A 5.6% west coast IPA: golden, immensely hoppy and alive with grapefruit, peach and mango flavours.
Tie yourself fast to that mast… the voices of Liquid Mistress, Soundwave, Broken Dream and Undercurrent are sweetly calling. The question is –
can you resist?
Undercurrent is part pale, part oats and part caramel barley. Her swirls of bold, bready and nutty malt whirl into a concoction of spicy, citrus, floral hops. Mystery lurks in those cascade and palisade hops.
Soundwave carries her drinker to the west coast, to the golden shores of California where craft ale is nectar. She is the driest of Siren’s ales – full with flavour but subtle with bitterness.
A 5.8% west coast bright red ale: burnt raisins and crackers balanced by citrus. Liquid Mistress is our femme fatale – mysterious, seductive and disarming. She draws and charms drinkers with her full, red colours. You will soon desire her biscuit-and-burntraisin malt base, and peach and grapefruit spark.
Her devious hop hit will steal your breath. 118993 Siren Craft brochure.indd 1
A 4.5% pale ale with spicy, grassy aromas and a taste of grapefruit and apricot.
She will draw you towards a land of flavour, A 6.7% breakfast stout with a passion and colour. gentle touch of smoke, coffee
Her silky, creamy body will pull you under.
and chocolate.
Broken Dream is deep and complex. She lurks in your imagination. She binds smoke and coffee aromas with chocolate, milk and oats to create something thick, velvety and slick.
She will draw you towards a land of flavour, passion and colour. 07/10/2014 11:27