Issue Seven 08. 06. 16
LSU vs HMRC: Update Summer Styling: Label Style Shoot The Pros and Cons of Traveling Solo
The Team Editor - in - Chief Bryn Wilkes Editor Katie Wilson Assistant Editor Leanna Kightley Art Director Greg Carter Assistant Art Director Lewis Allum Chief Photographer Jessica Crean Head of Design Theo King Culture Editors Katherine Hardiman - Alex Jones Features Editors Alice Priestley - Beatrice Quarshie Music Editor James Hullait News Editors Jamie Hutton - Ellie Mackenzie Sport Editors David Boyden - Amrit Malkani Style Editor Natasha Bennett Online Editor Charis Edworthy Hall Media Secretary Craig Searle Head of Marketing and Events Sarina Eugenio - Jade Ledingham
Disclaimer: Label is the publication of Loughborough Students’ Union. The opinions contained are those of individual contributors, not of Loughborough Students’ Union, the editorial team, or any other officer of the union unless otherwise stated. Cover Design by Greg Carter
Contents Editorials 04 - Editorials from the Editor and VP Media News 06 - University Fees to Rise Even Higher? 07 - Will Having Seperate Accommodation for LGBT Individuals Tackle Homophobia and Transphobia at University? So, How Will We All Cope Being Apart? 08 - NUS Referendum Analysis 09 - LSU Vs HMRC: Update 8 Types of Photos In Your Album at the End of the Year Features 10 - Blog, Vog, Jog: What Will you do This Summer? 11 - Applications: What to do if You’re Unsuccessful 12 - Great Nosh Little Dosh: Cocktails 13 - Top Tips on Preparing for Final Year Over Summer 14 - Loughborough Overheard Music 16 - A Moon Shaped Pool: Album Review 17 - James Corden Redefines Interviewing Musicians 18 - The Summer 10 20 - Exec Focus: Jess Excell, Union President 22 - Totty Spotted Culture 24 - The Pros and Cons of Traveling Solo 26 - Loughborough Cineworld: Sink or Swim? 27 - Uncharted 4 Style 30 - Loughborough Summer Styling Style Shoot 34 - Why Fashion is Important 35 - A Story of Three Men Design 36 -Thank You From Label Sport 38 - Shining a Light on Loughborough AU Softball and Baseball 39 - 2015/16’s Top 5 Premier League Moments 40 - Can Chris Froome Win Another Tour De France? Interview 42 - Label Interview with: Jennifer Taylor, Media EO 2016/17 43 - LSU Media Reflections
EDITORIAL The time to write my final editorial as Label Editor has come. I’m sat here wondering where my last year went, but then I realise that this has been possibly the busiest year of my life. No doubt the finalists among you are feeling the exact same, happy, proud to have completed (or nearly completed) your degree, yet also terrified at the prospect of what is to come. “Fear not” they all say, and I guess we shouldn’t, we’ll be graduating from a Top 5 university with statistically the best students’ union in the UK, so we certainly have that to be thankful for. This last term has seen LSU’s first ever Postgraduate election as well as Loughborough’s NUS Referendum which saw the engagement of 2000 students, voting to leave the National Students’ Union. Whether this holds up with the Board of Trustees is yet to come and we’ll seek to keep you informed on this over the last few weeks of term. Whilst there are many serious events going on, it’s also awards season! Saturday evening saw LSU Media volunteers come together to celebrate the work and achievements of the year across all four sections. It’s always so great to see so many people celebrating the efforts that go into their work for their sectionsand you can find out more about the achievements of the sections over the year and the new section heads in this issue!
I’ve had a great year as Editor and I wish the best of luck to next year’s Label committee and LSU Media Senate. New Media EO, Jennifer Taylor gives us an insight into what to expect from next year in an interview. My wonderful friend and current Assistant Editor, Leanna Kightley will take over as the new Label Editor at the end of the year, and I wish her the best of luck for her year ahead. I’m looking forward to seeing the magazine progress even further. I hope you all enjoy the final issue of the year, and as always, please do drop us a tweet with your comments!
Label Editor
Design and Illustration by Gerg Carter
You can also find out more about the possibilities of university fees rising and the NUS Referendum. You can also find out about the technicalities of Loughborough’s brand new Cineworld or read up on solo travelling! This issue brings together everything that’s at the heart of each section of Label, rounding off an exciting year.
Katie Wilson
Very soon, I’ll be coming to the end of a five-year tenure within LSU Media. Three years as a student and two years as an Exec member has left me with more memories than I could fit into an issue of Label, never mind a 400-word editorial. But, it has to be said, the magazine that you currently hold in your hands will always have a special place in my heart. My very first involvement in LSU Media was to report on a rugby match for LCR, just before being asked to write up a report for Label. From contributing regularly, to being named Sport Editor, to writing fifteen editorials as Editor-in-Chief, Label magazine has been a stalwart in my Loughborough experience. Two and a bit years ago, in my first Bubble Debate as a candidate, my two opponents and I were asked about the future of the paper issues of Label, given the spiralling costs and the dominance of digital media. I argued vehemently against cutting back on the length and number of magazines, pointing out that a copy of Label in your kitchen is almost the only way that LSU Media reaches right out to students directly.
Bryn Wilkes VP Media
As you peruse through this beautiful set of pages, I think it’s safe to say that my stance has been vindicated. With only eight issues out annually, there has been a real effort to make each issue an occasion. The design team should be patting themselves on the back, because by that measure, it’s mission accomplished. It wouldn’t be fair to omit a glowing commendation for Katie Wilson, the soon-to-be former Editor. I knew from the moment she submitted her application that this great Loughborough institution was in safe hands. She has encouraged fantastic output from across Label’s sections. She nailed LSU Media’s most crucial period – the Exec Elections. She even gave us a SPANC (Student Publication Association National Conference, if you were wondering). What’s next for Label magazine? In my opinion, you can expect real critical journalism to be the future. It’s been a breakthrough year for one of my original manifesto promises; just look at Jack Berisford’s exposé on LSU’s VAT situation. In a time when more and more students’ union media outlets are being muzzled and subdued, you can expect balanced and fair but probing journalism to flourish in 2016/17. Long live creativity. Long live journalism. Long live Label.
University fees to
rise even higher? The Conservative government recently announced that they plan on allowing university fees to rise above the current £9000 maximum. This controversial decision comes in an attempt to also raise the quality of education in degree courses. The best universities will be charging their students more as what they are receiving as a result is worth more. The government believes adding this competition to universities will help them to improve. The most noticeable change in this idea is that private universities will gain more prominence.
It’s hard not to see this as a move towards elitism. If the higher universities are the most expensive they will attract the wealthiest of society. It is also seems to be heading towards a moneymaking scheme rather than an attempt to educate us. The privatisation of education seems to be another way to make the richest richer and ignore the needs of the average population. Their claims to want to improve education standards are undermined by the proposal private institutions will be allowed to charge such ludicrous prices for worthless degrees. There is definitely the risk that students will be ripped off by this privatisation and competitive university market. It is not as though current university standards are stagnant they are always looking to expand and improve. As students we know the struggles of uni financially at the current price- let alone higher tuition fees to worry about.
‘No one will be able to afford it! We have so much debt!’ - Michele McNally
‘The raise is going to make society more elitist again’ - Armelle McGeachie
There is no way students are going to find another price raise in fees encouraging. It is such a competitive job market in the graduate world and to be facing the prospect of an even bigger pile of debt is not welcoming. It makes sense for the government to want to increase the standard of education as we face competition from other countries. But the increase in fees seems a punishment to the people actually trying to achieve an education. In order for the system to work the smartest people should be attending the best universities not the richest. Is it really in student’s interest to face even more crippling debt? The recent correlation between stress and mental health issues and student debt definitely propose it is not in the interests of the individual student to have a higher tariff put on their degree cost. Emma Morgan
Design and Illustration by Gerg Carter
This has been a very controversial reveal as the Tories have always been adamant they would not make students pay more! This has been fuelled as recently a letter from George Osborne stating his dislike of the initial cost of university of £3000 has been released. He himself called it unfair to put a ‘tax on learning’ and this somewhat undermines the idea of putting up tuition fees further.
When I spoke to a few students it was obvious this idea is not popular.
COLUMN Will having s e p a r a t e accommodation for LGBT individuals tackle homophobia and transphobia at So, how will we all University? cope being
Controversy has arose as to whether every university in the UK should follow Birmingham University’s stride in opening LGBT only accommodations to tackle discrimination. Whilst this adjustment is highlighting acceptance and awareness, it is however creating a huge separation barrier. By isolating those individuals who are LGBT, it will not prevent homophobia or transphobia but instead show a portrayal of difference. We as a society should not be enforcing isolation but instead be creating a culture whereby every individual feels safe and accepted anywhere. Having a specific hall for those who are LGBT will result in categorisation and will only strengthen the need to label an individual as LGBT rather than just as a human being. This victimisation will not solve problems and could enhance difficulty in interaction. Because an individual is LGBT it also shouldn’t mean that they have to surround themselves with others amongst the same preference. Even if universities decide to proceed with this decision it doesn’t guarantee that the individual will feel more secure or will get on better with someone who has the same sexual interest as someone who doesn’t. If universities continue to create specific halls, then who knows how far this could go? Before we know it there could be separate halls based on race or religion… Rather than creating segregated halls, the university should consider adding a suggestion box whereby the individual can stipulate whether they would like to be placed in a hall with someone else who adopts a similar sexuality preference. The idea of university is not to divide but to in fact unite people together regardless of race, age, religion or sexuality! Abbey Gardner
This time of year is a strange one. Exams are in full swing, so the atmosphere around campus is totally dead. Totally. Dead. But, of course, for ALL the excitement about summer. Reminds me of that classic moment in High School Musical 2 where they all go “summer, summer, summer” you know the bit? Thought so. For those of you coming back next year, I promise you, you’ll be away for approximately two weeks and then NEED to come back. There is a certain magnetism to this campus, and the people you meet here, and no amount of sun and summer festivals will change that. But some of us aren’t coming back, and that’s going to be hard to take [she types, weeping]. Those of you leaving, I salute you. You’ve successfully negotiated (at least) three years on this glorious plane of existence and you’ve grown up. You are, like, actual adults now. I, however, have not quite done with this place. Say hello to your new Label Editor! Yep, I’m sticking around to fill your studenty brains with all things Label for another year and I cannot wait. So, with THAT to look forward to I leave you to go forth and conquer the summer with three pieces of advice. 1. Don’t be disgruntled when house parties at home aren’t quite the same as the parties here; your hometown isn’t quite as epic as your local common room. 2. This is not the end, this is just the beginning. Reunions are so much more fun than the mundane, day to day experience of bumping into each other in the kitchen. And 3. Have a flipping ball. Leanna, out **mic drop** (for now). Leanna Kightley Label Assistant Editor 7
NUS Referendum Analysis As you’re probably already aware the results of the NUS referendum are out and they may have been a little unexpected. There was no clear winner so now the decision has been given to the Board of Trustees who, at the time of writing, is yet to decide. Here’s a breakdown of the results. 4000 votes were needed in total to make the result constitutionally binding. Of the 2162 votes cast there were 94 people who chose to abstain and to hand the decision over to the Board of Trustees to decide. There were a total of 1175 people voted to leave the NUS while 893 people cast their votes to remain in the NUS. Having a closer look at these figures, many have seen a turnout of 2162 as significantly lower than expected. This could perhaps be down to the timing of the referendum, it coming at a time when most students are more concerned with coursework hand-ins or revising for exams. The stress of this academic period may have meant that, for most students the referendum simply went under their radar or, when the day to vote 8
finally came, most thought that it wasn’t a priority. It is the low turnout that has in part lead to the decision being led to the decision being handed over to the board of trustees. Out of the 25,833 students that could have voted in the referendum the Board now have to decide if the 1175 people who voted to leave are enough to implement the decision. If the political protests following last year’s general election are anything to go by, it may in fact not be. Now onto the results themselves, which show 54.35% of voters voting to leave the NUS and 41.30% to stay in the NUS. The campaigning from both sides had been strong and, if social media was to be believed, then a majority of students seemed in favour of staying in the NUS. There also never appeared to be a general animosity towards the NUS at large in the student body, in fact, most students seem to only mention the NUS in regard to their student discount. So why the loss on the day?
This could be down to simply that voting for change might inspire more people to go out and vote. During the maelstrom of exams and coursework, perhaps students who wanted things to stay the same did not have the same motivation to go out and vote. This reasoning however throws into questioning the 97 who voted to abstain, and voted to have their vote given to someone else. Of course, the decision to hand your vote over to an elected official is a popular one and one of the many arguments against referendums of this sort. At the moment it remains unclear whether the Board will vote with or against the student body but for now they (or at least some) have spoken. Whatever the outcome, let’s hope that student engagement in these matters continues to grow. Jamie Hutton News Editor
Update Loughborough Students’ Union last week appeared in court against HMRC over the payment of £1.2 million of VAT. Since 2009 LSU has been taking advantage of VAT exemption measures benefiting the union. However, two years ago HMRC changed their position on students’ unions eligibility for this tax concession. In a previous ruling it was ruled that LSU and four other unions did not qualify for this, with a four-year retrospective effect. LSU, along with four other students’ unions, appeared in court appealing the previous court decision. However, on Wednesday 18th a new barrister had to be appointed due to the previous barrister still being engaged in a separate fraud case. The newly appointed barrister when researching the case noted that European law had not been considered into the case. James Bowker, VP Finance and Commercial Services, told Label that LSU’s council argued to the tribunal that European law had not been taken into consideration for this matter and should be considered, especially surrounding Loughborough and Keele’s case on the promotion of fundraising activities.
Design by Gerg Carter
However, HMRC argued that they were not ready to dispute this and therefore wanted to defer the case until their council had taken European law into consideration. As a result, the court decided to adjourn the case for six months, allowing both councils to present their new arguments, incorporating European law and provide a balanced case to be put forward to the tribunal. Label will endeavor to keep you updated with any new developments. More information surrounding the case can also be found at Jack Berisford Head of Hall Media
8 types of photos in your album at the end of the year Selfie from one of those many unproductive sessions in the library. You are possibly pulling the duck face. The photo is saved because you acknowledge that was one of the few days where you actually looked presentable. Plus, lighting was ‘on fleek’.
Mugshot of one of your closest friends, potentially eating savagely or caught in a very questionable situation. A picture of your room when it was either extremely messy or incredibly clean. This was probably sent to your parents to show them how much you can survive with or without their help.
That one ‘friend’ who you don’t know and is stood next to you in a cheeky photo from FND. You attempt to open up their Facebook profile to recall who they are. Just before you begin your search, you remember you don’t even know their name. By final year, this person becomes a ‘random’.
Awkward photo of you in Papa Si’s with whatever greasy delicacies you’re treating your body with. If you don’t have one of these that means you have several in your album because Papa Si’s is your go to. A handful of memes that you recycle throughout the year. You always use them in group chat to create the false pretence that you’re actually witty.
A screenshot of one exciting conversation that you basically shared with everyone to show that your banter/ flirting is on point.
A picture of your word count of your essay. You sort of question yourself at this point because it low-key annoys when others do this and you essentially acknowledge you’re a bit of a hypocrite. It’s okay though, you swiftly delete the photo. Out of sight, out of mind.
Asli Jensen 9
What will you do this summer?
Whether you are graduating, finished your first year or are preparing for a placement year, you are going to want to start your summer the right way. So here are some ideas to help you plan an unforgettable summer: Interrailing is still all the hype Who would have thought a holiday consisting solely of traveling by train to foreign countries could be such a hit? Buy a ticket and visit the places you have only heard of from Eurovision. For a few weeks or even months, you could be carousing through Croatia, segwaying across Serbia, racing through Romania with just enough time to tan in Turkey before returning home. Top Tip to take with on your travels: before you start choo chooing across Europe, it’s always polite to learn the basics of a country’s native language.
Festivals: here, there, everywhere For DBE lovers out there why not branch out to Bedouin Beach Club in Newquay this summer for three days of beach, BBQs, beautiful music and Bedouin. The real hidden gem of the festival cash cow is ‘Lost Village’ hailing in the deep bush of Lincolnshire. With Ben Klock, Joy Orbison and Heidi, Jackmaster just some of the names on this year’s DJ lineup I think a trek to Lincolnshire is well worthwhile. Don’t forget Hideout in Croatia and my personal favourite Belgium’s ‘Tomorrowland’… there really is no party like a European party.
Work, Work, Work, Work … Work Maybe you fancy turning your summer into a time of self-betterment and refining those entrepreneurial skills of yours. Summer jobs and summer internships are a worthwhile way of spending your summer making money, while gaining valuable experience. Challenge your inner hustler.
Social Media: it’s all the rage If Jack and Finn can do it, why can’t you? Why not use the summer to try your hand at blogging or vlogging, it can be great way to try new things with your friends and you never know - you might even get paid for it. Indulge You’ve spent forty odd weeks balancing lectures, hangovers from Stuesdays, seminars, hangovers from Hey Ewe, presentations, hangovers from FND, you deserve a break! Whatever you do this summer, enjoy it, because it only happens once a year. Whether you’re sunning on a tropical island, camping in a muddy field or reading a book, make every day an adventure. Beatrice Quarshie Features Editor 10
Applications: What to do if you’re unsuccessful The dreaded question every finalist hears three times a day: ‘what are you going to do next year?’. Filling out countless applications only to discover you were unsuccessful or didn't get a response from the company you applied to, you begin to question what it is you’re actually going to do. Although the future after graduation seems fated with applications and interviews, remember the world is your oyster.
Failure is inevitable. You'll fill out numerous applications before you get a reply, let alone an interview. Don’t be disheartened; the trick is to try again. Try adding more detail to your applications or providing more evidence of experience. Remember to include how the experience has helped you and what skills you gained that will be useful for the job you’re applying for. If you are interested in a career you have little experience in, seeking work experience in that field will strengthen your application. When preparing for an interview, be sure to plan potential responses, be confident and show your interest in the role.
Design and Illustration by Aarushi Mittal
Having a degree in a specific subject area doesn’t mean it is the only career field you can enter. Completing a degree shows knowledge, commitment, and diligence. It contains many desirable qualities all employers seek. Therefore, it might be worth applying for jobs that interest you but didn’t initially think you would be able to apply for. A lot of people with degrees end up entering a career that has little relevance to their degree. Obviously, if the job specification requires particular qualifications you do not have then there’s probably not much point in applying unless you’re planning on achieving those qualifications.
TRAVELLING Working straight after university isn’t the only option. Sometimes a break from studying and learning is essential and the gap between graduating and going into the working world is the perfect time for you to go travelling and explore the world. Find a job you can earn and save enough money to go travelling; visit the places you’ve always dreamt of going to. After all, you will be working for the next 50 years or more. Have a look at our culture article to see more about travelling solo!
Wherever life after university takes you, don’t panic, enjoy the ride, your path will find you. Abbey Gardner 11
Great news everyone: summer has finally arrived! It’s time to say goodbye to the whiskey and mulled wine, and say hello to the margaritas and frozen daiquiris. If you’re looking for some ‘drinkspiration’, here are two summer cocktails that you won’t want to miss out on. You won’t be able to resist! Photography by Hannah Mclaren
Jameson Whiskey and Ginger Ale 2 shots of Whiskey 1 slice of lime Ginger Ale Serve on ice in a Straight Tumbler If you’re not quite ready to say goodbye to your whiskey, because let’s be honest — nobody ever is, a Jameson Whiskey and Ginger Ale cocktail is there perfect summer solution for you Offering a refreshing twist to the typical ‘fruity summer cocktail’, a Jameson Whiskey and Ginger Ale is both original and timeless.
Skiwasser 2 cl Lemon Juice 2 cl Raspberry Syrup 1 shot of Vodka (optional) Sparkling Water or Soda Water Serve in a Collins Glass with a slice of lemon The primary appeal of a Skiwasser is its simplicity, it’s easy to make on a lazy summers’ day. On top of that, it can either be made alcoholic or non-alcoholic. A Skiwasser is refreshing, sweet, and tangy. Perfect to sip on in the summer by the pool. You can also add raspberries as decorations if you want to go all out!
Arianna Rossi
Top Tips on Preparing for Final Year over SUMMER
Once more, the academic year has seemed to fly past your eyes in about 2 seconds. Now approaching the end of your second year, you find yourself asking: ‘how did I get here?’ and ‘now I must actually work?’. I’m afraid so, yep. Rather than leisurely doing the favoured task of nothing over the summer, it is sadly the prime time to get a head start for your last ever year of university – and most important one might I add. Here are some top tips from Label on how to prepare for your final year:
Design and Illustration by Theo King
Read By getting ahead with reading, you’ll save yourself so much time and stress, and you won’t have the difficulty in choosing what to take to the beach. Do yourself the favour by checking out the reading lists for your modules before you leave for summer, and ordering any books which may be of use – you never know, you might have already read them! Research Diving headfirst into a load of new modules having little or no clue what they’re about isn’t the best way to go. Even if it’s just familiarising yourself with the Learn page, having some background knowledge on the subject will not only make you more prepared, but more likely to enjoy the module. If you can’t muster the energy to pick up any books, then just stick on the film versions! Dissertation Organisation This is the ‘big ‘un’ of the summer work, and should take up most of your study time over your time off. Many students regret not using the time to research, read around or even look into other areas for their dissertation and end up starting their final year rather stressed and confused. If you still don’t have a clue on what to do, summer is the time to be figuring this out. Take some time in the day to brainstorm ideas of anything that may interest you, read around the subject and an idea will eventually pop into your head. Have fun with it Don’t forget that summer is the time to relax, too! Giving your brain a bit of a break is what we all need, but as long as you keep a few cogs going, then it won’t be too much of a shock to the system when you do come back to uni.
Alice Priestley Features Editor 13
First Ever Postgraduate Executive Officer Elected
“Am I a Prince fan? No! I support the living!” “Very filling aren’t they, Magnums? I feel like I’m eating a full meal!”
Recently you’ll have seen some campaign material from LSU’s two Postgrad EO Candidates on why they should be voted into the new Executive position to represent Postgraduates next year. It’s been a short and quieter campaign period to what we’re used to, but after two days of voting, the results are in. George Hones won, receiving 461 votes, whilst Cathy received 113, leaving RON with 34 votes. George “Game of” Hones campaigned all week for the Loughborough vote and his manifesto states that he will work to provide greater summer services for those students in Loughborough during the holiday period. He also seeks to provide some pre-arrival information to new students as well as providing a more personal approach to engaging with PG students. George’s final point focuses on working with Loughborough in London and working closely with the London Committee to provide greater opportunities for involvement for students there and to provide an all round, good quality student experience. Although voter engagement was a lot lower than we normally expect in a Loughborough Campus-Wide election, it is clear that the ones who did vote are more likely to have engaged fully with the ideas and debates surrounding the candidates, taking the time to vote for who they genuinely think will do the best job. The voting shows that this wasn’t too close a call and the engaged voters have chosen their winner by a clear margin. Katie Wilson Label Editor 14
@DoSS_Lboro May 13 Good piece setting out clearly how the referendum and campaigning will work. Strong work again @labelonline @labelonline May 10 Label’s SPANC Core Team have been shortlisted for the Team #LEA award! Very excited and proud! @leannakightley May 10 Interesting to see that 81% of those the @lborouniversity #EUandYou debate want to stay, thanks @_katiejw @labelonline for super coverage @VPMedia_LSU May 1 Thanks to all of the current and former students who made @lsumedia Alumni Weekend a success, we’ve ended up with some great content!
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Album Review A Moon Shaped Pool A lot has happened in the five years since The King of Limbs, a somewhat laboured production which lacked the acute emotional impetus and assured sonic vision which carries their new album. Several members have embarked on solo adventures and Jonny Greenwood of particular relevance to this release has made his mark on the contemporary classical music scene enlisting the talents of the London Contemporary Orchestra. Long-time producer, Nigel Godrich lost his father; he is to Radiohead as the late Sir George Martin was to the Beatles and his mournful presence is felt in many of the immaculately mixed and mastered downbeat tracks. Inevitably, it is Thom’s split with his partner of 23 years which most haunts this album; themes of loss and acceptance are burned into its tissue, and reach a quiet zenith at the album’s close, True Love Waits. That’s not to say that this is a “break-up” album. As on all their records, Radiohead travel those perilous but exhilarating mountain roads and low suffocating caverns of the human heart, those places we both crave and fear, and they meet us there with the embrace of an old friend. They move seamlessly from nail-biting neurosis and digital age paranoia to solemn serenity in the opening two tracks, a whole spectrum of human feeling is made as natural as breathing, like walking through an open door. “We are just happy to serve, happy to serve you”, a line that captures the spirit of this record, a devotion sighed among swirling ambience, orchestral flourishes and Thom’s sombre piano line.
The kind of track that might otherwise have been alienating on previous records is Ful Stop. The song is among the band’s best electronic work but avoids the often distancing effect of purely synthesised sound, grounded by live guitars, drum and bass for an earthier, more intimate quality. Present Tense is a throwback to In Rainbows with joyous finger-picking acoustics and glorious vocal harmonies.“Distance, it’s like a weapon, of self-defence, against the present tense”, Thom vocalising the song’s (and the whole album’s) insistence on the moment, this ever-present instance that contains all reality. On The Numbers, a chugging call to arms that sounds like something by Led Zep or Springsteen until Jonny scythes through the song with the string section, Thom proclaims “the future is inside us, it’s not somewhere else”. Again, crystallising the human experience from the abstract to the immediate, the here and now, held in our hands. Ultimately A Moon Shaped Pool is quintessential Radiohead. It is a delight for existent fans but those who’ve tried and failed in the past are unlikely to be emphatically won over here. For newcomers, this is perhaps among their most accessible records. It is dense and rich with ideas and sounds and new things to discover with every listen. Most importantly, it is one of their most achingly human albums, every note invested with heart and hope for a connection. Alex Boyd
James Corden Redefining Interviewing Musicians
Design and Illustration by Emily Forrester
If you haven’t heard about James Corden’s Carpool videos yet, you have most definitely been missing out! Aside from being a fantastic interviewing method, Corden’s videos offer an unprecedented form of entertainment, great laughs and a one of a kind insight into celebrity lives. The videos are created as spoofs, whereby famous singers and songwriters have decided to carpool to work with James Corden. During the ride, James chats and jokes with his guests, taking constant breaks to sing along to their biggest hits and, often, to their hilarious throwbacks (for example: Baby with Justin Bieber and Jenny from the Block with Jennifer Lopez). The chats are informal interviews discussing the star’s life, career, and current endeavours. They give the audience a chance to understand stars from a more ‘personal perspective’. As these videos are shot in a casual setting, driving around celebrity studded cities such as Los Angeles and London, they are incredibly effective in giving off a laid back and accessible vibe rather than an air of inaccessibility, as is often the case with formal interviews. More often than not, James will prank his guests or make a stop along the way to engage in funny activities that have some connection with the guest’s lives. A great example of this is when he and Iggy Azalea, who is soon to be wed, stopped to try on wedding gowns together; and yes, James tried them on too! Another is when he took country singer Carrie Underwood shopping for cowboy boots and much to
her amusement, freaked out at their exorbitant price tags. The most notable example, however, is from his carpool video with Jennifer Lopez, where he texted Leonardo DiCaprio from her phone and received a hilarious response. This prank of his recently went viral, showing how effectively James’ methods of spicing up his videos to make them one of a kind are, and how positively his efforts are received by the public. Another thing James does quite frequently in his carpool videos, is show off his impressive vocals by singing along to his guests songs. He always manages to impress his guests. He even shocked Adele with his amazing harmonies on Hello, rendering her speechless during their drive around London. James is not only a fantastic host and television personality, but also a very talented vocalist.
Overall, it must be said that James Corden’s carpool videos are fantastic. James is able to be goofy enough to good-naturedly make fun the stars (and himself) without being offensive, subtly extrapolate interesting information from his guests without sounding intrusive or invasive, and is able to make each video unique through his array of jokes and pranks. If you haven’t watched any yet, you should marathon them right now, because through his videos, James Corden is redefining and revolutionising the term ‘interview’, and you don’t want to miss out on that. Arianna Rossi
The Summer 10
It’s nearly the end of another year in Loughborough, and with the ink drying on those exam papers, and the printers cooling from throwing out multiple sheets of coursework, now really is the time to start looking ahead.
With lazy days of sunshine, drinking very much on the cards and all thoughts of university work put firmly on the shelf for summer, here’s a look at 10 tracks you need to be listening to in the coming months. Chilled vibes and up and coming classics, the list caters for all, so sit back, relax, and turn it all the way up!
Magnetised – Tom Odell
Late Night Swimming – Anna Straker Released early May, Late Night Swimming is a track made for a summer in the city. Produced, written and recorded by Anna, she takes the ever in vogue synth pop sound to new heights. Having already laid down backing vocals for Years & Years and Rudimental, the latest offering from the London born singer songwriter is hypnotic and heady; a listening to this one is a definite must.
7 – Catfish and the Bottlemen
Following in the footsteps of alternative music giants, The 1975, Catfish have been taking over the indie music scene for the past year. Coming off the back of their acclaimed debut The Balcony and follow up single Soundcheck, 7 is the perfect track for a loud and proud sweltering party. Forget the sunshine here; this is all about a heated sticky night.
One Dance – Drake
Sampling sounds from afrobeat and dancehall, One Dance is smooth from start to finish. Fresh as always, Drake’s track is a sure fire dance floor filler; east to west, north to south, the single will be played over and over this summer. Crooning on the mic, One Dance is easy listening, perfect for the bright sunlight months ahead.
Design by Vanisha Mistry
After setting the music world alight back in 2012 with Another Love, the English singer-songwriter is back with what can only be described as a rip roaring pop banger. Straying from his usual sound, Magnetised is upbeat and electronic, squeezing out the acoustics for a rather more anthemic fervour. Bound to be played across the festival circuit, we wait with bated breath to see what else Odell has in store for us this summer.
White Tiger – Izzy Bizu Very much in the realm of Corrine Bailey Rae’s soul classic Put Your Records On, Izzy Bizu’s White Tiger is the ultimate sunshine song. A viral success thanks to its feature on recent TV adverts, and with its seamless fusion of pop and contemporary R&B, this is the one for relaxed afternoons in the pub, or simply lying in the sunshine, thanking the sun Gods that exams are over.
Somebody Else – The 1975 Featuring on their second album, I Like It When You Sleep... The 1975 are back with another 80s inspired track. Unlike their previous releases, Somebody Else tones down the brash in your face beats for something far more melancholy. A 5 minute dreamscape of song, this is Matty Healy and co. stripped back to synth pop perfection. A sultry slow jam, this really is the track for a hopefully, scorching summer.
Sleeping In A Car
- The Staves
Written to “reflect the transient nature of travelling” it seems as though Sleeping In A Car was created for all sorts of summer trips, from interrailing across Europe to hitchhiking to the nearest festival. Achingly tender, the track feels like a break from the everyday, offering a quiet moment of reflection and solitude.
Illustration by Bee Wain
I Wanna Be – Katy B Returning in 2016 with her third album Honey, Katy B is the go-to girl for pulsing house and UK garage. With numerous dance floor hits already in her locker, it comes as no surprise that I Wanna Be, the latest single from the Peckham born artist, is another clubclassic. Featuring producer Chris Lorenzo, this track is slick house music at its best.
In Common – Alicia Keys It’s been a while since the R&B superstar that is Alicia Keys released any new music, but with summer on the horizon, she’s delivered just in time. Catchy from start to finish, In Common sees Ms Keys take a different direction musically. Tropical and fresh, the track samples modern electronic beats and Latin vibes, making it a prime candidate for any summer soundtrack.
The Less I Know The Better – Tame Impala Although released back in 2015, The Less I Know The Better is still the perfect track for those blue sky days and dusky orange nights. Featuring enough gentle synths and buzzing guitars to lull you into a dream like state, the repetitive whimsical disco beat is flush and smouldering. Psychedelic, luscious and oozing, the song is summer personified.
Emily Harrison 19
EXEC FOCUS Interview with
Jess Excell Union President
There are some days when you have an inbox of 200+ emails, back to back meetings and a million issues to sort out in the Union that you just feel like crumbling but that is what sets apart a good leader from a great leader – stay calm, composed and confident. This role is always under pressure, but you learn to thrive of the excitement. Jon will be brilliant though, I have no doubt about it.
What are your plans over your last few weeks in office? The year is definitely not over yet and there are still many things for me to achieve. Firstly, I have the Loughborough Experience Awards on 14th June which is undergoing immense planning but I am excited to celebrate our exceptional students. Secondly, I have a number of high profile dinners and events to attend and speak at, including an Alumni Dinner at the National Gallery. I am also organising handover for Jon, so he feels comfortable stepping into the role.
Contact me Twitter: @President_LSU Facebook: LSUPresident Email: 20
I am not sure I can choose just one! I have thoroughly enjoyed every step of this year from accepting the What Uni Students Union of the Year Award from Jimmy Carr to being crowned the leader of the Times Higher Student Experience to appearing live on BBC News on A-Level Results Day. I have had many amazing experiences; this job is incredible and I wouldn’t change it for the world. What’s the highlight of the year as an Exec team? There has been many huge highlights for us as a team this year, and I have been so proud of everything we have achieved together. I have three favourite moments; one is the Freshers period as it was it when we truly came together as a team and supported one another, one is working hard to achieve a Postgraduate Executive Officer position and the other is the effective expansion of the Better Decisions campaign to encompass drugs. It was a sensitive and difficult topic to address but we did so with great success.
There’s no doubt that this has been a great year for you, Jess, and we wish Jonathan good luck! Katie Wilson Label Editor
Illustration by Greg Carter
What has been the highlight of the year for you?
Design by Lewis Allum
Any top tips for Jonathan Ako (Union President 2016/17)?
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Photography by Till Sieberth 22
Design by Lewis Allum 23
Design by Hannah Mclaren
Photography by Jack Berisford
‘What you going to do when you graduate?’
For those nearing graduation this year, the above question has no doubt come up in conversation. On the one hand, you want a job to kick-start your career and on the other, taking time off before becoming a ‘real’ adult is mouthwateringly attractive. So, who can think of a better way to spend that time off than travelling the world? With the eye-roll-worthy climate that graces the UK every summer, you may feel like getting away from it all and ‘broadening your horizons’. Luckily, there are limitless options for you: Camp America, teaching English in Thailand, staying with someone overseas, interrailing or perhaps a weekend city break. Then comes the question of who to go with… but what if I told you to go alone? What happens if, by chance, you want to go somewhere exotic, somewhere new, but you either don’t have anyone to go with or you just don’t want to be burdened by someone else. Never fear! Solo travelling is definitely on the cards for you. It can be as exhilarating as it is, frankly, terrifying, but don’t write it off just yet. Here are some pros and cons for you to mull over… Pro: Meeting People Whether you like it or not, we live in a world where being alone isn’t possible for long. My advice? Book a hostel. If you’re only staying one night, you can get away with a simple hello without needing to explain your life story. However, if you stay longer, be prepared to branch out. Hostels are amazing friend generators if you haven’t seen ‘The Inbetweeners 2’, and they can be places where you meet some of the best friends you’ve ever had. Book early on a popular site like HostelWorld but make sure to do your homework. Most people in hostels are solo travellers just like you, but I haven’t traveled alone without meeting my fair share of weirdos, so keep valuables in a locked safe and don’t trust too quickly, but also open up and be yourself. If you’re a smoker,
buy a packet and strategically ‘forget’ your lighter so when you go to the smoking area you can ask for one and strike conversation-starting gold. If not, chat to others at breakfast and invite your roommates out for dinner to get to know each other instead! Remember, everyone is in the same boat, and never during my 3 week backpacking trip around the U.S was anyone rude to me. Be open and kind, and in no time at all, you’ll have international connections for life. Con: Feeling Lonely: Overthinking, Overwhelmed Aside from the glamorous perception some have of ‘going it alone’, just like anything, there are negatives. Main feelings you will possibly encounter are vulnerability and homesickness. Travelling solo is difficult, it’s rewarding and fun but it can be tiring emotionally as well as psychically and just as every experience is unique, so too will be your set of feelings. I’m not saying you’re going to fall into a deep depression because after all, travelling solo is something you sign yourself up for, but in every travellers life there are moments when you contemplate whether you’re doing the right thing. Allow this moment to happen; try to embrace the nature of being human. Perhaps FaceTime your family and friends or just be with the way you are feeling and know that it will pass. You’re not going to want to be with people constantly, and that’s the point of solo travelling, which brings me onto my final point… Pro: Being Free To Just ‘Do You’… We’ve all had it, the time when you cannot stand being around another human being. If like me you are part extrovert, part introvert, then you will have a craving to be alone at some point and that is the absolute beauty of travelling with yourself. Just as much as it works in your favor for meeting new people, if you want to get away from it all you have time to just do you. One of my Australian traveller friends told me that during her few months around Europe backpacking, she became tired of staying in hostels every night and so, with some spare cash she booked herself into a hotel to be alone and breathe. Upon arriving the hotel even told her that her room had been taken due to a system error, so she’d have to stay in a luxury suite instead! Does that sound like the world rewarding you for hostel-hopping or what? If you’re contemplating solo travel, if it’s to Paris for the day or a month interrailing around Europe, overall I’d definitely recommend taking the plunge! New friends, new experiences and a new outlook - despite how gap-yah that may sound - go fourth and release your inner traveller, and I’m sure you’ll never look back. James Hullait Label Music Editor 25
Loughborough Cineworld: Sink or Swim?
Even the small 39-seat screen has a huge viewing platform and massive amounts of legroom. The seats are comfortable, I don’t think anyone is tall enough to block your view and the screen itself is slightly curved and perforated to allow sound to pass through it uninterrupted. The final thing of note was that the film projection window is high enough that you should never have to deal with the infuriating moment when someone’s shadow creeps on screen as they get up to go to the toilet during a film again, which I think we can all agree is a major bonus. Moving onto the projection room, it’s a long room with 3 projectors in for 3 different screens. Some are equipped for 3D and some aren’t but they are all the same base model, the Barco 2K-19b. These projectors are made for screens up to 19m wide, more
than enough for even the biggest screen here (14.4m) to screen high-quality motion picture. The other amazing thing in this room is the sound racks for each screen containing processors and amplifiers to make sure you never miss a sound effect. All of this equipment can be automated, including the lighting and the turning on and off the projectors. Once a week new films will be copied to the central server in the central office where playlists, trailers and other elements that make up your general cinematic experience are made. These playlists are then scheduled onto the screens using a TMS (theatre management system), and, if there are no issues, the projectors can then pretty much run themselves for the entire week, so you can see why the projectionist profession has almost become extinct. I for one am even more excited to have this cinema in Loughborough now having seen their technical set up. You no longer have to gamble when it comes to getting a decent screen like you do with Odeon, and because of that I’d say that Cineworld’s here for the long haul. Sam Hill
Design and Illustration by Emily Anagnostopoulou
On May 17th, I was lucky enough to be invited to the launch event of the new Cineworld in Baxter Gate. The highlight for me was the technical tour. We got to see all 3 sizes of screen, a projection room and ask questions about the technical set up of the cinema to the General Manager, Phil Jones.
Having played the majority of publisher Naughty Dog’s games since 1996, I’ve watched them grow up. Their products follow a similar pattern to that of a child: ‘Crash Bandicoot’ and ‘Jak and Daxter’ were fun but simple and the original three Uncharted games were like the adrenaline pumped teenage years. Then ‘The Last of Us’ arrived, a more mature, refined game that placed the emphasis on storytelling rather than action, and provided an emotional depth that gaming had thus far lacked. It was a masterpiece. This May saw the release of Naughty Dog’s first PS4 exclusive game: ‘Uncharted 4’. Plagued with delays, this was Sony’s flagship game and despite the PS4’s success, ‘Uncharted 4’ needed to be the console’s crowning achievement - it is. The final Uncharted game is the culmination of everything Naughty Dog has learned over their lifetime. Taking place a number of years after the events of ‘Uncharted 3’, Nathan Drake has settled down with wife Eleanor to lead a normal life. A normal life, that is, until his brother, presumed dead during an escape from a Panamanian jail, turns up alive and well on his doorstep. This snowballs into an adventure to find pirate gold and, as Indiana Jones would say, ‘Fortune and Glory.’ Yet Drake isn’t totally the old Drake that we knew and loved. Sure, he’s still the wise-cracking smartarse, but he’s more nuanced. There’s an inner turmoil within his heart, and a central theme of the game is his character tackling the feelings towards his rip-roaring past, and the future with the woman he loves. This isn’t just an action game. It isn’t an adventure game either, although the trek across the globe searching for Captain Avery’s treasure is exhilarating. Instead, ‘Uncharted 4’ is a game about love, loss, and learning when to let go. It combines the storytelling and characterisation of ‘The Last of Us’ with the excitement of previous Uncharted titles seamlessly and when it comes to an end, the story has been so perfectly told that you’ll understand why there can be no more adventures with Nathan Drake. It’s both heart-breaking and uplifting at the same time – the perfect bittersweet ending to a character with almost unanimous admiration among his fans.
On a technical level, ‘Uncharted 4’ is the best looking game ever (in my humble opinion). I frequently gasped at the photorealism of the environments, and the motion-caption of the lead characters adds a huge amount of depth to their emotions. The game is so beautiful that I had to turn it off after I became tired because my eyes started hurting under the strain of trying to pick out meticulous detail that the design team had created. Gameplay-wise, it’s more of the same. Drake now has a rope to swing across to otherwise unreachable places, and you can combine this with punching enemies in the face which is pretty cool. The set pieces, however, are completely insane and rival the ‘Locomotion’ level from ‘Uncharted 2’ and jumping from a cargo plane into the desert in ‘Uncharted 3’. After ‘The Last of Us’, I didn’t think I would play a more perfect game. I was very wrong. Oh, and if you make it through ‘Chapter 4: A Normal Life’ as a fan of the series without weeping uncontrollably at its perfection then you’re a stronger man than I. Alex Jones Culture Editor
Loughborough Students’ Union Launches New Website Following many months of planning and years of discussion and anticipation, LSU has a brand new website! Whilst this has been a manifesto point for many Executive members over the past few years, logistically, it has not been able to happen. Under the Executive roles and amongst their various other points to complete on top of duties that come naturally with their jobs, developing the website has not necessarily been a key aspect. This year, following student discussions and many meetings and planning amongst union staff, the website is now up and running as of 1st June. As statistically one of the best students’ unions in the UK, the union now has a website to match its award winning societies and student experience to effectively complete the package. The website works well on mobile devices, as well as featuring much simpler categorisation of union sections, associations and groups. Whilst the old LSU website featured a grey, slightly distracting background, the new website sits on a clean white background with easy to find sections, services and events. Memberships for things such as halls, societies and other purchases will all be featured in one category and be much easier to navigate than previously, where you would often require the link to find the correct page. Label previously reported on the plans for the new site following a student consultation meeting. In that, VP Union Affairs, Max Crawford proved to be working hard to facilitate student involvement with the new site and gain as many opinions on the plans as possible. Alongside the work of many other union members of staff, this has led to where we are today, with a brand new site, ready for the new Executive when they start their roles in July and for new students come the next academic year. The website will continue to be developed over the summer months to ensure that updates to images, text and more are made regularly in order to maintain the site and use it to the best of its ability. As more is added, be sure to check back to find out what’s being updated! If you haven’t taken a look yet, I suggest you get yourself to to have a gander and let us know what you think by tweeting @LabelOnline. Katie Wilson Label Editor
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Models Josephine Bazambanza Kammy Donald Mauranda Lewis Michael Obire Photography Jazz Jefferies Photoshoot Team Natasha Bennett Jessica Crean
Summer styling
Label Style wanted to show you some summery clothes in our final shoot of the year. Ladies - why not take some inspiration from these dresses in pretty lace or colourful patterns or try out bright tops and some cute sandals? Gentlemen - why not try out a smart casual look with a hat? This shoot ends on a beautifully summery note - thanks to our wonderful models!
Why Fashion is Important
Illustration by Jessica Crean
Personal Identity
Celebrity Trends
Image is the first thing that people visually see. Fashion therefore works as a method of personal identity. It allows the person to express themselves and their personality through their clothing choice. People can highlight their favourite colours and patterns through the clothes they choose to wear. A colourful outfit allows the individual the chance to stand out and be noticed. Fashion is important to provide an individual with the chance to be who they want to be as well as strengthen self confidence.
Fashion doesn’t always mean buying clothes from the top shops or adhering to high street brands, it also means being able to make your own clothes. It allows you to be creative. You are left at your own device, so whether you want to add on stickers to that new jean jacket you brought or cut out different types of material and sew them on to a crop top, it is entirely up to you. Fashion enables you to become the designer of your own clothes too, styling yourself just the way you want.
You don’t have to be Beyonce to wear Beyonce’s clothes! Fashion entitles every individual to feel like a celeb. By looking in a magazine article or images online you will soon be able to catch on to the outfit which is in style! The wonderful thing about fashion is that despite celebrities wearing these beautiful clothes which cost a fortune, you can always guarantee that a similar garment will be advertised to you for less, allowing you to become closer to your inner celeb. With numerous magazines promoting the latest clothing style or fashion tips you won’t feel like a stranger to the celeb world either!
Fashion also binds people together. It permits individuals to communicate with one another. An individual will feel the confidence to initiate conversation with other people who are noticed to be wearing a similar outfit or type of clothing. It is therefore a great conversation starter whereby within seconds people are seen to be bonding over the discussion of fashion tastes.
Abbey Gardner 34
A Story of Three Men The terms fashionable, well dressed and stylish are often used interchangeably but in my opinion aren't quite the same thing. Sure, this may be me fussing over grammar, but any man who is serious about his appearance knows that attention to detail is everything. Each term has an explicit meaning and it’s important to differentiate between them and understand what each means. Dressing was built upon an adherence to and understanding of various rules of thumb. Each piece of clothing was made for a specific combination and for a specific purpose. E.g. a shirt, tie, a suit were made to be worn together and for when dressing to look smart. Trainers, shorts, t-shirts, headbands, etc. were made for when dressing for physical activity - it is far more complicated than I’ve stated but that can be a topic for another day. This is why we have clothes for sports, clothes for dressing work clothes for leisure, and so on and so forth. The Fashionable Man
Design and Photography by Greg Carter
The fashionable man generally doesn't conform to such rules. He dresses with any combination of clothing and styles he sees fit and these combinations look good. He is very much in the know of what is current and aims to make sure that he builds his collection of attire based on what is up to date. As a result his look evolves with each season, never staying the same for long periods of time. The adherence to current popular trends mean his appearance can be easily replicated, but the fashionable man uses individuality too and carefully considered touches of flair to distinguish him from others.
The Well Dressed Man The well-dressed man always looks good it's that simple. His clothes and style usually do not share the flamboyance of the fashionable man’s and they may even be plain, but they come together in a way that flatters his form, which is where most of the appeal of his look comes from. Unlike the fashionable man his look evolves much slower and isn’t heavily influenced by trends but this doesn’t necessarily mean his clothing and style appear out-dated. His collection of clothing is thoroughly considered to make sure everything he wears serves the sole purpose of looking good on him.
The Stylish Man The stylish man is who the fashionable and well-dressed men aspire to become. Depending on how he chooses to dress, he can easily be mistaken for being one of the other two men, but upon closer inspection you’ll notice it’s in his attention to detail that he’s set apart from the other two. Unlike being fashionable or well dressed which are based solely on the aesthetic, being stylish is a skill acquired and honed with correct practice.
As I mentioned earlier, dressing was built upon various rules of thumb. True style requires knowledge of these basics. Once this has been achieved a man not only knows what to wear but how to wear it, and he can disregard this knowledge as he sees fit because at all times he knows what he is doing. So now that you know who these men are which one do you think you are? Michael Obire 35
DESIGN VOLUNTEERS Gregory Carter Lewis Allum Theo King Jessica Crean Olivia Chevallier Liam Cooke Charlotte Moore Emily Haberfield Lizzie Beale Mike Silva Till Sieberth Natasha Bennett Glenn Fellows Kathryn Evans Beccy Morris Emily Forrester Paul Johnston Sarah Rathbone Catherine Brown Danny Essom Jazz Jefferies Gautham Kannan Stephen James Nicola Corsini Molly Coombes Nathan Flynn
Arianna Rossi Natalia Petrovic Jess Duffin Gracie Lee Sarah McDonnell Vanisha Mistry Emily Logie Caroline Lakeman Emily Anagnostopoulou Dan Golding Liam Hopley Holly Kemp Aurelija Koerfer Mol Mathews Alice Bindloss Andy Butt-Gow Akachi Obijiaku Michael Obire Dom Underwood Faye Newman Jack Mcally Hannah Mclauren Rob Chapman Sarah Collins Cade Morris George Linsay Jamin White
Salome Dore Dan Leedham Wing Hei Cheung Hayley Copeland Tania Di Felice Georgina Steele Lacie Cummings Dante Attuoni George Webb Sophie Lindsay Aarushi Mittal Lucie Baker-Wyse Hannah George Bryony Harrison Adam Jackson Ollie Lee George Morgan Dominik Piasecki Rebecca Summerfield Seb Clark Tom Bradshaw Martin So Robyn Hastings Alex Jenkin Kim Clark Jack Berisford Nnenna Austen
Six Issues - Two Special Issues - 3 Leaflets
248 Pages
Illustrated, Photographed & Designed 36
You may not have known this but Loughborough has its very own Softball and Baseball club and is currently the most successful university side of this kind to have existed. Loughborough Softball/ Baseball has also been one of the most successful AU clubs this year winning seven out of seven University competitions including four nationals despite not having any BUCS competition for them to compete in. In addition to this, the Baseball 1s are undefeated against university sides this year with a 23-0 record at the time of writing.
The club takes a lot of pride in their diverse membership that brings a lot of experience to coach people new to the club. From members representing Great Britain in Softball or Baseball to those that had put on a baseball glove for the first 38
According to Laura Marty, Club Chair for 2016-17, the club looks to expand into Fastpitch Softball with an all-girls team alongside the two established Baseball teams and three Softball teams; hopefully encouraging a gender split closer to 50:50 than in previous years. As well as this, the club continues to host and run the M1 Series Tournament as well as other competitions that they have created. With more universities setting up clubs each year, the competition will get harder for the Softball and Baseball club. Sporting rivals Durham have set up a club this year with two teams that will be aiming to take Loughborough’s place as the premier university baseball club. The Loughborough club are confident they can remain on top and recruit more experienced players next year. Nathan Flynn
Design by Liam Hopley
The club was set up in 2013 by James Rowe and Charlotte Wells, originally as a My Lifestyle sport and was granted AU Club Status in May 2014 at which point the club membership was only 12. Fast-forward two years and the club now numbers around 70 members from all over the world and has collected ten titles, a sponsorship deal with L’Oreal, and is now the dominant club in both sports at the university level.
time back in October, the club has a wide range of abilities. The club also boasts a committee that provides a welcoming atmosphere and works hard throughout the year to help players become better and ensure they remain the dominant university side in the country. This has been achieved by training 25 members as Level 1 coaches to provide the same quality of coaching for future years.
Photography by Nathan Flynn and Ushandan Kirupalaratnam
Shining a Light on: AU Softball & Baseball
5) ASTON VILLA’S APPALLING SEASON Last year, Tim Sherwood guided Villa to the F.A Cup final and Premier League survival, a fairly successful season. This season P R E was a completely different story. Three managers and 17 points. With only three wins all season, the club completely deserved to go down; the manner of their performances was also disgraceful. There was no pride, passion, or care for the club and its fans. With the way this season went I would be very surprised if they bounce back. Due to the mentality of the whole club, it could mean tough times ahead for Villa.
Illustration by Alice Bindloss
Every single season, Sunderland start the season poorly, change manager, beat Newcastle and then perform a miracle escape. This season was no different. Dick Advocaat left early in the season which led to Premier League stalwart Sam Allardyce being appointed. Allardyce did what he did best and set up a force to be reckoned with. Surely enough, the Black Cats stayed up and took extra joy in sending arch rivals, Newcastle, down in the process. 3) CHELSEA’S POOR START Chelsea came into the season as defending champions and many people expected them to retain their crown but was not to go that way. A turbulent first half of the season saw the Blues as low as 16th after 16 games, saw Jose Mourinho unsurprisingly get the sack, and Guus Hiddink return to the club as interim manager to steady the ship. Although the club was stabilised, finishing 10th was still a highly poor season from Chelsea.
2) FAREWELL BOLEYN Well documented throughout the season was the fact that this was West Ham United’s final season at the Boleyn Ground, their home for 112 years. West Ham have had a great season with Dimitri Payet arguably ranking as one of the players of the season. The final fixture at the Boleyn was against Manchester United, and a remarkable 3-2 comeback victory courtesy of Winston Reid’s late header was the perfect send off for the famous stadium. 1) LEICESTER CITY This season has been nothing short of incredible for the Foxes. When Claudio Ranieri was brought into the club at the start of the season, the aim was forty points and survival. What they achieved was simply unimaginable. The 5,000/1 outsiders defied all odds and stormed to the Premier League title, winning with a ten point margin. Jamie Vardy, Riyad Mahrez, and N’golo Kante all came from the abyss to become superstars and when the trophy was lifted by captain, Wes Morgan, nobody thought they didn’t deserve it. The team of Nearly Boys and rejects had done it. Tom Short
When Chris Froome won the 2015 Tour de France, cycling history was made. Froome became the first Brit to win multiple Tours, after becoming only the second to ever win cycling’s greatest honour in 2013, and became the first Brit to be crowned ‘King of the Mountains’ since Robert Millar’s 1984 effort. In 2016, eyes will be on Froome to see if he can retain his title before going on to Rio with the hopes of Olympic Gold. Chris Froome became a household cycling name in 2012 when he supported Bradley Wiggins’ monumental Tour de France victory and came second behind only his teammate. With many claiming that Froome could easily have won the title himself, if it had not been for his supporting role in Team Sky, there were
high expectations of the Kenyan-born rider when Wiggins was rendered unfit for the 2013 competition with a knee injury. Froome won the 100th Edition of Tour in 2013 with over four minutes between himself and second place Nairo Quintana but was unable to defend his title in 2014 after a bad crash on Stage Five. By the subsequent 2015 win, British cycling was firmly established as being the dominant force of the current decade with several Olympic medals to go alongside the Grand Tour victories. 2016’s route looks to be suited to Froome with two individual time-trials and the exclusion of the cobbles that plagued riders across the last two outings. After speaking out against the lack of time-trial miles in 2015, Froome will be very satisfied to see this year’s
Design by Liam Hopley
Illustration by Kirin Crooks
inclusion of a second individual time-trial, albeit at the loss of a team TT. With the omission of the cobbles and team time-trial comes an increase in gradient. Certain riders will be excited by the prospect on the nine mountain stages, four of which finish with climbs, and this could be a threat to title contenders that don’t fare as well in the mountains. Competition will be very tough for Froome with Quintana ranked second by the bookies and Alberto Contador looking to sign off with a bang in his last professional season. Whilst most riders look to get race practice under their belts before embarking on the Tour, Quintana has favoured altitude practice and has opted to sit out the Critérium du Dauphiné and Tour de Suisse. After finishing second in the 2013 and 2015 Tours, Quintana’s first and second outings on the race, he will be seriously disappointed if he isn’t able to move up to the top of the podium come the end of July. At the time of writing, Froome is expected to ride at the least the Dauphiné and will be hoping to become only the fifth rider to win three times. As well as the victory, Froome will be looking to get a few race miles in the legs and take some form into the Tour. Chris Froome, and the majority of the rest of the cycling world, won’t just be thinking about the Tour de France this year because the Rio Olympics is on the horizon. With the Tour set to finish on
July 24th, this gives Froome two weeks to get ready for the road race and a few days extra for the time-trial. It has been decided that, like Wiggins in 2012, Froome is going to attempt the Tour de France title as well as Gold in both the road race and time-trial. Let’s hope that he can go one stage further than Wiggins and take the triple. If Froome is able to retain his title this year it will make him the first legitimate rider to do so since Miguel Induráin in 1995 and if he is able to do this before winning both Golds in Rio it will make him the first rider to achieve this triple in the history of cycling. When Froome takes the start line on July 2nd he will have plenty on his mind with a long summer of cycling ahead of him. In a year that could position him along the greats of his sport he will be looking for nothing less than glory and from looking at the route, I personally believe that he will triumph providing that he is still standing by the end of the final stage. David Boyden
INTERVIEW JENNIFER TAYLOR MEDIA EO 2016/17 Label caught up with incoming Media EO, Jennifer Taylor to find out how she’s feeling about next year!
“What can people look forward to in media next year? Any big changes to be expected?” I’m really excited about next year! My big aim for the year is to ensure that LSU Media is known across campus and that we’re creating content that our students want to engage with – yes, easier said than done! But what this does mean is that we’re starting to look at brand new content ideas now and we’re able to plan the logistics over summer. One idea we’re really going to push is a televised sport round up show that will feature the best Loughborough sports coverage of the fortnight. Watch this space!
“How’s the handover process going?” I feel I have quite a unique handover process. Having been on Senate in my second year, and LCR committee this year, I’ve worked closely with Bryn for two years and so I have a very good insight into how LSU Media runs. We have weekly sessions to go over the more adminbased points and I’ve also had a few sessions with the rest of the new Exec team – the most recent one being where we picked out our hall buddies for next year! After three years of Towers, I’ve landed myself our IMS rivals, Faraday; but it’s always good to have a change, right?
“How is your new Senate and committee looking?” Senate was finalised about a month ago and is looking really strong. I think it’s important to be surrounded by a team of people you a) get on well with and b) trust to do the job alone. This is exactly how I feel about the new team! I left the committee roles down to the new section heads, Leanna, Tim, Ushandan and Katie, to decide, as I believe that it’s their year and their decision. We had a few structural changes amongst the committees, TV has a brand new structure and I’m really excited to see how their smaller committee works.
“Can people still look to apply or get involved ready for next year?” Yes! We still have a few committee positions available and also a few small projects left this year. Whether it’s journalism, television, radio, design, marketing, or photography you’re interested in, we most definitely have something for you. If anyone is interested in getting involved they can drop me an email at or pop into the media office [upstairs in the union] one day!
“Any summer projects?” Summer is really just prep time for the next academic year; a lot of it is going to be spent improving the facilities we have here in the union. There are a few changes in the pipeline, which will improve what we’re able to do as a media centre. We’re also going to be working closely with Ellie Read at LUiL to develop the link we have with London, which will hopefully allow us to branch out into the capital more. For example we recently used the BT Studios in London, which was set up via LUiL, and with a stronger link we hope that we are able to continue this in the future.
“What are you most looking forward to about your year in office?” In all honesty, I’m quite simply looking forward to spending a year putting all my effort into improving the section I’ve grown to love over my time here, and having a fantastic time whilst doing so. Roll on 11th July! 42
Reflections from this years sections heads
Katie Wilson
Jazz Jefferies
Paul Johnston
Ryan Andrews
This year Label have produced eight magazines, alongside three special elections leaflets to assist in informing the student population on the candidates as well as commenting on the elections as a whole. We’ve published hundreds of online articles as well, and gained lots of new volunteers. Huge congratulations to the design team who ran some excellent sessions with new designers this year, and thanks to everyone who has got involved! If you’re still in Loughborough next year, I recommend turning your hand to writing, share your thoughts on things you’re passionate about, or why not try out page design? Leanna Kightley is who you should contact to get involved, and she would be delighted to hear from you!
LCR have maintained a wide range of shows from new volunteers to old this year. Covering things via outside broadcast, providing music and commentary at the Rag Fireworks, Action Community Fun Day and more has provided volunteers and committee members with lots of opportunities to market the section, test out their presenting skills live on air and learn more about how to produce a radio show. I will be handing over to the new Station Manager, Tim Hunter at the end of this year who endeavours to maintain lots of great quality shows having had his own show this year.
This year Lens have covered a wide range of events, from Societies and awards to most of your nights out at the union! We’ve had a great year photographing everyone’s antics and tried to get as great a range of content from Lens as possible. Sporting fixtures have been covered by various volunteers who have had the opportunity to learn about different kinds of photography, some later turning their hand to nights or events photography, or even style shoots! None of the content would be possible without dedicated volunteers who I would like to thank for a great year, and I also wish Ushandan Kirupalaratnam the best of luck for his year as Head of Lens.
We’ve had a great year that’s been awarded through several physical awards at NaSTAs, the National Student Television Awards, for which we were awarded three trophies, one being for our great Freshers coverage at the beginning of the year. Totty TV has seen lots of new volunteers getting involved with the section as well as starting to work with and training others as part of the night-time project. No doubt there will be lots more great content next year, led by my successor, Katie Greenslade, whose work over this year’s Exec Elections brought her to the fore of LSUTV. Many thanks to all of the volunteers who have got involved over the year! 43
Label Out.