Bilingual finance association magazine

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• Don't ust Survive Thrive!

March/April 2009 • Mars/Avril 2009

Marketing in a slowing economy calls for an individual approach •

• Prosperez au lieu d su ·vre! n doit individualiser le marketing en reponse au ralentissement de l'economie


The Voice of the Accredited Mortgage Professional La voix du co s le hypothecaire accredite



2008/2009 BOARD OF DIRECTORS LE CONSEIL D'ADMINIS TRATION 2008/2009 Executive Committee/Comite Executif Chair/President du Conseil Pierre Martel, CHA Vice-Chair/President Elu Hali Strandlund, AMP Past Chair/President Sortant Andrew Moor, AMP Secretary/Secretaire Joe Pinheiro, AMP Treasu rer/Tresorier Sam Carnovale, AMP

Article ideas, comments, feedback and suggestions most welcome! Vos suggestions d'articles et remarques sont toujours les bienvenues ! acousland@ca

We welcome letters to the editor! Send them to


Vos Iettres la redaction sont !es bienvenues! Envoyez-les



Index to Advertisers Index des annonceurs MORTGAGE JOURNAL

is published eight times per year for CAAMP by Naylor (Canada), Inc. Postage paid at Winnipeg. Postmaster: Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to Naylor (Canada), Inc. Distribution Dept., 100 Sutherland Ave., Winnipeg, MB R2W 3C7 Canadian Publications Mail Agreement #40064978 JOURNAL HYPOTHECAIREest publie huit fois par an pour ACCHA par Naylor (Canada), Inc. Printed in Canada/lmprime au Canada

Produced and published by: Produit et publie par:

Naylor (Canada), Inc. 100 Sutherland Avenue Winnipeg, MB R2W 3C7 1- 800-665-2456 Publisher/Editeur Robert Phillips

President and CEO/President-directeur general Jim Murphy, AMP Directors/Administrateu rs Boris Bozic, AMP, Ontario Bonny Clarke, AMP, Alberta/NW T-TNO Naureen Durack , CHA, Quebec Stan Falkowski, AMP, Ontario John Gabriel, AMP, Ontario Daryl Harris, AMP, Manitoba Todd Harris, AMP, Atlantic/Atlantique Paul Kozan, AMP, Saskatchewan/Nunavut Brian Peterson, AMP, Director-at-Large/ Administrateur par mandat special, MBABC Ajay Soni, AMP, B.C.- C-B/Yukon Jim Webber, AMP, Alberta/NWT-TNO

The views expressed in this magazine are those of the publisher and do not necessarily reflect those of the officers or members of CAAMP. Les idees exprimees dans ce magazine sont celles de I'editeur et ne refl�tent pas necessairement celles des dirigeants ou des membres de ACCHA. Reprint Permission

Requests to use materials published in MORTGAGE JOURNAL should be directed to the editor at the editorial office address. No reproduction of any part of this magazine is permitted without the written permission of the president of CAAMP. Permission concernanttoute rilimpression II faut acheminer toute demande relative a !'utilisation du materiel paraissant dans ce numero de JOURNAL

Project Manager/Chef de projet Kim Davies Editor/Redactrice Lisa Gordon Account Executives/Charges de compte Gord Jackson, Cheryll Oland, Norma Walchuk Layout & Design/Mise en page & illustration Catharine Snell Advertising Art/Publicite Allan Larde

HYPOTHECAIRE a son redacteur en chef au bureau de la redaction. Aucune reproduction, en totalite ou en partie tiree de ce magazine n"est permise sans 1·autorisation ecrite du president de l'ACCHA. CAA MP I ACCHA 2235 Sheppard Ave. East, Suite 1401, Atria II Toronto, ON M2J 585 Tel. : 416-385-2333/1-888- 442-4625 Fax: 416-385-1177/1-888-579-2840 Website:

French translation by Fran,ois Couture. PUBLISHED FEBRUARY 2009/CIM-H0109/7992


CAAMP ACCHA March/April 2009 • Mars/Avril 2009 I


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