Label Issue Four

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Issue Four 15. 01. 16

Keep calm and revise 2016 Sporting preview Music; Pick ‘N’ Mix

The Right Move For Students



The Team Editor - in - Chief Bryn Wilkes Editor Katie Wilson Assistant Editor Leanna Kightley Art Director Greg Carter Assistant Art Director Lewis Allum Chief Photographer Jessica Crean Head of Design Theo King Head of Illustration Olivia Chevallier Culture Editors Katherine Hardiman - Alex Jones Features Editors Alice Priestley - Beatrice Quarshie Music Editor James Hullait News Editors Jamie Hutton - Ellie Mackenzie Sport Editors David Boyden - Amrit Malkani Style Editor Natasha Bennett Online Editor Charis Edworthy Hall Media Secretary Craig Searle Head of Marketing and Events Sarina Eugenio - Jade Ledingham Disclaimer: Label is the publication of Loughborough Students’ Union. The opinions contained are those of individual contributors, not of Loughborough Students’ Union, the editorial team, or any other officer of the union unless otherwise stated. Cover Design by Olivia Chevallier

Contents Editorials 04 - Editorials from the Editor and VP Media News 05 - SPANC is coming to Loughborough News Stories to Look Out for in 2016 06 - What did Students Achieve in 2015? 07 - UK Flooding New Year, New Me! 08 - One for the Weekend: New Years Eve You’re all Doing Christmas Wrong 10 - Exec Focus: Kailey Hazeldene, VP Education 12 - Exec Focus: Jenna Holmes, VP Societies Features 14 - Keep Calm and Revise 15 - Top Tips for Staying Focused Next Semester 16 - Great Nosh Little Dosh: Salmon and Teriyaki Noodles 17 - How to Stay Healthy on a Student’ Lifestyle Music 18 - Best Albums of 2015: My Top 3 19 - One to Watch: Jack Garratt 20 - Music Pick ‘n’ Mix 2016 22 - Totty Spotted 24 - No Exams: Don’t Blame Me! Loughborough Overheard Culture 26 - New Year’s Resolutions 27 - Living in the Golden Age of Television 28 - ‘Mr Robot’ Review 29 - Role Model 2016: Tyra Banks Style 30 - Loughborough Fashion Society Style Shoot 34 - Exam Stress Beauty Saviours 35 - New Year, New You! Design 36 - Label Illustration Competition Winner 37 - Label Comic Presents: Student Diaries Sport 38 - The Premier League: Predictably Unpredictable 39 - Shining a Light on Loughborough Students’ Ultimate 40 - 2016 Sporting Preview Interview 42 - Label Interview with: Fruit Routes 43 - Contact LSU Media



After having one too many mince pies and an inevitably large amount of turkey, we’re back to the reality that is of course exam season. You may be deemed one of the “lucky” ones, like myself, who “simply” has to deal with coursework deadlines and has no exams, ever. Apologies for that, it’s not always as easy as it sounds I promise, and my Assistant Editor, Leanna Kightley will back me up in her column this issue. Maybe you’ve been busy revising or writing assignments all over the holiday. Or maybe you decided that Christmas was time to chill out. Either way, Label have prepared various articles that will see you through the next couple of weeks. For an educational insight, featured in our Exec Focus this issue is VP: Education, Kailey Hazeldene. We have relaxing beauty regimes, tips on remaining calm during exams and a wide range of other articles too. We hope you’ll love perusing Label during a sneaky revision break with a nice cup of coffee or other beverage of your choice.

Katie Wilson Label Editor

We’ll be back in print during Exec Elections in which we’ll bring you the latest news and reviews on all candidates, but in the meantime, be sure to stay up to date with all things Label on, good luck in your exams and all the best for 2016!

There has, of course, been a lot to reflect on over the last twelve months. We have a new(ish) government, Wales showed that they’re undoubtedly better than England at rugby union on the biggest stage, Loughborough was named as WhatUni university of the year and the football clubs Chelsea and Leicester underwent a ‘Freaky Friday’-like body swap. If you’re feeling the January blues, just think about what 2016 has in store for us. The Rio Olympics, the first major football tournament featuring Wales since 1958 and, of course, a brand new VP Media. But maybe you shouldn’t be thinking about those prospects. Perhaps the best cure for January blues that exists is considering what you yourself can do in the next 366 days to make this the best year of your life so far. You’ve even got an extra day in February to ease the time pressure! 4

Bryn Wilkes VP Media


Design and Illustration by Greg Carter

A year can make a lot of difference. In some ways, many things seem fairly similar. I’m still in the same job as last year, writing another Label editorial. But, whereas this time last year I was planning my campaign for re-election, as 2016 dawns, I’m embarking on the calendar year that will finally see me leave this amazing institution.


SPANC is coming to Loughborough! Last month, Label put in a bid to host the Student Publication Association National Conference in 2016, better known as “SPANC”. Following many meetings, discussions, endorsements from some wonderful people, the SPA have decided that Loughborough Students’ Union will be the hosts for their next conference. The conference is aimed at student journalists from across the country and will see over 100 people attend to be part of educational talks, an awards evening, networking and more. We are thoroughly looking forward to the event and can’t wait to work with the SPA on this in the next few months. We feel honoured to have been selected to host the event and cannot wait to welcome everyone to Loughborough. More information on tickets will be released nearer the time, for now if you’d like more information feel free to contact me on Katie Wilson

Editor’s top picks from Issue Four: Editor’s top picks from Issue Four: Keep Calm: This issue Features are looking at revision techniques to help you through the exam period as well as an article looking at how to stay healthy as a student. Style: Have another great photoshoot this issue alongside working alongside Loughborough’s Fashion Society. Musical endeavours: If you fancy something new this year, Music have compiled a great piece including a festival, genres of music and a tour to consider, what more could you need?


News STories to Look out for in 2016 2015 was a huge year in news and current affairs, but it seems as it could only be the warm up. Here are the big stories to look out for in 2016. US Election – whilst we wait 5 years for our own general election here in the UK we can sit back and enjoy what is unfolding overseas. With it looking to be a showdown between Hilary Clinton, with her plans to refinance college debt and make education more affordable and Donald Trump with his strong views on immigration, 2016 is a year in which US politics may change forever. EU Referendum – a UK referendum on our commitment to the EU has been talked about for nearly a year now and recently David Cameron has hinted that it could happen sometime in 2016. With those who want to stay praising the benefits of students working abroad and seeing increases in job prospects, others see a danger in the amount of immigration it allows as a threat to our job and education security. 2016 could be the year in which the debate finally comes to a conclusion. Olympics in Rio – perhaps the biggest sporting event in the world will also take place this summer, the Olympic Games in Rio. You can be certain that the competition will celebrated on campus here in Loughborough, and with team GB on top form and the ever entertaining Usain Bolt present again, it looks to be a games to remember! ISIS in Syria – unfortunately it seems as though the threat of terrorism will be as prominent as ever in 2016. After the devastating attacks of last year western sensitivity towards the violence in the east has been heightened and after the UK government’s decision to bomb areas of Syria it looks as though the violence may only intensify. Immigration – 2016 will also see some big changes in how immigration is being treated in the UK. From April migrant workers will need to be earning at least £35,000 before they can settle in the UK and non-EU migrants who have spent more than five years working in the country will be required to earn £35,000 per year or else face deportation. With the violence in Syria showing no signs of coming to an end it seems as though pressure on the government to do more about immigration from both sides of the political spectrum will only increase. Jamie Hutton News Editor 5


What did Students

achieve in 2015?

We may have a reputation for excessive drinking, and enjoying five months off throughout the year; however, students all over the world achieved some impressive, newsworthy things throughout 2015.

African American students at the University of Missouri had been facing a number of verbal and visual racial attacks, of which the president, Tim Wolfe, had failed to take action against. In November of last year, students decided to protest, calling for his resignation. The students felt so strongly about the issue, that the football team threatened to go on strike, and one graduate staged an impressive eight day hunger strike. Such serious action had the desired effect, and the president was forced to resign. Whilst students are often seen protesting about a range of issues, it is very rare for serious decisions to occur as a consequence, so the students must be applauded for standing up for what is right, and achieving a positive outcome. Another successful student protest that happened in 2015 was to do with the proposed raising of tuition fees in South Africa. Much like students in Britain in 2010, young South Africans took to the streets, claiming that a rise in fees was unfair and would further increase the economic black-white divide in the country. The protests were the biggest in the country since those about apartheid, and had such an effect that the proposed increase was dismissed.

The bravery and determination of Malala Yousafzai should also be recognised in this article. Born in Pakistan, she was shot by the Taliban in 2012 at the age of fifteen, for campaigning for girls rights to education. Three years on, with a Nobel peace prize under her belt, Malala has moved to the UK and is continuing to campaign. She has written an autobiography about her experiences, and opened a girls school in Lebanon, specifically for Syrian refugees. In a look at changes closer to home, we must recognise the universities around the United Kingdom that took part in welcoming refugees from war-torn Syria in the summer of 2015. A number of universities were offering financial aid, bursaries and scholarships to Syrian refugees. The University of Sussex offered fifty English language scholarships, and York, Warwick and Glasgow are also offering financial aid over the next two years, in order to increase the opportunities for Syrian refugees and give them a chance to create a new life.

Let's see what 2016 brings and whether students continue to react in such a positive manner. Ellie Mackenzie News Editor



UK Flooding Over the past few weeks the north of England has been devastated by strong flooding. The scenes have been shocking and because of this there has been formidable pressure on the government to do more to help those affected.

Design and Illustration by Greg Carter

One of loudest cries from many has been to divert the UK’s international and foreign aid into flood defences and to help flood victims. The Daily Mail claimed on their front page that the UK are ‘squandering’ £1 Billion on foreign aid whilst just £60 million has been put aside for flooding. This led to a big demand from the public to divert this money towards aiding the flood victims. However, many have called these demands wrong. The UK currently spends just 0.7% on foreign aid whilst 99% of the UK’s national income is spent at home. The top three priorities of the Department for International Development are halving malaria deaths, immunising children against preventable disease and encouraging children into primary school. As such, the countries that receive the most in aid are Ethiopia, India and Pakistan. The main reason that money is spent on these areas is to prevent refugees looking to flee these countries, and therefore have the potential to put more strain on UK national resources. But when looking for money to spend on helping people effected by the flooding, why must we look to take it away from foreign aid? Many have suggested diverting money from fossil fuel which currently uses up £26 billion (1.37%) of the UK’s national budget. What remains clear is that more could be done to aid the victims and that the government may need to look more closely at how they spend their budget. Jamie Hutton News Editor

New Year New Me! Every year we stuff ourselves with festive pies and puddings and then swear that in the new year we’ll either keep to our new strict diet, quit an unhealthy habit, take up a new hobby or improve (start) our exercise routine. Well it’s fair to say I’ve dabbled in my fair share of gym classes, so here are a few of my top picks- all available in Loughborough, in case you’re wondering what to try out… Legs, Bums and Tums A great class to try out if you are looking to introduce an hour of high intensity exercise into your weekly routine. These classes aim to tone and firm up as well as burn fat from your tummy, hips, thighs and bottom, often held in-time to energising pop/dance music, which personally gets me through the session. Yoga My personal favourite! If anyone is stressed out from revision, work, coursework, or just life in general, get yourself to a yoga class! A calm and soothing class, but not one for people looking for a hardcore workout. A fuse of the body and the mind to build your core and maintain a healthy state of mind. Pilates These I am not so very fond of, although I have various friends who swear by Pilates, it’s definitely not for me. Often compared to Yoga yet vastly different in terms of character, for those who are looking at developing strength, balance core and coordination and aren’t scared of a tough workout. Body Combat A high-energy martial arts-inspired workout that is often held to up tempo pop/dance music. Another one of my favourite classes, high intensity, energising and great for releasing stress, anger or any other emotions. A definite must for a hard core full body workout! Kristy Robertson Label Columnist 7



One for the Weekend

New Years Eve New Years Eve is a time for drinking, more drinking, and normally a bit more drinking, it is a big night for millions of people all over the world, as they aim to bring in the new year with style. However, one Russian man had a rather chilling start to his 2016. The unnamed man from Khasanky in Eastern Russia spent his evening downing vodka, but things took a turn for the worst when he passed out and an ambulance was called. The medics pronounced him dead on arrival and he was taken to Primorye morgue. The man was placed on the morgue floor as it had already reached its full capacity, and awoke a number of hours later, panicking and surrounded by dead bodies.

In true New Year's Eve style, the man left the morgue and headed straight back to the party where his friends were mourning his death. On discovering that he was in fact alive, the man and his friends continued partying and began celebrating his “re-birth". Whilst this story ended on a high note, perhaps it suggests that some Russian paramedics could do with a refresher course… Although this may sound like an unusual case, in the last three months alone, there have been two other cases of misdiagnosis of death. For more weird and funny news stories keep an eye on the media website, where our “one for the weekend” articles will be posted weekly. Ellie Mackenzie News Editor 8

’Tis the season to be jolly. Hahaha what a lie. ’Tis the season to feed into the consumerist nature of our society and buy things we can’t afford, don’t even need, and what - for the sake of showing “love”? Does showing love to someone mean doing so through material goods? People believe the link between giving gifts and Christmas ties to the time the three wise men dropped off gold, frankincense and myrrh to baby Jesus now seriously what good would those gifts do for a baby? I’m pretty sure s ome diapers, some clothes and some food would be a better gift for a first time family... Anyways back to the point. While billions of people tweeted and snapchated about going into food comas, no one batted an eyelid or thought about giving a sh*t for the thousands of those sleeping rough on the streets with no food at all. While we lavishly spend money on the latest console or clothes, those sleeping rough fight their way to food shelters and soup kitchens begging for scraps. Now I’m no Christmas grinch, in fact I love the premise of reuniting and hanging out with family. But what is the true meaning of Christmas? Gluttony and greed, or giving back to those in need? Mike Silva Label Columnist

Design and Illustration by Greg Carter

Having alerted morgue security guards, the man was questioned by police and then released.

You’re all doing Christmas wrong


EXEC FOCUS Interview with

Kailey Hazeldene VP Education

Are you working on or planning to work with any other sections on upcoming projects?

Is there anyone working in your section at the moment who you feel deserves recognition? I’d very much like to recognise the great work that the Programme Presidents have been doing this year, they have had a very exciting first term with the first ever campus wide online rep elections and the first ever Feedback Fortnight! I would also like to thank LSU Media for helping me live stream the first ever Postgraduate Question Time to the London Campus during Your Education Week. Make sure you look out for the video which will be shared soon. Katie Wilson Label Editor


The data from the postcards is being analysed at the moment and then your Programme Reps, your Programme Presidents and I will be able to take the information you have given to help make change. Have you been to any events from other sections/ the university? If so, what are they? The Inspiring Research Conference was a conference put on by the Graduate School at which I was asked to do a small talk and be a judge for the poster competition whereby PhD students need to condense their research onto a poster. It was a great networking event for research students with an opportunity to showcase their research as well as discussing important research issues at breakout sessions. I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know more about the research student experience.

Contact me Twitter: @VPEducation_LSU Facebook: VPEducationLSU

Design by Lewis Allum

Myself and Gemma Lomas, VP Welfare and Diversity, planned the first Keep Calm Week of the year which has been really exciting with lots of new and exciting events planned. You have probably seen stalls giving out free fruit, water and stress balls as well as yoga sessions, a run, a jog, a walk and of course the much loved pooch petting. We have also been giving out squares of bubble wrap and colouring books to help you Keep Calm! This happened from 11th January and continues throughout this weekend.

Your Education Week has just taken place and it was a huge success! We had something on every day of the week and had Your Education on tour where we collected 2732 postcards that will be used to make a difference to your academic experience. On the Wednesday we held a very successful Academic Summit which was a behind the scenes summit on this year’s 10 Education Priorities where there was a three minute presentation on each priority delivered by the University staff that I am working with them on, and an opportunity to ask questions. In the spirit of encouraging Lecture Capture this was recorded and will be available soon.

Illustration by Greg Carter

What have you and your section been up to in the last couple of weeks? Any big successes?

EXEC FOCUS Interview with

Jenna Holmes VP Societies

We have launched a project called “My New Society”, we have found societies from other students’ unions that Loughborough does not have and we want to see if students here would be interested in them and be willing to take them on as a society. My Development Officer, Sam Hill, is spearheading this project with his role on the Societies Exec to support new societies starting within the section.

Illustration by Greg Carter

What have you and your section been up to recently?

Have you been to any events from the university? If so, what are they and did you enjoy them? Do you have any other long term plans or events that are being arranged?

Any other long term plans/ events that are being arranged that you’d like to mention?

Is there anyone in your section at the moment who you feel deserves recognition?

Give It A Go week is coming up in the final week of January alongside Health and Wellbeing Week. During this week, societies will be putting on taster sessions for all students to come along and get involved with, and if you like it, why not join it? There is no pressure and no commitment, just come along and have fun!

Last term we had two ‘Society of the Month’ awards for October and November. This award is nominated by the Societies Exec in our fortnightly exec meetings and then the Societies Exec vote for the winner. Flix took the crown in October for their fantastic Back to the Future event. New society, Wine and Cheese won in November for having a brilliant first semester with two outstanding events and over 60 members joining them. We are so impressed in our office with their wine choices!

Freefest plans are already in motion for the week following the bank holiday weekend in May and it is exciting! Similar to last year, we will be having a week of student creativity and art following the usual Monday Freefest activities so make sure to keep an eye out for events in the summer term featuring Societies performing all over campus!

Contact me Twitter: @VPSocieties_LSU Facebook: VPSocietiesLSU 12

Katie Wilson Label Editor

Design by Lewis Allum


The LSU Exec attended the inaugural academic excellence dinner held by the university to honour our academic scholars. My favourite thing about the evening was that I knew some of the scholars already, but not in academic setting. One was a girl I had played hockey with, another cycled with me from London to Paris last year, another was a member of the Christian Union, each of these students had done so much more than their course! All of them had tapped into LSU and it was so delightful to hear about it. It is just another example of how Loughborough students make their time at university the best experience they can.


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With January exams looming for the majority of us, effective revision techniques are crucial and can make all the difference in getting you the results you desire. They can help in avoiding the last-minute panic that can be incredibly stressful, and allow you to be more relaxed and confident going into your exams. While the exam period is never going to be an enjoyable time, effective revision techniques can at least make it a bit more bearable and help eliminate (some of the) stress. Make a timetable: This is a good technique from the outset when beginning your revision. It can be as colourful or meticulous as you like, but the act of breaking down your revision into modules and subject topics will help massively. Assigning a time to complete revision for each will help you realise that there is enough time to cover everything you need to. It is also important to balance your subjects, and a timetable will help you to avoid neglecting modules that you find particularly easy or difficult. Work Efficiently: Time management methods such as the ‘Pomodoro Technique’, which helps to minimise the impact of distractions, can be helpful in maintaining focus and concentration. The technique suggests short, focused 25-minute bursts of work, before taking a 5-minute break. By repeating this process and having a longer break (20-30 minutes) every couple of hours, you can make sure that your work is more efficient and more effective. Another benefit is that you won’t waste hours at a time just staring at a textbook if you’re not fully concentrating. The technique ensures that the time you spend revising is of high quality rather than high

quantity, and gives you room in the day to reward yourself with an enjoyable activity (like watching an episode of your favourite TV show. Note ‘episode’ not ‘boxset’!). Make use of Past Exams: The actual content of your revision will obviously depend on the subject, but past exams are usually an excellent way of testing your knowledge and understanding. Doing these under exam conditions can get you used to the time pressure you will face during the real thing. Ideally, starting early enough and working to a revision timetable will mean you can do all the suggested reading for each subject, but the reality is that this isn’t always possible. If this is the case, then revising the lecture notes should be your first priority, as this is the content that the lecturer feels is important enough in the subject to present to you directly, followed by the course textbook. To summarise: Make a timetable, balance the subjects you revise, and use time management techniques. These are effective ways of staying calm, confident and prepared, and will help you achieve the results you want. Good luck! Rob Godmon

Design and Illustration by Hannah Mclaren



With exam season in full swing, your thoughts may be beginning to turn to the impending second semester… Whether you’re an old decrepit fourth year or you’re still loving life as a fresher, something that we all learn at some point in our university journey is that second semester can either be your best friend or your worst enemy. In order to avoid the latter of the two, you’re going to have to focus and work hard. “How on earth?!” I hear you ask. Well, here are some pointers of how you can stay focused this semester!


Mentally Prepare:

Fail to prepare, prepare to fail:


In your first lecture back, your lecturers will hand you a blueprint to the next fifteen weeks (I.e. VERY important information). Don’t just make an easily forgotten mental note – write it down! Doing this helps you internalise the dates and they won’t sneak up on you.

Harsh, but true! Leaving revision to the night before is a sure-fire recipe for disaster. Instead, spread your studying out over the whole semester. Preview the reading before each lecture, review the lecture notes as soon as possible after each lecture, and review the previous week’s notes before the next lecture. Not only will this make cramming for exams unnecessary, but it will help you to fit the lecture and reading material into a “whole”. This will also benefit your assignments, help you participate in class and make reading less daunting. The more often you read and reread the material, the more sense it will make and the more useful it will become.

Make daily ‘To Do’ lists:

Your study space:

It’s old school, but when you’ve a busy schedule, you can get overwhelmed or forget something important. Writing each task down can settle your mind and make sure you get everything done. This can include assignments, studying, even going to the PO for milk. It just makes everything seem that little bit more manageable. Additionally, after accomplishing each task it will feel great crossing them off your list.

As Albert Einstein once said “If a cluttered desk signs a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?”, and I have to agree. By keeping your study space and notes well organised, it makes things a lot easier when you come to revise. Finally, if you just can’t seem to study in your room, make sure you use the fantastic range of study spaces across campus right throughout the semester.

Get your head in the right place. The first week of classes can be overwhelming with new reading lists, assignments, examsand presentations. However, by mentally preparing for the semester ahead, you put yourself in the position to excel. In order to do so, you need to take the time to map out your semester, which brings me on to my next point… Have a planner and USE it:


SEMESTER Nicola Williams

If you’re still feeling uninspired, remember: proper planning prevents poor performance!


Photography by Hannah Mclaren

SALMON AND TERIYAKI NOODLES Have you found yourself in the aftermath of eating the world during Christmas? Fancy a lighter, healthier dish? Want something more nutritious and tasty, whilst not lacking in those beloved carbs? Look no further! Below is the recipe for a refreshing dish, which is simple to whip up if you’re looking for a healthy alternative – also, good news is, it doesn’t break the bank!



Put the salmon in a bowl and soak it in 5 tbsp of teriyaki sauce, crush a clove of garlic over it and drizzle a plentiful plop of honey over it. Leave to soak for 2 hours.

Turn the oven on to 180 degrees and lay the asparagus on tin foil and drizzle with about 2 tbsp olive oil.

Put the salmon on some tin foil, drizzle with olive oil then bang it in the oven for 20 minutes. Begin boiling the noodles, and as they soften, drain them and heat some olive oil on a frying pan. Fry the noodles and add teriyaki sauce intermittently until they become slightly crispy.

Pop the asparagus under the grill in the final 5-7 minutes until they brown slightly.

As the salmon finishes baking, throw in broccoli to boil at the last minute, then drain.

Splash teriyaki sauce over everything after it’s baked and enjoy!

Alice Priestley 16

Design by Rob Chapman

1 fresh salmon fillet (unsmoked) 1-2 nests of wholemeal noodles 6-8 tbsp Teriyaki marinade sauce A good handful of broccoli 7 spears of asparagus 2 cloves of garlic 2 tbsp olive oil 1 tbsp honey 1 bowl Some tin foil Drainer Frying pan Sauce pan



The typical student lifestyle tends to include copious amounts of booze, hangovers, piles of unhealthy takeout, junk food, lots of late nights, and very little sleep. Due to these factors, staying healthy can become quite a challenge for students. Here are some tips to keep healthy without compromising your university experience. TRY TO GET ATLEAST 7-8 HOURS OF SLEEP PER NIGHT Getting a healthy amount of sleep not only helps your brain perform during the day, but also helps keep your immune system strong, preventing you from getting sick and skipping classes- or more importantly parties. DON’T FORGET TO EAT YOUR GREENS Catered or not, now that your mum isn’t around to micromanage a balanced diet, it’s easy to fall victim to temptation and eat only your favourite and most unhealthy foods. To stay healthy make sure you have your five a day to maintain a well-rounded diet and keep your body strong. EXERCISE AT LEAST THREE TIMES PER WEEK It’s very tempting to lie in bed all day watching TV while eating pizza, as nobody is around to tell you to get up and do otherwise. However, doing so too often does not promote a healthy lifestyle. Whether it be by going for a long walk or intense gym sessions, exercising three times a week can help keep the pounds off and fill you with endorphins to keep you in a good mood. DRINK A GLASS OF WATER BETWEEN ALCOHOLIC DRINKS TO PREVENT A HANGOVER Hangovers suck. Firstly, they can ruin an entire day by limiting your productivity. Secondly, and more importantly, they cause irreparable damage your brain cells, and nobody wants that. Though the damage isn’t as much of an issue for your health now, the damage tends to show itself in the long run. To prevent hangovers and the damage they cause, drink water often on a night out. SET SOME TIME ASIDE JUST TO BE ALONE With so many socials, events, parties, and other such gatherings happening at all times, it’s easy to keep yourself constantly busy- sometimes to the point of over exhaustion. Because of this, it is extremely important to have some time to yourself, get a breather from the social scene, and give your body a break. Consider having the occasional stay-in night with a good book or a good television series you’ve been meaning to start. SET A LIMIT ON ORDERING IN With the ability to place orders online or simply with a quick call, a pizza, or whatever other food you desire can be delivered to you within the hour. This is extremely convenient and inviting when compared to the idea of cooking for yourself or eating a catered meal. Unfortunately, the majority of take-out food is greasy, unhealthy, expensive, and gives you very little in terms of nutrition. Limiting how much you order out can help you and your bank account stay healthy. Arianna Rossi 17

We have ‘wished you a merry Christmas’ and you have ‘decked the halls with boughs of holly’ but with Christmas already over and the New Year having already started, it is time to scrap the festive songs and reflect upon 2015. Here are my top 3 albums of last year.


The American rapper released his third studio album on March 15, 2015. Despite being released on iTunes earlier than the initial date, the album was a huge success, quoted by several publications as the ‘best album of 2015’. His ingenuity was presented in this album through his lyrics which highlighted particularly controversial topics. This is perhaps most noticeable on “Wesley’s Theory”, based on a true story, referencing the actor Wesley Snipes who was jailed for tax evasion. Lamar expresses in his MTV interview and on this track that school does not teach any man, poor or rich, how to manage money, “you ain’t pass economics in school and everything you buy, taxes will deny”. Apparently, this is Lamar’s “favourite record off the joint” as it contains “real thoughts and feelings”.


JUSTIN BIEBER Released later in the year on November 13th 2015, “Purpose” still managed to top the Billboard 200 chart at number one, in its first week of release selling 522,000 copies! To those who thought Bieber’s days were over, he is sure to have made an impressive comeback with all three tunes, “What Do You Mean?”, “Sorry” and “Love Yourself” making number one in the US, UK and New Zealand. If you weren’t a ‘Belieber’ before, his new album may just make you reconsider.


ADELE Despite her quiet spurt, Tottenham born Adele has certainly come back with a bang! Having released her third studio album on November 20th 2015, Adele plummeted up the charts breaking first-week sale records in multiple countries. 3.38 million copies were sold in the albums’ first week of release in the US. As well as this, it was marked as the largest single week sales for an album since 1991. The album touches on themes such as the past, her old self, motherhood, regret and many more relatable issues. Top favourites are, “Hello”, “When We Were Young” and “Love in the Dark”. With her tour starting this year, we just won’t be able to get enough of her!

Abbey Gardner 18

Design by Sarah Collins

Lamar surrounds his fans with more powerful messages from other successes on his album such as, “King Kunta”, “Hood Politics” and “How Much a Dollar Cost”. It is no wonder he is nominated for Album of the Year and Best Rap Album at the upcoming 58th Annual Grammy Awards. Check out his album to see what all the fuss is about and his MTV interview for an even greater insight.

Illustration by Alice Bindloss



J A C K G A R R AT T O N E T O W AT C H There’s more to 2016 Brits Critics’ Choice Award winner, Jack Garratt, than meets the eye. Despite his talent to rock the much loved and over speculated beard of the moment, Jack Garratt proves to be captivating both through the headphones and on stage. However, his talent has not always been appreciated. At the budding age of 13, Garratt lost his chance to represent the UK at the final of the Junior Eurovision Song Contest with his self-written song “The Girl” which, looking back retrospectively, Jack considers horribly cringeworthy. But don’t let this former defeat fool you. Since then he has changed his tune and exercised the idea that practice makes perfect, landing himself the utmost recognition for a newcomer from the Brits.

Illustration by Emily Forrester

Following in the footsteps of the likes of James Bay, Sam Smith and Adele, Jack Garratt brings an alluring range of coarse and piercing vocals to the music scene, unique to a young man, at 24. Similar to the style of James Blake, Jack is a multi-instrumentalist whose music brings an eerie atmosphere to the stage through his mastering of the drum machine and electric guitar. Currently joining the continuously growing success that is Mumford and Sons on their “Gentlemen of the Road” tour, Garratt proves to be a much welcomed warm up act. Even the four members of Mumford themselves can’t seem to resist giving Jack all the praise he deserves, encouraging all the accolade for the rising star throughout their performance. A much anticipated moment of the Mumford and Sons show presents itself when the band welcome Jack to play alongside them for a haunting rendition of Eurythmics’, “Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)”, a successful and enjoyable way of promoting his talent. Whether you’re enjoying a chilled music session for one, or out having a couple of drinks, the nature of Garratt’s music is multi-genre, enabling his voice to suit a range of environments. There’s no doubt you’ll be hearing more of Garratt’s success in the near future. If a soulful and passionate performance is something you’d like to hear, then don’t hesitate to give him a listen. Singles, “Worry” and “Breathe Life” are sure to be pleasing to the ear, and if he proves to be a hit with you, his debut album “Phase” is available for pre-order right now, the release date being in February.

Mia Karam 19


s i c u M


Each year we’re miserable to see musical masterpieces leave, such as Taylor Swift’s unstoppable “1989”, just as much as we are happy to watch ridiculous fads go, like “Watch Me” by Silentio and frankly, anything by Meghan Trainor. Although it is inevitable that this year will be no different, as some musicians fly and others drown, there are some sonic highlights we definitely have to look forward to already!

Festival to Watch:

Isle of Wight, 9-12th June 2016

Although many know it by name, Isle of Wight Festival is still vastly underrated. With weekend camping only £186 for students, the festival boasts unmissable performances from headliners Stereophonics, Faithless and Queen with Adam Lambert. Not only does Isle of Wight give you and your friends the chance to travel and spend some quality time together, it allows you to see some of the most infamous acts around as well as entertaining newcomers to mix up your music tastes. With a reputation for being chilled-out but unforgettable, Isle of Wight is set to be this year’s festival to beat.

New Artist:

Bl ss ms

As one of BBC Introducing’s artists to watch, Blossoms are gradually creeping onto the public radar and despite only having a few EPs available, an album is near completion. What I love about what I’ve heard so far is that the band have taken a retro, vintage sound and made it feel current and edgy, alike to Catfish and the Bottlemen. Other lesser-known artists I’m excited to hear more from are Eliza and the Bear and Hailee Steinfeld. The former has an album coming out very soon and the latter’s EP, “Haiz”, was in my top 3 favourites from 2015. If you’re looking to rejuvenate your musical tastes, these people are a great place to start.

Film Soundtrack to Beat: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

One of the most eagerly awaited films of last year, “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”, was a force to be reckoned with. With some mixed reviews, one thing that didn’t falter was the soundtrack, created by the infamous John Williams. As a five-time Academy Award winning composer that has worked on Star Wars right from the beginning, it was impossible that thesoundtrack was going to be anything less than amazing. With music taking fans through the film’s highs and lows in that nostalgically brilliant way it always has, it doesn’t seem possible that anything this year could sound more iconic.


MUSIC Tour of 2016: Coldplay ‘A Head Full Of Dreams Tour’

Design and Illustration by Emily Forrester

As a long-term Coldplay enthusiast, every time they release anything, let alone announce a tour, I immediately lose my cool. Coldplay have consistently written their own music and, unlike many other bands, their set lists aren’t strictly planned. Sure, there’s a mix of songs everyone gets to hear, but they have been known to interact with audiences to get them to choose which songs are played and even how they play them. By doing this, they not only make their tours and shows unique, they always look like they’re having the time of their lives. Even though Coldplay crowds aren’t the rowdiest, the atmosphere they create makes anyone feel at home, and this time around there’s going to be lasers involved too.

Upcoming Album: Coasts

I’m one of those people who used to watch “Made In Chelsea”. This seems unrelated to this article, but bare with me. One of the things I’ve come to love from reality TV is the background music. So, I had a Google and found that MIC has its own soundtracks and one of the artists on there, Coasts, is pretty darn good. Despite being relatively unknown, Coasts have a few recognisable indie-alternative songs and their self titled album, set for release in late January, is generating quite a bit of hype. It’s even one of iTunes’ top pre-orders, so keep an eye out.

Genre to Listen To More: Pop Pop Music isn’t for everyone and it wasn’t even for me until recently. I’ve disliked it for most of my life because of how monotonous and uninventive the whole genre is, but over the past few years it’s started to develop into something more sonically diverse and complex. Call me deranged, but I gave a few artists a listen: Halsey, Ellie Goulding, One Direction and now I can’t seem to stop adding more and more to my iTunes library. If you Artist Anniversary: give it a try, I reckon you’ll be the Arctic Monkeys exact same. 2016 marks the ten-year anniversary of the Arctic Monkeys debut album “Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not”, the fastest selling debut album in UK chart history as of 2006. The band have brought us countless tunes, ranging from “Bet You Look Good On The Dance Floor” to “Do I Wanna Know?”, and will hopefully continue to do so in the near future. After headlining Reading and Leeds Katherine Hardiman 2014 as well as being up for countless awards, the Culture Editor sky is the limit for what’s next for these guys. 21

Photography by Cade Morris 22

Design by Lewis Allum 23


Overheard Loughborough

“I’ve lost my shoes. I returned home in some flip flops that say ‘I support lads that don’t fight’.“ ““I’m filling in this job application and it’s asking for my current job. Problem is, it doesn’t have Sassy B!t*h as an option.” “My type is anything with a pulse.”

No Exams: Don’t Blame Me!

I would like to be able to say that this was all part of my master plan, that I specifically selected my course because I could spend half of January dossing about and taking advantage of all the Union drinks offers while they beg people to come to the ritualistic FND nights, even during exam period. But I can’t, because I didn’t. When I decided to come to Loughborough, I didn’t look at all at what my course involved and how I would be assessed. I instead made my decision based on important factors such as the pretty campus and the favourable ratio of boys to girls (and what a fantastic choice it was). However, this doesn’t stop my coursemates and I facing a hellish two weeks each and every January while campus goes silent and your revising housemates exile you from sight. We can’t even take full advantage of the “library girl/boyfriend” banter on YikYak. We have to spend our hours slaving away in the library pre-Christmas, or mid-term, with no-one to people-watch while our exam-assessed friends lap up the week 7 slump in workload. So, this January, when you start to feel pangs of jealousy for friends and housemates who are rolling in from Hey Ewe at 3am without a care in the world, spare a thought for them. We would all take some of the exam burden if we could… I promise… Leanna Kightley Label Assistant Editor 24

“If you drink enough wine it tastes like love.”

g you methin is issue? Got so bout th o saya t t n a w


at witter ch on T e u o t in Get lOnlin @Labe


TWEETS @President_LSU Nov 30 Fab article in @labelonline about Photoshop - how have unrealistic images become the realistic image of beauty? @VPMedia_LSU Dec 16 Thank you @SPAJournalism for the SPANC! @LoughboroughSU Dec 17 Loughborough SU Retweeted Bryn Wilkes @labelonline win bid to host SPANC in 2016! @SPAJournalism Jan 3 SHORTLISTED: @danleedham for for @labelonline and @lsumedia #SPABestOf2015

Design and Illustration by Greg Carter

While the majority of the university population dreads returning to campus after Christmas due to the impending exam period, I dread the return for a different reason. My course, amongst others, happens to be one of those “lucky” subjects that don’t have to face exam season at all, instead being tested by coursework deadlines set throughout the year. I know, you hate me.













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New Year's Resolutions

I personally have plenty of experience in making plans, psyching myself up for said plans, making a somewhat feeble attempt to achieve them and then giving up all together. This last part always leaves you with the dreaded remains of heightened hormones and a feeling of regret- which inevitably ruins the enjoyment of what you’ve given into; whether it’s the chocolate binge you let yourself have or the lie in that made you miss your morning yoga. It’s a loselose situation, but here’s where everyone seems to fall down the hardest:

Having a New Year New Me Mantra: Basing your goals around the ‘new you’ you’ve conjured up in your mind will inevitably


end in guilt and shame, and will downright sabotage your success. People tend to idealise their life when making new years resolutions, and the problem with idealisation is that it’s so easy for something to not go as planned and snowball into yet another life failure. The solution? Make minor life alterations. For example, it has been proven that speaking and thinking positively has better, long-lasting results. So, rephrase your gym resolution to ‘I’m excited to get stronger, healthier and fitter!’ rather than ‘Holy hell, I’m so unfit’. Alternatively, pick something without a time limit like completing a 5k run or incorporating a new hobby into your life. It’s okay to get bogged down from time to time- just pick yourself back up and try, try again!

Setting Too Many Resolutions: When you have too much on your plate, it can often send you into a spiral of disaster as you get overwhelmed by when, where and how you’re going to get it all done. This generally leads to a stress induced all-nighter in

which you power through, have a nervous breakdown or take a hibernation-style nap where you’re dead to the world for weeks. If you try to set yourself a smaller, manageable resolution (yes, only one!) there is much more chance of it being a realistic and achievable goal.

Lacking Perseverance: Sometimes, simply being strong and exerting your finest willpower isn’t enough to stop you caving in on your cravings. According to Joseph Shrand, a psychiatry instructor at Harvard University, we are instinctually programmed to desire self-restraint, but when we give into our desires the brain releases dopamine – the hormone that induces happiness. This means that despite our best intentions, it’s literally a given that resolutions to “stop eating chocolate” will have a high fail rate. However, it can be done! Willpower is like a muscle and if you exercise it enough, it could become as unbreakable as those rock-hard abs you plan to achieve this year. Lizzie Fedorowycz

Design by Jasmin White

With 2015 swiftly drawing to a close, it seems that 2016 has crept up on the best of us and it’s far too easy to crumble into a mad panic of list-making and lifesorting. But hold up, slow down and really have a think before you jump into making promises that you can’t (and won’t) keep.

Living in the golden age of television Whether film or television has the upper hand in terms of quality is completely dependent on its audience and their preference. There are many popular films and an equally large amount of well-liked TV shows, but no matter how globally acclaimed or popular, there will always be debate surrounding how good they actually are.

Illustration by Olivia Chevallier

Perhaps television shows are seen as having superior quality because of their structure. Presented in episodes, weekly anticipation for the next instalment of a show such as “Gossip Girl” or, more recently, “Scream Queens”, combined with the use of cliffhangers, keeps the audience engaged and keeps the show interesting. The longer run time also allows viewers to gain a deeper understanding of who the characters are and therefore create stronger attachments to them.

Redemption” and “A Cinderella Story”, where each attracts a different audience with unique understandings of what quality means. The way television and film are presented make them appear similar, which causes them to be compared often. However, despite these similarities, they should be treated as individual, separate mediums and so one cannot be defined as having better quality than the other. The interpretation of quality is completely dependent on the individual, so to some this is the “Golden Age of Television” but to others, film is undeniably taking the lead. Arianna Rossi

Weekly installations of shows don’t only keep the audience on its toes, but also allow the programme to constantly add new plot twists and drama. As scripts and story lines can be created and changed whilst the season develops, it’s easier to manipulate and modify content. This can be influenced by previous avenues of success in the show, creating an illusion of high quality, as is seen in productions such as “Friends” and “How I Met Your Mother” where, due to high popularity of the program, new content had to be written in real time. In film, this is difficult to do as build up occurs over the span of a year, if not more, and content is definitive so cannot be modified once the film is made public. Consequently, this leads to more extreme reactions of adoration or disappointment, in turn influencing our perception of quality in film. Additionally, both “Game of Thrones” and “Keeping up With the Kardashians” are extremely popular TV shows, however, they have very different audiences who would likely disagree completely on the quality of the other show. The same can be said about popular films within different genres, such as “The Shawshank



Illustration by Kirin Crooks

‘Mr Robot’ Review


r Robot is an Amazon Prime show that launched this Summer. I watched on recommendation from a friend and I was glad that I did. The show follows Elliot, a young computer technician with extreme social anxiety. Elliot works for a cyber security firm, and just as the show starts, this firm has taken on the contract of E-corp which is one of the largest multi-national conglomerates in the world. While this may be his day job, Elliot is also a social justice hacker. He works with the group F-society, who aim to bring down E-corp and fundamentally change the way that value is assigned in society. The best way I can think of to describe the show is: V for Vendetta but with more hacking and emotional trauma. One thing that I really enjoyed about the show is how the viewer feels involved with all the action. From your position inside Elliot’s head you experience everything as he does, and because of this I certainly felt emotionally attached to not only the characters but also F-society’s cause. The characters are all well crafted and believable and the plot is excellent too. I would say that this show is one of the most


original that I have seen in a long time, there was no point while watching the show that I could predict what would happen next and it was dynamic and interesting the whole way through. The storyline and characters are great and this combined with the high quality production makes this show an absolute pleasure to watch. Apart from being very entertaining, this show provides a very interesting commentary about modern society. It questions our core capitalist values and lends an insight into what could happen if consumer culture was put to an end. This aspect appeals to my inner anarchist, and does it in a way that shows both advantages and catastrophic disadvantages of a revolution. One other main theme of the show is mental health, and as the viewer is placed inside Elliot’s head we are given a level of understanding that I don’t think is available in other TV shows. I am a big fan of this show and am extremely happy that there will be a second season as after the last episode I was left in a state of major disbelief that it was all over. Alice Bilsborough

Role Model 2016 Tyra Banks


ne woman. Many roles. Tyra Banks is a woman with a ‘can-do’ attitude; just the right kind of attitude you want to start the New Year with. From Supermodel, to talk show host, from television personality to Harvard Business School Diploma recipient, Banks’ career has demonstrated that diversifying is not only key for sustenance but also a great success.

the reality television show has kick-started the careers of actresses Analeigh Tipton, Yaya DaCosta, actor Denzel Wells and performer Don Benjamin to name a few. Where many people would have been satisfied with being famous for being a good model, Tyra has given other individuals a platform to build their own careers, with her latest season boasting the series’ first ever-deaf contestant and winner Nyle DiMarco.

Being the first African-American woman to appear on the cover of Sports Illustrated and one of the original Victoria’s Secret Angels, Tyra Banks has established herself as a pioneer in modelling history. Despite the difficulties Banks faced in the early stages of her modelling career with the subtle racism within the industry, she never allowed that to discourage her from becoming the supermodel she is known as today.

Banks continues to break barriers as a businesswoman and philanthropist with her TZONE foundation, which is aimed at developing a sense of independence and self esteem in teenage girls. Banks’ accolades exceed well beyond her aesthetic and the way in which she goes about achieving her different endeavours is truly remarkable.

As aesthetically pleasing as Banks is, it is her body of work that proves her to be a respectable role model. Following on from her own modelling career, Banks embarked on a journey spanning over a decade to help mentor aspiring models in the hope of them winning a modelling contract. Banks’ success continued with the America’s Next Top Model series which spanned twenty-two cycles. Her success with

Tyra Banks is an inspiration for almost anyone regardless or your gender, race or interests; she does what she does because she loves it and her passion is reflected in the success of her projects, which is commendable. The way in which she has taken control of her life and accomplished incredible things not just for herself but the legacy she is building through her projects for young girls and the Tyra Beauty experience solidifies her as an inspirational role model. Beatrice Quarshie Features Editor 29



Society Loughborough Fashion Society is a society where students can join together to celebrate Fashion. The society aims to bring together students from all backgrounds and degree courses to bond over a common interest - check out their blog at:

Photography Salomé Doré Sarah McDonnell

Models Wing Hei Cheung Hayley Copeland Tania Di Felice Georgina Steele

Photoshoot Team Natasha Bennett Greg Carter Jazz Jefferies Dan Leedham Katie Wilson

Hayley Copeland

“I like to describe my style as comfy and casual. As students I feel it’s something that suits all occasions. I like to make an effort most of the time without looking too ‘out there’ or being ‘over the top’. I’m not a person with the confidence to fully be expressive, so this works for me.”

Georgina steele

“My personal style as grungy, edgy, and hipster. My closet staples include Doc Martens, leather jackets, skinny jeans, band tees, and plaid shirts. My palette focuses on black, grey, burgundy, and khaki, with the occasional touch of demin, lace, and leather. My style icons are Taylor Momsen and fashion blogger Lou P.”

Wing hei cheung

“Stylish and versatile is the way to go. Some guys are intimidated by fashion trends as they change so fast, however the fact is fashion trend kind of repeats itself; just as Taylor said, slicked back white t-shirts never go out of style, therefore it is important to have a few versatile pieces in your wardrobe that go with everything. It is always fun to experiment with different colours, patterns, textures, etc to find your very own style.”

Tania di felice “My personal style is minimalistic and classic. I believe that the society is all about celebrating each members individual style and personality. I love that it provides opportunities for everyone to express themselves through their style.”


Exam Stress

Beauty Saviours Face Wash

To ensure skin stays smooth and revitalised, a good face wash is imperative in the mornings and before bed. It will help minimise dry and tired skin and is the number one product to use. Neutrogena’s visibly clear pink grapefruit facial wash, is a winner amongst beauty critics as it leaves skin smelling beautiful, spot free and looking amazing. Not to mention its affordability, pricing at only £4.49!

Facial Exfoliators During the exam period, skin can become dry and clogged up, therefore it is essential to exfoliate! This exam season your skin will not drown in constant spot breakouts, as an exfoliator will help bring life to your complexion. If you’re looking for a product with a low budget but also effective, Soap and Glory, the greatest scrub of all, will be the remedy for you. It is only £6 in Boots, putting luxury brands to shame. Not only does it unclog blocked pores and ensures skin is smooth, it also boosts radiance.


Eye Gel

If you’re someone who is a fan of doing late nighters in the library and frequently leave essays and revision to the last minute, then Benefit Puff-Out eye gel will be your number one product this January. It is a cooling gel which helps to soothe red and sore eyes and can also minimise the chance of fine lines and wrinkles. This eye gel will have you looking as if you have had 8 hours sleep rather than no sleep! Although quite pricey at £22.50, it is however, worthwhile.


There could still be the chance that the odd spot escapes and decides to purposely be noticed by everyone, visibly surfacing itself on top of the skin. If this does happen, a concealer is the next best thing. It helps cover spots, making them less obvious. Depending on your price range, top beauty concealers are Full Coverage: Mac Cosmetics at £18 or Seventeen on the spot at £4.99. Both help to hide blemishes, leaving the odd spot on the skin unnoticeable.

Face Masks

If however, you have had an expensive Christmas, home made remedies are just as good. A cinnamon and honey mask is a killer combo for defeating acne as it helps stop bacteria spreading, removing the nasty gremlins that aim to live in your skin. All you need is 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon. Mix both ingredients together until a paste is formed. Evenly apply the mask to your face or even a single spot, leaving it for 10-15 minutes. After, wash off the mask and gently dry the skin. You will notice your skin is smoother and hopefully spot free in a few days. Abbey Gardner

Photography by Hannah Mclaren

The exam season is upon us and with revision and coursework well underway, stress is inevitable and your daily moisturiser just isn’t enough. Don’t panic, we have the top beauty remedies and products which will help you beat the exam stress and blues this January! All products below are suitable for both males and females, meaning you’ll get the best of both worlds, beauty and knowledge.

New Year,

New You!

Design by Holly Kemp

Illustration by Jasmin White

January, the month that brings with it promise of a new start, an opportunity to begin afresh, and an opportunity to stick to those resolutions. So new year, new you, right? Yeah, me neither. That extra hour in bed always seems to be much more appealing than heading out to the gym before my first lecture, my promise to stick to a Mediterranean diet has already gone to pot, and there’s no way I’m going dry for January since the dreaded exam season is looming. Plus, we all need to let our hair down once in a while. If you’re no good at resolutions, just make a few new changes to your style to get into the spirit of reinvention! 2016 is the ideal time to embrace and experiment with different styles. Jewellery and accessories: Investing in some stunning on-trend jewellery and accessories is one of the easiest ways to create a new look and breathe new life into a well-worn wardrobe. Ladies: You can totally alter how an outfit looks by teaming it with different jewellery, helping your wardrobe go further and changing up older pieces. Having a good range of statement and subtle pieces is the best way to go as you'll have something for every occasion. Gents: If you normally go for the joggers and hoodie look, why not smarten things up with a few accessories? A statement scarf, a bold watch or chunky bracelets are all options tied together with some jeans and a blazer, perfect for a fresh look in 2016.

wrong with having one true love, it’s okay to check others out. Believe it or not, the switch from fruity to floral can actually make for a redefining moment, and open your eyes to entirely new brands. Mix up your make-up: When it comes to lipstick, we all have our go-to colours. Most of us are guilty of finding the shades that work for us and sticking to them because they’re foolproof, and we’d rather be safe than sorry. However, you never know until you try, so don’t be afraid to explore options outside of your comfort zone. A coat of lipstick can really make a difference! So if you are always wearing nude lips, try a bold colour for some extra drama. Don’t be afraid of the boldness of red lipstick, truth is, red is one of the most universally wearable lipstick shades, and it’s a classic way to add both impact and femininity to your look. Nicola Williams

Part your hair on the opposite side: Chances are where you’ve been parting your hair is a permanent fixture in your beauty routine. When you want to do something different, you simply swap the hair straighteners for a curling wand. But, as you’re messing with your waves, have you ever thought about messing with your parting? Probably not – but, it’s one of the easiest ways to alter your appearance. Boys, hair also applies to you! It seems that the classic slicked back voluminous style is a key look, whilst tousled and loose also remains in the agenda. Reinvent your signature scent: It’s likely that you’ve been rocking the same perfume or aftershave for so many years, it has officially become “your scent.” If any of your friends or family were to get a whiff of it elsewhere, they’d immediately think of you. While there’s nothing 35


Childhood Cartoon characters Illustration by

Lacie Cummings The theme for this issues’ illustration competition was Childhood Cartoon Characters. Lacie won with her illustration of Woody from Toy Story, which gained 30 likes on our Facebook page. Find out more about Lacie and her work over on


Star Wars


Okay we have 2 weeks & 6 exams to ACE!

Let’s split up and crack on then! Meet back later?




Just... one... more... episode... Then I will start studying.

THE NEXT MORNING... Awh! I had a great study session yesterday! I bet you are also feeling super prepared for the exam Right!?

Student Diaries illustrated by Olivia Chevallier

Errrrrrgh... Sure!


The first half of the 2015-16 Premier League season has ignited the possibility of another underdog story becoming a reality. This time last season, local heroes Leicester City were languishing at the bottom of the table, looking as if they would plunge towards the Championship. However, a year on, they are looking down on all other teams in the league from the top of the table. The rise of Leicester has coincided with the remarkable form of ‘party man’ Jamie Vardy, who has become the first player to score in 11 consecutive Premier League games, and Riyad Mahrez, who is deemed player of the season so far by many. Perhaps just as shocking, if not more so than the rise of Leicester, is the decline of current title holders, Chelsea. The pre-season favourites to retain the title are languishing just above the relegation zone and have already lost nine Premier League games this season, including a shocking 1-0 home defeat to newly promoted Bournemouth. For the neutral, it really is a great spectacle to see the unpredictability of the Premier League, but it doesn’t end there.


The predictable unpredictability of the Premier League is why we love it so much, and why I believe it to be the best league in the world. Tom Short

The Premier League Predictably Unpredictable


Design by Sarah Rathbone


One must say, it does seem unlikely that Leicester will stay at the summit of the table, as well as Chelsea staying in danger of relegation. One thing is for certain, the Premier League will always have its shocks and twists. This season has seen many remarkable triumphs, such as Bournemouth pulling off inspiring consecutive victories against Chelsea and Manchester United, West Ham winning away to Manchester City, Liverpool and Arsenal. Furthermore, teams such as Stoke and Crystal Palace, who haven’t challenged at the top for a number of years, are finding themselves in contention for European Football next year.

Illustration by Dante Attuoni

he unpredictability of football is certainly one of the reasons why many of us love the sport as much as we do. ‘David and Goliath’ stories such as Greece defying the odds to win Euro 2004 and the famous Wimbledon ‘Crazy Gang’ winning the 1990 FA Cup just show how anything can happen in the game.


Shining a Light on: Loughborough Students’ Ultimate

Photography by George Webb

A Frisbee is just something you chuck around in a park, right? Wrong! Ultimate, originally known as Ultimate Frisbee, is a fast-paced and thrilling game and one that is becoming increasingly popular in universities across the UK. Teams are made up of seven players outdoors or five indoors. Ultimate combines relentless running, laser-like throwing and spectacular catching, allied with steely tactical discipline and organised formations to attempt to score points by passing the disc to a team-mate in the opponent’s end zone. Loughborough Students’ Ultimate is one of the most active AU clubs on campus with a wide range of tournaments and practice sessions all year round. Newcomers to Ultimate, as most are when they get to Loughborough, are welcomed enthusiastically. George Webb, Social Sec, remarked that “new players are always in the same boat, which means people develop great friendships off the pitch. We are a tight-knit group, and the social side of the club is great”. The club offers both indoor and outdoor tournaments throughout the year for men, women, beginners, and mixed teams; this gives all members the opportunity to play regularly. Due to the fact that not many people play Ultimate before they get to university, there’s the possibility for talented players to rise quickly through the ranks. Beginners often make the Loughborough AU First team, something that would be unheard of in other sports! Webb stated that “the club’s members have a huge opportunity to progress to the higher levels of the sport. For example, we have had beginners in the past who have gone on to play for Great Britain within a few years of joining”. The club has also started to represent Loughborough in the BUCS leagues, competing for those precious BUCS points and providing players with weekly fixtures in addition to the tournaments that are put on. The various teams, known as ‘Haze’, are some of the strongest in the UK and have enjoyed regular success in recent years. The Women’s first team even became Indoor Nationals Champions in 2014/2015. Even though it may be a lesser-known AU club than some of the more traditional sports, there is no doubt that Loughborough Students’ Ultimate, much like the sport itself, is flying. Whether playing competitively or just for fun, the club has something for everyone, as well as a decent social side of things! Ultimately, Ultimate seems pretty ultimate (sorry!). Rob Godmon

“Loughborough Students’ Ultimate, much like the sport itself, is flying” 39

SPORT 2016 will be another year of sporting delights with various events taking place around the world from Euro 2016 to the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. Here are our 5 major global events for sports lovers in 2016.

This will the 50th edition of the Super Bowl in American football history and the 46th modernera NFL championship game, which will decide the league champion for the 2015 NFL season. The game is scheduled to be played on 7th February, 2016 at Levi’s Stadium in Santa Clara, California, the home stadium of the San Francisco 49ers who were eliminated in Week 14 of the regular season. Early in December it was confirmed that Coldplay will perform the legendary Half-Time Show and the cost of the 30 second commercial break is said to be around $5 million.

The ICC World Twenty 20 is the international championship of cricket’s Twenty20 format. The event is held every second year and the current champions are Sri Lanka. Five tournaments have taken place so far but nobody has won the title more than once. This tournament is organised by the ICC (International Cricket Council), which is cricket’s governing body. All Testplaying nations achieve automatic qualification to the tournament and the remaining places are filled by other ICC members through a qualification tournament. For many pundits, India is the favourite as they are playing on home soil, however it will be a very competitive championship due to the likes of major teams like Australia, Sri Lanka, New Zealand, or even England competing. The final of this event will take place in the Eden Gardens stadium in Kolkata on 13th April.



The Invictus Games is an international Paralympic-style multi-sport event in which wounded, injured, or sick armed services personnel and their associated veterans take part in sports including wheelchair basketball, sitting volleyball, and indoor rowing. The name comes from the Latin word for “undefeated”. The first Invictus Games took place in 2014 at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in London and was inspired by the Warrior Games, a similar event held in the United States. This inaugural tournament was a huge success with many viewers expressing how they were inspired, humbled, and thrilled by the participants. In July, Prince Harry, Patron of Invictus Games Foundation, announced the 2016 Invictus Games will take place between 8th and 12th May at the ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex in Orlando, Florida. This will be the second edition of the Invictus Games.


Illustration by Greg Carter

Design by Aurelija Koerfer

Sporting Preview

Football matches for an entire month over summer? This is heaven for some people and now, due to the increased participation, some of Europe’s smaller teams have the opportunity to show their skills at a major tournament. Five teams secured their firstever qualification to a UEFA European Championship final tournament: Albania, Iceland, Northern Ireland, Slovakia and Wales. Northern Ireland, Slovakia and Wales had each previously competed in the FIFA World Cup, while Albania and Iceland had never participated in a major tournament in their history. The current title holders are Spain, who have won both the previous editions of the EURO Cup. They are therefore one of the favourites for this tournament, however Germany are the current World Cup winners and France have a very young but competitive team. Playing with their home crowd will also give the French a boost. England also have a good chance of winning after staying undefeated during the qualifiers for the tournament.

It’s that time when we all become experts on archery, rowing, or handball and when even nonsporting fans will get involved in some action. The Olympic Games are back this year and they will be held in Rio. More than 10,500 athletes from 206 National Olympic Committees (NOCs) will take part in this sporting event. The games will feature 28 sports - including rugby sevens and golf, which were added by the International Olympic Committee in 2009. These sporting events will take place across 33 venues spread across four regions of the city, namely – Barra, Copacabana, Deodoro, and Maracanã. The opening ceremony will take place in the Maracawnã Stadium on 5 August 2016. Rio will be the first ever South American city to host the Summer Olympics where around 142 nations will compete with each other with the same objective: to win as many gold medals as possible. The two main favourites to top the medal table are China (current leaders) and the USA. However, other nations like Great Britain, Brazil or even Russia are also serious contenders. Amrit Malkani Sports Editor 41

INTERVIEW Label chatted with Anne-Marie Culhane from Fruit Routes to find out about the project.

The first Fruit Route is around 1km long and is on West Campus, near Pilkington Library. It makes for a really lovely 30 minute walk /5 minute jogging circuit. We hear this is a special year for the project, how long have you been running? It’s our 5th anniversary this year! We have involved many students over this time, some of whom still come back to campus after they have left for Fruit Routes events.


We will have a harvest event next October with all sorts of activities including feasting, apple pressing (make your own juice and cider) harvesting trips, walks, Bake Off and celebrations. We are producing a new map so people can learn more about the route and the varieties of apples, pears, plums, apricots, quinces, hazels, walnuts, mulberry, grape, fig, cider apple, almond, cooking apple, pear, damson, plum, greengage, medlar and almond (phew!) and when is the right time to pick them. We are hoping to run a seminar and we’re making a book and a pocket recipe book to celebrate what we have achieved. This sounds like a great project for people to get involved with as something new to try, am I right? Yes! You can get involved in many different ways: pick up a map and go out foraging, come to one of our events, use the Fruit Route for picnics or a place to meet with friends or for campus projects or research, performances or your own events; get involved in harvesting or our annual Campus Fruit Bake Off; get involved as a Fruit Routes buddy; the list goes on – this project is only limited by your imagination as we can also respond to your ideas.

What are the best ways for us to contact you and access the project via social media? Our twitter is @fruitroutes, there is an project blog at www.fruitroutesloughborough.

Find an online map of project on LU Sustainability pages. We have a mailing list too: If your New Year’s resolution is to do something positive for the environment, reduce your carbon footprint, learn about food for free or meet a really interesting bunch of people, Fruit Routes is for you!

Fruit Routes is co-ordinated by artist Anne-Marie Culhane working with the Sustainability Team at LU and LAGS (Landscaping & Gardening Society).

Katie Wilson Label Editor

Photography by Fruit Routes

Fruit Routes is a project for students, staff and local people that involves making the university grounds an edible landscape, which means you can eat your way around campus for free! It is anchored around increasing foraging, food on campus and seasonal and creative events and activities. Fruit Routes has planted several hundred new trees on site that will bear fruit, nuts and berries as well as increasing biodiversity on campus and making a beautiful environment to live and work in. We were delighted to be winners of the Guardian Higher Education Sustainable Project Award in 2014.

That sounds great! What do you plan to do to celebrate this?

Design by Faye Newman

What is fruit routes all about and how can students get involved?


Media Contact

Bryn Wilkes

It’s 2016. We’re in the second term of the academic year and you fancy trying out something new, or maybe you’re interested in building on some skills that you already have? Here are your main contact points within LSU Media, feel free to email us to find out how to get involved, or indeed how we might be able to help cover an event that you’re running.

Dan Leedham

VP Media As your VP Media, I sit on Exec and manage LSU Media as a section.

Chris Moore

Dannielle Jones

Tom Newman

Head of Media Online Technical Production/Support Assistant Head of Media Head of Aura

Design by Theo King

I am Head of Media Online and I am full time LSU staff, my role is to oversee the LSU helping with all production Media website. and technical media needs.

I am Assistant Head of Media and I’m Head of Aura and I my role is to assist VP Media in the manage the commercial running of the section. branch of LSU Media.

Katie Wilson

Martin So

Paul Johnston

I am Label Editor and I manage LSU Media’s official magazine publication, as well as online.

I am Head of Marketing and my role is to manage the way in which we market LSU Media.

I am LCR Station Manager and my role is to oversee LCR, media’s very own radio station.

Jazz Jefferies

Jack Berisford

Ryan Andrews

I am Head of Lens, LSU Media’s photography section, documenting your nights out, sports and events.

I am Chair of Hall Media, overseeing your hall media content and I meet with hall media reps regularly.

I am station manager for LSUTV, our very own student TV station.

Label Editor

Head of Lens

Media Head of Marketing

Chair of Hall Media

LCR Station Manager

LSUTV Station Manager

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