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Summer 2008

Vol. 19 No. 3


Also in this issue:

Behind the Scenes at CDA - Committees in Review Call for CDA Nominations

Emerging Technologies for Dams CDA


CONFERENCE Get Ready for the Peg!


C A N A D I A N DA M A S S O CI AT I O N Canadian Dam Association visit Membership Membership is open to anyone with an interest in dam safety. The following fees are applicable, due September of each year, and are to be sent to: Barry Hurndall, Executive Director, P.O. Box 4490, South Edmonton Postal Station, Edmonton, Alberta T6E 4X7 Individual Membership . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30 Corporate Membership – International $600 Corporate Membership – National . . . . $300 Student Membership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5 The association can only function if it has a large and active membership, including corporate members. If you wish to remain on our membership list and receive the Bulletin, please join the association. Editorial Committee Allan Kirkham Rick Carson David Hansen Krista Halayko Joanna Barnard Joe Groeneveld Marion Houston Articles, information, or dates of upcoming meetings should be forwarded by mail to: Allan Kirkham, P.Eng. Section Manager - Hydrotechnical Hydro Engineering Division Ontario Power Generation 14,000 Niagara Parkway, R.R. #1 Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario L0S 1J0 Phone: (905) 357-0322, ext. 5568 Fax: (905) 262-2685 E-mail: or by e-mail to a member of the editorial committee as listed above. CDA Website: Alan Boom Publisher: Elena Langlois Editor: Dave Wilkins Project Manager: Kim Davies Advertising Sales Director: Anook Commandeur Account Representatives: Bert Eastman, Brenda Ezinicki, Kenneth Harrison, Gordon Jackson, Pat Johnston, Wayne Jury, Michael Manko, Gordon Phillips, Paul Shefchyk, Dawn Stokes Layout & Design: Naylor, LLC Advertising Art: Carrie Smith

Summer 2008

Vol. 19 No. 3

Contents Departments

7 9 29 30 31 33 37

Board of Directors Editorial Committee’s Message Notice of Annual General Meeting Call for Nominations - CDA Awards Election of President, Vice-President and Director-at-Large Reminder - 23rd ICOLD Congress Buyers’ Guide and Trade List


12 24 35

Emerging Technologies for Dams CDA 2008 Annual Conference Behind the Scenes at CDA – Committees in Review Big Dam!

Research: Alex Scovil The Bulletin is published four times per year for the Canadian Dam Association. Published by:

Naylor (Canada), Inc. 100 Sutherland Avenue Winnipeg, MB R2W 3C7 Tel.: (204) 947-0222 Fax: (204) 947-2047 ©2008 Naylor (Canada), Inc. All rights reserved. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the publisher.

PUBLISHED JUNE 2008/CDA-Q0308/7170


Canadian Dam Association

Conference pictures: Courtesy Travel Manitoba


CDA-ACB BOARD OF DIRECTORS - 2007/2008 Tony Bennett - President Ontario Power Generation 14000 Niagara Parkway, RR#1 Niagara-on-the Lake, Ontario LOS 1J0 Tel: (905) 262-2667, Fax: (905) 262-2688 E-mail: Sayed Ismail - Vice President Hydrotechnical Specialist Consultant 494 Mansfi eld Street Fredericton, New Brunswick E3B 2Z9 Tel: (506) 453-1991, Cell: (506) 260-9417 E-mail: Bob Barnes - Past President Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro P.O. Box 12400 St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador A1B 4K7 Tel: (709) 737-1266 E-mail: Mona Bechai - Secretary/Treasurer Mobec Engineering 288 Lawrence Ave. East Toronto, Ontario M4N 1T7 Tel: (416) 488-1924, Fax: (416) 488-3580 E-mail: Bill Duncan – Director, Saskatchewan Saskatchewan Watershed Authority 111 Fairford Street East Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan S6H 7X9 Tel: (306) 694 3990, Fax: (306) 694 3944 E mail: Charles Holder – Director, British Columbia B.C. Hydro 6911 Southpoint Drive, Podium A02 Burnaby, British Columbia V3N 4X8 Tel: (604) 528-2418, Fax: (604) 528-8133 E-mail:

Canadian Dam Association

Greg Snyder – Director, New Brunswick Manager, Atlantic Region Acres - Water and Wind Power 231 Regent Street, Suite 302 Fredericton, New Brunswick E3B 3W8 Tel: (506) 450-4170, Fax: (506) 450-4175 Email: Karyn Wog – Director, Alberta Alberta Environment. 9820 106th Street, 8th Floor, Oxbridge Place Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2J6 Tel: (780) 644-7437, Fax: (780) 427-6334 E-mail: Perry Mitchelmore – Director, Nova Scotia Mitchelmore Engineering Company Ltd 101, 177 Main Street Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B2X 1S1 Tel: (902) 444-3131, Fax: (902) 404-7777 E-mail: Joe Farwell – Director, Ontario Grand River Conservation Authority 400 Clyde Road Cambridge, Ontario N1R 5W6 T: (519) 621-2763 ext. 221, F: (519) 621-4844 E-Mail: E. Gerard Piercy – Director, Newfoundland and Labrador Engineering Services Newfoundland & Labrador Hydro 500 Columbus Drive St. John’s, Newfoundland A1B 4K7 Tel: (709) 737-1714; Fax: (709) 737-1900; Cell (709) 693-6718 E-mail:

Gilles Bourgeois – Director, Quebec GENIVAR 5355, boul. des Gradins Québec, QC G2J 1C8 Tel: (418) 623-2254, Fax: (418) 623-2434 E-mail: Terry Armstrong – Director, Manitoba Manitoba Hydro P.O Box 815 Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 2P4 Tel: (204) 477-7305; Fax: (204) 474-4682 E-mail: Ronald Gee - Director, Yukon Yukon Energy Corporation P.O. Box 5920 Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 6S7 Tel: (867) 393-5305; Fax: (867) 393-5322 E-mail: Chris Gräpel - Director-At-Large EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd. 14940-123 Avenue Edmonton, Alberta T5V 1B4 Tel: (780) 451-2130, ext. 516, Fax: (780) 454-5688 E-mail: Johanne Bibeau - Director-At-Large (ICOLD) Société d’énergie de la Baie James 888, boul. de Maisonneuve Est, 6e étage Montréal, Québec H2L 5B2 Tel: (514) 286-2020, poste 2283, Fax: (514) 286-2031 E-mail: Barry Hurndall - Executive Director P.O. Box 4490 South Edmonton Postal Station Edmonton, Alberta T6E 4X7 Tel: (780) 432-7236, Cell: (780) 932 2322 E-mail:




reetings to all and welcome to the summer edition of the Bulletin. The editorial committee is pleased to introduce the various articles and announcements in this issue. Of particular importance is the information concerning the upcoming annual CDA Conference, to be held this year in Winnipeg. The organizing committee has been working diligently to ensure that attendees will have the best of both worlds, interesting and thought-provoking technical sessions, as well as vibrant and exciting social and networking opportunities. We have dedicated a large part of this issue to providing further information about the conference and we strongly encourage you to take a look at this material and attend the conference. Speaking of the editorial committee, there have been some recent changes to the committee, so I wanted to update you on those changes. The members of the Editorial Committee (and their contact information) are listed on the Table of Contents page (as they are every issue) and you may notice that the committee has a new member - Marion Houston is a recent addition to the Editorial Committee and we are appreciative of her desire to join the committee and look forward to her contributions. As many of you also know, Joe Groeneveld has recently decided to step down as Chair of the Editorial Committee and I have agreed to take over this position. Joe has kindly agreed to stay on a while to lend his experience during the next few editions. The committee as a whole would like to extend to Joe our thanks for his exceptional leadership over the years. As a committee we have created an editorial planner to assist us with planning and scheduling of editorial content and submission and review dates. One of the main focuses in the future for the Committee is to encourage the CDA directors, committee chairs and certainly all other members to bring forward articles (or suggestions for articles) for inclusion in the Bulletin. Experience has shown that if we don’t keep this need for interesting content at the forefront of peoples’ minds, nothing will happen and the committee members are left scrambling at the last minute to drum up articles. I know everyone agrees that the Bulletin has come a long way in the last few years and is currently a very Canadian Dam Association



ienvenue à tous les lecteurs de ce numéro d’été du Bulletin. Le comité de rédaction a le plaisir d’introduire les divers articles et avis de cette parution. Soulignons l’importance des informations sur le prochain congrès de l’ACB qui aura lieu, cette année, à Winnipeg. Le Comité organisateur a travaillé avec diligence pour assurer que les participants obtiennent le meilleur de deux mondes : des ateliers intéressants, qui provoquent la réflexion, de même qu’un programme social enthousiasmant. Nous avons consacré une vaste part de ce numéro à des informations sur le congrès, et nous vous encourageons fortement à examiner ce matériel et à assister à cet événement. Parlant du Comité de rédaction, celui-ci a subi des changements récents dont j’aimerais vous informer. Les membres du Comité de rédaction (et leurs coordonnées) sont énumérés dans la page de table des matières (comme à chaque parution), et vous remarquerez que le Comité compte un nouveau membre. Marion Houston vient en effet de s’ajouter au Comité de rédaction. Nous lui sommes reconnaissants de son intérêt et anticipons ses contributions. Comme beaucoup d’entre vous le savent, Joe Groeneveld a récemment décidé de démissionner comme préside du Comité, et j’ai accepté de le remplacer. Joe a accepté de rester quelque temps pour nous faire profiter de son expérience, le temps de quelques parutions. L’ensemble du Comité tient à remercier Joe pour son leadership exceptionnel au fi l des années. Le Comité a créé un calendrier éditorial pour faciliter la planification du contenu du Bulletin et des dates de remise. L’une des priorités futures du Comité de rédaction sera d’encourager les administrateurs de l’ACB, les présidents de comités et tous les autres membres à proposer des articles (ou à en suggérer) pour le Bulletin. L’expérience nous montre que, si nous ne sensibilisons pas les gens à la nécessité de proposer du contenu intéressant, rien ne se passe, et les membres du Comité doivent se débattre à la dernière minute pour trouver des articles. Tous reconnaissent que le Bulletin a fait bien du chemin au cours des dernières années et que c’est maintenant une publication très professionnelle 9

professional publication of which each CDA member can be proud. However, to maintain the publication at this level requires commitment and contributions from a broad range of the CDA membership, so we encourage each and every one of you to contribute in whatever way you can to your Bulletin. Thanks and enjoy the Bulletin. Allan Kirkham Chair, Editorial Committee

dont tous les membres de l’ACB peuvent être fiers. Toutefois, pour maintenir la publication à un tel niveau, nous avons besoin de la participation de nombreux membres de l’ACB, c’est pourquoi nous vous encourageons à contribuer comme vous le pouvez à votre Bulletin. Merci et bonne lecture! Allan Kirkham Président du Comité de rédaction



Fall 2008 issue .....................August 8, 2008 – editorial due

Numéro d’automne 2008 .... 8 août 2008 – date de tombée des articles 22 septembre – date de parution

September 22 – ship date Winter 2008 issue ................November 4, 2008 – editorial due December 22, 2008 – ship date Spring 2009 issue ................February 9, 2009 – editorial due March 22, 2209 – ship date Summer 2009 issue .............May 11, 2009 – editorial due June 21, 2009 – ship date


Numéro d’hiver 2008 .......... 4 novembre 2008 – date de tombée des articles 22 décembre 2008 – date de parution Numéro du printemps 2009 ...... 9 février 2009 – date de tombée des articles 22 mars 2009 – date de parution Numéro d’été 2009 .............. 11 mai 2009 – date de tombée des articles 21 juin 2009 – date de parution

Summer 2008

Emerging Technologies for CDA



Annual Conference

2008 Conference website:

Winnipeg, nnipeg, Manitoba – Septemberr 26-Octobe 26-October 2, 2008 CDA 2008 Conference Program – “At a Glance”


DAYTIME EVENTS Friday September 26

Workshop 2 - Open Forum on Dam Safety Regulation (afternoon only)

Workshop 3 - Risk and Uncertainty in Dam Safety (full day) Workshop 4 - Real Time Instrumentation Monitoring (full day) Afternoon Session

Monday September 29

Day 1 Panel Discussion

Technical Sessions #1A & #1B

Technical Sessions #2A & #2B

Tuesday September 30

Day 2 Panel Discussion

Thursday October 2

Technical Sessions #3A & #3B

Lunch Break

Morning Session Refreshment Break

Morning Session

Wednesday October 1


Workshop 1 - CDA Guidelines (morning only)

Refreshment Break

Sunday September 28

CDA Board of Directors Meeting (Part 2) Lunch

Saturday September 27

CDA Board of Directors Meeting (Part 1)

Afternoon Session CDA Annual General Meeting Technical Sessions #5A & #5B

Welcoming Reception at the Manitoba Museum Exhibitor’s Reception & Local “Dine Around”

Technical CDA Awards Sessions #4A Banquet & #4B Technical Technical Day 3 Panel Session #7A Sessions #6A Discussion & Closing & 6B Ceremony Technical Tour 1 - Winnipeg’s Red River Floodway Expansion Project and St. Andrews Lock and Dam Technical Tour 2 - Hydroelectric Plants In Southern Manitoba Technical Tour 3 - Hydroelectric Plants In Northern Manitoba Technical Tour 4 - Northern Manitoba Tailings Facilities Summer 2008


Workshop 3

The 2008 Canadian Dam Association annual conference at The Fairmont Winnipeg this September/October will be the place to gain new insights on topics related to the conference theme Emerging Technologies for Dams, establish new contacts with dam industry professionals from across Canada and around the world, and experience one of Canada’s most ethnically diverse and cosmopolitan cities through a variety of social events associated with the conference.

Risk and Uncertainty in Dam Safety (Sunday all day)


Workshop 4

In the Spring edition of the Bulletin, three workshops planned for the first two days of the conference were outlined. The Organizing Committee recently added a fourth workshop on the conference agenda. The updated line-up for these workshops is outlined below:

Real-Time Instrumentation Monitoring (Sunday all day)

Workshop 1 CDA Guidelines Workshop (Saturday morning) This is an opportunity to attend a presentation on the development and content of the 2007 CDA Dam Safety Guidelines, and discuss application of the Guidelines and areas where clarifications or revisions would be helpful in the future. This half-day workshop will expand upon and extend information and feedback provided through the Spring 2008 regional workshops.

Workshop 2 Open Forum on Dam Safety Regulation (Saturday afternoon) This workshop will feature discussions about the impact of the new CDA Guidelines on provincial/territorial legislation, regulations and guidelines. This halfday workshop will follow-up the preceding workshop on the CDA Guidelines and will also follow logically from the information and feedback provided through the Spring 2008 regional workshops where provincial/territorial regulators were invited to describe the impact of the guidelines in their jurisdictions. It will include presentations on provincial dam safety programs followed by a panel discussion.

Covering fundamental concepts and methods of risk and uncertainty analysis for dam safety and safety management, this workshop will be presented in the context of the 2007 Canadian guidelines. Considerations of acceptable risk associated with dams as well as a discussion of the safety case approach and comprehensive planning for dam safety will be included.

This workshop will give attendees insight into effective use of real time instrumentation for monitoring the performance of dams. Material to be covered will include types of instrumentation available in the marketplace, power and data communication systems, installation and commissioning procedures, and requirements for processing, storing and presenting data.

TECHNICAL PROGRAM The technical program in Winnipeg shapes up to be a great success. A total of 65 technical papers have been accepted with submissions received from across Canada, the U.S., Australia, Norway, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey and New Zealand. The program will include 13 technical sessions during the conference. All technical sessions focus on new technologies in the field of dam engineering and related disciplines, from eco-hydraulics to hi-tech instrumentation, numerical modeling and non-intrusive investigation technologies. As a novelty to the CDA conferences, instead of keynote speakers during the early morning sessions, the Technical Committee is planning the plenary sessions in the format of three exciting panel discussions, each with two to three invited speakers. At printing time, the following distinguished panelists have confirmed their participation.

Day 1 Panel Discussion Manitoba Hydro at the Forefront of Innovation Monday, September 29 • Randy Raban, Division Manager, Engineering Services, Manitoba Hydro, Winnipeg, MB, Canada • Ed Wojczynski, Division Manager, Power Projects Development, Manitoba Hydro, Winnipeg, MB, Canada • Halina Zbigniewicz, Manager, Water Resources Development & Engineering, Power Project Development, Manitoba Hydro, Winnipeg, MB, Canada

Day 2 Panel Discussion Advancements in Satellite Technologies for Dams Tuesday, September 30 • Desmond Power, Director, Geospatial Systems and Intelligent Sensors, C-CORE, St. John’s, NL, Canada Canadian Dam Association


• Lawrence A. Hansen, Senior VicePresident, AMEC Earth & Environmental, Phoenix, AZ, United States • Jim Hummert, Jr., Vice President, Systems Engineering, URS Corporation, St. Louis, MO, United States

Day 3 Panel Discussion Dams and the Environment - Are New Technologies Helping Us? Wednesday, October 1 • Marnix C. de Vriend, Senior Advisor, Coastal & Rivers, Royal Haskoning, Nijmegen, The Netherlands • Friederike Schneider-Vieira, Senior Principal and Vice-President, North/South Consultants Inc., Winnipeg, MB, Canada Be sure to check our website at for further updates on these panel discussions, on topics to be presented and introductions to our distinguished panelists invited to participate in these sessions.

TECHNICAL TOURS REFRESHER Thursday, October 2 The four Technical Tours on the last day of the conference will be excellent opportunities to learn about dam and dam safety related projects in Canada’s keystone province. Choose from one of four diverse tours planned for this year’s conference:

Tour 1 Winnipeg’s Red River Floodway Expansion Project and St. Andrews Lock and Dam This is your opportunity to visit the key components of the Red River Floodway, as well as his14

Summer 2008

toric St. Andrews lock and dam north of Winnipeg. The Red River Floodway is central to Winnipeg’s protection from flooding by the Red River and is currently undergoing a $700 million capacity upgrade. The St. Andrews lock and dam is a “Camere” dam and boat lock completed in 1910, and is designated a national engineering historic site by the CSCE.

Tour 2 Hydroelectric Plants in Southern Manitoba A visit to two of the six hydroelectric plants on the Winnipeg River, approximately 150 km northeast from Winnipeg, and the decommissioned Pinawa dam, which was built near the turn of the last century and is now a provincial heritage park.

Tour 3 Hydroelectric Plants in Northern Manitoba A trip by chartered aircraft from Winnipeg 650 km north to Gillam, Manitoba where tours of two of Manitoba Hydro’s lower Nelson River generating stations await you.

Tour 4 Northern Manitoba Tailings Facilities This will be another trip by chartered aircraft to the Flin Flon area in northwestern Manitoba to visit a major mine tailings facility at HudBay Minerals. Additionally, a potential site visit to an old legacy site in the same region is also planned, where the Province of Manitoba is undertaking major rehabilitation work of the abandoned mine site. All tours are subject to capacity limitations as well as minimum numbers, so you are encouraged to book tours with your conference registration, and to register as early as possible. Refer to the conference website for the most up-to-date information and details concerning all tours. Canadian Dam Association


SPONSORSHIP AND EXHIBITOR OPPORTUNITIES There has been a solid response to the conference sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities, with all 12 exhibitor spaces now filled along with the Platinum, Gold, Banquet and several other sponsorship and event level positions. There are still many outstanding sponsorship opportunities available at the conference, making this a prime occasion to reach many key potential clients and decision makers in the water and tailings dam industry in Canada. Please visit the conference website at to find out how to become a sponsor of the conference and also to see a complete list of companies that have already committed to support the conference as exhibitors or sponsors.

DELEGATE AND HOTEL REGISTRATION All aspects of delegate registration can be completed securely and reliably from the conference website at The reservation system for The Fairmont Winnipeg can also be accessed through the conference website. The promotional code to reference when making your booking (GRCDA1) is automatically applied when reservations are initiated from here as well.

MORE INFORMATION Your best reference for up-tothe-minute information on all aspects of the CDA 2008 Annual Conference in Winnipeg is the conference website www.cda2008. ca. Here you will be able to access information about workshops, panelists, the technical and companions programs, exhibitors, social events and the technical tours. You can also find email addresses for Organizing Committee members should you wish to contact any of the organizers directly. See you in Winnipeg! ■ 16

Summer 2008

2008 Annual Conference September 27 to October 2, 2008

Canadian Dam Association Association Canadienne des Barrages REG IST R AT I O N FO R M

Online registration, including payment, may be made at Delegate’s Name: _______________________________________ (first name, surname) Name to appear on name tag: _______________________________ (if different from above) Title: _______________________________________________ Affiliation: ___________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________ Telephone: ( _____ ) ______________ Fax: (____) ____________ e-mail: _____________________________________________ Special requirements/requests:_______________________________ (meals, accessibility, etc.) PAYMENT METHOD Cheque or money order. (Make payable to Canadian Dam Association Be sure to indicate “2008 Conference Delegate Registration” on your cheque) Conference Venue: Fairmont Winnipeg Hotel For more information about the conference venue and events, please go to and click on 2008 conference. It is recommended that delegates make hotel registrations at the Fairmont Hotel as early as possible due to space limitations. Privacy Statement: Your contact information will be disclosed only to the conference committee. It will also be included on the delegates’ list unless you indicated to the contrary. Please do not include my contact information on the delegate list. Please do not include my contact information in the ICOLD Directory.

Cancellation: Requests for cancellation must be made to the Conference Secretary at: Refunds will be subject to an administration charge of $150. There will be no refunds for cancellations after September 1, 2008. If CDA cancels an event, participant will receive 100% refund for that event; PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM WITH YOUR PAYMENT TO: CDA Conference – Conference Office, Canadian Dam Association, P.O. Box 4490, South Edmonton Postal Station, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6E 4T7 For more information about registration, e-mail

1. CONFERENCE REGISTRATION – (Sunday Sept. 28 to Wednesday Oct. 1, 2008) Full registration includes the Welcoming Reception, 3 breakfasts, 3 lunches, coffee breaks, Exhibitors’ Reception, CDA Awards Banquet, Conference Proceedings, and your 2008/2009 CDA annual membership fee. Full Registration does not include any workshops. All fees are in Canadian dollars. Full registration received on or before August 15, 2008 $650________ Full registration payment received after August 15, 2008 $750________ Student registration (includes 3 breakfasts, 3 lunches, coffee breaks, proceedings, membership fee) $300________ One Day Registration - Monday, Sept. 29 (includes breakfast, lunch, coffee breaks, proceedings, membership fee) $300________ One Day Registration - Tuesday, Sept. 30 (includes breakfast, lunch, coffee breaks, proceedings, membership fee) $300________ One Day Registration - Wednesday, Oct. 1 (includes breakfast, lunch, coffee breaks, proceedings, membership fee) $300________ 2. WORKSHOPS - (Saturday Sept. 27 and Sunday Sept. 28) Registered conference delegates have priority to attend the workshops over non-registered workshop attendees. CDA 2007 Dam Safety Guidelines - Sat., Sept. 27 (morning) $75________ Presentations will be made on several key dam safety issues, with particular reference to the revised Dam Safety Guidelines published in 2007. The workshop will assist members to understand and apply the Guidelines in dam safety practice. (Includes breakfast before the workshop and a coffee break) Open Forum on Dam Safety Regulation - Sat., Sept. 27 (afternoon) $75________ (Includes lunch before the workshop and a coffee break) Risk and Uncertainty in Dam Safety - Sun., Sept. 28 (full day) $300________ (Includes breakfast, lunch and coffee breaks) Real Time Instrumentation Monitoring - Sun, Sept. 28 (full day) $300________ (Includes breakfast, lunch and coffee breaks) 3. TECHNICAL TOURS - (Thursday Oct. 2, 2008) All tours are subject to a minimum and maximum attendance, so please book your tour now with your conference registration. Registered conference delegates have priority to attend the tours over non-registered tour attendees. Red River Floodway Expansion Project and St. Andrews Lock & Dam ____ @ $60________ Hydroelectric Plants in Southern Manitoba ____ @ $65________ Hydroelectric Plants in Northern Manitoba ____ @ $850________ Tailings Facilities in Northern Manitoba ____ @ $1000________ 4) EXTRA TICKETS: For the Evening Social Events and Additional Conference Proceedings Welcoming Reception - Sunday Sept. 28 (Manitoba Museum) ____@ $50________ Exhibitors’ Reception - Monday Sept. 29 (Fairmont Winnipeg: East/Midway Ballroom) ____@ $50________ CDA Awards Banquet - Tuesday Sept. 30 (Fairmont Winnipeg: West/Midway Ballroom) ____@ $120________ Additional Conference Proceedings - CD Format ____@ $50________ 5. COMPANIONS’ PROGRAM - (Monday Sept. 29 to Wednesday Oct. 1) Companion’s Name: _______________________________________________________ (first name, surname) A Taste of Winnipeg - Monday, Sept. 29 ____@ $90________ Historic River Drive - Tuesday Sept. 30 ____@ $90________ Exchange District Costume Museum & Nygard Fashion World Tour - Wednesday Oct. 1 ____@ $50________ Sub-total ________ ❏ GST Exempt GST Registration No: ________________________ GST ________ Please Note: 5% GST will be added for Canadian residents. Total amount payable (Canadian $) ________

Technologies naissantes pour les barrages Photo hoto g gracieuseté acieuseté de : SSta Stan tan Milosevic tan ilosevic –

Congrès g A Annuell

L’acb 2008 ddee L’ac

Site Web du congrès 2008 :

Winnipeg (Manitoba) Manitoba) – 26 septembree a au 2 octobre 20 2008 Programme du congrès ACB 2008 – « En un coup d’oeil » ÉVÉNEMENTS EN SOIRÉE

ÉVÉNEMENTS DE JOUR Conseil d’administration de l’ACB (Partie 1)

Vendredi 26 septembre

Dimanche 28 septembre

Atelier 1 – Directives de l’ACB (matin seulement)

Atelier 2 – Forum sur la règlementation de la sécurité des barrages (après-midi seulement)

Atelier 3 – Risques et incertitudes (journée entière) Atelier 4 – Instruments de surveillance en temps réel (journée entière) Séance de l’aprèsmidi

Lundi 29 septembre

Débat d’experts du jour 1

Séances techniques no 1A et 1B

Séances techniques no 2A et 2B

Mardi 30 septembre

Débat d’experts du jour 2

Mercredi 1er octobre

Mardi 2 octobre


Séances techniques no 3A et 3B


Séance du matin


Séance du matin


Samedi 27 septembre


Conseil d’administration de l’ACB (Partie 2)

Séance de l’aprèsmidi Assemblée générale annuelle de l’ACB Séances techniques no 5A et 5B

Réception de bienvenue au Musée du Manitoba

Réception des exposants et « souper local »

Séances Banquet des techniques prix de l’ACB no 4A et 4B Séance Débats Séances technique d’experts du techniques no 7A et o jour 3 n 6A et 6B cérémonie de clôture Visite technique 1 - Le canal de dérivation de la rivière Rouge ainsi que l’écluse et le barrage de St. Andrews Visite technique 2 - Barrages hydroélectriques du sud du Manitoba Visite technique 3 - Barrages hydroélectriques du nord du Manitoba Visite technique 4 - Barrages de résidus du nord du Manitoba Summer 2008


Atelier 4

Le congrès annuel 2008 de l’Association canadienne des barrages, tenu à l’hôtel Fairmont de Winnipeg, en septembre-octobre, sera l’endroit tout désigné pour s’instruire sur le thème des Technologies naissantes pour les barrages, pour établir de nouveaux contacts avec les professionnels des barrages du Canada et de partout dans le monde et pour découvrir l’une des villes les plus cosmopolites du Canada à travers une variété d’événements sociaux associés au congrès.

Utilisation des instruments de surveillance en temps réel (journée de dimanche)



Dans l’édition du printemps du Bulletin, on a décrit trois ateliers planifiés pour les deux premiers jours du congrès. Le Comité organisateur a récemment ajouté un quatrième atelier au programme. Voici le plus récent sommaire de ces ateliers :

Atelier 2

Le programme technique du congrès de Winnipeg promet d’être un grand succès. Nous avons accepté 65 rapports techniques venant du Canada, des ÉtatsUnis, d’Australie, de Norvège, de Trinidad-et-Tobago et de Nouvelle-Zélande. Le programme inclura 13 séances techniques. Toutes les séances techniques portent sur de nouvelles technologies dans le domaine de l’ingénierie des barrages et des disciplines apparentées, allant de l’éco-hydraulique à l’instrumentation de haute technologie, en passant par la modélisation numérique et les techniques d’investigation non intrusives. Comme nouveauté, à la place des discours principaux, pendant les séances du matin, le Comité technique prévoit des séances plénières sous forme de trois débats d’experts passionnants, chacun avec deux ou trois conférenciers. Au moment d’aller sous presse, les panélistes suivants avaient confirmé leur participation.

Forum ouvert sur la réglementation de la sécurité des barrages (samedi après-midi)

Débat d’experts du jour 1

Atelier 1 Atelier sur les Directives de l’ACB (samedi matin) Voici votre occasion d’assister à un exposé sur le développement et le contenu des Directives de sécurité des barrages 2007 de l’ACB. On y traitera de l’application des directives et des domaines où il serait utile d’apporter des précisions ou des révisions dans l’avenir. Cet atelier d’une demi-journée sera la suite logique des informations et suggestions fournies dans les ateliers régionaux du printemps 2008.

Durant cet atelier, nous parlerons des répercussions des nouvelles Directives de l’ACB sur les lois, règlements et directives des provinces et territoires canadiens. Cet atelier d’une demi-journée fera suite à l’atelier sur les Directives de l’ACB. Ce sera aussi la suite logique des informations et suggestions des ateliers régionaux du printemps 2008, où les organismes de réglementation provinciaux et territoriaux ont été invités à décrire l’impact des Directives dans leur juridiction. Il y aura également des exposés sur les programmes de sécurité des barrages provinciaux, suivis d’un débat d’experts.

Atelier 3 Risques, incertitudes et sécurité des barrages (journée de dimanche) Cet atelier sera présenté dans le contexte des Directives 2007. Il couvrira les concepts et méthodes de base utilisés dans l’analyse des incertitudes et des risques relatifs à la sécurité des barrages et à la gestion de la sécurité. Il sera notamment question des risques acceptables concernant les barrages ainsi que de l’approche sécuritaire et de la planification globale de la sécurité des barrages. Canadian Dam Association

Cet atelier donnera des informations sur l’utilisation efficace des instruments de surveillance en temps réel des barrages. On donnera des informations sur les types d’instruments disponibles sur le marché, sur les systèmes d’alimentation et de communication requis pour acquérir et transmettre des données, ainsi que sur les besoins en systèmes de traitement, de stockage et de présentation de données.

Hydro-Manitoba à la fine pointe de l’innovation Lundi, 29 septembre • Randy Raban, directeur de division, Services d’ingénierie, Hydro-Manitoba , Winnipeg (MB) Canada • Ed Wojczynski, directeur de division, Développement des projets de centrales, Hydro-Manitoba, Winnipeg (MB) Canada • Halina Zbigniewicz, directrice, Développement et Ingénierie des ressources hydrauliques Développement des projets de centrales, HydroManitoba, Winnipeg (MB) Canada

Débat d’experts du jour 2 Progrès dans la technologie satellite pour les barrages Mardi, 30 septembre • Desmond Power, directeur, Systèmes géospatiaux et Capteurs intelligents, C-CORE, St. John’s (T-N.) Canada • Lawrence A. Hansen, vice-président principal, AMEC Earth & Environmental, Phoenix (AZ) ÉtatsUnis • Jim Hummert II, vice-président, Ingénierie des systèmes, URS Corporation, St. Louis (MO) États-Unis 19

Débat d’experts du jour 3 Les barrages et l’environnement - les nouvelles technologies sont-elles utiles? Mercredi, 1er octobre • Marnix C. de Vriend, conseiller senior, côte et rivières, Royal Haskoning, Nijmegen, Pays-Bas Ne manquez pas de consulter le site Web du congrès, www., pour d’autres mises à jour sur ces débats d’experts, pour les thèmes présentés et pour les présentations de nos distingués panélistes.

VISITES TECHNIQUES Jeudi, 2 octobre Les quatre visites techniques de la dernière journée du congrès seront d’excellentes occasions de vous familiariser avec les projets de barrages et de sécurité des barrages dans la province clé du Canada. Choisissez l’une des quatre visites guidées planifiées pour le congrès de cette année :

Visite 1 Le canal de dérivation de la rivière Rouge ainsi que l’écluse et le barrage de St. Andrews Voici votre chance de visiter les principaux ouvrages du canal de dérivation de la rivière Rouge ainsi que l’écluse et le barrage de St. Andrews, au nord de Winnipeg. Le canal de dérivation de la rivière Rouge protège Winnipeg contre les inondations. Il subit présentement des travaux de 700 M$ pour en augmenter la capacité. Achevé en 1910, le barrage-écluse St. Andrews est de style « Caméré ». Il a été désigné comme « lieu historique national de l’ingénierie » par la SCGC.

Visite 2 Barrages hydroélectriques du sud du Manitoba Visite de deux des six barrages hydroélectriques de la rivière Winnipeg, à environ 150 km au nordest de Winnipeg et du barrage désaffecté Pinawa, qui a été construit au tournant du dernier siècle et qui 20

Summer 2008

est maintenant transformé en parc historique provincial.

Visite 3 Barrages hydroélectriques du nord du Manitoba Visite par avion nolisé à 650 km au nord de Winnipeg, a Gillam (Manitoba), où vous attendent deux des centrales hydroélectriques d’Hydro-Manitoba sur la rivière Nelson.

Visite 4 Barrages de résidus du nord du Manitoba Autre visite par avion nolisé dans la région de Flin Flon, dans le nord-ouest du Manitoba, pour visiter un barrage de résidus majeur à HudBay Minerals. Aussi, possibilité d’une visite à un ancien site patrimonial de la même région, où la province du Manitoba entreprend un travail de réhabilitation majeure de la mine désaffectée. Toutes les visites ont un nombre minimum et un nombre maximum de participants. Il faut donc réserver vos visites avec votre inscription au congrès et le faire le plus tôt possible. Consultez le site Web du congrès,, pour les plus récentes informations concernant toutes les visites.

POSSIBILITÉS DE COMMANDITES ET D’EXPOSITION Les possibilités de commandites et d’expositions ont été très bien accueillies, puisque les 12 espaces d’exposition sont maintenant remplis, de même que les opportunités de commandites Platine et Canadian Dam Association


Or, les banquets, les événements et plusieurs autres Il reste encore beaucoup d’opportunités de commandite au congrès, ce qui en fait une occasion en or d’atteindre des clients potentiels et des décideurs dans les domaines des barrages hydroélectriques et de résidus miniers au Canada. Merci de visiter le site Web du congrès, à www., pour voir comment vous pouvez devenir un commanditaire du congrès, et aussi pour trouver la liste complète des entreprises qui se sont déjà engagées à soutenir cet événement à titre d’exposants ou de commanditaires.

INSCRIPTION DES DÉLÉGUÉS ET RÉSERVATIONS D’HÔTEL Tous les aspects de l’inscription des délégués peuvent être complétés de façon sécuritaire et fiable sur le site Web du congrès, à www. Le site Web du congrès donne aussi accès au système de réservations de l’hôtel Fairmont Winnipeg. Le code promotionnel à mentionner lorsque vous faites votre réservation (GRCDA1) s’applique automatiquement lorsque vos réservations sont faites à travers ce site.

AUTRES INFORMATIONS Votre meilleure source d’informations récentes sur tous les aspects du congrès annuel 2008 de l’ACB, à Winnipeg, est le site Web du congrès, Vous y trouverez des informations à propos des ateliers, des panélistes, du programme technique, du programme pour les accompagnateurs, des exposants, des événements sociaux et des visites techniques. Vous y trouverez aussi les adresses de courriel des membres du Comité organisateur si vous désirez les contacter directement. À bientôt à Winnipeg! ■ 22

Summer 2008

Congrès annuel 2008, du 27 septembre au 2 octobre 2008

Canadian Dam Association Association Canadienne des Barrages FORMULAIRE D’INSCRIPTION

On peut aussi s’inscrire et payer en ligne à Nom du délégué _______________________________________ (prénom et nom de famille) Nom à inscrire sur l’insigne : ________________________________ (S’il diffère du nom c-dessus) Titre : ______________________________________________ Entreprise : ___________________________________________ Adresse : ____________________________________________ Téléphone: ( _____ ) _________ Télécopieur : (____) ____________ Courriel : ____________________________________________ Besoins spéciaux/Demandes spéciales : _________________________ (repas, accessibilité, etc.) MODE DE PAIEMENT Chèque ou mandat. (Libeller au nom de Canadian Dam Association. Ne pas oublier d’inscrire la mention « Inscription de délégué au congrès 2008 » sur votre chèque.) Site du congrès : Hôtel Fairmont de Winnipeg. Pour en savoir plus sur le site et le programme du congrès, allez à www.cda. ca et cliquez sur Congrès 2008. On recommande aux délégués de réserver leur chambre à l’hôtel Fairmont le plus tôt possible en raison des limites d’espace. Confidentialité : Vos coordonnées seront communiquées au Comité du congrès seulement. Elles figureront aussi à la liste des délégués à moins que vous ne nous indiquiez le contraire. Merci de ne pas inclure mes coordonnées dans la liste des délégués. Merci de ne pas inclure mes coordonnées dans le répertoire du CIGB.

Annulation : Les demandes d’annulation doivent être adressées au Secrétaire du Congrès, à l’adresse Les remboursements sont sujets à des frais d’administration de 150 $. Aucun remboursement ni annulation après le 1er septembre 2008. Si l’ACB annule un événement, le participant sera remboursé à 100 % pour l’événement en question. MERCI DE RENVOYER CE FORMULAIRE AVEC VOTRE PAIEMENT À : CDA Conference - Conference Office, Canadian Dam Association, P.O. Box 4490, South Edmonton Postal Station, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6E 4T7 Pour en savoir plus sur l’inscription, envoyez un courriel à

1. INSCRIPTION AU CONGRÈS – (Du dimanche 28 sept. au mercredi 1er oct. 2008) L’inscription complète comprend la réception de bienvenue, trois petits-déjeuners, trois déjeuners, les pauses café, la Réception des exposants, le Gala des prix de l’ACB, un exemplaire du compte-rendu du congrès et votre cotisation annuelle 2008-2009 à l’ACB. L’inscription complète n’inclut aucun atelier. Tous les frais sont en dollars canadiens. Inscription complète reçue le 15 août 2008 ou avant $650________ Paiement d’inscription complète reçu après le 15 août 2008 $750________ Inscription pour étudiant (inclut 3 petits-déjeuners, 3 déjeuners, pauses-café, un exemplaire du compte rendu, cotisation) $300________ Inscription d’un jour – Lundi, 29 sept. (inclut petit-déjeuner, déjeuner, pauses-café un exemplaire du compte rendu, cotisation) $300________ Inscription d’un jour - Mardi, 30 sept. (inclut petit-déjeuner, déjeuner, pauses-café un exemplaire du compte rendu, cotisation) $300________ Inscription d’un jour – Mercredi 1er oct. (inclut petit-déjeuner, déjeuner, pauses-café, compte rendu, cotisation) $300________ 2. ATELIERS - (Samedi 27 sept. et dimanche 28 sept.) Les délégués inscrits ont priorité par rapport aux non-inscrits. Directives de sécurité des barrages 2007 de l’ACB – Sam., 27 sept (matin) $75________ On fera des exposés sur plusieurs questions clés touchant la sécurité des barrages, en mettant spécialement l’accent sur les Directives révisées de 2007. L’atelier est conçu pour aider les membres à comprendre et appliquer les Directives. (Inclut le petit déjeuner avant l’atelier et une pause-café) Forum sur la réglementation de la sécurité des barrages – Sam. 27 septembre (après-midi) $75________ (comprend le lunch avant l’atelier et une pause-café) Risques, incertitudes et sécurité des barrages – Dim. 28 sept (journée complète) $300________ (inclut petit déjeuner, lunch et pauses-café) Instruments de surveillance en temps réel – Dim. 28 sept. (journée complète) $300________ (inclut petit-déjeuner, lunch et pauses-café) 3. VISITES TECHNIQUES - (Jeudi 2 oct. 2008) Toutes les visites guidées ont un minimum et un maximum de participants, alors réservez votre visite maintenant avec votre inscription au congrès. Les délégués inscrits au congrès ont priorité sur les non-inscrits. Canal de dérivation de la rivière Rouge/Écluse et barrage de St. Andrews ____ @ $60________ Centrales hydroélectriques du sud du Manitoba ____ @ $65________ Centrales hydroélectriques du nord du Manitoba ____ @ $850________ Barrages de résidus du nord du Manitoba ____ @ $1000________ 4) BILLETS SUPPLÉMENTAIRES : Pour les activités sociales en soirée et des exemplaires supplémentaires des comptes-rendus du congrès. Réception de bienvenue – dimanche 28 sept. (Le Musée du Manitoba) ____@ $50________ Réception des exposants – Lundi 29 sept. (Hôtel Fairmont de Winnipeg : Salle de bal Midway Est) ____@ $50________ Gala des prix de l’ACB – Mardi 30 sept. (Fairmont Winnipeg : Salle de bal Midway Ouest) ____@ $120________ Exemplaires supplémentaires des comptes-rendus du congrès – Format CD ____@ $50________ 5. PROGRAMME DES ACCOMPAGNATEURS – (du dimanche 29 sept. au mercredi 1er oct.) Nom de l’accompagnateur : __________________________________________________ (prénom et nom de famille) Un avant-goût de Winnipeg – Lundi, 29 sept ____@ $90________ Promenade le long de la rivière – Mardi 30 sept. ____@ $90________ Musée du costume et Monde de la mode de Nygard – Mercredi, 1er oct. ____@ $50________ Total partiel : ________ ❏ Exempté de TPS No d’inscription à la TPS : ________________________ TPS ________ A noter : On ajoutera 5 % de TPS pour les résidents canadiens. Total à payer ($CA) ________

Behind the Scenes at the CDA –

Committees in Review

By Joe Groeneveld Member, Editorial Committee


ommittees form the backbone of the CDA. Each day much effort goes on behind the scenes of our organization through the hard work of our volunteer committee members. These members deserve a hearty thank you for the important work that they do. In order to better appreciate this work, this short article provides important information on the roles and responsibilities of active committees within the CDA. We’ve also provided the name of the committee chairs if you would like to contact them directly to learn more or to volunteer for service. Further information on these committees can also be found on the CDA website

Awards Committee The mandate of this committee, as suggested by the name, is to coordinate the annual awards program for the CDA. In total, this important committee oversees the nomination and selection of deserving recipients for six awards – The Inge Anderson Award, The Published Paper Award, The Student Award, Peter Halliday Award for Service, and Service Recognition on Board of Directors. In addition to overseeing the nomination and selection of award recipients, the committee is also responsible for planning the awards ceremony at the annual CDA conference banquet and for presenting the awards. In addition, the committee plans and assesses other potential awards or scholarships and makes suggestions and recommendations on these to the Board. The Chair for this committee is Bob Barnes (bbarnes@

Bulletin Editorial Committee The mandate of this committee is to oversee the publication of our quarterly newsletter, the CDA Bulletin. The Bulletin is one of the primary communication tools of our organization. This committee of seven individuals works hard each year to help provide a quality product to CDA members. The committee is responsible for: planning each new issue of the Bulletin; soliciting editorial content for each issue; working closely with our publisher, Naylor (Canada), Inc., during the production of each issue; proofreading all drafts; and ensuring that each issue is forwarded to the CDA webmaster for internet publication. The committee has done an excellent job over the years and we’ve seen the support for this publication grow tremendously. Over the 2007 year, circulation for the Bulletin consistently exceeded 1,300 subscribers. Advertising support for the Bulletin continues to be excellent, and our thanks go out to all who regularly contribute to the financial support of this publication. The Chair for this committee is Allan Kirkham (


Summer 2008

Committee on Regulation of Dams and Public Safety The mandate of this committee is to provide guidance to the CDA Board of Directors and act as a resource on items regarding legislation governing dams and public safety, where public safety relates to dams and their operation. The committee also provides a forum for discussion amongst provincial dam safety regulators. The committee annually reviews and updates a status report on dams and public safety regulations in Canada, develops strategies for recommendation to the Board to encourage appropriate regulation of dams and public safety across Canada, and develops and maintains contact with other International bodies involved in the development and implementation of regulations governing dams and public safety. The committee membership is impressive. It includes regulators located in almost all Provinces and Territories, as well as Federal Government participation. The Chair for this committee is Karyn Wog (

Communication and Publication Committee The mandate of this important committee is to develop strategies, policies and procedures for CDA communications and publications. This includes the Dam Safety Guidelines, newsletters, press releases, paper documents, CDs and other electronic media, including the internet. This committee of 10 is responsible for reviewing the content and format of the CDA website, and developing and implementing policies, standards and procedures for the quality assurance of all CDA publications. The committee is also responsible for managing all multilingual communications within the CDA. One current project of the committee is the upgrading of the CDA website and the launch of an online database for all technical papers presented at CDA conferences. The Chair for this committee is Perry Mitchelmore (

Conference Organizing Committee Each year the membership gathers at an annual conference held in the fall. This is always a fantastic event. The conference could not take place without the hard work of each organizing committee. A new organizing committee is formed for each annual conference, approximately three years before the conference. The purpose of the committee in its simplest form is to plan, organize and manage the annual CDA conference. The committee’s responsibilities include ensuring the implementation of all Board policies at each conference, selection of an appropriate venue, planning of all elements of the conference, including the technical program and publication of conference proceedings, and management of the conference ďŹ nances. This fall, the conference will be held in the vibrant city of Winnipeg. Terry Armstrong ( is the Chair for this hard working committee. In 2009, the conference will be held in the breathtaking Whistler resort and the co-chairs for this committee are Charles Holder ( and Clare Raska ( Canadian Dam Association


Dam Safety Committee The mandate of this important committee is to provide technical guidance to the CDA Board of Directors and to act as a technical resource on all dam safety related issues. The committee holds quarterly meetings and receives direct guidance from the Board. The committee identiďŹ es issues relevant and important to dam safety, is responsible for the development and approval of all revisions to the Dam Safety Guidelines and develops and recommends other dam safety documents for CDA approval and publication. It is also responsible for the development and/ or assessment of any Research and Development opportunities related to dam safety. The most recent project of this committee is the publication of the 2007 Dam Safety Guidelines and Technical Bulletins. This was the culmination of over three years of extensive volunteer work by over 14 experts in various disciplines related to dam engineering – an impressive cast to say the least. The Chair for this committee is Andy Zielinski (andy.zielinski@


Summer 2008

International Committee The mandate of this committee is to ensure the CDA is fully abreast of and an active participant in ICOLD and other international activities involving the dam industry. The Chair for this Committee is the Director-at-Large (who acts as a link between the central office of ICOLD and the CDA). The committee members represent the CDA on the various ICOLD technical committees and working groups. The Chair reports to the Board on upcoming and ongoing initiatives undertaken by ICOLD and other international agencies. Another prime responsibility of the committee is to promote the participation of Canadian members in ICOLD activities, and to recruit qualified Canadians to participate in ICOLD committees. The committee also promotes our Canadian experience and expertise in dams on an international front. The current Chair for this important committee is Johanne Bibeau (

Nominating Committee The mandate of this committee is to manage all activities associated with the annual nomination and election of Board members in accordance with the “Rules of Election” as outlined in the CDA ByLaws. It is the committee’s responsibility to solicit nominations for all open Board positions, and also to coordinate the election process. Elections for the 11 Director positions are carried out via ballots, while elections for the positions of President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer and Directorsat-Large are carried out at the Annual General Meeting. The current Chair for this committee is Bob Barnes ( Canadian Dam Association




he members of the Canadian Dam Association are hereby notified of the 2008 Annual General Meeting to be held at the Fairmont Hotel in Winnipeg, Manitoba on Monday, September 29, 2008.

Canadian Dam Association



titre de membre de l’Association canadienne des barrages, vous êtes invité à participer à la réunion générale annuelle qui aura lieu à l’hôtel Fairmont, Winnipeg, Manitoba, lundi, – le 29 septembre 2008.






ach year the CDA recognizes and encourages outstanding performance in the CDA Canadian dam industry by preAwards senting awards. The following awards will be presented in 2008 at the annual fall conference in Winnipeg. The deadline for nominations is August 31, 2008.

chaque année, l’ACB reconnaît et encourage les performances exPrix ceptionnelles dans l’industrie de l’ACB canadienne des barrages en accordant des prix. Les prix suivants seront présentés en 2008 lors de la conférence annuelle à Winnipeg cet automne. La date limite pour les nominations est le 31 août 2008.



This award is offered every two years to a person who has distinguished himself/herself in the dam industry. The award recognizes a person who has contributed significantly to the advancement of knowledge and practices related to dams in Canada.

Cette récompense est offerte à tous les deux ans à une personne qui s’est distinguée dans l’industrie des barrages. La récompense est attribuée à une personne qui a contribué sensiblement à l’avancement des connaissances et des pratiques liées aux barrages au Canada.



This award is offered to one or more individuals for preparing and publishing an outstanding article or technical paper on dam-related issues in Canada.

Cette récompense est offerte à l’auteur qui prépare et publie le meilleur article ou exposé technique sur les questions de sécurité de barrage au Canada.



This award is intended to honour and encourage achievements by students in dam-related disciplines. Judgement for this award is made on the basis of achievements and/or performance as demonstrated in a technical paper, research or contributions in the workplace. The recipient receives a $500 cash award, plus a one-year free membership from the CDA. All full-time university students in engineering in Canada are eligible.

Cette récompense vise à honorer et à encourager les étudiants à réaliser des projets dans des disciplines associées au domaine des barrages. La sélection pour cette récompense sera basée sur les réalisations et/ou les performances démontrées dans une des catégories suivantes : exposé technique, contributions scientifiques en milieu de travail. Le récipiendaire reçoit un prix de 500$ ainsi qu’un abonnement d’une année à l’ACB. Tous les étudiants universitaires à temps plein en ingénierie au Canada sont éligibles.


This award recognizes the efforts of CDA members who have demonstrated outstanding commitment to CDA, and have made valued contributions to the advancement of the Association. The award is offered annually to one or more members of CDA. All recipients must be CDA members. If you have a candidate you would like to nominate for an award, please visit the CDA website www.cda. ca and complete the online Nomination Form. Bob Barnes, Chair, CDA Awards Committee Tel: (709) 737-1266


Cette récompense reconnaît les efforts des membres de l’ACB qui ont démontré un engagement exceptionnel pour l’ACB, et qui ont contribué de façon significative à l’avancement de l’association. La récompense est offerte annuellement à un ou à plusieurs membres de l’ACB. Tous les récipiendaires doivent être membres de l’ACB. Le Prix Étudiant sera accordé à un étudiant à temps plein en génie. Si vous désirez mettre en nomination un candidat pour l’un de ces prix veuillez s’il vous plait visiter le site internet de l’ACB ( afin de compléter le formulaire de mise en candidature. Bob Barnes, Président du comité des prix de l’ACB tél: (709) 737-1266 courier :


Summer 2008



t the 2008 CDA Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Winnipeg, the election of officers/ directors of the Canadian Dam Association (CDA) will be carried out. Three positions are open for election at this time. As the CDA by-laws provide, a Nominating Committee has been appointed to present the Board of Directors with nominations for election. The committee is now seeking nominations for the positions of President, Vice-President and Directorat-Large (CDA international commitments, ICOLD, among others), for election at the 2008 AGM. The term of office for each position will be two (2) years. Nominations may be submitted to Mona Bechai (, before August 1, 2008. Nominations for these positions may also be made from the floor at the AGM.

Canadian Dam Association



assemblée générale annuelle de l’ACB se tiendra à Winnipeg. Lors de cette assemblée, se tiendront des élections pour combler des postes d’officiers et de membres du conseil d’administration. Trois postes sont à pourvoir. Selon les règlements de l’ACB, un comité des candidatures a été mis sur pied afin de présenter au conseil d’administration des candidatures pour ces élections. Ce comité est actuellement à la recherche de candidatures pour les postes de Président, vice-président et directeur pour la coordination à l’international (engagements internationaux de l’ACB, CIGB, etc) pour la prochaine élection. La durée des mandats est de deux ans pour toutes les positions à pourvoir. Les mises en candidature peuvent être soumises à Mona Bechai (, avant le 1er août 2008. Les mises en candidatures pour ces postes peuvent également être faites directement par des membres présents lors de l’assemblée générale.







ou will have received a membership renewal notice in the mail. Membership fees are now due and payable. As you are aware, our membership fees are low and provide you with copies of this Bulletin including information on our conferences and the activities of ICOLD. The Association needs you as a member to ensure the ongoing vitality of CDA. Please take a few minutes to complete the form and return it with your membership fees. Any questions, please give me a call at (780) 432-7236. Barry Hurndall, Executive Director CDA


ous avez probablement reçu par courrier l’avis de renouvellement comme membre de l’Association. Il est maintenant temps de faire parvenir votre cotisation de membre. En tant que membre, vous bénéficiez d’informations techniques incluses dans le Bulletin de l’ACB, lequel vous est acheminé quatre fois par années, en plus des informations qu’on y trouve sur les conférences et autres activités organisées par l’ACB et la CIGB. Vous en profitez moyennant un coût minimal de cotisation. L’ACB veut poursuivre ses activités et servir ses membres en autant que vous répondiez à l’appel et que vous vous joigniez nombreux à l’association. Veuillez prendre quelques minutes pour remplir le formulaire et le retourner avec votre cotisation de membre. Pour toute question, prière de communiquer au (780) 432-7236. Barry Hurndall, Directeur exécutif ACB

Canadian Dam Association


Big Dam!

© KCPhotos/

Alberta Beavers Erect 850-Metre Barrier


n Ottawa scientist has identified what he believes to be the world’s longest beaver dam. The 850-metre long dam is located in Wood Buffalo National Park in northern Alberta. Ecologist Jean Thie, Executive Director of the Canadian Institute of Geomatics, says he discovered the dam while scanning satellite images for signs of climate change. “Beavers are one of the few species that leave a ‘footprint’ visible from a satellite,” Thie told CBS News. “In addition to looking for evidence of permafrost melting, I started searching for beaver dams and scanning all of northern Canada.” The dam is located among the Birch Mountains south of Lac Clair, about 190 kilometres northeast of Fort McMurray, Alberta. The dam clearly has two or more lodges and is a combination of two original dams. There is no visible surface water, but it can be assumed that water

Canadian Dam Association

moves down the very slightly-sloping wetland upstream of the dam. The flow is slow and over a wide area, necessitating the very long dam. Many dams in areas like this are 500-m long, but any dam over 600-m long is exceptional, reports Thie’s website. Thie says northern Alberta has the richest beaver habitat in the world. He intends to continue searching in hopes of finding even larger dams in the area. “These are some of the most amazing beaver landscapes in the world. I would not be surprised if we find a dam even longer than this one,” he says. The longest previously reported beaver dam was a 652-m structure in Three Forks, Montana, says Thie. The picture above is provided as an illustration. An image of the world’s longest dam was not available. However, satellite images of the dam’s location and more details are provided on the EcoInformatics International Inc website http://www.geostrategis. com/p_beavers-longestdam.htm. ■ 35

BUYERS’ GUIDE & TRADE LIST ANCHORS Canbar, Inc. ..........................................................11 APPRAISALS & VALUATIONS Mainstream Associates .........................................38 BEARING OIL COOLERS Hexeco, Inc. ..........................................................33 BEARINGS Pioneer Motor Bearing Co. ....................................14 BITUMINOUS GEO-MEMBRANE SYSTEMS Soprema ...............................................................20 BOAT BARRIERS Worthington Products, Inc. ...........outside back cover COMPUTER SOFTWARE Mitre Software Corp. .............................................37 CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES Thalle Construction Company, Inc. ..........................8 CONSULTANTS J L Richards & Associates Ltd. ..............................20 Klohn Crippen Berger ..............................................8 The Primary Power Group .....................................28 CONSULTING ENGINEERS AMEC ...................................................................32 BPR ......................................................................37 Devine Tarbell & Associates ............................10, 28 EBA Engineering Consultants ................................27 Hatch Energy ........................................................34 IBI Group...............................................................26 KGS Group ............................................................11 Knight Piesold Ltd. ..................................................7 Northwest Hydraulic Consultants ..........................21 Rousseau & Dupere Engineering ...........................38 Thurber Engineering .............................................16 UMA Engineering ..................................................31 CONTRACTORS Thalle Construction Company, Inc. ..........................8 CRANES & HOISTS COH, Inc. ..............................................................28 DAM & TUNNEL INSTRUMENTATION Geokon, Inc. .........................................................29 DAM OWNERS B.C. Hydro ............................................................11 Brookfield Renewable Power ................................32 Hydro Quebec, Groupe Production.........................15 Manitoba Hydro ......................................................4 Ontario Power Generation ..............inside back cover

GTILT® PLUS Inclinometer Software GSLOPE Stability Analysis Free working models at

780-434-4452 Canadian Dam Association


DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEMS Canary Systems ....................................................27

OUTFALLS Northwest Pipe Co. ...............................................10

DESIGN/BUILD Galcon Marine Ltd.................................................38

GEOTECHNICAL & STRUCTURAL INSTRUMENTATION Durham Geo Slope Indicator .................................38 Roctest Ltd. - Canada ...........................................32 RST Instruments Ltd. ............................................11

DIVING CONTRACTORS Diving Services .....................................................15 O.D.S. Marine .......................................................28

GEOTECHNICAL CONTRACTORS Hayward Baker, Inc...............................................29

DRILLING & PRESSURE GROUTING Hayward Baker, Inc...............................................29

GEOTECHNICAL MODELING SOFTWARE GEO-SLOPE International Ltd. ........inside back cover

DRILLING CONTRACTORS Boart Longyear, Inc. - SDS Division.......................26

GOVERNORS & CONTROL SYSTEMS Clifton Labs Ltd.....................................................22

EMPLOYMENT Devine Tarbell & Associates ............................10, 28

GROUTING Multiurethanes Ltd. .................................................3

ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION Construction Kiewit ...............................................22 Pioneer Motor Bearing Co. ....................................14 URS Corp. .............................................................16

HEAT TREATING SERVICES Sotherm/Mannings ...............................................32

TRASH RACKS Hydro Component Systems, LLC .... inside front cover Hydrothane Systems, Inc. .....................................37

HYDRAULIC MODELING Northwest Hydraulic Consultants ..........................21

TURBINES/WICKET GATES Palmetto, Inc. .......................................................29

ICE ENGINEERING Northwest Hydraulic Consultants ..........................21

UNDERWATER PROJECT CONSULTANTS Diving Services .....................................................15

INFORMATION RESOURCES Hydro Review/HCI Publications..............................14

VALVES The Park Co. .........................................................34 Sorensen Systems/Sorensen Governor Co.............21

IN SITU On Location Machining Services ...........................25

WATER CONTROL GATES Obermeyer Hydro, Inc. ............................................8

LIDAR MAPPING LiDAR Services International (LSI), Inc. ..................33

WATERPROOFING SPECIALISTS Carpi USA, Inc.......................................................34 Layfield Group of Companies ................................29

ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS M.D.H. Engineered Solutions Corp. .......................31 Northwest Hydraulic Consultants ..........................21 EQUIPMENT & MANUFACTURING Atlas Polar Company Limited ..................................6 FISH DIVERSION SCREENS Hydrothane Systems, Inc. .....................................37 GATE SUPPLIERS Hydro Innovation .....................................................3 GEARS Lufkin Gear ...........................................................34 GEO SYNTHETICS Layfield Group of Companies ................................29


LOG AND DEBRIS BOOMS Layfield Group of Companies ................................29 Worthington Products, Inc. ...........outside back cover

PENSTOCKS Northwest Pipe Co. ...............................................10 PRESSURE GROUTING Multiurethanes Ltd. .................................................3 ROLLER-COMPACTED CONCRETE Thalle Construction Company, Inc. ..........................8 RUBBER SEALS Seals Unlimited, Inc. ...............................................4 STEEL PIPE Northwest Pipe Co. ...............................................10

WATERWAY SAFETY & SECURITY Worthington Products, Inc. ...........outside back cover

Summer 2008

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