Pardes Executive Learning Seminars 2017-18

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Pardes Executive Learning Seminars 2017-18

“It doesn’t get better than walking to and from class, learning and living in Jerusalem for a week. I was learning every moment not only from the amazing teachers, but the bright and motivated participants. It set the tone and re-energized me when I returned home, and my passion and purpose has had a rippling effect on all those I’ve encountered every day thereafter. Thank you Pardes for a life enhancing and changing experience.” Linda Adler Hurwitz Summer 2016 Pardes Executive Learning Seminar Participant Chair of the Board of The Associated and immediate past National Campaign Chair of The Jewish Federations of North America

Now in its 21st year, the Pardes Executive Learning Seminar brings together executives, professionals and community leaders to study classical Jewish sources within the landscape of Israel. Participants grapple with ancient texts and current issues, visit historical sites and learn from the best educators in Israel.



The Pardes faculty’s depth of knowledge is rivaled only by their engaging teaching style and their ability to bring Judaism to life. They aim not only to teach compelling ideas, but also to give you the tools to enter personally into a conversation with your heritage.


Jewish Study

Our renowned faculty bring together students from diverse learning backgrounds and create an educational environment that is accessible and empowering. Participants study in havruta pairs, partnering to help one another explore and gain ownership of the text. Sources are provided in their original language and in English translation.



Participants from around the world come together to create a cohort of passionate learners exploring Jewish themes that are challenging and inspiring. Through classes, touring and social events, participants have the opportunity to connect with peers and expand their personal networks.


Israel experience

The combination of studying Jewish texts and ideas, together with exploring Israel, brings the classroom learning to life and allows you to see Israel in a whole new way.



Returning to Zion: New Faces, Old Issues

When Persia became the dominant power in the Near East in the 6th century BCE, royal edicts allowed and even encouraged Jews to return to Israel and rebuild the Temple. Ironically, the vast majority of Jews stayed where they were.

system. Nehemiah was the lay leader, appointed as the governor of Judah. His mission was to not only rebuild the city, but to establish and administer a functioning Judean province.

Ezra and Nehemiah were two outstanding and exceptional figures who embraced this historic opportunity and took on leadership roles.

The challenges they faced were formidable: physical danger, political intrigues, assimilation, ignorance and apathy.

Ezra was a priest, a scribe and served as the spiritual leader of the people. His mandate was to oversee the functioning of the Temple, to teach Torah and establish a judicial

During the seminar, we will examine Ezra and Nehemiah, their historical milieu, the issues they faced and the methods they used to resolve them.

We will study biblical and rabbinic texts to explore this fascinating historical period. Classroom study will come to life through field trips to local archaeological sites. As we explore the parallels to our present reality, we will ask, what can we learn from their experiences to make this third return lasting and enduring? Topics of Study • Does Israel have to be the center of the Jewish people? What should be the relationship between Diaspora communities and Israel? • How open should Jews be to non-Jewish society and culture? Is assimilation a bad thing? • Can coercion be a legitimate tool in Jewish education? • What are the qualities that are necessary for effective leadership? Do we have a crisis today? • What can we learn from the past to improve our reality? Seminar Details December, 24-27, 2017 Tuition: $1,200 (15% discount before October 31) Family discount available. See website for details.

Summer 2018

War and Peace: The Challenges of Sovereignty

Seeking peace and harmony has always been a central Jewish value, but going to war has been far more characteristic of the reality of Jewish history. From its inception, the Jewish people have grappled with the tension of being prepared for, and engaging in, warfare while simultaneously pursuing an agenda of peace. Upon leaving Egypt, the Jewish people were pursued by Pharaoh and his army. Although God intervened, they were quickly forced to fight their own battles, starting with the attack of Amalek. From Joshua to David, from Bar-Kochba to Ben-Gurion, the Jewish people have had to

confront hostile enemies, while confronting internal struggles that threatened to tear the nation apart. During the Seminar, we will examine stories from the Bible through the Talmud, that illustrate attempts to negotiate conflict peacefully, while confronting the necessity of going to war. We will study the parameters of warfare and the ethical and spiritual standards demanded of an army. We will visit sites of interest and learn from outstanding educators about our past as well as the current reality in modern Israel. We will seek to understand

better the nuances and complexities of a topic that has far-reaching implications for the future of the Jewish people. Topics of Study • Is the pursuit of peace always our first option? • Is purity of arms an oxymoron? • Who is exempt from military service? • What are the checks and balances regarding the declaration and execution of warfare? • Does Jewish law recognize conscientious objection? • How do we maintain our divine image and respect for human dignity in the midst of the horror of warfare? Seminar Details June 24-28, 2018 Tuition: $1,400 (15% discount before January 1). Family discount available. See website for details.

Registration and information

USA: +1 212 447 4333

Israel: + 972 2 673 5210

Programming, lunch, tours and some evening meals included. Flights and accommodation should be arranged individually. See website for hotel recommendations.

The Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies is an open, co-ed and non-denominational Jewish learning community, based in Jerusalem and with programs worldwide. Students encounter and grapple with classic texts and traditions of Judaism, while exploring their relevance to today’s most pressing issues. Pardes empowers students with the knowledge and tools to take ownership of their Jewish experience.

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