Huawei Presents B5328 4 X 4 MIMO LTE Router Tag: Huawei B5328, Huawei B5328-155, LTE 4 x 4 MIMO Router, 4 X 4 MIMO LTE CPE, Huawei E5186 Huawei B5328:
Around the end of 2016, Huawei offers the world's first commercial LTE router B5328 with 4 × 4 MIMO antenna technology. The B5328 LTE Router offers significantly higher data rates in a correspondingly equipped network than devices with 2 × 2 MIMO antenna technology. The Huawei B5328 is the successor to the popular Huawei E5186 LTE Router. In the free trade, the Huawei B5328 is currently not available; however, interested network operators and service providers can order the device on request and thus make available to their customers. Based on the GCT’s GDM7243Q, the only LTE-A chip commercially available that offers 4x4 MIMO capability, enables Huawei B5328 LTE CPE with higher data rates and throughput while using limited bandwidth (“double speed” with the same limited bandwidth), which is a scarce commodity for network operators.