Opportunities ■ Neighbors ■ NOVEMBER 2009 CattleFax ■ Vaccinates Non-Vaccinates P Value Avg Daily Gain 4.76 lbs/da 3.84 lbs/da 0.21 Feed to Gain Ratio 5.36 5.98 0.07 Stun Weight 1409 lbs 1324 lbs 0.001 Yield grade 3.33 3.26 0.42 Ribeye cuts 14.5 sq in 13.9 sq in 0.005 www.immvac.com Superior Science ®ENDOVAC-BOVI, IMMVAC and the IMMVAC LOGO are registered trademarks and IMMUNE PLUS® is a trademark of IMMVAC. ©2008 IMMVAC, All rights reserved.