To ensure the finest quality of your finished artwork we recommend placing a blank piece of paper between the page you are coloring and the next page.
Copyright © 2022 by Lydia Sutton Designs
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner without the express written consent of the publisher, except in the case of brief excerpts in critical reviews or articles. All inquiries should by sent to Lydia Sutton Designs at contact@lydiasuttondesigns.com
ong ago, a collection of designers, artists and poets came together to create one of the most influential magazines in the design world; Ver Sacrum
They wrote in their first issue: “Our aim is to awaken, encourage and propagate the artistic perception of our time….we know no difference between ‘great art’ and ‘intimate art’, between art for the rich and art for the poor.
We have dedicated ourselves with our whole power and future hopes, with everything that we are to the Sacred Springtime”. And from that concept, this artistic and self exploratory experience was born.
Ver Sacrum Revived: A Gesamkunstwerk Experience was created to continue the original goal of Ver Sacrum and bring the inspiring works and lessons to anyone willing to explore what Ver Sacrum sought to teach.
So go forth, explore this adult coloring book, create your own art work; your own “Gesamkunstwerk,” and embrace the sacred spring that will overwhelm you once you begin.

Ernst Stöhr

Koloman Moser

Gustav Klimt

F. Myrbach

Koloman Moser

Josef Hoffmann

Marcus Behmer

Dr. Hans Przibram

Friddrich Konig

Koloman Moser

Friedrich Koenig

Ricarda Huch

Koloman Moser

Ernst Stöhr

M. Friedmann

Friedrick König

Koloman Moser

Ernst Stöhr

Friedrick König

Line art from an unknown artist in The Association of Fine Arts in Austria

Line art from an unknown artist in The Association of Fine Arts in Austria

Line art from an unknown artist in The Association of Fine Arts in Austria

Line art from an unknown artist in The Association of Fine Arts in Austria

The End


Immerse yourself into the world of Ver Sacrum and create a total work of art; or your very own Gesamtkunstwerk. Learn more about the history of Ver Sacrum and how one vintage magazine changed the face of the design world forever. Find unique drawings from some of your favorite artists of the Vienna Secession, or simply gawk at the elegant, bizarre, and intricate designs found within.
Be a part of the magic and gather all of the pieces in the Ver Sacrum Revived: A Gesamtkunstwerk Experience collection. Learn about poetry, music, design and more or go online and visit www.versacrumrevived.com to see what pieces you need to make your set complete. Enjoy your experience and we hope you enjoy!