Huawei New 4G LTE Cat6 Mobile WiFi Hotspot E5787 Available Tag: Huawei E5787, huawei E5787 Mobile WiFi Touch, Huawei Mobile WiFi Touch, Huawei E5787s-33a, Huawei E5787 LTE Cat6, E5787 LTE Hotspot, E5787 Cat6 hotspot Huawei E5787 Mobile WiFi Touch:
The company "Huawei" in Saudi Arabia has launched through its agent a new mobile device - E5787 Mobile WiFi Touch (LTE Cat6 Hotspot), which offers advanced features for the connections to the Internet on the go from anywhere and at any time, and it provides the highest speed downloading and reliability possible connection. The connection speed is faster, almost double than the third generation communications technology. Huawei E5787 allows downloading high-definition movies in half a minute and speeds of up to 300 megabits per second based on the LTE-advanced CAT6 technology.
Huawei E5787 Basic Features