Vodafone GigaCube (Huawei B528) LTE Router Review Tag: Vodafone Gigacube, Huawei B528, Huawei B528s-23a, Vodafone Giga cube B528, Vodafone B528, Vodafone B528S-23A, Huawei B528 LTE Cube, Huawei Cube B528
Huawei B528s-23a(Vodafone GigaCube): http://www.4gltemall.com/huawei-b528-cube-4g-lterouter.html At the end of April 2017, Vodafone launched a new LTE CPE called "GigaCube". Like Vodafone other 4G router, the new router GigaCube also comes from Huawei and the factory model number is B528. The Huawei B528 has a modern LTE modem with CAT6 with support of WLAN hotspot and Gigabit LAN. Today we will show what the router can do and its specifications.
Features and characteristics of Vodafone GigaCube Manufacturer and type:
Huawei B528s-23a
HiSilicon Balong 722