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Spring/Summer 2011

Special 30th Anniversary Edition Presorted Std. U.S. Postage PAID FARGO, ND PERMIT 43

• Best Tasting Water in Indiana: Connersville Utilities! • Upcoming Events Registration • Biological Nutrient Removal • Local Planning Teams

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Hoosier Pipeline • Spring/Summer 2011 5/28/10 3:16:31 PM

THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE ALLIANCE OF INDIANA RURAL WATER Published for: Alliance of Indiana Rural Water P.O. Box 789, Franklin, IN 46131 Phone: (317) 789-4200 • Fax: (317) 736-6676 Help Line: (888) 937-4992 • Alliance Board of Directors President: Frank Pouliot – Ellis Water Company Vice President: Tom Speer – City of Lawrence Utilities Secretary: Floyd Ogden – Valley Rural Utility Company Treasurer: Terry Hafstrom – Kentland Water and Sewer Works Directors: Kevin Servies, Town of Whitestown Connie Stevens, South Henry Regional Waste District Ron Fuchs, Waldron Conservancy District Phil Bastin, BBP Water Corp. Bruce Cunningham, South Harrison Water Corp. Associate Directors: Bob Jordan, Fluid & Thermal Systems Mike Polster, Utility Service Company Alliance Staff Executive Director: Jim Soper • Financial Director/Assistant Executive Director: Leigh Ann Cross • Marketing and Public Relations Director: Laura Vidal • Office Administrator: Kelly Strain • Source Water Specialists: Toby Days • Sky Schelle • Wastewater Training Specialist: Rex Blanton • Wastewater Circuit Riders: Alfred Cooper • Donald Papai • Water Circuit Riders: Joe Frazier • Gordon Meyer • Water Training Specialist: Alan Ash • ARRA Circuit Rider: Eric Newlon • Published by: Naylor, LLC 5950 NW First Place, Gainesville, FL 32607 Phone: (352) 332-1252 or (800) 369-6220 Fax: (352) 331-3525 • Publisher: Kathleen Gardner Editor: Heather Williams Project Manager: Drew Jasinski Marketing: Holly Straut Account Representatives: Shirley Lustan; Bill Mulligan; Christine Ricci; Moe Rodriguez; Jason Ruppert; Andrew Stride; Andy Swenson; Jason Zawada Layout & Design: Catharine Snell Advertising Art: Jean-Baptiste Bonnelame PUBLISHED JANUARY 2011/IRW-B0111/5018

©2011 Naylor, LLC. All rights reserved. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the publisher.

Hoosier Pipeline • Spring/Summer 2011


11 Celebrating 30 Years of Service! 12 Best Tasting Water in Indiana: Connersville Utilities! 13 2011 Spring Conference Registration Form 14 2011 Management Conference Registration Form 15 2011 Operator Expo Registration Form 16 Biological Nutrient Removal By Rex Blanton

18 20 23

2010 Fall Conference Recap 2010 Scholarship Golf Outing Recap Local Planning Teams

By Sky Schelle

25 Possible New Regulation Revisions By Gordon Meyer

27 Partnering to Increase Knowledge By Toby Days

28 Alliance Staff Member Presented

with NRWA Peer Leadership Award

29 Recovery by the Numbers By Eric Newlon

31 Unaccounted-For Water By Joe Frazier

7 9

resident’s Message P We Are What We Drink By Frank Pouliot

E xecutive Director’s Message Looking Into 2011 By Jim Soper

32 Letters of Appreciation 33 Products & Services Marketplace 34 Index to Advertisers/





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11/28/08 1:00:31 PM

Hoosier Pipeline • Spring/Summer 2011 11/17/10 12:19:30 PM

President’s Message

We Are What We Drink

By Frank Pouliot, Alliance Board President Ellis Water Co., Inc.


ach day millions of Americans dump tons of toxic waste into our landfills, streams and rivers. And each day the folks in our industry clean, filter and chlorinate that same water so when you turn on your tap, fresh drinkable water comes out. The task is never-ending and becoming harder and harder. The Environmental Protection Agency and the Indiana Department of Environmental Management are under growing pressure to levy increased restrictions on this industry to do even more to ensure our water is safe. The increased monitoring and testing are necessary to protect the public; however, these things come with a cost. Therefore, it is understandable that clean water and wastewater treatment have a direct effect on our economy. Since water is the lifeblood by which this planet survives, any deviation in its cost will have a ripple effect. Our growing national debt, unemployment and soaring fuel cost are all very troubling, but they pale in comparison to not having fresh, clean drinking water. Protecting our greatest natural resource needs to be a priority in everyone’s life. So how can we help the average citizen understand that priority? In an effort to help create greater awareness the Alliance of Indiana Rural Water and the Indiana Regional Sewer District Association produced a video called “Drop by Drop, Protecting Indiana’s Water Supply.” This video was designed to help educate our public and gives a Hoosier Pipeline • Spring/Summer 2011

Protecting our greatest natural resource needs to be a priority in everyone’s life. So how can we help the average citizen understand that priority? glimpse into how our water and wastewater systems operate and what happens when those systems fail. We encourage every utility to get a copy and share it with their community. The only way we can make a difference is by sharing the knowledge we have gained. We need to make it OUR priority to help the public understand why they need to see it as THEIR priority. My favorite quotes from the video are from Bob Sawtelle, park manager of the O‘Bannon Woods State Park, when he stated, “What we drink is what we are,” and that, “We all live upstream or downstream from someone else.” I do not believe you can find two better analogies to illustrate the point on why we need to protect our water supply. We cannot make more water – we have to work with what we have. I feel the threat we face is not like the drought of the 1930s, but perhaps the opposite. The issue may be that we will have plenty of water but none of it will be fit to drink. If we do not change our habits, we may come to realize that we have poisoned the only thing that can keep us alive. We hope you will make it your priority to receive a free copy of “Drop by Drop, Protecting Indiana’s Water Supply” and help your customers realize why it should be a priority in their lives to help ensure the availability of clean drinking water. To receive your free copy, please contact the Alliance office at 888-937-4992 or


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11/4/09 5:35:55 453206_Crawford.indd PM 1

Hoosier Pipeline • Spring/Summer 10/28/092011 7:48:53 AM

Executive Director’s Message

Looking Into 2011

By Jim Soper, Executive Director


would like to take this time to thank everyone for making 2010 our most successful year as an association. Without your support this would not have been possible. We had record attendance at both our spring and fall conferences along with the Operator Expo. Last year we also saw our largest budget to date thanks to President Obama’s American Recovery and Re-Investment Act (ARRA), which added two ARRA circuit riders to our staff. Also Indiana’s USDA office had so many loan and grant projects under ARRA that we were able to add a third wastewater circuit rider. We look to carry this momentum into 2011. We were able to carry one of our two ARRA circuit rider positions over into 2011 through an extension of the grant funds. Also, assistance to the ARRA grant recipients will continue since all of our circuit riders have been trained to assist with the needed reporting. This year you will see us add an Operator Expo to the northern part of Indiana in May, as we plan on making our presence more prominent in this area. This year will continue to bring challenges to you with the changes in our elected officials nationally, in state and locally. It is going

Hoosier Pipeline • Spring/Summer 2011

It is going to be imperative that more of you get involved with your legislators informing them of the very important services you provide. to be imperative that more of you get involved with your legislators, informing them of the very important services you provide. Without your services of providing clean safe drinking water and cleaning the waste and returning it to the streams, they will not have economic development, desirable health conditions and so on. Most of you have aging infrastructure that needs to be replaced and your legislators need to know. All of the financial support cannot come from government, but they do need to be a part of the funding equation. Remember this is your association; please let us know what services we can help provide to make your jobs easier.


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10/27/10 4:16:12 PM

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Hoosier Pipeline • Spring/Summer 2011 6/29/07 12:45:20 PM

Celebrating 30 Years of Service! T

he Alliance of Indiana Rural Water has been providing FREE on-site technical assistance since 1981! The Alliance was originally formed on April 1, 1981, by David Popp, William Bizer, Otto Fry, Robert Green and John Reeves. At that time the association was known as the Indiana Small Water Works Association (ISWWA). In March of 1982 the name was changed to the Indiana Water Association (IWA). In the late 1980s the name was changed to the Indiana Water and Wastewater Association (IWWA). The name was changed yet again to our current name, Alliance of Indiana Rural Water, in the early 2000s. Over the years, the association has remained committed to the small rural water/wastewater systems across the state of Indiana. We have continued to provide quality on-site assistance at no charge, numerous one-day training sessions covering every portion of the state and quality conferences. In 1982, we received our first contract with the National Rural Water Association for a single Water Circuit Rider through the Farmers Home Administration, making our budget in the range of $50,000. From those early humble beginnings, the Alliance has now grown to eight programs through NRWA – making the Alliance’s proposed budget for 2011 in excess of $1.1 million. Our staff now includes three wastewater circuit riders, two water circuit riders, two source water protection specialists and one training specialist. Six of these programs are funded through United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) funds and the remaining two are from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) funds. The Alliance also has three full-time administrative personnel and one part-time individual.

Hoosier Pipeline • Spring/Summer 2011

This year we’ve planned some improvements to celebrate. For instance, at the 2011 Spring Conference we are changing the schedule of events a little. Be sure to check out the schedule of events in the conference program and on

be similar in structure and available credit hours, but you will now have an option to attend the one closest to you! Finally, we are excited to begin offering many new specialty/advanced training programs in addition to free one-day sessions.

We are proud to be the only Indiana affiliate of National Rural Water Association, providing a cohesive voice for rural water and wastewater systems. our website – we think you’ll be as excited as we are! We will be hosting our second Management Conference again in Nashville, which caters specifically to utility board members, council members and managers. Also, we are excited to offer a Northern Operator Expo in addition to our traditional one held in the southern part of the state. Both operator expos will

The Alliance is proud and honored to be your training and technical assistance provider. Thank you to all of our members and supporters! We are proud to be the only Indiana affiliate of National Rural Water Association, providing a cohesive voice for rural water and wastewater systems. We look forward to many more years of serving you with solutions for water and wastewater.


Best Tasting Water in Indiana:

Connersville Utilities! T

he crowd cheered as Connersville Utilities was presented with the Best Tasting Water in Indiana Award at the Alliance of Indiana Rural Water’s annual Fall Conference on October 21, 2010. The taste test was conducted during the closing ceremonies on the last day of the conference at the French Lick Resort. The judges sampled six different water samples based on clarity, odor and taste. Connersville Utilities treats its water with conventional aeration, filtration and disinfection utilizing two treatment plants. It pumps about three-million gallons per day to a population of just over 15,400 people.

Connersville Utilities pumps about three-million gallons per day to a population of just over 15,400 people. One representative from Connersville Utilities will take a water sample to compete in the National Rural Water Association’s Great American Taste Test during the NRWA Rally, February 7–9, 2011, in Washington, DC. Congratulations and good luck to Connersville Utilities!

642 South Fourth St., Suite 100 Louisville, KY 40202 (502) 562-1412 / (502) 562-1413 FAX


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12/9/10 1:16:29 PM

Hoosier Pipeline • Spring/Summer 2011

Host Hotel

Courtyard by Marriott

310 S. College Avenue 812.335.8000 or 888-321-2211 Room Rate: $89/night Free Parking Room block rate expires February 14, 2011.

Overflow Hotel

Conference Registration

Hilton Garden Inn

March 16 & 17, 2011 Please print or type.

Mention AIRW when booking your room.

List all attendees and indicate the type of registration desired. We encourage you to fax or email completed forms:

Fax: 317-736-6676



MARcH 16 & 17


SPRING coNfeReNce 2011

Utility / Company Address City

245 N. College Avenue 812-331-1335 Room Rate: $105/night $5 / Day Parking Room block rate expires February 11, 2011. Mention AIRW when booking your room.





Email Please list ALL Attendees and specify registration type for each:










Registration Rates Full Registration

Two (2) days of technical sessions WITH CEU’s, Exhibit Hall Access, Vendor Appreciation Reception (Wed.), Irish Bash (Wed.), Awards Luncheon (Thurs.), and Hot Breakfast Buffet (Thurs.)






Before After March 8, 2011

Before After March 8, 2011









Wednesday ONLY Technical Sessions WITH CEU’s, Exhibit Hall Access,





Thursday ONLY





Board / Clerk-Treasurer / Spouse / Guest Registration

Two (2) days of classroom sessions (NO CEU’s), Exhibit Hall Access, Vendor Appreciation Reception (Wed.), Irish Bash (Wed.), Awards Luncheon (Thurs.), Hot Breakfast Buffet (Thurs.), & Spouse / Guest Activity

Vendor Appreciation Reception, and Irish Bash

Technical Sessions WITH CEU’s, Exhibit Hall Access, Awards Luncheon, and Hot Breakfast Buffet


Method of Payment Please send invoice Visa MasterCard

Enclosed is my check #

Card #

Exp Date

Name on Card

Billing Zip

Total $


Registration form must be returned to the Alliance office no later than March 8, 2011 for “Early Bird” registration prices.

No refunds will be made after March 8, 2011 Phone: 317-789-4200

Fax: 317-736-6676


Address: P.O. Box 789, Franklin, IN 46131

2011 Operator Expo


his year we will host TWO expos. One in Huntingburg, as we have in the past, and also one up north, in Culver (tentatively, at time of printing). Our Operator Expo is a great way for you to earn up to five CEUs without sitting through a lot of classroom instruction. You’ll earn CEUs participating in equipment demonstrations – HANDS ON! Also, Dave Harvey provides and roasts a pig for lunch, and at the Huntingburg location, the rest of lunch is catered by the Schnitzelbank! Don’t miss out! Registration can be found on the following page.

2011 Management Conference


his conference is geared specifically toward utility board and council members, as well as utility managers. We hope you’ll join us on April 1-2, 2011, at The Seasons Lodge in Nashville, IN. On Friday, April 1, we invite you to join us for a “meet and greet” reception in the evening. This is a time to get together with old and new friends, to relax, and share some laughs. Enjoy conversations with a tasteful array of hors d’oeuvres and drinks. On Saturday, April 2, we’ll get down to business with a variety of sessions to educate utility board and council members and managers. Representatives from the private sector, related industries, and water and wastewater service providers will offer perspectives and initiatives promoting sustainable practices to meet the utility management challenges of today. We’ve also planned an appetizing luncheon for Saturday afternoon. Lodging Info: The Seasons Lodge (800) 365-7327 • Rate $109 Standard Room (Room block ends March 1, 2011.)

EXPO REGISTRATION FORM Please print or type and list all people attending.

Utility / Company Address City






Please List ALL Attendees



(Circle one)


Culver - 5/12/11


Huntingburg - 5/19/11


Registration Rates Member Individual

Send Invoice




Enclosed is my check #

Please charge my credit card Visa

Non - Member

Culver or


Card #




Expiration date

Name on Card

Billing Zip


Faxes and e-mails are encouraged.

Fax: 317-736-6676


Registration form and payment must be returned no later than one week before each event to the Alliance office: P.O. Box 789 Franklin, IN 46131 On-site registrations are welcomed after May 5, 2011 for the Culver location and May 12, 2011 for the Huntingburg location! Rain or Shine; No refunds will be made after May 5, 2011 for the Culver location and May 12, 2011 for the Huntingburg location. (Questions - call toll free 888-937-4992)


Biological Nutrient Removal




hose of you who have received your new NPDES permit may have stricter nutrient effluent limits. This will become the norm for most facilities in BadgerMeter, Inc. the near future. High nutrient levels can and will cause problems in discharge waters as they build up over time. Nitrogen and phosphorus are the primary causes of nutrient enrichment FORD METER BOX due to human activities in surface waters. The most recognizable are algal 2606 WILSON AVE blooms that occur during the summer. MADISON, IN 47250 Chronic symptoms of over enrichment 1-888-485-7018 include low dissolved oxygen, fish kills, murky water, and depletion of desirable plants and animals. In addition, the increase in algae and turbidity increases 453967_WALLER.indd 1 12/3/10 12:09:30 PM the need to chlorinate drinking water, which in turn leads to higher levels of disinfection byproducts that have been Since 1909 shown to increase the risk of cancer. Excessive amounts of nutrients can also stimulate the activity of microbes that may be harmful to human health.

Approximately 25 percent of all water body impairments are due to nutrientrelated causes. In efforts to reduce the number of nutrient impairments, many point sources dischargers have received more stringent effluent limits for nitrogen and phosphorus. To achieve these new, lower effluent limits, facilities have begun to look beyond traditional treatment technologies. Biological nutrient removal removes total nitrogen and total phosphorus from wastewater through the use of microorganisms under different environmental conditions during the treatment process. The biological processes that primarily remove nitrogen are nitrification and denitrification. During nitrification, ammonia is oxidized to nitrite by a group of bacteria called Nitrosomonas. Nitrite is then oxidized to nitrate by another bacteria group called Nitrobacter. Denitrification involves the biological

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In efforts to reduce the number of nutrient impairments, many point sources dischargers have received more stringent effluent limits for nitrogen and phosphorus.



505160_McMahon.indd 1

11/11/10 7:13:21 PM

Hoosier Pipeline • Spring/Summer 2011

We’re experts with a precious resource. By Rex Blanton, Wastewater Training Specialist

Your budget.

reduction of nitrate to nitric oxide, nitrous oxide and nitrogen gas. The most common type of denitrifying bacteria are Pseudomonas. Note that nitrification by itself does not actually remove nitrogen from wastewater. Rather, denitrification is needed to convert the oxidized form of nitrogen (nitrate) to nitrogen gas. Nitrification occurs in aerobic conditions and denitrification occurs in the absence of oxygen in anoxic conditions. Biological phosphorus removal relies on phosphorus uptake by aerobic heterotrophs capable of storing orthrophosphate Water is a vital resource. in excess of their biological growth But at EJP, we never forget about your requirements. The treatment process can PIPELINE SPECIALISTS bottom line. We’re all about harnessing be designed to promote the growth of the power of water in a way that benefits these organisms in mixed liquor. These both communities and the municipalities phosphate accumulating organisms, under that serve them. That’s why we offer water anaerobic conditions, convert readily management solutions, technologies and available organic matter to carbon quality products that assure cost-savings, compounds. This breakdown results in the revenue generation and water conservation. 1-800-EJP-24HR release of phosphorus. (357-2447) For a complete list of EJP products and Phosphorus can be removed from services, visit wastewater through chemical precipitation. This is primarily achieved by using aluminum and iron coagulates or lime to form chemical flocs with phosphorus. WATER, SEWER, DRAIN & STORMWATER SOLUTIONS These flocs are then settled out to remove the phosphorus from the wastewater. However, these processes cause more 508135_Everett.indd 1 11/30/10 1:56:07 PM sludge removal, added chemicals in the Well Design, Construction & Maintenance sludge and additional cost. This is just a quick overview of the Televised Inspections • Groundwater Studies biological processes needed to remove Water Resource Construction Collectors • Surface Water Intakes nitrogen and phosphorus from wastewater. Pump Sales and Service • Parts Inventory The phosphorus removal, in particular, For Inquiries, Please Contact Pipeline Installation • Treatment Plants is far more complicated and most Mike Green facilities will need some design changes Trenchless Sewer Rehabilitation 812-865-3232 to accomplish the needed removal for A Layne Christensen Company their limits. However, the bottom line for these National Ranking as Top 10 Water Supply Contractor – ENR Magazine, October 2010 removals is to keep our waterways clean and usable for generations to come. Hoosier Pipeline • Spring/Summer 2011 505278_Reynolds.indd 1


11/22/10 2:48:32 PM

2010 Fall Conference Recap


his year’s Fall Conference was one of our most-attended fall conferences! We had 214 utility attendees representing 118 systems around Indiana. The stunning new French Lick Resort hosted our conference. Once again we had great weather, so a few even made it out for a round of golf prior to the conference kick off! A big hit was our UV Bowling Challenge event on Wednesday evening, sponsored by Bose Mckinney & Evans, LLP; Denney Enterprises; Infrastructure Systems, Inc.; Midwestern Engineers, Inc.; Software Solutions, Inc.; TnT Technologies, Inc.; and Umbaugh. It was such a fun time to wind down from a full day of classes with pizza, drinks and bowling while mingling with peers and friends. On Thursday, Connersville Utilities’ water was crowned as the best tasting water in Indiana during our annual taste test. In addition, the Annual Alliance Membership Meeting and Board Election were held. The results from the election were… • District 1: Terry Hafstrom, Kentland Water & Sewage Works • District 2: Tom Speer, City of Lawrence Utilities • At-Large: Kevin Servies, Whitestown Municipal Utilities Also, a new associate board member was elected: Mike Polster, Utility Service Company. Finally the conference concluded with door prize giveaways, including a 32” LCD TV/DVD combo grand prize!


Hoosier Pipeline • Spring/Summer 2011

Thank You, Sponsors! Banner Engineering Bose Mckinney & Evans, LLP Commonwealth Engineers, Inc. Denney Enterprises DW Squared, Inc.

Fluid & Thermal Systems* Frakes Engineering GRW Engineers, Inc. Heartland Pump Rental & Sales, Inc. Infrastructure Systems, Inc. Ladd Engineering, Inc. London Witte Group Midwestern Engineers, Inc. O.W. Krohn & Associates, LLP S & K Equipment Company Software Solutions, Inc. Thermo Scientific TnT Technologies, Inc. Umbaugh Wessler Engineering *Conference sponsor

Hoosier Pipeline • Spring/Summer 2011


2010 Scholarship Golf Outing Recap T

he 2010 Scholarship Golf Outing turned out to be a great event! We avoided the rain forecasted for that day, had a great burger and bratwurst lunch and, most of all, had A LOT of fun! We had 16 foursomes this year, which was down two from last year; however, sponsorships were up so we ended up raising just over $500 more than last year. We raised $1,500, which goes directly to our scholarship program benefitting dependents of member utility employees only. Thank you to all our sponsors and everyone who attended to help make the golf outing a success! Join us next year at the Phil Harris Golf Course in Linton, IN, on September 22, 2011!


Hoosier Pipeline • Spring/Summer 2011

Congratulations to the Winners!

3rd Place: F.J.F Services, Inc. Tom Fishero, Dave Nichol Scott Mathas, Kevin Strickler

2nd Place: Wessler Engineering Marty Wessler, Lloyd Davis Jeff Lane, Mel Matlock

1st Place: Frakes Engineering Joe Worland, Jordan Kleinsmith, Dave Boesch, Wayne Moore

Closest to the Pin: David Nichol and Randy Cooper

Thanks, Hole Sponsors!

Thanks, Sponsors! Tournament Sponsor: Fluid & Thermal Systems, Inc. Beverage Cart Sponsor: Midwestern Engineers, Inc.

Hoosier Pipeline • Spring/Summer 2011

American Flow Control, Commonwealth Engineers, Inc., Connie Stevens, Denney Enterprises, EJP, Environmental Laboratories, Inc., Fleis & Vandenbrink Engineering, Inc., Frakes Engineering, Inc., GRW Engineers, Inc., JCM Industries, L & D Mail Masters, Ladd Engineering, Inc., M.D. Wessler & Associates, Midwestern Engineers, Inc., O.W. Krohn & Associates, LLP, Ortman Drilling & Water Services, Software Solutions, Spatial Data Integrations, Inc., Tom Speer, Triad Associates, Inc., United Consulting, Utility Supply Company, and Water Solutions Unlimited


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505529_KAR.indd 1

11/17/10 1:21:40 508457_Fleis.indd PM 1

Hoosier Pipeline • Spring/Summer 12/1/10 2011 12:28:45 PM

Local Planning Teams

By Sky Schelle, Source Water Specialist


or you water operators out there, when was the last time you voluntarily did something IDEM suggested but didn’t require? You probably can’t easily come up with an answer, and I can’t say I’m surprised or that I blame you. I used to work for IDEM, and I can say from experience that most people never did anything unless we required it. Though it might not be intuitive, every once in a while there are benefits to going above and beyond minimum requirements: a good example is the Local Planning Team (LPT) requirement in your Wellhead Protection Plan (WHPP). A LPT meets to guide the completion of your WHPP was a requirement when you were putting together the plan. Now that updates to the WHPP are coming due (a process known as Phase II), myself and Toby Days, the Alliance’s other source water specialist, are frequently asked if the LPT needs to meet again. The short answer is ‘no,’ but in truth, many reasons exist for you to take advantage of a LPT. Systems adhering to the strict requirement of the rule and not engaging a LPT in some capacity certainly can get their Phase II completed, but having a LPT that doesn’t meet just for the Hoosier Pipeline • Spring/Summer 2011

…Find individuals or organizations in the community whose mission overlaps with what you want to accomplish. sake of having a meeting, and instead helps you accomplish some of your requirements and goals, can make the Phase II process easier for you. Your first step is to identify what parts of the WHPP are important for you to accomplish. After you do that, find individuals or organizations in the community whose mission overlaps with what you want to accomplish. These partners are your LPT. You may not need

to meet with them regularly, and you may never need to come together as a formal group, but working together can create benefits for everyone. Let’s look at some common parts of the WHPP as examples:

Increase Wellhead Protection Area Awareness The area under your management is a valuable community resource that


needs to be taken into account by those making decisions about land uses and long-term planning. City and county councils, planning commissions and local environmental groups all have an interest in understanding the wellhead program and how their activities might impact it. Pick one or two of these groups a year to meet with and try to build communication with those that show an interest in knowing more. Simply reconnecting with these groups once a year keeps you up to date on what’s happening in your wellhead area and if future protection needs may be upcoming.

Educate the Public A lot of WHPPs have ambitious education and outreach goals. If you want to focus on this aspect of your plan, a good first step is to pick an audience. Are you more interested in kids, adults or property owners within the wellhead area? Once you’ve identified an audience, look for those in your community who are already in touch with them. Many soil and water

police or the fire department, start working on one right away. It’ll not only make getting this required documentation easier, but will give you an opportunity to educate about the WHPP and the need for quick spill response and any necessary sanitary setback monitoring.

conservation districts go into schools and educate. Tag along or give them information to distribute.

Update List of Potential Sources of Contamination (PSC) County fairs and local festivals provide great educational opportunities, too. Look around for another partner or city office that has a booth you can share. If you can’t spare the time to man a booth, see if your information can be displayed.

Get First Responder Training As part of Phase II, you’ll have to document some type of local first responder training. In subsequent WHPP updates, that documentation will have to show that wellhead protection was brought up during the training. If you don’t have a relationship with EMS,


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There are tools on our website to help you locate PSCs. There’s also information about contacting the PSC and giving it voluntary measures that will help reduce the risk of contamination to your wells. Many WHPAs overlap with farmland. Potentially, that land can be placed in a Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), which is a Farm Bill program that incentivizes producers to take land in a WHPA out of production. More information about CRP is on our website or you can talk to your county U.S. Department of Agriculture office.

Get Some Recognition Finally, if you’re going above and beyond the wellhead requirements, you deserve some recognition for protecting your community’s most valuable resource. The Groundwater Guardian Program (www. and Hoosier Water Guardian Program ( idem/4296.htm) are great programs to participate in and show others your commitment to safe drinking water during our Spring Conference. Don’t forget, the Alliance also recognizes systems at our Spring Conference! The key to having a LPT that really is an asset is your commitment. It’ll take a little time to decide what you want to focus on. One you’ve done that, though, there are lots of resources available to help you find the partners and tools needed to start working on some goals. Start slow and let the Alliance know if you need assistance. We have more information on this topic at We also have a three-hour presentation on getting the most out of LPTs that we can give in your community and offer CEUs for. Let Toby or me know how we can help.

10/20/10 5:07:45 PM Hoosier Pipeline • Spring/Summer 2011

Possible New Regulation Revisions

By Gordon Meyer, Water Circuit Rider


he Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been fairly quiet during the past year on new rules for drinking water. They released their semi-annual regulatory agenda late last summer that included some changes. The list included descriptions of the actions and schedules for lead and copper, aldicarb, radon, MTBE, percholate and the total coliform rule. The total coliform rule could be drastically revised based on an advisory panel in which the National Rural Water Association participated. The revisions would remove the requirement to do public notice for positive total coliform samples and removes the MCL violation. Instead, the water system would have to do a comprehensive review of their system to identify the cause of the positive sample, which could have been due to improper sampling techniques, lab error or possible contamination in the water system. The EPA expected to have the proposed rule out in late 2010 and the final rule published in 2012. The EPA has launched an aggressive new policy for a plan to revolutionize the process used to regulate new drinking water contaminates. This approach focuses on four principles: 1. Address contaminates as a group rather than one at a time so that enhancement of drinking water protection can be achieved cost effectively. 2. Foster development of new drinking water technologies to address health risks posed by a broad array of contaminates. 3. Use the authority of multiple statutes to help protect drinking water. 4. Partner with states to share more complete data from monitoring at public water systems (PWS). These proposed rule changes are still in the comment phase and could change before the final rules are published. This article was produced using excerpts from an article written by Mr. Ed Thomas of the NRWA for the Rural Water magazine. If I can be of assistance, please feel free to contact me 888-937-4992 or e-mail me at

Hoosier Pipeline • Spring/Summer 2011


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ROBERT E. CURRY & ASSOCIATES, INC. Consulting Engineers & Architects

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Hoosier Pipeline • Spring/Summer 11/17/102011 3:13:28 PM

By Toby Days, Source Water Specialist

Partnering to Increase Knowledge


nowledge is the most powerful tool that you have for protecting water resources. Knowledge is also the most powerful tool that you can provide to others to assist in the protection of water resources. Working with others can help you in receiving and distributing information on the importance of and the role each of us have in protecting water resources that we all depend on. There are lots of groups and resources for conserving water, cleaning up lakes and rivers, and protecting the living things that rely upon those resources. Working together, people can make a difference in different ways: • Telling other people about water resources. • Explaining what scientists are learning about ecosystems. • Conducting projects that monitor and clean up streams, rivers, wetlands, lakes and even the ocean. • Persuading governments, businesses and other groups to change their practices. • Conducting water programs to educate citizens. • Putting up an informal display. Thousands of people across Indiana have partnered together and participated in waterrelated programs. Here are some Indiana partnering projects that have helped to protect our water resources: Water systems in Randolph County partnered with the Randolph County Farm Service Agency, Soil and Water Conservation District, Planning Commission and other entities to educate producers in the county about the wellhead protection program, proper well designs and availability of the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). Workshops and letters were used to educate landowners, governmental agencies, utilities and citizens about the importance of drinking water resources and how they can participate in the efforts.

Hoosier Pipeline • Spring/Summer 2011

Even in a city, storm water can pollute streams, rivers and lakes. In Indiana it takes only about 15 to 30 minutes for pollutants picked up by rain runoff to travel through storm sewers from backyards to rivers. In Vigo County, the Seelyville Water Department and the Vigo County Soil and Water Conservation District partnered to put on an educational program for a group of local Girl Scout brownie troops about storm water runoff, water conservation and how to make rain barrels. The water department at the Sisters of Providence teamed up with the White Violet Center and the Alliance of Indiana Rural Water to set up a groundwater model at its annual Earth Day Festival to promote drinking water quality. Hundreds attended the festival and it was a great opportunity to talk with individuals about where their water comes from and how they can help protect it. Increasing knowledge in your community will help you in protecting your water resources, and partnering with others who have similar interests can assist you in your efforts. Here are a few suggestions on groups you may want to partner with: • Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops • Clerks • Concerned citizens • Council members • County agencies • Local business representatives • Local educators • Public utilities directors • State source water protection agency personnel/state rural water association personnel • Water system operators • Watershed and/or soil conservation staff • Well drilling professionals




4 1. John Allen, Seelyville Water Department, and Jan Came, Vigo Co SWCD, talk to a local brownie troop about the importance of water conservation. 2. A local brownie group in Vigo County paint a rain barrel. 3. Nancy Best, Randolph County Farm Service Agency, speaks to a group of producers about wellhead protection and the Conservation Reserve Program. 4. Becky Pittman, Sisters of Providence water operator, demonstrates the groundwater model to a young passerby. If you would like assistance in connecting with groups in your local area, contact the Alliance of Indiana Rural Water. We would be happy to assist you.


Alliance Staff Member Presented with NRWA

Laura Vidal accepts the 2010 Member Services Peer Leadership Award at the NRWA WaterPro Conference

Peer Leadership Award


aura Vidal was presented a leadership award at the NRWA WaterPro Conference awards banquet in New Orleans on September 27, 2010. She was recognized with the 2010 Member Services Peer Leadership Award for her outstanding work of providing great service to Alliance members. When asked how she felt about winning the award, Laura said, “I feel honored! I am proud to be a part of an association that is making a difference and think that the work Indiana water and wastewater operators do every day is extremely important; therefore, I truly care about helping them.” We are so proud of her recognition as a leader in rural water! Please join us in congratulating Laura on her achievement in her five years as marketing/public relations director for the Alliance. Laura oversees all Alliance conferences and events, the magazine, the website and training advertisements. In short, she does it all and does it well. She is very deserving of this prestigious award!

In short, she does it all and does it well. She is very deserving of this prestigious award! PITTSBURG TANK & TOWER MAINTENANCE CO., INC.

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• Spring/Summer 1/10/11 8:27:33 449194_Pittsburg.indd AMHoosier Pipeline 1 10/2/092011 7:39:26 AM

By Eric Newlon, ARRA Circuit Rider

Recoveryby the Numbers


ith Recovery Act funding coming into full swing this spring, the question is what’s the impact of money being spent on water and wastewater projects? Rural Development in Indiana has allocated $112.8 million in loans and grants for improvements to quality of life in rural communities. Nationally the RUS (Rural Utility Services) program has invested more than $3.27 billion in funding to provide access to clean drinking water and sanitary waste treatment facilities. The impact will potentially reach more than 1.7 million rural residents. Rural Development anticipates more than 66,000 jobs will be created or saved through the Water and Waste Disposal Loan and Grant Program. The goal of output and performance measures are that 10 percent of the project funding be invested in persistent poverty counties, as well as reducing people’s exposure to water-related health and safety hazards by 6 percent. Studies are estimating a $30 billion backlog that will be needed in utility infrastructure upgrades across the U.S. These numbers make a dent in long awaited priorities.

Rural Development in Indiana has allocated $112.8 million in loans and grants for improvements to quality of life in rural communities.

There are 25 communities in Indiana that have committed to utility projects with recovery money, with a majority of these being sewer related. A few are installing wastewater treatment facilities to correct health issues due to failing septic systems that have been in violation for years. There are many stipulations to meet the requirements of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). Numerous checks and balances are in place in order to receive a loan and grant, including continuous reporting deadlines. Each community has accepted a 40-year low-interest loan in order to complete these upgrades. The grant money involved is to buy down rates to help keep user fees reasonable. Each town has demonstrated compliance with sustainable design policies through their engineering reports. Rural Development requires projects to be modest in size and cost, and energy efficient. Also, applicants must document that they possess the financial, technical and managerial capacity to take responsibility for their facilities. Indiana is within the top ten of states that have secured funding for water and wastewater projects. This reflects the dedication in the cities and towns I have traveled to around the state. The amount of combined hours invested by board members reveal a passion for their local community and a commitment to “leaving things better than they found them.” Below is a table of Indiana’s awarded Recovery Act funding through Rural Development.


Total Loan Amount ($)

Total Grant Amount ($)

Total Funds ($)

Broadband Loan and Grant Program




Business and Industry Guaranteed Loan Program




Community Facility Loan and Grant Program




Single Family Housing Direct Loan Program




Single Family Housing Guaranteed Loan Program




Water and Waste Disposal Loan and Grant Program








Hoosier Pipeline • Spring/Summer 2011


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409120_Ford.indd 1

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358693_TnT.indd 1

12/17/07 8:02:45 PM

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Hoosier Pipeline • Spring/Summer 2011

Unaccounted-For Water By Joe Frazier, Water Circuit Rider


ou may ask, what is it and how do I reduce it? First of all, it is water that is not being billed for, accounted for or lost. With the shortage of good potable water to drink, we need to make sure that we can account for every drop that we pump. The first step in checking for unaccounted water is to check with your clerk or billing company to see how much water you are billing and compare that against what you are pumping each month. One step in reducing unaccounted-for water is to make sure all meters are registering properly. How can you do that? By having a meter change-out program in place (if possible), testing your meters and making sure all big meters are tested when required. Remember, meters are our cash registers. Secondly, make sure all your meters are reporting in the same quantities, such as gallons or cubic feet. Also, make sure the billing formula is the same across the board, no matter the type of meter used. Just like your fire hydrants, make sure your meters are all the same type in regards to registering in gallons or cubic feet. Another way of keeping track of water that may not be metered is to check with your local fire department. Ask them to keep track of how much water they are using each month for training, fires and filling pools, and then have them turn in their usage each month. In addition, make sure your state highway and county highway departments keep track of water they use for different projects they are involved in and report it to you monthly. This will take some education of these departments to let them know that you need to account for the water being pumped. You Hoosier Pipeline • Spring/Summer 2011

Remember, meters are our cash registers. do not necessarily need to bill these entities for the water they use (system choice), but you do need to know the amount of water used. Also a water audit on your system will check for leaks that may not be coming to the surface. In some of the water audits I’ve been involved in, I have found fire hydrants are a big loser when it comes to water loss. On the average, if I pick up a noise on a hydrant, it takes a 7gpm for our leak detectors to pick it up. You do the math, 7gpm x 60 minutes in a day... that’s a lot of water. The reason for water loss in hydrants is due to not seating completely, not being shut off all the way, or the hydrants have been damaged during flushing or other uses. Remember in the newly written Sanitary Survey Rule passed by IDEM, you are required to keep your unaccountable water loss at no more than 25 percent on an annual average. The Alliance of Indiana Rural Water can help you with your water audits and offers free leak detections.


Letters of Appreciation Jim: I was in a meeting and did not get to speak with the Alliance representative(s) that brought the well abandonment brochures; but after requesting them on Columbus day, Monday, Oct. 11, 2010, I had a sufficient supply on my desk Tuesday morning, Oct. 12, 2010. Excellent work!

Sky Schelle, The City of K nox wishes to thank you for you diligence an d hard work in getti ng Phase II of our Wellhead Pro tection Plan accepted by the state of Indiana ID EM. Your invalu able assistan ce in this critical matte r is appreciat ed and was noted at the recent B oard of Public Work s Safety Mee ting. City officials and the wat er utility employees ar e grateful to you for the accuracy of your work and the time you sp end on this project. Sincerely,

Thank You, Glen C. Miller, Manager, Morgan County Rural Water Corporation

Sky and Toby, I wanted to personally thank the two of you for participating in our source water meeting this week. I am always impressed with the dedication that national and the Alliance has toward the mission of protection of our source waters. Without your support, I know we wouldn’t be where we are at today. Source water protection truly is a collaborative effort, and as you know Indiana has a ways to go, but after these meetings I feel reaffirmed that Indiana is on the right track and (if I do say so myself) not looking too shabby. Thanks again for your time and dedication, James Sullivan, Chief, Ground Water Section, IDEM

Jeffery Hou ston, Clerk-T reasurer, City of Knox

le: Dear Mr. Schel your Thank you for ing work in complet e Phase II of th ection Well Head Prot e City of Program for th Knox. ugh the Your work thro ana was Alliance of Indi water y a big help to m ordon G superintendent, ty of Ci Burger, and the Knox. ve this It is good to ha in a work completed t en ci timely and effi manner. u. Again, thank yo Sincerely, Rick Chambers Knox Mayor


508354_Indiana.indd 1

12/14/10 7:25:49 AMHoosier Pipeline • Spring/Summer 2011

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Hoosier Pipeline • Spring/Summer 2011 364226_Campbell.indd 1

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2/8/08 9:07:23504783_GRW.indd AM 1


11/8/10 10:05:24 PM

Index to Advertisers AERATION EQUIPMENT Artesian of Pioneer, Inc. ................................... 3 ANALYTICAL MEASURING DEVICES Frakes Engineering, Inc. . ...........................4, 33 ATTORNEYS Campbell Kyle Proffitt . ...................................33 AUTOMATIC METER READING Master Meter, Inc. . ...................inside front cover • 0HWHUV 5HDGLQJ 6\VWHPV 6DOHV 6HUYLFH BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICES Waller’s Meter, Inc. ........................................ 16 • 0HWHU 7HVWLQJ 5HSDLU ,QVWDOODWLRQ 'LYLVLRQV COMPUTER SOFTWARE • +\GUDQWV DQG 9DOYHV Frakes Engineering, Inc. . ...........................4, 33 • 0HWHU 6HWWHUV %UDVV *RRGV COMPUTER SOFTWARE - UTILITY • &RSSHU 3RO\ 7XELQJ MANAGEMENT • 0HWHU SLWV 5LQJV DQG &RYHUV Software Solutions Inc. ..................................22 • +\GUDQW $GDSWHUV 7RROV $FFHVVRULHV CONSULTING ENGINEERS Heritage Engineering, LLC ............................. 12 • %DFNIORZ 3UHYHQWHUV • /HDN 'HWHFWLRQ (TXLSPHQW 6HUYLFH Midwestern Engineers, Inc. ............................ 10 Robert E. Curry and Associates Inc. ...............26 6SHFLDOL]LQJ LQ UHYHQXH UHFRYHU\ DQG ZDWHU ORVV UHGXFWLRQ CONTROL EQUIPMENT & SYSTEMS Frakes Engineering, Inc. . ...........................4, 33 CONTROL SYSTEMS INTEGRATION Frakes Engineering, Inc. . ...........................4, 33 CONTROLS - WASTEWATER Frakes Engineering, Inc. . ...........................4, 33 CONTROLS - WATER Frakes Engineering, Inc. . ...........................4, 33 DEMOLITION Pittsburg Tank & Tower Maintenance Company, Inc. .........................................28 DETECTORS, MONITORS, RECORDERS Frakes Engineering, Inc. . ...........................4, 33 EMERGENCY STANDBY POWER Brehob Corporation .................inside back cover ENGINEERING 3HQQ 6W 6HOOHUVEXUJ ,1 Commonwealth Engineers, Inc. ....................... 6 7ROO IUHH Fleis & VandenBrink Engineering . ..................22 ZZZ VOFPHWHU FRP Wessler Engineering, Inc . ................................ 4 ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Frakes Engineering, Inc. . ...........................4, 33 499550_SLC.indd 1 10/4/10 2:00:54 PM GRW Engineers .............................................33 McMahon Associates Inc. . ............................ 16 ENGINEERING /ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Frakes Engineering, Inc. . ...........................4, 33 GRW Engineers .............................................33 McMahon Associates Inc. . ............................ 16 United Consulting ..........................................26 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING GAI Consultants, Inc ........................................ 8 EVAPORATION EQUIPMENT C & HM Excavating ........................................26 FILTER MEDIA Artesian of Pioneer, Inc. ................................... 3 Bastin-Logan Water . ....................................... 8 FILTERS & FILTRATION EQUIPMENT Artesian of Pioneer, Inc. ................................... 3 FINANCIAL SERVICES London Witte Group, LLC ..............................30


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FLOW, PRESSURE & LEVEL MEASURING EQUIPMENT & ACCESSORIES Frakes Engineering, Inc. . ...........................4, 33 HYDRANTS Waller’s Meter, Inc. ........................................ 16 INSTRUMENTATION & CONTROL TnT Technologies, Inc. ...................................30 INSTRUMENTATION GROUNDWATER MONITORING Frakes Engineering, Inc. . ...........................4, 33 INSURANCE Indiana Municipal Insurance Program .............32 LABORATORY CONTROL TESTING KAR Laboratories, Inc. . .................................22 LEAK DETECTION SERVICES M.E. Simpson Co., Inc. ..................................26 LEVEL CONTROLS Frakes Engineering, Inc. . ...........................4, 33 MANUFACTURERS REPRESENTATIVES R. H. Tauser & Associates . ............................30 METER READING SYSTEMS Master Meter, Inc. . ...................inside front cover Sensus ..................................outside back cover United Systems & Software, Inc. .................... 24 METERS Master Meter, Inc. . ...................inside front cover Sensus ..................................outside back cover METERS - COMPOUND Master Meter, Inc. . ...................inside front cover METERS - FIRE SERVICE Master Meter, Inc. . ...................inside front cover METERS - WATER Master Meter, Inc. . ...................inside front cover METERS - WATER, FLOW Master Meter, Inc. . ...................inside front cover METERS & METER READING EQUIPMENT Master Meter, Inc. . ...................inside front cover Waller’s Meter, Inc. ........................................ 16 METERS & METER READING SYSTEMS Itron . ............................................................. 10 Master Meter, Inc. . ...................inside front cover S.L.C. Meter Service, Inc. ..............................34 PIPES, FITTINGS, & RELATED PRODUCTS Ford Meter Box Company, Inc. . .....................30 Waller’s Meter, Inc. ........................................ 16 PROCESS CONTROL EQUIPMENT Frakes Engineering, Inc. . ...........................4, 33 PUMP REPAIRS Brehob Corporation .................inside back cover PUMPS - SALES, RENTAL & SERVICE Allied Pump Rentals ....................................... 10 PUMPS, SEALS, PACKING & RELATED PRODUCTS Bastin-Logan Water . ....................................... 8 Fluid & Thermal Systems ...............................30 Spencer Machine & Tool Co., Inc. ..................34 SAMPLING & ANALYZING EQUIPMENT & INSTRUMENTATION Frakes Engineering, Inc. . ...........................4, 33

SCADA Frakes Engineering, Inc. . ...........................4, 33 McMahon Associates Inc. . ............................ 16 SLUDGE MANAGEMENT McMahon Associates Inc. . ............................ 16 SOFTWARE/COMPUTER SYSTEMS United Systems & Software, Inc. .................... 24 TANK INSPECTION Pittsburg Tank & Tower Maintenance Company, Inc. .........................................28 TANK INSPECTION & MAINTENANCE Caldwell Tanks, Inc. ......................................... 6 TANK PAINTING & METALLIZING Leary Construction Co., Inc. . .........................26 TANKS Pittsburg Tank & Tower Maintenance Company, Inc. .........................................28 TANKS - ELEVATED STEEL WATER STORAGE Pittsburg Tank & Tower Maintenance Company, Inc. .........................................28 TANKS - STORAGE Mid Atlantic Storage Systems ........................34 TANKS & STRUCTURES Utility Service Co. ............................................ 8 TELEMETRY SYSTEMS Frakes Engineering, Inc. . ...........................4, 33 VALVES Waller’s Meter, Inc. ........................................ 16 WATER & SEWER DRAIN PRODUCTS Everett J. Prescott, Inc. .................................. 17 WATER & WASTE WATER ENGINEERING Crawford, Murphy & Tilly, Inc. .......................... 8 WATER & WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT McMahon Associates Inc. . ............................ 16 WATER CONDITIONING & FILTRATION EQUIPMENT Artesian of Pioneer, Inc. ................................... 3 WATER LEVEL MONITORING INSTRUMENTS Frakes Engineering, Inc. . ...........................4, 33 WATER METERS Master Meter, Inc. . ...................inside front cover WATER SOFTENERS Artesian of Pioneer, Inc. ................................... 3 WATER STORAGE TANKS Maguire Iron ............................inside back cover WATER SUPPLY CONTRACTORs Reynolds, Inc. . .............................................. 17 WATER TANK CLEANING & REPAIR Pittsburg Tank & Tower Maintenance Company, Inc. .........................................28 WATER TOWER DEMOLITION Pittsburg Tank & Tower Maintenance Company, Inc. .........................................28 WATER TREATMENT EQUIPMENT Bastin-Logan Water . ....................................... 8 WATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS Water Solutions Unlimited ..............................28 WELL DRILLING Bastin-Logan Water . ....................................... 8 Ortman & Drilling Water Services ...................22

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11/15/10 9:23:07 503623_Mid.indd AM 1

Hoosier Pipeline • Spring/Summer 10/30/10 2011 12:13:52 PM

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A GUSH A Dribble a drop


KNOWS the difference

OMNI™ commercial and iPERL™ residential water conservation systems from Sensus outperform all other water meters by accurately measuring flow at every level – from a trickle to a gush. They offer the industry’s lowest head-loss, which saves energy costs and drives operational efficiency. What’s more, when paired with the Sensus FlexNet™ communications system, you’ll capture more of the right information to control resources and costs like never before. Increase profitability with smart water solutions from Sensus.


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