Storyboard samples - Shingles vaccination - Merck

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Route 1

• Premise: Innoculation creates healthy, active lifestyle in adults • Bright colours and fun icons along with the obvious childlike cartoon of the needle whilst still being adult-related as represented by the photographic hand • Each icon morphs into the next, changing colour and shape as it moves, each relating to a specific area of healthy lifestyle; eg. diet, exercise, mental health, innoculation

Route 2

• Premise: adding Vaccination to a routine to make it more common, part of the annual MOT • Geared to a generation that still writes things down, not relying on technology




Route 3

• Premise: Shingles a very real possibility for 25-30% of adults, with this increasing as we age, but this is preventable with a simple vaccination • Strong image(s) of shingles, initially for impact • Backgound fills in to read Vaccination • Shingles image disappears, Make vaccination... statement appears at bottom • Healthy, happy, ACTIVE older adults and seniors of multiple races scroll behind • Fnal frame still has statement, but loses Vaccination overlay • Bold font for strength in the message, warm blue colour for counterbalance

Make vaccination part of your Healthy Lifestyle

Make vaccination part of your Healthy Lifestyle

Make vaccination part of your Healthy Lifestyle

Make vaccination part of your Healthy Lifestyle

Make vaccination part of your Healthy Lifestyle

Make vaccination part of your Healthy Lifestyle

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