed
Emily Brooks Reedy
Alyssa Reeves
Lindsay Angela Rehage
Kaleigh J. Ricks
Aaron Christopher Riley
Sofia Amelia Rosa
Mateo Carlos Rosas
Alyssa Nicole Roux
Joshua Anthony Rovira
Madison Nicole Rushing
Noah James Ryan
Aviana Rose San Souci
Morgan Jean Savoy
Vyctoria Ashton
Ashley Nicole Schmid
Samuel Louis Schmidt
Bailey Austill Scott
Damon D. Scott
Paris Xavier Shand
Morgan J. Singleton
Emma Elizabeth Smith
Morgan Claire Smith
Zaria Ashontia’ Smith
Derquisia Jamese Spears
Maggie Colleene Speights
Jonathan Michael St. Martin III
Pariss Lynn Stark
Mira Amelia Starosta
Haley B. Stuckey
Haley B. Stuckey
Catherine Grace Talbot
Katherine Paula Marie Tanner
Shandon Lamar Tanner
Sarah Emily Taylor
Nicholas Hunter Teakell
Claire Jamison Terrell
Anna Catherine Thibodeaux
Crissy Ann Thomas
Vidal Lamon Thompson III
Connor Reese Thornton
Alexander Doyle Tilley
Taylor Tucker
Aimee Michele Turner
Chloe Elizabeth Vaughn
Nicholas Taylor Verret
Jake A. Vicknair
Jacob Anthony Voisin
Eleanor Claire Waag
Aliyah Nicole Warford
Alyssa Nicole Welters
Alicia Wesley
Caroline Isabella Whisonant
John Cavin Wiese III
Charles Williams
Colossian Delmaysia Wilson
Tyrese Montrel Wilson
J. Fielding Woolf
Brooke Marie Wrzyszczynski
McKenzie Claire Yates
Jun Young Yu
Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies
Kentravis Aubrey
Lindsey Breaud Howard
Grace Emerson Charleville
Camryn Alexius Demery
Haven L. Anderson
Carianne Lillie Asberry
Caleb L. Barber
Austin Michael Barragan
Ashley Billiot
Robert J. Birke
Bradley Shane Bohannan II
Taylor Sean Meyers Bonnet
Reed Patterson Brignac
Shelita Shantell Brumfield
Caroline Grace Buras
Devin Daniel Burke
Faith Nicole Carey
Brinklin Sheddet
Cameron N. Copping
Madyson E. Couture
Pritam Dudgaonkar
Claire Hèléne Dupleix
Aaran Lonnie Christian Gafford
Regina Denette George
Harris Reid Goldstein
Arielle Lpree Gradney
Michael Joseph Graffeo
Jadyn Lane Jannasch
Jennifer Ann Marie Jones
Josh Adrian King
Carmen Lewellen
Thomas Brandon Lewis
Briana Denise Marco
Mitchell Keith Mason
Samuel A. McIntire
Hayley M. Montague
Conner H. Morgan
Brittany Quynh-Nhu Nguyen
Stacey Atwood Nicholson
Danielle C. Noel
Rammie J. Noel
Ricardo Nuño Jr.
Brandon Christopher Pons
William Graham Thomas
Madison Hanley Rau
Miles Joseph Robin
Joi Alexis Robinson
Edgar Lynn Rogers
Koree Maree Ryan
Kamani Matthew Semien
Jacoby Solomon
Brandon Mikael Stewart
Haley B. Stuckey
Norris Swain
Tyler Nash Wilson
Bachelor of Science
Mallory Paige Avila
Londyn C. Beaudoin
Kimberly Belalcazar
Keace Letino Belvin
Shea Lynn Bennett
Amelia Sheridan Bielski
Harper Lee Blakey
Olivia Claire Boardman
Carter Harrison Boggs
Danielle Nicole Brooks
Lauren V. Brooks
Allison Michelle Brunet
Carolyn A. Buchanan
David Randall Cashio
Francesca Nicole Cedeño
Kaylin Elise Chauvin
Vintrell Cindy Cheavious
Ian A. Cruz-Schneider
Rebekah Kimberly Cummings
Lauren Marie Daigle
James Michael Davies
Zachary Delcambre
Colin Farnsworth
Kylie Elise Fogg
Sophia Helen Gonzalez
Maya Grace Gordon
Conner Gothreaux
James Allen Gould III
Abby Marie Grady
Vivian Jean Hale
Oliver André Hardy
Adriana Bruder Hay
Faith Rae Hayno
Chase Hemperley
Aryiana J. Hill
Jorja Ann May Hlifka
Emily N. Hunt
Peyton Reese Huval
Audrey Rebecca Johnson
Karly Jones
Sophia Maxine Jones
Maleah Tzaddi Keller
Jimmy Nguyen Lam
Tong Li
Sophia Theresa Louis
Saika Louiville
Cameron Elisabeth Martin
Caroline Anna McDaniel
Amber Lashawn McZeal
Elisabeth G. Mizell
Autumn Nicole Nelson
Matthew Stuart Nelson
Rickey Lawless Oubre III
Ishika Patel
Blair McKenzie Petitjean
Tracy A. Pham
Daniel I. Powell
Jaidyn Reese Procell
Nya Marie Puckett
Susan Mary Ragusa
Allyson Virginia Randall
Jeanna Marie Richard
Makayla Richard
Samantha Sol Rodriguez
Madison Nicole Rushing
Kate Charlotte Russell
Beatrice Claire Schexnayder
Catherine Grace Talbot
Isabella Marie Thomas
Amelia C. Todd
Thiery Jahon Tuircuit
Carly Madison Turner
Xenia M. Urroz
Grace Margaret Vance
Shaniya Brianne Warren
Sarah Katherine Wingrove
Bella Jon Zanotelli
Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication
Brooke Dominique Bell
Alexandra J. Bertot
Lauren G. Biar
Elizabeth Claire Bourgeois
Andrew Zachary Cabana
Payton Elizabeth Calcagno
Kathlyn Lelia Capone
Claire Lucia Carothers
James S. Cassidy
Cameron Aaron Centeno
Grant Carmen Chachere
McKinley Syzdek Cobb
Greer E. Cordora
Claire Ashlie Couvillion
Kathryn Isabel Craddock
Madison Francis Dolive
Emma Claire Dusang
James Patrick Ellingsworth III
Adam Escobedo
Kaleah Brache' Florence
Nicholas J. Frewin
Adeline Elizabeth Furlow
Zenovia Arianna Allette Gray
Cornelia E. Hackenberg
Jalen S. Hinton
Julia E. Jackson
Marleigh Rose Jaehnel
Gabrielle Villaflor Jimenez
Cassidy A. Johnson
Malasia Kennedy
Frank Wesley Kidd IV
Madeline McCormack Knower
Madeline Lovide Lacombe
Jacob Rae LeBlanc
Juliette Judith LeRay
Grant Ryan Lonero
Perla Sophia Lopez
Hailey Ann Marino
Serenity Moyale Martin
Reigan Paeja Miles
Nikolas Milonas
Julia Noel Mollere
Veronica Ashley
Jayden Mailinh Nguyen
Bachelor of Arts
Michael Christopher Brown Jr.
Joseph Bush
Hope Mari Cassady
Tina M. Devillier
Sophia Grace Jackson
Jenika Rose Kolacz
Ty Riley Quentin Tippett
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Jenika Rose Kolacz
Joseph Henry Zollner
Bachelor of Science
Leya Ihab Abdelwahed
Faiza Ahsan
Caleb Nekhi Alexander
Hassan Al-Hassani
Sarah Elise Andre
Keslie Jeanne Babin
Zariana Mo’Nae Bickham
Samantha Christine Bishop
Aidan Robert Bonano
Aleah Elizabeth Bourgeois
Gabrielle Lynn Boutte
Claire Elizabeth Brescher
Anang Duniya Bungwon
Alejandro Javier Cajigas
Collin Robert Catalano
Kaylin Elise Chauvin
Joshua Chretien
Lucas Michael Corona II
Cathryn Reiley Coulter
Anna Sarah Crifasi
Megan E. Davis
Sebastian de Gracia
Katie Vy Dinh
Glacia Mikayla Duncan
Emily Catherine Dunham
Kaiya M. Edwards
William Johnson Egan
Blaine Oginé Fassbender
Spencer C. Favaloro
Ryan Hancock Field
Ryan Hancock Field
Madeline Aleyse Finkenbinder
William J. Foster
Taylor Michelle Franks
Joshua Gill
Jack Arnold Grace
Chassity Kori Graves
Michael Hunter Gravois
Michael Hunter Gravois
Heaven R. Harris
Mason Harris
Sophie Rial Hebert
Niamoni Amaya Hill
Tyler Tu Hoang
Hayes Andrew Hofman
Bachelor of Music
Raudol Rafael Palacios Ruiz
Bachelor of Music
Jonah Drew Amason
Will E. Nickel
Iyian Mykiel Paige
Justin Dayle Pate
Havan Nicole Pleasant
Jackson Porter Price
Kate Elizabeth Ragusa
Vivian Marie Robinson
Melanna J. Sam
Dylan James Sanders
Jared Michael Saucier
Samantha Ann Sedilo
Kayli Simone Smith
Sarah Somerville
Lauren Courtney Spencer
Nathalie Lynn Tardiff
Gabriel Anthony Babin
Casey Michael Bateman
Hannah Nicole Boudreaux
Rebecca Chappell
Christy Anne Finley
Savannah Paige Koonce
Chrisline Tavernier
Ashantea Monet Thomas
Lillian Key Thomas
Ella C. Thomason
Scotty Thornton
Presley B. Tyler
Kyle Steven Valdez
Spencer Case Verret
Margaux Victoria Ward
Mariya Ali Watkins
Andrew Wevers
Camryn Lynn Wisniewski
Courtney C. Homes
Connor Patrick Howlin
Luke Raymond Rocko Hunter
Hannah Joli Juneau
Emily Michelle Kearley
Nicholas Stanford Kearns
Anthony Michael Kucel
Anthony Michael Kucel
Ethan Puthusseril Kurian
Kayla Le
Abigail Grace LeBlanc
Anthony Michael Leon
Crystal Leigh Lewis
Stephanie Anne Lofton
Jacob Anthony Loper Jr.
Michael J. Mahoney
Skylar Renée Mancuso
Haley Ann Marcotte
Audrey K. Maricle
Claire Adrienne Martinez
Katherine C. McCullen
Miles J.C. McGraw
Hypatia Mills
Bachelor of Science in Coastal Environmental Science
Caitlyn M. Abu-Kubie
Morgan Ivy Cole
Maximus C. Cook
Madelyn Grace Grooms
Emma Grace Holloway
Lauren Kathryn Landholm
John Michael McGraw
Shayla M. McSally
Aaron Hamilton Meyers
Olivia Grace Moncrief
Matthew Wade Myers
Gemma Elizabeth Napolitano
Douglas Thanh Ngo
Jenny Nguyen
Justin Lam Nguyen
Tai Minh Nguyen
Danielle Faith Nichols
Hollie Elizabeth Payne
Alanna Michelle Porter
Madelyn Marie Porter
Cameron R. Ray
Monica Irene Rocha
Brandon Phillip Rogers
Halle Roman
Sofia Amelia Rosa
Stuart Skyler Scott
Samantha Mikala Shirmer
Wayne Keith Sims Jr.
Abigail Elizabeth Skuse
Jared Slocumb
Houston Otis Smith
Payten Nicole Smith
Kaitlyn Glenn Manley
Bailey Lauren Pons
Brennan M. Robertson
Marion Elizabeth Vise
Kayla Spencer
Bailey Taylor
Kalynn La’Shea Taylor
Sophie Elise Tischler
Joshua Chuong Tran
Dora Suzanne Trotter
Ian N. Varney
Chrystian Alexa Vaughn-Taylor
Joshua L. Verret
Matthew Gerald Vesely
Allison Webb
Lindsey Marie Wingate
Katelynn Marie Wolf
James Luke Woodward
Bachelor of Science in Geology
Yassmine Fatma Abba-Kaka
Ashley Danielle Bergeron
Sean Michael Hager
Bailee Michelle Ozbirn
Devin Thomas Surcouf
Jeremy Lane Braswell
Fernando Kevin Carrillo
Richard Maurice Gaskill III
William P. Highsmith
Jessica Holmes
Joseph Addison Knight
Taylor Lachney
Corey Joseph McDonnell
Catherine A. Pagano
David Michael Perry
Matthew Ryan
Claire Marie Verrico
Applied Depositional Geosystems
Barry Gunner Boler
Anna Danielle Sivils
Ashley Monique Thrower
Archival Studies
Nicole Catarino
Erin Diane Deliman
Amber W. Draper
Lian Marie Ellifritt
Rebekah Jane Ervin
Matthew Folse
Catiana Yvonne Foster
Megan A. Guensch
Heather Joan Hehl
Krista Michelle Hollis
Wendy Nicole Johnson
Elisabeth Megan Lee
Emily Sue Lyons
Nancy Yolima Mendez
Michele J. Miller
Aundria Monique Parkman
Barbara Pralat
Mackenzie Rae Rosario
Bradley Waters
Cloud Computing and Machine Learning
Dillon Jones
Gillian David Sims
Master of Accountancy
Eric Idael Diaz-Miranda
Kaya Dündar
Annie Heitman
Carli Hymel
Caroline Elizabeth Ingraffia
Gabrielle E. McDonald
Evan Matthew McElveen
Camryn Violet Meaux
Madison Elizabeth Shaffer
Catherine Grace Zehnder
Master of Applied Statistics
Sachin Dahiya
Master of Architecture
Maryam Moghaddasi
Master of Arts
Katie Jones Beale
Madeline Blanchard
Grace Abigail Blyth
Julien Daniel Burns
Amanda Caito
Kyra Marie Chambers
Claudia Maria Chamorro
Christian Andre DeJesus
Kimberly Nguyen Diep
Wendyvette Estrella
Vivian Claire Fontenot
Je'Von De'Aris Franklin
Adronisha T. Frazier
Deija Alexandra Hill
Brittany Nicole James
Yoon Jung Jeong
Madeline Ann Johnson
Keimyah Katrice Joubert
Kristen Marie Kepler
Maranda Vollmer Land
Ashley Lauren Leftwich
Justin C. Lightsey
Victoria Christine Lloyd
Magdalena Lopez
Daniel Alexander Loving
Daniel A. Maldonado
Shelby Maranto
Teriyon Maya Maurice
Rhianna Elizabeth Maxfield
Nicole Danielle Moore
Caitlyn Laurette Morrison
Alexis Milan Mountcastle
Kristen L. Newell
Arijita Pal
Gahyun Park
Victoria Noel Payne
Simona D. Pigford
Kingdrick L. Pleasant
Ava Tatje Prudhomme
Samantha Elizabeth Ramey
Katherine J. Seals
Madelynne Grace Slocum
Garrett L. Smith
Crime Mapping and Geospatial Intelligence
Jennifer Lynn LaRose
Education Specialist
Usha Kamal
Saleria Sterling Shaffer
Educational Technology
Isaac Gyan Ayeh
Rhonda C. Matthews
Silent Marie McCarthy
Ovie Peace Oghoufo
Chianti Renese Primus
Natalie Brooke Soto
Emerging Technologies for Business
Samantha Kay Bergeron
Randolph F. Bethea
Irfan Butt
Eric Stephon Cook
Andrew Olson Miller
Jocelyn Mrha
Chantel Ariana Shaw
Environmental and Energy Policy
Maggie E. Tabor
Instructional Coaching
Bonnie Bleu Chelette
Tiffany Leondra Davis
Sarah Bethany McClure
Chelsea Lynne Murry
Chiquita Ollie
Cathy Ann Rattray Samuel
Elizabeth Kelly Wrzesinski
Materials Science and Engineering
Omar K. Omar
Alex Jared Young
Records and Information Management
Heather Muller
Dustin James Sosa
Monique Lizvette Soto
Amari Shakur Stewart
A'Leia Cherre Terry
Ar'Reon A'Sauntae Watson
Mary Snellings Wilcox
Victoria T. Wolf
Jordan Wayne Gillon
Yvonne Lotz
Master of Business Administration
Joseph Aguirre
Kylie B. Bennett
Samantha Kay Bergeron
Randolph F. Bethea
Mary C. Bonin
Joseph A. Bourg
Jeremy Lane Braswell
Joshua G. Breaux
Cody Lee Bullard
Irfan Butt
Michelle Rena Cain
Daniel Louis Carr
Brandon Chase Carrico
Fernando Kevin Carrillo
Tristan Cassel
Maddison Lee Clifton
Eric Stephon Cook
Janie Chau Tanascu
Wanda Marie Williams
School Librarianship
Orpha Luarca Cabigting
Angel P. Portier
Strategic Communication
Gabriella Marie Coco
Lynley Spencer Norton
Robert Manuel Quiroga
Urban and Community
Frank Agyei
Emma Elizabeth Guidry
Heather Marie Huval
Brianna Caprice Richter
Erica N. Sotelo
Rakell Michelle Spencer
Conor W. Diel
Taylor Alyson Dobles
Rachel Lee Farrar
Brandon Fealk
Peter Earl Fetsch
Richard Maurice Gaskill III
Zachary C. Gremillion
Laurel Elizabeth Guidry
Kamry Elizabeth Hager
Joepsh G. Hains IV
Jesse David Heisler
Frank James Hernandez II
Samuel Shawn Hickey
William Patrick Highsmith
Carletta Rhea Hill
Stacie Hinkelman
Jessica B. Holmes
Rosemary Hopkins
Thomas McLeod Hopkins
Caleb A. Human
Dustin T. Jackson
Lauren B. Jenkins
Jonathan Paul Jones
Jennifer G. Joyce
Michael DeBaugh Jr.
Hardip Kaur
Joseph Addison Knight
Andrew Thomas Leveque
Robert David Little
George Constantino Lucin
Leonard Ray Lynce Jr.
Connor Joseph Macias
Corey Joseph McDonnell
Brea Ayanna McQuillon
Andrew Olson Miller
Logan R. Milton
Shayna Mohanty
John Trace Myers
John William Pehr Jr.
David Michael Perry
Madison Claire Rantz
John Scott Sayres Jr.
Chantel Ariana Shaw
Jennifer Lynn Shaw
Shawn C. Shortridge
Valerie Lynn Smith
Brandy Michelle Snow
Isaiah D. Souffront
Frederick H. Stephens
Jacob Carl Struss
Bruce Edward Tate Jr.
Christopher Longino Trejo
Roy Gene White III
Jacqueline Dannette Williams
Jonathan Gawaski Williams
Joshua Jermaine-Mequell
Lauren Lodato Zabaski
Master of Education
Amy Elizabeth Bryan
Joshua Wayne Dumatrait
James Cleo Head
Michael Anthony Hemenway
Elizabeth Ann King
Thomas Young Lambert
Laura Dunphy Moon
Gabriel Rondel Price
Sean W. Quinn
Jessica Kate Sanders
Master of Library and Information Science
Katy Lauren Ancelet
Peyton Grace Anderson
Karla Patricia Ayala
Shelby Marie Bagwell
Amelia Kaye Baker
Audrey Kathryn Bodie
Hannah Brandon
Orpha Luarca Cabigting
Nicole Catarino
Olga Chavez
Kaylin Brooke Cooper
Casey A. Copeland
Julianne Michelle Daggett
Erin Diane Deliman
Amber W. Draper
Lillian Trinity Durham
Heather Ann DuVall
Lian Marie Ellifritt
Rebekah Jane Ervin
Matthew Folse
Jordan Leigh Ford
Dylan James Gonser
Megan A. Guensch
Heather Joan Hehl
Krista Michelle Hollis
Morgan K. Johnson
Wendy Nicole Johnson
Kaitlyn Johnson
Nicole R. Johnson
Margaret Jessica Joynson
Elisabeth Megan Lee
Jason Luquette
Meagan Elise Luquette
Emily Sue Lyons
Nancy Yolima Mendez
Michele J. Miller
Janese Mills
Megan Jane O'Neill
Aundria Monique Parkman
Angel P. Portier
Barbara Pralat
John-David Rasco
Haley Elizabeth Repp
Mackenzie Rae Rosario
Jean Schaefer
Rebecca Shelton
Caitlyn Victoria Sossong
Rhonda T. Spiess
Malai Christine Tananone
Bradley Waters
Zeairah Joyce Ezri Webb
Christopher B. Alumbaugh
Diamond Alexi Me’Cshell
Gabriella Marie Coco
Peyton Layne Conlin
William A. Hawkins
Ryleigh M. Kühn
Lynley Spencer Norton
Sidney Rose Reynen
Karron E. Brown
Frank Amankwah
Adwoa Serwaa Appiah
Logan Patrick Berthelot
Rachel Elizabeth Brown
Noah Jeffrey Buchholz
Jennifer S. Marceaux
Juliana Rome Meyers
Maria Victoria Montesinos
Sikhanyiso Ndlovu
Victoria Yaa Osei-Ahenkan
S. Stephen Spring II
Natanael Trinidad
Charlotte Jean-Louise Adams
Damilola Stephen Adebayo
Anastasia Camella Alexander
Annie Alford
Natajah D. Amos
Caroline Cruz Ayala
Lindsey Brooke Bastoe
Chris Anton Beasley Jr.
Junior Enrrique Betanco
Santosh Bhandari
Lauren B. Blackwell
Shaunna Manuel Blanchard
Christina Helene Blotzer
Barry Gunner Boler
Breana Joy Boone
Mary Bordelon
Desmond Wayne Bouteiller
Jaren Martell Bradford
Michael Jay Bramblett
Marisa J. Brennan
Kelsey Janae Brooks
Kevin L. Burnette
Lindsay Brooke Burris
Samantha L. Camarda
Finella M. Campanino
Heather Grace Cannon
Mallorie Renee Capistran
Leonard John Carollo IV
Rita Alice Chambliss
Seth Thomas Chapman
Ayana V. Cherry
Scarlet Elon Chimney
Brianna K. Clark
Jacoby Madison Clearwater
Kiarah C. Craft
Cameron M. Crenshaw
Taylor Alexandra Crowder
Zachary Michael Davis
Amber Lou Delamater
Ryan Jeffrey DiCenzo
Shane Douglas Doyon
Keri Keyneshia Drake
Naheeda S. Dugawala
Bryce Raymond Duhon
Donald Ray Dunbar Jr.
Catherine Lindsey Eldridge
Clara Marie Ellis
Christopher D. Erlandsen
Erin Fontana
Chelsea Costanza Fontenot
Kayla Rayne' Freemon
Marion S. Freistadt
Bryce M. Fuller
Sowmya Sree Garikapati
Gianna White Goldberg
Ioannis Gonidelis
Joyce A. Goodman
Krizzia Lorena Guardado Moncada
Emma Elizabeth Guidry
Dipesh Gyawali
Nathaniel Thomas Haulk
Chuanqiu He
Skye Marcella Heasley
Kerra Holloman
Samuel D. Hughes
Heather Marie Huval
Makesha LaShonn Judson
Thomas R. Juneau Jr.
Supritha Kannan
Kyle James Killilea
Surya Padmini Konujula
Benjamin Brett Landreneau
Derek S. Landrum
Whitney Grace Landry
Carrie Madeline Lane
Jenna Olliyah LeSure
Katherine J. Lindholm
Kody Adam Lindsey
Skylar Raine Liner
Destiny Divine Lockhart
Zack Loken
Sharmaine Nicole Loper
Marlon S. Lowery
Meredith Renae Lynch
Lavoise Alton Magee
Aneek Maiti
Antaisia Ttashyah Matthews
Lacey Lee Medlock
Ziada Alem Mengistu
Dale Meyers
Kaitlyn Victoria Miley
Rachel Miller
Joselyn Theresa Mitchell
Maricela Morado
Allee Elise Morris
Jorge L. Ortega
Allyssa M. Oune
Shaquail Quañe Outley
Joyce C. Owens
Clay Austin Pankey
Gerald Stephen Partsch Jr.
Chandelle Nicole Pehle
Cheryl Hutches Perret
Jared Christian Phelps
Jamie Michelle Phillips
Rineta Alexis Rainey
Garrett Samuel Rhyne
Suzanne Rice
Brianna Caprice Richter
Victoria Carmen Rittell
Bryson Blaine Roche'
Raghuram Sadineni
Nuwanthi Namali Samarawickrama
Dominique N. Seibert
KaSondria Lynette Shavers
Caitlin DeJean Shewell
Harold Isaiah Shorter
Shreeja Shrestha
Nathalia De Sa Soares
Moises Gomez Solis
Erica N. Sotelo
Kristine Keely Souknary
Rakell Michelle Spencer
Emmett Shane Statzer
Eliza D. Stein
Bader Fatima Syeda
Maggie E. Tabor
Miranda Elizabeth Tedsen
Katelyn Templeton
Jeriah Thomas
Anna Elizabeth Timmerman
Jermarcus Kentrell Toliver
Grayson Julia Touchard
Janay Yvette Walker
Ryan Warren
Kylie Michelle Wester
Chiante' Chantel White
Mary Kathryn Whitehorn
Ra’Sheleria Williams
Christina M. Williams
Lynsey Renee Williams
Matthew A. Windham
Tamesha Wise
Kimberley Wong
Elizabeth P. Wood-McDaniel
Elizabeth M. Wrobel
Zhenwei Wu
Mehdi Zadehmohamad
Samuel Edouard Zahm
Jing Zhan
Maria Ann Cartier Kratz
Jack North
Master of Science in Chemical Engineering
John C. Hendershot
Master of Science in Civil Engineering
Bernard Boakye
Yanlin Chen
Patrick Francis Crifasi
James David Fuller
Sirisha Gangireddy
Melika Mani
Corey Ryan Mayeux
Master of Science in Construction Management
Tiera Ja'Nee Adams
Kelby Dene Anderson
Kaden Chance Blackstock
Elizabeth Blessing
Kalayna Bowman
Adam J. Caracci
Steffan Demetropoulos
Anisha Deria
Christopher Jordan Farber
Noah Justin Ford
Patrick Michael Freeman
Mitchell Wade Garner
Christopher Daniel Green
Samuel Edward Guidroz
Troy Bryan Lacobee
Natasha Martina Locht
David Matthew McIlhargey
Natállia Silva Mendes
Derek Christopher Moller Sr.
Matthew B. Nichols
Marcus Wayne Ramirez Jr.
Vanessa VanCleve
Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
Erteza Tawsif Efaz
Master of Science in Industrial Engineering
Yvo Arias
Makenzie Lane Edwards
Kishan Ganesh
Chantel M. Garrido
Min Bahadur Pun Kayat
Isaac Ntiamoah
Kehinde J. Oladipupo
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
William Lee Ard
Md Masud Rana
Matthew T. Snellgrove
Master of Social Work
Lauren Barnes
Hastain Grace Biggs
Nadine R. Blackman
Darci Rae Bonin
Gabrielle Denee Campbell
Kelly Carp
Courtney Michelle Celestine
Terranazia Monae Crandle
Joshua Moshe Culp
Aaliyah Charez Cunningham
Sierra Da Von Davis
Samantha Davis DiChiara
Veronica Dominic-Boucher
Jocelyn Mari Arce Dudley
Shannon Christina Edens
Patricia Ellis
Alissa T. Ficara
Maslin Elizabeth Gillett
Garrick M. Gordon Sr.
Tonya Michelle Grafton
Patricia Flippen Greer
Leah Reshon Harrison
Katherine Rose Helm
April M. Jones
Brytney E. Kennedy
Allison Denise Lee
Brenna Lee
Janika Long
Romicka Danyele Loyd
Courtney Maiava-Haskins
Donna Marshall
Christine Martin
Bailey D. Mathews
Angela D. McNair
Callie Nathalie Miller
Chelsey Mills
Lisa Mouser Morton
LaTonya Monique Myers
Ruth A. Akintoye
Environmental Sciences, PhD
Professor Margaret Reams
"Vibriosis: An Integrated Study of Ecology, State Policy, and Health Communication"
Kelly Joseph Arceneaux
Plant, Environmental Management, and Soil Sciences, PhD
Professor Stephen A. Harrison
"Identification of Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) of Agronomic, Forage, and Milling Traits in a Southeastern US Oat Association Panel"
Jennifer Elizabeth Argote
Environmental Sciences, PhD
Professor Margaret Reams
"Influences on Participation in the National Flood Insurance Program's Community Rating System in Coastal Counties in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida"
Ankit Aryal
Biomedical and Veterinary Medical Sciences, PhD
Professor Tammy R. Dugas
"MiRNA as Systemic Mediators for Environmentally Persistent Free Radical-Induced Cardiovascular Dysfunction"
Dylan Lee Bakner
Renewable Natural Resources, PhD
Professor Kevin Ringelman
"Productivity of Wood Ducks, BlackBellied Whistling-Ducks, and Hooded Mergansers using Nest Boxes in Louisiana"
Matthew Asher Bardin
Music, PhD
Professor Jesse Allison
"Cyberinet: Integrated Semi-Modular Sensors for the Computer-Augmented Clarinet"
Bailee N. Barrett
Chemistry, PhD
Professor Donghui Zhang
"Sequence-Defined Ionic Peptoid Polymers: Synthesis, Characterization, and the Role of Charge Patterning"
Uttam Bhandari
Engineering Science, PhD
Professor Shengmin Guo
"First-Principles and Machine Learning Investigation of Refractory High Entropy Alloys and Conventional Alloys"
Celina Fuentes Nance
Elizabeth Anne O'Donnell
Santana Va'Sha Polk
Emma Lee Proctor
Carolyn E. Raleigh
MarCellus Kamau Rankin
Kia Alexis Reese
Jeremy M. Rice
Dionne Rachelle Rose
Laura Ashton Taylor
Daniel Tentis
Srikar Bhattar
Chemical Engineering, PhD
Professor James J. Spivey
"Dry Reforming of Methane Over Substituted Lanthanum Zirconate Pyrochlore Catalysts"
Joshua Burgos
Music, PhD
Professors Pamela D. Pike and Ann Marie Stanley
"On Virtue Ethics Theory and Elementary Music Education"
Imani Jenee Carr
Nutrition and Food Sciences, PhD
Professor Georgianna Tuuri
"Modification, Validation, and Testing of the Eating and Food Literacy
Behaviors Questionnaire with Cooking Enjoyment with Young Adult University Students"
MaCayla J. Caso
Chemical Engineering, PhD
Professors Kevin McPeak and Michael Benton
"The Fabrication of Nearly Monodisperse Chiral and Achiral Plasmonic Nanostructures and Their Applications"
Mirela Tkalcic Cavuzic Biochemistry, PhD
Professor Grover Waldrop
"The Kinetic Characterization of Malonyl-CoA Reductase"
Chintan Pravinbhai Chavda
Electrical Engineering, PhD
Professor Georgios Veronis
"Irradiation Effects on Two-Dimensional Materials and Two-Dimensional Material Based Devices"
Bonnie Bleu Chelette
Educational Leadership and Research, PhD
Professor Margaret-Mary Sulentic Dowell
"A Comparative Analysis of Models of Cybersecurity in Louisiana Public School Systems"
Grace L. Chen
Psychology, PhD
Professor Anna Long
"Problem Recognition in Culturally Diverse Parent Mental Health Help-Seeking"
Alex Salvadore Thomas
Erica Lynn Uli
Carrie Lynn Watkins
Faith Elisabeth Webster
Jordan White
Brittney A. Williams
Jordan T. Williams
Mae Slay Wright
Erin R. Cloherty
Entomology, PhD
Professors Kristen Healy and James Ottea
"Impact of Area-wide and Localized Mosquito Adulticide on Insecticide Susceptibility in Populations of Culex quinquefasciatus (Diptera: Culicidae) in New Orleans, Louisiana"
Caitlin Nicole deNux
Environmental Sciences, PhD
Professors Aixin Hou and Lisa Fultz
"Evaluation of Organic and Synthetic Herbicide Applications on Indicators of Soil Health and Weed Suppression in a Conventional Cropping System in Louisiana"
Rajan Dhakal
Agricultural Economics, PhD
Professor P. Lynn Kennedy
"An Essay on Cover Crops, Crop Yield Risks, and Crop Insurance"
Huan Ding
Mechanical Engineering, PhD
Professor Shengmin Guo
"An Investigation Into the Challenges of Contemporary Additive Manufacturing: Insights Into the Metallurgical Responses of Materials and Relevant Solution"
Ethan Doherty
Entomology, PhD
Professors Blake Wilson and Qian Sun
"Integrated Pest Management and Behavior of Stored Rice Beetles"
Leo Senais Fontenot Jr. Chemistry, PhD
Professor Mario Rivera
"Probing the Consequences of Irreversibly Trapping Iron in Bacterioferritin Using Chemical and Genetic Approaches--An Omics Study"
Adronisha T. Frazier
Curriculum and Instruction, PhD
Professor Margaret-Mary Sulentic Dowell
"A Mixed Methods Study: The Experiences of Community College Students with Open Educational Resources (OERs) in Biology Courses"
Hishara Keshani Gallage Dona Chemistry, PhD
Professor Revati Kumar
"Computational Investigations of Polymer Electrolytes in Aqueous Solutions"
Certificate of Education Specialist
Usha Kamal
Saleria Sterling Shaffer
Erika Garcia Mora
Kinesiology, PhD
Professors Arend Van Gemmert and Emily Marcinowski
"Relation Between Fine and Gross Motor Skills and Observation of Sociocultural Factors Across the First Year of Infancy"
Oliver T. Garretson
Sociology, PhD
Professor Wesley Shrum
"QAnon on Twitter: Qualities of Effective Conspiracy Communication"
Joshua Aaron Granger
Kinesiology, PhD
Professor Guillaume Spielmann
"The Effects of Acute Hyperosmolality on Immune Cell Functions and Nutrient Sensing"
Sydney N. Green
Psychology, PhD
Professor Vanessa Burke
"Successful But Exhausted: The Effect of Tokenism on Black Employees"
Brecklyn Ryleigh Groce Chemistry, PhD
Professor John Pojman
"Cationic Frontal Polymerization: Front Kinetics, Effects of Additives, and Applications"
Brandy S. Gros
Educational Leadership and Research, PhD
Professor Kerri Tobin
"Homeless Friendly Campuses: An Exploratory Case Study of University Liaisons"
Jamie Elizabeth Ruf Gurt Music, DMA
Professor Willis Delony
"Nikolai Medtner and the Beethoven Tradition in Performance and Pedagogy"
Xuxian He Chemistry, PhD
Professor Semin Lee
"Synthetic Receptors for Anion Binding or Metal-Ion Binding"
Chelsea Dashay Hightower Psychology, PhD
Professor Don Zhang
"Unraveling Pay Equity: Investigating the Impact of Pay Discrepancy, Gender, and Race on Pay Level Satisfaction"
Gino Jeremy Howard
Psychology, PhD
Professor Don Zhang
"Family Supportive Supervisor
Behaviors: Is Helping You Helping or Hurting Me?"
Ricardo Andres Hungria Engineering Science, PhD
Professor Marwa Hassan
"Evaluation of Novel Jointless Engineered Cementitious Composites Ultrathin Whitetopping (ECC-UTW)"
Ipshit Ibne Idris
Construction Management, PhD
Professor Marwa Hassan
"Machine Learning-Based Tool to Predict the Retroreflectivity of Pavement Markings Throughout the U.S."
Antonia Shovon Ingram-Basby Anthropology, PhD
Professor Joyce M. Jackson
"Unburdened by the Past: An Auto/ Ethnographic Exploration of Narratives on Generational Curses, Self-Identity, and Belonging by Black Christian Women"
John Mitchell Ingram Music, DMA
Professor Charles Goodman
"Doctoral Recording Project of Underrepresented Repertoire for the Euphonium"
Waana Kaluwasha
Plant Pathology and Crop Physiology, PhD
Professor Christopher Clark
"Woundhealing of Sweetpotato Storage Roots in Relation to Variables that Affect Susceptibility to Rhizopus Soft Rot and its Potential for Disease Management"
Seonwoo Kim
Mass Communication and Public Affairs, PhD
Professor Raymond J. Pingree "Building Solidarity Between Minority Groups"
Matthew George Kingham
Leadership and Human Resource Development, PhD
Professor Sunyoung Park
"Virtual Supervisor Communication Effectiveness and Intrapreneurial Motivation: The Mediating Roles of Affective Organizational Commitment and Occupational Self-Efficacy"
Sanjay Kumar
Biological Sciences, PhD
Professor Anne Grove
"Yeast CRF1P: An Activator in Need is an Activator Indeed"
Ryan Thomas Landry
Educational Leadership and Research, PhD
Professor Joy L. Blanchard "The Structures and Functions of Offices of Academic Affairs: A Case Study"
Bridget Zeringue Lemoine
Educational Leadership and Research, PhD
Professor Margaret-Mary Sulentic Dowell
"New Standards Versus New World: An Examination of Select South Louisiana Teachers' Experiences With Next Generation Science Standards in a Virtual Context"
Wencai Li
Mechanical Engineering, PhD Professor Genevieve Palardy
"Structural Health Monitoring and Repair of Welded Thermoplastic Composite Joints Using Embedded Multifunctional Films"
Zheng Li
Electrical Engineering, PhD
Professor Jian Xu
"Near-Infrared Imaging for Head and Neck Health: Dental Disorder and Laryngeal Cancer Diagnosis"
Victoria Christine Lloyd
Educational Leadership and Research, PhD
Professor Ashley B. Clayton
"Work Hard for the Money: Performance-Based Funding in the State of Louisiana"
Alvera H. McMillan
Curriculum and Instruction, PhD Professor Margaret-Mary Sulentic Dowell
"The Intersection of Literacy and Nature Place-Based Learning: An Autoethnographic Case Study in a Rural Middle School"
Caroline Njeri Ndung'u
Chemistry, PhD Professor Graca Vicente
"Design, Synthesis and Postfunctionalization of BODIPY Dyes for Use as Chemosensors"
Saber Nemati
Engineering Science, PhD Professor Shengmin Guo
"ML-empowered Nondestructive Evaluation in Additive Manufacturing"
Seddigheh Norouziasl
Construction Management, PhD Professor Amirhosein Jafari
"An Occupant-Centric Energy Modeling and Simulation in Office Buildings"
Linda Joy Paul
Biomedical and Veterinary Medical Sciences, PhD (VCS)
Professor Heidi Banse
"The Pathophysiology of Equine Glandular Gastric Disease: Investigating the Role of the Mucosal Microbiome and Bile Acid Reflux"
Erika Ashley Pugh
Psychology, PhD
Professor Matthew Calamia
"Measurement Invariance and the Influence of Psychosocial Factors in Reporting Subjective Cognition Across Race/Ethnicity"
Alireza Rahnama
Chemical Engineering, PhD
Professor Adam Melvin "Development of Novel Biosensors for the Direct Measurement of Proteasome Activity in Intact Single Cells"
Rajapaksha Pathirannahalage
Nimesha Hansani Rajapaksha
Chemistry, PhD
Professor Mario Rivera
"Structural and Functional Characterizations of the Two Miniferritins in Pseudomonas aeurignosa Revealed the Coexistence of a Classic Dps (PA0962) and Dps-like (PA4880) Protein"
Cameron Lee Roman
Chemical Engineering, PhD Professor Kerry M. Dooley
"Induction Heating Driven Heterogeneous Catalysis: Magnetically Induced Nanoparticle Catalysts"
Salar Saadatian
Mechanical Engineering, PhD Professor Harris Wong
"Modeling of Heat and Mass Transfer in Flat Heat Pipes"
Jasmine Shermaine Sanford Chemistry, PhD
Professor Maverick
"Controlling Guest Binding to Transition Metal Hosts Via Redox Stimuli"
Dodangodage Ishara Indunil Senadheera
Chemistry, PhD
Professor Revati Kumar
"Deciphering the Role of Molecular Interactions on the Interfacial Structure of Aqueous and Non-aqueous Interfaces"
Mohammad Shapouri
Civil Engineering, PhD Professor Brian Wolshon
"Understanding and Modeling Drivers' En-route Diversion Behavior During Congestion"
Xiuxuan Sun
Computer Science, PhD
Professor Jianhua Chen
"High-Dimensional Probabilistic Time Series Prediction Via Deep Learning Models"
Marcus Sylvas
Agricultural and Extension Education, PhD
Professor Michael Burnett
"The Influence of Objective SelfAwareness and Select Demographics on Team Psychological Safety Among State Employees in Louisiana"
Eklavya Thareja
Physics, PhD
Professor Ilya Vekhter
"Extended Defects and Linear Junctions at the Surfaces at the Surfaces of Topological Insulators"
Caroline Concepcion Tolentino
Curriculum and Instruction, PhD
Professor Cynthia DiCarlo
"The Effects of Amira Learning on Literacy Development in Early Childhood Education"
Erik Anthony Turner
Biomedical and Veterinary Medical Sciences, PhD (PBS)
Professor Rebecca Christofferson "Investigations of Emerging Zoonotic and Vector-Borne Viruses at the Juncture of Environmental, Human, and Animal Health"
Hanssel Omar Ulloa Mejia
Civil Engineering, PhD
Professor Navid H. Jafari
"Applications of Cone Penetration Testing in Organic Soils in Coastal Louisiana"
Lance Cameron Umlang
Biological Sciences, PhD
Professor William J. Platt III
"Effects of a Major Hurricane on Dynamics, Structure, and Composition of Mississippi River Delta Forests"
Vishakha Vishwakarma
Biological Sciences, PhD
Professor SeYeon Chung
"Regulatory Mechanisms of Epithelial Tube Formation During Drosophila Embryogenesis"
Varun Nanjunda Rao
Mechanical Engineering, PhD
Professor Shyam Menon
"Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of Swirl-Combustion Strategies for Optimal Performance of Ammonia As a Fuel for Gas Turbine Engines"
Yunxia Wang
Engineering Science, PhD
Professors Wanjun Wang and Jianhua Chen
"Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) Detection Based on Centrifugal Microfluidic Platform"
Aaron James Wood
Theatre, PhD
Professor Shannon Walsh
"Proud of Your Boy: Toxic Masculinity, Boyhood, and the American Musical"
Alex Jared Young
Electrical Engineering, PhD
Professor Theda Daniels-Race "Electrophertic Deposition and Characterization of Molybdenum Disulfide on Silicon Substrates"
Meng Zhang
Chemistry, PhD
Professor Donghui Zhang
"Investigation of Solution Micellar Structure of Ionic Polypeptoid Block Copolymers with Controlled Ionic Sites"
Stephania Cormier joins the LSU Office of Research & Economic Development as Associate Vice President of Health and Human Security.
Cormier is the Herbert Weiner Endowed Chair in the Department of Biological Sciences in the LSU College of Science, professor of respiratory immunology at LSU’s Pennington Biomedical Research Center, and honorary professor of child health at the University of Queensland in Australia.
In the past 12 years, Cormier has brought more than $26 million in federal research funding to LSU and Louisiana. At LSU, she leads the Superfund Research Program, funded through the National Institutes of Health, to lessen the environmental health effects of hazardous waste exposure on communities across the globe. She rejoined LSU in 2018 after serving as Associate Vice Chancellor for Research and Global Partnerships at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center and previously held the position as associate vice president in the LSU Office of Research & Economic Development between 2019 and 2022.
John Flake, Jesse Coates Professor and Jay Affolter Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering in the LSU College of Engineering and former department chair, joins the LSU Office of Research & Economic Development as Associate Vice President of Natural and Built Environments.
His research focus is on energy storage, electrochemical processes and materials. Before and during his time at LSU, Flake has worked with industry, including for IBM and Motorola, where he developed processes to make computer chips for
laptops and cell phones used around the world.
With 12 patents, Flake has served as investigator on more than $24 million in total funding, including from the National Science Foundation, Intel, the Semiconductor Research Corporation, the Economic Development Administration, and the Department of Energy.
Flake will work to advance the food-water-energy nexus within the Scholarship First Agenda.
Ali Kazemian, LSU Bert S. Turner Construction Management assistant professor, is working with two scientists from NASA Marshall Space Flight Center in Alabama – Michael Fiske, technical fellow, and Jennifer Edmunson, project manager and geologist – to research the use of native raw materials readily available on the surface of the Moon and Mars, namely sulfur and regolith, to develop 3D-printed waterless concrete.
“Molten sulfur is the binder and regolith, i.e., Lunar soil, acts as the filler material,” Kazemian said. “Robotic construction on the Moon using lunar resources and large-scale 3D-printing technology is the goal. Even shipping raw materials from Earth is cost prohibitive, so the only practical approach is to use the resources which are already available on the Moon and Mars for construction, which makes 3D printing using sulfur-regolith concrete (SRC) attractive. On the other hand, production of Portland cement concrete, the most commonly used construction material on Earth, will be complicated on the Moon and will require large amounts of water that could otherwise be used for life support or other exploration activities.”
The work, funded by a $200,198 grant from the National Science Foundation, will be carried out at LSU and the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center.
Robin McCarley, professor emeritus, and Kevin Kelly, former associate professor of mechanical engineering, have been elected as fellows to the National Academy of Inventors, or NAI. They are among 162 newlyelected fellows.
McCarley’s scientific achievements began while he was still an undergraduate student at Lake Forest College, when he helped Abbot Laboratories develop the first immunoassay for HIV. He has led pioneering research on materials science, controlled drug-release mechanisms, diagnostic devices to detect cancer and treatmentresistant bacterial infections, and modifying polymers for use in lab-on-a-chip technologies. He holds seven U.S. patents and five foreign patents. His technologies have been licensed by LaRoche Pharmaceuticals and Biofluidica, a medical diagnostics company.
Kelly, founder and president of International Mezzo Technologies, Inc., before its sale in the summer of 2022, began his groundbreaking work at LSU’s Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices. He holds six patents involving the LIGA (Lithographie, Galvanoformung and Abformung) microfabrication process, using high-energy X-ray lithography followed by electroplating, for the highly precise manufacture of highaspect-ratio microstructures and microtube heat exchangers. In 2000, he founded Mezzo to commercialize those discoveries, which were licensed by LSU. While those patents did not lead directly to Mezzo’s subsequent success, they did form the basis on which Mezzo got started. Since 2008 Mezzo (with its team of mostly LSU engineers) has focused on designing and manufacturing microtube heat exchanger products that are currently
used by the automotive racing, military, aerospace, and energy industries.
Keith Hall, professor of law, received $98,000 from the LSU Institute for Energy Innovation to study methods for compensating landowners, as well as state and local governments, for carbon capture and storage.
Brad Ives was appointed director of the LSU Institute of Energy Innovation. He joins LSU from North Carolina’s Catawba College, which became the first certified carbonneutral college in the Southeast under his leadership. He brings a rare combination of experience in industry, government, and academia. He both
drafted and negotiated North Carolina’s wind farm legislation. Ives will serve as regional innovation officer for Tech Hubs at LSU.
Yen-Fang Su, assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering, and Yaxin An, assistant professor of chemical engineering, received a nearly $500,000 National Science Foundation Future Manufacturing Award to explore additive manufacturing as an autonomous, advanced construction method to overcome the challenges of underwater construction. They will use artificial intelligence-driven material modeling to select and determine the best biobased construction materials for use in
underwater construction through a novel-sensing approach.
Olalekan Michael Ogundele, associate professor of anatomy and systems neuroscience in the Department of Comparative Biomedical Sciences at the LSU School of Veterinary Medicine, received a $1,826,550 grant from the National Institute of Mental Health to support his research, which focuses on how brain circuits work.
The new LSU Litter Institute will address the challenge of removing litter and debris from the state’s roadways and waterways by supporting litter abatement projects and synthesizing international research to advance workable solutions to a $15
billion-plus national problem. Funded by $800,000 from the Louisiana legislature, the institute will build on the work of Gov. John Bel Edwards’ task force on statewide litter abatement and beautification. Louisiana spends an estimated $91 million on litter each year, while only 10 percent of the money is spent on litter education and prevention.
The LSU Lab School earned a position among the top 10 performing schools in the state, solidifying its commitment to excellence in education. This achievement reflects the dedication of the school's administration, faculty, and students to academic success and overall growth.
The Louisiana Department of Education's recent assessment results have placed LSU Lab School in the company of the state's top educational institutions.
LSU was awarded a $600,000 U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) grant to boost technology entrepreneurship in the Capital Region. The Baton Rouge Initiative for Development, Growth, and Entrepreneurship (BRIDGE) program will use EDA funding to support entrepreneurs and their startups through technical support, a mentorship program with local mentors ,and executives-in-residence based on an analysis of their needs.
Thanks to a nearly $500,000 experimental grant from the LSU Institute for Energy Innovation, LSU Craft & Hawkins Department of Petroleum Engineering Assistant Professor Jyotsna Sharma is leading a team of researchers that includes LSU Mechanical Engineering Associate Professor Manas Gartia and collaborators at the National Energy
Technology Laboratory to develop a distributed fiber-optic sensor to monitor carbon dioxide (CO2) leaks and structural integrity in carbon capture and storage sites and CO2 pipelines.
With support from a $30,000 grant from the Louisville Institute, Sam Stroope, professor of Sociology, along with collaborators Rhiannon Kroeger and Samantha Ramey, is researching the effects of religious involvement among Mexican Americans. In a newlypublished article in the Journal of Aging and Health, researchers show an earlier decline in religious service attendance in older Mexican Americans compared to white Americans. Their research also links this drop to an earlier onset of disabilities and smoking.
Visit LSU – A delegation of senior lawyers from the Office of the Attorney General of Bangladesh took part in a weeklong training session on appellate advocacy led by LSU Law faculty through the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition, the world’s largest moot court competition. Training session were led by Aimee Pittman, law reference librarian, and Heidi Thompson and Marlene Krousel, professors of law.
Bengal Belles – The Bengal Belles gathered at the Breast Cancer Awareness Luncheon at L’Auberge in October to celebrate LSU’s football student athletes and honor cancer survivors, among them were Tiger safety Greg Brooks who is being treated for cancer. Coach Brian Kelly’s wife, Paqui Kelly, a cancer survivor, and doctors' panel, representing Woman’s Hospital, Louisiana Women’s Healthcare, and Baton Rouge General Medical Center, shared information about cancer prevention.
Madelyn Beard, of St. Francisville, La. and Tamanny Nafel, of Baton Rouge were named 2023 Ruck Fellows of the Rucks Department of Management at the E.J. Ourso College of Business. Chosen by the faculty, they represent the highest level of academic achievement among senior management majors in any of the department's concentrations.
Company rankings for the 13th annual LSU100 and LSU ROARING20 were announced in October. The LSU100 celebrates the 100 fastest-growing LSU graduate-owned or LSU graduate-led businesses in the world. Eleven companies earned a rank on both the LSU100 growth list and the LSU ROARING20 revenue list this year: Audubon Engineering Company, LLC; Grand Isle Shipyard; ISC Constructors, LLC; Lyons Specialty Company, LLC; MAPP, LLC; Martin Sustainable Resources, LLC –RoyOMartin; Performance Contractors Inc; Provident Resources Group, Inc; PSC Group; Window World of Baton Rouge; and WJ Palmisano, LLC.
Since the inaugural LSU100 event in 2011, Horizon Financial Group has made the LSU100 growth list all thirteen years, and LIPSEY’s, LLC has earned a ranking on either one or both lists for all thirteen years.
LSU and Cadets of the Ole War Skule paid tribute to veterans and military retirees during LSU Salutes activities in November. The Corps of Cadets, which includes LSU Army and Air Force ROTC students and Southern University ROTC participated in the events. Walter E. Dorroh, Sr., of Shreveport, and the late Jill Prattini Klooster were inducted into the Hall of Honor, the University’s highest recognition of military service. Dorroh graduated from LSU in 1941, enlisted in the U.S. Air Corps, and served in campaigns in Europe and Northern Africa, flying 51 missions. Klooster graduated and was commissioned in 2002. As a career officer, she passed away on active duty 2021 while stationed at USCENTCOM J2/J3.
LSU Salutes recognizes all veterans, in particular those who attended LSU and served in ROTC. Hall of Honor inductees are selected based on their involvement with the university as well as their military and community service.
1. Who was Carl Maddox for whom the Field House is named? He was an assistant He was athletic director football coach He was director of the All of the above LSU Union
2. How long have the LSU and Alabama football teams played each other yearly without interruption?
Since 1893
Since 1979
Since 1964
Since 1982
3. Which two siblings were presidents of LSU?
David and Thomas Boyd Charles and Jesse Coates
Mercedes and Louise Garig Joan and Julian Miller
4. According to the 1934-35 Student Handbook, what day of the week was bedding required to be aired, weather permitting?
Tuesdays Wednesdays
Thursdays Fridays
5. Who was the longest-serving dean of the law school?
Joseph Kelly
Arthur Prescott
Robert Tullis
Paul Hebert
6. When was the law school established?
1860 1906 1926 1937
7. What were the first Black sororities at LSU?
Alpha Kappa Alpha and Sigma Gamma Rho and Delta Sigma Theta Zeta Phi Beta
Delta Delta Delta and Pi Beta Phi and Phi Mu Zeta Tau Alpha
8. When were the sororities in question 7 established on campus? 1906 1964 1972 1981
9. What kind of airplane is part of the memorial near the Military Science-Aerospace Building honoring LSU aviators who died in the defense of the United States?
Sopwith Camel B-17 Flying Fortress
T-38 Talon T-33 Shooting Star
10. What is the newest ROTC service branch to be established at LSU? Navy Air Force Army Coast Guard
11. Which of Huey Long’s children became Student Government president in the 1930s?
Rose Long
Earl Long
Russell Long
George Long
12. Which one of the following is the oldest religious center on campus?
Christ the King The Chapel on Campus
St. Alban’s Christian Student Center
Tiger Trivia is compiled by Barry Cowan, assistant archivist, Hill Memorial Library.
While people’s fascination with mystery drives research and the human quest for knowledge, few researchers study mystery itself as a shared thread across academic disciplines.
Enter Michelle Zerba and Chris Barrett, both professors in the LSU Department of English. They are spearheading LSU’s Mystery Project Collaborative with $10,000 in support from the LSU Provost Fund for Innovation in Research, and eagerly ask:
“What’s the most mysterious thing in your life?” Barrett said. “That question is a great conversation starter.”
From mystery cults in the Mediterranean Bronze Age, to cognitive neuroscience and artificial intelligence, the Mystery Project Collaborative seeks to explore, from multidisciplinary perspectives, how mystery motivates humans into action and discovery. More than 100 LSU faculty, staff and students from across the university are already actively participating in the project.
“You quickly go to the heart of what it is we know about mystery, which is that it entices; it’s alluring,” Zerba said. “Think about the way mystery is used in marketing. You can sell the mysteries of romance, travel and the quantum universe, with its dark matter and dark energy.”
“What does it mean to say something’s obvious?” asked Barrett, hinting at a common cue of ‘don’t bother’ or ‘just don’t go there.’ “But obviousness and mystery, or secrecy, kind of exist on the same continuum. They’re all ways of saying: this is something beyond interpretation, something it is hard to talk about.”
There is a reason why mystery is a grand genre of literature and such a consistent bestseller, Barrett argues.
“You look at the New York Times list; people flock to mystery,” Barrett said. “And there’s a reason why we’re sort of drawn to people with mystique, which is a kind of leveraging of mystery for personal appeal.”
Zerba describes mystery as the tipping point between the known and unknown.
“Mystery is in this contrary state of knowing and not knowing, and also has a wide range of emotions attached,” Zerba said. “Sometimes fear, sometimes curiosity. And the lure is the sense of needing to bring the unknown into the light of the known.”
“When you think about it, any intellectual or academic discipline is about finding out something that has not been known before,” Barrett added. “Which is to say the entire project of engaging in research or discovery or exploration is about unraveling mystery.”
Barrett and Zerba are coordinating a listening and learning tour with reading groups across the LSU flagship campus, engaging faculty from the School of Music to the College of Engineering to lead conversations about the status of mystery in their own areas of work. Each conversation leader shares their own perspectives on mystery in discussion with a diverse internal audience. Mystery, the researchers agree, is a topic that brings scientists, humanists and artists together.
“To the traditional scholar, who admires logic and reason and whose whole profession is built on a foundation of enlightenment aspiration, the enduring nature of irrationality in an age of reason can seem disoriented and frustrating,” said Joseph Givens, faculty in the LSU College of Art & Design and director of the LSU McNair Scholars Program, who leads one of the mystery-reading
“As I have explored the workings of mystery in the context of modern and contemporary art, I have discovered art movements that have been overlooked in the traditional art historical canon and it opened my mind to consider cultural contexts and philosophical underpinnings that were beyond what I have known. This experience has made me a more empathetic scholar and a more culturally competent person.”
Givens has come to understand the traditional narrative of modernity as an “aspirational myth,” rather than an accurate account of history.
“One need only review today’s headlines to confirm that the contemporary concerns of war, civil rights and even outer space are often interpreted by the public through the lens of irrational thought,” Givens said. “In the Surrealist Manifesto, surrealist founder André Breton proposed surrealism as a way to express ‘the actual functioning of thought… in the absence of control exercised by reason.’ To Breton, this was a hope that a new, authentic reason could reign, and to me, the Mystery Project Collaborative is an amazing opportunity to have these conversations in a framework that traverses areas of study and levels of education. It is one of the most exciting experiences of my academic career.”
Inessa Bazayev, professor of music theory in the LSU School of Music and faculty senate president, whose reading group focused on the music of Russian composer Alexander Scriabin, agreed.
“The Mystery Project Collaborative at LSU has inspired us to reexamine and shed new light on our respective fields of study,” Bazayev said. “Scriabin’s music, for example, was driven by his so-called ‘mystic chord,’ resulting in music that aimed to serve as an intense religious experience—almost like a musical Armageddon.”
“Working with the Mystery Collaborative allowed me to revisit this aspect of his music and connect it with broader concepts in theosophy, religion and mystery,” Bazayev continued. “Rethinking Scriabin’s music challenged me to communicate his music and its profound meaning to a much broader audience—something I rarely do in my discipline, which was exciting and deeply satisfying.”
LSU Libraries paid homage to Pinkie Gordon Lane, a trailblazer in Louisiana’s literary and academic history last fall. The event titled “Remembering Pinkie Gordon Lane: A Poetry Reading with Original Music,” commemorated her contributions both locally and on the national poetry scene. Before becoming Louisiana’s first Black Poet Laureate in 1989, Pinkie Gordon Lane was the first Black woman to earn a doctorate from LSU, graduating with a degree in English. Additionally, she was the first woman to chair Southern University’s English Department and was a Pulitzer Prize-nominated poet.
This event was held in association with Special Collections’ fall exhibition, “The Legacies They Built: Honoring Pinkie Gordon Lane, Lutrill and Pearl Payne, and Julian T. White,” which showcased materials related to the four Black LSU pioneers after which it was named. LSU Libraries Special Collections houses unique materials donated to LSU by Lane, including her poetry, dissertation, correspondence with poets representing the Black Arts Movement, and more.
The focal point of “Remembering Pinkie Gordon Lane” was a selection of Lane’s poetry, complemented by an original musical performance. First, the audience heard from Lane herself, from an audio recording of the poet reading “A Quiet Poem.” Then, LSU Librarians Narcissa Haskins and Jazzlyn Boyd recited the poems, “Poems to My Father,” “Wind Thoughts,” “Gordon,” and “Lyric: I am Looking at Music.” Head of LSU Libraries’ Music Resources Department Mikel LeDee composed music honoring the four pioneers highlighted in “The Legacies They Built,” and these original works were performed by Wagner Duarte (cello) and Aaron Gonzalez (violin), doctoral students in the School of Music. Additional pieces based on the poetry of Pinkie Gordon Lane were commissioned and composed for this event by Duarte, Gonzalez, and Kevin George, a New Orleans composer and LSU alumnus. LeDee, Duarte, Gonzalez, and George were all students of the late LSU music professor Dinos Constantinides, and these connections reflected the creative collaborations between Lane and Constantinides in the 1980s and 1990s.
Among the distinguished guests were Lane’s son, musician Gordon Lane, attending with his wife, Teresa, and two daughters, Jessica and Simone. In addition, the daughter of Lutrill and Pearl Payne, Carolyn White, attended with her husband, Herschel White.
Gordon Lane, son of Pinkie Gordon Lane, with his wife and two daughters. From left to right, Teresa Lane, Simone Lane, Jessica Lane, and Gordon Lane. From left, Carolyn White, daughter of Lutrill and Pearl Payne; Herschel White, Carolyn’s husband; Gordon Lane, son of Pinkie Gordon Lane; and Teresa Lane, Gordon’s wife. Jessica and Simone Lane, granddaughters of Pinkie Gordon Lane.Every December, The Heisman Trophy grand event reverberates throughout the country, but, behind the scenes, the group of volunteers running it are a small, close-knit family.
Bunnie Cannon discovered that, first in 1993, when she attended the New York City phenomena with her father, Heisman Trophy winner Billy Cannon, and second, when she began volunteering in 2005. Cannon was already in New York, working with LSU alumni as part of her duties as assistant director of development at LSU Law School. Susan Davis, retired director of development at LSU Law School, joined her to volunteer.
“It’s like a big family,” says Davis, who continues to volunteer every year. “A lot of the volunteers are New York students working on master’s degrees in sports administration or family members of former winners. I’ve met a lot of people and now, their kids and grandkids.”
The volunteers move at a hectic pace. Davis’ pedometer clocked nine miles just moving around 45th floor headquarters at the Marriott Marquis Times Square for this event. There are three Heisman Trust events: High School Heisman, the ESPN TV show presentation, and a fundraising gala.
“Once you’re in the inner circle, you’re going to keep going,” says
Cannon. She is now senior director of outreach and strategic initiatives, at the LSU School of Veterinary Medicine, so her ability to volunteer is more sporadic.
“I’ve gotten to know all of the winners’ families,” says Davis. “Tony Dorsett’s (1976) wife, Janet, is an LSU alum from Lake Charles. Steve Spurrier (1966) always brings a grandchild or a child. Gino Toretta (1992) started bringing his daughter when she was three and she’s grown now.”
The late Billy Cannon attended his final event in 2009, which marked the Heisman’s 50th anniversary. His trophy has the distinction of being sterling silver since he was honored at the 25th anniversary ceremony.
“It’s not just an athletic event,” explains Cannon. “It’s about the kids and their families. They honor them throughout their lives. It’s not a one and done thing. They are also very respectful of those who have died. The whole weekend is pretty emotional.”
Both Cannon and Davis attended when Joe Burrow won (2019) and when Tyrann Mathieu was a finalist (2011). And, of course, this dynamic duo was present to see Jayden Daniels receive the 2023 trophy.
Davis’ attendance in 2019 was cut short when her husband fell ill back home in Baton Rouge. He subsequently passed away and the day she buried him, her mother died. Her Heisman family responded with condolences and gifts. When Davis lost everything in the flood event of 2016, they sent packages containing thousands of dollars’ worth of gift cards, which Davis shared with her neighbors.
“It’s all about the connections you make,” Davis says.
LSU quarterback Jayden Daniels was an offensive force during the 2023 season.
Despite three losses, his dazzling displays couldn’t be ignored. He became the third player in LSU history to be awarded the most prestigious prize in college football – the Heisman Trophy. He joins running back Billy Cannon, 1959, and quarterback Joe Burrow, 2019.
He received 503 first-place votes and 2,029 points finishing above runnerup Washington’s quarterback Michael Penix Jr. who tallied 292 first-place votes and 1,701 points.
In addition to the Heisman Trophy, Daniels brought back a collection of awards to Baton Rouge. He won The Manning Award, the Johnny Unitas Golden Arm Award, the Davey O’Brien Award, was named Player of the Year by the Associated Press, Walter Camp and Sporting News, voted 2023 SEC Offensive Player of the Year by SEC coaches, and received First-Team AllAmerica honors from the AP, Sporting News, FWAA as well as First-team AllSEC in 2023 from both the AP and the SEC coaches.
“This is a dream come true,” the San Bernardino, California native said during his acceptance speech. “I want to dedicate this award to every boy and girl who has a dream.”
His road to the Heisman was anything but straightforward. After two losses in the first six weeks Daniels’ odds plummeted. But, his performances on the field kept him rising in the rankings until a third loss against
Alabama looked to put the Heisman hopes to bed.
But, he just kept making plays.
Midway through the second quarter against Florida, the Tigers held a narrow 10-7 lead. Daniels lined up in the shotgun, faked a handoff then streaked down the sideline for an 85-yard touchdown run.
By the end of the contest, he racked up more than 600 total yards and five touchdowns as he became the first quarterback in FBS history to have at least 350 passing yards and 200 rushing yards in a game.
After the game, coach Brian Kelly knew his quarterback’s performance was special and advocated that Daniels was the most deserving player in the country despite the losses.
“He did something tonight that no one has ever done. If that doesn't make you the leading candidate, then maybe the Heisman isn't really for the best player,” Kelly said. “If you want to be the most popular, then fine, but he is the best player in college football.”
He followed up the record-setting performance by putting up 12 total touchdowns and 864 yards in the final two contests against Georgia State and Texas A&M, which catapulted him as the frontrunner for the award.
The fifth-year transfer joined the Tigers from Arizona State in 2022 and had a solid initial campaign for the Tigers before putting together one of the best performances in LSU history. He scored 50 total touchdowns and tallied nearly 5,000 total yards. His 412 yards per game led the nation in total offense and his 95.6 quarterback rating topped the nation.
“This was the most exciting player in college football,” Kelly said after the Heisman Trophy ceremony. “I’m so excited and happy for him to achieve his dream of being the Heisman Trophy winner.”
Locker Room is curated and edited by sports writer and LSU Manship School of Mass Communication alumnus Marc Stevens. Marc is an avid sports fan, and Locker Room combines his passion for storytelling with LSU athletics.
Jayden Daniels, Heisman Trophy winner, was the toast of NYC. Photos: LSU AthleticsThe 2024 football season will usher in a new era for college football. The expanded 12-team College Football Playoff will open more slots for a shot at a National Championship; the Southeastern Conference adds Oklahoma and Texas as conference members; and the university will be celebrating Tiger Stadium’s 100th year with a schedule packed with matchups worthy of the iconic venue.
The Tigers open the third chapter of the Brian Kelly era with a challenging stretch that will decide the year’s direction. They will start with three power-5 contests in their first four weeks, including a likely top-25 showdown against the University of Southern California in Las Vegas.
Both teams lost a Heisman Trophy winning quarterback and both ranked in the 100s in total defense last year, but the winner will lift themselves into the title conversation.
Kelly’s squad will return for the home opener against FCS foe Nicholls State, where they will likely be heavily favored before a road trip to South Carolina. They will finish September with two games within the friendly confines of Tiger Stadium against UCLA and South Alabama. It’s not an easy stretch but if LSU can come out of it unscathed, then they will set themselves up as title contenders going into their first bye week on Oct. 5.
After the week off, the Tigers will stay in Baton Rouge for a clash with Ole Miss then go on the road for a pair of contests at Arkansas and Texas A&M before heading into their final bye week.
On Nov. 9, LSU’s annual slugfest with Alabama is on everyone’s calendar, but this year it will take center stage without a familiar face. Former Alabama coach Nick Saban will not be on the sidelines after a 17-year stint at the helm, posting a 13-4 record against the Tigers in that time.
A rivalry game on the road against Florida and a two-game homestand against Vanderbilt and SEC newcomer Oklahoma round out the regular season. The season finale against Oklahoma is a notable change from Texas A&M. LSU has closed each regular season against the Aggies since 2014, except for the 2020 season impacted by COVID-19.
LSU’s 2024 schedule will be challenging with key matchups against traditional rivals and new challengers. But, if Kelly and company can navigate this formidable path, they will assert their position among the nation's top teams and compete for a spot in the College Football Playoff.
Last season, during LSU’s National Championship run Angel Reese set numerous records and led her team to a championship all while making herself one of the biggest names in college sports.
In her first season at LSU, after transferring from Maryland, she was named Most Outstanding Player at the Women’s Final Four and a first-team All-America selection and set an NCAA record for most double-doubles in a season.
Reese’s prolific rise continued this season as she was named Sporting News Athlete of the Year, alongside Iowa’s Caitlin Clark, in December. Sporting News, founded in 1886, is one of the oldest sporting publications in the county.
The duo joins names like LeBron James, Michael Jordan, Tom Brady and Lionel Messi as winners of the award. They are also just the second and third women to earn the recognition following former track-and-field Olympian Jackie Joyner-Kersee in 1988.
“Seeing Angel Reese play is a thing of beauty,” former professional basketball player and coach Nancy Lieberman told The Sporting News. “There's beauty in her game and her tenacity. She has such a mentality for greatness… She’s very special.”
Reese’s success was not confined to the 94x50 foot court she plays on. As she rose to prominence, so did her brand.
“Seeing Angel Reese play is a thing of beauty”
When Reese joined the Tigers as a transfer from Maryland, she had around 70,000 social media followers. That number surpasses 2.5 million and has been featured in nationwide publications such as New York Times, ESPN, Sports Illustrated, and The Athletic
Her momentum has impacted the sport itself.
When Reese and Clark squared off in the NCAA Tournament Championship, they had a record-setting 9.9 million people watching.
"9.9 million people watching the game was crazy,” Reese told The Sporting News. “I’m just happy to be a part of history and being able to be part of a group, regardless of who won or who lost, we made history. Both teams.”
LSU coach Kim Mulkey talked about the changes she has seen since her playing days.
“Back when I was playing, there was only one game per season that was televised. Now you can watch pretty much every game in one way or another,” Mulkey told TSN. “I think what we are seeing now in women’s college basketball is that all these players have brands beyond the sport that can attract new audiences to the sport.”
Few LSU athletes have impacted their teams like Seimone Augustus. Her illustrious career is filled with achievements and recognition from her LSU, international, and professional careers.
The Baton Rouge native led the Tigers to three consecutive Final Four appearances and was named both National Player of the Year and SEC Player of the Year twice. She is also a two-time recipient of the Wooden Award and the Honda Award – the two most prestigious honors in women’s college basketball.
This year, she adds another title –Hall of Fame Player – to her long list of accolades after being elected to the Women’s Basketball Hall of Fame in December.
LSU Associate Head Coach Bob Starkey, who coached Augustus during her time at LSU, looked back at not just her performances but the way she treated others.
“When you think about all the qualities involved in being a Hall of Fame player, no one checks all the boxes like Seimone,” Starkey said. “But what brings me the most pride is that she was a Hall of Fame person and teammate as well — I know of no one more deserving.”
Augustus was the first LSU female student-athlete to have her jersey retired in 2010, and last year she became the first with a statue. Her likeness sits alongside other LSU Basketball icon statues of “Pistol” Pete Maravich, Shaquille O’Neal, and Bob Pettit.
Her impact helped LSU’s popularity in women’s basketball reach an alltime high as the Tigers averaged more than 5,000 fans at home during her four-year career, which included a then-record 15,233 against Tennessee in 2005.
“Seimone was a singular talent who inspired basketball players across the world and helped transform LSU’s Women’s Basketball team into a national powerhouse,” LSU Director of Athletics Scott Woodward said prior to the statue unveiling. “She will long be remembered as LSU’s greatest female student-athlete.”
The induction ceremony will take place April 27, at the Tennessee Theater in downtown Knoxville. Augustus will be joined by former WNBA teammates, Maya Moore and Taj McWilliams-Franklin, as well as veteran player Rita Gail Easterling, official Violet Palmer, and coaches Sue Phillips and Roonie Scovel.
David R. Cassidy (1972 BACH H&SS, 1975 JD), an attorney with Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson, has been named to the 2024 edition of Louisiana Super Lawyers in the area of tax.
Murphy J. Foster, III (1979 JD), an attorney with Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson, has been named to the 2024 edition of Louisiana Super Lawyers in the area of construction litigation.
Eve B. Masinter (1979 BACH HS&E, 1982 JD), an attorney with Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson, has been named to the 2024 edition of Louisiana Super Lawyers in the area of employment and labor.
Richard Arsenault (1980 JD) was recognized in the 30th edition of the Best Lawyers in America for his work in Admiralty, Maritime Law, Mass Tort Litigation, and Class Actions. Arsenault also chaired the recent Louisiana State Bar Association Admiralty Symposium and was a speaker at a Mass Torts Conference in Las Vegas.
Raul Bras (1999 BACH AGR), a clinical veterinarian of equine podiatry at North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine, was elected to the American Association of Equine Practitioners Board of Directors. A graduate of the farrier program at Cornell University, Bras became a Certified Journeyman Farrier of the American Farriers Association and was inducted into the International Equine Veterinarian Hall of Fame in 2015.
BACH Bachelor’s Degree
MAST Master’s Degree
PHD Doctorate
SPEC Specialist
DVM Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
MLIS Master of Library & Information Science
JD Juris Doctorate (LSU Law School)
LLM Master of Laws
MD Medical Doctor (LSU School of Medicine)
DDS Doctor of Dental Science (LSU School of Dentistry)
AGR Agriculture
A&D Art & Design
C&E Coast & Environment
H&SS Humanities & Social Sciences
SCI Science
BUS Business
HS&E Human Sciences & Education
ENGR Engineering
M&DA Music & Dramatic Arts
MCOM Mass Communication
SCE School of the Coast & Environment
SVM School of Veterinary Medicine
SW Social Work
Jenna P. Carpenter
(1986 MAST MATH, 1989 PHD MATH) received the 2023 ABET Claire Felbringer Award for Diversity and Inclusion. She was honored as a member of the American Society for Engineering Education’s Hall of Fame and has been elected president of the Mathematical Association of America, starting her term as president-elect in July.
Marshall Grodner
(1983 BACH H&SS, 1990 JD) has been elected as a member of the American Bar Association Business Law Section’s Council, the organization’s governing body.
James “Jim” Milano (1983 BACH H&SS, 1986 BACH HS&E, 1989 JD), an attorney with McGlinchey Stafford, has been elected to the National Reverse Mortgage Lenders Association (NRMLA) board of directors.
Chris Carrier (1990 BACH HS&E), head coach of Zachary High’s boys’ and girls’ track teams, received the 2024 Lifetime Achievement Award from the Louisiana Track & Field Coaches Association. Carrier’s track teams have won 10 5A indoor and outdoor state championships and eight runners-up titles. He played football and basketball at LSU (1983-1987), participating in four bowl games, and on the 1986 Final Four basketball team.
Johnny Domiano (1993 BACH H&SS, 1996 JD), a partner at Adams and Reese New Orleans, has been appointed a Litigation Practice Group Leader.
Mike Johnson (1995 BACH BUS, 1998 JD), a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, was elected Speaker of the House in October. Johnson’s political career began in the Louisiana legislature, where he served from 2015 to 2017, before being elected to Congress in Louisiana’s Fourth District. He was first elected to the House in 2016 and serves as vice chairman of the House Republican Conference, as well as GOP deputy whip, an assistant leadership role.
Col. William Henry Snook (1999 BACH HIST) is retiring from active duty in the U.S. Army after serving 25 years. Snook’s last position was Director of Plans and Policy, Joint Interagency Task Force South. His decorated career includes tours in Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia, and Korea.
Benton Toups (1997 BACH H&SS, 2000 JD), a lawyer in the Wilmington, N.C. office of Cranfill Sumner, was recognized by Business North Carolina magazine as part of its Legal Elite program. He practices employment law.
Joseph J. Cefalu, III (2009 BACH BUS, 2012 JD), an attorney with Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson, has been named to the 2024 edition of Louisiana Super Lawyers’ Rising Stars in the area of civil litigation: defense.
Jarrett E. Cohen founder of JECohen, a New Orleansbased wealth and investment management firm, was honored with the inaugural Trailblazer Award by the
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Louisiana.
David C. Fleshman ((2008 BACH H&SS, 2011 JD), an attorney with Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson, has been named to the 2024 edition of Louisiana Super Lawyers’ Rising Stars in the area of construction litigation.
Alex Hains (2009 BACH AGR) is a new partner in the Baton Rouge office of Breazeale Sachse & Wilson.
SHARE YOUR NEWS Share news of your new job or promotion, your wedding, honors, awards, new babies, and other celebrations with fellow alumni. To submit an item and photos for publication, e-mail editor@lsualumni.org or call 225-578-3370.
Rachel Jeanfreau (2007 BACH H&SS, 2007 BACH H&SS), an attorney with Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson, has been named to the 2024 edition of Louisiana Super Lawyers’ Rising Stars in the area of employment and labor.
Carrie L. Jones (2004 BACH H&SS, 2008 JD) joined Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson’s Baton Rouge office as special counsel in the healthcare practice group. She also holds an MBA from Southeastern Louisiana University.
Shaun R. Mena (2004 BACH H&SS) was elected to serve in the Louisiana House of Representatives from the 23rd District located in New Orleans. He is currently a practicing attorney and served as policy analyst during Gov. Kathleen Blanco’s administration.
Danielle L. Borel (2011 BACH BUS), an attorney with Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson, has been named to the 2024 edition of Louisiana Super Lawyers’ Rising Stars in the area of business litigation.
Taylor Brett ((2012 BACH MCOM), has been promoted to partner in the Adams and Reese New Orleans office.
Vernon Dunn (2018 PHD SCI) was named a Xavier University of Louisiana 40 Under 40 Young Alumni Award honoree. Dunn is a research staff member at IDA (Institute for Defense Analyses), a nonprofit that operates three federally funded research and development centers (FFRDCs) in the public interest.
Philip Giorlando (2015 BACH BUS) is a new partner in the New Orleans office of Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson.
Kristin Oglesby (2015 BACH BUS, 2018 JD) is a new partner in the Baton Rouge office of Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson.
Hunter Schoen (2014 BACH BUS, 2017 JD) was named partner in the Adams and Reese Baton Rouge office.
Herschel Vinyard, Jr. (1986 BACH H&SS, 1990 JD) is now Partner in Charge of the Jacksonville office of Adams and Reese. Vinyard is one of Florida’s preeminent authorities on state environmental law and policy.
Shannon Lundin (2020 BACH H&SS) joined Chaffe McCall in New Orleans as an associate in business and real estate practices. She earned a juris doctor from Emory University School of Law.
Geralynn Prince-Semien (2022 MAST BUS), a resident of Houston, has accepted a position as director of Energy Solutions Materials Management at Fluor Corporation in Sugar Land, Tx.
Ken Delahoussaye (1984 BACH ENG)
Harbishaw: The Decaturs
Living off the land in an untamed wilderness isn't easy, and it's no different for the settlers of Harbishaw.
In Harbishaw, the Decaturs have found a place where they can live a modest, but peaceful life. Yet, happiness is fleeting and disaster often occurs without warning. Narrated by middle-sibling Joshua Decatur, Harbishaw is a gripping tale of hardship, betrayal, and perseverance.
A former lead-mining encampment, the fledgling township has managed to endure despite the odds. But, the Decaturs have found the price of survival costly. As an African-American family of runaway slaves, their craving for liberty is as dire as the need for food and water. Freedom is like honey—though uncommonly sweet, it can only be savored while it lasts.
Ron Greer (1969 BACH BUS)
The Quiet House
As Director of the Pastoral Counseling Service at Peachtree Road United Methodist Church in Atlanta, Ron Greer has helped many bereaved spouses in the aftermath of the devastating loss. He found himself on the same heartbreaking journey after the death of his beloved wife, Karen, a few years ago.
In his new book, The Quiet House: Reflections on the Loss of a Spouse (Abingdon Press), Greer offers himself as a fellow pilgrim on the journey of mourning and healing. The Quiet House calls on the image of a home silenced by absence but also speaks about the possibility of moving forward together through the heartache of loss toward hope. Through an elegant series of personal reflections, Greer, a pastoral counselor, offers steps and reflections of healing while tending to marriage memories. Pastors may find this book a profound help and comfort for grieving members.
Greer is the author of four books: He is an ordained United Methodist minister, a Fellow of the American Association of Pastoral Counselors, and a Clinical Fellow of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. He also holds a master’s degree of Divinity from the Candler School of Theology at Emory University and a master’s degree of Theology in pastoral counseling from Columbia Theological Seminary.
Charles Frances D’Agostino (1970 BACH H&SS, 1972 MAST BUS) died Jan. 1, 2024 in Baton Rouge. He retired in 2019 as executive director at LSU Innovation Park/Louisiana Business and Technology Center (LBTC) after 30 years of service. D’Agostino earned numerous awards for work in the community and small business sector, most notably founding member of the LSU Baseball Coaches Committee, LBTC National Business Incubator of the Year, National Business Incubation Association Lifetime Achievement Award, Emerging Research Park of the Year, Association of Research Parks board president, and Baton Rouge Business Report Hall of Fame.
Leonard Nachman (1970 JD) passed away Dec. 23, 2023 in Baton Rouge. He earned his master’s degree in taxation from New York University and was simultaneously a member of the Army National Guard. Nachman returned to Baton Rouge to become a founding partner of Nachman, Schmidt, and Bowman, later becoming a partner at Breazeale, Sachse and Wilson. He served on the boards of the LSU Foundation, Tiger Athletic Foundation, trustees of the LSU Law School, and was chairman of the Pennington Biomedical Center board. He was a founding member of the Louisiana Business and Technology Center at the LSU E.J. Ourso School of Business and the Research Park Corporation, an entity developed to support the LSU Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices (CAMD). Additionally, Nachman served as a member of the LSU Law School Chancellor’s Advisory Committee and was inducted into the LSU Law School Hall of Fame in 1987.
Trudi Ann Schriber (1985 BACH BUS) passed away on Dec. 26, 2023, at the age of 60. She was extremely dedicated to her 28-year career with the LSU Alumni Association, most recently serving as business manager, and honored as the 2021 Employee of the Year. She enjoyed traveling across the country, representing the Alumni Association at chapter events and on sports trips, and assisting with Tiger Band reunions and class reunions. Her colleagues relied on her for solutions, particularly if these fell into the realm of computers and technology. Trudi was a longtime member of The Chapel on the Campus, where she served as a youth group volunteer leader for many years. She was a kind, joyful, loyal, and loving sister, aunt, great-aunt, and friend. Trudi was a steady and constant presence in the lives of her eight nieces and nephews, whom she treated like her own children. Trudi was known as the "fun aunt," and she enjoyed traveling, cooking, watching LSU football, doing Jazzercise with the Breakfast Bunch, and spending time with her family, friends, and her beloved red labrador, Napa. She is a graduate of Belaire High School and a member of Chi Omega sorority.
Denise Anderson
1980 BACH HS&E Women’s Basketball
Jan. 1, 2024
Lafayette, La.
Samuel Alfred Bacot
1970 BACH H&SS, 1972 JD
Former Instructor, LSU Hebert Law School
Dec. 22, 2023
Baton Rouge, La.
Danielle Ballard
Women’s Basketball
Memphis, Tn. July 13, 2023
Danny Lee Blevins Retired Instructor
Fire & Emergency Training Institute
Nov. 3, 2023
Jackson, La.
Richard Harmon Drew, Jr.
1968 BACH H&SS, 1971 JD Retired Judge Dec. 17, 2023
Minden, La.
Pamela Elaine Cook Forrest
First woman to receive an athletic scholarship Dec. 10, 2023 Hammond, La.
Billy Emory “Coach” Maxwell
Former Track Coach Oct. 8, 2023
Bryan, Texas
Roy Fred Hill
Retired Instructor, Department of Kinesiology Basketball Coach, LSU Laboratory School Nov. 14, 2023
Baton Rouge, La.
Dr. William Robert Holden
Retired Assistant Professor Petroleum Engineering Dept. Dec. 25, 2023
Baton Rouge, La.
Paul Lawrence James
1967 MAST H&SS
Retired Technical Director LSU Theatre
Dec. 23,2023
Baton Rouge, La.
Dr. Thomas Eugene
“Gene” Reagan
1970 BACH Entomology, 1972 MAST Entomology
Austin C. Thompson
Distinguished Professor of Entomology
Dec. 14, 2023
Baton Rouge, La.
Bruce Sharky
Retired Professor Emeritus and Director
Robert Reich School of Landscape Architecture
Sept. 16, 2023
Baton Rouge, La.
Whitney D. Simoneaux
1963 BACH SCI, 1972 MAST AGR, Farm Manager
LSU AgCenter Research Station
Jan. 8, 2024, Lakeland, La.
Dionne Steele
Women’s Basketball
Nov. 18, 2023
New Augusta, Ms.
Satish Verma
1965 MAST SCI, 1971 PHD AGR Professor Emeritus of Agriculture Sept. 10, 2003
Baton Rouge, La.
Joan McPherson Wharton
Wife of Chancellor Emeritus
James H. Wharton
Nov. 11, 2023
Baton Rouge, La.
Betty Jean Moyse Simmons, 1946 BACH H&SS, Oct. 27, 2023, Baton Rouge, La.
Yvonne Broussard Teeter, 1946 BACH SCI, Nov. 11, 2023, Baton Rouge, La.
Joe Byron Adams, Sr., 1956 BACH SCI, Dec. 5, 2023, Livingston, La.
Bertram F. Babers III, 1952 BACH BUS, Dec 5, 2023, St. Francisville La.
Patricia Marian Boone, 1950 BACH MCOM, Nov. 8, 2023, Baton Rouge, La.
Oliver Keith Burchfield, 1958 MAST AGR, Dec. 11, 2023, Baton Rouge, La.
Donna Templet Conrad, 1959 BACH), Dec. 15, 2023, Baton Rouge, La.
Rosalyn Simmons Fagan, 1958 HS&E, Dec. 29, 2023, Baton Rouge, La.
Loretta Magdalen Lieux “Magda” Bonnette, 1957 BACH AGR, Nov. 8, 2023, New Roads, La.
Roy Edward Keller, 1956 BACH AGR, Nov. 9, 2023, Paulina, La.
Martha Evelyn Mallory Dolese, 1958 BACH H&SS, Oct. 30, 2023, Gulfport, Miss.
Bruce Anthony Martin, 1953 BACH ENGR, Oct. 31, 2023, Baton Rouge, La.
George Allen Mayeux, 1964 BACH BUS, Dec. 20, 2023, Baton Rouge, La.
Lois Nichols Michelli, 1954 BACH H&SS, Nov. 5, 2023, Baton Rouge, La.
Boris Francis Navratil, 1954 BACH, 1955 JD, Dec. 8, 2023, Baton Rouge, La.
Marvin Dale Causey, 1965 BACH ENG, Nov. 29, 2023, Cedar Park, Tx.
Nicholas Joseph Cicero Sr., 1966 BACH BUS, Jan. 9, 2024, Baton Rouge, La.
James Windell Crain, 1960 BACH MCOM, Retired Assistant Director of LSU Public Relations, Nov. 30, 2023, Lafayette, La.
Shirley Folmar Cupit, 1960 BACH HS&E, 1966 MAST HS&E Oct. 15, 2023, Baton Rouge, La.
Lloyd Grafton Cutrer, Jr., 1967 BACH SCI, Dec. 5, 2023, Corinth, Tx.
Louis Alvin Daigle Jr., 1965 HS&E, Jan. 4, 2024, Baton Rouge, La.
Verne Joseph “Pap" Dicharry, Jr., 1969 BACH SCI, Nov. 8, 2023, Baton Rouge, La.
Alvin Joseph Fabre, 1965 MAST HS&E, 1975 PHD HS&E, Retired Dean of Students, University Laboratory School, Oct. 28, 2023, New Roads, La.
John Errol Gautreau, 1960 BACH BUS, Oct. 17, 2023, Baton Rouge, La.
John Franklin McKay, 1965 BACH BUS, 1970 JD, Sept. 24, 2023, Baton Rouge, La.
Linda Ledbetter Green, 1969 PHD CHEM, Nov. 24, 2023, Baton Rouge, La.
Clarke Joseph Gernon, Sr., 1968 BACH ENG, 1971 MAST ENG, Dec. 24, 2023, Slidell, La.
Nancy Clare Borne Lato, 1968 BACH HS&E, Nov. 23, 2023, Baton Rouge, La.
John L. Meeks, 1969 BACH MCOM, 1975 MAST BUS, Dec. 16, 2023, Flowery Branch, Ga.
Robert Joseph Sharbaugh, 1962 BACH SCI, 1969 MAST SCI, May 20, 2023, Charleston, S.C.
Robert A. “Bob” Smith, 1967 BACH ENG, Dec. 14, 2023, Baton Rouge, La.
Tommy T. Stigall, 1966 PHD H&SS, Adjunct Professor of Psychology, Oct. 15, 2023, Baton Rouge, La.
Mary Hawkins Templet, 1960 BACH HS&E, Nov. 13, 2023, Plaquemine, La.
Ronald “Joe” Waguespack, 1969 BACH BUS, Dec. 28, 2023, Gonzales, La.
James Whitfield Vick, 1964 BACH SCI, Nov. 8, 2023, Austin, Texas.
John Louis Zeno, 1965 MAST HS&E, Nov. 14, 2023, Baton Rouge, La.
Raymond Beatty, 1971 BACH BUS. Nov. 21, 2023, Prairieville, La.
Eugene Allison “Gene” Booth, 1974 JD, Cadets of the Ole War School Military Hall of Honor, Dec. 2, 2023, Baton Rouge, La.
George Ann St. Germain Brown, 1976 SPEC HS&E, Nov. 3, 2023, Baton Rouge, La.
Nicolas Francis Cascio II, 1970 BACH BUS, Nov. 16, 2023, Baton Rouge, La.
Stanley Eugene Cheatham, 1970 BACH BUS, 1973 JD, Oct 14, 2023, Central, La.
Gary “Ted” Chapman, 1975 H&SS, 1988 JD, Jan. 11, 2024, Hammond, La.
James Gerard Chenevert, 1971 BACH BUS, Oct. 28, 2023, Baton Rouge, La.
Mary Carolyne Coco, 1974 BACH BUS, Oct. 8, 2023, Baton Rouge, La.
Steven Lawton Collings, 1974, BACH HS& E, Dec. 18, 2023, Baton Rouge, La.
Margaret Cecilia Corwin, 1976 BACH H&SS, 1988 BACH H&SS, Dec. 10, 2023, Baton Rouge, La.
Cecil “Johnny” Couvillion, 1974 BACH BUS, Dec. 20, 2023, Baton Rouge, La.
Bryce L. “Larry” Elmer, 1971 BACH BUS, Dec. 22, 2023, Baton Rouge, La.
John Timothy Ishmael, 1973 BACH H&SS, Oct. 19, 2023, White Castle, La.
Carl James Jackson, 1978 JD, Nov. 14, 2023, Baton Rouge, La.
Ruth Filby Kirsopp, 1979 BACH SCI, Nov. 30, 2023, Baton Rouge, La.
Nancy Scott Long, 1976 HS&E, 1980 MAST ED, Dec. 12, 2023, Baton Rouge, La.
Jack Patton Mabray Jr., 1971 BACH AGR, March 14, 2022, Newellton, La.
John David Mitchell, 1979 BACH H&SS, Oct. 13, 2023, Baton Rouge, La.
Robert Van “Bob” McAnelly, 1972 BACH ENG, 1975 JD, Dec. 17, 2023, Baton Rouge, La.
John Patrick Murphy, 1970 BACH ENGR, Nov. 27, 2023, Baton Rouge, La.
Robert Arthur Poole, Jr., 1975 BACH HS&E, Nov. 22, 2023, Zachary, La.
James M. Post, 1973, BACH BUS, Nov. 16, 2023, Baton Rouge, La.
Charles R. “Rick” Shinabery, 1970 BACH MCOM, Nov. 11, 2023, Mount Pleasant, S.C.
John McHugh Smith, 1977 DDS, Dec. 11, 2023, Central, La.
Beverly Jan Cooley Triche, 1974 MAST HS&E, Dec. 31, 2023, Port Allen, La.
Anne Marie Bloemer Tucker, 1977 BACH SCI, Jan. 5, 2024, Baton Rouge, La.
Joseph C. “Joe” Vinturella, 1970 MSW, Aug. 26, 2023, Suffolk, Va.
James Edward White, 1970 BACH SCI, Nov. 3, 2023, Baton Rouge, La.
Robert Hamm Wright, 1976 BACH ENGR, Dec. 1, 2023, Baton Rouge, La.
Joseph Gebelin Hynes, 1972 BACH GS, Dec. 9, 2023, Baton Rouge, La.
Lori Brown Archery, 1987 BACH C&E, Jan. 7, 2024, Baton Rouge, La.
Thomas James Bergman, 1982 JD, Oct. 27, 2023, Baton Rouge, La.
Kathleen Blanche Randel Carroll, 1986 MAST HS&E, Oct. 23, 2023, Baton Rouge, La.
Mark Thomas Ott, Jr., 1986 BACH H&SS, Sept. 13, 2023, Baton Rouge, La.
Barbara Ballina Reilley, 1982 BACH H&SS, Nov. 2, 2023, Baton Rouge, La.
Thomas Montrose Willis, 1981 BACH ENG, 1989 MAST BUS, Dec. 12, 2023, Baton Rouge, La.
Jeannie Ruli Darling, 1983 BACH H&SS, Dec. 29, 2023, Baton Rouge, La.
Helen Mae Pavalock Burwell, 1983 MAST H&SS, Dec. 29, 2023, Spring, Tx.
Beau Scully Atkinson, 1995 BACH ENGR, Oct. 24, 2023, Baton Rouge, La.
John Lewis Baquet, 1998 BACH ENGR, Nov. 25, 2023, Baton Rouge, La.
Theresa Marie Bourgeois, 1991 BACH HS&E, Oct. 14, 2023, Prairieville, La.
Chadwick William Collings, 1994 BACH HS&S, 1997 JD, Dec. 14, 2023, Covington, La.
Jeffrey “Brent” Dodge, 1992 BACH BUS, Dec. 15, 2023, Baton Rouge, La.
Jesse Thomas Head, 1998 BACH H&SS, Dec. 29, 2023, Fort Worth, Tx.
Stacy Burton Hill Patin, 1993 BACH H&SS, Oct. 2, 2023, Lafayette, La.
Ervin Martin “E” Spangler, 1990 BACH A&D, Dec. 17, 2023, Zachary, La.
Peter Scott Zipperer, 1999, BACH H&SS, Nov. 11, 2023, Baton, Rouge, La.
Ida Mae Brown, 2005 MLS, Oct. 5, 2023, Baton Rouge, La.
Abigail Renee Hamilton, 2000 BACH H&SS, Oct. 23, 2023, Baton Rouge, La.
Paul Butler Knox, 2007 BACH BUS, Sept. 16, 2023, Los Angeles, Calif.
David H. Stiel III (1973 BACH BUS, 1976 JD) and Tonya Marxsen Stiel (1973 BACH HS&E, 1976 MAST HS&E) announce the birth of their granddaughter, Hallie Stiel Berger, born May 26.
Brooke C. Bessard Graham (2007 BACH SCI) and her husband, Wiley Graham, president and vice president of the Houston Alumni Chapter from 20212023, respectively, welcomed Wyatt Graham, born Sept. 28, on his parents’ sixth wedding anniversary.
Michelle Mahaffey Lejeune (2014 BACH BUS), director of investor development at Baton Rouge Area Chamber, and her husband, Blake Lejeune, welcomed a daughter, Molly Kaye Lejeune, born Dec. 19. Welcoming home Baby Molly is her sister, Charlotte Lejeune.
Bethany Fowler (2017 BACH ENGR) and her husband, Andrew, welcomed their daughter, Sophie, on July 18. Bethany and her husband are both working as process engineers at Phillips 66.
Mallory McGuffey Duke (2012 BACH SCI, 2014 MAST H&SE) and William Duke welcomed Ellison Rae Duke, born Sept. 14 and weighing 7 lbs. 8 oz.
Mark Kent Anderson Jr. (2014 BACH H&SS) and Mariah Rogers Anderson – married Sept. 16 at Rosewood Mayakoba, Riviera Maya, Mexico. Anderson, who resides in Monroe, serves on the LSU Alumni Association Board of Directors.
Kelly Hansen Schmolke (BACH 2014) and Connor Schmolke –married Jan. 6 in the backyard of her parents’ home in Baton Rouge. Connor and Kelly are both Baton Rouge natives. Connor owns a local landscaping and topdressing business, Southern Grasshoppers, and Kelly is a senior marketing specialist for Stantec, a global engineering firm.
Emily Rose Johnson (2018 BACH BUS) and Matthew Bates (2019 BACH BUS) – married Nov. 11 in Nashville at Hillsboro Presbyterian Church. The reception was held at Richland Country Club. They met at LSU in 2017. Emily worked for the LSU Alumni Association from 2018-2021 and, the couple got engaged at the Lod Cook Alumni Center overlooking University Lake in July, 2021.
Several members of their wedding party are also LSU Tigers, including Claire Ramirez (2019 BACH HS&E), Manon Vicknair (2021 BACH SCI), Christopher Taube (2018 BACH ENGR), Gabe Merville (2017 BACH BUS), and Michael Faucheaux (2018 BACH ENGR).
Emily is Operations Manager for Southern Elite Custom Homes in Brentwood, Tenn. and Matthew is a marketing analyst for MP&F in Nashville.