LTO June 2016 Newsletter

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June 2016

Volume I No.6

Greetings, Welcome again to the “Heart To Heart Newsletter.” As you read each page, may you be informed, uplifted and inspired. We are approaching the end of the first six (6) months of 2016. We have worked together on Service Programs, Mentoring Group activities, Chapter Retreat, etc. and managed to blend our personalities, styles, likes and dislikes in such a way that we were successful. Each of us is unique and work together in love and harmony, pooling our gifts, abilities and resources to “serve all mankind.” We are to love one another as sisters and remember that love is patient (paraphrased from “Patience,” Launching New Dimensions of Faith, p. 117.) Love is the substance that connects Sisterhood and Service. Every member is needed to join in and use your talents for the good growth and edification of our beloved Sorority, established 108 years ago. With heightened anticipation, we are approaching the 67th Boule in Atlanta, GA.. For those attending, please remember the “Protocol for Members at Regional & International Events.” Sorors are expected to: 1.

Wear appropriate Alpha Kappa Alpha business attire (not business casual) unless noted otherwise.


Wear comfortable shoes to business meetings. Flip-flops, house shoes and sneakers are never appropriate unless designed by a physician for medical reasons.


Make arrangements for child care and guests when attending business meetings as these meetings are for sorors only.


Refrain from walking during introductions of dais guests and program participants, meditation or while the Supreme Basileus or Regional Director is giving her address to the delegation.


Respect designated seating sections. Special seating is available for Former Directorate Members, Former Executive Directors, Diamond and Golden sorors, physically-challenged sorors, musicians, Very Special Guest not seated on the dais and delegates.

a minimum. 12. Holding seats at any function is unacceptable. Note: Honor reserved seating. 13. DO NOT remove cnterpieces or decorations from events. Thanks sorors for all that you do. Enjoy Boule and the Summer months.


Soror Barbara McCreary Basileus

“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about”…

In This Issue:


Spiritual Oversight


Golden Soror of the Month


Leadership Pearls





Silence all electronic communication devices.

Quiet Giant



Wear delegate identification and arrive early for proper seating.




Stand when Former Supreme Basilei and the Supreme Basileus enter the room and when they are introduced. Stand for the Regional Director at any event in her region.

Upcoming Events


Boule Events






June Luncheon


Newsletter Submission



Address the presiding officer as “Madam Supreme Basileus” or “Madam Regional Director.”

10. Address the delegation by clearly stating your name, chapter, chapter location, and whether you are a delegate or non-delegate. 11. Select a table hostess at meal functions who will help keep talking to


Spiritual Oversight Committee Lose yourself in service to others "If you want to discover who you truly are, lose yourself in the service to others." (Anonymous) When you receive the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ, you receive another gift as well. Your spiritual gift helps you become all God wants you to be. Every believer has one or more of these, and their purpose is to empower you to serve God’s kingdom. “Employ it in serving one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God” (1 Peter 4:10). Paul writes that since our gifts vary, we should use them appropriately. (Romans 12:6-8)

Your servant-friend will have a remarkable memory for the small details of your life: family names, favorite places, and so on. This is a natural God-given ability that comes as a part of His gift of service. Remembering these details places your friend in a better position to serve you. Part 2, (6-10) to be continued…… Hebrews 6:10 God is not unjust, he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.

God has equipped you with a gift that is perfect for the purpose He has for you in this life. Your entire personality— your motivations and tendencies—bear the imprint of your gift and your purpose. If you have the gift of service, for example, you will see yourself in the description that follows. 1.

Those with the gift of service see and meet practical needs. If service is your gift, you are the first person in a group to notice the needs of others and to step forward to meet those needs. God gives a special sensitivity to these believers, and oftentimes they will think of another person and feel the desire to serve them in some way.


Those with the gift of service free others to achieve. Their special joy comes in being a part of someone else’s achievement. They discover an awesome spiritual principle: when we give of ourselves freely to help other people succeed, God turns the blessing in our direction. Jesus lived out this principal in all His days on earth.




Those with the gift of service have no regard for weariness. These servants work almost ceaselessly, beyond the point at which others grow weary. They delight in accomplishing the task and fulfilling someone else’s need, and that joy drives them onward. Those with the gift of service are the last to rest. Those with the gift of service have difficulty saying no. God has designed them so that their central motivation in life is to meet needs. Other people may be very self-centered in all their tendencies, but those who are gifted in service are othercentered. Those with the gift of service are alert to likes and dislikes.

Soror Roshaunda Ross healing at home Soror Toni Austin-Johnson loss of an extended family member Soror Toya T. Harvey loss of an extended family member’ Friend of Soror Sharon Cruse Armstead Soror ChaVale Connor loss of her Grandmother

Tina Hughes Burke: Chaplain Spiritual Oversight Committee Chair. Excerpt from Dr. Charles Stanley 2

Golden Soror of the Month

"Golden Soror Lois Parks says Thank You to LTO."

Soror Jacqueline Toler Golden First Chairman


Did you know there is a difference between Leadership Training and Leadership Development?

On January 1, 2012 I became Lambda Tau Omega Chapter’s 16th President. Was I ready, I thought I was, but I still had a lot to learn? I had strategically positioned myself to be a candidate by taking on several committee chairmanships and running for numerous offices within chapter. That however was just scratching the surface as I prepared to take action. I needed more development and understanding of how to lead over ninety very opinionated college educated women. Traditionally, leadership development and or grooming has focused on developing the leadership abilities and attitudes of an individual. During my experience, I found it to be more than that. Different personal traits and characteristics can help or hinder a person's leadership effectiveness and require formalized and structured programs for developing leadership competencies. That is why it is stressed that members attend chapter and cluster retreats, Regional, Leadership and Boule Conferences. These venues provide an opportunity to explore in depth information and paint pictures beyond the role of being a general member. In addition, knowing what to do and doing what one knows are two very different outcomes and you must know the difference as this is where training versus development go in two different directions. I have provided you with 10 true or false statements relating to training versus development. Give some thought to them and share with a member your thoughts at the next chapter meeting. 1. Training tests patience – Development tests courage 2. Training is transactional – Development is transformational 3. Training indoctrinates – Development educates 4. Training maintains status quo – Development catalyzes innovation 5. Training stifles culture – Development enriches culture. 6. Training encourages compliance – Development emphasizes performance 7. Training focuses on problems - Development focuses on solutions

8. Training places people in a box – Development frees them from the box 9. Training focuses on the knowns – Development explores the unknowns 10. Training places people in a comfort zone – Development moves people beyond their comfort zones. Words of wisdom: As a member of the Leadership Development team and from my perspective, Lambda Tau Omega does not desire a robotic, static thinker, if we did, we would just train them. We are seeking caring, competent, charismatic, innovative and critical thinkers to explore leadership opportunities within our chapter. I recall prior to officiating my first meeting my mentor saying “It is impossible to have a chapter which is growing and evolving if leadership is not”. Are you ready to move into action, is your heart beating in sync with the chapter, do you have a plan and are you registered for Boule?

Submitted by: Soror Joyce Nelson Soror Jeanette W. Rogers, Chairman Soror Rose Butler-Hayes, Co-Chairman

Leadership Development Committee


The first half of AKA Day at the Capitol began at The State House Inn with the AKA Day program that focused on Civil Rights and Social Justice and Mental Health as well as the 2014-2016 Be the Voice Campaign. Be the Voice Campaign addresses Voter Education, Voter Registration, and Voter Mobilization. Legislators present and who shared their sponsored bills were: Senator Patricia Van Pelt - SB-2210, Senator Donne E. Trotter – SB320, Senator Mattie Hunter – SB2392, and Senator Kwame Raoul – SB3294. Dr. Nnekena Jones Tapia, Executive Director of Cook County Department of Corrections, discussed “The Plight of the Mentally Ill in Cook County Jail”. The second half of AKA Day consisted of a visit to the Capitol where House and Senate Legislators were busy presenting, debating, and voting on bills. We witnessed Senator Michael Hastings bring to the floor SB2931 which proposes increasing the wages of health care workers from $13 an hour to $15 an hour. After some debate, the bill passed. AKA Day at the Capitol program was very productive and informative.

5 Soror Jerry D. Bridges Connection Chairman

Soror Pat Parrish

I was born in New Orleans, Louisiana in September of 1965. I am the youngest of seven children (six girls and one boy). I grew up in a very loving and close knit family. My parents are both deceased along with my brother. My sisters and I remain close despite living in 3 different states. I attended Dillard University and graduated with a degree in Business Management. After graduating from Dillard University, I applied and was accepted as a Flight Attendant for American Airlines. I worked as an International Flight Attendant for 25 years. I have many fond memories with American Airlines and as I traveled the globe many times, one particular event sticks with me and remains embedded in my mind. One specific event that rings true throughout America rings true with me as well. I was present during the 9-11 attacks and was at JFK airport preparing to start a trip when the planes struck the towers. I could never forget the horror that took place that day. I lost friends and coworkers and the tragedy is an unthinkable evil. But, I had to be strong and carry on, which I did. During my years of traveling, I met my honey-do, Dr. Mark Parrish (Omega Psi Phi) at a Mardi Gras parade in New Orleans. This encounter was the start of my life in the state of Illinois. Through this union I have two wonderful children. A bonus daughter (Aliyah) who is an honor student in her junior year at Central State University and my son (Markie) who has just completed the third grade at Infant Jesus of Prague School and has earned high marks in all subjects. After starting my family, I decided to change careers which lead me to go back to school. After hard work and dedication, I received my first Master’s in Elementary Education. In 2012 I retired from the airlines after 25 years of service to pursue my second career as a special education school teacher. Also, in 2012, I was initiated into Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated; Lambda Tau Omega Chapter. I am a very active member of my chapter and I am always willing to support in any way that I can. Since my initiation, I served as co-chairman of the June Luncheon my first year (2013) and the chairman my second year (2014). In 2013, I won the Outstanding New Initiate Muriel I. Lee Award. I was also the sub-committee chairman for the Cotillion (three years) and Jazz event (two years). I have held the office of Philacter for the past two years. My love and dedication for my sorority motivates me to continue to serve on a myriad of committees. I am a proud Catholic and I attend Infant Jesus of Prague Church. I am an active member and I participate in the fundraising ministries. I love my community and I give back as often as I can. I help to mentor young girls into young adults. On June 12, 2016, I will graduate with my second master’s degree in the field of education. I have earned a Master of Specialties with a concentration in special education and ESL (English as a Second Language). My future goal is to own and operate a daycare center. Sisterly, Soror Pat Parrish 6

Greetings Sorors, I am honored to be featured in the chapter newsletter. I was born in Chicago Illinois on July 12th and have lived in Chicago most of my life. The south side of Chicago is where I was raised and attended public school. My advanced education included Nursing School in Aurora, Ill where I received a license as a Registered Nurse, a B.S. in Education from Southern Illinois, an M.S. in Education from Chicago State University and an M.S. in Counseling from Governors State University. I was employed with Chicago Public Schools as a Health Occupation Teacher/ Coordinator and a School Counselor/Case Manager for 34 years prior to my retirement in 2012. I was initiated into Lambda Tau Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated in 2006 (32 Pearls of Perpetuity) and have been active ever since. My service has included working on nearly every committee at least once; serving as Anti Grammateus and currently holding the position of Anti Tamiouchos. I have served on the Twenty Pearls Foundation as member and as Secretary and currently as Assistant Treasurer. Valley Kingdom Ministries in Oak Forest is my church home. I am the proud mother of a beautiful daughter who graduated from Fisk University and Adler School of Professional Psychology. My hobbies are music, traveling, and crocheting. Currently I am taking up sewing again. I am available to assist, listen, etc. as needed with SISTERLY LOVE.

Sumitted by Soror Carol Sharp, Anti Tamiouchos


LAMBDA TAU OMEGA –SPRING CHAPTER RETREAT “PATHWAYS TO LEADERSHIP” The Chapter Retreat was held on May 13-14, 2016. Friday

Sonya L. Bowen. Her topic for the morning was “Effective

evening’s activities were held at the Marie Irwin Community

Ways of Resolving Conflict”.

Center in Homewood, Illinois with a focus on “Sisterly Relations.” The evening began with Greetings from our Basileus, Soror Barbara J. P. McCreary, followed by the Purpose of the Retreat given by Soror Jeanette W. Rogers, Chairman of the Leadership Development Committee.

Soror Tresa defined “Conflict” as a state of disharmony. How we resolve that conflict is dependent upon all persons involved. As sorors we need to respect the rights and feelings of others. We must be willing to listen to each other, be willing to change our minds and more importantly, be willing to sub-

Our workshop presenter, Soror Tiffany Seay of Chi Omega

mit to majority rule. We as officers and leaders of the chapter

Omega Chapter was introduced by Soror Rose Butler-Hayes.

need to create a foundation of trust among our members.

Her topic for the evening was “What It Means Being A Sister.” Lastly, we must avoid cliques within and work towards proBeing a sister means sharing an allegiance to another, being a moting the ideals and principles that the sorority was founded

friend, being supportive, being someone you can count on at

upon; that is “Being of Service to all Mankind”. This interac-

all times and someone who offers words of encouragement.

tive presentation was enjoyable.

The atmosphere within the organization is dependent upon the relationships we have with each other. So Sisters, let us be more loving, more kind, and more gentle, as we interact with each other daily. This interactive presentation was enjoyable and on point. Soror Marilyn Hamb, Anti-Basileus made the presentation to our guest presenter.

Soror Marilyn Hamb, Anti-Basileus made the presentation to our guest presenter. The evaluation was done by the Standards Committee and the results are forthcoming. Closing remarks were made by Sorors Jeanette W. Rogers and Rose Butler-Hayes, Chairman and Co-Chairman of the Leadership Development Committee. A special thanks to all of our chapter

A Sisterly Relations Activity followed which allowed Sorors to

presenters for a job well done. We also would like to thank

interact with each other and learn some personal traits that

those 89 sorors who registered and participated. The Retreat

we each posses. Sorors also had the opportunity to prepare

was adjourned at 12:00 noon as we had lunch.

“Pillowcase Dresses” for girls in Africa which will be taken to Boule in Atlanta in July, 2016. Saturday morning’s activities began at 8:30 a.m. at the Doubletree by Hilton in Alsip, Illinois. Topics for the day included: “So You Want To Run For Office”, Soror Marilyn Hamb, “Responsibilities of Board of Directors,” Soror Leah Hill, “Social Media Workshop”, Sorors Paris Winston, Dana Weems and Yvonne Williams. Our workshop presenter, Soror Tresa Dunbar-Garrett, of Theta Omega was introduced by Soror

Soror Jeanette W. Rogers, Chairman Soror Rose Butler-Hayes, Co-Chairman Leadership Development Committee



Soror Cynthia Robinson Conference Chairman

Soror Stephanie Adams


Soror Saundra Jones Gospel & Jazz Brunch Chairman

Alpha Kappa Alpha Metropolitan Joint Founder’s Day January 28, 2017 Speaker: Soror Norma Solomon-White, 25th Supreme Basileus LTO responsible for: Evaluations & Hostesses

Soror Ruby Roberson Chapter Representative




Keeping Our Heritage R. E. E. L. Archiving Guidelines Coming Fall 2016!

Dear Sorors, Your enthusiasm and excitement surrounding the mission of the Archives Committee is heartfelt and greatly appreciated. We are working to develop guidelines to facilitate the chapter’s collection, storage, codifying, access and use of holdings. We request your patience and understanding during this process. Thank you. Sisterly, Soror Jacquelyn Young, Chairman Archives Committee



Soror Latanya Walker

June 6th (1984)

Soror Caletha White

June 19th (1982)

Soror Lauren Brewster

June 28th (2009)

Soror Rashea Ratliff

June 28th (2009)

Soror Sharlean Brooks Gettings

June 28th (1992)

Soror Joyce Duke

June XXth (1994)

JULY Soror Lynda Tarver

July 20th (1974)

Soror Krista Butler Hodegos


June Luncheon Committee


Cultured Pearls

Angela Williams—Chapter Award

Toya Harvey—Chapter Award Toni Grayer—-Chapter Award


Luncheon Committee Who Ate the Fudge???

Sweets Table


Strands of Pearls

Community Partner

R. D. McCreary Praise Dancers

Rev. McCreary with Praise Dancers

Pretty in pink—Soror Nicole

Soror Barbara and her “Honey Do” of 49 years—Richard

McCreary Family


Newsletter submissions are due to the Basileus on the first Monday of each month. The September newsletter submissions must be in by September 5, 2016. Please send all submissions to: Be sure to Cc Soror Ruby Roberson at

Next month, featured articles will include: Quiet Giant(s) Chapter Picnic Madam President’s Forum 17

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